The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, January 27, 1849, Image 3

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    BY RAG •
::1=V1• ; -
7/ I "lnPkg' 33 9t
l'AslrFgros.,;ful• 26, 1.819:
lte-MiliiiPtekoe. l 4.o*oo , 4o.o b 7
Nos Ariassmoikeig 'abuser to'emstracs •
gain tbiartistaiiiki,iallti,ihroro sbeli
amemewhh the Pad!le Ocean: ,
:314:41Miens,,pa =Res ol,tescluiiani
sitopted by thrilergirlatme of New Hampshire,
Gui gi aelssr; rarimiliers hi. Congress to sate
Oh* P 6.01 ° ,14 ' 1,4 Ihk!a7 in a new Terri
ii 4~oio ! the aiic.a.tif
. -
OeftEttipettettie &etas - B:111,6n theint.
li i;iiskentefibe math of the , Ctitebettattd daea
yieleletleiattesi of the Mt twits *nada the hi.
idat - ,
"1„;414, - from itie'ditzntlihe tot Public
fitantN mented ,, et bfl teductett ttie futee of the
t i tg l 4o , 4llk - ittiP4s4iticii:', / •
tide: Wiressel,frolitheiedlittaiy Cothmitte; re.
11 10 143 0 . 4 W0r of investioitet thoohomesirefe.
tea. a &Mr. Little, Oink of the Northern piste:et
c e..0 641 k Ifet4Cit.7l4k
. ••.• • ALIUMT,huI. 26, 1849.
Tim Whig 444 Legiounre mill suet:
+a. ialluvids? next to nominate cauldidatesthr U.
.1 , 5 1.,
Ocomuste, Tau. 26,1E49.
"Us two Demoorsue-elitatants how Cincinnati
S ' ip:. : i,dinitted to aentnin the House. nu (ties
rorudesanoritritott body to the Demotontal
I.llLlL,u4cmm, .3git: 28,1819.
/PO - i.;"7„ 71 , gmlx ktt4ltiadYrb9! n° l 'Wiz' ,
-tealri,of . Western as -$5035 12k. Bales cd
441WPdylt Adeid`s!s2 arid Ilye Mord' at
-16‘43 ,
?,OOObua eIA patio red Weal
1136115 c. Rye scarce. Sales of prunewhite
ca.rl et•EXl•erassif Masao • des busheL Our'
liilidslary-.43alesid 25 ems per gaols to blds.!
. - ruirtaiix. iin.2B; lust
, - ,,, CbticaY:bpaiettre btudzen doing, ell partiO
if 4 iiiildrigiciurilan
tooderita business,
info ror the buyer. The aa/es to day !mae
:**iiriparibriaxwoo bbls.
Oreirs of 1000 I
bus common red wheat at
air WOO bus primeyallaw at ISalaSSo
of tOO6lll Menitak
- 7 8411 . • ZKl..bbh, , , 6 14 36 1° Per lb
. faxas-121ales Treastrry Notes at UN, and New
• "Bairoaa, Jan. 2,
f_lbs markets am very quiet, dealers .5
r“IrALBDILIII.-45blala.pum winter sualacd, la more
load tar sale by 0 BLACKBUBN t Co,
c. -jaut water greet
-10511 , 02 L--02 bbisme. in Cm order for We
tr , lan Mr..Essrgriicoui
a6O-400 k gi YlbbL No 1. foral. by
sELLeas a mCOLS
`it60348, 7 66 do: An sale r
. ' Jai B 1 , VON BONNTIORST& Cci
EVINED 9I:WARS-65D bnlin large =4 mall
/naf.erashe&-pavnlerad and clarified, in sane aid
iahrby jell JAB& HUTCHISON &.Co,
- .•-Aana &Louis Sawa Sugar Reiner,
LCOAP—ICO bit Crozoptma & Co'bortraSosp, in sun
*l4.and (mask by 4alB 0 BLACKBURN ',Co
411$1.10411.C1S—IS Ain in store and for ale la,y
t<IOIIOrASS-11 oak. Pot Ash, in care sad o,r sale
.%E. lip 1118 ' MILLER & ItICEE3I3OI.I
MIIGAR - 110158WEIOLASSM-45 bbl. datr
7.10 Bogie /dolas.t., onto. ;asignatent and Ansa]. i y
giTIMBHAVANA SUGAB-30 bzoorhits Ham •
Alogsr t jost received awl for labs by
Ari , 43118 . 2111 1 . 1 . F R & BICKETSON
410=1,b.11::bie mated 01 1 ;
ieedypdind fbiTLI: bp do
rvm , vvm.
10. , .;117Ein OLD 131141RIVZ-1..95, utak 'OA C.nase
-I—anrady,.lBoo,", last =vaned . by as sad tar oda
1,6 ma . T-vo lIICKETSON
ICOMIMU-70 kith No landing iktma
.1 ltat itrook!lti 4.ldr" 141*bArpl ELL
calrall.L.lll7l7ElHO bbla pziazeitoll Baimer, bum
edred int* sada by , .
1•10 - 'L` SWATERMAN
IaACKEREL—Zbbts 3Pdaekezel,Artore •
21/1. and far ule by itle LBW
-....z.Asua—otaaapijitugunt, meld Ana ftw
sale by jalß I,2IWATIMIAN
IItRANS;4OIIMs small wlthe Baas, la mow and for
AL/ gale l l. " 1108 - '1 8 WATERMAN
SEAM CIUME--GO Da chats Cheesq also, GO
do Wane= Itesorro, tot by do
WANTED-4or which the
A. Akan =Aga Prityi ll
E id i g
- 67_4_
IYEFACHLE9-600 bath shied Peaehes, halves,
4491;1""ri 6r sale b
RA Rag
Timm wan&nous.4o iota. for sato by
, .
cinEß—,,x;.blit. just rce'd and tot:aide by
19144' Janie
'''''' bat . I .a r amikrait caozge.
' ." • ,:.,-= ' - ' — ' — gaiisollishalled, lestrec'dPerm
441 f'r Mdeatal,
," A - - - —d-r,stitb witsoNica; .
4- , k;•• k' ' ' < ' , U - ~ .
bhdemi old crop; bbbs Loaf; as
tios,for:ablo bp '
. 'FRIAYD, itHVIT & Co
1130508-42 - bWlrtifts I,Tainy,__#_zar..Aolltordn
by- PM _
_ _ .
;41 kag".. . F " ; lthEY &Co
. : 74 los—ice togs Nilson, for sel jo ea
w -i iT
.......,,4313:-76 - bah prLme Cover Seed; 40 do do
_ .
,zionkr ' QA: kW lbs Western Resins Cheese
L ..., , 1 mei v ..4 ‘`d Er/ rode bi"jan) JOHN WATT '
' ' 0
•erin stole and Aps min •
- corner lit and wood its
A.! , • iis, l3 Ms in saatTluA,
frgwaltziocre b
toRIED FRUIT, /0.-00 bush Teacheg b D
Appler, IS do peen Pioolur. cale br
DIG LE&D—YRD pip salt, Oalens, Lea% 4000 IW
• BsYLead, ferule by • ,
irIASTOKOIL- 2,s .bbbi for We by •
UHRFNCY. WANTED, at amount. ,
Ea z ti-0 bbla andlo bat strictly 06160
s t,„
LOURA-10D blls prime wheal, SrS As •sueerg
gts do g fm hmU= I°l°."4.4nri4'.ale b 7
-- -cora ritnil:-1 50. Sail Tenn. Pea Nato, la gal, s h d
" for sato • • ,leett Lt .11,13DALZELL .
~%IDLCITIR-400 66LovisTiourdiurt LuHleti war.
uE'mpg by D.lO 9 DILWORTH it Co
.-101.11TER-4: 0 Up Omer, 4 bbl.di , Lait 14din 6
- `lllolVaid (or sale by jalU •JS DILW kCo
' • FAMLYFLOIIR-35bbls for iale •
• 0 . : .N 0 I
VW AO do do
bbiS cia - -m. ,67
tabu Fiesii tirelg 1.50 an e s
WA-37 lockage' Young Him* SO do °calm* ,
' den lospotab Mask ToslVAWand
' • WO by deet4 mow+ lb-CU N
OEACHES-107 bash of Ohio P
Nh mts C =sire,"4ll
-A mm 1(0 E 4415 by 4521itmain
' ZINXIST-000 IM itappee Boa, just ite'dttadfor vac
AO declB J KIDDB co
'..VCALBOXF23.- 1 dos Matted Boaat,j.ttal ptay
- itatisty Grafts; irattaaaMsdlillesdustreed tt
Ketsgrs, a 7 marital at
. .
"MLISEULD-160 Us, t lb cam, Long IshintMw
—44 IA, Web 44 k‘e 20 Ms aga r & do do; in Rem and
for de ACILS--1 Cu, silk Midi Ns
•-• • 1.7 ricuo last reedosi
49 iroosi
L AID iN KEGl3,last received. :
Eltall.h.O. EDE.
;10 ALERATUB-3 ion. &Inform!. Am tali And for
gala by 100 a ROBISON* Co
ix 7
IF.EAD—tee pigs Galena Leo4;_XIOD lb. bar ittg Car
fast , ' Alt JAB L'IdITICHISON 4 Co
GLAB9MI--130 bbLe gastaiien Molasses, gra sale
— lll.liirSPG , 4O Itra Ginseng in aocei wd foF sob
tr; - Vle Me 111011 • JAS A NUTCLOSON Co
— 7,1,NAV,1;0103r.. a101.498/11-45 libla for ylle by_
. ." 4 arrTER".4 bbb tosA NolL, for Ws by
„ to ja y, _SF VON BONNI3O , co
fiG64O bu Onto i _
mamma:4o boviceLosaig, In store sod fo r ii d e
- ..... -
. . . .
06 ?I, (IP
:MANl:EcUallts—Wieor pieces Oda an4fi ge : c ;
meld bilaPtess ssul azrz for sale
—ll:l4eptio• 111, lona 4,Shoti ale by
.V 4 ' for
ihr'''FiriLEDApLEEM.Xol:mok driOAT *
IS Nate,
"afar" hi 1V,v424'"
°~ { F~AE -7is ► 7F----1
T' ~RANTl4llraff $t
—. ism-- 4 r ALMANAC:I -strittur
JANUARY. 1.,41. i flies . a .5et5...
...„.;.vi 147, - 510
. ~...;...t, ,745 'SU'
.i . :: . ...t,: - .Z: 4,111 it l'i
....1. , .: .. .. ....-. • 71; 515
:-.. .. .. ..,-,":"., .71 -5,10 ~
.-..:...(.......... .7 1 11
,; 5 . 1,1;7 , 1 •
V i 7 7 E - 4
iiin li i3V - •
'%19 Sunday '
59 Monday,
30 Tuesd .....
31 W *...
y. -,
- --
\ -:::thiirtotz;rnartrititi Gaziaw 1 -- -
, Battted!ki, Milt:tint, January 2748694 ._
I irobraini ail tpusaattletylf the market, we
have 'changes or iipportanee to ocalie. - :Pr' any:
article:-Jin the vfeyfer kinisiii Wes, a".ttlr a,
trionat'ef Waltz* Eraedeni:' ' ::' --
,FLOIII--The reeefilti‘ i ieileislay were more
liberal ihan in) , pi•evionsa"dai''.ifilie wor... We
note sales of , 3111.11 , ..bbli.,24onerigithela frosty ato.wer
Ariadt4s. at . 3,754 bbkoSallis3 of 200 bbLs from
Wee ta lots at 3,4084 e. bbl. --'
Ali FLOM—With- ain - all supplies is store,
we Dole ITai - Ondaitlea at 348 p bbL
BUCIty&EAT FLOM...Begetter sales are eG..
footed frima first bands at f; bands store' -
$1,741111,80 p 100.1ba. , ,
.. . .
. . .
CORN MEA.T.e—We note regular sides from
store at 450
PROVIBIO/B-Thi. 'snaiket is steady but not
wise. B . alita years** , wets confined unlimited
lots ay follow" :a bacon, supplies are limited, and
not mach 081dg an thb' irUcte, we ' May quote 4 jta
4;, 51fa5i, and '6l . Cho for ahrlelderi, aidea and
hams—as in quality. Belk meat is quiet, with
small tales It 4c; lawnend. • Sales :of lard at. mi.
°ea rangleg,fiern- - 5186*- 1 -tts is quality : Butter is
i n f a i r moat k'r keg, aed 1101.2 e for
roll, BOW.
of 27 boxes W R at 5* cts
SUGAR..4BaIss of is Mid, fair N 0 in lots at
Witte, daie: .
MOAFpE37-9ikles ofl6 bbls at 2710 p gall
GitEEW 2 APPLE , eIe of 39 ,bbla • wasted
kinds, In g ood ccqdition at Ipa.pbbl, ottsebnit'
131,0011dLi-446 of SO tons Tennessee bicKuns
at 470 filen' --time ' - :• -
BEEDLS-:Sale at', 76 bi Almon Wharf at 900, per,
boatiel: Belga from • wore at 95c p bp.. Farther
saki 'o4olqmieed at 3A55i39 t
of 76 bate! it 51,9011,70 p
box:- ;Market maU applied.
POTATOES—ltegetlarialea Imo, aerial 81,40
03104 bbl for good qUality. ,
Be'veratinplieetioris 'are nowirekirellin
,I. ! egielature for new Bunke, 4inong,theni
are aninkle.a.BiUdet.Coeirigton, another at May*
Mlle, tied lartnAher &Wed the- nSoutherty Beek, far
the 'Green Brier country." _
MI *lea Banking'o93lo of ttie: Bt6ta,m te.
Porte4P.OP A,4 4 11.11nra u follow s
At pres e nt there is employed—
At {he; sink Roildi ".1250,1500.
At thelhaneh Bank at BoarlintOnten, • 1 2 5, 000
At the Smell Bank at Greeg., 125,000
At the Brett Bank at Paducah, 100,000
The agregate capital of:the three principal
Banks_lochted al Louisville and,Lenthsten, will,
by refelenee to their charters, be found to be es
The CAiliaisocr for the Bruili of
8 - 400,000
Tbe lfl =thock for the Northern
Bank, 3,000,000
The capital stock thr the Bank of
Loniarillq 2,000,000
Total capital, MO octo oeo
The capital used in the several bruichenof these
principal Bank'', ii —
In the Branch at Lexington, ' *swam
In the Bench et Frankfort, 350,000
In the Brunch at Maysville, , , 4541.100
In the Branch at Danville, 220.000
In the Branch at Louisville, 800,000
In the Branch at Paz* 770.000
In the Branch at Covington, 250,000
To tharaninelaat Richmond, 150,000
In the Brunch at Fleiningabarg, 100,000
A New Cormscuonntetteat $lO bills on
the Farmers' & Mechanics' Bank of Rahway,
New Jersey, have made their appearance. They
are gaped F. }Ong, Cashier; 5.9. Lot berry, Presi- ;
dent; Spieue, &male bolding a sheaf of wheat,
road and canal in the distance, and a head of
Washington as the right hand end of the bill
The paper is of light color, and on the whole it is
well maculated to deceive the butt andgva -- (Pkil-
Spirit ofthe Doznestli a M
- - A -yesterday, 25`0110 balea—no
change In prime Miaow, 1100 this, mostly ta
ken Or the Ncuth--prices firm—Fair, 3/(ti4c--also
an plantation, kight empa comprising 2530 ithda,
and embracing 2330 PO, 300,230 and 800 in four
=PIG a 4c, sad Zaat 41; of Moluaes, 1500 bib
at 201fiitale—finn- 4 -otut, on plaratilm, 10,000 galls
a 20; of Tobacco, 131 hhda on private terms;
Refused at 3c, and '6 Admitted at 6; and 15, eto
bracing 10 at 41 and sat 6; of Flour, 126 bias
Ohio in taro lots, on the Levee, and 500 in flat
boat, along side ship, at 4,75; 100 St. tools, u tis;
148 choice, in taro lota, at 5,311; 100 at 5,371; and ,
100 One al SS—market quiet; of Corn, 7500 sacks,
including 812 (600 yaw and 212 white) at 48e;
2204 (400 white and 1604 white, yellow and mix.
ad) .at 49e, 1660 (400 and 460 yellow and 600
white and yellow) at 50; and 2100 (1200 white
and 900 white and yellow) on private terms; of
Oats, 150 Sacks St. Loins at 35c; of Pork, a small
lot of Men at 11,50; 460 Mas at 11,75; 30 at 412;
25 Prime at 10,25 (an advance) and 200 on private
terms (shoot the samek of Green sailed Meat, 50
' boxes Ling-Ittliiles at Olaran advance; of Elm.
con, 128 easks Sides embracing 14 Infe rior
sour( at 4-1 c; 10 Cincinnati clear at 41; and 104'
Cincinnati (40 and 44 ribbed and 20 clear) at 5
an &dam* of Lard, 50 bbla and tierces Grease
at 41c,„17.per cent tam, and 211 (11 ails and 200
btda r and tierces) at 7c.,---(l3alletin.
St. Louis, Jan. 16, 1849.
Nothing of unportance has been done in the
market to, day..._Tbere were no arrivals front any
quarter, and the Levee re entirely bare of produce.
No mks of flour. Prime to choice Wheat com
mends 8005 e; stocks la surze estimated at 25 to
30,000 ba the largest portion held at the highestAgorae.
Agorae. Corn sells 301031 e; and oats at 2 6 fd25c
sack returned. Primepo k may be quoted at $6
06,,25 mesa at 5S 8 , 20, r bet no transactions, un
less lot future delivery. Prime leaf fird is held at
tie, with purchasers at 546.540.—(Rep.
St. Louis, Ise. 19, 1849.
Raves News—There were no snivels yesterday
but the weather is milder and the fee becoming
thinner. Several steamers left for the South, and
one for the Illinois river. A few days more of
such weather will cause a move, and perhaps a
general resumption of navigation. The river is
grill swelling, with between seven and eight feet
In the channel to Cairn. Freights to New Orleans
are on the dicline. Several steamers are expect
ed from below, but up to a late hoer last night
none had made their appearance—iltep.
Srmuctom BUILT 13 Sr. Lona in 1848.
Mustang, tonnage 128,71
Edward Bates, 299,82
Aleck SCOtt, 709,53
Highbuzd Mary, 158,69
lowa, 454,63
Pekin, 107,55
Ploughboy, 24806
Partway, - • 102,44
Alphonse De Lanutrune, 536,83
fivzsansit Buono—The small steamer "Elver
prise" on her way hem on Sunday evening from
below; ran upon a heavy piece of floating timber
a ibort distance belay Lawrenceburg, Ind. The
snag forced its way op through the guard to the
upper deck, and tore away the wheel. The boat
was found to be taking water, and she wan lan.
ded at Rising Sun, whale the leak was stopped.—
The Enterprise Is an entirely new boat, and be
longs, we believe, to a company in Zanesville.—
She urns built for the Red River mass, and wan
commanded by Capt. Bishop—iCin. Com.
QT Ten Puma /Ixama—lf you wish to he sim
pered to any andemsking you must always 'um the
eroper mu
ms.' Therefore, I f you , have a cough, axe
Jameffis Erinteroassr and be cured, Mr It Is the proper
means. Adage you !Wham or difficulty of breathing,
Men the cagy crake* means to cure you Is to rue
Expectorant, Wad. will Immediately overcome
the ammo which cogreeli We diameter of the tubes,
and fames and kings up the sump which clogs them
up, aitd rhos removes every °blamed= to nisee mop-
mon, while at the same lip) ILIIIXISULMaiIop Ls rob
deed, la a sins la certain to be tamed. Hove you
Branchillx.llplOng of Blood, Pleurisy, or in foci any
pulluonary Affeenon, than are Jayael Expectorant
And rellef is eeltelo, and ion will Ind that you have
used Me proper mans.
For lee In Pillsbargh at the Patin Tea Store, ra
Meet scar Wood. toots
IsW , • The excesstve or morbid secretions of blie Is
Pell hoown &resume violent distort/knee of the diger
tillntentl&rt, and bring on malignant and astmanages
plo favisvi i r4r often pot an end to lifo . The stomach
Inurtite stf Anne fool secretions, and this can
most multi) IntAlallsh&l ify the 0.60 of D A Paiute
amok , ' Anil-Maus -wAjhb area most valuable
Curtly cathartic. They can he wets with safety &tall
thus, and 'fold relief - in avert than -
PsrpastA and sold by B A FAHNIXSTOCK & Co,
earner LOLA wood,. and eon= nth and wood EL
WiithraHltaltiT Wutacces ros a sagzawa—rt..-
aet. qualky of • 3i. bottle of Soma' Coral
to Roo Iho ball to grow rat the
boat -fithe.—Or arheravulhatozo Irriapdad hair to
nar. .
oriahh WM. )ACISO
. N; Na OD Liberteet,
sign of tito Dig Boot pt
"That winter — skin ofters,than snow,
And pure as rooxiattlautal alabaster."
Ali females have skin Ifte theabove, who use Janes
.84teiztlii:dbage pare sauw7t
Ladisa who umaJaare BpanLhL Iy *hits, have
always a hats white transparent &la. Of this a trial
win usligg sari, etp. J 10741 ugly la Pittsburgh, at PS
• Balticilacobs, Broanisville.
-Atlanttc,:Paitrinson, Brownsville,
, Caleb - Cope,.Mbrdech,Beaver.
Beiteer.,c/ark; Beaver. --.
Lake Erie, Sholes,Peaver.
Camden, liendricksoo, McKeesport.
Mdsseogiro, Citetim ati.
—Zachary Taylpr, Lucas i Cirbeeliag.
- "A,mer Naito, Monbagebela city .
- ,- :'- - Krisatte. Grabill, NAO. .Genevs.
r i EW:rig ) ; .
Bale, Jambs, Brovirnsville.
Parkinson, Brownsville.
113,0ver, Clark; Beaver.
COO Corii,'MAkinrclock, Beaver.
.Ebro Erie, Shales.-Beaver.
Camden, Hendzickstiri.-MoCisesport.
Zaibiuy Taylor, Enms, Wheeling.
There *lira 11 k49tB incher vaster in channel
by pier mirir,Ans. - evocing et duck, cud rising.
Cincinnati Packets, 10 A. M.
Brownsville Packets, 8 A. M., and 4 P. M.
Beaver Packets, 8 A. M., and 4 P. M.
Nashville—Geneva. .•
New Geneva—Per Ariadnei-555 boxes glass.
owners. aboard; 319 bills flour, owners aboard; 7
bbl, flour, Bo:bridge, Wilson 8r co; 800 lbs rags,
owner aboard; '76 hu flaxseed, owner.
"Harter—Per Beaver-49 bgs meal, 50 do shorts
J Donaldsorn , d Mils 1 keg butter, Armstrong
Croaker; 5 bb{, 3 kgs lard ; S do W Harbangh; 1252
"pee pork, 17 bids 6 has lard, G M Horton; 2 bbls
butter, Boob* & Smith, '7 do flour, Lindsay; 32
bgs shorts, E Heazekon.
Nei , Orlearts-:—Per De Win Clintoo-41 tihds
sugar, W B Rotates & bro; 150 bbl. molasses,
Lambert & Shipton; 200 bhds Sugar, W B Holmes
& co; 3 bas mdse, R Robinson & co.
Ctocinner Messonger-3 bdls books, J
Mellor; 2 do do, .1 Soboonmaker; . B oaks hardware
kegdo. Logan, Wilson & co; 5 bas mdse , J Kidd
& co; 10 hbls syrup, J Dairen & co; It bbls tab
low;, A.. Wilson & co; 39 sks feathers, M AUea dr
cii; 13 bbn ;leaches, 15 sks do, I S Dilworth; 3 kgs
pigs feet, I.bbi lard od, Bakewell.
Wheeliw g—Per Hodson-3 sks feathers, Bur
bridge; Wilson & co; 55 tom pig mettai, McCordy
&, Loomis; 2.10 bbls flout, Sami McClurtum &
Per Zachary Taylor-100 bdhi wrapping paper
Reynolds dr Shoe; 126 bbls flour, owner aboard;
13 bdla wilding paper. 1) N White do CO; 6 bbl,
roll batter. Orem do McGrew; 20 bbla apples, 2 do
Inater,l box egg!' J Herbert; 13 bbls Dour, 13 aka
prrTanuaos vicatAiar.• LUsTITUTE
T il e. 6 areorlr e etild o n f .=ar, "im f ti nnh ' : de rLet
sicesternie year, rill commence on the first of F ebnia
ty neon, in the same budding., No.gcl Liberty greet
• • Arrangements
bane been made by which they will
beetle to fornbsh young ladies Lecithins coral to any
in the West, forobtaining a thorough English, Muss.
eel, and Ornamental education. AWI carry. of Phl.
- and Chemical Lecturer mill be delivered
during the winter, Illustrated by apparent.. The de.
partmeau of Vocal and Instrumental Mimic, Modern
-Languages, Drawing arid Pamting, cub be under
the ears aft competent Professor. Dy clout attention
ID the moral and intellectual llaprolleitleritOr their pa.
pile, the Prineipale hope to merit a centintiation of the
liberal patronage they have hitherto enjoyed. For
terms, see ciresder or apply to the Principals.
rgul.e. subscribers having taken the Save MI above
I the Fifth Ward Badge, formerly run by hlr. John
CeamberLand having amsod mock of Timber on Land.
vreald solicit the patronage of the public- Orders
kankfully received end promptly attended to.
The mode to:mood haring so)d bls imam - tin lima-have
Mill, to Mese.. ttavary k Symedding, would rococo
mend them to his former customers and Me rommuni
ty as de al ol qualified to giro sotiatiotion to ail
mho mar with Mem o .
imT-41to_— _ _ /MN CHM NISFX.S.
A. WRITE t (XS. wohld respect:loy inform
ILUs• the public that they have erected a shop tm
Lnroek, between Federal and Sondualty streets. They
are now maims and are prepared to receive rotten for
wsrryy desenpuott of vehtMes. Casettes, Chariot'.,
roaches. Bowes, Ithatons, he, he.. which from their
i alftUt P freEtres hto tna T4''tfli7eceytUcr theahove
onident they are
enabled to do work on the most reasonable terms with
Wore wamme articles to their line.
Perm; plummier attention to the selection of 61.0-
Thal, end banns none hat competent workmen, they
have no hemtemon inwamotes Omar work We
therefore ask the .oration of the public to tats matter
N. IL Repauttg dome in the 4n meaner, and on the
moot reasonable terms jaMal
Clay Daga•relala
TLIIII2 wrong,, race asliri W. 1.111.11.
_ •
SHOGE beg. leave to odor. the flaunt of Pins.
s burgh sod vicinity, that ho ham taken the Davey
gran Rota. Lately occupied by Mr. Porter. The pd.
he are assured that the late noprovemests are secu
red, and meth be brought into opera:lon by Ile page,
who has been • constant operator since the art ins
=e -- 56.7 n -- .‘n rater
with Pleasure m his. Poner,a. whose r. , •SE ^."02
has operated for the last twelve mouths. family Par.
Fidgrariblfa Dtkalt.m. ll YPcs, he., accurately
copied. Likeneues take. to any vreuther, and set in
lockets, breast pins, eases sad frames.
Instmetinas given to every branch alit* an, tad ap
paratus famished Paktf
Partaxerahlp Natio*.
rpitomes KENNEDY, Jr . corner of Wood and 4M
I streets, has this day susioelated with him an the
Looking Wier and Variety Liminess, Mr JOHN
SAWYER, of Manens, Outo The Arm herrader
will be ii:KNSILL • &
111011113 1100101, ra. SOON IL Lalritl.-
LOOKING OLA ld Munufacturcra and Wholesale
dealer. to foreign and domestic Variety Good.
Western mercitanut Pedlars and others are thrived
to call and ratter the prtee• end spasaity of so? Orsek,
with present isereluell Meth.. to matinfactur
mg and purchasing, we Muth we can offer as gloat
inducements to buyers as any other house west of Inv
Mountains. ;sotati
rpm: Flahl OF REED, PARKS k CO. is this day .
I dissolved by mutual consent The business of the
la:, firm veil be settled by R. O. Park. or P 11. Halt,
at the old (Ake of It G. Parts. CHAS_ M REED,
11. HALL
Beaver, /an d, 1649
CLAILKic, PARK/ 4 cb.,
MIA M. P..,
And Agents for the
Pittsburgh and Cleveland Line, b Cleveland. 0,
Caton Line. * Cleveland, 0
ft G. Parka' Express Paeket Lane, " Erie, Pa.
Refer to G. SL. 'tenon and Jobe A. Cauxbey, Plus
Macl a nl T hoot m 5, 1. Shoe tu o s n i ' e n
e, "' w knee ' s?! n th n;
retail, wood respectfully invite the alkalies of
their miends sad the public generally to themr splendid
new stock just opened, consisting of men's, women's.
boys', misses' and children's wear, of every variety,
satiable for the semen, and si prices to mitthe times.
Also, a splendid article ofalmulle hum Shoes for gefs.
Omen and ladies. Pines earl and examine for your
selves. TROTH & SCOTT,
corner of Smithfield and Itta ea, Ptnabargh.
N. Ll—traveling Trunks, Carpet Bap, &e, alarapa
on hand end lov ior cult.
iaA FULTON, Bell and Brass Founder, h. re
built and commenced business at his old stand,
where he vrill be pleased to Noe his old custom
ers and friends.
Chureh,timamboat, and. Bells of every sisq from 10
to 10,000 pounds, east from patterns of the most nearer
ed models, and warranted to be of the best materiels.
Mineral Water Pumps, Counters, Railing, he., toge
ther with every vat my of Bran Castinp, tf rap:tired.
turned and finished In the neatest manner.
. _
A. F. is the sole proprietor of lisastres Atm-Arnit
nos Mara., to ;ugly celebrated for the reduction of
friction to machinery. Tba Boxes and Composition
earl be had of him at all times. jalthlY
Cotonou!, Jan. 9111,11111).
Mr. B. E. Bellew—Your Verrolfuge has told well,
and has been highly spoken of Ly all who have used
ft. From the success attending the administration of
your Verrnifoge In every cue I have heard of, I am
confident I can sell more during the corning Beason
than I did last. I will be glad to teem° another sup
ply of 4or S gross. Venn, respectfu ty,
[Extract from letter B. CARTER
Prepared and sold by R. E. BELI.ERB, 57 Wood at,
and sqld by druggists generally, in Pittsburgh and Al
T11F: undersigned haying 'annoyed to Wmbington
city, will attend to the prosecution of claims on
i Government, and to any law business before Me
Courts MM. , Dialnct, with which he may be entrusted.
decit-dani• ANDREW WYLIF., iv.
Q - 1 Ani—inTr.s
io ID cults Pearl Ash. prune; 5 do Potash, do;
20 bids searched salts;
6 Wats N O Nagar, new crop;
95 bbls hlalasses, "
90 neat boom, do; 100 bee Cin. Soap;
93 bin Cin mould candles; pi hbls No 3 loaf Sugar'
23. kegs 6 resist Tobacco, panne;
100 both clover seed; 60.doumothy do; •
10 keg. Lard; 1 bbl do; on hand and for sale !ow
fire cash, by Pal TASSEY & HEST
be OD
HAVING Jusecompleted the rebandiagof our mole
houses, ere ale now prepared to receive, meat,
and smoke It in the mod merchantable manner.
The houses are fitted with all the modern Improve.
manta, find ate capable of containing 900,1:661 lb.. each.
Klba JONES, Canal Basin,
a 4 neat Seventh at
BIESPIII AT faagear 1:IA1106138E
'MOHO & Co..arlahlog to cline oat their stook of
/FL Muffs and Vicioncim for the reason, eriJl:aell
the &spruce (embracing a good variety of fin= and
plmg, oo well a the more common oracles,) at EAS.
TERN COST—to which they wopid respeottatly Invite
tha attention of purcharere. NOW IS THE TIME
FOR nAamm. Call at comer Wood and Filth
roams. • jag
WABITED—A large Room, well lighted, end
sellable in other respects far the accosamoda-
lion of a Beleet litchooL this office.
Independent Pciifie
NO, 10t1 FOURTH IfTßEET.—ConnolEting Magi.
two, Al,ll2llll.lSrszt. Chief of Police, Roszas
W.lll. C. FRIEND.
AT TORNEY AT LAW, Fourth sinus, Mkt Grum
FATHERS -100 Ms prim Ky. Kee gem rasa
ars, , in store and fore solo by
PR/ B IETAL-30 tone rillegbany, awl 10 Was Rang
log Rock, for nab, by
FLAX9IED rim now landmg from str Genoa;
for mlo by OrK 19AIA11 DICKEY 4 Co
LARD 01 1 - 1 u bblr best winter strained Lard Oil.
landing from war Morrengar and for wlo by
docll JAIDALZE.LL, water st
C(IMAM CIiEEBE-200 b n pnme cream eberne, tti
,stara and far .ale low to eta. eeall=„br
[Orra Lollar_—We shall havetol.k the lade!.
•ginee cif oar readers for a few daps, in refitzlzze
loom local department,as our very efficient:v:olSe!
has beep suddenly called away by severe sanest
in hill family, and we have not been able to pro•
cure a inhalant* during his absence]
RAILROAD Lwrostx ♦cr /troll. HALL—The lcc•
tare of Mr. Roberts, at the Hall last evening, on the
great .abject of our Railroad connection with the
West, was numerously attended, and ara must say
that that gentleman handled the subject most ad•
imimbly. The lecture was quite lengthy, occupy
;Mg nearly two hours in delivery, and we very
much regret that the lateness of the hour ut which
we write, forbids us making soy attempt at a gen•
end review of the extensive field which it covers
The importance of immediate action au this
great work, by the citizens of Western readilylva
nia, was strongly urged by Mr. Roberts. He ad.
veiled to the efforts making by the State of New
York, to draw off the Immense trade of the West
from the Pennsylvania Central Route, by a props•
sed railroad along the lake from Massillon to Buffa
lo via of Cleveland, which result would be a death
blow to the interests of Pittsburgh, as well as to
oar sister city of Philadelphia; and that unless the
people along this line will seise upon the present
opportunity to save themselves, the result will be
disastrous in the extreme.
As this lecture has awakened a deeper Interest
upon the neuessity of immediate and decisive no-
Cowin the proposed railroad improvement, we may
take occasion to advert more lengthily to it in our
Maass Coaroa.—A person by the name of Is.
reel L. Beardsley, from Cleveland, was arrested
on Wednesday evening, by' - Sheriff Forsyth, and
lodged in our jail, an suspicion of leaving the etsive,
place, with the intention of defrauding his errditdgo.
On Thursday morning be was brought before ilia
Honor Judge Hepburn, of the District Court, on a
writ of Habeas Corpus, and discharged. He - lelt
the same evening in the Brownasilla boat for Bala
timore. en route for California. Ilia liabilities, we
learned from the gentlemen who were in pursuit
of him, were $2,000. They telegmped to Comber•
land, to have him arrested, and jell in the boot to
night for that place.
LirruViS ASOLLo H... —Drs Cutter and
Cutcheop, are to give a senes of Lectures on Ana ,
'homy nod Physiolgy, at Apollo Hall, commencing
this evening at 7 o'clock. These gentlemen have
just concluded a series of lectures bekco the stu•
dents at Canonsburgh. They come highly recom
mended, and we base no doubt their lectures will
prove both interesting and Instructive to all who
may bear them. The lectures will be illostrated
by a skeleton and four French mannikins.
For the Pittsburgh 'oaten..
Ccwomustman, Jut, Zo. ISl.d.
At the close of a coarse of Lectures, delivered
to the Town Hall of this boroas4, a meeting of
Lugo and respectable audience was organized by
calling James McClelland, E.q , to preside.
Whereupon, Wm. McDaniel, offered the follow
ing resolution', which were unantmonely adopted
Restletsf, That our thanks are due and arc here
by tendered to Dr. LDS. Cotchecot, for his able and
very 'Detractive mane of Lectures, delivered in
this place; and we believe the subject treated cd
and West:atom made, ore of incaloubsble beards
to society at law, and that we meat cheerfully, re.
commend bon to the citizens of Putabargharultle
public generally, a. a gentleman ofwiper:or at.
tsinments and knowledge to the branches of l'hya.
iology and Anatomy.
Essalon4 Thu this race-nog mot ommon ttuttibr
many brutes we have heard (torn Dr. C, ample
themselves. yet of the greatest unportance, have
oceivintad us that the subject of Phyzology. have
been too long neglected, and that we bobcat it
should be Introduced into all oar public school, es
a study, and take precedence of roost '
Readracf, Tha we eareestty request Dv C.
peat tut lectures Is this place, and if his engage
ments will Dot permit him to do so now, tint sac
will revisit us at some future reread.
&mired That the above fteschmone be signed
by the Chairman pd publisteril is the paper§ el
Pittsburgh and ‘l, ashingtoa. end a copy headed to
Dr. C. JAMES ..11'CLELLAND, Clea!
Lfl JAI NE—Tai. en nisi.. 'hot totroediruel)
having anew. rd Ivy Mother, woo ese.l of <ou..otrapLuon
Is Muth. 1,12, I was taken sink with the fonsurnpuo.
or Liver CoetiraUlt. end Wit treducedso ketzeitb3l.
Sirrusstegmt. ! aF _l. wad, being bar In
. .
most time enigma! to my bed. INtrine Use above pet.
ad of time. I had expended for sandhi...l usendeuee
«dal« Physics«. and reedier:ism la tae .motet C 4
pnO, inthout receiving any bereft hemfrom la
July, 1:43, I essorriented
eines, end have taken Mem more Or feu ewe einee,
and believe that it sees by parse - eerier lo their ate,
that I tin no troll say that I hove complexly TOO.
vend my health. I belie« that Jaye* , Nassau« rd.
and Ebiteutorent are the ben family medleince sod is
I reside In flpringlielil. Oviedo «deny. N Y, end
carry on a MOMS, and machine shop In that plate,
and ant aid Interested in any manner to the sal* Id the
above usenteteta, and make this eerolleam tor tee ben
efit of those adhered. ELI., All EATON.
Springfield, N. ', kept to piss fist
LIEF: F FRANKLIN. Illornaird--In rein.. a
O politica:ion In lb. socul fats, by Beeper & Bro
N. Yolk. The Life of Benjamin Franklin. eon.
moist of his Asthebioreaphy, and a ostrotire of his
public hie and ureters. by the key 11. Weid,
ipiendidly enitreilistied by numeresuempiissu desire,.
by John le. Chapman, rim - raved In the !tubes, .tyre of
en The wort is primed in the Mu en b.tin, on a
peefine paper. front bald and Isalale iype. selli Le
conieleled In main pane. at iM cents earh.. and visaed
brief unarvalit Each pan will La neeired by ti
ll-re. ismsedialety after MI pobbesaina Put 111 itial
moved tad ht sate by
JouNs-roN a srocrraiii.
eorne, market mid II ne
red Rom Daguerreotype*, poblislad by E. Anlovels
ey—Daniel Withmer. Henry Clay,' fin hit 710 yegrJ
One Scott, Gen. Taylor, Hillard Pelmets, Gen. %I
0 Hatter, John C Calhoun, James Haerianan Theo.
doneFrelbakilyien. John Quincy Adams, jailer..
Jackson, (from Dodiali celebrated mintandrel Wish
legion, (from Shuns painting,' Liar IX, Leads Cp.
A supply of the above eseellent portraits aim rfiehl
nod tor sale by JOHNSTON A STOCIMN,
Dia( errnee mark. and 34 .Is ,
LACE HOODS—Sacco .k /mason, 46 Harker. sure%
have received one carton of Awe /wallah thread
lace and edgings; five caroms loom made do, ten /Eu
-10.0..00800 do. one do of black ulk lace; two d 01
black and white French worked late capes; ima do of
blank charailla veils; together with • variety of fithry
Brussels new; black and calmed ail Celo for Veils;
cord and white silk Illusion for evening glasses.—
Dealers and other. will find It for CAI, numeadle•s•
amine them before perchasind. ja2l
IV INTER LARD 01L-10 bblr W N L1...0h Co I
V Winter Oil, meta am day prr tor Hnonou; for
.ale by NlCOldt
LARLI-10 bbla No I Leaf Lud, in fine order.
jold SEOILL.9 & ROE
BUTTER -10 bbl. pocked Bauer 10 do roll do - fur
sale by Aid 141/ILLA k
CORN bbl [mob ground for Bole low
to etas. raLS IVOILLS a, floe
FLOCS—IeO tails Flour in .iore.
T)LK MEAT--3,00 pes Elbaoltlero, doily expected
od for sale br ioil HARDY, JOAlf. aCO
COTTON —3O bales Tertneoser Crown, In vine and
for .ale by Jail HARDY, JONES& Cu
airrADINNO-600 dos very heavy blaak.Wadding,
VT jun reed end for tia/e by
/x 1 SHACKLE:TT WHITE, op wood rt
ftnery, for solo by
._ , _ JAS A Fp/I'OllBON dCo
r:!OLDF.r.I . I.IYIII.7i—Io bblt,Tigilftbls, and 10 01 1 00
kegs; for sate by
All /AS /IHUIVaIf. 4 ON &Co
•- - -
jail Idarster •ed og front sI
LP order
110 ibis in Odta, fa good stopping
LP order; Jolt receive and for sal. or •
LAHD -80 6RD— kegs brat Lardon 1064 shlpoug anla
Joel Feel:lied and for sal* by - 4
L"INSERT) 011.-10 nbln & Hamilton'. brantt
jj lost ree'd and for gala by t i onisoN
POTATOFS-59 "mks ree4 kr or Orient,' by
'all AEMPITEO ClloZbal
C li tT -15° b"4"°P"arrißoNrilionsT a co
ILEII3II—I elegant 9 bore Stele', ref sale by
PPLE,"3--oo LION Rooms, nallettoorom eic. for
A. cos by dodo ?No:NI BoNNIIOIIBT &co
DULE PORK -50,000 lb. IlitiOtleitnind, Side, and
Stiouldars, toduthe; for role by
dente PRIOIb, n't EY k Co ,
frOKACCO-40 Ithd. Ky n41'1'0130.0 for .010 by
4 flAblid Cuba Leaf Tobacco, for Ufa lo to
•elove. jail HARDY JONI 2 tc Co.
AMILY FLOUII-70 bbla exult, foirale by
Jag J D WILLIAN9,IIO woad it
B A b I i TIN-4 loo• lineunOM InAlza is lt i tgss4a
deal corner wood and wotri
. . .
PO.OE SPUINGS—LI dos India 40 09, i t9!
DZ i f: j alZ d s: " e ° el en i IT
BUTTER- 4 3 Little freittrvotl undimekci Bauer
40 kegs Dotter; Jeri reeeived and for .It
dec9 I. R WATY.RIttAN
TIMED FRUIT-631.h pared reaches: 376 .a
1.1 pareddo; 100 do dry Apples; Jodi yoo'd add for
- -- lon
FgATHEII9-46 wrens now landing felt str dm
GINSENG -6 utoks now landing frOex•lsllT Gene
fin sale by la, ISAIAH DICKEY aCo
(1011 N MEAL.-3efiks (or sale by .
110 YE FLOUR-0 bbl. Car sale by_ l
1 0 1 S F VON BONNHO Co.
OODS /1811-16 oaks prime qweio for 5020.t0l
Al lea S P VON OOMMOAST .• Co.
PIMED FLANNELS—One ciao kinnni!
0 164 lug 0 1.e. 1
•. - •
'llllrtmitimit- mos
-. -
; 'it xt'it- ittio Di. E. 7
• NY. •GP plun
'BEG leare Moo respeerfulDrtitailannen
1~ lit
unmeat% petwas and themilblic,shat . . th ey, .in
consequence of contemplating.. elsne DM-
U4 AN 1' n 4 .7 . °Petting the whole of their extensive
Warchotum, (including all their wholesale 'rooms.) for
retailing, and will continue open until the test of Feb
"l"7, commencing an New Yews day, Our
Wholesale stock, comprising atm of the most extensive
and Varied assortments of Fancy and Staple Dry
Goods ever exhibited in the western country, wDI lor
offered at !ewer Prieeithen ever before known. Eve
ry article, however choice and desirables will be se .
corthegly reduced. 'Upwards of filty thousand dollars
°four stock has beau recently purchassd, the greeter
portion of which ere foreign goods,'rectired at New
York byeam Foropean arrivals which from the lases
nese moun t , &swell as the known pressure in
the money market, were .old it immense sacrifices su
Public Wes, at rale. varying from toreuty-five to filly
per cent less then similar goods brought the find of the
season. We are therefore coaddent that our prices far
thp time above Madam:4 will be found to be siren
lever than my Eastern wholesale. rates.
We unilotslyinvlte all penons to visit our Webs
hrhatern. whether they purchase or not, and lest the
trith of the above—ossaring them that they will incur
on,abligtition thereby, but confer a favor upon the par
;meters. Our assortment of Silks, Shawls, and fine
Dress Goods will amply repay one for a vlsik added
to which an. anuseally great display of Domestic
Ow." will, we bolas, indium all mesh.
' Out system of one price will be suietlyadheredad.
joie"' A A MASON ; tk Co
rUnd Elsslins and Lrlshiadend,
It.. MURPHY Invites the partlenlar attention Of
. those wanting the above Goods, to hls desirable
sleek, consisting of the hest make, frcon the molt ap
proved manufacturers, and the latter warranted pure
has jest reverend an addltinnal supply, and is
offering Shlrang hloslnte of a superior quality, el a
very low price. Altus
Sheeting and Pillow-case Maelfns
Diapers and Crash;
Table Cloths Towels and Napkins ;
Blankets, Gtollts, Counterpanes; and
liousekeeptng Dry Goods generally.
LADIES' DRESS GOODS-BuchSsFtenchltiermos
Pournettop, plain and fancy Dt. Laines, (acme now
styles just received;) alpacas
.The season being the advanced, all these Goods will
be sold at price. that cannot fail in please.
Whni es la Booms up storm Pmlls
T 3 ICH DRESS GOODS, per Gump steamer Europa.
lA, —A A AI.ON @ CO, No 60 Market street, Mill
open this =ruing, Rich Thom Good., comprising the
folloimug styles, elm Ballo plaid Merinos, a new anl
ele, and the richest goads [smarted Gus reason; all
wool Plaids, bleb colon and choice styles; all wool
Cashmeres and Moos de Lainem Boa Coburg and Lyn
nese Clothe, oiling describable abode and color. Satin
striped INtsbuteres, in great variety. )30
AA A. MASON k Co. 60 Mallet stsam, balm fast
received another large invoice of : plaid Until
and Square Shawls,
bob kl par neat less than any
provionaly received Tin. season.
Our nark of shawl* Is now the largest in the city,
and porch... may he certain that one prices from
thisoLste will Le 93 per curt less than at any, former
time. tale
GENTS' CLOAK TASSMS--11 dos mohair T.-
1., ...sorted; 3do auk do do - do do fine do; 10
do do Lad... assorted; do coPd do do.
WOOLEN GOOD`..—lo do. children'. woolen coats
G dodo du Cops 4 do &coon:coo; 10dos Woolen com
ma., ausorm4 IS do do with rings 50 do ladies Cash
mere Gloves, asi'd.
LELCeffEll BELTS-30 dos ha 31olkekth Dells; 20
do do Morocco do, 3 do coed do; at
no: n ZEHMAIN KINSEY'S re/market st
t 70013. 12i JAMJARY—w. R Morten boa
111 symbol ofevr days opened a supply of black Al
parrs..;ow }sisal; do, =Mom end roper! do Mohair
Lunn, 'tow style Uriti.b enots; do Ameneen do;
black ploth Show's; plaid long to; neat style Manse
do Lebo.; plain lend and drab do, at Ibli and a vans
et 7 of other war , * and dew - able/ good., worthy tho
attnotion of lb°se wishing to boy .
Merchants will find In the wholesale MOM op states
eland stock - of desired:wpm:nth, at lour pones. lats
hicrent Wm opened tbu morning an additional
inipgdy of (toads, embramog nutty waste and &airs
ble articles, and buyers are owned Lamai s t.. they will .
Ind n much loreer stock to seleet from than maritally
(mind at an, advanced ran of the season. Among the
good. received, n• new style small figla Moan de Laity
rocker, M 111.114., hit conk do, ae.
t.tuala at witalresalu up stair, am loa .. 3h9
; um teat: wed by carrel, ona carton Plaid Long
She e: r. some of 'Ouch are of the dent gowth7, Lad
rat - style . Imported, ate an now offend al
prtroa ',di, redaced (mai the flile • obtalard urtJ
la the •ealtra.
A.te. :ear exbra"(Nene Drochn Lan&
SSA ar,, wale!, ari1.41.0 at goat bargains. Tba
1.5 e, a, in aal) antiA azaminatent.
A LESANUE & DAY, PS market at,
deal.] Pi W .r cdtbe Uiamoad
- -
AA STI MULL FLOWERS- & Jobbann, 4$
Mvaet on, _mid inaiiili&a =action dea/en
and otbar..b char entansiva mock at French and
Amerienneatifbetal Flowers., W.. erall be Mend at
r • aurapoen deer:
HEN et*
1 .Ike ezi:Netele, of the hitt melee and mime
deo um*, 'stemmed and matins el is eery peal red..-
Wan kitrafslor
60151 i
lT **oast dolttrr. voodoo, silk and wool Vt... ‘ do
do id -.l)Taorand: WY, kid sod mod Glows; m0n...,
<watt wl drilla f Wow; Mk idolian enorstid Sae Zo
ohyttioduto... - does PH MOUS k
- xsz
LA, ono adoo of thou wt.hlng 1.0 Amish boost., so
, 411 =wind OOx 141114/211ta Carpets, wl,kh .ro
VITY ?fa akt.tyle Sad ocdOni. Wwrioodt, Ke. 421
Piditnirok, . derd W 11PCLIAMWk
NZALTIN DAN diTtnitock ..[ln to motto.
01. • eery Windom* .4.-Jacu at lick Wl]. t 66-
moka for totsdow eartaloa Aho, Ilona aunt.a, rtesmine....parem stook., to, a. 61. carpet Ws re
room, i 5 EMI Cll. doc 9
ettirt ' keinrorgaidtbS=V - rj:.
patlettnlt ttatkr 61 to of ?Ur, Ihroloo. of Bostoo, Wr
malibrA to osier to troll otytes. Inbar. woo.: Woes lggeWil . .tytrni hoot. out Gam Woo.*
Garment. eraMoniered or Ramped far ambreidary;
katturl, armor , craciam sork,hcounneking mot mar
tap nrettr errentre norm
nakirtirestiVEV•fFL:ifoEiiiiiilf rreel♦tn~ et
w. vitracke rear* Mort, army variety
(Carpe:., eccatatant m part of Ataminatom of mutt
Ormanfat patterns Velvets, totem patter. freperme,
e let, .M... 1, Pflm , M7.3 PIT, sop. and Venetian,
all of whoa Ire will MU a. Mar as May can to par.
eA mod in mart, Inapornna awl pardoning (ma
Lit cabin as to compare with the
aurora matte% aotle
IU4HIEII' ?Mid kl MLitt, &MI Veil.,
Ajj 31m* eoik Ml&Velum, TO ran tali Daledy Bat
,tood Id do eamillids do' WM cold Floadto la do
Eo Faalasamado; II dm cord iksey Gloomd b e o ll do blk
Yiemp Lind !Maps IS Ars Reuel Mil limed ree'd
Follith .1
7:47l. — nriceTM — nel . Table
■ lboporcoomon damaak and mow
drop paper er. Alm, Kamm mod Metre 11•1 F:ye Pat.
el lewd al
IV PRINTP, Aa. W, R Murphy bm
inot rceetroal a lot of Sc. maple brown and white
Bralob ['riots, ocSy handsome, arrived by late mtromn•
es. Atm, au hand. a lame assommot of Malec slyly.
Of Amerman Prm, bat colors and low prime
Mar/ Cloth Phawl• of earl°na qaaloam—a sapp4
last roomved.
Vlach Alpaccas, low prated and Etne—• very toll
alspply . ,_asdat (co pence fat noulltt_ . _ OLIO_
irIN HAND AND FOR ps drab Madge.
V Coaunic bpa Layinder do do; 1 ease Leander
ittoultets, Lao grey mixed Cloth, 1 do Army Cloth,
do Tweeds, brown, blink and gold Sari do fancy
Caaaimern I halo blue Mantel Coating', cannetl
direct thorn manufacturers nod for sale by. the pa o,
or once. dect.ll MURPHY &LER liberty et
.r4 Received this d•y, direct Into the matrutartUrcn,
a hatulsome nnOnsuent of Coln super and super three
Ph' hoPerldl Clypett, of new styles, to 'which we .1
the attention of those wishing to farrish bootee or
o.caullents. Carpet warerooto, No 33 Fourth
11/01. beett 1V!1rC....11170CF
—banketa, Flume - Ft
jJ Tore do, CCretoett.. ;.1 Cloth and Cassienetc, by
the or psteltnge, very low, fot G s F u l l;c c hz
ante cHRAsi
st •
Es'ANCl' ClAl:l33lxjiEti—a ease, newsiyi. Fancy
orsuneres, bright figures and Cory handsome
goods, lust opened by
L , IA ell MER IN I tht AT COST—Smith& Athonon
£ 40 ttinsket street. w ill nil for the bulaphe of the
nason at cow. thew stock of French Irdesittst:espris
sing the moot Choice colon. Now us your tone
cure bargains dee 13
v EI. 111 It HUNS —Just rammed at a oulooKa,. Nl•ritet cetera, •
'u p. colored Velvet Ribbon, assorted colors;
JO blot
9 - embroidery amp; 10 pa wide Kahl, /cm
Gl.6ltEt AND HOSIERY—Smith & Jolmiala
Racket in, would moue WO aUentlan of &Mors
and otners to their choice stock of klattnt's superior
Bid Cloves, and a great variety of merino, makd
cotton Gloves. Also, to Wear extensive stock an
worsted, Cashmere, Alpaca, Victuals and Bilk Hose,
Alornvian and other styles of cotton lio•ovvlogetber
with every stow of etuldren`s nom and lantlemens.
ball Iles*. - •lat
G -
OLD NPECTACLES—EiIver do; Steel do; Germ.
Silver do. A large assortment emisiattlly on
hand, and enmity filled, to any age. Concave, con;
•ex. and Cataract spectacle glass accurately adjusted
in any 0141011 requi ted. Also, anduplyme g for examining liven, wool,
anuends. Lank noire, just tee d and for sale by
1.3 ' corner of mazkas !tad Stet Ins
most excellent pelt, being the lint slot to mu
mastoti for rain by W W WILSON,
c erne? maTket and 4% us
K ID GLOVES —3 dos Ladlessuper Kid Mans,
10 " mons white and btk "
3 " misses colored do 1
deos 1' II EATON CO
MiAMMOTH GOLD PENS.—A large and beat,
Pen fur engrossing, end for all other purposes'
A ro, Premium Gold Pens, large , medium and I
sires. Of We pest Makers: rot sale by
IjLANlFktijAliqo-liirTac cii,wd.T, grey mix-
JIJ ed anOlue, for We by the piece or pee kap, of
cuenufactan t ra pricei, by MURPHY 2 LEE,
tad ' liberty ?polite 3:h
Currias—i ease blocit nosed heavy oassimeresi 2
do Tweed. fancy eblerai Ido fancy casairnure
In ,
alt manufacture:a pnoes, by
jun • MURPHY a. LRE
TWWnAN LiCATitin — giticiiisioTd — stii
brdwe and bled, 'Fweeds, I do Fancy CILLIIMCIO.
Jut& rood sad for mac at manufacture 111priCes.
MURPHY &LER, liberty in, • '
droll opposite &di
EAsoN Ani.,4l.A.4sus MELLING OPF—Alen
der Is Day amocillng off at rensarkiblg low pa' e.
• large aßmOtlinplll elsoperAtte Illettkettg.taglet do es
do illonhels, /op prtneth a large worolPol of 0010 d
Flannels; heavywoolen attl Lade ,Slaavaliti he re.
Torbert andti . lepbet Phenol.. •
T i mmit Ilitellotock offers to tb • e
11 wishing. tofornlelt bootee, the handsomest as.. rt.
meal 01eerpeung ever brought to this market, c • co..
pitting Ifrintetthe following varieties: Rich style el,
vet Pileeirattunster Tapestry, Bresseleestra ado r 3
plyi vete 3 ply, suportine and hoe tagtain C te;
to wide he most respectfully invites his Mends pd
•the public, to cell and procaine before parchais ng:
elseethere. Wareroom, No, 73 Founh al,..lrbbbar h.'
• • deele
WEVi.TEW2I.IO(-1 ddi gold' pent lsetot We sh
esi, 4 ' liet.SOhid o'
1". Silver ' . 4
Also, gold pea isod'OenOlt Gismo, Vett ebbing, he
Guard cheles,, fi teast Pins; vilpt . } ling" , E r n' 'ga
end a complete essottmenYof totter jewelry, at
dead „ ZEILRILON KlNBElo3,o37entyket
SUPERIOR LUNG 811,17iL54V1.414.0.1 so
teecived this mamma. bY Express, is lot 0.01
soperme wool Long Shawls, of handsome styles,,
Fasecit blanmate--Clo bend, a goodoneek with
goods—olsve, ,grecte,Camet, antroott# d b,
scarlet &a . Posmottos,sit.dwioble colors.
A doe* few black.Thibetlongr bbarnah,clf. 3 .46 7 od VI fir'
attbanditt nor* mit coraositA "L,
Inzmotrg. -
4 3 SEHEttsbeEnie t ar t seCestualierstbr
Office for prd:einlogs awl deb:bulb:l PMerinsimparting
leforstunica on hfechanies and the amlleationot£36-
1 ; cues toilteAsti s and em AuseriesnsMdFembya
1 phis; end- VC. -ROBBINS
Wash:ins= city ,
(to be aided by ilemrd Knowles En_., late filachinert
of the United States Patent Onlce,) have astiociated
themselves together for the praeectfon of the above
. branches of professional 0 Ms, either hi their oats
:el the 'Patent-041es or before the Courts. and will de
vote their undimded attertionnto forward/oldie UUCP.
est of Inventors and *othentwholoal consult them or
- place badness In their bends. Mr. Kruiwlet his foe
the pear twelve years held the post of Machine'! In the
. United Stater Patent °Zee, end realm that situation
to take part la the presentimdepakuur SD talents
and peculiar fitnesel74 theimportant office so long fill
hy him, 'have bee
se n
lfis' ftdlr . reol by Inventors
wherever the office it
The Mike or Messrs. 3. AR. Is on F street, oppoaite
the Patent °ince, Washington, D. C., where eol=llll3l ,
cations, post paid, will be promptly attended to; exam
inatiom made, drawings, speelfleadons, and all moots
he papers pm - pared—lnd models procured when deg
red—on reasonable terms. Letters of enquiry, e3:pece
ed to be answered after ex:imitations bad, more be are
. companied by a fee of five dollars.
In the duties of their oince which pertains to the Pa
tent Laws, !Deems. J. & R. will be maimed by • legal
gentleman of the highert profeloslernal character, and
fay conversant with Mechanics and other Scientific
subject/. myl&d&wlyS
Wholesale and retail, at the
MON TEA STORE, 70 Fourth street, near Wood,
Pinsburgh.—The subscriber haying pet returned
from New York; Is now receivinas large fall apply
of. fresh GREEN AND BLACK TEAS, firm the New
YeitkPekin Tea Company semetedvrith great ears OM
retail sales. Our stock being now heavy we are
to supply Grocers, Rotel', &combat:sand Fam
diesSittio nay owing'' , mad at any price they may wish;
packet( In 5, I and I pound packages, 0 lb. tin canis
ters, 6 and 1.7 lb catty boxes, and in half chests.
Retail Grocers are Melted to call, as we eau and
wile sell better Tea at lower prices than any other
horse to Pittsburgh..
Out stack of fine Young Hyson,Gunpomier, and Im•
perial Green, md Oolong Black Tem am the beat in
the American market
Lovering , . double relined Loaf, Crushed, and Pol.
sensed flars, at retail, or by the barreL
COPFEM—hloeha, Old Gov. it,., Lapin, St. Do-
Intake awl Rio Coffees, selected by the most experien
ced toffee Broker In New York. _
. . . _
Sweet Spiced Chocolate, Pickled Cucumbers and
Onions, Fresh Peaches, pat op in their own joke.
Malaise Raisins; in 3 lb bones.
N. Dr. D. Jayne'. Family Medicines for sale.
deers.diker9 A. JAYNES.
(Successors to Reed,'Hitrd & 0ft.,1
' Particular anentlon paid to the lode of all kinds of Pro..
duce, and liberal advances made on consignments
L B. & Co. have leave to refer to—
Mem. H. Robison & Co. /
& Rat. 1' • --•“"
Reed, Parks & Co., Beaver
Lawson & Cowrie, Wellsville, O.
Boswell Werth, Esq. Steubenville, 0.
ts. Brady, Em.
W P Peterson, Esq
Maws 11Crungle & Co. J
Gill & Stmt.
ithmi.etk OriebY, Bridge port, 0.
mak; suttee nbers beg to call attention of Builders,
A. Architects and owners of Building., to the many
ddyantages whleit these plates poetess over al other
suhatistmes hitherto Used for roofing, isc , as
theypowese u come the lightness - of iron, Wuhan its
'lability to ma, having cow been tested for several
yeara in this parneular, both ht this country and in Yht
roust They are less Liable to expansion and censer.
tutu from sudden chance of the anstosphere, then coup
man no platen, iron, rine Ore", other Meter now used
far roofing, and canseque:mly Oros a math better and
tighter roof; requiring Artless frequent repairs, whilst
the Ann cost or but a Wheaten.
A fall eapply, of all ellet, from 16 to 3:1 W. 0., cant
stanny on and en lute by
GEO. A 61.011.1W00D &
II and 16 Beaver street, New York.
The patent right for One article having been seemed
for the United States, all parties Ginning therms.,
either by importation or otherwise, will te protects,
ord. oct.V•d&t.lff
Pittsburgh Water Works.
PItOPOSAL O lil ue reeetred at the tams of the
Water Works., you' ftlocrlay, the Mkt teak, at 5
o'clock, 5,,r furntshing Ptpek at follows, to 1111.1-
545.teec 19 inch bore, each qatlbk
"ffi • • " varying 81=1560 to 4= 11. a
160 .0 10 each lha
150 0 8 " 650
590 " 6
000 "
With t►e usual etunpletectn of brauctres. All the
pipes of 6 ineh and upwards lawn be cast tin end, and
n w &sundae to bare she 6 inch muddle 4 inch east on
end elm bidden will thetefere ewe to what way they
propose in nuke these sizes. and the &faience in prier.,
any, between csettrig emit on end end on the inclin
ed pennon. It should be kept ie surer that porno. of
alt the ores will be required early in the season, and
the whole number by the inn of November. next.
. -
Payawats Ja be ia Dan& beating Warm, and ran
-11/14 zarealy yens.
leltUnit wad te.tlvering to be at lilaciwne at' the
contractor J 11. APCLELLAND, Soft
FEISH FRONI THE Slika.L—Hy 13urke Co%
Eaves., et reducedpriem—To aecestrour•
lose oil lovers a I aim ddiasous luxury. "MIME ICo
have resolved so es ply, the people regular!, atm:Sh
eet she ....on, with she choicest Fresh iel
vitas, WI carts and shall, a 1 such reduced prices aa
will matte every (way to ether this delicacy at their
An nerves load will be received daffy et the ware
boa. of JtiO C. 1111 DWELL, Water street, between
Wicn ro t ,Ad an! Grail, .4 for sale the, e, and as the fol.
Ward, D Ilanghey, foot of Lawny se I Colter% ~
Poona even.; Mercer & Robinson, Allegheny city.
°"_..l, 4 ;___
ty.NC littrirao4ll.7777—_,
tuolenigned base
polo works in gre cD7 of
New York, for th e purpose of Gaisnanismi all erg
es of Iron, which It is deldrableto FROTECF FROM
ILIST, seek as Telegraph Wire, Robs, !spikes, Naila
Vtre for Fences, and any caber meek! wkieb may be
aired pet lias for Cesisoaasabadartir tar bale
Ram tor Clothes Wes, Lightebt Rods, and a boa of
r implievionq it will be faced cheep and thimble.
They worm; pardergarly call &gentian bil the Deformi
zed Wire ibr freers; it mvptires no paws. a n d edd ~
rust. Also to Ppiltes and Bolls, the preservation of
1 which is of so math imparterice, that It will e 013213012.1
1 itself ta r itte tweet of all Mom Interested.
"GEO. 11. MORSWOOD t (XI:, 'Paternal's,
oe4ll44ldarl TT , 14 and 14 Beam Ft, K. Yo rk
JOHN U. MELLOR, No hi Wood
"RRsweet, has received involena of a lai
supply of l'unto Fortes front the e 4.
brined manufactory of thinker*,
liciann, to arrive to a few days, of which due notice
will be men. varying In price Irmo 114711 u, 11:00.
Also from the osannfactorte• of H Worcester, end
flacon A. Haven, New York, • Itrunistime assortment
of a, hi and el octave P 16410 Fortes, rosewood and
mahogany cassia of the mast elegant description, tad
with all the late improvements.
The shove, an addition to the sink Co hand,will
makeefat sal,, in trs d oiT sad ' w 'l l ' llte! Gold l c atilf "".
.1 m•ntlisclaters prices, on ateeinatodatingterele,and
• ammo guarantee given with every Marianne sold.
gale Again for the eel° ofCaiekening's Piano Fortes,
for Wrstem Penntylvanla. deed,
I . NEW P NOS. —_
- .
Silt.l. ADICCET roe I' l l i r
. gr ub et,s . ars , ci
~e has %lts re er l Iv a
Inn ninek of trance. width br variety
f style and p ce• ban never beam co.
' ' '" pained in this king. Just' reetlved and
oponer4 the following new iNlllli
One move eahhiet grand Pluto, an entirely new
1 balmlike.. .
One 0n0 R..0 ood ak, very elegom Sams t Clark.
one .• vial Coleman's celebrated RoUan At
taehmant. Tkii is a very orrenor Plano.
" m ir ittltt, ViVondoello•
13E1 - TKO SPOONS itc.--
Lit e
JE 4 dozen Silver Plated ter Koiver,
3 " " " rl Ti e Spoort
3 " " " tended extra heavy;
3 . - " rt Spoons,
" " `• 1 bla `•
" " " . bacco Hortai
.". " S•, ar Shovels;
" " " • t V
uteri, "
" G. Silver Spey • Saes;
Epees, I
. “ Avid • l'y
Al., 6 Allen's Patent Revel • ex Pistols; }nu reed at
dee.9 '
S. x , Etr.rEl, 67 Market at
A. Filwreiscar. vpTioN. .
tri s ig j .7.3 R ic l .l: - e . n u ,,,t v t i r rw agg tit
li tons or upwanle, as do p r, 0 mos do, totem-at ad.
dad. For the superior quality I this brand we refer to
the glass and soap manuntenniers of this eity m i nuend.
deal lOU libeny at
d": Ter ild of LI e:
Pl-! " I'l?4 . F211: o. Ais brApi upAnu?
rehave on bend and will
'as. Itluspratt & Sons' eel.
blob they led! warrant
onod in the U. States,
seam the lowest mar.
;VT.; lea liberty et_
. 4— Sesdii.icitit.
eelving their Fail elect
oracle, air the !mate,
knived at Philadelphia
he Stephen Baldwin end
ire, therefore, prepared
eeelve during the win
e New Orleans.
elitist. Queerer Moen!,
id Detain, between
• wsplkilyis
day asseehated them
loose of tr•nweting •
and (tracery bushman,
tenth street, ondet the
the pain.* are invited
• atividthsins•S • . New Orleans.
TlTELSlCFLANNELC— , W,intatiphThiu — toratatid
,T• fall moms= criticise desirable Goods; also,
atilt astorldblin of domestic Nnahrickable do, and •
fall assortment of seratot and yellow, and spouod, Car
Christmas wear.'
Home made Flannels—wig!
supply consuuij_ly co hand.
bnawn ;64 bane& a
• CARO. W. 61111
INFORAI their Meads and
. ne longer any banneedan vI
Mont In Perm street, known ul
having removed tank entire
•URF.WRRV. Pin areal.
11 as CO, •
• rublie thilthey bubo
et their Inns establish.
the Pituburgb 11nrwery,
business to the POINT
nwlitei TI
111iOR linhonnillin, earns/ putnersoilthe tlrm of
Atwood, Jones is Co., wt ,
continua to unman a
Vt.sseling rod Conminlon ulnen, eider the style
i. ro u - =by alai/ any
;lmod at. to
Eaton'stlimainin g , petyle P PlrQ, worked
Wilk declined*, containing a RIO note on natant of
Mubarak. The finder will be suitably 'rewarded- by
leaving the name at either of rho aboira iwaed.notas,
stibseribere baying the exclusive emir' for
eel:Lint the Frieda* paper era new
. and extenehre,
, INK , mill i n ado vicinity, will beat altbmee
aritkelltddidarentaLae °reaper eteapetteeiraelt.
ty, , erhieh we egret el theloweetteentar ptieete.
Any she or quadty wilt be meandletuted to ender at
.bon nol i m . RIIYIVOLDStr. RIME,
tad Ceti earner Pena and Irwin sts
or uild
IMO itb
. _
Valuable Baal Vratita-llit
ytErg allowing dem:abed prepeny; tte etas of
Pitudnuitt and aUeetteni, and *catty" Is abated
sate et imetx armee . .
• aurae tentiracia. • •
I Let, 42 feet mama eaLibuty etriey beeno. Stir
krrhey - 110 reel° UTEVOII idlet,being veto(;lo
130, neat tbe /Tanen gibe fa hem,
Lot No 460, baying 60 feat front on.Seeenta Urea 99
940 feet to BttawbetrTalle7, a 669 *Melee of .4irant
1 Lot on lifoterreet,3o feet by Trk. t • t; -
Loss Nos 128, 120 and 130, on -Milli 'Met, between
Remand %etr e % baYtelt 1.14 ee.itmett On lint
Leas Ne 5198,132 ei4140,., itarlek Si (eet.(ront CM
Third street be Sneer dee p .. t t.;
Lots SOL and 1.G2, hiring 21 feel feeel o Thfidetreet
Lott Nos '25, 25,25 ited - 23, twenty-lire feet 011 ' 4101f ,
ry stree Lo tt . , 60 feet deep. -
Two Nos 203 and 215; on'Pernt meet, It the Orb
want, et feet by 100 fret la Spring alley
5 kola on Pon street, id tits Otbwatd,.beiween Wald.
win and Montto streets, havi.g 55 feet front on Peea
street by LO3 felt io gprrog alley.
11 Lot. on Bader'street, in the LONLVaI S , beteeeem,
Maine and Baldwin attest nearthe./UletbenY , met ,
. 24 feet front by 120 feet . deep.
Lot. Nos 81 and 127, havlngte feet front on Beaver
I r 7 220 to Wed Common, between 'Ohio street and
E h t. C l .° s s 00tnd 01; h vote t'lltnit 'on Federal
stmt, by ° ll4o fe et to Middle l
alley, between t h e
mend and No sh Com= ' "t• •
,Lot NO 100. having ff:A feet on Stu:ninety street by 940
feet to Pitt alley, between Ohio Meet nad North Com ,
mom .
nue 'Deere Lots in Reserve teranothip, zeta the bo
rough of Ma:whetter, Net 157,185,1%, -tE, at 3. '
I ten sere Lot on the Ohio river "and t he Bearer
road, between the U. S. Merino Ifosplud lot and' Phil-
Ups' oil cloth faetOry—to bo sold In quantities to *oh
porch/Leen Enquire ill CLILARIAn:II.
or JA turi (MARA,
jaatf Durge's Hnfldlof. dill It..
PLANTATION IN AIIKANNIths......Tbe mammas,
eters for sale the extensive pladtadon In Arkan
sas, formerly belon&g to and °mooned by the lam
Governor Kent, of Umyland( and contmolog twenty
eight handred sad eightribree sad a hairnet:es ofland.
this mono lies lu the 'counties of .F.ldllow and.Crit•
tendeu, and is situated in Wslant &ad. CM the Mal.
sippi river, twenty-live miles above the geom.( Jlele
na It is said to be the highest river-Sand. in Mit.
gme of country. Its soil Is peculiarly.. adapted to the
growth of conon. Its improvements are an overseer's
house., a horse-ndll, Several earn Maws, and:good
ousrters for servants.
Upwards of maven hundred acres of this land have
beettelearod endure now cultivated. The rest of it
may be easily clewed, (the most being already dorm ' )
and has tem timbe_r Imam nd dud chiefly, of soh,
which readily sold ass we l l located, wood Tit* in
quantitlea of arreral,theusand cords every, year.
Thts plautallen Is Dm of great value, and presents •
rare o4;:rtanittollo:igublie.
made jt . thei hinds of t good
gt faet )) ti t:thdtercourse with Now mense I:'irleutsu
fonts constant averme for We disposal of Its product..
/Lia sdant alma& Nal miles from Clam KW
milks front the moodier dsoOhlo, and WO miles-
For tom., ite - O L PAY (irr&l to.
Boltinton, Maryland.
- • ' a , j•J, 7
now in the occupancy of • fat.• Simnel H. Met.
etatum, Weeded In the - Vint Weld of Allegheny
city. This property Is be:totally located on the bank
of the Ohio, having • river front of mel fee, protected
by • stone creel, and eitending beak Sib feet, com
manding • besatifal view of the oily mid the riven
Them are two steam ferry boat landing, within a few
step of the property, fambstang cOrifintient =CM by
steam, at all time; to the city of Pitukares, and Tem
peraneenille on the south aide of the ewer. -
• 'The home Is a lame doabtouro story brick, deed
In the letert style, with all the modem eonveniences
and otprovemente, minable oat hone., crab house,
stable, castings Meuse, &a ace.
The garden - Mwell supplied with slsmblvri, a=lso:
choice fruit Imes,. Newlin pease, apples, and peach-.
es. For farms and other pasticalany. apply to
WILLIAMS& SHRlN,Anornim at Law.
ASA I m Mice an 4: at, *bore Untidiest
983 Acute LiEd ter Sale s
SITUATED on theadouongaltele deer ,
_shorn !Smiles
from Pittsbu r gh and 3 miles uhere third I . O A, Ie
Use immediate neighborhood aflame& Lyon*. Short.,
and Mr. Jolla Herfon's pnrchase. The fine body o(
Coal will be sold lathe low prieeof 632 per aene—one
third In hand, balunco Avneoual Anne& payments,
without amerce. Tide indisputable Location very ,
goody-cannot be enrols:Led, For (amber parlealare
earoura of S. BALSLEY, who has a draft of said pro
perly. Residence 2d at, below Forty,BlL Adams:Row.
N. R. Theta is another seam of coal on thie tree,,
about CO feet shove the buret, of excellent quint%
jr26:4Lf S. B.
nee& Wattage Waldo.
A TRACTof lan& 00 urns, in Portage Co ,
joIL on die Ctivibtsys river—about 30 acres order in.
prominent Also, two nisinorraTed lots in the Tillage
of Warne& Trumholl Co., GO fees by 00. Also, lot id
in the minim of Hanford, Trinnbid/ Co., with •
rsemegrellin g home and ettire—One of the best minds
fora mirth= on the 'Western Beserrie. Any or all
this property MU be sold on Tery. seemoriaiaitng
tenant ISAIAH MCI EY & Cq
fade Water and Front stn.
LcaEIS large end well bulls Factory . , erected on Rebec
street, Allegheny eitY, by etment Eoq, .
for Mile or red from the Cu Of 5an.1849; The
Luton whleh the Factory is erected, 'fronts 100 feet on
Rebecca street, and rani back 110 feet to perk av ec !.
The main building is of brink, three ',stories ugh and
00 feet long by 47 feet wide. The Engine HOUle is
large and copamodiona, with an engine, boller;stack,
La, all in complete order. 'The pfonerWarill be vel d
Low, and on adrentageous terms.
Is= • 11011E1r19.511CNIGHT,
.Trasa of Land for 8a1...
. tract of anterior.ed land, situate on
road loading from Brighton to Fnutkllis, about eighteen
voiles Emu Fixtstuirgb, and about mglit mlles from the
towt&of Freedom or the Clhio nret. TIM tract con
tains 41:12 &ens and S/D percher, sties mama 'The
land Is of an excellent quality, shout lineses dlesred,
and well watered, and will he sold either in abide or
In farms ili,CenversientAin, to saltillrehawrs.
For disbud paranoia. enquire of Willi BOYD, Ate,
at Law, akin. lib at. above Smilbsteld,Finsbnrgh.
'pfd tart] [ a dllaQQiait. City tr
dot, " aite nb 73 gifs=2 t. l4l:atftgg choice
c":":"' ;. 1 6V,a 3 1;i7).4. Xit ' y ! j ct. o4 ir
or of US ROBINSON.. thew:tints.,
COURT:RV RESIDENCEit 10 ACRE'S OF GROUND, Anointed near llaa
Pittsburgh and O mensburgh - Turnpike, 3/ miles
from sho city, and sidirdhing the Allegheny V.
=rhos which is erected a large* Pad won trashed
tins toy brick Dwelling. jkow,tor,ftber with *tables,
ommugh boom, An. Then as 'lsnot, the premise. u
Lugo Tanury of flint suiturrial
esileriee contiguous to toe '
Also—One duce nod ono twO nob. 'brisk dwelling,
n ot an Liberty_ suncr,between nad - Wal•
not wean, Sth Word Rent modirate. Enquire of
inl3 Mt YOUNG, 141 Liberty ti
. • .•
OFFICE ROOMS new dm Past Men. Also.
tem small store's on Third street. And • long
room on Market arm, third •Tory, with smaller
roam in second atory below, tonstetly occupied as a
Dagnerreott pa establishment, being well Mewed and
adapted roe th at basinms. &ARRAN,
1.17-ter Oglice,3d st,oser Philo Hall.
TIM Jute story Brick th;tflieur HOU., for. racily occupied by the subtertiber,Asu Rebecca
lateSt, Allegbecy thy. !XS. IMart, Jr.
jal34 No 30 Wiuer st
. .
AK THRMUory Dwelling co Fourth, beivecen
Forty and Liberty erg:ciao:um occupied by
Absalom Morris. Erupee or
IiFOR It --rorefintoMree years, from the
fast of April next, 'it large two storied limit
Dwelling House, pleasantly Situated on the bank
Or dm Ohio river, adjoining the borough of Manchus.
ter, with about four acres of lend, not buildings, frolt
tree., Ac. Au. Apply to
'Via lot,
A LARGE and well hashed Room,
story, on the corner of Wood and Thirdstreets,
above the Exchange office of %, 11
Possession given lmmedtately. Intfaire of
_M'GILLfh RIJR, /94 Liberty et
TILE subscriber offers for 11410 or rent, his req.
Ala deuce in Allegheny city. Possession can be gi
ven Ist or February, or sooner if necessary, and who
ever may occupy might Rod It advantageous to re
tain INlMlloftbe form are, Ac., parucalarly xuited to
the place, Jai R. W. POINDEXTER.
AWANTED TO , RENT—A six,qX private owlet,
leg "rids not less than four rooms and a kitchen,
wdht+Bse or te. ablates ameh of the Diamond.
Add l ress, with particutars, .•lkot No. ad. Post. Office..
• 01
11111 - IOK TARDie
MOX.ET.—A Lot on Boyd , . Hitl,; - mitableler one or
yerste l te ISL Apply to
LOWRitl, Agent. Wylie M.
ATWO LASTS oh nearer street, ha the city, of
Alisklmelf•ebove We upper commons, on which
mes! (norm budding, two Mike WO, suitable
fbr two small tenement.. The kits are each twenty
feet W front by one hundred feet deep, and run back
to a street forty feet wide. The buildings on We pre.
Salem will pay la Vary hairdsotne inicrest oath. invent
Men; and the property will be sold cheap for Oath.
Apply to IL.Sproul, Clerk'. office; U. P. or to
. - KAY er. Co
iITHIS • datigtaul 1 0101421' Retreat, for
some year+ past occupied by Mr. 1. larch-
Geld, Is offered for sale or rent on the first
or Aprk I
next. This property has been improved by
eddltional bisildings, and &substantial moue wall, and
terrace planted with Evergrimus and Fruit Trees. ,To
a good worm; capable of conducting the Retreat, the
terms will be reasonable. AlO COCHRAN,
Pinsbiargh, Dee. 9. Agent tor Proprietor.
gTUE subscriber offers for rent far the term of
one or MOM years, o large converdem well fin
i two story Dwelling llou-e,. containing to robins
and Kitchen.. There is a lot of ground umtalning ll'
acres of fine young fruit trees of every kind, stable,
&e, eouneeted with the Imam. To soy person wish .
bag • deligtitinl residence 'within • few minutes ride or
the city, this will be a rare chance. For terra, which
will be low to a good tenant, inquire of hit Jno.
Wright, near the grantees, of John Wait, corner of
Hand and Liberty strata, or of
eara.a . TMEO. F. wrtioirr.
atiosfAhlsattons - Idairror 8 ,110
riIEN ACW, OF LAND, situated in Peebles towe
-1 a „Mg on the Monongahela, three miles from Pitts.
burgh-4n lots to ma pureharcrs. Pm lather porde.
Wars apply to Henry Woods, yd n, orte • •
earigikltf 41.14 'leave Efinaifield st
• state Eteraer Consiehri
Storehouse end on the
Erie Eversion Canal, In the vilieups of West Mid.
Mai I desirable location fors merchant Also,*
Lot and goOdDwitillng noose well wilted fora T 1•47131
Bused, in she village of Orangemille.„ on Sala line 01
Mils Tents wury. ISAIAH D/CKET & Ca fetal) Water and Front IL.
COAL LAND FOR SALB— Serer acres Coal land'.
for sale, altunte in bead' f the'lllonong*ln
i Brownsville Pa, hiving a 7 roar rein of 'toff
which-will be mold n ezehsege Serlieed. boo Pullets
Ars , apply to lonzt s A WISARBALIfiIi M onion ei
111. *Aaf9oUgtFdlitiiik=47losl6ieljai
tigers for sale the Luse starytorlek Warehouse
en Wood .ulsel, °coupled :by IL Termer &Da.
ispl7 r WM , WiliSON;7`r.
RLa tabseribers'erlll root part, of the ware
hope now oct:011iz tie= A ly to
41,113 ALF. stinete on Penn
....t.betweett Hay rod Ilaibury etteels,,ediolnlng
the bowie end bA now oeeepledby
has front of /*Del, in.depthlZEtte% will be
sold on favorable fene. Tthe'dtteldeptieneble. • gq
siir• -07 W t ,. _ PAP 6.41,11/- •
/.I).l',Utt I
1-Pl'" I.' 1 *-0
HART% viesuasumaszliltachrAva
s THE Any.swasny ean be reliciiep -
thd pettainedt enre 9patattiditiCentrailleatv:lt•
ritstion of the Naves, Norm of :Pick headacte
Noma* Treat:Ms, Neuralgia Alletiosia,'Generakfte.
ltthty, Dedelattcyof Nervous and Physical_ Ettr,iree -i •
and all Names Diadem Including Ike Wildrel4lo.!
at dimista thatchterafeet the tauten reap-r
dr Palling Pletters, 11111a/Cal
Spirt* ate. Hatt we. Wpm* upon Otto mindsof
the afflicted that the A/getable Baum is the only 11.1.
edy ever discovered that can be retied on Msr the per
=trent cure cif Oda most ebeladfal of all diseases. As •
its tendeacy ts to insanity, Cams and death, the mom
or Wall aides Of oat ostill,COSIEM7,b4.5 •
pronounced Epilepsy tamable. And At. hag ketrao
mituddered by many, mil this zoom import/ad 'chid!
discoveries' ms made by Dr. 8. Han, nearly sixteen'''.
yso ears dime, Ming millet BIM it bas been patio:tang • •
ma either dating
... . _
npon newt, and has *ermine a repent which
timeetom, can tam physicians of , undoebteeskiS,
and experience, ministers el. carious denoatinttici#,"
as well as ht Ureds of our eminent-citizens, all nue'
In tensennuding the use of Ma truly nbrablemedl:
duo to thelr patients, charge, andfriends, who are er: -
fumed, DJ On ants mud. • •
wr. QUOTE 41:16 LANGUAGE' '' •
cued by those who haw been curd by this valuable'
medicine: One say s, al have sacred beynn,,te e y 04.; •
crofdueriprion,. bm t now rejoice la bung re=' 4
rioted to health and happiness. Another . say., .1 .
thank God 'l.Gbel that 1 Sun well man. '.l,also feel it'
my deity to palates it- to the ends of de earth, dim
those 111111111Utr allittet relief. Al
i nethr `
)who Is an EIriiINENTM,H and well known n"
Ibis city) says, "lily wig has been *Meted 'for yenta ,
with Epi lepsy, btu la now enjoying good health Oren
the Vegetable Extract Its Onto, say"., he • "theubl
and ought to be sounded to the ends of the mirth"' 'A re
other sue. ' , tantalise LOClrliftlyitittlelatlllte to eaves"
.my gratitude to Dr. Hart for harm; been the rnsede,t ,
under the blesueg of God, of restoring me to the eapyll'
meat of good hulth, after having been tamed th, with ,
itepay m Its worst Qum Or MOM than tere-nt, thrOo
years;and nty . morning and miring oblation or predae
red thatrimmving shall undue to ascend to th1t . ,004
who has Memo but to make me whole.. .
Mrs J. Bradley, 11.1 Orchard meet. N. Y., state shay
she has been subject tolds for loony years, and jnis•
been restored to-perfect bealth(attereveryothertricabh ,
had failed) by the use of the Vegetable Extruet: "'"'`
Dr. altar caA.,Drown,Of Daver.llosselteohnitAlit.v
who Is one of thatesat ph daututhe State, soya that
he hu been Mach her:sated by the minor thir Veen,.
bra Earactondthat he tudiesitexbrey inueritres irtru
every ewe of Wog. which comas uudertriskudsile
trim o..klayberry„.Em. foraterli Pristrauteitet
Lime Mills, Cmwfordecruary,Pa, now living Irifircue
comuyi Pa., -mama Oat fin .mator yeent put he Ao'd
been sorely a:thud with fits, aad be la ;now RI.
statethata oessennierstsa. of Dr. ,llaretVegntable
BMW, haa'sestorrei bra to soundllnlikiPoo4.#l
ty freed from that worn of ail
From tha ClucbutariCorambroltdJot
. . . .
=Thellearina sertificate was green to7hlMiarahlal
mostwoe, Oman HMOs Afputtathr tdt tr f,°- •
le &wart, forAhe carnet Tip' 4 'eta .
Vegetable We
induceAlo gime a Plqd
in cm editorial coirtmas from the Met Midis'
Mama medicine that will cure 411epay, 'at iWiiithe
time believing. lice be me of the greatest dtheirlitife6
medieal science. Physicpsna and Men tridents of
MI ages have beeatryidy to discover IL redtodXhr this
disease, tint all has Mod la vain until the eteseht die
emery of Dr. thuto a darewonld Wow myrrto rho»
affticted with fithderpalr mileage, for there co hood
WIESE& TH=AS. ithElLY:3,lol9llhtti etreebiCia:
enuutli, Dada, 'AMU lon Doctor 'Sur. '37dpnatkle,
Entreat for the care of Elpileptle Flt[ ", • • 3 ,,
Grallelnew-lt is almost tmpoWbbYorietgosgv is
express with label Maritsa astrafaction I eddireasimme
few lines myna, /nuts, purpose ofitsfortat VAR,
he beneficial multi that have bowleg= bribe
am of Dr. Han'a Vegetable. EXtract,'
Myaos, sped twelve year La! been acritrelY44.
dieted with kpliePthifflild land with sure wrathy . year
the °platen wad be d not be eareft:' of ~.;e rr
is one of hurituatrom be *di and brake ho ens
11 called in 'Dr. Maltant, a' eery theca= physician,
who meet Re informal ma that my sores Nervous
Oman wea.very ranch . rengetli and that Lt woulelhe
impossible to care him of •Eptiepsy,' as ;Eptic
were Maim mid employing irmetens.-in
his ease would be only throwing. money away. ~ .:s
I called apps Dr.galtee; be rued anorthat,she
disease had af,iamedwahrorde form ; anddtwonausss
a Isng time to ones bloc if he eeeld deemed at
Ito become worse and *arse, and g began to think
there was no earn for Wm, until I cm the advertise
moat of Dr. Hart's Vegetable d4rtmetbssabsof enmity
papers, with cemilcale. Goat persona whodiad been
afflicted for ten, fifteen, t •werity,• thirty, and men forty
years, =dammed to btalthity thyme of the Exuma
I culled Idiom Mom and attet convening witadir.
Thomas, I emu to OM eanclahett to 'purchase anthroo
dollar package, It from Utile Mtn pat* Ithought
would try another, Own the as of Width I petaenred
SOMA lime:berteht.
then came to the emeoluslan to ynrebese wterr Md.
tar box. I Mind ther it was of so maeh service to.hist
I lees indexed to parelisse a secant , And truly
thankful Mal I denote, as by the ore of the ten packa
ges he has been realcred to perfect health. • ,
. BhcaidanlyTerina be.destronsof 'mbar dint,and as:
attaining palucnlenl, should bc.pletartl to
glallfY theta by th eft calling.= me my, reeideste,
south arestennier of Ponnii sod Park Ci euy
natl., Ohio. ISAAC N. PEEXJ.NI3I2,,
Cincinnati, August dadt.lBlB. „ 14 .14:11
When *wean& Who ant now tree:Who& under the
hand of this dmatiftd drea d Mobs that odery
attack ray prdve fand permanent retiefmd
ha restored renew life;hy ming Was celebrated L 4.
eine. Over one thousand COIVICALICS bare bedn,rd
ceived In tesdrimny of the benedcial reanimprodaced_,
by the ore of Or. Hart's Vegetable Exuma-
Pripared by S. DART, bL D, New s
York. .
Price,one package •IflkW:7,
do fou eigh r t
paokages •
t do • • •
TOMAS al MILE& lea Main tame Cin YX/
Ohio, GeneralAgstesfinrPAMSLYltabon_
WI,LOOX, Jr, earner of Inatmenl and Mara Wit,
Agent for Fatabmgh, Pa.
and[ ame, Oclatalms, Ohio; E• oay teal,
Cleveland: far ode by tins principal dais,
.yists and merchants throughout the united drama
DALLSII lAGICIL Pahl d rE111;10t!"
rig follOwbg from George 1 3.1bemeroy,'Esib the
well kuown proprietor of the 13= aPtalli
iselfrif the itepcirtance of the Pain tor troU.My
Parrot., „
Rums Omen, Aniany, Sevier.
Ma. Daum: My Dear Sir—With teeters or now.
dimly pleasure f address goe In relation to the benefit
I haver... Ted from your orrainahle Pain Eurractor.
Lately, my link daughter, 6years had -piteher
of baillarorate* turned into her imam; befseres
were dreadlrd, ao theta crowd instantly gailiered. be
forethe bonse to isam the cease orate ternbia ankl e
I tore her clothes .sondes , and mon spread on . / r
sabre, and she via carried end laid npop tic&
was Man relies.' floes her pains, land ell
as if! could langb;' and was mood SweetulMil:
wasscdded to a blister from the top of hM ono cr.,
met more than half her chest, and mud - mutt+
me. On the Mettider and breast It ten. 'lap.
yet Dom the Am at, she complained on) Writ Ili
wits sheared The sore healed rapidly, and mete*
cermsetion of the emscles.
Web many wishes, dem 4 4 lea Yidil.grretl44'
the min Mika mighty article, ,
lam yews, 'nth respeci,
THE TEST smi No zusztEA: E
The Suntans Gallen will aver proghteri the Mime m
immene:* relief, and-soaks*. ecirdivßedlront
severest eases of Ems, Scalds,
The Coonterfeits—no n alter ender what eargru.thei
may appear—always irritate, end inereas44ll.
TC4 THE PUBLIC.;: .ri t_ri
I; Edward P. Wilma, of saatMim
Columbia manly, N. Y., kayo been huh..
minim ismy brew* feet, awl OM au/ ildamild ,
salmis, so that; could not irtV/ wesemeiM by
three applications of Dalleti_lll Pidg=r
Epw P.
Mr. Dailey, Siv-1 cm my Anger with* stimpealell,
the poisonous name *reddish canstdecoMmas*WoU
considerably, with constant shooting pair* sittehho
shedder. A huge swelling Liking plats oribasom-
Pit, with increasing pain, I becalm fearfal of the Lock
aw. In this extremity your Pala Exuaerwewis so-
eommended to me, and which I wesperramairear s
try. The eimseepienes weather it Amax( me almost
instant relief, and in three days' was completely
red. JOSEPH HARRISON, New/fork,
corner Grooms and Sullivan sts, Sept So/1E
NOTIOEI,-11.•Dsucr is the idventdr ore: 7 W 0-
able remedy, and never has and never wilt M.
cam to day living to sn the secret ants cembinitidni
All Eetramotsi t hereon , ' licd b
am base counterfeits. • ' 4 •
2 Hpri,miway.,—,`'Nerif•lairk;
:35Chestnat street, Phila. '_""
JOHN A MOECIAN, Cludeval!Dirpoq' M
THORN, Agents lot ?Libber:rib 1 •
Weis Amara Gielramor
Owes brunozr4 Om.; quillos,
sore* and brawn Pamphlcts,..co4u/nlifer
tificamsof respectable parties, may be bed ortkpitea
tine to JOHN D AL020.6.1e
notld dlyis WWI riti.billitt•
stunt:lsl. a. suzualoei;.oit 1 I
~ .., liefin ins MAMMA , '''' i• '
, • , ~ Lev dans • telese,Weed • • • • col
11,-, Mutat. _,_ •
~ ,•••,-„ rw
'. . Dit. msoWN; ti
h.,,,,, • • , regularly educated to ihe med..
•• - o'.: • • r and bean for same time
; m his muntatevus eta tmeamiti of
... , .... k . ..... pmete and &aqua eon,'
y *tuts for whish ble.opob &puce
_iq.• .' - , led elPerientav peeelletlyquente
• ••••• • tam 11 yaw suidamtaly.deveted
to meet a asuman of eamplaintskimacnehleh
theta he hes bed mom preetia sad how canal atom pa—
tient. than can ever me to the lota ospoltratenime.l
titian amply mishits* hint to-offeritwerantais of •
opeedy, permanam, and satisfactory ewe toelletijeted
with delicate dhumads, and all • dioceses *dam ere,
Dt. Brown would Warm these Meted. arias, e l
diseases which hoot beaozn• ohnu k r,b rAataof .01
the itte=t the ecateas 4 1.44r05i, of;
Co l tay, tat their maw RAM thw-•
cmghly eared; he Mader given his cared ettention el
the treUtaeta of sub anima, slid stuomsdeilla brads I
A. of, instanter caner fulett*Gritalarnaticv,.. ( tae nett 'of the bladder, end limbed inommealeitr often
math (pm duns cum where
see tiava,hp*,,,,d
them to hopeless &ult., He pathieinety„ hell/Much
u have been Meg tad iniemmesscalyttleeethhyerhem
~,, c .,,,,,,,,,n me t , when emny seasikethramilkheunve
them and their cases maul in iteettrejokm o .
juk4Vmt mammy
Ppuu te c r.L bY t. "DatisanitCcn
m 0,,..,,1 forest* tION 1 1—.......
practice of an
med in C e
one elan
ore p anew —Dr. Wog wr Peck
Thiviiit; m ediae
wars Maimed with Benda to ealcsed wild, 0,k..,„,,i
Mar attentian,uo ads ammo.
CANCERS else cared, -• • i•' 3 c.c.
Skin diseases; elsoye I, pehrjr, e,e... 05yn.y,,.4
Mantes. amyl/3w. .
luN4.- t ft —iliP'daeSt
r i i z
n Dg,
r rill et idl ith dibibe ay
ta ima tthtitnnedllevdreeliil ,
rlil9l".IL PIP 6d P•idiP• l
&Soo N '45, rummisne "''''
o. yopposito the 0 forwaly
p rzritincx—Dr:ltrames newly disease*"
dy for Ftlemitslaze f., IL speedy end cattily , rahhiy for
10.4rdefel troehis. ft flares NIL& - ----
•tu 141‘Pitvata Peannidag Vauel,V DI.
igrimi alley Tulabtagh, Pa. - no Doctor Yo a I
.I No ovn. 'tub pin%
. . _
0111Itte of Americas 111 ' . - 4.(ente
ThhiCSUREhNOUGH, of the late nit'oylkelisi &
lhe Greemmyk cominnes the business of ,ehttellistr
l id
Easineer ens Patent AttoreAT, It tde al" ''''' en /
of WASHINGTON,. He may be etetwilli em
ployed in 'making immeirmlioes in =aloe n th e
Stamm Office and elsewhere, in fondelittt, wasp
tunkspehidagons of maim; andel] , r%'
t e mi ssa•
sy,transter4mend, mimeo =extend et in '
the United Stems Of ENV,. Ho "a 4 4° Ils
td•lnotesidonally on ell opestione oChnsittio ati.V.
Ind ander the P1.1=1:4.841 . O a / 1 1M - - quo*.
none before the Hama Mee et en.
for whiehaexperienes in thoVenws, e M
in Ids pro lava peculiarly Sued huh. he pro.
"icauil a &ohne Dr, T,Dahe rine
'been placed is Ids Undh Wien= itt-. thetete,:.:
shouldtsi addrozoorllo Dim Pon PAM.: sEliotit t ':
) 1,
1 liaT ( se w .biol • ' •
I %lA.ropLada tonitdc(!n.,rwra, inielc-,..
mixtudirmgaridptiFVD . 7,______ . - ...,,,caN .-P bcl :!;,. - ,..
1 , ...dal . ^l4 , ..inimm 4 , .•-,-::
i. , . If - h -:... ...'' i. , , f.!f! a " ~.. -' .-