. :.e--:: - - : - _... , . ,;::';',..-"'-'''''.'"'-'-. ;,._:.:": . . MEDIC AL TO THE PROFTSSORS AND MFaIBERS OF THE MEDICAL SOCIETIES., . • . Mother, VIE Ire and Daughter TN TIIE UNITED STATES.—The subscriber respect- A. fully calls your attention tO 11.1liTr'S Gent- Dux, lasressly intended for the preservation of the health o fboth sexes—whether it arises final Incipient Pkthisia, or early eonmthpoon. Debillty of the Lang Bionchial Affections, Asthma. Pleurisy, Deranged and Disordered state of the I.iver, Spleen. ocKithicys. Rs eased Spine, Cholie. Dyspepsia- Pathan; op of the Bean, Loss of al uscar or Nervous he. do. DEL C. B. RARREF uI FS GUARDIANPower. conies to the immediate relief of Females auffenng from Irregulari ties, and all o th er Uterine difficulues and ducat. thec dental to woman. whether occasioned by cold, wet feet, or any smularuntailielous exposure, lion all this without the use of medicine': as the most delicate and mutative lady can at arty. moment apply a to herself without the posubilay of ineurong any danger. 01 any unpleasant result. lancing. from aMand e with the Certainty of obtaining tmmedtme reitef. Dr. Bowen'" Guardian lc no catch-peony. or one of the many Moldy. of the day: but it IS au tiratrutheal Made upon strictly scientific proseiple•. in accordance with the law. of Eraetrie. and Galvanism; and ha neatness durability raid efficacy. intinnely sumacs< everything of the krad ever before offered to the pulin, for the relief of disease. and. In the language of one o the moat enlightened men Mt. day, to pronounced It uthe greatest discovery of the age. - it period at no lit+s then four y ea. has been oecalow , by Dr. Barrett is hung - inn the Guard.su to u sent ti state of perfection— ri dung %% oco tone a has beeti to the hands airtime of the must strut:out phys.c,ans of the North and South, as well us u, toe dwellings of nu ll:Leta= families, who have toed tt .or oil of the above purposes. with the most perfect success, and who have cheerfully given their tuiqualified approlfutinit of It 0ffi0•01.0d lalaettas run be seco I. mien - Gag to the Mutual of Instructions accompanying it a Dr. C. B. Barren's Guardian to secured from inno• that by a patibt from the gat ed State. Putcsit re e and be had either with or without hra filethetsUlecut Galvanometer. The kledieccEleetro Galvanometer. in point of beau ty, workmanship, dual.. and power. cannot he our. passed or even equalled, and the subscrtber teals that he hazards nothing nn the assertion mat it will tte tonne. to pewees more power Cool ethcarty to the treatment and removal Unseat... by fralvhdrarn nod Electrtet -11 than, arty other aistronamt, either in the United Staten or Europe. The Metheo-Electro tialvanometer Is warranted In every respect, and with common onii, nary , care will last a nod ton e for the cheap: sot, because the best. alignment ev offered to the public. A manual accompanies them, giving the most ample toiniffiellons, of prat tical experience. co that n intelligtble to the mind of every one. while Me • r • try - ol arrangement ts such that a child may ..._rapolaie ...rah it Any infornranon trutunously mate, nod all comma aleations chu.rfully answered per mail, either tit rein lion to the Blectreckbalvanoincier or Guardtan IdediCal men are invited to roll and e :amine Dr Bar rates (Uranium and test as efficacy. For sale by 11. RICHARDSON, sole Agent. 71 Mar kat st, Pittsburgh. streffiald (APED. au ,0 0 0 PERSONS in uladelhi I.J alone, n testify to the wondertul effi Pl cacy fPhi powerful remedy. THOkInON'S COMPOUND SYRUP OF TAR AND WOOD NAPHTHA, In Pulmonary Consumption. Chrome Bronclons and Soto Throat, Asthma, Chrome Catarrh,,Spating of Blood. Pain in the Side and Breast. Dtlfteulty of .Breathing. Whooptng Conan. Croup, Weak Nerves and Nervous Tremors, Palpitation or the lieut. also, Liver Complann and Affection of the Kidneys This medicine. the invention of n man who gave the *abject of Pulmonuy, Bronchial and Pectoral Mu.es the most rigid exmothuoon , has oow'been before the public near four years 'hiring this penal it has per formed some (gibe thou remarkable CUICS Olt record of Pulmonary Consonlptlon--ueenred the recommenda tion and nu of phractans in their procure. owl ire wannest approval Cl thousancis of persons in ordniary and severe Colds, Cougtis in Hoarseness, Spitting of Blood, &c. ASTONISHING CUREA. About (Oar yea ry since I vv. attacked writ 'ryphus Fever, which telt me in n onsernide slate oi health, in eztreme detnlity with it ectieral prortrattott ot the sys tem,. with vtitleitt ptuns tiSC bremt nod lurk of &poe t., in consequence ot which WIIA unable to attend in' soy usual business. or venom an, ltild ut work I applied to several ph) venni: anti used s itrious reme dies, but without any lament. and had derpaared Of mac ?it irecovery of my former health Hut ruic time last June was advised tri try Thomson's runic pound Syrup ofTsr and Wood Napthrt, anti tocre as it may appear, by the mile I hail tuken bottler She debility, pain and every sense of mitten:lli were completely removed. and I was able to attend with re stored health to my usual arrbennotts. MARTIN CLAUDY, Of Dickinson towurinp. Cumberland ro Read the follownts wattmotty 'Vont a reapeeteole member of the Soctely of Prtetide, in POlighgVeplilC.N York VALI: AIDA: TESTIMONY inay certify that in the sprtng of 19-16. m health was very fretde. LWRI aducted ceith pun lathe y aide. with other alarvrinig.y alpha.. and sude red much from gm. debility. At that tune I purghOglirTim Moses Dame taro ballie% of Thomr.otio c o mpound Sy. cup of Tar and Wood Sawa, irom er herb lexpenc, ced great benefit. my health being IIOW good. and cheerfully recommend tic article in oil persoits who may be suffenng nob general debilllY. whh sYmp•oms of •dechne. A ILA DAM IV I LT:MIL Poughkeepsie. March If, P-57." Prepared only by ANGtr. b. Dickson. at the N. K. corner of Fifth amt Spruce ...Melt. Phna. Sold by I. WILCOX. Pittsburgh: and by druggists generally Price 50 cents, or One Dollar per bottle. ray 9 _ FTIIMA, OR DIFFICULV TIfF BELF.ATIIING.— AThis disease is causedby a pares., stroll construc tion of Mena celbe, it rery delnlitaurre, almost caus ing suffocation. DR- SWEETSE:R'S P.iNACEA ri-ttre onl Hoary certain curer. seness can be entirely cured by a free use ot Dr. Borectser's Panacea- Catarrh. or common cold. wr. ir.ii terminate in Consumption. It edectini y renevol and eared by Dr. Sometimes Panne° , Bronertins mmbeeked, will effecturdly lend to Bronchial Consumption, but a timely use of Dr. Sweet ser's Panacea wilt effectually cure Inflammation of the Tonsils or Sore Throai—This disease often lends to serious c.v.:ye/rime. from neg lect, such no ulceration 0! Me the first symp toms, Dr. Sweetser's should be procured and used freely. Collets and Colds find rr.irgn remedy m Dr. Boreeter's Panacea Pneumonia Pic:Ala.—A very 1,11 &Ann., resalting from a violent cough rid cord on n debthmted no bro. ken down constitunon, aged per are sublem Co it,— Dr. Soreeter's Panacea should 1. , earl on the first •TorrpComs, which are n couch or coid. • Night Sweats.--Ttim debffitattim complaint, will meet With a timely cheek. by using Dr. swee.ergrwraces. Consumption..--If on the fir , : %year:ince of consump tive symptoms, which art n prim in me side soul breast, rough or spitting of blood. if Lir sweerser's Panacea is freely use no danger need be apprchenc,c , When the Lungs, thA on Drool , rr Tubes become clogged up Wui, rhir gm so .nue,relesp raiion or breathing. Dr Sceentser Pnonr—n. nenrch *powerful Expectornm, should be talc, according is to the directions. Initnensa.—Ties distressing epiderate, so pmenlent one climate, is speedily eared by Dr. ',weenier's Eguin , eea Pries in per bottle. or sir bOlthr. for Sit. For sale by WM. JACKSON, Eir Liberty at Nen or ha big boot. neebis y A.L TELL'S • GINSENG PANACEA! , ?no THOSE SLIMMING WITH DISEtiS}D LUNGS.—The unprecedented sueeeee which has Iterated the use of the GINSENG PANACEA MI the Colinas forms which carnation of ihe lunar as same., has induced the proprietor again to call linen. tion to this WONDERFUL PREPARATION. The dimmable wather which darks our fall and winter mouths, is a lways • fruitful source of COLDS /OD COUGHS. Time, If =filtered, ere'but the precursor. of that fell &at:toyer, COSUMPTION. The question, then. how shall ) we nip the destroyer In the bud! how shalt we get cew of our coughs and olds? hi of vital over...nee to the public. THE GRLAT AND crsLy REMEDY will be found Ili •itc Ginseng Panaceas In proof of this we have from nine to utne published the certified.. of damns of our best known citizen.. Who buses pe ri enced ita curnwee powers. The MEDICAL OF' Ew. with a tee dmmp, Isom oil parts of the Mohnen of Me Gerepel, in., together with copious no. tires from the JOURNALS OF TILE DAY. we bees embodied in pamphlet form. tool may be bad Oda of anyifit...zr,rifts,i,h;ougiriolifLt country. have been used in tits city. THOUSANDS AND TENS OF TROCSANDS 'throughout the United State. and Canade. awl we rho kap my man to pond out e SINGLE INSTANCE o which, when taken ecconling m ihrecuons. and h e . fore the lungs had become futily dtsorgaillsed, hail Over failed to EFFECT A PERFECT CURE. Why,. then, need the eitlictosl hesitate? it by resort to the miw•mble nostrum., gotten up by a,/ osn mai vtd gals o ter the asSulriedtharile of some ea .• phy. dcian, end puffed into notoriety by certifies- par sons equally unknown: Millet a montane of UNPARALLELED EFFICACY la to be had, whose vewchers ore at home,—our neigh. bare,--cowly of whom it bas SNATCHED FROM THE GRAVE In order that this invaluable maiimme may be placed . within the reach of the poor us well the nab, we have . pat the pri ONLY FIFTY CENTS, • ' just one half the usual cost of cough medietnes. it is for sale by our oven,/ in nearly every town nod village ov er the meat, who net preyarrd to give full tnforma don relative m It. 'I . t , .turgit, Propnctor, Broad-say, Ciricninati, Oho, w, P. Isolo.nd , c Premium Plaster. 11 - NR. W. P. INI.AND...ftb- Nledtd, hi 1%11- j./ adelpbm. now oder• to ptthlle hos Indian Veg etable Premium l'lmarr. lb raahtlelL Ot winch, oft, I=t. t.ri Vo '' arl 7 o ' co ‘c e ' n ' y e' l lirma d Prolspsu gasr or all omb, he r •etamends pastor, ranteekng a s ur e' 111111 speedy owe the short space of from two to thee weees. if upplted cant and reat—dtscartfing all the countless emtruments :1 4 ° % .' tio '" us '" lt b i .s't‘adtt"'nt;*:oo long u 11 .n ns "e no h t o fe " te l d m one cue oat of three hundred nod fitly-three pa- henna. Also for Rheumausm and Wentrittonm. or Back. at tended with patn. there a nothing to caeel the Planar affOraing relief or effecun cure. For sa by L Wilcox, corner of Diamond mutt Market s i t e Braun & Reiter. - Liberty and St Clair to Dr J Sargent Federal 81.0 Diamond. Alle gheny city Jacques & Go. Denman and Ihankend, Btrming ham. . _ . - - ' A Cholleuge to the 'World. f'ffIWENTY-FIVR DOLLARS be paid to oily pne J. who will produce a spot of point. tore n or dry. Chat cannot be avowed with-llorn Improved Iltiouical Soap. have he alitisracuun ettydor to inn people of Ode plac l e, that t this article, by my ov, itoprovemrnt an It, new wands unrivalled in this country for ex: Risme, tar, pitch, oil, pain:. or any outer greary sub sume, from all kinds of rentirinen's tad, t, clothing, owlssay table cloths, merino rttlawir., ind,s' bonnets. ' , mom inlortng [my thing that ['WC Water will trot MOM More than. ant 0101:15arld p.. 11. in different parts of the country have told me iney would not be without It; if It co orie dollar par c trylng Soap on MOM Man st 300 Of t+CION Of light natl., 1111• pacr.as, and ealieoce, I have only round three piccoN of id*, two of alPacca, mud (too aenlieu. on which it clanged the color; therefore before potting it on a light dress try • sample of the dress first I state this because 1 am determined not to recommend it tiny stronger than I Imo" R. be strictly tree . N 11 Hart. Pace, 121 Cl' per ca ke. Sold, whole - anis awl retail by It If BELLY-RS. ndeal 57 wood _ . A • STRECTONG EVIDENC miters mat Dr J AYNE'S EX PORAINT is iters. to • t od,er m.di. for pip., oonsareptko, Dronchit., Asthma, end other Pais., egotism., I. the mole persons who Eery...need the ma of ft in their Irani. ten yrs. .Co.eo stip prefer it to all other ronedies of the kinds, rt where any Mtve beers iodated ta tog ether p r ep...rut they have ainvist invisrhady been ted recetviag the benefit which was reasosally oVer in pated from the high moot bosomed Lytle propnetOrs, tamed b ee ,, t. the uge of Jan.& ESSICTOWea, as • rey that has'llever hailed LO (Cher. das. and which gerehably rover lad itsogual Ls arresting petimanaty ducassa Prepared ally by Dr L/, Jayne Philadelphia, and which ` b/ JA YN1221 WM dielikta.wcf 7.1 Fourth In bait cheats Y HTea, 30 dp do Imperial do. 00 do Gunpowder do; do do black do; al Owl yy xs Cinspoladar and Y H, in more and fox sale BROWN & CULBERTSON MEDICAL ffill:t Ili _ _ . -• . . 14,...,,- c ,4 -.: r 4 ., .. . ... .. ,Ltz .1 ~..: : :- -, c .,_L . . --, I ,,tryph . to. 1 •, - .. . 53r-Vi 4 . ..„ 4 1101 - ttilili ',.,‘;.,,,....-,..::.,,t4,',1,..e.;•:---21 _4Ol Olt 111 t ate` .DB. TOWNSEND'S c rowns:. atstoadt or SARSAPARILLA. cod Rie..iffr of Ile Are. The mot ertraordiary &tedium, to the %P.M • Eata Ertrart is rat io in khorrt Rettlesz onus aeon., ;Stool°, wad caTenstert paur to any add It twee rakes , unaitteasi perroar, orkearag ar• abilatursg Paulo, The you Imlay and sottaenarity of this Sareepardla e all utter medlitinea la that while D eradicate , the du es., it nottoratta the hod)) It u roe of the rery boot SPRING AND SUMMER MEDICINES E • known It cot only perdu. the whole Tr oom. and r sunhats the period, bait outer esah pro sad rue sd • power peseased by no other medkine. And to m•• or. oh. grand .ent moudarltil mote. It has are-Permed within the Ina coo yeast score than 100,103 re. of wore Coo of dhow , ; at least 15,000 trete earuideted Wearable. It has coed the tires of more Lao lOSICS children daring the two part snouts. 10,000 mum of General Debility and want of Nervosa Eners7. Sr. Towneend's Sarsaparilla invigionmes the whole si rim permanently. To dime who have lost their inii•cular energy by the area. of medicine or tbdisero tiou committed In youth, or the eacesaile indulgence of I tie pauions. mid brought on • general physical proura. urn of the nerrou system. lassitude, want of ambition, fainting sensetiaos, Fomenters Cam decline, hasten ing towards that fend &am,tion. can be en tirely restored by this pleaunt remedy. This Sorsa. I. far superior to any Invigorating Cordial, 1 , it mouse and invigorates the mimeo, gives actuity to the bmbs,..ad strength to the muscular symem. in • estriordtaary degree. Consumption Cured. Cleaner and Strugaen. Commaptsaa can be eared. Bremelems, Creaumeptiow. Liver Complaint Cold, °Marra, Cousin Asthma, Sgrittirso of MOMS, lb. Clnod. Ilertu ibuil• ;right Sweats. Difflosit or Profane Expecto ration, Pain is de Side. fee., love buil and toss be cored. SPITTING BLOOD. belie ar o u r 22. 1E47. DA Towmay:n-1 verilyve that Sr•ape. rill. ha. been the means, thnkugh Providence. of owner 11111. I have for !several years bad bad Cough. It beraute worve and worm At last I ranted large qua.- to , of blood, had night Sweats, and vrar greatly detnie aP,I and reduced. and did not expect to live. 1 Gav e ur.:y used your Sarsaparilla short time, and there has • a •nuierful champ been wrought to me. lam 800 able to walk all over the city. I raise no blood. and nay conzh h. 1,11 me. You can well Imagme that 1 am thankful (or these m•olts. Your obedient rervant. Wili RUSSELL 65 Cathertnewt Female Mdicine. Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla is • mirereign and speedy m. for Incipient Consumption. Barrenness, Prate... 12t,ui. or Fallinx of the Wom. Costeneas, Len- bre. or Whites. obstru b cted or civ hllleult tdenstritti. ood. Incontinenee of Urine, or invoyntary discharge tiu.reof. and for the general prostration of the system— nu titan. whether tho result of Inherent cause or causes. prudneed by Irregularity, illnens or accident. Notion, .1 11 be more surprisi. than its Invigorating effects • the has r an frame. Persons all Invigorating layai• from takine a. etance become robust and full of ery under its infloenen lt immediately t ounterrcts i~~,.itervelennesa of the female frame, srhseh i. the . 1100 0 • of Barrenness It will not be expected or i. • es of so delicate a L unde, to exhibit rertifirate• o cum, performed but we can assure the afflicted. 010 d l of cases have been reported to us. Thousand of cases where families have been 'without after eatng a few bmtbss o f this invaluable medicine have been blessed with fine, healthy offsprlng To Mother. andllharried Ladies. Th. Extract of Sarsaparilla has been expreselv pre. pared refertoce to female c omplaint. No female who byreason us nsuppoee she is approaching that critical parted " Tie mew of life." slionld aeglect tu take it as it is a , cltarg , n ..cd on all Nlessag,. ‘o or froth Ilalninor, lwr,h or %V herltoe. and a corrrpoo.llug redlocuo ...de on all ~legrapltie dempair hr,or.articd tram Amsore ul Pa. Rnr -Tt.• harve 'or tr.lecrupin trtmt lia:t.toore am! 45 forrifle hr.“ ten word , nod 1, oa.ra L No charge tn wade tor the addrett. alltl .te 1.1, lanr t :1111 the cmpleuott of the South western Trli•Sraph mo o n .11eutpats. Tr .to New tlrleals•. .1 patclle• em he forwarded to Mvinpais by tlos Inau.,:d tor New Orleans. The Allegheny Cemetery. Al•ttlrlee.,,a,,nll:lu.r.ll,Thr, Alle gheny o n ,, gnl the Corporator , . he4l I IWsnil ri.e7.011. ver^ URI e.eleete tor the ensuing ear utou TIWMAS M. HOWE, I•te•t- en. JOHN 111 , 5F.1.L, J ESSE CA ROT H ERS. NATHANIEL 1101. MES. NITANDLES , JOHN H. SHOF—NBERI.iER. JAMES R SFEER. 1 . ,051, Sr.. Secretary ar.d Treasurer 1% , manual statement pre..ented the atla., t'ottyuay 111 very pro•perou% N 311.1111,, 'I . 1,, in 1:.0 elty la No. 37 Veertroll Al' NE'S HAIR TUNIC.—Ahc - ;mug this Artteis trial,wa pi.mow:lee lo be *hut it pore.. cs—thc best utide, without eactpuou, am, furtive maturation and prclartalloa of the hriaan Wc kuos, of outairOua saalaneci whcre bur ha, bera resturad bradt schtth hart beau bald lor year.; aud sca thdak ws cauaut graver favor than lo rat-mama lu all our tracers who at loam, thew haJr, =sac trtal of this Timm araricallattli • .itt For Ws ue Patsburgh at the Prektu Tea Stunt, N 0.72 Fourth street. erne .I)usurPtiatteT !r%!',,,Ptt,inO:tt.(l,:,ul'E.,.:tr3. —,,,, h ( 1 , 11 f b ; heats sup Pows.hong 3elto J & R FL.01(1). Round Church 1 . )CII-E CIDER VIN Eli AR-40 Writ ,oipr V inegar.oi store and for salo.by re 23 J 11 FLOYD . . . bbls No 3 large Mackerel. C. bbl. No I r Herrings, 'X bbl. No I trimmed r.-hrol. la uding *lid f s tat by . . le 1.1.011) . . .. . INFANTS' HA - CS—Juan received. 1 em.e Iniatio' IRole Pearl Halo; also. I caw Mow:. I...calloru FIE., rod lot sale by 84 , 11 . 4 . 0 sr. JUIiN±UN, 'eat 46 market at _,_- . _ _ TOWNSEND'S SA RSAPARILLA—I2 dor last 'veld 1 mid nor rale tout tor •ule at the drug wareboure co 1,.0 I &ADO & to. Mt wood ot 11:IRF-NCR LAWNs—I care b an . p „,„,,, ', awn ,. 1: beautiful new pattern., Juan reed and opened by ,e 1.6 SU ACKLgrI . it W 111 re. 96 wood at P 114 rwc kt-15 bbla intro on rule by ItiJellS F VON LIIINNIIIiRST h Co LARD—I 4 keg, for .ale. by 'ell S F VON WINN HORST it Co BEANS.. -5 bbLs .mall white, for sale I.y jel4 S VON IIiONNIIUM3T & CU canks Cleveland Sal or,ralnn.l vate 1.7 jell \ VICK St 14 to jo st , \ It .ale py BItl;7411S-410 dox Corn ror" , Icil W"',..74: W5„1,)012,1: L . and wr :;:;;rt,rlvnbng From .wau.er JAM t:6 ,11.,t24.1.L1 24 water m S TA It CANDL1,..—,251,,,,y l'lnc c ; o unete !t l t t n o r j ,, ldle receored and (or vale by jel4 M I L.LItIt & HICK erttUN Iliours--72 don Itsdus Ruldser Fishing 1 Moot., dun reed by express and for stile at the art Rubber Depot, No Wood streeJ II I'IIILLI I's tit T I,NSEED 01.-10 tilAn ;o. reedsool tor .atel4 line drug Waielnoux of J KIDD& tu, jel2 ou wood it FRFSII LEMONS—A iew boxes Fresh 1.-mot.. As* received and tor sale lay jellr! CV ILA RBA Cull balc• Conon. 111 atom and for %ale by AS I/Al-ZELL. Val.)—AV pip received and tur . vale by JAMF.,/ A 111 rt.:HI:YON A t'u - - - BA R LEAD--4000 )n loom an 4000 •.1r b) told JAS A 1-11;TCHISt).\ A Co SHOT -2U fey.,wt led, ren o. d and for attic t telt) Jr‘..4 A ittrrem , oN ', 1 1 : r 17;11 r ,. N ' T (7 cl • r x.owinti pArcrr.o BLUE QUE.ENSWA.II.I , I — now IVCCIVIhg a nice wetment 01 W.. ennap and beautiful ware. ley DILL er ern- hIVIICAN QUEEN SWARE—Ca. be had in a.:l its varieties, at thc aotre of 'DITCH bbl. Pitch. on band end for .ale low to clove by lei 'IAAFFE & O'CONNOR MEDICAL.' CON SUMPT lON, - iii.l Cal/FL/ LA AND SCKOFULOUS SWIiLL 1i..3 INGS.—Scrotula in all its multiplied Wring whether in that of King's boil, enlargemen fa o the glands or Mines, Goitre, WO/Le Swellings. Un roni t it heti naatisui, l.anser, di.' mics al the Skin or Spine, ar al rulmonary cenamitiption, emanate from one and the same cause, Which is a poison°. principle more or less inherent in die human system. There. fore, unless this principle can be destroyed, en radi cal cure can be effected, but it the principle upon which the disease depends, is reviewer, a cure must of necessity lOhow, no matter under a nit !arm the di ease should manitest Melt. This, therefore is We reason why JAYNE' , Al...real , VIL is so ucn 'coolly succoastel i mremoving eti many malignant diseases. It destroys the 'WM , or principle tram wino i those discus. nine tutor origin, by entering , inter One Circulation, and with the blood Is conveyed 1 to the, minutest fibre, reintiv tag every particle of rAi ... disease treat the syszem. resl and sold at No. If booth Third Street, iludelph e. Sold at line reki u "lea Slot . , o. 'if:Fourth etre, Pittsburgh meb.3l I—D - • --- 1 A I ble \b lei Lse GOMOIOII k ,pur rti Cha:k.,are n Ls e. not aware bow inglitotily 11111.1r.101 tlv to the roin: now coarse, how rough, how saline, , el low, and unhealthy the skin appears test using prepared chats! Ltosities, it is ouJornaik, cc..unapt alarge quite City of lead. We haveprepared a immune' vegetable article, which we call JONES'S sPANISII LILY W HITE! It is perfectly innocent. being purified of all deleterious qtuliues; and a imparts mitherain a natu ral, aeatthy, alabaster, clear. hiring white, at the same tone stung as a cosaftche on the skin, making it soft and smooth. Dr /tunes Anew - wan, I f vueocal Chemist of Massa ehusetia say!: "After smalysi.t; Jones's Spanish Link White, 1 find it possesses the most beactifut and natu ral, at the same time innocent while 1 ever saw. I certainly can conettentiously reeeanniend its ant mall whose skin requires beautifying." U - I f itert 2S cents a bo.rifi Or . 1 Vold by W SI. JACKSON, at his Dont and Shoe Starc,B9 Liberty street, heed of Wood, at We sign of the Dig Boot. IV Ladies, India. I'm astonished, , When you know that you are promised A natural,ll(o-like, snowy white, That yen will still use common chalk, And loot a deathly yellow fright, The theme of laughter and of talk. If you would aye a bei of JUNE'S Lily-white, a would give your skin so alabaster yet natured white, and at the same time clear and improve a. Sold at JACKSON'S, to Liberty st. Price SS cents per boa. saya PAPER WAREHOUSE. AO. 9 BVILLINO SLAY, DIX W YOKEL, Y FAA W. FIELD offers for sale at the lowest i t .. Manufacturers , one., a very extensive Amon meta of PAPER. comprising every possible Variety, adapted loam wants el mann:acts in all sections of the country. Paper of all kinds made to order It short not ce. 'I tie cock ofPRINTING PAPER is unusually larks a pat% of which is of very_ superior qualtry PAPER RAKERS RATERIALS of every des elfin =potted and kept constantly on htm-, vat Folunaa Wire Cloth, Foatelneuer Wires Bleaching Powder, Moe ultramarine, Twine, tke RAGS.' Conc.., Nola Rope, moo 'tope, Rages,c. c., port:cued, for wh.ch the highcat prtec C. oral Ca paid Now fork, JdN LN6. 4,;_t L .- NOME:I—IN) bags prime Rto eotre,; Lio bbia N 0 t„.71 bogga menet - moored tobacco, lUS Loll the :% green wtd black teas, 75 U 50d,13 lb boxes Y II and I P do boxes German elan Ib casks sale ra t., 10 do. potash, together altith a gendrel ..son meat of grocerms, 111 store and for tele hy itt2l CARSON & Me KNIGHT. Utb s 1 - ---------- U . AVANNA CIGARS-100,000 Lomponad clasps of .11j thc soiloarnag cclabr,cted brand., port to, soups couwaung of, Caves, aubiquecla.l, Rapala., Eaculaine, Dos Strugos, de Faster, london Broom, Lord Byron's, Falla pruacipas, atearn boat do, Villeya extra do, Sy Irta's do, La I:tsp.:era i.e, do do 31 Orm. La Paints, Caxadore., prlccpcs, for e y UAltriN, sal b L 7 co, Scaltafiald Ea from N. I=l MEDICAL SHARMAN'S TOOTH PASTIL• • ruatruN 'IIIIE best Miele-known for cleaning and whitening the Teeth, strengthen.; the gum, amMenung the . lim., he. It 'eon. he used every night with a still brush, sad the teeth and mouth wino/Op requite a slt&h w.hung in the mount& Wet the brush wish flew meter, or cold Will ...we , and rob It a new times Oa We paste, when-enough will nacre for teaming tha teeth. It leaves • delicious taste to the month, and . pens • most del/eh:en tragrance to the Ones.: I wands ourivalled to apleasant, ef fi cacious, convenient. and .are demi& e It Is warranted not to injure the teeth, beim presee them. By omg s rv t rglarly, st will remove the tartar and prevent Its accumulate:so—prevent the 100tkraebe strengthen the gam, and emu.nt all chsemes of teem Cheubsta , ply swims, lain the clergy recommend it a decidedly superior 10 eV.) . thing Of the kind le use. for eitiermartaCompoued Orris rude, mid deserve his sagnataro is attached to each pot Recommended by tar. Castle ' 111 1 Ltroadmiy, one at our hem Uentems, and by most of the n old established otter io the Untied Strom and e . ven tc.stroly .04 by the Nob. of England and r• A large eroporbou of the discard , tlistafthot manta's/ arose limos some derangement ml tin • Indiana Of bowels, meson a betel gee of the rathi ~e lAr.enge• Would entirely olivate. Peraons n 1 ham. habits should M. we) s have • .or at nand. and isle a dose whenever Goesee the Seem de rangeruess tin health. Aiuds “'. t he "` . Losenstr• would prevent thous.. ol cases For sales W SI. JACKnII 'VS, corner of Wood and Lams tY 05deed. _ _ _ A lidrEAT CURE., performed by the or trinaland oo7 true /5 Mod gmcone Liver tth, prepared sad sold by B. 15 SEL Mounts' Vecrone, Westmoreland ales, July Nth, 1647. Mr E. E. Salm wstse of o n Wy....eaheed carom ed e ta add my humble testimony m Sonar of your Justly celebrat Liver Pills. I hart deterred doing mr years, edhermg to Davy Crockett', maxim, "be sore you are right, Non of the mazy prepeftutaune of mnpreret .4 gime., lauded to the Awe, ham sunk LI. Wirt= sm. your Liver Pi Is hem been offered to the pub.k. end, relord, I =here ttrey will them alt . ' = they an just what you reprematthespi to be. I ban been eflecied 'rule Liver Comptunt fee. my youth; have suffered muc employed many mammt physsmans, to whom past much moo.), hare lon much bld; berm mooted... phyuckerl •Imom to death, reheated sor 6 110., .4 finally giren up as incur able. In 1 , 55-7 I was mewed to tu your Liver Pills, and 8005100 T WELL. One hue of wnich I/now suffsesent to beep me least of pain us the mit. end all the. Wber symptom. for •9 least Id mouths. Your Pais are Liff) dm best ea..= I are used, tocing.mild, nue grip= or gtmcm much sm.., at the Woos ach, but give me much relief I hare kept them in my mom for 6 o 7 Iran, estd hmadreds of Douce, and ham =me heard a ging complaint Wend by wry one who hae used them. They hare superreded ahnost every other pit to OM ncighborhomi, in • short Mot will banish Deem .11. earneetly recommend them to .11 pcnoals needuag physee, whether for Liver Complaint or Billious .4/antic= con eider them fer superior to Calomel or the "Due oily yours, slours CAUTION--As there era other Pdis before the path, e•tuto Laver Pills. Femurs who went the OE:NI/IN I. should u•k for end Wee no other Men those iweparml end sold by It E. SELLERS, No 57 /Food-.l between Third .4 Fourth sue U. Sod try Dr Cssent, Fifth Ward, D N CO.I, Allegheny • eit itydropathy, or the Water Cure. rkOI7PO 8E.743. W. 310RIUS returns his sumer< thank ß s to the citizens of Pittsburgh and Allegheny city for the •ery liberal support and encouragement be has received within the last six months. That the Wa ter cum should acquire such eeleunty, In neither strungerimr . mysterionawhen it is consided how griat lumb er ut cases of every variety of diseases, both °cute end chronic-, have been L. ured by a Judicious use of it. In liermarry, where it °trammed. six thousand of the worm cases. that were given op by the most skil ful physi.ans of Europe as incurable. were cured by the immortal Pro:snots. the founder of the Water Cure In England, France sod America. thousands of hope less case. hove been cured by it. and the numerous Hydroputhic establishments mos - in successful opera tion to the United States, sprat volumes in favor of the r tl 2." 37arrm having permanently established himself in the city of Pittsburgh. three doors southwest of It wtit's alley. on Penn street Ls now prepared to take number of boarders and treat Mein at hr. house, and those who prefer being treated at their own dwellings, wlll be punctually end faithfully attended. He may be consulted at his olAce from 1 o'cluek till 3 P. M.,end irons to IU in the evening. N. II —Every varlet) of baths made use of to he Water cure. both for ladies and gentlemen, eau be ob tained at the Athelltolllll. 011 Liberty street, where they have been recently erected for the express use of Hy dropathic patients. and where e attention will be given by the polite and proprieto.. apl4viin DU! JAYNE'S CALLIIIINATIVN BALABAN' C , NUN the Ken AdA dill h V, u well known and pop r tilts, Clergyman of toe l'ru.stanl Methodist Church The !styli:re...gam , ha•lng been allbettai during the path- . winter with a disease Di a. stomach, sometimes pro , ducing great bAtit it the stomach for tenor twelve hour's without intermosiai, and aster having tried various remedies w.th I.tile edem, was furnished alOth a bottle of Dr LI/ay:le s Carminative Balsam. Thu he aged ac cording to the directions, sad found invariably that thus medicine roused the punt to abate in theta or tour attn• tars, and In biter o or twenty tubules every uneasy sensutiiin !yes entirely quieted. The medicine. was af terwavvis used whenever tuditationsot the approach of pain - A - etc perceived. and the pain Was thereby prevent ed Ile contuinei to use the .medieitte every eeening and sometimes in the morn... end in few weeks krona was for e•wred,n tie .11SC rrir whs re hey ed from a largenrettant uppre,•ive peat. Front ex pet woe, ne con, 'onfric.aly recommend D I It Cerannuove !raise... at a sal mary medic in at o:Dawning:ls Dad -an la. A !VD A'. wot bery city .iy3l For rale tit P,ttshurgli a, the Pohl lit ICA lt‘TOli I (II Fourth street, near . Woo-t. tot otbs teel.rug not". it ....Lilt,' sit rZ rea rder 'kin! y P Orisons. riiiidasuse. EI , SILS. REED tr. CETLEM—i feel at a duty I ALL. owe to my fellow creatures, to state something more reapecting your Vegetable Pulmonary Badman. Place I first used the Balsam, about eleven years ago, the happy effect of which I then gave an account 01, I have had several severe eumplunt• and attacks at InT lung., one a few daya mince, and in every 111.1. a I have used Lye Balsam alone with complete and perfect suess IL nes effected relief and cum in • very tear day.. Is certainly a side incsllclue. Ido not know that d will cure a flied cumsumpuou, last I believe a %mil ui many eases • preventive, and preveranon better than cure. I do thereto', for the love of my fel low lima, earnestly recommend the use of this Balsam, ILL ail pulmonary complaints. I am end:Went that it/ ha. s een n oi preserving my to slum day. Bosum June Id, 411. BENJAMIN rAKSONS. For gale by II A Fahnestock. g. Co, corner drat and 5c0t...1 taut also canter wood and tith 1.19 • Q.L.L.LEIPS INIPERIAL COUGH SYRUP.—It hut 1.," power to cure! Pirraticaou, Feb 14, 1.047. S. F.- Sa.l.2l2e—lay wile ho for yea. been subject to a distressthe cough, accompaated with uthma, for the cure of which the tired different cough ° remedies, and hod the advice of the moat etruneut physicians in Engfititti. but all W. unavailing. By chrmce I heard ot your Imperial Cough Syrup, and was induced to buy sebuzia , fur tool. although I had no belief that twything could remove her cusuplaita. To my great surprise, two doses gave her immediate relief. She If at tIICISS troub.ed with a cough, but two leaspuonsful of Syrup aivray. shops it I a. *unshed, over • nikl of three or mut ears- that Seller's Cough Syrup is the best rough toed. the 1 have ever tried either the Old or New %Vor.d. Psaustarare, Seventh Ward. city of Patsburgh. The shove certificate should induce all who are truulued with cough or uthmit., to give the Syrup a tr. al. Itay •be had for 25 ern. • bott le, at the drug .tale o f H E SELLERS ,17 wood a. Sonl by Dr Caspel, sth ward, and D Corry, Alle gheny ray. An 3 Patent Block Sprlag Tnasa, VEWLY INVENTED—For Ma relit-rand Parrianent LI Core of HERNIA or HU rruitE. 'Suited to ail otel aepanor ela.m. th.. cons.al to then on >nest an esua santb wb.eh d may to worn. 'late pad of wood ocati y :moored on •prings, )olds to ores tare ,A day part oland thorouguly adapt itself to say u.ov..tosat ab i de - by inn wearer II C. be worn w.tmat tatewndoon. untd a can: edeelett. The sal, r a have waste artaugruteot, for the manufact ure 01 these valuable' rut-es, la sapcior style, :ft 1•11,1•,1 laical a. and bare them now for toil] at their oaten, 'to. Ti, eultUaGeal at near Sloth, unity al urAla. Art, D to. KAUFFMAN LI FILLERS' VER3lllLde=truportor to any 1 have 10ever uned- - CiKnal/01 Tr., Faye. county, P„, Match 4,18. Alt 11„. Smd.xxs-1 hcreby,eriify that leave used your Vernoture m tut handy, mad believe equal, ir not supenor to any I nave ever used. 1 rave to one of my chlldren onc dot,. which expelled about err worms. Ell Reruns, Prepared and sold by LL E SELLERS, 57 Wood st Sold to . Dr Cassel. sth Ward; 1) 71 Cory, Allegho.q. JTansperanceville; an Mayo, Low rent , 001 le amyl_ aasorunetti J ust reed and for sal tj by ottrll 1 &WU & Co PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, DAIL) ERI-Wi..lll.lLl' a Wk:EKLY lit..racy, 3d st., ear A. Pmt Vft. 2(.14 Ulf AILIIik.;II.T 151 21 O. One sasertien el It Imes, or 1e55,.......... $o 50 TwU lnacrtLons wlthoutalleksbena,.•••. ..... 0 76 Three • • 100 • One Week • • 1 60 •. Two Wet,. 260 Three •• Q 0 • One Month, •• ......••• 4 00 • • 610 Three " 750 Longer ad verlienwe n. in .120 ptoportion. One .yu>.re,l, toOtabs, without alteration,... IU CO 15 00 aclchtionall square fort, uoiel.ha 5 00 11 10 00 One square 6 mantas, renewable at pleasure, lb 00 " .1.%) Each additional/foam for II mouths 10 00 Two aquarce, 6 months, re'wable at pleasure, 30 00 Each addloonal square, 6 months, ...... 8 80 wet.,,LrTILI-.YEILLII IC natl.! • Our snu aro. 3 insertions, SI 50 • each additional Insertion.. 37 1117511112 S Caine. Five lines or teat, one year. . ...... ....... 6 00 ........ 5 00 ,‘ one year, daily & weekly, 10 00 six month. " 8 00 t•TZZST For U hoes, or lea, One an3ertron, 50 50 •' Two, •• 0 73 • .• '• ..• ..... 6 (.61 Twelta • 1;6