PUBLISHED BY WRITE *.*CO PITTSBIIII.OIIII • MONDAY MORNING; NOV. 6. 1848. • t•fW.T. • tit . :To Ti: tit • 4.. Advertisements and Babseriptions to theNcoth. Amer. e. and United SUGes Gazette, Philadelphia, received forwarded frt. this office. COHIIIHICIAL LIST AND PHIL, PHIAL PRICE CIIIIIIENT. Subscriptions [atlas valuable mem will be received and forwarded from this office. NEW TORN. garams. We will reesireeind forma& free of expense, sd yeetisemonts sod sabscriptions foe this pipee. IrrTIC PIIIIIMIUM Mad Marna le published 'Duty, M.W.x.kly, and Weekly.-The Daily is Seven Draws per annum; the Tri-Weekly is Five Dollars per ... o ho Weekly is Two Dollars per annum, strictly isisiessas 07Antrarrasaa are earnewly •regneoed to band in then &vary before If T. rr., and as early in the day tis Practicable. Advertisements not inserted for a apeei :And timei. will invariably be dinged until ordered out. Denzocratto Wbtg Nonasuitions, FOR P ENT, ISAOIIAPIR TAYLOR, FOR VICE PRESIDENT, piLLJioas, ==tl Rr I LECTORAL TICKET SENATORIAL ELECTORS, 'humus M. T. PPKasaws, of Washington. Jams P. B.tocisot of Le n. DISTRICT 'MEL:TORS. 1. Joseph 6. Clattsoq 1..7. Henry Johnson, 'A John P. W•tberill, 14. William Colder, Sr. & James 11. Davis, l& William APllvaine, 4 PhDs W. DmLAI, 16. Charles W. Fisher, & Denied 0. Hither,man, 17. Andros G. Carta, 6. /mhos Du 111. Tos fl Davidson, 7. John D. flieelo, 10. Jo h seph itarkle, S. John Landes, 211 Dams! Agnew, 0. Joseph Satan:ekes, M. Andre. W Loomis, 10. Charles Snyder, 22. Richard Irwin, U. William 0. Harley, 21 Thomas If Bill, It. Francis Tyler, 24. Slue A. Pm-mance TEE PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION WILL HE HELD ON TIINSIPSY, the 7th of lIOI7IMBIDIER. TICKETS FOB FEESIDENTIBILAT TIIIS OELLVTORS, CFFICE.AN BE OB- TAINED °mum pniapan..vrouir LLTI The friends of TAYLOR and FILLbI to Pine. burgh. by whatever name they may have been hereto fore known. are invited is waster at M'PADEN'd WAREHOUSE, an Penn street, near the Canal, TRIG -EVENING, AT 7 CYCLOGIL Io exchange salutes, dis play wriumaa, and pass review preparatory to the great barite and glorious victory of toluorrow. Addresses will be delivered b 7 J. B. CLARICE, Esq, Hon. A. W. LOOMS, and ethers- The various GLEE CLUBS oat detailed for du ty-ilsewhere are invited to atutnd and inspirit the seas. en with thei.; anal-stirring mule. By order of the Executive Commies. gee !next page for Tiileirraphte News. lida Waster,--We regret to see that serious doubts have been expressed of this gentleman's fidelity to the Free Scul,rtneiples which he pro &sees so earnestly to advocate. We think that he ought to be judged by his acts alter the election, and not by flying rumors perviously. If he should prove a base deceiver and recreant, we shall be as ready to denounce him as any, but our present convictions are, that he will prove his fidelity to his professed principles by hi► vote, and the vote of his district., That most strenuous efforts will be made to detach hint from the Free Soil cause, we make no doubt. As evidence of gbh., we copy the following from the New York Tribune of Tuesday last A SIGNAL or Durnunta—We learn by telegraph that a Grand High Commissioner from General Cass passed through Buffalo yesterday, on his way to Northern Pennsylvania, charged with the diffi cult task of baying up Hon. David Wilmot, so that he shall either go over to Cass outright or else cease all farther support of Van Boma. Teresa liberal, in view of the necessities and urgency of the case. . . We predict that the utmmissioner will return to Michigan with a full grown flea in his ear. In the Era place, we don't believe he can boy Mr/Vlil - and if he could, we doubt whether the Free Democracy of the Xllth would consent to be thrown in. We shall see. Although our own confidence in Mr. Wilmot's fidelity is still unshaken, we confess that his con duct towards his Free Soil brethren has given some grounds for doubts. We understand that be has not manifested any fellowship, or even a friendly spirit towards his Free Soil associates in the eastern part of the State, and that an great doubt was entertained of his fidelity, by the Free Boilers in Philadelphia, that they have despatched Dr. Elder to the district, to make inquiries. This fact is referred to in the following article, 800 the Philadelphia Inquirer of Wednesday morning: ' It is mid that a gentleman of this city, who has taken a leading part in the Free Soil movement, his left for Tinge County, with the Myect of asser. taining the real position of Mr. Wilmot on the Pre. sidential question. Strange that any doubt should exist upon the subject, when we remember that Mr. Wilmot is the author of the celebrated proviso, which'may be regarded as the corner atone of the freermil fabric. We have two rumors—one to the effect that Mr. Wilmot is stumping it is New York for Yen Buren, and another that be is pursuing the same coarse in Pennsylvania. There would be consistency in his conduct, if during the present straggle he should urge and encourage the Free Boilers of his own immediate District. Not so, should he abandon Pennsylvania, and thus Indi rectly assist Cass by traveling among our neigh bors of the Empire State. But ler us not judge prematurely." The Latest intelligence we have al Mr. Wilmot's position, is a telegraphic , despatch, received on Saturday, from good authority at Harriaburgh, that Wilmot in stumping it in his own district in favor of Vatt Itaren. Bat why need we be so anxious about Mr. Wil mot's position. The friends of Taylor and Fill more will carry the State, whether Mr. Wilmot, and those votes his inthience may control, go for Van Serer or cot. All the difference that it will make., will be the greeter or lesser majority Taylor will have. Let the Whip do their duty, and all will be well—yes, the result will he glorious. Since the above was in type, the following letter, published in the 80:m.4i; the Free Soil paper in Philadelphia, has mimosa our Mire "en. Towau• Asia the place of Mr. Wilmot's residence: TOWANDA, Oct. 26, Is4B. Dais Sta—l was surprised and mortified to ob serve in the North American of the 21st, an arti ok beaded "Mr. Wibnot's Position," in which statements are madepotally false on the part of their twtbors. • The best refutation which can be offered to the charge that Mr. Wilmot is supportMg Cass and Bo t ier is the fact thm,aince the election, he bas almost daily addressed Van Buren meetings. He Is now in the adjoining counties of the State of N. York, addressing meetings. To night he is advertised at Oswego—to morrow at Binghampton. = on that he had compromised his position from the enterable clique cC disorgani seta who In vein mtempted to defeat him, and ailed in that to gratify their anlmoaity, and - that he is particularly sensitive about his patultnag; have raised their unfounded falsehood to valtlV their malignity. You may be assured Mr. Wilmot stands on the ground -he has ever occupied. He was elected standing thus, and refused before the election to - elMago, preferring to be beaten a thousand times that do any thing to impeach his standing. LATER AND CONCLVAIVZ Since the above was in type, a Telegraphic Des patch, from oar regular and very attentive Phil. delphia correspondent, brings us an extract of a letter from Mr. Wilmot himself, which ecmclusive ly males the question as far as he is concerned— The reader will find the letter under the telegraphic head, and will discover that Mr. Wilmot is faithful to his principles and his pledger, and spurns the idea that he was playing fides on this questiorw— lin says he shall do all ha can against the combin ed operations of the whole Can party, who are concentrating men and money in that region This settles the election in Pennsylvania, Lithe» Witsany doubt before. The Cass men may as well give it up. General Taylor will sweep the State 411.1.1 triumphant majority. STAND FIRM All theadvien we have to give, at this late hour, to the friends of Taylor and Fillmore, is to stand Ann, do Your whole duty, and do It promptly. Let no Koarbacks or electioneering tales. alarm you.— All the. Probabilities of mccesa—the prodigy of saccees—are on the aide of our catadidates. This is admitted by every unprejudiced man. We have every encceuseethent which brave men could aak, to be dieted, and confident, and salve. It is an. necessary to trouble crunelves now about argu ments, or making converts—the time for that is pace, Every freeman in the state, we doubt not, has nude up his mind. The. battle Is virtually (aught, and the ballot box to morrow, we verily believe, declare • glorions_victray for Taylor and Pm. ninte,ktdh in Pllnnsgtvagia widths Vet= A major. itythrithr people have already made up their mind■ to elect Gm. Taylor, and all we have now to do, is to see that they come to the polls to give =prams gorier their opinion. ;Maud Arm, then—be coos• goons, ho vigilaht,threeserthi, and victory will be speedily declared in favor of that simians and boo. eat old farmer-patriot and hero, who tower lost a bale; or gave to his friends or country an oars . ore blush or a regret Cut areas jig Tsur..—The Rev. Theodore Par. --./‘; it le aelikitated in big icemen on Stmday,thai there was a owed in Boston which contained sic teen tenements, each of which contained ewers] fintilies, and that of the children born in thiscowt, caw UV were born blind, and the eyes tithe ether baize more or less linkman A Wore to:Whig Prise Soilage. To tkegiditors efthe PitAbstraph Gordon I luige.witnesseti with sincere regret, the bitter denunciations in which some of your Whig con• temporaries hive indulged, when rekrring to such of their fellow citizens, who having generally acted with us, have at the present imporant crisis, ex pressed their Intention of throwing away their voles (n support of Martin - Van Buren, instead of uniting • as bekde, with their brother Whigs, and rallying in untgoken front terthe support of Zachary Taylor, the nominee of the Whig Convention. Deeply as I lament the views which the citizens to whom I allude, may have adopted, I feel more disposed to overcome their mistaken views, by kindness and argument, than to indulge in unkind feelings arid angry remonstrance; Gar I candidly ac knowledge, that no motive leas urgent than the preservation of our common country from the dan gers menaced by the election of Lewis Cass to the Presidency, and the sanction such en election would give to the baleful principles avowed, and the disastrous mghsurea adopted by the present administration, would induce me to cast my vote for an individuaf whom, experience in the details of civil government is so limited ee that of GCIII. Taylor, although the candor, integrity and open. heartedness of his character have always favorably impressed me with regard to him. The merest tyro in politics must be aware, that under no possible event, can the vote of this Stnie, be cant for Van Buren, so that in fact, every Whig who votes for him, exercises nearly the name in: flosses in favor of Cass, as he would do by a direct vote for the democratic ticket. The mingled feeling of regret nod mortification hieh pervaded the 'Whig riinks when it won die covered that in Int.!, the election of Mr. Clay was defeated by the anti alavery vote of New York, are too deeply impressed upon our minds to require my feeble efforts to recall them—but the third party of that day had at least the excuse of sum: porting a candidate who bad uniformly avowed their own principles; whereas the change in the professions of Mr. Van Buren has been too recent to give very satisfactory assurance of its permit nence; while his sentiments of personal hostility to the nominee of the democratic party and a desire to regain his lost ascendancy in the politics of his own state, will in the opinion of many persons pre. sent more urgent remains for his present attitude than any sincere desire of ameliorating the condi• lion of the unfortunate descendants of Africa, or of crushing the domination of Southern slave holders. With them Mr. Van Buren supported the sub treas ury and the Mexican war—with them he opposed a protective tariff and an enlightened system of internal improvemente—in all these respects his views coincide with the avowed principles of Mr. Calhoun and of Gen. Cass, and surely no consiss tent whig—however.eincerely he may agree with Mr. Van Buren on one single point, can or will hazard every other principle of his political creed far the mere chance of supporting one doctrine, however important it may be, especially as it is at least as likely to be sustained by Gen. Taylor, as by Gen. Batley--the one pledged to veto no action of Congress on the subject, and the other bound to carry out the views of the Baltimore Convention, even by the Interposition of his casting vote, should that be requisite to defeat the 'Wilmot Proviso,' as was done by the present occupant of that position. when the imperious claims of pony dictation com pelled hini to sacrifice the welihre of his own State by deciding in favour of the ruinous tariff of 1848. Thu. it appears to me that even if some fleeting doubt might arise su to the course Gen. Taylor will pursue with regard to some of the less important principles generally maintained by the Whigs of the North, yet we know that Cass and Butler are alike pledged to oppose them aIL We know more over that Fillmore is sound on all these points and surely it is the part of wisdom under these circum stances to repudiate a certain evil and secure all the good within our reach, trusting to the influence that will surround the new President to bring for. ward those measures that will most ell - cannily promote the general welfare. PrarnsTIA,NLA Wino. EDITDRI von CONOIMs.—We were much pleas• ed to read the following remarks in the New York Courier, both for their magnanimity and correctness We are glad that Mr. W 6138 can forget the warm contests in which he has engaged with his brother editors, when it is necessary to defend the editorial fraternity, or promote the success of Whig promis plea. The Sixth Congressizmal Dona.—We are sorry to learn that some of our friends to this District, ex press an unwillingness to vote for Messrs. Boost. Rod GIMILIX, the Whig candidates for Congress.— This should not be. Whatever may be thefeelings of individuals against either of these gentlemen per. mortally, their ability to represent the District, and their readiness to support Whig measures, cannot be questioned; and therebre, being fairly nomina ted, they should receive the unanimous support of the Whigs of the District. We are astoniahea to learn that some good Whigs of this Distrust, are opposing our nominees on the ground that they an &trio" ! Surely it will not be pretended that the profession is a disreputable one; and if not,svhat class of men can possibly be more familiar With the legislation of the country, or more capable of legislating understandingly than Editors. We venture to assert that both Mr. Bacosit and Mr. Gazoinsr, are more familiar with the legislation of this country, understand better the etliorts ad a high, low and medium taritd and are more intimately acquainted with the wants of this commercial Community, than any gentlemen in the city who could be persuaded to accept the nomi. nation. To understand these matters is their vo cationiand they am, therefore, peculiarly qualified to represent the city in Congress, because both are unquestionably men of talents m addition to their intimate knowledge of the legislation necessary for the country. SelKrespect prompts cip to repudiate the idea, that an Editor who labors harder than any body else, and is compelled to take all the hard knocks of every political campaign. is disqualified to repre sent tbe, people on the door of Congress. He may not be popular, and seldom is, Pimply because be is always laboring for his party instead of himself, but his claims can in no way be injured by his vo cation. If qualified to be a good Editor, he is un questionably well qualified to be a good Legislator their fitness as legislators the people are to de. (ermine upon irrespective of their blllliDeßß pursuits. We sincerely hope, therefore, that all the thinking Whigs of the District, will unhesitatingly give Messrs. Bacon. and Lamer their support, and not bear in mind eny trivial offence their editorials may have given in times past. An Ansiustort —A gentleman of this city, says the Philadelphia Sun, writes to the editor of the Washington Union, his brother, or rather his father in affliction, as follow.: coalition may increase on us here a little, but the glorious interior will soon change the re. joicinga of the enemy into the profoundest gloom." The Sun remarks, "that the Rough and Beady men of the city and county of Philadelphia will be able to roll up a mejonty of nt least eight thous suTfor eld Zack, we think is almost reduced to a certainty. But what sane man looks for Cass gains on Longatreth's vote in the 'glorious intenorr The vote in Adams, Lebanon, Lancaster, Chester and Schuylkill counties will be largely increased for Taylor. We have seen letters from democrats re• aiding in thallortbern part of the State, in which they reluctantly admit, that Cass cannot by any possibility receive Longstreth's vote in Centre, Clinton, Lycoming, Sullivan, Northumberland, Co. lumbia, and Lunerne comities. Three Murtha of the Democratic vote in Bradford, Tioga, Saaque• patios, and Pacer counties will be lost to Cass,— Where are these gains to be made? Admit that we are too sanguine in oar expections of the coon ties named, what portion of the State will over come the increased majonty which the city and county of Philadelphia will certainly give to Tay lor. PILVISYLVAUIL, - .A letter from Harrieburgh in the New York Herald, haa the following remarke in relation to United Stale, Senator: The bone of contention is who shall be United States Senator? There is a Whig majority of nine on joint baltht, and Simon Cameron's term, as Sen. afar, expiring, Lis place mast be filled by somebo dy. Apropos of Simon, the chief of the Witioeba. go branch of the democracy--politicians say that he is shelved at last, but I scarcely believe it. A man who could exemplify in his own person the tricks and quick tarns of the youth's game of "Si. mon says up, Simon says down, wiggle waggle," and go through the motions so successfully, is not c 4 be laid out so easy. His plots and counterplots With the Shank dynasty (flat thou) and with the Porter influence iltickapooni in all of which he held his own; will form in such an event, an im. portant page in the secret history of Pennsylvania The lower house is a tie, and, according to dem. wrath, (and wing nonage, too, when they have the chance) it might be expected that the democratic members Mould defeat any motion to go Into an election, and, by Mooing it off mita another Legue Inoue, give them a fresh chance. But, unfortunate. IyCoe this nice game, a former Legislature fixed, their flint for them by a law, Reuling a day and hour for the meeting in joint ballot to choose senator. So that all the Whig Senate have to do, when the day arrives, is to notify the House they are coming, and, pecking op their has, suit the action to the word, by marching In a body from their own chamber into the hall of the Hoagie of Representatives. When there, the subject cannot be adjourned, except by a majority of all present. Vs:roomy—The Montpelier Journal of the 25th gars The Rouen to day passed the Senate bill providing for the election of Presidential Electors and Members of Congress on Tuesday, the 7th of November next. Constables ate required to pat the uoticekir Electorial &mile:1,1)0w required for the Revised Statues only six days before the election. Members of Congress are to elected by a plurality tidy. The bill will undeubtedly become a law, and will be published 'swots ea approyed,—Mmt• ;why Journal A family is now residing in the pansh of As, gumption, near New Orleans which consists of the father, 23 sons, 2 daughters. The eldest of the ppap is 0 rani of age. Correspondence of the Pinsburgh Galena. PROM arzw YORK. Ns. You, Oct. 30. The Treastuy Department has given the nue*. wary orders in relation to the payment of the Mex. roan Indemnity, but its payment will not release so much coin as was anticipated, as many holders have availed themselves of the right to take a six per cent stock instead of the specie, an operation very favorable to the holders, as by it they make some 41 per cent., being the premium upon United States Stock sold by them abroad, which has had quite an effect upon the Exchange Market, redo. clog the current rate of sterling bills to 108 per et., and lower rates for produce bills. Shipments of pro duce now is progress, and which show an increase over last year's standing, are as follow., front Oct• Ist, to October 24th, 1848: 1848. 1847. Increase. Ashes 1,691 MU. 970 711 bbla Flour 110,904 bbl,. 30,102 80,802 bbla Corn 407,040 ha. 49,704 357,336 ho. Wheat... .140487 ha. 7,470 133,017 ha. Lard 17,068 kg,. 8,805 8,263 kg.. These export.* are making at lower rates than lint year, but it must be remembered that we are now in the dull reason of the year, with the im. ports partially suspended. The exports of coin from New York for the past ten months, have been ten millions of dollars, which hu reduced the bal. once of trade against us to an amount that will be taken care of by produce shipments, and leave our coin in quiet until the Spring imports commence. A stock jobber who has been holding 12,000 shares of fancy stocks, ($1,200,000 nominal value) tailed last week, and had the whole amount sold, thus causing a panic in the market, aided by the unfavorable commercial news from abroad.— Since it has been sold oat, the market is stronger, and holders very firm. For Treasury Notes, 1024 is tha dosing rice; 731 for Pennsylvania s's, and 100 for Ohio sixes of 1860. Money is not tight, and good paper sells readily at 94810 c per cent. per annum. Another sale or government ships is robe made at the close of the week. One ship and three small vends. Ships have depreciated so much since these were bought, that the original owners can now repurchase them at filly per cent redaction,— as good almost as when they were delivered. A large lot of United States muskets are also to be mild, and these, some mune alarmists assert, are to be used upon the Canadian frontier, in another campaign to "extend the area of freedom" In that direction. Some crazier than the rest, say the onslaught is to be commenced as soon as the election is over, and that American officers are to head the proceedings. The muskets are to be sold, but the campaign probably will be deferred until warm weather. The California transports are about ready, and a shipment of troops will be made next week.— The recruits have been thoroughly drilled at Gov ernor's Island, and will not go off la the disgraceful style of the New York Regiment. The necessity of sending the troops at all is doubtful, bat the Gov. ennnent wills it, and the people mint submit.— Could the founders of the Republic revisit the halls of national legislation, they would witness much that would be new to them. Instead of measures to secure the tranquility of the thirteen States, they would hear of arrows transported thousands of miles, to protect territory, that, by the obstacles of Nature, is as much a foreign colony to in, as Can ads is to England; nay, more, for Canada is but ten days distant from England, while Calfornia is four months from Washmgton. We are tut ex ceeding the ancient Republics in the extent and distance of our territories, and have gradually ac cumulated in the hands of the executive power, to yield which might well gratify an absolute mon. arch. It is now an imperative neceasity to find one to fill the executive chair, whose honest heart will be incapable of punning any measures that will result in the sacrifice or the jeopardy of the Republic. Secure at present, but fast becoming too extended for the general good of its cinemas. Markets have been rather dull Ot Ash es there is only a small stock, and both sorts sell et 61e. Cotton has sold to the extent of 1200 bales at steady rates. Flour is weak, and a good article of Genesse has sold at $5 251 choice Geneasee at $5 371, and Southern Flour $5 621. Shippers are prepared to give 95 25 for large lots of Floor, but receivers will not yield. Wheat is dull at 125 c., offered, and 127 asked for Genes., and goal Ohio 110 c) Prime Chicago 1112. Corn 67069 c lime good Western Mixed, and '72 for Pennsylvmia Yellow. Rye 67c. Provisions are better—Mess Perk 512,- 68a312 75, and SS 62 for Prime. No sales of Beef Mess 59 50650810; Prime 005 50. Lard, Prime in bbls is,, and kegs 81. Butter is doll, with large supplies,.and Cheese in favor of the buyers. Freights are dull at the quotations cur rent before the steamer came. From CollfornioCOUrktOr Rovalaq• M==:l A. correspondent of the Courier writes Soul La Paz, Lower California, August IS, as follows I gave you an account a abort time ago of the movements of the squadron out here. Since that letter was written, the corvette Warren boa arri ved from Monterey, and the frigate Congress has arrived from Mazatlan. In Upper California the gold excitement is;greany on the increase. Gov. Ma son reached Monterey (from the placer) a kw dap previously to the sailing of the Warren, bringing with him some deserters from that ship whom he found upon the road carrying a press of canvas, and shaping their course for the region of the pre, Mous metal. Its worthy and factemous Exmillens cy placed these follows, bare backed, on a Gm spare horses he had with him, and although the sailors frequently begged to be allowed to walk, they were pertinaciously refused, and compelled to travel in this way fur sixty miles At Mazatlan there has been a counter revolt_ lion, and one of the °lacers concerned in the last outdreak was shot on the day the Congress reach. ed thatlplace, and others were undergoing trial when she left there. Palacio, the leader of the le hellion, has escaped, and L'nza, whose influence and money brought it about, has been in La P. for some time. lt is stud that Arista, at the head of seven hundred cavalry, is now on his way to take charge of the Government of Sinaloa. Law oral views are to be entertained, and many pnvi leges which the people have asked, are to be grant. ed; and thus, it is drought, matters will be kept quiet on this coast for a few mouths at least; pm yawn sate! Poor Mexico' her internal convulsions seem to have returned with redoubled vigor since the close of our war with her. Between the 26th and 3lst of this month all the troops now here and at San Jose, and many em igrants from the country, will be on their way to Upper Calikirnin—some by land sad some by sea. All the ships composing the American'squadron are now In this bay, bat they will shortly be gone, the moot of them to Upper California. The Dale sails to day for Mazatlan, and soon after her return will proceed op the Golf We have not as yet heard of the arrival of the St. Mary's in the Peer(• ic. The Congress sails in a week for the United States. On the 10th inst. a. Court Martial commenced on board the Congress for the deserters from the War. ren, above alluded to. This Court is still is ses sion. Some of the cases have been decided, but the sentences are not as yet promulgated. It is thought the punishment will be severe. Com. Jones has appointed Commissioners to examine into claims of some people of Lower Cal. donna for losses abstained during the war. Such claims are to be paid of the revenue collected at Mazatlan, Guaymas, and other ports on this coast. By what authority this is doue 1 am at a loss to conjecture, and the sanction of Congress for such expenditure must be regarded as extremely doubt fuL In haste. • • • • Oitio--The Columbus correspondent of the New York Herald, comments at some length on the anomalous condition of parties in the Ohio Le. pitmans, where both parties claim a majority, awing to the situauon of affairs ia Hamilton Co.. and then remarks: "The truth is, we have every mama to appre hend one of the most trying term of the stability of a government, owing its vitality to the control of a majority, and the peaceful acqiestience of a mi nority, of the people. There is no such acknow• 'edged relation as majority and minority. Parties entertaining opposite views are arrayed in such numbers as to present an equal share of all the elements of a nett to control. And, my word for it, before all is settled, Ohio will be convulsed from the river to the lake, and from the eastern to the western boandary, and Columbus become the theatre, of scenes which will cause an interest throughout the United States, apparelled in the history of our country. No man out alai, State can poonibly conceive the depth and height of the convulsion which is in embryo. The masses with in the State ale as yet unconscious that it will lead to my thing beyond a warm and exciting dis cussion. But to my certain knowledge, there ate hundreds of men here who are sufficiently coaver mat with the impulses ander which tie leaden of each party are actuated, that, to their retied, the chances of actual bloodshed are great indeed.— The result of the Presidential contest in thin State may modify the actin of the leaders somewhah— If Taylor camas the State, the democratic chum pions will probably relax their claims, and go into a compromise. But, if by chance they succeed In giving a majority for Casa, they will lose sight of all that is prudent, and drive their opponents to desperation. Fortunately, the chances of Taylor are daily becoming more manifest. The Vim Buren patty Is kat dwindling down to the old Birney party. Mr. Clay once gave the opinion that no other whig beside himself could receive the vote of Ohio. I venture to any, that Gen. Taylor will get the vote of this State, just as certainly an Mr. Clay could have gat it. If Taylor does not receive ft, Clay could not have received it. Govan:sax Earrounnus--The Newark Daily Advertiser gives a curious tabular calculation, showing the comparative expenditures of the Vol• tad States Government, under the several Fresi. dents, by the year, month, day, hoar and minute : For the purpose of comparison the expenditure by minute is the most striking, and we therekore copy this part of the table: w p .hip o pp, pr pup. 110,012 1 4. Adam., p. mm. 821,25 John Adam, Vie Janke., " 23,18 )ege•.dn, 0,05 V. Buren, " e 3,76 Madiron, 34,55 Tyler, " Monroe, " 2.5.1tl Polk, 145,89 Of course a progressive inorease was 10 be look ed 63r, but the enormous amount of the axpendl. tures tinder the Von Boren and Polk Adminbrtrav lions has a wide margin beyond either necessity or ream). It is gags to assume that under General Taylor there will be a nearer approach to the wise economy that marked the Ad of Jac Wag , Adams. Batusairr : Psocassma.—The Philadeiphia papers generally' agree in representing the great Taylor and Mame torch light precession in that city, on Tuesday evening, la one of unsurpassed splendour and magnificence in that way. The Ledger says the line was three quarters of an boor in passing the office, marching ail and eight abreast. 'One of the most interesting feature was the del egation from Schuylkill county in their appropri. ate costume as miners, with the lamps dancing in their caps, and their picks borne in their Musa. Among the mottoes on the lanterns earned by them was one with the following: 'Make way for the Schuylkill boys, who committed the great frond' The Ledger gape— 'The scene was truly an exciting one—the streets filled with people gazing a' the pageant; the windows of the houses crowded with the ins mates, many of them ladies, waving handkerchiefs, hissing hands, du- Those in the ranks pulled off their hats, and, waving them round their heads, gave deafening cheers for 'the Ladies and Old Zack.' The band. accompanied them with the thunder of their drums; the big bell gave out its most sonorous times; the flags were waved bank. ward and forward, and the lanterns described whir ling circles, as they responded to the ladies' com pliments.' It is to be regretted that a 'eerie of confusion, at Sixth and Chesnut &meta, was caused by some atemilera attempting to break the . line. The Ledger says "Two or three of these disturbers were well pummelled by some who left the procession Or the purpose. While the Sprmg Garden delegation were passing skin South street, near Seventh, pistol was fired, the charge grazing the forehand of a young man named Charles Keen. After haring his wound dressed, be was removed home ids cab. David Mullen was arrested on suspicion of having fired the pistol, and two or three others." RO3l/et CATHOUC CATHILDIAL •T CLIVSLAND, 01110.—Thef corner atone of We projetned edifice was laid on the 22nd alt. Its location is in Erie .treat At one o'clock a numerous procession wan formed at St. Mary's Church, consisting of the Sal. bath schools, temperance societies, the Bishops, clergy, theological Btu dents, and congregation of Si. Mary's. The ceremonies, in accordance with the usages 01 the Roman Catholic Church, were con ducted by Bishop Timon, of Buffalo; Bishop La Fevre, of Detroit; Bishop Rappc, of Cleveland; an. stilted by Vicar General De Goesbriend of Cleveland; Rev. R- Macheboacf, of Sandusky city; Rev. Mr. Luhr, of Canton; and the students of the Theologi cal Seminary. An eloquent address was delivered by Bishop Timon, and a discourse in German by the Rev. Mr. Luhr. The Cathedral, when completed, will be 170 by 75, rising 50 feat from the widen...table to the eaves, nod the tower 200 feet. The building A to be of brick, and the style of architecture will combine strength with beauty. Thu far the expense of the undertaking hew been borne by the congregation of St. Mary's Church. Hon. RAIILISON GRAY Ons.—The Boston Trans. cript in noticing the death of this venerable man, says: Few men have ever impressed themselves so largely upon the political character and destiniea of this Commonwealth. In all great public ques• dons be has taken an earnest and active interest up to the last few weeks of his earthly career,— His eloquence was of the Ilya. stamp; grateful conciliatory, elegant and argumentative, rather than impanuoned and turbulent. It appealed mare to the rearm than to the passionai and the graces of liters. tore gave it an intellectual charm. The closing effort of Mr. Otis's political life was his letter in be half of Gem Taylor's election, which appeared the early part of this month. Probably his death war accelerated by the effort and excitement of that compoaition ; end he would have been well content, that his days should be abbreviated an such a cause. As long .a the faculty of speech remained, up to Thursday last, he manifested his interest in the poi. Meal concerns and welfare of his country. His intellectual faculties were bright and vigorous to • the last, and be died without pain, so gently that those who watched with him could not tell the exact moment of the spitit'• departure. He has gone full of year. and of honors, to meet the experiences of • higher state and ampler sphere of eminence. Tus Elan ar ALnurr.—The Macre by the Are, of which we had a telegrephic accomd, were D. liar ris, paper hanger, lots $6OOO, insured ; Gaylord Heath, window blind factory, fully insured ; H. L. Emery, agricultural warehouse, loasg63oooovet;la. atm ace, sad Luther Tucker, aloe of thg tor, loss $4OOO over the insurance. Me trucker's loss consii.ts in a great measure of property used in the publication of the Cultivator, a large edition for the present year, probably 20,000, to 25,000 comm., being entirely desUoyeli The mores der. troyad belong to the Cooper estate, and aro filly Insured. Moassis Msaorrric TILDUILAPEI Liao are to be kept open nsght and day, daring the receipt of the Presidential election returns. B. A. French, Faq. president,ditects the operators atWashington, dal. Macre, Philadelphia, and Jersey City, auto do, un der the usual regulations, during the entire_ nights anus 7th, oth, and 10th, of November nest, should in he found necessary for the performance of all the business offered. He particularly learns them also to said the least partiality, or any pecuniary interest in the result. Duna or nre Rev. Dv- C;iumr.—Rev. Dr. Glllet, so well known to the religious community, fur his piety, virtues and 060.1 . 1110011 f, died at his residence, in Hallowell, on the 19th inst. He was about Kt years of age. He settled in Hallowell over 50 years ago, and has resided there ever since, respected and beloved by all denominations. For almost for. ty years he lvas been secretary of the Maine Miamian ary Society, and in his death, that society, together with the denomination to which he belonged, has sustained a great loss. He was buried on Monday --sermon by Rev. Dr. Tappan, of Augusta.— BarA (Maw) Min.. IMPORTS], POI. TIER Colour or QuAirres Session, fice..—The Jury, a the case of Com'th. vu. James Bums, brought in • verdict, on Saturday morning, of guilty, pe the second count in the indictment--cionsmracy to de. fraud Baer. Samuel Cook, indicted with Barns, the the same offence, did not appear Mr trial, hays log forfeited !us bail. Rebecca Kelly, indicted for an assault and bat tery on Susan Gust, was convicted, and sentenced to pay • fine of six and a blush cents, mats of pm. secntion, and stand committed till the 'entente woo complied with. Wash. Free; a boy of about 14, was brought to trial on the charge of Westing a horse from Mg. Dunbar, ofTurtle Creak. The hone had been ta. ken by some boys, from the Tbamotid, for the pur pose, of maiming themselves with ■ ride. and Frees got join n scrape. The Jury returned a verdict of not guilty. Thomas Smith, tali-beeper on the old Allegheny bridge, stood indicted for an assault and buttery on Jame. Stewart. The latter was called on Or toll; refused to answer, Smith followed him, and a tight ensued. Prom the evidence, it seemed abut both pries were about equally willing to fight, and • verdict of acquival seemed to be expected, even by the Attorney tfor the prosecution, but the jury re turned, alter a few minute• conaoltatiou a verdict of guilty. As won as the verdict was announced, the Court adJounted to Wednesday morning, at 10 o'. dock, to afford all parties a fair opportunity to es. ercistt their privileges as electors. Fuscinci A Lawrica.—A good glory ls currant against one of our moll famous Attorney,. He had defended • chant at the preaent Court,with humid ability, and der hi. acquittal, called en him kir his fret. The client cheerfully handed over a ten dol. tar note, which the Attorney devoted to the reduce bon of a note in bank. The last grace day W" about to close, and the treasured note—the well earned fee--was taken to a broker, to be convert. ed bite par/and. The broker looked at the note —then et the Attorney, and the note was handed back—condemned—a down right swindle--a rank counterfint ! The Attorney has not met with his clever client 1111., we believe. Taus Waxa—At s meeting of the 'OM Zech debt' of tha Third Warn, Pittsburgh, the folloWini persons ware appointed 10 work in behalf of thew gallant leader, on Tuesday next• ' Robert Hall, Robert Mcitain, Thomas Scott, Robert A rtburs, James Cractall, Millard Early, William Adams, Capt. Duncan, Jamas Mackerel, Robert Smith, Willbun Collingsrood, John Laughs Is, Edw. Gregg, J. D. Davis, Robert &NA James Montooth, W. W. Peaces, Leonatd, John Shipton, A. Et Curling, William Eilmms. Goole Bank John N. Hooch, Henry Wy k i n. fo r dams, James Wiggins, Wat Chapman, Chill!, p. n . , John Welton, J. Kirkpatrick, J. Read.' /*Worm—Alden:Pan Cal, oif the 7th Ward, was severely injured on Thursday night, by falling about twenty feet, owing to the *lipping of the earth near an excavation made by some workmen sagged in grading. Several ribs, and one of hie arms, wan factored. He t. Joing gyp, PoLure Orman Boon ben m hie pule-Woe a arnall silver watch, fiyund rolled up in a green veil, at the Circus, on Thursday night. The owner ono obtain it by calling at the Mayor. office mad pay. info: Ws miles. !NUMBING IN BIRMINGHAM The Glenda of Taylor and Mama, in Birming ham, held an enthusitnic meeting on last Saturday afternoon. Robert McKnight, Kaq.: l 4...ed th e meeting in an able and earnest address, in behalf of the Whig cause, and was followed by Hon. An drew W. Loomis, oar active Elocuir, who enchain ed and enraptuted the audience for an hour and a half in one of very ablest and most eloquent citrons. The:effects of his thrilling and beautiful appeal will be visible on to-morrow. Fie:ay.—David Lane and James Hunter were brought before the Mayor on Saturday, charged with stealing a large quantity of very fine fresh fish—bass and salmon—from John Ranauf and CI. vr-r Bulling, on the evening previous. They had made quite free with their neighbor's property— taking it round the city, and selling the fish ' in lots to auk purchasers.' The owners of the fish, who had caught them away up the Allegheny—perhaps in Tiocaty, 'Titisate'—fted Bank, Clarion, or some of those stream. between this and Holy Ann, which are so prolific of rallamen, fish, Locatocoram, and lumber—these good, industrious fishermen, not approving of the ' fire fish' doctrine, however wt ling they might be to adopt ' free soil,' had the offenders arreated and brought before the Mayor, who, miler examination, committed David Lane for the offence, and held James Hunter to appear as a witness against him. OnTAILILSDAY NIMIT, a lodger at the Sr. Charter Hotel, discovered a stranger In Ina room, who had no business there. The visiter etude an attempt to get of, but was punned to another room, where another gentleman—probably an accomplice—was found. No clear evidence being attainable as to character and objects, they were merely eje,ted summarily from the house. One of the chamber doors was afterwards found to have been acrapeil by an instrument used by burglars, called an • out sider, and one of the watchmen heard a window opened, and something thrown down on the pave. meat, but nothing was band. Oo Friday night, the moms of several lodger. at the Iron City Hotel, were entered, and the sleeps era robbed of small slims of mo4ey. Boos Atm-rms.—Mr. Pratt informs us that ill. goodpeople of Pittsburgh are not et tired of his am: non sales of valuable books—on the coontrary, • the sales have advanced,rin inoreased interest manifewed by the throngs who n leightly attend hi sales. The sales will be resu ed at Davis' Ano Una Room this evening. • i 'Lan RALLY BUT ona"—Th Whigs of Man. cheater are to hold a Taylor an Fillmore meeung at Hall's shop, on tide evening, 7 o'clock. Memo. Geo. Dante and J. B. Clark. Eli!, will deliver ad dresses. A grand rally is expeCted. A Lsitoe Ass.nirsum-rof• Astounding Deed °persica& mop be expected in morrow. The po• !Moans always have any quantity on hand kn. the election day; but the people don't mind such thing. Turtno Ihrreartca—Apples are selling at Hagerstown, Maryland, for twelve arid a hall cents a bushel. In Boston nice apples are selling at two defiant a bushel, or filly cent. a dozen at retaiL BONG. Am.—" Star Spangled Banner. Anse: Sone of Freemen' Arise tn your aught. To follow your three to the bright path of glory. And Tyranny plunge in oblivions mght, Wtulet the deetds of the Free are recorded is story . Lot the name be 'rule-spread. of the Hero who led A hand of Columbla's Freemen who bled, Conquered Alenco's host. and established he reLg , Of America's duos o'er California's plant From the liana of Montezuma, ',tenth Mexico's high .on, Whero then proud Chieftain hoed in the hetghth • hr. aprendor— Santa Anna roared forth then, to conquer that Son Of Coluurbta, who vow. he wtll.•Never Surrender' "We have got amen:" he coed, to the heighth of h pnde, When wra want them,' that hoot, who our power d • Sad, And Tanaa, who made that proud iernon to dee, Shall prende o et us yet, In the Land of the Free! B. W., it bag fled—we now, must dm& . Amongst those bright names who so bravely b. Alchi for blest boar eritteage. with now shun preside O'er the lov'd Hume of Freemen our foretathe sought for Pock from ea.t to the west, for the ram we love beet, Whose deed. are recorded In each Freeman's bre•s It Is tartara—alsva Tal".11, who elected obeli be, To preattle o'er the land of the bravo and the Free' 12. tax Paorsia klaska--,tif you arab to be sue pesshal in any undertaking, you lutist always tee the croper mean.' Therefore. if you have • cough, use .I•rates Exrecroaskr and be cured, for it a the proper means. Have you Asthma or Mfbculty of breatlus,/, then the only Marmot means to cure you to to use Jaynes Ex pee toram, who. h sot!l loottali me y overcome the spasm which cataracts the Manteter of Me tubes, and loosens and brings op the mucus which clogs them op, and thusremove. every obstruction to • free respi ration, while at the same unto all inflammation of sub dsowl, end • cam t certain to be effected. Have you Brandon, Spitting of Stood, Pleurisy, or in fact any Pulmonary Affection, then use tepee's Expectorant Wit! relief is certain. and you will find that you have ewal the proper means. For sale to Pittsburgh at the Pekin Tea Store, 75 Ith area Pe. wood, 10017 J•YriVe Ehrarroaaarr —We would call attention to this excellent remedy for Coughs, Colds, Consumptmn, Asthma, and all affeetrons of th e Throat and I,ults, Haring several ume• within a few year past had occa sion to us* a medicine alarm Lunt, we have by export ac e tested its excel/eta qualtue,a and ace prepared to recommend t to others hltitisders or other public speakers attbeted with bronchial affections will find Sgreat benefit from its use. I is prepared by • amen, e phy•icrun, and all elaues will find it a sale and erfi cations medicine in the diseases for which tt u re commended.—leolumbus rUbiol Cross and Journal. For sale at the Pekin Tea Store, No. 7u Fourth street. my)* QT The .on. Angelic expression of some females IS grateful to new, while the repulsive. coarse. muddy yellow fares of ethers, excites disgust—Me some with males. Could such people be induced to try a rake of the true Joece Malmo Chemical Soap, they would be enraptured with the change. They would have deli cate, clear, white skin, while r•ery disfigurement or eruption would be removed and cured. Psarecxxsahionck—Persons who have bought cheap counterfeits and imitations at this, and hove badef fect produced, must try att., the anginal. Mind. ask for Jonee' :loop. For sale at Wax J a soar 4, 14 , Lam, ty wee'. . mar-4 'II DAILY CIAZDTTL Don't bare yellow dark Teeth—they can bo ma pearly white by one tune mug a boo of Janes Amber Tooth Rase It hardens the pima sweetens the breath, ea Sold at BY Liberty .1. norltMkwty Up. Donh have • Foul Dresth—lf you byre. um • two shilling bottle of Jones' Anther Tooth Paste. The vnll make your hre•na sweet, whiten your meth, to Bold at 89 Liberty st • •irlk“likw I y W. M. Wright, M. D., Dentist, Owe. and residence on Fourth street, opposam the Pittsburgh dank. (Mee hours from 9 o'clock to 0 A 91.., and from 2 o'clock to 5 P N. sepl4-19 On the 70th Me. .e e. boar:hog house. Mr. soy,M last of riltsburyth, Ps , aged shout re —.I. Lowe Reveille. BOOT AND 81108 WABBBOUBB. NO. 5 WOOD BT., BETWEEN 3d AND ith STB R. TANNER & 00. INVITI: Countrylernhants and other. tosi t exam. nation of ilkelr &tact, Which Is one of the largest 141 be found In any estabhslarnent in thecountry. and eousleta of very desirable snd seasonable reeds, en ;measly adapted (as to size and quality, to Western sales. Prices will compve favorably with those sidle But. Terms liberal. novg..dgw_ Dr G. 0. Stearns, Dentist, OFFICE at Woe on Fourth street, a few Boon above Wood street, unit) the completion of the house neatly opposite. Teeth to block., with evu. Sepal gum., aver the manner now unlvenally prefer red tithe east, manufactured to suit each particular case. Teeth, from a full set down to a single One, in- Krt.' on • suction plate, thus avoiding injury to the natural teeth. ftsecimens m of blocks of sitetion plate n'a g y ll b o=o l ile r in a c t ici h eni c lo ' t;te prolession performed nth ern and reattninpas. ourr4-3rn FOR SALMI. LNEW RUCTION FIRE ENGINE, with all the late improvements, Wish by William ettmpeon of UZON . Can be eves at the Allegheny Englne HOC., on Filth greet, end will be sold on moderate All orders for E.ginee, Hotel Catyiages, Hasa, kg , be received at the Allegheny Engine lipase (or too days. so• 6-4 1 ,4 •• IVILLIAM SIMPSON. rI_ROCREUEB -200 hags Liman Rio Coffee, Ur 75 halt cheats Young Hy.on Tea; 10 do I.lDli O P and Bib du 80 boxes Lump and Plug Tobacco; 20 do Nectar Leaf do 75 do Saleratus; 15 bags Pepper; sdo Alsince; 60 bale. Cotton Batting; 25 do Candlewick; With a general assortment of Groceries, received and Inc sale by R ROBISON & Cty cove Liberty at prOTIOE—An election Mr one President Mane . rem and Treasurer for the Pittsburgh and Coal II Torapilia Road Company, will be held at the Toll Rome of said Company, on the oth of December next. . E Momenta, Nov. 6, 1b46-wI)teTWA RT, Treasurer. Rost copy and charge Gazette. Pittsburgh, goy. 9, sgs, GREF...N APPLES—Ia 461. linenho, 6 bble Fall Pippin; sdo hollow cored prpz ; 16 do Golden do 3do Loogieland do 4 do Spimenburc I do Mammoth do Now landing from time New England and for sole by and L S WATFNUtInN •- • 'IRON AND NAILS-25 tons assorted bar Iron•. WO aged Nails; 100/ tons Pig Iron,Tor sale by no• 11 acitiscoi ie Go bbl. Linseed Oil; 20 de Tannery' do me reed and fpr sale by timid R ROBISON &Co QUGAR-63 bbd. prime N 0 Sugar; 13 bhl. Loaf do, rerd and for sale by noire R ROBISON tr. Co FISH -30 bb l . No p Mackerel, 4dr ball. No I dm received and for sale by noyll S ROI/1130N a C o ro 0 wDER-100 belt. Rock Powder, for sale by 11.4 R ROBISON h. Co LARD bbla entitling.. pure Np Cgt4 jut remised and for sale by _sort; BElLlsr!lial k NICOLS . S UESAR-50 bbils N 0 Super, strictly prim, in on eoculgnuaral and for sale by 1. S WATERMAN, nova 31 voter and 11.2 Irani st ACREREI.-40 bbl. large No 3 Mackerel, Beaton IVA inspection, on more and for sale by nova L 8 W TEILM “Bo not the Sant by whims the new arei Nor yet the last to lay the old aside.” T HE EMPIRE COOKING RAN oven is constantly supplied with , pare hot Stir, rendenng the operation of baking as perfect as when done in a brick oven. It has a Chamber exclusively for Roasting meats with a spit, thus doing away with all the roasting at tachments in the shape of -tin kitchens." It has a large cooking cpacity, with an tichebstruct ed flat surface on the top, which all housekeepers can appeciate. It ean be set up wshout mason work, in any ordina ry fire-place, nem the room as a stove; enabling those who occupy hired house. to have the advantage of ra ft nge at the coat of a stove Avirlaslly. burns less coal than any other cooking apparams, not ex cepung the Empire Cooking Stove, which is also for sale at wholesale or retail, at GILBERT'S Empire Stove Depot, 412 Market street, Girard. Row, Philadelphia. Extract from• recornmendauon from Henry Bach man, KIN , Ke2 Markel streeb—"You ran use no terms in recommendation of it, which I will not endorse if referred in noveedeodttlecetibfoaw New Mop of Alloigh•say Courtly. I N progress, a NEW MAP of Allegheny county. compiled from entirely new surveys. It Reed. plotted on a large scale, so as to show all the Streams, Mills, Churches, School !louses, Taverns. he, and the names of property owner I, he. will be trisert• ed to their proper positionover the whole Map It will be issued as early in 10tH as u compatible with correctness, and delivered to subscriber. at &5,t10 per copy. handsom, ly colored, mounted and o•nnshed. The inhabitants in the county get erally will be waned - iron by agents of the subsenber, who earnestly soli it, the aid of all interested in the county. J C. SIDNEY, Surveyor, he., Pluladelphis ru HE undersigned, Auditor appointed by the Orphans' 1 Court of Lancaster county, to distribute the bal in ance reinaining to the hands of John Linville. ndoi rtrator of Sarah Hoyt, late. of Salisbury township, in Lancastor county, Pa dee'd. to and among her heirs and legal representstuocs according to hiw, hereby notifies all the hetes and legal mince. ..mauve. that he will attend for the purpose of his appoinunent. 'Phuraday, the 7th day of Ike...ober nest, at 2 o'clock, P hI , at the public hours of Lewis Sprerher, m East Ring sti Laminator, Pa. IS RA Eli CA RPENTEIL novrewiti•T Auditor ADmINIB7'RATOILS' NtrrtrE —l.etteri of /Omn ',traiton on the Howe of Sumuel IV. Hamilton, derensed. late of hlitato Township. hnve day heel, granted to the solaseriber• pennons indebted the estate of stud deceased will make inttnetlmte pay ment, and those having elation against said estate mill present theta for settlement. WII.I.IAAI COWAN, Etalduria tp J ASTI'S MN SNoIX:RASS,Main tp nort,' tv6t•T --•••-- DjED. Estate of Sarah Hoyt, Deceased IIoBACCO-slMlh:..,lnnmmet lren Tobacco. enthra ing aonte or he mu at popular brawl. al lb, on eunaigninent end an sale by nova I. ATF.RaI Ala U N DRIKS—.2.II bags Km Cork, sfi ebe. and caddie. Young Ily•on, Gunpowder. Imperial and Murk Teas; IS bap Pepin:, 5 do A lopLce, 40 mnta Csaata. 20 bag No I Chocolate. In*tore and (or sale by nov6 I. S WATERMAN 7 EAS:.--25 bbls small ‘Vitlie Beans, (or sale by novrt I. N WATT UM AN lINSEEDOIL—IU I,bls Linseed Oil, loaf r.e'd and for sal] by WESTON BOW1:N. no.ll 90 (rout it llt; AILS-21 : 0M Havana Clam,. almost. brands, in more and for sale by • _ TURPE.NTINE-40 bbls Sr. Torpenuno, ha fine or der, plc received and for .le by "" J :3CHOONMAKER k Co COPAL VARNISH—IS Ws Furniture Vano.h, of the bolo quality. for sale by ' - "• - AND PAPER, ASSORTED-1(n reams %Vll,'tog 0 Smith's, and a near article, recommended as supe nor to soy betore in the m•ritet. LAMP cuts just reed and for sale by novd 11:4 D MORGAN y ARD Ull.—Winter warned, for rata or mud Iy II nova JOHN 1) 31ORGAN RDEN SEEDY—a choLee supply of fresh Garden tj Saesls of 1,4 e, (or (MV, prat reed and (or sale by .v 6 JOHN 11 MORGAN bl.l ground Mup:Ar i d ,4 l74ege a l..) _ _ . 1 1 '); G "recd"DD h Co C ItIrD LOG Woi , / ,. 13 ,7, 5 , 31,1,1. ree;d ic a i n D d n fo a r r o le GU M nw ELLAC-300 lb. reed We by - • - Sl' libl. past receiveil j uzy , t• k t:lLby nov6 C f bO ARR.. AMMONIA — nv7 300 lb. re, I l and d sole It A ASON"S CHALLENGE BLACKING-15.0 dozen 11/.1. junt rec'd and for sale by nov6 I KIDLI ACo SILVER FORKS—A fresh aappl). just teed by ) es terday's Fapreas, of Table and Dcaaert. sultable for ramtly use, and (or stile of Now York poor, by a p a 4 W W WILSON, eor and gualketsts 1) I A M ON D POINTED GOLD PENS—Just mem ved, a large supply of Gold Pens. stamped -W CV Wllson Pmsburgh." and vrarrailteJ /opener Co any bermolore tnanutaetured nor? W w WI LSON LASSCL'TTER AND (11.AZIFILW DIA NIONDS -130 spar 4. nod reed. co enson'e Diamonds, onporied expressly int v y retad sales I= Uol3l*i sart , s iandmg per WM.', 0% wep) and for .ale I.y nut 4 JAS 041.2.E1.4 24 water pt N. t b . , TA It —5O I th . l , 4 ° :4 4 4 - T. r. In n i d A t sn , s, n A d i . : i oh• j a . le TN ERS' Struat. DII, lauding and 1 nor .rile by 1 1 ':4 11 4 . fool i RAy,T 1 )0 %::: . 1 , 1) , !A LA I" c n n 1 ,s nb .. . 3 1 ., I own ooJ nln 'DO WD RHULIARI4-6 ea... tor •.l, ov4 II F: SELLER, I'OPAVIA--214n lb• nor e It " 44.:4FLLERS R('S/LI•I'INK--3 UM* not %Ink. 1,, It E SELLERS 1:/o n l o , , '41 , 11:LLAC-2 r 11.0 1 0.1 rrr'; . ! an1 ,1 441 .1 4: i i1e by lT H Rs no ARL4 It .11 OIL-7 ,ro.• for only by m A 14 . 1/ . 1. 4 :14 —4 v1.114).0 tre'd and s l E e I.LUILS by H H Ia A n ß n end forl't ( n ) r I L s:Tr! ll b a n I P ZI " Zir. I I (44'n l, loot .;.1 iNz , EFA, 1.11,-2 , Lanseed /11. jolt rer a awl /4 for role 4y ova SPILLERS & N I VOLS 4 , ;0N —21,4.00 lb. 1ine N 4 , ..111 ,. :1e a 5, , :n i L ., ..1 A 0K L 1.L. , 4 , f0 , r . 0n1e n 0 43 corner wool and tenter 'is L A }l',o -keg. du' d n it te l.. e & eg \ HI ZT3 I" h"." AVll g h " .k g '7,1 " for I k ll .; 1 )13' n r o r g t-2 """d„'t)NDLEsi S A L nO E , R 3 ATI: ma • le b & y NI.O AN DI .F.S.S ii nova '"" a. SIT N DLESS . SOtn)OR,TINt.S—.4 (" Wft b i NIT A N DLESS l",A%,,F,`Ntiztiii7odN7l-. 4 ` N. ";,„UA s,%"R -3 u o Q H. MOLASSES—Inn bbls Si Lou. Sugar House Aloraases, fur kale b nur3 l AN A HUTCHISON & Co • _ Ii:FLNED SUGARS-420 bbls small two.. N. 4, I, 6 and bbl. cm,theit, Ito do Clarified. for sale by /AS A, IItiTCHISONI A. Co, Age., St 1-ount Steam Refinery, noel 15 water and Oh from lit UOLDEN SYRUP—In bobs, brill bblit, and lb gallon egs, for sole by nor? JAS A HUTCHISON & Co UNDRIFS—e bbl. tine Eating Apples; 30 braes S mould. Candles; 6 sacks prime Feathers; inal reed and for sale by nord C H ('RANT 1, , 1RE AND WATER FROOF ;`AIN'T-6d bbl. now landing from steamer Michigan, and for sale by noel ISAIAH Dll KEY k Cu, front st, Abbl. Green Apples, Whites," 1000 reed and for sale by now/ SA WHA RBA UGH CHDER—oII bbl. Cider, just landit,f emd for gale by toed r: A. II !Lk RIIALIiH M _ ACKEREL-200 bOt. No 3 Mackerel, to and for sale by norti Btt %V lIA R Uli Adli—.Veaskt Sala At la, nisi re 'J wid for Al tal9 novl $ k W HARDAUtiII LASS--500 by. assorted Window Maw in store Uf Land for. ale by nett S W ILARHAU(iII INSEED OIL-40 !ibis Linseed Oil. New Castle ...a.m., Just received and for tale by notl Nh W iLfOULANLtki VINE FLOUR-28 bbl. Pure Fstru.r, • pod •rucle, rust received and for .ale nov2 St.LLERS & NICOLA • A CON-3P cooks Damon Hama; JO do Sides, In Store and for sale by nova SELLERS & NICOLA / lANDLLS AND SOAP-60 bzir mould Camlles, IW k./ do Soap, in store and for sale by nova SELLERS & NICIOI.4I OlL—Winter Sperm nod Whale Oil, bleached and unbleached, o, store and for lode by nov2 SR_LLERS & NICOLS • OALAION-12 lAN No I Salmon; a few half do No I Mackerel, tor family use, just landittg and for sale by npv2 0 BLACKBURN &p. I , mater at INSKED OlL—ru bbl. In store and fee sale by nova 0 BLACKBURN S Co Q ODA ASII-3b cr.'. {bd. full, eteele's manatee -1.) bare, lot tale, to arrive by root FOlOll7ll, & IX:ALAN, 37 bet et LA.adlo",l7:ty' 4 " . .ilziVoN — ALtd bbl. lust reed 24 wood st jJ lauding od W W< by noel Al (ALL &, Rat.; BACON—A .mall lot print* taaleiti noel _ 111131L1:it ROl7 111. H RALNINS—MO by. NI 11, .23 Ohio do, 2 dlO do, Wit received aud for sale by , 1 . 001 BROWN & CULBERTIIt4AI 1,4 I‘ irfor i C s at ' fy "711rOVN I.l:Xtrkait47tid tioir I A — A LUtd—iU bble JAL' .0 1 4.4 rgY lnela by BROW': & CULUER" UTSOAI BALTS--5J ree'd And fur MP. by 124 nov I BROW ual N & OtitAivlctN,A rPORACCO—An ble iteeor‘cd .•w Errand. do To. bacon,'oat revolved and lot sale by noel BROWN a CI LBERTsi Balluuovo Plug Tobacco, S's No I 'aid ro c/ cei•od and for sale by novl BROWN & CASES Burrow'. Ts Tobacco, pull van'd naJ (or We by novl BROWN to CIiiLBERThIiN COFFCF.-200 bop Rio Coliva, in *ion. and for sale by novl BROWN CULBERTSON SOMETIIING NEW—lndia Robber Drinking t aps. Joet received, dos lad,. Rubber linteklng No " I , (VUZ s ' t. r'Cl*.thoetr7lllo AUCTION SALES. By John D. Davis, Auctioneer. Fresh Dry Goods at Aucturn. - • On Tuesday monolog. 7th mat, at 10 o'ekiek, at th e Commercial Sales Rooms, corner of Wood sod Fifth streets, will be sold, without sesame, an invoice of fresh demmble goods, by the piec econststing of 2 pea blk Foramens cloths; ado colored balms do; 9do printed cashmeres; 10 do fanny moos de Mines; 12 do Preach sod Turkey red gimrhents, 29 do blue and tan. ey Frosts; dress silks, Lama plaids, alpacas. Calsforma plaids, Manchester ginglinme. cloths. essinoterea salmons, tweeds, silk hdkf., shawls laces. km. 4, tnynd JOHN D DAVI:9, Abet Large Slack of Thy Gonda. On filoaday montrig, Nov 0, at to &clerk, it the Corameretal eales Room, corner of Wood and Path streets, will be wild, withoutreserve, a large team, merit of seasonable maple and fancy Dry Goads, con ateung of waillen comfort., hood*, superfine cloths, ege ,, marae , eminetts, tweed., Kentucky Jean, thtnnelt. blankets, Memos, alpacas. Irish linensrnousalin do lune. ematame. lawns, calicoes, gala allude, silk, Week on, Slattl and mantua rlbbands, Letting ult. silk hale, Auntie in great variety, lien damask table cloths, homer", gloves, efieeks, baking., bleached end brown muslin, ke. Mit &ch. . G-nreriet, Queen..rwarn, Furniture, tG A quantoy of protests*, fine quality Va. tobacco, regalia •egara, wnung and wrapping paper, I crate ...sorted china and quesuswars. 7 bxs assorted glass- A rearm] assortmebt of household furrulare, embra ing nearly all the variety wanted by house keeper, rocking stoves, kitchen utensils, fr.c. At 63 o'clock, A large collection cornet, Books, embracing ■ gene ral aseornuent in every department of Inerattlret and wtence, tlnglish and Amenean annual. fine illustra ted works nuiratrier fur presents, fine ruled letter and cap wnung paper. blank books, Bard& Brothel's pre mium gold pens, &e. 0003 JOHN D DAVIS, &net. assrrseguansign nubs. Li AU. RIMS 07 TOBACCO, BUFFS, AND CIGARS, 1 T los Old Stand, comer of Smithfield street and .IDiamond alley, Pittsburgh. Pa.. would respectful ly rail the attention of Country filercbants. Hotel and Steamboat Barkeepers. to a large and superior assort ment of IMPORTED CIGARS, among which will be bound the following brands, •10,- Eagle. ROOlll7, Pnneipe. tas, La Norman, Star Brand. Itlmegva and Dollar Regal all of which will be told as low as can be had at any other house In the otty. Also, constantly on band and for We, • large and well Relented stock of Virginia; filissoun, end Pine Cut Chewing Tobacco. Also, Harass, Cuba and Common Leaf Tobacco, constantly on hand and for sale. novfi-dGm City Leta at Auction. • - ALL that valuable property SallUS on the corner o Roam and Third streets, in the city of Pittsburgh, lately belong - mg to John W. Johnson, dece..4(.lear sooner deposed of at private sated swill be exkosed to public sale on the prenusca, at 7 o'clock, P. At, on Sa urtlay. the lath Inst. Team—One third euth, one sixth to one year, one sixth in twO years, and the balance (one third,). on the death of the widow, so be secured by boons and Inert. ga.res. 'rho lomwill Ire sold according to a plan filed in the Orphan's Court, In certain proceedings in Parution, No 62, Much Term, 1,46, and recorded in Docket page 163, • copy of which may he seen at therdEce of WILLIAMS k SHINN, Attorneys at Law, 4111 street, above SmUlifield. novaelld PATENT SORA. ASH, INIPORTED DIRECT FROM THE lihk.hrUCACTl7- REELS.—The subscribers, being the cyclist's, im porter. of James 51asprett & hone :kola Asti for this market, are now and will eanunue to be largely sup plied with this celebrated brand, which they won sell at the lowest matket pnce for oath or approved bill. They refer to the glass and soap manufacturers o this city generally respeeung the quality Wto MITCHELTHVY., novl tOO liberty st Oleachtng Powder, iChlortde of Limo.) M PORTED DIRECT PROM THE Id DFACTI.7• KERB-The subscnbers have on hand and will constantly be supplied with Jr.. Mu.pratt &SO.' cel ebrated Bleaching Powder. which they will warrant equal it not superior to army Imported LH the U. States, and which they are any to .cll nt the Women mar ket price for cuh or approved no•I W k M MI PCHFILPREE, 110 liberty at _ . . 01(STED.15: OVRTERSH URESII FROM I'HE SHELL—By Burins d Co's r Fest Express. at reduced pnces.—To accommo date all lovers of taw delicious luxury, kaya& - E&Co. have resolved to supply the peo corder', through out the wed,the chatties ple t Fresh Oysters in cans, hall cans season. and stall, at such reduced . prices as ...Meltable every Calmly to enjoy lbw delicacy at their tables. An Payees. land will be received deity et the ware. house of Jyto C. BIDWELL, Water street, between etunthfield and Or ant. coil for sole the. e, andat the fol• towing depota Reis a. Berger. corner Southfield and "Ws., E kleaxletoth Lhamond A Hoe•ler, Penn 0, sth Ward. D Haughey, fool of Liberty J Conan, Jr., Pennht Avenue, Mercer A Robinson, Alice:why etty. • • . k:LLERS VERMIFUQE PREFERRED-TO ALL 0 OTHERS'- I.nutsnyon. Va. Oct. 12, 1e49. Mr. B. E. nellers,--One of our phyncians, whose practice 11 very tltel.Vc, 101.3 tne Ilea 1110}4.1Mr of a case in which one cunt of. your Vernitfuge brought away above nO worms; and gentleman In the nemb tmrhorni Sind that Mar Mau halt • vtal caused the dm charge of near GO large worms from one of his chil dren Very tunny of such instances might to stated. It Is well known about here, and almost all peeler it to any other. Seed me PI dosen and oblige Yours, J. 11.1. WiLL+ON. Parents who do not swish to tride with their ebildnrd, should use Seller.' Vern:dug, Prepares.] and sold by: R E SELLERS, 57:W00d at., sold b y D r ca”o, sth 1% aid; D 7kl Curry, Allegh e ny ovl. IN Ft .11MATION WANTEDT--IVas - Lae; - I..y'muk- Lake foot the teatime, foot of Wood strelt4 Thursday, - elth oh, I sack WOOL, marked -- Smith & Sinclair.” POL. Any person by returning it; or Infer uauou by which it may be recanted., swill Im liberally rewanted by S & W HARBA.V6H, nov2 5:1 water and Int:front Its ron, talAnlka T subectr ,Amarta GEORGE & COMMISSION PROVISION MERCHANTS, No 3 C.Atalgaer arum, BALTIMORE RmtuAa. Is—Chute 6. Carouher. Co,' A t.a.Adct Laughlin, John brier. Desirable Country Itesitisnoe far Bale. WISHINtr to rent!, to Ne c.ty ,tout .tiprzg. It% II or ey . ..tteltKe for city proprrty.l , lty prreersi re...1,1re I..twrrtteeville. This property. a I,sub fully leetnett ee the Greensburg 114mi:bite, about 20 tnittincs dale t'roin I tie centre of the etty. ' nov4-dlw Row. THOMPtiON, lib:dark. it lODFISH-3 essks prune l'odflAn. for sale by j at tin WICK h. NIVANDLI.SS ( - 11,(1VF:R. SEKD—I7 bids just coed awl !or sole hi beat \ VICK & ILL`CANDLY: - _ L ARD -If tees NoLou)Le Lund, vecctvc4 - ) VIM/ httehtgatt sod tor sale by oeen WICKh NrC.I.ItiDLESS _ • 11113 ED SIEFIRIN6-115 and for sale lj 4 oenta Ve le la .1 sre k'V DI ESS rocwitEAT FL.l.ll:lt--b0 a s hulley just ree`d P and for sale by octll S F VW:I DONN itoßsr LT EA , / r CANTWN ILANNELS—A •upply Net 1,1 received at the Pry Deeds House or roe= W R MURPHY • - • SCOTCH 3NUFF-1 tierce G•rrett's Philadelphia, rust received and nasals by octßl JOHN D MORGAN.pruirgtst (10EFEE--101 bags Green Ro Cotfbe, j¢lt landing V./ and for sale by octto JOHN S DILWORTH ID UTTER—NJ kegs, 17 bbl., in goal sapping order; 1, for salt by OCI2I WIJILL /t ROE - QUG AR AND MOLASSak--270 bbl• Use Sogua, Il a”'d SOO do S H Molasses. for sulk by k , et3n I3AUALEY & SUITII DLAID CLOAKINGS—b bales 3-1 and 61. all wool and mtxed, bright dark styles and ha4kdsame co lors, slat received by SHACKLETT & kvEirrE _ . oct26 --• • - WYWANTED—A. Girl to do housework. One arbours del-stands her bustn eas. an mod c eon s well re commended. can hear of a • pleasant sttllanOtt, al good wages. by inquiring at :hot ofbee ocnet-tf NIT WOOLLEN DRAWERS AND SHIRTS -23 dor each, Lanths' Wool Drawers and Shim, very he•ry, and warranted not to shrink, of the cele brated Cohort' manufatauy, New York; at coed by oatat SHACKLETT it WHITE TTELVIr CORDS—Two bales new style dark broad Cords, just opened and for odo by DOSS StIACKLETT & WHITE IrE... , ITINGS—An assortment a heautillal Ssrk styles V Silt, Satin, Cashmere, Valentin and Caton Veal ings, Nat receiving by SIIACKLETT dr Wur • I, , NCILIBII VENETIAN FLED—IEUO lby,beel reed rI end for made by oet3U J IMItbD k . . to DOLL HRMISTONE-1000 lbs IWlset'd di , p., 1 - 1, sale by-- oct33 .1 KIDD di, , - • F . ___------- , , _ .L. LOUR SULPHUR —4OHD lbajtut reed as,i 311 , ~de by cvt3o .1 KUID ? co - --- _ , - . VINE SPONGE.-2 caeca slat ree'd 31.tadibe ...i by FINE t3O oc Li E SELLERS, 57 v f ee,d ~, fIUARSE spotocg.—l bale just ra,cll and, for rale by V .00 14 E eFLI.FRR ______ • • TIRiTISU LUSTRE-2 caaeci N. , reed mul for ..10 I) by octal R E SELLERS SNV oct3O EF.T 01L-170 gallon. lost Iced land for ..le by R E SELLERS Q ROAR AND RUCK-13 Mad, NO So gait 3 tiwrees IJ Rien, foe gala oasts & ROR I FRED APPLES ANT. pt.:Actiss—sat 1/ plied Peaches, Jo du Apples, just reeetved by °cnaA ROE 14 1 L i t i NZI ;; -3 bales Red, we'dt a 4 a rt elitrlST: 3 7 .03 oet27 ol,wood st gro. /t 0 le It. • 12,1:NAc,— Enailsb and Germa n, for salts by - ARBVPILTSOT _ P AP ...F.:7 —Fuolheap awl Leiter, for aisle by . ARBI3:r !MOT_ (YARD , 11AGNE.SIA. I esse l. t7; , ? , s i ad „ at_ : s a / a by ocult C t r. USER SA LT.— v . 1 t JOHN Il r. : le S tE b l y t R--S.ll b .c h ‘ itstrtell, prime ll Jo Work I'epper; A c do —l th a Menro, foßriosa7:ll;ei pip woo._ FiAtiALEIr k.SMITH b d a o ls prize atzsstheNdV g do terth lgs ; Just wcrivtu; and kw sale by oats DROWN & CULIAMTNON _,• . . _ iit l.)- ,,, t11/0 pigs Galena I.7itli,Awirteil.N,lll(e.roby teed S casks to d `rT~: ~~:-.::~. STEAMBOATS. CINCINNATI & PITTSBURGH ~ ..:,> DAILv PACKET LINE. TIILS well known line of splendid passenger Staira. era is now cantered of the largest, anneal, hes sar and furnished, and most powernd brats on the waters of the We,;. Every accommodnuon and corn tars matt money can maim. has been provided for par sense.. The Lme has been in operation for five year, —has earned a mlllion people without the least °na ry to their persona Th. boats will be at the foot of Wood street the day previous to starting, for the revel. non of freight and the entry of passengers on the reps ter In all cue* the passage money most be pan( to advance. SUNDAY PAC/MET _ - • -• The ISAAC NEWTON. Capt. A. G. Maws, ed. leave Putzburgh every Sunday morning at 10 o'cloet; Wheeltin/ every Sunday evening at 10 P. s. Nay 29,1047. . MONDAY PACKET. The MONONGA lIELA, Capt. STlOrit, will leave Pitts burgh every Monday morning at 10 o'clock; 'Wheel/rg every Monday evening at 10 r. a. TTIEBDA kr PACKET. The HIBERNIA No. 2, Capt. 1. Kum:ramrs, leave Plusburgh every Tuesday momlng at 10 o'clock; Wheeling every Tueachw evening at 10 r u. WEDNESDAY PACK-ET. The NF.W ENGLAND No. 2, Capt. S. Dux, yell! rave Pittsburgh every Wednov.lay morning at 10 `eloeki Wheeling every Wealneeday evening at 10 r. THURSDAY PACKET. The BRILLIANT, Capt. Gyscr, sauJl leave Pitts burgh every Thursday mommg at IS o'clock, Wheeling every Thursday evening at to r 1 , 111D211' PACKET. The CLIPPER No. 4, Copt_ eltillOtl, mil leave Pitts burgh every Poday morning to 10 o'clock; Wheylnn eery Pnday eventog al IO r. s. SATVILDAT The NIES' SFANGER., Capt. S Item, will leave Pitt. turirtt every Saturday mottling At IU o'clock Wheeling •very Saturday eveutug at Itt P. NEW LISBON AND PITPSDU MI II DAILY LINE OF CANAL AND a 1 AM PACKETS, iIiEL 184 V. Meal (via utAsisowy Leaves Pittsburgh dully. at 9 o'clock, A. AL, and ar rives at tilugow, (mouth of the bandy and Beaver Ca nal,) at 3 o'clock, and New Lisbon at IL None night. Leaves New Litton at 6 o'clock, P. Al., prtaktog the trip canal to the river during the night,) and Glasgow at 9 o'clock, A. NI., and arrives at Pittsburgh at 3 P. 111.—than making a contuittou• line for tarrying pu wager, and frerght between New Lisbon and Pats burgh, to shone; hate and al leas mles khan by any other mule.. The proprietors dietis Lane have the pleasure of WI-- forming the public they have hued Imp two &melt., Canal Itottut,for the ereommodatton of passertgera and freight, to son to eottneenon with the well known steamers CALEB COPE and BEAVE.II, and comma og, at Gisogow, with the Pittsburgh and einem nab and other daily line* of steamers down the Ohio and Alistomippi risers. The proprietor, pledge them. selves to spven . o e i yense or trouble to insure nom oI rhea dlr a 11, and We of the public a almfre ron nlIORIZLI) AGENTS. G RARTt,N, Yitnbu h. ti. & W. IiARBA UGH, rg R_ IiANNA, & Co. my 11 J. liA }WAUGH & Co. a",- NOTICE--The steamer BRA YRII C. &Clarke, Or., ter, will leave !wrier this notree, for Weßsonlle par .m . ally, at 9 ololnek in the morning. 1848. int PITTSBURGH & lIROWNIIVV,a,* Daily Paokei Liza& FEBRUARY Ist, 1918 FEB/Lk ) ARV Ist, 184 LEAVE DAILY ATP A. Al., .V,fly 4 P N. The thilowskil w; o• bouts eomplete toe line for dire present season: AT LANT/Ca Oaf t. lames Parkinson; ALTIO,a. Jacobs; ..d uoula M'LANE, c•Et Is. NshhaV The boom are equinely' hew. and are Oiled °P .I/I'.out regard to expense, Ey nfl comfort ihai,ll o iliffi can procure hes been proVided. The 1h... will 'ell , . 'Jar /Monongahela Wharf Dbm al the ( "I of R... U. Pasmigers will be punctual on Coati, h• the h..", will minutely leave at the Ides:. wed hours, it A Al. and 4 P. NI Anal lITItI V Utiti/LEAVEMLINCI . P - AeM . -- jalL re ft, The swift steamer . . . Dopey P lanne CO y N , S master, will leave gmlarly for Wheeling, on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at le o'clock preeisely. Leave Wheeling every Tuesday, Thursday and Sa turday, al 7 o'clock, a m, precisely. The Consul will land at all the. intermediate ports.— Every .counklation that con be procured for the com fort and safety of pansencers ban been provided. The boat is also provided with a self -outuag safety guard to prevent explosions. For freight or oega apply on board or to DAVID C I m fERBST, MA corner of Ist and Smithfield eta FOR CINCINNATI AND ST. LOUIS he splendid and furnnaing ,ea. mer NEW ENGLAND, A / IliPChlre, muter, mill leas e for a above and Intermediate pr . ,n. pg Monday, 2411 t inst.. at 10 o'climk A. M. For freight or passage apply onboard tortt .. . - POR CINCINNATI . , 4,4 N. The .plencliatromer RJNGGOLis , Cope.„ master. will leas, e for above and intermediate ports this day, at 11l o'clock A. M. nord FOR CINCINN - A - Tl -- ANTr . Or rirlLl.r.: - ''''..- ine fi,e a-so ken draught steamer FORT PI , . T, Ca t. ISP.Iler, will I,av e(or Meatus., ._ . . _ _ J. uocrmedirae. ports this day at . LO o'clock, A. M. 1 : ..1 1 ..-1 0° 0 ! P. nage ripply on 'eoard. FUR CINCINNATI: The splendi t d a Vt v d A raught steamer Wilkins. master. =ill ' leave for the above and intermediate ports tics day ' l, 10 o'clock, A. M. 7 or freight or pusage apply on board._ noire_ REGULAR LOUISVILLE. PACKET. The splendid new steamer m ai n. Wm VEMONT, Hamlett. m ß uter, ontl leave for the bone and intermedtata ports to -day. For freight or passage , apply on board. news FOR ST. LOUIS AND ILLINOIS RIVER Maim, rli fast running steamer .. PENNSYLVANIA, fray, muter,. swill leave fort e e abov e nil in.rmedinte ports dm ( i b y For freight or passage, apply on board. p ee l FOR ANKW ORLEANS. maim The fine new and au . ..wer .anal steam- IVA:KIP:yr, . '.... o N r lark Sterling. Enr .s ,,,, ; ~j 1 i no .„., for he al. '''' . . 1 . 4 • ,intrnae done ports on Thursday next.. et to o'clock, 0 ,Rena For freight or passage Aprl i on boor,/ octal FUR ST 1,01:IS. m aii i i The • elendld fast rc nning steamer CAPIBRIA. C 8 Kendrick, master. wlll lenre for me oho end intermediate ports on Tuesday, the 3lst , ast., at In o'clock, A M. For&ere. , or P Image apply on board, or to eer3o FORS 1 - 111 fr. Co FOR sT LOUIS. . ir .r . ... o a. NI .ne new and fast ranniug steamer NORTH RIVER,' b 1117V,Zruldllt ports io ~10,A , A. M. E~t~ . . .. The splendtd and fast running 11.311 I• PARIS, Yr Mantua martyr will leave for the , , WI above nod mteryttedatne ports on Thur. Mg, 26th tart., at 10 o'clock, A. M. For Ireaght outomage, apply on board. oectli REGULAR CINCINNATI PACXET. The fine steamer HIGHLANDER, Parkinson, master, will leak, for the bone and intermediate ports this day For freight or passage, apply on board. in ali k °end REGULAR PAClfTfi r FOR CI Harney, new and fast Immune, WELLSVILLE Hamm, master, will po leave for &berm 'inte on We days and Saturday]; o a f each wrm er-edik. ate FOTrts freight o per, r par, sage apply on board or to French Merinos! French Eleeinost TV R. MURPHY h. opened within . firw days • largo •maortlrioril Of superior Fry “ c h merinos, comprtslng direrent shades of Manson t, Straw berry, Scarlet. Cherry, Drab, Light oa , grow,and Ma... Blue; also, various timeline • dblack. PAR:III,7IIM AND I.YONP: . ti ci.d.rrH.S, of all the lending colors, ueluding • o few p,ecell of very superior blank. lI ELTINGB--Alasarine Blue PLAIN CAPHEUES—.Abr , mo fee Drab Bieck An. on Garnet, Bro. , Mou , e, EMBROIDinERED ted CASIrMER}M—PIetA P."'d s de Le E D aL new article for ladle• dreg... noel SR. etnpod Alp•caa BURKE & 00 , 8 FAST EXPRESS FOR OCY.IiEuLAND BALTIAIORE, AND THE EASTERN CITIES. PUNT .ropnetors adds Line have put on New Stock, Af are prepared to forwyd packages of all de • Wn r dons daily, at the lowest rates. J C. BIDWELL, Agent, Water street, Pittaburai t ROBINSON a. HOEFIK, Pd South Charles at, Ra/unsore L'N3tb—it= bags Rio Coffee, a prime •rurie, ICI/page H, Imp'l,6 P and Black oon, sti be Tobacco, a., ti and 6 Plug; 10 bags Popper; 0 do Alipice; 1.60 Milo No. and 3 Mac k ord. 00 do Gibbed Herring; JO do Salmon, io drums Codfish; 1 conk Madder, .14 , b . bir k. chr t u j e . d . .I; , c4t . irocut , , I ceroon Indigo; • eciuring and for sale by ROUT A CUNNINGHAM. 114 Liberty at E.NOU(SH—Forney Cassaosere• and Drab Coatithr—Opentug Wu day ss, aby Expre fresh .apply of entirely now style', at your own price, French Cloths, C•eaurneres and Vesting.. M.'ersd eta CLOTH STORE, Yost Building., corner Fifth and esel2l.. w PETTIGRRAN i, Co., STEAM BOAT Alt EN I'S. Orrice anew. N. A•an .t Co. oel2l No. 42 IVater mreeh jND IA RUBBER. BREAST PI PEdl—A few India Rubber Bream Pipes, a splendid &rude, Soo , nth. ' id wanted here, and hae been much enquired eller. If the amens take., we Anil keep a lar,e supply on hood n t Nn 5 Wood .L & H PHILLIPS ETALIC RUBBER OVER SHOF,)—Joot reed. 4 eases., as mausolea, of Mebane Cum Elam. Over Shoes, which we offer to the trade m Very low Prtoes• elate, by Ow down or ease We ens nu pert any amount that ntay wanted ad short nonce. °end J a 11 PHILLIPS p4sßuatiii. ocruml.4.—We are now IA receipt or reveral loocs ',lst rate lest, Western New York and :Massachusetts 1 , tome IIUYS, and are always reertstste re g ular •ttepites. V.. ate prepared to sell at lows. rates. Other.. Ho street, Allegheny tl•Ol. oct2O tiral. W. AMITH k MOLTEeI-65 eels N Molasses. NEOILL dr. ROE S Ot . R P-1/00 x• Soap, losiorea m n l .l4 - VAfoßtipEablAry"oe"MV' ;" 1' II S UGAR—LO 611.1.1 prune, in Iron e and rot salt. . at the lowcgi market pnre (or club or approved. ....1-24 IGO Llberty . t _ All milto.,.je.tcl,l',Aret.:,.4.o.:;alcnz. troe..stenlig.l:eldultyra medium ~.eCti SEMA-Len .. 1% . HITE, ho wood .t
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers