The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, July 10, 1848, Image 4

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TO Tile v ynonmsons AND MEMBERS OF THE
notber, Wife and Daughter
INTHEIJNITEDSTATFS.—The subscriber respect.
Italy calls your attention in Dr El.saann" , Geese
nun, enpresely intended for the preservation of the
health of both rexes--wbether tt oases from Incipient
Phtldsfa, Or redly consarnpuon. Debility of the Long.
Bronchial Affections, Asthma. Pleurisy. Deranged end
Disordered state of the Liver. spleen or Kidneys. Dis
eased Spine, Cholie. Dyspepsia. Ifalpiusgon of i.e
HOW" Loss of Muscular or Nervous Power. hr. he.
DR. C. B. BARRI:ITS frI'AII.DIAN come. to the
harriediate relief of Fcmale• .o ffering from IrreKulari
ties, and all other Uternfr difficulties and diseases or i.
dental to woman, whether occasioned by et* wet
ter, or any similar Inn:Melo. exposure, and all this
without the use of medicine . the most delicate and
sensitive lady ran al any moment amity it in herself
without the possibility otincurring any rob or dancer.
ex, any unpleasant mitult• arising trot,. it, and the
certainty of obtaining IMlnrilltile relief,
Dr. Barrett's Guard.. It 110 1 . 0,h-rl,lllr. 01' 000 - 0(
the litany humbugs on the day: h0t,,,.
on instrument
rands upon strictly scientific principles tti necordanee
with the laws or FJeetrien, and frii•vantrrig. and or
=Mess, durability nnit ethritey, infinitely surpus se .
eiverything*Of the kind ever lietore offered to the public
for thienenef of disease. and. m the language Of one of
the most enlightened men of tlie day. is proniunced to
be °the greatest thseneery of the age -
A pertod elan lens than tour t can has been 'pecupied
by Dr. Barren in bringing the tolardt. tp.9 present
state of pertimuon—durnic winch time it h. bi.en
the hands of some of th- most emitieut ph fiff.iffris of
the North and :iamb. orb as in the dwelliojel. 110.
11112101. f.ailies. who hove u-rd it tor ad of the above
purposes, with the most parte, t and who have
ehmsrfully given their unflulaittiett approbation of or
efficacy and value. as rat, sr,. b referttOK to the
.Idaritial of Instruction. oar Dope nl no if
Dr. C. D. &Metes Guardian t. aged from innate.
/ions by a patient from the United Suites Patrol (afire.
and be had either will, Or Hill, his Medic. Cinrtro
The IStedie.F2ectlO (; al vnloinv , r in potnt lof beau.
uy, workmanship, dursbinly and power, enatiox be sur
pass.] or even equalled. ant! the •übserther reels that
ho innards nothing in th,. as-.eritott Mar tt lire mand
rt ' arre ."" vaTo o l e diL ' a w se e s r . " :l d- t a h n e d E.T:e " 4l .r eT
11, than any other oistruintio. enher to the rutted
flutes or Europe The Medi..o-Elertro Galvanometer
is warranted every respect. and with eointhoti oral
nary ram will last a tire-time. awl ah) far the cheap:
est, botanic the brat , ',tram... ver offered to the
*Mk. A manual accompanies them, airing the most
ample it i n al - practical experience, an that it
. readily intelligible Mine intini ni every one, wire
the • .• • , sty' of arrangement ts such that a child may
with it.
Any IhrOlT4.l.lio/Igillltlltala,ly glVf (I, Mild an et"MIMI
nicatons el:1.1.11411y 10. , Virrtti peru either rein
don to the Eleent , Gnivanotnrier tionrninn.
Medical men are Invited to rall and examine Dr Bar
fettle Guerdian, and ten efficary.
For sub, by H. RICHAILIP3ON, sole _Agent. :1 Mar
ket sr, Pitubergb. apthr:drf
VES 5, 0 0 0 PERSONS or Philadelphia
kl alone, can teat to the wonderful efficucy of that
powerful remedy,
In Pulmonary°, Chronic Bronrans and
Sore Throat. AsUtron, Chrotti, Lniarr Spittaw of
Blood. Pain in the rnde and Breast. Ditfienny of
Breathing, Whooping Cough. Croup, Weak Nerves
and Nervous Tremors. Palpitation of the ileum alto,
Laver Complaint and Atrecoon of the Kidneys
This medicine. the invention of a man who gave the
subject of Pulmonmy, Uronetind end Pectoral dIALIL.,I
the most rigid examination, has now been before the
;labile near four years. During period II has pcv
formed some of the most remarktilite rarer on record of
Pulmonary ConsumptiOn—securcil the recommenda
tion arid use of physicians in their practice. arid the
warmest app al of thousand, of percent in ordinary
and vere Colds, Conqns. in Hoarseness, Spitting of
Blood, or.
About four years some Iwas attacked with Typhus
Fever, which left mean a mpiernblivalate or health, in
relllitne debility With a gelowal prostration of the rya
tem„ with violent pain. in the liontht and lone of appe
tite, in eonsequenee of w - hieli I with linable to attend to
my usual basine,s or persona any kind of work. I
applied to aevend ph variant and used varloll. MO:W
dyes, but enthout any benefit. arid had deapturedot ever
Obtaintag a recovery of ray former health. But mime
time haat June I was advised to try Tholuson's r.
pound Syrup Syrup of Tar and Wood Nuntlia. arid Incredible
it may appear. by the ante I had tithen three bottles
the deb‘lity, pain .d roomy 01 ionfermit were
completely removed. end I was able to attend will re
stored health to my usual avocauoni.
MA it'll CI.A DV,
Of Dle kanson lownwlup. CuPmtveriand ro
Road the following Ingtiniony coins a ropectable
member of.the Society Poughkecp,e. N.
York. •
"Thts may certify that m the isprlng of 1n46, my
health was very feeble; 1 we. atlbrted with patn in the
aide, with ether ainrlffine •ymplam. and ludnred much
from great detulay. At thin t,n, I purenaacd :rum
Moses Dame two bottlenThont•on'4 Campo:old Sy
rup of Till and Wood Naptha. from tk I experten
°eel great benefit, my health 1..e/nE now good, and I
cheerfully recommend the aetrto .11 pr rnmnt who
may be auffermg wall genera rn d. 1.. ,u 7. with Ilf rnp mos
of a decline. RA FIA ‘l'll.l',SlF_
Ponghteepine, March 15,1-47."
Prepared only by ANGNX.I
earner of Flan and Spruce Phlia
Sold by 1.. WILCOX. turd by druggists
goossully. rents, SU ren, or J'Lollar per bottle.
toy 9
• --
rLUNGS.—The unrrecetten,d nacceAs winch hne
uended the lase of the
MI the various forms , tek.h irritation of the lung,
mums, has induced the propl,:or a4a.” to ea:; men
ton to adz
- -
The changable weather which mart• our fall and
wiener months, la always a frontal nearer
. .
These, If neglected, are but Ihe precursors of that fell
The question, then. bow ~ ..11x1: .ramp Ilut dew:Toyer tn
tile bad? bow shall .tve get r!..ur of our coughs end
olds! o of vital intpottune, to la,
• . - - .
will be found m the Gu:cue I•tt o aces In proof of tilts
Ise bare from ume to tune pubUdtc.l the eeruficaie. of
dozens of oar best knot., ettthen..•wtto hat.- eziwn.
eneed It. curative power.. Thew. with ano.o 01 Le/
thloolll7 from all parrs of the rouctry.—trom
Ministers of I.fiT - 1.1 gospel. he . tozether u - tut eoptous no.
Dees from the .
vole have embodied m pamphlet (0rm...1 may be had
gratis of any of otir auantu tbrourhout the country.
HUNDRED , : OF V, Fi'LE. ,
have been Used in tat. en y
throughout the Utuuud Mate, and Canada. and we r ha
/oohs any man to point out a
n which, when taken nCeording w direcuons, and be
fore the lungs had breome Ninny disorennlred, it has
over failed to
then. need the usairted hesitate! i by rtinart to
tho tniuerable nostrums. gotten up by u• • ii*e. untivid
sal. • iOr the °Anvil:mil OHMIC of perrie CC
deign., and puffed into nehoriety by certifies •
mow equally unknown! «Tilt a medicine of
ta to Da had, ertawe voucher, are at name.- our hetet
bone -many of whom It tom
.• •
La order that Mi. meet . Illed/C MC may he placed
'within the reach of the poor u. well the nail, we have
pat Its pnce at
just one half the usual coin of cough 11 . 1Cd1Clath IS
firr sale hi our earenta in nearly every town nod otlinge
over the west, woo nre prepared give fall informa
tion relative to it. T Proprietor.
Broadway, I.:income.. Ohio.
AMERCHANT OF THIS CITY. who had been at.
dieted with the asthma for our years. had Wien
almost every thing Ors physimans constant!) atiew.
ded him, and he bed expended over two thousand dol
lars. He never believed in advertised medicines. but
considered them all humbugs At law he tried Or.
Taylor's Haltom of Liverwort. from 71 Beekman street,
New York. and in eli tv. , ek • was entirely cured. hay
*/ taken only her. 6...0nes rh,. ~.”ly one of lenity
Cal. where imaginary °lnertia" , to a paten: memeine
Lhave prevented person. front iming this medicine. who
s. expended handrednoi dollars to their pnystcm.
.airs—and in the end owe their recovery loth..
efficacy of thm purely Vegelen:e prepay alioll
'There is no mistake, that thi. Med tr,tr• •UpersOr lu
any remedy prescribed by rnediex. Advisers
medicine has taken 20 years lu 'loom,. and is the •a•
gest remedy for diseases e intrielne...l tO tan 0 0 inle
R.StrALATIC PAIN. Curd. ver
icy re Baser
C.33.,-Bofforinre rota lona Uair with thin- ecnplkom.
Iliad given up all hope or eitr,l I had roo.oun
vidthe.botanke , and notrurti.he in yawn bait
need manyattaches advertised. but fouod too re.icf In
delPtltlr I bad given up the use of till medocones. ilea,.
l'g rt, o( Y r d ' orf v r i e n si o t " ca * r i e n s r e T t ' ol ' id lor p . s . r i f ' o ' rnTr " orin j oi ' u ' r e e r il
1118 to try it., ann. to my great
,10. y tillll 11,11011.1011t111t M., I
was better daily. I contonued its use. alsro hi ljueer-
Coated Pills, until I ant coo ossi y cured. ) icor,
• Balsam of Liverwort is the terst medicine ic world
Mr these complaints, and wall curs cycr , afflicted
emptson of the N • of thew York.
Aromas have •uffered iroon the Asthina.•
very long URIC. and have used every mcdortne could
obtain for its cure 111 nottl. until tned Dr. Taylor's
Salaam of Liverwort. This medicine hos afforded me
meet manifest benefit, and is. m my
on ly . a mire for
this distressing disease, more esia-cooly. no I know of
many rases among nir . ltscruis. u here J.. 1.1. been high
ly successful. Per...% arr to call
ex my residence for further Inform:sooty
Nißb S. RI 13,N. .It Laurens st
Sold in Pittsburgh Cy I Li !loosen tht Wood
Townsend, 4.5 Market at. 11 nor Market mod
3d ate; Henderson a, CO, 5 I.llsirty et Price reduced
to 111,50 per bolds. ,ort
t AORGAIsPH COUGH SN'lti.P—H prayed to or the
ti great Panacea in curiod my claW'.
From the Temperance Banner, Nov 3 tr 47
Conon STIR.—We are not in the habit of pulling,
leach less taking patent niedicu,s, out we ten. ilthvo....d
to recommend Horgan 'n Syrup to those who are millet
ed with • cough. After baring toed the usual re me
dies to remove a COtttlalltt sold ifistressing rough. that
had for severed days atibc tell MK, of our aN ldre It. woih•
out sateen, we were induced to try Morgan's cough
syrup, and by it relief ova. obtaioed s oi a raw hours. It
premed to be the panacea on nos ease at least.
Prepared wholesale and retail toy too propnelOr,
JOHN D Mt ORGAN. Drubmsh
feb7 wised m. I door Orion diamond alley.
PECTORANT is superms to a I other ,d," ter
abetstimptioa, ilroackutte, A .1 lona, and other Po 'mo
tel u that the same peroons who easomeoened Use
IN Of it hr their Crudites tent eses no All! prefer It w ill
Myer remedies of the kind; mod when any have beco lod tseed
to try caw prep...harm they Estee •Itrowl torozsably been
tUmmitited ha swamis: the bruefit w Loch wet rthissaiMly
sidiehpbted from the bigh premes be...tooted by the,
NA him rewrites! to the •uoe of J ' Ex.recroamrs,
• 11•Nedy that yo easier faded la relies them, Rod wlceh
wieldy meter had its eq.! poltruntary Maroon
Plowed only by Dr D. Jayne Phasaietpli., and sold oo
Witt' b 7 ALEX. / A
deraldittrtf 72 Rai ru, am
TAirgIVEI HAIR TONW.—A tier eTtog thee mew it
ef *W a wa ushcentatitmly protuomme to be what el peek..
a•—lba belt article, wahnut auy excephon, m u.a, furthe
restoration and prweerratmo of the brae. haw. We know
of tottoaroni iostatome where temr has been revved eo head.
Tbialabaretbeew bald tor pram sad we thank we. rotmot du
=rfavor than M recommend a., tfll our readers wean ar
enter hair, to make • troll of thea Tome emmedtately
Ragenftl6 ,l
tar Nils in-Fittsiteren at the ?Leman Taa Snare, No 72
Fourth street. near Wood enar,adfterT
DT.. Moir , s Ton 10 and
PILLS. Anti-Dyspeptic
rearm' properties of there Nil. ore Carmine
fig, p u rpoota and Tome In wee OMMOD door
wising froth imprudence in Wet, he, such as rick •
wen and soreness at the stomach, heartburn bewitch,
te., where a medicine is rec. trod, tlu. CUlllbinnttolllll
very applicable; for its earminauve and snowing ef
fects give almost imrnedthte relief wben nauma or
sieknese exist. Its purgative operation upon the stom
ach-and bowels in gentle and effectual, and its imuc
properdes impart atrength to the digestive organs,
thereby enabling these orgarts to perform their proper
(unctions with order and regularity.
The price has been reduced from 50 to 25 ets a boo.
Fur Sala wholesale and relit by
corner front and wood, anddth turd mod au
pale Agents for Pittslaret
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• -
Ffroder gad Bleeeiv of Us /ex..
The roosl extraordinary Medicine the World !
Tau Ertract ie ;mg ay is (Nail Bottles: it is e,
times rkraper. pleaonorer, sad weeranted flu
port. to any soLi. It amt. witkont
emantsay, ergief, sicken, ,
or debilitating Ms
The peat twenty and superiority of dila Sermpuilla
avr r all other medicines w that while It eradicates the di.
tore rates the haly. It Is one of the very best
Ev, known; it mit only purifi. the whole system. and
str,orthens the permon. but It creates ann. parr mad
Stood • a power possessed by no other eroodirtue. And to
doe bee the grand secret of ita wonderful .acme. It
performed within the last two yea., more than 100,000
cur. of severe case* of dimase least 15,000 we.
conodered It laaa oared the lives of more
01•4 10.000 children dating the two post ammo..
10,000 eases of General Debility and
want of Ferrous Energy.
Dr. Townsend'. Sarsnrarilla Invigorates the whole
sy,ern permanently. To those who have lee( their
.cular energy by the effects of medicine or indium
no, committed in youth, or the •somatve indulgeon of
the passidas, and brought on a general physical prostra.
001: of the nervous system, lasestude, want of ambition,
fa inttng .rmations, premature decay end drakes, neaten
ins towards that faml disease, Consumption, can be en.
lisp's - restored by this pleasant remedy. This Sara.
p. .lla m far superior to any
In it Cordial,
l•ren•ws and inyigorams the system, pees aretvity
• linitm, and sirsasth to thr inu.olar system. in a
xtraardinar) degree
Consumption Cured.
Ctrasee and .Vlresitlra. Consumption sea be rare(
/Oyes/taut Consemptsoa, /Aver Complaint Odds
Catarrh, Ceara.. Asthma. Sgiltrnyr of Blood,
• Sarcasm is tag Nttlit
Sava's, Ehffirwit or Profase Expecto.
raft... Pas ne tl, Sad, err, Aztvs
been amd can S. eared
,Yen YOT AS .4prd 1E47
I), Toarwateco--1 verily believe that your Stowapa.
rili3 had been_the means, through Providence. of sarteg
my Isfe. I hare for mayoral years had a Lad Cough. It
hevanie mama and won. At Wt I raised large qoattd.
tne• of blood, had night Sweat; and was greatly detail
tat..J arid reduced, and did not expert to live. I he‘ •
oats' used your Sarsaparilla • abort time, and there has
a ontlerfUl change bean wrought to me. lam now able
10 e alk all over the city. I raise no blood. and my
u;11 his left me. You can well imagine that 1 ens
we., krill for these maul,.
Ur. Townsend'. Sarsaparilla ts a sovereign and speedy
rut • fur Incipient emmumption. &uremia, Protons.
rte., or Fallow orate Womb, Coati ..... Piles. Le
corriumi. or Whites, obstructed or difficult Sleustrua
tiou. Incontinence of Urine. or involuntary discharge
thereof. and foe the general proatratton of the system—
. !natter whether the result of inherent C... ar t•%ttsec
produced by Irregularity. illness or accident- Nothing
eau he mores tam thants itertiorating effects
on the human ham, Persons an weakness and lassi
tude. from taking a.. once become robust and fhll of
oe.ry under its influence. It immediately counteracts
the nervelessness of the female train, which so the great
esti... of Barrennesa. It will not be expected of ua to
en•es of so delicate • nature to exhibit certifkate. of
curer performed butwe can allOrgl the afflicted. that
hundreds of cases have been reported to us. Thousands
of cum where families here been without children,
miler using • few bottles of this invaluable medicine,
here been Meted with floe. heathy offspring.
To Mothers and ,Irorriod Ladies.
This Extract of klarsapartlla has been expressly pro.
pared in reference to female complaint. No female
•ho has reuoo to suppose sheis approactung that
„cal penal. " Db. twee of l" should neglect to
take 0. am it ts • certain prereouu for any of the
numerous atid horrible diseases to which females are
suNnet at this time of Ida This per
may be de.
lowest for several years by Lia, .141.1. Nor
ts it le. valuable for those who are epproachins wo
manhood, as n u calentated to assist nature, by quick
ening the blood sod inncorsung the system. Indeed,
tl.o. medici is Invaluable for all the deltute di...
, to which ne
woolen are subject.
It braces the whole system. renews permanent!, the
r.l rocrtttea. semovmc unpornins of the
b. , . cot su far stimulattng to preeloce subsequent
which to the cue of nowt innticinee taken ft.
female weskoeu and dive
r By wine a few bottles of
tht. mulictue. may enure and punka sums' open.
ant. may be puvented.
G mat Blessing to 'tethers and Children.
It ts the What and caret Pal, 111.11 medicine for purify.
thetotteen. cud rehevin< the aufferings attendant
upon child-birth ever discovered. It atmerthenif both
the mother and child. prey... pm and
rrenere and enricnes the food, those who her e utml it
kit it Indispensable It is birhly n amol both before
and after confusenient, as it pre•mits diseases fitteudeat
arm childbirth—an Coetirenesk Pile., Cramp.. Se nit
inr of the Feet Despondency. Ileartbura, Vonetme.
Pate to the Back and Loins, False Pro n.. ilemorrharo
r.. 1 in refslating the secretions and equalimer the me
<elation it h.,. equal The treat beauty of the
med ielue Ls. It Le tinny. and, and de moat delicate fine
tn , st successfully, v•es few mom require any other
cat licine. is imme a tittle Cater Oil, or )I..rneate.
fol. Exercise in the open an, and bee fool frith
thin inedimne, will always cruet, a tafe and ea.) on
Cosmetic*. (Stalk. and a variety of preparations gene.
rally in use. whey apptted to the face very soo
•e n @pod it
of is beauty They 1.,0 pores of the akan. d
eech the c ircui t al:loa which, when nature to not thwart.
ett Ihe dxsestite or powder, or he kin inflamed by the
10,alles used to tears. beautifies its own preduetton
the human fate Diem," ma well Ka in the (olden 01
nth and delicately tinted and •ariegeted flowers A
free, attire and healthy; rculation of the fluids, or the
n.arving of the pure. nett blood to the extremity.,
that vshkh paints the countenence in the most si
irtt• beauty. loin that which impart. the indent nbabl•
oh cies and deabes of lovelineas that all admire but
an describe. This beauty is the offsprmf of was
tees—not of paved, or seep. If there Isnot a free and
hearth) eirculatioa there uno beauty. If the lady or
fate ea driven ant, if the pomp and usecosmetics.
and the blood is thick. told and impure, she is not beau
01,1. If she be brown or yellow. and there is pure and
artrre blood, it giros a rich bloom to the cheek, and a
brilliancy to theireyes dent is foacinnting.
Thia to ashy the southern. and espettally the Spen•
let ladies, are so Mach admired. Ladies tu the north
Ise., take but little exerciae, or ace condo.] in CIO.•
rreink or have opened their complexion by the apple
sonn or deleterious msitertd. if they art to re
cant elasticity of step, buoyant Write, .par rig eye.
astl l.autiful complexion, they shrold use Or Tow n
s-mPs Sarsaparilla. Thousanas who hare rood 3, ere
nr ore than eaUsfied, axe delighted. Ladies of rn soy
In dm. crowd our office Andy
Those that Imitate Dr. Toertoseshrs blarvapartli, hare
snaltly called the. stuff a greed Rtemaely for Fe
..des, kr_ A c. meld have copied our bills aml c:rcu
..,ch r.l.t o the complaints of .omen wog b, • ore
—other men .ho pot up medicine, havd more the creel
su.rerse of Dr. Tow.end's S.:raper:lla to comp:wet:
in ,•lent to females. recended theirs. shbooeh pre
r...usly they did not. Amber °CChem. hltature,
Menem to remehm. , 1”.1 karral at. Mee.,
am: undermine the covembutton. Dr. Townsend's n the
only and beet remedy for the ournerom female corn
pletuts—tt rarely, If ever fails of effect:at • pertroment
core. It can be taken by the meat delicate female.,
le coy case, or by those expecong to become mother.,
• pal the greatest edrantaires, a• it prepares the system
lan.l prey.. palti or danper. and strenctheve both
mother and Mold. Be earaftd to get the renubna.
This eartilbute conclusively pro that this Barr
ps.lll, has perfect control over the most obstineu d.
of the Blood. Three persons cumd in one hones
ts ngprecedented.
Three Children.
Da. Towles...ea—Do. Sir: I hare the pleuure t.
inform you that three of toy etuldren have been cored
of do. &refills by the use of your earellent methetue.
y were Ahmed vary veaerely 1.10 bad Sures , have
tat,vo ooly four bottle.. tt took them sway. for •hrcb
I Irel tared( under peat oblleatum.
Your, reapecifully.
ISAAC W. CRAIN, 106 Wuoser..
Ophsions of Phisici.a.
De Towtuead le Uncut daily recetunn orders from
Pkuicteas 11l different parts of the Union.
This I. to certify that iiivA the undersigned, Physicians
of the City of Albany. have to numerous cues pervert!,
Ur Totetteead's Sarsaparilla, and believe it to b.
ono Dias. moat ••Inable preparations in the market.
R. R. BRIGGS. 51 D
Atb.ny, April 1. td47. P E. ELUENDORF, 11. D
- -
Verlag to the great outman and immense ogle of Dr.
Tow neends Sarsaparilla, • number of men who were
formerly our Agents, hays commeinend making Suring.
Eb.t., Kiss , of
tr. They generally put stop in the war shaped bin.
doa and some of abeam hese stole and copied our wirer.
usemanta—they are only worthless Imitations, and
should be avoided.
Prtncipal Ogle.. MI FULTON Nutlet, Sun Budd.,
N , bedding h Ca, 8 Stat. atru.U. boat...
Yon.. In North Steond street. Pluladelpht. S
Ham,. Drucitat.Ralltzoore ; P. M. Cohan. Charkaton ;
IVrlght. t Co.. 151 Ctuotrua Nutlet, N tl lUS South
P.,rl Stre.t, Albany, and by an the pricrlpal I)rue.
•tul Nlcrchautt Pvet ally throughout tha ['hued
...t and tha Causdas
—Persons Inceorinsr for Ills roe.l,,ne. should
1101 Ire otdoeed 4k take any other Druggists put up
Sersepantlas, and of course. pre selling rhea
De. not lw decelned byunvisnpoire !or fir Town
..end s, •..4. no other 7 - Remember toe go-ou.
In “Town•end's Knroapart.l st.” sold by (he sole agents
1 , ...W.1.E.EFL4. General AVllolesolo b. Retail Agent,
No. G 7 Wood meet, end D. 51 CC RRI, Allegheny
city. 'riff
et, In Iticitnts
TifE midersigned hoe long hetn convinced of the
necessity for some medicine adapted to the ow of
Children end Infants to supercede the use of all those
tnentetne• which contain op um and h..
at length suet
ceeded i t preparing and offenng to the public a meth
nine fully an•Weillig every purpose for 511th caw. of the
botvels, without the nee of that de leternats drug. or any
other calculated to injure in lite lottet. The Infant Pen:
acen tole been folly tested and tried. the last twelve
months. by numerous persons, and found te p(115.1.1 all
the extraordinaryrt
vtues, nod to produce°O he •oon•
/ • shoes set forth on the bill of directions.
Vonutusg, Cholie, griping, Pains, ticker. and
Disc:twit uniting. from 'I eething, acting Immediately
without dt•tarlting any of the functions of the hod,
producing the happiest and most pleaannt transition
front vieclent patioto a trzunitill and Joyous note of feel
ing in the little sufferer.
To be had wholesale mid retell. of the Proprietor, Dr.
JOHN SARGA.NT, Druggist and Apothecary, John
Mitchell, Elliott A. Beckham, .d moot other Druggists
n Allegheny .1i Plitsbuigh. dee la
T‘R. TOWNSF2gDS dosen
Ali past received of Dr. Townsend's Surompanlla the
moat extraordinary modtetne to the world! Thu Ex-
I tart is put up in quart Itottles. It is six ornes cheaper,
- deastinter, end werrentett olipertor to•ny sold. it
eine. disease 'without retuning, pormitg, sickemtig or
debilitating the patient.
Loon eve roe Ixtrartoon.—linprincipled persons have
ff cane copied our labets, and put up rueine in the same
shaped bottle. See that each bottle has the *noon sig
nature of 8. P. Townsend.
- • • • e•
E_ E. SELLERS, Druggist, 57 Wood street, between
Third and Peru* is Dr. Townsend'sonly wholess agentaud retail age for Pittsburgh, of who o m the genuine
article can be had.
D. AL Curry Du been appointed the sole greet for
Allegheny city, of whom the immune erode can be
had. apt
nNk.7 AND CAF RlBLlONik.—Wininirjrit I
Layne. the attention of buyers to a uew =apply of
akeve goods, of newest style sad very low. nryn2
- •
___ •
JOH/ ?museWRIGHT eg co.,
dea prepared to build CCUpt . and Woollen uido.
cry of evert. cotoo, aaeg u—Cardtag Nig
chutes, Spinning Frame; Il_peeders, Drau•ng Frames,
Rathiray Head; Warpera, Fmller,Spooko;Dresamg
Frames, Loom; Card Grinders, go., Wrought lion
Shafong turned all .or. of Cut Iron, Ponies and
Huger; of the Weal pattern; slide and hand Lathe;,
and tools of all bolds.
_ .
Cagliari, of every deeartpiton furnished on short not
nee. Patterns made to order for Mill Gearing, Iron
&e. Steam Pipe for heating Factories. Cast
Imo Window Sash, and fanny Castings generally.—
Ordersi aft at the Wareham.* of J. Palmer & Co., Lih
eny terse t, will have prempt
Hun TO
lifteekstock, Bell & Co., .1 B Moorhead & Co., R E
Warner, John Irwin & Sao% Pittebargh.
C A J 11 Warner; Steubenville. jtenl7
TAKES this 13204104 to Inform log (4,0'
--• and the puhlio at large that hi. Factoil
• e'now folloperation, on the .veet s•J,
of the .niamoud, Allegheny, wore a con
sent supply of Rhoda, of various colors
imelgualtues,are COLISMIIIy k cot nu hand,
- also at No, 5 Wood st,Plttabuoth. at 1. At
otl cloth waternom.
Vegitian Shutters made to order in the best slut.
BI tads repaired or the shortest =See.
N. B. Ilia Blinds will he put up, without any add,
norm; etrpose en that they Lan be removed in a mo
!neat in ro of fire or tor washing, and without the aid
of a dt ocoldly&wlatul y
WRI. b. ,
1..., TAKERS, corner of Penn and St. Clan streets,
0-porrue the Flgehatthe Hotel, entrance on Penn street,
rustier dully inform their (muds and the public, that
Lb.) are prepared to furnish and attend to everything in
the line of I. udertakers, Always on hand a large
online!, of ready marls Coffius, covered, lined .d fin
in the very bast manner, all Nth. and .one. ready
made Shrouds of fin noel, Cambric k and muslin, and ail
sines made in approved styles. We Seep • large as
moment of wilt. and bthek, cotton, silk and kid (slaves,
sable for pail bearers and 10012 , 11,•, crape, caps, rm.
Ace. and carry thing neoessury for dressing the dead,
and on reasonable urn.. as we purch•so all our goods
the Eastern cities Also silver plater Mr engrenne
he name and age. We have a splendid aew Learrot nail
boron.. and Itity nun:.r of the best cut nage• Every
thing attended to promptly and punctually thl y
Nos. 244nd 218 Liberty rain. mar Ow Canal
AA I.NV A }'Son hand and made to order, a large carter
ty of Marble Mantels, Pier. Centre Tables. and
Bureau Tops, Tomb Stance,hlonuments, eth.; all winch,
being made of the choicest marble, and manufactured
pr. nc ipal!)r by muchniery, soon be sold low for rash.N wardiung to purchase M•nte •re
nformed that it is henceforth unnecessary for them to
se East, . I can (tarnish them with . article in all
respectschea good, and
the I frelght, Insur.ce , Ac, consider-
East. Call an
ed) as pas y ran parchtthe them for in the
d see. je26
No 8 Market street, Piuslcurbh, Penns:
THE tabeenttere having made great improvements
in We conatrucoon of their CUMIN(' sTovD4.
reapectfully invite persons building Steninboate to earl
and e Immune. before purchasing, as we can supply theca
with Dect Stove. ' Forges, and e•ery other kind cd
Copper, Tin and Sheet Iron work nee ess•ry in furnish
t~a Steamboat.
also make to order do the shortest notice Sal
rubes and Chamber; Copper work for ce am Purdue.
4nd everr variety of work in our Line
(ebb SIIKRIFF es F 11141:
BI rmingham. Ingmar Pittsburgh.; P..
Viarchowle„ No. 137, Wood street, Pittsburgh.
IFWILL constantly keep on head a pod assort
ment at Wens, of our own otanalostare, and
supertorqualny. Wholesale and eswintrk Mc,
chants are respectfully invited to call and es
motile for themselves, as we. are dsternitned to sell
cheaper than has ever before been offered to the pub
-I[r Order, kern be mall, accompanied by the cash or
city reference, will be promptly Wended to. lebeS
r. Mmorkek. /Arks Lkoki a
s . t L an V ANV
hand L C 3 4 it r ud "k Plain rP
tkimetwareon all as earieuelt, at their NV are howle cor
ner of Market and Water streets. eawburgh.
Our Workk corium. in Mil operation. and we are
conman•ty adding-to our meek. which enables UN 10 11.1
order. , with prompt.... Parch...kirk are rritpecuui
10 cell. and examine prices and Lerma.
. _
FROM the very liberal encourage
melt the satiserdim has received sole,
he hog located himself to nitegtien).,' has induced tom to take lease, fore
term of year., on the property hr now
tecopies, to Beaver street, imedlately the
Pres limcrian Caere hi Freon thelong experience in the
above bustness and a desuic to please. he hopes to mer•
it and receive a share of public patronage.
Now on hand and fintshing to order, Rockaway Bos•
p+m. open and top Doggies. and every descripuon of
Carriages made to order, from seventy-flue dollar* to
111(bli1.011LITIL rftra-thn /MIN sount.
cAr e a ‘ t, turd
16 N. wharves. l'hara. offer for v.•le on accommodatme
term, 6taa, pkg. ?lona iacto red Tobacco, COVRl•ling of
',YOU Ilt.s. tm.f pound., .Yr. Id's, IC'. and .I.f
mp• VT and e's plug, and I,Ts Ladtes'
who,c and Lui boxes. 01 the iollowmg approved Wends.
James II Gram, Osborn A Bragg,
lam. A \V illnans, A Cabana,
S Jones A Son.
Webster Old, J Thomson,
James Thomas. Jr. A II Armwead.
J Thomas tr. Son, Landhorn A Arno.o•nd,
P Coat., !NI Cobb.,
Gnus' R Ropner. A Clay,
M A Ilwier, C A H•:I.
Greco Ilan. %%Ina Dawson.
Pearl S. Noveoal, 1 S Mac k wood,
Nalh Page. Keystone.
NO H Vaneimn. Edmond Henry.
ll.praux 11,4,11,..0n. Rusaell 4 Ruldnum,
Kem. 12,1,1.1x0n Le t'n Seth Ilryl.e. ,... . a.,
R Nlrtealf. John Ender.
La rence Lower, J Rotonson.
OrAv w A Gray, H B Turner,
R laindes.m. York SVtote,
D NI Branch —ALSO—
Haenna Leaf Tobacco, wrapper. and 611 era;
Para do do do
Oenfueroa do do do
St Jaro de Cuba do do do
St Itormngo do do do
!norm & Guk, do, part hoe, do
bin) no .:le do do do
Kentucky vaxtou• grades do do
Virvitta Leaf. soluble for manulitelurnig and export,
spantsh Seed Leaf. Betin'a, Connertmut and Oho.
V,rg,ma Szrart,•weet, German Ripen, Ape head.,
`cosh Snug ~000 e and bladderao Alarrouba Melia
Tongan 'learn, Havana Li... Otto Rose; Ikrixamot.
Calabrta Lmuorme, Patent Cavendish K raves. Spook,
kr kr . RHII.ADEI,VIIIA, myls
NO , 111 WOOD Snitn
subsertbers salsa to inform the public generally
to•t they are now opening a new and large stock
of t'ditia. t,.ass, Queensware. Britannia and Fancy .
Good, comproung Me latest and most fashional,:e pat:
terns of
French China plain and gold-band Fanner Sets,
' do do
Iron-Stone Dinner d
FlO. mg nme rt. now patterns) "
A Trent variety of Tea Seta different qualities;
Britannia Breakfast and TPli
Waiters--. beautiful article - Queen's Gothic,"
Parlor Lamps, tCornebus, tanker,)
Warn, a general assortment
Steamboat owner. and hotel propnetors are in dd
to examine our assortment of wan suitable for `let,
Country Merebano , can find a Large monk of &curie.
1111.1.10 tor country males, which we will sell at re•-
amiable pore..OU r stock being entirely new, we feel wished of be.
tog agile to ;nee.e all who may favor us with their cu.-
na ,apl7:dla Vr I J (ALL & GETTY
TIIE greatest and best variety evaroffered to this city
twkire--oriade on the most approved Eastern plans—
sad mist fashionable Eastern patterns and colors. Also
THE CHEAP ROLL, or DOS run BLIND, on hand
or made to order of all sines, and at all prices.
Country Merchants and others aro invited to call and
eAaisi,sie the above for themsel•es as all will be sold
wholesale or retail,
wholesale purchasers.
r r il tl E :e P p7a:T:: r oo oVfto ' r ' uti ' n " g k tre w pa n l i ji7h o .it "r b7 3 .
lishinent having been thoroughly refitted and repaired.
1101 the grounds elegantly laid out and decorated. is
110 W open for teetr ACCOMMOdatIOII, Ad he datters him
self that Moor who may fa•or him wall their patron
age will find oil that they denim, provided the hest
style and 011 re.onoble term.. Ile in determined to
110 trill3l.llllll.lllkllll los establishment worthy
ol nubile patronage lie has accommodation. for
boarding a levy familie. Ice Creams, and ell ref., sh
am tulle e.. suible to the aceson, elnataiitly on hand
Monongahela Hones Tailoring E.lab-
IbAAC WILLIAMS, Draper and Tailor. begs to in
form the citizens or Pittsburgh and others, tint he
opening at his rooms on Smithfield street, un
der th now e above /total. • large and beautiful usortinetit
of Cloths. Cassuneres, Sauna, Silks, and other Vesting.,
together with such other articles 1. are required for
gentlemen's wear. lit. goods have been carefully se
lected. end arc of the newest and most fashionable
style, as well on of supenor quality. Ills customers
may depend upon having their clothes made. up in •
maither which cannot fail to gratify the taste of the
meat fastidious. apgatlY
TOBACCO -1U lx. D,.00h a Watkins' 54.
2 do do do ex to pound.,
5 do do do 12a and Kt,
10 kegs No 1 4 natal,
In do Pah Cavendish;
5 do do Plug;
'AP Al do Segor
2c.) do boll gpainal al
l do; (or gale by
MUKEllol:SE—liavlog taken the large and conw
modious Smoke HOUK< and Bacon Storehouse ad.
lollung our Warehouse,on the Canal Beam, we ore pre
pared to smote end store bacon on reurntable terms.
marl Canal bum. near 7th at.
AMi;COND HAND PIANO. co. ortglnally
nod limn been of use about four years, pacenow
5175. tor sale by JOHNII MELLOR,
jel3 Si wood street
N 0 I:(; A 111-5 bhd. prime, for sale low to clime
sgmett, by WEST. 10VEN,
70 from st
00013 S—A A Mown A. Co. knee on hand
en extenittve romorment of White Cootie, com
prising' Mull, Sun.. Book, Plaid and J.onet
of every vonety. myYtl
M 0541.; ITU NKTTS—we have fo c i opened • lame
lot of Mo.tnitto Netts, of an excellent quality and
trutarltably chop n• 23 ALEXANDER A. DAY
lurroN-27 bales to arrive; far sale by
eIHEF.SE--Sa bones now landing-, for sale by
Al I. ROAD UUlDE—Doggett's Rail Road Gouda ß
and liasancer for 1040, with Secuonal Maps of
the greet routes of Havel. A few COpltn received and
for sale b' re2l • JOHNSTON k STOCKTON
t't ON—de bales Tennessee Canon in store and
Vfor sale by my'll3 WbMT BOWE *, DO from st
IurOLASSEN.-45 Mils Plantation Molasses, to atom
171 and for Bale by tor M WEMI' BOWEN
Eiid=/1 1848. Leia,
W. T. NlATilra. l'atsburgh.
Ftsco, Porn & Co. 13,aver; "Pratte,
Clowsot.& CO,CMCI-17t. Cleveland)
THE above Lane ts now prepared to Iltlllllport freight
and passengers front Pntsituralt and Ulcve+and, ur
ILI/y point on the Canal• and Lakes
One boat leaves l'insburgh and Cleveland duly. run
ning in connecuott wall the steamboat+ Lake Fate and
11liehtgart. ttetween Plltsburatt and Beaver and a line
of first class steamboats, propeller., brigs and 'mutton
ars on lakes Elle, Huron mud Nlichtgan
Properly fonA'arded inany port of Ihr I • mon with
dtspetteh, by IVNI T MATHER. or
JOHN A. C&11:111-:1...\,,::.,
eor Water and Sinoltfie,tt +t •,
Atil:NTS.—Reed. Parks & Co. Lttts,e,
H ti Parks & Co. Von/ a.wwn . It,
‘1 Votes & Co \ Var,:t
Llo.:,,trk & liren
.1 h. I: M
NI n I: II lieu•..
hILII,r,I Tull:.•. )•u) athuga Fu .
Wheeler A. Co, Ak 1011.
Barn,. y. c/.
U Willful. A Co. I,,ruit: Mel),
MthvuuktE, W
. ,
II J W.l
tnow 1
I:1 07
7,1 ...T . :=ZM: 1818 At.ia
1 1 11,a1 ,1 111, 1 111111 . 14 . 1,,11/1•14,
BETWEEN PrlT,llti 14, AND 1 11. /111.. , ‘14.1.881.t.
Propnrtor. or ring 01.1
Portable Bout I.trie. buvlrig tliva Je•
pot in Plulud”lphin. to 11111Vit \\' o.
on Alurkrt . thult tin, former., oer“p r,l n
their room ror
pll l llrlr<lllll/ oiler Ulu. ,1111 . 1 10 111 , 111/11, lalll
•ntl patron.
lioo.lx earned by Mo. hnr r.r. nottrnl,.lnpped be
teen Pmstrurtitt and Pluiadr.!ptna, carrted
br w rly In Dortaln.. twn Itoul• oi [lour
•nd other good. rmlutring carefn: tlo. I. of
importunrc No vttur, mad , . r" , rLytna or *MPInnS
good, or nava.. ,
charn. A.I good• forwardr
promptly, and upon u. reaponable n.rm.. as by any oth
& Co.,
1k 1.1, NI DA VI, & Co.
febl4 ark. & r.i rot:Enter., st.,
JOHN M.' FA OF . Fnr, ar.11,1,1 and Comm",
stop Sershants. Cann! klastn. tt.. st Ittittato rg h.
JAMES M DAVIS A Co, E.oor rue or nnslrimarn,
sion Merchant, .2:!, !Omit, and it Commerce t.,
Phtladelphia 10,24
p - Advancos made by cube, of the oUnrc on Flour.
%%cool and other dc.crultma, o:M•rettandt,erml,Kned
to them. frbl4
lILTOTICF,—Tke .ut , trr,....r• Hive II: pond of , helr In.
ler,. in th e , rettn'a ond ‘ , 111.1 1.0, In I'l,A ithE
THAW,•of Ytttohurgh. 01,1 JOSI :PH 5. th,.
!Try well ro'htmor to for the !.ne.
at the. Ware.hou• , 1111 8r0m ,, , ,t. o. Ulllll,. lilld nf •
opeolc for it a cow:nuance tr tn , pin, of thrtr
fr3endo 1.0 .ry
00,1 ~11 1.-4, •
Penn , a. and Ohio Transportation Co.
Do :$ fie D.
Fl r CI.AS, I:, .AT, A NI, t'A RA.
Piir•ltr, iv 1,111.1•1 , 81. YOOLS 10,1 - WILLN P.ll•Ertl,3ll
CLARKS .1‘ THAW. Canal I , ta , m. hiul , orgh
JAS sTEEL s ru. Agu. ~ea
\V PORRIC . •. ftw... New 1o: k
marl 3
. _
Co-part nershtp. _
TIRE subscnbr, lot re
tort:, er wider s:) r k. Jor.c•.
purpose of contmuing •lormeth
by ',Mt,' it Kiet. rand a e011 , 1116•15t, olf
rral :.ant tonnge hercloidre 01,
k .S 1 1,11.. t,
21 JoNE,t
CONIY( , :+1 , 11 , I.NTIRIII.I I r rta If
si.crioN BOA I 1.1111.111,1,1•11,.‘
BALTINI, , RI VI • ‘l.-
, t; are prepared !tt rec., e nt•tt trw.trt!tre,ltt
y the abort! mot f l • h 'nova
Je•tarleb. nod a: at :oh. ta, • a• .; oM, te•mnt•.i.te
anetmon•,••• • t• m 1 . .., or Ittt.
con to liattannter tit L. •- nar'am tt ••••,1
h:I IL t . . 1, Irntrmr.
arta: near
Pittsburgh. Marrl% I I
z l7
Ulf V.
JIM_ El • lON
lER JONES—Comnu..c.., va N:er
chant.. auld %V bow .a.e
ball Produce. 2,
I.theral cash advance. on ron• mnrl.l
MOM, ux,At • 10,111IIN
r t7--.4. n i • I P - Zia
To Phtladelpsalo. rata acitimort,
HENRI I:RA IT A. Ql li,xm lAa•burch.
DI 111.11 M A I:
II Now,. cora., ]urn ‘ Attraidqn •.- HA,
JunA F No lA, Ad ~ p New , " •
IVtrrICF,-The •
aly!e of our :Jrni+
111 AA,I Am, lA. dal, d: ,•
&Co. lAA ftticp:an II ampl.r,.. A 0
Nnsl CND r. H nLu . .1
HENRY GRAI-T. Atlrlllf
Ettib iSlS. .2llft
For rA Traac r ortartron of It w and
PITTSBCRIAL l'llll.A I/F.l.l'lllA N
“RK lk lON a
Heotit::,,,t A t •••,,
r.".rir,.. l'o.•
tom. U,e propotor• • • r arraote
ott Ito•moat • lerrne t ot e
titv boll Icl/own prostligne... 11. oe ,11
satrl) moOr nt r aro me ~,,, •
24-s so tarti. porl.ff oro
molo r, , ..0n00.•1.1:,,0, to •n,;,••••
gr and tor r ,o 4 41 r•
A if rommuno rrr,,4.4,,,
non ho
,r‘ 1 to•H hr •.
TA A 1 2 1-1.:1111 , L „„
tri'll:SiNMlS \„rl •t.
NV:11 ft WI! ~40. • .;..\.w I..rk 1.145
IS -S. -
1 , 11 . 15 . „e .
Lek. Erie ,
ll , ever and Ire.ent i•.••••rn.zer he
rwen lieaver nn.l Er e, ok, 1' M lir., • .1, krt Irnt
Meetti l .entr r.t ,e..e.• on 11,
l•prep•red to curry Irr,eut r• potr
en the art , Caorar. and 1.e.. , errat MLehr.
FlavlnK cern,' far t It,. tot rem,- • tt •rete.l tint! pn••
zengertt wytth pronalttnes. 1141 1it.p.c.4•11
and agents rcstirt•ttpt tt trout t.tittr - ttt.n.
unuance of Ow, pallttntt,
REED t ot Act , "
J%%11\ A AIC
Wl7ror no/i ,/r/11.11 ..t •t- 1 . ./Ishurrh
ft • 'l' IN
To nod iron/ tar kr.osirtlk I 1 . o . • • 1 . 11/10•OrIAPIII
/1 1 111: propytrlur• Mo. tr., at on , has e store their
/ to - orgaloraloo/ I nigr', 1./. /rm.., ow/. Incl./to/nu,
/fleet the •O/OI , COI. sod strr nnw pr.-parr/I to
forward n grralr lontoo, It,r FIVE lIIV I.ISF.
ea a.... lip soldtt/ono. trnwar Nra4oll• IO lON rp,o.
This 11/I, WO/ run throughout thr rl
gopy s thro. / h ti,. ot Iln././/o/r.• nrol 11/ItrOurne
and COIlsi,(11, •prrihrd tn/./• hod lime
!slo vror p/nen. from I'll,s/lr.oton for lii should he
marktd - Care. J 13 Itot.lossot llnnlt.oloir
Thr only •Krian arr,
vl S Charles at, IlalUtoom
EIXiEHTtiN & Co, Cumberlu u l
I; W CABS, Brownsville.
.1 17 lAIAVEKI... Pittpburgh.
Azcw, at Comburlttud from Om hon.. of
IA Ala
vim to Mot of VAgturom A Cu
PitDburilt Lod Amster. no are ottt fool th.t Iloy
1," llobtowe irtt South Coortm I Dritommr lo tLt uulf
author red agyul of ifttr Lou to the E.Astem • Ito,
Tha tmil sputa are
1 BIDW ELL, Fttlaborxh,
W Brown, 11,
EDUA tt•roN ¢ ‘'..cuesiber:atad,
deem!( J 71 HIIQII' :SOS, Bultlmure
lan 1,1111¢41.,11, WA•111 , 11.,,,nL
.W VONA. Mir Cl.kilKIVI.l
M '' f i ll " l j tl/ A l S tr.
Jib°. Line going I . :ast roonecung wall Adam. Io .
Farnti. at Italtlmore
Through rerr3pts will I.e go", t 0 m.y 01 the insure
places Polerehand”c and ;ow:Sage. ol an} site or
%Wright forwarded
Express rlou. dmiy at 3 r
II I: Aganl.
nov2oll S, Hotel Iluchlings, wood st
. ,
P. K. FRETZ & Co.,
3.54 rAnitrr
FOR 711 C ti1AN111,11 . 1,110,1 OF ILI S•
DM; Tt, vitou 1 . )111.A DL.I.1•111A. DAM t.1 , 11E,
[D — All hind.. of Mereheath. coaxumnd in P
Frei, Philadelphia, or rn J• Cm,
well ha ptampily lurvrurded fret of C011111..10114,
. •
Passenger and Remittance Office.
HAN Itiffs-N it CO rOntlltYr In briny persons
from any part of Englund. Irelaildt.cot.and or
Wales upon the tin," terms, wok their
usual punctuality and attention no Om wants and roll,
fon of enumgrann We do not sitow our passenger. to
be robbed by the swiedling Ile.l/11• that ntlest the ss•
porn, m we take charge of thent the toornent t•-•
port themselves, and see to inetr Imitt.;. and de
spatch them without any delootsno by the first glop.
We say this tearlessly, WI we drly (Mr on our pub.en
gen to show that they were detained Id holm In y us in
Liverpool, whilst thoutands of others wore detained
month., until they cook) be tent in some old emit, at a
ch o p rate, which too trey..tly proved lb. r coffins.
We attend to perform our contract. honorably, cost
what it may, and not Oct as was the case las
iR t ...coon.
with ether ocers,—who culler perforated not all, or
whealt sailed their convenience.
Drafts drawn at Pittsburgh for any sum from LI to
£lOOO, payable at arty of the proyinetal Santis in Ire
land, England, •
Scotland and Wales
Fnropean nud (lateral Agent,
tebl street, fine door below Wood,
BOOKS; me*:
V.teubl• wad A4tTILOUT• NOW Books.
T AMAIITLNEIFtistory orthe Giroutims, 3 vote, 12
Ai MC,
Stamm' Life &They-ober Boyord; 11
H. James' Late of Henry the Fourth, of France,
vole--12 ma
Smith's Consular Cities or Chum; 14 mo.
Neauder's Lim oUmm cb01.5 B co, muslin;
Mauer. Fresh Glemingatior • new Shmt from the
old fields of COMA/le:1.1 Europe.
Capt. Henry's Sketches of the Mexican War 12 mo.
t..1,1(1. Sloe of the Battle of IVnterloo; 12 too
A Summer lit Scotland. by Jacob Abbott In mu Sodoundt's Literature of the South of Europe; s cols
12 mo.
Rulunt's Advenntres ua Paulen and tha Hoy
M./waning. Ignto. natulin.
Posthuman. Works of Rea. Thos Chalmers, D. D.
I, I. D
The Practical Axtronomer; by non Dick, L. L. D.
Lite of Jeremy Belknap. D. D, Hisuman of New
Luther awl the Reforßtahon. by John Scott, NI A
2 vol.
Ti, m ',Mir Kingdom, wnli • new ump of Me Empire
s W 12 mo
. . .
rbe rower °title Salmi, by Gardiner Spring, D. D
Bethel Flag. by Gardiner Spring, D. D., 12 mo.
Ted , hn.d a Sewn°, the *fertrber an Amin: by Rov.
it U.,.
The ma. hot Court and People, by John S. Maxwell.
Lectures on Shakspeare, by If. N Hudson.
The A Po.. of A tutrica —lllustrated with nine engni-
O nc steel. and containing skiltches of atus twee of
A on
Inman. tVest. Stuart. Trumbull. De Vet J 4
geoihrniott Peale mid Thos. Crawford, 1 VOL l vo.
Tile "noon. of France; cost:among fetches of the
of Ihinartine, Thars. Napoleon, Damon,Nine
bean. Inca and others. with martraitsof each.
licathey's Napoleon and Miinhals; !I vole, th uto
Ileediet 's Nitungtott and the Generals; y vole, igm
I leuilley•s Alountalf
The 111/oVe.' together with e. huge collection of Stand
Vork, rlusweel and School Bookh tor sale by
JOHNSTON & ErTOCirTON. Bookseller,
corner market and id sts_
Gelll4 of Sacred Poetry, a splendid imperial Fvo
with I.enuntul illustrations on steel, by Saler, and kti
dlunonused pikes by estUrlll.l and Soacltur, nchly
bound 111 Turkey morocco and wink, calf, superbly gilt.
The l'hrtan. Keepsake. an annual for 1848 with
splendid 'Demob. engravings, by Sartatu, bound in are
brerls, 11101,13,C,C0.
Christmas Blossoms and New Year's Wreath felt
BA", .mall quarto volume, pnoted mow Millie pas
'or. embellished with splendid mezzotint engravings.--
lin. by far most beanufalJetvende annual puts
balled in the United States
TLC Poetical Work. of Oliver Coldsmllh, T. B
Mime rot. el otue &lug., by the Llchang Club, in v 4
lea ol l' Odinlr
Thompooo'. Scioto., with .e•enty-.even decipt, by
the Etches, ♦uwu. styles of bilubug
111 , . Poew daol Poetry of.Araerica; by R. W. Geis.
The Poets and Poetry of Ma Ancients, bylhara
Peter. A. , superbly bound in Turkey morocco; splem
deny Tilt
lA'inssa Poems, m various styles of Writing.
Gray's Eleay illustrated.
Ileman's Pommel Work., to v•rmos Landhsips.
Lord Byron's "
The Pommel NVorks of Thomas Moore
Ballads and other Poems, by Mazy }lmola.
Poem. by ameba.
!lentils) , " ttnered Movutouna.
The above, with ngveat variety of other new - works,
to tp!stotol styles of binding, suitable for OS book.; for
ask uy
tleAn Bookseller., cos Market Red am.
leei works. 4 vole .
Chatitter, Dully sonpturr Reading; o
Memoir of the Lite of Mrs Fry. rood
The the author of 'schoolgirl in France.'
Lod) Mar), or Not of the %Vat 1,1 Rev C B Tay
lor. M A.
it argot,.or the Pearl, Ju
Mark C,ofton, or the Merchant'. Clerk. Jo
!Ate of Pollak, author of 'tient. of Tune,"
I int I.astetter. by tjuoliste Fry,
I.ceture. on Shakspeare, hr If Nr Hudson,
nt,er Cromwell. by J T Beadle,,
Natonn, and hi. I.arslials do
11 ..lung ton and hie Generals au
or the Pulpit. by Hard.. Sows. D D
("lag, do Jo
IL,' Igloo by F.sanaple;
Pa ',awns of Fcaoca, by Turnbull,
,eotland, do
ot Howland Hill, Free Church Pulpit. 3 to,.
afitton of France, Now and Thou, Beihusse • Pocms:
ateuret Mercer.
J a. on: Matthew, adapted to [ ' SIMI Questions.
Arthur's Popular Talas- - 14,ches on th e ‘lror.d,'•
• flaking Haste to be Ftich." .. Rohe . have
'Keerll.i up Appearances." - Debtor and Creditor.'
For sale t,, ELIJO3°F & F.:NC:USD,
5 74 wood and SG market at .
VF IV 111a , K , Lonertaga no Europe, or Sketches
on Travel ta Frunee.lielgium. Switzertand Italy,
medical t it
Untatu mod Irela,,d, with on
pet, • ontaJonos European , ehae t .
t., • annl tionitutt,us By John NV Carnm..kl D.
11 novel By the tumor ut •• E/1111131 IVyud
wo Old .klena Taloa," etc.
1. 1. c,n1,,, nose_. By Mary Brunton , author of
Von 111. Luny Scuptural Readings. By the hale
r Fa 0,112,.(' almer• D D L D
I' irt I. The Thousand and One Nigh.. Harpers' 11.
u•trated eahtion
W,.:tam tt.e , Cortager, a hook for children. By the
ati.nor or - Ellen Herbert," de.
be ti!ove works received Ult. day and for sale by
• _
the . Introthe .... e p tco , t . : m o s f
rse rr en h, t7l: . :a k rlrou ' lig ol
c.. • .14 •ucce.e... by Key. A Stetrettx, A. M. Jug
.11,11.,cr of Rev. Dowd Abeel, D D. late Miamon.y
y hie itelasev... Rev I. K
Murk N. too, me Alt re haute Clerk, by Rev Charles
'rn. lot. NI A.. author of "Reeonisot • Good Alan's
Mary,” - Margaret, or the Year'," &c..he
wtth a larKeasvortment of new hooks, on
h .1.. and recror tag Et.ucrrr F.NULelliki,
ap2l tin market .1
umuListi BOOIKS- 7 1Itstuty of the (,root'tea.
&two, and of the W.'S •nd campaign. moons.
frv4l4 Ilic struggirs of We Greek Patriot. on Emaitetpa
.ei. wett country from the 'l'ntash. Yoke—ta two role
ummt —lt 'rntl.d ropy .01W numerous maps and encra-
Lettrr , trr , ,ter, ve of the rrorn of William 111, from
fier portro,ll, vols.
Uttents.t.on et the studaof d.e Holy e‘crtptarea
alna!tra), thrifing romance, anth 50 engin
'lota to the Ilo:y Land. French Stage, and Sketches
.n (Ina. Just reed and for sale by
tt - ttl Si market street
l. ley
Olrk 1 . Ono of Nunnb,
ra g l a n Nano*.
Ile ..;:taChment, was taken to England br Mr
t'o.,naLl. and ansong many other tcatamotuala 01 ad.
r.egaut specunen of American
rnJ ,Feenwy. el.etted the lollownig remarks ireat
l'utorlTrg the ,rente.. Pzarlio briug
. .
Drer enrbaania a letter to toy (nand. Mr i. Pan.. I antiot rerritlii trout agvii exprevaing
WI bow much I wwi pleasedwttlt your
tonrnt. wl.Jch r oustder it* a great !Nostra] 119-
prov.•lllr, cull 8.11, you that on toy part I .hail
erect piragureito my mutual to make your toren
bon (or orn For aide by H KIAMER.
Ai Wu.dwell , furniture MOMS, 341 al
Metall° Frame Plano.
A SPI.F.NDID assortment or Rose
wood nod Mahogany graud =non Pt
s.just finasued and for sale..
Al4O, two selendld Rosewood Ptanos.
wit, olemun, c•lebtatetl Analtan attachment, foushed
I:I lilt' /11051 rocatero st, le. and for sale at
F kILC.stES.III wood at
1•EK111.1 . 11.1,USTRATF.1) EDITION OF THE
L7l A HAMAN NltritTS—Expreesty deem-net' tor fern.
t.v re tort ne.ln coarse of pubbettoon by Harper a. Bro
met*. New 1 ork. To be completed to twelve perm.
Part lc Just received and tor rale by
comer market and 3d sts
1.11.\ ` 4 TOCKTON, have l ast met] yell the
/,I.neerr Review, No 176, Apnl. INS and Mac k •
e,et Magll-11110 for May my./
Western Transportation Compani•
1 - IAS, 012 . la i lratfl i s i ht C el . nsi t lB4B.
raksstbssats •so emu Ssu. losta.
I P aper, good. and produce to and
A I rtr E l ' e " :l,7 ` .7,. " ::. '" T.
dr, w or spill, to
It /I A Co, Cartel Bum, Pittsburgh.
BA KRIS A 1.F.11. 11. Noa. 13 & 16 Booth Tbird st,
gis,o 11, NU Howard st. Balt_
TP, Agt. No eat flood, New York
Pittsburgh, Marsh 1911 :yard)
MIMI 1848,
s lll :: ,B, F ; R u s un n o n e d . othars u r . m k trate ,
ih d o
M ot) ‘. Primitive and tnerchiams takeu Y at low rate!
Merritmalite • frotn
/door. Baltimore brought out at Canal
rut. , Time, five
J C Aim
Water et, doom above Moog'. Ficmse, Pitbutsrgh.
ROBINWJN & ittiK/Lll,
my I 7 trd South Charles at, Baltimore
1 n( I.rlrk tot
hp bt, steam etent,
trupruest maxims, for which Ise has obtained a patent,
and nerve. to rive purchasers a wrstiess guarantee Mat
they nre stronger, and end restos frost and wet weath
er nod Imbibe less mossture or dampness than any oth
r brick,sssss greater body and superior texture
sad much more durable in every resect. each brick
Leine subsertest to a pressure or inset:rat um, and pos
se...g handsome smooth surface and even edges,
they snake front equal to the best bunt brscls
They have given tne greatest sansticuoti to all who
Is e purtshsord A kiln ...II be seen •I my works, and
specimen at the Ilasette mitre.
Those be, MK au rpl IedthaITIOCIVG• fur their 1 / 1 111glings,
and wsshing handsome tram brick, or superior hard
JJJJJ I sosstl paveng brick, can obtain them
Birmingham, June ILL 1.1..
' , OH CIIEAP—A Circular Sua , , Ira .nimble
tiature• for .awing Vet - mina Blind slats, backs ior
brniclwa and other small wort—now in working order
It 1 1110 p which can be rented, with steam power, will
1.,. sold al a great Wuhan, To • peraon with . na i l lll,lll.l, dna ailordx goal opportunity in establmg •
.ale and profitable business. Applio
I•t street, near wood
T PHILADELPHIA, 6101 young men, (landsmen
prercrredo to go on Whaling Voyages in first class
ship. All dothong and other necemery arnolex fur
nished ior the voyage. Eoloo given b CorePenee
Carpenter. and Illackmarths. TM. Is a rare chance
for )oung men who wiah to see the world, or benefit
tbdr bertith by apleasant sea voyage of about two
None A
vary No but mender. taken. Apply personally
0 J. W. DOWNING, No ()Walnut street, up strum,
Ploludelplou. rel.bnP/w
_ - -
FIRE BRICKS—The subscnbers havtng
j_ been appointed Foie Agents by the manufacturers,
11no 11141 •11i0 of the celebrated “Phadis Elnan," an
nerW prepared to fill orders (or any quanttiy, at "IL
can, per LOW Yu( the construction of furnaces of
all tend., them breed have been pronounced by com
petent Judges 1.1 being superior to all other Gra brick
now in use. C A iIEANULTY & Co, Canal MU.
DOFITAIII,K HM, ete--A rug coat...out auro..
t Bellows and all the terse can be carried by the hare
dles by taro men. A leer nut ree'd and for sail by
•Vl■ 010,•110,_
May 11th, lean, at the School House of tea nizth
Vaud, Pittsburgh By M lirockoundge.
Published by JOHNS ruN A'STOOKTON, nod for
sale by all the booksellers in the city.
NIULASSFA—RO TAlla Sugailtrito - Wirolaiaes, - St
James' brand, for sale by
DLACKINO—TtaI dos Mason's Challenge, put reed
J) and for gala by 1.13 JOHN D MORGAN
D~CIIdANEOiIS~ ', ..
BbuLAKE It CO., the only mutton:ell agen to Pitts
rsh for the sale Of Patent Mt Tame
P.c.., Invited. attennon of the plathe generally. and
of the officers and owners of stetunbonts and canal
boats in portent., to thou Sae aasontoott of thew,
excellent Chronometers.
- .
Unlike the Pendulum Clocks, these are warranted
to run with -accuracy in any Kennon, arid sifter, to
any amount o 1 motion, consonant with the safety of •
common watch, and are therefore the only elocks suit
able for steamboat, canal Loath, railroad cars sad
lactories, in which there is much jarring. They are
used extensively to the East in these situations, and
..gtve good oatismcnon " A. Family Tmte Pieces.
also, they are muck . admired by those who have toed
the on •ecount o f their compachiesa,imeunscroiem.
nes.. and the fueilitt with wtuch they are moved or set
up for use Those who wish to purchase are request
to candtdly e ann.. Into the merits of °Allis article.
and without regard to the unumanons and denunen,
nous of interested persona, or of those who know noth
ing about tt The Menne Ttmepiece with Ktrles
proventeitt, havlng but recently been patented. lklerch.
1.-47.1 and muted in this country, is not generally
kno and even some worthy men in the trade hare
been wn,
found denouncing the whole affair, who have
since disc vered that they we, aiming their blows at
ormatter entirely -having, In reality. never seen
or known any thing of Kirk', iteler se•pement4
nee Tinaeptece
As we are the only runtime/ell agents in the city. our
suortmena will be timed the only complete o and
as we keep none but those which have Kirk's late ne,
pro•ertient of a - total:nog NIII•acI in the sprlng," we
trust that those who wish to purehase will, to j ustice
at Ica.ot to themselves. examine our, Galore taking from
, 11 mere remnant elsewhere. An article. similar to
appearance, but of not one fourth the value., eu Le
purchased elsewhere for less money. Those. there
fore, who regard nothing but the price of a clock. need
nor take the trouble to call.
In Akery case where a Marine Tlmepiece soul by us
does not !rive satisfaction during the first three months
of its use, we will refund the inoney paid fur it, on its
being returned without damage
Information respecting the merits or the Timepiece
can be obtained by referring to the officers of thc Bril
liant. Hibernia No 2, &c, also, to Mr A Fulton. 2.1 rt.
and others. I3LAKE le Co,
N W cot of morket Pt and the diamond,
Ness Musieul I nstrument.
TotiN It. MELLOR, No. el WOOl.l atreeL has seem
s/ ved and now open for sale ) a kyply of Ca•nert
improved patent Melodeons, once 0.45
For the benefit of those residing at It distance, and
consequently unable -t insmtct he Melodeon before
purchasing, the followmg description Is given
The cases are made of rosewood, and are as hand.
pmely finished on • Piano Forte. The cey-board
recisely the same an the piano or organ, end the tour.
which is very beautiful.) closely reacrottica that of the
flute stop of itti organ. The instrumeut can be mimed.-
atoll Made portable without detaching any part, the
bellow. '<costing Into die body of the - Instrument, end
the legs folding under, leaving the whole Ili a compact
foam Each insirtuneut h. • packing case. and the
whole when packed weighs only 45 poendt. The vol
ume of tone is equal to dint of a small organ, and by
means of the swell may Lenscreatted or diminished at
pleasure; t is sufficiently loud for small churchea, mid
to well calculated for a parlor instrumeni in y`2o
metaled themselves together under the style and title
of Se holey, Ryan & Co. for the annul tnra of Wood
Type, and as their type is altogether made by machi
nery. the invention of Issue Al. singer, one of the firm.
they feel confident that they oder • more perfect article
of type, and at much lower ratea than any heretofore
offered in die finned States, sod are now ready to fill
orders for the same.
. .
All cadets addresaed to bcholey. Ryan .k Co.. at
ltie3r °Mee in Diamond oiler, betwean Wood and
tiambficid streets, will be punctually attended LO.
Proprietors of newspapers, on eopylag ad
vertoinmen 3 months. sod mantilog us their paper, will
ne eittoiect to receive their pay In type, on purentistag
three tipies the amount of their bill foe advertistug.
- - - - -
atirmon, rIMBURGII 12113
°Mee at the Exchange, Baltimore
rbucem FLATF.s.— rhe cbarlte. bare been eda
ll ed on all Measages to or from lialutuare. Pitts
bur,b ur tileeling, and a rurrespondlng teducoon
made on all telegraphic despatches forwarded from kW
tunore West of Pittsburgh. Pa .
Rs re, —Thecharge for telegraph despatch to o
front Balwaiire, Pittsburgh and Wheeling. tit 44 cants
for the brat ten words, and 3 cents for each addittona
US Nu charge ts mode for the address and slgna
( tad the completlon of the Selo) Wr.dern Ldne ot
I . i. , gropla Imo Memphta, Tenn.. to New /clean, des
patches can be forwarded to Memphis by thw route, and
mailed for New Orleans. yell
The Allegheny Cemetery.
t 7 the unuen me enng ot the t,,,rpointort, held on
nth ` ow., the toll..nem,/ prisams were unoni
uhuubly re.elaeted Marlager• Inr ensulng yen..
THOMA, 11,,W E, I'tc•
J. Fr..., Jr., Per retery and Treur LI r
The angina/ pre•elited the alniu , of the
Colon:toy in • very prosperour conalttop. Then . office
111 the etty i• No. 37 •Ire•rt jeht
CAN !4AVE (torn 1.5 to 3 per ccn, purrhaslng
the r OIL cLorHs direct f rom the mattufaclutrra
— rtrrrr7@k CARMICHAEL. have opened • ware
Lou.-. No. 13 5 North Thlrd .trees. above Ruce..eennn
South of the Engle rlalel. PIM-AM-PIC, where
the .111 alarny• keep o. neompLete a...urn:lmm
nt Patent Elaatte Carriage tn. Cloths. 2... , .30,40.
and nteheß uncle Figured. hunted. and Plana, Inn,
the inside on Mtmlni Urilllng nod Linen. 'rabic ltd
Ciolh• of the most demraLde pattern., an. 40. 46 and Sr
tizehre wide. Floor On Clothe. Erten .44 men. to 21 la ,
wide. well marooned, and then ew,. style on patterns.
sit thetr own manufacture Truimpurran Window
Shades, Carpets. &C guod• warranted.
Manufarturrre of
38f tionttn Front Street,
Bath of 7 A. lill.ton's Cabinet Ware Alanufy
A LL orders left %Ohl, S S. Moon, at the otlice Mate
Merchaat's llotol, I'dtsburgh, estil Le pion:wily
attended to. • THOS G. DERIIT
poop:1,11S A C NICKERSON
1p X EIGENC k:ll judges. oil a trtal Of one and n tdi
12i imthons, unee HY& pH:nu:ounce this article unto..
passed tot durablltty the construction of ad kt,ide 04
Fur ac Pnee Fil.J5 cash fur loads on In Si. guar•
totted nine months use. Orders for • seColid gustily
801/var ltrieka will be executed as WM per M...., do
used. without guarantee. A hock u( the first quality
1. now for sale at the warehouse, 'tilos., burl.' Ca
sl by J SHAW .11 At'LARF:N.
.spurn( KestaulgtOtl Iron Work.
Micega r d
' ;,7ll k .J ' err ‘ a d
ve, choice mg wale
and superior brands, received and 101. sale
on accommodating terms, by
ms II NV ALM MPTCHEI.TREF, Ibo liberty gt
I)ti \VSHONts TEA-31i ball (qtr.. sup Po, al;nig
Tea, in store and for sale by
jet. , o I A R FLUID, Roinid Chrireti NuildLnga
Yl. RS: CIDER VINFAIAR--40 able supr Vinegar. In
store and tor gale by Jett, J h R FLOYD
- - -
121,11-50 bbls No '1 large Mackerel, 50 bbls No
Ilerrtaga, fei bets No 1 trimmed Shad, landing and
for sale by 1 k R F'LUI'D
NFAN'N' received. 1 care 111161114 .
I RA, Pearl Oats, I rage Misses Leghorn flats.
and me gale by smrrif A JOHNSON,
Jeld 40 markei 'I
rNVNSENIr tt SAFL.A PAH-ILIA—I:I des Just reed
and for sale and for sale at the drug warehouse of
J KIDD & Co, 60 aroai
LIREN CII LAWNS—I cue fine punted La;a - na
beautiful new p.m", nant reed and opened by
jet . / SHACKLiir'r wHIT,IO9 wood at
k: , l .5
;LOUR -1
IL j
& Cu
LARD -1.1 ker. for .air by
jell n F VON 130NNHORt+T Co&
DEANS-6 Ws small white. for sale by
%alerowa,ier agile
S A t, I ) .E.RATUT , — ,i f.I cask. e , l , ev it e 2r l K al l d
6 111 F 1 /i— y 114 b ; :.r 4 W It t .c rr : :l D, A..lts tosale br
dos C'r" Ilroama for sale by
- .
bbl. Fanuly 1•
j` lel4 Zuj.k.i.c.zsz,VLbani,k,s,
WiCrii:LIFIANS-50 bars to store and tor .sic by
W .R.Cl . l: : lM e ' rl.: b°c."f(hC l: Vl.nd'ng
• Ir4nl:nm kelrie for
jr JAME: , DA I.Z ELL J 24 water
`TAR CANDLES—LS b a ts CmTani! Ga
Ju zllea
just revelvad sad fog sale by
I,IISHINU 1300r8-711 dos Indio Rubber 1 , 1.11,ng
I; Moot*, just reed by riprogs Tllnd for stoic OT tbo In
dia Rubbar Depot, No 5 \\ ood stte,
tLIN:it:ED OlL—to We, J.{ reed and for sore at
the drug warehouse or J KIDD& Co.
Jeri Su wood st
RFSH I.I.LMONS—A buse• Fresh Lemons.l' rust reeetved atul lor axle by
lel3 IV liAltil4ll.6ll
C uT , II,IN—SU bales Cot., tn storl A w s u
u l
_ _ _
BAR L}; AD--7IMIU ";;;;''.; co
C 0
F L,0 C,),7 %% , '1 , ::;U e n PAINTED . L11 ; 1: . E c
etzrap :rad 00.00)01 ware j , S &
A MERICAN 41:KENSWARE.--Can be hatllll 011
I'l tta varicuu., ut we .otre ot
(ALL & Lik:rrY
DITCII-4 bbl. Pitch, on hand and for .ale low to
1 clone by p 5 TA AWE & O'CONNOR
Paranoia of s beautiful quality, and at pleatly re
duced price, just rood. A I.b.XANUER A. LA 1 .
1023 75 market al, N co, of the thantund
- • -
YOUNLi 111 SON TEA—in halt cheats 1 oung Hy-
I, sou 'Pea, Nat recerved and for rate by
OILS -50 bids Linseed Od; 75 do No I Lard do, 70
do No 9 do dui IA Steanne do, I hid pure
Sperm do, do bleached Whale . , 6 bibs do do; in more
.d for a., by
~eld St.I4.P.R.S & .41COLS
. .
11 A RRISON'S Columbian Copyrog Prraaes; Harri
ll,sun • Columbian Ittke, reeetr.4 and tor .ate by
jes JOHN II NI ELIA/R, 11 wood or
noorr:p;s frlLT y E is uLutt3
Alia b
flO RKS-3 bales just reed wld for sale by
Le lal3 JOHN D 111086 AN, Drugetet
0 UGAR--100 hbd. N U Sugar, to store awl for ...le
1.„7 by dein LIMN LLE.Y.TKR & 1:43_ .
Tiruou WOOL:—The htghelt market pore in cash
TV will Le paid for dufereut gradesol clean well
washed Wool, by S & \V If A ItLIAUL al,
fos Lti W•ter and 104 dram farce,
IINDIII/23-3(1 sacks Feathers, 13 do Untsyng; 4
1.7 bbl. No II Lard; I do Flaxseed, 15 tacks do; 1000
Pear-oak Fly klrothes; I do do Fans; to asnre and for
sale by foal ISAIALL DICKEY & Co ; front st
Asthma, Bronchitis Spirting_ Blood. Path m the Side
and Hmost, tom Throat, Hoarseness, Palpitimon
attic Heart, Whooping Co h. Hives,
Nervous Tremors, Liver Mimi and
Diseased KidmiSsi are r 'cells
It t. rand and pleasant to the Mate, perfectly safe and
harmless to It. operations, and let it is one of the romp
powerful and certain remedies tor Consult:mums of the
Lump, Cough, Colds. Asthma Spitung Blood, Liver
Complatnt, Tait. In the bode or Mean. and general
1 -*bibtY of the Consultation that arse ever Invented by
the ,kill of roan for the rebel atflicted
Ceruficrites and evidences of in wonderful curative
powers •re Moly received from all quarters. It ow.
posable to conceive the aggregate ot suffertng end me
ery that has been relieved orhauuhed by m o o r rut
we calculate the immense benefit that shall accrue from
it hereafter All arms, wive., and eon...mons are
alike affected by in, and Ole diseuic . enultcated from
the system, the cnsutution repaired, uni% health r
tored by the net o
of Da. SWA,Fes COILI.OIIMD Sear> oe
woo (Masai. How many sufferers do we daily be
hold approarlong wan untimely grave, wrested, In the
inoom of youth. Iron. their relatives and Inertia, tato
ed wlth that fatal tuaholy. CONSUNIPTION, which
wastes the miserable sufferer until he is beyond the
power 01 human skill. If melt eutlemn would only
make a foal of Compound Syrup of Wild
C perry. they would find themselves sooner relieved
than by gulping the various ineffective remedies with
winch our newspapers abound, tlos - Vegetable Reme
dy' heals the ulcerated lung. ; stopping profuse night
sweat,. at the same time old ileum a :lateral and healthy
expect...tom and the patient will soon hod ronaself in
the enjoyment of comfortable health. The public should
bens to mind that Dr. Swayne as a regular pracustng
physician, and has had years of expenence tit diseases
of the langs. Chest. the. The (original a c
id only) genu
ine article is only piemirtd DEL SWAIMI N W cor
ner of Eighth and Race streeta, - Philadelphia.
Of all the cures that has ever been recorded, we may
safely say the annals of medicine cannot furnish one to
surpass tht, which now stands as s living proof of ilia curability of cousumption, evett when line had been
despaired or. Dr. iliwayne's Compound Syrup of Wild
Cherry Is all a professes to be, the greatest medicate
in me known world
The True R./ter of Life cs
Dn. Bwsr vs—Dear Sir,--For the good of the public. I
feel myself in Jury bound to tests!) , to the groat cure
which your pound Com Syrdp of Wild Cherry perform
ed on me. For s. I feel as If every body ought
lo know it. was adilvted wtth. • violent conga, sin,
MIK of blood, night sweets, hoarseness, and sound of
the veto, indiraung an sign:Emig state of the dmem.e;
,:ct',A".".Vo' were d I
could not cornice many days. My ouster, who velut my
anmou care-taker. made °Nutty where she would ho
likely 10 procure the most certain relief. She was told
What if Dr. Swayrres Coinpiicaturl Syrup of Wild Cherry
failed ia the cure, to life was then hopeless. Your
medicine WWI trronadtately prociumi, and the Ent bot
tle gave relief, and by the time I had commenced the
with I,ollle. my cough had len tic •nd my strength was
mach improved. In abort, it has made a perfect cure
of me, end I am at dud present mac os hearty a man as
I wall, and have good reason to believe that the use of
your medicine has laved me from a premature grave,
I shall be pleased to have any information reapeetlng
my ease.
39 enema.. et. between ran end Yule me,
Consumptives, Read . . Randy Le. Swayne's Compound
Syrup of Wild Cherry.
In about the year 1ff.17, I found it necessary msoy
professional pracuce, to compound a medicinal prepar
ation for diseases of the r hest and longs, possessing
more powerful healing properties than any other hith
erto known for each Eseeses. In my COMPOUND
SYRUP OF WILL CHERRY, I have been verysuc
cessful. The truly aconishnig cures effected by my
medicine soon spread Its lame abroad; for it owes none
olds mucosa to manufactured newspaper puffs or for
ged cernheams—die real intruisic ments of my eon.
pound is the only cause of its popularity. Its extenstve
sale soon rustled the envy of carom, speettlantra to the
adlictions of his fellow creature., so much so that in •
few years from the time that my preparation emu intro
dared to the public and m great demand, a firm to dim
city. folding that my preparation had gamed a high
reputation tor lu uranve properties, came out with
witat they called (Jr. Wand's Oulu= of Wild Cherry.
This respectable and popular physician had no more
to du with the article than poor Sato Patch. The name
of Ili \\ - attar is attached to make it appear that dos mo
ment prachnoner was the orignial luventur of the pre
pared.; such to not the tact. The above firm, the re
al inventor, sold the recipe and nght manufacture to
some patent medicine dealers in Cincinnati for the
West and South, and another in New York for the Fad,
who afterward., it is asserted. sold out to a druggist in
Soston—so the number of hands mu which it may have
changed Is an enigma.
In mine places they assert it emanated from a ph),
1.1.1112 in Philadelphia; mothers, from a physician in
Massachusetts. tki it has talmhioul and stratagem
stamped in every Jeanne.
There have been a number of other preparations par
porting to contain Wild Cherry put out since, from the
Lands of inexpenenoe, which the polite should guard
against, as they cOula4l mine of the virtues of the ong,
nal and only genuine preparation, wLich bears the si•
nature of Dr. Sway. on each bottle. The presen g t
matiufurturers of their puffs and false cersticates have
the dating effrontery to caution the public agmust par.
chasing oil. medicine, the only truly gentune and ongs
nal preparation of Wild Cherry before the public,
which ta proved suusfactortly by the public records of
the CuMmonwealth of Pennsylvania. as well as car,
1.11 oilier °Shen!' documents.Dß. D. SW A VINE,
Inventor and sole Proprietor of the genuine Com
c ,, ul . Syr e uji , c l if hil lail l d ph Cherry, corner of Eighth and
et can w
be obtained grout. witting forth an
•rray of titirnony that ttl convener the moat •kerm
cal of the wondertul virtues of Dr Swarm's Compound
Syrup of Wild Cherry. Call slid, that ail may
rem]. Purchase the medicine, and an cl
Wsate. wholesale and retail. by tbe
Val THORN. Si Alarket et. OGDEN & oNtiW DEN.
corner Vitta d Liberty to, s Liberty
at. 11 A \I IN v... , Toci. & Co. sotto, First unit
At otel St: to and %Vteitl, and _RAIN Lac Era.,
. . .. . ..
We have been reformed by Mr.. Rose of s cure per
fotterd on her by Pr. Jayne's A/torativa. which
pes its aupertonty over every other remedy of the
kind v She has been Milicted (or the lent Stile.. year.
with NECROSES or WHITE SWELL/NUS, attended
t•Lt uleerauont sod enfoliabon of vanous bones., du•
ring which time many pieces have been dmeharged from
he IrOinal hone or the crumpet, from both her alms,
wrists and hands, and from both legs, and from the left
fr.i oral bone. and from the right knee, tweddea pal Mel
ulcer• on other pane DI her person, which have battled
the skid 01 a number of the moat eminent pnysietatiaot
Otl.l ca.—daring most of the hem her sunertags Pion
been exentiatmg and debiorable About three months
since she W. ,educed 10 try DT:Jaynes Alterntme,
whien he" had en astootstunKly happy effect upon tier,
by rema,ng all pain ana swelltite, and eaumnpr the
ulcers to heal, while at the some hate her general health
t.% .
h. I,C e completely restored, to that she new weighs
3.1 14 in c than she did before she commenced the ow
of ihi. tr • valoulilt prrpn:lol—(Nal Eve Po,
For fun r iumrimount. tug udeofSl ri Rose. No 12b
Filbert At, Ph'lsdr!riltra
For isle La Pittsburgh, at the PEKIN TEA STORE,
75 Fourta t.t. near Wipod. /73
INGS.—Scrniula in all its multiplied loran
whether en that or King'a Evil, enlargement. a the
glands or bones, Goitre, White Swellings, Caron,
Rheumatism, Lamer, diseases of the Skin or Spine,
or al Pulmonary Consumption, emanate from one
and the anise GAUSS, WiIICS is a 1:101•000tts principle
more or lea inherent in the human system. There.
fore, unless this princeple can be desire, ed, no radi
cal cute Cali be elected, but if the principle upon
which the disease depends, is removed, a cure
must of °enema . ) lollow, nu matter under et hat form
the inmase should minima itself. therefore
is We reason why Joyce', ALTES.STIT IS IS SO um
vermlly successlul in removing so many malignant
&senses. It destroys the virus or principle ram
whecii abuse diseases have their origin, by entering
into the circulation, and with the blood is conveyed
to the minutest fibre, removing every p.irticle of
disease from the system. Prepared and sold at No.
8 South Third Street, Philadeiptim.
Sold at the Pekin "Pea Store, No. 7%! ourtn niece.
Pittsburgh mchll
lADIKS Wan Cs< Common l'tepareal Llbalk,
14 often uotaware now irtglittull, ~vunous t lb to
the skin! how rearm, how rou,h, Low sal row, 'elk,
and unhealthy the skin Ippear a after using preps,d
Chalk! Besulev, v tufurtons, vomaitung a large to.
lay ci lend. c have prepared beautiful vegetable
at - tick, which we call /LIN F.IS'S srAND.sii LILY
WHITE: It Is perfectly littlocent. acing punned of all
deleteriousar,ities, and it import io the skin a natu
ral, health y alabaster, eiea v. li ring white,•at the same
time •cllng as • cosmetic on the shin, making it son
and 1111100U3.
Dr. Jams Aimee/lon, ['facture! eheunst of M 3-444 -
Chin , tui. e
*aye: -After anal v 5.:4; Jones's Spanish Lilly
White, I find it possesses the most beautiful and natu
ral, at theo.l4r time limovent white I ever , aw. l
certnativ can consc.rotiouS,y recsommend tts un to all
whose skin remnret I,cent/tying 5.
L, 26 y ' . l.k b° C ' HHON, at ht. Hoot and Shoe
Hthre t n2 Ltberth .theet, bend DI Wood, Or r{n of
the Ht{ (loot
Lathes, lathes, retyamonithe t d,
When you know that you are promised
A natural, life-like, snowy whtne,
That you will suit ow common enallt
And look a deathly yellow ingot,
The theme a laughter end of.
If y/a would u•• • he x of /ONE'S I.ll , y•white, a
would glee you stun en •labaster yet uoLural
and at the same time clear anul improve a. Sold int
JACKSON "3, di Liberty Pnee eau. per
lIIRt/rt W. FIELD offers tor sale •t Die low t ai
Idanofaetarere price., a very eateot i , h s s o rt .
mein ol PAPER. eounprisio, es ery postahls variety.
adapted to the wants of consumers in all see taws of Ihe
oountry. Paper of all kinds matte to order a Dion
not de.
1110 IRMO Of PRINTINti PAPER is anvnuer large
parlor which la of 'Ol7 superior quality
of o•rry de.cription, impor tett and kept constat.
y or
h.-, viz: Felon's, V. ire Cloth, Fourdratier wire.
Bloootong Yoveder, lithe I: Onto:tan., Tertee,
a•a“. B. Rope, krath kope, likaKkg. c . c
putel,hhed, for which the Ocebem . w,ll be
1141 Y Sew 't ort../c'F.ll,:h
• _
Dr. W. P. Premium Pi
DR. W. P. INLAND, orate ideaLeal College bf Phil
adelhia, now odes to the üblic his Indian Ve
etable Pre p mium Ph.ter r , the qualities of wloch. til er
long and tried experience, has been satisfactrinly es
tablished. To all women who may be adlieted with
Prolapse. Utena or Fallen iVonib, he recommend. his
plaster, guaranteeing a sure and speedy cure In the
short space of from Iwo to thee weeks. if applied with
ca and rest—discarding all the countless tnstrument.
and re
expensive bandages co long in use. Th. he feels
conscientious in strung, inaunurh he has not failed
in one rune out or litres hundred d 611)•three pa
Also for Rheumatturt and Weak Breast or Duet. or
tended with porn. there anothing to excel thus Plaster
orfortllog relief or el:reeling ricure. For ,ale by
I. Wilros, corner or Diamonde,d Market st
Braun k Rester. - LSD<ny awl :it Clair ins
Dr Fargrnt - Federal ad Dtamond, AB<
glletty city
Jerque% & Co, •• Denman and Diamond, Btrnalog
ham. ' IoJ
A Challenge to the World.
I , WENTY-Fi v E IIItLLA rIS will be paid to any one
t: ho sv , il produce a spot of petal, s teen or dry. that
cutout be detracted with notes Improved Chemical
Soap I have the soutinction sayinktO no people of
this place,lhat this article, by toy Own improvement on
it, stow ch i ld. unrtvolled tit this country for extracting
crease. tor, pitch, oil, paint, or any other greasy sub.
stance. limn all kind. of gentlemen's or ladles' elothtng,
cloths, snerkno shawl*, ladies' bonnets,
ke, cv,ildnit twitting anything that pure water will not
Mare. SION: than one thousand persons in different
part. of the coollf ho•e told me they would not be
without it. if it cost one dollar per cake. In trying thu
Soap on more than 11l articles of light auks, satin, al
paca., and ealierma, I have only found three pieces of
nd, two of o , P o ootl, tad four o( calico , on which it
changed the colon thereon. before pontos it ma a hght
devil try a sample of the etas first. Inns, this D.Claie
sin determined not to recommend it any stronger than
I know to be silently true. N H Gorr.
Pee., 111 ets per cake. Sold, wholesale and retail
deed) 57 wood it
TEAS -4 halt ehecs YFI Tea; 30 do de Imperial do.
3tl do do Gunpowderdo; 30 do do blank do; 30 cat;
ty has Gunpowder and Y Mai .tore and for sale N
A ORLAT CURE, Qat:marl bl anemia asel 0.4 p n .,
/land path. Liver rat, prelared cad ..14 I
Maim' Irac-rolor,
E. Westmoreland Co, Ph a l •
ly .
Mr. R. Soderw—A ream ofilutyloyoosed LW the
toduees toe mead ray humble testiwayee Evele or yowler*,
adapted Liver Pat I ham deterred &lag ea by yews,
Whoring to Davy Crinkstt'r maxim, .1:e ton pro an engirt,
Woo go a head. " Moo rsf =ay preparations *imposer
sued qusels, boded to the skies, We weal Iwo altivionaleva
yowl.,Po. ban Mot offered ta dor pante, and, ladere,
1 Worm they will "rand. Item .they as they are past emityo uppresent them to be Hume bow sainted Intl Lint
Coaint Crew my youth; ham sabred meets; wapleryind
roati, eximmat pbyeirmar, to whom I pond wait owner lobe
mmh bko besonvonamed sad playucked elwoolto WWl*
..Leered sor tuner, pad Away ipree op es Wearable. la
1t5.10.7 I war Indorsed to'bj roar Lint Pills, wed SOON GOT
NV ELL. Om box of worth t.o. raikient to keepnwelrer
of pun us dm olda sad all dm other vymplew for at Maw
moothe Your Pena ameba Me leasrmilhartie s ! 7. wed;
pre ''' srae l TerM ‘ Zs i a7l =k7;in . e . el In my soon
tor d or 7 years; add hundreds of Mao, and hue MM.(
heard s glary .aphant intend by may one who ber rod
them. They how vapereeded Mood ern7 other (all en this
neightmehood, and iss • Worn tin. will Wroth them all.
esrueoly recoommad them to .11 permso seentirq
whether for Lima thamplamt &lbws Albeetame, now
uder diem Car superpor to Calm:l or the Wm Pill Rnepad
ral .11. Mows
L UTION —As thew ore other Pilb Won lb.
et t.. 5 Ur. , Pills. perusal who want*. GEN VINE sheMd
est Er end take mother Wee those peepaned tad "lad bl A
E SELLERS, No St Thud endfeuds
Eted by Dr. Casa., it/11 Wu* D Com, Alloghel
.1 5
iigdropathy s as the Wanes; Cage;
DOLTOR lIENJ. W. - MORELS totems his sincere
dunks to the caucus of Pittsburgh and Allegheny
city for the very liberal support and Orpellllifelnatli be
has received within the tam sin months. That the Wit
ter cure should acquire such eelebrity,is lubber
strange nor mysterionsurh. Is considered how gram
a number of cases of every varier of diseases, both
acute and alumina, have been cured by a Judicial:me=
of u. In lb:many, where it consumed, six thousand
of the worst cases, that were given up by the soon skil
ful physicians of Europe as tocusable, were cured by
the inn:anal Priesauds, the founder of the Water Cure.
In England, France and America, thousands of
lons case cases have been cured by it, and the nomaroos
Hydroputhu establishments Sow n succewful open
nou in the United Maws, speak volumes to (emu of the
. .
Dr. NOr1:14 having permanently established himself
in the eny of Pittsburgh, three doors southwest oth
wtris alley, on Pe. street, 11 now prepared to mke a
number of boarders and treat them at km loom, and
those who prefer Lett[ named at their own dwellings,
will be punctually and faithfully attetni. He maybe
consulted at his office from I o'clock till 3 P. AL, and
from 7 to 10 in the evening.
Y. IL—every variety of baths made use of in he
Winer cure, both for ladle. and gentlemen, can be ob
tained at the Athelltettel, on Liberty Street, where they
have been recently erected Mr the express use of
drupe:hie patients, and where every attention will be
given b'y the polite and &mauve proprietors.
Great R. ngllth Remedy.
I,u)n Courh.l, CoMa. Aathma and Comeemehard Thu
r GREAT AND ONLY REMEDY for the ourao(the
anon. diseases, is the HUNOARLAN BALasm OP
!APE discovered by the celebrated Dr. Buchan, of
London, England. and introduced loss th e united States
under the uninviiime superintendence of the Inventor AL
The extraordinary ounces. of this medicine, In the
cure of Pulmonary dilemma, warrants the American
Agent at soliciting for treatment the wont possible ea
ses that can be round In the community —case. that seat
relict In ye. Caen any of the occumon, remedies d the
day, and have been gman up by the most diancrstishod
physician. as etunniled and incurable. The Hawn,
an Balsam it cured, and will cum. the mast de rats
of cases. It is no quack nostrum, but a smndard &s
-hah medicate, of known and estabnatied ellicacYs
Every faindy to the United States should be sop lied
with ban's Hungarian Balsam of Life, ate only to
counteract the consumptive tendenciet of the Gnash.,
but so be used ea a preventive medieine all eases a'
colds, coughs, spiting of blood, past to tha aide and
chest imtauon and wren.* of the Lapp, broehltis,
difficulty of berating, hectic fever, night sweat.,et=
anon and genend debility, asthma, influenza, yr
cough atuf croup.
Sold in large bottles, at SI per bottle, wits full direc
tions for the restoration of health.
Pamphlets, contanung n mass of English and Mann.
can ceruficates, and other evidence, showingdu an
equalled merits of this ye. English' Remedy, may Le
°Manual of the Agenu, gratuitously.
For lale by B A FAHNF.....NT(n.K & Co" camas of
'in and Wood and Wood and Gth sts. maze
DK. JA Pi WS CA LAMS A TIVIL 1141.14111111
NOM the Ken ASA SHINN, a well known and pop
/' nine Clergyman of the Protestant Methodist Chsgeh
The underugned having been &Meted duringtll•past
winter with a disease of the stomach, rams/mew pro
ducing great pain in the stomach for tenor twelve hour.
without Intertni”ion, and after having bled Va. 60111
;medics wan little effect, was furnished with a bottle
of Dr u Jayne's Carminative Balsam. This he am:4K
cording to the directions, and found invariably Smiths*
tuememe caused the pain to abate in three or font min
ute., and in fifteen or twenty minutes every
enaction was entirely quieted. The medicine =
terwards used whenever indications of the appeosok of
pale Wei° perceived, and the pant was thereby par/tint
ed tie continued to use the medicine every tormaing
and sometimes at the morning, and to a few weds
health was so far restored, that the sufferer was rolle•
ed from a large unammt of oppressive porn. From el
perm:nee, therefore, he can confidently moommond
I) Jayne. earnitnatiro Halm., as a salutary mod/eta
for d of Me stomach and bowels.. A SHINN()
Atletthegy euy
Fur utle In Patohurgb at the PEKIN TEA TOR
7Y Fourth etreet,'tear nod also at thaDrag
Store of it t' 'SCHWARTZ. *ederal tercet. A laithaa
Realty YoMr Blood.
IL 0. E. SIBLEY—Deer thr. Last Spring, and da-
JYt. nne the previous unites, I was severely affilartaal
watt a scrofuious complaint in m 7 less, and had beea
mr some mon th s under the care oi physician. They
thin my case was utmost =nettle., and May could do
but hale for me. I was nearly helpless, but inth the
aid m crutches could wait difficulty bet about. In !day
last, I purchased of you. and commented aria/ Rats
rohn biselersarm-s.. Alter the use of two battles, an
sores commenced healmg, and I laid aside my ensteir
.mg only • cane. I daspensed with my MUM, and
at the end of the thorn, was to well as to issain all day
is sliearun sheep. In ell, I used the bonne. The
scrofula and sores have all healed np end ainad sit
summer I have to no appearerme of the diacums, Ind
hare continued. ant now, in the most perfect Icatilt
I slat.: with confidence, hoping , that others may bra
witted in the seine way, that the Sarsaparilla sold Ity
you, has been the means and the only means of el.,
ntg . the core. CORNELIUS J. ROSE.
los sale wholesale and retell, by
flaw. B. A. PAM t Co
nor front P wobal sots, & also corner wood &6thste
r Cream de' Amanda Amere', for shaving;
Chun a la Rose, or shaving;
Antipode Cream, do;
superfine Rouge,. Porcelain standg
Eicgant scent bags, perfumed watt Laveader, A ails
mere stint,
itesatdol powder pars, of all patterns;
Entoossed toilet boxes, computing fragrant extracts
for ih o bandkesettief ; a treat bag, and toilet soaps, suit
able :or presents.
Pr, sia it, or Chinese powder; vegetable hair oil,
Best's oil, in fancy or common wrappers, Irma .c.ol
5. 6 1 1, Nymph Soap; Hose l.ip Nee;
Shell soap, Scal• soap; together with a great aartetp
of Gra. prrittoscry: ;ust rreevred; for sale by
_ ear esh I wood sis
Pulmonary Bantams
FS6R.S. FIXED a. CUTLER—I feel it a dap I
1111'sem to my fellow creatures, to state nometking
more respecong your Vegetable Pulmonary Balsam
:knee I first used the Balsam, about eleven yens am
the happy elfect of welch I then gam an amount 04 I
have bad several severe complain. and attacks at my
lungs, one • few days Once, and in every Menne. I
hays resod the Balsam glom wok complete and perfect
success. It has entered roller . and cure in • very few
days It to certainly a safe mediates. I do not know
that at wall cure a fired consumption, but I believe it
will be in many cases a preventive ' and prereithon
better than cure; (do therefore, for to love of m 7 fel
km men. earnestly recommend the use of this Balsam,
to all pulmonary complaint. I am coniden that It
has been the means of preserving my life totals day.
Boston June 16, '46. Bk.tillikllN PARSONS.
• . e. •
For sale by ki A Fahrtestock, h Co, corner Ent and
woad end also corner wood and 6th. jnlil
L") power to cure' Prrnacaon, Feb. 14,1647.
R. E. Sat brusi—My wife has for yams hem 'gamut
to • dtstressing cough, accoagranted erith astheta, for
he cure of which she used different trough remedies,
and had the advice of the most euunesit Phylum.. in
Rush.l, but all was unavading. fly chance I heard
or your Impenal Cough Syrup, rod wait inducedio boy
a bolt. tor trial, although I bad no better that anything
could remove eth e rmplan To my gnat mrprum
two doses
gave mmediate relief. She is at [WWI
troubled with a cost'', hot Mt) teaspoonsor Syrup
stir, s stops ti I a r e satis fi ed, a ft er • trial of Muss or
tour years. that Seller's Couh e ith er is the best mug*
medicine I LI/VC over tried 0 the Old or New
Word. W. FantammMa,
' Seventh Ward, city of Pinititt
The above certificate should ituluee all w h ours
troubted with cough or uthma.. give the Syrup a tr).
at It may be had for RI cents a bottle, ar the drag
ware of sea SELLERS, 67 ward at
Sold by Dr Cassel , ht6 d, and D
(bony city. _
Patient Illook Sprtiag Trmam
F:VVLI' VENThiD—For the relief and Permanent
LI Cure of lIRILXIA or RUPTURE. (Muted to all
St• )
the *one nor Mamas thm Truss mesa; in the cm.
easo leuti which It may be worn. The pad of
wood twin, heatty balanced on *pm's, guilds to pros
tate tal may part of it, mut thoroughly adapt. tacit to
toy nifty-mem made by Me wearer. It eon he worn
le. Wool otter - mm.lon, until • Core is circled. YLa Slab
set her, b.., made artmagemeno for the inanufartur•
_of three valuable True..., in a super , . style, InVett.,"
`l<t r n a. and bare them now for sale at Moir Dace, Nw
Ii; to. ittific:d et hear el th, Plutmergh.
tt lilt. WATT,
lull D W UFFIII4rI
sELL.EILy d y . ERMIFVUN- - Sup.nar to any I have
1./[10.4, Tr., Fayette county, Pa., blurb 4, '4B.
Mr. R. K. Saunas—l hereby certify hut I have need
Your Vermimge m my Noo , Y, end believe Raquel, if
Rot supers., to any I nave ever used. tare to one of
my cm/dren one dose, which expelled about 80 worms.
Eu Elexaµn.
Prepared and aeid ty RE SELLERS, 67 Wood µ
Vold by IS Camel, sth Ward, D Id Curry, Allegheny;
W J Teinperaheevilla; and 1.• Dravia, Law
renceville. te74
5 1 b 12.1 , onl 1.4 ree;diaTtercs:l
i• ~. iELDA IL I'. 'l' Rl-W EEXLY & WEEKLY
al a• 6asout Ettuani••••,, 3d n., sass 1.4.• Pon
itraTace. tsar ADvanartslrt.
One tI11,l101:101 It hoes, or less SO 50
'l'vro tneerttort• without alteratsons,.... 0 76
Three •
.... .... 100
One Week '• " .......... 180
• '
Ten Weein " 2 60
. •
Throe - 3OO
' •
One Al ontlt, ..... .... 4 00
VI. t' • .
... ...... 6 00
'flute •. 750
a r Longer n.Wertwenannta In lame proportion.
Ono 11111.1,0, 6 months, without alleraltOn,... 10 00
~ .... 16 00
Each nth:lawn:lst sqoare for 6 month., 600
11 "
One vinare, 6 menet., renewable at pleaLale, 15 00
Each aeldltionalaqnare for Id montbs...• ••• • 10 00
'Vlore 'Naar., 6 months, rewable at pleasure, 30 OD
Each additional agorae, 6 months, 8 en)
ONO squire... 3 Insortruna, ... , 51 60
" ~ each additional insertion 37
Five lines or les., one year. ....... ....... 600
• •• alr irminchn, 6 130
•• one year, daily 6: weekly, 10 00
~ .. " ell months -• " 800
Vor 10 noes, or Ines, One intertion, ..... ...30 50
•• •• " Two, •• ........ 016
.• " •• Three, •• • 100
" " Three months, ........ 360
•• - " Six 600