The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, June 21, 1848, Image 1

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o . ,A. f . t t
.1,7 I 1
.::T.4O4:PrEEE . I,::' IN :.
A' :1180N, LAPlltal &Co.--ilide sad Leather Deel.
ers,.ll2lcaa[ e c
t. Nan York
it .
Co. Philedelpkia. . -
Coetaitaseasts of Weston Leather solicited, and 111-
ml &trances oade, if repaird. febledem '
.Co.. Courousatao and For
11., warding Merchants, b.. returned W. their old
ststul. Water and Prom streets, Pittsburgh. octal
ralocuca Skims, • . GLOSOI 1/2172.
110111SAUN. IIEITEIL, Wholesale aud - Retall Drop
- .11 sisay corner cf Libeny sad St. Glair useeisr,
!Inuis,"!a. --; . mayl4.
• -r.; L Iron.
411;919_it . 11,L13 u ERTSON, Motesale Glimers
11A. FAIIINESTOCK ft Co, Wboteedo 'and Ro
11.t43 inoggim. corner Wood Lod Gth sol•
AGALEY le SMlTll,.ll'holesale Queers, le vied
Woad streel Pittaber h.
C.IdeANULTY it Coy' Fionnadist Bud com
*Salon Finsluudm, Ca!ial Uulq p.burgh
Vito:aux., Jou I. namovs; so. v. Llamas-
GULEALLIAILDULN, & Co., Nosinfootorers of
Carriage ridge and Axles, A. B. aid Sprieg
Butt, and d re fat Cooob Trimmings of every de
seppuoo, monufaesoly on Bt. Clair of - . Warehouse 43
Wood K. *PP.. St. Ow*. BMA • ' JarAl
..E c ire . , , T;2:ll2lll" .Wbai nre r=r,
r or Übe iand Hand Os Tiusb h. Pa. . tebi;
FOG is LIIIJNETT.; (late English, Galinsher
4, .) Wholesale! Grocer., Cormusakakand Pln.
4.tedtng Merchants, and dealers In Produce and Pius.
beret Ana. to res, N0...17 Wood at, between rd and
isitwei g tlllEY & Ca, Urocara and
• , k Catamissioa Ma?thane% nal Agent. fas Brigham
Varos, Nos. 47 Water, mi Ito Fond mu, PIM,.
• ..04•Pa.: feba
V - • IlL U 11: , PiNto Forte lelnnufaernrer and dealer
TAIV Idaurallosirainents, 112 Wood at, near tab.
-Pouralars mad
seenters, lUD •Froni, between
Wood and flonß4Gela, PiLlebargb; Pa. -
Mr Mahan' wire given for old Copper and Waal.
(AISOTIDECOCI(IL&N,COIIIMimiCti . ansi Forwarding
• Marchtint, Or Woodmen. Pittsburgh. utyl2
k ''. R i fi l ttr l er=l l ll l lliVrlr '' „edt:Co l fuol •
• • 'city soil jets
ssitari turrur,:— gouda messy, In,
..r.41611 b. Co, Wholesule Groet-ni, Com:
minion Mrithants, mud denkrs in Produce, N 05.34
ater, sod lirr Frost strocu,Pitistriugh. • Pori
1 0 DUN scorr k Co., Mu:desalt, Grocers, Forward.
and elnintuission Mere barns, Ders o.
Mice and Pittsburgh Manufactures, No, C omme rcial
lloar, Liberty succi, near the Canal,
• ; myaly
T BRYAN, Rectifyingand Wholesnlo
dealer to Foreign tool Dornesue Wines and Li.
pony NIII Liberty' street, .and a 7 Armond Alley ,
J/UMW S daft of thefarm of Algeo and
2 ddiairo)/derobant Tailor, St. autos - laddingei
- Third Aran, !war W• • Pinalou la.
IMES IMITCULSON, k. Co,--Sucessors
Lewis Ilutehison • is. Co, Commission Merchants,
and Agents or the St. Lotus Steam Sugar &Lam.
Ne 745 water sad US nom streets, Pittsburgh. -
J. B. BLACK,. Merchant Mellor, Exclutsigp Bail)
dmits, t , 'pair at, Pittsburgh. • Jolla
Jom i intwomni—Wheleside Grocer, Pls . .:
. duet and Commis'•aiaa Merchant, No. 27,1V 0sa YtlbL ,6. at,
TOUN.I 11101CGAN/Whotecale t, dekl-
U e
\V..riu the Studs, l'aunts,Oils, V . • kg, N 0.83,
TAMES EERHoIr., & Co., itacceii.or to, Joneph O.
puvis,) MusMorh:Jo Water intreeL oral
Tons lc memo% Wholesale atul Retail dealer
SP list !dusk am! Medea! lastrantents, School 800.,
,s-• raper, Slates, Steel rens, Quills, Printers. Card., and
Stationary generally,No. Wend sr, fittebargtr.,
Bap bought or taken intrude. • •seplS
JSCHOONALAYELL & p 6, Whoksxdo DruiguN,
. No. 214 Wood ouvot.rittaborsh. •
iwizu JOIWOM 1110:1, Coossoitshou ausl For
. waNing bloritanta,lio. la Liberry. q., (opposite
.11OHN DAVIS, Astetioneer,corilerScla ..Ad Wood
stpeei•J'attobuqtb. . • oco.
, jOHNSTON k STIUMTON; frookas tiers, Pritatc:n.
and Paper Manufacturers, N. 44 Market at, Pius-
. L.. REALPS Book Uk. was Mark o
and Mammary.
T •v. ItUBERTSON & Co., 'bakers and Exchange
U Itnakers, sumer of Wood and &I hlerchaut's
pose Buildings, Pittsburgh, P.
Lt.:r Currency putchaeo,l at the usual rate'. octll
JOIIN GRIER, 'Wholesale Glover, dealer in Pr.
duet, Prnsburethinnufactuns,lln Plannhke. an.
.1e .... __ . lio.notiLibers ut, rine/Anti. - • ;Ina
. . _ . . . •
& B. YIAWD, (law J.. Mid k. C 0.,) Wholesale
:Ekon - N0..1.W Lawny went. ' ' seps
TAMES Di , ,141solessile Gnierts,Crionlission
11, • Merchant, mid Stela in PtMUM wad Pittsburgti
Manufacibres. NoM Water Putsbusgiu gaols/.
Velm' as 41 . 0111 WorAuk;
L Ealt r Ut l LZ: ee kll. 04maniuiacturers of MI gi
quality. ' v T ra l tei and 111 1. ::o h ils ( L thc b"'
_ .
S WATERMAN, Wholesale Croca, Forward:
art and C 001111110.10.1 Mercantil, 'kale' iu Pitts
aura hiatothsetara and Produce, Nos. 31 Water n., *WIN Front . .
1111611 T sanm , • JOU, SA1171;17
iLAPUIMITeiIIIPTON, Wholesale Grocers For
warding and Commissar., Merchants; dories.. in
Induce soutt 'lnaba:o Manufactures, Nos 1J and 125
Wow, al, Pittsburgh. fetal
AiERCER, BROTHERS & Co, Coolsoieeion filer
ehyds„Plulualelphisi for the vole of prikkee go
tworally. • Liberal Wenn:. nook un contipasiclit,
usi v.. sew., Sc4aisniiti •w•Lrca e. soi
aGILI4 liMillF/ELD & tia/G, holt:nate Grown and Coduninsion Aleichantn, No. In ldbedy at,
• ta
•W. !WI; arazr..artatiir.,
t•Co., eniniumain and Forwarding
g Merolla.* Water. and. Front fie, between
Vwd and-Market alt. J 1.116
i V i Z it.4.1:4 lIICKETSON.iWbotesate thoter
e9l.3lKcaltualon Merchants, No.l7o,Libeny PILL-
egORD tc KING, IVholesale email lislisnd
ALL .p libundienires, and dealers in Fancy Nun,
corner ot I%'uoil awl Filth ow. Ann
"Kr , 410LAILIS & ruN, No. N. motet .co= at
door from comer or Fourth, deaden m Foreign
UrAnneal= /sills of kischarn, , c; Certificates of Depot,.
bank Nowa and:Specie. • •
(1:1- Collections road Ull all the principal tines
ihrou bout the United Stale. decl7
a. W. avranunta, C.
tMNDZITEII, is Co., Wholesale Grocers nad Cat.
misaimn and Forrarding Merchants, No. LL Water
130LIERT MOORE Wholeille (Weer, Reeurying
iL Liimiller, de:Mein I'r duce Pluihurgh Almuine
tang, nod kinds of Foreign *ad Domestic Wines
aadVdsprors:No. It Llberly 'irreet:; On - hand' lii . ery
bur, stock of superior old Monongahela whiskey,
winch will hoard.' low for cash.
~ a7tfly
nOHLICMON. & Pindueo Dealers And
jy Cassudssloo Newham.% No. 102 Second Areal,
131CHAILD T. LF.EVII, .Ir, Importer nod Dealer to
Yotript tad barwestie Nolditri Ilartrana-suld
Vaniaga Trszonsingv, °foil description", No. Wood
Ictuat• BARD, Wbakail• sad Retail Deal.
Ay Leather, Alarocep,' &lomat eV Taais and Fin&
At.III()ULYSN Co,lPlrotesolo Gr a OC.L., Produce
and Conortiosion' Iderchrotts, end Dealers in Pin.
rite.,Atanontotrues, Nix Ulu. Liberty. st., Paurgb.,
100 W
irgERT DAI TV. , 1c Co n Wboliquaa Owens,
Coomasilati and FbrwiNisig Merchants dealers
amhtes and kiw64.llh Mudactures, LiLerty
itOBT. CUNNINGHAM, Wholndio! Grocer,
Deader in Prodded and rid.burgh idddadetured,
0.114 Lawny at. • - , • jily
latil4 .7 • 1 .••
DE:TN/P ITh LUS*. 811EE, Forwardlig spd 1.
C 06.1111440
1.10 Me 014111114 Gm AI /c...ny isiyer Trade., deal!,
•no - Orocent ... ..Pstelaco, 10.16b¢qh Maniasetwes
aim Theld sG r o in
r in p U m ,
112. 1 a a iimesior COW:,
put.l4 •
- 01113 , 01 W & Co., Costudodoo Marchants,
nininine &middies; Denim in Mo y or,
no+ mr Seas, .100 Bauer, Lord, /k- 5p14.4
Q/14/11& JOLINtiON, Wholeval. and 11...11Dcalen
la filoads,• Loon, 40+1.17 I cy
ristolualo. *linnet ark., nd non above. third s .y l'atabsug • -
1 5ACIIirn _ pow won 7..
cI.E.Tr.-4, WHIM Wboksa Deskrs iu
Vont ami Dower!ie Dr,' Goods. No: U 9 Wood st.
& W. HAM/AI:GU, Wool IblifoluntioOk.olors
17. In Moor an..l,Krodneo geneially, sod roc ward*
ana :Ca51. 0 ... ae...rroanea
llareigalgs,' Oa WWI . sty Ma.
S um IMMALEY a Co, Wholesale Grocers aial
Psoduee *awe, Na =Nuke, meet, Lome= 5111
cod MILL Mani sale. Plailaclelf&i. . .
.. Hoed
0 ----- 7 1.
c. &memos to 1141 & Boseraellinia
i ter , hod suosafaetares . of raper IlaagAngs 111141
boards, arid r .iii wiggly! pawing, 004 mruppiug
I Vet, a 7 W gags
16111!""t rZi/CO z iert - i . ../...... 1
• laisias Wrackarsts, Na 17 Lltrarrtrx, linst7gt r ;
Owls. Unaresd ma Lard Oa
SF. VON BONNUOIOST, W Co.,Wketwain Urn.
n cm, Forwardinn and tnedontannd 2Jarcliaets,
/Maass Pinatnt itanufsentras and Western Yr..
dame, Sum so dolt new wanbowe,Kild puii 3 d)
N 5.33, COMM! et rnant w. and atanenryjann.
SAKI.t . II. INEIL posyrosit i Coismissioo
t'ntsWug4 mars.
roetured c anle l le,sposit 7th• al
.IpAlpr.ll Mei; Yhtihssaio tiot — OssiS.
Pierthaill; aa. dealers to r.d.. • No. US
Wool at» flothoratt. . . • m ai
, %11/ Al. N. MST
~- ---" ,Aseattor Ateatcatirs sod
V Pn ' elli 'gm Au..
LW, mr soo
the getters! laud othee stiWashingtott, will attend to
toy billtalit. Were Gee of proem! to .pplitants-
- •
• . , - .
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HOWEN—Coninowkni end For;n7din6
yrigreksw, Na SO Front st between Wood and
• arket sweets. feb24
WICK OMAN/HA:S., tsuesessors to L. & J.l).
Wick,) Wholmule Grocers, Forwarding _sod
Commission 3lerehaot., dealers to Imo, Nails, Glass,
Condo Tams, mud Pittsburgh Manufactures gess...any,
comer of Wood sad Wawa. streets, Pittsburgh.
wm4Ack:, Mill 'touein t 111 1 e.nua‘
iug establohment, No. 244 Liberty 14., 11<1,I1
anal. mare'
GARRARD, Dealer Fin — Cy and itupt.
it, TM Mosta, No. 79 Market street, Pittsburgh.
WW WILSON, Denier in iVatifin; ,Inweiry
, Silver . Ware, Military Gotxls, kn., No. 5: Mar
kat *L. l-10•7
Air M Wholesale an: &mut denier in
Foreign soul &mitotic Dry Goods, nonh mist
corner of Market and Fourth its. ourß__
urAluucK MARTIN it Co, Bankers, Dealers to
• I V • Erchunge, Bank Note. and Coin, comer of Thin/
ana Wood watts, Pittsburgh, P._ noitSdty
T 017210- -
W3I,YOUNG & Co.—Deale in leather bides, &
.13 Liberty st.
-i•ir •rt MITCHELTREE—NnoIosaIe Grocers,
vt' . ittetifyiug Distillery, and Vine and ljguor
Ilersbats, also, Irupotteso Soda Ash mil Bleashiug
Powder, No. DX/ Llbery mt. Pittsburgh, Pu. }madly
WAY= 1.1.11C/017113, G11.066L
OBLACKBURN & Co., Wholesale Unseen and
deplore ia oik, Bow Store, and Pittsburgh Mon
ntaelared ankles, have on band, at all times, a full and
gement totsonntent of goods In their Hue, Water woes,
near Cherry Alley, Plusbargh, 0013
TOHN M. TOWNSF2SD, Druggist and Ap,thecary,
IP No. 43 Market at., three doors above Third st. Pitts
burgh, will bare eo.llDay on hand a well Selected u
sortstiont of the best and freshest Medicine.s which he
will sell' on the most reasonable terms.- Physicians
sending oblers,wlU be 'promptly at to., nod sup.
plied with artielet they may relio . l,oll ILA genuine. Physicians Prescriptions will lm accurately and
neatly prepared from the best materials, al any hour of
the day or night ,
Also for sal axrr e, *largo stock of fresh andgood Perfu
- . • bud
Etal„cM)N `alif s Vir, gaihg . l4 , l PlV:
Coverlet Yon Carpet Clualu, WI. A, heAcc, - - - -.
, ' I,l' • •
iaal LIM, 1 FINUCK. tr. - Co.
~ (Saccespers to Arbuckle & Avery,)
ALEDoux co.; No. 77 Canal strret, New Or
loam, Agents for J.IL Ara:ma's EltelldlVG SIC ••
Sugar Refinery. Always on band a large web' o
Loaf, Powdered, Crushed, Clarified told Carbolic:rigors
Or Tierces and Barrels. Also, Sugar rlouss Molasses
Prices liberal, and a fair allowance made on all sal
of or above 50 burnt. ' • •
, Monongahela Livery Stable. •
aillollB HT 11. FAIT EILMJN has opened
the large stable on First at, running through
to Second at, between Wood and:Smithfield
as-, in the reseal the Monongahela House;
with on entirely sow stock of Hones and tharriages of
. the best quality land latest styles. Horse. kept nt hire
ry in the best manner., I),MIT
FIL EATON, Dealer in Trims:nun* and Variety
Goods, Tortoni Shell, Inlay and Boni Conthx,
Vaal.' Va rn a and Worsteds, Buttons, Needle., Pins,
Tape; Braden, ke., No. al Market street, benvest Dia
mond and 4th .t, Prttahotgh.^' IV-WY
• R. T.: LEECH,. J R.
NO. 133 WOOD NT, PlTTlBullall.
TrAVINC: replenistunl wockrmin We beat sour.
Ay nes, both domeMe and toreign, take pleasure in
ammunemg to cowimers and deal.", that I am pre.
wed to tumid, them with al: goods in my line, au mill
better torn than heretofore.
Bayer, will recollect that dealing "exclusively , in
kkiddlery Ilanlware and Carnage Trimmings, I oktani
likteby, adroutages that could. me to defy C0111peli•
'MM. Call, see, and lodge (a, yourselves. ap 17
MAC 1011, 'r. Qr.. ,
,JOAES & 417160,
11,TANITFACTIIIIERS of spring rind blister steel,
In plough steel;zieel ploogb wings, conch alai eiip
tin springs,. lisnamered Imo axles,- wad denier! in inal•
, nottßlPiftre engine Imps, nail conch truititurp
&nanny, comer of Rom and Frani Nis., Pittsbargh,
EtP Er AULIN TEA STOitEs—No. 72 Fourth
3p. , near Wood—All spoomitiespr Green nod
black Tees, done up So gamer,' bah; mitt!
oue pod packages, tonging from eo era. per pouud
SIAM ryi d. JAYAir, Agu. for Peke] Tea C].
ILL alto attend to coltemanad tat otaer'boai
uems eatnuted hium'stt !totter and Armstrong
[mintier, Pa. Baler m
Jot& Floyd, Liltenyntt.l
W. W. Aitatlace, do•'.•
Jams Alafihall , do I Pitta orgh.
dly Kay t C t., Wood mt. I jam: .•
LL SWEITZEIL Attorney at Caw, Wilma lid gt •
o opposite St. Clommlaa float, l'ittsbuta b, alto
attend promptly to tbilections, to,Washingluti, Fayette
and Green cocoa., YE. •
• • Illack.tock, Belt & Co, • '
• D. T. Moron, far Littly
T. HENRY, Attorney
. sottl Color
at Law,
Ciswitwati CottFctwas ia Ltoutheru Ohio,
Lod ma loth.; strol lamourity, promptly and car •
fully tatemled Commimioner for dm Store of Peon
sylyaia, tor tatirig brpo4tiuru, soltnuorledgmco
Rrru To—lfon..Ww-1101 to Sou Coot., Clirch%t
Caroitior•OVra flays, Sol, flora. 1126.
U. W. Witll.ol3, Y. N. WIXFI.
%Ai iiAMS 41 SHINN; imiecesparsla.l.wrie salt 4
Vl l Walliaana4 ALLUftle,i naal tfounsallora al Law.
Office North awle of Fourth atraeL above F 4,4031414.
J.= nustop, , •i. u~gxw~a earn
iu rt:rs“.
Law, have removed their elkp to the
licrenh el., between Cherry Alley le/Grant stve ciccr.
• •
X, Astotuey al low, thusbarili, Pat
•ej I . 1.1 1.1
6 : I . !W K4M.P /11G4 We peseta:eat las wore. aiau 1/1
tire., ha. &Autrey., Ithiblings, Gnats as— occupSql,
,dunng bin auseuee, by T. , J. Ingham and J. earthly,
Is' p. •
__.—_- • itt•ithstrif
Atiatnep at Lnc, Oak on
J°47 1 .tbg.'",1 1 .1
Pittsburgh, Po; will also spend promjitly to business
in the atinaning counties, • oelto•ly
Wmorn) hu o n Ee te,; N ellE 'r eh e nTlge t i
lruilergx, St.
',Cant gly next door to Alderman John.. apnly
COHLANDU LOO IS, Athymer at L.', office o
411. street, atkovo 11111adield. .pl7ly
Jr., We Ikl-
V .wore .(t y p i rt a n. i . l: e n.ttalfr y
'uttelphia .Fire Rinke upon buildings r ohd oterehtunlize
of overy deteription, tout ,Nhanno Itotk.t upon hulls or
eargoes of touchy token upon the fount favotable
V. Deka In the Warehouse of W. 11. Mohacs & Bro.
o. 37 Water, near Market Street, Pittsburgh.
N.B.—The rumen. of this Company since the ester.
tistanent of the Agency , in UM city, with the prompt
new and hberality with which every churn upon them
for km has been adjusted, fully warrant the agent in
hunting the confidence md patronage of his friends nerd
the contuses/4 Warp to the Delaware M. th
carme Company, erldle It has the additional advmtages
as animutution among the 1.120. t douriabblg in Philnifel.
Idan—stiliaving tit mnpletpaidde cripinit, which by the
operation of it. chance is constantly sucressing, at
Wm ieling to each person insured his due share of the
profiled the company, without involving him in my
reeponsibilny whatever, and therefore ae.posseseing
LM. Mutual prinerple divested of every - Mumma. Ma.
lore, and in as moat aunichve hum n 0.4
dul u y r u Auda
tithor:zee P rie:t f , re n a h ute m' tfte ' r; o ' lle u r u s g t h o
heake . pertneuent and lamed luounorec WI property, ie
Ihtscrly sod Its ela NhipinCll. by the l:u
-kdl Rivers.
r WWI,
Saia'l W. Joue.,
Edward =id,
- John IL Neff,
Ktehard 'Wood,
Wm. Welsh,
Pranks iloskens,".
S. Austin Annum°,
Awrisint CIIFYIN;Preet. •
Huss° 0. hinctuttaoi !key.
Thisss tboidiutt Insurance Comilny In the United
Aissingbeen °buttered in MIL ' Its choler is
pespeuntloota from an Meg suindnim buic elperiettee,
412440 avoiding all risks of ern has ,
Salons °Lusatia, it may he considered on odering tun
pie 11<earitt 111. the 'Kibbe.. W. Y.' JIJNE.
the Cuwati..g Noon. of Atwood, Jones & Co., Wa
ter and Front streets Pius tuitOs ' ntoyb
'John A. Brown,
oho While, •
ons 1.. c.v.,
stel Y. Muth,
I Wool.,
1 rill: Yrutkhu l luturaucelAtutpany, of Wuladel,
Aix, will make tutu malice, pI7MILICIII and /ranted
on every description propertyou rtioduargn awl the
eurrounding countty; ou (noontide trtnot. con,
putt' lux a perpetual charter. -•
Capital, Sitet,Wit pa' in.
Contingent, Pund - OSOoortto
' Moe corner of Mild 'aud klarket strews, I's nanirgb.
' spiting' • WARRICK AIAI3IIA, Agcnt.
flllEunderaignei‘disti lilleptiscilAgeut of the Amer.
Mau tire insiartruee Mnpany of Philadelphia,
inhumes lo effect , humane° against loss or daniuge
_solism Fire, du buildings, merchandise, thrulture un4
liroporty, not satin hazardous, in this city and vicinity.
apl4 ell t:1111.114, air wood oh
fIUIE 11111/SCUILIER WA been appointed Agent pia'
J. tern of the Itouitittee Company of North Aa.ertc 4,
awl will tuna Polleiie awl Atte/idle the nth, (Wade.
of We Agency, la lye wurelicawe of Atwood, Juno.
Co. epic JUNllS,mu!rlet
jUsT RECEIVED, per Express o large asses anew
Vor loaira Rubber lloods, ea:anis/ad— /
II dos fitieeralCisais; .4 dos Misch rig'llage;
4. ° bask do;' , '. 0 pairs l'ass'o;
4 " Uo; rl " ompillanketsi
X Ream, !aches, " lhothrOosi
I Dore. Corers; ti w Life Preservers;
ilk yardeo(44 Carnage CIO* floc /1114CIC;
111 Aix pals Leggiogs,o(dularrait
2 Cap?", wall aliever; • •
° wriboor - -do;' •
• COVCIN 01l of whieh will he sold - cheap
(or sash. wholesale or retail, el Nob Wood street.
apJs / J &
Patent Soda MM.
A A CASKS Jas. Aluspratt &sae. we*. jam
'I. A 0 1 horn hubtbernlAity - a.Tra We by
ivabtif bulcur.2.TREE,
lOU liberty .1
tor the solo of 11.111e4Cook and CawsWf
of vat,' superior 4aatiO 4 - City amanitas will he
supplied at say YOUZAIIIIIIff the day,
apFlataS 403114 , 1111CLWORTLI, dft,ll7 wood st
To Country Merchant. '
ALARGE STOCK of reboot /Woks, Paper, Station.'
ary, suitable for mammy sides; among which
Writing Paper; of fine, medium and nooll[loll qulrs
Issuer Paper do - do do (do •
Note" Paper. do do do do
' Note and Letter Eavelapea•
Mates, Pencils, Wafers, gains and Steel Pens;
Window Paper (yord 'ride) plain and printed;
Bonnet Boards, of different
Slunk &mks, in great matey;
twbool and Pocket Bibles; •
Crown, medni:ll, awl doable crown wrapping pap.
McGMse's Eclectic Spellers rind Readers;
Eclectic Arnim/elks; •
Primers, Spellers and Readers;
Panders' do do • do
Ariihmetiira, by Admar, Datis,Colloura,Smilit,Stock
tea, Phaerroa, and oth era.
rib7.llrl,l4ieL'b2.;ll..l,n.chkll, Othey, Smith, Morae,Good.
Grmmars, by Smith, Kirkhm, Bunions, Welk, awl
'oilier.. For sale at low prices, bp
81 wood *1,5 doors above 4th.
Theoghest market price paid for, good mtzed raga,
in cat ' spin
New Pnb/lcations.
1 . 0111118, illustrated. !lamer% new
edniun of ate Poencal works of John Milton, yeah
a memoir, and critical remarks on his genius and *qt.
tinge, by Jim. Montgomery; nnd sue hundred and
twenty engravings (rum drawlngs by William Harvey.
lu two volumes
Srattertie Oats. Txrissoarr..—The font Gospels and
Acts of the Apostle; in Greek, with English notes,
critical, philosophical, and exegetical; maps. indexes,
etc., together with the k4iistles and apocedypsey the
whole sunning the Near anent — For the use of
:Schools, Colleges, end Theological Seminaries. By
lieu. J. A. Spencer, A. M.
A New Nonst.ldidetinuner's Eve.—A (trio ride of
love. By Mrs. Hall.
JAMS' Hex. IV.—The life ol Henry the }bunk,
king of France and Navarre, fly 0. P. IL Janice.
Complete in four pans. PuPeri 2 rola. cloth.
MILS' Ilooksellers. corner of market and al ste
IjtOOKS—At the AN , ltoldiugs,Pourth sweet, near
Woott—lrelana's Welcome to the Stranger;
The Ceor. hie Court and People, by J it Maxwell;
The Ureters of Prance;
The Liseei of the Apostles, by Decent -
The Peritans end Innis Punetples, by Elba;
Tlie Constitutions and Canons of the Holy Apostle,
with n Prise Essay;
Allison's Life of the Duke of Marlborough;
Meander's Life of Christ, in its historical connection
nod historical derelopement;
Harper's- and Appleton's publications generally.
School Books, Paper, Stationasy, Jr.c.
ap27 J L READ
BIJOKS attics Apollo Buildings, Mk streak
-11 The Military-441e et John, Duke oflllmlborough,
with colored maps: by A AkSion.
Socolia col. Chulruers' einiellomu k as Works—Scrip
rare Howling, •
• The Life of.resus Christ, in its historical eonnuCtion
and historical developerneau by Augustus Neander.
Translated from the 4th German edinon by John Mc-
Clintock mad Chan E Blamcuthd , Professors in /lick
bison College. ..
Fourth Vol. Pictorial Astor y of EnglatilL
Now trod Then, by Dr. Warren, authorjif Tea
Thousand aYear, and others too numerous to callow
Call and see. aplD .1 L.FEAD.
Analutiwtian t under the
- and will he cowl:medal the name plata on .liberty
street. In consequence of some changes having' taken
place, a kw vacancies have occurred. and those. dale,
ous of
to thew daughters under their Bore, wadtl.
do well to make an erly applic_ation. For te avatar
circular, or apply to the Prnimpal. r p 3-.
C. sL vasasalenr.., • • a. MILIALDO
TUBACCU cumausapsLeann;
No. P.) 'South Wharves, and No. 117 iSonth Waxer sL,
- _ •
BI3EGS to inform the trade and dealer, generally,- of
Pittsburgh, that they have made shore
wan the Virginia tuanufaciurere and the Growers a f
the West, 'West Indies, nod other places, on will insert
a large mid consuint supply of the following deeerip
-03. of Tobacco, which wilt be sold upon as mem.
&initialing terms as zny otlier house in this city or else
where, nod all goods ordered from them will be war
. reused equal to representallont
Gave:oat St. Domingo; Count- ,
Yarn; Sotto limo; . Peim'ac Sced Leaf to- •
Cuba; 'guild; -}Florida; ) Lames
ALSO—Branch's celebrated Aromatie Stag Caven
dish, with a large assortment of other popular brands,
nod qualities of {woods, Os, vs, lts, los and tqa, Lump;..
ea and Ina Plug; Ladles' Tenon Vi twi t,
he., sweet tut whule and hall borgnua
xes, wood
and tilt together with every Variety of article belong
ing to the ,rode. lelndly
Produce, Commission and Porsrardinia
NJ. G 2 Nonni Whativra, rho 129 WAVER Sr.
• Hutt to—/oho IL Brown & Co. .
Hubert Steen & Co.
.• • narrroa, a Co. PhaidelPhis•
Sum& kLmaJey & Co.
&Ilea & hew Vork.
Walters h Ilarrey, Iraltiatore.
Itugaley &Satoh,
Iluttonlge,Wtlnon &Cu kluabargh.
Hailey r I.lrusau & Co.
viler -
I.Cr Liberal cub advancer on ennsignments to am
address. tuararally
F. C. CI4A•110. [CIT. 10111, VCATIIIL
And Uenaral Cenuninsion Merchant*,
No larrlurro We'emrSzekork,
REFEHENCES—Henry Co rat.burhHlA..
&Schooley c "'"-
A. M. January, Mayseille.
(lorries Ilashero, Jr., houierdle.
• /Milk, Huniphreymi &. Co.
R. & Co. Mal erPs
Reed & Brother,
' Dutilh &Cousinery, New lurk.
Commission and Forwarding Niero'skant.
No. `AI wool, sr., prrnotation,
icncrlYiJiy to transact Y general Commission ouzo
DCA., especially is the purcbare and hale of A nicri
can blununiciares and ProducA w a inn receiviiig and
firma:din; Goals consigned to ins cars. As AI fur
the Manummures, he will be constantly supplied with,
the principal Israel. of Pittsburgh ftlanufseiro c at the
iowest wholesale once llrdeas and connignineine
L I,
.211 P. CONWAY & CO, • .
TIORTS.uUTH, Ohio Communal/ and Fb marling.
I, Merchant, 211s1 Produce Ikalent—Who attend la
the Purchase, Sale and Shipment °frig Irian, Coal, ,icq
Kamm arc •
Atwood.pariett & Co., Brown, & Co.;
urea,Sterling & Cu., llenry Gnat,
Graf, Idtalsay &Co., D. Leech ;LC.,
Lyon, !Mott Co, - Clarke & Thaw.
_ denim.
I. Or /iu P sburgto . Low of N 4.110.
' 311:1.910N
u.n, DELIADW/LT, .tocoroon,
Drier to 31ronniningencrally, Pn tsbungh.
WIIOLAthALIK GitOglittris •
Ahll 1 , 0,11111138101% MBRCILIII7,
Iron; broths Cotton Yarns 8o Pittsburgh
AlauuLeinres generally,
I:,w 10 WooD rYaetr,
Autaiontics CUllaussioh .ElifiCliAllTS •
CINCINNAT/ 4ND irkr LOtthis
Offer to tell st eilltercsubludnueot, as kinds ofitlet •
rluldot, at the lowest sates of Commissions, awl se e
pikparNO to wale a4Vaates. The Lcetotreli
lenses sorest if unwed. betters aniressed Ia sine r
hone, will he promptly attended to.
A non.; tor. C. V. ...IN. L L htillinvo 1
Produce and Commission - Illerehrusee
No. 5, ilopkods FLOW, .Ktehatige rhea, LlALlizott
Rrrks ro—Davadnii,bwiden &Co.,Jutio R. Round ,
Hugh JOWL iafi, Italliinorei AL Allen & CO, einters &
cob, ilareplen, Sandi dr. Co, rbacktut &
burgh A J Winkler, 0 bbsughneney Co., pia vile
Check, Ta)lor,
Alribro Whim,
!seal, Al.noina,,
1.0101.., • /. Wm, KU.'
And Mannfact rrrrr of ...inmd
N 0.20 Colulokin V reel,
w C m ar . a l p i ii . al c ruc t..A . r u bi e u lt:s 3 4.Lg A" ' O _ "
Forwarding Mo. hinny., grow no • 1111 l Pa.
.purucuiarly to Furururdiug of Pug; mce,
Fur Roy er,p14, 0 Foßlirrif & C UN.
CAN, Wutci at.
o. w. atoraalar ix.tatat.
WA & PATCH, • , •
Dlo. 4la Water tttttt
Louts, Mo.
Will girtltniattlat tatantion to tha :c . Louts,
duce, and to otde. tie parcha.iug.
Wthis To—George Moriput i. Co., Piathorgh,
too t
;town Y. Wintonh, •
twin cent' & tlhopolo.
lot We old wand of bony. &hhoinotlO
twothvale Tontletto-u
ILL rvn prompt owl 1.0. W. onontioo ;onto rill.,
• of 'toy tiooos,twohnow, wed Alotcholohto Nett
lally. They fer./ protwron to attend W ell the depon
wont% of thew hula.. efficiently nod lownws in Oa
hant. for Welt own otootini)fitwortiolly.
Boleti 10 N.' Allen, & Col J. W. limier &Co., Pins
. •
GENERAL E11,,13/1184/01114/4:II.OILANT•
and BB Bortiro
R‘oatorm,—Morchento of Eat B b u rrgh.
W,brolioe, Cron thr Or, 80. marl!-J4314
lAr IkILVa taken an officeinunediately uppogile
ttar burnt wureatwee, log Inc Wren!, when , 't•
wultuweant buginege ag usual, unto anew house co n
be , ccied,arriangesnea. tinting ulreatly been triad for thin pato.. Home will ulwayebot teadutegit
our wharetu receive freight. . • '
ibuccesso. It“ 1, Heard O. Co,)
umatut comaithsitut aliaciaNTS,
Particular attention mud to Mb bile of IVool, and abet ,
id advances lauds on consignments.
nyllAnw MJ ly
o -tine
t„ alb° line st eamer Wyoming r nude on &c oamo/sting letms. For paroculdfirouquire of
M fc W fIAYBA UH, t•
spi i Water NM Front CI,
co- 7 1- " , ranasnie. . • L .
OGAN & KENN have this day issociated'
& V with theta is the Ilierdware Inatiness, Philip soil-
see Sod 'Gregg. The style of firm will here-
after be LOgeh, %Vilson & Co. This art angereent ren
ders it deniable to close the add business as soon as
E ig.
possible. All names v ho s e liebiliues hare matured,-i
ere especially rogue. ed to nuke ineenbath payment.
Pittsburgh, J. 1, '
1 - 00AN, urn. N & CO.—lmporters and
_L4 Wholesale Dealers la Forel. and Dement° llard
1'../ Cutlery, Saddlery, &e, 1 3 9, Woad meet, Pitts
harghlere now fully , prepared with a
very po ted stock ofilardwareSintlery, &c...t0 offer great
inducements to western buyers, being detersented to
convent le prices unit any of the Athletic cities. Al
so tot Muni so extensive usionment of Pittsburgh ihSnir
ware,' vizi Shovels, Spades, Forks, Hoe., Vices, kc.
pall or which will be sold at the lowest tesaufacturtl
. .
.. _. ....
THE subsenbcra having recently' entered i
partnership underdog mime of Gal uglier, lo; ' ,
& !Oilier, for the purpose of carrying on the 134 l
moW Brims Founding mgd Gee Fitting liusinau In
all its .branches, have taken We stand formerly occu
pied by IL Gallagher, No. Ed Front street, between
Wand and Smithfield eta, where they aro prepared to
execute acrs ior Bella, Grass Cavtioge, of every
description and Ga. Riling, with neatness and des
patch. Steamboat jobbing promptly attended to.
Sf A. LONG. • .
, N. I.l.—The unapt'. of Machinists and Engineers is
nvited to our andaraction metal, fur , a reduced prier,
which hat been tt pronounced superior to Hobbit's by
numbers who have used both. Steandmai builders and
the public, gene nelly, are al o reiguested to call and ex
amineour superior double tenon Force Pumps for
laminae:us and someone u.e.
THE partnership en long existing under the arm of
ld'eord & King, rm by mutual eousentilissulvtd
on the Ist inst. The business will be Mined at tint, old
stand by either of us, using the twine of the armtir
that purpose. Being &rim. to have nor Nuvttees
eloaml with as little delay as possiblu„iwe would re
spectfully request those indebted to call and settle
their accounts. JOHN I). ACCI)11J).
11. it KINt/
TOIIN D. M'CORD having assiaeoped with Lisa lan
brother James hl'Conl, under the style or.WCord
& Co , will cantina:" the Bet, Cap and Fut 'husittena in
all Its varioan 'branches, wholesale sad retail, at the
old stand, corner of Waal nod sth street, where they
wiled a continuation of the patronage no liberally Sr
stowed on the old Lim. JOHN D 11PCORD.
TN touring. from the old and well known firm
WCord /r. King, I most rcupectflly rocciamend to
the patronage of the public my auncestotc, Mecum.
hltord /t Co. 11. D. KING. .
Ctia. - iar — taite ably Notion.
W. STEPILEAS of Wheeling, E. F. Shrentiergor
ofJooia o. and J. A. Siockton of Pittsburgh, have
thu day colored baton to.partneraldp under clyle and
Snit of Stephens, Shoonbarger tc Co., at the Anchor
iron work., Wheeling . . V., tor the impose of mono
facistring non and awls of every descoption.
. . .
sts'aeliOlt !PUN WORKS.
1 / W.
m arta. ure all kind * of boiler, sidiet, har iron and
nada, A. B. seal eliptic springs and axles. Being cou
nseled with ttliciesiberger's old Juniata works, we can
otter an article of Atlanta iron (branded Shoeubers et)
equal to any made iu the country. All of which will
ha sold at the Pittsburgh pnera Warehouse of the
works coiner of Aloritcna and Wawa Its. • ntyll
Co-partnersh p of the subscribers, under
I. kits of Laseirlluschisou &e., is this day dissolved
by mutual tollStrit. Esther of us trill knead to the net.
dement of the firm, and use its tune for dint Nap.,
jaul JAMES A. llU'ltikll~L d.
rilHEunderstyned have this day formed& co-partner.
A. ship, udder the firre of,Jadies A. Ibitchison & Co.,
tor die purpose of cdiainuing We business heretofore
earried on by Leona Hutchison Co.. out solicit a.
notausnanne oldie teananuya hitherto =ended to the
Pinnlnarati, Jan. 1, Intl.
TIISSOLOTIO'N—The panne:slop Sultana SSW
tug mules the style and bun of %Visas:salt & I/LI--
sell, is this day dissalved by assluel eonsest, John Del.
sell having disposed otitis mune interest to 11. Wight.
man. The !minutest of the line hem will ho settled Ly
11. Wigbiman who is authorised to twe the name of a e
lam boo tor list purpose. 11. wzwir.mAs.
'paid:tar Duly IV] J. DALZELL..
THE Subscriber la nose prepathil to nuinnixturo ail
kinds of Cotton and Woolen rilschinery at the shortest
notice.. Orders left at IL Wtrghtentoes Logo. Shin', cor-
Lner Liberty and Water tarcets, inert with prompt
intention H. WIGIITAIAN, •
Let:teak at, between Fedorst sod Sandusky its.,
sPCSldly Allegheny city.
Tlll.‘9atlitiTlON—The partnership estotnA between
'the utbscrilters, under the style of Poindexter
are., was dissolved on the Ist inni. by mutual consent.
It. W. Poindexter Is sulitorired to settle all the business
of the concert, R. W. I'OINDK.X . PER,
C.ll. gItANT.
NOTICE--Ilavingpurchued the enure interest of C.
tl-Gfany in the late concern of Poindexter Jr. Co, and
asnOtiated ray eon, Theodora PM:Wexler, With the
tautness will be continued tonal under the link, Of,
Pohideret lip?) KW POINDEXTER.'
tonic UNDERSIGNED, doing •batusers under me
j name of Arthur. & Nicholson, at their Foundry on
Thitd st.rat, have this' day, by 1211111.101e411116t111,
Vfd thrie co-partnership. All chose kite:wine tl•ein
selves and...bled to the firm, ate requested to call at
their watch:nix un !Ahern street, opposite bead of
%Vood, and rett:e; and all having elan. °gain , : them
present the. the sum, piece tor , settlement.
Jul/\Alt'l'll Oft,
Aprtl I, IdW.
tOOOOdatt.I Ilhemlelveg todellicr under We firm
oal John Parr., & , tor We ;nark,. µ the
LeoAN of We " Itoralaeu'd Linn," Will co/Moue lo
tutus:get a getter.' tor teerWog and loual-
Ors. 111 We old sund or We Canal 110,11.1.4benk 3to-dt.
'JOHN PdttlltEld,
aM. Ilurelttieid bad a tut ..... Vic
.NLI Dry Good. Itaitarza ttoutluited u mune of the
uutlerstgntd, corner ut Fourth txtul Nltulttt 11% I'M.-
burgh, 30Inutrucileg Frt.. 4, Ste. - The Int.tiurt.4 for We
present Will be conducted uudcr Sr funrs , ntylo of
ottardl t V IL AIL HMV
O.PAIXTRILBI4IIIP—Wut. Votinglurn glhl.
with lion, John IL N . C... llw
husinesn will hineolier he eOldllcwil wide,
hula of Win. Young .t. Co. %VILMA:it Yin:NU,
wit.l JNO
Jayne.. laxpectorants
SW.S... ca, tr., Apr. 9.4, IJ4I.
I%R. D. JAYNES: Irate hat-1 bound to jam
.L.F and the maimed publac, tautait topself tn.• f.-
pununity of giving publicity to the et wiosignory e free t.
of your PYpectorent mint) I lse anc been Maimed
for several years with .ere caeca. hectic levet
awl as coueomittuti daemns, and cr., utca only doomed
to linger out o short but miserable existence, until the
fall of MIS, when, being Inoue reverely attacked, end
having resorted to all my former reinedmx,nod thepre
riptious of two of the mast respectable physician. in
the neighborhood without defining stay benefit, or: din
connotation of surviving but • taw day,. or week. at
farthest—when the Wet gleam of hope wise elfish to
vanish, I had recommended to nie year Expectontut—
andablesred by that Being who does ell ttungs ht We
me of the manna—and cootraiy, b the expeetstioosai
my physicians and (needs, I wan su a • nosed
(ono my bed, nod wet enebleit lay We tt4e of a bottle, to
attend 5o my busmen., enjoy nag breve better health thou
I hail for tell years Keehn..
Respectfully yours, &a, JAII. W. Doha-
For :sale in Fittaburgh, at We Fektat Tea Suer, 73
Fourth sweet. • mats
if:lli:at, N. F. City.
(I.D. L. Fnamwcuca, i•ipsburgh.
W. FAnNicwroe,
Wholesale Di•ng SSSSS 'the City of
New York.
TIMM undersigned are celmisively , engage the
Wholesale Drug business, at No. 49 Julia sheet, in
the city of New lock, and are prepared lo SUPPIy
Drngpste and country . klercbauln lhv go, Paints,
1/ye-anltts, Fore pa and Antencsm roffitmery,
Matador, Wearer Pdatudees Chem:male (of their own
truportation)sand all other articles to there Wm of buci
nes., of a superior quality ass lows. they can Sc pur
ch.ed ht this or any eastern city.
New York, Febla IL A. FAIINFhtTOCIC k Co.
Ignreher , s Chrome Green.
rfc'enL").',,,"r„,V ; oftbectty
or New Vora, pate endued tested, nal oro'now using
• uew.aracle uf Chrome Green manufactur&dby Oro.
K. Member, of this city, and bad it to work well,prth ,
ducing . a titre brilliant aria Green appearance, with a
Very Willed.. body, and recommend it to our brethren
In the trade as to every particular the beat Choate
Ureen we have ever used. New York. /ear it ' 47 .
Higood by% firms of practical-painters of th e city of
NO* York. This unethialled Chrome Green may. ,e
had of A.: E. 511.LF11.4, No 47 Wood street, who haw
the exclusive agency for its sale InTittsbusgh. moth
A Vilna Bali lir Teeth for Yb Cents.
AVll!'et: Th:311'11, FOUL, LIBLATII,
g tiMillit.—Yellow and iiiihealtliy teeth, inter be
ing once of twice cleaned with Jones' Amber 'tomb
Paste, have 1 be appear.. of the nom beautiful ivory,
and ot the nom time Ills imperfectly innocent and ex
gebutely flue, that iMeonstant daily use to highly ad
vantageous, eves to thew teeth that are la a good cow
didon, giving Onw a beautiful polish, end pieveuting
premium decay. Those already ddeayed it prevents
Kam Lemming w also autos such la are be
eotaiag loose. and by perseverance it will reader. .the
foulest teeth dellent illy white and make the breathdc
helenely swech tto.`d VIAL JACKSIX , O,oII Liberty
BA. A. rY'svarlftlesifeef,
JOlLfive years, was unwell to, sevcral days, and the
lane. inoreued so atm unagly that I Mond death
would be the result. hones wordy! the good effects
of Fahuestock's Vetinifuge whoa adutinisteted to the
childten or my neighbors, osid thin \lug my child might
Gave wou.sitrum Aisne nand
symptom, 1 gave It one
and O. hid( teaspoonfuls of the Verinituge, and to my
great' motioistimmit it aliiimt tionwitiamly discharged
ocirrecit at awl dtiO largo worms. Its health wits soon
matured, und ais now roomakably weir. Previous to
taking the Vermituge, the', wow° a would occasionally
rise in 11.• 01101 a, and often Moroi would die mmt
strangulation. JA.S. U. DAMSON.
Tionesta, Veisango ea, Na., April 3, MP. atria
Pore-lat. bootasao Gloodi
COOL WIFINC!, JtaCtlloll CO, Ply NlN(vh I ; stis.
ShlLLl,Stii—lhavo neatly width Hu: Ver.
grcfcgc nod cough Syrup you scum, Your Yes
nutinui • Witt/OLN exoeptiou uto best ever i ee ls
n i t hboti t ood, having proved staid wherr Us—
'La Cwugh Syton and Laver Pills have also givhii sal.
isfaciluo Your oh% Drat. J SCOTT, Postmaster.
Prepared ea d sold by It E SELLEJLIt6I•WoaI Ai.;
sold by Dr Cease, hth yaid; b id Curry, Allegheny; Ic
w jbuw.h,Yelopesanoisilie...
• ` rots now Dusk • Powder. a 'delicious od highly
autritput Said; which never turas acid on the stonnielli
and la stow ouivensiliy recommend." tiitthe fatally to
C(NrCfNUNO to tinsel, Sago, Tapioca, or plaits Arrow
Boot, as better sailed to the deliiittated stomach of In:
vanity and a more strengtheoing and tvLsihisoina food
for Silents. Nor sale by E SELEMI,
"ntarA p wood at
en AvANuvry &‘.
Libenr sl
_~ ' ~ ~ TNEB,SHIPS: ;
FM•M - 7TWO7T7qTrf7w2
- . .
atoms Ann cannon, TIIOPIIIIIIOdI Tifp establishment long and wide ly known as
being one of the masicommodioas in the city of
Baltimore, has recently undergone very eaten.
siee . alterations .and improvements. An enure new
has linen added, containing numerous and airy
alThe. api t ert ; ,ll4 : 4 4, and .
n e i v i lsi:r e e . ba=g
m niso m n% ay
reorganixed and hued up in mom unique and completely
style. In fact the whole arrangement of the House
hue been remaleled, with a single eye on the part of
the proprietors. towards' the comfort and pleasure of
their Guests, and ishichl they confidentlyrt will
challenge comp -Anson WPII any Motel in the asse Undies
Their table will always Le supplied with every sub.
Menial and luxury which th e market affords, served
em in a miporior style; while in the why of Winks, he.,
they will nor be surpassed. ' •
. In yonelusion the propnetpri begat say, that nothin g
will be led undone on their pan, and ou the part of their
assistants, to render this lotel worthy the Cominued
patronage of their friends end the public generally. •
s 'ffhe prices for board heldve also been reducctito the
follow:mg rates:
Laden , Ordinary, e1,75 per day.
Gentlemen's " 1,60
LL—The Baggage Wagon of the House will al
vroys be found at the Car and Steamboat Landings,
wlnch will convey baggage to and from the Boleti free
of charge. - mayLtf
entrusiet, onto.
2 TUE subscribers hams parchnsed the cello,
Interest of CoL G. I'. IViltimnson, law of Iltis
well known establishneent, beg leave to state to
their friends and the goblin genewttly, that they biter
taken this realizations Hotel for :item of years, end
will axon their best energies to make it a desirable
borne for Trevellen and City lioardurs."
The Hotel is specious and admirably planned for
convenience, ligla and nir,liaving a number of parlors
adjoining chambers, presenting unusual attrecuoits to
The prescut proprietors having bad the espe.rience
They will bt:
give undivided attention te
o the house alone,
The lodation of the Pearl Fire. Ileum to nuaornmori
ly eligib e, having trout. on Pearl, Widen and Third
streets, so that it is equally dasipable in view of the
convenience of men, or enurement for private
boanlers. It is near by Or Banks, the bust Ofliee, the
gleaonic Hall. Odd Fellow's Hull, and but one aqua,
distant from Minn street and two squitrria-fromtlic Cis's
%%rhea', thus odering the greatest inducements. espeet
ally to country merchants and generally to all persons
visiting Cincinnati JOHN NOBLE.
usch.7 JOHN it DOM.&
roes. or exsix ssn sr. cola rtimessiatt, rs.
2 The subscriber Inning wanted the otanag.
meat of this long established and popular Hotel
respectfully mummers to Travellers and
Public generally.shnt he will be at all times prepare
to aceMnuitidate them in all things desirable an a toe
regulated Hotel. 'The House is now being thorough
repaired throu,Ortitl, and new Furniture added, and n.
pains will be spared to make tin Eseliange one °fib -
very beta llotels in the country. i
Thtiundersigned respectfully solicits a
or th e very libcralpaunnage the /louse bas heretofo
received. TIIO3IAS OWt. , MN,
febbdtf • Propnetor. i
xQ dam, mitandr 'boar, ottuesitma. '
e THE aubseribera, mole, the brm of Bridge. h.
West, have purchased blr. Jones' interestplthie
crtablidanent, and hope by the strictest attendee
to theesaiths and comfort of their guests, to merit a cone
thtuance of the liberal patronage heretofore received
by ha former proprietor.
The house hastieen thoroughly remise:ril e and re
paireeti u• therefore feel assumd.we can weleuen oar
friends - arid the puhde b accommodationi equal to any
in the city of l'hiladelphia. ld. NV. BIIIIXI 15,
ilyebbf JNO. WEST.
coma asta Amstar. ars. entramtan.
TIIIS establishment a uow in the bast order for
the recrption of the Traveling Public.. Having
undergone thorough repair during the peat
winter, and having the mow eaperieneed Men the
West in the various departments,' flatter mysel (that all
will be pleased who ea/1. The location is emtatal, rota-
Inothoo a and passim', Fare St per slay.
Cincinnati, March 10,'77 . A IN •F. kr.kaaLL
N. a—Although not exactly'a pew Ilrocum; it is the
earne—a new tVhist, on the ohltsauttle. open(
Laillelt.t.T., Ir. •
itARTS TIMOCK.3IORPON begs to acquaint his
friends that he' n again lessee of. the GALT
!lOUSLt, Louisville, Ky., whereas hopes to Mtet
nil hi, old friends, assuring them and the . public, that
tw cabs: shall be 'mated to make all comfortable who
I:av_or Into with their patronage. jauntily_
, mom, sr, armrests Nut's Ass Ernsj. d l rrh i lls r'
stand' , • ltroprietsr.,.
TrODA ANALOGY—IIobn rt . ; An.
11 .40* W . Lhaler's Analogy of Religion. Na..
Loth and Revealed, to the coustatoron and course of
nature,. with.notei. Also, Cronford's questions for e a.
mainanon; revised and edam.' to the use of schools,
by Charles E. IVess, Principal of flutget's Institute. tn .
the city of New York.
be.—Tbe de Settecorte. de Amiettiu. Paradolo, and
SOIIIIIiI.IIII Scipio. of Cuero, .0d the Life of Noe!,
by Cornelius Noon, with English Norco, Critical nod
Expinimoury. by Charles Alaimo, L. L. IA 5r
'PPE BOVI, oPILING BOOK—Description of the
Sermons, Scenery.; Enrol Lite. and Greeley AMY.- •
meld, by 'Thomas Millet with 15 illuidratione
A NOVEL DC MAIIRVATT—Tee Children el the
New Forego by Capt. kthrryalt. R. N.
by C..P. a June.
. -
Thcabove works remised IS day. and for sale by
TYI S Book&Iles., cm . MO ad 10.1
Net. Paper and Book Establishment,
Os 'lVocio rir . army.. Fortni Ana MAMMY A LLOT.
r .r . " Pl F Y::ll " . ' :4, '" .,.. 'o k o o t ri ' ltr: ` .l.l7, d ;,; ' „ ` ,: ` ;:i. " ‘l ' Ll
pi„i„.:,„. pack et e Wnling and Getter Paper, coon
merrial and ac Too Flat Cap, deny and medium
writing papers, lot blank book. 11ttailLIITI and }1.13al CO.
Wed L . , U.N.' Paper, medium, ileiny and cop Day
,looks and I.edgers superior paper and best Eastern
binding: School ItiMk... Droll kind. standant oink, in
'rlieology and Seiencel4-Quills , gold and steel Pens,
Wafers, W.s.r. Pill File, Or. Or.
Blank ' k• of all aims ruled la pattern, and bound
in the 1210 i substantial manner.
Country Nerehants supplied at lowest wholesale pri
ce, li/f ca I, or rugs at cash prima.
JIJII I•PINTINCI.—IIav inn ado!. office in connection
vrith our, we ans prepared to scenic all
orders idridain and fancy PrmuLooks. pamphlets,
circular, bushier. cards, IMO oflading, 4Se., WI Cal dele
pate h mid at low pricer. ELLIOTT .k. EP:I:LP:II.
wiN Om wool in, between 4th and diamond alley.
A T OCR STORE on Markel street, Nu .sd. between
..n. 34 and 4111, may at all nines be foutul a large
stock of Theological and Nliseelleineous nooks. New
Woks received ...non as published, and sold at low
st mum. 'file publicanuio of the. American nianday
Othool Cmou and fitaesachuseto Sabbath Pyheol S.
ritzy, always on band. •Cosalogues furnished on ap
plication. . ' ELLIU IT & ENGLISH.
01 1 1 . 56 market st, between 3d and 4th
14,TEM , ' 1101,0i$—Lecturesu hdralsspeare, by 11 N
The 1.,,,vri of th.l . Enpit, or plain thoughts addressed
to Christian oniiiste.,,and thaw brat theta, un the
tailuesce pea preached rionyol, by rb Dev. Gardiner
The Peasant :PO his Landlord, .4 the Damitest,
•Kuurring. Translated by Mary llowitt.
lAcuartitte's ritroudlsta, VoL 111: Ilintoey the Gt.
14:n1,1440r perrottel memoir of the pad/pow the Freneb
Revolution; Dom unpublished sources—by A. de Las
A few ropiCit °reach or the above works received
thin day dud Inc rale by
JEIIINSTON Lt!frocK'roti, Llooksellen,
LuT3O corner martst and ad it,
LEcrußEs ON 13ILAKSP11A1117:3 Idle and Chnr.
actor, hi. 'rhea/steal Labors, bit Poems, Sonnets,
An, by II N Hudnall.
The lower of tlio Pulpit. or thoughts addressed to
Christian ministers and thoVe who bear them, by Gard.
ncr ring, ).
The tt
Ame rican Ptaclicn Condensed, or the Family
Physician, being the *emulate system of medicine, tot
principles, for oil classes, by W Beach, M.
D. For sale by HI,I.IIYPT a ENOLISII,
. . ,
56 market 44 bet. M and 4th, /111,1 76 wood .t, bet. 4th
and diamond alley. my3o
Ja ISVORlES—Roberttou't, Rollin'., Gibbon's, Rua
mall'a, Mod. Europe, Preecott's Mexico, Peru, ac.;
ma:belt:o4 France: Arnuld's Roma Harper'. Pictorial
1-hteland; Nicloukc Nome; ulna Coutututional
ry of khoglaudi Arnold'. Later Ituonut Cutunotatveabh;
Schmit's Rowe; Burner's History of his own timer, with
noteallationn't Middla Age.; Milne Crutodes nod Chic
airy; I.lrostinng'. Illstory of diet Iluguetionc, Thierry's
Iltdaricol Works; Nest's_lkistory of the PurintioN'llsent
French nevi Taylor's:annual of A sock and Alool. I to ono
ry; I tartoluettun to the History of the Church, by Joey*
itightley't m a s
hy end Ektgland; Itooke's Popes, 'rho
above, Wan other valuable works, for tale by
mord J L ItEAD
NEW 11006S—Plfe of Cromwell, by JT Headley
• Potrero( the Pulpit, by tiardiner Sprott', U. U.
Bethel Flag, do do
Jacobite on Gospels, Matthew, with Harmony; •
Lecture. on Sliutspeare, vats; 0
Path of Life, or Sketches of the Way to Clary end
Footstep. of Messiah;
The Convent; by author of Sehuol Uhl in France;
Now sod Then, by Wvren;
Sketches of Lotion., on Pt rubles and Miracles;
iYaleinue to the Stranger' . .
Ike , . en upon Lash;
Ilawkstun, a tole of nod for England: it vole.
For sale by- ELLIOTT &
_Jere__ 7S wood and Sd inaract
NEW LlCSititt—Just received at the Apollo
logy, arid for toile by J. ItEAD.
unineaof theh istory of Louisiziou; a sena. Lectaret,
by C. tiuyarie.
A discourse on the lifc, charterer and public servi.
cc. ofJaniesKent, lote Clitowellurof the Data of New
York; delivered before the judiettry and bur of the
city and stale or New. York, by John Doer.. '
Jiiitory ofEtiglatid, trout the invasion of Julius Cie.
{•r to the (CllO Lit Victoria; by Mrs. Illarkbant,• a new
edition, revised nod enlarged, with questions; by Elias
Hobbits •
‘T.EW - Wit —Witl.teeeteed front the publieher,
111 end for title et the Alethodiet 'Book St6rc , 4til
'lona Wood. TuppePe ProVerbfill-Philoeophy, in:three
styles beholding; a beautiful book for a preeent.'
Preparation tattle Pulpit
Sketches Or tiefilloll{ on the Parables and Miracles
of Christ, by the author of the Pulpit Cyclopedia --;gal
eketebee, be. The 'Englieb Pulpit; collection of 4i:t
ritons by the nova etnine,rit being di sates of England.
(heed, Chreutut Lore, 1.0,
en thou me, Sacred Pleihtatione. otyal
'LILECTRICAL MACHINES and jllloatmllve App.-
for acadendea, wbouls add Mantic..
Illectro Medical Apparatua and Elston, alagnoie
Illaulditem, for phyaletana and invalids. ' ;
Roach Thermometers, warranted.
Relined and /unpaved Gotta Pemba/ Clictuidula,l,‘"r.
spectlvea, Plate Glass fur opticiads; tor sale by
, N comer market Novel and the duu t noust, entrance
du diamond. tnydll
jr Crammed!, by J '/' Headley, author of "Is Ispoletall
4.1 Ilk aturslods," "The Sll.Cred alooptaina," "%Vasa.
inatuti and his Generals," etc, etc. Ilterbied this day
and for wile by
jell Wotan" tact and &Pats
Just received the
Edinburg Iluvu.w,
wood's Edinburg
M(Line J & Co.)
of Moat fire proof safes,
south wide, second street, between Wood and
Smithfield Pittsburgh. J S Strickler haring deceased
and the surviving partner Mr. Jos Lippencott,
assOcisted himself with Mr. Wm C Burr, the business
will hereafter be conducted under the style of Lippert.
cont, Born
.Trial of a safe in Cincinnati, o.—We, th e undersign
ed were present at the testing of cue of J S Sniclther &
this improved Phonix fire-procif safe. The safe was
placed in a Pumice on the public lending, and subjected
to the intense heat of a stone coal fire fin more than
three hours. Inane hour and a half thesafe came to
bright red heat; the door of the furnace with then
closed, which earthed an Increased and steady heat for
the balance of the time, until the east iron wheels were
partially melted oth the furnace was then thrown down
and the safe.cooled and c.pened.. The money, papers
and banks which it contained were as perfeet as when
placed there, the binding only of the books being in
jured by the water
io cooling the safe. We have uo
hesitation in recommending itsa the, public as a safe
superior to any wu have ever semi tested, and believe
that it will stand nob heat which might be produced,
Septa heat which would melt It to • solid mass.
Springer & Whitman, L. WorthinglOn, Kellogg &
S Keunett, llettj. Umer, W G P Breese Mums Smug T
Duttgajr& Co, Stedman,.2thayani ic'Co, Wm Manse,
'Mead & Winston
We, the 'undersigned, .elected the safe spoken of
above, (torn a lot in the store of Trebel. & Aubety the
Ftefcr to Cook dc liarris,l3rokencritteblihi
lieseettleA Co, ricLjid le3likwlyS
u. tvrucoiT. aonin7w.c. 4 c. xosomi
... - .
It,rANUFACIVILERS'or Hammered and Cast Steel
Shovels and Spades, Azes and Ilatclos, Mill, ti
Cut, Circular and Gm Slthes,llay and Manure Forks,
Moen, Mattocks, Picks, At., having completed all their
nrrangements in the constmetion of neWtniachinery,
and In securing the best workmen from the most cele
brated establishments ern., East are now manufactur
ing and will keep constantly on hand and for sale all
the above articles, having availed thenaselvei of the
latest improvements, and ore determined Malin work
monthly and material they will not be excelled. They
promise to produce artietesequal, if not sapetior, to
any that can be had in the Eno, They invite the atten•
lion of dealers to on examination oftheit stock before
, nnehasing elsewhere,. they are convinced that they
Will be able to Ml all orders in their line to the entire
satisfaction of purchasers. M'archouse, Water street,
1 doors tWest Monongahela House; Pioebergh, Pr. •,
N. IL—Perrotic having business with Woo. Lippon •
con & Sou yell Melon etdlon Lippeneott le Co.
• octIMI
Pittsburg .l4 h 3lllN.
Fur W niture Ware Roams,
. .
tA THIRD enure
XA large and splendid mssonment of Funtl
turo, mumble foe Stearaboaut, Hotels and pri
vate dwellings, 'constantly on hand and
madam order.
The prestutpitock on hand cannot be exceeded by
any manufactory in We western country. P.M,.
wishing to purchase would do well to give me et cull,
as 1 inn determined my prices shall please. Pan of
the stock consists in—
W sofas with Plush and Ilaiseloth tavern;
211er Mahogany Nurse Chairs;
' II pair Divans;
In dos fine mahogany Chairs;?
22 mahogany Work' Stannic
1 dos mahogany Rocking Chain;
15 marble top Dressing Bureaus;
pair 0110n1.4;
if 111SibiC.10p Work Stands;
ltl cherry Work Stands;
Matti/mazy, Maple, Cherry, and Poplar Bedsteads of
all descriptions, and a large as.ertruent of coalman
furniture and chairs, too flamer°ua to mention.
T IIIIY are not aware how frightfully illpltiOtle it into coarse, how rough, how sallow, yel.
low and unhealthy the skin appears after using prepas
pared chalk: Besides it is imurionit, containing &large
quantity of lead!
We have prepared a beatitifut vegetable article,
which we call JONES' SPANISH LILY WRITE", It
is perfectly innocent, being purified of all deleteridat
qualities; and it imparts to the skin a neuirakaftealthy.
alabaster, clear, hymn white; at the same timemseDui
as a commie on the skin, making it soft and smooth.
Dr. James Auden., Practical Chemist of Massa
chusetts, says: "After analyzing /ones , Spanish Lily
iWhite, I find it porneeses the went beautiful and nalki.
and at the Seelle.OSSß flame.° white I ever saw. I
eerininly can eou.eienuoudy recommend iw use to s
• II I
Pitt Machine Works and Panndry.
urrrannunit, PA
JOILN IVRIGHT b. Co., are prepared to build Cotton
and Woolen laehinery erere description, such
us Carthug Machines Spinning Frames, Speeders.
Drawing Fames, Rail ' aray Heads, IVarpers,Spoolers,
Urossytg Frames, Looms, cunt tiritiders, he. Wrought
I MAI Shuidag turned; all smeirof Cast lion, Putties and
Dangers in the latest patterns. Slide and hand Indica.,
mid toots - anti kinds. Castings of every description
furnished on short nonce. Patterns made to order (or
Afiil Geandg, Iron Uniting , Se. Steam Pipe for heat-
tog Caetunes, Clot Iron Window lash and homy Caw
tin:a generally, Orders"' len at Me )Varehoure of .1.
Palma & Co., Ltherty weal, will, knee prompt anew
Rorer l Blackstock, Dell &.Co., J. K. Moorehead &
Co„ 0. E. NVaraer, Joho Irmo & Sena, Paottaargh; 0.
C. & J. 11. %Varner, Sleobeavilla. janlD
Spring, /We, Steel and /ran Works.
C ° ll72 l n ‘ e; l r ' m ,l 'u l A l s, L e ' n'; L.' st . ot Co prCpa h rtr fo ' rti °rn arfre a .
tare even., dairription oi Cnaelt Sprinp,
holt Azle, American, Slimier, Spring and Plough
We I, anifiall al of
on moan, and round lean,
arli eh tlrey offer for rale on liberal terms, at dim ware
fr, No 41 Wood wee,: where they also keep on
hal complete and latialainee itarioamen! of Coach
7t; nmpgy Carriage Hardware, Malleable Castings,
arid lion.
~ 11 k C!o., La - re made arrangement* with Aleuts.
Ira) Cron., tuautt facturerr Shovels, Spa 4., Forks,
kr,' and will keepconstantly on hand every article
made by them. De3IGIe are respectfully spbcitesi to
oil, as prices and terms will Le nude liberui--jr.ii
New Hardware Ilona..
- ing o n from this firm of
to altl.l lOW tioodwall, on the 101 of Jimuary, la4Z, I
take pleasure in announcing to iny friend. so the city
end country, lb. i lta . oe opened my new store ut the
above atoned place ltuvtng purchased my good. for
cash, nail made arrangement. wuli ttianutacturers in
thi. gocutry and in lairope to he constantly
ti ed . ,suppd
I nin tally prepared to turaisn Hardware of .11 d
Olt as good terms and us low us any house East or
West. Merchants and others are fettiVetality eil to
f t Ittl r e d c
uty stock, beitre purchasing else.
where. The !allowing compriaes a pull of his stock:
Steamboat and saddlery hardware, gun trimmings,
Men, l'inylor's steel, cutlery, edge touts, uneds,
locks, latches, sgtythes, butt homes, sere wit, Unites Fac
tory planes, sows, mahogany hoards and veneers, and
lOU INher articles connectedwith dm hanlware boat , .
Gl . a el ir y
• brg leave o7i itli?ru"l..the"'lttiTesJ
. orga and vicituty, that he Eat; taken the Daguer
riarrltOotai lately occupied by Mr. Yorter. The pub
lic are assured that all the late Improvements are seen.
red; and will be brought it
operation by Mr. !loge,
who ha • been n operator same the art was
El. discovered. Entire sattsfuetion is guaranteed to
allwho many hccunm bis punt.. Mr. 11. will refer
will pleasure to Mr. Porter, in whou establiiihnicin itu
has operated for the last twelve inonths. Family Pot-
Unita,' Engravings, Daguerreutypu, Ae., accurately
copied. Likenesses token nany weather, and set in
lockets, breast pins, caeca. and Hornet. •
Instruction, gyn. in every branch of the art, and ap.
A N Bo l .. c `L ". t
l_ll received per steamship Caledonia, front Europ g e " , ‘ a
loincloth! and corned collection of Gooseberry Trees, of
the largest aad most excellent sons; French Bourbon
Musa Roses and Dwarf Moss Provence Roses, together
with one hundred yards of Box, for bordering; for stile
at ROBIN:1ON'S, Frith street, near Wood, where may
be found the handsomest and hest collection of Cana
ry Duds and Mal Cage. i thiic city, with Canary and
Hemp :teed, by the pound or barrel. aptl7
Jr to DR'
DO Market at. hare received 6 canes of cheap
printed Lawns and n cases of French do, of
lorry variety o wle, to cases of goal style (ling
limas, 4do nw s t yle s Preitoq 4do blue and °m ode Cal
moet, tai bleacned Muslim, all widths. Aldo, rase,
bleached, brown and blue Drills, Cottonades, Checks,
riingbauts, &c. &c., all of winch will be offered at the
lowest Eastern wholesale prices. my:a
Illi,acltlaun Shop.
101" WID I IOIAN-31onufacturer ot ill! ki tide of eoW
J.-La ton mid woollilia, machinery. Allegheny city, l'a
'Die above works biting now to lull stud successtal op.
oration, I sin prepared to execute orders with dispatch
for all kinds of isiachniery in my line, such as willows,
pickcis, spreaders, earls, grinding machines, railways,
drawing , rooms, speeders, throsails, looms, woolen
card., double or dingle, for nee retsina or country work,
mules,Jacks, r slide and liand Intim...and tools in gen
eral.. All kinds of x 4,11114 made to Order, of plaits giv
en lot geurkge fxclunes or 10111, renausiside charge.
Reran T.—Kennedy, Childs 6 Co., Blackatock,
& King, Fermin:a & C 0.., Jas. A. UM),
Shaving and Hair Dreading Saloon. -
ijiLACKBOI,I & FOUIITAI3I. 7bitsorini Praftators,have
J) repainted nod lilted up their :basin, Hair Urcasing sod
Ohampooolug Saki m in the modern style, and ar•preparecl to
ynall on geulksuen ones, wiN ran, comfort and polltencsa.
They,,e prels&rrd to wanes all that may call without delay.
Ilwaktul pad bison, we elicit • mainmast,. of Dm
same, &Lour &Audi, aoract of Unica, streetand th aDiansaad,
(back of Alexander
_Pay', Dry UOOl.lll Stars.) a 9
A FULTON, hell slid M., Founder, hors re
builtbuilt and commenced Lushly. ut hi, old stand,
where he will be plumed to see his old cutout
and Oltenia.
Church, Steallilatal,tillii ISCUO of every etre, from to
I,IOMM pounds. anal iron! pyitell. Of We mua uppror: .
ceramic!, nt
and werraed id. he vitt.: best meteorite.
Almond Water Pumps, Countereillalling, aa, toge
ther watt every vat ely of area. Comings, ni lelNlted,
turned nue finithed in the lieLll.l Mann,.
A. the solo .tiroptietut of Hamra'. Ann.Arrep .
Tam no he juwly celebrated fur the reduction ut
trihaun on machinery. The Ltozeit and ernufvoritiou
can be had at bun at all wane, only
P/oughs, Plough Casting*, Wagon . Mazes. /Le.
ItuttElCV BALL, of the old
wru ng f IL& S. Hall, nartufac
tuu large quatititie• of
oughs, Plough Csungs, Wag.
on Uoler, Sc., tents the 1/(111r0VeltItInS of the Leaver.
rettroa, 1111.1., nod other Vloughs,,,l the Intel mid
1...41.141W.r tiny us use. •
%, 111,11.,,, ZOO 101anty, rime!, Vitulturgh, opposite
the Huy Seale; Fuctury, to allegheitycoy, neat We guano e
utuury of Messrs. Illuclitoq, Bei. & Co.
ir --..- --------_
W. A. J. taiiltlarti, Book litnallirsu
%, F. am suit cosugo.l is 1110 above bosoms., corner
T . of tl.Ol au. Cis 1.1 street., l'insburill, where
0,0 are prepared to .10 nay work. to our Attualandt des
patch i" 0 intend U. uur work personally,rd ends
luciaut .1111. I. l ' , '' iii taaant tit' its unto es and do.
1110.1 k Houk:, ruled to any pattern and ifoundlsub.
niattoully. Woks to int to hers or old books Nook am
!oily or fa:paired. Atom:ll,ot on Nails Injgiit ilium.
Thu.: but 11:6, ,ock itt our Hue arc inaettul 10 COIL
Pores low.
To Coutroctors sod ilulldira• II
qUlt z4.l m
I.K. very low, to close rile IW(WCSSI F - the
J_ la in ar of Coostablo& Strickler, 3 pop. of 'milt
Dears, of superior utununietord. Apply o:
- CONSIIAULL, iii, 01:0 .t.Cdt,
__..Pfttr sal lit, rardoor tr9lo W _
t il UST liaglVlllC4 lvgn uudSpleuiltusiesns
ul Cloth., Cassuuerea, Vesungs, Crarg., & and
'or sale by_ Z‘vit..l.(nais, m.rcanrr.ui f
myl under Alonsingithela Slots., ordithrielli St
_ i:
THE aableriber respectfully
the owners and captains
strangers vieiting Pittsburgh,
stock of carpeting, no* tor ball
street. They casuist of every
most fashibnable styles of'tome
brought to the Western market.
built expressly for the carpet boa
less of expense,) been fated up
modern style.
The carpets receiving are of
the richest and most brilliant co
They comprise, in pan. of the
Supenor Tapestry, a new as.
English ind American Brus
sels; •
Imperial Ingrain, new at).
Superior Ingrain; new de
Pine Ingrain;
Common do •
Plain and twilled Venni.. '
Extra super cord twilled do;
Royal do,•
Sheep Pelq
P i
Chenille; •
y do ard wid do e,
2 do do ' •
4 do do
6 de •do
Cotton, list, rag and hemp Carpet, common oil cloth,
oil cloth table corers, worsted and Hoeg table covers,
window shades, colored and pima massing, stair rods,
ca carpet bindings, and all othergowla usually
kept in mel stores, near which will be bald sx sis
reasonable terms as any. m the city. Baying made Ar
rangements with one of thelargest manufacturers in the
east, orders for,,any style of carpet will be promptly for
warded by telegraph, and 'delivered in orie week, at a
wain advance of the manufacturer's price.
Purchasers are
as rnlarly requested to call before
' as elsewhere, we feel confident we eon sell
as cheap as they can he purchased in the eastern cities.
_marts • E. W. LYND.
reqiieste the &minion of
of boots, eititetur and
o his large end splendid
p hts new stores, 4th
variety of the latest and
ts, Oil Clotha, &a., ever
The store ham hem
inesa, and has, (regard
. in the most Magnineent
the latest d'esicn, with
Rugs. r .., \
NEW , and splendid variety, sti
rimer. t;
SP goldiever Watches; 48 salves'
lever welshes, En.gbalq - Insiiver detached leverwasch-•
es; OS silver L'Epine watches; 55 silver. quartier
watches; IP. fine gold chains; I des new 'Lyle ear rings;
5 dos plain gob:Shoop rings; 6 dos asserted rings; mu
sisal bones, playing a varierysol popular airs; 1Y gross
steel slides, all rise.
5 des fine Fens, silk .d pepert W dos common Fans;
6 dos fine velvet bend bogs, now styles; 10 don fine
crotchet bead bags, new styles; '5 dos fine crotchet
purses, new styles; YS dos fine pamsols, essorted; Stara,
tassels, fringes, gilt end silver, for regolias; . lo dos fine
flower vises, ossorted, I dos fine steel screw pin cash
! ions; 1 don fine ivory
.serow pin coshlortr 0 dos fine
wood screw pin:cushions. A foie assortment of now
Toys, ke. On. ! morlDt
-a. Ihuso.l & co., „c. torrnottr Er, c0.,1
Piltsbargh. , Nog.voyg.
sr— A. A. 21Iasosi* . .
1 TO. 00 Market sweet, betw i t ie l asid4tl sacra.
11 burgh Pa., have recce ed their aew add
elegant store, with so cot took - of rich 'Spring
and Summer Goods, einepratng upwards of three hun
dred peekagas, of the latest Jutif most fashionable
klerebantsthroughout the country 'lmpartial.
!oily Invited to call and cumin° our stock, as it our
intention to oder our goods at the lowest 'Eastern
wholesale prices. One of the firm residing in New
York, will be constantly sending us fresh supplies of
the most desirable goods; thereby giving us eve ll fa.
eility in the umwaetion ot our business that ecadd be
posaessed by Eastern Houses. Prices are therefore
gualantsed to be as low,oa the lowest New York and
Philadelphia rates. kph
117"IIITE GOODS FOR DRESSF.---rOpen this mom
V Mg, at W MIIIIP/lIPS Dry Goods 'louse
norib cast corner of lth andblarket sts, a fall - aGurt.
mint of white Goods ter dresses, inch as Swiss Mis
hits, plant 6g d ; Molt Mall do; barred Jackonets;
plain Mulls and Jackencts. Also, varions.styles of
goods for Evening Dresses, including • few panel= of
entire new-styles kkaliroidered Alurim Robes. •
IL , New goals will be receivin ^ daily fur a week
to come, including newest styles Lieu Good,Linen
and French Guagnacris, prints and (kindles, very low.
Merchants are invited to examine the goods toad pri
ces in wholesale MOMS, up stein. The assortment
!urge and prices very low. ups
1.4 phy Writes attention to his lissoment of above
gr.% of various shades and qualities, alsidaniask,
ogured Linen Lustre, for Ladies' Drumm A large. ,
sortmeut ul fine Evestom klancb.ter, and Ficiich
thrighatos, of newest stylert also, lloyl's Fnuta—t full
assortment of these very desirable gusts, including
pink, bloc, blue and datable purply, of tterykad beauty
tul piutemk
French Ansi Lawns—Pink, blue, lilac, brown and
bud . , pinery., patterns and fest colork• small fig'd do
Tn. infants. Also, Ertlfitunines, of large and small fig
ures, for hale.' and infants' dresses.
Embroidered Swiss dress patterns, for evening dr.-
se., new oryles,• colored damask tart... do; cod
full assortment of tissues, beinges, gm:lndic/es, crape
shawls, he, at the northeast corner of Fourth and blur.
kct Areal.!
otiN KELLY fr. co; Dace... to Robb, Wine
C T P ken. A En) MEHEUA.NT TARADIS,Att: Chest
nut streekTkiladelphia, beg tenor to inform the friends
and patrons of the late fires, and strange. visaing. this
city, that they are How in receipt tithe Spring and
Summer E.toona. ALo a choice acid select assort
ment of Wen of England and French Cloths,
meres and Vestings, to which they respectfully barite
thew attention. apfieltdelmt
...ESS—(ients' Summer Goods? Super sin.
gle WinCd French Habit Cloth; and rich styles
Cassimenta black and cord Cashmerettes; tjueetgs
wed Summer Cloth.; fig'il owl plain Drap d'Epas,• Ves
tille; very choice Marseilles, Cashmere; bilk. owl
Setins;and iig'd Linen Drills cheaper yeg
1101.11NSOArS Cloth ' Store, Post Builitjags,
mcgadlly conic, wood and lipt sts •
No, 99 0 D
Wood street,
reccitiiug a very large and egleasive etock. of fresh -
Spring Pry Goods, olvery recant purchase, and bOUgbA
Undelf dig. 00. favorable 'circumstances; and wlnett
they ere Rreparcd, and will sell to merchauts, at a very
-small advance on me eastern coot.
• We would request all merchants visiting our city la
give our .lock a fate examination. and we feeilmattE
dent they irtll be entirely satisfied of the cheapness of
our shwa opt?
iv:GS—Sup French fled Name. Silks, Cush
, uieriik, and 'white Marseilles. CLJTILS—Sup
Squash,. irksh itntalsted; all colors, qualities wad !micas.
eASSIMMILEZ' in every style and quality. CAS3II
- silk warp. gaunt's Clout,. Sumuier
Cloth, tuaddesirable t.litqf for gents , wear, at press
below aght tho city. Rth.11,Nt..M.4'3 Cloth Store, I.
apt? I earner sth and wood sa
_ .
11110111.,ALE DEALERs IN DRY (..100D:1 3 No.
I .
y 119 %Vaud street, have on hand, and are constant
ly recall/111g durrng the Guente waren, a large and
xteturvo iswortMen r. t
of DRY GOODS, which they of
fer to merehants at low prices, an reasonable teraw.
hellevinso. they can giro entire sattelactims, they
contolently myna all tnerchants vi slang the city to pre
Meru a cull. apt
A A. AtA._,ON s.Ctmoia Market street, are opening
ott exteuere anaurwteut of Dams (Mods, test re-
CPIVCd petiKtprcas, compron, the largest nod guest
tasteennbly steek of Urea.. h oods Ia be Mend in Atha
etty—autoimin which we mention, 40 ps extra rich cm..
lirindered Pod de enevre, a new article, and the most
ilestrahle goals hl the market; atm, mum stripe Chat.
het, Ilereges,Tissuea, afghan . Strpe, FreneliJaconett,
ttc. &c. • • • app
- -
IIARESS , GOOIki.—A 31ASONA: Co, Oa Market
Lstreet; hare Just reed a splendid assortment of
micas floods, among which may tee round—Ftgared,
plain, plaid end striped Lineage may ,
all ',canoes silk
410:01! stripe. tireuudiers, sawn stripe do
Laines, plum du Sun., St Cballies twiny Silk, breach
'Jimoncim4c. apt:,
a-C.—Ale : ladder Zr. Day hare now spelt
1) a licuulduliatin sti wed and plaid Wraps, of the
tines qualifies and newest styles, imported; also, soles.
lila plain and broclin black•Bcreges and Publicus
splendid French Lawns, Limn Lasses and (gingham.,
%full as , urtreent hlk , plain and satin stripe de Laincs
and fine dipaccsa. '
All the-, gliode have been [ratcheted At the late per.
catptury ouroon Alice in New York and Philadelphia;
e will be sold at a great reduction from regular price,
rept ' corner diamond and tnnrket st
iILN ILA W1....5--Alexander 3 Day hero ',Teemed threct
frontihe importer hi New josh, int entire cage of
gem... Canton Grope Shawls, containing a complete
assortment of embroidered and plain shawls, 01.11 co•
lure nod gy.litleA, from 840 to So. The ladies are res.
pectlally invited to exemiee them, shawls, behoving
that some of dams are superior to any before offered in
this market. They will Cc sold renimkably cheap.
Also, Silk Thibct and Berngq Shawl. and Scarli,• a
hat aggentnent, at remarkably . low prices. • iny4
itrrE POILCELOUN litlADS—l'he subscriber
.Imving received the sole Agencyfor sale ofJoites,
%vane d. CO 11 plate, Gum, Diem, Dome turd 13iicuspi.
dames ',gain, invites Leonia' spectal attention.
JUL All/DU:It, Druggist and d.potliectry,
cot wood'ind Meta
C 1 LOVES •good •arsortoleat of lattieaand ghats
LT black, white and eolorcd Colton, I.4ie, 'fbread,
Falk cind Thibet Gloves, large sire. AIAY, black and
colored French Kid Gloves, an exec/lent , article, and
Lugo a , reri Just opening by
atn:l sIIACKI.L7rf WarrE, IYJ typal st
thsVaillaiclftlltt e ,'l tir : cru l: U — ast j tra r l ' ut .4 Cottol " t tto i rm - ,
num bk ceintApOr pair up the Guestquality. Abdo; lOU
C olt er
Dale /lost; lUU do ludo, thread, silt
and hoed e aters al., 5 mat0:461,4.5es Usiou Aid
Worms. Dealers rwd others tat wish hargains in the
above arucles, will hod them at a
am& SMITH JOIISSON'th dumarket st
- .
Uri:GERI% ac., AT WrlOLlieAth.
'll inardur. Uwe and half Nom, fur toed, wuruen and
<whiten, with a large lot of idla, cotton sad lisle thread
Gloves nod lidittsi, J at received from the import.. turd
Me side wholesale soil relruh OF
areal II
(2TEEIi 00017 M—Steel Bag Floor.,
V roe. in Me 0.1111 meet nendr, do
Fond dui du Pune Mono; du du Clorr
Key doTop Cutolui, Jun reedit
Wore, Martel mreen
myld KIM
WiirrEGOIJIM—A full u.orttoel ilCrd
and striped Cambric., blab. ane meta,
SWISS and SOLO!. 31Illi, Hook !qualms,i • Wilit,
rianiooks, spotted AbillS s. , Vision L. tutu
Aiggini,logetlics trith a lull* unoruneso __ __,...tetts,
!plain tonna:icy Nett., Laces, Edgiug., Ime Ming., Sc.
lite, ail Of wluthlative pt.( arlived , treat, from Om int
ipo.islit,its.l for sate low blithe trade, by
yil7i , • iittAtaiLmrt imanTE
___. ,
jisfa.tiv—Fine bold bliniatareCausi do do Lock
ets or flair , _ do do /Steam /nu& do du Ear Kings;
Ll 4 ;do Finger Kings; do 4o Gunn! Chain.; do do Pub
do; do du P.C. 8.1 l'enst• do do /Week& and
Clasps. Those in want Waite Jewelry will do well to
roll on u. tieture purchasing.
AND KINnEY & KNOX, market at - .
S 1 It .. L 1 .7:-F it I I i ' l l t ‘ reel - v
ei r is iri v i erT i a 6 u pa r il i r ;:i'"' d gs 1 . 1 u t tit'
brown and bleached Obeetiugs, of the, most *cleaved
mauttlaesuret of all widths and qualitleei Mao,
o.lld brawn Ohtani/gin orlon qualities, at .640 par yard.'
my 4 ;
M~~~~ ..
*VOL. XV. NO. z7I .
From the Colonization Herald.,
When we look at the aribreniiona' - 27r . km
governments and the fearful agitations of the
people of 'Europe, which threaten still fur.,
ther revolutions, and Which have isheady
brought war in their *Atiin, how' deePought
to _be our feeling of gratitude, as citizens of;
the United States, ton . benign Providence for
exemption from thets . anxieties and troubles.
Together with the joyment of ,
the largest
measure of
. fieedom which men have ever
acquired,twe possess; also, -the Tower not
only to maintain our own independence, but
to insist on an :observance of the equitable
principtesAf international law by all other
people. Seems ix .our own.strength, wecan
calmly contemplate distant dangers, and!
freely offer an asylum to the distressed from
every land.
But amidst ell this . prosperity and sead-'
ness and consciousness of our lety position
in the scale of nations, is theteno 4gitimate
cause of unemeness in the .tiody politic, rm
great wrong,• no signal bn 'rier of publics mo.,
rats to be atoned' for, Is 'there not a large- ,
body of our fellow among ten,
,who Have strong claims on our amputees,
and still more on our justice? _Free our
selves, can we look with incliffertintie.en the
servitude, from generation' to generation' , of 1
millions of human beings of a eiffereafeorn
cplexion from our alma .standarel. Amara
justified in the nominal ,freedom, accorded
to hundreds' of eirmsanda of inhere Of the
same race, who are depressed by tmonous
nano, without- a reasonable prospect of ma
terial. amendment or reform? Ttasse are
questions. often propounded and 'variously,
answered, according as benevolence, Chris-4
tian ethics, or cruel 'aelfistmess predomi
nates.. Even they who feelit, and more
plore it, long despaired of a. remedy. Some
are content now y 'as they, have been hereto
fore, with - indulging thmosslvde in girieraF
tinciations and abstract .peposimons, but
withent teeg able Ito suggest any 'tactical
mode of relief.
`ll4'pily, however, for tuunanity,* jos- --
, 'liceNlid . for religion, the didloult prilllerm is
1 1
now being solved-. The several parties be
gin to understarict each other's position, re
sponsibilities and, Both masters
and,slaved see that something morn' is re
quiridto atone for former wrongs snit injus
tice, than simple emancipation, a tiusrn,sev
mance ottiet by which they ware mtiOrally.
.and compulsorily, although
grees, bound: Freedom without , instrnetion
is no boon. It is'not enough to offer to map ,
the use of their faculties without a field for
their exercise, and Some habits of prior train
ing. At this time, -in nearly all the States is
Which slavery crests; the masters feel, their
obligation to give or to procure religiousin
struction for their slaves. Many of them
follow this up with emancipation, arid en-.
courage the newlymade freemen to emi
grateto Liberia, in Westeni Africa:,
There is a new home, an independent re
public, the inhabitants pf which, owe eleven .
like themselves, offer to; them with friendly
greetings a portion of their new ample do
main, and participation in their political: And
social privileges: in fine, all those advanta
to which, in equity, they are entitled,
bat which in fact they never can obtain _
here. In place of , slavery for the mass, or,
at most, sufferance- for the no minally. - free,
and it may be hollow courtesy to a Lew ,of
these, the people of this unfortunate. race
will find in Liberis real egnalitp wide eeppa.
for agricultural and" commercial industry,
and every encouragement; to a .- incesiaful
prosecution of the Mechanic arts. Chorales
and schools in, all directions, insure, for the
emigrants and their children spiritual aid
and comfort, and the scquisitipn ;of useful.
knoWledge. I •
But, while our fellow citizens of th e South
and West point the way to this neia , tubas,
for those whom they have Manumitted, shall
we of the North content Ourselves with being
mere spectators, or think that we have die
charged our duty by expressions of our ab
horrence of Ela‘ery, and eloquent denuticia
*ions of the :Plactice 1 - A morie_ obvious
practical obligation is imposed on gs The
test of our sincerity, must consist in deeds,
not words. Hundreds of slaves, and their
number, with adequate assistance from us,
would soon be increased to thousands, are
only prevented from ;the full enjoyment,
simultaneously, of emancipation and of the
privileges of citizenship' in Liberia, by the ;
want of money to pay for their passage and.
outfit. Their masters cheerfully giye them
up, on the sole condition that .they shall be
suitably cared , for. It is for us to make the
gift et freedom -available for 'their figure
good, and their. elevation, in the:.soci armad political scale. "
The American' Coionization Sieiety ,re
quires fifty thousand dollars for this year, to
enable tt tp meet the engagements-already
Contracted; and to carry out others of equally
imminent necessity; all having,for theft im
mediate objecyi procktrement of the means -
of passage and I nsquisitOputfit for these Who
are about -to be .mmfided- to its- charge.L—
Pennsylvania, ever maergetio in the support '
of all plans pf_practical - benevolence, " has
hitherto borne explicit testimony in favoi of -
colonization on the Western coast dAfriCa.
Will not her voice be pbteritiel in ,her
churches and kindied religions assemblages;
at the approaching anniversary of national
independence, in faior of the oppreise d and
the unfortunate? With words of 13yth . pathyr, -
will there not be 'also provision made, by
Collections and individual offerings; far car
rying out the objects here sketched(
Colonization and missionary enterprise go
hind .mhand in ameliorating, enlighiPniflg,
and bringing up to the standard of Christian
morals, the many millions who are spretil
over Central &rice, and whose lot it has
been hitherto to enslave or lb be enslaved.
They have been victims, in at:cession, of -
Egyptian, Greek, Roman, Moor, and Turk,
from the West and: the North, and , alas!
worse than all, of the so called Christian
people of modem Europe 'and their *
can descendants, invading their. western coo-
fines. Their cause seemed to be hoprim
and-they *ere regarded as adoomeedd race, ,
incapable of receiving civilization and of
contributing aught to the common stock, for
advancement or the species. /30: a stew era
is opened. • For the first time u,k , the history
of the world, is the milted influence 'of'
Christianity Christianity and Colonization, with the trial
by jury and the representative system of
government, brought to tear on thisunfoltu- •
nate race. Already, as an earnest of. still
greater things, the pagan altars for human
sacrifices, the accursed marts for trade •in -
human beings . ,...have been replaced -by
churches and Sunday, schools, and fleurish- .
ing communities of :
eivillied and : Cluistilin
people in Liberia. What a glorious future
is now opened by - American benevsden*
and what admirable machinery 'for thirre - -
generation and redemption of the WlahleAf
mini race.
• A Goon- Mar. There: are, three things
:which a good wile should resemble, and yet
those three things she should not resemble. '
She should be like a town clock--kcepgood •
time and regularity. She should like
a town I elock—;speak so .loud that n l the 2
town may hear her. , She_ should be, like
snail prudent, and keep within her own
house. :431..ut should - not be like a snail
canny all. : she has *ion her. bank, ;She ,
shquld be like an echo -= speak when epolten
to. She should not be - like nn
brined always to hare the !inn Wont' •