' P i> • •k > -. * i ESTABLISHED IN 1786. 5 BUSINESS Imps. , •V R!USTKO-N'<i *CltO/Al)M:<it«ro*»rioii*l«rTrhanb< j\' and Healer* In Prod#en-,iN«>. tl Market -tn-et i»m*l.«reh V. .'■■■ . lee- M-sifnirMJ A .?r w U *<»*N jALMU’ll'f.n A HATS, \Vtejir>jiir deaie.j* (;i ' iiry 1,5 ntipJi*. Rr-'k*. iiiiiiiu 'Ufa*' i, j tntAi’S. • ''k^ithu fcAfty'VL.N •?- RKTl'Klt. Wbrifftelfc nm} Retail itriip -15 rnnirr cf Idlo-ny -ninl ■Sinclair Mfert*. Put*- Wff ii. I*3. • , •• *- • nrayll CTJ.BttKWN, ' T ' *.• '• i.»l, IiK.rWV pRO’AA «f- i.rwrr*. XX amUrommiv-.iOH Mcr4ii&j&. No. Mi, Lii-crty -t. FHubnrrlt. l’a. . •. ■? ~ •!••'!! ly n a. KAnxi*frc»i2K’lb:t‘i-v \viif*w*«ic »»o h«-- eonmj JVI S^i;ALKV~& .SMITH. «»rn*'«r*. l* and _ JS> Wood ti/ert-PiU’tbaiflti!; /~1 A Mi’I\NULTV-& Co., i‘nwarding -ami (Vim- Vj*i mission Merchants, O.ljdl liuSut, Pittsburgh I*3. tott. M. KNCIIXMt, . , ; V JiktEK J. ttiaiSKlT. EMiUSII A HKNNKITi He tV») Whotej-ule fi/dr*n; lbvtmnir>y*i<ul ami I’or wßtMitt* Merchant*, and I'm*- bajtjjb .MaiiULietun:*. Na< 3j}.fW<*o*i sL, between t!d ami 3(]>lleru. , _ ; • ; V J oetl G lU)K(iK COCHRAN; C.ojttis'i>*ton nttd Forwarding MerrhaM, No ■Wo&d*yte»C.FiU»l>unrl». tayl/ ■f-i I.KK. (srtfe«rTt>*7>r'Ui Wool t>nl* FI . er nml <Vmnnt**ion Majelifqn. tor the sale o! Albert* an Woolen*,- * \ j.v«. HfcAiT, Hnhnnofri. ; l'/' ... t. i. btciisob, UiU-ißinjcttii.- )••„. . :-j, .•:.*««*. .<»i»..»Afe»lC { J bO»d4>- ,'gtf.KAJ.D K HIU-KMJR.'TiOiiu-Vu'tV.mir.isxoTi M»r -: Jtli .rhtutll, VV.-i-.f H. A-10,North..Wharvr*. VftH:£ • >c. • : .liowaU.tr &ii*». i'(e»cT. ISAIAH niCKKV !l 'Col VVfeUrtnJe tjtorrrv «N»m- Mcrtihonw, I'eudure, N«*..»o Wtflnr. and Iff? jfront nov« J’XjMiS WA'iT. A I .eMmrO .!.Wbol«t>ale (Jrorri atiJ KomniNmori MorelianU dealfir in rtbtluco roc. nfci;c»f Lil-eny and Hand plrcria, I’ifjiborgli l‘a jn-JC •' f AAU-S .S Mrt.liilli' - , (6u<vhV ; !bt Jtruiof ajid V*'Mc(»uue.) Metrliajil *1 mh'iySll. t'bulr* lr, ndjiif; - ituiA «>te«ii. npor \Vomi. I’ilfcrbttTj;! J' Ai HIT'CHIWIN,. *L : «jo.- Sar<-e-mr. to H«tehi>An 1 {!.?.,•-iVimibHeirwi M-irtiants. aAtfAgenU df ibr M. IjoBU , ‘Suj AC •Refine' , N(x4b water and 71 fr»*M «y , t«ft%,l'r*tr , *w»tii. fa'} ' ::: ! J\; s. jjii.worth A'Oo-. Umcn, pro- ducr and t'-ominivdna . StyK 'JUiitu, and Aeem# foMhr Hazard Powder of !>o r 7? \\ .km! -i, PliUburvb. _ _ y. iV rtm.N u M(»RHAN. UlwlieaAfc -ien . 0. *t »n Ilye Huid.. I'amu. A-- \«> v\ WfioJ itrert, one <!.<oi South oi 'iH a UH"ul xli> \. IMi-• bUTifh. i ' • V i, r runl J” AhlK-i KTSK. Jr , -VhiiedeVor to «. \l)avm,)lHUij> «.liinmi.lerit. VVsuit otfijet o. ::i JtiiiN H. MKLIXIK. Krah.l dealer -ill Muior and MuMicPk Ifttirmrinsti*. Sebixn llootx, Papnr, Slate-*, Pros, Prioierw" t anU, and Stationary j;emtrat!y.No. Pitlrhor^b tQ" Rap** bouf'hi or tatnj i-j ‘.pptd f A 6t>. l AVl>o!''ta»c l>ra^uu, 0 * No. -*1 >Tntnl strenl. • D. UAVIS, AncTintltef} ftdHiOrSlh klul U ood t? I'ittsV.urgh. ■ J ofj* *fttliNKT(»N A PriiueM Pajrer Mattel *l, Put'; tMitVJi. ’ -- ' ; j.-t» ioati VI3JSU, iol-iuiu> rtH*Ti>. :f». > R- FU*VP. (late J ' Kl<fra K C&.) W-.oif-aie kf Cirtifvrv Vo. IW liberty *t{ocU UAUZPI.U \VlioM'4^-tJj'o«refii;e!nm I .. i tM l jinn di-nirr ui -MaAniaeinrr*. No. yj Waur »t:, Piiediurj'V inujt; U-IR A JONUt*. Forwardin'3»itd'.C«mitai».«toii Mer ■lV'' t-barM» t LMaJers in Pjtt»JmrK!i uianu ffccUtteil arucids t.'anal Zlutdiu niar fth t.u d7l ..--. Vtmvlu* Aron Avozlki^ TflrtVlS, PALZEUJ. fi l a. ( tniirtuQteUjrm of all «• I i’iaa ilar. Hoijct Iron -isiil*l';.N«jU of tlie t-ent ijoaljiy. U r «itliouMs, 51. water n(id lU3 injut . jtmpl i _ T SVY ATZrMAN,; Wtijenale iirocer, i'orwanl- Aj/t mg aiulCdhtDiiBSioii'.\jurctaiu l il>*>a!<*r in I’m*- borau AfanulAcUirt» and Prddone r No4. dl Water *l. ana g/ Front <t_ . -\J~ • . • i ; ;7T joiiWjrotLL. iul. i>. M'dlLlx. UrApruij c. kok A U(.iF, Wbulesjibi ffroftflfs dnii ilommi'* lion Mrreltants, No. «i_ -ijatl : V* Murpl.T' A.j X»A <jo.) WhoiceaJe Ucali-.fr Dr<' .No -t- Wbotl atru-sJ, PitHburgli. 1 ’ . novTd • At.cx. ntjriri, l - Al.l.Ui A <'o. Coiiiiui'i'H'm'tih*t l ura ardiiig A'X.) MerelifiEh. Wilier -n.ittl l-'rnm s{l , between NVoo.d and Alollcf t *la. ' . • jatni Vfct. agj.tcn, , ; ;; *e' W-. jiu tieryon. M ILLER-A •RICRKTSON, and MerchjUtt-d No,*-!?!*. UixtriyM.. Put Pa. _ _ ; ‘ ; , ,; j_anU M A trONi Xo, -Market eecoml * door front cerm-r |sf. FoufibiiMalerr. m Foreign Xk>rne»uc Uili» of Kii-bujigeJ-tJefljlicuu . t»i U, UajA .Notes niul >pet ie. ••' \ ~ ,cr: Colle. iion*- mud, a:i' nil' tiic prixu-jpcl t-uie« lltroQjrb.iiu die l.'n.ird Sbilt-i. . m-eIT BOUEKTMOURf-; Ri-ettiying ;Pi*nUt;r, dealer in Pniductw l-UO-lturyit Watiuia*-* •“res, and oJI fcitiu- t»f l oreig««FtSd t*oitte*Ur: Wines •n 4 hltpicri*, No. I! Liberty*strttit, ..Clit .ltanJ n very stork of .«u|.erior old Mn-jflijjtilidu \\lti<ke>, witttli vyuMie «<»id nnv h»r ilpbViy aonkft.T ttuiifaxjrt. " ■ £ ntMi.Nx‘.\. ’ 1 >... KOUfN’rifJN" ,v t‘a . Wija)t*2ft£e t,rt<rer*. produce XYouirJ l.'ominivi.Ki ljeit*rre.u Pm— Iturc'h AUnuiat ture*. No. 1.-tf m.. Ftti.-munrli. Pa. -.. . e. _/; ; JU „ u , |>OlliHtT i)AI.ZI;’.I.L-A WuoteMtic (iroi-er*. XV Cttimni4«ion and PrfrWttrtJofg; Mefcbams, dealers tn l'fwtuec mill put dlllrgh A'ljlltfiftiel'JSi 'i f.ibertj y.l. Pttn*luireii. t*a. j ici>2i KpHT A. Cl NNlNtiHiiL}fWh.*-,uJe «r.»eer. Lt-01.-r in Pfndoee it oil iltiftlratf; ii .ILluolui lure-. Noel-l-l Im-erty »l. - ' ; : ; jyli Kr.TM»LU*. 3 ). U'SUXK. KK.V NOI.DS A ond'£'B«ftnti*si<*n • .Metrhant*. tor Hie Allthtiolftyx deal t tn it) t.roee :t >- Proiiutui. L'liiiibJtrgit Mbiuiiuc-inrt « • od-.Ctiiondr ol lsime. 2' .' lut;pi ice*. in ad umi'« tor cnun try rags I'ynici oi IVim and Irjriu fi«. jau-jj SMITH A JOHNSON. \V!iOleA*jWiuiil l&Uail Dealer-; 111 .MiUiuecy <.cxhU. Lnir».* Hf«‘tiryl uwii Fancy Anil!**, N<». 41l Market above ’Hutd n, Piiuhargb. V _ . ap'JU &.Ji. KHiUll43*f, 'Tito K. Winn SllACkUrn' & WIJITK, tt'ltolrfule Denier* in Foreign uml lhmir*ilc l/ry floirdic. No, till fv ood st Pittsburgh. « • JtblTif \V lIAKBA I'll 11. Flour uml Produce ci‘ui-K»yi. «iiil;Korwanlme •ml' ComimnMOii Mim-hume, Na<,&i VVdicr si, Pm* -7.'* ' •* OMtTIJ,'iIAGALKY * iir*M rr.< an 0 O ft*dh»ce dealer*. N<> !E£J ftfar&Ct street-belUr-rii .dii mjil -wL. Norlli m.le, I'Julailfl^bii.'. ; • r. Httum*; rimmumiu. iinLii ; J«»* rtoii, maktu.M' SK&LKRN & NICOLS, l*n*iiicC‘aiid GCncfst Cotn >&i,<Moii Man hum*. No, 17 lsih«xl>; »1.. PiH?l»unrh Speriu, J.in#«d eiul Lord Oil*.' S'/V. VON BONNHOK.sV. ifclV., Wholesale i.»«, Fonvafdiui* and 0 <naifiif<* ion ;• Miiri-iiimU, Unuitr* in Fitisliuryh ivrfuiuii»t'iure4 anil \Vr«terii Fro 4ocCj'haveremoved io their itrsv »uml| No.WiLcomer oi Flout fl inti I’banc'e i-y lilac; novf •• ' _ W. J TuirfK ' ' V . r. VyfVOtT T'Wn'll A SfcOTT. Retail dealer* m -liooix, Sh§t!«, Trunk*, Carfict. Acv, S. W o_riter oi 4iU afld SnnSlitjrid it*. Pt*. jn-i fl\S#4itKY & I*KST, Wholesale and PrunnjiH- X -tmn MercitkiiL*, and dealer*,Ul ProdOPc., Nof-'li VV«kl bL. Fitisbornb. •• ~ , .< pa£& ioiu* n. will,, ~ TaXviuarta.nuuea "\JLT H‘k ic. M’FANBIP.S.S, (*#sG«ejW<rr»rU> L. 4. J. I> Tv ick,) Wholesale Forohrding uni Comm Union Mcrcbouiu. dedjenliia Jtdn, Nail*, Ola*"*. IrAlian \ nma, and Piu.sburgft Mf&UJM'turei genrmll), fon»»r o( VV'ortd and U - mr» rtr<-i(u,;Fiil«!>oreli. Hl>r IWW KN— .ftihl I'ofirariing -Merchant, No. i»o ‘From »%, between 1, WooJ and __ ' / ; - trim \M ' V u ‘Ar.l-o'll,MiH nßti* tnJ Ntill fY: m * ,l B No; lifo ÜbcTty.»u, near ilie. railil. * ! } . jnarA'*.s Tfir VV lVlfi>O.N, Urafrt «. }Va»rU F '»> 3rw e yy 9 Silver Wjir*, Miliiary (fioßi, ic. t t\o.i7 Mar .' : r ■ J, OOY7 W’*'*' *IL MUHFIIV, >yMrsaj»iitni Krthil .iwierhi m Formcn and lKimeclic llry OOodi, nnnli ea»t C4>tutT oi ilarke: apd : aogill " \®S. tOC?W, ' ' i3KJ- a.' W’CUflit. WM. VOUNH 4 Co Dealer'll) Icaiier luien, &c. H;jubenysi. _ ’ 1 _L, •ne. M’ci-n-iiFo.n " ' ; M»rJte ; crrcu*o>- ijSJ* &. K. M'-CirrCHJvON. v^idirsaleGnxJ F r», dea- W , Inrs u» Froilucr, 1 r«u NailUj («infk, gnJ jPm*. bufgh gmerallj lAberly at, !‘itu- ImrsU. . I _ • \%t W WILSON, Silver Ware, VS 4 9i;d Military Oooi-i OuMUrkei ami 4tn nreV«- Fmdmrpli, I'a. N.*B -fVPttlciis* and Clwk* repaired. £ . _^ c< ! . SMll'li. Cotton and VV colored KrliifHa uv~,Uiif**r} r iu:-; Sewing Silt and colored Couon Fnfige.yTily iilk ttml ringtian* l'ar»*ol*. .(Jimp, Moanlr, tUiiJSUtjßuibofi frnmes nuHie to order on thn } nt comer of Maul cm Ijan-aiid Ndis iltiaal Mreot, third ofrr A lB»y» NoCiMaiden Lam- IV'“ A’TtUEVv W LiyiON,TFartrillaW>i|&ia‘‘l«Pain ter: •JUjomu, uonw/ -of foal <>Sice Alley and ■ Pawtli »iTcel, emrancA’on 4lh-ndar^l|nrtet 'fw W>iSENI>; J)r«S M. aad’ A pomceary, Vf.Nb. <j SinftrtjkL, three4doo4 aWvP 'ftuMirt. 1 m*-/ wtd hare coiulauity d« hind a *clfe<-ted a*- KrtlWeniottiH, l, CM a„d he wiR irii mi uw tn«n rttubuaitJc 4o'rtt».' ! Fbysirtam . will be promptly htißntiod to. and mp- EiSSLT.Iv may JtT * hywaiuia l*Te«<r|mitoni> lyifl b«*acflur.iiely oi ll ' wmliy prepared fr oni th c y, r ., m anV hoar of h*-iJay or oighL 11 • • ■ • , Jtjl4o for «afe, a large swt rf*frd»b and good Pcrfu ®s»j*,_... ._j t i“«L MiILULK WORKS UN OPPOSITE .Ireijitid Pier fop* offo.leigji ui>ji ilhmestit in art»le, ai t* r&olar anJ fair pnee. y V nTji.- Drawing* for aatolw, A C ; fonnib rd,;ttf any deecnption. Hc iifyuhln paWdnage . • angh-dif £• Di» SUROHxlNVwjaatirud.io iho ir«at \J Meat of Dincaaes til > . X Drl It line been engaged Jn ihiAUßuich Of tne mnli caH>rofc*->ion for tiiieon ySaria Wtd haa neiduricd on for the lr«al«cnt:of' of tne eye •lime (or sevarai yearn. a j, v OWtcji und re-Milenc*. tlorrretol Boadu«.fcy «i nn d S«jtwl.ciry idley. « i *cU3 PEKIN TFiA. N« 7y -Foimii n nr.ar WooJl-oAii W Oicen And ■MW UIV-li Tcaf. doni upi’ilt htlarWr. half, and ode pouul jmekaces, fAnguig troOfiau cT*. per ponud i/j a JaVNK*. A«l-l«?r PekmT«n tx». i! ' . Iftdcprndent Pali«e WW. IU9 ForitTH STREKI'.-Corouiiuiils Mar.>- irate, Aluexmas Smi- Giiefof I’olird, Rosut. < Hmfju : : i*iM3m 9f/-•■ ■' . . , . £Vi ; . Till: PITTSBI RCwH DAILY GAZETTE.' 7 ¥ CARDS m Ul K.HNK WORKS. / tOUIMAV lI.OI>!9aN ACO (•.iiiu.ior. i 0 ,„:.nu- V./ lrort. ajui Am Ti4-.r > ~r , nnd Steel,Hivel,. spite* tll(4 i rn , Iron N'ulr. n'l «iie*,'l«jrUirr wil| Coarli ,ii„l j. Sjv/.'i*;., Un Put,Tftp'T and evimridn Axle*. Ujvi 'ig reUacCjd U>e ptiPß of \\ rouqtit Iron N.yn rtiCi'o' l>u.ldc*m ajiid other* u»mc tin* urin-lr, will f,*,| il to A *-iT i>iiirre>tiu>:ftvc th»«;m-wl>mnrli of i*uu •i.n’li manoj'a-'tiiN'. Uirjr tfliKfilioit. 0 . ‘ i» Kmuiimiji ai«l maleaMe iron on JjbcraJ i. mj. "W.rtrfiii*u«*’ tin Watgraud Fportli M» f, |,-_u ■( ■* I\KN’n .UiLii; PiTTSBIfKGh', I»A. Kfr-N.N i*lJ. (.‘llll.ftS A 0(1 .Mhnuiu.nuir t* o. very .'jf'Tior 4-4 Sifcriujgai. L'ftrpr; i_‘kam. Comm «»«• Uniting. jiv^M I>u«l ueiot StirtUCf li ou %Vork». * . / mi.KMAN, HAIi3IAN .& CO, niatiutVtnrm • m \ ' «'iiucl» iiml Rlipfec Spnuca, Manuni-JrJf-A \ l<r« Spring nm.l PlouKii Sit-el. Iron, Ac. Watrbou ••• tui W ik r riiul t rout Pittw-iirjli. A:>.>. dealer* tnJ.Coai li Trimming* ami Mail, al.le Clto«».rev „ •: O.KI-/ "V* AU>%r*ab—Office, r<mr;i, n J.l . ilnjil iloor ulicrvr Sniilkfif-id, rouih silk*. ’ ' (V.i •. rj niiotnrt o( air kind* dooi 4 with tli,« nn-amm rare 'm! Iriffil acruhtry. t'i'.K. u- tteni Katuta examined, Ac. ' netlb |y WA Al. MiTCHRLTK&K, tVbolr*sae ij n . . Kei ufyiiiK mid Wimi j|nJ Mnti'Minl* AlMi,.lßiriorii*ntoi Sodfe A»ii ajid 111.-a<•!,- • is i'mvtier, N". I<*o UiKsnyi-trcet, Pitinliantb. fn ISOfiK I'Mioti! KAcTokv. nAMII/lON STK\rART; n»am!fuctun)r«.r 11.-nvy >iui iniss t*hci'k«, Ai' , ltr(»fcca siryiri,- c»y of . tiovTSstlr* ... pisTTIGIUIW £ CO., lit.j, v * T >- A M It O A T A <tt K N T S . Orniic Atun-a M. Alucs A <*o, Irflffl.Vi.JPa oriua Np. 4t U attir mrrrL ; iNsimce. iwdemKitV. Tl,.' Fre»ll, n Fir,. J„sv ras w Co. of PhfaiiiUii*. 1 -OliaHrs N- Bnncker. lbfl, «I / I utiu« U ajjtw.r, Samuiil (trum, Jacdii B Si.uti (fp-;. (V KtcharJs Monltcari U I.ewia, Ailoiobw E Horn*, Muvid K l'r(>'Vu, Murti., J‘alicri«jiu ~ / „ , •. I’iiGat. N m-use*. P^ulei.t, ( J^nfikt^^SfKjrc-lary. <ii.‘ iKi- in tnakc inhurniice. pcrpciual or limited. oinWM tW. ni.uojiof ptnjifny », lowiiot tUmry. a; rair. r »* h.w t»r- :.r<* />oiihi.i*ih \vtdi M’i'ur»i> . 10 • ..n»,)a i\ i.ave rr«rvrj s !ud B .‘ ronUnlt.-uj l uiid. w»,u-ii tvila llir-.f I'tipltbl iiml PiciLium.. ralol) in.rM e»l. .ui,. r ,l nni|ilr j.tdu?HKvi lo.tli.- a.rured. •> t ite 01 ;!|p rbmpain .yn t-rt. !?iv a* puMt«ii.-,t aerr. atily jo an act of A»»<-mti|y, \vrr« at U>tl«iW> rir; M<irtgs?c. ;..... :• ®l,t>ir,4:s> 4t ! Keui KMriir>........... .... ;J.’J k: l ftupotarv • • I- ntfjoi:| k'. smets . .r, ■ ‘ a* l - '■ • • :t>C*-u4 :r Nm.i. their if period oj 19-jeurs, ::.cV lm\<3 paid jjic tolilinn foar huildrrd thou*- amt «l«>llur». ii>»»e» by tire, thirebytt Porting. evidence u ttit* iitlvnniugr* of tcmranct-, US' well fli> ihe ability unit iii-.porn.on i<. tm-pt with prmuptnext all liabilities .1. (IAIUM.VKR COFFIN: Agent, marldly Ufliee N E cbrner Wood jM}d ai • DKLAW AR£ MUTUAL INBUR.AKOK CO. JOHN FINNKV* Jr., Agent ai I‘ittsburgtrlkJr Uni IVl uv»:trr .Mutual Hafrly luMfranceComptUtS ot i'luiA* a*letptua. l ut- Uinta upon buUdnign and merehaitdizc <>' *■ »■«•() dcM-riptiuu, and .Manncs&Uks upon hull* or curenc- 01 ve&seU, taken upon the most favorable irfnn. ; • JO - ' < >rtice in i be V\ arehoasdof B. Holines A itro., .No.;JT Watci, near Muriel xitecu Pittsburgh. ; A. 21.--The aureeai at tlu* Company «ned; ihe estab lishment of it>r Agency m till* city, with ihfc prompt* urs.4 am! liberality with winch everj; claim dpon u.eai i<ir iihi. mu. been adjusted, tujiy warrant the agism Ut iiviuii; uie (‘OnliJcnve and patronage ofhix few mix and eoujuioait) aiJajj** to the Delaware M. raiicit Company, while u ha? additional a* aiiicxuiuliou aiming the Uu»t tto&nahmg ut l’iuluiel phia—as Having ait muplepaid-in capital, which by the opeiiouni oi an chatter u coosixMiy woteaainv. a* yielding to cneb prulits i>( the roHipaiij, without iu,ti)lviitg him in any rrajioiuibiJuy aud ‘.Uirnrfbre ax poxiexuuis ttie .Mutual principle divested «if e?3ry obnoxtou* fetf tare, nu-1 m iix moxtjuirneuve-lortrt. noi4. * KIIIE ANUBLAJtINIc L&SUHAjiC£. r |’llK liiMiraoro Ootnbjiny of Norm America, larouglt 1 itx duly muUmnxrJ Agent' the gnbtcribdfYtoEferxitf liinii- r mamlut and limited lluuraace on proper!). m tin« <-i.) iim! tlx vw*imty r Tind on rnipmcni- byilu-i'a ■tai and Uivcn. . 1 .Pirtiyrruß*. • Arliiur >j Cothn, Chftile* Taylor. Skux'l W Joints, AlQbrOK* Whilt* KkJvtun! Th .'wu.i A llf.m-li, John Unc. ThOim.« I* Copr, SuDiui l K. Sii.iib, SaUiurl Uroohs . • • Sv Au*lm AUibonr. A jt rmlß O l‘re. L iikssy D. 4. { J!VrSer."u. tfcse'y. Tlji'ilic liuaraurts Company m ibe Utumd St:it«*v lnvuiij, fjjarlervd m £rl>4. is und.i'/ouc Jts-kjigli standing, lutnc experwuofr, moms. Slul avoiding ail /ult* oi an Him tiui- Huhnts • Uurncler. H yni) br n* adoring ms* pte.inrrurii} to H" puufif. \Y. *». J<J»NKS. Urn Couiiuin; ItixifivoC AiWimkJ. Jonr* A, Co., H'»- i«r r;}u Kf«mt sin->*u Pitu.imrgi '• muyJ 'j'Jii. M JteClMttfcU ba* U&u appointed Agent pro X i'•in. oi Qio hiMimin-M iJouipany-.of North Am«n<u, nndwil! i-.-ao i'oiu-Jta imd attend l«> lb« bunincs* n/tLr Aireiiry. iutiir tvarciioilAc oi. Aiwood,Jour.* (i »■>. • npl--’ J WM I*. JuN KHs >» »ui - FORWARIHNii AFOMMISSIiI.N. C. E. : **o?Vlto\eV7l. ' \ l KKXil.l»*>»ASl CIIAULKH FL DAHKSHOWBU A CO. TliUAftn l.nilh'ilissos JIIiKCIUSTS, No 5J South Wli.ifvcrt, •».,„] No 11? South 'Wntei -t. riill. iH'J.jhltA, , Bl'aiS to tuiorui die fm.- >riid dehier* generuHy Piu*t.uqth. lu.auihyhi.ucpiadc such w»ib ih>- HiHiiuiaciurtr- afld lh«- Grower* a; luo W . ..i. tv ckl ludiM, linu orber plbre*. as Will in*., nc i, iiugr uml ennkuitit supply OI the. IqllnWiltg difar r-p -t>on»o. Tumic.co. Which wnr sold upon K< Wtoiii iiHstall'ig imiis ii* any hther hoiiserin ihi« city or t-.-c -wiii-rn. nml utl yi>od< nrilcr.-n from ’Ucin will ]«• rented f u«ui to r< pre-«rtnl..*iit Ilnvui.j SL L'cimHjit; Coim.y. >■ V-.r.i. Porto 111. p; Pjmu'fcV u>- I'jia Igitim, • A ijlot.dfi, J budeo, t ALSO -Bran.-ti •> <-*>U'l.rotrl, ttym,- ,di»h. wnJi a t.irgr a«iortno-iit of n}lfl?ripopiufijr tiTTUi U, amt .(iiuiuio <n jiouiut*, &*. am£«lSft}X^io>{ia Li. 1,, r. uihl Id* Hug; .Lattice *i*w{it} Virgl»iiU;Tp >-i. Ar . m.d p.am. In whob- aijd’ hDlf boietgWi-^ uml tin. uigetlirr \etih c*ery viiriety;i»f orfuiiejbeJo g »*>R '■►ihi- ;r*<le. ,< ;;-jeT6m.i D.iahi'-x. ' . SEauir.' k» aisSka**-^ UAUfiKT, VESUIT *.OABHETSOS, FLOUR FACTORS, 1 • ' ProiliiLci (. ummiiiioti- ani For^ardbifi atIU'JUJJJH, s:s.. N > r.L* Sortrn WuAhves. gtvpitlS Wars* Jfei ; , PI|ILa^BLP4Ha fIr»LK I.>-J.»hnll. Jlrown AOn \ " Kwbert Siecn A Ca I liar,-roll. Ifcavi-rA Co J . Su«in, l*u:tu<-> i«. j AI ir n A iVciou..' Nt n rlt vs aitrrp A-llarvcr t iUUnnOre. Kjgjlxsi h Sianlij \ il-on A <k>| . lta,W. Vwn<ili,. } ••,ll*l-w*l,. Kier . J |J/■’ l.ihrrai ra«l lutvpncea nn cdn&ignmeiiu In on/ •ti.lirs-, •. •_ muxihy.dly v r, el nuLai.ti ttrir. aoJrt, vr*T«is - EPCKY &u bO., F'LOIUvPACTOItS, And General SleHshaaii) Nn.l-ISoi.ru WarnaHtnaJcr, PHli .AJIKLPJIIA -Henry Lratf.A Coy Piusliar^h. Uodgers A.fehcrlrtei, J.,* . ~ S.Sdhooley A Sop, J Cincinnati ' A. .Jl. Jntiugry, Mtlyivtil^l, (‘harlen flmdinm.'Jr., IxiuirrviHe. Duttih, ilindphreya A Co. ,1 Mercer, Bro. A Ci». J-PbilaJ-a Ri-ed A Briber, J' J uf.loly tloiiinelji. Near; York. SVOOb, Fbotli AfliD PRODUCE. Ll a Afl, :KEIIB ,k Cl)., l<i lU*‘d, Hurd A C 0.,) CHT.NKIIAL COMJnSSIOS MEUCUANTfI Bourns, Mass. I'urio-ul.nr utietidmi j*ahtto the «ulei»rnll hinds of l‘>o> •lure, nnd liberal ailrancen fljude On roniijjßinom* '- l. K.l i’-o have leave to rifer to— Mrwtl R. Roblioft A Co. J Plu.l.n-pl, • McGill &-Boe. 'V - • fKK ‘ 1 deed, Packs A C-0., B*^ver. “ ■ Jjiw-noii * Covode, WWl*villej.n Uo»fyell Steubenville, O . s. Brady, h>q.; v - W F Petdreon.itiq I v « Mr- «t* KCranrlclfcCo: f " beclUs ?* ‘HI A Stout, J • , Riuxlin A orleiy, Bridgeport,*o. •IrrlC-dAwiMayioS; , • - tf. IC C*VA3AU<IIIi !. seem id;, EorwnrUlng aiid Ueneral L'oinmis •ion Merchant, i, C i”"“ ir “ l I(, ?" :, V S ''. U’CM. > L. -*r«‘t aiicnurtu ortcr* tor purchasing in inis umrtiet, uml ujl buMnesi promptly ifuji’sarti-d. Uch-rriK-e nt Piiuhurgli, John M'Fadou A Co.‘ di-c-JH-rylm okouok cdciiasy. - ■: : Coaiinlaklon and Pon*ard|ng Merchant* '■ wwio • CH )N I INLhs to tramact a general Commie*iod ba*b ■ .«•>-. especciMy uljihe pufchn*o;uad aale.pf Atneri <-;.n MaiiuMe.tunt* andVrwdubc, apd in reealviiir and torwarHmg'Goo'W wnrtigncd to hia cafe. Ad Agent for (lin Mfli.ulirciur. «. le Hill mpMlled with tl><» pc >p«l articles of: PUtafnirßo Manulkmnre at ft* ioufm wltcdrraic iirire». fhder» and eoitflgnmcod ihv rt-*|n-etluUy •tfhr-lltfd. J , | jy; ; GEORGE Ai BERRVvT whoLksalegrockruJ PU&WHDJJiW m COJHfiISIIUJI UllEClKMftta AN II DEALER Iji Iron, NUIa, Cotltm Ylrn*;A PltlpbarsH SlaniiXsctUrei generally; - Nn to v,*<*>n ►TBKKrf rrrrteemm, • ' \VM. »«. CLAJCU, " ': F6rw»rdl HR JI c l‘uhan|l, p*, Aucju!< parneulufJ}' W ibe j'orwaitliug o£. I'rOdu.-fi, l ot juiy uurdrmnUoii, apply to FUBSYT)! k Cl* 8 CAN, tt'ator *-t ' • _ ' «U>' iiKUtKU, blio’Cmihi * l^o., 6cm MIS sip NM EH CHANTS, TMm.APf-jftVTiiA, J’w |L<; Hilo «H‘l’rpjJur.j (jenerßllyi l.ilirfral tfcWanfrJ loadfc on cniifiKniik-nla. *ii»v4 .lA!wtSml* ' / i * - . _ S B II \f. ?1 « & J »• !« *, Cuiuitfiuioo aflti Folwartißg Agents, (; M M.MtTnN, l*lit>tmrgb, will rrreipT Prwinr-* SCH->i)f )•.••! fel»W-32ni !" M. 4 • ** tfAUD. ' T M. EGOIiF, ; u E:P.C!i/\NIM?*K HHOKKH aiidC<nnm*»H)o M«-r IVJL ri.y.u, ,Ni. 3$ HuiiHi Frdm »lf£e«, M«r)S) PbiUdrlphfo pnfchasArf.packtvf, iiUurrrf. #ihi_ \u otAtt: Wool, rf«*Ur, tinfm, l tu>t sjk) rtrrrivrd oo rniirarjini«*nl'’fflu tgf, w«ti, u,«>„ 3 nj-*. ui.ioinril; _ LAHI) (o til'lt putr wititer'ktrune4 Laid Oil, in *io(e fcud wr til? by - ■-• : mrl.Ai. fO BLACKBURNS Co . LAW OFFICES. . _ WM TIMBUN, - " ATTORNEY AT LAW, HviUr. Pa ■\rnLL alao attend locoilreiwms and oth-r oiim "T- ne»* entrusted ui lum >.i Butler ami Arui-imne i oulUjo*. Pa to S. fc U nov.t- I tfvrrl) M 1 Wallace, Jo j James .Mor-haii do 1 IVi«‘-urch ‘ii>- ,| ) I II SWKITZI;j). M TJ . */ • opposite! st. Cbarir* u„,rl. K t.. auoinl J.rr»in[!iiv tr. . U , m- s mn. Fs\mir ri '‘<l (irri-n count,, ». |‘:i HI'.IKR Til l-Uorli, Mr!! .V <V. ) 1 * b V. r, j l * <’artrtlH-r>, f--i-r c H 0 I Mort'im, J *.rtMiv I<\ J MLNRY, funrnry ami rW. . u..r hi I.h». J» Cinriiiitau t lh.<> • 'oiie. i in mminrtn ' A-m, ond in Indiana. ami hi Kmim-ti \. preuiipily and r :,rr fully aiiruil.d t» I’uiniiiiKunKi i,„ m,- fmo sylvnmu, ti>r lakme iV|*>-nnm«. sieVm.wirdgmnn*, Xr he. Tri-Hem Win Bril A. >rm. (*nrii-. Church h Cnrother* \Vni. Huy*. lise,.. W um, k k. l>uvi«. JAMES F. KKHtI, \ ; rroRNK> ATJ.AU iHlnr trmo«i-<1 in I nmili Sirert. lifiwvni Mtnrhl.r!,! r,,,,| (imiH sUrrt jaft-dhtn liUtt »KU-aU.. 1 VIIM 1.4 ll* hSBW Kl .1.. mornrv at Law. (.irtices on \J Snuihfxrui. ki«<vn j.i 3«, J Ml, »k JOHN H BANKIN' Aifoim v ui..ll’ounvnora! Law Ml.l roinii.i-im.-f x-.- r.i Pennsylvania Si I-otif, Mo . flair .»l |*i!'»l,un;r 1 Rkfkhkiov • Pittsburgh ilm, \V PorwatJ, II imp ton A Miller, JilVandle-. k M'i’l.h.-, W Mark.-. Rl*>J*!l« A Sl'tupa- MVorJJ, Kll‘- jd I tv JOHN T. C OCHRAN, ATTORNF.Y AT LAW I'i.ua:: -ur-i. i.-iwr.-ii . Snullihch) ami l.raul. jul'J-Jtifii “ WM.C. FRIKPSI), AT LAW I .Minn .ireei, n.«r Cram TIT O H IUiHINSo.V Attorney at Law. U* rr f V * moved Inn olLrr m Uh Liman*,- Building i. Si ,'neil Jour m a;.;. ru.-i,, Joi.ua apiTlv HAT&TAPS ANI» BONNETS. FASHIONABLE HATH. TIIH »ul-x- niw!r. in nddinnri in ho own i» rniiiiutii<-inrm- oi Hat* in, maJr ..j,,,,.,. (S •%mrr>l.w,.i, Me*.r- Jl> l>r„ A l'„ . ,il,r lUKbiOual'ir. hoar r* <■< iiir , nv oi N--w N ork .; lot „ r, ? . Hlar mp|>.V W In- rtm, linr k „m| liavutr frocrvml yfrw . a»r-,. grill imhoti mu i.r-uu.tl a Tcry'rieb.n'ncl l.rnuiiiu In railing hi lu« now lint ami Tap Sunr. Sill,lltl.rlt) »ltrr|, w.-oi.J .Inor nouih of Kmirtli. ulii-rr may i.r iouml n « rrui vnnnv ||„t* andCijV of hi* own nimiuiurmr,-. wlioir*.\!r amlrr tail. Hull mnJr u, i.nirr m mioii uoiirr __»!>« _ JAIIIX Wll-SON n M'CORD A CO., JB (Survr-.or- m W fi.ru A Ku.fl OS Paihlouabl* IUll«r>, *F% L'wriur uf M'.W aiU Fifth Strrsts. '|'>ARTIOUI.AB utlrnli.i.i |>n„! i„ our Tr:nlr. i OrntlrlDtin cun rrl;, :i|w.n gnlmg Uirtr H:«l- uiul Cuj>4.irom our r«iiil.in!iiii* ii: Mir uerr matkuui., ami woaSM*N»uir, oi uir myl*?. and al ilir unviot FU.4'ls*. I’oaniry MrrrLnni«. purrhaning ny vvlio!r«alr. ar-; rr«po«-ifuUy mvitrj u.-.1l umi riuminr our Siook, a* »*r fcan nay wiUi ronlulrm r mu: a« rrenr,l« vi>Lifr ami rjm-x. il will noi .ud«-r in u minpurnKin wiili miy tiuu.«e m I’hiladrlplnii. iVIHT » lIAI'S, CAMS AND JB aubaufiber 1S , U)W rt . cr , vuis | roin thcfißBß of New oris, u rtioicc Miumuenl of Hst», Caps and Muff*. lailnotin, in gre&i varie ty and very rhrap. wliolr. : ,;r ami rrtnil JAMKS WILSON, riovU SinnliLrld »i. *Jd door nouth oi 4ln CALIFORNIA HaTs- Id dm water proof I iB-Cttluarma llat». ;u-rcocivril and for «ale by •■il MCuRIHkCfI, <-orner Sih uinl Wood «t* njSPRWO FASHIONS I'm F* ftPCORD k Co.Viinntnxlnre’OTt ?attir- f_g March 3d. Uie style o< /IATS flft Thoafcin want oi n nrai and superior hat. are uiviied lo ga|l at corner of (jpi ami Wood itrceir. mar*.’ sufcHtos rt IMPORTANT TO THE AFFLICTED. Dr. Bosr's Celebrated Remedies. T \B. JACOB S Ki>SK,'Ui*- iliimverer ami *olr pro -1 ) ynelor ot these tnon popo.nr urd |rri*rfirj a | nird iomes. ami ,nJ*o Uie invenior oi Urn - eirbraird m-tni mcnlirbr uCflamig lur Lunt*. in ..-Uectiny a cure of ChraDic di*caM*n, wo a nudm of tti;it rranirm {>by«i nan. i)oru»r 'Phy*n'. mid .* a irnnunur of the I'mve'rHj. t) ot Bemiayivama, and for thirty yearn *inre has hrr.n ent'afeed in Ihe uivemcauon oi d.-raw. and the applj ctsuod of remedies ihrrrio ‘ JacJJO M 'Hiomaf Jo ft a R. Netf; KiCflmni 1). \Vood. Wta- Welsh. Kriimca Ho Siena, Throush Ujr uw mm. :nfiati-i f !u!,r. in connection with nt* ProphylaeUc sy rut- am! other of hi* remedies, be Ils* gaiued an unpurturilcd emuirnce 111 rur.u« those drendfui anJ fatal inniadK-.-, Tubcreular Con sumption. CUneer*. X-roiuia. Rhrumauun. Asthma Fevcland Ague. Fever* 01 all Atnda. Chrome Rrysipe las. njid ait Uioseolmina-.r ,ii»r:i..rs lo female* Indeed every form 01 d;sra»e vanishes uiidrr (he use Of his. mjiedie-*, 10 which numamiy 1. heir—not iy Hie Use rtf one compound only, mr Umi is tnroinpotil.ie with l’liy*ia>o|'ical Law, nut ny tue nmr ot but reme dies. adapted to and nrcM-nlici ior racb pccuUar form Of,ll»Alt*e. Dr. iKose's Tnnie Alterative PdU. when Bse.d nrnin. Vnnably arknowledKcd t<< hr supenor to ull other, us d purvuiive or liver pill. ina.nnuch os they le*vc the bowel* pcrfiicUv ftve from rn«ti*<mrr«; as n>« his Golden u j.lm. icd l.t tl.r t : ,ri,:!t m po.scss pecu liar pfnjwTiitts ndaptet) tj, fciuaic i|iM*a*e«, bat I»r4ng »uu«firJ that -i-1 arc tntfPsa sadu-ir/u ut c*Uil>ii*ti wnai til,* iiecn said m the ionic* i,i fi.r .fcrj.u. I’fiU artlirte.l urr i.n i.-.l . „.. upon me agent, uml procure (ai:di*) i,u. ... -n.- IVwn.r . parnphin., j-iVM.e u ,1,-taib d in*(‘stunt ofririi remedy ami n< :ipp|irn(i»,i lor *el.- '. v u- .••-sing »fi, - mwrlashj IWM Druggist* throiigboul tor roumi. J sehoonmakri A i o. -il W..mi »trrr;. ruirburch J MT««ik.rn-i drues-t. 1. - . M.,11,-I -I Ie a A IWlln.lU. • n,„ H,, I * * A drfhenv n. J.»« Itnrkiey. |>a,.,i,cion. IW, ,-r , ..uni* p» Jno KIIIOIL, r.milli: \ al.ri T .C:«,ii*. B* • idvln-dlj / 1.11 PAIN IN Till. "ill*!. AM> I'lltxm; L/ KKir • lUv.nr u.x t.mr -m d.s«rr.-.-.| Willi 3 dry riHipii. 1 ...du-. :) >r . urtfrnt si.., eilHiidn ot ii to Dr Ta ; : U r • KiiKnui „f I ivrr wort, urvti I mu-' ,ar tin. iu.-dn.ne :,a. an«wrrrd ,i -purpuv' :nllmiuM> ,\Jydi»■ r>— wi» produced i,\ » Severe hurl. and wi* m- trni tlnu .. w»» wnn .litCeui it I l-OUli »wa|lllll' 111, UKhI I.xlri.l I >llll »nu»t>r.l Uil« dteciSV must bvr ir riui’it ‘■'>l :n > on • utn,ttiun. m UlluJ d.*c|ec, bad |i »t.n hrrn ctrreil (.* Un- judteiL'Ul - To all uno hrrt it. prolong tt.rir live-, I would *dvi<e ilir ntr Dr Tn\ lor * Kuisain of I jvn wnn JA.MKs I.itWAN. 4a. H..wrr> Till* mrtlnjitir IHijioUilrn tipn tofulion, reduce* le Vrr, rfe»!orr« in! iii.i . !■<• t.... «i.!,- riL j a. s<u perior preparation n,r ;ar u ~i prevention oi j|i <D»ru#r» m I lift Chest mid ami -mould bo ream «d U), even aiicrcr- diM-a-c. i.a* •• rented tlir UMI al rrtflrdir*. In Ihe |iri,. li. e ..! il..«t»idanJ very rr spertabte physician. iln* IHNiirn «< Liverwort hae.ar qturrd an ravu.ni' rrpii'»;,.»n n.r h. v,nu'->. a . ,u| lr pru* Uie tiliarann :■ n.i prqbn> ... ... ... wnior. v./ ihm <>l quark* and rii.pt>>. t tiNsUAiFTU'S CtKKD--Mv « U fi >.«v,nij a /u> Irm ct>id, used i«. . ougti vi«.ie,n. -.. rai'ic* qunatuies oi thick jiulnd maiirr, uml hiul.j ur I<>u iu uoi turn over in brtl, from we-ikne... ID- iiiart.i-ri.-.l every »>mp tom or t'oufiruin! I'oiKimiptiou . j »,* y. ur« Itr timj beru subject lo Il.r n.imna. I(>. plt> ..rums, Me*»r« Vertuoule A. Anderson. *ai.J lir ws> incurable, and must soon dir \n f wk. d.-terinihoi u. ir> Dt Tav lor'« Balaam of Liverwort. and »nai, <r a. u may ap pear, Hit* medicine lm- mily rr«mrrd i>>« health Sill’MlA DAI.I I IN. II Norfolk nrrei Sold In Pitlsbargh by J D Mur<«i. w.j Wood it. J Townsend, 4."> Market *q, li Smy*er. ror Market end ■M *U>. Henderson A Co, A Libert) »l. Price rerion-d to <!■£» ji rr tx.Ulc Jaynci' EipccCoraot. !*ALKM, Colunihiana ro . O . Apr. Ml BR. I) Nl>*: Dk«kSik--| frrl tuauud |ml liie aillirted I'ui.iic, io avail inytelt nl Uu«»>|) poruiimyofjrivuigput.lK-a> lo tiir r*ti-aord«mw> rtfr.-W of) our HlixirUrrai.t on t» . -rii Having been alHirirtl for ivvorsl yrnr« with * M-v«<rr roosii. lirrin* Irrer and it* ronrormtani iluraini. ond termed omy doomed to lillgrr oul n >l.ort hut miteliU.lr riuience. unlil Uu! foil (H I3JD, when, luthir more -rverel) attacked, and having reaorted to «!l di> loruirr rcmrdir*, mid ilie prc* ftrnpUon* of two of the uio»t re»pertalile phytnnui* in Ute ndigblioriiood without derrvmj; any benefit, or the eontolaiton of surviving but a lew days ur weeks at fanbriai—wfion Uie loti elram of Impe was üboat to vunitli, f bod rrei.iimieiidrd <o me your KlpeeUiram— Olid bleated try that Demg who docs u!i thine* m the use olUte UKan*—and contrary' t<‘ tlie «tpectaiioim of ray phyttuiaoa and fneiid*. > was in a lew dny« roisrd from 6iy bed, and wa« enal.lrd l.y ll.r u*r of ■ hotlJe. to alirtw u> my busmes*. niqoymg amee liettcr health tbun I bad for tell years previous KeapecUuJly yours.Ar , J**. \V. Ksnrx For sale ui Fmsburgb, at the I’ekm Tea Store, Pd pourih street. marts NEW AERASOEMEST. *| 'vfrCfOR 11. \V AIOUKIS having n i'cntly purehas- AJ ml the Drug Store formerly owned l.y Huv» A Brock way, No. ti Commercial How. Libert/ street. -Pittsburgh, lakes tins method ot intorinmg hi* friends and ihe public m nnwul, mat m» store will at oil time* be supplini w : tn an r xien«ivr nn,l cencral oasoruaem of Drug*. Dye ->ui(fs. J'aitus, Ui.», Varnishes, Her turner \. Coiogm >. and indeed rvr ry ur liclc called lor ui a iliui; un.iji uiwns- iu i sold Ps lowa* si uny otner hou*e m 'ne ntv. whole : sale or retail. Hoping to mem a llinre of the public fintroiiag>ffiW>Unne shall be wruutng in gtve entire sat ifae'Ooit tn ht«cu*»im<-r* m»v7-t*pl I hydropathy, or the Water Care. I~v OtrfOlt'BßN J AMI N W MoUKiS, -all ,-ommner | 7 to practice the *aiV and i.npulnr remedy culled HydrOpalllT or the Wuior Cur.-, mid u de»ir«-d will treat diseases AlloptsUHonll)' Hb-trinenl eases will 1.0 ul iendchl to i>romi<tlv Morris may b« ron-uli.-d at hi* Drug plorr, No. d Commeretal Knw. lulwriy street, during businvss hour*, or at hi* re-nlene*-. tnonung ttnd eten ing, Frnii street, ’/ door* below Irwin • alley novT-upU Dr. McUne lu Tetmeooee. ,1115 u to eern/y that 1 purrbnsrd one vuil of Dr X MclJino’s Worm Speerfir. mhiu .wo moruh* ago uid 'gave UJ H son Ol mine. W.mr .even yenrs old, l wo lau«{dxm* foil, mid although the nmouni may appear large, ys; i have no douirt liut mere wm npw»rd* ol rtro Thowurt wniura pn**ed front hurt measuring •toin bs« quarter «: an inch u. two irwthe* long. (i \V HOLLIDAY Ras«* f>®ok. Currol co 'lent, . Dec -C. T«f7 ja24 O W.LLKH’ VKRMIFI.(IM IN tiKOKLIA O fr.Li aat *, Jan. f*th, f a 4o Hr, K. I'. 5.-li»r- -Your Veimifugc lias sold wrll. and Do* been Ingli y -jn>ken ot by ull who hov* used n Ifrom (tic r. .. intending the adißimstraiioii m your Vertiuiuge m every c.tc I have heard of, I am «• rmfideiit 1 ran .ed more nurn.c ihe eonung season than i did last 1 w ill i,.- gla.l n> reeei., r unothcr *up ply o/4 or i g/0.. \ our*, re.j.eeihi iy. from i, i,rr ] K C.ARTKR Prepared and sold by K K~ SKfJ.Kltf*. i*7 Wood ••'. aud Holdby tlrusgfci. S rn. rail,, u. I’.iubureh uml At taghny Ju ±« S II Al(H,A?«yi>; -Ai t.b:» >|| MoiH>.e«, just re s >rivr«l ami lor *ule l.y 'fmrfl itttOHN A Cl I.BKKTSON Bl'\*AK-*-t.» hint* prim, „ r%v iU ,( Jc re, ved mid -tor sale by SOAl’-AOt.r* l‘lil*lAirgh ininuijeinred jus! AreetVed and lor *uD 1.) iMMILY H.OUH-IM bid. I'atimieii i *upmor Fatuity Flour, for sale by febda WICK A AreANDi.FUS PITTSBURGH. WEDNESDAY MORNING, MARCH *2B, IS-li* MEDICAL. BH‘.\VN A Ci:|.HKRTS£)N Hlt"'YN A CCI.URH'IStfN f'O-PARTNERSHIPS. Dlaaolation* rpm?co i>Hrlnrr»b»p heretofore eii»!iii|j hf-twent the 1 «titi*<T‘!>pr«. in 'he name cf Krirnd. Rhey A P«> . w-b« ibi* day di»K>lve<! tiy tntoiUHl Ueo Hliey will artily (he of ihe concern, for which pur !><••« lie in nulhnii/rd lo nre the name of Wi<* hrm PORTKU R FMKND. JAMK* \V«x>D. r.’KO RIfKV Febrtinrv 7. l-BF Co>Par(nershJp. • T'ii* «iit.» r.lirr* have thi- dnv atsoeialed Uierasrlve* hi lire iiuiv in MATniKWft A Co . for ibe i'Uof iru:i«.teuu|| a gi-in-ral Grocery, CoiutniiSiOii ruul Forwarding- Ba*ti»e««, at flu* stand of ihe lute firm of Krunul, Rhov A t’o., where tbry will ire iilciu-d in rrc-nrr ilif p*;-..nnif of Ihe Ol that bouse and ouri/iemis. <»F,U RIIKV. LKVI MATTHEWS. Felmtarv 7, W'M F.BBft. HV take pleasure in recommending to the coufidense of our fneiyU mul tho»C oi Friend, Rbey. * Go, our Urrc-M>r- ,ti l.uMtrevs, Rbey. Matthew* A l’«. PORTER »L FRIEND. IoUP JAMES ’WOODS Dissolution. r pHH.co purtiieisliip heretofore dialing between the J ■tihaentrers. ill the tiamn of I’-onsUiote. Sorke A i\> . i« this <lay ilunailvnd by luulual consent Merit* Burke k Hanre- will settle Ibe buAiur.ss of the con- cern. lor wuich purpose they are authorised to use the name of the concern NATHANIEL CONSTABLE. F.UMHND BURKE. THOMAS HARNF-S. The undersigned have this day associated ihetuselvr* in the name of UURKK A BARNES, for the purpose of ruonufnnnrtng Fire Proof Safe*. Vault Door«, he hr , at the stand of the late hrin of ConMablc, Burke h Co, where they will be. pirated to receive the nu uomicc oi the customer* oi (hat bouse amhtiteti friend* KDML’NDBVRKF.. THOMAS BARNES- In r.-tinny from the firm of Constable, Burke A Co . I with im. i-ie plea*ute recommend Messrs. Burke A ltariie> lo ihe confidence «i my mends ami tbr public iVi. a I--)* Nathaniel eonstarlf. feM’J dtf Dlsiolullon, FJMIE nurtners|i,p «,n long eta.unK under the firm of J. M'« <»r»l fc Kuur. wan tiy mutual eon«enidi«*-nlvitd on the trt m«t. The liussue** will l>e closed atihe old -tniid t$- either of us, using the name of tiir firm fur that purpose. Being ilesuou* to have onr 1-usui-M* clove I wnh little delay as possible we would rc •pectlnlly n-ijueM those tndr'.iicil ui rail and icit'a their arcrtti..r« JoflN I) MV<*Rl>. II D KINi. Co-Part qershtp. JOHN D MTt Hi D liaving associated with him hi* brother Janie* MVord. under the «tyle of MVord A. Ci.,, will continue thr Hal. Cup mid Pur busines* m all tin variou- branches, m nulcsai* and retail, at Uie ■iid stand. romer oi nod amt ath'kjreeu. whera the* ■—urn u continual.»n oi the patronage so liberally bo «towed ou the i.«J linn JOHN D M'f'OßD ja-.H JAMES ft M’Ov'RD IN retiring from the old and well known firm of MVord A King, l atosl respecHlly recommend to tn«- patronage of the public my successor*. .Me*«ra. M cord * C«. ;a2* M D KINO DISSOLUTION. r [Hli: pannership of SII'RPHV A LEE i»ihi*dov 1 dissolved bv rautuui eonsent Ttie hu»ine*a oi the i.ite lirni will be settled II Ue. J. R MI’KPIIV, PiU«biirgh. Jan fin, | s .|!t M LEE NOTlt'E—The undersigiieii will continue the Wool bu«i-e«» and attend to the sulc of Woolen (iootls, at the old stand. |l In retiring from the firm of Mun>hy A I«ee, l take great pleasure in recommending Mr H Lee to thr ronfidenre of my Inriuls and the public. Pittsburgh, Jau.:w. ItHll. J R MURPHV. f PHF. subscribers have tin* day associated them* X selves together for the purpose of irananctiug a lioleeale and retail Dry (ioods and Grocery busuies*, at No ‘iitl IJberry. opposite Seventh streeii under the • tyle and firnrof > *BUBHFIELD* IIAYS. Pittsburgh. January' MS4U. N. B.—Our old customers and the public are invited |f> give u* u eajl. _ jui CO-PARTSBRSU IP, WM. B. SCAIFF. and CapL JAAIEft ATKINSON Imvoentered luto uarUirrship, under the firm of SCAIFE A ATKINSON, and will carry - on the Tin, Copper.uad Sheetlrou Ware manufactory. Also. Blaek\m:ttim» in all its branches, at the old stand of Wot H.Bcatie, f'irst street. n«iu Wood. Particular attenuon given tosteaoiboai work. octV ri'HE FARTNBRftJIiI' of Wn. A R. lists buvui* JL been dissolved by the death of one of the partner*, tbr interest of Wm. Hava, Jr., dareaseit, in said firm, consisting of Hides. Leather, Skins. Oil. Ac, will be ■old on the premises on the tfiih in»t. feb7*td JAMES LAUUHLIN. Administrator. IH.WK .tbis day associated with tne m the whole sale tiroerry, Produce and Commission business, my biother Joseph, under the firm of J. ft DILWORTH AC« J. S DILWORTII. January 1. Icd9 C>o-PAaTSKHBHIP— Wm. Yostigbaving Uns J day associated with bun. John R. MVune. the lea ther hustiißkit will hereafter be conducted under the firm OI Win. Young A Co. WILLIAM YJJINC. lanfi " JNO. It M’CUVK BOOK TRADE- N‘KW BOOtO—lectures on Pilgrim’s Progres* and the Ijfe and Times of John Uunyan. by the Hcv Gco. H. CUeever, D. U, Wanderings oi a PiJgntn in the of Mount Blanc: by Geo Bt’heevef. 1). D. The Journal of the Pilgrims ai PiraiAssljfi, ui New England, in ItitX*. Reprinted from the original volume, with tunorn ul and local illustrations of providence, principle* und fte/Bon*. by ticorge H Ciy-cver. D. D" Second edition. Baptism, with rH.-rnn-fl i 0 ,i« impur; mid mode*, bv Mxvard IWcii-r. D I) Ime :,nj Corre.pondendn oi John Foster, edited by J K K) land, *• it Ii uoUre Of Mr Foster us a preacher and j , ouipanioii. bj Joha Sheppard--new edition. The above, with s lorge nines of Theoiopcai, Hrs i..nrn' Mcdi.-at and School Kooks, for sale at J..w pr.e-. |,y KJ.LHiTr A: KNtU.lSfl :<J Wood a. murJ between 4in »t and Diamond alley ORKIiO.N AND CALIFORNIA f\ •nmmton, Intr Judge of the Supreme Court of Or cif.n—with an Appendix; racludinv reeem and uu iiienoe mlorntaiion on Uie subject of the Gold Almrs. and rtihri v* .uable main r of mterrsi io U,e . migrant, iumeroti. iliusiraUon* and s map, a vols, tamo Ttir c.<>l<J Manual. t.rinj a pmrnral ami lli'lruclivr *Uld<- 10 alt p«-M*iiu riuigraliag to Ittr gold tfitioit* try U I An»ir<J. trot. n( Urology, Km('i C<»l Irvr. I-or.iloli l vul. puptr. &«• Notr« or Travr! in i aliUrrma, coinpntin; prom "*rm or iln*/f.u»u v, »!•*>. tli* rouir* from Fori I *•» vnnwor'lil Mo . lu >*»n Ok**.*, fa: From the i>& cim rr|u»{U oil i'hi) Frrnuiui and Mu Konory. I *ol ,u !j ,a K rt y • The i 'niifon tried work, lot tia Hook, cuiupniui| Lhc ia»i ns Irlhpf wun *.oi Fir-mom'* (/eorraplueiil twr CuJifornU. ami hi* Narratin' oflhr jwxJiunn in the Koeky Mountain!, Ar . 1 vol. Wo. pfcpor Aur IVV iWJ'« Work on ihr t nu<n u< Chuteli . - -ii, r.w si.vi. account of lip] wiUi ■: uu|t»-j He,- tiupux and Huir -l Vi R HOPKINS, Apollo Buddings, <th »i irsv;. 1 ? Work*, (.„* Hlulorv ol I’jil n , I,i V „> Kei nr Mjikw.o, r I’brin. Memr ml. In ■*, i dir hinpdoin, : I*n»rfrr«*. I’ln Alps Andervu <-01ll|t!ulitDrri|i Kr vulotioli. In >K.-' KdcaV* Variation* ol Popery. M'uf'i. Xenophon's Wort*,' TbciiuV r«it) >cr»on« l.v \\a)ln»d. Nmursl u.ia.m L.f« and Time. 01 Phmp lien Henry Venn; Proverbs ■>( tiic People Cupttsnv. oj luamieatauon of Uod m r* of J Potre’! Buxton. Bart Cbn.t 1* tapu*m. it* import amt mode*; The Mid *«l» Checker s Lecture* on Pilgrim* ever'* Wandering* of a Pilgrim in Uic •’* Domestic t ousmution; Modern Ac l-aM ilsyi of Kh*lia, Women ot the Mrs Kllei; l.iTe of Pollok; for ssle by U.UIHTA KNUUSH.7B worul *t Hlma.n m aie tnqui nl it* oppfiea NcHiibam, K» of Uody arid Y puhlnherl. Fo .(•NKriSM—its claitns to d>spsj**iou l-ving an nitempi to show the utility >n for »he rrfiei of suffering; by \> , author ol “The reciprocal lufluenee id. etc The l>e.i work on the subject • vie by KI.I.ItiTTA KNfJLISH, I IFK OF FRANKUN. lilu.iroied-ln coura* of Id publication in Hit toriui Turin, by Harper X Hro thrr«. New ork.Thr I,|j> 01 Benjamin Franklin, eon of Inn Autobiography. and a iwrmtive of hi* pul.ii.' !.le and wrrirr*, by the Kev. 11. Hunting* Wold; splendidly einheilntied l.y ttumcrou* exquisite design*, l.y Johnl. Ciifipmau. engraved in ihc hljclmat Mfle of ar! rhe work i« pruned in the oiisvo lorm, on »o pcrtinc paper, from bold - tuid legible typo. h will be eoinplru-d in eljjlu parw, lit 25 t-ciUi each. and issued at brief intervals Faoh part will be received byej pr«e* Immediately alter im publication Hurt |»i just received and lor -ale by JOHNSTON X PTOCKTON, corner market and dd *u Macaulay** history op fnuland—From (lie bocumcmi ordamrt 11.—Vol I. the 11 i*torjr ui Alexander Uin Great. by Jacob Ab bot:, with map ami engraving*. Th*' History of I'Uuric* tlic Ft rat of Kngiauil; by Ja cob Abbott—elegant engraving*. Harper’s IJfe of Fronktln: splendidly embellished >’> numerous, cx>(ui*iir dcstgns.toNo I, 25 cent*. To '*«.• completed in p number*. History u| Kugland, up lo the reigo of (**■ »ge 111—complete m 4 vols, octavo; 1300 illasira jus: rrcerveti by IrUl R HfN'KINS, Apollo Building., -till «! Mac aulay > instrum ofknui.and, Vol. 11 niiairoer*’ Posthumous Work*, Vol S Irantlm'. Life llluatruied— paji* U and li| Thf History i.l Hannibal U.r* Carthaginian by Jacob Abbott. Illustrated tide, map ami numerous engr* Adicr'i (.rammer and Iwightli Ihrimtiary. octavo. Story 01 Dude John: (root Uic French of M. C Jea neil. illustrated Acton, or the Circle of ljfc. A collection o/ Thet* and Observations, designed to delineate Life, Man and the World- Hart's Romance of Yachting. A/abitin Night* Knterlninajmil*, Dane's translation; ilrtuiidly Illustrated, ivols, Piuio. Just received by R HOPKINS, luhtU Apollo Hall. -4lb *t NKW DOORS- - History of Mary Quern' ol Roots Dy Jacob Abbott; with engravings. Htilory of King Chari** tlir First, of England By Jacob Abbott; with engraving* Hi.lory of Alexander the tjrr»i. Uy Jacob Abbott, with engraving* History of Hannibal ibc Carthaginian By Jacob Abbott; with engraving* Received anJ for »u!e by JOHNSTON A STOCK TON. 'cb'if coi nintict and J*t.« N KW HOOKS—Oregon and California in lb-la, bv J Quinn Thornton, late Judge ol the Suprcjnr Court of Oregon. and corresponding member of the Amcricun Institute With an nppendu, including re rent and anlhpntic infortnaiiOM on tbn subject of the (JAM.I)MINKS of Calilornia, and'other valuable nt»i tcr ofimeresl to tbr emigrants, ctr. With illustration* and a mat' bt two volumes. Raphael, or page, of the book of life at twenty; by Alphonse de I^-lIUMI,nc. author of Hie “Hiftlory'nf the i.iroudi*!*, or PrriujnulJUriiiuir* nt tint Patriot* of the rrrutih Uevoluium," etc. Just received-«id for *alo by JOIJNSTON A HTOOKTON, tocbll corner market and 3d sW MAP QF PKNNKYLV ANI A-CciAirucir'd ironuhe County Surveys aulliorired by the State, 4nd oth er original document* Revised and iiuprovod under the supervision of Wm. K- Moms. Civil Engineer, upon data procured m eneh county, under authority ot the IjiKulaiure A lew copies ol this large and splendid Map received Hu* day and tot sale by JOHNSTON A STOCKTON, Booksellers, cor muTermodWfls HOTELS FOUNTAUf HOTEL. light street haltimore rn«a asn moßaios. rsomnasa. CD Tlll't <-,ub)i«hinent long and widely known o< |sil l- itii.' >mc of the mo>it commodioue'm the city of Itnltimor-. bn* recently undergone'vrfr eileiv nve altcruuuna and RnprovetncnU. An €»Ur* new wing hn» iwt-n added, containing ruiaieroOs nnd airy slrrpiug iipurunents, and extensive bathing rooma lhe Inidic* - drpartment ha* al«o been completely reorpam/eil and fitted up in a moot unirjue and twauti tui »i) le J n taei the whole nrriingemenl nf i lie Hons,- ha* been remodeled, with a single eye on the part of the proponor*. toward* the comfort and pleasure of their Guest*, and which they confidently assert will challenge com par-*,in with any Hotel in the IJmin. nieir tnhle will :i‘wnv« Ive vnpplied with every «»tl stantnl an.l laiury which the market allhrds. served up m a supenor *i>ir. while m (hr wsy •>[ Wines, Ac , they will not be surpassed l" conclusion the proprietors beg to say, that nothing will he left undone on ibeir pan, and on the p„ r t of their assistants, to render tl>i« Hotel worthy the continued patronage nr tlirir friend* and ibe public grnernllv The price* t or U.ard have a l-o been reduced lo tfcc following rules: Ladic. - Ordinary, $1,73 per day ucntlemeirs - | .yn N- R—Tlie Baggage Wagon of the House will al ways be louml at nw Car and !*ieantboa: landings, whicb will convey baggage lo and from tire Hotel, free qLrh”**- _ _ _ _ laaytitf EXCHANGE lIOTEL, Mcobhib or p*:mx **>u sr ci .ok trm., riTr-BCKon. r*. rln- ‘iiicrnl.rf having assumed tlie manage metit of this long r*taMi*br(t and popular Hotel, respecuully atmounre* lo Travnilors and die rublic generally that he will be at ull umes prepared to acro.nmodaic ihem m all thing* d-.iral.le ui a well regulated Hot.-I ’llir House i* miw being thoroughly repaired throughout, and new Furniture added, and no pains will be -pared to muke the Fjtchange one of the very best llotc.U iu the romiuy. The undersigned respectfully solicits a continuance of the very litn-ral patronage the Hou -e ha* heretofore received. THOM Aft OWMTON, frk,9,,, 1' Proprietor LAMARTINfc HOISK, cQBNta or rourrn ukart staanK. eittobcboit THE *ii!i*cn;.er respectful!) Bniw<u’ice» that )>n* now op,-ned his new ami excellent Hotel lor Uie uccoiuniodai.oti oi traveler*, boarder*, and the public generally The house and furniture tire entirely new. ami no |>ain«or expense have hern spared to render ii one or ihe most comfortable and The suh*, Tiber is Jeieruimed to deserve, ami there fore coliril* a share of public patronage. ‘•<'111 dl > J A' - ''ll HtM t.ll Proprietor 100 P Kit CENT S A V KU I oPPuftlTinN NOI'SK- fl GIF. VIRGINIA HOTEL, on Balumore street, r.enr L thr Depot, t'uinberlum), i* now in complete order for the reception and accommodation oi the public. Person* iu srarch oi ease and romtori. will do wrll to patronue this e*tnbli*limeni- • they will hi..| the chambers clean and nice, and the Table as well fur mshed ns any in C'umberland, ai twenty-fire nyu*. euaroiitced as good a* any that can be had in the pUre. at mv price, or no charge. No charge for transportation of baggage ip and from the ears. ialfi-d-.hu __ WASHINGTON EVANS. UNITED STATES HOTEL, CQBXL-T VT BOTVKirx POCETU A.hJ) fIFTH VTs. / YPPOftITK .ate Honk of the United Stales, Phlla \ f delplitu M ppPK MITCHra.L. — manhi__ Proprietor MISCELLANEOUS- FRESH SPRING GOODS iSiiaekitU & Whitt, DRY GOODS JOBBERS. HO Wood street, ask the attention oi Merchant* io their mock of AMERI CAN AND FOREIGN DRY GOODS. now receiving direct from firm lumd* Receiving regular supplies of firm good* during the season, and devoting a large share of thrir attention to Eastern Auction sales, they can confidently a»«urr buyer* they wtl! find it to their interest to examine thru stock. Jbmt received, large invoices of new at) le Dress Goods, Fancy Prtuls. Cassiraerrs, Cloths, Summer Good*. Lace*. White Good*. Vi*h Linen*. Tailors' Trimmings and brown and bleaehed Sheetings of van ous brands marj JAMES W. WOODWELL, Sodern aid Antique Fnrnilnre, KJ, TUIBD ftTEiET, PtTTSBCRGJi. 2 A large am) splendid tfSß^nEK^. assortment of Furniture, WjHMMP mutable for 8 team boat*. Hob-ls and pnvate Jwel- W Inirv eoustantly on Land and mude to order. Thr present stock nr hand cannot be exceeded by aqy manufactory in the w.-mrni country Person* wishing to purchase would do well to give me a call as lum determined my prices shall please. Part ol the stock consists in— Tete a Tele. Butfet Fhmjeie, l*>ui* XIV Chair*. IJbecn EltxaWtii chair*; Ten Toy** s - Fruit Tables; Toilet Tubii'*, Ixnn* \V t'-oiiimmler, Kfeti'-h Mahogany Bed»tead»; Piano Stools, fifi sola* wtili i’lush ami H:ilr-<-iotti eov«,s; fit' Mahogany Ro« Li:ir Ciair*. dot Parlor do If - Fancy do ttfi centre Tahie*. •J» pair Divans; 4 pair pier Tables; li marble lop Dressing Umeuu; *• Wardrobes; •* Secretaries *ml Book ca»es, •Jit marble top Wash ftund*; 4 pair Ottomans;. S pair faney Work Stands; A very large assortment of common chair* and other turiuture Loo numerous to mejiuou. ID” Boats furnished on the shortest notice, and on the mom reasonable term* decjfi Chocolaia, Cocoa, Ac. W Baker's Atnenean and French Chocolate, Prepsi <d t"*»eoa,Ceeoa Paste. Broma, Cocoafthells, hr. FI'O orercJisnL* miul eoutomers, who would purc!i.i*e A the best product* of Hoeou, free trotn aduitrruUon, more itttmuoui than lea or rotfre. and m quality un*ur pas<ed. the *ub»rriber reeommenJi Ibe almvr* article*, mamitnetured tiv himself, and stamped with Jn» name Hi* Broma ami C-oron Pasta, as delicate, palnlnbie, ••id salutaiy dnuk* u>r invalid*. coiivaicx'CTiis. and ether*, are pronotuu-ed by tbr tnusl cinnirul ph\ *», isu* • upenor lo any other pfcjiarmi.m* lit* manmarnnr art »•'»•>' • on «*lr iii an) quantity, by the mc.i rc speetabie grocer * in the eastern cities, and by thou ag-nu. Hawes, i,ray h co . of Boston, Jamc* M Hiuiee A co, Hsrtlord. Conn: Hussey A Murray. New Giant A Stone. Philadelphia, Tu«iu.->* V Bnindige, Bal timore, and Kellogg k Bennett, Cincinnati. Ohio IV ALTER BAKER, Dorchester Masa. BAGALEY a SMITH, Agi Wrought and Cast Iron Ratling. r PHK laho'nhft. !>e« leav.- m inform the pah lie that J. Uicy h«if oliiiuiird from ibr Ra»j all the ijte a a<l I J.-b■ unah 1 ■* Ur*ig 11* 11-r Irun Railing. Ixilh lur |iou,>. and cemeteries Prrtono wishing to pritotire hatu! some paliern* wilt yic&sc rail and examine. und jiidtt* Mi themselves Hailing will Ur iurnuhej ul ihe 'hurl r«l noure. and in the Ural manner, al the corner ot i.ratg nn.l Rrfo-.-,a firm*, Allegheny pity. •augWdlf A r.AMONf A KNOX Leaching. Cupping and Bleeding. KU. NoßtllS, i j«tTr»Mr to ,M H. Drlanv • No SA l*Wtlt »trrn, between Wood am! *mttii field Fresh leeches rceetved mniutOy —attendance at] hour* Jtrirrrn. r. Uir pit> iinim <ili Pittsburgh, Alle gheny and Birmingham / I moat ebrrrlail) recommend to ike phystcuia*, Tam* the* and all toy former tririid* and patron*. Mr k. H Norri» a* being iliorntn;!i'y arqasnticd with the Inm nr»« and worthy of patronage. martJS-ly M K DF.I.VM . Hannfiiciurcd Tobacco. jO HXSf.rniryA Kiiynrr i tupmor >wcei i 40 45 d.» Al A Builer * It, • IJt lit do Price A Hat .VooJ'* •• 5 •JJ do do do •• Ifi •24 do do Pearl & Harwood fi* 0» “ 14 do J Robinson ' Id* 57 hf do do *• .fi 21 do do Wra Dawson 5 XI do T WrtgUi • 1 K TT do Cl Anderson *■ St Jo I, T Dade’* e •• n •• 5 do R Maron . • - •• » do Untolid •• » Just landing tram steamer and narkeiv and for «j»ie bv HK.AI.D. Bl I’K.NOR A t o. 4! north water *t and 1(1 north whsivr. |ei*4 Prulsdripittn MANI.’FAiTt KKI) HMIAtVo- at hx hfs .J Alton's superior sweet lb lump* 75 hall t.T« Wrheter Old supen. 3fl •' Lawrence l^mier 25 Gentry 4. Hovfor. •• 3* A h* 20 Dupont (dr la Mure) in 45 “ l»awreiiee fAdlier “s*k d» plug Ju*t landing from steamer tind tor »ule liy HFJtI.D. BLCK.NOR A,r«. 41 N watrr st and It! N wharves, Philadelphia. W.aXgLEHS, Book Binders. Wli nre »Ull sngugrd in the above hu*tne«*, romrr of Wood and Tit ml »trpei», Pittsburgh, where we are prepared uidu any work in our line with des patch. We attend to oor work personally, and satis faction will be given in regard lo its neatness and du rability. Blank Books ruled to any pattern and hound sub stantially Books in number* orold hook* hound care fully or repaired. Name* put on books in gilt letter*. have work tn our line are invited to call. Prices low. my'Jthtf /'VkLF SKINS—3U dor grnuioe French Calf Skins, a \J Ven* fine article. A few dorens Philadelphia Skins, from tha manufaru»ry. of 11 M Crawfonl. to which the attention of bool makers i» invited. Just received and for sale by W YOUNG 4 Co, jeB7 Id liberty st AT W U W’OUSYocK'Si'No 73 Fourth street, ran be seen a splendid variety of sup Royal Vel vet and Tapestry Carpels, latest styles. Also. Brus •>-ls. ;j ply* and sup and fine Ingram Curpcts. of *qp styles □ud qualities, and in coniieelioit can always he found Table Linens. Crashes, Draper*, DarjuiA*. .Mo reen*, till Cloths, Ac Ac., to all ot winch we call the attention of ibo public. aug'-h! NOTICE. HA Vl.Nfi sold our eaure stock to CII Gavvr, with a view to rlosing our old tiu«iness, we hereby «o h'-it lor luni the patronage of oil our friends ami cus tomers KU. W POINDEXTER, TDK. POINDEXTER. Pittsburgh, Aag 4th, IS4S. Cl II GRANT. Wholesale Grocer. Commission und /% Forwarding Merchant. No 41 Water «t. aui'J bell and dram pocufoiif. Jjk A PULTON, Bell and Brass Founder, bas rr fA built nml commenced business at his old stand, where he will be pleaded to «rc his old cuslout and Irirnds. Church. Steamboat, and Bells of every st**, from 10 to KMKU pound*, east troiu patterns of me most approv ed models, uud warranted Is l>e of lit e best male rial* Mineral Wnler Pumps,Counters, Hulling, Ac , toge ther with every variety ot Brass I'liKlm#', retjuinul, turtisd and finished in the neaie.t manner A F is the sole proprietor of Babbit's Airri-Arrai- Tiov Mital- so justly eslebraied for the reduction of (rn-tion in innclimrry The Boxes und Composition can be had of into at nil times. ju2b-|y PUINTISia PAPER. f I 'HF. subscribers tuiviiif the exclusive Agency for A selling the Printing Puprr of a new anil extensive paper mill m thi* v i.-mily, wilt be at all tnnrs well suj>- ptied with the Uitlerenl sixes ot paper of superior (juaJi l), which we oder at lbs lowest regular prices. Any sire or quality will he manufaehirml to order at sbori amice KHYNOLDB A SUKE, j-s'flin corner Penn und Irwin st» I NIMA Kt ttBMR CLOTHINO—Jost received for the J. California Expedition, a complete assorUueni pf Lum Eloauc Clothing, al prices ranging from to glJfhO tor suit of coal, pants and bat. Forsaleutth* India Rubber Depot, No £► Wood *L JAM PHILLIPS Jt ! BT RECEI^'ED-Three mora of those so jnsOy celebrated Hamburgh Pianos, uaed coasianily by l.at, Tbalherg and other great performer*, together %itb a large assortment of and mahogany, of my own manufacture The abSve. instruments ate warranted la be perfect in every respect, and will be •old low for caih. P BLU ME. declS No 11* Wood n, 34 door from SUk MISCELLANEOUS. * Boston Coppor Company. 'lulls Company respectfully mfonus the public,.and A particularly ail dcalcra aud consumer* of Copper in ihe form m which they prepare it, That their ftmelt tng Works are now in surce*<4bl operailon. and they are now ready to make contract* for the delivery of Ingots to those who want m thi*7orm; and also tough C “T fo'.iiK purpose of robing. t t 6 cr produced front the Metahc Mines of Lake Superior, i* ascertained io be mueli superior to the onlmary copper in the-marketi. which is obtained irom orb eonlntmugforerju mineral *nh*ianee» Hits copper i* perfectly port-, and is not injarod by tire prb re*s o! sniejung, uiklj, tberetbre sreuUy to be prefer red tor U-ll meul, rulliu*. and mtyiy other purpo*es At it }* not m.« intention or wish of tbi* Company to erect work* for the manufacture of copper in the varum* form* in which n is wanted, they will Ire happy to make contract* for the delivery of it m the Corut of Ingots, tough r ake for rolling, Ac., u> those who may wish to embark m u, r business. ~ !c . r ca. l trr ’ a , n ,h, ‘. yopper obtained from their mine* will Ire brought to Pittsburgh, and large supplies may Ire '•'Peeled Utter* addressed to C. Ci Hvwt or rii.mas hi. Howx, will meet with prompi nttenUon decltf-U3m CHARLIES AVERY, President. JUST RECEIVED, AND now ope-mng.ii *ptended loin Piano Forte*, from ibe . elebratrd hrm I I O fVloiNmmj 4 Dark, N Y It in • I*l |■panol die foilowmgt One elegant Row-wood Oi octave Piano, with carved moulding, lop and plinth, projecting, front and carved gothic tablets. One rosewood Piano, fl* oetnvr. elegant and plain, with Coleman s celebrated .Eolmn Attachment, a su perior uiainmu-m. One Rosewood (i ociuve, round comer-* and octagon leg*. One Jo do do One rosewood Piano, square corner* und leg* These Pianos have iinprnveinriit.* m the meehununi. in stringing und covering oi the hammers, possessed by no others in this rnAnirv. and are at once the treat a* well as the chcupeM i’luuo* dial ean be Ireught. AIJIO- An elegant loi of Chickermg’s Pianos, trotn 7 to t> octuves, possessing all the latest iiupruvemem-, at reduced prices. A LSD —One elegHVI roaewood Cabinet Grand Pib no, T octaves, a urw invention. HENRY KLKBER. lebl tl AIJ VV' \Yoo*iweil'«.eU Third *t CHICKKRI.NG'S PIANOS. - ,0,, *N H M HI,I .OK. (sole AtfVnl for I'mckcring-* Piano Forte* for VVesiern Penn.) tvania,) No. rI Wood street, * ■ “ * I • Pittsburgh, ha* received uml now open tor «u)e. the tollowtng elegant ussortment. dircei from the manufactory, ai Mr. I’lnckemig'j {Boston} price*. Uiir Ro*rwoo,! sevrni octave Piano Forte, curved in the most eb-gani ami n.-l, M) leoi XIV m- Kosewnovl carved seven oetavc, new and im proved scale One rosewood Piano, lit octaves, new scale; Gm- curved, 6 ' found l orner*. fl octave, new scale, Iwo • panne I '■ fl' Fhe above are all from the manufactory of J Chick enng, Unutoti. ol the l.te.i aiyl** of furniture, and with tiie new and unproved ■■cnlr *u° oa HASP *ftu xoa saxi low , , *e'Vood 0 iK-tnvn Pianos, from tlie manufanorr ot 11. W orrester, New York, tormerly o( the linu of Modan. Worcester A Durham. i ro*ew-ood rt octave. Gale A Co.. N. Y 1 ro*ewiKKl Hi octave Piano, fcade by Bacon A Ra vvu, Ne-v York. 1 .Muiiojany b octave Piano, made tn Baltimore, and leti with me fo* «ulr by the owner, for cash or m ex change i<>( Pittsburgh manufactures, or groceries suit’ able for u country store. Pnen CJUU. jalJtJ PIANO aiusicl rpHK .v.fver Moon. My Home, my luippy llomm J- lis Home whf re e’er ihe Heart is, Jenny l.md Po.ka; 1 nave >;t die -now clad Iliiis, Rosa Irec and t)ld Fncle Ned; ftuianna Polka; Go where the mists are sleeping; Win you come toiny mountain home; (•rave of Bo upurie; No, ne er ean thy home he mine; Uh' ftusannu; Good-Bye; Kmpre** Hennettn's Walt*, Ben Bolt Joys that we've tasted; Ailem Mavoutnecn Belle; Eihiopiun Dance* A new edition of Huxrtta's Pu.to Forra Ix»irccto*. twin rreiich and English TexL, reduced to Uie follow ing low prices, viz: Hunter'* large work, containing 93 pages, R-J no “ amull M ** tjs >- jwt Burrow'* Piano fane Pnmer. i vtf Bertimu’ MeUiod tor Piano. 3 «j Carcassj’» Guitar Instructor, -j wj Pansrron's Vocal Scltool, W) Uohlreek * Piano Instructor. 1 -43 For sale by JOHN H MKLIJ7R. jaifi wood *t ‘ M«, FLIJAII iiATON ft CERTIFICATE TO DR J Ai N K.—' Tin* certifies. Uiut immediately utter having attended my brother, who died of consumption in March, lr-lti, 1 won taken sick w,th ihe ConsuinpLion or Liver Complaint, and was reduced so low with Uie diaease, that tor four years I wtu unable to attend to my business, either at home or abroad, being for the most Ume confined to my bed During the above peri od 01 uatc, ] had expended for medical attendance 0 regular Physicians and medicines, lo Uie amount of tpak without rr.eiring any benefit therefrom. In Ju.y. 1-4.1. 1 commenced uiking Dr Jayne’s Medt cmes, amt Lave Inken ibetrtSnore or tes* cvrr -nice, and believe t fir*t it wa« tiy persevering m their use, U>a| 1 run now truiy say iliat I have completely r«-eo-. vrred toy licanh | believe that Jayne’s Sanative Pill* and Expectorant arc the best family ineUicine* now in Use. I reside iu Springfield, Otsego rourny, N. Y.. and carry on a lurnaee and machine shop in that place, und am not interested in any manner in Ute sale 01 the übove ruediente*. und make this ccrtifieuie igr ibe ben efit I» those «tfliru-d ELIJAH KATtbS ftpMtigfiejd, N s-pt. 16 l-v|s ja 4 MA.NL'FACTURKD TOBACCO—Tbe subscriber would call lire aue.ntntn or tire city trade aud flener* generally. 10 the following brand* Tobacco*, in store and 10 muse, which being copsignmcuu di re t from HiA-miurnuera. he it mai.trd lo -ell at mu ern prices i:ci J i xs R \\ r r .-ti»jj»\r i* Tl) i " Janira Ms.li.on i l.niiiuriu)'' T! I • M.fK&rau ■n } - I’uuijmi, I Rnl-fft. A •-..Mil, i, ■ t «•’'•H' Run £,». 9 I Jnhi). i I,<>w|« | a 3 | • Warwick. *u[>r l Hmiv A is. I.SWATKRMAN PUt Haehlae Warhi and Foundry. HTISIK*«.U t f*. TItHN \ V RKJHTA t*« . a(r /.rep.red to b Uli j t:o[!on ft and Woolen Martimert of ever, tlescnpuon. such i ’ardine Machines, >puuim< Frame*. >pee,iers Draw in* PrHUies. Railway Hesi. tV 3r pers. Spoolers Dfessuic Frame*. Loom*. Caul Unnders. 4,- Wrought lr„„ lani-d. ,!i I,o„. J Hunger* of the latest pattern., slide and hand Twitlie*, and fools o: all kinds Ca.ungs oi every de.cnpi>«»n fiKiiisi.rJ on slijOtt notice Pstlrni. made to onle f ,br Mill beating Iron Railing. 4e. Strum Pipe for beat mg Facionsi. i ast Iron iViml.w <vutit-and ttinc) i/t« linrs cetiefui: \ Order* left at me WarrLtmse of J I Aimer 4 Co., Überrv siren, will have protflpt sum- B-frr lo B!,rk>u,ck. B-ll i r„ . J K MwrrtinJ i t-O . It E. » arner. John irwui A Sonv PitUhnnrh • (» f. 4J H Warnet. Stcuocuville latilb Pena UackliH fihop. HWIGHT.MAN —Manafo.-tnret oi *ll kinds of cot • ton and woollen machinery. Allegheny city, Pa Ibe above work, being now m nil] l(l ,| , u ,, N , eration. I am prepared to exreuie order* with do.putf h lota.] kinds ot mac lune.ry m un hue. such ua w.How* pirkers. spreader., enrd*. ending inacinitee. ranway-s dramnjt Irnnies, sp-vder-. thn.s-il*. loom*, woolen muies. jur-k * A.- . .tide mid bund lathe, and too!* in gen erat Ml lui.l. ot shading made to oidrr. or*ffi.vn. -ev en (or genring l:i< lories m null, al icn-Oimblr charge Kn-itu ro krnnedv. funds 4 (-n . Btaek*ioek th-il 4 i « . King, Pciukk k 4 t 0.. Jas A t.ra, NEW COACH FACTORY, AI.I.KOIIK.M MA WHITE A Cct. would regretfully inform • the public that they have efrctc.J a *hop on bn wren Federal and Sandosky streets •|Stey me now making and arc prepared to receiya orders for every description ol velucfra, (.'harlot’s Ua rouchev Buggies, I'hinon., Ac , Ac , which from fh.hr long Pijiefirnce m the inanufactu n? of the above work •ami the fueilitte# they have, they feel eonfident they are enabled to do work on thu most reasonable terms with Un**c wauling articles lit Uieir luic. • wret 5« linnp 5s 1 a) mg jiuitKolar auemioii to the selection of mate rial-. an.l having none but coni|H-tcitt workmeu, they huv« no hesitation in Warranting their work \\ e Iherciore u.k the attention of the public lo this malt*r. N. U. Unpniring done in ttie In-st manner, aiui on the most rrutonahic terms. SUPER FRENCH BROAIX'IA7rHS—\V H M~a~ pur m v tics the ottenuon of buyers to his extensive assortment ot above Moods, embracing every quality ui> to ttn tine, and from the ceiebruted tnanulucto rfes of r ranee. - I’orchosnig ihe« goods from the commission merehanu or agenu of the manufactu rers. he is enabled lo sell them at the lowest poawble price*. Also, olive green and invisible green Cloths ven- cheap; wool dyed blk do; and French, British and American CASSIMERES, btack and fancy blk and fancy satin VESTINGS, gentlemen’* silk pocket Handkerchief*, black and fancy Cravat*, linen poekot Hdkl», Undershirt*, Drawer*, 4c., at the north com caruer oi 4th and Market street*. Rooms up suur*. febSO Uonanfahela Livery dtabi*." . Robert h. Patterson ha* opened J£TX\ u»e large stable on Rr*t st, running through ( 1 w between Wood and Smilhfidid m tha rear of the Monongaheln House, with an entirely,new stock of Horses and Carnage* of the best Quality and Latest style*, llorie* kept at hve ry in the be«t manner. jy^dly STEAM BOAT CLOCKS—Having concluded to sell off our entire itock of Kirke'* Manne Timepieces, we now offer to sell them at lower price* than they cau be boaght at uny house in Pittsburgh or elsewhere east or west Being the only established agents here for these clocks, we have the largest and finest awort mcnt in the city. Coil and tec. Remember, we are not to be undersold. RI.AKK 4 t'O . Marker street, oeirjo entrance «>u north side of the Diamond PITTSBURGH irrwa, workb and spkinu AND AXLE FACTORY. ° is**c iptrwt, JQ]SKs n VIQQt lott " r I*"** MANUFAfTTFRERs of spring and blistrr steel plough steel, Steel plough wings, coach and elini tie snang*i, hammered iron axles, and dealer* in n |S "I, ".,' T“ r ' a "i P t “ Mh IM,rr».l ) .r„mri cl Ku., .ml I rom PnubotA, INDIA KUUIIER MIOIIS-ju., „ .J. " r ‘ •rtikb,’ Vi . . "' h,cl > *»V lu-nm, ™ 5 - & ,ri J * H PIIU.UPS I IAI.IKIJIINIA oIITFUK-turt rec’d i , wfe"' u “"- f";:'- 1 "”'• eSbS _ „ " l ._ L ei, i: J 4 it. wru.i.ips / tANDLba*- lUO bis Cincinnati Mould Caudle., on \j consignment and for sale by . f . _ WU!K 4 MVA.NDLK.NS Mathematical hnstri• mem’s-For ihaw mg—lh ttmny and-Jlosrwood eavrs, w.th or Without AnisU 1 colors, Fp sam by R ItOPKINN, Apollo Building* JUST IN TIME— Another lot ol Pistole, suitable for the California service, ju.t lecnved. Also, to amve on the liil. m»». in Express, a nctlt and handy article of Portable Hold *caies, which e* ery gold muter «o»bt to hnv.-, and for sale hy W W WILSON, - mchl3 comer 4th jind market st* NU 3 mud 3 MACKEREL— 1&H bhls for sale low to close consignment, by mariu JAJIES DALZELL DRY & VARIETY GOODS. ’A* Largest, Cheapest and most FatkutnaH* Seed of. Goods, ‘TJtptrd to Gentlemen's Spring and Summer Wear, ujtist receimrig at . wa. DIOBT'S CUKAP CASH CLOTHING iTCRB, IX LIBERTY STRKFTI IIIK Proprietor of the above e*tab ♦aliment woald . respectfully mwoo hi* numerous (SsuJiurr*, that ' ha* just relumed from the Eastern cltifs with lla o«t splendid assortment ofgoods in bw line, that wa» rer brought to tins ctty, comprising ail that i* 'tow •hionuble-, clcgaul ami Cheap in Cloths, Cnssimere*. ■shmereu*. Drip De Etc, and every descripuou of »Uwn. tiueu ami woollen Summer Stuffy S-hirts, Cro at.*, Hilkn, Suspender-. Ac , ot‘ the newest styles; •hich. loi.'oiher with hu very large and fashionable ock of reatiy made I'loilung, tic is prepared to otfer ; his usual low prices Country Merchant*. i'oniract>>f«, and aii who pur iai-eiargrjy, are particularly invited to rail amt eX mrtc the whieii i« decidedly the largest and : <M tasluonablv in the city, and great anenuon ha* ell paid to get n up suitable to the wholesale trade. Order* in the Tailoring line executed in the most sluonable manner, and that nothing may be wanting ensure the newest and l*e*l style of rutting A gen • man who has had great experience in tbc Eastern i ie>, liiu been added to llie cstnbluhmcnl * tl3m nkwGoTds, ft. H. PALMER, \FFHR3 fr'oKtSALK, AT LUW PRICES, a full / assortment of STRAW AND HILLINK- Y UOODR, of the most approved styles and pm lor Uie iPRIMi OF lc49,consisting m part ot~- ranev sind plain English. American, and French draw, Florrnrr, Rutland. Pedal and other plain aud mc> Urmd, China, Rice, Jenny Lind, Loop and Roy- I Milan edge Braid BoNNK'I’S Ririi French Ijice; .Fancy and plain Giyip, Ac Ac Fancy Braid. Siriiw, I Jimp. Leghorn, and other Mis +> and Inlame' HATS ’nnaiua, Manilla, Palm I.eal, Straw and r Summer HAT*. ti» r men uml hov« Bound niul plain KmooiiK I>. 11111 e 1 Silk*. Arufieial Flower*, Ac Sr \e » iiraw Bonnet Warehouse, y.', Market -irert Michi; ih*w Shirting Masllna and lrlah Linens. ' R. MITtPHY invite* the particular attention ©( • • those wauling the above Good a, to his desirable ck, consisting of die best make, Irom ihr roost ap >ved manufacturer*, and tbs latter warranted pure x —He has just received au additional supply, and, is mug Shining Muslins of a superior quality, at a ry,low price Also, Sheeung and Pillow-case Muslin* , Diaper* Hint Crash; Table Cloths, Towels and Napkins ; Blank tin, (guilts. Counterpane*, and Housekeeping Dry Good* generally .A DIKS' DRUy GtJODjA—Such as French Merinos, ameitos, plain and laney De Lames (some now |e*ju,ct received;) Alpaca*. Ac. Qbe season being fur advanced, all these Goods will •-old in prices that cannot fail to please. I3“Wholesale Room* up ttairs janlS A. A. MASON A CO., GO MARKET STRKF7T, will rontinue their i.l ureal semi-annual sale of DRY GOODS, for IUJ day* longer, during whicii lime their extensive whole sale Room* will Ire thrown ope.n to their Retail Trade as heretofore. A. A. M. A Co., knowing that they are selling Dry Good*of every description from ten to fif teen |>rr cent, less titan ever before, do invite every person in want ol dry good*, or who may be in want, to examine aud purchase from our stock, at the lowest wholesale rate*. Uur great object in reducing stock t* to make room for Spring Goods, it being our intention to exhibit in March the largest and the richest stock of Dry Goods ever offered by any in America. We *hal! continue the sale of our Bleached and Brown Muslins, Tickings and other Domestic Goods, at our former low rates, notwithstanding the recent ad vance of 15 per cent upon the some in eastern markets, febff IjMNK BLACK LUSTRES—W. R. Mcechv aak* tho attention of buyers to his extensive assortment of almve good*, including mohair and alpacca Lustres, very fine and glossy, jet Mack and blue block; also, a few piece* without lustre, for mourning dresses; also, a large ussonment of various colors and style* of satin striped and brocade Aipaccas, black and fancy co lors; plain b'ack. invisible green, drab and other col's. Mazarine Blue I’smettos and Alpacca*—A few pcs of these scarce and desirable .good* lately received. Wholesale Rooms up stairs, north east corner of 4th and Macke: *ts. ja3l FOR GENTLEMEN.—W. R. Mcujtjt has recently received a further supply of Gentlemen's Fancy CRAVATS, including wine very haud«poie Also, Mack Italian Cravats, several quaiiur*. and including some superior. Also, genu Linen Cambric Handker chief*. plain and with colored border*, *uper Silk do; Underskirt* mid Drawer*. merino, silk and cotton, some of the funner extra <iio. Especial attention is asked :o hi* stork of French Broadcloth* and Cnssi meres, oflHe latter plain and fancy; Velvet aud Batin Vesting*, Ac. At north eusi corner 4th aud Market streets. ;»-*u CIAUFORNIA WARD Re B u—To arrive V a-1 pres*, on Tuesday next, I3ib insL — L' S Diacoon I’imoU; Allen'- i> barrel Revolvers, Pifiol Hefts and Shoulder Strap*; HoWio Knives, bras* mounted; Gocd Bag*, Blow Pipes, Pocket Glasses for examining minerals, Ac.; and lot *nie at Eastern prices, with addition of iTrighl, by W W WILSON, fel>lu corner 4th and market *t VTEW GOODS IN JANI'ARV-W R. Muhj-ht has I.Y witbui a lew day* opened a supply of black Ai parras, low priced, do, medium and super do Mohair Lustre*, new style Bntub Prints; do American do; Mar k cloth Shawls; plaid long do; ueaf U)tise Mouse, dc ptiuu lead aud drab do, &l n van? ety of other <can:c and desirable good*, worthy ike attention ot tbo*e wishing to buy. Mcrchuut* Vk'iikliiiil in the wiudesale rooms ap stairs s gtwn! .tot*k «>i de«irab<e good.*, m low prices, jalfi Rlt-U DKKSN GOODS, per loreign steamer Enrop*. -A A Mai-vs 4 Co, No <lO Marker street, will i ;Ku •hi’* moiuing. Rich Di< «* Good., nunprislug (he i.iliow.nc -lyles, Sn'in jdaid Mcruto.s, a new aru -!<• snd tbc richest givd* imported ibis season; nil wool Ptaj.L, high colors and choice ktylen; all wool Cashmere* and Aloua de fine t'oburg a»<i Lyo nrv«* ('loth*, of auy descnbable shade and color. Batin striped Cashmerein great variety. jald A A MASON 4 Co . (10 Market street, have jasl • received tynothcr large invoice of plaid Long and Square Shawls, bought 25 per cent less than any prevuraslv received thu season. Out stock of Shawl* i« now the largest in the city, or.d purchasers may !>,• certain that our prices from this date will be 46 par cent leas than at any former now. Jkl» Gents CLOAK TANNKL-S—-4 oot mobair Ttr »«b. assorted; 3 do silk do do. 2do do fine do, 10 •to Tn- do roiM do do. * IUI.L.N OtMJ DS— I u dui children'* woolen.**oats, fi do do do Cans; 4 do do common; 10 dor Woolen com fort*. assorted; IN do do with nng*i fit) do iadics Cash- Q.orr litovf*. SLSn'il. LEA THER BEIaTS—3O doz blk Molkskin Bglu; 20 do do Morocco do, 3 do rul’d do, at * I'ON-jy zEBUIAJN KINSEYS, G 7 market st LADIES TRL.MMLNtJS--.4d02 blk Lace I)euu Veil*. 3 p* col d Silk Velvets; 21# gross blk Daisey Rui -11 <!•> casitllian do, It do cnl'd Flo« do. 12 Jo do Fan'nsie do; t*doz col d fleecy silk Gloves; tiMo blk Jr.my End FfiKitr, 12 do Frcji.-hailk Knrbrs; rcc’d tin- day by F H EATON 4 Co. •1c.13 Fourth -l IINF.N IH4PF.KS (i 1 7-4 and -4 I.iuen Table j Diapei. oi common ligurrd, dumnsk am! muu drop p.ttterns Also. Russia and Scotch Bird Ere Pat (era, NHACKLETT4 \V Hj frv aF* W wood st WELSH FI. MVNK.I.S W K Murphy bos oft hand u tuil n«»ortmeni ot thc«r desirable Goods; also, a Tull assortment ot domestic unshrinkable do, and a lull assortment of scarlet trad yellow, and spotted, for Christmas wear. Home made Flannel*—while, brown and barred; a supply constantly on hand dec3o A A MASON k Go, No 60 Mar Vet streetXhave • just received the Urgent invoice of Unena ever odcred by them, comprising twenty different qualities, U» winch they would invite the attention of wholesale or retail purchasers. feb’Jl Tits ski mm > t.*aoa amu rA.iuin.tAßi.K *crrLT or NEW GOODS* AT DIGBY’S, i;k> liberty street, comprising French Cloth*, Passimere* and VesUngs, of the newest and most fashiunuble style* iMq>oned ALo. a large quantity ot Rough and Ready Blanket* and Coatings, peculiarly adapted to Lhc Uiue* and the l hi hand, the largest, !«‘st manufactured and iqohl ia.Hiottnl.ic Stock of ready made nothing in Ibis city Ad orders in the Tailoring line executed in the moit bisluontil.re mid durable manner. nbvl4 V-K.V BKtTisn MUNts; tc -writ iffipirki, 11 .U«t received a lot ot new Style brown and white Brilt.h L nnu. very handsome, arrived by late steam er Also, on huul, a large assortment of choice styles of American t unis, fast colors and low price*. Blßck Cloth Shawl*, of variona qooiiuea—a iuddlv just received. yv ’ Black Alpaeeaa* low priced and fine—a very fall supply, and at low prices for quality. jalO F ACE liOOpS—Suitu 4 joas»ofii4B'MarTet*tie«L u have received one canon of fine English thread dace and edgings; five canon* loom made do; ten car ! f“ n * *'® lU> . U Jo of black silk lace; two do of . a.-k and white French Worked lace copes; one do of black cbunuUa veils; together with a variety of inner Urusaol* neiu; black and colored silk netu for red*; col u and white silk illusion for evenlug dresses.— Dealer* and other# will find it for uctr interest to er amine them before purchasing jaS4 JKWJJLRV—• 1 doz gold patent Lever Watch **i I ’’ " detached ’• u l “ silver “ “ u Also, cold pen ami pencil Cases, Vest chains, heavy Gunrd chains. Breast Pin*, Finger Rings, Ear Rings oad a complete nssonment of other jewelry, at _ _ ZKBUUtN KINNEY’S, U 7 market st JF.WEI.RV, consisting of ooM guard, vent and fob chains, key*, seal*, prm-iL, huger ring*, br’M puts, •tads, car rings, bracelets, lockcln, buckles, slides, 45.- Also, silver coral**, card coses, fruit knives, thimbles, shields, pencils, buckles, slides, tooth >• tid rar picks, &e. W W Wlt^tuN, ___ dec4 57 market st, cor 4th CYH ANtiKABLE SILK ChristrajuTpre- J item*.— VV. LL Mcß'Uy bas on hand a lew very Itaudsomc changeable Nnik Visiles, very suitable for Christinas presents, which he is selling at reduced pri ces. Also, handsome Dress Silks and Haunt, superfine new style Linen sambric Hdkfs, 4c. GOODS—White and £lack~Lace Capes; ombM J niuslm do; white and black laee UnderslsevcK do 1-ace Uenbaa; black do Veils; plain French Work t'ollara, inmmed and anlruoM standing do; emb’d caffs | to match, ladies linen eambrlc hdkfs; rents do do do;/ also, opera ties, head dresses, artificial Cowers, bounet tabs and quillings; just received and for sale whole sale and retail, by F. II RATON A Co, drc£ 63 fourth st C~iuaT and CLoaY THIMMINOsu-25 ddx gems i assorted cloak Tassels; figra** figured silk Bind ing: 6 do do mohair do, 2 do do drab coal do; 5 do drab ovrrcom buttons; 40 do fine coat buttons; 12} lb* bast Italian sewings; 50 do do patent Thread; padding, can vas* and other Tmumings, for tailors’ use, constantly on hand. dec-6 F H KA'fON A Co IpRf»H GOODS—F H EsJonA CoT arc constantly supplied with a large olid ohoiue assortment of silk fringe* aud gimps, velvet ribbons and braids, la* ccs, edging* and embroideries, gloves and hosiery, rent* shirts, *u*pcnders and under garments, Berlin' Zephyr, woolen yarAs, needlea, pins, buttons, bobbins, 4c , all of wfiicb they offer at the lowest cash prices to merchants sod otiiers; at their new and cmn niodious waialiuuse, 02 Fourth *t, netrlmarket. noffl TIUMMLNOS, HOBIERT Od'OTDY TA It. EATON 4 Co., Dealer* in Trimmings and J 7 . Haberdasnery, have removed from then old stand to NO. «J FOURTH STREET, ti doors from Market stretL VOV39 VOL. XVI. NO. 198. -i MISCELLANEOUS.! * Pzicnt Griiuaud Bilim taiS Pmmd * exUs f n * i,3r , or in goSi wfcri^- been cared by 4e.^L- n ;I?* Cl * b e dtl “ D ‘> h * Vo of some of the could not be removed w em * wkkh Among n 2 ?. a t otI ? r auaßfc ' mirablyadapted for ih!? 1 1 , b<jeft Ptovod lo bo *4 vix nArSriSd" ““.Wto-taj dlnuM, convey the magnetic lhfcl *ko,«P«***» «“ eye, to restore right, or to restore hearing; to tie toitguo tolto ‘ w ‘ l * store xpeech; and to the various the cure of obronie *»r uc doloureui, paralysis,«palgy**^^’ Rights for surrounding counties oftVetiem P*. ahd pTivilcgesj wuh the mstniraenKmay be purehuSlSJ also tested for the cure ot disease*. ' rrn.anii Fall rannetlM. will Iw ,iv c o for tb. n n .u e»«u cal* io lie used for vanoa* diseases, and tbs eMMimn. nPr . r,>^°P^ ra,u 'g for the cure of those diseases win al so he folly explained to the purchaser, uu] % naaethlst J-'“‘ mU) hl * hanis expressly for lhou lolh prepared by ihe paleniee. Enquire or * ocii:i-diy S. WILLIAMS, Vrne n, Fituburgb. RsvsniMs FUtuthg Coek* a FOR PUaiFYINO WATER, »vhieh readers turbid water bin by Z&RKA removing ail subsumes nomiubhi in water, The croton water ia N. York llu®3lpo a,,l ' o “* ll r,eiir uud P urp ti> tita'eyj/yet f , ,leu 11 P***®* hour through ikT. filtering nock, shows a large deposit impure substances, worin*, tv. Thu i* the esse more or less witii all hydrant water The Reversible FUterrr is neat and daralde, and is not attended with the incourenienee meideat to Aker Fllterer*, a* it ia cleansed without detkahWirots the water pipe, by merely taming the key or ban ill* ' from one tide to (he other. By this easy process, the course Ot water Is changed, and all accumolaffons lo Impure substance* are dnven off almost iosuuiily without unscrewing the Filler. It also notseuh* the advantage of being a stop cock, and aaauch In many easy* will b« very couveiueut and economical. 11 can be Attached where there It any pressure high orlowteacask.tank, tub. Ac. withome. To be had of ihe sole Agent, W.W. WILSON, ~..°£ l I 7 comer of Fourth' and Market s(s THE AUEOBfiTBRr 3 '7NHE stiention of the public is respectrany X the following certificates: Ma. 8 Kxatgs—Having tested a quantity of Gold weighed by your Areometer, I find die result proves your miuumeui correct; and recommend the use of it to those going to California, as the best tsethofflbr ob taining the real value of Gold. Reap, yours, , J. B. DUNLEvY, Gold Beater. 1 ittsburgh, March 9, 1849. PnrmvßOH, March 7,1049. Ms. Eaxiss— Dear Sir Having exaameff the “Areo tueter," manulav lured al your rooms, Ido not to eommend it ts the use of those gentlemen who are about removing to California in Xearch afGokL ll gives a elose approximation to the specific gravi ly of metals, and will certainly enable the adventurer to ascertain when his placer is yielding Gold, maria Yours, retp’y, J. R. wCLINTOCK. CI.IBTOB PAPER mi.y. THE CLINTON PAPER MILL, sitaated at Bteubea ▼tile, Ohio, having been enlarged and improved, and at a very mat expense added new andtbo most improved kind of machinery, is now prepared to man ofacture all kinds of Writing, Printing, Wrapping and Cotton Yarn Papers, Bonnet Boards, Ac., equal to any in the Eastern or Western country. The undersigned having the Agency of the above Mill, will keep constantly oaMmda large sapply of the different kinds of Paper,' and will have any tlie made to order ar short notice. 8. C. (41LL, I* 3o 97 Wood street TUBS ANI Pine and Cedar 1 No. HT, con.vsß Mxekkt j subscriber keeps e . . sale and retail, very Ic Wash Tubs, i Bath Tuba, ■Horse Bucxcts, | All other kinds Ware in jmS-dty D CHURNS. Ware. fianafaclary, Airo Firrn Sra, Pmrßtniau eonsthfitiy on hand, whole- cash— ' IBanel Churns, BtolT Chums, Half Bushels, Ac. i his line made lo order SAMUEL KBOKBKN. A RUDUCTIOfi. ’ — • AS. MUSPRATT A SONS’ I’ATENTSODA A3H- O 1 to G tons J| cash currency, or 4 mos. app’vdbfiu. 5 loos or upwards, 3i do par. 8 mos do, interest Ad ded. For the superior quality of this bfand we refer to the glass and soap manufacturers of this city'gßiieial ‘y- , W A M MITCHKr.TRtag, d 't' 100 abort, it - Diaphragm Filter, for Hydrant Watar. n THIS is to cerufy that { have ap- I pointed Livingston, Rcggca-A Co. Agent*'for the sale of JeimtDf *s Diaprahgm Filter,' forthfraf mu ties of Piitsburgn and AUeghear. JOiLN GIBSON, Agent, Wa for Waiter Al Uibson, 340 Broadway, „P, .^sTto, Vie have beenugtng one of the above Articles at the office of the Novelty Work* far on trial and feel perfectly satisfied that it is a bieful mveatiou, andifl* take pleasure in recommending them as iua* ful artiel* to mi who love pure water, lOrdaxi win be -Bmakfiiit? receured-ond nr7mml^.a.^iA^ 0c1,5> - -L» v ING3TON, KOOGE?fA^C6 Advertisement*- s : r pilE subscriber, in otforinr for sale ■ Jm A Of Nunns A Clark’s, (New YorkJ and Chickcr, mg s (ilosiou,) Pianos, would direct atlention to (be fact Uut his IS ihoonly place la the West where the iiistrumcnu of these two makers can be tried aide by side, and where, consequently, a correct idea of their qualities co« be formed. Tbd subscriber being anxious u> lest their relauve menu, and having for apOmber of veara performed upon the Pianos of Nunns A Clark, has laden into use foi the last twelve months, t'Chlck enng Piano, m order to try its durability md 2 8tn*as as an accompanyment to the voice. This; Ptanaaay now . . be •««“ and examined al his rooms, ifafoels confident of his ability u> give a competent,and relia ble opinion on the subject. A handsome lot of new Piano* will be opeftfed in a few days. H. KLKBOL i l?* At J W Wood well’s GREAT WEfiTEIUr " S A ,RP L S. H A^ NKa:4 ' trunk AND WHIP MAN (/FACTORY . rite *ob*cnber takes this Ol informing bit ineuils aud the public in general that he has the largest stock of the following named aro» cleaof his own maiwiac-ture in this city—Saddles. Har ucm. Trunk* and Whips, ail of which he wliJ warrant to be made of the best material and by the beat ttadh arnesm Allegheny comity. Being detexnuned taaell hi* lower than has bcehhero tofore sold by any similar ostablishmentto 4ha «&« he would invite person* in need of tho above urucle. to h.s warehouse. N 0.214 Übeny «t« Seventh. Also, band* made to order octW-ly G, KERBV. PITTSBURGH FBHALE l9gTll<tfE rpilE Second Session of this limitation. ttudeT’iha X care ot Mr. and Mrs. Gosuoan, for the present academic year, will commence on the first o? Fetraa ry next, in lh* same buildinga, Mo. 52 Liberty street.' Arrangements have been made by which ther‘#ill be able to furnish young Indies feeilitie* equal to-anv in the H est, for obtauimg a thorough English Classi cal, aqd Ornamental education. A foiicottraeofPhi hsophical and Chenueal Lectures will , be delivered during the winter, rllustrated by- apparktuk. TlteS uartmeiits ofVoool and InstntmentaJ Murio, Modhrn Langaagrs, Drawing and be ander the care ofa compcjent Prafeasor- By close soantioa io the morffl and miellectnal improvement,©!' (heir pu pils, the Principals hope to mem a contlnuadoa of?he flberai patronage ther have huheno enjoyed. For terms, see circular or apply io (he Principals. ' jaaMitf r pMJIKNIX FIRE BUICKB— I The subscribers bavins f- w»n «PpO!nic4 sole AgetushyUic mannfofftirikrs, for the sale of thu celebrated -Fha-nit Urick*,’’ are now prepared to fiil order* for any quantity, at JSI. 0^, 5 , r Eor the construction of fomacoa of oil kinds, these brick* Itavc been pronounced hy cam, peient judges ns being vupenor to ail other fire bridka now in use. C A M’ANULTY 4Cn,Cnnaißfesin. my 30 M' ANUFACTURED TuBACCO- “ 70 | bxs Lamartine 6s: 33dirhlirab44a sj* !© do Putman 5s and la: 2U do John Rnekerte; lfido Ro berts 4 Sisson 6s; 45 do Henry 4 James 5s and 9k 10 do Johns and Lewis* Ir, fi do Warwick super Is; 7 bn Steward Ss. These Tobaccos, embracing tome of the most fkvor ite brands, on consignment ami will bo to close, by deed L tJ-WATEJUIAN PATEN ASQ. J IMPORTED DIRECT F&Okl TIUS IIANUFACTIi- RER5,—The subscribers, being the exclusive im porters of James MaspraU 4 Sons’ Soda Ash for this are now and will condone to be largely sup plied with tins celebrated brand, which they wul sell at the lowest market price for cash or appruredbjll* They refer to the glass and soap raanafitctareTiTf thu city generally, respecting tho quality. -. W 4 Al MITCHELTREE, l6O liberty m IRON FOUNDRY FOR SALE.—A tmaJl iron Fbfcn drir in a llooriahing town. with. Paifcnm,. Tool*. Ac.j ail ready for boiine**. will be sold on oceanuno dating tenat, or exchange for Iron or food*. ' ’ • -< Thu odists au excellent oppprt&ruty>to a yonag.-akan with small capital to commence the Iron Foundry bit* tineas. Enquire of SCAIFEA ATKINSON—— lat near Wood Semlei, Cooking Btorti~SmSrik& MARSHALL, WAJXaCB* CO, Roar? h corner Liberty and Wood streets, matjiHactare ami offer for salo Platform, Floor and of the rao*t improved quality; Cooking SlovesTfor wao3 and ooa4 Kgg Starea or varioaa sire*. u i common Urates, Hollow Ware, 4c. 4c They aiaa manufacture the Kitdien Range* which haa given mrh geaeral satisfaction!© those baring U4o use, to all or which they would respectfully invite the *u2mion of tft< clUiens and the politic generally. '' oci37~Aif P' ATKNT SOIAR LARD’ I*AMW-An’ txEski assortment of Co meins 4 Co’s delebraicdtmuß faeture, and superior toalt other* m use; adawtS," and brilliant light is desirable. ghadesfwicka, C&lmnieifc Qua Qandcllers. from anfe to ttaos-lirbt*- .? • <"■* W W WlLsSSTtf^.l Iliuriiwarc—Chopay K^W^3/&^Ssis»j^ unce the deelme of nriCeS In Rotin*, :«nd Sr&iSfciJUT ta.lytij.e.ied to ' 6KTGißAir>Bflf.iv»H • ttHftiim —~ P! X i:lf KlEN^Eo^f**» m * ataJof'W<-«K half *¥£? J#w,PTPooßnccihii article übshi parted for durabllirylQ Uj« cofl»tniclldn of 111 kiiulsof PriceSißyJSeaah for loadsQflQiL Marf wiiccd Woe.aumiha Use. Orders Cora second duality Boaw Bncki \*.*Ul be eteeatcU st gfi) pcrSf, iTaade. Mted, without guarantee. A tlook of lie- flntauiUty ,»s now for sale ai ilte warehouse, ‘Sloan'S \Kfear£’-Cs- Ii nal Basin, by J JfHAW MACtSiUSW,' l r P t ‘ :U ’ : Kensington, Irpo_W«d» QPADGS. SHOVELS, Ac—sSO dot « P .r O voi*i 40 do Manure Porkju SO do Grain ShofdKfiO do Socket do; Axes, Hatchets, 'Maiujefc* •aad-'Helu Bellows, Vices, Ac., fbr amraA^mfiknifU^ 1 by none CEO COCHHAJtf/S
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers