. - THE PITTSBURGH GAZETTE. PITTSDVBO2I.. ' TUESDAY MOILNING, APRIL' 25, 18U3. PHILADELPHIA NORTH. AIIiERICAN. Advenisentents sad Onbeeriptions to tbe North Amer uld United Statg a G b =, rtdaidelphts, - and Errsss Peres:was% Dais Ussars Is published, Dlitly;Tri4lfestly,ead Weeklp—The. Duly is Seven.' MAWS per annum; the Tii-Weekly is Five Delius per I somsellsOVeekly is Tura Dollursper unmet, spices )1315ticiaiiai art tonically I.6o:Heated Ina hand shear favor. Worm sa. r , aad as early in it day Onittitabla.. Pm Mr= Ocircnaerelia latelligence,Domettle, Ma ket River Titus, la:pona, , Bloney Markets, tce., Wl •;,331.11. Aiatl•Easoale Noadnatlon FOR. CANAL COMMI S SIONER, : NE* MIDDLESWA . ETE. . 'or visor warn: • ' „ moo Vint rage for Ml.eaU g Ngsrg. . • . bties.— . -It istiinabsd in the Philadelphia Belle ,: • :tin that the rataimumptioU if Man in this country, an • neatly a crude state, exceeds forty millions of dol. tan per annum. The Baltimore Patriot adds: • 04 ' . cotneetion Witt:tibia subject, we would call the nne. , l42.leapitalists sad operatives to the Antietepe 'lcon Works, which are offered FOR SALE:in the Patriot.. today, • . The `Pint Of Saturday , copies an article coim toettchat then: "MaSsar..Whitak.er ' Bucks di Co. have recently . tweeted trop; Works at Bridgeton, West Jersey, arbicl will furnish employment to hundreds of hands.' ' ' Thiee s factory is no argument against Ile poaition • we have taken that the iron interest of the United States is depressed. - We now call once more for those Aria' to pilaw, that our iron musters make filly pei. cent. We want to see the.figurea and the name of your authority. We want to figure this thing out, and promise to give you the day after you prove the fitly per cent. profit, a fur figures that n'aßritute new face on the matter. The Post uys. "While: on ibis subject, we would mention t h at all our manufactories to this vicinity are in full op. Snit say ar .. bat you, call fa ll operation; and pro raise to pr ima few statistics, and your readers 'WI be abowi that our . iron works are see in full openrtion,.if by tbat you mean they - are Taking al they eau, or Co stark as in lost April. .A few more lots rd'irott lerve arrived at New York since the West SerseYWorks went into operation; and a little coal to work it up with.. CrSS OAT'S bOOST. Elewi;Tkonavosei tars of Iron, of which Vim : noessansl Tno hundred and Srornty %ine.wore _ rail waylips. Sit Izt4arr4 oral &o and . .011nritfre4 and Srrenty Tons of Pig.lnosr !.; ! What s comment ia this upon the West Joni ), ' Etciry. Give us your tigures that Show the fifty per profit—they spill be more effective than all your. flourishes. Adopting the language - of the Tatum ',to the Evening Post, we , would Wig to • .thePittsbiwgb Post, that it deceives itself about the profits of manufacturing: . • • descriptions offabrics are still produced • . •among.nant a profit,' hat the general result of 13111 • ?mike. .milaufacturingv was very unpropitioua--. • . NoLonly laid - many rontpanies !Ailed entirely, in. yoking a Imis of repttal as well as incoine,but those Which have kept at work and solvent, have gene. dividends, or next to none. The ex , .eeptioas era reit' and unimportant. And what the :••• (both Postsmistake) be a general rush iiiiltemsufac. tures under nod in' consequence of thO,Tarilf of /6182 ;was in truth something quite ditTerent—the groundswell of the current which') set that ;Wrty•BomlSl2 ,Sites and . waterlirivileges had &sea bought, villages laid out, crintracts made, and ' ,, bitildingir often • commenced under the tariff of 12, and belle itsrepeal was deemed probable. There weld irotire ahandoned_without great and compli• eased loss—so they were persevered in.' . L MI. BUCLUMIA LETiria 00 TER Wea.—Our , friend;Capt.LeNCl4Carr;(says the Penueylvanian,) 'of the 11th - Begiment, now quartered at Lerma, 40 miles from •.ttr,city of Mexico, in Cadwallader's titiya of the letter of the Hoe. James B. elan, to the great wee meeting held in this city, in Ilauuy Ire: leered. felt mom proud of Mr. :Buchanan, than Allier reading that letter. There is but one opinion bins in regard to it and its author, and that to one of rase and 'ndiniration: Let him "Only rectum, true to this items or beautifully kreshadoenstl cketing paragraph of the letter, and Lie reward will be a rich one indeed.:—Post of 2,1t1, KU== sexed's:Mud; from the :Speech !made by the old Federated; in . 1415, at-Lancaster, =teeming the ' -war of 1812.' will not allow me to enumerate all the t• other wild and'wicked projects of the Democratic Administration:- &Ace it to say, that alter they • t had. deprived us of the means of defence, by de. • .atroying our navy and disbanding our army; after 'they hadlakerrueray from an the power of recrea .." tirig them, by rnioiog'commerce, the great source • • CC national and ihdtvidnal Wealth; Mier they had, •• by refusing-the Bank of the United States a cumin --nation of their charter, embarraded the finahcial concerns Of the GOlNersimeot, and withdrawn the only .univervil paper medium of the country Lr circulation) after the people had become anaemia ' touted to, pod, of course, unwilling to bear taco. COD, And : without money in the Treasury, they 'rashly plunged us into a war with a nation more able to do us injury than any other in the worhL" r .4itter lie Acfnunistration had entered upon th, • ;war, instead of coming forward with manly eon& .-dance, and taxingthe people for its. Supik.4d.Y buely shnink from their duty, in order to maimain Iheir popularity, and adopted the ruinious sygern of Carrying on the mates by borrowing money.-- • , What were the effects 'of this policy! Does uor • everyman: in the country:know, was it even A.- - gamed by:the Administration, that the U. Staten • world, in short time, have become bankrupt, had not peace been concluded!' - Thant., then, to tlea . vett, that we have obtained a peace, bad and dis graceful as ism otherwise; the beautiful anymore • • - or the Federal Government. supported by the same . hands, might have sunk like the capitol, in -7; to mink." • Mr. Buchanan has always heen-a consistent friend of war! His remark•. are very pertinent and will gratify Modern Demo6rms very much very[ 'Con, POSTILUL-4 meeting of the Press has been held al \Washington to urge on the Cheap - postage nEirtn. The following resolutions were h IFlnalni, That Congress be red/nested diately to reduce the rates of letter postage to a .. cabin role of five cents far every letter weigh. jag half an ounce, and five cents fiw every ad ditional half:onnee. 1.. That the postage on drop-letters be reduced r to one ceog 'wad that on all letters and newspapers 'sent by mail , to ales where carriers are routine& naixtra charge shall be made for deltvery. 3. Mud the postage on newspapers be) cent per - shoot to all distances; and that all newspapers not from the Gam of publication, printed or lithograpbf circulars: dtc, be one cent for each sheet pre _ pild. ' That the postage on periodimLs, pamphlets, ate., be charged at the rate of half a cent an ounce to all ditainces. ' 5. invoked, That tbis franking privilege should be extended' to ell postmasters to frank - letters to publishers al" newspapers and periodicals ordering subscriptions, remitting money for the same, nr written on subjects legitimately bebinging to mails . . memorial was presented to Congress asking Rattan.' NQ ; measures ate more . nrce nary, war could a more . popular act lie. pas than that would carry out these resolutions fully. bracrxxxiX writovExwEr, xi, STOOM.—Tt is at till y: ymee i c ,h,,yl ng task to 00,10 note the advance of ' American aklll, and to record the incinph ofAmer kart ingenenty; and nt this moment we feel we are net only renderin,g just tribute to genius, but al ' eononferring a benefit upon all around us, iu lag euentlinawt the verygreat improvements in the contaruction Of the stew boiler, which is said to . have been .thieved by Mt. barks Motrrodinir, and of which vio extract, the [,flowing accocmt Gout a New York correspondents ' • - `BY the improvements of Mr..Monipimery, dA Maws toiler To miry much minced intoned, cloy /0 placed is far tem spore,and is rendered safer, mhile ale anarussption of fool is redoted nearly one half, sad las durability of !he toiler emu/fru:Jiff greater. Byihrae wanks, ao important to commerce and awituficturee, Mr. hi. has FeCome the benefactor of 'the world, and, I am Xisd to know, is about to rei• were the reward of king years ofselfidenial and pas • tient invesiipaico. • - • ' ' . • - ,'Tits improved boiler was adopted some mouths 'ago _by the . prOprietors of the steamer sileartt' di tba North Bayer, and haS since been to condard 'operation, gi%7ngentire saliafactiop,• it ia in has at • ; .event of our. manufacturing establishments— ' &ern, the llielsen-Works,seberetoveral of • &stoneware now commuting; and teem informed • . that it will be introduced into nee or more .of the . lame °ILI/antic 'steamers now building, the ,tors laving satisfied themselves, by careful experi' . imesn, Ofilt.ierygrent advantages." • 1 sfaricis I.:mos—The' Marseille &ode thus ktio .i eutbe tniilignsnt attempt of Cassius M. Clay, to Mc the gallant . Marry of the West Cissius bss written a letter throughthe columns or,ths 1.rorl: Courier and Enquirer, addressed Henry Clay, is which hh meltable • mail• -roam. He sedum Morrell the peps:null eel www7 of 'she man who has made the name of Clay ilitteintaiiona in the history of all limb. ,One mu sit the to the think of Thus to gain a name Cwerns. has made himself notorious in .: widely different but quite u :aerie armur. .. .tyl_ •The New York papers et the 214 have an ox. ac=ted et*lnaf: rat'. the - 410,in - Europe:lran • • _ . ...a we itist Make the.dimpateb by . the Asedie bittei mules , laced and ware ' England secant yet Tape We convulsion , that he.ocendead • the red at Earotieri. 'The next steluaer will' be locked - fur with We Most intense interest, Mt it will give We remit of We attempt at revolution in England. . A paragraph copied from a Lyons journal. and staling that there had been a rising in Piedmont, With cries of "lima live the republic, '; and that- it was put down:down: by the armed farce, has appeared in several of the Paris journal. • Refire leaving the }Wel. do Ville, the depute. don of the natives of Savoy, paid into the Relief Fund for workman without • employ the sum of f,,375t, the'arnount of a collection made among themselves during the halt at Place de la Revolu tion. Out of the 739 ;;Fiertiotts wounded Co the 27th wbo were taken to the tospiial of Lo Chaste, 97 have sufficiently recovered to be able to A. great Diettopotitan Chartist meeting was to have been held on the day the Sarah Sands left on Kennington Common. Petitions Mr the Charter were lobe adopted, and the meeting was to to. pair ea masse to Westminster, and present them to the 'louse of Parliament, to re-ensemble on Tue. day, and go in pratesision to ask the Parliament for /Moaner, On Thursday week Dr. McDonal!, delivered a lecture to the Chartist! at Nottingham. He epoke much in favor of the Charter, and mid, if the pen. tion which is to be presented on the 10th inst. was rejected, Ile would route to Nottingham, though he bud to cone thither barefooted; to put himmlf at the bead of the people. • Such wan their umunization that they could an. semble all their force iu Loudon in two hours.— There was no law against a.number of M . . ' from every city, town and village in the empire, walking quietly to London. And with wo,aoo men, each carrying a gun barrel, what could Lord John Rus. sell do? The people would wait a long time but not forever. A Mr. lonn Flinn denounced the Government, and raid that the first man shot in Ireland would be n signal to the Irishmen in this country to take that revenge which • eenturint 'of oppression and tyranny had sown in their bosoms. - On the motion of Mr. Sowter, Mr. Harney was instructed to inform the convention of the country• that this.would be the law "black and white" peti. tiortkom killttingham. (A voice, "Bayonet. next!" and great applause.). Adjourned, after cheers for the charter, the Irish patriots, and Fetuses O'Con A I;feet:weekly conservative organ in London, (lhe Britannia) has the following:—We have. no sYmpathy with the admiration expressed by some psendiseonriervatives in the - House of Commons uf the intelligence and maderation displayed by the French people in their "wonderful revolution. If this Coolish speech be persisted in, it will Lc dif. flunk to convince unlettered men that what is aw counted &Corm in Paris min be treasonable in Dublin and Birmingham • Let us wait the event. The couraeof every, loyal man et the present lime is perfectly clear. All miner differences of opinion nun /is frgotten in Mennonite of the puss dan 7 gee which threaten us. • In the speech of the Premier on Monday last there are sentiments expressed wl icl must go for to gain him the confidence of the nation. The go vernment has many difficulties to contend with. They will be aggravated as the revolution jar. needs. It is the duty of the Conservative party to rally round the throne, and to give her Majesty's Ministers, for the time being, • cordial support, so long as they show, themselves determined to re sist foreign aggression . and rumors, internal dis• cord. The Dublin correspondent of Times says can state ms a positive faCt, that We confederates now meet nightly IA their club.roomaifur the ior. pose of being drilled, and that, under the hands of practiced tenehers, they are taught to match in time, form semiona, close and open columns, etc., and further, that the' ride . clubs are in full opera• bon. Mew pikes. twelve feet long, are • becoming plentiful in the arms market, some of the niispid. ed owners acting on the advice of Mr. Mitchell, really believing that the time for an outbreak ha., arrived. A patternan parades the streets of Dublin dressed in the uniform [green and gold, with yellow facings[ of the Irish national guard. A large portion of the working classes in this ray are arming. Rifles, muskets, pikes, and other weapons have been obtained inconsiderable guass. tines, in accordance with the suggestions of the Jacobin newspaper. One wholesale dealer in these articles has declared that heis unable to .supply further orders at present You may see the botch er,' boys, on leaving the markets, marching home with rifles on their shmldere. One thing hi certain, and tho act cannot be con cealed, treason, open and secret, is abroad; discon tent and disallctson reign in overy• peasant's bos om, and a spark will ignite the rebellious volcano, omit which the unfortunate country rocks to and The Cut that pike* are being manufactured in great numbers both in the neighboring counties of 1 Meath and Kildare, ii no longer unknown to. the public. . , . . .... The Limerick Examiner says. “Nearly ..C..1000 were drawn out of the Limerick Savings' Bank by depositors of the indmaiiints chum Notices for the withdrawal of £5OOO more were lodged far Monday next. Throughout the emmtry, generally, the people are said to be engeigeil i n the acquisition and manufacturing of ,arms, of various descrip tions. "Meanwhile the government are taking every pre• caution to prevent an outbreak. Additional troops are patting into the country. It is Mated that the government have made arrangements for supplying the loyal inhabitants of Dublin, to the amount of several thousand men with muskets and amuni. nein, should circumstances render this additional precaution advisable, - - Diitsatisfamiou has been discovered moment the police, but vigorous measures are to be applied in remedy of this evil- • A member of the 'Dr. Doyle Club' ism lecture upon the truperimityof the pike over fire turns as a weapon of offence; a question upon which there seems to be no difference of opinion among the erear body of the Confederates.. The number of troops now serving in . Ireland, including artillery; but exclusive of the enrolled out peasionerat,is about 31,000 men of all ranks, tensegiments of cayalry, two troops of hone anti lery; ten companies of artillery, twenty-two tegi• meets or bauallions of the line, end eleven depots of regiments of the line. Severel other regiments have since arrived. To republican spirit fa spreading rapidly among the labonng dessert in Dublin. Letters Gnu, Cork Waterford sad Kilkenny, say that the mechanics in these cities are arming, and in daily expectation of hearing a rise in the melropolii 0 11 - The Aixda.Chapelle Gas of the 27th instant, says that A private letter fro t St. Petersburgli of Ike 10th, states that the t confusion prevails in the city, that the 4 peror was shot at in the street,and that . the pierced his hot. His Ma jesty immediately /taunted to the Palace and adop• ted the most menacing measures of defence against the city. The Courier Francais says :--An extraordinary courier has arrived at the Russian Legation at Far is. It is mid hat he 'nought despatches of the highest gravity. It appears that the provinces of the 'south of the empire are in full insurrectiom— The nobles and the army are at the head of the movement. If we are to believe the announcement which appeared in the Breslau Casette of the 21st, a collie. ion'between Russia and Germany is imminent.— Quarters have been spoken at Kalish, any. this journal. no Paris Monneur du Soir gives the fallowing, front the frontiers or Poland :-30,000 Russians are concentrated on the frontier of Gallicia, some teagues from Cracow; 50,000 men occupy Russian Poland. Warsaw has a garrison of 20,000 men.— The Ruesian guard is already in great part on its way for the frontier of the duchy of Posen. Re sents have been called fiiim the interior, and the corps stationed on the side of Odessa, and tmvards Turkey, have received orders to send 15,0011men toward Gather& To this news we may add that the unto , of tee Caucasus in 'also going to be di minished, and that It has received orders to remain altogether on the defensive. . Dwrntrornm Fmr--The conSngntion m Philade • phis on Tuesday evening, a brief account of whir • we gave in our Telegraphic Despatch published Wednesday, consumed the bur large new stores, known aa.Collibert,s buildings," on Delaware wharves, above South street, and partially injured two others adjoining them. Two of the new stores (says the United States (JsZette) were occupied by Robert PattersOn & Co., who are the heaviest losers by the contlagatioe.— The third new store wu occupied by John F. Ohl. The fourth was the occupancy of Wm. Ayres, Jr., salt dealer. Allibone and Trotthatt, naval stores, and James Carstens, groceries and liquors, were the oecupautsof the other two stores. The G)llowing is a recapitulation of the loss, as fir as we could ascertain: No. 100 (Commercial House,) 'matted by E. I. llolhsgswonh, and occupied by S. W. Clement.— Joss 5300. Noe. 107, 9,0, and 10, four gory stores, owned by George Cuthbert and A. S. Roberts. Damage $14,000; loss $lO,OOO. No. 7 was occupied by Mr. Ayres, No 9 by Mr. Ohl, and No. 9 andlo by Pat terson Co.,Mr. Ayre's loss . is trifling. Mr. Dbra lonia proletbly $12,000. The loss of Patterson Co. will it was thought, reach $35,000. The great. er 0100001 of their Ices is doubtless covered by in. surance: No. 111 belonged to A. Cotfibert -and J. M. Thomas. Loss Slsoo. Fully insured: Tile Joss or Allibone do Troubart, who occupied it, is small. No. 112 lelongs to Mary Culbert. LOSS 4300. insured. . stsDirrr tux Hosting, tha— W b. legal that the Scummy of the‘Treissury has re vised the recent Circularof tholDepartmem, which raised the rate of duty wean= siaeklelf. Ea 3° per cent. oe the gsound that - the sewing on them I was done by hand, and 'hilt determined to home new instructions to Coliactora to dune cooly the old rate of twenty per mist ' The Secretary has alio extended the same liberal rule of intepreistihn ' to cotton shins and drawera,Mi which the duty levied heretofore under the tariff of 1846 has been never lees than thirty per cent, but will now, be reduced to twenty per cent; and the duty_ will henceforth be taisiXana on coma snits, .cocking; shirts and draws. , . his understood- Outlaw representations of the Bin" Gefelh t'ruu.n Minister at Washington, in regard to the mode of manufacturingthese articles manvinced the *er.retary of the propriety of the re thalami reaolvad csa—X Y. Jour. Cow Important `frosa MEd We copy from the New Orleans Debi of the 196. iriant, a very intereetieg - letter from Mr. Frennee,:embodying the moot iniportint items of intelligence, ye the .11pecniations on Mc subject or Peace, which were current in tlie city of Mexico matelot/et antes. ' •In anticipation that the army might fall back from Mexico, Post Cdmmissioriary at Puebla had meek, ed order, as early as the 20th ultimo, from heed. quarters, to contract for 15.000 rations , to he deliv ered at a moment's notice for a downward move. meat. The Quartermasteaat Paibla had also re ceived orders to have transportation ready. At Perote similar orders has been received. Gen. Kearny has beeniastaned as Governor of the State of Vera Cruz: It is stated that the Court of Inqutry will adjourn to the 'United Staten as loon as it has taken all the testimony tcl - he brought before it in Mexi6. It is also stated that Gen. Butler is determined to send Mr.• Trist out of the ~,,intay as soon as possible, and had demanded of the Court that the balance of his testimony should be taken as early as possible., The reason fur this course on the part of General Butler is set forth in a letter from the city of Mexico 'to the New Orleans Picayune, its "Mr Frontier, who arrived here on the lEth inst. with desputches from Washington, brought,mnong other communications, 3111 order to Gen. Butler to send Mr. Trist out of the county as soon as he had given his evidedce before the Court of Inguirv,and I not led to believe, nc a prisoner. Gen. Butler immediately commnuicited to Mr. Trig the orders of the Government, and apprized him of his inten tion to execute them. Mr. Trial then addressed a long letter to Gen: Buller, denying his right to serest or tunably move (ruin the county an Ameri can citizen.. The reply of the General waskrielly, that he had received orders from his Government, imperative. in their nature, and that he would ere. cute them to the letter and furthermore. hint it wan neither his duty nor inclination to reply to the argument of Mr. Trtst in relation to his tight as a citizen. • Gen. Santa Anna has at length taken his der lure from the 011 of Mexico. Accompanie d by his family, he sailed from Antigua on the ith for Jaamea, whence, it is reported, he is to pro ceed to Venezuela, to join his old friend _General. Paer. Correspoudenee al ilea riaa. Orleans Delta. Cm'w; Mcm., March ',lB-16- Having been particularly engaged dining the past week, I have coif given you the news and prospects, in relation to Mexican affairs, as full as 1 had desire& It in impossible to form a precise opinion as to What will be the.mmicrn of the Alexi. wan Congress on the 'treaty, until we hear , what has been its fate in the Senate of the United States. If, in the latter body, it 'should meet with no other modification than the section in reference to the Esupresariu Grants, I am convinced, from all I can learn, and nay sources of snfirmation am good, that that modification will be . acceded to by the Mexican Government, and ratitied by the Con: gress, although possibly it may cause a delay which will prevent oar troops front reaching the coast be. fire the vomits beauties an epidemic. Ilowever, a great deal depends upon the person whom our Government may send here as commisaioner or agent to conclude the negotiations already entered into; far I take it for granted that nOftirther powers will be vested in Mr. Tnst, since his arrest by or. der of the Government:at home. If our Govern. meat should see proper to vest this authority in name of the ablest officers of our army, already hem, or some such gentleman as General Pierce, of New Hump shire, or General Shields,. who in well acquainted with the Mexican character and their manner of doing' business, and at the same time a person of practical talent and masterly abi lity, then there may be a probability of our army missing the range of the vomito before it becomes very dangerous. During the rant week this city has been rife with reports of n revolution'in San Luis Potosi, Guana juato, Guadalajara, and Zacatecas. No opportuni. ties have been lost by the speculators,shavers, and persons who are peculiarly profiting by our army remaining in Mexico, to give currency and reed. ence to the reports net afloat. It was positively stated that last night we would receive news air. ming their aseenions; end, while we were all max. iously looking for the news confirming or disavow ing their statements, we learn that Senor Adams, the Governor of San Luis Potosi, has positively been arrested by the Mexican Government, and brought to Queretaro a prisoner, and from three different sources, since confirmed, we hear that they have also asserted Paredes, ;and placed him in clove confinement, together with his fidlowers, who have been endeavoring to create a remun stranie agrunst the actions of the Mexican Gcue ral Government in the 'northern and distant pro, inces; and alas that the Commandant General has fixed a day, duriog the early part of next month, when Santa Anna must leave the country, or he will be made a prisonei and placed in close con finement. In accordance with this 'mime, Siam Anna has requested l is banker in this city to place fund*, subject to his onler, in the West Indiesi— however, his friends nay it is his intention to go to Venezuela. It is also worried at home. on information revere .ed from here, that the aimy is °pooled to the trea ty, and that they would wooer stay here farever than to go home on such terms. This in not the fact. • Since my return here, I have not wen half* dozen officers who are out warmly in favor of, and hape that the treaty they be accepted by our Gov ernment. , . The present. Government is certainly acting with more energy and determination than has ev er been known in this country since the con quest by the Spaniards. Every revolutionary spirit that has thus far, either by his own de. signs, or the pp:imp:ing, of others, raced up ex. citingwebellion against the powers that be, has been 'taken by the roller and placed in safe keep ing. All the °theta' newspapers coming from the interior tine the past week, manifest a decided de termination to support : the• present Government, and all agree that the only salvation of Mexico depends upon immediate peace. A great ninny slurs and haze insinuations have twee thrown but through the peens at borne, and from persons here about English shacks and En glish influence in the negotiation of a treaty, all wholly untrue and without any, inindition what ever. The opponents of a - treaty, or a pence on any tern., and the mriuthpiecerrof a net of ao. nimbus and sincere, who would sell their coun try or their souls either fine the almighty dollar, still continue to cry Out British influences and British influences and British interests 11. not Mr. Trutt negotiated thin treaty on a basis nrcepta.' We to our Government, or else why would the President recommend its acceptance! The sec [ion of the treaty referring to land claims in the ac ,quired territory, was not adopted with a view to the claims of any persons; except the &Ma fide . eitisena of Mexico. No English subject has any claim whatever in any of these territories, ante. he is in the actual and pea mableposinstam. 'otter it, and which we would respect under any circum. stances. Indeed, there is n doubt, and Ido not be , lieve that there is any claim, Mexican or other wise, which had not been gmfened previous to the time epoken of in the treaty. Is there nay Ameri can who will believe that the patriotie Scott, at the bead of his conquering legions, was guided in his course, or controlled in his movements, by British intinences? Or is there any American who will believe that the valiant Butler, who hu before shed British blood, would Inn governed in carrying out the provisions of the treaty, in negotiating an ar mistice, if he thought there was British influence used in the negotiation, and that he wan ylehhlg the inter.ts of his country fur the benefit of *nod, And let me again nab, if these persons whowere herr on the ground, and acquainted with' all the circumstances of the past end the present, are not likely to know the motive and prompungs of the negotiator, and the object he had in vinyl,. When Mt. Trist in then assailed, Generals Scotrand But• ler are assailed; the American may in assailed, and the honor and fame of our nation comes in for p large share of the disgrace, if any there be. lint mom of this anon. I intend hereafter to rekr to this subject, and I pledge myself to show clearly and distinctly, at the proper time, that these elan• dens and libels have been originated by aspiring demagogues and pecuniarily interested individuals, and that inxtend of their promulgation of theni be. lag governed by a patriotic impulse ' they have given currency and circulation to them with a nor. did intermit, or governed by a most inveterate . per. sonal halted and unjuatifinble ambition. Grrr or Maxico, March 29,1848. We haie accounts (rota our different posts at Toluca, Herd del Monte, and Cuemavarn. There is nothing very instructing orimportmitTrom thee, except that the health of our troops is improving. No doubt the prenmeet of peace and the idea of go ing home has some effect on the nick. Mr. Trist is still here, being detained an account of being a witness on the li'mrt of 'equity. There is no telling now when be will be able to go, per haps nest fall: lie may get away from here pre vious to the rage of the vomit', on the count. The • Cou - rt, however, is "in for the balance of the sea- MUSTANG. A Puniest Artnarroesmvt—A prudent and well disposed member of the ' 4 9ociety of Friends," once gave the following friendly ndvice:—'•Johu," said he, "J hear thou art to he married." "Yes," 'replied John, , d am.' Well," rejoined the friend, have ono little piece of advice to give thee, and that is, never to ninny a woman worth more than thou att. When 1 married my wife, l was worth just fifty cents, arid idle was worth sistydwo cents, and whenever any difference has occurred tweets us since, she has.always thrown up the odd shilling." TIM Smear E.101,1n:All Irishman, who had been often and profitably employedas a stevedore, was obsiTtred intently gazing nt a steam engine, that wan whizzing away at a swill rate, doing his work for him, and lifting 'the cotton out from the hold of a atop quicker than you con say "Jack Robirison.'l Pat looked till his anger was pretty well up, and then shaking los fist at the °critter," exclaimed:— '•Choog, • choog, choog, epet, 'pot, tome it, aud be bothered ye, mad child o'Soton, llru ye are. Ye may do the work o'lwenty•Bve fellers—ye nifty take the breed out iv on Irishman's mutultbut by the powers, now n can't nee, old blazer mind thst, - will yer Tug Wasustortet t,avc Case—All has become arid and the three white men concerned, bound. over kr trial. Thcir names are Daniel Drayton, Chester English and Edward Bayrea The bail deemed' kir them is :570000, or $lOllO tar each Shre. Tux new Senator troth Arkausas, has no doubt reached blipost by'tbis close. He ponied through Cincinnati im Tuesday. lEJ . The .Ziew Orleans Constantin' Times, of !Oar Instant makes the killowing rekrence to the Oro endings of the Asap , Cnitihiestial in the case of General Fillcnv, daring the seventh, eighth, sad 9th days of the trial. After ststiag in nnhstenee the testinony of Mr. Trisi,olithe sixth day, already *dire:tad - to elsewhere, the Times says: On the airVenth day, Gen. Cadwallader gave his testimony, and in reference to paper No. 3, !mid— i have looked all over the interlineations carefully, and believe that I have seen all the interfinean s, but in none of them do I recognize the hand rit. mg of. Gen. Pillow.' . Lieutenant Colonel Duncan, for the defence sta. , ted that he had examined paper N 0.3, andnvas satieMed that there is not a word in it in Gen'. Pd. low's handwriting. Lieutenant Rants could not recognizelt, and Major Polk, who ;haul been view student gar two -years in General pillow'f, Office, felt convinced that nothing in-No. 3 was in the Inner's handwriting. Major Maras acknoWledged himself the 'author of No. 3, (the Leonidas letter,' that he wrote it at the request of no one; end that he obtained the or der of the arrangement of the beads, from which he wrote It, from a memorandum or partial report of General Pillow of the opentionsof his division on the I dth and Wilt of August, having found it on hie table, in his private ogre. General Pillow, he stated, never had any knowledge of the letter , until oiler publication. , • On the eighth day, General Soott,tbe prosecutor, cross examined Major Berne at length, with the view to impugn and =peach the testimony of the witness. 'The questions put were of a very searching character, tending to substantiate' the al• legation that he had been in the habit of writing letters highly laudatory of General Pillow, and transmitting them open, through General Pillow, - and that the probability was he had done so in the cane of thin, the most important of these letters. Major Bunts declined answering, on the, plea that he would Ire eliminating hinmell. • On the ninth day, Gen. &nlt put on cool the feet of the refusal to answer by Major Buren, and momenta thereon. lied no objection to the cross examination, but hlnj. Burns put in a paper, in reference to t h e style of crass question ing adopted by the prosecutor, complaining there. Of, and culling on the Court to protect him from in sult. The crossiexamination continued, and Maj. Burns conferred, on comparing the two letten, that one 104 three, were, in certain passages, near idenii. cal, but mild not ncociunt kr the coincidence. . . • . . Alter Major Burns's testimony was concluded, Capt. Naylor was called, when the account of the proceedings by the Ohio terminates. !Wan FL:tn.—Presidents Polk's Dead Sea ex pedition has been heard from! We suggest he should now organize U. squadron to explore the Si. Cloir Flats. If he telt as much interest in the wrecks of American commerce, as in the ruins of Sodom and Gomorrah, he would never have, writ ten his veto; and if the LocoLzeoprens of Michigan thought as much of the interests of Luke commerce, and of the interest. of • •.-• .d Of the interests of tho people of thisS7ate, who support them, as they do of the good will of a few dentagogues, they would dare speak out and condemn James K. Polk.—Detroit Advertiser. Homan Dunn.—A little child was drowned recently at Northampton (Masa,) under the follow. ing Cifol.llD/CIIICM I"reviout to putting him to "bed, the girl having charge of the nursery put a quantity of boiling water in the bathing tub, prep. atm) , to the accustomed ablution of the children, and left the robin without qualifying its tempera. tore. The little naked boy, supposing the water ready Cur use, jumped into the and trio in. owned in the toiling realer! Movicarrr or Taoml.—Col. Crane, Superinteit. dent of the Recruiting Service, embarked yester day, the 20th inst., on Ward the tranOport.ship Hun. trem bound for Monterey, in California, a detach. went of troops cmutpuseal on 4IiiOAS fat Maims. Andt. Quartermaster. commanding:lst Lieut. M. Norton, Ist Regiment Nem 'Voile Vdhm• teem; 51 recruits for Company C., Ist 1/regions, •na Company F, 3d Artillery.—N. T Erpress. of Mons F01L4,611,1 in. • Heavy Astor:cr.—The Worcester (Masa) papers announce the disclose. ere dame extensive forgeries perpetrateirg Mi Seba Carpenter, of the firm of S. & - C. Carpenter, ahoe mmufactorera in East Ibugl.l. The amount of forged paper is variouNly stated at from $20,000 to 750pu11. and it appears that the fraud. lent transactions have been carried on far two or three years past. • Tog LIIIRAIIT or Wvini‘orim—Mrs. Jose C. Washington, of Mount Vernon, has authorized a contradiction of the current report dint Mr. r'te. lien• has purchased the Library of General p Waabington, or 3000 VOIIIIMIS of it, Co 35000. She says that there is not the slightest 6A1M1211011 (hr it. The family have never entertained the thought of.aelling that property, and five Minx the sum named could not; purchase litxawir S3-AVM—The glares in Cecil comity, Md., are runway away in drover.. 'Tile Wi ton Chicken seys:—"A week or twu since eiylit wade their escape from Mr. Geuryndlidd, la that county; and a week or co betUre, five rain away (runt Meter. Oaten & Chamberlain. It wail Mr. Intention we areintormed i to five three of his slaves in a few days." . MOROI, C0..1. TRADE—The Traveller says - - The awl trade tS 111,1 w very dig), 4r the stop., raga ol an many - iron warp mil Milli &rake NI. uincture of witton, dce., hive with a mild winter, left a lame surplus from last winter, sad the de mand Gar money, induces a keeping of attacks upon floe markek LARGE FITE AT lIAVISHILL, destru lien contsganou occurred at Haverhill, N. H. on Monday evening, breaking out about 5 o'cksch Nine stores end dwelling Louses, with their out buildings, were destroyed; also, Towles Hotel, the Postotfice, and two Printing °dives. Aanevr--Mr. Bunton inidins the Albany Er ning Journal that he has arrested Conrad C. Wheeler, of Tagbanic, f.7olundita vounty,one of 'be persons advertised in the Governor's proclamation as charged with having_slag and wounded Depu ty Sheriff John 11. Smith, of Colunthia county. A military force, calling themselves the Republi can Legion, had entered Belgium, to disseminate the ptinciples of the French RryuWie, but bad been met and defeated, with a loss of 41:111 men' Thd steamboats have Commit.] their regular trips between Butfaln and Chicago, and inpmne• dime ports on the Lake, OEI Lake Champlain and the River St. Lawrence, navigation has COIIIIII.BIC. bathe season. . A cdrdid.of nor gnat, has been rendered In lb. United Sista Circuit Court, ',cling at Philadelph, in the case of Wm. Brown, tried on a change being concerned in the niave trade on the Africa. coast. A boy was asked what meekness eras. I 'thought a moment tool said—' - Meekness giv .stataft answers lo koug b questions." The New Orleans Bulletin upplien to Gene. Pillow the following lines of Dr. Young:— • "To glory prone advance • lying clam Tlarevea of renown, and pilterer. of fame." 1.4171 C U. owes, Senator e 3of the Sth District of Connecticut, died of Preston on Monday, in his 49th yew'. • • Cumiumertotai Oven= liotsrea.—The Pike COll4 ty,IIL Free Press state. that o Justice of that coo, ty voted against ittenewlConst tuition on the grooto 'that be - had taken on oath to eupport the old o.e' A grand Juvenile Concert waste have trace giv en on Tatumlay, at the Tabernacle, New 'York• by rightl:v=lra young nuralig, Lord Normanby, the British Minister, has lelt Paris—a circumstance which ha. created a good deal of sensation in England. Rev. Dr. flaws:es has resigned the Presidential chair of the University of Lonssianti. Leval Intel'',evict COLOMIZATICW Mccrpo.--Tbe attendance Int eight, 113m30'01:i0WVII, was extremely thin; b u t m u audience vas a vary intelligent one. We heard a portion of Mr. Forward's address, which teemed with gent thought, and glorious ;itemises tohhe Afri.ari 1.03. PCIVITLVANIA FLO . VIL—WO yesterday saw an accrsMt miles of dour made by David Leech, Est., at his mill in Leechlsurgh. It 'sold at $7 po the barrel, in Philadelphia, and one a little extra on the outside, the $4. The soles were Made in Aprii, and while other brands sold ibr $6,00. Mr. Leech, last year, took the premium against the product of six States, and.can do it again. Tua Form at, Stasicm, on the occasion of the burial of the remains of Lieut. Parker, Lieutenant Sewell, and Commodore Barney, will take place on the 12th of May. We are gratified to learn that our diatingnithed ownstnan, Colonel ;Wawa Irreandlux, ban been lamed to deliver en oration on the overtaion. • The Coroner, yesterday, field an inquest on the body of a man named lames Garlick, which was found under a slaughter lioiae in Snyder•s Hollow, Allegheny City. His throat was cut in three pla ces. Verdict of the Jury—Suicide. lie was an intemperate man, and has left a Family. Baru Ilia attending Phyeiciony having pronoun Philip Munn out of clanger, Mr. Blair wrs re eyed on bail, yesterday. D" Ibex your hair tan off, does your ham turn gray Is it harsh, is it dry, or dirty, I prays boxy,ou am mato 11 eon, and Los Mirk and leo:dilly, and beauteous a. t osier And to have Mix, you have but ihree shillius• to give Fora tertile of Jones , Flair Reitorativr. . Reader, if you have bid hair you would really be an. blushed at the lovely attest a three shilling troille of Jones' Coral .flair Restorative ban Gad; urines but One trial. Sold sit lie Liberty at. novlthlkoilly - icr The soh, Atigehe expo-coon of wane females is grateful to view, while the repulsive rouse, muddy, yellow laces Welber., excites disguet—the same with males. Could such people be induced to try a cake of die true Jones' Italian Chemical Soap, they would be ouraplared wdh the change. They would have a deli cate, clear, white skin, while every disfigurement or Ontption would be removed and cured. PaarotrLatt Nortem.—Persous who have.bought cha op eMinterfelts and lumations of this, and have had nil el. feet Produced, maw try Mir, the original. Mind, ask toe Jones' Soap. For sale of Wa, Jkossurfs, etti Liber ty sheet. martli ID- Ladies who au Jones' Spaniels Lily White, hive always • fille wise transparent skin. Of this a trial Liaunary any gni. Sold only in ihtubtarilk, at tal rty al. storladandwly BY MAGNETIC, TELEGItANI. os of PlttitrOxiirk.filasotta, -. FOREIGN :MEWS':. ARRICITAZ. OP vain ACADIA 'FIVE DAYS LATER. c: Trouble• li England—bleb ASafre APO 24,1516. contepondenre of the pitteleugh The Steamship Acadia has arrived, bringinead awes from Liverpool down to the Oth instant, of e most important character. , In Europe, the commotion . appears to be gene ral, and a wnuinentalwai can scarcely be avoid ed, indeed it has begun. The King of Sardinia, at the bead of 36,000 troops, has crossed from Piedmont iota Lombard y , declared war against Austria, and was marching direct to Milan. Austrian power bas been de. rested everywhere, and all the Italian liuichies are in open instirrectiOn. Charles Attest Will anon have '450,000 troops under bis command, and be able to liberate Lombardy, and threaten Austria, even at the gates of Vienna. Savoy has declared for a Republic, iu accordaac with the times. governments have been conceded in 13a. den, ,Wmtembitrg and Saxony. The triumph of the people in Hanover has been complete.. The King s of Prussia Liu promised extensive constitutional . re f orms to his people, but hat exas perated the Emperor of Russia by encouraging the independence of Ptdand, a step that Nicholas die asurages in the most finnible manner. The Emperor of Russinbas ordered every Mall in Russian Poland, between the age of eighteen and thirty.five, to he removed , to the interior of Russia, and is raising• an immense army to crush as once all republican efforts in Poland. Belgium and Holland are perfectly tninguil. The Emperor of Turkey refuses to acknowledge the new government of France. The revolutionary movement hes at last reach ed Spain. serious emetne has occurred at drid, in which a goaf many people arid soldiers were killed. Queen Christiana has fled A Parliament has been constituted in Sicily, and . its affairs are gradually •gettingquiet. The French Government has ordered us army on the frontier to witch the movemetits of Italy. On the 3d of April, M. Lamartile received Smith O'Brien and a huge deputation from the re peal association of Ireland. He made ■ speech full of dignity, and assured hint on the part of France the warrnest i sympathy with Ireland, but declared that non intervention will be the policy of the French. ' Paris is quiet, and tbe sericms troubles at Lyons have been succeeded by tranquility. • Lord john Russell declared in Parliament that her Majesty's Government will devote its entire energy to maintain order in the kingdom, and sup. press • rebellion about/Tone be attempted. Affairs in• Ireland are more menacing, and a large number of additional troops have been taken across the channel from England. The Repealer in Dublin continue their action in the most energetic manner, in whirls they are fully supported by the Provinces. In the latter, elections have been held Le delegates to a council to be liekl at Liverpool. The Repealer* are getting bolder in *heir do wands, and now declare. without concealment, that a repeal tithe Union is not iwtficient to satisfy their grievances, which are so great that a Repub- lic can alone core them. The great Chartist demonstration that was to have been held on the 10th, at Loudon, has been prohibited by the British Government. The arrage merits, however, for the meeting were proceeding. The enrriage 6a petition► has been prepared, as well in the banners and insigniacio be worn by the procession. The proclamation, fJrbidding all to attend, had only increased the ekeitetnent, and hod even called forth remonstrances from that part of the pressopposed to Chartism. The Chartists Men, selves were not intimidated, but determined by an unaninunts resolution to hold the demonstrabou at the risk of life, and despite the Government Threats are made to issue a counter prod/non tion, to bold n large meeting, but to carry no ann in the pnice.ion. O'Connor bad advised the people to withdraw their deposits from the Saving,' Bank, amounting to r 25,000,000, as that mecum would tame .aeri- . only etularraas the government-1110M than muted attacks could poasibly do. The Government seems disposed to bring mat. ten to PM issue, without delay. Large . bodies of 'cavalry, infatusiross;d , artilicri have been dratted into the Metropolis, and dome enough aerated to untie any disturbance that may arise. How mut. tees will end cannot posstbly bevconjectured. IM=IIT!! April 6, ISIS . W give' with the quotation, by the Acadia, lb • pelves' by the !liberate. April `sib, Marsh 21ilt, Acadia. Iliberuns Flour, W. Canal, 25s Q27e 27s 11d152tss Ilsluluore,2lis (d26a 27s 027, Cd W. Wheat, 7611 n, 7s Gi 7s 1041 7s ♦d ( d tis id Red ' ' . Cal 2d Cot 7$ .6s 049 is tld Coro, per ISO lb, 23s • iii26s 26* 0211 Meal, per bbl., 11, falls 12s .11( . 6:2. , Nd It will be noticed that there has been e ruinous decline in bread guff., dunng.the lest kirtnight— particularly iu cant.. Upland. —llO4 .11693; 'l3. x 1 fair A ier, The market is tithrrab..y firm at the close, at a decline, however, &Pi on the above rates. The sales for the weekending last evening, were 20,730 bales, iscloding Upland, at 31634 Orleans, 3t 01; Alaboita,3lof t; Ova Island staine..l,7@lod . The suck in prat is 325,000 bale's, of which -173,0006a1es are Tinned States. The operations at Mvachester are veep limited. • . Correspondence of this Plushlsrgh Gazette. CONGRESS. .. . •, Wasninwron, April 24, 1548. Scutt Senatorßorland, twirl Arkansaksp, peered, and was sworn in. A petition was presented asking . Congress to in ..irestignte the conduct of Colonel Childs, and to in. quire whether the soldiers under his command were required to kneel when the Catholic Hest panst4. It was rekrred to the Committee on Mil itary Affairs. • The Vice President 'presented a conarnunicalion inviting the Senate lapin in meeting of sympathy with France- Senate mijoarnoNl. House or Rmaarcrsmvim—Mr. Cocke moved a mtspension of the rule., to allow him to introduce a resolution, dud . Congress meet hereafter at It o'clock, which motion was lost. The Holum soon after adjourned without doing any huskies.. Them was one small procession in honor of the French revolution, ofno account. The , wind was high, and the streets uncomfortable on account of the dust. The public of ices were all closed. Correspondenee of the Pittabdrih Gazette. Mineola. .try., April 21, 1813. The meeker. ere all untertied--Cotton mud Corn °mine]. Otherise the foreign news uot expect. d to produce much cheep. =:2MII IMPORTANT PROM lANTA•FItI • Cirrieversri, April 21, 1848. News keit Santa Fe yi the 1815 of March, has u,l been received. . . . On the 116th of Imam Col. Rahn resigcted the, commend otEl Paw to Lient. Col. Latte i r -cein.ei . ill health. Co!. Gilpin's bouillon Woo at Mom Capt. Healy Lad teen rein to Car,lige! to destroy it, in order to break up the den of horse thieves alieltered there. Gov. Arinigo End been honorably The tumors Urrea's advance Prove to be un- Gauaded. Colonel l*ar, the trader, had escaped thorn Chihuahua. - The health of the troops was good. The wholerorce at El Pam ambuoled lu fifteen Fseinsire Carrespantenee of the Pinebargh Geseue. Cescroscri, April 21, 151 8. A very large meeting was held at the Si. Louis Court Boone, today, at which ■ number of enthte elastic speeches were made, and' resolutions of sympalbyerith trance end Germany adopted. .. The People'. Telegraph has been established's, Tuscumbia, Alabama, and wdt be in °peronista to. Memphis nextireek. The Instrument of Messrs. Zook ds Barnet works admirably. CIECIATNATI MARKET April 24, MIS. Flour—Thentarket is stagnant. - • Grolz—Thsmarlietiawithout change. Groceries-Sugars are in fair demand. Sales f.dr at 41e.- allea suid Molasses wi th out change. Illniskei-Rales at 15el. Prorisional-Salea.country Lard at 54r; of 'Sa mna, packed !ides, at .31r , eked Shoulders at Linseed 01—Sales 10 04 / 3 c. - MIIIIMNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY—SD. 77CR'TO OXIMIERDWIRS:=PropoieWiaII be' rateivad'until Pieduasdayibe.l7LbehirtiLidayi tz; thd liardhb . 14intinadandoriba; GRADING and gAsomnsupodia. 26.1. of the. 'Pennsylvania itailnindibmaremiLavristovrri and Mei tinedonesed also for Oebeavy emeelong the Little Platt and spreificaricuisor rank. satin at the ataxia named place for rive days presioneto the tinisappoined for receiving tba bids. - Any funber information van bo had upon appliention to W. B. Forma, Jr, Esq., Aakieiste Engineer at Lee. V. MERRICK • FOR SALE.TT --- M r )[TILL teT, h tit betw e en 71:s T i l ici m ri . r rroTlf ' i b l anJ P. AT, on toe premiws, ' a desirab le penpeety the improving town of at Walnut Grove, having. front of ICU feet on {Yates street, Ly SlatTeet to Main street, fronting on both -streets, aria a new substantial and on Cottage Brick House. The properly eau bri diridat into 4 building Lots, and • will be 'sold Without reserve to the highest bidder. Persona desirous of making a profitable inveriment would do well to attend_ Terms made known day at sale. Tide indisputuble. • A. G. HECKEL. LINEN LUSTHM AND GINGHAMS—W D Mur phy inrites attention to his eitOrlilleikl of above wads, ef various shades and qualities; also, damask, red of Lustre, for WIWI/reser. A large.. sortment sri fine Eatlirion, Manchester -kid Eh eneh Gingham. of merest styles; also. Hoyl's'Prinriv-a full assortment of these very desirable goods, including pink, lilac, blue and dabble purple, of new nod beam tat pattems. French Divas Lawne—Pikr, blue, lilac, brown and bud, of newest paiterne and tali adore; weal/ tig'd do for infant,. Alen , Drilliantines, of large and small fig ures, for ladies' and infants' dresses. • .• Embroidered Swiss dress patterns,ar for evening dree ses, are' styles; colored damask tendons, do; and a full assortment of tissues, bemges, gretidines, cape . hawls, dec., at the northeast corner of Fourth end Mar= km streets. , INDIA DirgllED. GOODS. TEST RECEIVED, per Espies., a barge assortment eg of India Robber (toads, comprising— -2 dot Officers' Coats; 4 doe. Traveling Bags; •• Sack to; 1 pairs Patit 4 " Pea do, I " Camp Blankets; 2 " Reeling Jackets; I " .Cushions; .1 " Horse Covers, " Life Preserver.; lial yards of 44 Carriage Cloth, fine Wilde.; 2I doe pair Leggings. of thfforent styles; " Capes, wlth sleeves; 2 " without do . .. I " Gnu Covers; all of winch will be sold cheap for rash. wholesale or retail, at No 4 Woad street.. Ml:r==M - • FIFTY COLLIERS are wanted to work at Farm hfulford's Coal Ilanke t tt miles above Caseyvill Ky., where they can get the highest wages., the abo manes. Miners who understand their business, and a peaceable and quiet men, will always Cud steady e ploymeot, If net the whole year round, much nearer at than any other manes on the Ohio river. For forth particulars apply to R lIALL, apdAdtm Pittsburgh. LOST-01. Saturday evening, either oTt Wood or Liberty streets. • Redd ktrocelet, with S strand* of gold chains—gold tassels attached. The tinder will be suitably rewarded by leaving it' ut IL Richardson , * Jewelry Store. Market 1. u•2soldt SEASONEI3 LUMBER—I will sell a few thousund feel of the hollowing desemptions of well seasoned cr..(11014 1. 1 and 2 inches; Joist, 23 ft tong, 2n14. Pine, clear, 1, I/ and 2 in.; wW Curti Join Cherry, 1,2 and 3 in.; Poplar 2 in.. /AMPS H. AMMAN, adlutpialy Crothatereilla ou river bank_ At:LI ROCERIES, A.C.-215 lreds N 0 Hag= bbl. lT 19MlIall011 Molasses HS do S 11 do; 411 do Loaf Sugar, 100 b.g. 11. i. Coffee; 1l tierce. Rice; I.UP casks patent Sala Ash; received by late arrivals from New (releases and for sale by W& hl MITCHELTREE, putS libertyst SILK CRAVATS—PIaid silk and plain black; 1,.; r priced, medium and bus jos opeucil by 0100 SILACICLINTA HS wood al - LINF-V CAMBRIC IlLIRPS—Fifty dos Cambria Udall, from medium to bite; just opened by SHACKLKIT A WHITE VISA AND TAR—I2O. bbl. llessinv; 23 do No 1 J Nhad, Wdd prium N C Tor, lo arras and Co. sole by ap2.3lw s TAAFPFat O'CONNOR 131T6D-15 lads Yd s+ hand odd for sale by opZ-I w TAAFTE & O'CONNOR _ •ANILLA libati•-10 bales au stare arid for au .11/. by wz.: JAS A HUTCHISON& Co LEAD—VW piq . Gale. Lead, received per alum. Noribaru Light and far aide. by 4 , 35 JAS A HUTCHISON & Co - DAMN—P./casks Ilan 10 do SlAnolders;;ereived 1.4 per steamer Northern Llght and for sale by JAMES A d: Cq ptl.G . _ 44 &tutor bad Pt Nod • ALUM —ICI blots for sate by I - 0p25 J SCINIONGIAKER &Co, 34 stniool • OIL VVIROL—Itt carboys for sate by SCHOONSIA6ER & Cr DAJou V}3--Just reed, fire cartons Lad, .1.3 Lbw. Kid Glossa, and for .at by. aP2S 4141 1 . 1 .11& JOHN rIOIIN . -150 . saek j i ,t elglag7Z01 ,.. the lel i zt, ,. by lJ LAIN.- m fnta Caicos Leod, for sale board L .reamer Northern tin Applf ou board to fort 10 A. Al„ Tueulay morning. 0p2.511 Musprae A. PASTuffaat :PUPA reed per Meas.. , lieu Hiedi and fur sale by W At ITCH/U:I7FX, lolibnyat _ 1 UST RECF.lVED—Chlurofurni in I pit... W.. WIDWIL Co ii.• C wpetl b.... , -4.11.1! Kyle . by 10ACII VARNISII-1U gallowL .c n d bY %." orS4 1 KIDL & NO. 4. 1 ,, j IEIV YOR H K VARNIS—Juni rz:dictil_co. MZ,E=II DACON-Of enek. Ram. limn,on eansignrornt; 1.1 bY 3TUO . d., BUSIIFIELD ROE opf34 BACON SHOELDEO- - W c.k. For .ale by .p 24 • NULL, OUSIIFIELD& ROE -•— - j AHD 011.-do bps for sole by oprM ANAL', lIUSHFIELD.}. ROE . . . OP l-5 bolo forsolo low by cau,, BUSH ELD tr. ROE - - Ain EFINEDRUILAX. ENGLISH-TR Om lust rre'd ond bonnie by and 4 R E sELLERs H' ' 4AIL'. %PA/111 reed LA—I bale Jam an 4For _saill alq4 /a F. 511.1.1-11 IS S i i.f. , 1 , / . .A0-9111.slant rre'd and kni , s; : l;by jats DOOR MAN'S PLASTFA-1 gronssiod nrc'd and kir I tale by ap:P4 It E SELLERS fy BEEN BERAGE-5 cartons, cuednuu and foie ‘..1 Henan; good color and very he P. opensog ny ap:II . SHACKLE'II . A. WHITE fIANVAI±SE2 d HAn---..00 , L yellow Canvas...l Iluus, I. '. " " II:7IVTi ICDLS boom just reed and fur snla b ap2l S F VON LIONNHOILSV Co See Island. 7b ISd. nOTATUKA-10. seekh just teed undfar sale by apt! S P VON IitUtiNUORST & Co WARS-33,00 Kentucky,oticonsiginuenn tot sate sed4 Gill COCltAkti,. At wood al S r ft" opel 77 l AZO b r d :eft iy;OIFiTI Co, 4I i "VEATHERS-1.5 sacks Prima Kentucky Feathers ititt received and Ins tale by " ' ' EIIIPL-K1 bale. Manillalletap, to attire and for 11 axle by up:6l YOINDEXTbIit A Co OXALIC ACID -1 east lauit and' for sale by ape! ... BRAUN A. REITER IP °E .4 DIII3IBTONE 7 3 bids ism reeBRAU d and for sisl . • N& ... 4 _€_. . X t rINERAL WATER CORES-. 4 bales reed and 1. .JJI ask. bi spßl BRAUN & REITER JAMAICA (ANGER ROOT-4 bales feed aid for bale by • sptl . BRAUN tr-REITF.R WINDOW 01499-3fo bits Silk LSO do 10x 12 100 Ma MI do li do ;x9; logethercridi eus assortment o large size (dm of superior make; for We by mutt 9 F VON BONNLIORSF Co .IkT ACKFR.I3I.-40 bbl. No 3, (or ole lbw to cloo AU. eamgnment, by- • 13 F VON BONNIIORSTIk. Co • TI OMAN CF.MENT.L.S bW. for saleqq .ll42 SF VON lIONN -& Co TCYTHE SNEATOS-4 0 Eli. forWIG bi ne... 1.4 F VON MON NIIORST A Co AY ItAKE...I dos Cur sok -a by • piN F VON BONNIIORST a Co S".',,rlx' " 6 " ITVNZ.:I6 - 0117r co . F L, I?y UR-100 bbls SF. Flour, it!nt reed and *al. JOlthi DILWORTH ap2l \V.v.{ si • E.llLMY—Assoried, just reed and for sale by sp2Y J SCIIOO,NAIAKER ts Co, 24 wood st G _ R'D PAlNTl4—Veraeirris, Paris green, Caen, Green and Persian Green, In tin emu' for rule b 1 apt: J SCIIOONIII.AkER A Co . A NNATTO-2 book.. freob, for oak, by 11 .y 22 ' J SCHOONMAKER .2 Co - - LEmoN SYRUP—W.In: pure and fresh, for solo by .pat .1 SOINJONMAKER Jr. Po GLUE-33bbla for Yale by' - apt' J fie/100.,inALR & Cu MOIATHERS-55 snake,' now :Eluding 'from smanser 'Oswego; for sale by ISMAII DICKEY Is Co, apt" • front 01 UfPIINSENCI—ti bags now landing from sum' Oswego; for sale by apt.l '. I3ALIII /JICKEY Co I;u.Axst:ED—it sacks now landrng from soar On wegm for /41113 by ap22 ISAIAH DICKEY hCo AtiLl-:l9bbls No 1, 0.; 7 1Is; from slam Ovwe- XdiroLfor male by opal 18A1A11 DICKEY &Co 1117001.-1 sack now landing Mon stair Oswego:. for vT sale br opal is#4 l 9l jucKEy-& Co FEATHERS-1U 'wags . ° arrive by ramr Puritisei for X' solo by op?! ISAIAH lliegEy A Co SA rury FUSE-4 bids for sobs by 441 J 8 DII.WORTII,W•wood.n IifACuIV—;IS Is!alp Boom, haw, older raidshoulaen; oucunriguntem nod foreale by urea SELLERS& NICOLS S ti . A . S .Ta 'at na b i h o s r bae b br Cibeionots Sony,oucooeips 11{41 -- SELLERS & NICOLS (10PAL bble Copal Yaratielh No ,h, thasufnetured by Price & Meehan, Newark,: NA (rt Lea le by . NELLEItS NICOLS UR VAURIVB IJTIILINTRWTIC—tu re'Jsuol for role by the boa, o his price, by op2l R £ SELLERS, 57 Nvoal n I,tt4Tult tin., No. 1-4 bbir just:reel- nod for male %,/, by IpouNDRY IRON-7s to.uTio yee'4laTitilir - ule by L .21 • KICK . K: . 3IcCAN D LE4 JOI`NCOES 7 -ei tlre'bitanuock.h . ttoi . WICK Jr. McCAINDIS - (100PER13 1.`MN(1LA...4.3-8 bxs Bist re.c'd and rot ../is by ITAL:. BRAUN it REITER C t .p2l sAWIATUs—tu z ;..L v o l iIFSI '' front at LLI 3 j rec'd and for nth> by BRAUN& RlirrEß ..... _ IDE.:atIIL ASH-, cosk• jos: reek' and for gee by ardii B F VON.BONNUORST & Co HAMS—W casks superior lianas, just received on sonsiaausent and for sale low by • • Ine , • A GORDON, front s! . _ CLOVER eEr.D,I4 titils for side by I •IPI 7 WICK AMA:VDUS:3. DHERIUNIS—He his freab, rut sole by 017 WICK & IWCANI/LES AUCTION BALW By Jeki D.; Divfay • . . . Imp Safe of GroosEUßroli and .Rea Ego** ankr ofthe Erondorof thelkstiErbettPadles, .0a Tdoolos, Ma, et:100' , !A. IL; , et Commercil Sales Roa, ear. of Wood and Firth streets, will ha add ',khan& tha fallowing val., cable ground rents, which are aU vret steered by im proved property, air. The folloigroand rung, lam mg out of LotNo 47f, lathe crty Usbaugh, nantiog the whole length of the square on the west side of Smithfield street.. from Seventh .streetto Strawberry alley, being 940 feet long. by 60 feet deep, 71i: • - No I.licmg VD annually &rover, payable quarterly, on the indivalualhalf of the first NI Net thereOce 010- meicing co the corner of Seventh street. . Not Being 660 annually forever, payable quarter. 17,00 the undivided half orate next dr tact thereof, ad joining No 1. . Not Being $65 anntudly forever, payable half year ly. on the norkeided half ot tbe NW feenbersoL ad joining No 2. and cornering on Strawbevry •' Alto, the following (0011141,010, 'issuing Will Or Lot No 454,, in the city 04 , Pittsburgt, runningthe.whole length of the aquare tho west side of Smithfield es, from Strawberry alley to Sixth street, being 940 feet coI g.hy 60 feet deep, via^ • - No 4. Being SPX annually forever, psyabloquiner , ly, on the Dot Bu feet thereof, next tneranle Strawberry. alley, and cornering there. ' No 5. Being (140 anunally 'forever, anyablohulf year ly, on the next 40 feet thereof, adjoitung No 4: No 6. Being 340 annually forever, payable ooleyou- Iy, on the next 40 feet thereof, adjoining No No 7. Being WV snootily, wrever,osyahlequarierly, on the next lb Wet thereof. adjoining No 6 — 7 No B. Being V 7 smunatly thereof,forever,.payable quarter y, on the next 10 feet adjOinlng No 7;- '9. Being 892 50 annually forever, payable half Toady, 00 the next II feet therio4'adjoining No a No 10. Being 6.50 annually forever, payable .quarter ly, on the next feet thermic adjoining No It, andoor nering on Sixth street. Also, the following ground rents, termer out - of Lot No :911, in the city at Pittsburgh, frootiog feet ma lob extending through to Diamond alley, 940 feet, aod the same on which is erected dm &change Bank. No 11: Being 940 annually forever, payable quarter ly. on the first 21 by b 0 feet thereef,nexttawards Wood street,. Fillhaucca • • " . • No Li Being 9140 annually forever, payable half yeatlyi on the next 40 by DO feet theteof, on Fifth at, atlitumng No 11, and on the additrog thereto of .the 255 by 40 feet , in the rear of No 11. .. No 11 8ein441.1 annuelly forerer, pityable quarter— ly, On the first ID by 00 feet theteof, hest talents Mar• keg street, on Diamond alley. - No 14. &leg 1100 annually forerer..peyabler half yearly, on the Item 40 by 120 feet thereof, on Diamond alley, enjoining No •12, and on the winning thereto of the trilby 40 feet lithe rear of Noll'• Also, that sellable lot of groandotitume at southwest conteforliferket and Front streets, baring • trent of 40 feet, on Market suite, and extending along Front Street 35 feet, on which to erected a substantial four story. brick building, occupied at present by Doctor E. blend n public bonze. M=MM _ . Also, Wet valuable kit of ground, sintati•on thy norih side of Penis street, at the corner of. Cecil's alley, har ing a front of i feet, and extending bark 1.10 feet,' to a ten feet alley. , • Also, throe other lots of grown] adjoining the above, having eseh a hurt on 'Puns street of 21 feet ,nittehes, and extending back lt , Ofeet to the alley aforeasld. For (untie, trifortantion apply to opd • . • JOHN D DAVIS, newt, Twenty-Gne building Lots, at the new Court Henze, on Saturday, the oth day. of May, at 3 P. 7d, situate on Eh.' street-40 Lots, enektit .&et.. front; averagior about 100 feet deep, opposite the Cathedral: Y tots, to. griller, 49 feet (root DU Great stree, Rf feet .01•loches int Fifth street, and 44 feet • 90 inches on Wylie street.: Ou Wylie street-4 lots, of Which 3 are ellth:2o , feet front, by 100 feeideep, and n ea rsP.2 inch, knit, by about hu deep. Th erefots areprisitethe Corner. On Ross Wreet-7 low, each:: feeerrow, by 100 feet, to a pir feet alley: These lots are opposite the Jail; one is on the corner of Ross street • and th 4 4th meas./toad. Oa Fourth sweat-Hoed-1 lot, 01l bet. front, by abontl3o . fiet deep,l lot, feet 8 inches, by Tenor, ottoWioh", in and -the renidpeld ow' equal annual payments, front the Ist ilatoCApril last, with interest, payable twini.rolnually, on. the Ist days of October and April. in each year, to be wanted by bond and naintsage.' Title unlisputable, and possession given Museditstely. iA. plan of the lots can 'be neon at the office of 'Robb 'lll`Onnaell, Third street, nest to the Post Liget. *ARAI/ D TEITERAAN. • • • •• ; i. 1009 D Dalt ,oor PITTS 8171/011 TUZATRIK: C. 8. P.m Manager. and Ler SECOND NIOIIT OF NIL ANDERSON: TUESDAY, APRIL St; cell, to comment with the Play of the • • ' LADItOP tYONS.• , 'Claude hlelootie; Leterrow Pauline Mies Alt4ets.on, Alter which, 1.14-NCE, IT Arise Mute Delete.: . To eowtlude with the Feiee or the . Vivian....... - • • LA ROt SUNDERLAND, eompliaore with tho wigwag. evillest of • large ;millrace to Attend .es .1 his finiteouwe of Lietores, ho theplensure of • !sweating !loather wrisi of INTELLECTUAL EN TRETA INAIDENTS, (e•- ,opt Saturdayil the present - week, to winch he will de. save the philosophy of Chinas and Spellain Arombi e anima of New, Allethail and Wohdwful Phenomena, illustrating those laws which produce the AIYBTP, RIES, AILSFREIEL FELICITIES OF LIERtIAN NA TURE!! a== 118.1 c. open at 7—to commence at 8 o'clock.- Sock ID" Gratuitous Lactates to Ladies, 'on Health, Tuesday and Thonsday, u 3 P. 3L„ . 5p.11."..e• •TO TRAVEL74II.II. Matt ' ',MIME EXPUFSS FAST PAcicer L.Cdlt, FUR PIIILADEL , PHU AND BALTIMORE:. ' • (Exchaarv•ror woo PassaanaSs.) MBE Canal a ackliail Boads betat now in e.krellent order, the packets clads line will lease w' pas: aengers folloars4 every evening - 0a 96'eloe . Louisiaaar--Thanapson,Moaday,.April; • • Ohio-:Capt Crarg , Tuesday,llath.. Indiana-Cam F Berkey, Wednesday, : ra h_ • Kentucky-.11..Ypt Truhy r Tharsday, arth. . Ohi o-Thaattson,hWay, Wilt. • • . . tthk"-CoPs C m p , Saanday,....stri- • Indium-Cam P Berkey, Sunday, Tha proprietors offs ia lino Watteau' boats donne the untaer, war. tie ladies' cabin eularged,arbich will af ford greater comfort to perions travelutg with, their fluorites. • . Passau-era by this route passover ISt mile. rail' oad in day. Ii k ' you desire cheap :myelin . gond coligunalde seem rondo:ions, secure your tickets at the Packet take, Monongahela House, water at, or of ' • apW D LEECH lc co; tam] Bum I===ffi • • • •. lit:Surealiolderealthe Ohio and Penn ryleanieiati Road Company ere hereby notified . to meet at die American Hotel, in Salem, Columbiana county, Ohio, at lu o'clock on WedeeMay, Mn 17111 day of Elny.lSts• io organic., mid Company by th e election of wren Di: nes, and mosisset any otheebusineks deemed ne; w cessary by ! Ishii Sicekholdeni, i,l 1 • JOSEPH tittooxii, . .• ZADOK STREET, • • • GEO JOHN HARRIS, THOMAS W BARCLAY, . HEDGES; 7•ETER BUOYS, - • • / JOIIN LEARIVE72., I SFDAY, ' .THOMAS. ROBINSON, JAIRI JACOBS,. 1117.71:MON, • ' ltd COtiliOrt. named fa the Charier. HEED ROUSE, ERIE, PA4- S undergoing thorough repair, and will • shanty be I toe of the handtomeet and best fornieln3d lbsela tins heetiouof the UnitedStatea ff=l;ZM 4M:capacity ;wall be ample to accineumidinst taortkaa ably, a very. larg.. e.Ler of pleats. rooms. are lerge,vrell ventilsnal,and arranged to families o r single personaea may be desired. • The proprietor ia determined that Withal/ not be sae miasma in the; I.lliitititik of toetfon and convenience. Ile asks at thia;hande Mike public but au ~pprentity of showing_the ',amenity 0f.h.4 disposition In: titia par ticular., Widunitt sibanur in.offer ornneanink boast in advance,"ke elan,•ld,aity. to one end all,"pre7ine A /lack is kept in constant readiness to convey pas senvers to andj from the meambcot landing—free of charge. • (apt:Ml IVAL.WAIW. - • • • . . TN the Orphan!. Coen for the County of Philidelphist. ln the matter of the amnion of the estate of RO MERT hlUßTLisipiD, :Meld. • • . Sherif hamar made retain to the writ of Itameat awarded in this ease, appraised the estate therein de scribed, at the mini of IrMeo. On :notion of.lanteallaM ue, Esq., the coon granted a rate on all persona inter ested, to come into court On Friday,' the 10th day of May, A. D. IbIN then end therato accent or renise said real estate, at the appraisemeat thereof -And the ordered that notice of said role he giVEZI by. advertise ment twice week for Mar weeks, Mose neb/le army piper published 4: the, city of. Pittsburgh,. and for the same tune to :Me newspaper published lir the city of Philadelphia , • Witness the Ron. Edward King, Esq., at Planate! plan, th is 12th darof April, A.D. le.4k. - • - • • . JNO. ti .7.LEAVIS, ap2l3alelMaylit - .Dap'. Clerk O. C. NEW DRUG STORE lueimberib4r would r . . t fully finuonica data le g opened uew returns Store, on thel comer of Forth and SinithGald strecuu • . &Wr that ing .the went. of the extensive pogalarlion east orgauthgekl street willjustity him, be bu oared' n expeusein fitting tm the establishment, Mat te o mined to keep.* emotes Ina those of the be 4 ty—of undoubted parity and genaineness. A full easement of liledietnea,Perfamerg t god arti cles usually kept in establishment of, Me tuad, will be tawny. on hand.. • Ethyl:yr. his dwelling in the same beading; an night ally win be attended to peoto t oony, The hominess will be moiile:o ns herelsdyre, .itt the Id nand'on hieret street, . apit43m t • L. WiI.XOX, WERT POINT WORKS _— . . PRESTON k: WAGNER, 'Engine Ituiklers,i.hare commetteed,businewlent Penn st, the Point, at the eitablishment ktnnerly carried on by Blockhouse & Nelson. Pete., wishing to purchase steam en gines for boats, or for Other porticoes, will,plesse flavor as with a eel!, ssi we flatter obtrelses be.abletrifor ulsh them onosa fosiorable , tenits as any ether eftale. lishment in atrocity.' . • Also roiliest's!!! weir cuttings. of 'every description e. be had of 6i:shorten non.: • Rarsaxamm—Carn..Robt Beer; Thomas Be., Est, Church, Caiothcis exCe., IL Denny, Esq.; M. All. A . Co.- CYPRIAN PRESTON, tillhatn '• - PATOCII WAGNER.' Mforsossigabila ISAAC WILLIAMS, Draper and Taller; beg's . to' ie .11.. form thr Mare. of Pittsburgh and others, that he In nose °pent. ot his rooms on Smithfield a 150,,, stri der the above Hefei, alarge and beautiflat tunortrocat of Cloths, Casslnieres, Satins, ftilks,end other Verauglo together with molt other articles as on xmluired Tor gentlemen's wear. Ilia goods hove been carefully et. and mat lash uasble sletyrtzl,e.nand.. ll as o rth.o.p.neze,st may depend upon heti. their g elothes motto up in manuer which cannot lad' to, gratify the lute of the most fastidious. (ILOYES—A goad ftIadrIZIGUI of ladies and gent. y VI blank, whits sail colored. OSUMI,' Lisle. Thread, Milk and Thibef Gloves, large UM... Also, bleak, and colored French Not Gloves. MI excellent article,. and large aimeq jutt opcniagpy p 24 • • SHACI4MIT & WHITE 99 wood st gALSISMAN4AirieIfiZiVIiTLin a Whoiesabs and Retail Dry Goods More, a young moo to am tte .lesmitio. One who•has had experience in the busi ness and C. briaL good reference.. Addy. *W. X., Pittsburgh Poet Mee: . ' • a 99 • 13 00 8 will bd opened at the take of rims ,Tre.inun, 11 of the Alonoligaheta.Navigation Company, at tha Exchange Mari PI the c ity of Yhtsburgh,.on the =- day of May next, to receive anbeeriptions tic seed, r ., . fic,.. to pay the I dept, Incurred in rho construction of said hapoventeid. Ply order of the 804 rd. , ! • I Wit &UMW," CIANTOIt CRAPE PIIIAWILX=WIIIe; scarlet mid drab; an astartnteut lotay . tteelved at thy Goods Hottte of - apla ' • vv IrlaIRP1IY; UTIND()W 01 TT do; It* du , .pl 3 RO.-1.10 bis 111210 giamlloo do 1041 1111114 w 14.00, in store and tor alc_tfy TAMMY AST 2=eff=M /7===l AMUSEMENTS DIJMUDELLE. Mt. Wham Miss Vetrae. ITASOINATIONI LEE & BREWSritif':'i Eatable Ailed a vrarciumme In the yearp*, fo pa . pea of.o p pplyinSs We City TIMI74I,ZIF jtft T H Thep -p y r _soDu . c opening Serest It zyuasreeFDe'e kages 7:r4=T 17.?;,; andaoredfoial 2 Cosh = e aicGuan erediyat Faoay - ONE TO per yard below. the meta of April no, per tred. t y:=l,4 . l,ich are conepto.l daily , , *We PRINT P 7 kINIIONSIC,I : New . York.,'Juno, 1617.. t "pI;ECTILICAL 'N-ACHININ AND 'APPARATUS, . .1,11 for Academies; gebools,spd pnvate Huta & Co., Pittsburgh and Newliork, solicit Mc at tention of teachers andlhe poblit to their set ofimpre red Electrical Instruments, which have beta prepared with direct xeferenne to , the purposes of MlOSlflaioll, and have many advantages over the ecimans, funit of set wldch ts offered at th e Incomparably low price *l'llls, is composed orlllaker patent electrical LeYdetrisr, discharger, mriversal landeesra, glass • cYlloder.for dinning balls, Image plates, &Mil hous spiral tube, quadrant, electrometer, Onto:swop., glass syphon, gilt balls and amalgam.' 01.1, $ paekmg add farwanling.llll additional. , The folloaringteathereilil will aware. all of ;he fi f . nesSof the apparatus for school purposes:, , a 1 have examined, with mach leamm Make ik Co's elecirical apparatus Pri schools.. la is very simple in its sad exceedingly Ebbvettlent in its , adaptation for um. I have 1.-11 no Mahatma t el !For price whink oppears to me so suitable' for rip.. nments in coalman schools. Joe. 8. C.rt." R b . ba s e by" • CLAM: CO,& C' • WWI N 'icor /Jacket at: and the Mammal 1 17 iiwiiiiifiiatiair. 7 477 . "7 - 1 — THE min cash paid for good i.e l WT . en f. rags, dm., by L Wrn AbciltlZ bos wayne bat Iselin 6. tibewr A(MSC? OP THE lIAZARDPOIVDEIt (*WU " NY,'for tha suf. ofilidejtock and I.4isistor Pose. 'der of eery superior quality. City consorters 'rill ha supplied us suiyhour during thvdsf,' ...• 0p17201. :JOSEPH DILWORTH, A ;RI woad st ILITE BEADS - The submit. Laving received the solo Ace for aide ofJnowL bits Coo now, Goan, Piro; Molar and •Eire•!Fd dew. Teeth, lames Deidlets.opecial attend/ad JOEL MOHLER/ Druggist and Apeobeearr.... • wpn cor wood and Rh V. QTUCCO AND PLASTER OF PARIS—F the 10 Mills of ILI IV. Cowringbaw; 'Weide ter' CF lY ' ' aMilnlkoS . 4t6 e,swarLibev// 'EVOLVING COMES—A new •nnielg of :Yank 124, - C....* wraith, !muddy and 141n' nlek bonr, and buffalo: 'reed WA Si ' •P2I • ZEIBULON KEGrErA 07 mato it litalLL.-‘4dos Musical Bala*. tasnplay jn . , Rosy ~, cru, Rsip Caen, Dra Turaoi, and a Un .ty other popular a.— UM. and az, callow...mein of I-lane, Mover VW; of •11160.011 styles patterns and PrirnrIZILUN. . . A -VERN' FINE ASSORTMENT otEapey.m ./A . ood., such. Fans, ecordaurs, Jesreby, uloves, blu, and steel goods of every desetiptles. Alsoorilt sod silvered Frogs. Wars and Tassels 6se gegalles,:st KESSF.TS k l eneyElssig, ' . °ROCCO INELt.TILI.:II7-The tobstribota that, E. Au; tendon to lam asionove stock of Aloraccqrblch eareNty *elected in. lba,tatlata Otto% and trill bo sold cheap for oath. . . YRENO! CIA.MII,-W°Mh Y: f a~ fbstMlt teatloo of gentlemen to ma assortmentof toper eisehCloths and Cassimeres lately • reeskead, nN biotic and pert fi.eym kw print/ forgaolrq. _ISTEAIitBOATB. CINCINNATI & PITT/CAVILS= DAILY PAcKET LINE.' : rfuirs-wilf,leaiieruWeot r:plenald Pasienger * ere is now ward ot-the.largwa, swage., be. bertha* tad .11.0.0 a trwle am the waters of the IVe in. :very ateornmodettion and eons fiat that moues an prOCUIT,,h. beenprorided for pa.. - settgera: The Una has . been ID erre/son for five year —luta earned * wage of peoplewghont the law inSw ry,sotheir person. The. bog* will be at the loos of Wow! etreet the day ,ercei.us to starting, for the rewsp.. Lion of frebrtg and the entry of passengers on the revs. ter. In all gaies - the passage owner ntesbe paid to SUBIDAIr .PACILETs':. • C- The ISAA NED'TON, Capt. A: U:ldasen, leave Dusharsh every Sunday morning at 10 ii'eleeki . IThoeiteg evurY Suaday evening al IYt. tit May gti • 110111 DAY PA MET. The h/OSONUAIIELA, Capt. Sulint, will !erre bare...every Alatidayanoming at .10.0S'eleekl Whrellaf; every Monday evening al it/ L ' TUESDAY PAVICET: - The 111BFANLA Capt..J.llllliqdrrrni will , leave Pittsburgh every Tuesday thorniest: 11l o'eloek; Wheeling every Tlesday evening *llO r. WEDNESDAIr.VACINIET, ; • . NEW ENGLAND S., Dikk...c, will 'leave Potilburgh.every -Weditioiday zooming at 10 o'clock., Who<turflike.) , Wednesilaywroitil it WIN al PACKET.. - The BRILLIANT:. Capt.' Gears, vrill • kink. Pitts burgh awry Thursday =ruing at 10 Welai t; Wheetiag every Thursday avian:tit aUo r. X. PRIEAT, PACKET. •• The CLIPPER B. 2, 4:+44. Camas. velll lead Pitts burgh ovary Fridy framing at,lo o'clock; Whcelioit every Friday evening .110 r. . _• SATURDAY PACKET.' ' Tha idiNspXo, Capt. It Ha. will kart Pins. , burgh every F.JR Sanxday morning attn.:eclat* Wheeling very Saturday evening at lu e. x. • . . BEAVER - PACKET):—NEW e AR R6aAioEhlK?" 19. Weleave tor /*aver. Glasgow and Wellsville, on Tuesday . Thursday, and litaturtlay, of each meat, at 9 o'clock., N. return. ing ors /dondar, Wednesday sad }Sider. she has a boat mile leading betsrees Wood street end the Nudge, prepared to receive ri k t o aunty Luna. V I/AM/AUG/1,4v, octl4 ' No 3;1 IVood st: . . BEAVER •AturivicLuirmut-PACKer.. .The Inn steamboat • . Charles n. Clarke,master,mill, dmiag coating winter season, make daily trip. to Beaver and Wellsville, leavnog Pittsbamh ave. ry morning at 9 o'clock, and Wellsville at 3 o'clock, r. to. dean C. Yd. fIARTON, & C&. Aort. PIT 18 11 TSBITIWEI & • - Exitir Pack xi- Lin*: FEBRUARY Ist, 1.411 ' FTAIRUAIIti Is; 1918' . - LEAVE DAILY ATB A. M, AND 4 P. ' The Go!lowing new, best. compleMt_ the line for the pineal mason: AT NTIC, Capt. James Parkinson; ALTIC, Capt. A. Jacoby and LOMB An...ApiE Copt E Bennett The boats are entirely new, and am Sued up without morn! to mem', Be ery comfort that money proeure haabeetiltlttettleit. The. Deatswill leave cite hlotiongahela Wharf Hoar al the foot of Mtge et Paseengers will be panetoal on board, as the Lentil will mod ony knee at Medndeeri timed hears, PA. M.,and 4P. Id • - isn.ll FOR WHEELING_, CINCINNATI & until:max. • .. HUMAN tierganse Fantat,—.Tha w steamer TELVMLAPH Ferry, eommaader wilt !save for Louisville lockand all intermediate ports ta every Rerder at 3 o'c,"reciscly. - For freight p or passage apply no hoard or to • ymsirrii r...DIUNCAN,./igenta. The Telepaph bat been built expremiy the • *gofer .packet, and wuh a view entirely to the comfort of p... sertgers; the accommodations are tarn - lot:1p on boat ott the {Vette= .IFateril. ,•.- ' apIS . , . , 1101 for a Pioneer". Trip to Ste'estrigline. - , _.,_,,...- . ',..' THE steamer I...YJIISQL wig knee - mt the Port of Pinshorgh;' at* foot of glarkes..street, 'on - Tueedar,tbe 45th t, at I P. Al., precisely, foe t celebrant= of - the Odd Fellowe_az litenheri l t * Ct i . %ladle's Elrass,Band has been engaged. formhe, oca sion. Every- accemmalation loot been prOvided to promote the comfort of ladies and gentlemen who wish to make' n, pleasant trip. • The'Consid :al_ reinrs o r on 'Wednesday =dbl. - f"P....TARVVetiI ''' . ageelt . ' ", comer tint sod SthrAT:tit 1 , 011 sr. Louis. • • C w 1VY031:1iiG,..... . Greealee; tawdry, will ior :lbB ltiore mlennedialo 'ports on Wedaeo. Joy, ardh Ina. at 10 A rot freagM or pousaya'ap l tay . FOR Err i.ouisloin lissounrulvEi7:7 Tbd.fitte steamer . . ..NOIiTHERN liatehitison, titasktri:will lestreli 'rely, dial day, at 10A. For bt FOIL SAULT STE main& • • L Th ' DETTIOIT, eave'leva land on her Era trip for the Sault on Motulay Aprti 24th. DRADBURN & CO. FOR WilE/O.ING L AND 'BRLOGRPORY., The neat and substantial lew went , • nunsiiN, • ndrew Poe nester, has resented her testier nips between Wheet%Ficidgepon and Phu. burgh,hating:FitisbnrOfun dada antlTh!ttstisyln AMMAR PACKET MR SUNITSU. The nese and fain steamer' Itanssmonasteroolll Soave tdrabora all intermedialepons Warne. dayo and Pato:days of each ret.ek. For freight or pa.. "111 54 : 9 - 4 'lto% se,g4. I 't PITTSBURGH a Tkincy - P Money, tome, arl/ll.braca taly fo VYtreelmg , art • Monday, - Wednesday , eat Friday; at 10 o'clocKpreeisely.l Leans Wheeling every Toialay,' adity add trolley, at 7 o'cloCki a to, precisely.. • - The Canna will Inca at all We is are port;-. Beefy eccomolleticef that calf be Itta for the eon iort and safety of passecgers hal belfprOvide4. The boot Is alb ployukl vrch a self-aettua. laCety guard to =e r r o t r e , 7losaeu. frfe i VA' tango!! ea, felt 4 , . •• : • cornet of Ist and Smhltfieitiai. hicictroirr, wr CIT zmn. pA aITANIFFIONI) LA he new ACIQT. j DESPATCI,I,.. _ ; • Helaou, chaster, will, Jac, as Mare, ear car Pittsburgh .• every. Rtoday VVeacesday sod pri.lay;'at 111 o'clock, a. is an 4 Mo. nougahelatilty every Tuesday,Thualslay an.l.Saterday, at 8 o'clock, a w. For frught o passage : %ou r boaN • . . , . . ... iEtit . o _ The' rune. arel m lials l tt i teer. met - A It 3lertrr, will leee for the hove pun every IVedneselay'endlln artlotr 'Y. hi. For fr eight or p 1001 Imed- IHSCELUTEOLI3 PRINt,ONLY; • , L :L44 CEDAR ST., NEW YORK::: IV YOUNG
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