~. ~`, :~, o . ,A. f . t t .1,7 I 1 .::T.4O4:PrEEE . I,::' IN :. ,1786 BUSINESS CARDS. A' :1180N, LAPlltal &Co.--ilide sad Leather Deel. ers,.ll2lcaa[ e c t. Nan York E:l4„iek it . Co. Philedelpkia. . - . Coetaitaseasts of Weston Leather solicited, and 111- ml &trances oade, if repaird. febledem ' A TWOOA JONtZ k .Co.. Courousatao and For 11., warding Merchants, b.. returned W. their old ststul. Water and Prom streets, Pittsburgh. octal ralocuca Skims, • . GLOSOI 1/2172. 110111SAUN. IIEITEIL, Wholesale aud - Retall Drop - .11 sisay corner cf Libeny sad St. Glair useeisr, !Inuis,"!a. --; . mayl4. • -r.; L Iron. 411;919_it . 11,L13 u ERTSON, Motesale Glimers ; 11A. FAIIINESTOCK ft Co, Wboteedo 'and Ro 11.t43 inoggim. corner Wood Lod Gth sol• AGALEY le SMlTll,.ll'holesale Queers, le vied Woad streel Pittaber h. C.IdeANULTY it Coy' Fionnadist Bud com *Salon Finsluudm, Ca!ial Uulq p.burgh magi Vito:aux., Jou I. namovs; so. v. Llamas- GULEALLIAILDULN, & Co., Nosinfootorers of Carriage ridge and Axles, A. B. aid Sprieg Butt, and d re fat Cooob Trimmings of every de seppuoo, monufaesoly on Bt. Clair of - . Warehouse 43 Wood K. *PP.. St. Ow*. BMA • ' JarAl ....• ..E c ire . , , T;2:ll2lll" .Wbai nre r=r, r or Übe iand Hand Os Tiusb h. Pa. . tebi; la n J I. n g FOG is LIIIJNETT.; (late English, Galinsher 4, .) Wholesale! Grocer., Cormusakakand Pln. 4.tedtng Merchants, and dealers In Produce and Pius. beret Ana. to res, N0...17 Wood at, between rd and . isitwei g tlllEY & Ca, Urocara and • , k Catamissioa Ma?thane% nal Agent. fas Brigham Varos, Nos. 47 Water, mi Ito Fond mu, PIM,. • ..04•Pa.: feba V - • IlL U 11: , PiNto Forte lelnnufaernrer and dealer TAIV Idaurallosirainents, 112 Wood at, near tab. radar GI I ALLACIIIEII.,'LIaNG &MILLER; Veil aud Wass -Pouralars mad seenters, lUD •Froni, between Wood and flonß4Gela, PiLlebargb; Pa. - Mr Mahan' wire given for old Copper and Waal. deld (AISOTIDECOCI(IL&N,COIIIMimiCti . ansi Forwarding • Marchtint, Or Woodmen. Pittsburgh. utyl2 k ''. R i fi l ttr l er=l l ll l lliVrlr '' „edt:Co l fuol • • • 'city soil jets ssitari turrur,:— gouda messy, In, ..r.41611 b. Co, Wholesule Groet-ni, Com: minion Mrithants, mud denkrs in Produce, N 05.34 ater, sod lirr Frost strocu,Pitistriugh. • Pori 1 0 DUN scorr k Co., Mu:desalt, Grocers, Forward. and and elnintuission Mere barns, Ders o. Mice and Pittsburgh Manufactures, No, C omme rcial lloar, Liberty succi, near the Canal, ,Pitobiugh, • ; myaly T BRYAN, Rectifyingand Wholesnlo J dealer to Foreign tool Dornesue Wines and Li. pony NIII Liberty' street, .and a 7 Armond Alley , - J/UMW S daft of thefarm of Algeo and 2 ddiairo)/derobant Tailor, St. autos - laddingei - Third Aran, !war W• • Pinalou la. J IMES IMITCULSON, k. Co,--Sucessors Lewis Ilutehison • is. Co, Commission Merchants, and Agents or the St. Lotus Steam Sugar &Lam. Ne 745 water sad US nom streets, Pittsburgh. - J. B. BLACK,. Merchant Mellor, Exclutsigp Bail) dmits, t , 'pair at, Pittsburgh. • Jolla • Jom i intwomni—Wheleside Grocer, Pls . .: . duet and Commis'•aiaa Merchant, No. 27,1V 0sa YtlbL ,6. at, - TOUN.I 11101CGAN/Whotecale t, dekl- U e \V..riu the Studs, l'aunts,Oils, V . • kg, N 0.83, bet TAMES EERHoIr., & Co., itacceii.or to, Joneph O. puvis,) MusMorh:Jo Water intreeL oral Tons lc memo% Wholesale atul Retail dealer SP list !dusk am! Medea! lastrantents, School 800., ,s-• raper, Slates, Steel rens, Quills, Printers. Card., and Stationary generally,No. Wend sr, fittebargtr., Bap bought or taken intrude. • •seplS JSCHOONALAYELL & p 6, Whoksxdo DruiguN, . No. 214 Wood ouvot.rittaborsh. • iwizu JOIWOM 1110:1, Coossoitshou ausl For t/ . waNing bloritanta,lio. la Liberry. q., (opposite .11OHN DAVIS, Astetioneer,corilerScla ..Ad Wood stpeei•J'attobuqtb. . • oco. , jOHNSTON k STIUMTON; frookas tiers, Pritatc:n. and Paper Manufacturers, N. 44 Market at, Pius- . L.. REALPS Book Uk. was Mark o and Mammary. T •v. ItUBERTSON & Co., 'bakers and Exchange U Itnakers, sumer of Wood and &I hlerchaut's pose Buildings, Pittsburgh, P. Lt.:r Currency putchaeo,l at the usual rate'. octll JOIIN GRIER, 'Wholesale Glover, dealer in Pr. duet, Prnsburethinnufactuns,lln Plannhke. an. .1e .... __ . lio.notiLibers ut, rine/Anti. - • ;Ina . . _ . . . • & B. YIAWD, (law J.. Mid k. C 0.,) Wholesale :Ekon - N0..1.W Lawny went. ' ' seps TAMES Di , ,141solessile Gnierts,Crionlission 11, • Merchant, mid Stela in PtMUM wad Pittsburgti Manufacibres. NoM Water Putsbusgiu gaols/. Velm' as 41 . 0111 WorAuk; L Ealt r Ut l LZ: ee kll. 04maniuiacturers of MI gi quality. ' v T ra l tei and 111 1. ::o h ils ( L thc b"' _ . S WATERMAN, Wholesale Croca, Forward: art and C 001111110.10.1 Mercantil, 'kale' iu Pitts aura hiatothsetara and Produce, Nos. 31 Water n., *WIN Front . . 1111611 T sanm , • JOU, SA1171;17 iLAPUIMITeiIIIPTON, Wholesale Grocers For warding and Commissar., Merchants; dories.. in Induce soutt 'lnaba:o Manufactures, Nos 1J and 125 Wow, al, Pittsburgh. fetal AiERCER, BROTHERS & Co, Coolsoieeion filer ehyds„Plulualelphisi for the vole of prikkee go tworally. • Liberal Wenn:. nook un contipasiclit, usi v.. sew., Sc4aisniiti •w•Lrca e. soi 1 aGILI4 liMillF/ELD & tia/G, holt:nate Grown and Coduninsion Aleichantn, No. In ldbedy at, • ta . •W. !WI; arazr..artatiir., t•Co., eniniumain and Forwarding g Merolla.* Water. and. Front fie, between Vwd and-Market alt. J 1.116 i V i Z it.4.1:4 lIICKETSON.iWbotesate thoter and e9l.3lKcaltualon Merchants, No.l7o,Libeny PILL- egORD tc KING, IVholesale email lislisnd ALL .p libundienires, and dealers in Fancy Nun, corner ot I%'uoil awl Filth ow. Ann "Kr , 410LAILIS & ruN, No. N. motet .co= at door from comer or Fourth, deaden m Foreign UrAnneal= /sills of kischarn, , c; Certificates of Depot,. U bank Nowa and:Specie. • • (1:1- Collections road Ull all the principal tines ihrou bout the United Stale. decl7 a. W. avranunta, C. tMNDZITEII, is Co., Wholesale Grocers nad Cat. P misaimn and Forrarding Merchants, No. LL Water 130LIERT MOORE Wholeille (Weer, Reeurying iL Liimiller, de:Mein I'r duce Pluihurgh Almuine tang, nod kinds of Foreign *ad Domestic Wines aadVdsprors:No. It Llberly 'irreet:; On - hand' lii . ery bur, stock of superior old Monongahela whiskey, winch will hoard.' low for cash. ~ a7tfly nOHLICMON. & Pindueo Dealers And jy Cassudssloo Newham.% No. 102 Second Areal, 131CHAILD T. LF.EVII, .Ir, Importer nod Dealer to Yotript tad barwestie Nolditri Ilartrana-suld Vaniaga Trszonsingv, °foil description", No. Wood Ictuat• BARD, Wbakail• sad Retail Deal. Ay Leather, Alarocep,' &lomat eV Taais and Fin& I.lTiglVaaq' MOW=ll.lr At.III()ULYSN Co,lPlrotesolo Gr a OC.L., Produce and Conortiosion' Iderchrotts, end Dealers in Pin. rite.,Atanontotrues, Nix Ulu. Liberty. st., Paurgb., 100 W irgERT DAI TV. , 1c Co n Wboliquaa Owens, Coomasilati and FbrwiNisig Merchants dealers deale amhtes and kiw64.llh Mudactures, LiLerty itOBT. CUNNINGHAM, Wholndio! Grocer, Deader in Prodded and rid.burgh idddadetured, 0.114 Lawny at. • - , • jily latil4 .7 • 1 .•• DE:TN/P ITh LUS*. 811EE, Forwardlig spd 1. C 06.1111440 1.10 Me 014111114 Gm AI /c...ny isiyer Trade., deal!, •no - Orocent ... ..Pstelaco, 10.16b¢qh Maniasetwes aim Theld sG r o in ic of r in p U m , 112. 1 a a iimesior COW:, put.l4 • - 01113 , 01 W & Co., Costudodoo Marchants, nininine &middies; Denim in Mo y or, no+ mr Seas, .100 Bauer, Lord, /k- 5p14.4 Q/14/11& JOLINtiON, Wholeval. and 11...11Dcalen la filoads,• Loon, 40+1.17 I cy t. ristolualo. *linnet ark., nd non above. third s .y l'atabsug • - 1 5ACIIirn _ pow won 7.. _ cI.E.Tr.-4, WHIM Wboksa Deskrs iu Vont ami Dower!ie Dr,' Goods. No: U 9 Wood st. & W. HAM/AI:GU, Wool IblifoluntioOk.olors 17. In Moor an..l,Krodneo geneially, sod roc ward* ana :Ca51. 0 ... ae...rroanea llareigalgs,' Oa WWI . sty Ma. S um IMMALEY a Co, Wholesale Grocers aial Psoduee *awe, Na =Nuke, meet, Lome= 5111 cod MILL Mani sale. Plailaclelf&i. . . .. Hoed 0 ----- 7 1. c. &memos to 1141 & Boseraellinia i ter , hod suosafaetares . of raper IlaagAngs 111141 boards, arid r .iii wiggly! pawing, 004 mruppiug I Vet, a 7 W gags anew Pk 16111!""t rZi/CO z iert - i . ../...... 1 • laisias Wrackarsts, Na 17 Lltrarrtrx, linst7gt r ; Owls. Unaresd ma Lard Oa SF. VON BONNUOIOST, W Co.,Wketwain Urn. n cm, Forwardinn and tnedontannd 2Jarcliaets, /Maass Pinatnt itanufsentras and Western Yr.. dame, Sum so dolt new wanbowe,Kild puii 3 d) N 5.33, COMM! et rnant w. and atanenryjann. SAKI.t . II. INEIL posyrosit i Coismissioo t'ntsWug4 mars. roetured c anle l le,sposit 7th• al .IpAlpr.ll Mei; Yhtihssaio tiot — OssiS. Pierthaill; aa. dealers to r.d.. • No. US Wool at» flothoratt. . . • m ai , %11/ Al. N. MST ~- ---" ,Aseattor Ateatcatirs sod V Pn ' elli 'gm Au.. LW, mr soo the getters! laud othee stiWashingtott, will attend to toy billtalit. Were Gee of proem! to .pplitants- - • _ • . , - . .•.., • , . , • ... . , . . . . , . . , , • , , ....- . . . . . . . . . . . ' ' • - • . • ' • . • - , . , . - . . . , . . . -'-. • . . . . . . , ' _ . . • . , • .. . , . . . -.. • . . . . . . . . . . '' . . •: .-•' : . ..: ...- , •.. . .' .:: ' '...'''-. . . . . ' • . -. ... ..... ---. •,.• . . • . • . . . -- .- . .•• . - ; • . . .._ . . . . . . . -. . - .. '...",7:51:**1.tf.,.1"...17-,,,,,..-a..:',....• , . . . . . . . . .. .• . . - - • - • :.. , , ... . . .-, • ....., : ..:: '-• - • . .--• • -,... ~ . .-, .: ~. .• .... . . . . . , . -. . . • • ..- . . . ~. . . . . ,7t . ,, •_ , ..- • - '''. ..,_ ',.- •,:---. - , ..: F . , -- . .......,7...,...:.......,.....,,,,,,Av_,... - ~.....,,,,. ~,, , ,.„,. ....:, ,, , ,,, k,,, ,, ,, , ,, ,,,. , ,,,,,,,,. .7'''''.:- . !.•::`"•• -•','':-4'7' ... " l .•':.:r'' , ''':`•'.::! . ',..::: -: , .-- - --, •-. .• ' - H - " -'""" .' - -"''''"'"'- - '' . * :- ''' . 77' . "'"'''''•! ° •"' 44 " . ""' i '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 7 7 .,.. l77 ,_. . ' ---: ' -. - : • . r.' ; .H. , . . ini .. :,..._, ._ , .. ... ... __ rii . -- Iss -- . .i:. ,..,,.._., ..• • .... ... .. .: .... . • • . ... •„ .. .. ... ... • . ... ... . ,i ._ ...... _. . . .p . -----..•.'..--.:-„--.'-.''','....• . .... .:... .. i: . . • .... • .... ~., .• .:_.. ...L. E .•. .....,.... .............. ~_ ..i_ , ..... ... CARDS. HOWEN—Coninowkni end For;n7din6 yrigreksw, Na SO Front st between Wood and • arket sweets. feb24 108 i D. InCL,. DAVID IieCANDLIDIA. WICK OMAN/HA:S., tsuesessors to L. & J.l). Wick,) Wholmule Grocers, Forwarding _sod Commission 3lerehaot., dealers to Imo, Nails, Glass, Condo Tams, mud Pittsburgh Manufactures gess...any, comer of Wood sad Wawa. streets, Pittsburgh. wm4Ack:, Mill 'touein t 111 1 e.nua‘ iug establohment, No. 244 Liberty 14., 11<1,I1 anal. mare' GARRARD, Dealer Fin — Cy and itupt. it, TM Mosta, No. 79 Market street, Pittsburgh. WW WILSON, Denier in iVatifin; ,Inweiry , Silver . Ware, Military Gotxls, kn., No. 5: Mar kat *L. l-10•7 _ Air M Wholesale an: &mut denier in Foreign soul &mitotic Dry Goods, nonh mist corner of Market and Fourth its. ourß__ urAluucK MARTIN it Co, Bankers, Dealers to • I V • Erchunge, Bank Note. and Coin, comer of Thin/ ana Wood watts, Pittsburgh, P._ noitSdty T 017210- - IL W3I,YOUNG & Co.—Deale in leather bides, & tv jarvtly .13 Liberty st. -i•ir •rt MITCHELTREE—NnoIosaIe Grocers, vt' . ittetifyiug Distillery, and Vine and ljguor Ilersbats, also, Irupotteso Soda Ash mil Bleashiug Powder, No. DX/ Llbery mt. Pittsburgh, Pu. }madly WAY= 1.1.11C/017113, G11.066L OBLACKBURN & Co., Wholesale Unseen and deplore ia oik, Bow Store, and Pittsburgh Mon ntaelared ankles, have on band, at all times, a full and gement totsonntent of goods In their Hue, Water woes, near Cherry Alley, Plusbargh, 0013 ---• TOHN M. TOWNSF2SD, Druggist and Ap,thecary, IP No. 43 Market at., three doors above Third st. Pitts burgh, will bare eo.llDay on hand a well Selected u sortstiont of the best and freshest Medicine.s which he will sell' on the most reasonable terms.- Physicians sending oblers,wlU be 'promptly at to., nod sup. plied with artielet they may relio . l,oll ILA genuine. Physicians Prescriptions will lm accurately and neatly prepared from the best materials, al any hour of the day or night , Also for sal axrr e, *largo stock of fresh andgood Perfu - . • bud Etal„cM)N `alif s Vir, gaihg . l4 , l PlV: Coverlet Yon Carpet Clualu, WI. A, heAcc, - - - -. , ' I,l' • • iaal LIM, 1 FINUCK. tr. - Co. ~ (Saccespers to Arbuckle & Avery,) Proprietors. ALEDoux co.; No. 77 Canal strret, New Or loam, Agents for J.IL Ara:ma's EltelldlVG SIC •• Sugar Refinery. Always on band a large web' o Loaf, Powdered, Crushed, Clarified told Carbolic:rigors Or Tierces and Barrels. Also, Sugar rlouss Molasses Prices liberal, and a fair allowance made on all sal of or above 50 burnt. ' • • , Monongahela Livery Stable. • aillollB HT 11. FAIT EILMJN has opened the large stable on First at, running through to Second at, between Wood and:Smithfield as-, in the reseal the Monongahela House; with on entirely sow stock of Hones and tharriages of . the best quality land latest styles. Horse. kept nt hire ry in the best manner., I),MIT FIL EATON, Dealer in Trims:nun* and Variety Goods, Tortoni Shell, Inlay and Boni Conthx, Vaal.' Va rn a and Worsteds, Buttons, Needle., Pins, Tape; Braden, ke., No. al Market street, benvest Dia mond and 4th .t, Prttahotgh.^' IV-WY • NEW SIDDLERY•DARDITARR STORE, • R. T.: LEECH,. J R. NO. 133 WOOD NT, PlTTlBullall. TrAVINC: replenistunl wockrmin We beat sour. Ay nes, both domeMe and toreign, take pleasure in ammunemg to cowimers and deal.", that I am pre. wed to tumid, them with al: goods in my line, au mill better torn than heretofore. Bayer, will recollect that dealing "exclusively , in kkiddlery Ilanlware and Carnage Trimmings, I oktani likteby, adroutages that could. me to defy C0111peli• 'MM. Call, see, and lodge (a, yourselves. ap 17 PITTSBURGH , - . ME L" WORKS AND SPRING • AND AXLE FACTORY. MAC 1011, 'r. Qr.. , ,JOAES & 417160, 11,TANITFACTIIIIERS of spring rind blister steel, In plough steel;zieel ploogb wings, conch alai eiip tin springs,. lisnamered Imo axles,- wad denier! in inal• , nottßlPiftre engine Imps, nail conch truititurp &nanny, comer of Rom and Frani Nis., Pittsbargh, • EtP Er AULIN TEA STOitEs—No. 72 Fourth 3p. , near Wood—All spoomitiespr Green nod black Tees, done up So gamer,' bah; mitt! oue pod packages, tonging from eo era. per pouud SIAM ryi d. JAYAir, Agu. for Peke] Tea C]. LAW OFFICES. - ,NVAL . II.IIIiLESI, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Buller, atWiPatt ILL alto attend to coltemanad tat otaer'boai uems eatnuted hium'stt !totter and Armstrong [mintier, Pa. Baler m Jot& Floyd, Liltenyntt.l W. W. Aitatlace, do•'.• Jams Alafihall , do I Pitta orgh. dly Kay t C t., Wood mt. I jam: .• LL SWEITZEIL Attorney at Caw, Wilma lid gt • o opposite St. Clommlaa float, l'ittsbuta b, alto attend promptly to tbilections, to,Washingluti, Fayette and Green cocoa., YE. • I=ll3 • • Illack.tock, Belt & Co, • ' • D. T. Moron, far Littly E T. HENRY, Attorney . sottl Color at Law, Ciswitwati CottFctwas ia Ltoutheru Ohio, Lod ma loth.; strol lamourity, promptly and car • fully tatemled Commimioner for dm Store of Peon sylyaia, tor tatirig brpo4tiuru, soltnuorledgmco , Rrru To—lfon..Ww-1101 to Sou Coot., Clirch%t Caroitior•OVra flays, Sol, flora. 1126. U. W. Witll.ol3, Y. N. WIXFI. %Ai iiAMS 41 SHINN; imiecesparsla.l.wrie salt 4 Vl l Walliaana4 ALLUftle,i naal tfounsallora al Law. Office North awle of Fourth atraeL above F 4,4031414. • Iy6l7tlawly J.= nustop, , •i. u~gxw~a earn IJ LW' &SEWELL, Luw, iu rt:rs“. WOHAVAELIE sw,turz WE,LDKR, = Law, have removed their elkp to the licrenh el., between Cherry Alley le/Grant stve ciccr. • • X, Astotuey al low, thusbarili, Pat •ej I . 1.1 1.1 6 : I . !W K4M.P /11G4 We peseta:eat las wore. aiau 1/1 tire., ha. &Autrey., Ithiblings, Gnats as— occupSql, ,dunng bin auseuee, by T. , J. Ingham and J. earthly, Is' p. • __.—_- • itt•ithstrif Atiatnep at Lnc, Oak on J°47 1 .tbg.'",1 1 .1 Pittsburgh, Po; will also spend promjitly to business in the atinaning counties, • oelto•ly Wmorn) hu o n Ee te,; N ellE 'r eh e nTlge t i lruilergx, St. ',Cant gly next door to Alderman John.. apnly COHLANDU LOO IS, Athymer at L.', office o 411. street, atkovo 11111adield. .pl7ly INSURANCE, DELAWARIfaIiPrOAILINSCHANCE CO Jr., We Ikl- V .wore .(t y p i rt a n. i . l: e n.ttalfr y 'uttelphia .Fire Rinke upon buildings r ohd oterehtunlize of overy deteription, tout ,Nhanno Itotk.t upon hulls or eargoes of touchy token upon the fount favotable hems. V. Deka In the Warehouse of W. 11. Mohacs & Bro. o. 37 Water, near Market Street, Pittsburgh. N.B.—The rumen. of this Company since the ester. tistanent of the Agency , in UM city, with the prompt new and hberality with which every churn upon them for km has been adjusted, fully warrant the agent in hunting the confidence md patronage of his friends nerd the contuses/4 Warp to the Delaware M. th lusa carme Company, erldle It has the additional advmtages as animutution among the 1.120. t douriabblg in Philnifel. Idan—stiliaving tit mnpletpaidde cripinit, which by the operation of it. chance is constantly sucressing, at Wm ieling to each person insured his due share of the profiled the company, without involving him in my reeponsibilny whatever, and therefore ae.posseseing LM. Mutual prinerple divested of every - Mumma. Ma. lore, and in as moat aunichve hum n 0.4 ; .818 E AND MAININIC INIEIRARCE.. dul u y r u Auda tithor:zee P rie:t f , re n a h ute m' tfte ' r; o ' lle u r u s g t h o heake . pertneuent and lamed luounorec WI property, ie Ihtscrly sod Its ela NhipinCll. by the l:u -kdl Rivers. lJt1,1)4! r WWI, Saia'l W. Joue., Edward =id, - John IL Neff, Ktehard 'Wood, Wm. Welsh, Pranks iloskens,". S. Austin Annum°, Awrisint CIIFYIN;Preet. • Huss° 0. hinctuttaoi !key. Thisss tboidiutt Insurance Comilny In the United Aissingbeen °buttered in MIL ' Its choler is pespeuntloota from an Meg suindnim buic elperiettee, 412440 avoiding all risks of ern has , Salons °Lusatia, it may he considered on odering tun pie 11