NEDICAL-_ TO. TOE P OR ANDMPNBEIRS OF IRE IgartAZ SOCIETIES. Effetb•i;••Wll• mead Ditughtor TNTLIBINITEDSTAThe tubaeriberrespect• any oaths year attended .. to 'Dr Dathargr's Ouse . situt, IMPreielf !Mended foe the preservation of the ds.s.oh ofbah sexes—whether it antes from Incipient phobias, or early eonsumption',Debility of the-Lon Bronchial Affections. Atthroa,•Plettrisy, Deranged and ithsordbied nate of the Liver, Spleen, or hilneye, DM cued Cbolie, Dysperma, ?Modulen of the Hum, Imam of Muscular or Nervous Power, be. be. • • DR- C. IL BAER/MPS , GUARDIAN comes to the .7 / -1,-imetted.Late relief of Festudes suffering from km/Flynt'. tiesiand all other Uterine difficulties and diseases mei. denial to woman, whether occasioned by cold, wet that, or any similar injudicious exposure, and all this • -without the use of medicine; as the most delieme and muddy* lady eau to any of apply, it to hertelf withoM the potability of incurring any risk or danger, • . or say oripleuant resella ariting front at, and with the • • certainty of obtaining inneediate relief. Dr. Barrett's Guardian Is no catch/ppm . , or one of 'the many humbugs of th e day; but it m instrument made upon stsictly. trientlbe principles, fo r/ accord:um e '.• ith the , lan, of Ilmnicity and Galvalthin; end for neatriess denthdlity and abetter, iolleitelY averythem of the hind ever before offered to the public far the rebefof disease, and, in thy' Isaguard of one of • the most intirblened men crake Mtn'. - pronounced to le"the greatest discovery of the age." ,• th_penod of no tem then ryearaltasheen occupied by Dr. Flatten an hntrig the Guanban to Li present • mate of perfection—during winch - 11M it hill been in the bands of some of the most eminent plrlsiisns of • - th e }North and ~S outh, es well es in the dwe it of nu [Mem= fireflie who have used s u re r ell of e above - purpowwwith the toost perfect ess, andwho have cheerfully given their unquabfied approbation of its sdhesey and value, es can e be sect by referring to the • Manual of Instructions accmpanying It. • • Dr. C. 13:11arretVe Guardian is secured froM bluest . Sons beyb a patent fromthe United States Patent Office, and had either with or Without his bledieitt•Mectro • ' Galvanometer: • /' • The Medico-Meet. Galmmometer, In point of bean . tYaworkmanthip,durabiliry and poorer, eacrutot be sur er en equalled, and the subscriber feels that ' ve hoards nothing lathe msertion than it will be found ue=te"rel'lr nV h an e d t OeTtr ' i e tr: ly e Mad .7, .h.• . it, either In the united States or Europe. • :111 /.. • Eleetto . vanometer is warranted In eve spec d coTen 0 ,,,i nary tam latt a ' •411[M, • by far cheap, est, became the best. • ./ eat ever offc dto the public. A mane ateeMop s them, giving the moot . illarnetiOlps, Of pmuestl. experience, 114 that readily intelligible to the •• • • / of every ode / while the • try anangemeut ' such that e child may,. -.......p.autes with it. Any laic/motion • may given, tad all .111211111. 111C1/110122 cheerfully •• eted per mall, either lA-role , don to the ElectneGalvianneter ng(thardisn: • Medical =rare invited tpt call and examine Dr Bar . sees Guardian. and tem usaefficacy. : For tale by IL RICHARDSON, sole Agent, 71 MU . hn at, Pittsburgh. ldtbd et ( , O VER 6 s 0 0 0 PERSONS In •Philadelphla O alone, can testify to the Wonderful efficacy of dam powetfol Tweedy. • 7110MPSOVS COMPOUND SYRUP OF TAG .A.S,I) R OOD.cAFH't7ln Ire Pahammy ConsurepOon„ Chronic Bronchitis ad I . No That, Asthma, Chronic Catarrh._ Spining of I - m Throat, Blood, -Pain in the Side and limas; Uilheniry of ' Breathing.' 'Whooping Cough, Croup, Weak Nerves • and Nen°. Tremors, Palpitation of tbe /learn. also, Liner Complaint and Affection of the larlogs. ' This medicine, the intention of a roan who gave the subject of Pulmonary, Bronchial sod Pectoral disease the most rigid exam:dation, has now-been before the public over four years. During this period it has per formed some of the moat remarkable eases mime:aril of Palmonary • Consumption—seenred the recommend. ton and we of physicians in their pramice, and the warmegfapproves of thoosends of persons to ordinary' L and ware Colds, Coups, Roamenom, Spitting of , „,.• -- A8D37 , 11111550 CURES. ;Wok 4.boM (oar years Mosel was ed with Typhus refer, which left ma in a rolsemble state of licalthi, fn extrmite debility.withu istietsl prostration of the lye. .• tem with iibtent pains In the breast and loss of imp°. tits, , inconsequence of which 1 was unable to attend to my usual hence.., or perform) any kind' of work. I applied to saverel 'Apathies and used mien. reme dies, Let irithertnanrbetadh,end Mid demaired of ever obtaining a recovery of My former health.. Bat some time last Jima I was advised to try Tboinson's Cord ' pound Syrop ofTer and 'Wood Numbs, and incredible se it mayappear,.by die Lima hod taken three bonles Vie debility, pain and: every some of suffering were completely removed,' and Item able'to attend with re al/and health to toy amid afecatione. . • • !SMUTS CLAUDY, Of yhekineen tniunship, Cumberland co. geed the following Lenninony gem a revectable . member of the tbeiezy of yriends, in rouglikeeprie, N. - • , 11d. may certify that lit the spring:rot ISK., my health was vary feenle,• 1 sou anliiiined with pain intim side, with other abatable symptoms, and sull'ered much from great debility. At that time I purchased from' ' Titans Dame two battles of Thontson's Compound By of Tar and \Vaud j which x 'n' c g P d ) I': Zra i rlt i m og ootir good; and L cheerfully recommend the article to all persons who '',may be suffering with general debility, with symptoms 'rofatw77eeline.. ARAIIAM NVILTBIE. POugblteepsie4ilarch Prepared ooly by Aectetcr de Dwason, at the N. E. coiner of Vidh"and Spruce-streets, Phila. ' PAM by 1.. 'WILCOX, Pittsburgh; and by druggists generally. Price 50 ream, of One Dotter p, bottle. S9 A DIFFICULTY OF BREUTTING.L ceased by a paroxysmal eons ' true. tion of the nix cells; his very debilitating, almost 0005, inisalrocation. DR. SWELTBER'S,PANACEA ir the L I l armors enm. earners* can be entirely cored by a free oar of Dr. 13weetser's Panacea. - , • Ca or common cold, which, ilnegleeted, will , Aerminate to Consumptien, •cfreetuallY relieved and eared by DrsSweetsces Panacea. Bronchitis, if unr_becked, will erectnally lead to Thonettial Consumption, but a timelyMse, of DrJfSweet. sods Panacea effectually. cure Inlarammion nf the Tonsils or Sere Throac—This disease Often leads to aerie. conaequences from neg lect, sorb as eh:erasion of the , throat. - On the fint symp tom., Dr. 81:e.t.a's Panacea should he procured and V ets , : rd Co naeelds find a sovereign remedy in Dr. PSeliMestra. Notha.—A very fatal disease, resulting from a violent cough and cold on a debilitated or bro. ken down eanstitaUoll; aged persons are subject to it.— Dr. 'Sareeter's Panacea should be. used on the firm which are a eoughnr cold. " rgiTftveant.--This debilitating complaint will meet with a Marl, cheek, by wing Dr. SWeetser's Panacea. Consumpuort.--lf on the firs* appearance of consump dye symptomm, which area rade ni ttie side and breast, of blood, ,d tf i llr i Sarea n ser de rk' Panaceais s' aea lbe Laud% the WhidPip r e P , m on Bwmehial Taboo Nato= Clogged up with phlegm w as to impede respi ration or breaths:lg, Dr. Drooetzen , Panaces,which I. . a,powerfal Expeciontet, should be taken ate : online to Die directions. • Irdinenza.--This distressing epidemic, so prevalent irt .oar climate, is speedily cured by Dr. Sweotserr• Pans. feet. • , •V Mee fl ycfboole, or six bottles for 51.. '1 For lisle by WM. JACKSON, ft 9 Liberty'st, sig p ot ha big boot. nostas "na " OWES UTGELAN HOARIIOUND k LIVER, went Congls.Candy is offered to the public as a pleasant and effeenve remedy foraughs, colds, boars. m ne, Asthma, rheum, 'lloop Cough, Influenza, Croup, Sore Throat, Bronshow, general affections of the Chest and Lungs. In such came it is known to Dave &forded decided and permanent relief, and from Sts rapid sale and groat success $0 a remedy for the above diseases where it has been mid, it premises to Leconte one of the most useful and popular medicines, It is offered soo, m a pleasant relief soda. consumptive. and an astistant to soca/ins and publie speakers gen. malty. ' Tlle name of Me menus:am behest. its leading indica; and it wall be fonts to be by pleasant us the taste,and may us used by children and Milks with entire impunity. The maternals need wi the preparation are of th Lest qualtry, and it be re. /ied on as m every re.oecta poreand Rename article. Families would' 110 doubt promote thew comfort and 'health by keeping a supply, especially in dm season at Colds. This valselleCmkt Candy is considered • great as tiatani so mothers, su /la. perior to all the patent b Jumpers in eras ri , as clularCA were never known• toey alien this munly is need, except for more. A WI 'al of this attiele convince my person of its ewes le, and she proprietors a...tete:dew. any person in Me United States to produce a cheaper,. more pleimint, &receive remedy. . Sold wholesale and mail, by the General Agee; II &RYSER, Druggist, comer actand market as, Pinstargh. Rowe & Co., Proprietors, No College Ilall 1 0 01* • Mo., Deratehf Ilerthtchit 'FETTER, ITCII,BALT, RHEUM, se.—Who would J. for. single day stretch, when afflicted Witilt the Term, Itch, or other diseases e the akin, if they knew Who would relieve end core them. "To horrible to be obliged to nth and reratch when bet more bbrtible to abstain from it, 1r decency. Mat when in company: Let re it be membered th at Dr PS TRITER and ITCH OINTMENT is the moat ailleachers of any other preparation lit existence ila miring the Tenert,ltch, and Other diseases of the skin. • As all.dtheases of the shin must arise from the impurity , 46 Naiad and 'Wide of the body, and where such dis• ewe be of longstanding, and the constitution affected thereby, If Dr. Leidy 's Baruparilla Blood P il ls be rued with the ointment, th ey will cum any ease whatever, and If they do not, the money will ho returned by • Dr. Lanly f Most cams, however, will be effectually cured by Qr. Leidy's • 'totter and Itch ointment, unless the Whole aysuon Is Impregnated by the diseased humor. y wki # .. ra= " 7lre,. . W rill ' the " thirt r ie fir iTe :1,1 =1%2 ed y the eintment. rnee of ointionni emote • fresh supply of these Vain:llle til<4l6l/G/1 Alt re nsitrodthed for Wei by Is A FAIINFSTOIIGE A. Co. 164 con Ist wood, alin, rox.fith wood JIM Dr. W. P. Inland's Promise= Plaster. -1-,B,.w. , p,.ESILAND, of the htedieul Cullege adelpida, nos, offers tuthe publir hi. Indian Vrg. amble Priam Plater, the gannet. of ulnas, inter: lag and tried espenence, bus hero saafactonly tebahed. To .11 womenetrho may be ortlieten with p n gsp,,m, ttene or Fallen Womb, he recommends In. plaster, guaranteeing BB care and epeedy, cure In the :short space of from tura tothre weeks, 11111 if applied will, care rid reet--disearding all the Craillallef IPallnooti teed.expensive bandage , BO long in Thu he feels. autecicatioas In annum . , inasmuch ee he has 110liai led a one case out of three hundred rind fifty-three pa "' too for 1B• tms mud Weak Breast a back • -'Alan kr mpded writb pato, these is nothing, to excel - dna by 113 affording relief of etfeetinir a cure. .For old, by L Wileon corner of Diamond and Market at /tram & Reiter,' Liberty and PC Clair sts Dr J Supra Federal et and Diamond, An,. liberty eny • Argues & "L' Denman and Diamond, ' ' lea t°Z - .l4ll7"ml . :•':vtae, worm of the virtues of medielnes, P and uneequalatee en* abet prineiples of eompooseing them, took only lo MIA= poekets velelFkanilawful gain. Fahno. ,• sletek's Vettairage has loiNtyany years been known to • ths public las a destroyer of wanes, and ••• such, he. alisays maintained the highest rep:nation, and hen hone constant:le people as the oly trtedleine that will certainly spel worms. If they' exist in the system, they are b t out without fail. None are genuine, unless the tune of B. A. Felinestock, Pittsburgh, Po. /son the wyaipp,.. WEilTorf."02:21'1":71:4""":11,'".1n the 11101 t• Silt and tenth, G ansing re St pa and te nde r DM ill Ow some . The general health booms de mos!, thansystent enfeebled, and the symptoms ere ...oily operating, wall relief or death tenni the offering. -CI d, FahnewoOls Wartlike, prepared at Pitotbargh, Pa., Is th e best ornedy Co poet Th. wow, after be or • Oil be dis charged in detschedlordo:s, and • speedy :chef wil De Obtained 0 BLLER,S• VERISSUGE,—The mum o f 4 IV WOM medicines! - , l'irtv 1.611:0 1 0110, / Jan. et, .14.5. S ) Y.J. is to‘ceriFf Okat ea using different repara tions for OSpelliag war:l%T boned of C.F. Heiman, of Sew Usbow, two vials of 11 F Fellers. Vending.. and =llO tonteau Of one ,Tird to tutee of . toy F oam. t b. sow, mode yell,' 1 eXPOI••A•Or=S; Dow Ihoood, el YFon eldt 7 F , .... 1 frunt„,,e_thttd,Ri do, lick • monng. NS Iron= eltymoto by 6636 g ST* viaL I owoutootwi &Zan , Ye . •• • lOW ••• ado mon el:reef:ad Nona tot- WE& ' sold bY it F. )111.1MV Ilmi iimm i rii:owt . • . by Dr. Castel, Di ga t, D , Al. Affiabail.VElnlitip ,- . 4 L~' .. .i MUBI~, k Valli*Ws and 4111trs•stIvellfew Boolca. 1 4 .0141C . TINES Moon. of the Cirowlista, vols, • .. . Simms' Life of Chevalier Bayard; 12 ma. G. P. R. Jamas' Life of Henry the Fourth. of France: l l 2 vols--12 nus. Smith's Consular Cities of China; 12mo. • Neender's Lite organs Olsten g vo, muslin: Marrero Fresh Gleaninmc or a new Sheaf from the old Reda of Continental Europe. - CapL Henry% Sketches MM. Mexican War. 12 too. Gleig's Story of the Battle of Waterloo; 12 me.. A Summer m Scotland, by Jacob Abbotg 12 rata' Sismondi's Litenuttre elate !loath of &nape; 2 vela 12 mo. Rurintrei Adventure* in Marie., and the Rocky Mountainsii LI mo, riurslin. POP11111[11.• Works of Rev. Thos. Chalmers, p. ai The PraeltealAmronconer, by Thos. Dick, L. NIL Life of jemmy Delknap, a D., Historian of New Ilampore. Luthe lu r and the Reformation, by John Senn, 11. A., vols. ' The hliddle Kingdom, with a new mop of the Empire; by 8 W. William 42 vole, 12 too. The Power of the Pulpit,hy Gardiner Spring, D. D., 12 mo. The Bethel Flagyby Gar diner Spring, D. D , 14 ono. B. Teac HalL hing • Seimme, the Teacher an Anise by Rev. R. • The Czar, his Court and People; by John S. Maxwell. Lectures on Shakspeare, by B. N. Hudson. The Artists of Amenca—lllitatrated with nine cepa sings on steel, and containing sketches of the lives of Allston, Inmut, West, Stuart, Trumbull. De Vet ur Rembrandt Pea/eland Thos. Crawford; 1 vol, l Co. The Orators of France; containing sketches of the lives of Lansartine, 'niers,. Napoleon, Dorton, Mira beai, Cvnixot and others, with portraiutof each. ' Headley's Napoleon and hlarshalig. 2 vols. 12 mo. litadleraWashingion and his Generals; 2 role, ltan Fleadley;sBacred Mountains. • The above; together with large collection of Stand ard Works: Classical band School Book., for aide by JOHNSTON It STOCKTON, Booksellers, jes corner market and 3d eta XTEW AND ATTRACTIVEBOORSIChaImera'Sc LI lent aeorks:4 vols. . Chalmers` Dady.Setipture Reading; Memoir of the Life of Mrs. Fry. 2nd vol; The Coneent,by the author of BehnoWtt in Enact. Lady Mary, or Not of the World,:hy Rev C B Tay lot, M. A. Merger or the Pearl, do Mark Cbillon,-or TIM Merchant's Clerk, .do Life of Pollak, author of *Come of Time, The Listener, by Caroline Fry; Loots., on Shakspeare, by H N Hudson; - . Life of Oliver Crow= T Headley; NkPoleon and hie do Washington and his Generals, . do 13 P et o welr e Flofa the g Pulpit, by Gardiner Spring. D D , do ! Religion Teaching by Example; do Pulpit Orators of France, by Turnbull; Genius of Scothuld, do Life of Rowland Hill:.Free Church Pulpit,2 vole. Orators ofFranee; Now and Then; Dethune'S Poems; P iti n g t o M n rl c agiew,ailapted to Union Questidns; Arthur's Popular Tales—" Riches in the World," Making Haste to be Rich,". ' , Riches have Wings;' 'Keeping up Appearances," “Debtor and Creditor." For gale by ELLIOTT &ENGLISH, ;oi3 79.w00d and SA market st NEARLY BEADY FOR PUBLICATION 5' J. A. AU. P. JAMES, Cincinnati, the following uew and valuable Works— I DoniphiMa Expedition—ContainingA cketh et the life Col. A. W. Dotard= dui COMIUM of NeW Ursine; Gen Kenrney's Overland Expedition to Call fornM;Donipharl'i Campaign amorist the Nash., his unpmalkled Alvah upon Chihuahua mid Durango, and the Operation" of Oen. liven at Santa Fe; with a Slap and , Engravings, hy T Hughes, A df the lat Regiment of Minoan Canby. IL , ,• r • History of Sentacky—lts Antiguitica and Naomi Curiosities; Geographical Statistical and Geological descriptiong with numbs* of frioneeta Ldfe, and mote than one hundred Biogncal Sketches of distinguish ed Pionitors, Soldiers, Statesmen, Jurists, Lawyers, Di vines, en.; illustrated with Cony engraving; by Lewis I.voL mays- The Twelve Months , Volunteer, or Journal of a Pri vate in the- Temessen Regiment of Cavalry, to the Campaign of Mexico, during 1516.47, containing an at , count ot the:March of the Regiment to Vern Crux, demriptim of the County passed over; manners, ent tooth, fee. of the people; Sketches of Camp Life; tie counts of ail the M. Lin. of other Volunteer and a full littory of the Mexican War; List ofthe Kil led alai Wounded, illmtrated by a Lars number of wet vte wand Plana; vahime Octavo: r decd BOOBS FOIL 'PILE SEASON—Ulaminated limn of Meted Poetry; n splendid Imperial Is no., atilt bomitiful illmtratiom on steel, by Sartain, and 211 illuminated pages by Schmitz and Sinclair, nobly litiond ii, Turkey morocco and white roll; superbly giln 1§ 6riuinn Keeptoke„all annual for ISIS; with Tplendid mettotint engravings, by tartain;bound in at &dengue, morocco. . -Chnstmas Blossoms 'and New 'vett'. Wmath fat 1.5. V; a email quarto volume, printed on mow white pa per, etnliellished with splendid mezzotint engravings.— 'Phis ia by far the most Leatilitil juvenile unnurd pub- WLcd i the United States. TheVoetical Works of Oliver Goldsmith, M. R., with name. CI Mite designs, by the Etching Club, in va rioW of binding. Thompson's Season., with sevenry-seven designs, by the Ftchutg Club, in various stF des of binding. The Poe and Poefry of America; by FL W. GM. avoid ••. . • The Poetki and Poetry of the Ancients, br William 'met., A. AL; superbly bound in Turkey mororeeisplen. VI C; Poems,in IrliioElll styles of binding. Gray's Elegy illustrated. • !lemon's Poetical W i orks, n various bindings. • Lord Byron's ." . . . Shalupeves “ ~ " , ... Tha Poetical Warts of Thomasltoore. Holli nod mho(' Poems, by Mary I loseiu. Poems by eimeloo. Headley 's PoLored Mourosino. The shove,with a grun variety of other sew works. In splendid s tyles of binding, gettable for gift books; for sale by /WINSTON ds. STCKTON, de9o Bookeellers, roe. filasket & 94 ow. Tameable Itdudard Worke. BRANDT/5 ENCYCLOSEDIA—A Dictionary of Sri sod sad nava& priaciples of every broach of ham. listowledr, with the deriretiowead Mail= of ell the terms'n gmerel one, edited by y/T Breede, Y R Lthatreta by nu mucus, enresings ea wood. D containing beautifully cal med map . of North Lwarea,Cemda Few, Cesode West, Nen Sea ,, New Bewirerialt, Nosthesa Tease, Now Ws-. see, Florida, em, Odifornis, Ceedral Anieries, Yttestais. Wien hada; /shads awl all the Steles zed Terra.. sirs id the Oa kw. Nia Yoritaris—The =gory of the Pozen= from the reformation in 1547, 43 the revolution of 1788, coinpraing nn anneent of then armerteles, &e by by rim Neal, lea A, N retre by John 0 hl D, otth portraits ouster!: In to vol tam The ine of the Daly in relation toGm blind, by George Moore, D, annotax of the royal college of Phytianas, &a Juvenile Works. ' • . Frolth cud Worth' of which makes the atm, a my pop ulautstrenils work. I knla of the San beiag affacting Sus:tisk of absprrecks, assail's Speak The Jima* Speaker, oomprising elementary mks and mantises in dada:rade% swish stselm km of peens as practice, by Francis T llama Summit)r in elocution at Prinechm arse alms !sorbs &seised and ix &is by JOILNKTON & bTOCKTON all Boaltsstlers s ess reaskst tad and au Bakke & Beribner , s*Publicatlons. subscribers having been appointed agents for the sale of the publications of the above well known publishing house, have a full Supply of their beets en band, which they - li at 'Me eastern pri ces, wholesale nod Among the works which lave been recently Limed by them, which have been highly recommended WS exceedingly imerestingtiod valuable, may be found—The Czar, his Court and Peo ple; Ireland's %Velem:so to the Stranger; Bethel Flag, br Br. nod_Prinp Napoleon and his Marshals; Washing ton hit GeneMls; The Eacred Mountains; Orators of France; Tesehmg ...Science, th e teacher no Artist; Charlorte klimbelh's Uniform Works; T. E. Arthur's Making Baste to be Rich, Riches havelAruigs, Keeping up Appearances,Delnor and Creditor; he. the. . Also, the works from the press of Robert Carter the character of whose publications is well known. Tor retine's Theology, in 4 vols.; llaidane on. ROOIIII/4 Ma Clievoe's works; The Conant, by author of School Girt in ranee, he. fr.e. New books received as soon as as published. ELLIOTT & ENGLISH, 78 wood and EW BOOKS—glemonals of the Introduction of J Methodism into the Eastem States, Comprising Inomphierd notices of its cult' preachers, sketches of as first thatches, and reminiscences Mitt early sirup glea and successes; by Ron. A Stevens, A. SI. Inn published. 'Siemens f Rey. David Abeel, D. D., Inc Missionary. to China: h his nephew Rev OR Muth Ali ton, the Merchant's Clerk: by Rev Charles 13 Taylor, M. A., aothor of ußecords of u Good Man' Life,” ..Lady May," "Marpret, of the Pearl," ke.ts The dove, with a barge am of tnolnyan hand and just receiving. ELLIOTT ts ENGLISH, al. 1 _ rt. !onkel si 1,470/1,111111 1.10010-11inory of the Greekrtes./ X./ °lntim, kUd of thewars roid ramprtigns from the sonnies of the Greek ratriou to Kironcip Zing Mei, coontry.front the Turkish Yoke—in two vol , umen—splendid copy with numerous triar and encroP . 'Let ilinctrative of the reign of William 111, lan le6 to 17.2—with fine portals, us vols. L € ' lart /0 1M511149 thC 10l y :Scriptures. !lorry Alosibray, ailing romance, v.ith `Orgy.. • ... . . ' Tina, in the linty Land, French Stage, and Sketch. , in China. Just Teed and for . kIeDONALDd BEESON.- En market street Ill'E OF CROMAVEL s—Just recerved ra.Y. cypress i Headley's Life rderpsnwelL In one Vol. Faith and Ps Elferts; or Fraginchts from my For , Folio: by Mr. l'altuer. Riches of Chace; Interior Life, by Upham; Life ni Faith, by Upham; Memorial, of Aledroshsm, by Rey. A Stevcor, The English Pulpit, a collection of sertoun by the most eminent bring divines of England; Sketch es of Sermons ors the Parables and Miracles . binder' Life of Christ. l L ittur, jet° Apollo Buildings, 4th street intandanee LT &simnel oTth e e r undersigned ofirte P e e rs, from on Ofiginal sketch takes/ from life, in Camargo. by Captain Daton, A D C. DConaor, Hpiayy; George A ATCall. AC; I temp Haan. ljeut Toliogyapkinal }:agineer; Ham' lager- U 5 Nao Y." JOHNSTON & STOL'X'I ON. Jen • Boojoieliers, cor ad and market 1 .0 ]knatt...raVerges. SIX new Piano. Fortes, of Hosewowl, G and 61 oe. tares, will be received and ready for ask - during this week, by JOHN 11 MELLOR, bl wood st, Sole Agent for Cblekming's Pianos for Western Pennsylvania. je6 rtillf/IVlPVlTOlrlari4veneee,) co - Igd Witheit irgons, or katb b yr the New and Improved %FHA NB E6WALEN A,” a kori amebicand nutritious vegetable trod. Also, %Vier toida celebrated Treatise on Constipation, and the nue and velue Of TIM Ervalenta. Hold only at the Apollo Buildings, eth street, near Wood, by jet/` . J I. READ_ — ltetallo Pram. Plano. A SPLENDIDSPLENDID asaorunent o f 8... . IMOwood sad Alahogranyrod . r . .c u on P,. anon, an d or oat fmished a , _ i. Al4o, too .pte . ll,lld Boaerwool ;„. t. , nay rith COlernarf. celebrated. Soltan ante antacid e the most =dere atyle, , and for italc at lL ...d .1 ied - lla BLO WS, it MM== HENRY KLEIBER, Dealer in eastern Piano Forms, at J. W .Woodlndlt, No. 66Third The Piano. may be examined at et home, and the subscri ber wilt be them from It to 12, A- NI., end Irma 4 to 6, P. AL each day. Plash's, Oct. Str., 46 We, the andersled, would Worm thceltieena Pitrainsrgh gu and vicinity dial we have appoinied Mr. H. laeiber sole .(tent for Western Penneylvanbri for the We of our Plano Pones, from whom dm may be ob tahad at out own (New York) priers. NUNNS k CURS. New York, Prof. 1, 1848.0et47dU - - TOONNET AND CAP ItIBBON 301 invites the aneutlen of buyers to a new supply of above goods, at newest Pyle and very low. tarn , IDErILITE .- A A Mason t Co. have! 'on baud TV on azissaiTo &mamma of Whits Goods, tom- Ptidn Molk win, Book, Plaid and )scones pferay vaulty. - ; my* --I.IIII4FSFAUDIRIESr in= I(ACHINE WOREVANDIOTYNDRY, JOAN Wa.lanT Is 00., ABE prapared to build Conan and Woollen Machin ery of every description, such us—Canting hta- chines, Spinning Frames, d3...ders, Dmsit'ag Frames, Railway Beads, Warpers,Turillers,Spomei %Dressing Frames, Looms, C.ud Groders, Ac.,• Wrought bon Shafting tarried ell *ism of Cast Iron, Pallier and 1 11.gers, of the latest patters., slide and band and tool. of all kindle. Castings of every de famished on short no. tier. Patterns Made to order for Mill Gearing, Iron railing, do. Stearn Pipe for heating .Factorim Cast Iron Window Sash, and fancy Canino genmally.— Orders! a ft at the Warehouse of F. Partner Is C 2.. Lit, erty street, will have prompt attention. • - Rosa so Esekrtock, Bell & Moorhead &Co., G E Warner, John Irwin A Sons; Pittsburgh. Gel! llWamer; Si“beavilk. • PuelP ALLWIIENY VENITIAN BLIND FACTORY. JOHN A. BROWN TAKES thts method to inform his friend. and the pale at large that his Factor) , . *Choose in full operation, on the Eust, side of the Diamond, Allegheny, where a cool scant supply of Blinds, of various colors "end moslities, are constarAly kept on hand, .1 also at N 0.5 Wood st i Pittsburgitot J . 11:111111.11pe oil cloth warcronea. Vaainan Shutters made to order in the best sITle. Blinds repaired at the shortest notice. N. B. Dm Rhoda will ha put up, without any addi tional eximase so that they eon be removed in .n me. meat to case of fire or tor 'cashing, and without the aid of a crew dr e octildly&selmnly WM. ALEXANDER A. 501519. (710 MN MAKERS AND FURPUSIIINULNDER- TAKERS, earner of Penn 'and et. Clan streets, posits . the Exchange Hatel,enuanee on Penn Street, rerpecudly inform their (rirnds and the public, that they are prepared to furnish mai mend to everything in the hno of Undertakers. Always on hand a large as, sortment of ready made Coffins, covered, lined and fin- ' irked lathe very best manner, all mina sedans. ready made Shrouds of flannel,Cambrick and amain, and all sixes made to approved etyles. Wo keep a large as eortment ofertike and black, cotton, milk and kid Glows, enlik for pall bearers and mourners, crape, rep eel. arsa and every thing neersacry for dressing the dead, and on reasonable terms, as we purchase( all one goods in the Eastern roues. Alto, silver platy for engtaving the name wad age. We kayo a splendid now hearse and horses, and any number of the best carriages Every thing attended to • remedy and panettallr. ocAIY W. *. WALLACII., . - PITTSBURGH STEAM bIARBLE WORKS, 514 mod 540 Liberty strut, war Me Cana/ A LWAYS on had and made to order,,a large eerie= A ty of Marble Mamie, Pier, Cenue • Tables, and Burson Tops, Tomb Stoncs,Nommtents,Aci all which, hamar:made of the choiceittioarble, ad tuenafnetured principally by machinery, will be sold law for cash. N. B. Pereons oirwhing to purchase Mantels, are informed Mar it is henceforth unnecessary for them to go East, as I can furnish them with an arucle in all respects as good, and(frolghtonsurance, Ac, consider ad as cheap as they can purchase them for In the Eat. Oa and see. suzzT IRON, AND TIN • WARE MANUFACTORY, No SI Market street, Pittsburgh, Pemat TNE subscribers having made mat Improver:mu in the construction of their COOKING STOVEti, respeedoßy loom persons building Steamboats to call and exocrine before paretiasin g, as we elm supply them with Deck Stoves, Forges, and every other kind of Copper, Tin and Sheet Iron week necoss to inrush l W e og gum. • Stew: also make to order on the shortest notice Sal Tribes and Clusuber, Copper work for Steam Engines and every vs rbrty "sort in our line. rote SHERIFF & SHIRK BENNETT.• 46 BROTHER, QFERNISWARE. PI AN UFACTUREKS, ahrsolstgbaso, (Maar Plitabstrgh,l Pat. ' liardsowte, No. 137, Wood atm!, Pit:ssurgh. 41? %%ILL conturaly keep on band agoal csmer . . mi went Of Ware, of oar ot, manufacture, and aope,io,qp.iny, Wholesale and country Alee chants are respectfully invited to cottony! ex amine for themselves, as we are determined tertell cheaper than has cver.bcCom been oat,,,i to the pub. lin. • p- Orders sent by wail, mmompanied by the moth or, nay reference. will be promptly attended tn. felr. P. tit cosmos. •• - JANE} E. LELL2II. FLIRT GLAS9 ESTABLISIIMENT. Rif ULVANI k LHDLI6 manufacture ...I keep cam stantly on baud Cut, Moulded and limit Flog tilamtware, in all its varieties, at their W•rehousc cor ner of Market and Writer streets, Pittsburgh: , Our %Varga continua in full operation; ash we are constantly adding toot, Monk, which .10102 a. to 411 aunt with promptness. Purchasers an. respectfully solicited to call and examine prices ond tenor. COACH MAKING FROM the very 1 : 1b../ .p.. 34.. went the subscriber has teem red mace . 4"•••• • • he has located hansilf l n lillegbctiy tins indiced him to take ten_., for . term of gram, nn the rfertelly he now occames, in Beaver elreel, uniamiintely beside IL, Presbyterian Church. From the long experience in ili above baroness and a desire to please, be hopes to mei it nod receive a shore of public patronage. . Now on hand and finishing to or& r, liockaway Bug gins, open and top Doggies, nod terry description 0 Canones wide to order, from seventy-five Collate • eintabonsres• iscol,lin itltlN lunderciamed are now prepared to tbmirb that, 1. comment and the public generally. wall an coach lent aniele of Lard Oiled' their omumanufactate, which they mill saline aceadoreodatine term, '!belt 011 they lienere to bees aood as any obeyed in the mark...and may be teramed tines eatmlactery. JORDAN le IS liberty as, oppom te Y. S—Lard and Grease mblanle tor marhincry, on hand. far sale stove. c r 23 SALTER'S GINSENG PANACEA! MO THOSE SEISED ..ING WITH DISEASED J LUNG:S.-711e onstlcedected wee!. 'Ouch hoe needed the dee of the GLNBENG PANACF% ft et the vat ors forms which Irritation alit longs as saran, has induced rho proprietor eguin to eall eaten lion to this • • f • WONDERFUL PREPARATION. The chngable weather which marks our fell and ;muter months, Is always a 'fruitful source of COLDS CLNI.) COUGHS. There, if neglected, are but die precuts°, of that fell dutroyer, COSUXITION. The question, then, how shall we nip the destroyer in the bud? how shall we get clear of our eing,hs and 'olds? nof vital Import/Wee to the public, THE GREAT AND ONLY REME DY will be found in the Ginseng Panne. In proofof thls de have Inooll=a to time published the certificates of ocent of our best known ,citlrens, who have experi enced its curative powers. 'These, wlih a coast tel timouy from all honor Ike country... from DILMICAL MEN OP THE FIRST STANDING, Moisten of the Gospel, he., together with copious no. tins from the JOURNALS ON. THE DAY, we have embodied in pamphlet form, and may be bad gratis of any of our a,,,,enn throughout,. coustn. HUNDREDS OF BOWLES. have been used in this THOUSANDS AND .TENS OF THOUSANDS thronghoat the Viand States and-Canada, and sreuha Lunge any man to point out a • 1 SINGLE INSTANCE - - - n which, when taken according to dleeenona, and be. Into the longs had becornelionlly diaorpatzed. it h u ever tailed to LITF.Cr A PERI.II.. — T CURE •. - - Why, then, need the afilieted hesitate? st by rcson to the miwrable omns., gotta) up by nt nals a ler the mourned itanie of Wm° co •t• phy sician, end puffed into notoriety by cenifies pa wns equally unknown? Whilst a medicine of UNPARALLELED EFFICACY • Is w be had, whom vouchers are at home,—mar neigh. hem—many of whom it has SNATCHED FRONI THE CRAVE. In order that this invaluable mediaine may be plated within the reach of the poor amwell the rich, we have Mille pric ON LY NIFTY CENTS, lust one half the usual cost bf cough medicines. n (or rale by our agents in nearly every town and village over the west, who are prepared to give full inform. Son relative to It I': SALTER, Proprietor,. Droadresy, Enteillnall, 0410. O N A i ' 1-tlekf3itilt7ROAN&DCoL, LEAP TOBACCO 10 N. wharves, Phil 's, oder for oak on accontraphoina lorms, 6000 pkgs Manufacnned Tobacco, consboing of pounds, hall pounda, kh's and Mrs. Imps; 5'., its and d's plug, and 13. Ladies' Tarnd, in wholcond half bo vet, of the following approved br and •• we: James II Grant, - &horn& Bragg, • Grant A Witham., A eabaniss, S Jones it Son, ~ al'lMnald, AVebster Old, J Thoumon, Janie. Thome., Jr. AT/Armistead, J Thomas & 80n, Landhorn & Aron/dead, J I' Colllet, • J NI Cobbs, Gentry & Itoyamr, J A Clay,' NI A Dotler, C A Hall., Greta Ilan, Wm Dawson, Pearl A Norwood, J S Illarkwoffal, • Nab Page. Keystone, WII Vaughan, l , INisonnd 'Henry, Portia. 110 Wm.., limn. , II A Rotonson, , Keim, Robinson & Co. Seth llalady, i IL Illetealf; Jona Ender, , •I.awrenee ruttier, J Robinson, d Way & (tray, I , II Tu rne r, Jamieson, York Wnod, ' DNI Branch. —ALSO— Havana IderifTril.acen, wrappers and filler., Yarn slo . do do Cientuego. do di. • do St Join de Cuba do do Sr Domingo do 'do do lourin A Uoiddli do, pd. lin,do !Havarti& do do - .10 Kentucky eminent grade. Alf/ do Vagmi. Leaf, •uiub!e manufoelurin• and export; Spaniel; Veed lolaf, l'enisle,Coutleetieut end Ohio; Virginia Scrape sweet; Gennep ?pea; Pipe 111 . 01/ Sewell Snuff (km... and bladelers;) Msecradoe Bleed; tmag; Otto . 110 . !!; „ Ik .. :gno k t! 1 1 .; :c 44 . : 1 P . ""3'..4 74- 61"1""' PIIILAUELrI11A. .9,015 Type Foundry. HI: subscribers have taken the Type Foundry, No Tlits Gold street, and will continue the business late• ly conducted by Robert Taylor. They will anand to. all otders with punctuality and despatch. All the type I manufactured by them will be lloyd Cash and they will furnish all bind. of Primers' materials, of the hest Q ,AIr J ty AT Overend is still employed in superintend• ivy the manufacturing department. Proprietors of newspapersowho have not advertised for thesubseriber, who may publish this notice for three months, will be entitled to receive their pay in type, on parehuing her times the amount of their bill, for ad. vertising. Old type taken Mead:utgo - for new at 9 vs per ilt Charles Whiting, 1111111TIPiti &TAYLOR, 'Theodore Taylor, j lituccessaryto Robt Taylor,/ jantil ' corner Gold anal Allll It. - T 0,,Acc0,.... Jog Mirkerompr liToleacco; bviJohn .flucker .• ti j mer Madison Si IS la• IM&4ward Si 27 . James. b• - ' 40 " Henry &James bs 25 " Henry &Jame. 51 . fl 4 " 1111Warwiek .- F. sonatgument, from manufnetuYer. of Lynchburg ePd ghniond, Itstd wilt be wad otsEasterty' price., m Etta ;rade. 1. S WATERMAN, nag 31 water and et front at rf 0 oIIACCO—I6 do s Urach k pound.; do ears to d o do 12. and 16r, Idkep No 1,6 twin; 10 do pet Cavendirh; 6 do do Plagl 2U Id do Niagara: . 20 do balf Soudan 'fo do ; 7r ..lo 117 J LVILLIANIS Sh 1011 : HOUSE—Having taken the large iod [OAS - . rnenlhons Smoke Boum and Bacon tharehonee ad. loaning oar Warehouse, ou the Canal Baran, we are pre par cd to smoke gad store baron on reasooablo • Canilit a ule. k. near j°l4 .7 EB. ll .. mart. SECOND HAND PIANO, tow iiierniny /1. and boa beam in ow about four years, price R now /175, for solo by JOIN Si wood sweat NO. SVOAR-6 6hd. prime, Otlttble low to close • bobsigootent, by 14 , . BOWEN, fes oo front it lIUMM=lOriltiES. ortitluttai Transportation Lino. MEM 18118. rot rni. SkISZNYITIIIO3I.'or xiscluxprza no PRODUCEr TO PIBLADELNILA /s . BALTIMORE:. (LWOW eousign.ed to our , caro will be forwarded withoucdelay at the mown[ current rams. Bills of Lanlngtriutid, and all.instructions promptly at tended to, *am nog citns charge for storage or corrnoission. L CA hi cANU riTY h. Co-Proprs Camil Ruin, Pittsburgh. MERCHANTS' WAY" FREIGHT LINE. i1ta1,184,E4.M1141 (Fourierly called Piclottkr& CoA Lima LTISCIIVI7.III.OIIIII3iII.I9IIPARATION OF ' , VAT MIGHT ETTAVEEN,Pituburgh, Joldeestdve. liol. BWxter ntreet,ilientiogdon Col ned all intennediste pieces. Otte boat .111 leave the warehouse of CendlicAnuity Ago, Canal Irehin, Liberty street. I'lltsborgh..exery day:- (Sundays excepted.) end shippers can niwayn de petid on having their good. forwurded without delay. end at (airmen. • 'fins !Ana was formed exclarively for the special ac connuoiltuinn of the way barmeso. The Proprietorii; thankful for thevery liberal patronage they have sc eel ved during the lerftwo years, would rerpcetfully in form their old curtoinerr and the public generally, that they have extended them dmiliner,during the part win ter, and are 'now better prepared to accommodate an in creased buriners. .• _ R H CANAN &Co, WM 9TIIT. -- MG STI7T, WM FULTZ, JAMEM A LORE,, JOHN MII I VR, TRINDLE &'MEDOWELL C A MeANULTV A. Co, canal basin PilLi H CAA do Jolarcro JOHN MILLER, do Hollidalic . HORRI'.LLt MYSTINGkUtoIa Rcniarmm—Pinaburgh—Smith at Sinclair J h. J -McDevitt; 0 1t.3 H Shoeriberger, , it Robinson Co; II Moore; Hartley ?a Smith; John Parker; Wm Learner, J Jordan* Son. RELIANCE PORTABLE BOAT LINE, Ea= 1848 . Mita TOR i1it124101M6.110. 01 WLEIICIIOIOI= BETWEEN PITTSBURGH AND PH ILADELPIIIA. TIBBS, Proprietors of this old established and firm 1. !Portable Boot Line, having removed their. de pot In Philadelphia, to a much larger Warehous e on Market 114 Men they formerly occupied, and al. in creased their room far. package at Pittsburgh. are now prepared lo offer much greater (Sallie. to their friends nd !patrons. • GOods carried by this line aro not transhipped be tween Pittsburgh and Philasiolphim being carried on. drely to Ppnable P•eetion - Boats. To shippee and th oer gcsads requiring careful hand rs dm ling, this to of importance. No charge made for receiving or .hipping goods, or advanetug churgia. All goods forwarded pmpromptly, and upon as reasonable terms as by any ado line. JOHN AIeFADEI R. Co., Canal Basin, Pe. IC, Putshurr,S. JAMES M. DAVIS is. Co. feb2l 227 Marta &Si Commerce ot, Plat. JOIfN NeFADEN & Co., FOrwardl4 ~1 Comma aim Merchanut, Cline Built; PC. ' . 11.1., Flub ugh. JILSIES M. DAVIS & Co, Flour Piketon and Commie- Hon Merchants, V 7 Market, and 51 Commerce St, Philadelphia. fable H P Zl . a. A n d ro i n fo ' r . e. " : 4 4Voul th ogr.r. " L e