ILIEPOWTRO & TEL.EG&APHED nielusiveli for the initabargh Casette CONGRESS W...anmoron, Dec. 19, IE4B. Swum—The Senate was called to order and proceeded to the canaidernhon of the morning boa. imam M r , Breese, of Illiaois, from the Commute° on Public Lands, reported a bill granting lands t o eon . saract a Railroad from the Mimisaippi to the I..aes through the state of Illinois, which wos ordered to be printed. The resolution otTered in the Senate yesterday by Mr. Miller, of N. 1., in reference to the corms. pondence respecting the purchase of Cuba was tn. ken up and debated, after which it was Laid over . Me. Benton, of Mo., Called op the Panama Bwl Road Bill, upon which a debate sprung up, i n wbich the participants were Mearra Benton, Can, emu, Foote and before anything hail been done it was laid over. A sealed message was received from the Pres. Went, niter which the Senate went into Executive Session, and remained until the hour of adjourn. Honk—Tbe House was called to order at 11l o'clock. The Speaker celled over the States for petitions and .memoriels, many of which were presented sod referred. The stesding committees were called la order by the epeeher for reports, several reports were made, moue of which were important and all of which were appropriately rekrred. The motion to refer the President's message to appropriate Committees was negatived. Mr. Cobb, of Ga., moved to refer that part of the ' President's message, relating to the Commuter oa Aricalmre, which led to n warm debate. , Mr, Greety, of N, Y., made a forcible speech in favor of referring it to the Committee on Manu• ~ %more", to meet the tumult of the President in eh urging them of being ariamerets. Q. Fisher, of Ohio, hos the floor on this subject Tr"' Adjo Int.& OHIO LEGISLATURE. COLUMBUS., Dec. IS Nothing ',vas done in the Senate to day. In the Hon se tthe whigs submitted a compromete propositton rte club beg very much the same here= tofoje submitted by l'hem. It to thought the dem ocrats will not accede to it. The excitement in nsgirrd to the Lgtudature •n oar city has .lauded, sod unless there is some thingitoon done to amalgat nate the isolated ponies, the halls of the House will he deserted except by those immediately interested • CoLcsist, s, Du. 19, 1,4% So:Ars—ln this body an met - eating debate rose on the resolution altered by Mr. A. rchibald , tag the coalmines. ou the Judie-wt yto inquire into the constitutionality of the law Irlithr..../Hg the Au ditor of the State to levy taxes. Mr. ikuldard moved to amend, by adding the words, • and also to Inquire into the consult tional, iy of the lows authorizing county and towindup officers to levy local taxes; which amendment wan adopted, Memo, Backus and Goddard opponnd the rrw• lution, and Me.arb A rultibald and Wtottnan ryoLe in it. favor. A gratifying feature in the debate, was the en• tire unanimity exhibited by the Dem.:Xl-alto orators in disdaining any desire or intention to repudiate the minnteat tamon of the State Jett. The Senate adjourned while the unr,lion on resolution was pending. 0, doubtful whether there wld b• gun Orgarozatton in the House this winter. and r in the feeling wlurh now prevails among she w`lik the State, in regard to it, It Is of little •nournt_ HAMILTON CorNTY TAXE. IND THE STATE TREASVRER. 1'...,1191•x, De,' 9.1,4, The voice of public sentiment in 13333113/ WIZ to he heard in favor of law and order Ind her ded too. To show the little lauenee of tie ultra I,e l oaerabe Senators, I mention the met. .hat the Dem. N . r ri , e Treasurer of Hamilton oouoly has atlthor., , tl .the Treasurer of the Stale u draw on ban or the enure amount of the taxes of Idanulton county CHuL.EII A :T NI:NV von t; . yo.K. The 800 o f H e alth report two new exacta and two nentha by chot-ra at the M.ttne Hospital. Sta ten lal.d. LATE AND 'SIPORTANT FROM VENEZI EIA-SI'rCESS OF PAEZ. IMMI!1=111M1111 By au a rival at tin, 'pon from Venezuela, we have th e .ntelligenee that Maru•aita has ,een nap lured Le Pans. Monargas has been defeated .n w ee r .' engagements, by Paez, uhieli taunt ult.. give success to the Liberal Petry zledira and Truzillo have proclaimed iienan nonargas. PIikLADELEMA MARKET. PHILADELPHIA. bee. 19, I.`i-P, nour-•-Polders arc anxious bi sell, but buyers • L ID not appear, Sf, being the asking price. Grals—Market doll, small snleis at l 0:, to 107 <its. for prune reds. Corn. sales at 53254 new yellow, and 60 to 62 or old, white at :Jo cts per bushel, and sales, Including both kinds, riniouni to 15.000 bushels. Proymons—Sales melts pork at SI 3,25 to St 3.:+i ItOr new pocked, per barrel. There is no net: ray In any other arueles of provlstons; quotations are steady. Lard—Sales of old. at St, and new at barrels. .ifiegase—Nil. of SO kflads. New Orlrma sugar to 4 1'1 efts. fulL NEW YORK MARKET. New You., Ike. 19, 1•345.-_ Flour—The market with moderate business is at lavor of the seller, at prices ranging from ir . K.•;3l: per barrel for Genesee and other State brands. Grain—Wheat is firm but not achor. and corn an. a downward tendency. Other i ratmare steady. Pnme new yellow corn brought "0 et, per Mahe], and sales effected to the amount of %o) bushels. Provmona—The holder. of pork are kaktgg higher pelves, but no mica are reported. Groceries—Sugars have an Improving tendency. coffee and molaaae. are without change. Sugaf, were in demand to-day at 5.1 etc. per pound fur New lirleana. riuunc, Dee. ISM, ISIS. Flour—The foreign news has unsettled our market, the bolder. of Howard Street flour are askusg SS per barrel. The market in regard to other quotable articles is unchanged or in such an unsettled state that quotations are not rebottle. JAMES W. WOODWELL, Modern and Antique Furniture, rrt, Thum thrither. Prrtssuadh. X t. A ortme largnt of and Form ore. splendi as d imitable for Blerunimatw floods and private awe!. finer, eotuturtl: "The pre lock 071": ~1.;; od t.y do counry. Prrsonr hrtalsine to porChes , moldnu/actor} Ue do wed to give me a cad. as I 2011 determined my prices shall please. Pert or the •Issek runsisup— Tete n Tete, Buffet Elegem: Lomb chair.; Queen Ebtabeth thuds, Tea Pop., Fruit Tahleg Toilet Tables; Louis Xi' Commode,. Frenrh Mahogany Bedsteads; Piano Stools. Sti sofas whh Plush and lishr•eloth soder% dt hlahogany Rocking ChaltlY, So do: Parlor do Pettey do 5 . .". centre Table..' 211 pair Dreamt. 4 part pier Table., /s marble top Droning Boman.; Wardrobes; n neerel ones and Book .-a•re, di marble top Wash Stand.; 4 pair Ottomans; 4 .bart fancy Work Stands; g . ..rtkry large assortment of common chiiirs and other lava Mire MO numerous to mention. steam Boat. furnished on the shortest emu , and on the mou reasonable terms. deelb l'Elli,•111 PURE. TEAS, Wholesale and retail, at the PFAIN 'EA STORE, 70 Fourth street, near IVood, YittWUl gh .—Th e subscriber having Just returned Iraq , non ratintelng a large tall supply of fresh URFA . 01 AND BLACK TEAK, iron the Hew Y or k p e a,. lea Company. SeIeGLINI with great care (or re tail t aint . Our stork being now heavy we are pre• pared m soppy C. totem. Hotels, Steamboats and Fain ohm with any quantity m d at any price they may wish; 'Jacked t, I and I pound peekages„ tin llll4 . lb. C CI . ter*, 6 and lb catty Imam, and in half rhesus. Retail Grocer* me invited to call, as we can and will swll better ram at lower pnees than any other home in Pittsburgh. Orr stock of fine Young lly son, Gunpowder, and Im perial Green, and Oolong Blank Teas are the best In . the A..1-10111.11[111.lkel. Lorena'', double refined Loaf.' Crushed, and Pul vemzed Sugars at retail, or by the barrel. - , Old Gov. Java, Lagutre, St. Do. ge sta ff Ri o Coffeu, selected by the most eipeli.- sed coffee Broker in New York. .Sweet Opined Chocolate, Pickled emulsifiers and • mucous, Fresh Peaches, put up in their own plafaga Raising; in Blb bailee. N. IL—All On. D. Jayise'e Family Mediiims (or sale. deeo-lawS A. JAYNES. _ ITILIJOILNS-0( all stnes, kept ermil i tgr . 4, l V:and leLl-tat Ist and ad id* 11 ic,1.LE.16-10 bbl. Pickier, ree'd i n j o i ili6nur nt „..• fat solo by attalkLl 41 Mit= it RUH. THE Ashea.—Duty pr rt • • 4 63 Pee rl. • • s}4lr,i Seor,lung. • • ..... , 303 , 4 Sale ..... . 53 Rada Ash... ...... 3103 i A le—irr btd• • • • • air Brlllll4s4,—Nty 5 per oene Am en pan • Batting—per lb Estri. .......... ••-• • 6011 Hope_ • • ...... Bean.—per Small Whtle 70075 Common k tnfa'd ••• • • 2 EMSON Beeswax—Dttlythipr _ Yellow ....... Blooms—lt ton Blom. Boils I Annist Brooms --4> Alerehantable• •• • 1,12101,2:, Shaker Barks— p eord C'heaout flair . Black 42[4.50 11..m10e-k 3.04.100 Coal—Doty 30 per rt At the rtver .. • ..• .5 05} From wagon . —O5/ Cotton—Duty free Tenn -ntt :Volturno Choeolate--P lb 'lumber 1• • • ....... 10011 C.c.. preparrd 11/02.1 Catadies—Dory Alper rt. Coy glowed 90— Mould 0101 Pittsburgh Star ..• • . • 21 022 Ctnciuroot do 0:11 Spstnu. hest brands— •30 tt:ti Castings-4. lb Foundry hot urn... to'd--103 Teo fettles IP do, Ssff7 . W.FOn 03.•$11 . 0 Counter wettghts set. .40 Sod twos lb ort4 • -4/35 Cotton Tarns—f , ri Short reel— Igo. 5 to No.lo 15 " 11 10 111 16 " 14 17 loerooslog 1 et per 11, in No .20. Long reel 41 , 400. No. am lei " 640) 6a117 Inter SIB Coverlet Nam ftb • • :Kid car , ct Chatn • • • . Cotton 'ravine Wel Candle NVu•k —01.5 Coffee —Duty MI per rt . Java Old velure . ilat St. Domingo Lag - tryra net 7i Copper—Duty...4lpr et' pig bar o.nd old 5 pr or: old free Bruiers 332t-27. 81.611101 g Old • ...... ••• pre 10 Cords-go—Dm) 30 pr r., Mandl& at 13 Wlnte r0pe...... • • • —0 Pack`g yarn. One - common . —42 6 Hemp Red Crd• per dor Eon long ' P 003.30 Long ..... •• •• ..... • —O-.LX Common -—--• • -- • •—a3 1.60 Plough Line. • • • • • 081 Manilla Herr Cord•- per 40 yd. 6 Inroad • • —M liii IS k 110 do • •. ... L.75(2 ,6, do Plough !ores• • • 0 7 71 Domestie•—per HMV. Callan •• • • ~56 do , do ... • 6 410 PellllSheg• A No I AI rght . l.y D . . • • • AiJerc'y Noriatook Ye. th.t: Pittgourge Jr • • 7 Pownotan -------• Hammon -- • - ,G 4 S-4 brovat eotton • - • II Blea44 4 rd do • . 4414 I A . do.__. 7 411, tir, odo •. • 714 0 Bow bed • • ,0# 10 z IL.ckmg• • •- ( 4 , rn.ter . 1 , A e A ill,. Mr - • • • —0 14 4 t'amnor• • see -1.n..: ..... ti I'4 fi.ur• • • ••• • • PR.. li 40 A I, o ‘n, ramp Drug. I Mtn trrow iluot roMNlElith 1, RE( 01(1) I -4- I Ft / H I M t Itl It r d r r• I I I PITTSBURGH BOA RD OI TRADE F,,ft I 1 MIO RI - :‘ JEW of 1 . 111-. PITTSBURGH MARKKT FM= usring t:Jc loresrni the yesir, anti i...n:y xt).J eu, .1. &um, r par: petit, to be 11., ttintt.te-tett t. „n any tan,- np,ratt.,. in any .ra[i. the n tt the new I=ll tre o rmainit to adju.t r rt,,,,unte .rt.:• irt I!l==TMEll M=l foll•mr:ng renew. t. been extremely :anted w === The rver+ hove kept .n the Lamer chaos ateanter. ter ha, ~-en NZPI. r•.,11 :11.• .an ter .n the A..etzhen., dnd trdditd uLex of mrtal had ••••• market, from Hang the reeriptz of it ASHES—Tn, recc.p,s the w quite jail. and with fu:: hum • n. genera ily dud and -Ma., V nay red at ,11.10telltdia APPLES—Derne v.r I=l at aofiPa'7, and front rr prwes rtngng Ing to quality Inall St t. , y ALE—We have no ...hies to h . market A lair Miaow.s oils b re wer,. at $7 to 59, ca.: :m at led BAC) iN—Tire. market 0 extreme I .o. scarcely any thing lia• lieen dot, worth) .••• We quote sale, m a %inn': wak it• t •iv. , era :I 3. Sides 41, an Haim. have noticed no arrivaia of bulkmeat me week, owing to the wane wetttlwr A% large nuinner of hog. have her, -I.,,hterrd anclnuala and other ;manta •clo,• may be looked for at me il m. re. , of ~ . .I weather Bl=Eit—Reeelpla .lIJ .• and ntawahatandinv the ta.l Ohwan's market .4 (Idly .upphed. !Alt or learn. no heavy axle.!non reguhAr Ignited +. i.e., .11 and of roll to bbl, at I tkal lc a,e y lb 101, 0 01 R—lteveota, lintiled, and SUpp Ms are ritn, hgb , W,• nr, .ale. In a moderate vllunt at Si 7 5 11,04 liU W t.av, heard w,rt, rep,Ung Wo• may quo,. thot Art,' r. II , l ..‘ p lb 111 CF: liTt , A \LI TI --fi-o-r-sa.• hat, I 4 LK II• 111 bill. 61111011, with regittur sale. .4 tar I riorr latter re Sr, pr d.r" r 4 tire 1.1.1,Ld from .tord at 51' , p parrinw Inns yard Id (q• - •`" Itvertral. at Sid. and Iron. yard sfp p BATTIK , ;--hce,toar shies At to ino,c,rer prters, which range tom] 9to 17 011004' Jit BLA X.'l4` AND P , Oli.hAt U )01P,---Wo• 10.4 01'00 44145 1" any atn4...t. t..'- cr p ton are about the root, pro,. BEANS—SoIes 01 ct.', win, RI :1/, co or ~,,d 19 al ~ i 4. I/11. CILEE6E—Wtth lair .uigd v , .s s,y w quota regular %ale. ul qo.d W nt of cream at Bt. rq to 7, y n, CRACK ER?—No ehu;e ,tt 11(,11. revel, •.1 are sheeted at the folltne:ng to .u,ll rates Water Curler. 'I Dui P Butter it Pdot Bread DYsrPue Sugar St Soda Cracker,. DRIED FRUIT- 4 N Pct.rh" plies are abundant, and priers very peaches for apple. 50, ir al.out the ruling figures of flair II sale. DRIED BEEF—Regular sales from store at n; r tr, lb fora good article. EGGS—There is a bur demand from lir‘t hands at 121 c f doz, by wholesale. FLOUR—The market during the week has !wen extremely dull, with a further partial decline From the lightness of receipts however, during the pima few days, a little more firmness ;a main. tested, without however, so far an we could learn, any advance. Regular sales in Lnmted late trout first hands at 3,756g3,5ti, and from attire in dray load lots at 3,91)&14 se bid according to quality. FISH—The market i. generally well supplied Willi regular luattod sales at quanta:ma to tab:e. PITTSBURGH GA ZETT AND RATES OF MARINE INSURAN , 11orax refined 2 1 0 2.5 0„z• horn Peru %SC 02.74 do Coon,la 10 0 t7l 1 50 orler IlmnatOne 4 0 5 Mule hurley r ChTrd ' e r lA r m 'fi e i" : l aak 441 5 g Di 1.5 a ,: i t 'i ;o - na P t e n ' ori 11 I. Cornmeal isr Hooey. -Dui, NI o ' r ,nt • rea. ['soar U. 0 1° t 0114 Per 0•LI - -- 11 . ‘ 1 4r n'' ;11' ,2 .s„.„ _ Y. 1,1,00 Aral., 0 - 11 HA, _ p„ „,„ „ 2 0 .,„ Copal 3. 0 50 ronoib, gni 101 u fragoein 'II 0 , :1 - 1 D„ , • - hhellar , ith.tir cur tO, 01 J .l Do ..tlled poutlered 01141 110 per n 021 ,117 '1 iihnree 1 nmorter Root .7 0 0 Herap-Dan 2, per. - lAquorter 1101 1. 02 211 Nlbo , ouri & 1;1.1,01 al „, 25 V 2- 51010 rlb 1 0 10 - int • , 1 I, llepa-4„,,, r , ~„ %ladder. 1 110,11 I 014 Drr.l tn. 45 ,Nlndd• otnnto n 21 1 - g DIM 10 pt r • 1%11 rrli .r 2 14,,, 1:o' 01 '- 1 00 01 I 5, 0 1 NlAnilla ar, 4. 10 per C ose• 201 14,,, y„„ „ 441 1:1 Lemon :1.2:. • ornmort 1 0 II Pep m 01.1 k .5 Sid 07.010 1211 e, 4 Dll4 1 • r o „,„„ 5 0 04 '4lOOlO, - 25 I 110 04 I Rhunarb roo 10 V 'AI I 410 5 •tel Amour ' 20 u 1 • 40 4i tal . .0de...4 4 0 5 RtooLm o bret - 0 15 Set,na 1- hot al Lead-Dun 211 per rent Turmrir kr 411 11, lUD - litriol Rlyir 11 ,0 1 ' Run Dye Wood -Lie sp•. , Do .1,0 Pow. prr 515 494 Cool a 011/41 14 ob4 e 1 b 0 51 F 210 .1 I Leather -Dun 10 pr real he r •-d 1011 . 1 4 1 ave r S''\",,tUlLoTr‘a""r' •d r • Daniur, .. 10 ,, 11 0 14 i 1 Keniurkx 1V 0 01 Ohio & Penlis‘ Iva -0 - !roue 11 24 111 r. •• in, le 0 11 Nauond, . net d 025 11 1 ,1 e• a, I r dot 4 5 j ode. )111111 104(tr‘l at I:I rt do .Toro et 42 OL 2117e7t ' : ' Zuni' 1040 ' O 4 l a P l l :• " G t r ' r,r, ' ^ ' ‘l 'l 21.101 07:111.501 „,„„,,, ,o 4, 11.9 4010 ,04, I Pte. Turkt, 1110 1„1,„ t 11 iv, 101 Malaga 211 - N 1 „gland .eatinc RAI•611111 Nlutea - - No I per Joo 4 . ta, _ liunt h 1.10 121 No 11er fll. 45 00 Or [11110(11 (”11 - - 1 per doo 9., 00 pD 50 l.ranberro l 2 oi.eep4krit•O Le Or multa bx .)1111 Lumber-dim, 20 p r y , se r 11 ol gj' io l • 6 ; 1 " 1.0 r r - 02.2,1„ pp,ra dr, 0? - 011 0 A V ' i r r o e t ii r ; li r " ' Ol 2 - 044 { Flour_ [hi) nee rem' 50 rlll,ll al de - 0,19 4•0 Falrn lirauda 4 - 1 11 rotonstoil - •a t ,reor inr - • i. 14 do do -041140 i —a, PlllO • hll • 111 MO 250 0 IOU it" Fl i ° ll ' i ' ,l " ; 41 " Wi;o d t. k. 125 0 ;.tr.°L Bort,* 0 a pr 11, -0 2 11, • Luna 1-0 , t one boo Feed per ba- he ( „ e• r 0r,,0 In ',,bsrl 43 , Me liiime• Da y3O pr Flllll-..11 , cau 1 00, .1100010 :0 40 41 \ t • ar i• kt \ - Yawl Stoma- Duty at, ,No I 4 h1.'. , - 00 1, 0 . /0 11 1.505 No 2 - 10 Ptlrlt .50 0 4000 No 1 01 1,0 111- co 1.. • 0 - -„ 40 11 0,1:;. \r, 1 - 5 .00 on I 2 No 2 Nails-1h pe of MO No I nt• - 1. 1. to, ~ at• \ • , t eat nd qh-id 0 100 4.2 Jl.lllll 4/118 / C/0 0/ dram 04 410 0 - Fur•-- Red Fnz NO I S,O I , `16":? - /0 IN-.r r - H. (31— Onkrim - loxrl pct -.• Z9.m. 01Is L c I , \ lad n a larrl I T , is tit A ( • al- ~ a In -L \. H MIMI MEM i... , ~. =MIME 1'.1 . 1 arr .... • LI nco, 111.; n /.• ard MI - I nool :11 I ,I, IIIIE! =MEI I m. 11.11. W 111r11.We. ' al:, 1011 4 4,1 L, 1. ',11 ", tt...tut , .Xll hensallt nt I ,111rgIterry li,l l..ue Ilt I . lpecan4,,, er1. , 11,1 If 70 E,m, II Y, I !.non, 1..1 itutt II I I. I. at in..n :Intl Loos V.stit.nytlltt nt ` . ..1 11.. r .". r I h 11.1.. i I 1 lAlli Fit r 4 DI) 7 c V 111 rientu.q.y, Viryon do Whenimg Trnt,, ITT A r•rt or Trull, F . .. 15 unin-aoto T-,t,. slier ..!, r or "ewe elegyn •$ /tow,' Amber Tea. l'atOr. 11, look and Cattle Market. •of !sort'. nod ni the 'AM.' tone o maneant nod A 'l' l ' en . u " I Er. ES --A !wan 400 hood were ollered al the 7 , 1r " :“.11;/ dn . .) . "ri.".° '' . y" A yard, nearly all of winch were taken at the ,r a''''' trig mat., hest plant y. east at S.'2.:JO On the . te,n nn:: 11131, the t.reunt swent Pflre . 2.) or ri rent• bout. Salem to botcher, at :IVitt {. lb. act. IltiGS—The wool., offered wan horded. v,„,h JACKSON. ..10 LJberty sale% at S3,ftil p 1110 lbs. no ad voni.r. Don't hey. s •Fout ftr , •th—lf you have. use n Li SliEk:P--belea to u hole extent lit SI .:AYMI2,OO Aiv Toothust. , rim mai., 'out breath sweet, wham! your teeth, /or— r each. Sold at UV bor') .4‘ ,ylmdavorly PRICES C E. FREIGHTS, /Se p , liC m e t•I —pT lOn. ft mos. NcA:l"lt"Lr. Forgr Ro , No I rotillr) " Force Nlorve r Fou:k.:rr 11 [ ' Oren Ohio I °wt.!, _ - -it - do • Flaw! er Pe rls—that, Puri.. 5."., RV Prot . talon. Bit on Ham. , hou!drr /I,ruiwil. thrd No I. I. 1,1 r Writ I I IV I< 5;0 Si Do H.-, •-.0 1.75 P•lntoe• roloopoit ;di ."4, Rags- , p, r relit Cotsipir) mixt, IZt Da rc , ndahsl, •- 4i Riceap, Ib • g - Seeds-du, ri - 00,,, •• • ," er.l.r Tinioll - 11 '`cr , l 9t 2111111 Mu-tard 2.9•1) :440, Rplee• -p.or tip Snakeroot - prr lb V , ,11111l 4t 4 Soap Duly Al per ernt t'tnrilinn” a 41 Steel per lb Forrtgn Cnnt d ,Arnr• • 16 b n , ne , r ••• •• oit Be, 4orrman • • al 11 Fat r a 11 •• Hoop I. a 1.• 1,1.1k tt ,1 1 Mannlnelurr (i..rtslar. 'ewe, .Any uri. 1,1 A . 4i Shit a • Spirts- J., gelon Brands. IL.nI ; •;.1 - .0 e YYi a 3..0) Rom Jam ia. a 0,5 • N • .1.1 D 1,0 N • 40 Or AO )10 I d Sugar -Ih. JU prr N mrt%•• .• • • • •1;41 Sall prr r No i ntoul MEM Saltpetre- ver to 4 a IU l'obarro -• 1. tO 0 I •-i a 1,4 1 Inplai: I Tallow . I . =TM th \ I=llllllllrir Y. 4 Inonnt AA rgne.n V. Nttry Aon I g) 1:11{ rho- I a. ! • Lot...v - 111e I , rwm., NS' I.•. raying ,11. Car ortler• I ell Nnt,, il'enn•ylvle N. Yorl,att Miff} I Id N, u. urlrnn., URRENT, Wool per lb--Dety JO per r'enl. I blood I lAood • .. . and Common • 19 .2.. e 'fut. wa.hed• a 2. Wh Iskey- per gallon R:l% , Nloczonenlk.::, • 7.1 oe—par 0 _ gt _ . 11l it/ treri Freights- per RP Tort., In. it Fr0m1.0ut•%... , Dr, Go 4 I. Ii •a I' row Lau Dry 1:oal.. Hravy . 50 PD To Cir.,.and et u d I~i~l ~ Ilry (:nod. ~/11W1/ Prod., Arc otp, TO NII.hVI,'V Dr, hood.. Urn, - Tn lTherling Itr v rrood. VS . Zll/1. , 1% Ole 11r, To 'Bray, DI, "node ..... 0 0 11 7,N ) (rrt, n . n . g- (ii,•.. 46. A I I 4 a - 6 OS 121 !tan,. l'ot and Iltmer And iin , ux, anllnd ISE= Roder• Ihur n 1.41 Nin4ficines. 14 Dried I rult )%our Yu .4 Furrhturr oolow. per t.• Oo aryl dry . 1111:,, 100 P, lOU !ot row 7L, $12.51 .10 do HI ls 9i .Lo v 0 VI ad 0 1.2 i 11=IIMIN per 100 ~! aordagr. do 70 roor d Hulla.o, do 75 MIII=MICI ; Ire. . \.~! .IL~.. w~xt .. r . i.~i. i.. oo.o.• f Marina laavranr• Retell Prig e• lot 11.. Ills mood 'l., bpi ~..... p p . p r , i PORT OP' Pirl'Sßt 11.6F1 =MEE •AM r M mayoralty of PI ..burgh NJ,v.on•Lt% NI. I r.r Mal orally or Alleghrny (At) , 1"," 11 • A. •,../11 , 11 .r, .`ll, 111. TI , II ',hum —I. ••• mut rured. vehir 41i 1/11/11. ehiructrt 1111 .1. ••11rn, up the ruto Iv* the •••ine time •II roller • ••• • • • eflitir• • to 1, , e l'ot• •urr,ll ni tt, resin Tf 11 Sitorr;lnotth MIZEM!!E - 1•Ikr pc,e tasty whirl, r•lc/Pi i ., 1111%)iY WWI %I I, NY • \% •.%1 t• ”Ordl , lllr l• at qutrettl ix .I 44444. .4 Road. l'! , •'•.4t04 Mar, J 1444, Itynr , l 44t4p,r, ,ratt \lnl44•llroter. 1 4 tif nnolirr. 11111 1 . .4, • 4., AL 444. t'rug .cure of J KIDD h Waal devil RATES OF Discouvr ILA l'f•J 11l 10.v.V L NT-Wltlit.Cl EL IS 1 N. 110L61 EN & SONS, Excl./Log. Broker, No. 56 Marker %tr.. t, ors., at, 1, Pennaylvania. Indiana. liar. Ptlist•arglt•--Par Slate Irk & Braochea.• I I.ogr Hank Par S •,-,r.p • •• • • " Altrch .k Man Bank Oar Viral sll.. ti...of hutadrlpil:ll • •Pkr 1 - :ichoogr Bic of Va. 1 Bank !Sauk ay Gritnantovro Par, Ilk, o. the V Cour..o • par,Bk al Y. rg .... --• • Dr.,. err Co • 1 , -'! , l SM Ilk. Whet: :ta 1 Nlto.vmery Co pa: no Nlore A.ntown •. • 1 Norllstonb,land• •pattsi. W 11 4 n k Va.-- C.o!ui 4 Br .140 Co. par! do Weliaturir• •-• Do,,••lown thank • • 1 , 11 do l'Orl,l,l.urt• F.orot.r. , Ilk. Ilextllo - 1 ,, Tentitamea. Bk Bar,. Bk of Tona.••-er • • • • 5 t....i.rr• L.1.1“....'t par Far. & -• Co. Bk pal 1'11170.10' .•- •• • . Lar , ,,ter 11a • par Lulon Ilk ,-,1;.• Bank.-..-..X.laaotart Blownsull.c Ilk • ••• • • pa - r•••,. Ben( Al.saour •-• ' Wa-I..itglon Bt. •• -- 1 North C•rolina. Gev.v.bur,i4 Bk . I Ilk of Cop. Ftar .I Chonl,isl.kirg • ••••• • •• Nlerch r. Ilk 1 -to Co. Bk 2 ;Stale 1...r1, at, Co I:ank. - South Carol Ina. ,'tar:; -• , I Ilk 01 Clow. oon• . • 2 Kt • Ilk 354/.1:4 o; Genre...low), .• - • I . Farror•a' Rod Drover' Ilk ol Ilambart• • • • 2 8.,,.. W•ylletturg. I Nlrr , •llal,:a Ilk Y 1141r1.- P:anter• &Nlrchu'• Bk -- • • ----- I Bk 01 Soutill',[r ne Il '' ., Bl•ryianti. k. IN 1001 ....... • . rlllg It r p 10 l'orx 11k.• • • ..... C00...r , .kf0l 11k 01 Brno, !, Ilt Rol el No,. Far Bk of Alary.a,l " MA hi lit " Partner. & NI-eatin re , Coy h. C.ountv , r.p•-• Ilk Frro• r •• • • • " Ohio. Frr.lrr.rk Ilk • - Bt.or Ilk o•id 11r.,1,e. 111K ,,, 0w0 ilk a Moot t ..... • • " 11, ........ “ N H ljora: Ilk .• . - ..... .• : tp-,3k iol ..•tt r . N. v. I..bnn• Michigan. .11,. 114114, Coili111! do- 0 Ilk Of 12.ver Hag,••• •- C rir errs I • Co • 5 I•tf • • • 5 r• Wisconsin Territ'y Woo., r •• • 71. Mar A •re• I e c 5 Cud... •••355• •• • • 5 A !tnlvent Bar, 5 lirarreir • • .• . f liask of F•lng,urr,lll.r• r7,,•ve (Sold tipmel• VAIIO4II 7,11 a .• . • IIII••,.• •• • 111.0 55'r•ir rr .• I•L r . • I no rr. • • /IA r,o arol 0.1 .• 1 r ill rel Lairr ~'rl. • • • .•• rr ... 511 Ilal 1 I E rre- , icrrl ors • II -0 Fx•rn'r • Ir Ir ,• It • :II l.r:••sa LCepineky. liCech•skig•. • / N-+ ,••• • • I , New fork ,-••• 1 1 / 1 111 4 j.../ I .•or cr 11 . t. • • I -1... il% •h. I I, , all, I.lst I . h r. At IC IN 11A PS. I I . I , TH , k , , s t , l: I ♦.I I -11,1 Pents%)l••nlas e.n Ito•t1 I nmpank , . . . IIRI•TM AN PRP:SF:NTS 1.11.111 NI) It II ' ' ' I,'"' MIER 14 `,01i . 1 1 . 1 R : `l'lll+ ..~ ~'~K,... (Y:,',! F " . !; , 111r:F_~t:.- • A NN 11.11; 1,11 r ;;•., .1 . .1 • II I'llll ll'' , • NV 11I1%1; ;7.1,:V)7.'H' l tItru """ " ".' " ,\ . it\1;1 : 14., , .1. A R NA - ho anes H \ A ." NO I 411./111, tt•uol Irnentr . to, N A , rotl st p ' i . Alll kiiS 6.... 1... i., n., 1........• tot •A, I, Jell . F St , . RI. \ 'S littlC:ll' A Co I ARIt Oil. 101. i., to-o wooer orditool Lard itt I I Irmo au; Altowen t ,-, tool 101 •qtr by 11..11 JAN 1 1 ALZA.1.1., ,, 0r O ---A.)-1 _ ( IREcIIKES).---24t0 bas rf.nir orettrnoto-ow to some tool tor vale low to oho. , con-wonot. by ddrll /AS • 1/.)1.%) . .1.1. "I ) )r: 11 bog) 'le ,s 1 too ewed •nl for •A, t, -1-1. 'it'd R ROW,. ti A co k‘o.l. nu - rri H --Kl , Ol. :roAll 101 l to.tter too r otvell And tor. ot, Ity dee, It itt MIS , C•ti At Co - . . 1 ) n fo " ; " :• 1 1: '.. 1. A y "" ",;;„°°, b"'" P " lo::„;‘ . l.\' . 7 d C: " ELATIP, F., or en ,, per'..lemg elue. ler .ale ‘fi P:\ MAKI- ft. A C o , No .24 n.. 1 fro. ASII4I , AN ALMANAC Ft , IL I ielo -JuAt ree'd and for axle by & R•oksel,r.. ^enearner Ina I k•t end sot . . BP:A NS —% &his mall ny;tnie OC•11,14 / store and ler bale by larval L tl WATEIVILMI SPLENDID STOCK OP PALL GOODS, Wholesale allot Retail. --• . A A. AfAsON A CO. PrminUßG If, PA.. TJAVE received more than one thousand Cases and II Packages of Foreign and Domestic hoods. mak ing one of the MEM! extensive assortments in the coun try. embracing the lae, richest and most fashionable sivies fit Imported and Aniertean purchased in kage• trni the imports,. nientiftieturera and large e Aurtion snie o s.b) one of the firm residing is Ness York, who i•ininsiancy sending us the newest and ino.t destral.le goods In the Eastern markets. which whit he ,aI, red its at any est•liilisnment la the Lintrid ,Int,s, and lower than could possibly be oder sd bY cry linos.. in the West Wt. enumerate tin' fol lowing artin Ufa., rases reit changeable. striped. plaid and brocade .I...ldrie. tiro lit Rerlin. Yiro de sive", tiro de itigsers, trlxen,. 'lark de Rhine. Talfitta. tine of all color, Ate kr. Al so yt.ik ot .irs very large stock cASE, a sir emirs extra rteh .6 'ln striped Cashmere. do do da printed dodo; de smallfigured di. LameJa :enentie ri111.1.1. emped tkc A..., Ilpseens.:2o eases Tie/. T'l"'d Pinot 6 Tartan Plaid and All wt.i 64 C 11 •11111 , rea 4110 , ora,d,ll• Plaids MERIN" , , ii. assortment of black mode. atarine blur, purple and oth. cr colon, of the 111411111.11, 111112,3,.,tjA %). ] . ,-- Compn•tilg the most exten•tve as sortment ever lideted 1/1 city. embracing long and stout, Cashmere and Tsriair plauf Shwl. Mande, riftlllllWWK. Fthiand Lont. Larnartine. and oth er :shawls EN 11414 ”11 ) 1:1211-.S. I. Al'E Ef,tIVES, fin Lou, rop•.111:41• nn.. •11114111.1; Cll,lll/19IlS A.. 0. knelt corokrk• nod o.on 11.11".. Tao., and IkJg toga 11.,1 liikkoo. I 1n.,.,. o/ . klnd,. 1,loyo• do Es. FRJN , t SI( Is, BRAIDS. !to- —A lull SISPOSLIII,LL of liar ton., I..hooohulo, tt) le. LINF:N AND 11,11 SF. KEEPIN ,, I,O4.IDS—Ca, of Ir 1•11 lan•o. “111 1,11,11 Sheettng• and pillow rate' Lilt!, Tniko lhasnoat and Dlapfr ;satin Tolko c/oth. and 7 , 44,n0. Iluotahark. HLIS 41,1 m' /I,rd • IT, e lOsotp, F , unnelo—covur p. of ovory vortel) It.oonc heti kirowo Nlo.,rts coo, tka , , II, atkno RIBBONS- Slow Ikon lON tr now (RE and *Mt, verl okroce rskea " " r ” . " . " • gr'• , HiIIot,AVINO —Do nrOtA•ll, now,y dtarovtrett rottn v. a‘)• ' , ova. nod 11 .Ikf• th tor Itkournalocal a aperody nod rorthuo .rerno,ly for Good- oi dr.ortykor:s.totretkor won 0•.1.nt II novor taus rr l •ruole u•.l. rt Kuroolt .toore Ilth r. and Prroato ronautnor Room', No 5.5111 a. Ti.. V•okl• num.' httakurgh. Tka I>orlor is a, al nn Lne 11, h o t w* t • ot ke rod nodorh,o, :woo,. for rr No rare no pay. der I 9 7 ro tt.r•J4 .1 I r 1,111, i lill H Ill.: I. ;% . 7 . \ F'erno Merino": Prrnen Merinos! 11%_ :. \A Si I . I lI,Ii IMEN=I " K ll= IMIIMI I I 4I; I / - .N1•11 , ..1F I Fl. $l, \N °rue %I, NM 1., I=l =MEM 1 • •• It leaching l'nee der, Chloride. •f Llns•.l I . , 11 , 1 , 1;11 . 11 , , :q1Z , I..1:1'I..ftill 1.1. %le., reit Zeo..• re. e:.ralel Hire, ~e ruch 11.. wIU werre.l usprsts t Some Soda Ash. I I 4 i : 11.1.1.. al, lad., ha tvillg ailivril al i l lwadpl4 rile 1.1 .111. i „ maw. Str,lwn ,s• t -pt in, New If „ovl, .1 'III. 111.1.11tEr. DR. D. HUNT, t or ..f n•-• low a . 1,.-ralor =zigl JAz MI SPR All A soNs I . A rr.N I Lo.:. too. raab curreuv, (.4 4 ma% •pp vd 4 pop or upw6rdr. :4 do par. 6 no. ovcrerd ad. dod For thr rupTnor qualm a) , !lo)drnntl Tee ,to 04a glass and soap Pinnulocoirrr. of PH. TO) genTrul- W M ru 61 V I ..nikE. d e - 4 Ir. :Inert) WI littrokrp. Fin„ o r, 1'u••16co. lout and Cli,•/113elf, Ihr pope or parka), arry lor •nlr h. r6)16 I.6.IIrdICHKAN 1.N1,111,) , Idrfu dr,rd 1 1 1,r11C., 0 rd. olorPlolr 1, tuck* forpher.. 12 oln wool do pn•rog. or, 'Toro rod IT Pram, re Mugnot an. I'K. 46rr. owl for sale by kcY C.ll 41LANT DRY & VARIETY GOODS. =II 4 Jo Mous ttr do rots , I totgltam, A.. 0 I 4 Itotut MI, .•• norm run 1.o• 41ord m oi•o•o Mr gworrn. • erdor don ard mo•, oddo• rt. Mdm mud , Immo o d dr-de tom' 1.1.. Mrl• r •ons or 0, 11.•..1,./12,11.: =SEE ME= =!= 1=1! I ' .1 II I " F I=IIIIMMEMI \ , t , =MOE OEM= • c II H I Nt.1.1-11 r 3 33•13 irr 3313, , , , ‘ .31 3 V A M MI WHIT ,t MISCELLANEOB - --= MEDICAL 4 SURGICAL 01/PICE, -' -15 No - 65, DIAMOND AI.I:EV • • rear doors helot,' Wood street, ' tol -.1 market. ; . . - DR. BROWN, having b. , . 16,,, , re.larly educated to the medic, . . .j . profession. .d been for some rims •• In genera/ pracuee, now confines . . his attention to that reatment or Most Prlllkli and del... rem: 7 .• Ilik plants for which Ins opporturnithr - ... ' and experience peeaharly othal,te :.. l . "- . - ' . "- sot , him. 11 years amduously devoted to study k treatment of those compiarnts.l4ann e will. tame he bat had morr prarnee and has eared nA.., ~. !tents Wanean ever Call to the iot of any pines, pia,.. unoner) amply quallftes him to offer ssatarantes of speedy. permanent. and sausfaetory care lb all aillteled wi th d,,,,,, th d the o. s es, and all diseases among there: from. . DT Brown would tritons thous a/111.rd With private diseaaes which have become clynnle by time or ag: graveled f', :he of any of the common nostrum, of the day. via. their coMplanits ran La radically nod thor. Dug, eared. he having given his careful anemic:Pi, to the treatment of •uch rare., and ..t.teeeeded 111 hundred. of Instances curing ;wersons of nitiammation of the neck 0: the Madder. and kindred cltoest•es which often resu, trorn those eases where other. 1:41/1. oon•igned them to Inme;esta despair He paroeolar. , invites curt a• have been long and unsareesafutly trealed by other. to contul; blrn. when e•ery satisfaction avid t.e given the. and their rases treated in a careful thorough and inteihgent maimer. pointed out be a nang expenenee study, and invesugation. which it, titepos.dt, for thou engaged in general practire nm,lieJne give one ria.m. of disaisse =l7 - Hernin or Rupture —Dr Brown niv, In rilespet• gos• .Llflicted wtlh Hernia in roil., ti. Ims paid partic ular attention to this disease. CANCERS also cored Skin div also Pt Pn.ny. etc.. ni , cedi;y cured Chargesvery low. N —l'nent. sof eith !iv., at a dtstnuer, t slating their di.eaae in writing. giving all the a)infil :oins. ran obtain rnedirtne. 40:2111Oarritox• for U. by nd, T DK( IWN. SI D. 1,0.1 pnid , and rnrl.4. n i g x Ire gfiec NO 63, Diamond alley. opposite the overly Reoang.—tialeattlsed Tin Plates. IF. bpi to I•hl; tite atlnnuott o'litrderd, J, A rrn,...1./ Nntl nvetier4 g. 1114,. hLlvkitto,r• Ines.. p,n1,1 p(Do.f.s• nye! •Ii other aubentheee Lntherro need Inr roofing. hr n• y ;,0.0,11• .Ightneee ni iron, vetthour in rue:. navkne now toen reorni fo, eevern: vnr .rne , 0,11 ./I enuntr) and Eu rope ney ern .e..• Ino•.e egilenr :MI and contrite etnnien .:,Re Li the altll4lr.l.•retLu nom mon rine nr woe!' menai now tired I. roofing and voneequentl) •Jrut rn.Jen lenter and ...girl., nen requ.rn, kf,4 :requent repa.rl. evtnon Le Itro eoet ~ Lnr: n rub more A 'I,. •111,, 01 . •Ifff, 11,111 111 to 10 (1 , fir. n/n. y On nand •nd tor ..a46 (461 B M II B EW 0011 ( . (1 14 , And 16 Ile., et •trr, Sev, load The r „,,, rlrot art,e lrvoo; boon Brourr.ll r .r0p0r,,,,c0: °trio: A/re u. < progeeio MEM IN, THE I , ,NTFIRPI(I,INo 1 , h 0• iot , cihrol h • ,re.h ohn th the righh touted n• • ,1 71, pi wOl et tericve rehnuro rr proh roll: arl, Pi .1 , Icerprihr hes huy opershon For at Law - olfirr. 4tu nt, rt. da t: r Cor. ry Residence for Ile rrr • wow. Irt.r• rlr. r • Inonrd.a.. and n g •Ixi• 1=1:11 I:aLitt .g• S . air , 111.% F.i 11% Eli, I; Hf_ li I'H :\i 11IF.IIP:I.i, ' H. Hr.. h ....~. , ~. .. ..r.. ~,~,. r\. 111 RA F. ~H ri 'b I. li- It I. ST Paool , IRON • I'H~II.i'I IH~~~i II I N... SPLENDID LOT OF NEW PIANOS \I VS- =ESE NILIN PIANOS. f'ffi , il =MEE -- WI , , I \ I R linrdwftre--( heaper than E•erl ORIGINAL BOLL VAR BRICKS.' • I. I INIII=11!1 =inaffl NOTICE • L =IIIMMITI 4„,; 5 , (1.1i1,4 , Ck \ I'Iti.VII I =IIMEIMI =ME RITCHIE & COCHRANE, FORAARBING IUA4tINNION 11101CLIANTg NO 93 lino'. Ping LaMsTuErr. nlwMv•n New Oriel. I=l2 I NFt I FINI Itc.r s pul I.r can:nattna Ito lovger eh ate . Atbltse• earn'. I . ] PV1111•1,, now., n.ike 1 1 141.1.0! Brewer, removed th../ I,IIVI I .ll4EVsj.l(l • in 1 . 01 street 01 I 1 tiut. , er Depot. No \‘‘. , ...J.treet tweiS J II lIN FINISHING i.,,Grs ro .4r• avlk ,tcs .In Innvevr• Ine .ncl wear i.e. "”...." 11• , •, r(l.lll..tins F kl EII,IN A In K V dn . a rilinMsll V KI.V FT PI LF, lierrive.l:l.• day cl,eet Irwin F., V ropr. tha nth,: style ,Cl.etPlie we evot oaport,l ihr oto.d States. to wharb w• Invlle the litlelllloll roreho•,, Cod at NV hI.CIJNMCK'..• t'orret Warm•rm. :5 Fourth der{ ALFSMAN \VA\TF.)—Inv whole ale and fete,: s t .,„ il,e who the city ,Lee undoubted rrt , reneen Ad ,tne3,l,stoir, v.eth reel name .0 1 . 1 refetence. Box NO Jul rittsbureb Post Office. dec.s yl. DRIY2.-24 sacks flaxseed, 12 do Fetitirs, ;" . 1 ..nseng, 11111111, 0.1011,n0w landing fro strur to sate by dee2 ISAIAH Dlek w ts T A I.A it). just recd and for gale -- F ) deed J IsrDbk. Co RA CIIFX • c =-5.71," cey - PfAt her, Gtbls IY hoe Bearssi 12 do flaxseed, landing trout 'nor. Comet. for stale by dccl A 1.F.1 b. SMITH G 1N41.. 1 16--10 sala l ro , t i za r o 11,muivilsr*c9 HOUSES. LOTS. FAR ---- AIM Acre. Coal Lana tor 0 ITtJ ATED., the filonongarthi• river. 13 from Pittsburgh and 3 males above t the immediate neighborhood of Alcestis 1 and Mr. John Ilerrona purchase This Coo/ will be nld at the low price of P:TI third in hand. balttner sn five equal ono without interest_ 71tJe indupthable I good—cannot be surpassed. For Millis enquire of S. lIALISLEY, who has a d Residence m 1 st. below Fern Mr 16 Li There is another seam of con! about 60 feet above the lower. of exceilen ry - J6 dtf Roal liMnate In Ohio. ATRACT of' Inn& tn. acre, 10 Harnnon on the Co vationn riner--about nr provemeht /Ono. two untmved .01. of In a ',lt. Tram ho I /61 Co. .pro fret by 101. vound n the rent of Hard. Trumbo. nne dwrillog house ra and •tore—on rtfo e of we for a torrehatti on the Western lietd•rve W. property .old 011 vet, nee • fet.lll terms 18A1A11 ineklil . • Wale/ and • FACTORS FOR SAL THE .arge anti Faietorv. erre, ,dreer. Allegheny eiy. I, ft S CNA ndered inr ale 0. a argai, and on ea,' ioi on *Met) the P.,,,nr) orer Iront Rebecca odreet. wild Tuna hark llo , eei The main buildlng o , lirtek. three ,dotn 60 feet , on, by tr feel w,de large and eononodinuA aim an P 11,1,, I ar., all in complete order The proper, ' low, and on advantageou s perm. For prier, terms. de , enquire at this nfta, aur24-,111 TWO HOVSES AND LOTS F 0 areetad n , oildog. two •000. r for two .11110: I,lr liirW. n,, „. r , lord troni I , y one hundred le , . dee Ali 10 a •treel loot wnlr 'fkke iniae. wi.! pa, v•ry nand,,onn- tdrre, Anew add toe proporl, will be Apply in IF. Sproul, Clerk • orh. ~ o 1.0%7.9 ROSEDALE TO LET ntth , ent , ll.,llllllller Hvir •OHIC y rnr. oor•oil • r fruit]. tr clore p d , for r.a,e upr or ro cr,t or April Ilf Thor property itera AlldnOll •urrattotat •. terrace piartrod witir Evr•rrreo,o, nod I- rtt erool raw., the rorro• 1,0 l oaarroa:r... r. 1,1 1•I Vol -burg F. ,r 9 .a :or I FOR RENT. 4,4 'nu: soa.rrioer flo r . for orro for nr or more )r ato arr• a lir, .•oorv, r) Durer. ilou•• coo:, art, m tine yoto,e e, he ronoecled W.III 110 Y -0 ine a tlelorntrul notnlenre M:10.11 inc ett,. rurr rnnorr For w4ll low 10 It !rood truant loom, o rtatttl, net, tor formetrr. 11 on Hann arnl Laterty oreet, or Or 'roi F:(1 F lV Tract of Land for Sala: 7 , 11F..331 , •rr11..r too 1111•CCIM111/1,11.: ett.ort,r• Intr.. of untnooortnl rnoti ,etoloot I•om Bro , hlon ',rant n,n ,rot from roic.urent mot ;thou: tro 11/I !ONVII tor Fre...tom trues 102 arre• REM t :41 ~.. NT j =ME MIIMEM Scott 11 Rot torn Land for Sin Property InAlleghen y lty I , 11 \ \ rr: linPlN,Wrr o V•lna.ble lie.ldenre In Alleglie for Safe. C ON r/ _NI rl No. \ =MITI K•al IC•tage In Illere•r Cola A • ••• 1I I , =MEI= \ '','L ~~ c , i.~ i .lids.;,. ... , ..: FOIL EXVII.\NCE BUl)kki; 7. 110LNICA 8 NON.I, Llankers, k:xchring• B. ,pn , 101(11 - 1, I =SEE Iit'SSEI, ['ANNA , n' FOREIGN XXCHANL•iIi 1111.1, A. cl 1111.1 I ).‘ \ 1. a 1.1 •...- KRAMER Ic RATIM \ .•: „ .1 4 s. ll\ t . • c; W ESTERN Ft ADS 1, 0 MIME F ILLS OF EXCHANGIC j N% 11.1, 1 \\ J 1 l\ I I H\ =IIIIIII2ITIIEI a \ K I \,l' I, nu °,~'' ~ :. ~ ~ ~, . ~,. .~:, v p• rolor,l Rzt,,n. ••••cored r, .ergmp.Wide P,A.rl "A. - w 11.‘ mut, st'ort, l'n•te, No I Nom. t t - tottoantJt huittl and fot tut, 11, It Mt M.EY how?: t• Dorrhr.trr I ,, FRI.Ntt , la .1 111. v. 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Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers