The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, December 04, 1848, Image 2

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PHILADELPHIA aroulra AMED4O/ 111 .
AdverUsements and benseliplions to McMinn Amer.
andand United Mama Gamma, rbilactelptua, recanted
and forwarded from Oda office. '
Sabeertptioo• to das valuable paper will be recurred
and forwarded from this office.
We will receive and racecard free of expense, ad
eartisemence and subeeriptione for this paper
prrreleonaa Dear Gere-rrs publizhed
prliirX•Weekly, end Weekly.—The Dully is Seven
Dollars per annum: the Tri-Weekly 1. Flee Dollars per
amour; the Weekl} le Toro Dollars per annum, striae
los <Moan..
IrrAntruirrtsuss are earnestly requested to band to
their favors before 5 r. M. and as early tnthe day it
practicable Adverstsements not inserted for a speci
bed note will invariably be charged until ordered out
FOR LATEST Commereard Intelligenee,Domenie, Mar
Item, Raver News, Imports, Money Idarkete, tee et
kird page.
be • next page for Telegraphic News
Tor Loeal El ■ee next page.
• ..,onavr's MEassoa.--Congress meets to-day.
al 12 M. if the President's message is delivered
at the first meeting, we expect to lay it before our
readers to-morrow morning, having made arrange
ments to receive aby Telegraph. In that rase,
is possible our paper may be somewhat lute, as it
will take some 18 or 20 hours to telegraph so long
a document as we prestime it will be. Should the
message not be delivered on Monday, our readers
may look far it on Wednesday morning.
♦ Fact Worth Knowing
lc the Pennsylvania COBLlttill Rail Road is ex
tended to Pittaburgh within two or three years.
and the Pennsylvania and Ohio Road to Mansfield,
rune time, all of which can be easily ac
complished. Philadelphia will have the first conttri.
nom, and direst rail road communication with the
Great West, enjoyed by any city in the United
States. She will then have access to all the into•
tenor of Ohio, and enjoy a direct mil road commu
nication with Lake Ene, with Cincinnati, and poa.
eahly by that time—and if not, shortly alter—with
Northern Indiana and Chicago.
The New York and Ene road cannot, we think,
be finished to Dunkirk, for five years to come, al
though the wonderful enterprise and ability of that
company are worthy of all praise, and when that
object is accomplished, New*York will be a great
way from a coeulnuolsf and direst road to the rate
nor of Ohio, without which she can never compete
with the Pennsylvania mute. Ten years wril
hardly audiee to bring the Baltimore road to
Wheeling, and then it is extremely doubtful whe
ther there will be my rail road on the opporite
mile of the nver to meet it.
Is not this vantage ground possessed by Piladel
phia worth thinking about and acting upon! Be
fore any other eastern city can possibly compete
with her, if one is true to herself, she can have
united the whole great west to herself by a net of
rail roads, and so completely secured the trade,
that It cannot afterwards he taken from her.
Pittsburgh and Allegheny County have lent her
strong helping hand. We have given her one
million dollars to be appropriated to the western
end of the Cootral Road, and have started the ex
tension west from this city She thus has the
game fairly within her grasp, and if she does e•
secure 11, she is unworthy of the greatest boo
ever presented for the acceptance of any city.
GODICY'S LADY'S Boot, for January is early to
hand, and as welcome as early. It is really a most
splendid number, and ushers in the new volume
and the new year, with attractions hard to excel,
though the publisher says he meansto excel even
this magnoicent number, which seems almost im•
possible. The new engraved title page is an ex•
quisite production; and the new cover is vary beau
tiful. The other engravings, some of which are
beautifully coloree., am very fine. Its 72 pages of
raatter afford a rare intellectual treat. Those who
subscribe Cr this splendid periodical will not be
disappointed. as as high character is kept up
through the year. For a single copy, with a copy
of the Lady's Dollar Newspaper. the price is only
three dollars. It is lower to clubs.
This evening, Prof. Overman commences a
course of lectures on the Manufacture of iron. An
ho is a gentleman eminently qualified both m the
scientific and practical department, a is to be hoped
that oar citizens will attend. and sustain these lec
tures, on a subject so important to the interesta of
the "Iron city." It is tune to do away with the
reproach that lectures on arts and science can
bunch only in the Atlantic cities. and if we wish
to have such lectures here. we must bneourags
them when they are offered to us.
iSERFS or Russia.—lt is generally known that 1 ,
1 a Russian noble buys an estate. he buys, the sere
twith 14 Dr. Baird, to a lecture at New York on
Wednesday evening. says--"If the seria acquire
i wealth, they sell remain in bondage. One of the
ir nobles in Moscow has a serf who is richer than his
master, but cannot purchase his freedom because
the noble prides himself on the richest seri . in
Resets minting et his table. The present Emperor
•'.l desires to liberate this class. but is opposed by
(i some of the Princes."
Douglass and the Rev. Samuel H. Wiley have
been appointed missionaries of the American Home
Mission Society for California. The latter is des.
tined for Monterey and the former for San Fran.
ctsco. At those points it is their design to emir.
fish churches at ouch times as may seem auspi
The American Baptist Home Mission Socie
have appointed the Rev. O.C. Wheeler, of Je . •
City, as a missionary to San Francisco, in Cal
LOISIN,IL MOVING.—The Louisville Jou
the 25th ult.. hue the Collowleg nonce of the to
menta there, in reference to a FLailrcrad with th
We understand that daring the session of the
city council yesterday the committee to whom was
referred the Alton railroad project made a report
favorable to the city's taking an amount of stock in
it, iC alter an inquiry into the matter, the council:is
satisfied that the trade along the route would divert
to Louisville.
Coma Sroca Bc-natax—The Philadelphia Led
ger. ofWednesday, says:—
.Neshanic copper stock, which sold m this mar.
bet a year or a year and a half ago, by thousands
of shares, at from $l2 to $l5 per share, was yes•
terday offered et 22 cents per share, without find
tug buyers; New Jersey copper, that imld even
higher, ill not bring over Ito $1 per share, and
Flemington copper, that sold at 1132 and /33 per
%Mare, a now selling at $2l. They were all great
swindles at their day.
PAP= Muss to Micraco.—Thebng Marsha San.
ger muted from New London on the 26 inst., for
Vera Cruz. and takestut machinery complete for
tw o paper mills, one to be established at Contreras,
the other at Guadalajara. The mills were manu
factured and completed by Messrs. Smith, Win
chester & Co., of Windham, and are valued at
Smarm DOWNl,—This gentleman arrived in
this city on the 20th instant, (says the New Orleans
Bulletin,) on his way to resume his Senatorial du.
ties at Washington. Mr. Downs is one of the Op
position members of the Senate who will, we are
convinced, avoid all captious opposition to the ad.
ministration of President Taylor; end, so far as be
conscientiously can do so, will allots! it a literal
Nsw Wino GIERILLEI Parra--We have receiv
ed the first number of a Whig German Weekly
Newspaper, published in this city. It is a hand
some sheet—much superior to any other German
paper in appearause--and we underinand is ably
edited. We wish it great sawn.
Gtor.ouSra.ronoovai, extenkively known among
die travelling rommunity, for many years, as
the proprietor of the Fountain Inn, in the city of
B a ltimore, died at his residence near that city, on
Saturday, in the seventy-fifth year of his age.
NOLTE( CaROLDIA bzono-a-rvax.—Up to the lat.
est , d ate , in the Senate, the ballotinge for speaker
had been to:effectual. The democrats claim the
speaker fi end it is though they will succeed. In the
'fovea of Commons a writ of election was issued
to Yancey county: election to be held on the Stl. of
can 0, TON MOLLICALIVI dl.d in New
onday, in the person of Raensel Gredv•
nay, come hthillred and seven years old, m full pot.
sesmian, wad the day of her death, of all her far.
aims. Mr. Cooper will have to write another
•Last of the Motueaas," or change the title of the
sifiliejtiainwlhauxrpty ero•Oile
aase4Pieft. Bider ersisees
libe4 7 4bildivorsei-cipe up yestetdevbefotee
the Courtitteovr, mod Fleet. TheGbelWaefiled.
by liu3„ittotband, alleging wilful deeerliun by the
wife trOm his hahitation, peraisteti in fit more than
two Only. To this an answer, covering many pa
gee of paper, has been inn in by the respondent,—
The answer denies generally the fact of w tiro!
and mateions deleition ns charged In the libel,
and even that she was breed to withdraw IS
.nsequence of his unlawful and wmagall mn•
et. It then - avers that her absence wen wal.
his knowledge and sub.‘equent ueent.
ly, that his treatment was cruel and rude, and such
as to make her life burdensome to her, tn4l lusty•
tied her in remorng from his house.
It appears that the parties were married on the
7th of Janeary, 1531, and have two children. both
girls, the eldest of what. isw thirteen years of
age. The parties had lived un no happily together f,
same y ears p rev i ous t o I tettaber. Ibt2. at which
tints they agreed to separate n...‘ far sa all the rights
and duties of husband and wife were concerned.
hough they still revaded under the same roof. but
~ e parnie apartments. Mr. B. wile to have
separate mangennaee of 81000 per year; the etl-
dren'A education to be superintended by the WS.-
er, and the mother allowed to see them. They
were placed under the control of a govern,.
Matters remained thus mall Oetober, 1 , 13. when
in consequence of painful rumors illieVittle her hits•
hand, she felt that she had entirely tact the love
which she could never regain. Of the truth of
those rumors she bad no in ,01, but she ..poke of
them to nee husband. and felt ',mired that there war
no farther hope of regaining ms affection. S u e
suit remained in li.ipiug to he aide ;ri
preserve her authority VT her Oki:diet, and ina.l.-
tarn toward them a"waiter's r are. She beard howe•er, that Mr Butler vrn, about taking mean
to remove the children to another house, and she
wrote to him. asking to hr. e the privilege of going
with them, proposing to bury the occurrent., ci
the past to
His answer proposed to allow her that privilege
on certain conditions, to consider which he gave
her two daye. The conditions were so repugnant
to her feelings that she hesitated to accept them
until the two days had pursed, an accident hap-
perung to one of the children, which she though
demanded all a mother's care, she determined ,•
accede to his conditions. She over. that 011 lilt
being communicated to hun, he refused to arced
to tt, saying that the 'two days having pease,
without her accepting the proposillon, she hot
'abandoned' her children. Matters remained the
way until the children were removed to e oriel house, and the respondeht berg dented the tit,
lege of gothic wan them. she 'there
other course left 11/ her than to remove VI a hoard.
mg house, which she aceordinciv thd Itecetut,er
Whl:e here the chide or her children, which
first were daily, became less frequent and tinnily
ceased altogether. tier aledwance under Pie a ,
greement of separation wan irrveu.arly paid. acd
she avers that every rneana were token liy the fa
thee to prejudice her children mrainat her.
While boarding m Chestnut Nreet, she received
tier from her smler in England. in ixiugh
was informed taut Mr. Butler and written to Oct.
and signified his willitirness to meets's her into the
house again, on the same fasting us before. if she
would agree to certain conditions. `we accord ng
ly wrote to the Rev. W. 11. Fatuous on the subject
who wrote to Mr. Butler. Some iicrrestsmdence
ensued, and it wee finally agreed by Mr. I; ; re
reive her back, provided she agreed to certain clan
damns, which were reduced to writing The
conditions were such as she scrupled much at an
seating to, but finally did so. They were priori:
pally that she should abstain from any relereue
to the occurrences the past—mat she should n
speak of Mr. Butler or write ~..incern.iitt t.. 111
his affairs to any orie—and partieulariy that sta
ould have no terrou pot.. in word or act w
he (amdy: a ndwoe hetteutdrt.. 'te t.
them as if they were stranger, ttod •tte had
trourise with any pc, in whom Mr. itittimtiiiir.
ed of, and it .hew nnned withdraw from her
greements, was to give hunt moire.
These mintlitaine she finally . nftnncluded to sic
and on the 3.1:4 Marten, I e 45. went to Mr Butie
house. in Walnut street. She comfbanns th.
while there. the mauagement of her chi:dr-en w
given entirely to the governess—that she was ran
ly allowed--r see them. and that Si hen she dud
was evident that endeavors had been made,
estrange them front her Waite site Was torn
she received a letter front Mire Sedgvirtc, role!
sed in an enveion, (runt her husband. She ws
Surprised at this, not interpreted the vircumstato
into a permtaston by bun to read ft. whotn
accordingly did. It pro, ed ninnt to lie with n.• --
mission, however for slmri:y afterward stir re. e v
ed a letter fromf,tbin. charging her with having v
hated the condaions of her agreement. by rece y .1,
a letter fhoin Miss Sae repoed that s:”
had reeetved it front bon He answered that Th.
should have informed them of the agreement Pe.
fore she maned ,t—tnat they sad
flinch in his fatally afthos.
The letter reenved from Mr B. on ttno natita• on
Mrs. !lavers to have nil t•onn• ordered her to tease
the house viol would have been a sufficient !u•tin
nation fur oar gulag She I enim.bed. nuwever, nond
the children were plaoed up , 11 the - Ina rney Faro,'
where she was fotiid lien,in 4•011,qt14,1,
of a rlnniculky between herself and the governess.
caused by reports against the latter fq contelation
out of doors These were charged by her and
Mr. B. to have 'men started by Mrs. Butner hint
nied by her--13. , they anirravat , il
suffering. and served to maga her feel wretched
Notwithstanding the tie thilot,,,, of her onions I
the contorted to vn«t her children at the
farm.. until one day Mr Iloanne three and t naval •
coed to reinova the chinnlren. as be would ms.,.
low Mein to remann if she t sited there cue r••
turned to the city and reum.hei tor she lime
his house. not seeing tae imildren afterward—Mr
Bader having left um city. lrt ..onsoquent , of the
house undergoing reps r. ` '
.e re:named Ai ire
city until Sept when lee..ny tkui ninon its had
been gained by her nenemng a, her hu-band'in
dittoes, she caned for Enigbinnd The thainthhaece
which was to he pm,' her wan furbished very irrre•
ularly--so much ....mai Al 1 , 1 ' 7 in order to sup•
port herself. site ed to -resort to Int. Is•
borious and dionsietts. ehip.oyuient her youth
To Bus answer exotp: ti
the relevancy a the Fait,
made to certain parts.
Mr. Cadwalailer is inninernoeil too 'iron myna up
on exceptions and deinUrrer. If, remarks were
diseurattie, and in tuunteqiienee • layn, d•aa,,
no general proposition., it was Impossible to gain
a succinct idea of the ground. hiker tit 'Lie
He appeared to Ira endeavoroig to show thin tit
Perna. the law in regard to divan, ns mat ate.:
by the ecclesiastical law of England. and that
formsnof proceeding are aasnsfete dand cnverr eil
by the civil and canon law
Mr. Cadwalader 11,011 pied the mornom .0 era.),
sing the positions reterred tai.and m three ovloi k
theeourt adjourned unt.l this morning
Mr. Butler was in wort, but Nl', Butler Wil4
not.. She arrived in the cit.. vetterday. ...
staying at the Washout's. House.
The Counsel engaged are Met•ers loan f 'ad win a
der and Hon. .en, M. Dallas sir mc.. r ,rlt, I
Meseta Benj. Gerhard. Win. Myren! th std flou
Rufus Choate. of Massachusetts, far respondent.
From the Ledger of \Vedneedny. we aura tn.
Mr. Cadwallader continued the argunient the
case, on, m wlncit Ile went Into an natty
orate review ci the e v i dent presented by res
pondent. Win. M. Meredith, Esq. followed lor
respondent. lie denied the proposition land down
by thy opposite side 'that nothing but an s.. .hue
defence could be interp..sed to n prheeedinv hir
divorce: All the c•rcumstauces should I.e went:,
ed and taken into due consideration in detem,n•
tag upon the question.
The grounds of the defence to whsch he would
address his remarks were brie:ly these
I. That Mrs. Boiler left her husbands house
with his cosent and license, and has never been
2. That alit was corn;ie.'ed t i ieave his bun,
by hie determinative 11, away by near,
and conduct not to be 01,110
3. That she was justttied In leaving ha house be
acts of cruelty and wirCiunstances to make
her life insupportable.
The hoar of three having arrived Lefore Lill'
coneinalon of Mr. Meiedlida argument the Court
adjourned until Thursday mormng.
lowing remarks from the New Orleans lin,letm.
speak our mind esaetly-
Now that the election of Gen. Taylor 111 assured
beyond the reach of any contingency, we really nod
truly feel an indifference tin 10 bin obtaining the
yore of either oldies above (Virgium arid Alabama]
or any other States not already heard from defin
itely, as we wish to let Pennsylvania have the
honor of having defeated, broken and crushed the
spode party down to t..e very dust, no has been
done by the recent election.
Pennsylvania was deceived, cajoled. and LIED
into the support of sir. Polk to 11534. and it a b u t
right and proper that she, the victim of the woad
then practiced upon bee should be the one bytwhose
strong arm her betrayers have been struck
to the earth. If to the present 163 certain cute,
for Gen. Taylor, those of Virginia and Alabama be
Cass would be defeated re oh ou ,
sylvania, and the retributive justiee an regards
that State, would not be so apparent. MY ' wish
that she may be able to stand in her giant strength
and say
those who deceived and betrayed her,
I AM AVENGED. It world be "poetical justice"
meted out in a moat appropriate maneer, and
would act as a salutary warning far the future. to
all reckless and unprincipled poliumans. the
Democratic part has now awe:lamed that .hones
ty would have been the best policy," fur though
they obtained the vote of Pennsylvania in 1544,
when, as the result proved, it was not neessn.
ry for its success, it has, in conesquence of the
fraud, not only loather support in loth, by which
has been defeated, but probably thrown her into
the opposite rank for a I.llPerles of years ta come,
as we nave no doubt the change ut that State is
radical and permanent.
Since the Locoforo newspapers continue to n-
Ilifrdt very laudable anxiety and interest concern
ing the acclamation of Gen. Taylor's Carnet, we
IN able to Tate them upon. the best authority,
!Ant tpe ,Ishalnistration will be a "unit" m poiitical
opinion, and that here is not the remotest appre ,
hensiho of there being any discordant element to
disturb the harmony of its councils, or Me imirit
unrminuty that will prevail in regard to pubic mea
sures. Nettling nut the fours—or
l.coisrn could have RllllCtimled anything nine.-
6 80 1 / VW
. 11151 , Yosuc, Nov. 27,1845.
I".4eamval orate Cemhrta bnogs nothing o aih
fent lidelnesa affairs with us. Her road, however,
mates certain, what needed no confirmation, and
that isiittle ea/natl. of n demand for grain at pays
ing prices. The demand for United States' secu.
nues columned, and large sales had been made of
tl'it at 97i with the divoletid This fact will heap
up tile demand here and supply a large amount of
e acnnage
r. Walker's estimate of the wants of the Treas•
wry department are calculated to arrest attention.
He nays his wants until June. 1850, are St 1,000,.
000. an amount which his tariff will pay, should the
imposts continue. Assuming the expenditnres
and the means as the Secretary estimates, the new
adminstration will he found with a matter of some
delicacy on hmd, and find it a work upon small meg
mode, to raise revenue enough for the govern
meat, without recourse to loans, and at the sem -
ume check the imposte which most be done-
The patriotism of New Yorkers is just now in
oidess of being brightened, and a general sensii
•enesa prevails, at the neglect to build a mono•
cut to Washington. Any number of corner
ones have been laid. but the superstrucuon still
s quiet in the bowels at the earth. A new plait
as been adopted, and nre to have a model se
cited by universal sullrage, a right to be obtained
y paying one ildtlar. All the models proposed are
anged round a room. and the -constituent - votes
a . the one to his taste. The poll will be closed
ni, and with as much energy in the future man•
tgement, us hex been shown in the past, by ISt
he monument will be completed and be a famous
elixir. No one ever needed a monument less than
-the Father of his country," and his memory will be
cherished as fondly as even though another outder
ry passes before his monument is done.
Soh:amber,. to the • Art Union .. arc coating in
- • .. • .
fast ns the day for ihstributain approach.. Th.
fund iilready reaches 545.000, a emu that will en
able the Society to wake a distribution of picture
worthy. of American art. The collection now is a.
honor tonny country. and he who asserts that th
Vestern continent has not a school of its ow
with artists emnpeient to furnish pictures to adorn
the gallery of all A merican, is too nice in his Male
n. reside iu A inerwa. The success of the
has started a rival to be called the “International
Art I 'pion." 111.11 the same terms of membership.
atlthti• , n b the usual thstrtbution or pictures,
ew assomalion will send freed expense, an Amer
• MII 11 mat to Europe to study tor two years in the
enacts there. The success of the plan is doubtful
it depends upon one or two who hope to make
coney finis it,which to not nor call be-done in lb.
Art I "111011. - which as voluntary association,'. sue
toned by those whose toele for the arts, compel
. • -
ten them for all their Inhar, and somulates fin
to the greatest exertions in its behalf
A illsclosure is promised in one of the Brokers'
Newspapan, in relation to the system of "Mutual
Life inenrance.. that promises to be of interval
'rile statement torthcoming a to the effect that
the laws .1-gatitztna them have been violated, and
that :nntead ol taking.seeurity for money loan,'
or l on, mortgages. third mortgages have been
en. nail this 100 where n judgment has been no
entered upon the original claim. It is else
charged that the power has got alto the hands o
o.e actuary or manager. and that in one c, he
prises ase
pi•sesses enough to enable him to change
at the annual election the whole management o
tos odice. Th.• mud roost/gageis said to have
been elected in the atisence'of the said
company, ve . leo threatened to resign and romnie two
Irani incasure. iiness restunieon was made by rea
"dicers making the loan. This system of 'worsen ,
Is very popular, and abuses may have crept it
ti no the rootter Ina exitto-ure in made tth
heart , . ter lb. who have made previstou for thy*
near and dear to there. II all it right no ex ttosur
or exarno eat,m in to , be leered, ti there in natenann
aftetnent, the wruttnv eanhtrt hr too clone
TICE N. , 11.; HMI Vora . — ZACIIAILT T•TI.C. Pre
..,teat ,sect it me 1 u it'd States. lie watt nomi
nated and has !wen run on broad national grounds.
for la• pattiorin the constitution. Is.• object
the:greatest ntsai kit the :era:est number of the Ames
ratan pfE,II:V. and i.constituency tae moderate
and conservati•e menet the country He is
Betted to no particular section or locality for
success. having beeii:supported with the same zeal
and at
nomty tar North, the East, the South.
and the West. N it s ne received the enure vote
miner section in in° almvesnamed division In
the South. for example. tie gets Maryland end
% I rk,. North Carolina and loses South f 'angina
:rod I i.e. A .abiama . Florida and loses
Mississi,ipi. Louisiana and lose, Texas . Tenon
iirc and loses Arkansas. Kentucky and losra Misr.
The same is we at the East end the North
Reckoning Delaware with the tree States, he gets
eight cut w the sixteen Northern and Eastern
"Stems. It appears. therefore, that Gen TAYLOR
44. heel, impported tiy ail secnons of the country
Inalehted to au particular :Meal influence for al.
success, but deriving efficient support from all
luny of the I nom and .l,rettatug inavartty 'la ,
lanes: rote , Gude .Varth and SlurtiA of .3111.0. an/
Dirac • hs., ha la as emplualcolly dun Pre•Wont
th , Trfarm a., A. icai the raral.darr of Mr people .
I eved s. ‘ rlectormi votes in South
ninety-seven in the Northern Stairs, icing a
majority in taah dry isiona.
flit ins titilect of this article wan to express our
app: the Jour. , which the North ban par
.3 lb, C.00i. , 81 ”ir friends in that '
have conducted themselves nobly. and we congru
!mate we ornate country. and especially the friends
aion and harmony upon the magnanimity:alai
wthc n h they tia,nnt•trd !king largely in the utak
• • .
• ;n the ['Untieiptha . onvention. they had •t
11 the, pois er to n dninate whomsoever they plea , -
t, yet Liles' not only et nutted to the nomination
at a Southern man and a lance slaved, ider, but
Finely ussoited in it And when we noininalson
ad !wen made, they entered upon the ranvsss
Wan a cheerfulness and determination worthy of al.
..ininiendation. and have crowned mew patriot,i;
dt!. and denon--,r
11,, by giving the old planter oi:Louisrana ninety
irev., it torsi voter. In all this we nee an ev.-
deb: e al attachment to the I a desire to te-
store p .
eace and harmony to the evunetts of the ha
hon. and a devonon to the eountry. the whole coon'
lii'. nod nothing but lie country. which cannot but
htt protiM, of the .11 , 1.1 bench , lel results. Th.
I'monn. rt ! • 7,,,tred • And the North. trt her
ac.rrous sum.ort of lien Twine. and the South
n her eymay poth_tu• suptstrt Ut Mr FlL.L.uttax.
Intr.• each giver, a solemn pledge It' the luit.oll and
tu wor t d I tr .11r0.1- oh nor.
~ c uit'r collie the country. theref,tre and the
Plead. of ratetna I liberty and re pul,cantato every
where. upon thew tataptctotia mdicationa, We
ha ve much to make 111 rejoice. From kanhall and
teelae colony. we have rapidly ;crown into gigatac•
manta Kat and how that we have inched that point
~ vi: zntionand advancement when we are
prepared to enjoy they the blettrunga of a free tatn•
at,tuhon and equal law., abet] we dash our bright
pr..peeta a the earth' We answer emphatically,
No ' We say, ..t . H , 011 , note and f eree h,r un
der the I:naci we are what we are. Rota per.
Fenn. the Now Ilrfeen• Bullet, of Nov 21
The Field of Owew• Vleta•
We recently had exhibited to us the original of the
eeleorated letter mufti Gun Taylor to fintita Anna
written /in the held of Biretta Vista, in reply to the
summons:of Santa Anna to surrender with ha army
This document is in the form of a note, being on
a bolded half ahem of letter paper. It is in pencil
wn ten by Major now Colonel) Bliss, and signed
y ;eri Taylor. The writing a very legible, and
ei the regular open hand of Col. Bliss, and with
1,... etc curly marked signature of General Taylor.
These a nothing miner in the note or tire signaler<
tint indicates haste. Litt. nn the contrary. judging
fr toe general appearance of it, we should say
mid bah the writer and the signer of it Were "
calm as a summer's morning' when it was pre. as
"r' : l
AsGnl flier n the city at the time we saw
tits ow was i e, we took tulcasion to ingezre of him the
instances under witch it was written. Ile
told us that he wrote .t on the top of his foraging
elm, placed on his bane. sitting on a bank ut earth
i ;en. Tay' r dictating the tenor of It, and that the
latter did nut sign it us reported, on horseback, but
that he was standing by the side of his horse, Old
Whitey,) and laid the paper on the saddle, and
s i gned it there with the same pencil with which
10..G01. Mrs) wrote it.
The gentleman who brought this document from
Mexico came passenger in the else:net from Vera
Cr., with Mr. f'.lllford, our Mtnister. He obtained
it in the city of Nles:wt, and Intend. to have it el
egantly framed for preservation, as he values it
very highly.
Though the letter is familiar to all our readers,
we give the following vet - 5.214,n copy from the art.
Near Punta Vats, February 2i, !bib.
'S.r In reply to your note of this date, summons
ing me to surrender mV tunes al discretion. 1 beg
lenve to say that I decline acceding to your re.
'With high respect. I 1 / 1 /1 sir,
Your obedient servant,
'Mnfor General U S. A. Commending.
•To Senor It Anto. Lone: de Santa Anne.
'Commanding in Chief, Encantade.'
As tan Whigs will tie able to elect the State
Treasurer at the ensuing session of our titans Leg
islature, it to hat right and proper that each section
should present some of is sterling men for that
responsible office. Public sentiment seems to con.
cede to the East the United states Senator, and
hence we mistime the Treasurer will be given to
the West. Under this impression, we would pre•
e y e : flit th e roo•ideration rd the Legislature, the
name ofJosepn H. Kuhns e,,
of Weatmore
tend, as a gentleman t enuiesseng all the requisite
qualifications fur, and eminently deserving of the
trust. Few men in the State have labored harder
for the Whig cause, and none are more firm and
decided in their principles. In point of morel char
act, he has no sopenor, and his urbanity of man
ners and kindness of heart have won the him the
friendship of all who have made his acquamtan..
Besides these considerations, the Whigs of West
moreland are entitled to some notice from those
who hove honors to bestow, and we kirl snared
that they will cordially concur is this recomenda
uon, which, we wish it understood, is Oman With. ,
out Mr. Kuhns' knowhstige.---Sehs. The.
hair; „ Ti._Ait; T. ktr i mer' . 4.4.1fia Taal papers
haTieroeget,',lTwailialeciatniettltie gentleman
IllaninennaiWnh rigt appointment in Caen. Taylor's
Cabinet, and ids mangoms friends is Parinrylve
haie felt quite desirous that he should permit
the use of his name in that connection. his great
moral worth, his purity of hfe. mcorroptible hones
ty, dignity of character, and his sound, ism/terve
ties Times on questiensof national palmy, ennnent.
ly fit . hint for a mat in the Cabinet. and seem to
point him out as the most satiable person In rep
resent Pennsylvania, and the one who would just
till the eye of general Taylor. Mr. filliennan'.
appointment would give universal satisfaction
to all parties, end we hazard nothing in saying.
that no man in Pennsylvania would mom honors•
bly represent our great State, would confer greater
honor on the Cabinet or make o wiser and more
prudent Counsellor. But we regret to any that on
personal and pis vale oonsiderauons, Mr. Mlien
ann. cannot permit the use of Inn name in connec
tion with the new Cabinet. !le feels deeply grate.
ful In his numerous friends fir their ktudness and
partiality manifested in suggesting his name. yet he
authorizes in to say, that his circumstances are
such, that he should feel compelled to decline the
honor Ada Cabinet appo'ntment if tendered to him.
Knowing the inclination of Mr. M'Kennan's
mind on ttos subject, we suggested last week an
other distinguished son of Pennsylvania, fora seat
.it ;en Taylor's Cabinet.— Wash. Rep.
Aso - rums &mat.. Scurur..—A mong the latest
schemes contemplated by the cotton planters of S.
Cornlin • the establishment via hank in each of
t ,P eon,. :-tates, to enable the grower to hold his
crop until It can he sold at a fixed value. It in pro.
posed to advance money, on the faith of cotton. As
trade, under any circumstances, will regulate Itself
to a censor extent at leant, we should think the
scheme rather absurd. and likely to result to the
ruin of planters, banks, and all It is not to tie sup
posed bin that there would he found independent
sellers of nsudicient fur all useful purposes."
—Balt. n
Tits Iscm win became somewhat epidemical
here last week, and we perceive that in New York
and vicinity it pretty generally introduced its satin.
ty also. Though it has been stated that the
visitations of cholera have always been preceded
by the prevalence of induenaa, it by no means fol•
lows that the former is alwayssequent upon
the latter Vet It may le well con that the present
ailment stimulate those whose imperative duty it
is to prepare for the [amble approach of the great
er Non
Tug Tacna.—The European correspondent of th
National Intelligeneer attnhuies to the newepape
and their editor, on the continent, the immediate
production, in a great degree, of the momentous
changes that have taken place there. lie says
•the political journals at England, France and Ger
many. are under the direction of men of command
ingtalent. extensive learning, and a most intonate
knowledge of the feelings, desires and neceesitie
lit the people, and tine tendencies of the age."
Ral_itaa los/ —After it hard week's work In our
law court, where hardly any thing was to he heard
but borrtlitc auras of murder and manslaughter.
and km yea. and razors, and piztols, and blood etad•
ed garments, and death, and snaztratry, and the pen
itentiary. and the gallows, and Imaken hearts, and
tearful eyes, and learned, and certainly very elo
41uont. speeches. and Leong half sick and half men
ry, we were delern,ned, in Saturday morning to
let law nail murder and judge and jury go to
over the hintd far an hour, and turn into the es.
tabltahment id nor exre.lenl friend Mr. Mellor in
Wisal Street, and if...a at Ice choice .electron
Patna, and wild.. away a little fine, until judg
Patton got ready to dearer Inn charge lathe jury in
the caw of Joseph Ztrtimerlee, charged with th
murder Hof no , wile We thus tried to does away
Local !Matter..
the horror,' off lb wick. lint 11, ,tor obsu
the hope , 1 man
We went to Mr. Mellor.. and mound hint ' all th
the heart could wiah. but the horrible recollect,
of ail the hurnbie thine which had trannpired
tile horrible court house Jur .rig Ott meat burnt
week:, rtili hung to• us with null horrible ten.,
n. LU keno us .0 4 I,wedue mom], and was enough
Nay. we
even sum,ert iLit Mr Me 1,,r mum have perceived
something •..Duthie in our countenance—
1114 y ha, c ,unity led 0.4 of SI,JO/1 that
the common disease of the day—and juagtng
...e to avirly 'ne ap,tnetrln .. a real .ace
a . I .lr d .1 '
1.1.:c A kur,OF u,ll.
eirruAr scale Who. s ;am' Reader, go and
and el you .re not pie.d with it, Ay net
say that the I, al rd.: Pittsburgh .cas ette
h.. gut to, 1101, ,rs aukl be trleli ., ‘..ll . •16
Nlcnt r :tat. s no, stock count"; in It
tw. and we •na!l nit fail to vddi hap
pr.,..1e 1 v.• when the n.truntent•
wive. and bits, n nu a , fialquilg tre,le
L,ke wound• unit a$
were five ca,r , r,oglO Lc-lore bog !Mlle, of dr..11'4
w,rnan w re • gave ner Lame lane Nepheniwn, was
lakrn "p I.y it wa:crimoti or/ Inn . 1,111,11. near
[..:nl, u n wol•lry )Ig !pf br
IMI =1
nod. and le-reined hardly • n
I ,es around Orr Sat. 7, .1
d r.t) vein.
t• nteady tier llorVen
11'r kle,w 1:1111 we ever a more pambie
Sim K as , omm.o I a for 10 day•—nl doubt to
I.llle tIIII,I her own. The Inur other Cana,
Were lirkW,rllAy, eleept •c luay inertivm
U. , 41) wrre ea , I, fined n doh., and coma
fe t•tent.hg u and disturbance new the the.
etre Caniline Ittenan a hard Iruth
Man, win, and Olen ttobb,rd we walchmea Leto,-
Weis ,1111.111itIvd tor twrltty days
e , e, limn -tin Scturdsv, an inquest was
amd before James Richardson, Erit , Coroner, on
view oldie body of Thorn. Higgins. who came
to his death under the following circumstances.—
It Appeared that on rsaturday morning the deceas
ed came down stairs from his bed MOM, as nasal,
a little here nine ii clock lie shortly afterward.
went up stairs again ltirsoniethius he wanted, and
on resulting the top step, stumbled and tell, atm
expired immediately. LAntearted was a labonsig
man. lived in the nth ward. had been .. 0.1 the
spree - for some eight or ten days, tetlh hetWeert 40
and :A/ years of age, and has len a wile and sever,
ml children to mourn Ins sudden departure. Vet
dint of the Jury. - died by the visttabou of God,'
Tinuraz —Benefit of Mr A ddnms. Shalt
spenre's celebrated Tragedy of King Lear will be
played to-night,—Mr. Adder,. as Ktng Lear, and
Mrs. Lewis as Csirdelte The cast throughout, as
shone by ndverusement, presents nn array of talent
rarely to be met with, and oder, a rich trent to the
I of the drama.
KAM Run.—The Smckhoiders of the Pato-
burgh and Connel'avdle Roomed Company meet
Ibis day at 2 o'clock P. hl., to elect a Board of Di.
rectors at the office of the Secretary, above PMlo
Ilan. Entrance on Third street_
I.rc - rrsors 0. [coos -Thi., Monday, eventoß, m It t . o t o
Hail. Doors open ttt half past 6. to comatettc< at half
pitsl 7 o cle k
9twarT—lron ure., aud Ineor geological poamon—
Ores of the l',fithorgh coal farm/tn.—Flo Zr..
Tim.- For the -..urse of Lail iecturea $2 lao Single
tickers ..Gr centa. der4-eM FRED OVERNIAN
Nonneg.—A meeting of the Executive Committee of
the Rough and Road, Club w,li Le veld this evening
(Monday, ul the usual p.m,
dee I
Irr rug Pumas l'iltunts.—lf you wish to he out ,
coastal in any undertaking, yoa brunt alWayti •'use Mg
croper means means' 'I if you have a no ugh, use
/armee Karam - man - 1 . and he cured, hit it is the proper
meal , Have you Asthma or thliculty of tireathing,
then the only elfictent means to rum you 11 to urn
lay net Expectorant. which will Immediately overcoat.'
the spasm which contract, the.dmmeter of the tubes,
and 1, w ,, and wanes up the tvlle. which clogs thtan
up, slid hut rcinove• viol)
obst r uction to a free respb
mum, while at the sonic nine all inflammation is sub.
dued, and a cure is certain In he effected {lave yon
[Moncton., Simon& oi Blood, Pleurisy or in fact any
Pulmonary Affection, then une Jayt.e's Elpectorant
and relief is certain. and you .all find that you hang
aged the proper mesas
For sale in Pittsburgh at the Penn Tea bunt, - Ai Ith
1111 . 001 near Wood.
111•yoralty of Plttsbrurgh
Masts , Warm k Co.-4 rents: Pleue to atinouneel
the name of Mr Ilanar Wmataorr as y satiable person
for the office of Mayor of :Ms city .
n0v27.t0 Flan Woeo .
r Editor. el.. Iloilo.. Om Co,.
B. Kee. will be a eandbdate fr.r nowiroloon for
the o ff ic e of Ma, or nowtriiii Suomi NV •lID.
Blnyoralty of Allegheny City
NlaToaaLir ALLIGInene Cm.—Mr Editor. You
',lll please announce the name of Mr. Jon.. Rc•n.
34 M and, Allegheny, for the office of Mayor, subject to
the decision of the Whig and Auttenesonic Convention
novl7-Ice Moon Verna
whioir skin of he, than snow.
At: females haye skirt I.ce the above, who us; loner
Spas.Ltwiy \Vitale. It ataketh pure snowy, yet tuts
wily white. Solt 1 119 lAberty street. /YD.
1 73 • . S. • 7 79 ': -, '' , g .CI 1311Dll a ti: hbls Butter, 4 kegs dik 11bbh, Tu.
wialeit sn ood
b y we tie= it - ‘.... Ile ' Pliel oft %, hoah dried Peisehesi 10 an thews.;
ex. Liter, owned by jaw Brr.i.. e F,...., • banal,' alumna Po Ain. H 0...) , limit mg from Lake
•nd /Mule AIL /km , . k Co , Philudes. to new that_ 'Ade eita lipLanc, agurfee aelv by
on the Mk ult., we . hipped at Phila&lphia a Quemoy - ,-astselt. - JAMS DA 12F2.1.. 24 water so
of meteliodive. which was unfortunately damaged try ( 11111 1,,,,,.... - --
.. .ft.-Fire -10 be Brand at roe store of w
linking in the canal Such of us as preferred. Mr 4.,,, , ft kr i.e . scroll a d of the differ
hiMfesten paid to nut, *befall value of our mud., with- ent sate• and qua:ilea of BO Btazilcuta, Muth,. and
out a wasung their anneal or staking time to disiili I Counterpane.
tate them. Others who preferred IralllnE the many.'
el their goods, he hes promptly paid the damage...-
revised—Or aggregate sum beteg about Five Thou. , . it.l
Doiteni. Some of lie have dealt with thus Lute fer ten
ilyeeesxlVe )eal.ri, Cu/ always to our perfect Pa..,
110 n
Pbtaburgo. November 2k, 1.315.
laane Hamen.
WSirkafotate. for I
K. H exoton. OLD
H. H. Myer.,
J Eatep,
bl'lntosb & South. We Ohio
Straws ft Gray. Grave Creek. Va.
TRICYPIIANT TILIMSIONV 10 the value of Di Whatley
Vertuauge Read. ell that doubt.
••A (err,, when placed at the entrance of • rat hole,
amen the aperture, travels along the passage, ~11
apoll the rat. extermlitales his e.stence, and drags the
dmal's defunct carcUeu . the light• And ;n ;ie
fuermanner have I found Dr. hi'Lane's American Venni..
fuer to operate upon worms, those dreadful and dan
gerous tormentors of children. This remedy, hke the
ferret. enters the aperture of the mouth, travels down
the gullet. burrs round the stomach, lays hold of the
worms, shakes the life out orate repoles, sweeps elean
their glen. and earner , their carea-ases clear out of the
'stem Thug. renal han been the effect of the germ.
ge upon my children WM. ROCLArr
Naples. Jun 1.47
• This rritty that I have used Dr'ri Ver
. thigh and have round n to operate 111 like mariner
thin my rhtiolien. JOHN DRICALS
Naples. June. 1,17"
A grituLne an/etc of the above valunble niedwtne ran
e had et the drug store of) Kuld .4. Co . No 110 Wood
MCI vor27
r 0 1 .11115 Join Comm—The frequent changes in the
weather at this smuon of the year, invariably bring
alot,g with them roughs 11.1111 colds. which I.y titn•(y
attention are easily cured hy simple remedtes
I. bits' IMPERIAL COUGH SYRIA' has been in se
for the last IV ye a rs. and has gainml more reputat ion
(or the cure or coughs (not requiring active medical
treatment) then any other prepantlaiti ever offered to
the citizensot Allegheny county. The Imperial Cough
Syrup is very plea... to the taste, and. on tlits a
count. is vent (month with children. 'Dr doses a ce
rarofully graduated. 111 directions. to suit all ages.
That this long tried and lughly popular rough remedy
may be scot. the reach 01 all, II Is sold at the low
pore or ItU cents per bottle.
Prepared and sold by R. E SELLERS. V Wood st,
Pittsburgh. D M. Curry, Al egbeny . - and druggists gen
erally In both 011201 otl2
Ja ExpacrottaYr —We would call attenuon
this excellent remedy for Coughs, Colds, Consumption,
Asthma. and all affections of the Throat and Lungs.
Having severs. times with, a few years past had ore R
aton to use a ned,ine oriels kind. are have - by xpert
ones birth its excellent qualities, and are prepared to
recommend it in milers. liiiisters or outer puhne
speaker, alllicted `to bronchial affections airi find
Kre•l honert Iron ii• use. It toprepared hys sewn,
fir physt tan. end all el will findit ei Kale and effi
cacious medicne in Me diseases tor which it is re
commended.—. Columbus 4iio• , roos and Journal
Forsa'r •t the Pokol Tea Slorr, No 70 Fourth street
my 2.5
L=r Dlsrarst• a the bane Of many a matt •
t..., No tongue Ilo•rribe the suderinge • caused
1,) thts dt•eaee It wilt. ntto for Ito sta
tion Ln
whatever it tn.ty Lr. am: make. him feel
• %hough be ....old rather notel. than endure ourh
miser) 't rt these ..urferlnc• Are proctored to 1110 first
pbtee by derangement or the stomach. and If this a,re
oar; by nemg II A Fahnemork's Anlt•Hthou•
the bowels would ne ele•osed, the •reuntulaunn al
e•rne I off an.l• speedy and .are 021er - obtained
rrepured and .o.• by II A FA A Co.
corner 1.% and wood. a:ao corner tith and wood ate
CT Tts• "oft Anror. exprennon °Come frin&r• .
Kr•zerul kik view whr, the repulovr. moth')
,r , ovr tures co ether, r.icOr... dinEtati—the same svA
owes Couul orch prsrptr lodurrd :01r) • Val, at
trur Jos. I,loot ('hen
icul Soap. Me, would t..r
ro.r•ptuosl wt. rhangr woold • tir.o
Jo, r utolo. Ali, soh, even dishgurerroort or
..ruption would I, rroloverl earl corrrl
I . ..rtur t --Prrooks who have bouCO cheap
1111, .11k.k/k1.011• this. told Imve ad Ito el.
:es...produced. Inum iry hm• ongulk: ••k
tor Rm.. For •Ix:e .11k \
r) oft., me r 2.1 ie
I,lltes tie Jones Spaul•tz 1.0 Whop, have
:Ltie while (• Of 111:1. r:al
l a- ) nu, old) Pitl.:•tagli. tk: .40
L.etty at
Don'tnave • Fort: Breath—a you have uaa
tar t of Jon,. Tuoth I . ••te T.
rr,„ mar, oar brcaiu sweat, Nah.len oyr .
60 , 1 Mr Laarrly ylr.dkwly
Wright, DI. D., Dentist,
In •Ider• e Fourth we., oppv•l It
l'omMort, ,
n• from 9 o'r,oelk 12 A
M and o riot our
No e 9 WO411) . BETWEF:N 3d AND 4th MN
anel:ll:et+to h .r. e r en . . ,
ray,taL.o•tonero Ln tior oant,
drur•Lo• luot gto•d• es
ud,orda• to •Lt, anal qua .1). o r•toro
ou,oar, Mote Or ,110
pp the let", aeat rtitlett is% e
Itr• A 11 ihtttor of the Atectetate
,rote.l Ch.r• 1•„e wee, Neer 1 of t. •,t: ~ e -ere•
) leuen-•• , orre•pondeztre
thooth.r ret:othrsi is devoted eir`o.l 'el, to
the comnau:or &Loh of I ntethgenre resreettog the
tete. Auld the prorrethoge at the Amer. - Rh Sue:ett
hod other Llt the greiti chum. of pre.
rtintati •11,11"..• tast atticoovg . al ;4,4,,as el: am of
meltorst., •hea tetnit..ral r 0404 110, toeeNner
al.r ithoporry. betrieg oh the.e It.•,ort
and plo.pert.. 1., the deparrme, of urstutli:lect pro.
pore, the betard .t'larats of the &taternent •ed
nt the
d,tf-rert e...entettatned n the CI,.
1et ...)
Crtur.: tre•lttstre 110 ft:T..II,IIW! r • t.he
r t ..," Ti... ma, rest e, V<l, 141. the tntliterluA.
nor pul,:e4tled 111 1.4 So.•ze, 4
~Err ,7 - \u. 4-1/11 •t Vorl, •I• rubiel,4l t.rm
pe,4• o. 01.4 Do.lut prr pso tlikke
Aenuk ..,I ne rere,ved • tee Root
I.:Ni.l.lleti , Food street, lee
• . tot bc •it:•• rtmOur[h A:, A •
rkl A •r„ ' • ". .) " . Solt
515., tesistrik(eA of pv. , AS•
with promptnens 11111/ pun,us:
or s T
I,.lNl , rkt rttlt NOTICK —Tta. subvert.,
A 'rr.• J. use. out I.etrera o( Adattn..orttt.orr
tte stnit. 01 I•aarSi.rtMl .ate of Nara rat etre
r.e5 r ,....„ ; . rte. eased All persotor Indebted to the
. .ter.e•u-d wt:l Mal, immediate ?At •
e.•tins sgolust the estate nt the
v..... present them proper. tartatentrr•s•
.1111014. r
orth Fa, etre tomensi..ll
apt] • II
\‘• 11 ,V I 1.-I IN N. Ktchrt, Jr , v/ . .ry. Sa.ver Ware
COTlkef o( Nlatr, and 41(1
wee, P. rel. r n N U —ll .0a a .
ole. I
j :N a l 1.11.1
p•-nr,l•. nt,..
ud• ear • I,••/ tirqx,ark..•lKlr
. .
1!.“ “ eom , .•card cam.. 'nut Ithtv,..., ilnmtr
.urkles. •ittlro..lnoth rnr
37 market .t. cot 4th
to:, ton. yra.ncurrery,or 4 me% spy vd
roan n: up. art., do par. 6 rno• do. Intere.t ad
red For thr •upertor qualdi ot Our brand wr r
1., glans and :to,. mattu W ractarera Ode city rriserai
lOU Ithert, st
I\ F i N ft , Nlurpily
, ra . ;
i~r,,, " .:.p<rLur 1,4 g Pla,tl ; , 1,3k. Is. r:vetvutl I.y
Lle Aicumer dec4
• r N II ttlit , ---Sti ittristy Bags. oat rreets et' and
I.) tor .aty & MITCH FL FRYE.
dee4 1 - 3.2 liberty ot
6 2 E -1. tAa• ',one Pipe, Pandsorur:) .
IJ p•rkr,l.just rrreil ed nod to dale t.)
41,4 C 111.12 ANT. 11 water .1
t " I
gmpllNo I, and lot tole by 1 & R F1..1Y1),
der4 Round Churck_lio4,dlngt
/V EH SEED—In I , hl. Clovcr Seed, reed tn/siny
0) ....Mr thilKellee, 0.1141 for .we ny
I ALA P—am :b• .u.t Tee d And art sale I y
tic, I J ICIDU & cn
C A ,•t ret d
1)R1(W4 1:01 . r.,11 CANDY-10 gross Just 'rr and
1 for sale t,y sle.4 KIDD ICO
_ _
lh. itur re rl K md p f:r,7le
LORI. Ihs just ree'd nod lot
BC, 1., tlrr.l J KIDD A Co
f DIA' NI'S SPEC! VIC —4 Jo, just rrr olptr steam
rr I NrWlOll. and for •nlr by
EFINED SO. A RS-40 bbh. %mull Lout, &Awned
number., 170 do c rualled. , 3 do powdered,
clarified m .lore sod for .ale by
AgtA St !Arms Ream Sugar Refinery.
dec4 43 water and 112 grow
t new crop, tat* landing from *teenier
Hibern od lor sale by ia m
dov4 JA NIES A tirreftvoN 5 10
aria Krmoca r !temp.
der.l r JAS A 111 - TGIIISON A Co
I, , E.ATIIERS—ioN I Lb. prime Krittueky Emilie, for
f' sale I.i der4 JAS A 111 TrAilsos & co
Lp.,,1e0:1 1.. J, ANC LI. Bar to. lot
Ante by — drc.l J AS A HUTCHISON .4. Co
V/ 01.13 - EN S 1 bbl., half bid,, and In gallon
keg, in loom and for laic by
dec4 1 0. A 11 4 , TotN ) 11.
- •
SIIOI,ASSV.S —no 1•1. St lulu. Sugar lloune
. M01t... tor lula
deot IAS A lILMAIISON //. Co
XTEW CHOI . nlcE-2o tierce. plc ree'd and for mule
1 , 1 by de,4 MILLER & RICKETSON
SCIiAR-40 hss white Hereon Sugar; GO bags wlute
Havana do, reef,. ed and for sale by
. _
SEUARS--5 0 NI genuine Prltiespe,•Cror & Sons,' ...1.1
do do do 'd min" Sans,' 10 do Ilayana Regaltv,, 5 do
do 'Fragancla. reed and fflr tale I.i
dee< op l ,I,F,R . er. R 4C K.ETSON
.. - . .._ _
Mlli-ASS F. s— r i bbls elugar House, 411 do new crop
pl eu t is uon, just recd and for sale by
. .
---- ___
NQIA VI.: OIL, crop of le4e-10 baskets so 7tt.o, flor
d-aus, -Durand's," 10 do d•;, tic,,"L•hiodr's," Is d o
J ...Ilea. re e 1 1 . ., 4 Ono for 4 alc by
or, f MiLLER 8- RICAFTStfi
' ' '
1 , A '4':'47.tles 01.1.--4)..bbls Strans OIL Inonnig v [ld
for sale nY nov4 14.513A14144.4, „ m- 0 I .ASS Et , — 0 Dbla pq.e.,)„ ~,,,„d o ',. der,
. m.t i.e.,. ;I pc, .ant Colombo. n. and for .a.t. by
\9k M 7111'1"CIIKUI'lik.:1,,
S ' •
1:q A R fIOUSCMIA.A.4.4:S-13 bble pTivue7 - ia
Ist good order, for by
O. SEGAR-17 lathls prune, for sale by
s nov - 4 W&M D; I'ICHELTHF:ti
r OAT SIAJA R-40. ht 4, inlalfloave;; - (Orspile tow
L i by novi7 W & M MITCHELTRF.E
rilfEESP,7sl,.sa C1..1/1 Cheese, Tor saTi by
UEFfiI,N APPLE :S-0 Ws RLIPS. Apples, lot sale
by uheS6 D WILLIAM& MU wood on
. .
. . . _
\A - hH -M . , (. iii.... , . ‘N .... • ... , roe ri ers, dea-
r• In Produce. troll, 7,..., W
, ar.. nd P.u•-
I , u r ,Il M.r.,..., , urr. zr,rerahir. 1,2 Laren) -, 1 . ,....
. -
prime W R Ch. ese. reed and for
bbl• Green Apple•. recd and
%V R 11117.1.7 C H FON
ior %ale by der
IHESNUTS-. Irr.r•a Chesnut", reed and r r wale
kj by %V /r. ft 111'CUTCHEON
DUTTER iii;roße Roll Ramer rec'd and for
j nal< by J•nl We'
I)EACIIES-1501 1 ,1 - hes. pt.m. quakily. reed
J- and tor sale 1.% fetlEON
(\I DER V INF', 1.11 II pure Ctder vinegar
ll m atom dee2 J DALZEI.I.
ark. Ira Nuta, Locore, and for
ValA NI 'l . ,
C:.x• \o It Chte.e. IP
Clk4 do. In .tore
and for .11:e by tlec2 JAS DALIF.I.I.
ii)rroN—ze for sale by
der_ FRIEN R HEN & Co
T KAD—.7lpags fiumno Lead rrr Pennsviv•
/J mu, for ame FRIEND. RIIF:V & Co
UI L-3.1 !lb,. per Penn%) ;VIL , III. .r Rale
FRI F:N D. RHE) & Co
LARD -12 Lob's :%o 1 Leaf Lard. 17 keira do do do.
per Ivan,a, for so:e hr
der2 FRIEND. RHE) rn
1 . 1,` ..on.
kit er-31uwib. CononVora.rar•
k, and Cotton Twine, Ido
bales ior sa.e
Fr a
dee2 FRIF—ND, H
S Ft —4l ni..14 rotomort to ono. N fl logs ;O I.LI. tool ,agar. tor tole to close consignment. by
6 , 2 FRIt.\H. ItHRY Co
111.1 C. o( . tbe to l . nitedStalea , Ins , duUen
mtpritru, n rrueo , on th• lane war. nEn
caw , . re.:3:l. Joon rreelved LI)
„al.. f f erlor Cotton. •ultattle for bet
kJ tine. tn •tttrr und for w. very low
d, r l WESTON BOWEN, 90 front gt
CIA do
do. d: i
1 11 firer re, °nit, non oun,n). now leadoOr
rrom :or IeALOII INCKEV k Co
der I front r,
BATH k• I,owunii G.%al. by
I,A IA II 1/ICKb.V k
NSF.Nti -llnk wme tnr Bale ioy
qeri ISAIAH DICK I< \ k Co
ALEN A .k• for .a;••
1.1 Jet I : 4 I VIIN 10•NNI1ORST fr. Co
ht. ! , for ale, by
1 A Bl• 'I I. - 11. I n itdL.orltll ,ust
lending ',n r).‘k ego. anJ for .ale by
1/Lli V.ltatalJon
; , role by
Al Fl & 2U wood 41
) EACH 5.4.1 Kentucky Penra,i, 6 btol,
Wn 12 do Vla.r.e..kl
mnr. Inc drel 11'111
1)EN , '111 - , AND ciik,r,o"rs-1. , bap Hem')
I'.nrh•.. In,. ,114414tAtc landing it attnr 4
A , Satn. for •a.^ 11..41 BAUAI.F.I .
I A %ft HI.). Star arid tt1144,
ar.rt4.l pa,r.,lur -a r 1 , ,
derl II A 1-All \ k co
JIMA!_?' tt t to 't tte• rust re, tt and for cats by
It A lrmi:Nr.,T,,cx or. co
cANII A 11 , 110.1 A —1.14 t • . st tott - 'll and
15 .IFAIINitsItt KA to
d«I rt., Isl and woo.. rt.
LP 4 S. , I t ask% umor,
4 ,
de.• I It A FAII ": Sr. C..
lOAT , ,i . .. 111. ‘ll - 110:—,...0 dot Cow. heat
wt, do 200 pl iriact do, :Nl] t:o
d o received this 11•)dl , y the
F—AIliN Cer,
bo•LT.I Ml 2 luurli
I, t.. • ng's Lout., Reba., I ,elr Crushed and
l• ..ect,ted , e jtl.ll tee d awl tor an, el tee Pelle
1 ,, •• Z. , I ourtit street, by
JO A Jet
f 'lit .1, I':' . ,-00,{ . a, —ll . r'• NoCho
-3 V
its•-a s Cocos s.:- No Norioll county
0v57 Aa.• tar W Nius•
1 11 . 1" lIIINDS I L\ anted I,ipor,tva, a la of Thousl.•tf las-ars u, Plizsuurgb r.:l 6 pot E cot Bonds
”o• N ilOl. \l3>& 5 1 41 N.
D Rl A l.. r f p ) , l ,4 lt I:e . a:h4 - s, 115 do do
1. W.17/.I4NIAN.
‘.: . so 31 u , nit r and Ml Irons
121.0l'It—lion Sol% :n store. and icy mnie by'
• while Beano. insert. artal for
110,1,1 1. S WATER/lAN cnver Seed. 10 bap Ttenothy
prme W Reserve inr a.. hY
5 l• • VI RON \ litST 't
SA 1. r---1 ask. .r ••Je
ipt Ar 114 rat Boats. from lOU to 131 fect
r „,„ 5 ) J sap kUN MAKER Co
14 wood
s a d. , 1
110 1 front o
FEA riltlft,- 01 sacks to lenle (or .ale hy.
INSENt.— lb ..c \. to srn•r, tor %ale Ay
- it‘it IA 11 Die EV d Co
LA R No I. Store and ior suo,. by
mairl, ISA! AII & o
dr REASV,— I, b:. 111 .Lore a.lll , orra , r
1.1 N: se,. A.Litu ;with., from Star
11L. .01" •111, A S% 1111.
)E.l ]l Ts-47 rq • ream..too Pen \ uts, tor .ale
not , PI HA6 ALF.) h SMITH
Vt/ I Sl/Al' , -, lt, ttx. itut tnuat./ No 1 Ooly. / ot
ror tt at,d tor sao 1 , )
1111 V 100
I.:ALI RA I I .upcnor Saleraius n barrel•
C , and bole & ,1111 i received and lot sale by
Johns... 4fi titert, the bal.
11111, of the se.. ol the °firma. co•i. Olt, stock ot
A . pnen.. etunpri.:2l4 every vat el) or a•nn
I sae Jri kt'r Feathers;
1 . 10 . Corneter sunmer
'7l S I " k
L •111 A. T. 41 was, si
lit CIIII ,, Ni. POTASH usl reed and or
P 1 .1.1.5-106. hlilr. Ite,:tlower• and RornamLen,
r•, \'W\ .NN h
11 , INE CUFF/. ES—Aloctin, old Gov Jaen. l.+eu:ra.
sq Vonuneo al 0 R. just rer'd and !or Itaie
e. ine Pekin Tea Storm. 7U Fourth it. let
" •
4 .: IIP:h:P SKIN., , --120 Sheep Slc,ns.,u, reed .nd for
sale hl' itßankik:. NVILOOP, Co,
nov, wwer st
\ SE11.:1, t , 11.--'2 ,3 tar's .1 , ,,0r Lasted Oil. ;tt+t
1,4 ro , rtrcd arid fur .11r b,
G R).IS e
AND! 1.-SS
AI.F.RATI.I4-1111 cooks Cleveland :1111.-rows, 14 do do. kir ula oy
WICKk SIVA N D1.F.1114
I3ACON SIDVA4-1.5,0t. lb• coy currd Flacon, :or
sale Lynooor WICK & M CANDLE:SS
I 'llll-1 , 24:--144 ble priinr W R Cheese.. for mle by
bbls ..upersor Faintly Flour. for gale by
ARH rrr, e , NI: Fr— :I LW. 111 core and fur .alr.
t AND FLANNEL-50 dor. stsper Woollen
1 - 1 'rocks, 300 yd• bur d Flannel, ut store and or sale
to n .1 h R
I.II.ISE—ZIII Clae•e; IS rut* do. In .t and
to; %air. by E.NULISH & I.IENNF7I7.
no r'll 1r wood od
lIEA recd and for %ale by
I no , ZI r&ssEv & I3F.ST
HAN oi L. twinter)- I :lcasks i r D uc t :d c: ,d
- IA for .nla y
(.2 11E81.0C ON DIVINE PROVIDENCE -4 tow
0 copies of toe nhove work for min npy
0•in.14,11N IiTON STOCKTON
_ . _
K h; i. ta Mote And for solo by
ANUFACI'URF:I) TOHACCO--.10 iIS• it store
.111 of ebteee.t brands, end Se lump. tor sale
A H—Stlllhdi prime N U Sugar. for er
.71 i4y4.IISON A Co
J ipr •ek,e by
1/1 - CE:TIE:At FLUl;ll 7 ,Xlsaeks sale_ by
.6F.F.l , — .. r., P Gt , + , .g , i g , .. x i oßsT a
p I( c . askn., pure
HI F:D A ['PLY-4 AND PEACHES-3M bush Dned
1.1 Peache., 00 do do Apples, ree'd ior sale by
,-1111 bi, Is l•rge. Nu 3 Meclecol, Just
rerri.'rd and tot so,
n~,t 2 . 7 1.,1i - A 111;TenISON k. Co
o_oFl d T i l.-- a t
b lacks prime FoClecll: , : x,uor : ,H( L s. vcsi.
novl7 ‘1 , 11 , r st
GLASS—nu las exit , . 40 d 7 14111; 4 Anti/zit ex
to quality CuWitty, Mir by
no._; 8 VON BUNN HORST 4Co
CORN ME.141.- - #` 4 ..ek• of 40 ;61,1,0100 Nk..l, for
sale bv novZI S F VON RLINNHOFtii• &c o
C" 1.1 : b ''4
1 1,, :• 0 44 ' 1{ ? 0VN 110 RST Co
1,(111 . 1 . 111- - D bbl• frrrh Holi Hotter, for •de
S .
A I.ER ATUS-10 r&11,.f0r . .. , ,, b y,
ON HON 7.110RT7 . A. Co_
SHEF 1' OWN —R. j„„,,,, f„,
• F LC I N :\N HURST & Co
a ' ;;o R ' rr o
' d inter‘V v
m it '
JA M AIC A ARROW ROOT—lease of super•or yusi
ity• for &ale hy oora R
a s&t "- 1T4. ) "'""' "°.` \"'" P "ifEI.ZNZTT .
byV for Bova & . •
INIXOW 6LABS—ed biz 710, IVO do h. 111; 78 do
18312; 31 do 10.114, on band and for said by
aril TAst , EY & REST
By John D. Doyle, Auctioneer
- -
Fereesporp Sole of Damaged Dry Good.,
At , he Cana" kV•rrhotr.e of Nlee•rs. John MTs, , n
t - o P. nr .treet.udi hr sold .without reserve, by
order,.t nderwrtterit, o o Tue•day morning.
et 'r:oce. pock a_ o.a rohehle atapa Dr)
1. 00 .• o on
hare been y dain,ged Sy the et, . g .
lOg 0 1 • In the l'enn,leortm coUsteting ot
Imperil. c. 0.. es•vineve...stlorn• alpacas. carn• ,
• 0,0011.1. d•Al . [ eortsr... ,
•and onror,r mo adxfs ea50.,../.. ‘
dannels, check, arl" th"”'
hosiery. suspender. -e g °"'"'
Goods sall I be open Int e -C '
S:r!c• posltivo, and Ws./ the II th
good. are sold.
Terms, all sums under SIM rash currency, trOftilitlXl
to Svial, ell de}, credit, and on 0.1 stir. Ore , 8/00. a
erode of R , l du, - be gyre, Clr approved endorsed
I note. deel JOHN - 1) DAVIS AUCt.
Drugs, D.A. Soil) s, D Teas, 4v. ar A„th,„
it. he so d • y. aiternoi., at 3o ClOr
Davis' commercial 50.01 room, COMO.' of Wood la, I
FlflO sta. , I bbl Malaga wine. I do Nladeirs do. I do
Ventre TuMe..une. I do caster oil. :It doe Lee.. pti.•,
2 bb.s chipped Lorwoml, I bid Turkey umber, I do yr,
ow ochre. Ido stone db. Ido madder, I coporra..
hf b:. tobacco. a lii chests 1 . H. Li:venal and Black
l'ea• dec4 JOHN D Aunt
Large Stor.t of Dry Graaf, fie.. from. nn rslen,tve
Goods .Stare la Farm! county.
On Monday ntorennt, D.,r 4, ,u to O'clock, at the
rroil Sale, Room corner of Wood and Fir o
tret...rid be •old Without resrrve, lame and non.
ra] asnorunnt ot well,elccted .ca•onabct dry good..
rinloracmg all the variety usually kept In a large retun
dry yoode 01010
AtY o'clout
G , are , tes. (,1 sinx mare. Furniture, itt.
13 mounstelurrtl tobacco. 1 6 Of 016 ."
oos coal awl Devonshire snosals, glassware.
taoie cutlery. &c. . •
. .
A quamll, of ready made rloth,ttg. boots, shoes. ha,
cap, lrunts. sadd.e.r.l,,d;ea, .01,,a. umbrellas, ma.
tr, gutd am, at .ernrhemualcal tratru
menu, dry good% and fa:try arttelea, de,
Fanig Carnage at .4 ttatot.
On Monday afternoon, Ike .4. at .1 o'clock, in front
of the corntui thief , room. f , ,TIICr 01 Wood and 5,0
gm wilt be mold • very tuperJor two horte iumtly car
nage, wen htn.hed and good order. which coot s3sd,
kid may tie teen previou,. t JOHNI
doel DAYIA. Au,
C v PORTF.Ft ..... .... .. ... .-Nll,l.4oEit
BENEFIT t/ I.' ADDAMS, tti It,. uppearanve
MR' u . 1.1 WIS %%ILL APPEAR
MONi , •l.Uulln 4. , P
prf,lllta CLLL
paarc., celebrated Play 01
• Mr Aaderus.
Edgar Mr 01 fry
Mr Any,
Kent• • .. • Mr. Arcner
Cantlelts -• -Mr. II 1.e...
Rrgan••• • • - Prtor
J. • • Mt.lter.
Exhibitions with the Oxy.Hydrogen
11 " 11 " 7 P NI/ FRIDAY v
(.) N d r a ' a l eiZa V . :T rek ' k4of. A S 't raltati Wlll .11 ' 11.1 ' 11 " e .
the c10d... with dm lizy-llydrogeo Microscope
and Magic latiterit, to Philo Hal.
In addition to a large eollecuon oi oujerts usual!)
elhintted with this teat
tap will be shown the de
rolopo.ition of water t.p the (in./canto battery end
other inottiode, tae Magnetic curves, aild !be cr)strdli
xenon or Salts. NVlth the Lantern. will be sheen, as
thsso.ving Views, Landscapes, atsuriguished edifit
• •
The ezhibitions wall comnitn, nt 7{ , o'clock
l',ckrts call be bad at Mr H.bartisoll'• Jewelry
Store. Market ~ t reei—t3 cents • wugla ticket, or fire
for a doilar. • dec44l.
Bargainn Extraordinary.
Pr—AtaxaSusa it Das. 76 Market mu
kJ north west co. tier of Inc a...A, Putsburgh. from
the lst of December will .ell decided bargains of super
lino.. Long shawl., do do square do. mopes brocha
s ar
superior l'erkern shawl. plain and emb.d Ilk
and male cord cloth shawls: a le oupegior plaid long
shawls: plain and proti'd Thibeo w .
super figured came
not obawls, bed crunrsteres, Iwo. manna,
4 ••1111 firmed mer no, a near article tor dresocc
past and tig d camenon ..ks, Opt extra brocha hg'd
and Wlk erect black Silk+, the richest gcgds imported.
super black glossy gro dealt 1. &Lk's. French
..aastinere• and ',canna . .. a fro ps extra black and
arse which will be end the piece or cant
pattern..t ternary old y too . prices.
Super touted French cloth' for ladies and gel
• cloak blue. olive and blue. A large poruon
the above good. have been recently purchased
• .arge to New York and Philadelphia.
and 0.11 now be closed out at a great reductron from
:be coot of importion.
M.o. a lot 11104, of American blanket., sheet...go
ltd ohir . .lng. ing• and ilantask•. pristb. and C.C.,
lormetino. ac l'ountr, merchants.tailor. abd the public general)'
are ,ilrlled It Mil e arly exuninstuon.
r tet greet. corner of T bird
Vann) Fa.r, a nova! witbout • Hato. by Wm 1
Tnari, ry.
FaSw.rd Vernor, : , tor) by H. V Cadd•
Ntar y llow ttt a'l'ranrlut,oo or the Newsaill and O
Capt Marryatt, Children of the Now FOr.l.
Tbe liarneior ix are A.any.
Old Hickn the b% Webber.
Nlmr) ("over, or, the Trwung Wite: by Chas. Ito
Wuthertng Heights' by thr author of "Jane Eyre
Tbe Tentlll 0/ Wtitifett It.II. by the .Ibor of .. .it
The I muee of but Fattier: Illu•tratecl: by the Brother
The Dteetp:the of Life
Three Staters .d Three Fortune.; or Ro.e. Mauch
an Vtotett H Lewes.
Tlttny 1 ear. bine, by U. Y. R. James, E.
t;„? . PLENDI ()GIFT 13(1tOKS—The WeMen of the
al bir, dettimated too sent. of sketebe• of Prom&
nen Females mentioned in Holy Scripture—iituatrated
to I- fine steel engraytngs. t vol quarto. Tut key gitt
edgtts—Arabeanue style
The Sacred Poets of England and Amenen. for atm ,
centimes Edited by Flatus W. G ve na Indstrated
steel rttgravtog• 1 rol .‘tro Silk gilt edges
'lle Female Poets of Anaenea, with pormt,
graptneal nonce, and specimens of their MILD g
T Reed
The Book of Pearls. Ea choice garland of prose. pot •
try aod art. euntalaing YO fine rteel engrattugs. t ori
The Honk of Chrtenan Ballade. Illustrated. I vol.
00 For safe by H 110PKINS,
er I Apollo Bulldtnga. 4th at
N•wigation Compahay.
OTICE PU , s'rocKiiot.r.thas —IA pursuance of
1.1 the proatston• of the Charter of Ineorporauon. the
auntie: meeung of the Stockholders of the Monongshe•
is Nsvoesuor. Company he held on Monday, the
brat day of January - , 1,49. ,betrs the ant Monday of
Ire month I at the office of the said Company. in the
Odeon Buctlnnr. Fourth street. Putsburgh., at 2 o'clock
t the an, rnoo, lor the purpope of elenttnr.offirer• tOf
the ensulog year 101KEWELL, Seey.
nov:3o td
irtt S h ( g )L u7dertte —rho
— o Pniw.tP17.117.74.
waa by mutual consent Jlasoived on the lath toot.
The ,Loinang Ilualne•• vrttl be c•rtted on by H. $
Nlarwand brenehes, at the old eland, 45 Liner
IN •Irrri. rorner of Vtrpn alley. n0v..04131.
M F e
. hare added : k o N
thew f o rmer
r l-;1:1-L
pirrlme4.t under rborge of Mrs flrrlorgr o( for
ionktug to order ,0 late., Infents' Wrur.
say km. cloaks and Dress,, Lad., and Con. Dreoung
tross t.
t,a liner. embroLder, or ...raped for embroidery
knillilly 11f11.11,. crotchet work.beansutchlog and msr
k Inc nealJj exerutod. AONII . ,I
Arnet/on Prices.
UENTI.E.AIEN, look it, 44 the emir° mock of rolA
Cloths, tte•vers, fancy Cassimeres, and tho.e ra.
Ira rboire inshme.res anti Silk Yeatlngs, lanai po.l,
booby clo•ed um by Isl February.
• .
Op- Ali the Otte and .0 per Fretted Meek Cloth* at
Importer. cos . niter wbed the store +lll be opened Ist
ADAMS it. CV , Forwardlng and Cc:din/Ismail
Merehatila, Zane•vilie and Dresden, allii l'ioi
prietors air samer Ohm., also or Adams et. Co'.
daily line of Cana te l Boat•.
Kith our propel° facthaes ere are prepared to ship
property soy rout wohout delay. deet2eitte.t•
E , II EATON A. CO Dealers tu Trimming* and
Haberdashery. Wise removed tram thew old
sod to Vin. SA litClUirrit STREET, t doors Iron)
Market meet, uoveN
1.1 phy has Just reed one . ease of these superior
goods. Also. WELSH FLANNELS, warranted not
shoi,k in washing. and a full stock of -red, yellow.
and Willie Wool Flannels, at low prices for quality.
16E31' R4IDUCTION IN PRlCEY!—blawrn &Joe.,
V_X ma. 46 Market etre.. offer tot sale at 23 ~,;;,
below regular price, rico Chameleon SRC. ,
do, black and fancy Alpaca*, Mohair Lu'aes, Pain et.
Cloths' French Merlons of the me, choice colors
Fre n Cloths and
V Zephyr Settrr.„ white and cord; do do do ern he'd,
df - wn Victorutest Elesuc zephyr ter-tittle..
tiwaa... down Neck Ties; lathes silk and woolen
Justswan's down Trimmings.
Just received at EATON'S siew Trimming Store.
Fourth .1 nay,/
GooDa—F II Ea . rox & Co. are constaqtly
1' supplied with a large and choice asisorment of
tnors and gimp., velvet ribbons and braid, ha.
e, edging. and embroiderie loYes und osiery,
F ents stependere and undergarment., Bern.
Zephyr, woolen pone, needle., pins, buttons, tspe•.
bobbin., &e , all of which they offer at the lowest rash
prices to merchants end ether.; at their new and eon
warehouse, Mt Fourth st, near market. stern
EATS' CLOAK TASSELS--0 dolicoohaer T.
Jr elels assorted; 3 do .elk dodo. odo do fine. do. 10
do do Lalltes axsoeted: do ool'd do do
WOOLEN 6001:0.1-10 dot childron's woolen roam
6 dodo do Cape, 4 do do common, ludo. Woolen roan
tort., asuireeil e In do do wan ring., 50 do lodic. Cash
mere lilovez,
LEATLIER iti.:L•rs- 30 dot blk ktolkskln Bed., kkk
do do klorocco do, .1 do cord do, ad
oo•J ZEBU LON KINSI.:I"S. 67 markrt ts
UARMER WANTF.D—A person arquatn:ed 'slat
Farming, anti the care of a mall dairy. will bear
of • sttuarlon by applying of tins office. None Geed
apply Gat such as can use sausfactory assurances of
competency In modern farming. deell.d6tAwl
reed and fur .ale by
JOloisToN &STOCKTON, Eook•llers,
corner nmrket and aid sts
1 THE CAN, of superior quanty. •I low prices,
put up by the •uhaertbere expressly for the u. of
(son,. and par.., este be procured at the Rea...
Allegheny enter, at the Store of R.
Knoe 4th ,areet. Patst , urgn. NI. Jenkins' Store,
esty. and et the ,e‘ster Depot St Charles I lotrl.
Wood et. naell.alru WM.'? & MALTBY
‘,2 I F.. , --100 bu. 40,611,1 Peno,e• bu•l3,lned
C, Apples, 1 liLimag; k ..2 , 04•...1r.1 1 bl 3
just reek', per Cl/pprer No 2 for Mile by
n0v . ,5 R ROBISON: A. Co
ll BRLS Freak) Roll Boner, 3 bbl. Meaty., IWO Ib,
Rop, receored and for sale by
LINSEED OIL—In bbls Enwer h Raraiboobs Lan
seed (al, to .taro mud for sale by
noY2i R nonisoN a Co
ITER saleb
r i nousT a
AM Li SEA' E.N'fB.
Toronclude wail
Mr. Addams
Urc Levns
m ia
ttni.lll.l and innualiodi and Mail powerful boats Oa the
la natal of thr I.‘erN accommodation and earn
tanatt niene> ran proton. nas been pr0v.1., , d for P..
.." The Line ass been operatton for flea years
earned totlLion 111 r.oo4l‘e a-Intent the least inja
ra.Vll_lrr Per . ona. The boat. o iti he at the fan of
eet toe days preVloll• lo runF, for the recep
of treighl and th entry of pan...tigers on the reg.-
, ter. In all ease, the p.o.rwer invite) must be pant to
• - -
The ISAAC . IS ENATISN. Lai, A h. ,d_a_sos, wt./
Ie•••••• h eary) Sande) mustang at 10 0'0.14
WI/etddnd nYrry Sunday cunning al 10
Muy 15.47
Thr NIONt , N(i.110.1.A. earwill leave NM
burgh ever) Mutmlav morumg ,Joeki Wticetiang
every Moneny eNeit.t, ai lt, r
Tl.e M -
UER-NIA . 1 KLlArramm. wall
le•re l'ttuburch cvcr) Tur.o3)• 11,onmsc al o'clock;
ev,y It. r
The NEN% F.NIJI-4..ND No. 2.. Copt S Datasi, wW
bare Potoburgn ovor) Wtosicsdn)mormog at 10
o'clock, Whcrio,g,v r ry Wednopon) caramo Ikt 101..11.
- .
The BRILLIANT. Capt. URAL', leave Pr.-
burgh every Thursday znorrung at 10 o'clock, Whedirtg
every Tourrtrisy evetrrng at 10 r
• . .
The CI.III'F.R No v. Capt C....w will leave Vtlia •
burgh every F ri a ) morning at It)o'clock; Wheetmg
every Fri•y evening at 10 r v.
The Al Fr rapt. .
OM, will leave Pula
burgh evrry Saturday 11111 111/11C IC, o eloet
every Saturday eventag at r
NEW 1.15130 N AND prprsLil R(U DAILY LINE
1 tl 4 8.
Leaves Patsburgli July, an 9 o clock, A. 1a1...•nd an
iv. Wasgo, oust orthr Sand) and Beaver C..
an at 3 o'cloc k .
. and Nrw ',nabob at 11. as itighL
Leave* New Ltabott at ti riock. 1 . . !ma me
king the
trip can. to then ver nlyrrng thr tight.) and Glitagoar
at 9 o'clork. A. Al , inind urns es Pittsburgh at 3 P.
31 —taus ak lag ‘l l / 1 113
0.1 , bne forearrymg pa.
settgers !mg. betwren New I,n,lton and
burgh. to snorter time itoti leant rates Mem by say
other rotate.
gr,pri tnt4 have the pleanure of In-
(orm,ng tn, ctor•
that thr) en, fitted ttp two first el•ta
BO•ln, for tic aceonttoodatam ut pa.sengers and
frrtgbi. to rt., t,t conn the well known
steamers CALEB C. ,I' ,amttot, !
111,A VER, and connect
ing, at Giu,o, with the Plital•orgh and Cincte
.l hur , oi .trasne r. down the 91no
and Ml•atealppl rivet, The proprintor• pledge M.o.
a , ve• to .pa o expeaaetroultie toineure corn
fort, .girt) had a..patett. and o.Yut the pubags a that.
forte patronage
1; M. IIA:a1 N.
liAli IJAtit,/1.
R. HANNA. to Co. I New Llebeth.
1:11) I lat J. HARJAAI:I,II A Co.
NOTICE—The •teamer tt EA VEY., C E.Clarke.mas
trtll leave after Zhu not.o.e. !or Wellanlle punetu
say, at 41 o clock In the warning
Fs - ill
Dallr Packet LIB*.
FEBRUARY 1..164 , 1 FEBRUARY 1.1, 184
The to ;cm - mg new boats eomptem
41 me line for the preeent reason: AT-
Caps James Parkinao_
BALTIC. Cant Jaeoba, aged LOUIS
firLANE, Cape L kfimbett. T'ne beam are entirely
new, and are fitted up Wltholll reg../ to expenne. Ev
ery comtort that money rna prornre hen been provided.
The Bog. leave the blenoreabem Wharf Boat at
the foot of Ho, •t . 4 .r. w. be punctual 00
board. as me le.w• eerm.n.y leave al the adver•
nerd hours. - A M and 4 P. Jazt2l
The I.E run it: $1, , , steamer
Caei it C Gray, wtil leave for above
and all intermediate pores rhea day, at
For freight or passage app' ' ) on beast or
n ai l T h e nolendido,, draught •te stool
(..1-:Is. Er A.
Wilkie*. planter. satli leave for um
above nod .otermedtato ports on Sat
urday, at 4 o'clock, P. M
For it-alai:a or oa4nage ap p ly on board deal
The suetrt ntra 11, r
We bbel. muster. a - to terve rcasalarly
for every Monday Wed
nesday and Frtday. at 10 o'cloek proc,,,lv
heave Wtwellng rvory Tue•doy, Thursday and Sa
cord.). at 7 o'olort, a al
The Con.' wtll and az the intermediate ports.—
Every necontodot,on that c kut tar port:watt tor the com
fort and •Latety of paaoonfer. oar boen ' , molded. The ,
trout To also provtced ::! a -elf-or:tog •afety cuand to
boardriplomous. For freight or ploomec apply on
board or to DAVID C lIEDIDCI
fcb.l comer of lot •n-I Smithtlelll no.
The new and 'pitman, steamer
. 1 . : 5 ;: , •14 ST ANTHWVY.
D Korner. master. v.-ill run ao • reg
ular pad., PltntOureb
Wherlin y wavin g true flly ver) Thursday
and Saturday. at o'elork. A NI Wherhog era
ry Monday. Wednesday and Friday. at Sa,elt. ts. M.
For tretatit or pasrage. ha nee .afro or accommoda.
tlona apply on board or to
J A Ml> , NIA Y. Agent.
The St Anthony is a neW Iwut. and for speed and
•ccommeviattons cannot be surpassed by any boat on
the raver. novld
imaiLL The new an
d Mat steamer
Barmea. master. wt.: leave for'.Dora
nd all Intermediate Ekon, nn W mine..
days and Saturdays of each week. For (refight or pawi
sage apply on board or to
nor I, I,EO 13 mic:rEN nF.Rc ER, A*
The new and spienald feat pagan.-
, qer parkrt,
!klaxon. roast, wtd Ir•ve etnern
.,an and I.o.isrille 0,, Thwxday, the Nth .nat, at 10
o'clock, M For 1,4 at or pa”ac, apply on hoard,
to WIL.SON IF Co. or
• •
.E 0 15
if_U - Steamer Pe) tov, s.‘ 1.. leave Loos, ale for New
Orleas s on arrival of Tv ...graph Paxson/era
can go dimes. and can Issive nertn•venstred Isere dde
aired novlll
The aplenthd ❑qr,r &mush breoraer
rno.o-r. oro , : i•-ovo for above
end Inrorrrool. ALC port,. on tit. day •t
In o'clock. For rroireht or pa oorge apply on board.
The splendid new simmer
maim,' Wm Flash:. leave fur the
boar and iytermisiliase ports to-day
For fretaht or pas otge, nip!) . on hoard norPS
The .rolen , il:tt
rivastr:r l ' are for above
nit intermediate ports ;hill day. at lu
&Hook . , A Al.
For 'mgtt or pa
.age upp, on board, or In
11 , ;(1 I: MiI.TENItI,R.I.II, .g'.
'kik ST Lot IS.
A railm
oksairs.‘ The new and tout ng saran.,
NI )11T11 I , I V ra.
Captnm 11,211, tvl,: I,ls, for above
nil al: ititoroaedinto ports this day. at
TO ♦ND I . itOM 0/400;g•
Pitt •bargh and Philad;lphla,
V, 1,1, 11.... t Nu
T.v.,bolaommekzet:sprout.,l:l.? toenfo‘nehe.fl.,,hti,nnt.,thleALnic.:
oat Phaiedelphia dad, - with the Mail Train to
t:t.ainberobarg, and from thence by Wagon, with a
relay 1 harm , .mama; d ayand melt Ye will be
prepared to fteight otafly. Apply to
uovYnD I.MCD C.O
inigr - A 1848, .M. 16311—
B l, TWE'r::'• I LTI NIOR Y. ABU
• _Ol
ae triuksporte I etl Canal
Poftsrni h DCNCA:S,
Watrr .trert Pltugburgh.
FRAILEY & 142 , 11 A 1,1.. Agentli,
10v 17 47l d•ho ere.. Bal,emore
POR HAI:1'010111; AND TH
1 , 111 , . Vrerneters ot lane totvertt on New Stock,
and are N epared to iersenrd peeknee. of all de.
set - Toone daily. et the levee. rm.,
J C ti DV, F:1.1.. Agent,
Water street. I'lltAhrtreb
e<•l3l T 2 South Char.e% .t. ileouruorn.
ir. CLIP - s$ "rawly
is is.
to a" r d :l 71! ' rd " U ' t r.. : c :1:1 " :e th r
rerelpted tor by FIVt, IJAN LIN aid rcrular
ol,s, lym Ime• and epee ,ftcal urn,
C BILAVELL. htts6nrith,
RoullSttON & [kik:H.ll. lialtuvore.
rpHE undersigned morn,. his ittrink und the petal,
that he intends ti. remove shonly West°, von
pity, where he ill;w wend to the preseent,,,,, o f
nonbre..• end •he Depertrneets, as arell as In the
no•niess of the in oil I .rnorties, the sereeral
Cour • of the District. ANDRLW WYLIE. Jr
, —Suppoard m hove 1,. en lake" by
from steamer Va. lore, No% b,l-4.. box marked
Aaron Mathews. Camden, Dree..lee reuel 3. e•te co(
S Early, New London, N.m Vork—lat-,11 lba
Any nOormaoon re3peenm, rate .3. v... Le tnenkickl
ly recetred and ilberillf orwartled 1,,
/ IA RPM'S'. CARYF I r , •<*e`“ n gr "
•irret: sr') ”rnelY
6: Carpet,. e0r15.. , 1111,: pati
heautaul ,otrcrt. imported.,
ver) rich: ape. 1.1ru , t., • , •op old Veoruan,,
ell of whnh wall ho
c..ased In ttel. 111." :111),1 011(1 rth•..lS
.• Lwte
e...tern tonrket.. re
(SKEEN lilt , k ,•0p.,1110
LT Cork,. lauthog ior ^A , "I
I fithll Mu:is—Ode bal.tuat. reed .nd for sale by
II A FAIT' ocK .1 Co,
ro I.t mod wood a,a
s3 _
-a.) mut. Jost rcc'd and for sale by
110,7 13 A FAIINP, riws k
ToßAcdo AT A 11A It6A IN-4U boa Yomde2tera
lam...load, V.) F.... , .0 .^ 4 • nd Pod,
for sac MAW' DICKEY
oo , ZS (root at
ILOVER AND TIM.YrIIS" SEF.D-6 bbia Obi° Clo•
v., Seed. 10 do Pm Timothy .tecd, in •tor, for
sal. by I Gt. R FLOYD