The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, July 08, 1848, Image 4

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Mother, VIE Ire and Daughter
TN TIIE UNITED STATES.—The subscriber respect-
A. fully calls your attention tO 11.1liTr'S Gent-
Dux, lasressly intended for the preservation of the
health o fboth sexes—whether it arises final Incipient
Pkthisia, or early eonmthpoon. Debillty of the Lang
Bionchial Affections, Asthma. Pleurisy, Deranged and
Disordered state of the I.iver, Spleen. ocKithicys. Rs
eased Spine, Cholie. Dyspepsia- Pathan; op of the
Bean, Loss of al uscar or Nervous he. do.
conies to the
immediate relief of Females auffenng from Irregulari
ties, and all o th er Uterine difficulues and ducat. thec
dental to woman. whether occasioned by cold, wet
feet, or any smularuntailielous exposure, lion all this
without the use of medicine': as the most delicate and
mutative lady can at arty. moment apply a to herself
without the posubilay of ineurong any danger.
01 any unpleasant result. lancing. from aMand e with the
Certainty of obtaining tmmedtme reitef.
Dr. Bowen'" Guardian lc no catch-peony. or one of
the many Moldy. of the day: but it IS au tiratrutheal
Made upon strictly scientific proseiple•. in accordance
with the law. of Eraetrie. and Galvanism; and ha
neatness durability raid efficacy. intinnely sumacs<
everything of the krad ever before offered to the pulin,
for the relief of disease. and. In the language of one o
the moat enlightened men Mt. day, to pronounced It
uthe greatest discovery of the age. -
it period at no lit+s then four y ea. has been oecalow ,
by Dr. Barrett is hung - inn the to u sent
state of perfection— ri
dung %% oco tone a has beeti to
the hands airtime of the must strut:out phys.c,ans of
the North and South, as well us u, toe dwellings of nu
ll:Leta= families, who have toed tt .or oil of the above
purposes. with the most perfect success, and
who have
cheerfully given their tuiqualified approlfutinit of
0ffi0•01.0d lalaettas run be seco I. mien - Gag to the
Mutual of Instructions accompanying it
Dr. C. B. Barren's Guardian to secured from inno•
that by a patibt from the gat ed State. Putcsit
and be had either with or without hra filethetsUlecut
The kledieccEleetro Galvanometer. in point of beau
ty, workmanship, dual.. and power. cannot he our.
passed or even equalled, and the subscrtber teals that
he hazards nothing nn the assertion mat it will tte tonne.
to pewees more power Cool ethcarty to the treatment
and removal Unseat... by fralvhdrarn nod Electrtet
-11 than, arty other aistronamt, either in the United
Staten or Europe. The Metheo-Electro tialvanometer
Is warranted In every respect, and with common onii,
nary , care will last a nod ton e for the cheap:
sot, because the best. alignment ev offered to the
public. A manual accompanies them, giving the most
ample toiniffiellons, of prat tical experience. co that n
intelligtble to the mind of every one. while
Me • r • try - ol arrangement ts such that a child may
..._rapolaie ...rah it
Any infornranon trutunously mate, nod all comma
aleations chu.rfully answered per mail, either tit rein
lion to the Blectreckbalvanoincier or Guardtan
IdediCal men are invited to roll and e :amine Dr Bar
rates (Uranium and test as efficacy.
For sale by 11. RICHARDSON, sole Agent. 71 Mar
kat st, Pittsburgh. streffiald
(APED. au ,0 0 0 PERSONS in uladelhi
I.J alone, n testify to the wondertul effi Pl cacy fPhi
powerful remedy.
In Pulmonary Consumption. Chrome Bronclons and
Soto Throat, Asthma, Chrome Catarrh,,Spating of
Blood. Pain in the Side and Breast. Dtlfteulty of
.Breathing. Whooptng Conan. Croup, Weak Nerves
and Nervous Tremors, Palpitation or the lieut. also,
Liver Complann and Affection of the Kidneys
This medicine. the invention of n man who gave the
*abject of Pulmonuy, Bronchial and Pectoral
the most rigid exmothuoon , has oow'been before the
public near four years 'hiring this penal it has per
formed some (gibe thou remarkable CUICS Olt record of
Pulmonary Consonlptlon--ueenred the recommenda
tion and nu of phractans in their procure. owl ire
wannest approval Cl thousancis of persons in ordniary
and severe Colds, Cougtis in Hoarseness, Spitting of
Blood, &c.
About (Oar yea ry since I vv. attacked writ 'ryphus
Fever, which telt me in n onsernide slate oi health, in
eztreme detnlity with it ectieral prortrattott ot the sys
tem,. with vtitleitt ptuns tiSC bremt nod lurk of &poe
t., in consequence ot which WIIA unable to attend in'
soy usual business. or venom an, ltild ut work I
applied to several ph) venni: anti used s itrious reme
dies, but without any lament. and had derpaared Of
?it irecovery of my former health Hut ruic
time last June was advised tri try Thomson's runic
pound Syrup ofTsr and Wood Napthrt, anti tocre
as it may appear, by the mile I hail tuken bottler
She debility, pain and every sense of mitten:lli were
completely removed. and I was able to attend with re
stored health to my usual arrbennotts.
Of Dickinson towurinp. Cumberland ro
Read the follownts wattmotty 'Vont a reapeeteole
member of the Soctely of Prtetide, in POlighgVeplilC.N
inay certify that in the sprtng of 19-16. m
health was very fretde. LWRI aducted ceith pun lathe y
aide. with other alarvrinig.y alpha.. and sude red much
from gm. debility. At that tune I purghOglirTim
Moses Dame taro ballie% of Thomr.otio c o mpound Sy.
cup of Tar and Wood Sawa, irom er herb lexpenc,
ced great benefit. my health being IIOW good. and
cheerfully recommend tic article in oil persoits who
may be suffenng nob general debilllY. whh sYmp•oms
of •dechne. A ILA DAM IV I LT:MIL
Poughkeepsie. March If, P-57."
Prepared only by ANGtr. b. Dickson. at the N. K.
corner of Fifth amt Spruce ...Melt. Phna.
Sold by I. WILCOX. Pittsburgh: and by druggists
generally Price 50 cents, or One Dollar per bottle.
ray 9 _
AThis disease is causedby a pares., stroll construc
tion of Mena celbe, it rery delnlitaurre, almost caus
ing suffocation. DR- SWEETSE:R'S P.iNACEA ri-ttre
Hoary certain curer.
seness can be entirely cured by a free use ot Dr.
Borectser's Panacea-
Catarrh. or common cold. wr. ir.ii
terminate in Consumption. It edectini y renevol and
eared by Dr. Sometimes Panne° ,
Bronertins mmbeeked, will effecturdly lend to
Bronchial Consumption, but a timely use of Dr. Sweet
ser's Panacea wilt effectually cure
Inflammation of the Tonsils or Sore Throai—This
disease often lends to serious c.v.:ye/rime. from neg
lect, such no ulceration 0! Me the first symp
toms, Dr. Sweetser's should be procured and
used freely.
Collets and Colds find rr.irgn remedy m Dr.
Boreeter's Panacea
Pneumonia Pic:Ala.—A very 1,11 &Ann., resalting
from a violent cough rid cord on n debthmted no bro.
ken down constitunon, aged per are sublem Co it,—
Dr. Soreeter's Panacea should 1. , earl on the first
•TorrpComs, which are n couch or coid. •
Night Sweats.--Ttim debffitattim complaint, will meet
With a timely cheek. by using Dr. swee.ergrwraces.
Consumption..--If on the fir , : %year:ince of consump
tive symptoms, which art n prim in me side soul breast,
rough or spitting of blood. if Lir sweerser's Panacea is
freely use no danger need be apprchenc,c ,
When the Lungs, thA on Drool , rr Tubes
become clogged up Wui, rhir gm so .nue,relesp
raiion or breathing. Dr Sceentser Pnonr—n. nenrch
*powerful Expectornm, should be talc, according is
the directions.
Initnensa.—Ties distressing epiderate, so pmenlent
one climate, is speedily eared by Dr. ',weenier's Eguin ,
Pries in per bottle. or sir bOlthr. for Sit.
For sale by WM. JACKSON, Eir Liberty at Nen or
ha big boot. neebis y
LUNGS.—The unprecedented sueeeee which has
Iterated the use of the
MI the Colinas forms which carnation of ihe lunar as
same., has induced the proprietor again to call linen.
tion to this
The dimmable wather which darks our fall and
winter mouths, is a lways • fruitful source of
Time, If =filtered, ere'but the precursor. of that fell
The question, then. how shall ) we nip the destroyer In
the bud! how shalt we get cew of our coughs and
olds? hi of vital over...nee to the public.
will be found Ili •itc Ginseng Panaceas In proof of this
we have from nine to utne published the certified.. of
damns of our best known citizen.. Who buses pe ri enced ita curnwee powers. The
MEDICAL OF' Ew. with a tee
dmmp, Isom oil parts of the
Mohnen of Me Gerepel, in., together with copious no.
tires from the
we bees embodied in pamphlet form. tool may be bad
Oda of anyifit...zr,rifts,i,h;ougiriolifLt country.
have been used in tits city.
'throughout the United State. and Canade. awl we rho
kap my man to pond out e
o which, when taken ecconling m ihrecuons. and h e .
fore the lungs had become futily dtsorgaillsed, hail
Over failed to
Why,. then, need the eitlictosl hesitate? it by resort to
the miw•mble nostrum., gotten up by a,/ osn mai vtd
gals o ter the asSulriedtharile of some ea .• phy.
dcian, end puffed into notoriety by certifies- par
sons equally unknown: Millet a montane
la to be had, whose vewchers ore at home,—our neigh.
bare,--cowly of whom it bas
In order that this invaluable maiimme may be placed .
within the reach of the poor us well the nab, we have
. pat the pri ONLY FIFTY CENTS,
• ' just one half the usual cost of cough medietnes. it is
for sale by our oven,/ in nearly every town nod village
ov er the meat, who net preyarrd to give full tnforma
don relative m It. 'I . t , .turgit, Propnctor,
Broad-say, Ciricninati, Oho,
w, P. Isolo.nd , c Premium Plaster.
11 - NR. W. P. INI.AND...ftb- Nledtd, hi 1%11-
j./ adelpbm. now oder• to ptthlle hos Indian Veg
etable Premium l'lmarr. lb raahtlelL Ot winch, oft,
I=t. t.ri Vo '' arl 7 o ' co ‘c e ' n ' y e' l lirma d
Prolspsu gasr or
all omb, he r •etamends
pastor, ranteekng a s ur e' 111111 speedy owe the
short space of from two to thee weees. if upplted
cant and reat—dtscartfing all the countless emtruments
:1 4 ° % .' tio '" us '" lt b i .s't‘adtt"'nt;*:oo long u
11 .n ns "e no h t o fe " te l d
m one cue oat of three hundred nod fitly-three pa-
Also for Rheumausm and Wentrittonm. or Back. at
tended with patn. there a nothing to caeel the Planar
affOraing relief or effecun cure. For sa by
L Wilcox, corner of Diamond mutt Market s i t e
Braun & Reiter. - Liberty and St Clair to
Dr J Sargent Federal 81.0 Diamond. Alle
gheny city
Jacques & Go. Denman and Ihankend, Btrming
. _ .
- -
' A Cholleuge to the 'World.
f'ffIWENTY-FIVR DOLLARS be paid to oily pne
J. who will produce a spot of point. tore n or dry. Chat
cannot be avowed with-llorn Improved Iltiouical
Soap. have he alitisracuun ettydor to inn people of
Ode plac l
e, that t this article, by my ov, itoprovemrnt an
It, new wands unrivalled in this country for ex:
Risme, tar, pitch, oil, pain:. or any outer greary sub
sume, from all kinds of rentirinen's tad, t, clothing,
owlssay table cloths, merino rttlawir., ind,s' bonnets.
' , mom inlortng [my thing that ['WC Water will trot
MOM More than. ant 0101:15arld p.. 11. in different
parts of the country have told me iney would not be
without It; if It co orie dollar par c trylng
Soap on MOM Man st
300 Of t+CION Of light natl., 1111•, and ealieoce, I have only round three piccoN of
id*, two of alPacca, mud (too aenlieu. on which it
clanged the color; therefore before potting it on a light
dress try • sample of the dress first I state this because
1 am determined not to recommend it tiny stronger than
I Imo" R. be strictly tree . N 11 Hart.
Pace, 121 Cl' per ca ke. Sold, whole - anis awl retail
by It If BELLY-RS.
ndeal 57 wood
_ .
A •
mat Dr J AYNE'S EX
PORAINT is iters. to • t od,er m.di. for
pip., oonsareptko, Dronchit., Asthma, end other Pais.,
I. the mole persons who
Eery...need the
ma of ft in their Irani. ten yrs. .Co.eo stip prefer it to all
other ronedies of the kinds, rt where any Mtve beers iodated
ta tog ether p r ep...rut they have ainvist invisrhady
ted recetviag the benefit which was reasosally
oVer in pated from the high moot bosomed Lytle propnetOrs,
tamed b ee ,, t. the uge of Jan.& ESSICTOWea, as
• rey that has'llever hailed LO (Cher. das. and which
gerehably rover lad itsogual Ls arresting petimanaty ducassa
Prepared ally by Dr L/, Jayne Philadelphia, and which
` b/ JA YN1221
dielikta.wcf 7.1 Fourth In
bait cheats Y HTea, 30 dp do Imperial do.
00 do Gunpowder do; do do black do; al Owl
yy xs Cinspoladar and Y H, in more and fox sale
ffill:t Ili
_ _ .
-• . . 14,...,,- c ,4
-.: r 4 .,
.. .
... .. ,Ltz .1
~..: : :- -, c .,_L . . --, I ,,tryph . to. 1
•, - .. . 53r-Vi
4 .
..„ 4 1101 - ttilili
c rowns:. atstoadt or
cod Rie..iffr of Ile Are.
The mot ertraordiary &tedium, to the %P.M •
Eata Ertrart is rat io in khorrt Rettlesz
onus aeon., ;Stool°, wad caTenstert
paur to any add It twee rakes ,
unaitteasi perroar, orkearag
ar• abilatursg
The you Imlay and sottaenarity of this Sareepardla
e all utter medlitinea la that while D eradicate , the du
es., it nottoratta the hod)) It u roe of the rery boot
E • known It cot only perdu. the whole Tr oom. and
r sunhats the period, bait outer esah pro sad rue
sd • power peseased by no other medkine. And to
m•• or. oh. grand .ent moudarltil mote. It has
are-Permed within the Ina coo yeast score than 100,103
re. of wore Coo of dhow ,
at least 15,000 trete
earuideted Wearable. It has coed the tires of
Lao lOSICS children daring the two part snouts.
10,000 mum of General Debility and
want of Nervosa Eners7.
Sr. Towneend's Sarsaparilla invigionmes the whole
si rim permanently. To dime who have lost their
inii•cular energy by the area. of medicine or tbdisero
tiou committed In youth, or the eacesaile indulgence of
I tie pauions. mid brought on • general physical proura.
urn of the nerrou system. lassitude, want of ambition,
fainting sensetiaos, Fomenters Cam decline, hasten
ing towards that fend &am,tion. can be en
tirely restored by this pleaunt remedy. This Sorsa.
I. far superior to any
Invigorating Cordial,
1 , it mouse and invigorates the mimeo, gives actuity
to the bmbs, strength to the muscular symem. in •
estriordtaary degree.
Consumption Cured.
Cleaner and Strugaen. Commaptsaa can be eared.
Bremelems, Creaumeptiow. Liver Complaint Cold,
°Marra, Cousin Asthma, Sgrittirso of MOMS,
lb. Clnod. Ilertu ibuil• ;right
Sweats. Difflosit or Profane Expecto
ration, Pain is de Side. fee., love
buil and toss be cored.
belie ar o u r 22. 1E47.
DA Towmay:n-1 verilyve that Sr•ape.
rill. ha. been the means, thnkugh Providence. of owner
11111. I have for !several years bad bad Cough. It
beraute worve and worm At last I ranted large qua.-
to , of blood, had night Sweats, and vrar greatly detnie
aP,I and reduced. and did not expect to live. 1 Gav e
ur.:y used your Sarsaparilla short time, and there has
• a •nuierful champ been wrought to me. lam 800 able
to walk all over the city. I raise no blood. and nay
conzh h. 1,11 me. You can well Imagme that 1 am
thankful (or these m•olts.
Your obedient rervant.
Wili RUSSELL 65 Cathertnewt
Female Mdicine.
Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla is • mirereign and speedy
m. for Incipient Consumption. Barrenness, Prate...
12t,ui. or Fallinx of the Wom. Costeneas, Len-
bre. or Whites. obstru b cted or civ
hllleult tdenstritti.
ood. Incontinenee of Urine, or invoyntary discharge
tiu.reof. and for the general prostration of the system—
nu titan. whether tho result of Inherent cause or causes.
prudneed by Irregularity, illnens or accident. Notion,
.1 11 be more surprisi. than its Invigorating effects
• the has r an frame. Persons all Invigorating
from takine a. etance become robust and full of
ery under its infloenen lt immediately t ounterrcts
i~~,.itervelennesa of the female frame, srhseh i. the . 1100 0
• of Barrenness It will not be expected or
• es of so delicate a L unde, to exhibit rertifirate• o
cum, performed but we can assure the afflicted.
010 d
l of cases have been reported to us. Thousand
of cases where families have been 'without
after eatng a few bmtbss o f this invaluable medicine
have been blessed with fine, healthy offsprlng
To Mother. andllharried Ladies.
Th. Extract of Sarsaparilla has been expreselv pre.
pared refertoce to female c omplaint. No female
who byreason us nsuppoee she is approaching that
critical parted " Tie mew of life." slionld aeglect tu
take it as it is a <orison preventive for any of the
numerous and borvible diseases to which females are
subject at this time of life_ This penod nosy de.
laced for several years by snag au stestarsae. Nor
la it tem valuable far those who ve approachlax
manhood, as it Ls calculated to assist nature. by quick.
mem/ the blood and itimsoreung the system. Indeed,
this medicine tsinvaluable for ell the delicate dues
r to which women are subject- ,
It braces whole oymem. renews permanently the
rti•i•el enemies. by removing the impunttes of the
body. not so far stimulauog as to produce sub...quer:
relmutice,whlch tbe case of amet medmines taken fin
female weakness and disease By miler a for bottler al
obi. medicine. many serer. and painful auroral opera
done may be prevented. "
Genet 131HISIIIIgto Mothers and Childress.
It is the safest and most effectual medicine for purify.
air: the system, and relieving the stTPTIOn attendant
upon child birth ever discovered. It "teem:then
the mother and child. prevent" pun and in•
eveues and enriches the food, thou who have used it
think indispeueble. It . hula], nut. , both twfure
ar. after confinement. so at prevents •Iten•es attendant
{1,31 childbuth , - in Cnbsenees, Cram-. 5. , .11.
of the Feet. Despondency. Ileerthurn, pt"mit...
Pa. in the Back and Luisa False Pall., Ilemorrhamt.
end to regulating ttui unctions anal equalizing the eir
c.a.:bon it ban no equal The great beauty of tote
Chi is. 3 la always safe. and the most deliente
0 most sucensfully, nes fee . run require any other
tn.:dann-iOme, in some a ha
Castor Oil, or !alumni. is
Exerciu in the (pen air, and light food with
medicine, will al wa ys ensure a safe and easy roo
f, 33311.
Beset, and liesaltb.
Utica. Chalk. ard ac irirty of preparstions gene
t: .• c in use. when ap per.: . the face very soon spoil it
of its beauty. They close the pores of the skin, and
Lech the eircubmlon, whisk when nature e
t hy
by'diseaso or powder, cr the attic locoed by the
is alies need soaps, im own production
- hymn fa. Divine: . as well in the garden ol
r l ill end delicately tinted and variegated Sowers A
naive and
eiralation of the dui., or the
t o
the '''conhilb lood
enan. ' tl:e ' in " oe m t " e7q . u 7
c beauty. It is diet which impart. the indescribable
tootles and flash. of %onlinen that all admire. hut
none can
an Th.-homily Is the offspring of to.
ture—not olrperroder or may. If there is not a free-and
1.-pithy circulation, therm is P ero uty. If the body
f Cie to driven snow, if she awl ass cosmetics,
•...I the blood is thick. cold a. impure, she is not beau.
im'uL she be brown or yellow, sad there up ure and
aetive blood, it giver a rich`bloom the cheeks. end
brilliancy to their eyes that Is fascinating.
'ibis Is why the southern, especially the Span-
WI ladies, are so much admired. Ladies , lo the north
• :,take but little leserciee. or we confined club-
n'enns, or here spoiled their o r by the appb
ration of deleterious AILICIAZA they wish to re.
iron elutletty of step, buoyant sphere. sparkling eyes
eel beautiful .ropleitiona they ...Id ase Dr. T o se,.
w e n
Sarsapnrilla Thousands who havcried it. me than SZAMFIALi, are delighted. Ladra of ever)
6..110, crowd nur office deity
Notice to the Ladles.
Those that imitate Dr. Townsenrs Sairsaperills. have
Invariably called their stuff e Res.!! for Fe
ireaLer. de, It, and have copied our blur and circular/
• tech relates to the comfit... <decease, word for •or-'
—other Shen who ut o medicine. hare. since the mem
success of Dr. To w nse n d' Sar.aparilla In complaints
incident to females, recommended theirs, although pre
ileusly they did not. A number of them Mixture., Pills.
&c, are injurious to fathiles. as they awns.. dia..,
wed undermine the conatitution.• Dr. Townsend's is the
only ind best remedy for the sumerous female emn.
plaints--tt rarely, if ever fails of effecting & permanent
cure. It coo be taken by the MCst delicate females,
in soy cese, or by those expeetiag to become mothers,
.101 the greatest advantages, as it prepares the system
and p eeeee pain or damps, and strengthens both
mother and chill Be careful to gel the genuine.
Scrofula Cured..
Thu certificate coml.:rely proves Mat this Sorsa.
psrilla hes perfect control over Ma mod obstinate
same of Me Blood. Three perm.. cured in one house
t. unprecedented.
Three Children.
lie Toverve=s—Dear Sir: I have the plemure to
where yeti that three of my children have Men cured
a the Scrofula by the um of your excellent tnedictue.
Thry were elided very severely watt bail Sore.; have
taken only four bottles;
it took them away. for which
I feel repelf under greet obliged.
Y?'"' ISZATr. C li i ' AlN, 106 Woommet.
Opinion. of Pby•leiens.
u r .Town.end is almost daily receiving orders from
Plivtitiane in different parts or the Colon.
this, is to certify that we, the andorsianed. Physicians
of the City of ARrany. hare in unineroas eases prescrib
ed Dr. Townsemrs Sarsaparilla, end believe a lo be
oar of the 1904 i •aluable preparations In the market_
R. B. BRIGGS, 11l D.
Albany April 1,1847.
flering w we great .oecras kat immense sale of De
Townsend's Sarsaparilla. • number of who were
fortherly oar Agent a, have commenced mak* &asap.
rills Eamon. of Yellow D.
Ir.c. They generally pat tt op to the same shaped ho.
Jen, and some of them lame mole and copied our adver.
ti•emente—May are only "muds. intilitll.o6, and
abooLd M avoided..
Pet.ipa/ OEieo. ISO FULTON Street, Bon
N. Y., Co.. Ilyou k
Son, 132 North Second etrect, Philadelphia: S. S.
Ileuee , Druggist, Baltimore; P. N. Cohen, Cher - lest°.
Wright &Co., 151 Chartres Street N. 0., 105 South
Pearl Street Albany, and by ell the pnariyral Drue
Gend Merchants generally throughout the Uruted
ut.0... West Unties and the Canada.
N. 11.—Persons inquiring for this inodicino, should
not be Induced to tale ally other Druggists put up
Sa,Anparillat, and of rout. prefdr selling their Own.
1/o not be deceived bysinpimenre for Dr. Town
entPit, mod take no other Remember the gems
tite “Toveneend's Sae..pant a.'' .Id by the solo ugenta
R. K SELLERS. General Wholeenic & Retail Agent,
No. 57 Visaed street. and D. M CURRY. Allegheny
cat . ic26
53 RUT IN EvE ICh i
Ant Hunt,
THE undersigned
m haa long been entivnieed o
u f the
nectssrty or so e medictne adaed to the se of
Children and infants to supereede thenot of all those
uwAleines which content einem and hew at length sue.
ceeded In preparing end offennK to the pulthe a medt
woe fully an
out every purpose for all dues.. of the
bowels, without the nee of Mat deletenousinuC. or any
other calculated to injure m the least. The w e nt
an been fully toned and tned. the last twelve
month, by numerous persona, and found to p0 n ,,..„ a 1l
We extraordinary irtues„ood to produce all the aston
ishing effect. n. set forth on the bill of directions. Di.
&rehire, Vonuting. ChM., Griping, Peals, tqc lines. and
arising teen Teething, acting, Immedtateiy
thout .iitsturiting arty of the functions of the body,
producing the happiest and mon pleasant trannuon
from vadent pent to a tranquil and Joyous state of feel
ing in the little sufferer.
To be bad wholesale and retail, of the Proprietor Dr.
JOHN SARGANT, Druggist and ApothenatT,John
Mitchell, Elliott & [tackler& and most other Druggists
u Allegheny and Pinstiargh. decl3
just received of Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla, the
most extraordinary medicine in tho world! Thu, Ex-
I , act la put up in quart bottles. It is six times cheaper,
pleasanter, and warranted superior to any sold. It
dares disease wilkanu vomiting, pinging, sicketung or
ebilitatino the patient
Lam our roe bwanosa—tinprincipled persons have
copied our labels, and pot up medicine in the same
shaped bottle. _Sea that each bottle has the written sto
mata of S. P. Townsend.
R. E. SELLERS, Druggist, 57 Wood sucet, between
Third and Pout*, if Dr. Towasenda only wholesale
T hi rd
retail agent for Pittsburgh, of whom the gerinhat
article cart be had.
D. 11. Carry has appointed the sole agent for
Allegheny city, of be e nm the gamine article can be
had. ap4
- -- •
130NNET AND • •i. pots. 5,
.0 invites the attention of buyers to now supply of
above goods, et !smut mile easi terf low. scIM
Prnaanaus, P..
nicpared in build Canna and Woollen Mach,.
A RE prepared to build Cotton ano .............-__
--- I . It James
al. cry of cvery desenpuon, such as—Cardung Mar • ... ___ ___ ..
chrnes.tryinning Frames Speeders. Drave'llg Frames, 111.711YEEN Prrrsßuß , .ll AND CI-1-S 1.1.. , ‘ D ' 2 yob —ld mu I lambs in particular. to their hoe assornuent 01
. Csolway lbeads, Warpera, Tavtllen.Srsont...s. Dress.% W. T. Marna. Pubis:eh. 1 , arn ..ns C 011•11111 1. Cities of Chtaa. 12mo. ' excellent Chronometers.
, Frames. Looms, Card tsrlnders ke , Wsought Iron lisan. PLAZA A Co. 8.. er, ‘.1",..;.: - ',es n's C- /.11- Of Jr-sue Christ; a vo, moslin; ettoke the Pendulum Clocks, these are warrant ,
Shutting tented all !Mel of Can Iron. Po d end cr. swan., & CHASI,II-1.1.10...110VONI", 1 Marvel'. Fresh Weans:4v or a new Sheaf trout tn." I m run with acct. - sal to any P .a. "' and '`'...-"'
Hankers, of the latest puttees, ride and halal Ludy! riiitEarnae Line ,s aro.. i.,er. , .red to . .. , - , •rusr '... • ''r oel u..,a• of Cuntinentel Europe , say anumnt of motto. con...tent rerun tnt .eery or a
and tools or all II .ads 1 aan passenger,. bum Yin mar. a,O .s.. s.-• . a et . • sut. Hettrra , ` , ad•las ad the Me•Xtean War 12 . ° ' common watch, and are theretore the only aback, sorb
f 11/131.1,101 teeny de-venni:on furtoshed on stroe, t .... a „, i . e .,. on the
and Lea, tsterg's crony or the Linttle of Waterloo: 12 on, • able tor steamboats canal boats. railroad cars and
I hce. P an S tearn to artier for Mr II ( s earing. Iron in, boat leaves Po:stns. and c -ae.a. ) sla , • ; :a.. \ A 'auto.. rin S• 1 •014.1& Up Jacob Abbott 12 mo , t a cturies. to whmn Were I• ma d ' l a t' fln g. The, a "
rodt. an Stearn F•pe for treaLtra Far:tortes Cat 5,,,e In contreetton er.ra tee ctri.51 , ..... , 1•,••1- • .• 1.1.1 ,•01011.1..• Literature • 11. 1 , S• 11 S ,111 .1 . &trope. d s J•• I used cxteowely at the Kest In these bombast. and
glve good antsfactlon ' As Famtly Tune Pleces.
Iron' rind. ' ' d. "' h ..) no d faIld) •• Cestm/Is P•nelsbY Nltotogan. between Pot.burrt...l 1,1 .I. I 0 ~,,- 11. 0 .
Orders eft at th Warehouse of J. Palmer &Cu .1.. - or ftr•t elsen steamboats. prupeLera. I. •, id -:.0011- But too s AA...tures in Me., an d the Roc ty I
theta . are much ltdmtred by Mora wk. have taco
arty street, will nave prompt attention. Off un lakes Erse. Ituron nod Nliellien• flan
11um•lin ! then - son
one of Brett' compactness. accuracy, neat-
Karel To . Property forwarded to abv part ot ..... 1.. ... w .01 I'll awn.. Worka uf Rev Thu. Chalmers. U. LL. ' ne s., and th e scrhty wtth whoa they are toot or cd "‘
tLackstoelt, Bell & Co, 1 K Moorhead & Co.. (.: k.: M.p.h. by WlI •I' NI ATHI.I , • , I. 1. D lup tor use Those who wish to porches.< ore request
IA tuner, John Irwin & Sons; Ptueborl'h LIMN At • k 1 Lir , ' ', L 1' , . , - , T,i• Pent,cai Aatronomer, by Tho. Da.k. 1.. I. D led to candidly exerrune Into the merle of Dittos eruct,
!I C&J II Warner, Steelman*. inall t rot Vial, Sl.' ,111. 1 11.1. • 1 •I•. P. 1.0.... 1 1 1.. I•• et .I.•rerns Belknap, D D Ilstortan of New I ands ithout regard to the 111•111010.10114 and delllllle la •
ALLEGHENY VENITIAN BLIND FACTOR) . . A t '' ' ' N'r' • - R '` dd ' Pnrk. L ., Cd I''''''''' . Ilsiri,nre
JOLIN A. BROWN It r: Parks 2, .1.1 na se • - n wl, . r I lon ot-r and the Reformation . by John Stott M A.. 1 14,.,°°:°bo(uTiV.'"'T'ttdllat"";t:i'er ° T r usl ''l pt 's e7e w w h illi k ll " t * r w k :Ist:
. L. W Cotes & Co NS rr,. •
provement haring but recently been prdmited.rMarch ,
,r.. -.. TAKES Ws method to inform we friend . I) Bostwick &ca rbes•rra , I. , I, llid.b.. liana:dom. molt a new map of me Empire, rune
and tatted Dr dun couriln.. IS 11.01 IL• 111 a 1 . 11 1 .
: nod the public at large dial his PaetorY' AA. N Claes, Vali,. 1 .., • 'bs a. W Wt.:tarns :Ivor.. Pi rno
7 - .--7- _7... - - --- - - 3 't, a ncers in fulloperourat. on the sat tide . I' Lesvia. Newr.ort.
:: - - - - --- ---1 of the Diamond. Allegheny. veleta' n eon • J & CAI Whtnest r ,L.q., ~..,,•, ,I ne Power of We Pub.. by Larduier Sort/lg.') D • brew nto.uarnidd .I.Xou'rr'ci'll;v7h'e""wmho'lne a"tfiLl'ro, de
t 1,,,,,, Is ae( discovered p alty were miming Me:, blows at
... --- 7. -- •I stern supply of Blrnds. of van.s colors aIS Mlintle. Ii 1,1•111... 'll. , Bethel Flag, by Garth:ter Sprtnt, I) D. 12 mo. I anot her mall,, enurelv - having. in rvalily. never iscon
•,:.,—= - - . r. andqualtucs,are constantly gent. hand, I NI kC II Kent. Desert .r. 1 I.'saaarna a Serener. the Teacher 1/1 Anse. by Rev. 1 0 .nowt any Wing of Rik • ltaar ...K m..., 'Ma
; r
--7 , --es also at N 0.3 Wad at, 11 . Miter i t Tuttle. Coral:b., Fs. - IL 11 Hall one Timeotece
----,---,-- 11. Plilllips' of cloth war erect]) Wheeler a Co. A k rot:.
' n ' a Coat' hit Court and People. by John as Ilaxwell• I As we are the only authonsral agents at the city. our
- ex tan Shutters made M order It the beat style. I Bantry. (111.1 es A CO. asnduas ~ 1 1... an trees or, Slink speure. by H. N Hudson I ..nment well be foond the only complete one; and
Blinds repaired at the shortest notice. Watkto..4 Engle. Torello, I vh. ATlllf O. of Anterma—lllestrated with nine engra- as we keep noise bet
those witch have Kirk's late ,n -
N. IL fit !PIMA will be pot up, wallow clradd , . ti WINIaol• & Co. 1 , . ,-, ~ ),..•,. j ~ ,,,I. OP steel. and containing sketches of the hoes of proae rneni o f a eretambig power In the •sorter - we
1.01.1141 exestisc so that they call be removed at a nio. ' , CCM , &NI Ohl iti• M. wen.,e NI .- 1 Aivron, Inman. West. Stuart. Trumbull. De Vet as treat that those who wt.. to purchase will, tri ,L 1,11 • .!
mina. in ease of 6re or tor wa h reg. and We aid -II .1 Wtanw. ctor,.., I.' apt I Rembrandt Peale and Than Crawford; I vol., vie at least to themselve. examine ours before takiag from
of a ems. Jr e oct4dly
"L'nl Y RELIANCE PORTABLE BOAT LINE, "`"r."" of France: a . ..L...1( "etches or the a mere remnant elsevrhere An •rttele, sunder in
... / ..• ot Lamanine, Thiers. Napoleon, Dorton. Nitre- a ppearance but of tut one Martin they ada' ca lc
~.=: .:;., 1 8 4 - S 42% = la•nu. t.ol/11‘ a I.d others, wrth rummage( each. parehased elsewhere for less money. Th.,. there
' <e
' max' 1 ti,..,) •s Napoleon and arshals; 2 vol. 12 tau fore, who regard nothmg but the prlce of a r mot .111,11
, 11,111 F.) •Il ashingion and his Generals; 2 vols. 12nt not ta k e 11s! ...bill to cull.
• • .*.
d ot ! l ei 1..:, turn,
„.r t :v . :: ;$ al , 1 : th b f r e;c ,u lu ,
, 0 . ,
da n? l ,,, :u e.
s ' i,: o g . , : tithepad firstt
lot ts r c7e , . d o mouth u :
111101.11110.10/1 respecung the IrlefllS of the TIOICP.O . S .
all 4.e °toward by referrnig to the officers oldie Bril
ls.. 11.1.erma No '2, &c. ales. to Mr A FllllOll. 211111
LOLL 0111Cra BLASE k. CO,
N W cur ot market at and the diamond,
TAKERgh (.41/11Ct oi Peon awl St. Cla.r trern,
o . llollat the Exchange lime!, C 1111.11.. on Pena street.
respectfully unorto their friends and the that
11a) arc prepared to furnisn and adend to rot rylln In; in
lye Idle of L. nderakers. Always on band a large as.
somas Mere ready mode Cams. covered. and hi
mnd :a Inc ver) ne manner, , e* resode Shrouds or Iln m
JaCi, !demi:pet all re d
In add sa ns:to, and ail made r n approved styles We a
keep a large us
sonnieat of why e and black cotton. s.lkland k:d 12 locus,
sable for on:; bearers aad laoa/arl.. crape. Cap, co,
lats. and every nun, necessity :or, the dead.
no on reedionable testa, as we purchase ad our goods
at the Ea.tern cities Also, stlvor platy • tor ertorn•ing
. hc name and age. We haw a yptenddO no , berme and
h0t..., and any number of the bent em rawer Every
thing attended to promptly and nuncluall, nelfhly
Not. 244 and 210 Liberty sow, near the Cana/
A LW AYR on band and made to order. a large «arm
tyyof Marble Mantel, Pler. Centre Tables, and
Bureau Tope.Tomb Stones, !domaic amd
m te.,; nil hi e
being made of the 61.01CCSI marble, ananufared
principally by machinery. will be sold lon fur cash.
N. B. Persons wialdng to purchs, Mantel«. me
informed that it is henceforth unnecessary for them to
go FASt, us I can furnish Meru with an article in rill
respects ns good. aud (freight, insurance, to. consider
' ed,) as cheap as they can purchase them fur in the
Ears Call and ace re 26
No 6 Market street, Plusborgh, Pen.:
Tit0%',.",.. - LTrvuohroTgu,TiardzErgi , trr , cow ,
respectfully ovate person. building Sonneboutr to red
anti egeavne before purehom g, as we eon oopply the
with Reek Stove. ' Forges, end every okhrr kind o
Copper, Tin and Sheet Iron work ueeeseary it tun...
n Steamboat.
We odso make to order on the shorteq now , 6,
Toby v end Chnrorer;.Copper work tor Steam F at tie
OM. rye,- va re:y of work dt our tine.
t'd SIIERIVF & Slllltß
PI rtultighaut. ',near Pittsburg t
h ' , Pat.
Warehouse, No. 137, Wood street, Pitt;burgh
- - - -
WILL constantly keep on hand a goal a,./.
meat ot Warn, of our own manilla:lure, at
surtertor quality. Who
teaate and country Me
chant. , are respectfaitF twitted In ratl and e
anmne tor theme elver. as es- trr thou
cheaper than has eVr before been odered to pa
Ortir to It y moth occomponictl I.y the
ov relcrence, rent
I be
promptly atte octet! to lc It2O
.strt..vas s Jk.ux• K. I PE.
1 ANY LF.1)1.,1k: manuacre and cp
r r
ou. smarty on haul Cot, ftlout f cted tu rod Pta n
litasystrare, to all :Ls Usetr Waretuttike c
net of Market - and Wafer strcein, l'atsburgh.
Our Works continue in fun uperutton. and wet t
corpus. 1 . , adding to our atock. sor.tch u.
tfrslerstv , th promptursA. PurchkAers are rt-specust
to cal: and cramtne pr.ues and Lenin,
Fnom the very K
la l teral ent oara,
; men the aubact etc r ham recented •.h.
hn hes located littorelf :It A.leghen
%Cana" h. Induced him to ~ d for
term of year , , on the to
prep he au
cenpien, In Renter avert. immcd.ntely be , 1,10
urenbrermn Ch urch. Front the long operte nee 3 tt
above bum.. and a dentre to pleat— the hope. in to^
It and
rector a anal , pultdtc p an °nage .
Now on hand and Gontrung to unit r. Kok-hew , Iln and top Hume.. tuttd every eerer
r . riagea made to order. from seventy hoe dr..•ar.
Pohl hunts rnt I aeoll-dtil /WI , : sett tr r
L F CTURF.I) AND 1.1 % 1-"10H,,t , ~
NI A I ' I ‘ F: A AI.I.I. BUIL - I:S.:1111 - d Cu. al north tauter .:, aod I
in N wbarvea, I'llo', offer tor .nle 0a ace cosono ,- .• :0
tern, rit.. pkg. Manufactured 'I ot,•ecu, con.", ; oc
pouol.. Iwo pound., 5'.. -'•. 11'•. Pr... 1 . ,. 111111 li's t
~,,,••, 0 . , 6 • and c • pun t and lo . 1.0.1 , •' ~,,, o ,
who,e an , .!' a... , : to.ex,o: :be odiow ..1. a: , r. 0 , . :,ral,•. . I
v./ .
Jame. II Grant. r.aborn A. Mesa. ,
(,rum & W0:0...n., A C...0.a,
S Jones A. Son. NI D 011411.1.
NN etoor r 111,1, J Thunt.on. I
la,ne• 'Rion..., Jr. A If Arnostead,
J Thomas A Son. Lanclhorn b. A rou•tead,
J P ('outer, , J M Cobb,,
Gentry A Poynter. .1 A CI.),
31 A Duller, I A Hal.
r,, i ten Hall. Wro Dawson,
P. or! A. Norwood. I .S Hiackwood,
Num Pare. Kepoolte.
W H Vouchan. Fafround Hon,
Poroaux licatio.o.., Russell A Rotol.:
Kron, Holunpon ACo Seth Fin...),
II Metro, John raide,,
1.nwrli•••• loouer, I Ron.naon,
toaty A. tatty, 011 'Porn,.
R Jamseaon. York V.
U N't Bram . II - A LSO—
Havana Loaf Tobacro. Olin,.
fern do do
C,entueco. ,I 0 do
St Jug. de Pools ,o, do du
St Domingo .(0 .iu du
lqurta A Guades do, part hue. do
51.yvvtlle do do do
Kentucky var.,. ....del. do do
V.rgona loaf. luttahle for notnufacturlng N/111 r apoeu,
5p.... Seed loaf, Yemen.. Couneetteo..nd 0100,
Virgin.. Scoops, .weeti (;erman P.F.,. P.p. bead..
Seoteh Snuff Moose and bladders:) Mnecouba Me...
Tonqua Hearin, Havana 1/.. Otto Rose. Bergon+ol,
Croatata loquoneei Patent Cavendoli Knivea,Sponk,
put,: sabre ma ers tenth to inform the pad Caereeiy
that they area ow opentug a new an large stork
of Chien. Glass. queenswarr, Bromnin sod Fancy
Gomm. roroproung the latest and most ftestnousbie put;
tern» of
Freaeh China plant and gold-band Dinner Sell,
do do s.Tea
Supenor Iron-Stone Ihnr
Flowing blue 11 new patterns)
" •
A Omit variety of Tea gem, different qualms)+,
Brmuma Breakfast and Tea Sets,
meets—a beautnut article ••tjueen's Gotha,"
Parlor Lamps. (Cornelius, maker,)
Gms• Ware. a general assortment.
Steamboat owners and hotel ptoprietors arr 111,1
to our assortment at ware ...tattle for their
Country Merchants ean , find a Tante stm-k of articles
mashie for country wales, which we will sell at tea.
sonattle pnces
Our stock being mutely new. we feel sansfied of he
w able to please all who may honor um With thew cus
tom [apl7:dttlevut I GILL &GE TTY
I , IIE greatest and hest variety ever offered in lbw city
J. before—nude on the most approved Eastern plans—
and tees, fartnonab le Eastern patterns and color*. AI.
or dude to order of all uses. and at all prices.
Country Merchants and others are invited to call and
the above. for the mselves,. all will he sold
wholesale or retell, und a liberal deduction made to
wholesale purchasers.
- - - -
Lthe lam dimorents, acid Osographical improvements,
also the tracks of the most celebrated circuirmartgators Com
piled from Smith's new Eagfieh Globe, with additiorp
ouprommen. by AUCILLI A Smith. 'teemed by /Unwell Park.
LO SINOP! CELESTIAL OLOBES, captaining all Ile
known stars, nebulae, &A. Compiled Porn the work. of
Sl. ollaston, Flammted De La Coale Harelms, Mayer, Brad
ley, Hsi-eolith Maskelyne, the traneactions of the AlliM4oll , -
.4 -al Society of "Anxiou s AA, 4.c. From South's New Eng
!oh Globe.
Johns.. & Stockton ham just recerted• Dm pairs of the
above Globes, raging in site..a follows:
pair Cl oathas in diameter ,
I 6
I " NMI globes 6 "
Amerwash Chromele, and Journal copydeep
, PHE Proprwtorof this well known plaer of resort liss
the plea•ver 01 . 1111nm:1in the public that hoestali
nstintent harlot been thoroughly refined and repaired,
nail the grounds elegantly laid out and decorated, is
now open for teetr accommodation, and be batters him
self that thoae wbo may favor been with their patron
age milli find all that they desire, provided in the
y and on reasonable tenni , . lie is determined to
spare no ell:pence in Waking his establishment worthy
of public patronage Ile has earn, tor
boarding a few (unities lee Creamy, and all refrash
went. stumble to the season, constantly con band
Monongahela Howie , Tailoring E.t.a.
ISAAC WILLIAMS, Draper and Tailor, begs to in
form the cameo. of Pittsburgh and others, that lie
te now opening at his rooms on Smithfield street, un
der the above Motel, • large and heautiful assortment
of Cloths. Cassime me, San us. th lks, and other ,Veshngs;
together with such other arucles as axe required f o r
gentlemen's wear. Ihisgoods have lwen carfully s
lected, and are of the newest and most fas e io
style, as well as of supenor,,quality. Ilia customers
may 'dend upon having their clothes made up In
manner od ious. cannot fan to gratify the taste of the
ma c
fasti artily
_ .
Ttn CI
iACC—Iu boa Branch & Mratkins' ss.
2do do do extra poands;
sdo do do the aid 16s;
10 kegs No 1,0 tenet:
10 do Pah Cavendwh;
5 'do de Plug;
10 51 do Segee,l
W do half Bp ansell do; for sale by
SMOKE: HOUSE—Having taken the large rodeo
mallows Smote }louse nod Demon Storehouse ad
looting oar W areeouse. on the CAnul Resin, we are pre
pared to smoke sod more towels on reasonable terra
Canal buns, near 71b at.
A — OND HAND PlANOWierortillyB3oo.
jjel ftail
has beau ut . use about ' four arn's., now
8175, for solo by JOHN II MELLOR,
jeld 81 wood meet
. • • .
k'eO. BUGAR-- 5 kihda prime, for sale low to close
1.11 ~ consignment, by WEST. BOWFIN,
tes 70 front a 1
VirtllT!daso band
yl'eitansklVC aI•OrtiOLDI of White Goods, coo,-
ptisolg Moil, Swiss, Soak, Plaid and daemon Y• 1,
of ovary varied,. my 4113110
184 S . -,..
1011 Titol, 4 lollT Tl,l 1 1 1 { 1 , 11 1 1 1 I 1
BETwEEN l'Irl',1 , 1:11(.11 A 7 , 1 .1 l'lli:.A ! 1.1 . 111 A.
got to to n mo , :an:,
on Market et. Way: Id :11-0 111-
cren•ed the, 1.0003 •• .•.. -it
prrgared to otror sott••:‘ grguter •In Ille•r ods
Coml. rarr,rl r th,
taely Ir. Portu , o , ,rrunn Bout • !lour
and other good. r. :r - • - .•,
t olgortam.g c-hurge made 1,,r r•••••it
good.. or udvaneigg chart,. '
prottirly 01111 upon a. reaeana.
A:. cov.l. ,rwurdeci
• I,d, I.y .1.; ...L.
5.1 Cow.-
WIN Mt FAI,tIN irt!l
u chum, t'unal •
AML ‘I DAVIS A Co. Flour Coratort
mon Moron:tot, la: Mortal, nod o. •L
AdvoLves loud, 1 , 0 rah , of oo Intr.
NN 00l nod otlteo tlesorLpoon , of Mr r :
to them.
o-to-ot toe l'cro.'n ,A,AltliE
Tun 1'010t,0fr.0.1%41i 2.i.1.111
fley C 01,111. 1. troo•.“ -. .c./ f
ot their NVorchoo...- •••.
.peak for It o
PLoadt Ipma. Marco I •i
Pol2t.'ll. and Ohio Trosimportation Co.
FIRSTCLAs,,Ni.v. ‘r,
CLARK .4 '1 . 11.\ V,' I . 11'9:
.VSWEN. ' : " • I'
NV PORIIICK. Ag , .I', t ••• :V.... .
Co.par cverull I
puloo-c r0c...,
1.) I
Plz,bu-rh, 7,11 r, `.4 I. I
CONIPOSI:1) 1-NTIV.II.I 111 I 1. 1 ..1
111, IN DI. V I I
ItALTI)In I ,r; •
Mart . 12 I
- 12 /ER 9
IV•ltann. land \ •
Produrr r
UNION 1.17i1...
11l I'll.ll.
Jon:. F Clarice. No 14
Du , nit A o
\ I. 11,•
Nns.l NI , 8, 1 , 111:.:1
411'111 , 10.1^
111.:NI(V IS. \1 I. I': • .
‘ l lto
IS. 7 '" .t4t
F'of the Trart-rpurtatlon
W 41 I( k
-0 11
HA /. V•llArh. \
1 \
ri , ifis o•Jr•;10.11.h. 1..) , •
1 rill. proprlelor , ha .•••• lorhl• •
0111110• I Ilvolthh • lt ••1,
lh r 500 n.•
ru7lor statot) 11.1,1., .•.r - •••
ire• rurll port. Arr.,• • n .
31.hl uvrinr,•.l pr•ni.r.•• - •••:,
rteltr-• nod unronot.ow, oto.o,
io loom corlIrlIon••• • ••
rarhe•y grweluo ..6,oks o•. 1,
A.. con.witmclot ttiml , A 4.• 11.1 rect . ,. • 1
pri.ll.l.n oA ior . .v.arrlrrd 1 •••10.r . .• • •
A:. rommuoto
Ono In lbe fo:lowto2
1.111111. I'A , ll. 27- `.l.•rk.
TA AFFII y 111'11NN ,, It. t
\ Pt co \ Oftr. •1. \ 111 r^
W 11 h'. I IN •-•C• Ca r•:. Now \..y n
c itifit i i;;;;A 2
j hake lite Ittitl l• 4.. r
lict"er. anti trrtgltt mutr
twerta ilea atm! Lilt.. : I t lir , ' t.i
. .
o prepared L. cwt . )
Oil Erie Cant..l. and 1,•t• :
engerr. vi •Nr.,
and ngents y .ol • irmn .r.t,r
lthunnec of their pitroonc-
C HE! •
JOHN A AIC i,11.1i Are,.
1014 cot \Vat, ntld ;1 ,• Em..hurgh
in Q . L l tg al
and Irma t 111 e, Soa Cum.. rland
rum; povrtetor• tht. pt.,,tlotr .toce'tim,
re-uncut:anti°. large: rt,..•,1 the, Int,tares
inect a.itl are ;so, ••1 , -pare..l to
forward greater nmount the FIVE LIN
a.ttko tin )Othilt loll an r..cuMr•
ill ow zttr,
no. • will runt lltruoitt.o.“ tt,
eturarnema from PhilmMirkia lar mr
marked -Care, J B liolriiiFen. ltaitimor.
The cd) , agauta are.
fYI S Chad,. t.
EN:Licr(o. h Co.
W CAS S, Brown', the.
fel/44 l'ittaburah.
Ihe ertmolnon tn. ~.p,o•r nir
Agtucy •t uent.rrior.d from , A:r h.....
gm , . to that of F..doerton A to
Pdtsburgh and oresteru mrrehtun or. tm , um. I.:ay
ly Roblumu. Nu DO South rm.*..• the
outhunted agent of Mo Lam Foul
The tool 7 ova. tr.
J 1311)W ELL,
ti lv .:A-A Itre. n , r lir,
KI , U A I TON 4 Guetan.r.aud.
‘s . ter4 •
1.171111-ICIALAND,r "NM
Nll,. r NRIV Yon, noartra. AND ALI. rMIN 1
I.:KCIIANTS and odd,. •eddld d. , ••• . • ; lord,
13.1. ad Odd oi a10e,. •
ch. . 1,111. RoinK Fatal. roduce,d,„ ar:di At:,:o. Co 6
„, .ho„
piner• Slerrhandtra and raeltstars of Id •tee or
walgar forwarded
Expreps Mose. , daily al :I r
nov - Ztar S. Char,. wdo,
"1112 Z•r
rt. TUIL T11.,1111,...11T101 or
DIZE PIDi .1 BAL u I I dill:.
frrAll kinds of Mcrellallthre 1., P K
Fret, Pluhulelphia. or Ls., 1 Farrro
will or , promptly forwarded free of cornrot..wrie.
i ii i p . T;7;:ii.:.o,i-2,i,-;.
frith: .dcraigned are new prepared to lorwa rd pro'
1. duce, &c., to the Romero .hlargeu during the coed.
mg Wader, on the most favorable room}, by tilin eefie
dnieus route.
All eery conaigned be forwarded at this
lowest rates and wthi despatch
Merchandise received by too route promptly for
warded. I 111 L
A S S ,L, Pittsburgh.
cV C, Brownsville.
FAIERTI IN Si flunitierl.d
WNEB—IO yr caste and ..d) Ind. bola Pori. Sweet
Malaga, and Madeira Wines, comprndng some
very chorea and ropertor Lranda, received and for sale
on accommodating terms, I.y
W Al NUTC/ira.TILEEi 100 111. fly
; Valuable Auld iittaCtilro New Bootee - I 1111A.AJINE
t); Pttt
History of the throndtats. 3 v 01,12 131.AKE to CO.. the only authortze4 agents nt
11 nurFl3 for lb,. halo of lurk • Patent 7.1.. e Tame .
Frurlce. oFrcthes.o'lfluse'e";:b;n3d"et:vo."'.°l:is°fr:.l4lleP•tbo';:t..l.le.:7l,d,':.
tic al Cine‘aher Bayard; 12 mo.
" It ' La,. of Henry the Fourth,
!lend Sacred Nlounniuna
Toe al.uvr, to4ether wlth a large rollection of Swit ,
a:tl Work.. Ilromeal and School Book, tor I;ale
JilliNs•roN k STOCKTON. Booksellers,
corner market and 3d •ni
1)001f.d FOIL THE SEASON-111umtna xd
I) Gcrns of Poetry: a spiciutid I:open:11 r vo..
with I,cairtoul dlustrations on steel. by Sartain, .nd IS
iliumooitea pages by Schmiti. and Sinclair, nobly
lit 'Turkey morocco and while calf : superbly gilt
TLe Clirwrion Kneparike, an animal for It-Irr wok
v pinetootort engraving, by Sarnun; bound ' in 'u
no- sone moroeco
CfirlAiruus BlossOtnn and New Year . * Wreath (or
x .mir:l quarto volume. printed on .now whi. pa
per. :gni:elk:died with splendid Mr.Oliiit engiuvirtry—
Thin I. by Or the mcniChe•unful)uvende annual pub
lisned of die United States,
The Poetical Works of Oliver Goldsmith. hi U., with
run t .rs onto designs, Ly the FAching Club, in va
nio• style. of binding
'llotrip.ori". Seasons. with seventy-seven designs. by
din Faulting C.ub, in various st) les of bolding hi
The Ports rod Poetry of America; by R. W. Gr.. a.
r. tl
' - r t, h .'r e . A P I " . t rn up d erh P l7l/o ry ur o id f i th o e Tu .'' rk c eTun ' o ' ro b u y el ‘ ; ' s il p h lT. ft
it Patera, to various styles of binding.
Gray'. Illegv illustrated
I lernarCli Po . euen.l Work, or various binding,
Lord BYrorra "
Shalt.peare s
'Tile Poetical Works of Thorn. Moore
linkad• mot other Poems, by Mary Howitt.
Poem. I.y Amelia.
11-sdley's :tarred Nlounmin.
The alnivc. woh a great variety of other new works,
styles of binding, suitalde for gift kooks, for
do fit Book.eller, eon, Market Jr. 3d sur. lhi
/UKS—Clialiners ne
,a'taer , , crlpEa-v itendatg.
M..tia the I. 0: Pt" Fry. Vod vol.
'I ho Ctd •ent.l , t ice allot or .Schooigiri in From
1.a.1, Marl .or No: or Orr N% 0r.d.1.0 R. v C 11 Ts
are nret. or the do
trl or the Mereloort'. Clcrk. I hr
1.. o i t l'onok nothor of • - coor.-e of Time "
o I.,:encr. by
I: Carotine Fr).
I ....air, apes,. I.) II N Iludsol:
I. Cr:or:welt. bv T Beadle,
mid hi. klar.hal. :to
nod h .1:corral• do
I o.ver ra Inv PuipaY liardioer Spring 1)
1 . .. lot Orator+ or France, by Turnbull.
1,11 IL“ do
I Bd.. land Hal, Free chi rch Pulpit, ::vm.
,iroor France, Now and'Etieo: lictranoe ,
nrci kler,er.
0.1 )I).:irew, adupool m ("mon oles—••Hiehrs in the Wort
11 L-• i o ••ittrtaat liave NVing ,
vv •Detaor and Creditor '
rr h F.Nt:LISH,
wood soil ..Y3 Market
~. ~~ Lc
I , r 1
j11io;, , —Co4 en7g, F:uropc. or Sack-Les
vv. Prow, r . . 7 .7n/t . r!nod. itnly.
I.renL Broom anti N11:1 (1.11
..1 1 nutam.n.• ntotervanou• on European char,
• - menn-a, CHTIK/11. 11.
110 V, By Aar y Brunton. author of
r 111. I'uo o n o r : Roothn, 117 we late
I In , 1 -and n.ol 100 Nova. Harper.' 11-
611.,‘,11 By the
1,101, —.Nit-mortals o: the lauoducuon 01
„ o.e coinpr,ing
eFy Dre,.• t.• o• early reneher...l , :che• of
!try Ins. al A I.r. 13. ;ate M 186101110"
''" Ile e.
it WP.ltnot . tott.
N1,1 . 1111.11{ , Clerk: 1,3' He: Clarks
‘uth..r of d.. of n
I . , the Pearl "
tst. a arp...too:let. of new taokt. 0: F-Nt•LISII.
US mark et ct
01.1.111 1.10(1KS--11 isim • at I. t•rv.r• Nes-
I•r.• ••( •.:1 • w9r• acrd rnmirta:gir r r arrrrritX
r Ire Or L er r k l'rktr AA. Frimarrerpa r of 1::c ; I\'.ll:am
n •, n vole.
,4111, ouhe Iloiv ,crplor•ot
romance. v. 5.
, • - •
Melnik Fr•me Piano.
A SPLENDID ao.orunent
a" 4 711 ''d „., j ' u ' s ul t T 1417„ P .
I* A MO •Oendp.l Rnsrwo..l
, crirt,r•ted anachmrnt.tmi.lied
.) told for .ale
F ,t}:S. 112 avna/
t ti.t.t FRATED EurrioN or - rit
,RABLAN Nit HUTS—Elxpreasty tlctogoed for Nn-
Ir of palowatton by Harper I Tiro.
To rompleted in twelve parts.
itiol for
corner market mid ad los
ro \ Icr, N. ha. - •• )11. received
r.) No 176, AprG, 1J alltl Black
Nluy suf.lU
r i:..l,very oonvement true
' • • , t‘ol a. ILe for, t‘n I.e earned by 11,
t • A try ”.•1 go • 1 d for sal.
ACc•tern Transportation Company.
1{,..) D. LIEECII & Co's 1%,,,AQ
ICY - iO. Old Ill•tabllabed .1.11ve• 10918_3.
ViA YCINALYLVA , SA /010 01110 .11. ROA
A "e e m end
1m or apply 10
If 1.1:ECII .7,erml Basin. I'lltsburet
11A RRIS 1.4:41 11. Nos 1344 IS South Thlyd 0.1%1
VIA 111 IL SON. Av., No 14, Nlll Howard el, 8011.
A Off llt rrr. Ao. No I WB,l 41,,et. Now York,
Ptusburgh Nlnrch 1910,1,48. mKr29
•- -
us 1848.
62 to PSI.IIS end other* are informed that Unlemona Lo
COIIIIIII to hrough the year.
1) Protium. .
andtun t
merchaudite out taken •I low rate
5I me hamlet., from Halm:note brouKht out of Can.
ran , Tone, five days. J C BIDWEIA.
Nt, 11le, 1.1. 2 deems above Mong's. House, Samburgh
to 'l7 lel South Charles at, lialumore.
rn.. .Irlivertug
n sil 1'1110.1,0
rate , I.ln ,
,nou!tl Inc
Passenger and Remittance Odle*.
ithIIANRDEN dr. CO continue to bring persons
from any pan of Edigland, Ireland. Scotland or
Wales, upon the moot tilmral teno., with their
usual punctaality nod attention to the wants and C ome
for , of emougrants We do not allow our passengers to
tie robbed by the swiedling scamps that infest the sea
puns. as we take charge of them the moment they re
port themselves, and see to their well be.g, and de.
spot , MOM without toy detention by the first ships.--
We nay Our fealessly, es we defy one of our peartem
gots to chow ti n t they were demoted 4ri hours by us fl
Eivertami. thatmand. of others were dettuned
inont., until they could be rout in some old craft, at s
r p rate. wlitelt too frequently proved their coffins.
\\"c intend to perform our contracts honorably, cost
what it may. and not art w. the case last season,
w i th ether ad - mem—who either perfonned not all, of
wilco it suited their convenience.
Bruns drawn at I . ..burgh for any sum from it to
jitsar, payable at any of the provincial Banks in Ire
land. Ilitgland, Scotland runt Cr
10:3111:A ROBINSON,
European and General Agent,
I fehl Fifth street. tone door below Wood.
_ _
ATI N TU RC YARAt+t)l.lq—tlandetnm• saun
1,7 i.lll-1,611. of a branntul qualify, and as greatly
1.1111 rd pried. recd. A LFAAN DER & DAY,
k I N 1: cur of lna diamond
.1 NI, 11\:k/ti I 1.% -4U half chests \ oung li
."" 'l'.u, lust
g pPle Linseed 011; 75 do Nu 1 Lord do; 110
l) do No v do do, Id Aa Stearine do. 1 hhd
n au, I do bleached Whale., 5
du do' to more
I 1 A IIKISON'S Columbiso Coning Pres
jj• Cio
olulnoo Into; recriyed.oud
s witiTE oLu&—a bola recd end f.
Fah. by inyli BRAUN tf. REITER
10 HKS-3 indes ja.t reed and for sale by
etore [lnd for
4.2 (..%ll I. ikhd:6
t SV( Mabee market prtee
r paal for third . ..fa grades 01 de
Wnok. Ly s tr.. W HAR.IIA
e. 5 water and 104 grant
_ .
\ I Otil./ 111 / NY:ITV—We have just opened. large
uit Nlin.quito Netts. at no excellent quality and
remarkably cheap 1,33 ALEXANLICK & DAY
1. 1 . 1.:NDR11.3:--30 tool, Feathers; 13 do Ginseng, 4
4.7 bble No 2 Lord, du Flal•oed; IA recto do; boo
Peacock Fly lirtutes. Ido do F.uo oxtive and for
rola by jor.l I:4AIA Il DICKEY a Co, frold
i - iirrroN—T7 to arrive, !or sale by ,
pc.t: ISA 1110AF:A ta tbs
boles IROW 1 . 7 1 1 . C . , 7 1 1 . q 6.
U":4';llt:re'rU tia"ec„oill'odMaUgt
great motes trove 1. A few cope, recetred 0111 i
10f ..le by )e2l JOHNSION fr. STOCKTON
lOrl'UN—nn bole. Tenneare Onton, , in store and
for sttn. by EN_ I 1.11.)W k-N, DU front in
ULASSF.S..---45 bble Visntauon
WLS !tore
131. emd inrl.3 WiNT BO
_ .
1 67
1i..) I.A.nd. French Stagr. and Kletell
l :rc'u and for ,ale by
:u mark.; sterrt
Asthma. Bronchitis. Spaung Blood. Pain in the Side
and Breast. Sore Throat, Hoorsene., Palpitation
ad,. H e art Whooptag Cough. Croup. Hive,
N ,„„ ° m. 0., Liver and
a.m.. Kidney. are radically
cured he
Dr. Shotyne t s CoMponnd Syrup of Wild
Cherry. , •
It. mild and pleasant to the taste. perfectly safe and
.. ha .. rm em es i s t
alnn d it s
e o r p t e a a r o e r m tS e ,
d a i n e d s
o e r t
Consumption most
of the
Luse.. Coughs. Colds. Asthma. Spitting Blood, Liver
Compliant Pants se the Side or Breast and general
Debtary of the Connutution, that was ever invented by
the sk. of man far the relief of the alliance' public
Cerulicates and evidence, of . wonderful curauve
powers are dolly recetved fran all quarters It Is im
possible to conceive the aggregate or suffering and mis
ery that has been mitered or batosh'ed by li, or eon
we calculate the immense benefit that shall accrue from
a hereafter. All ages, sexes, and Cons:Mittens are
alike affected by it. and the disease is eradicated from
the system. the conatithoon repaired. and health res
tored by the use of Da Stesths.'s C 0... NO Suits or
Wan (loaner llow many sufferer , do we daily be
hold approaching to an unumely grave, wressetl. to the
bloom of youth, from their relatives and trieoda afflict
ed with that fatal malady, CONSU)IPTION, wench
wastes the miserable staler. mad he to hey and the
power at human skill If such nude,r would only
make a trial of Ur Swaynt's Compound Syrup of Wad
Cherry, they would and themselves sooner relieved
that by glinting the varietts tnetrective remedies with
which our newspapers abound; this 'Vegetable Reme
dy' heats the ulcerated ittegs, stopping profuse night
sweets, at the same tone Inducing a natural and healthy
expectorst.t. arid the patient wdl soon hod hit self in
the esnoy meet of cotraurtable health. The pub. should
oear 111 mad that Ur Sara enspi
hysician. and has had year of expert.. in disease.
itt the Lungs. Chest, En The (original ited only I gen
tile arm, is only prepared DR. SWA Y NE. N W cor
ner of Eighth and Race streets,,Ptaladelphia.
Of all the cures thetaas ever been recorded, we may
solely soy the canals °f ne... cannot famish one to
surpass this, which 1100 . stands as a living proof of ths
corubaity of COO.llll/11011, eveti when life had been
despaired.. Dr. swayeas Compound Syrup of Wild
Cherry is all it professes to by, We grettlost Medicine
in the know world.
• The n
True Rtdota of Life,. Health.
Da Sway :sr—Dear Sir,—For MO goo-I of the pUblic, I
feel Myself In duty bound.ta testily to the great curb
which your Compound Syrup of hVtld Cherry perform
ed on me. For my port. 1 eel an 11 every body ought
to know It. I was afflicted with
violent cough, emo
ting of blood, night sweats, hoarseness, and sound of
the voice in...lung an alarming state ul the disease;
my appetite was gone, end my strength had so tar fail
ed me that my friends and physician wu re persuaded I
could not suf.t'e many days. My sister, who was my
anxious careetaker made Inquiry where she would he
likely to procure the Moat certain relict'. She was told
that a lir sw a y ties Compound Syrup of \\'+d Cherry
,ire cure. my lite se. then boucle.. Your
meanne its immediately procured, and the hr. toot.
gave toilet and by the limo I end commenced the
anti bottle. my cough hail lea me and my strength was
much tmproved. 11l snort, it has made a perfect cure
of me. end I ant at thm present ante . hearty
I wish, sad have goad reason to believe that the ath of
your medacine has saved me from
or a pretnature grave.
I shall be pleased to gam any namatton resuccuag
I M Reeve&
:la chest°, st, between race aid vine ~ Kula
Consumptives. Read' Read!' Ur. Svrayne's Compound
Sy rop of Wild Cherry.
In about the year lam. I found a neeessary In My
0r... tonal practice. to compound n met... prr par•
anon tut discus , of the chest and Imigs. pd..maAulg
more pow e out healing, properties than any other htth•
eno known for such diseases In toy COMPOUND
SY RL POF WILD CHERRY, I pure leech very suc.
re... 1 The truly astonishing cures effected by toy
medicate soon spread its lame abroad; for 0 oven lione
of . *accts. to manufactured newspaper puffs or for
ged comficades—the rent north. merits a my cote
pound is
the only V nose of its populanty. I. extensive
sam 11. 00 tICIOI.O the envy of certain spectdators In the
attar.. of his felon' erratum , so much no that in a
few years from the time that toy preparation wits intro
duced to the pub.' and lit groat demand. a brat at Mot
city• findag that tny preparauois hail gamed a high
reputation tor Ile Curative properties, came cot with
what they called 1/r. Wattar's Balsam of W. Cherry.
This respectable and popular physician had no more I
to do with the oructe thou poor Sara Putch e "rue name
of Ur Is attachedlo make it appear-that this em-
11000 proetaioner was the angle. it 0( We pre
paration; such i. not the illet- The above firm, the re
ot aveutor. sold the recipe and right to motiolacture to
Ohpatent niediettie dealers at Cinema. for the
We•t and South, and another in NeW ) ark for the East,
who atterward ,, t is n,,erted, acid oat to a druggist in
o f{ Boston—s the number of hands into which a nay have.
c Waged is au enigma.
In sou , a they assert it emanated mom a u hy in Philadelphia, iii other, from a physicti iit,
Iluseachusolle SO It has talsehoal told stratagem
stamped in every le number
!rhere have been a number of other preparations ped.
porung to con sin tot Cherry put out WIC, moat the
toads of tnexpettence, which the public shaald guard'
against, as they COllOllllllO. of the strums of the ging,
tint auel only genuine preparation, which hear the sly.
nature of Dr Steffyne on each bottle. The paesent
nuotutacturers of them puffs and false certificates hove
the dilellla effrontery to caution the public against per
c hasom my reedi.tie, the miry truly gelatine and origi
nal preparation of Wild
sta Cherry before the public,
watch is proved senctonly ay the pat lthe ree.rds ot
me Commonwealth 01 linitils)1001100, as well as vert
u, inner °Metal &team,. UR 11. S tVA 1 Nil,
Inventor tad we Proprietor of the genuine Com
pound ny rup of IViad Cherry, corn. to Eighth and
Rare streets, Plastic:Mita
l'amptitel-• can be obtained grata, scatty forth an
sty,l testimony Mat sal, i convince the most •Itepli
. , cit. ot me onder:in • artues in Dr Swai ne ~ Compound
rit N SAVE from 15 to fef per Cent 10 pus:easing i , YruP ol \ Vtai /-"Y“Y• e" and gelmlu• hint ml me•Y
mad. Purchase the medicine. and se c.a.
, Issr OIL CIA/ l'ilei ell,rt trout the 111511012 f ‘ll,r•
or sale, wholesale and retail. by the Agent. r Blood.
Pail[ You
laic...ri 1 1 - I•ER hCA/1 011a " A"' out ,•. "',°"" ° "°". W. AI l Ili taN.:.; m...,,.... th.i DEN a sNO SD)N. l y
laic... \o \ I'M Norm l fa , ' dm' '"
, • 1 `" . , eF s
n s., V, tad it d L, •'r') ...,.. :••• Jo \ E 1... 1 -to Liberty ' N 11: IL D. F. SIBLEI —Deur Sat Lest Sonny, and du
dal' :vomt of tly' / , t''' "'le'. i' ll ' t-•° '' eu ' ~..r , „ a. a A f MIN kes , Foi ,h. Co. omit. tit F.rst snd .11_L Eint the prev..• 0 , 00 , 0 . . 1 0 , .... , ere1y addicted
lyle. .01 alensle• keel' . 1 ' liith d a r '' .l°°..° ''''''''''' ...
%I ts,d .1101 ,1111 11.00 hi that. mot 1 t./11N MI 1 i HELL. with a scion.. cot:vial. my legs, and had been
fa Potent R es rodic Coma. tla Cloths. lii-. :Me 10. • al. 1 ' martS lot sot. month, under the care of physiewas. They
and 54 amp wide Fiffertol. Parried. ta t l'atin ~ . Alli , ln'ltY elti - I said toy case was alt.n iticuronle. and May could do
the nand , on hluson I) tang stmt Ida. T. ,,, I , : • Greet English Remedy. but little for me I waif ocarly helpless, L. with the
Cloths of the roost de• i bye. P.m.` , 35 . 411- ' l6 :''''''' 1, , t ,it rough-. Cul., .ksilona rad Consumption! The . ~„i 9 , - c .,,,„ ~„„,d with thiy.„,,), ,„, s b,,,, y y . 1,, May
ine he. waif Fla,r thi ' lutos. Mom fee me hes to 21 le' t , r ~ REAT AND ON 1,1 REMEDY sot Ito cute of We ~,,.. I ~,,,,,b,,,, „, ,„„, „ . ,,d „,,,,,,,,„,„ ce d „ b a by B y. „.
wid,•. well seasoned. eta the ttewe•t•W'" u i l ,'''''',. • ' 1 naive thsea.s. Is Mr HUNt ;ARIAN LIAI.SA.SI OF , rdc.- a Salssarsathl-ii. Atter the ma of two bottles, the
e a o i' their own maitufactere• Tt.t•Pur e "' " u ""' w , 1.11 E. discovered by We celebrated Dr Buchan, of core. romtneneed healtng. and 1 Mid inside my crotch.
shades. Carpels. at. All goods warranted I ...... too,E.t.d. nod tiara... alto the Ulm,. States ~.. ~,,,,, only , b„„b. I dtspermed with my cane, and
11111191•Lith eta' , tie n'ttet'dtl o te .ttl'ertet'tttktt‘'e .1 ter tttsrent.rli at the rad of the fourth. was so well es 10 assist all day
Ohio and Pennsylvania Ball Road Co. 1 rite ex
. faordistary emecess ty_f_Lhis alet..lCllllo. I_ll the ~,,h,,,,,,,,s she e p. , a ll , 1
...1 five houk.. Th.
I i K.... ' tor subsecripoon to the COlplllll Stuck of thin , uure M t'ulrucmer. m.' •• u• 7 . "" Urle u " scrofula and wren have all healed and since last
I_7l '' C ' o ' tonally, wit' b e opened on the 20th Jot , . e f t 110. t .eettt te "It'tttal: t L ete ‘ , ..‘t?te l n th.. roe • Itlt*.ltte
seek at have cominued, and am now. In the most perfect health))
Llchatige Bonk, aua , , • Irt ... ~ ....., ,n r 0 .. 00 r OOOO . OO "..d.°. of the I I state wah ...deuce, hoping that ahem may belie=
std Fred. }•./ . k C.- °'d tool "' "" :11L, ° '„ .. „ " ilas, and have been given up by the most I.lo4lllothhed : et i,,,,a ,“ the ~,,,n , wy , a , a , oh ,, 5 „,..„,„,,,„, sold„
....., to day. under Me supe motetfluff. te • , . .
11111,1111etL E lEY. Z. I ph, simans as confirmed and 'ammo., T. Dungen- 1 ~,,,,. hay b„„,,,,, ~,,,,,,,, end , only ~,,,,.1,. of . P
aiIH•kAR Ilf-NNY . •I 1 lia.•11011 ha, cured. anil w+;, cure. toe mart desperate 1,, ~ „ CORNELIUS J. ROSE.
FRED RAN . lof ems, • It is tat quack nostrum. but a standard Eng- I '41.-oryl tare.
and „,,,,,, b y
, L. , , ,,.. ~,., ~c , it," I 1.1, in.:mote, of 'known and cstobimlied efficacy, l der. B. A. FAILSIESTOCK fr. Co
ten; disvh.wlinS W. RUBINSON Evert focally in the toted States should be mpplied ! „:„ y,,,, p wood , ,f., alas ,„.„,„ woby , & a ,.
) wan Buchan s Hungarian Balsam of Life, not Duly to ,
DERRY dc NLUKEICSI IN , , ounteract Mr cot...fame tendencies to the eltmate, ' Lu INI X PlGELFUltglialesY
Ma. ..timers ne r ut re i.e u,ed as a preventive Medicine in tul cases ot I X..: C.'....0 00' Amanda Macre, for shaving;
AWNINGS, SACKING mains. coals, rough, spitting ot t,,, paut in the side arid , Crenni ala Rose, tor hil4Ving,
WAO , N COVERS AND te R. AI ht 11.\ bli ~' ~,'l 7 ,.'„'
,:).",,,.1,•,'°,.:„L,1•,14111. t 7 , 7 ,1 :,,:..,:. ~,,legh,l..twtg:..
, i . foc ,.. hi . us,.. 1 ,
1100, , c,,.....04
or att. liairallirloh.l . stani fiudgeticrae debility. asthma mduenza, whooping 1 I. tog.. rhea nags, perfumed frith Lavender, A ogle-
No. 314. Routh Front tret. , ~,,,, g, ,,,,,,t
‘,.....,. , terte ...el;
Bark of I A. Vei-lon ' s G adin e 1 '
Ware .111:nuf y , ' , oat Lit large ifottles. al Ft per trottle. wish full threc- I sic idol powder puts, of ell pmtertm,
PIIIL A DEIGPIII A bos fur the 'reste - aura of heath . l En ~,,, seed toilet boxes, contratang Fragrant estrum
b eft the , r e ntiehteutroutanaux a e.t.a Frig huh and Amer_ forte aatlthlte'ettll 4 l te soet bag. and olettet ...P., ea.
Ai -L.,- lei wit -',,,, -,- -d- - ,u , cant a cernficates. and tither evidence, showing the on- able Mr Pre...
Nlerchafit's Iliac', ifannurgh, w.l, or w oon y ,
Wended ie. THUS 15 DERRY , equelMO telerlth 01 aim great English Remedy. may be Pi, aen. or Ithineee powder;
..4' A c . Nicia,R.,,,,, Ito eon./ of the Ag... gratuitously. , Ine an ye:feu:tole hair PI,
1-01 ale I.y It AFA IiNE- , 11. KS.Co , corner of aehr's oat in 'one)" er comm.. wthiVera,Dvisu anent
- ORIGINAL tBOLIVAR BRICKS.' ' . and Weal alld Womt nod oat ets mune ed);
tuX PERIF-NC ED ledge , on Mal of one and a hu.: I . . Jones' Sseap, \y mph Soap, Rose tip salve;
Li talltons, since 1.3, pronounce hD arta. unser. DR. JAY NE 'S .a LTER A i'l st: 4 ,I.eil soap, Soto soap; together wait a great varlet)
passed far durability in the
of all sada di , w , ~,,y , ~,,,,,,,,
~,,,,,,,„„, ,
~,,,, of b , y ~,,,, pc , lof tar perteanery . ...I re u e ,. . , v v ekly i e s dr ..% l m ze ti
K. a
urnaces. Pram use cash tor
01 1U M. guar' I 101111 ed on her by Dr. Jayne's Alteraatve, wench .
.., ,
anterit nine Months use s meoad yonty . ~,,,,,,,, ,, ,p ~, ,,,,,y on „,
~ ,,...y
~,, tor ath di weasel a
Rolm fir Bri•ks wall hr e.ouhte ,l m 5. , Ile' ' 1 . ,1• a sake - Lad riothe out been .11.1.1 for the lost CSICEII years
lered. wahout guerofttee• A •thuk oi the bra elu u "'Y I oath NEC/ft/SE:6 or Wif I l'E
o f ELLI NUS, attended
is now fOr side ea the weeehum lo.ll.ll \ V L ll . ll - • C a " With ulceration. and ellll/14111011 of Turps. bones, du.
nil Basta, bY 1 SHAW NI ACI.A REN. ' hag wh,hu.. many pieces have been d.charged from RumuolDoo Iron Wurk • t the t natal aone
the crenate, .from both her utus,
ORGAVS COCOII sYRUP — U V. , . ,. . , to be tee I wrists nod liati,l4, nod mom both lc., alai trout the, left
M, l ysy ,,' y „.. b „ ~,,,,,, ~,,y , y , , , fed oral bane, and front go rght knee, besides painful
U reu / ' --- ' c ' "" ' e:' - ::: :'. 'e I afc.• on other pens ea her pii-soit, which hove battled
cough. , the sled: Di a ounther of tue most en:Leticia pity...lllS ot
From the Temperatice Banner, Nov 3 1.7.
Con on S.. .—We ore not 1 the hal. of puffing.' our uet • — U.'. ne . . a an ..Inc her sea... , hove
much less pamg p.mPt rr.0‘0. 0 ... 00 , o,.o.,lthoposed lie: ii ca.. rutataig and depletrante_ r A beat three Mouths
tO tenon:mend lorgan's Syrup to those who am Miliet. ! • nee `tie wa• •naticed of t y D Joz,Ca.,,,:tera,e.
ed wk. a cough. Auer havatg tned the usual rein. who'' , tam had nn usmo sneigil happy effect nate tor,
dies to remove a C 121111.111 altil ...fencing cough, that ' ~1 lemn u 'l''' , ol' r.. ,, ~•• eweDuK-f .'IJ eausiug the
had for several days &libeled one. of our chattel, with- I take's 1' lieu', o: '''' , . 1 . ter 11,..Te pre her K:iLia/ health
out suceesa. we were ItiduEed to try gall
• cough ' .?.,,,,ue_m/e,e':.,,,,,=.1,!L
, - ,e m , ..... ,. , , - ,,, 1ti0 , ile . welthe
t mniene. the u•c
syrup. sod by a rehef was oh
wled in a few eau,. It ' mire of due trial) vu,nal , th preputior..--(sest Eve. Post
proved to ha the panacea in tles case al least.
For fanner ationn3tion. to of Mt, Rose, No I.
Prepared wholesale and retail by the proprietor,
JOHN DMO ROAN, Druggut Fithett st, Pbli adel p.a.
wood st, I door below 110111110101 ailey. i er sac . Pt.:fro, at the VEKI N TEA STORE,
71 Fatah et at at Woe. D 5
New Musical Instrument.
I 0/IN 11. 311 4 -Ll.Oll, No bl Wood street. Ints eat
') ved and now open for sale. a supply of Ca . nen'.
improved pa pen
fo r ',nee P.O
For the benefit of those residing at a distance, and
consequently unable to mspeet he Melodeon before
purchasing. the following descripaon is given
'Me eases are made or rosevrood, and ore as hand
somely finished as a Piano Forte. The aey-board
ly the same as the piano or organ. sod the tone,
is vary beautiful.) closely ram-mines that 01 tie
mof on organ. 'rye instrument ran he inn...M
ade portable Wl , ilolll LIC.CIIII/ an) part, the
,elloves receding into the body of ne instrument. and
the legs folding under. leaving the sehale to a compact
Miro Kaeh 'instrument has a parking Coo, and the
,hris probed weighs only 45 pounds. The vol.
retool to that near sall organ. and by
the swell may Lie i m
ased or dminislied at
ts sufficiently loud for small churches. mud
:alined fora parlorinstruntani
W - 001:0 :TYPE
EL Aka, PA
ing. AL
SINI fFR. .1011 N SIORRISON. T har ao•
- cd themselves together under the style and tale
holey, Ryan & Co, for the mann i scut re of \ .d
and as their type , altogether made If) ?Lath,
e nivention of Isaac . Stitger. one at the firm.
cl confident that they oder a more perfect article
of type, and at much lower rates than any hermotore
odeted to the Untied States, and arc now ready to fill
orders for lhe same.
All orders addressed to Selndry. Ryan & Co., at
ogee to Lhaniond alley, between Wood and
Smithfield streets, will he punctually attended to
Propnetors of newspapers. on ropvtitg 11 , , ad
neat :I months. and sendtng their paper, will
led to recelve their pay in I) on purena•mg
meo the amount ot their bill tor advertt•ing.
.1.11111.211. 111711! ND NV
Ve E., FAN
Oiliee at the Exchange, Baltimore.
ltELiC , illl RATE> , cltarg , n on all Nlessag,. ‘o or froth Ilalninor,
lwr,h or %V herltoe. and a corrrpoo.llug redlocuo on all ~legrapltie dempair hr,or.articd tram
Amsore ul Pa.
Rnr -Tt.• harve 'or tr.lecrupin
trtmt lia:t.toore am! 45
forrifle hr.“ ten word , nod 1, oa.ra
L No charge tn wade tor the addrett. alltl .te
1.1, lanr
t :1111 the cmpleuott of the South western
Trli•Sraph mo o n .11eutpats. Tr .to New tlrleals•.
patclle• em he forwarded to Mvinpais by tlos
Inau.,:d tor New Orleans.
The Allegheny Cemetery.
Al•ttlrlee.,,a,,nll:lu.r.ll,Thr, Alle gheny
o n ,, gnl the Corporator , . he4l
I IWsnil ri.e7.011. ver^ URI
e.eleete tor the ensuing ear
JOHN 111 , 5F.1.L,
1 . ,051, Sr.. Secretary ar.d Treasurer
1% , manual statement pre..ented the atla.,
t'ottyuay 111 very pro•perou% N 311.1111,, 'I . 1,, in
1:.0 elty la No. 37 Veertroll
Al' NE'S HAIR TUNIC.—Ahc - ;mug this Artteis
trial,wa pi.mow:lee lo be *hut it pore..
cs—thc best utide, without eactpuou, am, furtive
maturation and prclartalloa of the hriaan Wc kuos,
of outairOua saalaneci whcre bur ha, bera resturad bradt
schtth hart beau bald lor year.; aud sca thdak ws cauaut
graver favor than lo rat-mama lu all our tracers who at
loam, thew haJr, =sac trtal of this Timm araricallattli
For Ws ue Patsburgh at the Prektu Tea Stunt, N 0.72
Fourth street. erne
!r%!',,,Ptt,inO:tt.(l,:,ul'E.,.:tr3. —,,,, h ( 1 , 11 f b ; heats sup Pows.hong
3elto J & R FL.01(1). Round Church
1 . )CII-E CIDER VIN Eli AR-40 Writ ,oipr V inegar.oi
store and for re 23 J 11 FLOYD
. . .
bbls No 3 large Mackerel. C. bbl. No I
r Herrings, 'X bbl. No I trimmed r.-hrol. la uding *lid
f s tat by . . le 1.1.011)
. .. .
INFANTS' HA - CS—Juan received. 1 em.e Iniatio'
IRole Pearl Halo; also. I caw Mow:. I...calloru FIE.,
rod lot sale by 84 , 11 . 4 . 0 sr. JUIiN±UN,
'eat 46 market at
_,_- . _ _
1 mid nor rale tout tor •ule at the drug wareboure co
1,.0 I &ADO & to. Mt wood ot
11:IRF-NCR LAWNs—I care b an . p „,„,,, ', awn ,.
beautiful new pattern., Juan reed and opened by
,e 1.6 SU ACKLgrI . it W 111 re. 96 wood at
P 114 rwc kt-15 bbla intro on rule by
LARD—I 4 keg, for .ale. by
BEANS.. -5 bbLs .mall white, for sale I.y
canks Cleveland Sal or,ralnn.l vate
1.7 jell \ VICK St
14 to jo st , \ It
.ale py
BItl;7411S-410 dox Corn
ror" ,
L . and wr :;:;;rt,rlvnbng
JAM t:6 ,11.,t24.1.L1 24 water m
S TA It CANDL1,..—,251,,,,y l'lnc c ; o unete !t l t t n o r j ,, ldle
receored and (or vale by
jel4 M I L.LItIt & HICK erttUN
Iliours--72 don Itsdus Ruldser Fishing
1 Moot., dun reed by express and for stile at the
art Rubber Depot, No Wood streeJ
T I,NSEED 01.-10 tilAn ;o. reedsool tor .atel4 line drug Waielnoux of J KIDD& tu,
jel2 ou wood it
FRFSII LEMONS—A iew boxes Fresh 1.-mot..
As* received and tor sale lay
jellr! CV ILA RBA Cull
balc• Conon. 111 atom and for %ale by
Val.)—AV pip received and tur . vale by
JAMF.,/ A 111 rt.:HI:YON A t'u
- - -
BA R LEAD--4000 )n loom an
4000 •.1r b)
told JAS A 1-11;TCHISt).\ A Co
SHOT -2U fey.,wt led, ren o.
d and for attic t
telt) Jr‘..4 A ittrrem , oN
', 1 1 :
r 17;11 r ,. N ' T
(7 cl
r x.owinti pArcrr.o BLUE QUE.ENSWA.II.I , I —
now IVCCIVIhg a nice wetment 01 W..
ennap and beautiful ware. ley DILL er ern-
hIVIICAN QUEEN SWARE—Ca. be had in a.:l
its varieties, at thc aotre of
'DITCH bbl. Pitch. on band end for .ale low to
clove by lei 'IAAFFE & O'CONNOR
1i..3 INGS.—Scrotula in all its multiplied Wring
whether in that of King's boil, enlargemen fa o the
glands or Mines, Goitre, WO/Le Swellings. Un roni t
it heti naatisui, l.anser, di.' mics al the Skin or Spine,
ar al rulmonary cenamitiption, emanate from one
and the same cause, Which is a poison°. principle
more or less inherent in die human system. There.
fore, unless this principle can be destroyed, en radi
cal cure can be effected, but it the principle upon
which the disease depends, is reviewer, a cure
must of necessity lOhow, no matter under a nit !arm
the di ease should manitest Melt. This, therefore
is We reason why JAYNE' , Al...real , VIL is so ucn
'coolly succoastel i mremoving eti many malignant
diseases. It destroys the 'WM , or principle tram
wino i those discus. nine tutor origin, by entering ,
inter One Circulation, and with the blood Is conveyed
1 to the, minutest fibre, reintiv tag every particle of
rAi ...
disease treat the syszem. resl and sold at No.
If booth Third Street, iludelph e.
Sold at line reki u "lea Slot . , o. 'if:Fourth etre,
Pittsburgh meb.3l
I—D - • ---
1 A I ble \b lei Lse GOMOIOII k ,pur rti Cha:k.,are
Ls e. not aware bow inglitotily 11111.1r.101 tlv to
the roin: now coarse, how rough, how saline, , el low,
and unhealthy the skin appears test using prepared
chats! Ltosities, it is ouJornaik, cc..unapt alarge quite
City of lead. We haveprepared a immune' vegetable
article, which we call JONES'S sPANISII LILY
W HITE! It is perfectly innocent. being purified of all
deleterious qtuliues; and a imparts mitherain a natu
ral, aeatthy, alabaster, clear. hiring white, at the same
tone stung as a cosaftche on the skin, making it soft
and smooth.
Dr /tunes Anew - wan, I f vueocal Chemist of Massa
ehusetia say!: "After smalysi.t; Jones's Spanish Link
White, 1 find it possesses the most beactifut and natu
ral, at the same time innocent while 1 ever saw. I
certainly can conettentiously reeeanniend its ant mall
whose skin requires beautifying."
U - I f itert 2S cents a bo.rifi
Or . 1 Vold by W SI. JACKSON, at his Dont and Shoe
Starc,B9 Liberty street, heed of Wood, at We sign of
the Dig Boot. IV
Ladies, India. I'm astonished, ,
When you know that you are promised
A natural,ll(o-like, snowy white,
That yen will still use common chalk,
And loot a deathly yellow fright,
The theme of laughter and of talk.
If you would aye a bei of JUNE'S Lily-white, a
would give your skin so alabaster yet natured white,
and at the same time clear and improve a. Sold at
JACKSON'S, to Liberty st. Price SS cents per boa.
Y FAA W. FIELD offers for sale at the lowest
i t .. Manufacturers , one., a very extensive Amon
meta of PAPER. comprising every possible Variety,
adapted loam wants el mann:acts in all sections of the
country. Paper of all kinds made to order It short
not ce.
'I tie cock ofPRINTING PAPER is unusually larks
a pat% of which is of very_ superior qualtry
of every des
elfin =potted and kept constantly on
htm-, vat Folunaa Wire Cloth, Foatelneuer Wires
Bleaching Powder, Moe ultramarine, Twine, tke
Conc.., Nola Rope, moo 'tope, Rages,c. c.,
port:cued, for the highcat prtec C. oral Ca
paid Now fork, JdN LN6.
4,;_t L .- NOME:I—IN) bags prime Rto eotre,; Lio bbia N 0
t„.71 bogga menet - moored tobacco, lUS Loll
the :% green wtd black teas, 75 U 50d,13 lb boxes Y II
and I P do boxes German elan Ib casks sale ra
t., 10 do. potash, together altith a gendrel ..son
meat of grocerms, 111 store and for tele hy
itt2l CARSON & Me KNIGHT. Utb s 1
- ----------
U . AVANNA CIGARS-100,000 Lomponad clasps of
.11j thc soiloarnag cclabr,cted brand., port to, soups
couwaung of, Caves, aubiquecla.l,
Rapala., Eaculaine, Dos Strugos, de Faster, london
Broom, Lord Byron's, Falla pruacipas, atearn boat do,
Villeya extra do, Sy Irta's do, La I:tsp.:era i.e, do do
31 Orm. La Paints, Caxadore., prlccpcs, for
e y
sal b
L 7 co, Scaltafiald Ea from N.
• ruatruN
'IIIIE best Miele-known for cleaning and whitening
the Teeth, strengthen.; the gum, amMenung the .
lim., he. It 'eon. he used every night with a still
brush, sad the teeth and mouth wino/Op requite a slt&h
w.hung in the mount& Wet the brush wish flew
meter, or cold Will ...we , and rob It a new times Oa
We paste, when-enough will nacre for teaming
teeth. It leaves • delicious taste to the month, and .
pens • most del/eh:en tragrance to the Ones.: I wands
ourivalled to apleasant, ef fi cacious, convenient. and
.are demi& e It Is warranted not to injure the teeth,
beim presee them.
By omg s rv t rglarly, st will remove the tartar and
prevent Its accumulate:so—prevent the 100tkraebe
strengthen the gam, and emu.nt all chsemes of teem
Cheubsta , ply swims, lain the clergy recommend it a
decidedly superior 10 eV.) . thing Of the kind le use.
for eitiermartaCompoued Orris rude, mid
deserve his sagnataro is attached to each pot
Recommended by tar. Castle ' 111 1 Ltroadmiy, one at
our hem Uentems, and by most of the n old established
otter io the Untied Strom and e
. ven tc.stroly .04
by the Nob. of England and r•
A large eroporbou of the discard , tlistafthot manta's/
arose limos some derangement ml tin • Indiana Of bowels,
meson a betel gee of the rathi ~e lAr.enge• Would
entirely olivate. Peraons n 1 ham. habits should M.
we) s have • .or at nand. and isle a dose whenever
Goesee the Seem de rangeruess tin health. Aiuds
“'. t he "` . Losenstr• would prevent thous..
ol cases
For sales W SI. JACKnII 'VS, corner of Wood and
Lams tY 05deed.
_ _ _
A lidrEAT CURE., performed by the or trinaland oo7 true
/5 Mod gmcone Liver tth, prepared sad sold by B. 15 SEL
Mounts' Vecrone, Westmoreland ales,
July Nth, 1647.
Mr E. E. Salm wstse of o n Wy....eaheed
carom ed e ta add my humble testimony m Sonar of your Justly
celebrat Liver Pills. I hart deterred doing mr years,
edhermg to Davy Crockett', maxim, "be sore you are right,
Non of the mazy prepeftutaune of mnpreret
.4 gime., lauded to the Awe, ham sunk LI. Wirt= sm.
your Liver Pi Is hem been offered to the pub.k. end, relord,
I =here ttrey will them alt . ' = they an just what
you reprematthespi to be. I ban been eflecied 'rule Liver
Comptunt fee. my youth; have suffered muc employed
many mammt physsmans, to whom past much moo.), hare
lon much bld; berm mooted... phyuckerl •Imom to death,
reheated sor 6 110., .4 finally giren up as incur able. In
1 , 55-7 I was mewed to tu your Liver Pills, and 8005100 T
WELL. One hue of wnich I/now suffsesent to beep me least
of pain us the mit. end all the. Wber symptom. for •9 least
Id mouths. Your Pais are Liff) dm best ea..= I are used,
tocing.mild, nue grip= or gtmcm much sm.., at the Woos
ach, but give me much relief I hare kept them in my mom
for 6 o 7 Iran, estd hmadreds of Douce, and ham =me
heard a ging complaint Wend by wry one who hae used
them. They hare superreded ahnost every other pit to OM
ncighborhomi, in • short Mot will banish Deem .11.
earneetly recommend them to .11 pcnoals needuag physee,
whether for Liver Complaint or Billious .4/antic= con
eider them fer superior to Calomel or the "Due
oily yours, slours
CAUTION--As there era other Pdis before the path,
e•tuto Laver Pills. Femurs who went the OE:NI/IN I. should
u•k for end Wee no other Men those iweparml end sold by It
E. SELLERS, No 57 /Food-.l between Third .4 Fourth
sue U.
Sod try Dr Cssent, Fifth Ward, D N CO.I, Allegheny
• eit
itydropathy, or the Water Cure.
rkOI7PO 8E.743. W. 310RIUS returns his sumer<
thank ß s to the citizens of Pittsburgh and Allegheny
city for the •ery liberal support and encouragement be
has received within the last six months. That the Wa
ter cum should acquire such eeleunty, In neither
strungerimr . mysterionawhen it is consided how griat
lumb er ut cases of every variety of diseases, both
°cute end chronic-, have been L. ured by a Judicious use
of it. In liermarry, where it °trammed. six thousand
of the worm cases. that were given op by the most skil
ful physi.ans of Europe as incurable. were cured by
the immortal Pro:snots. the founder of the Water Cure
In England, France sod America. thousands of hope
less case. hove been cured by it. and the numerous
Hydroputhic establishments mos - in successful opera
tion to the United States, sprat volumes in favor of the
r tl 2." 37arrm having permanently established himself
in the city of Pittsburgh. three doors southwest of It
wtit's alley. on Penn street Ls now prepared to take
number of boarders and treat Mein at hr. house, and
those who prefer being treated at their own dwellings,
wlll be punctually end faithfully attended. He may be
consulted at his olAce from 1 o'cluek till 3 P. M.,end
irons to IU in the evening.
N. II —Every varlet) of baths made use of to he
Water cure. both for ladies and gentlemen, eau be ob
tained at the Athelltolllll. 011 Liberty street, where they
have been recently erected for the express use of Hy
dropathic patients. and where e attention will be
given by the polite and proprieto..
C , NUN the Ken AdA dill h V, u well known and pop
r tilts, Clergyman of toe l'ru.stanl Methodist Church
The !styli:re...gam , ha•lng been allbettai during the path- .
winter with a disease Di a. stomach, sometimes pro ,
ducing great bAtit it the stomach for tenor twelve hour's
without intermosiai, and aster having tried various
remedies I.tile edem, was furnished alOth a bottle
of Dr LI/ay:le s Carminative Balsam. Thu he aged ac
cording to the directions, sad found invariably that thus
medicine roused the punt to abate in theta or tour attn•
tars, and In biter o or twenty tubules every uneasy
sensutiiin !yes entirely quieted. The medicine. was af
terwavvis used whenever tuditationsot the approach of
pain - A - etc perceived. and the pain Was thereby prevent
ed Ile contuinei to use the .medieitte every eeening
and sometimes in the morn... end in few weeks
krona was for e•wred,n tie .11SC rrir whs re hey
ed from a largenrettant uppre,•ive peat. Front ex
pet woe, ne con, 'onfric.aly recommend D
I It Cerannuove !raise... at a sal mary medic in
at o:Dawning:ls Dad -an la. A !VD
A'. wot bery city .iy3l
For rale tit P,ttshurgli a, the Pohl lit ICA lt‘TOli
I (II Fourth street, near . Woo-t. tot otbs teel.rug
not". it ....Lilt,' sit rZ rea rder 'kin! y
P Orisons. riiiidasuse.
EI , SILS. REED tr. CETLEM—i feel at a duty I
ALL. owe to my fellow creatures, to state something
more reapecting your Vegetable Pulmonary Badman.
Place I first used the Balsam, about eleven years ago,
the happy effect of which I then gave an account 01, I
have had several severe eumplunt• and attacks at InT
lung., one a few daya mince, and in every 111.1. a I
have used Lye Balsam alone with complete and perfect
suess IL nes effected relief and cum in • very tear
day.. Is certainly a side incsllclue. Ido not know
that d will cure a flied cumsumpuou, last I believe a
%mil ui many eases • preventive, and preveranon
better than cure. I do thereto', for the love of my fel
low lima, earnestly recommend the use of this Balsam,
ILL ail pulmonary complaints. I am end:Went that it/
ha. s een n oi preserving my to slum day.
Bosum June Id, 411. BENJAMIN rAKSONS.
For gale by II A Fahnestock. g. Co, corner drat and
5c0t...1 taut also canter wood and tith 1.19
1.," power to cure! Pirraticaou, Feb 14, 1.047.
S. F.- Sa.l.2l2e—lay wile ho for yea. been subject
to a distressthe cough, accompaated with uthma, for
the cure of which the tired different cough ° remedies,
and hod the advice of the moat etruneut physicians in
Engfititti. but all W. unavailing. By chrmce I heard
ot your Imperial Cough Syrup, and was induced to buy
sebuzia , fur tool. although I had no belief that twything
could remove her cusuplaita. To my great surprise,
two doses gave her immediate relief. She If at tIICISS
troub.ed with a cough, but two leaspuonsful of Syrup
aivray. shops it I a. *unshed, over • nikl of three or
mut ears- that Seller's Cough Syrup is the best rough
toed. the 1 have ever tried either the Old or New
%Vor.d. Psaustarare,
Seventh Ward. city of Patsburgh.
The shove certificate should induce all who are
truulued with cough or uthmit., to give the Syrup a tr.
al. Itay •be had for 25 ern. • bott le, at the drug
.tale o f H E SELLERS ,17 wood a.
Sonl by Dr Caspel, sth ward, and D Corry, Alle
gheny ray. An 3
Patent Block Sprlag Tnasa,
VEWLY INVENTED—For Ma relit-rand Parrianent
LI Core of HERNIA or HU rruitE. 'Suited to ail
aepanor ela.m. th.. to then on
>nest an esua santb d may to worn. 'late pad of
wood ocati y :moored on •prings, )olds to ores
tare ,A day part oland thorouguly adapt itself to
say u.ov..tosat ab i de - by inn wearer II C. be worn
w.tmat tatewndoon. untd a can: edeelett. The sal,
r a have waste artaugruteot, for the manufact ure
01 these valuable' rut-es, la sapcior style, :ft 1•11,1•,1
laical a. and bare them now for toil] at their oaten, 'to.
Ti, eultUaGeal at near Sloth, unity al urAla.
LI FILLERS' VER3lllLde=truportor to any 1 have
10ever uned- -
CiKnal/01 Tr.,
Faye. county, P„, Match 4,18.
Alt 11„. Smd.xxs-1 hcreby,eriify that leave used
your Vernoture m tut handy, mad believe equal, ir
not supenor to any I nave ever used. 1 rave to one of
my chlldren onc dot,. which expelled about err worms.
Ell Reruns,
Prepared and sold by LL E SELLERS, 57 Wood st
Sold to . Dr Cassel. sth Ward; 1) 71 Cory, Allegho.q.
JTansperanceville; an Mayo, Low
rent , 001 le amyl_
aasorunetti J ust reed and for sal
tj by ottrll 1 &WU & Co
DAIL) ERI-Wi..lll.lLl' a Wk:EKLY
lit..racy, 3d st., ear A. Pmt Vft.
2(.14 Ulf AILIIik.;II.T 151 21
One sasertien el It Imes, or 1e55,.......... $o 50
TwU lnacrtLons wlthoutalleksbena,.•••. ..... 0 76
Three • • 100
One Week • • 1 60
Two Wet,. 260
Three •• Q 0
One Month, •• ......••• 4 00
• • 610
Three " 750
Longer ad verlienwe n. in .120 ptoportion.
One .yu>.re,l, toOtabs, without alteration,... IU CO
15 00
aclchtionall square fort, uoiel.ha 5 00
11 10 00
One square 6 mantas, renewable at pleasure, lb 00
" .1.%)
Each additional/foam for II mouths 10 00
Two aquarce, 6 months, re'wable at pleasure, 30 00
Each addloonal square, 6 months, ...... 8 80
wet.,,LrTILI-.YEILLII IC natl.! •
Our snu aro. 3 insertions, SI 50
• each additional Insertion.. 37
1117511112 S Caine.
Five lines or teat, one year. . ...... ....... 6 00
........ 5 00
,‘ one year, daily & weekly, 10 00
six month. " 8 00
For U hoes, or lea, One an3ertron, 50 50
•' Two, •• 0 73
'• ..• ..... 6 (.61
Twelta • 1;6