MEDICAL TO Tile v ynonmsons AND MEMBERS OF THE ][FDIC AL SOCIETIES, notber, Wife and Daughter INTHEIJNITEDSTATFS.—The subscriber respect. Italy calls your attention in Dr El.saann" , Geese nun, enpresely intended for the preservation of the health of both rexes--wbether tt oases from Incipient Phtldsfa, Or redly consarnpuon. Debility of the Long. Bronchial Affections, Asthma. Pleurisy. Deranged end Disordered state of the Liver. spleen or Kidneys. Dis eased Spine, Cholie. Dyspepsia. Ifalpiusgon of i.e HOW" Loss of Muscular or Nervous Power. hr. he. DR. C. B. BARRI:ITS frI'AII.DIAN come. to the harriediate relief of Fcmale• .o ffering from IrreKulari ties, and all other Uternfr difficulties and diseases or i. dental to woman, whether occasioned by et* wet ter, or any similar Inn:Melo. exposure, and all this without the use of medicine . the most delicate and sensitive lady ran al any moment amity it in herself without the possibility otincurring any rob or dancer. ex, any unpleasant mitult• arising trot,. it, and the certainty of obtaining IMlnrilltile relief, Dr. Barrett's Guard.. It 110 1 . 0,h-rl,lllr. 01' 000 - 0( the litany humbugs on the day: h0t,,,. on instrument rands upon strictly scientific principles tti necordanee with the laws or FJeetrien, and frii•vantrrig. and or =Mess, durability nnit ethritey, infinitely surpus se . eiverything*Of the kind ever lietore offered to the public for thienenef of disease. and. m the language Of one of the most enlightened men of tlie day. is proniunced to be °the greatest thseneery of the age - A pertod elan lens than tour t can has been 'pecupied by Dr. Barren in bringing the tolardt. tp.9 present state of pertimuon—durnic winch time it h. bi.en the hands of some of th- most emitieut ph fiff.iffris of the North and :iamb. orb as in the dwelliojel. 110. 11112101. f.ailies. who hove u-rd it tor ad of the above purposes, with the most parte, t and who have ehmsrfully given their unflulaittiett approbation of or efficacy and value. as rat, sr,. b referttOK to the .Idaritial of Instruction. oar Dope nl no if Dr. C. D. &Metes Guardian t. aged from innate. /ions by a patient from the United Suites Patrol (afire. and be had either will, Or Hill, his Medic. Cinrtro Galvanometer. The IStedie.F2ectlO (; al vnloinv , r in potnt lof beau. uy, workmanship, dursbinly and power, enatiox be sur pass.] or even equalled. ant! the •übserther reels that ho innards nothing in th,. as-.eritott Mar tt lire mand rt ' arre ."" vaTo o l e diL ' a w se e s r . " :l d- t a h n e d E.T:e " 4l .r eT 11, than any other oistruintio. enher to the rutted flutes or Europe The Medi..o-Elertro Galvanometer is warranted every respect. and with eointhoti oral nary ram will last a tire-time. awl ah) far the cheap: est, botanic the brat , ',tram... ver offered to the *Mk. A manual accompanies them, airing the most ample it i n al - practical experience, an that it . readily intelligible Mine intini ni every one, wire the • .• • , sty' of arrangement ts such that a child may with it. Any IhrOlT4.l.lio/Igillltlltala,ly glVf (I, Mild an et"MIMI nicatons el:1.1.11411y 10. , Virrtti peru either rein don to the Eleent , Gnivanotnrier tionrninn. Medical men are Invited to rall and examine Dr Bar fettle Guerdian, and ten efficary. For sub, by H. RICHAILIP3ON, sole _Agent. :1 Mar ket sr, Pitubergb. apthr:drf VES 5, 0 0 0 PERSONS or Philadelphia kl alone, can teat to the wonderful efficucy of that powerful remedy, TROMPSONS COMPOUND STRUP OF TAR AND WCtOD NAPHTHA, ' In Pulmonary°, Chronic Bronrans and Sore Throat. AsUtron, Chrotti, Lniarr Spittaw of Blood. Pain in the rnde and Breast. Ditfienny of Breathing, Whooping Cough. Croup, Weak Nerves and Nervous Tremors. Palpitation of the ileum alto, Laver Complaint and Atrecoon of the Kidneys This medicine. the invention of a man who gave the subject of Pulmonmy, Uronetind end Pectoral dIALIL.,I the most rigid examination, has now been before the ;labile near four years. During period II has pcv formed some of the most remarktilite rarer on record of Pulmonary ConsumptiOn—securcil the recommenda tion arid use of physicians in their practice. arid the warmest app al of thousand, of percent in ordinary and vere Colds, Conqns. in Hoarseness, Spitting of Blood, or. ==l2l About four years some Iwas attacked with Typhus Fever, which left mean a mpiernblivalate or health, in relllitne debility With a gelowal prostration of the rya tem„ with violent pain. in the liontht and lone of appe tite, in eonsequenee of w - hieli I with linable to attend to my usual basine,s or persona any kind of work. I applied to aevend ph variant and used varloll. MO:W dyes, but enthout any benefit. arid had deapturedot ever Obtaintag a recovery of ray former health. But mime time haat June I was advised to try Tholuson's r. pound Syrup Syrup of Tar and Wood Nuntlia. arid Incredible as it may appear. by the ante I had tithen three bottles the deb‘lity, pain .d roomy 01 ionfermit were completely removed. end I was able to attend will re stored health to my usual avocauoni. MA it'll CI.A DV, Of Dle kanson lownwlup. CuPmtveriand ro Road the following Ingtiniony coins a ropectable member of.the Society Poughkecp,e. N. York. • "Thts may certify that m the isprlng of 1n46, my health was very feeble; 1 we. atlbrted with patn in the aide, with ether ainrlffine •ymplam. and ludnred much from great detulay. At thin t,n, I purenaacd :rum Moses Dame two bottlenThont•on'4 Campo:old Sy rup of Till and Wood Naptha. from tk I experten °eel great benefit, my health 1..e/nE now good, and I cheerfully recommend the aetrto .11 pr rnmnt who may be auffermg wall genera rn d. 1.. ,u 7. with Ilf rnp mos of a decline. RA FIA ‘l'll.l',SlF_ Ponghteepine, March 15,1-47." Prepared only by ANGNX.I earner of Flan and Spruce Phlia Sold by 1.. WILCOX. turd by druggists goossully. rents, SU ren, or J'Lollar per bottle. toy 9 • -- SALTER'S GINSENG PANACEA! THOSE SC FFERiNo DISEASED DEASED rLUNGS.—The unrrecetten,d nacceAs winch hne uended the lase of the MI the various forms , tek.h irritation of the lung, mums, has induced the propl,:or a4a.” to ea:; men ton to adz - - WONDERFUL IIREPA RATION_ The changable weather which mart• our fall and wiener months, la always a frontal nearer . . COLAS AND COUGHS. These, If neglected, are but Ihe precursors of that fell destroyer, COSIMPTION. The question, then. bow ~ ..11x1: .ramp Ilut dew:Toyer tn tile bad? bow shall .tve get r!..ur of our coughs end olds! o of vital intpottune, to la, THE GREAT AND oN N' ItKNIRDY • . - - . will be found m the Gu:cue I•tt o aces In proof of tilts Ise bare from ume to tune pubUdtc.l the eeruficaie. of dozens of oar best knot., ettthen..•wtto hat.- eziwn. eneed It. curative power.. Thew. with ano.o 01 Le/ thloolll7 from all parrs of the rouctry.—trom MEDICAL 1111-IN OF TILE FIIt.T STANDING. Ministers of I.fiT - 1.1 gospel. he . tozether u - tut eoptous no. Dees from the . JOURNALS OF THE DAV. vole have embodied m pamphlet (0rm...1 may be had gratis of any of otir auantu tbrourhout the country. HUNDRED , : OF V, Fi'LE. , have been Used in tat. en y THOUSANDS AN!) ENS OF THOUSANDS throughout the Utuuud Mate, and Canada. and we r ha /oohs any man to point out a SINGLE INSTANCE n which, when taken nCeording w direcuons, and be fore the lungs had breome Ninny disorennlred, it has over failed to EFFECT A PERFECT CURE. then. need the usairted hesitate! i by rtinart to tho tniuerable nostrums. gotten up by u• • ii*e. untivid sal. • iOr the °Anvil:mil OHMIC of perrie CC deign., and puffed into nehoriety by certifies • mow equally unknown! «Tilt a medicine of UNPARALLELED EFFICACY ta to Da had, ertawe voucher, are at name.- our hetet bone -many of whom It tom SNATCHED FItONI THE tt R A VF_ .• • La order that Mi. meet . Illed/C MC may he placed 'within the reach of the poor u. well the nail, we have pat Its pnce at ONLY FIFTY CENTS, just one half the usual coin of cough 11 . 1Cd1Clath IS firr sale hi our earenta in nearly every town nod otlinge over the west, woo nre prepared give fall informa tion relative to it. T Proprietor. Broadway, I.:income.. Ohio. AMERCHANT OF THIS CITY. who had been at. dieted with the asthma for our years. had Wien almost every thing Ors physimans constant!) atiew. ded him, and he bed expended over two thousand dol lars. He never believed in advertised medicines. but considered them all humbugs At law he tried Or. Taylor's Haltom of Liverwort. from 71 Beekman street, New York. and in eli tv. , ek • was entirely cured. hay */ taken only her. 6...0nes rh,. ~.”ly one of lenity Cal. where imaginary °lnertia" , to a paten: memeine Lhave prevented person. front iming this medicine. who s. expended handrednoi dollars to their pnystcm. .airs—and in the end owe their recovery loth.. efficacy of thm purely Vegelen:e prepay alioll 'There is no mistake, that thi. Med tr,tr• •UpersOr lu any remedy prescribed by rnediex. Advisers medicine has taken 20 years lu 'loom,. and is the •a• gest remedy for diseases e intrielne...l tO tan 0 0 inle R.StrALATIC PAIN. Curd. ver icy re Baser C.33.,-Bofforinre rota lona Uair with thin- ecnplkom. Iliad given up all hope or eitr,l I had roo.oun vidthe.botanke , and notrurti.he in yawn bait need manyattaches advertised. but fouod too re.icf In delPtltlr I bad given up the use of till medocones. ilea,. l'g rt, o( Y r d ' orf v r i e n si o t " ca * r i e n s r e T t ' ol ' id lor p . s . r i f ' o ' rnTr " orin j oi ' u ' r e e r il 1118 to try it., ann. to my great ,10. y tillll 11,11011.1011t111t M., I was better daily. I contonued its use. alsro hi ljueer- Coated Pills, until I ant coo ossi y cured. ) icor, • Balsam of Liverwort is the terst medicine ic world Mr these complaints, and wall curs cycr , afflicted SETH I RENCK emptson of the N • of thew York. Aromas have •uffered iroon the Asthina.• very long URIC. and have used every mcdortne could obtain for its cure 111 nottl. until tned Dr. Taylor's Salaam of Liverwort. This medicine hos afforded me meet manifest benefit, and is. m my on ly . a mire for this distressing disease, more esia-cooly. no I know of many rases among nir . ltscruis. u here J.. 1.1. been high ly successful. Per...% arr to call ex my residence for further Inform:sooty Nißb S. RI 13,N. .It Laurens st Sold in Pittsburgh Cy I Li !loosen tht Wood Townsend, 4.5 Market at. 11 nor Market mod 3d ate; Henderson a, CO, 5 I.llsirty et Price reduced to 111,50 per bolds. ,ort t AORGAIsPH COUGH SN'lti.P—H prayed to or the ti great Panacea in curiod my claW'. mmatt. From the Temperance Banner, Nov 3 tr 47 Conon STIR.—We are not in the habit of pulling, leach less taking patent niedicu,s, out we ten. ilthvo....d to recommend Horgan 'n Syrup to those who are millet ed with • cough. After baring toed the usual re me dies to remove a COtttlalltt sold ifistressing rough. that had for severed days atibc tell MK, of our aN ldre It. woih• out sateen, we were induced to try Morgan's cough syrup, and by it relief ova. obtaioed s oi a raw hours. It premed to be the panacea on nos ease at least. Prepared wholesale and retail toy too propnelOr, JOHN D Mt ORGAN. Drubmsh feb7 wised m. I door Orion diamond alley. A STRONG EVIDENCE dim Dr .1 A YNE'bi EX PECTORANT is superms to a I other ,d," ter abetstimptioa, ilroackutte, A .1 lona, and other Po 'mo tel u that the same peroons who easomeoened Use IN Of it hr their Crudites tent eses no All! prefer It w ill Myer remedies of the kind; mod when any have beco lod tseed to try caw prep...harm they Estee •Itrowl torozsably been tUmmitited ha swamis: the bruefit w Loch wet rthissaiMly sidiehpbted from the bigh premes be...tooted by the, NA him rewrites! to the •uoe of J ' Ex.recroamrs, • 11•Nedy that yo easier faded la relies them, Rod wlceh wieldy meter had its eq.! poltruntary Maroon Plowed only by Dr D. Jayne Phasaietpli., and sold oo Witt' b 7 ALEX. / A deraldittrtf 72 Rai ru, am TAirgIVEI HAIR TONW.—A tier eTtog thee mew it ef *W a wa ushcentatitmly protuomme to be what el peek.. a•—lba belt article, wahnut auy excephon, m u.a, furthe restoration and prweerratmo of the brae. haw. We know of tottoaroni iostatome where temr has been revved eo head. Tbialabaretbeew bald tor pram sad we thank we. rotmot du =rfavor than M recommend a., tfll our readers wean ar enter hair, to make • troll of thea Tome emmedtately Ragenftl6 ,l tar Nils in-Fittsiteren at the ?Leman Taa Snare, No 72 Fourth street. near Wood enar,adfterT DT.. Moir , s Ton 10 and PILLS. Anti-Dyspeptic rearm' properties of there Nil. ore Carmine fig, p u rpoota and Tome In wee OMMOD door wising froth imprudence in Wet, he, such as rick • wen and soreness at the stomach, heartburn bewitch, te., where a medicine is rec. trod, tlu. CUlllbinnttolllll very applicable; for its earminauve and snowing ef fects give almost imrnedthte relief wben nauma or sieknese exist. Its purgative operation upon the stom ach-and bowels in gentle and effectual, and its imuc properdes impart atrength to the digestive organs, thereby enabling these orgarts to perform their proper (unctions with order and regularity. The price has been reduced from 50 to 25 ets a boo. Fur Sala wholesale and relit by B A YANNESTOCK ken, corner front and wood, anddth turd mod au pale Agents for Pittslaret MEDICAL. •,,,,,,.::::>.-fr la - lai t h.;.;--.,-.; , . - - -- Lu. . ... . 4 4 f t lf . i , c.,: .. _: o tf r ,... ?:. • - ti• ....« -I ~..: _ • •,.... ••!: r . : , ~ ~..,...:.. . . 1 , ~: .. . ~...: ~:. .„. , tri, „. s .• .; : f...: i 1 . A ._..y „..,,...-, -,- ,-7:, IV , ' ~,r tali I ri It A - .•;'..-') .1 4 ,171 i Ha...1 . 43f -1----- , t-----,-,i;....,-.7.6:,17-..-- MMelMil • - Ffroder gad Bleeeiv of Us /ex.. The roosl extraordinary Medicine the World ! Tau Ertract ie ;mg ay is (Nail Bottles: it is e, times rkraper. pleaonorer, sad weeranted flu port. to any soLi. It amt. witkont emantsay, ergief, sicken, , or debilitating Ms Patient. The peat twenty and superiority of dila Sermpuilla avr r all other medicines w that while It eradicates the di. tore rates the haly. It Is one of the very best SPRING AND SUMMER MEDICINES Ev, known; it mit only purifi. the whole system. and str,orthens the permon. but It creates ann. parr mad Stood • a power possessed by no other eroodirtue. And to doe bee the grand secret of ita wonderful .acme. It performed within the last two yea., more than 100,000 cur. of severe case* of dimase least 15,000 we. conodered It laaa oared the lives of more 01•4 10.000 children dating the two post ammo.. 10,000 eases of General Debility and want of Ferrous Energy. Dr. Townsend'. Sarsnrarilla Invigorates the whole sy,ern permanently. To those who have lee( their .cular energy by the effects of medicine or indium no, committed in youth, or the •somatve indulgeon of the passidas, and brought on a general physical prostra. 001: of the nervous system, lasestude, want of ambition, fa inttng .rmations, premature decay end drakes, neaten ins towards that faml disease, Consumption, can be en. lisp's - restored by this pleasant remedy. This Sara. p. .lla m far superior to any In it Cordial, l•ren•ws and inyigorams the system, pees aretvity a • linitm, and sirsasth to thr inu.olar system. in a xtraardinar) degree Consumption Cured. Ctrasee and .Vlresitlra. Consumption sea be rare( /Oyes/taut Consemptsoa, /Aver Complaint Odds Catarrh, Ceara.. Asthma. Sgiltrnyr of Blood, • Sarcasm is tag Nttlit Sava's, Ehffirwit or Profase Expecto. raft... Pas ne tl, Sad, err, Aztvs been amd can S. eared !SPITTING BLOOD ,Yen YOT AS .4prd 1E47 I), Toarwateco--1 verily believe that your Stowapa. rili3 had been_the means, through Providence. of sarteg my Isfe. I hare for mayoral years had a Lad Cough. It hevanie mama and won. At Wt I raised large qoattd. tne• of blood, had night Sweat; and was greatly detail tat..J arid reduced, and did not expert to live. I he‘ • oats' used your Sarsaparilla • abort time, and there has a ontlerfUl change bean wrought to me. lam now able 10 e alk all over the city. I raise no blood. and my u;11 his left me. You can well imagine that 1 ens we., krill for these maul,. M=:ZEMEE! Ur. Townsend'. Sarsaparilla ts a sovereign and speedy rut • fur Incipient emmumption. &uremia, Protons. rte., or Fallow orate Womb, Coati ..... Piles. Le corriumi. or Whites, obstructed or difficult Sleustrua tiou. Incontinence of Urine. or involuntary discharge thereof. and foe the general proatratton of the system— . !natter whether the result of inherent C... ar t•%ttsec produced by Irregularity. illness or accident- Nothing eau he mores tam thants itertiorating effects on the human ham, Persons an weakness and lassi tude. from taking a.. once become robust and fhll of oe.ry under its influence. It immediately counteracts the nervelessness of the female train, which so the great esti... of Barrennesa. It will not be expected of ua to en•es of so delicate • nature to exhibit certifkate. of curer performed butwe can allOrgl the afflicted. that hundreds of cases have been reported to us. Thousands of cum where families here been without children, miler using • few bottles of this invaluable medicine, here been Meted with floe. heathy offspring. To Mothers and ,Irorriod Ladies. This Extract of klarsapartlla has been expressly pro. pared in reference to female complaint. No female •ho has reuoo to suppose sheis approactung that g. „cal penal. " Db. twee of l" should neglect to take 0. am it ts • certain prereouu for any of the numerous atid horrible diseases to which females are suNnet at this time of Ida This per may be de. lowest for several years by Lia, .141.1. Nor ts it le. valuable for those who are epproachins wo manhood, as n u calentated to assist nature, by quick ening the blood sod inncorsung the system. Indeed, tl.o. medici is Invaluable for all the deltute di... , to which ne woolen are subject. It braces the whole system. renews permanent!, the r.l rocrtttea. semovmc unpornins of the b. , . cot su far stimulattng to preeloce subsequent which to the cue of nowt innticinee taken ft. female weskoeu and dive r By wine a few bottles of tht. mulictue. may enure and punka sums' open. ant. may be puvented. MEE G mat Blessing to 'tethers and Children. It ts the What and caret Pal, 111.11 medicine for purify. thetotteen. cud rehevin< the aufferings attendant upon child-birth ever discovered. It atmerthenif both the mother and child. prey... pm and rrenere and enricnes the food, those who her e utml it kit it Indispensable It is birhly n amol both before and after confusenient, as it pre•mits diseases fitteudeat arm childbirth—an Coetirenesk Pile., Cramp.. Se nit inr of the Feet Despondency. Ileartbura, Vonetme. Pate to the Back and Loins, False Pro n.. ilemorrharo r.. 1 in refslating the secretions and equalimer the me oe woo (Masai. How many sufferers do we daily be hold approarlong wan untimely grave, wrested, In the inoom of youth. Iron. their relatives and Inertia, tato ed wlth that fatal tuaholy. CONSUNIPTION, which wastes the miserable sufferer until he is beyond the power 01 human skill. If melt eutlemn would only make a foal of Compound Syrup of Wild C perry. they would find themselves sooner relieved than by gulping the various ineffective remedies with winch our newspapers abound, tlos - Vegetable Reme dy' heals the ulcerated lung. ; stopping profuse night sweat,. at the same time old ileum a :lateral and healthy expect...tom and the patient will soon hod ronaself in the enjoyment of comfortable health. The public should bens to mind that Dr. Swayne as a regular pracustng physician, and has had years of expenence tit diseases of the langs. Chest. the. The (original a c id only) genu ine article is only piemirtd DEL SWAIMI N W cor ner of Eighth and Race streeta, - Philadelphia. ANOTHER HOME CERTIFICATE. Of all the cures that has ever been recorded, we may safely say the annals of medicine cannot furnish one to surpass tht, which now stands as s living proof of ilia curability of cousumption, evett when line had been despaired or. Dr. iliwayne's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry Is all a professes to be, the greatest medicate in me known world The True R./ter of Life cs Dn. Bwsr vs—Dear Sir,--For the good of the public. I feel myself in Jury bound to tests!) , to the groat cure which your pound Com Syrdp of Wild Cherry perform ed on me. For s. I feel as If every body ought lo know it. was adilvted wtth. • violent conga, sin, MIK of blood, night sweets, hoarseness, and sound of the veto, indiraung an sign:Emig state of the dmem.e; eeddmtll“:la;rrlf:::;andmy ,:ct',A".".Vo' were d I could not cornice many days. My ouster, who velut my anmou care-taker. made °Nutty where she would ho likely 10 procure the most certain relief. She was told What if Dr. Swayrres Coinpiicaturl Syrup of Wild Cherry failed ia the cure, to life was then hopeless. Your medicine WWI trronadtately prociumi, and the Ent bot tle gave relief, and by the time I had commenced the with I,ollle. my cough had len tic •nd my strength was mach improved. In abort, it has made a perfect cure of me, end I am at dud present mac os hearty a man as I wall, and have good reason to believe that the use of your medicine has laved me from a premature grave, I shall be pleased to have any information reapeetlng my ease. - 39 enema.. et. between ran end Yule me, CArTION CAUTION!! Consumptives, Read . . Randy Le. Swayne's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry. In about the year 1ff.17, I found it necessary msoy professional pracuce, to compound a medicinal prepar ation for diseases of the r hest and longs, possessing more powerful healing properties than any other hith erto known for each Eseeses. In my COMPOUND SYRUP OF WILL CHERRY, I have been verysuc cessful. The truly aconishnig cures effected by my medicine soon spread Its lame abroad; for it owes none olds mucosa to manufactured newspaper puffs or for ged cernheams—die real intruisic ments of my eon. pound is the only cause of its popularity. Its extenstve sale soon rustled the envy of carom, speettlantra to the adlictions of his fellow creature., so much so that in • few years from the time that my preparation emu intro dared to the public and m great demand, a firm to dim city. folding that my preparation had gamed a high reputation tor lu uranve properties, came out with witat they called (Jr. Wand's Oulu= of Wild Cherry. This respectable and popular physician had no more to du with the article than poor Sato Patch. The name of Ili \\ - attar is attached to make it appear that dos mo ment prachnoner was the orignial luventur of the pre pared.; such to not the tact. The above firm, the re al inventor, sold the recipe and nght manufacture to some patent medicine dealers in Cincinnati for the West and South, and another in New York for the Fad, who afterward., it is asserted. sold out to a druggist in Soston—so the number of hands mu which it may have changed Is an enigma. In mine places they assert it emanated from a ph), 1.1.1112 in Philadelphia; mothers, from a physician in Massachusetts. tki it has talmhioul and stratagem stamped in every Jeanne. There have been a number of other preparations par porting to contain Wild Cherry put out since, from the Lands of inexpenenoe, which the polite should guard against, as they cOula4l mine of the virtues of the ong, nal and only genuine preparation, wLich bears the si• nature of Dr. Sway. on each bottle. The presen g t matiufurturers of their puffs and false cersticates have the dating effrontery to caution the public agmust par. chasing oil. medicine, the only truly gentune and ongs nal preparation of Wild Cherry before the public, which ta proved suusfactortly by the public records of the CuMmonwealth of Pennsylvania. as well as car, 1.11 oilier °Shen!' documents.Dß. D. SW A VINE, Inventor and sole Proprietor of the genuine Com pound c ,, ul . Syr e uji , c l if hil lail l d ph Cherry, corner of Eighth and Pamphlets et can w be obtained grout. witting forth an •rray of titirnony that ttl convener the moat •kerm cal of the wondertul virtues of Dr Swarm's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry. Call slid, that ail may rem]. Purchase the medicine, and an cl Agent., Wsate. wholesale and retail. by tbe Val THORN. Si Alarket et. OGDEN & oNtiW DEN. corner Vitta d Liberty to, s Liberty at. 11 A \I IN v... , Toci. & Co. sotto, First unit At otel St: to and %Vteitl, and _RAIN Lac Era., inarri DR.. JAYNE'S ALTERATIVE: - . . .. . .. We have been reformed by Mr.. Rose of s cure per fotterd on her by Pr. Jayne's A/torativa. which pes its aupertonty over every other remedy of the kind v She has been Milicted (or the lent Stile.. year. with NECROSES or WHITE SWELL/NUS, attended rte t•Lt uleerauont sod enfoliabon of vanous bones., du• ring which time many pieces have been dmeharged from he IrOinal hone or the crumpet, from both her alms, wrists and hands, and from both legs, and from the left fr.i oral bone. and from the right knee, tweddea pal Mel ulcer• on other pane DI her person, which have battled the skid 01 a number of the moat eminent pnysietatiaot Otl.l ca.—daring most of the hem her sunertags Pion been exentiatmg and debiorable About three months since she W. ,educed 10 try DT:Jaynes Alterntme, whien he" had en astootstunKly happy effect upon tier, by rema,ng all pain ana swelltite, and eaumnpr the ulcers to heal, while at the some hate her general health t.% . h. I,C e completely restored, to that she new weighs 3.1 14 in c than she did before she commenced the ow of ihi. tr • valoulilt prrpn:lol—(Nal Eve Po, For fun r iumrimount. tug udeofSl ri Rose. No 12b Filbert At, Ph'lsdr!riltra For isle La Pittsburgh, at the PEKIN TEA STORE, 75 Fourta t.t. near Wipod. /73 SCHOI. UI. A AND SCROFULOUS SW ELL INGS.—Scrniula in all its multiplied loran whether en that or King'a Evil, enlargement. a the glands or bones, Goitre, White Swellings, Caron, Rheumatism, Lamer, diseases of the Skin or Spine, or al Pulmonary Consumption, emanate from one and the anise GAUSS, WiIICS is a 1:101•000tts principle more or lea inherent in the human system. There. fore, unless this princeple can be desire, ed, no radi cal cute Cali be elected, but if the principle upon which the disease depends, is removed, a cure must of °enema . ) lollow, nu matter under et hat form the inmase should minima itself. therefore is We reason why Joyce', ALTES.STIT IS IS SO um vermlly successlul in removing so many malignant &senses. It destroys the virus or principle ram whecii abuse diseases have their origin, by entering into the circulation, and with the blood is conveyed to the minutest fibre, removing every p.irticle of disease from the system. Prepared and sold at No. 8 South Third Street, Philadeiptim. Sold at the Pekin "Pea Store, No. 7%! ourtn niece. Pittsburgh mchll lADIKS Wan Cs< Common l'tepareal Llbalk, 14 often uotaware now irtglittull, ~vunous t lb to the skin! how rearm, how rou,h, Low sal row, 'elk, and unhealthy the skin Ippear a after using preps,d Chalk! Besulev, v tufurtons, vomaitung a large to. lay ci lend. c have prepared beautiful vegetable at - tick, which we call /LIN F.IS'S srAND.sii LILY WHITE: It Is perfectly littlocent. acing punned of all deleteriousar,ities, and it import io the skin a natu ral, health y alabaster, eiea v. li ring white,•at the same time •cllng as • cosmetic on the shin, making it son and 1111100U3. Dr. Jams Aimee/lon, ['facture! eheunst of M 3-444 - Chin , tui. e *aye: -After anal v 5.:4; Jones's Spanish Lilly White, I find it possesses the most beautiful and natu ral, at theo.l4r time limovent white I ever , aw. l certnativ can consc.rotiouS,y recsommend tts un to all whose skin remnret I,cent/tying 5. L, 26 y ' . l.k b° C ' HHON, at ht. Hoot and Shoe Hthre t n2 Ltberth .theet, bend DI Wood, Or r{n of the Ht{ (loot Lathes, lathes, retyamonithe t d, When you know that you are promised A natural, life-like, snowy whtne, That you will suit ow common enallt And look a deathly yellow ingot, The theme a laughter end of. If y/a would u•• • he x of /ONE'S I.ll , y•white, a would glee you stun en •labaster yet uoLural and at the same time clear anul improve a. Sold int JACKSON "3, di Liberty Pnee eau. per earl PAPER WAREHOUSE. U. D.EIVILLINLS BLIP, NEW le 011.1 L. lIIRt/rt W. FIELD offers tor sale •t Die low t ai Idanofaetarere price., a very eateot i , h s s o rt . mein ol PAPER. eounprisio, es ery postahls variety. adapted to the wants of consumers in all see taws of Ihe oountry. Paper of all kinds matte to order a Dion not de. 1110 IRMO Of PRINTINti PAPER is anvnuer large parlor which la of 'Ol7 superior quality PAPER IMAKER'S RIA7PEELIALS of o•rry de.cription, impor tett and kept constat. y or h.-, viz: Felon's, V. ire Cloth, Fourdratier wire. Bloootong Yoveder, lithe I: Onto:tan., Tertee, RAUY.I a•a“. B. Rope, krath kope, likaKkg. c . c putel,hhed, for which the Ocebem . w,ll be 1141 Y Sew 't ort../c'F.ll,:h • _ Dr. W. P. Premium Pi DR. W. P. INLAND, orate ideaLeal College bf Phil adelhia, now odes to the üblic his Indian Ve etable Pre p mium Ph.ter r , the qualities of wloch. til er long and tried experience, has been satisfactrinly es tablished. To all women who may be adlieted with Prolapse. Utena or Fallen iVonib, he recommend. his plaster, guaranteeing a sure and speedy cure In the short space of from Iwo to thee weeks. if applied with ca and rest—discarding all the countless tnstrument. and re expensive bandages co long in use. Th. he feels conscientious in strung, inaunurh he has not failed in one rune out or litres hundred d 611)•three pa tients Also for Rheumatturt and Weak Breast or Duet. or tended with porn. there anothing to excel thus Plaster orfortllog relief or el:reeling ricure. For ,ale by I. Wilros, corner or Diamonde,d Market st Braun k Rester. - LSD