The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, December 14, 1848, Image 1

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    ~ :vf_.;
3 Li ..
141 . ' tantalum; alai t'or.
" . A v..
` . ' ' Ve N rchwtts, hasa L' returned to then old
stand, 111.141 and Frew assets, Putaimtlh. octet
.--.: Zaccomaium kaava, area. immts.
.t • g l i r iANN ik. JR.ErrER, IVlolatale and Retail Drug
. garner of Liberty and St. Clair Warts, Pou.
Pa. mayla
BO If CULBERTSON, 'Wholesale firmer',
a- d COlll/01.1011 Merchant., No. 1415, Libert y az..,
iti WN
deaf bursh. Pl. y
13, ___ _____
A. FAHNESTOCK & Co., Wholesale and La.
tall Dragging, co met Wood and Ctli at. ly -
LI)....Z.IAtET & SMITH, Wholesale Wooers i and
ga is Wood street Pillaborgb.
A. kIeANULTY & Co., Forwardingand Egan'
Iniadon Merchants, Casual Basin, Pittsburg)) Pa.
RUM TiltlaWrr•
VVALT & GERHART, Wholesale Wooers, &al.
era IA k , rake° and Plustough Manufactures, tor'
ottlberty and HarultabL'iradtargh, l's l e hi
r- 3. sarattu, raants r. gasurrrr.
LIN GLISII e. BENNETT, Bats English, Gallagher
Es 4 , Co.) Wholesale Grocers, Commll..on n d For
wiugliagidercharna, nod dealers in Prolure and Pitts.
~ertih Manufactures, No. 37 Wood at, between -d and
~ streets
IL /11131 u, OWL =Mr, LOW ir-ouJi.
lfiLltIND, RILEY b. Co, Wholesale Grocer,' and
COXin Marehants, and Agents for Briphion
Aon Yams, Nos. 7 Weer, and 1W FM./ ,
, lAtnrh, P. (Nan
gIALLAGHER, LONG & MILLER, Bell and Srlois
Ftnenden &lid (ins Fitter', Prom, becsrcet,
ad and Smithfield streets, Pinsbargh, Pa
mr Highest ptioe given for old Copper and Ern..
. .
E‘,..:;i*:....pIEOREFF;COCIIRA..N. Commis:don and Forward 1.4
Ur' Morolaat, No. IN Wood stieet PittolOtrgh: my l;
wit. MIA Bahiaon".
• ' 4. I. =CUM, ICIMMUD i ni l a d a „
BALD a BLICKNOII, TObsec." Comommon Moo
)3. Chant*, 41 North Waxer st. k. 16 North Wharf e 4,
• hilt. n0v304
H .
IDARV BRUNOT, White am! Red Lead Mann
&ewer, Paint and Oil Merchant, corner or Lib.
MIT and O'illain sta., Piusbareh. jrie
}Accra erreagni, IL JO. W. DUNCAN.
IVORBYTII & DUNCAN, Forwarding and Commas-
Jr don Merchants, No 37 Finn meet, Pluabergh.
SI DIR.ET, aver
PDiCKET b. Co_ 'Mole x :sin Grocer'
ica ?derchants, and dealers In Produce set
aka, and la 7 Prom streets. Pittsburgh. now;
J — --
OHN H. RANKIN, Anowley and Counsellor at Law
and Commissioner for the State of Pemtsyly time
St. Lauda, Mo., (late of Pirtsboligh.)
Sluarannans.—Putstiorgh: !lon W Forward. Hump
lou tr. Hiller, Wen/Aiello h APC7urn, John P. Para°,
& Semple, Pd'Cord & King.
lIN SCOTT tr. Co., Wholesale Grocers, Forward
ing and Cormaimion Itlerehams, bearers in Pro.
and Phu:burgh Miumfacutrea, No, 7 Comroorrial
Bov, Libarry wool, POW the Can, Pittsburgh, P.
y ttl y
18.11. ED 8 MeGRIRE, Hate of the firm of Mae. and
MeGatte,) hiertchatit Tailor; St. Charles buddings,
street. near Wood, Pitch. ;h.
--- • -
TA/1P.21 IIUTCHISON,A. Oa—Soccer-tore to
111 LaarioJason a Co, thanm.hodon alerchtudr.
god Agents of the St. Lotus Steam Sugar Itelicery
12 "roar end 92 front Meat, Phrsburg h.
11. MN S. DlLWORTH—Wholesale ()meet, Pro
duce mod romiaaion Merchant, Na . 27, Wood at_,
thiburcit. m
iOHIV D. MORGAN, Wholesale Druggist and dem
er in Dye Studs, PamtaAnla, V.SIIiSh., ke... NO. in
ood street, om 3 door Smith of Diamond Alloy, Pius{
FLUID EZERS, Jr, & Co.,lmeeessor o Joseph (.3.'
9 Dthvik,t/Ship Chandlers, 30 Water zoom_ er.3l
__ ..
;JOHN IL MELLOR, Wholesale and Retail dealer
in &Maio and Slasined lostraMenkltr.SennOl Soon.,
aper, Slate., Steel Pena, QuallL Pruners' Cards, and
Stationary generally, No. 81 Wood at, Pittsburgh.
_Er_______bouirht or taken in trade. wipls
JSCHOONALIKE.' R k. Co., Wholesale Drumm;
... No. SI Wood street, Piukbur, ..
OUN D. DAVIS, Auctioneer,, coroe:rOtta aLl Wool
f moos. Pinslosipt. oeci
JOtiNSTON & STOCKTON Booksellers, Prune, U
and Paper ShouSactutero, No. 44 Market st., NOs
bo h.
JOHN OW CR , Wholesale Groner, dealer in Pro
door robibrugh Manntottures, se. 4,
Yla,es, e.
t0. L 1ti0. , 24/ liberty et a Pirtsburth. boat
sows 11/011b, tldaaap 1,01,4
FLOYD, flue I. Floyd it C 0.,) Wholesale
e - Groestra, NoL94. Liberty arm. .14
_ .
Ch7S DALZELL, Wholesale °roster, Cenuniesion
Merchant, and dealer in Produce and Pittsburgh
clams N0.:44 Water st, Frtutburgls. Auld
tg/FJ4 Forwarding and Coati - Ramon Me . ,
ehaata,,Dealers in Produce indPivaborgb alum
ared arnalea, Canal Baran, s ear 7th rt. dui
Ves!orriattleota Works.
DZ I L Erb Bailer Iron sad N a' X r e a f a the a
eptAley. Wareaw, 64 water at 4106 tinut
0 WATERMAN . , %Iftto!evala Greer r ,
sad , P .a i e .. el-
1446'2anefac on illa' e a ce, No. al a t%aler
and de Prom at- ef7
JUAN 1111111,11 X.
k gMBERT & DIMON, Wholeealet Graters, For
warding and Cormaissieue hlerchanta, dealer. in
one and PruaburT,), Maufactures, Nos. 13 and 125
Woo( st„ Pinshargh. &ea
MURPHY, WILSON & CO, (late Atones, Melhy &
Co.) Wholesale Dealers its Or) , Goods, nan
W . nod stmt.; Putsisurgh. stwrY2
. ".
la URPRY.k. LEE, Wont Derilecs' .i.,3 co.i.t.iiiii
1.1.1. tderehantt, Gd the sale of Muerte. Wooden -
Mande, Liberty Meet, opponte Filth. nor.S i y
Xi EMCLlcaltifinirss'a co, Cenatmasion Mer-
J,III chants, Philadelphia, for the sale Is produce ge,
eclat . Liberal advances made on cono,gtunents.
N 4 a../15:GILL.
warm c. eGILL h ROE, Wnolcsale Grocers Ind Connow
lc eau Alcrehanu, co. 11.4 Ltheny al., Pinabono
/11413 3 *LEY. ITIYICY., WE. 1. snanna.
ALLOY O. Co., COYSLYWOU and Forwrottnag
Metatwat; Pintos and From 00., between
kod.d Market sta.And
- - --- - ---
1 k RICKETSON Wboirlitlc Timmer. Ind
tratazdasion Merchants, No. 170, Liberty..n, Pano
- 0LM1 73 a. NON. No. 53 Market .t., sc cued
`door from earner of Fourth, dram in Foreign
'lad Dmeatir MU of Exchange, Cersificsuesof Dep..-
it, Baia Notes sod Sped.
• Mr Collaetions mad on all the principal cities
hostil.ra ustes. der I;
cupa ittlKiffb,: Wholesale Grocer, Reettfylng
14, Distiller dealer in Produce, Pittsburgh klauttfac-
Hutes,„tand all klnds of Foreign and Domestic Wines
and L e a
110. /1 Libertr d scree. , itto . t t s . lszy
trEh • Willba o so f rd ' rar i 7gr o cuh. m 44
A/ CASJULDr..I.4I.EGH, Jr. ltoportes and Dealer In
FOSeljga and Donrestie Saddlery Hardware and
, tap 11Wftmings, of ail desenpuona, No. LIJ Wood
sh, - Piusbrugh.
lit/CHARD DADA Whniestilo nod Retail Dealer ut
JLIO Lowther, Morocco, ilkusentake.”' Toom and Find.
Tannera . ..and Cutlers' 'Fools, and Tanners' Oil,
N 4 _ IDI Wood at, Pittsburgh. seplo
1110111132-111111114014 at M. tt luntl..V.l.
RUUINSON & Co., Mrholesale Grocers, Produce
Cosualereen blerrkauta and letteierti ui Pius
ilanotaetares, No. 1 Liberty at., Pitudaggh.
110111410 1.1 VYLL & co, 1 , 11,o:reel, tiro-or.,
Ooretadielorrsoil Forereidetity Merchant., dealers
PlOilaee and Piusbetrob blarinfaciares, Liberty et.
•"-- n& Pa.
0.14.116 - en
! A. CUNNINGHAM, Who cattle Grocer,
/MAIM Produce sod litaborgh blotto/OE-soros,
10.144 libert y et.
• bidYNOLISS &MEE, Forsraohng asu/ Cerolssion
„NW Marcharus, for the Allegheny giver Trode, deal-
Itt Groceries, Produce, Pittsborgh Monometures
. had fadoride of Lime.
. 'rbebighest ia cash, paid as all tomes for coon
. g Go. Corner of Pena and Imem Ms. .0
. hi;SAPIRLD- If deAta — ira 4 " goods,
tgaceries, boots, Pittsburgh atomotactonal
!cherry swat; hittsburgh sops
.415307n* JOHNSON, Whalen!. axed Ratan Deal - e;
MillktterT,lsoods, Late% Hosiery sad Fancy
Amlcles,lie. Market aura, Od door above Tturd st,
L tuacturnj .0.. a W 21171
IQ HACKLE:TT , ' WHITE, Wholesale Deaden
ihnetto and Domestic Dry Goods. No. ha Wo o d
Wool Merchant., Dew ed .
. In Floorsuid Produce genartlly d Forwarding
add .COallalilliollidercitents,.lio. ,an
1,2 MTH, BAGALMIt & Co., Wholesale Clearers and
47 Pakhzee donors, N 0.920 Market .troo I, between sth
Sod k Nonh aide., Philadelphia. netrl3
yrracrozon. 3001 - 7Onons,
a mama, Produce and General Coro
littiadOlt hietchnuts, No. 17 Liberty et., Potabarat.
.•• Linseed and lam Oil.
~ '. VON BONNLIONST & Co., Whole:al: G , ro- ..
and on 141 r ,
i - '''
6 • in 1 1 4tel n 7re rth i n fdanuilacurres and Wastern Pro.
•-••••,- 41 1aa...., km removed to tholr now warebottso,told stand)
~, ' - i .., P -''' • ..tTr of Front at. and Chancery Lane
•,- • -
lioss4 ZYKNESTltoteaaln Grocers and COM21:111..
, ..
100 him-barna, and dealer, in Produce. No. 24
tla, ?Waugh. • pat,
IN I K -7.7 MEiI, Agent WI Atone. whiter.. and
~_ Mewing at the sake of m. E. &n0...1
...1 6 41 Bash'a =ra, eth et, Pntaburgh. My amp
In Lae feoendiand aka at Wuhington, will attn.! r
Sy t , ..tethalitsts tree of eapence to applicant.
L 411710 INIVLSIAriII•
'fClCkakpw'Ciica.AND.,l2lBB, It:: J.
Cosumisaient alitiehatua, t h e ) G "
tr " 12 46 1."
I,4iimu Yams, and Pittsburg Z '4l'""
W.Od and Watt Plirbt4l7.'
NO.llO Prom in. betrireen renr i i
kat sawn
'W —Wl nnsh
ia the =abashment, lastil elpsrty it y near the
Dry Geode, N°. 71/ Markel .tract, Pittsburg: e
Try W WILSON, Dealer in Watelwa,. Jewelry,
Near Wars, Military 6004, &o, N 0.157 Mu ,
1011 - 11.MtfifPriY; WhOkiife-aitTlLTial deedeTim
•TT Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, north east
,~taar of
_Arc &teeth eta..; aegis
NITIL M MRYO k Co.—Deelen in leac rna ie z ;
- 14:1 Lawny a.
Rh • Wbol eaw
Reentymg and attPLltr.
_ sellouts, also, Importers olllods Ash d too lo "'
' Modes No. ND Libany rota. hr
, a. ittoblly
•47EL,...t0m0t, .cocoa It - Wrc - ra.
IItsdCHBURN gr. Co., Wholesale Cremes ~d
• •riettrosia Chls, Boat Store, and Pittsburgh Moo.
arielaa, have on hand, mall times, • full and
litnenlanartmeat of goods t heir thus, Water sami,
—I.VCIF 4 '7 AU•7• PlWAkhrlghs watt
Id •
.„, ,-,,: .iv' .. : . 7;1 •
?• V ,. ..Ai r '‘,k -•'- i... ' ' ...
.: - .', 7 ••
• ''''',.....!. 1
~., , . , ; w-r - • , •
. - •
—• . •
- , :3
. 4 .
' . • ' :'
- . te
b n f
„.,. ,
• L. !.. ' '.•
• • r.,E. . ,
. .1" ... '
. ..• .:
" :,.,i1 I: •• 1 ''-‘
-. -___ -- - -_.-_._-- -. . ~._ _
D iN 17'86. -
„ . PITTSBURG- ._.
J OAN 11. TOWNSIINS, Druggist asd Apothecary, No. 43 Market st., three door. above Third at ihltr
burgh, will bore conatentl i y an hand a well melmenal ase .
Sortment of th e hest and nastiest Medicines, winch hn
will sell On the most reuonalste terms. Physteisin
wendmg orders, will be promptly !weeded to, and sop
wroth •rucles they may rely upon sui g , nvina.
117" Physticians Skew:ripens will be acCurately and
theneatly pcepared from the beat maternal., at any 11.14 ~t
day ar night_
• Also for talc, a la
me rgnstock of fresh and !Mal k!Witt•
_g•_ • .
3sMossowsithelta Llsegy.Stab/e.
the Imp, &Labatt on Ant it, running thgt
to Second st, between Wood and nml
it., ut the rear or the Monongahela Mouse.
with an entirely new stock or Horse. and Carriages of
the best quality audlamia styles. Horses kept at live
ry to the best manner. alldly
byi gniCEWicifiStrotrliCTLllTlfi .
rtONTINUES to manulactore Atonements, llama
1.../__Vaelts. Tombs, Head Stones, Mantel Pm... cen
tre and Pier Tops of threign and domestic marble, at
a regular and fair price.
N. R— inkwings for osonumenik. vaaltsola furnish
ed, of any demerit... lie solteits a share of palate
iVlV(Ll. „ . lo lth t t
11,4,.nk1,17, 111...r...\,1%atUrLor,rem.resafaCcotton
!Ili& alai - colored Cot Lit Pringes for islifeatiteitinghoin
Saruol6 Gimp, - Illobair. oml btlk Banton Fringes.
Ii made to order on the shortest ntice.
Sount..nortier of .. I Latdeal.anc mul Without, entrance
, No NS Wilharn street s third door. over Abner N. Ely%•
I loom No 65 Sltuden Laic Near k ork_ _ _,y to _
rthrrutskv kloVrAtits, ;as. c. ram. Iliw. m t.• :vain.: Jr•
I JACOB recta, 11.1 000, /gum M. 1.41“.,
altos. •Ilirsoß
S°tors °AlthillsA. K.-Ft:set. aht4lt'l'ele‘atloU'kv (cilTSZfire'r7
con.tautly on hued a general assoment of the above
articles. Also. make to order art supertor article of
Iktmeral or SostselVater Soule., or emoted glass No.
16 Wood at. Pl...burgh. 1',,. _HARD
aireirl,at A.,. DEAL.. I,
&adders' Iranmongery, Harness and Coach
;o' ll
Doss, Deer Hair, Varnish, to. &...
___ No. 1,61 Wool; Sr. Prrthorootr
•Cartftl433,ll4 . T. RA , STOJILTn.-,No 72 Fourth
Bt, sior IVood stune. or CreAll nuaeti and
13,11mk Tem., dom. up to guards, hat, and
pound packstees, , raitging from SO cm. per pound
81,20. iy4 JAVNES, AS , for Pelt , . Tra Co
Duquesne - Spring. Anis, Stool and Iron
001.E.MAN,- BAILIBAN A. Co, manufacturers of
J Couch and ?Anne Springs Hammered Arles,
Pprtug and Plough Meet. Iron, Ob. NVarehouse un
%rater and Front streets, Pittiburgy.
Also, denten inj Case!. Trintmtnis and Malleable
Captors: • • • t ortl2
X? BOCK MASYER, AhiliMtss--Iblice. Fourth at:,
. third doer abo•e Smithtield, south ludo
Conveyancing of afl kinds done enth Me greatest
std legal tte , euracy. .
Toles to Real }Auto era:tuned he estably
\ 'Vs tee li tifl M Artg iT TL El ßu TerREPs, ".I{?iu'rtdGlaToon,
Berg:hoots Also, Importers of Soda Ash sad Bleach
.lo Powder, No. 160 Liberty street, Pittsburgh, Pa
J OEN PINNEY, Jr.. Agent at Putsburgh (or the Del
aware Mutual Safely Insirrance Company or' Philo
odelphin. Pire RIMIS upon building" and merchandire
o! curry description, and upon
fttsks upon bulls or
cargoes of 'MUG'S, Luca upon the moot favorable
11:) . " Office in the Warehouse W ii Holmes A. /Aro ,
N 0.37 Water, ocur Market street, Pittaburgh.
N, 13.—The success Of this Company some the estab
lishment of the Agency in this city, ornh the
li and I/ banality wait whled every claim open them
• m has Leen adjusted, folly every
agent to
Stnviudg the confidence mdpattunatm of Ws friends and
i:Abe community al large so the Delaware Al. A hiss
' ranee Company, whiten has the suMmunaladvanmges
antanitatiou among the moo dmnshing ut Phil/Idyl.
OOhio—askammpan.amplujmlllott capital, watch b)
Aeration of its charter ts constantly Li/creasing, m
yieldltig m each pemon msared Ins due sham on t h e
;profit* of the company, without involving bun in any
yesponsibility whatever, and thm as etore possesstug
33 Alutnal prinelpht divested of every obnoxious (-a.
tare, and in its molt attractive torts FltClG tms4
18613 11. 4 / 1 1C1C: -
- fitlLElhmurance Csttany of Noah Amenra, tarot/an
Its duly authonaM Agent, the subscriber, ode. to
isuifidficommtent and hauled Insurance on property. In
Una city and Its matruty, and on shipments by the Ca
nal add iitivera.
dinhur G Coffin,
Sonfl W. Jones,
Lilward fiend,
John d. Grown,
John Wkne,
Jacob M. Thouxas.
John R. Ned.
Rickard D Wood,
'Wm. Welsh,
Frames Moshe..
N. Anson ,
ARTHUR 1,/ CldFFlN,Allthone Preslx
Ilrgay D. Saanagatt, See`y,
This Is the olden Insurance Company in the Unste4
etudes. baying been chartered In 1:94I. Its ebarter
perpetual, end from ths fuel stand,ng, long expertanca,
ample Mesamwsnal avoid/ad yak•of bu-
I tido. ehareetVi, it riinfeofirlifi,feZh:
plc seeurtly to We public.. W. P JoNES.
At the Counting Memo or Atwood, Joneo A. Co, IV•-
the trod Front streets rittsburgh
, itHid Franklin Fire lemtmare Company, of rhsladel
phial. mill make luau mace. permanent and ulsow
on every oesenptuanot property. hosburco and
lllllTerortdu4 emote - 7,0a fovoToLIO tonna. rxmo
yawl'. hes u perpetual than,
15.400,0U0 pond no.
Coliongeta, Fond
()Arco canter of Tab.! sod Marto lutoots. Yittxburgb
01.1111 Or WA IL hIA RUIN, Ag•nt.
riMdF.undersigneddudy audion ,, ol Agent of the Amer
j.. man Fire lo.tarmuire Cempatty ol Pha.d.lPttta,
contloues to efferk insurance 1 644.... or denotes .
a.galn.t Ftre, on build:nes, nieretorniae. fortuture , and
prup,t) hot extra hersoloos, in (lit. coy
ael4 l•I , n'tlllll \
pro a
add Wilt issue l'obrtes 0,1 , 1 attend ID the othrromc••
01 th e Agcncy. at We wurehou.e elf A Lwow!. Jou.,
1,0 opt') I(%( P. lON ,
Thome. P. Cope,
Samuel F. South,
Samuel ltrookA,
C. le nehrletleWhii. r—J-71—tyhar;Z4rie
No. :'.alb Wbervea. .iY‘o south Water st.
1.16 S m tuforna the and ddalers getterely, ef
Putsh•rgh. a...they • irlacb,auftl err:Angel:heel.
with the VlTetille elinetee— ere. are the Groveelerbl
the West, est Indies...., °liter Wares , as will insure
• large nod t e rn, .up,, y of thr' following dreerip
hong of Totateco, which he sold upon as sitcom.
mod:hung terms. any oilier I
rma tuts city or el ae
where. and all goods orders,' from 4lieto war
rented equal to
Ilavana; Si. Domingo; Coon.;
Yens; Porto Itco; Pena u. 4 } ri ved Leuf
t',.t,e; 'punt, & Floridi{ bar.-o,
Al Al r Y—Branebla relebrarni Arothatic Stag l'avert
-11.11, wtrh a large assoruaent of ether popular brands,
arid qualtues of pounds., St. ea, las and ;ft., Dump .
Se, 6 , tw and 10a Plug, Leda,' Vtratiou Torts;
he- sweet and plain , in whole and halt hos , t, rood
arid tin, together with every •anely 01 articie
log to the trade.
I. BARNlttl.lttrt.tottr. N0n...".
Produce, COZOLIMIN•10/2 AC
and Forwarding
No MR Nowa Wtuavia, •ao PKI Warn Pr
Runt io—Jobn H. Bryant it Co
Bober Steen & Ce.
Phtlatielpte a.
Harriett, ;waver cC o
Saute, Bagaley &
Allen k PitZton, Now York
Mitten & Harvey, &demote
ingettey dt Swab,
Boibudge,Wilson &Cc „
Haney, lintern & Co. '
• Kier & Jona..
.11 , ? ; L
L iberal rue advances on rtatst
u. atunetta to
r.. tit . CII•ILLAW tlrr Jolt. WATT
And Goners' Commission Nero banes
10 Boom W•ll7lWlWlrirr.
Ablild'H I A
R P.FRRENCIPA.—/lenryGraff A. Co, Potaburgh
i"d g" • Sh ' r t c ' k, ; Cincinnati.
71. Schooley Son, •
A. N. January, Maysville.
Charles Baahani, J r.,l auteortile.
Duulh,Busoplireya A Co.
Mercer, Bro. A. Co. Phila,Pl
Reed b. Brother,
Lhaulla •ACousittery, New rork.
00a. 7 A.B SwanTirt, •11010 IMDADWAT, C1N13101,11, 0010.
GEORGE cocliztAar.
Commission and Forwarding MlOre leant.
150... W WWII, recraatotatc,
nONTINUFB to 1750.01 a grverill CaMlmwlou busi•
1...1 nen, eapecoally We purchase Awl gala of Amen
can Alanufacturea and Produce, sod In Oct/rllw nod
laruranling Gokels couaigned to bin cart, Az Agent lot
1210 Alanulacturea, he will be colotautly supphed with
the principal snacks of Pittsburgh Maututuelnre at the
lowa. wholesale poe.. order, and cousignatents
are reepunithilly snitched. r3/7
wfOLESALH. Gaocacas;
'lron, Nails, Cotton Yarns Jr. Pittsburgh
Manufactures generally,
so. ID woos tiaras, nrsaarea..
wat. 11. cLAILu,
erw•• rdliag Morahan Branntsvill•, P.
Attend. parueularly to the Forwardio4 of Prtaluee,
Nor any inforarlation, apply to FORSYTH b. CUN
CAN, Water rt. nntln
Not. 105 and 107 Siure's
Rim amstecas—hlerektont. of Pawn rg.h.
Wheeling. Va.-li. Cr. ogle tr. Co. roorV-.16m
tfirtitilr, TO sialVtiitati
B olar ba lL e rn i" t w e :retu o s th e e 7o; M tfe .a pr h" lit
where ..e
will treas.* hsusinees as usual, until a ran
be erected, arrangements hettnng alread been made
(or that purpose. Boats wit always be tat at
our wharf to receive freight.
mpg 0.7 t a I Basin. Line rt
(Successors to need, Ht.'d & Con)
PLll.Xliai attention pod to Lb° N.
ala of Wool, aitd liber
al advance. made on components.
W3l. IN.INa
a • iLL to collectier t s awl
all other hum
nee.. entrueted to him in Bailor oral Armstrong
monde., Pa. Refer to
• J. & FL Floyd, Liberty sh
W. W. Wallace, do
• Jame. Alm - Often do Pirtandrefi
illy Kay h Co., Wood et. )
• lno•
T SIVEITZER. Attorney it I.auroiNco lid st
tO a oppo.ite Churl, Poolourfin. will e 1..,
attend proMptly to Colfeenleno in Wuelitngton. Feyotte
and Green counties, Pa.
Blarkstoek. Bell & Co., I .
Chuh At Carothers, Putsburth.
T Roman.
- Ise+ly
'EI J. HENRY. Attorney and room:allot et low
Cincinnati Ohio. Collection. in Southern Ch..
sod in Indiana, and in lianiticky,PeomPUY adokrote
Cully attended to. o =mA - sinner . fogthe Shne of ?eon
sylvanite, for taking Depoeitlohe, ficknowledgment.
CRues. to—ifon. Wm. Bell S. 800, Cony, Church &
aruthers. Wm. flays, Fay.. Al - Illorat
tria. 11 , LIAAIS & to (successors Lowrie 1111 INN
VVliilllll/3.) AllOrtie” Ltd Cotumenors at
lithos berth side of Fourth street. above Southfield Lan
T AMIN F. KERB, Attorney at Law. 13ak•rn,11'.
t•raqi .treet. nearly oppoelto th • Com:
. _. nue9.lto
LAX. 111,14 r,
111,101.1.,01 .
WNLOP & SEWELL attz,ry el I.uw,S.htees o
Sznithth Id. between hd and 4th ato
I,NI , IIWA RD & ti‘VA a 114
U barn
nnov eat inctr offite in the South rude o
Fourth at., between Cherry A Ilry end limn! .irrel
W. .".041:. it ) . " : „', n . ,... " 1,"=„ ° : ti:7li l ' A ' or " . ;‘,. , nrit door . Aldrrman Joh.. apiny
S A l . : t ., l ,, U r l:il , , 4 l ., % e * , l , l l , ;A e C r ii tl, A . : , tf . ti1v , , ,, : . 1 , 1 ; jr. t , c6co vgi
Tim - ....r abet. In adthtion to hie
4 /4 inn du fa elm ripe of Hats, hes made arr
to b - 41
rn. with Messrs Schee 0 ll o fthe or
fashionable batters of the coy of New ' York,Efor . reg
ular supply of his extra fine Silk Hats, and having ai
MP iiiirrii n few eases,reatiemen can be soiled null a"
very etch and beauty . ..slant by cantos at his ben- Hat
and Cop Store, Sotabl.cld street. second door south of
Fourth. may be found a great variety of Hats
and Caps of los own manufacture. wholusale aid re•
tad Hata mode to order on snort nonce
. —_. —__ JA7.I ES WILSON.
(Seers.... to NI 'Cord di Kintil lIMIL
Pooktionabie Elatt.oVa,,.
Qom. of !Vaud and Faith Strewn
D ARTICULAR alt@itUda paid to our Rel.. Trade.
1 Gennep.. ran rely upon setting their Hats and
Caps from our establishment of the tar IterkalAila and
li i ciatilAMlULP, of the tsrmer mitts, and et Um 1, ` , ...
Country filerchants,parehastog by wholesale.
respectfully Invited to stall and intone our Stock. are , al
ratcan say with confidence Nat as regards qrst.rrr
and a, an will not seder In a eon...neon nrill any
house tu Philadelphia.
febl a k
.._ . )HATS, CA PS AND NI LI FFS--The R .
subscriber la receiving from the
city Ca of New Yor lloW
k, • ehotee atotomment
of Hats. ps and Muffs, latest fashions, in great year
ly and err, cheap, wholesale and retail.
norl3 Southfield Pt, ad door south el 4th
4 Vali Pashtos. tor ISR. 4
BIeCORD & Co. A ,
t bare atonal mana,l
"ILL Mtrodue• ont Saturday, Aumd,...h. the 1 1, Fall Si) Jr of Hat, Just received from New York
Tkusw to want of • neat and beautiful hat. are incited
to eall at their store, corner of Firth and Weort sancta.
nr:ALI-Jts invited to examine RII
PALAUER'S stock oi Straw Goods. ol tn..
spring ...le. composed to pallor
BONN ' rEtn--Elorenee Braid; l•latillsh Dan
stable do; American do do, Chute Pearl do, Coburg do.
Rutland do; Preach Lace, Fancy (limp, Aar. Oa.
HATS...Leghorn. Palm Lew; )anama, Fancy Strew,
do Brand, Flatland Broad. Pedal do.
Also. Artificial I•loa - era Ribbons, de Straw Bon
net Warehouse-1M market at. 'oars.
Climates Taylor,
litabro, White
ALA Rt: To
STOCK o Country Merch
Bookans, P ts. E f t4ettool apen
ary, lce , suitable fo,roontry arb r. Statioleh
Wnung Papets.of Sp, modal. unt cOatzpon qu'lnk
Letter raper de do do do
Note Paper do do
Nom and Letter Envelope', do do
Slow, Quills and Steel Pens,
NViudanar Paper (pa.rd wide, &duo aml prua , ct
ItataLel nuards. of different quahttes;
Blank 'took., in great variety.
Fund), School and Pocket Ruder,
CrOarm medatm, and double ;row mmarging part.,
, Ecrectle Stoehr', and Render.,
Hoy s Eeleene Arithlnr
Cobb's Prufir mid Readen,
!Madera' du Jo d o
A nthramms, lay Ada., Ihrm.Coll.m t n, .Scut). rook.
ton. Emerson, and ~, h
Grammar.. t.) Smith, Kirkham lininons, Weld. and
,otbenn For sale a: Joy. pry e,
II hll - .1.1.1,11
61 swami •i. doh,. ith
The WO., mnrkei paid thr gegradmixed ,hIS
th c
ji.AX - RtA R PiTE.I.I.A Wolkt: *Pl^
bs --A imp e- l. lar expos:non of the great du.. .cries. and !be
rier of modern satronnoty by (1 Al Mitchell. A It Ih
n cloy of the Cincinnati i ili•rrrr awry .
Ileadley's Italy, Alp. end Rhine
the Alps and the ttliinet by J T y of Na
poleon and hir Waati.ngt on and hit irrriir,
•. he. Near and Nisired edition
pinit,ati es Qoal —The Geographical and foss! el (lister-urn, cif Afinerait'orniihruhles or foss! tor.%
nick:dine also. notice s and local:her of the varani•
mineral nittiniiiiitin• stitirteheeri eetpinyeil •rt• ed
anufactures, illor.trateil by Maps and p , e‘r•nu• e a
catapanied tirriWo tabler,and I laP
f .•
Alvin, of' untieral enuilitratiLirs.Ae, prepared 1..,
and Crow wig Taylor.
Just rec..,r ed a few creole. ofeaen of the abene worts
- for cal, l.y .1011NrcrtiN A WTI g'KT,N
Booksellers. .or market t 1.1
by J. A. 3 PJA AIRS, Ctnetunatl.
new' and vain•Lle Work,
Dompitan'a Expetislann---Coulng a aketc 0. h.
10. A SV. DonipPan, the lAn oquest o;
Ms, eo; lies Kearney'. Over :and ExpedltAon enli
tonuai Dontoptorn'searnp.ogo ogalont the and
Ilt• unparalleled March upon Cnsnualvon and iturunen
uld the ()per-onto. of 6,1 Vnee a *ants 1.',1
31up •nd 1 , ...v.rtrm.. 1.) Joi.n Hatches. Al 4 the
Iqt Reptuent oI .11sr.ourt •ay tun,
Ifiatory of )(rotor), - L.
Aala,oitsr• cud \
C11(11:0011,41, (srs)grapb..•l Pstau.ucal aad
ilrarnratona ,
Lai. one boadrvd 11.aaraptr•I Sketches afal..a,o,at.t,
ad }None,. lavatarva. , tatrviano. Jun.l, La vr)• r..
ant., 6.e., diem,atn.l le II n tort) v.,. avlag•.
Gallia I visi wia vo
The Tvrelve Moril6. VOILIII:OPI, or Joitrnat of • Pr!
trate in 1110 Triinna«te Regimen! to avaity it.
Calupathvi of 3leziro. daring ISIO-47.c" /6,
CUlatli Of 1110 Allttri/ of the H.Nimeitt to VOl . O rritr,
demeription or the Country pans. over, morlitor•• t - o•
toms. ie. of this people, tikoteboa of Camp Lilo, a,
eourits of an ttre actioos en other Voluritoor
and a fill Ittstory or the hie ate an War la.t of .1, MI
lcd and IVoartdott, dcc , ilittatrated by a tame number 0
correct Views and by Geo . C. cr,l volume
. .
1 1 lei, Paper &tad Book Estalslishmunt,
79 TV'oon IST•, Pirhtrilf tin LhaannYin ALLEY.
T H E't , 'glttl u . b irla r r' b geeb b c l 7(llltreist"i;ol'hr:e . ."ru'elodb:iyii7l
plain white and 01. Writing and 1.4 net raper,
an o n inercia/ and packet poot Flat Cap, d t
iny and ine anon
papa n'
for Wank books, toe dotal imd coy,..' co
lored Printing Paper.; goodwill, d i :my slutcap nay
book. and Ledgers utpertor or and h e at lantsarn
binding' School Boehm of an standard wurii.
Theology and . tra c e., gold nod steel Tess,
Wafers, Wax, 811 l ,Mlea, Or hr.
lhaak Hooks 010/ atm. rob ad to pattern, and hound
in the most rustninutatal manner
Conlin) . Merchants supplt al at loweat wholesala pea•
en. for Cash, OT cogs at cash. price..
JOY PitiNTINO — NOVI'sg a Joh ogle, b erreiraselstall
with our estahliattrnent. we are prepared to execute all
Order. (Or plan and (anep Prolung—book•, parnplabro.,
annular., nuiuneas cards, bills of Lading, et.., with data
patch and at low pr*. ELLIOTT& E.SIGLISII,
71. wood ice wean Ith and diamond stay.
NW — EITSTRIII--Ltre -or Cioniwell:hy
Power or the Pulpit. by Gardiner Spring, D
!lethal Flag, do do
. Ir
Jacob on ospelu, , with 11. train. y,
Lecture. on Shah venrn, 0 vol.,
Immorta Nib ofli I.lla, Or } Malabo. of the Way to Glory and
Footstep, of hleimah,
The Convent, by author of School Girl in Prance;
SOar and Thou,
Sketches or Lemons, Oil Parables and Mara/ Ir.,
Ireland'. Welcome to the litrangor,
/leaven upon }anti,
jiavrkaton, a la:c 0( and tot };,inland. 2 vols
For snl, by LLLI,rI-ra F: N 4 .1.1:111.
veto 74 wood and /1 , 8 matte, ~Es
j kA I':l\' 110014,--Jmt r.teeived Irom the publisher,
i VI and for sale at the kitstkrodtst Book Store, 4th at,
j near oVood Tu pp er ' . proverbialPrilloaelphy, in three
styles el landing, • beautthrl book for a present
1 F . /spare.° tor Me Nulpat
Sketches of Sermons no the l'ar riles and Martel.
of Christ, by the author of the Pub,. Cycloptedra-tamd
Metehes. the. The Vaighath pulps t, collection if ser
mons by the moot eminent bring d Prams Sl ' Ertgraild
IM1141,11 . 1:11t Vol 4— lining (toed, Chrelta. Love, Le,v.
COI woo me, Sac real Me.. 1......
111 l PATAmAcurei
Irt RCILaI. AT4E; ..
the DiatOr and
Rellgio of Mankind Iron, the Creation to y
death of Isaac: Deduced from the sennitg• of Most.,
and other Inspired authors; and Ilhortratod by eopous
reference, to lire A' eteut records. Mohnen., and my•
thelogy ofth vo o Heathen World-ley ano South, F. 5. A.
Coerces and Coaster-L'harma, by Mum Win losh A
fresh supply of Mrs very . pogular hill e war&
Ureters of the Alnericolt-itevOln Iron, by K L Ma
conn, with Porimits I col, I 2 to
Norte) br Cerrinet !Abney, Mr Moe Mes he schomls, 20
volumes, LC nut with engra
111.1171 rings ' /Ms to a new work
Per eals by
II Iliriall:Vt4,
ApoN4 • Builgs
in, 4th st_ i i.:, kit :N 74- & - ..•) 44 the United Slates
north of Virgin., enniirrmlng descripboir. of the
dowertirg and fern-tiler pin... 11L9 ~,I n k t .' ,,, t . 'h..'
States, arranged ereorcline 4 ;he 1.111111.1s•lorn.
omen a
Wrth a synopars or the (moor e so cording to the t Lie
yatera, 0 or
irf the rudliarceMoitombYr_aoe
a gleosery of terms: by Lew re C fleet, NI. It , Prof.
Chemistry and Nature lien my ere Iturgnr.s College,
New Jersey, lee.No.Seem rd Mine o r revised end en.
larged Nor sale by
- -- - -- -
ArtIARTINE'S ti 1110: iDisno- - i listory or the (it
the.4Modka, It lay Pomona.] Alemotra r if the Patriots of
French K 4 vsliattoit-f fora unpublli heesourcer hy
Alphonse dwirarnactore. Complete is three volume-at
Ilydede-tranalation A fresh supply oftilds populnl
work received this day and for sale by
leapt& 800/pelters, eor oral 14•Mul ad are s
Jayttes, Expectorant.
list.eas, Coluana en
\ R.l), JAYIVV.I I I. DlLAm{bi feel Im ooint mtell.
1 and the of patine, to avail myeelinitlu• op.
ponu tiny °(aising publicity to the eatratirdinar) effects
of your Papeetorant nay.ll 11•Ifinh elltlClea
for severed years with • seven. eatltt• hret l
r Inver
mid its conentrinant diseases. and sentrical only doomed
I re linger out a short butmiserable •xtstence. until the fall of 14.11). when , being more I.eirerely attacked, and
basing resorted to all My former rrivedies, out the pre
scriptions of Iwo of the moat respectable ph) simian.
the neighborhoml without den ng any benahl, or tho
ronsolation of surviving got a lenv days on weeks at
farthest—when the last gleam of hops was about to
v•ntsh. 1 had recommended to m«root
awl blessed by shut Rettig who doe. all things in the
use of the means -tad contrary to the •opectritions of
atiy physicians and friends, I ma. in a few /1 , 4 • raised
frt.ot my bed, and was enabled by the tzar 01 a 1..tt1e.10
attend to My bustness, einnyt rag ranee batter health Ulan
1 had (or ten ye•rs preeintni
Respectfully our,A e • JAI. IV Meru.
Por gale I/1 Pittsburgh,h •I the Prim Tea .Mare, 7 . 1
Foorin alter, Ittara
- - _
r10(7011. W . OIOIIR hatring poreh e t.
.1 the Drag !tture formerly owio-d y Harr
BroCkway, g Commercial Row, Inhert eer
Pula burgh, talKe• this nsetbod or tonna., hot
end rho public gcorta , , that ho, tone
W/ll al all thnes he supplied with an extent syr end
general Ssactrtatt ,1 or he, Dye wns, !hunt, I ill..
Vaitionlica, Perfumery, Cologne., an A d r A,
nein called tor hi a drug alorc which win !Wan' •
Shill an lave as at say inner hon the t,t)
ur etatl. tat merit a .
share 1,1 Mrai
patronage, nothing than be wanting ,ct ,titec anti, .1/1.
/1111.,1011 in his customer. 0ttv7.1•1,14
Tlydropathir; O. tit; W•ler aver..
OUTOR btr.:ll.l.lAtil.a MORRiti..,lo
gra , rer• ILa solo and popu,As rnownly canon!
Pdroptithy or the \ ale!
(ill sod i[tlrsrett will treat
Macau.vate• L.• at
tended to promptly
ro Ll—Dr Mom. may Int conmhad los Drug
&torn, Ala U CoamerLual /Low, Idnerny during
boom, or
not rettoleinnt, non:raw itntl eve
allay. log, Penn 01,01, 3 door. Igrlow allay.
ha vl-tapl4
H. T. Roberts, MI. D.
OPTIIMAII.: MI/km.H.ON. 'ant attend in !lie rreal•
moot ol 01,nettotett 01 t e
In Ii hao, lott.n ongaged ths• branch of the mod,-
pre tor allflaan yam, lad hall COLlaltifinal all
lea.lolasanialal nit. treatment ot disco... or o
slow, for ..... ) oar..
Orgy. awl ltlyderiCal, Oulart tAaallillay sl .nd
Strawbrrry alley. Allegheny coy ecil3
br. McLane In Tennessee.
THIS le to certify that I purchased one trial of Dr.
JLLana's Wong Specific, some two 11102111. ago
and gave to a son of mine. some seven years old, two
AtITOC. and although iltn amount msy appear
Larta, yr I bane no doolu hut there wrw upwards of
FR' ,1101...110 WORMS pta•sed !rota two, measuring
•runi as, (loaner of au loch to Iwo !aches long.
Ltt IV 110LIADA Y.
Boa*. , reek. Carrot en 'I en. , 15,11 , 17, ja-al
VAlLEW — Supermreneb, sTotind - 4 - ionFrißgi
tan „atived i"F and fors i v; p
00/11N1 k KSANKLY have this day associated
ettith them its the Hardware business, Phdtp
be Edward Gregg. The Eyle of firm will Imre
ode Logan, &CO Thi• nrrangement ren•
der. it desirable In close Me old hoof nem . e.
otissible All persons whose lirMilities have maw rml.
arc rape: tally requemed to mete droneshme payment.
Putsburgh, Jan 1, It.lo.
L f , i t ;
ro ot s i
l La d d .
Warr, t'Alery, Saddlery, Eke . 21.1, 11'nod street. h...
I • n
4 trorgblare now tally prepared arltti a recently iipor.
tett stock of liardware.C.ndery. eke to offer very rent
C177;7; ' 11 " ; n ' e n e x " ; ', 1;1
Itas.d an extensive ...mown of Pittsburgh Hard.
wsre vlz shovels. Stokdes, Forks. 'foe., Vice., ,
all 01 w Oleo will be sold ut hrt lowest Molls faxturcrw
fent I
CO-P AR Vkieli.lllllP.
Till.: subset born heming recently entered into
pariner•hip under the nine of Gal .thei r Inng,
W& !tdier. tor t pur pose of crrying
ird i Flrmo Fou h n e
ding and (Iro n Fitting lout e‘s tn(
all its bone he, bane lab. the stand formerly Situ
pied by II Unllaglier, No lit/ Front Street, betWeme
Wood toot Smithfield ohs where they ere prepared Oa
axe.. nil order r, liroor Gataingrt, of ever],
dna.,Spiro/111i1 On, tunics with neatness and Lie.
pmphll Steamboat lobbing promptly altendod tn.
tl Nlll,lh:Ti.
N ..son Kaolonisto and Engineers ts
In 011 r unti•einntrtlnn torbal, for reduced price.
which been pronounced superior to Ilabbn'a by
/114111,1, who have
used both Steamboat builders and
pu /Me, gerteru,'y, are el, requested to call mid or.
steamboat our and ,mimes .tor dabble ).coon' Force Pumps tor
lin I.I.AIiIIER. IA /N., h mILLErt_
Ttn,r, c% " : 11. 1.7 =Teed "'
on the Ist lu.t The mill L. clotted ol the old
lir clue, of an, thmine of the hrta
that purpoer Rezug dr.11,,111. IC have our butane.
rionett t
lt tte Ita:e delay :Le 4to.e.thlt. WO would to.
ectloi requeta thote Indebted to call Oct %emit,
thou avettul. JOIIN M . CORD,
trt2e It n 'KING
IJ `is)- P„,T C ,W o-Partnenhip. Lrn„,.yt..
kal eontinn , the Hat, Cap and Par heroine. La
,l• venous brunette, whnleenle nod renkil, at the
oh' eorn, 1,% °cal sth street+, wrt.,,e they
roof wuntion of the patronage so lit:Acuity be
twed on th.• nid (rat. JOHN D
JANIF.St ti. M 01 , RD.
I N rrunne front the and and known iris or
V,0r..1 te. Meg. I molt rerporttily reooturnend
It, patronage. at Like public ray See eeekkOilk. Mana.
nl eerd is Cy. 4a2"' R . GI KING.
Co-Partne rshlp Nottoo.
W. KITPIIENri Ed - WheelAns, F shhnthcrlV ,
1;4. ot Aud J A gtackhnu of ritteburgh, hay.,
true day emend tome co-partherttut, rattler rtyl• and
heat of Stephen; eQuhrtshcr6er h. Co., at the Anchor
, rtnt work, lflteeting, VI. tor the {Amman of mum
tarter tog frau and nalin °revery de.cryttost.
'OsTairgli% Faii7 n El all rC7:I
Whetting, Es_
Manoteeturo 11,1.11 of boiler, shoat, bar iron and
ad, A 11 ateel elipue .ortnas•nd azica Being cm.
'levied toufl : 4 1tornberger told Jnotala Work, are cat
oder a, artlele al Janata rtori kOrande.d Shoeidecracr)
to .y made in the tour. ry. All of which whll
I'eaoid at the Pittstorgle prwc. arettociar of the
work• corner of Nlotiroe ar,. 1Y a4r •Is. tnyl./
t 7 l 16801. UTION—T6 perwerablp hala,rto
L/log ander me ary le and Ellll of I VtErhtmull tr. nni
thii day dt•..3lved by mutual ronsenL John Do.
zeil havm, dt.po4 , lorhi.. rnttre twern.s. H
men The I , u•Laras et thr .ate banr
Il ‘Vigfunuan.w-ht, ta antllonteJ to a a the !tame of lb,
tate firm fur Wu purpose. H Nvioiri . shts
tpt2OZTer [Jeri 'l7l J 1).%1.1ELL
TUE Satunctabar la uow prepared u 3 mattufaelare
tun', or ( - 0110. end NVonlel 3larh/nery. a: the illortea.
snmee Orderd ont It Wl,lllman F:nan , ntoP. ear.
I.4kerty and Water atreets, Net.. meet :111 prompt
I.eaeol a 1 Ferwenn Federal and Saudnakv As"
Allegheny e•ty.
10 PAIITISIERiaki1P— 1% In 1 crone tlavt•lg Lb.
day asam-faud Neon Lon John It 4 . 4.'une. In. lea•
therwall hen... ter Fr .-0000 med under dz.
firm o , lVan Yonne a '.. %%J1.1.1 A.AI
J..\" 11 31 , 1 Nt.',
kR CA) ILAL: 4 A.II (ai LIVE r tNI , RT -
1-1 Thfrom ais Atti
rep/a pfepal...
name. 1 arf-oralm. m
pb ho Lea
A .
It and
A .A. perit•nrne,l in hie prarnrath, 1 want , A AA ILAIPA °O •
IIiSe.ASF.S OF nit IX nine h renaace
coald Le placed by whtnl, Indomtl hue,
after matured teats in nnina.rnns of PII/AAIOIIB ry
t'omplainta, La of. this preps It It has barn the.
roughly tried
,boodred.. now in vend itna:ta who
.• on Ilav that Ihey Onre [h., tv•tann Croat an early
stave, to the user"( the saelio,ne
CosstalrTMSAlrO lan ,011 111-11t1117 For. ion, ilmo
laollcred aolh these and arn• the mar. alarm
as I had lost a mother, two brtstliers, an,plro 11 , 11..
the ettroomption 1 LaPPIOS heal
ot • so, ell remedy was 1,1,4 ,:hout
nd 1 v.. almost in despsur I was wastm e so. e,
Iry nervous, bad a bad coa.h. lose at 6144, anal
dame...roue {IA At ....low, I D
o Balsam o n..ti I must I iA
I,li I AIIIO corr., roe ale hart It. errat san e
r ,
ehwers alkostd tn. mph- bone
11i 111 /1.1,1211h.K. Xal tatatott, at
FUJIAN., at Ihetteau—'rtats deer., tattetl
thenote toectirttte .\e • .tea r ye. power).
tn l tit 1.10,1 1•1, ttu •nt.lte . 1,111 tt, aril
'tent/Iro tat. he :tad a ..e, tn
M l rett•t. vet Altar uaatt••very 01 he etteet.e.,t.,•rta.
otteed lay Dr Tarn,. I.teematar Mae
ta s eartna•n. •Itat let all ether,/ what ea tteet eel,d to
rd e ftatiotar he. ex attatitle t the *re ara. 1,14 ttae
traftstel.• II and restrorr dtectawal athli I.veer
fat ,reo • te • tlattearderetl netytets •1 Item nr .hate
1 . 6.1•166,eh h, J li vt V.6.r6.1
1n... 'ld. 4, Vara., 6. it ~ter a. 6.1
Ad as, Ilet:derap. A 6 1.1.6 ti) .7 l• reatir6c
Dr. Sou'i Celebrated flentediu.
I kit JAullt.l. do.r..rerer a 61.1 •..., Pen
prletur, of the.. roost per wsr orpt tiorti tort.,
6e, and
the trivet:tor or ma relebrat.,
t iidid L''d{
diliid•ad^S, was a •10,1e6t 66i mei map 6., p 66.
vie a Doctor Ph y lad id 1 raduate me I a rv6 of rv,
Prusisylvelata. and :or thin) rat•alier beer:
Tattooed in lite iliVrallgetaill r,l diddild.d.. apm.
ratooit n 6 rentedma 111,..10
rildollol the uout oi . 6 6flapito tube in row., •
/16. Propl.,6veto. rut. and osier of in term., t•
too gamed an caparatelled eunuch... 6.6 rt,•66re
r,or dreadful •ad ra:66 stitiOdies, tube, linr t•nn
•-.mptn.n, eneer•. oda,. 6•166h1a.
lily and oil mow °usual.. illaelor•peruiptr. 6. 666n6 ,
I es er, ham d. ate I, •litidle• ihr 666 e
666 16.• remed6es, to which buizottoty 6.866.: 6al toy the
^ ...Pm. 6 d ior , hat . .....ipapo.l6
Phyilorogirat La, List 11 in.. a.. 0 , hr. Am,
Men adapted 10 and pr 666,61,61 ..or rm. ,N-cu•.•r own
of Mara..
LB. !Cowes Tome Atterattve when 66• ed
tel rtuar.edoed to •uper6ur to ais other mi
purgative or liver pill. 6111latialel l tided rare the
bowel. jaufactly ban Boon coah•onesa •• also 11,0
Goiden m admitted by the faculty In pos.easpeu.
proportion adapted to mmale Morita", bet beino
mtlasfied that • bare P o n d. hi
ulnasient to eatabb•h versa:
ba• beep Bald in the
The afflicted are invited to 1.411 the agent, and
procure (oral.)
one the lhactora pamphlet
a detailed account al caret remedy and 11.
Parr .ale by the ArPow to agenta well a. b) air viagg.. throughout the COliddliry.
J Mclumnmaier .6. Co. 24 Weakt street. Pitt.buroh:
J 6.11 drugglst, 46 Market
Lea A Beckham, near the I' Allrobv66) Oily,
Jo• Barkley, lairl.ngtoo. Beaver county. PS
Jou Elliott, Kelton Valley,
T Atlanta. Beaver,
our lli.dly
1.16/IT STREET BA LT 1,11(YR E.
THIS eatablishment long end widely known .
being one of the ow. ni
eomodlona in the city of
Et Baltimore, W.l recently undergone V• , 17 e.iten
/.lve eller•lJon4 und wtptovernenta. An entire nrer
Anna . has Linen addict. count:tin lig ournerotto and airy
al,pi IT 4p,rtitirnt, and citettrive bathing rooms
, The Ladles' deportment hu alb been completelq '1
Merge:in/eel unit tined up in a me. unique and beentl.
fel etyle. i t
fart the whole arrangement or the !toner
Imt b.,-, re mio 4 le/04.1, with • ungle eye on the part of '
I tho propri,or.. 'awards ll
. comfort and p:estmlro al .
!hoar lioe.t,, m i d which thry foiliifft•nlly axxort will
,b.Ai1,1,.. ~oltipnrlAon moth tuty Hotel in the Union.
l'he:r :uo, w,:i alwayg Leaapplied with every rub
! etanial and lager,. which the market efforda, served
up in a super tor +ty le: while m the way of Winec kg..
they "111 'tot Ito .orpageed
ho oonelnaton the pfoprietore beg to any that nothinfl
will I.a ion tintlooo oil their port, and on the part of their
aeststante. to reml x el the. Hotel worthy the continued
patronage of thmr f ettilg end the pub'. generally.
The price, for I rd have al. been reduced to the
following rate,
Leah.' Ordinary, 131.7 e per day.
N. l :eittirmen'a .1
B rhe Baggage IVagott of the House will al
ways be found at Re Car and .Strantlimtt landing;
which will and
bagyram, to and from the Hotel. free I :
~r <th,rge
emtsrait or PRY Aan sr CLAM
The vobsenher having assumed the manage•
-2 mem of this intta established and popular Hotel.
re.perttut,, annortnee. 10 Travellers end the
Public gally. that he or,l be at all times prepared
necou aer ate 111,111 R ail thiuga desirable in a well
regulated The 11011... 1. nosy Genic thoroughly
repaired :hrnuellon! and new Furniture nodded. and no
pnots wid .pored F:achange not of Um
best 110,14 In the en rte
The understroto res peetfnlly scholia a Continuance
of the very Ittreral patronage the House iona heretofore
received THOMAS 01,75T0N,
Cflll , llol or yorlirfll AND VT IRSILICII, PIITA•MIGTI
AtTIII: stilnseribrr reapotifolly announre• that
hr but now opened hi. new and excellent limel
for the is. tottnno.lation ot. traw,le'r,. boarder,
and the punlie generally The house and furniture
•re eon rek and nn pains or erpense have been
•pared render :t nor nt the 0001 cointortable nand
plcaannt Irk the coy .
The sabseriber IA deterinined to deaarve, awl there
fore Folic., a .hereof public patronage.
0011 4-dly JACI ift Pr_oirTior
Lortartua, t.
ARIS Tll RIWKAIORT()ri r begs to acquaint
friend. that net.l again leap., of the IIALT
HOFSW, Lontsnfle. KT-
where he hopes meet
all his old /nano, assuring thein and the pablle, that
no effort ahn.ll Oc . nou.nd to male all comfortable who
favor him s•ich rnt•r patronage
--TlVYttfn 'eirrtmirlf6Tllfr;
rITVINI, N crvirro ANT, /Erni NT.
11 , 1 . 0: - .FTK tar e Hank nr the United States, Phila.
1 olt.alon NI POPE: MITCHELL.
Chocohlte, Cocoa,
W Bater's Anierican and Frrnrh Chocolate. Prepay
ad Cocoa Coe. ruts, ammo. Sheds, a,
T Omerchant, and con.imnra, Who Naomi/ roomiest
the hes, products of lwt.oa. tree trotn adu;terution,
morn nuoitions tbs. let Or coffer, and quality Miser.
named, the cabveriber reeenonend• the !shov e articles,
innouisettir-ii hr himself' and stamped with hic nonce
Ho. aroma and Cocoa Paste, as deltcate,
and salutni y drinks lon convalescents, on mud
wart., are prorieccd by the trauma! ptiviiienoi•
soperter nob other preparation. HIS munuilictorris
•re 4 1 • 4 •11, • on iuty quantity, by the most
armspeembin crote.l,rr•
• in the eutern rule, and by tNutat, esv •
'• Ilino
, —.. .
_ ......,,,ere tealerie and macho shawfa
Hitch cm Moldered raahmere IMd 411 nu. lia,
ewe., and by to.- i THEI ar u not aware how froratfull y noun°. I , .• tr I r .,,,, „ „„ d , ~,,, la“lo
..-.... ay tt..o. of Boston: Junes Al Dunce the "11.—ha. ""'"s• how' tha44l . haw ss " aw . Y''' i Mile L, a l and colored rtoth .a.
11.tritord Vont, /lunacy & Murray, New Vora „,,,, ....4 „„,,... , ~,.. , k .„ ~,, , ,,,,r , ..,,.., „„„,,.. ~,,......
~,,,,,,,, , ong.
raiii A wtone Paladelpita. Tadnas ‘ }3l..div. 11.. , p„,.ed Ch a:4' It, ~d... ~.. ~,,,,,,,,, ~ , :.,i,o, .g a large i ..,,,„, ~...„.,,,,,,, i......4.4k,, ‘o,ry 01,00, 0
11110,• and Kellogg A newton. 0 .. 0. 4 tact I quantity o• leaf.
I ii 1 • , e lot Wanlldankal shawl/ from 75' ~,..r. to 83,
WA t. rER RAKER. Doreheater Mass We have prepared a twitutifn, 7ecetnide article. I,' '"
woo) . '
For .14., ..,• rtag3l HAUALEY & 8111111. Alit. which we ran JUN Va 24P.• N 1 ,111.11.1 ti lirr r: I
„,r,,,,, ,„..„,„, ~,,,„,, ~,,,,f „ ., „, ~,, ~,,,,,,,,, I GOODS, 3.111:il IitLOW FORMER
PRII•r! ,
A.L...11”, 413.11.111.111,” Rod Al. futon,. in Ifir Skit sl uhlyrai, health)* ~....,4 d ar t, cab,. fro t o d ~a , n ie y a w,
11 , 1 ill P. RH, tOKS ACO , would respectfully to- oltthsthter taint li , lac white at the .ine utile artillf I 1i...,40./10) dark calico from ti to JO cents,
Tv town the punt, that they haver rected a shop na n• a g o • th'tie na the kin.thsk l thl It sth , a nt , s th?? 111 Yard wole r.urp, do 12/ rin:
Latoek h - w., ~ red, ra. and 41todu•k, streets Th•r DT" is ... Athth 'eaths• P .,th 4 thsl ' , heath' , 411 ......," Good yard undo liteacned Un11,114 to Qi
....r e ~e n4,,A.,,, ,u.„i tn . pr,,,,,,,,,,, ~,,,,,,,,,,, „ r d.,. fj, eau., any.. "Arley analyzing Jonas , irtl .n Sll I .11 Hod' „,, , n.. ...
~, „,,,,,,,, „,, p ,......, „
de.a npuon ,n vehicle. Coarhea rhastora, Ha. Wth., 1 fold it P 05..... dio mast he... 0 0 ssth I n,,,`,,,,, 1n3,e ,0 load finality, very, yap,
rouchea Ehigen, , Parton. he , A.- which hum their ;:1..,7,,,..,%.,,1b,:::‘,....:,....,._,:::P''''..".4”. I es " r °a ' ..,. 1 A all a.mrtment of and, wate mid sallow *Priebe
0 . ou4 b .:e p , 0 . r , 1 , 4- u /e . e . t,
Ivryth , n 0 1 01 4 ,1 1. u ,, 1 a t e , u .,, r e
j 0 ,... 1 the 6
d.. antra
~..yo errir.„
. 4.
b":.„,,ry,,,-.;..,,,..E.74.1..b....,z,Li^.1; 3 !.., ~, , ,, ,n .,, : , , ,
~.K ,
,1 , t h i e ,, ,,,, K h ;r i Ty ,,, ,,
, f , , , i v n;
. .a., t, a . 10 .. .
er.ialtled to do work oi, inc ~,,,,i rea ......... ~..,,,,, ~,,,,,, b oo sotd 1,, 1t \I lAt KaON -^J IA laf rtv al. 1na,f51%. No tld Market st. acp:l4 w Ar. L Ke:4 MA. -.
. _ .
1. 0 , wa ii n, it ri,, , ,a.. 11 Illeir mie Pitt Machine %Yorke guati Peon tedry• 1
PALL 600134; .
Paying. V'etitlidi , t.te seler tan of 1214,.- i
'' 11' , I.INTI WIC ,* now , •nnatitatk: rem. 'tns hie
rwla sod having 'ton' th , ',thorn,' w 0 1 k. ,,, , 111...1 , 1101 IN wiri(di rr, ~..., ....prepared to bold Corot ,11 ~,,i ..,,, o , ~,iipr..m. m . , A , ~ 0r ,,4,,,
nave on hes.U.non i seorrantoot ntair work o%c rl, and Wrxileti Machinery of ever deaeri o tia, ,y„,h ono orate , arer•t ••rtenb , ever tirade?. to roe[_.
laereqose.l. on. t.'te,. ons to the public to tot. matter t4 Cordon, 1t. ,. }.1,1e , SpUltaZIF nano, Tnleta 1 1, rt, NV:lirh have w ires •eerhae direct fawn the fin-
NR Re doite to ,he met aosither, al d Ott ter ' Drawing Primes lin ‘l , ll Honda WR1T.1. , ..• 5.W ., . I porters and alanulacit at the kora and ewe.
na , r , tsoo .1 , e • rina. e.a u ' Droaatag Pi....... L. , '.. , idg.nader, .4, ) '1 , ..,..1 ~„.. • „ ,„„.th.„ „, rn ff,..,4 in ~,,y.
~I Vi.e t4Fitt .../ C•d ! , ."... ad•iiittir• ; 1};',7,-...,,;•,,,,....,:r 1,,%,,,•••••••,,,..i.,.....1,?,...1„,',,)•.1-.,,,,,,'i .., vla hne tern., 'a. titre/num
. of dhoso, 14
,g tu
T i l ' h:•: " ::.ti.7.,. ' "':l ..;:l*.m.- ;h.. 'l' .•• •'' l n : e .,.. L' J r. t . .t It e ol ' ; .., ~.. ..- ~-.,, 7 '...'.. e. , '„'? •:,:.' ..:••:: I ' 7,"' ";''', s o ,'''i. , ~,„'„'.,',7,..„'r pTr7aPt.":liZ..-1;
al in dew,. tor Iron Hai en:, bolo for nous., ,,, rnial , ed ht t thort ''"tlee P'er , load" . or d er Ibr
•l.l carnewne• 1 . , t........ • n a ,ItLtoute hand. ' Mill G..arnte imn R•. ice %, ,4 "cath r,p^ Itch A a/a4.411,, Orient.] TsithettY Off Cloth pu...r... .. ~ ~,....... ~ , a ~. eaaintne and
~ndge Mg Faerone, I 'am Iron tfti.,dox anat. and fan, , Cue. , ~„ ~,,,
do Ilion enitirtri .1.,
ir thentoeivr •F • •A, ...• :ur •4•1•••t1 ot • to. shoa. I tier genornlly Ilrilers leO a thc. I , arnb..ti, 0 , 1. Id o tr ao ,„, a ,, do %tort *rule
. • , • ~ . 1
t notice he -ti ,el at 11 • thee .- 1 44 - , 1 - , ia tt , - t 4 e , .. w. l • , s , e Protitr a , .- do liro.ens do Stair ,3-4 4-1 & ibileioth
.Iff aryl Re..eer a al reels Al eirtiertv rd. , non,
lEx :ra au,- t 1 4 , :v do Rods '
‘..x2,4“ ALA MON r.: ro4r,x l Hefei . to Black...wk. H,.11 A t'n .j }: Moorehead A. . sower do el'.
/2-4.i. 4 -1 .43-4 Drop - gen
o.i, F. Warner John 1,... PI A Son, P tishur4h. 1.. d„ 1,,,,,,,
~,, Ai.,
.4,,,, e . 0 .
Ii•AJ II Oh orn, r a.e.tben....'e ~110 IN ~t- do, Ijoa a ,ealeil (710,11
11, i .
New liardwa•e• Meow, I Onennoti In do c rutub [...ha '
JMI ell “I of 111, 1F:1.4"am,, of 1114 4 I It.ina... EtrOwosw-d Plano
... ::c.,..q;1":::,!.....,..4-.,' N1..,wal and zo ws Powacran linv. . Vr.(l4 .10 Ala Treete....± ".
..e• d . ~ • .... ,••te . :r tui : t hr. ot I 4 -1...-A &t tw 'LI 00 tio Figural Table Lid cloths
' l° ' 1 \ ''. .;e . ; an - , ' ‘ . 1",,...1..,.. '''
" ... ,r, '
.h, ~",,,, 1-I: I ..-1 'll A 1 ~ ut, ..... lo Turk., R.41'1..11.411
"' 1 take pie., re ~.. r ISC 1 . 1 1 . •,
...., ..0( ly 4-4 1I i & s . --I ~,, In Adeli 4 ;•4 Mnla '
0 .• 1 and count', in. I , - •....... d in, .rew •arn at
, 4 pr. t• d n , - Shoel• , kiii do
, ....,,, p 1 , . , ... ~,, ~ - -.1 , u) 4 , ...• for 1.r•,.., ~,,, Coe ' , 141,. Joh. 'do
, . a., and and, At i ~,, 1,•••.... n o . •,,, Ju• • • yj,r• I t, . do no Font, ••• Adoont do
,I•, , Sleutola Heron
"'', 1 '''n `''' ~.'•,• I , .. ~, • r.. of . • .•. ll', . ,•• ein Fine", .1, Nopktof
Din, r Tuwalhog
•it ex ain,., a , •,,,,, henna pore it. , ..4,1 . •• I "r ' \t 'loth .-.4 and 6-4 'Made 1.414c1111
'''" rb , .0. .^. , ~1 .•`.1"., ". . 1 1' .''', '..'•• •"• , ^r ^ oscn ` 0 aa i'rao-sP ut , Vlthlowl , ths , ^a
„, Is e ,. 0,, ~,,,,,,,..,. ... •et /ha' ... is trn French do do
I. c. 'Saylor.... .
~,,,,, .., t..., a - W..„1.., a High Sattn de L nee Or
window ell nat.
int, pa..e. Sawn naanou.. ,', ...ono.• ..nd , en, ..... , I, J„..e, Plitek and drab iattaks,
o,aer aria,. ••••e i.. 1 •.,••• we 144 rt.., 4' , ..,, f 1 r , 1 , • , 1 . • ..., lanwak c worsted sad lit I Tilde
el. 111,.. ~,,,, . Je.. rditani, ~ arlet, green, dial, a d tiotalt.
I'"r :, 1 . 4
a: " P - ; P o, .I " ;i ' d .. Ur ' i t „l i n l Cole'.
ro for stfacnbo t deck.
: ... ot.ier • r,n0..,• .Ic, ea airy tor outfit. r Loan
• - a.• ~. . .. •', .-4 • - he -pecia. atte'ntion ol.ownerti
•,. r• I , 0: 1.1. NT. h2.K..4 Carpal Wdrattanth
, I Air l
" 111 ~,,, ,
%E%( AO l ) SEASONABLE .1:4000#.
• " '••• •', ~ • ••• Ina '' i 1.1 KA \ :‘1.12 A- DA 1" ha, just receired a Aide
•..... '• co sr 4 , :ei'd 1.
.7% 1.-ortawa• •n •ne todowinz descriptignioCacaloon
e- , te 11 s. , r• 'a , f a 1... • ~.. er porton ni which hil' , . Woo
w th . ...• c•tan•t• t,, ^ ..,1.: a. 1., ,, ,,,,, , ~ I wI. be II at Clio, Inargipne.
••• "a- 1 0. • I
I' 4. , \ , i.l.a—tt..l. wall, n.m.t ) , ,loor Flaltnels,
r . ...,., ..., , .., i tfiN ,-4 .4..., k vert 1.,,, kn of blue, Clat.k hlk
roe R,
not, ire , atal :,,t1 1,.1. , Illuel. ni , cry wee prte.
•,, I, CI• 4••• I' .1., •• A p . 1.1 and striped do,
ot„I a•d "rm. d do eheoper than ever,
I AA, 'I 0 1 :.lin -A ap.endol nasonnwut of rieh
- . ,•...rd r , 1 ..” and /iLt'd,
of alma. 4.1,17
/)110, oft \ N 4,111.
tn zit., vitae,. .t
tre, rclputrpotui
R . J II Mr or mc.,
Ean Vicnn nent.,
nov I i
Leeching. Cupping end Ille•dlIng.
.rIV"Z Ni 31L14,. M n. •”,
Ne :A., cecc Motcl and , tun
t andsdm. • . n.
ham dcs. teenn..,
nnu pt.) I. ..t.bureb. A:I
I mom . .....oninn•nd 10 lltr ;my...num !ad
a., n, anti pmrun.. 11, h
th.nouctn, argeinin, air
• and warna) Li/ pannuag,
4S it/MA.l2ler tkared Tobacco.
tq 111
pit, n & Harwood, • ••
11 do n, A. 41,ortypod
Jn I .
4 ,,
9 (1. , lint.
in.t I 4ncling Iran •aant• r and par 44.rvv. and vot •A
I F.. 1 I. I, ANOR o'n
41 .vorvn a •44, •v •nd In nut, a nary.,
A , ;\ . 1 ,. . „ 1 - : 4 1 . • , 1:1 ., 41 . 1•;./V 11.1•0 4 ei v Inv 4.J,at
1,1,11 , x• 4 • v•••••; . 71 t 4 .ap a ,
1, wren rn I xvir . • 5,
.1.7. Gen, H 414 r. :la &4S+ •
11/1,.1/. 111.4')0,014
41 \ ami I r`. vrisn,
& I. Book Illnd•rs. s
i. , /,11,i1 1,, or. pi t,,r
var. ni reannl il4 heaiager“
U4lll. Rona • r n•rii lo pal er° ai.d fioaad •.1
anrial:y ,n num eo
finok• bound • a•e
vor repawsl N•lue• pm fen Inserk• a,
wer l.enera.
Omen 161. Lean work our il!In are invlted Po end
sk.Alfk: JAM 1'.6 ATKINSON
ii have r:derr.l Intokraranernhip, under Ine firm ni
, • %Ira: ATKIN,ON and wig parry im the
Crime,. and Sheet Iron ti are intrunfikeinre
A Wn. Illyelonnoning nn •II it. branches, at lbe old
sand of Wlt m Searle. Firer arn,S, near Won,'
Fa em aliennon given to 5 1 . 3 601b0/1 work
A EOIK -1 .1. - v;oe - rri ‘ ^ otfee ; 60
- 4 Pl li /
.1. St DOlllll,O do. 42.1 4 10 gloos. IlKa do
11142 do. IS do 3.11 do . do 10-1.1 dn. 11N hhdo N.
, ugur : Yrlblds No .:1 markno, • 190 big/ .nap No
1, ILO do dipped candles , 1115 do Co. moth mould do.
rocrived un courwrialem and for .14. ny
1, 1 1 a IV II ARIIIII;(1/1
i.s.r lags
and splendid aKsorni
191 of (loth, CllM•illieres. Vratinp. Croon,.,an Imed
Mr salt. by I. WILLIAMS. Mereant
undar Motionguarda
•snutlitield st
' kg \ Th re. 11/1f Drunalll /lorsre lor sale surto
blr lor drayong...4, N:100,00 of
_•ogl7 basin. hborty al
IA LF 4 KINS- 1 -.10 ;lox 00110100 Prenra C Santa.
Calf •
fry line ample A Iry do•en• Pledadelphla
om me manornriory of II ltl Crawford. to
wl.lOll 11,0 alio/mon or boot .1.1•1 '
rrer.oo,l and lot sale by W VOUNG &
143 lit.ertV At
J t l..
T W NIVI.INTI/CK S, No. 75 Fourth mre..
1, .11, 1.0 0110• oplendit. yariely of sop Royal Vol
tr I 11:111 Tapestry Carpels lamst 'dyke. Also. liras '
.1 pl, • and sup and Carpel,
Ingram Carpels. of sup
stvi, sod quallool. and m pool/o,llon rah 11IWX) be I
10w..1 Table Lawn., Cre.hen, ihap. Ihrartolgs,
&r. ,to A,, Veitii h 1110 ,
0..11111011 01 Li, pu , lle
NOTIC anvil
11A `1301,` d our . .o /1 ole• A-101
VirW lo v In :1!, ,nsf nr,ll,
or min 11.0 p.. , 0011,0 ut u....ur fr rn
ids sod // • us- 1
11 111 /INI/ENTI-.14. I
1 1 1.1. 1101N1/1-.ATKH
Ihttt.iturgh, Aug 4th 1,1
I • II liItANT. %l r.COIIOIOOOOII .old
NI.. 41 14 mt.- .lul2
i0.1a.1,4 , I . our.tlero , 4.1 man
rdr• ;a .11 ol I for ba. ; ; teathmt IVni,r II•re alwa, • 1111.11r1 rouailt Iron %Val.
41,1 lb, a,
Li Pll.l Omer, irnui 111 1111
11l Otainelac ' Bra n•nax mad, lo order Also, •
•••alritnra. 11,4 eta! hit , •ll,l brass N% Irk
all.ll •,10 4,1,1011 01 r:.l .14. r• Awl F.agltt• liutble•ra
is vs/bruin/1y ,I.T..c•lrd
Gen Pitt, , ,g• pot op pLomptl4 nogrramoonlile
f: RRRNW non GA/tD/OIVW.
1L,1•011,.11,4 141-11111. A eau mromard
V o .111 n Loin .11 • 0011, a th, nlnii, Ige
Fi art C... 1. 1 . 1. y .1. Tn.. . 1 .1“ori r ro . en
WOO4I 111,L, ri - ghar .rm••lng hnr Pio
etrviii iihog .1 -4 AAI . 41 hail p 441 innir
4,0„ oit I ' -
oir her cm I. Ilse co
A moonlight %,. w yr Ihn ,
I) irTsut; Rii 41, lit /HER 26. 1640. —Win are now
reotryt or noviiroi hole. firs rate 1646 Waster.
NOW York and Alusaelonsous Ynolo and AN
Biway• receiving rogulor supplies. We we prepared
/ ai lowesi rates. Office, Put street, Allegliedy
I/Vel yet.% QW.O. 5%' SAT IT/I & Co.,
(101.FALAN, NAILMAN k Co., liavet roMOcod loth.
Viarchou.o, 3 doors wow the AI
°.° o lMitelo
'loam on. tl. rum and From stromi.
FOIL RENT—TIse No. 43 Woot it.
ottlP Pew copy,
inTOTot prima KG&
novt & ROE
imam Lawnwooltr
Wut c 1..
tier & C 0..) .
, VrANUFAC/Igi RS, so", `P hc• 1 u X fire proof oafs,
1 .1.1.1. uhrth side. armed mreit, between Wood runt
Smithfield Pirrobureh I .5 !Wetter hinikW dt'"ew'd
I and the surviving pauner Mr. Jot ! hartug
11111.0 lilted illianalf wt. Mr. We, C Barr, the business
wt.ll hereon., be condi:must antler tie styles of LosPen
colt A Barr
Trial eta rote In Pineinnort. o—We the undersign.
ed r w"rhPretwet it the tetnine 0 our of I hi Strickler lc
C.o'slmroved l'hgrsitx fire proof .itfe.t. The safe wt..
pinned tits furnamt •n we public Imititeg, are/ tit Inedi'd
to the intense heal of a stone coal fire for more than
three hour. in one hour and o heir the sale an
. I
n Might red hest the door of the furl., wad then
closed. which eaused an Increased and steady heat for 1
the balance of the time. nnul too NM iron wheels woe
partially melted orj the furnace war then thrown down
and the safe cooled and opened. The money. papers
and bimkg which it emumned were a. perfect es when
placed there, the binding .ntv erf the /mega being in
jured try the water In cooling the mfr. We 11., ~,
hesitant:tit to recommending it la the public ao n sore
superior to any we have ever seen totted, and lintieve
than will stand tiny heat andel, might he produced,
Inept a heat whlch would melt II to a solid mane
Springer & IVhainan, I. Worthington. Rellohn & 1
Krone, fleas Linter, %V G P Stereo. Morns Smith. T
S Dung au do Co. Stedman, Mayard & Co, Wet Piano'. I
Mead & Wont.,
th, udersigned,
selected the ytin spoken of
44 ,,, from a n ot in the store of Trisha. L. Aniiery. the
:4 J KIILf.O
Refer In rook A Ilurr“, Brokers, l'lttshurgh, G
11u..ey lianas Co. an do , ielallrwlyS
10107 WI
mA M : PAC ruriErts of Hammered and Cast , teel
Shoveleand S,mden. Axes and Hatchets, Alin, ae I
Cut, Circular am! ton 00wi.11ny nod :Manure Fork,.
Hoes. Mattock., Picks, A.e., havingcompleted a:. their
arrangements its the row/1,1,nm of new Marhinery,
and in securing the best wortmen from the roost e..e.
Grate destahltahmetosoilbe East are now taaunfartnr
ing and will keep constantly on hand and for tale all
the arucles. Gav i n [ availed theiti,elves ti, Ine
Ixtealonar..vem,o , o, n d are determmed that In work.
ntanAip and tome wtll not he excelled 'racy
promo.. to preklurs. itme , e, equal. if 001 Np.,11,
any that Colt be had to the En. They invite ahn nylon
tson of dealers :0 3 r ant ota Ivan aftlintr stock beiore. el., wh, re. 'hey are ,vowed that . .iwy
wr:lhe Ihie to fill all order. ~ t , ir e line to the entire
satlsfaeho o n or pan :rase.. Warehouse. waters trnet, I
4 doo
Llrs We.a Mnongahela House. Pittsburgh. Pa.
—Pr.•ons tt, tit g 111.411 , ., won IVA, I.lppen
an A. San please cal. on Lippincott L. co
... . _..., _. _ _
J.1.111;-1 P
Pitt•bargh ar IV
a'tare Ware WixiDWP:.l.l..
'5, T:. arrtarr
EZIF A large mid splendid assortment of Fii rnt
tore. suitable for 8...M0m, Hotel. and Irr,
va, dwehoga. , Ottslant:y ou band and
mule to order.
The pre.enl %lock oil hand cannot be eseendod by
ary mann . netnr i, the •,....0., roviO.ry P• r•o'll
wishing to porebase would 4., well to glee too a all.
.1 ant determinnd My Pr.' , snall prune. Pa.
the stock cons“ts 1n—
.50 sofas with Plush and Flair-cloth rove ilk ,.
2 dor Mahogany Nurse Chaim;
14 pair Divan, ...--
19 dor Me mahogany Ohms;
IS mahogany Work Stands.
3 dna namogany Itocki.ig Chairs;
1.5 mart, top Dressing Horn.,
psi, tPloinnas:
a arble top Work Stood..
14 cherry Work Stands, .
At.hoffauy. Maple. Cherry. and Poplar I.s.l.denan of
all de , nptions. and a large as-orOnent of COMITIOr
furniture am [ - hal.. tm Mitteroto. to TrientiOr.
LADD'S Al< k(A ITI FIN - •p: n A.; kIv9T
o 1
Crn y Da g t aarrlanGran ar y.
inrr ' :
Irr• arc arraurra war a, L • "
I fir, rirrria rrrer I n•rrr. •rs• •rr..l,ar r.
..• arr lIIA ~,,, tr.. rr.rtron. •
arri:r arrarrur. to NIT ram,
jn •
• / I
. .....,.. c .„,..., ~..
DELL1 ., ......A. A Cc ...... A 1.,...
DELL AND BRASS pot-Notts. be vr. , .... r.....enl to ..... 1.... E. , 1.E.E......1,
E....n. 1 .r.‘,,,
t tturt.,lrt4.tattt. .11.1 I
1.1 I •11 ixouttO, t
• ers %at
A F. L• pr.
Ilk matblurn r s k
cAn br had 01 hien ro
_,.,......, u1 ..,.,t patterns, which they 01
Ploughs, Plough Cos•tinga, Wftgon .— ' ter :.. :... pr. , . • 1... a ‘01../.....11.‘ and re:aft, acrd
tioxes, dr.c.
r H 1.,,, IV 1 , 51.."..H...1.
• . ....
, R , o " ‘ l ' H iC . i.,74-Ai1,1...., :::,,,‘,:',7,.,td eAItP E TI NO, 011. CLOTHS. ate.
turn.r ..trze qua all 1,.• 4 1 " ''
' '. I \ r ' " IS ' '' A kP ET 8r 0 R E . ,
~,, p.,,,,,.,. -~.g• Wag- r., art + 1
~0.,,, %r ,
.br h „,, , ,,, „„. ,
th.., ~ r,„ iIN 1-: ol 11, laresu and Hie loom , toice stock of
cARI , ErIN,, .., :,••• tont klt.. enti , scing au ths.
Peacock. Minot.. und oth., 1'1n0411,,, 01 the la , ..•111.1.1 ‘''
il•II:l. tol :1...0, tne 1110, appeove.l lanatoctorms,
hen pattern. pow In st.v.
Warehou,c, lOU I.tberty *tree!, rtti.i.ursb. opposste ''”' I'o. ''" """d '''''''"i'" ' ' labor "" **-
toe Ilsy Sval.., Factor). ir Al I, ray pear the "':. •
)'alma Psctor, of 1f.,...r. Illack.tori 13c. S. Co
Lie A •tt R 12
Nashville. Tenn Nov 9
I)ROI . OSALs A . lll reerivod 111.• thr
1 gifila 1./member neat for I•ra4t421“011 and Alt,
euttry ut lorry nit , .ad, v./
10 art, tulle, Itmrt,
Durk tact, In 11911,111 Teette,tre rm.! tett
Mlles on the North I%est tfitle.,l refters., river 1.,
leek/son emMty, Alabama.
Profiles and plum+ ma, be Al Ofrier. elm
the int/Allecetubrr
Uy ortles . 11(111r 11n3r
r;AIINE - 17 Uhi.t Pagtneer
N 13.—Tverikr, five mbes 0rr.1.11.01,11111111 9 Ine Ttt
net, and am m.les beavy snoult/lini work., are Under
fOII,FICI. SC Veil Intodn, int.orcr l zut ssantral inc
or qtemllty. dr nverenl. In ord., nt any Elton by ,,
:t. do,' /lobe, ni nut hart livoy Wr 1,101
Nit t Ma, it tll.. 111,1.11.,it• 41,0
,rgr 0.1 the, nrrlnr 1.. r
•hippril lo ~,, 0„,
shar be nor 1,11 t"ryttbnt rilrn chorgn
GI b: \ A t..t
~„ K,. ..W
FITNRI•MiII w[•{',ta. w(lfthm
AND 1,X1.1.: FAL7t.III
• -
A NUFACI . I . ita:ll,, n prlng ad anat., •wej,
1 , 1 aiouah roe, atrel 11100,0,
.nlialetru ,rt,” th. a:r.
'cable r &atm,. fire lanays aft rraar_b tr.nm, ara
Ken.- v come, a , It-aa and Prow at•
',fn.,11 . 1.17,,
17111 .117 .11,17!
o E 4l7 Ralir• & JEN KINN,
HILUV,IS/ON .111.11“:11.\
.No C..x.xx.
c'ourrh J
,n Art I.nunhhn.
John 1J!
I)ll.iNkrrs. 111.4 'Clsl-1,1 hre rrs an.l
410114er. mrunllng
C 1... oar,
parttse. •on. antl .1
Ihr 41, f 00,14 Wm.. of St. St ND ItYlll
h. corn, r 4111.1.
% 1 11.iii's ibnlnhrturrr Iltnavy
rshirting.,Uhaqin, ar, •tr,et, ns ol
Allegheny. 110115 41)•
_ _114,-52).70d! Cm,I r
ANANIIFACTLiIi hl,l w iigilcr fugutaistd et %hart
4,lta. gqtise, prrth tho has. of the boat ht...
kitg , Cotton cal Husk IHnitkagggis mho ~,
buk , rntshitMfor u,iserg - low price by It HERS kV; "
y Warehabso, Si Water el
~~ r
IL FC.11.0 V AL.
1 H
r. I r A Fnintell frmq arkel
a ten Wry, Are .now eie,edg thed
t Fall
elLe .r I Vard, exel., vettieh
- krytdi,
I , u rdntery t Velvts;
r wended IThernde
:Nee. AIN: Stee.l Trunite N
I. Sik \'..1 , ,L1L. and dy
ll; 10
L., I .rt/tere. Mitts, ti love.. Ind )10.,e
.‘derell,rta. Drawer,, Dreepug Gown.,
,•. • .1
\ Vero, arrEl 1 . 0110/I Yam
rir,r. Dr,
Tape cr . . etv, Cur,t,n,
: , Id l er 14 palletni4 adapted to
t v:. • ti
for erlll, room.. vintrles. ve•o•
+?.llw MRI , IIPC . , tutr Hal.. ‘Vinuew Sbad,s and
couo. ,sod Woo,sr.s train one third to three
yols - Dos, Mot. tts - Arr ,to the attrd
ss .' ••••• ts•rr. st wino.. air add retell In rds•root-.
Itti y semen: \ •trroons. one slourtrons }Noon st
tro,,„s. ent ill! gredrtment et
gretit os
ard :sons! tot ss-la!
511 II noon., rundiurn ntspr
o; d,rs d. Jet self, adapted
rdwr. kyr. WA, /5 r •ITI -1 /.. 4 . so tend
n• •nro, pitons, :sod Isrordorai .ntnr
n. so ,- 5 are , vo, nnorrior A • Ulf ,C dude
usses ~,ssn Imposter, ory be Id at tan
",`" s
C. ph..., Its
e R oom ., u p
r. n • /1 I nstvalsen ..0 rnt oda .
)t ., 1 ,
r m i rr y sl
„,,,a 4..1 , 1 , sox*
1' !11. 1. Itli" 11114 110.1 and Alisnra,
- otorrd and I 1 - • did do a
l rravu s ' als Isl. .5. s4urrsi,
.s !rad' ardissa
In .
••••• • n. logrmor
ln dr ...sot p i nt oat, dry.. dood •• as .•1 scot,/ mill
isr.ol.. WO/ tar pss-cr
A ,' 1.1 . 11 ' .5 15 :111 - rli t t* trnsid dt
))dlitl tti.s .)I Crtti;tllVlTß
AL I ours' 1 ,0,1,4 ,se• r.
p. 11'4 nor,' T,1 , 1
• 64 rsrls dart, " "
I The discord am o , Aup, r ~" lir of 14,.
um, ..... ls .t.Log,
rout, r
ARCS): lryw ,r.on, • _pied
nods - 51. ,kEistrsl"/ IT!. \
, • vortrty
Drab Frolics!) Mom
itcal let, caturv. an,
) l agattne L dr do,
Ala, PARA' vrrA!
will, titans outs, d.. 1
al, of Ivhlrl, velll.r .
net vidth and Marko,
1.4 Johnum. 46 Mftrke.
tux. aoldenlnn4 And alma,
ca m b ertldkiyalllinen
dink cbery verietyof
claw la rUs, l4 3l, ik ll l . qkfl
dcred anti colore4poraf
• — Es ' u lr pis l'OrpOnOne,tl
d....tuatrptatvell an 4 for
4 iscupolvaran
C il i' STli ". e. "‘C lfrin,7 l Nrl3ra ' rett n y l reno l. r . if t
relent, on be tod
17,..ficd,i1.217,'F;tTaC'ttc"dtillett a.rftirh. tier Ttl'itraw"el/
knovrit . inurgt •••corrtrtie thattbe present season I
wo. ownnehtslted for go low prices of Dry Goods, •••tl
/./for11• 14• ell/RI pleasure inr 11/./nT Sh!r to state Wu
nw/str to .r =reel facilities fet that purpose. loneof
/he Cu. rr./.1‘11,1r la Philp/le/014y we have twee eau
//../11// pure/1140 pn,erit" Steele lir ronsiderable
motto-one town the retool ntarkei vacs dr...p the)"
grr, u///1 /are ther,ltre enabled to a: rorrespcm. I
diewl) /osa - er /hot /he Tiitee• Wo arottld there•
!ter nor, oh cash buyers IT glholresat or retail: to
a;trr as LI ca.., azal itay uor thou welt/iy to the boot 414.
'Tbd Lathes thoold soul errourllr our f u ' u k 61.
Prints, lloorhazus de La 11 1 ,,, esshmeres. Alpacas,.
Alennes. Bennlwrzlnen. and.varroas o th er .
stylw of fasnloulthie D7.4604%14, of winch vre have n.
Vary fine asonrltuani Including every delreTilnlOLl
..410•C of
rondo in the market.
we would recommend out etockormurldi I , rench Cloths
and itorrllsh. Frenen orth-funerien/senewtharas.
OCR STOCK OF SHAWLS is very lar;w., umbra
el us althon every variety nf end tenthly,
SsTrINFITS—Of winch wolese an excellent
sorthseru, nod of all quail nes.
NN r—Red, satlite tridlellonn flannels of edl
uld tuns end once*.
TICKING: , AND CI fIICKS. supeithr
of 'Melting, 01,11 grades, and Skirting( Cheekaia great
elne almost every de...ern-mon *NIe above goOds, In.
clad., Sheetnaps us all width..
ALSO— A line •tock Sittlit'Vesllnine; Silk aital Ooles
tan Vedvests. both ;limn aud fiolresis Seatanky !cants
, Linsey., 1..1 and ,fancy figured elnaktaas 'and
nnk I.dungs,l4eaclied sdni anhtestehed Table Pupa;
lsorn burn and ...Sou. lornrlted , and unbioaebesi Table , cnna. Idcaelted .d unlnearbed Canton
cord dn .10, liontusts nod tionnatitbbortalldk and uolkl
.ilk cravats. Ladie• Scarrs arld seraststa, Glove. aadarl
liusiery of edikulds, Suspentleta, Irish Lineal., Unao
awns. Linen Mkt*. Slik dn. Idk !dare Vella. [tare do
and Mak., Ihi I . luitthett t ElLehri. and Scotcu phlter.
crud, plan, s , riped and burred faio;Oa, d Cam-
Isrle and Stsviss Vlrtortll.l.,assent,lirees. Saxe
get., he.
a dereldsnts limn., the rill purposeallaying
in their •Lortrlte.t. should not Call to "lye lta n null,
iheY wands.' our gouda anti price., Ala ua cannot Call
to su Odds awls°. AM.:NA:NT/FM h. DAY,
rep*? 73 market EIS N W ogral.ltestoond
The Weer GeLdeak Bee live I , ireAst.
Neu, ttlthd, r TV/riser_ Dry
seenved and now/ npentilg, Ilia alga al akatj Dm Her on elnrket.rteet, bestareenTlard and
Four. etecelti. on.. or Inn larg , sl., elle/Spell% ard bents
asansvd storks cd' Pall and Wilde, Thy Goods 'ret
, far. in l'inatu rah, to whir!, the artetnacoa ad Burrnu
ruu rust/naafis und the pulsitc Irene rm.*, is re*Pen‘
till I y tn vned, as the subscriber facongdent That an ehl
offer such harass.. 111 Dry (Seasda tsa•nonnol be tar
pawed by any Other houae thorny
A• concl. hare lasen parish:od al mit, fa,
belosylnota of any, they w4l pep told a
grea,) rsalut.esl rates.
A tunny this !area aml spleteliA , ltnek will be
any enotee and dentrabla goceis at el.tehthte,T
I.A DI 14S' DR M. 3 , GOODS.
Very neb and most fattoonabledreas plaid trail
striped Nark sand, striped and Maid silks . : ph,haniaek
very trlestsy yro Shrimp plata blank nektjuaire, Ina
snttg, silk tar vtzenys, =null. and capea at ry loot
pr.ce, netv•st de, and latest' ittylmt mere.;
plane 'sad .one strlp•al enahreere; eery cheap; 'French
ulcraw rolor, lames. wain and fifered hisd
s,,ped zrt. ai rrduerioll an Yorthei pneolr; talc, Cal.
/forma and cashmere Manta; mohair
l d.a. , tolaJlElc4. a,paCea• yaalitlea an eolora.,l
(oon I'll In Id ,enl• per yard .
Plat= ri,luner+. lecirrie and brOche
r, nor /LA:Lot .. mem or sap,
•,r •..., and r,1•41/perehawl•
orthaart rates.
o/ Jlermra, Paah.
l• norl rrry'rllta
•enaon Lbama,ll.
. , a or I .lllch We Matta
Aj, Njo..R & 1)&1, moiket
tr tt: th.otoini
. _
, nenille Hugo;
Toftrd Jo
Woo. . do
lirogoolo do
iiwii7", - ;
.„----- 3,
, n „
Patent Chrulaztai Geshozos,Baderiihr4 .3".iiatl,:?"`
Tamtated Pao* Miami 01010461411ra -
trf H r
it =d 4 = B BIWOSIF M egall44Bl fled
181"4 4- e'
tV4".?t,r,tl"lttralleCUTJAPArt= -- -
ore. I* '''' ; '
1 4 %PaliWog2gk v 24 th . L ei,t -
=I: We. aakpgi't edents. . 411 - ," „,„. ... n. ~,ppanuarienbo4yertror ,<:*.
by aunt cd she most nomanzlalt 1.,,1ALW 4 S' '•.:
try end in.trope to whom the ethi1...,... w
h alstreoneern okhdro hacempuecimic
tb0818," t.rtuttiYhillll m.4eVaPie 41 3 *.y.ildtive ' 1
been euren) Ineum of \hum:soot vsuonadsupparaton 4-'
if amen collso pasaatnensanos arldAti ~...! ,- .'2
spulg, bpi Lek conk:v(o_oy Riff Othe.f, , 0 '
Along rations nOsers, It liar bano " 'o af — ~• ..!'
anantradaaassifortheesro sitlito stakties a '..
n.- ' . ''' VV9. 4 "-tdelso And ottet *lmam 11 - abi.: '_ 3
41 fekerth apparinin et.. taithudi. t 4 ',....'-
convey this singoalla Said Mt* eastind suKorto es_
0 7 0 . on reli." , .Btkia• or cutr orbw4.3.WoAt et tg . * ' ~.‘.4..
restore heasine o-ui, lonlddadrd.mrlo;Z: .,:?,"
anzsesepneotaland 4 to slro avarialtagatttOOF slot' .' " , 4 ;
ddr.l74lllTegfithr4 6 '%,• •+
Vtut;dnagiepdniur=ll4,pa... ;...,i
.._.,„..,.. td. ,59........ t e .._
• - 1 1 0 . 4 •40 Fnoun&zzootanuaitAWAlA "
IRrAotuk, '-
R . ,,Z wlth A lomur+64l,nu.Ybln,:;•,.,-,-,.
emotes eat th ev ° irrehrtidaitseil..`' 7 ', k '" . .....1," ..,,
cafstfeTts; cUrZtiol4t t n=2,_ " l9dlS -46 ..,, , 3:0
MR re , apostang air tannin* Ofaansistdonaaainvel ••••••
ell be Nut csal.qcd i0,0.3./44.4.th1a,
Ina t3lO in. lambi expels - sly roc thesepti . ,artor.;lB,P,
dant - ponnts•notV•das nedniona. , , •• ,44 .4 , 4.: , ns..
4 ,ff . 112,4434
..,_2l WILL • Vinerat‘. nab1a0,34.,",
) , , 28)4W -11.1.181 CAL APlliTgoliniA . rirl'in'i• I .'
, rielt‘lrPtlitrativ= lirt ^so- . .1.
I ' Tow/ if atrag.wearo at woadtinseg , ~ - soliilT% ,
I eko/04,9i=1V,. %1 =Py l ttat a r...• '....
, !.. •' . , %1
-....ik,k.reheyrwmily-....b5p., veaA-tr •, , ...5.., ke 7 - ... : .„.
Ivor the belte I or tho.c rcapporc at a diaviakokfir-J,...,-14
e.”h,til i ithaidth th;.p.e, the meoefta tfre, 4-3:44'-',
purebnetn e the folloat7 de sionpuondtalgela ^ ••• 'r, i ...., . , ..;
I,Blrahe'lygg7sfiriq rltraVagArriqrtr7l,44B4--411^%.
, L , i . ot..appa,ip a l ee •woo or.anir , 41 : :, . -:,
h 177.1; `V7..;,"1" ) I:ne Instonnue - • ' itordes,%i,:'"','
errugY' t il' eri u l h is: LIZI " , yVe Vei l ••
the leitant4:l4:miaa, leaviiegthre • o .
siker, '
%stVt' 4 . - gr: ,, t4rtgfdrdm a s At• - f - ;',7, - ,
p:: — "r i-- r - ur o' aar 7,034 "ti.' ''''-,
.',' , Vr,.71,1m1„..yz; 7 , 7:4,1 ch i t ' AgZ l iva ".;' - ....::
iawellahtleglatodtora, f e k to rinstruramil.....:l l 4..r
,rut reertved, 3 simply of the above prt ...
4ase and friotruellon Beek, glett. . •-' oc .1% •
------Itaaft ..,,, ,
,• s . VOW PURIPMCITII.+EB, i.. {.,
~ ~,,,,,, arotcamnsentd TY. 1744 f , - 1' ,
•f 9. ‘.l • h glow to:Wpm:on, 7C, jet,' -,.
ie.", 3 vetted n`pmome an hoer th h Ai& li. 3
4 _ filterfug book. shoera nd*rge '", 'r
" int enhaftnees, wor•lke
,i'mo t ,,, ne;,,,ofnv,th all hydranfißni—
gllte'Reversilsterdp•kon• tit onatend,thg!ita . and all "i ...":
tarno .ended with the inconvenience Me...11V ?In-; ?. '•“ L , l
slltessisdneit la cleansed vdthearbehardetagied enthM-• ...,
the on h k 188,8 4• 4.41844 o. l_l_BXt,,, B r bak.
_dl B ',/•,,, : o ' l
irout ono car to the other By 'au e cozy p.a. 3143 ~ ........--
twee. arrawases lastbangod. end all tnw1*.1. 46 8 1 or *. - ;
ZZl:4"ttggntg driven V Imig - 41 1- - , , 4
udventun °laming estop cook, and ow =AAA =I 4, •, 77 -
..asni will be very convenient SO4 economical. ,-._.
.. cri, \ ..,
It can he atinthed where there m any prekim ,1 1 `.. 2'
41 r tenors st ea* teak, tub, oho. wtth e irce. gbe hada , . ' - e, • ~,••.
°fil o% " tl J '' '''''''' ' earner orlhirrarWandWillf karel'ina' .... ' 'r."l I t .
Jeillatbrasgatiheat.i ----- ” n idatieiginfilige r .
- "--• i'' 1 1 11191 a to cenrfP•dial •Ghat olegt.,' I.;_,
Zlre"74e•L'et:";o7gkarldlrWlentaCat .t .' ,,, ' ,. !..
t -
.Dispakt., Fault, for the ci% i'' 1-, .
• Assoc l'ltV a r r na4A494ea.
1 • bar ;Valor A1(110102; 349•BroadWoY- r ' '''' 4 ,
N. T
' 1 .4
_Wabash heehawn i e . one of dm above trucks as the
..„ 4 . 4 , • ~,..
1 ,To';.:itt,:,';','(;lLY.:fitik&Gailthire7Lth:::4 - .i , ,' 4
34 , 1 we lake 1313.1130 in reemmactuditig thank. ease- • , ;•'' 1. d
•bo I article so all sebo love pun arge r i °MAO will be 1./.. •.'l,l
Mairkftilly receirod'amdloreallatlywrecoad. 1
ocitl4 . /411148G8rAelE.0044Pi fr- Ca ' .i..;;^` r'-
Fo4ropLa4n. wiNur.s ose—rse-VgiNfr ',., ;
,Bt.igrft:VMSl a 8.1.°C'7f,"4' Au.:....?f.,,:kt,:-
Vmily Pam a t• .1 without a Herci.,by War. d..- -'''' '.
Plotrken .
Pdanird Vernon: My Perwln's Story- by F. V. Clulil-'•
,- 1---
Marinillogrzlity Translauen of the Poeinam and 1.0, 4
1,310 N
(AL llTSll.7att'. Children ef the Near Vonlat. -7,,,.',.4.
The klaclave of We A Many
Old flicks tie Guide, by Webber
‘.lMay Owner; or, the Tremble Wirer by. Chas 13 nr-' ,. .c." )„.
, 7„g ! 0: ,
IV'ullierthe heights by the author of 'lane E)roitt' .1".... , .. C. --. 3
T343T3311:13411. Wildfe/1 Hay ity the mbar of olarte 3'5411. . 4 "-?'
: •a•: % ' %
L . W..'lnia l te dhi,, Patlieti Mattrated by thi Brother: ' ~,,`,- . .1' •....
Alayltear. i
, ti. 1, , ,, g
The Dtactplinc of Lite
Ir . ."'
Three Stater. end/hew Pommes; or Ros y Blimehrb 4 ^,;" 1;1 4
.14 Vtisletb. by fr. 41. Loewe. • ' ' fa 't
Thirty leers B .nec by G P. R Jamen,Eab .'d
, ,tt'el
donPRIfIKLIC TairsTrrvra4ki:47. -`,,,.,
141.1E11i Itrantonou, ender Me cons or Nir e and sire, n,,
~...,,,, ~. M.-A*3llloe the recephou of panda. w a g*
11 , ,,A
the vanie buildings lgo Ed Liberty street, on the let .... . c• , ...ei
llbuday et Sentanahen r t
t,,., .'''
whic they. will ?-- •--:-
~ ,.A. `t4 V :=7 ,,: ;.7.4=-.11,,e.46 , „,., , ~,-,,
0 UO3 Weft s for obit/mug •
• thorough Eng/tah, Ctawf. .
..1 and Ornamental educatton A full conmpor Phi- ,•"%, '• .
listephical and Chenneal-dleetorea will and livered; ' _ ... 0 .1
during the warner. illustrated by appanwns. Thy dell, ..r, lt
t.r'firia 417,11'frft"RrVatt=1 1111d 1 1.1 te 7 ttli " :; • ` r'44 l : . - 11
5e... )
thecare *re emal7.6lln Piedkwaor ' 117 eek:e sitennon - 1,
ea...v.' .4 +4lol.lpomel unpraveowavi, them co" ~..-".
oils. de Pnnemale hope to mom a cononuatlon of thill, - Va .
blows! pltrerhate ther here hitherto • enletcd. For - .';'4l
serroa‘we circular or epp/y to. the .Pruu spnis
.18. 5 -dlf
ri ,.,,r
!It'ri lL
~._• , ,,,A H- 1 •7 " ; : .
• '-'1'..1,,1
Giuravr,. wiraTxata,
.§1 I)DLE, it AkiViES*, P/lUNK.AND WHIP liltlN
l/EACTOKY.—The anbacrPoer take, Bga tee hod
Infdratidehlti Heti& and the hirlalic ' that
hi. long the latostadeeth or the (allowing 'namedrencra lmita-,
ciaga aka owaartanorcenagre tat thikeity —acidic, I ler
nen., Yakinka-uld Walks, all ofochtelt kek will warrant
to Lin made. urthet heat tauncattil and Ety,Rte heat inech
anie.g in -Alffghiby county. Ilelng.Redeuziee t t to tiefl
hi. manafittetnrregraoritigthibg lowerlhaii hadfrooa hew
metre cold by any eitaltartittablishntenn lc- the city,
an crock' tnatte pernaoa to coed of the cbcnre named
atrucica to hut waaelutawir. No. 3141.11. a op
to k Al eybruk. ut, Laud, ma to order q
for machi po. ne.
octiltagly ' G. KERBY.
•Coopoz , itploa and loalror ITV be.
JUST xacmved , pd,lor gale rat
greatly reduced pricer. Bye germ
'ne 'T P. Cooper, 6 Calthorpe
plea and Patent. Le"v"iili'atohea. ettiad
ewe. anal Catlllearelletl. moth Vhinanciatteteibal.ces.
la tram.
Thy, are now the finest, watches madsbetne Superb.
ea fa Emelt shit tecorkey In the Itt morph
aolastaorkgir am other make. .Thembin avallbgt( very
fine watch air Invited to call and case:tine Una lot.
' file,, a iteggc-akwirement orßold cud - Sliver %Yaw heg,
4111Y!:%'6'.atIkta repaired in ' the ' iancilncrin I
'IV. W. 1VEL140,47
A NI:IIOAPSt XeISOPHLINI4.ME.IIDILekktII.I.I X eitophon'e Memorabilia o( Socrates iamb Eng
nth rintra, erhierki and,arplamnory, the prolegomena
of litatuat,,Weggeep 1.1. - of Socralea, aun by ebtuthe
Autbot;i e I. ri, Protawß of the Oreek mulLauu I an.
lu e a _fp In Co .. ltrila pa . Teo Ne
nfom ew ,Load a tetor of
Bookaalbenbeeirld and Market sts
PLII &a -11 oo has o
rehonl in Ls lc;h rc .,j .. Puled . a Night
room, corner of Ilh arta . erry ow .
entrance on Poitrth. where he will he happy ro donor ,
untruceiort In the armed bending, Penmanship, Artgc
ot ohoriksolt Keepug, iaeticrirm
'Ellithf HOATCLOCKP-- treving ermeltul e d to sell
0 a/Imm enure mock o(Kirkehl thwino Thnepicem,
we cementer to mil IMlllot lower pneesth. they ran
upught Amuse in Pitteburga or elsewhere.
ea.t or %omit. hieing the only , 14•612.hed li;entsi here
for th ese c l ock!, we have the largest an
finest mean
mem in the City. Call and roe
Remember. Inn are nor td he onderoold4
//LAKESI, Maryssmelt
cell° entrance on north side nit), Diamond
Eicifsg; Ca[akisirgt.i:iirkes Qms.4
I NI cb, Ro und ,
son odor /or age i'lsktorns, Floor imil:e/F,4h,
orthe moot .mproved Gua.
to o Stoves. Mr wood
and roar; Egg broods at votlom Ulm; Part., and
connoo.tirates, Whir., gr. ge, / They gm
Minh/home the kitchen Emig, which hx.SlVel t mach
atturrot stgittraersou to loose' havhg dringgs. to at/ of
which they would rev-coolly write the the eihrena and the public generally. lion of
watalkai, 7 Anonsdry, -Ate:
r 1111 c 0..., Ma/ma 433 Foomo [tune, Prrmeerse
.coscp her has returned fro m UM ?Ist, ur/ I.
J. how opening • huge nod carefully se eer e c
m good. ie his fine Grnidnll for parr Ildc f I pogo/t
-am. le hopes to Mellt a mug/nuance thereef, by Mb
argot, an baroness. and keeper's. the Am ',sore:tem,
and at the wort reeriousble prsees. ',Priem:ls, custom
ers, snit pLUb.., gC...nj9411.4..11410,01arri,,.
, trine th e egv how a L tristance, ate hivited to call and
,ssembe tor .tgge stock of goals.
k, ' ONDI,IiFtI. A 11/11 VAL.—Da/ Tvw.aus a riAlg
~. •01. bottles 'or 1161 i 'great (all and
t. ter medicine, teat renetved and fot'attte by R. K
g eaunto ar Age
barb ent for Pluab
ticle eanttusgh, re *rhino the
'd u
g ''. PM FIASTIO CLOTHING-a:lb dor Ouzo meow
kj Overcoat:lK Jackets; 0 Oct pore Peet; 6do
Fdo Lotdottot °I . 4 dtattc,oaa at otla, ID doatorro flat.,
tio Capra, tvAtlt ao4 arttbOot aleeoeto. Jam ',retard //y
:1 hod-for oda wholerale and m 1.41,41.1, E.,-
ern prices We irilth it la be UndorstoOd that pu rtina
et are We
from brat hand. , that bny.a,4 the Indus
Rubber Depot, ha b Wood street. I ...;o' b
_ .
. ANL IA VA LID'S.-- Or fliontog/n. 'Common
SGII..C" .1 11 , altla, Physaral Lducatiao„Nad Human
Voice, or based upon the tnerbaniebi ttilloacchy of
moo'. ray •ieal eon/a/tenon. belrtrthe glibrilmte or, btr
teeter., ett / In* above nebieent re teZdelivered In
Ji:• , i!) /For aa.ta to
u, i7u
1. I trit,tiOnt!VS,
, AkOtIO ASSI to‘ bt
4 I'EILSIJ.X.s.44II4 4 mina capital, Cud Settlaslnted
iti,ll. watt Lb/ 61 / 1 41tesa, 10 1440 ast Interest in iron
nyti:l4 t.444,tlftALlELdreTra.l4,,,,:, 11,bannut.
C LUWETSLlC4.l— ilaroldskanrn re
LentrltltneUsTer three,' vlendut Aiandttlatby
Itat, at" mime bantatiatt nolont and ihadinf; and ley one'
funtudnnly parlor* would doilvail at,aainnintny 011 r
stock, ea we are wiling very loos,
noWla a.. %V IiAILINTOCR, 73- Fontti rt
ZIPADEIa. 'it HOY, tke.--.so4titEritidan and kikso
d? =at U do /I::snft tin,Alfsklel n t
!know*, Vows, fee., for vale at '
Ill ynteett,
by north sGELk
RI 4.6 STINCkI ,
" 1ntk0.,141