I=-'' A - wl wiw,-......› ~~ i ~~ ~ ~~~` -, _fi r __r ~.._,-..J.,~::_,..:._.__~...,___' :>.. TAMA. HOTCHLSON &Co, Arms for& LOnis ‘." .ateam Ddfirterl, rio.4sm ftEd 91004 street, pittaburgh, P., have .1n store the fialloodugarg so runentorrefinedSugars,for We low • l 8 hi, double refilled farce IneP 10G0 bbls No.. t 4, 6 ,4:1, land 8 mall do; :IV do Powdemd; 200 do Ora , - e 4.45 do Clanfied lurid StNDRIES-30 Cask.io — rfalsh, branded hl Steele & Sion, Liverpool; 301!o do do James hlnsprest & Elan., do: Mel bags Rio Codes; 300 Loan 710, 6110 and 10112 W Glaze, for .ale by JOHN GRIER, Inns libery At PULIIE'RIZEDLOAY SUGAR-140 bbl. No. g, 4, 6. 6 and 71.41 tZ hal/cases Lovering'. don - die relined do do; 40 bbla Levet:toes coarse pulverized do do; 20 do pulverized do do; }um reed and for sale jelr, MILLER & RICKETI4ON - 110 - EW'OHLEANSSUGARS AND ROLASSI,S-400 Xi Md. prime N O Sugar; EOO bbl, Zd 0 hlolassec 400 do assorted Nos Loaf Sugars, in store and far pale by jell B&OALEIr A ShIlTll, 10 and 23 vrtx,d st FRESH FINE CUT CHEWING TORACCO—Mrs Miller's and Joso Anderson's, Just reed and for sale by HEALD, BUCKNOR & Co,' ettorth water and la north IrlierveN _., _ jena ____ Philadelphia YAEA LEAF TOBACCO --TX bolos yarn Leaf 'Fo bueru,'wrappery, and superior quality—l, 2 wad 3 cots just Lanng unto brig Anthracite; for sale by IIEALI). BUCENOR & CO GER AN PIPL. , _ , -,234 boo u pd 3 gross Germ. Pi es, medium bowls, just landing trona pin and forsolejly je24 HEALD. ISUCKNOR & Co T 11314 —. lama Cruse, Baltimore, Md.., will he glad.to X have orders from his friends In Pittsburgh and elsewhere, flirlhe purchase of Shad and Hump du ring Ste 1..011. Ordern executed with despatch, and at' owest rates. Charges for purchasing light. mar9A p MISTED SUGARS-40 boxes doable refilled large AViLoaf; 440 %Ails 2,4, 4, wd 6, 7 and small Loaf; 210 bbls crushed; 1:8 bbl s poered; se bbl, elertfied; in store and for sale by JAMES A HUTCHISON A Co, man& Agenta St Louis Stearn Spear Refinery. - - VINEGAR-35 bbl. Cincinnati Vinegar, pure, land r from tmr Lewis Wetzel, and for sale by /7/3' 3,VREFON BOWEN, 7U fronts CorroN, FEATHERS AND WOOL-70 bales CAI UM 10 utak. Fenthenr, ; do Wool; for sole by Jytteto A. GORDON. QPJRITS TURPENTINE -9) bbls Spirits Turpen -I,a Dinctitd4 received on consignment mid for sale by HENRY C. KELLY, car at and market alley rlQCre:b- ' Ric landing and for sale by la l lyl4 lOti° • nAnALEY rr MI/Pa! AND PIPE IIEAES—I9/ bze Whits Pipesi 100 do Slone Pipe Heads; for sale by 414 BAGALEY k SMITH LARD bbl. Lard NI, Irmaimr from Norms" and for saki by jyl4 ILIGALEY A SUITE • QUGAR SOUSE 310LA89E8—I30 bH. S H Molts ° on, superior quality, now lusling and for sale by jyl.l BAHALNY fr. SMITH NEW MACKEREL- 100 bbls new No 3 Mitekerel, now landing and for sale by • jyl4 , 33AGA LEY le SMITH - - 110 . 0.1, 6 TWIST TOBACCO-16 kepi I.d.mg from 11 Warner Fairmount .nd for solo LT -014 . JAISIF3 DALZELL TARY PEACHES — to Imahrla receinng per meaner LP Fairmount and tot tee low to rinse conslgnment. Jyl4 JAMES DALZELL QLI3ARS-103,000 Kentucky Semsr - lecelved on commission and for sale by 1714 CEO COCAIRAN, 20 wood st • MIEATHERS--Prime article onhandand for sale bY GEO COCH RAN SODA ASH-16 caslto Jon Mospratt SOns' first quality Patent Soda Ash, in store and for sale by W A Pb AHTCHELTREE, 160 liberty et CRING POWDER—".Deuks of /as Mospruh B i ft ons' first qualoy Chlonde of Uree, for sale by jyl4 W dr. At MITCHF.LTREE 11010 COkik.ke-154 bugs prime reed and for sale by R jyl4 FRIFIZsM. RIDS & Co, 57 water st bls new No F 3 .k r i vlt i talb a. , sole yld Co DEER SKINS—WO lbe for ...ale low to clone consign. Moab 3yt4 FRIEND, & Co F EATHERS -IT woks Fenthont. jast Ittlutim and for Nato by • WESTON BOW ER ,iy (tons irIiNSENG-5 tacks Ginseng, mot landingand for sale by, WRiTOIN BOWFIN 'LOUR --84 bbls in Bore and for ule by . .P_lyla ISAIAH DICKEY b. Co, hoot at rfA i R ylt RIC ACID -1(10 lb. fogn A le ur br t R QCER 10 IRON-100 , Ohio Funaare Hot Blast, tarn. (t tons, Siclog per Ringgold; unto Brooklyn Furnace, lain Co. Pa.) Rot Bloat for sale by BURIIIIIDOE., WILSON & Co, 11/ 9 voter at PIU METAL-59 lons cold blew Charcoal Metal, landing from canal boat 11 B Vincent, and for sale by 1512 JAMES DALZKLL, Si water at DEISR SKINS-2 bundles Deer Skint, in store and for sale by ryla .IASIt Dal-ZELL BACON SlDES—Country cured Bacon Sides, in store and for sale lose, to close a consignment. ir l 2 JAMES I)ALZELL F_ -- - - • LY NETTS--A smdll card colors, for Blae ve ry low, at 13 Wood st. rll2 xs• INERAL WATER CORKS-7 Daley of a superior ill- 4.. 1 .1Y, received and for sale by iril 1 771 , p0R.R.5-11 bale of a a t Tallge .;„ l - 1 11 .3 e l t a by VIdL CORES-3 bales of a large say. for pale by y lyil REITER FrI6RTJLIC ACID-4 lbs, of a.supettor qualoy, re ocived and for bale by CR;A u g 'CARTAR-2 bbla for ..k by BRAUN k RFXPER ('CORN—}R bus Shelled Com, )ott med andlor sok .J by ism ,BROWN a cuLßEirrsoN MANLLLA HEMP-10 baler just ree'damd for sale t 7 41.1 BROWN & CULBERTSON WINDOW GLASS-1000 boo Efaltk 150 do 10x1.4 - 125 do 111[11; Mr do 7.511; 10 do 12r1di Z 5) do 11 ./ 5 ; 10 do 24%3(.5 for aulo by lilt S FVON BONNBORST & Co BROOll9.—tS do: owls large g h Brooms; YA do Roulaester do; 95 do Corn do; for wale .by E . WON BONNIIORuT & Co SHEET' IRON-10 tons No 24 nod W. Juniata; for sale by all R FNON BONN/3011ST &Co BEEF -2 bble pickiest -1500 lbs dned; for sale by /Vll SF vppr BONN HORST Tc Co MACKEREL --Noland 3, in half and qr for ...de by OyuS F VON BONNHORST &Co BACON—IOW Gbh. fides; OW do Shoulders: for wile by fyit S F VON BONN HORST & Co - D ALAI SOAP-1S b., lbi'sak by SF VON ISONNHOSST & Co SOAP -15a box. brown Ctuneottke Soap; 14 do Po 1 do do I.W do Yellow dd do In do do Rol do do 0 do Rosin Rol do do Just reeelred'and for sale by 199 1111L1.E2 teItICKETSON 'DROWN ,i.ListFo 4 44 l .—A lot or good quality 4-4 brown Ll4 Coating Linens, lost opened and for We low. • -•- LLIMED 011.-10 bids Linseed Oil, reed and for sale by iylo J KIDD& Co 0R.F.411 TARTAR-200 lbs boatreed j ar . l . d C r; .fr. Co sale by .J 1110 Q....1aw,' LIQ U ORICE -200 Ns on hand and for sole .L 7 bl illo .1 FOOD & Co lk" _IOW'D J ALA P—lso lbe reed end for sale by T • •!.7 1 (' - J KIDD &Co k r; ILLIEL/kLr i ti l lbs Jest rei= r u le ...ILLT--•250 Aio 1 Salt now landing and for Jo br MILLER It RICKLTSON /I'. SUGAR -2.`°` MOLASSAS-Ser bbls 'Plantation' maltose s for .ale by Lob] WESTON SOW EN rIOTTON-40 bales Tan - beslie faiiale by V 151 - WESTON BOWFIN BtSCKUAELOTIF3 LARD OIL-A large supply on . hand and for .ale as time drag warehouse of - jeds 1 KIDD .4 Co gro 7E sre N and P / t o ri's=';';;TiElritiOtl)7g."l4lZEl ALERATUR-L4 ton• :tectonic and for sato by jCill ROHT DALZF.LI.. & Co. liberty o 101/CE—G tea is store and for sato low by JtVL.k.T. DROWN & CULBERTSON OPR—DI bales for wale by je26 I.IR.W,WN & CI LBERTSON 1 ELLOW lIANRINS—Two bales gettable .Nan kills, fir sale bylell.l SHACKLETT a %V HiTe. MACKERSO bbl Eo 1, large, blackerel, just re ceived and for sale by lOU LOAF SUGAR-100 able Nos 7,8, D and le, Lotuai ana fool;, Ra do Lovering', crashed and polveri led Somme, tot sale by fr.n POINDEXTER &Co SNAKE ROOT-11 sacks Snake nom, in store and for aalo jai POINDEXTER &Co 'IMAOKEItEL it NDIIEItEING-3OEEIs No a hlnck -111 are{ Mars. inspecuon . t 3 do No ti do do do; 10 do 1 do do do; d 5 do Not traltlmare Herring,. just reed relreae by jell MILLER k RICEETF-trN _ AVAICA SIICAR--110 by" While 'lava. Sugar, tost received nail foredo by • MILLER Ir. RICKEIRON -gryRir,zOSUGAR-50 bap Brain Sugar, in More and B by . ten MILLER &RICKETSON • SM-4 10 . .' 1 . !No:, 1100 , landing from steamer En • ptenste.q qpkby / enl DICKEY &V. I rtykx sm)_.2s saerra end reo, now landing ' Iron stcamerEePhreurs; far sple by jer I =Fn. k G TTON-417 bites no,r landintrand for sale by I DICKEY & Co ALTPF:III-E-110 bbls refined ; nose on hard and (or S safe by- ted7 _ {;,?, &NEC* OIL-2 bids Seneca Oil, ree'd from Salina 0w inks aud (of salelty apl& JONES, Cabal Beam_ rOPLAR — LUMBER, mid Pine Joke, for sale by W. W. WALLAM 176. AR MOUSE MOLASSES-29lible for sale by S 8 F VON DOIINIIORBT & Co wljlTt FISH 90 bbl. to Bliley, for sole by teYl 8 P VON DONN HORST & Co vryp A ppiii6 - F . .APER-40 remiss Straw Paper, for W D o, by - I ,' F VON IIiONNHORST &Co _ kept for saNle HU VON BON by RBT & Co S A LE RATtts _i lemma. in store and for sale 1 1 1t27 R ROBISON & Co PATENT SODA ASH-113dx •k• Son's 4rst quality Soda Ash, . 4 ..0. 41 per •boomer Den Rash snitfor isle by MAR W MiTCRELTRP,,,':, 16 P libe-ri7 st MALOOR-030 bbLs Family Flour fn • ,WORTII X my2o J s PEPPER bdis 10 do Allspice, io gore and for sale by • J &RFLO_ YD • SINGLE LOAF SUGAR-60 bbis Nos x, 0 and n N 0 Refined, in More and for sale by je2o J & R FLOYD 1 - AEI> OlL—an bbla and half hbla, for /ale lora by , BROWN ff. CULBERTSON FANCY SOAD-14) bxs Cincinnati. for sate low by )c 0 .1) BROWN & CULBERTSON QOAP-100 lbslilydes ?Om; 200 do Wbj Crindia; 20) do Doodle' b 0 do Almnoih 10 boo Fancy; 60do r4O4M N. 24 - .1022 D WILLLAAIS 12EIMINI JULY. SJ S aturday, tkanday, 24 Monday, 25 Tuesday, 25 Wednesdy, 57 Thursday, 29 Friday, PITTSBURGH BOARD OF TRADE COMI:I'ME FOR JULY In reviewing yesterday's transactions of the market, we have nothing now to notice. The dull nese of the day was rendered more dull by the frequent showers of rain which fell, and business of all kinds was extremely. fight. FLOUR—The market is quiet, and nothing has occurred showing any advance on our last quoted rates. Receipts conunue very liget., and sales are transacted only on a limited scale. We quote the ruling figures of the market from first bands at 4,641111,02; and from store at 4,7.3 4,.t7 fp WA, with small sales. PROVISIONS,—The market is quiet, and prices remain very firm. Bacon-is active at former rates, and sales in a general way show considerable ne tivity. Of other articles under this head, the ;ear bet is quiet, and prices entirely unchanged. GROCERIES—We have no change to notice is the market, every thing continuing quiet at former nue& OILS—We nave no changes to note in prices. Sales of linseed at 5.5 c, and of lard at 53c p Of Tiuniers'bil, there are various qualities in the market, with wales ranging from SI 7 to $l9 p bunt. ROSIN--Sales of common or crude N Cat S 3 03,127 c p bbL SEERS—The season is dull, mad very little doing. We quote nominally as follows:—Clover 3,2503,37; timothy, at 1,37, and dax at 90 etc per bushel. SOAP—Regular sales of Pittsburgh variegated at lOte, and of common rosin .1 9 th. TAR—We note moderate sales of N C at St p barreL TALLOW—Little doing in the art.cle. We quoternominally at 7937tc p VINEGAR—Remdar sales of good cider vine, gar at WOK. gall. WHISKEY—The market remains steady, but not active. In raw whiskey, very little to doing market. Regular sales of rectified are elected td I.B(igl9a, according to terms of sale. FEATHERS—The market remain. quiet, with Supplies quite suificientto the demand. We note sales in limited lots at 310 1 33 c p tb, according to quality. WINDOW GLASS—We have no change to no t lice in prices; regular sales are reported to us from store at the following rates—of City brands, Sall) net, St; 10x 12, 3,50; 12x16, 67, other se tes in proportion, of country , brands, oxlo, 3,370 f 3,621; 10x12, 3,5053,75 p box. Of flint glom, the following is 3 lint of prices, Plain Tumblers 1 pt, from 5 to 10 ox each, p dos, net, 310632 Pressed do 1 and 1 pint. from 6 to 10 flute do do 02,;(11,25 Decanters, qt, light 2 nag, glass stopper 175 do do heavy 2do cork 370 do do do plain do "50 do do do pillar do 0.50 Wine glasses, plata '10'673 Act do pressed 175 Pacheco, qt, plain 15701,75 do do pillar and ribbed 7.5.3 do iqt or creams 00 Molasses Cans, pt plats 1.20 do do do ribbed 1,67 Plates, 6 in. pressed and fig 75 Castor Bottles, fluted t'.s Jors, 1 gal, Laquereal cover . do gal do do 3.27 The averniceli7eofbaton on the Ohio and Mt. sissippi, corning to what may be termed a natural death is little less than five years. But of mom than half of them it can be said with truth 111211 they do not live oat more than half their days, brief as they are. Of 552 boats built on the waters na med, from 1335 to 1840, the following account is given in a Cincinnati paper 106 worn out 215 snugged . 42 burnt.... 22 lost by collision 7 lost by expLoatoo. MIIMM3 Look at this! Two hundred and fifteen boats lost in five years, by snagging! awn not this fact speak in - Trumpet tones to the Government is i t not perfectly easy to clear out and keep cleared oat ninetenths of the snags—and save nine-tenths of this great loss Dmicsrm Goone—The quantity and value of Domestic:, exported from the port of Boston to for eign countries, during three weeks eodiog July 15. 15th: To Baia Indies 999 packages. Value $40.555 Brazil 110 do do 5 000 Smyrna 60 ;do do 4,220 Total 51,165 do do $19.817 SrEcta—The N 0 Delta, in speaking of the as. rival at that port of the schooner C C Stratton, says, that inetead of $70,000 in specie, as reported she brought some 5150,000 to $500,000 in specie, for the U. S. Govemmont. About $400.000 of tins amount was collected under the 51eX.1.113 Tariff. Mesa Nave Banns—The capital stock, (1 00,000,) far a Branch of the State Bank of °nick, has beon subscribed for at Athens, Athens county, and the specie required paid in. Application for a charter will be made at the meeting of the Board of Con trol next month. The Gumusey Branch of the State Bank of Ohio. will go into oyeration shoot the first of August. The necessary officers have been chosen, and are said to be business men of tried prudence and in tegrity. This brunch will be located at Washing ton.--{Cadis Repub. At market—l6oo beef cattle. (all from the south end west, via Philadelphia,) 60 cows and calves, and 4500 sheep and lambs. Prices—Beef Cattle—The market has been ve ry dull the past week. qut pnees are fully main tained notwithstanding. We quote extremes at from $6 to 7so f• cwt, an in quality. 300 bead were driven to Brighton, and 40 heed exported to Bermuda. Cows and calves at from $26. 26, to 31,50, as in quality. All taken. Sheep and Lambs—The supplies are large, and prices are rather lower. Sales of sheep at from 51.50, 2,50 to $l. Lambs, $1,121, $2 to 2,75. 450 left over. , Hay—Sales:lst from 3to3s Od p 100 IDs. Straw in taken at 4s to 30s v 100 bundle. At market, 275 beef cattle, 750 she") and lambs. Prices—Beef Cattle—A few extra .),75; let qual ity, 5eee,.6,50; 2d quality, 5,50105,75. Old Sheep -81,75a3,50; a few Omelets taken 0 7,',0; Lambs, 51,5002,50. Ira mar mute ts W•tereo.—Say WI wbo ever need liFLaneie Yerrnifugel Rend the followitig letter from an agent: "Itzeeruz, Ctorterrio Co N. Y. f Feb '2oth, $ J. Kidd &Co —Wk your agent was here I had Just opened, and be left bat a leek dozen of AFLatie's Ver.. intfoge. and I And it Is going od very fast, and thus far It has given good satisfaction. and has proved to be just what the pnblie wants, and we have got ii agoing, and Ido not wish to get out. I have hut one dozen left. S,Vhen your agent was here, I think he told me some place to send if 1 should want more, hut if he did, I hove forgotten. Will you have the goodness to or der for rue etx dozen mite an the receqd of this. Pimut FRYER" For Pile at the Drug ' , tore 0(3 KIDD & Co, v 0 we el street. ' I Tun scram LUZ • Crivtal—The ortrniai. only true and genuine Liver Fdl, prepared by IL E Sellers. PIMMITTOWX, V.., jouir 7th, I oPt. klr R E Sellers—Some years since I wan much hen. eford by using your Liver Pills, and as I ours a great sufferer now, `enclose you one dollar, and wish you to send me the worth of it in UV.' Pill. , by mail. Lte partieular or send the same kind—they acted tike a chorus when I took them before. Pours, &e, A G CLIAMBLIN. • Prepared M told by B. E. SF:LLEFLS. 57 Wood Sold by Dr. Cassel, sth vend; D. N. Curry, Allegbeny W. J. Smith, Tonperaneeeille, and I' Dr/nor, Low reneeville. catmon.—All other pills called Laver Pills are coon Serious or irtUtallooll. 4r21 IV' Doris your hair fail off, doe. your hair turn gray Is it harsh, is it dry, or dirty, I pray? If 'us thus, you can make It soft, milky end Lilo, Dark and healthy, and beauteous as amitotic of mine And to have this, you have hut:three shillings to vet For a bottle of Jones' Halt Restorative. Reader, If you have bad hair you would rally he as, tonistied at the lovely Keel a three shilling loon, of Jones , Coral Hairßestoratlve boa on it, it needs but one trial. Sold at 89 Liberty at.: novlUalkwly El=2= And pumas monumental alstmeter. ' All jimmies have skin like the above, who 111.! Jones' Spanish Lily White. It 0210110ih pure snowy, yet 118111 rally whlte. Sold at e.) Liberty street. irl, hies. /one.' Soap I. usubby Imlay physacians Una city in caring than bove, and we would not co sell unless we knew it to be all we Platt. a cosmetic, the true Jones' Soap to herbal'. the my Article ever known dim removed impurities and ele seed aryl beautified the tiling, making it wall, clear, and wham anon itifanCe Sold by WM. JACK. SON, Eli . 1 -Jb.M wara Irr Ladies Who ace Jones' Spaw6 Ldy tYLIy , Lave always e fi ne white ...parent skim t 3( a trial w,II mi.(' my Boki only in Pittsburgh, at 89 Liberty 112, :novliMadarly CE=2 Sill - I Bun .Moon rises. J lets. rl•e a. 4 50 . ' 2 4e ins 461 7 9 7ZI 461 7 9 084 4 52 7 13 9 41 4 .5.1 7 7 10 47 164 7 0 II 59 4 55 7 5 mom Orr. Pmrsriva.ou Gitzgr-rs, Saturday Morning, July 22, lot& 4 . 7* y cent Cattle Mar kale New York. July 17, 1545. Brighton, July 17, ISIS. PORT OF PITTSBURGH. ARRIVED. Loois McLane Bennett, Brownsville. Lake Erie, Marry, Beaver. Beaver, Clark, Wellsville. M,clogun No 2, Gilson, Beaver. Baltic, Jacobs, Brownsville. Camden, Hendrickson, M'Keesport Visitor. Jacobs, rin. I 'inpire. Young, lihousetown. Skipper. Stoops, Beaver. DEPARTED. Beaver, Clark, Steubeuville, Louts McLane, Bennett. Brownsville, Lake Erie. Murry, Beaver. Michigan No 2, Gilson, Beaver, Baltic, Jacobs, Brownsville. Camden. Hendrickson, Browmoulle. Zachary Taylor, Lucas, Cin. Newark, Hurd, Beverly. Skipper. Slaps. Beaver. The river last evening at dusk was 3 feet 3 inches water in channel, by metal mark and fall• lIIIPOWSS By RIVER Cinc.nuati--Per Highland Mary-36 bbl. hams Ii Grad: mils line, 2 bbls mdse, Mr. Irvin; 4 blo canon. D T Morgan; 45 hits feathers, D Leech & co; 56 hbls whiskey, Knox & Duncan; 56 do do, Ino Parker, 60 do do, Wm Lehmer & bo; 50 do do J & G McDevitt; 97 bls cotton, H Graff; 1 sack wool, Then Stewart. Grreiiiipsdiirg—Per America-150 tone pig me• tal, II Chdda & co; 50 do do, McCurdy & Loomie; 29 tone, owner Rivard; 1 box mdse, I) Leech & Co. rAsSENG ER ARRANGEMENTS FOR 16.18,. For Muladelphia every evealug at D o'clock, by Leech's Packets. Office opposite the United States Hotel. Steamboat Pocket Line, leaves daily for Cincinnati, 10 A. 51. Passenger Packet em Brownsville to Baltimore and Phtladelphia 8 a. taland 0 e. N. Mail Coach Lute direct to Philadelphia, 0 a. n. and C. us. Western and Southern Mail Cciach Lute, 6 A. N. North-Western via Cleveland, daily, 10 a. X. Erie and Western New York, daily, 0 A. w North-Eastern todadelphia, daily, ezcept Sundays, 4, • Y. ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURE OF MAILS. Eastern Mall via Philadelphia, due 3 a. at., closes IS X. West'n M ail. Cinein. 8 loinsv. doe S r. ar, closes 5 am. South vt aßalUmore &Washington, due b r. a. e l's 3a. North Western via Cleveland, due l 0 a. ae, closes 9 a at Erie and Western New York. due 8 r. Y., closes 8 a. at. fur The so& Angelic orpremlon of some females is grateful to view, while the repulsive,coarse, muddy, yellow faces of ethers, excite* disgusts—the sante with males. Could ruck people be seduced to try a cake of the true loxes' lichen Chemical Soap, they would be enraptured with the change. They would have a deli. rate. clear. white skin, while every disfigurement or erupuun would be removed and cured. . • . Fanner,. NarlClK.—Progona who have bought cheap counterfeits and traitatioo. .Mts. and hare had no ci. feet produced, must try thin, the origmal Mimi, oak tor Jones Soap. For sale at Wa. Jgctemi., 10 Lsber ty street. RATES OF DISCOUNT. HATES OF DISWUNT—.S.DiftECTED N. 110L5111PS f. ,SON. Exchange Brokers. An. 65 Market street. near 4te at Pennsylvania. Indiana. Bank of Prltsborgh • • •-Par State B'k k Branchea• • 1 Exchange Bank Par Sate...mop • • • ••• rr March. & Man. Hank •Par; Liks.MFlnladelphia • • •par,Exchange Elk. of Val • I Il.rard Bank ••- • • •• • par,Fartners Bk. of Va• •• • " Bank Mt/ern:lawman • par Ilk. of the Valley,— " " Chester County •• • par Bk. of Virgima• •• " " De/aware Co • • • petrl3l.B. AL Hi., Wheeling k Montgomery Co. • • part do rilorg-nnoarn• •• • l " Northumbe I land • • par!6l. W. Bank Va. • Columbia llrrdge Co. • • par: do Wellsburg •••• • • imyleshowrn Bank mai, do Par karst, urg• " Farm s' Bk. Rearing por: Tenn Farriers' Ilk /lacks Co par Bk of Tertnessee• •• • 5 Putman Lane. r par Far, & slerchn Bk.-- " Lancaster Co. Bk• , • -porgy Planters' 8k......... " Lancaster Bk par' U a ron Bt. U. Stater Hank. 30 Elliurowri OfOwnswille Bk. parr, Slaw Bk of Mwanan• •-• I Wankinmon Ilk. I North Carolina, GmlYkkarrn Bk.• • 1 l Bk. of Cape Fear ' 2 (1l„.1-r.>cr x • • ...... " iklereh's Ilk., IV event nt • 2 Snamtehanna Cu. Bk.• 1 iknate Bank •••••• • • • • • • 2 behigh Co Bank, South Carolina. Lintel...et, • • Camden Ilk.-.-.- •• • • 2 Middletown ..... •—• • • I Bk. of Charleston, • • • - I Curial< " Commere.a: Bk V F . ,.,,, gt . ..... . . ••--30 Bk of Georgetown 2 Fanner,' and Drovers' Bk.of klannburg• •• • • • 2 Bank, NV aynesburik• • 1 .Merehmus Ilk •••• • • -• 2 illlTlShom " •Plantera k. Mocha's Bk- V Ifoineadale -••— • I Ilk. of Booth Carol in• • • 2 Lebanon p•‘ , Maryland. Pow. , ille n Balunaore Ilks• • par Ilanmle & 0 R R Scrip •10 1 Cumberland Bk. of Wesl Branch Bk. I Kdany .. A . I Br' of Notes " For. Hi. or Maryland• • " Al kAI Bk I'm. do " Farmer.' & Alt.chant. " Cay k County . 1 / 4 np• " Bk. Frederick " . . Ohio. Frederick Co. Bk • • " Nate 13k. and Branches 1 liafersinorn Bk Mount Neasant ..... • • " Mineral Bk- •-•- • - I IMECIII2 W tnren Ilk • --• • EI=E Bk.of 4Vestromoter ficv Lothon• ...... 511chlgaka. nc Vadks o • Bk. 5( S. Clair••• • Col cor...u. do. o Bk. of asver ks• • 51/chlgan to Co• • • •- 5 I=ZZ=MI MMUS _ . Terrlt , y 7u Ilax./cnre 1a.C0.51r1505 6 131==t1 12112311111111111 113=2=21 1 flank of &led Notes Cleveland--•—• l 0-oldt Specie Value ..... a Napoleons 390 . , .. Dartoo . Ducats 9 16 0 590 Western Renorve • " tlagle old • ••• • 10 60 Franklin E':Cohlar.bas " 41241e:11,o •••• • 10 00 Chillicothe • " Doubloona,Spaa.ll. 16 00 Lake Erb•• • " D. Patriot..... • 16 50 111;1=9M3 Itltlul-uIuILIMSS.J4 MOSE= Fan:s4.'l3'k Canton • —5O Teo Guilders -• • - 7 00 Urbana ..... • •••• • 50 Lodied'ors• • •- • • 450 fientuak y. Ex.:thong*. Bk of }Censor ky 1 New York porn Bt.of Low milk Philadelphia ••• • -- prrn Norbern Bk. KenuPky • •Bahimore •—•• •• , • prou Sew York—Car Banks. P. Intoner 131 ..• -• CO-PAULTS/CRSHIP TXTE have this day associated with EDWABD TV Deritantos, H. L Htwow.ir and Roaster era in the manufacture and .ale ut FLINT GLASS under the style and Gem of CcaLimn, Roe., son& Co. Manufactory on Waidunguan street, in the oth Ward. Warehoune, comer Wood .04 First streets, Pittsburgh.. The business of the old ftrinlitill he settled by either of the undersigned. AIrfRF.D B CURLING. ]!ORGAN Fon Pin Glass Works, July 1, ISIS Port Pitt Wass Works We are manufactunng ond keep constantlyhand a general aswirtment de m. teased and plain FLINT GLABWARE. Also, Wills, Ulls. Window Glam. An, (of sale on the most accommodating terms, at oar warehouse, corner Wood and Punt streets Pittsburgh. Jy4:dicioriniT CLELL/NG, ROBIdRTSON & Co. A RTIMRS & NICHOLSON are now selling ofrat moderate pries the following articles: Platform Scales ` of all kinds, weigning nom lOU to 31*) pounds, of superior workmanship. Assorted Hollow Ware, light patter.: Coal Cooking Stoves; Wood do do; Coal Elton. and Balloon Stoves, for e bucolic, warehouses, to. Or. Grates and Orate Fronts, for parlors. chambers, kitchens, Ploughs and Plough Camilla of end°. kmd. ARTHIRS & NICHOLSON. Iyl7,ditm Liberty, head of Wood n ' ELECTRIC MACHINES, at from SS to SW, EJectro- Magneuc Machnscs, from &Annum eastern manu facturers, Menne Clocks for .tram boats. canal boats and factor-me. Also. Chen:neat', Thermometers, ace. for We by BLAKE & Co, corner market at and the diamond N B.—Etter-Welty of either hunt annumatered at the dtrecumi Mphysteinna. 017 NEW ARTICLE OF STEAM PACKING—Just ceived byexpress, 500 lb. India Rubber Swum Pocking, for cylinders of steamboats, &e. This article being much the best kind that has ever been offered for the purpose, we call the attepaon of our steamboat en gineers to it. It will a grew amount of labor, lor when a cylinder is once'packed it will not require to be packed again before making one or two trips to St. Louis and 6.4. For sale at die India Rubber De pot, No 5 Wood .t Iyl J & II PHILLIPS LIOSI3 HOSEll l —Just received,a large as- AUL sortment of Gum Eleatic Hose. This article has been In LOW two season., and all penman. that hare made use of them give them the preterence to leather, they lacing much better, tor they will last a groat deal longer; they not leak a drop, and need no care in com parison to leather; they want no greasing or wastui, and there t. no mistake but they ran be mended- Tu be sold at the India Rubber Depot, No 5 Wood at. lyt:i I & /I PHILLIPS UIREMKN, ATTENTlON'—lientlemen, we have 1: received three sections of Gum Plume How far your inapeetion and trial We therefore ilivite you to cal, and ee the articles, you will find them mach better tha n leather, ad come 15 cents a foot cheaper. The Coupling. with Mein can he turio•hed ai itvery iOW price jyt3 3 & 11 PHILLIP:4.6 wood at RICHARD T. LEECH, JR., two.= .RD {MALE. 11l !ladders' Ironmongery, Harness and Cull' eh Trimmings, Moss. Deer Heir, Varnish, Ace. &0., Ho. IrKl Wool, tin Prrreoceo. a agar and Mal 148 1- 4 11 b t i;) ,,n ity s =B , ma a r, d. and 7, ICI do Pin. Near Orleans Motruses, 27 do Sugar Roan, do In store and for sale by k. MITCHELTREE, Jetn ICC liberty or REII2 LAWIsItt, VERY CHEAP—W 11 3lurpky 11011/106SI comer of 4th and market sts, has recei ed a large lot of Lawns to IA eta per yard, thereto, fore acrid at higher prices I Pm:mar (hoods gene tally also opening at reduced price.. _ . . . /1•13 lot of prime e.r New fart Bup., whvh we will sell by the bale or eight centa (SW W SMITH k Ca 'Hew ors, Pitt street B . I.K.ACIIING POWDER-20 colts Wto ootn,' Pow der, Jam Nlospratt h. toe's brawl—ln lost rocotrett, theremoinder to trove so a few days, for sale by totat &11.1 lIIIT(tHEI.TIIEF, lOU bbarty RI 0. SUOAR-1541 bhde prima, for solo b y 1V• JYa FRIFIN D, MIEN& Co ' r b"( 7lVM y forme /WHY & co B AC i ri SIDES-60W ltritar co C OIgt:ILVS-41/ bble. mr;l l =4Tge ß lly , co ",i sl; 4. le i tlo tt , — liit t r ' e " a e„i d dc lL ; V .t. g :; .q.`""""h"` jab MILLER A. RICKETSON rrAR-10 bbir WilnungtonN C Tar, on hod and for hale by jell MILLER & RICKETSOII COTTON -154 baler for sale by FRIEND RUM' & Co PIG loos wft Foundry Ptg Metal, for nale by FRIEND, RHEY Cp FILBERTS -0 racks Filberts, for 4.14 by )76 WICK & KFCANDLIWI . 11...A.',.4-1.11 bar nXIO Wlndovr (Koss; 72 do 10111 k,4 do; 43 do UXI2 do, fon ode by )03 WICK 611PCAPIDI.FSEI C'F.1.41.712VE GEBV• N COrAGNE-12 Am re. G ..tY.d Pd fin JACIAD 3 co 6Y MAGNETIC TELEGRAPH. c Gazette Owing to he humid date of atmosphere, or some other cause, ‘he wires failed to operate last eight. We are, therefore, without our usual tele. graphic reports. _ SiOLIAN ATTACHMENT. "It:WEI VEL and for sale, tot of entice Piano, with =id without Coleman's -Eonan Attachment, by amid /tannin N Y. One of Nouns ft Clark's Pianos, with the Allnehment, was taken no England by Mr Cokuan,•end among many other testimonials of ad miration for this elegant specimen of American skill and annianah)r, eliented the following remarks from N. Thalberg, the greatest Pisonat living. • • Losroms, Jan. le, 1e43. My Deal Sit—ln enclosing is lever tomy friend, Mr Fraud. Patio, I emmot refrain from again expressing to you how much 1 was pleased with your “..Eolun 1... , hr00n1," which I consider as a great inimical un pi ewe neat. I can assure you that on my putt 1 shall v ith4reat pleasure do my utmost to onto youven ton mown. Pot sale by KLEIIER. P At Woodwell's furniture maims, 3d at 111 .JOKS.—Loltennev In Europe; or Sketches „1.1 of Travel in Prooce,l3elgthm, Switzerland, Italy, Ariktria„ Ore. Britain and Ireland, with an iMpendte. contaimoK obsormitiona on European char, Bes and medical institutions. By Julth \V Carson M D Angela, • novel. Hp the author of “F,millo Wynd ham," "Two Old Men'a Tales," me. Self-Conuol, a novel. I.ly Mary Brunton, author of “Disetpline." VoL 111. Dolly Scriptdirm Readings. By the late Thomas Chalmers, a D.L. L. D. Part 4, The Thousan d B and One Night. Harpers' Il lustrated edition. William the Cottager. a book for children. By the author of “Fllen Herbert," An. The above work. received thin day and for role by JOHNBTOIV trrocicroN NEW ROOlL 4 —Memonals of the Introduction of Methodism into the Eastern States, comprising bbanpbteal notice. of its early preaches, oketobe. of fries •.d successes; by Rev. A Stevens, A. ht. Just publlrmed. Memokr of Rev. David &beet, D. D., late Misuoustry to China by his nephew, 'Rev U R Williamson Mark Milton, the Merchant's Clerk: by Rev Charles D Taylor, hr. M author of "Record. of Good Man's Lffe "lady Mani," "Margaret, or the Pratt", &c. &e. The above, with it large assortment of new hooka ou hand and Jam receiving. ELLICYIT & ENGLISH, apSi 56 market at tISOLIIIII BOOKS—limn of the Greek Bet. oluuon, and of the wars and campaign. noising from the struggles of the Greek Patriots in Emancipa. Ung their country from the Turkish Yoko—in two rot. amen—splendid copy with numerous maps and rage. •in Letters' dlustttnive of the reign of Witham 111, from Ma to 17 , 1. i—with fine penes., in v vols. Companion to the study of the Holy Periptures Harry Mowbray, ilinilng romance, with 5u eugra vt Tour in the 801 l Land, French Stage, and Sketches to China. Just reed and for sale by sotiN MoDUNALD & REF.SON St market street Metalie Frame Pismo lIMITIA SPLENDID cmortment of Rim wood and hlithogony grsnd sedon P. anos, Jost finished sod for sale. - Also, two splendid Rosewood Pianos, Isiah CO1C11.11'• celebrated /Rohm, attachment, hushed in the most modern style, sod for .ale at Je2s F BLUME'S, 112 wood at r HR et!! t L re A e C M Sm' s th rotre jc' o h flroti 4 w 4 i h d l elte t Lacer, from 121 cls per rr yd op. Also, ono carton of Mechhn do; one do Paris Point do; also 15 canons Cotton Lacer Dealers and other, wilt find it to their interest to call, a. they will be mid at extremely low pnees. ed DIEUNTS—A large assortment of blue. blue Alld or end lanry Pm., of every tlestrable style and quality, just opening Ond for sale to the trade at extraordwary low rates, by the ease. dm SHACKLETT & WHITE W HOLESALE DRY GOOLK4--A A Mason & Co have Just received at their wholesale Room., No. RI Market street, 10 case* of prtsitattl Lawns and sdo good style of Omaha/us, I do lieu , style of Calicoes, G of Cotionades tool Summer Stuffs, 11 do Parasol, of every Tt) . Also, Haltbona, Lace. Glove•. 1 , 0111,, Sh•virla. ene Doutesoc, be. be. Al 1 At'r-s, EDGINGS, At' a n nna i nn ,."„d an d medlom Edging, Lacea. Inserting% IMillines. tin and loony Net.. of Me latest importations rust orened by 0 L 12 SHACKFTT & WHITE LOVFS AND MlTl'S—Smith & Johnson, 46 ruar• 1. Jr ket street, have received a large stock of long and short Silk Fillet Gloves and Mots. Also, Li' le Thread. Silk and Linen Gloves. Also, a cartons of llama Kid Wove., winch will he sold at wholesale and retail ex tremely low rein M Manc he s t er .T , ? ,. .R ih r H . A S.— . A n patterns, received yesterday at th of e Dry Gaels House and handsome of 1e64 W MURDDY . _ L AND NANSOOK hl DSLINS A general as 111torent of Mull and Natwook Muslins for ladies dresses, ms sat received •t No :5 market street. northwest corner or the dminookl. /YlO ALEXANDER & DAY , 1) Nnrtct 0, have further edorcd to peer then nn anent Beraae• and T...., Mao. l.renadines, to renites, strtpea, Pail de Cheer. Ar ))- RINTED LAWNS AND .1/ USLIN S—A A Meson Y & wth their extensive ...affluent ot prfn.- ed Lawn* and Muslin. at grestl) frder. d pure.. Q U.NINIER STUFPe— A A Nlaaant Co will offer the n-tnetader of thiir Sumter.. ' , tuffs at wholesale B(1 131. - FrONS---anin germ igroa• white and black Snapestdor, Fly and Shirt Hutton, of a very 'ape nor quality and &loin tont rre'd onconatient and for itale by SHACK LF7I7 H ron ITE /Y 3 Oa wood at i - urrroN YARN:, yr n•aortt.4 C Yarn Ca-pet Chant, Cabdie W,k, and Cotton 1 worn; Ital hairs Ilantiia •al•Is1 itgli.u(nrurtr% . Int.,. meet. PRIV-ND. Itlft.Y .4 Co, tv7 arettb• for lamollinoureFs DOTASII—P . casks extra Poles& Lust received on j. conatintrucut aud for role by Lel4 MILLER & RicKgrsoN DRANDY FRUIT—IS cases choLce Brandy Fru.. I) lulu received and for rale by Lel{ MILLER & (IR.AII CIDER-2P bbla Economy Crab Cider. Last ‘,."received and for salt by lel4 MILLER Y RICKETSON 1 011s—LM Ws Linseed ()Ll,m fine Libtppin4 order ' .01 received aid for sale by ,rl4 MILLER & RICKErtiON CIASTILE SOAP--SW lb. on bond and for sale by J KIDD. & Co. 60 wood at LARD OIL—RI bids superior. BurelLhare• brand. Lost receLved and for sale by J J KIDD & Co, 60 wood it - - e•clo superior Oats, recd per sienna, J Diligence and for •ale by fed° J & R FLOYD, Ronne' Church Building. F. 1.7 MALAGA WINE—dO yr casks sweet Mule 0 ga Wine, met received and for vale by jaiMILLER & RICKETSON - 11S - DIA HONEY-3 Ws nun landing and IT for sale by JAMEN DALZELL. iel2 VI water's: _ IV ''' ig4 "V l'"' :3 ?'l o '' ,37) 4 k7 . i r /IVlt ' ... l .:r b il Co I , KA-.33 half Chen. Young Dyson Trra. lint pert and for sale by Jell MILLER & J ACAD'ARD DIAPI.:R—Two bales bleached Darn. ask Cotton Diaper. loot opened b/ _aIIACKLrT k WHITE A," ACKEREI.-.50 bbis new No. 3 Mackerel, :eery, l~jing per canal and for rile by /Yin DALZELL I 111 11.:E1'E-2. be. pruner Cheese. erect ving per Lake Erie and for sede by jyln /AMY MIZELL EATHEJ3S AND COTTON-1.W,, Feathers, and bales Cotton, per steamer Cumberland. and for ee e by lylo J AMES DA LL ELI. - VEATHEES--1 sack. prune Kentucky Feathe., 12 post recetred and tor .ale by jyle _POINDEXTER A Co. II Wale( al H MOLASSES—eI bids St. James RALltery S Molaaaca, reed on COttugnmem. per sum. Eureka, for mule by Jyle POINDEXTER A Co SCHAR-40 Wad. prone N O Super. DS do fa, do— for sale by iy I. POINDEXTER & Co R F A s } rte . P r ! N I G OR P d A o ' a M I lo n 4 8 W ,do Double Croy. do do, 111Wdo Medium do dot loam do I. C do do; to store ood for tale by tettla REYNOLDS & SHER PLAT BOATS FOR SAL.F.-.12 large substantial r Flat blotto for sale. Flrtottlre of M== , ,n 26 comer of Non and lionn sts • `CH(X)I. BOOKS- M'fitiaby'• Series, • large stock, kj just received and for sale by liErki 'LDS dt. SHEI OR KALE—A Lail.. wall nla of shafts, F.k.e Alms, • Rood rot of Blacksmith's No!. Ea quire of 17 1 7 BLAKE A. Co VV .",')‘1;-.Z2 .Deism ' t)lNi7." *n .k k (rum At I_, A , R ,T 6' ' '" "" no lliA m lZl D ' IYCKEV ACo KAiyTi "WA1171171N1V.7 and lur mle b( '"`" ""3 741..., G It , 1;-A , ;+1.: 1111-10 Lb lu . ,t? . re v a i zakirallle co by , SAL SA lISAIIARIertrc.. ,6mta. Iyl 7 Post cor wood and Stb LJUIIK PASTE and Gum Lotroncs, Yowl's, Row tI Lemon and Larroonce, Jam read and for auln toy JOEL MOHLER 111 rerA.irl'—'s Fro.. . °1 " t ' y Jo4:l. 1110111. ER IREAM OF TARTAR-400 ILA for Ask by y l7 JIIEL AIOHLE.R YANH.LA REANN—For rah. by IY l 7 JOEL MOHLER RAGS-- , 300 lb* Raga, reed and f A cv s ake y l n. 7 .0 T uk.„4l. . 1 3 A L O , N b — y SOW lb. jr .M ; ders and HTL , si (i1..A . :::± q 600 ;! , ..stortt.tl 1 4, 1! ,r i . 11 11 . 11 1 ( . or D tr. ). D .. Arr o cr a.le by jyk; PlO i d t fo 10 1 l 11"cVil lnr klairtYY,"*. IYO In wood at • Wool, lwashad ' reed and for rule iy6 GEO A BERRY 12OR MA I.E--One Keel Boat or !largo and ono Flat r Boa, Enquire of EN6l.lilll dENNUTT IY 6 37 wood at SfloArl'.l.'„%fLft pS bVrAdrst,xlilTlitiug Lend INSERD 011.-13 M. pure linseed Oil; landing from steamer Bearer and for sale by jyit RAGA LEY I SMITH CRESE-200 b.. Western Reserve Cheese, prime quality, landing trom emir Lake Erte,.d for sale by lIAGALKY & SMITH E NGLISII Mk - INR° BORAX-4W lba Jost road and for rale at the drug warehouse of )Y 3 J MDR Co _ . MCROCCO-60d. bladras Ktd Mona; Undo French Morocco. Also. a fresb supply of Tampico and Madras Boot Morocco, last reed and for ante at low pricer fetO WM YOUNG I Co 'DIG METAL-150 to. Pig Metal, landing Gam steamers Taylor and Do 'Will Clinton and for tale by • joNI JAMES DALRELL . " t e,T 0. ISUGAR, &C.-IWhhela prime N O Sow; 100 1.11 _ktblarkeite klolasseig 10. store and for rate by JAMES DA. ZELL MEW SUEDES GOODS 7110.11 Tail lEM TOIL S. ran.....cvau aeerttfß are NV now opening a fine stock of fresh Sunimer Gavis, direct from the New York and Philadel phia Auctions. where they have been purchased with in the last two weeks. at a very great sacrifice, there by enabling it. to offer far better bargains th an we nave ever drone before In calling the attention of the 06.61 of Pittsburgh and Ss simony to oaranion me ta, we do so with the confidence of our prices being such as will ensure perfect satisfaction: and to all buy ers, either by wholesale or retail, a fine chance is now offered for procunng great bargain., Among those last received ans-- A lot of very cheap cold and blk hg'd Jr. strip'd Silks; Light and duck Lesvos; of extra fine blk fifrd and wiped Gin ed Ba g rna which are A a very groat tarpon. lot of handsome Cote Pally., for Indies dresses; do light colored sod black Hamer, very cheap; do new style silk Vesting do do very handsome Barege Shawls; do very cheap blk do do Jo fine blk silk Mantilla Scarfs: . . , do handsome Parasols and Pares°letts, do do Artificial Flowers; do p Linen Lustre.; ALSO — A fine stock of raper French Cloths and Cas. 'gramme, white and colored Linen Drillings, Caramel'. its, Summer Cassimeres, Drop d' Fhe, Ac At'. A large siwortineet of Nuns of all pnces; Ticking*, Cheeks. to which, as well as oilier arti cles moor line, we invite the special attention of each buyers. ALMA:MI/FR A DAY, 1.2 5 75 market at. N W cor of the diamond Li A. MASON C 0.,& HO MARKET ST., ur.rwEEN•PHIBL & FOURTH, I_)EING desirous of reducing their stock previous to the commencement of the Fall Trade, wiH ode their extensive and fashionable assortment mr • few weeks, at greatly reduced prices. Amongst their as. aurtment may he found excellent styles or - Bereres, Throes, Grenadines, Palmyrintnes, Poll 4 . Cheve. Dress Silks, Lawns and Marlins. fre. k.e., all of which are reduced in price fully one third. Their stock of Shawls is very extensive. and com. poses every known style. A few cartons of crape and silk Shawls put received will be sold extremely low. 4 cases real Scotch Gingham, will be sold at td eta., usual price ICS mils, good English Calicoes Ilk; Amer man do as low as 3 and 4c; wrought Collars 13c; Mus lin de Laines laic; good Alpaces laic; Rennet Rib bons Ike. Their stock rff dark green punt Senn Parasols and Parasolettes, camp g upwards of NA of every style and quality. will be offered at very low rates. , Broad Omits, Cunt:mere* and Vesungs; also, all kinds of enamel muffs and Conanades PMEMM=I Merchants will always find at our wholesale rooms as large and desirable an mmrmient olgootla m usually found in esstet n houses, and at equally low prices. (Icily one peace, from ..men 110 ilevtofron eon Ike made. ett KNOW ALL MEN THAT BENNETT & CO. HAVE re mowed from ID2 Market street, to Met,. new splendid and immense estabLishrnent to,ba known on the TOWER HAL.L CIArTRING I3AZAA R. No. i•ri Market street, between Fifth and Sooth. P1111.0.1.1e The promoters feel a reluctance in promulgating what it any way ought appear like the usual Bombas tic exaggeration of somein the trade, bet will beg to quote the tollowthg notice from one of our city papers: "(hie of the greatest runositieslhot our city affords to the struncer. is Bennett & Co'. great clothing store, No. Intl Market street, between Fifth mid Sixth, which has been styled "Tower Hall," from the peculiar finish of the front. The building Is an brunette one, contain ing seven capariotts.rooms, all of which are stocked with fliers vaarit t) of seasonable garments, arranged in the mon perfect order rind regularity. The prop tor. take great pleusum in showing their building and cower. lo ritaens. parucultaly strangers, and to those cnnong from the country—we know of no place more worthy or a vlsit. mr2dislin EATH:ai & 00 are now receiving direct from r a imposers and monuments - est, a large sasontrent of Fancy and Staple Tnnimtngs, Hosiery and Variety Goods, among which am—Black and cold Alitnulku Fsoges: do do Dress ilo. Embroidery and Vixen,. Glms, Tassel, daises, and other drew Ilutions; black Silk Lore, Linen rumbrae Halkfas, Arufarial Flowers and Wreaths; Clicchweitet, needle worked Collars. steel Bags and Purses, Ivory, h.:bony and Feather Fans, Kid. Silk and Lisle (,loves, a Mitts floe/cry. (iloves, &e, Mu tarot.' and women.' Hosiery. Hair Brushes. Combs and Tooth Brushes, Window Shades and Trimmings, Tudors' Tsmoungs. Shirt.. of mons' and youth.' ours, Be de . w Inch they oder on favorable terms. at thew store, tH Martel st. near 4th. )ell IVI I h l o Tl . . 1,‘ ( ,. /C i •OLki , }Oll Orri. S ES--1V u w rt . l t iz goods tor Loduall=, in a clo a ding—Scote n h mull Mus lin. Swiss do; Nansook do; plant inconets; small har m! In, await haired do. Also, For Evening •Dressca—White embroidered Seriet filualtn., pink enabrotdered Tarlton do; blue do; new yle drinia.k stnped and embroalmed do, plant whim. Wile/pink sod straw colored do; also, embroidered gut Swiss Miinns, Ly die yard, for Evening Dre..es, also, Mark Lace Shawl.. Scarfs and Capra—French and Scotch needle work Collars, an assortment of new and beautiful style listen C-ambnc Handkerchiefs; mourn ing do, all at lowest cask pnec., at norttbeast renter at Ith and marketsta. To Country Merchants. MITH AND JOHNSON, 4 , 1 Market street. have re ceived 15 cos Bonnets, consisting tu part of plain Straw. Aurora Braids, Viet°. in do, Gimp do, Eckel./ do. Chins. Year] sod Florence. 5 vexes Polio Leaf Hato. linauts' and lloy• Leghorn and Bran! do; Art, fieial Plover ft, 11l every variety Also. SIC dot I.adies Conan 'lose, from 75 cent. per do.. up to dm finest qua lily, 1141 do/ Gents ball Hose, a good assortment of 1.1.1 e Sdk and Cotton (doves. I's p. silk Ildkt.. 110 p lVaddeu• do. Pat dor Linen Cnoilinc do, IS car tons Cotton and Thread Laces. Also. a good ..50111- coot of Combs- Buttons. I - breads. Needles, Pins. Cut lery. Jewelry, 5.c.. in all or which they will utfer pert Induerment tn prices to purchaser. my1:1 '%AT R. INIURPIII . has opened this morning, one V • cue Umbrellas. including American and Scotch gingham. cotton and steel treacle gnucharn t hie ca, Part , nl...ineludoor green satin Turk. Ilk .111, sod brown., nt extra size. Also. one ease a:st, bons, I,tark and eu:ored, , s hoe s e n,, do. 1.. n hams. and Carton, style. of .111110/et Gooit•, uo at reduced priers A lot 01 .niter Manchester Cunglouns, good styles, also lately received. CHEAP DoNNKI'S--A lot of brad and other Bon nets (of lost st , oiter's shapes] selling orT at from .371 c to in, at the cpther of th and !Market sta. Wholesale room. , on 2,1 story--entrance from 9th B. /Ye fRINGiII--11200 pieces of %Visite Cotton. and White and colored Linen Fringea, adapted for Gingham and French Linen Dresses, obviattlig the necessity of removed from We dress to washing. Macs Mo hair Dultion retinae %Vili arrive in a few days. ac a pes of Mantilla and Silk Dress Fnage. Wholesale dealers are melted to on earl) inspee .n. as they will he itherany dealt with. The !MUM - facturer will dirtpose of the !roods to person, and pledg es himself mat may are perfect and of good meant., and 25 per cent cheaper that any eastern market--con of .sth and Worn/ street.. over the drag store. Ati agent anted for tips • ity. who is comb/lobed in the who dry goods, with good references y3,tlaser UTER 111. K FRENCH CLOTHS—W R .41Ittrpby invitee the •tletaton of Kentlealrit waiting Cittlho, to his somarunent of very best make of French and Kurdish Cloths. A few piece+ very {upcnor black French, Just reed; also, DOC 141.13 • and Coottimeirs, in great caner'',summer Cossucteree and Tweeds. for melte' sod boys' wen, block satin Vesungs. white Morsetlles do. gents while and bordered linen eambne Hdkfof ouper witfe and colored silk do; gent. Gloves, Hoeiery, atc ; Gout,. Merino and cotton Under - ohms, for summer wear; Mk sod fancy enzyme: Gingham and Jaeonei dn, he. e 7 P LIVED YrATERDA at \V H. Murphy'. Dry ‘J Goods House. northeast corner of Ath .d Market streets—blossy black Stlk. for Alueullas, new style Dress thnahann; WI/ and white Crapes; blk, white and nuked Cotton Hose: French &c Yre Also on band. • good a/sant:tent of black &loin, 14k Silk sail fancy Bung, and Nett Shawls; white and cnb Crape do. plant and embroutered, black Ince Shawl. Sear. and Capes. Ile. , style Gird Netts for Cares. Cop. kr. plain wash Blonds and Nett. Sr • • • . . • • Wholanale Room, up not, where an excellent a sorunent of Pro., &e to always kept at low peters je2l SMALL BAR'DGINGIIANIS.ZW R Murphy has re ceived an additional wipply of the above Rood including brown and white. green mild white, &v., also, • taw piece., super super, very neat Plaid. Jet' SUPER FRENCH CLOTHS—We have )n•1 opened a hue lot of lilk French Cloths, which we are wil ling much lower than we have ever neiore sold the ammo quality ALEX A N DER k DA V, - - /. 20 _ 23 market at. N ror of the ihamond `IV(X3L DEE CASSIMERES— A lot of very cheap Wool blk Casstmeres, among which are some ofa bah, texture. very satiable for the summer season, nut reed by pun A 1.1-1 X ANDF:R k DAV 144 OACtI/ITO NEEll , —Pairl pieties 4.4 also c.-4 In white and red and blue barred Netts, extra lank. Also, 11,4. 11-4 and 12.4 heavy Rohm... imparted expressly fora superior article of Mosquito Netts- for citysales, mat received Ly )R213 StiACKLF;TT & WRITE, U 9 wood st WHITE CAPODS 9001 UREA:kit:L.I—W R Murphy has pen received an Invoice of White Dress floods for lathes, such as French and tieotch Mall Maxims, Nat...km- Saun barA /scone.. ke, very low Also. White Bonnet Ribbon., at northeast cor ner of ilth and market tits te-24 MONUITO NKrI'ING—W It Morph, ham rrr d his .apply of Mosquito Netting. Linn, and Amer man. white, von-a. blur and barred, of all widths, also. Inobinen fur do, very wide. and offirrd al low prig. by the piece of yard. )617 P.AGRASS FOR SKIRTS—A .apply lately rare. ved Also. corded and Marseille. Skirt, also. Mosothito Netts, white and colored, wide Robinette for do. at dry goods honor of W R MURPHY, lY:l northeast rower 4th and market or. C hie kering's Pianos 011911 JOHN II ME R. LLO Nu el Wooin d st, °Hers to sale •I the lowest mutuettt rer's pewee, the sollowmg essortrottlit of rmsto-fortes, trom Mr ontmotattotry of Jonas Chtekertitg, &Won, Ms. No 1 A Rosewood iron - fewer ti otttavu ham). 5300 11 :100 •,..141 111 MAWR r 0711.11.1111831, A Rosewood. carved Gothic base. 0 octavo Piano made by A H Gale A Co. N V. .a/76 A Ru.evrowl, carved mounting , arid inonliled legs Okoctn•o, made by the Manhattan Co. N V. a vet) powerful and substantial made Plann , at the low price of 2,1 A very superior semi-grand Piano. triode r, by Her, Farm GI octavo, Rosewood ease, (Ott A m•hotpuiy second hand. 6 oct•vo, mode by F Blume t 1.50 A mahogany second hand, made t Nollllll S. Clark, 611 A inahgrany socond hood Piano, made by Nola RIO For sale by JOHN 11 M F.1.1.t HI, Cl Wood sreet. sole agent for Chickeringbs hatior. for Weste , n I'erinsylvll/1111 it , -- - . Splendid New Pianos. Millll% subscriber, previous to leaving for the East to replenish ht. stork, will dispose of the balance of In. stock on hand at reduced .reele c tion on I n terms 11 consists of a clon of Pianos made by Nunim A. Clark, N V., end Jonas Chickertac. of Boston, Maas. of Iron 6 to 7 oetases. of rosewood and Mahogany. of different styles nod par IY/7 H KLEID:H. At Woodwell's. Thud st YOUNG LADIES' SEMINALLY, ALLA/WENT. Ting. Autumn Seamen or di. Instneurth will com j thence on the first Moodsa remember. Soothe on Federal street, ie. - Cidonade Row." Si door from the bridge The course of Instruction and the rater of lumen are the same as heretofore. For more minute intormanon. seecircular or apply to the instructor, Mr. N W. Ma-rcsbc. Reference may alto be tnrsde to the following gentle- Tir. T. F. Dale, Allegheny. Hon. C. Shales FiTl S borgh R. B. Elliott. - I Rev. D. H. Ruldle Mr. H. P. Swartz. Ho v. H. Dyer, • W ILLIAM SMITH. Manufacturer of Cotton rind colored Linen, Fruige. for Drosoes,,ft.c., Sewing Silk and colored Cotton Ynnges for silk and ginghatn Parasol.. Gimp, Mohair, and Salk Hulliou Fringes, made to cozier on We shortest notice. dime; corner of dinkier, Lane rind William, entrenee Np 65 William street, thud door, over !ante, tr. Ups , dote, NOU Maiden Ilan, Is ow f ort. - • ~ ylO REED, PA-RIES & Co's. PRESET LINE. 1848. BEAVER AND CLEVELAND LINE, au WARREN. Canal Par keb.-SWALLOW, Capt. Ford. OCEAN, Capt. Waiters. 0 N I s }:. o of ~d the y a c , b . o c r e e p, P: i c i ts d le ave .. Bc , :sj . e i r every Warren. where they connect with the Mail Stages for Akron and Cleveland, nertvlng al etch of these places before med. One oftbe Packets leave Warren datly, •t S P. M., and arrive at Beaver in time to take the morning steamboat for Pittsburgh. cterF2. , & LRFFINGWLI.L, Warren. r'ropra B TAYLOR, BEAVER AND ERIE PACKET LINE. TI1301:01:1 TO TOO LA. IN TORT? nocks. Canal Packet—Paxasvhvains, Capt. Jeffries; " TAISG.I.II. " " I.aoß Eau, Truby; " " Perroms, Brown; " - Faxcinort, Sayer. The above new and splendth Passenger Packets have commanced running between BEAVER AND ERIE, and all] run regularly during the season—one boat leaving ErIG every morning at 9 o'clock, and one leas , ing Beaver even. evening. Immedthiely after the arri val of the steamboat Michigan from Pittsburgh. The boats are new and comfortably furnished, and will run through in forty hours Passengers to any point on the Lakes, or to Niagara Falls, will find this route the most comfortable mid expeditious. Tickets through to all ports on the Lake can be procured by apply tug to the proprietors. REED, PARKS& Co, Beaver. JOHN A. CA DG HEY, Agt. Putsburgb, roe. Water and Smithfield sta. AGENTS:—Jas C Harrison, Buffalo, N Y. C NI Reed, Erie, Pa. C C Nick, Greenville, Pa; filTarland and King, Big Bend, Pa; Hays A Plumb, Sharpsburgh, Pa; W C filalan. Sharon, Pa; D C Mathews, Pulaski, Pa; W Cunningham, New Cute, Pa iyl Country Merchants take Notice! atxn TII. ice WT/11 rue. A TRAVERS & Co., 54 Maiden Lane, (late Hinton A & Travers.) offer for sale, in quantities to suit purchasers— I,ODU roams Ruled Cop Paper, at 81 25 10 81 50pr rot 2.1110) do Ruled !setter Paper, lOa to 150 do 10.108 do Wrapping Piper, 25 to lOD do 108p1 rolls Pup, ilanglinn, at sen to 0 ClO pr piece 5,000 do American Saun do, Ilk • 15 do 5,1)110 pall of 011 Transparent Window Shades of oar own manufacture, beautiful deatgna and colon, at from 01 00 In 01 50 per pair. 18010 l bre of Wool Twine sold Wrapping Tua° of all kinds, from 1211015 rui per lb. We also have other koods to Um same proportion, and we guarantee to please you if you will call and see us at bit Maiden Lane, Now York. A. TRAVERS &Co New York, June. 141 b. jelbaLlw lIIVALCHANTEI. WAY FREIGHT LINE. L_ 1348, = 1848 -at -Alia aacatnaveLy roa 'me rautasroaranon 01 W. 71101017 1010 ETWEEN Pntaintrak, Blatravdle. Johnstown, Hal _UP hday alnargh,NVattr liunlnd;don Co) and Pe tarsbu w. formed exclusively for the special ac commalution of the way business. The Proprietors, thonkful (or the very liberal patronage they have re ceived during the last two years, would respectfull ` t tam tlicirtem[olo and itm public that they are uoseull better prepare., to dellYer Foods at any point on the Canal and Rail Roads. with promptness and dispatch. PICK WoRTII A WOODS, JAMES A LORE, C.EultuE JOHN MILLER A. Co. AGENTS. I'mkamith & Woods, Johnstown. John Miller. Hollidaystwnh. C A Al'Anulty& Co, canal baste, Pittsburgh. RtuncarAcrw—Pittsburgh--;_nt uth & Stnelatt; J & Mr Dev tn. G& J H Shoonbergnr, Itobutson & Co; R Moore, Bagsley & South; John Parker, Wm Lamar & Co; Dr P Sbonnber sr. jmN, Pennsylvania Canal & Rail Road Ex press Past Packet Line, 1848. _.. FROM NITSBUGII TO PIIIDAITELLPHIA & BAL - - -.•- •-- TIMORE. taleinaively for Passenger.) ri pulthe are reSpee y informed that thts Lane sehl come:lnnen running on tho 2(4 last, and ton untie througnout the eeason . . Tie boa. are 1/00... asul of • aupenor class, with en !anted. cabin, which will give K . PClller comfort The ears are the latest construction. A twat well always be to peon, and travelera are re quested to stall and et wattle them before engagingVas eage elsewhere. (Fare only nine dollars tarnagh.l One oldie boats of this Line will leave the landing loppoene Ti. S. Hotel. corner of Penn street and Canal. every night at _in o'- clock l'ime :14 days For Information, apply at the Office. Mononaabela House, or to D LFt7 CH &CO le'-'L Canal Basin. Merchants , Transportation 1848 . M-laa. V, /OM .11...110/11121 FOR PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE. G a'Da consigned to io n : r .,. c t a c r u e rz : , l :, be . fu r anarded C A AIcANULTY A Co Canal Rusin. Penn Pittsburgh. NIERSEILLES & REYNOLDS, Itlg rod 36.5 Market •t. Phi Pa. ROSE. NIERFLITr & Co, IrD Smith, wharf. Baltimore. - - PIONEER TRANSPORTATION LINILs 1848 . -M , Via nr:rw KEN lIA LTIMORE AND PITTSBURGH. Time. &Maya. XII Merchandise , rnasportsd at Canal rate.. FORSYTH A DUNCAN, Agents, Water street. Pinsbargit. FB-AILET A MARSHALL, Agents, 17 Idea. stet's, Baltimore. HOUSES, LOTS, FARMS, &c. - - - VALUABLE PROPERTY POT, BALE. AT property lately occupied by H.-Nizen, rot .H : 1 wog sued, near Robinson., Allegheny cup ‘ l I be aold on accominalaung terms_ The lot to 13 feet 4 inches Cm Craig street., running through to the Banal lat trot. There ts a good two story frame dteri Una hotter on the prem.., lately built, and the lot well unproved, cuntattung a variety of choice fruit es, erupt. ahrubbery . &c. Thu property is conveni enretly situated for perrons doing busmen in either Pitts burgh or Allegheny. and to a dewrable rewdenee. Tide For ternts apply to WILL BOYD, Attor ney at La w. °thee on Foorth street, above Smithfield. ap4-dtf E M=l32 I L=Tre ! T • • • • • • •-. ri subscber will fell on accommodating terms.. valuable Intl of unimproved land, situate on the rood leadins train Broldon to Friutklin f about eighteen miles from Pittsburgh and about eight miles from the town of Freedom nu t () he Mei over. The tract con tain. 402 acres and perches, strict measure The land is of en excettent quality, about 00 acres cleared, and well watered. and swill be sold either in whole or IJI 111 171/11 ot convemeat IZr, to mat purchasers. turnter particulars ellqll.