;BSt:teISHED/VIIs rT i7S>. ■" '/ .BuA : OA&DS.'V.:. 'ii-fIMSTfiONG fc felLCtfenniuioDMeiEiiirili* •-/\'-nDiJDTOiftr*'' J snWe,Np.' ittr.MaritMUrect rrto-bargh'-' • iv,-.- >• - j b.*.Bcrarnox^-’ 7 ' - : f••, -f x n.iix\% BUSIIPIELl) Goode, Piunbnrgb muiti v fufiorcd ttreet. Pine* ; lurghc -.••• .! • > vßsaaucr »ap»v .? r \; : v' e?eio* *xnnat>/ BILAUN and&etaiMJruij pj<3», corner edJW 8u Clair uireeu,' Piiia • ,bafg» > ga.;-V ■’ .■'••• ■-/ mayH . ■ ; r. -5 «JJmsojrl i x ” n’B..'num ■ ■; f)ROWN $ CUtßfcy, Grom* J> and Ccnual*sioa Jimis, No.' 14S. Übertf ft, Piu»bfemli« v - .- r Kyy...--<r;i dc3tly. ♦ taJlDraggiaU,corfotidmdfltb»t». i iyl-; . O-fiAUKY fc SMITH ; Q m WgodarcorPiiu (1. AIMcANUhTT %nd Cota: wx. & ». TCRtiUSII ,£i'4»co.r warUluK M burgh Alb tWntrtt- »*no TMHEND, • • 8- Comtnif • ■. (Union Tor turntby:?* ; - JLLKIt, Beit uud Draw - u Foanders aai iitu Fi'i© FronU between .•.lVo«larniSmilbael4-«treei4bßitb,pß. • r.rUy'Uistrcat l>rieG:tiwn|ld^i£raHd3ira** ~v i KDBLGK COCHRAN.CoiIon aadForwardinf, . -Iyr-Mettbaat;-!^^.t^PirubwsboWti?i “^frABaV^JONEsV •.■> 1 1-T warding MercfctrilsV iftonimed to their old • turnd;- Water a»<TPtam jtf 7k >|V •-S- w>j,irxtLß,- Balmooie.. -i '■'< -ju j.BjrcMoa, toward iu * u. c.M'cunaow, janai/wi HKAIiD £ BUCKNOH, foi ■dunitojdl Jtcrih Water PULjrC_ -i.yfrft wctat; * .. vnriffi “"taritfr-sicoT* i&ri ■TSAIAH DICKEY A Co^WkieGrown*.Com* JL ; OuiEffil Mcrchaats, and deMi-pro&eeci Not; SB ■ Water. ‘*ad to? Front atrfifctt; Ptnth. - mtS:: - :1Q Ilf.’ ILRAN KlN,Aisniey . tl. nnrf Oosualstaßet.' S>c.tUe-£ .flUxoiirMaVtlftto cl.-?itul»nis ;:'.JlsiH«sia»—Piilsb«Tghi.Ha_ ymft OmdU ft SanptoyftrCordft Ku>|_- - , T OKN SCCflTfcCOvWfcaleaaJbeota, Forwnid if uig and Commi*Eioa Slereh®ealCT» tuPro* due* ucar ihs Fa. JAME 9 S McGUIBK, (hue ofihQol AUeo nnd HcOaire,) Merchant JTttitor, SUtImT Bandidc*, irdatttejacar Woody Finsbctri,- .. . ' JU'-injrCHliav, 4. : teacoessor*; ip V ' Hatches- & Camion. Merchant!, ''ani'ACenK'ot llio St.: LduisSieaajnir- Rdioery. •' tto» -tfraraicrand gi i:rects;pfcrgh, - . ~ " f ,6. Dlr.WOUTil^Co J *3YiiolelGro«ets, : Prt. f| •'-ducfi-apd And .Arena . for tho Uaznhl Powder Co t <i(N.yi27Wood at, .‘■WUaMofcX/; . - ] jl2. /. TOfWD.MOßGANiWhotaaaJfrttfautmdfeal* T- tP'.-er in Dfe Stuffs, l v tunu,.Oils, Vart*,Ac_No;W Wood atfeevor.o door sjornU ufi)»am-Ailey,FiU±r V'barßtr.T.i.v- TAMES .KfcßlC Jtv & Coy-Tsaccei to Jrtepbi G. , : ,y j , ;Waier|etr - • oc3i; TOliN~nT dealer '|| in Mime amlMaHital laairnfl^nitiDolllooOy - PapcfrSlatpg, •Btcch'i*ec», QT!illg, rriif ; Stationary geaerailyfNo. gliWoog atyfonrsh. 1 ~ : -C7* Bags ton K oV taken in-trade. i seplS T, SC;1O0N-MaH5‘A. C<L,. Whotefbronmj, - tf fi;&od,gtroei > .-w;-. - ; L .. ‘X ORN D. DAVIS, Auctioneer, comeVmid Wood 1 stzbstjlgft&tiurgh.v:.' c ? t>ct3 : I 6ill\3TpN k Printer* ,ocd Paper Manufoetaws, «0;44 Rlat et. Pitta-' tjucgh,: ’ '-. :.t . ...19? • . ; iOHa zurtni: .1'- ~ alca noTi. •: J\!, r AB:FIX>YV; Oate.J. Royi4L.©lW»le«al* j T»rdc«rg;y o: atreet,;--’ -»cpS ; , JAMBS DAIZSKLLf Wholesale GoocerlgßiQtevtoQ' "More bam, (Lnd<,d«lcr;in .-Produce adinsborxb . 3lanqntctun»» Ko.^4\Vdnrt : ft.< fiUt bari j«ni<f | EUilte. JONES, Forwardnig oud ‘CiuUits; LrcaJet* in J’rtuhieeiaiidl'UUbh many. j f*murrtl arud es; Canarßa*ia.'tiear7lh *t.J - .^*r?; •"• - ,y. • Veauvtps lrtm Worln.;. • * I* "EtV] S, BAEZtLL. i Ca, aii st- JLi ?e» Baji Slice^'Boilttr.inwi '- quality/ 1 'Wartiiriuie 3 '&l wujernndiua frouv- 1 ifiiiti) i ; ' i'r'z \r •' \ •.--¥ «, “•■S AN, .Wholesale,Grocer, • • JLi*Ji#BiiUCamniis*ion MerqUauL DtajcE:i>uu 'larsti JUanctaetH^ei-ani' 31 'Vj ft-,. and Cl: /> v.--gg- . iOUS VMtLL. • • 2UU’ I>. ATSUJm ■■ • WILTKH flntt. TV/I cGILLS AROh, Wholesale Grocenond Grm«- JjfJl Merchant*] Jvo. I£>4 JabrriysL 1 , Pi’l^rcb _• , . , V r ; Mfc’HPll YVrWILSOJi* CCMljua £&,)\yfcole*aje- .Dealer* ta. J?ry ; Goads, ■£ 4sj ,■ v.-nth - « : JJi3lecfivwi^ l :for7^t , «6lerof Wain: • Aioodi; Liberty ttrtctjowonte fifth. ncn& % -blau^s,'> • • f3ias^'sriaijc* l . wtc«. mm i ■n.r -ALU-uS i- jCo-.'Commmum- and- i'omnig . Jllj-MercUaoUj.i Wsuer rand .Vtonl sts^. beivr aVootf gad Alnrfcciats. .v. 1 .-.^, 1 < .■> t'jti i vru. xajJDir ~ - e. tr, mzrm; Mll.U-Ut £ Cfoceni Connmse»«ni : McTdcuriiIrNe; 1 r Ne; 170, Libcrty^U,'M* .■ixagkiVfU':. j\ t!W ’ ■■ :-jaa^ ' •-’KfcSdliiES' \U £0N;.N0.55 Market *L,aeci . */i * door from corner of-Fostth, dealer* m Fonb PoweirtieittlliJQftaglifmge, CerUfleaustofDe|- __ '•uk-JititeakliUEpecte.i-.-.r. ' • . jEad Cra ell th«J a* . • • V ■<!«<:I-. ."i - , czaas* a. jot! , BOlW'*iC»:. , Whole«ale Grot craft 11 and FSiuborgh tf. 6»ioltlj3M,a ftUft : "ear nhurry AiigWfUy^MKfa*-• -• -’•,-« a£ ; toreiTSil^ **? wtechwillb&,feOliHofw:fa>,cMfc yL'-^yjfPl&t Ce v .WMUa«ta-.fiWft* i IKttabugbjpß. :•••• v.-l. &«* t JO&T.A,' -CONNINUHAM, AVbolnaJe urwer, <K Dealer • * nq.144 - / <■ ; - tWvMyitfef JUTwTrtdpi&al , 4& *aSSSr rntoeib I*ntt6utt ***&»*» -'’OT*! - ~ - a » £/*>;:. 1 laa^gaaaMaj^&T^Bap. JOHNSON, Wholesale and Beiari Dealer* Mb Smia&jy ‘A' Hofiery tad^Fwtey .mimSiL . , ♦Eg . - CHACXISIT i iVUVVIi in '• :' &• 'ifi’FftaCaad fcwfo^«fi«*BfVWdFonrahiinj: . and. Cofluainion Jicrchanul No. S 3 WiUl ft, fitu. : '■ . :!.si v *■■-•* *- i; 'IVmITU, BAG ALEV ■& Coi, WlioitialeGrswr* *n« -^rrodocfttfau<r»,Na.S3ilaricl«ut« ? bowceß6^ - ; v- ; : V'’ : pgrt;;■ .:■ mrtsrxcn.---" ganjTgcziowKJUtTi*^ -■ iTltiqolA PiWdacc ui GeaeraJ {to*-: & t»i No-17 Utart? *L, Fuubw**, ' 2ssma. . , V’.-. ■ :}' ■• -fllerefaintoJ 'Tww^T^totiTflHiUirnf»ctorei r kmJ J Wesibnl>(i-i . toXieirn«wwmieioase,(oWfUius) : ■>, f. .•yv^£7 li rf, | : l -'”" ; -Vi' .• •-■••• ■*■*."** t».*? | T B i£§lS£=«u liw&S cupet tty* ic,. 8. W \ ■ Wffi.T Utocxtt* yctwtHag ■ r . .;;BK!SBt|SS» 7 J Wwrt ° W 5£ J . If: &ferehaiu,-{p M*rt«_me«fc ■* 3p«; .^ss^ss^ajSf^^g ■ TSp'TrMTmniK wBCTokSS SSTSiCrIn W * CMJWC Md , tenure* Mxrt«*ad fourth ’ vx.' ' ,tj7TM. TOtea t Cq>-tt»!u» to jjukjr.VUieJ&d. /rmLiftTwaiwa. --• . »j*ircun*we** "tiV A^Bi^^iiiX)^ t IYV.« |rf», tn Prefect; ittta. Niilt, Pittf #«*■ ’Aunt.-’ ■: r -.;i4:--.: V ■ *:Ui '''r-51.V'.,.1’ ".TUT? r jy» Wl’l^N.W«cbi» l Jewtlrr,SdfttW»r«7 %<n»—V Ckirlr* 'VoßithattMVie&tAncv’Ofl! -MtfledlMnket. - | i ./,». -j\y t < ,J TOUIf If No. 43Market tbreo dear* atwre'Jbifllet; Pitta bustssrW have •oraarm rh« v rfnil, ftfiiV** tyJijsh be ‘Trill rail to-tfi* inott rtwntbb iattaa’ PbvgieUuU - ■waila* onlertririll tifr-'pfonrfrt**bajrtiWu^efuftfab plled witaJUlieldatheyniaTrdt»-tipca-A» itenafifr/ 3 f- CP*i , hyilciaarf-Pre»cripDana**ur'l**ew£reieff’ add prepared (tom UW licet teabTriUei At pay bear of -ibe dayorsMv - | ;: - •'dockerfrttiiti **MAspt&v*tb’ - ’ w .v*=-*r i. i i ■--mm- £? -jsj iV', _ _ICAEDS. ; MARffI.R.WOBKBOJf LIBERTY »6T- OPEOSIT£ , iJ .TIIBiIKADOP;W«QD,p«*|SBUBQfIi - tuV.'. PAtCgp ~wi iTyyrpr «■. .. - /TtONTimJE* to' manafaetore AldnSuettta,, Banal ,V_ys u i?’ Sicncß, Mantel Piece*, Cen-: - ®?4's iM, -T®pa : ofJ , oTeip r <ajul-«Sojne*tic**i>bl | e > at ? i *&!*«* a *Xn*Voec ■*•»;** ißoaanww*, .vault*, Ae, forniib-. eo»:»f;any description,. IleaoUeiuaabate- of.psMlc pairoaagß. r,,... > , ); : JUTTIISW EOWAKDS, VMO*. j? . • _ ;K ; f v ,,uj)tta **..«*s*, L ~.55 Rtt&sicff'raSSss works. ..'' 1 QtMPSOIfA CoV thaanCactorcr*' of VuUi, Bottle#, k 7 and Window >Glasa, keep; constantly on band a general the uVoteartleles. Al«Staoka loonier Wperior'attide cfßEoertl Brttleai *TeoloTedlgfehs.;; .K^S'^Towr^HttgrsU,, JUnnafhcuinir. ofCotian jmd >f f. ~eblqredXlnea>fWß«e for Drc»*e*,Ac.f Sewing But and colored CoUoitFnngea for ;ailk, and,gingham ; Pamtol*.'-TGunp»\MaLair;‘*“l Bilk.Bullioit Tnngei, ~madnloarJetoathe . .. . SToak, corner oflllii dtsh Laite and WHUam,entrance; »85 william .streeVJbJrd floor, .overAlmer ABy*’ tforfe,No63 MaldenLaw;Ncw:.W>rh ~ -.jytO.- . RoJe Grbceff/lS' ahd r a;v.-u cBIISBBEVf < ; MANUFACTURERof Steam Boat and Family Blnn kei*, Baaing, CoittatMaitmse*ond Comfort* of nil ilida. hfovSSWafor.Mreet, Piaibargh.' ;.,.',deea)-: :■■■■: 1 1 >.'•=* i-l ■■■ PEHNinLtrPrrTBBirROBiPA. Kennedy,, child** ft:co.,bratniikcturen orvefy •nperior 44 Sheeting*,; Carpet Chain,*-'Cotton •ltrme and Bitting.. --/^'JaM^y; PEIUS TOSA BTOBBw-No.fa Tofcrth: Bvgffil Hear Wood—All qaamitlea'of Greiitiwndl Ksfea» Black Te»*,donetip taqimtCf, ! haii;ltiid! oae paanditaekage*,-'tAnging from 50 eta. tfofponnd’ jyi A:JAYNSS,Agt.-foT, Pekin Tea Co, I COLEMAN, * KAILMAN A Co,' Concte/vnd; EUijaic BpTing»,.j£Knmered Axle*, Spring and .Houah.'StecL Warekowocii: Water and Front rtreci*, iW>uigUi. ; - V,r*V-?T ' | -Also, c dealetic infi OoadfTriaanina.ami MalieabW •Cattinga.-, -- .: , oi7«cUa' ! ‘S^CWUdAOTB^SSi=^teeTKiriAS2 il . third door above Smithfi*lA*oothaiue. cfnll'hinda;4one;with< iho'ereatest •care-tod I®#*! actrttroey.','.:; ; .:s ;> * •a-j.' ;-v'j i Eitaro cxamiscd,Ac;~-‘ Jg*ibct3o-lr i ,;j.f■ .and 'WmdTahirUq&i' • Merehaatfc: Alap, Importer* ofSOda'AsWanlßleaelw ;tngPowder, No. ICOXibexty alrect, Pfrt*lmrgh, Pa, ' jFUltd*. i {Vmfmlnfrfr /U ef- ICNonh'Wluve*. • •■ jOYtKKf,. pMnsellßratL&tr jofPcooaylTSJUa farwirdfHfttnjh •iobii li Wikc, " Hons &BAODB . TJ AMILTOJTSTEWAKT, maaufactarerof ’HeaW • /XL .Shining*,Check*, ■Alleghenyi . • TEXTIGBEW i UK.ruff aT RA M • R » A M w t P ! . Na 43-Water- atrect. j INSURANCE. DELAWAEB BVYVAUXHSTIRASOECOi ' TPUN FINNEY, JrA’Agent'ai : PU6htt»ltfor f the Del .hr’ aware Mataol Stdmyisiarhnce.Coamaay bfphila taldphif 'BT^Biiki'opoabaUding*aim merchandize of-ercry.'deicripaoa, addM'aribeßlakifuponhultibf eargoes-of rVhaxeb,- taken I .open tha most ; frtvorahlo terma. •’'•* *• ’ r '- 1 -»• | ' tithe Worehtmle ofW.RHobaca A'Brhl -No.37Waier,ncSEraiarkeiatrtet,' Piiriibatgh. 1 - MCeesa Of thhi Companyilnee the eatrfb- CihscentoT tho Agency'in thiaeily, wnp tie prompt-' sen and liberality,-vruh whieh'driry elalrn'iipon them forlon. has been adianed, folly 'warrant the'tnnViai -inritcig tha eoafidehas and patronage ofhia frienda ahd. the coidamnity aMarge lo the Deiaware hL S. lirta* - irancc Company, while if hair the additidtiJil adrantacei ’ aa as inaUistlon among the Phiiadel phia—aa having ample paid-in capltal. which byilie opemtion ! of. iu'ehaneria-tonstaii tlf'iac tewing,-M' yielding to each peTsda issared hi* doe riaefe or the profit* of-the company, whhorrtlutoivlnri&ca ftfosy 'teaponaihißty whateVeii' and’ ’therefore'-a»' J ddBte**uig the Kntaa! principle diTested of every obnoxioaa foa tiife.'Ondlh itsmasl aßrartiv* form ; • ***** ■ ATiso babbie nrsußJWCiß.fi /p H&lauixace £6?u>ftu; .of North America, ui rough l m dalr aalhoriiea AgenCthfraabacriher, ailsrs to make permanent and limited- Insurance ou progeny:,, in ihikcuroßditstieinixyjttadwCm bjthe Ca» nal.BadlUv'cra. .JDDIECtOBS.,!. : , , Arthur O Cpgin, . Charles Totlot, 1 SaxalAV. Joses, . , Ambrose While’, , , Edward; Smith ' . Jacob' M-Thomas, : Jo!inA.'Brown t .. John. While, _~"t; K Ccp>e, Baaucl F.Sraiifc,,.. ' SajauelßTOoktj 3ohnß.Nefli , Rickard D. Wood. Wo. Welsh. Fnmjt'siitwietu, ■•S. Austin Allibone, ■ , - ARTHUR 0. COFFIN, Pre*H .Hsset. P. SHsikiup, Scc'y. . Thisu.Umoldest,insurance Company in ihs.lCaitc-d Staler, having.beta chartered in 1781. Jtt charier ii anufroia it* high standing) lopg.cxpcpence, . ample mean*, and avoiding alt risk* of an. extra haz ardous character, it muy he considered aa oCerina am* pie s-.earity i» ihcpnhlic. W. P. JON£S. Al tU'e Counting Rooaof Atwood, Jones A Col. \Vo» tar mil Frontsireet* PituflarglC" • • - 1 -- -mayfl 'PRASKLraiWaB ISSPBAHCB CO. Thf. Ppintim pjy. Isuxuce Company, o£J3uladcl* pb!a,wiU male tun mime} KnuusuiaM 1 Uni led ou every.deWripuoh of and the larrouiuOnj t'fiuflaXj'pii term*! ' fhikyeikn ;panj‘,fiaj.lipeJl>etiial.cli3neri.'"', .. - Capital,'.; . ' ■■•"■ • ' • MOtytOtatfin. CoiHlugent, fftnd r .- . sSWyJoi>. v < Z3ad ood MwlcbtJWcei*, Piiufaurh.. J.tjlMt- 'VAKIUCK MAUTI,V, A;nig ■ fflllE SUS3CfiQIB&kaa ■; ; X-iem;oflheln*artnee'Corßj»»7o£JloriJi Arnetts n, . udarill ittoePbEriauuol oxtaod ts tho tfthor tnuuwM ofUie Asefloyj-ai the ■warehwaeof/Atwood, Co. apis W,U F, , FORWAKDING & COMMISSION C.■.DJOT»BOvrO* • J.ICUUouSI< ftiCO. . mACCO/CpSiIfIISMS.aBKSiAiiTS, Na.SiFSfoiK^Vliaivta’>^&^il7‘South' AValer tU puiixvklphja. ....... TjEGSto ui&natlietrr*d,;an4tL«alei».generany,of * l» Pittsburgh, that they Uapcmadeiuchanangeraenß wj&the'Yirguiia muhantcarrer* and the Grower* of the West/wcsi Indie*, auiloUterplace*, 4*.wil! injure ■l large' and constant surp'? of taeCollowiOg dctcrtp 'iiond«f-Tobacco,'.vhlea wU/ be *old npon Ua'aceom modaiing terra* a* any oujcrboaM ininiseliyoielier where, uui'aUgOodv ordered froa therawW be war* rented «ioal tprrprweaUUon::., Tlavpnnj-~ Sl Domingo;'’ *1 '.Tara;.'.. Porto Bicoi. ’ Peaa*a4 >S«ed Leaf to -Cabajl' ~ Iguim; ' 4 Florida; j _ ‘’bacco; ALSO—Brancb’a,eelebrated.'-Aromatic Stag Carea* dish, frith! a largo assortiaent of ether popular brand*, and qualities of pounds,* Ss, £», 12*, IB* and 325, Lump; ;di7o,Bs*ad IDs Plnr, Ladies* l>i*u Virginia. Twist, ie- *\reei andsttiii;ifl : lrtlot& f «ad half boxes, wood tin; tojjetherwithevery variety of .article belong- 1 ingtotaauade.- 1 - —• • v . JelSdly • '•x.-Eiia*ar. 'i-- _ ju stsstr. ; oamsisos. B&BSS7) ffKBBXT. At>Aa&SfBos| ; FtOUR FACTORS, t Produce, Comoluioa ud |f!«nrlvdla| No. <8 Kona Wbasyib/asv 1 89 WinaSi-' UvUi'J -PHItADELPUU. Hxra to— John H; Brawn fcCo.•• V } Fhil.LdilptJa. BjqjeJey t Co. J . j.« 2 ’ -:New York. < ..Wuiers&Hanrefrt . -Bsltiapre.' . £3ftkr« SoUb/. -. \ ' XiaaJontSy } ,ry liberal cub- advisees on consignments to oin dScMu■- maiaorfiy ve. ■'emten ext/- » cost, warns. bd tießrnl Coouninliia aerebjkoti* « . N , o:i3&nraWAnsoTxnr, v •' .«:* - i • "r PimADELPUJA. •P^TSSSfe^ : -t» ••■:•'■■•“ ■ . A.JL'JaruuirfcMayitmc. ’ ‘ - • Ctarleißariuai,’Jf n LouiirJne. . .. - jtoiia; Hamphreyfk Co,''); ;* i , j:v ■— MeTccrj ' ' SFiSad’a : - . . ,2scd*Brother» ' >f' ■ -tolaUT -^)DnlilkfcC»UgUXgfyrNcw»<”k •• - >Ti tmpax.qtbzia ■ ACBOZEB#; * I :i%oManaamMEßC&iJsT?,No*aM"ketitTee», , ttige«CTttaflg> |Q V■; ?• ■ t j jg?; \wsss&S&Wßsst t&ft; \ —Vvom,,SLoUa'iSDPttOOTrcß, j il M.A.Nj BEKO::S;WjVI (Boece**«tfl© Bead, Hard tCo^) geheral «<msi issiob mbechaot^ particular titr/rwrUHriflWithi wlscf fllfriW* Of, ;i'duc«W aoabWiu hriywjcW'ttadb pn eortriffiinfiiu**} •Mi Jtr&Coj ,. i‘. Mrmtß/Robfsiin’A.Co, l pumbnrflu. • ■«■ : ‘ V" "McGill ARt*/ •« . Hired, ParkAfcCo , Benver, ‘*' • .;. . .Law*on*Covode,.WeUiTUla,0... ,• , 'V' * ' * . \ Mur, 1" 4 ' •" ■ • tv.. .. I. .7' l lorwardlDgapd GeccraLGoimnU - ; ' r ■' Jf/k^strlci^ to£rd«f*ior pnrthaainr 'lftHfls market, arid *ll »««*»*. fe£s , jT2 I S , * ae, . e £ StssTtnce«PftiiJrtrjby [ * ’Vii/jflUiiM •-•- \i : —•rr . ,77- flamwiulanaad Fpv«tl]lld|lUrelU^|l(r / •i.e - .so.® waop trmatrxak, - . .will l«r.c#ui«ntlf roppliof wlih J •<? w«peetfbn7«Ktfitcd.- • >:! -■ ■•.•/»< fOggMiraSD’CfISBISSIfINfIiiMHWT, Itaai a*tu,€Bttoa ,Y*rm,%rttttburth H MiSwrtctnrjß* generally, - - - ■ '.• no. 10 jEorony JaCarmeiioai .epply w '^Sku-rinnimnwrtf^' : F« the B*le of Produce jeaertUfi/- -» (pP tibetel gdTtxcee s«4eoacoaiifiUß«itA.j) j jitldkvCttT ■ '.jVc.v - **&*&'. V>- l"!fS > - ,1. •wai,^mmaai;c) *• r /» ATTOMEV. ATLAW, • ' , BvtlfT', Pa '\\TiUl -Arid uiend bn*l ' Wy •• nen* eotraited ts **ikl Arnutron? .cdniCeii'Pa." Hefertb'- I ' l •• « -'•.<• w. •-U-i V ‘dd ••''rPlusbdrtt'; -* •; dly'' ’..Kaipg-OftVWoodai.--' -V- -pan?: ! 'T-: B. SWEfTZRR* Attorney *I-Lsw,afiice ,3d*u f|« oppoaite-St Cbarle»>Hi»V Pittsbnrghj! willaW attend promptly to Collection*, and Green eotnuiea, Pa.u-- -•.<u ;w , , f • ... r- fiEFE&.TO: - , • Bl*ek*wet, BoUfcCoj,- ?> '! ■■’* CMrebfcCatothciv ■-'» - ■'- ■D T. -•:•■ ,■■;* $ -±,-. ■, •cl3dly I< E ; V J. itENttY.* 'Auomey'and CoanWlor ntlimr, • Cineionali,OWo.. ,«ud, id Indiana,, and in ICehtaeky, promptly and cafe* : folly, emended toi ' Commi*sianet for (be State of Penn* jUkliig. ttepoMlionj,'' aetndwlodumenU, ; ■ to—-Uonl vim. feillfe Son/ Corti*, Chnrch& .CaroUicm.SVta.ltay’- .WiUock.fc Patna tcM , •n/.'w.inmjk*B*; .. . ; . .. wm. k. buuul - , nyU.LIAMS liuecetsora loLpwtio and TVvWiiliasijbV Attorneys,and Counsellor* at Law. -Office North aide of Fovnh mrstfaboveSaiilhfieli. |a ’’JAMEBFrKEHR, " " V TTORNEY AT LAW. Offiee removed to Fourth *JXi Ur eel, betweensSmilWreldnad Grant street. JAKBOTCLOF, vIiIUKBSOKSXWXIA. attoroei'.et eson : ! U-Bmithfiel<i:factwten3daad4th>t». -: -. / j : BONNETS : FASHIONAJDLKeATB.. , •’ .|Bi- ‘-THE n* '-JtS mamtihetnrfpgof Haty-hasinado arxange>j|B > ments withJlemv Bebee A Co, (ihetoost^^ fashionable hatters of the eity ofNewYorkA for are J-' uittTßiptUy of his exfirs Ihie’SUk Bats, and. having lu*t received *' can be suited with *. ▼«ftr richandbcutl&Mut br.e«lUag«t his sew. Hat njfuCapSiore t BmiU»l.eld''street l second doorsosth of "Fourth, 'whcro:msy,liß,fl3,Qnd.tiJteat-TKriety of Hats' .and cask of and re-- made 'to brdefcashbrt notice. 1 i' : . ;:. ; opa8"- > -- - ‘ !t * :‘ - -to:; ~ -J&MK3WILBON. • -Jffil'V' r4Bnee«tso»taMH^£Kb^)'- vfigß;. Fsihleasbie n»Ue*h, ivv.-iv -.Comer.cf Wta& attdaFok.,stiiekx f * -T>ASncULAB htmmion paid .to-owßeiailTYadp.' dt‘''<J«nllomenx can ’lelyi opoa getting iheir Usta.aad" Cans from oar nt i>i<» mitotth, and i watmimnt, of the mroaTTLis, mul at the iowzst,' are, respectfully invited to call and axamlßO curBtoefc; 4* ! we eaafsny-srith'confidenco. that a* regards orator aad’rstcK. it will not sol&Tin a oo>Qpazisoiir«nth any - t.- febiy . JB|f 4absoril*?r" , t» now receiving from IheQflffgL ■"©eity offtomYorfe adhered assortment of in great thrif ty and very'cheSp.'wboleiale aud retain | h • , , JAMES WJLSO.V, . ,- t ,. ..... :gmiUffieldtt,Sddbor sootho< 4th . 10*11 VMtklwtudDZlSdS*; ria JBS BeooED ■ , LM, v^%i • ■; - t mats K'cosn A : sno.) 's•; • ?SSI '\)|TlU#'intJodaeo'«a;-B*t*niaar»--ABp»« -fifth* tlw - style of Hats, Jan received fretnNew.York.' Those in wam ofa beat and beutaifu] hat, «rd.i»vned-- *o call at ihairasorcr earner of FUlh and Wood streets. • -A.-'? :V...--V •-• ■. - • .. VrSA&hTBEiDVPOaPOBUOkTIOI Xl by J. A. tU. the following new and. valuable Wgrk»7jJr_... , , * Doniphan’s Expedition—Containing * sketch W the life or Cot aTw. Doniphan:'the* iCohohesrof Nets Mexico; Ges. Kearndr’i Overland Expratioa to Cali fomi*i Doniphan**’Campaign againsttlu! Navtjos, sun -his* unparalleled March open Chihuahua and Datango and the Operation*'nJEUcn-.frica at Santa Fe; with a 4 Man.end Bngzavinry. bj i John.Tjtiughch«A D Istßeginwntof hLraowiCavalry , ... V f , llisury of £euiucky-r*lir Antlijiuties sad Nnnrii Gcosraphxeal buiitijcul- and Gcobpcsi witS sßMilotrS of Floorers-Life.ajwl too tf. than oue hnndrcd Elographical Sketches of cd rioceen, Soldiers; JtrrisiSj Lawyer*, Di-' vine*. tofty engttmag*} by Lcor'i ‘vol.octkvo!'' ! ' The Twelve Moirfhs’ Volunteer, or Jaumal of a Fri vato' in the Tennessee Regiment ot'Cavalry, in the. Campaign of Mexico; dome 1316-47, era sininy an ac ronnt of the March of the Eegiaeat to Vera Crux, a : dcscrjphnu-of the poantry passed <jver, mattaera, eof~ : tomyAc. of the pajplfi aketehesnuf Caon Lifej ac eonnu of all the actions of other ,Yoinsteer Jleci cents, and si fall Hmotyef the ilexicanWor. List «L r ,e KU led and Wounded, 4e; Elujuisted by a large fianther of comet tlewaandpiansjby<Jed. C. FarScr, 1 volume ' Octavo, - ~ . de*l • NSW WORKS—Cromwell’s Speeehe*. Ac-—tihivtfr 1 CromwelF* Lerters and Fpeeebe*. indodjti* Us eopplcmijtrtt«tliofif*r«iitiom WUhelaeidlton*. J&. Tlwaut*Carlyle. In3voJwlfimo. CioJt . Keniaciy.—Historical. Hkcicbea. of .Ken tneky,, Cahraeihg iti hiitory; nsEqairy, acd'nataril cariouuca, gMwraphieal, riatutieai arjd scripaowi snih anecdotesurf Fioocer wc,-'om mans (hSn one hundred biographical sketches cf disringuiih- • ed pioneers, wWicrs, Tind miKwccaf jarina. lawyers,' iUcstra.tgd br'fhriy- py' - Fairy .Taiea and Legends, many Jfation»T-$e if rl- * ed, newly told, snd inruliied. lty C. B. Ihukhvdt Beaatifafry tlinttrated. v - ' TLs Arsbiss Nigku—The TlaTßsahd and One Nigh ik or, thrArabianNigWKatcnainitufntH trstulaienamf krrssevd for family reading—with explanatory' notes,' by. F/W. Lane, E*q. .From', the second iauidon cdl uoar' Dlnsrrato! wtthtiOOwnod cal* bf llirvey, atsi Ulominated titles by Owes /tees. Complete' in 13 part*; paperr'or 3 volt, iSmo. Clmh-<iilb The above books io« received and for sale by JOHNSTON * OTOCKTON, UookseUeT*, ’ °otB«* market, cor 3d »t •• Y»V. BOOKS FOR BCUOOLB, of XY Pi&Mwd.Bpberic»l*rrisanometry,wiihtbeirap* pUeaiwns to tkleiusrauoo, Sarreyisr end NsTunthNu v uf'Ctlaj Lhomi*, : A. U. *■ \ ' jCejwpboa'M'Wemorftbi'ie oT6oer«te%. viihGutiib note*, critieel ud explanatory,lids-of &scmcc, *e. 1 BrC Anthon, JL L. It APCUntock ft; Crooks’ First Book In Greek; eootaln-' ingA fuH yTcT* 6/ lho forms of words, with Toeabalo> Ties end copi<vita eurciaes, fte. . .SalkeUTe.Firftßookin Sp«ai»bi«r. aprectieei in* trouaetion to the smdjrof the Spanish Len^oafd. .Book Keeping by tingle ana doable entry- PraetA eeliy adapted to the inland aud mart uae commerce of thoCJnitßd gonea..- SyP.Do£- . A History of Fraaeei lam the eonasestof Gaol by Johns Cesar, COAhsttignofLoaU Pfauippoi; By Mrs. Markham- BerUed, Impnrred aadenlargn!,l > yJsefti> Abbott? map and engrarfogi. tVw’sale by • 7*^- ' It lIO^WNB, 1 ddctf Apollo Bcildlngs. 4th st YfKW BOOKS- Loomis* UementsofTnxoaomqtry.' Xl —Elemeets of plsdd and saperfieial Trigonome. try. trith their appUcattotm to Mansoratiou. Sacreylog Mi. f 0 A Fimißook in Greek; containing a fall rienr of th& form of-wards,: with-TOcabalons* and .eppiotu exer cises an. the jnetJtad of Coos tarn imitation and Boot by John U’Climoek, D. IX. Protessoref Langua ges, and George R. Crboris. A. NL, Ad;anct Prolessor of Language* mpidclnsaa College. ; ' irphaa , sU& Of Madaod Catharine Adoma, 3d edi tion. t r . A peyr ijd7pWrhe IXfOipUno of Life. Parte 0, 10 and 11 of Harper A Brothers* splendid 0- in Traced edhioa of dm Asntnnn Nigbts’ Entertainment.' The above work* rcceivedAkls day bp express And. -for solo by ? i JOIfNSTON k STOCKTON, '• ■' rotl3 ~ ~ ‘ - eo? 3d and .market tis , a‘Bcienedf theTsmeheranArtlstt by.B. R. FTeH, AjBlL •!': -‘A * * The School andthd sebool Master—A, manual for the 'use of teachefs, esployera,'<tttuiees, UupOclori, Ac/Ac^tifCofflcibaSchDOi*. InfttopansJ ByAlon 2opatttfr,lXP^andG.R.£aer*on t A-M. Blastraied wiihtngrarings. Forsnloby- . / deejd B HQPILIW3,, Apollo Bnililings Earles cablnjit xibbarv, rotSchoois • work consists of twentjnrpltynea. Cna cohtalne fire hundred difl'ereot subject?, Ulostraied with fiO? ecowiags.' ■' li i* art entirely orrcinsl 'Wcdady wjnenmnd completed by 0 G Goodrich, aa . ibQr’off’efer Parley’* Talts, nnd it designed fp «xhi- inkpbjraltr form, SolectßloyrapMesjancient and modern? the wondertand curiosities of-'Hiifory, Na .tare,AruBcl4nee,«nd Philoaopbyfwnii datiesof life. •- ; . V'; ) .ThftprlcciWTiYoLisTSccnu, each containing aboov 330page«,limo; or SlOpertt.. Forsalehy . T 1 ofi? '■ HOPKTNsCapolio BlattUnffS, 4Ut‘st; ' n *, ■ icr-i - PI LAW, OFFICES ls[ SoS bB&£“ Sl d^orto.AJje'muLrl'JbhA/ ;; '■■■' ttpfily ■ ‘ SCHOulr ARCUITECTUIUS ofeoittrlbdddturioibo 'improrenieirt of school'hoases in thb’U/S.: by ; AbtradfnUy illustrated with .vjc^ Theory and u!ce- of-Te anh ing, or the xdotiris 'Bndrytßtulsoigtyylsfjiodlhccpihg: by DsvidP Psgfc, ;NOVKtft-A’H’him, ani (U cqntegqenpes: • oStS%LmI i'lhte Vyfti&mm JjakcpeacOTliackery, ?7lth lilustßitlons. ' ! •' Edward Vernon; by EV Childs. ... Story of tiie.Pepinsßiar,VVan-by (Jencml Charles william Vtne, Msruois of Xondouderryi 0.: fi. 11l Cobrnel af-USp »1 Ileg’t Life Guards. ... TloabOTo'works reeeired ibis day aud for sale by - -jf«INSTOIv& STOCKTON S : ? 11EBLUCK ON BlVUte PBgVlßfcjicESSu., hithWlO Tery Scarce «u. exccWinpy- valuable work. baejßStbeen pubUsltedby J. L. Read, inabeau-. iHUI I2niolvol.of- IXlfi is eo&lalnsum recom*. muadollOnsOrtorßra] clergymen of this eity,ofdlffer eat denominations, la onfl wec* 40Q copies hare been 'distributed to CbO city of PmtbtutbdW spborbs. |]t la Uneven body. Fdl aa!eby“ ■ ? S ' ' i i Bb6K td¥ r tGUNO PERSONg. A-AND HuJt^PhysW^ and.. Human upon Sri? ttifiu^rtante^lji SS£j//iJr*» C SSs M>]"* 'rtemurdjSvcred h; W; ,; f' ApoMaMW^'i. TIROOKS-OVIB— Th-)M«WiCfptow*, of;,f übUj. >nraleaVM?)tato,U»l)u«lvnUl«J.)iM.)lliWAKj Inf Or.Un&l rata:llShmtol»iWiil> « pnaiQMJt TFJtis-. M Cpuntygarveys authprirhd i or original- doeutacnt*. HSerUe4ana.improyea_nMei the tope rviston of Wm.RMoytivQM^f l ??^/ 1^ - - Bookseifera cpr Cirukctand3dais YirOOt.—lt bait* titinarr Wool 'Jut IMelyediand' ■Tp/smi?**}*- • VJLlKffllSWfffloi • .•*) ,4 » iM3 • * ’SBUKGH,. : WARYPRSgiFS;;: : , ' co-yAnTsfegikmjp. ; ; i T OC ANA :KEtfJiEDY IfcVff tlfii J day ‘ associated 1 i with thrtrla thfe -Hardwire traslrfewr/riulip Wil son and Edward (Irege- The eiyle bf firtnyiu here after'belx>£*n«-WilSoo.A> ngMßtntTen dern.it desirable to clpsMne oli « /soogp* possible. All'period whose liabilities havomhbred, • art*., especially resumed to maktf iraihfdiale ‘feaftnent. Pittsburgh. JdiHma *-■ - t‘-- •T OOAS»’-WliStlS /kk* r^.oVrUn porter*: and <Xi Wholesale Dealer^la'Foreijrn amlDomesiic llanl-f watry Cmlenr, Saddlery, W<^itrecuKitM bnrgbj[are now faHyprM»air©d“ f 'wftlf'B ted stock- evygrcal imlaeenleaU-ia being,'dctertatnai'td compete in prices wilh any oftbe ‘Allaruic cities.-. Alt so ou hand on .externa v.eassortmentof Pittsburgh Hard- Ware, mrSliovels, -Spade*,' Forks,Ho«ij Vicest/Ag., a^xai "• :r vi.fc, ..... Dio*9lT)XlOn», . ... . [ .mllEpajtncrthtp solong.,njpsting.under.the.fipa.oi X ATCord &'King, whsHiy ndtata ebnseht omha isHnkt. ‘ The attboold •tandlgr either of us, using the name of- the; firm fee that. TiinMse.-v Being,.ilosinwd-tOj'itaXe otic bofiuesi ciosed-wiuc aa iitUo os bo? alblcs we,wouldre* sweyuily. request, those,indebted 4o* call .and- sculd Ihelrgccoutila. - Jolltfb;'BFCoß& i - . ■ • - -■■■■ -i iLTxiaNa^v''''! -i , i-.i Alo»Psxtacnhlp«' <.....i-c" j iTOHN D.iM'COEDUnving associated with himhtf tf brother James .M’Cora, under the style'of. RFCoru A Cou, willcontufne the lint. Cap' and'Fur business io all its various branches, wholesale aud retail, at-Old old stand, corner of Wood-end sth streets, where they eclick*ileoniiciMiiflnfif the rpaironaimwriiberally bo wowed on the old firm. , JOUN D U’COBIX , ]123 -.1 .. " JiMBS g’Hoosb. 1 TNretirin«. r from, the old andwell known firm .dt 'X'M’Cord t&rvinj.T' m&sCYeipeetnijr'fccoirrraefld tb ;U».-patroaago.pfi <ho pabliojuy. successors, Messrs. .M’cordjjt < jagS B, P. KING. [ cell, U this day dissolved.UyttniaaL John lkiK xeHJmviog 4iipwcdofhii}-.enttrc-miß;cii.to-H. Wight-' man.'; The btisindßa' of the'latafirm wilt be'seltlcd by Hi'Wiriumab, who' is'aulhcrriftnl id use the tiunonf the ■ latofinrifeMharpOrpcso.. ' ' * HI. .WIGHTAIAN.' • ejrtSOdSwiv Citdyi;47l t.XDALBBUe,T ‘ , THE Subscriber is now prebarcif to jiutntriactdrb eil kindsbfCoUon'ttnd l 'WoblettMacMrien';atthe l ßhi>r»4i notlde.' OftteraUflorß. bcr-Übcny -and Wtoefc streets, will meet with prompt. laiientiorU ■)■■-;■ ir.« vnr- -i t IfiWIGUTAIAN,' Leacok iU between Federal aud Sandusky su* ,«ptSydly ~ j, ", > v ‘‘AOCgheh^cliyrr * CO-PfiHTS£BSBIP.i - 1 ' .TFTJd. & SCAJFKjand iCapvJAMES. ATIQNSOJi' -' vf- jhaye.eaternl into partnepihin.' under.tho Ann df' SCATFE * ATKTNSON. and wuTcarry on tbVTi}, Copper, and Sheet Iron-Wbre-miAnMCtory. '' ; • • • Also, Bldeksaithni»ln'all'.iisbraacaes, ; av-ihe oM., standoil-Wmill.Sexutn, Flfstwreehneat Vyoodi : - ' . PattiouiaraUcnyaagircnujiicambeavwotk. v ' 0ct d...... . '.. r y‘ , . j.*: T’’ dny ia'soelaiod .with mejn jite wßld*' X'eaie Grocer?'.,-Produce hhd'ComTnLtithn. busiobsk,- nty brother Joseph, under the flrtn'Of J:S 3)IL WORTH AC*.'-’ r - Ju ? J.3^WUWOIWU] - Jom»aryll«,l£ia *:a , • i Vsmnrbasiagthis rVA dayaispciated w>ih him, Johaß.Al'ftLne,' thelei-' thee business .willhereafter.he'eondueted.under the firm ofWa. Young ACo. WILUAM \X)IWO, i *jah3'' r -‘ * - -hTmtNFL* S - : MEDICAL, Qocaii, l»Al» IK Cl|- , ..miDir-Having.*, ftn.Jang'ijrnetbeeo with, a severe painin the side udtbetL accompanied wilhadryedarb, Twiisliiiacgd,o'pon the urgent sod--' citation-of a (Rend, toDf! TayldrV Balsam of {iivbf* wojuandl mud any this medicinr has answered 'it*, «?yero hurt, nod great tiiaiU was w«i*. difficulty' Swaßovymy food. Indeed, I nia taii«fic<j |l‘ a ' disease inustbave terminated in CoftiutapUCHxor some fataApetevft. trad fc not been eared by-ibj* JadftWtk. me«9>e To- all wfeoaeek.toprolany their lire*, 1 wonH advise the use ofi>r.Tn.yioT'ilWk*m of UrW wort. J AMJtS UOWAN. tSC Bowery. Tlu* mrdieip* fseilitales crpeetpraiion, retjafes i‘q vef. restores stre-gth, end mav to considered as a' »d penorpreparadoa Ciiy tlm «or# and prevention o< ail diseases in tbr Cne«i sod should borew-t -„ed,u>, al, renteifie*. T. fte i>r»c.r«7« q£ .uu».pnl,biid ,w?ry rd* special- it? phy »ic tan, inis BalsaaTol wvdiwbrrha* aq tjatffd strefiCmtitertpuWiou for'ta'vlHoe*, a* repo-; rior to-tbst tko ihttadaot noairwajr of tio day, was ihe-cJiaracter nad probuy of its inventor, to' Unit .of quacks a-ajetitpirif*. ~ ' COKSUSIPTIOX CLTiKD-—My ton having a rid lent cold,'uttd Jo coash violently, rtistnrjqmttitlMi of. thick putrid matter, and tonify he could not tutu irriff.' in- bed, from weakness. UaaisjubMtedcvorysrmp torn of confirsci ccnraajpUoa- for *ix years be bad been sobjec'. to llto urtlmta, His. nhytie-iaas, Me*«rs. 1 V'ertaoule &. AatJerioij. #a:d'i»b trai irtcarablc. ani nnutpjon die.* Yet I was to try Dr. I lor'b Balsam of Liverwort fend atfaitn tstt mayap- i pear, tbl* medleiaeta* folly ntnored£it heslib.- I ~ . fcUniU-tiAl«LOJi,U*iaJlblk*irt<A Soldln PtUsisrah by. iDMprjan, P3\Voadslj } Townsend, *t: ITsrayscr, tot '■latkflicbd-'l IWrotTlrndersohi Co,' 5 Liberty «. ’ Price'reduced ! par battle. ■ -•- i*®;'!.: mpOHTAST TO TOE * aWhCTEK ,y , ir.Biisrt OfitMtfiiitßtaifc'l T\R. 7AC-7H s |lO>l't ih. -rii sale pro- 1 1J pricin'b/these most popular bAa berjificihrmed- i iriae*,«nd WstMboiuTirtnoy bf thr- Ceicbyaiedirutra-; ; meat.for. inAaong ta'«4*iil»jrarcbiw ? «ir' Chronic diseases, yeas MpaiiQOiafiholewraeni bbysi* ciifl,D<>eiojPkyew r v ac4uAcr»*^qtra£Uta^mKS ty wyltaiuaj tibnr'TdarSMucftbaatSrjl' engaged 10 Cisnter»ugTtlr<uiftr uireisp 'arui the apple ' ' i Tbronuh *hAwen<hi*iiiiHUß|tutbe*ln with hi* rn&jUicVQ S>rwjv aadeihei*t hw zemalif*. he. bargained, an imporaWticd cmipcncq uTcmin? Itow‘drp4df«itnhd faiil TiiScTrulaj Coif* *ampticu%"Can«r*, i«erofol*, HhearnailwrL AJihtaa, 1 Ferefand AfUF, Kcv er*. of ai! kiad*, Chrome Fj*»ip<S 1 la*, and all Uweeotminaie ducuem peculiar in frm&i Indeed even’ {oraa/diacat* vanuhoAundetiheoe' of hi* rem?aie*,u» which harpiauTl» hru—floiby Lbft' wof ?ne eoapooiid oolt, for An i« ji»cotijpatil>le with PhyiioJojieal Law, but Vi the ou of hi* mne fliWL, for each peruliar form ofdiacom. Dr. Rom’s Tonic Alterative .Pills, wbea used ere in variably acknowledged lobe supenor to all other, u a purgative or liver p*ll. ihutsueh as they leave the ■ bowets perfectly free from costhreness; ■* also bis : Golden nil* is admitted by the (heulry topoutuprcu- Uar prepertie* adapted to femala ilweasea, but Uinc satisfied thatA bare frial is saflelent 10 establish wbsfl* 1 has beeti sola in the aunds of the most skeptical. The ailiicied are invited 14 call opon tlie areiu.'anfl yroeare(rratis) oneof thd DbctorV giTuu • detaileil-acesmu ofeack remedy aulttaappUcatioa.. _ Eor fale by the foi'owins.aseqjs, well üby owst Druggisuthmoghoat tboenaniry: : > ttenoonaekerft Co, 54 Wood srreot Pilubafrh; J MTownsend, druggist, 45 Market *t “ ya'f'Bwktauß, - Baartbep.o. Arurtenyvhf? sos Barkley, Darlinstoa, Beaver couoty_Pa. Juo Eliott, tin non Valley, u -• T Adams, Beaver, '' *• novKkdJy ._ - _ Apr. si, mil. j T%R. tl- JAYNES: Dttia SttJ—l feel hoiiha in you XJ mod tbs afflicted pablic, to avail myself oftituep- i portnnity ofgUriagpublicity to the eatraordluanr efforts l ofyoxa Expectorant <m mystic Having ten «ffild/ul' toe seven) yetis with -.asevere cough, hectlc-fner ! and lu conccuaitanvdUcase*, airj eprttdlcnly doomed H to llagertrora *hdrrbui miserable existence,"nritll tie] foU M lW when, being ttire severely-attacked, and \ having resorted to all my former Remedies, and the ore-! seripttods of two of the noef' respectable physician* in .the neighborhood without deriving any benefit, or the : consolation of *nnrivlng hot ■ few day* or week' at, fanhert—whea (he lot gtetmj of' hope was about to 1 vanish, 1 bod re c mors ended to mo yosr Expectorant—- and Messed by that Dein; who doe* all thing* In the, us* of the mean*—sad contrary usihe sxpceiaiiotu of: n 7 pb.yiicfatis and friend*. J wa* In n few day* ratted from my bed, nod wa* eliabled byth* «eof d houle, to-‘ attend to my Uasinrss, enjoying smea-bettex health than: 1 bad for leu years previous. 1 i BeipecMbliy your*, 41, Jaa W'. ftmu. -For sale in-Pinibutgh* at the Pekin Tea:Stom, 7S. Fourth street. marts rvOCTOR D. \V. MORRIS having rectmipparcha*- i \J *d the Drag Store formerly owned by Hay* t Broekway, "No.« Commercial" Row," Libert • •ireet/ i lakes ', this mctliad or informing hi*- fnend* and the public lu cmefat, that hi# lions will at dll time* be supplied with on eiienslce' and general«**ortnentof Drug?,DjeSiair*. Palau,Oils, Varnfihcf, Perfumery, Colognes, and indeed every ar ticle ealled toxin a drag storey-which mil always be told- Of tow aa.at any other.house iu the city, whole tale or retail. Hoping to merit a share of the pablie,. patronage, uoihlng shall be Warning to give entire dat- UfactLon to hi»ra»iomen. • »ov7-upU ; Jiydropithy, tor the Wttex Chre. “ TkOirroß BENJAMIN W.MOKRIrt, etU] coutiower XJ to ptartleC lbs safe and‘poptilur remedy colleil Hydropathy or Uio.Woier Core, and if <jc»ired mil ire at diseases Ailbpithieallyf Obrarrical ctuc* will hr uj tedded tojtroraptly.' N. Morris may "W edhmlied at bis Drug' Store, Nd S ComniereikPßow, Liberty Hired, daring bß»lnt*ahear»,'of at h» Oven- Ingj Ppnn, llfeet, 3 doors below Ijwin's alley. **° * ‘Silf. T, Bobiircfc'MTbTT " fICUOBOiVi to tba Irani* IJr mentof I)Uca*-c* ofiba Kyn. ’ - Dr.'R. has.lccii engaged iu ini* branch of ‘the tnedU bdrprofeasioti for slziceriVcari," naidMii CdflVfuetftd ah vataplishinciit for Utc treatment of disease* of ihe eyn alone for fovarul ' *•' ‘ , Omcs had resj{iflrtcß )( cb«icrof Sandusky it ami Strawberry alley,'Allegheny e ltr. ' nctlS . - Dr> TitmeiMii . l IHIS ia.Jo certify. thttLi'purrhuwd pup vial of Dr. jL.^lcf*uij* , « sbuio months ago •*M gave toa.wn ot.niine, some eeven years aid, two teaspoons rall r apd altliouah'the ompuiil may'appcdr SaigOt 9** thcrawa* npnisrds of .two tunun tran passed-from. him. measuring . horn c&a quarter of an Icch to two inches long., • » „ 0 W JIOLUDAY. 1 <jßoftO'* Carrol co. Tenn t Dec £7, fj47- jaSl - ufttfiFiiuK In OLomiiA.—' . Q Cowsucs, jad. hlb, 10*9. ' >lr.fl. E. Vermifuge haa sold well, ; »nd has beeu'highty spoken of by.ail nlu> -have usi.il it From the saecesarmending the adroinisiration Of your-Vumifogfria Meryieasei haveljoard of, t pm eonfldetit l can asil-men daring iho-couungaeasoh> than I dtdhut.'. fWiU be glad, to receive auothcr «np ply Of4or $ gross. -Yonrti Tespfclfa-ty, - .-j • rßgtrpeifrom letter:] . R. PARTED < Prepared-amisnii by SELLERS, 57-lVobd si, ilrugglsUgeiiarally, la Futaburgh nud Al \JS7OfiDERFUU ARRIVAL.— pa. Tawsiwc'i Sa«- 4,800 W>UW 4 ©f*thi» foil mid winter medicine,. Ja*t received. wulHur «aleby. R- E -BFJjLßMjtBoiei:4lyentifttf Fimlmigbi oi wnoraihe gfrmrinc article can MJpul- ,■ • ? *_ wP? , YTAttHiSON’WCoiinnlriaii Heir Dye; XL •• do v.|mlelible Ink, with or WtdßnUprtpartmwu. . . e , i UfiXraonia m parlor ItaUnfc. ForjaUj to Uw Vffde, at mondfaGiarer'k prices*, by K II SKLLr*RS» t dflqg P»oS7 Wood otreet. l'alenl Medicine Direc ■ fo ' l,l - I giiib tco Pi.AeTEii-iso'y : 4« T wftr -jm*a**: 1 Warier, jastrecelved toff foriale ' ‘ ‘ declS ' - J KlDftJtCo -=TEsofio£=B b&U Alrohol; )<u> rec’d mxd far A. by • i-ihgflO i't v -Vi < JOUN P MOBCIAN _«*. by - - ' ! '■ JOHNB'MbROAN 'TJf- >- - • ; .»*(.*«■ HONING, PEBRITART 16, 1849. V. HOTELS r 6b> eu; .jipEL.BafrapY „*iiro'.alteration ■oflngC-fcair'iSfn •Itfeping apormu •ItauicaT] u , reoYffmiiicjt and ,M*tyle. i( Itj.faqi ‘hu wcrtremodel ‘tie proprietary 6 a*lrGna*t*}muJ jefcaUeßge-eoiapji Theirtabln tvfJ L6tanial.end,!tlxi tip in a rap*nor >;hey orilinotjbc *, s la conclusion! ..■wQUxj leflujujc ejreiitaniy t 6 - iptrtronaj'cbftk U rTbe price* tb» . folksong raie*i - ,Loifce^OnUiißi., Gcuuemcn’a “ ; r ' N. Baggage Wagon ofhk •woyabe ’&ond at the Cir nbd BWtml which will convoy bsggage'to tmdfi om \ ofchmye., . , • , ■ ,• , -■ < BXOBABGS DOmr ' ir- coanaapy ncq am»er. clahon. rnniapßen, >4. m The Btiwenber bavingt osw nued tho manager egta mcni of Ihi* long ritablH&edi rid ttopOlftY Udtel, respectfully iannoancea/10l taicllera and the PanUc generally, that he will be at s J 1 timet prepared tn acconmjodote them in alt Unrig* i [e*irable in a weO regolatcd Hotel. The House ib nov • being thoToaghly Jepaired througbual, and newFonui arandded; oriaTio I9t“t»,wulbo spaced to,make tile Ej chttpeejonoofthe very l>e*t Hotel* in the country. Vlneamdetiigned respoctAiUy solicit* a. comiriuatt'ce Of the twy liberal patronnse tn* BbSwF has* heretofore lecdvci ' TUQiIAS OWSTON, ' u JobPdtf : , 1 -proprietor., -' 0 -XiAMAHTMte Mcjugß* •»• ' PP 3 ! B * ana ,oa*jri. rraxrißi nnsnraoH. | ■ Ju&, TFUS aub*crib«r reiwctTalljr, aonooncet that 1 iftjjSTb® bat now opened hi* new ana excellent Ito tel, .. ,‘or the accommodation of travelers, boarder*,; ttpa the public generally. The bouse an* limn tare ire entirelyjHnr v and no painaprexjpetuei have been soared to render it one or the most comfortable and pleasant Hotel* in the city. . • i Tfco subscriber l* determinedto de: erve. and there weaolielta, a abate of public patrons to. l-.‘oott4-dty JACOB,HOUGH. Proprietor. ■y « USITEP H )TKh, cnWWC. BBfvrtULT vericm act nvTTi m. /OPPOSITE late Bank of the United Btates,-Phil*. \J dclnhio. M. PQPE MITCHELL. MISCELLANEOUS- . JAWS Wi WOODWELIi, -• . Soa e r o aidA i* i 4 d cPordi t n r e, «n MnS tadimMe'td 2 cml^rT 1 ' ‘ - '-Tl» present «oek on band fainndt bo exceeded by snyrnanufactcrr in tha wenern country. Persona wuhinj 10 purchase would do well to fir© me a call, qpJ wo jJeiennined my. price* ebaUplonse. Pari o! ißettack corialsu In— ; Tete'aTete;*- Bnflet EWqtie; ■*" LeUlft XIV Chain; - Queen Elisabeth chain: yTeaPoyae; • , Fruit Tables; . .;«Toil« Table*; Louis XV Cocnruoder, .-'French Bedslesdm Piano Sioola; .** SO soft* with rioab and Huir*clolh eoran; :iij ' bOblaboysrfy Roekjng Chairs; > 40 do* Parlor do < f • •• CO “ Fancy Oo • » . , £5 centre Tables; . 20 pnir DlTans; 4 pair pier TaMe* 1$ marble top Dressing liart-sth; 'Vardrober, fl-Beereiariesnnd Hoot cties; if- -ao mart lamp Wash Bunds; A pair Ottoman*; . \ , 8 pair fancy Work Stand*; .J’A very large *a§on<nsot of common *bsur« and other tunutora 160 namerooMo ffiensma. ''Hy Ptttua Boat* tarnished on' Q»« fhtmear notiro, (UtdOQtbo tUMt reaacualile term. > <ircl3 Chocolate, Coeo«,*e. <y>3uOf’o Aoisrican *ci*i French Cbpcotavs P repar sed Cocoa, Cocoa lV;.c, .Croma, .Cthfoa Shelia, 4c. TS l # merchant* and fcoiuumers.'who WoufJ nqrcliu»* i-rthcTiestprodaeirofCoena. free from admiration, more tiijtviiiou* than tea or coflr e, and innuahty muißr h fatted, the •nntcrtbeMvcaassendi the alwt* uik>ie«, fay. hhewit and stamped with kn name. Ilia Bronte and Coco* Pa*te, a? delicate, palatable, J»d satnury dnnke&r favalulj, coavalevcenu, and tberj, drjrpropocoecd by the tafitt aament physician* .faperiar to any other preparatfon w lit* man nurture* • tfumlPTtfe tiieiaonre jipcctalilo grocer* unis cation oue*. «mlby iticn tgenu, liawc*.Grzy&eo f ofU»li>a: Jam* M Bunce & ca. HarJonVConni flartCY'ft Murray, New Vorfc ' :Cf»nti Stone-. WtUadeiphia; Tuvalu V Krawhsr. Bat. tnoorc; aadKeUosijßenn^LCliwinaitii, Ohio. rj • <■ ■ Mata. by. »og3l UAOALKV 4 SMITH, Agu > „,>V?oaffbtind Cast Iwn lUtling. . ,?1 uiliiobvnbrr* l>e» leave to inform the noblic thai ; JL Utcyliare oUnirwit rmnv thr KiW all (Fie loir rind •mbirinaMir destgrn for Iron ItijliHg, both for hottso* «fo*d feen»Urie« I'rnum to procure band* jSOO» patvro* willplwwo call and eaaiuioe. and tar tircxasnlreff, Kaiitng witl.be fUnu*h«l,al the si.urt notice, and in the Ce«t kaannrr, nl the comer of tpraigund Eelwt** *l>rrt6,'AllPglirfty ciir. i ■ugaS-dU’ 'A. LiARHJNT’* KNOX. £l*»*ejhttur, Coppt&v and/BleetUoffk * jtT Jt-JSOQiUJS iSoeeewr ,to M. 1L iMonyV-i £|V« Ad ttJ3ftb..st;iret t lfc;w4ea Wood and *ai tbi ffiseai%ai Birmingham. ••■ t • i ■ Imastetieetfwty refcrmHDftnd i<jihg|>hymiri«i ? « I &nn. die* *od all my former frieufl* ac 4 patron*, Mt. K. B. Norra the btui* oe*a muT worthy of pwrohafe. "* ' taarg-ty _____ *• *M. g-PKLANT. : sraniSetnred"'Toba©co, rIQ-nXSfle«try«k : Boy*aw , **ut»«iri6r tew i Inw - • U-- .* • - Whf.do i’rircJbUtnrctoijlf "•, *• 4. - SI do tlo io u . “10 “ Si dll do Peaii *. Harwood •* **4fc!b" U do J. Rt>&in*oa u - to* *• 57 bf do do 1 1 «• *< a f> S 3 do do Ws) Dowwa - '■ 4 - 33 do T Wtifßf • . a u s “ 37 do 0 Acder«o» . •• 3 •* 9 do l. T Dado’* 1 “ «• 9 •* 5 do R Macp'i’a •* •*•s** 9 do riaii-iil mu jj, u k Ja*t lamlinx iHm airamer ajul packets, »n.t &>f (a } e >7 HLALU BUCKMOiI & Co, 41 north water at obi! Id north whtm«, ;«M Philadelphia MAN UI'JICT.i.'BEB TUUACCOr-attb* « 9 «Jone« & Kou’a superior #wecl lb lump*. 7£balfbia Webnrr Old tapsaoi sweets* lumps 3d “ Lawrence Ixmier u a* - .. 'B3 “ GeattyA Rov*‘rr “ 3*A&j •• fo “ ** " 6* M 25 u Lawrence Louise u ga&6>p!ag Just landing from steamer, and for sale by BJIALD, BUCKNOn A Co, 4] N waterlai and IST4 wharvea, 10734 ' Philadelphia. "WV* 1 ULfciVft, ilook Bladcrin' " WK are mil •ugnjrU in the above btuineia, corner of 'Wood and Third atWete, Pittsburgh, where we are prepared to do any work in oar Uno-wwi dee* patch. \V« attend to our work personally, and wtu> . faction will be givcu iurexa/dtoiu neatncM and du« rabilitt, / Blank 800 hi ruled to one 1 •lemiaOy, Booksio tminhcrW fully or repaired. Names pole ; Th'oa * that have work in our Price* low. ] steamboati i . Vf AN LTAUTC aEU lo on! 11 : IfX notice, with the uaine’o ■ rnt. Also Cottou and Itnsk ' ; beat maimer, for a very few t» i [ novtfUtlT \ya. CtALI-‘ SKINS—:iu dot genome French Calf t'kin*, a / very due oruckj. A ftjw drocu* Philadelphia . Skins, irom too iuiuiu(aepnr of H M Otmvforu. to which tlic attenUan of boot] makers is invited. Just received and for aa!e by . I WYOUNOACk), ie27 J M 3 lliiorty »i \ T VV."m. No. ■ A can beseena splendiiHanetywf sup Royal Vel ■ vef arid Tapeatry Carpets; iktoal styles. Also, Brus sel*.3 piyu and sup and find Ingrain .Carpets, of rap ffiyle* and •(untidcs; and in tonaecuoqcan always he found Table Linens, Crashes, Diapefs.Dataaacs, Wo rents, Oil Cloths, Ac. Ac n ta all 01 which we call the n'lentiou ofthn puhtin. tape* ’ «• Tf AVI.NG raid our endre stock to C/Jl.G&cnr, with ; iJIJL 9 view to cloiiugour old business, wc horoby so licit for him the poironoga of all our friends and cu> lomcrs. RO W POINDEXTEU, “ „ _ THE. POINDI2XTEK. pattern' am)' txnmd *ai>- • err old books boom) care ,on Iwofcft id pit teller*. Iliiic are uivjicd iq call _ mytifttf lankjstsT c and lu/Dbhcil at «bon Wwboat In eich blaa* Uaitrostei made in the sebjr ‘MIKHSiCY, tretoaw.g Wittr n • Fittabargli, Aug. 4lh, 194 a 41 ROUANT, Cotnmiwion <nd \j ■ Forwardm* Merchant, rio„4l\VaicTM. aulsl TWTOS; 93 cm 3 M Frorit otrcri, lldll Founder* and reut ll ufacturtrsof all fclmiaof Fitutte* ioi t»u< gleam and Water, have alway*OD mod wroißbl IrmvWcl drtl Frpo (oisusom, gam’ and water, .front Sfcin. to ) in. iM diameter. Dfau Cjutptgq made, lo •rdejr.Aiao, n assortment pi Bclls'aui,Jtulibei.Kiats Work, to utoniittifor PluinUfj nrfJ Engiue Builders ti.'|'turucularly directed. <«®* Fitting* pot up proirtpily and mi reasonable lerm*. 1 jmpSMlCro BELL AMD BRASS FOUNDRY' > /JK A FL'LTCiNrßeti and llra« Founder, bat rd fa i>itiU«u4c6rmr,eaced.tul*inc»B'niW« old atand, JgSL vbere he.will be ptpiied tp sec his old custom* and friends. - Church* Steamboat. and Bella of crery aiie. Cram io to IQ,(JtX) pounds, coil from patterns of the most appro*, cd models, aud warranted ta be ofllio Udst material*. Mineral Water Rumps, CootUers, Roiling. Ac., toge ther with every Varnity oflirnis Castings, u - required, turned and finished lh th 6 nbaiest raanoe;. , ’ AF» ii the sole proprietor of Biian'e Aim-Amu- Ttptf Aletax* so justly celebrated for the redaction of motion In machinery. •'Rb® Boxes and CompodUoa cm bahtulof him aUalflimes.’ jaiJDily ' PRINTING PAPBR. TUB aubacribccs haring ibe ; oxelpaire Agency for selling the Printitig Paper of a new paper,mill la tbi* viciwtv, trill btf n\ atltimeaweiftop piied with tbejlifferem •iwd'Gfpspar of superior quali ty, wbicbwo pffpr at pricer. ! , Any. size cu quality wiU W, maoaCacttmjd ta onlet at ahoil notice. KKYNOLUS A BIIEF, i jad Pm. cOnier'Vonn omi Irwin m: AffAMMiffll i‘EN&—Jo» recclyed. oiw .ease Of iM, mammoth. Uuid Peas. • Persona tuwiur' nwch ' writmji wlll find grriit'i aio W tspgutne pcn», oatiiey do hot crump tlm ftn h , t*,'ahd‘liaWßß« KnooOi palms; * • / W W WILSON,. : 1-. /eerocMth and market sta ’ N ft AEOBHERCCoTHir — l — Expedition,, a Uvot Vltulic Clothing, u o'rfi 011,0? for suit of eoat panU ItidiaHobber Dcndi/So E \V awwt) i r 1 ’ j <G—Juivrccu’ediof iije i .complete Mwrunotn of ti e» ranglun from B&SQ to' illd litL For cole orilie tbodftl/’ r/ ‘ / \OLKMAN, ItAILESH* V/ Wartbouie, 3 lioots «• on.WfiUjr oud From 1 FOR JftE.Vr-’rha Wwcb wiia* i»o« Co, have removed to the of (be Motion ffahij la ireets* 1 . No. 43 Wpgd *u TuiniiisGS, WsiSttr'isD #a3ct i - fiOftOftj ?•-* '• FIL RATON A CO., De*ien fc TtiamSnn toil. j Habftnfa*hery. bate “ reatirod -r ARD OU—<l>k]«»liii;t«tndnca; 1&L 1 • JLi^npayHAiffia' r^ r j°i, -r-'i i li.. i.u,.! a «j» j; \<r i.- .-'■■•■;■(=■,■ j \t >*«•. "■'■■■'■f l ' iai »^%^ t^[sriffii?rrnM^s^Sifei«aAiaS^|i^^^aa I ■ ! ! ■ ■ " - JUST.aKCKIVIiD— Tbtwj celebrtied liainburghVi tjUl,Ttiali>erg'and'otker ei • Itn n largv anortmetil t»Q .of my own T wamplcdiata Par/cct in t .iolalow. fbreua.' \ Nbll3\\ ■>-.i f \\ v "' "" ■ ‘ mare of thow «o Jwtly EuicMfi tued eon«um»y by, real ’wither tose«oou ; arid nudiogany, fhaabavr are foqditj &&4d6rft9faf'&h’ ifflji'SSiesVwnt —WKcotec ■^ANtrFAO*rURH§ S if'rt2jr iXL south; aide*; eecond -street; between Wood: rani J.'S’Smcfclei haring deceased andihcfarrivtn*pannet Mr. Jo* Jiroencou, haring awoeiaieU'lumselt.wiih Mr, Win C Pan* the •wtilheifeeflet tecoriityeieJahdsr to style orUpperf* Trial of a safe O.—We, the nniieTaijm-- •«l k ?reTrprc«niail3iotet^ng<.foaeof;Satrietler to Co’s improved Phamix fire-proof safes. The. safe,w® 3 placed, in, a firm ace on the public lamUng, attd tubjettetJ. ‘totheirithAie Beat of a fiotw 'c'odF fim.,fortnoro > than' - rtaeeh tforl 'lh ehtf boa r and o lull f t}» Safo tame: to :*. Might) ndibeatf todoor of tho,'finance' waslhen > Kohja eapjKd on. incteaepd o«4 pt?ad? heat for. ,-thfl.hiuxuifte of to Uptft .itmJl to caaiiroa wheel* werp, pmalltr tolled dm the furnace was theh tnfown down '-sna’toMOhdoUsd 1 arid ' opened; '.The-itoneft'phperp -and hook* which; ireodaiinedwertfaApetfoci a*, when • placed tore, to binding only oftha-book* being ii*-. by,the,writer,iacooltagthtfsafe., .We have ni>. hesitation in recommending It to public ‘ os a safe -Mperfortd any whaVe ever seen tested, r andheii«vo that uxrul stand any heat which might Tte-Broduced, • 'Wept *hcat which wonU tali it to isbUdlmns.' _ Springer WBmuw,-.!. WcmhUiirun, Ktltag-fc Umcr,' W O PEree«, Wu.Smit£ T m'S'S'v! Mayatd Wo MlnM, j frrod ij.ii!, tthiag '’bqfr «... |he noose Wf!],*]- mbodtl«biilins% > iheUolei; free We,' tb*i aadeiiignetV-«elected..lhe *afc spoken of sboye, from a. lot la. the store of. Trubcr A- Aabcry. the , CGSPRINtiEB, . ' 8 J KELLOG. ' Kefcrw Cook A Harris, Broken, Pittsburgh}’ dpi d6j(fe3a&wlyS & Baitaa OoppwcnwwaaV. CTUJS Company re tpc atfaliy- i nforms the public, and A particularly all dealers and consumers of Copper m the form io which: they prepare it, that their Smelt-, . tog Works ore no* lit snccesgfLoperation, and they artnow.rtady to,make'oorrtri» ; foT , Uio d«UTeb' erf loffot* to theta mHo want in this form; -and hlrototigb c<UHifi>f4h® paipow of rollings v v:> v-r • • i Tha Copper produced u lrina the bLftilie, Wines df LakeSuportOTi is ascertained tobe ranch superior tb the ordinary copper in the'markets, which i* obtained from onaeoatiaiußg foreign mioeraisabstaticca. This copper u perfectly pure,:and is not island by tho pro cess therefore greatly U> bp prefer red for beli metal, rolling, and many other purpose*. ; , As « ia not the tntenuoh or'wiaa Of Ibis Company' to eredt works foTthomaaufaethre'of copper'inihe various forms in which it 1* wanted,ibey trill behappy to, make contracts for the delivery of U in tho form of lugots, tough cake for rollingjAc- lo lliogo who may wish to embark in the business. Hereafter, all the copper obtained irom their mints will be brought to Pittsburgh, and large supplies may bo expected Loners addressed to 0.0. Hcssxr or TnoiualVL How*, wjil meet prompt attention. _dec 19-cl3m CHARLES AVERY, President- A CABO. Tlffi ENTERPRISING.-—A rare cbanco it now JL pretented for the tofe Investment in a basinet* er>. tirely newt ooe adapted to the man of limited, at w*B at to the mat or extensive retontees; yielding a ph»fit firwn capital and cnterprUe beyond any operation of «J® day. It it iho cotnjiloio monopoly of a staple arti cle, absolutely necetsary end essential to every farai *?»•* weli.m ioditpentable to the Mechanic, artizaa .and'profettionai man. To capitalism, an opportnfflty offott itself for-a laerniive employment of either large or small sums, hriagißg immediate and highly tatitfoc tory returns. Those detirotuofembtrkipxio a pleat* out, genteel basinet*, are invited, with others, to call *1 bfllcolof the undersigned, examine the article, aiuffdnn their own Judgment, from the facts presented. Office} Exchange Ihiildino, St. Clair it, next door to Esquire Johns’office. COLYER& MYERS, decll LABir iont- against usincP COMMOatPBBPAB£DCHALK. T* awftre w frightfully injtrrioSsit IsW X tfltf tkla-~bow e oartci how rough, now mllcrw, yet low and unhealthy the skin appear* niter using prepare pared chalk! Betides hls Lnyarious, containing a lanrt quantity oi lead! & *" W« base prepared a beautiful ve-etsMe article, which we caJI JONES’ SPANISH lt » perfectly Innocent, being purified of all deleterious qualities; and it imparts to the tUu o natural, healthy, alabaster, clear, Irvine white; m the * a Tn w time acting as a cosmetic on the skin, making it soft and smooth. • Dr. Jamts Anderson, ProcticaJ Chemist of Massac chose Us, says: “ Alter analyring Jonei’ Spanish Lily White,ltud-itpofaexaestho most beatnifhr and nam* tal; said ot the same.time innocent white lever saw; I certainly* can conscientiously recommend its use toad whoso skin require* bcautinrimr.” Price. 2S cent* a W. Sold byjxM. JACK^dg Liberty >TmarM Pitt Machine Works and Psundry, » I* I9Bb4UU] SA« TOIIN WRIGHT 4 are Prepared to build Colton v and Woolen Mochinery of ovc-v description, eseb *» Caidinn aiaclnnrs J*pintane Frame*, Speeder*, Drawiuß Frame*, Railway Head*, Warpers,Spoolers, Dretung Frame*, Looms. Card Grimier*, So. Wrought Iron Shafting turned; all dies ofCon Iron,Polite* and Hanjer* of the latest patterns, slide and hand Lathes, oau U»U of all kind*. Casting* eX every description turnnhcdoashon uodre., Patterns mado to order for Hill Gearing, Iron *e. f*iriun pi™ for heat tiS Faetorie*. Cast Iron Window Saab anif ftutey Car* ime* generally. Ordera left at the Warehouse of J f£Jm*r 4 Co.. f.ihrtty street, trill have prompt alien. „ Refer jo Blackaiocfc Bell 4 Co- J. K. Moorebead & , Co ,u. li. Wiener, John Inrin 4 irons, Pittsburgh; Gi C.jk /•_!!• Warner, sSctibeneillc. ' ianlO " 3?ew IlardwisrsTllorise. JOSKPII WOODWELL. corner of )gts|gBw»tSSn Wood and ft) Pittsburgh. Hav- WwlfiiMipyy »■>* trithdrawn from tbe firm of 'ui a • *V OQ daell l on the l*t of January, A 817,1 la *®'pb‘**ure to announcing to my frintds in the eity aiiu country, that f have opened my Dew store attho above named place. Hiving purchased toygooda fuf ***** and made'arrangement* with miuiafaetnrcr* uj tbi* country oad irtKuropo to bq coasniniiT supplied: I aut lolly prepayed- to lurniCv l tordwara of all kinds! on as good tenu* and os low u auy house Fast or *’ M Vi Wetehaou and oUurr* are respectfully invited to call anioxatmne my -stock, before purchasing else ■» watra. The foitowiar comprise* apart ef_his stock; Stearaboat and saddlery hardware, can. trimminga! JUea, Ntflufe steel, cutlery, edge topf*, uovUkyS loeks, latehes, scythe*, butt hinges, screw*, Union Fuel toty plane*, *aw*, nnibosany board* oiid fencer*; arid *ll utber-article* cc> nested with the hardware boai-i “P* . „ tnchlltf I Peon Machine Shop. 1J WlGHTAlAN—Alauulocturcrot all kinds of cot* JUk* lonand wooden m*chincn,\.Alteghsnycttj, i*a. The above works being now in fttlj and •uccetsuil op. eratlon.l am prepared-to execute order* with dispatch ‘OJj kinds of machinery in tay line, *ueh o» willows, makers, threaders, eanls, grinding mac tunes, railway*; drawin* (nunc*, speeder*, throssils, looms, woolen earns,double ar*ngle,tor merchant ar country work, ttules, jacks,4 c 4 sliJu ami hand lathes and fool* in gen* eral. All kinds of shafting made to order, ot plans giv« en for gearing factories or mill# at reasonable charge. Kara to—Kennedy, Child* 4 C«_ Blackatock, Bell 4 Go., f<• &».>c » 4 C», J as. a. Gray. CMMr ffpplex Lever end '\Valohcs. * JUST rereived and for sale at gteatly reduced prices, five genu. *T F. Cooper, 0 Calthorpe-itr’i, , 1 m ' Gray'S Inn, Road London/* Du. plex and Psiern Lever Wattes, casediu is karat gold, and fall jewelled, With Chronometer balances. Tbeie grs saw the finest watches made, being saperi oria finish and aceuhusyte the M. J. Tobias! Joseph -Johnson, or any other make. Those in want of a very fine-watch are Invited to call and examine this tot Also, a large assortment of Gold and Silver Watches. Chains, Seals, Key*. 4c. Cv Fine Waxche* repaired in the best manner w. w. wHjon; octal eftmey. Gh and Market su. MK\V i^acTouV, ' aIXXSRKRV. M A. WIUTk A CO- would respectfully Ihfarm iU« the public that-, they taro erected eahonen LacoeJt, between Federal and Sandusky They are now making and are prepared to revive orders for eTerr description of reh&leV, CsaekeMaarioiV Ba> touche*, Baggies, Phffhua, Ae n which from their long experience In the manufaetaraof the above work. aiyTu,* feciUuea they have, duty /edcojiSdcm they are enabled to do wCrk on the most reasonable loans with thore wanting article* in their Une. Paying particular attention &* selection of mate. rtal», and having none hv\i *ompetem workmen, they have no heaitiMiaa in Warranting their work. We ikMtfetß Mk. the attention- of the public to. thi* matter. N. U. Repairing done in the be»t manner, and on the meat reasonable terms. _ JaJSktf □«ad~ Qiaarierilror'B'oQiiri'd'glibetr Comer of Smith&cid and Fourth Vta* - CR]|t TROI'H A SCOTT, having p\i4 general Boot and Shoo business, wholesale and * woo'd respectfully invite the otientioa or thciMTiend* and R»e public generally to thelj iplendid new stock just opened, consisting of men'*, women’s, boy*, misses’ and •children’* wear, of every variety, Miiißblo for tho tcatnn, ami awmed* to suit the limes! Also, a splendid article ofMtJuic Gnm,Sboe*,for gen. ilemen end Indites. Please cHI and examine fot yourt • e, * CT - TROTH A SCOTT, .. „ comae of Sltniilifinjd atid 4lh Vts, pitubarglu J ml?' C " P ' l LVUDEIBt (GHBBRtI . TUp "iV; «*■> 1» Sow Hill above Ihe Flftb Wort Urulje, fornietlyruoby Mi. Joßo ' ”sS bH^“? a W*W URtoUloclr of Timber on hood, wo*U eoßell me pairoitageol the public. Ordsia thankfoUy received and promptly attended ta BiVAHYtBPAULDiNO. The undersigjiedHaving Miftblsbiierertm foe above Mill, to Messy*. * Spaulding-, wooia'recam mend them to his formet customfera atfdihe communi ty Mbefojt well qualified to give satisfaction 'to all who may deni with, theta. jngMlm JOHN CHAMBEB3. WOBCEBT£n>B ftAHOS. “ EECQVBlrjhis day, and fas aa)o nt manufacturers' pncQ*,three«iegem Rosewood Pianos msde-by «• rMBW !» ft' • Thci ? “«nuaeou are consider ed fonv equal, if not tuporior, to any now made in N. York, baring Us fell, round, and melodious tont» vat-' •romodio-weariwelt snd-givosatisfaction-• ■ T>™ price of these , Piano* U believed to be much lower-thim any other manttfattniert in N. Y. Those who are in oragflodiLndclegant Piano, at a moderate price, please tall tndexamlne the above at the store or the subscriber, where* lamaaa tortmeut of Chtekering’* celebrated Pianos enaatwava found. JOHN JLHELLQR,. - *$S«L-. eWYoorfst IS7ATCHEJ, of a very Une oßaUty,. ana-;beouWul rv peuct ns: selected expresaly for retail soles, made hf Cooper,Tooias.Johnson,Luheribnd, Daviea&Cd! •wn^afeSumA^V 1 - "* “ d ®PP rov «* TOarlU&ctu!' L *«•« Lcre* Watches ‘ fhaiavrasm Others at various prices accortiin* to .q'foJjty. wsight, Ac., varying foom Silverwateheaingttat:yarieiy,]tfotaesioBs6. All over $lO warron'ti Leyen aaiotr asgift. • novd3 W WWlLsfoffwmarket tLf JjjySthfi laxge stable on First it, running throonh yyinlfooettnanncr. • . ■ -■ ; «? jyaiiy STEAM BOAT CLOOKR-cUavui# coticioded io eell off odr entire ttock ofßrip’e Men.* Timepiece, wo oow offer to roll lira. Mlower nticoe dan iMy can boboufhu AVOW Aoqio: In. Fiqebnrgb or eleowhero, «ul oiwrrußclovUie only, ellebn-lird o, e au bere fot these block*, we pave we lairesi'and finest assort ment In "the tMj: Call and the. < ncmcmbcswßuc not to.bhundersold. BLAKE A CO* Market street, oeQO cnlraaco on north due of the Diataaad . |—TIT-| K. FOR BALEI— The good and- snb-' steam boat AMEBICAU of-. for 'Sale on - aesaamodating • W'. rri-i'/lJ C i&IIjtVELL, Agt,wntersi OUNDRIA&~-l5OQi hnshela dried peaches 10Q bash- O els chdjatls? U- db wool, 9 do fe®®!?’ “f K » i \ «l I:.V-,, MY& VABIETY-600Dg., XXP-- STCUNTOCKfisnoweonsuuulyrTeceivinxkin , f\>, | lock ofCA^PiJlulQi,Ac ? e Bmp ruins one of thelargest oubttments ever brooghttotho mar ket which hare from tholm , Fatten and Manufacturer*, of the latest and rarest styles^and lower in-price than ever offered lit this dry, to.wUck'lio invites thjo mjanUoa of those-wisbiasta furnish etiiynboais or houses, .before pufcjUring ewe- • wberd .The stock eonsistt innartof the following Variety,Vic " -•-•• * ‘" ■' •' Rleh'Aixminist Carpets; '■'■ OrientalTspestryOil Cloth : A>.Velvet .l do - Plain fcotored. i ? ido y - ' . do Tapestry. dp fli feci wide 1 doßrufadli do 84, 74,54,44 *1 oil cloth ‘Extra, super d ply 'do' Stair Boas' • Soper do do IM; M and $4 Druggets *- dolnprain • ' do' Stair Line os ■•> .' ,j *■ . iWiilo ..do i. do- . BoseKoodOftCfoth,...... .Common;do., do’ crumb cloth* 44,3-4 ft iDamask. utabessdd Piano eotera; Vdnltian; “ do"' 'do'' 'fchfo'do,' 44,34 ft 1 fmM do do FiguredTabJeOU cloths 44,34 ft Iptaindo do Turkey Bed Tbiknett 4-4, 4*24eotdo‘ AdelafclMam 84pnutcd cotton Carpets; Sheepskin do .Extra sup Chenille Bugsj'Jute do do : do Tufted" do '’ AUcant' ‘* do Fine ■* "do ■ v jj' MsniUA Qenp- Wihaa- .. do • -do .Enowdrop-Piapkin* 1 Crimson fig’d Plush;- , ..-DiaperTowelling,. .Drab MCloth SSuLlMTablaLbens Blue do, for.coadr tm , f*;Tntn*p’nlWlndOw ‘Shades 'Carpet Bindings ' Extra French do--.- .- do ! Wost’d cords , Rich .Saiifli.de.Laine*;fof. . ,do Tassels . , ... window curtain* : .Scarlet, blue, crimretu'TilacK.and.afab 'Damasks;* “figured tainbow Damasks; wonted dndHaen'Tible, covers; blue, crimson, seortet, green, drab and black Morepns; cotton flusbesof all colors.4re.ftc. ftc- Also, Otneburgs and Drillings' for ttes'mbndt deck, and 01l sther.trimpiiaff* necessary .for for boats In ouHuie, to which tae.espeeial attention of owners: U Invited; W. M’CLINTOCK’S CarpetWaretuonj, one door from Wood, on Fourth it. . . , sep29 ‘ aadjiriihtißiaii I ‘ R. MURPHY Invites (hepsrticalar attention «f; • three wanting-the above GoodvW bis desirable stock,-consisting of, the ttest make, from the most op-' proved manufacturers, ihd the latter wartnnted’pare tins.—He bos just received an adilitfonalsupply, had b offering £hirung Muslins of a superior quality, at a* very.low’prieeJ• Also; 1 .•• •• ir. ,-i... r> ■ - Pillow-case Muslins: . , ' Kape’rs and Crash j 1 TabloCloths.TOweU*ud.?itpkiflJ ■ Blankets, Qtuita, Counterpanes:.uul HoUitekeepirigDry'Gdods'genenUy.'' „ LADIES’ DRESS Paramettos, jlnin. and -fancy De Lsines. (some caw styles Just* received;) • v . 1 •+ ' • The season being, far <utyanaed»ajl be sold at prices ibat.eaanot fail to please. Cy Wholesale Rooms up stdirsi- ' v -- J ‘janl* . _ A. A. MASON * COi, " XTO. CO MARKET STREET, will-continue‘their ±y great semi-annual sale of.DBYGOODS, for. 3D days longer, daring which time their' extensive whole sale Rooms Wd be thrown open urtbeir'RstiiilTttde u* heretofore. A.' Ai SL ft Co., knewing that Uurjrere ' Mifiag Dry Goods of every description from ten to Cf teen per cent. less;thauever^before,,dp invite every persoalawantofdry goods,.or whomay.beio want,, to examine and purchase from oar stock, at the lb wee wholesale rates. -- ’ < Oar greatobjeet uvreflaeingstock' i*'toniakorobm< for Spring Goods, it being : «ar:i&ieiUlon tooxbibirio ,hUrch the largest end.the richest stock ,of Dry Goods' • ever, offered,by.auy one house in America.'. We shall eebtinae the.shlfl efoar'Blekched and Brown Muslins, Ticking* and other 1 Donieidc Goods. - at oar former low rates, notwithstanding the recent ad vance of 14 per cent upon the same in eastern markets. ,feb2 ... . . . •' FNB BLACK LDBTRE3—TV. R;Matnn asks the Alton tion of-bßveri to his extensive astortsieul.of above'goods, including mohair, and alpaeca' Lustres; very fine snd glossy; jet black and bine blackj alio, a few pieces wlufoanastre, for'mbandng dressesj'alsoi stage assortment of various eolorsandstyles of satin striped and brocade Alpaceas, blaek and faney.eo lore; plain black, invisible green, drab and other col’s; Mazarine Blue Palmettos and Alpaeeas—A few pes of these scarce ond desirable goods lately received. Wholesale Rooms upstairs, north east corner of 4th and Market its. " • • Ja3l T ADIES’ TRIMMINGS— 3 dozblk Loco Demi VeQs, Aj 3ps coPd'Silk Velvetsr SPgraKsblk' Daiseyfot long Ik.do castilliaado; tSdoeoftdFlossdo; Udo da Faniasie doj 9doz qprd fleecy silk Gloves; Odoblk Jenny Lfod hVinge, ia do French silk Bnchesj .rec’d taada> by pHEATONftCo; * eel3 FcmrtJi st IINEN DIAPERS—C-4. 7-4 and 84 Linen Table i Diaper, of common Agared, dotnaak and snow drop patjerns. Also, Rautn and Scotch Bird Eye Pat ' SI lACKLETT AWIUTE, . i®W Pa yood «t FLANNELS-W R Uarphyhasoahasd v.T • * foil aswtment of iheae desirable Goods; also, n fall assortment of doatevtic unihrinknble da, aoda and spoiled,for Home made Flohnefo—white, brown aiid burred: a supply eoamanUy on hand. . dee3o 'W tUisrAOliAOy—,(laving u» % .isßjsisssas ssfc depend.- on satis&cUmvand at utMni . the same prim oa M^? rk »?s* n * m P , * Io P -. H. li—lhrlng ifdnjed my bualnets to a cash svs detortnmed WitH «s lewasihe lowest regu s^szsrssssss’s\st ii 3ffs tt-sy Sj^i^w^sssssssisi M WehißlV.^Bropnri' and M PA BStem? XSHS* 9““ nite * «fMMt?AIAO, PABAIBTIDB Klip, (irp I3rown.it. , Mimp , primed Aloes de XjAIAa pmued Catfcjaere*,Lßßieriine stripe*. "'ron*' 10 • l * d “‘ <l r'“ Briped AlpaX £ ANC ?i CASsaiEßEa—w a lairt httoruaenl ofiteie pwd», «nd to opening item tu pnce* unprecedejuidlY i\ r * l SL n * £•» *31* per yi P ” 7 AUcs French. Dootbok of dJ qtralitiem. InAliwlfS 1 * IfroadclotlU, black, olire, b 0 freeu brown, amf blue. Amour .thc*e an M Frenel»*Blme>j*tiit»Ue foretaeK uh&s&s. ssasaSr*-- J , n |p”7?* »UeaUou of Merchant* and Merchant Tai- byUre plcee, uspedatt, InKrii £, - : , _ dcclf aiul most fashionable styles imported/ C • ncWMt ££»2£“ A .‘iT SswWwSs: ° f ni^ l pt a .? ,^u,r^‘l<oloraan,ilow PriceL JunSivJi 11 °f '“ rioa * IH«> A •“TP I ? *° w Priced and fine—a very foil *gppiy, bed m low prices far quality. j^O N i 2d J2SS3P*“ W * McKraY h*» reeemlyreceii L * i »»-A sood enicie.only ASS“SSSr?Sr* Uww ,W “' co™;^Z3^'c, d .t r * bk tMd - “ W»4- >Vboletalo Rooms up Stalra ' < ' iaStt laeo ecd edging s»e cirtoo. loommiSllalcn c.!. Kb c rdV h r^b , i? i ri, Sib^^"f S““4s#Ha|S K »we; . .. . ShawlSbChitadsomenyles. irooda— * ,,u *®s * good stock of these hti^^feiß^ssatasaa.^ — ' dcc4 J '*' - ! '.S7 market »ycoMti) ‘ ! ' h«ad*ooto t>umtisas prnmxu, wliij&}mis*elliߣ~a»dedaeed‘Bri« , ce *- ■ AlMVbttinknraa DrfttaSilfruaml . now «iylo .LinencambricHdkfe,Ac?,, ~.ccc2l 1 ’ T ACE GOODS—White »nd blaeiL»t»{iiiißi>«; -U muslin do; while end black lace Uddorilccve*} do Lace llenha*i black .-plkin, French Work. Collars; mmmedanduntrun’dctautlincdo; cmb’dcaffa tp match; ladies luicn cambrip hdk£n> r?nudb4o dey duo, opera lira, headdrtoes. artificial flawersJmanet üb« nn4 owiUlngs;jwt t eeceWed aad'fdrealqwhdio* 1 .•aid aad>e tail, by '•* P IJBATON *Cd, *{ * ■ dwfs ‘ L • cc-(.:v?.®fort>Or*» Goat t xn» cto'sJtTiafflinw3^ r darsws. aatortedcloakTaajcli; <5 fraw figured *Uk: Sind- ; /inr» Ado do mohairdor2 4o.4q drobd^Mdodrab Julian tauabddihbrTiiriimiuß*. fornULor^-usd,'cohsuirilr ( oohauil - v dee*- PUEATOXACa P pr •Utf iREsa <;OODS^IMn-i»iiCo.irt‘iiii)rtmur ' tupnlied. with, »■ ikraeirtrbolcs'ojhksttinetjt^f ir(riogea'«uul<f'iapik Vemi'ri&bdri»'«ndbrtidii l*» *o«peplef» .«nd odder* gumesti) Baui&T Zephyr, woolcu yarns. tapes, bobbin*, ic.; price* to merchant* and others al-ifieif new aiuJcoo*! medioo* noff t ■-« .A .lsa-.j. YOIi, XYI; ! ’-NO.'-,‘ 164;-. *. a 111 ?■ ■ aia i*. Vti'j MiS€ELLANEOU& “ . •.< r .©QAl>*B . U . r .>. V ; , , ; ; Patent Graduated Galnxnte HaUeru anJ * ■ • ''lntttlnifA Pahs far Mir££fti /niA ~ nM)f m! ifi* nrUUSuibft only mstraoem ofitokindtb«l£^». AasaftTiffia^iaaßsS *oher citrorsfly or internally, i!r% definh* : ss , sssfiA w *' assSssfissSKaSs rsira-sr*^ vie nerroo. h=attichS s at£l^tS!i^i^s2Zj , 2f,Slf? ItU-wuh’ Uiii L • aw *i I 3 ia * conveythe mwwUe^aWiriTk!? 1 «i(tff<pe«w Miuniuj 3S«S&EI ssss®&ss»Bse sSaSSSffias^a JM tetob^h^aij c lpre „lylf)r thpji , J&P&T 8 WILLIAMS, Vine n, Fimlnnub. ,(l4>eBied u> Allegheny City, Fleming ■ ®?®SHSIW^SSSgSBaStt : nno. .-The italic aiStair ix compeieil of; Uw &Haw. JP" I *. AddUon, Swam, JJafoT Bnok* Morgan, BeR, Lkngß'aad‘C.init»S, &« iwetittof ‘2S?«KSii ,# 9 eraail paiieo^'.aaiaDbßfflAt ™y wjflbeTec«Ted--grtt l iiL ** ihb-fuka< ! '*iU ?S£?2s* tad itomis«lcv«M •*>«'»! m«H»l tgittibittoM fertlis iWllr: inly w * K **a*w«nt, -Director ofthe InsUtstiony.or Jo.tha following Bankers. who htn y r aadJII.D. i t : • •,-: f , .deeao.it T5S^S E sS?f r, * J^^^ Yflod * ndfch Th ‘ 4 ™- JonaoryJ;is49. • •• i«. v t TCo ***- JQILI m. mnrTT* « Sns-S?;^? 1 * m * QC . liw qn oiityrifoiir otodc. ’"J*'?' “«m«4 fecilWiS mK£5 1M and we ihlut »o cm oSda-mil c s“f l **f mtnaof con»*nt.- Tb* iniririeu’ crfiSa ' 'v■;.- -1840 a; ;. - ' *c c £is£l/^^ FORWARDING * .toJS&IIioN UERCRUKTO, „.. v J,.- .4?° Ayenu <bMh«.“ - *•• R.Q.pS»^En»rc«*P»ckcilanc, u ,.Ede»p2^- J j biS* “--ft** l ®* mi J Johp A. CapJkeJ - tL.. 'aa..'—‘-- - Jal7.ini - Cook* ““ A ' ' WhichTender*'mrbld waterphreby ■jC&BEgfc '' 'TTiamanffttJj snbstdnee* nottotubifein giflgftKft vgater.: Tho croton water ia. NcV®A, clear acdjwre t»Uie era, ret . 11 Po**« ,00. Übur ArooghruOs . \fS&s& .' fijirnng coolc; «boW»b large-agriefl.t fK!u ' nnjinrß Bnbrtancer, wona*.'Ac: ;J Thi« w the goo# more or les* with all fayurmn wafer.: n. ; The Remsfbic.FUtercr j» neat and dar*ble, and is opt attended with the mconveiuento incident to oilier FMtcrer*, a* jt 14 cleansed wlthodibtf ngdefciclie J Iron, lift; water pipe, ’by tnereljr T tnnjifi)rtlieYej‘ or handle from-one nd*ta the-other; i&jrthis'oosjr process, Ukc coanoMf water is changed, and-oU-accnmalatjoa* <0 uspnsa tttbsunce* olT-, instantly mttotrttoscTewing.lhe.Biter;. It o#a possessca i£e advantage ofbctogti’rtop'coelr.'ttndastofclr'lh rfidn? cws.wih bbvery eonvenienfarid^oncaUbal,' -fi -‘» or Jawtaa caslktaafembj fcc. witheLcl^^hl/ftHH Dl ■ UllrflWlllllliatenrDfcrprateaTiiter, foribc*]. 'JH-' '- -• •"■ ; tieaofßme&nrafi andAJiCffbehW.*' JF Oct. i% is«r ■•> ,' •> ••• ■ '? MMwfatofmfoi Uwti!S>S!ftswK gSK=3tfe7 _____ . Ad.ToHiberaejit* l WK wbwnieT, ia 6lTeriar.f(ir «alo rhaa&faift fat .* T ,r lark -V iNewXori,) *nA.<jfciftkdS would .4ireqt-»t«Bßrt«a4i> ihd *s Uia only place w the,We*iwhcre.So taj&amem* ofthesd two ntßJtenrcan.bemeiTirdVbr wawjqoettuy, a eftfcgj formed. Thanubsorliirbeinlrßiixioe* fa teat latir relative men a, and haviiw fcrnmmbeXDf JW performed, - “%• ““S*into uaefoi thq .•' cringPumo, morderfa try it* diiraßmirSd’ litatL aaAu«ecompjtriymi!m^>ifco-voice., ThbTiWmar new bo teen 'and akxsttned athi* Tooaa;» HaTedls decft ‘ At r\V Woodwdfrt? omsw wSgTEBg ■ YL_ ; po«tyiy., , , Q. forUja-joJe of ihfl .celebrmted prepared to £ll ori«ri ire. anfTSSSre/S'ia Mg^^JSSSsstSSf^ r^^sssss^sx^' "' :.tf|». Xrfuiui" 1 - do rOQQin - "' ,I “■WACTURftp TOBAGO- . ' ,;;; 1 "mJSffi* io« Ciimr. clJ:li !yr.!;:cr.:, mi KflTba, 101(1!(» I£> c '°‘°, b y •_. '*«=«.. ", ,■: V ATKHMAN pon««-of JaaM/atopmiiSoiu’SDda Art kwMs nwxwl, arenowjujiiwiH qoaim*&*o I** lwrclr*ap plie4.w>ilj.U»*celebrated.bnutd, whicii lbajtwxJitdi at Ao lowest motifct price for cart oirapprovcticnlj*. "afif refer 10 tbegnM BniJ'soap'roiiiDflicturera 1 * Chiaeuyfeoejaßy re*peeiin*llie eoaiftyv-: •*• W & MAIITCUELTfiEE.;- iWHibortyrin port, . 1 - ... ,T5$H fpvNDim^m&?X^iintiSmi- X dry In-aflonmltfng town, with Paiiena, .Toola. *e, nil ready tbriusiaci*, will be' soido/rnccoiuiik. Thu oflere aa excellent opportunity to‘a young man commence the iron foundry <tfc finesa. Enquire of _ .. '•.• ;-scAiF?i&A3PKiies£E«;r> deed. 1»< near Wqod rtrect jSe^e^CoeUßgflteVM^ntti; _ TtfARSUAIiI* Reundh’Clmreh 1U «ornrtiibert>*'; aniLWeod jrtreettjsmaanfiieiuro orthe moat ImprovedqoaJtty; .Cooking Stpvesjor vn»d I uiift tdaJt" -Egg Sow*' eonflitm Greta*, Hollow Ware, &cy ■hmtfiiftuwthe Kitchen Cange; widen harg{«*£*Beh , rateral eatii &r poo -Wthp 1 e havmy uUiuttevtoattcr ■^SSSSS^IS^?S!SSPp^' !?dES&SiuiSlc. Shaded WlikOfCiinaift*, Qu from one ia free? VoT* 1 ,J ' aggggjllfer ' •Jvjctt&berir JfO'doVjfehiajrsyup,i*iw§!fcs^c§^ 9 •-• ■-••*•-’ ctauedfUun»Wtffi»ri»ieltf ; >‘ - ’i ,: */: WC;;!t.J[ JiS A \i;^ •:. , ■ -•.'_**»?! S»»»B«s«lUfa«Sn 1 ■ ,* m.£?> H -,ji .^psiwmtwr* •J jiT- ru *. vt' -n: *, fa'; j a ~~ ' -s*V< >'*•!'• , i ujw.* *-»» •w-K’ 5 a jf'aWw- , c * * # v -,.tl
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers