11 Mil MEN 11MV420 PUBLISHED BY WHITE :L. CO. PITTSBURGH. FRIDAY 140alqrSCPT 848. PHILADELPHIA 'NORTH AMERICASI. Advertisements and Snburipuons the North Amer• can and ended Smite Cue., niladelpios, received and forwarded from this office :NEW YORK EXPREAS. We will receive and forward free of expense, ad vertisements and subscriptions for this paper. , NCRIIIIERCIAL LIST ASH PHILADEL PHIA PRIOR CURRENT. Subscriptions to this valuable paper will be mewed •.and forwarded from this office. o PlTTeltliGll DAUM Gszerrs Is ptiblished ugr n Av.ekly, .d Weekly..—The Daillts Seven Dollar. per the Trt-Weekly i. Five liars per sedum; the Weekly is Toro Denars per eurtum, Nt adnwcti grAnvarrnsaas are earnestly requested to hand Ciro WI., habit br. and u early in the day a racticahic. Adviniiseznents not moaned for a spec lied trill invariably be charged until ordered ou DI Fos lierrar Commercial Intelligence.DoMestic , kW, wirer Seam, Import*, Money Market., &c. tart pat ., • Doinoaratio Whig Nomination.. FOR PRESIDENT, ZACIWIT TAYLOR. FOR VICE PRIW.DENT, MILLARD FILLMO.RE ov new raiz- ELECTORAL TICKET• SENATORIAL ELECTORS. Tnentu AL T. AP igheestan t wlish4.ll l .. Joha P. Sormris mil of Lebanon. DISTRICT F.L.Ecroft 1. s. Joseph G ..Clark eon, 13. Henry Johnson, 11. John P. Wetherill. 14. William Calder, 3. James M. Dan, 15. William Mlllvaine, I. Thee. W. D alesd, 16. Charles W. Fisher, I. Daniel 0. Rimer,. 17. Andrew O. Curtin, I Joshua Dungan, That R. Davidson, 7. John 0. Steele, 19. Joseph Markle, S. John Landis, Hi Daniel Agnew 9. Joseph sehmucker, 21. Andress W 16. Moles Snyder, V. Richard Irvin, 11. William G. Harley, al Thomas H 12. Francis Tyler, 21. Semi A. PtIrVI.O • FOR tiOVERNOS., WILLI/LK F. JOHNSTON OF 13.1EFFILONO COMM. FOS CANAL COMMISSIOXEIL, NEIL NIDDLICIIIMITA.B.TII 07 o 110 T. ntimuosito .0.4 Whig Novntnatio FORCONGRESS,aOSES HA . OE TITITIETZEU. SUS ESEIIIII.T. LEWIS C. I. NOBLE, of Indi Wilkins. um CURISTIAN SNIVELY, of N. S WABTZWEL" DER, - of Pittsburgh DENBY LARGE, of MiMiu. ItECEEECIE HEZEXIAII NIXON, of Lower S. Clair RIAISTZ 4 , JOHN SCOW, of Rms. TIM 0, TUE 030 - ETI DANIEL 11PCURDY, of Elisabeth Borough vox combusnom, WILLIAM BENSON, of Allegheny eat. ATUTTUE, JOIN E. FOSTER, of Baldwin. TUE PROPLEM PLATFORM. "1 have no private purposes to .coutplish, no party purr". to build up. Ito metals to puntsh—ootlitug 10 serve but my country." he power given by the Constudrion to the Execu tl w h i m Interpose his veto, 'u e a high eon servauve pow erch should never be exerewed except in case. oiclear violation of the Constitution, or manifest haste and want consulcnanon by Congress." "The personal opinions of the nobvidual who may happen to occupy the Executive chew, ought not to control the SO tiGII of Congress upon questiorts of do mestic policy, nor ought his objecuous to be haved where questioas of coosOUltiortul power been witted by the various dephrtments of goverronent , and acquiesced tu by the people." ntlpcm We subjectr of the tariff, the currency, the im provement of our great highways, rivers, lakes, and harbors, We will of the people, ressed through their mprewmatives In ligressough t to he respect ed and carried out by the Fnturiva.” "Wat, at all bawl, and under all urcuuntanees, ts a national calamity, to be avoided, if compatible with national honor." priumples of our go ernment. as well as Its true policy, are opposed to th esubmga. lion of other nations, and the dismemberment of other eounuies by conquest, for, in the language of the great Washington, 'why should we quit our own to stood on *reign ground' " Z. TAYLOR. "A Little More Grape, Capt. Braggl" BOUGH AND BRADY NERTINGB. an pursuance of an arrangement of a Commiuee un tainted by the Rough and Ready Club, in connection with the deleges of the lam County Coutrenuon, ap. pointments lot a series of County Meetings were made, follosnc ANTI AfUINIC AND WHIG MEETINGS. At H. Reiter's. Plum Township, on Thursday Sep tember 14th, at II o'clock P. At East lAberty. on Friday September the Mb. et o'clock. P ,At Willunsburgh. on Saturday. September the 16th. at 9 o'clock P. M. At Colebaugh's, Franklin Road, Ross Township. on Saturday, September 16 th , at 3 o'clixk P. id At Sesrickirrille, on Monday, September the leth, at 7 Welock P. M. At Shealfer's Franklin Road. Pine TbarllSitip, on 'Peeeday, Sept ember the 19th, at 9 o'clock P. Pd. At Bakerstown, West Deer Township. on Thursday. fieptinnber the 2101. at 9 o'clock P. At Tarestinm, East Deer Township, on Friday, Sep tember the 92nd, at 9 o'cloek P. M., At artes Works, Shafer Township, on Saturday. September Sid, al 3 o'clock P. M. At Sharpsborgh, on Samrday, September the ilth. nt 7 o'clock M. • Address. P. may be expected from the Hon. Walter FOrertord, MOWS Hampton Cor. Darragh, Hen. Dan., J Mield. Dan Magehan, T. . Bingham, II Boyd, Band. Palmer awl others. his be understood that the above arrangement is - norm interfefe With special calls for Ward and Town - meetings. mlO5 P. A. MADEIRA, Pres`l See next page Or Telegraphic Neer. I/sumer Etscnom.—The retrials continue to come favorably. We have now returns from 190 towns, which show the following result on Repre %entativer Whip 106 lisauburners ........ ............. 40 Hankers 11 No cboioe There are some 240 towns in the State; but there are not usually more than 200 or 210 Rep resentatives chosen. The Whip, therefore. If these returns are correct, have already a majority in the House of Depomentatives The imperfect returns kw Senators indicate an equally favorable result. The Whip will have a inter' ity In that body. There is probably no choice for Governor by the . people. The Legislature wily as in several years Vermont ITeettora—Nore or the 'Striate Thunder. Our 1imit:5 . 4460t alkar usu. give the spirit of the Whig pram cfVemtcut. Old Rutland bar given a mun of five Whig members. 'Old :Addison; the Burlington Free Press says, is as true as steel. Though we have normals &the Cowen vote, the result of her Representative election= gives perfect assurance of a large majority for Mr. Marsh. The Vergennes Vermonter says alsce....lt Is very Cr. ident from the complexion ofthe rettmts given that Old Vermont has Dot been given into the Mods of the Philistinei." Of course, with three or four re gala? candidates there baibeen no choice ko On r ernm by the topple, hotel Whig : Legislature will settle, hat matter speedily and summarily. It most brremembered, too, that Vermont for many years hastoiled to make an election of Governor by the Bostoa Atlas in giving the election returns from Vermont, apir. °ln the 124 towns which we publish today; lb. Whig vote is only 170 less than last year, while the Irmo Foos vote has Callen off over three thonsaik The Wing Plutulh9 is there towns Imo year wai only 2300 i DOW h is dant four thousand. We have mot rcom kirfarther comment to day. The State b Whig, 'Whig all over, and the Green Mountain boys have ea the ball In motion which is to.pin .0111 Zack" into the Presidential Chair." Lana vuot Bmunma.—Denrectiats of Audi gamily o Herviama—The N. M. steamship Se. vern arrived it New York on Saturday, in three days from Bermuda. As she comeout, saw a new AllieTC6o barque going in, with boa of ruin and eaten mast. It was supposed that she had sailed from this port Or St. Thomas and had been over taken by :a hurricane. Also a pilot boat towing in a rehoonerturned houom upwards. On the 234 • ult., a severe iPalTiCatle Was experience:lst Antigun, which destroyed the entire place, it us said. Houses wore blown down, trees uprooted and a general de• valuation made. The hurricane was also Mb in all the Wanda, mhh greater or less One. At SL Tho. mu it did but little damage, but at Nassau, (N. P it woo quite severe. Na detailed account. had been receivedirom the other islands. On Our - Hook Sabi*. kr The Americon:Thresine sad Whig Jourmai, September, s ontameined wdb a splendid and life like engraved paean of Gen. Taylor, from a s pip; ited daguerreotype. The leading political article, is entitled, "the Whip and their candidate," by the Don. IL D. Barnard. We wish every Whig in the country could read it. The miscellaneous articles are ofthe =nal ementlemt character. • TBg Honviontscsat. Esurernon closes this calming. All of our citizens lobo have not yet visited the fairy scene,' so laudably prepared for their instruction and amusement, should not ail to embrsee this last oppottunity for the scum. They will not be disappointed,vre mum tham,atul they only reserve their own interests by encouraging the ktiprovitment othorticalmre to OW midst. All the money received at the exhibition goes to such tumeolle • Flowl*us—Texan paps/softies Vibe. have temp received. Au expedition is miseitul to set olikkat Sim Antonia to Philutailta,mith s view to woke s survey of the neatest sodhist ;tooth:able rola. Ttle exediA9i yi be snider the eves. - m d ' pj Cial-1, C.. gsri ! _ The whole distance from • --Saditxtunis Chihnahlafssedduot laSuit mem. cella 30d liamtorretri mild same piece the disuses is therifcce but link , over 400 mgrs, This espedition is to set out about the 4/1010111111WV011111L Cet