The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, July 29, 1848, Image 4

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" - •
Mothers Wife and Daughter
IN THE UNITED STATFR.—The subscriber respect
,fi. fully calls your attention to Dr 13kaarrest ticoo
nun expressly intended for the preservation of the
health of both nxesi—whedier it armies from Incipient
Plithists, or coyly consumpuon, Debility of the Longo,
^ Brouchsal Affections, Asthma. Pleurisy. Deranged
Di.rdered state of the Liver, Spleen. or Kldne Un-
cured Spine, Cholic, Derpepoto, Platinum on yx
of the
Heart. Lazo of Muntilor m Noreen Power. /te. A,
DR. C. IL IiARRI7I - 1 - 5. GUARDIAN ember to the
immediate relief of Females sulfuring (rote Inneulan
tin, and all other Uterine difficulties and &senses in vi.
dental to womun whether occasioned by cold, wet
&eyee any mentor injudicious exposure, and all this
without the use of medicine; no the most delicate and
mashie., lady con at any moment apply it w breech
without the pfiniliiLity Mincurring any risk or danger,
or any unpleasant resalts arising from- it, and with the
certainty of obtaining immediate relief
Dr Harrett's Guarilion is no catch-ponny s or one of
the many bomb.** of the day; but it nen nutriment
madehrion strictly scientific principles, in accordance
with the laws of Electricity and Galvanism; and Mr
neatness. durability and ellicacy, infinitely surpass ,
everything of the kind ever before offered to the public
for the relief of Moen.. and. in the language of one of
the most enlightened men of the day, is pronounced to
hoA"JohortFon'd'or len ° ,ll7fo o ur rth y e eot e li " aa been occupied
by Dr. Barrett in brownie! the Guardian to us present
state of perfection—during which time it lin beet. in
the hands cif come of the most ernineot pbysiciuns
the North and South, no well as in the dwellings of nu
merous faimlie% who have used it tor l
aud f the nos,
purproes, with the mast perfect omens. who hove
cheerful!) . given their unimalifted approbation of i.e
elficaccr and value, as can i.e are by referring to the
— 51111.1111•1 of Instructiono occartipanylng
Dr. C. IL Ilarreute Guardian o secured front innova
tions by aren't from the Coiled brute. Pmeni °doe,
and Ise be either with er without las :Med.°. Illectre
'Do filedice-FlectroGolvanomuler. in point of
ty, workmanship. durability and power. co:mot 'beau_
posnd or even equalled, twit the subscriber feel. that
he lansords nothlng in the P Aeerlloll that it will lie found
to pontos' more power mid efficacy tat the treatment
and removal of diseases, lir (n/vuntsm and Plectron
r7, than any other mstruivotit, rather the United
Bunn or Europe. ,liltfiledieo-Flectro (sedvaiiinneir r
is warranted in every respect and with common eon
nary care \Rill rue-tame, is by fur the Monti
ext. because the est. Instrument ever offered to the
public. A. manual accompanies them giving the meat
ample instructions. of practical experience, an
readily intelligible to the round of every one, while
this • ••• • ity of nrangement is such that a child may
-pae with it
Any information gratuitously given, and all comma
- ors eheedully answered per mail, either in rela
tion tial the m en or Guardian.
Medical men are Invited to call and eninune Dr Bar
oaf s Uttornialt, and twain efficacy.
the cake by H. RICHARDSON, sole Agent, 71 Mar
ket et, Plusburgli.
VER 5 e 0 0 0 PERSONS In Pleladelphot
Oalone, can testify to the wonderful efficacy of nut
powerful mitteily,
In Pulmonary Conzumpnott , Chronic Boonchito and
Sore Throat. Asthma. Chronic catarrh, Spann. of
Bloat Pam in the Side and Breast. Dianmay
Dreothing. Whooping Couch. Croup, 'Weak Nerves
and Nerve. Tremors, ?alienation of the Hearn also.
Liver Comptaint and Affection or the Kidneys
Von medicine, the invention of a men who gave the
nabject of Pulmomay, Bronchial and Pcetund diseases
the most rigid examinunon. ham now broil before the
public near four )ca rx forum . title petted per.
formed some of the tent remarkable cas on record
Pnlmo.ry Consumption—oecu red the m no otnmenila
tion and use of pity
simians in their It:nonce. and lb
mest approval of
must ot ortitfi.O
toyer° Colds, Congos. oorn:nes", Spitting c
Blood, &a
About four years since I was attacked vrith Tynan,
Fever, which left no in a miserable state of health. t a
et - came debility with a general prostration ot the s
tom„ with violent pains in the breast cnit
lots of althe
a., in consequence of which I with unslr astead so'
tay usual business. or rctorrn any kiod of work. I
applied to several ply:smiths and used various reme
dies, bat without any Leticia. end had ocspuirritof ever
obi:na4 a recovery of my former health. But some
rime 10.1 June I was talented to try Tbomson's Com
pound Syrup of Tar and Wood Nap th ri, a t lithredth , c
as it mav appear. by the time I had tass three Unifies,
the ebility, pain and every sense of sudorirg were
e ompletely retriovest and I was abth ancuil wbb re•
fitored health to my usual once snot,.
Of Dickinson towthelitp. Cumberland so.
Rev.! the following traturtory :tom a respectable
member of the Society of Friends, :a Fouglikeepar.
` . This may certify that us I.c. -p Lee of I. 1 , . ssi.
health was very (-ride, I war radioed with pai: two
side, with other alarming sYmP‘amo• aini "tiered much
from great debility. At that ume I purchased from
Mesas Boma two bottles of Thoinson's it Sy
rup of Tar nod Wood Naptha, from which I
ced great benefit. my health besot; now syboS. I
cheerfully recommend the article to all persons scar
zany be suffering with general debility, with sytureoros
of • decline. AltAiLklll MUNI K.
Poughkeepsie, March 15,194 r"
Prepared only by Ascarr .k Dimas.", at the F..
corner of Fifth and Spruce streets, Phil.
Sold by 1.... WILCOX, Putsburgh; and draggLrts
gcnonally. Price SO cent., or Our Dollar per bottle.
LUNGS.—The unprecedented ..neee. , .s which has
Remind the nee of the
n all the various forms which trrannon of the lungs thh.
sant^ has illdneect. the propnetot, to cull anen
t/On to this
The chum:nide weather NV .1 - it it.kt).• our fall and
tenter months, is always a tru.niht wcret: of
These, If neglected, arc but the precursors of dun fell
The question. Tian. how shall we tap the ....r.royrt In
the bud? how shall we get cant ouour cougto and
oIds! of vital importance to the u,i,.
will be found to the Ginseng . Panacea. In proof of tat
we have from urns to unie rentficatrs of
dozens of oat beg kaown mbzeos, who hove rpm
enced Its curative powers. These. 0.1:h a MU. 01 to
mz‘o ) (rem all pans of the r oulary,—from
Ministers of the Gospel, Au., together with copious am
Seas from the
wia bare embiadied rroptilet form. and may be had
gnus 01
''' l7l.7 ' . ? g u L t / alr TnovtAh,."- - "- .
taut been owed in this city
throughout the I:lntel:States .d Canada. and we ell a
""' S.7 . (II'I uI' .V.STA NCE
n winch, when horn accord/mg to di recite.. a,..1
fore the lungs bad become fatally disorganized. it hits
Be e r
Why, then. need the atilicted hesitate! resna to
the Mr' , rabic no.trusn 4 . gotten up by a r
gale o lee the summed name oi sot. ce •• • phy
aielan. and paged into notonety by cerufica -
eons equally unknown! Wlnlst a medico. of
is to be had, whose voucher* are al home.--one neigh
bor/—ms.ny of whom it h.
in order that thts
medicine may be Hared
within the reaeh of the put . well the rich, we I.avg
pal the price at
just one half the 1110.181 cost of cough medicine, it a
for sale by our agents in nearly every towu aud village
over the west. who are prepared to l m full informs.
lion relative to h. T. SALTER, Proprietor,
Broadway, Cincinnaga, Ohio.
- -
SIBRCHANT OF THIS CITY, who hod been of-
dieted will, the asthrne for four yours. had taken
almost ever) thing His physicians cocidantly attcc
ded him. and he had expended over two thousand dol
lars. lie never believed in advertised niettiones. hut
considered them all humbugs 'At test tried
ILylor's gals a» of Liverwort. from 73 Beekman street.
New York, and in six V:C.CkS %%qui entirely cured. hir
ing taken only three bottle. , Thin is only one of many
cases where imaginary obiections to patent medic,.
10.0 prevented person. from using this medicine. woo
have expended hundreds of dollars to their physicians
ralu—and LI the end owe their recovery Lit me iutal.
lible efficacy of this purely vegetable preparacon.
There in no mistake. dna thin medicine la &opener to
any remedy prescribed by medical 1 dy1... This
medicine has taken Al years to mon., and i.
roe remedy for dime.. ever introduced to then blie
Bnamestu:P/.1318, COL - 011. AND tiffoll[l,l. Or !SURAT°.
Ccramd—Suffering ter a long mac with thesecomplains
I had given up - ill hope of being cured. I had conoun
ad the botanic and hotaregiaihic doctors more. I had
used many articles advertised. but found no relief. In
despair I had given op the use of MI medicines. Ile..
tog of the great virtaes of Dr. Taylor's t o of Liver.
wort, anskthe great ewes it hod pernimwd, inclosed
11:10 10 try it, and to my great joy and .I..l:linen, I
was better doily. I continued its use, also his Saga,
Coated Pills. uutil lam entirely cured. Dr. Taylor's
Balsam of Liverwort is the best medicine to the world
for these complaints, and will curt every ooe afflicted.
Captain of the Nancy. of New York.
Artmos have .offered from the Asthma
very long time, and have used every medicine I cool
obtain for it& nUre in vain, until I tried Dr. Taylors
Balsam of Livehvort. Thin medicine has afforded me
most manifest benefit, and is. In my 0,1111101, cure tor
thni distressing disease; more especially, BA Iknow oi
many cases among my fnenda where ithus been 1.5
ly succenstul. Per.. totems.' sire invited to roil
at my residence for further Informant.
MIL 4. RUTON, tlr.? Laurens it.
Sold in Plttaborgh by J I) Moir. 53 Wood et:
Ttiannend. 45 Market oh H Smyser, cor Market and
3d alid Henderson
h Co, 5 Litocy s+„d,,,,d
to 111,50 per bold, _ iev3
Air ORGAN'S COUGH AYRUP—It proved to be the
.0.1. great Panacea io coring my child's distressmg
----. cough.
Prom he Temperance Burner,.Novn 31547.
Con on Bramt.—Vre are not in the habit of pu !bag,
moth less taking patent medicines, but we feel I{ • j
to recommud Morgan's Syrop to those who are allbet
ad with •
cough. After having tried the usual reme
dies to remove a COllltilla and distressing cough, tut
had for several days afflicted one of our children, w
out sueulta, we were induced to try MO (VW cough
syrup, and by it rebel' was obtained m a few boars. It
proved to be the pule in this cue at Mast
Prepared wholesale and ORGAN, the proprutor,
JOHN D Druggist,
feb7 wood st, l dun below diamond alley.
DEL. - VORA NT ls auperor to all other is tor
Coughs, Cousamptims, Bronchitis, saw+. and other Pol
imsy - eSactions, le that th< mow resale win. commenced Ma
um of it in their frmilim ten yminasilm, Sill refer to all
other (Mediu of the kind; and where my he bem Maimed
to try other preparlilool they ham almost orrariabre been
appointed or ttatt:ving Me benefit' which was rcasombly
=timpani! Dom the high praises bestowed by the prorricors,
wal Ws returned 4/ the Of iaallte ESTLCTOIAXT as
• remedy Mat had mem railed to relieve thaw and which
probably ismer had It,
eq.l arresting pahnonsoy diseases
Pripami only b 7 Dr D. Jayne Philadelphia, and wad on
dealdAmtf , Foorth et
ANNE'S HAM TO:MM.—After going this a
hat rticle
thigh,. unhesitatingly pronounce it to be w it r
0-12th beet article, without thy excel:dim, in etee, Corder
theberation end promirathin of the brims hair. Vi • Imam
of POSIItOOI i 910.1.16 .her. hair the been roared
t♦hi~htr. bas to head.
W 4 far Itthel end en dank re cannot do
Giro than lonecommend to ow readers who et
Weir !mir t h. maks a trial of thin Task immediately
&Om Mat
Per see in Pittsburgh at W. Peskin Tin than T
, 1.1.79
Ftherth greet. near Wood niertd6et
MORGAN'S WORM KILLER is •faz superior to all
other remedies for Worms.
lane 141 h, 1848.
This wa y certify that I gave torero of my caildren,
three and dye years old, two ...pool:dolor,: Illorgm's
Worm Killer, to each of them. The youngest passed
as brim worms,. tbe smallest cool: , rot have measured
lass than seven utehes. The eldest' passed -0 10000
ameba that am mild not begin to coma tlicin. Shave °
maid all the popular remedies hob., Oa p e,li c , for
an any with a clear conscience, Merge:Vs
varor t er c is far superior to soy neur briars therub-
Bakerstown, Allegheny minty. • .
prepared sod sold who Wale andneteil ily . Oa pp.
paean. BAI D hIORGA.N Druggist.,
... WA JO W00den . ..4 ,
... r.- t. l / 2 1.111 s 3Cper c r.
, LA< ji
1 : ,
'?• • e
coarocxo rxmc - r or
Wonder ma Blessiag , of the Aga.
The now extraordinary hledielne In the World
This Extract re pet wp Qom/ Ralik* it it a^
than cheaper, ;decameer. awd warranted n .
prior to oay sold It cern =Wheel
vomiting, purring, eithasier
ar debilwarseg the
The great beauty end mperiority of thntlareaparilla
over all other medicines that whale It eradicate. the die.
rase. it invigorates the body. It ume of tin very twat
Ewer known: It not only purifies the whole nate= end
orenathens the person, but it creates vele, pare and rich
Band:power pone...A Vy no other median, And in
~ . lie. the grand secret of in wonderful success. It hos
re , fornavd wttlan the law two year., man than 100,000
of nacre ones of diatom ; at least 15.001 were
• ..2.1d e red ineurable. It has need the line of more
10.000 children during the two pun xenon,
*O,OOO cores et,General Debility and
want el Nerved... Energy.
Dr Townsend's Sarsep.illn invigorates the whole
•. nem pertna.ntly. T those .ho have lost then
moseular enerry by the effects at medicine
t.ou commuted in nail, or the excessive indulgence of
no , p,stoea and bronchi on • general physical ponce.
lof the nervous oyster, Lashed, .not or ambition,
some; sensations. premature decay and decline, hasten
Wanda that (istal disease, Consumption, can be cu.
neck restored by this pleasant remedy. This beer
far super - 'r to any
In•igoratting Cordial,
and tu.,oretes the syn.., gives artt•ity
t•.r limbs. and sircorth to the muscular system. to •
estruurdinno dctr
Comomption Currd.
C:ealut atd Strearthev, Cactvaptloot sae it cared
tirenekiris. Consamptiss, 1.40rr Complaint CO:di
Clalarrlit. Coug+. Asthma. Space( of rm..,
Sorruto li t Class. Neer nark, :in,.
Sonata, DijAnal ar P , tolms• Erperto.
raison, Pa. is tits Sists. 10, ices
Imes eel cachr sawed
Nein York, April
On. Toormararo-1 verily believe that your Suisun.
rt:ln lias been the means, through Providence. or sot to;
tar lifr. 1 have far Boveral year. hod a bud Cough. It
6-canie roam glad worse, At last I raised hirer quents.
Let of blood. had tiled flvvcatA and was grently datnia
,t-,1 and redound, and did not expect to Its a. I lint r
toad your Sarnapatllla a .tort titan. and than It,.
. nudroful change been wrought in me. lam now oMe
to .ailt over then dry, 1 ndae no blood. sad toy
, ch Lau left toe. You can . u . cll i 01.10130 that I mu
u. inkful for Ulnae rimulta.
Your obedient screent,
NM RUSSELL, In Catherine...
Female Medicine.
.2ir. Townsend's Sarsaparilla is a rawareign and epee iy
ore for Incipient Consumption. Barrenness, Prolapses
lit or Felling of the Womb, Coetiveness. Poles•
rcerisen, or Whites., abstracted or difficult ifienetron.
Incontinence of Uri., or luvolutary—discharge
exaf, and for the general prostration of the untrue—
ro muter whether the result of inherent mute or C 111...
predaced by aregululty. Blum or accidedt Nothing
33 be mons surprising than its Mvicorsting effect
co human frame. Persons all wadi-nein aud Itsel
f °le. from taking ence Delmore robust and full of
nailer Ire It Immedistsly counteracts
nerreleunca of the female frame. which ts the greet
t luxe ot Burton.. It will not be expected of
ua to
en. of in delicate a time. to exhibit nonionic. of
cores perfumed but ere can assure the afflicted. that
I. iindeede of cues have been reported to us. Thousand I
ens. where families have beer without children,
r Ir.:LW • fur bottles of this invaluable mule...
is been blessed with fine, healthy offsprlin.
To Mothers and Married Ladle*.
This gem. of Sarsariarilla has seen expremly pre
p .red In reference os female =whom& No female
'iiiha, maw= to suppose she is apprembirte that
e period. • Tlte Okay , / /tie should terteast to
trite It as it is a oortabilireweetl. her any of the
r--virioas and horrible dimness to whaeh fensalce
othject at this time of Dia The period esey ie
It - yeti/be seezeal years ist lona/ Ws Swam.. For
1. it leas valuable for tamp who art arproschint via
iewhood, as it lo aleittated to onto maws. by quick.
rouva the blood and iovirorathr the qualm- lutleed,
medicine is ievalnable for ell the delicate theca
to .barb women are subject
It braces the whole system renews permanently the
s.• trot ..eeerves, by ermosteg tIE tmpurotes tte
h net RO far omelette( aa to produce attbsetturet
rt. evade, which o the ease of awn centimes take rut
I..tnele weekness and doe., Er tutor a few. bootr• runt
medicine. teeny sever. and painful aurescal
tile.. spate
may be preeeotol.
t; mat 1131ireei sag to :nether , raid Children..
It ts the aideo and wort eerrvt.d mcdientc for purify
irr the t utu.. ant refieriu the ufferinta attendant
diacoured. h ormnrhe. both
the mother land chj l. prevent. prtin and Mums.. n.
creases sod ettrichest the food. thou .b., hare used it
IA mit is i s indispensable. It tabula,' yule' both before
~, after confinement u it percents diseases attendant
A. athldbarth--in Costurneu, P. Cramps. settSu
. ~
ef the F. beapooderres. ifeardinrn. ronisting.
,re in the and loin, False Puns. Ilemorrilue
in rerulattu• the accretions and equaltaing the err
. %An. it has no eons , The runt beauty of this
wive is. it n :dear. and the most delicate use
uceruthli,. rue. require anY delicate
-.twine. in oame • little Cut. thiL or Mann... , to
cIeL &semie in the open air, and lubt focal with
it”, medicine, will always eturare • ufe and eau eon.
Benue} and Health.
Coonetk. Chalk. and • variety of preparationeCene.
ally in use, when applied ha the face, very boon spoil A
o beauty. They elate the pores of the skis, and
..clt the circulation, which, whanuature o urn thwart
es: be disease or powder, or the akin inflamed the
ei:ilies used in soaps, beautifies its own production in
the • human face Mein," esellLoth the garden of
n. •h and delicately tinted and varieitated dowers. A
f.. e, active and healthy circulation of the fluid. or the
rooming of the pure, rich blood the extremities, i•
that whichpaints the countenance io the mot<aqui
, beauty. It is that which imparui the indibable
shadesand flash n of loveliness that all admire. but
none e. describe. This beauty is the offsprior of rie•
thre--not of powder or soap. tf there is not a ree and
bmslthy circulation, there is no beauty.
If th e
lady L.
11,1 r 0.• driven snow, if she paint and use cosmetic.
std thick, .1d and impure, the is not bee.
&al. If she be brown or yellow, and there is pure and
I,vo blood, It gives • rich bloom to the cheek. sod •
brilliant) to their eyes that is fastinatinx.
Tins is why the southern. and especially the Spas,
Isl. Whss, are sa much admired. Ladies in the north
woo take but hale exercise, or are confined in close
room. or here spoiled their complexion by the impb.
eau. of deleterious mixtures, if they wish to re
lasticity of step, buoyant spirits, eparkhur eyes
eria ea
beantiftti complexion. they should use Dr Ton n.
semi's Sarsaparilla. Thousands who bare tried are
ro•-re than a... Get!. are delighted Ladle. or
.i.on, crowd our office daily
• .
Thom that imitate Dr. Tonsend's Sarsaparilla ham
invariably sidled their stulY • great Resedv foe Fe
=Ate, kc, and hare copt. our bills and circular ,
which relates to the complaint. of some, wor I for woe,.
—other men who put up medicine, hare, since the meat
mr«se of Dr. Towniend's Sarsaparilla in complaint.
in-sdent to fenardea recommended their, although pre
tiously they did not. A number erase. Mixtures,
d L.. ore injurious to females, m they aggravate dame,
as undermine the constitution. Dr. Townsendhi is the
o.lly and beat remedy for the numerous female is
rarely, ere' fella of meeting a permanent
rum it can be taken by the Most delicate, females,
in any ease, or by thew expecting to become ounathera
with the rremest advantages. us it prepares the miasma
mid prevents pain or danger, and strengthens both
amilier and chili. Bo carellil to got the genuine.
licrollkalm Cared.
This certifieste conclusively proves that Ws Sanir
pan{la has perfect memo' over dm 010flobstinate dis
f the Blond-
Three persons eared in one hon.
et unprecedented.
, Three Cbildreo.
Da Tovrivaann—Dear Sir I have the pleasant to
tve.rm you that three of my eltiLlren have been cored
et ate Scrofula by dm use of your excellent medicine.
They were afflicted very severely with bad Sores bars
taken ouly bur bottles; a took them awsy, for wbleb
feed myself under treat obligation.
Yours. respeciflilly,
ISAAC W. CRAIN, 106 Wonstenet
Opinions of PbT•
Or. Townsend is almost daily receiving order. from
Physicians in different parts of the Doi°.
'Ms ie m eertify add 'ea the undershrood. Physicians
of the City of Albany, have in inonsro. cases
ed Dr. Townsend . . Sarsaparilla and believe it to be
one of tile Iwows valnabbe prof .
P. ratiPULING , ons in th.
M. ma
D. rket
. •
/Baur, April 1,1447. P E. ELMENDORP, IL D
Oaring to the peatsurareas and women.. ulo of D
Townsend's Saroaparilla number of men who we
formerly our *acm4 bsve commenced mahand Setup
nilo Extract; Eltairs,BirlCT. E.:tree-sof' Tallow Doe
I. They gwitendly put it up in the woo duped bv
des, and Dome of theta have em and errpled onr adve—they •ore only worthless imittatlons,
should be avoided.
Prinripel Oalen 128 FULTON Street, 8t:to
N. tc,ad..4 &co.. 8 S ehrent, Dorton; Dyott
Sou+, 132 North Soc.:n.l street Philadelphia S. 5
Drocriet. Baltimore ; P. 11. Cohen Chariezton
W.qght A Co.. 151 Chartres Street. N. O.: 105 South
Pt ..r1 Street. Albany and by ell the
principal 11 roc.
rt and blerchoute ge.rally Go, United
.• llolou sod the Cammlus.
N. IL—Persona ingtormg for Ml. medieme. thould
Sot be induced to take any other. Draggios pot up
arsaparillas, and or rourAt prefer tb , ir own.
Do not be deceived by ally—inowre for Dr Town
send's, and take uo other 11,7 Remember the genu
ine .. Totensentl's Sarsaparilla." sold by the talc agent..
FL K SEILLERS. general Wholesale & Retrial Agent
No. 57 Wood street, and D. M. CURRY, AlleOteny
XOT 15 . 1{6Z/00,
ArHE ooderntrted hos lung been convinced of On
necessity for some medicine adapted In the use o
ldrea and Infrons to mope-reed.. Olin use of all those
melimues which contarn opium. end has at length put ,
ceeded In preparing and offering 10 the public. a meth..
eine fully IlillMertng every p.p.. for all di.imsea of the
In - purls, WILIIOUI Me list Of that tie ' , tenons into. tin any
other calculated to injure in the [cast The Infant Pmell.
aeear h. been only tested and tried, the Inst twelve
months, by numerous persons. and found to all
the extraordinary virtues. and to produce al the ninon.
isbing effects . set forth on the bill of direction. Lhi
arrhica_Yomning, Cholic,Oriping, Pants, Sickness and
Diet... arming from Teethum, timing immediately
without doturbing any of the tunctions of the body, Si.
producing the happiest told most pleasant transition
from viol.em pain to a own; inlaud m)ou• slam of feel- N 0 MI:Alt-5 hhd. prime fur sale leer to close
trig in the bale sufferer. 0 50T nowE.N.
1 . .
To be had whoa.-sale and retail, of ihe Propriror. Dr 7U front st
JOHN SARGANT, Druggist and apoihecur); Joh.. ''' C.IO•O,oIT 01. I.
Mitehell, Elliott a Beckham, and most other Di mops , .l; ' D a:: GOOLat.--A A Mason & Cr, have tin hand
n Allegheny and Pittsburgh. decl 3 VI WI elllC/OOVC assortment of White Goods, corn
-nit. Towrise..vas SARSAPAIULLA.--.50 au.. P":"g Moil ' Bwi''' Book, Ph" .nd j " "
* " M"'". '
.1..1 just received of Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla, the ° ( every "„''" """ 1:... __ MS,
.. - -
most crarnonlinarymedicine in the world! Thu. En - r OSQUITO NETTS--We have Just opened a large
Pact is pot up m gnarl bottles. It is sin amen cheaper, 1. lot of Mosquito Netts, of an excellent quality and
pleasanter, and warranted superior to any sold. It I remeukably cheap reir3 ALEXANDER A DAY
cures disease without vomiting, purging, sickening or -
debilitating the paticur CIOTTON--87 bales to arrive', for gale by
Loos our Mt Diresnoxs-Unpruicipled persons have V Jetta ISAIAH DICKEY ACo
"Pled*Whth'h4 r dPl'''i lr i"'" r;C ' I:SE-12'bo/'.'wi r di l%7 ".ll"
shapedtoite. Sea that each Lulchte rrtenii ma i A lli CK;yi/ ,
nature of S. P. Townsend.
R. E. SELLERS, Druggist, 57 Wood street, between 'yip AR. ROAD GODE--Doggett's Rail Road
Third and Fourth. is Dr. Arenimnd's only wholesale XL, and o.atteer for 1510, with Sectional Maps of
and remit agent for, of whom the genuine the greet routes of truveL A few copies received and
ruliele oat be had. for talc by nag JOHNSTON ls. STOCKTON
D. IL Cur) , .bas been appointed the sole agent for
Allegheny city, of whom Me in n ctiel. ~.n p„, e/TON-a bal. Tennessee Canon, in store end
V fas sale by my 33 WEST HOWEN,93 front a
L - -- -
E r _N_,r 4 LT AND CAP Etl ll, trrintliiiihi , ' moLetisEll-0 bats Vents/Ma •5e .... 5 . in sane,
-1.11•11 C• the anention of buyer. tO 4 new supply of I: ..1 (or a.ale. by „, :sj . . 1 esuWEN
gads, at aswnst r+As mad wrf l l 7O -
PrITS•1111.1, Pa.
A"prepared to hula Couon and lieu hlt.htn
eat Lt every desenptioo, such as—Carding
"'pinning Frames Skoreders. Driwing
blarvray heeds, Warpeni t 'forillers.Spoote•ii,Drearang
Frown., Loon., Cara ruiner, g. 0., Wrought lion
Sourtigg turned all size. of Can Iron, PliiiLeA and
II ens,. of the latent pattern., slide tint hand Lutlini.
end tools of alit:ad..
Castings of every desemptlon furnished on short no
tice. Pattern* made to order for Itlyi, Iron
so One, ese ttento Pipe for heating Fee:tortes. Cast
Iron \ indomPllstt, end fancy Castings erne:rally.—
ttrovrs. ft el the,ht7•rehouse of J. Pe.tner tc Co.. t.:b
erg 4,rel t, tVIli have prompt UtrIIIIIII,2.
B nekator t. Llcil & Co„ J Iqoothcad & Co„ L
v nrctr, Jonn Irwin & Sons; Paitburgh.
TAKES this method to inform ats friends
• and the pul.lia at large that hla Factory
▪ coo. , n fah operanun, on the nest lit
of the Diamond, s.lleglarny, where a eon
scant .apply dorm. , colors
and q caltne s, are conalantly k e pi on hand,
R. at No. 5 Wood at. Dittaborgh. at I. a.
11. Pladlips' oil cloth VPILICTDON.
rad.dn Shatters made to order in the beat style.
Molar. rlpalred at the shortest not. re.
. - -
N. O. Nis Blind, red: 'be pal up, wilLear any add:-
ml c.lernt/.13 en lhat Ley ran he removrd .n s. ode
Inca: th Mee °frac or her wruat.lng. , to the a.d
4 : a err. , dr e ortddlyho IKm I y
'.. RI. A LICA 7,, SONS,
TAlA.,liS,,tedr, of erand:3l Cla,
n-pot,sc the ExcLang, lloter.eutratiee ott l'c on sue,
f..apectn..ily Lam :heir trim& nod 11,1
hey prepur, m so furnish and udend to eve, yo..n;
I,e Lot of L oda" tzker, a no hood r...trer
snrant.l:l of rend) sun,: no, red, ::red and lio
-Leti La the "or) (restrsottner, nil .or,. and balls roo , l
;Lade rtl rouda of flal.ll, Cnall.rle t cod to uktlo, and n.
• aer ,de u,pro‘ed xt)lec e keep c law: us
ortr,tro of e ad black ..13; Si.
r I bearer. cod n,OO rs, ers,,. coy., co.•
Sr.,,cod every Mac oecren ry tor drcsaMg 4,1,1
e ~
nn rcrl,nabl, term, me We ;wry hate our r..odr
u Kus,-, A •In. r pities to engrav , o,
1131 ac od .114,1
We have a new 044
ant ..1) num.., of earr";;,, Cant)
tone at.unded m prompt) and oto,etualiv oetaly._
rIrrt.11:31:11 refEAAI WORiCS,
Nos ?..14 and 'NG Latfcrly strata ur t lto Cana/
order,l,4l'Al`on hand and made ro a large our,
M P r, Centre Tables, une
:larvae lop,'l'mnt.:4tortes.:tlonurucnte. hr, alt ev L ell.
Jr: utt e of she rhnlces: rearm, end tennufnctured
r nctpelly h v macho:ell, vet:l he soot tom for ce.
N. 3. l'e etothets to purchase NI autette Ore
nrcencd that mang n
is [macaroni, annocratery for them to
to Fast. as I can fu Hush them Truth an Irtica• ,11 co
teepr eta as good. and (frmg ht. raenrance. h c, con° tee,
tthl or cheep ea they can p eechese them for in Mc
ramt Carl and too.
corrrat, 191-11S.ILT IRON, AND TIN
V; A Rt: m .111111 K :
B 1 . 1.1,01.1rg1, Pew,:
'I!E , u`,3,ber. Laving .111V,VeTne;:l•
P.m:M.O.Am of hr r
git,.!T pleat persont , bu,lflt g 5tr..,,,04te
br:ore perchacc.,,g. to
,tL Noce, Forgo, 0 , 10 every otSt 11nd 0:
, par. Itea r.cre.....r) :0
..,A . 2IW Oat.
taltn ordrr on tte Ah0n...1 not • c it
nr, .ICf
rr ot wolf. :n cc. i
Jlll.f tip tr.
rnatngham. ,near Plteaburgh,) Pa.
I Var - hcr, , e, 137, Wort strut. Ptit.:ll..rgh.
oV I;y ct.p on hum, a rood
mem or et, or our owzr manutacurre, and
reper,r,uarty. Wlrolusale and couotr.
eLan, are re:pr.:lf:lily rek 0.
rru,e klvmecirre , cer err detcrouncu •et,
:tr<J;,..t :ben :tae ever I,efore bee; °Erred to ter
rrMrn -en: by tylft '.accon.Rrtn.yi IT the r• , . or
rr:rtyner. w..i be pro.; .I•:cl..ded
VI-N . A \ L I,l,l)l.ll:manutaciarc az.d k,. p con
:anti7 cn hard Cut, and I• , aq. ni
ar. ,:n al , vartet,es. at na,r areLott.edr-
Nlarte, and Water strectS,
, ork•t•ontlnue In It. I nrrsl,l and we art
nn 15 cddlve to nue woc k. wt. h rhal Ir• o'. to till
w:ta I•urcha,r, are rr•pcon....
led in aa , and extreainc pr,ce. and :rms.
FROM Inc o earenecoreee
• rner.lll: atah,cr.berhe.• rece.vetl , nee
Pre In A:iegnen
.einced h zo tale leaoe, (or •
term at )can, on the property
eaptha. ta Beaver net. tnnuedtatelt , bes.dc the Church. Fromthe !on; erne re nee In the
at. • e tthaw...n.” and a dot,re t. pre e. ri•pe •toa• 7/ •
4, .1 tier •e it ,:tare polite pattottogr.
Nome on band and ftatahle s tt iced' r,;
Sie open and top liatalen, and every de,r , pnna
core made to order, from sorrily Lye cto•rnt thett}4lll 19tiN tt'
e whareca. Ph ia. oiler for sale on •ccommalaung
ern., OM/ pkg. Manufactured Toloacco, constatmg ol
half pounds. e . a. Mts. 16., lc • ..d
tonra; s`, 6'0.0,1 b's plug. and IS's I,altes' Ter., to
a - aole and half Lwies. 01 the folitrortug approecd band., H (inns. (hborn & Bragg. .
t A Wi.lisous. A Catmints,
.;ones & Sou. Al•D)onald,
It ~,ater Old. J Thom.on.
I dent. 'Mont.. Jr A H Aristi‘trad.
I 1 booms & Son. Londhord A. A run.trad, 1
J V Coutes, 1 Al Cobt,,
Iwo 11l & Horner. 1 A Clay.
:.• A !Astir, 1' A Hut..
Breen Ili!, WGI liasvooll.
l', or: & Norwood J S 11:a , avrood,
Ny:II l'acr. liel alone.
A) 11 Vaughan- 'Almond Henry.
('oruaux H 1.111.011. Ru•seil & Robtoson
h.. R01.,..0n A Co 1.1) liaise,,
I! ?let all, John 1;i1,10 r.
I.a rritre Lot,r. 1 11,, , ,Ln.0n,
Lr ay A bray. It 11l urn,.
R 1 arniesoli. N on White,
1 , NI Branch —AI.SO—
:, aa Leaf Tobacco Or rappet, and 6der..
)al. do do do
, %eniuegos do do do
St Jae° de Cu!. do do .13
St imntogo do do do
igutia & (:uidea do, part fine. do
a) , .vi.le. do do do
Kentucky various grades do do
Virg:nia Leaf. suitable for mnufacturing and export,
Spa,:,. Seed Lea'. Petin'a. Co a linevlltut and Ohio.
Vir,,nin strap.. sweet; (Irmo. I',: , •. P.,. he,,,...
Seon h Snuff 11oose and bladdeis4 Ai ..1.,,,t,,,u A,, a .
Toncua Beans. Havana bass. into Ito.r. Bergamot.
C,,,obrta Liquorice, Patent Cavendish Knive.,Spunk,
. . .
111 dttr. -r
rrif E rubs niter. soul to inform the pulthe genera:ly
nat they are now opening II new and large stunk
C.ttoa, glICI•1141V131,. lintanut• and Fancy
Ant omprtstng the Latest and man fashionable pat:
er• of
F Tench China plant and gold-band toner Set..
.10 di.,
1-uttterior Iron-Stone Lanner
Flowtag blue (2 new patterns)
1.,,p00t -
A great variety of Tea Sets, dlfferent qualities,
Britannta Breakfast and Tea Sets;
beanufel snide - Queen's fiollne, -
Parlor Lamp., ICornehus, maker,)
I Ow. Ware.. general assortment.
umnoat owner. and hotel proprietors are Iti ed
examine our assortment of ware suiththe for their
.01111.7 Merchants ean find a Large stock of •rtieles
•uttato tor country sales, which we will sell at tea
tone toe pnces.
ourotock bang entirely new,
we feel sanded of he
mg able to please all who may favor tui with their cus
tom inpl7:dtfZewl 1 GILL&
q •
,arc—made on ihe most approved Eastern plans—
., most fachionanle Eastern patients nod colors. Al.
Till: EA l' ROLL, or DOS CON BLIND , on hand
or trade warder of all sixes. and at all prices.
CM: tiny Merchants and others arc invited to call and
mine Me shove l, tor themselv es, •• will 1#•• sold
whoireAle or reitu wid a liberal deduction made to
inileohle purchaser...
coldly A it,PetiTERVELT
HE Proprietor of thls well known place of resort has
the measure of Informing the public that hth carol/.
iislun-iit having been thoroughly refitted and repaired.
and the grousids elegantly laid out and decorate& ta
/11/ , opeu lor acronarn&Lition. and he dances htm
self that those who may favor 111133 with ttiyir pour/n
-ear will find all that they desire, NoVided 111 the best
sly ;.• and on retthonable terms. He is determmed
spare nu cape°. in looking his esmblment worthy
or public putrouage. He by accommodations for
boarding a few familma. Ice Creams, and all mire th
an,. suitable to the 11412.1(1, conatantly on hand
• • .
ft:AAC WILLIAMS, Draper and Totter, begs to in
form the Cill3Clll. of lqusburghsaul others, dint he
lit 110 W opcuour h. rooms on .narthheld street, un
der the above Hotel, II large and beahthul assorttnein
ot Cassimercs. Satins. Silks. and other Vestotes,
together with such other omelet noare required tor
,CiallE . lllGll% wear. H. goods hose been carelully s
cc tro, nod ore of Weber newest and 1110.11 I.IIIOIIIIIPIE
style, as well as of suior quoins , . His customers
mar depend upon having their clothe% mode up to a
111.1111 Vi whlell cannot Intl to gratsfy ISe taste of the
most howdy... ort44:ly
rjIOBACCO-1U las Wallet% & 50.
•do do do extra pollees;
sdo do do Ns and 16,
ID kegs No 1.0 twist;
10 do 1' Cavendish,
• do doo
TO 51 do liegars4
TO do half dpautill do.
Wll. for saI.IANI le 0
: 1 11l 6_
.1" 11._
a and took
. .laving
t'k'h the
.t . oTehouak, ad. S NI (laK,lkg...l.l,(Xitcileuse andclwia.rn -,.,,
ere -,,..
kokning our W archon... 0 ,,
b ake aeon
; r ;, ii . lll i,
nj.thu:,,i.i....4e,, p
pared ko Ample •nd o
Canal basin. near Illz at.
SECOND HAND PIANO, coin ortionally Sinn,
rt and ha. Icon in axe about Our year. price now
7n. Inc .We by JOHN H MELLOR,
inl.l HI wood Street
W. T. ?Lznn. Pituburgh,
Rszo. Pallas A Ca, Beaver,
CR.& RTOILD & C 11,1111.1.11, Cleveland)
any noun on the Corals apt! Lakes
t /Ito boar leaves Pitt lmegh and Cleveland datly, run
sing in connection Ivan then tennOtosts Lake Erie and
Michigan. between Pittsburgh and Heaver. an,l a laic
of fog class steanthooLs, l , rigs and sotoon-
I era on lakes Erie, Iluroo and Mienignsi.
Property forwarded to any part of the Palos will
dispatch, by NVNI T MATHER. or
JOHN A. CAL:GM:Y. Aroma,
cot Water and Smithfield its, INtothh-;,l.
AGENTS —Reed. Park • & Co. Power:
It Park. A Ctt, Youngstown. O.
W Cotes & I n. Warren,
I/ 130.V1 , k & Co. trrondoort;
A & N Clark. Newton Pals,
F Lew, Newport;
J & If N Whatlrsry. Campbellspott,
1: Nl'llrole, Ravenna.
NI k C II Kcnt. Fr.ukik,
MAI, h Tuffie, cuy ;mom!. F.:11.,
\Thor:or A. Co. Akro,
Marne, Co, Sar•tturky,
\\ uzi,Ln•
tj \VlAtatrto b. Co, Iletrot, MI , o.
Nrciur h Vilaisran.Nl:twatate. NV.
HJ Cluckgo. apl4
1 S .
FIFTWEKN 19 . 1 - I * , , LL'lti II AND 1 . 1111..11,ELP111A.
t1;: d
lr fi 7 ‘
por In Philadelphir, to smuch .areer Warehouse
on Market . than they fount - Hy o,p.rki. and also II
creuned their room for storaKe at I . lushary ire novo
prepared to odes MUCh grfgavr no the, fr.rods
and aam•
by ItilS hue a , not transhipped he
tween Pi.u.horgh and l'lnhoh beri.g tamed rn
urely to POrlikble Srflloll Host. 'en , hlppVre of (lour
and other goes_ rey.urt,;' ha..ct ang, this no on
illlrOPlntife hie. charge modr..rt I u,!.: klupping
Roods, or advanettor charge. •A: ,00d.., forwarded
promptly, and upon ns reasonable tent, as Ity any oth
er her
10iIN NI,.FADEN t Co.,
Canal 1.1a,..n, l'enn YtnalnirFh.
JANIE: , NI LC & t
fe!,24 ?X' )lark et d:,.1 Coln , nrrcv
JOHN NIrFADY.N 1 1 / 4 C. , . OCA ~n • d Comnun.
son Mere/mm.l, u..,n0 Banat,
leaf FS M. DAN' IS Cu. Eon r F.,•mr. and Cnnitno.-
on Nlerchants, `An et. and 51 C'4nluerr. , .t.,
ID - Advent:es mode by 1•;., of lilt abo,c on FIOUT.
Roos and otlncr dc3eninionA ot reunottize
**t •.:•sorarr, boor r.r•ard the.r
trrcal the Per . a and , 1.. k .. 'AO CI.AI:KE
ritA‘v, of l'• NVlrr. o: tho
o r:
I he 7 roah.:ar to T• • hu•hlt %A for
at aro . ‘Vartka - u, .. n •
r•-••••• a.:J hr•
spee. for u • etr,:tm•at,r
frtnals JANII,S
PLiade.prata, March fe.h. V'.
Penn'a. and Ohio Tranaportatlon Co.
Dou66-.llsaly Loa, of
rirar.e. TO Tll-4 t.• .1,11 rw.rx TITI.VI.OII
ri,ARKE tn,:n: •i:. I•ottburgh
JA: , sTEEI. a .10 Ag , I
CI) , VIA:N A s.,r h•t Pet
W CIIrtIUCA. Agi . Ig
THE puto.rr.ber. c ‘,.• ar,,,,ared 11,11.•CIVI - 11
tugetUrr u.ier tar b.), or K.-r Jo., tor the
p.p., or re,,,uourn% r...rr,,.1 on
by Sr... M u, r. n! Lun
parrvour,c erk id,
Pittsburgh. hlateh I. i-VS
C"MPOSED EN - 11R13.1 FIRST CLAss Fot it
stiTION IN/A1". F"lt
LIALTI3I , ARE VI A N l I.: , 4. RAI I.Ri
to ,
de.p3tch, cu4.l at .ovr late, a. r
any (n . nar rc•pon.a..r
Thoutton . .on or !or•er• 11,11:/tP 10 ...till Poll or Bo
ron to Vail:snore •l• parr, o.ns ,vo•toti.
aarnuch •ur sirs anKorsie • sr. to earry such
arttele•thrtrgts us to.troroo.n. , run. on. c 0... r
Pitt.burgis Much! I 4
use, >a
TI I hit .4.1 , 4N1>- .• rwar.
1.41 W.o.exA
-• • • atlad
To Phlladc.
1111.NRY IiELAFF b. C •NAl oCanut
- rum bll'illi.l.l S tu. No 117 blvtrbet...
C 4 ,01%. rorstr Nor, ,braltnin ot. lin. / ,
JOHN F• Cinrkr. \o li,Nra 1..4'
rri E--Thr ats.a hrn.• Im lOoftl (TOM
and atter tn. ti4te a. I.ratf
&Co tad). itr• I,', 14 t011i• - t
CilA, fll 111./110-.1,
HEMII marLhf
:=11:11 1 S
Fa. the Troomportotton of F , . 11.,1 to a f
PITPSELIit.II, 1•1111.Nlqi.1 . 111.k N
11.ant.1 h rm.!
J. O'Connor.. I . .tt-
I.tnr I,rlng now: . open,
I :non. pruptartor. r rrauge-
Inrlg. to foru ,00dn and ~roducr w1 , 116...rnir n a,.d
0.1 moot term. Tn,y
11... el a co.ilt.tuume 01 Mai pu.rot.a.., )
All t 011.1,11srileol. ttllti !or
Re* pasti. lorw utticd tiart) tvrt.. tie.)
of char), lor c..171.111).014. o•Ivaill•01,4
All roalasunart.loon prompt) aitcad., i 0
t/on Ihe •
fklitlitlXlE Murk.,
TA AFTE iNNI , It.Itn,”
(rCONNORS A. N..rth wt. HaLlt:no,
Beaver, and treight Zllti pi.....ertaer C lake Fine and Sit<tnl;un, betwern
anal Boats 1.-
toreen Beaver and Erie, o.lld C M Reed line of first
clasaateanßoata. grope and vsseis tar Lakes.
is prepared to carry Bright sand pamte.nerrs to a.. rOll.
on the Ene CBllld, and Lakes Erie, Huron and Michi
Having every facilityfor eoli‘+!:.te fret;lit and pax
tenger. arith prvitngnea• and diApatrh, the propnetor
and agents respectful , y from their Blends a con
tinuance of their patrosiaae
C Al It REED, Proprietor.
REED, PARA!? k Beaver. Agents
apl4 cor Water mad Statthbvill Ft, l'ot.ber,h
T. and from the Enetern eines, Contherlrout.
rpm: proprietors of this popular I. lIU L•., their
re-orgamaauon largely Increrucd their !online. to
mom the wuthes of shipper. nod are maw pre.pared to
forward a greater amount ' lty the FIVE BAY Wir e
as also by addmonal regular trap,. at low rates.
This line will run throughout the year. drlivenng
goods the agents 111 Baltimore d Plusburgh
to owners and consigneo• at specified ran. and unse.
Shipments from Philadelphia tor the lute should be
marked “Care, J B Robinson, Baltimore "
The only agony •ro,
112 S Charles st, Baltimore.
EDGERTON n Co, Cumberland.
W CASS, Brownsville.
fett•l J C Pnwburgh.
• 4.1
-1 b. Proprietoto of tilts popular Lose have changed the
Agency at Cumberland from Me home of Nichol h
guar. to that of Edgerton h Co
Pittebtugh and western merchants are not.6ed that J 11.7
7 Robinson. No P. 7 South Cherie. sa Bellmore Is the unly
authorised agent of this Line In the Eastern tins.
Thy ouly tigente art
J C BID W ELL, Pi...burgh,
W CA.'S Browolte,lN,
Elrtirt o TON 4. t:ocumberaud,
. demOtf .1 11 ROBINS° , Bellmore.
CUM1X11.2.111 , , 8AJ.11.1110., W. 1.11,10, ti I 1,01“.
NM TO., TOOTON, T. tsar...NOM.
MP:RCHANTS and others sending goods ire inionn•
oil that thok a the fasiteah =meat. and most esp.-
&nous Line going East; cototecong woo Ad Wits A Co's
Fares& daily, at Baltimore.
Th g h receipts will be given to any of the above
places. Merchandise and packages of any use or
weight forwarded.
Express closes daily at 3 r
II is VICKERY. Agent.,
nov-Anf fit Charles hotel Hooding, wood xi
Trau• rtatlon Company.
1848. cufl . & L ot IV: e & d . 1848.
vta riedasetv•rna •IVO MID wa 110•118.
ARE prepared to trail/iron goods and prod oi.e to and
from the ribs re eines on favorable terms. Ad.
dress or apply to
D. LEECH ar. Co, Canal Bosun, Pittsburgh.
. . .
. -
11ARRI4 & LHLH. No. 13 & l 5 Yowl; Mist at,
J. TA YI.OR A SON. Ajse. No 14. N'th Howard .t. Doh.
A A 111307 r, Agt.No 7 Wool .treat, New Sark
ritteburgh, Mere&lDth, IWd. tone:111
liA [OWEN Ir. CO'.
Passenger and Sentittesto
AIIANSIDEN S. CO. continuo to ter
from any part of Dtgl.d, tel or
Wales, upon the most liberal
usual punctualny and attention to the um. emu
fort of emmig-ranta We do not allow our passengers to
be robbed by the owiedllng .amps thus infest the Ben.
porta, as we take charge of them the moment they re
port themselves, and see to their well being, and dee
*patch them without my detentnin by the first daps.—
We say this fearlessly, as we defy one of our pa...
gers to show 111111 they were detained 40 hours by us in
Liverpool, whilst thousands of others were detained
months, until they could be went in some old craft, at a
eh; p rote, which too frequently proved their coffins.
We intend to perform our contr.n honorably, cost
what it may, end not .t as %n, the ease last ..on,
with ether oleo.,—who either performed not all, or
when It suited their convemence.
Drafts drawn at Pittsburgh for my sum from .L 1 to
Lump, payable at any of the ptovinetal &mks in Ire
land, t'.fteand, Scotland and Wales.
Jostitre ROBINSON,
European and General dons,
fad Pitta area, ea* door below Wood,
Vain/lA.IO .11d Attractive Neer Books.
lASIARTINPS History or the Gi ro ndists, 3 vol.. 12
I.ife of Chevalier Bayard; 12 mo
P lame.' Lafe of Henry the Fourth. of Frahm-,
Con..uar Ones of Chula, 12 MO.
eancleel. Lite of Jesus Christ: vo. muslin.
Marvel'. Fra.h (:lealunm o a near Sheaf from the
fickl or. of i'ontineutal Europe.
Henry'. Sketches of the 3.lextran War: 12 mo.
(;!mg'• ' , tory of the Battle of Waterloo; 12 mo .
A Summer nt Scothoul, by Jacob Abbott; lb mm
I.ller•tyrc of the South of Europe. 2 vol.
Ras ton'• Adventures in :tickle° and the Rocky
lountains, Ilmo, muslin.
Postbumou• Works of Rev. Thos. Chalmers, D. D..
Th• l'ractlcal Astronomer, by Thos. Dick, L. 1.. D.
hoe of Jeremy Belknap. D. D, Ifistonan of New
I Intni , hlre
[Miter and the Reformation. by John Scott. M.. A..
r Will. Kingdom, with a new ;nap of the Empire,
W rola. 11l ino -
'Tile Power of ilia Pulpit, by liardiner Swing, D D
Thy Hethel nig, by Gardiner Spring. D D.; 11 rno.
Teaching a Science, the Teacher ui Artist by Rev. Hall tt
The Czar, his Court and People; by John R. slazweil.
Shakspeare. by H. N. Hudson.
The A rt.• of A menc a—lllustrated with nine enam
on vieel. and containing sketches of the lives of
Inman. West. Slone. Trumbull. lye Vet /1
Rrill.:111111 l ' eule and Than. Crawford, I col,• vo.
The Orators a Fenner; containing ske.ehes of the
lives 01 Thiel., Napoleon. Da r n ' , Idira•
beau. Idnroi and others. with portraits alveoli.
Headley . . Napoleon end Marshals. 2 vol.. is ono.
Headley's Waetungtou and hi. (senerai, 2 VIA, Wm
Ileedlr ) h , Suered Mountain. The above. together with a largo rollection or Fin n.l•
erd Works. Classical and School Books, for Ind, by
JOHNSTON de STOCKTON' Booksellers.
jet corner market and 3d Ms
13 ° 1:, 3 0 K 1. H of t O ert Toc i lr E y; a s sitn.?l — pe u r l l u aVn " sr ' o ""
ih bcautiful illortration% on steel, by Sartain. and Its
:lminated pages by Schmitz. and Sinclair. richly
bound in Turk.. y morocco and white calf..uperbly Ot.
The Choi... Kreimalte. iusnual 1.54 n, with
.rnendid in ml cngnavmgs, by Sartann bound an ar
alxsque inorocro.
. . . .
Chnxtmax lllmixoms mid New 'ie.', Wreath for
Pima' quarto volume, pnmed au insow white pa
embelltAhr,d onth splendid mezzotint eimnlvtup
flux is by Mr Me beautiful Juvenile annual pub
tothed in the United Sulu,
The lonic al ‘Vorkss of Ulmer Goldsmith, M. A., with
numerous, ) deigns. by the Elrbing Club, in va
n y 01 binklmo;
Th•ulyson's Sos...sur, wish seventy, , even desqrsis, by
:be [Ai 't.txy, C ob, in olyles , of binding .
Tim Cur LA and Poetry of AtrierieN by IL W. Gris
r Poe. and Poetry or the Andean., by William
Peter. A. L. toperlay bound nu Turkey morateco,splest
dolly gt . t
With. • Poem. ti vorioul style. o(l,,nnitng
C.ra) • Icegy alum's:ed.
I lemma a Poeucal Worka, in rano. hnnt.lturt.
Lord Ilya.. n.
nak•pc.a •
The Poetic e Work• of Thomas Moore.
11.•,Intle !ad other Poem, by Mary llowat-
Lny tmeha.
Ileanltry , Sacred Mood..
Th. above. with It great var,iy of other sew works.
In ~I, r ndal mica 01 biatimg, on/table (or gill book , tur
.ale by
de3o nooks<Bora, cor. Market & 34 sta.
'Nor, 4 vol•
C•lnhorrs• Dany wnirlr re Rrading:
Mrrnor I,ne of Mr. Fry. ltod vol.
Th.. •Sehnolgtri to France'
1.0 d) Mary, or Not 01 Use Wornl, by Her C B To., •
AI r,arrl. or the Prarl. do
.k 1 - I.llon. or Li, klr reharn't Cori. do
1. c or •Lnteor or - Cokrs< of Time
The Listener. by Unronne l . rY,
tors 01, Sunk tier., l'y It N Hudson,
I , 'Over Croon, ri. br J T
Na t . ~,1 tor klarsonlr do
tt ,twogton •nd 6 , ll.rata, du
F'oatrr. Pulp, try Leutdoter Sprtng, 1) 11
do do
Trac bows by Ilzaroplr.
~ , t t.ramts or Franco, by Turnbull,
1,, 01 Scotland. do
I.rer or Rowlarod 11,,1. Free Churrt, Pulio.11vol•
trait.* of France. Now awl Then. Bethune , Poems
l'elargurrt Ntrre,
Ja,obu• 01 NI 01.110 w. adapted 10 Untou I.4ueritoor,
A.1,0r Tal,s- - glebes in tar \Norte..
• Nisi 110.1. to be. Rich. - .. /Lchr• hare W.OO,
••/,,, , Ing op Appearances." -Debtor 2101 Creditor"
7, wood oast 5d market
li F JON Y-S.
'KS—History of Congrew—liih,ph<e
aml Ponir at, comprising Memoirs of !demon,.
<,,sress ot the United State, drawn from •uthei
tnr crnt.riirtm< the prominent eve... ut the
and thrt< rottnernon with the polineal htstory <
Ir Wheel., Illustrated t,
tner,<..• s.<(; ponnuts and Ino•sunilo auiograpbs.
nod 4.12,22. or. Loo 1/I 11.2 llnlner—r.ontooln
I 1.• or.. . r . . 2 21 1 .1 1 ,2 of /morphine and Mona 12ros•
12.“ • a Fennoond of Austrra, Nicho , a.. hat,
2 II and \ ictorin by John
Nut r. 2 Jnorro. Peter John and Jude
orplanatory nod nraronat on Ihe general opt
J soar • •••... Jolt.. and Jude ny .2-21112rn0
. 1u•,...r• or. Teosood or —a Lk, or,.
I. 11..r2121.. aurnor mi .:
KII.K R. it , \ I
Cana. kiwatl, 11,LI 7t.n tl
tae of !he V i k,ngr by Sir Edw.
iikt,urer 1.yrr01i,13.1” Complele in twespans
Chlckering'• PtAnnos.
HHIN H MELIA/R. No 51. IVood
fril9loaer• for sale at the lowevinanuffte
rer• peter.. the akooorth,
l'Hirso.iortcs. Hoot th e IOI.IIIIIIIVI
Jana. ihsekernmg.
No I A R. , . rwood Iron !mole a octavo I'm",
•I~u~f.rurk. recrlved floe il.ay und fur ,at.
lloolc...l,crik. rot Mart. end lot
CON* N r,
•arvrd I,otnic Ito 0
TY orvo Piano
Int,e et it II (tale & V.
A KmLe won! carved monounc•nd moulded leg•
hew. tavu. tr- it •t. t . the Manhattan Co. !t: V. •
mtarec. and submandal made than& at
•he tour pr me 01
A • ery ...upt-ttor mernt.grand Ptano, made by Herr. Par, di mmvo. Rot...wood ewe,
A manocany aecund hand. 6 °clay°. made by F
For •nla i.. JOHN H NiFI.I.I)R,
W0r.,1 *re, ml. rent (or Chsckertng's Piano•. ror
Wr•., /Y.
- -
i{ I-.ll•nd tor sale. a lot of choice PW/011.
. and without Coleman's ..tioltan Attachment, by
Num.s & Clark. N line of Nunns & Clark's Ptnnoo.
ati the Attnebinent, was taken to England by Mr
Coh-man, and among an) other testimonials of ad.
mirtition tor tins r wawa m specimen of American skill
and in,n,itty, he the tollowmg remarks from
Thatocry. tue greateit Plan. living.
I...oanort. Jou. IN, 14.5.
NI, Dear Str—ln enclosing a letter to my friend, ?if r
Krund. Farts. I cannot refrain from agars expressing
to you now much I wtos pleased with your %Cobalt
Attu-nine:it. - which I considerss a great musical im
oro•ement. I assure you that on my part I shall
Witt, al plea to do my utmostto make your tuven
tar known.nFor sale by H LP:HER.
.1 Woodwell, furniture morns. 3d at
.1)„h.%, 800 KS —l,o.nm/a In Europe: or Sketches.l. .1 Travel to France , Helgtum, It wltzerland. Intly.
q.t. Pr... Great Brim. and Ireland. with an
hppendhx. contaltung observation. on European .ban'
liel , 111 d mcdte•l 111..11011C Hy John V Carson. NI B.
Angra, a /love'. By the author of •lEnulla Wynd•
harm” Two Old Nlen'• Taloa." etc.
Vol 111. Daily Semoural Readangs By the I.
Thom.. Chalmers. D. D.. L L
Port I. The Thoti•nod •nd One Nrgnu. Harpers' II
lu•traied edition
William the Conager. a hook for chtldren ❑y the
author 01"F:Ilen Herbert." &e.
'll, above work' , received this day and for sale by
I\7 EW ROOKS—Memonals of the Introduetkon of
Methodism into the Eastern States, canape - ming
Inographocal nouces of to early preachers, sketches of
is aryl churches. and EEI2OIIOECIICES of its early wag.
eir• 1.6 d successes; by Roy. A Stevens, A. M. Just
pu Me os blhed.
moir of Rev. David A heel. D. D., Into Alitstonary
to China by his nephew, Rev G R Willtatoson.
Mark alolton. the klerchant's Clerk: by Rey Charles
TsylOt. M. A., mutter of "Records of a Good Men's
Lo Ylady Mary." - Mllargaret, or the Pearl," &c At.
The above, with a large assortment of new book. on
hand and lust reeavntg. ELLItJTT & ENGLISH,
ap2l 56 market at
NGL 18 H DUO K 9-- 11 Icor y or rho Omen Key
-114 tottbon, and of the wars and campaign. among
(:em the struggles of the Greek Patriot ;n Emanmpot
ring the,r country from the Tutkuth Yoke—ln two vol
umesl .e• —splendid copy with numerous maps and enva
v,n cs
tvet l ll l ustrative of the 'elm of William 111, from
lad to It hr, commute, m d vols.
Compur.tnn to the study of the Holy tocoptares.
Barry Mosthtay, tenting romance, vim 30 entrie
slo tn.
gs ot to the Holy Land, French State, and Sketches
in t'btoa Just reed and for sale by
mtrt te market street
Metall° Frame Plano
A SPLENDID im.rtment of Rose
wood and alalllogany and action Pt
f fiii9
ono, rust brushed and for sale.
Also, two stolendial Roanwood Pianos,
won Coleman's celebrated Annuli •natchment,firustnal
r 1 the most modern style, and for sale at
1e . 2.1 F BLUME'S., 112 wood at
Splendid Now Pianos. -- -
pffirli 'lH} subscriber, previous to leaving
.. for the Kam to replenish Ma mock, 'omit
thapotte 01 lilt balance of Ms stock ott
band to reduced puce., and on favora
ble terms. It cons.. of a choice selecuon of hanos
made by Nunn. er. Clark. N I'. and Jonas Chickermg.
of Boston, Mass.. of from 8 10 7 ot-ta•est of rosewood
and mahogany. of dtffcrent sty lea and prier..
At Woacwell'a, t•ZI Third sr
ARA LHAN NlOHTS—Kspresaly designed tor fam
ily reading; in course of pablicatonHarper A Bro-
thers, New fork. To be completed tty
tit twelve parts
Part tat mat received and far sale by
corner market and 3.4 au
O}IMTON & STOCKTON. have just received the
s i EdlllbUrg Uevtew•, No. Pit, Apr I, lsie, and Meet,
wood's hitielito re Msgesine for May. mv:3o
I)(YrASII 9 runts exit. ro.“1, received on
conslgnmeutwrd for lisle try
. c n n i :c t o: y chosea Brandy From
It 1 1 1111;R—:vbbh. Ficalinsuy Crab Cider. Ju.
re 11 Ivr sal,. I.y
- -
LINSEED 011.--. N 61,11.1.4n0ced Oki, in flue allipping
Order sot received lied (or vale by
InsTILE IsOAP—ao lbs on hand asul fur sale by
2Y3 KIDD, & Co, 60 wood st
LABU OIL-60 bbl . supertor, Burekhardt's brand,
you received and for sale by
_ Jr 6 J MUD& Co. OU wood at
ADS-6U sacks superior Oars, recd per steamer
\J Diligence and for sale by
3026 J tr. B FIAAD, Round Cltureli Iltuldtugs
wE.Kr MALAGA IV IN}—Wqr ca•L••weet Muhl
0 Ka Milne, just received and for sale by
iiirm7 INDIA lIONEV---3 bads lu4 laanliug and
yy fur auk by JAM}} DALZELL,
)ell -- Yi water at
W IN ). 1 1 ( : ". GLA6IBc-FiTAL3A''Lg476-1.1
Fur the Recover) of Dormant and Improperly Wllll/
held Real and Personal V i wtote—die twittement and
Artntration of Commercial. ' Trading and robe! Deli,
anm .
Seru, Paten v
Patens for Inentions in treat
Ireld. and the toiontes and Dependencies thetrum
to belointmg, and fierouating tor the Purcnose .r I
Sale of the seine
ahlrahn,rnt of tots l
and economical man], r po••ilite, the numtermti. cia•t•
fa: proper, torn en:arils of the lEnnrd SOl/10/1 ren,lt
have. or truague i they posses. bit England and e.ei
The edurts of deslgnlng, and anwropuious men '
been activety enraged hides over, a 1/ellel on 01111
sulneet oan) quarters. or t 1 view to pepy pecuta
tiffn, and evident-tit...l:W have lute. Ireqnerllv
brought to orlit us to render it urgently necessary that
nit other be ettuttllshett 11..i711, tor It , aired the saws-
In/ 1 11011ot thiwe who hove been deluded. and to coal-
list, the claim. in such are the rightful heirs to donut•
lid property, or that Whwil ts tinpr,per.y withheld
Article. to the !radii, totirallie to
of the Union are frequently appertrolg. headed - Tow,
ley Fettate. - Orr of Fortune tot Soitiebodt. '
togs of the Houghton • tit Voit ii•ter. " • Chusr M. et.
tugs. " c . the authors in winch ore reiterant it.c
)ers steelting prarner. oi adventurers. oti-
{eel is to feed upon nub i le ereiltiot i ,. [ 1 01 1 dle . 110: 011
excitement who it mut rt. attze ior thetneelves
ate gain, and ho ore renew!) . speaks., w Ithout
the tinglitest ktiowlefre • ftlie sultteet•tlic, put term
The evidences 01 lbss het,: a tact are den where
apparent. a• no our single instance hove their 10
loundeit expectations ocen remosed. onil it t• vent) a
VOO/0 to the corre al I. evi, mut the subsert l irt
ha effected the 1110/11extem, urroaressient• to ...musty
I me inquiring. as wen as to sandy me curiosity of those '
who. tillturnt i ed mmily ( 1 01111,,0n or antic rwtse.
to pursue tor Invesorlitton ot matter. one. Iv°,
vcig e/1, 01 met ust •tupeitous 111.11:11/10 1. ,
A. regards real rul e r Eng:will. the hula of c
suluert ',he laws te Klllllll and ... • . uniture: P/1 1 1
I evi r since • I r.ivettolon tti life , . the prolettinl ratan,
hale tnienstiimieleit to the chnnge• 0 1 11111 1 /1 iiiwa)• rn.
sue on revolting!, 01/1101A1011. and chi,ti, of it) moot
rind although !herr e.ive •pecial 1110 , teisiwil
partteutor purpai.e•. ell tho.r wt.. haiii relerree• to
tins sulttert. w,.leh w ere pai.ied nt :her ,
tn. are itn.ltisailabir in rase ',inmate rich: It
not, howev .. . intended tit ti.:. adNernselneiii reter
antecedently to the American revolutton tt.
which period. a great Ltomier of perions ent...eil so ca..
non , . way. to property uha tido., Inn saute e i niute
the revoluttounry party Thin aro. in Inst i ll. was omit:-
rient 0 lead to contiscatton hire it was directly he it
I liy such 10111011111 M, 1/111 wt.e.i those nlOOll l OlOll6 the
same were next 111.110/ . /.00011 to the posseownr.i.
the ease became altered. and 11.11101011 0111 rom hoine and
manly were 1111/1 1 / , the liarriers i n riot:oil morratince
Another irantill /entree Di itive•tigation tountl 111
the Unclattned Invtilend Rook the ot Fr nod.
and this. furniattom is. does. each fiogosh name teat
hos ever existed a• holdei I.m.leit proper,. the
main reliance of the imprineipled trader. .ii yubuc
The invesisnent arc serthrt,y 14011113 4
in an pornt of Europe. I/I Ithr
•1.1 the •unsertl...r is prepared tosth.vs . the thel..lths
otnich be on .st.••rs UZ
u! itltutletl Ile•pl-s tt, these there is
property winch in rens,.
of the nitsolthe ol port,. ut whom ithou•eth
Itsrorn.. .1 and to the 14.• ut the
Court or Chaucer).
In all raw, ever. or rruppound farnik r.ramle iron. •lor•
rewrt r4,mus, rural Rau...curry troormarro.r ran be allor.
Una u• thn tuner coon, tur riwurrwrn
nlter how rem.- Ito. Oete, ur wrollorlo do
wull we a l nve.tirrarrou; rind where thn lorla!rnt,
tern urnlertntrn by Art, or Urr uunlcrow. ' , nroof.
,who prnrerrit ton kuow ;rut, or rus.. larruserw, 11141 who
has e uitor, 111, 1111:011 oruntwur. or orntried to uthrril
morn uotruhr by tile v truing of Wert specter.-
hr-.. and derunroth dno arhrwr r• thr more rrarllty truthr
tnn-... berawra aUrn I:, nrer naurarterron rn
whcre prrwurr. of orhr .1 lint. ohhirued rum,
rurturrtitul roolrrne-
Ilin wuworeur
....... L t'. Trackne anti n:!Lnr
dereararymei - coon ,
or brought to ear. oorlorrie:,re cnnta•
part ' co.:, I.rdoci. .ne ,, ret re,..e.nre 'oat
I. Or afforded of roc tha, 1.1 ltt. br.0u,.1 oil
utrwrouoto, under tho , he
I l‘entor• and other , . .$ , P.1. 11 T
uoy or I.:pat nof I.urope L -L, I nave 1., •LnEnt rdent
a sery trLdtroz cunrn,- oter
r• rtnpu,, , A ILL an, col, It, Ifortnn•
oprrat, 010 1 . I 1,15.-. 1."
tArLtino.. tor ti1e.N...14
Or 1101, ikr • arr. nt L.ll-.1110•11Lrrn• ,,, rt,nruct,
tro.lurtlust• urn a -n odnr,tl,olll.l. uoat 1.11(11
o r l 11.
Op ,n•
.tet. % Oioaell
IrOcr ;ire trqur“al Post
BK.\ 111.{{I
311 Amtrr •,trre., Nev. orlt
ANL ro
I 100
ebas ik,y.Jtoler CI Coo,suon
& J T
iOwnril r r. Y.., I
•,ko Immo& rEt
T 1,1,:
Aa•l arrara ta go, purr. havr• a , a
atron4er. and avi.l raa :r.••• 4
••rLe e.gn04,,,,,
fl 111[1. p0..11,•1,, .0.., -
eto , a 1..", moreu •:. • ••I'•
purcltn...ti •..
es• , l 4‘ —al paving •
I..rrn.Liglams. Junr I.: 1-4
New 311a•Ical Instrument.
irniN 11, ME1.1.014. No ul \\l.): .•rer r,
auproved pat rat ;.r
For the benehl 01 tao‘r r•-.4taz at a cl,,attre
Co•,•rquelll, unable 0,104 r, t a. Nlr.o , lro:t
par. , Luttne,. the (r,20,000 A.. riII “• 0 II Oven
Far cores arr nmde ot ro•rAno.l. aftd are
••,00-.) h.... Ant a. a l'im.lo .10. far ae••
pr , ,aety •ame a• the LI•0 or +r£.•:.thr toar
.11 I. 5-ev, trenuttitt , , • 'ant 0. tar
Ito. top.%f a.t zas Thr 1.1 0 • II•••• , •0 11[10,1.1: •
TOY. '<WITH •X1...•N W0.,1 k•Cro•T •r r
Irdt,„ vnder tne .1)
tn 1. Intl.,llalr,/ , 01 van,
r) Inc. And .11: I, V. i• ,ILvr u) Inn •;),
nrr • ,ne )1 : 4 1iurer, onr thr isrm
11),.. ru th-) off, • morr am. •
nonen ..wer rtor• tinto here,oio
orfrrcd Lei J - 11.• now rcuil, I.
ort!crs tor ule
• •
Prupnoora ncwsimprrr.. rup.).:4
yell/ 4flll,l.l.lmunth, ana u• their I
lie enit,;edreerLve L1...7 ;my“g
thr, ttmcs the amount oi tneir fur advrruring.
,c; Sam
11.4.F.TIMOILL ni. tiGll ASP WII EXLI.
FVrlrrn 1 . 1 .. .11N I.IN E
OBlee at the Exchange, Baltimore.
RED( KATF:4-I'he chum , . huvr been redu•
red oneil Nle..ree. or :root mune,
burgh or \Vlteeloor. nod corre.ruisthric reduction
tnuJe oo all Triegra,iho. ilegorlehrr lorworded from Ile.-
urriore \Vert oc l'orrborch.
ItArm —The .chorge rot • netecroph derpotch to nr
from Belurnore. l'onerwrir h 'tool Whee:or, o. 45 reoir
for the hr. t leo ord., vol cut. etort irdO.Uoo,
L the eomplenon of the South Western Lane of
Telegraph from Nleinphts..r , ,m . to Nrw t/r.eaus. des
patches can I.e forwarded no Mem;un by this route. and
loaded (or New Ihleanr. jel I
- The Allegheny Cemetery.
.luvrll, Vern°.
A vrttre Una.,
1111kwii y re.clectrd Nlanagrrp for the rnouing rrnr
. . -
1110MA:4 N. I lOW F. Pre, rnt.
NAI'IIAN I EL 1101.11 KS,
JAN Fes. R. SPF:EI2.
J FINNKT. Jr. Secretary and Trea•urcr.
Ti,c annual statement presr.t..l we atraor* of the
Company on a very progperouarondtt.oll
In me city 1* No 37 Wm,. .trret
CLAN SAVE trout 13 to 3per 1 , 11, by iturchattlite
ihetr 011. CIA) I'llS threet torn 111< tuattoluclort.r•
Pt/ ritit sr. CASMICIIAIII. have opeheil n , a are
hods, No 133 North Tlord street. atone liat.r..terotal
door South of the Ea.,:tt lintel. i . llll-I.IPIU-11111k. to
they wai always kt-ep h, h hand at•utopic
of [latent non,. Catnap. Olt C.0....2, te lit. lit. 4'
and .5.4 Inches. ..le Patatetl• kat , Clatth
the inside. tat 3.11.1•1tu Itrititat ,11111 1.11111 . 1 . . 1111•111..
Cloths of the i at des. ratan patter:l-. Iti tail il at
ached wide. tio l-loot - Int Cloths, :.oin tacit, ltt let.t
wide. ornaotted. nail 1110 0 . 0.1 -0,10 01 p a nt. pl..
all of WV, 00111 tnattutnet tut. rrna.pureht t.a.ovr
Shades, Carpet . le All goods warr.toked.
MAW 1845.
da.,Y Produce anti Ilsrrr.l:ll3/e en 04 low reir•
filerehandlee Irom Buatmore roue 04.404 at Cana.
rates Torte, five days. J C 1,1 k, , %* I .Li., A4l.
Wv.tee mt. Y door. above Nlnnc'n I•ll,t,urgh.
11 Ht WIN,oN a. in HAN,
m)1 Ul , tutfi Cliare• st ~,,,
Monvitt,t,r, of
OF ALL 1,6C.F . T1t.”
No. 3011 South Front stre•c,
Back of 7 A. %itson'.. CaOuict Ware Akraufy
ALL orders ten wtat N Moon, at the of the
Merchant's lice:.!, t . .,tturga, ssr,ii Le pmptly
Itttrodett to. It Ittr to
Neplo-dtv A t' Nit'Xllt,tts;
. . .
Exl'l,.:ll.ll...NCEDludges. on a trial of oae nod a ban
mullim, ~nee lei, pronounce Gilaart un.wr.
paeped for the conatruetron rot all kook 1
Furnace, Prtce V14.;.10050 r lb M. euer•
Indeed num month. nac. Order. a Aerond
he c.c.:a at 5 . 201/Cr M. It so de
sired... Mama •
goaruntee. OW, ni the hrst nuan,,
ta now for axle at the warehouse. Float Wharf. Cu-
hen.upou Iron %%urk,
Lel L )
• p• I(
I bre. upponin-ti • nt ion tnnh...t.
hir the sale tit tin eentbr-ned entnin art.
now prepared io ord.." iur sly tot :Liddy hi etol.
Cash. Inn Fur tile n/ :urine:. u.
all kinds. these brie k leave eeit pronuniend Ly cm
petent Judges as briny pupttn, in ail other tire I.rica •
now in use. C A nt'ANULT , , la
:30 _
DORFABI,F. yr') i ,
I Bellew. and at, Iltal lorgc can I, carr.r,l
•1Ir• I.) two ;Imo. A tev, rlo
V1..1.0(•Y ON JOHN kit INCV A P. .••••••1
h Ei May lit 1.1 1,1
AM. 14y 11
etabitab ,. .l by JOHN, I . oN S :.11)N, .16.1 . 1,
ante by all the litrolkwil. r. 1.1 We cny
WINES-40 yr r.teks ve.l le lea eb,s Pon. s•ar.,
Malaga, end Madan. tVreca, rourprlvbig eue/v
very ebolee cud supenor brands, reer
a ivcd sad jar .ale
ecuarcublating venue by
w a /.1 ArrCILELTREZ, leo ltberry et
Aethme, Bronehtuf. L _Spittrog Blood. Pun o. the Sole
end 'irreg . , Sore Throat, Floar...enew, NOVO...aloe
or thr ‘Vlsooping Cough., Croup.
Nervous Cornple,o, eo,
4 Ir. 4
Dr. Swayneos Co c or r u r ;d Syrup of Wild
11 is mild slid peasant lathe taste, pertse;:y safe and
lot ruosssoi .operauoussund )ol tt 1A.., 01 the most
powerful 411 d cernsin reratthe* lot lk 4 ,,mgrOou of lne
Loss, Cousins Colds. Asthma. Spaung L.aver
Cornpiaun. Penis Ln the gide or dere.. and u-n,ral
IN•brlity Inv d 1 •11 1 111U11.11:11.1.111. was ever theentestLy
the skEll of man Mu the rethu polio.
Cernficalcs and evidences of its wandertu: curative
powers are daily recrieed fro. all quarter. It 1.
posa.ble tu conceie We ag, epwe tuffe ruts; and
cry that has 10110 ved ..niethell try ti. nor eau
Mote the tirdnenad benept ar..rde froin
it Oct-ender All mg,. Sexes. and CUII/1114/110118 are
ante utter led by it, and the 1.4.4,1.11 e eradicated 0010
dc the rrpatml, and heath re--
Wi redl
o the use oak,. ltites.,vit's Coarrouni Writer or
111000 110 w cattily sufferer. do we daily be
approachliT 10 an untimely grave. arrested. in the
boom ui youth. bololnca tr./loves and trie,nda
nil u,th that total malady. CONSL htl•TltiN.which
u.stes iniserabie ' , darer until lie Is lot and the
power of h1.111,111/l skill. It such sufferers would only
makea trdd col liraFiettyne , Coinimund Syrup of Widi
ti tiler tiler would find themselves sootier relieved
I .)
n t.y gulping ma various ineireenvo remedies with
whey our newspapers abound; this • Vegembir Reme
dy' lieu,. the ulcerated thIM.. stopping 'minim night
sweats. at the saine.lime 111[1w:infra natural and healthy
elrectorauon. and the pallet. will .00n feud hoi,elf
11 enjoyment of conalortable health. The public sboniti
hea o r
!Mild Shia yite a reregular praensind
physician. and aim bad year. 10
ot erperience to diva-es
of the Lungs. Chely&e. The original and cony
toe artic.e on.y rrepar,l lilt NNE. N cor
ner of E.gbdi and Roc, streels, Phdadedibta
Of all the 001.. that hurt ever been recoided. we may
safely soy the :111111114 dfroedlcllle cannot furnish one to
urpass doe, wtiodi now Stands n. a rlllg proof u 1
curobtdiy ui cut,untoldin. cy,it 1.11,1 hie had been
despaire of Dr ,lwayne's Voinpuand Syrup of Wild
Vim rry ts all it protease* 10 tic, greatest medicine
The True R.lehee of Iledrh.
Luc Sw•l'NFDeur Sir —For the good of the public. I
feel anybet;th July bodnd to le.:tty to the great rum
whols your Compound Situ; of Oh tld Cherr) perform
ed nu foe For my part. I leel us al ever) body ought
10 know ,t I we. [life ted w:th avw,eut cuatgla, bp,
Pun 01 , t.ttot/ fognt hourrenear, and sound of
we owe rattog hlbrnutty r• of 11, titsettars
nt, xotte. ape mybtrengt Ate h
had .0 far fair
ed me mymoguls end pay.. mu ware persuaded
u.. 1 no •olvtve .1.,)0. Sly.. toy
wet: thy
.aker. Made m.m.ty bv•.er, •he wou; r Jr.
.o pro.urn 1)10 MOO • mutts rc. 1101 She Wal to:a
Ilia: 11' sw epic's Compouo,... rb) r.p of St otl Lherry
f f o r ,i eure. my life wk. [Len type,. 1 our
tnedsctne was finineMately procured, and me firm
Etcpoor rcitcf. anti by the 1110 nod commeured the
sloth [K . 1/
rough hqd toe am: rn Fueugth wa{
mue[t unproved. In short et has math: u perlent cure
of me, rod I MA nt lint. prebttent bubo as hearty n 111•11
wnsh, end have good reason to 1,011c•e that We u-e of
your rumheone hab saved me from a premature gravr.
I .hail he p'.4 a.•ed to rye thlormaumt rr•pr,t[rg
My I hi Mans,
cheater between race and VIIIC 51,1, 1111/..
CoEocznptve, Re:lW Read!' Dr. ... , wayues Compound
r•yrup of Wlld rry.
In about the ) est 1,17, I found it neceviary in my
pro fc assona pracllee,lo compound a medicinal prep.,
anon tor discuses of The chest and lung. poomasing
tOOPP OOWPritil taea,hog properties It any tither unb.
eno • k low own fur mail dttease. toy eo.\IPOLtiU
• II L. CMY WILL) CH ERIVi, have been very suc
e...ini The truly astonishing - cures effected by my
medicine soot spread MI fame aliroad, for it owes none
ot ta. gocccaua to manufactured.riewi.paper puts or Mr
ged Lauf:Aar:ales—Mu real antra:or merlin of my com
pound t. Use only cum, of fly popularity. Its extensive
• r boon exeimd the env) ut certain Apeettlatera in Me
:Ada:nus uh.tedow creature. vo much PO that in a
le v.. yetir• trout the bane Mat my preparation war Intro
duced to Inc pubic and In great Juana:ad. a arm lltat,
uo,. landang that my preparation had putted a hyrt
remnant.: 101 Ita. CurataVe ProperlarK. Mune out WOO
Ohm tin.) e.n:ed Dr. W.,tars laalsam %F M' Cherry.
•11.. re•peetaMe and popwo, ph) -ten. had n inu
• „11n„11ntam atrlaelo than poor Jam Patch Toe. lIZOIC re
of lh N% i•tar f.aluNtieti to Intake it appear Nat Pus rut
praentioner was the original Inventor of rife pre
p/OA:iv., II 14 not the Net. TIN above knot. the
itll,oo, .011.1 reripe and rig itt . inatiuNcture to
*Noe poem medicine de ale Cinctiinau tor the
We. anti twutli, and another ;a New lorit ior the Kam,
tio allcrs• arch, Lt le u“arted. nold out to a ttrunaNt of
11N•too— , ,, the iturontr of baud. tuto which it may have
changed le au enigma. •
iII WM< Nave. they, assert it emanated from phy
swim. Plalatielptua, to other,. from a paysiettin In
atNacuuNna It has laraeltood aunt stratagem
•tainpNl in every leature. ,
There nave uern a number of other preparations pan
porn an wcuntatn Cherri put out since, troth the
...tile 01 liiap,rmnee, svtuoh the public should guard
•• they 0001.0 tione orate virtues of the origi
nal and
toy prepureaoo, Whict , been
the erg
uf Dr tatruyee our
each bottle. The pre..
rue:ruler Lures's of their pads and false eernfieues have
tveefrolliCri tO 0000011 the public ItglO11•1 pur
e esa.ig Me only truly grattuar and env
aa. propel - 10011 01 tVlid Cherry before the public,
v. men Is pros sansfactOrgy lry thr purr
rrc rd• of
Inc olmnoha calth of Pennsylvania. ss sent as can
t,us other ul7cr.l document.. DR 11. 11W AYN E.
I:orr.tor nod Proprietor of Inc groutoe Coin
. rule Wtold torLter of Elghill and
Thal CO!, kl
tp; nrlerldi o, Dr ,u tte 6 1.0161,011
,Itutr sA Cult,Cherry. 11,,t true, tirat trio) lrurt,tase tire medine. and as cc it.
For sale, wholersale laud retall. I , y the Agents.
M TIP at\ 5$ NI ariteE si, ,N,P,VDEN.
un, Wt.., n d 1.11.,r(1) stx, I..cny
.1. ; A FAHNV.,STLWK & Co. corner of Ftrst and
and 05050 aI,LI Wood, and JUIIN ICIIFILL.
A .r45 , ,r ril) niar3
tt e have been mformtd by filra Rose of a care per
fo, fr. a r Dr. Jayne's Alterative,
`ern ,ts soper.or:ty verevety other remedy of the
• 1/a• oeen afflicted :or Cr 10,1 ..11.,t0l )cart
NLUROr.fbLi. Si; If ILE l‘a' LLI.NI.S, attended
eration• tad cdful.atton of babes. da
m:q on ea tfamman, poseu have been dafeharged from
toe fon,. acne 01 11.0 e rufaum, from both lacr
W 1... and nu.n:., and from both toga, and Irmo the .0 ft
te era! ho..taa from tht gill Sore, bea.oes pool
ce I , Or: other ports of her pelt... Mob vatted a the
L•tt I t —, 1.1, n*l h.l LI, nmr il t , na
e.. e.r.•: lug bad Jcpw.t,lr •1,05, 111041111.
~..t. r .3duced to try Dr J.1)11( . 1 ,11 ma:Ae
oan had ~tormfatnal) happy effect upon net,
r, ag nit pa ant and 0..4,0, Um
wt. • s Wane et Inc 00111011011aer
c....ecfaxe , oinpletely tees red, -0 Loa. eue 11.110 wc,g2t•
J.. • nic.r- 41,e • o.utrirneed
Cl , —,-, Eve
Fey Inee. a:urmat.ran,.o,,ulre , 11. Core Au IV:
F •r.:l P.asOurgh, e.l :110 IT_l Sr on E.
71. Foart.l .1 m ar Wood.
nip ~ i.~i. t~~ o~~A
sr ROF 1,1. A A.\ IY' ht:ltl.4 ULLA h ra‘ff
iNlin.--hcrofidu In all Its tut/nip:heti loran
wheLlter in that or k.thg's enl.irgenorols o the
g.aarls or hoots. 6.otre, tt bite flour:1
doreanes o.Lilo :Ain or ,pine,
urtrout:my:inn, eua.tuaLe iron,:ame
Ind tht name Nhich Of a potsunou. priocip.e
.aorn or lens iisllCreal in the human system. There..
ore. unless thin principle cau be dentros ed. nu FA,
0-1 cure can be <Unclad, but II tilt principle upon
n n.Ch the disease depends, is ed, a Cure
mu,ol n ecessity olio., no nutter under ...bailor°
int inali.lust itself. 'thou, there! ore
a the renrof. e by J afb L.. ALTLRATIVE 111 to un,
ver,..dy 5u...1 - v..14i in retro - iol so veiny roof ignant
disease,. It dentroyt the e:rus or principle loon
whit 1.1:osn th..r.oter. hive troor °ogle enterinl
oat, the eirculallrol 41:11 voth the htood convn.., o
to the 111.1,0ter.l Worn, rento.....g p.r . ocle ul
disease Iron. Inc nyaleln l'reprt ....o ro.•. al Nu.
o SOUln
cold at die ult.n 'tea 010, 1 ei.. 'tree
Yiletrourgn tuen3l
I AIME, V. uo r.P pe Lr Kre
not aware how ingo,.o
the Low coaxse, how,
a:/d ur.;,eattlly p,par. d
cha3.: ltes.oe... it I... War wui, ^onta
lay GI lead V, e per ;.art-t 1 oca.t..ta, v;.et-tabie
at.e.e. wit.ett we to .10.N1, , , LILI
V, HITE' It perfreliy Ilmorcnt hetnepuratell of all
deleteroo• .1 .znp.irta .0 0, a r..stv
rC. iteCthy, clear, whtte, at tire same
acing al :I I 0•01 C, It
C on the •..n. mak. . I .01!
Or .I.n• • An4rrou, Fract,c‘: Cara,. of `ata,.
chucct, soy.: -Mk., anaiya,..c, Jot,. 5,,,t0..t.
Wh.,c, I Lllti ,1 po. a the m•••, do .l natu
ral, at the 'am., Late :o.meent wmte I ever •sw I
cerram: , CUD conse.entrou• y recommend •ta u.e man
whose Ibiln requ•tr• hcatc lying
FL:.T CS cent , . n box.
d c' sty N4': , l JA.21,01`4, nt 1 , ;,wt and .tm.e
Store.K.lL:ocrty elle-el, head of ood :De f .g . ll Oi
the tilt Stoic. 110
I, amonrahld.
Vincrs you know that Yon ar" pru
A natural, Ille-Lte, snowy,
'Chat )ou will al.ll age common chalk
And loot a datlVlly yellow
Thn theme at taughtel and or
pa toun!urn a not o• L 11.) wh.te. It
would g,ve your sk o ..abaater yrt
and ar the 'tame I.tho clear unu ulprove ,r nand at
27.9 L,Cri) . 1....r.c0 cent. per (+a
R FIELD odesfor tare at loon..
kNlanufatto rot , prices. vcry eV.
att. - , on PAPER. earapr to tax every po...tct. vat - et,
adapted tome Watt. of conalroat t ell tP•et-ot t. of tat
coutdry. Paper of aN kutda mane to, at Gaon
.te riot It of PRI NTiNtr PA PEN is anus.tarly taut
a part of ...writ 44 of ver truper tot
tdr .:qty
or n• r •lescripttott. Capon led and t
1.2.: Felting, N . ne Oat,
iiiG4l,4•4g Powder, Moe C Itratarartrte. Tn Ent,
RAC:. 4 .4
Iktic ftope,l;ru..* hope, nogg...,
pore,..e.J. col altich the pr.r. o•t.
I rsly.
Dr. W. P. Frerso um Pl...tier.
lu. 1% P L.k,al); de Xt.:areal Cuue¢a nr Pm.-
k, the put,,.. ht. Indian Veg.
ermine Pretinuna I . ta•tra. the quakily, of %lima. arr.,
long and tried r xperietice !.en sawn...tort.) e.-
taloistred. To ad vroto,i who {comb.
allinned With
Prolapaus I:Lena or Fulten Wonal, r. corronends hes
plume, zuaraitteemg, •ore and speeop cute in the
.eon Ipace or Irmo two to they werris. it applied 1, .10
corn 1.8.1 r...--.llscardisa; all the count,. matron:le
arid expenmva Laudaget .0 long u.. he reels
conacieninw• oraung, a. nee as he haa nor railed
CI mm ca.. out or three hundred ne.d hay three pa-
A'•., tor It;,easann,igi sad Wrdii Itrra.i or Ilar •t-
Pual•al vcla p.a. there la nothing excel
111 ncllardata relief or efeeloig a cure. Fut i
....a j
%% maract el Diamond .cl Alarara
Braun & Reiter. Liberty and St. Clair ri•
Irr / San,. Federal at *ad D.amond,
ghceiy ecly
Jagyuca N. Co, Dritirma a. 1.1 Diamond.
A Chollorift• to tb.• World.
rit NEN I . VIV F: DUI.L w. I, ,1 %my . oat
j ar.:,rodure •pot tl (Ofttll
• ninta ch
w .ti lin • taipiavea ian.ruic aaabia•.a.a. 0: •a• , ;at people ai
place .'hut tun article, uy eivgn iMpf0•0100.0 0::
LI, tarsi stands unrieallral ia this entry for extracting
grease. tar, p. 1,11. 0.1, paint, Or any other greasy etlo.
sianee, :roof all kinds 01 gentlemen's or tunics' clothing
carpets. table eAsitss, merino shawls, ladorie bonne.,
he, wahout injuring Anything that pure Water not
Injure. Morn than One thou•e.3.l persons 10
part. 0 , “, 0 country have told me they would not se
without it, ,1 it cost one dollar per ease In trying this
:coal, on more than Mande. of light inks, sating, w.
panda, and sidles:ie., l have only found three pieces of
',IC iron o. alpimsa, and - four of calico. on vetaen
cl,finacJ Inc color; tharefolb before putting a on a light
areas rya sample of the dres 4 first nto this nee . ..
I sin de icrii•teed not to recommend n any +110•000.1 man
I know w 10t .1501110 brae- tra;r.
e. per ea.e. Sold, wholente and
E 811.1.LERS
3? wrgul - st
half cheats Y IlTea; X. do d. 3 Imperial do.
au do do Gunpowder: 0 13 D do do black dc, m cat;
ty boo Gasperffirdet nod to mon sa
for .bro . ,
I GREAT CURE, performed by W. ortginaland aoly Qr
.11 and ipauure Liver Till, prepared .4 soki by R E 1111..
Mr X. E. mom grant, ayou and theaffidesid
unloose me to old so humble tostieneeny m tenor of your.iteril
celebrated Lever r Jis I haven deterred doing as for ran,
adhering to thee. Crockett's maxim, "be eon you are right,
then go ahead.'" Most of the many of mammas
esad quack, lauded ,o the skim, tram sunk tato oblivion man
Tour Lever Pt be have be. offer. to the public. and, indeed,
I believe they well ...arm. them all," . they are just what
you reverent them to be I ham been afflicted with Lisa
Compeaust Clem my youth; hem salami muds =Oared
many moment phymerana, to whom I paid much isomer hum
lon north blood; been vomited and physeeked Mince to death;
sal vend sor o t toga end finally veto op as nocuraida. la
I wan ma nem! to 1... y your URI' Pals, need SOON OOT
CLL. One box of wretch anow sufficient to keep omelet
p ,so in the ode mat ell the other symptomm+ for at least
li.or Pt:. ars.. the beet enthassac I ever need;
Mots meld, not repeal or gime., much smknem al the stom
rach, but grve much rel,ef ham kept them 10 More
oc 7 years, mid hundred* of holm, and ham bent
heard a stog e .01plaintat herey .y one who too used
them. 't hey have de s •very other pill in the
neegleborhoal, .d eu • Mort tune well banish them Nil.
mroodly rwommend them to all persons needing physic,
w heti., for Lam Comphint or Billions directions I con
sider them Car superior to Woad or the Blue POI. Beeped
k'it'?Aor.tS • J L Monate
TI —As them are other p,16 the pablie
Ca Lt.. Lever Pills persons who W•hl 11.• OEN UM E &mid
ark fur and take no other than thme prepared and sold by IL
SKI.LEILS, Yo 57 /r,oel-et between Thud and Fourth
t , e'd by Dr. Casaaa, Kifth Ward, D N Ccau, AlL:omq
Ilydropathy, or the lirator Coin.
WCTUR ttkNJ. W. MaltHIS returns his encore
thanks to the canton of Pittsburgh and Allegheny
city for the very Itheral support and encouragement he
has received the last ink months . That the Wso
ter cure should acquire such celebrity. is neither
4trnnge nor thyme rtous.whets •it ts colundered how great
• ituntoer of cases of every varlet) of diseases, teak
acute sad chronic, have itern turt•al by • noncoms use
el it. In (termany, where at °Hammed. ea thousand
of the worst eases, that were given lip by the most sad.
hal phi sielsas ul Europe as l/leUlliblt. Wet,' cored by
the immortal.' Priest... the founder of the \Vetere...
In England, Frawee and America, thousands of hope
les. eases have been cured by it and the numerous
ll yttroputhietablishments flew succeesful opera
non In ilia Uo tt ed Slaw., speak VOillatel laver att.
Pr Ur uc .Nlorris hlvtitg perm.ently established himself
in the city of Puteburgh, three door, southwest of I.
win's ou sweet, now prepared to take •
thoseof Lonnters and west Oscan at has home, sad
those who preset Oetna treated st tartar own dweflings,
ut Ins punctually and taithiully amended. He may be
eon...tined at his other. 1 . 1,1[11 I o'clock till 3 P. M., end
Itoot 7 to lb to th e evetung
B.—Every sanely of Laths made use of in .he
Water eure, both for ladles nod geollutuen, can he on.
ts.aed at the Athensurh.on Libeny street. whsre they
base been recently erected for the express use of Ily
nropatate patients. and where every atteution will be
porn by the polio and attenhve proprietors.
Great Engll•la Remedy.
eta ,. tttsens , •. is the BUN( tARIAN BALSAM OF
1.11 , 1- end by the celebrated Dr. Buchan, of
London. Ygtgituid. nod introduced IMO the United States iniimdtme superintendence of the inventor's'.
Toe eatrnordmary success of this medicine, in tP
cure of Pulmonary diseases, warrants the'Ameticen
Agent ut solicmtig fur tree:Meta the worst possible ea
re. that can he lound 111 the community--cases they seek
lict in in from soy of the common remedies of the
duy and have
have been given up by the most dtatimptilshed
ph .tclane as confirmed and Incurable. The Hunger,
o baton= has cured. cod will cure. the most desperate
of cape, is no yggek nostrum, but a standard Eng
lish otethetne. of known aml esmhlished efficacy,
Every bunny in the I.ltuted States should besu . Vel
wch hum 111 l 's Ilunganan Bela= of Life, not yto
counters the consumptive lendehele• of the c
loin be used as a preventive medicine in all es
colds. coughs. spitung of blood, pain to the aide and
chest. trratmon end soreness of me lungs, brockuns„
difficulty ol bresimg. incite Myer,inght sweats, emaci
ation oarederal debility, tutlions. influents., whooping
c0n,411 Criattp.
',ld w trirge trOttieK. at St per bottle, with full dieeee
nowt Inc the revtoralltnt of health
Pansisletss, rosttsumn6 a mesa of English and Antark.
f.,111 cent/Scales., and usher eve/erica, .boron; the me.
eystalled mersts ut du* groat English Remedy, may bel
obl;ktned of site Agee., gratudeussly.
For ease by LL A I'AiSNITOt.Ii & Co., comer of
ood %Vote/ and Wow/ and 4th ate. snasi3
R. 'AI the Rev AAA SHINN, ti well known sod pop
r elm ClergNman ohne Protestant Idethodim Chervil,
The undersigned hoeing been Sainted during the past
winter with a dotesge et the stomach, sometimes pro.
toeing great pain in the stomach for tenor twelve boars
without intermission, end after having tried various
remedies with little effect, was furnished with • bottle
or Dr U Jayne's Garai/nano, Bantam, Thisbe aged as.
carding to the dimesons, and found invariably Mettbis
mei:louse caused the pain to abate in three or Saar Ms•
ines, arid in fifteen or twenty mtntaes every uneasy
sen , miott was entirely quieted. rbt. Olediel2lo was al ,
t 1
te rwa,. used w henever .ndications of the appyeesh of
ps/o w e perceived, and th e pate was thereby peacoat
cd lie e!
continued ion
se Me medicine every evening
stdloll3.llllC. I/I the ;mentos. and to a few • weeks
neadh win. so far recut red. taut the sufferer arm mile,
non a ...tree 61110.11 or opine—aye pato. From al
pert. o ereforr. earl c..oft ten tly recommend D
J . lit Cu rte. tt • lye :;alssru, av a salutary medial.
tut carcases of nest.daar nary Iwweis. A AIILNND
Allegheny eity,Jy7l
For sa Pitmourgh at ties
7 . 4 Fourth Ktf ea GCL, .t ear Wood, end also at eheDrag
Store of it r • .:UW.II<TR. Federal item. , A liegthe.y
Purity Your 13looiL
A RO. E. SIBLEY—Dear S.C. Last Spring, and du
nag the previous winter. I was sesemly afflicted
with a scrofulous compliant in my legs, and had been
fur sorne months under the core of phy octane. rimy
said my case was almost incurable, and they could de
but Little for me. I was nearly helpless, but will Ma
uJ oi crutches could with difficulty get about In May
last I purchased of you, and
aiu-s commenced al Etass.
rot's Ssessrs. ever the lase of two bo as, thil
sore. commenced healing, and I laid mile my mulch.
s, using only cane. dispensed with my cans, and
m the end of We fourth, was so well as to assist all day
in sneering sharp. In all. I used hue bottles. The
strotuls and .ore. have all healed up, and sines lan'
summer I have seen no appeanuice of the disease, han
been continued. and Rea now, in the most perteet health!
I state with confleuce. hoping Mat others may be ben
cussed in the same way. that the Sarsapaella sold ky
you. 1111.• bora Me means and the only mean. Diadem,
ing the cure. CORNELIUS J. ROSE.
Por •a,c holesale and mull, by
da w H. e. FAIIN i ESTOCK & Co
co, I root P moult.. & also corner wood & &Isms
Cut•lna SC' ',Mandl An..., for shaving;
Cr.un a .0,
anonue Cream. do:
Superfine Ileage.en Porr,-;11 , anda;
cut u per W •ruder, Apes
11,1‘111lul powder pant, or nil pattern.,
to.lal bolt, Coinslll/iLtlgrAnl evtacts
fuo •.11.; pan.•aa ell;e1; a A.Ccall;11;( +.1).1 twoel reap+, sad-
rr 0.1.1,r5t powdel
In , nri yr{r.nlr• hn r u.L.
Jones' Soap, tnplt Soap, Bore Lip sa!•o;
4,111. , octu *oap, topethar ant& a Verso vanep
of L,:c prri,.mrrl. t o rrcrirrd, for sale bAr
LI A FA UN E.,1%.11.1( &CO
rot bat & wood au
C e L' re r a L tu Ei res, — to r t e ta ! te " ao . mt u tl Y nng l
y my fellow
more respecnom your Vegetable l'utrnottary italsnot.
7Yntee I to used the 'Jetsam, about el an e c ou p ago,
'me t•uppy effect of which I then r ove acnt m. I
nave had several xtvere complasitta and attacks at my
o.te u iew days 01110, sod Jr. every ntatance 1
co , e awed the Balsam alone wan complete and perfect
success It has effected relic! and C ore to very err
days It is certainly a sale uteMeme. Ido not know
bout It will cure a hard consurupuou. but I believe
01.1 be to many cases a pre entire, and prevenuon is
inciter than cure. I do therelor., nor the .ve of my fel
low men, earnestly recomotenll the wed of tins Bataan,
lit all pultnottary complatum I am confident Mat at
bus been the means of preservmg ray Me to dos day.
lloston June 16.. PARSONS.
Ql.:l.l.liFt'S 131 I't:HIAL eul I 1 SYRUP.--It ha,
lowa to cure• Feb.l'll - raw:man, l4,
R. r..intithn—ily wife has tor ) ears been subject
to a cough.e
used differen acrompamed emit asthma, for
the cure of uthicb mt cm:qh rosettes,
nod nal the advice of the most °umlaut physkiens In
Kogdool, but all was unavailing. ity chance I heard
o. t car Ito,onal Cough syrup, and Mu imlueed to bay
• 0.1, lot owl. although I hod no bolter that Ulytiainitt
could remove her tom taut To iny great surprise,
too doses g•ve her immediate mho. She is at times
tcouivd with • cough, but two thaspooi.ful of syrup
atom,. stops it I ant satisfied. alter a Mal of throe or
mo r car, that Cough Syrup ta the best think
mudn'the I have ever tried either in the Old or New
Seventh Weed ray of l'lttaburgit.
The aboveruttcatc should niduce all who are
uoumed 'with cough.. or .dam, o gt vet the elyrup • tn.
11 Itay he ill or al cents a bottle, in the drug
note of R E `4I:LUIR.S. 57 wood st
Sold I y Dr Cassel. sth ward, out 1.1 li Curry, Alle
gheny thty. And
Patent EtIcWAL Spri ail Truss,
VL WLI IA V nNrEll—For the re Leland Yenisei:teat
lY t are of HERNIA or Rt. Yf C RE. lasted wail
f. rot t
t..r. Ye •11111 . a
run) he worn. rue part of
no ,
t ,Ing newly lraannoorl On spring, Yieldsto pa,.
.) prtrl 0.1 tt. and thoorunnly vallaran oneLl
• vernent mole lty Uhe wen,r liean On worn
• u. win:l:tiro:au, Loral curn.r elfccrea. Tie cu.-
.- un•ra have mule ariangemeno /OE the nonontartoro
al •Oroaloe rruonen, in a nniter.of illy!, In !'boll
r.. a. nod none thrill now Swe al knell vamp, No.
iIC/1! :11, ralsaarglr.
Tr., Fayette county, Yu. ' Ala.rcit 4n 4 4i.
Alt It tLcrony CcrUiy taut I nainUand
your Vert:n(l4c in Lay "Lenny. roLLlncLLeva LL equal,
Aur.9llol in any I nave ever LL.Yoil. L gars toot= of
Loy cnedrcu une which expe.lod tyl.KLut e.O worn..
Ell amon,.
Prgpared and old lty R E SELLERS, 37 Wood st
t.+431.1 a) Dr Cap 1. 5111 ,rd. IJ lltro , Allegheny;
Jsoma, l'emperaneevale, and I . Orman, Law
ase.runeut just reed askd fora!
by KIDD & Co
?L. L0.040E1) W Et 4,14
AS ott Mstidioar, 3d rt., .41 , qt.
„A,E . ev ...v. 11 t i ll
une ol I. Itze., or ...... jro 50
.userti.r. without ...... 0 76
Puree • ...... I 00
line Week ••
Ltmgrr .0J • Ga./C.OOOY in 0•413:10 prOilt.l(oa.
. 1 110 1100.1.11, 0 1110411., 0101.21.1.1 t • 11 ...Mt1 0 0,• • ID
.1600 for 6 ut.•uths
•• 12 10 00
One .yuare . 6 months, renewable .t pleasure, lb 00
. .
Earn zddit,onal sonars for It months ..... ••• 10 14)
rwo 3,1u.are5...; months, releante at pIeXXXIX,'3O
Each adcilLona onnare , 6 months, • 14)
anent., OR TILI-er IX ..ILI' 11T3Y3•
One •qunre. 3 insertions, $ 1 50
snob additional insertion 31
File I .lell or leer, One Je.r. ....... ....... 6 Otr
pia Indathr 5 UU
one year, datlY In weekly, 10 00
rormays •.
LDTIAILTII/11111T11 11 arseass ZZZZZ •
Fur 10 lines, nr less, One i.ertlon, ..... 00
" " " Three, "I 00
" " " Three m0nth5„....... aye
Bin •••• co
" Twelve • ......•••/9 _
I • ,*