The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, August 29, 1848, Image 4

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Neither, Wife and D•nehirar
1 NTHE iiNtTEDsTATE3.—The samerit.r mw-ct
i folly calls virtu makation to Dr. IlAtinges Gleam
Mahn eXpressly tended for the preservation Of the
health of both se Zee—whether i a nts from Incipietn
Phibisia, 00 early etitlititilption.ltehtliry of the Lungs,
Bronchial Affection. Antal., Blestrisy. Belonged sod
Disordered state of the Liver, Spleen. or filthogyai Di.
cued voter, Cholse, Liropersiai l'itlfiltlat L a n or the
Heart, I ow! of Muscular or Nerypos Pewee. Ica ath
immediate relief of Females suffering from Irregalaxi•
ties. and all other Uterine difficulties and discaees mei.
dental to Wornan, whether occasioned by cold, wet
feet, or et/ ei miter issf umeioesexposure, and ell this
ye,,,,,,,„, the coo o f medicine; as the most delicate and
Scent.. lady can at tmy moment sppiy it to herself
' wi th out the po..ibillin et incoming say it or o onger.
any arthlesenst result. arming from It, and with the
eer . o th,,, o r o biaininc immediate rebel.
Dr H e rrera Guardian is no catch-peiory, or orte of
the moil hambucs of the day; but it is on sustroment
01000 p,Oll n u n sly keicelifie principles, in accordance
with the laws of Electricity nod Golvanom; and for
he-noires. duralitllly and efficacy, infiuitely eurpanes
everythingel the kind beef before offered to the public
. for the react el dpierwie. and. in the Imilnface of one of
the Moot colighteued men of the day, is proeouuced to
be "the cremes, discovery Oldie age."
by A Linl e n d 0 ( 0 0 0 1f t i ri.rintghioug font
lean hoe
to occupied i ' lls lee I
state of rrftetJon--tionlig which Wee it LAO been i n n
the bombs of some of thy moot erniate,i ftsiciant of
the. North and South, its well es :is the dwe 'nos of nu
merous noodles. wlos have used it for all of the above
purpose', with the most perfect nieces., std who hove
cheerfully give. their untrue' bed approbation of its
effiency end value. es can be area by referring to the
filenuistof Infirm:nom. necompativing it.
Dr C Lk Barrett's Guardian is secured Born Mopes.
don, ny a patent from the United States CaternOthee,
and Is hod tither With or without his Aledico.Eleetro
ale AlmlicreEleetroGelvanometer, In point of beau.
ty, workmenship. durability and power, canton be cur
roared or even sYvalled end the subscriber feel.. thus
he inroads nothing in the am.erstois that it will be found
, to paw , " more power and etheaey In the treatment
' nod remove) of Maroc". by Calve...tin and Electors.
. than ray other iodiroin- ,it, tali.. .11 me I. .55100
' les or Europe. The Meilico-Fdeetro Galvanometer
s warranted lit every nsipect. mid with common onli
nary care tall lust 5 tlitone, and is by fax the cheap!,
est, becen•e the bee.. iwruminit ever offered to the
public. A manual orrompentes them, giving the meal
arnpie Instruenons, of praeuvalexperience, so that a
is reathly . Intelligible tome mind of every one, while
th• • v • •my of arrangement Is such that a child may
s ...sle " n th iL
Any isfunis_don grutuitocusly given, and all comma.
nicauo-1 cheerfully ausweml per mail, either Su rela
tion, to the Eltetra-tittitelicirntlel or Lithirdien.
Mtilitel men see invited to call and examine Dr y Bar
ren'sCillart,lllll, Rod test toefficacy.
For sale by II 111C11AIU/SON, sole Agent, 71 Mar
ket on Pittsburgh. — anandtf
/AVER 5 , 0 0 0 PERSONS m Philadelphia
aitie, can iesufy to We wonderful efficacy of that
powerfbl remedy.
Inlcconary Consumption, Chronic Bronchitis and
Sateßono Throat, Asthma, Chronic Catarrh, Spilling of
Blood, I g. in the Side and Difficulty of
whooping Congh, Croup, Weak Nerves
and Picric', Trvincirs, litilintatioa of the Heart; also,
Liver imolai:tic . •. Tection of the Kidney,.
This nirdremr, • 'toil eta man who gave dm
subject of Pulmonary, and Pectoral diseases
the most ogul exerniuction, bim now been before the
public none 1000 coos. During this period it has per
formed...or Mum mom remarkable cures on record of
Pnlmounry Cormtunption—sernrod the recommenda
tion anti are of physicians to their practice, and the
wermest approval ol ihomnands or persona ill ordinary
and severe Colds, Curios, in Hoarseness, Spitting of
Blood, ac.
- - -
About fora pens miss I was attacked with Typhus
Fever. which hilt me in a outeratile state of health, in
extreme debility with at general prostration of the aye
tem„ with violent palurs in the bream and lots of type..
tate, to cormemitenee of which I a-at unable to attend lo
my usual Mumma penorm toy kind of work.
applied to 110VM 11 playr tamens end used varlet. rem, l
rhea, but vritimut any benefit. and had ampeired ofever
obtaining a recover) of my turner health. Dal rotee
time last Jane I was minted to try Thomson'. Com
pound Syrup ofTur and Wood Napa., nod it:credible
as It mar appear. by the time I had taken three bottle',
the debility, pain end every senor of soffering were
completely removed, end Iwo. able to attend with re
stored health to my stoffitTll.lloo.
Of Diekinton tovemehip i Consberlrmd co
Pond the following testimony from a respects/de
member of the Society of Friends, in Poughkeepsie. N.
"'This may eerily that pi the sprinA of IS6, my
health was very fiithic; 1 was ern. , ted with pain iu the
aide, with other alarming symptoms, and suffered much
from moat debility. At they time I porchaud from
Mose , Dense two bottles of Thonsoon's Compound Sy
rup of Tar and Wood Namirs, from which 1 experien
ced greet benefit, my heap heir; now good; and 1
chearrelle Reonlnwllll the artier" to an perm.. who
may be salering woo grimral debiuty. with symp oms
of adeelinc. ARAllirifil WILTSIE.
. _
PottehketTne. March 13, 194:."
Prepared only by A:suxus k thereon., at the N. E.
earner of Mall ounl Spruce went, nil.
Bold by L. s.."ILCOX. Pinsbortn . ond by druggists
generally. Prtec 50 cures, or Chu Dollar per bottle.
my 9
LUNGS.—The Emproestielated macce.l crluch has
treaded me nee or alo
n all the venous forms which is - runup:A of the as
sumes. has unlaced the propnetor uguw to toll nun.-
don to this
Tho changable wea:hcr which musks our fall and
stoner moues, aiways a fruitful Immo of
_ .
Thee, if neglected, am but the precursor. of that fell
The Auditor, then, liow shell we nip the destroyer to
the bud' how shall we get clear of oar coodis and
olds? is of vital importance to the public.
will be (pearl In the Panacea. In proof of this
We have Mona teat la - Mac imainhea tt a. carafraatoa yr
dozenv of our hew known closest+, who have experi
enced its curative powers. These. with a mars of &es
tummy front all pans of the cotimu,- , from
'Weimer. of the Gospel, Ae., together with copious noy
tens from the
we have embodies: , in pamphlet form, mid may be had
grails of nuy of nee.. tnioughout the coruniT•
have li-en oiled in this city.
throughout the Unind Suites and Canada. nod we cha
lenge nu) man to point Out
which. when-taken aecorihng no directions, and be
fore the longs hurl become fatally dworgainrcd, it hits
hoer failed in
Why, then, neon the nerlietell hesitant! •• by resort to
foe mv-ratne nostrum,. gal.n up by o ,
ler the assumed name of some to • g pop.
aims., rind puffed into in by certiaes c o t.
sons equal!) rink unsvii7 Wlnkt a medicate 01
I , to be had. "'lleac tourhely are al Lune ,—oar cc:-
bors,—any Of Watall It ha.,
In order that dn. invnlti•ble medicine may be placedi
ion the reach of the poor as well the rich, we have
pal the price at
jost orre hall the spool coot of cough medicine. tir
for sale by our agents innearly every town and village
over the west, who are prepared to pee full informa
tion relative to it T SALTER, Eroprietor,
Broadway, Cincinnati, Ohm,
---- -
A 51PRCHANT OF THIS CITY, who had been af-
Jilt. .firmed with the asthma for icon years, had taken
almost every thing His physiciaos consonaty &men
ded him. and be bad expended over two thousand dol
lar, lie never believed at advertised medicine', but
considered them all bumbuo• At lasi lie tried Do.
Taller:a Balsam of Liverwort, from 33 Beekman street,
New York, and to no weeks was entirely cured. hay
ingiaken only three bodes. This is only one of many
cures where imaginary olimmions to a paten! medicine
have prevented persons from using this meditine, who
have expended hu ndred, of dollars to their physicians
In •aiii—end in the end owe them recovery to the initib
hide efficacy of aim purely vegetable preparation.
There is usendstak, that this medicine is roperior to
any remedy prescribed by medical advisers. This
medicos, has Luken yeurs mature, rind is the sil
ken remedy for diseases e•er introduced to the public.
it 11.1• PM". Conan, ASP li/10,6111.1 OF
pl a i nt
Coviro!—Sutfe ring for a long time with these no
Ibad elven op all hope of being cured. I had
~c osul,
ed the botanic rind boinapathre d c is via I had
used many articles ail trellised, lot Mond no relief. In
despair I had green up the use of all medicine, /leer
ier, of the' reat , of on. Tayiors italsanoof Liver
.o, and dm groa t cures it had perform induced
me to try it, and tb mY arks/ city and issomminnent, I
was licher daily. Ino
its eas e also his Rogan
Coved Pill, mail I
t am entirely eared.' Dr. Taylor's
Daisam of Liverwor Is lest medicine In the world
for Rem compluids, and will cure every tae
:39311/ LAWRENCE,
Captain of the Nattcy,of Nour,York.
.Agrogs, Cram— I have nafered Dom the Asthma •
very long time, nod hove used every rosilicieb I avoid
obtain for as cure ha vale, until I tried Dr. TaYlor's
lialstini of Liverwort. Ting-medicine' has alrarded toe
thmost remoiest benefit. and. is, to my opinion, a cure for
is di s tressing disease, more especially, as I know of
may eases snag my friends, where It has been high
ly succeasfut. Persons inierested are invited to mill
at coy residence for further in (omission
MRS. S. RI/TON, SIB Laurens at
Sold in Pittsburgh by J D :Reagan 93 Wood at; 3
Townsend. 45 blarket at; H Prelate, nor Market and
3d m; Henderson es Co, 5 Liberty at Price reduced
to 91,50 per bourn. rea3
AIORGAN'S GOUGH SYRUP—It proved to he the
great Panacea in curing my child's dietreaaini3
Prom the Temperance Banner, Nov 31917.
Cora.. Si arr.-1%0 are not In the habit of puffing.
much less taaing patent medicines, but we feet dwposed
m er gaii's Syrup to Sinew who are nib,
ed with a cough. Ades having tried the s ent ,
die• remove a COnataot and &strewing cough, that
had for several day• inflicted one of our ehildren, with.
nut niece, we were induced to try Slorgan'a cough
syrup, and by a relict was obtarsicol in a fw hour. It
proved to los the panacea in this bet t rust
Prepared sittoleaaie and retail by the jiropnetor,
JOUR D ',IOWAN Druggist,
feb7 wood in, l door loslow diamond alley.
P.Ei.TOR•PiT u tinprver other crmeffies tot
Cmighs, Coessumpt leo, Brouchitta A Ohm, sod other Puler.
nary &Thous, is that the same personas ohoooraraeoesol She
Sr* of .t dicir freed , . ten wan ago still [meter it to all
other winedie•of the tool: cad any have been ioduced
to try other prsperat ova they have almost invariably hero
step the bead: which was reasonably
Late gated from the tort prsaars bob:m.l4y tea proprttiOles
Sad have returned - to the of Ja 'EtavreiOrtalT,
• remedy that has never toned to retie. Mira sod which
prot.bly newer had its ripial to arming pulmonary darn..
Prepared oaiy by Dr D. Joy. Phihahlphh, and mold no
hs A : err JellsE.l3
decaGaisrtf • %fourth
NE'S KAI& TON IC.—After ming thn aracta
trial we itithridatincly pronounce It to be what it prat*.
as —lbe but article, "'about way <reclaim:4 oa tic., forth.,
notrrstoon wi n
wearer...woe of On brawn hair. Ka know
of numerous initances where hair In twin rastored to heads
wtllah haw/base bald tor yam;
to we
ar ink Qo
grealor favor dun to recoadosod to all o mann wlao
losnig than hair, to =lie tivil of chirTonse bownedianly
Yaw wile in Pfltsburrh at the Faakut Tat Stara No. !drool,
at., lb oaf cotarSiftwT
Air t o l , t i r r bt r :23 . 10 . 12 1 , 0 ‘1 , t , LL rm LEII .. is far superior to all
June 14th, IMP.
This may certify that I neve to two of my ettildren,
three and Sae yews old. two Caspoonfuls Morgan's
Worm Killer, to each of them. Ilse yen:nest pawed
36 large worths, the goalies: caul: •01 have measured
less than .even teems. The eds. - passed so large a
number that we could not beFta to count them. I have
used all the popular remedies • 'ore the pubtle fOr .
WOl.ll l , but con say WWI a Cleat GO:11•LiCSICO. Morgan.
Warta Wet is far •tipttiOr tO any now before she pub.
Ile. thAidl.:Kl, JOHNSTON,
Bakerstown, AI berry =WWI'. •
Prepanscl and sohl wholesale andretail by the pm.
melon JOHN AIORUAN,r u = h 4
Weed seresel
- - • '
rr..4 , AluniNt' •1 0 1 404 .
The mod extroordinier 1 11..W,brld
This Zorroct pot ory good Zane.: It 4oi
times Mawr, plasma., aud morrantet is
paior to map odd It acres yid.*
emoittog. rare*, ricissiv
• or Atehilastme
Tha pew beauty awl auiverioripy of this Bartrapatilla
ev, all othermedieim.o riot while It eradicates the GP
rave, it tovhwaratu tbribudy. lila we of the very bur
Ever know.: it.DIA only puritlea di whole rystent. Ind
.tr.ngt hens the penoN but it creates sem fans and Pia
64nial: • power pawned by another unwhelna Attdiu
thr.llos Gm grand mere olio woodetfu/ socenta It has
performed wellio Ora tan two yew., core than koo,oca
ewe. of sr veraosee of dtrowe ; law ikon were
rointdared incurable. It tea anted the ilea of more
Than IAN)) ctuldren during th• two paw moans.
1.0,000 woes, of fienersal Debility andl.
woo ad' lefertoemr Energy. • •
_ Town:me. Barssimriiht insittimitro tbe *bole
tPtteet pmmaneody. To those ebb have bet their
dumalar energy, by the erect* of mediate., indigent
ou amen:Linea fo mah or the esceseive Indultemee et
, pan Mos, ha d heeeght eo • peenl physiehl mettle
th m eth, tn„,,,t, erases. lastttaele, vans et embithO,
tal ea./ seerptiodk premature decay amid 4/41.4, 4.44.-
111 g Inward* ltiat feed 114144.40, Consumption, ran be is.
Welt re4torea by this pleueint remedy. This
parilla is to mpariar to any,
.Irotrisorolliit Carafes',
14 11 renew. 4.1 11141g0411.4 the 4741.4. gives .ctirfq
te !he Limb, end strontth to the trulleular eyetem, la
meet extreortlinetry degree.
Causeirmysion Cutest.
Ottawa mei Stresitlice. Cemosoptipa sem is mind
Berackitis, Cestneoptima Lees Cletoheletita. Oahhi.
Ostaerh, Crisis, Astkaeg, s.pitttv oj nyK
Sornsts baths Oleg, xaruo Fiesi. /Vett
Sweets. Diktat, al. Prejlam _Rayed*.
reties, Pais be the Siets.4o. balm.
iota sail OM it cvti _
fins York April 2il 1847.
Da Tovrtrasstre-1 eriy believe that year llarsation
Alta Ina been the means tintieuth Providence, of earl=
my life. I have for several year. had • had Cough. It .
became worse and wane. At last.l rained large gland.
ties of blood, had night Svnitats. and was greatly
coed mod reduced, and did not expect te live. I have
ouly dead your Sarsaparilla • abort thin; and there ham
• wonder/1A change been wrought in Ina I unto. able
hi walk all over the city. 1 nisei no blood, and my
conch bat Intl ma. You can well imagine that 1 tun
theithful to, these mains
Vow. obedient easvam.
MIL RUSSELL, 6 Csabssine..
Dr. Tomtsend's Sarsaparilla 1.. mistress md
tem fin Incipient Consumption, Barmeness, Pre=
Simi, or Palling of the Wash °animaters Piles, Leo•
combo; or Whims abstracted Ol difficult If ensue..
tion. imposition. of ,llividuntary diSehmiro
thereoLand for Ma venom) prostradon of ltko system—
toaster ar blither dm nook of inherent mum or names
produced by trregt4.sity. insisu omichrem Nothing
than ha Invigorathe affects
on the Imam frame. Peri all !OM
Md. from taldrip it, one Men= robins and full of
t.ers =dm ire inflame. It. Immediately comnerseis
wenervelesseem of the familia tram., is Um rem
risme of Barrenness It will sot km espoeted of as in
CC.. of so delteme • siatore. to aslant eertiMinea of
elms pall:mated bat Ire ran moors the alllicuid. ohm
emalrodsof eases have Men reported to as. Thmstaide
of ..or. where families Imre beim witimet
alter a.tag • few hallos of this hrralaalile medicine.
it,. been biassed with rims health, offsprmt.
- - -
rob Extract of Elarepailla has bed darestly pew
totted reference m (ahem censpleinsa Ho Adak
who has rand tin =await a 1 is approachirqf that
enticed period, ...The hers of Wk.' should =glen to
take U. ea it le a detain peeredn tbr any at the hanible anima to dad fender are
enbjoet t We base of Wk. Thin pesiod may 'la da
leyeelftre snared yaws by deaf this madam. Nor
I. It leer rateable far than who no. approaching era.
manhood, o tt I. eadratated mann tadare, by end.
ening the blood and m who .(atom. Wed,
the medicine tett loblo far all the delicate diem
nw to which womee are subject
I[ emcee the alude spate" redas phtl . denntly the
ee. deities; by' ernterid the'lmpartlin of the
body, not eo far ethdlathey te produce sabsequen.
relazattert which la the dee amen ntedietnestabes to,
female weakness and dens. By astaa akerbottleo
Bin meddles, nnay entre ad pedal dryfnaltaina
dons may be prevented.
Great Gleaning to Mathew+ and Children.
It is Ora seen and tranCelieetual medic. for purity.
in the system, and relieving the mfferlors ntendant
strum ebillthirth ever discovered. 11 strengthen, both
the rernther red child, goner.. pain ant disuse tn.
and wnrirhox (nal. eh., barn used u
think s , is I:Wept-used le. It My 1..11i ..nth nen.ra
and after mainmast, es it prevent. darns. nuxenGsse
upon citildlnrtn—iv Costiveness. Pnr.L, Cramps.~ deal
tag raf Os Peet, Despondency, Hvaranni, Tanen.
Pain m the Book sod Lam, Talon Paine; 'tempering".
cud rionlaing the socretionv and equalizing the en
canna c hin squat The great beauty of thli
media= b, it i. grim. ink and ft. moat delicate use
It roost sueeonfully, ray ihe rant require any other
undleins,_lo some a Mlle Canoe linPrna l•
we nn Exercise to the open air, and light road rich
Our inediebn, alleays entire • sate and day to.
Beauty and liealth.
Compering, Chalk. and o terlety of preparations gene.
—'' 'Fi7 4 clg . IR.*" "
oflts ty. ey ose prow o mth
ch ec k the cheater:ion, which, ..13.121U1/11 k not thwart.
-.Poddeys or dm akin inflamed by the
alliance wait nrem bexeCilri4 fit IMO proancruer
lb.' '4 bootie fees Disks," ..D..D ex in Na garden el
rich and delicately gangland variegated dower.. A
rice, active wad healthy eirestlatbas of the durdm or die
coursing of pure, rich blood to the extretutticat
that which paints the casP.Mand la the norm catkin.
sits.bexuty. It la that which impares the indescribable
shade and Ilestow of {online . that all admire. but
none eth dewed. Thing beautv ta the °Gamow of no.
now—not of ?mein. er swap. If there o note free awl
hcalthy circulation, there ono beauty. If the lody is
fan. as Orison thaw. if abe pat., and am cosinethat,
tad the blood is thick. cold and is not both.
tifuL If shw he brown or Team, and than. is pure awl
arum, blood, it giro • rich bloom to the cheek., and a
brilliancy to their eyes that Is baseinstme.
Thi. it Irby the soutbara, and eepecially the Spa.
oh ladies, are so much .domed Ladles In the earth
who take two tittle emerelse, er are congaed in clam
mnrim or have Toiled their complexion by the opplt.
Ra of delevaans mixtooo, It they "di th ver
asa elasticity ofatep, htforant ephiu, aparkling _ eyes
mewl beeetiful coMplexiona they ahrookl troe Dr. Town
moreSinaparina. Thonsandir who have thed era
more than aatisAvil, are delighted. Ladint Of eeery
...ion. crowd our odlee daily
Notice to the Ladies.
Thom. tear Mahar. Dr. Townsend'. Sampanllk hare
invariably called their Mora great Artardy Lie Fr
stalu. ke r . nod have copied ow bUla and areal..
which relate m di. complaints Gleam., wm 1 fa,
—other I= who put op met:Urine, have, Ones the great
rue.. of Dr. Trtroaamr• garmparilla lacomplaint.
incident to firroaDA recommend.] their, although pre
Measly Meg did cot A matter of these lltsterm.
Lc., w Iniorltw to feninlek OM they cggrevate &YAP°,
and under-mire tha commtatioa. Dr: Towaseod's B the
only and bet yermrdy for the amber.= female core may, Waver foils of detain • permeuseet
a. It eau her takeir Icy the most delicate females,
•ny else, or by those aspect., to become mothers,
a lb the recta.. .tr.aavo. a u Prepare,
Ica prevents pate or danger, and arevegthema both
re a her aml add. Be careful to get the gam..
This tern kale cneclatsuely proves that this 'Bun.
peril/at tun perfect cotant over tee mooaboilFate
of .fie Mend Tfirei . pervans tarred In one &cue
Three Children.
U. Toorsiwro—Denr Btr: I bars the pleasure to
hforto you that three of soy children' hare twee eared
otlbe ficrefola by the ore of your excellent medicine.
Tony were afilleted very severely with bad Borer ; bar.
late, only four louden ; it took them away. for .64.1.
I beet myself tordergrest oblecition.
Yours, respectfully,
ISAAC W. ORADI, 106 Wc.n.-a.
°plaids. of Phpailefamo
Dr. Townsend is Omen daily receiving ardor, boat
Physicians in different parts of the I.lstou.
'nos halo certify that he, the andersignad. Physinians
of thn Chy of Albany. have ins:morons cans preach!•
ht Dr Townsend's Elusaparilia, and behave Li to be
ono of the toms venal& preparations fa the market.
.1. Wii.soN. 11. D.
It. 0.
albany. April LJML P. E. ELMENDOILP, IL D
. .
(=rug to the greaL =ere= avd human= sate of Dr.
To ellledd'e naraop4olla.l number of men ho were
A•rearrly our Agent.. have etimmeneed making Saeenpe
vd•eFooracte *Dip., flaws, Entree-Dot Yellow Doak,
be- They generally pat tray io lb. =me =taped boo
dee end ®. of them bare vole sad copied our &deer-
O•comome—tbey are only mortble= imhation., sod
=em= be avoided.
Prieelpallas 128 FULTON three., sr. Raildlon.
N. V.; Redding &Co.„ B Elmo atnet.llaaart; Dyou
r 1,12, 132 North Seconsl meet, Philadelphia; 8. 8.
fi.nee..Druggiat.-B.Btitnora; P. IL Cobs; Charlartou:
Weighs I Co., 151 Chartre. &nor, N. 0.; 105 South
P•nrl /trent, Mb.); and by all the priusipal Drug.
asul Ilan-hoot. greenfly throughout th• Vested
:•n. Woo I2.11r• ..o4 the Canada..
La—Persons inquiring for Ibis medicine, should
not On induced to take sty other. Druggists put up
Sarsnpariliaa, and of course prefer seineg their owe.
he not be decetred byuri (or Dr. Town.
mmrii, and ink. no other. l
Remember the genu
ine - Torio ir
niene Serstiporil tan sold by the sole ogee
R. F SELLERS, General Wholesale .3 Retail Acero.
No. 37 Wood Meet, and D. 3L CURRY, Alle f eny
ISM IN maxim,
IlliT IN EVERY murmurs 110h1E-9TEAD.
THE andersigned has long been convinced of the
I.nneessity for some medicine adapted to the use of
Cloldren mid Infants to !di...reedit Are 0.4 of all those
medicines which contain sprain, and hay at .erigth sue
needed in preparing and offering to tote public a medi
cine fully answering every purpose for sit dismturet at the
bo-eels, militant the kr.e at thEil cle.erenou• drug, or any
other calculated to tonne te: the irast. The infant Pool
area bits been tally tested are iried , the lam twelve
months, by numerous pens..., and feund to possess all
the extraordinary viituestand to produce all the mann.
whing effeets m get lona do the hill or directions. M
aritima, Vomiting, Cholle g Oriping, Mans, &owes. gm !
Diseases arising from Teething, acting immediately
without disturbing any of the IbneliOns of the body,
procl.ig the happiest and most pleasant transition
Isom violent pain to a tranquil and joyous stew of kwl.
Ina in the 11114 imam . .
T. be had wholesale and Mail, of Ras Protracting., Dr.
JOHN RARGANT, Druggist and Apotheeary; John
hlnchell, ' , llion & Iteckbain, and most other Druggists ,
a Allegheny and Pittsburgh. deel3 1
DK TowNsrzars SARSAPARILLA..-4q dozen
just received of rir,l'onnit,end's Sarsaneriberthe
t .et io pat a extraord
i nary medicine m the worldi._ Tr; s.
p n guartbottles. si
is x times c ape?,
pleuanier, and warranted imperial . tq . any sold. It
Otlfl.t. distatin ease
the.pati labium vareltnig, pargingi Wain:this Air
debilig ent .
Lona WI swa tweranows.—.llnprineljtledversens hive
copied our labels, and
bp-M.theille In the same
shapedhoula. Sea that each bottle battle written sig
nature of S:P..Townsend. ,
IL E. SELLERS, Drueedet. S 7 Wood street, between
Tblrd.and Feurth. is 11 r.'foaretsenita odlp wboimmie
and recoil agent for Pittsburgh, or who= the geenizur
ardele.ean be bad.
D. X Carty has been appointed the sole agent for
Airegheer.rity, of wham rile peed. Article -pan be
Writes the rutearlon of Myers to a sew emir of
rerde, of twiner asU irrel very law, lark
W • . IL fildiDEß t sole, •
/4../. TAXER* earner of Penn and FL Clair omens
ovposita the Exchange lintel. entrance on Penn street,
respectfully inform. Nets farads and VA public, that
they-ace prepared in Carrara and LUolsi JO everything . in I
the line of Undertaken. Always on hand a large as.
torment of ready made Coffin., covered, lined and fin.
salted in She very Lew manner, ell its and silos ready
elute Shrouds of flannel, Crant,rxk and antalta, and n.l !
'tarn Wads lo vpraved Ryles. We keep a large
SorlMent of arlti e and Nock, cation.... and kid (glove.;
sable for psi I bearer. and taverner., crape, caiss, ce,
lair, and every thing neccsakry lOr dreSsuo, the dead, ,
and on react/ankle krOss a. are purchase all our good•
di the Eastern mums Also, silent plate. for
the !Arne and age. We have a apleadid new boons and I
hence, and any ounsbcr of the beat Carriages. ,very
eking attended to promptly and punctually. oct.Ui
gi,minghtun, [near Pittsbarghti Pa.
llarehocio, No. 137, Wood street, Pittsburgh.
, WlL.k.r.orountotly keep on !mad good assort.
. ment Ws oof our own rusnurcre, and
s h icricinhk-lny • Wholesala and creme)
Chalals MSPertflany in,ted to mill cad ex
amine rirr themselves, LS we •-e determined to sell
heaper, Ouir. Waver before teen offered to the pa:J-
117` Cliarys sent by Im:4:Act-myna...A by the ensh
Yerelhiee..*:ll be promptly itoomird tn. (.43
S. Mc uvapn. /axes E. Lanl.ta
MULVA.N l LEDLIE nrartulactnrie and keep con
stantly on hand C. .S 1 °aided and Fiala Flint
Glika69•lll,-,ILI nil its enricher , . ait thew Waretroune cor
neae( 31artat and NV ater vane 13. 1 . ./0/11177.1.
Our 1l orks conunaa in tali opr Puma. and we err
cannlami y adihng to our raw Y. If h enabina as to fill
ardera watt promptecint. Puicnneer• reepectini,
solicited ha call and nano:tine prime and (-rms.
n.yllY I y•
FROM the very liberal e ocomare
•' p mint the set:scriber has rcce:ved since
, • he has loomed himself :a Allegheny.
.issvin e st • has i adaced him to takes a itr.erfOr
term of years, on the property he now
oCcurnes, is Beaver street, immediately beside the
Prcabyteritto Church. From the loop experience in the
above beau:cal and • deans re please, be hopes to mer
it and receive • share of public pawn:metre.
Now 011banit and funsinnty to order, Rockaway Bak
=agpes and pap Beggies, nod every descriptiost of
miriade to order, from seventy•five dollars to
etatAholteme I sepy-dtfl JOHN small
ai N. well:, `- i n. l' co ' rrlo,t,t ) .. n :r th ecc ' o . nn ' m e' o:l ' li:l:
BOW pig. ittenufnernred Tobacco, consisting al
hall boxes, oldie 1°1;o-wing improved brands,
James H Grant, Melanin A linigg,
Moon A. Wtlltamr, A Catianien,
8 Jona, & Son ArLkmald.
Webster old, -/ Tborawn,
June, Thomas, Jr. A II Aranntead,
1 Thomas fr. Son, Landhorn A Armurtead,
1 I' Comer, 1 Al Cobbs,
Gentry A Royston 1 A Clay,
AI A Boller, C A Hall,
Green Hall, Wm Daemon,
Pearl A Norwood, 1S Ulan k woodZl
Nola Page,
W H Vaughan, ' Krytioir,
Dimond Henry,
Fontana Itlolmmon, Russell A Rolitnron.
Kann, Rokunaou A Co. Pooh Hatton y,
R Metcalf, John Endeir,
Lawrrucc Leaner, 1 liobturot
limy A Gray, I) 11 Turner,
It Jamieson, ~.. York White,
I) Ad Brooch. ''' —ALSO—
Havana Leaf Tobacco, ',trapper, and filler.:
7 win do do dor
Cialfuegos do do do;
St /ago dr Cuba do do or
St Doininco do do do
Nona a. Guiden do, part fine, do
x)•,iic do do en
Kenlocky rariout elude/ do do
Virgiintit Leaf. sin stile form annfacturnlC and raPoen
Spanirh Seed Lent. I , n 1 n Conneetie it* and %thin
vtr t elitta Srrif pus,;/sts German Piper: Pipe head,
4 uoteh Stu/Lon, al d bladder,: Alueeouna NI , a',
To-.qua Beane. !Imam brim: I Itin Bone. Bergamot;
Calabria Ltituortee, Potent Cavendtah (inner, Synod,
tve. &C. PHILADELPHIA my 15 ,
T nE ''--
befints- , -Rtade on ille moat appnoved Eanern Wan.-
and mosaasktnnahle Eassolo pe,u4,ue and eo,ore. Alan
RHE CHEAP ROLL, or Bon PON num , . on heed
of &ado to order or ell mos end at all pmts.
Oceuetiy blerebon. end other. are invited to est) and
examine the above for Hemet Orr, ell all will be sold
erboteeele or retail and e !there, deduruon made to
erhoksab purobooto,
“n 10.) A N% ESTER V ELT
MAN , 1112,
tinwlyv I ,, =n ,horotsztoy r , tolvd snd repaOrd.
rIe0; Ily !,•.I (3,
art tt u
. t .tt ' hr: t t t. Ow, thutre. pro% 1.1,..1 t rt.
stylo and tat reat..onacte tertng. u trts.ned
.pare Do wipenae In making ht. ecanlttlnnettt worthy
of public patronage. He boa acconunottnnons for
todattdlng a few fatuities. Ice Cream, and nt.
manta suitable to the season, a,nlaantly on hand
tobtlt LEVI
Monongahela House Tailoring Extol;
"ISAAC WILLIAMS., Draper and Tailor, beg. In in
I form the eniseng of Pittsburgh and others, that ho
t• mow opening at Ws ruin. on Plait/theta •stn-ct. an
tler the above Fiotei, v large and beautiful assortment
of ("Jon., Cussintere, Satin, milts. and other hint
toprtiur with sorb other •rnele• requirod Kir
reetet r ia fe r e&
etyte. or
wei; of superior quainy. His cOSLOOMTS
Aar dopgr.d upon having their clothe. mode op in
manner rennet roll to gram) 'ms Mole of Ile
atom fistidinue,
rBACCC/-10 1,4 Ilranch 1 'X atkh,..
2 On 00 do run ror,d
Jdo do do 12**nd 16,
10 keg, No I. ntwl.t:
In no Pet Cnv,ndn.:+,
5 do da
M do
20 do h.lf Spanl.h dn. kn. 101, y
NIOKE 1101.773E—liartng takel and
toodaot. moaC tiou.e and Iia,nNOIt:IOLLSC ad
oluing out Watchouvc.oll thr ere , are pre
patcd to saloYe sod ante boron onmaAonai•`, wren.
C•nal Inure. near 70 at.
A SECOND HAND PIANO, cost ongloolly
and has Deco le use suout (our year, poet. LIQW
5175, for We by JOHN 11 .4k.LLOR,
Jel3 31 wood *VW
V, 0. SUGAR-3 Made perm, for sale low to elow
eousrlyoluent, by r. BOW N.
70 from el
NIT N1T5 .. 0 , 0:2 , 1115- 0 A A Ir e f n uo , .e ‘,. Co b., h e u nre
c b o a m nd
poem( Mull, Som., Book Clod and of
!meaner Aloslow.
w emery •ariely me*
Osceirro rsyrrpet__w r lua oio-ofol laver
11•. lot of Alooqufao Neu, of on excellent quality and
ronottooly cheap jedi A I.EX_AN LIEN ft. DAV
- -
C,„. V. 1 ,1
b""" " 1 " :41Th 1 ' 71,( : ;:17,1 1 1 Co
I AIL RtsAll “1-IUK--1/ne.,l, Hail Road Gunk
and Csnzabeer for 1.4, 'Nab Sectional Slaps cf
tba smut mutes of travel. A few recetv.rd • toi
for Bile by it'll .11 HNS r( & STOCKTON
fIOTTLPS-50 bales Tennes,ee rtorr nod
k../ for sale by my/..1 V. 11' IN, :rant
IDOTASII-9 cuts extra Poto.h, lust received •
consignment and for sale by
; , ..14 111 LLER rucKET.A.ox
C lf c II
2d lDEll— (o 2:; lt a b E : cortomy Crab Cider. )u.t
Liss OIL--20 bbl. LlDaerd 011, In fine .nipping
order • .st reeesved ettel lor oula uy
•••11.1,ER a KICK ErSON
I 1,;..111.k. L. au Itnnd mud (or sale by
1)3 J 1:11.11). 64 ('o, fill wood at
1 , 1051.7-700 — feel I anc.l J yIR lloae;
Just received by D Lerrh A ro 4 Line, and for sale
el the India Rub De; o. A cod At
out I 4: II 1'1111.1.1P6
11 AC DYE—A bl.l. pow'd, Jost rit'd and tor .&r by
.1,15 it A yA lIN I.6l'b'Co
(11111USTE FLEEN—I4 macs lost 'red and for side
V./ by auglb li A 0 t,bAo l'uth ACo
RYE FLOUR tor sale by
sugl; PAIN A DIL 17 wood 0
. .
10TrON YARN AND 11All'ING-1001b. Cotton
K_/ Yarn, inis'd hos; 110 holes Baiting, for .ale by
aagl7l. JUIIN S CHTH
LIONEY IN THE CO5lll-1A ca.s of very wipe nor
1j qualny. for .ale by
an! , ISAIAH DICKEY & Co, (rout at
p R'PD CHALK —e cause,:
Co.sle by
angl7 corner lot and wood lits
FEATHERS- rook.) l , . l' ltil 8. 0 .11 4
for•ole by.
pHOSPIIORL'S- 7 1.11 If. just reed and or wale by
aattla if A FA /IN LS I% o.lli & Co
fiDEESE-201 boo Cream Cher., nisi recd and for
kisine by uugl4 LIHoIVN A i.RI`6ON
- 1V U. SECAR-26U hbil. van.. grane., for role by
. maglu 610.10 N A 1.1.1...1.Rf0UN
. 0.1
lur o,lc very low try rod
TWEEDS AND CASSI3IE.E.E.S.--011 consigntnrat
ood tor seuc by auglo GEO Cetliti RAN
CICRN bIEAI.-40 bble Coro Meal, C Aoshote
I." brand. just reed and for ewe by
auglll tl k. W HAI:WAUGH
HERRING -15 bids No I Herring store nod for
We by auge 1 C BIDWELL, Ag
CIIEEZE—dS on. large cream Cheese, just received
nod for ease by
ESS PORK-15 Dbl.! !deem Pork, Nei reed end for
/.11 sale by magi° P k W HARIIALI6II.
VIA.JUR SULPHUR-6 Was justrve'd and for sale
cot lat and mood .o
p 01:3 S . CON F:—l coot Jr A t r j o t,y
ENETIA.N RED-10 (Al. Eon. Venetran Red, for
sale by mop J SC.II4IO,OIAK Ea kCo
- 11111: BEANS-2U bb:., small , nor attic 11- •
CIDER VINFI&GAt.--16 WA. for .ale by
augs FRIEND. R HEY a, co. 57 water 01
TAKER SKINS-40t' lb. for by
nue FRIEND. 1111EY & Co
S ER,1V—f, 41 ".",7 - 11grr‘„attrdzar
3/ARICAIBO COFFEE-4 6 begs bforlembo Coffee,
for solo by aog6 WICK & WCANDLFZ.S
JVA. VAPFEE-12 bog.old Government hva
gor do by *NO WICK t brCANDLE:33
TBlc-trmios LCair,
iEBEdiEII 1848 . Alligglim
W. T. 2.1•11131, Putabugh,
Puns 4 Co, Beaver }Props'.
eIIARTO. Caalts.u.tx, ' Clevoland
THEabove lone is u fre
ne prepared to trauport ight
and pasungers from Pittsburgh and Cleveland, or
any punt co the Canal. and Lakes.
One boat tense. Piusburgh and Cleveland daily, tan
ning m eoouCeaon with the steamboats Lake Erte and
blteagan, between Putshargh and Purer and a lota
of first class steamboats propeller. brigs and uhoon
era on lakes, Huron and kticiugan
Property forwarded to any put of the Union with
dispatch, by T. MATHER, or
cor Water and Southfield ma Pitt.burgh
AGIEZITS —Recd. Parka & Co,leaver,
G Parks & Co 1,
DBCoWs &Co, U'arren;
o!”.iok& Co. Breadport;
T. Lewin, NeqaTpore
J k E MWhotlese, Comphellspore
41 Arßride, Ravenna,
C H Kent, Frank/to;
hiller k Tuttle, Cuyahoga Fel/s;
ENde. Toledo;
o,)Aliba7.2e . Co. betroli:3fich;
H , eru;et. 1% dilarn, 5111 u -ima m ., Wia:
Winslow, Chiciaico,_lli.
TO/ T114,011 . 01tT • TIMI 0/ N 1 citcli 4,0122
`Bt Propnetors Ons old r stn ed and first
I Portable Dont Luse, havmg removed their de
potin Phdadelptuu, to s amen larger %Varehouse
on blarlet rt., than they formerly oreopted, and also int
creaseJ their room for storage at Pittsburgh, are now
prepared to offer mach greater facilities to their fnends
and patrons.
Goods carried by this line are not transhipped be
tween Pittsburgh and Philadelphia, being earned en
urely to Portable See ti Boats. To shippers ardour
and other goods requiring earethl handling, this is of
importance. No charge - made for receiving or shipping
goods, or advancing charges. All goods forwarded
promptly, sod upon as reasonable terms s by any oth
er line.
Canal Basin, Penn it., Pittsburgh.
7J7 Market & Od Commerce .t, Phil.
JOHN McFADM & Co., Forwarding and Coma.-
Sion Merchants, Canal Basin; Peon it., Pittabiargh.
JA.ITE3 M. DAVIS & Co, Flour Factors and Commie.
=on !Merchants, 27 Mulct, and 51 Commerce Pl,
Philadelphia. febtll
DlMS — Advances made by either of the above on Flour.
Wool and other descriptions of Ideirchandisc consigned
to them. lea%
‘TOTICF.--The subseriliers have disposed of their in
wrest in the Ponn , a and Ohio Line to CLARKE &
THAW, of Pitubargh, and JOSEPHS LEWIS, of Ibis
They will continue to transact business for the line,
at Moir Warehouse on Broad surpt, 11., usual, and be
s. for it a conithaimee of the personar of their
trreudEL Co.
Ptuladelpnla. March Mb, Ital. JAMES sTL. a
Panama. and Ohio Tram, rtalporn Co.
Doubie Daily Lane of
11111C1,111ED so slaloms =T 0110. BETWIMI 1111..1011
CLARKE 11.filAW.Cartalilasin, Pluaborgh.
LEWIS 3 BUTLER, 219 Market at, l'hilatlotphirt.
JAS. 'STEEL 9. CO, Aga., Broad weer,
COWII ,EN CLARICE d. Co, TS North at., MLR
W. ['ORRICK, Art„ 19 Wert arrest, New Yolk.
TIW. subecnbern bane this day annoriated thernnelres
toret.h, under the Fryle of Kier b, /one., for the
purr..e of continuing the Imniness formerly carried on
by Samuel M. Kier, and when a conmmanee of the 111.-
nra.l patronage, heretofore extended to the house.
H. P. JON.b..S.
Pilsabwrgh, hiareh 1, 1,54.9.
abIEZTII Inginatia ,
WE are prepared to retwive aud forward ireiebt to
the above and stuertnethaut places vette as much
&thatch, and at as low rates, as any other terponstbie
The attalllloll a.bippers mutung to kunst Pork of R.
eon to naltunore in bulk. Ls parucularly frutueitterl• tn•
asokurki as out arraugetuesug enable us to rum- sath
urucle. through la better order then any
other one.
KIER & JONIN, Prop 4...
Canal Basin, usu . 7th at.
Pmsbargh, Itlnrch 1, 1547.
11. !WM.
Lai Y. VII.
ommicsinn end forarardm4 Met
K l ett ! C M Wholeula Ikea. la Iron, 'noon.*
I.ll.eral caakk advxnces tonugantots. mul II"
ec•n a suir•
Pltubu rch.
C a PCTIVA , Jot. rltAx. armrtnt,
Too Y--• ---• UmJamtbe.ore,
. • - •
11F-NH4 GRAFF /I Cu. Canal Item, PtnFbargh,
DU lUD. UNI PHU': \ Co. No 147 Nlarl. st., PhD
c 11 N.OOOO. roricr Nerlit b. Sou-maga DOE
/aim P Clarke. shp. New t ar., '".".
1\7071CF.--Ttra stryb• of our nova be known from
I and atter thr. nate, 3.1 Frlt•ourgh a• Henry Graft
&Co , Pldladelptna, u Ithndh, Mot:doe's 6 t.'o,
ItiD.UND 0 DUTILII, /p h • a „, h a
HENRY GIFLI.IE. Ihtraborgh. marild
aititMA 1848.41MML
For ofPrrigit'ta and from.
a Cu., khrhultelplua
Turas A O'Conntort: Ittonl orgh.
ri , ins old establartsed Line betn k r now nr opera.
1 non, the proprietors have mads.aaten•iwe arrange.
mn. to forward goods and pn.tduce w Onapatch,.,,,,t
'e tne flout CaVoraLla terms. They <oar:Wenn, hopo
r well known promptness to denverorg Rood safe:, nt rood. or carrytug— warehou.
re% at each port. arTntOrn• arrommodatron.
and °angel , or produce--Ingether wlta there tong ',v , -.
fence and anntentoing norms*. to hoontra, ern, *near,
to them • rottortuaner of that lateral patronage they
here:, gratefully at knowledrre.
Ad 'et;oabrointeria hy and for thi• line n•teiveti, char•
ge. nod torwordrtl in any require 4 dirermnis free
of. name for f0111M1141,101, utvaneto, or mom,-
N., rat, threetly or inahrrotly. in steruni ~ .
A:1 cononitioeattootoprompt!). otterided to On - arpliea.
bon to the 1.00 , 1M1/11, *town:
f*,IIIIIDGE* CAtlit V* Market in, Philadelphs*
O'CONNOR& & Co, North .t, Iletittinore
WM. B. \NILSON. MS Cedar at. Near Nor), era
T i l i lkon i nas k a " Mlie l h n lxVrt r = d n I ° 4l tr7rZl ''
Heaver. and (might and pas•en,r Canal Boma he.
tweet, Beaver and Mlle, and C M Reed". line
laz• oteanaroata. propellers and reasrle an the La kr.,
la prepared to carry fretirat and pa•arn,err• to •I/ pont.
nt, tar Erie Canal, and Lakes F.:ne t Huron and Aliehe•
Daring every facility for colic.; ing freight and prier
mengers with proinprneax and dieparek the propereco
and agents reepectfulry aoiien trom their fneude a co. ,
toowice of theirtronage.
C 31 R REED Proprietor.
REED, PARKS & Co, Benvel. Agants
JOHN A. CACG 11E1', Ago.,
•pll for water .ezd larnithfirld rinsba n,
MAla r. 1848.
To and from the Eastern erne via via Cm. &m g .&
TILE proprietors of M. popular Inc ~.5.,„0 0 t o ot ,
re-orgattizatton largely increased es
meet the wishes of shippers; and are or BAY
forward a greater amount by ate g DAV IJNE,
as to
al. by additional regular wag.. lo w
This Will run throughout y ooc d o t too th io
goal. throw h the NMI. so BAWD. , ce g , prop t o om E
to owners and constances at &acme ed nitre and tisre Elhtptmau .
from Philadelphia for the hue abotild ha
matted "Cara, J B Robinson, Bo tum or ,"
The only agents are,. .
J 0 0001..,100N,
02 0 Charles at.,_llalthnonet.
EDGEWCON & Co, Cumberland.
• W Drowns',lle.
fob; J C BIDIV kl•le.Illrylk
E C i t . ! r . E :UN I . LIN it ;
Av..acy timberland from IC holm o Lm f
hiding k nen
to that of Edgerton et Co.
Bettolningh o oleos mandarin are opined the J Ba,.
iy nubile*. no 92 South Coarlea et, Baltimore, a the cool
authorised arty of this Lt.. the Eastern cßiaa ,
The only agenta aro
J O BIDWELL, Pittshurgh,
0 W cArs
EDOnn TON Cothrmberland,
d.,231( J B ROBISBOV, Baltimore.
no.LiLlatoalt, WAALtaXGROpt, niILADIII.
MERCHAsNTS arta °them. . ending good. are iutor fn.
od that this Is the fastest, surest, arid most re N .
dnoou. tone going Easc, connecting with Adams Alm),
Express deny, al Batt/move
Through receipts will he given to any of the above
places Meretumittire ime packages of any siva or
weight forwarded .
Express closes dully at 3 C. n.
novlllef Fle Charles Hotel BeiJelin,. woos.
• ,
Western Transportation Company.
MM ._ 47 .0 1
D. LEECH do Ctes
1848 ' . Old If.etablished Lines 1 , • 3 4 106 '
VIA .31 AAAAA .Na 411110 1.11. !m. o .
A RE prepared to in. .sport goals and per,dace to from the oboe ye Clue. on favorable term., and
drew or apply to
H. LEECH t Co, Cana/ Basin, Pinaborgh.
HARR/8 & LEki.H, No. 13 le lb Soma Third st,
J. TAYLOR &BON, Ago., No 14, N'th Howard rt., Bah.
A. ABBOTT, Age No 7 West street, New Yoe,
Pittabtulb,ltlaren Ina. ewer
Passenger and Bansittassee Omoe.
AHAMDEN & CO. comnithe to bring persons
frote any part of England, lr-land. Seat/and or
Wales, opoo the most liberat scram with then
usual punctuality and attention to the 1 V7414 .4 COot.
(on 0re...v.-a. We do not allow our pewte r sera to
be robbed by the swiedliug warms that we., the „,e.
00 we ,„k„ charge of them dm monieut they i
portthemselves, and see to Mn e well being, and ~
watch them without any determent by the first nitre
We say th is Giarthealy, as we defyone of our Pouen •
gees to show that they were detained 48 hoots by,-us in
Liverpool, while thoosands of otters were detained
months, until they could be sent in some old craft. at o
ch"P rote, whoob toe DaquanilY Proved 'heir coigns.
We intend to perform 011(.001111.CLIB honorably, east
what it may, and not set as was the case lasi season,
w,th ether otheera—who either perfonae4 not all, or
when it milted their couvonlenee.
Drafts drawn at Pittsburgh for . any sum from 11 to
at iny of Ilutpcovouctot thuds In
1 4 2:1= 1 ,Fleolland and Wales, in-
Enrolee= and General Agent,
Intl PIM sneetonsi doer bakrw Woodi
Valuable end Attractive Yew Hooka)
T AIIARTINE'S Ninety of the 6ismattats, 3 vats, It
ji MO.
Shuns' Life of Chevalitit Bayard; 12 too.
6. I'. R. /mem' Life of Henry the Fourth. of France,
2 v.P—..12
South's Conceder Cide• of China.: 12 mo.
brooder's Lee of Jesus Chrtab F vo. ^Gl•;',‘•
31arbei s a Fruth Gleaning.. ora new Shen! !rotthe
old held. of Continental Enrope.
Capt. Henry's Sketches of the ](saran Wan 12 mo.
6/eig*. Story of the Battle of Water.: a too.
A Simmer in Scotland. by Jacob Aubor IS nth.
S/ertiondia Literature of the South of Luerme, 2 vole
12 mo.
Ruston'. Adventures in Mexico and the Rocky
Nlounta; na l It trio, rkn manna.
Panther.. Rork. , of R. Thee. Chapter*, D D„
L I. U.
The Practical A ntronomer, by Thon. Dick, 1..
Life of Jeremy Belknap, D. D., 111.torian of New
Ham pabi re.
Luther and the Reformation, by John Scott. NI A .
The The 3fiddle Kingdom, mob a new map of the Empire,
hy S W. Williama.3 rola. 13 inn
The Power of the Pulpit, by Gardiner Spann, D. U.,
The Bethel Flog, by Gardiner Sprint, D. D.: IS tun.
Tearlung oSueuee, the Teacher tit AMU; by Rev.
B. R. Hall
The Czar, hot Court and People: by Jahn S. 11faxwelL
Lecture.. Sliakspeare. by IL N Haddon.
Th.. Artist/. of A merle a—lllunt rated yr.ih nine engrw
ying• on ore:. a:Merit:taming skew.* of the live, of
Anat., lonian. West, ;War, TrumPlL lk be;
Rea.l.rnatt mule and Tim.. Crawford; I vol. ,
Tu. 11ratore of France, containotg rig mein,. of the
live. of Lamanine. Talent Napoleon. par. A 1,10..
...Guam end other, with port ra.t • of env li
e Naroieon und Marntta,e, :o in. 12 too
Headle'n Wathidginti nod hie Generak 2 vole. l2ra
Heaths:o Sacred Mountains
al/pr, to,ther a ah a large collection 0, - Stand
ard Wore., Ct. ,, ir al and School Book, for sale by
1 , 3 rota, roneket andnte
leen work.. 4 role.
Challnen' Daily Scripture Reeding,
' AletFr of tlx Life oi Nn. Fry, 2nd vol.
The ' the author of •Selloolgirl In Fr snre:
had Mary, or Not of the World, by Rev C 11 TR) . -
lor. M A.
Mannar, or the Pearl, do
Mork - Clltlion. or the Merchant'. Clerk, do
I me of Pollak, author of - Course of Ttme,"
The Liam., by Caroline Fry;
Lectures On Shalt speare, by II N Hudson;
Life of iniver Crumwell. by 1 T Headley,
Nmuileon and hi. Martha, do
Wanhington and in. Gene rain, do
Power of the Pupa, by liarniner Sprits, 1) 1)
Bethel Par, do do
Reltgion Teaching by Rumple,
Pulpit ()rani. of France, 11l Turnbul(;
Getnun o 1 sec:nand. tin
o f
Rowland 11111. Free Chorea Pulpit. 3 vole
inron tit France, Mo. 01,1111.e0 Ltelloom , Poems.
Margaret Mercer.
Jacobus on hlattl,w, adapted lo I.lrnon (Zuentio.on;
Arthur. Popular Tulsa- - Htehen M the %V otid.'
I •Maling llama to In. ; !lichee hove W toga,"
1 1 iner1
ntsg up .3 ppearaiieek. Inor and reedit, re -
Pot nale by F. 1.1.10 Pf 11.
n•l5 7... wood and :Amor tel.t
1) ECM VED and Mr .alt. G. w‘a,
EV nod turnout Caleitatok ,Falion Mlar ht nen,. h)
Nunn. & N tete of N.M.& Chide. P.p..
with the A ilin.tnor tit, uO4 t. ken 10 EttOnn tl by Mr
Coienants. any o,
1111 l 0) lepOtMonoe ot ad.
ration for 0,, elegant tper One. of Amen coo nk ill
and ingenuity. e l l,ted the th , owing rem.'. !rum
S. Thulberg. the greatest ritititnt
LAN... Jan 1 1 1 40
hly Dent Str—luenclo.tha a letter to my trend. 21 1 0
Yuita, I Cannot reason trorp lotun e tpretleing
Itt )011 how much I picn.ed with tlr
Attachment.' wwh,rl, I rotund., n 4 a great M..1..1eal itn•
pro•emmit. Iran axon, you that my p•,11 I •hall
with great plea.ure do my tartio.O. to make your town-
Son kuoteu. For aate by II 14 LEBER,
ll'oo.)teril't. anrnltore room, :al at
1,,a, Pr.ta.n aini I rekto a. %MI an
appendlr. romaimno:• on Etl-f, caarn
Ue* androethra' Owns Lly .11 W Car . ~, I. D
Angem. et. 11, 1114 author or "1,01114 Wynd
..,,!1• , 'ol.nro! a novv: Bron•ou, author 01
•• Thiciplme
Vol 01. Dolly I , ,ntoral 'te,,rrny, By thr tat ,
Thomas t;tzion,,r, D D. I. 1.. D
WO lam 0 • Cotta,r, u cook for ct.'“lrvn. By tan
nuilzot,n( 'HI.' 11, t,rl " he
11 , above vforl" rec••.yrd this dav end fnr knl by
Ant.l .3”100.TON k rill N:IC Res
NEW ROORR—M , Mon.& o( the odor-non of
Metb0 , 11.... the Ennfero .ufte•. roruprt•oic
nouce , * I , Seariy plearher.. Aketchce of
a• fort clutr fal rem ttttt cc/well ui aft r arly urufr•
u.uf sucrc.c., by. Rc•. A fitcveffs, :61. Just
Alemmr erne,. Thirld D D. late W.,°nary
to I.llnua . by to . nepbove. Rev ri H
&tarx 01,1 to .z. In< &V,rellant's, Clerk, LT H,ev Litarie•
N , A., •ull,or o - R.tcord,4 cot •
Mar l ." - Alurgarct. of :be l'ea &c A<
The nt tat large ...M0.,. of Ile , . Look •, os,
hand and re^tlvir.x. rg ELLitirr & EN , I.l+H.
a-at M rnnrte , -t
1 4 `.1i,:11.18E1
.11..1 %v.., an, cain,..".en.
ibe .by in
,be.t ,oun innm to. 1,11,n oat , — vol•
arxes—ot Ir.. co, nuanen..• amps and er,.
, Aria II!. from
110'5 Lana. Frrn..l. SIAN. , and Sketebea
CYas Just yrc'd and .0 we by
nti marl, 4tre,.
Bletalle Fr•olle
A SI . I.EA wAkorwnerw of Row ,
wocnt locwL) Ph•
fOf RA,
Cutilll hitzwn
rirw.J Jsr.n.
ttuntrrn 10l
11.1-LSTKAT I 1) Lltl ri,,N OF TliF
.) r. COLITFO of pub. t.) lor t .or ;to
;Leo, :Sow 100 l'o w eco opuoted twr.i..o par.
Plan Ist oo.cord toot tor sale
JO wrock - rox,
r murk., A..: ot
18 - 18
UK., VI A AND )!A 11 t.rxE.v,, kvntiKr.r.
- 1.1 .ONV. l'xrt Fo , 3.
I.AN Copt ,Vo: , .ern
\ of the n6o•n- 1 ar lei • leoro la. v•r every da)
/Sundays exeepla dI lord am., next II el rpkvig
Ocar•en n wto. • n•talee. for
Akron and tek.eland. errtv ng ur nook of Oleo. p:sarr ,
60 . r" ntFdt. fl u e Yet. loner Warr en. dud,.
ad 51 . !V, ... d d ...nye Breyer 1.0 11/14!
toorzec meornOoot lo r Col rt•orgn
t • r) . 1.1,. A I.F.FTINVWF.I.I- Warren. .
MDT A VI,OR. .. wpr., fs.
TlllllOl,l, I To MI LANAI IN 1 , 061 T NOV 11,
Cans Park et— r• NNW,. Clapl Jethsea.
Tuf-Nif Poi fork.
• 1., • a ha.. Truhy,
- CrynoNt, Brown;
*rt. e,ovc Paauenurf Poe ken. have.
.ntrored runtur, between BEA VI . :R AN In ERIE.
ate ,131 coo 3 . -u - olarly darn, ;he
n Inofott - onn ',our
I. ' 3 nog Erne every ninCtlal, at u nv],e ,and .we lane
!leaver every ev•nnr, funneuoano) inlet lirr alTi
0( Velkll3bna , Nlffungnot I.oln Pitt•Ourgh_
Tb , tuna. arm new and counor.ab'y turniatf-d. •rof
urn. ru3: ihrotault boo, Puounofrr• In an%
pow f on too Lake,. "r Niadwfq 01f3 , 1 /Id Um/.
rOlll. Ihr Turn, comfortable nod r‘puolnlou.
throuth to por... the Luau eau I.e procured b)
rouus nig to 31, propnelo,
1it . .1.1D. PARKS & rojteuver
JOHN A (' A ri. H Vl. ent•norgn.
eor It afer sod Sznanfle_ld
C Haman, Buffalo. N
C Reed Erie. Pa
C Cltlrk GrernylVe. Pa.
MTutlaud and Km, My Bend. Po;
flay. & Pluznh, Sliarnahurgh, Ca,
W C Maim, Moron, Pa.
I) C NISLUICUra.I . III6,4I, Pli,
R W Comtiligham, Neu, Cricle, PA. jy
treatt." - A 1848.
Di.rrw EEN . tu . sburg 131...ir5,11, JOTIOATOWII, /10i
,LOO " 01111ITI/IgdOß Cu) stud Ye
tergtru nrk.
rho , . Line was exelesi•rly for the merle! ac
r odation of the way buelnesa The Proprietore,
thenlrf , 3l for th.• very liberal patronage they have re
ceived doting U.e laat two yours. would relpec %folly In
form I . frsen. la and the public that they ere now .111
better preperr.i dolly, coods at alit on ill..
Conn and Real .1 ad., won promplae•• and dl•patch.
JOHN MILI.KH. ..k. Co.
- - -
A 1:F7174
Thrkworrh A. Wood., Johmooo,
John Miller Holhanyaborgh
C A Nl•Anulty & CO, ca.,l buain. Poo.burgh.
11 mrlouvtmos—Pno.humb—Smnh h Soldnir. J &
Iln Devitt; (/ & J H Shoonto•rger: R Rohm.. & Co; It
Mo , ov,ll4ploy & timilh; John Pnrker, Wm Lohnuer &
Co- ro Shoenhrreer Je9ll
Po nnaylvanla Canal & Hall Road Ex.
prows Fast Packet Line,
for ransengert.)
glint public are respectfully "donned that thin Line
v.ill COMllllollr< runnuig on the is4t, and con
tinue thro ughetat toe :teat*,
. are neve, and of a superior class, with en
larged onbir is, winch will give greater comfort. The
,h e lota construcuon.
A bon twill Biarnyli poi,. and travelers ore re
questod mall mad niamine them Lenore engaging pos
tage el., where.
(Fare o nine dollars through line of the boats of
thist, wtll leave the landing loppotiir I:. S. Hotel,
corner of Penn crer• ' and Canal, every night at nine os.
clock Ti toe :4 day. For nib noun. epply at the
Otter. Mo. ionguhela lipase, or to 111.EO:ilk Co
Iry Carol Ihpot
Mery !sante - 114.,nisporsa . slosa Lissa
1848 . ;; 71 - *ta
VAN. 01.. .11.
GOODS rooa isn. d t o o ur care veal be forwarded
~,qtkot.t dell ~, tore lot pest current rote*.
c o nvi l Lsin, Penn at. Pittabotah.
ME 8881 "'I.E . !. ft. BEN N(A.Ils
rnu'd sat Market • 1.,
ROB - K, II RILIry &
ie`di wl, tr . !. Ile/unser.
daily. Prod me. . and n iota:endue tenets et toe , rote ' ,
Merchendige trom bal mutate brought . out at ennui
raw. Time, five 1119 , 11. C lAD%Agi,
Water m, Y doom ale>e, Mong'n. lictuen Ptnnburgh.
J U RUBINteON n 130e:Hki,
my!? g mth Chadea at, galtsmore
t.. 4 l`r 184 8.
kik.TWE kAIsALTIAIOR, At I't au4ottoti.
1D Mae., 5 d.Y.L. -La
Merehan lin tr.nspune,i., Cannl ru ca.
Folisrry nuricAN, Arm.,
wsr suaaL Plusourgh.
1 , 09 v tight 811b34 =DM
_ _
For the iteeovery of L.rmatit and Improperly With
held Real and Personal Esuite--the tzlettlement and
• Arbitrution of Cotrtmerebst'fnidiets; and Mel 'NAT.;
Seconng Yeneots for 'Emotions in Octal (imam,
ire's.. and are , 'o(ozzlest and Dependencies Pi Irvin).
to NegOtitaing !Or the PnrelloAe or
Sale o , the .oror
pnampal ohjset in the establishment of this
t• .n set at rext in the mO.tan.faCtory
r p0...1e, ant numerous slatnis
for propert, nin ['C. of the I.:nited States really
bsye. ,z, nusslne they MA
possess in England and else
'hi< e•Forto of destining and on.erupelocis Men have
b '''''' "''lt*, y eJ•gaged an likatleill 4 Nie a w•tirt olt .1.
suliu gi.,J) yianriera, vr,th a vi , s , lo iarn, ,r-eu•ia
tn., and evidence. ..11.e in. have teen -o fren.,e,.. ,
brought in I.,ht as to render a ur.emly ii . .messar, :I.a
an utiwe ..- e•us,.4..ned aavi, wr Ili Coln. at the ......
fart.o.l ut thope sv,u bane been de , uded. a ol id r•th
li.h we c,im• di yoch us the r.b , ,ul I e rs la Joan-
It.. proper .> . or that which are
io withheld
Arne,. in Inn leading pwrsiala ,n Cue principal r.,,
n: ,le 1 . 161011 I,eiregnenny arTyaring, headed - row,-
ley 1 - :.tnie." '1 I .reut Fur.une for Stonseotly,” -Mt...t
iny. kit ine Iluayhtott, to I , .o.eeoter. -. ` C ,, .e Nleci..
nig, - be Or .:he math..., of which are treneralty la,-
yen acettize pramiee. oi advriourert. wllnor on'y ob
ject in io In.! upon puldic rredui..y. by prod. 1, an
Li ..
excilemeni vrmeh may re a 7e or ihrmselyes maned,
ate rue... 311.1 who bre grY brolly speaking. mahout
the • I,lr'-at knovele lye ift _ adineeto they rut fi h
The evidence. of this be. ig a mei •re e , cry where
apparent, as 111 110 0110 sully iiistaime hove the, i,;
founded einCeln , n.• ideins Aul/...1. and . . with a
, Ire cur r ~ -i ron 0(' a 4,14 11181 1!Ift sif.orrl . .er
ha. effected the moot eaters. , arrungemeni. in satiety
amusing. pa veils. in sati....) incE of those
suilumwed by Mimi) Conncetton or diaerws,
.414411 11.41 i114,1”4144( LW, inve.uguitun .... 111111,14444 onet. inv..
v., re.ul. of the moot p.wpc.idot. ma,i•nole
As ro
tard,. re a, es ate in I.:data/Id, 11, bull of It 1.,
sotorot tu die lad• 01 E411111120d PrIM0(.1011M uW
ev, melee the rovoludou Tait, Ins p/111CIpli
hot e been Aubtected to ilia changes wttich alwoi s ta r
on rovo . udoit. ennitioud,, and change tit /toe);
a el adhough 'here hnOe l,cer .o. call laws pairedto
particular purpoues. ad ,no.e width have reicrunco
dins subject and which v,cre pulocd ouhooquout thore
t.•, are at, I avnikble itof le b itim 'iglu. It to
110, how Intended in di , advertlaetnedt, to refer
to the 4 .11111 MC. .evolutlou or 1776 at
which period, a Errol latanoer of perso. entitled in va
riot. ways to property, *Oa idtoiseo too same by )ointd,
the revolutionary party. Tids at, 111 died', was ...ail.
o load io conhsca'ion whore it woe cdroody hind
Ly seen tidlivoluat,d ho: who., tool, abandoding 11.0
killlo Wore !teal 11.141CG•610, 10 the Wen poonegeoro,
the race Leconte altered. and alienation from borne an 4
fonnly were mode the harriesryntiel inberttence.
Another militia source oi do.ostdralton ta found in
the L . /m.lounce lhvidene Book of the eon it of Enalaud,
and II tohnia uut doe., each Ellgil•11 naton that
lies ever exteteti o• a holder dll landed propery. 10 toe
moot reliance of thr imprittrip.rd trader. in politic
The mode. of ine pigment ore exceedingly noinoor mo
in all parts oi Karupo. but ta Idnala per tridar.y no;
and the sulo.crifer prepared Id shrew the utrirttee
watch 1/1.1.4 , •te• I nvenig.oll in oily ot the
men. above triode,' to Ite.odea ail the.e. there
prope,y pomtively be,,uoatbed. add Which. I,Pallor.
qll , llOl or the 11,CISCV.01 to whom it led.
I-router .ed in and out,,,ect 41 the l:.wa of the
Court of Chailoor.
• • • •
In all offAeft, ef, , y, of auppowd femtly ronhexion. tt e
mma pos. Vt . and eta 0110riati41011 coil be odor.
Lied afs to lilt' in,. to ItteinLiera
iio inittl<l bow ri alto, the da,e. o sett/101:v y 0,11
iicuft tn..•ugailo., offtl where the r e :rse ha. hire...
41, &ff. of Ina 00111tiliOus pere6.f.
who circle...llo a It Luisa letlgt Ottpuielta, alit/ who
bey, totogether fatted olffrit...g, or omitted to aTord
for itabrrilatioli sough/01 their ApeeiohA.
ors. mud deJoAlOn. the Mt more rendilyunder-
Vakru. becatiac of the ffreuier altlislaollol4 /11
where the pref....A at caner% have offtstowl so moth
...fern,' confidence.
In lite cttl• meat of Commercial. Tradlnt and other
Dem., theHeeetteary legit, and mercaottic Art )11,
Lrought Lo bear, a., experience o, Lelia centu
r) n
pnrucular brach, ti the lyest evtoleoce that
ran be afforded .1 the . that .111 be be.tosvetl on
matroncoming ...ler tlu ke J.
I tveh..., other., re! ent r'Rh"L red
L:t an) ur a. part, 01 i...lrupe. can have tne aante rice,
tr tfing cl.nrge 0, a ut ahoy, the tt-ou.
rt , / 4tt'e ' d L.‘alt e,CULIP4Ir) KV , r) I .:orosn-
w,...tan tone. L . ,c rtic , alforiltrd
al• p truc..nri) , bilg:Etitd. [or ~.1.4,4111g tll
1 r.,1,1 A., A, 0114, mos,/ ,c,•,ve rbtru...tor I,r.
L:L.,.tict 00. utet l 0 of wraillk mad hw.l ,
tr•pe.,.....1 - r d,purtm.nt
t• r+l r u
tloczeioln:.o: Our
pan., ur.y s 4.4 itc,l to lb • IktuiLeti ottlin
c)olumuukruuot.. t,l .ixer to
pull 131. N 115,51 FAIIIAN.
39 Warr. r errcur. New 1 ork.
lion. Chas. Lucy, lung.. L. L common Plc., N. S .
en,s. Laruid4r. A. Cu.
h J. r
(I IL A Rink cll.,
61 NRF.I sehro...
A l'olv 41, k.sq. erea. L. 1 . .0.L . .011a gi
n..., Buffalo
r r HE ofrr• oat, a•pertor ar,:e
of brick tor buildsot made II ,cam
i i s
onprovod marbiva, .a vMt 6 he paicsal
agr. , • . ol.r pkartha., E. • w mu-a guarani., tent
”aes . ur , 'roar and Wet wrath
1121 111•• .......awatiara tiata,.ataa . nau an)
imek, po•arying arratcl Lod) sad -upcnor
ands uaca mora dant,.ir CVOr) rach tualt
L.-mg 0 10 a prr•ou, •,,ural Lou, a.. 41 poa.
K5...11g • 1.101.1 , 00. aui•ag, aml rac“
ok- a Ittp•t caua• u. tac t•er! tro kt .J r 3;
LB Euo.
rullng ham, J.< 17, 1319
tkAf !IVAN. M
Ji M 1,11144,03. i.
filar I,ly
rtt.llllll, 1 uncd NAtcv.. a n ,J arc uuv Mad .o
r d 1 kho .v. Ryan it Co. • •
ti„t;bbr .1; rr:::;l4ltulaNslnti:!„4,ll'nJ
Prepr,earr• or nevrapapera. ra, cops rag Lb".
J mouth., aad aeedelg Ler tne-sr paper, will
aPel receive their pal po ;rpe, on parr iracag
l.ilillit• 11,11(nitil Ihra uotl her talvertue,,a.
/1 AL Okoa. 6.0 a. ANL. W a/Y/-4Am..
()Mee at lite Excbwrtge, Maltlnlore.
, LA Itt I I,—
I Okpaica ior und,rd morn 1.,•
Ir A.m..— I ll< citur,• Ivr te,errrerpn cicsi.ntch to or
1r. , . I{4llllllOM hurt ur, ruu u
St trer - urr. le 4.1
10f rue, bra: ten%Jar, CC.* :or cut, norlrrsonat.
carte, te ten, tor the Addrees and t-tinn
t 010 Orc compleimu of toe Soc.:11 WtoOrro Line of
rto,topti .rum Ate ~,,, 'I . n \cw I 4.cnos.
oes con d Alrlopto• ta) klos mate. sod
otat.e.l lot New , LOrcant. Jell
T theiii«o, tn ,- "''
.1 - 1, tile .11 • tile iohow•, wcre lsoLtu•
rr-elettcd nuagr• ur rn•ol..g )rskr:
Jr lIN
.`• 111/1.11F2.
WI 1.,0N
J.Oll- , 11 Sri..)
J FIVNXT Jr rettir) am! rteuturcr.
latintittl •14414.4nr411 prn..441.1 the affnire oi the
roinlbuit) iti very pro, erou• vor,ltiocev itteir office
No 17 • .r jetl
u, u,kJ of u“e and a hn:l
L pro au,. La l/11. .(11. • .0 1.11.11,-
,•••,-"all lot durutulit, v.uu , tun, ul
roucex icy laaa;A es -a Jotr d. oI IU M, pal
•owt.l mot. a..< I lt,a.r• Po! a ...vow!!
Ilnlie !trick+ 1.,a eau , aid a. aAt [wr M, I! 1.0 ,l)
Kuataikice. A ,
•ow . . 01 la , 01 4.11,1)
now ler win al la< areiloww, ...TOZiFi •II hurl: Ca.
a, Manlu, uy J al An RK.N,
Irou °Ho.
DIICENIX FIRE BRICKS--I'lle sulrfer.l.ere .r , oe
t•erto kppotnied tue iorroulaettrert,
lor Lot art, or the er ettruted Wick,' rare
ttow prepared fill woe, !or tr.,' troustruy. nr V•2l.
enee. per I.uveJ Fur tue cot..e.ructino 01 turultree ot
k,tl•l•.ther.e wry,. leert prutlourseed curl,
per.' eelo
,1 jud,r, as tg sup erior 10 0:1 other fire trriek•
now to ure C A ..t'ANL a, Carnal
. .
DC , RTALIt,t, FOHoe—e—A vet) con.eneni arLele.
Waivers and all Lau ionic can at carrie/ eaie
die. tawn ;nen. A iew lu tech air can, oy
1,.01;1' to, JottN gt \f'l Al/AMS—Delvrereil
Aix, wo. I-1!, at the cool II use of 1/10 trite
fly II M
JOIINSI't.N .4. tr. IUCK and for
10, Iu tau ,Ale /),
nu • oury not brand.,rrcuv cut aud
I Lenou,
Fro nil Al I'M I 1 , .1.TR 1 , 411,1,11 y ri
LARD 011..—Z. lot, uuperlOr, Burekitardes brand.
,pat rcceiVeLlaAl (or •ole
vii 1,1 UIl .4. Co. WI aoalrt
s.c.k...upeao, Ott., n e'd per niemmer
and lot sale
J a R FLUID, Round Church Buildings
w Err NI ALMA.wo,i - -20qt easkattweet Metla
10 Ka termed a.tu by
jc2l RiCKETsQN
V lntl .!. . L a:, : z . nut!
Jell; ...14 'muter •t
If Err ittoN-1. ton. 24 nn..l lur
,a)f. by 1,11 V 1 1S 11k0 , ..\ 11011.'1' 8. to
BE6E-2 Obi* rick.rd, I.'OJI .Irted, for We by
Irll F t'o
X I nll.ll 111 111111 notl qr 001 s. for
13j. ttittet. t o i ) II wt Vu.s. I'll so
1)111111...1$-24 doz essrn large g. L. ltrootg., 3111.0
3 Ou, du torn ou, tur sp)
,4.\ )II,T &Cu
01. c'd uO.l for •gk
I RI, NI , IMF, a. Co
: • Ir. • Fr Inothug
1: 101 tole uy 11, y-s fUN BOW
1y1:1 :11 frnitt
D A 111.1-1 - 4 tacks Iln rley saff 11
jj ttlu.9 OLF-SS4
A A Challenge to the World.
I . L.F. A fibs... Aim reels
and lor ale by
TVVEN't i.FIVE DOLL.Aftt 4 will be pant loamy.°
V sapid
\ V"
' 'AN
liLE " '' 1 tr., 1%111,1,9.n a spot of ircl, Amen or dry, dial
1)111B PEEPLES—eI Ilis lust received mild he Aide I cocci be aiiracteit with Ile es Improved Chemical
XI by BAFA II A 1-A W. le tr. Co. • Sandi I tare tn.. salisfrercloc of saying ici me people of
accts. corner 1.1 and wood out ' dile place. •bat •hir article, by my own unproacroent on
- • i iv,. aim.* unrivalled in it", cOunbr) lot eiLleaetont
I , IL ttIF.NNA--..c1/0 lb. mit ree'd raid for sale by i ,; c „,...,,,. r ,,,,,, 0 0, pat. or pi,/ pa,,, ~,,,, ~,,,.
' Ji... .519 l' A FAIRSA.T "LIi AL. ; i mp., it • • .i Code of cent,. irii p urtic,ra l clothing,
S LLA l i e ,; -5p litti s s , !.;: lt tite A ti r , , , it ..„ pii s r . ,
i tLt ,, ,, ,; re , a L ii , d , :pr .
~',..:',;,. :,,,,,, :
~. .:. . , ,. ., . •2 „ .• ; u 7 tn . ; ., ` ,,, , a , 0 p, ih r,, , ... 4, .. fr.. , : ' , Cr , e . t . a' ,
TASBbidl Cli...votilcls idifseed Oil, In sWe A 1 oti MI :% . ::: . ,(' ‘ , 1 :, " :,:,:,:,,T:::1,71 a l d m i ,!%:rr. b ) , ' ol 4 4t
I, sale by sac. li 1 LC ItAkittcl.Bll atom l• if it con one dollar per tete. '1111cl : tag dna
; soap on mom then ath aruciee or bght slash 1.114114.a1.
-r INlitheal OIL -It ibis Mr salc hy
~,,,,,,. , RETTER pace.. d o ! reoell, I have only found three precet oi
I, augll
Wk. two alp.oe, and Sour of ealle9a duct; it
1A RU 011.--10 lAA* and .t half htils, in item end to I etanaed the colon therciorr before phrhng a on., Won
sale by llvg/ 0 DKLID , N A L Le.lf CA I •I'L'A I itecs try a sample of the drew 6fin. 1 tiaielha . h4. 4 , o
I I am SG
w te firl . ll . 7 r. <l C a d;
, l 0 recommeadtt arg,lli z irar than
DACUIS SHOULDEKtF--lo caak a Just roe da ml lot !
1.1 sale by ..O R DROWN A LILADLDII'L° "P7l7e, 1111 cu per cake. Sold, wholesale I na reki4l
LPIOFFEE—aII auks Rio Code, a prune article :net I by Ll E IIka.L.F.RB,
received aid tor isale by , dectl4 ff 7 Woad al
rilEAS—al half cheats YHT • aide de lm herb,
" aia hi " •
ill-CHEOII. isDrAßll—hvO tea just Meld .cl for ij.lddo do Gennswder i lqu do ad doli gi o t i,
ii sale by 11 d. YettielinsUCK G ty has Llatipoerder and Y 1 In core and for Mlle ii ,
.44 coiner Lat and wood ats i tete Wlll 4 OULBEfincoN..:
Mama, Brcmettiva,Spitung Blood, Pain invAtet &de
and Breut. trore Throat, Hoarseness, Pilpdatioa
au. Heart. Wtrerm,V.Ctzmitr,lttm9V-21.,-gy
Nervou 'Remora. Liver - Complaint, ind
cared be
Dr. lks•wyneis eared
Syrup Of Wild
,• mi
hers d and pleasant to the taste, perfectly SAM and
kts operation., and yet It it one a the most
powerml and certain remedies for Consumption of the
Lu.ds Coughs, Colds. Asthma Spitting Uffed, Liver
Complaint l'alus to the Side. or lirenst. sad general
DeWitt. of the Constannoti. that tr. ever inveuted by
the tkill of man for the reitef et the Stibeted
Certificates aidi evidence. of its wonderful curative
powers tire daily 'received from all dossiers. It ism-
MM to solicit re the aggregate of suffering and tett
cry that has been Cohered Or banished by D. nor can
Calculate the Millets., benefit Mal shall drone from
It r
ltereafler. All area woes and constitutive, are
alike affected by it. and the Unease it eradicated froze
Ina system, Ne cmutianoa repaired, .d health Mt
sored hy the use of Ds. SWAY:ties COMPOLin Starr or
Wits ensue.. How malty teller,. do ivis daily be
hold approuchieif ...mealy grave, werwil, le Me
bloom of youth. Poet their relatives and feepda afflict
, „rat. Nat Mutt malady, CXYliclittIPTIS which
wastes the miserable sufferer Wit. he ot below! Um
power of human still. If such sufferer. Would only
make a trial of Dr. swayme's Compound Igyraot.l.Witil
sherry, they would hod
teemselves esteem' telieved
than by relining the various tneffective remedies with
wince out nostepspers abetted. thm 'Vegriabla
di heals the ulcerated hugs ; Dopplug Rig h t
ean, at the tame time inducer natural and healthy
expectorate. mud the pautui mai semi &al grusalf at
voyoynient of comfortable health. Theyublic should
bear in innui that Dr. Sarryee 'is a regale MOthlang
pit unlash and Was had years offittpiricace intliseritat
me Limy, Chest, Ac The tor gmal and oitiyig mot
tos article is only prepared DR. SWAYS'S, ' cor
ner of Eighth andßace seems,rladalpphta
- - - -
Of di the cares then Ana ever been reeOrdettivre may
merely .y the annals at medic= ennhot furniph 0110 O
Aun - vtee tins. wroch nose .tand• er hying pooroilhv
curalmity of consul:mynah, even When lite bad 1 .00 of. Dr. Swet) he'. Compound 8) NI? of mud
Cherry n, ell n proleADes to tor, the greatest 41:M0E1611e
ILI the knows . , arorhL . .
The True Rid., of Life Sr Ueda.:
Da. SwArtie—Dear Str—for the good of thd.pUblic, I
reel myacum duty bound to leanly to toe great Cult
...Inch your Compound Syrup of tld Cherryipertotal
ed on me For my part. I feel as Ir every blidj 4 oug,h ,
to know It. I wag aditoted watt a violent to - *Mt
into of blood, night sweista, hoarseness, and .soatid bi
the voter nitheating an alarming state of thei
lay was gone, tool my strength had 10 Car roil
ed tar that my mends and pliyincian were peraututell I
could not survive many days. Alp sister, Mal woo My
anxious care-taker. triode titulary wide alto lasoalJ be
likely to procure the most certain rellef. Sheer. told
taut if swa put'. Compound ikupof Wild Cherry
f "led to the cure, toy ate watt Neu hopolels. 104 e
medicine was immediately procured, and Mittel Nit-
Vtre r•hef. mod by the uine I had cosamOrteed the
sboth butte toy cough bid ten me and my alreogth was
much improved. In +bort, it has mutlea perfect cure
of me, end I utast Sus present time as hearty • Man as
Amin, and hove good meson to Imitove that lira ascot
your medicine has saved me nom a premature grave.
shad be pleased to give any inform:canon respeatMg
my case l Holy.,
a+ cheater at, between race and vine sta,yttila.:
Consumpuves, Read'. ll< ad!: Dr. giwayne'a Compound
Syrup or Wild Cherry.
In about the year Ida?, I mood tneccnary in say
prolessuatal penance, tot unipeund a medictual pinta,
anon for aiveases of the attest' mid lungi. possessing
inure powertyl beating properties Lean any other hith
erto kno.cukir such inscaue. In my CAXIWOUND
RU P DP WIL It CHERRY. I have been obey sun
cc...mi. The duty ustumbloug cures niacin! by tiny
medicine gam spread abroad; for actates nOnO
ol Ps tureen to manutacturod newspaper parrs or fon
ge4 rertilicairs—the real intrinsic merits or dip atm.
pound IA the mill cause of Id popularity. Da eglatibive
sate soon tattled the envy ul certain speonlatitirs in the
Kalinin. 01 his falow creatures, to much so 4at in, ■
1r w years from the time that my preparation was imp
atient to the public nod In greatilemand, a firth in this
city. autiag that my preparation had gp.bie4 a high
reputatticet tor incurative propentee, Came cult With
wool they called Ur. Viand's annum of Wild Cheesy.
respeciable and popular physielail had Pp inert
hI do with the arliele than poOr'6.ard ?auk: Alit 11111314
of Ut Lt Mar is litidelied LO malty It append IMO Una rale
,oent pructitiOner woe the original InVentOt at the pre.
aeration. such is sot the tact. Tue above brig, the re
al inset., sold lac medic wad fight to manuseture to
c patent medicine dealer, for the
\Unit and :vont, aid mower in New York (or the Elam
who alteroraf Os, II l. asserted, sold DOI {Ow druggist.
Itostoil—,, we number of hands into which it may have
changed is an cowrie.
In some pp en
mnY avert at emanated from a plaw
sacian an l'ulndetptaai in ethers, from aphysiciam in
. Alovsothovortil. So u has falsehood a. 04 KllltagetO
nromped m every leatUra
There have inert timelier of other prepirsedne [dlr.
porting to mullion Wild Cherry pot out Mee, froth the
hands 01 Inexperience, which the public. should guard
against. as they contwn hove of the virtues of the aria,
.ti ‘ g r ille PrePtfranoo, whiettberesarlie fug.
nature of Ur. riwasyne on earn bottle. The present
innuunrof firer.. Mere puffs sod false certificate. have
the coring effrontery to cauMon the public, against zar
eliosang my mmlierne. only truly gene:Me and coati.
.ni prepatatiou of Won tnerrl before the pulite,
Orillflll% proved trithrfactoriii 4) the public ter rds of
the Commonwealth or retoix)iraina, as Well es von.
ouri °tact culreinl documents. lilt ht. OW AY \L,
inventor and one l'ropnetor o
encore a) Eighth and
Hoer. Itontoielpitte
I•amphlr. Eq. Le obialn , d gnaw, iwlttrtg' (oral
sorra) oi teaus.ay Wet vrld couna. the 1:6041 k pli•
ca, tile ,ollarriu,Lrturik toL SwayAltie compouud
ru; \ l'h,-ry 0%11 and ge, One, that ad t.)
I•urrisam. m, med4cine, .1,41 e.ccca..
cor • r p.p. a 1
•t. IJ A AIINE.STOCr. A. Co. conert o( First and
Clad W 11.4 ALITeIIELL,
A r0ar",..5
DI: /AY NE'S ..iti.TEECA'7 - I — Vr:
IVe be ve ue..a tnformed by hfra ISo. o of score
d or; Jay mePs Alterative, which
pmves 1.3 Rupe-t,orty o even' ours
ner remedy of the
awd the tALeri •cr
lot We , ildt /liken:ll Jean
I; IS r .OHL)::-. , or `A rr lI F. %V t.LLIN4S, huci4cd
and eafolPetion of va#2o. bones,Ctu
F. .1105 zu..11) p.crt. 5000 ben discharged boot
~ .ci.003 1,011, pc, en.,
or - 010, 0115 tram bosh lop:, +ad truai Inc lest
t.mte. rttd atm r•ght Yaee. t.Fes.ties papufal
on outer parts oi tier pcmon. balm ward
str t: ut aau :me rof me urns; etu.lieut ruyolte.usuPol
s‘tr .‘ —darput tarwt of the tirbe atplerittge Dave
art.a aseratat.tta ma trata„ z .,,,
..ta ..tta It`a• 11 . 1 /UCC4 .) Dr Jaypelti AtiorMya ume aatoo.aftengly happy effOct
. tY nstan , ar W. a , rtausmglac
• it. al. wit, tr. the ,ittne. Lam her gesprtat traltrt
1• I t•rttt, t.tratiti• rr•orrtt.,o that *Pc t.t.tat wratots
f...te matt at, 11,1 trefora ..tot rananimerd a:aloe
tt tt.) •tmaattt itrepattoa.— - at. Evt I'ot
rof tlu.llax, Pao 1x8:
.... p • .t. at, ph..
at the rEitr.SiTE./.'l. STORE:,
u.. 1114 ft :1a.., W 4,041.
INk ~—t.4 c rn,urn in oil its multipliedferias
tv ttier in that of King's Esil, enldiveinento r the
r . :1,10, tor Coortev,litlltte, %V arse SlYtilings.Unron.i
It hetmnd,nu, t.attser. diseases of Inc Skin or .piee,
or hi e . t.a:weary t ci=impuen, emanate from One
inn the saute cause. whtett is a ponahnous onneqms
alu ur less mammal. an too human system. Theros
are, m
holeus this priumple can be desttOyesl,no ralit•
cal Cure can nc elleCted, but if the innuelyue upon
ttc.ll the disease depends, it , rOMOVelif, a cure
nnt 111 Deee.ort,lollo., no rnattortinder o hat lotto
toe disease should manliest ilitelt• thereto,,
.c tote reason on, JAYS e's ALTERATIVE is so oat
.etsaity suteeml'ul to removing so many =Sloan'
demons. it destroys the ob principle from
Irmo thy., diseases have tnerr angle, by enuring
tau the CIECtI,Loon, and nab Lou bluva, is Coq , cyld
to the Minutest hum, remetung ere!) , p.irucleNni
Jltotate truth Me ry stem Prepared and sold et fin.
t•tto lb ./ turd ',trent. Vlnlarletottlas
told at the citia Tea Store, No, it Fourth wee.
Pitisau:go niol3l
AuR. • c Comnlot. rt).),:ed Chnik, are l-4 r ,. .rn met ,w kot.u..) 00urtmk to
nr el. n: how tow ,ouglr, Iwo.lllu • •
Akm appears start uutte, premtemt
0115.10. l 1.1....•Je1, It tometungemmmtn.oget•tgentm
, c ,"l one. pre.N . ;_ez_ beantoal vekrukthe
':Mir•••.;. ^) .c emu 10. 1.41.5
a' Lt perfect.). mnoccm. I•Mmkpurihce 0(511
Je!•nu.alrecs, and It =pars .0 the skin o natu
ru. health,. md.l..ster, wear. h•lng MUM sate
octAvg 00 0 mmate....e on the skin, makillg I.on
:rr 1 nme• Anacreon, Practical 'Chemist of llaxsa
,llu I's '' ) )net Jas..i.stparnak Lino
VitN It, 1 00.5 s ate: bcatittrul Cid =V
-21 me 101.1:1e taue amorkent while mootl
err•aucloso ‘yetrummaa,,,. A,. will
vet.", sic • I; C
rept. re, "
Yr et 1.., cent- a box '
CD — Sont nt tt ni JAL:fat-ON, at We Dont and Sltne
Store. ha l.•rrrty evert, head of Wood, ed the Sign of
Mr Itic Depot. fp
Ladica luct,cs,Pna aatoeffsifed,
N hen you know that you are prozatead
A ttautral. lah-Ithe,anowy atha,
That )ou tat!, one common cbalk;
A',d too. a dt.ath , y yellow trlyatt.
Li y wouto usa obo.o of Jorib.".B Ltlty,ohtte,
1000:t 0.1,0 •k. 71 I{.ll. a4haatar ypt. osturat wk. le
44/11 4. lat Cie,/ implove 11. SOill at
JACt:."O:Vti, 1.4.0 m st 2'r.00 pqr tooo
NO. u.uunt..reu Nitvir . Trptim
%HU; %V FIKL,Ir octets for sato at thir rower
31aaafseturers' Forte", a Vert ttateastve won..t ot PA l'Elt eualprama every poduttle ivaraCty,
atli.pterl to the wants of co/Emmaus to al: 'tee ttatre of the
unary. Paper of all amain melte 'to order at ',Sort
lies.< It of PAPER a amuse ally larks
a patio( winch ri Of very superior quality.
of t•ary . descry mpo
tion, Ins Bad kepi aaltala.a4y, on
o a nF4iardria.l4Gr }Vitas
'Riad/nog Posturer, Blue U liratlatrikteiTakine;Ra., i!ke
RAGS.' ' i'•
WIS. Bale Rope, IS alas rispe, a.
Bagging, • , e
p ri• tisse il, for WiliC Om li.ortest price. iit earl will be
paid I ray Ncw }ark s Ja !, vArtl:o.
. _
Dr. W. P. Inland's Prelialuxet Pinata, r.
I) .P. IN LAN I", of Otto Illedkril Wllr bf
agetrobtet. now odors to Oat pub.h.O. hu lutflet.
Prettouro Planes , all ortOcct, alter
lotg and tried experience, has bee; ,sadtsfitotonty 0.-
tettlisticd. To all arotoett'who may he o.llOctcd AU.
Prolttp•ds Ulcer. or Fallen Womb, he rt conantowls his
pouter. ounrnoteettta a sore natal .pearly cure In the
tort *pace 01 trots two to thee wrote., If applicd wall
care nod rent—ili.cardot t s all the couctoese tn.tructietas
11111.1 e xpennt ye bnudape lung art Ate. he feels
ought tooonucti lab hli4 1101 Ruled
011 C cat..e out of titree hmtdred m d foty.tlote
di., for nheuniatim and AWenk Brats. or Hark, at
tottitrd WI( yen, thcri- ts nottinty no excel Ong Homer
adttrintig relief or etr,cung a MOO For sale by
I. %V Oro, contrr of Diuruund and ?inrkct.l
Braun O. Better. " Idliorty and St Cladr au
Dr J Sanyout " Fedora; .d Diamond, Alla
glintly coy
Jacques dt. Co, " Denman and Diamond, Dimling
horn. itta
A 'GREAT CUBE, rammed.. .4 the anginal arta
Auld Lirrx prepared sad =ld try R DEL, LAMS.
Mows' Pi;
.Jary Mb, 1547.
Jir. R. N. Slim moo ((Maya* 70*.04 theta,*
indirect= teadd lksoanstestimatly is Gror .o rear.b.o4o,
celebrated Liner nu I have dewed doin kr
dlierurg to Obey Crackattts netarm, "be stare lob lardrill.
rem iro ahead." Mao albs atiity prepardicll3 Of MitPU
und quacks, bunted to the Arm, bare scat and *Weir* 01:011
yourlitTr - Pi is barobatnellared *alba pab le and, laced,
I believe the, er4ll-surriie stein al they era Jet wad
you ,spa carts It= to be Ulan been *Libeled orb Lintr
CoMplautt fiCeo y youth; WITS misted ma*
umoi munciut phystrran*,m chum 1 kuid uoL moody; bar•
lust much Mood, 'Waited .a Op:irked alsoosita death;
4.4.1 3or 0 1-mm, land licallygivap up us iiteutable.
1, , d-" I WIC induced t your Lice, Pllby an SOON GOT
14 ELL Ihus b.. of wurbubow. maimsnt to laccpCMlCAll
of p•in in the side. and ail the otter eytarcena for al IGO
tibaidlst Your n 41144.0 mao th• beal cathartic 1 ever enidi
brag mild, oat griping or Lavas meets eteltatia at the atoft
ace, but gr. ® mac* ..1..f I hobs kept dm* at my Act*
for 0 er 7 ye" mold s...ands of 6.4.00 and have sooty,
Card a sing • cearrptad• stoodu by buy on. who kw Wed
thent. Tbei bars my bees4ed blab.t every cube, inl/ o Ible
beighbuilcod, and in • dual at= will Intaish Coca
relyrocuatatatal Ulm to all pebour needing phlft,
.barber Qv Liver CompLaita Or Oilluna Ade.aoe. I ea.
stOer tacit fa superior to ,:.lamed or Na Blue Pill. Itesixet
'4l.l.7AMlS—da than ale ewer pill. beide ' •!. ihr " publie
Carts-al-met Pilb macro ertro thy GEN Ul N Camila
art foe and take death. duo atom preptred ed arld by
l SELLEGS, No 67 W00d... belicemu Telid and Fourth
So d by Dr. Cassel., PICA D M Crane, Mlegbeay
y — d - iripataiiiitTrir also Water Carer
nok,Toirt SIOKILIS retunts his sincant
.I_./ Monks to the musette of Plitsburgh and Allegheily
city for the very liberal support and encouragement he
has received within the lust 14. months. 'Dist the Wa
ter care should acquire sleet eekbrity, is neither
strange nor mysterioustwhen it is considered bow great
mutate, of cues of every variety of diseases, both
acute and chronic, hive been cured by a jatheions nee
of a. lu Germany, whore it origiunted, duntsand
oldie worst cases, that were siren up by the mast skit.
ful ehricia. of Europe as meurebie, were cured by
the troartoned Priest:Men, the Colluder of the Water Caw.
In England, Prance and America. thousands of hopit
lesi cases have been cured by ny asui the numerous
Hydroputhle establishments tow in successful Opera
non iu the Slimed:gimes, speak veld:eel aver of the
P p 'c lorrie hanng permanently established litipsilf
In the city of Piturbargh, three doors southwest one
rein's alley;On Penn cram, now prepared to utha
somber of boarders and treat Motu µhd
those whapreter being ireated at their own dyrelhngs,
will Pt.s.MLIY and Wahridly amended. Haney be
comas/team hit othee foam 1 o'clock till 3 I'. M., Mad
from 7 to lu ul the evening.
h. N.—livery , rarteq Of baths made nee of Ilt".he
IVatcr cure, both for lathes and gentlemen, can be•eb
ulihed at the Athenewn, on Liberty mem., where they
have been recently ereetal for the express arc of liy
dropetbio padentrs and where every attention will be
green by the polite and attentive proprleurre.
Gres. English Remedy.
"DOR Cowrher, Colds, A-itinni and Consumption! The
U HEAT ANITUNLY HEMEL/ for the cure of dm
auove diseases, a. the HUMJARIAN BALMIAIII QF
LIFE. discovered by Me celebrated Ur. Utichin, of
London. England. and tutroduced into the United State.
ander the immediate superintendence of the inventrmy
The ecuwordinary racer.. Of this medicine,"
cure it Piaui:entry diseases, .vratrants the Anhenican
Ahem in soliciting for treatment the worst possible 'Ca
ses that cut be round I. the community - eases this soak
relief in vain from any of the emetrion remediew hflhe
day, and have been given up by the most illstingailbeel
physicians as confirmed and mcurabte. The liangort
au /Salaam tuts cured, and will clue, the moat desperate
of cues. st Is no quack nostrums. Inn a standard Eng
lish inatliciine of known sod established efficacy.
Every family in the United States should be supplied
With Buenas Unitas/inn Balsam of Life, not only.tO
minters. the consumptive tendencies of the elimado,
hat to be odd as a preventive medicine in an Cal.' of
colds, coughs, spitting of blood, pain in liar side and
chest, irritation and soreness of the kings, Imolai*
difficulty of broiling, hectic fever, night sweats, meant.
soon and getmral debility, asthma, influence, whooping
cough and croup.
Sold In large Mudd, iu 51 per bottle, with full diges
tions for the restoration of health.
• " "
Pamphlets, rotuatalug a mass or English and Ameri
can cerufteaMs, awl other erldeuee, showing LEM - an
equalled mantaof this great English Remedy, alay, - be
abusused of Use Agents, gratuitously.
For mle by B Co.,&eornerrd
and Wood and Wood lerd Mb ma mug
Dlr. JAY:it:l4 CAR MI lit ATIVIL 13,
.10111 the Rev ASA $lll‘,N, a well known .4 pop
I' star Cleremmin Of the MTOtentattl3lelliOilirichlifth
The undersigned having been atiiicted intridgthdpist
winterwfin a disease of the stomach, sanicklirwm_guo..
Macula great psits in the atomasa Maas twrlvehogre
...hunt unmet:skin, end alter hewing tried mia.
remedies wash Inuc ettetn i was furitibtted whit a h ob e
of Dr uJarnesCarmicteuva Baleen. Thu he asedes
cording to the directions, and found invariably=
medicine caused the pain to abate in three or f
ales, and in fifteen er twenty tomtit., every =easy
sensation was entirely quieted. kne meditunts.-
tersiardsesed whenever indleatianstr the agplinte4 of
pain were perceived, madam pain sans thereby pletents
ed lie continued to use the medicine everr es=ig S. so
and metimes in the moraine. and in a few
health was so far restored, that the sallerei Was Tetley
ed from Merl amount or oppressive pain. Frew ex
perience, tbelefore, be can conlideo recommend l) layile's Carimstative ualsam, as e ealatat7 modiste
for diseues and howels.
cg heft
For sale to Pittsburgh at the P Is R
lit Fourth street, aces Wood, and ales at ilieltag
Store of II I' St:llW / F 0 Fed•reirin reel. &need..?
Your Bleed, -
TR. /X Elfilli.LES—Lear SIC Last Spring, and -
ail nog die previous wanes I was severely a/Ito-led
wins a scrofulous .CtimPlatil
for .time mouths under the care of phyla..., y
said my Sams was almost wearable, and they eat:Ulf do
but bale tor me. 1 was neiuty helpless, Ituturitit the
aid of crutches could 'nth difficulty gm about; in play
lan, I puseheseil of you. and commeneml usimellats
toWs 8 / 1 1..,./11-1-4. After the toe of two bottles,-the
scree emanteuced healing, and I laid aside my crutch
es, ustag mtly a mote. I thapeuscd with tely maim, end
at the end of the friunk, eras se welt as meta , all m 7
bt slustrutg sheep. In all, I used fiat. bottles. , The
scrofula and sores have all healed upoutti smelt
summer I have semi 110 appearance al dus diseeisis,but
hire coo united, anti sin IIOW, SU the most perfect health/
mate with confidence,. hoping that ethers ittuySeten
eticed in the stuns way, that the garsviarillaactlinT
you, has been the means and the only mimes of Abet-
Zr.iSaiaZ• end
retail, i
'• ' p
'or !runt P , good sue , & also corner wood A dtbsts
Crean] der staanna sacra', for shatter..
Casa a la Reis, par atinvingi • .
Matto:lnc Crean, do; ,
yertlm itarge.On Pittreolauo, ataxia,
eltgaut *eau bags, perfumed wan itavendar, A Ile
terra Miro;
tit...tutu' powder pad., of all patients; . .
eirsuossediintict boxes, containing fragrant ettratts
for ate ham'ea Cluer:ta *Cool bris t soril toilet SOWS, Nin
abe tor presents
Pet gran.eir l.3inew orisvir,; •
Vegels,le ISltr oil, t
lit or's Oil, in fancy or common tenpin., (rime awitt
Jones' Soap; Nymph &ram Nam top valve; •
Midi! Vain Soda nap; toseher wpm a grist variety
of Era peraaaery: Aaa received, for orde Ciy
an a wood ra
Patlesonar Balsa... t
•Al F. , ...t.5R5, HELD & y led it a duly I
owe to my fellow creatures, to Glatt, thnnelliplg
mom respecting your Vegetable Pultuottary,lialsrlat
dame Ara coat the B ran
elt, abbot eleven years 40,
the happy etrect of win :h 1 Weis nor at deeoout er,
!lave hml several severe eumplumas and attacks pt ury
lungs, One a tea JUT., once, mut hi every °stemma 1
have luta the Balm . alone wads complete and 0;41:4r,et
success. It hat erten./ toilet and cure is eery mar
days It m certatnly rare nredlmne." Ido uut &mils
Watt cure tiacd cuttsuumum i, hut I belldre it
wall be ha =toy times alsreveutive, oral preventiolata
hear, than ewes I do Wetmore, for the Mr or lay
low me-6. earnestly reccautodsll4 the uee 01 this teltahl,
pllllOO.ll eathplai4sta.- 1 can confident tlurcsit
1411.• Lees, tic iheatya of preserving toy life io Wu 4y.
godutt Jam: IN A& LLENdArtIIA: PA
For talc by D 11 Fahnestoeli, rt. C•ta corner firat and
wood and also confer wood and eth.
_ _ _
4.214.1..E11's IMPERIAL CULL.iI SI Sl: YrUhga
1 / 4 1 vowel. tenure! Prrmseaon, Feb. 1.1,10 it 37,
F. nethaaw- wire --nly re has for volopmt
to a Matressing Cough, aceompamed with asthma,-‘r
the cure oi which sbe inc.l tltlferent cough r,ememan tlers.
mat ilati We advice or the uloAt tsraneta phymeilis
p l alatal, LW all was onavaling. Hy chant° 1. board
you , Imperial cough Sy rup, uM uta ioctuo•d bOy
• bottle. for th at, although 1 hod no Odle! thur Aoyth*s
matld rembva bar comphusa. To iny great atumnilm,
twu doses, gave her immediate relief. • She la at Signs
I,oul.lud and% a cough, but two teaspoostsful of equip'
a...ray...tops it. tam sanded. alter a trial of thgen,or
mut yearn, that Seller's Cough Syrup is the twat •eraggh
reednatte I have ever tried either to the Old or 111bwr
Word. Wat. Frussoiinat,
Seventh Ward, coy l'ittnak
The above eenthcate should. Induce of atl ocr..
doubled with comb or asthma, to give the Syrup a
al It may be hid for eon. bouts, at ute
not. of " E SELLERS wooar DeOuriel, 511.. wand, and D ACurrr,
gbetty any : •
Patent Black Spri g Trasi,
tW LY Vtlill'ED)—lor use montane reroenctat
)...`..tre of URANIA or Ht Kg. IHrolee e):411
The tnivener clahvhaof Ohs rra's con•nn Fn dhe
,hrthiva tavva *id( vamp a may I, • warn. The Jaypl
•.aal ..elag neatly balancahl ea Heide N nn any pan of a, and lhotnestoy adapts 'itself to
my tnotireenent utade by the Wean t. It can Le vvn
otinottlitgentataaroa, anti a [arc dected. 'rue dub-
Int.,al have maze ariallgend - 0.. .4 tan Inantilaenga
4Lhasa vawhah ruvae., in a aapar.of atyle,nt
in . ph , a, and !net thorn now let r , their 0 1dt., No.
tun.hGetv ah maw death,,O.
ti xr. AreTT,
lett 1). w. BeU VFAI. , I N. •
Q LLLE:RS' YElLMlFUlile—"Supenor to 1 have
ever toted."
MILO TT., Fayette county. Po., Sitaelt
Mr. EL Et ast.t.n.-1 beret') ec,..ij that I hare =led
yourVer ”..1 1 ttoottl, Rua tteLove, n equan,
of ...Apart*, to soy I have ever peed. I gave to oted'of
my eondtett out dole, womb expeced &Wet etaertnysta.
EU Evuaturs.,.
/ . ropared and sold by R EREI.E.S.II6, 67 bYaorlii
Sold tly Dr Wase..4 sth Ward, I/ AI t.. urry, Al*Alban,
lV J :iamb, lemparauctuale., oud e Dravoao
roucovOle. iur4
_ . . _ --- •
s IR y INGE.S-' —Ark auso mv flroont 'coo roc;l K , i . i t griff
• .9-
waeitkal IJAILS TM-WEEKLY wamiguy
AI. Gas..Udmga, 3d it, Liu Pm WWl.'
se T S VELLTia /A G.,
) rot I ,seruon of Jil foes . ter.r,..•• ... $0 DO
rap tmertiora
rhrer "
Joe Work ......
•••• ...... - -
l'no Week.
Ono Mt:roan, .. ... ..... -_,
4 P)
rv,,, .......••
Three •• 'i
..... .• • / 450
D -- • Langer advertasententn in esmeproPo rr ',,, n
I ,t '
One riunre.6 moidh.. without a'. wiaion,.• • Au
" 1: " o ... lb po
.ace uldillanasf itqaun t o :6 ~,ins. • .... 1 -613°
i 2
.. ..... -top
One ofinare,6 months. renew zbl" 3 t plousurr, IS 00
'' It " .. , • ,' &) AO
rack 4dititional iqu lit• i'.. i • - • .• '''•: •• ••
• . IP" An
I . W. ...I%!ares, 6 w o ota., rewsw , It picanari. , 1 NJ
E.:m.o additional .quire, 6 ..."' • ••• " ....
D 9
WZSKLT OS Tal-Wgt.l. ll I. DALLII tAlili2l.
• •
One nip:lase. 3 insertions, Si 60
each arictihohni snsertion, .. ...
Five lines 07 leis, one year. . 6D O
.0 months, .500
", one year, daily & weakly, 10 00
en mantis " , 00
For 20 bees, or lent, Me ineertnas, . ......$0 DU
" Twee,
•" Twee months „Tag)
Sia 0 • DO
0 0 . Twelve a weertepa