The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, August 12, 1848, Image 1

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ANBQI PHAM tr-Co.—Hide and Leather Deal
igi"rtiCaerots-iN ri
arieY ° ltsbargh, 6 Lemiek tr.'
co. Philadelphia.
Consitatuentsof Weis= Leather solicited, and lib
:era., made; if - require& febtalatu
A' MOOD, JONES - & Cammnotoit and For-
JL. warding Mercimus, have leturned to their old
stand, Water and ROM streets, attaburgh. octet
01.0101 =trim
!LAWN & REITER, Wholesale and Retail Drug
, corner of Ltherry and Sr Chair streets, Pins
-6 Oleg Pa mayl4
001.112=110.14 Y. B. lISOWD.
DnOWN CULI3ERTSON, Wholesale (hems,
.1) mod COSolltillaWA Merchants, No. IA Liberty st.,
Pittsburgh. Pa.. de3lll3,
11 A: FAUNESTOCK 8. Co. Wholesale and Re
-11. mil Druggists, comer Wald sod dila sta. jyt
DAGALEY k SMITH., Wholesale I.lroners, 18 and
LP 20 Wood sweat Pittaborgli
ri A. McANULTY.h. Co., Forwarding mind Co.
mission filetehanta, Canal Basin, Pittsburgh Pa.
wan entartatt, Mal V. IWITIOWS, ua W. HAL 11.1.121.
ILAILMAN, Co., Alanufaetuters of
1„/ Carriage Sprinv and Axles, A. U. and Sprats
Steel, and dealers Coath Truneautga of every de
scription, manufactory on St Clair at. Waxen... 43
Wood et, opposite St Charles Hotel. jantel
Mat?. JOlts, Anna?.
1 - WALTGEBBART, Wholesale Grocers, deal
,.U• era In Penance nil Putsborgh Maufattares, cor
ner of Llberly and Hand us, Plustargh, Pa led?
am. 14 1016 . WISZ E 3. 31121,Mt.
TeiGUSH & .1114
BENNETT, (late Englo, Oalleg F har
Co.) Wholesale Orocers,- m and e,
Iritinling,hle returns, and dealers in Produce and Pitts
burgh Manufactures, No. 37 Wood a., between ed and
&Ist:cell oeit
r. I. rte, ow. um, J.. 1.0 WOOD.
LVIII.NIIS RIMY & Co:, IVlcalerale 019001 . ! and
AZ Communion Merchants, and loans 1 . / 1 "4/".
Cotton Varna, Nos. 57 Water, and ID! Enna sta., ems.
W.Sh. Pa_ fatk9
___ _
FMAME, Plano Forte Atanufacurre'r /rod dealer
InAlualeal Irudrusten&a, 111 Wood sr., near Sdk.
gsoALLAGIIER, USN° & mid Bross
Founders and Gas Fitters , 114 Fro. cd, between
d and Smithfield street., Ftitteburgh, Pa.
QT Iligbeet price given for old Cupver lord Bra..
GEORGE COCHRAN, CorombtPion nod Forwiudl
Mordant, No. :13 Wood meet. Pittsburgh. myl
ET WARY HRUNOT, White zwd Red' Lead num
faetonzi, Puna stud Oil !demi:man, tomer oi
• • • • •
swan ao7car l sons= Met.,
18.1SLAII DICkEY k Co., Wholcsolo Grocers, Com
*nips Altschul:a, nod deolerciu Produce, Nos. ac
atm Vol 107 Front streets, Pittsburg], ttoso3
JOHN IL RANKIN, Attorney mid Counsellor at Low
and Commissioner for the State of Permoryilfilllia
Ni- Loulailda, (late of Piusburgh4
atnarracts.—Pillsbargiv Han tle Forward,. Hann,
ton & hl'Candlera & WClare, John k. Parke,
Bissella & Semple, 111 , Cord k King.
Est2oNtrlOTT C0.,11 17n e= U ts, "'"'" ' Pro-n -
and Pinsborghblanufnetures, No, 7 Commercial
Roo4'Liberty creel, near the Carol, Pillabargh, Pa.
• letylkly
7r- UKIAH, Rectifying Distiller, and Wholesale
♦ dealer in Foreign sad Dasitesue Wine, and Li
-I=.ftlo.-1:1.4 Liberty urea, and 53 D alley
hsTa. Jyl7-dly
1 AMU/ 8 bIeGUIRE7, OM of the fum of Algeo anti
• McCabe,' Mtrtlussa Thlor, St. Charles Butidings,
16ard tate. near W. • • Pima, Ih.
TAMES L. HUTCHISON, & Co.—Successor to
lawn Hutchison & Co, Commission Merchants,
and Agents of the St. Lows Slum 'Sugar Refinery.
No. 42 wafer and 92 Qom streets, Sinai:wet.
JR. BLACK, -Merchant Tailor, Exchange , Bail
. din SL Clair at, Pitzabargh.
WM 1111.,WORTII—Wludersole Grocer, Pro.
duce and Commisaton Umlaut, No. 27, Wood at,
b. veld
N 116a1OHOANi Wholesale Deo -
4t . , an d de
et, Dye Sadie, Pazata•Oila V he m No. Yl
LOH gum, oral doer Routh of Dimond Alley, Pius
laugh. 2 ; putt
11.01 ER KERN, Jr., & Ca, (successor to Joseph G.
V lkssiSpatip Chandle t l6 Water street.
TOUN U.I.I.ELLOII, Wholesale and Retail dealer
in Musk. and Musical Instromerds, Vehool Boole,
Paper, Slates, Steel Pens, Ctiolls, Printer*, Card., end
Malin seooruiiy Wood st. , Vittsbarah.
Err Rexa boughtor taken hstrade-- sepl.s
T SCHOONidAKER CO, Wltolessde Omegans,
. Wood street, Pittsburgh.
101 IN L. DAVIS, Auctioneer, comer sth ancsVaxi
OBNSTON - d SPOCETON, Booksellers, Printers
!If qiud Paper "I,..l.9*tluess, Nu. 44 Musket al., Pitt.
4 HEAD'S Book Boor-, dth, near Mast"
Therdnical, Historical, Schou
iancons, and Methodist Hooks and Stu 4116.'6-
"T IV:ROI3Lit'SON . & Co,lS.kcts putt Esti/nue,.
p kA agez., pm' :A NirrefiarsfA
Cuireney pueblo.' at:the Qt./ 1 : 14E4: °dal
JOIII4 GIUEE, Wholesale Grocer, dealer ill Pro.
duce, Plusburgh bloat , rs , tures, 'rut Plates, he. &e.
tto. =Liberty st, :nob
7aEl turns ' . - atcl.ll.l /LOYD.
JIL R. : FLOYD, (late J. 'Floyd & Cold Wholesale
.• Llre4rs,l4o. 142 Liberty street. seps
. . -
IdeZdthriltj .4 dealer,* j colonasul Parrhurgb
ktalmhsclares. firsttlyitrorar.,lorristnugth. jancio
Vesuvius Iron Works.
_,DALZELL of .11 .a-
Jul um 3heet, Wive iron and Nails of the 1..0.4
qualify. 4V arehoptc, 54 4raterand 105 front at.
Jan 1.1 -
'bolll WiTFAllAN,Alritolesite Grocer, Forward
s log and Comorisslon Iderchaut,Deuler
llosofsctures u 4 Produce, Nos. el Wow, sr.,
sod • Fronlr,---
r" 7 1 7 77M
7011 X MIRO&
BMW & ;SHIPTON 7 Wholesale Grocers, For
swarding and Cote:annum Merchants, dealers in
mince and Plltsbarah hlanufacuires, No.. 13 and 135
WaxLst,Pietsbargh. feb2l
M.FARCEJ74.BROTHEItS & Co., Come:Woman Mee-
AIL atiikiney Kaki:l , 44M, for ihe aide oi produce gel
perally. 'ldtmeed advances made on common:ems.
U.M. D. meow. W.11.1..1 C. MR
liger4l4. a /I,OE, Winlcsalt Gwen mad Commir-
J!J 11.crehauus,No. 104 Liberty IN., Piusbutgli.
S. SU" Mat mune, arm. L wawa.
AL,1.101 . CO, COEIMIIseiOI2 d Forwardwg
Merchauts, Water and Fran an i sta., between
• Vood lad Market sta. And
g.°4 I I
I ." r 111CliETSON, Whof;.lUrocen Ltd
Canwhiasiou Atercluntia, No. ral, Liberly'.l_,
Pt. .1.14
AtreCOHD & KIND, Wholesale and Handl H. and
ILL Cap Matiafarrares, arui dealers in Fancy Furs,
comer at Wood and Fifth an.
NMOI • MN k SON, No. 55 Market sr.,cond
a door from carper of Founts, dealers is Fo se reign
and DOILIMIC Ms of Exchange, Lenificates of Dep.-
xi, Hank Now and /Specie.
Colleerions mad on all die principal cities
thro • •at the United Stater. deel7
13011ERT11100//kt, Wholesale Grocer, Bee:dying
Alb Distiller, dealer m Produce, Pittsburgh fdanunie•
lures, and all kinds of Foreign and Domestic Vine.
and'Ligaina, No. 11 Liberty street. CM Laud a very
arge stock •of superior old Monongahela urbodio,
admit *ill be sold lour for cash. ardthty
'DO "'ZIWZON k 412.Pkarr Produce Dealers aud
ComUdsilban AL:lawny No. lUD Secoud *met,
RICAIAZD LEM.MII, Jr, Laporte: and Dealer
Foreign and , Domeouie S.ddlcry li,rdwure d
Llundge Tri=laillgS, of all desemptions, v
Yiubtugh. dl/4
1.) /CILA:Rn BARD, Wboteasba and await Dealer in
Ju t Leadtgr, Morocco, Sltoroakers , Tooui and Find-
Irv, Tanners' and Cadets' Tools, arid Tangiers' 01.1,
Nuoloo Wood at., Pittsburgh. aegis
k i3 7:6lnNses & Co., Wltolezate Grocers, Produce
Wei G:arest iderthants, aedDeeler• in Pins-
Manufactures, Na. LW Liberty aL, Pitureuag
Palm u
rCarcirutklElT DALZELL & Co., Whot s ,,,d,,
— ission nod Fororarchug hlerohsut s .d",k r „
Prod/toil hull Pittsburgh !ilwmfactures., Liberty st.
ktiMbrirgth Po. &WI
11011 T . A. CUNNINGHAM, NVholessie (31;;;ej
Dealer in Produce awl Piusburgh Alanufsetures;
o. 144Libertr st-
• 0,1=0=4 I. L. lan
IDSYI OLiiB & Forwarding and 0•1121918.10I1
,aterrheo , s, Zr the Allegheny hives Tnide, dent
ate inroettrics, ,,,
Pr .‘ odoce, Pittsburgh AllUllabettit.
end CAN/aide of
Thegletinpricn, in cash, pald e/1 doses for coon
ary tap. ,Cover of Pena mail Irwin au. lam
MIT_HIS,A4WISUN, WbolesaJe and Hem' Dealers
IV to 95illin tety koodi, Laces, Hosiery awl Farley
Ani. , ./Ho 46 Ida*et sores, 3d door above Third et,
kisser:molls. oPr4
Peill l / 4 4LETT & WiarK Wholesale Dealers in
Yoretgri and Domestic Dry Ganda. No. 99 Wood st.
Putsbargh. (chin(
& W. D.A.K.DAVGII, Wool litrehantst, Dealers
Us o Floor and Produce generally, and Porsverdsltll
ants Dotandsetes. Marcher., No. as Water et., Pine.
L SIMI, BAOALEY is Co, Wholesale Wooers and
.0 Produce dealers, No.s...K.l.llurkst street, bc tercel, rnb
and dal. North snie,.Puiladelplust. neru
E= B 7ll7stantstr. roan sunuous
Qt. NICOI,/t, Produce and General Com
a., mission Merchants, No. 17 taberty st, Piusburgh.
....Vssrsainsud old Lard Oils.
§Si VON ISONNOONST, k•Co,Wbole.d. G..'
een, Vormartimg And Couzmiswort Merchni.,
arms YiusLungh MannOxus= Wetaern Mk
dgcre_have rut:laved in their new Wldennl•Adlnd Figladr
JNA.l4.lant Of FRIAL and Clauccry
Allll.llil. M. niEn:WiWrarding uW Coinnownon
Ain t, Licata tp Produce used Pittsburgh awe.
westaitedieninky .14n_exi, near "int
ectikiST. Wnenninla Unice. and COII3IIIIL.
pen dank,. us Pluducr. No. :15
And m
~, r imbugh. peal
F onvElf, A g out to, zincleces oat
I tu o p,jpg penennen, at We 0.0114.2 OA MIL E. Au.
buildipsi, ids 4 Pninneenli, tely wse
in Um general imd alba at Weribingwes will intend to
my lanais them Oa of elpneenn w tlPplicauti,
TTICX A 81 , CANDLF, (snoccsaurs to L. a J.ll
Wick,) Wholesale Lirocers, Forwarding and
Commission klerehanna, dealer, in knno !gaols, Glans,
cams Yams, and rillsbargla Idunnietures generally,
*ow... of Wood and Wale, .trects, rinabargle.
IArIaLLOWEN—Conts..IO. Forw an u„.
chava, No DO Froso st between Wood
Diatultct siterts. fatal
„ "
- -
IA7 \V. IVALLACE., Mill alone and MIII Furttteh
lling eatabliabenent, No. aid Liberty near the
ur M. GARRARD, Dealer is Funcy ttJhl staple
134 Dry Goode, No. 79 Market street. .1: 1,
•• •
WILSON,-Dealer %Valence, Jr ....try,
Wore, Military Goode, AE. No. 5: Mar
ket .t. !IL 1.7
R. MURP'III'..I - no end Retail dealer i
TT a foreign amid Domestic Dry Good., north ea
corner of Market and Fourth rd. augal
W. YOUNG & Co —Denlent in leather 6idew &c
143 Liberty slt. ja.a.ty
& M. 11WPCILEINIZES—Wbolesale Groton,
Rectifyiug AstiDeny auLl Wine d lAquor
also, rut ortors of soda Aeb and {Peseta:4
'Pirder, No. iG Liberty a. Pily.?argh, Po i5t..5.11y
urn 11mM:rim, or.ana a rusks.
0 BLACIZBURN & Co., Wholesale Grocers and
dealers In Oils, Boat Store, and Pittsburgh Mau
wt, tared articles have on Muni, at all times, a full tad
general assortment
ey.rittsbur of goods
gh in their line , , Water aircet,
~,, cherry Al/. aula
eJOIIN-- hl. TOWNSId N D, Drugg is t aid Apothecary,
N 0.45 Market at, three doors above Third et. Puts
barrggh, will have mussisnily on hand a well selected as
I.of the beet and nastiest Medicines, which he
will sell en the most reasonable terms. Physicians
r ending orders, will be promptly at ended to, and sap
plied with articles they may rely upon as genuine.
LET Physicians Prescriptions will be accurately and
neatly Prepared from We best materials, at any hem of
We day or lught. •
Also for sWe., a large stuck of fresh and good Perfu
mery. pull
EAGLE corroN WORKS, Pittsburgh, Manufae
lure Cotton Yarn, Candle Wick, Basing. Twine,
Coverlet Yarn, Carpet Chain, Warps, itc. tce.
(Successors to Arbuckle & Avery.)
long Proprietors.
ALEDOUX & Co.. No. 7: Canal street , Ness Or-
XI, leans, Agents for J. B. Arrawit's Extelivive Steam
Sugar Refinery. Always an hand n large stork of
Loaf, Powdered, Crushed, Clarified and Bastard Sugar,
in Tierces and Barrels. Also, Sugar Roust Molasses.
Prices liberal, and a fair allowmce made on all sales
Of or above 50 barrel..
Illonongvnhola Livery Stable.
11.011k.RT H. PAYFERSON has opened
large stable on Flrst st. winning through
to Second et, between Wood and Smithfield
star, in the mat of the Monongahela House,
with an entirely twee stock of Harems and Carriages of
the beet quality and latest styles. Horses kept nt live.
ry art the best suanner. /YtkiLY
a 11.0141131 AND D. 1.1 Il
Saddlers' ironmongery, norms and Coach
Mon, Deer Hair, Varnish,
Jyll . No. 133 Wu. Sr. errrenreati.
- LI li. EATON, Dealer in Truro:Wags and Varlecy
..L' , Hoods, Tortoni. SheU, Ivory and Horn Combs,
Woolen Yuma arid Worsted, Buttons, Needles, Pins,
Tapes, Braden, &n., No. U 1 Market suet; betwen Dia
mond .d 4th st., Pittsbarr,h. jyYsdly
. -
_ •
ISAAC rostra,
ANITFACTUIttIIts of spring and blister steel,
AU plough steel, steel plough smug., coach and ebp
uc hammered iron axles, and dealers is mal
leable castings, bre engine lamps. and conch tmturtuigs
generally, corner of Was and Front ste., Ihttsbursh,
JE at., near Wood—All qunnutice or Greta .d
Black Teas, done up m quarter, half. /Lad
o .c pound packages., run cm. from Su um. per pound
Slyso. iya A. JAYNFS,''Agt. for Pekln fea Cu
W. 711. MUSLIN,
Beal., .Pa
alsoattcod to addecuons and all other loi•t
-tt' trusted to hue ut Litter and AliontrOng
counties, Pa. Rotor to
.1. b. /L Floyd, Liberty st ,
W. W. Wallace, do
James Mamba.ll do 1 rtitt.burgh
4ty Kay A. Co., Wood at. / ,„„;
- --- • '
18. BWe'tIITZLIL, Attorney at 1-trr, office MI , t .
tel . oppoeite St. Clnulea 110,1, ilttotburan, K:
atm not promptly to Collections, m %V tallustmon. Fa) rite
141:d Green coolants, Pa. ... . _
Bluckstock, Ilell
Church h. turothers, ll'utsburgu.
IJ T. Morgan. 1..4.13.1;)
1 4 N J. MEN/CY, Attorney and Coumailor ut Law,
Cincinnati, ()Mo. Colleel wits 1/1:30lallirrli
and 111 Intim.. nod in. Kentucky, group., ~s
hgly attended to: . VOlLaills.oller ior ~ 1 111 e ill Penn
'Ormuz, (or taking Deposshoug, acknoa,,lgulcut.s,
RiTill TO —HIM. Wm. lk-II & Son. l":12r.. Church a
Carothers. Wm. Hays. E.g., 11 ttlock d 1.rn,i... “25
, ..-. .
IL. W. SV 114.1•203, MIN Y. sell So.
:AA/ ILW.A.IIS & fiflINN, igu,,,,,,, tu 1,,,,,- and
r I kViLmn.m.o .V.t051,.. .. 05....1 . •,.....1.1or• , 1.. v
llitrace .. °Eta attic . 1',.uit...1.,..t, tow, e Stiblilll. 0
•-,. :.1.1 otLiSsi)
TAMES F K11(K, Attoruty ut Low, Bake. ell's
Grant *Meet, nearly oppotor the Court
LIAMI rt•uatuort SEWALL.
IVNLOP & SEWELL. stun,.) at I,uw. VJice. dm,
Snorktioid, between :wt otot , tut sta.
1,1011W611.0 k SWAkiTZ YLLI/E/1., Atiorise).
Law, have resnoved their onto, to me :Ponta .pi e 0.
Fourth Pt., between Chnrry Ally) unJ t,rant •treri
O. if. Attontay at La•v. Las to•
fT'a 113017 d Itus olbee b the to ehmg• Bandig*, St
Caw st., ea.= door W Aldenama 30111111. ap1:1)
1011 N FINNEY. Jr...keen,. Petsbureb for Ltr -
11 aware Maloof Surety Laurance Company 01 ill/ til
adelphis. Fire }treks upon ourldrugs aad cnerelmothae
or every draenpbou. arrif. 311artutt Rieke upon hull. or
cargoes of vessel-., taken upon the moat favorable
7 Office in the ‘Varehouse of W Holmes d. Bee .
fliti.lo Water, imur Markel street, Vutsburglt.
N. 11—The success of thifeCOMpluty Jaffee the estab
lishment of the Agency in this city, eima the prompt
itess and liberality with which every dorm upon cheat
for loss has been adjusted, fully warrant the agent in
letAllag the confidence mid patronage of ht. Means and
the community at large to the Delaware S. insu
rance Company, white it has dm adthuonal advantages
un insulation among the most dourts/tmg in Pluladc I
phia—as having an ample pad-lu ettintaL which by me
operatinu of its charter isconstantly increasing, as
pelding to each person Insured his due .hare of the
profile Of the compel), without involving lam in any
resisaimibility whatever, and therefore as possessing
the Mutual principle divested of every obuu...nas
tare, and in its most attractive torn, hoed
Laturance eaulpsoty ut Nona Aluencia, toroogh
its duly uuthonsed ,ig the suoaenber, oder, to
flake perautoeut laud burned eysT,
losurance Co property, or
Wu City and um vicuoty, 8414 on stopumule by the Cs.
ant Rad Haver...
1)1121.X. - TOR.S.
Arthur 6 Cahn, Cbarten Tay ior,
Banal W. June, Audtront % nut,
Edward Sawa /weal. M Thelma. ,
Juan A. Brown, Jahn J Ptcd,
John %V le, ttlehard IL Wood
Thomas P.. Cope., IVELL '1 Weigh,
Soinuel F. Mouth, L . runics kluszcos,
Samuel iltookh, S. Austbl Aibbone,
Airnivit COFllt , i, Yrc. L
This Is We oldest Insurance Company in tho United
Slates, baying been chartered in OW. Its charter as
perpetnal, and from us hash standing. long experience,
nospie sienna, and avoiding all nal.. in an extra nax
nrdeaa it may be considered as tattering am
pie accunty to the pantic. W. P. Jt_thtt.
Al the Cuentwg Hoorn of Atwood, Jones tr. Co., \Pa
ler and Front laccl• Pntsburgh.lnapS
l. ar: Franklin Fire insurance Couipany, of Mandel
phis, will make Insu ranee, posnnanent and amisted
un every deurip.” of property, sans the
surrounding country, on favorable terms. fats COM
patty has a perpetual charter.
k4tso,ooo paid tn.
Couungent, Pond *SUM= .
Othee corner oiTtiod and Market streets, rtuldnugh.
apantf • WARRICK MAIL MS, Agent.
rfli . E .m ottr n lig i tact ,l :l . l2:o g ritLr p tocd u.y Ate , nt i. o h tt4. p ut 4 er. ,
continues to erect uoturance artottost lure or damage
against Fire, on Loadings,mercau ILLEIIIO.iIt sad
property, not extra harem:ogle tit dos coy tont victoo).
1111141.;04.31.1LAN, du wood .1
riIlE SUBSCRIBER has been appointea Agent pro
.1, tem. of arc ltuuratce Company of North America,
and mdi issue Yuliuea and aueuct to Use oilier tao.iiiess
of Ste Agency, at the ...rehouse ue Atwood. Jane,. fr.
Co apla WA, J0A1,,, water
IBD/A acutstcu GOONM
. . . .....
"'UST BJCEIVED, per 11.4 press, a large rusorouesa
V of India Rubber Llotale, courprierag--
2dos Officers' Coals; 4 dos Traveling Bugs,
4 hack do, i • pro. Yews,
4 - Pea do, 1 •• Biati/iers,
Reeling Jackets; t•• Cushions,
I Borst Covers; d Lars I•roeervors,
IW y aids of 4-1 Carnage Cloth, floc article,
IA dos parr Leggurga, dafereat
" Capes, wah ucevexi
w.u. do,
Gun Covers, all or which .111 be sold cheap
for cash. wholesale or fetid, at No 1 I.Vood street.
ep:s _ J& rl Yllll.l.leS
- pp.. w. r. AlVlikaltaTileilii A 4. . -
OFFICE. cal Nias.ll4l.4rld ..trrt.
north ut Third sue , ft Dr. m ane,. v,•
Icr w the .P.s“ ol
legberly and victsuly.
illa/x/0D.1..—r A. N Iflcam,ll;
Dr. I'. kattuusttn . k,
Dr. Hobert Suirpu.,;
James ti cruli., Lao,
Al.r. With= 'I nor,
Nr• Dcoj. Weaver app.dnist
talk' dAr ipuuum ,k/ilt,
1,./ very lure article. A Idle dorm , . Vtaiadetph,
SAMS, Iwo the antautamory 01 II AI etawkoar, kr
ortueb the elleptlOn of hoot makers I, ‘1,1:1.11 to,
received and tor sale by
j 027
I NOLA ILI; &uteri ~atl balsa Jtn
.1 Oat Until., at different colorn It a can 1,,x11
article to alerebaantn at very law price, a, large a,.
Utica, at the luuni /tubber ,Allatt., ;•,.. Sr oU,i It.
.11.1 =thenst corner of ith sad market lie, but 1000,
vest a large lotor Lesvos to to) eta pot yord, Ito trot,
rote sold of uglier prices., 5.1.1111111... r trootis gotterett)
also opentog at reduced Eaters. fyto
01 sale by r 11 F.ATON A, Co
VVINDOW GLAstb--1000 bb. 4:111, 150 do 10:12;
1.16d0 10.14, .14, 7xlo, 40 do MI:, leu au !Ili:,
117 do itarxr. fur talc by
To Country Merchants.
A LARGESTOCH of School Books, Paper, Staums-
Ace, nahuble for country onion; among which
Writing Pagel's : W*4lw, medium and common qu'it'.,
Letter Paper do do do do
Note Paper do du do do
Note nod Letter Eitveloper;
Slane, Pencils, Wafers, Quill, and Steel Pros;
Window Paper (yard wide) plain aim printed:
Bonnet Boards, of different qualitie,
Wank Booko, in phat variety;
Poonly • School and Pocket Bibles;
Cruwu.tnedium, and double crown wrappum paper;
51eGatte's Eclectic Speller,. and Requiem
Itay'u Eclecue M./timed.;
Cobb's Prunerx, Speller,. and Readers
Sanders' do do do
• •
Arolameuee, by Adams, Etaeis,Colbunt,thnith,Stoek
ton, Emerson, and tither*.
lieoberstinies, by Elitehr4l, Olney, Smith,
rich, Parley, mid others
Grammars, by Smith, Kirkham, Hellions, Weld. mid
other. For sale at low prices, by
hi mood at, 5 doors above 4th.
The big-best imaket price paid for good mixed rags,
pi cash. !Os
New Publications.
AI o S t F I TZ J ot I
memoir, and critical remarks an genius and wri
tings, by James Montgomery . , and one hundred nod
twenty engravings from drumming by Wilkins Harvey.
In IWO I,OlllllleS.
. .
Sense]En's Gaga Ticerstszte.—The four Gospels fold
Acta of the Apostles, In Greek, with English notes,
philsomphical, and egegetmal;maps, indexes,
rte., together the 14ustles and arwalypse; the
whole forming the New Testamet—For the use of
400114, Colleges, and Theological Semulancs. Hy
Rev. J. A. Spencer,. A. M.
A Now Nons.,—.Midauscarices Eve.—A bury tale of
love. By Mrs. S. C,
JAlres. IV.—The life ot Henry the Fourth,
king of France and Navarre, Ily G. I'. R. James.
Coutplete in four pans, paper, II vole. cloth.
Fur sulc by JOHNSTON & erucicroN,
ianB Booksellers, conies or market and lid no
lare:posutua of the great discovenes and theo
• of modern astronomy; by 0 4 Hite/Jell, a pi, Di
rector of the Cincinnati Observatory.
Ileodley's Italy. Alps and Rhme.—Letters from Italy,
the Alp* and the Rhine; by J T Hood/ay, author of Na
poleon and his Moraholls, Wi.longtoti mid his Gener
a/s.a.e. New and monied edition.
Statistics of Coal.—The Geographical and Geologi
cal distinosous of Mineral Combustibles nr fossil fuel;
including also, notices mid Localities of the various
mineral Minimal°ua sabitances employed in arts and
manufactures, Illustrated by Maps and Diagrams; ac
companied by nearly gun stemmed cables, and l Ilki att.
Myst% of nameral combustibles, &e; prepared by Bich
and - Prowling Taylor.
Just received a few copies of each of the above works
—for sale by JOHNS*PONI &
Booksenera, roe market & en.
ODXL9 At the Apollo Buildings, Fourth street, near
Wood.—lrelanua Weinome to the Stranger;
The Czar, his Court and People, by J H hlagwall;
The Orators of Prance;
. ,
The Lives of the Apostles, by Bacon;
The Puritans and weir Principles, by E lialh
The CoUllilllllo. suld Gallons of the Betty Apostle,
with a Prtit Essay;
Allison's Lite of the Duke of Marlborough;
hotander's Life of Christ, in its historical connection
nod historical developement; r
s an
Harped Appleton 's publications generally.
School Books, Paper, Suilionazy, Av.
EW BOOKS at the Apollo But'dolga 4th street.—
The Ali Mary Life of John. Dote of hlarlboiough,
with colored !halm by A Allison.
?Mound Vol. Chalmers' Posthumous Works—Berth
tore Readings.
The ofJems Christ. is m histoneal connection
and historical developement: by Augustus Neander.
Translated from the 411, German edition by John ile•
Chinook and Chas E Blumenthal, Professors to [itch.
111.00 College.
Fourth Vol. Pictorial /history of England.
Now and Then, by lit Nigirren, author of Ten
Thousand a Year, and others too numerous to mention.
Call mid see. L REAM.
rilitis Institution, under the supervision of Mr. and
hlra. Goshorn. it lull open for the reception of pu
pas, and will be continued at the same plane on Lark rip
Street. In eosrletillerice of some changes liavutg mica
place. • few vacancies have occurred, and those desir
ous of placmg their daughters under their care, would
do well to make nu early implication. For terms me
mrenthr, or apply to the Principal. ap3
DYAgS to turom the uncle atul dealers generally, of
fgt. that they have made nut, arrow,. ructda
With the Yagoda tunnutavturer• the Growers of
the West, West Indic.. tool other place., a. Will tomare
a large and constant supply of th. UAL,. tug deignp..
.. .of Tel,a, co. winch Will he sold upon as occult.,
inotlattng teryta uR any 11/ eny or
whenand all yowl. ordered trotu titeut VIII/ be W.-
routed equal to repreoenusuon,
HavaJaai $L Domingo, l'ouo.; )
l'orto Rico; I'enn I,cul
Cuba, holm, & Florida.). Lae. u,
A.1...`q)-13ranvbAnamooc glutCa, r
.14%k. s, Ito u of ailir.l 1.0,041 I,lllt,kia.
..1 11•• 1,11/1•;k.
6 . ^.• and lo• Plug, Turi,
k., swret and p,uiti, twit. mod i.o.trx wood
cud tau, uqctlicr with ever) variet) ot at uric belong.
Itwn th..rode jelddly
Produce, Commissiond Formr•rding
• DIEHL/1A N an
No Al Nunn: A.Nu 111/ R'.,.. Sr.
1 . 1111.t11E1.1111A
Rpstett to--John II Wow,: a C.:
Ruttvort & Ca/ phi
• Barcroft. 11-aver h c o P .2
uoth, Barak): & Co
Ailep & Paxton, New lurk
Wolters & Ifan ry, 11alittoo,
Pagetle & South.
IlorlatoK,e,Wthott &Co
Prown & Co F. '"'" r2h
Met & Jones,
~ E 2 „ I : tberotl raah ntlvancr • on eutpngtt n r . r . ill i t; our
et.huahatt. C1U.21.3 11r. pour wmts
And General Commis•ion Merchants,
No 13 Sourn tt'srzn seater,
REFER ENCIS--Ilenry Grad & Co, Pitteburgh.
Rodger. Sherlock, / ,
schuoley h Soo, 5 "
A 31. January, Mayne.,
khuhtua, Jr- Lannevine.
Dude. iluniphreys h Col
Mercer, Bro. h Co. Phdatra
Need & Lin/titer,
spirally lhrulh & Conn/wry, New tart
Commission and Forwarding Merchant.
NO. LA; WOOD AL, et - ream:awn,
Of/MINCES to transact a general Commission Lust
a_f twee,
caper tail y an the ',tactual. sod role of Amen
,t Adanulueturfie nod Produce, and an receiving and
writ - rioting (South consigned to his rare As Agent for
the Insititacturee, he will be constantly supplied with
the pruicipul articles of Pittsburgh hlanafactore at the
lowest wholesale prices. Orders and couanintrients
are respectfulty whined- j 97
B. P. CONWAY & C 0.,•
DORT:3IIft ,1:111. Ohio Commission nod Forivolding
I. Merchants end Produce Dealers—also attend to
thc Purchase, Sale and Shipment of Pig Gnu, Coal, he.
suns .3 . ..
Atwood, Jones & Brown,Bailey & Co.;
Lorenz, sterling & Co , Henry Graff,
Ursa, C u-orb A Co., D. Leech & Co.,
Lion. Short, & w. , Clarke & Thaw.
_ rls
Late of • ntsburgh, I' . Lam of Nashville, Tenn.
Refer to Merchants generally, in httsborgh. eptlt
WHOLESALE onovisas,
FORICSDIAU Ahll L 01101681014 MhfiCIIINT,
Iron, Nails, Cotton Yarns & Pittsburgh
Manufactures generally,
ea 10 woad Muter, errrastniali, to.
Offer to •ell at either establishment, all kinds of Mer
chandise, at the lowest rates of Commurnana, and arc
always prepared to snake advaneex. The best of rata.
renees given if required. Letters addrersed to either
house, will be promptly attended th.
A MM.{ nova c. v. ma... a. a. ...non
Produce and Commission Merchants,
Nu. 5, litcAte'i Ruse, Licensee Flame, 11.....rt0055.
Res. eo—Lia vsloin, Seeders & Co, Juba K. Randal,
kluge Jenlons, Dunmore; 11. Allen tr. Co, Sellers lc
Ilunipton, Swan ts Co., Sharklett tr. White Pins
lsssb. A .1 Sy totem!, T U Shaughnessy A Co, Cineln-
Ml y
iliststr.o3., W. CASailltlL.
And Manufacturers . or Linseed Oil,
No ntl Cul Illnnia Street,
NOE) CyCil.sli puld for Flnzsced...i24
WM. 11. CLARK,
Forwarding Merchant, Brownsvi//s,
Altrods oollocu.or I, 10 Like Polo dideng Of Produce,
ony noosin..l.on. iny!) lo Folio TII sr l"I'N
I IN. IV 4.1/./
COMMI fiIo. SSION Water MERC street, HANTS
4 ps
Lugo, Mo.
V. 1.11 4 w.r Y.11C111.40/1 w Om 5.014/L, o PIO
tho, 400 0 grr pur.•nagoog
trorr.r.r -tw org.:.Morgan Co l'on. , tourgh. Pa.
_ .
GENICatAL C0b1111188111.114 SUARCIIANT,
EDI! nir;,At.r. Eitt,DECES.
No. uott 10, ,Nfoln s , N•er,
It c.c.:. e. 111,.,1.1•1110 of nitstAirg It
W L.
win Lonnie. a. a .el, anti/ a 11PW liouac can
Le erected, arrungrinecii, vmg already keen made
lur law inapt.< Baal. will al. a)• Lc in rvadiness al
our waarl w reecive
c &PAN t,
m. &Coe
aP 4 (.4/1 . 31 Beam. Linnet:l , 4u
ISuceear.ora tu Heed, Hurd & Cu,)
Par:lmam allgulsten paid it, lac tale al Wool, and la,'
at adaance: made un roorignmenis
I OGAN ft KENNEDY have ttus day.wisociated
wuh them In the Hardware business. Ybthp WS
son and Edward (treas. The style al firm will here
after be Logau, Wilson d Co. This at iangentent ren
ders it desirable to dose the old 'sunless at mood an
possible. All persons whose liabilities have oututred,
are especially relocated In make inuniallate payment .
PlusherAh, Jan I. lady.
°GAN, WILSON <9. CO.—lmporter. bad
I i Wholesale Dealers as Fureign and Domestic Hard
warn, Cutlery, Saddlery, me., 199, Wood street, Pitts.
burgh,Caressiw fully prepared wills a restudy impor
ted stook of Hardware, Cutlery, ecia, to otrer very great
iodueements to Wi`liit,Sl buyers, being determined to
compete in priers with any Of the Atlantic cities. Al
su do baud as extensive alisoittnentotTillabarith Hard
ware, Yid Shovels, Spades, Forks. Hoes, Vices, Ac.,
all of wtheil will be sold at thethivert thenufarturees
priers.• boil
THE subser.tters having recently entered boo
partnership under the name of Gal agher, lon,
& Miller, kw the purpose of earrying on the ge l
and Prase Founding and Gas Fitting bustuels 111
all its branches, have talon the stand formerly occu
pied by If. Gallagher, No. 1119 Front sweet, between
\Vood and Smithfield sta., where they' are prepared to
ruse all orders tor Bell, Brass lawnegs, of every
des- mono, and Gas Palings with neatness and des
patch. Sir aroboat jobbing promptly attended to.
S. A. LONti
N e.--The summon of Machinists and Engineers is
lIIVIIed to our anti-oltracuou metal, fora reduced price,
which ho• bee. promonwed supenor to Rabbit's by
number. szrho hors used both. Steamboat builders and
the public, genersdly are al .o requested to call and el
notate our
sup nor double hewn Force Pumps for
strainbont and demesne we.
- Dimes/ valeta.
muE p.mershrp so longexoung under the firm of
M'Conl G King, wowby roututtl co Aunt daseolTed
nn the at List The bosoms will be closed at the old
stand by either of us, using the mute of the firm •
that purpose. living destruto to h..", our ill1(11.,
closed with its little delay us possible we would t,
speeyully request those Indebted to en't arid son,
their accounts. JOHN U I,PCUILI),
InP9 li. D KING
JOHN D AFCORD havmg misocusted with lam his
brother James krCord, under the style of 111'Cord
& Co, will coutinu. the Hat, Cop and Fur hustling iu
all its various branches, wholesale clod retail, at the
old stand, corner of Wood and sth streets, where they
.011. ti
1 n continuation of the patronage so liberally be
stowed on the old firm. JOHN D hINNJRD.
mkt, J.kkiEkt d. hINJOHD.
N retiring from the old nod well known firm al
M'Cord & King, I mart re.ipectflly reoactunetid to
the patronage of the public my succeswirs, Messrs.
kreard & H. D. KLNG.
rpflE copartnership heretofore existing between the
1, subscribe., under the style of Rualitield S.
Hot, exptred this d•y by 1111M5(1411. The busuleas of
the litrla wJI be settled by tc Roo.
JAMFA D. hl'611.1„
Pittsburgh, July 19, I,ls.
The undersigned ;111 continue the WholesaJe Gro
cery and Corn Ituunette,..under the [lrmo( ACGall
and Roe, of their old Hand, To. 114 I.lberly street.
ivALTEtt C. ROE.
Haymg sold my interest in We firm of krtoll, Bosh•
field a iormer partners. }l`Collk. Roe, I take
pleasure it reeorroneuthog them to my fnende end the
• Mdse. Iyro S. EL BUSHFIELD.
Ors-Paruse ratalp p01i0.. ----
T t
W. STE:PH P.N.S nlWheellug, E. F. Shrenberger
of Junta.. and J. A. Stockton of Pinuburgh, hate
this day entered tutoc co-partnership antler style and
firm or Stephens, tiltanaberger k Co., at the Anchor
iron works, %Vb.,.hug, Va.. tor the purpose of mann
factoring Iron and liana of every descriptum.
6 W. 1 1 1,0 1 1 11446. t I. gwfba&Ue4 1. •. srocrnos.
Bn - hreenng, Vo
Manufarture alt kind af boiler. 'hotel, bar trot and
mans, A B steel chime oprongs and wales. Benne con
nected wah Shoentnergee• old Jun/22. WWI., we can
offer an article on Joon. noon cnranded Shoe:Merger)
equal to any mode to By counlty All of watch will
be .old an It< Btandnuri., prices. Warehou. of the
works cot tier of?!Queue add \ later at, ntyll
Iyff3SOLDTION—The parmendup hitherto cast.
nog nude, the style and lam ofWnghtruan
tlus day thniolvrd In) mutual nnononent, John Dol
an] having ttn, on to, entire intereot to It. \‘
inail. The busanennd of the lute hnn wnl too settled by
11. Wlehtman. who to authonard to use the 01 the
late tam tor that purpo.c. Il Wleilr [ - MAN
apcMchlor joly 1171 J DAI-ZE1.1..
Till; Subset, rr ty now prepar.-d tothastulactura all
ktudy ul 0.111011 11/1.1 Look,: tunrry. ut the Yhorthat
thdrry lett :at It %t !abut... ,n,tne ',bop, Cor
, I,lwrty and Water stmt... will ntret with prompt
at:cm ..... 11. ‘‘
laYucol, Yt I.etw,-tt Federal and riandualt)
yntldly Allealtrtey COT.
erneE aute. M. Hun: Wield I.ur un otterayt to the
11 Dry Wanly Iltnoir-• 0011.41.'1 , 4i In the nathr 0, Ina
•1~ ,I Mart. Pm.-
r f ur, l u l~ I,
I'li.. n• IL.-
10•PAILLTN IP tVouotoTrnevl.rvirtN - 1
j day .1111 Johr , Al t the
Iher bu.thre. tier..atirr watinctetl wit, the
hntt of lN ga nun; LI Nl
J. 410 .INli
„ , 1,41
I k 1 f, Ltr..• ,te I 1r•CI hound 10 DO
..1 Pad 11, 01,01,1 pub,. ro ay.sal to> se!, sal iton op
po, woo) of ei% ,4 put , ority tome ea...mord.mary edects
ot , our 1--speetoratot Oa Ilavusg beet/ itllll , .tell
bur Verlli )•12r4 watt a revere rough, Leeue :ever
attd tt. eunennutant dt..eare,.. and teemed ohl, doomed
to ;Inger OM II shun but umsruhle ritstettee, until the
tall of Ischr. when. being inom nevetely attacked, and
baring renorted la all al) anal*, tetuedw., and the pre
settptions tw,, of the mont rexportable ottyamtatis
the etrtgblontiood dhow deriving any benefit. or we
4.01.1/01ftIlUll of .urtlytmg but alew day. or week.. at—when the last gleam of hope was about to
V UNI, I and recommended to me your Kapettorant
an M d ble.ned I,) that Bring who does all things to thr
tine of the mean.—and contrary to the •xpeetatluitA of
my phystemun told Mends. I WWI in a few days maned
trout my bed. and was eanhtided by the ipue of a bottle. to
attend to tuy bustoca, 01/10) lag • I nee better health than
I and for ten yretro prevom•
R...pectfully yours, hr., J tp. Earth
For sale ot Pittsburgh. at the PAM Tea Slum. 711
Fourth street.tuard,
It. A, I , a tots:coca, Uta.., Coy.
Wholee►le Drew Store lo the City of
Di esv York.
yli F: unkleraignell ure exielmivrly engaged tike
.L Whole.. Drug t•usoie, et Nu. Juhu crert,
the city of New lurk. 110.1 use prepar“l supply
Druggist. end ruuutr Nl,neutto w,:4 Drug, Pcuttl,
00.. Dye-mtulf... Fore gn And Mtertean tainerr;
%Veur, h Niauder. s Chemical.. 0.,1 thew ow*
Duporutuou, oral :all outer /true.. ui their I,lle ui
of n sgyenur quulity !IA low a. they Call be-pun
chased rat the. or any canterit etty.
New York, Fel , lo ❑. A. FAIINE,TUCK 2.. Co.
31nreher's Chrome Green.
r '0 PAINTKRS, uunu NIAKERS, .ke—We, the
underaigned. {'Mutes voidliud Magerd, of the city
of New York, have Lined and tested. and are now
a new article of Chrome Omen. manutactured by t.eo
IClMarcher. of cny. Mild lied it to work well, pro
ducing a bite brilliant Pans Ureen appearunce. With *
very buperior Inaly, and recommend it to oar brettiret
Lit the Vane as in evcry particular the beat Chrome
Orton we have ever used. New York, June I.
by u
'"'" ut4 t r als c e:l c t h r rTen "' n.:, i en th' in ' et7 Le
hed of H. E. SELLIK:k, No 57 Wood street, who has
We exclurave agency for ste safe an INttsburgh. nanrl3
A Fine Set of Teeth for 25 Cents.
and unhealthy teeth, after be-
Ingonce or twice cleated with ..1011e Amber Tooth
Fmte, have the appearance of the most beautiful Ivory,
and at the same unie dm so perfectly innocent and eat,
qumltely Line, that its coimiunt daily use is highly ad
vantageous, even to those teeth that are in • good eon
&Lion, giving them a beautiful polish. and preventing a
premature decay. Those already decayed it prevents
from becoming worm—it also (miens such as ore bo
cortmul loose, and by perseverance it will render the
foulest teeth delicately white, and make the breath des
liciously sweet. M. JACKSON, vii Liberty
sirreL roar 29
- A r r — VATEIL - YkSTOCI/L'li Irk:UMW Utig.
AFEIV week. inane, one of my children, aged about
live year., was unwell for several days, and the
illness increased so alarmingly that I feared death
would be the result. Having tinned of the good infects
ut Futinestuck's Verunfuge when administered to the
children of my neighbors, and thinking my child might
have worms. from some oldie symptoms, I guys it one
and a halt teaspoonfuls of the Veronfuge, and to my
great astonishment it almost immediately discharged
between 250 and 283 large worm.. Its health was woo
restored, and it is now remarkably well. Previous to
taking me Venn:lnge, the worms would occasionally
rise in to tltroat, and I onen•feared it would die from
strangulation. /AS. 6 I.)AWSII:4.
Tionesta, Venango es, PA, Aprd , db. .1,13
00K 'JERK—Rend the followleg eatuficate.
13 Al'eutati..evud.s. Ohio, May 9.1,19.
'1 lusts . sandy that my tube daughter was st.cutd
with worms, atid that I tried several remedies, so coi
led, without nay apparent effect. Being informed by
the agent in Mtn place of the lacers. of Sellers' Venal.
loge, I was IndUccd togtve it a trtal. Alter gretug a
few doses, according direettons, my daughter was
relieved I neve no hessian. in giving it as my optn
lb. Seiler: Verrtniuge is the best
unrrtiktv WU:Y.
Prepared ond Bold by K. F.. Sober, N0..57 Wood ed.
Sow alpo by Dr. Cur4el, :oh Word, D. N. Curry, Alla
spoil'', and Wm. J Smarr. Tompormom ,, rdo. IyB
Popular, bocauro Good!
S F. It S' FAAII 1.5' At 1 C N 1.; S.
Srel JeUer.on Co, /*Alai - eh 1. 1,43.
A,l It IL SELLA-AS-1 have nearly sold ell the Vet
-1.12. ntluge end Cough rap you me. Your Yu
suiugn ts without r .I.c.eptiOn die hest ever offered In tale
ueighluerhoutl, Layne( proved gcuul wherever
tmough Syrup end ! s wot rills have Otto given set.
I.mseuoil lonic °VI ,o.rvt .1 SCUTT, Ptnlmolor.
••• • • •
Prepared and ' , old by H F.:?.1E11.1.1.:}(S,o1 Waxd nr..,
nold by Dr Cursel.:nb NVtard, U Al Curry, Allegheny; tr.
:•roinh. Terni•erainn•Ville 91tifb
awetoo. ellertual remedy before
the public for the curt cn Is, b. ar, and materl
pimple. IA ibe Inv, neck aml body, trupllou,,
an. 11,11 tmbet dt•en,c. 0: the .tut run, 11tunn...)
wurr4nlekl Ir., mutt aseteul). lir, /0.1) . ow., mod
,nn) eir , nrintoneet
A lie,. vauable 1,1111,, rren J.e.l and
!or .a:•• , 11 A 1'A11`,....1r,r1,
,V HOW Rusk Powder n delonous and highly
nutrinoun mod, which never luaus nerd on the stomach,
nod Is now uouvenwhy fecottanlesidca by the faculty us
livatorelerelice to Lirorl, Sago, Taprocu, or plant /mmW
brtter naiad to the del/riddled •toinaCb of In
valids, and s more arrccurthenum and wholesome food
tor inlunra For sale by It E SELLERS,
marn`r 57 wood in'
for ' the d' s ' alni d I lru r rCrou b tZt " Z P J:° ! . "' .7,7. l :.. " lll:
Nllll harp eonatantly on hood a large eupply,wruch
they rvdl rornron to dealers at the lowan mortal perm,
lot nub. je.lll J Kiln) & to
retee An TITOII3-1031, PR0111180122.
THIS eittablisliment long and widely known a5 ,.... A
Bal noneione of the moat conninod.m in the city of
, hae recently undergo. very ellen.
•Ive alterations and improvements. An entire new
wmg has been added, tan wag =micro. and wary
dipping apartments, and eiteninve bathing rooms.
lie Ladies' department has alto beta completely
reorpanixed and fitted up nu a moot unique and beaun-
ful style. lu fact sire whole arrangement of the House
hn. been remodeled, with a single eye on the pan of
the pnaprtelors, upwards the comfort and pleasure of
their Guests, and which they confidently anon will
idiallemye comparison with any Hotel in the Union.
null Malaya be aupplied with every o p
m a aid luxury which the market affords. nerved
up m a subwrior style; while in the way of Wines, &v.,
they will Vet be surpawed.
Lt conelinnon the proprietors beg to say, that nothing
will be 101 l undone on their part, and on the pan of their
„ l b
asonni. to render this Howl worthy the continued
patron. of their Mends and the public generally.
The pri ea for board have aloe been reduced to the
faharetug rates;
lads ' Ordniary, lII,Vi per day.
Gend men'. . 1.51.1
N. B.— e Baggage Wagon of the Howie will al.
way's be and at the Car acid Steamboat I.andutga,
Lab wil convey baggage to and from the Hotel, free
of charge merit(
2 cunxia OP PM. AND fr. Mali ITlTalmluati.
manage. The subscriber having meowed the mulge.
mein of this long established and popular Hotel,
respectfully ...eel; to Traveller, and the
Public generally, that he will be at all times prepared
to acconimodate them in all dithgl desirable to a well
regulated Hotel. The Euusew bmng thoroughly
repaired throughout. end new Furn po iture added, and no
pains will be spared to make the Exchange one of the
very best Hotels in the country.
The undersigned respectfully solicits a continatmen
of the very liberal patronage the Home has heretofore
feceivebtkin Pruprwun.
MILS THROCKAIORTGN hegs to acquaint his
uguin lessee of the GALT
1101.18 V. Louiertlle, Ky, where he hopes to meet
ell his old friends, awning themend the public, Minto effort shall scored to mote all comfortable who
favor him veldh their putronsue. raulldly
iv o . f p z E Uitleed re r . iee, , Ptola
notre.Pfl"n Proprietor .
TATIIITE. BROOKS 2k. CO., would ra.peetfutly in
, V lorm the public that they have erected o shop on
Lithock. between Federal and Sandusky streets. hey
ore now tontine and are prepared to receive orders !Or
every description of vehicles. Conches, Chariot's, 80.
touches, I:loci:its, Murton.. die., Ike., which from their
experience in themanufacture of the above work,
and the facilities they have, they feel confident they are
enabled to do work on the most reasonable terms with
those waitung articles M their hue,
the selection of mate
rial, and having none but competent workmen, they
hove no beattenon In wet - ranting thew work. We
W erefore ask the attention of the public to this matter.
N. B. Reputing done mate best manner, and ou the
most reasonable term,
Stockholders, take Notice.
• • • • .
riCBE Stockholders in the Youghinbetty Navigation
Company are hereby notified mid required to pay
to Mr. James Hamilton. the Treasurer of the Company ,
the sum of Ten er rent on eaoh share of their stock,
before the ' 12th day of Joly next. and a further
sum of Ten per cent. on or before the 12th day of Au
put next. The stockholders will also take armee. that
thelaw embosses the collect.. of One per cent per
month, on iiistalinclit not punctually made, which. it
wool accessary, .11 be enforced By order 01 the
Board. ALL PLLMER . Pre.
J B Outea. Step. eel l
A 6 l 7 t hat ' :e r{ . ( j r[TlT ' jOrd — fAt h 7! 74F :tc ". l e ie d n; a 2 t S N d o o
detached do, Ido Lepme; In Silver Patent Lever do,
Td do detached do; do Lepuie do; IS Gold Guard
Champ, heat quality.
Also. a ka.d emorteuent of Breast Pula, Ear Ring.,
l'' 'R: r e i l b e:4 *. g 6°M a P h7;v " e ' b ' e d en Pe re "c c ' et ‘ eed with the last
hey week,. and odd be .old at reduced pones Per
sona wndung weans , . a rood and cheap Watch.
would do well to call precious to purchastn;
Jr& ZE.81.1.0N kINSEY
Eolll.ilA N ANKIINS, kc —W It Murphy ban with.
in it few day. reeetved nu addinonal nuppiy of
Lotnutale Nanktem. toid .tyle.) fine bleakheil
1.000000 do, unbleach,l do. fine Gong Cloth Shims e.,
Irn.h I..inette, t very lou.l white Cotton Mr,, lend
do, Paper Cambrle., Re, at the Ilry tioude N
F. cortaer itit and Market bt
fl — j - Wholerale Kowa. Lg. %taut.
Dr. DlcLane In Tenn
• • • • •
14119 errury flint I purchawd mm v ial of 1)r.
11 Latina AVorm o months wo
awl gave to a sou of crone. wine t ees years old. two
...Owns full, awl She amount luny apnea:
ergo, y. I Stave no doubt tan in,. was upward. of
two laboowao wowo wow fons,
Won me quarter of an Web so two Welles long.
6 AV 1101.L1DA Y.
floc!'. !'reek. Carrol eo. Tenn . Dee V 7, 1 , 47. still
Leeching, etapplng raud Invading.
Ni0N.111.., ,Suerrs.a.r R 11 , ..any
.n..• No hh Filth %meet. hetween %Vmad and Shin,
li , al Fresh wrehrs ram-lead mooth —.radiance a!I
hours Reference, the phyriesans at Pittsburgh: Ann.
aMeny and Btrrtungbarn.
Itown cherrtmlN recommend the physicians fam
ilies and all my former nerds arid patrons. Mr Ii B.
Morns as rming Morourhly acquainted with the tmer
11[•% 111111 y of pa to
ntar.. I y M R. DELANY
Manufactured Tobacc o.
, St n. Roy.ter's .Minor sere!;
to Ikl
. .!1 J. do du
du du Pr. r' . .l
14 do 1 Itan.m.un
J 7 hi du do
do do Win
At do T Wright'.
37 do 4: Andrrson
9 do I. T Dade.
do K !docun'•
9 do Katellif
loot landing Rum steamer and pockets. and tut sale
north water and Id north urh
It I ANITA CTL 11.F.13 TOLIACCII-2U bx sioncs
& • •tapenur sweet lb lump.
75 hull bit ‘V I tiler Uld supcnur sweet Ls lump.
'35 Lawc Lother 5, . 4
I,ntryvone& Rorryr •• .l.& b.
Dupont ,de la Eure!
to .11cLeoal
25 •• Lawrence Loturr S&6l plug
Just 15.1.1011 front •touoirr. sod lor sale by
D ALL , L3I.:CKNUR & Co.
11 N water si and 15N wharves,
'JAPER—A....IAI. Straw Wrapping Paper, 011 ettes,
IW ronins ruled Cap Writing,
ol plata letter do; all quahtiest
co Cap,
270 [peanut, Teo Parer;
170 arose white and blued watts Bonnet Boards:
• lOu rearms Al außla I:4l4<iOpt Papor,
Ilartlware Poperi just recd and for
sole low by KEVN()LLtB A SIIKE,
myJ:dlm corner penn and bean ate
1 ) 4 1 . Al.f .. l. , ' , F , t e ll i r . L u T s. E , B ,, lt , il .. BJ:t d C . o o ( l ) 7r l , l . st c o , re 0114 to ar.
nien. from manufacturers of Richmond and lynch
burg, which salt erola to the Bode at redue«l rates:
73 b no L.annorttne St,
GO do John Hacker .1a;
I In do Henry & J coneal s. 5, anti -o.
31 do lb James An;
Ili do R. B. Warwtek
19 do I. M. :Reword Os and ton
27 do Jame. NloOtoon 3s. 1, S AVATERPIAN
mug' at water and 1k (runt eta
lilE. sainicrioer oilers for sale a full assortment of
ha Stupid Patent Blocks, Skives, kn., adapted to
UM mule. Also, complete thus of Mocks, adapted to
passel. of 811 y capacity, put up Dud forwardedmany
rt of the thuon, without delay and at the lowest pn-
LIUNUM VITX for cant In quantities to sun
purchaser.. Clio W STAPLES,
...iipt-timituterT&S 90 Boning Shp, Now York
I CASKS Jae hluspron & Son's brandsqust land
front steamer Northern Ltitht, nod l.llde by
D RITANN IA ME - I'A LW A RF,—.Just received from
the manufactory, Britannia Coate Pots; do Tea
do; do Sugar Bowls and Cream Cups; du Slop do; do
large Pitchers, with lids; do Molasses do do; do Coffee
Etna, with lumps. Fur sale at low prices.
tc.s BILL a BETTY, Sign Big Pitcher
Dittspiott's Poteni
t), , ," CASKS lust landing trout soda
steamer North Carob
s...kJ na, mid for sale by
te7 160 liberty street
great spring and summer medicum, dits day reed
.d for sale wholesale and retail, by
N. B —As R. E. S. is Dr. Townsend's only agent for
Pittsburgh,she genuine erstele may always be had at
Nu 57 Wm al street. my lJ
J 7 ing kinds, sir —B/1k graduated leaf gaup buttons
tiroodentiourah do; Fautiusel do; Castilian do, Tassel
and Drop do, Nett anti do, together with white
001100ra Linen, for sal* at 1.. II I,,ATUN h Co'.
my 17 Trlmutung Store, RI market sl
- - '
I , AA:MUGU-2u Bubinsou's Sa lump
1 Tobacco; IS du Itlyerolb do do do, 10 do Ira Hum ,
do do do: 21.1 do Slyer'. lb do do; 25 do tinder: hooey
dew bb plug; 12,1,411,W dwarf bozos !VI yres ouptpor
Aroma°, do, 41 du, .4U do du Thaw.' Nectar Lew du;
;um rreetved and tor ,Ale Uy
Brimlini 4 10 dos
UTow Yarn; loollm Beemrtii,(O boo No l Soup,
tl do star Candles, 15 do lot Flaiols, 21 bblii
Nos Loaf Sugar, to toile by
& HENN Krr
— Co-Partiaorship Notice.
U FALL), BUCKNuIt & Cu. have pascictoted with
ij them 111 tbatt'robatteo and busmen,
Edward finald.llate 01 Jorob Heald & Co, Baltimore,'
David C NleCommon. and John A \Vanier. toyM
!mug a large ngsoruntat orlrun Stalin %Vete, RIM.
ale ter MCll,ll6Olll] ryd hcerle, wine) we will sail
.0 of the nig
CIOU Uhi A tiTA 11 RIBBONS-An OatUnltirelt
sand rul'd Mantau and 141111 RIbWILS, vy.tscil yes
rlda). and nderrd law'l.) Inn pwer, xl whoilegal•
rounn. of %V It All! Y.
IYU oortlouto cur 4. ~..Trltol nt, +tory
DACON —IU I,lula yellow eadlyar.sod damn; 1u ay
tudcs, .5 do Shoulders, all 01 prune quality.
1016 11k:LLE1K.S NICOLS
A ILEZS pn A . N e II do ViI . I : a . P? y R.K . —lO blots Mroo, r.,L ; 5
riIARTARIC ACLU —4,ts, of a superior quality, re.
1, carved and lot solo Ly
4;2 TE:Am IioAT iNTERLwr Frig SALE-0e hd(
0 of Me fine steamer Wyoming for sale on aecom
inodaung terms. For particular. enquire
1,3 ft W HARBA of
h 3 Water and front
EAPPirmcoTT f. aeMits
(Lam J Strickler &Val
M A " .N.II W RIL ess ‘'d of
Smithfield Pi tt sburgh. S ' lsrickler knit* ttrce",:a
utd the survivals partner Mr. Joe Liggitttto" , tu " m r
amociated hisusett with Mr. Wuilellarr, Use business
liereallet be conducted under dm 4710 Sif 44 PO' n.
conk Harr.
Trial of a safe in Clneinnati, o.—We the teulereign
ed were present at the testing of one def EtStrinkler &
Co.' unproved Phsettlr fire-proof salhe.• 'The ate *u. •
Pieced fa a furnace on the public binding, and extblected
to the intense heat of a stone coat lite tor mons than
three hours. In one hour and a half the safe came to
a bright red heat; the door of the fainace 'enigma
closed. which caused an increased and steady heat Gib .
the balance of the time, mitil the curium wheels were
partially melted off:, the furnace was than thrown dowel
and the safe cooled opened. The money, men
and books which it contained were imperfect as when
placed there , the binding only of the book. being tit
tered by the venter In cooling the toile. We have no
hesitation In reeolninending it to the public as a safe
superior to any we have ever seen
teetedand belie
at ve
that it will stand any he which mightproduced,
/crept a brat which would melt IS to a solid mass.
Spnriger & Whitman, I. Worthily°, Kellogg k
II Kentr, Hein Lerner, W P Wenn, urns Smi , T
Mead rtu C t o c;r! 'i'd''' ' M'Y'd
We, the anderaigne.l, selected the safe !molten 01
.hove, from a lot .n the atom of Truber a Az, the
C OSPRING uber Lit,
S J KE.1.1.06.
Refer to Cook sk Harris. Broken, Pittsburg*
Hussey 110. MIR k CO, do do ife..ldlewlyB
LIPPMMT. 100011. WICt. L. a 000.040.
Air ANIIPACITRIBIS of Hammered aud CAM Steel
111. Shovels and Spades, Ages sod hatchets, BBL%
Cut. Circular and Got Saws, Hay and blaiture Forks,
Hon, !Buttocks, Picks, Jse., having completed all their
arrangements Su the construction of new machinery,
and ni secunng the best workmen front the most eel.-
lirated establoshrocamorthe Fact are now manufactur
ing and will keep coons:Ludy on hand and for sale oil
the above articles, having availed themselves W . the
Immo improvemmtm, and are determined that in work
manship and maternal they will not be excelled. They
promise to produce erne es mined, if not superior. to
ny that eau be had to the Bs,.'. They invite the ant.
non of dealers to an examination oftheir stock before
pun-besot; elsewhere, an they are convinced that they
will be able to fill all orders in their hue to the enure
raulfaction of purchasers. Warehouse, Water street,
4 doors West Monongahela House, Pittsburgh, Pa
N. R—Person• hemp business with Wm. uppers
colt h Sou tell plene call on Lippe-aeon & Co.
PlMlllt WOOD illrlll Wax. Rooms,
85, man senor.
A large and splendid assortment &Furni
ture...table for Steamboat, Hotels nod pri
rhte dweliings, Coll.lllldy so hand and
made to order.
The present stock on band cannot be exceeded by
any mann...wry in the western country. Persons
wishing to purchase would do well to glee ma a call,
as l elm delerinined my prices shall please. Part of
We stork consols in
:Sr sofas with Plush and Hair-cloth covens;
: dor 51alimpury Nurse Chairs,
II pair Divans;
II dos fin. mahogany Chairs; *
12 mahogany Work Stand.
3 dos mahogany Rocking Chung
15 marble top Dressing Bureaus;
8 pair Ottoman,
8 marble top Work Siam.; "
IS cherry Work Stands; ....
klahogany, Maple, Cherry, sod Poplar Bedsteads of
all dc.criptrons. and • large as.orneut of common
fun uture and charm, too numerous to munuon.
TIIEI' are not aware how frightfully in anon it O to
the.k,n—bow eoars how rough, how sallow, yet.
low and unhealthy We skin appears after y .
using prepe
pans: chalk' Reside/. ttu matinees, comomlng &large
quantity o; lend!
We have prepared a beautiful vegetable article,
which we cull JONES' SPANISH LILY WHITE 11
is perfectly innocent, being purified of all deleterious
quaint.% and it imparts to the side a natural, healthy.
alabloter, clear, living white;at the same tune acting
4+ a cosructle on the skin, making it son and smooth.
Or lames Anderson, Practical Chemist of Massa.
chow.. says: - After ...drum/ Jones' Spanish Lily
wh.. I find it posse.. th e MCst beautiful and nate.
rat, and at the same tarns Innocent white I ever saw. I
certainly can consmenuously recommend its use to all
whose skin requires beautifylug." Price, PS ceatts a
boo Said by IV M . JACKSON, b 9 Liberty at. utar2o
Pftt Eloahlno Works and Foundry.
JOHN WRIGHT& Co.. are prepared to Budd Cotton
and Woolen Machinery of ever, desenolon, such
• Carding Machine*. Splinniug Frames, Speeders.
Drawing P Railway Heads, Worpers, Spoolers,
Dressuu; Promos, morn., Card Glanders. &e. Wrought
I rou Shathire turned; all size* of east Iron. Valium. and
Haireer+ nu the latest pauern... sltde and hood Lathe,
aud Wei , told* Castings of every desertpuou
flushed on ,tort n ratter. made no order for
.11,11 Gearing. 1r.., /Ladinonce.
g. hr. Stearn ripe for heat.
nag Factortec t a,t Iron l)r indow Sash and fancy Ca*.
1111, gen.-ran) Ordere lett ut the Warehouse of .1
Palmer t'o , I..rbert attem., hose prompt *nen
licior w 81Ac.k.a...,t. 1411 & J Nlto*.
, Warner, John Jr..n & Sou, P.ttnburgh U.
d.. 1 11 Warner, Hteuix,iville /..elll
_ •
DI, t E
spring, Azle, Ste si el and Iron IVorlsa.
101.}:b AN II tit. si AN it Cu, I , •ving completed
Li Mete new works, are now prepared to manutite.
tura every debenatai s'eirelt and 17tptic Spnugs,
Ame au, III...! ,intrig and Plough
Sthtrh ec, sod ,, il or -mall •fsry and round Iron.
me)' offer b o r e or It'-nol terms, rti their ware•
houw, No id 11 41,01. .r here they also keep ou
band a complete add a ~,butane rt.-sorter:tent a Couch
Trimmings Carnage Hardware, Malleable C”ttngs,
N sus and Iron
C H• C. I. art le to
with Messrs.
Cs) & Crone n.sniint. - tumrs of Shovels, *pude. Forks.
,kc and id keep constantly on hand ever) article
made by theta Dealers are respectfully cited to
sit, a. prices and terms will be made Inn rul volt jrAS
Now Hardware House.
corner of
i.g.l • i Wood and .1 sts Pntsburgh
. line.
tug withdrawn from the firm of
user sue oodwell, as the Ist of Januar), lel:, I
take pleasure in antiouncitig to my (nends Me c'
and county), thus I hare opened my new share ao
t the
above named place Having purchased my goals lint
rash. and made arrangements with hawed
this nod in Europe to be supplied,
I ant fully prepared to toriosn Hardware uf all kuols,
on as good terms arid us low us any house Ka.. or
t 1 est. AI erehants and oilier+ are respectfully invited
to call and examine y stoy k. Imtbre purchasing else
where. The toilowurqgcomprises • pan of Ws stock,
Steamboat and saddlery hardware, gun tritaimags,
files, Naylor's steel, cutlery, edge tool.,vier.,
lot kr, latches., !lc Mmes. butt lunges, screws, Union I ac.
ut) planes. saws, mahogany boards and veneers, and
..I other articles cortitectral with die hardware buss
City Dagnerrlan Gallery.
7111.1 minor. YOST uVriCi Bra-to:W.
0 I li/Gl-; beg, leave to moral the e111215 1 / 1 1 f Paw
burgh and sicnuty. that he hat Wien the Ilaguer
nen dooms Wwly oCruyied by Alr. Porter. The pub
no ore
ssted that all the late .procanumut are secti.
red. and will be brought tato operable. by Mr. HoP ,
who has beets a conatalti operator stare the art war
hrst discovered. Entire naUstacnost la guaranteed
ad who miry become hi. patrons. Mr. 11. will toter
with pleasure mMr. Porter, to who. establiattnaent he
has operated for the last twelve months. Faintly Por- , DnUereeeell , e, accuraM/y
eojlloll LlkelleSeee taken in any weather, and set in
lockets, breast pins, rased and frames.
Instructions given in every branch or the art and sp.
para.. furnothrd.
fiIfifIICH:SYNA A Mason &
Co, tin Market et, hove received 0 eases of cheap
piotted Lawns and dashes, u case. of French do, of
le, ID ses of
al style Ging
ham., 4do new sr) le Pruden do blues nd orange Cal
m... AU do bunched !donuts, all wtdths. Also. eases
bleached, brown and blue Drill., Cottonudes, Checks.
(herbal., the &e , all of snitch will be °tiered ot the
tomcat Eastern wholesale pales. t0)-ti . _
Penn Machine tilkop.
LT WIG wrmA Ai—Manufacturer ot kind, of rot.
Mnll and woollen machtstery, Mies - hen) niiy, Pa
"the above works beteg now ni lull and auTcessnd op
crution. I ant prepared to execute orders with Mandeb
for all kutds of machine:l to III) low, smell on n-thaw.,
pickers, spreaders, cord., grinding nulwaya
&evenly; frames. speeder., laruantio, loom, woolen
cards, double uta gle, tut oictehaJil or ...airy work,
studes.locks. he,, /low and hand tithes and tools in ft.
eral All lad, or snarling made to enter, or plans giv
en for gearing lacturic• ur reasoesalue eharge.
Sinai to—hentted), CL 1_ 8. Co., Insclstock, Bell
& Co., /Lug, Pennock h. Co Ins. A. (we .
AkA Fand ULTON, aud &truss rounder, tuts re
built commenced business RI am um stand,
where he wtll be pleased to see his and custom
ers sod triends.
Church, Steamboat, and Bells of every size, from to
to idulin pounds, east from patmrus of the most approv
ed models, and warranted to be of the beat materials.
:tuners! Water Pumps, COunters, Ratting, &0., loge.
thee with every variety of Brads Casuagit, if required,
humid and dumbed to the neatest manner.
A. F. is the sole proprietor of Bsaerr's An-Arrsi.
RUM MAT., so Justly celebrated for Use reducuon of
dimwit In machinery. The Doses dud Composition
can be bad of him at all timed
Ploughs, Plough Casilsiga,—Wagosa
Dozes, &a.
ROBERT MALI, of the old
ram of IL Jr. 8. Mall. is matinfae.
lailug huge quauttlies of
Ploughs, Piouißt Castings, Wag
on Oakes, na, with the noprovements of the Leaver.
Peacock, Illsoom, and other Ploughs, of the hatwt and
best puttersta now sts tom.
ware Louie. Ile3l.tnerty etreel t Pillsburgh, opposite
Um Buy Selir, Fuetory, in Allegheny any, near the
Conn., Facto!) ul tdcss“. kilaeketuelt, Bel, lc Co.
W. a J. GiLENIIT; itooklAnciler..
vare Atli;sged In the above blisluess, curlier
vi ;Oa ra streets, Pittsburgh, where
A are Kr.,.ated iv do 5113 w in our line with des
patch e 5111 . 114 16., our work verponully, and nabs.
isetan, will be given in regard to heal/1C.4 and du•
Munklta ruled to itny pattern and Outind rub.
inuatially. lious• to ;mune rt. Grout books bound Tarr.
lullytreatriril :Sumer put on hooka in gilt Ire.
tbaer !het hat, work m our Ito. are invited to cull.
l•rire• low niy2U.ll
Sassily and lla•veiCanal.
, I , llE,toowutocnl u( the brand SCltTer Can al
j Company, arc he Mb) noshed that art efecttiou fur
iniculUso of stud 12011408aq will tie holden on kh rditca•
. the nth day of A ugnat mkt, at Inc Canal Odier,
'vow litation, Ohm between the hoar. of 1u Wring!, A
31 , and I luck, I'. amid clay.
ear rotary IA t' (.0
Cut and Wroniiiii trati
saberflilet, ate pr. par., to Cieettle 01,1cTs u,
nit ItlVOroll, tent, 14, on.-ty dike:lgo:on of lion
Itailing, tor eats 01d,.., Crm.lenen, t uurvires, hr. a.c
uruid Altriturni Loa,
To Contrso.tor• •nd BolMors. -"--
Lva SALE. vnry lon , In store tho l'UPllle.l of dm
JC late, Einn of Gouelable A Strickler. 4 pair et Veolt
boors, of 41IpetiOr nluilulaclum. Apply in
GUNS I'd.lll.E. 13U IlliE & Co,
0p2,11 trd at, oat door /root wood
UST REC LIVED—A lar,ie and splendid oarortment
(I 01 ClotAs, C 55.111.1., t estiAgs, Cravats, &0., .rtd
tor sate by I. WILLIAMS, Meretwt Tutor,
mod Lauder Mottomrstrela House, smitttfield st
pit; IRON—IOO tons. Obto Furnace Hot Biw, arri•
vtos per !Woman!. Ou torts Brooklyn Flume&
lattSitt Co. Fa.) Hut blast, (or sok by
1719• Wl' it
rIE satriferilmr revved:illy reguests Ike attention of
tha warners • and captains of booth, enisent and
strangers visiting Pinshlargli, to kislarge slut sideudal
stock of carpeting, no* for sale k nr r b new IttOrt,, 4 th
street_ They cons ist of every vediely of the Iwo, and
most fashionable styles of Carpets, Oil Cloths, kr . ever
brought in the Western mashes. — The 15101 T ho. been
bails eaptessly for thecarpm busrimm . a and bus s (rag std.
less of expensed been tined up at thalooll umbrae..
modern style.
The carpets receiving are al
the richest and moat brdhant
They compme, in part. of ine
E V i r. ..TAPeeicY, item
and American Dm.
fowl Ingrain, new she
Superior Ingram, new de.
. I gUi
r me Ingnan;
Common (In
Plain and twilled Nloniu.;
Extra super cord twilled des
Royal do;
Sheep Pelt;
I pun ainde
Cotton, list, rug and hemp carpet, common oil cloth,
od cloth table covers, wonted and Mien table coven,
window shades, colored and plaint starting, stair rods,
trimmings, carpet bindings, and all other goods usually
kept In Car Del store, all o( whir h wtll lie sold on as
reasonable terms as any In the city. Having mode 111 . -
rangranems with one of Me largest manufacturers tu the
east, orders for.any land carpet will be promptly for
warded by mlegraph, delivered in one week, at a
small advance of the manufacturers price.
Purcbuers arc paructilarly requested to call before
purchasing elsewhere, as we feel cen6deut we can tell
as cheap as they can be purchased to Mc eastern cams.
marts W INN!).
atr ' it 1 fa " lao a ; d /Cl3 l 4t d S, v t ' i ' l n a ' t! t t
50 d lever atches; 0
lever watcher, English; IR gol silver detac W hed err 4 watch
es; :V silver L'Einne winches, ZS silver quern-,
watcher, 12 fine gold chainsi I dot new , style ear ring.,
5 dns plain geld hoop rings; 0 dos assorted Datesi 2 mu
teal bozos, playing a variety ot popular on's; 12 6 ,0 "
steel slides, all sizes.
5 do; fine Fans, silk and paper; Al chil comm. Fa.;
6 doz fine velvet bead bags, new styles; 10 doz hoe
crotchet bond begs, new styles; 5 doz fine crotchet
parses, new styles; dos hangars...assorted; Stars,
tassel., (nog., gilt and silver, for regalins; 10 doz floe
flower yeses, assorted; 1 do.. funs steel screw pus cush
ions' t doz fine ivory screw pin cushions; 1 doz tine
wood screw pun c.hious. A fine assortment of new
Toys, kc. to. martEt
SfP RISN;rANICRUJI/fti3.76 . 00D5.
s.stab, & OV. , o. t. Armonk Ago.,
Pinsborgh. New York.
A. A. Blason & Coy
XTO. 60 sDuket street, be and 4th sts,
burgh Pa, have recently opened their new and
elegant store, with en emc.ive *toed of rock Spring
and Summer Goods comprising upwards of three hun
the West and Met fashionable
Ryles. Merchants throughout. Wee ountry are particu
larly Invited to call and examine our stock, n out
intention to offer our goods of the lowest Easthm
wholesale prices. One oe tho firm residing in New
York, will be constantly sending u* fresh supplies of
the most desiroble goods, thereby giving us every (a
unty in the transaction al our bootless that coold he
poscesned by Enstern Houses. Prices art therefor,
guersateed to be as low . the lowest ,Near York and
Ftulastelphos rates. Opy
r firm GOODS FOR DRESSER—Open this morn
mg, at IV R Market Dry (hoods Rouse
north east corner of Gus sod sot, a full .sort
meat of wk. Goods Mulls, such. as Swiss Slus
h., plak and fig'd; Mull dol tnirred J.konets;
plain Mulls end Also, venous styles of
goods for Evening themes, tociirdnag a few pattering of
en ure clew styles Emoroulered Alosfitt Rubes.
ID'. New good* will be receiving dully for a week
to come, uscluduig newt.. styles Dress hoods, Linen
sod French tiinghatus, Prn. and Chintz. verg low.
Merchants are invited to examine the goods and pri
ce. an Wholesale routes up stair. Th e as rut
large nod prices very low. red
- - •
y iNI•LN LUSTRE.. AND (;INCiIiAAIS—tV 11.51ur
phy invites ailenuou to los assortm,ot or •bov,
rod., of rtmour shades and guatinec also. darrandt.
ugurtd Lou, Lustre. for Lathe... Dresses. larg
mortise. ut bne Earlston, Alatteltekter, And Ft ttnelt
Inuits. 01 oese c.t etyloui Cso,full
atsorttnent Watt very desirable Woods, including
midi, nine, blue and double purple, of new and bamtu.
tol patterns
Franca Dress Larrn•--Pittk, blue. lilac. brown and
ot newest patterns and / colors; entail tined do
tor ...nuts. Also, Ennio/tuner, of large and .mall tq t -
Embrotaleed Sort.. dress patterns, rot evelong dres
ses, new styles; colored damask Milan:Mt do, and a
lull asuman,.
ussues.,,kerager. arena ' dturs ern!,
shawl, &a, at Ina northern corbel . ot Fount. Isbd Alai
ket meats.
_ • _
(AIN KELLY Jr. Cch, .uceesaurs V.:114*-
hrener & Co.) hIPIRCHANT 7A11.0K.., 103 chl
- street, Yhttadelploa. Der leave to nJorrn the tnetut:
and patrons of the late brim. and alrallfen vlrtung this
,4 tY. th. they are no, rceetpt of the Npouh and
2- 4 41,11113cr Fuiucia, Ate.o a ['go., at)! arseet as.ort•
sorut of West oflinglanJ and Frenta Cloth• ; Cas,
mere, and Vrattur, to whit, they reveevuuy auvne
the., attentton.
. .
L , HACKLE rr do yy Mll'e_ No V.J WUtla a 2cL tint
I ccem..g a vet y ult.l nue a LW rcs4
Norais 1k) ol vc I i - r , ;enk purettatut and Nought
touter the mace tavt•rdtde etrcuoututuadets and watch
they are prephrett, wit! *ea to rnerehttn.... a very
• advance ou the ediatura
'Vs would reguettt 101 1u,rc1.2/li, %iotulg our coy lo
give our stock t air examination, turd itvo lea/ Confi
dent they will bu courely as Cl 411 oheapue:s of
our maw k
blarsehbitatta, :batiks, Cush-
FYruclt,therms, d while es.
Masi an imihisted, all colors, l qualities and priii ep
CAtioLblEbtES at every 511 le and quality. CASH.
AIh.I4B.TITB—Bup .14 ),)beaks Cloth Summer
Cloth, aod desirable coaungs fur pelt,' Wear, at prices
below any itt the city. RUBL'inONS Cloth Biota,
aril? earner Sth 1..1 wood als
q irIIOI.IALE 144:A1.F18M IN lilt T 99 41 ood attect, have On hand, sod arc C0.1:1111-
1). tillragg We bILt.CAS .1.011, a large Mid
extensive .o , olllllcill I.ll{l . liCratria, winch ute,)
ler to merchant., at low prices, and rernianatae terms.
Believing that they cast give enure *titular:son. they
coatidemly matte all inercoants vonuog the city to give
them a mall.
A A MASON a 61.1Nlallret attach are opening
an extensive ays.irtinent al Drams pima, past
halved per Kxpress, comprtsitig tile largest and toast
huloonatite stuck an . Lire,. timid,. to be mi. , lit Iblv
which wv Idvitti4ht. 4t/ ps attru nett ma
bruttlerod Pot) MI Crier a new article, and the hoist
deatruble wheals to tie marvel; ania, satin stripe tbal•
Iles, lieregen,Tabserm., Namur Stripe, French/a...1t,
&c. Ise.
DlO i8)00000.—A A MASON & Ca, till Market
jf tilinsch have lust d a ApiCtl4l.l
b. as of
Urea, Uoods, among Wlll,ll mai tuund—Figoted,
plans, piald and atriped Berae uf all qualme, ank
Wane,mohair stripes, Grenadiers, Satin stripe de
Lames, plash do Bann, SI Clud:le, candy Silk, branch
Jecooo., rse. to.
LI{AU lil t &C.—.Alexandcr b. Day have i and pid A noi , siAdr p
yonlieeeand n ewest elyiL, nepot /
ted mga, silimneteu
and -plant 01511 000Chn blank iterages and Bunleas,
spielald Yrmwh Lawns, Linea l.ustres and bangliams,
tall absortmeut silk, pima and .4,./.1 stripe de L 4131011
awl hoe A110w...
Alt Mesa goods have been purchased .m the lat. par
mPtory nnct+ou 10100 111 Now 100, and VlttictlAldimt
& will ue sold at a great reduction :CUM regular pmts.
corner Mammal and market at
a. /My havo rtossivee direct
1,3 from the importer to Nevi tbrra, ossum c t s,,, e or
gewone Calton Crape Shawls, containing a contpleto
assortmeat of embroidered cunt plain *bowl, a all co
lons and outdates, irons *Se to :Q. Inc ttro res
pect/ally estrumd no examine mesa Cast k. trelseving
mat some of them supormr to uny °eased nt
tius markei_ Tory will oe. sold romurkelty cheap.
Also, Stik Thibet. nod De rage boats/Is iskal :stmts. a
fall assortmout,ut remarkably low pores ray 4
ne sole Aqe
oy for sale nn
I.". a Co • Pleat. trout, Alotar nod loseuspi
donsks 'tooth, turned Deltoids special attemmit.
JOEL mut4Llr:A, Drogittst aPotheeurl,
apl7 cor wood and CM cis
i'2SLOVES—A. gooe assortment of linden and genre
k„Tbl whtte wsd colored Cotton, Lute, Thread,
/Ma and lkolost Leaves, large sue. Also, Oleos wet
colored French Kul Gloves. nu excellent article, aud
lin a ge arsons just opening by
aped Sti&eta.Err A wtIATE, 91 4.-wood so
- -
i - ILoVE AND 110 61ERY—Just reed, 54.10 doe La
dles black, to, tote, brown and sialt CyllOtt Stoic,
coats pot pea up the [most quality. Also, DM
dos gouts Cotton half Hose, luu dos lisle, throud,
mind linen lihrreat also, 1 cartons Lushes Dap. Kid
Wove*. Dealers and others taut wish bargains in the
alone uncles., veal find them al
itru.l.l. .
:11(1141 tr. JU RNSON ' Ssasmorxed r , l
- —•-• -
GLOVI - .`.3, SU., AT
31111diru doe. and Lalllluse, or men, SVOSLICI. and
eladlrert. with ularge lot o f sire. cotton and urtle thrudd
(.love., turd Mate; luatreceived from trupurrera um]
tor ,rule WI101.1.1•1:11/{1.1 Itt:t11. to)
r...laup., the ue AA77 eel ~
12. the :ay; rimel •dr,l.luf do
/ s urge do, du Purer, Ithig, du do 111,54; do ,rdle., do
kui Rutg r 4. Tuir , uotr r A. ' the ue w Fano
:riot,. ,Harker
1.% ma Scow!, Mtul. sisus Aloshu N .lttshop I.o , sus,
N 11.1110.6., .110‘..1.1 Isttv,ts. ...v..
Aluslots, to d n ..thent al iolttitet,
tutd tur , Y Non, Loco., t•AlgttiL., luseruntts, Ste.
t S , • . 1 . , I;tocli have Just urnsud unst IrJui Ute
tvetiea., sod (Ur sal., low to tlic truth.. Ivy
1 r 1c !trig
OF.IVILLRI —l".asitot t l ..lull/1111, k 111 J LOC
Ci. lot time. co .1.. Ittvu, 1 .111 u, rsur
tt do Finger Itsttga, do do do du f.d4.
`IV: do do Vv.,. .ut tho, Ibrat,,t
ed.l too putt
that 1.141 m worm., a turaier•Uppl7bt ,b„,•,,
.„,„" Lou; ..4.0.1+414 d l Mal l BWe..., hoc
“v 0 alt .sort.
iueat„. , c ry Anuie onoualty , 4 'at 10 Ca3l eon
Alco, loop 1.411 e. ler Atltilluos Clad bosom,,of pug,
Ilaba, and vcrY 40241Eatl caper it 414 old
Market stre‘. o o/4
usmlNG.s iSlifferviub—niciounkr .0/.7
to hove AS: meetived It very. saparlor 6.01 1 / 1 111g11 Of
°met sod W e lkcAccitliteeunia, a t thq boat colebnacd
ton.ineture, (WWI wisilbsluulqualJtlitji • ble.Led
•ad blovni ntte•eutio, °lbw yttalitie.hlikt p, yard.
VOL. XVI. NO. 5.
LI b r '.l. A. ft. U.. 1.. JA.116541..b.40.4,
szerar .
DoatPktac'sF.pedanOn--.C.Ootriining a skatelt pi the
life pf Col. A. IN Dom pan; tlia_Corniaest of New
Mexico; On. Kearney'a Overland D=Todinoti to Celt
Amnia; Doniptians Campaign animal the Nav and
his unparalleled :tiara, upon Cluttualna and Duranto,
and the Operations of Gen. alone az Santa Fe; watt a
slap and Engravings, by Jrtha, T Oughts, A II of the
lit Regnant of Allman Cavalry, ;
History of Krauttek . y— ! t+ Antigun:La and Nantal
Cunminest Geograptual Statistical and Geoioineni
Manwith, anecdote, of Pioneers Life, and More
Man ate honked Elimrtaphieol Sketches of distmgumh
ed Pioneers. Soldiors:Stamsmen, Jurists, Lawyerti,
tn.; illustrated with forty engravings; by Lams
Collins,' vol. ammo.
the lawn align, with
• k.:
The Twelve Months' Volunteer. or Journal of a Pri
vate in the Tennessee Repine]. or Cavalry, in the
Campaign of hies:leo. drama Itsp.3-47,evahirung 111`.
count of the March of the ftraunent to hens Cruz,
description of the Country passed over, rushrew. cus
toms, Zee. or the peoples bltetehesLaic ye
rounisof *tuba atitom of other itents,
and a full litstory of the Mestran War. of ...e
'led and Woctuded.dre; InsiStrated by a hap, ,thantsor of
torrent views and planw by Geo. C. Ferber, I vainme
Dolt. Mats
f Rugs.
Hew • aper mad Book Establishment,
79 %Toon Sr., alerwc. Foch= nun Dltatohn ALLEY
, pHld subscribers have hut opened, at the above
1 nand, &large sleek of different Qualities ruled and
plan whim bedblue Writing and Letter Paper. eon,
ineretal .4i...elect post Flat Cap, demy and medium
writing papers, for blank boot medium and rove: eo.
lewd Prninag Papers; incilituM denty and rap DaT
Books and Ledgers, superior paper and best Lantern
lambast School Boot, 0101 kinds: standard works in
Theology and Sciences, Quills, gold and steel Pen,
%Tatars, Wax, BM
Blank Books of all sues ruled to pattern, and Island
in the most substantial manner.
Country Mercian. supplied at lowest wholesme prt.
roe for cash, or lugs at cash !mem,.
JOB PRISITINCi.— Having e Job officetit ronnernoa
crab our establishment, we are prepared to execute all
orders for plain and funny Pruning-11(10k, pamphlets,
circulars, business cattle, hills of hiding, Se. , with des.
patch and at low.prtees. Ei.t.urrr & t:NCILIS ff,
air? 7n wood at, between 4th and diamond alley
sn ' st7 l o ll l l ' il ‘c tlin ' es u'cL I•nts 3 ,tl '"
n ' l vc rge
stock of Theological and Miscelleous 800 k. .. New
books received .A(PO , I na published, and sold nt low.
est pricks. The publications of the American Sunday
School Union and AtastrachuxUs Sabbnltt School So.
cicty, alwuys on hand. Catalogues furnished on ap
plication la.uurr ,t ENGLJSII,
toyn fit 3 market stebetweou &rand Jth
New Boca&
jj" t IBA RI'S BUTLER'S A NA LOGY—liohurt's
aiy sea of Iti*hop Buttor'a Anarogy of Religion. No
tdral and Revealed, to the constitution and worse of
nature, with notes. M., Cralliilfd . * 41.1140na for ex
amination, revised and adapted to the OPO of achruds,
by Charles E. West., Principal of Bulgur, Institute, in
the city of New York.
d, , Seneetttle, de Amiettias, Peradoka, and
: 4 0111attlIn Scmiona M Cicero, and the Life of Animas,
by Cur ukkus Nepos, English Notes, Crnie n i a nd
Explanatory, by Charles Antbon,
THE, BOY'S !SPRING DescriptionßOOki of the
Seasons, Scenery, ;Salmi Life, emd Country Amuse
ments, by Thomas Miller; with :18illostranoms
A NOVEL BY MARRY/ITT—Toe Children of the
Neve Forest; by ORE. itaou Calm. Marry.,
SLR 'THEODtarroN, or !inure/ Water,
by G. P. R. James.
The above works received this day, and for sale by
myl3 Booksellers, m. market end Al sts
ocher & Scribner'. Publications.
TRF sabseribers hanng heed appotnted agents for
I the vain of the pubrications of ae well
known publishing house., have a full supply'pl v or Moir
Looks on hand, wrath they can soli at me eastern pri
ces, whulesale and retool Among the works which
have been recently Mued by Mena, whieh have been
high:y recommended wt exceediugly intercsung and
•alunble, maybe found—The Czar, hot Court and Peo
ple; lecland'alNelcorne to the Stranger; Dothel Flag,
by Dr. Springl e rrrupoteon and his alarstials, Hiwthrir,
ton and his Generals; 'The Sacred Mounts se Orators
of France , Teaching a Science, the teacher an Artlon;
Chavlotte llizabeih's Uniform %Turks; T. S. Arthur's
Making Hasta to be 'itch, Bathes haetcWintra, Keeprog
up Appearances, Delmar end Creditor, ..4c..5.c.
Also, the works from the press of Robert Carer, the
character of whose publocatunts is well known. Tur
meric's Theology, in 4 wick Heide/mon Romans; Me.
Cheyne's works; 'rite Convent by withor of Solace; lit' I
Franee, kn. in. 'cow books recetvcal or .
BF published. ELLiarr k ENGLIS I 011
ytl 'IS wood and 56 market nu
- .
VErtT litnAGS—Lilo or Cromwell, by J T Headley
Power of the Pulpit_ by m
tiorder , Sprrog. to D.
Itchei Flag, do do
Jsrelru• on Gospels. Matthew, wall Harmony:
Ler ton, On Suakspestre, volt;
pub, or Lite, or Sketches of the Way to °lvy and
immortahr); •
1 , 0...c0s or Mr ssiah;
The Convent, by mutter of School (Art to France;
Now and rrirtn, Viarren,
Sketch. of Lvontos. on Parables und Mono_ les,
Ireland s tVelemov w We Stranger,
Ike et. en upon
111s , eltRntl. la{„ allA for rabstand. 4. volt
For sale by ht.uorr gr. ENGLISH,
rr 7. wood and 3st ntarect
receivo,l nt the Apollo LulW
„.111 tr ‘ nn. IA rreet. and for sale by J L HEAD.
mance of en, 11.40 r y of L. 0.11.118: a bones of Lectotors,
A tillC.:6, Oil ihe a and puldie nerri
re. /dialer. Rent. labo Chancello c r a er n
Inn entate of Sew
C ort. del•ncind before lho itollcotry and bur or Om
coy and it., of Si Yore. by Job. Doer
/11 , :ory or tools the laVaanan ui Janus l'-re •
sar :lin of Vtetorta. by Alrn..llarkhain, a new
ltuowa eat., messed. and enlarged, quantum.. oy.F.ltna.
toy Id
800/il , --Leelurna on lihaanpeure., by 11.5
.1..11 II nd on, tt, tot o• IN union
l'he wer of the Pallor, or plain wr.o.
to ehrtntiiin rcunisters, auid near ,aern. on the
4 , tiluctir'o, a preached Gonycl, by e Ito. Loodainr
nidniz, D. D.
The Peanaitt and has Landlot I, by the 8 - ironc•n
Koorrtn4. Trona:au, by Ataxy tin—,
Latnartlnc's urroudlrtr, Vol. IL. 11,story ni the (it
rondut, or pernotoal 011000,0 of the pa 'lntl LA the r rvneh
itrVOIllUOll, frO l llllllpLtbilellCa •xou,ed-4q A. de I.a•
A woe copies al each piths elm re Works recemmi
this Ca) Coct tor sale ky
myal co,,mr marts* mud -Ms,.
krTi./RhS UV SHAKSPFINRE'S Lgie cud Thar
Sc., a c e
N hr. Thso n. eathcal Lotion, oi• Poems, ,oncet.
LI Hod
The Power of the Pulpit, or thoagtas orhlreeeod
ChrieualtlllllllAlerS ashi thaw who near them. by uara•
her !lpring, n D.
The American Yraebee Com: 115.1. or the Fennt;
I . bysto.n., beunz; he mcle.ntai, systeo. ci tllt,ile:/le, on
vegrtaho• rrinclplea, for all clam4e, by W kieach,
D. l'or et.i kLLiifrr tr. I:NGLIStj.
Sti tuar4o•l st, bet. 3.1 and 411. and 7S wood at- bet. 41n
and diamond alloy.
ISTORlEli—Robermonßook, Itoduis, Gibbon'., Rusi
Nod. Europe, Prnseint'l e co. Peru. Oie.,
incoelers France, Arnold's Home. Haper. newton;
England, Nie Linke /Mum; Halinm's COU/111“thosth:
ttcal England, Anolds Later Hann.. Coinocrouweultn,
hmirs Rome; tinnier. tits:Airy oliou own tunes. with
notes, Hallam'. Middle Agesj Altar ln
s Crusades and C•-
airy, lirowmag's litstory cot the Ithgueiluth: Titthrry'A
InstonenlWoring Near-411.0.y of me Yttrium., Titters
Freud. Heir, Taylor's .11annal of Anal nod Mott. Ws.-
ry, intruducman to toe History 0( the Church. by Jams'
lughtley's Rome and England; Range's Popes. The
Mute; with many other culualiie works, for awls by
mord J L
to CAR:
dera Guide, a pritetical,trenuse on Grecian and
Human Architecture, lcainiber ern/ specimens or the
Hotta,. slyte. Also, Crartical on Geometry,
LX,CIOII2II Fractions, Mensuration. Trigonometry, and
Carpeabery and Joinery, erubriscuis all the necerhary
details, and particuluny adapted to the teat s of the
lens erperienced. By Cheerer praeneal architect.
Bevt..l and MdProved. ivith addiiiihisof Villa bad
School House Architecture, by H Austin, architect-and
H Barnard, Esq. Second revised edition. For aaie by
)c.21 J L READ, Aiwa.. liandinha 4th .1..
Ely BooK.S.—Just roce.Ved tram the punnener,
VII nod for at we MathOdtst Book Store, 4th et,
near Wood. Tupper', Provertnal Phtlosopny, to duce
stiles of bonding; a boaubsul book fora present.
Preparahun lor the Pulpit.
Sketches of Sermons on the Parables and Miracles
of Christ, by the author of the Pulpit Cyclopedia --.501
*ketches, Nce. The Elughsli Pulpit; collection of ser
mons by the most torunent living divines of Pock/old.
2111Ndarr. Vas-N.—J./tang UoNili,chrstants Love, Len.
es: thou Me, Snored cur2l
LOVER'S SONUS--Watch you will by Ditylhetn;
Widow hinehree; Rory U . Alore; Indian Summer;
obeying the Deer, Ski/Wisner Row; Tim Two tknle;
Fairy Roy; Ask ma not wont 1 11./.11 Thinking; Low
Banked Car; Sly Monier Dear, Udo not ray Hove
Thee not• Forgive. but don% Forget , The Vein:action;
Angels tVktnp. r; Murano; Dreamt Sweet Jessie ws
Young and Sunpie, The Northland for Molly
Dawn. Fur sale by JUHYH ATELLOR,
..11 wood oil
• ... - -
fLPb.I . OF GRUM WEL L—J ust ; recel v elprese,
Headley'• Late of Cromwell, in ono Vol.
r tuth and as Ports, or Fragments innu toy Port
Folio: by AD. Palmer.
. .
!itches of Gmect Intent Laic. by I:pato:et Life of
Faith, by Upham, Mcduarniit of atediudtena by (tee. A.
Stevenik The Englim Pulpit. a ~U,noo of x
try the most emnicin tirtn4 di rules ot [...gland; Slime:,
co 01 :kennel. ou i'arabm,Neamkr'S
Lafe of Plater J (..17.EAD,
mitt Aped , Ltudiltugii. 4th 'Tr-cm
• - - -
ZACIIALt.) . kl_.o 4 4. — Ponratt of Gen. Z.
Taylor, by N CoAe) under the unmerilizue
iltiltitt, and duo - noon 01 the undemignod admen.
byno origioal .tote t en tYom lilt, at Cmnargo,
by Capuoi taw, A I , C.
SU, I:torge A .61'Call, A It; George
:death Loot TOpOgrapilleat liktguiecr; Harry Inger
;say Joll.NisroN n S - I . I.ICKTON.
Jolt, cor 3tl cod market 00
• . .
lONS TIP AMI O . , i; (Cottteness,) cured 1.1 - nlinat
or haths, hy taa ••Aew rand
biprevcd to UAIuIO\ o E1(V.A.1.4..A1'4," a most
relri^ httlititous v.....ghta:,ie toed. .4... u, Viktar
,,.., enlebtated Trentlse an lAninpattou, ada the Ira.:
n•nd value ot tae Ervaaenta- Toad ow) .41 Apt,:
ihnktlngi, 4th .stet, near rVOet:, by
" '
13e Ylxnectry WoraN; a popular , r. 1 , 0.
.tuna of ti] gruat..,ovurtta odd litrort. of modern
rm. In a s..r.c• ut tc.iceture, by UM Mltrla.
ea, A it. 01 ?hu noritinAti Obverriaory.
l'oo +OA+, wort" ,u•t Dec tor we by
V LW SS MK i:\ !WADLEY—The Otiver
CJE•totaresd, j T mussNsapu.eult
' :don :twin,
nntl Uou.rati, a-Ly
...$4 tor mid JUtL\ .k
ISANCt.—Outa,. or iLr 1114,1ry 01 yr.uv, Isom
I: va. - ”,...1 O.v:A t, c, 11 , 3voluitu” of 1 - 54,—tor
cuoot.. and Imutli.c.--wv,ul ba.,
yucmt.un lur ci•cm.two
Jrci JOIINSTON A ',Cut 10 . 11 N
'lrl lOr sole by"„".l' N"'i.rtt°="t:'is.s.‘"jltrd
C O 0 R 7 :1-240 bus" Yellow Comb,,74eAamlaitlrG;Tis
J ATLitas .: -47 sacks uow for