SBTABLISRED IN 1786. BUSINESS CARDS ANBQI PHAM tr-Co.—Hide and Leather Deal igi"rtiCaerots-iN ri arieY ° ltsbargh, 6 Lemiek tr.' co. Philadelphia. Consitatuentsof Weis= Leather solicited, and lib :era., made; if - require& febtalatu . A' MOOD, JONES - & Cammnotoit and For- JL. warding Mercimus, have leturned to their old stand, Water and ROM streets, attaburgh. octet 01.0101 =trim !LAWN & REITER, Wholesale and Retail Drug , corner of Ltherry and Sr Chair streets, Pins -6 Oleg Pa mayl4 001.112=110.14 Y. B. lISOWD. DnOWN CULI3ERTSON, Wholesale (hems, .1) mod COSolltillaWA Merchants, No. IA Liberty st., Pittsburgh. Pa.. de3lll3, 11 A: FAUNESTOCK 8. Co. Wholesale and Re -11. mil Druggists, comer Wald sod dila sta. jyt DAGALEY k SMITH., Wholesale I.lroners, 18 and LP 20 Wood sweat Pittaborgli ri A. McANULTY.h. Co., Forwarding mind Co. mission filetehanta, Canal Basin, Pittsburgh Pa. meldl wan entartatt, Mal V. IWITIOWS, ua W. HAL 11.1.121. ILAILMAN, Co., Alanufaetuters of 1„/ Carriage Sprinv and Axles, A. U. and Sprats Steel, and dealers Coath Truneautga of every de scription, manufactory on St Clair at. Waxen... 43 Wood et, opposite St Charles Hotel. jantel Mat?. JOlts, Anna?. 1 - WALTGEBBART, Wholesale Grocers, deal ,.U• era In Penance nil Putsborgh Maufattares, cor ner of Llberly and Hand us, Plustargh, Pa led? am. 14 1016 . WISZ E 3. 31121,Mt. TeiGUSH & .1114 BENNETT, (late Englo, Oalleg F har Co.) Wholesale Orocers,- m and e, Iritinling,hle returns, and dealers in Produce and Pitts burgh Manufactures, No. 37 Wood a., between ed and &Ist:cell oeit r. I. rte, ow. um, J.. 1.0 WOOD. LVIII.NIIS RIMY & Co:, IVlcalerale 019001 . ! and AZ Communion Merchants, and loans 1 . / 1 "4/". Cotton Varna, Nos. 57 Water, and ID! Enna sta., ems. W.Sh. Pa_ fatk9 ___ _ FMAME, Plano Forte Atanufacurre'r /rod dealer InAlualeal Irudrusten&a, 111 Wood sr., near Sdk. metal • gsoALLAGIIER, USN° & mid Bross Founders and Gas Fitters , 114 Fro. cd, between d and Smithfield street., Ftitteburgh, Pa. QT Iligbeet price given for old Cupver lord Bra.. deld GEORGE COCHRAN, CorombtPion nod Forwiudl g Mordant, No. :13 Wood meet. Pittsburgh. myl ET WARY HRUNOT, White zwd Red' Lead num faetonzi, Puna stud Oil !demi:man, tomer oi • • • • • swan ao7car l sons= Met., 18.1SLAII DICkEY k Co., Wholcsolo Grocers, Com *nips Altschul:a, nod deolerciu Produce, Nos. ac atm Vol 107 Front streets, Pittsburg], ttoso3 JOHN IL RANKIN, Attorney mid Counsellor at Low and Commissioner for the State of Permoryilfilllia Ni- Loulailda, (late of Piusburgh4 atnarracts.—Pillsbargiv Han tle Forward,. Hann, ton & hl'Candlera & WClare, John k. Parke, Bissella & Semple, 111 , Cord k King. • Est2oNtrlOTT C0.,11 17n e= U ts, "'"'" ' Pro-n - and Pinsborghblanufnetures, No, 7 Commercial Roo4'Liberty creel, near the Carol, Pillabargh, Pa. • letylkly 7r- UKIAH, Rectifying Distiller, and Wholesale ♦ dealer in Foreign sad Dasitesue Wine, and Li -I=.ftlo.-1:1.4 Liberty urea, and 53 D alley hsTa. Jyl7-dly 1 AMU/ 8 bIeGUIRE7, OM of the fum of Algeo anti • McCabe,' Mtrtlussa Thlor, St. Charles Butidings, 16ard tate. near W. • • Pima, Ih. TAMES L. HUTCHISON, & Co.—Successor to lawn Hutchison & Co, Commission Merchants, and Agents of the St. Lows Slum 'Sugar Refinery. No. 42 wafer and 92 Qom streets, Sinai:wet. JR. BLACK, -Merchant Tailor, Exchange , Bail . din SL Clair at, Pitzabargh. WM 1111.,WORTII—Wludersole Grocer, Pro. duce and Commisaton Umlaut, No. 27, Wood at, b. veld al N 116a1OHOANi Wholesale Deo - 4t . , an d de et, Dye Sadie, Pazata•Oila V he m No. Yl LOH gum, oral doer Routh of Dimond Alley, Pius laugh. 2 ; putt 11.01 ER KERN, Jr., & Ca, (successor to Joseph G. V lkssiSpatip Chandle t l6 Water street. TOUN U.I.I.ELLOII, Wholesale and Retail dealer J in Musk. and Musical Instromerds, Vehool Boole, Paper, Slates, Steel Pens, Ctiolls, Printer*, Card., end Malin seooruiiy Wood st. , Vittsbarah. Err Rexa boughtor taken hstrade-- sepl.s T SCHOONidAKER CO, Wltolessde Omegans, . Wood street, Pittsburgh. 101 IN L. DAVIS, Auctioneer, comer sth ancsVaxi streeis,titubargh. OBNSTON - d SPOCETON, Booksellers, Printers !If qiud Paper "I,..l.9*tluess, Nu. 44 Musket al., Pitt. ice 4 HEAD'S Book Boor-, dth, near Mast" erect, Therdnical, Historical, Schou iancons, and Methodist Hooks and Stu 4116.'6- 4,140 "T IV:ROI3Lit'SON . & Co,lS.kcts putt Esti/nue,. p kA agez., pm' :A NirrefiarsfA Cuireney pueblo.' at:the Qt./ 1 : 14E4: °dal JOIII4 GIUEE, Wholesale Grocer, dealer ill Pro. duce, Plusburgh bloat , rs , tures, 'rut Plates, he. &e. tto. =Liberty st, :nob 7aEl turns ' . - atcl.ll.l /LOYD. JIL R. : FLOYD, (late J. 'Floyd & Cold Wholesale .• Llre4rs,l4o. 142 Liberty street. seps . . - JAMES LIALZELL, Wholesale Grocer, CCIIIILEISSIOI3 IdeZdthriltj .4 dealer,* j colonasul Parrhurgb ktalmhsclares. firsttlyitrorar.,lorristnugth. jancio Vesuvius Iron Works. _,DALZELL of .11 .a- Jul um 3heet, Wive iron and Nails of the 1..0.4 qualify. 4V arehoptc, 54 4raterand 105 front at. Jan 1.1 - 'bolll WiTFAllAN,Alritolesite Grocer, Forward s log and Comorisslon Iderchaut,Deuler llosofsctures u 4 Produce, Nos. el Wow, sr., sod • Fronlr,--- r" 7 1 7 77M 7011 X MIRO& BMW & ;SHIPTON 7 Wholesale Grocers, For swarding and Cote:annum Merchants, dealers in mince and Plltsbarah hlanufacuires, No.. 13 and 135 WaxLst,Pietsbargh. feb2l M.FARCEJ74.BROTHEItS & Co., Come:Woman Mee- AIL atiikiney Kaki:l , 44M, for ihe aide oi produce gel perally. 'ldtmeed advances made on common:ems. thEetd U.M. D. meow. W.11.1..1 C. MR liger4l4. a /I,OE, Winlcsalt Gwen mad Commir- J!J 11.crehauus,No. 104 Liberty IN., Piusbutgli. S. SU" Mat mune, arm. L wawa. AL,1.101 . CO, COEIMIIseiOI2 d Forwardwg Merchauts, Water and Fran an i sta., between • Vood lad Market sta. And g.°4 I I I ." r 111CliETSON, Whof;.lUrocen Ltd Canwhiasiou Atercluntia, No. ral, Liberly'.l_, Pt. .1.14 AtreCOHD & KIND, Wholesale and Handl H. and ILL Cap Matiafarrares, arui dealers in Fancy Furs, comer at Wood and Fifth an. NMOI • MN k SON, No. 55 Market sr.,cond a door from carper of Founts, dealers is Fo se reign and DOILIMIC Ms of Exchange, Lenificates of Dep.- xi, Hank Now and /Specie. Colleerions mad on all die principal cities thro • •at the United Stater. deel7 13011ERT11100//kt, Wholesale Grocer, Bee:dying Alb Distiller, dealer m Produce, Pittsburgh fdanunie• lures, and all kinds of Foreign and Domestic Vine. and'Ligaina, No. 11 Liberty street. CM Laud a very arge stock •of superior old Monongahela urbodio, admit *ill be sold lour for cash. ardthty 'DO "'ZIWZON k 412.Pkarr Produce Dealers aud ComUdsilban AL:lawny No. lUD Secoud *met, Otisbosgtr. RICAIAZD LEM.MII, Jr, Laporte: and Dealer Foreign and , Domeouie S.ddlcry li,rdwure d Llundge Tri=laillgS, of all desemptions, v clod Yiubtugh. dl/4 1.) /CILA:Rn BARD, Wboteasba and await Dealer in Ju t Leadtgr, Morocco, Sltoroakers , Tooui and Find- Irv, Tanners' and Cadets' Tools, arid Tangiers' 01.1, Nuoloo Wood at., Pittsburgh. aegis IMO. IL =EMI.. k i3 7:6lnNses & Co., Wltolezate Grocers, Produce Wei G:arest iderthants, aedDeeler• in Pins- Manufactures, Na. LW Liberty aL, Pitureuag Palm u rCarcirutklElT DALZELL & Co., Whot s ,,,d,, — ission nod Fororarchug hlerohsut s .d",k r „ Prod/toil hull Pittsburgh !ilwmfactures., Liberty st. ktiMbrirgth Po. &WI 11011 T . A. CUNNINGHAM, NVholessie (31;;;ej Dealer in Produce awl Piusburgh Alanufsetures; o. 144Libertr st- • 0,1=0=4 I. L. lan IDSYI OLiiB & Forwarding and 0•1121918.10I1 ,aterrheo , s, Zr the Allegheny hives Tnide, dent ate inroettrics, ,,, Pr .‘ odoce, Pittsburgh AllUllabettit. end CAN/aide of Thegletinpricn, in cash, pald e/1 doses for coon ary tap. ,Cover of Pena mail Irwin au. lam MIT_HIS,A4WISUN, WbolesaJe and Hem' Dealers IV to 95illin tety koodi, Laces, Hosiery awl Farley 16 Ani. , ./Ho 46 Ida*et sores, 3d door above Third et, kisser:molls. oPr4 Peill l / 4 4LETT & WiarK Wholesale Dealers in Yoretgri and Domestic Dry Ganda. No. 99 Wood st. Putsbargh. (chin( & W. D.A.K.DAVGII, Wool litrehantst, Dealers Us o Floor and Produce generally, and Porsverdsltll ants Dotandsetes. Marcher., No. as Water et., Pine. burgh. L SIMI, BAOALEY is Co, Wholesale Wooers and .0 Produce dealers, No.s...K.l.llurkst street, bc tercel, rnb and dal. North snie,.Puiladelplust. neru E= B 7ll7stantstr. roan sunuous Qt. NICOI,/t, Produce and General Com a., mission Merchants, No. 17 taberty st, Piusburgh. ....Vssrsainsud old Lard Oils. §Si VON ISONNOONST, k•Co,Wbole.d. G..' een, Vormartimg And Couzmiswort Merchni., arms YiusLungh MannOxus= Wetaern Mk dgcre_have rut:laved in their new Wldennl•Adlnd Figladr JNA.l4.lant Of FRIAL and Clauccry Allll.llil. M. niEn:WiWrarding uW Coinnownon Ain t, Licata tp Produce used Pittsburgh awe. westaitedieninky .14n_exi, near "int ectikiST. Wnenninla Unice. and COII3IIIIL. pen dank,. us Pluducr. No. :15 And m ~, r imbugh. peal F onvElf, A g out to, zincleces oat I tu o p,jpg penennen, at We 0.0114.2 OA MIL E. Au. buildipsi, ids 4 Pninneenli, tely wse in Um general imd alba at Weribingwes will intend to my lanais them Oa of elpneenn w tlPplicauti, TTICX A 81 , CANDLF, (snoccsaurs to L. a J.ll Wick,) Wholesale Lirocers, Forwarding and Commission klerehanna, dealer, in knno !gaols, Glans, cams Yams, and rillsbargla Idunnietures generally, *ow... of Wood and Wale, .trects, rinabargle. • • IArIaLLOWEN—Conts..IO. Forw an u„. chava, No DO Froso st between Wood Diatultct siterts. fatal 'CBE , IT' s I : HIGH A . „ " ,„ . ~ • CARDS. - - IA7 \V. IVALLACE., Mill alone and MIII Furttteh canal. lling eatabliabenent, No. aid Liberty near the innr.l3 ur M. GARRARD, Dealer is Funcy ttJhl staple I V 134 Dry Goode, No. 79 Market street. .1: 1, novfly •• • WILSON,-Dealer %Valence, Jr ....try, Wore, Military Goode, AE. No. 5: Mar ket .t. !IL 1.7 R. MURP'III'..I - no end Retail dealer i TT a foreign amid Domestic Dry Good., north ea corner of Market and Fourth rd. augal WX. TOC3O, /NM H. beCVNII. W. YOUNG & Co —Denlent in leather 6idew &c 143 Liberty slt. ja.a.ty & M. 11WPCILEINIZES—Wbolesale Groton, Rectifyiug AstiDeny auLl Wine d lAquor also, rut ortors of soda Aeb and {Peseta:4 'Pirder, No. iG Liberty a. Pily.?argh, Po i5t..5.11y urn 11mM:rim, or.ana a rusks. 0 BLACIZBURN & Co., Wholesale Grocers and dealers In Oils, Boat Store, and Pittsburgh Mau wt, tared articles have on Muni, at all times, a full tad general assortment ey.rittsbur of goods gh in their line , , Water aircet, ~,, cherry Al/. aula eJOIIN-- hl. TOWNSId N D, Drugg is t aid Apothecary, N 0.45 Market at, three doors above Third et. Puts barrggh, will have mussisnily on hand a well selected as I.of the beet and nastiest Medicines, which he will sell en the most reasonable terms. Physicians r ending orders, will be promptly at ended to, and sap plied with articles they may rely upon as genuine. LET Physicians Prescriptions will be accurately and neatly Prepared from We best materials, at any hem of We day or lught. • Also for sWe., a large stuck of fresh and good Perfu mery. pull EAGLE corroN WORKS, Pittsburgh, Manufae lure Cotton Yarn, Candle Wick, Basing. Twine, Coverlet Yarn, Carpet Chain, Warps, itc. tce. KING, PENNOCK & Co (Successors to Arbuckle & Avery.) long Proprietors. - ALEDOUX & Co.. No. 7: Canal street , Ness Or- XI, leans, Agents for J. B. Arrawit's Extelivive Steam Sugar Refinery. Always an hand n large stork of Loaf, Powdered, Crushed, Clarified and Bastard Sugar, in Tierces and Barrels. Also, Sugar Roust Molasses. Prices liberal, and a fair allowmce made on all sales Of or above 50 barrel.. mehll Illonongvnhola Livery Stable. 11.011k.RT H. PAYFERSON has opened large stable on Flrst st. winning through to Second et, between Wood and Smithfield star, in the mat of the Monongahela House, with an entirely twee stock of Harems and Carriages of the beet quality and latest styles. Horses kept nt live. ry art the best suanner. /YtkiLY --- RICHARD T. LEECH, JR., a 11.0141131 AND D. 1.1 Il Saddlers' ironmongery, norms and Coach Trimmings, Mon, Deer Hair, Varnish, Jyll . No. 133 Wu. Sr. errrenreati. - LI li. EATON, Dealer in Truro:Wags and Varlecy ..L' , Hoods, Tortoni. SheU, Ivory and Horn Combs, Woolen Yuma arid Worsted, Buttons, Needles, Pins, Tapes, Braden, &n., No. U 1 Market suet; betwen Dia mond .d 4th st., Pittsbarr,h. jyYsdly . - PITTSBURGH STEEL WORKS AND SPRING AND AXLE FACTORY, _ • ISAAC rostra, .101SX JONES & ANITFACTUIttIIts of spring and blister steel, AU plough steel, steel plough smug., coach and ebp uc hammered iron axles, and dealers is mal leable castings, bre engine lamps. and conch tmturtuigs generally, corner of Was and Front ste., Ihttsbursh, . 14 APEKIN TEA STOKE . NO. 72 Fourth JE at., near Wood—All qunnutice or Greta .d Black Teas, done up m quarter, half. /Lad o .c pound packages., run cm. from Su um. per pound Slyso. iya A. JAYNFS,''Agt. for Pekln fea Cu LAW OFFICES W. 711. MUSLIN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Beal., .Pa ILL alsoattcod to addecuons and all other loi•t -tt' trusted to hue ut Litter and AliontrOng counties, Pa. Rotor to .1. b. /L Floyd, Liberty st , W. W. Wallace, do James Mamba.ll do 1 rtitt.burgh 4ty Kay A. Co., Wood at. / ,„„; - --- • ' 18. BWe'tIITZLIL, Attorney at 1-trr, office MI , t . tel . oppoeite St. Clnulea 110,1, ilttotburan, K: atm not promptly to Collections, m %V tallustmon. Fa) rite 141:d Green coolants, Pa. ... . _ 1=321 -.• Bluckstock, Ilell Church h. turothers, ll'utsburgu. IJ T. Morgan. 1..4.13.1;) 1 4 N J. MEN/CY, Attorney and Coumailor ut Law, Cincinnati, ()Mo. Colleel wits 1/1:30lallirrli and 111 Intim.. nod in. Kentucky, group., ~s hgly attended to: . VOlLaills.oller ior ~ 1 111 e ill Penn 'Ormuz, (or taking Deposshoug, acknoa,,lgulcut.s, RiTill TO —HIM. Wm. lk-II & Son. l":12r.. Church a Carothers. Wm. Hays. E.g., 11 ttlock d 1.rn,i... “25 , ..-. . IL. W. SV 114.1•203, MIN Y. sell So. :AA/ ILW.A.IIS & fiflINN, igu,,,,,,, tu 1,,,,,- and r I kViLmn.m.o .V.t051,.. .. 05....1 . •,.....1.1or• , 1.. v llitrace .. °Eta attic . 1',.uit...1.,..t, tow, e Stiblilll. 0 •-,. :.1.1 otLiSsi) TAMES F K11(K, Attoruty ut Low, Bake. ell's Grant *Meet, nearly oppotor the Court I.49—Jru LIAMI rt•uatuort SEWALL. IVNLOP & SEWELL. stun,.) at I,uw. VJice. dm, Snorktioid, between :wt otot , tut sta. 1,1011W611.0 k SWAkiTZ YLLI/E/1., Atiorise). Law, have resnoved their onto, to me :Ponta .pi e 0. Fourth Pt., between Chnrry Ally) unJ t,rant •treri O. if. Attontay at La•v. Las to• fT'a 113017 d Itus olbee b the to ehmg• Bandig*, St Caw st., ea.= door W Aldenama 30111111. ap1:1) 11 SUItAL CE. DIALAWARIC MUTUAL ISISCR.AficE CO. 1011 N FINNEY. Jr...keen,. Petsbureb for Ltr - 11 aware Maloof Surety Laurance Company 01 ill/ til adelphis. Fire }treks upon ourldrugs aad cnerelmothae or every draenpbou. arrif. 311artutt Rieke upon hull. or cargoes of vessel-., taken upon the moat favorable lean. 7 Office in the ‘Varehouse of W Holmes d. Bee . fliti.lo Water, imur Markel street, Vutsburglt. N. 11—The success of thifeCOMpluty Jaffee the estab lishment of the Agency in this city, eima the prompt itess and liberality with which every dorm upon cheat for loss has been adjusted, fully warrant the agent in letAllag the confidence mid patronage of ht. Means and the community at large to the Delaware S. insu rance Company, white it has dm adthuonal advantages un insulation among the most dourts/tmg in Pluladc I phia—as having an ample pad-lu ettintaL which by me operatinu of its charter isconstantly increasing, as pelding to each person Insured his due .hare of the profile Of the compel), without involving lam in any resisaimibility whatever, and therefore as possessing the Mutual principle divested of every obuu...nas tare, and in its most attractive torn, hoed PULE AND MAJAINIC Laturance eaulpsoty ut Nona Aluencia, toroogh its duly uuthonsed ,ig the suoaenber, oder, to flake perautoeut laud burned eysT, losurance Co property, or Wu City and um vicuoty, 8414 on stopumule by the Cs. ant Rad Haver... 1)1121.X. - TOR.S. Arthur 6 Cahn, Cbarten Tay ior, Banal W. June, Audtront % nut, Edward Sawa /weal. M Thelma. , Juan A. Brown, Jahn J Ptcd, John %V le, ttlehard IL Wood Thomas P.. Cope., IVELL '1 Weigh, Soinuel F. Mouth, L . runics kluszcos, Samuel iltookh, S. Austbl Aibbone, Airnivit COFllt , i, Yrc. L 1511.11.1C8D, This Is We oldest Insurance Company in tho United Slates, baying been chartered in OW. Its charter as perpetnal, and from us hash standing. long experience, nospie sienna, and avoiding all nal.. in an extra nax nrdeaa it may be considered as tattering am pie accunty to the pantic. W. P. Jt_thtt. Al the Cuentwg Hoorn of Atwood, Jones tr. Co., \Pa ler and Front laccl• Pntsburgh.lnapS FHASKLIH FIRE INSURANCE. CO. l. ar: Franklin Fire insurance Couipany, of Mandel phis, will make Insu ranee, posnnanent and amisted un every deurip.” of property, sans the surrounding country, on favorable terms. fats COM patty has a perpetual charter. k4tso,ooo paid tn. Couungent, Pond *SUM= . Othee corner oiTtiod and Market streets, rtuldnugh. apantf • WARRICK MAIL MS, Agent. 131=1=1 rfli . E .m ottr n lig i tact ,l :l . l2:o g ritLr p tocd u.y Ate , nt i. o h tt4. p ut 4 er. , continues to erect uoturance artottost lure or damage against Fire, on Loadings,mercau ILLEIIIO.iIt sad property, not extra harem:ogle tit dos coy tont victoo). 1111141.;04.31.1LAN, du wood .1 riIlE SUBSCRIBER has been appointea Agent pro .1, tem. of arc ltuuratce Company of North America, and mdi issue Yuliuea and aueuct to Use oilier tao.iiiess of Ste Agency, at the ...rehouse ue Atwood. Jane,. fr. Co apla WA, J0A1,,, water IBD/A acutstcu GOONM . . . ..... "'UST BJCEIVED, per 11.4 press, a large rusorouesa V of India Rubber Llotale, courprierag-- 2dos Officers' Coals; 4 dos Traveling Bugs, 4 hack do, i • pro. Yews, 4 - Pea do, 1 •• Biati/iers, Reeling Jackets; t•• Cushions, I Borst Covers; d Lars I•roeervors, IW y aids of 4-1 Carnage Cloth, floc article, IA dos parr Leggurga, dafereat " Capes, wah ucevexi w.u. do, Gun Covers, all or which .111 be sold cheap for cash. wholesale or fetid, at No 1 I.Vood street. ep:s _ J& rl Yllll.l.leS - pp.. w. r. AlVlikaltaTileilii A 4. . - OFFICE. cal Nias.ll4l.4rld ..trrt. north ut Third sue , ft Dr. m ane,. v,• iculierx Icr w the .P.s“ ol legberly and victsuly. illa/x/0D.1..—r A. N Iflcam,ll; Dr. I'. kattuusttn . k, Dr. Hobert Suirpu.,; James ti cruli., Lao, Al.r. With= 'I nor, Nr• Dcoj. Weaver app.dnist talk' dAr ipuuum ,k/ilt, 1,./ very lure article. A Idle dorm , . Vtaiadetph, SAMS, Iwo the antautamory 01 II AI etawkoar, kr ortueb the elleptlOn of hoot makers I, ‘1,1:1.11 to, received and tor sale by j 027 I NOLA ILI; &uteri ~atl balsa Jtn .1 Oat Until., at different colorn It a can 1,,x11 article to alerebaantn at very law price, a, large a,. Utica, at the luuni /tubber ,Allatt., ;•,.. Sr oU,i It. IYIJ J II I'ill/A.IPS IRESS LAWNS, VERY It Murphy .11.1 =thenst corner of ith sad market lie, but 1000, vest a large lotor Lesvos to to) eta pot yord, Ito trot, rote sold of uglier prices., 5.1.1111111... r trootis gotterett) also opentog at reduced Eaters. fyto 01 sale by r 11 F.ATON A, Co VVINDOW GLAstb--1000 bb. 4:111, 150 do 10:12; 1.16d0 10.14, .14, 7xlo, 40 do MI:, leu au !Ili:, 117 do itarxr. fur talc by /YU VON BONNiIuRzT 11 Cu LITERARY• To Country Merchants. A LARGESTOCH of School Books, Paper, Staums- Ace, nahuble for country onion; among which are Writing Pagel's : W*4lw, medium and common qu'it'., Letter Paper do do do do Note Paper do du do do Note nod Letter Eitveloper; Slane, Pencils, Wafers, Quill, and Steel Pros; Window Paper (yard wide) plain aim printed: Bonnet Boards, of different qualitie, Wank Booko, in phat variety; Poonly • School and Pocket Bibles; Cruwu.tnedium, and double crown wrappum paper; 51eGatte's Eclectic Speller,. and Requiem Itay'u Eclecue M./timed.; Cobb's Prunerx, Speller,. and Readers Sanders' do do do ••• • • • Arolameuee, by Adams, Etaeis,Colbunt,thnith,Stoek ton, Emerson, and tither*. lieoberstinies, by Elitehr4l, Olney, Smith, rich, Parley, mid others Grammars, by Smith, Kirkham, Hellions, Weld. mid other. For sale at low prices, by J H MELLOR, hi mood at, 5 doors above 4th. The big-best imaket price paid for good mixed rags, pi cash. !Os New Publications. AI o S t F I TZ J ot I memoir, and critical remarks an genius and wri tings, by James Montgomery . , and one hundred nod twenty engravings from drumming by Wilkins Harvey. In IWO I,OlllllleS. . . Sense]En's Gaga Ticerstszte.—The four Gospels fold Acta of the Apostles, In Greek, with English notes, philsomphical, and egegetmal;maps, indexes, rte., together the 14ustles and arwalypse; the whole forming the New Testamet—For the use of 400114, Colleges, and Theological Semulancs. Hy Rev. J. A. Spencer,. A. M. A Now Nons.,—.Midauscarices Eve.—A bury tale of love. By Mrs. S. C, JAlres. IV.—The life ot Henry the Fourth, king of France and Navarre, Ily G. I'. R. James. Coutplete in four pans, paper, II vole. cloth. Fur sulc by JOHNSTON & erucicroN, ianB Booksellers, conies or market and lid no I)LANETARY & IrTELLAR WOHLIPa.—A yuyu lare:posutua of the great discovenes and theo • of modern astronomy; by 0 4 Hite/Jell, a pi, Di rector of the Cincinnati Observatory. Ileodley's Italy. Alps and Rhme.—Letters from Italy, the Alp* and the Rhine; by J T Hood/ay, author of Na poleon and his Moraholls, Wi.longtoti mid his Gener a/s.a.e. New and monied edition. Statistics of Coal.—The Geographical and Geologi cal distinosous of Mineral Combustibles nr fossil fuel; including also, notices mid Localities of the various mineral Minimal°ua sabitances employed in arts and manufactures, Illustrated by Maps and Diagrams; ac companied by nearly gun stemmed cables, and l Ilki att. Myst% of nameral combustibles, &e; prepared by Bich and - Prowling Taylor. Just received a few copies of each of the above works —for sale by JOHNS*PONI & Booksenera, roe market & en. .13 ODXL9 At the Apollo Buildings, Fourth street, near Wood.—lrelanua Weinome to the Stranger; The Czar, his Court and People, by J H hlagwall; The Orators of Prance; . , The Lives of the Apostles, by Bacon; The Puritans and weir Principles, by E lialh The CoUllilllllo. suld Gallons of the Betty Apostle, with a Prtit Essay; Allison's Lite of the Duke of Marlborough; hotander's Life of Christ, in its historical connection nod historical developement; r s an Harped Appleton 's publications generally. School Books, Paper, Suilionazy, Av. areD I L READ EW BOOKS at the Apollo But'dolga 4th street.— The Ali Mary Life of John. Dote of hlarlboiough, with colored !halm by A Allison. ?Mound Vol. Chalmers' Posthumous Works—Berth tore Readings. The ofJems Christ. is m histoneal connection and historical developement: by Augustus Neander. Translated from the 411, German edition by John ile• Chinook and Chas E Blumenthal, Professors to [itch. 111.00 College. Fourth Vol. Pictorial /history of England. Now and Then, by lit Nigirren, author of Ten Thousand a Year, and others too numerous to mention. Call mid see. L REAM. PITTSBULIGII FEMALE INSTITUTE. rilitis Institution, under the supervision of Mr. and hlra. Goshorn. it lull open for the reception of pu pas, and will be continued at the same plane on Lark rip Street. In eosrletillerice of some changes liavutg mica place. • few vacancies have occurred, and those desir ous of placmg their daughters under their care, would do well to make nu early implication. For terms me mrenthr, or apply to the Principal. ap3 FORWARDING & COMMISSION DAMVIA.WI.I. J. ILENALLO 4.. CHARLES R. DANENHOWER & CO. TOBACCO CulAllsistoA AIEKCHAMTB, ==toMl==M _ I . IIILADELPIIIA. DYAgS to turom the uncle atul dealers generally, of fgt. that they have made nut, arrow,. ructda With the Yagoda tunnutavturer• the Growers of the West, West Indic.. tool other place., a. Will tomare a large and constant supply of th. UAL,. tug deignp.. .. .of Tel,a, co. winch Will he sold upon as occult., inotlattng teryta uR any 11/ eny or whenand all yowl. ordered trotu titeut VIII/ be W.- routed equal to repreoenusuon, HavaJaai $L Domingo, l'ouo.; ) l'orto Rico; I'enn I,cul Cuba, holm, & Florida.). Lae. u, A.1...`q)-13ranvbAnamooc glutCa, r .14%k. s, Ito u of ailir.l 1.0,041 I,lllt,kia. ..1 11•• 1,11/1•;k. 6 . ^.• and lo• Plug, Turi, k., swret and p,uiti, twit. mod i.o.trx wood cud tau, uqctlicr with ever) variet) ot at uric belong. Itwn th..rode jelddly BARNET, NEBIdIT &CILIinTsVCSON, FLOUR FACTORS, Produce, Commissiond Formr•rding • DIEHL/1A N an TS, No Al Nunn: A.Nu 111/ R'.,.. Sr. 1 . 1111.t11E1.1111A Rpstett to--John II Wow,: a C.: Ruttvort & Ca/ phi • Barcroft. 11-aver h c o P .2 uoth, Barak): & Co Ailep & Paxton, New lurk Wolters & Ifan ry, 11alittoo, Pagetle & South. IlorlatoK,e,Wthott &Co Prown & Co F. '"'" r2h Met & Jones, ~ E 2 „ I : tberotl raah ntlvancr • on eutpngtt n r . r . ill i t; our et.huahatt. C1U.21.3 11r. pour wmts ELLMAKER, ECKY & CO., FLOUR FACTORS. And General Commis•ion Merchants, No 13 Sourn tt'srzn seater, PUILADMI.I . I.I IA REFER ENCIS--Ilenry Grad & Co, Pitteburgh. Rodger. Sherlock, / , schuoley h Soo, 5 " A 31. January, Mayne., khuhtua, Jr- Lannevine. Dude. iluniphreys h Col Mercer, Bro. h Co. Phdatra Need & Lin/titer, spirally lhrulh & Conn/wry, New tart °ROUGE COCHRAN. Commission and Forwarding Merchant. NO. LA; WOOD AL, et - ream:awn, Of/MINCES to transact a general Commission Lust a_f twee, caper tail y an the ',tactual. sod role of Amen ,t Adanulueturfie nod Produce, and an receiving and writ - rioting (South consigned to his rare As Agent for the Insititacturee, he will be constantly supplied with the pruicipul articles of Pittsburgh hlanafactore at the lowest wholesale prices. Orders and couanintrients are respectfulty whined- j 97 CoNWA T, I. SOYLLICION B. P. CONWAY & C 0.,• DORT:3IIft ,1:111. Ohio Commission nod Forivolding I. Merchants end Produce Dealers—also attend to thc Purchase, Sale and Shipment of Pig Gnu, Coal, he. suns .3 . .. Atwood, Jones & Brown,Bailey & Co.; Lorenz, sterling & Co , Henry Graff, Ursa, C u-orb A Co., D. Leech & Co., Lion. Short, & w. , Clarke & Thaw. notrlndly &hu _ rls a. ANDIRSON. Late of • ntsburgh, I' . Lam of Nashville, Tenn. LEHMER & ANDERSON DEALERS. IN curroN, PORWARDLNO COM• MISSION MEIOCHA.NTS, 1 , 110. MM., snort BROADWAY. CINCINNAYI, OHIO. Refer to Merchants generally, in httsborgh. eptlt GEORGE A. BERRY, WHOLESALE onovisas, FORICSDIAU Ahll L 01101681014 MhfiCIIINT, AND DEALER IN Iron, Nails, Cotton Yarns & Pittsburgh Manufactures generally, ea 10 woad Muter, errrastniali, to. SUCTIONLESS &COMMISSION MERCHANTS. ALEX. LEVY & BRO's. CINCINNATI AND ST. LOUIS. Offer to •ell at either establishment, all kinds of Mer chandise, at the lowest rates of Commurnana, and arc always prepared to snake advaneex. The best of rata. renees given if required. Letters addrersed to either house, will be promptly attended th. A MM.{ nova c. v. ma... a. a. ...non LOVE ; MARTIN & CO. ; Produce and Commission Merchants, Nu. 5, litcAte'i Ruse, Licensee Flame, 11.....rt0055. Res. eo—Lia vsloin, Seeders & Co, Juba K. Randal, kluge Jenlons, Dunmore; 11. Allen tr. Co, Sellers lc Ilunipton, Swan ts Co., Sharklett tr. White Pins lsssb. A .1 Sy totem!, T U Shaughnessy A Co, Cineln- Ml y . iliststr.o3., W. CASailltlL. THOMPSON & CAMPBELL. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. And Manufacturers . or Linseed Oil, No ntl Cul Illnnia Street, CISCINSIaII, OHIO. NOE) CyCil.sli puld for Flnzsced...i24 WM. 11. CLARK, Forwarding Merchant, Brownsvi//s, Altrods oollocu.or I, 10 Like Polo dideng Of Produce, ony noosin..l.on. iny!) lo Folio TII sr l"I'N I IN. IV 4.1/./ COMMI fiIo. SSION Water MERC street, HANTS 4 ps • Lugo, Mo. V. 1.11 4 w.r Y.11C111.40/1 w Om 5.014/L, o PIO tho, 400 0 grr pur.•nagoog trorr.r.r -tw org.:.Morgan Co l'on. , tourgh. Pa. XII _ . ISAAC CRUSE GENICatAL C0b1111188111.114 SUARCIIANT, EDI! nir;,At.r. Eitt,DECES. No. uott 10, ,Nfoln s , N•er, NIU. It c.c.:. e. 111,.,1.1•1110 of nitstAirg It MMiMMI W L. win Lonnie. a. a .el, anti/ a 11PW liouac can Le erected, arrungrinecii, vmg already keen made lur law inapt.< Baal. will al. a)• Lc in rvadiness al our waarl w reecive c &PAN t, m. &Coe aP 4 (.4/1 . 31 Beam. Linnet:l , 4u WOOL. LYMAN, REED & CAD ISuceear.ora tu Heed, Hurd & Cu,) GI NEKAL MINIMUM 311StICIIANTX, Par:lmam allgulsten paid it, lac tale al Wool, and la,' at adaance: made un roorignmenis myl6:6lWly PITTSBURGH . , SATURDAY MORNING, AUGUST 12; 'lB4B COPARTNERSHIPS. I OGAN ft KENNEDY have ttus day.wisociated wuh them In the Hardware business. Ybthp WS son and Edward (treas. The style al firm will here after be Logau, Wilson d Co. This at iangentent ren ders it desirable to dose the old 'sunless at mood an possible. All persons whose liabilities have oututred, are especially relocated In make inuniallate payment . PlusherAh, Jan I. lady. °GAN, WILSON <9. CO.—lmporter. bad I i Wholesale Dealers as Fureign and Domestic Hard warn, Cutlery, Saddlery, me., 199, Wood street, Pitts. burgh,Caressiw fully prepared wills a restudy impor ted stook of Hardware, Cutlery, ecia, to otrer very great iodueements to Wi`liit,Sl buyers, being determined to compete in priers with any Of the Atlantic cities. Al su do baud as extensive alisoittnentotTillabarith Hard ware, Yid Shovels, Spades, Forks. Hoes, Vices, Ac., all of wtheil will be sold at thethivert thenufarturees priers.• boil CO.PARTNEREIIIIP. THE subser.tters having recently entered boo partnership under the name of Gal agher, lon, & Miller, kw the purpose of earrying on the ge l and Prase Founding and Gas Fitting bustuels 111 all its branches, have talon the stand formerly occu pied by If. Gallagher, No. 1119 Front sweet, between \Vood and Smithfield sta., where they' are prepared to ruse all orders tor Bell, Brass lawnegs, of every des- mono, and Gas Palings with neatness and des patch. Sir aroboat jobbing promptly attended to. H. NALLAUHFRi S. A. LONti P It. MILL E R. N e.--The summon of Machinists and Engineers is lIIVIIed to our anti-oltracuou metal, fora reduced price, which ho• bee. promonwed supenor to Rabbit's by number. szrho hors used both. Steamboat builders and the public, genersdly are al .o requested to call and el notate our sup nor double hewn Force Pumps for strainbont and demesne we. GALL/Oil-UM, LONG, h MILLER. JeFrldly - Dimes/ valeta. muE p.mershrp so longexoung under the firm of M'Conl G King, wowby roututtl co Aunt daseolTed nn the at List The bosoms will be closed at the old stand by either of us, using the mute of the firm • that purpose. living destruto to h..", our ill1(11., closed with its little delay us possible we would t, speeyully request those Indebted to en't arid son, their accounts. JOHN U I,PCUILI), InP9 li. D KING Co-Partnership. JOHN D AFCORD havmg misocusted with lam his brother James krCord, under the style of 111'Cord & Co, will coutinu. the Hat, Cop and Fur hustling iu all its various branches, wholesale clod retail, at the old stand, corner of Wood and sth streets, where they .011. ti 1 n continuation of the patronage so liberally be stowed on the old firm. JOHN D hINNJRD. mkt, J.kkiEkt d. hINJOHD. N retiring from the old nod well known firm al M'Cord & King, I mart re.ipectflly reoactunetid to the patronage of the public my succeswirs, Messrs. kreard & H. D. KLNG. Dbwldtlon rpflE copartnership heretofore existing between the 1, subscribe., under the style of Rualitield S. Hot, exptred this d•y by 1111M5(1411. The busuleas of the litrla wJI be settled by tc Roo. JAMFA D. hl'611.1„ S. R. IiPSHFIELD, WALTER C. ROE Pittsburgh, July 19, I,ls. =GI The undersigned ;111 continue the WholesaJe Gro cery and Corn Ituunette,..under the [lrmo( ACGall and Roe, of their old Hand, To. 114 I.lberly street. JAhlErll) ivALTEtt C. ROE. Haymg sold my interest in We firm of krtoll, Bosh• field a iormer partners. }l`Collk. Roe, I take pleasure it reeorroneuthog them to my fnende end the • Mdse. Iyro S. EL BUSHFIELD. Ors-Paruse ratalp p01i0.. ---- T t W. STE:PH P.N.S nlWheellug, E. F. Shrenberger of Junta.. and J. A. Stockton of Pinuburgh, hate this day entered tutoc co-partnership antler style and firm or Stephens, tiltanaberger k Co., at the Anchor iron works, %Vb.,.hug, Va.. tor the purpose of mann factoring Iron and liana of every descriptum. 6 W. 1 1 1,0 1 1 11446. t I. gwfba&Ue4 1. •. srocrnos. STEPUENS. ISLIOENBEEGEB. R. CO. Bn - hreenng, Vo Manufarture alt kind af boiler. 'hotel, bar trot and mans, A B steel chime oprongs and wales. Benne con nected wah Shoentnergee• old Jun/22. WWI., we can offer an article on Joon. noon cnranded Shoe:Merger) equal to any mode to By counlty All of watch will be .old an It< Btandnuri., prices. Warehou. of the works cot tier of?!Queue add \ later at, ntyll Iyff3SOLDTION—The parmendup hitherto cast. nog nude, the style and lam ofWnghtruan tlus day thniolvrd In) mutual nnononent, John Dol an] having ttn, on to, entire intereot to It. \‘ inail. The busanennd of the lute hnn wnl too settled by 11. Wlehtman. who to authonard to use the 01 the late tam tor that purpo.c. Il Wleilr [ - MAN apcMchlor joly 1171 J DAI-ZE1.1.. Till; Subset, rr ty now prepar.-d tothastulactura all ktudy ul 0.111011 11/1.1 Look,: tunrry. ut the Yhorthat thdrry lett :at It %t !abut... ,n,tne ',bop, Cor , I,lwrty and Water stmt... will ntret with prompt at:cm ..... 11. ‘‘ laYucol, Yt I.etw,-tt Federal and riandualt) yntldly Allealtrtey COT. erneE aute. M. Hun: Wield I.ur un otterayt to the 11 Dry Wanly Iltnoir-• 0011.41.'1 , 4i In the nathr 0, Ina •1~ ,I Mart. Pm.- r f ur, l u l~ I, I'li.. n• IL.- 11 I< MI RI.IIV 10•PAILLTN IP tVouotoTrnevl.rvirtN - 1 j day .1111 Johr , Al t the Iher bu.thre. tier..atirr watinctetl wit, the hntt of lN ga nun; LI Nl J. 410 .INli MEDICAL pvc „ , 1,41 I k 1 f, Ltr..• ,te I 1r•CI hound 10 DO ..1 Pad 11, 01,01,1 pub,. ro ay.sal to> se!, sal iton op po, woo) of ei% ,4 put , ority tome ea...mord.mary edects ot , our 1--speetoratot Oa Ilavusg beet/ itllll , .tell bur Verlli )•12r4 watt a revere rough, Leeue :ever attd tt. eunennutant dt..eare,.. and teemed ohl, doomed to ;Inger OM II shun but umsruhle ritstettee, until the tall of Ischr. when. being inom nevetely attacked, and baring renorted la all al) anal*, tetuedw., and the pre settptions tw,, of the mont rexportable ottyamtatis the etrtgblontiood dhow deriving any benefit. or we 4.01.1/01ftIlUll of .urtlytmg but alew day. or week.. at—when the last gleam of hope was about to V UNI, I and recommended to me your Kapettorant an M d ble.ned I,) that Bring who does all things to thr tine of the mean.—and contrary to the •xpeetatluitA of my phystemun told Mends. I WWI in a few days maned trout my bed. and was eanhtided by the ipue of a bottle. to attend to tuy bustoca, 01/10) lag • I nee better health than I and for ten yretro prevom• R...pectfully yours, hr., J tp. Earth For sale ot Pittsburgh. at the PAM Tea Slum. 711 Fourth street.tuard, It. A, I , a tots:coca, Uta.., Coy. Fsataswroca, PA Wholee►le Drew Store lo the City of Di esv York. yli F: unkleraignell ure exielmivrly engaged tike .L Whole.. Drug t•usoie, et Nu. Juhu crert, the city of New lurk. 110.1 use prepar“l supply Druggist. end ruuutr Nl,neutto w,:4 Drug, Pcuttl, 00.. Dye-mtulf... Fore gn And Mtertean tainerr; %Veur, h Niauder. s Chemical.. 0.,1 thew ow* Duporutuou, oral :all outer /true.. ui their I,lle ui of n sgyenur quulity !IA low a. they Call be-pun chased rat the. or any canterit etty. New York, Fel , lo ❑. A. FAIINE,TUCK 2.. Co. 31nreher's Chrome Green. r '0 PAINTKRS, uunu NIAKERS, .ke—We, the underaigned. {'Mutes voidliud Magerd, of the city of New York, have Lined and tested. and are now a new article of Chrome Omen. manutactured by t.eo IClMarcher. of cny. Mild lied it to work well, pro ducing a bite brilliant Pans Ureen appearunce. With * very buperior Inaly, and recommend it to oar brettiret Lit the Vane as in evcry particular the beat Chrome Orton we have ever used. New York, June I. or by u '"'" ut4 t r als c e:l c t h r rTen "' n.:, i en th' in ' et7 Le hed of H. E. SELLIK:k, No 57 Wood street, who has We exclurave agency for ste safe an INttsburgh. nanrl3 A Fine Set of Teeth for 25 Cents. 'uirtirrE TErni, FOUL BREATH, HEALTHY and unhealthy teeth, after be- Ingonce or twice cleated with ..1011e Amber Tooth Fmte, have the appearance of the most beautiful Ivory, and at the same unie dm so perfectly innocent and eat, qumltely Line, that its coimiunt daily use is highly ad vantageous, even to those teeth that are in • good eon &Lion, giving them a beautiful polish. and preventing a premature decay. Those already decayed it prevents from becoming worm—it also (miens such as ore bo cortmul loose, and by perseverance it will render the foulest teeth delicately white, and make the breath des liciously sweet. M. JACKSON, vii Liberty sirreL roar 29 - A r r — VATEIL - YkSTOCI/L'li Irk:UMW Utig. AFEIV week. inane, one of my children, aged about live year., was unwell for several days, and the illness increased so alarmingly that I feared death would be the result. Having tinned of the good infects ut Futinestuck's Verunfuge when administered to the children of my neighbors, and thinking my child might have worms. from some oldie symptoms, I guys it one and a halt teaspoonfuls of the Veronfuge, and to my great astonishment it almost immediately discharged between 250 and 283 large worm.. Its health was woo restored, and it is now remarkably well. Previous to taking me Venn:lnge, the worms would occasionally rise in to tltroat, and I onen•feared it would die from strangulation. /AS. 6 I.)AWSII:4. Tionesta, Venango es, PA, Aprd , db. .1,13 00K 'JERK—Rend the followleg eatuficate. 13 Al'eutati..evud.s. Ohio, May 9.1,19. '1 lusts . sandy that my tube daughter was st.cutd with worms, atid that I tried several remedies, so coi led, without nay apparent effect. Being informed by the agent in Mtn place of the lacers. of Sellers' Venal. loge, I was IndUccd togtve it a trtal. Alter gretug a few doses, according direettons, my daughter was relieved I neve no hessian. in giving it as my optn lb. Seiler: Verrtniuge is the best unrrtiktv WU:Y. Prepared ond Bold by K. F.. Sober, N0..57 Wood ed. Sow alpo by Dr. Cur4el, :oh Word, D. N. Curry, Alla spoil'', and Wm. J Smarr. Tompormom ,, rdo. IyB Popular, bocauro Good! S F. It S' FAAII 1.5' At 1 C N 1.; S. Srel JeUer.on Co, /*Alai - eh 1. 1,43. A,l It IL SELLA-AS-1 have nearly sold ell the Vet -1.12. ntluge end Cough rap you me. Your Yu suiugn ts without r .I.c.eptiOn die hest ever offered In tale ueighluerhoutl, Layne( proved gcuul wherever tmough Syrup end ! s wot rills have Otto given set. I.mseuoil lonic °VI ,o.rvt .1 SCUTT, Ptnlmolor. ••• • • • Prepared and ' , old by H F.:?.1E11.1.1.:}(S,o1 Waxd nr.., nold by Dr Cursel.:nb NVtard, U Al Curry, Allegheny; tr. :•roinh. Terni•erainn•Ville 91tifb CEI.E.I.IILA TEL/ I'ICII AND 'rri - rEft awetoo. ellertual remedy before the public for the curt cn Is, b. ar, and materl pimple. IA ibe Inv, neck aml body, trupllou,, an. 11,11 tmbet dt•en,c. 0: the .tut run, 11tunn...) wurr4nlekl Ir., mutt aseteul). lir, /0.1) . ow., mod ,nn) eir , nrintoneet A lie,. vauable 1,1111,, rren J.e.l and !or .a:•• , 11 A 1'A11`,....1r,r1, Icalll=ll2=Mi UDR INVALIDS ANL/ At ,V HOW Rusk Powder n delonous and highly nutrinoun mod, which never luaus nerd on the stomach, nod Is now uouvenwhy fecottanlesidca by the faculty us livatorelerelice to Lirorl, Sago, Taprocu, or plant /mmW brtter naiad to the del/riddled •toinaCb of In valids, and s more arrccurthenum and wholesome food tor inlunra For sale by It E SELLERS, marn`r 57 wood in' for ' the d' s ' alni d I lru r rCrou b tZt " Z P J:° ! . "' .7,7. l :.. " lll: Nllll harp eonatantly on hood a large eupply,wruch they rvdl rornron to dealers at the lowan mortal perm, lot nub. je.lll J Kiln) & to HOTELS FUNTAIN HOTEL. LIGHT SOTREET BALTIMORE. retee An TITOII3-1031, PR0111180122. THIS eittablisliment long and widely known a5 ,.... A Bal noneione of the moat conninod.m in the city of , hae recently undergo. very ellen. •Ive alterations and improvements. An entire new wmg has been added, tan wag =micro. and wary dipping apartments, and eiteninve bathing rooms. lie Ladies' department has alto beta completely reorpanixed and fitted up nu a moot unique and beaun- ful style. lu fact sire whole arrangement of the House hn. been remodeled, with a single eye on the pan of the pnaprtelors, upwards the comfort and pleasure of their Guests, and which they confidently anon will idiallemye comparison with any Hotel in the Union. Their to null Malaya be aupplied with every o p m a aid luxury which the market affords. nerved up m a subwrior style; while in the way of Wines, &v., they will Vet be surpawed. Lt conelinnon the proprietors beg to say, that nothing will be 101 l undone on their part, and on the pan of their „ l b asonni. to render this Howl worthy the continued patron. of their Mends and the public generally. The pri ea for board have aloe been reduced to the faharetug rates; lads ' Ordniary, lII,Vi per day. Gend men'. . 1.51.1 N. B.— e Baggage Wagon of the Howie will al. way's be and at the Car acid Steamboat I.andutga, Lab wil convey baggage to and from the Hotel, free of charge merit( EXCHANGE HOVEL. 2 cunxia OP PM. AND fr. Mali ITlTalmluati. manage. The subscriber having meowed the mulge. mein of this long established and popular Hotel, respectfully ...eel; to Traveller, and the Public generally, that he will be at all times prepared to acconimodate them in all dithgl desirable to a well regulated Hotel. The Euusew bmng thoroughly repaired throughout. end new Furn po iture added, and no pains will be spared to make the Exchange one of the very best Hotels in the country. The undersigned respectfully solicits a continatmen of the very liberal patronage the Home has heretofore red. THOMAS UWSTUN, feceivebtkin Pruprwun. THROCKIIIMITO/VS GALT UOUSE, LOOGIVILIA, a. MILS THROCKAIORTGN hegs to acquaint his uguin lessee of the GALT 1101.18 V. Louiertlle, Ky, where he hopes to meet ell his old friends, awning themend the public, Minto effort shall scored to mote all comfortable who favor him veldh their putronsue. raulldly --• CIUDINUT Ai, DITU - LIN VOCIITEI AND Ifil/TD Kt. OP d FIATTF: Book iv o . f p z E Uitleed re r . iee, , Ptola notre.Pfl"n Proprietor . MISCELLANEOUS. NEW COACH FACTORY, TATIIITE. BROOKS 2k. CO., would ra.peetfutly in , V lorm the public that they have erected o shop on Lithock. between Federal and Sandusky streets. hey ore now tontine and are prepared to receive orders !Or every description of vehicles. Conches, Chariot's, 80. touches, I:loci:its, Murton.. die., Ike., which from their experience in themanufacture of the above work, and the facilities they have, they feel confident they are enabled to do work on the most reasonable terms with those waitung articles M their hue, •. the selection of mate rial, and having none but competent workmen, they hove no beattenon In wet - ranting thew work. We W erefore ask the attention of the public to this matter. N. B. Reputing done mate best manner, and ou the most reasonable term, Stockholders, take Notice. • • • • . riCBE Stockholders in the Youghinbetty Navigation Company are hereby notified mid required to pay to Mr. James Hamilton. the Treasurer of the Company , the sum of Ten er rent on eaoh share of their stock, out of before the ' 12th day of Joly next. and a further sum of Ten per cent. on or before the 12th day of Au put next. The stockholders will also take armee. that thelaw embosses the collect.. of One per cent per month, on iiistalinclit not punctually made, which. it wool accessary, .11 be enforced By order 01 the Board. ALL PLLMER . Pre. J B Outea. Step. eel l A 6 l 7 t hat ' :e r{ . ( j r[TlT ' jOrd — fAt h 7! 74F :tc ". l e ie d n; a 2 t S N d o o detached do, Ido Lepme; In Silver Patent Lever do, Td do detached do; do Lepuie do; IS Gold Guard Champ, heat quality. Also. a ka.d emorteuent of Breast Pula, Ear Ring., l'' 'R: r e i l b e:4 *. g 6°M a P h7;v " e ' b ' e d en Pe re "c c ' et ‘ eed with the last hey week,. and odd be .old at reduced pones Per sona wndung weans , . a rood and cheap Watch. would do well to call precious to purchastn; Jr& ZE.81.1.0N kINSEY Eolll.ilA N ANKIINS, kc —W It Murphy ban with. in it few day. reeetved nu addinonal nuppiy of Lotnutale Nanktem. toid .tyle.) fine bleakheil 1.000000 do, unbleach,l do. fine Gong Cloth Shims e., Irn.h I..inette, t very lou.l white Cotton Mr,, lend do, Paper Cambrle., Re, at the Ilry tioude N F. cortaer itit and Market bt fl — j - Wholerale Kowa. Lg. %taut. Dr. DlcLane In Tenn • • • • • 14119 errury flint I purchawd mm v ial of 1)r. j 11 Latina AVorm o months wo awl gave to a sou of crone. wine t ees years old. two ...Owns full, awl She amount luny apnea: ergo, y. I Stave no doubt tan in,. was upward. of two laboowao wowo wow fons, Won me quarter of an Web so two Welles long. 6 AV 1101.L1DA Y. floc!'. !'reek. Carrol eo. Tenn . Dee V 7, 1 , 47. still Leeching, etapplng raud Invading. Ni0N.111.., ,Suerrs.a.r R 11 , ..any .n..• No hh Filth %meet. hetween %Vmad and Shin, li , al Fresh wrehrs ram-lead mooth —.radiance a!I hours Reference, the phyriesans at Pittsburgh: Ann. aMeny and Btrrtungbarn. Itown cherrtmlN recommend the physicians fam ilies and all my former nerds arid patrons. Mr Ii B. Morns as rming Morourhly acquainted with the tmer 11[•% 111111 y of pa to ntar.. I y M R. DELANY Manufactured Tobacc o. 4s , St n. Roy.ter's .Minor sere!; lb to Ikl . .!1 J. do du du du Pr. r' . .l 14 do 1 Itan.m.un J 7 hi du do do do Win At do T Wright'. 37 do 4: Andrrson 9 do I. T Dade. do K !docun'• 9 do Katellif loot landing Rum steamer and pockets. and tut sale b) HF:ALM, HLCKNOR d Co north water and Id north urh arvea, Nuladelphnt It I ANITA CTL 11.F.13 TOLIACCII-2U bx sioncs & • •tapenur sweet lb lump. 75 hull bit ‘V I tiler Uld supcnur sweet Ls lump. '35 Lawc Lother 5, . 4 I,ntryvone& Rorryr •• .l.& b. Dupont ,de la Eure! to .11cLeoal 25 •• Lawrence Loturr S&6l plug Just 15.1.1011 front •touoirr. sod lor sale by D ALL , L3I.:CKNUR & Co. 11 N water si and 15N wharves, nty3l 'JAPER—A....IAI. Straw Wrapping Paper, 011 ettes, IW ronins ruled Cap Writing, Flat ol plata letter do; all quahtiest co Cap, 270 [peanut, Teo Parer; 170 arose white and blued watts Bonnet Boards: • lOu rearms Al außla I:4l4