The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, June 27, 1848, Image 4

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Effetb•i;••Wll• mead Ditughtor
TNTLIBINITEDSTAThe tubaeriberrespect•
any oaths year attended .. to 'Dr Dathargr's Ouse
. situt, IMPreielf !Mended foe the preservation of the
ds.s.oh ofbah sexes—whether it antes from Incipient
phobias, or early eonsumption',Debility of the-Lon
Bronchial Affections. Atthroa,•Plettrisy, Deranged and
ithsordbied nate of the Liver, Spleen, or hilneye, DM
cued Cbolie, Dysperma, ?Modulen of the
Hum, Imam of Muscular or Nervous Power, be. be.
• • DR- C. IL BAER/MPS , GUARDIAN comes to the
.7 / -1,-imetted.Late relief of Festudes suffering from km/Flynt'.
tiesiand all other Uterine difficulties and diseases mei.
denial to woman, whether occasioned by cold, wet
that, or any similar injudicious exposure, and all this
• -without the use of medicine; as the most delieme and
muddy* lady eau to any of
apply, it to hertelf
withoM the potability of incurring any risk or danger,
• . or say oripleuant resella ariting front at, and with the •
• certainty of obtaining inneediate relief.
Dr. Barrett's Guardian Is no catch/ppm . , or one of
'the many humbugs of th e day; but it m instrument
made upon stsictly. trientlbe principles, fo r/ accord:um e
'.• ith the
, lan, of Ilmnicity and Galvalthin; end for
neatriess denthdlity and abetter, iolleitelY
averythem of the hind ever before offered to the public
far the rebefof disease, and, in thy' Isaguard of one of
• the most intirblened men crake Mtn'. - pronounced to
le"the greatest discovery of the age."
,• th_penod of no tem then ryearaltasheen occupied
by Dr. Flatten an hntrig the Guanban to Li present
• mate of perfection—during winch - 11M it hill been in
the bands of some of the most eminent plrlsiisns of
• - th e }North and
~S outh, es well es in the dwe it of nu
[Mem= fireflie who have used
s u re r ell of e above
- purpowwwith the toost perfect ess, andwho have
cheerfully given their unquabfied approbation of its
sdhesey and value, es can e be sect by referring to the
• Manual of Instructions accmpanying It. • •
Dr. C. 13:11arretVe Guardian is secured froM bluest
. Sons
beyb a patent fromthe United States Patent Office,
and had either with or Without his bledieitt•Mectro
• ' Galvanometer: • /' •
The Medico-Meet. Galmmometer, In point of bean
. tYaworkmanthip,durabiliry and poorer, eacrutot be sur
er en equalled, and the subscriber feels that
' ve
hoards nothing lathe msertion than it will be found
ue=te"rel'lr nV h an e d t OeTtr ' i e tr:
ly e Mad .7, .h.• . it, either In the united
States or Europe. • :111 /.. • Eleetto . vanometer
is warranted In eve spec d coTen 0 ,,,i
nary tam latt a ' •411[M, • by far cheap,
est, became the best. • ./ eat ever offc dto the
public. A mane ateeMop s them, giving the moot
. illarnetiOlps, Of pmuestl. experience, 114 that
readily intelligible to the •• • • / of every ode / while
the • try anangemeut ' such that e child may,.
-.......p.autes with it.
Any laic/motion • may given, tad all .111211111.
111C1/110122 cheerfully •• eted per mall, either lA-role
, don to the ElectneGalvianneter ng(thardisn: •
Medical =rare invited tpt call and examine Dr Bar
sees Guardian. and tem usaefficacy. :
For tale by IL RICHARDSON, sole Agent, 71 MU
. hn at, Pittsburgh. ldtbd et (
6 s 0 0 0 PERSONS In •Philadelphla
O alone, can testify to the Wonderful efficacy of dam
powetfol Tweedy. •
R OOD.cAFH't7ln
Ire Pahammy ConsurepOon„ Chronic Bronchitis ad
I . No That, Asthma, Chronic Catarrh._ Spining of I
- m Throat,
Blood, -Pain in the Side and limas; Uilheniry of
' Breathing.' 'Whooping Cough, Croup, Weak Nerves
• and Nen°. Tremors, Palpitation of tbe /learn. also,
Liner Complaint and Affection of the larlogs.
' This medicine, the intention of a roan who gave the
subject of Pulmonary, Bronchial sod Pectoral disease
the most rigid exam:dation, has now-been before the
public over four years. During this period it has per
formed some of the moat remarkable eases mime:aril of
Palmonary • Consumption—seenred the recommend.
ton and we of physicians in their pramice, and the
warmegfapproves of thoosends of persons to ordinary'
L and ware Colds, Coups, Roamenom, Spitting of
, „,.• -- A8D37 , 11111550 CURES.
4.boM (oar years Mosel was ed with Typhus
refer, which left ma in a rolsemble state of licalthi, fn
extrmite debility.withu istietsl prostration of the lye.
.• tem with iibtent pains In the breast and loss of imp°.
tits, ,
inconsequence of which 1 was unable to attend to
my usual hence.., or perform) any kind' of work. I
applied to saverel 'Apathies and used mien. reme
dies, Let irithertnanrbetadh,end Mid demaired of ever
obtaining a recovery of My former health.. Bat some
time last Jima I was advised to try Tboinson's Cord
' pound Syrop ofTer and 'Wood Numbs, and incredible
se it mayappear,.by die Lima hod taken three bonles
Vie debility, pain and: every some of suffering were
completely removed,' and Item able'to attend with re
al/and health to toy amid afecatione.
Of yhekineen tniunship, Cumberland co.
geed the following Lenninony gem a revectable
. member of the tbeiezy of yriends, in rouglikeeprie, N.
- • , 11d. may certify that lit the spring:rot ISK., my
health was vary feenle,• 1 sou anliiiined with pain intim
side, with other abatable symptoms, and sull'ered much
from great debility. At that time I purchased from'
' Titans Dame two battles of Thontson's Compound By
of Tar and \Vaud j which x
'n' c g P d ) I': Zra i rlt i m og ootir good; and L
cheerfully recommend the article to all persons who
'',may be suffering with general debility, with symptoms
'rofatw77eeline.. ARAIIAM NVILTBIE.
Prepared ooly by Aectetcr de Dwason, at the N. E.
coiner of Vidh"and Spruce-streets, Phila.
' PAM by 1.. 'WILCOX, Pittsburgh; and by druggists
generally. Price 50 ream, of One Dotter p, bottle.
S9 A
ceased by a paroxysmal eons ' true.
tion of the nix cells; his very debilitating, almost 0005,
inisalrocation. DR. SWELTBER'S,PANACEA ir the
L I l armors enm.
earners* can be entirely cored by a free oar of Dr.
13weetser's Panacea. - , •
Ca or common cold, which, ilnegleeted, will
, Aerminate to Consumptien, •cfreetuallY relieved and
eared by DrsSweetsces Panacea.
Bronchitis, if unr_becked, will erectnally lead to
Thonettial Consumption, but a timelyMse, of DrJfSweet.
sods Panacea effectually. cure
Inlarammion nf the Tonsils or Sere Throac—This
disease Often leads to aerie. conaequences from neg
lect, sorb as eh:erasion of the , throat. - On the fint symp
tom., Dr. 81:e.t.a's Panacea should he procured and
V ets , : rd Co
naeelds find a sovereign remedy in Dr.
PSeliMestra. Notha.—A very fatal disease, resulting
from a violent cough and cold on a debilitated or bro.
ken down eanstitaUoll; aged persons are subject to it.—
Dr. 'Sareeter's Panacea should be. used on the firm
which are a eoughnr cold.
" rgiTftveant.--This debilitating complaint will meet
with a Marl, cheek, by wing Dr. SWeetser's Panacea.
Consumpuort.--lf on the firs* appearance of consump
dye symptomm, which area rade ni ttie side and breast,
of blood, ,d tf i llr i Sarea n ser de rk' Panaceais
s' aea lbe Laud% the WhidPip r e P , m on Bwmehial Taboo
Nato= Clogged up with phlegm w as to impede respi
ration or breaths:lg, Dr. Drooetzen , Panaces,which I.
. a,powerfal Expeciontet, should be taken ate : online to
Die directions. •
Irdinenza.--This distressing epidemic, so prevalent irt
.oar climate, is speedily cured by Dr. Sweotserr• Pans.
feet. •
, •V Mee fl ycfboole, or six bottles for 51..
'1 For lisle by WM. JACKSON, ft 9 Liberty'st, sig p ot
ha big boot. nostas
went Congls.Candy is offered to the public as a
pleasant and effeenve remedy foraughs, colds, boars.
ne, Asthma, rheum, 'lloop Cough, Influenza,
Croup, Sore Throat, Bronshow, general affections
of the Chest and Lungs. In such came it is known to
Dave &forded decided and permanent relief, and from
Sts rapid sale and groat success $0 a remedy for the
above diseases where it has been mid, it premises to
Leconte one of the most useful and popular medicines,
It is offered soo, m a pleasant relief soda. consumptive.
and an astistant to soca/ins and publie speakers gen.
malty. '
Tlle name of Me menus:am behest. its leading indica; and it wall be fonts to be by
pleasant us the taste,and may us used by children and
Milks with entire impunity. The maternals need wi the
preparation are of th Lest qualtry, and
be re.
/ied on as m every re.oecta poreand Rename article.
Families would' 110 doubt promote thew comfort and
'health by keeping a supply, especially in dm season at
This valselleCmkt Candy is considered • great as
tiatani so mothers, su /la.
perior to all the patent
b Jumpers in eras ri , as clularCA were never known•
toey alien this munly is need, except for more. A WI
'al of this attiele convince my person of its ewes
le, and she proprietors a...tete:dew. any person in Me
United States to produce a cheaper,. more pleimint,
&receive remedy.
. Sold wholesale and mail, by the General Agee;
II &RYSER, Druggist,
comer actand market as, Pinstargh.
Rowe & Co., Proprietors, No College Ilall
1 0 01* •
Deratehf Ilerthtchit
J. for. single day stretch, when afflicted Witilt the
Term, Itch, or other diseases e the akin, if they knew
Who would relieve end core them.
"To horrible to be obliged to nth and reratch when
bet more bbrtible to abstain from it, 1r decency.
Mat when in company: Let re
it be membered th at
moat ailleachers of any other preparation lit existence
ila miring the Tenert,ltch, and Other diseases of the skin.
• As all.dtheases of the shin must arise from the impurity
, 46 Naiad and 'Wide of the body, and where such dis•
ewe be of longstanding, and the constitution affected
thereby, If Dr. Leidy 's Baruparilla Blood P il ls be rued
with the ointment, th ey will cum any ease whatever,
and If they do not, the money will ho returned by • Dr.
Lanly f Most cams, however, will be effectually cured
by Qr. Leidy's • 'totter and Itch ointment, unless the
Whole aysuon Is Impregnated by the diseased humor.
y wki # .. ra= " 7lre,.
. W rill ' the " thirt r ie fir iTe :1,1 =1%2
ed y the eintment. rnee of ointionni emote
• fresh supply of these Vain:llle til<4l6l/G/1 Alt re
nsitrodthed for Wei by
164 con Ist wood, alin, rox.fith wood JIM
Dr. W. P. Inland's Promise= Plaster.
-1-,B,.w. , p,.ESILAND, of the htedieul Cullege
adelpida, nos, offers tuthe publir hi. Indian Vrg.
amble Priam Plater, the gannet. of ulnas, inter:
lag and tried espenence, bus hero saafactonly
tebahed. To .11 womenetrho may be ortlieten with
p n gsp,,m, ttene or Fallen Womb, he recommends In.
plaster, guaranteeing BB care and epeedy, cure In the
:short space of from tura tothre weeks,
if applied will,
care rid reet--disearding all the Craillallef IPallnooti
teed.expensive bandage , BO long in Thu he feels.
autecicatioas In annum . , inasmuch ee he has 110liai led
a one case out of three hundred rind fifty-three pa
"' too for 1B• tms mud Weak Breast a back •
-'Alan kr
mpded writb pato, these is nothing, to excel - dna by
113 affording relief of etfeetinir a cure. .For old, by
L Wileon corner of Diamond and Market at
/tram & Reiter,' Liberty and PC Clair sts
Dr J Supra Federal et and Diamond, An,.
liberty eny •
Argues & "L' Denman and Diamond,
' ' lea
t°Z - .l4ll7"ml . :•':vtae,
worm of the virtues of medielnes, P and uneequalatee
en* abet prineiples of eompooseing them, took only lo
MIA= poekets velelFkanilawful gain. Fahno.
,• sletek's Vettairage has loiNtyany years been known to
• ths public las a destroyer of wanes, and ••• such, he.
alisays maintained the highest rep:nation, and hen hone
constant:le people as the oly trtedleine that will
certainly spel worms. If they' exist in the system,
they are b t out without fail. None are genuine,
unless the tune of B. A. Felinestock, Pittsburgh, Po.
/son the wyaipp,..
WEilTorf."02:21'1":71:4""":11,'".1n the
11101 t• Silt and tenth, G ansing re St pa
and te nde r
DM ill Ow some . The general health booms de
mos!, thansystent enfeebled, and the symptoms ere
...oily operating, wall relief or death tenni
the offering. -CI d, FahnewoOls Wartlike,
prepared at Pitotbargh, Pa., Is th e best ornedy Co
poet Th. wow, after be or • Oil be dis
charged in detschedlordo:s, and • speedy :chef wil
De Obtained
0 BLLER,S• VERISSUGE,—The mum o f 4
IV WOM medicines! - , l'irtv 1.611:0 1 0110, /
Jan. et, .14.5. S
) Y.J. is to‘ceriFf Okat ea using different repara
tions for OSpelliag war:l%T boned of C.F. Heiman, of
Sew Usbow, two vials of 11 F Fellers. Vending.. and
=llO tonteau Of one ,Tird to tutee of . toy F oam.
t b. sow, mode yell,' 1 eXPOI••A•Or=S;
Dow Ihoood, el YFon eldt 7 F , .... 1 frunt„,,e_thttd,Ri
do, lick • monng. NS Iron= eltymoto by 6636 g
ST* viaL I owoutootwi &Zan , Ye . •• •
lOW ••• ado mon el:reef:ad Nona tot-
WE& ' sold bY it F. )111.1MV Ilmi iimm i rii:owt .
• . by Dr. Castel, Di ga t, D , Al.
Affiabail.VElnlitip ,- . 4
L~' .. .i
MUBI~, k
Valli*Ws and 4111trs•stIvellfew Boolca.
1 4 .0141C . TINES Moon. of the Cirowlista, vols,
• .. .
Simms' Life of Chevalier Bayard; 12 ma.
G. P. R. Jamas' Life of Henry the Fourth. of France: l l
2 vols--12 nus.
Smith's Consular Cities of China; 12mo.
• Neender's Lite organs Olsten g vo, muslin:
Marrero Fresh Gleaninmc or a new Sheaf from the
old Reda of Continental Europe.
- CapL Henry% Sketches MM. Mexican War. 12 too.
Gleig's Story of the Battle of Waterloo; 12 me..
A Summer m Scotland, by Jacob Abbotg 12 rata'
Sismondi's Litenuttre elate !loath of &nape; 2 vela
12 mo.
Rurintrei Adventure* in Marie., and the Rocky
Mountainsii LI mo, riurslin.
POP11111[11.• Works of Rev. Thos. Chalmers, p. ai
The PraeltealAmronconer, by Thos. Dick, L. NIL
Life of jemmy Delknap, a D., Historian of New
Luthe lu r and the Reformation, by John Senn, 11. A.,
vols. '
The hliddle Kingdom, with a new mop of the Empire;
by 8 W. William 42 vole, 12 too.
The Power of the Pulpit,hy Gardiner Spring, D. D.,
12 mo.
The Bethel Flagyby Gar diner Spring, D. D , 14 ono.
Teac HalL hing • Seimme, the Teacher an Anise by Rev.
R. •
The Czar, his Court and People; by John S. Maxwell.
Lectures on Shakspeare, by B. N. Hudson.
The Artists of Amenca—lllitatrated with nine cepa
sings on steel, and containing sketches of the lives of
Allston, Inmut, West, Stuart, Trumbull. De Vet ur
Rembrandt Pea/eland Thos. Crawford; 1 vol, l Co.
The Orators of France; containing sketches of the
lives of Lansartine, 'niers,. Napoleon, Dorton, Mira
beai, Cvnixot and others, with portraiutof each. '
Headley's Napoleon and hlarshalig. 2 vols. 12 mo.
litadleraWashingion and his Generals; 2 role, ltan
Fleadley;sBacred Mountains.
• The above; together with large collection of Stand
ard Works: Classical band School Book., for aide by
jes corner market and 3d eta
LI lent aeorks:4 vols. .
Chalmers` Dady.Setipture Reading;
Memoir of the Life of Mrs. Fry. 2nd vol;
The Coneent,by the author of BehnoWtt in Enact.
Lady Mary, or Not of the World,:hy Rev C B Tay
lot, M. A.
Merger or the Pearl, do
Mark Cbillon,-or TIM Merchant's Clerk, .do
Life of Pollak, author of *Come of Time,
The Listener, by Caroline Fry;
Loots., on Shakspeare, by H N Hudson; - .
Life of Oliver Crow= T Headley;
NkPoleon and hie do
Washington and his Generals, . do
13 P et o welr e
Flofa the g Pulpit, by Gardiner Spring. D D
, do !
Religion Teaching by Example; do
Pulpit Orators of France, by Turnbull;
Genius of Scothuld, do
Life of Rowland Hill:.Free Church Pulpit,2 vole.
Orators ofFranee; Now and Then; Dethune'S Poems;
P iti n g t o M n rl c agiew,ailapted to Union Questidns;
Arthur's Popular Tales—" Riches in the World,"
Making Haste to be Rich,". ' , Riches have Wings;'
'Keeping up Appearances," “Debtor and Creditor."
;oi3 79.w00d and SA market st
5' J. A. AU. P. JAMES, Cincinnati, the following
uew and valuable Works— I
DoniphiMa Expedition—ContainingA cketh et the
life Col. A. W. Dotard= dui COMIUM of NeW
Ursine; Gen Kenrney's Overland Expedition to Call
fornM;Donipharl'i Campaign amorist the Nash.,
his unpmalkled Alvah upon Chihuahua mid Durango,
and the Operation" of Oen. liven at Santa Fe; with a
Slap and , Engravings, hy T Hughes, A df the
lat Regiment of Minoan Canby.
IL , ,• r
History of Sentacky—lts Antiguitica and Naomi
Curiosities; Geographical Statistical and Geological
descriptiong with numbs* of frioneeta Ldfe, and mote
than one hundred Biogncal Sketches of distinguish
ed Pionitors, Soldiers, Statesmen, Jurists, Lawyers, Di
vines, en.; illustrated with Cony engraving; by Lewis
I.voL mays-
The Twelve Months , Volunteer, or Journal of a Pri
vate in the- Temessen Regiment of Cavalry, to the
Campaign of Mexico, during 1516.47, containing an at ,
count ot the:March of the Regiment to Vern Crux,
demriptim of the County passed over; manners, ent
tooth, fee. of the people; Sketches of Camp Life; tie
counts of ail the M. Lin. of other Volunteer
and a full littory of the Mexican War; List ofthe Kil
led alai Wounded, illmtrated by a Lars number of
wet vte wand Plana; vahime
Octavo: r decd
limn of Meted Poetry; n splendid Imperial Is no.,
atilt bomitiful illmtratiom on steel, by Sartain, and 211
illuminated pages by Schmitz and Sinclair, nobly
litiond ii, Turkey morocco and white roll; superbly giln
1§ 6riuinn Keeptoke„all annual for ISIS; with
Tplendid mettotint engravings, by tartain;bound in at
&dengue, morocco. .
-Chnstmas Blossoms 'and New 'vett'. Wmath fat
1.5. V; a email quarto volume, printed on mow white pa
per, etnliellished with splendid mezzotint engravings.—
'Phis ia by far the most Leatilitil juvenile unnurd pub-
i the United States.
TheVoetical Works of Oliver Goldsmith, M. R., with
name. CI Mite designs, by the Etching Club, in va
rioW of binding.
Thompson's Season., with sevenry-seven designs, by
the Ftchutg Club, in various stF des of binding.
The Poe and Poefry of America; by FL W. GM.
••. . •
The Poetki and Poetry of the Ancients, br William
'met., A. AL; superbly bound in Turkey mororeeisplen.
VI C; Poems,in IrliioElll styles of binding.
Gray's Elegy illustrated.
• !lemon's Poetical W i
orks, n various bindings. •
Lord Byron's ." . . .
Shalupeves “ ~ " ,
Tha Poetical Warts of Thomasltoore.
Holli nod mho(' Poems, by Mary I loseiu.
Poems by eimeloo.
Headley 's PoLored Mourosino.
The shove,with a grun variety of other sew works.
In splendid s tyles of binding, gettable for gift books; for
sale by
de9o Bookeellers, roe. filasket & 94 ow.
Tameable Itdudard Worke.
sad nava& priaciples of every broach of ham. listowledr,
with the deriretiowead Mail= of ell the terms'n gmerel
one, edited by y/T Breede, Y R Lthatreta by nu
mucus, enresings ea wood.
D containing beautifully cal
med map . of North Lwarea,Cemda Few, Cesode West,
Nen Sea ,, New Bewirerialt, Nosthesa Tease, Now Ws-.
see, Florida, em, Odifornis, Ceedral Anieries,
Yttestais. Wien hada; /shads awl all the Steles zed Terra..
sirs id the Oa kw.
Nia Yoritaris—The =gory of the Pozen= from the
reformation in 1547, 43 the revolution of 1788, coinpraing nn
anneent of then armerteles, &e by by
Neal, lea A,
N retre by John 0
hl D, otth portraits ouster!:
In to vol tam
The ine of the Daly in relation toGm blind, by George
Moore, D, annotax of the royal college of Phytianas, &a
Juvenile Works. '
• .
Frolth cud Worth' of which makes the atm, a my pop
ulautstrenils work.
I knla of the San beiag affacting Sus:tisk of absprrecks,
assail's Speak The Jima* Speaker, oomprising
elementary mks and mantises in dada:rade% swish stselm
km of peens as practice, by Francis T llama Summit)r in
elocution at Prinechm
arse alms !sorbs &seised and ix &is by
all Boaltsstlers s ess reaskst tad and au
Bakke & Beribner , s*Publicatlons.
subscribers having been appointed agents for
the sale of the publications of the above well
known publishing house, have a full Supply of their
beets en band, which they - li at 'Me eastern pri
ces, wholesale nod Among the works which
lave been recently Limed by them, which have been
highly recommended WS exceedingly imerestingtiod
valuable, may be found—The Czar, his Court and Peo
ple; Ireland's %Velem:so to the Stranger; Bethel Flag,
br Br.
nod_Prinp Napoleon and his Marshals; Washing
ton hit GeneMls; The Eacred Mountains; Orators
of France; Tesehmg ...Science, th e teacher no Artist;
Charlorte klimbelh's Uniform Works; T. E. Arthur's
Making Baste to be Rich, Riches havelAruigs, Keeping
up Appearances,Delnor and Creditor; he. the. .
Also, the works from the press of Robert Carter the
character of whose publications is well known. Tor
retine's Theology, in 4 vols.; llaidane on. ROOIIII/4 Ma
Clievoe's works; The Conant, by author of School Girt
in ranee, he. fr.e. New books received as soon as
as published. ELLIOTT & ENGLISH,
78 wood and
EW BOOKS—glemonals of the Introduction of
J Methodism into the Eastem States, Comprising
Inomphierd notices of its cult' preachers, sketches of
as first thatches, and reminiscences Mitt early sirup
glea and successes; by Ron. A Stevens, A. SI. Inn
'Siemens f Rey. David Abeel, D. D., Inc Missionary.
to China: h his nephew Rev OR
Muth Ali ton, the Merchant's Clerk: by Rev Charles
13 Taylor, M. A., aothor of ußecords of u Good Man'
Life,” ..Lady May," "Marpret, of the Pearl," ke.ts
The dove, with a barge am of tnolnyan
hand and just receiving. ELLIOTT ts ENGLISH,
al. 1 _ rt. !onkel si
1,470/1,111111 1.10010-11inory of the Greekrtes./
X./ °lntim, kUd of thewars roid ramprtigns
from the sonnies of the Greek ratriou to Kironcip
Zing Mei, coontry.front the Turkish Yoke—in two vol ,
umen—splendid copy with numerous triar and encroP
. 'Let
ilinctrative of the reign of William 111, lan
le6 to 17.2—with fine portals, us vols.
L € '
lart /0 1M511149 thC 10l y :Scriptures.
!lorry Alosibray, ailing romance, v.ith `Orgy..
• ...
. . '
Tina, in the linty Land, French Stage, and Sketch. ,
in China. Just Teed and for
En market street
Ill'E OF CROMAVEL s—Just recerved ra.Y. cypress
i Headley's Life rderpsnwelL In one Vol.
Faith and Ps Elferts; or Fraginchts from my For ,
Folio: by Mr. l'altuer.
Riches of Chace; Interior Life, by Upham; Life ni
Faith, by Upham; Memorial, of Aledroshsm, by Rey. A
Stevcor, The English Pulpit, a collection of sertoun
by the most eminent bring divines of England; Sketch
es of Sermons ors the Parables and Miracles . binder'
Life of Christ. l L ittur,
jet° Apollo Buildings, 4th street
intandanee LT &simnel oTth e e r undersigned ofirte P e e rs,
from on Ofiginal sketch takes/ from life, in Camargo.
by Captain Daton, A D C.
DConaor, Hpiayy; George A ATCall. AC; I temp
Haan. ljeut Toliogyapkinal }:agineer; Ham' lager-
Jen • Boojoieliers, cor ad and market
1 .0
SIX new Piano. Fortes, of Hosewowl, G and 61 oe.
tares, will be received and ready for ask - during
this week, by JOHN 11 MELLOR, bl wood st,
Sole Agent for Cblekming's Pianos for Western
Pennsylvania. je6
rtillf/IVlPVlTOlrlari4veneee,) co - Igd Witheit
irgons, or katb b yr the New and
Improved %FHA NB E6WALEN A,” a kori
amebicand nutritious vegetable trod. Also, %Vier
toida celebrated Treatise on Constipation, and the nue
and velue Of TIM Ervalenta. Hold only at the Apollo
Buildings, eth street, near Wood, by
jet/` . J I. READ_
— ltetallo Pram. Plano.
8... .
IMOwood sad Alahogranyrod . r . .c u on P,.
anon, an d or oat fmished a ,
_ i.
Al4o, too .pte . ll,lld Boaerwool ;„. t. , nay
rith COlernarf. celebrated. Soltan ante antacid
e the most =dere atyle, , and for italc at
lL ...d
ied - lla BLO WS, it
HENRY KLEIBER, Dealer in eastern Piano Forms,
at J. W .Woodlndlt, No. 66Third The
Piano. may be examined at et home, and the subscri
ber wilt be them from It to 12, A- NI., end Irma 4 to
6, P. AL each day. Plash's, Oct. Str., 46
We, the andersled, would Worm thceltieena
Pitrainsrgh gu
and vicinity dial we have appoinied Mr. H.
laeiber sole .(tent for Western Penneylvanbri for the
We of our Plano Pones, from whom dm may be ob
tahad at out own (New York) priers.
New York, Prof. 1, 1848.0et47dU -
301 invites the aneutlen of buyers to a new supply of
above goods, at newest Pyle and very low. tarn
, IDErILITE .- A A Mason t Co. have! 'on baud
TV on azissaiTo &mamma of Whits Goods, tom-
Ptidn Molk win, Book, Plaid and )scones
pferay vaulty. - ; my*
JOAN Wa.lanT Is 00.,
ABE prapared to build Conan and Woollen Machin
ery of every description, such us—Canting hta-
chines, Spinning Frames, d3...ders, Dmsit'ag Frames,
Railway Beads, Warpers,Turillers,Spomei %Dressing
Frames, Looms, C.ud Groders, Ac.,• Wrought bon
Shafting tarried ell *ism of Cast Iron, Pallier and 1
11.gers, of the latest patters., slide and band
and tool. of all kindle.
Castings of every de famished on short no.
tier. Patterns Made to order for Mill Gearing, Iron
railing, do. Stearn Pipe for heating .Factorim Cast
Iron Window Sash, and fancy Canino genmally.—
Orders! a ft at the Warehouse of F. Partner Is C 2.. Lit,
erty street, will have prompt attention.
• - Rosa so
Esekrtock, Bell & Moorhead &Co., G E
Warner, John Irwin A Sons; Pittsburgh.
Gel! llWamer; Si“beavilk. • PuelP
TAKES thts method to inform his friend.
and the pale at large that his Factor) ,
. *Choose in full operation, on the Eust, side
of the Diamond, Allegheny, where a cool
scant supply of Blinds, of various colors
"end moslities, are constarAly kept on hand,
.1 also at N 0.5 Wood st i Pittsburgitot J .
11:111111.11pe oil cloth warcronea.
Vaainan Shutters made to order in the best sITle.
Blinds repaired at the shortest notice.
N. B. Dm Rhoda will ha put up, without any addi
tional eximase so that they eon be removed in .n me.
meat to case of fire or tor 'cashing, and without the aid
of a crew dr e octildly&selmnly
WM. ALEXANDER A. 501519.
(710 MN MAKERS AND FURPUSIIINULNDER- TAKERS, earner of Penn 'and et. Clan streets,
posits . the Exchange Hatel,enuanee on Penn Street,
rerpecudly inform their (rirnds and the public, that
they are prepared to furnish mai mend to everything in
the hno of Undertakers. Always on hand a large as,
sortment of ready made Coffins, covered, lined and fin- '
irked lathe very best manner, all mina sedans. ready
made Shrouds of flannel,Cambrick and amain, and all
sixes made to approved etyles. Wo keep a large as
eortment ofertike and black, cotton, milk and kid Glows,
enlik for pall bearers and mourners, crape, rep eel.
arsa and every thing neersacry for dressing the dead,
and on reasonable terms, as we purchase( all one goods
in the Eastern roues. Alto, silver platy for engtaving
the name wad age. We kayo a splendid now hearse and
horses, and any number of the best carriages Every
thing attended to • remedy and panettallr. ocAIY
. -
514 mod 540 Liberty strut, war Me Cana/
A LWAYS on had and made to order,,a large eerie=
ty of Marble Mamie, Pier, Cenue • Tables, and
Burson Tops, Tomb Stoncs,Nommtents,Aci all which,
hamar:made of the choiceittioarble, ad tuenafnetured
principally by machinery, will be sold law for cash.
N. B. Pereons oirwhing to purchase Mantels, are
informed Mar it is henceforth unnecessary for them to
go East, as I can furnish them with an arucle in all
respects as good, and(frolghtonsurance, Ac, consider
ad as cheap as they can purchase them for In the
Eat. Oa and see.
No SI Market street, Pittsburgh, Pemat
TNE subscribers having made mat Improver:mu
in the construction of their COOKING STOVEti,
respeedoßy loom persons building Steamboats to call
and exocrine before paretiasin g, as we elm supply them
with Deck Stoves, Forges, and every other kind of
Copper, Tin and Sheet Iron week necoss to inrush
l W e og gum.
• Stew:
also make to order on the shortest notice Sal
Tribes and Clusuber, Copper work for Steam Engines
and every vs rbrty "sort in our line.
ahrsolstgbaso, (Maar Plitabstrgh,l Pat. '
liardsowte, No. 137, Wood atm!, Pit:ssurgh.
41? %%ILL conturaly keep on band agoal csmer . .
went Of Ware, of oar ot, manufacture, and
aope,io,qp.iny, Wholesale and country Alee
chants are respectfully invited to cottony! ex
amine for themselves, as we are determined tertell
cheaper than has cver.bcCom been oat,,,i to the pub.
lin. •
p- Orders sent by wail, mmompanied by the moth or,
nay reference. will be promptly attended tn. felr.
P. tit cosmos. •• -
Rif ULVANI k LHDLI6 manufacture ...I keep cam
stantly on baud Cut, Moulded and limit Flog
tilamtware, in all its varieties, at their W•rehousc cor
ner of Market and Writer streets, Pittsburgh: ,
Our %Varga continua in full operation; ash we are
constantly adding toot, Monk, which .10102 a. to 411
aunt with promptness. Purchasers an. respectfully
solicited to call and examine prices ond tenor.
FROM the very 1 : 1b../ .p.. 34..
went the subscriber has teem red mace
. 4"•••• • • he has located hansilf l n lillegbctiy tins indiced him to take ten_., for
. term of gram, nn the rfertelly he now
occames, in Beaver elreel, uniamiintely beside IL,
Presbyterian Church. From the long experience in ili
above baroness and a desire to please, be hopes to mei
it nod receive a shore of public patronage. .
Now on hand and finishing to or& r, liockaway Bug
gins, open and top Doggies, nod terry description 0
Canones wide to order, from seventy-five Collate •
eintabonsres• iscol,lin itltlN
lunderciamed are now prepared to tbmirb that,
1. comment and the public generally. wall an coach
lent aniele of Lard Oiled' their omumanufactate, which
they mill saline aceadoreodatine term, '!belt 011 they
lienere to bees aood as any obeyed in the mark...and
may be teramed tines eatmlactery.
IS liberty as, oppom te
Y. S—Lard and Grease mblanle tor marhincry, on
hand. far sale stove. c r 23
J LUNG:S.-711e onstlcedected wee!. 'Ouch hoe
needed the dee of the
ft et the vat ors forms which Irritation alit longs as
saran, has induced rho proprietor eguin to eall eaten
lion to this
The chngable weather which marks our fell and
;muter months, Is always a 'fruitful source of
There, if neglected, are but die precuts°, of that fell
The question, then, how shall we nip the destroyer in
the bud? how shall we get clear of our eing,hs and
'olds? nof vital Import/Wee to the public,
will be found in the Ginseng Panne. In proofof thls
de have Inooll=a to time published the certificates of
ocent of our best known ,citlrens, who have experi
enced its curative powers. 'These, wlih a coast tel
timouy from all honor Ike country... from
Moisten of the Gospel, he., together with copious no.
tins from the
we have embodied in pamphlet form, and may be bad
gratis of any of our a,,,,enn throughout,. coustn.
have been used in this
thronghoat the Viand States and-Canada,
Lunge any man to point out a
- - -
n which, when taken according to dleeenona, and be.
Into the longs had becornelionlly diaorpatzed. it h u
ever tailed to
- -
Why, then, need the afilieted hesitate? st by rcson to
the miwrable omns., gotta) up by nt
nals a ler the mourned itanie of Wm° co •t• phy
sician, end puffed into notoriety by cenifies pa
wns equally unknown? Whilst a medicine of
Is w be had, whom vouchers are at home,—mar neigh.
hem—many of whom it has
In order that this invaluable mediaine may be plated
within the reach of the poor amwell the rich, we have
lust one half the usual cost bf cough medicines. n
(or rale by our agents in nearly every town and village
over the west, who are prepared to give full inform.
Son relative to It I': SALTER, Proprietor,.
Droadresy, Enteillnall, 0410.
O N A i ' 1-tlekf3itilt7ROAN&DCoL, LEAP TOBACCO
10 N. wharves, Phil 's, oder for oak on accontraphoina
lorms, 6000 pkgs Manufacnned Tobacco, consboing of
pounds, hall pounda, kh's and Mrs.
Imps; 5'., its and d's plug, and 13. Ladies' Tarnd, in
wholcond half bo vet, of the following approved br and ••
James II Grant, - &horn& Bragg,
Grant A Witham., A eabaniss,
S Jones it Son, ~ al'lMnald,
AVebster Old, J Thoumon,
Janie. Thome., Jr. AT/Armistead,
J Thomas & 80n, Landhorn & Aron/dead,
J I' Colllet, • J NI Cobbs,
Gentry & Itoyamr, J A Clay,'
NI A Dotler, C A Hall.,
Greta Ilan, Wm Dawson,
Pearl A Norwood, J S Illarkwoffal,
Nab Page. Keystone,
WII Vaughan, l , INisonnd 'Henry,
Portia. 110 Wm.., limn. , II A Rotonson, ,
Keim, Robinson & Co. Seth llalady, i
IL Illetealf; Jona Ender, ,
•I.awrenee ruttier, J Robinson, d
Way & (tray, I , II Tu rne r,
Jamieson, York Wnod,
' DNI Branch. —ALSO—
Havana IderifTril.acen, wrappers and filler.,
Yarn slo . do do
Cientuego. do di. • do
St Join de Cuba do do
Sr Domingo do 'do do
lourin A Uoiddli do, pd. lin,do
!Havarti& do do - .10
Kentucky eminent grade. Alf/ do
Vagmi. Leaf, •uiub!e manufoelurin• and export;
Spaniel; Veed lolaf, l'enisle,Coutleetieut end Ohio;
Virginia Scrape sweet; Gennep ?pea; Pipe 111 . 01/
Sewell Snuff (km... and bladelers;) Msecradoe Bleed;
tmag; Otto
. 110 . !!; „ Ik .. :gno k t!
1 1 .; :c 44 . : 1 P . ""3'..4 74-
61"1""' PIIILAUELrI11A.
Type Foundry.
HI: subscribers have taken the Type Foundry, No Tlits Gold street, and will continue the business late•
ly conducted by Robert Taylor. They will anand to.
all otders with punctuality and despatch. All the type I
manufactured by them will be lloyd Cash and they
will furnish all bind. of Primers' materials, of the hest
Q ,AIr J ty
AT Overend is still employed in superintend•
ivy the manufacturing department.
Proprietors of newspapersowho have not advertised
for thesubseriber, who may publish this notice for three
months, will be entitled to receive their pay in type, on
parehuing her times the amount of their bill, for ad.
Old type taken Mead:utgo - for new at 9 vs per ilt
Charles Whiting, 1111111TIPiti &TAYLOR,
'Theodore Taylor, j lituccessaryto Robt Taylor,/
jantil ' corner Gold anal Allll It.
T 0,,Acc0,.... Jog Mirkerompr liToleacco;
bviJohn .flucker .•
ti j
mer Madison Si
IS la• IM&4ward Si
27 . James. b• - '
40 " Henry &James bs
25 " Henry &Jame. 51 .
fl 4 " 1111Warwiek .- F.
sonatgument, from manufnetuYer. of Lynchburg
ePd ghniond, Itstd wilt be wad otsEasterty' price., m
Etta ;rade. 1. S WATERMAN,
nag 31 water and et front at
rf 0 oIIACCO—I6
s Urach k
pound.; do ears
to d o do 12. and 16r,
Idkep No 1,6 twin;
10 do pet Cavendirh;
6 do do Plagl
2U Id do Niagara: .
20 do balf Soudan 'fo
do ; 7r ..lo 117
Sh 1011 : HOUSE—Having taken the large iod [OAS - .
rnenlhons Smoke Boum and Bacon tharehonee ad.
loaning oar Warehouse, ou the Canal Baran, we are pre
par cd to smoke gad store baron on reasooablo
• Canilit a
ule. k. near j°l4 .7 EB. ll ..
SECOND HAND PIANO, tow iiierniny
/1. and boa beam in ow about four years, price R now
/175, for solo by JOIN
Si wood sweat
NO. SVOAR-6 6hd. prime, Otlttble low to close
• bobsigootent, by 14 , . BOWEN,
fes oo front it
ortitluttai Transportation Lino.
MEM 18118.
rot rni. SkISZNYITIIIO3I.'or xiscluxprza no
(LWOW eousign.ed to our , caro will be forwarded
withoucdelay at the mown[ current rams. Bills of
Lanlngtriutid, and all.instructions promptly at
tended to, *am nog citns charge for storage or
corrnoission. L CA hi cANU riTY h. Co-Proprs
Camil Ruin, Pittsburgh.
(Fourierly called Piclottkr& CoA Lima
ETTAVEEN,Pituburgh, Joldeestdve. liol.
BWxter ntreet,ilientiogdon Col ned all
intennediste pieces.
Otte boat .111 leave the warehouse of CendlicAnuity
Ago, Canal Irehin, Liberty street. I'lltsborgh..exery
day:- (Sundays excepted.) end shippers can niwayn de
petid on having their good. forwurded without delay.
end at (airmen.
'fins !Ana was formed exclarively for the special ac
connuoiltuinn of the way barmeso. The Proprietorii;
thankful for thevery liberal patronage they have sc
eel ved during the lerftwo years, would rerpcetfully in
form their old curtoinerr and the public generally, that
they have extended them dmiliner,during the part win
ter, and are 'now better prepared to accommodate an in
creased buriners.
.• _
C A MeANULTV A. Co, canal basin PilLi
H CAA do Jolarcro
JOHN MILLER, do Hollidalic
Rcniarmm—Pinaburgh—Smith at Sinclair J h. J
-McDevitt; 0 1t.3 H Shoeriberger, , it Robinson Co; II
Moore; Hartley ?a Smith; John Parker; Wm Learner, J
Jordan* Son.
Ea= 1848 . Mita
TOR i1it124101M6.110. 01 WLEIICIIOIOI=
TIBBS, Proprietors of this old established and firm
1. !Portable Boot Line, having removed their. de
pot In Philadelphia, to a much larger Warehous e
on Market 114 Men they formerly occupied, and al. in
creased their room far. package at Pittsburgh. are now
prepared lo offer much greater (Sallie. to their friends
nd !patrons.
GOods carried by this line aro not transhipped be
tween Pittsburgh and Philasiolphim being carried on.
drely to Ppnable P•eetion - Boats. To shippee
and th
oer gcsads requiring careful hand rs dm
ling, this to of
importance. No charge made for receiving or .hipping
goods, or advanetug churgia. All goods forwarded
pmpromptly, and upon as reasonable terms as by any ado
Canal Basin, Pe. IC, Putshurr,S.
feb2l 227 Marta &Si Commerce ot, Plat.
JOIfN NeFADEN & Co., FOrwardl4 ~1 Comma
aim Merchanut, Cline Built; PC. ' . 11.1., Flub ugh.
JILSIES M. DAVIS & Co, Flour Piketon and Commie-
Hon Merchants, V 7 Market, and 51 Commerce St,
Philadelphia. fable
H P Zl . a. A n d ro i n fo ' r . e. " : 4 4Voul th ogr.r. " L e <T=4
to theca.
:.ijt b4 ..
r -The sublictibere hivedisposed of their It.
tercet in the Penn.& and Ohio Line to CLARKE&
TILSW, of Pittsburgh, and JOSEPH 5 LEWIS, of this
eit , .
Their will conuttue to transact business for then.,
at their Warehouse on Broad street, as usual, and be.
sneak for it a contlnuance of the plartMair of Ihtir
friends. J.LMIM STEEL & Co.
Philadelphia, March &lb 1548.
Ile Daily Ltne , of
PAAPPAAA To TI MM. Cootti ',WY. Mile
CI.ARKE &TIIAIV. Canal Bun. httxbutett.
BUTLEFt.,•JUJ flatlet rt.. KiledetpL
JAS. Si'ELY & Ctl...Agta. Woad stn.,
. .
COWDEN, CLARKE At Co.:A North sr., Mar
PORRICK. Ast.. govel, Nev Yolk.
marl:. •
Co-part me rship.
sit c subacriKer4 have thid day ae,toeimed 14f...elves
j together under the 1,41 e of Kier. R Jour., for the
t,rpose pi eouttnualg the tranue.‘ , 4
by Sasuuti M. Kier, and ea!lrtt o Cta1111111.5141, of the 14,-
cm] rule:age heretaOre elteaded 'A , the boa. ,
f:tre P T.f t
'n o te r% C
elo ve te ' Va r r..v u ,il ( V r ;. ° •.. ' ,7,
oad v .., low rates, as arty other resjammtrie
The attention of rdirppers aruilung to rend Pork or Ba
con Italtimore in bulk, ix panteularly requested, in.
asninch dolour arrangements enable or to carry melt
articles through in better-order than any other line.
& JoNES, Proph.m.
. • Canal Barri& near 7th st.
Prtutrargh, &larch 1,1717.
IVIER k J0N1.14--Consdniasion and forwards:2g 1 .
ettants, and Wholeaala Dealers iu Iron:111w
—lns on consigul
Liberal ccuh
18 4 8 ExratBs wAGos LANK 1848
hareems •
A CAI/ Will leave I'hile . tielkihra. ruler irlst Feb-;
mary, with the Mall irrim, to ,C,hauthersburg,,
which will ensibie the Wagoos to leave Ilia re the mate',
day. with relays of herpes, ruunihg day lied eight. se:;
cures the egg/till arrival of goods in nee Days froth,
Philisslchrlue. Apply to
D LEFXIII & Co., Cartel Amin.
13 slid 15 earn)) 3d at. Philadelpti
We sell! recerre for 63001 be produce, ite., daily, I
throe ell by Ib above line Mier the 21.1 tem.
feblll 1) 1.1:15111 & I
tl l lO , GOT, N. a. PLig ia t i s4 1 1 .. LAS. 111.7 . . xr
11F.N11V tiRAFF & C 0... C anala Ilonisz.
imyriLll, 11U:111'11 REY: , & Co. N 0.147 31ork et et, VIOL
CC. H. Kcloxi. comer North A. Sanitognete
JuoSy. .
Nol3, Old Slip, New ort,
NOTICE-Theityleof our firmihssill be known limn
anti otter this date, at Putithurgb, ns floury Greif
&Co., and at Vbiladelphin, as Dunn, ilunnilisin)is& Co.
•-• HENRY GFLAFF, Pitt,,barg'
1848. Season Arrangement. 1848.
THE Stearimoat DETROIT, Capt. J. C,Jfemamluf
Sadueitm the seacon (if 1846, between Cleveland A
ul Ste Marm e idthe following manner, touching at
Alackinae and intermediate places each way:
Leaving Cleveland every Monday, at 7 P.M.
Do Detroit do Tuesday at tA M.
Do Mackinac do Thursday at 7 A.lll.
Returning, will leave Sanit Ste Marie every'Friday, at
ID o'clock, A. M.; and Mackinac "mlO o'clock, P. hi.
end leave Detroit every Sunday evening for Cleve.
land. at 7 o'clock.
W. A. Otis L Co,
Agents. C. BRADISUILN &Co. Cl " el2^a.
• , GRAVES A hYICKW.tRIn tretroo.
S MeK.NIOIIT, Sault Ste Marie.
The Detroit has been thoroughly repaired and refit
ted the pan wooer ? and the public may rely upon the
perfonning of her trtpa math punctuality at advertised.
reterAnn E. IL WARD.
fiat 1848.
To and from the Eastern cities, ma Curntairtant
preprietors of this popular hoe, here Once their
re•organitatioli largely increased their ( ecilities Ia
meet the wishes of shippers; and are noti
faioratd a greater amount by the FIVE DAY LINE,
ai also by additional reguler wagon. at law rates.
Phi, 00, will nie throughout the year: deliveriM
goods throes). 11.0 agents is Baltimore nod: Pittsburgh
to owners and coeseprees at specified Salcaland time.
Shipments from Philadelphia for ihr hue -Imola he
marken "Care, J 13 helium., llaltimore." -
The only egrets ere,
J It nonmso:0;
• 000 Charles at, Baltimore. -
• EDGERTON & C 9, Cumberland,
II IV CASS, Browessilla.
IA J C Fittaberyth.
o fsl
Agreey at Cumberland from lb. hoe.e Meiling 11, Nei
guile lo that of /*Avrton & Co.
Pittsburgh and valtre la.reharil• ettriLeit that J Eau
ly Ittitoesoa. No 92 South Charlet Esltiawre.O the uidy
authorised agent of Mt, Line in Om Eashea dram • •
Thenoly ovens an
.1C BIOWELL, Pittsburgh,
• •-• 0 W CAl4.4.l.lrowessille -
/BOA ETON * CuCemetelited,
aerie( J LI ROOINSON, Esthete's.
w 6 t'c].eaaWnD, umuoik, wasiuntrrox, thu..tetab
IiE ' RCHANTS euttl. Gasp. lending goods are infonn
ed that tins in the ',attest, safest, andinost eifnu
e Line going Ettab connecting with Adam. & COY
Espies. daily, at tlaltimore.
lltrough receipts will be given to any of the above
places. hlerallandise and packages of any size or
weight forwurded.
Espruas closes daily at 3 a. sn.,
H C VICKERY, Agent,.
nordnf St. Charles Hotel kuildnign, wood
rnstrea M I.IITOTT lITEST .10 corn YAWN, itrrsßrßOU:
P. K. BRETZ &Co,
Co. 3..16 o*.oo rests , 1 . 1111.4.1,11111.
roa Tna Tl.SeurnenoN Or 41.1. WNW/ or JticurasAA-
Err All kinds of Merchandise conaigned to P. K.
Feats, Philadelphia, or to 1. Yemen & Pittaburgh,
will Int promptly &mauled frea of conimissions.
1846 AND • . 1847.
rd i ti E ee i rt d r i urge d =ln a lfas7elgaTireeir:
Ing Winter, arthe most faTorabte terms, by this exPe•
dittoes route.
All property comma! to on wlllba A...worded at the
Amen rate. and watt despatch.
. 14erehandue reCatTeli b alm rotate promptly foe
warded. 1 0 ELTWELL, Aea, /*Menorah.
, W LABS, Browntedle. •
ve'r'b. E EGERTON k VQ,Culabsilluld •
Amin; PARKS 4. 00'.. PACKET 1411 E.
C.ll Packet—WALLOW, Cant„
OCEAN, Cain Nemec.
o fiAo n f th. th y e . a:o c r e e pt P e a d e ) k . eta d lea arr vl v i e lte n aLe t r every
g dal,
Wairen, where they connect with the Mail Stage. for
Akron and Cleveland, arriving at each of theie planes
before night. One of the Paeketa Imre Warren daily,
at 5 P. M., and arrive at Beaver in time to take the
n' lol . o a ft.Ft' or riaql7. b ..tVarre
MII TAYI,OR, . " 4 1 Proptirra.
Canal Packet—PEITONA, Cam-Brown.
FASHION, Cam..AV P Sayre.
One of the aboretkackets will leave Deaver every
.i.t,lSandays excepted) at 7 o'clock. and strive at
reenntle the next morning at I.l.rclock; and one
ayes Greenville every afternoon at 1 'o'clock, and ar
t,. at Deaver the next morning at 5 o'clock—through
16 hours—towed by teams, (three horses each) mo
oned every In miles. At Greenville they conftect
ith aline of Stages through to Meadville and Eric.
•rlks bouts are entirely new and built expressly foe
trade. REED, PARKS 3: Co, Beaver,
Caw.] Paekei—TELEGNAPII, Caps. WM itl'hf (Ilia
Leaves Beaver every morning (Sunday. excepted) a
13 o'clock—leaves New Clunk every evening (Sunday
except o'clock; undsonnec s ug with the stews
rs Lake
Erie running between Beane
and Pittsburgh. • REED FARES & Co , Epaypy,
Pa',Monis will be reeripted through by either of the
above ,outeie, securing berths in' the packets and seats
in the stage, by application' to either of the proprietors
or agents. JOHN A. CAUGHES, Pittsburgh,
con Water and Smithfield Ds.
AGEN+Si—Reed, Parks & Co.l3oaver '
R 0 Parks & Co, Youngstown, O; -
' Cotes & beffingwell,'Warren,o;
R WCanningharn, New Castle, Pa;
H C Mathews. Pulaski, Pe;
W C Malan, Sharon, E.;
Hay & Plornh, Sharpsville, Pa;
• M'Earland and Airs, Big Rend, 1 , 2;
C C Wick, Greenville, Po;'
C M Read, Erie, Pa.
ataal 1848. Aga
rims well, known Line, composed of steamboats.
Lake Erie and hlichigan, between Pittsburgh and
13eaver, and freight and passenger Camd Heats Bea ba
rman kleaver ani.Erie, and C M Reed's lino of Pat
clam stmunboats, propellers and venal.on the Likes,
laprepared to carry freight and passengers to all points
ou the Erie Canal, and Lakes Phi; Huron end Michi
Having every facility for conveying freight and pas
sengers with p ro mptness and dispatch, the propnetor
d - agenta respectfully solicit from their fiends a con
tinuance of therr rttonge. —
C AD, PARI:B g t O, C Ae M a ' re, Agents.
spit , eor Worn and Smithfield - Im, Pittsburgh.
INWEgi 1848.
W. T. TsloTtlrl, Pittsburgh;
Ram, Y,1,1113 & CO, Beaver, Propes.
(MOW°. &. Curti crn, Cleveland}
11311 E above ho now prepared to trampart freight
j and passengers Hem Pittsburgh and Cleveland, or
my point on the Canal} md Lakes.
One ►
boat Hems Pittsburgh andeleveland daily, [llO
- In coo with the eleamboati Late Erie and
Michigan, bthtweea Pinabargh and Heaver, and n line
arms elms steamboat., propellers, brigs and seine).
s on lakes Erte, Hume and Aliebigan.
Property• forwarded to my part of the Knipe With
dispatch, by M. T. MATHER, or
roe Water •od theithfeeld ets„ Piitsburgli!
Al iENTH—Reed, Parks . I Ca, Beaver,'
IR G Parks er. Co, Youngiddwn,C,
E IV Cowed, Co,AVarrew
D Bostwick AL Co /Headroom.
It & N Clark, Wert. Fiala;
,IP I,..vit, Newport:
J & E h 1 Whitoeary, Campbellvon;
1 0 ArßridE Haveaaa.
Uhl: m
Illia, Frauto .
hlill.r& Tattle, Cuyah a Fall.;
ii:Sel7r - &764 . ZSri;cal;
Itasney, Gibbs & Ca, Sublastr.
Vhstias & Eagle, Toledo;
Co.&Ds. ,, S, Mu'hi
& Wllltsubs, ZS thsetblce,
I J Whlslow;Chiesgss 111. sp44
rla tais.Turtation of Pre,' ...rid to omd Pion..
/I, IN1l1.11)1'.1.rtil.(. 11A LTIMORIL N
Comm. & Casa. l'hilatlelphlk.
Tenn,: k O'Cuesna, Pittsburgh.
Linz old established Line bum now - ht full operas
lion, the proprietors hove mode extensive arrange.
om. to forward goods and produce with despon., nod
on the mod favorable terms. They ronlidsorly hope
thbur well known promptness in delivenng goods—K
ent:lr surety inmate co carrying—capacious warehou
ses ta each port, agordnig accommodation.. to shippers
and owners of produce—together with their long rape.
ric me r and nnremtrung Ink.on to business, wal feeu
to them a gcndinuance of that liberal patronage they
IfiveLy gratifully acknowledge.
All consignments lip and for this line received, char
ges paid. and fors. riled any required directions free
of eitttler for cornatission any:taring or storage,.
No interest, directly or untasctly , steamboats.
All communications promptly attended to on opplica-
IIMI to the following agents:
& OAS 11, 27n Market or. Philadelphia.
'PAAFFE &. OCt/NNOIL, Canal Pittsburet.
OLIONNOHS & Co, Nord,rd, Baltimore.
WAI: H. WILSON. en Pedal' et, New York. ap.s
tir n Transportation Company.
atiete "MAR&
VLA , icaßal - LvARIA ARD oino RAIL ROADS
A R ir Ezr t rex::
o r. , f and produceto and
drew of oFply to
D. L Canal Basin, Pidebtugh.
BARRIO a. Ncie.ll 15 50011. Third st,Phil.
J. TAYLOR a. SON, A su.No 14, N'th Hayward w, Bah.
A. A BBOTT, Av.,No V. ein .ire.. New York.
Ihitihurgh, MoreNl9di, LS4d. mOPN
- .
Passenger• and Iternittame• 011:lees •
IIANRDeJti tr. W. comm.s to bring , persons
from any part of England, Ireland, Seotladd.ot
Wales. upon the most liberal terms, with thin
usual punctuality and attention to the warns and eons
fon of =migrants We do not allow ourpassengen
be rollbml'hy the swindling scamps that tufmt the sea
ports,tas rye rake charge of them the moment they re
port thentsclver, mud see to their well being, end de.
sputelt them-without any detention by the firm Aims—
We say this featlestly, as We defy one of our passer,
gen to show thaethe nuns detained 4i hours by us in
Liverpool, whilst thousands' of others were detained
months, until they could be sent to some old craft, at •
oh; p rate, which toto freguenUy proved their coGun.
We huend to perform our,•eontreets honorably; coat
what it cony, and, not act as was Means last season,
with ether officent,—who ehher performed not
when It suited then convenience.
Grafts dram at rinsbargh for any tom from tG to
.Cligra 'payable at any of lito provincial Banks in Ire
land, Englaud, deotleuid Wales.
_ • European and General Agent,
foil - Fidt, axe, one door 'below Wood.
11111.011.TANT TO THY. LADIMII,Chense
11Zr Cream, a matchless article for ani, crow*
/Seamy and Reshoration of the Mir. Thin:lrian,
when-once known, will eupereede all other articles o/
the Lind now need. When the hair Is dead, harsh,
thin, tuthealthy, or turning grey, few applleanons
will make the halt wit end - dark, and give a baditul
apPeanutee; and will also make a retain Int live•
ihpesiand healthy color twice as long cc all the prep►
ribose which am severally used. Every lady atm
:ehould who are in the baba of [lsla' ells on their
B L i t , at once purchase a bottle of the Chinese
Moir Cretan, as It ti so composed that it will not Ware
the heir like those other preparations, bet will beautify
It, and give perfect setisMcnon in every Instance.
roCtestimany to its very superior qualities, we the
fnllowing letter from Rev. Mr. Caldwell, to Mestere
liendershon & Stretch, Nashville, General Agents for
the Western Beam:
Letter fir. the Rev. it. Caldwell, pastor of the Press
hyterin Church, Pulaski.
Meier. Undershot! k Rtreteh—Clentlemen: 1 take
pletkra fa adding my testimony in favor of the excel
lentCream—forprepArnon called Dr- ParDit's Chinese limo
Orea—for about two years ago, nay hair was eery
dry, [Only, nil disposed to come out; but !faring pro.
cured] a bottle *CM. , Cretim, and need it according to
the prescription. my heir is now soft, elute and 4`rto
to the:head. Many balsams aunt oils went applied,
each leaving my hair in a turn mate than bowie,—
This Creany - however, has met soy expectations.
As an amcle for the Toilet my wife gins it prefer•
r all others, Dente delicately perfumed, and not
disposedv to rancidity. 'Xlte ludigs especially will find
the Chinese Creirn to be a dmidetatuto In their prepa
rationa fur the toilet. Respectfully,
Pulaski, Jan. 7, 1d47. It. CALDWELL.
irr sow wholeiala and retail, in ritubiirgb, by John
N. Tovinntod, No. 43 ?dulcet oreet, and Jot' Nobler
comer 0 , 1 WOOLI satlllllls ascot.. int4lL
1111 C subscribers wish to irtronn the pwrbo generally
• that they arenew owning o new and large Mock
or Citing, Wait., Queenswate, Britannia mad Palley
C.d., comprising the latest and nowt fashionable putl
terns or
french Chinn ploifi and golt . band Milner Sets;
do du •• "Peit
Superior trots-RionDinner
Sowing W. Ix new pi:MC(IIS) • I,
Liverpool "
A great variety of Teo Pets, different tinolities; '
• Itnhounia Umiak foot and Tea Sets;
Waiters-4 beautifol article "queen's Gothic;"
Cittior idtallio, {Coera l os rnelius, roakerd
IllosialVare,o gensertalent.
litean“Wi owner. and hotel proprietors ore invited
la anoint our usaortment of want suitable for their
Count Iderehantse. hind a large 'Lock of articles
suitable (or country soles, which we will sell at rea
sonable paces.
Out stock being entirely new, we feel satisfied of be
ing able to pleaue all who utay favor us ivith their emu
mums _ taptrultf&wl GILL &
and Glariers.—Petsons wishing to have painting
or gluing done with nearness and despatch, will please
give us la call. They will find it to their advertnige, for
we ate (ally prepared Ur do work as lowas any house
its the two cities can or will do It, at No. Wood street.
N. 13.—We wish it to be understood that we have
not gull the painting and listing, as some of our most
zealous friends.have been telling the public gerally
that we werewere piing to retire from that branch o ally
busitung We tire more fully prepared to transact the
(stinting and glaring than we ever were. •
AC.- WILLIAMS, Draper mud Tailor, begs to la
A. form the Silicas of Pittsburgh and others, Mat he
10 80 , 1 V immune at his room, on Smithfield streen
der.the shove - Hotel, a large and beautiful uwttmcet
of Cloths, Cesitimeree, Satiny Silks, arid other Ve dugs;
together with such other uncle* as. are mcmired for
gentlemenla wear. Ilia goods have been carefully se
lected, sod are of the newest and most fashionable
.style, as well as of superior quality. Ills edatomers
may:depend upon having their clothes made up in a
manner which cannot fall to gratify the taste of dui
roast fe!tidlena. mattly_
INS Preprietoreifthis well known place of resort has
the pleasure of Informing the public ikon his mud.
ntent having been thoroughly yelped and repaiond,
and :the grounds elegantly laid out and decorated is
now °pettier teeir accommodation, and he flatters UM
- self ihst those who may faros him with their patron.
age will And all that they desire, provided in the belt
style and on reasonable. tams. Ile is determined to
opare no expel:ea la tinakin% Lis establishment worthy
f public patronage. Ile accommodations for
healing few knoll.. lee Crrams and all refresh.
mentp m the oea s on, constant ly on hand
aAar/wry Stock Per Sala.
rg , HE Subscriber offers foi- sale his entire stock, in
L lots to suit purchasers. at very rethiced prices.—
The collection is not equalled fora select and extensive
variety. in the Western country; containing marry new,
Japand valuable plants, concuMg Impart of Camellia,
nicas, large llowring plant, from , 3 toll feet in
height. Cactus, Azalee, Geraniums, Fushmas, Month
ly, Notsette Cluster, Perpetual Alma, Vining or Pillar
Rows; the finest and most esteemed mu incultivation.
The Dahlia list contains the most skeeter and fine prize
its grovrix Flower Roots, a large variety; Vinek
Nahralffiet7. shade sees, eve:Vivo, Ac. .Amaurnrir,
Nurserryy men and other., who wont to tl/Corate their
yards, gardens, pleasure ground, or green; helisa, are
respectfully invited to examine the collectionwhich is
open to visitors, except on Sundays. GonYeyknce by
the omnibus and greenwood ferry. Descriptive cam
loguem sent by marl, or may be ballet our stead, No as
Diamond Natick where orders leftwit& us, or try
mail to Pittsburgh Post Office, will be proriptly attend
ed to. Jolla Graham, a practical gardmeri will attend
to planting shade trees, laying of gardens, As. Orders
left ailabore. JAS. IVARDROP
rturl6d3m&v.liT Manehr;teVne;nrlifjiZ;iitg.
Llzern,foraterly of Deafly, Salton*
GeneraVO•msalhislon LM.rbhsats
No. 31 !Parinss Sired, New &leans.
. ..
hlessra Navin & Co, Bankers, N. „5 .
James /WO regar &Co,
' 1 " -- David Whim& Co, M isoni I.
.. d Ellia & Mama, Da.kal . -
, d lloaea & Fraser,' • Cmcannati.
• NlCensid, Esi, ' i 1
II N Kearney, Laq,llmaket,.Zaneaville,'o.
D lll'Donald & Cd, Wel laville,O. z, ,
Deed. Parks &Co ,Deaver, P. ~ -? •
J W Gill,Esq, Wheeling, V. '7
)1 1 Clurkan & Cd, i Pitts ~j, p — . .
W & Id hlneheluse, 1 '-'•
Beaten node oratnglases.
R. G. DEXTER, of Boston, has arranged and pa
tented plan for heating houses, which has beeo,
successfully used in Elision, New York. &c:, and wher
ever applied, has received the decided prefMance over
stover, furnaces, ftc. 'lts advantages tire- 1
Ist. Great regularity of temperature. , •
Rd. Freedom from smoke.
3d. No unpleasant dryness.
tet. Easily attended to and not noble to 'get out of
sth. 'Great dambiliryry.
taodelaud •pecibeation may ba men, and appara
mu obtained, opine copperand Mtwara factory of
WM D SCAIFE, Rrn at. •
between wood. and market
AA - ORGANS COUCJH SYRUP—It proved to ha rho
,INA great Panacea In caring my eltildlsilistmssing
From the Temperance Banner, Nov 3 1947.
Cocoa Scour.—We are not in, the habit of pnlang,
much leas taking patent medicine., butwe feel dispowal.
to recommend Jdor's Syrup to those, who ore afflict
ed with a tough. Mier haring tried the. amid reme
dies to mama a coma= and distresiism cough, that
had for several days afflicted ono of our children, with
out jurors., we were in d uce
to try Morgan , . cough
syrup, and by it relief was obtained to a few houre. It
proved to be the perinea in this case at least. I
Prepared wholesale and retail hy the proprietor,
JOHN 1.1 111011 CAN, Drugaist,
feta 'wood sk 1. door below dismoinPalley. ,
A Chi Mango to the World.
DOLLA RS will be paid m any one
J. who wall produce a spewed paint, green or dry.thati
cannot be extracted with Ileit's Improved Ehemicali,
ta e t t tills .nthg et t ,t;m " y " J i'r i::proteric P n io
ii o u l this place, :
dr now standa unrivalled in that mummy ear extracting',
grease, tar, pack. oil, paint, or any othef greasy sub,
stance, unman kinds of gentlemen's orclothrag,!
carpets, table cloths, =onog, shawl., ladies` bonnets,:
k.. will.. Waring anything that Flare Inter will not:
mare. More than one thoosand permits to differerd,
parts of the country have told me they would not be,
without it; if it as one dollar per cake. In dying dins
:Limp on more than 300 articles or light gilts, satins, dl.:
peccm, and calicoes, I have only found three metes or
two of minaret., and' Mar of calico, on which
changed the color. therefofe before putting it on a light;
dress try a simple of the dress firm I Mate thin Dterittlie,
I am determined riot to renonductad natty wronger WM .
I to
to be strictly true. N II don..
etc per cake: Sold, wheletale mil remit
by • It E 001.1.1'-ftS,
deell - • T. mood et
airs to rerstro, • •
THE undeisigned has long been convinced or thS
necessity tor same mediciue adapted to the are or
Clolitren and Infants to sups-reede the use,. all ahead
medicines which contain opium, end has ai length seas
elO t tiell in preparing and arenas to the public a medic
sloe EiUy atiewering every purpose for all Siietisee of the
•liumemels, tOldtellt Me OF< of.thai drlcteriuus drug, or any
caber calculated to isim it re in the Thelma. Pon:
mesa ha. been rally tested and tried, the Mut twelve
counts, by sinner.. pew..., and ruund tAi possess an
the estrisordioary virtue., std to produce oil the usu.,
ielsing streets as eat turat an the hal- or direction.
e Di-
rhiec, Cholic, Griping, Pains, Sickness and'
MV 21.1 t (11.1111 a° ug, acting immediately
without disturbing any of the tunctions of the body,
producing the happiest nod most placenta transition
/own violent pain to a tranquil and joyous Gate or Set.
ing in the Inns
To be had wholesale end mail, orshe Proprietor. Dr.
JOAN SARCIANT, Druggist nod Apothecary, John
dli 1, Ic Beckham, and toast whey Drilggics
- -allegheny and Pittsburgh. _ .
0 power to core: Errranty, Feb. 14, lal7.
It E. Ectucust—Nly wife hos for ears ken vultieet
to a distressing cough. secomnan, I with ',asthma, fdr
the cure of witch she used didereut cott retuedlei,
and had the advwe of the t most eminent physicians at
EEngland, but all was unairotling. By chance I braid
your Imperial Cough Shop, and was induced to tidy
a bottle for trial, although Iliad no belief cfint twytintig
could remove her complaint To my great surprise,
two doses gave her immediate, relief. Shlr is Itlintee
troubled with a cough, but two waspoonsful of Syrup
always stops it lam satisfied, after a truft , of three' or
tour years, that Seller's Cough Syrup is the ibest cough
=dime I have ever tried either to the Old or New
Wo Id. Wu. Fiulthocanc,
*event!, Word, city of Pinehurgh. ,
Tie clove certificate should induce all who arle
madded with cough or asthma, to give the Syrup a Wi
ll It may be had for 55 cease a bottle.! at the drug
one of R E SELLERS, SY wood st,
Bold try Dr Cassel, 5 1 h weed, and D Al
l e
Oen ei
befetv.—made on the most approved &Matra pignA—
aud most fastuonatils Eastetn patterns and colors. Also
or made to order of all eixes, .o 4 at all p Flees.
Country Merchants and °the°. are loaned to call and
examine the above for themselveir,es all awl l be wild
wholesale or retell, and a liberal deduction made :to
wholesale porehuers. -
axtldlyd OVE3'TEnvFd.T
--- - ,
•131.013. ,-
°MIDS . TERRESTIAL GL OBES, maternal; ' i ll .We Decoveries, aad Cleorukpiticat , ire .
&barb. tracks of Da rood =Muriel dream:Waitron Can-
Lil:d Dow l!isaritee nor Mb 0 . 1 , 0 be, kith addition end
. nrIINIV i cti.Esna, th• GLATI 'l = l =
known kare, orbakt, ire. ' Caspried D oti do evorks of
kV 01b.114M, Fillfti, De La CDS.. limbers, Maier, Brad
,y Herkbel, Mookelyne, On tresoactions or the rierrecone.
kal Society of London. St, fe. Vl.ll SWIM! New E.
limb Globe. .
Jamaica k IllackG haVelostreceivedarek'pairs of tbe
above Oioberoerylop in &Dm folkarc
Ipair v. DI and. fa Corker, i
o{ o ° „ • :
I : • • 0 " °
I "rail eats 0 o
Ataaboa, Carmelo, oaf Journal eopy.i dill 1
- .
TowNstsers SARSAPARILIsd..-40 donetf.
.IL/ Dot received of Do Townsend's Sarsaparilla, the
most extraordinary medicine in the world! Thin ES'
I act le put up in quart bottles. It le air tinies , chmtpex,,
plummier, and w .named superior to any sold. It'
ines dinette without vomiting, Me betung nri
debilitating the patient.
Loos on-ring berancons—rnprincipied persona have;
copied our labels. and put up =Wine In the Mete'.
'Draped bottle. See dint each bottleLns the written etg. '
nature of S. P. Townsend.
R. E. SELLERS, Druggist, 07 Wood street, between
Third and Foluth, is Dr.drowneendts ;only wholesale .
and retail agent for Pittsburgh, of Ortioin the genuine' '
article can be had.
D. M. Curry has been appomted ithe sole agent fort
Allegheny city, of whom "Ste genius article can be
STE - ONU .- EfIiiENCE that Di tJAENEds EX-
I.E.,TORaNT a super,er to all other remedies for .
Comentpticm, heefle.tattl, Asthm end other Pulmo
nary erections, le that the per
maw sons who comeseactid the
ote of it o them froth. lee years ago still prefer it to all
other rowdies of the ktud; end 'Mere taiLsve km induced
to try other prepiratons they bane almost insatiably lota
ilimissintal at moneing the benent whieh was ressoably
aattespdal from the htgis raises bestowed by the pospostom,
- ad hare retained to hie ate of Jaynes' Extutcromorr,. as
a muted, that hen never than d to retied them and ninth
probehly mom had ileMyual in smesung rt
Pmpared only by DOA Jayne Plubstrllon, sad beim
bl ' ALEX. J NES
deettklb w If POorth
• - • --
DEKILY'74I4. NICKEIti - M, '
Alkali ctureo of •
. or All. licacßirriotin
Me. atili Meath Front *beet,
Back of 'I A. Oilaines Cabinet Ware A/unify:
.1.111.1.A.DM1.P1111A 1 4
ALI, °cleft 101 l wi th nt..S. Moon, it the *Rive att.
Alereliant'n Hotel, rttt.tarlt, trill .11,1 promptly.:
attcatled to. ' TOUR. DDERRY
orpl4ll, . ;- A. C. NICKERSON .5
EXYKRIENCEDiudgeii, on n trial 01 oils and a half
million:, since tbtS, pronounce th is article maw:
used fordurability in tlio construed. of all kindsOf
rum... Pore V.a.,75 cosh for loads of 10 AI, guar
anteed nine months use. linters for second gnality
liolivur Bricks will Lie extinated at VAd per Ati it so de
sired, without guarantee. A stock of the Ant quality
is now (ornate nt tho wareltottut, tSloan'a Wharf,
nal Basin, by J SILAW MACLAKEN,
"pert( Kensington Iron WotkA
TAYNEII HAIR TONIC,—Allar pew this ordain
J ninon unhoitatingly pronoun it to in what it earns
sa—ths bald snide, mama • ny sutption , to os, Arent
round= nod proontion of the bro. Ur. \%a know
of no 0,00. Ustis where hair has beenonorsd bends
hkh hm beap bald ior revs; pod ars think we canons
ffnaterfrror than So renosoniont to all out lusters via u
inn of this Task hosnodinni
For mats is Allaburth ph. raids T. Store, R0:72
Rant/Wl..a, agar Waal , orarSibmT
IiNbRIFS-151.1 bogs ',Row Rlosolfee; 150 bb iN 0
Molasi 15 boxes manufactured tilbancei 10 half
.§ us
chests green and black rem.; 75 0 and: 13 lb botealY 11
and G do.; WO boxes German elan 10 casks talent.
bag 10 do. potash toge th er With 41 , general apart
moot of groceries, CA R S ON foe b--
jagl Mc KNO OHT, 0164
HVTAVANNA CRIAIS-1000 lonisorted cigiii of
tad following colobcood branda',. part as ..n a .
consisting of, Coves, Aubiquodad, Wasluagtoo gaii,
Rapalos. Eozolagle. Dos Itualgos, thi'Forter, Lotglan
umaaa, Lord Upon's, Falls ProwiPeoi eleow‘bor4 do,
Vllloyo cowSylvia'a do, La Itayaders ht, do do
9.1, Onto, I.a ralnia, Coondores, Eagle_ princtpoiill for
salo by r C 31ARTIN, - 4.
fo a cor Smithfield& frontß.
ARALIIAI'I Nioirrs—Expronly dosigocd f a tty..
, roofing; lb coorsg o of publicotion by harper &Jiro.
I A=11:I I t :::c . ,.lan b gf frr m s_a td by. i,n ''''''' i ! n t 'n '
ols_9‘ corner market and 2 , d oni
• 7 • POLL sTatem nOATI. ---- ri,
ngORTABLE FORGES—A very movement intieft..
, .0 lklknos and all Om forte canto: carted b., Ito /tag
, ,dlco by two woo. A (CW 104 Med sod Ste wile by_ .
god Wll,l II SCAIFE;
, .
',.: I,
A • .
o '
Asthma, Bnetehitia. Epittutat Blood, rain In the Side
and Smut, there T hom, Hoarseness, Palgnioo
. att. n.r.s. wi.oPthd.C.Rbr C 1.914. i
Nervous Tremes, uver Coteplann, and -
cDiteased Kidneys by , are ratti
Dr. Svrarrner Coinpeunddyrup of Wild
it is mild and pleasant to the taste, perfectly safe and
harmless in its operations, and yet n mono of the most
powerful and certain remedies for Consumption of the
Loos., Codghs, Colds, Asthma, Spitting. Bidod, Liver
Complaint, Pains in tha Side ov Breast, and general
Debility of the Constitution; that was ever invented by
the shill of man the the relief of the atiliefed public.
Certificates and evidences of its-wonderfhl curative
powereare daily : received from all enure.; It is im
passible to conceive the aggregate of suffering and mil.
ery that h. been reli.ed or banished by' It
nor e.
we calculate the
hi t
ag e s, benefitthas shall accrue from
it hereafter. All ages, sexes, and constitutions. are
alike tiffec.d fiy it, and the disease is eradiCated_from
toes ystein, the constitution repaired, end health ree.
toted by the usa of .D.SUFS.Tatths
Wee C.a.. How many sufferell tee daily be
hold approaching to an ttrittMely graVe.astrest4 in the
bloom of youth, tram their relatives .d afflict.
ed with that fatal s abre
until CONSUMPTION, which
wastes the miserable sabres until ho es" be-yen - C.4s
Owes of human akilL .elt • referees wool
mike a trial of Dr. Swayne's Compo.d Situp of Wild
Cherry, they would' fifid themselves sooner relieved
than by gulping the various inerectiVe remedies with
which our nearspepenabound; thin 'Vegetable Reme
dy' nee!s the ulcerated Wigs, stopping Reer.o.. night
sweats, at these= tirmanducing a .oarat an d y
exPectonstion, and the patient will soon find hit. - in
theettionsent ofecenfonabletealth. The pablie should
hear mind that Dr. Sway= et practising
physician, and his had years of esperienee to diseases
?le article L4' lic%ly . . " E t ' he.
11 . .. ('' SV - 1 1 A d ' 0 ?( Y = '-
he e 0 t Pr e pared
~-_, -ace strvihilm..-Iptua
Of all the ures Mathes ever been rebordcd,wn may
safely_my the annals of medicine cannot famish onn to
surpass this, huh. now stands ai a living proof °lda
curability of consumption, even when lute had been
despaired of. , Dr. Swarm's Compound Syrup of "Wild
Chem is all it enurement, he, the gromia t ..dich '
in the known world.• . ..
The True Rides ofLife is Ihrdelt.
Da. Swann-Dear Sir,-For the good oldie pub - U - 41
feel myself let duty hound to testify - to the great min
_which your Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry perfortn-
ed on mb. For my part, I feel as if every body ought
to knoseit. I was afflicted with a-violent cough, sph
ling of blood. night sweets,' hoarseness, and sound of
the voice indicating en alarming state of the disease;
my gone, and my strength bed so far fail
edime that mytriends and physician we permuted I
could not aumve many, y. •hly siste who was my
anxious earateker. made unmity whe she would be
likely to procure the most certain retie She was told
that if Dr. SwaynoiCompoatal Syrup wad Cherry .
filed in We cure, my life was then loveless. Your
medicine was immediately procured, and the first bot
tle gave relief. and by the time I had commenced We
sixth bottle. my cough bad left me and my strength was
mesh improved-' In short, it hag mode a 'perfect ems
.of me, end I tun et this present time es hearty a man as
I wish, and have good . belie re that the use of
your medicine has eased me from a premature grave.
I shall be pleased to give any information respecting
my CIS. Iht 'turn, ,
39 cheater at, between rate and vine sts,.PhiW.
Crinsuniptives, Dead! Dr. Surayne'sCod
Syrup of Wild Cherry. •
In about the year key, I found It necessary in my
professional practice, to compound a medicinal myna:-
.atiou for diseases of the chest and lungs, possessing
room powerful healing prOmties than other hith
erto known' for iamb &seeks. In an C OQPOUND
SYRUP OF WILD CIIERIIX, I have been very sue
eessful. Ttie truly asionishingleures effected by say
medicine soon spread its tame abroad; for it owes none
Mita success to manufactured newspaper puffs or for
ged certificates—the real intrinsic merits of • mytcont
pound is the only cause ifits popularity. Its extensive
sale soon excited the envy id certainspeculators to the
• MEM.ns obis fellow Omantarcs,, so mucks* that in •
few yews from the time that rely reparation... intro
duced to the public and in mat demand, a firm In ilsIS
city, finding that my preparation had gained a high
mputatidn tor tut mauve pioperties, earae oat with
what they called Dr. IVistaSslialmm of Wihl Cherry.
This respectable and popular physician had an more
in do with the article than poor Sam Pinch. The mane
of Dr Wiser is attached to make it appear that this em.
pnent pracUtioner was Me original inventor of th e pre
aration; such is not the tact. The abate 5113402 e re.
al inventor, sold the recipe and right to manufacture to
come patent medicine dealers in Cincinnati for the
We m st and South, and another. New York for the Fat}
who atterwanls, it is asserted, sold out toe druggist in
Ruston—so the number of hands into which it may have
changed is an enigma.
In some plater they assert it emanated from a pby.
,rician in Philadelphia; in others, from a physician in
Massachusetts. So it has falselnual and stratagem
stamped iu every realm. '
There hare been a number ofother preparations par.
; porting to contain 'Wild Cherry put out saner,from the
hands of inexperience, which the pahlie should guard
against, as they contain none of the virtues of the Gov--
real and only genuine•preparatim,i which bears the sig
nature of U. Semple oh each bottle: 'the present
manufacturers of their puffs and false certificates have
the daring effrontery to caution the public against pun
diming my medicine, the only truly ceutline and orri.
eel preparation of Wild Cherry before the public,
which ix proved satisfactorily by the public records ol
the Cornmonweelth of Pennsylvania, as well as ra d .
cos other 'oiheial documents. DIL li. SWAYNE,
' Inventor andsole Proprietor of the genuine Com
pound Syrup of Whited "Cheery, corner of Eighth mid
Mace strict., Philadelp hia.. Pamphlets c. be obtaned gratis, petting Ganh an
array of testimony that will convince the most skepti
cal of the wouderfutvirtues of Dr Surayne's Coat nit
Syrup of Wild Cherry. Calfluid get one, that all ma.
read. Purchase the umdicirfe. end. coax.
For sale, wholesale and rethil. by the Agents. •
corner Wood a .il Liberty at.; S JONES, .11 Liberty
st; II A FA ONE-TAXA:K. A. Co '
curlier of First and
Woodood titan, and. Wood; and JOHN , urrcilkaa.,
Allegheny oily. •
' • Great ZOOfish Remedy.
FWA' Rang ha Culda,,Arthma and ConsumptiOn: The
GREAT AND ONLY BaWrrlti for the Maid( the
ave, diwases, is. the lIENGAELAN !MIAs GE
LIFE, discovered by the celebrated Dr. Bach.; of
London, England, and inuoduced into the United States
Endcribe immediate superintendence of the inventor.'
The extraordinary wetter of this medicine, in the
rue of ralmonary diseases, warrants the Ame a ien
Agent ill soliciting tor treatment the worn possible ea.
sus thr can be found ill the community —cases that seek
relies in vans from any of the common remedies of the
slay, and have been gin ray by the moot diatinguished
physician., as confirmed and incurable: The, Dunguti.
an Drum hen cured, and will cure, the most desperate
of caws. It is no quack nornuttbut a reads d Sag.
lialtmedieine, of known and established efficacy. •
Every family in rho United Stares should he supplied
with Buchan's Ilungarifin Deluca of Life, Ma onlylo
counteract the consumptive tendencies of the rimer.,
but to be used na a preventive medicine in all caner 01
cough., spumy of blood, pain in the side and
cheyfit'imtation and serenest of the lungs, btochitia,
a si o of resting, hectic fever, night sweat=
genera; debility, asthma, intluenta,
cough and croup.
Sold in large ',Mike, at al per bottle, with full dine
iious for the restoration of health.
ramphlete r emmankg a umasof.Euglish mad Ameri
can embleates, and other evidence, Mowing the un
equalled merits of ilia great English Remedy, may be
obtalnertof the Agents, gmbritonalt.
For sale by B A FAHNESTOLE .1. Co., corner of
at and Wood and Wood and Mb au. mud
We have beehinfonned by Mrs Rase of a core per.
founedon her hype. Jayne's Al VejllVOteb
'aupenoriry over every other remedy or the
tied. She has teen anlieted for the last sixteen' years
arab ulcerations and enforation of varimth how* do.
ring which time many pieces hate been discharge:4(mm
the trontal bone of tiny - cranium, from both her soot,
wrists a& hands, and tram both ler, end from the left
fe4.oral bone, waft= the right knee i hesidd painful
olem• on other part. of her person, which have biflled
the skill or a *umber of the most eminent physicians of
our Mt, --dunng omst of the time her solenngs have
lathe exemothen and deplorable. About' three months
since the
bed en
to sry Dr. Jaynes Alterative,
which has bad an asumishingly happy erect .poo her,
to •11 peril and irerelli . ngt. and erterleje the
e ,.b7
besl,Whlla lathe...woo ber nerd health
has become completely restored, so that she now weighs
23 ibe more than she aid before the commented the use
of ibis truly valeable prepatum.—(net Eve. Pon.
For further infistinauon, inquire of Mr. Roth, Nn. 1.5
Falbert st, Yldladelpitta.
For sale in I'manansk, at theTEKIN TEA STORE,
nether in 2 , ,
glands Cr non
Rheumatism I
or et
and the same
mom .or less
fore, unless
cat cure can
winch the
mot n 1 twee
the disease s
rersktly mice.
diseases. It
white those
into the tire
to the non
disease from
I, South That
Sold at the
lola in all its multiplied roman
t of Kin enlarra
geenta n the
nen, Goitre, W to'Sweilings, Elamite
,leanser, diseases or the - Skut or Spine,
lary Consumption, emanate from One
canoe, which hi a poisunoi.principle
nbereut in the human system. 'There.
is principle min be destroyed, no radi,
tie elected, but if the principle upon
desse dependi, in removed, a cure
site follow, no matter under o hat tortn
• Mold Manitest 'l'L ;therefore
why JAYS E'S ALileailVCis 110 mit
.alul in removing so many malignant
destroys the virus of piindiple from
diseases have their origin; by entering
lotion, and with the blood is conveyed
t fibre, maim mg every p orticle el
he system. Prepared and void at No.
• Pekin Ton Store, No. 7.lFourth Mace.
r Abiles Who Um Common Prepared (Talk,
oitcnidit • ware Low frightfully Injurioua - t as lo
the skint ho ,eotirse, bow rough, bow sallow, bellow,
and unhealth, Media appears after using prepared
eholk: Hasi's, ills Injurious, rotaaMinotthuge yarn
lay Ne heed prepared brehillhil vegetal:le
Wide., we call JONEWS IiPANIpII.
lSlTlTE" Iy s perfeetlyiunocent,teirdiutGed opoll
doia,arm4Oualines; audit impart , to the skin h natu
ral, healthy, • shower, mear, living wLife, at the nom
lime acting an-a consictm en the ...akitt,anuking sell
and amoeba.
Dr. Jabs. Poretieal Chentat of AlAmse•
eh.atts. way, “After /Leidy sins Joate% Spaniel LWt
Whlie,lhed it pone...the mosf,beauitrbi mid natu
ral, at ale Same innoceut white I ever sow. I
ecrininlyetn4onseientiously ill use mall
whose r Weer beautifying."
• gttiFb 2 l e lk a h7./AC I ei HYPlN,arbia Root am! Shoe
Store,he Pretty streel.Aleed of Wood, at the sign of
titeltig Book •
Ladies, , l . re,Pm ariertisbed, '
,Whdu yo know that you MP...Med
. A Mut lift-hke emery while..
ri hat y•
TheA •
It yo •
viroall we
sad at zhe
still'ore eolomoriAllt,
deathlyyclo fright,
of laughter and of talk. '
fie too a 100 of JUNE'S Ldip•vhre, it
for akin an alnhatter yet pAlutel whim,
me time clear and ilnytore I . ttild at
iii; , l7 - Z - 11;41..
210..W PA
memo( PAP
ndoptcd loth
country. Pa
1 uostock
a pon P t& h:
of every do
Him:lung Pr
ER WARE_Wousk•
FIELD offers for sale at the lowest
curers' prices, a very extensive earorkl
?klß,eontprising every possible variety;
r Wants of corm:roars lo all sections of awl
ter of all kinds made to order at chop
PRINTING PAPER is unusually lame
. ph is of tory stiperior tineltlY : _
,11. /I:LAKER: en
kept . .
driPtied,intpotted and kept constantly en
ilongs, Wire Cloth, rourdrinier Vitrea
wder,lllue Uluantstrine, Twine, rto,, Ae
.. • ' I -
le Rope, tiro ßA ;6s. R 6.1
ope, Reggie., c., c.,
r r which the highest price In Cob will be
1 - IYMY , New Vent. JeIYAIB4B.
ilea , /edema Obeleneastp e
lids of craptkats and du - Teases o ti.e. iikirn.
d P e?g 3 a l c=its,:tud for all otheP ilea(
in, which requtre external retnedmi, this
Tin ed.a Ii also dispels Freckles,
, and changes the color of dark,
hosed skia,to alne, healthy, pedal!. I,
fresh supply, warnuned puma, and fee
need price ofViper cake, kasha been
id for tale by 11 A FAIINhS LUCK a
i and wood and alto at the corner of neck
.Y= o ,
T. Jo
Sap stands
two, Idd
yellow or d
alp at Ow .1
rerielved. ig
Co corner •
1113 tweed
ro n by
BOAT, 000113116 BTOVEI
, ince istviss ortkut wciall
j '.~~.-s
ttrelr --
'MB hest article known forelesning .411011=1ns
g: the Teeth;
d ue nag the pans,. sweetening the
peatboke. ft should be tied every night n& a stin
bre., end the teeth and month villainy require ash. ,-
Irkshing in tbo morning. Wet thobrashvith water
water, or cold will answer, ,and
it a leer 'meson -
the paste, when enough will adhere for cesamg
tech. It leaves& delictou tame in-the mouth, awn
p e e• moet delighttaltregrance to the bola*. Yuan=
enlivened as a plessate,redleacioss, convenient, and ..
rare d
prre ezosigee. it ts warranted : note udere the te2W,
By neing- it legatee); it will reinalla Mt. and ,
,prevent',' its aeciumnation—oterent the toothache
strength. the mum, and parental' diseutn Of LOOM'
Menem, lens, and the clergy recommend it,
decidedly rumen to every Mingo( the kind in Me.—
Ask for aarman's Conoco= Chris Tooth Paste, and
obse=rstare is snacked to mob pot. .
Re ed by 'Dr. QM* = Broadway, one of -
oar best Dentine, and by tarot of the *l4 embarked
once in the United States, and net, =mire', used
by the Nobility Of:England and Far n. - I •
• w A e fl•rMen Pwer d u e or a t of the disease.
b to ata e ele l m ankind
rngement olde o m.orbowels,
a timely' are of t h e Cathy re Lozenges Wand
entirely otiviate. genons of bilicm habits abash' al •
ways hare • bar at hand, and take m dote whenever
they feel the lease deraitgamentuttheir health: "Wadi. .
eons pse of thew toreros emelt' Pre•at•thh•rths
of cams.
. _
Formaldat Wtd.JACESON , l3,'arnier or Woodwind
Libe/ty Rs. . docYf
nand panne Er
nu, pnpned mg by E. E EL.
Momuntradroin, Westmoreland Co.,
. • ' IfAh,lB4l.
Mr. R. E. Seflam—A none afilny yousad thstallieted
Indienan toadday hand& inthwisy ftwor ofroadortly
webibrated Liver MI. 1 Inn instral doing la 6, pars,
wanting io Davy CrailnWa pinhs, atbe an yea an right,
Una go Man oral many prenrations of =pine*
and - mwela, boded in the Asa, lona utak kto ablition wart
yourLner han bora oband lbe paha; mak imbed,
I believe !hey will astarrirs them all,. an th.p.. how
Ton reptant thin to be. I ban ban' Nana 'Met U..
. Campania fina stifjcsitk; band nand
betcanues4whdans, to wharfs t paid math rani Inn
tart mach • Imo vonitalandpkysieked alosants Lath;
dialed 6or time, and litiallygown ap Y laninkle. la
1635-71wis Wows, to lag yotr Lan Illoandlioo26 GOT
AVLL.-• Oman of whieh anon milliaind tO kap Inbar
of rank On odsoad ail the other kr at lean
til antithe.• Tsar rills an also therb-Wcanais low dad;
baiag wad, sat griping or giving iamb aieknai dans.*
mcb, - but alai mama relief / lano kept dam any store
kr 6 or • 7 years; sold ' handrail* of bow, sad ban him
bend a 010 cosaphint anima by soy an who him and
Wm. T. Wire aincrowled almost nary aia this
neigbarkowload m a non tnis will twai kar n
then oar l
malady mom:ma . them to al) parsons iseeding physic
whether kr Lira Complaint or aationi Martina how
int4e rn anrsam &revalue toCalanet or the lassafilt. Itripnt-
fit y_ . J We
' ChtMlulT—As awn nick. POW boars dis polar
urea Limr Pala, pirnaos who roads GENUINE slboald
eh kr and inks town, thais than prepared and wild by a
E or.. r..,111‘07 M.A.& betwma :Third awl Vomit
I sinew.
eitßo'd by Dr. Caw:, Fifth
• Wani, Allegisil
y 0
itre" -- sist - esets
jj thanks to the citizens of Pittsburgh and Allegheny
city fot the 'egg-liberal support andencourgreatinn hz
hes received within the 'mtgs.:eolith. ° W :Meath a
ter core shaVtln aerials* much celebrity, is neither
swinge nor layetenous,when it isconsidared how great
number of eases of every „variety of dieeeses; both •
acute end chronic, have been cured by a junking:Ll
berms Art Where. it originated, of thousand
of the worst cases,that vrere given tip by the mow
fnl phyeiciens of Matope es weer eared by:
the inumartel Priesstn", the founder of the Witei Care,'
In England, Prance end America, thousands of, hope
less caws have been cured tty it, and the numerous
Hydropelic establishmeuta Eno In oneeesent open-
Woo Mel/rated States, spent Toluene in Ismer of the
practice. , .
Dr. Idorris basing permanently established himself
etccity of Pittsburgh, three doors southwest of Ir..
wiAaalley ou Penn ervet, is now prepared to take 'a
number of boarders and treat theta a , an' hease c and
theie.whe prefer being treated at their own d
will lie punctually and faithfully attended: 11.1=yt
consulted at his office from I reelock Jilin P. U., and
from': to lore the eVening. • • '•
N. /3.--vcry variety ermine
baths made , use in le
Water co re, both forladies and gentlemen, can be ob
' mined-at the Athenmum, on Liberty atreet, where they
i hove been recently erected for the express use of lip,.
dropsultic patients, and srbele
e evrry attention will he
gi:e P. n 4 l . 4 the pollinate .
! proprierowz
0110,111. Hee AAA &JINN, a well kn o wn and pop
„V slat Clergyman of the Protestant Id ethodlnClnuch
The undere4ned krona beenattlietwiduringthepaat
winter with a dhe . am of thestomack, mmettates pro. great pain an the'stnernattfot tenor twelveimars
, anthem sweradasida, and after having wed; variou
cementing with little effect,was famished with a bottle
,ollk Jayrie• parminatiee 11•1•419.calli• he wed.. .
ler/rang in the dotrtiona Invariably Skaldis
lmedir..tne canned the pain to abate in three . or Max Min-
atm, and in fifteen twenty minatesefill. mammy
sensation was entirely ettieted. The medicine was at. -,.-
tcrwarils nand whenever indications of the approach of
pain Iftle perceived, and then= wu thereby mum
ed. ile,condruted Muse the medicine every awning
and sometimes 111 the morning, and • few meets
health was W, far restored, that the node rrr araa
relic, -
avl from a largepanant a/oppressive- pain. .Froin en
patience, there fo re, ho can con fi dently 'recommend D
D Jayne'. Carolina:toe Lialaant,.. • anint.l medloin
for Macaws of tlie wernach and bowels, • A et 1111041)
... • Aljetthany eity,y_3l
Faciale Pittalargb at the ri,ki N i 6A.
7.! Foanh street, near Wood, and ntao 'att./I.g
Scorner V VCDWARTZ. Wedual weer.' Attune.
. .
pity Tour Mead. •
iur EL O. 'F. SIDLE). Sin last Spring, ind do;
al, ring - the previous - .winter, I was severely afflicted
sennrchnss complaint in rev leg* and had been •
tor acme menthannder the care of phVsle , e• Shay
snidest' ease was almost inentalde, and they coal& do
bat little for ma. I was newly helpless, ten with the
ajd or c..n.< be - , could pt.! &Meaty gat about. Laiday
last, I purchased of lon, nal commenced tact Then,
wa..s Smourstuts.s. • After the nse am, boWes, the
sores commenced boaltne,and L aside wry womb. •
ea, ruing only' a can. Udispenonl with in&cnelle, and
at the end of 1110 fottnhor. so well OAPs @Mu dal
Inshearing sheep. ' Iry aI4I aged Ilia The'
scrofula andeeres have al - healed ap,intlainee lut
: swan. I have aeon so Appeanne• in the ;11AteNiums, bat
have continued, and amts.', In the mostperfect health.
I state with confidence, ..bapteir that othuentaybe hen •
e hued 'in the same,Ney, that the Sarsaparilla cid ky
ri.; has been the means and= Mato of afros:
aoMehduWsadeouil o h -.-ti
front_ P word As.* also 000000 wood tr. OM us
*Astern , .CierepoluadLelyrup. or .Tar and i
Wild Cherry, . .
FaTHE CURE of Coughs, Collin Bititildtia,
X Ungar Blood, Dyspepsia, and all other dingoes of
the system tending to PMAIONARYCONSUhIII7OII..:
The great and atimeesdentairoteceas of this value,';
blo medicine, ant . a desire to disseatineuer its • beneam,
hire i n duced the 'proprietors to fix the price at 1.5 emus
Leer haute, thus placing it within the reach of all. No
tautitylhistld he verthoondr ever will, when theyhaie
0000 wee and appreciated its almost instaxassmoos ac
tion in dm can of the above complaints. Contalarag no
Minoralor coo ode logredients, not the slightest don.
Igor or inconvealoneecon moat from its asa. 'Children
suffering from croup *ad whooping coogh. will lake It
nt the avidity, and bod immedlatarelieg no matter how'
yie paroxysm; accord/Mr to tions
Formic storekeepei fginven
generally,n this direc and ad.
joluing nom men, and wholesale and retail by the pr.
pnetors. J T 1c LI J 1111TE8, Angora,
mares 164 N;Seeond st, below Vino Phil'.
1211111 PRALF OUEII.T.J.dr.
.1: Cream de , Amami. AmezeVor . &hiring;
'• Cream • la Road for sharing;-.....•
Porcelain shim*
Elegant ACC4II 414., perfumed with Lavender', Ayer
lone Ata .
Itesinifel powder Inds, of all . paiteint;
• Embossed billet boxes, contemn* fragrant Wren.
for the h
andkerchief; ascent bag, and todetsoaps, snit.
able kr present.. "
Persian,. Chinese powder;
Itt4 um vegetable hair oil, • • •• " • •.
tlearn oiLin fancy.or somas= wrappeiv,(tosa seen*.
Jones , Solh?; Nymph Soap; Rove Lip salve . •
tiled-soap; Soda soap; together with It'greid,varietY
"rd.. lvtfuntery: Mit removed; limb by • • •
nine air Oth• & mod ma-
ltift2SßS. REED & CIT feel h a daty 1
MOMY',owe to
fellow MmUstres, to slate something
MO respecting, soar VtgetlMO Mammy Balsain;_
Since I first used the Balsam, about Metiers year. ego,
the happy effect of which I then peg IntaCeetnit 01,"
have had several myna complaints mdadtacks at my
loge, Me Is fere days since, and In emay,lnslatme
hove trod the Balsam abarte•with complete and perfect,
..necese. It has effected relief arid cora ht IL, very few
days. It is certainly • safe medicine. *1 do . not • kmw
tot it will rum a fired consumption, bin - I believe it
will be in many !Rees preyenuve a n d; prevention is .1
better than core; I do therefore, for'the love. of my fol
low men. earnestly Mconmaand the use of this Balsam;
in ell pultuomuy .complaitua. I am confident that it
has been the mean. of present! my life to this day.
b y 16, , td. %AIL'S PARSONS.
For sale by II A Fahnestock, Co; comer first and"
wood Ind Mao comer wood seal nth.. Mtn
• Peßeamt Stout elprlteg Treat • •
NiriWt.Y.LNVENTLiD±For th e raliefand Fenstannot
'eure of !WWII Aof lIU FT Vali. (Selicd,to ell
rhe astperior claims of this Trien consist In the cone
oared. ems with which limey he went.: D. P. of
waost being neatly halanced on springs, yieidam pre a
lite on uny.part of it, sad thoroughly adapt. such' to
lay Otorentent raida by the 'Wearer. At can 'Le Warn
without Interwiazion, mtil a cure 111 effeeted , The sale
sat.hers hare WM. arrangpment. for Ile WARSOlfielOr•
al these valuable Tram., in a superior style,in 1.111.1
/wpm, and have them glow In sale at their office, No,
aknouthaeld st. near Letath, Pinthergit. •
• ni ATr,. •
w. icep em4i4,,L_
c'ELLERs , VERMI FUGFe.—vSupenor to .ny I hive
kl'ever need, ..
Genius Fayette eaunt,ti,.Ye, hlsroh 4, ! , 4S.
Mr. R Scxxl hereby certify that Ihive used
your. Nyrothippe In my tinily, nltil believe it eitunl,. it
not vipesior to any I have over need. 1 gavel° one or
my ehtldrett one dose, which expelled about 50
Boa. worn.:
, • . • at ev.
Piipared nod sold by R E SEI VR4, 57 Wood at.
Sold by . Dr Cute], Orb %Vold; DAI Carry, Ailletay;
W Smith, TtAlperilleCirillln and P. Maio, Lair.
reneeville. • • .
S Y bc. I , IVGW--An rtment! , j9m . reta,l
dr sAr Ga.= BeiLimp, 3du., neer Its NOVI.
/1.-ATKEI OF ADV ftWrlslll4l.
Une i uierlaurt - fiz linen. or
~ ........ $O W
Two iozertions without - M4,3lmm I) 75
Throe • 4 '. IVO
One Week
Two Week.
One Month,
wo 4
Longer stirerpscotents In wane grupoleton. 7
hoc stlunre,6 months, M.thOtal alteration,... 10 '
Each•arlditiontoil inv.= for 6 months, 5 00
• • 0 , IS " 1000
One aquiCe,6 monthr,renewablt at glean re, 15 00
" •• 4 , • 03 ula
Each witlitionilsglare kir 12.montbs ' 10 60
Twee agetares,6 months, re'srehla at p loasgre, 3 0 00
Each additional sgoscs, o months, ' 8 00
ataxia 00 trwrowswilm is bea LT
One" 'TIROL 3 insenloo, , si
es& additletnal insertion """ 37
Five lines or leas, one year, 600
„ d+- eix months. 5 00
„ Oun yew, daily dc weakly, 1000
. al: 'inouttur 8 00
vAnverrimurawn to rararis /Ansa..
•,Ozte.inscrtion . , 50.L.0
Two, . " • • 074
Three, I'oo
Three months • ' 167, -. !'
Sic • • - 6 Cou
7.6116 • .
- _ t,_-.-.~.~,.~.. .
...... 2.5(f,
..•. .. . . G 00
.... 7 50___