BY nom TELEGRAPH. 4:14 •criu&bworiii:;tt. GtMtimatfettels of the ItlgviyOsege ,'. voxaasess. Wiufh2igtasl; Jane 27,181 a. soi resoluOins was &Mad rw mending to the , 43riot gi;the, arler :4:11 . ill' of the wreLlug ton . • A 'Memorial awn Miss 114 praying for 'an .. , .appropriation in aid of the indigent itlfElle, waa ordered lobe printed, and rekwea. 1 • Mr. Niles introduced. a 1,411 to aid in the con. . 51/11C1101) . 4'}vbilay. n'iiimd to the Pacific.— Tbe bill we referred to a §FiiCl ' r e m ninate.. . The Senate Men laid aside the morning baldness nod ritweeedid to ; the imardderation of the order of day, tho • ble b was the Oregon bill. - - . : Me Sri ht g ave notice that be Would movelhe hlimoirri promise-as an amendment.- - Mr Ca on then addreire• d, iao Senate, cow tending at ernigreas had no power tolegistatO upon' th aubject,of Claret -3r within the teirito-- - Mr ; • moved to take op the Post Office bill —Aire , ;4, 7 4NA vu emended. • .1.:. • ' ; Adj . Hob hf r ,NeWOU sabritawa i resOlutioa, in. ; --., htimMing ••• 1119 ; committee orrimilitia, to.idquire ioto • tho.eipeiaency of. arming- die militia; ,Agreed Mr • Fmbreiinirodened a bill approprieriug Wads , fur the mite, r orlon - Of railroad limreAlboui to the W.bao Read twieissed maned The bill from the committee of the Whole, - tborisitiel'elas to eitend her boundaries, woe edto • " The oonsiderstion of the'rreiot from Meidra. and Iteildirier, wee pixtponed. • Mr Velum,. the ' Ham Went into comminee'oe the irenersiappropriatirin Sees: Sal sphenbeawere ma when the committee mine_ uii•adjounied. ;_ Mr Idler ,wr'' sc or .prisent, and Mr. Alchein took r. . 44 Mr. Walker of Wisconsin appeared, was steam and taok 6if neat.:._ Messiii:Dxdge and Wall;er then drew iota as, to wbositenn skald first expire. Mr. Dodge's term will expinifn 1651, and ?dr.:Walker's in PO3?, Mr. Davis reported &bill Lr . Ma•Ddriaid, from the. Committed on Public jamb, arijantedle joint resolution in faro! of con summing Whitney's Oregon Rail Mr. Dix addressed the Semite in support of file Panabarners' viesrai and in vindication of Mr, Van . . . . ~... Mt. Calhoun-got the floor on this quention kir ' lion#.—hir. Featherston moved to mopend the rules firths engronsment!ot the Post °thee Bill— not agreedm7two thfrds not voting in ttievardma- mot pti of *r. Vintop, the House }vent into . Committee on the Gaaernl Appropriation Bill. !" Mr.FeatherstostWrigentlikd triage door, ipoke / against the Ailfßotot Piovieick - He ilia, interrupted • / and intirriiated by. Mr. Litton. .• .Mr A Stewart,. of Pa- followed ill a political aPajtok *ohm/ . the editorhils•of the Union, and Pen!catcf !lira ,cliirgea tqliasi territorial Covet! hirtlark Ky; Sapewed react trice of the veto power and ittfavor e!Gen Casa ) . - Met tionspou,celarthen addressed the Ilattie wit!n they committees arose' and the licletvenl Aidl!lisusll For!len IFewai by the B2:1. Kalb. The !tom; of niers vrati:attael;ed 14 a aiati, baCIVIII repubse4'll , • The Aasirian 64neml, 11 ; alletalty, bad mat:l;e.! the'rear fimeing - it to re- . • The . ..Sikhs have :revolted against the British. `Five Ccannansioners and all the English temps Laista4 have heen massaged. Corrnpoisitance of 11;e Pattstranh o.2eue. NEW You, June T 7,6 r. at. .rk:nuThe market ie rety quiet, and the tea deny in downward., The foreign news has pea. &wed no muted °Lange. The market iarnamio. ally as ibefom •.The demand for regulir fresh brandi is good, but biker qualities 'rime heavy . nnd .Otoln—There isa statielydemand kir Cork, with moderate =leg of prime yellow at M 5253 eta per bushel. Oats are Bock at 415212eper butte • rtendaionTles market is heavy for Pork, and I boot of noiarge sales—lower oilers would be as cepted; Moderate sales of prime Pork at 05603,12 per bbl; do of Idea Pork at $lO soosto 02 ex per bbl; do of Prime; Beef at 50 1200 32 p a r bbl; do of Western Lank to S a les of Cheese ton fair extent at sc; &I.:dila= in pickle Ole;,fa dry . salt, at 4t; 'do of Ski:wider, in. valt; at 21 cents. - • Couott—Tbe market is tinshwittibut Atitg. Money Markel—Bt` Exchange to day w -- fr Correspondence of the Fitadorp Orwaste. BALTIMORE ISARKET. - Bas.n:loax, lone 9.3, 6 T. a.. Iknate—The Foleidn News had uo effect, except to chock opeogiona. Moderato sales,-however, were made et $5 62-its Howard at. OragorThere have been no sales of Wheat en:w ilting' report. Fair 'Wei of porno yhiteiCorn at .40e; do of yellow at Vale.- . Th e supply 6 1 . 013 i 5 ism:nail in tint hands. • Profisioos—Thern berm change or ealesworthy Groceries—The m otet in quiet, and witibiAt Whigey--Moderate laden in bids, at 19 Doge per gallon—a decline. ' Catgej—S R-" H-Satsa 'Up9o at I.i . • • .. • ' j.Corresporiden re of the Pitalsiell Catena, • ' CINCINNATI ,lamucer. • • Cineintuni, Jana 27,4 r. Is • • Floar-tThe ingnay . intio/4' stab Soles to O'sect ; derste Oleos a 23 5603 • at.per bbl. - . • {halt,—The maks% is ',Unmannerly.. . sj•Aer—Sakar of fair to prime at 4IISOc. • Ilees=9aks pl3OO bbla at 27028 c. -I, : me,:scia—bleasPork is Pauline! at SS 50 per +•••sies-Silit mss.-.„7.9a1e5.114211t1g Sides, do at.31031p._ r-sorthii very doll for an &wrieloes. I . -' dieter of Trent LUIS doll:412/day. • - Bianar-i3a/es • - • • • Money Mallefe--Esnlersi blests 2 ol .2 ! dor, was GROCERIES, 1".1111104 IIUTCHISM /Leah:Agents for gt , lonis le Swim Augnr Irofnoty, p. Water arid ft/ Proof. Isdawkeinstwrilliy., h .,. in awe iltn following .1 I soma:o pfrofLowd Sagan, for sale law: I t deal. gollarld largo Gott 661 s N 05.14 4, 5,4 7 and El Worill.d.o; 211fIo Parrelored; MO do Criudi. I fort *do Clanfted,,_ • , ffyla • • QIINDRIES - 3 0 ;a - k . I Bodo Alm , braaded AI Steele • ja k Sm. LivarpoM .10 do • ACV - James ,Alaspron as Rom, 203 RJo Corm; 2/M imam nro,sxl.o mut lazlA NV Mass, 6r *ale by ta • ! adp.. • 2411iberty j . • Iipi,T.RIZEDLOARSUGAR-440 bbldNOs2, is P.& - 8.04 Si balf eases lareariod'sdoa r,„ „„,„„,,,,, do; 40 M. Loveriag's coarse pplemisad „4 . seriad do dm ! dl ree'd md for mid do do ; 40 do • ie., & RICKETRON - • ATEVIrORLFArdsii.7OARS ANDEIOLASSER--40u add S ; blas prime N 0 Wm; SW N 0 !Manes; r do masoned Nu Lod So t . .n u‘ *mm M rate , aad 2)Naoad R9ME-.-trzLiton 9moo Rio co,o, . • inl7 • - ° ° 3 !: ° lintliEl*& 81.;17111.. FRESII rixt.'curcmiwnig TonecCP-m7. J. Unites ital /no Ander/41We, )aln: nett inllfin• .. 1 • 1 7 , • HEALD MICLSOR & Co, • • • ; with water and 16 mann wharr , V/t11A1.141140131.000-39 6 Was Ylo . di Leer 1' & and 41,-.;:!..CArr=z4nll.aapenor quaint-14Z TaLtlfrCit ' ligf t • —A — ABRMAN EIPE.I3-05.11'lcu aai; WS. tif!t n d ripci,,ssedniarbol! O"'M Co lx, Jug landinXEPer 3 , - I Ikof bi' - -tem !HEALD, IW F i r;ordeth en'e: frogns Mende ' 1444 th r wl iqebtil_as! ._. n' • for the parelothe 01 %ma and ordsn exethded "nth de.9*.a• a nd Chwg.s for I r . L . 30 • 440 6aV bbts 2, 4,. , 15, d :, 711: null • rTh r S JTMES A HUTtitildt- 6. 1 • • Steam Sugar Refishery. CCO— u" 200ke5s No OTwinT. 6 IL - ;;:i; , ,i—du:".:'." ,1 111tIlly &Barn, -C hm& -liF tti ll ioi l llT: ; I W r`; i7 ' & saa rrn e ig ssks meci hist# juµlauding sad WEST•INPIA 11010. • As• rale LI • 71 waurrt DAco-4" 1M 1100 .4-; from D st...mitua..=ull:oll ijit)°ll;j°"l3ltlll:3ltAFlEl.D k 1119 , 1: earl. lust rie D . aiw pfrASl-41 "a" 2 ' . . "34,11r D wiLusnis' - - ; . -•-.' AIM HATES OP DIARIA:I3ISI7/14LOO7ii Bohm . refinee••••• • 22 0. 2 2 Balsam'Pern 201 it 2 _,75 .do Copaviva •4% 0 371 Brimstone 4 0 5 Campbor. refined•••4o 0 45 Caloride Lime, cask CI 7 Goehinetsl 1&r 021;1 Cream Tartar 21 0 un C.P1 1410 •• .. •.. •-410 Glue••• ;11 D. 13 Galls— Gum ••55 4A roe co ,-Duly 3) pr. <rot. 4011 -. 5161 • ateci ..16 5 • .es: ,f T". a== :Ale—per 641._. •• -• Bristles—Du type American " Hetttintr—ptr Eagle • Wit Eatterl2l. l' irmatte—per bushel. • Small White 02015 Common& tutid.,••••Ce2o fleuekets-4 , ttere. • Patent Reeve,ttai'llo-- aell■N• . 21022 Trogacinth• •• .31 00 311 Rhellac t 5 tik 18 " 'Mastic - 1:I" Ipecac 0100 Jalap, poordered• • 10 Lithairs ........ • •• ••510r. Liquorice ROOT 7 FP Laipionee DOI 1" 0 . 4 0 Lae Dye trt„o" Ma is Curb "V tiS Madder, Vraliro.•i i H 03 Madder, Ciitrunon• i — Ed Myrrh, Turkey A ik Ln Oil Vitriol *MO 5 " Castor ••• -- 4150 •• • 01.75 Cassia ---•••-•• •• DUO a _ ......;.9 1 1,11 emu •5 Ora Lotion tkq-a 633.:0 llieleap—Duty9.spereent. Miarouri h.',Ey • • • . 0111111 Manilla flops—Doty 30 per cent. FIMI 15.1. .10......- .10 0 11 Indigo—Duty IS per not. Deugal,7l. 11,60 0 1 :CO Spanishp 1,10 01.46 hlnnills' 05 01.00 Irmo—Duty '3O per cent. ,11a6 Juniata 1: 0 4./ r Common 40 3/ She'rt .......... ~.....5101 71 UcalerPlater ' 6 0 GI Nails 310 61 Plough cringe 410 5 Dwain Sheet • —0 15 Lead—Airy 0.1 per cent. Mi.souri }ha 40 Ihf. Bar m 41 0 41 sixes Pi per ft 010 131 Sheet . • 6 0 6/ Leather—Doty 51 pi. et. /tole, Ilaltimore••• •111 0 2.1 Now York IG 0. 1:1 Darango.l 13 0 15 ......... i Slaughter Rentorky 31 0:0 I Skirting 19 0 1.4) "I 0 44 Ohio& Yonnaylrek• 0 llama.- black 14 051 ^--•• .. • ... .... . . =X= Blocanz ' WU. Brooms—P doz. Fhantable 1,121612 d skew. 1,14024.1...1 Barks-111. cord.. ' "-- Ulric ark k••••4644u B•tadork•••—••• .3.5004,00 !! Coal—Doty33 per n. 'Aeibe river • Cottoo—Day free •t 303 411.1 u Op3um,Turkey• - - -1.31 435,00 Quarine 3.lar Rhubarb, root 39 CS Lb Sal Mamma 6/ Sal Soda 43 fa r. "Tenn. and Atabatna• • • .5 • Cheao b..• NumbeT 1 %+.%.. ..:.... 106111 Cocoa, prepared 1.160122 7 Catadleslty 20 per et. Coy dipped 9117 1 Mould • 101011 Putelitngl. - fliar lit— • tNncinnau do' • •—• 1611.1 Spena; Le n in brands-30@W Va lb • Folmar) , 110 t woo, thdd—ra2 Eartmee— , do 1 .4 Wake botiee d 183 t . 10-5 /1 .2 .U. 11 Co a nter t7 weight. 0 - .40 1.1.1 lb Co ro tten p learn•—/P lb e Short sect— N 0.5.10 tio. 10 14 11 10.13 16 14. 17 Increasing I riper lb to No 1111. Lams reef dos Nu.. 500 708 Seurat IS 0 so Tartaric Acid ' W 0 5. Vitriol, Bloc 1110 12 Dy rood 41 0 7 e Weed—Duty 5 p. rt. Cam: Pattie 'lit, 3 Lora. rood, shipprd••:2l2 21' Feathers-duty 25 per. cr. ad sal. Fruit Almonds shelrd• • • .01 0 25 Solt 16 0 IS Hord 0121 Corrado, Zoom- •• •: 0121' Fillamts 40 9 Gr0undnut5.......411, 54 Fl ~Tarter ' 121: L. . Maug• Madly.. /Mama— Ile 'Bunch 220 0 Bloom, old Cranberries 0— lemons, tYeily tix • • 06.09 =do -• &SOO WI • :i:9 01,01 Apple, dry-=- ...... 0 ed, Apples.Greem fifil• —— Piro Brick—pm M. BoliTm 025,00 Common •• 15 0— - Flone—Doty per cent. Falrn brando o retal 4.aio Superfine 4,22 Floe • CM 0 RT.. Floor 34210 " bids Bockirheal, pr •• • 1 .“ fib's none. o 700 . 60, o . Mu, iwuiod NO Coverlet Yarn - ir lb— .4:00 Carpet Chain . 2na , . Couorr!Preine . RV Candle I Wick ' OL,S COffire—Duty al per el. - Java, OM white 12014 St. Domingo 0 1-,o6o.Yrri 9 GS Rio el 084 Copper-Duly 93pr et: pig bar sod old 5 pr ch old free. Intriets 21029 Shea-Wog Old_ _ 12019 Coralaga- , Daly 20 pr. ceu. Ttvnloa•-0 15 'White rope -49 12 -0 II Took 5. yarn, fine. •- 10 common.--• •-0 9' :Romp Bed Crds per dor - -Extra lone 1,M21= Lpog Common -•...••- ,7-4111 KlakalaaCorda-per dor. 40 yd. 6 thread & 21) do Ploughlines 2 ' 5 11; Dpo om ..... •eryud. I to i ct addod for lime sales 13roaat Cahn 211 M 'PeraShVga. A 2114.1-- 0 71 • ••fa AUogy D Pat Mill.- F --0 21 ()repo 1) Colon•-10- Nonatook Roan Mill. • -0 71 2iusburck do . Laurel .... -071 Basage -0 Pox hratur :A —o6i 5 I - 4 k w o d a o tob ßachnadr r,- -.00 0 2 jdo do.-- .... 71012 4.4 do do•- 91014 Bream 7109 • Bleached— 910 e lickings ^ • • -614912 I klufilon•-•-•• • ---012 I s mcoster—,••• • -4/17 C. A.. .1 -0 -012 161 Colored Car4;ics 7 :::74ji Faocyyrinla•-- - • 310/ 2 1 Fall loser Blue--•• •• 10 Merrimac- Fall R. Blue 4. Orange 90101 ' 3""g !' --P" t' ' - 14 . 21 17 Aloes A Al L Lr elit o r...;:.. 2 35 .0 3 1 22 2 4 , 10 Il ••• • . Feed—pe( bshel. Bran • • 15 0 1G Slsorts • 25022 ilalk—dols on Gor.'n.staii 20 per cent. r e 2 10,.2)1112,00 Nat, CIL •.--0 6 .. . ... ••.-900.30 No•2111:bblo, 5 '..210000 No.t3S. ..... 7,0607,Z —• • Honied, --=06,25 Piaci ....... —• • SalsnOn, No. 1, old•.— 0 10 0 Shad —0 9,0 Cc& per drum 03,50 Furs— Ited Fox, No. 1 0 • 62.1 2 0. 371 Closkrzt • 10 0 12 Raccoon-- w ?Sink 0 25 Deer Skirt per b••• 44 0 13 lackßonk* Qttalt par grog •• 09,01 Pint. do. ..... 6170 •Idad'a 10bie,5,6 to gni-, 0; 10 Caret per gra.. • • • 02,00 Watdosr 01. 2 , 1w t!cx— :City brands. 10219 4.50 ttzte-- ..... ••• • 0 7 , 10 Pueot do, mos to 'Gra —lOOOOl5 0010 endntry brand., . 2: 170 3. 0 1 10212 ' 1.2303.75 o.ospowder—Dntr.ropr. , Cent- FFFG 4,75 05,f,h Eagle, 611 4 a• • ..... 1173,00 Do. do I lb. cadisd's— 07,u FFIV. do . 6." F.oide do. m papers•— 0.6.1111 Rock powder. , -•3,M. 41730 Grain—Duty 7l per Wheat HO— RIO . Ulseh'S COMMERCIAL RECORD: 13192 1 I'Sloan 5516. rtse• 1 — 6 15 7 93 9 34 9 41 10 47 II 59 JUNE... Sauday, Monday. V Tuesday, 110 Wednesday, 99 Thursday, 30 Vida . 431 17 21 4 32 7 =1 2132 71= 4 a 7 2.2 439 722 432 :7 32 4 32 7 21 REVIEW OF THE PITT.SEIVROU MAIiK ~ RT , rust TM yrs= mrso JUXr. 47 . As we len tho trtarket a week since, so, with but litttle :aeration we dad it to day—a general qui. intent prevails throughout Oa ... market, and sales have been Mainly confined to CAP regular tmnsac: . . dons of trade. ~The rivet, after ti rise oflemne live to six feet, agaiveceding; but there is 'still a sufficiency , , waierin channel to give ample facility to trade— Freights are scarce,' howdver, and the river bust are. is comfa i ratively light. .i . . . The wit r,i agreeably to announcement, will be let into the; tanalttiday, which !will doubtless, fir', .1 theftime 14g, cense tome lit to burliness. There • is a large einouni of produce f various kinds at ,i, this poiutl awaiting an oppo rosily of cheaper 1 shipmeataipast, which will his ydwrsed in that three ', lion immediate upon the reopening of the canal; .., and shoal the river continue if proper stage long! I enottgl, business in that qqarter will 'doebtless he . . more !waive, for it is quite probable that there are large quaatilies of produce and other freights yet to arrive, which his been held back for an oppor. tunity.of eastern shipmeets by canal. AStik....*=The Markel is very quiet, and If any thing, duller than at the time of our last weekly been port. Receipts are light, and sales have bee war tined to limited lota to the trade, at inner rate., 1 v iz—pearls, 61e; Saleratos, OFellici POI' . 'sal lei 1 . . . - Scarchings, 2 l6 4 c, nod Soda Ash, Alec ei th ' ALE T lflochange has occurred in the market.— Theris'is afar stock in market, and soled are reg.* holy effeeted at STOW, cask included. ' necoN—Thae seems to he on improved feel. lug in the market, but prima show no important variation from our bat general ',report. The re. oeipts have been less abeitdantahough the market is amply sleeked; end a fair. beef:teas is done in the way of general sides to the trade. The follow. Mg are the vault ratew—best City cured from smoke house, for Shoulders, 2103e1 Sides 91, tufa hams at 5051 e. ' Western cured Shoulders, 21; Slams, 3/, and hams, at 91614 lc p Ili • Lome Intl of wormy cured bacon is selling at 21, 51, and 41 041 Ms per psi and some of an ordinary quality at its hue . , • • • BUTTER—The receipts continue very light, and atippliee are small, with limited sales. The sake of the week as reported to us, 'amount to soma 60 kegs in &Vanua lots .61 9 , 134 c plk as in quality.. There Shrink demand Or ga I d fresh in roll and print butter, from store, at 1210 p /s—and ' for good contemn at 10c p 114. ~.. BEESWAX—Supplies are light, and we hear of - air wiles to any considerable amount. We quote nominally at.2lW 2 e p ni. BUCKETS AND -TiURS—The market is fairly supplied with good Patent Beaver; and wit pole rf hPattiO at 2p, and dubs at Sll - BRANSi—The musket laden, with small sales only at 70015, for a good article of white, and 62 Citekt Or mixed. . BROOMS—SaIes of 400 digi at the killowing ratesi—Fint quality, 2,25; Second; 1,1501,67, and Or continua tadrchaatatile, at $101,121 f don, with a Air auPPIY in market. .. . _BRICK-.asf the different qualities, we, .1 0 .te as follotesiFire, 514 Prencd, 512; Paving from rud,45,50f1066; Common, $4 250•54 50 p M. BAGS—Ve aoticp pflel or cotton twilled at 54 04,50 Se dos from scorn, • - BATTING—SaIes of common to prime at, from 9 to 121 c Plll. .i COTTON—Receipts have been light during the week, and supplies in store are limited. Regular sfles arc elected at 5216.10 p lb, according to qual. .i.A.Fv&ottztekttrs AND SIIEETINGS—Tho musket is without ii6usge;.7.s,iss WM.' I=l2=! CHEESE.7-Conliderable quantities arrive bp, riveriedurthi Market, tunwithatandiag the ship-1 meats mud, to fairlk s aupplied with a good article.— Wp Auto regular sates of W A at 51(isUe. For cream, Aldo Is Obtained frdmotirre. , CANDLEB,I44,,ortie regular sales of Pittr tuorgh, Star, at ?2r MoUM, 141 lI c, of ped 9c. fllest brands rdSiihrrn p^t f 4 1 .1 30 0 7 *.' • CORN . MEAL—Limited sales are 7ported pi at 1,62 hbl. , Reccipfs areliiht, and ;erg hole Ldang. COB4l-rolirtjoals have been light, and tales Jm ring the week 'lloilo. limited. We note • limited sales from •10143 at 31633 n, and frOP lust l' an i ie " 1 ". CORDAGE:-„.We . have no changes to notioe ilia market. Wises' Wolinse firm, with, 'colas saki at gootationsi see ioble.. . ql4..ggF.RB:—Seles . In: • general' w ay har the above quoted prices - • 45.5 . ti1!, , 0 .. ;:m kn. green (rui npp.-oactea, tfin . demaad :Gn , drind lincorc7; 'lack. VA *no Moderate asks of 'applai Ft 70, and a peaches n t !4.9 p Lu. Wi') gEF ,--I VPF9t. F. -o.r limited sales kat& itwe at erAsre +, . ErtoUfV7-Ww at new feature to molten, the goat [MO. Co'ntlenthlo dullness ban pre. Pig Nlfetal—yr ton, 6104: Is: 11111.1j ci.,...„:00 WAN' H.sing Noek. No. t Founds} , • '4O O 037,00 Fomi , — Tennessee ' 21 011 D , % 0 '27 Com , . 11 0 - 1 Glu Rule). e-per 6 ....... •7".... • :17 01' 40; Pm.b. COISIMOII• - • 11 0 13 IGlancy -Dory :Plper mat . Cuba per gall '5 0 - Weslern comb p. lb 12 0 15.1 Glemesip-Dmp 91 pr. et Ginseng 0 0 '& u.K-perjon of 4 4011b5.- 11113es-,Duty 5 per rent . 5111romi ... - • • -0 ll Spanrsh - 0 - Do. galled - 0 - D. kippeper akin • .110 gri 6 .el orem - 4 hfereer corm. Foundry Fig n b 20 0 = Forge 0 —.- Nabouing County, 01:10. • Folilidry Pig -•%31,000 - 0 52 0 5 Pollee a Plaster Pail...lMT free Flamer Faris— -• 0 5 0 Provisions— Bacondlems, II 6.54 " Shrailders ..... 1 " Sides —3l 01 031 Ilogronad, city core 4 0— country do. —0 Lard No. I. in kg, -0 .4. kes..— 0000 . " Lin hbla•--0 Diner 1, in kes• • 0 51 I, in roll- —0 Ctieese,2lV. R 510 " Goshen 7-41 Crpek'n, rinds Wale. pr. bbL• • • --114 3.75 Do. Boner —0 4,50 Potatoes—pro bash. Conlin. • • • • 55 018 Neshannoeksp. LLI 0100 Sass-Doty S per erns Comtry =red —0 0 13u. good's/We 0 5 Rleeltper lb . Rice. • —0 3 Seeds—duty - 14sProltuir. Closer • 03,25 Ihinothy 431,37) Flaxseed 73 0100 Nustard ..... , • • 25 5 0 3 , 00 Splices—per b. Closes DI 0 MI Cassia in Deis •• • • 220 IV Ginger. Nutmegs. l!cpp.r. • Maple. • _ Snakeroot—per m. Virginia 0 14 &mecca gossit—Louty no per cent. Pinsburgh N. 1 • • • • 4/ 0 Cincinnati . 412141 Steal—per Farrago Cast /a Shear 16 0 17 Do. tangle 0 16 Rest German • • • •• • de 13 L• FLOC ...... • • • • 0 11 Hoop L• • • .• • • • 0 15 Pittsburgh ;Manufacture. Certain Steel; • • ..... 0 61 F.nglish blister 0 121 Americ. Mister— • 0 41 5 40 4. S D P n.a llW ri alt i t— r flr . tr i aLloo e . Rochelle 0,50 2.60 0 3,50 amojaridalth Pi 1.50 0.10 " ...... • •-- GO 0 9 "N 40 O . 50 Gin, ilollimd ' 'I.2S 01,75 Sur.r—Dty 3) patient N. 0. prune, bbd .410 14 " fair, Md. Reran., white, lb • .0 0 01 Brazil lb• 90 el &ridlea, Week, pr. doz rides• • • • ..... . 033,30 Ruesett do 3400 042,00 Upper sitisheil ,, Zl,oo 13 Kipp. Wetted-24M &MOD : .00 Calf Skin do. • . • 13.1* o'_'l,ol Lore Leniher• • • NM & N. England Seating, No.l prr dos•••• 15.1111 0 N 0.2 per dor • •33,00 0 No. 3 per dor • • • - •AOO 0 30 Sheepskin. 210 S Lumber July Z/p. e_ od val. per M. Pine, err, " pr 01•400 Common 01400 Ctrnr, " 030,00 Com'n di " 01320. Clear R" Coin'n ;2 !MOO Wekil hi - 21 in do• 1019,110 li t .common & •••••-• Oak do do 012,07 Pine song's 010002.25 0 MOO Loth, screed, 245 0 2,50 Lt ve atoek. 7 -prlGOibiiat Beeves flap 125 o=, Cows Cilves• • -601 00,00 Sheep 1,33 0 1,60 Molasses—Duty 30 pr.',44. SUgarhonse 40 0 13 'N.o4leans, 2 0 044.0 1004•413-0017 04444;0. • palyerixed, Philad sale—Dury4oper ceuL . Na 1., .Elba ..... —...0 "°"..'" —4l' 1,3 Rosin pet bb1.... '3,000 3,45 Pitch 1,50 0 4,00 Tar, Allegheny • '0 N. Ctuollns• .4437 0 4,20 Turpenthu, oll.• • ID 0 55 Vcrniol, Copal-1.15 0 2,00 Nolls—lhny 33 R. e.—pet Table, do. boa-- —0 .11040--Duty 90 per °dna Per keg,p 013,14 Per bag. • • . 0 1,374 Daltsstr•—per • Saltpetre 040 104 Tobiesse—per 10-110 per t. of for.cub for roataurd Tobacco.] Lady4o pr. ea Cigar 4 0 Illrnund do 4 0 7 Ladies , Twist.-- 4010 Di Plug Setter, 80 f Plug trt bozo.— —•l4 0 17 6Twl Cavertdiab•— • • ... .. 6 Ms Lump in box• • 0 10 ods . - 17 G. ".—.--10' 14 B,osch suaif-- • .14 0 16 .F•PPdd 0 13 Cut & Dry pap• • • 0 45 Te.—Dury 0 per Vent. 65 0 0 130aposeder.—•—• 43 0 70 Vostal . llyun•—• 3 45 : : 0 17F 41 / 4 " itikEte—Duty IS ca Daiwa k ...... •-•— 1 x 0 10 75 Tallow—City 10 pr. not Rendered•— 7 0 71 Rona ; 0 G. Soar a reale '3O 4 ♦tees—per box. Solid bores 0 16 keg, 100Iba, is tass'4 nails 1 cent savloteer , Thl 10020.1 Juniata • • 460 3,75 SO fld 4000 00 74 0 4500 —I 50 4750 —1 3,16,000 Spikesier Ih••—••• 0 5g Pressed•• ..... 6g6/ hi Ibiln Rivets••• •• • Ca> 7 &Mann—per lb— Pittsbugh OlL—pee gal. Lieseca—...• • • 61055 Olive 1,40 0 140 Sperm Washed 11Z tt_ Tinblesched 0 UP • *lm/e••••• —,•• .4,273 0 106 Tannecaperbblc 16,1 , 001360 Falwell—per lb. Prs4 Blue :11. 0 PO Lampblack REI/ Pawl Claroma Green "6 0, '63 " Yellow So. 1 ":•0•Z Brunswick Glem0••13 O ',,110 While 1..4, dry • • • 010 0a,p... keg • • 160 as Lek - 1 O 1'33 Red Lead• • • ...... 6 . 10 4-6 Yellowl/cre•• • • • .01 0 3 i Van. 11m1 410 6 Verdlorm 30 0 33 ... • - Wliness—Daty 40 pr. erns. L P Madeira- • • • 203 a 30 I•PTrnrsofe• • • • 340 0 1.50 Lisbon 75 0 1.5 n INT P5•Ings••••• • Gi 0 PI Swett 52. veiled during the week, and prices :show but little LEAD—Sales of 3000 Be pig indifferent liss a if any, change from Eimer rates. The steamer'. Ici and of 1000 las bar in small kw at 41nitate p news kits had. a dampimum iadueo4e upon the .ported. markets at the east. Americas dour in the Eng. gth•TAL__,_. ma ,., .. ... i..s .k iontinue to arrive from lish market has declined 2d p lAII, with * ..****' flanging Rock, and from Tenneinee. The market Fending ,Jecline in other hteaduriffs This news is dull, and but few sales of llopOlianCe are tram• seal doubtless Lave the effect to Lawn the demand F i r i ng . Ask o f 4 c, tons 04 . hi , ~,,,‘„, (Ky.) . and perhaps Muter the prices atthe east, and cause =2, 6 mos, aniFfss tons Etna, (II 11) roMblast el a corresponding decline in our own ;motet. The . .535 . 12 n „,,,,.. • . . eales. of the Put week''' bare h'' of ° general BLOOMS—We guise 170,ea the Ifeesent ruling 1 clientele', and were made up mainly of small lots ..,, of I ,_ mark . , vo, en - asks worthyof,o, to the trele. First hand sale have been regular- ,P tip ly effected at the river and from wagon at 3,906414 t " • , , p bbl, and from More et 4,121602. 5 r Mil: with a OlLS—Linikd has slightly improved, with names kw limited lots of extra at 4,31 p bbl. - in a regular Way at 510.55 c es gall. -Sales of lard EVE FLOUR—Receipts are light, and hole is at 51642. p gidl• Tanner!' o oil l. rid from store doing in the market. We quote limitedsale. at I;,F ^ " a ima gi n g a...N1 0 6 to quality from 12 to • PR ' . 2,Sliff?, gebbl. ~ I I FLAIII Thirterket continues doll, with no OATS—Receipts have been light, and supplies . ,„ are limited. Sales from store at 27e. y 100. °Meier° change i° Fri..* Sales 3 0 00 ms in di ' . I[l'7E—We can hear oLito sales of consequence. !meat lots at 31633.3epft1, as in qattlity. ' The noarivalrates are 56'u.55e as bbl. • Fern-LThere bee bee'ii a partial decline in time „ r . , . 4 ~i .., but I , p . c,e . b .,,,, ... wk . 6 ,,,,,, ROSIN—SaIe of crude N Cat $3633 121 e p • at the rates, Sales of 70 Ude No 3 rasekere' I, " -L , ' a , ra..425 pug. Limited ~,,h.,, ( 4- . N. T a r 05. ,RAILS—SaIo front first beats at 3tiale. 0,50, and of best tie let 512 { bM. Sales of sal- SEEDS--The wawa is ea no sum med that ht. mon at 810; of shad, at 220%50, and of fieqing at Ile or nothing is. dune to the market. We queen 6,25 p hbl. , .._. . nominally at. Pl . clon., • 3,4:5p3.37; timothy, 1,626 FRUITS AND NUTS--Correet quotations Use ; 1,75 c 6,, nod Ibis seed at 95c'y litt. the concise kinds sold in the market, will be Glad 1 TAR--Sales of N Cat 4,2504,50 p Val.. in table above. i 4 VINEGAR.—§alce of good eider vinegar al 00. FREIGHTS—The river freights am very light, • le f Pll. 'and good. M e shipped at low rates. See quote- . WHEAT—The market is quite dull, with regu• ',lions above: " - t ' • tar limited sales melee p bu, from store. Between Pittsburgh nod Philrolelphia, on the: WIIISKEY 7 S:aIes of reclined at 1 Nal 9c. per Pennsylvania canal and railroad, we quote coo ' gallon.. , a . . WO6L—The kilhitring are tIM prices paid kw redly as Gallows, expenses at squedurt included: Dry Goods, bonnets, oanfectionary and other box- 1 Wool in this market. ed goods, Sim r too; marlins, in bales and bor• I lapa, new fut•niture, willow baskets. deer, 11;1 C° T ua° , ° . W . e°1•• •, .... : • ..... • • • • • • Queensware in crates and hhda, SOc; tin and cop 1- • ' • •••••••• • • • • • • • • per in sheets, SOC; fish tplibc o n, A , nettomffee l, 'l,° . ) , filie p 100; groceries, hoop iro nada, 'hardware, I. V• •••••• •• • • Paint*, dyestuffs, wool, tobacco, leather, saddkry,Foil blood.. dc.c, &c, We, p _1)10 Da. I ' From Pittsburgh ram, via Monongahela Slack - Water mote to 'Baltimore, the fallowing are the 1 1 rates 7 For Pork, Beam, , Lad' , Butter, Cheese ,. , Ashes, Beet Glass, Tallow and Winskey , 20 ° p 1 100;--for Cotton, Flax, Hemp, Leather and Skins,, , 50c p 100—far Seed., Dried Fruit, Feathers, Furs and Wool,ll plOO lbs. . From Baltimore, Westr'firra- the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad and wagon lines. The Baltimore American fumirhea the following list of freight.. The charges on the-Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road from this city to Cumberland, are ss folkrwar viz—Hats Boots, Bonnet., and Medicine*, 35c 1001hs. D . ry Goods, Groceries. Queensware, To hams:42sc V 160 Cialcm,,Sall. and Firth,2oc lbs. Freights to T,ittedurigh,hy the Suir4oehanna Rail ' Road and tenusyleania.eanal,,ruwia galrrirs, Dry Goods, Hats, Shoes and Boanata, 20C- Sales 130mesties, Eioe. Leather, Groceries, and hard ware, 20c. Quenon..., Re. Coffee, 50e.— Mackerel and Shad, per bbl, $1 25; and Herring., 51,121: . . . Freight. by Elder, Gelsto. dc Co'. Our day line to Wheeling, Val 124 p 100. The Am ordinary I GROdERIg3—The market generally remain. the same as at the time of oar last report. .. ceipta have been limited. .Bupplics of all, toads howeverotre girths 'sufficient to the demand, and prices continue without change. Thn saln of the past week have been' bf a general character; at the following ratescr—N 0 anger, by bhd, 4105 to N. i• 1). N 0 inohuises, 27025, sugar bowie, 40 alrie p gall; loaf augur, SOllc . p lb. Rio ordec. `jai} for common to prime. , Rice, by tierce, slai file to lb. ' Pricey of other articles underlies head, see general table. . . • • • GLASS—The inarket is faddy supplied with ►II kinds of window teinti,. with'ihe exception of the stdeller sizes. The' prices continue quite firm at quotations ibund in tulle' above. Of fiat glass, the fdlowiog' is et condensed statement of pri• • Plain Tumblers 1 pt, from 5 to 10 oz each, ir •• — dos, net, - 31032 Pressed d0..1 and 1 pint;l ' m 6to 10 flute I do do Decanter+, iff, light 2 ring, gl 's stopper • 1,75 ! .do do heavy 2-do cot 375 ao do. do plain do : 2,50 • do do 'do rillia7 :]0•,..,: . 7 , ... ...... 0,56 Wine glass., Plain. ...t .... ~,, .... ~':..50, 5 75 do do pressed 175 Fiitchers, qt; phiin : 1,6701,75 • do do pillar dud ribbed - •1,53 do Iqt or creams . 00 Molasses Cans, pt plain • 1,25 •dn do do ribbed • 1,67 Plats, G in. and Gg 15 Castor Bottles, muted . 65 7ars,.l gal, I.3cillered ..over.• . • •• • • '.• . T ..... 2. 50 do gal . • do do.. • ... .•.. i ..... ... . ,327 111114 P—We notice no variation in the' prices. Limited sales ore effected at the rates of $llO * ton. hlanille-to hold at 11c *11). ,• 1144;—We nittice a temporary _advance in pit en., sin., L01141,_ µTel:.. review, with limited sales at the sodas, at bArsflld f ton. . HONEY—Very buffo is brought In at present, and limited axles only ore '.reported JO us at 1841 200 r T. i . Hol'B,-The market is dull, with no miles woe thrf ' , siren. Wu quote nominally at 1007111 c yr . , . MON A NLI NAILS-Nn change in prices Regular sale" are effected at quotationa. LUMBER—Thu market iii are . ply supplied with lumber of all kinds, and regular sales am tranargt• oil at thn prices qtauteffin table. •• 141111,— , , f he. naartcti is ;steady,. but not active., 41. of TS tibia No 1 leaf at Ole, and of 31 kegs same q.1447;, 6 *1c , Pl. 2 is sad .r siair , ic pee. A • • pound. LEATHER—The marke t is In a healthy Matti., NO} woedt is doiof:but former - quolatibie aro folly' sod*iorOf o `7 o , 0 1 !' • . 11/osailles '0 0 0 Pon-- .... : . ',to 0 7,w. Calabria 0 0 79 . . Prime'Wool per lb—Doty 'JO per cent. 0 ,Full Mal I blood . i blood 0 Pulled Common 90 0 - Tub ititishud U 9 0 liirbillakey—per gallon. Rectified 190 NO Raw Alonongsbela 190 191 7.llfip—per lb Sheet - '0 10 Slab ' 0 OCI Freights—per UM lb, To Cincinnati. Dry Goods 0 20 IVlouirrille. 10015 Dry Good• , ' —0 451 Henry ' ' 121016 FrocoLooisville in lb Dry Goods • To Si Lout, Dry. Goods , — 4003 30 Heavy 25 0 30 lb Cleveladansl E. Dry Goods ' ' .0 37 0 10 Heavy _ 1 To andirons Brownsoiltr. 2' Dry Goode (down) g ir V/ 1 Produce, &c. 040 -,1 ' To - N.61011r. ' _ _ ._ . Td theehng Dry Goods IlesTy Zeneaville 11 !ANk.ver Heavy To Neve Ore... • Heavy Goode - - 40 CP 50 Glass, to ' ' 500021 laT73 07 1 . 11110111 . 0,1 rag PIVINSTI.V• ~ C,311 . „.•L 030 1tart.1. , 11,1 ' I 'Ashen, lot /old Pearl, • - fr) Boner and Rieon„ - - Gli Beef. ealted,t - . , do 6.5 Bale rope and Bagging do .70 Ileeswart, • do 75 Bones, do IS Brooms, . do 1,50 Cheese, r do 75 Corer 1 ', do GO • 50 Colton, . ' do eluded Rollers ' do Drugs and Medicine., : do ISO Dry Good I,IXI Cued Po rn ', ."- do 75 Floor, -_ 2 . -- .-bbl. ;: GO Furs and Felines, perloo lbs 1,00 Feathers, y • do I,CO Furniture, 1 • . .___,do 1,60 Glassware, c..,' - do 60 Gree n an d Per ha GO • Green and dry trait per MOIL% 75 Ginseng, 1 per 160 lea EC Groceries, 1 : do 00 Hardware, • do ' 75 Hops, do Hemp,.7o Hides, Beer 75e; dry 11116) do o • Leather, . do 60 Lead, do lard and lard O il , do 6 40 5 09,Camr. ' do 75 Linseed Oil, do 75 POHL' per 111. - do 0 150 ftll'll, perloolba 70 Roods and cordage, do co Opeaia do IA Seeds, : - do 70 .sklns,Deer and Buffalo, do ' 75 Tallow, ~.. do 65 Tobacco, Leac ui , do TO da blanlerared, do do 7 0 5 Wbea Wool, Lo „- ' 4001,60 Whiskey', per Lbl ft Class. No. 7-Ashes, Oak Plld, N. I' Bacon, Bauer, Lard, Cheese, Pork. Tau s, Tslloer W Glass, ' gra Whieky 9;100 lbs 90 Class Nek9-11esep, flax: Inhales'l,oo Clus No.3—DrieJ Fteit !calker, Old 'l4O, skin., Seeds Wool, Olt Mass No 4—amedd, Feethers,Pan.Umso'd, Hope-Wile, loose Fier EIS . • Karl aaaa damned. meinßM. pf maramee,do mudded of, dad keel Imam. , f Pbar Filtamsk, to Wlteelidd.Vo. 10— . "-to surd from Cineinom,o kV t • to Louisville, Ky. • .10 ' " b Pt, Loots, /do I.ol{ • " so Boarrilleola 1 01 " to Independence 2 Oil .• a w(Wellajll. ."m Mempltis,lfes• •• .• • • lin • " to N,Lttledes t 011 From N. Pittsburgh •• 1•1 011 Sd- Louts 0 Clymer by. good El. BOCA a . • • tit Nest Orlesus Illosoyilitoeks sad BUIBill!/•• In meatu the eastern money market, the New York Collllllf Milli • Advestises of ibei..2lth lost, holds the following ltiatragi-. The sixteen million lona was negotiated upon more Gtvoralile tams thus was generolly suniespa , teat, the tale being considered high in mew of the peculiar stall of things siffeming thei . value of erary species of property both twee and . io Europe, al. though low compared wall the pnce whleb sines of such a character command when the gess enthrals of anien in not calculated to operate %lA favorably npon them. The stock of our own nue ta very hugely ab sorted nib. buis of our bank note circulation, and a similar remark will apply ,to _Unit of Ohio, (though on to so grail an eaten) - the two state stocks current at oat stock exchange, which cone nand the highfist price. 'The debts of other states which sell at or tear per, are nufch smaller its amount and the quantity offering in market la ve ry moderate, these as well as the others in question being held both be domestic - and breign invest. Meta. The bonds of the- Erie railroad bearing seven per cent interest, can - be purChased sOme six per cent ksa thin the Stock of the Government bur log only six per oent interest. We suppose there is no question about the security of the former, bat being.lmo generally known and understood than the tatter, the number who are willing to purchase them is more limited, and hencia;.those who are willing, have mu much the greater inducement pre. seated to them. . . The settlement of the loan question upon terms considered so advarnegeOus hot aided in restoring con6denoe and the general belief drat a large amount Is going abroad has effected the rated' bills of exchange' (or which at the moment the'demand is moderate. Individuals conversant With the' .u 4 jecrespress the opinlati that the sliipmehts or tpo• cia have nearly terminated, an opinion nada , Cr general convenience it mop be hopod will prove to be welt founded.) MCI= Or ISTOCIL% Now Yolk, June' 21. Philo&lpftio. June 21. Tress. Nato 0i1041.11, 6y 0. '67 ' 101 U. S. 13s '6% 1041 do do do '62 1021 Ohio 1316 1660, 100 Pittaborgh 64'51 00 111. Cu.,! Weds, 44 ICin.o4 '5O .07 lad. State, 52, : 50 Toon. 5s '7l 75 Penna. 54, 71146y.6. /4 100 EtSCI=II The Ince.) money risarkitt glow. no important vo. nation (Min our . hat weekly exhibit. Ronny in the eueet is mone scarce, sod in better deinunl.— The amount of aurrenVflosh is shoot mud to the demand. . . Exchanges are erne:Led at the folbwnig rater - - EXCHANGE. EXCHANGE. Selling rote. Buying rain. New York, 1 pniCincinnati, I I die. k " Loubmille, Baltimore, St Lout', e " • BANK NOTES. • • Buying rates. Pitying met Ohio, II dm. Co tS:Cityurders 11 di Indiana, • " Relief Notts, " " Kentucky, " Pennerylvartia Co, ~ I , " " New Wee; ' " Virginia, do Vbeeling A. New Trinnessee, "" " New Orleans, t. a M =! Allegheny, June '26,1818. Beeves—A Eicher reeling was maniksted in the anuket to day, it ith a slight advance .00 Ammer rates. These woe about 400. bead sacred at the yard, nearly a 0 orwhich ware taken at 4,50 ,50 v. 100 Its nett. Hog►—The market was a little dull, and the numberofered limited. 60 head • were sold at 3, 25.100 She nett. • Sheep--Some 300 bead were ofeMd, and most *' ol '4 ,t2e1t!.59 each . PORT OF PITTSIKOH. .3 rm. 10 mu. wins im csAwsa,—n3.l.o E!EMEEMI ..Lodia McLane Bennett, Brownsville Camden, Hendrickson, M'Keesport. ---- Lake Erie, Murry, Beaver. Corua], Kinney, Wheeling. Michigan No 2, Gilson. Beaver. Philip Doildridge, Mocre, Cirt.. Colorado, Gordon, St Louis DEPARTED. Beaver, Oak; Steubenville. Louis McLane, Bennett, Browns . sMle.• Lake Erie, Marry, Beaver. ' . Michigan Berlveri • Baltic, Jacobi., Brownsville. , • Caleb Cope,Noore, Beaver and Wellsville. 'Shenandoah, —, St Louis.. • Wellsville, Barns, Sunfish. Poe, Sunfish. Friendship Davis, Cm. • Ludlow, —, Freeport. • candrier, MeGalfick,Situlhville. '.TheFriVer last evening at dusk was 3 feet,,lo Mahe. water in channel, by pier mark, and falling. PA99ENGF.R ARRANOPIMMTS FOR 1648. For rblladelphio every eventng at 9 o'clock, by Leech's Packets.' Office' opposite, the blotted States StemWe Packet U. 1.11118 duly for Cincimiati, A. sa. _ Pawnees Packet via liroveleredle to Baltimore and Philadelphia:o • IC end 6 r. a. Mail Conch Lace duect tp Philadelphia, D o. a. anJ Pt/ 0. U. Western and 24orthern Mill Coach Line, G A. IL Nenth•Westexti Ala Cleveland, daily, ton. a. Erie and Western NediNork, daily, 9 a. AL North-Bastem todadelphis, daily, except Ennidaya, 4, • ts.. • • • ARRIVALS AND- DRAARTURE OF MAILS. Eastern Nail via Plalludelphia, due 3 A. At, close. 12 x Wesro Null, Cincin. & Louise, due 8 r. Ar, closes 5 A. r Soulb.virißulumore &Wievlangtail, due a p. a. cps 5 A. ve. Nurth Western vim Clevel.a, due 10.. tr., cloves SA. N. Erie and Wevlern Navr V., der. 9r. 5., cloves BA. ix Er The number and [moldable character of du= esom animating td • dile/seed state Of the liner, has long challenged the anenuon of medical men. Some of Wdse Linear.,classed under the general term of commotion, hat e been supposed incurable, and rho unhappy. paueng was allowed to du, walnut medical setenee bemg enabled to offer him • hope of recove r!. IhrPPtlY. thin can no loafer be the ease. A reme dy Ids beetreound which 'edictal , all these complete/a, of whanwer character, onslwt tom derangement of the !leer. The Pala discovered by Dr hrl.ane. of Tor onto, set ddeptly on the liver, and by correcting as operation and urtfylng n from diveue, sue, of and exuspates the complaints which have their ongm in the ddeasea of Ma organ. Illemedee• hitherto propos ed for these discuss have failed too , rate upon the • . . seat of this disease; bin De niClLanels hue make them selves felt upon the simian ortbe lives, and by cleens leg the countam Lm. up the impure streams ordnetuie which thence deme their existence.' For sale at the Drei store oil. KIDD& Co, 69 wood st. WSW Tim arr. trail • Cit•ast!—The onl6C ual only true and genuine Liver Pill, replied by R E Sellers. 1./11,:}11.13WN, Va , June Mr H It'fiellera—hiome years 11113C0 WWI much bert atned by using. your Lira - Pills, and as 1 am • great rude., war. 1 enclose; you one dollar, and wish'ion 10 Slitd ma the Werth of n in Liver rata, by marl. m!. panientar 10 rend the ram kind—they acted like • churn when I took Mein Lekoe. Your,. die, A CI CHAMBLIN. Prypart , sl and sold by FL Fl SF:LLERS, Wood Sold by lb. Cassol, bah ward; M. Curry, Allegbeuy; W. J. Sada., Touperanceyille, and P Lhasa, Lusr ruuteilla. C•rnob.—All other {ib; rolled Liver Iblls am roan• tesibits Ot SOll Itri%) HALT AIM Lalia.--Convonck's Nerve and Bonn Lannon's and Indian Vogclablo Mau, in W now ,ellbetnal awe for kheanintoul. Sold by Wal. JACKI WPC Aaiun for Palabuyrb. noyledannfonT A MERCHANT OP THIS CITY, sees had awn a. A Dieted whir the nubs. for four years, had oaken Loiort every skin/. His physicisue constantly anon ded him, and be had expended over two medicines, dot lure He never believed in advertised medicines, . • . . . .. . . .. . _ cotoidered them all !emboss. At tut be tried Dr.. Taylor'. Balsam of leverwon. from 7d Beekman street, New York. and loofa week* was entirely cared, lov ing taken only th e s e bottles. This is pal,. one of many emirs 'Ooze imaginary objection* to • paint. medicine have prevented person. front using this 'methrine, sib° ve expended hundred. of dollars to their thes e sicians , j tovain—and Mass end owe heir recovery infal• IMO efficacy of this patt ed vegetabla_mparatma. There i. no mond., that Mt noilietne 411 atiperior to any remedy prescribed by medical adVDers. Tbis medicine has 'taken DJ year to mature, 'sad I. the su• tart semedy for &mason ev Introduced to the public. RAmematc Pons, Cocoa, as SI:101131,14.1 or Bast. Conate—Patfering for alo time will Mesa complam., I had gives up all bops of tug mead. I had conealt• ad the botanic and.hocompithic damn, in vain. I had toed moor articles advernavd, but found no relief In leapsu I ad peen apt mead all naralteines. Hear in of Me great 'MOM Of Dr. Tailor . * Balsam abier• wort, and the g wit mares A bail perforated, induced me to try it, and to my great nay and astamahmeat, / was better daily.' 1 coued Os me, elan hi* Sugar. timed Pills. until lam • e ntin ntirely mated. Dr. Taylor'. Balsam of Liverwort O the bed mechanic 111 the world for these complain* and will cure every 011 e madded. - SETIIP.AWRENCE, Csiosio of the Nancy. utNra , Vara. Amnia Caaan I have sufferavklront the Asthma 101.9( imp base used every medicine could otitarn tor Its eure in vino, until I tried lir. Taylors Salaam of Liverwort Tail enesliern. Its. affooled me ifaist ratinfeet iht, mid Is, In ray opinion, a cure for etos distressing disease; more Ovemally. us I know of many ease, among my friends, when tt hay been lush ly sammasfal. Promos unereated ,re invited to mill t 'deuce fo Sinker Infortnattoa. SAR.s. O.RIITCIII.i 110 Lam ess et Fold ft Pilsbaralt by JD Mary. 53 ilfood Pt; 1 Toroaend. its 51arkel se 11 Starer, ens ~,,, 31141 at.; 11euderson k C0:5141m.y at Price redireed to 11140 per leanly. BRICK FOR SALE. treZ:zni " PTe . t .. , Improved =chute, for which he h 1 o! brick to e , bairdiol, made aunt... shied • patent. stud agrees to give purchase's • wenOn guarantee that they •re stroner, and will o•ist foot and wet weath er and Imistbelets moisture or dampnerathan any oth er brick, pos.'s/rig greater body and supendt texture asninineh more datable in every respect, each book twang subjeited to • porwure of al tons, and pos , waning a handsome smooth turf.. and even edge., they tusk, • front equal to the best front brick. They have given the greatest satisfaction to all.sylio hatter purchased. A kiln cap he wen at sny works, and specimen at the VII4EIM °Este Those having supplied Shentselve• tor their buildings, and wishing handsomeamut brielt, or supenor hard and solid paving brick, can obtalq them.AAC /kl GREGG. Hinzungham, June 1.2, L.P. if • Steam Engine and Paw PLll for fold. lI , HIE sobseribers having mi. their lower Simi-Blur. s. PLJNI. Mamma in successful operation, oh tee their ripper Mill, with Steam F ngine and Lath Eutting..Establishriscut, and the Frame Buildings con taining rheinfor sae ou maronable and aceortimoda ung trims. Tbe sleslll engme II so excellent one, and all the moths in the Sawing and Lath Cutting marl hiliments are In good order and eondition, and a pur chaser can nuance the whole and put them into opera -1104 to .041 MS pike, in leas than sixty days. Letters post paid, directed-to the subscribers, Pinaborch. wilt be prosuptly attended W. lep9'' NEVILLE 111.-CRAM h SON - /ELECT SCIIOOI4 18cnont. Room m tax Time Parsonserrott Cavaco ) Vitt. CATON'S School wit! be opened for We weep.. LLL bon of pupils of both ewer. on Mondry, tite,2sl of May. •Pauctrtoge is rerpretfuLy whetted. Pittsburgh, April ad, Ittr. • fitxruwees—Rer. D. Riddle, D. D. " A. T. McGill, D. D Ur. (Imre Albtee. --- Richard Edwards: - 14A, W. ST Hear* Wi,lnsuan. FSHIRTING MUSLINS—W II Murphy has r open this morning a further supply of those very superior British Long Cloth Shining ushos; also, fine Lonedale do, and has constantly on land an won moat of ever?. grade of tidally, at low- cash paces. Irish Lbricus fot shithitree end lthmkit, , ot Par. gat, and very cheap, at northeast cornet of gth and /duke* streets. ' loll Ilittad Street Bridge. N .election for one President, On Managers o ne ATreasurer and one Clerk to conduct the business of the Hand Street Bridge Company for .the ensuing year, will be held at the Toll House, north end of said Bridge, on the first Monday of Lay _near, commencing ar 3 o'clock, P. M. W7d. MORIUSON, President. wit= GOODS FOR DREICSES—W II Murphy has Not received an invoice of White Dress Goods For ladies, such as } tench 'and Scotch Mull \ " Z i ello S n a „ t el ‘ l=ny j' a c r ' n ' o b ith t e o isl y c e o7 nee of Alo, lith and market sm. JrN Hagar and I 48 Itt i bbis lhi i lAndS N ara C c B' , ta r il,s and 7; Mt do rib. New. Orleans Nl:dames; 27 du " Sager House - odo In store'erul (or sale by W h. ht .24ITCSIELTRIttl, je= Ifit laturny so NFORIII their friends and the pablft. Ibilthey have L. no longer . any coaueenbro With (heir late eatablish meat tri Penn street, known n the Pittsburgh Brewery 'having' rentoted their entire:berme.. to the MTIN DREWIRY., in Flu street. '. • • nryl9:4/torlyB . Itai7 highest prier on eaah paid for good oboe rugs also, curves., baleropei grass ropaibeirltheito.P.l" en nig. bY I. W. cry.Awipg. ape were. Man O. 'aorta ; POTASH—I east al retell, *No 1 article, for sale by " JOIIN D hIORUAN YELLOW.:3i — easks reed and fur sale by V )nl9 —IOIIN DIIIDRUAN is METAL-50 tonr Pig Metal, Blanche tumor. F for rale by jos -BAGALEY & r ir m . ,,N err o,E, i;r4. bbls Hpr9i ol!,oruperior, Cofr DARA39I.I4—A lot of 11111140 m Satin Tarr Para. Yobt,ttast.opefted by 0114 BACON -I 0 casks Bacoo, for We m .1,911N R UILWORTH Ij - UritilOitliil- - 11Ubireitrec'diiii Co m sale by myls ORA UN REI . TER sAks tkdes, ree'd myln A FLOUR—SAI ht. 151 Family Flour, for salcill r my 26 MDILUORTII AkWoii.--gtoblpiirovn's bent Lau' Mil, in morn and for We by. Jel3 JAMES DALZEI.I, V - INFV7A R pun, Cider Vinegar, for eat, by V jell J A DILWORTH r • 1,.1' 41 `;'" 1 °R",..2 , 7b 1 '' 11PPER AND AIJAPICt—do !Orgy roppFo 10 ,do Allspice, In more nod for nolo by" JA.REINOND Q 'NOM". LOAF SUOAR—A, bbl• Nom' 4, 6 and 6 N Q 0 lie6ned;a4 aeon ahilfor sale by J k R FLOYD J4ARD OIL—In Lbln and half Ws, far We km by JO* DROWN tr. CULOEIRTSOP! • instil, or stir low by no _ BRO WN _& cuullorrsoN N Sugar; !0661. mush . 41.3; •• 1•O du Loaf do, in more andfor DROWN & DULBERRSON 0 Nokluas . i da Soisr ra.and Cal iak byy DRO% N R CI.II.IIERTSON D for oak by • RO,WORTII blade S9Udo paha . • male by ' kJ) 0 r0LA.44:5.-soo In Home do, In . 4<w - I, 4 lu i l . t i lcaluit;ti Sby H uitZ k Wartetbd;iedfsl and far sal • --,- , . ... . JOHN D NOTIOAN • a Mami. ChuHew., juo reed jal2 ' JOHN D MORGAN BLACXII.IO-101.1d • and for thilie by HOUSES., LOTS, FARMS, &C. FOB. BALE, A •L•••••" , krUCIISIT nurnexce, eter mut tratiii tai COMM 110CSI. adm" tor of he estite'ittAtia T AteFarland, deed, offers ' beetle on an terms, • very pleasantly kOt Ned mote and Lot, ie theneighborhood of Mincrav il le. a djoining property r.f Alexander lyeekenidge, Esq. The hoe. e two [story frame budding, with basertentthe lot contains one acre, on whicht ir very near. and choice r dectionof every vunety of fruit, and • mien. did verb ofshrubbery. For particulars, refer to the Messrs., Harrow, Mr. IL P. Cain, or Mr. Willis Boot. ALEX. WILSON, Adm., Tract ot Latad for 111•14 B fp it ri ber will sell on anottutmodating term, • J `inable tract o(unit:enred lend, snare an the road - leading from Brighton to Franklin, about eighficn rom Pi Itsbergh, sod about eight miles from the ntrm of Freedom on the Ohio neer. The tract emu- Mt as 402 acretend Si perches, strict measure The Is nd le of an excellent quality, about PO acre-attested, red well water., and will be pold either in whole or .nt firms of convenient site, to son purettaiem Fur further particulars encl.% of WM. BOYD, Meg rt Law, office on 4111 a t , above thettimead, PiUthargtu tuyilbdtcurif T if,71.1/ A 111. - MP - 11 - 07PICKWIWe THAT propeny latelysoeenpied by N, Nixon, Erb,. (Iraq meet, nem Robinson, Allegheny city, will be sold on aceMomildating terms. The lot le X.l feet 4 inches on Craig greet, muting through to the Cantu' feet. mere ts *good two story fame dwelling house on the prernisethletely bail; and the lot ii improved, contenting as artety of choice fmit trees, grape, elmtbbcry, he. This property is courant .tly enured for persons domg Internees in either Pitt. burgh or Allegheny, and Is • resilience. Titla indopumble. For termv apply y, WM., BOYD, Attor ney at Law, office on Fourth street, above Smithfield. apitthf Merlre ••• - • - ATRACT of laud, 90 acres, hilltarriaon,Posuge Co, on the Cuyahoga river—aboutiu acresuMev ior aventent. Also, two unimprottA lots to the village f ITarren, Trumbull Co., GO feet by 90. Also, a lot of ground in the centre of ilartf4Tmltull Co, with fine dwelling house and sto no of the best stands • for a merchint on the Western eve. Any or SU this property aril! be sold no very accommodating Won.. • ISAIAH DICKEY le Co, Mtn • • Water and Front etc "tool Mal Mani* ha Jll•rese Clomaty. AIL"' Storehouse arid Dwelling, sitalla on the Erie Exteurion Canal, in the •Mage of Wert hlid dlese • duirable loeauon fora merchant Also, • Lot and good-Dwelling grilse well gutted fora Tavern Blood, in the village of Orungerdle, on State lion of Ohio. Teruo easy. 11l D1CW..17 d. Co. hide 4-- Water and Front au.'' -Mori to Rent. LORENT—The lower Eroor and eellir of store No. W Water et, adjoining Sturm Barbridge, Waren ~ Enquire on the premises or of YOUNG, lrEfti a PLUNEETT, mr2s:lm • I • 7 51,1 wataral • Lottoo Salim • . AWI . in the 6th ward, 49 futon LotanitOwl by 60 feet en Clerk street; one of the MO eter4able hi. canons In the 6th ward. 'Winona apply to the tab) scriber at the Pilethodist Book Store Il add Market cum. or at his dwelling on Qat Etnitakoppolite K. Trovillo's timely Wore.... froblOp...- .1 L READ. For a.m. A two story brick dwelling with thou soacres of ground attached, situated at Oakland. The place is well stocked Well;t of all kinds, and IBa dearable location fora be d entirely out of . ach.of the river and dirt of the city. Art astaibes err eakland hourly for the cirri. Apply to • • anti, - ATWOOD, /ONES & co Property In 'Allegheny City for gale.. rim': subscribers oder for sale a number of choice 1 Lots, situate in the Second Ward, fronting on the Common ground. oh easy terms. Inquire of W. O IL ROBINSON, Atty it Law, M Clair st or of J A M ROBINSON. on thepremises. myl7:iltertf T Wit= A new three story . brick dwelling house on wast Wylie arver—Poron given on the first of pril or wormer if regnized. Inquire of J Jr. R 11,DYD,IL/2 'Poi.' Ronk. A two story brick dwelling with *boa" of ground, lutuaterron the bank of the, Ohio; Tor . , in the borough of kf nehesier: Apply to r • )AMFJ A IIUTCHISOft & Co. ti.THREE dwelhog houses situated on 4th street near canal bridge, La the city of Pittsburgh. Al so, a ram 75 by W feet, with a convenient en trance:on sth st., near wood. A 1.., a frame dwelling, two movies, watt an sere of ground enclosed and ender chiyation, ~mare on Ohio lane, in the city of Allegho. Inquire of -... • " WILLIAMS, IS wood street . ' • To lira or. itt F SALE. OR T, tbe.Plnsburgh Brew ery, sns all tiA brew' apparants, situate on Pe trent and lin s slleyand iv:moan:pied by Geo. W. b 0. Possession given on tho fast day of April ensuing. For terms, &a. enquire of BROWN & CULBERTSON, feb.Tlf KS liberty st. WriSi:SOUSE FORSAL sabaeiiWr oders for sale 'the three by brick Warehouse on Wood street, occupied EL Tanner Co. rents now for 111010 per year. 7WM. WILSON, Jr. Th. , ttr , x glixx rtxtY dmfproo(briek more on second et. nom occupied by Felwarel Evans; for rent from In of Apnl next. Inqutre of J teeIIOONMAYER & Co, 1.19 %mood *mot • subscribers will rent part ofthis mare. bourn now occupied by them. Apply to 1, LEWIS, MIZELL, fr. Co., JanlP Ad water item[. For • A bore mom on the Al story of the wanbouse jl i tkoceopted by the toubsetibent, near the foot of 7rpo4 streat-111 goal location for a atesillboat agency er an Inturenee odic, lank . ItutiLMANS L GARRIS6N. SA Fine two story brop !wow, on settin litreet, Allegheny city, near the pper , bridge. 'llte*n is et in trout by WU deep. '• t or terms ingoire 0( . delstf -• A AVASI/INGTON,IIti st Per Itooll, AA, 771 E lunge are proof vestreholtae, 24 feet front by. ail) feel deep, 011 cond la, near wood. Reoli mal er Inquire o 1 SCHOONMANER & _ .• dell woad it , hearts lII'A Snooks Dooms. itusted oto Flom alLioy, for ret. Imams RORFRT DALZEI4, 'Ar. Co, Lawny wa r es (10Alt LAND FOR RALF—Seven arms coal 'aria ILI In tale, states ta bend of We Moaorogalowlsolitivall, abase 13rossasville o Pc, haring a 7 foot Tem qt coal, watch atoll tst sokl o on eschsagafor roods. For panora mas apply lit t0n251 13 h WjtAßUAUtill, 33 arcoad ~.:DRY GOODS. KNOW ALL MEN THAT IMBINETT t CO. LTA YB removed from PM Market attest, to near otw II apteund and internee establishment to beßnoWn - me the TOWER HALL CLOTHING BAZAAR, No. let Market atteet;benoreen Fifth and Meth, P10,41)4L, The proprietor; feel a reluctance in plittegiting what in any way might appear like the umal Bouthaa. are exaggeration of tone in the trade, bit wilt tiegito I Quote Ihr following online iron nor of ma eityipapeki. "One of the greatest rurioeilies that our eilyndoide to the teenier, Is Bennett A Gets great clothing aide ,i N. BY Market street, between Fifth and Sun, whidhi has been .tiled “Tower liall4fnim the penakiir fniak of are front The building i• an Immense orte, 7 eontailvt int sewn capacious rooms, all of which aret:ittoeked, with ereryeanety of aessoneble,tattfonent fitmegin; to i her11011( perniel order and regularity. Tunproprise tors take great pleanee in Mount* their budding sad contents to citierns,potirelnly cteedentoaß , O , l* coining from the country—we know of no plate More worthy of a visit. .ovekato • y lt. EATON A. CO. are now receismg ShiSTrGin . importers and inanufactutErs, a large aboutiledi Fancy and Simile TrinitniMM, kr and Tdrit Hoods, among which are—Mack and ent`CManillin: Fringes: do Au Deco do; Embroidery and 1111altel Limps; ilai.ey and other due. MUGU; black' Silk Lace; Linen cambric Ildkfs; ArtificiabEloWeill and Wreathe; Chemitelteal nedle inked Colbirk,l steel Bap and Purser, Ivory, l i on)) an w dFeither fine; Kid, Silk atfil Lisle Gloves; Gemillosiery, Glove{ Ae, children,' aid woolens' tfosiery.• flair BroattihkCilgrdoe and Tooth Iftruebes; Winders" Shades and TfintethnFif, Tailors , Tkintmings; Shin., of mew' and yotithil PUP-, lke. he. which they offer on favorable temis, aftfinif7, more, CI Market or, near 4111. r }ell'; f El; . . _ "ff."4 6 „,?;?L'sc-r2o full goods for Ladies Dresses, including—§actinuiblk lino; Swiss Nansook do; plain Jaconetkantall bard red do; satin burial do. Also, i t r r For Ereaulg Drone red embroblikred tbkrira ; Mogi.; Intik embroidered Tarlton do; I,lte do; nerd style damask atrmed mi...mike,' e lsin *Mel blue, pink rind . by colored do ' nl.o , ambnilderlial and Owl.. Muslin, by dhe yard, (no Egening Dreimes, 4 }acct Lace Shawls, and Capea—Frencb 'and Smack needle work Collars; no assortmentpf nearaisisk beaumul rime Linen Cuddle Handkerchiefs; m ; omirk ing do; all at lowest cash prices, of north4ssi conies, gth and market ma - ieti, `SUPER BLE rat;:sicii CLOTHS—Av It labiNdaY" 0 Invites the attention ofgentlemen wordily galas. to has assortment of very best make of French, and English Cloths. A into pieces very superior Moult - French, lost recd; also, Doeskins end Camimeres, hi great msnery; summer Cll•l4ll3Cre. and Tweed., Re. aliens' anal fiery; wear. black satin \beatings, white. Marseilles do; genie whate;and IrordentlitnloneamhnO Hdkfs; super white and creamed silt do; grids Glovesi Hominy, to ; Ileum. Merino and cotton Undershithej Mr cannier wear, Mk mad Furey Cmvabd Gintehast and Jaeonei do, An. ja7 . TO Conakry 117erehemei — b SMITH AND JOHNSON. 45 Market Omit. have ref. rerd 15 ease. Bonneo,consistmg In Part of plain Straw, Aurora Braids, Yamada do, Gimp do, &ladle do, China, Pearl and Floreuee; 5 eases: Palm Leaf Hsu, Embalm' asarlattoys' logborn and Bribl do facial facial floareta, in gamy "tawny. Also NO doe Lobe. Colton Nose, fneinls relate per doe, up to the intake quality; 100 doe Gents half hoar; a good assortment of Lola Thread, Salk and Cotton Coares; 75ps silk Dahlia, Skip. Wadaleas doll* dos Linen Casobrie do; 15 ear - tons Celan and Thread laces. Also, a soMI assort meat of Combs. Ramona, Thread, Needles Pins, Cut lery, Jewelry, de , an all of whieh they 'well offero ayes andueemenrin price* to rosehatsars. ' nap" PENIS YESTERDAY, at Aie 11 1 7durphy's . Dry lioods./loure, northeast corner of 4th and Markel vinets—Glossy blade Salk, (or Mantillas:. new style Dress Ginehanns; talk mad white Crapes; Mk, white and atoned Cotton Dose; Yarnell Lammas, Au. are. I Also on hand, a good assortment of black Mohair, Ilk Sulk and Riley Itarante and rime Shawlr„ Wham and crab Crape du, plum and embroidered; Meek Dee Slaw's, Scarfs and Capes, pew style 601•11etis for Capes, Caps, act plain wash Illonds'lnal Neto, be. Wholesale Rotolo up mass, wham an gradient as sortment of Prints, An. is always kept at low prices. jetil • . • . I IMRE:AD LACE—ithrith son, le Market at, L IPpee j 1.1“ reed 2eartens thereof those wide Thread Loot., thin, ton cis per yd up. Also, one mum of Merl ho do, one do Puna Point dth also HI canon. on 1......... boilers anil when will find it to their prir,..l to caU, as they will be Sold at extremely low ce..e • 01 ' IfilitlNTX—r thrge iiiielraiient. of — 4 - lu - e . ;Tlne iiiid or , I.tinge, and fancy P6lllll, pf every desirable OOP.4l jy, .41 qualoiy, just opening and fur sole 48 the tfede. at extraortheary low rates, tii the coe, ike. 7e3 SHACKLE TT & WHITE OLINALE DRY CIOODS—A A. Mason & to: Whave just received at lacir I petrel', Rap= v, Al arket 'IC peace prole Lawn, 'and Nosliw,S do good evle of Gingham si 4 do mew arple of Callow.; 6 do of Coirouvdes and gfAiainet Stan; It du Parovole, of evorrvariety.• Alto, Ribbons, I.nes, Glove, Floeiery.Mharels...Elooloviiev, dic.A.c. lot 1A EEri, EDGINES, &C.-2) entente low pricdand - 4 medium Edgings, Lacea Insertings,Quillings, pra mut fancy Nets, oldie latest importations, rust °wiled by MLY. EHACYLIIT? dr WHITE MALCUAR'D GING HAMIS7-W R blinithy has le , 0 calved an additional supply of the armee including brava and ryhitm green and 10.0. Ite; !tr, afore pieceleur r mrpper 2 2ltp b1 °64114. /V NEttD44l—)q R hturphy has reed bis supply at !domain" Netting, British and Amer ican, whiter gretub blue and barred, alai srldlinr. , 4.l bobinent fur do, vim. wide, am; °aired at loar•pnees by Me piece of yard.' PiIT 1.1 and co GLAW • i tislTdo,to ' re m rt S atipply iilo ' Llery h re! 'cluv.ll al Dry thuxlillouse of = • • • e,.• jet? Vi hIEEPiIT RATES/OF• DISCOUNT. ILATW OY, 4.10UU1 x.ucuz Erdman.. Bsoto* N. 111 • Possitylvo.alla.. . Bank ofPitutherigh •••4•art M gg Zn. hi lhak oJa. Book • P :lPar Bkr.lThiladelptits.••••pos ; Girard Bank••••••••• •Pos I Bulk of Germantown. • ! ME3IM i rate Stote Ilk k.Bronelm•• 1 . Sort • . 4. r r Ereboogollt i . a ollic. • 1. Fanners 8k.."( Va. •-•,i " Bt. alike Valley, -—.. " Bk. of Virginia Ili.k.111:11t Wheeling do Mornourso.• • • 1 N. W. liarilt V0.....4.,:.k do Welboborg • 1 do . Fortershom...... , Tsaeasoo. Bk. or. Ten ...-. • 5 Far. a lre ' re e tg: ' Bk•-- o ,Plootono 8k.., .. • - o illnion Bk . ....—.. 0 _ _ " Chester . ()Panty ••• par , Delman: Ho.• —P. " klaargeracti Pa—P. • " dtanNaomn dsa aHba anrkt..a .n.d,•. par I Daples a aHn . sriC." Pa l l Farms'M. Readif•par Parham' Bk. Hacks . par Fanners Itt Labs. 'r•par Lancaster Cu. Bk.— Tar Unchain, 8k..• • •• • par . U. Stater Hank••—••••al Hrownavtle Bk. par, Was/unman Ilk- .. , .. Hettyabarghltk....“ Chatabersbarg.- •.}• • • Susgachanna 1.0. 134. 3 Let ugh Co Bank, t==rl ,Jute Bk of Miloouri..4-• North Carona:-. r Ne ,.. lmbemp' 2 B, . k.. ...... ...• • South Carolina. Bk. of Cbarlenotf••• • - 2 Commercial Bk ' 2 Efic. of Geoncennia 2 Baer Ilmabarr••• •• Mucha* Bk• • • •-- Planters ialeche.Bk• Bk. of aoulb Carolina. • • kiarrland. B a a h l tmim'eo & re B. .. e . . •• •- p !BGIRS fA p • 10 amberand Bk.olla ghany ar • I Far. Bk. of Maryland•• " Flames' & Mechanic. " . . haw klichtletoorn ...... • 1 Culls ...... -••• • . Eve Bk. ..... • 40 Fanners' and ' Doren' Bank, Waynesburg. • 1 Banishing U.teadslo • 1 Lots.* •• •-• ........ par Poastalle York Bk. oming . • ..... •• •• 1 West Branch Bk. 1 Relief Notes tl3MBk.• 04 R. County Serip•r• Ohtee Wain Bk.and Bratiekes blonntHeasant .... . • . 4 " Bt. oairsvWs-- ... •• . " Minolta ..... New Liebon• ..... Bk. Frederiet " Frederick Co. •-• liernenoraßt Mm ss eral Bk •,•••• •• • 2 N=74 l l ' ll ' l, • Eik.ofW esan n ngt — er • - • ‘• 1111ohligan. - Bk. of Si. Vlatr••• E=== Bk. of River Batten.-- Michigan ha. Co••• -• 6 Fax. tc Keeh's Bk Wtwoa.l Ter:41.1 ,, ar.&Firelk.CoAlilar'e Castadas. ,•- tdassillon •• • • - Sandusky - • • • - Cleveland; -• • 1 ar ..... . ••••••••• • " 'Western Reeerne• • " Franklin EPIt - Columbus " Chillicothe • Lake Erie. •• Nwlltm .13 Granville. • • ••;• ...... Fauna Wk Urbana :SO All solvendlanks '5 Bank of nind Notes Gold Spmeo Yalta* ik. Napoleons 3 En °nests 150 2 20 Eagle, old • •• • • 1066 Engle, new 00 Duabloons,Spoiiinh. 15 OU Do. Patrol ..... • 15 50 • Solnrehres ..... • 493 Dimes, s'oo Predesielusress 27 SO' ea Millers • -• r• 756 Pen linaders • • • 390 Lonisd , ors•_., •—• 45 0 gzekirege. New York • ••,•—•., I prm Philadelphia prim -yrm par. Intones Wks-r ...Ksatasky. • Kuunky .... ,••• 11.1.0 t Lo•lntillf ..... • • Norhern Bk. Kentn`4• ■n► York--Qty auk., EXCHANGE BROKERS, &C. HUGH D. KING. - - (Late of the Ira of !WOW & 'Baca '. BAIIIEUR AID EXCHANGE. HBOK.Z.II, Onnca., con FOOO,O a..t n Pan Omer Au.n, DEA.LER in Coin. Bank Notes,'Eme and Domestic Exchange, Certificates-of "Depose, • u. EXCHANGE on all thiprineipal eitiea of COS Union, for Wain saw to salt wan... CURRENT end par fond. reeeive4ondepoaate. .COLLEOIONR made On all pens of the Union. at We lowest »Am eplOallyelowamT HANNA. & II DiNICERS, EXCHANGE SHOKETS,....I ,deali4s in Foreign and Domestic Exchange, Cant - ewes of padre,. East Nome, and Specie; Foorth Oxen, oppoeue the Brink of Pittsburgh. Careen' money. received on deposhe—,...anght Checks for insk,, and eol lections made on nearly all the principal poles In the United flutes.- The highest prentidi pail for Potaitn and American Gold. , • X. 'IIOI.IIIICIII i SON, 'i BANKERS end Dealers in Exchange, Coin end Rank Notes, No. 65, Market street, Pittsburgh. Selling Rates. Exchange : Raying Rates. Now York, pr Cincinnati, 2 dis Philadelphia, do Loa!nine, . 2• do Riltimore 'ido M. Laois, . 2do Ikling Ritmo, - DANE NOTak. Baylnaltateat Ohio, • 2 dis Co. Pc Strip Orderr,2 dis Indiana, "do Relief Notes, "do Esanacky, . "do Penrorylvanta Cy.. '" do "do New Park do -3. Virgo N Th....„„,, fdo ' N Orleans,. "Mt 'remoter., febldtr 2do - htZland, "do WM Q. NOM JOIIIN KOPP & CO' BROKERS & EXCHANGE D EALERS,• • ' Orms, No.. Mosso. nun., 4111_ . • WEEF.LING, VA. SOOTY 6 lIRL RIE. C. =III . . . T_TILL CURRY—Baokers and Exchange Broker., Dealen in foreign and Deoneatie Tune and 'diet! Bills of Exchange, Certificates of Depotile, Rook None and Con; No GS Wood Inner, third-door below Fourth, *eau aide. mullif "7-", ------- . ••,' WILLIAM A: HILL & Cos, 4A..NKEEpS;I:XCEI IktANCili BROKERS , and Milers in Foreign and orestic Egehsoge, Cortifteateo 01 toßank Notes, and Belie. No. di Wood et. on door Fourth, Fast tide, Pittsburgh, Pa. • , iretelditTeP roasies zaxcusaros.: 1t11.3 00 England, Ireland, and Scotland bisught to any. amount at the Cirri' not Rates of Exchange.; , Drafts payable in any. pan Sse Old Countries, [Rios 1.1 to 11000, at the rate ofto die I Sterline, without deduction or discount, by JOSUUA RODIN 'SON; Rwropean and General Agent, office sth at one •door west of wood. octlkof. ii xn`:urns.l (town. Kann 4 KYR & asnm, ANKERS AND EXCHANGE '11,11011131-1, dTale rs 331 in Foreign and Ikkoestie Bill. of ,Fschoosse, Cer, Sweats, of Deposita, Bank Notes and Coin corner of Rff. and Wood streets, directly opposite St. Clialles Ho . _ ma ..".Ity otio, Indiana; Kentucky, IWssnnri Note.; intri knued nt the [mem rate., by Bank , 'N. HOLPtIFS .k. SON,. 33 Markersterel —,.-- BILLS OP EXCHANGE—Sight Cheeks in , New Nark, Philadelphia, and n Cansursidy for sale by, N, COLAIFS & SON. 5,- IS Market st. • riOLLECTFONS—Draits. Notes, and Accepts ;&,..mes, payable in any, part of the' Union.• collected o Cie most favorable term. N. 1101.M13 & SON. -•': delo : 66 hatkrl mt. HATS, CAPS AN!) BONNETS. • VA.111110N&BL.N. THE ..her, in addition to his own '• jih . mandaaturing of Hats, has made strange- with with Mum &bee & Co., itheroost fashionable hatters of the city of Newilfork4 for ay supply of Luseetra Gatellilk Hari, and having just received a. few Ctarkgentlemeo eau be suited with • It very ch and beam. ilia by .1.• at his new Hat and Cap Store, linuthlold street, second door south of Foot. where may be found a Mat variety of Ham aud Caps of his own manufacture, wholesale and re tail lints made to order on short notice. aps JANES WILSON. If 'GOND & CO., fit (Successors to M'Cord & Kingl T••lslosas.ble Illasteesa Coneer of . Wood luta Fijlit Streets. ARTICULAR summon paid to our Retail Trade. P can rely span gestiag their Hats and Caps from nor establishment Of the em mamas. and WOUILOISIIIP, uf.the Laans m.% and at the Lowest 1•111.1 • Country ffierehants, purchasing by wholesale, are respeetfulla invited to Gall and examine our :Root; aa we east any with confidence that is regards onsurr sod 111., It will not outer in • comparison with any boasean Washlinkable nat. &lad Cap ileinallno tory. AGEORUE ANSRVTZ, Agent, reepectfa/IT informs his friends and the public generally that he has commenced the manufacture of lints and Cape al No. =I Wood. meet, .one door above. the comer of Second, Where he has .now on band a line imminent of Ham and Cape of own thanufecture, Which be will dispose of au the moat reasonable terms, wholesale and retail, for each or city acceptance. limo made to order at the shortest notice_ STRAW:GI:KIDS toDEALERS 41kle 'invited .to. emunine „A .1 PALMS '$ stack of i r.r, Goods, of, llt .P MElT 2 gr i mee Ira n i% F.diOlah:Du stable dm American do dm Craw Pearl dortobtarg d Rutland do; Preach Lace; Fancy Gimp, Ac. A 3.llATS—Legborn, Palm Leaf, Panama, Fancy Stra do Braid. Rutland Braid, Pedal do., , Aim, Artiftclal Pitmen; Ribbons.; fic. Straw So , net Warehouse. 911 market eL ilpriag , Fashion. tor .18416 7- 41 MooOßD'ilt. Ch•s . AL (mrs tatoin ammo.) lumen, ILL, introduce the. Stpritm Shyly of lien this der, Sinurdat, March eth, IRS.. . r , I vv friends and customers are requested to call and examine their stocker Spring Item: Just received hoot New York, at their Mom comer of.lth and Wood at.. mare /141 KEEVIL. CIIF.APIENT Fashionable Hatter in Pitutbargh. ' Principe ,Store,' Fourth med. Maciafactaring and scoongestation Store, cot. ant of Wood .beet _and Virgin allay . , Itigane prices alemys paid far staving Paris • eekly_ STYLIir--9 AloollE,haitimit tjte e iseil from New York, tio spring Sty of Flaw, which be will intralnee Soraa - .1, Narah 4th. All t in want ;ifs neat and superior fiat, will please call mulatiamine at. NAP, W9i•W "nnit,'Jil door ninwo /C ts ALL PASIIIOII,-9: MOORS receiv ed (tom New Yotk, the Pall style of Ila which. he will introduce this 4iy, statuidsy. Aue- All le want of a nest Mid supeno: hot would do well to tall at No. 75, Wood.Street,3ldoot shore Ith. ---'-- StifliffilliiirlAirl iiiiißrlkiEETlA - TS7 JELJUST received from Nen' Yete. the Style lb r hats eolutkii:es et White. Be tyvet't . P.ed .nd White Vreeei chwtm.m. It web ~..."."..°T, Time ie vent eif , a:beauttlid, Usti it. re m = dy Invited lb ball . ' ' ' `l2B ' ' i 75 woad Pi ideate above 4111 OOWNERS AND CONSIONETS of goods mutant by Reliance Line, are hereby nottned.that income. quenee truth. destreethin of tbe'Freepon Arteedeccno goods will be delivered by .. ne without - Dynan ardent .Trani the 9r:setts and astungnece en forward them at their *Witten. exPeem. myle 1 IOHN McPADF.N d Ci HY STEAM TO THE AQUEDUCT. 3 LF=lll &CO. will send a sutamboardaily, at 7 A. Mre the Annedeet, where Passengers will be .nveyed to Philadelphia arelltaltimere n meat, with. oat any , delay. For 'Anther informetion inquire et Woodlice Monongahela Remo, et of A Leech & Co., at the C.tMalilastn., • tityln .übse tabu* baying been abbialed eels! AgenU by the roanufactaters, toetbe se,le of the celebrated "Mods Ilrieks,e are now Inspired to fill orders the any' quantity, at MD, each: per IRS For the constructron of fames.. of all Mode, these bricks hoot been pumourteed by coal. Intent jadgee beta g seamier to all other bre bricks rime in tun. C A AVANUL,TY & Co, Canal Basin SODA. A9ll-41 1 east. Soda Clop Trotoont's foam. Gloom &mita; ti. Naar Ottestts„ to ?Vt. Ve4osero Fl it. and Atootioatt - pgle; 44 . 4 POM4IU,bnamlfiars sugulistallo. myld ;PfithirFit A Co • • .• MCMM tiAY mtY eociiiktor then -the of Pleees, Weise the 'attendor of the ofleern and moues Tel-I?Of—g cubs, to I . _ . Unlike the Pendulum Clocks, them are warren td-: enrun with accuracy in any position. mot subject Mo . y amount of motion, consistent with the safety of a. common watch, and are therefore-the only el/Mks •. 'able for steamboats, cans' booth . ' rear/gut ears and • - foctonsv,ko which there is muck 'Jarring. They. are used ventansively et the Eno intoese situations, and ' • t :fisov,' good they arelolli c a ' tt ' nOred " i l L iy i. thoW i c l orro ' rikr i. e,l c ti ' A • them, on account ofahrle torpidininthts neat' ness, roar the facilitvsitia which they are moved or Mt urrfor use. Thom who witria parehase reoirr to caudidly examine into th s ments of of this artiedr, and without regard to the buinuitione nod de/Mania. nolo of it/wrested persons, or af those who know node ing about it. The Marine Ilatcpietc with dirk'. lop _ • thovement, having but recently been patented, Match, - 1, 47J' end smiled l m • dus cosianT; is not genially . • known, and CV. xatve worthy men in the Mae have been found denouncing the whole affair, whoave since discovered that thereon/ aiming il their bloarsat another matter entirely— having, in reality, never seen • or knownOny , thing so rulin (Leer! mopes/with) Me llon 'ffimcplece. As we are thd only authorised agents in the etty v adr, , . • assortment Wilt be found the-Only kamplem s. onei Mid as we keep none but those which have Kirk's laid provement of a "retaining power ill the rikr,. -trust flint tbs.. who wish purebaseLwill. sp itinkine'4 • at kind to thentmlvesinnanunc ours before taking froin:, , a mete remnant elsewhere. An •thele, similar its . appearance hat •of not one fourth the value, Can be purchased elsewher f o e less money. Those, there fine, who regard/lathin but the price of a clock, need not take. she trouble to r oll. • to every ease where it illarine.Titnerliece sold 4 - y as - does not give sadifaction duffing the first three months bf it: l ee, we will refund the money paid for it, on eing retumed without , damage. lutorrnatiou respecting . the merits of the Tiinepiece lcan be' obtained by mfernng to the officers ofthe Bril iant, Hibernia No 2, Ad also, to Mr A Fulton, ffil at,. - and others.' • EL.thaNt Co, • N W cue of market st and the diamond, • • iel✓• Pittsburgh. Coot ttmr linf . hasers Jr. Consuell i diTs Lai Office forktrocuring nisi defending' Patents * imparting' , information on Mechanics and the application ofScis core to the Arta, and on American end Foreign Lave • • • MT/Licata. • . . WALTFX. It JOHNSON, late of Philmiel- E pile, and Z. C. ROBBINS, of Weshinetots city, (to be aided py Hazard Knowles Esq., lam Machidest nited of the U Stales Potent, pffiee,) ave associated themselves together for the prosecution of the above branches of profeational bosoms, either in their office, • at the Patent Office, or before the Coursa; and will du. vole their undivided attention to forwarding the inter est of Inventors or then-owho may consult them or place busincsi in their hand. Mr. Knowles has for the-pest 'twelve years held the post of Machinest in the, batted Stales Patent Office, and vesigns tiler sitntuton to take part in the present Undertaking. His talents and peculiar fitness tor the teoportent office so tong 61- led iby hint, have been fully weeognised by Levelness - wherever the afficeitselfis known, The office of Messrs. J. & R is on F stitch opposite, the Patent Office, ‘Washington, C, where comment cations, post paid, will be;romptly attended* exam inations made, drawings, pecifications and MI requis ite 'aquae prepared—and models moctire4 when desi red—on reasonable terms. Lettere of enquirY,-expeet ed to he answered after examinations had, must be no.' a fee of Sr* dollars. In the duties of their Offire'which pertaineto the Pa" tent Lassa, Illessrs. J.& R. wilt - he assisted by a legal gentleman of the highest Professional character, and May Converisnt with Mechanics and other Scientific • ' to idd&wlyft "TUE GOLDEN BEE.IIIVE." /UHF undersigned noticed With surprise, in the Chinn- role of May It, an ,arlicle signed by Young& Fie. •• van.ty wherein complaint to made against too for pla- • ring in front ofmy Dry Good. Store, on Market street, between Third and Fourth streets, at a sign oydistincs. Live mark, a.Golden • Mears. Y.& S...seem to claim that they have the ex- ' closike right to use such a sign in Pattsburgh. But as they •shotv Ms legal ravine tor tuck exclusive right, I shall continue to ore the sign I have adopted, or any oda, that I choose—autisfied that my doing sots no de- parture from mercantile Braces, and no anfringcmcni an my neighbors' rights. I feel surd that au nox- Gnu,a ruercham wall object to my.using such signs no think proper. Fair, cam and houhrable colapethion pecks. no sock exclusive right, and makes no such. • childish complaint. I wok not to injure ch oos e teateari Young &„ Stevenson- All who to with theta can o. course dos% and all who chooseao roll at my store at the sign of the "Golden Dee-Hive," on Market.streat, . between Third and Fourth, will there And ns grad a • stock and assortment of Dry *ads ' for sale os cheap, and on as liberal terms, as eau be toad at the rival' "lice-hive” of my complaining neighbors, That is what t roll fair business competition; and r • do not 'Leticia Messrs. Y.& F. will gain mach access sion to their custom, by such silly efforts to place thetas wlveabefore the public, in their , alas.s enfilade of inkwell torn: n. t0y.19 IVII,IJAM I. RUSRFJ. , . New Nan Mal Instruments • CARII,'.RTI IMPROVED MFLODEON. 'TWIN MELLOR, No. bl Wood meet, has recei el -ved and now open for sule.' a supply of Cataart`a improred patent Melodeons, price SM. ' For thnbenclit el those rwiding to a diyunace, and conoequently unable to' inspect' be Melodeon before purehming. the following demriporin is give= t • The cases are made of rosewood, and sr. as hand somely. the as a Piano Forte. The wy-boant is prectaely the same ant/minute or orgun, end the lone, (whirl IS very beautiful.) closely rem:allow that of the • 'Sum stop (gag argon. 'Dm instrument cootie immedi ately made I , OIIZI/11C detaching any pas,' Me bollogrs receding into the body of As instrument, and. the legs folding under, leaving the whole in a compact .. form, 11.tch iiteumnetit has a packing cam, and the I -whole a-henpecked weighs o n ly pounds. ,Tha eby 01110 of lone is equal to that of Mall organ, and by Incense( the swell' luny be increased or dished Cl • pmitre; it is mfbeiently loud fondu e churches, cat • ts colt-Waled fort parlor instrumnt. ;My% - . . 131 tis A e M to ' iy r ,l I L- 4 ' l ' A in t jun 1 47 0 U; '. do do; do Sugar Bowl/. mud am Cop. do Slop do; do lorge arid; lidsu }lo dtoldaws dodo; do Coif.: Urn,, will; lumps. For said at low prinea• /o 5 ' pm!. &GETTY, align pig . Fitcher. -• Mnspratirs Patent Sap. 'Ash nasKS runt luldid . c trim ntreuncrNord4 CnroU awl na y and fur asle - - • ^ • w k m surcupt.Titrx, im liberty skrett MEIWAL. . MEDICAL t. sirnincAL okricE, • • . ...,- - _ No. 63, DIAMOND ALLEY a 1 4 ,..- •.• .few doors below Wood street:to.. • • :-tc -, • DR. x3ROWN, having been ,' ^ • 0t,....' o: regularly educated to the medical • . „.. . ...) • -_, profession, and been ter semi, time • ' -- ' .-.!--.,' in .geneml rretie,.enve confines • - . !"..;. his attention, to the treatment of .', those private and delicate c ities- . . r : - ;011ik‘ .plaints for which his opportunities- , , ..,,,, ~. ~. • and experience peculiarly nualify • 4 .,..1. .., • ..- bk.. lit years assidoonsly devoted . to study ft treatment °ribose complaint:l4lmeg which . • time he his had more practice and Las cooed mote pa. , • • Lents than con ever fall Co the lot of any private! luae- - • inioner) amply quali fi es him to offer assurances a , speedy, permanent, aodismistac Dry cure to all afflicted • with detente diwasea, mid all discaaes 6111.14,thet01. from Dr. Brown would inform thsieiatleted with 'Private - diseases which have become Claude by time, aces ' graveled by the use of arty of the a...a asasaa of the day, that their complaints Minim radically whither , I oughly eared; be brivinggiven his careful artehtlimi. 10 ' the treatment of suelt cases, and succeedod in himilletla - , of instances in curing persons:or lutiammatiou of the neck of the bladder, and kindred discos. whielroilen - result from Mesa eases where others here consigned, .. them trilopeleu despair. lie particularly lemma iffeh • as have beenlong and unsuccessfully treated by other. . e to consult him, when every tisfaction will Le given, ; • them, and their rims treated in sa a careful, thormigh arid:. Intrlligeut ninnueri pointed out by a long expenence, : study, and investigation; which Um imposaiblefor the.* „ I engaged in genera practice :of medicine ti, give .o .; one elm of disease. , . •, lry•Hernia or Bepitue.—Dr. Movie alasiniitell pen; sons afflicted with Hernia to call, aii he has pahiperile. ular attention to this disease. Skin diseases; also Piles,'Palty, etc, speedily cored: . Charges very Jew. . Nt IL—Palma. et either sex Being of idistance, bj math* their disease in writing, levying' all the sympl - torns,ican obtain medicines with direction. for use, by •-'' f addressing T,. BROkyNed.-D., paskpaid, and enslos, ' : iiilta cc , No. as, Diamond allsr, opposite the , evert) . _FryLnieure no pay. . • • B. A S ZA I , =rat ad i vlutage ,o ' ve o r n e'Lrh y offer : , roue': preparations,re rdetenutt testa . permit. it 4o be used without inconvenience.. But na value ar paisum ewn,ists in the v....tine. Of its cure. We have:, known solid of the moat desperate. eoughs,acefte of • such hitil,een running on for a considerable length of time, yaold almost immediately to Or power. . t / In such weather at we have had doting the pot .irinth;erery olio in 'able to take cold, =len greet precautions are used. , • • Wet feet and undue cep:tante to the inclemency of the Neeathei ahem lope the faundadon et a .haeking eouh r whiett needs • quirk remedy to prevent serious . . . . We have numerous certificates opiates which ha. perionned,_roany of which are Cront.perions in this cagy and the neighborhood, and they are a sufilelent refbrence Without saying &umber word in its fasor.:.. 7 , Prepared and for sale wboleude and retell by WA PAIIIii:STOCIeIk,C9, corner of wand and 1.4 tad wood and dth Dr. Eon'. Tonto and. Anti.D7SlMPtili " . PILLS. IPIIF, general progenies of these Pills ore prmins 11 vre, Purgusge and Tani, In the common disor ders stising front Merudence in diet, Ite., siehr. nessanil soreness of the stomach, hennerni - n""•bs. rte., where a medicinen reqpired. this combination is very isprilienbin for its earnunstivis swil seething el , nets giro alman Immed.ite relief when' nausea et sick nen exist. Its purgskitre operation upoll.the stern •neit-and bowels is none and effectual, and its tonic, .properties i m p * , strength to the digestive organ*, thereby entente these organ to perform their proper function* with order and regularity, •• • The pries has been reduced from Su to 25 cis • hoz. Forsa t. wholesale sod retail bye . . FAIINFSIOCK In Co, . • carpel' froin and wOol, and Cen and 'modals jell •.; Fenn. for Yillebornk . oklmllirlifi•S WORM KILLER is far superior to eft ju, other remedies: for Worms. , • ' '• ' Jonc 14M,114a: • • This may' certify that (gave to two of my muldren, dace antl'rive years old, two veamoonfuls of ? Worm Killer, to each of them. The youngest peased. 36 leme wornitolle smallest cool , / not have nmasuret less thtm seven ruches. The eldest Parsed on largo •. 'number that we could not begin to count them. I hays 'eed; all the popularmulatto' before the public for; woren, but can say with a clear Co6.iente, Morgue": Worm Killer is for superior to riour now before the ploth, Ile. • SAMEELI,OIINSTON. Raketsurtnt;Alleqbeny rothlly. • - Yropare,{an4 sold wholetale end ',twit by the pro-: prictor." j JOHN DlllolWAN,DrOggitt, _Jett ' Woal street.. Yartsb • t‘' • • 111/td-Mt. • 311.ILDEIRA • Dentist.: • •• 13.217dPi " V.l S :re "" et: l' l4llV d •tna d*"... _ spectrally] model" his profesinonal vi . cor to the citinci . ta N.Meldotsell; :4 • • •• •• Dr: PFabocatock: -• •• •.• • • •••• Irr.'llotientlisaproup .• tl.Cn •• • • Torn; - • • Mr. Ben):.Weitrer. • apVidtlar ouvrmENT Ili, moat effrktunl bAf o f 6. the public for the cure of aeuer,. itch, thy end ..tcrY pimpled Of Ilia , ince; neck and body, Adair cruptiOne,- mid all , otheridiainacs of the olio.. Mier Mamma t. • warrartud ft (roar mercury, iv Preall7 oaf,, oath • may be aacif at all Owe and under all 4timainataiacts . fresh • suPl,ll.. At' gas aulnalde ...cooly received and , for sale bp , 11A FAIINFICIVCIC erg '•' coruce,of Ist and wood; also, corner Oth nod word; . lei --- . a - pri.otidaid ' e ?". • 6•A•the itl v rcana'rdt " . fAr'a triPerier . ;;;,.. , toopeonstrartly an hand a large supplY,Which. they mange. et the lowest market :tor filitAhl3llAllid , -Illackhlatallia'kEtornytorte , Glhll4 a • • and.ita stoortracrU OLDICb Tam* • 1a... Vl3".
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers