The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, September 15, 1848, Image 2

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    11 Mil MEN 11MV420
FRIDAY 140alqrSCPT 848.
Advertisements and Snburipuons the North Amer•
can and ended Smite Cue., niladelpios, received
and forwarded from this office
We will receive and forward free of expense, ad
vertisements and subscriptions for this paper. ,
Subscriptions to this valuable paper will be mewed
•.and forwarded from this office.
PlTTeltliGll DAUM Gszerrs Is ptiblished
ugr n Av.ekly, .d Weekly..—The Daillts Seven
Dollar. per the Trt-Weekly i. Five liars per
sedum; the Weekly is Toro Denars per eurtum,
Nt adnwcti
grAnvarrnsaas are earnestly requested to hand
Ciro WI., habit br. and u early in the day a
racticahic. Adviniiseznents not moaned for a spec
lied trill invariably be charged until ordered ou
Fos lierrar Commercial Intelligence.DoMestic ,
kW, wirer Seam, Import*, Money Market., &c.
tart pat .,
Doinoaratio Whig Nomination..
ov new raiz-
Tnentu AL T. AP igheestan t wlish4.ll l ..
Joha P. Sormris
mil of Lebanon.
1. s.
Joseph G ..Clark eon, 13. Henry Johnson,
11. John P. Wetherill. 14. William Calder,
3. James M. Dan, 15. William Mlllvaine,
I. Thee. W. D alesd, 16. Charles W. Fisher,
I. Daniel 0. Rimer,. 17. Andrew O. Curtin,
Joshua Dungan, That R. Davidson,
7. John 0. Steele, 19. Joseph Markle,
S. John Landis, Hi Daniel Agnew
9. Joseph sehmucker, 21. Andress W
16. Moles Snyder, V. Richard Irvin,
11. William G. Harley, al Thomas H
12. Francis Tyler, 21. Semi A. PtIrVI.O •
07 o 110 T.
ntimuosito .0.4 Whig Novntnatio
LEWIS C. I. NOBLE, of Indi Wilkins. um
N. S WABTZWEL" DER, - of Pittsburgh
HEZEXIAII NIXON, of Lower S. Clair
JOHN SCOW, of Rms.
TIM 0, TUE 030 - ETI
DANIEL 11PCURDY, of Elisabeth Borough
vox combusnom,
WILLIAM BENSON, of Allegheny eat.
JOIN E. FOSTER, of Baldwin.
"1 have no private purposes to .coutplish, no party
purr". to build up. Ito metals to puntsh—ootlitug 10
serve but my country."
he power given by the Constudrion to the Execu
tl w h i m Interpose his veto, 'u
e a high eon servauve pow
erch should never be exerewed except in case.
oiclear violation of the Constitution, or manifest haste
and want consulcnanon by Congress."
"The personal opinions of the nobvidual who may
happen to occupy the Executive chew, ought not to
control the SO tiGII of Congress upon questiorts of do
mestic policy, nor ought his objecuous to be
where questioas of coosOUltiortul power been
witted by the various dephrtments of goverronent , and
acquiesced tu by the people."
ntlpcm We subjectr of the tariff, the currency, the im
provement of our great highways, rivers, lakes, and
harbors, We will of the people, ressed through
their mprewmatives In ligressough t to he respect
ed and carried out by the Fnturiva.”
"Wat, at all bawl, and under all urcuuntanees, ts a
national calamity, to be avoided, if compatible with
national honor." priumples of our go ernment.
as well as Its true policy, are opposed to th esubmga.
lion of other nations, and the dismemberment of other
eounuies by conquest, for, in the language of the great
Washington, 'why should we quit our own to stood on
*reign ground' " Z. TAYLOR.
"A Little More Grape, Capt. Braggl"
an pursuance of an arrangement of a Commiuee un
tainted by the Rough and Ready Club, in connection
with the deleges of the lam County Coutrenuon, ap.
pointments lot a series of County Meetings were made,
At H. Reiter's. Plum Township, on Thursday Sep
tember 14th, at II o'clock P.
At East lAberty. on Friday September the Mb. et
o'clock. P
,At Willunsburgh. on Saturday. September the 16th.
at 9 o'clock P. M.
At Colebaugh's, Franklin Road, Ross Township. on
Saturday, September 16 th , at 3 o'clixk P. id
At Sesrickirrille, on Monday, September the leth, at
7 Welock P. M.
At Shealfer's Franklin Road. Pine TbarllSitip, on
'Peeeday, Sept ember the 19th, at 9 o'clock P. Pd.
At Bakerstown, West Deer Township. on Thursday.
fieptinnber the 2101. at 9 o'clock P.
At Tarestinm, East Deer Township, on Friday, Sep
tember the 92nd, at 9 o'cloek P. M.,
At artes Works, Shafer Township, on Saturday.
September Sid, al 3 o'clock P. M.
At Sharpsborgh, on Samrday, September the ilth.
7 o'clock M.
• Address. P.
may be expected from the Hon. Walter
FOrertord, MOWS Hampton Cor. Darragh, Hen. Dan.,
Mield. Dan Magehan, T. . Bingham, II Boyd, Band.
Palmer awl others.
his be understood that the above arrangement is
- norm interfefe With special calls for Ward and Town
meetings. mlO5 P. A. MADEIRA, Pres`l
See next page Or Telegraphic Neer.
I/sumer Etscnom.—The retrials continue to
come favorably. We have now returns from 190
towns, which show the following result on Repre
Whip 106
lisauburners ........ ............. 40
Hankers 11
No cboioe
There are some 240 towns in the State; but
there are not usually more than 200 or 210 Rep
resentatives chosen. The Whip, therefore. If
these returns are correct, have already a majority
in the House of Depomentatives
The imperfect returns kw Senators indicate an
equally favorable result. The Whip will have a
inter' ity In that body.
There is probably no choice for Governor by the
. people. The Legislature wily as in several years
Vermont ITeettora—Nore or the 'Striate
Our 1imit:5 . 4460t alkar usu. give the spirit of the
Whig pram cfVemtcut. Old Rutland bar given a
mun of five Whig members. 'Old :Addison; the
Burlington Free Press says, is as true as steel.
Though we have normals &the Cowen vote, the
result of her Representative election= gives perfect
assurance of a large majority for Mr. Marsh. The
Vergennes Vermonter says Is very Cr.
ident from the complexion ofthe rettmts given that
Old Vermont has Dot been given into the Mods of
the Philistinei." Of course, with three or four re
gala? candidates there baibeen no choice ko On r
ernm by the topple, hotel Whig : Legislature will
settle, hat matter speedily and summarily. It most
brremembered, too, that Vermont for many years
hastoiled to make an election of Governor by the
Bostoa Atlas in giving the election returns
from Vermont, apir. °ln the 124 towns which we
publish today; lb. Whig vote is only 170 less than
last year, while the Irmo Foos vote has Callen off
over three thonsaik The Wing Plutulh9 is there
towns Imo year wai only 2300 i DOW h is dant four
thousand. We have mot rcom kirfarther comment
to day. The State b Whig, 'Whig all over, and the
Green Mountain boys have ea the ball In motion
which is .0111 Zack" into the Presidential
Lana vuot Bmunma.—Denrectiats of Audi
gamily o Herviama—The N. M. steamship Se.
vern arrived it New York on Saturday, in three
days from Bermuda. As she comeout, saw a new
AllieTC6o barque going in, with boa of ruin and
eaten mast. It was supposed that she had sailed
from this port Or St. Thomas and had been over
taken by :a hurricane. Also a pilot boat towing
in a rehoonerturned houom upwards. On the 234
• ult., a severe iPalTiCatle Was experience:lst Antigun,
which destroyed the entire place, it us said. Houses
wore blown down, trees uprooted and a general de•
valuation made. The hurricane was also Mb in all
the Wanda, mhh greater or less One. At SL Tho.
mu it did but little damage, but at Nassau, (N. P
it woo quite severe. Na detailed account. had
been receivedirom the other islands.
On Our - Hook Sabi*.
The Americon:Thresine sad Whig Jourmai,
September, s ontameined wdb a splendid and life
like engraved paean of Gen. Taylor, from a s pip;
ited daguerreotype. The leading political article,
is entitled, "the Whip and their candidate," by
the Don. IL D. Barnard. We wish every Whig
in the country could read it. The miscellaneous
articles are ofthe =nal ementlemt character. •
TBg Honviontscsat. Esurernon closes this
calming. All of our citizens lobo have not yet
visited the fairy scene,' so laudably prepared for
their instruction and amusement, should not ail to
embrsee this last oppottunity for the scum. They
will not be disappointed,vre mum tham,atul they
only reserve their own interests by encouraging
the ktiprovitment othorticalmre to OW midst. All
the money received at the exhibition goes to such
• Flowl*us—Texan paps/softies Vibe. have
temp received. Au expedition is miseitul to set
olikkat Sim Antonia to Philutailta,mith s view to
woke s survey of the neatest sodhist ;tooth:able
rola. Ttle exediA9i yi be snider the eves.
- m d '
pj Cial-1, C.. gsri ! _ The whole distance from
• --Saditxtunis Chihnahlafssedduot laSuit mem.
cella 30d liamtorretri
same piece the disuses is therifcce but link , over
400 mgrs, This espedition is to set out about the
Cet<eapomedaq or the mai* ciiiette. ~
' Nrsr Yori. Sept. 11; ißig.
Another steamer'■ mail arrived on Saturday
morning, but thus tar, det&T. in produce ere not
exactly determined what to do, ea these - urn good
deal of discrepancy intheaccounta. The eewapa•.
pen unite m mying that the crop of potato.; is
ruined, but the Entish Chancellor of the Exchequer
in presenting -his.atuanal laudgd...thp,. night before
the steamer sailed, speakadifferently, sod his posi•
tion gives great weight to his opinion, seemingly.
improbable as it is There is also a new Awe pal
upon the condition of the Bank of England, which
loot £Ol,OOO for one week, instead of .t 1,000.—
Nor is there a doubt as to where it ban gone.—
Ereadstuffs moved a little yesterday, upon the tel..
egraph news, bat the market has by no means be
come settled- Twelve thousand bushels of Ship•
ping Corn were taken at seventy-nme cents, and
more could be sold if it wan on the spot.
The appearance of the Cotton Market abroad,
both in England and the Continent, is unpromising,
and there is no longer a doubt that our new crop
must go abroad at ruinous rates. Holders Liv
crpool, exhibited great desire to lessen their mocks,
tearing the effect of a rise in Gram, and the conse
quent stringency m the Money Market. The
American Cotton trade stood. in Liverpool, on the
2d of August, 1648, and 1941. as follows, for fn it
IBS i.
New (ieteiin, 414 tp lb ...... /id p
Mobile Sid
/id p
p lb
Ob 'lld plb.
I .plande lid
Stocks 591,66() 3x1,550 blies.
These figures are bad, and what we gain in
Corn sales . we shall lose in Cotton probably. Our
Cotton has increased in production faster than the
wants of the world, .d must be sold for what it
will bring.
The Secretary of the Treasury stall remains In
town, and is quite busy with the money lenders.--
Thu accumulation of coin an the Sub Treasury
($2,000,0 00 ,1 has made him propane to the large ta
kers of the new loan to auspend their September
payments for a while, until the deposals are dimin
shed. This has had a good effect upon the Money
Market. which was showing signs of stringency.
and brokers had commenced calling in loans at six
per cent., to re-loan at seven, which is now the !
rata. The recent large sales of dry goods have I
thrown a good deal of paper opon the market, and
higher rates have been paid--full one per cent per
annum on the best paper. The receipts at the
Custom House an
ihe week, have bees half a
lion of dollars, and this, too, in the absence of the
usual number of packets.
Sterling Exchange has been advanced I, and am
first classnames can be had under 1091, such as
Brown, Brothers & Co. Bills drawn against pro
duce are lower, but dearer, in fact, as the result of
the shitineuts as a matter of great doubt just now.
atilt stocks re down, of Treasury Notes
decline. Fancy S tock st are heavy, and no
speculative demand to be seen, but on the other
hand, a general inclination prevails to wait and
see what counsel affairs are to take in the fannecial
Markets pre unsettled by the Steamers new.—
CornumFlour stands at $6 12136 25, but general
ly 56 15; Genesee Wheat $1 38 for export—
Corn (closing price) 78 to SO; Rye 71c_, and no
change in Cotton. The news about Grain is so
very conflicting, that dealers prefer to wait for the
next ship due at New York_
We had a slight shock of an earthquake, Fnday
night, at Brooklyn, but only heard by those who
were wide awake. No houses were thrown down.
or people surrilkiwed up, only a tattle mysterious
rumbling, that suffice, to make a few items of.
Preparations are being made for our State Con
vention, which will nominate Hamilton Fish for
Governor. who will be elected handsoinelr. c.
Whig Meeting at McKeesport.
A large and spirited meeting of the Whigs of
the Borough of McKeesport was held on the Even
ing of the 12th inst. The meeting was organized
by appointing Fauntly Muse Esq.. President, and
Elezekia Gamble, 11. Rowland and A. L Calvin,
Vice Preemie:lts, and T. Penny 2.......etary
Mews. Hampton and Darsie were present;and
entertained the meeting with eloquent speeches,
which were listened to with profound attention by
all present. The Boat whistle called Mr. Hamp
ton from the stump before he had concluded his re
marks--and he retired, from amidst the most hear.
ty cheering our Borough has heard sinee.the cam.
paign otlS3O. Three for Hamphm, and thr4 for
'Old Zack."
_ .
The meeting after passing die Wowing Pream
ble and Resolutions:adjourned much pleased with
the addresses and the unanimity and spirit mani
Whereas the titer will soon arrive when it wid
be our imperative duty as American citizens and
Patriots, to select one who shall till the Executive
Office—The highest in our gift anti therefore the
most sacred. And Whereas, this duty at all times
important and commanding is at the present Lane
in our opinion preeminently so, in c asequenc • of
the dictatorial positions assumed by one late Ex.l
ecntives, and by their evasion of the sacred eights I
of Constitutional liberty in thwarting the manifest
will of the people m voriou• instances--and by
assumingthe prerogative of engaging our country
in a war without the advice or consent of Congress
which the Constitution declares shall L. the war
making power.
And Whereas the Whig party with whom we i
act, has from the days of Jefferson down to the
present time, taken a firm stand, a derided stand
against this consolidation of power in the Excel,.
tire; and against this war in its inception (the an
nexation of Texas) Against the aciptsitiouof Ter
ritory by conquest; agninst the anti-American doc
trine of Free Trade and in the late trial of liberty
and our country, have come up LO, an almost on.'
broken phalanx to the rescue. Tlemlore,
Resolved, That we adhere to and reassert the
principles Ihr which we contended in the contest
of '44, that though beaten then by unfair means we
feel an abiding confidence - nr the speedy triumph
of those great principles which lie at the fccindss
non of one national prosperity.
Reinleed, That we regard the present quarrel
between the rival factions and candidates of the
Loco Foco party as esiemially a personal one ong
inatleg in a strife for office and power and that
in this, as in all other family quarrels the less oth
ers have to do with it the better.
Reschert, That as consistent advocates of 'Tree
I soil, Free Speech, Free Labor, and Free Mail Bags,
we hail with pleasure the recent eleventh hcsur re.
pentium of Martin Van Buren and some of Ilia ere
laborers in the work of subserviency to the insti.
1011021 of Slavery; and if they prove their sincerity
by their works m e will bestow on them due weed
of prniie for well doing, but we are anwilliog
ainer these O. pioneers in the cause who are
bat so recently converted.
Reservist, That Louis Cass the candidate of the
Loco FOOD Tarty, by his avowed belief in the men
(fest destiny of our country, as well as ids late sup
port of. Tames K. Polk in his war of ere:quest on
a Republican power, has shown he is ignorant of
distrust pripeiples of a republic and is no demo
Resolved, That we have entire confidence in
the abilities, patriotism, and wbiggery of our candi
date, General Taylor , —sand will spare no honora
ble exertions to secure his election.
Belayed, That fiwthe-furtheranee of this object
we recounnerid the Ormation of a Club by the
Whigs °font Borough ofd Vicinity. And modest
those friendly trate foration of said Club, to meet
in there= user .thenng of T. Penny &Co. on
Friday evening.'
Restived, That the thanhatif this meeting, be,
and they hereby are tendered to the Hon. Moses
Hampton and Hunk fiir theis very able addresses.
Hesoirof, That - the Proceedings of this mreung
together with the Besolotions,be reported by the
• Secretary tor publication.
F: MOSE, PreeL
T. Proem, Secretary.
"Ow ZACK II Corm 0."-.-Thig expression which
CoL Bragg, in kis lively description of the battle of
Baena Vigil, gnaws its having been shouted by
soldier, who cat= galloping up through a clued of
dust ate critical 'period of tire day, is appropriate
just now in the: chaos of coarasion, distrust and
alarm, an which the political elemeau sad the pub.
lie mind of the country are involved.
The battle was fought, you know. the result—
but you never can know the influence that the
presence of Gen. Taylor had upon the army. He
alums° Ulm, seemed to me, could have inspired,
by his presence, every soldier in tbdermy, as the
Volunteers were inspired. The confidence in
him was complete. He had commanded Voles.
niers before, and had been successful with them.
He had never surrendered—He had never been
whipped; and the idea got abroad, that he never
could be. When manceveuring
my .saes athwart
the7 - gullics, I cite this u an example of Mai co ui„,
dance, I saw clouds of dust about two mile. from
me. I was painfully anxious. I thought General
Album had fallen upon our rear, and attacked our
depots, and to meet him was my fire thought. A
man came galloping up through the dust into sight
screaming, "Ofd Tar} ec wising.
Every soldier gave involuntary utietunce to his
Meting's. Old Zack raw,— and in fifteen minutes
the tide of baffle turned. Four thonsarul Ave hurt
! died men repulsed twenty thousand—and to the
influence of that presence, under God I think I am
alive here to dine with you this day.
s—Extract of a letter from Dr. P.
F. Eve, dated:
Amami's, Os.) Monday, Sept.', ISt&
In reference to Mr. Stephens, the yr recians
have unanimcmsly agreed to the following opinion:
That while be has passed over the immediate duffer
of his wounds, Lym e still of a character which
involves his life. hes si=t wounds. The poinv
of the knife is, I apprehend, in his chest, broken
off by a OIL. He hes requested me to teepee with
P. S.—All here is confusion and excitersem. I
o'cloekiP. M.--Stephens about the same—doing
tolerably well.'
A correspondent in Macon winds us the follow.
lug inuslligenee by tnlngra is a .
apt r.
Mr. Stephens rested well IZIS,!. To day,
et 19 o'clock, Di.Xvesald his were doing
well. Sends word he will be ready kW the Great
Mess meeting on the 151/I.—Angsgsta Chronizie,
Hon. David Wilmot, of Poansyhtania, has tom
iscamiaided Or Coupon ia his district.
CorreNyodepee of the Pinsburgh Mamie.
n - Prenelner In Bandage—A DlMa.' AM
_sob Sold, to.
/101711, w,, K v., Sept. 9, I Sib.
On the '7th 'natant. Peter Roberts, a free man o( 1
color, a regularly licensed Methodist Preacher. a
.member of the Indiana African Conference, and a
Master Moron of the Philadelphia Lodge, was sold
at public auction before the Court house door, in
this city, far the term of one year. He was bought
by J. L. Hyatt, for CM" tilt.
Robert', was arrested aud carried before a Jus
tice of the Peace, by James S. Speed, on a charge
of having violated an nut passed by the Legislature
of Kentucky, in 1540, which prohibits free Negroes 1
(rota migrating to, and remaining in the State more
than thirty days; and provides that any negro who
is convicted of a violation thereof, shall give bond
with semirity,in the penalty of 5500, conditioned
that such negro shall leave the State within ninety
days, and never more return; and ifhe tailor refuse
to give such bond, that he be sold for the term of
o ne year, to the highest bidder.
Roberts was convicted of a violation of this act, I
and was ordered to give the bond which he refus
ed to do, and he was then ordered to be sold—
whereupon, the counsel fur Roberts applied to!
Chancellor Nichems fur a writ of prohibition, which
was awarded, returnable to ther Jefferson Circuit
Court, arresting the order of the sale.
The case on the writ of prohibition was argued
before the Hon Wm. F. Bullock, on the Eth and
7th instants, by Meseta Thurston and Speed for
Roberts, and Messrs. Guthrie end Logan the the''
Justice of the Peeve. Roberts filed a declaration
at prohibition, alleging in substance, that he was a
citizen of Indiana: that he had resided there for a
number of years; and that he was, at the time he
wee arrested. residing with his wife and children
in Jeffersonville. Indiana; that about the first of'
July. lath, he hid rented a barber's shop in the
city of Louisville, Kentucky' that he named on the
business of a barber during the day and crossed
the river to his residence in the evening and re•
turned in the morning to his employment; that he'
was born of free parents in the State of North Car•
ohne, and had emigrated from there to the State of ,
Indiana a number of years ago; that ha was ar
reated—under. the act referred to—tried and con•
rioted, and would be sold, unless the Justice was
prohibited by this Court—To which the Justice
pleaded the arrest, trial, and conviction in bar. and
the plaintiff demurred to the plea
The grounds of the demurrer, as argued by the
counsel for the plaintiff were, that the act under
which the plaintiff was convicted was in violation
of the Constitution of the United States—See 4th
Art., 2d Sect.—which provides that 'the Citizens
of each State be entitled to all the privileges and
urimunuies of citizens in the several State.' The
case was very ably argued on behalf of Roberts,
by Messrs. Thurston and Speed, and on behalf of
Justice by Guthrie and Logan, and occupied the
Court two days.
Judge Bullock decided, that the free negroes
were not citizens of any State of the Union in the
sense the word Cutzen was used in the mstitu
non of the United Suites. His opinion was deliv•
ered orally, and I can only give you the substance
of it. He held the negro was only a sojourner in
the United States, and had no guaranties under the
Constitution; that he was not a party to the soma.
compact, either of the State Governments or of the
Government of the United States, that any State
might drive the free negroes from their midst.—
that they were aliens and strangers in a strange
and. . .
The Judge was about two hours in delivering
his opinion.
Before his opinion was delivered, I was of the
opinion that • mulen; as used in the Constitution
of the United States, covered all classes and condi
tions of men who were born upon oursoil. of tree
parents, and who were not aliens. But it seems
that the negro born in the United States has no
country. If this be true, we may do as the an
cient Romans did—make staves of these foreign.
vs—as they are here without protection.
It would be well if a similar case to that of Rob
ems was taken to the Supreme Court Mike Untied
States, in order that this clause of the Constitutioa
might be expounded.
The motion kir an Injunction in the great Toles
graph Case between Morse and oßeilly, has ueeu.
pied the District Court of the United States at
Frankfort for the lash fourteen days. The case was
argued by Messrs. Wholly, Monroe, and Laugh.
borough Wr Morse, Mad by Messrs. Pinks( iholson.
and Johnson, thr O'lLailly.
Judge Monroe derided the case in day. Ile
held that Morse was the original inventor of the
Telegraph, and that Barnes& 'Look's machine wm
an infnagemeni of Morse's patent. Ile granted
an Injunction as prayed for in the bill.
General Taylor will get I' majority in Ken.
The ' Telegraph' No. 2, will be randy to go into
the Ohio Line' by the first of October.
F 4 roili the Ilminnond fl I. ran
The Desd.fiea Expedition.
The September number of the Southern Literary
Messenger contains an article of prokaind interest
on this subject Crum the pen of Lieut. M. F .
Lieut. Maury gives a history of this expedition,
brief but lucid, and which increases the anxiety
of the public mind to see the report of Lieut. Mau
ry who has made a excess:fat survey, and who,
we are Bled to learn, is expected to return soon to
this country.
We learn from Lieut. Moury's labele that this
expedition was planned by htmlu Lynch, and au
thorized by Secretary Mason. In the spring of
1846, JAVA. Lynch first addressed the Secretary
on the subject, recommending • CITEUMIIIIIVifatiOU
and exploration of the Dead Sea and its entire
mast; stating that the expense would be trifling.
as our ships frequently touebed at Acre, in Syria,
key miles from Lake Tibentra or Sea of Galilee.
from which the river Jordan runs and &boucles
into the first named sea; that the frame of a boat.
with crew and provisions, could be transported on
camels from Acre to Tiberias, and there pot to
gether again. Only one traveller, Mr. Comigan.
had ever circumnavigated the Dead Ses, and he
had died at the termination of his voyage, without
leaving any jourrodor notes behind. II was con
also, that, independent of the eager curiosity
of all Christendom in regard to this mysterious
lake, this expedition is of value to the interests of
The Secretary of the Navy received favorably
the proposition of Lieut. Lynch, and an opportunity
noon occurred by which it could be conveniently
carried into effect- It was necessary to send a
store-ship to the Mediterranean squadron, and as,
after her arrival, she would have no employment
for months, the Secretary determined to send Lieut.
Lynch and his party in ber so that slier meeting
the wants of the squadron, she could proceed up
the Levant, and land Lieutenant Lynch and his
companions. This was done. The moreship "Sup
ply" was provided with two metallic, boats, one of
copper, the other of iron , the former named "Fanny I
Mason," and the latter "Fanny Skinner." On their ,
arrival at their destination their troubles began,
and In their march to Lake Tiberius - their boars
had to be transported over the most formidable
mountain gorges and heights, and to be lowered
down precipices with rope. Bat these difficulties
were surmounted with true sailor skill and perse
verance, and on the Bth of April the two Fannies.
each with the American ensign flying, were afloat
' upon the beautiful blue u aters of the sea of Galli
lee. `Emblematic of its Master, it alone of all
thing. around them remained the same. Just as
the Apostles sew it when our Saviour said to it,
Peace, be this little band of rovers now be.
held it."
The navigation of the Jordan was found to be
most difficult and dangerous, hum its frequent and
fearful rapid. Lint. Lynch solves the secret of
the depression between Lake Tiberius and the
Dead Sea by the tortuous course of the Jordan,
which, in a distance of sixty miles winds through
a course of two hundred miles, Within this dis
tance Lieut. Lynch and his party plunged down,
no less than twenty seven threatening rapids, be
sides many others of less descent. The difference
of level between the two sem is over a thousand
The water of the Jordon was sweet to within a
few hundred yards of its mouth. The waters of '
the sea were devoid of smell, but bitter, salt, and
enamor'. Upon entering it, the boats were en•
countered by a gale, and "it seemed es lithe bows,
so dense was the water, were encountering the,
sledge hammers of the Titans, instead of the oppo
sing waves of an angry sea." The party proceed
cd daily with their exploration, making topogra.
phical sketches as they went, until they reached
the southern extremity of the sea, where the most
wonderful sight that they had yet seen awaited
"In passing the mountain of Uzdom (Sodom)
we unexpectedly, and muck to our astonishment,"
says Lieut. Lynch, "saw a large, rounded, turret.
shaped column, facing toward southeast, which
proved to be of solid rock salt, onpped with cart,.
OBtO of lime, one mass of crystallisation. Mr. lhde
took a sketch Mit, and Dr. Anderson and I landed
with mucn difficulty and procured specimens from
it." The party circumnavigated the lake, returned'
to their place of departure, and brought back their
boats in es complete order as they received them
at New York. They were all in fine health. This
is a specimen of the skill, system, and discipline,
of the American navy. No nation in the world
hen such a service. The time is coming when it
will give proofs of that fact palpable to the most
dull understanding. Thanks to the good manage
ment of Limit Lynch, the whole con of this screw
talc exploration of the Dead Sea, 'except, of course.
the cost of the equippage and maintenance of the
crew of the ship,' was but seven hundred dollars.
From the letters of Lieut. Lynch, quoted by
Lieut. Maury, we transcribe the Wowing interest.
iog fact elicited by the exploration,
"The bottom of the northern ballot this sea is
almost an entire plain. Its meridinal lines at a
short distance from the shore scarce vary in depth.
The deepest soundings thus far 188 fathoms (1128
feet.) lova the shore the bottom is generally an
incrustation of salt, but the Intermediate one is
soft mud with many rectangular crystal•--aundly
cubes—o? pure salt At one time Stellwager's
lead brought up nothing but crystals. The south.
ern halfof the sea is as shallow as the northern
one is deep' and for about one fourth of la entire
length the depth does not exceed three fathoms,
(18 keel Its southern Led has presented no cry.
Mats, but the shores are lined with incrastattons of
sett, and when we landed at Usdom in the space
of an hoar, our toot:Trials were mated With cry
stallization. The opposite shores of the peninsula
and the west COW present evident marks of di s „
repthth. There are unanieatiOnakdy birds and In
sects u pon the shares, and'dneke am sometimes
upon the or, for we have seen them—but cannot
detect any living thing within it, althoughthe get
streams flowing into it contain fisk. I fuel sere
that the remits of this survey will Italy sustain the
scriptural arectists of the cities of the plebe
He thus sperdra of Jordan: 'The Jordan, al- FROM snit BaaT/MT.
though rapid and impetuous, is graceful in as I The allowing clever Taylor song comes to us
windings, and fringed with luxuriance, while as
all the way from awe. We have the most cheer
waters are sweet, clear, cool and refreshing:
After the survey of the sea, the party proceeded lag accounts from that gentler, es to the proved,
to determine the height of mountain. on its shores, (lithe good cause, the people we turd at work for
and to run a level thence via Jerusalem to the the people's candidate. they are organizing Rough
Mediterranean. They (mind the summit of the
and Ready clubs, bolding mass meetings, endear.
welt bank of the Dead Sea more than 1000 feet
above its surface and very nearly on a level with tying on the contest with all the enthmunun of the
the Mediterranean. Ham:son campaign. There is every rennin to Le
"It a curious fact," 'M rs Lieu ' Mann' , " that here that Metauste will go for old Zack by a band
distance from the top to the bottom of the Dead Sea
should measure the height of its banks, the elect, some majority. •
non of the Mediterranean, and the dafetence of The kumwing song is one of a scrim write 0 ior
level between the bottom of the two seas, nod i the SO4l County Rough and Ready Club.
that the depth of the Dead See should be also an
exact multiple of the height oflerusalem above o.
Another not Imo singular fact, in the opinion of
Lieut. Lynch, °Ls that the bottom of the Dead Sea '
forms two submerged plains, an elevated and a
depressed one. The firm, its southern part, of '
slimy mud covered by a shallow bay. the last.
its northern and largest portion, of mud and in.
crumations and rectangular crystals of salt—at a
great depth with a narrow ravine running through
it, corresponding with the bed of the river Jordan
at one extremity, and Wady el Jeib, or wady with.
in a wady at the other' .
"The slimy ooze," says Lieut. Maury, "spoil
the Faun at thepottom of the Dead Sea will not
fail to remind the sacred ,historian of the "slime
pas." in the vale, where were joined in battle the
four kings with five."
Local Affairs.
Scions — The Coroner was summoned, early
yesterday atoning, to hold an inquest on the body
of Mrs. Nancy Adams, wife of lames Adams, s
hand loom weaver, of Ross township. The family
resided about three miles from this city, and shout
two from the boundary line of Allegheny city, is
the valley or hollow which extends from the north
side of Allegheny city, above the old oil cloth fao
tory of Messrs. Phillips, into Ross township. Mr.
Adams, with his eldest son, had visited this city
on Wednesday, to dispose of some of thew menu.
factures. About five o'clock, r. st., they returned
home, .d soon after discovered Mrs. Adams sus
pended by the neck, with a piece of strong cord,
taken from some part of one of the looms. They
immediately cut her down, but life was extinct, al
though the body was still warm. She had attached
the cord to one of the rotten in a lumber room--
and one foot rested on the floor, while the other
iwas lifted but a few inches abgve it. She had been
subject to fits of mental abstraction, and bad threat.
rued self destruction, but no serious apprehensions
mother of seven children—her age about forty.—
Verdict of the Coroner's Jury— . Death by mode.
while in a deranged state of mind'
Tut Democracy had an uproarious meeting in
Manchester, on Wednesday evening. Judging
from the shouts, they were pretty enthusiastic.
Colonels Black and McGraw, and Mr. Shannon,
held forth, and the Glee Club made a tremendous
noise—whether it could be celled music, we can
not determine—some of the neighbors called it a
horrid din. An old man who formerly belonged to
the party, but has enfranchised himself, and joined
the ' free dirt' party, as the Post denominates it,
attempted to put some questions to one of the
speakers. but the .unterrified cried, 'turn him
out; and clamored him down, although one co
the speakers at the 'free dirt' meeting, held a fe •
ereirlingli previous, had replied moat courteousi)
to a series of questions and remarks from lb.
leading Cass Democrat of the borough. We allud •
to this merely as a sample of the genuineness •
the prefession of toleration end Fore of liberty
cessantly made by the party trumpeters
The inventors of every age have profit.' kill
by their 'Own , . To those who sneored there, th
Kotit generally accrues, while they themselves 0.
dure poverty sad privation, until the grave offe
them its repose. We are acquainted with a gen
tleinan, now 111 this city, who has a remarkably
ventive genius, and who has already eshilmed
us two mecbasomd inventrotta, of wtwe immen- •
utility there ran be no questron; but be duds him
wit absolutely crippled fur want of three or fun
hundred dollarr, necessary to L-omplete the mu•br
urry; and unless he can find a liberal friend w . h
is able io aid him, will be compelled probably i
rti to protein lit.! Ile at too twtOutt re to ask
_sistauce for himself
. -
The grand ProLvasion of Sons of Temperance
tel.:v.o,4re to del. The followtng Is the Route of
Tao various Divisione will assemble on Liberty
street, the right resting On Fourth. Procession
will move at II o'clock, A. M., up Liberty to Pt.
Clair, down St. Clair to Allegheny Bridge, over
Midge and up Federal street to Ohio. up Ohio to
Cedar, down Cedar to Hand street Bridge, over
Bridge!, and op Hand to Penn, up Penn to Walnut,
up Wilnut to Liberty, down Liberty to Smithfield,
down Smithfield to Monongahela Bridge, over said
Bndge„ and thence, via Turnpike, to Sugar Tree
Grove, at the Borough of
It is a somewhat curious fee, that the only cases
of suicide which have occurred in this county for
some time, have been those of women, pretty well
advanced in hfe, who have reared large families.—
The more youthful, who, elsewhere usually shake ,
of the burden of life, by drowning. hanging, stab
bing, shooting, or other modes of self slaughter,
seem content to wait to nature, war, accidents, or
the hangman, to do the work.
Tte extraordinary performance of Herr Alex.
ander, at Apollo Hall,last night, was attended by 0
large and fashionable audience, who appeared
highly delighted at the astonishing fittes performed
by this distinguished Magician.
He performs again at the Hall to night. See
We had n good steady rain, yesterday, and
right welcome was d.. The drooping herbage
sprang up W greet the silvery drops, and even the
autumn tinted leaves looked hopeful of a brief res
pite from decay.
Itargpaturo.—The Mayor had not a single ease
before his tribunal yesterday morning—the cella
were without a tenant.
Wednesday, Sept. lab, 1848. Z
11 o'clock A. M. i
In pursuance of public notice previously given,
the Medical Convention of Allegheny County, Pa
met in the Grand Jury room of the New Court
House, and was organized by Dr. Samuel Dilworth,
Chairman of the former meeting, taking the Chair,
Dr. A. M. Pollock acting es Secretary.
On motion of Dr. Jo. P. Gamin, the Committee
oa the Constitution appointed at the previous meet
ing, made their report through their Chairman, Dr.
1. S. Irwin. The report was accepted.
On motion of Dr. Jos. P. Gazzam, the Constitu
tion, with some amendments, was adopted, article
by article.
Oa motion of Dr. J. Brooks, the Convention ad
journed until! 3 o'clock P. M.
Arrzutoort Szsmos.
After the Convention was called to order, the
Chair, on motion of Dr. J. Brooks, appointed Dr. J.
P. Garram, J. Brooks and A. M. Pollock a oom
mittee to examine the credentials of gentlemen
signing the Constitution.
o n mo ti on of Dr. J. 5, Irwin, the Chair appointed
Dr. R.. Snyder and K. B. Mowry tellers to receive
and count the votes for otHr.ers of the society about
to be formed.
The Convention then proceeded to the election
of officers by ballot, which resulted in the following
choice .
Prealdent—Dr. Jae. P. Gaszem.
Vice Picsident.--1.4. J. Brooks, A. IL Mowry.
Corresponding Secretary—Dr Semi. Dilworth.
Recording Secretaries—Dr. John S. leaven, Dr.
A. M. Pollack.
Treasurer—Dr. Geo. D. Bruce.
Censors—Dr. Jos. P. Gauen, Dr. J. Brooks, Dr.
FL B. Mowry.
Board of Examiners—Dr. Wm. M'K. Morgan,
Dr. R. Snyder, Dr. T. M'Kenan-
On motion of Dr. J. B. Irwin, the Convention re
solved itself into 'The Medial! acjety of A Ilegbes. y
County, Pa," Dr. Jas. P. thusam, the President,
taking the chair.
On motion of Dr. S. Dilworth, the President ap
pointed Or Jos P Gazzam, E O Ecirington and I
Brook a committee to draft a "Fee Bill" far the
On motion of Dr 13 Dilworth, the President ap- I
painted Dr S Dilworth, A M Pollock, and J S Ir
win a committee to MR a series of by laws
On motion of Dr a President ap
pointed Drs A M Pollock, O D Bruce and E O Ed
rington a committee `to obtain a suitable place for
holding the nazi meeting, with instruct:lM to eve
public notice of the same.
On motion, the Convention returned a vote of
thanks to the County Commissioners, for their kind.
neon and liberality In granting to it the use of the
room fin the meeting._
On motion of Dr Mworth, the Secretaries were
Instructed to gmblish • synopsis of the proceedings
of the Convention, and the organization of the So
On motion of Dr J Slrwin the Society adjourned,
to meet °tithe Ent Timidity of October net, et ti
o'clock A M, at such lhs.Ptrooppe e sr committee
l ib o rr
A delM )
bit Ammar,
Oua maiden_ will find an iatarestracarticla on
Cotton, Sugar, and Molluscs, maw out aommm•
dal bead.
TuNs— WWI a Delmer cm 1,0 brov
With the laurel on bis brow, my Wys•
And Fillmore by Ins inde.
Old Zack Tuylur will show you how
Tu Washington he'll ride.
To Washington hell rule my boys
Before hint all mull
As ded the foe lief - ore him. oil
Red Buena Tutu's held.
The wave aloft the starry dag
Above the elite:U.l'4 bead.
It followld him o'er tower and crag,
And waved al'ove the dead
And as It waved at Monterey ,
Above his fallen toes,
Aggro, on next election day.
Ilmtrtutaph we'll dlaelosa.
Sound, sound, your watch word high my boys
And let its echoes play.
And cheer the union swelling hear.
With joy for that great day.
When Zack upon his old white horse.
To:Washington shall ride.
So clear the track, old Zack is up,
And Fillmore by h. side.
Hurrah hum* hurrah, my buys.
They're ofT away, away.
We'll see them all come back. Inv boys.
On next election day.
On next election day city boy-.
Tile - people's voice will tell,
The ballot boxes then wdl show
Who 'tin we love so well.
He's shrined upon our hearts my boys,
His name is on our blades.
And they love to hear his nunor'd name
The fair young Hawk,Eye maids.
The fair young Nnwa.Lye maid, by boy
Will strew his path with dowers.
th he should over come to these
Warm hands and hearts of our,
Then peal the vetting charge. my boy..
And let the welkin ring.
Wave. wave, our .tar•ht nag on high.
And Taylor's pretses sing.
lid }tough Reedy fought or u.
Thro' many a bloody field.
'Ti, now our turn to ugh' for bin,
And never, never, yield
Tar Duury cL Fiat IN o( lb
most terrible and down...bier fires that his Linen
red in this quarter 5m1 . 0 the great fire of Ibit
broke out on Saturant . night in limolditi. and
laid in ashes a considerable isininn of that city
We have given WI ink and detailed an Recount tit
its origin. progress and aw lot ravage• as co...tons
stances would perm°. but in such an extensive and
overwhelming a calamity. it is. as yet. impossible
to speak with that accuracy and completeness
which would be desirable
About two hundred and tiny bonses three
churches, and the !Ken office, were nuary destroys
ed, and the ruin, which present a most tuel-
ancholy and desolate apm aranoe, extend over
an area of ten or t we!, e here. It is estimated
that property 1111.111Llif w of er a million of dollar,
has been destroyed. a.I that upwards at six hit n•
dyed individuals have been burnt out of their
homer. It le imp,s2oble, howe•er to state. ut
presient, the prCl,lfe 01.11.1,ber.
Ties a the third great tire that has occurred
here during the, last thirteen years The rust oc
curred in I when six hundred houses were
burnt down, and property to the nmeltlot Cl twenty
fore millions ol dollars WA•
end m.curred ten yearn afterwards, in when
about two hundred lattmea were burnt, and props
erty to the amount ,it six tn.liions of dollars vanish
ed in the dame , . It is rattier singular 1... that the
collect,on t. , r the it niortunate aurferers Iy in , lale
great are at Albany, had scarcely closed in the tifis
and liroollya when tlon. time third great tire .I•Cd
atn lend glare or, the env of the f burche•
andialighted:the prospect, and desolated the home,
of hundreds id her industrious eitmens
rorf: lie, iLL
noPrEl. 11. A. I —lt 114 N letibl !rat is
the t Sospet. slid u posit t .ls ti, tar onion. lllai II
adart• dnc,l to all stailiooi —I too l• in/
so that. in u timelier c ondition we ate piscril,
find something written is it were, e a presely i.,r us
to that soudttioa. Emphatically is this true of the
afflictions elide. The, Is e remarkable adapts -
El.Oll in the Gospel to these in all their variety
The sic./ the bereaved. the poor the the '
widow, the latherlems ell find their 'noes singled
out Sir advice. and condom, and rapport. There
are promises, "exceeding great and precious." the
Mil import of watch we clinniit know till we err in
circumstances which they were designed to meet
there are oilers ai grunt.. the magnitude and
at which we cannot realise Till we are at the state
of those to whom they are addressed. It seems
th If so much of the Bible in written Pm the afflicted.
that one can know but little of its precious contemn
until he is afflicted. Si ninny of as pm - lases are
made to those in trouble. that the believer waive
knows half of fin inheritance until trouble conies up
on him. The Gospel abounds in consolation. It
speaks peace to the troubled soul, whether tossed by
its own (ears, or by tempests from without. .In the
world," saps the master, "ye shall have tribulation;
but be of good cheer, I have over...same the world'
Mr. Webster has been presented by n Clergy
man with a walking stick, bearing this inscriptio.
Constammople, September, ISati.
To Honorable IJamin. Wsternm. Marsfield,
Massachusetut, United States of Amen., for •
this Daphne wood stick was cut on the bord
of the Bosphorus, where Mahomet I
and the Greeks had their last field
battle, before the subjugation of
the latter..
tae of the most remarkable instances of the sue
rem which attends well applied energy and perse•
verance, is exhibited in the case of Dr. David
Jayne, of Philadelphia, with whose advertisements
the readers of the Register are familiar. The Doc.
tor, alter spending many years of his life in practice,
and careful investigation of the origin and charac
ter of disease., applied himself to the preparation
of remedies, and the excellence of his compounds
is attested by the grateful thanks of thousand's
who have proved the benefits of his skill and sat
amine knowledge. His are not mere quack nos
trums, but preparations resulting from long and
careful study, and as they serve, in an eminent de
gree, the good purposes for which they were inten
dad, success has lolkiwed the proprietor'. enter.
prise and labors Ili* establishment is now one of
the largest in the United States, and besides fur
nishing every city, town, and township in the
country with bin invaluable medicines, he ships
immense quantities to foreign lands.
In the prosecution of hie plans for bringing his
specido to the notice of the whole people, Dr.
Jayne has issued a Family Almanac, containing
certificates and teetimonirds of the highest charactei.
We see it stated in the German town Telegraph,
that—"test year one indium of the Almanacs were
published for lbth, end all distributed. This year
the demand for 1 949 is so great, two power press.
as, drivels by steam are running day and night
With a double set of hands, and are unable to meet
the requirements
ofthe public
?,cail., who d
lic L f orheAinlann o ca—
press work, have found it necessary, to meet the
wants of the publisher, to obtain n third pours press.
Aliffions and is half of copies will be required
for 1949, consuming from twelve to fifteen thou.
sand reams of paper, and incurring an expense at
the very small rate of two cents each copy, and
we cannot see how they can be furnished at so
low a price of—Fifty thousand dollar,'—This is
wondertul,--exhibiting as it dace, one of the most
mmarkagile instances of onterpnee ou record.
But it must be remembered that this large sum,
which is a fortune of itself—is entirely given away,
the whole two =limns and a half of Almanacs are
-mtuitously given to merchants, storekeeper
Cnilies and individuals, with a view to their gen
ral gratuiteous distribution throughout the I" ailed
The position of Dr. Jayne is an enviable one—
achieved by his own unaided energy industry and
enterprise—drawing largely from an extensive
knowledge of medical jurisprudence—and he now
stands at the head of the discoveries of medicine
for the million,' which have not only been pronoun
ced to be unequalled as remedies, for the diseases
severally set apart by the proprietor, ern., but des.
tined to confer upon the human family Intuilvulable
benefits in the form of restored health and prolong.
ed existence."—/Yorrirrouvi Erg.
'Bovraso Himv.'—The following appe
as an advertisement in the New Orleans Delia,
BUFFALO MlNTrallt, Arras - rion"—lt 1- expected
that the Chieftains of the Legions of the
will ensemble in this city during the coming week,
to make the necessary arrangements preparatory to
the Burka Hunt upon the banks of the Rio Grande
this fall. During the temporary absence of the
Grand Scribe of the Order an immense correspoo
deuce has accumulated upon his hands. To ell
those who have aliened iukirtnation in good faith,
answers will be returned at an early day, contain
ing the Iniarmabon sought. after, and proper Instruc
tions to regard to the organisation of detachments,
the time of meeting, place of rendeavous, means of
transpot taboo, &c.'
C.,resa.—T he Lake Superior NCWA ssys the
the whole amount of copper that has been shipped
this 5t.3011 from Lake 'Superior up to August 18tit
is one million three hundred and sixty-two thou.
load pounds of nearly pure copper.
SAD lemuocacz.—Letters have been received
by the steamer: Hibernia, announcing the death of
Mr. N. It Weed, of Boston, at Singapore, and of
Lieu. Dale, of this city. attached to the Dead Sea
1D 17az ens PIEOIII3 hirin,4f yOO. Onstk to be sae
peseta' is any =della/11 , 1g, TOO Olf.flaWlTO htse the
emper 1311,1113112 Therefore, a tau hare • cough, use
lama's EXTECOOII..II and cored. feetis the proper
means. Have you Asthma or difficulty of breathing,
then the only efficicht means to cure yonis to ose
Jaynes Expeetortmo whir h immediatelyovercome
the spasm which contracts the daintier of the tubers
and loo.en* mid Unapt up the mucus whlch croft them
up. Ned thus removs every °humor. to a free resp,
while the e same time all inflammation
in sub
dued. and a cure t• certain to be effectee Have you
Broncttm, Somme of Pleurtoy . in fact any
Yolndobary A.derbolt. tnen u.e Kii•detorant
wad relict cerraub and you will had that you bane
u•ed the proper [armor
For nal., to Ilatsburgh at the Pekin Ten fitore. ,.
. tt
street hear Wood.
117 - Salt )theum. S-ur.). Old t , orrr. Flrvmpelss
riarber*. Itch. Chap, Sure Hcadrt, Sore Heard,
Jones' Soap used by many physsetisns thr e v
in curing the •Lore. nod We would not consetentiousts
II unseat see knew. t 10 tie %ye state
A 4 a co.tnetse. the true ill." ' Soap it perhaps the
artwit ever iIIIONWS that removed unpurifie• and
eared rad beautified the akin. Ittokufig st clear.
•0010 and white as an Inialtia. Sold by WNI JAA:k•
IN. SI! Liberty tire, roanfit
Irst Ward Whig Mestlng--Allegheny.
rhe Mugs or the Ftro Ward. Allegheny CM, arc
e•ted to meet in we lower story or Quincy
uu.ithug oo Saturday the Idle Lt.. et u'eloe
M tor the porous.: ot . urge Oiling 31 club
The are reque•tell to attend, to orgarn,
ec club Wu,. ATTY..
Keep the Ball a Rolling.
To) lot. Ftllsoore Johoston will hold
cu.( he New Market Moo.. Alleghe-
Mondlo the lath of September. et 7 o'clock
delLoorod by Melo,. Forward p nod
W. M. Wright, 11. IL. Dentist,
rick and residence on Fourth street, opposite the
burgh Bank Office hours front 9 o'clock to 12 A.
knd Bum 2 o'cior k to hi sepl4-ly
Dr. G. O. Stenrsts, Dentist,
0 F L I o C r • E ro Wood Hoo c at I . e t. '" anal F o ‘'
tl 'h e . e7lla e lliell . oll7f
the houve nearly oppoi..te Teeth In bunk, wob
howl gun.. after the manner now unt venally prefer
red at lite et:tmult...lured to sun each poll.lelliar
c•oe Teeth, freurn a full Sat down to ngle one, in
verted on a SW: lion plate. thus avoldtog f l oury to the
natural teeth. Specunens of blocks ut auction plate
may be cl.lthlted at the office.
All operattom meld,. t .
o the profe•stottt r ee t.i fo7ted
with Cline and futidulttesa
Almanac a I Almanac • I I Alumnae. 111
DR. D. JAYNE would hereby inform Um public that
he publlslies mutually for gratuitous dlatribution
by housed and all has agents, an ahnanac, called
Tito calculattolis for thu Almanac are made with great
care and accuracy. and for hoe different latitudes and
longitudes, so as to artke theln equally useful as a Cal
in every pan of the Untied Stares and tiranth
North America. They are penned on gum] paper, and
moult handsome hew type. and are neatly hound, and
braid, being the neatest atid moat accurate I:islander
piloted in the United States, they comma a large amount
f valuable information, muffed to the wants of all, and
of that kind too, which cannot be found in books
Hue CAT . ALOGeI or anh rem•rks and dr
redo., tor their removal, is really mvaluable, and
masts them welcome visitors in every house they en
ter F.very amily should possess at least one of these
Annuals lii. Almanac me 1,10 a now ready for Maws
of which he designs to publish at learn mooilan
fAiLIuNA and to order that every family in the United
"tams mid Arnenea may be tarnished with a
copy, he hereby Invites Maarnsurs and Srortasintrzas
to forward their orders to him as early as possible, and
they shad be awned grata...1...1y with as many copies
as they deem ne.teseary to supply their same. custo
mers be arc also invited at the tante time to send
a ropy of their licsmines C•la, which will be printed on
Me cover tol the Almanac. wet Item also wahout
They are ril,o requa.ed to ,4 , e three
thow the A,menne• should Ipe lorwerded to Own ,
ba l k.. the) (1111/101 1,. 0.111 11) 11111.1 1111,.. ace 1101111.Pgr
• first iosial uti them We,
too,. pool, dirt...teal to Da D. J• sic. Pt" :a
Ole, .1. prompt aitesoson
Fiffitior• coo eittoto these isi:titaitiis gratis of
l` rea Store. Fourth .t. Pau
N It The 1,(111,1 A.,11/11k5G1,1ilbr ready fur deity
y ut a tew da). IS
To W n Merchants.
ASS in A ucsT Liter for oak, at 3.5 Wood Blttfl
l'ii“buttih. uV •riioniniodniiiig term..
Iw pets 1 11. and G.+ , l'i.mder Teas
{llll Rio CiirTee
IV •• Pew ,
toll 1 , 2,1 It, Lump, and -a TaLa:ro
211 \`.d on.
20 nbds \
IVO Lhla Nlolassci ,
? and 3 Nisi &as.
ittt half do do
N 1' Tar
lu Tanner • (id
i.xt hocolat.-
• ai•iti•
• to •116
111 c 1.4 sMw
rrarl A.ll.
1,1111110 I . :y
Zioti nail, with a genernl ritiortnteni
.1. a! iron, and Pat-burgh istanniacinriid ar licirA
01 ,0,0.
Or eee se.
fr,.. •
N U ntoiewar• •
Sn 44J. N t, Stag
lat La. 511,oufartu , rd Tolmero w T 2 ,1
nold I pound lump ,
3U tw, Pepper.
11,0 Ma. Cu...
2.5 lads 1.. Sugar
2 Ccroon , S , V Indigo.
I bbd Madder
25 lane N C. Tar,
30 " No 3 Large Mackerel
'X La. No 2Thoculale
100 Rentn• 'Wrapping Paper;
Itite Ptpre
2 ca.— , .
With a general aatorWnent w Plneborgh Mantlinetures.
reed and for sale t. , p tiF,O A BERRY,
19 wood st
. tiler W
11.0 C 01 John Furren & Co.. is tins day dewlveil by mu
ual consent The business of the late him wt I Ise ve i
ued by,John Farrel. at the warehouse of me Bowmen's
One. JOHN Pik RltEli
The business of the Boatmen's Line will hereafter he
conducted by Fatten k, Lowry. at the sarne place
Thankikil for pest favors, we solicit • connnurinea of
the same. JOHN FA MIEN
sepls I. 1. LOWRY
Gelatienarall'S. Furnishing Goods.
A JOHNSON, id Market street, have test
recomired • I nook of Odin, crnerers, collars,
steels, Army and black silk cravats and scarfs, hosie
ry, bajou and kill gloves, &c Gentlemen are matted
to call and exam not them, as they are supposed to be
c heap *.pls
A Groat Bargain.
1001 , 1 SALE—Su Ale Fannon for beetles hooter,
r will be sold very cheap for CAM:
enquire at No ltUi, Liberty street, Pius sapla.dat
tithe Carpet W.chouse of W.lllClin
tock , No 75 Fourth street, and far sale:
5 p• cot lug carpets. hnlhant eobors and stew desist),
.en all wool, double end twist, chant only
50 and 63 can..
pa 3 4 and 4-1 oil cleats, aleent pattern. sekls
PIG METAL-300 tons Pig Metal for Foundry u •
for sale by tepls OEO A BERRY
St CORCHINGS-13 casks reeerred mad for sent by
sepl3 FRIEND. REMY & Co
SUP. FRENCH CLOTHS—A supply of supenor blk
French Cloths for dress coats, rust ree'd and offered
very low for qualm at the store of
seRl4 IV It MURPHY •
ID Murphy has now open a supply of these
goods, end invites especially the attenuon of Country
hlerchants, to the low prices at which these nod all
other kinds of winter woollens are now offered.
Hone for Salo.
PIN V. FAMILY HORSE for sale, 6 years old and
gentle Enquire of JOHN S DILWORTH
0614 No 67 wood ot
INSEED 011.-26 bbl. to good order and for se
No 84 wood at
CIIRRSK-11 5 las Western Reserve ere= chee
rust laroltog and for MO< by
sepl4 it a W LIAR BAtl(i II
1111.1.1101-14 ba• prone Western Reserve eyes
reesteen by .eni4 J MUM DALZELL
CI IL AIOLASSII4-1/ 0 Obis S. 11. Molasses, St. Lou
kJ • Refinery in wore anti for sale by
septa JAMES DALZIILL, 'M water st
eGAR-1511 hhds prune N. 0. sugar; 50 hbls Loaf
Sufar wstore and art sale by
rUItACCO-20., Ntieuts..s*.,
" "Th""."'
b Lz ELL
amling and by
_ ..
QUININE -123 ounces just sec/ and for tale b
uEl____ R E SE.LLERS• 37 wood et
L , XTRACT LOSIWOODs-3 ,5 eases lust reed and •
_LA by sale
C wle if,..yLOES— prime dry d
. I s T r o; .L. 7 . g.
NUTMEKS—HoIt bbl just ree'd end K
for soIe SELLERS by
repll F.
0 '
S ALT PKTR g-7...0 lb, just rec'd a i rl F ! , ojal i a , N ts
(ILASS-- 213 Ipss n- ID, 10-12 and 10-14 avntdow glee
ki Bud reed per ',Amer Arcawlin, and rot sale b
GUM OMNI kTurkey)— 1 ea w recd and fur sal
Q UININE— . 1( 1 )0 .,,, of reed and fur .a l e
_la) k.
L .
- - -
- -
Wll,l, be paid on 1...0 .1 . 11011 Ji the fiend to bums
.herwe, who threw a glean tumbler at the front o
the eubeesber'e dwelling on Saturday evening at
o'clock. mtplll3l W It CRISP
f 1 REEN A I'I'LES--I 61 bids landing and for sale by
k_T .02 ROBERT UALZELL & Co, Liberty sr
SALERJCII'S—If, tons in casks and boxes in store
and for stale by ROBERT DA LEF.I,I. & CO.
seoillLiberty street
- . . . .
MINERAL RATER CORK3-r5 bales ree'd and
for sal , by sepin BRAUN & REITER
G UM C0 .. 1 . . p % k-4 onus recvsl rr . =46.
GUM TRAOACANTII-1 ease reed and for sal
by sepia, BRAUN & REITER
UM ARAC (Turkey)-1 caw Toed and for sal.
k.,7 by re ßl did BRAUN & REITER
eILOVER SEIED-3 bags clover seed for sale by
BUCKETS -1110 dos Beaver buckets for ale by
sepl I WICK k
rptllltl—T3 dot Larder patrol tubs forsale by
s apt! WICK h
C1116" . .5E: 1 -4 .8- his cream cheese just receured and
for male by sepll WICK & M•CANDLISS
IN7I E-T •ala E
by uE.A.ti
rapll Ws small white ben. 1
15DN...200 tons Allegheny, various brands, f•
sale by septl J 3 R Fl OYD
MIRESIITEAS- 40 ball chests, itict received.
.4430SPOILL & Rom
GREEN APPLF23-- 0 20 s assorted Ore n APP
and for rale by W
87 John D. Darts, 41aetIoneer
Keel Boat New Geneva at Auction.
'PUS' (Friday l enema. at 3 o'clock, at the Menthe.
gahela Wharf, foot of Wood Meet, will be Debi
wstboat reserve keel lkoat NEW GENEVA. with
all her tackle. he It
Farms cash cturecthy.
JOHN D DAPIP, auctioneer.
Fancy a nd .`Y n;4 Dcy CroOdJ.
Vn ))outlay raormtig t•ept 1.. tit lb o'clock. at the
Commeretal hales Room, corner olWood .Aol'lllll sta..
wtli tx s..nd w tato. reserTe An citenstve assort.
mein ot tort lam and domestic dry goOds, ruttstsung ct(
Pltnt.. Manchester tong hams. alpacas,
mous de lams. •up Oasts ttlks.blact sant, and linty
vesuotik super - lane 03011, enssoneres aaltuletts.,
,achsr jean., datmel , nettmes., checks, bleached' and
brow nauslinn. mermo. cashmere. lectern', and broche
shawls, salt hdkte, w pollen and eotton neduer3•
se.rolg .4k, de
At 2 o'clock
Furnauro, orr.
A gamin° of Yount; H) ton 'rea. Virgotia atauutat.
tared tobacco, Sutra, Holt., Nl. , :assea, run sales, at ,
ita, glass and qua...or:arr . . groat variety
A iteneral usertment of new and second hand 1147. C.
hold !armors, among w loch arc matt...gnu) dressing.
mot cortonof bureaus, hair spring Seat sofas, settee.
ehturs. tables. bedsteads. Look case, wi n d ow
,nokilig glasses. Are
Al 7 o'clock
Rrady wade cloting. boom .il shoes, nia th m ii.y.
tine talote and pocket rutlery. hardegarei guns. Instals
gold and saver watches. )ewctry. ahaTtnig caaea,
m-ty goods, [ff.c acpl6
La+ gs Sale of Fa.,hionable Cipthang.
On Tuesday morning, Sept. 10th, Cl the Commercial
SAlea Room. corner 01 trood nod Filtheta , will he gold
without reiierve,on a credit of 60 days, for approvgd
endoraccl aer
Nine c p as p es firstquality ready made clothing, lust
eceived loom New York, consisting of the following,
IWO doz fine new style %Inns
49) pate plat& gold allied and {thou mune' panto
50 pear fancy clasimer pantaloon..
50 cloth aver coat.,
54 fancy anti., and cat. Ce
veseth ts.
10 doz parr tint% era ...a—ad, together %rub varier
of other r lothotg, which may ire elentined on the mot
rag of the sane.JOHN D V IS,
scpl.s Aucttoneer
Cataloger :de of a collection of Choice. Rare, Curious
and Valuable Boat. fine E. glith Edugon, many
nif them elegantly II lu ttrrunl,
be sold by auction at me Room
corner of Wood and Fifth street. on Saturday evening.
Sep. Rah and Monday Sep. the Infs. Sale to commence
each evening at 7 o'clim/
Among them may be found • Stackhouse's History
of the Bible, 2 cola folio. plates are'. Life of Lord
Burleigts. 3 vol. 4 to, Mates ; Clarenden's fluitory of
the Rebellion and Czyll War In England, 3 vols. folio;
Complete Works of John Locke, J vola fouo
Boys' spl
well's Pelasikte Reanams, 131 engs. folio • Boyens
did views of London, do; flog es Views of India.
enga aqua tun, folio; Price's 11(ishomed. History. 4
voL Ito , Custer's Animal Kingdom, folio, splendid col
ored plates, Hogarth's Work., 14S engs. 1 vol, royal
4to, gdt, Burney's Discoveries in the South Sea Ito,
plate.; klaffy's views of the CIO. of Earope.4to ;
olas• History of Knighthood, 4 vole, 4to, colored plates,
Rollin's Roman History, 10 vol.; Complete Work. of
Dean Swfft. 27 vol.; hlarbm's Eastern India, 3 cols,
plates Rudmik's History of the Coinage 011.4.41 Belt
withn, fee smiles of every cow, 3 cola 4to ; Vyse.'
Pyte.mtds of litralt, 3 vols, plates; Illustrations of 3.-
9.a 13 rotated plates ; Guthrie's Ilistory of the World.
13 vole; Engineer's Assistant, folio • Miller's Bomnical
Dictlonury, 0 volt folio, Ogvlby's Homer and Virgil,
001. folio. plates: Hamilton's Etruscan Vases, 2 rola,
folio, colored plates. Discrete. of GT 1416:1, 111U.111.d
with gold, very rare. folio; Bishop Ketinett's linstory
oi England, 3 cola, folio; Beaumont and Fletcher's
Plays. early edition. 1 vol (oho ; We. of En:anent En
glishmea 7 vole, Siro, portraits: Great Britain illtiallo
- fine plates Siapieton's Translatiori of Juvenal, fo
lio, plate.; Pennant's Ilictoswtan, 4to View. of the
River Thames, 70 cog; Condera Modern Traveller IS
vols. plates Milford's Htstory of Greece, S nobs, Ivo:.
Work • of King of Prussia, 11 vote; Dodsley's Annual
Regfiter. 42 vole boo , Works of Lord Chesmrtield. 5
101• Niro. Snielltes Philosophy of Natural I6story.2
vol. Ito .9 Knight's Pictorial Loudon, 3 vol., snieridtdlY
illustrated , complete works of J. J. Rousseau, 20 vol.,
lu uarterly Revw. 21 vol., Journal of Arrl.
Q vol.; Anqueu ie l's Universal Unitary, 9 vole.
Natural History of Flab.. 5 vol. colored plates, Bray
ley and Bottun's London's Loudon and Mfddlaims, 5
vol. coo, brie engravtugs Sweet on the culture of the
rose, elegant colored envoi/tags eof the Earl of
Clarendeo. 1 rob 1010, Mei surfer's History of Woman,
2 vole; Facture. by Brat. Artist,, fine plates, Ito.
Burke's Works a cola evo,. 13.1are's Progre. of
Knowledge, I vol 4to, Progress of Intemperance, fine
eng• Ihigdnie a view of the troubles in England, folio
Viol Works of Su 'William Temple, 0 soli folio ; The
Travels of Anacharth the Younger. 5 vole, plates;
Cherron on Wisdom. ltißn; Pictorial History of Ger
many, 500 Illustratio.; Strvary's letters 04 Egypt. it
vol.,lnchbald'. British Theatre, 13 vol. plate.; Poet
teal Register. n vole; Mowry of the Iftniimat, sMs•
mates. llistory of the Lniversuy in Dublin. 1 volume;
Fiupsona key to the Bible, plates Blackston's
ntaries. 4 vol.; Volney • travels to tt7 ie,S cols;
Ilan i Itves Cromwell. lames Ist, Charles let and
mid. 5 vols. too Adam s Philosophical Essays .
Nliddieton's Lite of t•i, '2 volt. Soo. tic.
Catalogues ore now ready and the looks art ranged
btr t. a ntlnation. JOHN D DAVIS,
Lao meta but our of the Heron Fundy
Wta be acted
Aluguut • • ~ • Jolt. Du
Cocoa.), • .311. Pre.
To be followed with • newfarce called tb e
Lvey (•Ryan • • . ..... •• , •htisa Heron
Patty Filagree • ,• • • ..... •• • .blia a Fanny .
After which a muatcal olio by the Heron Fatally.
Dunce—Sailor , Hornpipe by Master W %Vood
The whole to conclude with
•Idtre Arms
Mu Fanny
Young Herr Alexandre.
X HUNG H KKR AL X.XANDH.F. the celebrated nu-
I gloom, who ts acknowledged to be the greatest
necromancer in the world, will give three adios my.-
tenons popular and oriental sauce at Apollo Hall. on
Thursday, Finlay and Satorda,r Hepterntier 141 M, lath
and 16th A fine band of Mamie Intl be in anendanee
Mors open at 7 otelock,performance will eofamence
at a gunner to 9: ticket. 'M cents, (no half price,) to la•
had at the Hall door. For further particulars see the
small and large Mils. Change of (programme each
evening. sepia-41
Andre we Eagle aloon, Wood
thROCD of the cordial g`rsethag of over one thousand
friends, and the nnelampled patronage bestowed
upon us since we re-awurned the control of this estab
lishment, we beg leave to inform our Mends and pa-
Lynna that no exertion will be *pared to promounhe com
fort, pleasure and hilarity along visnors, and to make
the • Old Eagle" stand foremost, and lead off all similar
establishments to the west lee cream, (tutrivalledi
peaches, oysters in season, with all other delicacies
will be found at this establishment, and served up in
manner without precedent: Balls and parties fur
nished as usual. se • ANDRE&
Dr. Tayl°l , 4 patina,* of Llweratmart.
For Con samptum, and • affections of the Chest,
Lunge and Lever.
T H y l ea S year line sarov
s, o b r perso be ns, n a 'e tre. d iePw r itt i e n v e e e 4
variety n( diseases of the Lungs; who are indebted for
good health. the one of this truly valnable medicine.
Yea this methane has effected more cares, and done
more good than any other medicine known. It is Un
rivalled (or its great and astonishing efficacy. Its cu
rative pourer over giseues of the Longa,
admitted by physicians ,
clergymen, and thousands who
have tried it.
Su enenoin Leo rorximv-orm testimonials have been
publish." ininlrl the last year, commuting mime of the
tritest and most wondernal cores ever heard of.—
early every paper to the Union ►as spoken edi
of the eon's effected by Ode Medicine.
Unuerrree races nail be elven of Its niece
consampuve ease‘
COLD*Ann Corona are the forermmers of Consump
tion For effecting a quick curs this medicine is infal
Convincing cadence in fiver of DL TAYLOR% Bate
tat or Lacarworr, from the Wholesale Depot. tio. 73
Beekman street Ale.k. Smith, 161 Forsyth street. Sek
ton of Re• Mr. Matthews' Choral, Chrystie street, for
seven years afflicted With a bad cough; raising blood
and matter from the lungs; severe pain in the chest; at
night, sweats. For seven long years be suffered, and
at length, rescued as It were from death by the use of
Mus almost mameal medicine, he said " Truly t could
not have lived to this time, but for diis medicine and
Divine blessings!" We pa on to more cores: Mrs.
Fowler IV/ King street, for many had a distress
ing cough, one botUe cured her. Mn . Mrs Reed, 3:KI Hud
son street, owed in a 1••••• of • violent cough and cold , with pains in tie side. Elia Lew., le Wand street,
having taken a dreadful cold on the lona, woo com
pelled to leave his business; this medicine quickly
cured him,. It doa all who use it Ile works at Tread
well's D kery, corner of Warren and Washington sts.
The Re•. Dr. I. D. Flemming, MS Walnut street, Nevr•
ark, his used this medicine In his practice. and recom
snds It highly.
old In Pittsburgh by J D Morgan, 93 Wood lit ; J
Townsend, 45 Market at ; H Smywr, roe elarket and
3d at. • Henderson k pa, eLiberly 11 Price reduced
to 51 ,50 per beeUe' seplit
New, pirmisioacuEr,eirui Zorsscularly Cluttp Goody
just arrived al
cease cum CLOT 1004) axon!. en. ISO unturrt snow.
MBE Proprietor of the atiove establishment would
reepetfally intone his numerous biocide and east.
mars, that ne bujust received his and supply of fall
and winter goods,iwhich u tuna/ comprises everything
that ta new, fashionable. handsome and good. adapted
to geratiemen's wear; and as he has been particularly
fortunate in making purehues, he to determined to of.
fer everything in his lune of business much cheaper than
was ever offered in Pittsburgh before • and as some are
very hard to convince. that Pittsbur gh manufactures
ran go ahead of the Eastern cities, he would invite all
such to examine the following lot of priee. sod then
call and see his stock, alter domg which, be feels con
fide. they will have their doubts removed, as well as
some of their money:
(lucid cloth coats, various colors, from 50 up
flood fashionable ansalmere pro, hum
Cloth nail over coils ; uo
Vests in groat variety 75 cis
tlentlemena• cloth Clanks, large sire S CO
Ladies' cloaks, splendid patterns 3 OU
Twined sect coal • . 4SO
Flashing over soil V Su
Placket over coati 3 OD
A very lame stock of shins, under sh, its aid State
en , silk handkerchiefs, cravats, pc den, he. Or
ders in the Tailormg love executed id the best manner
and at the shortest notice espll-tt2mo
Pall Pry Oneida.
Shacklett. & White.
No. kJ Wootr Stags",
I NVITIM the attentaiu of.Wmacrh Merchants to then
large and fresh stock of
which they are now receiving direct from the E astern
Manufacturers and Importers., end winch they will ern
at Eastern robbing prices.
lismng every facility fqr the purchase of goods to
the beat adventure, and th e lowest possible prices, they
confidently invite Merchants to exemthe the qualities
and prices of their goodinferling wished they cia cogs
pele fevorably with any inane. either Mist cc It est.
Then stock will comprise a full assortment of all
goods mutiny kept in Dry Goods Hams, and be
coestantly recelving additions of all the new and desi
rable style , of podia of dottiest= or foreign rnantilac•
tare, and will only tequird an eVIRIIII.OI3 to be ay.
predated sepl4
— 4'7l - i - Tamettieris.
A. It PLICATION will be recci•sd by Inv Directors
of the Mb Ward Rubin, Schools up to the 21st
losl , for two leneheta, One Mild nod One MM.. By
order of the Swat L O RERt. Ell,
• --- Secretary
li o clo se pft_
consigmat by 7 Ind.. in {tare, and will be sold low to
CHEESE-100 bia goal quality in sum and tor sale
TtUT LinjWCTOD—in3rsblifiliat — r — ee74—iVastnd
sena E SEI.II , 07,ad
SAL SODA-6 casks prima .1:01L-hun..netived and
for ...In 67 .1 .0204 EE. BULLER"! .
(ILL SASSAFRAS-4D hs just rseeivai had for nal
V by NW, a a SELLERS
-- -
:I'M-01 PA CKET,,
mail 184 8 .
(via twsdow.)
Leaves Pittsburgh dully at 9 o'clock. A. NI . and Kr-
Poe+ at Giaagow, {mouth at the Bandy and hover Ca
nal.) •t 9 cgetock. and New Ration at 11, lathe night
Leaves New Lisbon at 6 o'clock. P. 8.. tinakuig the
try canal to theneer durthg the night.' and L 3 1.0 .,
at 9 o'clock. A. hl . and owlet. at Phtsburgh at 1 3
NI g making a continuous One for carts ing_eas
stagers and freight between Nett. P
burgh. in shorter time and at less rates than by any
other route.
The proprietors anent Line hare the iileasure of in
tomtit one public taut the) bane hued up two first Oros
Canal Boats, tar the accommodation of passengersmod
tYeight. to run in connection with the well known
steamer, CALEB COPE and OF-JIVEII.. and connect Glugow, with the Pittsburgh and Ctneta..
nail and other dolly lines of steamers dose.. the Ohm
and fillssosippi mere. The proprietors pledge them -
Sete** to spare uo expense or trouble to insure tom
fop. saint) and dtspitten. and es•l, ol the public a share
• r their patronage
Al TM. till ZEII
(1 NI.
nW HARISAL 1.11. thornurgh.
It. HANNA. 8 Co t New Ltabon.
• t 11:tf J HAIIIIAUGH S. Co
NOTICE—The steamer ILEA VEE. C E Clnrke, ross•
te. will leave atter Imo notice. i.r W rri.s punctu
al:r). at 9 tit-lock in me enormity rel 3
Daily Packet Llts•
FEBRUARY lat. 144.9 FE:IIRUARY Ist, 1 81
The following new boot. complete
tae line for the prevent lir 11P011' AT-
L.ANITIC, Capt. Janw• Parkinson;
ALTIC. Capt A. Jacek.; cant LOUllt
M . L.A.NR, Copt. E. Bennett The Imam are entreaty
new. and are fitted op with regard to "teens& Ev
ery and
that money can procure has tern provided.
The Boats will leave the hlotiortimbela Wharf Boat at
' the foot of Rosa sx Passengers will he punctual on
board. U. the boats will certmuly /mire at the adver
tised 60000.8 A. FL and 4 P hl 1 11
The ,writ iteniner
Dorsey P Kinney, master. leave
plerly for heeling. on :Donde'',
Wednesday and Friday. at IC o'clock prectsely.
Leave Wheeling every Tuesday, Thursday and Pa
traday, at 7 o'clock, m.precisaly
The Cormul will land at all the interdiate ports.—
Every accomodation that can be procur.-J for the com
fort and safety of praiwengers has been p monied. The
boat is also provided wan a ...I-acting safety guard to
prevent explosions. For freight or rumeseu apply
board or to DAVID C
corner of lot and rstnithheld w.
. _
The splendid light drught steamer
Dab master, will run as • regulaxdai
y Pecker between Pittsburgh and the
above ports, regularly landing on the Allegheny river
epposne she mouth of Pitt sttect. The Caroline wsll
touch at all the landlegs between the above ports, for
the accommodation of the market people and the tra
velling public. Looses Pittsburgh every day at half
past two o'clock F , returning leaves Freedom ev••
ry day at 7 o'clock A.
The proprietors of this Line hove purchased sad fit
ted up the Caroline 111 it superior manner at a consider
able expense, expressly tor this trade They pledge
themselves that the host shall remain In the trade, and
hope, by strict attention to the watimph the contemn
ty, to receive their support.
irr Fare 25 echo.
The new and subettittal steamer
H Dt.tON.
mil run during the low water between
Pittsburgh and the above place, her
draught being so ltglitZpasseugers may iely 1.11•011 b.. 114
arrted through without delay Sllc will Irave for Cle
anof this day at 12 ti ewelt M.
For freight or passage. apply on board. or to
_ __
FOR C1:C.15. -- S ATI.
The .pi,na,d hgat dra melt atcaknrr,
Tont?n k' so A 4 ' l 4 .l " l 'N' e l r i 2 v. " , " ll7a * y d a n rf h tl '
Love mud all intermediate lama thus
day at 10 o'clock, AI! Fur frekklit ur 'tannage apply
l board.
- - - Ria,LAH C NcINN A
14 4 ."'
6"' H74: "'.. . ' NUM;
Perkineon. master, w al e,
leave for the
hove and intermedade port• thus day.
For freqll or passage, apply oa board. sepila
FOR ST. L01.71`3.
The fine new It g t draught MOW.,
Thompson. planter, strtll leave for the
above and intern:imitate:ports thin day
For freight or passage. apply on board. septl2
The light draught smmer'
Bowman master, maid Lure for the a
: hove and Inter mediate parts regular
t lb o'clock.
For frelght or passage apply on boon]
I , h Tbe aplanthil steamer
Ebbert, coa l ;; A er, well lalt l ' e N a r ce for above
mtermeMato port..regularly.
For fretehn orpaesage, npply on t ard. ,telaa
The elegant ,roamer
rb -
Cope, 111/lAtef, will leave for the above
d intermediate ports this day. stoats
tor freight or passage, apply on board. Septa
4ElinThe splendid new steamkr
Jacobs, master, will leave for above
and intermediate ports this day, at
AlleQDeny City.
COPELA.ND A. H., ofTranty College, Dublin,
y . ex-Sizar. and Queen's Atholar from this Roy
al School of Enniskillen, respectfully announces to his
friends. and the public generally, that ha will open ID .
V.) the above ISISSIIII(1011 on Monday the Id of °ember.
for the purpose of imparting a liberal and finished edu
cation to young Ladies and Gentlemen .
The female department will be quite distinct, as Mr.
Copeland will, in conducting it, be waisted by the Miss
es Copeland. The PlineiPeL (mg , bib bxPbdbibv. as
On 'miracle', end by 6'nm-ranting attention to the moral
and intellectual improvement of his pupils, Haas that
he will manta share of public patronage.
Tema 'payable In advance) par seamen orb months
English Department—Junior Claw. • 7 510
into, C 1... (including wilting andaritinotiel• .Stn
Senior Class (embracing all the brauchesof a Wished
English educanen Sib
In the Cluslcal Department them will be en extra
charge, viz:
Junior Class 'embracing the elements of the Greek
and Latin Fa
Senior Class( i n cluding ic Homer. Greek Testament,
Loden, Xenophon's A...basis, iterodotes, select Trag
edies of „Eschylus, Sophocies and Euripides • Demos
thenes. Cicero, Tacituo Virgil. Horace (Oile, Epodes,
Carmen seculare,Saures and Llestles,) Stillest, Javan-
Tertatl3o and Wiry, Latin prose and verse composi
tion, Euclid, Algebra, fee.r • 4312
In the female department Ina extra charge will be
made for French, music, drawing, plain and armament
al needlework, Se.
For board the charge will be SE per session.
The Principal will pie any additional infoinctations
regained et the INSTI run:, corner of Eobineon and
Federal ma Allegheny.
Reference also kindly pertained to
Rr. Rev. Da. SPlLvsoia, Bishop
of Ohio at
Ras. Da 1.141921
Rxv. D. Hums,
Flxv. D. G3ax. VITO%
illaspmat & Bone , Patent Bed% Ash.
riNHE !subscribers inform their eustomers.aed &aim
A- generally, that their first shipment !"x the WI bu
smen of the above snide, bar arrived at Philadelphia
per ship Juniata, direct from the unanafactutara in
Liverpool, and will be here in a few d.ya. They have
several other sbipmeme on the Way—two of 'which,
vie: per ships Medallion and Lydia, nee nearly dens—
they are therefore prepared to receive orders. "
Besides the large quantrues they have coodurto the
camera cities (to be forwarded here by cum!) they will
receive donna the winter and spring. regular eapplies
ru. New Orleans. W M MITLeIIiarTREE.
Youghiogheny Ne•ell on Co.
THE st.kbolders of the Yoturlalohlictry
Company are hereby notified that a., clehrata wdi
be held at the boom of David Slander, on the be/laugh
of West Newton, Westmoreland count), an the first
Tuesday, Id day of October nem, for the putlHeeof
electing by ballot, to be given In perscou,timPraidem.
Fear hlanafers, a Treasurer and a SeeretatT, te con
duct the busmen of the company for the enttala4 year.
sept3-eldneusT J is OLIYFIIe , HoeY
111a2TILIM rnatelteel, JO. c. Caere, .0.1.
taCCra peed, 7.13 Sea, ILI.. AL Lanai,
ren of Vials, Routes, and Window than, keep
ecium•Ally on hand • general assormona of Ilke above
infidel.. Also, make to order • siapermo ankle of
Mineral or Sods-Water llordea, of eolorrd,-. - No.
16 Wood n, Pituilmocla Pa.
DIAPER-0,000 Nils single Crown deg awl Straw
Wrapping Paper, I.MIU bola Methuen Rug and
paper; &DOWN doubre craverug and
50 paper; 100 ad's 1:5-31 inch heavy
paper; bdie 1t31% , inch heavy hardware
Paper,soo reams ruled cap amlUer Paper. all quad-
A 0 gross svlsile Ronne/ Beards: leases blue
Facnery Paper; In aeore and for rate lOW by
augur-1 m cur penn and /rein am
11111 111116 1 r; Den nat. Cntn<r ofPoans
and Dec atu r, Ittelorees
Athenaeum Baleen.
of T R E lease of the Saloon, together with the Conlin..
and fixtures thereof use offered for sale; Ell , O
J re
PECK, ul sinnet,
Of at no. Sale on
Baulk is •
putctossed at the lowest rues, by NS m
V.ark<i week
oso. W. same &
PWOHJA their Mead. =I t h e 0,40. 7 have
1 oto e longer any elf 1.0 estabil.b.
merit la.l'quistreet, known its Use r a:llmq* Brewery
saSWERY; turakwe
In Pia street d •their eptize boai POINT
20 HIS 6., prime article ; do ,Jo; f 2 do 5s
small pekgs; IC co 11; Iran 0, 0n,g0 , .. do
do ; 40 do viper, W store and for bale by
eepl 0 teLACKLICICY & Co
APERSON with 0t0t..11 cete', end alp:minted
with the bustrters, le mite t ra utrfr-k on Iron
le be neated ...Et tee vet-loge Hearted. Ap
ply at the whet of Prnerel Ni e 7 s co.
Pittsburgh Ala Royale Copliolrllllll.
to g Company.
THE Trustees of this Pittsburgh and Isle 'Auntie Cop
perl. Mirinig Company have Ms day ordered rp,
ittsciaeleel of twenty-Bee mots per chars, payable to,.
John Irwin Jr., Treasurer, on or before the Sib de / on
October non By order J A FORSYTH.,
sep6-dtm j Seey
gmeyratt a Bane , Bleaching . Perreirder.
IQCONS of the above nsperior seueteilioportett
0 from the manstieurreor direet.—foir phial an ea
meetly tow price for cloth or approved hillaky 2
Q HOT-50 kegs ass'd ma for W. by
'stem, Yoh
1 Pnubargh
AI kghtnty City