establish; BUSINESS CAB I>S. 1 RAJSTRONO &.CKOZER,CotamiMif>n Merchants “>«* t». wick, J\ , and Dealer* introduce. No. !2 Market V\,' )«K k M'CAMk.iXS, Uuccemr. in i a FitwharcK _ ••’<*« J> Grocery “Zl.t ». ftJtaairiEU). w. a. 11*14. deaJer* m Iron,'Nniiijitjuu, BUSHPtKLD AHA VS. Wholesale .teaJer* In Dry ‘ ' »nd.iMj»burgD Majiuln--i u , r , K ener*ln ’ Good*, Groceries Boot*. Shm-*, uniuw /** **' "* ><l wM irrr-u. t’ni*huri:ii ’ factored aniete.. Ac, No. a» .ireev Pin#- tw , - SSS*--.,_ -? >•* - jV Tbo-Xn "^“3 FBOKHTCB Bucs, . ' QCItKOB. RKITf-i. . *l r t tf’*l >lf.-rU. ‘ BHAUN a R KITE It, Wboleialu 'and BetniJ Dm*- 1 - pi*r>, comer of Lfljcny and St. Clmr «treej*. Pitt* Pa. - cnjEiiio.i, , . ’ • m. a. B*a\rs QROWN * CULUKRTSON, Wltnlerate Grocrr*. J> and Commiuion Merchant*,'No. J 45, liberty *t, Pa. _.'dc3lJy BA. FAMNESTOCK 4 Co, \Vboiena7e and Kc- * tail Jruggißtg, corner] Wood ,n ml f*«t* jyJ BAGALEY A SMITH, TvholesnJe Grocer is Ijj and 20 Weodttrect Pittsburgh- . G A. McANuLtY a Co , Forwarding 4nd Com • mission Merchants, Cana! Baam, PmatHtryh Pa. Jtjfbw Dnqmmu Axlti Steel OOtl ItoD COLEMAN,' HAILMANI a Co, manufacturer* of Couch aod Eliptic Springs, Hruamerdd Axles, Spring and Plough Steel, Iron. Ac. Warehouse on Water and Front atreeta, Piiu-burgh. Alao, dealers inj Coach Trimming* and Malleable Caatinga. ___ • octltl MARBLE WORKS ON LIBERTY ST. OPPOSITE THEHEADOF WOOD, PlTTSUlilUiil. EDMCSD WIJ.KISS, to manuftcture Alonnmeflte,- Boria) V II«4«I Stonea, Mhiuei Phsijea, Cen tre and JSer Top* of fofeigu uud domcatic irifirble, at a regular and fair price. monomenta, vault*. Ac. furnish ed, of any description. He solicit* tbabare of publie patronage augb-dtf w*. ». xadusit, • ■ . JAJtei Baxnzrr. ENGLISH A BENNETT, {late English, Gallagher i God Wholesale Grocers, Commission and For- Wording-Merchants, and dealers in Produce and Pin*- borgh.Manufactures, No. 37 Wood si., between, Vd and Metrect*. oril GEOROE COCHRAN. ComitU6*lon and Forward!:!g Merchant, No. SO Wood street. PUtanureh. mylT HOME LEAGUE FACTORY. 1 lAMILTON STEWART, inauufactnrer of Hmvy XI Checks, Ac., Rebecca street, rity ot Allegheny. f novis-dly* HLEE. (rucccg&or to Murphy A Lee.) Wool Dea’- • er and Commta&ion Merchant, tor the *n> of American Woolens, Liberty, opposite Sib at. lu!>l* wi*. 11X1141, BoHiroore. a. t. BiCKftOR, anvexan ckalc, ) . , D. C. U’CaHHOH, 1088 A. WAZJtER, J * nila P a HEALD A RUCKNOR, Tobacco Coicmmsion Mer ettanta, 41 North Water *t, A 10 North Wharves, Phiia. , nov_3tM{_ ttiiaa pica*!, Boncar dicikt. jil FBAIAH DICKEY A Co., Wholesale GroceT*. tlotn -1 misaton Merchants, atid dealer* in Produce. No*..'.C Water, and 107 From streftt*. Pittsburgh. noV 6 Jb. canfield, iiatc of Warmi7<stuo,) Conmu«- • aton and Forwarciug Merchant, and wholcaale dealer in Westers Reaerve Cheese, Butler, Rot and Pearl Ash, and Western Produoo griierully, Water peel, between Smiihfieltl and Wood, Pittsburgh ap3 WATT, (successor tn Ewatt A GCbbart > U Wboleaale Grocer and Commission Merrham dealer in Prodaeeond Pittsburgh Manutactures. m r . ncr of Liberty and Handstrccu. Pittshtlrgh Pa. jayti JAMES 8 McGUIRE, (late of the firm of Aleeo and McGuire,) Merrham Tailor, St Charles Btfildtnrv Third a tree t, near Wood, Pittsburgh. "James a. hutchison’ a Co.—succor* to y Lewi* Hotchison. A Co ; Comnueeion Mercnant*. gWi Agetlia of the Sl Louis Strain Sugar' RcStirry No..4owftter andUS front sired*. IMtslaugh. • J . 8. DILWORTH A Co., Wholesale Grocers. Pro y • once and Commmion Merchant*, and Agents for the Hazard Powder Cto. of N T., Tfo -2? Wood at Pimbargh. ja* JOHN D. MORGAN, Wholesale Druggist, and deal er in Dye HtusJV, Paints, Oil*, Vanu*ur.6, Ac.. No. OJ Wood Street, one door South of Diamond Alley, Pitts fagfgh- ....... Janl JAMES KERr, Jr, k Co., (successor w Joseph G Dtviaj) Ship Chandlers, 3fi Water street. oc3J IOHN H. MEI.IXIH, Wholesale aud Komi! dealer U in Mnaie and Musical instrument*, School Books, Paper, Slates, Steel Pens* Quills. Primer*' Cards, and Stationary generally,No. SI Wofid st , Potshureli bought or taken tntrrule. ( replj JBCHOONMAKER t'Co., Wholesale Druggists, * No. 24 Wood street, Pttulttrgli. JOHN D. DAVIS. Auctioneer, cornersth Wood _ streets, l’ltuburuit. . oel * JOHNSTON A STOCKTON. Booksellers. Printers' and Paper Manufacturers, No. -H Market su, Pm-- -- _ XiCUAXb PLOT!). T FLOI D, (lata J. Fioyd & C 0.,) Wublernie 0 ♦ Oroccra, No. 1&-J Liberty strict. acjvTi TAMES DALZHLL, Wholesale (jrocor, C«mki»u>n t# Meichaiit, and dealer HI Produce Sad Pitt&biin;li Majiu/actarcs. No. a< Water »t„ Pittsburg. ;nnJ« TOWiSSEND, Druggist a*d Apothecary, ll :No.« Market su, threedoers above Thjrd stf Puts* have constantly on hand a well selected as- IgTOeavo/ the Ijcs* and freafacst which J>e -warwfl on.the. most reasonable terms. Physicians B S“SW§r** d * , fc f F»U U promptly attended W,.«jtd sup-‘ jwiddjntflanigje* they may rely ue?a os gcuuuie. Ptrftlcuui* Prescription* will be accurately and • neatly prepared from the ben materials, at any hour of 00 day or night. Abo for sale, a large stock of fresh sad good Perm- _ . __ foul TT'IEB A JOiVhii, Forwarding ahd Coramissiou M>t j|X chants, Dealers in Produce andPitubarghrmann factored articles; Canal Ua*m. nearVth *t. -d«i MUuL, PlTTSlklßOll, pA. ENNEDY, CHfLiDS 4--CO., Manufacturers of Tcry superior 4-4 Sheeting#, Carpet chain. Cotton Twrna and Batting. jtiOO-l? VeittTlu* Iron Wurltn LEWIS, DAL7.KLL a Co.,manui!-t'turersoi*l! »i -*e* Bax,Sheet, Botlerlron nml Nm-* of the t-e-i quality- Warehouse, M water and IU3 i.-om»L janlg ¥ • "WATERMAN, Wliolesale Grocer. Forward- Xj» ing and Commission Merchant. Dealer m pj u «- bargh Manufactures and Produce. Nos fil Water si and 02 Front si. TStvxs tossy. jjl ioiui at, aawt a KBNKSDT 4k SAWYER, T OOKING GLASS Manufacturer*, and Wholesale J. A dealers is foreign ant) domestic Variety Uoodi. Western merchants, Pedlars and others'arc uivitrd to call and examine the prices anu quality of our stock, a* with our present increased facilities iu manufactur ing and purchasing, we think we can offer as great mduccmenu to buyers os any other boose west of the Mountains. jai>-Iy )OHXX*QIU. (a*- t>. WSJILL. WALTKB C. Rn#. McGILLS A RUE, tS holesale Grocers ahd Cortuiu*-- cion Merchants, No. il>4 Liberty su, Piiutiurgb MURP H Y , WILSON At CO., (late Joue*, Murphy St Co.) Wholesale Dealers in Dry Goods, No. -I* Wood street, Pittsburgh- nor*l «., a Lax. atwea, • vra. Y - j*rsrK:. A/| ALLEN ACo , Commission and Forwrfdtng AU.« nlerebants, Water and Front sm.. hetivern Wood and Market *w. jUri r, _ C. W tftcICTSOK. ILLHR « JUCKKTBUN. Wholesale Grocer* and jUU. ConnaisaionMerciiams, No I7b, Liberty *t. Pitis- ’ ___ j»oiM MAITREW WILSON, Portrait and MiiualarcFain- ter. Roonii, corner.-of Pont Office Alie^-and Frank street, entrance on 4th near Martlet, decd-di/. N HOLMES A SON, No. 55 Market Ft., »ecnnd • door from corner of Fourth, dealers m Foreign and Domcsiie Bills of Exchange, Ceruhcuics of I)epos it, Bank Notec Specie. 10* Collections mad on all the principal cioe* throughout the United States. dcci? NBUCKfiASTER, Fourth »t., • third door shove Smilbtield, sooth side* Coarerancfaig of all kinds done with the greatert Ckxe’and legal accuracy. Titles te Heal Estate cxaihlned, Ac. octJO-ly 7T~J~U®jMtideni Police Ofllce." FOURTH STREET.—Com tninirre St«eu Chief of Police, Koakai ¥*.*?• jalft.u3m . • .. . H*T. Roberta, U, D„ /VTHALMIC SURGEON will sttetd .0 the treat- Disease* of the Eye. T)x. ; iL has been engaged thUus' branch of theme-:,. cai profession for sixteen year*. «i,j ha. cunduewd an . aaiahliihmenl for the treatment of disease* ut the eye atopo for sevarai joars. . ; _ Oma and residence, eorncr of Sandusky u and •ftrawberry alley,' Allegheny city • * c ii.r P£KIS TKA STOOK-.No. 7-j y ountl . Htw «t,nbar Wood— All quantities of Green and mfliß Block Teas, cone quarter, halt, and dhe pouna packages, ranging from 50 cts.. per nooud fUSP. jjJ A. JAINK3, Agt. for PekniTcaCo. ROBERT MOORE, Wholesale Grocer, Rectifying Distiller, dealer in Produce, Pittsburgh Mainline (area, and all kinds of Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors, No. 11 Liberty street. (In hand a very largo slock <U* superior old Monongaiieln whukey, Which will he sold, low for cash. apts:ly BcpxxT aoubtso.v zAMvm. o. uoßt.-ao.v * T> ROBINSON A Co., Wholesale Grocers, Produce f&M and Coamnssion Merchants, and DealhrsinFitts borgn Manufactures, No. IK) Liberty »u, Pittsburgh. Pa. )aulo JIOBEKT DALZRLL i Wholesale‘Grocers If Commission and Forwarding Merchants dealers Produce and PilUbargh M&uufueiores, Liberty at. Pittsburgh, Fa. icbgj ThOlfl. A- CUNNINGHAM, Whoesafc Uroccr JLw Dealer In. Produce and Pittsburgh Manufactures, No. 144 Liberty st. ' jyld 1* o. axTsoua, J. l. mmso. I>EYNULDS A SHEE, Forwarding and C«<m?;i<!nnn XL-Merc hams, for the Allegheny River Trade, deal **•*»Groceries, Produce, Fltuhurgb Alat-uin'-iurc* “JCliUmet oLic. . The highest prices. m cash, paid at all Uotc# for coilb- B? **<*• Corner of Pena nml Irwin its. g^auiSi JOHNSON, Wholesale and Rilaif Dealer* v n 5 Ty Lacei, Hosiery and tunvy KSSf'r- »t«ovsd door above Third si, XHi« ni trgO. ap2l S^ArKM?™? 7 *. --- - 71109. IL IVHIT*. £ VrTirn S Wholesale Dealer* In *“* D°»«Uc Dry Goods. No. W) Wood si. ruUbm'gh. febinf S\£ Wooi Merciianu, Dealers « Flour olid Produce generally, and FonvanW BM Commissioo MerchanUj No. aj Water »t PitD jwirga- ' SMITH, I»AUAUv\ ** boie»aJ„ Grocers &od ■Ptodueo dearer*, No. «uwl b«twVJ>. sth corf ath. North *ide, Philadelphia. t. tnjjcxs; rrmflcxoH. 4diis"jocuuLs,j^i,YiA« O aiulofi Merchant*, No. 1? Liberty m, I'iiUbureh Bpenttf tJMeeif and Lanl Oita. 1 fgfl ' Q F. VON atGo., W'hoieta.e O^. Q* cer», Foirwaniiuff and jCoiutaission Merchant. .Katenin FiUiLnirgh MaimtficmrcsAnd Western fro-' fake, have rembvefl u> their new wureho«se,iold standi oomer of Front sl anil Chancery Latic. aov? ; W. j. iuirta- t r. ». M'orr.'*' fpROTH A SCOTT. Wholesale and Retail d«a. c r» in . JL Boot*. Shoes, Trunks, Carpet Bijgs, Ac., **. W. oracial 4th and SmithAeul su.Pittsburgh, Pa. jctl '• TOaBSEY & UEST, Wholesale Grocers mid Corami*- JL turn Merchants, and dealer* in Produce No. ' Pittsburgh. __ _ _ oufcj * I ~—-W- WILSON- Deiilci in Watches, Jewel 17, . v T * Silver Ware, Military Goods, Ac n No. 57 Mar k««t • 1 aov? :H i .. fO>V C»~r. (}• 6p» «=ssir==s GAZETTE. CARDS. W' u WALLAOE, Mill atone ar.d Mm Furrmi).. cana,* u,taMlBlinil! ‘‘ 1 ’ No '** near tbo _ mans WIl- MIiRJ’HV. JVhoiesoie and Retail dealer in * '® r I e «“ a ««* Domestic Dry Uood*. uontl PllM cumrruf Marketajid Fourth ms au(r«Jl WV/^' 0 * » £s£ 25X, J. 4 ? it _ /-ns . iy W H-bol^r/iS^e^n: >» Produce iron, Nails, i.; a , N ,„ d j» IU , '•uV?l! Wa^nCaoUln:s K«»>craliy, 152 Liberty «u p UU u' W" i V »W ?^, J^* tcl ' e * , '* ewti rj'i Silver Ware. . and Military Good*. corner of .\lnrkei and 4th ia ~ N a-Wiuchr. and Clock. carefully- rrpmreii. s d(-e4 "VV ,A X Manufacture, o, iToium and T T colored Linen. Fringes (or Dresses, kr . Sew me - S.ik and colored ConoitFruipm for silk and r,n f hum Parusoi*. Gimp, Monair. and Silk Bullion VnL ca made to order on the shortest notice - ** ’ .lid William, entrance No Wciiam street. third Uoor. ovrr Aimer v i.-i, • V 0 New >orlc jym Wit M Whnl«.„| e Grocer, .Rectifying Dt.UUcm, and Wine and Liuuo nicrehaim. A].«o, hnnoncr. of Soda A'l, and ’ Jjg*". !»«• 1« hberty ..root, f^.bS^hTlSf " It, „ .fETTWREW * Col. ~ ”I*M non AO KN -vs IWICSUOVIIM.ALUSIto W™ ■ No. do W..- INSURANCE. 'n r- Wdkmsity. lUh™/"™ Co. *f ruiuidfhui. JJ To'dl.\v.~ Lh "o C ’ N T„.„„a.11,r,. ,*,?'! a * V ' “P*er. Samuel Grant. Jarnii R «t, m ih fycc.W Richard-. Mordecai D Ivv, , i . ?• Borm. David 8. Brown, Mom. pauersoh O ‘ P L ‘ ijn!" G. ?a' u ”“ t Pr ”“ ta “ ln ,‘““"do. perpetual 07 limned. S P P ro P cr 'y m toivii or eonniry. t* aro wiii security. »2Sk ha^ C ******* « ‘ante contingent Fund Which with their Capital and Premium*. wuSly ed. afford ample projection to the a.-ured I.c assets 01 the compii, : y, u„ j ttoUkr N . lGa “ a, '‘ ° r Assembly. were ns Mortgajeß... Beat Estate Tctnporurv Loons Stoccs . ..... Cash, &.c. Sure .Im ‘ l '™n>o'»non. a period of la year,. they aldtll^ J “I”*" 1 " ° f 0,10 Imndfed u,on ai.d dollar., 10.,e. n, |ue, ih.moy.iUlordliiir evidence Cl iue advantages orflivumnc*. a.< well as the aluniv and dispotiuou to meet eftu promptness mi habiime* J UAHDINER LUFFIiN, Agent, _rn ? rl-dly office ,V K corner nmf f W ms mcttal issnuncE CO. TOIIN H.y.\L\ . Jr., Agent at Pittshurrh for the Dnl- U aware Mutual Safely Insnrancc Company of Plnla adelphltt. Fire Risks upoh baddinrs and mcrohamlLai of every de*cnptioa k and Marine Risks upon bulls or C pD oe * ° l Vc ***' l *‘ laJ:eu upon t * ,e ® o * l Ja v ‘»table vPI.Hi 0 ' ‘ n ,hr " choose of W. B. Holme* A Brn N m ,u ur ***** «rceu Piusbargh '..k^ H '“/V UC, '" e 01 lhiv Co «ni»‘ay rrnce ihe enab uahaesu nf the Agency m Hus cay. wuh the prou.pi mr ln!l 1. W ,‘ ai CVrf> ' l llum U P®» Blew lor fOM has been adjusted, luiiy warrant the vtm m myiung the confidence andtalronage Of his friend, and UO oomtsmimy at largo t* ute Delaware M 8 Insn rwicc Company, while it.J*s the ruldtlionui advantages as an muiumon omeng that most Douruhiog mPhilaJel pluu—as having an araplepaid-ut caalfcj which hv of ,u charted j constanSfinTreSS 1 ;: yreldhtg to each person trfured budSc share of ihr prohu of the company, without mvolvinc him in ant responsibility whatever, arid as possessing he Mutual prmciple divested of ever) ot-noiiou. tVn lure, arul in tta most attractive form not 1 and MARINIC lNlil'BAfiCE. ri’Hh. Insurance Company of North Aiuem-a, mrourh X t's duly uuthonicd Agent, the suUcnbrr. otter* to make permnnem and timhsd Jnsumnce on pronern .in uns city and us vicnuiy. urul on shipment* by the’Ou till and Rircrs. DIRECTORS ££?’!/ 'f ol£n - ci ” rl “ Smmy.jMa, *ml.n« Will,, ldlwarfjmi.l. Ju. i.l. JI Tli.inio,, John A. Brown, jonn R Ned John White) . ILcnard D. Wood, Thtyiaas t. Cope, Wm. Welsh, S»aniuel F Smuh, ' Frame* Hoslmus, Samuel Brook*, s Austin Aihbon u ARTHUR (J. COFFIN. FrcsX lls.’mr D. BH3juuan, See’y This is the uidert Insurance Company in the Liulrd Siales, having been chartered in 17*L lu charter i* pCipmodl, and from it* high uandiug. long expcriotiee ample oroirfins. ah risk.* of an extra has artbns charuetcr, jt mnv bn considered a* offering am plo Bccurity io the public \v p, JONES. At tho Copnui.g Room of Aiwuod, Jones A Co Wa ter and_ Front »u«ou I’itt/iiurrli niavS FfittE Aa»i> MAjRiSjariNSCItATSCE. “ Krolertlon lasnrancr Co. o( UunferiJ, lonn. CHARTERED IN ls-5 Cl A I’ITAL LIMITED—SSuo.wju—AND SIR PI.IS '* C ? V ~, Vil<s hiidersigried.'iiavin< been appointed Agent of the Protection Insurance Co., wti; take risks on property In ihe city and’*.e.uily, and on ulmuncm* and me river,and lakes , fay trrrK brown, __ mehddal|w oflitr. No 117 V\ ood sirrri r PML SUKSCRiiIEK has .been appointed Agent pro A. t'-oi ot (he Insurance Coinpun) of Norm Amen-a. nunc Agency, at ilie wurel.-m- a Lo-_ aplg ,V\ .M. P Ji 'M„~ FORWAPdIIiNG k COAiMj^M c. a. baaciaowaa, CHARLES O. DA.VkSHOWKH A CO. TOBACCO CuanaiiS&QJl ffIEUCiIAHS, No. SO South Wharves, :..JNo 117 slouih Water M _ PHIL/..i%LPHIA BEGS to iofiona Uie t-<ue nn«t dealers rem-rajlv of .Pittsburgh, that they nut .• made sucbitrrangcniei.n with the Virginia nnuiu(ac'urer» and liie Grower* at the Went, \\*st Indies. uiHit,.her mares, a* wib insure a large and constant supply of uir following descrip tions of Tobacco, -which wj., be sold upon b* u.-com uiodaung terms a* any other house in tbu city or else where, and ail goods orderen trorn uictn will ba war rented equal to nrprc#cmMJdii: Jlavoaa, ‘ St. Domingo; Conn.; ) \ora; Porto Rico, - Penn a.; Used Leaf to . fgaini; £ Florida. J baeco. ALi^J—crouch l * celebrated Aromatic Stag Caven du.h, with a large assortment of other popular btiuid*. and qualities ot pounds, S*..hs, Id*. 16s and am, Lump; C, and |lw Plug; Ladies - Twkl Virginia Twin, &.c. y sweet and plain, in wfcoie and hah boios.wo.Hl and tin. together with over* variety of article belong mg loibnratk. jclddl) "* 1-IJB 4 ,Bfiis 1) li (10., > (Successors to K*ed, Hurd A, C0..l geseral coaiiiiifniofi merchants BOSTON,WAS*. Particular attention paid to the sale of all kind. of Pro daw. and liberal advances made on consignments. L. 11. A Co. have leave to-refer to— MeasraJL Rohtaou A Co. l a • “ MeGill A Roe, \ Pittsburgh. •* Reed, Parka A Co., Beaver “ Lawson A Cpvode, Weusville. O. Jloawcil Marsh, Keq SicubuivitJc (J S. Brady, Esq. \ ' W F Peterson, Ksu , Messrs R Cringle A Co. f'' deling, V a ~ Gill A Stout, ]_ , Rhodes A Ogllby. Bridgeport, O. aec27-dAwmaylftS :y JOHSA. SHAW, * PACKER OF PORK AND BEEF Commission fllwcbant and forwarder, NO. i CANAL S 3 -, CINCINNATI, OHIO E7* Paruenlar attention paid to the purchasing of of any article of Produce in .this market. Also lo the forwarding of Goods generally Referto Messrs John t*wa*ey A Co. i u Martin A Stocfcvrell O EL C. Parkhurst, Esq. j IJppincott A Co. ) e! e W2 8 ! Pa. Eggtish A Bennett. 5 nsaranlUm _ ~OiCOIIGE,OQCUI*AJI. vomntlxiion and Forwarding llerchanl. nntmvi,! 0 ' 25 wooogr„VtrnmcßoM,-’ li NTTNUES to traitsucl a freneroJ Commission busi er AUnu PUfcbase and tfale of Ameri can Ajaoafhctates and Produce, and in receiving and •2r?l2!!iS? 0d * “ ,u,( ? ned to we. As Agent (0 r urn nri^ml^” re *’i bc w,tl wmatantly supplied with «Sjsafyr ? !t,_«4S *'“ l CD "“s n ";™" CARO. ' M™^! A No“!ll“f 0 f“ Wcr- P®*** received on: consignment and D.tor age, With insurance obtained. Rirrarscai—Wm. Beil A Son. iu H n„i , Air. H«rWsy_CMld*. Pituburgh. S^,’ n d GEORGE Ai Berry _ W HOLIHSALE GaoCERL , f ÜBWHlilftG A/lD 10313HSSIOX ffIEBCHAVT I AND DEALER IN ’ tlronj Salla, Cotlon .Ysriu <t Pltuburch Haaßfaetarci geuerally ?■ ' ko- l f> •wtmo mrsei.aai!*' fA . * HERCER, UriOTHERh AGO COMMISSION MERCHANTS PHILADELPHIA. 1 , Por the sale of Produce generally. (P* Liberal advance* made on consignments iaat-d.tewf»mT Transportation lo the Kast. IIIIKSEV k COPLIS, Coamfision and Forwarding A genii. Cr. M. HARTON, Pitisburgh. will receipt Produce going East. ieblJ-d!2ra D. A C. R. T. LEECH, JR., Importer and Dealer in Foreign and lipmenw Saddlery Hardware & Carriage Trimmlim, Wo. 133 Wood Hu Pittsburgh, Pa. IS now receiving hl» Spring supply of Goods, and invite* the attention of Saddle r«. Coacbmaker* ami Merchants to his stock. It has been bought upon toe bemi tenhs. from the lest sources, aud he ihrictore feds eouhuem of heing able to alford sauslaruon to all who may favor hint with a call. me h'JTajiitn T‘> merchants and pedlars.—s»tri« a Jocsso.v. -td Market street wishing to aloru their stuck oT Variety Gotußr previoui to their removal, «ni se.i at wholesale Uieir stock of Combs, Button*. ,Nee dins. Threads, Rms, Jewelry, Ac., at cosl S. fc J will icinove on Aptt| lo j^ Q gy Market it. BDChiff Trthil?® r .« ' w*. r. joyis rl i«P'V 4 Co., (‘accessors to Atwood, i Commission and Forwarding Mer- PiUsbargh^Pa^ - m Pl,ubur Mmnufactared Goods, liff OFFICES. WM TIiMHLJV. "" ATTORNEY AT LAW. P,t W ,ILL ou *''l <l ,0 c ' nl ‘»-' , tior!s and ail other bu*i. ric«« entrusted to him hi Hu'ler nnrf counties. Pa. Rder to ' Armstrong J A R HoyJ. LiSent it t . W Wallace, ilo' 1 k“i""■ Pmt, ‘“ r f J ; n . attend promptly to Crtlleetmn.. m \V„b5„ pav«! and Oreen countir*. Pa “ingwm. rayetn Blark.iock. Bcll^Co^^ K and Counccllor ul Uw, aU ,n Uh , lo (.otleciion* in Southern Ulno fujiy in Ke l tucst > • Promptly ami carr lUUrllde'i lo- Lommi«m>n.-r hr ihc Slate of Pemi- Ac I *.** l ° r o * l ** ol**.1 **. acknowledgment*, r«^f. r k llon Wm - Bcl L i Curu*. Church A Caroibero, \\ m iiuyv mock A Davu. S A__ James p.~kehUl rrORNKV AT LAW Otßcr removed 10 Fourth 1,,,,w ec« Southfield ami Grant «trccl jaj-d»m D”SV, EwliU '- ~l_. I'tDficld. between :td Ami 4ih *t*. JOHN H. ILANKJN, Attorney and Counsellorat Uw W loril* Sui* of I'emMylvama -l. Ij6uis. Mo., Cato o( Puubojgh.) «, * ?.^ e£ **7 l ? ,u , bnT * h: £«« "* Forward. Hamm J1U.M111,,. Ml .mi,,,, 4 ll'Cluri!, Johu E I'arke. UlPMim A. N.*utpie. M t.ord A lung. jcH:ly JOHN T. COCHRAN. 4 TTJIRNM AT LAW, Fourth street, between /!■ Smtuthcld and Grant. jali-dcim _ WM. C. FRIEND, A TTORNK\ AT LAW. Fonnh street. near iiriuit jttttoiy \\ r ROBINSON, Attorney at low. has re- If - moved his office to the Exchange UuUdmc*, St. _ 3ir ,t - IKIt door to Alderman John*. apl?ly HATS. CAPS ANU BONNETS. FASHIONABLE HATsT #S) THp * Mil-mrrtlicr. in addition loin* own remit afar luring of Hat*. ha. made arrange- JB .T?”**"' »rl*. * C. |M« fashioua <'r hatter* of the ettv of New \ ork I for a rre alur «upi. ( y ot |n« extra fine kiln Hats, and having , u *t received a lew caw*, jretuienien can l>e *un e d with a v * T y* lc \ uui kgaunfu >bat t.y'callmg nt hi. new Hat aiul Cap Store, WhLeld *tn-et. .e.-ond door south of =n trh ma >' w tound-a crem variety ofilm' Dianutafliure, and re. tati. Hat* made to order on short notice ( JAMES WILSON. aa B’cord & co., JB (Sorerßson. to MConi A King) AN Faahlonable II at t cri, • PConur of Wood and Fifth Strtrts. ARTICULAR af.cntjfm pdn! to our Retail Trade Uentleracii can rely upon their Hat. and cap* from our rstivbluhinrn; of tint axsi kstkhu ls and wyaiiLLrcsHu-. of the i-tien sttles. aud ui tur u/U-har riucxs. ‘ Country Merchant*, purcbatine !►>■• w;,o:e*.i>., arc invited to eni; and examine our Stock, a* wc can -ay with confidence that 2.1 record* w r*LrrT ami FEics. it will not suffer m a uomptinsoit with nnv house in Philadelphia. fehi: Bf. Hats, caps a \ rPm i. u't..—i .. now receding from the®!* ol .New ork. a choice assortment 01 Hais, Cap* and Muff*, i-itest fashions, m great varie ty and 7cr>' cheap, wholesale a.tu retail. JAMES WILSON. . novlJ SinithficlJ *l, kd door south o( 4th r-jft C.M.'FORMA MATS—I? ta'.il„7„7r JLfif California Hai», ju»t received ami for *aJ« |,y M'Ci <RD t Co. letu ‘ comer iSih and Wood «t< ri| g ?.?; ,1 ' iOPAS HIOSB FOR 1840. ri. al CORJ) A Co . tvih introduce on Satur- 'M March .Id. the S r nng style of HAT'S <*fl Tbore .. want ofa nem m,d . U pen..r hat. are to rati at corner of Sth and Wooc .treri. maru >1.04?,43& U 9h,uoi *5 51.5-43 25 U-.'tll MEDICAL. IMPORTANT TO THE AFFLICTED. Dr. Uosr’* CrlebraleJ Kemedies. ]\R J AOi >1! S RUSK, the discoverer and role W o- J_/ pnetoeof these m«*i popular and beneficial nU.i ifines. and a’“n tne inveiiior of the eelehratcd icsiru ilnrnt tor laDutuift the laUiic-. in rlle.-u„e a rur rn f Chrom. disea-es, wj« n wudentol mat eminen: ei.m. Doctor 4*b> »te. and i* a erndimte of ihr In vrrsi ty 01 i r. nnsylvnma. and f..r ihirty year* Mne e ha. -.rm emrace.: m the mvesticauot. of tliteaae. and th- anoi,. untion in remedies thereto. y Thmußh the use of hi* inflating tui>e. m roii'ier'uMi with hi« Prophylactic syrup and other of m. rnneu,,-. he has pamrd an unparalelied em.nenre ln run .’ thoae dreadful and fatal maladma. Tubereutar ( on' anrapuon. Cuncen*, Scrofula. Rheumau.m. A.tnmn. Fever and Ago-, hever- oi ad kinds. Chrome hri ~r>e Its. and all those obstinate peculiar m |e m ., . evexy lortu or disease vanune- under ihi-'uw of lu* remedies, to which tiumamiy i. hair—not 1 \ 11 laeofouec.impoan.lonly, foe that i* with i bytioiotpeU l,»w. hot bt tfie u*e of iu« rrme l ° and prellCr,!><;d ior e «b P-culmr ror.ii Hr Kose l * Tome Alterative Pills, when used arr ,n vEnahry acknowledged to he superior to all oiiirt a* a purgative or liver pi)!, umsmach a» they lean-the hovveis perfectly fretf from c*>«i<vnneas. ui ai«n h . (.olden I if. is admitted by the faculty to possess nr. ru .i&r properties adapted to female diseases Ini' L-ine satisfird mat a hare is sulficiem n, c5.a1,,,.,, wh.t "is hern uuid 111 the mind* 01 m« most skepm-a' The atllieied are invited 10 rail upon u.e a,. r .,, . m) Ptocun- tgransjoneol me liorio* * puraphiat., * pi" 1 ’ 1 '? Kinrily .i,d » pp „ Jor «ale h) tne fol yw me acer U i... « throughout uarUi? * b> J Scnoonmaier A Co, -,M Wo.»d street. Pituburcn J .'i Tnw,„rua. drnc -;st. 45 Marne; m A l>ces|,am. • i.cnr me |' o .\.,c«:,en, v jno n. ,K t C> '|. J i ' ,:ir '"v lL ’"’ '^ V<f cou, “>-- I’a '* i,Cr ' -• • liovllkoly ' ( ] U «v"rV- u AiN AM. ,-iikm «, . V Hl.n-lUv.nj, tor ,o, IR time oee„ .;,.trr**cd i . »cvrrp painm tnc udr and rncsl, areoraptiJi.rd with n dry rough. I induced, upon t. ic ... - Citation ot a :r;eud, to Dr Taylor * Uiu*nin ot' l.iv-r wiiri, nnd i mu.l my this inedicuir luli answered purpo.* admirably. My un> produced >.v a f ? UTerc durt and w«. w great thal a was w,i:, difhcu - T 1 cou.o swallow my lood Indeed, 1 uru snuahed mi. jf.y.juj. liio.i huvr 1,,,,,,,,.:..! C,.„.„mpu0,,. „ .... fatal di*ea»o. nod it not lieen earrti i.y thi* , u ,j,, lt> „. medicine To all who seek to prolong ihrir nve< | would advise the use ofifr Taylor* of |.,vr r . w °"- JA.MKS UUWAN. <2O Bowery lou medicuio facilitate* expectoration, reduer. le nt. re»iore«|trenrh.and mu. be considered a. pcrior prrpaitftlon for the cure and prevention otau diseases in ihe Client and Lanya, and should be re«.H. ed 10, even aflcr these disease* have resisted the u . u . b! remedies. In ibe praruee ol tin* old and verv re ipeclablr piiymcian. this Halsam 01 Liverwort na. uc . i|uired an enviaide reputation lor a* virtue*. «« * u -,<-- riar to that of the übundain nostrums ot me dnv * u . wub the diameter mid proin’y ofn« mv-mor to Hint of tjuai ks and empirie*, COMSUMPTIUNCLHK.n-M, »on bavin* a v,o em cold. u«d to rough violently. rtuamg tjuaaut.e. ot thiek putrid man--. ttmJ &na;ly , 1&cog)d no t turn o.r, a. bed. from we-.tme.* He manifested every ,> n .->. Uiufol 1 consumption. for mi year* he j„,d been -unject lo i,r nitmu. Jin, physician*. Mmr< N ermoule A. *u,d he tvm incurable. l muil soon die. \et I wii* determined lo try Ifr. Tn\ lon llultatn of lavcrwort. and strangt- a. ,t ma .. u .,. pear, uua medico rTin* fully restored UJ* beulth w , S*Oi* UI A bAI,LO,\|H NorfoiL street _**“ l “/“•*£•"» “1 > U Morju., 0.1 Wood „ , J T0. , ..0,,d, II Hmyle,, cor Uaikct .nd 3d *u; Hendersou 4. Co, 5 liberty »t p r i cc rmlu,- u to SI .50 per txittlc Jaynei l Expectorant. ' Salt*. Columbiana eo., u, A nr. 2l I*4l T ULAJAVNEH: Dksb Sta-lVel bound to ou ±J and the aliiieted public, to avail my*e!i of tin* op. ponuinty of giving publicity to the extraordinary efferu of your Kxpectornni onmy.clf. Having i, ec n iitlli- ied for aeveraJ year* wuh a *evere cough, heruc fever anititr. coucomitam di*«a#e 3 , a„d 4oemcJ only doomed lo luiger out a short but iiii»crai>le exmtencc. until the fail-ol IsJO. wheii, being more l■ovelet)• uaatkrU. ami having re*onet>Ui all my former rejiiedie*. and ihe pre ■criptionr of two ot the most lespetluhle jiliy.icmr.* m the aeighoorhnod without deriving any benebt nr ijic coniolauon of*u> )>ut a few da)» or wc'-k«*at farthest—when me | ft *t R ;eam of hope wa. t.nout to vnniah, l had re- .niiinendcil to me your fclxpcctornm— and blessed by Hint lirnig who dor* nil ttunrs m tJir uhj t>f tiie mean*— nud contrary to tne •xpeeijiinin, 0 i •my physieian* amt frienda, 1 was ui a fc w day* m... d Iron) my bed, nno vn* enabled by the unc of a botiir to attend to my hum.. *, enjoying Mute better healtii limn I h«l for ten year.- prevtou*. Respectfully vour*. Ac , j A ,_ \v. K-rm.i. rt>r sale in Pittsburgh, at the Pekin T-a Sioie 7y m.r-l ' ROLSSEI. B AROJIATICK VINEUAR.- n„. h,.!,- ly suumory, balsiumc and tonic prt j.erlics ot nns Vuifcgar render u far superior to Coioyne water i.»r ib© drdmary purposes of ih« toilet, *urpa».mg the I n ter In its periutne. It prevent* aiul remove* pimp *•, tcuor and uspemy ot the skin, .1 refreshen and while..* Uie skin, rendering it toil uud smooth it correct* t..e clamiii) and biller taste of me mouth, imparling u frnlt and ,pleasunl breath. It clean*-* and whiien- the teeth, and hardens im: gum* lot all the above p uf . PO*c», n is used with water in *ucti proportion .« mav be found most agreeable U y inhaling u and rub.' mg it ort tho temples, it will remove headarhr H npn n . d Instantly to a burn or bruise, n w.ii evemua'ty prrv. i i mortibcalion. Ii corn et vmatrd air. und gnnruiu-e* from contagion; ,t i« therefore very u, clu i ,JV punfi,',... and perfuming apurtment* For *uJe by U K BKLLKRH. Wholesale Drugg,,., -7 NVood Itrrri. pnuDuigh Dr. McLane in Tenntiiee. r I'HIS ia to certify that | purclia««-(J on* vial of JV X MoLahe'* Worm Specific. %ontc i«o inonm* •*ud gave lo a *on of mine. t.t>inr *rvcn ycun o <l ivro iaapoen* fall, and although the amount may aj.pri-r kirga, je: ] have uo doubt but there wu« t tpwiinj» of rwo tc-<cs*MD wtnua pn*»cd from him, meaauriii* 'rotti one quarter of an inch to two menen lomr (. VV HOJJJDAV •> Croak. Carrol co Term . D*>r - i7, IM? .KR#*• VI&MIKI'GK IN OBORgJa CouiMSts, Jmi. *ih, |-i|p •'lf R. E Sellers:—Your Vermifage ha« »old oiulhiu been higlty spoken ot by til who hav* u«.r<| ‘! lhr •«cce»» unending me administration oi J'our Vermifuge in every cu*c i have heard 01. I mi couljileiii l cun tell more during the coming »rn* o n j}" 1 , ‘ s ‘«l !**t l will nc gl*ij to receive anotju r nun- P * . _ or ® KJo%». Yours, re»peciftt'<" (Kjrtr&ci from Icttrr ] R. CARTKR anlJ *>T H. E. SELLERS, 57 Wood .t, Ujylihy' dorggi*!* in Puut.urgh and Al IXk. 1. I. r KJTTKaX UKO ■ BOB!,' \t»,x Wnon'iumT? 14 *' PITTMAS * CO., wavuniihu * coffljimiiiN aiebciiasts, °' "l *3T LOl-’IS. MU. , . UIBHOVAL. I \Vhole«r»i* Gfttre. rhea? \VW ™ T ,? rurr H » l,ro<3 * »«n*i «• 5 meW7-d# ° r '° ’ ho *' err y lioute elfi • JOHN K I'KRRV A rlUl.— Jo»t up'un.r . * t , - i A mentor fine be sdld as cheap iu m iuiy oitu-r . . hl Q /' or the Eastern 1 ' -•‘■nU.l.mettJ n Ui.s el£*"£* K,orp ' V »«cl,e. Olid Jew- Lew*, asTow utUrty-five iioiUri' 4 ** THE partnership so long easting under the firm of M'Cord 4 King, was liy mutual cmi«em diseoirad on the lei inn. The business will be closed at the old Maud ly either of us, using (he name of the firm for that purpose. Being desirous to have nar basniesj closed wuh ns httle delay as possible, wo would ns* spectfulty request those indebted to call anil settle their accounts. JOHN D. M’CORJ). H. D KJNU Co-Partnership. TOHN D M'CORD having associated with him his V brother James .M'Cord. under the style of .M'Cord 4 * 0., will continue ihc Hat, Cap and Fur business m all it* various branches, wholesale aud retail, nl the old stand, eoriior n; Wood and sth streets, where they sl licit ii continuation of the patronage so liberally bo Mowed on inc old linn JOHN I) MVORI) J**' JAMES S M'CORD IN retiring from the old and weH known firm ol .M Cord 4 King. I most respcctflly reeommnnd to Um- patronage of the public my successors, Mesarr M cord 4 no juy>* H. D ICJNH. DISSOLUTION. r rHE partnership of MURPHY 4 LEE is this day A dissolved by mutual conseiiL The business of tnr inir hrm le settled II Lee. J R. MI'RPUY. I i:ud.iugh, Jan 30, le4tt. }J LEE N’lTICK—The undersigned will eoi'Unue the Wool business and attend lo the sale of Woolen Hoods, ai tuc ,-juiu }[ i^jc from the firm of Murnhy 4 Lee, I take gr*:«i pleasure in recommending Mr H !.**« to the confidence of my friends and the public. Pittsburgh. Jan diAJ-49. J R. MURPHY THE subscriber'. ni\vr this d») nsvoeiated them* selves loeetticr for litr putpose of transacting a wholesale and retail Dry und Grocery business, at No tab Liberty. oppotiic Seventh sirrcl, under the •H 'v and firm BUSH FIELD 4 HAYS I :ii«burgfi. January I |~49 N H —Our old customer* and the public are invited to give us a call CO-PARTSKRBUIP. W M 11 S, -' AIFK *"d (apt J A ALES ATKINSON - J *. T ,,-.. lv . ce:l, ' :rr ' l ‘ i,U) partnership, under me firm of •_*-AIPF A ArKlNsu.Y and wil. carry on the Tt: i.op|>cr. ’ind Sheet Iron Ware manufactory A'»t* hcnck.m.thing in all iu branches. al me old stand of '\ m U Scarfe, First street. near Wood. I anieuior attention given to itenmboat work JAJIKS W. WOODWELL, Modern find Aotiqoe Furniture, -.1 Third Snturr. Prrr»orar.ji A large and splendid jwjwKa-WWt *TP c ' a.aoruacoi of Fumnure. |ftS£rffi3yi§pP "tumble for 'Sicnrobnau. AmeSSSSr ™” Hot*-l» arid privu;p dwel- ™ liJiei, constantly on hand and made to order Tbr prr*«m *iock o-: hand .cannot be exceeded try any manufneiory in the country Prmmu wishing to purchase woaid do vr..fl to g,« tt tt ‘ r »ri as lum dele mimed my pr.ce* man pfe-tae. p lrt 0 } tile stock roiisnds tn- TfleaTrtr. Huffr: Dane:*-- Lottia XIV Choirs, iju.-rn FJiwbeSh cbaira. truu Table*; rotlci TaWs, L«*iu. XVCoramoder, French Mabopany Bedstead*, Piano Siooia, “nb will I, flaif-cloth coT*n; •W Mahogany Rocknif f'hvrt 10 dox Parlor uo » u Fancy do 26 centre rubies; ■JOpair Dtvana; i pn,r ptcr T;:b>. IS rnurt.'e lop Bureau** - V. , S*er.i«r«. ,„J Bj.k „„„ .I'mornli* h.p Wash >tand», Iyoif Ohmmi»« ‘ - < * |HLir juney Work Sumis, \ ’ l 'i tV‘'" U, 7' 1 °" r " s ’ :m ' 1 I"'’ “" or, " , " u •' chain and oihe> il Inc Life und rime* of Jotm Hiuivnmht i.. u- v tur.n urc too numerous to mention D l , JP~ T™ 80 “ ,, ‘ ‘■ | ,h<?,, °" “«e shortest nonce. Wanderm*, ot a Pilgr.m », the .Shadow of Mount on the moat reaoniiahlo tentis. d er , a Hla.ic b) Oeo UCheeyrr. D D Chocolate, Cocoa. Ac. * Fnr' a iid n*u! iti. H C Pu£r T ? P,% BlOU,h ' m N '“ w ' * I l, ? krr,, Anrerif - ft '' 'SW*! French Chocolate, Prepay .1 ,tJ - ll > IiVU. Kepnnted irom the or:i»i)ia: To.ume < ed Cocoa, t ocoa Pajir. Broma. Coonn „ r• rllriDie*» r aml i' ‘“** Tatlo,,? ®«’ pfoviJe-ce, I TH) iarrr|ia:ii» and consumers, who would purchase S ,2 1 ' l, y George 11 Cbecver. I) L> 1 the U:,t products of-V,„, fr M (rom u d u F.e nil u,„ “ H, 11 . L ' mi,rr huimiAu* titan tea or roflre, and in quality un«ur Krlward lb-erne r n r 7» CC 10 " nf>orl andraod-. fry 1 P***r,t, tlie subscriber recommend* die above,. lT,e 17,7 1 P manufactured by lum-r.rf and stamped wita iua name t L I* ™ J ‘•oire.po'tdrne. of John Foster: edited ny • Ht» Kromu-nd r'ocoa Paste, ns delicate i " ,I,< "' 1 *'Otn-«» or ,\/r. Foster a« a 'autarv tiri'ik'im nvuliiis, <-nnvn>'«e *■;•. j.,,.1 Th u, ’ ,n (' o '‘'‘ ,T - John Slheppurd—new edition other*, are pronounced by the most eminent nlivsiruus '' w,,n a l l * rirp «©ck of Tiirolorteai fl,.- opener tit a „y o.uer preparations **., m „.,. 4 ,, f!urP , . •*Jeu eni mi't >rhool Boots, for *a.:- a: ~i* are always oil <u.r. i . anY eu..iu" .... pt-''—'-. fl »T I' 4 f ..NfiLISI |. ‘0 Wu-nJ si. »pccut,.e uroe-;. *l, ;r IP i'i'.e.,' a.,c i, v Vheli" u '’ 4f '* i-eiwee,, Oianiond an-v atm - -". Hawes (,rny * e-> .of Ho-to ;. J.iin'« M H U ' e ; A r.o. Hartford, ('unit. Hu»<ey k Murntc. .New y,ifi l (,rant4 Stone. I’tniailclpmu. Tnotnns V Hrundure t;ap timore. and Kciioffjr <k lieuuetl. ♦•.iici-muu Ohio WAi.TFK HAX2CR. Durebr.trr Has* jFor sa.ejiy IIAfiAI.KV 4 SMITH. Aip-. r, l .,} Vrott * h ‘ and Caat Irou Raillnu. rTHIK subs, r,|-r. leave u, inform me p u h T,r , hIU L the\ have olitmnr.) :r<.in the Kimi all the l a i r a; ,j rashionai.le desa-ns lor Iron Kuium*. tioifi lor house* and c*.„eter, e , Person, w,to procure hand- 1 •ome patterns wi.iyirstr ea. un.l e 2u mme. and judee 1 I'-r iitemselve* Railt.iif wiii be lurm.lird at ;fic .non- 1 est notice, iml in the be.t ninimrr. at dir comer of ! Crate and Rrlieeen streets, Alleelieny city aueii-sltf A. I.A.MOiVr A KNOX KLcccltlnv, Cupping and Bleediur. ; u NOKRIS. tSueecor to M K. Jv. • street, between Wood und Mn.Ut. ' urm I .cec hr« n-reiverf month.v—atiemlanee all 1 hours Reference, the physician* of I'MUburclt. Allr.. i aheny and Hirirtinslium. i runsl r heenai. v freominend to the phys,eiju». bull ilic* and all my former :nrnd a and patron. M r k H Nurrn being the.rouijh.y nojuainrcd w,t, ; the f.j lie** worthy o: patroiuaur T» K partnership 0 . ha« fcvm« 1 been di.-oleed by the death of one ot the partners* ihr mlerr.t o< Wm fluyvjr., deceased, U i *aid fi fm corm-ting or Hides, learner, Skirts, <>u. £c , w,|, i.e sold on me premises on i-,e ISia mat. ,pb7 *W JAMfcSi LAUrMLIN. Administrator I HA v K til:- dav associated wuh me ui the iTbaic safe i.rocerv, Produce ami Commission hunine*», my hnitti. r Jc*eph. umlcrilie firm of J « DILWORTH Jaguar. 1 l-4u J S DILWORTH ( '“-f AnT -'' K aSHIP-Wm V da> associated with turn. John R. M’Cune. the lea ner i.usiness an: hi-n.-at\er he conducted uoijer the lirmoiUin \uune A.o WILLIAM YOL’NO JUilg— JNO, R MCL'VE. / V RKt.ON AND CA I.H'ojlM a IN j-4.. j) v j u <»y Judge o! the Supreme Coui! ol Or i/en'i• ii * n " 1,1 •’lading recent und au anil v.uai.i, c , 'th“‘rn',, wim nmntriiu.* and j mup, -j vois. ijnio ly- l«i„ t „ pranir ui V,T'rVn.V,/'T'T‘ <m<l 1 ° f Odium. Kim. coi |C|«-. I.o,idoii I \ o i, paper. 25«:. inenTil'n?' rraVrl Ul VauCornia, comprising the prnm n nl feature* or u>e country. also, the fou ic from lon CM rein/,’ V r'V l" ! * C K'“ CV *’ron, 'h- ~rf,. '«Vp^:: lk Sr' 0i Fnmout X*' »«"D 1-. Tlir * 'aiirbr ua (.'aide comprising :nc a.i med work. log-th-T with Col Fremom's (ieorr.tnn KroTn ° l ,.' ,f, ' r , Cal,fon "'‘- «u»«l hi, Numin, tlpionnc Kipcdilinn lo Ihe Rocky Moiinlai,,.. Ac with . map.- | vol.-vo. paprr i ■<- Rev Bnptl.t W Noel', Work on the I'n.on oi Ch„*,-h and Mtaic-I vol. |«no U h r hupkin-s. - mH '-- OioHoJlj, C.l, „ Ho, 't ’■■J*"" 01 P°l"' n ' ■ Work. I »«.»., T.0.1.V rj.ti ~ ■vooWwTo”:; ?TfT*T “ j z ciie Km! r,"in •• ,1 ‘ ‘ ,n l‘ori m.d mode* The Vi.i- , ' Np '- vcr n *H' i u , <kT ,i| ff rof r a l“!crfin : ui'u'r ", Don * c,uc ‘ UIMUIUIIOH, .Modern Ac tr» c,' i " iri ! *i. Y dn * * Women of Hie y D( for »n|r l» * Kl.l,|(i| r k KNHLISH. Tp vrood <i , T Tl MAN MACNPTns.M-lucUlni, l0 ‘a.*p»~,nn- XL ,iie inquiry, l-.uigr on an-mpt lo show the II Ml I y ol Us application (or the rebel n* .ulTeninr- l.v \V ;niT n, '/ ; l ‘; , ',' 1U1,,,, r nf -The reciprocal of Body and Mind. etc The L,crt wrirk n„ ih.Ab.cct puhlisnert I .a eby KLI.IiJIT k EN(.LI?H ‘ lUnr " 75J wood si 1 II i.ol l RANKLIN'. Illustrated—in eour-f of XJ publication Ul the social form, by Harper A Hro 't- v ,c lj,e .z f h, V Aulo, '‘°tfruphy. and a narrative of hi* splrndidly by John Ciiaprnan. engraved in the highest ~»•> of .. It, .' Wt,r Y " f f, ,", tcd 1,1 lh ’-°ctav(i jonn, on .u pnprr front bold and lt <,bJe lype. It wii; be, . t',l in eight part*, ai ‘25 cent* each, and i*sncd u i.nri ...itrvai. Kach purl will he received byn pres in med; ate I y nflcr it. puhbcuuou. Pun l.i just rci-civrd anil :or sale by JOHNSTti.N A STOCKTON, ! corner ninrkei and lid »T« i \,l A AL 1.. W > HISTOUV OF i:\UL.\M>-Ftum lT ,f ,T h, ‘ c ’ , ' !UC: ' "■ J *»"•«•* 11-V..1 I. Ihe History <n Aleraadrr ihe Orem, by Jacob Ab bott, wnti map und engravtug, 1 hr History oi Charles ihv |-irst of Fjigiand: l.y Ja cob. Abbot- el.-ga ,t engravings. Harpers lale of Frunkim: splendidly cmbelii»he-i by numerous exi|ui*ue 1 ‘2i eenis To completed in b numi/ers l iri«,ria| History of Knglnnd, up lo Ui« reign ol <«. tgc 111—complete m 4 vols, octavo: IJW Ulusirn noi. 1 Jim rrceivcJ bv h’lrf MACALI.A) js rllafußY c*F hNUI.AND, Vdl. i! ' lißio-m Po»ihunu»u« Work*, Vol. 5 Franklin • I.nV llUmrumj—pam fl ami 111. 1 lir llmory «>l llnnnum; ihc t nnlta*ituan; by Jacob Abma. ljiukirair-i t.iu map ami numerous en/rri- VlUft*. A«l'er'« l.mmin'-r ond Knc r i<lx Dictionary, octavo Mory or Little Jon,, irnm it».r Kreucti of M. C Jr*, nri: llluslrnlcd Acton, or tlte ( ircie of Life. A collection of Tho’li V d \Von| VUU ° M, ‘ dc! " g, ‘'“ l 10 L»/e. Man and Hurt * Romance of Ynehi‘n<r Aruitinn Nij»lu« ljiicrtai.iiii'-nta, Lane 1 * tr»n«iation; •picm.idiy illustrated. non, i*„ l0 Jum recnvrd l> y Ul>& VJ k.J'’ Hwicry of Mary of j»cot*. 1J By Jacob Abbou, wiui fiißrarinpi Hikior) of King Charle* ihe Kir*i. of BaglanJ Hy Jacob Abbot* with angmvingi. liittory ol Alexander Uie OreaL By Jacob .Mtkoti, wuli engraving! Kitiory o( Hannibal ;hc Canimguuaa. By Jacob AM,ou, wan engraving* Received and for »ulc by JOHNSTUN A f*TOCKTON 1,51,23 cor mai kri and .’Ut» X: KV\ BOOKS—Oregon ami Califorma in I*4-, by J Ouinii Thornton, lair Judge of the Supreme L-ouri of Oregon. and corresponding rocmlier of me American Inautuio. Wub an appcndu, including re rent una aulheniic information on the anbfWM ol ihc OOl.I) MI.NKs ol Cuhiortim, mil oilier valuable mai ler of iniered io ibe emigrant*, cic Wuh iliuMrotion* anJ a map. la two volume*. Raphael, or page* of Die book of hie at tweut) hj Aipnoiue dc Umsituir, author of tbr **JL«tory of iho Infondma, «»r I'lTßonaJ Memoir* of the PaliioU of me r reach Revolution," etc. Ju*i received and for *aie '*>■ _ Johnston a stockton. corner market and fkl *t* V! W PENNS\l.VANlA—Constructed from the uiy Surveys authorised by theSiam.andotn o* original ilorunirnu Revised and unproi .■! under tbc supervision ul Wm. F. Moms, Civil Kugmerr. upon duta procured in rach county, under authority of the legislature A few copies of this large and splendid Map received this day and lor tale by W W Wll^jON, wruer till mg market sit COPARTNERSHIPS, Dlnelnllon. THE 00-pannemhip heretofore erittlnp between the «nhwnber«. in the name cf Friend, Rhey & i'« . wa* tbi* dny dixaolvcd by mutual oonsent (i«i> Rhey vnil wrtle the bu»tne*» of the concern, for which pur pose be it authorised to use the name of the firm PORTER R FRIEND, JAMES WOOD. GEO. RHEY. February T. 1 «-»9. Co-Par tne re htp, The havoihisday UFOciated thrmvelvet m ilu- ueinr of RHtT. MATTHEWS * Co . for the purpose of tranvarttn* a reneral Grocery, Communion and Forwardinc Hu«tne«*, at the viand of tbe late firm of Friend. Rhey k. Co., where they will be pleased 10 receive iho patronage of the customers of that house and our friends. GEO RHKY. LEVI MATTHEWS*. WM. EBBS. February 7, 1*49 Wr takepleasure in rccoimnrindingla theconfidence ol our irieail* and those of Pnend, Rhisy 4 Co- our successor* >n buxine**, Rhev. Mntthews 4 Co PORTER R. FRIEND, . f " h '-' ___ JAMES WOODS. _ Dissolution. THE ro-partnerahip heretofore existing between the subscribers. iri lie name of Cooatable. Burke A Co., is this day dissolved by mulunl coqmb*. Me»r» Burke 4 lUrnc. will settle ibe business Of the con* coni, for winch purpose they nre authorised to use the name of ihe ronerrn. NATHANIEL CONSTABLE EDMUND BURKE. THOMAS BARNES. Hie undersigned have this day associated themselves in the name of RURKK 4 BARNES, for the purpose of manafactoring Fire Proof Safes, Vault Doors, 4c ttt the stand of the late firm of Constable. Burke 4 Co., where they will be pleased to receive the pa tronage of the customers of that house and their friends EDMUND BURKK. THOMAS BARNES. In retiring from the firm of Constable, Burke 4 Co . I with sincere pleasure recommend Messrs. Burke 4 Barnes to the confidence of my friends and the public Krti U, t' 19 NATHANIEL CONSTABLE. feMn-dtf Dltsolntlon. BOOK - TRADE- R HOPKINS, Apollo ItuuHi>>■*, 4th «t R HOPKINS, Apollo llall, 4m »t JOHNSTON 4. STOCKTON, Boakiellen, ear market and 3d *u HOTELS 1 FOUSTAIK HOTEL. ; LIoHT STREET BALTIMORE. M 1 Tm r(K » fl xrrD PEor*jrro*s. IHIS establishment long and widely known a* “•ynr one of the roof! commodious in the city of H«lumore. ho* recently undergone very exten | ttUenuioa# and improvements. An onure now 1 .!«.£; “ “ ocn *dded. contain! ng numerous and airy ' •'ti P,,1 5 a P! tnm<, n'*- and extensive bathing room*.. . , le ‘' , J 'T urTraent ftaJ “ al *° h «Jt completely ful *" d * t ? ed up ,n a m ®*‘ and beauti ha* tu. r. 111 la . P V be wbol<: arrangement of the Hoase 5,“ with a single eye on the part of ! me propnetor*, toward* the comfort and pleasure of chall™ ' a,,d whlch p ®nSdeoily a.«en will ! '*ZWrr** r *° n wllh Bn >' Hotel [n lhe Vnirn. ° Z 1 • iwa J r ' l,<? •BPPIKi with ceerj sub *uxury which the market afford*, served up inu .trie; w|„l e ,n the way of Wine*. ftc , t«e) wm not be surpassed wil? hruo 0 ." Uic pr °f nelor * b «K to »ay, that nothing uaiam J, “ I,don * on !hpir P«n. and on tfc part of their l[ end ” “ ,U HouM woni 7 tbc cnnimued patronage o, U»»-,r friend* mid the public generally r.Eifni',7, b< "“" 1 b “" ■“« b "“ -»"«< ’» '""‘■'■•T. *1.75 peri., Gentlemen'* •• lAO hP * la «K«g*- Wagon of Lhe House will al wlucb wi!!° U:id al lhr *" ar a,ld Ht*o®boa". Landings, of charee COnYe) ' ba K*“ins to and from the Hotel, free J?.-\ _ . _ . muytltf EXCIIABfGE HStKI*. M* X tk U? \* D CT Ct - UB *r»-t PrTTflßtmon, p*. n.* * ul »wnber having assumed the manage of thu long established and popular Hotel, l*nl,l».^r PeO H y u* DnoanM ® w Traveller* and the * abOc generally, ihai be will be at aJI time* prepared £<XedV, a ’r u ,U ‘ Uunjr ‘ m a well ■”£ J l , ,lotpl . Hou« <• MW being thoroughly oa?r« w,i i Chout ' anil ncw Fur ""«r<' aJded. and no w“n- : l. ,0 mak '’ ,hr oueoflhe tI Ho,rl » *f ‘he country. ofdie re '^ctfull r *o l ,ciu. a rece&cd X Crtt ' f>ttlro ' ia « r ‘he House ha. heretofore I febw’ THOMAS OWSTON, _ Propr etor LAMARTINE HOfsE, Z 7» Z r ..i" n V' *»» -T.nm, MTTOBCIrtH. tSfth k ,h * uJ, ‘ cnl,er respectfully announce* Uiai JP’tt., , UOw °pc'«c«l hi. new and excellent Hotel and .1 n , !f- ,lfCo,mn °‘V l ' , -°" or travelers, hoarder., and the pubuc generally. The house and furtmur «Dar^!'. r n Cl) ' n 7' ! ‘ mt llo r” orpr have U/u OvJ bo I* dele rim ned to deserve, and there fore solicit. a thare of public patronage. octU-dly sa<V>» HOrt.H. Proprietor 10 0 E K CENT 8 A'V EDI 7 OPPOSITION HOUSE. ■’HK VIRGINIA HOTKI.,on Baltimore mrret near the Depoi. Cumberland, is now m comnleie order lor Uie reception and accommodation of the public . ernotn in *carch of ea»e aud comfort, will do wcli Ui patronize Utl« establishment—they will find the clean and nice, and the Table a* well fur untied a. any tn OumberUnd. at twenty-five cent* guaranteed a* good a* any mat can be had in the p ace, at nuy price, or no charge. No charge for .ranspnrtntiouot baggage to and from the cars jais-dim Washington evanf rSITED STATKB lIOTiEL, „ rnrawrr *r . a rrwtßs rmncni tut nrrn *ra OITr0 I Tr^ ,TB lnlC Bank of dut United States, Pima- M POPE MITCHELL, MISCELLANEOUS. PURSH SPRING GOODS. MifltkltU k While, DRY goods JtmRKRS, w Wod nmoi.on or Merchant. to ihrrr .took of AJUKRI* t.Arf AND FORKItiN DRV (iOODd, «<,«• receiving direct from fir.i hands * Receiving regular .uplift. of Aral *ood.< during the and devoting a farce ibare of their nttenuon to Ra.terti Auction jb«.y can ronfidrmiy *Mure will hnd it to Utcir ...t-rct to timwne Ju*l received. -large invoice* of new ,r>lc D'r.. Vtncr Cfcsv.mrrew. Cl- «U«. *,tmn..r KooiJr, l.h-rs, White ()ood«. Irt.h l.inrn*. Tailor. Trtmmtne* and ItrownVtd bjeaehed Sbeefiin:* of van oq. l-mnd* mar:J ar "' i . > ‘ ... M R. DKt.ANV Tlanur«ctur«d TobaoiMi. " JO MXN ( i«*titr>* A kn-Mer » mpcnnr .w.-n 5 .«» 40 S.S Jo M A Bullet , • I'J 111 Jo I'neir JL Hurwootl • “ ' •<!! .lo c|„ (j.-, .. -M do do Prnrl A H>.rxv.,.*| •• *■ «A *l. -- H Jo J Rm,.. Jn , 5. hC Jo Jo '£l do iio in Dawson I XI do I' U'r: (l ; , 37 0„ »; \.wW*n 'J do I. 'I Dade's S do I! Macon's i V do Iwiie.-lf . ; Ju*t mndrirf .uin »ie,t, n er and pock-'*, and for *a: H KALI). 81-CKNOR A Co. 41 non it water »i and 10 north wbarvc*. ' Philadelphia MA.NLI ACII UJ.P TOBACCO—atJ bx A 1 S *Ji>ne* A Son * «U|>rii-.( iwrri i 0 lump*. I 7j|iai;i>i» U Uni superior »wr<rts« iuinfi | 3f> “ Lawrence ImtUer '• s fc ! & " Gentry A- Rov#«er "]«A 6* • JS* “ Ibiponi do la Korn) “ 1 1» " Aicl/cod • 5 , huwrencc •• 5. A ft* nW Jum land nj; ifom *tptunrr. a::.I for rab- ny JtKAI.O. HIVKNOR A Co 41 N water M and 1C N whurvet JH™ .. .. w> A J, GLENN< Book Binders. Ilf K are sun eiijcajjed ui the u!*ovp t>UMnc*», earner ; wc are prepared lo do any work in our dr,. ' D '^ k CK / : t~^ n ' rui « concluded lo ml | ratrK. U\- .vtrml to our work ncr.onnlly and ..,tn- Iwe now off' " “[ k of .Marine Timen.cces faction will 1m- civen 111 rrfptrd to :t» nentm <* and uu- :he botn-hi m ... -• . ' ht " m at low ''■ , ' pnccs than th.. v c wC. “« y l , m>'l«in!ii O. rt«*Cr,' Blank Book* ruled lo .my pattern a::d bound >u!. i..r these r;onW» h « l,,, f ln " onl >' *'M***UsJ>ed airenu here Manually Rook, in , umbo* orol.l book. err- ,r, f *\i' W * *» ve .aryest and fiE* ?..«£ fully or repaired Name- p oi „n book, mm i ieiir . 1 L,n , 5 ' Cnij “‘“1 «ce. Ma ori- Tbo.e that have work ,n our are ed !o rai r Hcmrmber. we »rc u> be « nd „.o.\] Price* low mvvn-tt . Ofiao BLAKK A CO. Market «u > C i rNALK StltiN^—dt» irenuinr French Call « j nrwt enlr * nce on north aide 1, very linn orucie. A lew doieit* I'Aiiuile.pnia PITTSBURGH STKKL WORK* vvn i>».\ Skin*, Irom the manufactory ol 11 M Crawford, to AND AXLK F,\rTim\- J IU.NG which Hip attention oi boot makers t» invited JtHt ' a^AC Jokjb, ” 1 . ulr , iy IV YOUNI! * C*. 1 JOKES *. nUIGO.""'' ’ " Titv mr.iNiTicii-a. No M. '"*lj X\. oan be »ecn a ■plcrttlid vnriety of tun Rovut Vel- i hammered iron mien i m ’i - “ °“T3 ve« ami Tcpc.try Ca n -i.. ii.tcs, .tylea. A.J,. ' t,n '?'*">*■ coiu-h'- 7 '..,'''“|*‘ J »cl«. .1 p!y» and »uj> and fine l.iaiam Carpet*, oi sup ?» Bl y-eorn-r ol »•>*< and from ~ ityle. and qualiiie*. Ull d „, com.ection can be ' * U .'Xa' found Tab.e Linen*, Crushe*., Dinner*. Dnmaskj. .Mo- : t I IN TIME Anon i T',» • reen*. Oil Cloth*. Ae. *c .to ail oi which we cad the »J ■•,_,>l., t ' ihj Anm| ier lot of I itioU, kuiiable far a.tentmn o( ihe pubbe 6 n C *I ,J ., ,r V a,M ? M "“ »«rv lC c. JU « received. * for NOTICE." ! and HaddVaruc C i C °of li, poniMe n « ,C ' K,,>re, *r • neat II Vv.ew ““ ®“ f Cn *' rr ’j ,ek 10 C J - U»a«, with j «>' miner c>u 6 ht to i?uve, ind“for C i l « t, |,7 hlCh ° T " hett for him the ol ai^ouT’fnrn'd*"andVuT > mcbl3 } V . vv ' v lt.SON, iomer. Re \v Pti|\|»KX , n- , R I ' ' TMFL I’UINDIIXTLK. ' For California. • 'lf-eelebrnci Maiarri Rifle Powder Inker, k •, 1 quarter* and can*, f or Mlic )jv ’ Jte P 1 ' | P'MUtiurgJj. Am <th. l»4r. CH (iRANT, Wnolcsuie Orocrt I'nmmistion .uni « Forwarding Merchant. No 41 Wutcrsi aa|-.» I B&LX ANOTITtASS FouNDRV7 —— ; ?. 1 ” , . praU ’“ Potent Soda A,h . A FULTON Beii ni.<l Hm.. Founder. hH« re. i Vl IV J««» rmcivcl p<sr «t e;uu . £» built and cutnmruetd bu.mrps at hi. ,SJ »ia».l \ n ”d Bi Uond, m.d for sale by 1 inllo{ | lie will lie pleased 10 »ee m. old M,:oin’ j moJll3 " aM MIfCHKLTRKR m er» ami m«rnd« ' . ISU Chofph.SipnmJ.oot. and Hell, of every ntx. from lo i WBI. YOUNG A. nn ~~ to to, OUO pound*, cast Iroinpuucni* ol me most ai.. , uv . I 7'\E.VLERS IN Hints *Nn i t-. !:•> cl ino*l,l, noil w.rr.ntco u 1., of ,l„ h,„ JJ Sum *“ N "VA'V , ril,iR ’ ■'l°ro,ro. Mineral Water Pump*.Counter*, Hailing. Ac . mgr- .m*t receirmj u<ur BPRJNu 9trfte '-, have ther with every var ety of Urnni l n>uu<i, it, J’ l *’ lll ® o tnfue assortment of a/ticles^i 0 * ffood *> fora turn«il and m the neairst manner. which ihe titt-iUou o' nurdm.*.. i • la - Ul<Slr 1,1 le i 10 A I. is ihe sole proprietor of Uajikitb A.tti-A tTki- ■ mch!s - 1 urcaasen U invited. tiou Mittal, so jtist.y celrbraied for the reduction of I ~ " “• friction m mmhmery. The Uozes and Composition I . . . NOTICE. W*.ir I A K»w , rd.\i'£'S UM ““• e«m» or Wi11..,. M r. FOISTING PAPER. • Kmgtai A Co., 4,„j \v«“m-VJ,® l w * Brm » of W Me rpHE subscriber* having the ezelusive Arenev for 1 10 pay. wjtnout further iUi«,. . 1 * t * on ’ notified 1 filing the Printing Paper of a new and exteiiaiw 1 fiJiMmsm paper mill m this vinnuy, will he at a.I umc* wen sun- | rachia.dlm Ailmini«w.»~. kMGHT, p.leil wuh ihe different «ire. of paper of superior -luiui- 1 * RT!ST<’ u,~ -°. r W Mc Km«ht, dec’d ty. whmh we offer at the lowest ru*u <>r price*. 1 j\ ree d and for sale— Any size or quamy vri.i t»e manufactured to order at 1 ao •• t,wo ®u» Canvass, inch »hon notii'e. nr.VNOLDS A «m:r, 1 jy .. “ :«) •• ’ J'**" B “> cortior l'enn and Irwin m j .. " “ ,Tii •• INDIA RUBUKR CLUTJJING-Jast received iorine j IWI d.u ltl w “ . Cslifornia Kzpedjuou. a complete n»M>rimeiii 01 j mcalu *® fobea, o/on colon, by Uum Kla»uc Clothtnf, at pnees from *5 M to ! J KIDD It Co for suit o( coat, pants and liui. Fot «aJe nt the ' WUvrrn India Rubber Depot. No 5 Wood ... I \ UIRL to do One m. Lt JIM RfX’KlVKD—Three more 01 those §0 jti-tlj 1 tv ß e... V'.?"?” 1 !f ~f 01 ** pennnnei,l situation, a! fair celebrated liamburaa l‘i'.no*, used fon*u> by 1 • v. at this otfictv mrMl-.«lti List. Thalherc ojh! other pertormers. tozetber 1 I liULlj _v i»i»i iq , “ with a large assortment of it>*cwood and maiio K anv, Jij and for s&Jp | /S meuad* «'t vV^ms?mi»n/u ,c of my own nmnulaciure. The auovo msuumcnts nrc j , ~u j ••—‘ warranted übe perfect In every respect, and will be L>AKJS URbU-.\_m can* true, ia«t rcc’d ami r..» ” d J°To for •“ h * FBLU.ME f A “‘{•by « A FAHNESTOCK ACo 4wlB No US Wood si, a doorfroafiUt j Ist and wood *u IITSCE] OREAT INVESinOKI—VALUABLE l ISCOVKRY: SCCCREJ) JaSCAOT UU 1340. . FaUnt extension Tables. Safas. Bureaus, Book Casu, Wiving DcjLs. I*flE%op wrought iron , Jar surpajuing every other in -1 indium extant. They can he ei f JhJi J n ,t° ,w *nty-fi*e fret, and when ciored .1?.?,". “T 0^1 contained utauie; they are made to i u***?* land 1 and ue adrmrably adapted for , : l au ? Hotel#, and large private mirulle*, form j loPAfta wn f ß a »* P DS p,ft,e centre tabk „ A?*A L’g—These articles are tnval i ;^ rU . C " ar ' r ,0 «>om who wuh to econo- I o** col, ’ r ® rl * sleeping apartment into a «i omiv * nc .^ ll, ?* lbl, >' can be opened and khat at.convenience, and when abut, the bedding bi enrloa- M/A rca ' ~ aVl. n § 1,1 roo “ tnd rent All the b?d for » d n n Tl«r ». d ?orm a p.ece Ottoman lor a parlor or Kitting room. o,S„ L /,^- A “" d “" ,ui • rhck f °' 1 «n'i'^h Tl « HESKS— For low office*, counting room*, j “ nd olh " offic , e * ; Y hen °? cnrd 0 «>«t convenient t*d t.-AaibS * Cd tt PCr^Ct Deik aMd L,b ™T *»““ . il , J B r.! art ! cle * n «*• no rceouuneuduuou. the beauty of tlie whole i», the£_are warranted not to eel / ) v ‘ ~C for >' our ‘merest* >o call niid the article* at the manufacturer’* Morn. No. M 8 Third «ireet,pj«ibowh. In addition 10 the above they are proof against bar* JAMES-W WOODWELL. •IVST ItSOBIVED, AND now opening, a (pleaded lot o I'J || M «««© Fonea, from the celebrated firm II # l — lf of Nun, f * Clark ’ N Y. It eoiMiau in * ■ “ 1 I ■ part of the following R r e r° d 01 ° CUIVe Wi,h Carv^ oth d ufbl P “" <1 pU,Ith ' project,n * frout carved ''"jm.cwool l-iino.cioouvc, c ]c t . m »„j p |„„, with Coleman » celebrated „£oUan Attachment n *u perior initmment. One Rosewood o oeuve, round comers and octagon >**»• One do do do One rosewood Piano, square comer* and leg* Ilie*e 1 isrio* have improvement* in the raechanum. in stringing and covering of lh« hammer*. po<*e*<u*d oy no oilier* in tin* country, and are at once the be« “* *t 8 * *' le Piano* that can be boagtu. AL.SO-All elegant lot of Chickermg'* Piano*, from O oriave*. poMOMing ail the latest improvement*, at reduced price*. „ A elegant rosewood Grand Piano. < wtare*. a uew invention. HKNRY KJ.KWER, 1 bl ,f At J W WoodwelFw M Third *t CHICKJERIKO/8 PIA.BTOB JOHN H \«l. Agent f„, Piano Form# tor Wc*ieru i I « Tfl £ cm '*>‘ Va i“M No. SI Wood sued, for »al- i| lr h “‘ '■fccivcJ and now opr a ihr m-Li ~fnr! !? “'JI rf **y" uircci from vu ._ ■ n »'Mr (Bomoii) prices, Fine. erred 1a %“ : ‘ r **">«"d rich rlylc of Lou,, XIV. curved revcii ocuve, u„d One rosewood Piano', 8* octave. new .rale One •• carved,# - * ’ |*° •* round comers, fl octave. new ,eaj n punnrl - 6 *• *• « ’ * „ [‘, LOVe ar S aU fforn ll *e manufactory of J Chirk i!,?n g h» , “ 0 | 1 ' ° U,e IMMI of furniture, and wtifi llie new and improved scale. AL “O ON uaxu *j»d Foa taut Low ~l H “w™ f “7“ *"“i -he dwuiuiacutry ‘ rosewood flo-tave. Gale Co., \ Y ven Newark* ° C,nv ' : Pltu, °- made by Bacon 4 R a . jJ. wnh'm!'7 ' } OC ‘" VP ~lUno ’ madc “ l and IUI with m« fo» »*.« I>y die owner, for or in n cUn«c tor Pnutrurgh manufacture., or rrocene. m.V -tore Pnce IIOQ W R j ivNF AH r« KATON ir ‘-’KRTihcathto'dr i*7 , CRmfie *- immrdniely auer n Mwrh uS 1 : 0 ,?"’ W ll o *'* of conaoJapuo,, or Irr r o«lt ' laken “ l k w,th «he OonmmMion or l.,vrr Complaint, and wo. reduced to low <twca»«*. mat -or tour year. I unable TuTrndm a* str e r r‘ , ‘"'r>£«? rSi. ‘.ld- l!..e""":r,U d e„“‘"'? W '«" ,„d Uedeve ,hu, i, y rjZ,?SZ veredmyY^lT'l'b’'li'.m" JViL. »,,d Mpeco,,,,, Ler.i (umly i reside m Springfield. Otsego county N V and cr;?r;'x t .r f Spc.jf.eid. N y . „ pt is IsIa KUJAM l fJ U ' V MAM’FAUTI'RFJD Tomcrrwrt, ' . „'Ould call-ij,e u„e„Uo„'e C f C S7o,y S'TJ "“C" r it™ Ip Ibisß i, •" f " Jiuiie* Mndifon •,»' '* f 1- uiurunc 5.' 33 | - ,M u,^ au <! 2. i IV. t 15 I - Hot,.Tl« * Sifou .V ;* ' «‘-rar» tt ri a < •* JnJfn* A irvit j« 3 f •■ H'arwic*. * U |>r 1. febJl * “ HCnry * jaa,c ' , H. _ _ LS WATERMAN 1 “ b “ IJ '-J -la* Cardimr v.-i,,,,.. JL 01 over ‘ ‘Wnpiwn, irh 1 Dr.*,,,,. ILulV.y li'l, tf"?'"' prr,.,„« Framrj, 1a.0m.. Card <, n „ do " P £"'“Poo^r., ro„ xluHtm* tuned; ill rue, Caat IriutVeu'"“'".i Haider* of ihc lutett pauj-rn» l 111,1 . and 100 U of ail kind.. P r„u n „ 0 f -i^" 1 La “ ,c ‘ turnuhfti on «hrri notice i‘afier£. * „ Miti tjcaniu;. Iron R,„", s . £ 't “ « rJ " i:i< f-aciuriK., C>i.dt | ron Wnidow S:,«„ *„ for n ,? 3 ’- ' V > i° rdfr ' le,X al 'Varchl.T*!- ( ,- l j* uon" 4 •'•My »irßet. w,]| u HU . h *‘ J }l.-u A-lx), J i- M,.nr * li, ton mnl woonrn machinery a , j eehr „.. ~ ' ’ l "' *“»*■• work. l.^,„ R no ,„ riil ar.d y , “ . ru.inii. I tin prepared u) eieeute order. u -,.v. i ' mcker. °! War - h “‘*n- in my Imc ", Jrat m;‘f r T“‘iV*- ****?' ««»“»"«« run*”.' 'or'ToHnir*^?.'^! -■ral All k,„«u of •hani)i l > mni'm h^r e "‘ J o“'V,!', L ‘ rM ' NEW COACH FACTORY A 'VMITHA SS r „„„ lfu ’ v J.TI, lue puhnr that they have ereereri ‘ . ' >nn every o« VI preparra 10 receive orders :„ r rourL.. Busies. I'l.i flon*!'^ in »* m ,hf m ' i “ u '-‘c'tDrco I 'he a t’, v 0 an.l tile l.c.hlio* Ihcy have.,hey £] ‘ '„? ? T a‘or,t -rial*. r', I H ''' tc! '' rllo » «(' maie i,4vb f 1 m^,,m «mrlrme„ ...... ii,rir "■** ** s 11. Krpa,riiu; U Joti:' , u l ,, be.i^tiia!! 0 ! ° t * l "‘ r , mn«l . .. .. “* l * M HlJii.i-r, ,|„ 1 i "*"’ rr ’" 01 ahove Oood«, embrace!, 1 °,.? , * rXlrn,; ••ry fuir, and from (hr rrlet.mirj r ranrr Purrb„»infr if,,.,,. . ' merchant* or ueem* of it>« , ' 0 t» enabled 10 »«-ii them at iho low™ •• f. wool dj e 1 Mlj do, ami Krrnri • 1' ' MifficanCASHIVKKKS. blark.m r ' ‘ ,■, •;!;" , r ,n 1 v ; K? i TlN(i}< ' ' i ”* ■ -.-i. k. rriiiru. l« C k a JUj fanc c 1 ' fi L ru"'r I V rnwrr »- Ac., ai norm'll! ■ ' u-l, 41l i 1 *^ nrkel *trcei». 1 " Room* up .iair» { , * t na..j„ w°° d nnd ««mhficld w.ih an eimrciy „ews«k « m Home, . th,< '"•« uual.ry ami latent Mylr. 0 and 1 ' l,rT ‘ a S« of 1 ry in theVsi miniirr J U°r«e* kepi i,t iiveir j yAlly DRY & VARIETY GOODS, Smeedie 'Developement ojtfJie California Gold Fever ALEXANDER A DAY, HNo “5 MIUXI tSTKKKf. PtTTSBLBUIt, AVE resolved on SELEINfi OFF thetr lanre stock of DHY GOODS—tbe principal part oi ■which have lately beeu purchased at the Lxans Acc *noa Satts ia Philadelphia ami New York, at a tre mendous and unparalleled sacrifice! We have made such a large reduction front out teg ular prices that we will now set* a large oortion of our goods BEIAJW COST of importation. The early at tention of buyers is invited to choice high colored goods adapted to the California-Trade. LADIES DREStTGOUDS. Plain aud figured Cornelian.Cashmeres and de luipc* i all price*. Very superior brochta fig'diSuper cioak cloth*, all co ouu watered blk silks, ' lor*. ’^HRY nor a re I ,armnre »ilka.iFrench mennos, all colors. bUr and colored. -Black bomtiaunes, Super black glossy Gro de Cross barred and striped ttfcin silks. alpacas, Vtaette and manulla silks, Brocha fig d and strip'd do. best quality. [Jenny Ijnd plaids, Pure «.iun«, blk and blue! Victoria l.Voneso cloths, blk very nch, Lamartine «tin merino*. Col.erg cloths and cameii super silk warp alpaca on lustres, lustres; | SHAWLS! SHAWLS." Splendid plaid longshawU,’ A few broclm long «havrli. Splendid trricen sfcawU.i the fi-e«t nr.- havo ever from N York auctions. brought to this market. ffT eat bawiua; ! now to be *oid at great rlain and i-mbroi'd iliibet. bargains, *hawi».all colors. [Superfine and common br<H auk fringe, remarkably cha square shawls; cheap, 'Super eamelian silk shawls 1 GENTLEMENS’ GOODS French cloth* from the celebrated ■‘Johanv*’ ma factory For beauty of finish mid permanence of we* . < L lh * *! av « ,l ° •“lienor; u fow pieces erm Inn. jel black and olive cation beaver* and othe heavy cloth* mr over coni,, willed French eJotb*, manafac tored ejtprensly for clonk*, French and American ca«- simere*, »up'r »t«i of En<Jnnd do, super French *n tins for the be*t intponref. Plain turd fancy velvet and onahmere vesting*, merino shiru and draw er*, Hahnii cravat*, Imen, enmbnc anti silk bdkfs.ho siery ana glove*. STAPLE GOODS. Irish linen*, heM lon* cloth *lnnm?,tno*l<n>, bleach e<t and brown muslins of pood quality, remarkably i«*r, lickings, checks, domestic and unporied ging ham*, »cnrirt. yellow and white flannel*. a Jtirgc lot v ery cheap; a large lot of wu.:t and cro«sbar#d coun try flannels, cheap; brown and bleached Barnsby table Inicns and table clothe. Ra**i i and Scotch diapers and towellings, saunetu, Kentucky jeans arid tweeds BLANKETS. An usual large stock of blankets, direct from the manufacturers, some of which are the best ever exhi biicd, ai; of which will be closed out at unparalleled tow prters. In addition to the above enumerated goods, uur stock comprises a very large and complete assortment of almost every artiefe usually found in a dry good* store, and as they have been mainly pur er msed at the eosern auctions, hence the late rreatTe duciion of urices. We are enabled and determined to sell them off at crest bargains Wholesale buyers, country merchants, tailors, and he public generally ore respectfully invited id an ear ly examination. Bargains shall be riven. ALEXANDER A DAY. 75 Market si, "!?_ _ N of the Diamond R CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, 4«, *2f fHIs ! UAV * Oil Cloths ol the latest and mot approved patterns, and at prices to stilt purchasers, and cheap aa can • be uur chased m nny-oi the Eastern cities, comprising the fol lowing varirue.:— Extra Royal Velvet Rile Carpel*. Aixifkmsier Carpets, -toy «u e hall room, or ve Tapestry d 0 i,holes. Sup Hoy ai Brussels <to Tape-uv *Uir carpet* Extra *u;. .Jpiy do flru.-c, .] u J} o ' Niperfine do do t'bemilc Rug*. Extra «up Ingram do Tuned do >uperfine do do Brussels do £ Ul ' ' lo Cheiniie Dour muu, 1-4.-W A | Tapestry Adrlat-I do do u •r?T*f k J ° skin do do E 4. 3-4 A | twi d \ c- isM Emb'scd Pis no covers neUan Jo &-t do Table do *' 3-4 A ) pnun do do tM wool d 0 do Ootloa Ingrain do 6-1 worried and linen do do do Venetian do Brass Stair Rods •-4 cotton Drugget; 10-4 wool crumb cloths 1 woo-cn do Stair Linen do do ft-4 table do English Table Oil cioths, Diaper do German do do do do Crash -4 Floor Oil cloth., Snow-Drop Napkins, 7-4 do do do Crimson Rush; <>-} do do do * Purple do 5-4 do do do Maroon do 4-4 do do do Carpet Binding, I 1 »"[ C ' rp '“‘' to which ffr invitr the anenuoii of all who wish i 0 fur nish t:.cir house, or a; we will be able io Oder «oods a* low as they can be purchased m the hast, and ol ibr richest am laiett styles ('.all and ex am.ue before purctn..,,!* r:* v whrr« Wnrr house, No ,5 f-oorthn. mehtil \V M CEI.VmCK >u» largest, Cheapest and most Fashionable Steel of Goevf.t. adapted to Gentlemen * Spring ,u>.i Summer I \ r ear, u just rrprirmr a: WM. DIGBV’S CHEAP CASH CLimilStt STORE, T I.K LIBERTY STREET. HA Uio abovo e.-intiliahm-nt Would rvsprrt'u.iy inform hi- numeruu. t-i.-mmer*. that ne has jart returned from the Astern cu,e, with the most splendid assortment of good, u, his j,.. .; int wa , ever brought to inis city, ml that is now fashionable, elegant and Cheap m . 10-ha. Cassimere*, Cushmereits. Drap l>e Ele, m.d every dcuTipuon ol cotion. linen and woollen Summer Mud*, blurts. Era vatv Hdxf». Suspenders, Ac., of >'n a : ,,' »u] p » Ins-'IKI »ilh 1.1. v„y.„„ a-.j |U IO , ot ready-made t-lothing. he is prepared to offer at hi* usual .uw prices Country Merchants. t'ont*a*'ors. and all who our* chsse iHrire: v. »re particularly i.. »u--d to ca.l and ex amine site -toes, wnu-n’i- drc .)-,1,y ;, c -arg-«i a,d mo-t fashionab.c m tn<- nir, and gr-a- att-ntinn has xce" p«,d is yi „ U p * ui!a ~e t;,.- who-r-a> trade. , V rclcr ‘ '"«• i unoring l.m* erroui<-.| n the most ; a 1110:1 . ).• manner, and that nothing lauv he lu en«ur - in-- new-si u .,j nest »:>•,«• i. , A geu “ b-j h.i- n;1,1 V .VIII *xp«T Clin- in the E.t-li-m I I..e*. h.M 'i'rnude - to the e*U!n.: hineut. mclit*! iiJiii NEW BOGUS I H. PALMER, 1 / wkers Fur sale at low priced b lui | 1 I»v- a f M>r,n,cl »; Ot STItA W AND MILEINB III GOODK, ofih« most approved stales ami oat len.s. inrtho SERIN,, iiF 1 e4U. ro,iM»iuig iu pari of- Plant Epg'ish. Am, r ca;i. nad Kren.-a . traw. H inn-,;,-e Rui'smt. IVdal ami other plain and faney nrnlil: China. K,rr,Jrii,n Lind. Loop :.„j R.,v al Milan edg- Ilrs.d BONN ECS. Rfli Fri-..rh Luce; hsiiry -n> ! p.ain (* t m|i. ,V ;. At . Fu ..-y Hihir Mrnw. t„m;>. 1.-gnor:-. an.f -her M;,. *«•» sml I riuin-' JIATB other Summer HA fm tne-. ~..o ■-' Bonurt anil l‘Um Kul,uu<, Bon.-trt Klosver» Ac Ac Au. Mrnw Bonuct 'Vareuou*-. bj Mjr»n ,- IP , mchlT-dflw A. A. MASON «fc CO., VO fio MAKKUT STKKKT—Harr received i,y ro- Xy cent uni'ur'aiion* me i.u.ow.i;,/ tiooil*. V ir. Sit’.niM 1 hitiet Sluuv.*. of vnrmai r|nt» iir« ami "Ai.tinier « !T«; Kkl lh":»d. Hl,,} rollon Move*. , or nmn? trad.-. Kich ninniluig. uraißhi turnover C.>.iar», . i:-npCol- UIM ./hi rmr. rrorri .** rt« m ■*i 05 «:n variety _ -uii Eh< e Vein. Hu- Bfj n r,i MsjK>f uncm ever oif-rr.u by n< Frarirh fVnu s-nal! a'ii[ '.i.:rn!or< *man plum French Gi.n< listim: |inii«!i r ur;.iiu>" Chintz, n-:„tc- ..aim Pntniuk t nnii« lMn..i«k, « - n-iri 111.5, i;rfcii Herar*i>: '•iu"V <»rn« he Rhino StJs Cravat*, Ui 10 4u ;|i«* l>o*t t?ood e imported, I‘ur»e Twi*:; lim-n nmbnr ami ..mmj ;i ,n,t,nc Hduft. irom 0* m«; Wmi* t.ood. <uoh b» Jacoucu. .Mail ami \f Usl |, n ,' P, "“ L ’""' “ d '"''ll W e are in the daily rrrcipi of NEW MjOl)** and invite the aticmiou of purclta*era to our rxtcnatvc sloc * _ fr 1.517 J»KW SPRING GOODS. AT GOODS MOL'?*!-: OF \V. R, MI'RFHT ‘l®*™ <TH ,M, rnTH»v»J«. ONb winunc Urv Good* wu! please lake L tic<* that th«- above hnu»- ha « commenced recei ving n.M-.u sl-RlNi. (.min-i. *n.J tnvu** ihe call* V customer* and i.iirct- generally Goods wjli be oifercd ai low pn wv tt jiU puronaser* vn.l have alanj«a/ I d..hocpi« S .i u» sce.-t from. - DRY GOODsI SHACKLETT & WHITE. ® r y Ooo«l» Jobber*. xo w wooDaTiiKtrr-. wo Ui d c* i ,i, e X ’ °« .Merrliiuiu U> tlir.r »at*c rui.-k 01 "■d I-*,,, URV (.1)0Dy, lior'.rr. „,.d , 114 w „ ; h ™”V l .l !hi at very low rate, tor r«-b or approved credit Tor **<>•• g u now iul: and complete >i:uj well wnnK the mn-otiou of buyers. a* wc a/e drtrnmi ed n> «r|i *i «ueb exiremeiyjow price* a* cnnnoi fan 10 mrUr n a strong inducement tor merchants to milcn >.i ■ w:.h u * . me I*3l House KEiui ; i.\G goods— \v k. Mmo.T m viic* he attention of hou«r ke-p-r» and the.* . al'OUl commencing house keeping, to hi* a.- sortmcni of • above Good*, such as— | $ O,| w u, »d Counterpane*,, while and colored; | _ Ucking* and pillow. cate Mu*.n>«: I Slier Unc*, from to Hirer \ ordi wide; Table lit a pern and Table noth*; Towelling. Towel* and NnpstJit; Furniture Prim* and rinnurv Potrirt (Id CbiMt;.. for i ur-at-t; Super pnnicd Cnmu, rot uuilis, Embroidered widow cumin Musllnj: Sniped nn.l tarrrd •• •* Bed blankets. all qualities and size*; A *upply 04 tne«e Goods is cui.sianuv kept on hand, fthd wui always br *o!d on the most lurcrable irrm*. at north rui comer 4i>> ai.d Market su r r tr.>l hiilrtlng dlualina and Irish Linens, W’ R. MURPHY 1 .Mt.:« the particular attenuon 0f . those wanting liter above Good*, to hi* desirable slock. roii*i»iinr of the beet moke, trotn the most op prored maaotacturcrs, and the latter warranted purr flax - He ha* just received an additional supply, and is odmitg Muring Muslins 01 a superior quality, m a very low pree Also, Shoring and Pillowcase Muslins, Diapers and Crash; Tabu- Cloths. Towels and Napkins, Il.aitieU, CoQuicrpanri; and . .... Housekeeping Dry Goods rrherally IMDI GOODS—*Surh as French Mentis*. Parometto*, plain and fancy Do Lainea, {some new styles just received;) Alpaca*. Ic. The season being far advanced, all these Goods will byoM ul price* ihat cannot fait to please. tp~lVholesalc Rooms up stair*. janlS ."T A. A. UAHUfI ft CO.« TV, O. W) MARKET STREET, will continue their ll great semiannual tale of DRY GOODS, for 30 days longer, during wtuoh time their cncjiiivc whole sale Rooms will be thtown open 10 their Retail Trade as hereto-nre. A A M. A Co., knowing that they are selling Dry Goods o! every description from ton to Lf teen per cent le«» than ever before, do (avue every person in warn of dry good*, or who may be m want, to examine and purchase trots our slock, at the lowest wholesale rair». Uur great object ui redlining stork is to make room for Spun* Good*, u i-uimr our (Mention 10 exhibit In March the largest and the rinheat mock of Dry Uoous rvrr offered by suy oue bou-o in America. « e sha,: comu.ue the sale of our Bleached and liruwu Muslin*, liekiqg* and other Domest.e Good*, ai our tormrr >ow atr*, notwithstanding the reernt ad’ ttbS * PCr CCn nP ° n a,e “ cuuni markcti. ‘ ■"% MISCELLANEOUS I n „ COAD'S ; | t atmt Graduated Galvanic Batter] and PaUaX TlHmf!? P ° l f l J br now I Tv ““ fl only instnnaeat oftbe kind (hat fa* over thl l£" pre “ n, tf m tbi* country or Europe fo7med- U .** OTd y «» ®w kom to man, man .*£ ****¥“? flnid can be convoyed to the hoi ft --F ? by man^f T o?f ll f £f p ,* ra,a * l * u ° w apptoted of try ami iwL mineßl P*>T«icjor» of dus Coon ■t may coSSEt, L^ n,n «®»eted pod other* whan be gi vrnio'maliv*k? ?, Reference will also been eared by iJ 1^1 5 respectable citizens,Whohave of some ofthe Uu * mo * t »« ! aable apparatus could not be r«md*»n e cralf nervousdisorders cthleh Among nr.ou, XrZ H known me * na t mirably adapted for s V k ha * >pf,n P reT ed to h* ad- • mivou» SU,U;^!, r ',t nh : »Wlow, B? dweb^ It f* with this apparatus ui o t ', r v> d,Se f* M tte in * convey the magnetic fluid lh3t llw operator can eye. to restore srehJor««JT “* *“* *** *“ fc ‘r 10 “*• restore bearing; to the lorirue'^T^ 10 tho e4r *° store speech; and to the *l® lhtr . ° r * a "*' »» *! the cure of chroma rhcematisL L!? m ° f lh ® to ® , .ra-£ also tested for the cure of diseases 7 P fchased, sad Full instructions will be given tor the varion. , cals to he used for various diseases, and tb£ best ner for operating fcrthe care of thoso diseases wl» al. ' *0 be fully explained, to the purchaser, amlTaamnhul £“ tn “ h '» s“** L «P««ly «br Mte&p *£££!%£ P T'P. ared b >' ,h ' Plenum. Enquire of * 3 WILLIAMS, O«v.r.lblo Pllt«rlns Cock, p \ V J'° « PURIFYING WATER, - - Which renders tarbld crater pare by removing.oli substance* not soluble is -//yfIUS-td waur. The croun water In N. York. Wvw/J3€» al ! hoa< ' b clear "‘d pare to the eye, yet T™ ea 11 an hoar through inis pile ring cock, shows a large- deposit Impure substances, worms, Ac. This * ■ft* c £** "wro or less with all hydrant water. ,7*^? nUcrer is neat and darnbla. and Is not attended with the inconvanience ioehleot to other ruierere, as it >s cleansed without being detached tots r?«*T cr P!I*’ 1 *’ mrr,!} T taming the key or hand!* from one side to the other. By this easy process, the course of water Is changed, and all accumuKtioai to unpare substance, are driven off aimo« fcSuatly, without unscrewing the Filter. It alio possesses ±» advantace of betug a stop cock, and as such in many cases will be very convenient and economical 7 bc ““? bwl r bcr .° lberc *• “»y proisare high or low i» a cask, tank, tub, Ac. with cnee. To be hid l !' As(nl ’ w. w. WILSON, oeU7 comer of Fourth and Marietta THB AUKOMKTEB, -4Ub,^TS£SrrT&*cisa l , tss j-oar instrument correct; and recommend tbi nao of li w i],o. e going to California, aa the be.: mcUiodfor o£ laming the real value of Gold. R«p. roora. J. B DliNL£TY,GoMDoaiar Pittsburgh, March 9,1649. .. „ Prrnßoaoa, March 7,134 b. Ma. hu.aia»—Dcar&n Having examined the uAreo meter, manutactured a: your room*, ido not heauata to eommend u to tne use of thow gentlemen wiio a ri about removing to California in .earehVGold, it rive, a clow approximation to Uie anecifio aravi o a^ d T> ce , ruuni 7 enaW « tdvemarer to ascertain wbon hi. placer 1. yielding Gold uiuflU \oar*, reap’y, J. R.’Ju'CLIWTOCK. p APSin. SILL. f I V"n CA f 1 *h fTtf » i ' 1 PAPKa MILL, fitniued at Steuben* ■“*. oluu » lianu « be «Q enlarged and ItsproYMl. ,rnn^LVfc n ’/ r ? at eX P* nM new Uld I &* BUMX improved kindormachinery, 13 now prep . red to nun. KErV* k ‘“ d> of Writing, Printing, vVroppSg Ed nhr Varn Pap BoQncl karts, «,££] w«y n the Eastern or Wcatorn country. y \tni hC w?Mt cr?iffned h# ' in » thc Of the above l. I T 1 k< *p foneianiiy on hand a largo (apply of be diSerem kuida of Paper, and will have any aim nade to order at »bon notice. 8. c. HILL, B7 Wood atroet ...TUBS - - AN D CHUR N 8 Pine ami Cedar Ware Sanu/aclary. r S r “ 87 ■ “**«* us Fin. Sr., Pmum 'T'Hh wbjcnher keeps con»ianUy cm Jiajid, wbolo •a, L c * nJ rcuil, very low for cash— | Barrel Chum*, 521 j. alh r “ I Siaff Chum*. a ,T, *}' ’'I' w I llai{ Bu.heli, to. J A? 1 Voion,?4 A rr h 4 SUN8 ’'' ''TENT SOU A ASH iio 5 ion* 3J ca*h currency, or 4 mo*, app'rd bid* . 5 p ,K f Ui,waniB ’ 3 i 110 Par, C mo* do. imere»i ad *“r sop,snor «J«ttiiry o i Uu* braiiiJ we refer to ibe (?Im* and »oap manuiaciurere of Uii* oiiv general > dec< ‘ t,ISI| TcWA - - ' 100 liberty *t Diaphragm Filter, for U,draai Water. THIa ii u> eerufjr that l have ap. A poimeJ, Kogjen & <£ •—gkMHfcSr* Agent* for the «ale of Jenniurt *** l ftntm IfeapruHgft, FUterf'for-tkccJf Ue* of Pittsburgh sin] Allegheny. l AE*\ x „ , JOHNtiIUSON.Agem, TtoMVaJter M (iibson. oi9 liroadway, u ™. w <>ct. 10, ia4a e have been using one of the above articles at it,. mu... . AdrertUement. ’i Hi- h « ,h'*"7’ 7 VU 4i d,r ‘ !Cl “»ci.uo,i «, die , lia. In« .» Ihr only place m iiic Wcm w „ ere ■ ».. 1,,. 'fmeU. laetuliMrrmcr being anxious .LV. “'"L*’ *„“ d » “amber of e .pi..«, o„ ?„=.Xit' “ ‘ CO '° l * ;cm “ d A band'Dme tot of new Fianos will be opened in a decs . H : K f **-HKR, At J \V Woodweli’* , llini[ , GREATWEBTBHX' S l%V.‘A K -Sf . T uV*'* N lj ASU VVi,IP «A.N r <. t™, ;°, "' >"• —* -..1 k> *. w« SSt* nr woui/1 mvii* por^on*' tn i.ceH Ulc c,,y f articles to iu« warehouse, So 244 t ,i,_r,v- < ? V '* I na, " c< * 1 rarr ui \| r u...i ,•* “ , *Uluuun, under ilje j. rarr ui .Mr. unit .*ir». Ousuuax, i.»r (!><• jr»drmic vmr. will commence m. , tlt . ry -«t, in uic >ainr \J & ,1„ F<U,ru *' ArraiuremcriM b ol ., V J , J - L ‘ ,JC rty sireet. r^r“ u i'».“ ir ■"e °' “ Pply 10 “■» rnncpii iL", p P S ,, ,*ss u f °- •»» *u. .11 1, 1 V OOO, FoT 016 coiuiructiori of furnace-* Settnl^V h “ e l,n ' l “ l '“’ r ” P""0«»M tiy r, m . S?» ; u,r‘ “aTiTm “'7 my3u ■ LiM ANttr\ k Co,Canal Basra. \f A\ L'Facf ifHKD fUiffiJcu- IU. -OJ bit Lamartine fei 35 do Mirabean m to I’umiHii 3, and K yc/do Joba KucccrSr SdofiS b««» A «oo Hcary A: jam e . 5* aid 4 m L '" fli U ' JJo Warwick »Upcr 7’bx2 , r """ ,, r i ;” , * ,r,o,n '' “■»« of Ike He IKHIIU., oil eoneigumcm, ttinj wj eio<e.e r __L_S W.ITKKMa.M ■DlUfccL 4f now un«l Wi.i COUIIU.IC lo be larre v ..i~- p:w W.«h liiia celebrated brand, wtju.-}, n, c f w, , “ l .!“ p lowe*t murltci price for ca»n or approved ! ir. I boy rricr 10 ■ Ilie gia»» and *oap rn aJ4 u. aeWrer . ih.i c.iy generally respecting ibe quality, rov , vv * M .MUCH KLTRF.Iv MiQ hiierty it | RON FOUNDRY FOR SALE.-A «n ui | fW i Kn7r%_ X dry tu a Atnuuhuig uiwn, w.ta l\»iujru. r “i 0 ” n., s .X‘,'e' 'f "r*' ,o ' 1,01 m s»oj* i in* odet* an excellent opportunity to a witn ♦tn*ll capital to commence tbe iron Koui.df* 0 ?* 0 •tneu. hiujaueof foundry bu- BCAIKE ± ATKINSON 1,1 Wood M Scales, CooltUtg Stoves, Qf»u, AKstIALMVALLACKiCU, Roaiid* Cl **’ ►, comer liberty *„a Wood stream «„ V rch > 01 lite most iiiiprovcdquani); Coofcmg ■wd coai, t** 9.0»c. ol „ Ufl 5 wooi coma,on oiuk., Hollo* Warn A. c *7* ~ , miuiui'sctgre J,« kncuen Ran«e winM.h l Uty aUa ! general miiv'acuon to ihose n«Vinc n ?. M * iveu ,uch • they *ouid respectfully in»fie ihS 10 4,1 ot “•« ««*«» wd me putu.c re.ieruilv ““""ii'''- of r>A.T..vr ±. luoruQtmui Cornetmi* r„ , ft '' eA nn«i»« (uciurc.itml superior to all othj?, in*?*'* 1 *? <n,,uu * churches, steamboats, factories j«., r 7 ’ lo °** UuwieiMsn, from o„ e loloir IsJuSJ^”* &C ‘ AHo « l£l Wood street, above cheap null well selected stock Q ( 1,1 ,tor «a very smcc me decline of tmee* i n fcu, QD ,/ dwa 1 r,! ’ ‘“ported are determined to sell > B “ J wlu cir “'ey -ho h 3« mo„„ *, sSu’K'i'U 0 :- larly requeued i 0 call ami {qq! ,£ £, b *- 1 ' *** P*rucß* '2yr- ai “■« s. i-uruucJ “■™e.'2* n 'fy'™' 1 "™ «r •« Wot •M«oi n.«e InZ Jt? Ti-Tl ‘" "3 *“"J * n » •«£)"’ by J d t U W U ACLAfitW, ’ • ~' ,vu fcettsintfion Iron VVork* O Tele; -lo do Manors frTorkli'tjQdftGiaiu <lo Socket do; Ales, H«wLS»S2i&Sd i&? B.Uow*, V-»M *c p ', My «ov IS OUU ((OCitKAN, # wollu , r H _ll,_ I va.S •=.:-'44! fell •'- fijlsfc
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers