o coney ': , 400 do lk Pep Pan 12 t .i . a n Kata 9.• L and Pa -:111=01487. teutozadatr, -, „ mood. p!. 85 16, 8 e4L.P/r- , .. • 60 6.66 86 1 ..a 08, Lv_i k 6 1.6.-11..6. and 12st r,b a = and Vt ' lOW No - 1 huga mut. ""*.IS Oda NOtilarar, 856 ke6.. 1 64. Lea "` . eau Black; ..- .trey R B a:Lazio IS Jae Mate Alea;'. , • 3 • do Hof Ines , 4 i 30 rents lbw Wrapping - Paper, - t5O &Straw dodo; 50 dor Hampton* It e oils maolU Rope; • 100012 n eattortilarna; TOT:No 1.44. IF Bulky; to Rosin Soi : jg r . 1 00 . rate%rly; Mt bbla Roan; ' , ' , 40 casks TerinanPadnalde. Mined Soda AA; debts 10xVICidiare l'lldoltSodel • 102 do plat Eanfir; 'tido &do do; ' 111 Griquas .Battles 130 Mr Lime, !Si Ilatleatty'd title P o w . d e er ' NO do - lk, Rock NEN 14 tdles No 141 .Sheet Ines; SO' Peitioek - and Plum Levee Roo h. - .1: ‘' ,`ratrow übse nd l e,his . gilr iv • s VII, Imperial, O,P bllsTen II: bU: do, do -41.4 M itia 1 4.4, 1 4 31, i Old (jai laft'do auulaseurrod To. „ jatio,'3y I. Ids, 325, r tb di rp; 17. I bb -Nstotegor. ,1 5 beISPePr e jr ° , ''Atbdest`lorstg 0ri&47 0 F! ,1 :.' eer bit No IChoecdate. .*:'• 2 slits Eplocm Salts ~",'SSlbblitTiussets,9ff 50 bids No 3 Mackerel' halflble do ' 7i bye white Britt Bum 1611 bxa Harting; No 1: IS Ms Bordeaux Almond:, 25 S Walnut,." 35 "Filberts 50-- a Brasil Note - • 00 ", Tenn Ord Nam 2110 - tax'W & Stades ettel Tornaur Cutup 60 drums Fir' • 7 maisltate* - 12 mks Zante Currants 40 Ws Shelled - 'Almonds cues Liquorice 20 bus Rock - Catidy 70 bill Sardines 75. - Fite cratkere • :,Sew rtuieed rsMaculate ''' 'cubs , Lamp OW SPres Candles 6eu .. "':;1:11twxs WWl* Pip" 55bis Lemon Syrup . Idasei prated Ginger Blacking Io,ol6 "" itiatipe,- Regalia, and Havana . 7b411y Salt ,t 0.41.16 maned Sugar ousak BErverk, • • Stawies nowt tItAMF:I=I Oinklarks 4543” Ot.e. Magi Rio and Laois% corms ; • ULU /go PAR* Y. a; tr. P. and impold teas; N. 0. -- ougar; _ IWbbls " Imalanac 100 tan Autioitea tobacco • _ ?OD !Ides Pl : .Y.solp leiglt4 /631qpil ?Oa powder ;• reams "Flapping paper ; " foolscap ; GO bb l. No. large m ack erel; . .NorthCarolica tar; wonted loaf sugar,' ~• 60 ckip logmbecl; 10 - grmugleacaireed ; klatoptiato madder ; caroossll.P.lndlgo; - 210 ." — aslerita s; ' 75 doh bed Canis; . senaral at of PlOslitugb .scatrafactures )nemvixwarusin age on aricenscodaticg terms by B. FLOYD, ..Bound Char& Wools*: Neirebanto.i. ' ,--- 41‘1.51113Y t Ban ofkr4ar rile at 3 Wood sun , Pittthergkon secaauobotirtiag tarn 1001: T. H,lrrryiaa4 Gum rowan Ikea; , 100 Rio Coffee ; •10 is Pawl; - US bn 1 lb ladso.sa and es Tobaeco '' yak twist • • • ' Hs& N.-0 Sugar; •.100 bbl. Molasses; • No gr4 att z ku.i, or bets N, c. Tannery' oil; ' ' ban Chnolata ; • a; • Aaa'd I Glail frou649 01:0; • ..lu.hha P Balm • -.v eatsP ler '••• 3*.!.'Oennanday ; 'GOO lqm'Atied nails, withgeneral assortment of ell WWII of iron, and Plniburgt Manufactured srielca kr, • rids*. Groossies, 46e. . L O 9 Ags- Gle fr? Mee Coresi imperial Teas; SOO hhis ; grill • ..e/ Tobute, a., es, ut. 22, and i road 4 7; „ bbts L.l3agaz ; 2 Coneys a F. •• 1 hhA Madder ; • .151W* N. C.Tar; ;N0.3- Lois Idackszel ; • 10 blilhl2ChOcals.ut; 100 lissats: s. SAlS Paper; • 931= White ; - WW i(aac e assoneheraciPiusburglttdansifeetzues, reetl pq.sott CEO. A BERRY, , • . 19 wood st An.iitilißE3=3-416014 satierior Rio CIA rOO Ur SID bfebetts TB, 7 P, cod Imperial Teiu; IGO bbla N O Idolaters .13 lestario • Baru irr - --imbrs lllntanado 231661L0at do, 6 itad if ,•!• • --16111331 T baeeo,flb,b, til and vs yinisars.tarlit • bbla No 3 large Hearn! • 2 Mils Header • caroms ST Indigo - UM2 rta 3 3 .. - 110 bags CotionYars. Sto a ll) "606 a while and sues Pipes •'• •ID tibia Ter • • • lee SO dos keptilickehenrees Nails, assorted goodliTheat Bags 6atorinxlo sad laziltGlass tRi dox. pockets" - • • _ 6 do Tabs ILlso,Piughursh araiMfaetimed inielei all: imit, rar sale low by - JOHN 6 DILWORTH, 6 0 6 16 li7 wood st 11311111MIXJ • Cliang, dice 10 " ' "P ula E l v a, j o l rord l6 =sy . Co 3 " " • .•" Pisa Caidllealt Co Roehoga ii do sopr pale 3.0 , 7 Wino, - Dag Cordon & Co so 64141,, s to ° ISlOSeini • PittotriAs de=non 40 . Oporto Wine, =ion ,31) 1:t Lith o . - o -11) hbdir Pet hi 816 tad* Bast Sonoma 'Wow 30 t bkdo Rodeo= Mono, Moutferan4 i! ire .11*" .drl• Ck lio lrPg r- do :P le - do do lgsutson :SO cosesCbuto vosionsgradao, a =Viol uzbouleo Bordoranipfrt; . etl,cro . era% Darand; - - - SUNDILEEP-IS dos torn " Ettooms; ItegOtaalo jgaill2RA SO bi, Rosin f/omE 1 UP Sir a g E M ( Spiv Wrappldg Paper i eraYomeamilirr i g k lat• 111.= s Yr", sgir c.E4 .Bpieur of all " eta obeying Zlobaeelßapp and Sooftt Whims, I:Mem onit alom;lo storit and for sale .37 GLIHII3 AM ozorip . Wail 44 aopootto St Chubs Bolsi ipplipri9t.wwqk ei*e.4.06....1* .71orneliwilrodalw IrBLCCO-10 bxa Coupes!' 6.4 Lamp, 1 20 bales Canyon le, Lams Sem 31,6 1 6 ^ - 4 -plag, Mae & lbw 6 extra Is hang Sari 1 CUR dzart be2ere e ter , p extra 3Q. .4 r ON fir 44 tts, " 7=s ausa bo GoopOoderz -do do do "ur drE - ddo Bound Paorehooth iolodfebe o' soisirnizions qualkdos and lobo hopanoilow is mom ard for sale 13AudLErk.SHZ IND SUGAIL—iO On D. JR , . 1000bbla nos 4,AA 7=l Scull dose and for Weir, . . .; JAR.mi A HUTCHISON . 9 57, . Aim St. Laois Refinery. - BED& N. O. Bum to elcoooooogopr,..ot,P bbti isUbbh3fulblib=liV tstta ~dw!,111:1 ba . a. Y. IL Tos, ado loaperti n ttdo 05 ° rowdff Du. do. 18 / 2 . a MB (111.5;40500goto trinfortgoactiol Wises oil; • lOO do • do. .do,, , Sporso do els o "•." • 6 Spid btow oiTorpearpoA (emote ond or oxen , 0 BLACJWIIIIN &CO • Do SPINItO 8170 ' auir DR LAO, INA bbla 4,478 small din 930retudged; 180 • .. 4 .Porikqe4; in ro awl r Sriatukto Age of St. Louis Swam Saga Refistall_. 'l l l /1 bleh!sla st 4 bzkiligo to um T. ifyira; j 102 5 • . . , ." .• 4 12 =e , 3 a Powetuntri .r . "nab? 3D.Villii.AMicijO 'rood MITCHEL:II= Witokoale Oiciee*,* • Reeefylog Distillers, and Wine and Liquor Atao, Imp r. of Soda Ash sad pleaee• ,totgooreleti No, it:o Mum Welt,Prya e1146,•P0.. AfIROCEBIES—ea Mob Fiske MO.Viar %Jr .to r btlir pod Vr i as 46 7. bra 6 aod 11.111 b do sat P bblatalp No a Macke 1+1948)' _IV#.M 74 T C Y / F P D , T R= 1 14 lau T t x 41 8 RA. & W D ACIHPIa POWDER- ALwperiot artielo always oa Aand met keel& al lowpateeo.l , wa zatclieunum - irsi 3 T ElPlD. rwa .w gr is l ifEY' oreigli 7 = tli ,g i rt .. .Weirs on brad% 4,1 for oale ,Ir • s.: ~..- tiiiCQllol.,slwaysonhand and far sale bv • •• pep= . w airrcoiEurillEm . . 'QOM' AND CANDLES, ordiferent Pittabargh bed., :::yam:fat W . imai by • .r.,• 4101,d; is it MSC n.. AGE, NO lbeny st .‘140,9,1:41, lail reed sad far u4clv2:* MVANDE , '=" ,-• ._.,4,T1.4,..1:,t? i l ' 4 1 1.41111411315.0.• : -• t r id i, I Ihin,l7BasiTliciiii — l 7 :24 - 0670, - 'OCTO ' r 1. 1 6.66-1.0-0. I side.. I . phoOes. , Il r s X;l! . ., : 19 g :31 1m -.: i..' 16 sloaday, oso 6al Bni , 11=..b 30.._ 6. 2. 1. u , 033 ..b:17,.21.65 20:F5517..0 34 5 20 , . zotaz. Ovvior Ptraintruni Gszierrioi Tuelday brornitii, Octilher 11, 1E45.1 la reviewing yesterday's piii:liantions aide mar ket, we have no new feature io notice in nay thing. Basitiess, ff may thiog,lb n little' ids active, but a fair amount Is still doing is the way of Svnond sake to ihe bade.- ioda . 1 3 bI s Rhi,, , d by river„but „" e 11 :2 uPriligted for eastern ahipment, . 1 " . or 1 40 transactions from tort hernia. I, lPPlie* luVote Outlaws light, will regular sales in limited IoM- at • 4,5004;75 bbl according to GROCERIES—No change of importance has *ulna tu the markit. Sales of N O staN limited quantities at sbsg2ic p lb. Rio cotter, ' demand'in Gtir at 71fi7la 11 as in quality. Reg. War sales of N 0 molasses at 2930, and of an. gar house at 40045 e gr gal Salmi of rice by the tierce at 510 p lb. No change in .other articles 'aidir this head; • ' BACON--Sales of weatern cured bacon in imall lots by the bbd pt the fallowing antes:--sluxilders 041,5/des 411941, hams at 7o p lb. Supplies of city cured are extremely light, and is cold gener. ally at higher rates than . the above !tooted figures. LARD—So little is in doing the market, that it is difficult to arrive at any correct quotation. No 1 is quoted nominilif et Warne. , BUTTER—Side sof a good quedity of keg in a way at 96910 CHEESE—Receipts continue quite full, and the market is ohm:lowly supplied. Sa'les of Wlt st SWF, and of extra deem at 710710 aV Pt. -• HONEY—Sales of comb from store at IS;il2oc ILlir—ltegalar sales from wagon at 7,5068,50 ton. , , • OlL—Limited sales of linseed at 65c, of lard 550.041, tinti of Tanners' at $170519 pbbl. _ _ • FEATHERS7 ,, Sateato a Brasil extent were ef feotatqcisteiday from store at 33C335c • FLSII--Sales of No 3 mackerel at 0.25 p bbl, of herring at W. Supplies of other kinds are light , 'with no change in prices. TAIX--Sales of N Cat 5ig31,25 p bbl. OtruiliVntel-ilie amount of wine already made this pier is the tieighborhowl of Bonuses, Ohio, is about 8,000 gallons. It is worth on an average 51,25 per gallon A considerable amount, bower. er, remains to arrive, as the Catawba grape has not yet eriainsii perfect nuantity. Wartime Lucas arm firma—The following ki te/eating statistics sue furnished by the lad report from the Topographical Bureau: 1841. 1816. • Vitae of Am. Like Cknamerzo, 531,913,0t1 561,914,910 Eandled and licea- sea tonime, 56,252 106,M6 PdarOlers employed ;750 6,972 Clearances. and en- Goode conveyed, lA= . ton ,Vgdoe s, of shipping 1,234,514 $6,000,000 . per. 250,000 uum ctummuze-11.919. • Value of Commerce, 55,633,029 CalillniCi OV THE vrmaaari amens Nett Value, 1840, $148,306,119 Value of Shipping, 12,912,355 Men employed, 20,114 DI 1016 OP TEL Lilila. • . . Length. Greatest width. Av. dc, . . Champtalp, ' • 105 12 Bm• Ontario. ' 160 52 40 m. Erie; 240 67 39 rn. St. Clair, . 18 25 12 m. Enron, 270 105 70 m. Michigan, 319 23 rri to. superior, -, ,420 133 Ino m. New Orteam, bet- 10, 1818. SPILDEOAT . ADDIDZIST AND LOAN OP Loes—The steamer Piney Woods, bound to this pan, ho■ been burnt on the Lake. Fdleen lives weft, lost by the accident, nod fiilght saved: Among the lost was a gentleman and his wife, three ladies, and . two chgdren. - - The old irtiainei, Dan'l Mona, Ras good u new, has.bee9.29ld—ppc` Shergou as a pack. et Wu r e.ditLoilsvilloluid EvaUsiller In speed, no t* of hetatte-can Rake her:" ragpcs OPpr.oua ABB GRAIN. The renewing andetimen will show -the prices of I Flour and Grain at the several places mentioned at wr Wier. datek— Fittabnigh. v. 4,75 80 .35 77 P1a1m1e1phi5.. , ..•..55,50 51,12 - 67 32 Near York 5,75 1.20 75 35 Boston,. ' 6,00 1,30 70 35 Baltimore.. .. 5,55 1,00 60 31 Richmond.— ..... 5,25 1,10 55 30 Georgetown 5,25 1,10 58 30 Alexandria 5,25 1,10 58 32 Buffalo 4,75 1,00 '55 28 85 35 30 Cinciritucti:.."...'.... 3,75 75. 30 22 4,00 50 22 4,25 75 24 16 5,00 CO 12 33 'lloclutster . .. 4,75. 1,10 .58 30 Alleany..... 5,0 .1,12 67 33 - - - ; • Statakensa Stner,Thant the'edlcers of the stea mer Amelia, wilesin that the beantiftil new. stea mer Plough Her, commanded by, Capt. litaac H Mate, struck a maga miles above Providence, ,aboatrl o'olocIP.; on 'Friday last. She was run 'shots about a hal( mule . botoor„ „where she sunk her atkr part , sinking as low down in the water amber rabbi. Boor, and her bow remaining prettrarell pot • A- greet number of passengers, principally returned troops, were on board at the time ctl' the act t ident The onlylielson missing is a private bekoging to the Illinois regiment, who is supposed to have been drownede-iSt. Lords ' baunsact' laterestiag meteor luau nut= was recently decided by the committee of wsods of the St...L.witi Member of Commerce. Bak, of, the :Mesmer Planter, lent St. Louis g Leman list Of 152,063, upon' which he 'red $1,500 in. the Louisville Mutual Insurance Company. , ShOrdy after muting, a leak was diem , ' med, without the occurrence of any aceldent,and upon auminithm, the leak was found to have been taunted by the starting of several butts and the re. moial Of the catillors' g. A considerable part of the cargo was discharged in good condition at a neighboring landing. and the boat returned to St. Lords Err maim with the rest in a perishing con dition. The Captain abandoned the Novena, and claimed the 81,500 teemed on the freight: Reid that the boat after being repaired should have pro ceeded on her toms with the undamaged part of the cargo, arid ther she could onlyfroover for that portion of tigtoddsilort.--qmti. Icor. Hardno Sumt latosoltr' - alio.Logildaltue of Minds, that is to convene during the approach. ing December, wilt be the first since the adoption Of the present Constitation, under white provi along the battling prohibition that existed under the old, is abolished. The new legialatare has on. der ite control the entire banking question, with the isolated reanictioniltat no tenks ate to go into operationontil the, last under which they ere are be, stitaniued to, and approved by a di. rein vote of the people... ===Th . . BaltiMare;Oct 12,—Cattle7T110 , 8 wan a am: tasniblci Nlieg.ox in the supply of beeves offer.. ad this week, and the demand , was fair with au improvrawat trt Mora The offerings as the males on Monday' amounted to MI - head, of which 610 Weill taken :El' bittehers and packets, and 180 Were . &iron to Phdadelplda...frices ranged from 963..100 ms on the hod equal 50,64 i 5,75 vet and everVng 2,56. VottarTrTba Woe*. of hogs muted thia we e k fr0ta4,15(35A. AnadelPtalg oct. raarket.l4so beef .t. 'det,'32o cows and ealres,:loso twin, and 2600 sheep and lambs. , Priees—Beeves ate - rather stiffer and the bulk Of the pales were oily 4,7506,95 t he 100 Ols, 550 bad were giiven to New York, and 50 remain .uitsedd., Cows and Ca!vim—Sales range a 664412 for dry, sl4os2sfor I Pringers, end $220335 for henh ileipr—Ontli 900 sold at 4 . 75 riA50 the 100 ma Sheep and Lambe were toosili dl sold at 51,25 Swihnep, and 81,0002,50 or lambs, each as in goidity. Fair fklt Sheol% .Bennry t 04. gores, r.rysit,,,j,,,, Huber , " Iteb, Chaps, 8010 Heads, Selltl Detuds. Poe plea. laues , ,Seap is used by ruin DbYekiede t ens is easing the above aed we woold oot eonsetwelocody sell =dews we kart; ii W be all:we Ways.. Ae Lotosmette, the utte4enes , 004 , petbspe thz only ankle ever. known that to bepuritiee end cleared and beautified the slun,maldegit .on, Wow, smooth 644 wink as as infant's. Sold by WEL JACK .l3Ol%eit Libya, Street. meets, '°(p"FH Mane Worm= ma 313mhudas:—Rea 'des-the. etajtinallty of *l2a-bottle 'of:Jones, Coral 'flak lieshinitire' is to force the 41i to , grow, on the bend or lueo- or whereder natt. intended pair to Per sato by WU JACKSON; No Or Liberty itrert, awn of the Big Boot. ' wpm Doll buts ; , rttlktat datit . ltteat-trac... l :l o - AmbergorPaUe ' y lFlt x :rdens the :4 , x t tle the Wrath, &a bald at tea Llitany at - gtottl:l4. 137 Laid& who ow Jones' Bon:alai L,Aly Wtine, have always • line white troneparent skin. Of dill • trill will owls* eons. Sold only in Pitut.are., Wag 4 oottodazawri PORTOFRITT I SBURGH . 7.4 7, ! LonisMeLane, lienuel‘Brqwileitßes., Atlanue, Parldnson, Bemis: Camline,•Par Retiree' • Camden, Hendrickson, 'Bed*. .• Caledonia, Cincinnati: Hudson, Poe, Cincinnati. - Brazes, (new) shipyard. Arrowline, Morrison, Brciwnsville. Arrow,,7elsion, BrourrorUle. DEPARTED. Louis McLane Bennett, Brownsville. Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsville. Camden, Hendrickson, Beaver. Caroline, Day, Beaver. Yankee, Founts, Ciu. Star, —, Beaver. Hudson, Poe, Bridgeport. Diligence, Worley, Cia. At dusk last evening, there were I feet I I inch water in the channel, and falling slowly. IMPORTS Br RIVER. Baster—Per keelboat Rosanna-219 bars cbees • Myers & Hunter; 77 bbls whiskey, G B Mihen barges; 26 bbl. dour, James McCully; 35 Ls cheese, Myers & Hunter; 5t do do, Jae Deana; I' do do, Wick & McCandless; 3$ do do, J A Coo gbey. Cincinnati—Per Hudson-300 bble dour, L Fa: gnu; 100 do do, E Haaselton; 5 aka feathers, Good and & Park; 25 cnka bacon, Clark & Thaw; 3 bxn verruifuge, I Dickey & co; 2 bxe mdse, Luke Loo. Luis. Per keelboat Rough & Ready-350 bbl. flour, Clark & Thaw; 40 Ws lob, tame. PASSENGER ARRANGEMENTS FOR VMS. For Philadelphiaevery evening t 9 o'clock, by Leech's Packets. Office opposite th e United States Hotel. Steamboat Packet Line, leaves daily for Cincinnati, 10 A. n. Passenger Packet via Brownsville to Baltimore and Philadelphia, 8 A. r. and 6 r. a. • Mull Coach Line direct to Philadelphia, 9 a is and lei r. r. Western and Scuuhem Mail Coach "Am . . 0 A. r. North-Western via Cleveland, daily, to o.. Etie and Western New York, daily, 9 A. re. North-Eastern teiladelphia, daily, °inept Sundays, 4, A 11. ARRIVALS AND DRYARTURE'DF MAILS. Eastern Mal via Philadelphia, due 3 a. N., elates 19 n IVest'n SIaIL , Cava. tr. Louisvoloe Et eve, clowns s. x South. viaßalarnore &Washington, due BV. K. eP. S st North Western via Cleveland, due Ina. x., close It n o Erie and Western New York. due 8 r.ll, closes 8 e. ■ Cocoas son Coate—The frequent changes in the weather at thus season of the year, invariably bring along with them coughs and colds, which by timely attention are easily cured by simple remedies. SEL LERS' IMPERIAL. COUGH SYRUP has been In use for the last 12 years, and has gained more reputation for the cure o reputationf coaghs (not requiring active medical treatment) thou any other preparation ever offered to the citizens of Allegheny county. The Imported Cough Syrup is very pleasant to the taste, and, on lint ac count. is a great favorite with children. The doses are carefully graduated, in ihe directions, to suit all ages That this lung tried and highly popular cough remedy may he althin the reach of all, st Is sold at the low price of cents pet bottle. Prepared and sold by 11. E. SELLERS, 57 Wood st, Pirrstiu.gh, O. 11. Curry, Al egheny, and druggists gen erally In both cities. <mot JAY.% Exrucvoiawr.—We would call attention to this excellent remedy for Coughs, Colds, Consumption, Asthma, and all affections of the Throat and Lungs. Raving several times within a few years past had occa sion mass a medicine of this kind, we have;by expert. race tested Its excellent qualities, and are prepared to recommend it to others. Ministers or other pubile speakers afflicted with bronchial affections will find great benefit from its oso. .11 is prepared by a sctenu• fie 13 hysicinn, and all classes will find lease& and cif, enema medicine in the diseases for which it Is re commended.--lColambus (Ohio) Cross soil Journal. Fore at die Pekin Tea Stare, N 0.70 Fourth street. [Tr Men Deter attempt to counterfeit a worthiew mode, hence valuable medicines are frequently mina mi. The knave who counterfeits a medicinevommito aa great a crime as tf it arms a hank noteor the coin of the United States. B A Fahnemock's Vermifuge, which is the only safe and certain cure for worms, has been counterfeited in ninny section, oldie country, arid persons should be on their guard when purehamng to get the genuine article, prepared at Pittsburgh, Pa. KVA • Ban Buts. on Bar , Tumn.—Persons who hare rt thee are honorably assured that a Is, boo o$ Joners Amber Tooth Paste wilt, on one total, 'althorn tail, Make the Breath pare and sweet, The Teeth white and Burro. haul. •-••- • • • • • Reeder hest cry Otis onee. For sale by WM JACK SON, e 9 Lamm st, sign of the Iba , !loot otO "Tim whiter skirt of hers, than .now, And pure as monumental alabaster." All females have skin like the above, who one Jones' Spanish Lily White. It maketh pure snowy, yet n•to; rutty white. poll at,69 Liberty street lyta MISCELLANEOUS. Consulting Engineered, Counsellors for Patenteen Office for procuring fluid defending Patents, troporung intimation on Illeehuales and the applieauou of Se 1- Coen to the An., and ou American and Foreign Laws of Patents. PROP. WALTER R. JOHNSON, late of Philedel phi., and Z. C. BOBBINS of Wewhingion city, Ito be aided by Hazard linowle Elm, late Machine.t of the United Stows Potent Office,) here associated , themselves together for the prosecution of the dove branches of prole-asthma! butanes*, either in their office, at the Patent Office, or before the Co ttrirt and will de vote th eir undivided attention to forwarding the inter est of Inventors and others who may consult them or place bashes in their hands.. Me. Mambo has for the pail twelve years held the mist of Alachinein In the United States Patent Of f ice, and resign, that aimation to trap part in the present undertaking. Hu Werra end peculiar fitness tor thelmportaut mime ao long fill ed by him, have been fully recognised by Inventors wherever the office it selfis known. ne office of Messrs. J. Zs It. is on F street, opposne the Pwent Office, Washington, D. C., where communi cations, post paid, will bc promptly attended to; esani- I na ti on. made, drawings, specifications, and all reiptili he papers prepared—and modeliatirocutml when drat red—on reasonable terms. Letters of enquiry, expert. ed to be answered after csaminanotts had, most be Ise companied by a for of five dollars. In the duties of their o ffi ce which pertains to the Fa mht Lows, Meagre. J. & R. will be assisted by a legal pntleman of the to host prolesslobal charaeter, and tally conversant with 3letbanies and other Etciantific aubects. my2lkdhwl yS NEW MUSICAL INSTALMENT. cr./....Er'S nem.. statkcoson. 0 OliN H. MELLOR, No NI Wohlkstreet, is the .61e .rem for Carbon's Patent Melodeon, a new and beautdful instrument, eseeedunly well adapted for email churches or family worship. For the benefit of non residing at a distance, and consequently unable to inspect the Adel..on before purchasing, the following deseription le itven: The cases are mode of rosewood, and-are as hand somely finished a• a Plano Forte. The iO-bosid Is precisely the same as the.piano or organ, and the lone, terhich is very beautiful,) closely resembles that of the flute stop of . organ. The instrument can he imme diately made portable without detaching soy pan, the bellow. needing into the body of the toetroment, and the legs folding under, leaving the whole in • compact form- Each instrument has a packing rose, •nd the whole when yanked weighs only 4 pound.. The vol ume of tone hi equal to that of a smell organ, and by means alike swell may be incrrosed or thrnmisited at pleinure,• it hi sufficiently loud formall churches, and is well calcudated for a parlor instrument. Just received, a eopply of the above: pnee, with case and Insanictionaook, ocn DR. D. HUNT, - Denuet. Comer of Fourth and Decatur, between Market and Ferry streets. rep24l4m BLACK, STRIPED AND PLAID BILKS—We havc just received a lot of bandies= black and blue black, ottiped and plaid Bdks, of a sopcnor quality, whit& we are selling at uncommonly low ones,. ALEXANDER & DAY, °CO 7:i market N W oemer Diamond DLUE AND ORANGE: PRINTS—A geed Aswan ment iron celebrated manufactories of Sprague, Robeson it Son, AM[Tiel/11, Bristol and Clyde p works, and for sale low to prompt buyers. oci9 . SHACRLETT ti. Ik4 ANUFACTURED TOBACCO— /1j =I boxes superior 5.1 lump; " I " ==l " let • • The above numbers form very choice brawls, to which the attention of the trade is particularly invord eep22, WICKtr. 11113/07DI.P..tet SODA ASH-16 caste Soda Ash,Jrist received ou consignment and for sale be • oct3 g t W HAIIBAUOII AIIACKEREL-75 bbl No 3 Mockereljust reeeivedi 171 to store and for sale by oci3 S h W MY.' VER H MIFUG-300 gross on hand ond for solo by ocol .1 KIUD k Co VI - ACK/MEL-310 bbls No 3 large 31.kerel land mg and for sole by BAGALEY& Shirr/1 OCCJ IR and TO wood si LARD - in 011.—15 bbla store , and w il l lbe .old low to close coomignmont. sep26 ISA IA II DICKEY k Co-* ['JOU/EN ST/SUF.-10 Ibis golden syrup; I 0 hsir %Jr do do do; •A/ kgs do do in more md for solo by JAMbS A HUTCHISON &Co • septa Agls SLl.co:?ReGr:ry__ E by JAMES Galena lead in store and for .ale Lby JAMES A HUTCHISON A Co aeps No 45 water it, and Et from at 1tE.M3— . .!9 half chests U Powder Tea, ID do du lin Portal do; 9d) do do 1' !Vann do; I a do do Pow og do. Also. 11l lb and alb eattys,arsopeelor gual ill s lot family use, lo store sod foe sale by sag — 0 LILACHIIIMN & Co _ BACOIV-1,200 lbe,a panne article, on band and for sale by sepia TASSEY d 1.11,01' - - AA PPLO3- 00 bbls Green Apples., to store and for _ We by sepia TABSEY d BRIT DOOR SFRINO:74. do: I n =r tiprtogo. a gt reed pot, 14 6TreTta " .:{417 H PRILLIPr. LARD OIL—A lot on blind in I bbd, will bo sold low to close consignment by oetg J KIDD & Cn LINEN DRAID-1 care No 5, 7, 9,11, 13 and 14, for .old by aeirld C A RDU'IIINOT WANTED—A Uoy 15 or 16 years old. Apply at TY No. 63 Market rm. acid 'DECEIVED, at NY APCllntockl, No 75 Fourth rt, and for .ale, 5 po Elaralc Printed Slav Cloth, wo : thins, ncori_do Drop; do Einar!. Oe 16 VLAXNEELI—n bbl. in Moir and for Inge by 0010 ISAIAH DICKEY & Co, front st i.killEllB-3100 lb. to arrive; for sale by F octo ISALAH DICKEY & Co . . (lINSENG U xacks to arrive; for sale by octa ISAIAH DICKEY & Co bbls i arm,,,tao.by otWLACKING-"'!'-'";giN.k-17ligeA;" NO. SUOAR-200 bhda pram° N 0 Sugar', In Moro ,JA • and for talc by uct2 BAGALEY & SMITH 1110 COFFER-404 bop Green Rio Cofroe,now 10. 11, ding Irani connl and for •010 by ocCl IiAGALFY a SMITH BACON 111.136-A (ow cank•rood guano , Bacon sidea,just landing god for uda by JOHN I'irTADEN I Co, 0044 canal basin, ma it BY MAGNETIC TELEGRAPH. Gasetta. Pait.inettott, 0,1.16,10 P. p c t. Decided chum Both parties claim a majority for Goverilor. Nothiog bat the °Twin' returns eon decide the result. Correspondence of the Pitubareb Gazette. PHILADELPHIA MARKET. Oct. 16, 6 P.eM. The market is unsettled. We have no change to report in pnr-es CINCINNATI MARKET. Oct. IG, 6 P. M. The Weather—lt has been raining all day, and consequently the market is dull. Floor—Sales of 300 bbls at $3 87. Grain—The matket is entirely unchanged. Whiskey--Sales at IW. Provisions—l hear of no sales to day of soy at. tick worthy of report. Groceries—Thep - nark-et is unchanged, but firm. `llarrespoodenco of the PittoborgO Gam. ' NEW YORK MARKET. NEW YORE, Oct. 16, 6 P. M. Flooh—Sales of 5500 bbls of Genesee eit previous prices.. The market closed 6rm, with good eas tern npd home demand. There is no change in other articles usually re ported. Correepostdemee of the Pitaburati Cezette. BALTIMORE MARKET. Oct. 16, 6 P. M. Modcrnte antes of Howard street at 55 25 per .1. The market is steady, but not active. DOCTOR YOURSELF! FOR 25 CENTS!—By means of the Pocket Eseu lapius, or every one his own Physician! twentieth edition, with upwards of it hundred engravings, show. tog private diseases in every shape and form, sod mal formation of the generative system, by W. YOUNG, M.D.The time has now arrived, tbat persons' suffer ing from secret disease, need no more become the Vic tim of quackery, as by the prescriptions contained in this book any one stay cure himself, without hindrance to business, or the knowledge of the most intimate intend, and with one tenth the usual exnse. In ad finon to the general routine of private disease, it fully deplains the cause of manhood's early decline, with chg.:wellborn on marriage--tic sides many other de. oangements which it would not be proper to enumerate rn the public print.. i Any person sending 25 Cents enclosed In • lever, will receive one copy of this book, by mail, or five to pics will be sent for one dollar. Address ...DR W. YOUNG, No 1.21 Spruce street, Philadelphia.," post paid. WAD/TED—Proprietors or thug or book mores, and pedlars, in every town in the United States, to act as agents for the above work. oet7-deod3ra To Flint Glass Ilauntnoturers. A GERMAN, (31 years of age,) who has beta-cap ./1 god no manager daring 8 years iu two of the most extensive glans houses in Bohemia, and In the like ea paeny two years in England, where he introduced the celebrated Bohemian colored Glass, wishes 10 obtain a sender situation in an American Riau mumfactotT. The perfect knowledge of the technical part of making glass which the edvsrliser possesses, cannot fad to render his services profitable to his employer. Refer ences of the highest respectability can be given For particulars please , address, post paid, CHARLES STROBEL, No. 257 Broadway, N. T. sep27-codlev `IX GOOD DRAY HORSES FOR SALE—lnqture I.7berty at, near the canal, Pittsburgh. octt-diw W W WALLACE CHEESE—IOU las landing ind for sole by kJ time ROLIT DALZELL & Co, liberty at rto ßA r l 'e° one Cy 7 ". octi ni' L i i s fl r eANTi f l " r'ate'r low rl SODA ASH-10 csks Sod• Ash, ill per cent lest, received and for sale by orb C R GRANT C liFZ.;:kl-700 lb. prime W Chcelz, ff i rac A h r z r S L e 'G u A ret ' F'l l an ß iry D ll F att ' s, " ;lt ' s Y t reed L7a7rre * try "" octil KI Eft h. /ONES, canal basin, near 7th al - MERRY LEM LlER—Chorry I3oards and Scantling, bar sale by neva KIER & JONEd4. OLIVA It FIRE BRICK--Cdooee's llolivar Fire klnek, m amen and for wile by dell/ KIER fr. JONES u rArrs PATENT LIATI'IIES--00 rim3ool 10- u a for tale by and b el9 J KIDD fr. Co WAINES PANACEA— 4 deijusl reed 11.1.1 for . ale Sby .19 J KIDD I Co PObrDt yn, LI(jeI.ItICE-11)3 lb. just teFla . c . 46l . 3 " r . 4ale De SAL RIJCILEELE-1001bs jag reed and for Ws by oct9 J KIDD & Co WHITE WAX-7.5 lbn juin reed and 4. We by °en. J b:IDD a Co BAHLEV—The lughcat price pad in each, fur rood clews Harley. " ' BROWN & CIII.I3EW7SAMY, °eta 143 liberty at An °LASSOS—IVO bbls N 0 Molasses, to Piosbuttyh LW/ barrels, 113 store and for sale by octO J AMFI`i DA LZ ELL, 24 Mr.o ON El DEW TOBACCO—Maa Ruckers Sa. renting and for vale by et-t 0 J AIIFV DALZELL EGA R HOUSE MOLASSE-Y—Oo Gbh., In Hort a.nd 0 for rale by oettl JA111E...4 DALZILL I AHD OIL—For aisH by ocli /S.AllAll DICKEY & Co, front st . /...7ALTPEPRB-20 sack& Mac, far see by ova DICKEY & Co DACON--WII lb. She and Sides, reed and for sale by °rut RORT DALZELL & Co, litvrty st I - 1111F.1:.` , F,--2UU boo Western Rexene. part cream. for .ale by °eta ROOT DaLZELL & s o - • . _ OLE LEATHER—MUM/ Hemlock Tanned, in store ‘,l and tor sale by octi ROUT DALZELL &Co QIIIJULDER BILACER--41 doz Shoulder Braces, 1.3 splendid article. Just received by Lup e.. and for sale at the Oil cloth and huhu Rubber Depot. No 3 Wood rt. sert9 I It II PHILLIPS - LIXCIIA NUE BANK STOCK for .ale oet4 N 110Lh11•Z & BUNS *LANE'S LIVER PlLLS—aggro. on hand and rtr sale by oehl J KIDD b. I-. D AdON-64 tierces Sugar cured Hants; 61.1 s plain 1.) do do; h do Shoulders, bright .il dry, just recei ved and for sale by 0013 SELLF.RS a NICOLS AIILEY-25 bush Burley for rule I_ll wed bCGILL & ROE LOCKS-31r hour and ti day Brass, for sale b y y serilet C ARBUTHNOT COFFEE -300 sacks Green Rio, lW " Memellio; 1W Leign•yrai in store and for rely acp22 WICK & IiFCANDLESS TANN MIS' GilrtW bbl. Tanner.' Oil, in Ent or .l . ile p r i, ;anding from canal ibl3.2ll.)2Lryaokl.istibal'lTH (1 ROUND SPICRS---Ground Pepper, Alloptce, dn. k.K . mutton, Mustard, cloves, he. he., a fresh assort ment from the manufacturers, Jost reed and for sale by Kyr+ WICK & IWCANDLESS CIILTSE-113 ism!. prime W R Cheese; ill boom cream Cheese, GC3 do W do: Just reed and for sale by oct7 WICK & NUCANDLESS ALAIONIXS-8 sacks S V Almonds, Jul reed S. and (or sale by oca WICK &M'CANDLEN.B Filberu, just reed .11 for sale by pea WICK it IoCCANDLESS IVLUTE SQUILLS—I bbenst meld and for rale by oet7 6 k: SEJ.Lliald 13AD V ALERAIN--307 lbsjuat reed .d for We bq 116 Deta It E ELLEII2{ I.),ASP'DUULAC-1 bbl put reed and for sale by oet7 R E SELLERS TYMIIER-1 bid just rec'd and for onlo by act? N E SELLERS, fi7 wood st • ICE-10 tierces fresh Rich, in store and for sale by 111., oct7 J& Et FLOYD, Round Church 13uilding UTTPIR-3 tails (tomb Roll Butter in store NMfor 1.3 wale by 0, , t7 J h It FLOYD UM ARABIC (Turkey' ' gr" ¢ MAißllrtt ntB-46 11OTIqa/ty, just 'd d fotalt:y REREWNON A. REPPERT teptißlw QPANISH BROWN—L mak for salo Al nett! JOHN D MORGAN, Druggist LARD --9 kegs fresh Lard. oeta 12'IME! IT =l_ INSEED 011.-4 We m good order ea male 1.1 tor SCHOONDIANIIR & Co eepl4 No 24 wood •t bas Western Reserve cream cheese C Just landing and for sale by .014 8 & W HARDAUGH CIEENC-64 boo prime 'Weste rn Reserve cheese reserved by sepl4 JAMES DALZF.LL EIDIR'N' OIL CARRELS now landing; for sale 5.. A./ very loss, sf applied (or immediately. serif. J SCHOONMAKER Ss Co tans Sugar House Molasses, Oat LYI received and for sale by sepl6 BROWN k CULBFLRTSON SALERATUS—IS tons In casks end boxes In gate and for ~Is by WISEST DALZELL I Co. Liberty Meat I — WHERE—R. Lis prime Western Reserve, reed and %.../ for male by aepto WICK & M'CANDLE •- - - PICKEREL —1 bbla prone and fresh, Mat reed owl I for sole by iseplil WICK & fiI'CANDLESS . _ CIIRFSK-75 boo W R Cheese, for vale by vep4.l KI VON BONNRORST & Co - - SiLERATUS-13 cooks mad boxes, for ale by sep2l VON BONNLIORST & Co 14 L ECTRICITY— A Manual to imeompany Mak , Electric Apparatus, ant published and for sale by BLAKE & Co, Market et, terra) entranee N side of the Diamond CONGER—I bbl Ground Ginger, or sale b yy co-J JOUN DMORGAN I\JTUSTARD SEED—I bbl Whirr Mustard Seed, for AIL oak by rec.! JOHN D MORGAN PPPER AND AI.SPICD-20 bags Pappall 1 0 do ANblea. 00W . bD011.1./t DAB DROOMS-i5O Broom wale. for oetd DILL & ROE 111./LCON 131111 Z—A smell lot pm* Eldos to Store octet WGILL ROE DIG IRON-0)0 lona Allegheny, virloitibtandsicTi ante by sepll 1 & B PLOVD TWEEDS -Nix rn.es de - 4(7114r fill style., heavy , tunt and plain twitted and Cooley Tworda, Just ovued by kep7-- tiILACICI.I - 71"7 INFIITE i) VOCIV RD at the Carpet Warehouse of W. hialie; ./.16 welt, NO. 73 Fourth otrelrt, audio sale: tips eel tug carpets. I...ilium, eobele snd ddwd o, 4 0 9 7 ven WOW, 41ouble ILd l• ist clutirrenly 'AO and 00 cents. • •• • • • . 7 in 91 and 44 ail clotlia„ollsalter&rilL WHITE BRAZIL BIIOAR-330bag.W BLingran, ouperior quality, now landing and (or aalo by sepl BACIALEY & SMITH FL&NNILS.—W. p. Murphy has lately Treceived a full imply of the Ottrernotqoahtles of the oboe° dentabLe goOda, arsenate./ oot to &Marls veulting, at the northeast comer of Fourth and lillarkert itratts. feyt Dostirsitai, Lots. tor Nato. THE subscriber boil opt Ogren Lots on the Routh able ofAlus Eortnli Stitelfltmar and shout two and one quirteCtoiles from the Coon . Exam. These lot@ ectstraln`cleb from one to two and * half wen dusted, end will be sold on reasonable and se conintodating tent.. It is deemed unnecessary to en• ter into any explanation of the advantages of these lots. Their vicinity to Ibis city, and to the line of the Central Ball Road., recommend them strongly as very desirable country residence.. The subscriber also offers for sale about seven hon. dred acres of land in Franklin township, Allegheny ...WV, shout seventeen miles from Pittsburgh. Also, nine belittling Low in the borough of Birmingham. octldtf NEVILLE B. CRAIG. _ ALDweinf House wad Lot for Bola. A GE mad excellent three s wry brick Dwelling House, containing eleven moms, on corner of Third street and Cherry alley,with the talon which itmands, is offered for olio on accom. roods o f terms. The home hat been built since the great re, mid the title is perfect. The size, conveni ence, d excellent workmanship of the house, and the plc mess of the location, renders it one of the most desi le T./denims to Pittsburgh. Enquire of GM F. GILLMOIIE, net4-dilt otitis °glee on th st, near Grant FOR SALE OR RENT. A TAVERN STAND and 810 TO House, with about ./01. V 5 acres of pod Land, one third meadow. The tavern and store will be rented separate from the land, or altolether, as may suit. The property is 16 tulles from Pittsburgh, on the Butler Pike, in linkma n:mei, Allegheny camp, P. Posaession given imme dia ,or the Ist of April. % ,61. BRICKELL, on the premises; WM. P. BAUM, h °Mood street. uip29-chtir V ROBLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. TlLATlrpperry lately occupied by IL Nixon, Reckon eraig street, near Robinson, Allegheny city, will be sad on aceoramodating ten.. The lot E 433 f.. 41... opc. 6 street, running through tot Cartel MO feet. There is a good two gory frame dwelling house on the premises, lately built, and the lot L well improved, containing a variety of choice fruit tre. Krape, shmbbery, &o. This property I. conveni ently Wasted for persona dotng business in either Pius burgh or Allegheny, and is • derJruble residence. Title indisputable. Por terms apply to WM. BOYD, Attor ney at Law, Mace on Fmtrth street, above Smithfield a. •tf 0 VITIATED on the Monongahela river, about le miles CP from Pittsburgh and t moles above third Lock, in the immediate rierghbothood of Messrs. Lyon & Sborb, end Mx. John Herron% purchase. This fine body of Coal will be sold at the to price of $33 per acre—one third in hand, balance in five equal amount payments, erithout Interest. Title indisputable. Location very goad--cannot be =Tamed. For further particulars enquire of S. HAWLEY, who has a droll of said pro. peaty. Residence 2d at, below Ferry, Mr. &dame. Row. N. a There a another seam of coal on this Ulf; about 60 feet above the lower, of excellent quality. _jy2thdtf R. ft Seal ICifaN les OhSo. ATIiIIACT of land, 00 acres, in Harrison, Portage Co., on the Osystogs river—about Mt acres under im provement. Also, two unimproved lota in the village of Warren, Trutt:Moll Co., CO feet by 00. Also, a lot or pound in the centre of Hartford, Trumbull Co., with a Ens dwelling house and store—one of the best sands !or a merchant on the Western Reserve. Any or all Wm property will be sold on very aceOMMlXlsting terms. ISAIAH DICIQiY & Co, feblO Water and Front sm. . . !IF-large and well built Factory, erected on Rebec ca street, Allegheny ray, by FL S. Cassini, Esq... reed for sale at a bargain, and on easy terms. The lot on which the Factory is erected, fronts WO feet on Rebecca street, and runs back 110 feet to Park street . The main building is of brick, throe stones high and GO feet long by 17 feet width The Engine House is large and commodious, with au engine, holler, stack, le., all in completa order. The property alll be wild low, and on adrantageous terms. For price, terms, &a., enquire at this office. aug24-dif Tract of Land foe Salo. fr HA subscriber will sell on accommodating term... a valuable tractor unimproved land, situate on the road leading from Brighton to Franklin, about eighteen miles from Pittahaigh, and About eight miles from the town of Freedom on the Moo river. The tract con tains 4&.1 acres and 51 perches, strict measure The land is of an excellent quality, about PO acres cleared, and well watered, and will be sold either in whole or in farms of convenient sue, to snit porchasera. For farther pa:titulars enquire of WA!. BOYD, Ault at Law, °face ou 4th st, above Pionhueld, Pittsburgh. mrAnd&wil T • - Property In Allegheny City for Bale. mite subscribers otter for sale • number of choice Lots, situate is the Second Weird, fronting on the Common ground, an easy terms. Inquire of W. O'H. ROBINSON, Any at Lam, St Guar st at of ROBINSON. on the premises. my17,11-Nrif T Valuable Property for Bale. - THE subscriber offers for sale a two story Brick House and Let, on 4th racer, between Smithfield street and Cherry alley—lot AI feet on 4th It, running beck If* feet to eat feed alley. Also, the beautiful residence he occupies in Alleghe ny city, 10 feet front on the canal, by •l 7 to Liberty, al most one-third of an acre, on which is erected u large two story doable bon., finished in good style. For price and terms inquire of l KIDD, ni corner Ith and wood as For Rent. . .. . LA THREE story Back Derailing House, on Water ' Grant above street. Posaeasiou given n the 01 of Julory, Int% or sooner If required. r term, ingurre of oca 0 BLACKBURN & Co, water st Lots In S. Pittsburgh and Birmingham. wO. Lt. 731.11:, EN. Fourth street, near lmiW 6.141, will conunue in sell those loin tinul • suf ficient. number are disposed of, when the sales will cease. 5tf404211 0. 0. I•REX:ti. Valuable Residence In Allegheny City - roe Sale. CCONTEMPLATING • removal from Allegheny ray, I oder my residence there for sale. The premises are In delightful order, aoS every way worthy the a, minion of imp person wishing. such property W. POINDEXTER. nisi leiktii• la - n•ecer County. A Lor, Storehoarre and Dwelling, sitnate on the 11 Erb Extension Canal, In the same of West Mid & u; a desirable location for • merchant Also, a Lotand plod Divellimy Hamm moll stated for • Tare= Stead, In the 'dine of Ortingevtle, on Pmm line of Torras easy. BAUM DICKEY k. Co. &MO Water and Front To Vat. • - ANL THRF. dwelling houses situated on CA street near canal bridge, in the city of Pittsburgh_ Al so, • 10.1 75 by SI tact, with a uni•ellSOnt en trance,: on sth st. near wood. Also, • frame dwelling, two statics, with so sere of ground enclosed and under esitivatton, situate on Ohio lane, to the ell) , 5/ Alleghe ny. Impure of I D WILLIAAIS, and 1111 wood street_ jtkFOR SALE OR RENT, the Pittsburgh Brew ry, with all its brewing apparatus, inmate on enn street sod Barker's allepAnd now oceupwil by Geo. W Smith k Co. Possession rye° on the firm day Or April ensuing. For terms, &e. enquire pf BROWN k CULIIRRTSON, retard . 145 liberty st. OAL LAND MR SA 1.41.--neven acres cord landC for sale, situate in bend of the Monongahela River, above Brownsville, P., basing a 7 foot vein of coal which will be sold In exchange for goods. For pasting ....apply In toelltil K WVIARRAUGII II wood .1 WAREHOUSE FOR SALE—The subscriber of for sale the three story brick Warehouse on Wood street, occupied by R. Tanner A. Co. h rents now for 51000 per year. apl7 WM. WILSON, Jr. The vabwribera will Nut part of the warty !maw tww permitted by thew. Apply to UMW, DALZELI A & Ca, Anl9 54 water street. FOIL RENT . .. .. TIIE three story DareWog Roasedstlely been pied by the subscriber 111 Allegheny city,. Re bee en street Poseessionflven on Ist October. Enquire of Allal , l KERR, Jr, seggeblar 36 Water ci rzw=f3 AATHE large fire proof warehouse, 24 feet front by tea feat deep, on second .t, near wood. Rent mod • CM, Inquire co 1 SCIICKESIMAICER dr. Co., dell 21 wood at I:1= bk.A Smoke Clouse, xitnatell on Plom alley, for rent Inquire of ROBERT DALZELL k Co, Liberty Areal. deel3 EXCHANGE BROKERS, &. HDISSICT, PANICEIDI, EXCHANGE LIFIDIMRS, and dealers in Foreign and Domestic Exchange, Cenilleates of poeins, Hank Notes, mid Specie; Fourth street, fleet ly opposite the Bank of Fittabergh, CIIITCII/ moor] received on deposite—Sight Checks fbr 'sales and col lections made on nearly all the principal pinata In the United States. The highest premium paid (or FOllOlO American Gold. p Ad=oc o o n noi 00 . pments of ProdumeoAp- 11. HOLMES & BOND, TdIANKF.RB and Dealers in Exclange, Colo and .D Bank Notes, No. 22, Market meet, Pittsburgh. Selling Rasa. Eschange. Buying Rates, New York, i r Cincinnati, 2 di, Philadelphia, i do o St. Lotlitil'' 2 do Baltimore. 2 do Baying Rams, BANK NOT} 2 . Buying Rates. Ohio, 2 din Co. A Scrip Orders, 2 dis Indiana, "do Relief Notes, "do Keritur.ky, " do Pennsyleama Cy "do Vi "do No . York do "do r g " ' Wheeling, li do N ow Orle ans, "do Tennessee, 2do Marylan d, "do reb24il POILEIGN irsonsaroz BILLS on England, Ireland, and Scotland bought any amount at the Current awes of Exchanxe. Also, DIV.Aa payable in any parr Of the Old Conntncs, hem Al to .£l.OOO, at the rate of 113 to the Sterling, without deduction or discount, by JOSHUA ROBIN SON, European and lie:mend Agent, office 3th st one door west of wood. °ennui I WESTERN PETEMS— • Ohio, Indiana k. Mucky, Missouri, Dank Notvg purchaaad at the 10wa.% rates, by N. HOLMES A BONS, sepl3 33 Market street. iOsarn n. BILL —_ WIL C. CM,. . . • • . . HILL & CVIIRY, - DAN - EMS and Exchange Brokers, Dealers In For ign and Domestic note and Sight Bills of Ex change, Certificates of Depositc, Bank Notes and Coin{ No a, Wood street, third door below Fourth, west side. moat if ALSO ZanalitiL ii 2 muncia isaivesn minx £H4B itANEEEttI AND EXCHANGE DROWSE dealer. in Foreign and Domestic Ms of Exchange, Cot aine of Wposite, Bank NOW. and Coin, comer of 3,1 and Wood innate., directly opposite SL Charles ito lal. mar27iily BILLS OF NIOUANGE-Night Checks, on New York, Baltimore, Constantly for sale by N. H01.b1121 a. BONS. sepl3 3.5 blazket at. fIOLLECTIONS—Notes, Nulls and Acceptances payable In lbe Western collected on the most Stem-able ten= by eeptil N HOLMES & SONS QIGHT CHECKS ON NEW YORK for solo. ._ocH N HOLTIRS & SONS D --- ELAFTB ON •PHILADELPHIA, co moon sod, for gala oet4 N HOLZIaI h. BONS QTRAW BOARDS—Ctons, different Na., just reed I.) hoer Chambersbargh. NOS BROWN & CULBERTSON SmoLeivm—gobble B. if. Molasses, 84 Louis Refinery m nom and.for sale by sepl3 - JAMES DALZELL SI water at Q UGAH-150 bad s prime N. 0. Sugar; 50 bbls Loaf A 7 Sugar in store and for sale by srnia JAMES DALZELL • BONB-50eanont bonnet and cap Ribbons, reed Rand for saki. sepso C ARBUTHNOT PRESEI PALL GOODS. CHEAPEST YET! beingrecelved and sropordes al ADMAN t.IIS:II mr R DAYS, No 75 Market area; madmen corner of the Diamond, every line and splendid stook of fall end winter Dry Garda to which they would re. spectrally invite the enrollee of the pubfic. It i• well known to almost every one Met the present season is one distinguished for es low prices of Dry Goods, and it affords us great pleasure m being able to state that owing to our great (militias for that purpose, (one of the firm residing in Philadelphia,) we have been ena bled to mochas., our present stock at • considerable deduction from the usual market rem., cheap as they are, and we are therefore enabled to sell at correspoe. dingly lower Man the usual price. We would there fore invite all cash buyers by wholesale or retail, to give use call, and lay out their money to the best ad sewe. Th ag e Ladies should call and examine our stock of Prints, Gingham,. de Laines, Cashmeres, Alpacas, Marines,Silk., Bombazines, Plaids, and various other styles of (Rabb:maths Dress Goods, of which., have • very fine assortment, hieluding every description of those goods in the market. CLOTHS AND CASSIMERE3—To the gentlemen we would recommend our stock of super Free& Cloths and thigli.h, French and American Cesidmetea. OUR STOCK OF SHAWLS is very lam* embra clog almost every variety amyl. end quality. SATTINETS—Of which we have en excellent es• sortmen; and of alt muditles. pLANNELs—R e d, whim and yellow Flannels or.n qualities and prices. PICKINGS AND CHECKS—A superior smarten:an of 'Pickings of all grades, and Shirting Cheek s in great variety. BLEACHED AND BROWN MUSLINS—Embra- ' eignost every description of th e above goods, M el Sheeting. Mall widths. ALSO—A fine mock of Satin Vesting., Silk and Cot ton Velvets, both plain and figured, lienmeeans, plaid Limeys, plaid and fancy figured Clo akingand cloak Linings, bleached and unbleached Table Litaper, both linen and moon, bleached end nnbleanhed Table cloths, bleached and unbleached Canton Flannels, col'd do do, Bonnets and Bonnet Ribbons, blk sad eol'd silk cravats, Ladies Scarfs and cravatsali: and Hosiery of all kinds, Suspenders, I ri sh Linen Lawns, Linen Hdkfs, Silk do, hlk Lace Veils,e do and Hate, Oil Chintzes, Bessie and Scotch Diaper, crush, Linen, plain armed and barred Jamas:to Cam bric and Swiss Muslin., Victoria Lawns, Green Bare gee visiting the city for the purpose of laying in their supplies,. should not fail to give use cal; as they will find our goods and ppric. suoh u cannot tkil ID snit their purposenALMANDER A DAY, MOB 75 musket et, NM cot Diamond The New Golden 800 Hive Again, New Fall and Wintor Dry Good,. tST received and cow openzug, at the IdV of the RIG Hu NBA on Market crier; between Mild and rib Meets, one of the largest, cheat sad best „. • ned stocks of Fall and Winter Dry Goode ever of ; in Pittsburgh, to which the attention of our na l; as low e r. flti so su d b?c e rire b r i t: confidenr , lll " b s e ten t.; such bargains in Dry Goods us cannot be sar i sed by any other house in the city. these goads have been purchased at prices far there of my former season, they will be sold at atly reduced rates , mong this liuge and splendid stock win be found choice and deiurable goods at extremely low LADIES DRESS GOODS. cry nob and moat fashionable dress silks; plaid and at prd black sada; striped and plaid talks, plain black ye y glossyugro de Shine; plant black rich lustre; lus tn silk for dictum*, manulias and capes at very low pr es, newest designs and latest styles cashmeres; pl•itt and mtin striped cashmere., very cheap; French in • iuo all colors, de tables, plain and figured and mum air • d, at great reduction on former pnees,gala, Cal non and cashmere plaids; mohair and Monterey pl • dm.. all qualities; alpaceas, all qualities and colors, teas •• 171 to 75 cents per yard. SHAWLS! SHAWLS!! toe cashmere, terkerie and brocho shawls I lank embroidered cashmere and de lanes straw* ine 'ribbet and de laine do 'use !dank and colored cloth do inn quality long, very cheap do lam black and plaid silk, vary cheap do A large lot !fland blanket shawls from 75 cents to 13, all wool. DOMESTIC G00D5,...M . U9H BELOW FORMER Good dark calico from 3 to Wet, yet yard; But quality dark calico from 6 to 10 eentr,. Yard wide purplo do, IA as; Good yard wole blenched muslin 4 lo Bed tickiog. and cheeks, all pncesq Blankets, from coarse to best quality, very cheap; A full salaam= of rod, white and yellow alIIIMIS; Sethwtts, Kentucky Jeans, Kersey's, Limeys, etz, etc, ete, all of which will• be sold at redneed rates, at Norm Market at. scpM WBL LBCSBEL . Mr hl'Cl.llsTOClC,iaturareonitaraly.reeedvina . his fan stock of . CAKPLTING, *a s nomPetstoll one 'of the largest assortments ever brought to the mar ket, which have been purchased-dire= gams the lus• portent and klanufacturen, of But latest and nearest styles, and lower in price than ever offered in this city, to winch be lavaes the attention of those wishing W furnish steIIIIII.IRIA or houses, before re else where. The stock commis in part of the following variety, sir Bich Akurunist Carpets; Oriental Tapestry Oil Cloth du Velvet do Plain colored do do Tapestry do 24 feet wide do Brussels do S-4, 7.4, 4-4, 4-4 & / nil cloth Knot super 7 ply do Wan Rods Super In do do 1.-4, E-I and 2-4 Dragger' do do Stair Lin 13.1 Wide do grain do Rosewood Oil Cloth Common do do crumb cloths 4-4, 3-4 & I Damask Emboued Piano covers Veltman do do Table do 4-4. 3-4 &I twrd do do Figured Table Oil cloths 4-1,3-14 I plain do do Turkey Red Toilenen 4.4. I, to & 2-1 cut. do Adelaid Mats -4 pnured cotton Carpets; Sheep skin do Extra sop Chenille Rags; Jute do do do Toned do Almantdo Fine do do biennia H emp Wilton do do Snow drop Ittapkins Crimmn Led Plush; Diaper Towelling Plain do Cnuth Drab kl Cloth P 4 and Get Table Linens Blue do, for condi titilgs, 'rraustont Window Stindes Carpet Bindings Extra French do do Would cords Rich Satin de Laines for do Touch.curtains Seerlet, blue, crimson. black t i sg drab Damasks; figured rainbow Unmask. wormed and linen Table covers; blue, crunian scarlet, green, drab and black Monet.; cotton Phighesof astora,k.c.k.e. Ara.. Moo, Osneburgs and Dnlltngs for rrearaboat deck, and all other trimmings necessary for outfits for boats in oar line, to which the especial attention of owners is turned. W. ISI CLIPCMCICS Carpet Warr-room, one door from Wood, on Fourthgt. sepl2B - ---- t. To Cknantry Merahanur O:A QMI I & JONCV, Id Market sweet, Intudd invite CI the &entice of Country Merchants to their stock of Me Fall (kiwis, purchased for cash, of the New York i porting end twcuon houses, and will be sold at eastern lobbing itent. The stock co pries a great vanety of Drew Good chameleon chameleon and black Silk., and cotton warp Alpacas, real Alpaca Lances, fancy chameleon and plaid do; wadn griped Orientals; Preach and Clightih Merin., Mouse/at de Lain and Cashmeres, outran, and long Shawls, (doves and Fiet. glory, llonnet Ribbons from 75 cent. a piece op; bonnet ttilks, Artificial Flowers, Linen cambric Hdlrfs; In canons Thread Lace. and Edgings; 1.6 canons cotton do; Combs, Hanoi,., Thread, Needles, Pins, &c., in every variety. It/hole-nate Dooms 51 door. septD_ REMOVAL. H. EATON Co, harms removed from Market s street to thew new Store, No (kJ Fourth meet, be tween Wood md Market, are now opening their Fall stuck of Tr umn ing . and Lanett' Goods, among refuels Mre—Cloak and Dress Ennees of all ktnds; Embrottlery Gimps and Velvets; Embroidery and Needle Work, Zephyr and Tapestry vvenstedChenille Floes; Steel Beg. and Purses, Steel Trizondrigs; latihea Merino and Silk V....s t and Hosier(; Children.' Coats, Gaiter, Alma, Glove. and ; Gents Shirts, Under-duns, Drawers, Dressing Gown., he. Wool end Cotton Y./II; Children.' Dresstai, of latest pattents, which they of. for at low prices both wholesale d retail. nett P. IL Iron. W. P. Mumma_ hturphyirTvites the oar. titular adenoma of buyers to his assortment of abort Geol. having selected them with ffre.l ewe, in reference to their glowy finish tied good body for wia• ter use. Also. MOHAIR LUSTRIIS, common, medium and supers flue qualities, in cluding a few pieces jet black, adapted for mourning purposes Also, FANCY iiI,PACAS AND I.I.:STRE, in great ro omy of scut stripes, plaids, and limeades. AO me of which are very superior. A. these goods have been bought directly trona ituporters, they eon be sold at the lowest poasible pricer To be bad also by the piece, in Wholesale Rooms up stairs, at a very small advance on cost. °col J)RESS GOODS—We have recei•ed a full stock of Dress Goods, among winch may be found— Plain block and figured Alpacas; Colored and fancy plaid do Oregon, California, Queen, Orleans and Lombanlioe Plaids; plans, colored mild figured Cashmeres; de I-aine; Tartan and plaidcashmeres; together with a large W. onsoent of other dress geode, all of which will be sold low by the piece or package. ott9 SIIACKLETT h W111TR,99 wood at RECK] VIdD AT W. ADCLINTOCIDS Carpet Ware house, 7A Fourth street -3 in 0-4 ru.wood cord Table Oil Cloth.; 3 " 04 rich dark " ••• " The above are of superior quality, eluticity of fin ial:, of most beautiful colors and stbling, intended for furniture, counter and table covernm. octir l' iOlt CtilrliNVEA 7 Flll/I.—NV R Murphy incurs ai tendon to his excellent supply of Home made Blankets; Eastern do do, very superior; borne made Flannels; Eastern do do; Twilled Flannels, red and white. Welsh flannels, unshrinkable; Canton Flan nels; ' Undershirts, sitk, cotton and Merino; Alpaca and Fleecy Silk Hose; lAma do, a superior article; at low poets—at north east corner ddi and Market sts ll EL . Cr i s o untry we a r o er s ul le,y will w p h l c e m ase g oo reme . m re b .o er ld h t is i priers that will pleasesepp..l WIDE SIIERTINDS, iILANKETS, -- do —W - R Murp . hy . ban recently rrcfe . ivel a vide, d all suppli r oj an a d un ve tr:lfeise l 7. ' ,Zi n s e o, so piTo " : Cosa oust widths and geniuses. Also, SUPERIOR ULAN KVITS, of eastern and d omesnsstura Also Toole Dispeni and Table Cloths, Crash, Diapers, de, for housekeeping purposes, all of whist will he wild at lowest possible prices, 21 soothes. corner Oh and Mar kel act? IrkßaM GOODS—Smith & Johnson, 16 Shekel st I_l have received a choice stock of Dress Goods, con soling in part of rich Charmlien Silks, black do, satin striped Cashmere. and Orientals, plain Chameleon and plain Alpaca, .tin striped do; silk Warp and real Al paca Lustre., Printed Muslin do Laine and Cashmeres, French and English filerinos,real Scotch Ginghtrus from Da ets op to the finest quality; Calico from 1 eta to lSI; rich Fah. Muslin Robes for evening dresses, &c, to which they would particularly invite the atten tion of purchasers. oct3 SCOTC II PLA IDS AND TAYLOR - UM/14MM— W. R. Murphy has now open a supply of these goods, and Invites especially the attention of Cootst filerehams, to the low prices at which these and all other kinds of winter woollens am now uttered. lsepl4 SMITHOen tr. JOHNSON, 40 Market stmet, have Just eved a large stock of shirts, dralresa, collars, stocks, fancy and black silk cravats, acaca, hosie ry, belga ktdd glover, he. Gentlemen are malted to coil arid examine them, aa they arm supposed to be cheap. scale --- Air Rlbbons. . .. ._ . .. . . r§MITI' to JOHNSON, 46; Market so, have just le coived by cam., • optrodid aasorturent of fall bous, to ar ich they arould particularly invite the anal:aka of porchaaorr. . . sel,4 CIAPES AND COLLARS—A A Mason & Co. have ‘...1 Just reed GOO more affirms rosy cheap Wrought Collars, at LiNc; MO Mourning do, now style; =SWIM B= d :l:MX ""P"i°G2"V aW bi sfys s. a 500 IA- 7 G B llllh2T.'„,y , tott:',i l V2Jo I antaP 90 do 8 H Molasses, RI by TOO6CCA ao kegslientliek a i Tvilst, GO bags Pepper, 6 do Allspice, POO mans Cassia, 40 bbls Loaf Sugar, 2.111 keg.. Noa., with a general as. earntAel of Groceries and Pituburgh rannufactured ankles, (or sale low by septli JAB DALZELL ronn 1111.617.. n. RITCHIE 41, COCHRANE, PORIVAIDII I III i CUSSIIKSIOR REIICLINTS, NO. 93 TCHOSPITOULAS STREET, augll.a.w4uoS • Hew Orleans. R it: . %lo nercn Mice, for Alt:106140N MSCIMUNEOUS. Patna Gramm:PP GMletatue atht2 w ilosef Pat?, Imaged Poke* Ilfinkleil Mad rais th en/7 Let the kind m pre e sented hi this Mon* at to med its seer ical parpows, and is the only one eve r to man, by whit ig the gun - gale fluid can be conveyed tr, the e e . man eye, the est, thxbrain, or to any putof the bod y, either externaltritir in a debits mule etrum, without shocks co perfect q t y_ and ellen with the happiest Urines. This important apparatus is nov , r i ltly approved of m byany of the mestranined COW. try and ii r ope,to wham the and othen whom it may centhern can be referred. will also be putt to rossyldghly imp= eiticansorho have been curettly means of this mast valetable apparatus of some ofdomed inverisrate • -aerrlsta disordera which could not be removed by any other known mesas. Among rarities others, tt Ms been roved to be ad mirably adapted foe the cum of the Wowing diseases, vie nerve. headache and other dimes. Utile brain. his with au appertain alone that the animator eon convey the mag - nettc Hold with ease and safety the eye, tonsuresight., et cure emauniass; to the ear to restore hearing; to the tangos and other fugues, to re store much; and to the various parts of the body, do the cure of elooniethuntratism, uthins, neuralgia, or tic dol.:lrene, paralysis, or palsy, gout, chorea or Bt. Vim's dance, epilepsy, wes.-i t i from sp ra ins, mute dimes. pee'rthar to fentaka, contraction of the limbs, lockjaw, etc. etc. also surrounding erouttles of Wean= Pa., and pri with the instrunient, may be purchased, and a for the min of diseases. Full instructions will be gium Mr the various chemi cals to be used for various disease., and the best man ner for operating for the cunt of those diseases will el se be folly explained to the purchaser, and'a pamphlet put into his kande expressly for th ese purposes, capi tally premised by women Enquire of oottn-dly IV the_ ILLI.AIII9, Vine st, Pittsburgh. New, Fa.h. , ...44e, and Panunknip Cheap Gads fiat arrived as WM. DIGBY , II LIMP CALM clormso viola No. 110 LIT rfllE ..p. F . Tg u lielf the el . =O n re estab ni Tt u b d o . tent °roa d .. meta, that he Lis jun received his firgt supply of fall and winter giants, which as usual comprised evemtb. that is new, fashionable, handsome end good. adapted to gentlemen's wear; and ashe has been particularly fortunate it utakingparchases, he Is determined to of kr veryadug in byline of beamed, much Cheaper than was error °feted in Pittsburgh before; and as some are very band to convince. that Pittsburgh manufactures cut go ahead °film Eastern cities, he myriad invite ail such to eremitic, the Galovring list of prices. and thus call and see hi. stock, Wier domf which, be feels con fidant they will have their doubts removed, ea oral as some of their money Good cloth coats, various colors, from 116 Good fsahionable cataract° pants, from 660 Cloth and over coats - 700 Vests in grew variety 76ets Gentlemen* , cloth cloaks, largo are 0 CO Ladies' cloaks, so/maid patterns 3 00 Tweed sack coats 2 50 Flushing over costa • 2 61) Blanket over coats 3 fn A very large mock of shires, under shirts and draw n; silk handkerchiefs, cravats, =spenders, do. Or der. in the Tailoring lino exeentad in the hen manner and at the shortest notice sepla•Mtuto GEORGB BUTLER & BRO., Galveston; BIRIIO k GROKGB BUTLER, Ve WILL attend to the collection of Notes and tic 'V comae In the State of Tex ki n a the mile of Goods no cougignmemt, purchase of cc, receiving and forerarihng of Iterchandize, and to that of a General Commission Business Renounces in NNW You..—Afores Taylor, Esq; Ed w.:lK Collins, Eel; Allen &`P 6a s..tson; Tarrant Put. ...,_E•9; Rola C Wetmore & S & Loft.% G mum.y & Co; Raydoek, Corlies & Co; Edward 0 Failo & Co; %Vie:leis & Oak; Walter B Townserid & C = Trip ls Iltsilra—Henstmor Ward & Co; Proc tor & 13nder, Enaction & Raymond. Rarkazwaa to Now Ostatna—ki'Dowell & Peck; .1 0 Woodruff & Co; Sickles & Co. Rarsaances to Cractansn.—Butler &Brother; Jas •••• • • • Commanicanona misty be addressed to L. M. Harris Bathe, Mambas. Meal, or to the care of Mew. M Aliens& Co, or to Meats Hoon & Sargent, Hankers, Piusbnrgh. °eta...His PUTTIBITEGIE FEMALE INSTITUTE.. T HIN institution, muter the este of Mr. and Mrs Grano., will re-open for the reception of pupils, to the same buildings, No. b 2 Liberty street, on the Ist Monday of September. b. A . tr i :rigngLatsjo y v a p u r g en made bljr.hie,h the 001 l. in the West, for obtaining thoro tadln ugh Faglutt, Clusi. cal, end Ornamental education. A fulloourse of Phi lisophical and Chemical Lectures will be delivered denng the winter, iilustrated separates. The de =nts of Vocal and Instrumental Menlo, Modern ges, Drawing a n d d Palming, will oath be miler the care of competen rofeuor. By clue attention to the moral and Intellect.' imprenremem of their pu pils, the Principals hope to merit • continuation of the liberal patronage they have hitherto enjoyed. For Lerma we circular or apply to the Ptincipalz. • auggichf Office of American & Fareiglo Patents. Tined GREENOUGH, of the tato-Erin of Keller & 0 (Demur eztillnues th ey bt ai s( k n i e . ss d i tMI7III. n NGTOk He may hie: , c=tl and .1- V ngs :r a nt C ia hlie r is end r e S liewherr: furnishing Zra in • 'h.' and specifications of machines, and all papers necessa ry, transfer, amend, re-Issue or extend It s patent in the Mated States or Europe. He can also be consult ed profeuionally on all questiona of litigation not.- tug under the Patent Law, and, will argue ques tions before the Patent Ofilce or an appeal therefrom. for which his long expenence in the Patent Office and In has profession, have pecallecly fitted bun. The pro fessional business of the lam Dr..T. P. Jones henna been placed in his bands, all letters to relation thereto •haald be addressed to him poet paid. attg3htiteremB Alleigheny County, as. I,N the Orphan'. Court of Allegheny County: In the matter of the Petition of Jambs Penman, Jr, Ad =elevator, /re, of Jame. Armstrong, late of the ho. rough of Birmingham In said enemy, derosased, who died intestate, praying for an ardor, the nub Of cer tain property in said petition fully and - at large descri bed. AM now, to wit September 23, litta, the foregoing mentioned pennon presented, and tho Goan order that notice of thli spplication be alien to all parties inter ested by publieationin the ILlly Pinsbargh Garen, by three losenloas in the sante, storing forth in said mike that said order of sale will be granted, unless exemptions be riled Ott Or Wore the (oath Monday of October, 1848. Ftom the Record. _rep3o.l2l JOHN YOUNG. Jr, Clk. THE ewpannershlpT - deroteforeanistlng between John Farms and /Samuel Whgbanan, tinder the mine of John Porten & Co, is this' day duolved by mu tual ow:nem The begins= of the late firm will be scol ded by,John Fassen at the virantioase of the Haftmons JORNFAJZFIEN • SAMUEL. WIGHTMATI The business of the Basuneatt Line Till hereafter be couducted by Fasten a Lowry, at. A sante plate.— Thankful for past favors, wa soften a continuance of the Dam. JOHN FARREN septa If L LOWHY CO.PAlt'k_arzwinip. alrM. B. SCAIFE and - Copt JAMES ATKINSON a ta...szelacred itt s l c o . Mter . sta, strider thafirn4 i of Copper, and Sheet lan Ware marnaljroTy. 'n Also, kUsekamilltag tdl its branches, at the old stand of Wm. B. Scala, First street, mar Wood. khatienlas anendotigiven to saamboat work. ocr2 nonnsy/vaata 8.11 flood Company. OTIOE is hereby given that the stirra licsmautirr 111 of Five Penang.. share on the'Capiun Stock of this Company is remained to be paisCon or before the first day of November nen. Instalments not paid penctually will be subject to the penalty of ony per cent per month, as requir by law. GEORGE V. BACON, Treasurer. N. B.—lnstalments will be received W. H. DRNNY, at the Merchant& k Manufacturers' Bank, Pittsburgh ectiticillst Nov UST RECEIVED AT W. ht , CLiNIN3CK`rS, No. 7 Fourth st„ tud for sale cheap, v&o It p. plain crimson ►Plush, nu It studs; . 2 " Drab cloth, for coaoh trimmings; 2" " " 6 " crimson and snarler Damasks; , 1 bale of Mose unsurpassed Hu oet7 ELECTRIC MACHINES, u front &Stu 51Rh7ectro- Marlette blachluea, from different eastern mans. lecturers; Marine Clocks for steamboats, canal boats and factonea. A 1.., Chemicals, Thermometers, fee., for sale by BLAKE & chrtter market et and the diamond N. B.—Electricity of either kind 'admit:neared ar the dtrecoon of physictana. win%) A __— T W. M. hrCLINTOC, No. 73 Fourth alms, ICIS can be seen a splendid variety of sup Royal Vel vet and Tapestry Carpets, latest style. Also, Brus sels, 3plys lad sup and fine Ingrain Carpets, of sup sLyles and qualities; and in conutelion can always be found Table Lilli.lll, Crashes, Diaper., Damasks, Mo reau. Oil Cloths., ke. te., to all of which we call the attention of the public. .051 JOHN NILEHINVO. Co., 09. and 94 Front street, rs of all kinds of Fit for Oa s, and man .ufseture, Steam Water, leave always on hand X rooght Iron Wel ded Pipe for steam, pm, and water, tram lis to 1, to diameter. Brass. Castings made, to order. Also, a law assortment of Bells and Entitled Brass Work, to which the attention of Plumbers and Engine Builders is particularly directed. rias Fitting. poi up promptly and on reasonable tertna. went-dem Pittaborglh martgale Royale Ocriar In; Company. THE Tram. of the Punburgh and Isla Royale Coo per Minton Company have Bus day ordered an assessment of twenty-five meta per chore, payable to Johd Irwin Jr., Treasurer,-on or before the Ub day of October nen. By order J A FORSYTH; tiepadltu Seel cow. W. Burro. o, co., INFORM their Mends and th e public Writhe? have no longer any connection mob their late establish ment to Penn street, known no the Pittsburgh Brewery, hating removed their entire Maness to the POINT BREWERY, In Pitt 11111 Vet Minna...at it. 501311. Soda hub. rpite subseribersare now receiving their Fall stock 1. of the above article, duce vessels, vim the Juniata, Medallion and Lydia, having arrived u Philadelphta and Raltentore, end two more, the Stephen Etaldwie and Leila, gently expected; they are', therefore, prepared to receive orders. They will receive during the win tar and spring regular supplies eta New Otte.. tepid tr. hl MITCHELTREPS DUSOLIITION. FrtHEparmershiphereutfore of TINGLE & SUSSEX, in the manufacture of . and Cast Steel, is, by mutual consent, this day dissolved, Amos Tingle having sold his entire Interc' in said Ism to Jambs Sngdeo. The business of the Late fine will be settled by James Begden, who is &whorls.' ed to use the neentiof the font for that AMOS TINGLE JAIdES SUSSEX. ivy co, Sept SY, LBO. RYE Winton° e. TITHE highest pribe to oath paid Of good elcask rags 1. also, canvass, bale rope; grata hapsibar&g, wool. two., by NV I. . CMDWICZI. .am. .L tart. odan a Worts WANTED, •-r.. -- APERSON with a small capital, end ehenalturd with the bushiest, to take an intercattenth Aron Foundry, to be located on the Portage Railow.d. Se• ply at the aloe ofFriend ithery C0..2 ..2 GP. RIIEY. I A FINE FAMIL7FIII.9 — E -Ir :L . tar" Enquire of JOAN n . o . old No la vp.dit VT TERN AROMATIC—tO eases 'dim' mo r 111 Azomaile Tobusejsun me'd gad for tal e WWII& 'CAND Ar USTARD-43 cans gulf erl6l,lll4tar., .I.llinrl received end for sale by sepilS WICIG APCANDLE23 Cash torltrialiqr. MINE Imam mkt peke • will be paid la caulk for .I. rood motellautableitattaf t delivered at our ware house . e 1, , NBITAVEN a Co 2 ""*A buinLP9 , " .Y.e.l . . , • /OWN W. lIIIIStaIt. rpORSYTH ffs DllNClANi•Poiwpisling and Couniii— r rion Morainal' No. ur.Pilut street, Pittsburgh. • • oeW Euquire of i• moo calk:tit Fun* llama T LICECH, Jr , , . =Mood's .I I E4 I CONS # Zi" _ • ' • # • # #U.ARD , D. SWAYNES CONFOUND IYOOP OF Val) CHERRY ails, tarot rot Consamptica, Coo-ON Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, 1. 4 e. " Complaint, Spasm g Blood, Difficulty of Wrath ing, Pain in the Side and Breast. Palpitation of the Herat, Influenza, Croup, Broken Con stitution, Sore Throat, Nervous Debili ty, pe a all Diseases of the Throat, Breast and Lungs; the most ef fectual sod speedy core ever known for any of the above discus. om DH. ZYNB'S This marine ti no r" r W ir il lo e se he ofdon i btful atility it has passed away from the thomands daily Munched upon the tide ofearperinient, and now stands higher in remand., and is becoming more extensive ly need than any other preparation of medicine ever produce.' for the relief of saffering man. It has hero introdneed very generally through the United States and Etampe, and there are few towns of importance but what eontain some remarkable evi dence. of its good effects. For p ro of of the foregoing statements, area of the value and efficacy of tine mettl e= the ~„„I ti ow , h tt, ; .. z i .a . .,u p of %hunt:l , l l o:4. men of the firm reepectability-0. who have higher vim* of moral responsibility and justice, dam to err. th e m ante, because it will do another a favor, met themselves no injustice. Such test:form proves con clusively, that its surprising excellemb is emehlished by ita intrinsic merit. , and tlae unquestionable. aothon. ty of public opinion. The IlistaatOneOns relief it af fords, and the soothing influence tit through th e whole frame by us use, renders it a mom agreeable remedy for the ,dieted. RIESOMIRMQ "When men, acting Gam conscientious impetus, voluntarily beer testimony to the tenth of • thinft. or particular fact, mach testimony, being comrsry to We c worldly interests and proem coerces conmetion its truth, and e itself i n n a special manner to to universal eredence.”—O'Hogan'a Metal Maxima READ THE HOME CERTIPIQA_ ,TER. 13 mar. ABOZONF CUFF OF POLIKONJUKT • -COOFOYFF,Sr— There nous WY • remedy that has been •• successful desperate cues of Consumption, FS Dr. Swarm , . Compound Syrop of Wild Cherry, It strengthens the system, and appears to heal the ulcers OR the lugs. creating new and Melt blood; power possessed by uu other medicine. Omura Co, April ZW - h, If4X. Dr. tilwayne—Dear Pie . l verily behove your Com. pound Syrup of Wild Cherry has been the means of naming my life. leaught a severe cold, which grade ally geew worse, attended with a severe cough, that restated all the remedies which I had recourse to, still inemasing until my cue exhibited all the symptoms or Pulmonary Conumption. Every thing I tried seemed to haulm effect, and my compile= increased so rapid. ly that friends as well u myself, gave op all hopes or my recovery. At this time Ivrea recommended to try your invaluable medicine: I did so with the most hap py results. The first-bottle had the erect to loosen the cough, causing me to expectorate freely; and by the time I had six bottles,l was entirely well, and am now as hearty a man as I ever was in my life, and would be hUpy:g i ii . : any information respecting my case, that sod rs may derive th e benefit for which I ant so al For the truth of the oho*, statement, I refer yen to Peter Ruh, Grocer, We. Chester, Pa., of whose I machnled the medicine. Respectfully yours, Juno lib:miss iffinufeiful Core of a Metkorliar Minister. Dr. Swayne—Dear Sin 1 feel • debt of gratitude due to you—and a duty to the atilitted generally, to offer I my humble testimony In favor of younCompotind Sy nip of Wild Cherry. Some three years since I Ives violently smelted with cold and inflammation of the Wc6 airs In zr e as trr acco east a d ptel , with a disiterng bonrn bin iiietarge of offensive moo n, (mm 7h21.7,7 upon c hange `"gbwas pi. cape—A brat 1 eony Wen convinced that I rapidly go ing o Intoconsump lion. I grew daily weaker, and at length was scarf liable to walk abOut t 'or speak above • whisper, s .11 the exceeding seethe., of my lungs. During to time I had tried various preparations and prescripuons, but.fonnd no relief—growing all the time worse. Jan here I was advised and persuaded by a dear friend In Wihnington to make trial of your Syrup of Wild Cher '', 1 must confess that previously I had been prej . diced against patent medicines, and I ace atiU aguinst those coming out of the hands of emperics, but under standing year claims to the professian and practice of medicine, and having implicit faith in the saying of my friends, I forthwith purchased of Dr. Shaw, one of your agents, a few bottles, and commenced its use. My dig rate was at that time o(20 or LZ months' mending, con sem:teeny It was deeply seated. I found, however, considerable relief from the use allot first four or five bottles. But being a public speaker, I frequenuy at tempted to preach with my inentasing strength, and thereby ruptured those vessel s that had already begun to heal; in this way, doubtless, any care was greatly retarded. In consequence of acting thus Imprudently, I bad to use twelve or fifteen bottles bektre I was per. fecdy restored. I have no question, a much smaller number of bottles would have made me sound, but fir the above indiscretion. The Syrup allayed the fever ish habit, took sway the distressing rough, pata stop to the dlscharge of matter from the lungs, and gave them and the entire system good health. I ham:id-der red offering this ceillfielle until now, for the purpose of being perfectly satiofied with the permanency of the cure, and now that I feel perfect) well I offer it with pleasure.. • Rae. J. I'. Joanne. Dublin county, N. C. Important Ccrutian—Raad! Read.' There is but one genuine preparation of Vt'lld Cherry, and that is Dr. Swsnr., the first ever offered to the public, which has been seld lamyronghout the Coned San. and sm. parts of • and all pre paratioto called by the acme of Wil Cherry have been put out since this, under cover of some deceptive circumstances, in order to give currency to their sales. By • little observation, rro person need mistake tho rename from the false. Enob bottle of the genuine is enveloped with a beautiful steel engraving with the likeness of Witham Pe. thereon; Mso, Dr. Steeple's MIMI.. and no lumber seettrity, the portrait of Dr. Swayne will be added hereafter, so on to distinguish j his preparation from all others. Now, Bit was not for ' the great car.. properties and known virtues of Dr. Igetaynets Compound ByOcp of wild Cherry, penal. ; would not be endmmoring to give currency to their nommuos" by steahng the some of Wild Cherry. Remember, always beer in mind the name of Dr. Sway. and be not deceived. Principal Offing, comer of Eight, end Knee .racers. Philadelphia. For sale wholesale and retsil by OGDEN & SNOW DEN, coo Std and Wood is; B A PARNESTOCK k Co, car Lou and Wood , and OM and Wood str, Will T/10RN,53 ?Jacket an B JONES, ISO Liberty en JAS A JONES, ow Rand and Penn sts; JOHN MITCH ELL, Allegheny chy, and by ell respectable dealers in medicine. oats THE ONLY IMIENDYII, HASTE VEGEPA.BLE EXTRACT is an invalua isle remedy for Enileptlet Fits or Falling &erne. Corinthians, Spasms, he. It is well Inman, that from time immemorial, physician. have ptersouneed tic Vats bearable. It hat baffled all their skill, end tba boasted power of all medicine; sad consequently thou sands have suffered through a miserable existence, and at last yielded up their lives on the situ of insanity. With all 65ft:deuce, however to the opinions of the great and learned, "re say tion'il has been cored . • HARTS vkarrAßLE ka'TRACT, For sixteen year., has been tested by many persons who have suffered with this dreaded disease, and in every ease where it has had a fair trial, has effected a pennanent CUM Fits of St years sad 6 menthe, cued by the use of this truly wonderful medicine. Read the following remarkable ease of the son of Win. Seems, Rag., of Philadelphia, afflicted with Nu- Icon('Hie ffr years and 6 months. After travelling thosugh Englarttd, Scotland, Germany and France, con tutting the most eminent physician, and expending toour =theme, medical treatment and advice, thew th mad dollars, returned with his um to thls e .intry in Noveralihr last, without receiving any benefit what.• er, endures cured by . using HARTS VEGE T ABLE EXTRACT. Mr. William Secore's Letter to Dm. Ivan. and Hart I have sprat over throe thousand dollars for mem eine and medical attendanee I mum advised to take a tour to Romps with hint, ari oh I did. I fire visaed b d. I consulted the most eminent phyaicians there in respect to his cur, they examined him and pregerthed actordingty. I remained three months without perceiving any change for the be tt er, which eost me about two bundled and fifty dollarspocketed by the phydeians, and the most that I received vrag their °abbe that my eon's ease was Impales. and posi tively incurable. I accordingly left &eand, and trav elled through Scotland. Germany and France, and re turned home in the month of November last, with my son as fax from being cured as when I left.l saw your advertisement in one of the New York opera and concluded to try Hurt's Vegetable Extract, seeing your statanente and certificates of so many cures, some of twenty end thirty years' grueling, and. I can assure you I am not sorry I did so, as by the use of Hatt's Vegeta: ble Extract *lone, be was mewed to perfect health His reason, which was so far gout to to mitt him for business, is entirely restored, with the prospect now before htm, of Ille, health and usetbness. He Ls now IS years of age, and 47 year. mad I meths of due time has been idfileted with this most dreadhl of dig. Caeca, but thank God he is now enjoying good beehli. Now, gentlemen, Iblth without works I don't behove In. To say that I chall be over grateful to you is ono thing, and as there enclose you anhundred dollar., I have no doubt but that you will think this is another cuand quite a 'different thing. The debt of gratitude I ll ewe you, but pkaes to occult the present =man as interest on the debt In adiranen. Yours very respeca ztm ORlttodd BBOORS TO THE AFFLICTED. One of the proprietors of this insoluble medicine was afflicted M several years with Epileule The disease led prodacM the worn meet mon hi. syucze r vis: Lou of memory, Imbecility of mini , and a perfect prostration of bust h system had tried the skill of the best physicians fin seven years, and grew worse ender their treatment, and ho knew that this medicine was his cull hope for health Ned life, and was thermions detarmimd toEr h s Gdr trudt to persevere In its use, which he and the resol and ves % perfect remand= to health, whir. was eons; Red ammerrapted for nearly sixteen Yen. We would refer to ihtz . frriarresons t, no a • afflicted nine yeassj resides it Yonkers, New York. W Bemet, nine yews, 101 et. Ellswonh, seven year, 12 Dover st. Jooeph Whlongal, nine years, Eut ameklys, Lyg, W gosith, New York Cuens Home, 13 gaily, twenty yams, lleuen [slangy Min ENKJ-Nr. MOM years ' Yorkville' E yesu, Hantrac=d wn, ki parsed, twatty-thretryears, 93N 'a 1 !Jacob Pemr, tbar years, 174 Wane, Philo/chum, twenty- Mght years. Greencsne, ps indigo Ruda, 9 4 E. 14 M'asY,'New York, Thomas R. Jumbose., of o the V 8N .thewin j, fltats Bridgspon, nce also made to nt. • Dr W L Monroe, Ghtillbrd, . Rut Richard Mogen, Wen Drreupcncll Rev L 0 , Baltlaeon, •." larloseph Thasilo p Ild Orchard et. Y. WThwithiccli lB 2 i=th st N • •,lifelJeznes Denlolf, 'Orange .1107aba,rallizabatt :AL itleht4.llBDelazusy do • LimesiSteithrEl3 Sato* in' do Charles which Water tt, do An of which ,acty b• upon, or addrusat, peel paid Pnwansd hi Dr 8 Row, Om Team 4, H um New York. O P THOMAS 8. Cr, 181 Blain W, between 3d g g ,g fila Ids' mad 142 Man at, between th and Qty *treats,— Clammed, Ohio, 'wholesale and mail agents nu*" sendb and mut. L4WILCOI, .li4 comer of Masked at Tad the Dial 11•311Moly,strt in Eillab'g Pa. landearly • I JIPPLEB-4 atoll lot Iltit 'told tad for sole ocplB WICK & APCANDI.Mos 8VII,E$41;11(-18 Cuts kart room from 4ind atllll4o by WICK & M'CANDLESS 44E4RtliW-1 eases eood ud DIY, Cocelo C ARBUT crr - QE%IINO 811 A—A go;,e,icidNa,*;imi c-tiTe: 10 asp _ ......_. . . CAB BUTBNDT ILK FliWi6ES.—ik very line assortment of blankßilk Fnoces,oftweat apts. Mao, bLk Silk Laoo, of oarlottastfles and priuraiinat Lac'd at . aeptSX. 2ESIILOIII ItINSFY'S tem mllgpEaoolXl—larerece'ved, tee to ow -lasucler: Terithles Lilo pre: Groa corers, Paper _Tobacco Prelim, air and solid lndia Tallerill for sale India - tribber Illaw,lTtrY Wood sr. • at tho oct 2. • (111.1 TRAW for Mlllll4Ol-1 ens bY• ,s 'ILTAMIIO4SMA • • 'l4*:-. . '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers