.‘tTh PITTSBITRGII GAZETTV, PUBLISIMD BY WHITE t CO PITTIIBOI IIIII2 MONDAY MORNING; DE0.4,4848, PHILADELPHIA aroulra AMED4O/ 111 . AdverUsements and benseliplions to McMinn Amer. andand United Mama Gamma, rbilactelptua, recanted and forwarded from Oda office. ' • COMMERCIAL LIST AND PULLA.DEL PRIA PRICE CIIIIMEHT. Sabeertptioo• to das valuable paper will be recurred and forwarded from this office. ----- SSW YOWL EXPRESS. We will receive and racecard free of expense, ad eartisemence and subeeriptione for this paper prrreleonaa Dear Gere-rrs publizhed prliirX•Weekly, end Weekly.—The Dully is Seven Dollars per annum: the Tri-Weekly 1. Flee Dollars per amour; the Weekl} le Toro Dollars per annum, striae los & 5 1 41 N. D Rl A l.. r f p ) , l ,4 lt I:e . a:h4 - s, 115 do do 1. W.17/.I4NIAN. ‘.: . so 31 u , nit r and Ml Irons afiIMMEEM 121.0l'It—lion Sol% :n store. and icy mnie by' L . ROY Jo I. S WATERMAN • while Beano. insert. artal for 110,1,1 1. S WATER/lAN pr.ma cnver Seed. 10 bap Ttenothy n". 10 I. SIV ATERNIA prme W Reserve inr a.. hY 5 l• • VI RON \ litST 't SA 1. r---1 ask. .r ••Je • S VIIN BoNNIMRST k ipt Ar 114 rat Boats. from lOU to 131 fect r „,„ 5 ) J sap kUN MAKER Co 14 wood s a d. , 1 iu ISAIAH DICKLI & Co. 110 1 front o FEA riltlft,- 01 sacks to lenle (or .ale hy. ISAIAH DICKEY & Co INSENt.— lb ..c \. to srn•r, tor %ale Ay - it‘it IA 11 Die EV d Co LA R No I. Store and ior suo,. by mairl, ISA! AII & o dr REASV,— I, b:. 111 .Lore a.lll , orra , r ISAIAH I.ICICIA & ft) 1.1 N: se,. A.Litu ;with., from Star 11L. .01" •111, A S% 1111. )E.l ]l Ts-47 rq • ream..too Pen \ uts, tor .ale not , PI HA6 ALF.) h SMITH Vt/ I Sl/Al' , -, lt, ttx. itut tnuat./ No 1 Ooly. / ot ror tt at,d tor sao 1 , ) 1111 V 100 I.:ALI RA I I .upcnor Saleraius n barrel• C , and bole & ,1111 i received and lot sale by AI.PA , AS AT INIPORTERS PRICES--Smith & Johns... 4fi titert, the bal. 11111, of the se.. ol the °firma. co•i. Olt, stock ot A . pnen.. etunpri.:2l4 every vat el) or a•nn I sae Jri kt'r Feathers; 1 . 10 . Corneter sunmer and '7l S I " k L •111 A. T. 41 was, si lit CIIII ,, Ni. POTASH usl reed and or narvAl B A FAHNESTOCK A Co P 1 .1.1.5-106. hlilr. Ite,:tlower• and RornamLen, r•, \'W\ .NN h 11 , INE CUFF/. ES—Aloctin, old Gov Jaen. l.+eu:ra. sq Vonuneo al 0 R. just rer'd and !or Itaie e. ine Pekin Tea Storm. 7U Fourth it. let " • 4 .: IIP:h:P SKIN., , --120 Sheep Slc,ns.,u, reed .nd for sale hl' itßankik:. NVILOOP, Co, nov, wwer st \ SE11.:1, t , 11.--'2 ,3 tar's .1 , ,,0r Lasted Oil. ;tt+t 1,4 ro , rtrcd arid fur .11r b, G R).IS e AND! 1.-SS AI.F.RATI.I4-1111 cooks Cleveland :1111.-rows, 14 I.lk do do. kir ula oy WICKk SIVA N D1.F.1114 191=I I3ACON SIDVA4-1.5,0t. lb• coy currd Flacon, :or sale Lynooor WICK & M CANDLE:SS I 'llll-1 , 24:--144 ble priinr W R Cheese.. for mle by V, „„,, WICK & .\I'CANDLESS bbls ..upersor Faintly Flour. for gale by no,ll WICK NIVANUI.F.SS ARH rrr, e , NI: Fr— :I LW. 111 core and fur .alr. norIN WICK h WC A N DLES:3 t AND FLANNEL-50 dor. stsper Woollen 1 - 1 'rocks, 300 yd• bur d Flannel, ut store and or sale to n .1 h R I.II.ISE—ZIII Clae•e; IS rut* do. In .t and to; %air. by E.NULISH & I.IENNF7I7. no r'll 1r wood od SETE lIEA recd and for %ale by I no , ZI r&ssEv & I3F.ST HAN oi L. twinter)- I :lcasks i r D uc t :d c: ,d - IA for .nla y _llo.ltt (.2 11E81.0C ON DIVINE PROVIDENCE -4 tow 0 copies of toe nhove work for min npy 0•in.14,11N IiTON STOCKTON _ . _ I, , RE I AM) WATE6 PROOF NIINFRAL PAINTS K h; i. ta Mote And for solo by ISAIAH DICKEI' A Co ANUFACI'URF:I) TOHACCO--.10 iIS• it store .111 of ebteee.t brands, end Se lump. tor sale L. ISAIAH DICKEY ex. lP A H—Stlllhdi prime N U Sugar. for Na.io er .71 i4y4.IISON A Co J ipr •ek,e by ROBISON !a Co 1/1 - CE:TIE:At FLUl;ll 7 ,Xlsaeks sale_ by nefr, F VON BON MiORST Cu .6F.F.l , — .. r., P Gt , + , .g , i g , .. x i oßsT a Co p I( c . askn., pure .litrAttgl,4:l.l..grjslnd HI F:D A ['PLY-4 AND PEACHES-3M bush Dned 1.1 Peache., 00 do do Apples, ree'd ior sale by TIOVS TASSEY h HEST ,-1111 bi, Is l•rge. Nu 3 Meclecol, Just rerri.'rd and tot so, n~,t 2 . 7 1.,1i - A 111;TenISON k. Co o_oFl d T i l.-- a t b lacks prime FoClecll: , : x,uor : ,H( L s. vcsi. novl7 ‘1 , 11 , r st GLASS—nu las exit , . 40 d 7 14111; 4 Anti/zit ex to quality CuWitty, Mir by no._; 8 VON BUNN HORST 4Co CORN ME.141.- - #` 4 ..ek• of 40 ;61,1,0100 Nk..l, for sale bv novZI S F VON RLINNHOFtii• &c o . • C" 1.1 : b ''4 1 1,, :• 0 44 ' 1{ ? 0VN 110 RST Co 1,(111 . 1 . 111- - D bbl• frrrh Holi Hotter, for •de oovLI S P VON BONN HOR•rT & Co • S . A I.ER ATUS-10 r&11,.f0r . .. , ,, b y, ON HON 7.110RT7 . A. Co_ SHEF 1' OWN —R. j„„,,,, f„, • F LC I N :\N HURST & Co S P a ' ;;o R ' rr o ' d inter‘V v SP' m it ' JA M AIC A ARROW ROOT—lease of super•or yusi ity• for &ale hy oora R a s&t "- 1T4. ) "'""' "°.` \"'" P "ifEI.ZNZTT . byV for Bova & . • INIXOW 6LABS—ed biz 710, IVO do h. 111; 78 do 18312; 31 do 10.114, on band and for said by aril TAst , EY & REST 11112111 AUCTION SALES, By John D. Doyle, Auctioneer - - Fereesporp Sole of Damaged Dry Good., At , he Cana" kV•rrhotr.e of Nlee•rs. John MTs, , n t - o P. nr .treet.udi hr sold .without reserve, by order,.t nderwrtterit, o o Tue•day morning. et 'r:oce. pock a_ o.a rohehle atapa Dr) 1. 00 .• o on hare been y dain,ged Sy the et, . g . lOg 0 1 • In the l'enn,leortm coUsteting ot Imperil. c. 0.. es•vineve...stlorn• alpacas. carn• , • 0,0011.1. d•Al . [ eortsr... , •and onror,r mo adxfs ea50.,../.. ‘ dannels, check, arl" th"”' hosiery. suspender. -e g °"'"' Goods sall I be open Int e -C ' S:r!c• posltivo, and Ws./ the II th good. are sold. Terms, all sums under SIM rash currency, trOftilitlXl to Svial, ell de}, credit, and on 0.1 stir. Ore , 8/00. a erode of R , l du, - be gyre, Clr approved endorsed I note. deel JOHN - 1) DAVIS AUCt. Drugs, D.A. Soil) s, D Teas, 4v. ar A„th,„ it. he so d • y. aiternoi., at 3o ClOr Davis' commercial 50.01 room, COMO.' of Wood la, I FlflO sta. , I bbl Malaga wine. I do Nladeirs do. I do Ventre TuMe..une. I do caster oil. :It doe Lee.. pti.•, 2 bb.s chipped Lorwoml, I bid Turkey umber, I do yr, ow ochre. Ido stone db. Ido madder, I coporra.. hf b:. tobacco. a lii chests 1 . H. Li:venal and Black l'ea• dec4 JOHN D Aunt Large Stor.t of Dry Graaf, fie.. from. nn rslen,tve Dry Goods .Stare la Farm! county. On Monday ntorennt, D.,r 4, ,u to O'clock, at the Co,ene rroil Sale, Room corner of Wood and Fir o tret...rid be •old Without resrrve, lame and non. ra] asnorunnt ot well,elccted .ca•onabct dry good.. rinloracmg all the variety usually kept In a large retun dry yoode 01010 AtY o'clout G , are , tes. (,1 sinx mare. Furniture, itt. 13 I.ss mounstelurrtl tobacco. 1 6 Of 016 ." oos coal awl Devonshire snosals, glassware. taoie cutlery. &c. . • . . A quamll, of ready made rloth,ttg. boots, shoes. ha, cap, lrunts. sadd.e.r.l,,d;ea, .01,,a. umbrellas, ma. tr, gutd am, at .ernrhemualcal tratru menu, dry good% and fa:try arttelea, de, Fanig Carnage at .4 ttatot. On Monday afternoon, Ike .4. at .1 o'clock, in front of the corntui thief , room. f , ,TIICr 01 Wood and 5,0 gm wilt be mold • very tuperJor two horte iumtly car nage, wen htn.hed and good order. which coot s3sd, kid may tie teen previou,. t JOHNI doel DAYIA. Au, CC= C v PORTF.Ft ..... .... .. ... .-Nll,l.4oEit BENEFIT t/ I.' ADDAMS, tti It,. uppearanve MR' u . 1.1 WIS %%ILL APPEAR MONi , •l.Uulln 4. , P prf,lllta CLLL paarc., celebrated Play 01 • Mr Aaderus. Edgar Mr 01 fry Mr Any, Kent• • .. • Mr. Arcner Cantlelts -• -Mr. II 1.e... Gonerli Rrgan••• • • - Prtor J. • • Mt.lter. Exhibitions with the Oxy.Hydrogen 11 " 11 " 7 P NI/ FRIDAY v (.) N d r a ' a l eiZa V . :T rek ' k4of. A S 't raltati Wlll .11 ' 11.1 ' 11 " e . the c10d... with dm lizy-llydrogeo Microscope and Magic latiterit, to Philo Hal. In addition to a large eollecuon oi oujerts usual!) elhintted with this teat tap will be shown the de rolopo.ition of water t.p the (in./canto battery end other inottiode, tae Magnetic curves, aild !be cr)strdli xenon or Salts. NVlth the Lantern. will be sheen, as thsso.ving Views, Landscapes, atsuriguished edifit &a • • The ezhibitions wall comnitn, nt 7{ , o'clock l',ckrts call be bad at Mr H.bartisoll'• Jewelry Store. Market ~ t reei—t3 cents • wugla ticket, or fire for a doilar. • dec44l. Bargainn Extraordinary. Pr—AtaxaSusa it Das. 76 Market mu kJ north west co. tier of Inc a...A, Putsburgh. from the lst of December will .ell decided bargains of super lino.. Long shawl., do do square do. mopes brocha s ar superior l'erkern shawl. plain and emb.d Ilk and male cord cloth shawls: a le oupegior plaid long shawls: plain and proti'd Thibeo w . super figured came not obawls, bed crunrsteres, Iwo. manna, 4 ••1111 firmed mer no, a near article tor dresocc past and tig d camenon ..ks, Opt extra brocha hg'd and Wlk erect black Silk+, the richest gcgds imported. super black glossy gro dealt 1. &Lk's. French ..aastinere• and ',canna . .. a fro ps extra black and arse which will be end the piece or cant pattern..t ternary old y too . prices. Super touted French cloth' for ladies and gel • cloak blue. olive and blue. A large poruon the above good. have been recently purchased • .arge to New York and Philadelphia. and 0.11 now be closed out at a great reductron from :be coot of importion. M.o. a lot 11104, of American blanket., sheet...go ltd ohir . .lng. ing• and ilantask•. pristb. and C.C., Ac lormetino. ac l'ountr, merchants.tailor. abd the public general)' are ,ilrlled It Mil e arly exuninstuon. ALF-XANPKK Ss DAV POPULAR WORKS OF FICTION, VOL( JoIIN, /ON A STOCKTON, Nla r tet greet. corner of T bird Vann) Fa.r, a nova! witbout • Hato. by Wm 1 Tnari, ry. FaSw.rd Vernor, : , tor) by H. V Cadd• Ntar y llow ttt a'l'ranrlut,oo or the Newsaill and O LAndtord MIM2I=I Capt Marryatt, Children of the Now FOr.l. Tbe liarneior ix are A.any. Old Hickn the b% Webber. Nlmr) ("over, or, the Trwung Wite: by Chas. Ito dett Wuthertng Heights' by thr author of "Jane Eyre Tbe Tentlll 0/ Wtitifett It.II. by the .Ibor of .. .it Eyre The I muee of but Fattier: Illu•tratecl: by the Brother beur The Dteetp:the of Life Three Staters .d Three Fortune.; or Ro.e. Mauch an Vtotett H Lewes. Tlttny 1 ear. bine, by U. Y. R. James, E. novlr t;„? . PLENDI ()GIFT 13(1tOKS—The WeMen of the al bir, dettimated too sent. of sketebe• of Prom& nen Females mentioned in Holy Scripture—iituatrated to I- fine steel engraytngs. t vol quarto. Tut key gitt edgtts—Arabeanue style The Sacred Poets of England and Amenen. for atm , centimes Edited by Flatus W. G ve na Indstrated steel rttgravtog• 1 rol .‘tro Silk gilt edges 'lle Female Poets of Anaenea, with pormt, graptneal nonce, and specimens of their MILD g T Reed The Book of Pearls. Ea choice garland of prose. pot • try aod art. euntalaing YO fine rteel engrattugs. t ori The Honk of Chrtenan Ballade. Illustrated. I vol. 00 For safe by H 110PKINS, er I Apollo Bulldtnga. 4th at N•wigation Compahay. OTICE PU , s'rocKiiot.r.thas —IA pursuance of 1.1 the proatston• of the Charter of Ineorporauon. the auntie: meeung of the Stockholders of the Monongshe• is Nsvoesuor. Company he held on Monday, the brat day of January - , 1,49. ,betrs the ant Monday of Ire month I at the office of the said Company. in the Odeon Buctlnnr. Fourth street. Putsburgh., at 2 o'clock t the an, rnoo, lor the purpope of elenttnr.offirer• tOf the ensulog year 101KEWELL, Seey. nov:3o td irtt S h ( g )L u7dertte —rho — o Pniw.tP17.117.74. waa by mutual consent Jlasoived on the lath toot. The ,Loinang Ilualne•• vrttl be c•rtted on by H. $ Nlarwand brenehes, at the old eland, 45 Liner IN •Irrri. rorner of Vtrpn alley. n0v..04131. M F e . hare added : k o N thew f o rmer r l-;1:1-L pirrlme4.t under rborge of Mrs flrrlorgr o( for ionktug to order ,0 late. oly.es, Infents' Wrur. say km. cloaks and Dress,, Lad., and Con. Dreoung tross t. t,a liner. embroLder, or ...raped for embroidery knillilly 11f11.11,. crotchet work.beansutchlog and msr k Inc nealJj exerutod. AONII . ,I -- Arnet/on Prices. MIMI UENTI.E.AIEN, look it, 44 the emir° mock of rolA Cloths, tte•vers, fancy Cassimeres, and tho.e ra. Ira rboire inshme.res anti Silk Yeatlngs, lanai po.l, booby clo•ed um by Isl February. • . Op- Ali the Otte and .0 per Fretted Meek Cloth* at Importer. cos . niter wbed the store +lll be opened Ist MEMO 1 /148. TRANSPORTATION. I R4S. ADAMS it. CV , Forwardlng and Cc:din/Ismail Merehatila, Zane•vilie and Dresden, allii l'ioi prietors air samer Ohm., also or Adams et. Co'. daily line of Cana te l Boat•. Kith our propel° facthaes ere are prepared to ship property soy rout wohout delay. deet2eitte.t• 110RIERY ANP FANCY GOODS. E , II EATON A. CO Dealers tu Trimming* and Haberdashery. Wise removed tram thew old sod to Vin. SA litClUirrit STREET, t doors Iron) Market meet, uoveN Lr AMILMN C.ASTI.DI FI..ANNELS--W R atiir 1.1 phy has Just reed one . ease of these superior goods. Also. WELSH FLANNELS, warranted not shoi,k in washing. and a full stock of -red, yellow. and Willie Wool Flannels, at low prices for quality. der. 16E31' R4IDUCTION IN PRlCEY!—blawrn &Joe., V_X ma. 46 Market etre.. offer tot sale at 23 ~,;;, below regular price, rico Chameleon SRC. , do, black and fancy Alpaca*, Mohair Lu'aes, Pain et. to Cloths' French Merlons of the me, choice colors Fre n Cloths and 110V7 IC EORIN FS AN n CAM'S FOR LADIES Fine V Zephyr Settrr.„ white and cord; do do do ern he'd, df - wn Victorutest Elesuc zephyr ter-tittle.. tiwaa... down Neck Ties; lathes silk and woolen Justswan's down Trimmings. Just received at EATON'S siew Trimming Store. Fourth .1 nay,/ GooDa—F II Ea . rox & Co. are constaqtly 1' supplied with a large and choice asisorment of tnors and gimp., velvet ribbons and braid, ha. e, edging. and embroiderie loYes und osiery, F ents stependere and undergarment., Bern. Zephyr, woolen pone, needle., pins, buttons, tspe•. bobbin., &e , all of which they offer at the lowest rash prices to merchants end ether.; at their new and eon warehouse, Mt Fourth st, near market. stern EATS' CLOAK TASSELS--0 dolicoohaer T. Jr elels assorted; 3 do .elk dodo. odo do fine. do. 10 do do Lalltes axsoeted: do ool'd do do WOOLEN 6001:0.1-10 dot childron's woolen roam 6 dodo do Cape, 4 do do common, ludo. Woolen roan tort., asuireeil e In do do wan ring., 50 do lodic. Cash mere lilovez, LEATLIER iti.:L•rs- 30 dot blk ktolkskln Bed., kkk do do klorocco do, .1 do cord do, ad oo•J ZEBU LON KINSI.:I"S. 67 markrt ts UARMER WANTF.D—A person arquatn:ed 'slat Farming, anti the care of a mall dairy. will bear of • sttuarlon by applying of tins office. None Geed apply Gat such as can use sausfactory assurances of competency In modern farming. deell.d6tAwl THE AMERICAN ALMANAC FOR 1,19--/mit reed and fur .ale by JOloisToN &STOCKTON, Eook•llers, corner nmrket and aid sts 1 THE CAN, of superior quanty. •I low prices, put up by the •uhaertbere expressly for the u. of (son,. and par.., este be procured at the Rea... Allegheny enter, at the Store of R. Knoe 4th ,areet. Patst , urgn. NI. Jenkins' Store, esty. and et the ,e‘ster Depot St Charles I lotrl. Wood et. naell.alru WM.'? & MALTBY ‘,2 I F.. , --100 bu. 40,611,1 Peno,e• bu•l3,lned C, Apples, 1 liLimag; k ..2 , 04•...1r.1 1 bl 3 just reek', per Cl/pprer No 2 for Mile by n0v . ,5 R ROBISON: A. Co - ll BRLS Freak) Roll Boner, 3 bbl. Meaty., IWO Ib, Rop, receored and for sale by noyV R ROBISON & Co LINSEED OIL—In bbls Enwer h Raraiboobs Lan seed (al, to .taro mud for sale by noY2i R nonisoN a Co _ R OL .O L,I I IT N ITER saleb r i nousT a Co RIM] AM Li SEA' E.N'fB. 11141211E11 Toronclude wail THERE SE Mr. Addams Urc Levns R.3.N1 A FISLAN a A.AI LAIS K EY TEAMBRATB, ONIEffIMMI m ia DMILV PACKET LINE. ;',ioneknorwonnro;ln.e,f3fo.7pLl..7,ll4.h. „:1,,,,p;a;55a.e.nj,eL.5412:7.- ttni.lll.l and innualiodi and Mail powerful boats Oa the la natal of thr I.‘erN accommodation and earn tanatt niene> ran proton. nas been pr0v.1., , d for P.. .." The Line ass been operatton for flea years earned totlLion 111 r.oo4l‘e a-Intent the least inja ra.Vll_lrr Per . ona. The boat. o iti he at the fan of eet toe days preVloll• lo runF, for the recep tina of treighl and th entry of pan...tigers on the reg.- , ter. In all ease, the p.o.rwer invite) must be pant to advance. • - - The ISAAC . IS ENATISN. Lai, A h. ,d_a_sos, wt./ Ie•••••• h eary) Sande) mustang at 10 0'0.14 WI/etddnd nYrry Sunday cunning al 10 Muy 15.47 MONDAY PACKET Thr NIONt , N(i.110.1.A. earwill leave NM burgh ever) Mutmlav morumg ,Joeki Wticetiang every Moneny eNeit.t, ai lt, r ll= Tl.e M - UER-NIA . 1 KLlArramm. wall le•re l'ttuburch cvcr) Tur.o3)• 11,onmsc al o'clock; ev,y It. r The NEN% F.NIJI-4..ND No. 2.. Copt S Datasi, wW bare Potoburgn ovor) Wtosicsdn)mormog at 10 o'clock, Whcrio,g,v r ry Wednopon) caramo Ikt 101..11. - . The BRILLIANT. Capt. URAL', leave Pr.- burgh every Thursday znorrung at 10 o'clock, Whedirtg every Tourrtrisy evetrrng at 10 r • . . The CI.III'F.R No v. Capt C....w will leave Vtlia • burgh every F ri a ) morning at It)o'clock; Wheetmg every Fri•y evening at 10 r v. S , A7!:LDAS PACKET . The Al Fr rapt. . OM, will leave Pula burgh evrry Saturday 11111 111/11C IC, o eloet every Saturday eventag at r NEW 1.15130 N AND prprsLil R(U DAILY LINE OF CANAL ANC/ STEAM PACKETS, 1 tl 4 8. Leaves Patsburgli July, an 9 o clock, A. 1a1...•nd an iv. Wasgo, oust orthr Sand) and Beaver C.. an at 3 o'cloc k . ,111 . and Nrw ',nabob at 11. as itighL Leave* New Ltabott at ti riock. 1 . . !ma me king the trip can. to then ver nlyrrng thr tight.) and Glitagoar at 9 o'clork. A. Al , inind urns es Pittsburgh at 3 P. m 31 —taus ak lag ‘l l / 1 113 0.1 , bne forearrymg pa. settgers !mg. betwren New I,n,lton and burgh. to snorter time itoti leant rates Mem by say other rotate. gr,pri tnt4 have the pleanure of In- (orm,ng tn, ctor• that thr) en, fitted ttp two first el•ta BO•ln, for tic aceonttoodatam ut pa.sengers and frrtgbi. to rt., t,t conn the well known steamers CALEB C. ,I' ,amttot, ! 111,A VER, and connect ing, at Giu,o, with the Plital•orgh and Cincte .l hur , oi .trasne r. down the 91no and Ml•atealppl rivet, The proprintor• pledge M.o. a , ve• to .pa o expeaaetroultie toineure corn fort, .girt) had a..patett. and o.Yut the pubags a that. forte patronage ArTIII.IIIZED AUENTS. 1; M. IIA:a1 N. liAli IJAtit,/1. R. HANNA. to Co. I New Llebeth. 1:11) I lat J. HARJAAI:I,II A Co. NOTICE—The •teamer tt EA VEY., C E.Clarke.mas trtll leave after Zhu not.o.e. !or Wellanlle punetu say, at 41 o clock In the warning 1648_. Fs - ill PITTSBURGH & BROW NSIFILLIA Dallr Packet LIB*. FEBRUARY 1..164 , 1 FEBRUARY 1.1, 184 LFAL'F. DAILY AT e A. M.. AND 4 P. M. The to ;cm - mg new boats eomptem 41 me line for the preeent reason: AT- Caps James Parkinao_ BALTIC. Cant Jaeoba, aged LOUIS firLANE, Cape L kfimbett. T'ne beam are entirely new, and are fitted up Wltholll reg../ to expenne. Ev ery comtort that money rna prornre hen been provided. The Bog. leave the blenoreabem Wharf Boat at the foot of Ho, •t . 4 .r. w. be punctual 00 board. as me le.w• eerm.n.y leave al the adver• nerd hours. - A M and 4 P. Jazt2l FOR NEW ORLEANS . The I.E run it: $1, , , steamer PENNSYLVANIA. Caei it C Gray, wtil leave for above and all intermediate pores rhea day, at For freight or passage app' ' ) on beast or ilse4 J NEWTON JONES; Agt n ai l T h e nolendido,, draught •te stool (..1-:Is. Er A. Wilkie*. planter. satli leave for um above nod .otermedtato ports on Sat urday, at 4 o'clock, P. M For it-alai:a or oa4nage ap p ly on board deal PITTSI3I2III.II A. WIIKELINts PACKET. The suetrt ntra 11, r :I INZWL, We bbel. muster. a - to terve rcasalarly for Wheo..ne. every Monday Wed nesday and Frtday. at 10 o'cloek proc,,,lv heave Wtwellng rvory Tue•doy, Thursday and Sa cord.). at 7 o'olort, a al The Con.' wtll and az the intermediate ports.— Every necontodot,on that c kut tar port:watt tor the com fort and •Latety of paaoonfer. oar boen ' , molded. The , trout To also provtced ::! a -elf-or:tog •afety cuand to boardriplomous. For freight or ploomec apply on board or to DAVID C lIEDIDCI fcb.l comer of lot •n-I Smithtlelll no. n EGULA R PAI'KEr The new and 'pitman, steamer . 1 . : 5 ;: , •14 ST ANTHWVY. D Korner. master. v.-ill run ao • reg ular pad., PltntOureb Wherlin y wavin g true flly ver) ...day. Thursday and Saturday. at o'elork. A NI Wherhog era ry Monday. Wednesday and Friday. at Sa,elt. ts. M. For tretatit or pasrage. ha nee .afro or accommoda. tlona apply on board or to J A Ml> , NIA Y. Agent. The St Anthony is a neW Iwut. and for speed and •ccommeviattons cannot be surpassed by any boat on the raver. novld FOR %V lIEELINt: AND SUNFISH. imaiLL The new an ILLF- d Mat steamer NVELLSV Barmea. master. wt.: leave for'.Dora nd all Intermediate Ekon, nn W mine.. days and Saturdays of each week. For (refight or pawi sage apply on board or to • nor I, I,EO 13 mic:rEN nF.Rc ER, A* PITNBURCiII :AN D I The new and spienald feat pagan.- , qer parkrt, !klaxon. roast, wtd Ir•ve etnern .,an and I.o.isrille 0,, Thwxday, the Nth .nat, at 10 o'clock, M For 1,4 at or pa”ac, apply on hoard, to WIL.SON IF Co. or • • .E 0 15 if_U - Steamer Pe) tov, s.‘ 1.. leave Loos, ale for New Orleas s on arrival of Tv ...graph Paxson/era can go dimes. and can Issive nertn•venstred Isere dde aired novlll The aplenthd ❑qr,r &mush breoraer rno.o-r. oro , : i•-ovo for above end Inrorrrool. ALC port,. on tit. day •t In o'clock. For rroireht or pa oorge apply on board. nov3o REOULAR I.ol' ISVILLE The splendid new simmer V ERNIONT. maim,' Wm Flash:. leave fur the boar and iytermisiliase ports to-day For fretaht or pas otge, nip!) . on hoard norPS FOR SAINT LOUIS DIRFCT The .rolen , il:tt rivastr:r l ' are for above nit intermediate ports ;hill day. at lu &Hook . , A Al. For 'mgtt or pa .age upp, on board, or In 11 , ;(1 I: MiI.TENItI,R.I.II, .g'. 'kik ST Lot IS. ii...., A railm oksairs.‘ The new and tout ng saran., w NI )11T11 I , I V ra. Captnm 11,211, tvl,: I,ls, for above nil al: ititoroaedinto ports this day. at 0v023 Ml=ll2l EXPRESS WAGON LINE, TO ♦ND I . itOM 0/400;g• Pitt •bargh and Philad;lphla, V, 1,1, 11.... t Nu TIME, FIVE DA1.1 4 --RUN NINt, DAY AND NIGHT- T.v.,bolaommekzet:sprout.,l:l.? toenfo‘nehe.fl.,,hti,nnt.,thleALnic.: oat le.ve Phaiedelphia dad, - with the Mail Train to t:t.ainberobarg, and from thence by Wagon, with a relay 1 harm , .mama; d ayand melt Ye will be prepared to fteight otafly. Apply to uovYnD I.MCD C.O PIONEER T b.ANSPORTATION LINE, inigr - A 1848, .M. 16311— B l, TWE'r::'• I LTI NIOR Y. ABU • _Ol ae triuksporte I etl Canal Poftsrni h DCNCA:S, Watrr .trert Pltugburgh. FRAILEY & 142 , 11 A 1,1.. Agentli, 10v 17 47l d•ho ere.. Bal,emore BURKE dr. CO'S FAST EXPRESS W&ftia POR HAI:1'010111; AND TH cams.i. 1 , 111 , . Vrerneters ot lane totvertt on New Stock, and are N epared to iersenrd peeknee. of all de. set - Toone daily. et the levee. rm., J C ti DV, F:1.1.. Agent, Water street. I'lltAhrtreb ROLIIN , ON d I , OEIIAi. e<•l3l T 2 South Char.e% .t. ileouruorn. ir. CLIP - s$ "rawly is is. `II VPEH% to a" r d :l 71! ' rd " U ' t r.. : c :1:1 " :e th r chandise rerelpted tor by FIVt, IJAN LIN aid rcrular ol,s, lym Ime• and epee ,ftcal urn, C BILAVELL. htts6nrith, RoullSttON & [kik:H.ll. lialtuvore. LAW NOTICE. rpHE undersigned morn,. his ittrink und the petal, that he intends ti. remove shonly West°, von pity, where he ill;w wend to the preseent,,,,, o f nonbre..• end •he Depertrneets, as arell as In the no•niess of the in oil I .rnorties, the sereeral Cour • of the District. ANDRLW WYLIE. Jr nov2sti toT , —Suppoard m hove 1,. en lake" by from steamer Va. lore, No% b,l-4.. box marked Aaron Mathews. Camden, Dree..lee reuel 3. e•te co( S Early, New London, N.m Vork—lat-,11 lba Any nOormaoon re3peenm, rate .3. v... Le tnenkickl ly recetred and ilberillf orwartled 1,, J NEWII , N JONES, Houma / IA RPM'S'. CARYF I r , •<*e`“ n gr " •irret: sr') ”rnelY 6: Carpet,. e0r15.. , 1111,: pati heautaul ,otrcrt. imported., ver) rich: ape. 1.1ru , t., • , •op old Veoruan,, ell of whnh wall ho put c..ased In ttel. 111." :111),1 011(1 rth•..lS .• Lwte e...tern tonrket.. re nevi] (SKEEN lilt , k ,•0p.,1110 LT Cork,. lauthog ior ^A , "I A It FLOYD I fithll Mu:is—Ode bal.tuat. reed .nd for sale by II A FAIT' F.sl ocK .1 Co, ro I.t mod wood a,a s3 _ -a.) mut. Jost rcc'd and for sale by 110,7 13 A FAIINP, riws k . ToßAcdo AT A 11A It6A IN-4U boa Yomde2tera lam...load, V.) F.... , .0 .^ 4 • nd Pod, for sac MAW' DICKEY oo , ZS (root at ILOVER AND TIM.YrIIS" SEF.D-6 bbia Obi° Clo• v., Seed. 10 do Pm Timothy .tecd, in •tor, for sal. by I Gt. R FLOYD