T LOA 11- il A T . ".. ,113 / I :ltio.Tyi 41 )1; ISTABLIS4Ep IN 1786. lill'illiES,S; TAO& Twougx,JON.V3,if.,4:o- I ;orgganor , and For . old g sump Wimirand Frost @mins, Pitte4r6b. bg:tn now= slum euttarikimaL prg"4l4V9ll34"llVelitanat Eetait Dn'r ..fk. , "FeenZr • • s v. sums. nOWN • coumarsoN, wiwiewe Grocen, eas4Cen , 4uo9 . MerrA9 l " , N° ' 14'5, Library Rr ;'.. de ly. RA. FAIENESTOCK t. Co., Wlnnesalo Ana Ro .WI Domain., molar Wood and 6th au. brl. Agtd•Ei#l,ollll/rWk.46"10 Groton, as sus rittalm_qh. .04)1V - c7o4 - 1ii;it tra_ lql _ iCadeAmiurY 8.13 a, Faramirms and Caw taliclonffittreltams,Ctrul Putsbnighl.a. Oda • LYWALT GE9}IAST Wbpleaile Grimm, deal , Ei twin Prodaniu4 P 11141401 hitutufactUrSo. sss aer olLibatty and thud sta., Pittsbugh, Pa. taw> lENGLIDU kilpirttirr, (late w Tarlisty WAoituge TOpels, Catizuliarion Budr wardaig blereMali, and debtors brProdues truf Pitts burgh blungsOurp,,io.RlVooat, benuseutd snd 4.1. =soh sm. tutu Iwo. u RIENIN t RILEIte. ,, Co n Whplnale Grocers and r Comnsion'hierebuitb, and Agents for analtion Conon Ind' 10a Front sta., Pius- . . . rt ALL AGILPti LONG- da:IBILLEB, rtell add Bra. F0911 , T, and Gas Vatas, Pram, betaraea Woad, and aminDe.ll Piusbnzah, Pa: - • 11181,80-I.riee ii•Wfarakt Copper and Biala • daB V - '7-GEOlifiE dObliiti r Coamianion andronruall lfferettruil, No. 20 ood i ff ettnilltiOnt. 4 .327 ,ILW= 3 .l4"OlleTr lazy awl O'Hara s Piaib ZADMEHrONITiIr. w. DUNCAN. FORBYTLI DUNCAN. ‘ Forsoonliag and Commit Aim Merchants, No. aliFino moo, riusb.o. eiiaa DIC & Co., Whotetale . Or& et. pom 40)1N 11. MONK. Attolady and Coonseitox MLA., 'ma colomfodotrerfortho Sum of Pohnsiivanin ft!. Louis, (lateusb of Pitistocogh.) 33 ) ,....—Tf0zgi0• Hon W Fofrard, 'Ramp 'ink&e !WCtuullefo WlWClffeef E .Earkey IlineffsfsEmple,3lla. JJOFDi ecoTr tt-Co4. Wholesale Grocers, Forward and Cottualsslon Merchants, Dealers in Pro duce atd Tittiburghtfttnifictures, No, 7 Commercial „Row, liberty street- itintrtite pupil, Pittsburgh, Pa. •••' il i fFB 8 MeOnss, We of thin firm of Ake* a n d .. 1 1 J ra V tmeu w t . tti! T.Bor, EIL Chtulis tkuldings, tUb . AMA A: jaCillT 4D - Oct.-811cgrwrs Lewis tad Agents of, to St. Lotus Steam Sugar litelnery. liaoP-vIIKITA44 III 2O:FtI Mats, rtusbargh. It . ' 'BUICK, blerehuut Ezehnagu Buil . J . • St Cluu Pittsburgh. JUIBU TOHN DEMORTII—Wholeule Grocer, Pro- U: date ttpe couttaisipa Merettint, No- 117, w*.od rDI BOA% Wholeirelet. and deal ' esin Eire Adrs,PaintseCtils, AraroJahs, &a, No. D 3 Wood meet, Doe door Souk of Biannual Alley, Pill,- TAMES IDIFABar., & Co, Doneeessor to /paean O. t, Dade ' ) SIDD llsondle*36. Water street. 0e33. r- TO.BN LLAMA Olt, .Wholasale and Retail dealer ti in Music anADlasteal Inetnunems, &hoot Boou, Paper, MU% Ansel Pens; Quills; Prlarerst Cants, .and "timlq 0 , 1/DirLUl'Bri-81 1 9 - oodetsTirrtsParga. 117 badert pita= is trade.- 4UT• • ecnormumma a. • whobt.a. Nan Vitoact - aree; Pi. • •. .• TORN, D. DAVIS, duttioilear, comer Eali and ;Wood ft straeurPittsb • . . oci9 TONNSTON k STOCKTON," Booksellen, hinters V and Paper Miatfaatirenq N0:44 ate% EL; Pius- 0 4 E , GRIE11,4 k itholasz nti te OroerA i dester Plathy Pitlibtagh. . _ . tau slam, • sivicat• nor. • • 2.11,11.0 VD, asti 2 Floyd Co - 4Wholesala IP • 0210Cers, Noc.L92Libeaty antet.sl: , z4,4 seps DALZELL,Ncleolesalq Grocern di..bletr.hata;and •eleilei Trodnee and Pmsbarth ?thundnetures. hio.et Water et., Pittsburgh. Sall ,IKIER & JONES, For ling and Cossanssion . Rev ,- slams, Dealers in Penance And Plustnagh nano fsemsed azdeia Canal Basin, mat Zh sir • dal :Vesuvius LEWIS, DALZZLL Co, roartufseuirm of all ci seu Bar, blue; .Boiles Iran sues Neils cute the best quality. Viterebutim bileuber sad 165 Irma sc. I,IMAM/WI , inn Wholesale Omer, Fortssol ho,o aut Pto Deuisr iliatt-in ens te Vateat ,ars assay AMBkVrgltP'r'PThggr_nle Omens Fat , Cammicuaa Um de.a/ars is hp "" " ituibuzgh Matafaellinsafala and 135 Woe/ at.; Piushargt, .sr 4023 IVIPORGo.2I., .11WYCIIEKS a Co., Cograilsallon hler ellale„l4delielphis, for the LeOeldtvrednee ge3 --LiteaL Laval yulyuncea zipkdo las. D. Wort.L. NUJ= C. DOI. eGILL ROZ, Wholesale Gram' and Commir JIL d w Pleiebiuts7 No. UKA4ber A. AUX.- A13113C1, Inc L scoacc 'ALLEN' tr. Co., Coaireatiioa and ,Forararding Blerdauns, Water and, From La, betareers Vooa nth Market sta. guar WM : kILLIN. M Q.LER & ItieKLTSON , Whales&le Grocers "ad b X 1 HOLMES SON, No. LA: Market et, second rc - daOrfron earner of Foarlbialeat Foreign Itatilomeatic Me of Enlaces!, ~ .: . ftl : la(Depos• n, Bank Notes-and Specie. tia" Collector:Jr mad on all the principal codes thou • hormthe Malted ewes, , dean • OBEICnii)OI4.4 Whale:we !ironer, Rectifyini PisaUtz, deafer in Prodoceambiugh Manage "l%4rd ‘"*" 4 Foram atld Dopetticovtac, luta non, ha.ll liberty kcal -in very sto6k of. supozio r old.hlonongattes vtlielcoy r 'duo). will INS vialow foseulk. apllnl72 lakt.lotrat.,.lmporwr and Dtn aki .sasign nod Damestrettl.dry , thadvrxriLand Cofittemrlit.m de.scriptiou,lio..l33 Wood gt, toctucao IiARD, Wholesale. AAA Retail Raider In EV Leather, Morocco, fikertteakere Toots and Filmi ng., Tenneco' and Ware Tools, and 'Weems , No. 100 %Waist, Piluntirgh. ta Oty {OI2ICMCENtIRSOS, zonewoo. ROBINSON & Co.,WholoNdoGrocersirrodoee end Coorm IferOtot&A, AeIIiVISST . Almanfactures, No. ISO Vinare; rißil 41. e." --W ir "l-I"6"acCr A La P Com n Wei r .. 4a 7#4 1, 4 au., Liberty .t. rftlith24 l 4 - . (624 OAT. A. CiRiNINCIItAK4 • • • a °roar, RYIVU sr.r....il, a ro sl erlieVMg r Trads,'deal• es In thuttne • Prodatte, PiWburgh ' Alandadtures andailoruls Lft.e. The lathett frr ealb,paid 'till dates for taus- Am rage 'Cotner Of Peiof And Irvin sta. japZ A i s • *riga - Whoktials dealer to Good grocinry boau,shoes, Pitubsgl imi. mufaat- Luta mod, ' 4241171 tr.:MUNSON, Wbolitale mut Retin Dealers biAlliftery Gds, Isaac itoslery sad Fancy AZiae., No. 40 hfirrker, 3 4 dOot PA , * Third .gr, Pore 10 4.DPniest#Thr7 Ikeda No. 90 wood • - nutiurs • - • ftritr .rf: 19 Ina illt7vi llT *1 SI*P ; .r.ositCou=ims Merchants, No: us' Wen Pius. , . buses. . (a NM/, BACLUZY & CO A IThaleaaJe Oea en end Prodaiiitealengia.2B3Maxictsucet,beras4n +kb Imd ft& Nok& • • Phi,ladeh&i& . • nine : 7. 0:11.1.03r. nrlnen.lt. WILN.A74IIOL, Kart Lam. LTESRS &:141COLI4Prodoee and Getteral Coro mission Merchants, ho. 17 Libenylt.; Pluppno... Linseed aid Lard vow:. . . 4.,p p. cen t -Fotoninb4. _ kW' 'don W on Dealers is Vim Monfietores On# den" Pro , daft:roe Witter now warottoosqokl gond) ccniter of Frorrst., and Chancery .I.= -TANBEY &OWL* Whalenle (hems and Commis esorl.Merehaassosad dealers la Produce. No. 34 cod st...,Pfusburab, , , Id. 8.. EtAgrEft, Agent far Marken soldier, and* TT OrPealumpapaona, at the allakentWaa, E. Ar au, rag., Aiwa augaiap, ajletsburgen_ . , illy ut the land Atka at Waltham= w n skr. .. fr.se °ream" v"PP ICl sma PCATMLESSi- (Meelions W.I. Wholesale Cirsieera,, Forwarding ape ..aisawmum Xerehaaw, dealers in rron,Withh too.. Lans,.. d and Pinsbargh 24anufaculras enntal W and Water • Pinata:a -fira, Merehtm4io.9ll o pont bekvieen Weed he • • WfdZet)., Mel steno sad Mill Furnisb • stebwihatent, 244 Liberty try near the • 118, GABBARD, Dealer in Parley aril Staple T • D I T 6 • 0 4 1 , Mr , MI Market street, Pittabolgh. W -WILSON, Denier in Witeben, Jewelry, Silver Wnxv,,MilitVry No. MAI , LIN Harr RURRR Y4,_4 OI6,II6 and Scull dealer in pcirtlgn and '.omenie Dry Goods, min vas , earner of -Market and Pont fury . • - _ .rx. Tim.% a sr voinvo CA , 'talker biles, tr. . . 141, 1 1, 1 sir 1. 35 . Y ik ~,, ~. ~ , :,,, ~,, .MI r•ri.. r man, ,s Ragtifyi • DistitOpo, and lAule sad Liquor t t• • •• ,•• . of Soda Ad. and Blving Pittsburgh, Pa. loft:NUS' ourimeninemin, L , • ' , mini n sem & .Co., innlesale Groe•Ta and Y. deahnsin Oil Boat Pawl* tad Plnabargli Man - derides, hnvem blind,-nt all thne, • thll an 4 , iiimMinstartment ofigoods is thth line, VI , nts , 4s, mrChaterdlley, Pusskrgn. mar --• . • t&I I :ISIITGA.KUrgh.E• Wholesale Grocers; hfs 4.l 4,qlers, and Wine end Zinser : hullo( 50d..e.h...s r totrowdsri. 60 strear,Putsborgh, Pa. • • JOHN PL TOWNSEND, Druiiiat asd APothroorn No. 45 Mllftet Sty three -doers 'above Thtrd n. Pisu barghl will base tonstantly on hand a swell selected a. aortment of the Ina and t freshest 'Medicines, which bo wilt sell on the most' team:amble terms. PhY..i.os sending olden, will be 'promptly mended to, and sop. vied. -with articles they thatrelen as genuine. tr-Ptysicians Pr na arlll be accurately and neatlhpreparmifrom the onterials, any boar of Also r e= t s large alma of fresh and good Pert!. --- - - - - Kailen:matte's Livery Stable. aEROBEEr U . PATTERSoN h. opened the large atabta . First an, =mune throurb to Second at, benamenlVood and tdm a nhheld at4ln tire Teat of the - Mo gahel Haase, lanai an entirely' new cock of Eln e aca.d Carriages of Old beat quality and latent atylea: note. kept at hen- TT la The bete =thee. malt, AIARBLE. WOMBS ON VirOOD nT., PrIV13111„ HUH. E. WILKINS, • _ _ CONTINUES to maoulacture Monuments, Burial Vaults,.Tombr,Fleul Stone., Memel Pieces, Cen tre and Pier Topa 6f foreign and domestic marble, at ' 'Mfilitttgli C Tor al ' oinito j enr; `raZlttl. furnish- MI, of any deocriplioh. lie Solicits a share' of public patronage •• ' aurr-drf - - LAM. Mink Idanniacturer of Cotton and hireitlinen, Fringes for Dresus,ae.; Sewing 1 4 ‘lk and co colored Cotton Fringes for silk and gingham Gimp, Mohair, and Silk Bullion Fringes, mad, /0 order on the shortest notice. Bro., corner of Maiden Lane God Willis= entrance No ed, 11131,61, third floor, over &boor & slore,Nod3 Maiden Lane New York =ITEM@ rw.o. TOCITS., 11106 eT/oIGT.I4IT. • -mead rocaa, rel.Q 303 , .1.1_12 a LLIAX, TMIIII. ITTNITSON. DECIIANICS , GLASS WORKS. LhIPBON, LtAKF, tWANGER & Co, triaaufaetu k) :rem of •Vials, Bottles, and Window Wars, keep condluttly co - band a general , assortateot of the above anielea Also,anake to order a .perior article of Mineral or Soda-Water Ponies, of colored gins. No. 16 Virood st, , Pittsbargh, Pa. attp3l•firn R.I.CHARD,T. LEECH, JR., yll/4/11713. lAD =ALEX Of Saddler's' 'lronmongery, Damen and Coach • Trimmings, Dees, Deer Hale, Veralah, ace. de., jyll No. 133 WOOD So. PTTTRITI7.I.I. Elx. guts STO.I3IL—No. 7.4 Fourth DO at., neat Wood,-All quamines of Greco raid Blank Tens, done up in quarter, half, and out, pound paCkagts, ranging from 30 eta. per pound 81,611. jy..l A. JAYM,S, Agt. for Pekin Ten Co. • llnuitseane Spring Steel and. Iron : r4OLEVAN, •• iTAILTILANWorks & Co, manufartrirers of AL/ Cobh anti:Sanwa llammezell Axles, Spdrg, and Plough Steer., MO, &e.-. Warehouse on Winer and'Pront streeta,..Piusbargh_ Also, dealers in; Coach Trimmings and Malleable Castings.' 001.10 DEL AWAILIC NIITVAXIIISIMANCE CO. JOHN FINNEV, Jr.,Agent at Pittsburgh for the Del server Mutual Surety insursuee Company of Mts. adelpffit. ' Fire Risks upon buildings and merchandise or every description, noii Marine Risks opoo hulls or eargnes of vessels, taken norm the most fhvoroble Irzr Ogee in the Warehouse of W. H. Holmes & Etre., Pm. 37 Wetter, near Market street, Pittsburgh. N. Er.t—The Cocoons of this Company since the estab lishmenrof- the Agency in this coy, with the prompt ness end Liberality with which every claim upon them for loss has been adjusted, fully warrant the agent. i.VithLig.th.fertfldence and patronage oft. friends tad th e eartillfillll.* al huge . to Las at. Company, whsle it has the additiooVantages •as se institution among the most flounskung hdadel phin—es having an areplepaid-in capital, w ch byte operation of its chaner to cansuratly methane& us )teldlug to each liersan insured his due share of the profits of the company, without involving him in say tesporimlility whatever, and therefore so pooesang the Mantel princrple divested of every obnoxious (ea turn 'sad in its most attractive form. nova FIRE AHD RIALJELINSI INSURANCE. rpm Imartmee Company - of North Antenna, wough Its duly usohorised Agent, the subscriber, ciders to make personastaluad lilllited Jammu., prOperty, thk city , sod Sts Tied/4, and on atm/menu by the On. nal and Ithrent. •I DIRECTOSI3. Arthur Coast, Sam? W. Janes Ed•rard . Sosith John-A. Bosom, John Mitt, ...trmaatsCope, Samuel . South, Samuel /kooks Charles Taylor, Armee. white, Jacob - M. Thomas, John R. Neff, Richard D. Wood, Win. Welsh, Franies Lioakens, S. Anson Anthem:, ARTUUR COFFIN, liss it ai Rtmossaan, Seep. This the eldeat Insurance Company in the Uneed State% Pawing-bent clammed in IMS. it. chant,. IS perpensalfrom Ha MO laandmg, fang eperience. ample means, and avoiding LI mks of an ear. has, alto. character, it may be considered as offering 11.1111. pie seen rig to Me fuddle. W. P. JONES. At the Coveting .om ef Arwood, Jones Co., Wa n:mood Ftom meets Pittszlargta. sess.skidar ruur. insuakacic co. HE Franklin Fire insnsastee Company, Ptulndel- A. Ph* win mate insurance, permanent and hewed onanrerrileseription of prapeny. in Pm:Rhumb and the suntronnitliag ennutry,on favorabin isms- rt. tom pan7 has a peels:mat eta rtes. C. 9 1 14 Steam pant tn. Contingent, emu l,ca) - Wane sonntrotThitti and-illarkessurentarretstattita aptlati WARRICK SLAILTLN. Agent rrBE untlersigunA, duly outhoriand Agent of Aso Amer . San Firs lostonulee Conlynaysof Pluladolpbus, contsuues to effect Um:manse agniont Loss of .11. 4 341 Fitt s ou banding,, toeselummUmn., litraftwe nod not nitro hazardous, In thu nay Irruteinuntry apl4 .; t:l1C1111A ml truss' rliklj. m. ti o tn e CrlbEtt: v es be . e p u T t; s iti th Aehu o i n p:ro , 111.0 will issue Nagle. atteurd to the other busuiess orate Aireuey, at . the ante - house 0( ANIMA - , June. uplit WM P. JONES, FORWARDING &COMMI-10 Ww,. C. IL DAILLI VIIAILLES DANE DOWER & co. TOBACCO CultiliLSOA lIIBILEHANTB, N. 50 South - Wham., N. 117 South Water O,,DGS. to inform the traav and dealers generally, of 0 Pittsbargh,rittri they nava made such arrangements with the, Virds'manntableters and th e Wearers of The %italic% est Indies, ana other places, co will 1000,. !WWI and eons= =only of the Mie ing. twarin. lions of Tobacco, which writ be sold upon as accom modating terms as wry other Imam in this city ar else. -where, and all goods ordered from them will ha war ranted Neat to represeetauon: /famine, St. Domingo; ' Conn.; Thee; Porto Rico; Penn's; Seed Leaf to- Cuba; Ivied; te Ronda; bacco ALSO-13=mb', eriebrated Anneunic Stag Caven dish, with a. huge sasormaent of ether =pal= brands, and abilities of poon . ds, L t hs ? 11= 16s and S4s, Van; te s o=lanirf, id whole and boll and do; together With every variety of ante -belong ing to dm trade. • elitaly , 11.11111, 0.8571103. BARNET, NESBIT do OABEETSON. FLOUR FACTORS, Produce, Cammloslan and Vora arding No. in NCorta Wasson, ado IVO Worn PIIILA.UELPHIA. • • Itatnra to—John n. Bram, a. Co. . • ftoben &eon tc - Co. 'Macron, Beaver a Co. BnthOt BoltoloY Co. Allen lc Patton, • cow York. %Veneta lb Elarvrt Baltimore. Ilatalark Smith, ' Barbrldv,Wilatui ft Co p in . b ., ls . h. Kier B°lleir aralek, T.rn Co. ' Dr" Liberal cask edvatteet on Conaturnent• to our soon's*. . •. • . mar3a.dlY . _ _ . P.C.112.1141M. C111117.201T1T. 1081,WaTill4 ELLMAKER,.ECKY & CO., smotrupecTous, • - Ana' 6anter4..003910n - 473 PIILLADELPIBA. • • : CES—Hem' Graff &Co, Prusbargh. I A. AL January, Mayer Wa C Chute, Boehm, Jr., Louiseilte. Ifumphreye k Co. , Mercer, Bro. Co. ' Bred h Brothel, apltdly Dorilh &Coushzer lean zu Lamm. = • clisiag — amen. E M 1111 E l ft 4 ANDERSON FOIDTPARDINO & COMATISSION mgEtoaANTs, • =COTTON'FACTORS, _AND AGENTS FOR • • TREC BALEOPNULDAND ty, GLASS, nen. 2.2.117170•722 llaValactsMsT, 255:255.a.r, onw. tistiniata — c - oona - rar. - 13. si and Forwarding Merchant. • • 25 'Vow R. , nrinritta ' CIONTIISUI:S 5 : 1,1 22121521•45netal Coalmissi o beta- VV ness, especial?, in the purchase and sale et Ameri can. Manniacterea 55.1 Preclude,. and In receiving and carding *ads consigned to nare: As Agent for the Slanufsettnes, be. *Jibe 'constantly supplied vrith the priumpel 'unclean' , Pittsburgh ftinnufactere at the Impost tehotesale price. Orders and consi am re etfoUy rolw tad. vancnts i 97. .• BERRY:, viatozaaaawa. GROCILIIIIi • CO 21 1 1 1611 1 111( BERCILINT, iTon,grailro CeitattAriiVlll els.Pltleburgh ...,Ilienufaet area generally; - ra .nroon merry nneneen, • WM: 11:tirai L ICT y=7,Vitti.llye"to hitenk n rw r i:V: 7f I For a6p irrnolem, riTIY to FORSTTIin CUN CAN, Water - , ISAAC CpUg_E, - GENERAL columnist as Dligazo A Dannize s eizoFrtt_cavTLca ruovilio.n rcaLsirana.ou Sxxru!siVaw '- , IMITIIIIO ''MD. Itinuallerciailtp i)tritulbargh. hi' '' Wheiling,,Vl4.—K Cranglet Co.a' mar4-46m NOTICE fillgPPlCltri. taboo , atiolE b ce urandiately opposite to ytraour burnt warehouse, for thtptesete, whore nsaCt badness es Waal until a MTN-hat. con baerectedotnangentento havtug• already been mule bar that parpore. Boons will always be to readiness at oar wharf to receive freight C A bI'ANULTY k Co, eve 'Omni flagin. Wiens st I LYMAN, REED CO., (Summon a Recd., flacd & GENNUIL COMMISSION MEHOMANTS, . . Panienlaranandon paid to the sale of Wool, and Libor .. al advances meta on eansiann*nts. enylla:dasrly . oil IAS st, firielle article ; d do Mi,/d0 ; 111 do O. knot/. anrallpultga 10 co II; lump, unique; tl do 41 do, .d4l Rada vipec,lii mote and for sale by nuemamvapi & Co G4At3ll by 414 b 840, 164 2 and Irold.suniow Jam toced.prr stranses , AlTOWlthe, andityricale by sap= • FORSYTH 6 DOSICAN CAItDS. INSURANCE. EC=2 try, New York. NBW received born the publisher,. and for We at the Methodist Book Mare, 4th st, near Wood. Tupper's Proverbial Philosophy. in three styles of Wading; a beaualul book for a present. Preparation for the Pulpit. Sketche• of Sennorm On die Parable. and &lintels • of Christ, by the author of the Pulpit Cyclopedia- 7 4450 sketches, /cm The English Palpiti oolleetlOn of see- MOO, by the mon eminent hying divine. of F./island. Mts.:emu Vote----1.kn05 Good, Chnitieli Love, Loy en thou MO, Sal' (Cll :Meditations. m)••.14 r;F I VFBIAKCIIAL Atrkk or the History end Religion of Mankind train the Creation to the eath of Isaac Deduced front the writings of Males, sod Other inspired motile.", and illustrated by eOpiOne Y[1(0115110.041 ID records, tendltiOnn, and thology of the Heathen World—by Leo SmithySmithyF. S.A. y 1 vol., octavo. Charms end Co/niter-Charms, by Mire M'lntosh. A fresh supply oftht. Very pogo's., little work. Orators of the American Be, ulution, by K I. Ma goon, with Portraito. I vol. Nino. Parley's Cabinet 14brary, for latniiie• or school., my volumes; 12 tno, with engravings. Thus n now out k. For sale by it 1101•KiNS, _ 1021 Apollo Bath:lmp. 4th et Dl:2 - Xl4 OMAN V—liotany of the United Filmes nonb of 'Virginia; comproung descriptions of the flowering and fern-like plane hitherto found in those States; arranged according en the natural system. With a synopsis of the Genera accoidnig to the Lin eman system; a sketch of the mdunente of tunas. y, and a simesstry of terms: by Levi. C. Beck, ht. Lk, Prof Chemistry end Natural History in Hutgeek College, New Jersey, he. he. Second edition, revised and en larged. For sale by .epic JOHNSTON & STOCKTON I A.MARTINEB GIRONLBSTS—History of the tii• roudista; or, Personal fUeuiturs of the Patriots of the French Hevolution—from unpublished sources: by Alphonse de Lanninitie Complete in MI ee volumes: Rydes translation A fresh supply of this popular stork reeeteed liiim tiny and tor sale by JoHNLOAJIN h STOCKTON, Booksellers. cur market and ad et L• • __ OlTElllfitirt IN or "ketches of tray el j in ' , mace, Belgium, Amass, Switzerland, Italy, Prussia, Ireland and Great Brown; :soar an append: z. optioning observation. on Europensi charities a n d 'medical instructora': by John W. Carron, M. D. A few copies for>ale by 'sepia JOHNSTON & STVCRTOf i T OUR STORE on Market street, No as, Pets" eon I . Ad and 4th, may at all times be found.. I. rge stock of Theological and :Miscellaneous Hooks. 3 ow talokli received ea soon as published, and sold.. I ow es! prices. The publications of the American San day t3ehool Union and Massachusetts Sabbath School So ciety, always on hand. CataloellCll furnished on sp. pcauou. ri,u(irr & ENGLISH Imo On Market st,tmlureerradand.4. um. OPIUM frorkeyt—l ease cee'd and for sale U. by. sepl3 BRAUN t itErniJt Tobacco LAW OFFICES, NVSI. TISITILLY. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Butler, Pa Wittalso attend to collections and all other bust. entrusted to hint in Butler and Armstrong counties, Pa. Refer to J. & R. Floyd, Liberty st. W. W. Wallace, do James Marshall do Pittsburgh. Xay it Co., Wdod st. jun 7 e,, 11.. , SWElTEBble t&ttoraey at Lam, office ad. e, • oPpositest. Chula. lime!, Pittsburgh, ,rdt s t attend promptly to Collections, to Atiashinepn, Payet and Green counties, Pa. REFER TO Bloc &stock. Ben & Co., Church &.Carothers, ll'husburgh. B. T. Morgan, fact:llly J. HENRY. Attorney end Councellor of Low. E Cineinnoti. Ohio. Collections in Soutbrrn Ohm, end In Inditria, and in Kentucky, promptly sod care fully sticsdrd M. Commissioner for the Rune of Penn. sylvanis, for taking Depositions, selmoorledgmeuts, ace. &c. gnu ro—Hon. Wm. Bell & Son, Curtis. Church it Carothers, Wm. }fay', Eaq.. WlHoek I Davis. 11. NV VI , 11..1.1.1" Wl4. 11111101. IX / & (successors to Lowrie and VT WlMama.) Attorneys and Costner.llois at Law. Otfieo North side of Fourth street, above. Smithfield. _fisbrNsewly, TAbuis. F KEKR. ?teems) . at Law. &dress-ell` fildildibg, Grant street, nearly oppimim the Cost House. •atm9-3m Jon, orator, 1. flatware,. PEWUL DIJNI.OP & SEWELL. tourney at Low, O ffi ces 01 Smithfield, between ad and 4th sm. KORWARD & SWARTZWELDER, Attorneys a Law, have removed their office to the South side o urth et, between Cherry Alloy and Grant street WO. 11. ROBINSON, Attorney lit Lose, has re . moved his office to the Exchange Buildings, St. Clair et . nets door to Ahlermon John.. antlir BOOK, TRADE. I To Country fferchamta. t LAß U.7°f i°s `:r iß :P:' P ' Piper, .t omt n tc .:h ve Writing Papers, of Sue, meditun and common qu'lt's Letter Paper de do do do Note do do do do Note and better &meaner, Slates, Pencila, Wafer., quill, and Steel Pena; Window Planer (yard wide) plain and printed, Bonnet Boards, of different qualities, Blank R001(1, In great variety; Family, School and Pocket Bibles; Crown. medium, and double crown wrapping paper, AleGullic's Eclectic Spellers and Readers; Ray'. Eclectic Arithmetic.; Cobb's Pruners, Spoilers and Readers; Sanders' do do do Arithmetics, by Adams, Ravia,Colb a rn, Smith, Stock ton. Emeraon, and others- Geographies, by Mitchell, Olney, Smith, Motet.° ond net, Pdrley, and others. Grammars, by Smith, Kirkham. Bellow., Weld, and others. For sate at low prices, by .1 II hIP.LLOR. 81 wood st, A doors above ith. The highest market price pad for good talked rags, in cash. &pie PLANETARY a :STELLAR WORI.DS.—A pope. lac expountin of the great dtscoveries and then nes of modem am:mammy; by 0 M Mitchell, • at, Di rector of the Cincinnati Otwervatory, Ileadley'a Italy. Alps and Ithlue.—Lettem from Italy. the Alp. and the Rhine; by J T Headley, author of Na poleon and hi. Marshall, Washutguee and hi. Gener als, de. New and revised edition. Statistic. of Goat —The Geographical lend Geolom. eat thatinctious of Mineral Combuatlbles or Instil lac., including ono, notices and 'milldam of the Canon. mineral littemmlous substances employed in on. and anatinfactures; illustrated by Maps and Diagyanea, as conipanted by nearly WI stamiucal tables, and 111/U an alyses of macre combustibles, he; prepared by RIC. ard Growling Tay tor . Just received a few ramie. of each of the above works —for sale by . JOILNSTON ft STOCKTON, lie Booksellers, car market & AI eta _ . ILTKAILLY READY FOR PITBLICA TIOH 11 by J. A. ft U. P..l.l.llkM,Cuukirmati,the folldanng new and valuable Works— . C Doniphan's Expedn—Camtairdag • sketch of the life of Col. A. W. Doruphan- the Lbnguein of New Mexico, Gen Kearny'. tiveriand Expedition to Cali fateLla; IlOoupban's Campaign afunst the Nerve.. and hi. unparalleled Marcy i 1 1 ,012 Chihuahua and Doranme and the Operations of Gen_ Knee al Sauna Fa, cab • May and Engraving, by John T llughca, A. II e . the Ist Itemment of Ab_rsourt Cavalry le lUstory of Kentucky—lt. An n -dame* and Neter, Curi.nace, Geographical StatisOcal and 14 , -ologLea. desenpUons; with ancealotes of Pioneer, o ile d L nee mon. than one hundred Illograpliteal Skeletres f In .stanLi ed es , the; Sold-Ler-a, Staleamea, Janata, Leerier.. C ol Colima, I voL octavo lIL The Twelve Months , volunteer. or Jounott of a Prt irate /IS the Tem/pane Heim:tient of minder, to th 'thnnp. ri , Mexteo, dung .'to author an sir count et the March of the Regiment to 4 . era, • deacrtptiou of the Country passed over; sera. t the Ronk: Stanek.. of Ciox 'Lair. me drama of all the actions 01 other Volunteer liegs.neuts„ and • full lhatory of the hlekscan Wart Last of _.e kb led and Illotiuded, he: illustrated by u large rilinaher el correct ries. and plans, by Geo. C. F 11.11.11, I sultan< octavo. Jett Is 79 - Woriti ST, 0071•1[0.1 RAW= AB. DI•111=115 A Lk. rift: robsenbers hare Am opened, at the above 1 118 a large stook of different qualities ruled and p,ain saline and blue Writuag and-Letter Paper, roe, mere-Jai and packet post flat Cap, dewy and reed.. wnung papers, foe blank boots, medium and royal eo. ;cord Printing Papery; medium deray and nap hey Minim and Ledg e rs. superior paper and ben goner., trindie,&•; tichnut Books of all aunt.; ore. in Throb: ,:egy and Sciences, Lluitls, gold and n ot Pens. Wafer, Was, MI/ flies, as he MSMIM= Coantry Merchants supplied at lowest wholesale prt ces for cash, or rags at coats pnee•. JOH PRlNTlNCs—ila•tng a Job oCiee to eonnecnot, with oar establuhrocnt. we are prepared to escrow a; orders for M s. asa and fanc y Proding—iaadr s, itaropLwts circulars, business card bias of ladtecr. &0., art... 1...- I.th and at low pHs,. r:l.l.lt rrra ENGLISH. Tart Cte wood ea. between 41,11 and diamond td.ey. AS ENS WORKg —Vain) Fa,. a novel ;,roue, IA Hero, Ly %Voltam Makepeare Thacker) —st - Ith ieuelratione Ly the author. The Tenant of Wildfelt Hall by Acton Belt , meth," of . Wothenng Henan." The Youog Schoonnistreast by Joseph Alden, O I 1 Part a or Harpers' illtiStr•tell ed,Uun of the 0ra1,,.,, Nights' Entertainments. New maculation, arranged for fatally reading. atplanatort note.: by K Looms' Logarnitats—Tables ever Loganthms of num • bees and togas and Tangents for y ten ..conaa at toe Quadrant, with other useful tables: Ly E 1,.. Loom., A. M., Prof klaufee.me• and Natural Philosophy sn the University 01 New York, author of. - Treettse /cc. w as The strove works recerved tins day and for sal by JOHNSTON & sTructcroN, pooksellera, ear matter and 3d all - - --- New Publications. - -HISTORY OF coNtaur.ss, Brofraptural and Po - out, eoropritung memoirs co the members DC ate Lauer,. or the U K. By 11 O Wheeler. 11/ustrsterl lry euererous steel portreas. &e. lke Vol 1, OC la vo. lizo Writings of C. Al Clay; Including !perches ona addresoea, oats steel porvoron lard by H `acct y. 1 ea What I Saw In Califo.. By &Iwo-. Bryant. Barnes' Notes, Vol In, on James, Peter, Joan and Luke. Charms and Counter•Charmc lly Ulm M'ltnoth, ea rl:tor of ...ro teem eat to he." "Conquest," de. de. UAW] tourer, a Domestic Temperance Tab: lly C lhardeth jo A gg And Queens, or Lsfe in the Palace; ronstatnis of hub:Meal theta.= of late and reigning sovereign*: By 1.8. C. Abbott. • -. • • • • A Piro Hook to Spanieh, or a practical introdnetton to the *ratty of the Opnrovh Language: By J. Salkeld. The Dying Hobo, awl other talcs: By Rev. Dr. Md. Jost rec'd 5 It. HOPKINS, Apollo Buildings, 4111 angl muccesvor to J. L. Read.) 'SLEW BOOKS—Lids of Cromwell, by J T Headley the Posne ?lar of the Pulpit, by Gardiner do donna, I) G. l c do Jacobus on Gospels, blatthese, with Harmony; Lectures on Shaltspeam, 2 sills; Path of Lilo, or Sketches of the Way to Glory and Immortalby; Footsteps of blesalah; The Convent; by ailthOr °click.; Girl m France; Now and Th., by Warren; Sketches of Lemons, on Parables .nd Miracles; Ireland's Welcome, to the Stranger; Henson upon Earth; Hawkstost, a tale of and for F.naland: 2 cols, For sale by ELLIOTT & ENGLISH, lelo 72 wood and Sd matron No PITTSBURGH, MONDAY MORNING, OCTOB COPARTNERSHIPS. r'r .' fl LOGAN & KENNEDY have this day associated with them in the Hardware husine.s. Philip Wil son and Edward Gregg. Thestyle of firm will her , oiler he Logan, Wilson & Co. This arrangement ten si der. it desirable. to close the old business se soon a. possible. All persons whose hatialtues bane matured, are specially requested to male immediate payment. Pittsburgh, Jan 1, Ibid. T OGAN, WILSON & CO.—lmporters and LI Wholesale Dealers in Foreign and Domestic Hard ware. Cutlery, Saddlery, So, 198, Wood street, Pins burghlare non fully prepared wlth a recently impar ted stook of Hardware, Cdtlery. dc..to offer very great inducements to western bnyen, being determined to compete in prices with any of the Atlantic clues. Al so on hand as extensive assortmentoirmsbargh Hard ware, viz: Shovels, Sdes. Forks, Hoes, rICCS, Sr.. all of which be so ld at the lowest manufacturer , . poem. Mal ebzivelitziEnsarp TM: sub.cribers having recent) entered into partnership under the name of (tat agher, tong, & Miller, for the purpose of carrying on Me Bell sod Mass Founding and Gat Fining businees in all its branches, have taken the stand formerly once pled by 11. lialloghar. No. too Front street, between tl Wanand Smithfield ids, where ilieT are prepared to caverns all order. tor Bells, Brass Lasungs, of entry desenption, and Its. Filtings ninth neatness and des patch. Steamboat lobbing promptly attended to. li. 6AL,LAG/lEn., S. A. I,ONG, P. 11. MILLER. N. H.—The atte n tion of Machuosts mid Engineers Is tn•ited to our anti-attraction 'decal, for a reduced pnee, which has been pronounced trapenor to Babbies by number. who have used tooth. Steamboat budder* and the public, generally, are also requested to call and ea :mu our superior double betton Force Pumps for steamboat and demesne u.e. GALLAGHER, LONG, m MILLER. HE partnership so long costing under the firm of T Hilton! & King, woo by rauttrol consent dissolved on the to tnst. The Intones. will be closed at Me old stand kw either of us, using the name of the Iron for that purpose- Being desirous to have nut business closed with airlatle delay as possiblo. wo would re spectfully request those indelned to call and settle their semi... JOHN D &CORD, July it. D KIND. Co-Partnership. TORN D. M'CORD having associated welt bun I. brother James M'Cord, under the style of M'Cord & Co., enll unctuous the Hat, Cap ouni For business in all Its venous branches, wholesale and retail, at the old .and, corner 01 Wood and sth streets, where they when a continuation of the patronage so liberally be stowed un the old firm. JOHN D WOORD. Jai JAMES 8. M'CURD. T N retina& from the old and well known firm of M'Coral & King, I moot retpoctflly recommend to the patronage of the pohlte my tuceettaors. Mears. M'conf et Co. 14. D. KING. -- blasolcitton. rf , HE copartnershp heretofore elloung between the 1 oabacrtbarr, ender the or) le of Wind, Illaahfield & hoe, rapored be s num day by Intonation. The Logone.. of he firm will ettled hy & Roe. Ylusburgh, July W, lel4B. The undersigned will continue tilt Wholevale Oro ery end COM 1111•111011 butiness, under the annul Anisll d Koc, el their old stand, No. In.l Liberty street. JANE"! NI, ALTER C. ROE. Ilavtng ',MI my Interest in the firm of IIN:111, Bust. Geld a Una to my former partner. AMOS& Roe. I take p,eesnre tn recommending them to raj mends and the rt4dte _ j)2O _ ._ S li III'SIIFIFIX. • -- e- arua• relhip L. W STKPIIF-NIS of Wheettug, F tihcedberger of /sots., ..d / Stockton of Pittsburgh, Imes Olt day entered tube ecopartnerslup abler style sum! Erat of Stephens, Shoeuberger I Co . st the Anchor Too works, Wlaeoling ; Vs for the purpose of mann tactur/ng lino sod ♦ Of OVerr deKflpUlin t SF STIMULI.. V. 5U01C131.... STICPU_ENIS, #IIOIIMBERCIER & CO. ANICHDR mos WURIOi Wheduar, Vs- Manniertete all kind el.:tiler. theca, Wk.; iron and not , . A B steel sprtaga tad okra, Beth{ VUO. neeted with tthoenberrtai old /oweta wart.. on ran odor ortr. w Juatoth froi 6hoenhe rltr) ualto eny made thy .try All o who-owdi -, sold at the Yn n .urge rsee. WAIIIMIr of the were a comet at 2110 roe tad Water ala m)lt D 14 5 0 .. t117 0 :110 , :li i Tla ‘ forthe r ro S tisp ettlicrto ,. eltz z en. io Oita day diaaola:J sr t: l v eXat o al enate b nt. on . hairotg thapotre of a.. enure. Inter,. to St wto [la Th. bonitos. of uo• Into r. Frt. vb :I: i4131.1n0r1. w oi au5.10,44,1 wOOO toe p.m,. of L4O r firm for that porpoaall •rw-ud:la. Uuby 'Jr; 1 DA1.1E.1.1- THK raunanber a nos prepared an manufacture al: rutda of Cotton and NVotmarn Niaeturanr7, at the am:or - teat ~0u..• Orator. 1,1•1 rt ll'i.rnaa a I...naffe Shan., con er L 1111,17 and Water meets, anti meet watt promo ,010011011 11 WilalfrAlAN, Locanok Maureen Federal man fannatunkT ard9ddle Altepany ray. _ 10•PAILT 35.111111 IP %Via ha'nns bu La, Juan It al, une, Me lea rr Latutanesa resit hereafter be ratesurtcal and," Mar sn of a. Von., A t:ef'. WII.WAY 1 OVNII, /NO. It ,41117 , 17- _ tinr*riarTc•ildiiigii r ge. • H A U BCKNuR CU - 1+3,1, arrioesnte3 yruis them in Maar Tobacco and Comuzararonfn.:neat, Flora rd Hes/4 1/310 01 Jacob Heard Co. Ilaturssorc,) [head C NleCantanon. and John A Warder m. IS MEDICAL. =ME;= Sel.sa/, CanaanDouta 1.0.0., Apt. 21, It4l P•• A s N.US. Lux rior.—l rroel Wolof 113 you Mad c soa,crorl pakte, le avail myself of Ore Of , petrvuerry 0, v•rog pubLicuy to are extramdanery re/frets or ) . our L p veteran, on cu, 0011 Manus twee atliseted re, years Iran a lrevere areue re ear cool n• too raluntLer gineraava. eo.l semen, only a...m01l 431,,, In a ..bon but mean.. ....acne, eau! tbe re, el Ina P. ',Awn, lean, mare severely attacked. and Wing res. ,nes.: to all ray lerroe/ lauar4res. arol 11. e pte• /440 n., 11 two of the most respecter.. play 0 04111.1,0 to toe neural., .rbooel ortteout donne; •ro I.eoeftt, or the "...dation of surrtY.g but • leer days or weeks at tannest—la Are me isit gleam of hope wee about to .•meh, 1 ha AI recommended to me your Expectorant— a,“.l Lie. .d by Mat Yking who doe. al: things in the use of the to rang—and contrary to the •xpettaborts of ma physic. ha and frwods. I was kn le few days rased item nay , rind eras enabled by Me use of a bottle to Ittend to rny nu/nurse. einoying since bettor heacri it.. had for test years previous. fleepectfu'l . v yours...! e, /as W. Tarli.t. For .ale J 1 Pittsburgh, .t the Pekin Tea Store, Founii steer t mareg 'CTFA It 41. 4 114CK , A ANTI IfilJtrett • Thu eat bailie compound cosolitnes amalineas of butt with efltu cue] and ettinparatiVe trilidneee of Fot ge,ooo action, • nd hnv tug • pecan. tendency to the tottery organ., la extmely valuabircountry. tit which fever re s and other complain. attended with congestion of the laver. so much 'bound. They has now .rood the teat of 20 year*, and ertncrienee 114 he proved then to be a safe and valuable remedy m Ihterraittent, Be mitten, and Itilmus Freer. J•unthcc, Dropsy. colic, In eigesdon• DroP• Dl Vonnunge, colds Lod all complaints Man indamotato ry Character 1 'tie complete and at ircereal oncoitaip non which Wu .ern given by Meer polo to all who hare need Nam, render. the publishing a the numer• gas cenificate• i their favor unnec aaaaa y. To pre. rent counterfeit:it ,g they are now put up in a rod sylo. graphic arrappet. Price 23 cenm •r a box containing at pills. l'rapared and se .1d by 11 A FA 11NF1 , 1 , 01.7g A Co, corner 1.1 and • cod, and also corner 6th and wood seets• .03 II A Fasussiaeoni. A. Ir. N 1' City. lef Anarrow, Dr Fannatinsus . ,, Wholosalo. tag Store In the City of al et> York. undees4sted ale cite:naively engned in the tLI Wholessde Dr o, business of No. 49 Juhu street, in e city of New 1 o rit, m and h are prepared to pppply DrogQ b aid two Uy -Cud, Fora ego rzw — zo w er ' ita 1 :1 -F e n ; Amery, !dander, Weaver & tide,'. Chemicals, lof their own imponatioro and all o d, et articles in their hoe of harl ot., of a siperlor Ywh ty as love as they can ...par abased m th. or say cas tern city. N.+ , York Pablo I I. A. FA/11 , 44 CCIK &Cs --- Marcher's C brew. Green' • • • PAlNTlifth, YILINJ 111AISEIL 4 1, Afe—We, tbe under.tvwd, I.llind Alakers, of the city or New York, have used an, te.wA, nod are now moi4S a near article of Chrome On fen, manufactured by Geo. K. Marcher, of this cit, and fin dit to work wr"..ll•° - during a him !manna Yams t free aPPriarmieri Wit h • .r n erLst=or no bod . y, ev a e n o d . re p e u ta r, lin c m u s it od r It e to t t , :r , l.je b th ro r , :: Green we have ever used. ;flew York, Jul.: , 1, '4 l . 21 firms o(pracuct pal, nen of the eit new York. Tbm unequalled MM.', • Green may y be had of K. E SELLYKS, No AY Wood caret, who hoe die exclusive agency for It. sale in I'm. burg , marts S fetl i , VElthll VUGE- - No furs should b. _ Locus, 17. If. Va., A:4 Ma. R. I.: iitat.i..sae: I cheerftilly certify I have forsome years part timed your Venni Inge la I ay and univ.ersolly with success I decidedly p.".f. , nto any other preparation I here used—ainongat may benamed the celebrated Inellicnor called Delnlahrdi Malinciaisca's Vein:wine, and • ortiparation called Warta Tea. In rect-nit case a single dente brought front my little boy one hundred and 010r11311 No family certiutily aright to be without it. Yours dm I AS. LA VVRON Prepared and .old by Q. Seller., No 87 : , Vood • I Id .1d by Drufglo/ generally 11, 1,./1 yin... ..1,11 ER=ZEMM= • • • • • NV!lrv}... 1 , 01:I. !MEATH. lILALTHY UMS.—Yell ow .4 tothearitty Meth, alter he itor tome or twice! cleaned with /mow' Amber I ...ill Paste, have the apor attract, or the iJiO•l occult wory, mid at the mate 1111,0 it is so perfectly innocent nod c;. .totattely line, that It 041/141.1/1t dolly use highly ad vantageous. oven I , those teeth that are 111 a good eon rittion, giving than `a beatioioi torioth, tool prevcottog • mature decay. Those already decayed preven. pre buconnog worse—it also Mamas such as ore he. conoteg loom, tool by perseverance it will Moder the foulest teeth delicately white, and make the breath de- Itmously ger eet. bold by NV Al. JACKSAA, Mr lAberty street. marD 11. A. V' ALIBIEBTOCK'S VIERAILIFVUE. AFEW areeke &mee t one of my children, aged about ve year., woe unwell flit .everul days, and the linear fi tit• :resoled pm alarsiungl) that I feared death would be :he ',welt. Haring heard of tho good effect. of Febnes tock'a Vertnithge when admunottrred to the children of m) neq;lthore, and thinking rny child might Lave writ me, front .gue oldie olyisiptoot.s, I gave II one nod o olf tea tonottinla of the Verantbue. and W ray 'Mat 6s.brioloattnoril it islrOuvl itimirdinteiy digrliskrxcd Asset,. 40 u ?nu huge worms. lisnr•altb mrs. •n•un stored, mod It ie now remark/tidy wed. Prev.ou• to • Yang the Vert:lllNp, the wenn' , would einea , on. , l ae Y n its throat, and l ellen feared it would lle from trangulation. JAS. (4. DA%Vr3O/4. Ven.sngo co, A_3,'_l3 apl3 1 KWIC% CEI.EIIRATED ITCH AND TE-riria t4 OINTIh:.NI'tr the most effectual remedy before the pUblie lot We cure of letter, itch. Jry•uhd vra.ry mutt:lea of the Is ce, neck nod body, scaly eruptions, and all other drat arcs of We skin. Ths unmeant is warranted free tram mercury, is perfectly sate, and "lay be ared at all tunes and under all cumomatanceit. A fresh supply of this valuable remedy received and wrestle by lt A FAIINESTODK A. Co, comer of lat and wood; also, corner of Mb and wood streets. G UM COPAL-4 cases toc.vell and for sale by ktRAUN Q swim EXCHANGE HOTEL, 1,0771,17 07 MIN •00 177. 01.71. re ., 777010032771, PL. The subsenber having assstood the manage ment of this long established and poplin, Hotel, respectfully announces to Travellers and the Public generally, that he will be at all times prepared to accommodate them to all things desirable to a well regulated Hotel. The House is now being thoroughly repaired throughout, and new Funnture ulded, and no puns will be spared to make the Exchange one of the very beat Hotels In the country. The undersigned respectfully solicits a continuance of the very liberal patronage the House bee heretofore received. THOMAH OWSTON, Dlumbatlon Proprietor. Ld NE HOUSE, COIXIII or loran A..ND 0114 BR P 1171../.. iIkTHE subscriber respectfully announce. that be has now opened his new and excellent Hotel for the accommodation of travelers, boarders, and the public generally. The house and furniture are entirely new, and no pains or expense have been lipared to render It one of the most comfortable and pleasant Hotels in the city. The subseriber is determined to deserve, and there fore solicits, a share of public pa sae. JACOB (MUHL Prupsietor. THISLOCLOIORTON'S GALT HOUSIG, tisciamu-s, IT. 11 . ARTS THROCKAIORTON begs to acquaint his friends that he ni again lessee of the HALT HOUSE, Lonsacille, Ky., where he hopes to Men I all his old friends, assanng them and the poblle, that no effort shall be spared to make all comfortable who favor him senh their patronage. JeallAli_ CHICBTIrI R., SZTIVIVI roorrn .15 1111,1111714 OPPtLeITE tete Bank of the United States, Phil.- dolphin. M. POPE MITCHELL, :motto Proprietor. J AMER D. M'G!L!, B. EUMWIELD, WALTER C. RUE. Chocolate, Cocoa, tie. W. Baker.. American sod French •ftocolate, Prepar ed Co Cocoa Paste, Broom, Cocoa Shells, &e. rpo merthanm and consumer., who would purchase j the best products of Cocoa, free from adulteration, more nutritrou. than tea or toffee, and in quallry langur. ptued, the subsenlier recommend* the above articles, Loaner.. tured by himself. and clamped with Ina name. Nu Brenta and Cocoa Paste, an delicate, palatal tie. and saluury docks for turalids, coavaluseenul, and others, areprouounced by the most cadomef physicians eupenor to any other preparation. Eta manufacture. ate always at. sale, uany quantity by the Most re spectable grocers in the eastern cities, and by that. agents, Hawes, tiray & ea, ollibetoor Dime. hl Bane & co, Iluttoni, Cent; Hussey & Murray, New York; Grant It Stone, Phdadelphia.; Toasema V Brurbdio. Hal worm, nod Kellogg & Bennett Cincinnati, Moo WALTER 134/1:1W. Dorchester Maw For sa n k by aufy3l BAGIALEY & SMITH, A/ft• NEW COACH FACTORY, AM...matutal. larriirnr, BROOKS & CO, would reapectiblly tn. TT tone the public that they have erected a shop on , Laeock, between Federa/ and Sandusky streets They I are now thallium sad are prepared to receive order. the every descrtptton of velatelec Coaches, CliarintN, Be roue-hes,Daum. Phsetorm, be, &a, "'loch (mm Met, 1 lotYlr e.P. , iert ee to the manu(arture of the whore work, and the faellitie• they hare, they feel co:Adria the) tor enabled to do wort on the most reasonable terms mil t them granting snide. In their hoe. Penne particular atm:aloft to the wieeticin of mete i tittle. and harm* noire but competent arortmen, toe) bane no heettauon 1,1 warrant:rig then' work. l%' e • therere eat the attentive of the public to thm matter I N It Remortek done in the heat mann., and on the i reeer reas.reante harm. ,1:11 Wrought and Cost Iron Dulling. .1 "1 1.7e7 ,'.. .. " iaL 1' 1.,fi ; ' ,.. tt ”. t ' tt "' ;':.7lo% h i e tCl . : L : ''.. an.; and,Ll de-, f,.. to, Ira:, Re. .100 L.'. n't hour, a reenelerre. [`croons was ante( nr procure hand- .ame ,atLettre ....' p.ease rat' and examare, and judge (tee thenarlel••• s lams,ll, , wIII 1,. cur mooed at the short est noon, and In the blot manner. Cl the corner [re Crass and Rabat" streets, Alregneny atty. aueZt-dtf A. LAMONT & ILNOX. Iduspratt • Santo , Patent dodo doh; TILE softie-niters inform them customers met dealers i A. retxrally. that thew first thtpment for the (al bo.. ...sof the .bare whete, has .meta at Philada lata pee slop /ileum, din-et from the manufacrare in Liverpool, mid win tie bevy in a few dos. They eve mreval mbar shipments oil the war-etarco of abut, via. per stop. Niterla.than and Lydia, are hearty ifne..... they are therefrom prepared tO receive oniera Beath. the lame quantates they have coming to the eastern moos ito he forwarded her by canal) they wall en'ut";',Yelied=tnta '"'l7l&.VlTi4lqtt.gtg" ....T. _• • Paury Pars, !Moab tion. zarope. ttF walSwrilmra ban. now In Inert , a very huh j.. sa.rrstvent Ver. 'or Ise.* wee.. w hich have Leon porchaw.4l l of n Europe by one of Me fire, at very low prices' during the monetary rune, anceeredm, the French genotunote Tht. advantage, whore May pos.,. aver any other bother In the trade.f.nll suable them to sell a very so. celled ammo much below the market pore Ely - Merchants and others will advance Met, own miereste LT et amour the nrtenasre amortronnE nOLLSI. lIROTBERS, linporrers. .horn t Mulberry hetsreen gd sod 3d sort.. •sgi-dJoi Phdarlelphol. Lasettsita( y Capping anal Blatedlisyys El Nuitiu,i, ,Narce.wr to 31 R. bed.) I— • No 55 run. street, between Wood and Muth- Preset kerbes nwevred men:Wily —attendant., .3 boom paysletans of Flashers& Alle gheny and klovaneglanko. I most rAeerdWly ecommend to the phystmana fam ilies and an my former meads and partook Mr. K. II Nom. as beta; Moroughly aeguarated with the hum oats and Warily of patronage. M.. R. DF2..ANT Ilan tame aurod To 1 C 1 30 ftr o (i;iro , ,y l,. a t, R „ o . ymer's supe .. rino ros:e.e b s 19 hl do Prior k Harwood'. " " 3 • kl do do do LS do do Pearlk Harwood Si lb II do / Rolanson br do do 21 do do Wm Dawson 31 Jo T 'Wright's 37 do O Anderson 9 do L T Dade • 3 do R hlaroo . • SI do HA:troll Just lauding Irani sleArner and packets, and for sale by II Eltt.D. RI CKNOR A lb, 41 north water m sad 10 north wharves, 1E24 Plolodelphts i,jANTFACIE'RP.b TOBACCO--9u ht hf 6 sJnues 111 &Sou's tapes°, sweet lb lump.. T 3 half Lae Webster Ind esparto, sweets hoops Oil Lawrence Lanier -• 5a Si Gantry & Hoverer "Jo & 20 " Dupont (de la Kure) " Ia " 10 A McLeod v Lawrence Looter s.h es plug Just landlng from creamer , and for sole by HEALD, BUCKNOR k. Co, 41 hi water st and 10 N wharves, my3l yhtndelphia, Paper, sues; j. 400 rearm ruled Cap Wnung Paper, - ruled and plain leant do, all qualnies; 100 Flat Cap; 950 " medium Teo Paper, 150 voig. white and blue & white Bonnet Boards; lon reams Manilla Envelope Paper, Hardware Paper; put recta and for bats love by REYNOLDS & /DOM my3td4en corner peon and Irwin std -•• _ . IttANUFACTURED 'TOBACC`O--111 store and to ili a/ rive, the following brands of Tobacco, consign tnetita from manufacturers nf Richmond and Lynch burg, which will Le mid to the trade at reduced ream: I 73 Los Larnaruna 00 do John Rucker ss; 110 do Henry tr. Jame. Is, 3.• and Ma; 31 do L. JIM.. Soi RI do R. B. Warvviek 11.; IV do J. M. Stewonloo and A.; 57 do maims Madison ss. 1.8 WATERMAN anal 21 caste: DEL. W. J. MADEIRA. Dentist. OFFICE on Satuthfield street, id d • • north of Third street. Dr Madntra r rz:T0"L'.717,..".17, 1 ,1'.7. - ..',;;:.; Ingheni and 'tinity ilvmmiticas.—Dr. A N. McDowell; Dr. Faltnestocki Drllobnet Simpson; James S. Craft. Esq. AVilltant Thorn; • M. Ben). Weaver. apil7tdGra • W. & J. GLENN, Dank Binders.. Vir'o:77N!l"sTg rn t Sr„et 7n ' s " r or. sre prepared to do any k rn our Ilne de. lucid. , Wo attend to work Verll4lllltily, 1111. i ran. twitch will be given In regard to Its lIVIMICAA lUta do raTtllty. phut([ Book. ruled in any pattern and bound woh stanually. Book.to numbe or old hook. bound r nee full) oereonired. N antra put . on (kooks gilt letters Those that have work lit our lithe are melted to call Pric.• low CO—P ELTN XllllllllP. - - NM. 11. 811.3114: and Capt. JAMES ATKINSON burr entered into partnership. under the firm of WT, & ATKINSON', and will carry an the Tin. Co'Pei, at id Short Iron Ware manufactory. Also ` Illookstnithini to all it s branches, at Me old stand at 11. Scotto, First street, moo Wood. Particular attenuon peen to steamboat work 401fror. 1 t,c„." - g *: ao7 ' 8.1-12 de , 25 do 7-Lt uu 14.1-4 . d0 , nau. N. 07 ; - .20 bids No 3 mac karel ,• boa roam soap No. 1 i 111 11 do dapped noodle., 12.3 do C 1.1111140 mould do, reecivBl on consignment and for sale by wplk 8 & W JII.I•ZEIVEIa--A huge and splendid assortment JUST of Cloths, Cas.tincre.. CriValll_, and Go .118 by L WILLIAMS, fileregat under Monongahela Helmut, sonithfiedd st jikt IKON—too tono, Moo Forooto Hot Hi mat, tot. by DURDILGE, WILSON k Co, )Yl7W•ter 'Magi: VINE DRAULurr HOW ES: Three hne Draught Horses for sale, col• nv i, bin for draying, &a. 'inquire of t• WALLINGFORD& Co, as 11 canal bruin. liberty w JALVORTfirt--foi 4ioiTirenuine Freuth Calf titins, • 'y fine artiole. A iES , dozens Philadelphia liking,.-from tho manufactory of II Crowfoot to which the attention of boot woken is invited. into reseiriotid and for W. by W YOUNG& Co, 143 libiurr HOTELS -- - FOUNTAIN HT. LIGHT STREET B A L TI MORE. THIS ssll fritprirairon. Tins establishment long and widely known as being one of the most commodious In the city of Baltimore, teasrecently underge very . nice alterations and improvements. A onn enure e new wing has been added, containing numerous told airy sleeping apartments, and extensive bathing rooms. qe Ladies' department bag also been itompletely reorganized and hoed up in a mast anhene and beauti ful style. In fact the whole arrangement of the House hes been remodeled, with a single eye on the part of the proprietors, towards the comfort and pleasure of thetriGuests, and which they confulmtly msert will challenge comparison with any Hotel in the Union. Their tnble will always be repelled with every mi. menial and !emery which the market affonivoierved tooaD superior style; while in the way of Wines, Ac., they will not be surpassed. In conclusion the proprietors beg to any, that nothing will be left undone on their part. and on the part of their assistimts, to render this Hotel worthy the continued patronage of their friends and the public generally. The prices foe booed have also been minced to the following rates: Ladies' Ordinary, 111,75 per day. Gentl emen's lAO N. 8.--The Boggnge Wagon of the House will ne wer: be found at the Car mid Steamboat Landings, which will convey baggage to and from the Hotel, free of charge. mayter 1/Ikil'reD ' B4l - iirErtiOTEi, MISCELLANEOUS. t and 02 front sts 30, 1848, uumgzi moan weacwritit ' mr c tan ArIIPPIONCOVr anfialle • ltasal9 thlickhrrat.eca) Astrescrualats.otinezis or..P w mol d . smiliZia th i4.t. t h. Ix €4.kler he n ' deeesard and end the eurritteg intrther'w..lo2 myearah, ha.airg useeinted Wilmer with Mr. Wen iturithe trill he Barr. be conducted wader the aryl LIPP' can tr. Barr. - - . Trial of a safe in Cincinnati, o,—.We, the oaderldAP ed were present at the testing of one or I alarm*. Phenix Co's improved Bre-proof safes. The e placed in • furnace on the public landing, Led sableeted to the intense heat of • atone coal flu for WO tbta three hour,. In oue hour end • half the safe, dattoeits II bright red heat; the door or the &mace ,W.l.:Sitt= closed, which caused an increased end steady heallate the balance of the time, mull the east Iron wheeli were palatally melted off; t h e (amuse aims then ammo down: end the .efe cooled and opened. The woo, poem and books which it contained were as perfect aa w hem placed there, the binding only of the books 'being In. lured by the venter in cooling the safe. IVe have eo heettanon io reeommending it to the public a e e. superior to any we have ever seem tested, andOediese • itrot it will stand any heat whkch might be prbdtteedi wept a beat which would melt. It to a solid Mesa Springer & Whitman, L Worthington, Kellogg 16 Kennett, Benj. timer, W 0 P Emcee, Mans Smith, 8 Dung. & Co, Stedman, !timpani & Co, Wm Mame, it Mead • Winston We, the undersigned, selected the safe •••liou of above, from a lot In the more of Truber & -the Agents 0 9 • 9J'r; Refer to Cook A Harris, Brokers, Pittsburgh: Hussey Hanna ics, do do_ff..:lll9glV asa urrAvcorr. man n. tphGl. L. a. *toiontn. arraizam . . . . . M AILTA . C . f . T. d IY s t i, Fr , of H . amm .. z i re t tl i an h d . :3 l t i tie i l Cut, Circular and Gm Saws, Hay and Manuel Pods, Hoes, bliumeks, Picks, 1ze..., havutg completed ad their a nd in the construction of neer MlMltinefl, and in securing the beat workmen from the motto ele brated establishments of the Fenn am now manufacw ing and will keep constently on hand and Cor unle lull the above articles, having availed she d of the Intent improvements, and are determined that in nrtirk muriship and materiel they will not be egcelled. They I promise to produce articles equal If not su riori to any that can be had in the Fast. They invite . atten tion of dealers to an egnininatlon oftheir sa e bt(6115 purchasing elsewhere, as they ore convinced et they will be able to fill all orders In their line to the entire satisfaction of purchasers. Warehouse, wit.r stoma, I doors West blotiongehela !loose, Pittsburgh, Po. N., H —Persons having buenesi with WeLLIPPen eon ft Son veil plasm call on Luppertoott le. Co: omllldly_ JAMES W WOODWELL Pittsburgh Furniture Ware ROOZIU, at,-- .• .. • • . A larsie and splendid sosonment of Furni ture, satiable for Steamboats, Hotels and pri vate dwellings, constantly on hand and made to order. ... The present monk on hand cannot be exceeded by any manufactory in the western counn7. Pence. tmalong to purchaae would do well to glve me a call, on tun determined my prices shall please. Part n 4 the mock emmiats di sofas with Plush and Hsu-elm] oasers 2 dos Mahogany Nurse Chaim 14 pair thyansi 12 dor Eine mahogany ChairN II mahogany Work Mande; 3 dos 'mahogany Hocking Chum, 15 rnartrle top Presamg Bares.; 1 , Nur Ortorrians; 5 marble top Work Stands; lb cherry Work Stands; blab:many, Maple. Cherry, and Poplar Bedsteads of all derenpuons, and a large mrartment of common Mower, tat chairs, too numerous to mention. moat( LA.I2II•__CAU . II:I2Si 6,D_A144_11 . 4Ef . 7: VAIN G COIL sr os PH . EPA.ELED CHALK. Tif."s 7 a7onr:il;scare how frig/OEllli injurious it is to the skin—how coarse, how rouA hoar sallow, yel -1 low and unhealthy the skin appears - atm. sisinj pared ohallrt amides kis muumuu&eornanunkr • large quantity of lead: We have prepared a beautllel vegetable which we tall /was , SPAIVISII LILY WIDTE. It perfectly innocent, twin' purified of all deleterious qualtues, and it trepans to the skin n natural,. healthy , alabaster. clear. living which ett the same ti me tiontili as a eirsmenc au the gnt, Wt al Csoheun end smooth. Dr James Anderso li n, Fortumal nst of Massa. ehowtes, seri, `After analysing Jones' Spatiisti Lily While. I find it possesses the =lost beginner,' and nano rat, and at the mane urrie innocent whet 'ever saw. I certainly can c•••.reloalsousib recommend as Us mall whose akin!equity.* I.earrll lug." Price, 4 Cent. a hot Sold by WM JACKS N. 8 9 t•thn,Y IL marlp Pitt Machine Works sad Foundry. r1r11111 7 11.011, T(I W RIG IT A rto., aherpreparcd rebuild Cotton nod Woolen Aistehrocry Of evei, desenption, such • C.111:1. AlaCi1111•,. SpIDIUDIC Fratnes, Speeders, Drawl!. Frames, /Lao way Heads, Wartwrs,74.olEr, Dmssine Fratnes. Idsrots. Card (insider., rt.uit hl Iron Slwlt, turned s 1,j0.1 of Cast In. Follies orm.l Mincers 01 ,he istest pattern, slide and hand Lathes, and weds of an kinds. Castings of every demnpuon nroishrd oo snort nom,. Fattents made to Order for Dearms, Iron Sailing. An Swam Hue for hest todi Fartaries, Cast Iron Window Sash and fancy Cm. tins generslly tinier. left at the Warehouse of J. Faimm & Co., Liberty street, will have prompt mien non Refer to Markatoek, Bell k. Co, J. K. Moorehead & Co., G. E. Warner, Joho fro & Sons, Pirtabarka ;E. C. A 1 11. Warner, Stedkenedle. lardo sew Ilanra-vrarallinaao. ••• • JOS.F.PII W00DW92.1... COMM. of L:rk -,,,,, Woad and MI Ma, Pittsburgh. Hay- Iv' anthdrawn fmeo the firm of • • Voodweii, maist of .Imtissiry, I pleasure in mittouncinet to my (cicada to thcity and cannery. that I have openedmy new atom al dm above named place. Hastex perebesed mY Pbcvi• , rash, andnude orrongternents web nianufacturent to ilus country and in Furores to be constactly tumefied, / on , fuily prepared to leretsh Hardware of alf .. kinds, ' aa rood term. and as low a a toy house East or West. Marritonts and ,ohm are respectfully invited to colt and examen., try moat, before purchasing else. where. The rottovettax compnses a part of Ms stock: Steamboat and saddlery hardware, gun cum:tines, Ilea, Naylor :a nerd, cutlery, edge tool., anclis, vices, locks, latches. try then, butt hinges, arrears, Union Fac tory Plenea mer . mahogany board, and veneers. and Ott min, ornate. connected with the hardware bust. neer, meant( City Daiguerriatt TALL araxtr. nor °lrma...llAM, HOGE: bees leave to inform the ctexerw of Pins °. burgh and vicinity. Mal he has mien the Daguer non Rooms lately cm-opted try Mt Porter The mpub lic are assured that .11 the late tinonavamenm ant oo red, sad molt be brought ntto operation by Mr. Hoge. who has been Constant operator Inlet the an was first discovered. Enure sans/mown a gnaranteed to 01l who may become hie patron.. Mr H will refer with piessure to Mr Ponce, in whom estahltshesent roe has operated lee the last twelve months. Family Pot- KniirsYlnda DoteerronlPes. Ae., aeveromly copied. Likenesses naten tit •n) weather, and set in lockets. breast eases and (come.. Instr....ls riven in every branch ofthe an, and ap paratos fortusbed. m9:tf Pon a Itinittina Shop. vvioirrxtANMauuracturar of all kinds of col . emend woollen machinery, Allegheny city, Pa shove works bet now now m toll nod aucecombl op erasion, I am prepared to execute orders with dispatch for all kind. al machinery to my line, ouch as welowa, pickers, spreader., cmd., ',nodule machines, runway, drawing frames. speeders. thromils, Moms, woolen cards, double or angle, for merchant or country work, mules.ose k d e., slide and hand !antra and tools in gen eral All kinds of Montag mode to order, or Mom m en for gearing foctoriev or mills stnasonable charge. Hama to—Kr:mealy. Child+ Illackst ack, Hell . d, Cu . King, Pennock*. Co. Jae. A. Gray. - • - B KLL AND 'BRASS POUNDELY. -- ALbuilt FL: LTN, Bell and Brass Founder, as and co U mnreneed bu sine ss at his old stand where be veal be pleased to me hi. old custom ers and friend.. Charchogteamboac and Bells of every slim, from 10 to 10,11 W pounds, cut from patteres of the most approv ed models, anal warranted Is he of the best materials. ,Mineral Witter Pumps Cormier., Hailing, an, toge ther with every sanely of Brass Castings, If required, turned and anishisd in the neumst manner . A. F. Is the sole propneior of llunres Asvi.Arnu rion klrras, leo justly celebrnmd for the redaction of fruition to machinery. Tho Boxes and Compaduon can be hull of tura at all times. al:11__ Plonaghar Plough Casiliagii; Oozes, to. ROBERT HALL, of the old hem of R. A S. Hall, is %aunt.- tonng large qu•utt ties of Ploughs, Plough Castings, Wag on boxes, Ac., with the improveincras of the Leaver. Peacock, Illinois. and other Ploughs, of the latest and best patients now In use. Warehouse, 106 Liberty street. Plciabergh, appetite the Hay Scale; Factory, w Allegheny etty, hear We Cotton Factory of Messrs. Blocking:ink, Bell tt.Co. dewily ait ir. E NU' otin eitifx, - - - • .. VIAITERS TO TIIIS RETREAT can In fermaited with a I.uneh at all hours or the day; also, Ire Creams. Fruit Canfeetlonary, &a. The steamer Green wood makes bet regular trips as uauol, Imitator her Put veer 1 ..".8 at ti A. M., and at halt pastach hour lit until 101 P. Nl.—leaving the Gar e den at tu P NI. (or her last rep to the city. A moonlight view of the Garden is Indescribable in tin bAumv. 1111.5 NOTICE. __ TjAVINU sold our cadre *loch to C. U. GUN", enth IA a %new to °Mang our old butane., are'horeby but for him the patronage of all our friend% and cu.- touters. RU. NV. 14.11 N DEXTM TH 44. POINDErrEft. l'Huburgh, Aug 4th, Itt-4. 1 . (1 41 GRAN r. ‘Chnle;;lW G roe er, Commsoton andV • Forwurtltng Alerettant. No. 41 Minter st. graft JOHN NHEItiI . F & CO., vos in and vl l'ennt lomat. Ball Pounders anti man• utneturert of an Lcuuhnof Faunas tor Gas, •ott Water, ha' , tOvrays okt haat! Wrought bolon f o , s team. en., and water,. Alma tn. un hi. ut din meter. 11.11 , K111 mode to order. Also, el large lonoottnent to Balls and !hushed Brass Work to relnell the nuannon 01 I.numbara end Engine Ihulders is parneolarly chr,eted. lit. I.'llllllgs put up prompUy and on reasonable termssep2lSsltlns Pe links•y t w•tals Anal Round Ciampansy. NOTICE r• hereby given that the :km Ifttsabaticte of Five Dollar,. per share en the Capital Stock of hi. Company is required to be mud mu or before the first day of November nets Instalments not paid punctually wilt he mita,. to penalty alone per coin per mouth,. required by lawlit.e lib:W111: V. BACON, "'renamed. N. B —I nstalmr out will he received W. H. DENNY, Si the Merchant.' & lidanufnetutersi Bank, Pittsburgh octUAllst Nov JlitOr RECEIVED AT W. 1 1 1'el..INTOCK'S, Fourth at, and for sale cheap, via: pa {do crimson Plush, rieh shade; 2 Drob cloth, (or coach trmorags; F'olinos . 6 s ems.an and scarlet Dameska; 1 bale of anise unsurpassed Huss. mot, MAC! !INK'S,at nom 6.6 el Klee Magnede Marquise, from different eastern mons faslamtsi Marie Clocks for steam boats, canal boats and factories. Also, Clicnucals, Thermometers .4e., (Or sale by BLAKE& CO, comer market and the ;Dimond - N B.—Deetriegy of either kind adminiatered at the dtrecuon of physicians. ePYo AT W. M. fiI , CLINTU A M CK, No. Fourth street, can be seen a epleodul variety of sup Royal. Val vet and Tapestry Carreds, latest aulm. Also, Btur eels, plye and sup and fine Ingram Carpet; of sup sLyles and quolitimb and m connommit can alorayste Mudd Table irnene, Crusher, Diapers. Damasks, Sto arena, Oil Cloths. tee. b.e., to all of NOMA aro call tho attention of Mo yobbo. auk7l bbla tIL lamei parr Dakar Hoare Molasses, In mom and (or sale by will RUNT LUIZ ELL #pq Ikberiy so DRY & VARIETY GOODS. FRESH FAGG GOODS CHEAPEST MI J'DER DAY'S, 75 reeeivod I:ll7lth'irtt,ALUANlO corner of the Diamond. large and splendid stock of all and - wham Dry . booth, b Which they would re. Spectrally Invite the attention atthe public. It is well keener; to almost CT.117 ore- 01114.4.3 present season is one distinguished for ithlosr*le4as of Dry Goods, and it atrordi as great elemmmt.ih heing able to state that oaring to our rms._ Amildiesior that purpose, (one of the. font irmdd. Ph.Didelphle,) we hove been ens. hied to Osteltase oar pr mai.doek at a considerable redaction:lran the dual market rates, cheap les they aril, swimmeret themforesatired to sell at coffeepot. diner loam than the sepal Area We world them- Ann Invite, all eaah buyer. by:teholesale or mail, to =social, air lay oat their meoey.w the beri ad- The ilia:* Mould call and examine oar stock of Print.‘ (Itogrtants. do Laines, Cashmeres, Alpacas, hferiney that, 13ombasines, Plaids, and 'arras other styles orulakallble Days Gads, Mart:Ochre hare a very finearromn, k leelndlog every deseription of those godly CLOTHS AItIVCAS i S L IKEiITo the gentlemen arm would remorrommilettirAff_Frenett Claps lad &shah, French and Amerman Palmyra. cl fl almost every variety andgv ars Yam so ezehlleitt as. FLANIM.S. whitens:oTel= Flannels of all qualitimand prices, TICS:NUS AND CRECES--A saperior assortment of neklaits of dll radon mod Storting Checks in great variety. BLEACSED• ANG.Sfilpytryil MUSLlNS—Enthre eing almost every descnpuon Of the above goods, in cluding_Shectings of kirwidthii. ALSO—A fine stook of SatiaVestinFs, Bilk and Cot ton Velvets, both praiaand figured, hantunky Jeana plaid L.inseys, plaid and, fancy figured Clo ak ing and cloak Linings, bleaolpd and unbleached Tabled:nape ,r both Linen and cotton, bleached end unbleached Table cloths, bleached. and - unblesicbed Canton Flame* cola do deli Banned and Bonnet Ribbons, bik and cold silk cravats; Lidice Snarls and cravens, Gloves and Hosiery Of W kinds, Suspenders, Irish Linen*, Linen Lawns, Linen lidkfs, Silk do, blk Lace Veils, Love do end fidkre, Oil Chintzes, Russia and Scotch Diaper, Clash, Linen, plain smped and barred Jaeonets, Cant; brie and Swiss Muslin*, Victoria Lawns, Green Bare. len* , Merchants visiting the city for the purpose qr laying in their supplies, should not rail to give us a call, us they will find our goods and plieet such as cannot fi to sun their purpose Al ,RV• NDF;sh k DAY, seplei 75 market in, N cos Dii The New Golden Bee Moe Again. New Fall ara Winter Dry Goods. • TUSTreceived and now opening, at the sign of the LI Bra flat Mgr, on Market arum; between Third and Fourth streets, one of the largest, cheapmt and best assorted stocks of Fall and Winter Dry bloods ever of fered to Pittsburgh, to which the attention of our nu merous customer, and the public generally, Is respect fully insetted, as the aubacriber La confident that he eau offer such bargains in Dry Donis aa cannot be sur passed by any other house in the city. As these goode have been purchased at prices for below those of any former semen, they will be sold at greatly reduced rotes. Among this large and splendid Mock will be foetid many ehotce and dmrlii goods at extremely low poxes LADLES' DRESS GOODS. Very rich and most fashionabledress ;111m; plaid and .tripod black saun; striped and plaid silks; plain black very glossy gre de Shine; plain black ilea lninse; laa wing, silk for visages, mantillas and capes at very low priest newest design. nod Weil styles cashmeres; plain and satin sinned cashmere, very chev; French merino all colors; de lollies, plain and dinned and satin striped, at great reduction on former pnces; gala, Cal ifornia and caahmere plaids: mohair and Monterey plaids, all qualities; Lip.ell, all qualities and colors, from tni to 75 rents per yard. SHAWLS! SHAWLS!! I=O=U=!IIM MEEMISMM P=l22== - -•- Fine quality long, rorr. oo roil do Plain block and plaid silk, very cheap do A large lot plard blanket shawls from 73 cent. to 63, all wool. DOMESTIC 001;11/S, MUCH EfELOW FORMER PRIM& Good dart calico from 3 to 6 eta yor yard; Ban quality du* mama (rem 6 to 10 eentm Yard mode parole do, ma; • Good pod ...Me bleached =dint to 61; Bed nelungs and checks, all miemq Blanteta, from coarse to best quality, very chant A full usrortment of red, whit, add yellow Kamm* Sautietta Kentucky Jeans, Remora, Unsays, etc, etc, arc, ail of which will be cold at reduced Meg, at No OS Market rt. rep2o WM. L. RUSSELL. FALL Goons.-- . . . . TV APCLINTGCK, ts now constantly receiving his y .fall stock of CARPETING, Ste- compramg one of rho largest assortments ever brought to the mar . km. *wen have beret purehaaed direct from the Imo porters and Manufactu rens of the latest and newest styles, and lower to price than ease offered in this city, to who, hain the attewoo of those wisbiag to furnish steamboatsvitee or houses, lieforo purchasing else where. The stock commas at-part of the following Tammy, vm: Leh Amminist Carpets; Oriental Tapestt7 Oil Cloth do Velvet do Plain. eolored do do Tapestry do 21; feet vide do Brussels do 8-4, 74,3-4, 4-4 Is. I oil cloth Extra weer 3 ply do Stair Rorie Sore . r ingr.in do do 13-4, SV4 and 2-4 Draggett do Stair Lined* Wide do do Finsenirood Oil Cloth Common do do crumb cloths 4-4., 3-4 a 1 Damask Embossed Piano covers Vet:lmam do do Table do 11, 14 hNerd do do Figured Table Oil 'loth. 4-4,34 A. 1 p/sln do do Turkey Red Tallman 4-4, j,l. fb. 2-1 cox do AdelaM Mats S-4 printed cotton Carpets; Stteep.akm do Emns sup Chenille Rugs; Jute do do do Tufted do Alicent do nue do do Manilla Hemp Wilton do do Snowdrop - Napkins Crimson bg'd Plush; Draper Tots/allow Plant do Crash, • . Drab NI C10th..., E-4 and 6-4 Table Linens Sloe do, for conch tiregs; Trauscont Window Shades Carpet rionloup 4a - tra French do do Wost`d cords Rich Satin de iraillell for do Taaseis window curtains •• • • ric•rlet, blue,crimson, black .strui drab Damasks; fig urnd rainbow. Damasks; ' , united and Bain Table rovers; blue. crimson, scarlet, peen, drab arta black Moreno.; tenon Plashes of all cigars, kn. ke. Ice. Also, Osneburns and Drlllangs for steamboat deck, and all other trimmtags neee nary for outing for boats in our lion, to which Use especial attention of owners Intntett. W. 31•CLINTOCK1 Carpet Wareroom, one door from Wood, on Fourth it. sep' OIL CLOTHS, du, W. 31 . CLISTOCK'S CARPET STQRE, N 73 Fousra Shur. _ . ()NE of the largest and the 113011 choice sloth of CARPETING in the market. embracing .11 the thatqualm (met the most approved naanollavtortes, that have Wert tested for darabtlity In fabric and co lors Tapestry Velvet Carpeting; do Bruseels do Brussels earpe.g-, Extra sup 3 ply do Sup Ingrain do Ftne do do Kum Rnp Tufted . do Wilton do Bruised• do Comonon do Manufactured to order in new pauoittE adapted to pat lon., basemen,. and chamber*. --••. • • • . Panned Ull Cloth*, for dining roomn enmeg, bales, kitchens. ten. Munn, St i utr Rods, 'Window Shades and Fixtures. couon and Woollen Docking, from ono third to three Cards wide. Door Mats, /ce La., to which the alien uon or purchasers al wholesale and retail is inspect fully invited. Warerooln, one door from Wend at. Born W hiCLINTOCFC Shacklett & White. No. tit %Vow, Smew, INVIT&N the attention of Western Men:Manta to their j large and fresh thick of . FALL AND WINTER PRY GOO which they are now receiving direct from the Eastern Manufacturers and Importers, and which they will eel at Enters robbing price. Ilatong every facility for the parch mo of . goods to the best ail r swage, and the lowest powible pnexs, they confidently invite Merchants to examine the qualities and prices of their goodxfeellog wilstled they cm com pete favorably with any market either East or West. s Melt stock will compnse a full wsortment of all goods usually kept in Dry Goods Howes, and will be coustantly rteerriug additlons of all the new and den rable etyles of goods of domestic or foreign manatee] tare. and will only require an examination to be op reciated. sepia v,rKlrirAi- - . yvR kIURPHY, northeut comer of Fourth and . Market as., is now opening his early fill stock American and imported Dry Goods. Buyers will pleaselook before making their purchases. Open t his morning, a beautiful assortment of Plain black Aluess, sup'r Bromide do, do satin striped do, do barred do. Besides a large impartment of ,newsst style prime gingliamsAmusllnt Irish linens, Zr., very low, E rr Vilnalconic toms on second story. Goods to cash tnayets at about Eastern mama hterchante will do well to call. sepd FFRENCHMERINOS.--Starn k Jonas.. No, 46 Market street, have ihnt day opened a ease of French Merinos of all colors, also Lyoneso cloths, al pacas, oriental de, cubism rca, moos de loins, sdk plants and woollen do, which will be *old extremely low. sep4 Panoy Dross Gionits,• — 11,FZEIVED this morning at A. A. litutin Co's, 60 Market street, 40 ps supenor painted cashmeres and moue de lames, 10 pit nth mohair !wires, and out dos embnudered drew. of mast elelyit sl7le. - 1 EMMA NTS (IP s "'"'" PAINANTS OF CALICOES—A A mawia Co, 60 11 Market al, are Orating out • large lot °l'M:manta fe C.llea., at fully Lod( the um./ pace—good tut co ired Prin. et 61e. 107 13LUE AND ORANGE PRINTS, and blue Alern wholmesnle mom of M ock do, constantly on hand W at lowUßPest pr HY, ices, at augl con 4th and market at.. M story 13 LEAGIiED nit;:il.lNs—A A Mi. - TO &CSNIFuIdiT.- hot at. have Jost opened 3 mono crowsof these very cheap bleached Mosbus at he. Also ;4 more crams on the tic do. Also, another large lot Atha moments or Calico, at Mc. eagle ITPORCELAIN BEADS—The subscriber yy having received the sole Agencylor rale ofJortea, White Co r m Plate, Gum, Pivot, Molar Wad Illscuspi. detects Teeth, invites Dermas' sppvevial strentat. JOEL MOHLER, Dengglst mid Apothecary, apt? car prom! and 611 x sts STEEL (MODS--Steet Say( Cleave, lha Bert 0000 r wont to the any; Steel Heads, do Bag Taasalra do Puree do; do Sum Magog do do Chum do .Sadea; do Key Itottrai do Top Combs, pod reed at the stew Fancy Store. dtl Market .1.1001 W - DS— lowo GOOA fall runeut eaa'rd and striped,Carnbries, plain and Chald Jacomits, SwleP and Scotch Mull, B.ok alumnus ' Eliletop Lawns, Nansooks, spotted Mulls, Victims Lawns, Tarlotop Muslin., together with • full aesoresit of Hokum* plain and fancy Newt, Lace; Edging., . I .p, &a. Se.. of of which have Jam arrived fresh•rmnri the im. porters, mild for sale low to the trade. by OiIAC ha, LIT & NITRI TE 0117 VrA HINE hate no* on bend In full awortment of Vulcanized India:Rubber Ma caw,: klandinK, all widths, from a i.h..t. w jach .. In width. which we wdl at mannfarnitrers rices, and carriage saved to the purchaser, atNrs 6 Wood yt, & UPRILLIPS Si,,& times AND FRLYGES—AndOO4 as &a u lon Kutsey's, No. 67 Illnrltct areal: 111 dot yards black cut Silk FTidga, of various Irld.ths; pasterns and prices, .unable for Maw* jut lb dos yards Dist all widths tut glybctiforSit ta. 44 p 4. . ilk awl • SA.TIN STRIPED ALPACAS —W R Murphy has i hdlln .PIAY of "e' good..bidek•Sad Odlosed of ew„.and ;ta ftxrdod at low poen. for quality; idApo, ea& VOL. XVI. NO. 79„ LITERARY The Bankers , 'Magazine. T HE BANIMRS' bIAGAZIIVE, and Stetafinancia th orßank i ing : u udi r ; d ß p 4 ri n n 4Pkr arta& luturance end Bering. Banta; K sdui American Law Decal:ions in reference to the butt nest of Rants Pod Banters, &c. gated by J. &nub Homan, 1 Particular oimmuon will be given us heretofore to di compilation of recern decisions respending Book, B • ken, Bills of Exchange, Promissory Notes, usury ..c t Benda, Nomd he, in the Courts of Ma oodotoona ent, ear York, Pennsylvania Maryland, Vi ia, Booth Camillo, Ohio, Louisiana Tennessee, Mgr &stem This will boons of the most Important mares of the work, and mill In nut claim the attention of Presidents, Cashiers, Teller. Notaries and others. Amoco other details of 'moor. ante to bankers and others, she work mill contain sta tistics of the Banks in every State or the Union; Inn graphical sketches orprondnem Bankers of Europe and America Official Tables showing the delta, bosi oons., oxpenditmos, and fluaxicial condition of the love] Oldßlares Of tho Union: lIMEI;i= ELLIOIT .1, .ug Agems for Burke.' Maprzine. " ... Amber de gerteasses Publications. RE subscribers haesow been appoiuted ogcntlot the lode of the Entblicatthrto ot tho above sen:l known puhlishing house. hoes a full supply of their books on hand, which they can sell at the eustern nes, wholesale and retaiL Among the works which have been recently issued by them, which have been =reconunended as exceedingly interesting and le, may be totted—The Czar, Ms Coon and Pro plc; Ireland's Weicoate to the Stranger Bethel Flag, by Dr. Spring; Napoleon and his Haralials; Washme• ton nod him Genenils; The Sacred Mountain.; Orators of France; Teaching Science, toe s; aer nn Arum; Charlotte Illizaheth's Uniform Work T. S. Arlhur's Making Haste to be Rich, Riches havelVings, Keepuig op Appearance', Debtor and Creditor," &e: the. Abut, the works from the press of Robert Carter, the ehantetei of Sabah" pisblleaddtut is well known. Tor retino's Theokuy, in 4 cola; Haldane on Romans; Mn. Cheyee's works , ; 'The Conennt, by author of School Girl in France, 6e. he. Now book. occeleed as soon ets ..p.tai.h a ELJ.JQTT tr. ENGLISH, reylt yS outiod and 80 Market sts A NEW WORK BY DR. 110011 E - .-Mao and A. Motives, by Geo Moore, author of Body and Mind, Scud and Body, ete. Prim the Dairy Tayler,M. A. Me. CWilmers' Posthumcns Worts,Sabbath Scripmre Readings. New Testament, Vol.!. gi.m. Historical and dibreallantiocre Questions: by R NI/unr eel'. Embracing the Momenta of Mythology, Astroo. may, Architecture, Heraldry, etc. etc. PIT. the -401 Laotian edition. Adapted WlSchembs in the V. •dtaii, by Mrs lirha Lawrence: Engravings. 91,10. 041gtda Poems - by m iteitelia. PM edition, enlarged. Faun Plato Conon Atheos.—Plato against the Atheists; or the tenth book of We dialogue on laws, occompunsed with critical notes, and foil - oared by extensive Mwer tationa By Tayler Laws, L. L. A IPAubigne , s Mowry of the Reformation New edi tion, revise* 4 Vol.. Complete In one elegant octavo. The above, with a variety of new and votonne work., Jun eeo'd by Et HOPKINS; sera Apol/oßnildmiLs, Wood STEW BOOK/3—Ellator7 of coN7.--Biorrophic.i ,L 1 and Potitleal , comperring ?demo. of Member. of the Congresa of this United State, drown from authen tic SOUSG.; embracing the prominent events of their lives, and their connect= with the political history of the times: by Henry O. Wheeler. Illustrated oy nu merous meel portraits and fm-simile autographs Logs and Queens or, Life in the Palace—eonsisting of Historical Sketches of Josephine and Maria Louisa Louis Philip Popiiinand of Austria, Nichol., Isabel la d, stifictorlai by John El 0 Abbott. Ramos Notes on Jamb. , Peter, John and .1 tide.— Notes, explanatory and practicl . sn the general erns ties of Jae ., Peter, John and J •by Albert Ban,. Mary Grover, or, the TrOAling Wife—a. Domestic Temp iri erance,Tale: hy Charles Barden, author of No , Coirees &o. _ - - Harold, the Last of the Saxon Wings: by air Edward Bnlwer Lytton,Complete ht two pmia Part V. Harpees Illastratmi Edition or the Arabten Nights' Entertainments. The above works received Ws day, and for wkly JOHNSTON ok. STOCKTON, 1710 Bookseller., eor Market and 3d.. • 'MEW BOOKS—no Women of be American Rev. IA alai= by Elizabeth P. Ellet—in two volumes-- with Robert am a Peel, and as a Mani by Samuel Tyler, orthe Maryland Ber. The Gambler, or the Polieesnaul'e Story: by Cbarien Burdett. Clow to be a Man; a book for boys, containing n e e N ((al aims on toe formation of eharacton by Harvey ewcob. ful l rur 07 Itte rogitioo k o f f r = b . 7 70 are " c; Newcomb. Anecdotes for Dugs--atterbuning narratives and anecdote, tllustrauve of pruamples and character, by Harvey Newcomb. Anecdotes for Girls.—Entertaining IMlTlrtives and anecdotes, Illustreuve of psnelpies and character. Just received and for sale by oott7 JOHNSTON &STOCKTON New Sacred Wade Boole. THE NATIONAL PSALMIST; an egerave eoliee -0011 of Psalm and Hymn Tunes, Anthems, Chants, and sec pieces, by Lovell !diva and Geo. Jas. Mason. Thss near collection. epos which meek time and lee h oc h es been bestowed, contains (betides • Large pro, portion ti dos, old and standard inneseddch have wet grub long emainaed favor, ) • large sanely of new sod original music, furnished by distanßaished foreign and native composers, making the work one of the 4.081 complete collections of Psalmody .over published. l; rental. also many tithe most popular Enghsh chants, and a rich treaty of anthems and eb:014.11, adapted both to choir practice and church service. 3XI raptce of dm above masa book revolved and fur sale al pubfishen prices, by JOHN H MELLOR; SI *owl et IV - KW BOOKEI—The Writings of CUM. Alsreei.s. 11 Clay, including Speeches and Addressme. Edoed, moth • preface and memoir, by Horace Greely. The First Book in Spanish; or, • practical introduc • non to the study oldie Spanish Language: .eoutaning fall Instructions in pronunciation, • grarnmar,crsre,„ es on the Oltendoeff method of constant imitation and repetition, reading lessons, and dvocatmlary, The whole adapted for the nee of private learners, or for classes nder an Inconel:or. By Joseph Salk cid, A. M., author of "A Compendium of Classical Antiqui ties," etc. Brothers and Sisters, a tale of domatie life; by Frederik. Bremer. Translated from the °rival un published umnactipt„ by Mary Roe-it,. The Dystur Robin, and other tales. By Joseph Alden, D. D. Just received and for sale by JOHNSTON & STOCKTON _ . FRENCH PROTECTEp GOLD PENS—We bare s received • supply of teen excellent Prn, Their .o pen onry consists in the Protector, and import ant improvement which gives them the iollemeng ad vantages: Ist It sustains the nib and prevents the crinistng of the two parts of which it t. composed, by miuntaintng a perfect parallelism between them. I: rem.. a much larger quantity of intilim oth . er gold pc.. 3d. It prevents e ve ropping or spattering of the ink. It thus obviate,ry °reaction which eon be urged Mill= en:briars gold gene. In addition to this, the workmanship is superior to that of any pens of domes ,,a ensurdscuire. They will make as fine a hair mark 111.11 the boom steel pen, while they hove alt the elastici ty of thermal. They have given sarisfiwtion in every Instance in which they have been tried. Brown A, 's Ho yty's lanc, m edia, and smell Pens , Lc Premium Pens The (...'unEress Pen; The an of Pen; The Rlchelleu Premium Pen for sole al man- prices, by JOILNSTON fr. STOCKTON Al.rket corner ;wild N - ENV BOOKS --Lectures on Shatimenre, by ll N Hudson, in two volumes. The Power of Pulpit, or plain droughts addressed to Christian ministenr, and those wan hear them, on the iSpringnfluenCe of preached Gomel, by the Rev. Gardiner The Peasant and his Landlord by the Baroness Knorring. Translated by Mary Howitt. Lamattinek Girondists, VoL IIL History of the Gi rondist, or personal memoir of the patriots of the Prem. h Qom impublisbed sortmes--by A. do L.., martin A few copies of each oldie above works received this day and for sale by JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, Booksellers, my3o comer market and dd sts NEW BOOKS. DIONEER HISTORY Being an ac<oont of the .1, first examination of the Ohio Valley, and the early settlement of the Northwest Territory, chiefly (noon original manuscripts containing. thepapers of Mr. George Morgan, those of Judge Burk, the Manes of Jo seph Buell' and Jahn Matthews; the records of the Ohio Company, de.. de., with monerons plates and maps. By B. P. Hildreth. 0.1102. of Tim Amenean Revolution J by E. o,on. With ;annuls of Saml. Adam, as. Warr..., Pacriek Henry, Alex. Hamilton, 1 - mlier Ames and John Randolph. I vol. Moth. Retiring from BLUBLUG/1, or The Rich Man's Error, by T. S. Arthur. A few copies of each of the above works received this day and for lisle by JOHNSTON d STOCKTON omit , booksellers, cm Markes and Third CIETNTIFIC APPARA TUS, for Common Prehooß, kJ Seminaries and Private Families, mainsails of Tellurian, Orrerys, Globes, numeral (none, Geometri cal Fonts and Solids, Geological Sperjracus, Geome trical Block., to. de. I not, including box with lurk arid key,111341. For sale by sep2o RHOPiaNkl,.fith t, snecesser to IL Rad OF nRATORS OF THE ABIERIOAN.XEM.UTION, by F.. L. Malcom, Plato s otROLL dam, Josteplt Warren, Patnek Henry, Alel.l3e.tuthrty, Hater Antes and .john Randolph; dedicated to etadento,lytto ire not drones, Christlen• who rue not bltoteotad thisens who are not detn . op t eguets pr,brtrt o trout Business, orThe Rich htee's Frso T. S. Arthur. FOl sale by • ELUOTT r, by 4 ENOLISH, 78 wood, and 50 market sta Books 1 Hooks 1 I IC4AMARTINWS GIRONDISTS, hamle, Wendell's Blackstone's Commentaes; Vhat I saw m Caltfonna, by 1:47.m, Tbe Czar Ins court awl people, lactating la tour in Norway and Sweden, By Reiclng from Basinesa 2 Ot l Vßich Man. Error. By T. 8. Anlmo. S pencers The Battle of Bane Vista. By Capt. Carlsmn. CIEW. Tyler's Tac des. S"lunits's Rome. A general assmtomtst of School and Colleg e les t books for ad. by IL 40 P KIN ' S sepd Apollo Buildings, Fourth at neat W nl. rsOOKE! BOOM—Lemur s on Tbeobr ; by rye JD law Res. John Dick, D. D. publlsbe ander the superintendence, onds sou, with's brsplucsl intm dnetion by an American .itat— ame. enna In one sot- Dwight's Theology, 4 Edward's Works, 4 vols. Chbners , Works, 4 vols. Emitter's Church filitory c and al sobs, brEwan on the 'Dypcs of Lisnn pabbstted.) Also large and well solecOad noelr o(71toolopcs14 bliscol and Behoo Book 4ar sale I by ELLIen , ,sap 78 woodsuld dG kot CJAMPHOR-1 Rd. Nj Gm aazr Atale ar sepftWlCK tet A fS;ls;lle:etliCne—T%%494inf"tr Y"'d by mpeD Dem RaILLIVri 1 " imp QARDLEs-44. j,T,IL dies in Loa • oeul SOt i , loo bu No 1 kiu4k,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers