~ :vf_.; 3 Li .. ESTABLIS TIP, BUSINESS CARDS 141 . ' tantalum; alai t'or. " . A v.. ` . ' ' Ve N rchwtts, hasa L' returned to then old stand, 111.141 and Frew assets, Putaimtlh. octet .--.: Zaccomaium kaava, area. immts. .t • g l i r iANN ik. JR.ErrER, IVlolatale and Retail Drug . garner of Liberty and St. Clair Warts, Pou. Pa. mayla CIILII.IIMO4, Y. IL wwwx. BO If CULBERTSON, 'Wholesale firmer', a- d COlll/01.1011 Merchant., No. 1415, Libert y az.., iti WN an deaf bursh. Pl. y 13, ___ _____ A. FAHNESTOCK & Co., Wholesale and La. tall Dragging, co met Wood and Ctli at. ly - LI)....Z.IAtET & SMITH, Wholesale Wooers i and ga is Wood street Pillaborgb. A. kIeANULTY & Co., Forwardingand Egan' Iniadon Merchants, Casual Basin, Pittsburg)) Pa. mat! WALT. RUM TiltlaWrr• VVALT & GERHART, Wholesale Wooers, &al. era IA k , rake° and Plustough Manufactures, tor' ottlberty and HarultabL'iradtargh, l's l e hi r- 3. sarattu, raants r. gasurrrr. LIN GLISII e. BENNETT, Bats English, Gallagher Es 4 , Co.) Wholesale Grocers, Commll..on n d For wiugliagidercharna, nod dealers in Prolure and Pitts. ~ertih Manufactures, No. 37 Wood at, between -d and ~ streets IL /11131 u, OWL =Mr, LOW ir-ouJi. lfiLltIND, RILEY b. Co, Wholesale Grocer,' and COXin Marehants, and Agents for Briphion Aon Yams, Nos. 7 Weer, and 1W FM./ , , lAtnrh, P. (Nan gIALLAGHER, LONG & MILLER, Bell and Srlois Ftnenden &lid (ins Fitter', Prom, becsrcet, ad and Smithfield streets, Pinsbargh, Pa mr Highest ptioe given for old Copper and Ern.. . . E‘,..:;i*:....pIEOREFF;COCIIRA..N. Commis:don and Forward 1.4 Ur' Morolaat, No. IN Wood stieet PittolOtrgh: my l; wit. MIA Bahiaon". • ' 4. I. =CUM, ICIMMUD ff.ca i ni l a d a „ ' D. C. IeCIJIIIION, JOHN •. Sr AVM", ... BALD a BLICKNOII, TObsec." Comommon Moo . )3. Chant*, 41 North Waxer st. k. 16 North Wharf e 4, . • hilt. n0v304 ..-. H . IDARV BRUNOT, White am! Red Lead Mann &ewer, Paint and Oil Merchant, corner or Lib. MIT and O'illain sta., Piusbareh. jrie }Accra erreagni, IL JO. W. DUNCAN. IVORBYTII & DUNCAN, Forwarding and Commas- Jr don Merchants, No 37 Finn meet, Pluabergh. oct3 SI DIR.ET, aver PDiCKET b. Co_ 'Mole x :sin Grocer' ica ?derchants, and dealers In Produce set aka, and la 7 Prom streets. Pittsburgh. now; J — -- OHN H. RANKIN, Anowley and Counsellor at Law and Commissioner for the State of Pemtsyly time St. Lauda, Mo., (late of Pirtsboligh.) Sluarannans.—Putstiorgh: !lon W Forward. Hump lou tr. Hiller, Wen/Aiello h APC7urn, John P. Para°, & Semple, Pd'Cord & King. witty lIN SCOTT tr. Co., Wholesale Grocers, Forward ing and Cormaimion Itlerehams, bearers in Pro. and Phu:burgh Miumfacutrea, No, 7 Comroorrial It Bov, Libarry wool, POW the Can, Pittsburgh, P. y ttl y 18.11. ED 8 MeGRIRE, Hate of the firm of Mae. and MeGatte,) hiertchatit Tailor; St. Charles buddings, street. near Wood, Pitch. ;h. --- • - TA/1P.21 IIUTCHISON,A. Oa—Soccer-tore to 111 LaarioJason a Co, thanm.hodon alerchtudr. god Agents of the St. Lotus Steam Sugar Itelicery 12 "roar end 92 front Meat, Phrsburg h. ;col 11. MN S. DlLWORTH—Wholesale ()meet, Pro duce mod romiaaion Merchant, Na . 27, Wood at_, thiburcit. m Ant iOHIV D. MORGAN, Wholesale Druggist and dem er in Dye Studs, PamtaAnla, V.SIIiSh., ke... NO. in ood street, om 3 door Smith of Diamond Alloy, Pius{ burgh. janl FLUID EZERS, Jr, & Co.,lmeeessor o Joseph (.3.' 9 Dthvik,t/Ship Chandlers, 30 Water zoom_ er.3l __ .. ;JOHN IL MELLOR, Wholesale and Retail dealer in &Maio and Slasined lostraMenkltr.SennOl Soon., aper, Slate., Steel Pena, QuallL Pruners' Cards, and Stationary generally, No. 81 Wood at, Pittsburgh. _Er_______bouirht or taken in trade. wipls JSCHOONALIKE.' R k. Co., Wholesale Drumm; ... No. SI Wood street, Piukbur, .. T OUN D. DAVIS, Auctioneer,, coroe:rOtta aLl Wool f moos. Pinslosipt. oeci JOtiNSTON & STOCKTON Booksellers, Prune, U and Paper ShouSactutero, No. 44 Market st., NOs bo h. JOHN OW CR , Wholesale Groner, dealer in Pro door robibrugh Manntottures, se. 4, Yla,es, e. t0. L 1ti0. , 24/ liberty et a Pirtsburth. boat sows 11/011b, tldaaap 1,01,4 FLOYD, flue I. Floyd it C 0.,) Wholesale e - Groestra, NoL94. Liberty arm. .14 _ . Ch7S DALZELL, Wholesale °roster, Cenuniesion Merchant, and dealer in Produce and Pittsburgh clams N0.:44 Water st, Frtutburgls. Auld tg/FJ4 Forwarding and Coati - Ramon Me . , ehaata,,Dealers in Produce indPivaborgb alum ared arnalea, Canal Baran, s ear 7th rt. dui _ Ves!orriattleota Works. DZ I L Erb Bailer Iron sad N a' X r e a f a the a eptAley. Wareaw, 64 water at 4106 tinut ~1,1149 0 WATERMAN . , %Iftto!evala Greer r , ore sad , P .a i e .. el- 1446'2anefac on illa' e a ce, No. al a t%aler and de Prom at- ef7 =MAT JUAN 1111111,11 X. k gMBERT & DIMON, Wholeealet Graters, For warding and Cormaissieue hlerchanta, dealer. in one and PruaburT,), Maufactures, Nos. 13 and 125 Woo( st„ Pinshargh. &ea MURPHY, WILSON & CO, (late Atones, Melhy & Co.) Wholesale Dealers its Or) , Goods, nan W . nod stmt.; Putsisurgh. stwrY2 . ". la URPRY.k. LEE, Wont Derilecs' .i.,3 co.i.t.iiiii 1.1.1. tderehantt, Gd the sale of Muerte. Wooden - Mande, Liberty Meet, opponte Filth. nor.S i y Xi EMCLlcaltifinirss'a co, Cenatmasion Mer- J,III chants, Philadelphia, for the sale Is produce ge, eclat . Liberal advances made on cono,gtunents. N 4 a../15:GILL. warm c. eGILL h ROE, Wnolcsale Grocers Ind Connow lc eau Alcrehanu, co. 11.4 Ltheny al., Pinabono /11413 3 *LEY. ITIYICY., WE. 1. snanna. ALLOY O. Co., COYSLYWOU and Forwrottnag Metatwat; Pintos and From 00., between kod.d Market sta.And - - --- - --- . ix_ 1 k RICKETSON Wboirlitlc Timmer. Ind tratazdasion Merchants, No. 170, Liberty..n, Pano ra. amid - 0LM1 73 a. NON. No. 53 Market .t., sc cued `door from earner of Fourth, dram in Foreign 'lad Dmeatir MU of Exchange, Cersificsuesof Dep..- it, Baia Notes sod Sped. • Mr Collaetions mad on all the principal cities hostil.ra ustes. der I; cupa ittlKiffb,: Wholesale Grocer, Reettfylng 14, Distiller dealer in Produce, Pittsburgh klauttfac- Hutes,„tand all klnds of Foreign and Domestic Wines and L e a 110. /1 Libertr d scree. , itto . t t s . lszy trEh • Willba o so f rd ' rar i 7gr o cuh. m 44 aplCuly A/ CASJULDr..I.4I.EGH, Jr. ltoportes and Dealer In FOSeljga and Donrestie Saddlery Hardware and , tap 11Wftmings, of ail desenpuona, No. LIJ Wood sh, - Piusbrugh. lit/CHARD DADA Whniestilo nod Retail Dealer ut JLIO Lowther, Morocco, ilkusentake.”' Toom and Find. Tannera . ..and Cutlers' 'Fools, and Tanners' Oil, N 4 _ IDI Wood at, Pittsburgh. seplo 1110111132-111111114014 at M. tt luntl..V.l. RUUINSON & Co., Mrholesale Grocers, Produce Cosualereen blerrkauta and letteierti ui Pius ilanotaetares, No. 1 Liberty at., Pitudaggh. foulu Pa. 110111410 1.1 VYLL & co, 1 , 11,o:reel, tiro-or., Ooretadielorrsoil Forereidetity Merchant., dealers PlOilaee and Piusbetrob blarinfaciares, Liberty et. •"-- n& Pa. !clog 0.14.116 - en ! A. CUNNINGHAM, Who cattle Grocer, /MAIM Produce sod litaborgh blotto/OE-soros, 10.144 libert y et. t. • bidYNOLISS &MEE, Forsraohng asu/ Cerolssion „NW Marcharus, for the Allegheny giver Trode, deal- Itt Groceries, Produce, Pittsborgh Monometures . had fadoride of Lime. . 'rbebighest ia cash, paid as all tomes for coon . g Go. Corner of Pena and Imem Ms. .0 . hi;SAPIRLD- If deAta — ira 4 " goods, tgaceries, boots, Pittsburgh atomotactonal !cherry swat; hittsburgh sops .415307n* JOHNSON, Whalen!. axed Ratan Deal - e; MillktterT,lsoods, Late% Hosiery sad Fancy Amlcles,lie. Market aura, Od door above Tturd st, 442 L tuacturnj .0.. a W 21171 IQ HACKLE:TT , ' WHITE, Wholesale Deaden ihnetto and Domestic Dry Goods. No. ha Wo o d fell7ll Wool Merchant., Dew ed . . In Floorsuid Produce genartlly d Forwarding add .COallalilliollidercitents,.lio. ,an Pit.. 1,2 MTH, BAGALMIt & Co., Wholesale Clearers and 47 Pakhzee donors, N 0.920 Market .troo I, between sth Sod k Nonh aide., Philadelphia. netrl3 yrracrozon. 3001 - 7Onons, a mama, Produce and General Coro littiadOlt hietchnuts, No. 17 Liberty et., Potabarat. .•• Linseed and lam Oil. ~ '. VON BONNLIONST & Co., Whole:al: G , ro- .. and on 141 r , i - ''' 6 • in 1 1 4tel n 7re rth i n fdanuilacurres and Wastern Pro. •-••••,- 41 1aa...., km removed to tholr now warebottso,told stand) ~, ' - i .., P -''' • ..tTr of Front at. and Chancery Lane •,- • - lioss4 ZYKNESTltoteaaln Grocers and COM21:111.. , .. 100 him-barna, and dealer, in Produce. No. 24 tla, ?Waugh. • pat, - IN I K -7.7 MEiI, Agent WI Atone. whiter.. and ~_ Mewing at the sake of m. E. &n0...1 ...1 6 41 Bash'a =ra, eth et, Pntaburgh. My amp In Lae feoendiand aka at Wuhington, will attn.! r Sy t , ..tethalitsts tree of eapence to applicant. _.... hlr'' L 411710 INIVLSIAriII• 'fClCkakpw'Ciica.AND.,l2lBB, It:: J. Cosumisaient alitiehatua, t h e ) G " tr " 12 46 1." I,4iimu Yams, and Pittsburg Z '4l'"" 141.' W.Od and Watt Plirbt4l7.' NO.llO Prom in. betrireen renr i i •n kat sawn • 'W —Wl nnsh ia the =abashment, lastil elpsrty it y near the Dry Geode, N°. 71/ Markel .tract, Pittsburg: e uoetSdly Try W WILSON, Dealer in Watelwa,. Jewelry, Near Wars, Military 6004, &o, N 0.157 Mu , nosq 1011 - 11.MtfifPriY; WhOkiife-aitTlLTial deedeTim •TT Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, north east ,~taar of _Arc &teeth eta..; aegis NITIL M MRYO k Co.—Deelen in leac rna ie z ; - 14:1 Lawny a. Rh • Wbol eaw Reentymg and attPLltr. _ sellouts, also, Importers olllods Ash d too lo "' ' Modes No. ND Libany rota. hr , a. ittoblly •47EL,...t0m0t, .cocoa It - Wrc - ra. IItsdCHBURN gr. Co., Wholesale Cremes ~d • •riettrosia Chls, Boat Store, and Pittsburgh Moo. arielaa, have on hand, mall times, • full and litnenlanartmeat of goods t heir thus, Water sami, —I.VCIF 4 '7 AU•7• PlWAkhrlghs watt • e==ir Id • .„, ,-,,: .iv' .. : . 7;1 • ?• V ,. ..Ai r '‘,k -•'- i... ' ' ... •... • •., .: - .', 7 •• *':; • ''''',.....!. 1 ~., , . , ; w-r - • , • . - • —• . • - , :3 . 4 . ' . • ' :' - . te b n f r „.,. , g • L. !.. ' '.• • • r.,E. . , . .1" ... ' la . ..• .: " :,.,i1 I: •• 1 ''-‘ .--.._.......- -. -___ -- - -_.-_._-- -. . ~._ _ -- -------_------ . D iN 17'86. - „ . PITTSBURG- ._. CARDS J OAN 11. TOWNSIINS, Druggist asd Apothecary, No. 43 Market st., three door. above Third at ihltr burgh, will bore conatentl i y an hand a well melmenal ase . Sortment of th e hest and nastiest Medicines, winch hn will sell On the most reuonalste terms. Physteisin wendmg orders, will be promptly !weeded to, and sop ped wroth •rucles they may rely upon sui g , nvina. 117" Physticians Skew:ripens will be acCurately and theneatly pcepared from the beat maternal., at any 11.14 ~t day ar night_ • Also for talc, a la me rgnstock of fresh and !Mal k!Witt• _g•_ • . Ant . 3sMossowsithelta Llsegy.Stab/e. ROBERT U. PATTERSON has opeaot the Imp, &Labatt on Ant it, running thgt to Second st, between Wood and nml it., ut the rear or the Monongahela Mouse. with an entirely new stock or Horse. and Carriages of the best quality audlamia styles. Horses kept at live ry to the best manner. alldly byi gniCEWicifiStrotrliCTLllTlfi . E. 'WILKNS, rtONTINUES to manulactore Atonements, llama 1.../__Vaelts. Tombs, Head Stones, Mantel Pm... cen tre and Pier Tops of threign and domestic marble, at a regular and fair price. N. R— inkwings for osonumenik. vaaltsola furnish ed, of any demerit... lie solteits a share of palate patronage iVlV(Ll. „ . lo lth t t 11,4,.nk1,17, 111...r...\,1%atUrLor,rem.resafaCcotton icu4d !Ili& alai - colored Cot Lit Pringes for islifeatiteitinghoin Saruol6 Gimp, - Illobair. oml btlk Banton Fringes. Ii made to order on the shortest ntice. Sount..nortier of .. I Latdeal.anc mul Without, entrance , No NS Wilharn street s third door. over Abner N. Ely%• I loom No 65 Sltuden Laic Near k ork_ _ _,y to _ rthrrutskv kloVrAtits, ;as. c. ram. Iliw. m t.• :vain.: Jr• I JACOB recta, 11.1 000, /gum M. 1.41“., altos. •Ilirsoß l NIECIIANICULASIII 'WORKS. S°tors °AlthillsA. K.-Ft:set. aht4lt'l'ele‘atloU'kv (cilTSZfire'r7 con.tautly on hued a general assoment of the above articles. Also. make to order art supertor article of Iktmeral or SostselVater Soule., or emoted glass No. 16 Wood at. Pl...burgh. 1',,. _HARD atm3l.6rn l RIC T. LEECH, JR•, aireirl,at A.,. DEAL.. I, &adders' Iranmongery, Harness and Coach Trimming., ;o' ll Doss, Deer Hair, Varnish, to. &... ___ No. 1,61 Wool; Sr. Prrthorootr •Cartftl433,ll4 . T. RA , STOJILTn.-,No 72 Fourth Bt, sior IVood stune. or CreAll nuaeti and thto 13,11mk Tem., dom. up to guards, hat, and pound packstees, , raitging from SO cm. per pound 81,20. iy4 JAVNES, AS , for Pelt , . Tra Co Duquesne - Spring. Anis, Stool and Iron Works. 001.E.MAN,- BAILIBAN A. Co, manufacturers of J Couch and ?Anne Springs Hammered Arles, Pprtug and Plough Meet. Iron, Ob. NVarehouse un %rater and Front streets, Pittiburgy. Also, denten inj Case!. Trintmtnis and Malleable Captors: • • • t ortl2 X? BOCK MASYER, AhiliMtss--Iblice. Fourth at:, . third doer abo•e Smithtield, south ludo Conveyancing of afl kinds done enth Me greatest rare std legal tte , euracy. . Toles to Real }Auto era:tuned he estably \ 'Vs tee li tifl M Artg iT TL El ßu TerREPs, ".I{?iu'rtdGlaToon, Berg:hoots Also, Importers of Soda Ash sad Bleach .lo Powder, No. 160 Liberty street, Pittsburgh, Pa senSt INSURAICE. DILL AWARE MUTUAL INSURANCE CO J OEN PINNEY, Jr.. Agent at Putsburgh (or the Del aware Mutual Safely Insirrance Company or' Philo odelphin. Pire RIMIS upon building" and merchandire o! curry description, and upon fttsks upon bulls or cargoes of 'MUG'S, Luca upon the moot favorable ienu. 11:) . " Office in the Warehouse W ii Holmes A. /Aro , N 0.37 Water, ocur Market street, Pittaburgh. N, 13.—The success Of this Company some the estab lishment of the Agency in this city, ornh the fursprompt li and I/ banality wait whled every claim open them • m has Leen adjusted, folly every agent to Stnviudg the confidence mdpattunatm of Ws friends and i:Abe community al large so the Delaware Al. A hiss ' ranee Company, whiten has the suMmunaladvanmges antanitatiou among the moo dmnshing ut Phil/Idyl. OOhio—askammpan.amplujmlllott capital, watch b) e Aeration of its charter ts constantly Li/creasing, m yieldltig m each pemon msared Ins due sham on t h e ;profit* of the company, without involving bun in any ,11 yesponsibility whatever, and thm as etore possesstug 33 Alutnal prinelpht divested of every obnoxious (-a. tare, and in its molt attractive torts FltClG tms4 18613 11. 4 / 1 1C1C: - - fitlLElhmurance Csttany of Noah Amenra, tarot/an Its duly authonaM Agent, the subscriber, ode. to isuifidficommtent and hauled Insurance on property. In Una city and Its matruty, and on shipments by the Ca nal add iitivera. DIRELTOEL& dinhur G Coffin, Sonfl W. Jones, Lilward fiend, John d. Grown, John Wkne, Jacob M. Thouxas. John R. Ned. Rickard D Wood, 'Wm. Welsh, Frames Moshe.. N. Anson , ARTHUR 1,/ CldFFlN,Allthone Preslx Ilrgay D. Saanagatt, See`y, This Is the olden Insurance Company in the Unste4 etudes. baying been chartered In 1:94I. Its ebarter is perpetual, end from ths fuel stand,ng, long expertanca, ample Mesamwsnal avoid/ad yak•of bu- I tido. ehareetVi, it riinfeofirlifi,feZh: plc seeurtly to We public.. W. P JoNES. At the Counting Memo or Atwood, Joneo A. Co, IV•- the trod Front streets rittsburgh mays FRANKLIN PIKE LBOIRIRANCE CO. , itHid Franklin Fire lemtmare Company, of rhsladel phial. mill make luau mace. permanent and ulsow hL on every oesenptuanot property. hosburco and lllllTerortdu4 emote - 7,0a fovoToLIO tonna. rxmo yawl'. hes u perpetual than, Capttal. 15.400,0U0 pond no. Coliongeta, Fond .1,1.1U0 ()Arco canter of Tab.! sod Marto lutoots. Yittxburgb 01.1111 Or WA IL hIA RUIN, Ag•nt. - ismoturanee. riMdF.undersigneddudy audion ,, ol Agent of the Amer i j.. man Fire lo.tarmuire Cempatty ol Pha.d.lPttta, contloues to efferk insurance 1 644.... or denotes . a.galn.t Ftre, on build:nes, nieretorniae. fortuture , and prup,t) hot extra hersoloos, in (lit. coy an .eialty ael4 l•I , n'tlllll \ pro a add Wilt issue l'obrtes 0,1 , 1 attend ID the othrromc•• 01 th e Agcncy. at We wurehou.e elf A Lwow!. Jou., 1,0 opt') I(%( P. lON , Thome. P. Cope, Samuel F. South, Samuel ltrookA, FORWMUOG C. le nehrletleWhii. r—J-71—tyhar;Z4rie CIIA-R.LES A. DALNENFIOWER 6. co. TUBACCO No. :'.alb Wbervea. .iY‘o south Water st. 1.16 S m tuforna the and ddalers getterely, ef Putsh•rgh. a...they • irlacb,auftl err:Angel:heel. with the VlTetille elinetee— ere. are the Groveelerbl the West, est Indies...., °liter Wares , as will insure • large nod t e rn, .up,, y of thr' following dreerip hong of Totateco, which he sold upon as sitcom. mod:hung terms. any oilier I rma tuts city or el ae where. and all goods orders,' from 4lieto war rented equal to representoui.es Ilavana; Si. Domingo; Coon.; Yens; Porto Itco; Pena u. 4 } ri ved Leuf t',.t,e; 'punt, & Floridi{ bar.-o, Al Al r Y—Branebla relebrarni Arothatic Stag l'avert -11.11, wtrh a large assoruaent of ether popular brands, arid qualtues of pounds., St. ea, las and ;ft., Dump . Se, 6 , tw and 10a Plug, Leda,' Vtratiou Torts; he- sweet and plain , in whole and halt hos , t, rood arid tin, together with every •anely 01 articie log to the trade. jelthlty I. BARNlttl.lttrt.tottr. N0n...". BARNET, NESBIT & OAILIIIICTSON, L FOUR FTORS, Produce, COZOLIMIN•10/2 AC and Forwarding MERCHANTS, No MR Nowa Wtuavia, •ao PKI Warn Pr PIMA DiI.PHIA Runt io—Jobn H. Bryant it Co Bober Steen & Ce. Phtlatielpte a. Harriett, ;waver cC o Saute, Bagaley & Allen k PitZton, Now York Mitten & Harvey, &demote ingettey dt Swab, Boibudge,Wilson &Cc „ Haney, lintern & Co. ' • Kier & Jona.. .11 , ? ; L L iberal rue advances on rtatst u. atunetta to mor3Ottlly tt. r.. tit . CII•ILLAW tlrr Jolt. WATT ELLMAKER, ECKY & CO., FLOUR FACTO/pi, And Goners' Commission Nero banes 10 Boom W•ll7lWlWlrirr. Ablild'H I A R P.FRRENCIPA.—/lenryGraff A. Co, Potaburgh i"d g" • Sh ' r t c ' k, ; Cincinnati. 71. Schooley Son, • A. N. January, Maysville. Charles Baahani, J r.,l auteortile. Duulh,Busoplireya A Co. Mercer, Bro. A. Co. Phila,Pl Reed b. Brother, Lhaulla •ACousittery, New rork. JAMESU. LAMM., CHAU= W. AND/WWII. LEHMBR & ANDERSON, FORWARDING A. COMMIOSION AIERCRANTII, COTTON FALTORS, AND AGV I CTS. FOR TUE BA LE OP NAILS AND W: GLASS, 00a. 7 A.B SwanTirt, •11010 IMDADWAT, C1N13101,11, 0010. GEORGE cocliztAar. Commission and Forwarding MlOre leant. 150... W WWII, recraatotatc, nONTINUFB to 1750.01 a grverill CaMlmwlou busi• 1...1 nen, eapecoally We purchase Awl gala of Amen can Alanufacturea and Produce, sod In Oct/rllw nod laruranling Gokels couaigned to bin cart, Az Agent lot 1210 Alanulacturea, he will be colotautly supphed with the principal snacks of Pittsburgh Maututuelnre at the lowa. wholesale poe.. order, and cousignatents are reepunithilly snitched. r3/7 ' GEORGE A. BERRY wfOLESALH. Gaocacas; 10111111106 AhDCORMISSIONIELCUAAT, AND DEALER IN 'lron, Nails, Cotton Yarns Jr. Pittsburgh Manufactures generally, so. ID woos tiaras, nrsaarea.. wat. 11. cLAILu, erw•• rdliag Morahan Branntsvill•, P. Attend. parueularly to the Forwardio4 of Prtaluee, 6e. Nor any inforarlation, apply to FORSYTH b. CUN CAN, Water rt. nntln .MMMM OENZILAL MERCHANT FORTHEEKALM Ok' PRODUCE& PROVIMONs, Not. 105 and 107 Siure's W.gt. LIALTIIIIO.RE, Ida Rim amstecas—hlerektont. of Pawn rg.h. Wheeling. Va.-li. Cr. ogle tr. Co. roorV-.16m tfirtitilr, TO sialVtiitati 111 B olar ba lL e rn i" t w e :retu o s th e e 7o; M tfe .a pr h" lit where ..e will treas.* hsusinees as usual, until a nef.house ran be erected, arrangements hettnng alread been made (or that purpose. Boats wit always be tat remit.ss at our wharf to receive freight. C A M'ANULTY & Co, mpg 0.7 t a I Basin. Line rt LYMAN, REED 4 CO., (Successors to need, Ht.'d & Con) GEIYINAL COSIBLASIOI4 11.811CliAtiTS, kosro PLll.Xliai attention pod to Lb° N. ala of Wool, aitd liber al advance. made on components. W3l. IN.INa ATTORNEYTIN AT JLAYI7, Buffer, WILL P a • iLL to collectier t s awl all other hum nee.. entrueted to him in Bailor oral Armstrong monde., Pa. Refer to • J. & FL Floyd, Liberty sh W. W. Wallace, do • Jame. Alm - Often do Pirtandrefi illy Kay h Co., Wood et. ) • lno• T SIVEITZER. Attorney it I.auroiNco lid st tO a oppo.ite Churl, Poolourfin. will e 1.., attend proMptly to Colfeenleno in Wuelitngton. Feyotte and Green counties, Pa. RF:PER Blarkstoek. Bell & Co., I . rc Chuh At Carothers, Putsburth. T Roman. - Ise+ly 'EI J. HENRY. Attorney and room:allot et low Cincinnati Ohio. Collection. in Southern Ch.. sod in Indiana, and in lianiticky,PeomPUY adokrote Cully attended to. o =mA - sinner . fogthe Shne of ?eon sylvanite, for taking Depoeitlohe, ficknowledgment. Ac. CRues. to—ifon. Wm. Bell S. 800, Cony, Church & aruthers. Wm. flays, Fay.. Al - Illorat thor. .• tria. 11 , LIAAIS & to (successors Lowrie 1111 INN en, VVliilllll/3.) AllOrtie” Ltd Cotumenors at lithos berth side of Fourth street. above Southfield Lan _febliffrewly T AMIN F. KERB, Attorney at Law. 13ak•rn,11'. t•raqi .treet. nearly oppoelto th • Com: . _. nue9.lto LAX. 111,14 r, 111,101.1.,01 . WNLOP & SEWELL attz,ry el I.uw,S.htees o I Sznithth Id. between hd and 4th ato I,NI , IIWA RD & ti‘VA a 114 U barn re nnov eat inctr offite in the South rude o Fourth at., between Cherry A Ilry end limn! .irrel 'V' W. .".041:. it ) . " : „', n . ,... " 1,"=„ ° : ti:7li l ' A ' or " . ;‘,. el.r.tt , nrit door . Aldrrman Joh.. apiny S A l . : t ., l ,, U r l:il , , 4 l ., % e * , l , l l , ;A e C r ii tl, A . : , tf . ti1v , , ,, : . 1 , 1 ; jr. t , c6co vgi ortrit,llll: HATS, CAI'S AND BONNETS __-101YABLE HATS. Tim - ....r abet. In adthtion to hie awn 4 /4 inn du fa elm ripe of Hats, hes made arr moang to b - 41 rn. with Messrs Schee 0 ll o fthe or fashionable batters of the coy of New ' York,Efor . reg ular supply of his extra fine Silk Hats, and having ai MP iiiirrii n few eases,reatiemen can be soiled null a" very etch and beauty . ..slant by cantos at his ben- Hat and Cop Store, Sotabl.cld street. second door south of Fourth. ..here may be found a great variety of Hats and Caps of los own manufacture. wholusale aid re• tad Hata mode to order on snort nonce area . —_. —__ JA7.I ES WILSON. AtWICORD & CO, (Seers.... to NI 'Cord di Kintil lIMIL Pooktionabie Elatt.oVa,,. Qom. of !Vaud and Faith Strewn D ARTICULAR alt@itUda paid to our Rel.. Trade. 1 Gennep.. ran rely upon setting their Hats and Caps from our establishment of the tar IterkalAila and li i ciatilAMlULP, of the tsrmer mitts, and et Um 1, ` , ... ram.. Country filerchants,parehastog by wholesale. respectfully Invited to stall and intone our Stock. are , al We ratcan say with confidence Nat as regards qrst.rrr and a, an will not seder In a eon...neon nrill any house tu Philadelphia. _ febl a k 4 .._ . )HATS, CA PS AND NI LI FFS--The R . subscriber la receiving from the city Ca of New Yor lloW k, • ehotee atotomment of Hats. ps and Muffs, latest fashions, in great year ly and err, cheap, wholesale and retail. JAMES WII.SON. norl3 Southfield Pt, ad door south el 4th 4 Vali Pashtos. tor ISR. 4 BIeCORD & Co. A , 1 t bare atonal mana,l "ILL Mtrodue• ont Saturday, Aumd,...h. the 1 1, Fall Si) Jr of Hat, Just received from New York Tkusw to want of • neat and beautiful hat. are incited to eall at their store, corner of Firth and Weort sancta. aura! STRAW GOODS. nr:ALI-Jts invited to examine RII PALAUER'S stock oi Straw Goods. ol tn.. spring ...le. composed to pallor BONN ' rEtn--Elorenee Braid; l•latillsh Dan stable do; American do do, Chute Pearl do, Coburg do. Rutland do; Preach Lace, Fancy (limp, Aar. Oa. HATS...Leghorn. Palm Lew; )anama, Fancy Strew, do Brand, Flatland Broad. Pedal do. Also. Artificial I•loa - era Ribbons, de Straw Bon net Warehouse-1M market at. 'oars. Climates Taylor, litabro, White ALA Rt: To STOCK o Country Merch Bookans, P ts. E f t4ettool apen ary, lce , suitable fo,roontry arb r. Statioleh Wnung Papets.of Sp, modal. unt cOatzpon qu'lnk Letter raper de do do do Note Paper do do Nom and Letter Envelope', do do Slow,u..rs Quills and Steel Pens, NViudanar Paper (pa.rd wide, &duo aml prua , ct ItataLel nuards. of different quahttes; Blank 'took., in great variety. Fund), School and Pocket Ruder, CrOarm medatm, and double ;row mmarging part., , Ecrectle Stoehr', and Render., Hoy s Eeleene Arithlnr Cobb's Prufir mid Readen, !Madera' du Jo d o A nthramms, lay Ada., Ihrm.Coll.m t n, .Scut). rook. ton. Emerson, and ~, h • • Grammar.. t.) Smith, Kirkham lininons, Weld. and ,otbenn For sale a: Joy. pry e, II hll - .1.1.1,11 61 swami •i. doh,. ith h. The WO., mnrkei paid thr gegradmixed ,hIS th c • ji.AX - RtA R PiTE.I.I.A Wolkt: *Pl^ bs --A imp e- l. lar expos:non of the great du.. .cries. and !be rier of modern satronnoty by (1 Al Mitchell. A It Ih n cloy of the Cincinnati i ili•rrrr awry . Ileadley's Italy, Alp. end Rhine tr.an the Alps and the ttliinet by J T y of Na poleon and hir Waati.ngt on and hit irrriir, •. he. Near and Nisired edition pinit,ati es Qoal —The Geographical and foss! el (lister-urn, cif Afinerait'orniihruhles or foss! tor.% nick:dine also. notice s and local:her of the varani• mineral nittiniiiiitin• stitirteheeri eetpinyeil •rt• ed anufactures, illor.trateil by Maps and p , e‘r•nu• e a catapanied tirriWo ftriateto.th-al tabler,and I laP f .• Alvin, of' untieral enuilitratiLirs.Ae, prepared 1.., and Crow wig Taylor. Just rec..,r ed a few creole. ofeaen of the abene worts - for cal, l.y .1011NrcrtiN A WTI g'KT,N Booksellers. .or market t 1.1 IV/CARLY READY FOR PriILICATION by J. A. 3 PJA AIRS, Ctnetunatl. new' and vain•Lle Work, 1. Dompitan'a Expetislann---Coulng a aketc 0. h. 10. A SV. DonipPan, the lAn oquest o; Ms, eo; lies Kearney'. Over :and ExpedltAon enli tonuai Dontoptorn'searnp.ogo ogalont the and Ilt• unparalleled March upon Cnsnualvon and iturunen uld the ()per-onto. of 6,1 Vnee a *ants 1.',1 31up •nd 1 , ...v.rtrm.. 1.) Joi.n Hatches. Al 4 the Iqt Reptuent oI .11sr.ourt •ay tun, Ifiatory of )(rotor), - L. Aala,oitsr• cud \ C11(11:0011,41, (srs)grapb..•l Pstau.ucal aad ilrarnratona , Lai. one boadrvd 11.aaraptr•I Sketches afal..a,o,at.t, ad }None,. lavatarva. , tatrviano. Jun.l, La vr)• r.. ant., 6.e., diem,atn.l le II n tort) v.,. avlag•. Gallia I visi wia vo The Tvrelve Moril6. VOILIII:OPI, or Joitrnat of • Pr! trate in 1110 Triinna«te Regimen! to avaity it. Calupathvi of 3leziro. daring ISIO-47.c" /6, CUlatli Of 1110 Allttri/ of the H.Nimeitt to VOl . O rritr, demeription or the Country pans. over, morlitor•• t - o• toms. ie. of this people, tikoteboa of Camp Lilo, a, eourits of an ttre actioos en other Voluritoor and a fill Ittstory or the hie ate an War la.t of .1, MI lcd and IVoartdott, dcc , ilittatrated by a tame number 0 correct Views and by Geo . C. cr,l volume octavo. . . don 1 1 lei, Paper &tad Book Estalslishmunt, 79 TV'oon IST•, Pirhtrilf tin LhaannYin ALLEY. T H E't , 'glttl u . b irla r r' b geeb b c l 7(llltreist"i;ol'hr:e . ."ru'elodb:iyii7l plain white and 01. Writing and 1.4 net raper, an o n inercia/ and packet poot Flat Cap, d t iny and ine anon roung papa n' for Wank books, toe dotal imd coy,..' co lored Printing Paper.; goodwill, d i :my slutcap nay book. and Ledgers utpertor or and h e at lantsarn binding' School Boehm of an standard wurii. Theology and . tra c e., gold nod steel Tess, Wafers, Wax, 811 l ,Mlea, Or hr. lhaak Hooks 010/ atm. rob ad to pattern, and hound in the most rustninutatal manner Conlin) . Merchants supplt al at loweat wholesala pea• en. for Cash, OT cogs at cash. price.. JOY PitiNTINO — NOVI'sg a Joh ogle, b erreiraselstall with our estahliattrnent. we are prepared to execute all Order. (Or plan and (anep Prolung—book•, parnplabro., annular., nuiuneas cards, bills of Lading, et.., with data patch and at low pr*. ELLIOTT& E.SIGLISII, 71. wood ice wean Ith and diamond stay. NW — EITSTRIII--Ltre -or Cioniwell:hy Power or the Pulpit. by Gardiner Spring, D !lethal Flag, do do . Ir Jacob on ospelu, , with 11. train. y, Lecture. on Shah venrn, 0 vol., Immorta Nib ofli I.lla, Or } Malabo. of the Way to Glory and Footstep, of hleimah, The Convent, by author of School Girl in Prance; SOar and Thou, Lemons, WasTaii, Sketches or Lemons, Oil Parables and Mara/ Ir., Ireland'. Welcome to the litrangor, /leaven upon }anti, jiavrkaton, a la:c 0( and tot };,inland. 2 vols For snl, by LLLI,rI-ra F: N 4 .1.1:111. veto 74 wood and /1 , 8 matte, ~Es ------•-- j kA I':l\' 110014,--Jmt r.teeived Irom the publisher, i VI and for sale at the kitstkrodtst Book Store, 4th at, j near oVood Tu pp er ' . proverbialPrilloaelphy, in three styles el landing, • beautthrl book for a present 1 F . /spare.° tor Me Nulpat Sketches of Sermons no the l'ar riles and Martel. of Christ, by the author of the Pub,. Cycloptedra-tamd Metehes. the. The Vaighath pulps t, collection if ser mons by the moot eminent bring d Prams Sl ' Ertgraild IM1141,11 . 1:11t Vol 4— lining (toed, Chrelta. Love, Le,v. COI woo me, Sac real Me.. 1...... 111 l PATAmAcurei Irt RCILaI. AT4E; .. the DiatOr and Rellgio of Mankind Iron, the Creation to y the death of Isaac: Deduced from the sennitg• of Most., and other Inspired authors; and Ilhortratod by eopous reference, to lire A' eteut records. Mohnen., and my• thelogy ofth vo o Heathen World-ley ano South, F. 5. A. octa Coerces and Coaster-L'harma, by Mum Win losh A fresh supply of Mrs very . pogular hill e war& Ureters of the Alnericolt-itevOln Iron, by K L Ma conn, with Porimits I col, I 2 to Norte) br Cerrinet !Abney, Mr Moe Mes he schomls, 20 volumes, LC nut with engra 111.1171 rings ' /Ms to a new work Per eals by II Iliriall:Vt4, o wes ApoN4 • Builgs in, 4th st_ i i.:, kit :N 74- & - ..•) 44 the United Slates north of Virgin., enniirrmlng descripboir. of the dowertirg and fern-tiler pin... 11L9 ~,I n k t .' ,,, t . 'h..' States, arranged ereorcline 4 ;he 1.111111.1s•lorn. omen a Wrth a synopars or the (moor e so cording to the t Lie yatera, 0 or irf the rudliarceMoitombYr_aoe a gleosery of terms: by Lew re C fleet, NI. It , Prof. Chemistry and Nature lien my ere Iturgnr.s College, New Jersey, lee.No.Seem rd Mine o r revised end en. larged Nor sale by _ _4,P16 J OI INSTOM - k STOCKTON' - -- - -- - ArtIARTINE'S ti 1110: iDisno- - i listory or the (it the.4Modka, It lay Pomona.] Alemotra r if the Patriots of French K 4 vsliattoit-f fora unpublli heesourcer hy Alphonse dwirarnactore. Complete is three volume-at Ilydede-tranalation A fresh supply oftilds populnl work received this day and for sale by J')/iPotISTON & SI XPOKTOrir leapt& 800/pelters, eor oral 14•Mul ad are s LAW OFFICES. BOOK TRADE. Jayttes, Expectorant. list.eas, Coluana en \ R.l), JAYIVV.I I I. DlLAm{bi feel Im ooint mtell. ,no 1 and the of patine, to avail myeelinitlu• op. ponu tiny °(aising publicity to the eatratirdinar) effects of your Papeetorant nay.ll 11•Ifinh elltlClea for severed years with • seven. eatltt• hret l r Inver mid its conentrinant diseases. and sentrical only doomed I re linger out a short butmiserable •xtstence. until the fall of 14.11). when , being more I.eirerely attacked, and basing resorted to all My former rrivedies, out the pre scriptions of Iwo of the moat respectable ph) simian. the neighborhoml without den ng any benahl, or tho ronsolation of surviving got a lenv days on weeks at farthest—when the last gleam of hops was about to v•ntsh. 1 had recommended to m«root awl blessed by shut Rettig who doe. all things in the use of the means -tad contrary to the •opectritions of atiy physicians and friends, I ma. in a few /1 , 4 • raised frt.ot my bed, and was enabled by the tzar 01 a 1..tt1e.10 attend to My bustness, einnyt rag ranee batter health Ulan 1 had (or ten ye•rs preeintni Respectfully our,A e • JAI. IV Meru. Por gale I/1 Pittsburgh,h •I the Prim Tea .Mare, 7 . 1 Foorin alter, Ittara - - _ NEW ARRA NGIC MENU'. r10(7011. W . OIOIIR hatring poreh e t. .1 the Drag !tture formerly owio-d y Harr BroCkway, g Commercial Row, Inhert eer Pula burgh, talKe• this nsetbod or tonna., hot end rho public gcorta , , that ho, tone W/ll al all thnes he supplied with an extent syr end general Ssactrtatt ,1 or he, Dye wns, !hunt, I ill.. Vaitionlica, Perfumery, Cologne., an A d r A, nein called tor hi a drug alorc which win !Wan' • Shill an lave as at say inner hon the t,t) I ur etatl. tat merit a . share 1,1 Mrai pd, patronage, nothing than be wanting ,ct ,titec anti, .1/1. /1111.,1011 in his customer. 0ttv7.1•1,14 Tlydropathir; O. tit; W•ler aver.. OUTOR btr.:ll.l.lAtil.a MORRiti..,lo gra , rer• ILa solo and popu,As rnownly canon! Pdroptithy or the \ ale! (ill sod i[tlrsrett will treat Macau.vate• L.• at tended to promptly ro Ll—Dr Mom. may Int conmhad los Drug &torn, Ala U CoamerLual /Low, Idnerny during L boom, or dour. not rettoleinnt, non:raw itntl eve allay. log, Penn 01,01, 3 door. Igrlow allay. ha vl-tapl4 H. T. Roberts, MI. D. OPTIIMAII.: MI/km.H.ON. 'ant attend in !lie rreal• moot ol 01,nettotett 01 t e In Ii hao, lott.n ongaged ths• branch of the mod,- pre tor allflaan yam, lad hall COLlaltifinal all lea.lolasanialal nit. treatment ot disco... or o slow, for ..... ) oar.. Orgy. awl ltlyderiCal, Oulart tAaallillay sl .nd Strawbrrry alley. Allegheny coy ecil3 . br. McLane In Tennessee. THIS le to certify that I purchased one trial of Dr. JLLana's Wong Specific, some two 11102111. ago and gave to a son of mine. some seven years old, two AtITOC. and although iltn amount msy appear Larta, yr I bane no doolu hut there wrw upwards of FR' ,1101...110 WORMS pta•sed !rota two, measuring •runi as, (loaner of au loch to Iwo !aches long. Ltt IV 110LIADA Y. Boa*. , reek. Carrot en 'I en. , 15,11 , 17, ja-al VAlLEW — Supermreneb, sTotind - 4 - ionFrißgi tan „atived i"F and fors i v; p hyAHNEsTocia.c. THITRSD C4PARTNERBEff PS, CO - PA_RTNEELSHIP. 1 00/11N1 k KSANKLY have this day associated ettith them its the Hardware business, Phdtp be Edward Gregg. The Eyle of firm will Imre ode Logan, &CO Thi• nrrangement ren• der. it desirable In close Me old hoof nem . e. otissible All persons whose lirMilities have maw rml. arc rape: tally requemed to mete droneshme payment. Putsburgh, Jan 1, It.lo. • L f , i t ; ro ot s i l La d d . Warr, t'Alery, Saddlery, Eke . 21.1, 11'nod street. h... I • n 4 trorgblare now tally prepared arltti a recently iipor. tett stock of liardware.C.ndery. eke to offer very rent C177;7; ' 11 " ; n ' e n e x " ; ', 1;1 Itas.d an extensive ...mown of Pittsburgh Hard. wsre vlz shovels. Stokdes, Forks. 'foe., Vice., , all 01 w Oleo will be sold ut hrt lowest Molls faxturcrw Prwe• fent I CO-P AR Vkieli.lllllP. Till.: subset born heming recently entered into pariner•hip under the nine of Gal .thei r Inng, W& !tdier. tor t pur pose of crrying ird i Flrmo Fou h n e ding and (Iro n Fitting lout e‘s tn( all its bone he, bane lab. the stand formerly Situ pied by II Unllaglier, No lit/ Front Street, betWeme Wood toot Smithfield ohs where they ere prepared Oa axe.. nil order r I.ls, liroor Gataingrt, of ever], dna.,Spiro/111i1 On, tunics with neatness and Lie. pmphll Steamboat lobbing promptly altendod tn. 11. GALLAGHER, S A. LONG, tl Nlll,lh:Ti. N ..son Kaolonisto and Engineers ts In 011 r unti•einntrtlnn torbal, for reduced price. which been pronounced superior to Ilabbn'a by /114111,1, who have used both Steamboat builders and pu /Me, gerteru,'y, are el, requested to call mid or. amino steamboat our and ,mimes .tor dabble ).coon' Force Pumps tor lin I.I.AIiIIER. IA /N., h mILLErt_ • Ttn,r, c% " : 11. 1.7 =Teed "' on the Ist lu.t The mill L. clotted ol the old that lir clue, of an, thmine of the hrta that purpoer Rezug dr.11,,111. IC have our butane. rionett t lt tte Ita:e delay :Le 4to.e.thlt. WO would to. ectloi requeta thote Indebted to call Oct %emit, thou avettul. JOIIN M . CORD, trt2e It n 'KING IJ `is)- P„,T C ,W o-Partnenhip. Lrn„,.yt.. kal eontinn , the Hat, Cap and Par heroine. La ,l• venous brunette, whnleenle nod renkil, at the oh' eorn, 1,% °cal sth street+, wrt.,,e they roof wuntion of the patronage so lit:Acuity be twed on th.• nid (rat. JOHN D JANIF.St ti. M 01 , RD. I N rrunne front the and and known iris or V,0r..1 te. Meg. I molt rerporttily reooturnend It, patronage. at Like public ray See eeekkOilk. Mana. nl eerd is Cy. 4a2"' R . GI KING. - Co-Partne rshlp Nottoo. W. KITPIIENri Ed - WheelAns, F shhnthcrlV , 1;4. ot Aud J A gtackhnu of ritteburgh, hay., true day emend tome co-partherttut, rattler rtyl• and heat of Stephen; eQuhrtshcr6er h. Co., at the Anchor , rtnt work, lflteeting, VI. tor the {Amman of mum tarter tog frau and nalin °revery de.cryttost. 'OsTairgli% Faii7 n El all rC7:I ANCI )ft IRWS WORKS. Whetting, Es_ Manoteeturo 11,1.11 of boiler, shoat, bar iron and ad, A 11 ateel elipue .ortnas•nd azica Being cm. 'levied toufl : 4 1tornberger told Jnotala Work, are cat oder a, artlele al Janata rtori kOrande.d Shoeidecracr) to .y made in the tour. ry. All of which whll I'eaoid at the Pittstorgle prwc. arettociar of the work• corner of Nlotiroe ar,. 1Y a4r •Is. tnyl./ t 7 l 16801. UTION—T6 perwerablp hala,rto L/log ander me ary le and Ellll of I VtErhtmull tr. nni thii day dt•..3lved by mutual ronsenL John Do. zeil havm, dt.po4 , lorhi.. rnttre twern.s. H men The I , u•Laras et thr .ate banr Il ‘Vigfunuan.w-ht, ta antllonteJ to a a the !tame of lb, tate firm fur Wu purpose. H Nvioiri . shts tpt2OZTer [Jeri 'l7l J 1).%1.1ELL TUE Satunctabar la uow prepared u 3 mattufaelare tun', or ( - 0110. end NVonlel 3larh/nery. a: the illortea. snmee Orderd ont It Wl,lllman F:nan , ntoP. ear. I.4kerty and Water atreets, Net.. meet :111 prompt attention II WU:FIT:VAN. I.eaeol a 1 Ferwenn Federal and Saudnakv As" apt:sloly Allegheny e•ty. 10 PAIITISIERiaki1P— 1% In 1 crone tlavt•lg Lb. day asam-faud Neon Lon John It 4 . 4.'une. In. lea• therwall hen... ter Fr .-0000 med under dz. firm o , lVan Yonne a '.. %%J1.1.1 A.AI tonS J..\" 11 31 , 1 Nt.', MEDICAL kR CA) ILAL: 4 A.II (ai LIVE r tNI , RT - red 1-1 Thfrom ais Atti rep/a pfepal... name. 1 arf-oralm. m pb ho Lea A . It and A .A. perit•nrne,l in hie prarnrath, 1 want , A AA ILAIPA °O • IIiSe.ASF.S OF nit IX ap.na nine h renaace coald Le placed by whtnl, Indomtl hue, after matured teats in nnina.rnns of PII/AAIOIIB ry t'omplainta, La of. this preps It It has barn the. roughly tried ,boodred.. now in vend itna:ta who .• on Ilav that Ihey Onre [h., tv•tann Croat an early stave, to the user"( the saelio,ne CosstalrTMSAlrO lan ,011 111-11t1117 For. ion, ilmo laollcred aolh these and arn• the mar. alarm as I had lost a mother, two brtstliers, an,plro 11 , 11.. the ettroomption 1 LaPPIOS heal ot • so, ell remedy was 1,1,4 ,:hout nd 1 v.. almost in despsur I was wastm e so. e, Iry nervous, bad a bad coa.h. lose at 6144, anal tear rhea dame...roue {IA At ....low, I D o Balsam o n..ti I must I iA I,li I AIIIO corr., roe ale hart It. errat san e r , . ehwers alkostd tn. mph- bone 11i 111 /1.1,1211h.K. Xal tatatott, at FUJIAN., at Ihetteau—'rtats deer., tattetl thenote toectirttte .\e • .tea r ye. power). tn l tit 1.10,1 1•1, ttu •nt.lte . 1,111 tt, aril 'tent/Iro tat. he :tad a ..e, tn M l rett•t. vet Altar uaatt••very 01 he etteet.e.,t.,•rta. otteed lay Dr Tarn,. I.teematar Mae ta s eartna•n. •Itat let all ether,/ what ea tteet eel,d to rd e ftatiotar he. ex attatitle t the *re ara. 1,14 ttae traftstel.• II and restrorr dtectawal athli I.veer fat ,reo • te • tlattearderetl netytets •1 Item nr .hate =MU 1 . 6.1•166,eh h, J li vt V.6.r6.1 1n... 'ld. 4, Vara., 6. it ~ter a. 6.1 Ad as, Ilet:derap. A 6 1.1.6 ti) .7 l• reatir6c IDIPOUTABT TO TIIII4 A IKPI.ICTIALII. Dr. Sou'i Celebrated flentediu. I kit JAullt.l. do.r..rerer a 61.1 •..., Pen prletur, of the.. roost per wsr orpt tiorti tort., 6e, and •, the trivet:tor or ma relebrat., t iidid L''d{ diliid•ad^S, was a •10,1e6t 66i mei map 6., p 66. vie a Doctor Ph y lad id 1 raduate me I a rv6 of rv, Prusisylvelata. and :or thin) rat•alier beer: Tattooed in lite iliVrallgetaill r,l diddild.d.. apm. ratooit n 6 rentedma 111,..10 rildollol the uout oi . 6 6flapito tube in row., • /16. Propl.,6veto. rut. and osier of in term., t• too gamed an caparatelled eunuch... 6.6 rt,•66re r,or dreadful •ad ra:66 stitiOdies, tube, linr t•nn •-.mptn.n, eneer•. oda,. 6•166h1a. Nm lily and oil mow °usual.. illaelor•peruiptr. 6. 666n6 , I es er, ham d. ate I, •litidle• ihr 666 e 666 16.• remed6es, to which buizottoty 6.866.: 6al toy the ^ ...Pm. 6 d ior , hat . .....ipapo.l6 Phyilorogirat La, List 11 in.. a.. 0 , hr. Am, Men adapted 10 and pr 666,61,61 ..or rm. ,N-cu•.•r own of Mara.. LB. !Cowes Tome Atterattve when 66• ed tel rtuar.edoed to •uper6ur to ais other mi purgative or liver pill. 6111latialel l tided rare the bowel. jaufactly ban Boon coah•onesa •• also 11,0 Goiden m admitted by the faculty In pos.easpeu. proportion adapted to mmale Morita", bet beino mtlasfied that • bare P o n d. hi ulnasient to eatabb•h versa: ba• beep Bald in the The afflicted are invited to 1.411 the agent, and procure (oral.) one the lhactora pamphlet Nlvore a detailed account al caret remedy and 11. Br, appwai6u6 Parr .ale by the ArPow to agenta well a. b) air viagg.. throughout the COliddliry. J Mclumnmaier .6. Co. 24 Weakt street. Pitt.buroh: J 6.11 drugglst, 46 Market Lea A Beckham, near the I' Allrobv66) Oily, Jo• Barkley, lairl.ngtoo. Beaver county. PS Jou Elliott, Kelton Valley, T Atlanta. Beaver, our lli.dly HOTELS 'OUNTAIN HOTEL. 1.16/IT STREET BA LT 1,11(YR E. 1 ri.o AND TEICT.STON ILI . PROPNTOIII. THIS eatablishment long end widely known . being one of the ow. ni eomodlona in the city of Et Baltimore, W.l recently undergone V• , 17 e.iten /.lve eller•lJon4 und wtptovernenta. An entire nrer Anna . has Linen addict. count:tin lig ournerotto and airy al,pi IT 4p,rtitirnt, and citettrive bathing rooms , The Ladles' deportment hu alb been completelq '1 Merge:in/eel unit tined up in a me. unique and beentl. fel etyle. i t fart the whole arrangement or the !toner Imt b.,-, re mio 4 le/04.1, with • ungle eye on the part of ' I tho propri,or.. 'awards ll . comfort and p:estmlro al . !hoar lioe.t,, m i d which thry foiliifft•nlly axxort will ,b.Ai1,1,.. ~oltipnrlAon moth tuty Hotel in the Union. l'he:r :uo, w,:i alwayg Leaapplied with every rub ! etanial and lager,. which the market efforda, served up in a super tor +ty le: while m the way of Winec kg.. they "111 'tot Ito .orpageed ho oonelnaton the pfoprietore beg to any that nothinfl will I.a ion tintlooo oil their port, and on the part of their aeststante. to reml x el the. Hotel worthy the continued patronage of thmr f ettilg end the pub'. generally. The price, for I rd have al. been reduced to the following rate, Leah.' Ordinary, 131.7 e per day. N. l :eittirmen'a .1 3..5n B rhe Baggage IVagott of the House will al ways be found at Re Car and .Strantlimtt landing; which will and bagyram, to and from the Hotel. free I : ~r