~4 { ~ S~,v ~ v --_s.wn .j.rr.;.~+ _,~'~.,:~ ~.;m:~~.~ is_~'~~~, '',-e~"~'m";~`'~~.,w t ~ ' ~ t'- ,_ _..~ ) ~ +r-*.n-rx ~~;,_,.~ . , _ n..r..~ .~,...,. __ .~ -vim ~~;~::,:..~,.._~__ xr ~'~~'"`s ~...,'~"~"e:"~„~ - ,.~-T- a :rv,.>~ rifnitas . liitimsoPtArrirmftnnais o_nrEnT. wart at :4 IrrrirtiVirill , r.TNTHKIrhiITEDSTA i.TMK=Thertehoseribettaspent eitlfirYour4ttention itYDY, Batrearre Goo inan,etnitaily - =tended the 'preserrortinfvft health of both restur-4rhelher ariseLfredijnelPl4 Plating, or early consumption; Debour of ine Liu& Bronchial affections. Itethmai Pleurisy; Deranged •Disonletedenate of Spleen; or Kidneys, Cued Spine, ,Cholle - `Palpitation 0f.'=4.1 Hean,Loe, O t tc* s tlreblerretts Power, rte. &el_ . DR. C . D. "GWAICUIAN' corner to nut immediate reliefof Female+ suffering firm Irtewthiti fie; and an otherthetine difilenttles and diseases inch dental to woman, whether neaselonett -bp cold, wet feet, or any !haat tinediciallrelionatet and . all r Without the use of =editing as the most delicate_ sensitive lady can stony nuntittitapply , it 'to here= without the yostibilirY of ibtmmitig any risk or danger, or anyunpleasentresults rinsing from iti end with the certainty of obtaining imetediaterrellef. • Dr. BarretgaGeardied Is tuicatch-pezmy or one of 'Am m 0 2 3 1, iwaninerlf• the ' lit but it 6strioneta , ,sastle upon side y_ Wine= principles, in aerandanee with the Imre of Eaeettirlty - gairazdsm; and for heatless; didebillitr: and e.X. ',ay; infinitely surpasses evemthing of the kind ever before offered to the while for relief ofdisose, and; in the language of one of the most etillgbieliedmenofthe dirt' Is prononneed to btOthe greatest dlseovergoltha ageP • • Atonal:if iiniese s hisbeea oecupied Try Dr..l3ldrett intaitigingthe Guardian to' tts present vista_ of_ectiection=during. which tier= Khan how in • Ilusbm& ofsome 'of eminent physicians of the'Noilh and Bondy no well as is the dweWngs of au . Amens families, who havnined it =rail of theabare • purposes,With tire sneeess x ind who have cheetfolty • • 'ten' their unqualified approbation. of its edliesty Witco= CM be Seenlyrefening to the Mannar of nous'accompenying It. • D1CC., 11 .. ice:Guardian le secured from ==eve. Gene ity Paent front the United Metes Patent Mee,. aid be - had either with or Without his hieduroTtectro Galirincuireter._ Theidedico:Electro Galvanometer, In poirrt abeam. ty, workmanship, dorabilityand power, cannot be sur passed or even equalled,nad the subscnber feels that. he hamuds nothing lathe assertion that it will be found to possess more pewer and Whew} , in the wean= and removal of diseases, by Onlverdsra and Electriel• Iy, than any tatter Lastrement,: either fa the Felted tittle' Or Manl,. TtiehrediewEiectro Uslminometer• la warranted in 'terry raw*, and with common ordii nary care ; Bill kistA lifeanne, and far the cheal4 cut, Unitise the boil, insertunera ever offered to the public. A manual accompanies 'plying the most =Mk bV i rro, ofPraqiql e ace, so Math is murk 1 gibietothe =act' eretty ono, while there. try of anangetabut 4 nett that a child may do griunitcntity glom, tad erratum• ulr as cheerfully 1111Sarered per mall, either In Mr acco to the Elettro-Gabnutenneter or Guardian. Medical men are invited to call end es:Moine Dr. Bar roes Guardian and testns efficacy. For sale by H. mcluaumni, sold Agent, 71 Mar ket di, Pittsburgh- litdFnitt COMB 5,000 PERSONS ,a - Ph iladololda kir alone, can testify to the anaiderfal Annoy of that palmed rearedye .... • THORPSONS COMPOUND SYRUP .OF TAR AND WO9SRAPIITHA, la Puhmititii-BnChionlo Bronchitis and Borer Bien; 'AAhm., Cheer& Catartbart_dat of ;Beod, _Pain fa the Bide and Thalhteg,•Whargdng Cough, C I 4rW, and Nerecroa Troners, Palpation of thellearr, ' Liver Complaint anderection of the Edney's. This medians, the Invention wto ve the abject of Petitionary lisonebratend Pectoral ' the 16011/ tied e n, has ttow been beano the prebilonearTaw years. Daring this pariodit. has per. formed same °fee roost remarkable meson formai of Paldiseury , Constueolion—soeared the recon=ende. don and one of phydelarte In their pr ac tice and the Intreceest approval of thousands - 0 person ordieary and seam Colds, Rotereartli Iroarseoeu, Bolding of Boog, tee. ABTONIBRING CMS ' moat ibur l ears ki;ee I wan utacinia with rover, which tell mein a miserable caws of he= es=one debility With .geterel prostration el/limeys ' tens. with violent pelts in the breast and loss of appe tite, in eonseedwace of which I was enable to utendle my 9.1411 i o r hay kind of `work. I applied to several pir otriana and used sirloin' tem. dm,but without any epeerefit, and had. despidreilof ever obtaining recovery of my former halth. Rot some time last Jane I was advised to try Thomson , a yuax pound Syrup ofTar and Wood Naptha, and incredible as It rosy appeer,hylhb time I bad teken three bottles the debility, path nod. every Sense of stating were completely removed, and I was able to attend with nr. nand hglih to mesnircutrinr, Of Diskingoit township, Vambeziond co. Read the following tratininey from a respectable Itembeicf tho Society of Friends, in Poughkeepsie, N. York. VALIIABLE TE3TIMONT. °This may certify that ba the spins arise, my health eras very feeble; I was altlicted w thpalzt In the side, with other alusehigignytents,and auattrd much fro great . debility. t time I "purchased from Maws Theme two bottles ornament's Composed ay e rep of Tar and Wood Myths; from 'which I eeperien-' red great benefit, my health being now good; and I cheerfully recommead theretticle m. 11.1.11161.• ••• who may beset:rasing - with general debileYi metionse of adeeline. ittßaithiNTSll3. Prepared only by /MOUT fr. 6=103, 111 the N. R - corner of Fifth and Spruce streetn, Pldla. Bold by 1.. WILCOX, Piusbur&__atod by b d o ves generally. Prize SO cenchor One MUST per ALTzwei QINSENG PANACEA! TO THOSE SUFFERING "WITH `DISEASES . LUNGE.-The unprecedented eacwas which has I:tended - the we of the GINSENG PANACEA. n all the murk= fat= which irritates of the luop es. fames, basindacmi the proprietor again mull anise. Don to this AVGNDEII).I3I. PREPARATION. The chmtgable weather which, marks our Olt and Wilder mouths, is always a fmitfal source of COLDS AND COUGHS. These, Ineglected, are but the preammrs of that &1.1 destroyer, COSUSIFTION. The gamic., then, haw ahallwe nip the derma/erre the Midi how shell we get clew of our coughs and ale is of vital inupormuce to the public. THE GEFA.T AND ONLYSUMMIT teal be (amid in the Ginseng Panacea= loProof article we have from ume to tune published the certificate. of damn of our beat kncrern eitisens, who tame expeli. weed ha curative powers. These, with amass of tea thnotry from ail perm of the Co MEDICAL MEN OF THE FIR3I' G, . Prmisten of the Gospel, itc.,togetherwith copious noi tees frowthe JOURNALS OF THE DAY, and we have embodied in pamphlet form, may be had gratis of any of oarmts c t . counny. have been used in this city. THOUSANDS AND TENS OF THOUSANDS throughout the United States and Canada, and we rho HIVVVIVSTANCE n which,Vi' n ifitteCcordi . S_ dinetimlsi and be. fore the limp had become famoY AlltifigselLA II h. - ewer Doled to EFFEOF A PERFECT CUBE. Why, then, need the 'Mimed hesitate! - is by resort to the enwrable tIOSIIIIIIIIIS gotten upty awl swab:RUM& 'else Omaha num of Wpm ea .limeifi phy. sirlan, and puffed into notmiety by eenifionce par. eans-eguallv unknown? Whilst a medicine of - Wm,. pa vvo EFFICACY inks bed, whew innietten. Rt. 02 hamar= wig* horsrecarAAVan Ite m Tas mar. 11 , 1 In age. that this Mvateable ntedicirm mei be placed within the reach of the poor w the rich, we have Fat the ONLY agirrs,, jut one half the tisoal coetof eoagkn>ed iei aes.n for sale by manta in nearly every, tamarind village over the westorobn are pregame-mite glee fall inform. tan relelve to IL T. SALTM,Propricso Broadway, Cincinnati, Ohio stbnIERCIIANT OF TILES CITY, who had been af• • Aimed with the &anus for four years, bed taken ever' thing- Ifts 'physicians constantly men ded high sad he had expended over two thousand dot lie never believed in tuiverdsed mediums., but considered , them all humbugs. At lasi he tried Dr. Taylor's Balsam of Liverwort, from 73 Decks= nowt New York, sod lo tic weeks was emiterfettred,lav ittg taken. only three beaks. This la only one of many eases where unagirtiry obleedousto "patent medicine have prevented —screens from using this medicine, who hgre expended hundreds of dollar to their phruclans lit vidxs-andinthe end owe their moiety tothe Mae sgansey. of this purely vmetablo Inept:glom Thom is ne• mistake, that this mleinst is superior to , day remedy prescribed by radical *Wore. iid• Medicine bas taken 20 years to tuatuatVand is the le red remedy kw disoneg ever intralncea to the abbe Moms= IlAros, POlMal s all9l3aoarteu or CIIISIZ.4Mereend lorg with these cemplaind had even op all hope of being cured I had consult ed the belittle and houuepathie doctors In ..in. 1 had vsed many artielo advertised, bat found no relief. 'despair I tosigiven up the use of all atediebtea Rear tog of the great. virtues OM-Taylor's Balsam of Liver wort, sad the great cores it bad performed,' induced tae to try it, and to iny=joy. and astonishment, I . was better daily.. I c its *se, 'tido> his Seger , Coated Pills, nog I are 'entirely eared. TalW , s Balsam of UMW= is the best medicine la the world • ter thette—eoraldahasi and will core everkle t he afflicted. Catania tittles Nancy, of New York. dam Coatt—l hale suffered Lunn the MU= • otry long time; and have nod everyloo mad obtain dir he ,are in v ein, mail I Died di me ,or,. Bak= of Liverwort. •This•intaileine has adooded me sato inattifest bench:, and la, In ray , Opinkm, a cure for distresantdiunq eutre . spodally, As alms eases among my friends, wbere it has been hih . iy atecaoltd: - Paeans . homes= Invited to call at my residence for farther inf • - • MRS.& DUTON,•aIg Laurens sr som In Plus hares by J D Morgan: Y 3 wood ea j Townsend, LS blartet ar, II Sniper, ear. Margo sad 3 ahr jo genderson to Co, 6 Liter!) st • Estee . redeeed H. A. Itabstestockhe ..ligstl;llfliente Pill.. 111.111 S Cathartic compound combines atuallness of bulk ate-fenny and CaCOPinatie War.. of Purgat.ivi *Work end Using a; peculiar' tendency to the Dart orons, enteurely sahtable in this tone in.whistibilioui fryers end Other complaint% at tended with. eangestion of the liver,* ranch nixamd..— They hare DOW Stoo(i th e" teal of 90 years, and aperi ent* has - erosed than to be, safe and Pulnable remedy .inintecathum. nceduela, end Bllloas Fevers; Am diee; _Siam ludigeition LDropsy Dysentvg ; Vomitengs i Colds. =dal , COM/liati df b" giOtOXODOD7 Chllielef. The complete VIII .marcrsal eatishetion which has been given by LUSO tO who hive. oncemzied (hem. =dors the publishing or the min:also centicem in their &Tor unnecessary. I* parent -t thoT D CW €1 ? a FrW US ems far a beg containineit pills Premed and sold by t FnliPinTOCK' &Co earner mendwood, and alsa comer &h and wood IMO COUG BIRUB-It peer:ate he the peat' Fames la cm*. 'aty &We ahasessag '• ' - - • ~ promtheTmlletanee Runs?, Pkri3 IBM • Coatta SUX7e-WO are not ht the habit or= laical/is t Ad • trenS yrop edidoei,bat' theerwr. irefel 10.1560016 r to ho ate afflict -ad ~ioy . ooto„ having Wed the wed row eke to mem aettrotata as distreetia= that .heikirat awe* dor aelleted one or Oat with out ACM" We were induced to' try Moron , * eangb ,SYraPi Ind try 14 relitrY woo obtatedd at e'rew houra It proya to be the pew-este Ws cue es liout,' PrePtia* ol ,l l ,lo,gr bthe nind ,' kW `'.''. . t ool Al' dOor below dolma alloy. .A ' STEM 0 !MEN= tloS DrJAYITYS P.Z. Adav ErArrolliNT b sapator to ill ethos , nowdb. fin . . ' ,Cooftitic.,Collogn4434 Eltwhilb,AWbashiolottws Moo. , - ANT bawl lbw wow POMO anacaseiaesd lb. Ow ail is Llsis Mullin tea yaw op. gill prev it to 4 - • olbor wzmodleofthe WWI; od wtmc0574.b..kid,,..1 • 111 t a .cilaa , prepatttlon_ dory how alo w it torpidly beco alwooaloled bi' to oo l lo l a. ww= - ohltiiimiAroucoolly ~- Taialpeglid (noes be /1 1 7lowbutowwlUr r = 'Oa too* weturood lo mot :one ;:it Moat Pal Ins War ibilollo.rtlitowillow..sa .41:1 . 11 ‘ .41766firblaitie rr in VoolV s. • : ~,.1 " P" , 1 . 7, bp, - , .: ' 1:1 . ! : - ALEJL i tittriES ci - 'z - Fatah el -' rxrA - FAIN pcTRACTO,,E wl/4 .111 aye 14/I}. - - l . -.itts iron the Wu , or it* APPleasicAi =ova tho .-.- • bow - 1M - anOrest .bagni, Beado ;or - blisibg% juntl will toil Wooodt,:alecerana. nom'. ot,any.inws ...--L.wilton wor. Ms valuable _Pain =Meter. tan bw, dad of:,• , ' ,*.purili pxorwiN,Draufia,: _ No % woo Anil, • —. Wester art fitssehyrsi as Alf. - r Ths test szuserdhstry• Medians— Is dm Worth k Ms /Strad .4 pat Alvin , Wart 'Baths r_itzta T . Mug dearer,prwartier, awl 111611Vitidi . MY: pallor 4 - . q odd. 11. ma atitkaas 7 vasithyr, T rreiw, 'kiss*" sr dr.• the . -i C ' • . Tha great barna, and mpadorim ids woo all otherinedichece in Om Irbil. tt ef andlesses tU' Vrt Waso it Wilmer theM p lis ono oe the vary boa "SPRING' AND 11112121CIIIICS Emirkscorn• tinotold7.portilas tberwhals sym ped IU lum 0711., D 01•20 ps* row ictle i=ver pommel by no othermedkinet Jai to. Odense the . pond mast ante woosterfal mem Mhos pechwited withintho }est two you; more than 100,000 mos' creme» dem ed'didoneon' elend woo were, centidered' inearatdo It ties erred the Dm M pare Mai' MOO &Wrsods do !Ire put sewsetto' ocHi coxes of Genie Will Debility !Ad . woos Prervous Eaorgy.. Dz. Towtoonde flortaparilbs Invigorates the mbole cyst= permovently, TO those who ham look *hair AUSC44 hythOddromot tostbArto or lorldicee— tioo in youth, or tee eintimin triebstrnimhd khe paeMenn end tooted td.e I. l ebniew .. = dm orate narrow, gams. 111. wattle Mains mutation; premature docay end d o ll e. butt. log tower& teen y Mal tissue, Ca, t . can bo tire , nattered b tide plasma remedy. The paste is fir minim to. my atin Cordial At ft ram. onirnirivitrorstesg , the %neat eves activity . ra tika,lingui, .54 itntoOt •to the anoctinveystom in a most munordhem7 dem*: Consinapillon Curd. Okras. osa &mein, •Ossateastiossie /is cond. • ar.r.kithognmptio,,,,tAu r , 9. ri puing. caw* 00, 104 islhisa frills: tr Boos. Soissuis as 0/14.%s t rist. lPrty Riodfibilgoat yr "01. nenbusistla rholmse rad pm be moot 2 eumprine 'BLOOD. , Atm Tor& Apra Di. rawmp Th . 4 iviiiar war. th" Y°"' 48, pys rillsLd Pant Ms mew, thainigliTmrittroun my , I bare fir mond yawl bad • bad iamb, beeline inns mid wain ' At lest I robed hap Mtn °MUM& Ltd lantit awinte; and was promly dobllb tined and ;nohow% mid did not aspect to tire. thorn only used your earsaporabi dart dam mid Omni, bor "'*th 2 fd chandobidd '.. ,01 1M ino. I =now obbi to Walk WI any the atty. I mins no blood, tad my cough has' lad ma Tan enn Ina tame='that I am OMAN tat thaw !imam ' loorebedien *err.% WIL 217131$ELl e Caibmirotat: Ifettude Toirmerei's ilanotparlga is • monyolds and run lb, ttmout Its4lt Comamptioth Iditmemou, .Uteri, or o f Womb. Cei, Pile; , anima. or tek °hot:meta!' or difleoltlfatisune Woo. Ineehtionnes of Thin% or hmolontery.diechug• „theme( mrd ter the guard prostration of UM trues— op maw whether thermal& ofhthment mom or atone produced by hiegoluity. Moose or toeldad. Nothtq erab• mom sorpridny than it. forain diem on the harm trains Perms wfm.rand Me& tide, from raking it, u ones become robust tiod WI of rimy. ander IMiodmace. it bomedlatory cenuterams the nornleommoofthe foals Crameorblehis the great renewed itareoxers It win tot be ,ta.W of ea to mu aria delicate • eatunh to, eztlDa certificate of rime performed by we ran aware the addicted that hamdredsof awe loore bees mowed te normal:ldr a m e sa Whore fradlite ham bow witheatoehildno, dear Wort fmr bade, of WM lavaleable taro bearliamed with die, healthy To neaten mud waled Ladies. This Sktrastettilatpd!ht ii. been dialettr Me rmaid In Info= to dile =atilt's. Ito mile who has dila I. astptile she appreetdaa that esitleal period, Ti. tans of BA." =old dew to take h, so Is Is addn tairreative lEt fay ellie dilaassl sad badge ilea= to which Edda an raid= it this thee of Effst. Thie parted may he is latiljhr arm.' years by diet tkis media= Nor 6 6 61111 treloahle Gar thole do an .pprui_u u. " atialtood, id it it dicolatel to salt owe,. by quick. cabal the bled m.-dm the aysteat laded, dditios I. tonloobic Oa all the 'dish Abet* en to dish dostm to. =dem It bead the .hots 6.66. 1066666.67 the dated estate, by sdarring the unplittlies oe the belly, =so Ikestkosolatba az to prodder extideueso - dayaltd *bleb Is the cm of east nillebto tad fel fesealis vatiadavani did= By deg • fey bead a u•Orlprorwrimmr. P+Llaw rurska open • Great fl tOodang to Illotber• sad Oblllarto. It Is tba Who tot ascot ofreetoal medicine Ibrpntify , koe thofrfloo, , .. rahrologf ooffiihmg...}:btodaat ogoai obild-birth Om &mooned. it stroorbentbotb the mother Ltd child, l'"""" to awn odd earlobes the food, those 'rho him mod to Wok It biladigootoddo. It to highly useful both berforei ' cod snot Etoihnooseosou I. maroon dimes. attoodoot ddhlbirtb—to .ftWoreals, Pilo, Cramp. lihroll tot tette lao, elootooltoey, Ifurabon, ifogaittag, Polo to OW Bap,. old Lob*, Fobs Pokes, El teed hi rerabator the owsothon oqualizio,% " = 'WOW :if I= oqtal The pat Now at Lab niedietas b, it la ahnis ocia, .ad the maga dAd..O aao mot ..tab, wry taw .. main, my odor modldio, Ot mos Ilego Coot Oil, co Naval& la toast; •Zwara to lb. own 11111 c rod IWO toad with thisskolittray dog. s.o tra a =Nand r cod a lie*T. • Gronettos, Chstkond .yVV — paratiistati , ratin W.,when applied to the hoe, my awns spoil to greck ll t =dadt., Th". which whert " 7.l7tre f head= 84 by disease or ponder, or the din Whoa by the aUnderiad La mops, bundle.its an prodesilen to Qt. I .lursiso nee Dlelner ea arca ae So the garden of rich and 'delicately doted and mieradati u Em. A (roe, soaps and healthy Modeles of the SW; or lb. the pare, rob bleed to the extratokins, is tbu zr pidate the eminmence in the=i; site beantr. that shish impart. the shada end deem of beeline dm .imm u re, bet =-014 deacribe. This bevy; the sr ". orpimier sariq. If then I. of and healthy circulation, there Imo beauty. if the lady I. felt es &Me arm, If a. print, and Ine,goasteks, nath.bk•odis thick, mid and Immo, alas here bee. Mt It slab. brom or yr-Wie, and there leywe end bletatit aim • rid ba=""'""a -truume, tadma dal 4. Thbviewhy the tim.l espechAlts apes tah idle; Ire re sona Isadir. Id ho emt6 sib take bet. Utile rczerstes, or are embed la close Mee; et km W.. 14 their trompienla. by the li cation of rlni Isistoree, If they whdt Ire. ,==n, '"7"' r= " VW " Tho=rend* tentapedih. who ben tried h. are -attire than setidied, ereted, thlitidteL Ladit. of ere, station, crowd nor dice drily. Thialtna 0O the Ludlow now tots Intittb; Dr. Ttiwantod's sad w 0 Sonottattli d k boor tialobr cant thab. goat "rut EMU* ea: , ea; aa hod .3 oar WU *WI rolototoo tho mop:goo of womb owl tor iro. —other mw the pot op =editing, Wombat Woman 7..1 imam of Dr. romannol .... =ortna - b=loints • incident to Ilsontot, riottAtibritlld nob •mosbor of=ttstortan, its., Wwboo to tootalot so tboy sad ondonoloo the muds:Atm Dr.=tro tho salt sad boa remedy Ss lb. orsaravorlimair ano. toroly,tl war Ws at cei- • pottooneat cant too be tan bp the Wan .Ita *maks, In soy moos by then egoottogto bosom mothers, otbo gnome odatosts, at It wawa, U. moon a:A promumas ar dawn Ltd iiinnaggnsos both toolbar and corolla to gob the goosbot &Tends Oared. This ninths-tat multihely pow that this &r.r paella lias paten cottivil env tits son sbirthssts db sues et.the Moat Mins poses emit to asio hoer tuiprocedatath MEM Children., PL TCFMCNO-rDegf Elhilpllo ts leTra nrai erns by the me of ram nessibrut meedkra Thriven statera raison/sly rale Wiarub bra 'Ora obly her bombs: h eask ram sray, raleb I Gael mraticaragneat obbralos. 7MILIVIV2I:4I.I7I,IO6WratraiI. Ophdases 'of Phistelam.' Dr. Tenured Is ehmet dally enceteihr orders boa threhehtve la &Ernest Imrur of the. Mk= Tide too ratify theme, the esdendynd. Thydelels. etthe chi of ANw. hers In Emmert= ewe 'math. ed Dr. Treresetufs Barseperllls, and b 011.,. llto be tipof ihe awl ramble oreDersthree Ia the tererket.: EL P. PULING U. D. 1. V7IIBON,IL D. IL D. BRIGGS, AL D. Albany, Apth 1,1847. P. E. LLAVIDDILF, M. D CAUTION. • Owing to the pea meets end lisonsuse ode of Dr. Towesaad'a Bwasperills, a immber of men .ho were Bonteriy. our Agent; base coonanned makieg &naps. • fide SIVINCM Elites, Blum; Extreme of Tallow th.k. Fe:' They gaueratyput h ap is the wrote shaped hos dm, and eons. ofthera hareatela and copied sow udittr. tiresnents—they are only ,woritdass imitation; lied • should he avoided. Prinei l d 011bie, 125 FULTON threat, Om T.i dhqr Ca, S State meet, ZIOAMIA= en; LW North Second street. Philadelphia ; Ilene; Drimght. Baltimore; P. IL Cohan, Chaderum Wrisht Co., 151 Charmer &reek o.s los Bomb Pigrl three; Albeay ; and by all tie principal Dias. rats andlillerehants gonendly through:nit the Wiled Ureter:Wad Indies and the Canada.. .1141.--Pentorm inqrdring for this medicine, should not he induced to take any other. Druggist; of op Elareaparillas, end of course prefer selling their own. Do not tits ileceired by .ay— inquire . nquite far Dr. Town se" e, and take other. Remember the guan- Tawasend's Sarsaparil a.a sold by the aole agents. R. E. BELLEW!, General Wholesale /S. Retell Agent, iWiWorid street, and p If. CURRY; Allegheny oily. imit3 'PXACID 1. PEACE II • DDT IN LRCM murmurs noiummuk underrsimasol has lard been convince/ l ot the necessity for some medicine adapted to me of "Wren .end Infants to amerced/ the coo of theee resuliebutowldeb contain opium, and has at tengthsoa tended is preparing and offering to the public a mat gine tblly answering every purpose for all diseases of me bowels, without t h e use of thst deletenous drug, 0t 4 7 1 ether calculated to Imre to the oast. The Waal F 'Genf has been tally 'wooed and tiled: the Ism twelve months, by numerous permons, and tone to ponce/ all the enntontriary tutees, and to modems all the aston ishing ante es set lorth - on the tell ot §ions. errhota, Venting, Cholle t tlr p igi Palns,Stekneso and Wenn arising from 7 acting Ilumediately - without dbiturtung any of th e unctions of the bOdy, prothminAltbe happiest strui. most pleaeant twahlon from viOlent pstol to St Dann( and Joyous mote of feel. log in the nU, nifern TO be had ortolan& aftutiretal4 on& Prcpihnor Dr. JOIEVISARGASTI:huggIit and Apothecary; 41m htbettell,l2llott& Beckham, and Inesuelher Tho II et and Pittsburgh. .• doe 3 "I.Y• tn. TOWILBENDEI lIAILEAPARILLA.—.93 dozen ,/,/,jsest received et Do. TawnseadvP flerseparllle, the •DOM extruttellnary ,medielas the world} TtsEs es,o beau, in quest bottles, It Is .ix times Cheaper, - pintsanter;, az& warranted soparior w en sold, l i, totes Esease voscdtini,MbE, or detilitadag the patient: • ' I meroossostisasixtose—EroprbteilledPereone been 0 4aq *AY label,, and pot up meabsine the woe ebsllettletEe. Ike that' eutabotde hil* olt• moat ot S. P. Tosntettd, IL E. FIELLEFEI, Erwin, 67 Wood:it:died, bettlirea Tbinl Fraiery.. SAThr. reornicaPs wholesale and retalregeot for Phubsosh, ishoWlbst , SenFle Isle data be, bad. DAL Gmy Des been ativoinied the NA war for Alletbescy treaelne estiole csit be • • ' • "Si IEIO finites Ete abase:km et billet, to is ens s , 65/06Leniewthe eteliseas6 very ' " • . I v • COMAgoaq,spip.FDRRIISHING UNDER ' et .or -'W"and areas. esposta the Unhinge tidal, Waage IthEerni mar respeettaly Wane ,yhelf Nadi and'uts-lablit, sat Devito prow! to foyaiDittel atend la evotylklm the Rave Iledeeakav, Alas roe Mad sauce as. =anent of reedy male Colas, covered, Deed and fin: • abed in Meyer, best manner; all sorts and sbsaraift made Skroads et esenel,Csmdriek and mnslatainnd al slur umlaut ippreved styles We keep t lam as ' aledernotordus snd black, coton t alk salad Gloves, 'rabbi firr pa I bearers' and ineurners, cape, ceps, col lars; sad overt Wen Itecom47 drmenek Ikes dead, 'and an rtssansido terms, as, we pachsse all our goods lathe Hemel twee. Elm Pleas for eairravint lee viva end ven,:We have tsplendld new hearse sQ haves, and any evader snide Dm manses. Every gilrle !Waded a VarePaY and "Penetedlly. celfray ....BENNETT 4-BROTHER, Q.PEENSWARE bIeISIUFACTURRIIIiI, karma ogh ~.. [nsar-VlllsabstroThi] Pa. .neerchneue, No:131, - 41lood Wed, Pittsburgh. a ' ? . . WILL eonstandr %eelltd:T band i pod assort inentot Wra,. of oar bona plinutUnato, and '.; Yap e' Wbolitale,u4 country Met ends 'are TespettftdWinvised w call and en amine" - for themselves, as we are rleudanned To sell cheaper tato bas ever betbre bee t offered to' the pub. ile. 113." Orden real by mail, accemninled by the cash or caw Terrance, will be ramptly, avenged to feb2.3 • P. Mammal. PLIWIt , GLASS SISTAXILIBEILIIIENT. IVAAILATAN & LEDLIE saannlatenns and keep ma ll:1 sunny on band Cm, Moulded Pt Phu :Olamtwart,in all Ita trarlettd, attack wa re .ham ear nerof Mar k et and • Waterwareeta, Pittsburgh. Our Works continue. In RU-operatkm. and we or. constantly adding to one mock, ankh enable. as to fill order* whit prmaptmant. Puranasers reepomfully solicited to call and examine prides and terms. myledl • COACH MAKING. • ..., mom the very liberal eneimrags In , maniere anbseriber has received since • he has located himself in Allegheny, - 'has imbued him to take a lease, for e Wolof years, on the property he now Oe.Minsi fiVileaver street, momethately beside the PreabyterianChareh. From theiong experienee in the above business and a desire to please, he hopes to mer. .It and receive a "hereof public patronage. Nowenband and finishlngto order, Rockaway Bog. glee, open and top Buggies, and every description of I.rrtarixis made to order, from serventy•five dollen to fighthunartre raepSdin JOHN SOUTH. 11 . , ANDFAC/11/11.13 AND LEAP . TOBACCO.— / HERALD, BUCKNOR & Co, 41110n11 water .+, and in wharves, Phil's, offer forsal . noti aceomniodating t gfa.,"r0rt k v,=:37.,..1"., Vp':',,="let Mmps; Sii, ll's and kro plug, arid 13'. Ladino". Twilit, in who andhalf boges,ofthe following appyosed brands, Junes 11 Grant, Osborn & Bragg, Grant & Williams, A Cabuilm, 8 Jones & /3sio, bl'DKTiald, Webster Old, J Thomson,: Veins" Thomas, Jr. All Armistead, "-- J Thomson & Son, Landhont & Armistead, J I' Coates, J M Cobb., Ro Gentry & yster, I A Clay, M A Ruder C A Ilall, Gran Rai, Wm Dawson Pearl & Norwood, I S Blackwood,;] Noth Page, Vaugha W 11 n, Key stone, Edmund Henry, Panning Robinson, Ranson & Robinson, Krim, Robinson & Co. Seth Hodge)., R Metcalf, John today, Lawrence Lanier, J Robinson, Gray & Gray, D 11 Turner, R Jamieson, York Whir., D M Branch. —ALSO— Rosana Leaf Tobaoco, snooper. and tillers; Vara do do do Cienfuegos do do doj St /ago de Cuba do do ma StDlngo' do do do lquria & Guides do, part fine, do A:myosin° do do do Kentucky various grades do do Virginia Leaf, suitable for manufacturing and eaport; Spanish Sari Leaf, Parma, CoLor_Tuein and Chin; . Lotch Sitl=O: weer , an blarliTersirr. • awv...f. Tonqua Daum, Liana basin ono IL. BergaMor Calabria Liquonem Patent Cavendish Kiiives,Spank: &a &e, . PEULADELPHLA, my lli beenie,nada on thy roost approved Eastern ',Lans— aw! mom toshconahleE&McieVamm and deb.. Al.. TUE elir p ROLL, or ROSTON BLIND, on band or madam order of all stm. end at all puce. Omatry Merchants end others &remelted to call and A mine the above CO. themselves , tts ell all be sold wholesale ar and a libtral dadoetton made to wholesale psyches.. anldly A WESTERVELT HE PsopsietoroTtlas well known place of resort has des pleasure of Informing the pubac that his emote he at boring been thoroughly refined end revived. and the grmads elegantly laid oat and decorated, is uow open for their accommodation, and he flatters lame self that those who may favor him with their roma age will find all thou they desire, provides' to the best style and pa reasonable teems. He ts determined to spare no expense in making hut establishment worthy of palthe pate:mtge. He has occommodations for t= few • famines Ice Cremes, and ad set...h. mtublin to the season, coonantly on hand le&ti LEVI BURCHFIELD iloaongahola Bosun Tailoring Satan; liabniont. ISAAC VITELLILAIILS, Draper and Tailor, begs to in I form the citizens of Pittsburgh and others, that he nos opening at his rooms M Smi th field Mreei, derun the above Lintel, ■ tarp end tiful su 474tl'i n gtrs2Y. ..`7col.':;*=‘-< , ,Vt bea u itrodegisktv mortment a, -..r =eu 'rum His goods line hem. enthrall)" se - `s and an of the newest and mast faahionable style, aa wall as of 'parlor quality- His Customers may depend upon havmg their clothes made up manner which amen fad to gratify the tams of Ile mega fastidioas._ _ apply_ _ T OBACCO -10 boo Branch b. Watk62s' 52. 2do do do extra poundr 2do do do Ito and In.; 10 kegs No 1.6 tansk 10 do Pgh Cavendish; do do Ploy, ID Id do &gang 20 do half Spanisl3 do; for ude by J DVCLLLLOLS SAIOKE HOUSE—ltaving taken the law and co molten, Smoke House and Bacon Stmehotme ad ;soling out Warehouse on the Canal Boom, are are p • pared to smoke and n om bacon orea te KIER ik /ONES, mare Canal basin, near 7th m. - it:HEBEI FMB CUT CLEBWINO TOBACCO—M Milers and .Irui Anderson st reed and In bp BEALS), BUCMOB & Co, 41 north water and 16 north wharves, 1414 Philadelphia ARA LEAP TOBACCO-39G Yalu! Vim Leaf To band*,, rrappary and imperial quality—l, 3 and als -3 ejant landing tram brig Antbranlle; for Bala by jall4 G ERMAN PIPE...--934 b. and 3 gro. German medium bowls, jam landing Gump. and krt sale by lea HEALD, BUCKNOR & Co L'll.ll.l—lsamo Cruse, Baltimore, will be glad to I , have orders from his friends in Plusher/Ai and elsewhere, for she purchase of Shad and Ile:mous do. ring the season. Orders