MEDICAL. " - • .r 0 PROFFK. .4_ ORS AND 51 - FATTERS OF TUE • EIEEDICA.L SOCIETIES, Mothers Wife and Daughter IN THE UNITED STATFR.—The subscriber respect ,fi. fully calls your attention to Dr 13kaarrest ticoo nun expressly intended for the preservation of the health of both nxesi—whedier it armies from Incipient Plithists, or coyly consumpuon, Debility of the Longo, ^ Brouchsal Affections, Asthma. Pleurisy. Deranged ind Di.rdered state of the Liver, Spleen. or Kldne Un- cured Spine, Cholic, Derpepoto, Platinum on yx of the Heart. Lazo of Muntilor m Noreen Power. /te. A, DR. C. IL IiARRI7I - 1 - 5. GUARDIAN ember to the immediate relief of Females sulfuring (rote Inneulan tin, and all other Uterine difficulties and &senses in vi. dental to womun whether occasioned by cold, wet &eyee any mentor injudicious exposure, and all this without the use of medicine; no the most delicate and mashie., lady con at any moment apply it w breech without the pfiniliiLity Mincurring any risk or danger, or any unpleasant resalts arising from- it, and with the certainty of obtaining immediate relief Dr Harrett's Guarilion is no catch-ponny s or one of the many bomb.** of the day; but it nen nutriment madehrion strictly scientific principles, in accordance with the laws of Electricity and Galvanism; and Mr neatness. durability and ellicacy, infinitely surpass , everything of the kind ever before offered to the public for the relief of Moen.. and. in the language of one of the most enlightened men of the day, is pronounced to hoA"JohortFon'd'or len ° ,ll7fo o ur rth y e eot e li " aa been occupied by Dr. Barrett in brownie! the Guardian to us present state of perfection—during which time it lin beet. in the hands cif come of the most ernineot pbysiciuns the North and South, no well as in the dwellings of nu merous faimlie% who have used it tor l aud f the nos, purproes, with the mast perfect omens. who hove cheerful!) . given their unimalifted approbation of i.e elficaccr and value, as can i.e are by referring to the — 51111.1111•1 of Instructiono occartipanylng Dr. C. IL Ilarreute Guardian o secured front innova tions by aren't from the Coiled brute. Pmeni °doe, and Ise be either with er without las :Med.°. Illectre Galvanometer. 'Do filedice-FlectroGolvanomuler. in point of ty, workmanship. durability and power. co:mot 'beau_ posnd or even equalled, twit the subscriber feel. that he lansords nothlng in the P Aeerlloll that it will lie found to pontos' more power mid efficacy tat the treatment and removal of diseases, lir (n/vuntsm and Plectron r7, than any other mstruivotit, rather the United Bunn or Europe. ,liltfiledieo-Flectro (sedvaiiinneir r is warranted in every respect and with common eon nary care \Rill rue-tame, is by fur the Monti ext. because the est. Instrument ever offered to the public. A. manual accompanies them giving the meat ample instructions. of practical experience, an tent readily intelligible to the round of every one, while this • ••• • ity of nrangement is such that a child may -pae with it Any information gratuitously given, and all comma - ors eheedully answered per mail, either in rela tion tial the m en or Guardian. Medical men are Invited to call and eninune Dr Bar oaf s Uttornialt, and twain efficacy. the cake by H. RICHARDSON, sole Agent, 71 Mar ket et, Plusburgli. VER 5 e 0 0 0 PERSONS In Pleladelphot Oalone, can testify to the wonderful efficacy of nut powerful mitteily, THOMPSON'S COMPOUND SYR H U A P OF TAR AND WOOD NAPHT. In Pulmonary Conzumpnott , Chronic Boonchito and Sore Throat. Asthma. Chronic catarrh, Spann. of Bloat Pam in the Side and Breast. Dianmay of Dreothing. Whooping Couch. Croup, 'Weak Nerves and Nerve. Tremors, ?alienation of the Hearn also. Liver Comptaint and Affection or the Kidneys Von medicine, the invention of a men who gave the nabject of Pulmomay, Bronchial and Pcetund diseases the most rigid examinunon. ham now broil before the public near four )ca rx forum . title petted per. formed some of the tent remarkable cas on record Pnlmo.ry Consumption—oecu red the m no otnmenila tion and use of pity simians in their It:nonce. and lb an mest approval of must ot ortitfi.O toyer° Colds, Congos. oorn:nes", Spitting c Blood, &a ASTONISIIINO CUBES. About four years since I was attacked vrith Tynan, Fever, which left no in a miserable state of health. t a et - came debility with a general prostration ot the s tom„ with violent pains in the breast cnit lots of althe a., in consequence of which I with unslr astead so' tay usual business. or rctorrn any kiod of work. I applied to several ply:smiths and used various reme dies, bat without any Leticia. end had ocspuirritof ever obi:na4 a recovery of my former health. But some rime 10.1 June I was talented to try Tbomson's Com pound Syrup of Tar and Wood Nap th ri, a t lithredth , c as it mav appear. by the time I had tass three Unifies, the ebility, pain and every sense of sudorirg were e ompletely retriovest and I was abth ancuil wbb re• fitored health to my usual once snot,. NI All YIN CLAUDY, Of Dickinson towthelitp. Cumberland so. Rev.! the following traturtory :tom a respectable member of the Society of Friends, :a Fouglikeepar. York. VALUABLE TESTI I Y ` . This may certify that us I.c. -p Lee of I. 1 , . ssi. e health was very (-ride, I war radioed with pai: two side, with other alarming sYmP‘amo• aini "tiered much from great debility. At that ume I purchased from Mesas Boma two bottles of Thoinson's it Sy rup of Tar nod Wood Naptha, from which I ezpcnrn ced great benefit. my health besot; now syboS. I cheerfully recommend the article to all persons scar zany be suffering with general debility, with sytureoros of • decline. AltAiLklll MUNI K. Poughkeepsie, March 15,194 r" Prepared only by Ascarr .k Dimas.", at the F.. corner of Fifth and Spruce streets, Phil. Sold by 1.... WILCOX, Putsburgh; and draggLrts gcnonally. Price SO cent., or Our Dollar per bottle. oilyg SA.LTICIt'd '•-•iNSENG PANACEA! TO THOSE SUFFERING WITH DISEASED LUNGS.—The unprecedented ..neee. , .s which has Remind the nee of the GINSE-NG PANACEA n all the various forms which trrannon of the lungs thh. sant^ has illdneect. the propnetot, to cull anen t/On to this tTONDERFUL, PREPARATION. The chum:nide weather NV .1 - it it.kt).• our fall and tenter months, is always a tru.niht wcret: of COLD: , AND COUGHS. These, If neglected, arc but the precursors of dun fell destroyer, , COSI:MPTION. The question. Tian. how shall we tap the ....r.royrt In the bud? how shall we get cant ouour cougto and oIds! of vital importance to the u,i,. THE GREAT AND ONLY REMEDT will be found to the Ginseng . Panacea. In proof of tat we have from urns to unie rentficatrs of dozens of oat beg kaown mbzeos, who hove rpm enced Its curative powers. These. 0.1:h a MU. 01 to mz‘o ) (rem all pans of the r oulary,—from MmiDAl. MEN OF THE FIIZPT sTANDIN 4 i , Ministers of the Gospel, Au., together with copious am Seas from the JOURNALS OF THE DAY. wia bare embiadied rroptilet form. and may be had gnus 01 ''' l7l.7 ' . ? g u L t / alr TnovtAh,."- - "- . taut been owed in this city THOUSANDS ANDTO.NS OF THOUS.A.NIL , throughout the I:lntel:States .d Canada. and we ell a togs "/ ""' S.7 . (II'I uI' .V.STA NCE n winch, when horn accord/mg to di recite.. a,..1 fore the lungs bad become fatally disorganized. it hits Be e r Puled "EFFECT A PERFECT CURE. Why, then. need the atilicted hesitate! resna to the Mr' , rabic no.trusn 4 . gotten up by a r uoLvtd gale o lee the summed name oi sot. ce •• • phy aielan. and paged into notonety by cerufica - eons equally unknown! Wlnlst a medico. of UN PAILALLELED EFFICACI. is to be had, whose voucher* are al home.--one neigh bor/—ms.ny of whom it h. SNATCHF.D FROM THE GR A Vl.l. in order that thts the medicine may be Hared within the reaeh of the put . well the rich, we I.avg pal the price at ONLY FIFTY CENTS, just one half the 1110.181 cost of cough medicine, it a for sale by our agents in nearly every towu aud village over the west. who are prepared to l m full informs. lion relative to h. T. SALTER, Proprietor, Broadway, Cincinnaga, Ohio. - - SIBRCHANT OF THIS CITY, who hod been of- A dieted will, the asthrne for four yours. had taken almost ever) thing His physicians cocidantly attcc ded him. and he had expended over two thousand dol lars. lie never believed in advertised niettiones. hut considered them all humbugs 'At test tried ILylor's gals a» of Liverwort. from 73 Beekman street. New York, and in six V:C.CkS %%qui entirely cured. hir ing taken only three bottle. , Thin is only one of many cases where imaginary obiections to patent medic,. 10.0 prevented person. from using this medicine. woo have expended hundreds of dollars to their physicians ralu—and LI the end owe their recovery Lit me iutal. lible efficacy of this purely vegetable preparacon. There in no mistake. dna thin medicine la &opener to any remedy prescribed by medical 1 dy1... This medicine has taken Al years to mon., and i. roe remedy for dime.. ever introduced to then blie Bnamestu:P/.1318, COL - 011. AND tiffoll[l,l. Or !SURAT°. Ccramd—Suffering ter a long mac with thesecomplains I had given up - ill hope of being cured. I had conoun ad the botanic and hotaregiaihic doctors more. I had used many articles advertised. but found no relief. In despair I had given op the use of MI medicines. Ile.. tog of the great virtaes of Dr. Taylor's t o of Liver. wort, anskthe great ewes it hod pernimwd, inclosed 11:10 10 try it, and to my great joy and .I..l:linen, I was better doily. I continued its use, also his Saga, Coated Pills. uutil lam entirely cured. Dr. Taylor's Balsam of Liverwort is the best medicine to the world for these complaints, and will curt every ooe afflicted. SETH LAWRENCE Captain of the Nancy. of New York. Artmos have .offered from the Asthma very long time, and have used every medicine I cool obtain for it& nUre in vain, until I tried Dr. Taylors Balsam of Livehvort. Thin medicine has afforded me most manifest benefit, and is. In my 0,1111101, cure tor thni distressing disease; more especially, BA Iknow oi many cases among my fnenda where ithus been 1.5 ly succenstul. Per.. totems.' sire invited to roil at my residence for further Informant. MIL 4. RUTON, tlr.? Laurens it. Sold in Plttaborgh by J I) Moir. 53 Wood et: Ttiannend. 45 Market oh H Smyser, cor Market and 3d alid Henderson h Co, 5 Litocy s+„d,,,,d to 111,50 per bold, _ iev3 _ Air ORGAN'S COUGH AYRUP—It proved to be the .0.1. great Panacea io coring my child's distressmg ----. cough. Prom he Temperance Burner,.Novn 31547. Con on Bramt.—Vre are not in the habit of pu !bag, moth less taking patent medicines, but we feel I{ • j to recommud Morgan's Syrop to those who are allbet ad with • cough. After having tried the usual reme dies to remove a COllltilla and distressing cough, tut had for several days afflicted one of our children, w out sueulta, we were induced to try MO (VW cough syrup, and by it rebel' was obtained m a few boars. It proved to be the pule in this cue at Mast Prepared wholesale and ORGAN, the proprutor, JOHN D Druggist, feb7 wood st, l dun below diamond alley. STRONG EVIDENCE that Dr AVNE'n DEL. - VORA NT ls auperor to all other is tor A Coughs, Cousamptims, Bronchitis, saw+. and other Pol imsy - eSactions, le that th< mow resale win. commenced Ma um of it in their frmilim ten yminasilm, Sill refer to all other (Mediu of the kind; and where my he bem Maimed to try other preparlilool they ham almost orrariabre been appointed or ttatt:ving Me benefit' which was rcasombly =timpani! Dom the high praises bestowed by the prorricors, wal Ws returned 4/ the Of iaallte ESTLCTOIAXT as • remedy Mat had mem railed to relieve thaw and which probably ismer had It, eq.l arresting pahnonsoy diseases Pripami only b 7 Dr D. Jayne Philadelphia, and wad on ALES. JAY N h dealdAmtf , Foorth et ANNE'S HAM TO:MM.—After going this a hat rticle otes. thigh,. unhesitatingly pronounce it to be w it r 0-12th beet article, without thy excel:dim, in etee, Corder theberation end promirathin of the brims hair. Vi • Imam of POSIItOOI i 910.1.16 .her. hair the been roared t♦hi~htr. bas to head. W 4 far Itthel end en dank re cannot do Giro than lonecommend to ow readers who et Weir !mir t h. maks a trial of thin Task immediately &Om Mat Per see in Pittsburgh at W. Peskin Tin than T , 1.1.79 Ftherth greet. near Wood niertd6et - --- MORGAN'S WORM KILLER is •faz superior to all other remedies for Worms. lane 141 h, 1848. This wa y certify that I gave torero of my caildren, three and dye years old, two ...pool:dolor,: Illorgm's Worm Killer, to each of them. The youngest passed as brim worms,. tbe smallest cool: , rot have measured lass than seven utehes. The eldest' passed -0 10000 ameba that am mild not begin to coma tlicin. Shave ° maid all the popular remedies hob., Oa p e,li c , for an any with a clear conscience, Merge:Vs varor t er c is far superior to soy neur briars therub- SAMUEL /WINSTON. le. Bakerstown, Allegheny minty. • . prepared sod sold who Wale andneteil ily . Oa pp. paean. BAI D hIORGA.N Druggist., ... WA JO W00den . ..4 , Plaiurgh =Ml!l=3l2l MEDICAL ... r.- t. l / 2 1.111 s 3Cper c r. • , LA< ji 1 : , r 'ACIT EMI '?• • e • DIZ. TOW NM IN if Des coarocxo rxmc - r or SARSAPARILLA. Wonder ma Blessiag , of the Aga. The now extraordinary hledielne In the World This Extract re pet wp Qom/ Ralik* it it a^ than cheaper, ;decameer. awd warranted n . prior to oay sold It cern =Wheel vomiting, purring, eithasier ar debilwarseg the Feint. The great beauty end mperiority of thntlareaparilla over all other medicines that whale It eradicate. the die. rase. it invigorates the body. It ume of tin very twat SMILING AND SUMMER MEDICINES Ewer known: It not only purifies the whole nate= end orenathens the person, but it creates vele, pare and rich Band:power pone...A Vy no other median, And in ~ . lie. the grand secret of in wonderful success. It hos re , fornavd wttlan the law two year., man than 100,000 of nacre ones of diatom ; at least 15.001 were • ..2.1d e red ineurable. It has need the line of more 10.000 children during the two pun xenon, *O,OOO cores et,General Debility and want el Nerved... Energy. Dr Townsend's Sarsep.illn invigorates the whole •. nem pertna.ntly. T those .ho have lost then moseular enerry by the effects at medicine t.ou commuted in nail, or the excessive indulgence of no , p,stoea and bronchi on • general physical ponce. lof the nervous oyster, Lashed, .not or ambition, ion some; sensations. premature decay and decline, hasten Wanda that (istal disease, Consumption, can be cu. neck restored by this pleasant remedy. This beer far super - 'r to any In•igoratting Cordial, and tu.,oretes the syn.., gives artt•ity t•.r limbs. and sircorth to the muscular system. to • estruurdinno dctr Comomption Currd. C:ealut atd Strearthev, Cactvaptloot sae it cared tirenekiris. Consamptiss, 1.40rr Complaint CO:di Clalarrlit. Coug+. Asthma. Space( of rm.., Sorruto li t Class. Neer nark, :in,. Sonata, DijAnal ar P , tolms• Erperto. raison, Pa. is tits Sists. 10, ices Imes eel cachr sawed !SPITTING BLOOD. Nein York, April On. Toormararo-1 verily believe that your Suisun. rt:ln lias been the means, through Providence. or sot to; tar lifr. 1 have far Boveral year. hod a bud Cough. It 6-canie roam glad worse, At last I raised hirer quents. Let of blood. had tiled flvvcatA and was grently datnia ,t-,1 and redound, and did not expect to Its a. I lint r toad your Sarnapatllla a .tort titan. and than It,. . nudroful change been wrought in me. lam now oMe to .ailt over then dry, 1 ndae no blood. sad toy , ch Lau left toe. You can . u . cll i 01.10130 that I mu u. inkful for Ulnae rimulta. Your obedient screent, NM RUSSELL, In Catherine... Female Medicine. .2ir. Townsend's Sarsaparilla is a rawareign and epee iy ore for Incipient Consumption. Barrenness, Prolapses lit or Felling of the Womb, Coetiveness. Poles• rcerisen, or Whites., abstracted or difficult ifienetron. Incontinence of Uri., or luvolutary—discharge exaf, and for the general prostration of the untrue— ro muter whether the result of inherent mute or C 111... predaced by aregululty. Blum or accidedt Nothing 33 be mons surprising than its Mvicorsting effect co human frame. Persons all wadi-nein aud Itsel f °le. from taking ence Delmore robust and full of nailer Ire It Immedistsly counteracts nerreleunca of the female frame. which ts the greet t luxe ot Burton.. It will not be expected of ua to en. of in delicate a time. to exhibit nonionic. of cores perfumed but ere can assure the afflicted. that I. iindeede of cues have been reported to us. Thousand I ens. where families have beer without children, r Ir.:LW • fur bottles of this invaluable mule... is been blessed with fine, healthy offsprlin. To Mothers and Married Ladle*. This gem. of Sarsariarilla has seen expremly pre p .red In reference os female =whom& No female 'iiiha, maw= to suppose she is apprembirte that e period. • Tlte Okay , / /tie should terteast to trite It as it is a oortabilireweetl. her any of the r--virioas and horrible dimness to whaeh fensalce othject at this time of Dia The period esey ie It - yeti/be seezeal years ist lona/ Ws Swam.. For 1. it leas valuable for tamp who art arproschint via iewhood, as it lo aleittated to onto maws. by quick. rouva the blood and iovirorathr the qualm- lutleed, medicine is ievalnable for ell the delicate theca to .barb women are subject ei It braces the whole system renews permanently the s.• trot ..eeerves, by ermosteg tIE tmpurotes tte h net RO far omelette( aa to produce attbsetturet rt. evade, which o the ease of awn centimes take rut I..tnele weekness and doe., Er tutor a few. bootr• runt medicine. teeny sever. and painful aurescal tile.. spate may be preeeotol. t; mat 1131ireei sag to :nether , raid Children.. It ts the aideo and wort eerrvt.d mcdientc for purify irr the t utu.. ant refieriu the ufferinta attendant diacoured. h ormnrhe. both the mother land chj l. prevent. prtin and Mums.. n. creases sod ettrichest the food. thou .b., hare used it IA mit is i s indispensable. It tabula,' yule' both before ~, after confinement u it percents diseases attendant A. athldbarth--in Costurneu, P. Cramps. settSu . ~ ef the F. beapooderres. ifeardinrn. ronisting. ,re in the and loin, False Puns. Ilemorrilue in rerulattu• the accretions and equaltaing the err . %An. it has no eons , The runt beauty of this wive is. it n :dear. and the most delicate use uceruthli,. rue. require anY delicate ruse -.twine. in oame • little Cut. thiL or Mann... , to cIeL &semie in the open air, and lubt focal with it”, medicine, will always eturare • ufe and eau eon. Benue} and Health. Coonetk. Chalk. and • variety of preparationeCene. ally in use, when applied ha the face, very boon spoil A o beauty. They elate the pores of the skis, and ..clt the circulation, which, whanuature o urn thwart es: be disease or powder, or the akin inflamed the ei:ilies used in soaps, beautifies its own production in the • human face Mein," esellLoth the garden of n. •h and delicately tinted and varieitated dowers. A f.. e, active and healthy circulation of the fluid. or the rooming of the pure, rich blood the extremities, i• that whichpaints the countenance io the mota TI I hit .4.1 , 4N1>- .• rwar. 1.41 W.o.exA 1111,1.1 -• • • atlad To Phlladc. C• 1111.NRY IiELAFF b. C •NAl oCanut - rum bll'illi.l.l S tu. No 117 blvtrbet... C 4 ,01%. rorstr Nor, ,braltnin ot. lin. / , JOHN F• Cinrkr. \o li,Nra 1..4' rri E--Thr ats.a hrn.• Im lOoftl (TOM IN and atter tn. ti4te a. I.ratf &Co tad). itr• I,', 14 t011i• - t Ilia\ URAIF ND.VNIII, CilA, fll 111./110-.1, HEMII marLhf PITTSBURGLI PORTABLE BOAT 31.1:E :=11:11 1 S Fa. the Troomportotton of F , . 11.,1 to a f PITPSELIit.II, 1•1111.Nlqi.1 . 111.k N Ml3litt2=E 11.ant.1 h rm.! J. O'Connor.. I . .tt- I.tnr I,rlng now: . open, I :non. pruptartor. r rrauge- Inrlg. to foru ,00dn and ~roducr w1 , 116...rnir n a,.d 0.1 moot term. Tn,y ISEIZEI I~lL'I 11... el a co.ilt.tuume 01 Mai pu.rot.a.., ) horel,tuil) All t 011.1,11srileol. ttllti !or Re* pasti. lorw utticd tiart) tvrt.. tie.) of char), lor c..171.111).014. o•Ivaill•01,4 All roalasunart.loon prompt) aitcad., i 0 t/on Ihe • fklitlitlXlE Murk., TA AFTE iNNI , It.Itn,” (rCONNORS A. N..rth wt. HaLlt:no, 122111222=1 LAKE ERIE AND MICIIIGAN LINE. 18-IS. Beaver, and treight Zllti pi.....ertaer C lake Fine and Sit