~y;t~~w4~~~~~~a~~~~►ar~W~ BY EIIASTISS VIFLOOKEI • • PlTTsinaltallt • ' FRIDAY' ikIORNDR;, 31. 7 2:E 30, 1816. • --- _ • PHILADIALPIIILA 8,011711 AfiguivA,N. • • • Advertimmrms lad tiubscriptionito the North Amer . elm and United Stows Gazette, lialedelphis, received and forwarded from this oface. . . stray,yoßar.r.xpazies. • : 'we will recesve and forward free of carcase, nd. .verriseowate nod soloseripiions for itas paper. 161 IC: .COSIBIERCIAL ' LIST AND . PIIii.AREL. PIII)LIPRICE CURRENT. Sobectiptio4e to due ealo.ablc paper - m . .1 be 'tulle ed and fOrwartice.l fnim this office. -,I U .- I"tra Prissatson Duda Di.orrre Is published Der To-Was/dr, and Weskly. , —Tha Daily i Sc , . o , Dollars per annum; the Tri-Weekly is Plea Dollars per sumo; ilod\lreekl7 is Two Dollars per ruutum, soiddy lio, in adrenee. • f , ' ~. . hart . • ' Fos Lanai Contmeicial Intellsgease,Domertle, Mar kets, River News, Imports, Money Market; Ac..see shornPale. trAneskretinei are earnestly requested the hand in Auer favors before 5 P. sr, and an early Ito to day a. ' • Elq,cHsratle Vialiegoicitnitlen•, • • . FO PRESIOF.NT, ZACII AY TAY LOIL;. FOIL CE MILLAR. wxix.nioun. FOR CAN comansitoNEß , NSA . MI DLESWART I ; , or:Enos worry.. ,Asatlessassolak and` Wlds IFonalnations FOR CONGRESS, MOSES HAMPTON, rrnsomoo. • yo 6 Aissxot.Y. LEWIS C. NOBLF, of India.. CIIBISTIAZieSNIVF.LY, of Vint M. SWART:3,WF.LDEB„ of Fittslugh. ' lieNitY I.ABGE, of mitaw. 111:2EMAll' NIXON, of Lower St. Clan. /OLIN BOOTT, of Boss. DANIEL hi , CTSBDICi of. Elizabeth Borough. cogaussuraza. I I"BOSIAB FAIRMAN, of, Pittsburgh "]OILY IL fiISTER, of Baldwin. • gee first Page rue Miscellaneous News. ',it lee na*.t page for Teigiacihie New.. •' ; ; 14r. iftemptords ""tonstnationi ' lisidn 4 al ishurdened =nubs..mon the Gaitue, and upon Mr. Hampton, the nominee of the Whig County Convention Gr Congress. We desire to notice them may ao eurrect what , is unfitir iiipeint of inferedee, and untrue In point .of fact. The Curette will probably survive all the 112 .11W:ati=l, and 'piece of the. Journal, and we eartsinly'have no worse wish towards the Editor, than that in the end he should succeed in ecinvin deg the publiethat in his conrse there has been no . malice towards the Gusette, - nor bad faith towards the 'Whig Party. In the first place, we complifin of die Journal fur making the Gazette responsible for what one of the Asehrudit Editors s a id. in- the absence of the principals. —Thb tuticlein tbe'Grizeue, of January 'Bth, wan condeinnedby the writer of this (n. tt,) in ; the most emphatic langitaboth the • EMU?. . concurred in this conderimationl—and what -is ' ,more—the Journal knew , 17t050., it riotyithistiltrutg its wilful persistence in making the r act of the assistant that of the principal. We :shall leave the Soured to say in what light such .cionduct is generally estePmed by gentlemen of the In the second place, and contrary to nil the usa ges of the Press, its far as we have known them: " the Journal makes the Gazette responsible fora ; - Com. nir4iiori of the 25th of May, condemning Mr. Hampton In strong term?. We published the ; 'communication aide by aide with Mr: Hoimpton's Letter', without: comment upon either. nail in the spirit of an independent Whig Journal, ready to Oir;, every true Whig a hearing *et the matters . 1 at issue. To maim the editors responsikle for such communiciuions;would be next to making them responsible for the opinions of their advertisers— " It is not the fair, the manly, nor the usual course, . end the,Tournal knows it.. And now, n WonVoNdr. Hampton and the mot Proviso. If his: speech in Congress does not " satisfy the Journal, niehing will; but, if other proof „ ,here wanting.of Mtitinfiptan's faithful adheranee to the prificiplei Of trot territory, it may be found. - over and over again, is his votes is Congress— . • Neither 'Mr. Giddings nor Mr. Palfrey have gone further in declaring tlicir sentiments.; and the journals of f.ortgress wilt shoix this. Upon this question, if then is truth in men, truth in opinion, truth in no tam, • Mr. Hampton Will' be among the fommoit in defence of free territory, and the principles of the Ordinance of 1757. We have heard him declare,' over ind over agaio,tlutt he would not vote 63r the adatiision of any Slave State into the Union; and . heittio is redY to go thus far, and it is a good deal • .k.„. 4 beyoudAhe IWilinot Proviso,' is certeinly anti•Sla ,very man enough for us.. ' - 1 -,f.'• TATOHAISZ ON 'THE t Wll4lOl FRONIBO- - s CTIMILI , Ttirrmmor.— , The St. Louis Republican, a pa' per always jealous - of the rights of the South - and of Slaveholders, admits that Pen. TaYloi will • carry out the wishes of the people in _ relation to - the'Wilmot Prom*. ,If the Representatives of the people decide against, the extension of Slavery, Gen: Tnyloi:will =cry out their decisioa 'What 1 - can any Northern man ask more.. The Republi can also oven tit= no man can lessidesire the ex. ': tension of ,Slavery, than Gen: Taylor. Speaking . of the Slavery question, the Republic= Remark.; • . ...... :7,7 — But we - take. leave to silo what right has any • • one to assume that; in respect to that question in ,-;:"..- the =ape of which it may present itself, so ar no • • : • the outrun of Congress is concerned, during the - ' next.four - years, Gen. Taylor would act ditierent -.. •ly from Dir. Clay !.If so needless and inoperative . a &activation as the Wilmot Proviso shall be pass. - •ad . to a resolution or law, and passed as such by . a at *ority of Congress, we tic trot felinethat I'm.- . ' lest for trill ininfert toitit tin &termination of Coo to alms:a JJPon the general subject ••• of Ada ry we doubt not that his faith is the Rob of u 1..,, the fathers and founders of our republic. • That he ien'slaveholdir Woo more than can be predt •.• cited of Mut Clay. and of many others of the best • men aid most. enlightened and excellent citizens . , of our 'common country. But he is so from the mere fict of his position. Born andreared:under. .. institutionSwhich admited of slavery, be has limp. ' f ly lived in accordance with them. . liter ISO Mai oh the Not* however enlightened - to - humane, can ho, ••: denim iiterattartots of alarcrq don. Gonna! Taylor. . WY [.rash on good authority, thet. the Hon. Da vmWitaror, of tbenradkird disk:int, in this State, . intends anon to take ground in support of. Mr. Van Buren, for the Presidency, and 'that he will head the Free. Soil Democracy of thin State. When it recolkuted that Mr. Wilntot's District gave Mt. • - PolC in 1514, about 2,3oo.majOrity, and the , great . influence of that gClll.lEl43ll4ith his constituents, azaindeed imallthe Northern part of the Stale is considered, it will he seen that his course must have a very important bearing upon the Presi-. dential guestion, and tend to render General Teylor's imccesa in this Commonwealth certain. . , A WhigHatifierition meeting was held at Hod non, Sumoiit county, lot week which was elo: quently;ad i dreased by the Hon. Van R. Humphrey, in support of the nomination of Taylor and Fill %more( and ratinciulon resolutions were adopted.-r - Judge Humphrey has been a Democrat •of high standing with the party on the Reserve, but he now goes for Roughund Ready, and Jarmer Ford for Governor, with a will. lie is on chin spooker, end the CleVeland licrald says, holds himself, ir!l readiness as n minute gun for the cappaign • licouna ooc7mr---The Whigs of lOilan county • here nominated the following ticket :—Aaseuibly, Wm. Eva* ProttrobidarY, A. Wilson Taylor; Shoots,,: Gawin Pstion; Commissioner, Thomas Gibson. •Cm GYMS were also appointe nomi nate w eandidate kw Congress, in connection Clearfield, Armstrong and Butler. 'Er-solutions in; favol of Tayloisind Fillmore, were unanimously T nos groat suntan Ingh in the 'Northern put of Ails Slate. 'The Crawford County Gazette 'says. that Taylor and *More will earrY - the Star by 20,000 majority." The Whigs of thatiegiou as one man unite in support of the nomination, and are confident of the most brilliant success. LegWn- Wascomm -roe Fs= Teentroii.—The tare 0 (w - him*, has just adopted resolutions in 'favor of,pree 'Territory, by m overwhelming ma *laxity. -In both brioiches,theWhig vOta.was man. litamaly In faverat free la. Thereritens but three negatives in the Senate, andfirijtetije.MlemblY , 'all Cam tnen.,Stiok a pin tlete" . , The ljniOrt'epeaLiag of tbe Utica / • Convention, says the "udiok sorra& is tdredy of fnuLag, anui disgultin g." No doubt That Coo. nation did not court hie ipirovaL ~~ - ~r,K,,. ~ ~~;~ FoeaQa 3orweibl the Betttausafs. The atearnerßritanitie, Lang, arrived at Tie York on Monday' miming, from Liverpool and . The Britannia left Liverpool on thelOth instant, arrived nt Hallnit at d'A. on Friday, left again at Tn. st, and arrived at New York, at at, on Monday. • , Loadoa papers 'sato the evening of the 4th no. . iverpool to the 10th t unclusire. The Landon papers give a lengthened/account If the arrest and examination or three of the Char tist !cadent.. Their names are-lbsepVlVilliams, Josepfausiell, and Lmeet CharienJoitee, the let.• ter 'a barristir of , the limner Temple! • • Trade bait been ,slightly depressed, during the last week, owing to the renewal of political agital tion both. in England andlreland, and a lens favor; able tendency of 0.4 continental advice,.The pro,laea markets have been Inn, buoyant; alders are rather anxious to realize, and prices! . ave,,conwirently a declining tendency. - ,There '4so a further declme iti the value of, cotton, and the sales are. limited. • The general aspect of commercial affair the .continent continues -dull and unsatisfactory; bet in some respects a slight improvement is percepti ble. Ihero is, further increase in the supply of oney, and the into of interest yet tends down. ward. The of tralle in the manufacturing districts wean a aLscouraging minuet. • r The Cliartist agitation in England, and the tenor of the advice. (rain the continent, are acting imn riously in the demand far good.s.or,}:ams 'at Man. ; . :heater. . • The English securities have been fano daring the weeknast. , The market in the post two days shows a rise of about half per cent. The director. of , the Batik of England, without giving any OM, lie notice, have commenced to make advanues upi on bills of exchange and other Improved securitiesi, .st the mtetof three per cent. pee annum, until the' paymettrof the July dividends—whilst they Irsvp made dd d,hang'e in their nominal rate of discount which is four per cent. as the private bankers and leading boakers have for Some time past disoounted at 3r.d.31 per cent. 'The step is not likely is have any great effect upon the merge; especially, as from the large sums of money dieted to them by persons Who find it difficult to employ moue} , pron., tably in trade, the broker and discounter are likely to compete successfully with the bank The settles Meat of the account took place yesterday and to day without nor difficulty, owing to some of the parties for a rise having overstocked the market. COnsola for account declined, and at the close re. -established n continuation between money and Hine stock without - a difference. I TEsr foreign market btu been very inactive. during the poet week mad prices consequently stn. .#9 . 13111y. FILMCIL With the exception of engageinents which have taken plice between the Italians and Austrians during he week, and the aurrender of some Da deli no] lien to the Prussianarmy, effairs general ly look somewhat quieter. . Franoet is, however, still the,theatre of considerable confusion. - A report was. spread in the murk; of the sitting of the National Assembly, on the Sill isisbint, that the police' were in search of a high personage ', who arrived in the mousing - at Pans, by thhgence from London. From information believed to be oorteer, this personage has been mrested. The personage here alluded to, is the trine° de Join Prince Leiria Napoleon is understood to he in Paris—he will probably obtain three returns be sides that of the capital. The Government,of coarse, will not dare to molest him. The European Times, stated- that the resigen bons of Lamartine and. Ledm Rollin were openly talked of in Paris, and suspicions are - expressed that Lamartine was a-party to the movement of -15th,May. , . Canisidicro, late Prefect of Police, chargea Lain. artinewith having supplied the arms to Soubrier, which enabled him to get sap the conspiracy. Lam• tonnes friends allege that his aim was, by making a popular demonstration, to avoid a oollision in the streets of Paris. ALThiers is reported as not unlikely to supplant Lamers-in° in authority- The returns for the eleven vacancies in the dep utation of Paris. Isere proclaimed on the 9th at the Hotel de Ville. The following is the list of the successful candidates : Cau”idiere, Moreau, Goad ehnux, ClumgamierlThiers,Pienie Leroux, Victor Ilugo, Louis Bonaparte, La Grange, Boise!, and Proildhom. After a stormy debatein the NationslAfembly, a decree for preventing tumultuous assemblies in the SISU2I3 Mas passed by 47 agamat 62- Several additional regiments are expected' immediately in l'aris was tranquil, but the groups of men SS' ssembfed at the Porte St, Denis and the Porte St. Martin having become more , numerous on Mon day afternoon than heretofore, istrongdetachment of trcops of the line was dispatched to disperse them. As they refused-to retire, after having been three, times SUMMOdbia 11 so, the sol • diem charged with fixed baronets. A number of persons were arrested,but afterwards set at Mer ritt . cmcsnrcrnos. OF FILASMI.-7° The Presre states that the commission pn the constitution, has decided on the Lallowing-,lmpar. tact points : . • The political constimtionof France stall be ado mocrmic republic—one and indivisible. This was adopted unanimously. Tby project op the Constitution is to be preceded by a Beeleration, ndmitting,besides the riglam alma-, dy eujoyed by thous:opts, those of gratuitous edu cation, employment .d assistance. Greazalarm to eicited by the ripproaching mon. 'ter banquet, to be held on Monday, under the wells of the fortress of Virieennee The sulocrip . tion bas been raised to 10 soma head. The party who organized it, announce that there are already 100,000 subscribers. Latest accounts state that the banquet boo been postponed. limo , The Repeal Association and Irish Confederation have, at last,' fraternized. A new society, to be composed of the members ofboth these bodies, tub be formed. It is is to assume the style and title of the Irish League. It is to to be inmeged by a committee chosen from the members of. the-lati mnicties, and to agitate the question of repeal, by coestitUtional moans alone. lkiuhts are entertian- ed \by many. whether such materials as the pro- posed league will contain, C 2.12 work harmoniously together for my length of time. ~T p h t e . g tivw e ,L.. rn i. in a e i n , t 2 h i r rr no s t m ye it t h m o nd .n e r st ie nl a more .a isair,,t tiOcr. yrimathy for Mrs. Mitchell and her children is sti I expresied; and the feeds collesting in their i alf are daily increasing. . . I The Irish confederation_ have. issued a very strong, and to any the troth, disaffected address, to the people of Ireland. The following are among the more important passages. The address is sign ed, Mr.O'Briem— We will not cohccal from the government that nothing _ but the most strenuous exertions out council prevented the outbreak of an insurrection last week. Thousands of brave men had reaalvid that John Mitchell should leave the Irish shores ; except adieu their dead bodies. We do not dean to conceal froai'you, that the recent indignities of fered to the Irish nation, have greatly tended to re. I move from our minds the hope which we have hitherto desired to cherish; and that the questions at issue between - Englmd Mil Ireland will be set. tied by amicable adjustment. We fuel bound to to tell you that the indignities hnd wrongs are rap.' lay bringing us to that period when armed resis tance will become a sacred obligatihn, enforced by , the highest mections of public duty. We cannot shrink- from the respOnsibility of advising you to prepare et once for your invaded liberties—by the love which you hear your country and your kind. by yout attachment to your homes, by your regard (or your children's weal, by your thirst for honora ble fame, let no factious stink impede the cacao., tion of your designs. Learn to (=template calm: ly and firmly the chances of 4 final struggle, and prepare for that struggle by furniehing yourselves with all such resources as may enable you to nom. I mend success." ....- 4. ' ' - The Bele of Mr. 4 Mitchell'it furtiiture took place' l On the nib inst., and entailed an immense acced ence, and many persons came from -forty_ to filly miles in order to purchase some relic. The fur. entire sold-at extremely high prices, especially the small articles, such as,..hoehe, china.-glawi ac"- - I The book, containing Me. ;Mitchell's autograph, I I brought, in many instances,, one hundred times their Original cost. -The pike and two swords, which colt but a few shillings each, sold at a guinea 1 each. The conviction of Mitchell has not quelled the ; stormy spirit of disaffection which p revailed in Ireland. The excitement created by his trial, see. 1 tense, and deportation: has been seized upon and =wetted into a fresh engine of agitation. 1 , On the lid inst., a manifesto was issued by the Council of the Irish Confederation to the Irish pea.; pie, signed by Mr.S. O'Brien, couched in terms uo leas defiant of the law, than the effusions of Mr. l. Mitchel Advice. from Turin to. the lat,thave brought the important intelligence-that Peso Mere had surren; deed, and: was in the handa of: the troops of Ctiarles Albert; and that an engagement had to. ken place, at -the name moment, at Goito, be• tween ao,qoo Austrians, who Last marched from Verona, and 15,000 riedmontese, the zesult . of which was, that the farmer were completely rout. ed; and being .pursued by . the cavalry, when dy ing in cofindoa, a great portion' were euf to pieces. The-1 mg imditut Duke' f Savoy were personally engaged in this combat The former received a slight contusion of the ear from a cannonball that passed near Vim - endthe latter was slightly wind ed-by a musket balknot Madicient, however, to in duce Sim-to dismount, or retire from the field. ti amnia. Wa have accounts from Vienita to the 2d inst, the conduct or the Emperor's considered by the Viennese as most eatrwardimuy, A deputation of Ladies to present ta petition requesting his Me.leslY to (return to hisuapital, bad been treated with marked rudeness at Inspruck.. The gmperor . took the petition from:the Ladies, and without sayulg word, turned his heal and walked away. The city a/amulet, but distrust commenced to prevail between this people and the Noblesse, many of the latter body, were leaving the city to join the wort ass to return Ao Baden or 'ache!. -- • . Near!yell the'Oreigss ambassadors were at Doh. ling wad in the vicinity of Vienna. The Bankers, Dmhschilil and Estelei, had left the eiv. . general wish anti felt that the Empeior might sisOn lettirm , - , . 80316 It it4,seid that Pipe Pius had recovered all his populality ; and on Th. keg of St Philip, the pop. Wad= made a brilliant nilanihnnation to lin, favor. The cholera is arain making and havoc in Rm. According to the-Berlietsks Alustrietsr, there Were in one areek,lss cases. in Moscow, 57 of which terminated fatally. In Prosia matters seem to be much worse. At Berlin the mob hive obtained the complete lumen• decry itl the government. General Aschotllthe Commander of the-Burgher Guard, who Was also Milhtary Commaiidant of Berlin; has been cOmpef led to resign his commend of the 'Burgher Guard, owing tothe jealously of tho.people of his connec tion With the Court. ,Again dire in a restless un easy gate. TR arms"distiibisted by the Govern ment for the malmninaziee of order are very likely to be turned against the Court; and altogether the violence of the clubs and the 'demonstrations. against "mention' seem likely to hive some I.n -out results. The Prince of Prusin Imo arrived at Potsdam. EIL From Third Editi LAT on of the ..Etlropeon Tanen. Inks 10-1 eclock. The Morning Herrald this day =Mance. that it had received an wipress from Aleinadria, via Marseilles, slating that the Sikhi had revolted kill- . ed two commissaries, and massacred allthe British troops at Lahore. Letters from Vienna statethat hopes are entertain- I ed of the Emperor's return. The liberal program-I, me Cl the Foreign Minister had met with the Emperor's approval. ' • . I Further accounts state that, the Austrian Goner- I tirßadetsky had succeeded in reaching the rear of the Sardinian army and frircift'g its retreat. A report from the city of Mesons states Mid", the inhabitants were entirely ignorant how long the ! metropolitan garrison would delay hostilities. Be, I siness was improving. , The state of Germany cerdinues very discottr aging. Berlin letters state Mat 13,000 persons had left the city. Many houses and shops were emp ty. and there was no real value for property of any -description. • Frans Denmark, we are informed that the-gby; eminent had voted 5260,000 for the defence of Nor way, by Norwegian trail,s and a fleet. , Paris papers of lest (Friday) night, state tharirtri house of ?dr. Thieve had been 'attacked, but tile , mob was repulsed by the military, without my se rious collision taking place. Amsterdam letters pentimi tbet: rumors. were afloat respecting the failure of Jacob Post. The report of the assassination of the-King 0. Naples, is unfounded: • Co3l3liBCr. AND TIA.DI. The Corn trade iswithout soy improvement; on the contrary, a further '.depreasion in the value of most articles, whilst little business has been tman acted- There is also afurther decline in the value of Cotton, and the sales are limited. The general aspect of commercial affairs on the continent con. tinue doll and unsatisfactory, but in some respects a slight improvement is perceptible. There is a further increase in the supply of money, and the rate of interest yet tends downwards. The state of trade in the manufacturing districts wears a discouraging ruipect. The extremely fine growing weather which con. tines to prevail exercises a very depressing ef. -feet on the Grain Trnde in, all parts of the United Kingdom; and should it continue far alfew weeks longer, until the Wheat plant has passed that criti cal period of its senitti—`the blossom,' prim - would no doubt decline still further. .•At blarklane, on Monday last, holders of Wheat acceded to a re. duction,of. .1.. to la per quarter. The sellingprice of the best English being quoted at 49. to 555., and American at 465. to 40,. per quarter. On the f6l. lowing day, in Liverpool, holders of Wheat submit ted to a decline of 2d. to 31 per 70 lbs. Barreled Flour, although the supply at this port is very lim ited, does not bring more than 27.2 d-to 2 50. duty paid—Limped Tinw,Junt 10. InduTn Corm has sustained an important fall, white pot realising more than 30a, 32n. nod yellow 32s to 34s per quarter. Akw days ago sales were forced. at Is 6d - per quarter under the shave prices; which induced an increased demand, but this slight reaction in price has checked the business again. The value of Indian Meal is quoted at lista 14s 6d. The impart of Groin and Grain Produce, du ring the week from. foreign ports, amounts to 2952 qrs.of Wheat, 156 qrs.Barley,92 , irs Beans, 5622 qrs. Indian Corn end 397 barrels of 'lndian Meal. The imparmorcured provisions during the week . aretl7stres.,•l9.brisdseef; 652 brls. pork; 616 casks. Si., boxes bacon; 32 Fall ham; 523 brls. and 1037 kegs lard. 'The demand in London for American bacon keeps steady, but in codrse of the present weekprices were a little easier. Cheese, being in limited „ suPPli , halt risen from Is to 2s per cwt. in the name mule L At our market, the salsa ofbeef, since the 3.1 Mat, ore estimated at 1100 tees, the greater part of which was taken by a London buyer. Holden of his article have theiekira WWI - greater tirniness.- There is not so much in quiry for Park. At the usual weekly sales on Tuesday last, a fair quantity of bacon found buy. era but prices receded In to 2u per mat. Lanibe lag in good demand, realised in advance of to Is `crew!. To the Editors of rite Pittsburg,. Gait's., • meeting.of the Temperance League for Pitts. Mont and vicinity was held, according to cell of the President, In the Lectuto room of Fifth nes byterian Church. to take measures for celebrating the anniversary of American Independence in such a manner as Veit be beat calculated to advance the Cause ofTemporance among us. It was resolved, that a meeting for thin pmpose be held in the Ist Presbyterian Church, on the 4th of July next, at 2 o'clock, r. la. ' The following is the order of Exercises to be observed on-that occasion: Prayer, by Rev.l. Rod. gen; reading the Declaration of Independence, by J. WCarikey, Esq., President of the7Seagne; Ad. dreg. by Rev. N. Week Prayer fiVßiv. Dr. Her ron The Choir ..cf the Chu,cb, together with all others who may favor the meeting with their pre. Bence, will be mvitcd to chant some suitable pot dons of the Psalms in iirose. Aitbe epeci6e objects of the “League" ism ad• dress the sanctified conscience of the Church, and second the co-operation of hi members in promo. Ling' the cause of Temperance, it is conAdentlY ei .pectml that the pastors of Clinician churches in our midst, will not only be present on,the occasion, hut urge upon'tlieir people, from the pulpit, on the preceding Sabbath, to do so hikes*. A crisis has now arrived in the TemperanCe came. And where !Mall we Ica Gar aid, carry it mum w h e r e through this ensis, if thcileprofiessiog to be the r e served people of Cluitn,7the salt of the earth and light of the world,...nd by and dithhold their countenance and aid. May we not in this case, accommodate td ourselves, the words of Mordicai t o Queen Esther t- 0 Think. not with thyself, that thou shall escape. For if thou altogether, boldest thy peace at directors, then shalt their enlargement and delivemnee arise aim another. Place, Inn'thoo and thy father's house shall be destroyed, and who knoweth whether thou art come to the • kingdom r such a trial as ibis." By order of the meeting, IL IL CAMPBELIL,Sec'y. City pipers will please copy. • Cram to A Sr_Avosh Huirnm..--"Of course, G. and his newly married wife live happily together!" asked an inquisitive lady of n wag. The_ gentle. mini. gave, a signlannt turn to his countenance, but said ' nothing. "La, you don't Mean their onnued his interrogator. The wag gsye another look of direful import,. and sadly shook head.• "You don't mean to say that they _quarter— 'Worse than that, ma'am,' said tbe wag, the the first time using his tongue. ."What; does he best herr "Ohl far worse, she—sheerer. him." "Oh! my gra mma," raid the lady starting back,"fesgs hte Well, I never." She wan about to dart OlTwith the; news to n select circle of tabbies, When the wag, called her back, and rumniming a Mock hproic n et added: "Yes, urn,atn, she beats him—hat t is et J me' `ii: mu. pirriomo Ibmps..—At the late com mencement ci Jefferson College, which took place on Wednesday, the I.lth ito., the lionontry Degree of L L D. was conferred on the Hon. T. hi. T. Mc• Kerman, an honor richly deserved; aid which will be wom With' becoming modesty. The Cadiz Rejneb lions state* that Col, Robinson, beremEere a sterling Democrat, madoeim able and exciting speech to the Whip at Ciuml Dover, Ohio, at their recent meeting, in which he declared he should vote Me Gen. geylor. TUB Lawn Lrrrsar—We nee the following names, in addition to those published 14 the Herald, and nopied by us, attached to the Pit:Waugh letter to the Barnburnera Coniienlion t to- Wm. B. Curry, Wm. Morrison, N. Y. Norton, John A. Wills, H. D. King, and John Jack. Dr. McDow, We undengand. lum receivd the nomination kir Congress from Washington county. The' Hon. Mr. Kennon declined being n candidate, IFszscpret.:—The Bishop of Penurylvanie has set forth a Ono of thantutgiveag Gar peace, in aeon• dart= wah Canon xlvii of 1e32, to be assedln the churches of that diocese during the present and the ennog month. • ICumv Parrsur..—lt is stated that the provinces of Canada, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick are ahont to amble., together and fin the rate of post age to and from the different parts of those coup tries, at a undonn rate of three pence. ALL Siouan;—All the Bagging Factories in the western country have stopped—according to writ• ten agreements among themselves—for slaty days. The cause of this is the overplus of begging in the niarket and thehigh price of hemp. Vsurants Einoustrxs.-1 1 Is maid that a number of old Amsterdam merchants are making prepara tions to emigrate to this country. They belong to that class whole funnies were made to the East India trade, and who have had money Awed away in their cellars for 25 or 20 years. " .„. Dr i vin Harz, editor of the New Yorklour nal of Commerce; is in n very precarious condition from a stem of apoplexy." Boomtown, of the Boston Courier, ono of the Tribunitarian school of papers, has been bought out 11 , thewhigs of Boston for $25,000. NO,..§prost ban, h is tumid, is now carriedin any partbf. New England, nutlet very lams num ber of such have within a few days been discon tinued in other States, embrining lines amounting in all to upwards of eighty dunssoad CnlllinnOßED Tnacsan,.Dnuaisluts been tivi. ~.1 , 3 6 Lt bpd , p, Hartford University by E. H. Phillips, who recently committed suicide m a state of In sanity. He hoe lea property to thp value of Mae hundred thousand dollars. IME=I neeentlon Meeting. , • Pursuant to adjournment, a 'meeting el one citi zens ems held on Wednesday evening, to here report of the Committee appointed to make ar nge. meats for the reception.ol the Volunteers reruns in, from Mexico. The Report of the Committees was read hY the .Sieretary, and unanimously adopted. report rert read as follows: The Committee appointed to makearmii.ments for the reception of the Pennsylvanih Voluteers, now on their return-from Mexico, niet pursuant to a ...lotion pushed at the - Reception Nlecting,helii on the Pith rust., Gen. J. IL lIICHMIIEAD in the Chair. On motion, Capt. Jour. EIIiSIINGILAM, and Ets MOOD Szownsi, were chosen Secretaries. Major lonX-8.G1,-ritaie read a statement of the proceedings of a meeting held in Philadelphia, for the purpose of suitably receiving 11le' Volunteers who are to arrive there. Mr. Jim. B. Blrrcum.t., submitted the follow. tag resolutions, which were adapted: Bemired, That the troops will-tat received by n military and civic proceseion: Thai the Judges of the Courts—Heads of the 7:inriorta depailments--- the City authorities of 'Pittsburgh and Allegheny, and civil authorities of the County, be requested to participate in the reception. TLatit invitations he. extended to the Volunteer corps of this; and 'het neighboring Counties—also, to the several fire coin-. ponies, benevolent end trade associations, and so., niches genirally; to the officers and soldiers of the army returned from Mexico, and others. That the public officers and citizens be requested to " nate the public and private boildings of the two, cities and dismets—that there be display of fire works at such place as the Cornmittiit appointed for that purpose shall determine. That aaidillumi. nation nod display of fire - works is to be in-honor' of the return of our bravetroops from 'Mexico, and as.a rejoicing at peace between the two countries. That their Honors the Mayors of, Pittsburgh , and Allegheny be requested to co-operate in the pro. ceedings, and issue Each notices to the people as they,may deem proper, to carry out these arrange. Resolved, That a Committee On Finance, to con. slot of ten members, be appointed, to apply to the civil authorities of the city of Pittsburgh, and the coy and county of Allegheny, foi the necessary means to carry out the object in view. Resolved, That a Committee on PyrotechnicsTto consist of five member., beappointed, and that the_ committee be requested to confer with the piefier authorities on the subject. Resolved, met a committee of five be 'appointed to select a imitable person, to deliver . address to our bravomolunteers on their return home. Revolved, That a Inaheommittee of five be app. pointed to report to the general committee, et sub- I sequent meetings, such further-regulations as may I be deemed necessary. The subject ofthe route of the procession to be especially referred to that Committee. Revlied, That the Chairman appoint the several committee., • The Chairmen appointed the following gentlemen rnembdra of the respective Committees, as they appear below: Committer on Finance—lilac, B. Guthrie, By, Alexander Black, Capt. Richard Beeson, Charles Partisan . , William lloyd,Jolan Morrison, Edmund Snowden, John Major, John G ayle,C and Charles Barnett. Commutes on Pyroreeheies--Chambers MiKi ben, William a G;abam, L Harper, Rhedi'Pa tartan, Henry Cassidy. Committer re alvs an Orazoo--Jaraes Wawa Marshall Swartswelder, George W. Layng, Snell palmer4prin Dunn. - So Cm/maitre f arrangrznewts—lonas R. M . - Clintisck, Wm. B. Moutry.3ohe Birmingham, Chas. B. Scully, and James B. Mitchell. On motion of Dr. A. Black, it was Beroltenk That a special . incitation be eirentled to Gen.Pagerson to eiMt this city, on hisway home 1 - from Meaco witlethe Volinithers. On motion of Tikmes Wateou, it win further . Rmolred, That ttps Committee recommend to - the meeting en Wednesday night, the appointment of a Committee of two persons from each ward and .districi in the cities nod vicinity, for the purpose of raising funds to aid iu defraying exkuses to to in curred. Committee then adjourned: The meeting• selected the Mllowing named per , eons, under the resolution of Mr. Wauoir PITIIMMGIt. Ist . 'l,Vard—John Caldwell, Reese Townsend. 2d ' Wm. IL Sinith;Jolin WI). Cmlam. ' Jacob M'Colizetcr, Robt. Curling. lth ' Capt. 'Wm. M'Candlcp, E. S. 'gen!. fith'lym. Wilson, Chits. Ferguant 6th' ' Joseplijlirmisightne, John !damn , • 7th ' Chas. Kehl, las Rieliardson. henry Stitnple Capt. White.' 9th ' Drum, Th. Rowley. 1 .• LLLEGMEVIr. ist Ward—James tiownrth. Klorrison +.„ 241 ' George IL Riddle, Simpson Walker. -- 7 d Janes - IL Sewell, John Flernining..!_. 4th ' Janie, A. Grey, Semliki M'lcicley . Mulvany, awl C T. itiewi.n. , Llicrrscret&—.llonrg :51 . Cullough nod 'lnchon. oh Wainwright. Ateerlic,r—Levi I - lurch:mid and Robert A' Sampson. Ley, I Sl.CL;i7lt:c,,s/.p—Ephraim Jones and. Conway Shale, . Sow!: PitiAtagli—John 1:1 Mille rand Gedrge S liar:111ton PreUel Taccaship—John M'Comhinnil Daniel II Negley. Elinlu t een rewash Ikl•Gurily andßem. jamin Wuoo. The meeting then unanimously.selectel Captain John Birmingham to Oct as Chief Marshall on the occasion. ' On motion of hleJohn Taylor, it was - Resolne4That the proper persons having charge. of the belle nt:J.la several church...lnd-Fire Engine houses be re:quested to have Mena ;meg= oilyely peal on the roo eh of, and until the arrive] the volunteers alt the city. It was alterarenls Resolred,That this meeting elect Assiiptant Mar gall., when the folloWing persons were releCted John Aiken, li. S. blegraw, Wni. D. Graham James B.Mitdhelt, Marshall Swartawdder. .1,11 Smith, anal. L She e. • On motion the meeting adjourned. • I. K; hIOORIfEAD, •: Chair.oae. I°"L'° ; 4 aWa,n 4 5n3L61. L A Pilgrimage to the Holy, Land, composing; - collections, sketches and reflections, made 415 ing a tour in the EfteL Sy Alphonse de Lama tine, Member of the Provisional Government France,: Author of the "History of GirondLsts, &c. New York, D./ppleten, S. Co., Pl:diode phut, G. S. Appleton,. • This wort'', in two Lotutuel l2taa volumes.— It woo publighect some 20 years; age we pre glad to lite a new edition br it. The dirtinguiahed poeition the author occupien to the . Government — a France. as well as the character of the work.• itself, must secure for it a good sale. The work can he had at the Apollo buddieis 4th st., of 3. L. Heed. . The Messrs, Harper prothers, have just fur ached the lovers of light =ld iuteresting reeding, with the knowing . . . . .. . . . " - The Peasant and his Landlord. By the Barone.. Knotting, tranalated by hiory Homott, ja,twci pots, AO cent. , • Angela. By tho Author of "Emile .:Wyneham," "Two old moos Wes," Sre. In two parts, 75c. • Solf Control. By Mary Brenton, author ofDia. . . cepnm, 25c. • - ilfh pita of tho eirOi. Night 3. To be had of bookaMlera generally. • . A Nuctssen.—ln ,somo streets of the city; oue cannot pass without encountering the disamemilde and unhealthy edhivia arising from the dirty state of the gutters. The'Faibage, olfala, tee., of bitch ens, aro thrown out into the streets just as freely es though p were ordered by the city authorities. and not as it in, expressly kubidden. We ;yonder that Ipeople cuts be so careless in mutters which directly concern theit-health nod comfort. , Ws.arireo vo • Moiltitan—A child about- ten •yeah old;was very nearly drowned,yesterday, to Allegheny city - . Thu mother had placed it on a chair, near the wash tub, and her. 4tention bping called away from it by soma circumstance or oth er, the Middle!' into the, tub, nearly !tit of streak soap suds. It was just discovered in time to save it them being drowned. As it „is, Ito recovery is somewhat doubtful. • WAJIILICS, Mertem—Thiiifeutionarta fives Wrest ed in this city on hue Wednesday afternoon, on n bench warrant, tssued by Judge Hepburn, mt.e charge of fraud. The case Was very - thoroulily examined, and remitted in clearing Mr. M. of eve ry guilt in . the matter. Judge Hcp• burn stated that there was no evidence produced to sustain even ti suspicion of fraud on the part of the defendant. Judge Stealer also cordially assent ed to this decision. Mr. Martha waatlicrefore dal/ . diacharged. • Wa understand that the propnetors of the Pitta• borkh am! 9lacinnati lials of staamboats are making anstagements to comae! .with *a daily line from Cincinnati to St. Louis. Elenaat fauns, as large as will go ,through the lacks, will be put on the line. It ato go iota opeintlon m the fall. This will be a great COUVCRieIIOO to travelers. We leorn'that Mr. ld'Ociwriu, of ilia city, has' been preparing a map of Pittsburgh, for some time back, and will soon have u randy for publication, )r. NM. will no doubt get up a good one, as he . Well qualified for Ike task. Terr--A font of second hand nonpareil and brasier type for pie at tide office, suitable, 6r a country paper, and in good condition. KNAVE; ANNE BMW/ is expticted to arrive in our city inn fovidnys. She in nt present delighting , the musical Mao Or Cincinnati. Tin Rough and Ready Club ketd a Meeting lag evening at Temponutoo Speenbes were made by T. J. Bingham and E. Brooks, Eaqa Cougt.. of lignstztie Sessions. Tnintsmor,June - 24 The folloWing eases occmpieil the; Court pripci iallyyesterdayr, Peter Barnhart plead guilty to arkindiclaient for stealing sundry articles of ready made clothing from Cooley Sr Laird. Sentenced 14 one year's' imprisonment lathe Penitentiary. JunieiThompron, convicted miller last term, the stealing rihree cows, was. also sentenced to one year's MaPrismunent. . . 4 Michael O'Shea was discharged. ' • Jurors Johnson ,(colored) wee alsti discharged from jailf--confiried on a charge of assault and bat• tery—the prosecution not appearing. Peter Oberger wee . arrargriprr" 'Abr. peonry, com mitted whilst givipg evidence in the assault-and battery muse of Nichola's Sowers. Arthur McWheney was sentenced to pay the osis an an indictment the assault and battefypre: erred against Wm Brooks and Peter Devine. Longdoo Vail end Kidder, charged with rolming he German emigrants, were tried and convicted, rod remanded for kentence. Corretpontlenebf dm Baltimore American. Latex . from the smash. Ise Craimaxa, June 2ti. Th ' iwbooner Jonah arrived al!thiS port yester• day( rn.Tatimieci, having sailed'frorn that port on the 1. It net. ofleavin that part of Mexico , the Indiana Ai the American troops were on the of were ginning t be troublesome. --", ' Ca ain Hunter, of the Jonib;iens with a cam-. party t tut repelled an attack made on Tampicd by a part of and Indians from Caropenely. - They hod a - battle on the Ist at a place called. Ito henchen. tin which the Indian,. lost bine hundred I 'men. , All the main towns in the neighbor-bond hod either Iven - destroyed or vacated by the inhab itant. . TIIS MILIfIRU COURT 00 INQUIAr — TIOS Court apjourned on Wednesday lain, to meet again in this city, during this week. for the purpose of making tlieir report to the War Department. On the last day of the sitting of the Court the defence o Gen. Pillow won rentl,*as also a writ , ten state ent. or summary of the evidence, drawn I . .up by C n. Sett. The latter was read by. he Judge A vocate, Gen. Scott net being present.— The dale ce was read by Gen Pillow himself, from a printed amphiet containing siity.four page*, end ,consum in the reading (rein two to three bolas of time. • Who is Gem Tnylor ?—.Darosi F. Prus. Ask• Mr. Polk's oper.ial friend &Lan Aims.— Maumee Times. "EnotiCrrioNalme A uruoarri."—Mr .Weed, the Editor of the Albany Evening : Journal, says that ho known, from the 3IoST I,QMITIUNADIS s Au - pos• rrr. that Genera/ Taylor otoriniror tally opotril to 'any act or movement of (;overt, torah in favor of the r.rroferinn tiu.nt or Cowansta—llain ibra Vold and Grey—lf you snob 6 rich, luxuriant head of hair, floc from dandniff and kurf, do not fail to procure the genaine Bann of Coluinbta. In eases of haldhess it will more than exceed your expectations. litany who lave lost their hair fur 110 years hove had it restored to its -initiale perfection try the use of this balm. Age, state dition erne. to to; no obetacie lxhatever; it alto causes the Cold to now with which the delicate Lair /014 is fined. by which menu thousands (whose hair was grey 00 the Asiactic Eagle) have had their hair restored to its natural color by the use of thia local ualite remedy. In all eases of (over& will be found Ilia molt plessarn walla that can he used. A few opplima. nous only arn - neceesary to keep the hair from trilling oat: It strengthens the roots, a never mils to vegan a rich glossy appearance, roid os o perfume foe the toilet 1.1 UtlaqUilika, it knia• three times a. much as other hair frittOfdlliTeA ant 11, .more efecnial. The genuine manufactured by Comstock O. Co.. Ott Courthmd stow!, New York. • sold it Pittsburgh, oily genuine, liyW3l. JACKSON, ES Liberty st,. head of Wood; in Al - selling - tom Pa.. by Sweeny & sou; ut llmwesville, by Bennet & Crocker; Canonslinrc. by Dr. Voce!: Slea, by our agents Tug every town to Ohio end hi& tiovindltw6mT t,Crillt l• .liartgetyilvslruCtlve to !the ut cutizte, tot olitto ttie,uddeil change from heat to cold, •nd the spoke cau , ca ellow, dark , coarse coat piellotte. Tliro it ix rem:route thil the parer of the akin Would he kept open—Mat their mouths ahead he freed' from impurity—lva - as that die , andieut Roman Phileso parts <tired all diseases--whey computed that'. more diseases ao-I unacaithy lett thresh th. the ocrer of the skin, than atty'mher outlet of the body It is necessur . y, therefore, to keep the pores pen—dl' humors are Lispellml from the akin (toed the pores, wLen th ey crush With Jams-9 , 1.111m Chemical t?oari. I haver tern it cure the worst and oldest eases of -.tan Rheum, 111 - yr ipelas. Old Sores, Barber's Itch, (tore I trod, I Itietrpaorm, when every o th er internal and external remedy Intl faded—ire cifect.rendering the skin white, clear - and though it he )ciloor prof coarse, te wort derful—it removed - Freckles, Tan, eunhurn, Morpricw, iltifieuremerit of the skin—hut pereonu mast purticirlar and art for Joyiu, Soap—to tic had to Pineburgh at WM. JACK-SI.I.VS, sign of the Itig Boot, I -V 'Liberty ph Price SU cents. noetridecarty • itZT, I'm. ere 1 . 2 , 1rn aligns—UV.akh to be soc• if any undertaking . , youniusteilwaY• 'use the cruper ILIC3,IV The:l,ore. if you here cough, use Jay - ales racerrotiaiir cured, it to the proper omen.. Mae yuu Asthma or IlitEiglty of breathing , then the wily efficient means to core you se to use Jaynes Iffpeetorent, which orill inntMdfately overcome the spa re - t which contracts Me dieninter at the lubea, and hemcds .4 brin' on the trale.t.i•LtiCh clogs them up. ad thin, reinuceser4ty oilatruction to a free feeyi- Immo, mei at the mune time MI inflammation f q inn died, and u rens is .certalt, to be effected: t ac t o you Domain, Spangle of Mood, rientiry, or in ac any Pulmonary . el:Section, then use. Jaynes tflimdtomitt 3.4 Tellee is 444-14. .11 you mill find that you knee need the proper *cane: For code in Pinsleorgh at the isckin Tan Store, 73 street near Wood. tanl7 darax•r llaraccoaart•, - We mouldcall clenuon m ra excelleut remedy for Coughs,C4ildirOmaumption Amaral, pod all adectious of Me 'Moat and Lump • •• •••-• • " nyrndllmeavriltio afewyraripasttuul o to two a turtheinwof tins kiwi, we hays by expew ee I.l4ltii it. Cacellent qualities, rout arcorapatiwl to re n t it to others. 31unisteni dy — e7lier puhue atEicied with it alfeetiods will God R reat be:whiteout ir• ure. is prepared by a seiento Ediitsysician, bud all eirsree will find it a safe-add effi cacious triedlebte in the diseases for which It is re. comsitended..Columbus Witte) Coos. oFor trn•t. e For viea at the Ibteb - Tea SIVIV, No. 70 Fourth street. utrL7. the y I,vv Meta et meets, excites dirguse--the; sante with males. Could sueh people be induced to try a cake./ the woe lion' Italmn Chemical Soap, they would he enraptured with the th.ge. They would have tit eli cate. etc., vehne slim, while every disfigurement or eruption would Leven:loved and cured. Paritavor.Nertr.c.,Persons whohaveboughteheap comiterfeits and imitate. of th is, and but had so et feet prealeted, moat try this, the origt.l. Mind, ask ,for inure' Soap. For sale at Wst. J e 0 Liber ty Mee.. Mara Mtn never inelopt conalcr:cli a worthless ‘ :II. F. of which is the. op t e d e n United - Mases . od csrtain care for wait., has beta counterfei in Lowly sections oldie eoootty, nod ?crocus should be oo their guard when purchawnt to get die genuine artiele,PrePare , at Pad/nigh, Pa. ng - Worms, by their irritation, augment the •cere 110/1 of mucus or slime, in the itoinseh, whtch, al so, they involve themselves mut St-is'said they feed upon it, egui if deprived of it ttlel' die. The celebrated %craning° .prbOared be 8./ A. FALLYI2TCCK, Ihttsburgh, l' a., is admirablyadapted in its operation; fast, aremove the proteeting cos,mu_ and .condly,.to expel the worm. rendered kelpie...l tender by be ing thus denuded. It le ',remedy in ' , which every con fidence earn bd placed; and that it baA answered the ptmoe is manifest from the hundreds of certificate& given in its favor. • • m.% • 117 You Nohuh, silly Old fellow, rend th.r,,end be no longer beld, whiskerlete end hairloes. 3V.W. lent sus, of e 0 IrLe rt y•stneet. Pinsburuh,F, certifies on the 11 el February,lsl7, that 111 r. Tito.. lacksbn'a bead,' on the top, was elalrele bald for 13 year. and that by usin two- 31 bottles of sante coral lfiltWeetorettik l e g the hair ii olowing fast'aud thick. Hold in 1k emelt by5.01.D.14.-.50N.273 Broad et, If irAN BUSKIRKi coroer of BrOwl and Nantucket at. war' 'Tr Yellow Teeth and putrid breath, Spangy gpuilike rotten death, ,' it" Irreptilsire end disgusting. All tro l l teeth us saute pu'pets.l, ‘d irtet bresili—hardguir.l—mud grail Way ttelsy!—nay t . cp.i.bkly hails; And use e:lsuz of Joues"ruoth Puts, It Costa but 0,.." tents, stud, is really ...beautiful aril._ It tee the teeth e Pue caftans'. Sold it. Pittsburgh to 'betty tt, novtDdir.* aly RIO — Doe. your ham wl Ott, dools'you a hear turn gray Fe it harsh, is it dry, or dirty, I pray? If 'us that, you convoke It loft, atiky and fine, Dark and healthy, and beauteque thie hair amino And to hove this, you hove but three ohtlliuge.tp 0 , 0 For a bottle of Jaime , Hair Itaidoyativ s ,. Reader, if Too li re bad hair you would.reallrbe ks tnotahed at the lovely elliet, a three hintle o moues' Coral 'lair llestonitive has on it it needs but one LtiaL Sold at tai Liberty at.; novlBdkvly. Jr Don't have yellow dna Teeth—they exr made yearly what. by oue time ening tt)mg of Jun Amber Tooth Posit, It horde. the gum ,V , v4tet. breath, &a. .Sind at h 9 Liberty t.L. ow:add...ly EU...Ladle. who uselobsty Spanish Lily \Plate, have plways a fine white trs skin. Of this a trial ?ail! Wilily any ont. — Spid only in Pittsburgh, at Ko bony .1. h , at .AW-;A co m u,, e i clitnidf the ir.OUGONLiIIEADY CLUB 00.11 Holl, bl .h l u ield at Temper. elk at 7{ o'clock. I'. A. Ar,..3)t-i. :.!ng 'President. IitoItiICVIZCZAL hll26il,lco.—Tile quarterly meeting of Ilia Pittsburgh Ilerticultuf linicirty will be held on Monday nest, July 3d, at I o'clock, at the corner of Wood and leteth alfront. 13y °filer co . -------- YOUNG LADIES' SEMINAIIty /TIDE Autumn Scosteo of this hannation will coin lence on the first Monday In neotember. Rooms on Federal street, M ."eolonada Row," nil door from the bridge. The ce of instruction end th e fates of tuition are the same aeherearfere. Fur mare utionte information, me circular or opplt• to the tastruetor, Mr. N W. Marcahr. Referenda tuay also pi made to the follawmg gentle men: F. Dale. A Ileyhetiy. lloo.c. 4,a_ey,Pilisbu s o ' D ee ' . D. Elliott, E.ta 11. Riddle 0 Mt. H. l '. Rev. 11-Dyer, jel.10:11n • IG IRON-415 r0u...11 Pig Irmo, for focni , dry u P hinduit and Angola by /07 . J s umwostii, G 7 Wood FFLOUR-ioo4bl. 3 V !lour, landing and for i je3o- ' 13 NOM - - - SQAJ.T3-0 auks Sidalte, in stare and forkale by . le3o .1 s Dn. wotrra Cticizr.::: iWb - aw It t hWeec fa folick In ' boartirand 7 . 61 k and for side by J _ - Au JAMEY DALZELI. liTikli-150 tons Pig Metal, landing from steamers ;Tnylor and De Witt Clinton, and for ado iota/ JAMES 101.1.ZELL T 0. SPCAR, AC.—liallihria prime N 0 Sugar; 710 bblitdodo Miaow.; in lame end for male by DAIZELL TriUvintlifdloßldr . •.' ' ' -An Oidinlanais , Regisdiefing the Bidden; of ROLLS slt/tin the aqr .or.Pselsburght QM% Lt ordained and enacted Art the chicane 1.7 jot Pittsburgh, in Select and Common,tConneils samLilod, That from .d'afteir the passe...Lie this Ordi named it shall not be lawful to quarry rek by blasting within the city of Pinshurgli, either to the street or flu private property, _ except bya permit icilscriting from the Street Commissionehhaving charge iff that part of the city. and then under the following reiltrichous, First, tlic quarrymen shall ere'et such a birrier as shall prevent all large pieces of stone front rolling or being projected over any precipice to re injitry oi enemy once of any adjacent property or tret:;', Sec. ll.—Be it further, ordained, foe., That each blast, before firing, shrill be covered :lentil winker works, green hides, or such other covering as may be nee:every to prevent entirely anysmall , pieces of stone being thrown upon any adjacent property or street, except frockpart often' property or euv , r as the owner r occupant thereof, or Street Commits, any pipe apennit in writing to be used for that piti-pose: Sec. Ill.—Re it , further ordained, 'Thoth shall dm the duty ofthe Street Cominiwionerta give a per ; mit wheecver clie - above restrietionsCare complied, with; and any,peison violating this onlitumee shell be linbina a penalty of not less than tenor. more than , 'fifty dollars. Ordained • • - • !metal _alto a [ma , . autCounella,_ tlas ordained and cnactec n..- • '26th day of June, A. D. 1642. (Attest) MORGAN ROBERTSC`O i res i t. C. C., R. 111131 , LZ Fronams, Clerk C. C. JOHN SHIPTON: - Blreet S. C. 01IN MAJOR, Clerk S. C. ' Je3o:3t • An Ordinance, Estaaishing a nem grade for Six/hi-Bred, aalinnos Arsitlofidd greet and 'GranKlrrer. SEC. I.—Be it ordained and enacted kO'y the citizens of Pittsburgh, in Select and Co miOn Conceits to t sembled, That the grade of Sixth streetAball be, and it in hereby pennmently fixed RI follbp3. etot Begin ning at the grade on Smitb2clll street, a4tl thence rim II deg. 33 mat or 4.46 feet per lOU feet tki Cherry alley, (three feet below the grade as heretofotk established,l td thence rim 3 deg. 25 [rumor 6.21 fetibite HO feel. n thegrade of (joint street. Sac 11.—Be it farther enacted, &r.i let the •gradc) of Cherry alley Gall be mode to confer to the grade of Pik,2l Meet an now established, and {Masa much of atiitUrdinance its conflicts With the potions of this Ordinance. be cad We some is hereby re ealed. . itOrdaiuml and enacted:ono a Law u edit, this 24th day ofJmie, A. D.'164.2. (Attest) MORGAN ROBERTSON areal. C.C. It. Rum. Roams, Clerk C. C. 31 JOHN SHlFTON,frrea't S. C. . Mama. Clerk S. C. . ' ja3'3t • Lectures on AStroklarltty's • IN compliance wi th an levitation ** which be bar been honored by the.Corantitthe on of the rcieutific. Anocianon of Western Feta sylvania, the Rev. WILLIAM lIINCKS, of London,.re deliver se eour •of five Lectures on the leading` dm of As tronomy, illustrated by a line set of ills fated figures and diagrams, many of them with...l.mM este, lighted by the thor-flydrogen In order to afford es touch grutiffeeti tas possible to his audience, Mr. Hooks will eyed . toseltor the brilliant light required for the astronootilV figues,th exhibit at the close of cub lecture a • w begonia' Dreamt. Views of scenes in the Old World, Is new. set each evening,) together with the Chfitmatrope, or ertificial fire works. the Lectures will be delivered in the,..11511 of the. University, ou the evenings of Monday ald Fnday, at a o'clock, commencing um Friday next June Marr. CCP Admission to czar Lecture, 25 eeitts. — Tirkets for the rearm, SI each, mid family tickath, admitting Parents with. all their children, tti each, :and mey be procured at the Merchanve Hotel; or et rhge bookstores of Key re. Co., Johnston'A Stockton, and J Read. ietrart• CHICKENING'S PIANOS—Jost ceeetvaH, 2 Rosewood square 0 octave Pianos; I ° 0 61, 0 0 I “ '' . 7 '• 1. ti For rale at Mr Chickerine/Ft by lett! JH g's hIEmicLLOF DACON—A Ww thottsmd pounds, 66g rditrel,jast re. .1.3 ceived and for sale by. t't Sis W lIARgaltiGH, jeM 53 water and 16sfroal attl FLAS—V SEED-25 bo th just need dad (Oval. by tets : _,.._. Stc ‘y iintlunuOit COILS -200 Ituelt prime Vella.. darn, tly eta , for*, by jrt9 SZe*.II A IP ' FLOUR -100 bble lending from stitteciersaleb Cope 'anti Deaver, and for sale by ff jolt, & 'TV Gll}:FlSE—Crcam Cireese, ston) imd 6,r sale by _ pelt & HARPAUGII QPANISII bbl. in env:it—will be 4,7 nold nr Vastetit post and inattspo,Vettion, by Jet!) AtAll DICKIN & Co, frotest Id ,LA. PEED ANTED,:i iAI SE—bUicK,„ybkecoh by Jey (lol7oN—ed baice for gale by p kW_ iißo%yN ar43.:Lut:an,i)N_, lILOCK—A freaklot relniilyflou:kitist teedand_for, Bale by 111,011.. TF.A--;11 half Mar: Ten,juitt teed arid for by ictin BROWN C I IL N d boo onto by. i V . Veign . tfrlO, 7 , 1 &Oft B t0 c,, ; • 1 Ibe ro h r og Lou b att,itsokeMµse; 150 L) te.n. P m . \V&A-1019,110 wood ettJ fIOFTEE-13U base prime Riot do do Latium*, if for sale by D Ultil:4: 4 -2) boxes M. It; 130 do; fifl 11, tor sole try jezi WILLIAIL; 1,M211-13bbls largo Maeke rel. 13 & do 1,2 earl 3de; 13 kitn; No 2 do; 60 boxeuLubee sealed He!. new, for sal, by , D WILLIAMS ; WAVLE SALT—UI saeLs DaLry,iil: hind, for Can 1. lies. for es.le Ly S 1 WILLIAMS, P ,, IG 1.:TA1.-75 tons Pig !demi; (Comber:and Ms . - • cr4 51 leuideng Irmo ocranci J J , Criatenden and fOr Arlo by MO 3 MACKITLEL-ottits recir3rmq pc r cans! niid J for .ole by _lam i: JAI" DAI.ZEIeI; Yl6 relk:TAl,--40 tons hoteimilam stmr De %The Clinton, lend-for sale ley erteadAHO.ll.7Kl4_ -TURKEY UMBER-3 casks for l'ire by , . j i ieb ltdrUN 111E:ITER TERRA DE HIENNA-I cask fosralc by e .L refs , " BRAUN s-a Finni I - _ Ir*ItiLTIAN RED, eldnglesh)-yzniesks for to 11 Jew 1 : 1. A UN .'. RELT. I : : .I. TAMP ' ' BLACKrIO - casks for sall by ' ' • - I .I_, je,d, Hp UN dr. REITE SYTS. TURPENTINE-23 bbls lier'ssle by• Jca IIIkAUN &RErrElt prime reed J,) by A & %.1141MA n 6 1 4 Jr2o ..; MI oro , o.r•oroLlo4 inuirt , it I OktOcCo-4dot Madras KA -.±.• otiem; 20the Friench 111 Morocco. Also, • fresh sup Cly of Tampicosnd IMO'. pool Morocco, juArree'd slid for rale at l ow ',ricer. • 047 N 1 .31 YOUNG &C '-'-'- ‘ - '3oHri-I4 Ws for silo by V../ indel , ' HE VON BONNIIORST &Co ~. i - itmetil.;-.0 las Jost reed and 4o !tile by JeCO S F VON IICS:01011ST a Co D iußn BEEF-SIX) lb. prime, or solo by S I' VON BONN HORST $. Co ottisviut: tau&-zi bbls b sale by .L.l le:17 S F VON BONNOORSTIS Co C t:GAR ROUSE MOLASSFA-4 . 1 4 bbls for ottle by _ 0 J. 27 ' S F VON DltiN NIIORST rt Co VITE'FI.9II-10 blrls to arr4_, for sale VI lear72_ NP VON BONI\ itIOV, kr. ! ?_ IPRAI*I2hi Pdittilt—Pi rcart:i StrawPat;er, for r.lo by Je2l S F VON LIONNIittp.ST &Co IrfeV " : DER' JV %',': ( ;;4b, , ,„5T 1 Co CIiGARS-75 quarter boxes Ilatrtrnirb Ciii . is, for sale kg Jell S P VON IrOtttNIIORST kCo F EATHERS -3B . tracks now laridin rrock.sitaracr sales, for 'Lie by 2 lOlCrtr k Co, from at G 71! 3 !i N . V.? = ' t!) ° ° ‘l ::rli fr i o nt. l l 7 ;T:C E : - .., JARD—I oaw 1 4Na., now l:tine from steamer E. 4p4to.lpy for solely i 7 DICKEY ft Co SKED-13 auks mid tlerm, now leading fromiteamer Daphrates; for sale by .0027, - • 1 DICKEY & Co corro7%—tr bales nenv landmialbl far sale by A I'.I:IICKEY &C. Q&I.TPETRIbbIs re yeti, cvs oi a t o c tar Ev ti and S sale by jet': d• AIMEE:LETTS—Taro cues blele Casbutereue, ' 11l e finish,Jusireetived by • .? . ''lo ; __/E • • stfectu.E.T . E . tr. WHITE STRAPPING PER—ISO bdle blesoluoth Strew Ibil l' d A o Double :Slediurik do do 400 do I Double Crown do do; It= do Idelliumaido do. POO do LC do del In store and for tale by ..,`,•. . jettl ' ' • , litk..liN OLDS 4. SHEE .. 9LILAT BOATS ,FOR SALE-12 Dauboub.daubei '1 Flat Hods for sale. Enquire or 1. , •• :.. - REYNOLDS d: SELL. ; . •-''' ' - - . c 2.1 Q 6104 1300013:-.:trc offers Saaies:ti large sank 0 just ter eland and tot sea by s - Fad— xin-NoLips - Y. .it I: ErrEn PAPER—.)6O mita. (soma' vs.+ fid " et .. marls and far . aata by jell H.EVNOta. &SHEISt • ITS-10:4ieees7-Cand 8-1 plain ,Nl%lfo l ond ond blue burred Net* exult og. . A 150,104, 114 and 12-4 IteovT Uobiukts; 11,opaetitl epopetior 1 1 .1tiNetto Netts, for 111' ioet teoeiVed by . syiAcKbamr WIIITI-'Bll wood At B for 1 by "iIV-Ys'itlWlgrtNiv'ilVg• OTON CLOTtlel—Aninvoice ambito and god,odark and light colored Croton Cloths, opetted 1y tette _ SlittiCriLETT'Oc WHITE V I IV.II Glig:CeS.--lt caall invoice; req. desirable styles, Vast rebeiveil tip tt eZ3 = S,HACICLETTi WHITE __—_,—_______ Bl.lliCKlitilltlYrBl4lW 011,-A large supply on hand end Or sale at the drug warehouse of je'Al , J.KIDD Co 0 AII3-60 %ad. aupenor y thas, reed,' per slesnley jeg il `r g' 7:e}i l Afar Round Cbh;ciA Daildim C ~ URN-11 , 11 rob. au.. Coro, Lo more and for sale Atli FLUYD .. .ItU3IP 141E44 bide recetycd per oleaurer Bril Bun or Bala by jo2G BROWN& CULBERTSON atom nod for salo low by DROWN & car talysaso:s ga for b. by tfttOWN & Cta.titalTSON norrON--.50 nales su sure end cur .ale by jetel , JAMES DALZEL iro ss Is-40 bl,ll, Ste /1 , Jornes';brand, for sale Jar, JIBES. E-00 tiks prime NV It 1.74, , e ,, 0re. and for salelk • . Je26 _ e .DALZELL I\i" ANCIIESTER • GINGU.3IS—An invoice of real ju. Manchester Gingham*: of newand handsome pattern*, resolved yesterday at the Dry Goals House of ,e 24 tv R MURPHY TTRAVIC SHIRTING CHECKS-43f Stuart's mann facture, constantly on hunts and .Id the Piece or yard at the ,Dry Goode House of mußpuv e 94 - - NEW' td.ACTEL-156 . 1.10 12Tre ?la 3 Mae& rat; Lauding and fat " aleTy • at _ 0 BLACI:01711,N ik co 5 red bl vii;, { 7F o I 4. 11,,a.s ~cyyorae s li b O T E THREAD—A fernb ja4 C ORILD SKIRII:6-210, assone , DT : 130Sli—No 7uS ' , nal, fiNusgri).;art _______ • Ci ALFRATVS-3 tons rareirinf end far rale lir ., __1.221 BORT DALZE.Lti & Co, liberty sr • AUCTION SALES By Je IY. Davis, Anetlaßts era Od Parr at Auct&e.•' ON Satarday everlog, the let nut, it - P loe :.1 k, at the Commercial Salta Room, comer of Wood and Fllth sthexto,seall be fold t large collection oteatuoble mia cellancous hooks, erehraco4 standard works on theol lcr, history,: poetry, arts, ocuncmcmusie, no. Also, inpt letter and cap among paper, family and pocket Bibles, black books, Piano mime, gold and steel pens, 5.4 s can he examined on the tiftrooon of sale. ,Cu;OLIN IiDAVIS., And. 1 Dry Goods On Manilas morning, Drip 3, at 10 o'clock, at the commercial Sales..llriom,reorner of Wood and fifth meets, wril be sold, account of whom may, coo cern,. an extensive ansortment of •faney and staple Dry Dobas, frign tkc stielyes; At nolelock, I le piPe; and 3 itricasks brandy, 1 ar., caslelliadcita wine, hf chests and black ma, bxs Havana I cigars, tioxs Wirgliort Mimeo°, a variety of groceries • from aretail store; riusensware,glaisware, unWare, g iroa 'anis,' shovels,. axes, hatchets, nom Lcoomr, coon ter scales!stom figtures, , goneral 'assortment of new and second hand house hold mainline, embracing sofas,:gresnigg. and common bureau). tpring 4mpg - rocking chairs, tancy and com mon el., fro. 1 ! • 1 At 8 o'cloek. Au inv ice of fine table and pocket cutlery, hard ware, Om - tenter* tools,.gans, pistols; gold .d silver watches, evrelty,' musical inrimments,gaddles, bri dles, Mon s, wlmp s, l boom end shoes, a large anon-, cut .nng gad ..miner fashionable ready made clothidg, ne sling In groat variety do. . . Jri)! JOHN ' D DAVIS, Aum gosineS . ale of Winits.• . Ligu" Thia afternoon at do'clock, at the atore'of P. C. Mar tin, owner of Fie= end Smithfield sweets., will be sold the balance of b.* hoyeatock of Wines, Lamont, Store Firadma, AO. Hale pautive, to elede the concern. inTO. :4' JOHN D DAVIS, Auct , eldn4 niftratoi.7# .ale of the Lax of a lot of Gratin& of Paturdaii , Join bit, at 3 otelook, P. 211, swill be aoldhn the pretniwes. on Fountain street, Deaf SaVen th street and the *sal, the unexpired tent of a lesse hay lee al pier, ta sue, one lot or ground hoeing a fropt ofdlj feet an Fliuntain at, and extending bark feet. Free front inctimbranees. Terms at sale. lIIIISEMENTS- C.s. !PiTTSBMI3LGH THILAT II IL - 1 .. C.). Pdsreii— • 4 Manlier end Lame „..- 'VDIIIb NIGHT OF MISS JULIA DEAN. /*most Jdis 30, I to commence ' H i a DB 'ith th. , : .c• i C ACK. Slaster Wbilter ' Alr. Oxley. Sit Thospas Mr. Prior. ', Yinin.Y Mass Julin Dean. ..; , Alter nibich, SONOinbilArcifer Dold i ncompatedMid sung by Mr. .0.., i Archer,. • '..i i - r, . e [To conclu de with ' - ii . ~...2 !LW NIICIH.I3 WIPE ,slr.Smitic Mr, Porter., , • - 'Mb. Sonmitori • 111,, &mecum - , Mr. Prior. hron,'Pouie. • 5 - Pinces orAntstesuis.—Dress Mole, 50 ma; Second 'Pier, 05 o'4 pi; Galion'. dd. . • GREAT ATTRACTION, EVERT EVENING THIS WEEKS T HE. GAI„ITUS GRANDAFLORA;'or Night Bloom ng Gcbus, will exhibit itself. in dower every night weelee au the Gentlemeas , Saloon, Greenwood Gardens. o very. large ,Plants, with numerous Bower . bedS, stand there for te inspection of honked hiristri. , anticipate two splendid floweisrhiaevoa- Ing, (Tuesrjny,) and one or twis every night this week. Few sutp specimens create greater attraction than this slion-Gred but beautiful moue. Greinartiod,June V, . • juin woad si iMISCEILANEOM Ciii.l.s•TN.Moootpesets take Notice! • 4 sumo taws wire wren von - • A nTrit..9 s,p& Co., 84 Maiden loon (tale Minton. eaverofferfor.sals, In eternities to 01121 Pl,-6656 .111 1,000 reared Rolol Cap Paper, 1.0 al Bto Pt .50pr ern 210 a* Waled Letter. Paper, 100 to 100 do' 710,000 tist Wrapping Paper, 115 to 100 do 516,606 mile Paper thorgingt, nr? 5 eta to 6 sirs pa piece , 5,000 doUtmerican Sentrft• - •-lti ' do E no psi* orOttnattspirelit 85tdet on , own mswifeeture, beautiful denic,ii and colon; a 1 front 5160 to $l5O par pair. • • • 10.00 Um of Woo) Twine wut 'Wrapping Trine °fall kinds, &eralaw 15 Its per lb. olio have other goods in the same proportion, and go doe to please 700 if you will tall and see tie MSS 111Wde lei., Now Irk. Now York, June, . je.43:11:31d it gore and i BAUCIL_ RlETtriliffs , A ' • lB4B . uknivics' roarnavasulavarrazionov viralssixonv tersbureic This/Line was fanned exclusively for the specialac =don of the way business. The Proprietors, for the very idiessi patros they trove ro• seised during the lut two years, would respacuollyin form their facade sodilia public that dry see now still better prepared to delis. .goods at any point on the Canal sod pall Railds, witispromptneas and dispatch. raorcavas. .1 PICK% Oral! &WOODS, JAMES A LORE, GESJitOE T.B.INDLE, JOHN MILLER. Is Co.' AG=iTS. 1 Pickworth &Woods, Johnstown. . Sohn Hallidayeburolt. C A DP/tunny enrol liasist, Pittsburgh. ret := l l4l l =b7r S a e r ?yl B RIZ.V ; & i 4 ; 'John d;sker,Wro Ler g er & j ponlasylvasili °assail £ fl I 1 Rosa 14%. .prersa;Fsat Packet Lin e , 1848. - - FRO3l' nrrsnucal TO PtIIiItABELPIIIA nAL -713101[E, (Ezelasiirely httr Passangem) H'Epublic are respectfully informed thathhis Line will commence nutmeg on the BM insV and GO. mule Mom/hoot the Beason.. . The boats are pew, and ors superior etats, with en larged cabins, which will give greeter Manton. The cars are the latest chmtmetton. Vt. boat will always be in port, and travelers . are questedre to coil and emoting them before lengaging paw ageelsewhere. Inn .ilr dollars through.) One of the boats of dm Li. wall lot landaus cue gouge IL S. lintel, corner °Cram street and Cutal, every night at nine o , Mock nab 31 days. For information, apply at the Office, MonOpgaltela House, or to LI LEMI tCo jet • I Canal Basin: • Ilerrissats , Traasportaileas 1848. liikUlatc CAUL a'a satt. mum - • FOR PRILADMPRLAABD BALTIMORE: GfVroJTIVV.r. q•-„ C A hleANilla x & Co, Ethan] Basin, Penn at, Pittabardh. EESILLIESIk REWLDS, • . thd and 35 Market et„ Phida. ROSE,. MERRITT & Co, - MO ' Smith's wharf, Baltimore. PIONEER TRANSPORTATION LINE; niiiMllBA nEnylmic n _BALTl4o ., lll4 .4. A i. l4 . ll .o PrniDUßl3!i. Decamp. trammqrto•l 4 Oanal ram. '. • TOWSYTII A. DUNCAN, Agents, Water urea: - Pittsburh. FRAILEY MARSRALL,Agenta, 47 . Light Fact, Baltimore. , , L.TBOLIAN" . ECM VED and for sale, a lot of choice Pianos, with and without Cotetono' Malian Attachment, by . lannst rk, One of /Conn.& Cleft's Pimps; With (the chosen; was taken to Engllntl Coleman, mon: many other Mstintoutals of ad ..irtt/M. for this a ;ant specimen of Anterieut sktll sod iwmiw, dicate4 following remarks 41.4 8 . Th. , b , r3i 14.olltentest • Loimon,Jali.lB 7 kly Deer enclosing • letter to. my friend, Mr Emu), Pats, I mutant refrain from again expressing to you how meek .1 was pleased with your "-Eon= Attaelaiwitt," which I consider as a great musical no - pierrement. I ean assure you that on my . patit I shall with greet pleasure do 111111=0g to make your insert. tion knots. For sole by If Kt • jethi WoodwelSs furniture roo7ta,l4.lst - _ WAIXTDID, IN PIIILADELPIIIA,PdfigouIig ma; (landsmen fireferred,l go IA Whaling Voyages in first class ships All elefising mat whet necessary artic les sfur slicd Or die y am. YAWL, Shen arpenters mid htlieksouth. 'Ms 111'8 rare admen for youog mem who wish to seethe ;world, or benefit thine "health by a pleasant sea reystre,of about two years. None hot Americans take. Apply posonally to W. DOWNING, No:11 Wailful *weir, : iipstalm, Philadelphia. _ _ _ CM= PRINTS ONLY. CEDAR. 5T., 44 NON YORK LE ,E 6z," BREWSTER lEET;....uuideTayk.a.t=f&a.h= seam% to close their stock for CASH AND SHORT TNE.,.nal have just purchased Great Bargains, and are near opening andxhitronig_ • 500 IS w' . New and'ehoiee atylis'intress and Panama aiut Prints, yeitheilta ; &A.; whichOn4tldill o o t lto usual small praia—and at from ITO .3 CENTS •• per yaro less than previous prices. .The, recedent ed kon prices, and improvement in tityles (0r1e45, oc cur,. a , generel preference for BM article over many other krods of Goody and greatly increases the.. BREWSTF.I2 confirm their ationthin dada Cicely td the purchamatut sale of American and For: eign , Pneta. l'he vast quantities of Merrimack; Ceche; co, Ametican print Weds, Sprague% Demons, Phil ip. Alice's, and ell oroCr destraltliaryles of Printawb.lM are distributed by them throughout the country, eouble & IL to be the largest purchasers in the U. to andaccdres to their establishment advantages in at sortnront and prices over any ether Blouse, and, to which the Mention of Aterehants respeetrelly cite. • LEE & BREWSTER, 44 Cedar st PRINT WAREHOUSE, • !• New York, June, $ Molasses, St FANCY. DRY GOODS;,: . SEAMAN - & . • 321 Broadvriay, Nor. liork, MPORMIS AND JOBBERS of Bilke, Frneh ono: I red Mains, Deretes; Letts, Embrconeries, Men, •os, Shawl, limners, Gloves, Lamont No,,LI.WHERVARIETIESOF 4.Ney GOODS.. t 1'410,1.mm moony Mereltentog New York, to exam= their stock before rhea jewebasen Mr Muir sou for raw Tetra of boos& of A: Ti !newer% er Co, from which he rained =Violet of Jon. Is4e; end Mr. Jame Dickson, (who half.' Warm la the heel new,) erns eleo 'favorably known in thin ester. lieh9ent. G4r- WFS AND Mrl7l3—Sialth &Johnson, le saes. et meet, have received a large stock of long sad illk Fillet Gloves and Musa. Also, Lisle Thived, je Liners Gloves. Also, 8 canons of Dames Nie which will be sold at wholesale sad ketalt ex low. Clair / 81C0474/00iirenuina Fnutall Calf Skins. 4 riLtl=rjr.i?,"l:l- 4 3r It= ki rer " jo 141 La aueueum at boot - makers la Girded: J d. r i r ... and Ra tale by , 414 YOUNG& Co; 143 amyl.. at 100 lba 11ydas s ralta; 10 , do Wk Ckalia; lido Castile; Odd* Almond:10 bn rimer, Wdo ; for Gle by , Jr& - . .1 1.) GILLIAM, ~. ~i _'.{ STEAMBOATS. r•t0.tqi.t.rv4cV4,64.1.0 , r1:1 AIL . 0 A iLy P A - C.K E T N E.i' HlS.vrell knotitolthe ofeplendid passenger Buss. T en is now composed of th e Ingest, mates; ' . rushed and•fumithed, and mon powesfM bona de-the lumen of the West. Every secommodnim and coos fan that money can procure has been provided for pm. T• stagers. The tine has been In °pentium fon fire years —luis carried a million of people without the lean WM- ry to their persona. The bone unll be et the OM of Wood street the deplete - inn to starting, for tho temp. rim of freight and the entry of Pence Seth 010 ter. In MI cum the passage punter must be path te advance. • - . . . . . . . SUNDAY PACKET. , • " Me ISAAC NEWTON, CapLO. Ma 01434.1 leave Pimbargh every Ilanday encering ex 10 dellin . m Wheeling every Sunday camas .410 r. • MONDAY PAVICICT.:_ T h e . "ri°N" "mA P‘PL . burgh ay." - Moaday . o mmg . every fklanday evening 0110 r. , -- -- - - . - TVIZIDAT PACYCET. ~ The HIBERNIA • No. th Capt. J. Kusimashh will ieave Phiebergh every Tuesday morning at le . o'elock; . Wheeling every Tuesday , overarm m10 4 ,', . - . • vrictosscsomr PACKET. The NEW ENGLAND N. Cept. & Detax, will leave ritubnigh corm . Wednesday waynizal et to o'rloelg Wheeling every Wednesday evening al /or. al TRIMS AT PACKET.. Tth BRILLIANT, Capt. Gunn,. will Imes Pins • linigh every Thuzsday,ionenlni et la o'clock; Wbecid,i every Thenalay inresnag at 10 1111. . WEIDA? PACKET. . The CLIPMt N 0.7, Capt. Canna. mill lean Pim. bangh eery Friday - non/24 at 10 Velaa {fleeing eta., Friday evarung at 10 r. tcW . • 11A.TIIIIIDAY,VICIEST. The MESSMGER, . 111 i n" " 1 . burgh every &Many zoo 10 o:ploat NVlkeenea every Savarday aVerung at 10 . JOHN D. DAVIS, Auer NEW LISBON AND PITTSBURGH DAILY. LINE ( . 4 7 7/NAL AND STEAM PACONIik • -4 B. a/WM - . . ; • !Ors, othaocroa' • • LUTO. Pinthough daily, all o'clock, A. at., sod ar rive. at Glasgems, (( me of the ' andy and Nearer Ca- W) at 3 o'clock, and New Labatt at 11, was aled. Leaves Now Ltsban at lio'clock,P, AL, (mat* the trip canal to the - river during the 11041 and 0 at 9 o'clock,and amass at Pittsbonth= M.—thus making. • coottasoaa lime for wagers and Omsk! between , Now U4= l l= burgh, itt shwas tious mutat lass rates than by any .Tha proprietors adds Line have Om Olodwt. id fanning*. public that they hive Sued op two Erst - elam Canal Doan, for th e accommodation af paaarogers and freight, to nut In couneethal with the well known an e FA' COPE BmAsiiol, coanam. ing, at Glasgow with the Pittsburgh. and. %mid uau and other daily Gaunt sateen threw the Oki* nod Mississippi river. 'lke propnetors pledge' th aws. selves to apare no czy.tose or would* to 1020$ map fort,safety and dispatelathad ask °Mho oultile aralthro of thew • • / A /lONIZED AGENTIEL . G. ILARTCN, " tI.A W. fIARBAUGIL . , 11. MANNA & Co. • • • J. HARBAI3OII,k Co. L1*414 • NONCE—TIia sieszocr 117.AVER.C. E. CisrlitNnes isr,,yrill leave afici this notice, for Wastillo puma& Ily a as 9 o'clock in the naming. pla 19413. gab PITTSBURGH iraliOwslllllll.l,llV . Daily Paelmt Llama . 18.11141.11Y15t,18.18 . . FEHROARIr P9;199. - - LEAVE DAILY /MB A. A1., - AND 4 P. M. - The - Wrong new boar cooper too 'line for the premat emote AT- . wane, Capt. JAMS Pa= ALTIC, Copt. A. lace* 6.4 MI..eNE, C. A. &meth The boar artreenlisty new, an d ere nuea up wirer revel ID mans. E.. cry comfort that money can proonre has been provitlotl. The Boots will Imo the hlnnonirthela Wharnlolll at the foot of Erna 11l Pasllangeril WM' be puninnal ' board, as the bear cetuunty leave at thn dewy - need hours, PA. AL and 4 p.'ar SOH WHEELINS, - CINCINNATI & LAVIIMELLR: ocree SATIMIDAT . FACIR.../rlnt TEtax;RAi n, _.- • -. (I J Perry, cootramdm, will leave too Louisvills .01 all inte.rmulite ports every Saturday. at 10 o'clock, precisely. • . . ; _ , P"i"igh ! ';'‘ TIVSI) *ll7D t titZr, ascot, 'he Telegraph has beeotntilt expremly for a r o eplas, packet; &edam!. a nem entirely to the cordon , serums; the seem:n=l,4lmm are inferior to ao gt no the Western waters. ' , We ; . FOR CINCINNATI AND BY. LOUIS. • • IN The ' lrC= i rtslito7l " : Limas, master, mill dense los wove. da We/meats ports on this day. For freight or passage, apply on boanl. 44 Too elegont MAT . . intemmlioto ports hls. day.. - ' :ht or pwange. apply on. boad.: • jam . FOR BT. LOUIS AND 4 :4lEat ia .COLORADCV roily, mauar, lam for . aboTe Latertuataia pants thia day, a 10 reeloet.. For fttiiald or passage, apply an board: . Fos cracueuertz • . ,mitiambo .. • The light dn m 4mer to. a Thoro ‘e psontr =ill Seale i lor . ;2; Fo!rfe•ioalPla......ao, apply on board. jai) FYIH.CLYCINNe •• - The . A r ne now liiil6rMaliany , aloor lam" tor atm. aintersoathata D:rts ads day. • • Fbr (relate. or pun" apt": yoebeard. .. . 1a! Cock, utageristrill kora for etto atom . boenriteatoos ports thiO.day. .PIPIY boor& ir23 ' The fiat lICIV sumer &mama, master, arillleaira Car slam, d itaarraedlata pans Ibis day. apply on board. • jar For freistt, or. FOR CINCINNATI. .. The light F =L a r .n r ,.... • - Davitimuter,vi po ll leave kr tbk imn...141.p0 rts.this day. FEnrntit, or itEGUI.AR BIONDAII/I±CEET PF.N.N..937.11AN1A, - Grate Masser, lea rigalarl treader as alawa;in 7.11, of that master tdoneatabela . " • For !Nett or felesaga t apply ea board. ieda m ak• . 1 The foie imp 6 smareasior.. • Irolu, reaste . r,zill !nava ter . * boar For (might I n p uw ., app • „ . T" MWERIGLANLV - :• - - A .11XCInfooairsteTi loan ,for abate . ana imeratedll4a la. 4y at 10p.elock. _For height or , .1 : 4 FORIcr. COW& ° . Pl l, l"" trarr. • " un igigL i 3blactt, master, di - Woetor alarm* tatermedlete this del; a Oa or weave, wry ea board. ------ -- -- - - FOR CINCINNATI AND ST. LOU* - HIGHLAND *LEY • _ Harkeosetster,lllN bileSlOr the Aber! d inteemediata pans is day, at 10 A. Al. For freight Or pomade tardy on Wald. _• WY • • BROOKLYN, odlYir. mow will leave for loorm Litt wrealirt• ports We OA Mgt.% .T P•unr rvpir •• Jew--; maim The 'll7 wit a n i Mootroorr ADAfiller, Mostr A rwi4 loarertor tAa bob Port Itiory Wodocorlitroodelu all: or d P. AL.. POT *wen or ponsiromp, • • --, r) • cnicwiven: • The nehr y ol4__ _ vmer ht:dtheth o . l4, 'star . 4eatttx, : master leave krt the ha:4.A.. pats ea this LEWIS WETZEL, - • Timapscus, master, will leave pr the. and Latzemedisis day. .For frtight or pawns, apply on board.. 1410. • .FOR CLNCLYMIM The splendid rtisr cesium , • ...tar, will leave for ill:low and inters:team ports this day. - • ,assage, apply oa hoard. • . . REcn.e.f . nrrsuunuti &CINCINNATI PACtEr NEW MOUND . aft er n oon uner, 'damn aff a regular aft pact@ tuna Pittitneral to eineinrulL Sao leaves on bar first trip, undo Ilia new Monday, at 4 o'clock, P. ISS. -51t1t— . . _ drew Poe blamer, nsamrallen retular trips between Wheellog, Bridgeport sal rittkl, high, Iravixtg Pittaburo m afeadays and Tfazsaaya_ REGULAR PACKET FOR,SUNFIBIL ow.- The roar anz vi scanser ' .: _. ' Bainaksaasterorill,leaso tot abonr all intersakaliatkports ea Widow. days sad Saturdays of each week, F., (might or pa., sago apply on board or to • • . _.,_ ..' - -- ~ WM: , GUI IS MILTI.NisMic Übs4.k . a.t. . vrrrallußou L mistazia.reozer.; Ddrsey P Kittaj Meta+, kin a Ivy fur wheelie'', Wedataday and Friday, at 10 eleetpre.sd, ot . Gave %beefing every T....4.7i Thentdif Mad, at I &dock, a sa, pteeisely. The Coen] will laad at all the mteresediasefierta— Every steCendalioa that eau be toroentesiltor LIM COl3l - passeadv . bas Deed provided. The boat is also pronded !pi?" gist, ="07,t1""". Fn , . '"dn4l D aWIBIVrt. an esirite - r of Lt dad Betida./4 ata mcg mavivzemenvAND The ynr_naurgy , DPSPATCI, r 0 :4 0 0. =ri la nni - res'ato ...n.l , .rinanitu every, Monday sad Fitta,y, at gi o'clock, 'and Mr. awry Tuesay,hntsday and aim lack , •. la. For irdght or. panne sppl on Glentul ' Shutanl, Alleplethz Cinnamon, Cloves and Ginytekinst reed (me the emansfaenit 8 let sale by my* WICK t ttrCKSIX.I2III4. and El== ==l ~i~Tidi~iN+:l~/.4 r
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers