The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, July 22, 1848, Image 3

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    I=-'' A - wl
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TAMA. HOTCHLSON &Co, Arms for& LOnis
‘." .ateam Ddfirterl, rio.4sm ftEd 91004
street, pittaburgh, P., have .1n store the fialloodugarg
so runentorrefinedSugars,for We low •
l 8 hi, double refilled farce IneP 10G0 bbls No.. t 4,
6 ,4:1, land 8 mall do; :IV do Powdemd; 200 do Ora , -
e 4.45 do Clanfied lurid
StNDRIES-30 — rfalsh, branded hl Steele
& Sion, Liverpool; 301!o do do James
hlnsprest & Elan., do: Mel bags Rio Codes; 300 Loan
710, 6110 and 10112 W Glaze, for .ale by
Inns libery At
PULIIE'RIZEDLOAY SUGAR-140 bbl. No. g, 4, 6.
6 and 71.41 tZ hal/cases Lovering'. don
- die relined do do; 40 bbla Levet:toes coarse pulverized
do do; 20 do pulverized do do; }um reed and for sale
Xi Md. prime N O Sugar; EOO bbl, Zd 0 hlolassec
400 do assorted Nos Loaf Sugars, in store and far pale
by jell B&OALEIr A ShIlTll, 10 and 23 vrtx,d st
Miller's and Joso Anderson's, Just reed and for
sale by HEALD, BUCKNOR & Co,'
ettorth water and la north IrlierveN
_., _
____ Philadelphia
YAEA LEAF TOBACCO --TX bolos yarn Leaf 'Fo
bueru,'wrappery, and superior quality—l, 2 wad
3 cots just Lanng unto brig Anthracite; for sale by
GER AN PIPL. , _ , -,234 boo u pd 3 gross Germ.
Pi es, medium bowls, just landing trona pin and
forsolejly je24 HEALD. ISUCKNOR & Co
T 11314 —. lama Cruse, Baltimore, Md.., will he
X have orders from his friends In Pittsburgh and
elsewhere, flirlhe purchase of Shad and Hump du
ring Ste 1..011. Ordern executed with despatch, and
at' owest rates. Charges for purchasing light. mar9A
p MISTED SUGARS-40 boxes doable refilled large
AViLoaf; 440 %Ails 2,4, 4, wd 6, 7 and small Loaf; 210
bbls crushed; 1:8 bbl s poered; se bbl, elertfied; in
store and for sale by JAMES A HUTCHISON A Co,
man& Agenta St Louis Stearn Spear Refinery.
- -
VINEGAR-35 bbl. Cincinnati Vinegar, pure, land
r from tmr Lewis Wetzel, and for sale by
/7/3' 3,VREFON BOWEN, 7U fronts
UM 10 utak. Fenthenr, ; do Wool; for sole by
Jytteto A. GORDON.
QPJRITS TURPENTINE -9) bbls Spirits Turpen
-I,a Dinctitd4 received on consignment mid for sale by
car at and market alley
rlQCre:b- '
Ric landing and for sale by
la l lyl4 lOti° • nAnALEY rr
MI/Pa! AND PIPE IIEAES—I9/ bze Whits Pipesi
100 do Slone Pipe Heads; for sale by
LARD bbl. Lard NI, Irmaimr from Norms"
and for saki by jyl4 ILIGALEY A SUITE •
QUGAR SOUSE 310LA89E8—I30 bH. S H Molts
° on, superior quality, now lusling and for sale by
NEW MACKEREL- 100 bbls new No 3 Mitekerel,
now landing and for sale by
• jyl4 , 33AGA LEY le SMITH
- -
110 . 0.1, 6 TWIST TOBACCO-16 kepi from
11 Warner Fairmount .nd for solo LT
TARY PEACHES — to Imahrla receinng per meaner
LP Fairmount and tot tee low to rinse conslgnment.
QLI3ARS-103,000 Kentucky Semsr - lecelved on
commission and for sale by
CEO COCAIRAN, 20 wood st •
MIEATHERS--Prime article onhandand for sale bY
SODA ASH-16 caslto Jon Mospratt SOns' first
quality Patent Soda Ash, in store and for sale by
W A Pb AHTCHELTREE, 160 liberty et
CRING POWDER—".Deuks of /as Mospruh
B i ft
ons' first qualoy Chlonde of Uree, for sale by
jyl4 W dr. At MITCHF.LTREE
11010 bugs prime reed and for sale by
jyl4 FRIFIZsM. RIDS & Co, 57 water st
bls new No F 3 .k r
i vlt i talb a. , sole
yld Co
DEER SKINS—WO lbe for ...ale low to clone consign.
Moab 3yt4 FRIEND, & Co
F EATHERS -IT woks Fenthont. jast Ittlutim and
for Nato by • WESTON BOW ER ,iy (tons
irIiNSENG-5 tacks Ginseng, mot landingand for
'LOUR --84 bbls in Bore and for ule by .
.P_lyla ISAIAH DICKEY b. Co, hoot at
rfA i R ylt RIC ACID -1(10 lb. fogn A le ur br t R
10 IRON-100 , Ohio Funaare Hot Blast, tarn.
(t tons,
Siclog per Ringgold; unto Brooklyn Furnace,
lain Co. Pa.) Rot Bloat for sale by
11/ 9 voter at
PIU METAL-59 lons cold blew Charcoal Metal,
landing from canal boat 11 B Vincent, and for sale
by 1512 JAMES DALZKLL, Si water at
DEISR SKINS-2 bundles Deer Skint, in store and
for sale by ryla .IASIt Dal-ZELL
BACON SlDES—Country cured Bacon Sides, in
store and for sale lose, to close a consignment.
F_ -- - - •
LY NETTS--A smdll card colors, for Blae ve
ry low, at 13 Wood st. rll2
xs• INERAL WATER CORKS-7 Daley of a superior
ill- 4.. 1 .1Y, received and for sale by
1 771 , p0R.R.5-11 bale of a a t Tallge .;„ l - 1 11 .3 e l t a by
VIdL CORES-3 bales of a large say. for pale by
y lyil REITER
FrI6RTJLIC ACID-4 lbs, of a.supettor qualoy, re
ocived and for bale by
CR;A u g 'CARTAR-2 bbla for ..k by
('CORN—}R bus Shelled Com, )ott med andlor sok
.J by ism ,BROWN a cuLßEirrsoN
MANLLLA HEMP-10 baler just ree'damd for sale
WINDOW GLASS-1000 boo Efaltk 150 do 10x1.4
- 125 do 111[11; Mr do 7.511; 10 do 12r1di Z 5) do 11 ./ 5 ;
10 do 24%3(.5 for aulo by
BROOll9.—tS do: owls large g h Brooms; YA do
Roulaester do; 95 do Corn do; for wale .by
SHEET' IRON-10 tons No 24 nod W. Juniata; for
sale by all R FNON BONN/3011ST &Co
BEEF -2 bble pickiest -1500 lbs dned; for sale by
/Vll SF vppr BONN HORST Tc Co
MACKEREL --Noland 3, in half and qr for by OyuS F VON BONNHORST &Co
BACON—IOW Gbh. fides; OW do Shoulders: for wile
by fyit S F VON BONN HORST & Co
- D ALAI SOAP-1S b., lbi'sak by
SOAP -15a box. brown Ctuneottke Soap;
14 do Po 1 do do
I.W do Yellow dd do
In do do Rol do do
0 do Rosin Rol do do
Just reeelred'and for sale by
199 1111L1.E2 teItICKETSON
'DROWN ,i.ListFo 4 44 l .—A lot or good quality 4-4 brown Ll4 Coating Linens, lost opened and for We low.
• -•-
LLIMED 011.-10 bids Linseed Oil, reed and for
sale by iylo J KIDD& Co
0R.F.411 TARTAR-200 lbs boatreed j ar . l . d C r; .fr. Co
sale by
.J 1110
Q....1aw,' LIQ U ORICE -200 Ns on hand and for sole
.L 7 bl illo .1 FOOD & Co
_IOW'D J ALA P—lso lbe reed end for sale by
T • •!.7 1 (' - J KIDD &Co
k r; ILLIEL/kLr i ti l lbs Jest rei= r u le
...ILLT--•250 Aio 1 Salt now landing and for Jo
MOLASSAS-Ser bbls 'Plantation' maltose s for .ale
rIOTTON-40 bales Tan - beslie faiiale by
BtSCKUAELOTIF3 LARD OIL-A large supply on
. hand and for .ale as time drag warehouse of -
jeds 1 KIDD .4 Co
gro 7E sre N
and P / t o ri's=';';;TiElritiOtl)7g."l4lZEl
ALERATUR-L4 ton• :tectonic and for sato by
jCill ROHT DALZF.LI.. & Co. liberty o
101/CE—G tea is store and for sato low by
OPR—DI bales for wale by
1 ELLOW lIANRINS—Two bales gettable .Nan
kills, fir sale bylell.l SHACKLETT a %V HiTe.
MACKERSO bbl Eo 1, large, blackerel, just re
ceived and for sale by
LOAF SUGAR-100 able Nos 7,8, D and le, Lotuai
ana fool;, Ra do Lovering', crashed and polveri
led Somme, tot sale by fr.n POINDEXTER &Co
SNAKE ROOT-11 sacks Snake nom, in store and
for aalo jai POINDEXTER &Co
are{ Mars. inspecuon . t 3 do No ti do do do; 10 do
1 do do do; d 5 do Not traltlmare Herring,. just reed
relreae by jell MILLER k RICEETF-trN
AVAICA SIICAR--110 by" While 'lava. Sugar,
tost received nail foredo by •
-gryRir,zOSUGAR-50 bap Brain Sugar, in More and
• SM-4 10 . .' 1 . !No:, 1100 , landing from steamer En
• ptenste.q qpkby / enl DICKEY &V.
I rtykx sm)_.2s saerra end reo, now landing
' Iron stcamerEePhreurs; far sple by
jer I =Fn. k
G TTON-417 bites no,r landintrand for sale by
ALTPF:III-E-110 bbls refined ; nose on hard and (or
S safe by- ted7
{;,?, &NEC* OIL-2 bids Seneca Oil, ree'd from Salina
0w inks aud (of salelty
apl& JONES, Cabal Beam_
rOPLAR — LUMBER, mid Pine Joke, for sale by
AR MOUSE MOLASSES-29lible for sale by
wljlTt FISH 90 bbl. to Bliley, for sole by
vryp A ppiii6 - F . .APER-40 remiss Straw Paper, for
W D o, by - I ,' F VON IIiONNHORST &Co
_ kept for saNle
RBT & Co
S A LE RATtts _i lemma. in store and for sale
1 1 1t27 R ROBISON & Co
Son's 4rst quality Soda Ash, . 4 ..0. 41 per •boomer
Den Rash snitfor isle by
MAR W MiTCRELTRP,,,':, 16 P libe-ri7 st
MALOOR-030 bbLs Family Flour fn • ,WORTII
X my2o J s
PEPPER bdis 10 do
Allspice, io gore and for sale by •
SINGLE LOAF SUGAR-60 bbis Nos x, 0 and n N
0 Refined, in More and for sale by
je2o J & R FLOYD
1 - AEI> OlL—an bbla and half hbla, for /ale lora by
FANCY SOAD-14) bxs Cincinnati. for sate low by
QOAP-100 lbslilydes ?Om; 200 do Wbj Crindia;
20) do Doodle' b 0 do Almnoih 10 boo Fancy; 60do
r4O4M N. 24 - .1022 D WILLLAAIS
SJ S aturday,
24 Monday,
25 Tuesday,
25 Wednesdy,
57 Thursday,
29 Friday,
In reviewing yesterday's transactions of the
market, we have nothing now to notice. The dull
nese of the day was rendered more dull by the
frequent showers of rain which fell, and business
of all kinds was extremely. fight.
FLOUR—The market is quiet, and nothing has
occurred showing any advance on our last quoted
rates. Receipts conunue very liget., and sales are
transacted only on a limited scale. We quote the
ruling figures of the market from first bands at
4,641111,02; and from store at 4,7.3 4,.t7 fp WA, with
small sales.
PROVISIONS,—The market is quiet, and prices
remain very firm. Bacon-is active at former rates,
and sales in a general way show considerable ne
tivity. Of other articles under this head, the ;ear
bet is quiet, and prices entirely unchanged.
GROCERIES—We have no change to notice is
the market, every thing continuing quiet at former
OILS—We nave no changes to note in prices.
Sales of linseed at 5.5 c, and of lard at 53c p
Of Tiuniers'bil, there are various qualities in
the market, with wales ranging from SI 7 to $l9 p
ROSIN--Sales of common or crude N Cat S 3
03,127 c p bbL
SEERS—The season is dull, mad very little
doing. We quote nominally as follows:—Clover
3,2503,37; timothy, at 1,37, and dax at 90 etc per
SOAP—Regular sales of Pittsburgh variegated
at lOte, and of common rosin .1 9 th.
TAR—We note moderate sales of N C at St p
TALLOW—Little doing in the art.cle. We
quoternominally at 7937tc p
VINEGAR—Remdar sales of good cider vine,
gar at WOK. gall.
WHISKEY—The market remains steady, but
not active. In raw whiskey, very little to doing
market. Regular sales of rectified are elected td
I.B(igl9a, according to terms of sale.
FEATHERS—The market remain. quiet, with
Supplies quite suificientto the demand. We note
sales in limited lots at 310 1 33 c p tb, according to
WINDOW GLASS—We have no change to no
lice in prices; regular sales are reported to us
from store at the following rates—of City brands,
Sall) net, St; 10x 12, 3,50; 12x16, 67, other se
tes in proportion, of country , brands, oxlo, 3,370 f
3,621; 10x12, 3,5053,75 p box. Of flint glom, the
following is 3 lint of prices,
Plain Tumblers 1 pt, from 5 to 10 ox each, p
dos, net, 310632
Pressed do 1 and 1 pint. from 6 to 10 flute
do do 02,;(11,25
Decanters, qt, light 2 nag, glass stopper 175
do do heavy 2do cork 370
do do do plain do "50
do do do pillar do 0.50
Wine glasses, plata '10'673
Act do pressed 175
Pacheco, qt, plain 15701,75
do do pillar and ribbed 7.5.3
do iqt or creams 00
Molasses Cans, pt plats 1.20
do do do ribbed 1,67
Plates, 6 in. pressed and fig 75
Castor Bottles, fluted t'.s
Jors, 1 gal, Laquereal cover .
do gal do do 3.27
The averniceli7eofbaton on the Ohio and Mt.
sissippi, corning to what may be termed a natural
death is little less than five years. But of mom
than half of them it can be said with truth 111211
they do not live oat more than half their days, brief
as they are. Of 552 boats built on the waters na
med, from 1335 to 1840, the following account is
given in a Cincinnati paper
106 worn out
215 snugged .
42 burnt....
22 lost by collision
7 lost by expLoatoo.
Look at this! Two hundred and fifteen boats
lost in five years, by snagging! awn not this fact
speak in - Trumpet tones to the Government is i t
not perfectly easy to clear out and keep cleared
oat ninetenths of the snags—and save nine-tenths
of this great loss
Dmicsrm Goone—The quantity and value of
Domestic:, exported from the port of Boston to for
eign countries, during three weeks eodiog July 15.
To Baia Indies 999 packages. Value $40.555
Brazil 110 do do 5 000
Smyrna 60 ;do do 4,220
Total 51,165 do do $19.817
SrEcta—The N 0 Delta, in speaking of the as.
rival at that port of the schooner C C Stratton,
says, that inetead of $70,000 in specie, as reported
she brought some 5150,000 to $500,000 in specie,
for the U. S. Govemmont. About $400.000 of tins
amount was collected under the 51eX.1.113 Tariff.
Mesa Nave Banns—The capital stock, (1 00,000,)
far a Branch of the State Bank of °nick, has beon
subscribed for at Athens, Athens county, and the
specie required paid in. Application for a charter
will be made at the meeting of the Board of Con
trol next month.
The Gumusey Branch of the State Bank of Ohio.
will go into oyeration shoot the first of August.
The necessary officers have been chosen, and are
said to be business men of tried prudence and in
tegrity. This brunch will be located at Washing
ton.--{Cadis Repub.
At market—l6oo beef cattle. (all from the south
end west, via Philadelphia,) 60 cows and calves,
and 4500 sheep and lambs.
Prices—Beef Cattle—The market has been ve
ry dull the past week. qut pnees are fully main
tained notwithstanding. We quote extremes at
from $6 to 7so f• cwt, an in quality. 300 bead
were driven to Brighton, and 40 heed exported to
Bermuda. Cows and calves at from $26. 26, to
31,50, as in quality. All taken.
Sheep and Lambs—The supplies are large, and
prices are rather lower. Sales of sheep at from
51.50, 2,50 to $l. Lambs, $1,121, $2 to 2,75. 450
left over. ,
Hay—Sales:lst from 3to3s Od p 100 IDs. Straw
in taken at 4s to 30s v 100 bundle.
At market, 275 beef cattle, 750 she") and lambs.
Prices—Beef Cattle—A few extra .),75; let qual
ity, 5eee,.6,50; 2d quality, 5,50105,75. Old Sheep
-81,75a3,50; a few Omelets taken 0 7,',0; Lambs,
Ira mar mute ts W•tereo.—Say WI wbo ever need
liFLaneie Yerrnifugel Rend the followitig letter from
an agent: "Itzeeruz, Ctorterrio Co N. Y. f
Feb '2oth, $
J. Kidd &Co —Wk your agent was here I had Just
opened, and be left bat a leek dozen of AFLatie's Ver..
intfoge. and I And it Is going od very fast, and thus far
It has given good satisfaction. and has proved to be
just what the pnblie wants, and we have got ii agoing,
and Ido not wish to get out. I have hut one dozen
left. S,Vhen your agent was here, I think he told me
some place to send if 1 should want more, hut if he did,
I hove forgotten. Will you have the goodness to or
der for rue etx dozen mite an the receqd of this.
Pimut FRYER"
For Pile at the Drug ' , tore 0(3 KIDD & Co, v 0 we el
street. ' I
Tun scram LUZ • Crivtal—The ortrniai. only true
and genuine Liver Fdl, prepared by IL E Sellers.
PIMMITTOWX, V.., jouir 7th, I oPt.
klr R E Sellers—Some years since I wan much hen.
eford by using your Liver Pills, and as I ours a great
sufferer now, `enclose you one dollar, and wish you
to send me the worth of it in UV.' Pill. , by mail. Lte
partieular or send the same kind—they acted tike a
chorus when I took them before. Pours, &e,
Prepared M told by B. E. SF:LLEFLS. 57 Wood
Sold by Dr. Cassel, sth vend; D. N. Curry, Allegbeny
W. J. Smith, Tonperaneeeille, and I' Dr/nor, Low
catmon.—All other pills called Laver Pills are coon
Serious or irtUtallooll. 4r21
IV' Doris your hair fail off, doe. your hair turn gray
Is it harsh, is it dry, or dirty, I pray?
If 'us thus, you can make It soft, milky end Lilo,
Dark and healthy, and beauteous as amitotic of mine
And to have this, you have hut:three shillings to vet
For a bottle of Jones' Halt Restorative.
Reader, If you have bad hair you would rally he as,
tonistied at the lovely Keel a three shilling loon, of
Jones , Coral Hairßestoratlve boa on it, it needs but one
trial. Sold at 89 Liberty at.: novlUalkwly
And pumas monumental alstmeter. '
All jimmies have skin like the above, who 111.! Jones'
Spanish Lily White. It 0210110ih pure snowy, yet 118111
rally whlte. Sold at e.) Liberty street. irl,
/one.' Soap I. usubby Imlay physacians Una city
in caring than bove, and we would not co
sell unless we knew it to be all we Platt.
a cosmetic, the true Jones' Soap to herbal'. the
my Article ever known dim removed impurities and
ele seed aryl beautified the tiling, making it wall, clear,
and wham anon itifanCe Sold by WM. JACK.
SON, Eli . 1 -Jb.M wara
Irr Ladies Who ace Jones' Spaw6 Ldy tYLIy , Lave
always e fi ne white ...parent skim t 3( a trial
w,II mi.(' my Boki only in Pittsburgh, at 89
Liberty 112, :novliMadarly
Sill - I
Bun .Moon
rises. J lets. rl•e a.
4 50 . ' 2
4e ins
461 7 9 7ZI
461 7 9 084
4 52 7 13 9 41
4 .5.1 7 7 10 47
164 7 0 II 59
4 55 7 5 mom
Orr. Pmrsriva.ou Gitzgr-rs,
Saturday Morning, July 22, lot&
4 . 7* y cent
Cattle Mar kale
New York. July 17, 1545.
Brighton, July 17, ISIS.
Loois McLane Bennett, Brownsville.
Lake Erie, Marry, Beaver.
Beaver, Clark, Wellsville.
M,clogun No 2, Gilson, Beaver.
Baltic, Jacobs, Brownsville.
Camden, Hendrickson, M'Keesport
Visitor. Jacobs, rin.
I 'inpire. Young, lihousetown.
Skipper. Stoops, Beaver.
Beaver, Clark, Steubeuville,
Louts McLane, Bennett. Brownsville,
Lake Erie. Murry, Beaver.
Michigan No 2, Gilson, Beaver,
Baltic, Jacobs, Brownsville.
Camden. Hendrickson, Browmoulle.
Zachary Taylor, Lucas, Cin.
Newark, Hurd, Beverly.
Skipper. Slaps. Beaver.
The river last evening at dusk was 3 feet 3
inches water in channel, by metal mark and fall•
Cinc.nuati--Per Highland Mary-36 bbl. hams
Ii Grad: mils line, 2 bbls mdse, Mr. Irvin; 4 blo
canon. D T Morgan; 45 hits feathers, D Leech &
co; 56 hbls whiskey, Knox & Duncan; 56 do do,
Ino Parker, 60 do do, Wm Lehmer & bo; 50 do do
J & G McDevitt; 97 bls cotton, H Graff; 1 sack
wool, Then Stewart.
Grreiiiipsdiirg—Per America-150 tone pig me•
tal, II Chdda & co; 50 do do, McCurdy & Loomie;
29 tone, owner Rivard; 1 box mdse, I) Leech &
For Muladelphia every evealug at D o'clock, by
Leech's Packets. Office opposite the United States
Steamboat Pocket Line, leaves daily for Cincinnati,
10 A. 51.
Passenger Packet em Brownsville to Baltimore and
Phtladelphia 8 a. taland 0 e. N.
Mail Coach Lute direct to Philadelphia, 0 a. n.
and C. us.
Western and Southern Mail Cciach Lute, 6 A. N.
North-Western via Cleveland, daily, 10 a. X.
Erie and Western New York, daily, 0 A. w
North-Eastern todadelphia, daily, ezcept Sundays,
4, • Y.
Eastern Mall via Philadelphia, due 3 a. at., closes IS X.
West'n M ail. Cinein. 8 loinsv. doe S r. ar, closes 5 am.
South vt aßalUmore &Washington, due b r. a. e l's 3a.
North Western via Cleveland, due l 0 a. ae, closes 9 a at
Erie and Western New York. due 8 r. Y., closes 8 a. at.
fur The so& Angelic orpremlon of some females is
grateful to view, while the repulsive,coarse, muddy,
yellow faces of ethers, excite* disgusts—the sante with
males. Could ruck people be seduced to try a cake of
the true loxes' lichen Chemical Soap, they would be
enraptured with the change. They would have a deli.
rate. clear. white skin, while every disfigurement or
erupuun would be removed and cured.
. • .
Fanner,. NarlClK.—Progona who have bought cheap
counterfeits and traitatioo. .Mts. and hare had no ci.
feet produced, must try thin, the origmal Mimi, oak
tor Jones Soap. For sale at Wa. Jgctemi., 10 Lsber
ty street.
N. 110L5111PS f. ,SON.
Exchange Brokers. An. 65 Market street. near 4te at
Pennsylvania. Indiana.
Bank of Prltsborgh • • •-Par State B'k k Branchea• • 1
Exchange Bank Par Sate...mop • • • ••• rr
March. & Man. Hank •Par;
Liks.MFlnladelphia • • •par,Exchange Elk. of Val • I
Il.rard Bank ••- • • •• • par,Fartners Bk. of Va• •• • "
Bank Mt/ern:lawman • par Ilk. of the Valley,— "
" Chester County •• • par Bk. of Virgima• •• "
" De/aware Co • • • petrl3l.B. AL Hi., Wheeling k
Montgomery Co. • • part do rilorg-nnoarn• •• • l
" Northumbe I land • • par!6l. W. Bank Va. •
Columbia llrrdge Co. • • par: do Wellsburg •••• • •
imyleshowrn Bank mai, do Par karst, urg• "
Farm s' Bk. Rearing por: Tenn
Farriers' Ilk /lacks Co par Bk of Tertnessee• •• • 5
Putman Lane. r par Far, & slerchn Bk.-- "
Lancaster Co. Bk• , • -porgy Planters' 8k......... "
Lancaster Bk par' U a ron Bt.
U. Stater Hank. 30 Elliurowri
OfOwnswille Bk. parr, Slaw Bk of Mwanan• •-• I
Wankinmon Ilk. I North Carolina,
GmlYkkarrn Bk.• • 1 l Bk. of Cape Fear ' 2
(1l„.1-r.>cr x • • ...... " iklereh's Ilk., IV event nt • 2
Snamtehanna Cu. Bk.• 1 iknate Bank •••••• • • • • • • 2
behigh Co Bank, South Carolina., • • Camden Ilk.-.-.- •• • • 2
Middletown ..... •—• • • I Bk. of Charleston, • • • - I
Curial< " Commere.a: Bk V
F . ,.,,, gt . ..... . . ••--30 Bk of Georgetown 2
Fanner,' and Drovers' Bk.of klannburg• •• • • • 2
Bank, NV aynesburik• • 1 .Merehmus Ilk •••• • • -• 2
illlTlShom " •Plantera k. Mocha's Bk- V
Ifoineadale -••— • I Ilk. of Booth Carol in• • • 2
Lebanon p•‘ , Maryland.
Pow. , ille n Balunaore Ilks• • par
Ilanmle & 0 R R Scrip •10
1 Cumberland Bk. of
Wesl Branch Bk. I Kdany .. A . I
Br' of Notes " For. Hi. or Maryland• • "
Al kAI Bk I'm. do " Farmer.' & Alt.chant. "
Cay k County . 1 / 4 np• " Bk. Frederick "
. .
Ohio. Frederick Co. Bk • • "
Nate 13k. and Branches 1 liafersinorn Bk
Mount Neasant ..... • • " Mineral Bk- •-•- • - I
W tnren Ilk • --• •
Bk.of 4Vestromoter
ficv Lothon• ...... 511chlgaka.
nc Vadks o • Bk. 5( S. Clair••• •
Col cor...u. do. o Bk. of asver ks• •
51/chlgan to Co• • • •- 5
_ . Terrlt , y
7u Ilax./cnre 1a.C0.51r1505 6
1 flank of &led Notes
Cleveland--•—• l 0-oldt Specie Value
..... a Napoleons 390
. , ..
Dartoo . Ducats 9 16 0 590
Western Renorve • " tlagle old • ••• • 10 60
Franklin E':Cohlar.bas " 41241e:11,o •••• • 10 00
Chillicothe • " Doubloona,Spaa.ll. 16 00
Lake Erb•• • " D. Patriot..... • 16 50
Fan:s4.'l3'k Canton • —5O Teo Guilders -• • - 7 00
Urbana ..... • •••• • 50 Lodied'ors• • •- • • 450
fientuak y. Ex.:thong*.
Bk of }Censor ky 1 New York porn
Bt.of Low milk Philadelphia ••• • -- prrn
Norbern Bk. KenuPky • •Bahimore •—•• ••
, • prou
Sew York—Car Banks. P. Intoner 131 ..• -•
TXTE have this day associated with EDWABD
TV Deritantos, H. L and Roaster era
in the manufacture and .ale ut FLINT GLASS
under the style and Gem of CcaLimn, Roe.,
son& Co.
Manufactory on Waidunguan street, in the oth Ward.
Warehoune, comer Wood .04 First streets, Pittsburgh..
The business of the old ftrinlitill he settled by either
of the undersigned. AIrfRF.D B CURLING.
Fon Pin Glass Works, July 1, ISIS
Port Pitt Wass Works
We are manufactunng ond keep constantlyhand
a general aswirtment de m. teased and plain FLINT
GLABWARE. Also, Wills, Ulls. Window Glam.
An, (of sale on the most accommodating terms, at oar
warehouse, corner Wood and Punt streets Pittsburgh.
Jy4:dicioriniT CLELL/NG, ROBIdRTSON & Co.
A RTIMRS & NICHOLSON are now selling ofrat
moderate pries the following articles:
Platform Scales ` of all kinds, weigning nom lOU to
31*) pounds, of superior workmanship.
Assorted Hollow Ware, light patter.: Coal Cooking
Stoves; Wood do do; Coal Elton. and Balloon Stoves,
for e bucolic, warehouses, to. Or.
Grates and Orate Fronts, for parlors. chambers,
Ploughs and Plough Camilla of end°. kmd.
Iyl7,ditm Liberty, head of Wood n '
ELECTRIC MACHINES, at from SS to SW, EJectro-
Magneuc Machnscs, from &Annum eastern manu
facturers, Menne Clocks for .tram boats. canal boats
and factor-me. Also. Chen:neat', Thermometers, ace.
for We by BLAKE & Co,
corner market at and the diamond
N B.—Etter-Welty of either hunt annumatered at the
dtrecumi Mphysteinna. 017
ceived byexpress, 500 lb. India Rubber Swum
Pocking, for cylinders of steamboats, &e. This article
being much the best kind that has ever been offered for
the purpose, we call the attepaon of our steamboat en
gineers to it. It will a grew amount of labor,
lor when a cylinder is once'packed it will not require
to be packed again before making one or two trips to
St. Louis and 6.4. For sale at die India Rubber De
pot, No 5 Wood .t Iyl J & II PHILLIPS
LIOSI3 HOSEll l —Just received,a large as-
AUL sortment of Gum Eleatic Hose. This article has
been In LOW two season., and all penman. that hare
made use of them give them the preterence to leather,
they lacing much better, tor they will last a groat deal
longer; they not leak a drop, and need no care in com
parison to leather; they want no greasing or wastui,
and there t. no mistake but they ran be mended- Tu
be sold at the India Rubber Depot, No 5 Wood at.
lyt:i I & /I PHILLIPS
UIREMKN, ATTENTlON'—lientlemen, we have
1: received three sections of Gum Plume How far
your inapeetion and trial We therefore ilivite you to
cal, and ee the articles, you will find them mach
better tha n leather, ad come 15 cents a foot cheaper.
The Coupling. with Mein can he turio•hed ai itvery
iOW price jyt3 3 & 11 PHILLIP:4.6 wood at
two.= .RD {MALE. 11l
!ladders' Ironmongery, Harness and Cull' eh
Moss. Deer Heir, Varnish, Ace. &0.,
Ho. IrKl Wool, tin Prrreoceo.
a agar and Mal
148 1- 4 11 b t i;) ,,n ity s =B , ma a r, d.
ICI do Pin. Near Orleans Motruses,
27 do Sugar Roan, do
In store and for sale by
Jetn ICC liberty or
REII2 LAWIsItt, VERY CHEAP—W 11 3lurpky
11011/106SI comer of 4th and market sts, has recei
ed a large lot of Lawns to IA eta per yard, thereto,
fore acrid at higher prices I Pm:mar (hoods gene tally
also opening at reduced price..
_ . . . /1•13
lot of prime e.r New fart Bup., whvh
we will sell by the bale or eight centa
'Hew ors, Pitt street
B .
ootn,' Pow
der, Jam Nlospratt h. toe's brawl—ln lost rocotrett,
theremoinder to trove so a few days, for sale by
totat &11.1 lIIIT(tHEI.TIIEF, lOU bbarty RI
0. SUOAR-1541 bhde prima, for solo b
' r b"( 7lVM y forme
/WHY & co
B AC i ri SIDES-60W ltritar
C OIgt:ILVS-41/ bble. mr;l l =4Tge ß lly ,
",i sl; 4. le i tlo tt , — liit t r ' e " a e„i d dc lL ; V .t. g :; .q.`""""h"`
rrAR-10 bbir WilnungtonN C Tar, on hod and for
hale by jell MILLER & RICKETSOII
COTTON -154 baler for sale by
PIG loos wft Foundry Ptg Metal, for
nale by FRIEND, RHEY Cp
FILBERTS -0 racks Filberts, for 4.14 by
11...A.',.4-1.11 bar nXIO Wlndovr (Koss; 72 do 10111
k,4 do; 43 do UXI2 do, fon ode by
C'F.1.41.712VE GEBV• N COrAGNE-12 Am re.
..tY.d Pd fin JACIAD 3 co
c Gazette
Owing to he humid date of atmosphere, or
some other cause, ‘he wires failed to operate last
eight. We are, therefore, without our usual tele.
graphic reports.
"It:WEI VEL and for sale, tot of entice Piano, with
=id without Coleman's -Eonan Attachment, by
amid /tannin N Y. One of Nouns ft Clark's Pianos,
with the Allnehment, was taken no England by Mr
Cokuan,•end among many other testimonials of ad
miration for this elegant specimen of American skill
and annianah)r, eliented the following remarks from
N. Thalberg, the greatest Pisonat living.
• •
Losroms, Jan. le, 1e43.
My Deal Sit—ln enclosing is lever tomy friend, Mr
Fraud. Patio, I emmot refrain from again expressing
to you how much 1 was pleased with your “..Eolun
1... , hr00n1," which I consider as a great inimical un
pi ewe neat. I can assure you that on my putt 1 shall
v ith4reat pleasure do my utmost to onto youven
ton mown. Pot sale by KLEIIER.
P At Woodwell's furniture maims, 3d at
111 .JOKS.—Loltennev In Europe; or Sketches
„1.1 of Travel in Prooce,l3elgthm, Switzerland, Italy,
Ariktria„ Ore. Britain and Ireland, with an
iMpendte. contaimoK obsormitiona on European char,
Bes and medical institutions. By Julth \V Carson M D
Angela, • novel. Hp the author of “F,millo Wynd
ham," "Two Old Men'a Tales," me.
Self-Conuol, a novel. Mary Brunton, author of
VoL 111. Dolly Scriptdirm Readings. By the late
Thomas Chalmers, a D.L. L. D.
Part 4, The Thousan d B and One Night. Harpers' Il
lustrated edition.
William the Cottager. a book for children. By the
author of “Fllen Herbert," An.
The above work. received thin day and for role by
JOHNBTOIV trrocicroN
NEW ROOlL 4 —Memonals of the Introduction of
Methodism into the Eastern States, comprising
bbanpbteal notice. of its early preaches, oketobe. of
fries •.d successes; by Rev. A Stevens, A. ht. Just
Memokr of Rev. David &beet, D. D., late Misuoustry
to China by his nephew, 'Rev U R Williamson
Mark Milton, the Merchant's Clerk: by Rev Charles
D Taylor, hr. M author of "Record. of Good Man's
Lffe "lady Mani," "Margaret, or the Pratt", &c. &e.
The above, with it large assortment of new hooka ou
hand and Jam receiving. ELLICYIT & ENGLISH,
apSi 56 market at
tISOLIIIII BOOKS—limn of the Greek Bet.
oluuon, and of the wars and campaign. noising
from the struggles of the Greek Patriots in Emancipa.
Ung their country from the Turkish Yoko—in two rot.
amen—splendid copy with numerous maps and rage.
Letters' dlustttnive of the reign of Witham 111, from
Ma to 17 , 1. i—with fine penes., in v vols.
Companion to the study of the Holy Periptures
Harry Mowbray, ilinilng romance, with 5u eugra
Tour in the 801 l Land, French Stage, and Sketches
to China. Just reed and for sale by
St market street
Metalie Frame Pismo
lIMITIA SPLENDID cmortment of Rim
wood and hlithogony grsnd sedon P.
anos, Jost finished sod for sale. -
Also, two splendid Rosewood Pianos,
Isiah CO1C11.11'• celebrated /Rohm, attachment, hushed
in the most modern style, sod for .ale at
Je2s F BLUME'S, 112 wood at
r HR
et!! t L re A e C M Sm' s th rotre jc' o h flroti 4 w 4 i h d l elte t
Lacer, from 121 cls per rr
yd op. Also, ono carton of
Mechhn do; one do Paris Point do; also 15 canons
Cotton Lacer Dealers and other, wilt find it to their
interest to call, a. they will be mid at extremely low
pnees. ed
DIEUNTS—A large assortment of blue. blue Alld or
end lanry Pm., of every tlestrable style
and quality, just opening Ond for sale to the trade at
extraordwary low rates, by the ease. dm
have Just received at their wholesale Room., No. RI Market street, 10 case* of prtsitattl Lawns and
sdo good style of Omaha/us, I do lieu , style
of Calicoes, G of Cotionades tool Summer Stuffs, 11
do Parasol, of every Tt) . Also, Haltbona, Lace.
Glove•. 1 , 0111,, Sh•virla. ene Doutesoc, be. be. Al
1 At'r-s, EDGINGS, At' a n nna i nn ,."„d an d
medlom Edging, Lacea. Inserting% IMillines. tin
and loony Net.. of Me latest importations rust orened
by 0 L
LOVFS AND MlTl'S—Smith & Johnson, 46 ruar•
1. Jr ket street, have received a large stock of long and
short Silk Fillet Gloves and Mots. Also, Li' le Thread.
Silk and Linen Gloves. Also, a cartons of llama Kid
Wove., winch will he sold at wholesale and retail ex
tremely low rein
M Manc he s t er
.T , ? ,. .R ih r H . A S.— . A n
patterns, received yesterday at th of e
Dry Gaels House
and handsome
. _
L AND NANSOOK hl DSLINS A general as
111torent of Mull and Natwook Muslins for ladies
dresses, ms sat received •t No :5 market street. northwest
corner or the dminookl.
1) Nnrtct 0, have further edorcd to peer then nn
anent Beraae• and T...., Mao. l.renadines,
to renites, strtpea, Pail de Cheer. Ar ))-
& wth their extensive ...affluent ot prfn.-
ed Lawn* and Muslin. at grestl) frder. d pure..
Q U.NINIER STUFPe— A A Nlaaant Co will offer the
n-tnetader of thiir Sumter.. ' , tuffs at wholesale
B(1 131. - FrONS---anin germ igroa• white and black
Snapestdor, Fly and Shirt Hutton, of a very 'ape
nor quality and &loin tont rre'd onconatient and
for itale by SHACK LF7I7 H ron ITE
/Y 3 Oa wood at
i - urrroN YARN:, yr n•aortt.4 C
Yarn Ca-pet Chant, Cabdie W,k, and Cotton
1 worn; Ital hairs Ilantiia •al•Is1 itgli.u(nrurtr% .
Int.,. meet. PRIV-ND. Itlft.Y .4 Co,
tv7 arettb• for lamollinoureFs
DOTASII—P . casks extra Poles& Lust received on
j. conatintrucut aud for role by
Lel4 MILLER & RicKgrsoN
DRANDY FRUIT—IS cases choLce Brandy Fru..
I) lulu received and for rale by
(IR.AII CIDER-2P bbla Economy Crab Cider. Last
‘,."received and for salt by
1 011s—LM Ws Linseed ()Ll,m fine Libtppin4
order ' .01 received aid for sale by
CIASTILE SOAP--SW lb. on bond and for sale by
J KIDD. & Co. 60 wood at
LARD OIL—RI bids superior. BurelLhare• brand.
Lost receLved and for sale by
J J KIDD & Co, 60 wood it
- -
e•clo superior Oats, recd per sienna,
J Diligence and for •ale by
fed° J & R FLOYD, Ronne' Church Building.
F. 1.7 MALAGA WINE—dO yr casks sweet Mule
0 ga Wine, met received and for vale by
- 11S - DIA HONEY-3 Ws nun landing and
IT for sale by JAMEN DALZELL.
iel2 VI water's:
IV ''' ig4 "V l'"' :3 ?'l o '' ,37) 4 k7 . i r /IVlt ' ... l .:r b il
I , KA-.33 half Chen. Young Dyson Trra. lint pert
and for sale by Jell MILLER &
J ACAD'ARD DIAPI.:R—Two bales bleached Darn.
ask Cotton Diaper. loot opened b/ _aIIACKLrT k WHITE
A," ACKEREI.-.50 bbis new No. 3 Mackerel, :eery,
l~jing per canal and for rile by
I 111 11.:E1'E-2. be. pruner Cheese. erect ving per Lake
Erie and for sede by jyln /AMY MIZELL
EATHEJ3S AND COTTON-1.W,, Feathers, and
bales Cotton, per steamer Cumberland. and for
ee e by lylo J AMES DA LL ELI.
VEATHEES--1 sack. prune Kentucky Feathe.,
12 post recetred and tor .ale by
H MOLASSES—eI bids St. James RALltery S
Molaaaca, reed on COttugnmem. per sum. Eureka,
for mule by Jyle POINDEXTER A Co
SCHAR-40 Wad. prone N O Super. DS do fa, do—
for sale by iy I. POINDEXTER & Co
R F A s } rte . P r ! N I G OR P d A o ' a
M I lo n 4 8
W ,do
Double Croy. do do, 111Wdo Medium do dot loam do
I. C do do; to store ood for tale by
PLAT BOATS FOR SAL.F.-.12 large substantial
r Flat blotto for sale. Flrtottlre of
,n 26 comer of Non and lionn sts •
`CH(X)I. BOOKS- M'fitiaby'• Series, • large stock,
kj just received and for sale by
liErki 'LDS dt. SHEI
OR KALE—A Lail.. wall nla of shafts, F.k.e Alms, • Rood rot of Blacksmith's No!. Ea
quire of 17 1 7 BLAKE A. Co
VV .",')‘1;-.Z2 .Deism
' t)lNi7." *n .k k (rum At
I_, A , R ,T 6' ' '" "" no lliA m lZl D ' IYCKEV ACo
KAiyTi "WA1171171N1V.7
and lur mle b(
'"`" ""3
G It
, 1;-A , ;+1.: 1111-10 Lb lu . ,t? . re v a i zakirallle co by
Iyl 7 Post cor wood and Stb
LJUIIK PASTE and Gum Lotroncs, Yowl's, Row
tI Lemon and Larroonce, Jam read and for auln toy
111 rerA.irl'—'s Fro.. . °1 " t ' y Jo4:l. 1110111. ER
IREAM OF TARTAR-400 ILA for Ask by
YANH.LA REANN—For rah. by
RAGS-- , 300 lb* Raga, reed and f
A cv s ake y l
n. 7 .0
T uk.„4l.
. 1 3 A L O , N b — y SOW lb.
jr .M ; ders and HTL , si
(i1..A . :::± q 600 ;! , 1 4, 1! ,r i . 11 11 . 11 1 ( . or
D tr. ). D .. Arr o cr
a.le by jyk;
i d
t fo 10 1 l
11"cVil lnr klairtYY,"*.
In wood at
• Wool, lwashad ' reed and for rule
12OR MA I.E--One Keel Boat or !largo and ono Flat
r Boa, Enquire of EN6l.lilll dENNUTT
IY 6 37 wood at
pS bVrAdrst,xlilTlitiug
INSERD 011.-13 M. pure linseed Oil; landing
from steamer Bearer and for sale by
CRESE-200 b.. Western Reserve Cheese, prime
quality, landing trom emir Lake Erte,.d for sale
E NGLISII Mk - INR° BORAX-4W lba Jost road and for rale at the drug warehouse of
)Y 3 J MDR Co
_ .
MCROCCO-60d. bladras Ktd Mona; Undo French
Morocco. Also. a fresb supply of Tampico and
Madras Boot Morocco, last reed and for ante at low
pricer fetO WM YOUNG I Co
'DIG METAL-150 to. Pig Metal, landing Gam
steamers Taylor and Do 'Will Clinton and for
tale by • joNI JAMES DALRELL
" t e,T 0. ISUGAR, &C.-IWhhela prime N O Sow; 100
1.11 _ktblarkeite klolasseig 10. store and for rate by
7110.11 Tail lEM TOIL S. ran.....cvau aeerttfß
are NV now opening a fine stock of fresh Sunimer Gavis, direct from the New York and Philadel
phia Auctions. where they have been purchased with
in the last two weeks. at a very great sacrifice, there
by enabling it. to offer far better bargains th an we
nave ever drone before In calling the attention of the
06.61 of Pittsburgh and Ss simony to oaranion
me ta, we do so with the confidence of our prices being
such as will ensure perfect satisfaction: and to all buy
ers, either by wholesale or retail, a fine chance is now
offered for procunng great bargain., Among those
last received ans--
A lot of very cheap cold and blk hg'd Jr. strip'd Silks;
Light and duck Lesvos;
of extra fine blk fifrd and wiped Gin ed Ba g rna which
are A
a very
groat tarpon.
lot of handsome Cote Pally., for Indies dresses;
do light colored sod black Hamer, very cheap;
do new style silk Vesting do
do very handsome Barege Shawls;
do very cheap blk do do
Jo fine blk silk Mantilla Scarfs:
. . ,
do handsome Parasols and Pares°letts,
do do Artificial Flowers;
do p Linen Lustre.;
ALSO — A fine stock of raper French Cloths and Cas.
'gramme, white and colored Linen Drillings, Caramel'.
its, Summer Cassimeres, Drop d' Fhe, Ac At'. A
large siwortineet of Nuns of all pnces; Ticking*,
Cheeks. to which, as well as oilier arti
cles moor line, we invite the special attention of each
buyers. ALMA:MI/FR A DAY,
1.2 5 75 market at. N W cor of the diamond
Li A. MASON C 0.,&
I_)EING desirous of reducing their stock previous to
the commencement of the Fall Trade, wiH ode
their extensive and fashionable assortment mr • few
weeks, at greatly reduced prices. Amongst their as.
aurtment may he found excellent styles or -
Bereres, Throes, Grenadines, Palmyrintnes, Poll
4 . Cheve. Dress Silks, Lawns and Marlins. fre. k.e., all
of which are reduced in price fully one third.
Their stock of Shawls is very extensive. and com.
poses every known style. A few cartons of crape and
silk Shawls put received will be sold extremely low.
4 cases real Scotch Gingham, will be sold at td eta.,
usual price ICS mils, good English Calicoes Ilk; Amer
man do as low as 3 and 4c; wrought Collars 13c; Mus
lin de Laines laic; good Alpaces laic; Rennet Rib
bons Ike.
Their stock rff dark green punt Senn Parasols and
Parasolettes, camp g upwards of NA of every style
and quality. will be offered at very low rates. ,
Broad Omits, Cunt:mere* and Vesungs; also, all
kinds of enamel muffs and Conanades
Merchants will always find at our wholesale rooms
as large and desirable an mmrmient olgootla m
usually found in esstet n houses, and at equally low
(Icily one peace, from 110 ilevtofron eon Ike
made. ett
HAVE re mowed from ID2 Market street, to Met,. new
splendid and immense estabLishrnent to,ba known
i•ri Market street, between Fifth and Sooth. P1111.0.1.1e
The promoters feel a reluctance in promulgating
what it any way ought appear like the usual Bombas
tic exaggeration of somein the trade, bet will beg to
quote the tollowthg notice from one of our city papers:
"(hie of the greatest runositieslhot our city affords
to the struncer. is Bennett & Co'. great clothing store,
No. Intl Market street, between Fifth mid Sixth, which
has been styled "Tower Hall," from the peculiar finish
of the front. The building Is an brunette one, contain
ing seven capariotts.rooms, all of which are stocked
with fliers vaarit t) of seasonable garments, arranged
in the mon perfect order rind regularity. The prop
tor. take great pleusum in showing their building and
cower. lo ritaens. parucultaly strangers, and to those
cnnong from the country—we know of no place more
worthy or a vlsit. mr2dislin
EATH:ai & 00 are now receiving direct from
r a imposers and monuments - est, a large sasontrent
of Fancy and Staple Tnnimtngs, Hosiery and Variety
Goods, among which am—Black and cold Alitnulku
Fsoges: do do Dress ilo. Embroidery and Vixen,.
Glms, Tassel, daises, and other drew Ilutions; black
Silk Lore, Linen rumbrae Halkfas, Arufarial Flowers
and Wreaths; Clicchweitet, needle worked Collars.
steel Bags and Purses, Ivory, h.:bony and Feather Fans,
Kid. Silk and Lisle (,loves, a Mitts floe/cry. (iloves, &e,
Mu tarot.' and women.' Hosiery. Hair Brushes. Combs
and Tooth Brushes, Window Shades and Trimmings,
Tudors' Tsmoungs. Shirt.. of mons' and youth.' ours,
Be de . w Inch they oder on favorable terms. at thew
store, tH Martel st. near 4th. )ell
IVI I h l o Tl . . 1,‘ ( ,. /C i •OLki
, }Oll Orri. S ES--1V u w rt . l t iz
goods tor Loduall=, in a clo a ding—Scote n h mull Mus
lin. Swiss do; Nansook do; plant inconets; small har
m! In, await haired do. Also,
For Evening •Dressca—White embroidered Seriet
filualtn., pink enabrotdered Tarlton do; blue do; new
yle drinia.k stnped and embroalmed do, plant whim.
Wile/pink sod straw colored do; also, embroidered gut
Swiss Miinns, Ly die yard, for Evening, also,
Mark Lace Shawl.. Scarfs and Capra—French and
Scotch needle work Collars, an assortment of new and
beautiful style listen C-ambnc Handkerchiefs; mourn
ing do, all at lowest cask pnec., at norttbeast renter
at Ith and marketsta.
To Country Merchants.
MITH AND JOHNSON, 4 , 1 Market street. have re
ceived 15 cos Bonnets, consisting tu part of plain
Straw. Aurora Braids, Viet°. in do, Gimp do, Eckel./
do. Chins. Year] sod Florence. 5 vexes Polio Leaf
Hato. linauts' and lloy• Leghorn and Bran! do; Art,
fieial Plover ft, 11l every variety Also. SIC dot I.adies
Conan 'lose, from 75 cent. per do.. up to dm finest
qua lily, 1141 do/ Gents ball Hose, a good assortment of
1.1.1 e Sdk and Cotton (doves. I's p. silk Ildkt..
110 p lVaddeu• do. Pat dor Linen Cnoilinc do, IS car
tons Cotton and Thread Laces. Also. a good ..50111-
coot of Combs- Buttons. I - breads. Needles, Pins. Cut
lery. Jewelry, 5.c.. in all or which they will utfer
pert Induerment tn prices to purchaser. my1:1
'%AT R. INIURPIII . has opened this morning, one
V • cue Umbrellas. including American and Scotch
gingham. cotton and steel treacle gnucharn
t hie ca, Part , nl...ineludoor green satin Turk. Ilk
.111, sod brown., nt extra size.
Also. one ease a:st,
bons, I,tark and eu:ored, , s hoe s e n,, do. 1.. n
hams. and Carton, style. of .111110/et Gooit•, uo
reduced priers A lot 01 .niter Manchester Cunglouns,
good styles, also lately received.
CHEAP DoNNKI'S--A lot of brad and other Bon
nets (of lost st , oiter's shapes] selling orT at from .371 c to
in, at the cpther of th and !Market sta.
Wholesale room. , on 2,1 story--entrance from 9th B.
fRINGiII--11200 pieces of %Visite Cotton. and White
and colored Linen Fringea, adapted for Gingham
and French Linen Dresses, obviattlig the necessity of
removed from We dress to washing. Macs Mo
hair Dultion retinae %Vili arrive in a few days. ac a
pes of Mantilla and Silk Dress Fnage.
Wholesale dealers are melted to on earl) inspee
.n. as they will he itherany dealt with. The !MUM -
facturer will dirtpose of the !roods to person, and pledg
es himself mat may are perfect and of good meant.,
and 25 per cent cheaper that any eastern market--con of .sth and Worn/ street.. over the drag store.
Ati agent anted for tips • ity. who is comb/lobed in
the who dry goods, with good references
UTER 111. K FRENCH CLOTHS—W R .41Ittrpby
invitee the •tletaton of Kentlealrit waiting Cittlho,
to his somarunent of very best make of French and
Kurdish Cloths. A few piece+ very {upcnor black
French, Just reed; also, DOC 141.13 • and Coottimeirs, in
great caner'',summer Cossucteree and Tweeds. for
melte' sod boys' wen, block satin Vesungs. white
Morsetlles do. gents while and bordered linen eambne
Hdkfof ouper witfe and colored silk do; gent. Gloves,
Hoeiery, atc ; Gout,. Merino and cotton Under - ohms,
for summer wear; Mk sod fancy enzyme: Gingham
and Jaeonei dn, he. e 7
P LIVED YrATERDA at \V H. Murphy'. Dry
‘J Goods House. northeast corner of Ath .d Market
streets—blossy black Stlk. for Alueullas, new style
Dress thnahann; WI/ and white Crapes; blk, white and
nuked Cotton Hose: French &c Yre
Also on band. • good a/sant:tent of black &loin,
14k Silk sail fancy Bung, and Nett Shawls; white and
cnb Crape do. plant and embroutered, black Ince
Shawl. Sear. and Capes. Ile. , style Gird Netts for
Cares. Cop. kr. plain wash Blonds and Nett. Sr
• • • . . • •
Wholanale Room, up not, where an excellent a
sorunent of Pro., &e to always kept at low peters
ceived an additional wipply of the above Rood
including brown and white. green mild white, &v., also,
• taw piece., super super, very neat Plaid. Jet'
SUPER FRENCH CLOTHS—We have )n•1 opened
a hue lot of lilk French Cloths, which we are wil
ling much lower than we have ever neiore sold the
ammo quality ALEX A N DER k DA V,
- -
/. 20
_ 23 market at. N ror of the ihamond
`IV(X3L DEE CASSIMERES— A lot of very cheap
Wool blk Casstmeres, among which are some
ofa bah, texture. very satiable for the summer season,
nut reed by pun A 1.1-1 X ANDF:R k DAV
144 OACtI/ITO NEEll , —Pairl pieties 4.4 also c.-4
In white and red and blue barred Netts, extra lank.
Also, 11,4. 11-4 and 12.4 heavy Rohm... imparted
expressly fora superior article of Mosquito Netts- for
citysales, mat received Ly
)R213 StiACKLF;TT & WRITE, U 9 wood st
WHITE CAPODS 9001 UREA:kit:L.I—W R Murphy
has pen received an Invoice of White Dress
floods for lathes, such as French and tieotch Mall
Maxims, Saun barA /scone.. ke, very
low Also. White Bonnet Ribbon., at northeast cor
ner of ilth and market tits te-24
MONUITO NKrI'ING—W It Morph, ham rrr d
his .apply of Mosquito Netting. Linn, and Amer
man. white, von-a. blur and barred, of all widths, also.
Inobinen fur do, very wide. and offirrd al low prig.
by the piece of yard. )617
P.AGRASS FOR SKIRTS—A .apply lately rare.
ved Also. corded and Marseille. Skirt, also.
Mosothito Netts, white and colored, wide Robinette for
do. at dry goods honor of W R MURPHY,
lY:l northeast rower 4th and market or.
C hie kering's Pianos
011911 JOHN II ME R. LLO Nu el Wooin
d st,
sale •I the lowest mutuettt
rer's pewee, the sollowmg essortrottlit
of rmsto-fortes, trom Mr ontmotattotry
of Jonas Chtekertitg, &Won, Ms.
No 1 A Rosewood iron - fewer ti otttavu ham). 5300
11 :100
•,..141 111 MAWR r 0711.11.1111831,
A Rosewood. carved Gothic base. 0 octavo Piano
made by A H Gale A Co. N V.
A Ru.evrowl, carved mounting , arid inonliled legs
Okoctn•o, made by the Manhattan Co. N V. a
vet) powerful and substantial made Plann , at
the low price of 2,1
A very superior semi-grand Piano. triode r, by Her,
Farm GI octavo, Rosewood ease, (Ott
A m•hotpuiy second hand. 6 oct•vo, mode by F
Blume t 1.50
A mahogany second hand, made t Nollllll S.
Clark, 611
A inahgrany socond hood Piano, made by Nola RIO
For sale by JOHN 11 M F.1.1.t HI,
Cl Wood sreet. sole agent for Chickeringbs hatior. for
Weste , n I'erinsylvll/1111 it ,
-- - .
Splendid New Pianos.
Millll% subscriber, previous to leaving
for the East to replenish ht. stork, will
dispose of the balance of In. stock on
hand at reduced .reele c tion on
I n
terms 11 consists of a clon of Pianos
made by Nunim A. Clark, N V., end Jonas Chickertac.
of Boston, Maas. of Iron 6 to 7 oetases. of rosewood
and Mahogany. of different styles nod par
At Woodwell's. Thud st
Ting. Autumn Seamen or di. Instneurth will com
j thence on the first Moodsa remember. Soothe
on Federal street, ie. - Cidonade Row." Si door from
the bridge
The course of Instruction and the rater of lumen are
the same as heretofore.
For more minute intormanon. seecircular or apply
to the instructor, Mr. N W. Ma-rcsbc.
Reference may alto be tnrsde to the following gentle-
Tir. T. F. Dale, Allegheny. Hon. C. Shales FiTl S borgh
R. B. Elliott. - I Rev. D. H. Ruldle
Mr. H. P. Swartz. Ho v. H. Dyer, •
W ILLIAM SMITH. Manufacturer of Cotton rind colored Linen, Fruige. for Drosoes,,ft.c., Sewing
Silk and colored Cotton Ynnges for silk and ginghatn
Parasol.. Gimp, Mohair, and Salk Hulliou Fringes,
made to cozier on We shortest notice.
dime; corner of dinkier, Lane rind William, entrenee
Np 65 William street, thud door, over !ante, tr. Ups ,
dote, NOU Maiden Ilan, Is ow f ort. - • ~ ylO
Canal Par keb.-SWALLOW, Capt. Ford.
OCEAN, Capt. Waiters.
0 N I
s }:. o of
~d the
y a c , b . o c r e e p, P: i c i ts d le ave .. Bc , :sj . e i r every
Warren. where they connect with the Mail Stages for
Akron and Cleveland, nertvlng al etch of these places
before med. One oftbe Packets leave Warren datly,
•t S P. M., and arrive at Beaver in time to take the
morning steamboat for Pittsburgh.
cterF2. , & LRFFINGWLI.L, Warren.
TI1301:01:1 TO TOO LA. IN TORT? nocks.
Canal Packet—Paxasvhvains, Capt. Jeffries;
" " I.aoß Eau, Truby;
" " Perroms, Brown;
" - Faxcinort, Sayer.
The above new and splendth Passenger Packets have
commanced running between BEAVER AND ERIE,
and all] run regularly during the season—one boat
leaving ErIG every morning at 9 o'clock, and one leas ,
ing Beaver even. evening. Immedthiely after the arri
val of the steamboat Michigan from Pittsburgh.
The boats are new and comfortably furnished, and
will run through in forty hours Passengers to any
point on the Lakes, or to Niagara Falls, will find this
route the most comfortable mid expeditious. Tickets
through to all ports on the Lake can be procured by
apply tug to the proprietors.
REED, PARKS& Co, Beaver.
JOHN A. CA DG HEY, Agt. Putsburgb,
roe. Water and Smithfield sta.
AGENTS:—Jas C Harrison, Buffalo, N Y.
C NI Reed, Erie, Pa.
C C Nick, Greenville, Pa;
filTarland and King, Big Bend, Pa;
Hays A Plumb, Sharpsburgh, Pa;
W C filalan. Sharon, Pa;
D C Mathews, Pulaski, Pa;
W Cunningham, New Cute, Pa iyl
Country Merchants take Notice!
atxn TII. ice WT/11 rue.
A TRAVERS & Co., 54 Maiden Lane, (late Hinton
& Travers.) offer for sale, in quantities to suit
I,ODU roams Ruled Cop Paper, at 81 25 10 81 50pr rot
2.1110) do Ruled !setter Paper, lOa to 150 do
10.108 do Wrapping Piper, 25 to lOD do
108p1 rolls Pup, ilanglinn, at sen to 0 ClO pr piece
5,000 do American Saun do, Ilk • 15 do
5,1)110 pall of 011 Transparent Window Shades of oar
own manufacture, beautiful deatgna and colon, at from
01 00 In 01 50 per pair.
18010 l bre of Wool Twine sold Wrapping Tua° of all
kinds, from 1211015 rui per lb.
We also have other koods to Um same proportion,
and we guarantee to please you if you will call and
see us at bit Maiden Lane, Now York.
New York, June. 141 b. jelbaLlw
L_ 1348, = 1848 -at -Alia
aacatnaveLy roa 'me rautasroaranon 01 W. 71101017
1010 ETWEEN Pntaintrak, Blatravdle. Johnstown, Hal
_UP hday alnargh,NVattr liunlnd;don Co) and Pe
w. formed exclusively for the special ac
commalution of the way business. The Proprietors,
thonkful (or the very liberal patronage they have re
ceived during the last two years, would respectfull ` t tam tlicirtem[olo and itm public that they are uoseull
better prepare., to dellYer Foods at any point on the
Canal and Rail Roads. with promptness and dispatch.
I'mkamith & Woods, Johnstown.
John Miller. Hollidaystwnh.
C A Al'Anulty& Co, canal baste, Pittsburgh.
RtuncarAcrw—Pittsburgh--;_nt uth & Stnelatt; J &
Mr Dev tn. G& J H Shoonbergnr, Itobutson & Co; R
Moore, Bagsley & South; John Parker, Wm Lamar &
Co; Dr P Sbonnber sr. jmN,
Pennsylvania Canal & Rail Road Ex
press Past Packet Line,
1848. _..
- - -.•- •--
taleinaively for Passenger.)
ri pulthe are reSpee y informed that thts Lane
sehl come:lnnen running on tho 2(4 last, and ton
untie througnout the eeason
. .
Tie boa. are 1/00... asul of • aupenor class, with en
!anted. cabin, which will give K . PClller comfort The
ears are the latest construction.
A twat well always be to peon, and travelera are re
quested to stall and et wattle them before engagingVas
eage elsewhere.
(Fare only nine dollars tarnagh.l One oldie boats of
this Line will leave the landing loppoene Ti. S. Hotel.
corner of Penn street and Canal. every night at _in o'-
clock l'ime :14 days For Information, apply at the
Office. Mononaabela House, or to D LFt7 CH &CO
le'-'L Canal Basin.
Merchants , Transportation
1848 . M-laa.
V, /OM .11...110/11121
G a'Da consigned to
io n : r .,. c t a c r u e rz : , l :, be
. fu r anarded
Canal Rusin. Penn Pittsburgh.
Itlg rod 36.5 Market •t. Phi Pa.
IrD Smith, wharf. Baltimore.
- -
1848 . -M , Via
Time. &Maya. XII
Merchandise , rnasportsd at Canal rate..
Water street. Pinsbargit.
17 Idea. stet's, Baltimore.
- - -
AT property lately occupied by H.-Nizen,
rot .H : 1 wog sued, near Robinson., Allegheny
cup ‘ l I be aold on accominalaung terms_ The
lot to 13 feet 4 inches Cm Craig street., running through
to the Banal lat trot. There ts a good two story frame
dteri Una hotter on the prem.., lately built, and the lot
well unproved, cuntattung a variety of choice fruit
es, erupt. ahrubbery . &c. Thu property is conveni
enretly situated for perrons doing busmen in either Pitts
burgh or Allegheny. and to a dewrable rewdenee. Tide
For ternts apply to WILL BOYD, Attor
ney at La w. °thee on Foorth street, above Smithfield.
E M=l32 I L=Tre !
T • • • • • • •-.
subscber will fell on accommodating terms..
valuable Intl of unimproved land, situate on the
rood leadins train Broldon to Friutklin f about eighteen
miles from Pittsburgh and about eight miles from the
of Freedom nu t ()
he Mei over. The tract con
tain. 402 acres and perches, strict measure The
land is of en excettent quality, about 00 acres cleared,
and well watered. and swill be sold either in whole or
IJI 111 171/11 ot convemeat IZr, to mat purchasers.
turnter particulars ellqll.<l of W\l. BOYD. Att'y
at Law, attire on 4th au. above-Sautimeld, Pittsburgh.
my2ti dhortiT
Property In Alleghewy City for Bole.
Tilt.: subscribers oder or sale a number of choice
Lots, situate In We Second Word, fronting on the
COllllll4/11 ground, on easy terms Impure of
41' o'll. kOLIINStiN, Any st La, St Clete at
of dAr ROI3INSON, on the premises.
myl7•Mec wtf T
8 eam Engine and Saw 2Llliar Saia.
9 , 11 E tubwribeis having ttow Wen. lower Saur,ll..
Pt-txtfur 111.cinfia in successful operolioo, of
thr,r upper NIII I. wait tur Steam Engine and Lath
Cumin: Eatablisbutent. the Frame Buildings con
taining them for tale on reasonable and aematrufala.
hue wrnit The meant envie tt all excellent one, .d
al! the works in the x+uvrin and Lath Cutting estal,
light:nem+ •re 111 Ijood wholend condtion, arid pur
r hater can remove the sad put theta into opera
tion in another place, in lesa than sixty days. Letters
post paid, doweled to the sulosenbers. Pittabureh, will
1,41 promptly attended to.
_ _
- •
Real Matsu la Ohio.
A TRACT of tont; lilt&create Harrison, Portage Co.,
on the Cuyahoga riven—about 30 acres under im
provement. Also, two unimproved lots in the village
f Warren, Trumbull Co, 00 feet by 60. Alai, a lot of
ground an the centre of Hartford, Trumbull Co, with a
fiue dwelling house and store--onis ottho beat stands
for • merchant on the Westam. Reserve. Any or all
this property will be sold oei very accommodating
terms. NAIAII DICKEY & Co.,
(chit) Water and Front sts.
Rasa Estate In Mercer County.
AWI', Storehouse end Dwelling, situate on the
Erie Fat... Canal. to the village. of West Mid
dlesex.; a desirable location for • merchant Also, a
Lot and good Dwelling House well muted bra Tavern
Stand.. the ' , Moat of tirangeville. on Stain line of
Ohre Term, easy.. ISAIAH DICKEY & Co.
febtO Water nod Front as.
For R 411.111..
A Iwo glary brick dwelling with about its acre.
of ground attached, mutated al Oakland. The
place i• well atoned with fruit of all kind., and
io a drawable locauon for a frimil, being cnuraly out of
reach of the river and dirt of the city. An °minim.
leaves oakland hourly for the city. Apply to
mantht ATWOOD, JOYS & Co.
For Kent—
ritA new three story brink dwelling house on
ylle 'greet—Po...mon given on the fiat of
pnl or sooner If required. Inquire of
Itil J A K FLOYD,I9I liberty street.
jaA two vtory brtek dorellnig with about 5 were.
of ground.mounted on the bank or the Ohio river,
thr borough of 51 neheater. Apply to
Ilvrn'inn( honoes situated on 4th
We oven%
nenr canal bridge. I n e city of Pittsburgh. Al- Ig by 20 fret, with a convenient en
trance on sth ot., o'er wood. Also, (rune dwelling,
two otorie*, with no acre of ground enelooed and under
roltivonion, Joanne on Moo lone, in We city or Alleghe
n, Inquire of 1 D WILLIAMS,
tans 110 wood street_
Pill SA OR KFAvr.thr Totaling!! Brew
ery.firewing apparatus. situate on
lb In - , reet and Barker's alley,ond now occupied
by I " m ulti Sr Co l'osseasion given on the first
duy r,
Ap' be r riniutre
feb22l( 11.5 liberty st.
V, A la. / I( SALK—The •übscriber
offer. for ..ute the three story brick Wnsehouse
on Wood stcupied by R. Tanner A. Co
reet, oc
It rents now for 8 1000 per pent.
opt, WM WILSON, Jr
To Let.
The new three Atory Aro proof brick More on
arund ob now ta•copied by Edward :van;for
rierent Irlan lei of aprtl twit
wood street.
The Itubtictiber• will rant port a the Imo
house now ocrupb.d by thorn. Apply to
DALZKI.I. dr. Co,
For Rent.
i gh A large roont on the At !glory of the warehouse
It the Auktacrthera, Illat th e (OM of
Wood atreet--a good location fora steamboat
agency or antumor:ln,. ollSer
• • - L'or Salo.
AA Fine Iwo story brick house, on main street,
Allegheny city, twin the upper bndge. The lot ta
tin front by IUU deep. For terms ingune
delStr_ A WASHIN(FrOti. 4th it.
For Itent.
e h* THE large fire proof warehottee. _4 feet front hy
11.1101 FO Rot deep. on weand at, twa t wood R ent mn 4.
crate Itoporectl 1 SCHOONMAKER E. Co.,
dclo 21 wood gt
yor Rant,
A Smoke House, snowed on Plum alley, for
rent. luguiriz RAJ= DALZI.I.L A Co,
Lpektiatretek. . _ deel3
ciOAL. LAND FOR aVaLW—Seven °ere• coal lend
for ealea Imam }trim. nd of the Alonougeb,„l.
above BroleAaville, 1'.., basing • 7 400treln of toll,
• hie 4 veliMe sold ut cache/4..4x gra -Poi
are ply to toe2s) A WiIA.RBA CM 33 wood at
NEAIt nwriumm, Ida
MILE PRINCIPAL, Mrs. Lamas Pews, lo a m bad
lomexcierience in directing • Literary loannina°,
and it is well known to thapnblle from her former con
nection in the iloy (N. Y.) Seminary `nth her sine%
Mrs. Emma Willard, as the anther of Lincoln's Bota
oy. and of a series of works on Cbetmstry, Nam rat
Philosophy, ac
_, of sundry work; on the subject of Ed
ucation, an.
The Patapsco Female leathern Is dunned within her
minutes walk of the depot of the Railroad in the
of Eni com Am* M., ten milks west of Baltimore,
owl which, as with Washington, there is a constant
commenicuieng, both by Eadroads and Turinelea—
Toe Minding for the acrnmartmlation of the school, is
of dreued granite, erected in a chaste style of archi
tecture. at an expanse of 627,000. The present Punct
ual, aided by the adviee and asaimance of her husband,
the Hon. John Phelps, has expended about 1111,030 in
addtuons and improvements. The adjacent
constsung of about twelves eels's belonging to the In
stitution, are beautifully situated, and affoni many ad
vantages for health and recreation.
The terms km the scholastic year, for board and Eng
lish edueatton.are EMT on cairn charges belts rand -
Cor the ornamental branthea, lentstroa and foretgh tan
A board of five Trustees Ithe lion, Thomas IL Dor
reY, President) have a general oversight of the condi
tion and management of the Insthmion. The Rt. Rev.
Win. R. Whnunghana is uglier. A resident Chaplain,
the Rev. Wm. 11. Clarke. a graduate of Tale College,
is Professor of Mental Philosophy and English Compo
sition. Resides the experienced and excellent Vice
Pnneipol, Mi. Browne, there are associated in the
care, discipline and instruction of thepupils, 9 tubes
resident in the family. Mons. Louis P. Levet,. gradu
ate of the University of Prance res , (fienutiettr as dress; Pro
fessor of modern' languages, ides in the instimuou,
and devote. his • time wholly to its interests. There
are in regular attendance two thatingumbel German
Profesmrs of the piano; two English' Professor; one of
vocal manic and the guitar , and one of the harp and
organ, and Professor of driwing and painting m
ter colors end ill Professor Aiken, of the University of
Maryland, is lecturer on the physical ulences. Mr.
Henry C. Cromwell is secretary and businem agent.
An organization of °Meer, and teachers like the
above, math the' acemothodallons par/tided, entitle the
Patapsco I.titote' to the rank of • College, or Universi
ty for the perfecting of female edueation in useful and
ornamental branoltes. It is vested hp let Of in.,-
ponnuon, with the power of graining diplomas to Mom
who pass through a prescribed course of study.
Fstrut from • report of the Rt. Rev. Bishop Whit
tingham to the Diocesan Convention of Maryland '
'The lam exammuon of the Patapieo Female load
tote has afforded still greater evidence, if more were
oeeded, how competem Mrs. Phelps la, to sustain an
Institution inferior to none to the country of Its kind."
The Board of Examiners consisting of the Hon.
Chuceller JahllSoll, of Marylmul, ••••••• 4 . ,, K1 wi th sev
eral distinguished gentlemen from this, and other States,
thus reported, October, IBM
;;.-The examination which has just closed, v., so
conducted as to sausfy us that the course of instruction
thorough, various and ample. That what is taught
is perfectly understood, and diet when a young lady
hue pawed through the classes at the Patapseo leen
tote, and been iraboed with the elevated prineylee
which are there so sedulously tocuicated, one is pre
pered to adorn limy sumo. to which it may be her fu
ture lot to be placed., 41 vie, of the high intellectual
and moral culture, which, is our judgment, the pupils
of the Patapsco lustitnie enjoy, as well as the unsur
passed salubrity of the climate, the beauty of the sce
nery, and the conveniences of access with which it is
favored, we are persuaded we cannot too strongly
commend it to the public patronage!'
KUMct from a report of We P 1111.40, Oct, 1847:
- Patrons of venousebristian deunstirutuons have
continued to give the Institution their support end
friendship; and as •due return. the piney!. of ail ere
respected Controversy among in is dlsconnumanced.
We endeavor to train up our pupils as dui..., rely
ing touch nu the influence of religious habits and exam
A Northern school to all its essentigl features and
characterisus, but &rested of •P that ijthich might be
afrefulve to southern feelings, is planted in . Southern
Thu Institution is, at all times, open for the recep
tion of pupil.. Those who wish to do so, seaman du
ring vacsuone
Appbeanon. may be =de to Mrs. Lincoln Phelps,
El'icons Mills P. Office, Alaryland_
The •servica. of well qualified teachers for
schools and familia; may usually be obtalnad by op
ply nut to the Patapsco lustione, in which I. a Normal
Depanmeut, for the training and improvement of taacl,
ore. . _ 0• MI wlOtif
lar expoFition of the gnat ilimoveries and theo
ries of modern astionnoly; by 0 M Miiebell, • at, I),
rector of the Cincumafi Obwrvatory.
Headley's Italy. Alps and Rhine.—Letters from Italy,
the Alp. and the Rhine; by) T Headley, author of Na
poleon mad hi. ?Harahan., Mfuhington and his Genet ,
als, &e. New and revised edirion.
Maustics ot,Coal.—The Geographicid and °colons.
cal distinctious of litinercil Combustibles or &awl fuck
includtnni also, notices and localine• of the various
uuneral hitunzinious substances employed in arts and
manufactures; illustrated by Maps and Diairrams; ac
companied by nearly 400 statistleal tables, and 110 Da
n of molests' combustibkw, /se; prepared by Rich ,
and Crowling Taylor .
Just received a few copies of each Mate above works
15' 3 ktooksollers, eor market & 3d nts.
V with a Lunch at all hours of the day; also, lee
Creams, Fruit Confectionary, &e. The steamer Green
wood makes her regular trips as usual, leaving her Pitt
street lauding at SS A. M., and at half past rack Lour
(except lit until Itti P. M.—leaving the Garden et It/
P. M. for her hut tnp to the city.
A rommlight view of the Garden w tedescnbable in
its beauty.
Rag Wu. a.
THE. big - hest price in cosh paid for good clean rugs
also, canvass, bale rope; grew rope; ba wool
en nap, Ac., by I. W. C ICS.
sat arnyne st. bet. peen k liberty
N DIA RUBBER` BAL.LS—:I6 dower solid India Rub
". ber Ball., of did - emus colors. We can furnish this
crude to merchants at very low prices, In large quan
ttties, at thaaudia Rubber Depot, No 3 wood n.
tilzY.•fr J fc H PHILLIPS
ausemnr, HANNA
Iwo:Ens, EXCHANGE BROKERS, and dealer.
1.) in Fenian and Domenic Exehange, Certificates at
Deposita, Bank Nate., and Specie, Fourth street, new
tg "penile the Bank of Puntburgh. Current =meg
=on depesne—Sight Cheek. fog saki, and cot
made on maxly all the prisedgal potnu in the
United Ewes,
- -
Gold. highest preadam paid fkrr Foreign sad Auteaiese
IiCo&NICERS and Deal.. in Exchange, Coin and
P liar& Nowa, Ne. 115, Market street, Pittsburgh.,
Selling Rauh Exchange. Baying &um
Now York,
FOladelphla, Ifs I.La= 2 d02 do
Balthaoro, do EU. Lads, . 2do
Buytng Cams, B E NOTES. Saying Rale&
Ohio, 2du Co. & Scrip Onion, 2 di,
...., ~. , ..,
, _ __, Indlans, "do Relief Notes, "do
Kennieky, "do Pennsylvatua Cy "do
"do Now York do "do
do Wheeling, fdo New Orleans, "do
Tennessee, gdo klarykind, "do
• .
- - • • -
1EM.1..k. CURRY—Bankers and Exchange Brokers,
jy Dualnr• in Fulnlan and Domestic 75me attd Sight
Bills of Exchange CerdScates of De site, Bank Note.
and CS
Coirn NoWood meet, third door below Fourth,
west side. soarlitf
in Foreign and Domestic Fsehange, Certifientes of
Deposite, Hank Notes, and Specie, No. 64 Wood st.„
one door above Fourth, East side, Pittsburgh, Pa.
ItlAB on England, Ireland, and Scotland bought to
any mount rat the Current Rams of Exchangn
, Drafts payable to any part of the Old Countries,
from £1 to 11000, at the to of II to the £ Starling,
without deduction or discount, by JOSHUA ROBIN
SON, Es'tropean and General Agent, °Bicest one
door west of wood_ oettlitf
ALLYN 1..1/117-Auurzu lonsrain an oat
in Fore and Domenic Rills of Exchange, Can
ates of ign me ßatik Notes and Coin, corner of
3d and Wood streets, directly opposite St. Diaries. Ho
tel. marNidly
purchased at the lowest tats, b nsuilMoter,y
dcloh. HOLM ES it. SON,
BS Market street
Nor York,
P6itndelphlaa i ,
Constantly for sale by N. HOLM " A
k SON.
de to M Market st.
C OLLECTIONS—DraIta, Notes, and Accept.,
the moat p
fav ayabl orable eto any terms. N. HOLXIFS k pan of tho Unron, co/SON. lected oo
dela 66 Market st.
itTHE subscriber, in addition to his earn
enanufactosing of Hats. Isu made arrange
meets withhlessr• Selma & Co., (the most
fashionable batten of the city of New Vork,) for a reg
ular supply of his extra bee Silk Hats, and having lust
received a few cases, gentlemen can be suited with a
very itch and beatnik that by calling at his nee Hat
nod Cap Store, SesteLeld street second door south of
Feenh, where may be found a great variety of Hats
and Caps of his own manufacture, whohniale and re.
awl. Hats made to order on short entree.
-- OTO - Orar - ‘
(Successors to M'Cord & King) 111/1 b
Corner of Wood andett.
Rfflil kre
'IDARTICULAR attendee paid to our Retail Trade.
L Gentlemen flk/I rely upon gettirsohelr Hats and
Caps from our establishment of the BUT
at and
wouthusetor. of the tall. firfirs., and the LOWEST
Country Merchants, purchasing by brholesaJe, are
respectfully owned to sail and examine our Stock; as
we can say with confidence that as regard. arson
sud monk it will not suffer in a comparison with any
house to Phdadelpfux febl7
Fashionable Hat and Cap
l 7 Et)R(iii h. ANSBUTZ, Agent, respectfully !
informa but friends. and the public generally'
that he has commenced the manufacture of Hats
and Cap. at No. 33 Wood street, one door above the
corner of Second, where he has now on hand a fine
14.011M(111 of Flats iticl Cap. of his. owis manufacture,
which he will thspri.e ef on the most reasonable terms,
wholesale and retail. for cash or city acceptance.
Hats made to order at the shortest notice. ar.20 . ..3m
"--- STRKW—GOdb-g.
. ..
M.:ALF/Ili ted are k
invi to erne It H.
PALMER'S moc of Straw (Mods, of the
.pane mile. compbeed in pan of
BONN KlSS—Florence Itratth Fingbah Dun
stable do; Amenean do do; China Pearl do Coburg do;
Rutland do, French Lace; Fancy Unapt he. he.
HATS—Leghorn, Palm Leaf. Panama, Fancy Straw,
do Braid, Rutland Braid, Pedal do.
. .. •
.. . ...,
Also, Arblitial flowers. Ribbons, /sc. Sinew Bon
net N'.rebousc.lM market •t. marks
Spring Faihtons - lon lain.
RI oCORD & Co.,
(uric seam) Pr Lao.) ILAITM,
IV-ILL Introduce the Spring kttyle of Hats this day,
Saturday, March 401,149.
eir friends and customers are requested to call and
examine their stook of Spring lints, just received from
New York, at their store, corner of3th and Wood it..
ALlifralCD D. ICED VII., e lb
j;i tp CHEAMST Fait2innable Hatter la
'pal Store, 72 Fourth
Ere.. it lilan " rittur P in i g nc :nd scnmm od
nor of Wood meet and Virgin alley. Higheuriees
Rhea), paid for shipping Pura
ji51.71111=1. IPAINON POR FiATIL:.;L
h norr teesiOssl Ara* N
ovNow Volt, the Somas,
Style for hod, raV White-Beam, Pearl
nod White Free& Hsu, with Vert
Those to Iseivokalvin tight flat Vs re
kited tonal - sots, . rs
• .00g1 ^-4
aura 13 wood st,3 dons above itt
s ! I LFs!!l
Me remedy for Epileptic Fit. or Ralli, Sickpers.
Convulsions, Spasms, Isc. It is veil mown, that from
time immemorial, phystemns have prtictottnecti Ettaleri
cie fits thearable. h has bellied ell I.llCar akin. and the
boasted poorer of all medioine, and consequently fhou•
sands have suffered through • miserable egtstent, tad
at last yielded up their lives on the altar of insanity .
With of deference. however. to the ophdons the
gnat and Learned, - ve say that it has been cured.
For smmon years, haa been tested by many persons
who hare soesrad with this dreadful disease, and to
emery cam wham It has had a fair trial, has effected a
Flu of CB pears tad 6 mandu, cured by tbin cue of
Read the following remarkable caseof the son of
Wm, Seems, E.q., or Philadelphia, afflicted anal Ern
tepee Fits 27 years add 6 menthe. After travelling
Monti England, Scotland. Germany and Prance, con
talent& the moat emineet physicians, and expending for
medicine, medical treatment and advice, three thou
sand dollars, returned with his we to this country in
November last, without receiving any benefit whats•
or, and was cured by using
Kr. Witham Beeore's Letter to Drs. Ivan. nod Hart
I have spent over three thousand dollars for medi
cine and medical attendance. I was advised to tale a
mar to Europe with him, wi eh I did. I first visced
England. I consulted the moat eminent physicians
there In respect to his ease; they examined him and
prescribed accordingly. I remained three month.
without perceiving any change for the better, which
at me Mora two hundred and fifty dollars pocketed
by the pliyalcians, and the most that I received was
their opinion that my son's case was hopeless and rou
tinely tneerable. I accordingly led England, and trav
elled through Scotland. Germany and Prance, and re•
tamed home In th e month of November last, with my
Mains far from being eared us when I left. I min your
advertisement lit one of the New York papers, and
concluded to try Hart's Vegetable Extract, seem; your
statements and cenificates of SO many cares, some of
twenty and thirty years' standing, and I can more Jon
I am not sorry I did en, as by the aso of Ham's Vegeta:
hie Extract alone, he was snored to perfect health.
Ms reason, which was so far gone as to unfit him for
busing." is entirely restored, with the prospect now
before Mm, of life, health asp esefulness, He is now
26 years of age, and 27 years and II month. of thin
time has berm afilleted with this most dreadful of diS
CLOS; bet thank God ha is now enjoying good health.
Now, gentlemen, faith without works I don't believe
In. To say that I dull be ever grateful to you is ono
thing, and as I here enclose you one hundred dollars, I
have no doubt bra that you will think this is another
and quite a di/recent thing. The debt of granted, I
still ewe you, but please to accept the present amount
en interest on the debt in advance.
Van very respectfully
One of the proprietors of chic invaluable medieme
was &filleted for several years with Epileptic Fite.
The disease had produced the worst effect ae on his
too system, vim Lo of memory, imbecility of min .d •
perfect pro m ratio n of the nervous system. i a had
tried the skill of the best physicians for mven years,
and frei• IMMO under their treatment, mad he harm
that this 020diliII0 INV his only hope for health and
life, arid was therefore determixted IQ give n Clue truti,
and to persevere in its use, which he did, andllm recall
was a peel reatormion to health, which was moth
tied aainm tad far rmarty sixteen years.
We would refer to the following persons woo have
been °mad_ by acing Bart's Vegetable Extract: -
Cot B Denali:nth daughter was maimed nme years,
reside. at Yonkers, Now York.
W Benne nine years, 171 Grand st_
seven yams, 12 Dove: Et
I " ) °mith, V. ,{„` Brooklyn,
g &T in = yams,
7. l3isten ' y, lal , rl,
Was B Crane, twelve years, US Flastoners
Wm Parsell, tarenity-three_ycers, 73 No
Jacob Petty, dm years, 174 Delaney at.
Philo Johns.% memo- eight lean , Greencastle, pp
'ado B••••lall, 94 East Broadway, New York
Thomas B. Jones, of the U 8 Navy.
Caps Wm /sinning; State el Bridgeport, Cl.
temente Mimi:nada to
Dr W L Monroe, Gaillard, 0.
Bev Richard Tanen, Wem Davenport N 7.
Rey T L Basbecif Bahlmore, id
Mr Joseph Bradley et, N Y.
Deoghtoo, hteenth NY.
Mrs Jam. Berth:Al, r, Orange a. SNY
John Pkiber 178 Elisabeth st,
Richttea, glB imey d o
lama. Smith, MO Suffolk st,
Marin Dnywri, 100 Water at,
All of which may be called upon, or addrascsd, poag
New Y
1:17 Preqarod by Dr 8 Haas, (lata Iv.. 3 llartj
F rk.
ritOMAS & Co, 146 Mains besureen 3d anal
sta, and 100 Main st, between ith and SW meets,
Cincinnati, 0010, arttobisele and retail agents for the
south and WM.
L WILCOX, Jr., earner of hlaitet st and Me Dia
mond, only let Pittabt itunittawl
21a. This disease ia ceased by paroxysmal rotten.,
don of the air cells is very debilitating...lmo. reev
ing suffocation DI L BWKEtTSEICB PANACEA a the
only certain ease.
Hoarseness can be entirely eared by • free nee ot
Ssectiter'• Panacea.
Catarrh, or common cold, which, if neglected, will
terminate in Consumption, is effectually renewed and
cured by Dr. Swimmer's Panacea
Bronchitis, if unchecked, will effectuaHv lead to
Bronchial Consumption, but a timely use of Dr. Sweet
legatit=ontlitilltiL"or'r tore Throat.—This
di ease often leads to serious conseguenees from nett
le t, such as ulceration of the throat. On the first nytup
=rDrlySsreemer's Ptutoc., should be procured and
Coughs and Colds find a j usvereagn remedy in Dr.
Etweetstr's Panacea.
Pneumonia Notha—A very fatal disease, resulting
from a violent cough and cold on a debilitated or bro
ken:Libretti ponstinsuom aged persons are subject to It—
Dr. Sweeter's Panacea should besed on the first
symptoms, which are a cough or cold.
Night Swysta.—This dehilitaung complamt null meet
with umely check, by using Th. Sweemers Panacea_
Constimptiort—lT on the Ant appearance of coroutro
awe sparrows, which LTV scan.t . tthe side (Mal hren•r,
map :1;4
r lit=od ne. , ,,i ll t r .p S pm e t s , :se d r's P.aceu
N.A. the LIMES, the Windpipe, or Bronchial Tubes
become clogged ap with phlegm so to 1111pde rewi-
Mina or breattuag, Dr. Sweetser's ?rose., which is
potvirfial Ewen:want, should be taken imunding 10
the directions.
Infinerbra.—This dutreialorepidemic, so prevalent to
our climate, is speedily cased by DT. SurectseSs Pants.
Price V per bottle, a SOSes for 85.
Poe sale by WM . JArCEV Liberty , sign Cr
ha big boot. no st
nflie i 7
fllnatiO4./e *0 Stfll - ic K , ,
~ ..., No. 65, DIAMOND ALLIS. •
...: ,_ ' few doors below Wood street, to.
• • ,-..., market.
. ' ,•
"'-. DR. DRO.WH, having bean
' 1
. •'•:,• 1 . 1,, - .. , regularly ethical." to the medical
•• : ' -,r,, , profession and been for romp time
. ~... in general practice, now confine.
I" ':' • •: his attmaiou to tits treat:n.l of
. • '
j ii k
those Prime and -delicate
j • ' :' . \ plaints for whiel.M. %pommies
: • • !..... , and etperionce peoullarly..qualify
.f.l . .. • es- ' % him. II years assadacenlyrievomtt
to stn. 5. treatment of thew ectrapatqdurtng which
time babas bad more practice and has cared more pa
tient, than can ever fall to the lot of any private pros
titioner) amply quati/les him to rifler asimmures of
opeedy, permanent, and satisfactory rare to all afflicted
with delicate and all diseases arising dime
Dr. Brown would Inform those afilictod with private
diseases which have become chronic by than or Kg
graveled by the ma of my of the common nostrums of
the day, that their complaints can be radically and thor
oughly eared; ha having given his careful attention"lo
the treatment clench eases, and succeeded to hundreds
of instances in curing persons of inflammation of the
neck of tha bladder, and kindred diseases which often
result from those cases where others have maligned
them to hopeless despair. lie particularly invites such
as have been long and unsuccesafally treated by others
to consult him, when ovary satisfaction MD lio givon
diem, and their cams tratili-cl in a careful, thorouo and
intelligent manner, pointed out by • long experience,
wady, and investigation, which it I. impoesible for those
extin a Erra l . practice of methane to glee any
I,l7l4ernia or Ruputee--Dr. Drown also invites per
sona &Mimed with Hernia to call, a he has paid partic
ular attention to this disease.
Ski n d.j.., aloe pis a, Palsy, ate., speedtly mired.
Chlrri—T7 l ow .
N. ents . of nth sex living al a distance, by
staling their disease in writing, gyring all the syinpl
toms, can obtain medicines with directions toy use, by
addressing T. BROWN, R. D, post paid, and end..
mg fee.
Ace No. 63, Diamond alley, opposite the miserly
Housen- No care no pay. deck%
B. A. Fahaespoek & Co's liabefoolest.
TN high favor as an external appheauon influentia
-1 tory afflictions, and at the wine ware a attnentam
well as emolltent. B A Fahnestock it Co's Rubin:,
cient has been very beneficial in cages of Chronic
Rheanuttism, Glandular Sorelitugs. Sore Throat. Brum
es roul
,Sp e, ke he. The following eentficiue is from
a gentleman well known in this city:
"I some time sr accidentally tell from a scetjetif,
and severely spnuned both my aortae They in
diamly swelled so that my boots bad to be rlpped,
order to have them drawn ofr—the suffering they enur
ed me was intense. In this summon I procured a len.
Ile of B A Fahnestock /r, Co's Robefament, and liter
one or twe applications I expenenced much relict I
usedabout one bottle and a half. and to about two
days the liwelfing entirely subsided, and I was entirely
reneved from any other pain, and experience no teem ft
tnconvenience from the fail. In all eases of swelling.
bruises, rheumatism, etc.. I would moot cheenully re.
commend the Rubefaelent.
July It, Idle. IiOGRGE BASSKFP "
For tale wholesale and retail by B A FAHNE.WTOCK
k Co, corner of Wood and Finn and Wood and Sloth
yRA. FARNWTOC/C.,4 Pneomorac or Cough Bal
~• gam, has a great advantage over many other
ugh preparations, a. its pleasaut taste penults to
be used without mconvemence. But it value es
Balsam cons.t in the spesdutess of its cure. We have
known some of the most desperate ecntghs„ sonau of
hich had born running on for a considerable length
of time, yield almost immediately to its power.
In snob weather as we bare had during the pest
winter, every one la liable to take cold, unless great
peorannona are used.
Wet feet and undue exposure to the inclemency of
Ups weather often Iq. the Inundation of n hacking
eon h, which needs • quick remedy to prevent .eriou.
We have numerous certificate. of cares whtra It
has pertormed, manyof which. are from persous 1 / 1
this city and the 1/eight.rhOOd, and they are a sulliment
Mamma without saying another word in as faro,
Prepared and for sale wholesale :11141 re.l Inf tt A
P&IINUFITOCK & Co, corner of wood •nd Ist and
wood and 6th sts. more?
and Ant!-Dyspeptta
- - -
THE general properues Of tile. , o Pill. ate Canto
x Ove, Purgative and Tome me t ,he einem° 'sden sussing from imprudence tit ne ••tieh . Cis
seas and soreness of the stomach. heartburn, headaeh,
kn., where medicum is required, this romtunutunt is
very applicable: for its carminative and soothing et.
teens give almost immediate relief when nausea tir
sickness exist. Its purgative operation upon the stom
ach and bowel. is gentle and effectual, and its tome
properues impart strength to the d4esti Ire organs,
thereby ettabUng these °Taus to perform War proper
ftmetions with order and regularity.
The price has been reduced front 50 to 25 es. a Lox .
For sale whdeabk and retail
earner flout and woodoind and wood s.
Iyls Avant. for Pittsburgh
Patent Sofia
HE subscribers have on bawls OD cask. Veda Ash,
Jas l'ituspreU Zs Pon'., Gnu quality, being theanee of.their spring stock, which they will sell at 41e
par, or currency. Having made such large sate.
to the principal glass and snap mmuditeturers ot thig
the brand they deem n earkeea.. 7 to say any thing in favor
Th°7 take this o PPurtmutY m anProe their custom,
en and dealers geriendly, that they have ordered lame.
ly from the same manufacturer, In &intend—Me 6res.-
shipment of which will toner in Ume (or the fall trade,.
and therwelorer u pg regular supplies throngtoe4-the •
season, which they will sell at the lowest Manea price
r rash or approved
lug{ \V P. hl MITCHELTREP. 1612 litienyet
LTNDRIE:S-7s seeks Preabbre,
s'elt.oprix, :do Dry Peasbee, V diteplee:V
Wool, I do Mate Be bele Creay'e'
toce• Peacock Fly Breathes; to arrive
er nill—fOr sale by
1711 MAUR mcny co, front itC