The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, October 05, 1848, Image 4

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    ~4 { ~
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'',-e~"~'m";~`'~~.,w t ~ ' ~ t'- ,_ _..~ ) ~ +r-*.n-rx ~~;,_,.~ . ,
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.~,...,. __ .~ -vim ~~;~::,:..~,.._~__ xr ~'~~'"`s ~...,'~"~"e:"~„~ - ,.~-T- a :rv,.>~
rifnitas . liitimsoPtArrirmftnnais o_nrEnT.
wart at :4 IrrrirtiVirill
, r.TNTHKIrhiITEDSTA i.TMK=Thertehoseribettaspent
eitlfirYour4ttention itYDY, Batrearre Goo
inan,etnitaily - =tended the 'preserrortinfvft
health of both restur-4rhelher ariseLfredijnelPl4
Plating, or early consumption; Debour of ine Liu&
Bronchial affections. Itethmai Pleurisy; Deranged
•Disonletedenate of Spleen; or Kidneys,
Cued Spine, ,Cholle - `Palpitation 0f.'=4.1
Hean,Loe, O t tc* s tlreblerretts Power, rte. &el_
. DR. C . D. "GWAICUIAN' corner to nut
immediate reliefof Female+ suffering firm Irtewthiti
fie; and an otherthetine difilenttles and diseases inch
dental to woman, whether neaselonett -bp cold, wet
feet, or any !haat tinediciallrelionatet and . all r
Without the use of =editing as the most delicate_
sensitive lady can stony nuntittitapply , it 'to here=
without the yostibilirY of ibtmmitig any risk or danger,
or anyunpleasentresults rinsing from iti end with the
certainty of obtaining imetediaterrellef. •
Dr. BarretgaGeardied Is tuicatch-pezmy or one of
'Am m 0 2 3 1, iwaninerlf• the ' lit but it 6strioneta
, ,sastle upon side y_ Wine= principles, in aerandanee
with the Imre of Eaeettirlty - gairazdsm; and for
heatless; didebillitr: and e.X. ',ay; infinitely surpasses
evemthing of the kind ever before offered to the while
for relief ofdisose, and; in the language of one of
the most etillgbieliedmenofthe dirt' Is prononneed to
btOthe greatest dlseovergoltha ageP • •
Atonal:if iiniese s hisbeea oecupied
Try Dr..l3ldrett intaitigingthe Guardian to' tts present
vista_ of_ectiection=during. which tier= Khan how in
• Ilusbm& ofsome 'of eminent physicians of
the'Noilh and Bondy no well as is the dweWngs of au
. Amens families, who havnined it =rail of theabare
• purposes,With tire sneeess x ind who have
cheetfolty • • 'ten' their unqualified approbation. of its
edliesty Witco= CM be Seenlyrefening to the
Mannar of nous'accompenying It. •
D1CC., 11 .. ice:Guardian le secured from ==eve.
Gene ity Paent front the United Metes Patent Mee,.
aid be - had either with or Without his hieduroTtectro
Theidedico:Electro Galvanometer, In poirrt abeam.
ty, workmanship, dorabilityand power, cannot be sur
passed or even equalled,nad the subscnber feels that.
he hamuds nothing lathe assertion that it will be found
to possess more pewer and Whew} , in the wean=
and removal of diseases, by Onlverdsra and Electriel•
Iy, than any tatter Lastrement,: either fa the Felted
tittle' Or Manl,. TtiehrediewEiectro Uslminometer•
la warranted in 'terry raw*, and with common ordii
nary care ; Bill kistA lifeanne, and far the cheal4
cut, Unitise the boil, insertunera ever offered to the
public. A manual accompanies 'plying the most
=Mk bV i rro, ofPraqiql e ace, so Math
is murk 1 gibietothe =act' eretty ono, while
there. try of anangetabut 4 nett that a child may
do griunitcntity glom, tad erratum•
ulr as cheerfully 1111Sarered per mall, either In Mr
acco to the Elettro-Gabnutenneter or Guardian.
Medical men are invited to call end es:Moine Dr. Bar
roes Guardian and testns efficacy.
For sale by H. mcluaumni, sold Agent, 71 Mar
ket di, Pittsburgh- litdFnitt
COMB 5,000 PERSONS ,a - Ph iladololda
kir alone, can testify to the anaiderfal Annoy of that
palmed rearedye .... •
la Puhmititii-BnChionlo Bronchitis and
Borer Bien; 'AAhm., Cheer& Catartbart_dat of
_Pain fa the Bide and
Thalhteg,•Whargdng Cough, C I 4rW,
and Nerecroa Troners, Palpation of thellearr,
' Liver Complaint anderection of the Edney's.
This medians, the Invention wto ve the
abject of Petitionary lisonebratend Pectoral '
the 16011/ tied e n, has ttow been beano the
prebilonearTaw years. Daring this pariodit. has per.
formed same °fee roost remarkable meson formai of
Paldiseury , Constueolion—soeared the recon=ende.
don and one
of phydelarte In their pr
and the
Intreceest approval of thousands - 0 person ordieary
and seam Colds, Rotereartli Iroarseoeu, Bolding of
Boog, tee.
moat ibur l ears ki;ee I wan utacinia with
rover, which tell mein a miserable caws of he=
es=one debility With .geterel prostration el/limeys
' tens. with
violent pelts in the breast and loss of appe
tite, in eonseedwace of which I was enable to utendle
my 9.1411 i o r hay kind of `work. I
applied to several pir otriana and used sirloin' tem.
dm,but without any epeerefit, and had. despidreilof ever
obtaining recovery of my former halth. Rot some
time last Jane I was advised to try Thomson , a yuax
pound Syrup ofTar and Wood Naptha, and incredible
as It rosy appeer,hylhb time I bad teken three bottles
the debility, path nod. every Sense of stating were
completely removed, and I was able to attend with nr.
nand hglih to
Of Diskingoit township, Vambeziond co.
Read the following tratininey from a respectable
Itembeicf tho Society of Friends, in Poughkeepsie, N.
°This may certify that ba the spins arise, my
health eras very feeble; I was altlicted w thpalzt In the
side, with other alusehigignytents,and auattrd much
fro great . debility. t time I "purchased from
Maws Theme two bottles ornament's Composed ay e
rep of Tar and Wood Myths; from 'which I eeperien-'
red great benefit, my health being now good; and I
cheerfully recommead theretticle m. 11.1.11161.• ••• who
may beset:rasing - with general debileYi metionse
of adeeline. ittßaithiNTSll3.
Prepared only by /MOUT fr. 6=103, 111 the N. R
- corner of Fifth and Spruce streetn, Pldla.
Bold by 1.. WILCOX, Piusbur&__atod by
b d o ves
generally. Prize SO cenchor One MUST per
LUNGE.-The unprecedented eacwas which has
I:tended - the we of the
n all the murk= fat= which irritates of the luop es.
fames, basindacmi the proprietor again mull anise.
Don to this
The chmtgable weather which, marks our Olt and
Wilder mouths, is always a fmitfal source of
These, Ineglected, are but the preammrs of that &1.1
The gamic., then, haw ahallwe nip the derma/erre
the Midi how shell we get clew of our coughs and
ale is of vital inupormuce to the public.
teal be (amid in the Ginseng Panacea= loProof article
we have from ume to tune published the certificate. of
damn of our beat kncrern eitisens, who tame expeli.
weed ha curative powers. These, with amass of tea
thnotry from ail perm of the Co
. Prmisten of the Gospel, itc.,togetherwith copious noi
tees frowthe
we have embodied in pamphlet form, may be had
gratis of any of oarmts c t . counny.
have been used in this city.
throughout the United States and Canada, and we rho
n which,Vi' n ifitteCcordi . S_ dinetimlsi and be.
fore the limp had become famoY AlltifigselLA II h.
- ewer Doled to
Why, then, need the 'Mimed hesitate! - is by resort to
the enwrable tIOSIIIIIIIIIS gotten upty awl swab:RUM&
'else Omaha num of Wpm ea .limeifi phy.
sirlan, and puffed into notmiety by eenifionce par.
eans-eguallv unknown? Whilst a medicine of -
Wm,. pa vvo EFFICACY
inks bed, whew innietten. Rt. 02 hamar= wig*
horsrecarAAVan Ite m
11 , 1 In age. that this Mvateable ntedicirm mei be placed
within the reach of the poor w the rich, we have
Fat the
ONLY agirrs,,
jut one half the tisoal coetof eoagkn>ed iei aes.n
for sale by
manta in nearly every, tamarind village
over the westorobn are pregame-mite glee fall inform.
tan relelve to IL T. SALTM,Propricso
Broadway, Cincinnati, Ohio
stbnIERCIIANT OF TILES CITY, who had been af•
• Aimed with the &anus for four years, bed taken
ever' thing- Ifts 'physicians constantly men
ded high sad he had expended over two thousand dot
lie never believed in tuiverdsed mediums., but
considered , them all humbugs. At lasi he tried Dr.
Taylor's Balsam of Liverwort, from 73 Decks= nowt
New York, sod lo tic weeks was emiterfettred,lav
ittg taken. only three beaks. This la only one of many
eases where unagirtiry obleedousto "patent medicine
have prevented —screens from using this medicine, who
hgre expended hundreds of dollar to their phruclans
lit vidxs-andinthe end owe their moiety tothe
Mae sgansey. of this purely vmetablo Inept:glom
Thom is ne• mistake, that this mleinst is superior to
, day remedy prescribed by radical *Wore. iid•
Medicine bas taken 20 years to tuatuatVand is the le
red remedy kw disoneg ever intralncea to the abbe
Moms= IlAros, POlMal s all9l3aoarteu or
CIIISIZ.4Mereend lorg with these cemplaind
had even op all hope of being cured I had consult
ed the belittle and houuepathie doctors In 1 had
vsed many artielo advertised, bat found no relief.
'despair I tosigiven up the use of all atediebtea Rear
tog of the great. virtues OM-Taylor's Balsam of Liver
wort, sad the great cores it bad performed,' induced
tae to try it, and to iny=joy. and astonishment, I .
was better daily.. I c its *se, 'tido> his Seger ,
Coated Pills, nog I are 'entirely eared. TalW , s
Balsam of UMW= is the best medicine la the world
• ter thette—eoraldahasi and will core everkle t he afflicted.
Catania tittles Nancy, of New York.
dam Coatt—l hale suffered Lunn the MU= •
otry long time; and have nod everyloo mad
obtain dir he ,are
in v ein, mail I Died di me
Bak= of Liverwort. •This•intaileine has adooded me
sato inattifest bench:, and la,
ray , Opinkm, a cure for
distresantdiunq eutre .
spodally, As
alms eases among my friends, wbere it has been hih
. iy atecaoltd: - Paeans . homes= Invited to call
at my residence for farther inf
• - • MRS.& DUTON,•aIg Laurens sr
som In Plus hares by J D Morgan: Y 3 wood ea j
Townsend, LS blartet ar, II Sniper, ear. Margo sad
ahr jo genderson to Co, 6 Liter!) st • Estee . redeeed
H. A. Itabstestockhe ..ligstl;llfliente Pill..
111.111 S Cathartic compound combines atuallness of
bulk ate-fenny and CaCOPinatie War.. of
Purgat.ivi *Work end Using a; peculiar' tendency to
the Dart orons, enteurely sahtable in this tone
in.whistibilioui fryers end Other complaint% at
tended with. eangestion of the liver,* ranch nixamd..—
They hare DOW Stoo(i th e" teal of 90 years, and aperi
ent* has - erosed than to be, safe and Pulnable remedy
.inintecathum. nceduela, end Bllloas Fevers; Am
diee; _Siam ludigeition LDropsy Dysentvg ;
Vomitengs i Colds. =dal , COM/liati df b"
giOtOXODOD7 Chllielef. The complete VIII
eatishetion which has been given by LUSO tO
who hive. oncemzied (hem. =dors the publishing or
the min:also centicem in their &Tor unnecessary.
I* parent -t
thoT D CW €1 ? a
FrW US ems far a beg containineit pills
Premed and sold by
t FnliPinTOCK' &Co
earner mendwood, and alsa comer &h and wood
IMO COUG BIRUB-It peer:ate he the
peat' Fames la cm*. 'aty &We ahasessag
'• ' - - •
promtheTmlletanee Runs?, Pkri3 IBM •
Coatta SUX7e-WO are not ht the habit or=
laical/is t Ad • trenS yrop edidoei,bat'
10.1560016 r to
ho ate afflict
-ad ~ioy . ooto„ having Wed the wed row
eke to mem aettrotata as distreetia= that
.heikirat awe* dor aelleted one or Oat with
out ACM" We were induced to' try Moron , * eangb
,SYraPi Ind try 14 relitrY woo obtatedd at e'rew houra It
proya to be the pew-este Ws cue es liout,'
PrePtia* ol ,l l ,lo,gr bthe
nind ,'
kW `'.''. . t ool Al' dOor below dolma alloy.
Adav ErArrolliNT b sapator to ill ethos , nowdb. fin .
. ' ,Cooftitic.,Collogn4434 Eltwhilb,AWbashiolottws Moo.
, - ANT bawl lbw wow POMO anacaseiaesd lb.
Ow ail is Llsis Mullin tea yaw op. gill prev it to 4
- • olbor wzmodleofthe WWI; od wtmc0574.b..kid,,..1
• 111 t a .cilaa , prepatttlon_ dory how alo w it torpidly beco
alwooaloled bi' to oo l lo l a. ww= - ohltiiimiAroucoolly
~- Taialpeglid (noes be /1 1 7lowbutowwlUr r =
'Oa too* weturood lo mot :one
;:it Moat Pal Ins War .41:1
. 11 ‘ .41766firblaitie rr in VoolV s.
• : ~,.1 " P" , 1 . 7, bp, - , .: ' 1:1 . ! : - ALEJL i tittriES ci
- 'z - Fatah el -'
- FAIN pcTRACTO,,E wl/4 .111 aye 14/I}. -
- l . -.itts iron the Wu , or it* APPleasicAi =ova tho
.-.- • bow - 1M - anOrest .bagni, Beado ;or - blisibg%
juntl will toil Wooodt,:alecerana. nom'. ot,any.inws
...--L.wilton wor. Ms valuable _Pain =Meter. tan bw,
dad of:,• , ' ,*.purili pxorwiN,Draufia,: _
No % woo Anil, •
—. Wester art fitssehyrsi as Alf. - r
Ths test szuserdhstry• Medians— Is dm Worth k
Ms /Strad .4 pat Alvin , Wart 'Baths r_itzta T .
Mug dearer,prwartier, awl 111611Vitidi . MY:
pallor 4 - . q odd. 11. ma atitkaas
7 vasithyr, T rreiw, 'kiss*"
sr dr.• the . -i
C '
• .
Tha great barna, and mpadorim ids
woo all otherinedichece in Om Irbil. tt ef andlesses tU' Vrt
Waso it Wilmer theM p lis ono oe the vary boa
Emirkscorn• tinotold7.portilas tberwhals sym
ped IU lum
0711., D 01•20 ps* row ictle
i=ver pommel by no othermedkinet Jai to.
Odense the . pond mast ante woosterfal mem Mhos
pechwited withintho }est two you; more than 100,000
mos' creme» dem ed'didoneon' elend woo were,
centidered' inearatdo It ties erred the Dm M pare
Mai' MOO &Wrsods do !Ire put sewsetto'
ocHi coxes of Genie Will Debility !Ad
. woos Prervous Eaorgy..
Dz. Towtoonde flortaparilbs Invigorates the mbole
cyst= permovently, TO those who ham look *hair
AUSC44 hythOddromot tostbArto or lorldicee—
tioo in youth, or tee eintimin triebstrnimhd
khe paeMenn end tooted td.e I. l ebniew .. =
dm orate narrow, gams. 111. wattle
Mains mutation; premature docay end d o ll e. butt.
log tower& teen y Mal tissue, Ca, t . can bo
tire , nattered b tide plasma remedy. The
paste is fir minim to. my
atin Cordial
At ft ram. onirnirivitrorstesg ,
the %neat eves activity .
ra tika,lingui, .54 itntoOt •to the anoctinveystom in a
most munordhem7 dem*:
Consinapillon Curd.
Okras. osa &mein, •Ossateastiossie /is cond.
• ar.r.kithognmptio,,,,tAu r , 9. ri puing.
caw* 00, 104 islhisa frills: tr Boos.
Soissuis as 0/14.%s t rist. lPrty
Riodfibilgoat yr "01.
nenbusistla rholmse
rad pm be moot 2
eumprine 'BLOOD.
, Atm Tor& Apra
Di. rawmp Th . 4 iviiiar war. th" Y°"' 48,
rillsLd Pant Ms mew, thainigliTmrittroun
my , I bare fir mond yawl bad • bad iamb,
beeline inns mid wain ' At lest I robed hap
Mtn °MUM& Ltd lantit awinte; and was promly dobllb
tined and ;nohow% mid did not aspect to tire. thorn
only used your earsaporabi dart dam mid Omni, bor
"'*th 2 fd chandobidd '.. ,01 1M ino. I =now obbi
to Walk WI any the atty. I mins no blood, tad my
cough has' lad ma Tan enn Ina tame='that I am
OMAN tat thaw !imam
' loorebedien *err.%
WIL 217131$ELl e Caibmirotat:
Toirmerei's ilanotparlga is • monyolds and
run lb,
Its4lt Comamptioth Iditmemou,
.Uteri, or o f Womb. Cei, Pile; ,
anima. or tek °hot:meta!' or difleoltlfatisune
Woo. Ineehtionnes of Thin% or hmolontery.diechug•
„theme( mrd ter the guard prostration of UM trues—
op maw whether thermal& ofhthment mom or atone
produced by hiegoluity. Moose or toeldad. Nothtq
erab• mom sorpridny than it. forain diem
on the harm trains Perms wfm.rand Me&
tide, from raking it, u ones become robust tiod WI of
rimy. ander IMiodmace. it bomedlatory cenuterams
the nornleommoofthe foals Crameorblehis the great
renewed itareoxers It win tot be ,ta.W of ea to
mu aria delicate • eatunh to, eztlDa certificate of
rime performed by we ran aware the addicted that
hamdredsof awe loore bees mowed te normal:ldr
a m e sa Whore fradlite ham bow witheatoehildno,
dear Wort fmr bade, of WM lavaleable
taro bearliamed with die, healthy
To neaten mud waled Ladies.
This Sktrastettilatpd!ht ii. been dialettr Me
rmaid In Info= to dile =atilt's. Ito mile
who has dila I. astptile she appreetdaa that
esitleal period, Ti. tans of BA." =old dew to
take h, so Is Is addn tairreative lEt fay ellie
dilaassl sad badge ilea= to which Edda an
raid= it this thee of Effst. Thie parted may he is
latiljhr arm.' years by diet tkis media= Nor
6 6 61111 treloahle Gar thole do an .pprui_u u. "
atialtood, id it it dicolatel to salt owe,. by quick.
cabal the bled m.-dm the aysteat laded,
dditios I. tonloobic Oa all the 'dish Abet*
en to dish dostm to. =dem
It bead the .hots 6.66. 1066666.67 the
dated estate, by sdarring the unplittlies oe the
belly, =so Ikestkosolatba az to prodder extideueso
- dayaltd *bleb Is the cm of east nillebto tad fel
fesealis vatiadavani did= By deg • fey bead a u•Orlprorwrimmr. P+Llaw rurska open •
Great fl tOodang to Illotber• sad Oblllarto.
It Is tba Who tot ascot ofreetoal medicine Ibrpntify ,
koe thofrfloo, , .. rahrologf ooffiihmg...}:btodaat
ogoai obild-birth Om &mooned. it stroorbentbotb
the mother Ltd child, l'"""" to
awn odd earlobes the food, those 'rho him mod to
Wok It biladigootoddo. It to highly useful both berforei
' cod snot Etoihnooseosou I. maroon dimes. attoodoot
ddhlbirtb—to .ftWoreals, Pilo, Cramp. lihroll
tot tette lao, elootooltoey, Ifurabon, ifogaittag,
Polo to OW Bap,. old Lob*, Fobs Pokes, El
teed hi rerabator the owsothon oqualizio,% " =
'WOW :if I= oqtal The pat Now at Lab
niedietas b, it la ahnis ocia, .ad the maga dAd..O aao
mot, wry taw .. main, my odor
modldio, Ot mos Ilego Coot Oil, co Naval& la
toast; •Zwara to lb. own 11111 c rod IWO toad with
thisskolittray dog. s.o tra a =Nand r
cod a
lie*T. •
Gronettos, Chstkond .yVV — paratiistati ,
ratin W.,when applied to the hoe, my awns spoil to
greck ll t =dadt., Th". which whert " 7.l7tre f head=
84 by disease or ponder, or the din Whoa by the
aUnderiad La mops, bundle.its an prodesilen to
Qt. I .lursiso nee Dlelner ea arca ae So the garden of
rich and 'delicately doted and mieradati u
Em. A
(roe, soaps and healthy Modeles of the SW; or lb.
the pare, rob bleed to the extratokins, is
tbu zr
pidate the eminmence in the=i;
site beantr. that shish impart. the
shada end deem of beeline dm .imm u re, bet
deacribe. This bevy; the sr
orpimier sariq. If then I. of
healthy circulation, there Imo beauty. if the lady I.
felt es &Me arm, If a. print, and Ine,goasteks,
nath.bk•odis thick, mid and Immo, alas here bee.
Mt It slab. brom or yr-Wie, and there leywe end
bletatit aim • rid ba=""'""a
-truume, tadma dal 4.
Thbviewhy the tim.l espechAlts apes
tah idle; Ire re sona Isadir. Id ho emt6
sib take bet. Utile rczerstes, or are embed la close
Mee; et km W.. 14 their trompienla. by the li
cation of rlni Isistoree, If they whdt Ire.
,==n, '"7"' r= " VW "
Tho=rend* tentapedih. who ben tried h. are
-attire than setidied, ereted, thlitidteL Ladit. of ere,
station, crowd nor dice drily.
Thialtna 0O the Ludlow
now tots Intittb; Dr. Ttiwantod's
sad w 0 Sonottattli d k boor
tialobr cant thab. goat "rut EMU* ea: ,
ea; aa hod .3 oar WU
*WI rolototoo tho mop:goo of womb owl tor iro.
—other mw the pot op =editing, Wombat Woman 7..1
imam of Dr. romannol .... =ortna - b=loints
• incident to Ilsontot,
riottAtibritlld nob •mosbor of=ttstortan,
its., Wwboo to tootalot so tboy
sad ondonoloo the muds:Atm Dr.=tro tho
salt sad boa remedy Ss lb. orsaravorlimair ano.
toroly,tl war Ws at cei- • pottooneat
cant too be tan bp the Wan .Ita *maks,
In soy moos by then egoottogto bosom mothers,
otbo gnome odatosts, at It wawa, U. moon
a:A promumas ar dawn Ltd iiinnaggnsos both
toolbar and corolla to gob the goosbot
&Tends Oared.
This ninths-tat multihely pow that this &r.r
paella lias paten cottivil env tits son sbirthssts db
sues et.the Moat Mins poses emit to asio hoer
MEM Children.,
PL TCFMCNO-rDegf Elhilpllo ts
leTra nrai
erns by the me of ram nessibrut meedkra
Thriven statera raison/sly rale Wiarub bra
'Ora obly her bombs: h eask ram sray, raleb
I Gael mraticaragneat obbralos.
Ophdases 'of Phistelam.'
Dr. Tenured Is ehmet dally enceteihr orders boa
threhehtve la &Ernest Imrur of the. Mk=
Tide too ratify theme, the esdendynd. Thydelels.
etthe chi of ANw. hers In Emmert= ewe 'math.
ed Dr. Treresetufs Barseperllls, and b 011.,. llto be
tipof ihe awl ramble oreDersthree Ia the tererket.:
Albany, Apth 1,1847. P. E. LLAVIDDILF, M. D
• Owing to the pea meets end lisonsuse ode of Dr.
Towesaad'a Bwasperills, a immber of men .ho were
Bonteriy. our Agent; base coonanned makieg &naps. •
fide SIVINCM Elites, Blum; Extreme of Tallow th.k.
Fe:' They gaueratyput h ap is the wrote shaped hos
dm, and eons. ofthera hareatela and copied sow udittr.
tiresnents—they are only ,woritdass imitation; lied
• should he avoided.
Prinei l d 011bie, 125 FULTON threat, Om
T.i dhqr Ca, S State meet, ZIOAMIA=
en; LW North Second street. Philadelphia ;
Ilene; Drimght. Baltimore; P. IL Cohan, Chaderum
Wrisht Co., 151 Charmer &reek o.s los Bomb
Pigrl three; Albeay ; and by all tie principal Dias.
rats andlillerehants gonendly through:nit the Wiled
Ureter:Wad Indies and the Canada..
.1141.--Pentorm inqrdring for this medicine, should
not he induced to take any other. Druggist; of op
Elareaparillas, end of course prefer selling their own.
Do not tits ileceired
by .ay— inquire
. nquite far Dr. Town
se" e, and take other. Remember the guan-
Tawasend's Sarsaparil a.a sold by the aole agents.
R. E. BELLEW!, General Wholesale /S. Retell Agent,
iWiWorid street, and p If. CURRY; Allegheny
DDT IN LRCM murmurs noiummuk
underrsimasol has lard been convince/ l ot the
necessity for some medicine adapted to me of
"Wren .end Infants to amerced/ the coo of theee
resuliebutowldeb contain opium, and has at tengthsoa
tended is preparing and offering to the public a mat
gine tblly answering every purpose for all diseases of me
bowels, without t h e use of thst deletenous drug, 0t 4 7 1
ether calculated to Imre to the oast. The Waal F
'Genf has been tally 'wooed and tiled: the Ism twelve
months, by numerous permons, and tone to ponce/ all
the enntontriary tutees, and to modems all the aston
ishing ante es set lorth - on the tell ot &sections.
errhota, Venting, Cholle t tlr p igi Palns,Stekneso and
Wenn arising from 7 acting Ilumediately
- without dbiturtung any of th e unctions of the bOdy,
prothminAltbe happiest strui. most pleaeant twahlon
from viOlent pstol to St Dann( and Joyous mote of feel.
log in the nU, nifern
TO be had ortolan& aftutiretal4 on& Prcpihnor Dr.
JOIEVISARGASTI:huggIit and Apothecary; 41m
htbettell,l2llott& Beckham, and Inesuelher Tho
II et
and Pittsburgh. .• doe 3
,/,/,jsest received et Do. TawnseadvP flerseparllle, the
•DOM extruttellnary ,medielas the world} TtsEs
es,o beau, in quest bottles, It Is .ix times Cheaper,
- pintsanter;, az& warranted soparior w en sold, l i,
totes Esease voscdtini,MbE, or
detilitadag the patient: • '
I meroossostisasixtose—EroprbteilledPereone been
0 4aq *AY label,, and pot up meabsine the woe
ebsllettletEe. Ike that' eutabotde hil* olt•
moat ot S. P. Tosntettd,
IL E. FIELLEFEI, Erwin, 67 Wood:it:died, bettlirea
Tbinl Fraiery.. SAThr. reornicaPs wholesale
and retalregeot for Phubsosh, ishoWlbst , SenFle
Isle data be, bad.
DAL Gmy Des been ativoinied the NA war for
Alletbescy treaelne estiole csit be
• • ' • "Si IEIO
finites Ete abase:km et billet, to is ens
s , 65/06Leniewthe eteliseas6 very '
" • . I v •
' et .or -'W"and areas.
esposta the Unhinge tidal, Waage IthEerni mar
respeettaly Wane ,yhelf Nadi and'uts-lablit, sat
Devito prow! to foyaiDittel atend la evotylklm
the Rave Iledeeakav, Alas roe Mad sauce as.
=anent of reedy male Colas, covered, Deed and fin:
• abed in Meyer, best manner; all sorts and sbsaraift
made Skroads et esenel,Csmdriek and mnslatainnd al
slur umlaut ippreved styles We keep t lam as
' aledernotordus snd black, coton t alk salad Gloves,
'rabbi firr pa I bearers' and ineurners, cape, ceps, col
lars; sad overt Wen Itecom47 drmenek Ikes dead,
'and an rtssansido terms, as, we pachsse all our goods
lathe Hemel twee. Elm Pleas for eairravint
lee viva end ven,:We have tsplendld new hearse sQ
haves, and any evader snide Dm manses. Every
gilrle !Waded a VarePaY and "Penetedlly. celfray
karma ogh ~.. [nsar-VlllsabstroThi] Pa.
.neerchneue, No:131, - 41lood Wed, Pittsburgh.
a ' ?
. . WILL eonstandr %eelltd:T band i pod assort
inentot Wra,. of oar bona plinutUnato, and
'.; Yap e' Wbolitale,u4 country Met
ends 'are TespettftdWinvised w call and en
amine" - for themselves, as we are rleudanned To sell
cheaper tato bas ever betbre bee t offered to' the pub.
113." Orden real by mail, accemninled by the cash or
caw Terrance, will be ramptly, avenged to feb2.3
P. Mammal.
IVAAILATAN & LEDLIE saannlatenns and keep ma
ll:1 sunny on band Cm, Moulded Pt Phu
:Olamtwart,in all Ita trarlettd, attack wa re .ham ear
nerof Mar k et and • Waterwareeta, Pittsburgh.
Our Works continue. In RU-operatkm. and we or.
constantly adding to one mock, ankh enable. as to fill
order* whit prmaptmant. Puranasers reepomfully
solicited to call and examine prides and terms.
• ..., mom the very liberal eneimrags
In ,
maniere anbseriber has received since
he has located himself in Allegheny,
- 'has imbued him to take a lease, for e
Wolof years, on the property he now
Oe.Minsi fiVileaver street, momethately beside the
PreabyterianChareh. From theiong experienee in the
above business and a desire to please, he hopes to mer.
.It and receive a "hereof public patronage.
Nowenband and finishlngto order, Rockaway Bog.
glee, open and top Buggies, and every description of
I.rrtarixis made to order, from serventy•five dollen to
fighthunartre raepSdin JOHN SOUTH.
11 . , ANDFAC/11/11.13 AND LEAP . TOBACCO.—
/ HERALD, BUCKNOR & Co, 41110n11 water .+, and
in wharves, Phil's, offer forsal . noti aceomniodating
t gfa.,"r0rt k v,=:37.,..1"., Vp':',,="let
Mmps; Sii, ll's and kro plug, arid 13'. Ladino". Twilit, in
who andhalf boges,ofthe following appyosed brands,
Junes 11 Grant, Osborn & Bragg,
Grant & Williams, A Cabuilm,
8 Jones & /3sio, bl'DKTiald,
Webster Old, J Thomson,:
Veins" Thomas, Jr. All Armistead, "--
J Thomson & Son, Landhont & Armistead,
J I' Coates, J M Cobb.,
Gentry & yster, I A Clay,
M A Ruder C A Ilall,
Gran Rai, Wm Dawson
Pearl & Norwood, I S Blackwood,;]
Noth Page,
W 11 n, Key stone,
Edmund Henry,
Panning Robinson, Ranson & Robinson,
Krim, Robinson & Co. Seth Hodge).,
R Metcalf, John today,
Lawrence Lanier, J Robinson,
Gray & Gray, D 11 Turner,
R Jamieson, York Whir.,
D M Branch. —ALSO—
Rosana Leaf Tobaoco, snooper. and tillers;
Vara do do do
Cienfuegos do do doj
St /ago de Cuba do do ma
StDlngo' do do
lquria & Guides do, part fine,
A:myosin° do do do
Kentucky various grades do do
Virginia Leaf, suitable for manufacturing and eaport;
Spanish Sari Leaf, Parma, CoLor_Tuein and Chin; .
Lotch Sitl=O: weer ,
an blarliTersirr. • awv...f.
Tonqua Daum, Liana basin ono IL. BergaMor
Calabria Liquonem Patent Cavendish Kiiives,Spank:
&a &e, . PEULADELPHLA, my lli
beenie,nada on thy roost approved Eastern ',Lans—
aw! mom toshconahleE&McieVamm and deb.. Al..
TUE elir p ROLL, or ROSTON BLIND, on band
or madam order of all stm. end at all puce.
Omatry Merchants end others &remelted to call and
A mine
the above CO. themselves , tts ell all be sold
wholesale ar and a libtral dadoetton made to
wholesale psyches..
HE PsopsietoroTtlas well known place of resort has
des pleasure of Informing the pubac that his emote
he at boring been thoroughly refined end revived.
and the grmads elegantly laid oat and decorated, is
uow open for their accommodation, and he flatters lame
self that those who may favor him with their roma
age will find all thou they desire, provides' to the best
style and pa reasonable teems. He ts determined to
spare no expense in making hut establishment worthy
of palthe pate:mtge. He has occommodations for
t= few • famines Ice Cremes, and ad set...h.
mtublin to the season, coonantly on hand
iloaongahola Bosun Tailoring Satan;
ISAAC VITELLILAIILS, Draper and Tailor, begs to in
form the citizens of Pittsburgh and others, that he
nos opening at his rooms M Smi th field Mreei, derun
the above Lintel, ■ tarp end tiful su
474tl'i n gtrs2Y. ..`7col.':;*=‘-< , ,Vt bea u itrodegisktv mortment
a, -..r
=eu 'rum His goods line hem. enthrall)" se -
and an of the newest and mast faahionable
style, aa wall as of 'parlor quality- His Customers
may depend upon havmg their clothes made up
manner which amen fad to gratify the tams of Ile
mega fastidioas._ _ apply_
T OBACCO -10 boo Branch b. Watk62s' 52.
2do do do extra poundr
2do do do Ito and In.;
10 kegs No 1.6 tansk
10 do Pgh Cavendish;
do do Ploy,
ID Id do &gang
20 do half Spanisl3 do; for ude by
SAIOKE HOUSE—ltaving taken the law and co
molten, Smoke House and Bacon Stmehotme ad
;soling out Warehouse on the Canal Boom, are are p •
pared to smoke and n om bacon orea te
mare Canal basin, near 7th m.
Milers and .Irui Anderson st reed and In
41 north water and 16 north wharves,
1414 Philadelphia
ARA LEAP TOBACCO-39G Yalu! Vim Leaf To
band*,, rrappary and imperial quality—l, 3 and
-3 ejant landing tram brig Antbranlle; for Bala by
G ERMAN PIPE...--934 b. and 3 gro. German
medium bowls, jam landing Gump. and
krt sale
by lea HEALD, BUCKNOR & Co
L'll.ll.l—lsamo Cruse, Baltimore, will be glad to
I , have orders from his friends in Plusher/Ai and
elsewhere, for she purchase of Shad and Ile:mous do.
ring the season. Orders <seemed with despatch, and
to lomat rate. Charges for purchasing light. roamM
CAYITON YARNS, Ills, assorted Nos, C
V.m, Carpel Chain, Candle Wrek, and Conon
Twine; 300 bales Ilatting, for sale at mandaetsarria'
lowest prices, by FILMID, RIMY & Co,
ang26 agents for manufacture.
JUST received at th e northeast corner of 4th
if) Market meets, Needle Worked Collars, Wrought
Bonnet Ribbons, we cheap. .wife
TPR-200 Os Young Byron Luzpersal Conpow
der =1 Mack Teu, for sale by
BASCON—IO cuts SboolOers, landing from steamer ,
Messmer and for sale by
nog? ROBERTSON k HEPPERT, It seemd st
French Revolotioo—A History: by Thomas Car
lo two volumes—cloth. For sale by
rmBACCO-40 boo Ira Nina da nom Tobaceo,
bring ham owal and tot wale by
JAMES DALZELL, 21 armor at
ACKPaa bbla No a Mookortl, brawled
J7l la+6o r /ammo and for sale by
VEATIIERS-40 bap Feathers, for sale b
I: LP ? • # • •
goo Rio, W Mote awl for sale to
1./ close •• • b y
itoittO 8 tc W lIARBAUGH
U.199---teq bss ,ziU and HIM Window - alias,
just ree'd per sten= Louis 11I'Latte, and fox We by
ut1619 9 & W HAILDAVOII
wRITE BEANS-40 bbl. wall Waft. Bean& rOf
ua. by aug7 WICK & n'CANDIXBS
PEPPER -74 bap on band, and (or sale very low by
angle C 11 (WANT
FEIIHE SHICK-18,000 now on thi — iTY• arf otTh — le b
tingle ISAIAH DICKEY ea, front 01
T AHD 011.-Elarkbardre best, just ree' and( sale
by ante KID k. Co
flOnEr..--110 bags prirdeatio; 40 do do 11..imaiiy ra;
Li 10 do old Gov. Java; for eale by
- 6 - OGAIL-rn; iftda - Pin`iii . N 016 bbLs elmtilted; 6do
0 embed and pulverized; 23 do assorted 'Lime for
sole by .F.JSZ r D wu.Liebis
Q1 , 106.13-I bag. Pimento; 6do Pepper; Ibld Clove r
la 9 do pun Ginger; 6 asses Howard, asserted elrea
OU mom Caw* I keg Mace; ground Spices lln great
variety; for sale by aug4l J D WILLIAMS
tiore - andlieFiireby
artg2l • TABSEY I•BEST
rzetu. AblEl-6000 lb., • prime article la pore and
for We by ang2l TASSEY &WEST
TALLOW -1 en
real d for rain by '
fIO=IEAL bbl 6o bb COM He TA
al, C
~/ brand, roo'd per ounr Companion and (or sale by
aoglP a& W 11ARBAU011
liiirarrees OVITA.IIB 7 I. sandy or azuto ciT5 •
Lai Waled Spaniob wham Jost roo'd and for No by
angl9 - JOHN H MELLOR, 81 wood et
ALUM -00 bbl, Alum, Jost reel and for sea by
SEED 6 3 bap Timothy Seed; Sits
y migt J EL 4o
CLHAR SIDES-10 euk. clew Sides, jut r*c'd and
far sale by BOB? A CUNNINGHAM,
Q 1433.61 OlL—Warnatied imro-5 oludrs foil sale by
91_908 J SCHOUNrifAXEIL & Co
WHAILZOIL—Cnuto and - Refined. far ulo ry
. _
km No t Leaf Lord, *gr teo , d nod for
ago by" adaio WICK& M'CANDLESS
- VELTRESS—ZO lb. prime Kamicki Peahen, (or
.1 - • tale by. angS9 WICK & 24.CANDLM8
E. RENT—A eommodicroa th ree atom Etriot
Watehtmaeota Std meet. Poneuian &calm=
y. .or on= C
apply to
GRANT, 41 wile It
PrLLY PLOllll—layszonstartuy an bona torri for
ato by 234196
_.llltoWhl s CULBEIMON
;—lost reed sad frit
IL , t)
iiki V ni 2,l urramouatacumwsw.
gnu, ram& Co, Deaver,PM
cahwrozo ik Caidadnus, Cleve/and
TIME above Line la now
_prepa t i t a w wwww A h i g h t
and passengers from Ertabarth and Ckindand, or
say pointer,. the Canals and Lakes_
Onebold lenTaa Pahl:nu - Rh and Clevel 4,4 ma
in eanneenon with thik aernahows Lake Eno and
hergreen,PnW/Wriel and Deaver ,and a tine
of ant elan swamnoni, brigs,
ars on lakes Ens, limn Gad Anninesn.
PrODMIT foretenied Any imeg Ws tw o . w i t h
dthswilk WM T. IIIATHER. or
air Water and Smiikahl ate., Palsbargb
ACIENTS-Sealy Parka& Co, Beaver,
R Parira /a Co, Yoenganne
W Cotes & CA, Warren °,o•'
11Bostenek & Co„ loadpon;
A & N Clark, Noww. p h i*
31 EWnnAlene7 i Campbelispon;
JO Wltride, Ravenna; '
Mk C H Rein, Franklin;
Meir &Table t Cpyaloga Salel%
Wheeler & Co, Akron.
munch Gibbs & RandullTi
Watkins & Eagle, Toledo;
6Willie= Co Detroit, Mich;
White & ennikie,
II Winslow, CChicago,I 11.
Mt= 1848 .'-alla
OOt"iasmoqnrsvroa emaiMstintrat
Tr HE Proprietors of this old estoblieLed and first
1 Portable Boot Line, haiing removed their de
pot in Philadelphia, to a much larger Warehouse
on blarkeist., than thy formerly oecupted, mid also in
creased their room for stamp at . linabutgh, are now
prepared to offer mach greater facilities to their friends
and patrons.
Goods carried by this tlne me not transhipped be
tweet, Pittsburgh and Philadelphia, being carried ca
nnily In Portable Section Boat.. To dampers of dour
and eater geode rap:drum careful haridg, this is of
Importance. No charge made (or receiving or sk , =
goods, or advancing charges. MI goods
Promptly, and .?,on as reasonable terms as by any oth
er line.
Calle Basin, Penn at, Pituburgh.
Jela.Z M. DAVIS & Co.,
aroma 217 Moira & w Catamarca st.,
JOHN MaPADEN & Co., Forwarding and Commis
sion Merchants, Canal Dada; Penn at., Pittsburgh.
JAMES M. DAMS &Co, Flocs Factors and Commis..
sic*. Merchants, Y-. 0 7 ?duke; and 64 Comm= sr"
Phiburelphis. feb24
Ur — Advances made by either of the above on Flour,
Wool and other descriptrans othlerehandiee consigned
to them feb24
lOTICE—The subscriben have dianoxd of their in-
Ltereat in the Petnen and Ohio Lino to CLARKE &
T . IV, of Pittabargh, and JOSEPH 9 LEWIS, of the
:Wa r
v VIII contitut o e . to;iratvact Inutiness for the line,
Broad wont, or canal, and lio•
for It o continuance of th e of their
friends. & Co.
Philadelpnla, March nth,
Parma. and Ohio Trop orenaon Co.
P 112,219 to TMOTOIT noon, 111:MX101 1T111101•11
CLARKE & THAW Canolßa — Wo., Pinsbergi.
LEWIS & BUTLER, 219 Market a, Philaskrobla.
.IAR. STEEL & CO-, Ars, Email sweet
COWDEN, CLARKE & C0.,73 North
W. PORMCK, Agt., 13 IV.I moot, New Yolk.
/PlLEsubscribers have this da partnim y
associated themselves
j together =der the style of Kier h. Jonas, for the
Ev y =o e f i r t etinning the busineas formerly carried co
, sod solicit a coutbmattee allot lib
eral patsy/lege bannerol, amended at. the housa
Pitutronh, Mush 1,1E49.
are prepared to receive and forward freight To
We above end Intermediate places with as much
despatch, and at as low nleq as any other responsible
The attention of shippers wishing to semi Pork or Ba
con to Baltimore in balk , to particularly requeuted,
asmach as aux lllTlalgentiettil enable us to cony such
ankles through In better outer than any other hoe.
KIER it JUN}I, Prop-Yr..
Canal Basin, near 7th at
Pinamtllht March 1,1847.
wet- 11. PAK.
111. t. MITA
kMitt J0.W..3.--Cammisalon and forwarding !der
chanty, and Wholssale Deaden In Iron, Bloom.
R0d..., ft
bend cash advance, on nonalignment. marrif
NINNY ann, N. O. PCIALN AND ORAN D 17113113/
Pittsburgh, Pluladriphia.
- •
• • • • 1-17,-.-1-111.,,,171,,,,,rM
. _
HENRY ORA FF & Co.. Caanl Bann, Pinstough.
DUTiLH, HUMPHREYS a Co, No. 14? Markus', Phil.
C. H. Kplgo, comer Nonh 4 Stoutogados BOIL
Joao P. Clukc, Nol3, Old Slip, Now 1 *Lc, rf.'"
NOTICE—The atyle of oar fir. will be hams from
and alter thio date, at Piiisbargh, as 11eary
It CO, each l Philadelphia, .I)milh, Ilocaphsays
CHAS. HUMP/IRE:VI Philadelpha.
HENRY uIIAYP, Pit ant mas43if
For ttr• Tranoppreatimsof FresgAt to from
nOIIADOI & Qom, Philadelphia.
Teem & CSCcuroos, Pittsburgh.
THIS old established Line being now in fl4l open
-Inein, the proprietors hays made ostensive armge
moms to forwent goods and produce with despatch, and
on the most favorable terms- They confotenily hope
th,lir well known promptamte In delivering goods—pe.
count safely to mode or earrying—capeciona warehou
ses at each port, affording accommodations to shippers
and owners of produce—together wlttitheir long eslta•
rience and unremitting attention to Mine.. will secure
to them a continuance of that bbeni patronage they
hereby gratefully acknowledge.
AU conAgnments by and for this line received, char
ms paid, and forwarded an any required directions free
oi caarg. fey epostrusaion, advancing or amine.
No luterson, directly or indirectly, IA steamboats.
All eommisticationspromptly encoded to on applica
tion to the followt4 &piste
BOP,BIDOE t CAS2I. 27d Market et, Philadelphia_
TAAFPE A CrCONNONs Ca al Bann. Pinaburgh.
O'CONNOR/Ft Co, North vt, Brdbutore.
WILSON, 86 Cedar New YO& •pi
atifitM 1848 .
r s E n ti!an no d Michigan , "ilween poud Ntllbtag`htln
Ter anti freien and a...ender Canal Dente de..-
tureen heaver and Me, and C Reed's huo of first
Eteasehota, propellers and veranda on the Wee,
is prepared to evry free& and paasengere to all points
en the rzioCanal, and Lakes Erie, Huron and bikin
Having every faeillry for conveling freight and p
.en en with promptness and dispatch, the propne
and agents reapeetthlly gotten from their friends a co
unuanee of their patronage.
C Id R
REED, PARllil A Co, Deaver, Agents.
apl4 cot Water and ffselahlield Pittsburgh.
1848. mai
To andihtm the Eastern oofm, via Combatant!.
rim proprietor. of thin popular Ibm, havessince their
A re-orgenisetion largely increased their facilities to
meet the wishes of shippers, and are now prepared to
forward a perm, amount by the FIVE DAY LLNE.,
es also by additional regular wagons al low rains.
This Hoe will ran thronghoat the year, delivering
goods through the arras in Dahlman, and Pitithergh
to owners and corougnees at opeeified messed time.
Shimmy from Philadelphia for the line abould be
marked "Care, B Roblnerts, Baltirnorae
The only
8 Charles
. Ul a d .,w, roore d ..
0 W
, Brownsville.
feb4 J C !HOWE • • • h.
igkitg janiftla
E0111.144 . T1 10n 9 . 2 , 210 ,.. 2 . T.A . T1aN e ML1E L
EVACombahnd &ma lgramsa. of MelalWal&
Mal af Edgeriao & Co.
Pletatmaly and ...INUIT, yonelmme are nallflad that Ray.
ly Rotuma. No of Bomb Conks al, Dahlman, Is lb. only
mahariad agent of thin LLy• to th e Eaton elan.
Tlys My q.t. on
J 0 BIDW ELL, l'lllAborga,
U W BABB Brammilk,
=OA RTO.'I *Ca Combalan,
&an( J R ROBINSON, DalUaton.
Wertorn Trans if
rest's Omura
1848 Oltilaiglitcegesl.B4B,
hRE prepared to 'swoon goods and produce to and
from this above aides on favorable terms. Ad
as or apply Irs.
D. LEECH k Co, Canal Basin, Pittsburgh.
HARRIS & LEWD, Nos. 13 & 15 South Third 01, Fla
J. TAYLOR& Bori, Agra, No 14, NU Howard .4 Dalt.
A. Anßorr, Art, No 7 - West area, New York.
, iPlltsburgh, March 10111, 104 A turn
care an - rinsparta en Line.
algal 1848. MAla t
VU. C. 11.111•1. SSD ILLLL aoana
GOODS consigned to our ewe will be forwarded
without delay at the lawmen/Tent mea,
Canal Daalo, Penn et, Pittsburgh.
172 awl 355 Market at, Phil , .
ROSE, MAIM & 00,
Smith's ',hut, Baltintore.
jildela 184 S.
aftd others are atfornam) Itao
sj will continue to run thronshimt the year, leaving
daily. Produce and merchandise, tak,o at low rates.
Merchandise from Baltimore Isrffoshc.out- at Canal
rates. Tim/ lies &pi. , • JCHIDWELL, Ay,
Water .42 doors atiernra.
atyl7 Mt South Marla, .Baltioxne.
Ma= 18449 i
AtOthiculbe ijs. - !-
. WMAt suss plasbiugd
*it .47
“<^;^ ! T?sr s r-P^ 7 ,12; /
DVOAi?► UBf Quo.
Valuable std' Attractlas Saw sou
23l of the Bitoodista,3 • • Lt
BlmMa' Ur. of CheYaliat lita•yarl; 12 ma
O. P.M:James' Life ofnenry the Founh, of Planed,
• fizah's Consular Cities of Chios; 12mo.
Nemo:ler , . Life ofJesus Chart; 8 ow mold*
Matra' Idle
or a acv Sheaf from the
old &Ids of Confinental &trope.
• UPI BeneraStetehes ofthe Illezieau War. 19 ma.
Gleig's Sto7 of the Battle of Waterloo; 11 mo.
A Sommer m Scotland, by Jacob Abbott, 12 mo.
SismandBs Littrotore of the Booth of &trope; Y yob.
Buxton's Adventures in Mexico and t h e Rooky
, mulleins; 19 mop muslin.
Posthumous Works of Rev. Thos. Chalment, D. D.,
L. D.
The Practical Astronomer, by Thos. Dick, L. L. D.
Life of Jeremy Belknap, D. D., Historian of New
Luther and the Reformation, by John Peon, M. A,
The /fiddle Kingdom, with a new map of the Empire
by 8 W. Williams, 2 vole, U mo.
The P.M} of the Pulpit, by Gardiner Sarin, D. D
12 mo.
The Bethel Flag, by Gardiner Spring, D. D-; 19 tno
Teaching a Science, the Tencher an Artist by Reg
IL Hall.
The Czar, hi. Coon and People; by John S. Maxwell
Lectures on Shatapes.; by H. N. Hodson.
The Artists of America—illustrated with nine engra
vings on steel, and containing skew.. of the lives of
Allston, Inman. NVest, Stuart, Trumbull, De VO-1211
Rembrandt Peale and Thos. Crawford; 1 vol, 8 vo.
The Orators of France; containing aketeltes of the
lives of L./smarm., Titters, Napoleon, Dorton, MlNl
beau, Osumi and rakers, with portraits of each.
Headley's Napoleon and Marshals; it eels, 12 sum
Headley's Washington and lus Generals; 2 vol., I.•Jm
lleadley's Sacred Mountains.
The aware, together with a large collection gf Stand
ard Works, Classical and School backs, for mkt by
comer market and 3d sts
111 lest works, 4 vol..
Chalmers' Daily Seripnure Reading;
Memoir of the Life of Me.. Fry, 2nd soh
The Convent,by the author of 'Schoolgirl in France.
Lady Mary, or Not of the World, by Rev C 11 Tay
be, M. A.
Margaret. or the Pearl, do
Mart Clidlon, or the Merehanre Clerk, do
Life of Pollok, author of 'Tonne of Tune,"
The Listener, by C.aroline Fry;
Leernres on Shakspearn, by II N Hodson;
Life of Oliver Cmutwell, by J T Headley;
Napoleon and his Marshals do
Washington nod hi. Generals, do
Power of the Pulpit, by Gardiner Spring, D D
Bethel Flog, do do
lialigion Teachtng by Example;
Pulpit Orators of Prance, by Tumbull;
Genus of Scotland, do
Orators of Rowland Hill; Free Church Pulpot,2 vats
of Prance; Now and Then; Bethune's Poem.:
Margaret Mercer;
Jacobus on Matthew adapted to Union Questions;
Arthur's Popular Tales— , ehes in the World,
"Ilakiag .fluate to be Rich," 'Rlehe• have Wings,
“Reeping op Appearances," u Debtor and Creditor."
For sale by ELLIOTT & ENGLISH,
Jel6 70 wood and aft market m
- _
RECFIVED and for saloos lot of choice Pions, with
and without Coleman's ,Eolian Attachment, by
New & Clark, NY. One of Nam. As Clerk's Plano.,
with the Attachment, was taken to Englund by Ur
Coleman, and among many other testlmontals of ad
miration for his elegant specimen of American skill
and ingenuity, elicited the following remarks from
B. Thalberll the greatest Pianist living.
. .
LOAD., .1 an- 1 teal
my Dear Sir—ln enclosing letter to my ( e mail,, Mr
Erand, Peril. I cannot refrain from again expressing
to you how much I was pleased with your ".Eoliun
Attachment," which I consider a. a great =mien! im
provement. I can nature you that on my past I Mall
with great pleasure do my utmost to make your inven
tion known. For sale by II KLEBER,
tesM At Wood well's furniture roams, 3d It
XTEW BOOKS.—Lintenngs In Minim or Sketches
.1.1 of Travel to Prance, Belgium, tivrithetland,Haly,
Attains, Prussia, Octal Britain and Ireland, with an
appendix, containing viburnum. on European than
ties and medical insultatious. By John W Carson, Al D.
Angela, a navel. By the author of "Emilia Wynd
ham," ••Two Old men' Tales," etc.
°UialiplincSolf-Cont , Tl, a nove.. By Mary Brunton, author of
Vol. 10, Daily Scriptural Readings. By the late
Thomas Chalmers, D. /3, L. 1.. D.
Part 4 The Thousand end One Nights. Hamer.' U
lu/mated edition.
William the Cottager, a book for children. By the
author of "Palen Herbert," the.
The above worts received this day and for ode by
110 - EW BOOKS—Alemonala of Ike Introduction of
blethodisin into the Eastern Stems, comprising
bmß*aPldeal nourea of its early preacher., .ketebea of
its fiat churches, uid remiai.ceneea earl strug
gins am/, by Rev. A Stevens, A. H. Just
published. .
Memoir of Rev. Deod Abeel, D. D., late Missionary
to China: by has nephew.. Rev G R
Mark Milton. the Merchant's Clerk: by Rev Charles
B Taylor, M. A., author of "Records at a Good Man's
UM," "Lady Mary." ^Niamey., or the Pearl." &e.&e.
The above, with a large assortment of new books, on
heed and Past receiving. ELLIOTT & EINIGUSH,
56 market at
L 1270141111 BOOK3-41utot7 of the ow Rev.
olotton, and of thewars and compels. analog
from the straggles of the Greek Pamela in Enraneips.
brig Me, estuary from the Turkish Vote-11 two cob
atnes--aptendid eopy with oilmen-sus map. and car.
0011211.111.1 to the %Mid. or da• I lerly t-erspluref
HASTY klia.bnly, IhnLLna naessuce, woe Go estirt
io the Holy Lend, Fscrteh Stage, and &hatchet
is Sauna. Just reed and for saleby
•ocel FO etarkstareet
*YEW NOVELS--A tVlson, awl as sonsequencea
1 , 11 by G. fL James, Esq.
Vann). Fair, . novel without • Hero: by William
Makepeare Tbsekery, with illustrations.
Edwitol Vlift11311; My Cowin...Story: by E V Child.
rYiM 11i —. t !fretittari - ol”tint4midirr,
C. H Colonel Grille 1.1 Heel Life Guards.
The above works teerived this day and for sale by
HK KK CONCOHDANCK—Tbe Ettglubman's
NJ Greek Concordance of the New Testament; b tng
tut attempt at a molted etinnechon between the Greek
and the English Texts—me ludmg coneontanec to the
Proper Names, with Indexer. (week -kbiglish, mud Eng
initeGreet. Just meelired and Mr male by
Booksellers. cot market and Jci au
A SPLENDID assortment of Row
filillireard and Mahogany grand action Pi-
Jan finished and for sale.
Also, two splendid Rosewood Plano.,
with Colentan'a celebrated ..Eoltan numbs:nem finished
lo the most modern style, and for sale at
tett PRIX ti 112 wood at
-71 .•••••••-•=11 AL4R
.7:.1..r.• •
Canal Packet—SWALLOW, Capt. Ford.
OCEAN, CapL Wetter..
n rili of th e above Packets leave Bearer every day.
V (Sundays excepted) and arrive next morning at
L't sfTen, where they connect with Me Mall Stages for
faros and Cleveland, arriving at each of &me places
before night- One of the Packets leave Warren daily,
eta P. M., and arrive Cl Beaver In time to take the
MTAYLOR, j ne o, 2 PropriCre.
tonal Packet—rII3TOTLVAITIA, Capt. /Mines;
" TaLraxarn, Pollork;
Lace Pane, . Trilby;
° Prrroma, " Brown;
Fatemos, " Bayer.
The above new and splendid Passenger Packets nave
cosnatenced running between DEAVER AND,k;RIE,
and will ma regularly during the season—one boat
leaving Eat' every morning as ti o'clock, and one leav
ing Beaver every evening, immediately after the aTIT-
Titof the steamboat Michigan from Pittsburgh.
The boat. are new and comfortably famished, and
will ten through In forty home. Passengers to any
point on Me Lakes, or to Niagara Puns, will find this
mute the most comfortable and expeditious. 'Deka.
through to all ports on the Lake can be procured by
applying to the proprietors.
REED, PARKS A Co, Beaver.
JOHN A. CAUGHEY, Apt. Pittsburgh
eor Water and Smithfield at.
AGENTS)—Jas C Harrison, Buffalo, N Y.
M Reed, Erik, Pa.
C 0 Wick, Greenville, Pa;
M'Fariand and King, Bfg Bend, Pa;
Hays & Plumb, Sharp b urgh, Pa;
W C Malan, Shama, •
D Mathew., Petaelt
11 kV eminingbam, N ew i, Dude, Pa. lyl
1111140D1111.14Tkl.ii7Alf wrizzonT LINE.
1848, ndia
Isnximit rowtattlasmonsnos 07 WAY POOCH?
Pittohungh, Blairsville, Johnstown, Hot
lidapbunch,W•ter meet, (Huntingdon Co)and Yu
This Line was formed delusively for the special sc.
tommodation of the way business. The Proprietors,
thankfal for the very liberal patronage they have re
ceived during the last two years, would respectfully In
tone their friend. and the public that they are now still
better prepared to deliver goods et any point on the
Canal Mid Rail Roads, with promptness and dispatch.
Picksocath & Woods, Johnstown.
John Miller. liollidaysborgb.
C A.M'Anulty & Co, canal basin, Pittsburgh.
Raincomicss—Pittsburgh—ttmith /c Sinclair, J k J
McDcrit4 & J HBbocnborger; R Robinson & Co; R
Moore: Bagels). & Smith; lobo Parker, Wm Lehmer &
Co; Dr P Bhoenborgar. JOB
Pentuiyhaala Canal & R&M Road Ex.
pre&yeat Packet Line,
igtaill lB4B 4llLAM
.(Exelmively for
JUTE goblin vs respectfully informed Mtat UM LI
will commence running on the 224 mu, and co
no throughout the Season.
The boats are ow, and of a superior clot, with or
largest cabins, which will give greater comfort. Tit •
cars are the latest construction..
A boasyrill always be In port, and travelers are to
quested to call and examine them before engaging pas-
AVowl lne dollars through.) One of the boats of
this Line will leave the landing loppealte U. B. Hotel,
comer of Peon street and Canal every night at also o'-
clock Time af days. For information, apply at the
Monongahela /louse, or to I) LEECH eCo
/o/la Canal Bailin.
Ii&RNDEN & co'.
- - -
Fassensur and Rentittano•
HAMMEN fr. CU. continua to bring perso n .
from any put of Eoglood, Scotland or
Wales, upon the Mgt liberal terms, with theft
asst./ puttettullny and attention to the want. and eau
;(art of emmlarants We do not allow ourpossongers
ibarobbeitby the smedling uamps thot utk . , tic
rt th aro.
port,, am we take charge of them the MOlSlant ale) , Im
poeamelyes, and see to their well being, and d,
spateh them without any detention by the line ships.—
We low this feruhtuly, as we day one of ourpasseto
sou tO show that May were detained 48 boors by Us In
urelpool, whilst thonsanda of where were detained
ihey could be se pad old crafq at a
to too
wmr frequentlheir coffee,
We intend to ,
n otrm oar coonucte honorably, cost
at It man end ot tot es emu the CM WI umson,
adth edicts' Officers,--u6O either performed not all, or
when it maid their eonvoalence
Drub, Arms. at Pittsburgh for any moo from kt
,at pop, payable- at any of the provincial fiseef i„
land , Wiritukhigeotiend and Welea
• , man end Gentintl agout i
," OM state; one door below W
- ‘TA • •
For the
an .my al
_Donna& atid.lmproperly With
held Reild .111-Eitaltaa•alte Settlement
Arbitration of fhoputo•loii Tandinrod* ber rkbt4
&curing Paiute for Itiventlents tiff Orell Britain,
Ireland, tad, he Colenies Mid Dependencies thermals
'. h.locging, end Negotiating tbe - the 'Patinae or
Sale of um wone.
anAgee picipg ohkci in the eatahlishment of dna
Agency ts to set at left ily tap , Mast sadiMacwry
and eeonomical mama pouible,lhe'bints Mahn a
for property which citizen. M the.UMW Rau tealit
have. or imagine they poetess in - England end edam,
The efforts of designing and unseroptilms men heves
been actively engaged in lath ruing • belief on the',
subject in many quartets. with a view to petty petal.
lion; and evidencesof the feet bare becalm freqlotnilY to light ea to render it urgently tateessary thal
an nice be established having for as object the sans;
faction of those who have beon deladed, and to estate.
Joh the claims of such al are therightful beim to doubt.
ful property, or that which is improperly withheld. '
Artielesth the leading Jamul, in theprincipal cities
of the Union are frequently appeating,hensted `Town.
ley Estate," A Great Forum" for Somiebody,”"ileetj
lugs of the Houghton , * et %Yerevan'," "Chao Meet
togs,” the. he., the anthem of which are generally law
yers seeking practise, at adventurers, whose only ob
ject is to feed upon public eredality, by producing an,
excitement which may realize for themselves Immesh.
ate gains, and who are generally speaking, without
the ilightest knowledge of the subjects they put forth.
The ° of this being a fact are every where
apparent, as in no one single teunsact have their ill
aded expectations been realized; and It I. with •
'flew to the correction of this evil that the subscriber
has effected the most extensive aroartgementa to satisfy `
the inquiring, as well as to eatisly the curiosity °fame '
who influenced by family connection or Microdot,
wish to pulsate the investigation of =attestants% Woof ,
vine results of the most stupendous magnitude
As regards real estate in England, the balk of It te
subject to the laws of Estill and Primogeniture; and
aver sine. the revelation in 1689, the principal estates
have been subjected to the changes which alvmys en
sue on revolution, confusion, end change of dYeestfl
sod although there have been special laws passed foe
particular purposes, all those which have reference tal•
this subject, and which were passed subsequent there
to, are still available in cases of legitimate tight It is
not, however, intended in this sdrerneetnent to refer
enosemdently to the American revolt:Mem of 1710, at
which period, a great number of perilous entitled In vs.
rictus way. to property, abandoned the mime by interne
the revolationary party. 'This act, in itself, wan rob=
Meet to lead to confiscation where It was directly held
by each individualu but when those abandoning the
same were next in enetention to the then possessor.,
the ease became altered; and alienation (rota home and
family were made the barriers to rightful inheritance,
Another froidal warm of inirettion is found in
the Unclaimed Dividend Book of the Banker England,
and this, furnishing nail does, each English name that
has ever existed es a Mader of fended property, is the
main reliance of the unprincipled traders in publie
The modes of investment are exceedingly 12.1.0r0111
in all parts of Europe, but is England particularly so;
and the robsenber Le prepared to stony the facilities
which he peasenes, for an investigation In any of th e
means above alluded to. Besides all nurse, ,
property peanively bequeathed, and which, in cone.
queries oldie absence of the parties to whom demised,
become. involved In and 'object to the laws of the
Court of Chancery.
In encases, even, of supposed fondly coanexim, the
most positive and satufactory information can be aims
tied as to the facts connected with the members of fam
ilies, no matter how remote the date, or seemingly dß'.
bete the limmtigation; and when the ease has altea
dy been undertaken by any of the =mumu persons
who pretend to a knowledge of this businesa, and who
have elm/ether failed In obtaining, or omitted to afford
the information soughs by the mettms of their specious.
item and delmion, the matter is the more readily under.
taken, beeaneo of the grainer satisfaction in aiding
where the premature Mothers have obtained m ush
unmerited confidence.
In the settlement of Commercial, Treshag and other
Debt., the mummy legal and mercantile scinna
will be brought to bear, u experience of helf a mow- I
ry in this particular branch, is the best evidence that
can be affespled of the ability thin will be bestowed on
matter, coming under this heed.
Inventors and others requiring Patent rights seemed
in any or all parts of Barone, can have the mune effect-.
ed at a very ',Ohne charge over and above the-usual
fees required Iny given COlratry. Every Informa
respecting the wa probable expense., and the modes
op.-midi will at all times be °lustfully afforded; and
tbe fsedities, pertinneely in England, for divining of
the right. 3e., are Mille most 0210.1111 charactet. In
troductlons are Mao offered to men of wealth and high
respectability. Whatever belorws to this deparunent
ut ample. The attention, therefore, of niepublie in gen
eral is particularly .olictud to this branch of the Agen
cy Communicanons by letter are requested to be post
39 Water street, New York. •
lion. elms P. Only. lodge CI. Common Picas, N. Y.
Chu. Carilidge & Co. •
W. & J. T. Taoseent, s
O. R. A. Ricketts, Eq. •
Edward Schroder Esq. Cincinnati, Ohio.
A. Paichin, Esq. Preet. Punkin Hank, Baal°.
ten for gale a superior article
IT. of brick for buil o ding, Made by hi. Steam Presa r
improved machine, for which he has obtained a pates;
and agrees to give purchasers written guarantee that
they are stronger, and will resist frost aml wet weath
er and imbibe less resistant or dampness than any oth
er brink, possessing greater body and superior texture
and mock more durable m every respect, each brick
beteg subjected to a pressure of several tons, and pos
sessing ahendsome 11[130001 surface and even edges,
they make a front equal to the ben frontline*.
'hey have given the greatest satisfaction all who
have ptirchued. A kiln can be nen at my works, and
specimen at the Gazette other.
Those WV/Mg supplied themselves for their buildings,
and anshing handsaw. Crow buck. or supcnor hard
and and paving buck, ran obtain them.
1_22" ... itr ran haat, June 12, 114 r.
TUE emu atecturan WOOD TT. INICTOET, it PTlTS
bottom, re.
sociated themselves together antler the style and ride
f BehoMy, Ryan Ar. Co, for the etanufacture of Wood
Type, and aa their type is altogether made by manta ,
nery, the invention oi Isaac Al. Binge:, one adios Ann,
they feel confident Mal they otter aware porfeet article
eifirverheetamt mods loserrate. than any hen:Wore
orders for the wsma ' 7""
All orders addressed to Beholey, Ryan As Co.; at
their office uDtamond alley, between Wood and
Smitheeld streets, will be punctually attended to.
OT Proprietors of newspapers, on coP9int pelf Ad
'ornament too es, end sending es tbAr paper, will.
be entailed to rnfie7se their Pay in type, on parettaatng
three times the amount of tlteu bill for advertising.
uallaorr., rrlsinuntrall
GOlee at the Emehange, Baltimore.
EDUCED RATE.—The chargestluive been redu
ced on all Message, to or from IllidniorePitta. , modes ell telegrapLie deep übee forwarded iron l3al
omen West of Ptusburgh, P.
Rsisa—The charge for a tslegrapkk despatch to or
from Baltimore, Pittsburgh and Wheeling, is (5 Omits
fur LAO first ten words, sod 3 cents for each additional
Ltr No charge is made for the address and mina
Until the completion of the South Western Lae of
Telegraph from Memphis, Tenn., to New Orleans, des
patch. can he fonsarded to Mewl. by this room, and
mailed for New Orrearta _ 1 0 11
1.64. 41.ilegheay Cemetery.
AT the annual meeting of the Corporators, held or
Me 6th insL, the following person. were 173331•
etwasly re-elemed VlltLf) '' S k' A. u ricw4llll„,
J. Fulmer, Jr, Seaman , and TrellSßl
The annual statement presented do
Company in a very prosper°. comb'
its the my Is No. 37 Wm. street
7„,IXPERIIINCED judges, on a trial of one and a half
Xf since IRA prom:ranee this article nrour
passed for durability in the construction of all kinds of
Foresees Price 547.5 cash for loads 0110 M, guar
anteed rdoe months one. Orders fora second AlnalitY
BOliVeZ Bricks wilt be attarated al 520 per DI, If;lre
sired, without guarantee. A stock of the brat q r j r:
Is now for male at the warehouse, Sloart‘a ,Car
gal lluin, by J SHAIV MAC
_atialktf Kensington Iron Weals
P - - • •
IIC6NLY. FIRE BILICILIS--The subseribera hnannt
appointed solo agenui py thonianufactuters,
tot the sale of die celebrated "Phonic drinks," are
now prepared to fill arden for any quantity, at BSI,
candy per COLO. For the cortsuucuon of furnaces of
sit kinds, thew bneks have been pronounced bycam
petenudges. being wiperior to gal other fire bricks
now to i.e. C SVANULTY &Co, Canal &LAIL
PORTABLE. FOllll—A very convenient article.
Bellew. and all the !brae via be carried by the ban
dlu by moment A few loin reed and for tale by
neat P 13(111PR
May Ilth, ISIS, at the 15obool Hausa of OSi
a xth
kW, rittsbamb: By H. X Ilrockearidga
• Pubilmbed by JOHNSTON h. STOCKTON. and Cor
.ale by an the Booksellers in dwelt', ly3
WINUN-40 qr wk. and 19 lud. Ws lud . Port, Sweet
hislegs, and Madeira Wines, comprising .aus
very el:uncial:id superior brands, received sod format
as accommodating term; by
1.0 1 W es hi lIIITCHELTREE. IGO Liberty-at
LARD OIL-60 able superior, Burckbanits bread,
/511 past received sad tor sale by
J )(LOD &
OAIS-00 sacks superior Oau, rotapar staluner
Dillgant.a and for sale by
joold J & R FLOYD, Maud Church Ruibibva
O . WET MALAGA WINE-72v casts sweet blala
p Wine, just received and for sale by
021 MILLER & ltll3l(gre3ON
WT IN MA lIUNIIY-3 hhds Ala Wading mad
for sato by JAZiItS LIALZkILL,
jell a water Sc
WINDOW 1.11,12,4-6Uti bra etXlO, forlo;Th7
lIKV.V IRTA-10 tuntTgrig 2.1 and 111.1, Juniata; for
la sale by Jyll 9 F VON 13ONNtlUS9f &CO
BEEP -2 bbls pickled; MO lbe dzied; for de by
M A kl C d a d IrTY-CT4 nt i *N M UU " Srilj ITS f or le.
DR(.8)113-23 doe extra large Q. b. Brooms; 20 do
Rochester dcq 2., do Corn do. lOr salt by
Jyll S V VON 1/01214HURST & Co
MACKEREL— Hole nOW tio 7 Iced - .nd for sale
111 by /Yl4 RHLY & Ca
DEER eta:vs-4w lb. wr I. F ale tis t• clove consign.
_LI moot jyl4. D, MEV & Co
F E ft= -17 .ad
iYI3 YO (wor n
BAILLEY-4 lioko Harley, for w.
A PPILLIi—A Ibis jut ree'd and (or szloby
augral WICK a hreaNDULas
BIRD PEPPERS-61 :laps% received and.far vale
auglD corner lot antl . Wodat its
• ----
'v. D. SIENNA—MX) lbs just reo'd and for solo by
J. • _ 4441' FrOINESTOCIL & Co
LFOAR--It9 bbd. pima N On'ognt, sten - blunt for
a salt by toren tea W
ljortroodial,la Wont and for
14 solo by swain tl ib'W Ult 4 nallol-1
LIN evill SEED OIL-12 bbls for sale b 6
. /Hy /V Is HETrEn
I[ibis end 4 b4.llbbliuisiors and to
solo by • . U MUMS is,GULEIERTSON
DIXON 811OULDERS—I0 eisksjart bed and for
CIOFFEE—SXI subs ItioCollbei • prime article .I.‘
recal•ed =I far sale bp
81-CHROU. POTASH-400 lbs nett and for
ails by gar evo,
=fi.< ~' ~...~.~r',~.ut.'~z~rt[:'sy':`.~l'.=.+'3r~~:nix'..-`.'~"~"~.,C+t'~',~`~"~~_~':=~~ u
. . .
alitiairi, • • • **R rattail : lnas
N . . 0 8" :Nmo vnic tilinfir 12"5"C iag,
%was gaau,i.
••• tztretiJif '
Dr. Swayae's 00expeszalS yea* Of Walt
... r . •
It is mild and phtatedl to Mee, perNeffff allsb 'ma
"'mins lints Mieratides, tet It m .6.r:demon.
=fat and ertnaihventallams Pmam=
I=,,,,, (3m =gsAphis* Ter
ity ortzhe Cantab.., Mte r 7. Ina= by.
itie:ittel a - AMU la dm rehear tbs algebra! pablin
'Colligate, and alder.. fif ifs 11.!domIDI curative
powers ang dolly renaind from ell „ll' is im
p:made to conceive the wham afferingand ads.
oryihat hail been itliente ot hardened he th- nor can
• e 4rafbefmaan.ebeatttlwrballureal grout
ft barsahm• All gm, macs, and eonstitudons are
alike abated by it and the abeam I
ds, ofsdietted term
the sliworM. tha amsweasksi reatand health sus
to,. by de, use of Eterammar.amm. 829122 as
pram Cvmv." 'How many arena - de as.daSk tu be
hold apprmchiM an ammaDasurn, wryeed,
bloom of - mind a .
s ..their relatives end friends, et.
oc t who. ihnt Mud malady, DdIVIDDLPTION,' which
,wastes the miserable sufferer until, be a beyond the
power df huhanaltill. • If surb• edam would only
mete *Mid edDerthraynots Compoored Syrup stWild
Chary, they Weald huff tbniallas mt.-relieved
than by tolphrt the attic. Iniffeethe }saddles obit
which our newspapeis abouruh this ‘Vegatablaßame.
dy' heals she Mc.erated
i t i mimping,proWs highl
.seats, Id theta. Mots a nandaltmd had
expettoratiou. end Inikpulant. sam-fa4 biasolfin
the emoarserit ottomfottablehealth. The public abouid
boar la mind OM Dr. SWaynels a !e.t.d . :practising
pbyncian, auslid yezegeg ua rkeSe te diseases
ins of the Lnn. kid The (0 and onlYLe.
rtieleis=partdiDlL hintrtilt 'car
eer of &rah
aNcrrazazo i ntigginA:-
Of all. ChM thl92thh carat herb Iheav wemay
safely any the annalsofinedleizto eaniscatanish one to
surpass this, which 'rum btu. es ii Radii Obeid the
of erreamption, oven Whew Web. been
,Sles= i. of Dr. Swarm'. Compound syrup of Wild
'Tr all ft prtiffacs to be, the inedioine
tit - t e ho kLu world. •t
TAs 71-ter Enda of Lgi iir Malan
Its. Swamis—Dear Air Foe the poi 'of ifto habilis!
feel royselfin duty bomd •tesutd. to the.mur mare
which your Compound Syrup at Wild Cherry port r am
ed on mg: For my pan, feel calf nary bodynaght
to know tt J was aliieted yritli a Tiolad oatthr . isi n, -
Mg of blood,zught sweats, hoarseness and; of
the aria ...Mg' an altratiag 'state of •
m 7 Walk , was dear MY-stathith hadae, **l
ed me themy
,hiends physiciast were persuaded 1
could not swerve many daps allder,'wittiareS ply
enxi y oa eanoudess. meat urquirff where she ,
Mould: be
lik to proem* the misieertain Shtold
thatif Dr. Swayeris eoutpond Syrup of WIN 'Chart
filed in thecae, 1122 was then hmelsa. Year
medicine waammeaately immured, add thifirsi bot
, tie gave relief, end by the time I 2914,4209219.2h9e9 the
sixth bade. my cough had left the and resatreatit was
'much Improved.' In alert, Shasta& I Peilbet cure
arm, end lam= tide mese= time as bartyalume as
I wash, and have good reason to believe that the me of
lourmeddelhe ha saved. from a grave.
gain be pinned men any informal.. deg
my case. I Id
dB cheater as between race end vine 17t . .s'•rt.
Consumptives, Readl f
fold Che Dr. Swayne's Compound
Syrup o.
to about Om yew WA, I found 22 2 In my
profrasioal practice, to cr=ozni a oredi prow
-1 talon for diseases id the it end l
more powerful healingpropernes thaa any otter hids
am. ng
aroma for such Ow. sts• 'Ld COMPOITPID
SYRUP.- 11.0 CUIDIRY, I hue been vary mo.
area' Ths "Idly ato Wrgdees erected at MY
medicine soon smack its Wee cbe d• to none
of ha success to Manefactured nowsprargualb ar La
ved esetillesurs—the teal Intrinsic Mena a My en.
pound it the only Cdurautitspopulagity., ha aaternive
gale roan excited the CM ofeertain...splaiom in ere
athletic. ethic tellairemaides broach so that'in a
few years from the date MaLOMPildiamilonalw Wm
dneed w the public and in great danand, a Dm in this
hit2,.. 1 a2 41 .4 Mosta/ Medan** had tained: a high
ram.= toe curative properties came at with
was they called Dr. W 19912% Ualsam of Wiltheherry.
Thin rerpectabie and popular. pliyaician had no mom
to do with the article than podr Saa Patch." Ths name
of Dr!Wistaria attached to make happeareritliria ero.
mot practitioner was the original inventor ether pre
parauar, such is not the faet. The above Ind, the re.
al inventor, sold the seam and right to manufacture to
Wme patent malle. dealers in Carton ft for the
est and Southend anotherirt Now York for the pas
Into attennuds It is asserted, sold out to a dreamt in
Rosion—so the number of hands Into which it mar" have
changed is an enigma.
In Man places they meat it emanated patty
alai. in Philadelphia, In others, from • phybezan m
blassachosam So it boa falsehood and' stratagem
stamped to every feature. ,
Thera have beam • numbeiet miVerpte4iteeas pap
porting to contain Wild Cherry pareno trom
ands a Miranda ,nce which the public mama gored
-as they contain none arta virtues of the
tai only preparadun, whickbaisetio
not.,of Sweyne on each bottle., 'fflta
Whhhrhat= l . 2 ; of then ovaiaod.aasq stertilprmes h re
the exert effrentery to make the.blid'eganurt m
assing nryleedtchre, the only truly gamma and,odid
al preparation of Wild Cherry before the/ p.m,
winch is wand ratisfactorily by the peak, mazes oi
the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, as wellits vici
ous other official documents. DR. IIIgiVATNE,
Mama and phie roprinur of the gentuderCem.
pound Syrup of Whil Cherry, comer of Idtlid
Rare streets, Philadelphia.
Pamphlets an heobtained gratis_acizing ' forth am
array of 'ordinal Mat will convince *el moat ekepti
sel of. wondertul virtues of lyr 19oraytie 1 / 4 Compound
yrup of PAM Cherry. Call and get ono, that all may
read. Purchase the medicine, end at arum.
For sale, wholesale and retail, by .the Again •
Wil THORN. Si Market an oe diTtriTtrEN,
comer Wood and ttberty Ms; S JONES, rtf
se li FAHNEOT- QCI( corner..altirst
Wood and &to end Woogli AMES A. 70
ELrun. Penn and gate.; end JellYMTe -
L, 'o ukalleny ,Dir. •
a. lA. Drat livrEaxrifta.,
We have been informed by Nre-garte et waste -
formedonher by Ur. 4anfiteia. Jlitemptly h
proves la superiority over every abet f
tine. She has been adhcmi for the lastolmeen years
with /11.MillYSEM or Wm rs diVELLlNUS,juutded
run ulceration" and elfol.atloa or ' , mi... hs,.ztla
nitewitioh time aunty pleas have been 9!seharlged
rife frohtnl bone or the trait., from both her
'atone' - i - radmermtwwwei-uwerwiteanaufoestace • •
Mare on other partoof, tier perms mach hi* bad.
the AN et a amber of the mat imateni physicians a
oar salty-dururg Ot the end hes istlhas have
been carnet:et aniesplorable About three maths
boa she was minced m UT DrJaytude Al terative,
which as had an astaishinely hippy effect upon bar,
b . unno ... eing al=iletz . ze . lling time la:td . rratig the
has deco= anetplcieiy reatonni, Marge now weighs
*Ms goore Mau, Md. beknrh Imengtentridle
Of thin truly val , A4a prepnum—lest. Rae. at.
For father leformaturn, inchlre entre: ResfiNo. 14B Phlbcvt' st, Phltatteiplos,'
For We In' P.bartis at the PRIUN TEA STORE,
Ii Fame et ears Wood. ,
INGS.-Sitrolitla in ail its • tnitlhl44.fartus
whether In thatitif KLdg'e • Evil,,eftr 0 th e
elands or bones, Chiltet White, •
Rbvinum;thketirAakturp.rditSing orria
or of Pillinosary CbhinimiPtitna, milarlate'lhi one
led the =nee ea*, which li i liolitonikii principle
mom orlecileheriratin thtilitirtnienyitetneTtiere.
fore, unless Ma principle - eas(tikdpstvieilips ruli
cal each can be effected; - brit if 'the mineipie upon
which the disease depends, is . remcwW , a tare
mast ofneeessityfollow, no peatterunder ;hatter=
the disease should mani fest Itself. This, *Wore
is the fintipia why inlet Id so not
vernally tacceafal in removing so iniorifikligmat
diseases. It destroys the vim or prmelple•froln
which thine disemma have theirmightbyhtntering
into the circulation, and with the tdoodia eh:reyed
to the minutest , h are, team/fog every particle of
disease from the system. Preparedend sold at No.
8 South Third• Street, Philadelphia.
Hold it the Pekin Tea store; No. 73 Fotititisuere.
Ptctstsugh • • tuch3l
)a. Their office
AMIGS Who Use Oreisioo PreparedTßW!, aro
.X 4 often act aware bow Oightfally •ittiatioca, 1
the skin! how coarse, how roagb,licrer
wid ankmalthf tbelkui appears after awn' 'prepared
chalk! Bestelpy it is Inbumakeottwittuttatatis oww
Myer lead. We hareprepared a twatiffal enviable artielo, artielo, which Wd -ft!! JOItikM , S. SPANISH IMX
WHIM it utparfecily innocent, beinspertliddlof all
dee:mous gaatitieg atelit experusto llisisklxa 'mea
nt, healthy, alahlitur clear, Ulric/ white, aribllswin
Wee acting as a iitttko a al6l4 . yiraon
and smooth.
Br. Jwarocnim,fraelleal chemist endwise
chtlielle . XllVetill'ialyii43o6lltililpah Loth
Whim, pauiesses the most beaatlM ol d cane
eal, at tlis same Woe **mu while 1 eserww. I
eartairdyCan coaseientionali:teeetaxicadits Pao ball
erhosbawaregaires boactdrint.o
Merrice XS calls a boll • ,
)7 W 111-141C11301.1_, at his Soot, Xiid . ghee
amSters,ell Liberty Mock, Awl, or %%7ood, tt ale:sign of
Lathes, lidllehrta asteatabad, ••••-•
When you bias tharyba are ,••
natoralalloi*e, miry wh47 "Nli
That yea will afe cetwiwes Oa*,
Aadlook a deathly lEllole frigt,
The theme Of laughter and oftalt.
If yen wild see a box oY ZONE'S
woaM Ora your 'lan an alaterstet• rat mutual white,
aad at the ammo Slatiscleas_apii macre kt, Sold at
JACKSON'S, FD Libmar at n!Tico. 23 ,cegut.qP6l,-
• .. . . '
a PA, tLft W e Se a tiVEl K im.
o. 1. ISO WO
fe;Yall a W. FIELD alert igt sele wile lowest
MbliV l l"A•ri' , Pribor , o yea Annum sum,
memo( rAPAss, eampasisieL every possible larlety,
adapted to emeritus et emmament +lf ell o r d er sor ate
*country. Paper of all Was ties tO order at *lion
Ibtortoek et PRINTING-Z./PER le ariesers4 /UP
a panel winch la i gar4 .. .aravpLuar.
of evert deseripaivrtei l .... opt "...Melly on
tum..:, vui t Felifets,wire Oath, jaartfleasa res
Eneaching Po•ritems Ulterouiriney'Prrlzekee., at
pe a = g al' ? It i Mee 411 %ttP e Cali'lll67.
Pe/ w irl3Y ' Ne vi 1%4 JetrAts,
_ _
Dr. W. P. iiehlotridlls Prateslimar Pl*Mater.
It. W. P. LNGAND, of tinfbleflidaf Conn* bf Phil
adelphia, now offers to the public Da indlan Veg
etable Peen:dole Plaster,the knalitliit Of whirler
long and tried expenenne, has been sifinfactil es.
iablished. To o.ll.Wonteis lobo raw 2 , be MEM with
Pr:damns Mafia orPillan Womb, be reemarnimds hie
Plaster, graininteilinp inreviind speed,- dare' to the
short spade Of than two b thaw wreak if a PUPd with and ren—disearding all thAi =Outlaw
fns u m t
a dseL
expensive bandages so long in ma Tbsirba &ale
in Inasmuch as be has MA failed
In one elm- sotof. boh tiny - three dred'in
Also fat Ithemaatriel am! Weal Brutal er Beek, ai•
fended wit h Plb , ribele la getting to creel tide Plaster
in landing te d lierer erecting Cult For Ma cl by
Nencete,rirner of Dlassuied And Market st ,
Braun & Kellar,. JAberry and St Clair CU
I Shenyarge ty nt Federal et and Diaraciil,-
hard ci
Jacques & Co, Denman cod Fitamond, Blrudng
• Sid
ellnal/smitui earths Wor ld.
WENTY4II,B DOLL& Muth be paid to toy ourT
who mill primates • vm of pain% peen or dry, that
cannot be ontraeteril with MIAs IMPtolred Citicaucal
Soap. I have the utandaedon of saylnrc people el
this place, Mu du article, by my own eMent on
It, num needs unlashed m mum r entraining
Fame, rut Pi m#0 , 1. 1 , PV:=Xt eater patsy Sib
SWIG(' no m daMnas of a spathe. , citties,
,upon, ante Mods.; mann° Attune,: Wks' bbirumta,
Lo, hid aringanythhig that pure watetriiilli nak
mue. More than our thousand puma .mttgitrent
pan. of the caosary Mite -told •itteolterwoldd not be
waour lc tf lt con cum dolls:pet aks •ds mit this
Soap on mon *en lase
of hem LAN sestes,
pupas, and ardicocus I lase only found dare jump at
alit, two of alpacas, end foarnteallecy as
clanged the cokes therefore Inhere potatthwajith
dims try. maple of the dress Arad I matt Mb bcpcum
1 eta determined tintlautemaluncortit any
know mbe strictly unta . su eork
price, NI cm Wreaks. fkiiitgiet sl tallMl Antall
bydec94 I.l=.
aa.aviirralniNnli Illi,iiiiMiT4Migri -- •
Or MI linel - Po et 10 .4 0 / 0 02 C M° . 7 4 - I*-441 0 00
- - --. u " , " . Woo: :;:q , ,, vit.v...t, 010
haltchssurYliftrOgdo do tagpid a l do. „' , „
~,, :lu re ,
.#. ,„„...47 6 1 op
7: l =egapoinks i le m mlotdatiolit sZoII . ..,ff .r q• :muatatostis,..oailk. F r a
or. a Otapmla *MN OM brads , '''„ " „ ... . st ---..--_----.
IdE , '- '''.: ' Wig& a 4,- .1 ,fi•Jd ~§trigio t$
. . . .4 '4 t.. 4.
..i . . 1 ....,..)- IA A A.if 71 ''' -- -
fthaisiumcmtz,puimmilleco bbilii ,t
swo, .untriudimpterftigait7b.,s. a .
his ').1.1
JP.A.Z,Wellsrar,A mei efdatibiydaahttandikese
twowasyle delotetpwjedly
outhniw, utm rate::l haw Amami deli" eallweywni.
adberdestoDeey Cr'.ockett 11 • 21311 011111101111itare
bras log itsiieu
isd haulm tlw Wes, hseassekeskedehmesiftee
basehmaollnad soda
rai r robi 7 swedes thew ellis elstrlKEret
yea firmest Goa to I bare beat' aimed
ta.piee t t toms My haraselleref
eser wisest la show lyesld steak bees
log m 4, • Waited and eiNik..
...Lund 6so Itteeksed Illiaasemem 4am legend& la
te36-7 I wwindicaltonyWeenme,pub"..3ooNoo 7
W bew lenleltissre wicket askagrasehne
of pas la de siltesdallthidethlw •diestltaast
LS math& . lieserilnereahothe /seem*
61, -4
_ed l 4 satisliallsklOdwanth *duet atliwitoss.
Pla letanell seed bent keptdmmtatv same
de 6 er 7 warm mld sansesds• *ukase** basimen
lands deem completax
!IMhnt apetaalellde s a i r rdebay %haasd y w t isd
hisaghlotcedoad aessreter bak* *WI
wardly neesaweed theta to Oil
- ististbar de heir,.pnephowee seam dillatims, see
deer dam impedes toCeloandordwavorill,
c•6l nsses , z: ; • , • • • allaitenas
Ci+wiliNf.--16 th ere cm alp it s“ be tome
aastss4tterilkpemen Wades/ tthe Medd
iek foe andtdono Mber I:W aallsed6 dy
0nt0. . 1 4 1 WA0 3 7 ires4et bet
diddtoe-tredses;Vdds triedeD ld ' Cali; bowl
Ship atse. - 'Manse
nomg W.. WORM rotert• bin
..11../ thanks m ihncititens or Futelnagbedd y
oily for the neryldsmal impport end '
has received intim the last dr emenbet 'lllattbstWa•
ter mew sheeaqaita sea eclateity, :l Witter
Amens nor when It lsconsideradteessolim
a number of vends Wlerslv= Sr di = j rat
sense and eltronnt base been - by* me
Ckmnanyortetre It catenated,' dzsinemssel
atheneum* eases=rtrere =it.trrtholllearaldl•
liii = i2na PtineweiN at
the - were etned by
th a e l kddider of theWittreeent.
Engbustmetee au Am shoniandrethepr•
less eases • • been curedt by Si; and thee asteAte .
Hyddstrathtetesablimene t ne saw ilk
einem the United Bate, .peat rolnestas -6 =yla;
Dr. Morels haulm permanently assahltelted. !base[[
in . ths city yinstuargly throe doom madmen of Ir.
W wi lidlo= wi trsal, tru l s sz 6 ne p i mp* to; w3;t :j
those who Ptedel A bslad Isasted , mtheir own dwell
.rill be pe as h is and fahbfelly anemia& ells MY
oo•seltd as his oglem from ltrebeektilln 'P. 11144 end
Cram 7 to 8.-mi r y
the arming... 2 .•-• •
8.--EverY vehrhal4of haths ' bade sae of la
Water core, both km and gentlemmt, can bet e b
mined as the Agieneigil f ee Marty Ono, wham they
have been recently emend foe tha
dropathoc Indents, and : when army snetnioa will be
seven by polint end attendee prepristort.
Greet AgeeUskAMWAY,
- 1 - I , o ft C ow dy, wee, &wee wad Cousnapzied
.r GREAT AND ONLY - REMEDY bulk, meet Ile
above diseases, in thaAdUNGARIAN -BALSAM OF
LIFE, discovered by Ain calsbratted af
Isnulori England, and lotradacedinto the UnitedSlctu
nodes the inratediale sopmetteaf the Initarneall
The earaordinary success of this medicine, la tg
cure of Pulmonary dismal, Iwamoto 'the dasentan
Agent in soliciting for treannent the ?MIR possible en
= no
be found Mahe cerects thane*
ntllef in rain from soy ef, the =Met zeoedles of the
dey, and 'km been men op by the 1204 ot=
physielies as confirmed eedlneorable Thti
an Bah= hex =red, end will aerWlherfkler
of easeel title eel genet w ander g.
enidleinei of known and eehtblialled eleeffell
/ 3 vell Medi/Mara Unita Slater shet2.loo,
with Elnelowe Husetszbul . lialsem TaidaiibPt=l
minter= the cramamptivs. nandetteles of the .„
but to be used ma e preventive medicine in all sup of
colds, cent% epitties of blook - pale 111 the aide and
chew, intrados 'and , =elm et the hulea,kroelltle,
delleulty of b
enosadnreetim hectio facet, ndlittrireat4e=
cottg% aref :mop. . 14 '" • 4414
Sold in large battles,at pert:eerie, dbeo
don. for the restore-don of health: • •
Pamphlets, eoatetoing a taus &Magill& and sfrarai•
ram certifirates, and other evident% shoraisor the an.
eqtralleal merits of this great English Remedy, may be
obtained of the Agents„.
_gnotthistraff. •
For sale by B A FA/Boomod kWO cams of
st and Wax! awl-Wood cod thhista .
Io ROD the Rev ASA RHlfillil,k tneWtt ayld pep
alar Clemrman of the ProtestantltlethodylChet eA
The undened hams tkeffAldliktbddittbithetut
litotes. with el Meuse of Me' Matethne• pree
*ming group:lmM the addoehtotten 01 Melva blue
_mahout Intermisakm and ott er
remedies with Ihde efect,omm with a boas
MIR DJayneliCarittfiesinneklaisank -Tids he sod so
copliu to the dketlions, ainhbitutd inmate/0 *Odds
medicate tatted theinde stlok in *rep or (bar in
ute s, and in Meeker osetur saintnellavery seem
sensation vraa etntly - Pelete4. Tbe media= eras at-
Milne& used whenever indieitinua of thikayproook of
P.M... Perceived, =a the pelilwao thereby prevent
ed. He condnned use tied,amdleine every
and eometintee m the meanin, • unw.
seas so Car restotokthet the oaderer ren e .
ed from • large amennt of eppetemye„ pain. From ax
perieZee, therefore, ke cap confidently , meommend D
D Jayne'. Canalaativetylkientesdatsry enedloin
tor &semi 4111 04914411 OLOA r . A REILYiND
For sale in ea:tits:it - 014j k I NEVIOR
7U Fourth street, near Wood, - mad:else at thanes
Ow. MO 6411WARTZ. ridera:areat..,4l ••• ay
ihkeyy yourl mac-- , , ,-•
MR% O- & SlDUKY—pear Eft Lass — ;11=1 do-
Al. 1 4 OUNPAMkng rain) bria
.., Isessafsissis compoc4 A V-141 , o*. Imen
Gar some' tandthinaer ,tbn nue ,paymtms. Shay
said her ealS"was sham& itt # llo7 amid dd
but little for me. I was • bat with the
aid of crutches could with pat ill KO
lut e
1=h".4.,.:1. Y1*1416
C4C44 = 34't it:
' plia.lhe
sores contutenced healing, atuil4 4" aredeh
ea, tulips °lily cane. 1 - diva.. *Am naaah and
at the end cif the fourth, was ZS w,ll es 4Rst su da7
in the sheep. In all, I ued6TllPetla. The
scrotal. and sores /WM 11.11,31 ' u0 0.1 and dna* last
I Pate with - OM %bars rasilite Wig
clued in the manta . ,'.aray .14 Ausappigia sobs by
you, has been the tatantriand Omani means orate*
Lug the emu. • CO OO4tApICE.
'orate whdderalti and renu l, by
dim IL A.P=.WTOM & Co
ear. from P wood as, & atm corner wood &Chats
_ _ ___
•L' Cream desitarbirettmeral f fbr
Chaser 0. la Boiesitor shaving;
Makattle Cream, do;
I, ~F r S flTl MMt n i l4l Millitiiettebltela•
Rf+mltWYtivrdel Pan. of . 1 1,1:t1 ; tri
ribboned tottetbobls,
Gar the
abitor b evnivdaltehl
efi meat bat,aade mt.
YetvageeC a mete
Indian vegetably bait oil,
Heats oilym O,4e Y -O,OO PEOPy. , TIPP.Mows soma
ones , Nyttpli Solipt Roo rahat
iii #lo. • ' •
Sbeil reap; a soap; lapilli , ari a saw variety
or hue perraraeryi AA mewed foro.k3by
nate . , cat W 6 tvraoil irta
Pulmonary' Madannee
114 EXAM BEM & it duty 1
Al owe to lay fellowereaterae, Ire bate ecenething
46446 -1 4 sPentEng year Vegetable Pohlman /Ulm&
&ace 1 Arstuand the Bedaam, aboas alma yeas, are.
4he hint ekes of width Lean wenn arab= aG 1
have had Several seem complonts and attacks at iwy
lenge, one a fats daye•aktea, and Ia every Instance I
have need the Belem Nona with eettapktie tetsf , perfeet
,seeeese. It has teemed relief and ease ins few
days. It is certainly a ea& medklen. dn_,not I=er
that It'srill ente nand cdnaamyl6o4 but belie.. tt
'dß be la many eases immune% wat t Vms Is
bora. iEtwee I
asibl T6 4 2.: are& for the lees 0ta . 1 . ..t.
'ln eextplalata• I egt ,
han bete' means of pneseseft say Mier thie day.
Boston Zone 16;46. BENJAMIN NutsoNs i l
rebsale LIB A Fahnesteek, Co, earner first and
Meld end also corner wood and Mh.
private Cure! Trrstatmati, Feb: U,1517.
R. E. Samiec—bly wife Ims fat NM. Wawa
Le al'th : *th if tnZd with asthma, Gar
nt cough resawiles,
and k ilvise of the most eminent physicians in
Eng but all erunnavailiag. By chance I heard
ra your dal Calash Syrup, /Ad was Weevil to bay
a bottle foi Wel, although I bed nobellef that a n =
amid mamma 'tier complaint. To my groat
two doses save her immediate Mkt Mein at thus
ambled' with a. asegth ten two teaspidastlll Itt filraP
always stops it. lam satisfied, Miusatial at thee ar
tour years, Mat SellefaSonp Syrup lathe beak cough
rld. icine
have ever tried. either. in the Old or New
Sever, Ward e ehy of- Pinabnigh.
The above eertilleese idanthi.. Wane. all who ans
troubled with er th
to swe the Sump a M
ai. way b h for SS ems a boob, milts drag
store of a E arr 3 PC, Como& sc
8'414 Dr 121 '!" 11, soot D . H 907' Alter
Pima*. BUR* Apartas. Trish
EWLItINVWIXD-.F or the milegaan earmanan
xx.varegargne. oh,E,UPTLIFIS. (SaUed to all
Kite tojkliar align du i Tram CODillail ibd caw
:piArAire eanowitli which It may be . . The pad et
wood bell neatly balaneed adal a mph
ham Moan path:Aril, and Vaxe Y +maids lwa
lay mneement made My ma r. It ma tat awns
*Minn hatemonaion, walla earekoeffeeted. Tbe grab
sebberifrhave made analigedluurts lbr ma:Waal:mu
theaelndaabla Trams, Ina sapenor wyte,ln Phila3
del= have Mem nevlarmi±tx Undestfine, No.
Yam Verddtoto homy faofty, , and believe. /I prom, it
not .4= to
&; B ays over used. I ravolotwoolt
lo y o ono dood,Which &availedabout 50 Immo.
5.15 Emma.
.Prepared and sold by a S SELLERS, 57 Wood m.
Soh ;by Dr Can01j54.5 Ward; D M Cuorg, ADegbanyi
W Nadtb,..7s74sranoooillei P . ,., 00..L0ni.
rencovillo. . . • • ' 504
SIMINGO3-44 Warta/sat just reed inn dir
by Ta 73 J KUM &Co
.pn - rseune tviZtrre,
Guam &dump, ado., owe Ks Peilftft
ILLTIAS Car VIC itastimitich,
Ono tosenion of 121 toes, or 1et5,.....5i,40 ao
Two insertions witllsitalteratiena,.. ‘• ,,, yO7O
Ono Wont. .Th " t' CO
" 1 60
Three Two Weeks " iw 250
One Mouth,
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