MEDICAL. THE PrtoFF.ssrms. AND HEM DEAD OP 1 DIEDICAL SOCIETIES, Neither, Wife and D•nehirar 1 NTHE iiNtTEDsTATE3.—The samerit.r mw-ct i folly calls virtu makation to Dr. IlAtinges Gleam Mahn eXpressly tended for the preservation Of the health of both se Zee—whether i a nts from Incipietn Phibisia, 00 early etitlititilption.ltehtliry of the Lungs, Bronchial Affection. Antal., Blestrisy. Belonged sod Disordered state of the Liver, Spleen. or filthogyai Di. cued voter, Cholse, Liropersiai l'itlfiltlat L a n or the Heart, I ow! of Muscular or Nerypos Pewee. Ica ath DR C It lIAIIRETTS GURRDEAN cornet to the immediate relief of Females suffering from Irregalaxi• ties. and all other Uterine difficulties and discaees mei. dental to Wornan, whether occasioned by cold, wet feet, or et/ ei miter issf umeioesexposure, and ell this ye,,,,,,,„, the coo o f medicine; as the most delicate and Scent.. lady can at tmy moment sppiy it to herself ' wi th out the po..ibillin et incoming say it or o onger. •or any arthlesenst result. arming from It, and with the eer . o th,,, o r o biaininc immediate rebel. Dr H e rrera Guardian is no catch-peiory, or orte of the moil hambucs of the day; but it is on sustroment 01000 p,Oll n u n sly keicelifie principles, in accordance with the laws of Electricity nod Golvanom; and for he-noires. duralitllly and efficacy, infiuitely eurpanes everythingel the kind beef before offered to the public . for the react el dpierwie. and. in the Imilnface of one of the Moot colighteued men of the day, is proeouuced to be "the cremes, discovery Oldie age." by A Linl e n d 0 ( 0 0 0 1f t i ri.rintghioug font lean hoe to occupied i ' lls lee I state of rrftetJon--tionlig which Wee it LAO been i n n the bombs of some of thy moot erniate,i ftsiciant of the. North and South, its well es :is the dwe 'nos of nu merous noodles. wlos have used it for all of the above purpose', with the most perfect nieces., std who hove cheerfully give. their untrue' bed approbation of its effiency end value. es can be area by referring to the filenuistof Infirm:nom. necompativing it. Dr C Lk Barrett's Guardian is secured Born Mopes. don, ny a patent from the United States CaternOthee, and Is hod tither With or without his Aledico.Eleetro Galvanometer. ale AlmlicreEleetroGelvanometer, In point of beau. ty, workmenship. durability and power, canton be cur roared or even sYvalled end the subscriber feel.. thus he inroads nothing in the am.erstois that it will be found , to paw , " more power and etheaey In the treatment ' nod remove) of Maroc". by Calve...tin and Electors. 1. . than ray other iodiroin- ,it, tali.. .11 me I. .55100 ' les or Europe. The Meilico-Fdeetro Galvanometer s warranted lit every nsipect. mid with common onli nary care tall lust 5 tlitone, and is by fax the cheap!, est, becen•e the bee.. iwruminit ever offered to the public. A manual orrompentes them, giving the meal arnpie Instruenons, of praeuvalexperience, so that a is reathly . Intelligible tome mind of every one, while th• • v • •my of arrangement Is such that a child may s ...sle " n th iL Any isfunis_don grutuitocusly given, and all comma. nicauo-1 cheerfully ausweml per mail, either Su rela tion, to the Eltetra-tittitelicirntlel or Lithirdien. Mtilitel men see invited to call and examine Dr y Bar ren'sCillart,lllll, Rod test toefficacy. For sale by II 111C11AIU/SON, sole Agent, 71 Mar ket on Pittsburgh. — anandtf /AVER 5 , 0 0 0 PERSONS m Philadelphia aitie, can iesufy to We wonderful efficacy of that powerfbl remedy. THOMPSON'S COMPOUND SYRUP OF TAR AND WOOD NAPETHA, Inlcconary Consumption, Chronic Bronchitis and Sateßono Throat, Asthma, Chronic Catarrh, Spilling of Blood, I g. in the Side and Difficulty of whooping Congh, Croup, Weak Nerves and Picric', Trvincirs, litilintatioa of the Heart; also, Liver imolai:tic . •. Tection of the Kidney,. This nirdremr, • 'toil eta man who gave dm subject of Pulmonary, and Pectoral diseases the most ogul exerniuction, bim now been before the public none 1000 coos. During this period it has per formed...or Mum mom remarkable cures on record of Pnlmounry Cormtunption—sernrod the recommenda tion anti are of physicians to their practice, and the wermest approval ol ihomnands or persona ill ordinary and severe Colds, Curios, in Hoarseness, Spitting of Blood, ac. - - - About fora pens miss I was attacked with Typhus Fever. which hilt me in a outeratile state of health, in extreme debility with at general prostration of the aye tem„ with violent palurs in the bream and lots of type.. tate, to cormemitenee of which I a-at unable to attend lo my usual Mumma penorm toy kind of work. applied to 110VM 11 playr tamens end used varlet. rem, l rhea, but vritimut any benefit. and had ampeired ofever obtaining a recover) of my turner health. Dal rotee time last Jane I was minted to try Thomson'. Com pound Syrup ofTur and Wood Napa., nod it:credible as It mar appear. by the time I had taken three bottle', the debility, pain end every senor of soffering were completely removed, end Iwo. able to attend with re stored health to my stoffitTll.lloo. MARTIN CLARDY, Of Diekinton tovemehip i Consberlrmd co Pond the following testimony from a respects/de member of the Society of Friends, in Poughkeepsie. N. Fork. VALI:n.BLE TFSTIMONY. "'This may eerily that pi the sprinA of IS6, my health was very fiithic; 1 was ern. , ted with pain iu the aide, with other alarming symptoms, and suffered much from moat debility. At they time I porchaud from Mose , Dense two bottles of Thonsoon's Compound Sy rup of Tar and Wood Namirs, from which 1 experien ced greet benefit, my heap heir; now good; and 1 chearrelle Reonlnwllll the artier" to an perm.. who may be salering woo grimral debiuty. with symp oms of adeelinc. ARAllirifil WILTSIE. . _ PottehketTne. March 13, 194:." Prepared only by A:suxus k thereon., at the N. E. earner of Mall ounl Spruce went, nil. Bold by L. s.."ILCOX. Pinsbortn . ond by druggists generally. Prtec 50 cures, or Chu Dollar per bottle. my 9 SALTEWS GINSENG PANACEA! TO THOSE SUFFERING RTCII IMEASEP LUNGS.—The Emproestielated macce.l crluch has treaded me nee or alo GINSENG PANACEA n all the venous forms which is - runup:A of the as sumes. has unlaced the propnetor uguw to toll nun.- don to this WONDERFUL PREPARATION. Tho changable wea:hcr which musks our fall and stoner moues, aiways a fruitful Immo of _ . I'OI,DS AND COUGHS. Thee, if neglected, am but the precursor. of that fell &strayer. The Auditor, then, liow shell we nip the destroyer to the bud' how shall we get clear of oar coodis and olds? is of vital importance to the public. THE GREAT AND ONLY REMEDY will be (pearl In the Panacea. In proof of this We have Mona teat la - Mac imainhea tt a. carafraatoa yr dozenv of our hew known closest+, who have experi enced its curative powers. These. with a mars of &es tummy front all pans of the cotimu,- , from hIEPICAI. MEN OF THE FIRST ATANDING, 'Weimer. of the Gospel, Ae., together with copious noy tens from the JOURNALS OF TILE DAY, we have embodies: , in pamphlet form, mid may be had grails of nuy of nee.. tnioughout the coruniT• N DREIJS Ii(rITLEz , have li-en oiled in this city. TOOVSANDS AND TENS OF THOUSANDS throughout the Unind Suites and Canada. nod we cha lenge nu) man to point Out SINGLE INSTANCE which. when-taken aecorihng no directions, and be fore the longs hurl become fatally dworgainrcd, it hits hoer failed in EFFECT A PERFECT CURE_ Why, then, neon the nerlietell hesitant! •• by resort to foe mv-ratne nostrum,. gal.n up by o , ler the assumed name of some to • g pop. aims., rind puffed into in by certiaes c o t. sons equal!) rink unsvii7 Wlnkt a medicate 01 UN PA RA LLFILED EFFICACY I , to be had. "'lleac tourhely are al Lune ,—oar cc:- bors,—any Of Watall It ha., BVATCIIED FROM THE GB AVE In order that dn. invnlti•ble medicine may be placedi vs ion the reach of the poor as well the rich, we have pal the price at ONLY FII4TY CENTS, jost orre hall the spool coot of cough medicine. tir for sale by our agents innearly every town and village over the west, who are prepared to pee full informa tion relative to it T SALTER, Eroprietor, Broadway, Cincinnati, Ohm, ---- - A 51PRCHANT OF THIS CITY, who had been af- Jilt. .firmed with the asthma for icon years, had taken almost every thing His physiciaos consonaty &men ded him. and be bad expended over two thousand dol lar, lie never believed at advertised medicine', but considered them all bumbuo• At lasi lie tried Do. Taller:a Balsam of Liverwort, from 33 Beekman street, New York, and to no weeks was entirely cured. hay ingiaken only three bodes. This is only one of many cures where imaginary olimmions to a paten! medicine have prevented persons from using this meditine, who have expended hu ndred, of dollars to their physicians In •aiii—end in the end owe them recovery to the initib hide efficacy of aim purely vegetable preparation. There is usendstak, that this medicine is roperior to any remedy prescribed by medical advisers. This medicos, has Luken yeurs mature, rind is the sil ken remedy for diseases e•er introduced to the public. it 11.1• PM". Conan, ASP li/10,6111.1 OF pl a i nt Coviro!—Sutfe ring for a long time with these no Ibad elven op all hope of being cured. I had ~c osul, ed the botanic rind boinapathre d c is via I had used many articles ail trellised, lot Mond no relief. In despair I had green up the use of all medicine, /leer ier, of the' reat , of on. Tayiors italsanoof Liver .o, and dm groa t cures it had perform induced me to try it, and tb mY arks/ city and issomminnent, I was licher daily. Ino its eas e also his Rogan Coved Pill, mail I t am entirely eared.' Dr. Taylor's Daisam of Liverwor Is lest medicine In the world for Rem compluids, and will cure every tae :39311/ LAWRENCE, Captain of the Nattcy,of Nour,York. .Agrogs, Cram— I have nafered Dom the Asthma • very long time, nod hove used every rosilicieb I avoid obtain for as cure ha vale, until I tried Dr. TaYlor's lialstini of Liverwort. Ting-medicine' has alrarded toe thmost remoiest benefit. and. is, to my opinion, a cure for is di s tressing disease, more especially, as I know of may eases snag my friends, where It has been high ly succeasfut. Persons inierested are invited to mill at coy residence for further in (omission MRS. S. RI/TON, SIB Laurens at Sold in Pittsburgh by J D :Reagan 93 Wood at; 3 Townsend. 45 blarket at; H Prelate, nor Market and 3d m; Henderson es Co, 5 Liberty at Price reduced to 91,50 per bourn. rea3 AIORGAN'S GOUGH SYRUP—It proved to he the great Panacea in curing my child's dietreaaini3 tough, Prom the Temperance Banner, Nov 31917. Cora.. Si arr.-1%0 are not In the habit of puffing. much less taaing patent medicines, but we feet dwposed m er gaii's Syrup to Sinew who are nib, ed with a cough. Ades having tried the s ent , die• remove a COnataot and &strewing cough, that had for several day• inflicted one of our ehildren, with. nut niece, we were induced to try Slorgan'a cough syrup, and by a relict was obtarsicol in a fw hour. It proved to los the panacea in this bet t rust Prepared sittoleaaie and retail by the jiropnetor, JOUR D ',IOWAN Druggist, feb7 wood in, l door loslow diamond alley. A STRONG EVIDENCE that Dr JaYNE'S F.R. A P.Ei.TOR•PiT u tinprver other crmeffies tot Cmighs, Coessumpt leo, Brouchitta A Ohm, sod other Puler. nary &Thous, is that the same personas ohoooraraeoesol She Sr* of .t dicir freed , . ten wan ago still [meter it to all other winedie•of the tool: cad any have been ioduced to try other prsperat ova they have almost invariably hero step the bead: which was reasonably Late gated from the tort prsaars bob:m.l4y tea proprttiOles Sad have returned - to the of Ja 'EtavreiOrtalT, • remedy that has never toned to retie. Mira sod which prot.bly newer had its ripial to arming pulmonary darn.. Prepared oaiy by Dr D. Joy. Phihahlphh, and mold no hs A : err JellsE.l3 decaGaisrtf • %fourth NE'S KAI& TON IC.—After ming thn aracta trial we itithridatincly pronounce It to be what it prat*. as —lbe but article, "'about way e, Mong'n. lictuen Ptnnburgh. J U RUBINteON n 130e:Hki, my!? g mth Chadea at, galtsmore PIONER R TaA.5l, PORTATION LINE, t.. 4 l`r 184 8. kik.TWE kAIsALTIAIOR, At I't au4ottoti. 1D Mae., 5 d.Y.L. -La Merehan lin tr.nspune,i., Cannl ru ca. Folisrry nuricAN, Arm., wsr suaaL Plusourgh. FBALLEYtaStiALU s r 1 , 09 v tight 811b34 =DM MISCELLANEOUS. _ _ EIIGOVILAN AGENCY, For the iteeovery of L.rmatit and Improperly With held Real and Personal Esuite--the tzlettlement and • Arbitrution of Cotrtmerebst'fnidiets; and Mel 'NAT.; Seconng Yeneots for 'Emotions in Octal (imam, ire's.. and are , 'o(ozzlest and Dependencies Pi Irvin). to NegOtitaing !Or the PnrelloAe or Sale o , the .oror pnampal ohjset in the establishment of this t• .n set at rext in the mO.tan.faCtory r p0...1e, ant numerous slatnis for propert, nin ['C. of the I.:nited States really bsye. ,z, nusslne they MA possess in England and else where. 'hi< e•Forto of destining and on.erupelocis Men have b '''''' "''lt*, y eJ•gaged an likatleill 4 Nie a w•tirt olt .1. suliu gi.,J) yianriera, vr,th a vi , s , lo iarn, ,r-eu•ia tn., and evidence. ..11.e in. have teen -o fren.,e,.. , brought in I.,ht as to render a ur.emly ii . .messar, :I.a an utiwe ..- e•us,.4..ned aavi, wr Ili Coln. at the ...... fart.o.l ut thope sv,u bane been de , uded. a ol id r•th li.h we c,im• di yoch us the r.b , ,ul I e rs la Joan- It.. proper .> . or that which are io withheld Arne,. in Inn leading pwrsiala ,n Cue principal r.,, n: ,le 1 . 161011 I,eiregnenny arTyaring, headed - row,- ley 1 - :.tnie." '1 I .reut Fur.une for Stonseotly,” -Mt...t iny. kit ine Iluayhtott, to I , .o.eeoter. -. ` C ,, .e Nleci.. nig, - be Or .:he math..., of which are treneralty la,- yen acettize pramiee. oi advriourert. wllnor on'y ob ject in io In.! upon puldic rredui..y. by prod. 1, an Li .. excilemeni vrmeh may re a 7e or ihrmselyes maned, ate rue... 311.1 who bre grY brolly speaking. mahout the • I,lr'-at knovele lye ift _ adineeto they rut fi h The evidence. of this be. ig a mei •re e , cry where apparent, as 111 110 0110 sully iiistaime hove the, i,; founded einCeln , n.• ideins Aul/...1. and . . with a 'vie... , Ire cur r ~ -i ron 0(' a 4,14 11181 1!Ift sif.orrl . .er ha. effected the moot eaters. , arrungemeni. in satiety the amusing. pa veils. in sati....) incE of those suilumwed by Mimi) Conncetton or diaerws, .414411 11.41 i114,1”4144( LW, inve.uguitun .... 111111,14444 onet. inv.. v., re.ul. of the moot p.wpc.idot. ma,i•nole As ro tard,. re a, es ate in I.:data/Id, 11, bull of It 1., sotorot tu die lad• 01 E411111120d PrIM0(.1011M uW ev, melee the rovoludou Tait, Ins p/111CIpli hot e been Aubtected to ilia changes wttich alwoi s ta r on rovo . udoit. ennitioud,, and change tit /toe); a el adhough 'here hnOe l,cer .o. call laws pairedto particular purpoues. ad ,no.e width have reicrunco la dins subject and which v,cre pulocd ouhooquout thore t.•, are at, I avnikble itof le b itim 'iglu. It to 110, how Intended in di , advertlaetnedt, to refer ouneedenttyever. to the 4 .11111 MC. .evolutlou or 1776 at which period, a Errol latanoer of perso. entitled in va riot. ways to property, *Oa idtoiseo too same by )ointd, the revolutionary party. Tids at, 111 died', was ...ail. o load io conhsca'ion whore it woe cdroody hind Ly seen tidlivoluat,d ho: who., tool, abandoding 11.0 killlo Wore !teal 11.141CG•610, 10 the Wen poonegeoro, the race Leconte altered. and alienation from borne an 4 fonnly were mode the harriesryntiel inberttence. Another militia source oi do.ostdralton ta found in the L . /m.lounce lhvidene Book of the eon it of Enalaud, and II tohnia uut doe., each Ellgil•11 naton that lies ever exteteti o• a holder dll landed propery. 10 toe moot reliance of thr imprittrip.rd trader. in politic credulity. The mode. of ine pigment ore exceedingly noinoor mo in all parts oi Karupo. but ta Idnala per tridar.y no; and the sulo.crifer prepared Id shrew the utrirttee watch 1/1.1.4 , •te• I nvenig.oll in oily ot the men. above triode,' to Ite.odea ail the.e. there prope,y pomtively be,,uoatbed. add Which. I,Pallor. qll , llOl or the 11,CISCV.01 to whom it led. I-router .ed in and out,,,ect 41 the l:.wa of the Court of Chailoor. • • • • In all offAeft, ef, , y, of auppowd femtly ronhexion. tt e mma pos. Vt . and eta 0110riati41011 coil be odor. Lied afs to lilt' in,. to ItteinLiera iio inittl