The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, April 22, 1848, Image 4

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.71 ,
i Bornonvo .wrtn :DtsrAsim
?Ts:Lams-dm aSpreeedentsd sueeess Ishkh has
"- - .itesdedtbr.,:siehnhe..
uslltim'yssishs forms which Irritation of the Imp sr
Int?ieed :the propriew girds is call attn..
wealliar - which ;part!' our „WI and
iimalia;fifidarrys • fr•i11121 source of
nig t r cted, xe bit itba'Oreiurzars of that fal
The lineation,' Itim, 'hor .hall we cup the deetmyerlif '
bed! bow inball Wet gel clear of oar coughs end
able hot eital import-erica to the public:
a . ...THE GRF.AT•2.I4II ("Is
will be forma in the Gineent., Panacea:An proo . fof this .
sr have how time to time u publifbrd certificates or
rt , i.,. ,, ,,lcer.erts 0(014 .begi htimrn 0111. em, who hovt
,eaced its meatier pommel. Thew. with 11 mess of U.
element from all pane of .the cointnT,—frFer .
• • Itlairotris of the Gospel, ke.o.ogellier aria, calliope no.
' ~., ''''' -- t • JOBRNALS OP TIIP,'DAY,
+c we hive embodied In pamphlet formitind may he bed
y . i , , ,, , grarthi opor rry n ga i l i mase p rou t Zn i tt Mowry. ' -
>; , haused in this city: e , •
I ," , thiOtlgUOut thirtloned Statessind Canada, and ore
', Jeep say man to point ma a • '' •
•.- - . -•- ' ," • •- "; t SINGLE DISTANCE
' -,. lt.which, when taken according to directions,' and be
, Sate thalaugs had botomeltdally dietsmatimed, It hoe
Overfilled to -J .'
• Why, then, need theallieted hesitate • w hy 'relent to
' the oneerable nortrams;gotbm al , ht.! , 0 v k iodiAd
' &Ms o ferrite aseurned name of some re '•l•r,:sd pity:
sm.„. l
Maar; paired into notoriety by eertibew n. . per:
Sem co ) , _eurknoverd ' AVillgt a Medicine of
- -' ', - - P
Is to be whose mothers are at harne r Mar tele",
"-' - of whom it ha" . '
• " , lit sitter 11.14 this Sorties/de Medici,w may be placed
• within the reach of the {mot 'swell the rich, we have
Jost one bell the &stud cost of maigh . medicines. lilt
` for sale by our "gent* in nearly every town and village
t ' , overlie wesE.Who bra prepared to - give full Inform"-
', -• ' lista relative to it. T. SXLTP.D., Proprietor, _
Broadway, Cincinnati, Ohio.
- A !crake, igt. DIFFICULT'S' rin3P.V.AVILIG.=
t• anstetirellhi! caused
__ nr g'i bY d ' A L' illia a tt Y n c ' , "' "l ' cow s
e ' e"
i i ii n lecilituri:Dß:Sta - PSER'SysENACEA,is a the
. candn eare.
'''",'' " ness ean,be entitelYetiredl4 p, free wee( Dr.
i on ' : "Sweemer's Puttee& • ." „- - , _ ,
•- Catarrh,' or Vomnson cold . .which, If negiceted, will
terminate In Consompden,'w .effectually relieved and
' '... oared by Dr. Surestser , • Panacea. , ,
" • :Bronchitis; if unchecked; will effeetually lend to
• 's e
ra P h a il n l a c C enw ss il p e o c ; t u ha l t l y
eu m re liyt u
• eof Dr, Ewee
. Intimated& of the Toned. or Fore Throat—This
. disease ellen leads to serious consequences from neg.'
lac melt u ulceration of thi throat. 0,1 the hot slymp
lines, Dr:Swatters
,patuseett 'lmola be procured and
• Coughs and Colds End & soveteign rated/ in Dr.
Sweeter's' Penance.'
Pease:mita NOthce-A very fatal disease, rcsalling
.. hero a viblent rough and eold on a' debilitated hr hr.'
bra dOwn coriadranon; aged persons arc "abject to it:—
Dr. Sweeter." Panacea "hauld be used on the 'first
SynirOMll, which are e cough or cold. : '
'Night Swelds.,—This debilitating
will meet
with a fungi] check, by using Dr. Sweetsers Panacea.
' Ormiestip&on...-Ifon the first appearance of enemata
did Nymph:nos, which are a pain m the side and boast,
....i=th or. pittin of blood, intr. Sweetser's Pelmet.' is
.y mcq no danger need be appreheadml. -•
. Whetrthe Longa, the Windpipe, or llronchial Tibet:
' beacons clogged op with phlegm ao as to inspede respi
- or hteadung, Dr. Sweetsers Panacea, which Is
a powerful Expectorant, should bo taken "emoting in
lailtierma.--This disnessing epidemic, an prevalent in,
our ellnate„ is speedßy eared by Dr. Syremsers Pane.
Prim it J
pee bottle at six haulm for ES.
Pr mle by yru. ACKSON, tdt Liberty at., alga of
big boot. ~ " •. . ,
Seriattla. fierstehtt
skit, SALT, RIIk:UNI, Ae.—Who would
rliter , forTshgle day scratch, when afflicted with th e
Itch, or other diseases of the skin, if they knew
who would relieve end core them -
. • .
'Ma horrible tobe obligee to rob • arid scratch when
•1,- akerit more horrible to abstam froreit, [for decency
sake 'rhea hi company. Let it ba remembered that
. . .
mat effeseloas et any other prepuatiou m existence
in maims the Tetter,ltch, and other &wares of the Mtn.
-- M drevetevi trf the skin renal arise from the impurity
- Of the blood and fields of the body, and where such dm
, • oute be of long standing, andthe connitUt 101 l affected
• Iluerehy, if Dr. Letdra Sarsaparilla Blood Pais he used
VIM the ointaserth they will care any ease whatever,
mad if they de not, the money wilt bereturned by
• 'Lady. Host tabs, herarerer, wall be eiketually cured
by Or. Lektyb !curt o.l.ltek vial:neat, unless the
miesie syn.. is =pregnant by the di.e....•1 hereon
which will be complelelyeamed off fresethe sptem by
Dr Lbidrs blood pilleNoul the sue." atilt Ain heal
ed by the cinema. Priee of ointment X•eente.
A fresh eopply ef-theieezhethict 104.1litinall 'MI re.
• r sale SFdRt
• Ilehl .Cart k. wood. abo efr.eth byroad set.
- . • PE&CJG!
am , IN EVERY mcrniEs
, 111 , 1 IE anden/ixecT.haz long
. been convinces! of the
n tor some anethente adapted to the use of
- Ctildoeo and Infinite to supereede the use of all those
nendichies - width contain opium, and boo at length sacs
oceded to preparDic and offenog to the public a. meth
. eine folly annerenng every - ramose for all diseases of the I
; •• 'tersrels, nithout the me, of dint deleterioris dreg, or any
sober calculated to inhn in the lititt. The Infant P. 4
me...a - bee twee fully tested and, tried, the loot Mein.
'"Dtattlltn, bynaMerourpersonannd Om. ,
the extriundinary firma; nal set prOdoce au the net..
effects as set Penh on the bill of directions. Di
arrbeen, Vomiting, Cholie, Griping, Punts, Sickness and
'• Disauca arising from Tcettunc. actiog immediately
-without 'disturbing any of the ineetious of the body,
m ening the ;happiest nod toast pleasnot transition
violent pein tranquil and Joyous stourof feel
•lug in the hula sutra.,
• - To ho hod wholesale end retail, of the Proprietor; Dr:
lOIDI SARGANT. Druggist mad Apothecary; John
• Mitchell, Mien & Beckham, and most other Dnsonism
-•.' '',u`Allegiteny otol Pittsburgh. - deel3
_COUG:t •
J gamerinsure'. ,• Pretssearru. Feb. 14, I
IL E. ShOrtare,-My wife has for yours been subject
„' to *distressing cough accompanied with asthma, for
' cure of which he r used different cough remedies,.
and had the advice of the man eminent physicians in
Ragland, Ind all tams unavailing. , chance I heard
. °Lyon, Imperial Cough Syrup, and was induced to buy
' • 'a bottle for trial, although I had nce belief that anything
''could remove 'her complaint. To my great surprise,
gam doses pats her immediate Mier.. She is.% times
' • ' trobbled math* cough, but two tchspoonofill of Syrup
always stops it. I ant satisfied. alter a trial of three or
lour ream that Seller's Cough Syrup is the tart tough
i. modiciaal haYe ever tried either in tbe Old or Near
3VOrld. - wee. Eargnovahr,
•j 'Seventh Word, ray of Pittsburgh.
IfThe rib°. Catarlaila should thduce all who are
' '• grodhjed with.gough or ns• to give the Spray • tri
aL may he had .for 25 reins a bc'ale. at the drug
'Mane( • It E SELLIMS. 57 wood et.
friadbj Di Ousel, sth ward, sold D ll. Curry, AI
1/MRS. REbD re C feo it a ding
• •ANA. Dieu, my. fellow DICII/OrDII, to aUtle something
more respecting your Vegetable Pulmonary Balsam
Since I GIN sued the Balmen, about sloven yearn ago,
shehappy effect of which I then gave an account oi, I
Lave had IDVeIIII enters complaints and attacks at my
lasigs,sme a few day, since, and is natty hall:111CD I
:have used the Balsam alone with complete and perfect
sumo. It his effected relief and ewe in a very few
day. •It is certainly a safe medicine. Ido rot know
• that it will care a fixed consampuon, but 1 - believe it
. • wVdtio in many cases a prevenure,and prevention is
:betam than mare; I do therekire, for tbe love of cry RI
. , kw men, earnestly recommend the we of thir Balsam,
.•• /ea pulmonary complaints. I em etinOdern that it
has bean the means of preserving my life to this day.
•!- llama Juno 16,44 BENJAMIN PARSONS.
• Fatsakt br A Fahnestock, S. Co, earner first and
woad and Lae 'earner wood and fah. 'rail? •
ORI; VEletifFlATE.—Tho greatest of .1
PR Wmm medicines:, - Now i =no,l
This isth ee , nup that after using different prep:wa
gerer err exyclling wormy( bought of C. P. Huhn., of
New Lisbon, Iwo vials of R E
C ote,
m n s the warrents of ono vial
i f ud y 4. ,rlal •
- from th l et ' secor e
U 0845 a fnntt,, area Qyears, it
nd from the trirtA
=see ;al SelreT:s ' r i tg b fr es a
Bala and one albs more ereentariVorm motheine. be
fore the Ileum bioasurw.
Pmpared and said by R SEIJ.ERS, Na 57 Wood
Met. Bold by Dr. Carnet, sth ward; I) Curvy, Al.
harken William.' Smith, Temperroweville., lOC
Palliate Block Spriog Truss, -
"IdEWLYINVF..NThIt—For the reliefand Permanent
Canrof HERNIA or - RUPTURE:. (Salted to all
The strperiorclakmi of this Trues maim in tlth emu.
Pa ons rades case with which it ma n
yhe wom. The pod of
et grin/ neatly balanced o Ilpfklp, yields os
lath ealinny part of It, and theronghly adapts itself to
.say movement made by the .weartrlt con be worn
Intermission, mtli n coo is e'ffeeted. The orah.
. nab= have made arrow:meths for the manntothara
three valuable Totems, or • superior style, in Mal
and boo them now km solo at their offico,No.
07,ristrisfield st. near Sixth, Pittsburer
.... r FAILNESTOpK'S Pueumartie or Cough Bat
• • Sam, has • •gre. advantage over many Other
: h preparation, as its p!evnTjj,s,l3 peon. it to
med witboat• inconvententaili its value •
/Mason pottaisto th e spitisilineasofitieure. Wa have
.• knows mcmaa of the most desperate eon., we= of
~srldeth had beeti mooing . fora eonaidersbl e length,
of time, yield almost Immediately to Its power.
la se. weather li we here had during the past
warder every coatis liable to take cold, unless greet
preelatious are seed. •
.W. feet sad aud. ere to the cy
this weather ollen lays w o re und.. of n a b
ooeigh, whiehooeds a quiet remedy to prevent serious
. •
' We have newerents certificates of awes which it
pernaresed; ww - of which are frau permit in
thls city and the neightarbood, aud they are a eettelent
refetanee wbbOrd saying - another word to its Calor.
Prepared and Olt sale wholesale and reinil by A
VAHNEITOCK. & corner of wood and Ist and
wood and eilt sts. - • . • mitafr
srl 1
Mig=ll tb:Vt;elali• Palesoo r t7asam as • ral-
NWittelliowt. iu
i m p, eanapkt•
Moab embolloato emmlainl of the attended Mal
k Immo comb , km of twee, sad lb. .b..g Oulets blood
Mekk mmiomly tabled umby apermed remiptims
Afar ant lie %demo. wek the robo•retarnul,
'ma Men. ambled 41 rpeal audibit. 71. II ease Damned
mom Ulm Mee, ski Ms ma Is cox miard oal oay
tire bar hit:Joel= Imam. Ilespretigrn,
e1..." 1 344
oka cor Met kmed 414.1
jsz IFRONG 111 1 101,Nekl Msl .1h JAYNE'S EX-
Alkrks.ropernrt other remedies Gm
Anima, mod Win l'ulmo.
• JVf C" %setkat C 7iVat=snotts wbocomartmecd the
s,o(idm their (mikes b your 5 0, min peeks it lo
'd ant remoliosocibei kind; imdethos soy ham been Wooed
• ,-. ' tokry.o th er posprokkos they inn almookiirreriably Imo
so tket b..W ' , thick erar remonbily
(roads ktolepraiMskroneedlllkipeopexkire,
• , kmdi lesusa retuned to the are of karma' Enkerrookerr se
moody tkos hoe om
e ns Csilsdin miens Mom. med mihh
- Nrobskii esernimolitrways maths poloothey
prm..4 mirky r , rkhdalphar. and soklea
• • SEMENV',VO.3I7FI:Cir• — Iis popolariry
•.• e m uulAr. Lrurarx, Ohio, March 13,15.18
j u mpounotui inyour efiylr V nl u_s . weeku i rl
WO, • latter apply or,yo. auge., a"
.4>eresslagispornaarity us nbecomes known. Wo have
will; access In our own Ysmily, and fit= oar
tom mug, ussurance. of Its eseultuna,-.
'iniwAi by RE fklionAp Wood
kr StIA Wurdi and Op Conn'Al=debuur
, _ .
liwa*oillt;:iii.., - ;.- - 4.,.i:ic.-‘ , !'it - tift:Fiefii_iiio.
-11 111
44 IL P. JAMES, cluchnumithOWnWing
near and valuable Works- , •• s . •
'Mexico. GILL KOSAStri and
fors.,- p lum`a Canmeign iguana th e Ravi* Void.
hts . ele ct Minh
Clain:imbues. Dom..,
and the Opuntia. of Om nicarat 'Simla, Fe; wi th 4
LMap anal Eagramgs, by Joke T Hughes, A D of the
t Reg of kintotufthmultv.
tr.taqof Kenteekj—ite intlaniiies and 'Natant!'
Geopaphteal Statistical 'aritt Geological
de...01,nm wide arc of Pioneers Life, mal more
. thitr no kindred Biographical Macula... trtstiagaisb
ed Pldneers. .teltisty Lawyers, Di
vines, do.; in With ENV FEWILT0111; by .141.4
Conj., I vet, octal% - . • ,
-• nr..
Twelve Monthelrol.teer, Or Journal of a Pel
-1 Vote In the Tenumace Regimeut of Caytlry , in thy,
Campaign of Mexico, during_Sl6V, consug an ac
e.nt of the Barth al' ReoMcat to Vera Crar., a.
desert.. of the Country passed over; manners, ear.
to, de. of the people; Pietehes of Camp Life; sw
eaters' of all tbe.tions dither; Vol.teer Regiment;
and a fall Hammy of the Mexican W2l; Lilt of the ICII-
led and Wearided, tee; Illustrated by a largo climb...!
correct views and ploosi by Geo. C. Farber,. VOlng6o
NA, FOIL • TUB MASON—llluminated
of Sarreel Peary; a splendid , largierial 9 ea,
with betugikil illareathins on steel; by Sartain, .d
illuminated pages by Bekaa -and Sinclair, richly
baled inTiukey morocco and wattage& superbly gib.
The Christian Keepsake, an sumostl for. 194,t 'nth
&plaudit inesitotim engreangs, by Sartain; bonW in nr-
_ -
Christmas 'Blossoms and New V 1111 2 411 Wreath for
1.54 e; a small imam Tontine, printed on snow white pin.
per, embellished with splendid memotinkes
This is by far the most beaselltil juvenile tonsual pub
hshed in the United Sums. •
Poetkel Works of Olivir Goldmilthi PI. It, with
numerous so Mine designs, by the , Etehing Club, iv va
rious styles of binding.
Thompsotes Seasons, with sevestpueveli delft*, by
therifielung Club, in l'aliOLLS styles of binding„,
The Poem .Poetry .of .einieriern by Et. Gas
Tile Poets and P.m , of the Ansients, by Wiliam
Peter, kLi superbly bound in Turkey moroseopplen
' Willis Poems, in Stirions styles of binding. •
trays Elegy illustrated
lierasn's Poetical Works, in vasthas
Lard Hynes "
Mink - spew en
• ,Ttre reeetieal Works orfliamns Moore. •
8a11a..4 giber Poems, by Mary Hewitt.
lica4lay's Bart. Mountains. .
The above, with a veal eerier, ofother neer work.,
In splendid ogles a binding, suitable km girt books; for
rule by -
• .• /011NSTONI. srocsroN,
dw.lo . Bookseller., cor. Market go 3d
Valuable ktaudard Works.
BRIADVS'ENCY9.OP.EDLL-1 Dicticoary of
coca,litantormad act, compiaiag tkabsatory, Scvma
cad setcatifoc priccipkc o(avvr, bnknoliothvana
t baanc .ig =
*lag Um &rite.. WI dailahaeo of all law. tram in
an, Wised b )mookaenara .l.l' Snak, R Soft 2 11Statra acr
llaraa's Dicalaaeriaci cOalalaimbeirillful2)
crag caspactlioctla lusoeka,Q irn liatt,Cinas Weld,
Nova Scala', Few Braanrick, No, than Tessi,NclOdoc- •
leo, Taxa., Odiforalai alnico; Ccalral - Atvcra,
Yuelan; anal ledia labraula acct all du Stan Ind Tams
cies in lbw Us ioo.
ffotPo - fitibt..4v--h..• .
ihder • of the Pmitatto front Aim
- -'• r 1788 ,...ptitt "
toformatiao is 11117, to the rorototilot o _ _
wader itotrfprury k.liciYl . ri...4, .
reoisolifJoha 0 CW411.0111, .... r .,...........
h. i. Q.— - ~„,,,;.....; §ld i ky;.3-ir.
TN ato of the Poll is _
doors, zd 1), otetkr" fir,"nal.'°l2:g.!"rb. -
Bpralter—Tb. Jamile Spokimr; ten:veiling
41roaretray Ivies aml stereirei trdsehau,tiesk, *Rh • selee
tica of piorearfur,raeliir.lyFraseisr RaLall, instructor in
ekeutioe et rsineetaa. - / • , %
'The ft; l 'i jollN ff E.TON
at! Bookseller-hear market end ard sla
Antlion's Classical Dictionary.; '
Dictionary of Greek and Rom. Antiquities;
itrCulloonh's CointncrciG Dictionary;
Dielioll4try and Suppletnant, arts, menu fectu
and come
Webster's Occrso Dictionary, recisod edition;
Todd's Johnson's andlValker'a Dictionary;
Warman:les Dictionary; •
Liddell and Scott's Greek Lexicon;
Goliios Greek Lileoll of Nem Testament;
Levvett'a Latin Lexicon;
.kint - a 'twill's Latin Dictionary; • :
Fleraffig Tibbin'a 'French Dictinturyi •
litockia Theological Dictioary; .
Union Dibla - lhationary; • -
itultiswon Citratit's Dictionary, &e." ica
The abaci:4l , 6A a general awortnieutoritcological,
Dal Sunday Deboat Danko, al.
ways on band and for salt low, Ly
E1.1.101T d ENGLISH.
, Markel at., loccorecn ad &
1(.4 ILTOWS: POEM,, illustrated. Ilarper'a near
.131. edition orate Poetical works of John Illtiton, with
a memoir, and critical mamas on Ids genius and rorri
ti by. James Notagonsery; aud aim hundred mad
twenty, a:loving* Gum drawings bairalliitut
In Vivo VD! Wile.
flrenclor.'s Caw Tmexcar.c-The fool Go‘peli and
Acts of the Apcnalcr, in Greek, will. English noter,
critical,phdo.ophical, and exermicah mops ludo:es,
etc., itriellier 'With the Wale, a n d evienlypie; the
whole funning lie Herr Teannfeuk—kor the tite of
School; Colleifee,and Theological ktecuir.nrier. Ily
Ber.l. A. Spencer A.
A Hoer NoinchlAfiiletuntnes's BeA—A fairy We of
fore. By Dln. S. C. Hail.
LOISS• • • 111 . V. lifeof Henry. the Fourth,
king of. ffnulee• mind . N.lvane; By O. P. B.
Coumkao in Jaw taro, paper srol,. cloth:
/PAS • Booluellers; corner of =stem nod 3d RI;
VNGLlBlLlTablifE.44tfiribil*eik REV%
JA elation, .od of the wars and campaigns :arisnig
from the singe. of the Greek gavials to kkaancipa.•
ling their moony from the Torkirk Yoke—in two sol
umea 7114 nomeroati maps and engin-
Letters' Mosistaive oracle/goof Walken W, from
lallo 17 —with foe portraits, ot• vols."
Gnopemon to the souls of the 'Wig Scriptures-
Merry. klesthmY, thrillog 'romance, aril/in° engra
th- Holy Maitre., h Stligo;ind Sketehes
retc'd , •
tO market Kt,.
New nooks.
fpflE Plalo.pLy of Lifc and 1/hiloaophy of La,
cucgc. by
. 1 red Von-*ltlegel. ,
Sfaideg. Heim:ache* in China I. '43 and AG. with
map and plates.
The Sias outiorDeparicd.lvy 7oa Henry Robsrt, DD.
The Church Universal. by. Dr. Sums. • •
Goldimillettroemi, illustrated.
Thompson's :Masons; do '
For sale by . I I. READ,
VALUABLE Now .Tostr , a • Preomata.
V.• IVaverley Norte., U volumes, 100 , illmunnal;
6 - Eno
Mn Sherwood's Works, 10 eels limo, illustrated;
Thrpera Family Lit;rary, 122 trolgcamplete;
do .• Dors and Girl's • .• .
Work's of „Shakapeare, 7 vols. Sao, the !Mooned Bas
' toe minion, Seely bound; „
Bogota Lives of the Selau, - 4 elegantly bound;
Gormal, Moor's Works, 7 vols.
Exploring I..tipedltlan; 6 vole royal era...-.
co do do do .drf - •
British Fasoylsta, 8 vols. Turkey not. Locke.
1, above, together wi th a large assortment Of CIL ,
Kau y bound tamily d potter Gillen, Common
gray r, all sixes and bindings d l of wldch will be sold
lower ' than ever offered la MI. market, at the old stand
of ' KAY k Co.
JIG ear WA. wood st
fikk - Vial f oon:
A mperb rosewood six oetsre Plano,
OPPnew seal. and patent iron frame, made
by J. Chickering, Boman.
.A vary elegant rosewood six and a.
half octave Nano, : new male, and patent iron (mom,
made by J. anciently, Boston. • '
The above insuontdres received t o day', and now
epee for examination; for sale at Mr. eringo pri
ers for.caah or approved paperer
and, Also on hand, one eleven rosewood Geckle panels,
carved moo/dings, and melded legs, 6 °Mitt., made
by Gale and Co, new York- .
One do. cured rosowecl,43 octaves, made by Gale.
Co, New York.
One niaboyangsecond hanAriano.6 °entree, of et.
saßent tone, am m good older, made by Chickerieg
Stewart, 6125, r •
Ow impact , grand Piens, made .
by Hem Pada slut
guaranteed wLe the best -Mane Fora i!ll , lb city, will
be sold at a very moderate price. • ,
fe1.17 JOHN /UM FLLOR, el wood st
. . .
ilitfr o A SPLENDID 11JMOrgnellt of Moe
wood and Mahogany grand action Pi
anot, last Rotated
dlot sale.
. Mat, twonticndid Roaewooil Pian
with Coleman's celebrated Aoliin =nehmen!, finidied
in the alcoaittidern'atylG and foi ode at • .
• •,'
___ : F BLUME/411 wood at
PINEY IiLEINEN, Dnitrin eastern Piano Fortes,
Hot J. W.. Woodenaln, No. 83 Third - Street. The
Pinola may be untanned at all boon, And the mailmen.
her edit* there born 11 to LI, A. by and from 4 to
b, P. M. each day. Pittsb'g, Oct.
. - .•
Wo, the undersigned, would Wane the citizens of
l'ittsborgh and vicinity that we have appointed Mr. IL
Aleiber sole agent for. Wemern Peansybrenie, far Cho'
. sale &Inn. Piano Fortes,' from whom theynay he ob
tained at nor own (New York) prices. ' '
. New York, Sepi.l,ls4o.ocatldti
0014-4-Cateeltirot of Iran, or dm 41eretuott's and
romPleto Vide 14 the Iron trade.
few copsesonlyy^very aeons. Sarm& Lltentsure of
we sea* of Ehrope. Chit/taboo , Information for the
people. (Umbers' Ciefepedis of En/ 4h Literals's.,
Wood.!'. Itteekstones Cornmentatiesi 1,21 f V/ edition
lad lteataikl volumes. tfalleeler • Poonsc' te now rod
splendid add On. Parlor "kook of 'Mowers—for all
seasols. i -J 1. REAR, 4th near market at
- -- --
9111 E , LAST UV TUE VALII 3 / 1 3--A , chtieleme
Tale, Icy C.l. Y. IL Jun., Eeq.
1 .
me Eyte; m setobserraphy . <Onion; edited by Car
.. Hell. Jut method md for We by
ilea . Jouserox &macros%
• Dr. Webster's Great ADICilellll Dictionary of the
Engtisla Language, cnannuma, containing all that the
farmer .liliono contained; revised by Chauncey A.
Goodrich, Prot Yale College. The most efetet OA
don ever published; one vol. crown cearto.. Prise ift
For We by J. L. READ,
TUST recelvid end for sale, EdlveoMen Of,ll. Rosh
f) of Union for the Crowd Presbymnan Church, street!
upon le Convention of Reformed Churches, ut'Pitts
burgh. September, 147. • Price, 25 sews.
ELLIOTTIe MiGLISR, 56 market st
it c - " 'CHROME GRFinT—;This'is consid.
171 ed die - hest Ore= ever brought to .this =stet.
to cues (50 Ito; esch)justreeelved end for sale by It
SP-1,14.115, who luta the exclusive side of it in tits oily.
? „...b m t v -1 1 C er i l ev i t , m , =, o . B 7g ,
=al - • • DAGAI.XY &plan
IVO.- 3 hfACKEREL-40 als :tarp No 3 bfiekereli
11 tamale by . AsytrN LULO . 44AM k.3.311T0
P i b it 3 k , ; AT ring luid •
ttual SEK 917 rod kI g
SUUARAND Mol.llBBlos-4UOVids N . 0 .13Trmi:
MI6LIi N 0 Mohan; Ware and krr
.45SAMMDA-4CO Ibs No 7, for ardisl3
Gti;6 COPAL,63O alTerier, ker
bAM)N-6 hbda %bon Morn 6 666 •
sides; Jun reed oaconsirsinept b y
G' ,mar 9T prime .I;I4PY
g 44v1 nnala 67 wow
• .
.:rrrrimAcarbre wow!, eND FOgSDRY,
JO ie clw slow, ". CO
Al y pv . aZtattuild Ca9ts :rot! Woollen
rtarsineitTr 'rk LortW ell P g ag
' PTghylVarpers '
Ftuuten, Loom", Card.ttritidurr, a, Wought Iro ~o I
Shafting turned all, !Li. of Crum Iron, Pallios sad •
Hanger*, of the .latastrrauerns, slide and hand Lakes,
and tools atoll/nods. • .
Comings of every desemption famished •on short no
tice. YalerllS made •to order fin. Gearirt•lren
ruling, &a. Steam .Pips for heating Pommies, Cast
lion Windom Posh, and Caney Camino generall y.—
Cheers! aft at the Warelmasa of J:Palmer & Co, Lit,.
MI) Etat, Intl hare prompt fltrati4ll.
Blaskstock, .1311 co.,K Atkatbead k Co.,
Warner, Joha Inriapt kons;•Piunbatii.
to.l Warner; eteabsenrilk.. *ill
.• •
TAKES this method toleforni his friend ,
and. the t piddle at large that his Factor)
s•now in fall openthon, on the East side
- the I/Wooed, AlleOeny where a reel
rant supply a Win* of neema colors
and onanues,lllE constantly kopton hand,
also at No. g Wood et, Piosbargh,ot).&
IL rbillips'oil cloth wateroom.
moan Shatters made to. order. in the best style.
Blinds repaired at the ,honest notice.
N. B. BA Bliads will be psi oh without any addi
tional ramose so that they pan ber , resnoved to a mo
ment to ease of fire or for washing, and without the aid
of • crew, dr a .. oetddlytwlenty
• Vvx. szslxasos:u. & sossi
TAKERS, comer of. Penn and Pt. Clair sweets,
MI:O4W We Exchange hotel, etmartee on Penn meet,
resifeelfally inform their (wads and the public, 'Mat
goofp to famish and attend to even - M.IIM
the bUnelmlakers. Always on hand a
sortment a ready made Coffins, covered; linal an te d
ighed in the eery best manner, nib aorta and sizes reedy
OyitlO.Shtbelio of (Inane!, Canibreck and Mahn, and nil
gems made in lippretretl Style.. We keep a lar. •s
pertinent of whirs sad blank, calms; e llk and k id
sable for pall bean and 1110nriteril, =ROC, <nest co ,.
lan, anti every ll re .•ft necentry for dressing the dead,
and cit ecnaeoable IMO, no we putelissi all oar goals
la the Ewen, ewes. Also, Barer pls.s for eng1:10
dm name and age. We have a splendid new hearse •
hon., and any flambee of the beet carriages Every
thing attended to premeds. and punctually. octikly
Pros. MI and BM Ilberry shoo,. soar as Gault
A LIVAII'S Claud and made Mettler, a large aria.A
ty. of Marble Mooch, Pior,Centre Tables, and
bureau Toos,Tertub Monuments, ke.-;
benhg sitode of,-the ehoiceatinarble,aml amaafastored
principally by machinery,will be sold low for cash.
N. B. Persons .washtug to purchase Mantels, are
informed that Isis henacbrill unnecessary for them to
go 'Fast, on I Coll furnish them with an anode on all
respects u good,natilfreightonsoranee, to, tionsider.
ed.) no chesty as they elm purchase' theta for to the
flub Gall and see. '
Pio I Vet street, Pittsburgh, Peones
rrlIE riskier rs having made peat improvements.
1 In the ennortzetiOn of their (=KING
tospenfoly Inane persons bedding Steambelsiis to call
'and examine before purchasing, as we ran supply them
with Mak Stoves, Forges, and every other kind 'of
Copper, 7111 and Sheet Iron work Det.tlirrill furnish.
lig a Steamboat. '
We attics smoke to order on the shonest notice Sal
Tube* and Comber: Copper work for Steam Engines
d every near of work in oar line.
, fel.9 a SHERIFF It 8111 RE
. •
• DI rallaglxam, (near Plttsbargh.,l Pam
are /write, No. 137, Wood street, Pittsburgh.
• WILL ronnautly beep on Iminl ■ peed autort.
men! at %Yam, of our own' soastataciure and
fuperquudity. Wholesale and country Mery
'chants are trapectfully invited to call and ex•
tuilinc•for themselves, au we are determined to sell
chearcr than basever before been offered to the pub.
lie. • • •
ID' (I.lets eent by mail, ftrenizipanitd by the cub
city INOVIIptIy to. fet•S
r. Mobrang. • intias K 1.3L111.
/I LVA NY. fr. manufacture and keep eon
-1.11. eutnitg:fin hand rsti, blooded and Plain Flint
Giansarare, in all its mimics, at their W arehmem cor
ner nf Market and Water intents, ritaiburglt.
Our Works emininoe in toll operation, and wove
santsimuly adding Mous monk, natal enables as to fill
order , wnhpramplaes.. Purcbasers are reopecualitr
',abetted m call and examine priers aad ten..
FROM the very liberal eneencrage
spAiameat the aubserilier ham received since
he has located himself* in Allegheny,
has induced him to take a lease, kw a
term of years, oat the property be tow
. ln Ike.. 'witch smatediately beside the
PresliMermit March. From the long ezpe rie nee to the
above haunch and a draircto gleam, he hopes to Incr.
it and receive si ;Lam el pahlic pottormee.
Now on band and finishing to order, Rockaway Bug.
glee, open end top Bur:aims and every demription of
(Arrmges made to order, from seventy-6,c dollar.. to
aittlithanarer. Imo3Atfl 701 IN SOUTH.
oeutersionea are new prepared In foal th their
I. embower. and the gobbet generally, with an elect.
feat amide of bane Oil of ILeirown m ano Mellon, which
they will fell on emcee:oo-tan it.r. Wrenn. 1 bet rO4 they
believe to Lean 'mat ILr any nlicnta in the mute:, and
mar be returned t( nut aanSnlnery.
. labetty At,uppoottet mithaekl
1. S.—Lard A.old 1ht•11.4 tunable tot machinery, •
nand. ;AA Oil., mho,. roe-15
j' bill/BUS Zs Co's, BLACK WiII'FLNO INK, lee
htk i Seel the copying press. This
. the 4 .. .:Vi t 'Ar ' e s' sr.trisitents of Several' year.,
devoted to the manufacture, on an extemine scale,llM .
au article' all the . purposes of the eonrumer.
The period. of Olio writing Ink consist. MAMA.'
knving properties: Forum—vii which•
be found to erupw all previoas prep...ex It will
Own wide perfect freedom either Leos quill or steel
pc., and le entirely fr. Got.any cermet. qualities.
Colas—me color of this article it a rich, beautiful
blue black. his ...emery, however, to pre teams
menthe following caution
117-All good black ink. from it. necessary eheraiod
eyrirtlintioo, regoirm exposure to Ite olr to Logout a
deep color. It mum not, th erefore, be expected, that
Om muirient the Louie is opened, the ink will Le , food
to be n jet black. Tke first appearsince' will be pale.
Dm eller exposure to the criminal action of the Wm.-
Once other on pared or in Um inkstand, it will mure
a brilliant !sleek hue.,tlj
Corticrmer—Tbe coot is timilterable by the lapse
of tini!.. 'lt will never tale. On this occrosid, all no.
portant teem°. should be made in this article. es years
only deepen and sire ophen iw tint
N It. This ink is suitable for all Limbs of metallic
pens, and for pens made of guillt:,-end what is impor
tant and very desirable with moor, will tits • perfect
d lgs e-d e ere S e
are conneeterl L Morns' blue blank waling irk, and In
respect. to Middy, brilliancy of polar and permanency,
believe It superior to any ink we have heretofore asod.
A Thunden c00k.,,, bank of Louisville:. Wa kith
krdsan, cashier Northern bank of Ketauckr Doe C
Orouluncy cashier, beak of Kentucky, L l.'fbreve,
preside.= of the bank, Thor L. Helm, clerk of Bap
ten county cou rt ; Curer!, Pope, clerk ofJcderson cosh
tycoon: P Atwool., secretary, Fireman's !Inuits.°
Company; John Nair, afoot Lexington !omen.. Co
S S throdwin. sec'y Vonland Dry Dock k brturance
Co; D Chambers, 4.'7 Franklin Fire k. Marino In
serene e C 0 1J II Blower, tressiaror Loarsville Savings
burltutiort A supply of the above ink,-Issi received
and for cola by Bei! JOHNSTON k WroexTom
Type Possnary.
T ' L .. vra; ' Pe * ro r
and will
con tiA h t b r tut:?ltiat
ly conducted by unhurt Taylor. ; They will areal to
W orders with yinnetunlity end desipatch. All.the type
rinumfactared hy thew will be Hand Cask nod they
will furnult all kinds of Printers' materials, of the bout
A T Overend Is OW/ ernployed in superintend
ing the manufacturing department.
Proprietors newspepers, who hove not advertised
fortbe subseriber, who may publish Ode notice for three
months, will be entled to read.. their Ray in type, on
purchasing live we e. We amount of their bills for ad
vertising. • .
Old type taken in erehatige for new or 9 ens peilb,
Charles Whiting, ?. wurnrio &TAYIAM,
71 9 .d.fd T yloe, $ (9aeeeraure to Rohl Taylor,)
janln cont. Gold and Ann
ieWN ihmilly JO•dlehm, In Ohio.
IVArmairoxan, (Aria, Jarily F, DA9
gg R. K. hF2.l.Eiht—Your Verinsfuge is uncipiall
ed ass u.srorm deslroyer," and kite given enrire
satisfies/xi to ell arks" bare bad OC&Ilfie& to use S—
YS.. liver Pill. aredao gaining a high reputation
Yana Yours respectfully, 11341.11 & MAIM
No. R. E. Sallers...Your Vermange aella remarkably
fast, and his paired War toll confidence of all who use
Y is, Mee, the Omsk Symp. Yuma may
Warm De m'
Prepared and sold by R. E. Sellers, No. e 7 Wood at.,
BeN oleo by Dr. CAsacl, fith Ward, D. M. Cony, Alle
gheny, sad Wm. J. kimith,Temperameeille.
HILPUIdERY, SOAPS, de, In pore 'and for
by Joel hlohler,thoggUt, eor. Wood mad 614 mat
Jolms Demi!, Nymph Soap;
• ' •
Amodio for Chapped Iltoulai
Roomer. do do do;
• Soperfane Shoving Cfraln, rose &alma*
Ox. Marrow Pe/matting
Cold Croton;
" Hose Tooth Pule;
• Cologne Water, Ana ektmet throb hand/
terelef, tr. ' `fable
• DrTiferiaii . To/121
rpins to eenify that I purchased one vial of Dr.
illlcLano's Worm Speeifte, ammo two months ago
and pore to a met of mule, o seven.years old, two
rompocom full, and although t h etontmni may app.r
Luxe, vet I have no doubt but there was upwards el
rota 11306111ra moos passed from him, measuring
horn ma quarter of an inch to two inches long,
Mina% Creek, Corral eo. Tema, W
Dee 117, 1.447. M6l
Ilieard Otto Powder. -
TRITE unedraligned have reduced the . prices of Erge
j. and Eluting Powder, of this supenor rusumarture,
quality warranted unsurpassed, and will sell as low as
any good powder can be bought in the market.
The brsyman employed at the Magazine, will it
every montmg on the eustontors, to deliver powder and
receive orders.,
Orders st all times will im filled inuntolimely, on op.
•plication at ilic odic, or C. S. TARIM'S,
minter st, MI door above monongattelet boom.
W tr. N lAmsos, Ageot H. P. Co: inarld
"DOWDFIt, (HAZARD Col—All descriptions con
stonily on bond; also, n largo quantity of cafety
fine, for igniting Orders promptly Riled at all times,
by . , C LOOMIS, Agent,
• marl 3 water st, 2nd door above Smithfield
AW. o . ra t t o u rr; . / ., i:p c = y ria , tionotairandloo i
Ornionernenio dinctont pane of F.sf:Po ' . dh ao . r:fo
ands with well known bowies kw my forma !supply of
Foreign LiqoOrzi which I veal be roll. delivered
in ilia Costern Hooves or New York or New thloonsor
to Mrs city, at Cre byresr market price for cub 'or ap
proved p.peL I bore to store tad cellar a very Lugo
stock of verystrpcnar Wives pod &goon as Imported
of the moarcelcbraterl brood. end vintages 6r calls oc
pirartng ICBM by
61K0 (vulva fr. mairkkeld au
UNDIU.V.IttiI dot playing cords; 200 whole and
hlfeas sun:lines; 10 basket, olive oil; 20 docaaeld
ealsools, ite; Sandra le:indent poner quarts 'and pinto;
331 doe bits brandies, wines, &e, very old; Gbbl. pow
derensugar;oo buskatieltampaglie vetne i part to arrive;
3 bads eFuet do; for seta by ntrlo_P C 31/41.373(
fee,Just from 14 1v ° ,. /d j '4, 4 1;b4P Co
M a6llp7Tll`pY rt
. 10072
07!They.will.Lonly motive per =MUM NV " t.
ton ottd other boats till follAwitr--200 ht k do prim e N b
StfttrilVlTu ; I X 111 To% en .'h ernt i nt a ger! " It i t7tr
j§IIIOKEVOLTSI-41ctiring taken the lOrgo and..
=dims BroOke thoese kind Moon fooreliese , ad;
nisig our warehouse; on the Canal Basle, Workroom.
paream smoke Sad store boron on pasonable terms.
1411. k JOXFS,
• mitil , • Canal MOM, noar7th sL
logricE-4.epols IWtrhlirtis - Tg c
bostAnnar previa.. to the ith Teb, -ma pkas•
pt settostalto. SCALF - P.. , -
lufJ Lt Lt, new . weal
itAistorrAmoN wEs,
Merahantino - Trazutportation Mae.-
.. . .
alai lath iiistrerrearos ea anwentaxnaz as
PRODUCE Ti) PHILADELPHIA 1 BALTIMORE. G OODS eon:4ml to our ewe will be forwarded
*them delay at the lowest current tate. Bills of
Latrine:dna, and all inexruetienn promptly nt
td, freelnert any &Cm rharge for mange or
ananntiasio. , . . C AlßeAltillLTVk ,
Co..Propi r
• ,anal Racist: Pittsb 41.
...... -- -
ismatipiairriv.wav FREIGHT L E.
abiftt i . 18,48 ' . M.lllar
. -
(Framerly called Pielmvordi k Co's Li ne,L
llarricsmsrx rialltriltaXSPOlTXlloX Or War irptIGIIT
IaILTWIi,:bI Pittsburgh. Blairsville, Johnistawn, 1101-
,LP lidayVbargli, Water "rem, (Huntingdon Co) and all
tutermedtata places.
000 bamsnll leave the warehouse of CA hiedbldlY
ik Co, Cacti! Ravin, Liberty street, Pittsburgh. every
day (Sundays excepted.) and shippers can always de
paint on having their girmls famarded walkout delay,
and at fair rates.
This Line was farmed-exclusively for the special ar
commoistion Cot the way business. The Proprietors,
rbankful for the very liberal patronage they have . re
leiVed during the last two year Would respectfally
Loma their old castamen and the public generally, that
they lame extended their tbeilines i during the past win
ter, and ire now better prepared to accommodate a n rn
creased busbies.
nanurrom .
G snrr, WAI FULTZ,
C A IfnAAlll.l . ll&,Co,nOnal Loin
II CLNAN, k, do JohnsVn &g,ts.
' JOHNISILLF.R, do Ilollididdit ,
•lininalcienn—ritsbargh—Stnith & ninolain J k
IdsDovitnCi & J II Shornbe — dger; R Robinnou &Co; R.
Moon; Bagalot& Smith; 'On Parker; Wnt LoldnArpl
Jordan & Son.
ie.I3PoRTLTIOS• 01 1/.0U.111T6
Ti}t'orf:a.,q= of tlda
b:V.F-wk"th.:2 and firer
pot in Philadelphia, to a mucti larger. Wirchouse
an mob. they formerly occupted.tuld alas in
greaaell their . . ream for aorage at Pittsburgh, are now
prepared to much pronto: fecilides to their friends
and patrons.
Goads carried by this line are not tote:shipped be
tween Pittsburgh and Philadelpbia, being carried en.
tirely In Portable Porno, Doats. To sbippera ofdour
- mid other goods requinng careful handbag, this Is of
importance. Nacharge made for receiving or 'hipping
goads, or admmeing charge.. All goods forwarded
promptly, and Orion as reasonable terry as by arty oth
er line.
Canal Buhl vend a., Chian,!gh.
JABItZ hi. DAVIS & Co.,
k 1391 Markin & 54 Commerce I,4„:Phi
JQIIN MeFADEN & Cn Formranling and Comm)
'lon :Vetch.* Canal 'Dash; Penn at, Piltsbugh.
JAMES M. DAYI,I& Co,Plost Fsetots mid commis.
moo Merchants, 2:7Market,-'sod M Casoswes 2 tl
Philadelphia. • '
IN U .,, Ad d r o ancee r
d mad r o v tg . e n ith o rz e f . ttl i tz . o . l . F i l=
to them.feb•Jl
OTICE—The aubmvibert7have ditlmeed of their tn
wremm in the Penn's and Ohio Line to CLARKE It
THAW, of Pineburst,And JOSEPH S LEWIS, of this
eqy. • '
limy will continue to transom bluntest, for the line,
at their IVarehome on Broad street, mammal, and be
speak Writ a continuance of thepaotio of Men
friends ' & Co.
Philadelpnia, Match 'Mb, tse. •
Penn's. and Ohio Trans: rtatloa O•
- _
Double .Duily roue of
PIICI,{I.I. 7O 7.11:140. GOODS 1111,1,..1 errrearrua
CLARKE &THAW. llstrue Bartn, thoeburg&
LEIVIS & BUTLER, 219 heart rt a , l'hilatletethi
JAS STVEL & CO., Arts, Llrohd etre,
COWDEN, CLARE &- ,7e North et., Bah.
W. PORRICK, Age:, It Weer mreet, Now York.
rplir, rubseribera Lave thip day a.. , aaiated themaelvel
torther amity aim glyk ni lacy a. Jones, for tho
mos* of conuntang the Idmartafarnartly tarrird r
. _, ..
oy Fosuallll...‘ irr, irtsl Italica a paw, of the A
ere patronage heretofore titcodcalAo the lloa.e.
B. F
' ' SA
.11EL. Af. KIER,
. JONI , .
Pittsburgh, March 1,1E4g. I -
si.), - rrtuN BOATS_ EOll. 1•11111.ADTD.E111A AND
WE . are pleparoil u, receive awl fora-10 freight to
the above and intermediate places with as much
despatch, and at as law rates, as war ails' , .aflwattbic
The anent's:us of shippers art/thine Y.eaJ Pork or D.
eon to Baltimore its bulk, la particularly requested, in
eh a our amattgentents enable or to tarry suds
article% through in Letter anler than any other line.
JONbbts. Protitrs
Canal Ba—its, near ills aL
Pittsburgh, Altirch lOM's%
viva it disline.-Consnlisslan and forarardill bier
MA. cilantro, sad Witalesale Dealers la Iron, Il.essu
tlniti Pralnee. ke.
-NSW ARR N ErillT t -•
' lt 2 -11/I;ffit
1848 Exram r. WADON ' 1 qs
A CAR will leave Philtdolphla Maly athr thoPtteb .
oam, with the Tram, to, litambertharg,
which will enable the Wagon* to loam, Moro the tame
May, with relays of homes, running day and tughtf se.
We certain arrival. of - yooda in Flee Dap from
Philadelphia. Apply to-
D La:CIIA Ca., Coma Mein.
ILARRIS & LE11:11.
13 awl 15 'oath 3.1 u. I . 6ita.l<lpnio.
We will rey.elpt fay Gag; lbx produce. Ae, dwty, tog
Iltrougl4 by thc above hue after thegl. inns
PutsburcL. • Philaddphia•
To Pd e r•WlTM.U=Sarin
faNAAr.7(I3 k 411.3101.1.1.
HENRY Ca. 1 1 , 1, &..' CO., CILIA/ LlAmia, PIM/lore&
urnia I, 111131 P & N 0.147 Market., Mu
C. 11.. Couse, corner North k Samna ate Balk .
J.. F. Clarke. No la. Old %lip, ticw Von, S"k'
lIINaTICE—The ai
1N14.1t (HUPP.rIe of our Sims will be known from
and uller this dale s ai:Pittsleurgh, se Henry Grad
tr.o , unapt Pluhulephia, etsAiulhllumplereyst Co
NOM UND G DUTILII, i „ s .. ,
CHAS. HUMPHR ... 4 EYS. ~,,d ePhles.
lIENRY GRAPY, Piusliorg . ' nutrl.lif
1848, Bauch Arranlresest.lB4B .
THE,thtoat DETROIT, Capt. J. C. Ilenituntn.
run during the season of IA!, between Cleveland
14.11510 Mane, in the followmg maner, tu t
Mackinac and intermediate piaci:attach veer
Leaving Cleveland every klonday, at 7 P.M. -
Do Detroit do Toerday atA.M.
Do Mackinae do Tharestay at 7
Returning, will leave Sault Ste Mona every Friday, al
Itthielock, A. /11.; and Week - lox at 1U o'clock, D
and leave Detroit every Sunday evening for Cleve•
land, at 7 o'clock.
W. 41. Co., !e 7c ,„..a .
AgAgents{C. RRADBU 74
RN & Co. 5
S bk/ENIGIFT, Sault Ste Alotte.•
The Detroit has been thorooghly repotted and refit
ted the paw winter, end the public may rely upon the
performing of her trips with punctuality as advertised.
febtikka E. D. WARD.
To and from the Eason cities, yin Cumberland.
frtllllproprtetars of thin popular luta, bairn since Mak
reorgeitiratron largely In theirTfacilitiel to
meet the wishes of shippers and sainowprepared to
forwent m greater antoant by the RIVE DAY LINK
swot. by addittonal regular 'wagerer at low rates.
This liar will ran throogbout the year, delivering
voila h the aireine in Baltimore and Pittabergh
ners gad consignees at specified rows and time.
Samna.. fronaPhdadelphin for the hue should be
marked 'Care, ,jl/ Robinson, ltaltimore."
The only agents are
IMS Charles et, Baltimore.
MeIt:RION & Co, Cumberland.
O W CANS, Itrownsvilla
Jel.l J CRlDWEEL L Pituthargh.
ETer E ier t .rs ll l sP pa ° , RT t .r rZ li s . eged 1
*vary Al =berated (rota me boarr of tn . elg.&
gam' tu that of Edgertra A. Co.
Pittsburg% and aredertianwhaellareacififird that J 14'-
4 Barn.. No iM. Booth Clarks .1, Baltimore, is , the only
atabwiad neat of this Lies La the Easters Oka.
Usably aguis are
J C SION ELL,Ydbbargb,
ti W CASS. Lhownavllt
OATON 1 Co Caderland,
dealt( J D.ROBINSON, Bellmore.
.11MEMER E a t
Vol ClainaLLlD, XAIIII.IIIX, AVAAnnutrox; udn-Auxt.
INn r XVW Tuxx, Dorm; AND AU. xi) X XAorrAux Mfrs.
.11 TI d oth Ar tEng g v
t "
l i e
'.oll.erl'''that this the f e artest, n l4tfest, ' Jd
dittoes Otte going Club connecting with Mani, k cdt
Karmen daily, ut _
Through receipts . be given to Ithy of the
places. Merchandise, and packages of any or
weight foiveatded.
Express closes daily at 3 r.
norNglll 0 VICHPAY, Agent,
SA. Ch i les Hotel BUIWITA,2,:ou4
i. PAMII6 &Co.. •
coxxXx al =KATT ATM ADD CANAL 11A,hut, seresamialt.
Nn Xe 3 rain Frain, rinLArompillA.
tier J 8 4 8 • L . M. ,
NATUX UNARM...AM of' •1.110. Ur. al.. Im•
ID — All kinds of. Nerehandite consigned to P. K.
Peru, Philadelphia, .or to J..
Parrett ft Co.; Pittsburgh,
will be promptly forwarded free of cuMmi”ionS.
Mt; AND 1x 47
daring the rase.
lax Winter, on
l the mat favorable' tenets, by this exPe
tibiae.' wide.
lo All
p rat m es an petty d w eslgned ta wMbeGnrd
waed at the
west on i th despatch. •
IderehaAdDor teemed , ty. this:teats protaptly be
warded. C BI D WELL , AO , Pittsburgh.
DAB% Orowenrille.
nei27 E EGERTON it Co,ComberlatrA
' . du.;' - 01*....i"'-..'! .
frIEM Palmer Mir offers for ssle his centre sleek, in
L lots to suit purchasers, at very.xuced Frites.—
The collection's not equalled bra select and extensive
variety, in the Western country; contsintryf many new,
rare and valuable plants, tonststlagmpart of Camellia,
Japonicas, large knrriotplAmts, from 3m6 feet' in
height, Cactus, ransom, Paraus, Month
ly, liowne Castel . ..Perpetual Mots, Vatting Pillar
ffieLnest and most esteemed sorta.m.plovutiom
The Dahlia list contains the most slnneey and 4ne_ prim
sorts group Flower ROM, large Variety; Ymes,
shrubbery, shade trees, evergreens, ,71re. Amateur!,
Nursery mea and others, who wattelll 'decorate their
yards, gardens, pleurae grounds:Or glees houses, me
respectfully 'netted to examine the collection which is
open to visitors, except on Sundays. Conveyance by .
the omniluta and greenwood Jerzy- Descriptive ems
lopes sent by mad, or may Le had =low. ..awl, Me •M
Diamond Market, when, orders lett , tvith us, or by
utall to Pittsburgh Post Office, will be 'promptly attend
ed to. Johis Grahame practical ginlitier, wall intend
to Opting shade trees, laying of gardens, An. Orders
left as obese -•. JAS . WARDROP, '
morltMenlaillT Monehemer, near I'lltobur4ll,
tope- Ltmerry, formerly of Beatty, fil'Kesmie
&Co •_ •; ••••• eine amati3O.
J.. A. MATTI ,
LIDA, O. C 0...
Ges•ral Commission Max.ohalate
No. 31 Pori= Street, Nap Oikaclik• •
iintalo— • • •
Meru& Martin & Co, Banker",
Janice PdliregorACo,
" David Whirek Codrtadiron, la.
Frtis &Morton, Bankers, )
I &tree & Frazer,
A Il'lrenve, hlr.g. •
• IF N hrtl t __•Banker, Zanesville, 0.
M , Donald & Co, WeUwille,O.
Heel, Parks& Co, Bearer, Fa,
• J Dill, Erg, Wheeling, Va.
w}MarkenkCo, tPinrhur6k,
k u Mliehehree,
nvlflnm '`
Bosion•Mode o Heatingnonage.
MIL G. DRICTER, of llo,ton, has arranged and p •
tented a rdan for heating houses, which has he
successfully used in Boston, New York, &c., and who
ever applied, has received the decided preference or
stoves, unfaces, &a. Its advantages-fue—
ls!. Great regularity of temperature.
ed. Freedom from smoke.
3d. No unpleasant dryness.
4t6. Easily wended to and not labia to get out
• ulna
lith. Great durability.
A model and apecification may be scan, and appnr
tun obtained, at the copper and unworn factory of .
WM U SCAIFE, Finn at,
between wood and market
1846 • . • itign 1847
rIR, !Le t "* : i. j y l kittZ d etliZ Pr
at bte following pneea—
Ashes, Paean, Bauer, bead, I,,,Ard, Pork, Tallow,
• Whiskey, Mond Elnia—Ml eta per We lbs. •
Tobaeriejlautp, Flax awl Whear-14 eta per 100 lbs.
Ashes, (Pot) Apple. Cheese, PlaxiSeed, Glass, and
Leather-1M eta per 10 lbs.
Oita, Akins, Swale, Wool—lll/els per ICA lbs.
Berawax,Feathers, Fare, Ginseng. and
—IE carper 10011 n.
All property consigned to otho of We widersigaed
grill be forwarded without delay, free of Commission,
at above rates. , WII CLARE,Brostairrille.
11ANNA WATERMAN,Pitiabargh.,
to Chullevire lo the World.
TWENTV•FIyk: DOLLARS will be paid to anyone
who will pnadure a Rot of paint, moan or dry,that
cannot be animated with ilea's Improved Chemical
troop. I have thr satisfaction a saying . to lIIr. people of
this place, that thin articleiby my own inaprineseent Olt
it,now moods unrivalled In thus country for extracting
croon, tar, pitch, oil, paint, or any other creasy rah. sitinenviraw 41 kinds of gentleman'. or ladies , clothing,
carpets, table clot% merino abowls, bonnets,
fac; valhonl injuring anything that P are wat.,r. will not
injure. More than one thonsand persons in dißerent
ports of the Country have sold me they would not he
without it; If it cant one dollar per cake. In trying tine
Soap on worn their MN articles of light aid., gang. tile
pseconand ealimes, I have only found Dirac were rot
.110. two of alpacria. and fail, of calico. on which it
_chonged the color; thereture befo putting it on u Orin
dreesso- a Racial.. of die die. l int. I wair this tecauw
I am determined not to recommend nosy wronger than
!lOWA' to be Mrictly ou. . N 111Iwr..
race, VII au kr cake. Sold, orlieksalu and rn
It I: 81iLL17LS,
dee3l 37 wood at
- - • -
Megirreilia, Alleg4nryCa, Pa, g
Chaor(' tild, 147. S
dlr. It. E. SCIICIII:—My uon fl atuanolts oW, king ~r g
mad,* at nigld hawing cooed llevUr at llsnos4 rms.
eluded be had sue, h w
arnig led a greAt dr&
lout your Vg co.! Loggia a vial and gave non 'I,
dou,.. cab Irh exp.:l4'd vory largo vuotota. Ico cider
Tour Vcroologe better than atlodurra.'
etigodt - r.SITO..
l'reparcirlund sold LV It. I. SEI.LEKti, 37 %Void ut.
llold by Dr. Ca Sul ward; and D. 1.1. 17i , m. Ann
fp _
beat—mode 00 the 106lt appro;rol Eil{lo9 plant—
mud anon fathionable &sows n patisra• and colors. Also
TIIE ellEnP•
of or IiOSrONAMINDi on hand
Or mole to order of all girds: and al all prices.
Country Morahan. and others are invited to ran and
raw:tine the above for thesiaelva, as , sal sold
wholesale of retail, and a liberal deduction made to
aria:desalt purchasers.
11. b4disecoorie, 022/Reptural Improves/Mc
alorttio frock/ 411,e sot Frlabratsi eiressonstigoloro. Com
-014 bon ke..164 ono, katlith I.llobo. oath odiniocop antl
slopromacot •by !toe.. 11211.24 SlOnrtil
LOILINWS CX.I.E.TILL 1.11.00):11,22a1in4 'be ot bola, Le. Cenoptie4 Iran tbo . all
Worlostoo, Floaut24, llorelon, Myer, 11/v1-
kb !Umbel, Ma/kelp*, tir Irsovoctious of tke' .
loaf Society of lmino, Ye, 4.2 1400 k. mithi New Esc
6.11, Globe.
John/wait Stockton banjos t. needful • hor mita of lb*
qk4.lll"r7so, le 422,1,e ful/oorr
1 io , r who/ diamorr,., •
1 ° o
I o semi flakes d
American, tairea.cle, and Journal ropy,. „ daell
post received of Dr. Townsend's Semaparilla, the
most extraordinary medicine in the world! This r.
put up in qua:ll,oWe.. It t:.l[ tunes cheaper,
plessaider, rind warraided superiur in my wild .1
cures &anise milking vomiting, popung, sickening or
.debditating the parent.
1,0111 MT TOR inrcanonn—Unprincipled punnet bare
copied onr soil put ap medicine Inlbe name
ehaped bottle. pee that each bottle timUto " , g•
Paitire of S. I'. Townsend.
. .
K. R. SELLERS, Drug - 0.4M AVood away between
Third and Fourth, is In. - rownseltda nnly wholesale
and retail agent for l'utslargh, of artarn the genuine
snide can be had.
IA Curry has been appointed thesole agent far
Allegheny ray, of whom the genuine erode en. be
ept •
.filanuf.tafers of
• it WNlNGi, , aecaiNU 801101113,
aro. 31111 South Strout Street,
Bade of 7 A. Pr geoses Cabind Ware Mangy
ALl.ordei kft with S. S. !down. atO. ate. of tho
Merrhaot . o Hold, risoborrht will bo
ationded to. : TIMPS. D. DKRKY
or:NO.4ly A. C. NICKEIL4ON -
1 - 4,X PEIIIIFA CEO Jukes, on trial of 031.1 and a half
millions, since Ibl.y pttinounce this nrliele un)mr
passed for durability in the construction of all kinds of
Purnaemb Prim, 5T3,75 cosh for loads of 1U 31, ghat ,
anteed nine months use. t in dersfor a second quality
Bolivar Whim aril! be executed at 520 per hi, it so de
sired, without guarnnlce. A stock of the first quality
is now !insole at the warehouse, 'Sloop's Wharf,' Ca
nal Boils, by J SHAW ACIAJIEN.
sepenf Kensington Iron Works
1411/ftglif HAIR TONIC.—Aller giving Ihie Made
triAlli andmilahiogly pronounce it , to be what it proke
es—the: beet article, without any inreptioa, in ma, kith •
nodoration lead preservation of the h. lms hair. Nira Yam
of noinfrons inilanon where hair has been rmloredeolieada
hichrta' bars bald tor panic; oall we think we ivinnut do
grimier hear thug b recommend to .11 oar ender• who or
lining their hair, to make a tnalof Tonie itaniediately
baton ANL
For oda m fillabargb at the Aoki]. Tao taunt, N 0.79
Fourth street, war Woad wirful/kitiT
qUN DRIES-1.56 bags prime Rio coffeei 131.1bbls N 0
llolasada; 75 boor. manufactured tobacco; Prs half
iiii• green and black trim; 73 6 and 131 b Luxes V II
and fif P do.; MU Loge. German clay; It/ casks mien
tus IO do. pioutth p together with a general ohms,
riwiltof gror.eneri, Ili More and fur Wm by
jolt CARSON er. hIeIZNIGIIT, rah at
ry AN ANNA 1714.1103-11/%001 imported igars of
_MIWa folkming celebrated broods,. part to arrive
coasisting of, Ceti% Aubiguetlad, Wasbystott carotins,
Hapidev, Eseulapie, Dos Amigos, da Furter, London
Itrunia,ft.ord I.lyroies, raga prinelpea, stem, boat dp,
Yilleyn extra do, Sylvia`. do, La Iloyadera lob do do
ad t ona, La Palma, Calmbres, En gin principcs, for
.al by 1. C IHARTIN,
feb7 cor SinldKeld & lima rt.
ARABIAN Niuirrs—Expressly designed fur fam
ily readtogi to course of publiertion by Ilarpor & Mo
nitor, Now York. To lie completed m twelve parts.
Part Ist jUrl received :Ind for sale by
ap9 corner market a n d 3d ats
DOKTABLii FURGES—A very convednent article.
Bellow, and on the luxe can be carried by the han
dles by two men. A few min reed awl for .ate by
.win It Sr.lllFlt
flAttit—llemingjard received • large' mponation• of
Vdm, claret float Europe. together with my
large stock in store and cellar, dealers tire requested
to call and emanate for thermelvetu as good hinnies
can hula R m
at the comer of Smithfield and Fiona a
LAD-300 pigs Galena Lead, received per steamer
Wyornitig and for sale by •
inar2/ JAMES A !MTN' ' N Co
Ty grogA, worronled genuine, for coin by
i t 101:A811: 1 Ts 4:llt o cLiort:llltsrlf
For sale by , op/ 7h R FLOYD
OFFEE—Mu bap KU" Rio ibr" Pk b l y t. FLOYD
1.4":,r 1,0 tibia No I "I'
OAF SUGAR—aI hbls susorted, for mile by
L ayi J L It FLOYD
COUNT PLAY ER —: 4l gran black and doh cOior•
cd, for sain . by -.0 It E SELLERS, 67 ,X 1.41
a UNI C OPAL-3 . pfor . !nle by . TT D •
1)111 COFFEE-4 3 Imo prime gree n Rio (Wee to
11 arrive per steamer Savanna; r sale by
mare 11M/ALEY & SMITH
CMAPE SHAWLS 7 —An susortoment of while, drab
V and block CropaSb►rlyltut reoeirod t Thy
Good* House of W RMUIWIW,
app corner Oak sad waken its
i , i.•::' . .:''lttiitlit , ':::i':.l...
SAR A.P Alt I 1.4 LA ‘.
moot - carom:finery Afecrseine_isi
extract 4 pot op so quart both= tt ut at to dor}
.r, plewantor, and warranted =feria loopy add. le ada
tura= whim= vomitiog, putt* =diadem or do
• . Dili/Wog =cp. , wed.
Tha root =linty and superiority of this Sulaparilia =rot
all other Medici= 11, whilst it Eradiates Aiwa= it lovz
=est= Seq. It Is one of (he very best SPRING • AIID
SIIMALER AIEDICIBE.3 ever brown it out jurifiza
the whole zzystert and strength.= tho yzenon, but it Crew=
Noe, I'vre and Bir.4 Blood, a pore r posrwal by oo other
Mohcior. • Aod thi. hest= grand Keret of= wonderful
=sem It ha. performed with= =a put Ism years, ow=
, than :row corr. of Severs t 0... of 1t..... ; • kast fa,foO
of =roe ow anazdarrd tonnoble. Mon thy,
341:10 cam of tadouic Bleunzatzsin
%WU cuts of prizes..
400 me. of thmeral - Dcbdity and Wont of Euro;
7,0 0 CO.e of diednor /mak Cotaydaints; . ,
SAW cam. of Scrofula;
1,51 , 0 sew ofatie Li,, Coplaint;
2,Nki eves of Disease of the Kibiey and Devil.; •
3,1100 Imes of Consumption.
And Thousands of tasty of Disesse of the Blood, Tit: Ulcers,
Erysipelas Belt Mann, fin:pies oaths Yam, g.e. To
gether with numerous mom of Sick Headache,. Coin in Bt.
side and Chest, Spinal- ihnutaits4 &n.,
This, In are amme, must appear is...edible, but- we ham
Idlers (rum physienuas and our sigmas from all ?vets of the
United Males, infuesag us of ostreordemilesum, IL Van
Buskirk, bq.. motif the most rupeelabledniggitis in New ,
ark, N. J., isirdno3 us Nat he an mkt to more titan Lau cm
em the. plea Mom. Them an thoultiulds of cases inth e
City' of w York, "Mich we will mkt- to with pleasure
sad to tam of eliarscier. It M the best escdseisie for the
fberstive of disease knows. It saved the live
of more than
Neu, Osteam
Carr. U.. W. McC [AA, OF . UMW; EArAlms-NArr,
end member orate New Jerry Legislature; lit kindly rest
us the Gsllowim makes. It tells its own awry.
listmestt., Jas. 5,1€47.
A year same I was takes with the 101senrs and my whole,
ustest lell is Mau I was isduaed to try 13r.
Tommad's Sanspailla,:aud allar taking two or three bot-
Um, I was very much Mara, and attribute it attire!" to the
hove mutinusd Islam it, and Gad that
I ideprumevery . day. I belle ve it rand my Mrs, Mil would
rot be ...abase it mder my eassidaratios.
O. W. blela.ex, hio U. S. N.
iklmosou Coup.
_ .
eertilleale conclusively proms Oat this Banapanlbi
has perfect control ma Om most obstinate disease of din
bloods Timm pumas curd to mu Louse is iminacedsated.
Tinian Untannon.
• I. Toorman—Wear Sir: I ha,. the &wre to intim
yent Sat elm of ney children hare been mod of Ws Bair.
Fila by Ilia cm of yoor eireelkot medieinc. -71.7 wan
aired ree7 icrarcly with bad i Lin wily I.oen four
bottle.• It In* them mg, for which I ficl my-Win:lbw
Seep otili.„-ttion. Yours, renpecifdly,
lane W . Creani,lo Woonsr it. •
hew York, Mardi 1, WO.
Dr. Toinisgod's Sarrepnrilla is • gernerip rad speedy
nor* tar help:sotflarrg
Conouiouce, Ll3•[o(ne, GI
Whit", obeructril or diffi ptiou, cult nhantruation, locontiouvatts
f thins, or involuntary diunlarr• them& and for the go •
gad pentraticor of gag syllst•--120 01.111.11WIMettier the mull
of inbargol masa or much produced by irrsetdarity, Una
it valdgut! . . .
Nothing ba mom morising than ib Meigoratmg of.
tats on the human frame. I'matata, all weal.= .1 kni,
hob, Erma taking it, at con become robust and fel of anargy
under ito intlmatee. It inamAiately counteract. It,. name
Garin of the haute frame, which ta the gnat ama of bard
It win Wot bw.peeted of Iv, ta Mu of so 'delicate • =-
tart, to exhibit e•rtitestu of coon per Awaited, but war..
more the aZieted, that hundreds of eases have beta repotted
to . Several inues whore femilies have hens wawa ehp••
rea, after wilts • 4w Wades of this itoraluaLla mediesso,
ham Ism Writ wdb heathy offsyrieg.
, Dr. Demeaned: My wife being greatly . damned by
weakfisou wad mend &Lay, awl sotkruag co/showily
by Inas awl a weisation of bearing down, 1•14 of th e
womb, and with other difficulties, and having kwrous ease
"hero your =dieing his effmted great ewes • wed Aso hew ,
visig it nowtoweaded for web new Le I him deoenbod,l obtain
ed • bottle of your V.stswaof damparillai followed
tho directions you gave ow to • short percud it removed
Nor I, and rautored her heath . /Ulm gratefid
the !woof ta Woe received, I take plemare as sekuonledg.
ioe an, vatwooswediog it Ma with. • M. D. Moults,
Alban, Aug.l7, FAL Cur. of liswol and Lydhee sta.
• Cesuccut, Sept. 40,18 G.
Dr Tbamomi: To all whom dm my comma—Th. h
In entry that ay ,oil. mod me 14tlIo of your thromarilk
previum to her matnorsent, mho tha met stanain and
deliehe chew:l,l4mm, Mug tmobled with We drop', s . h . el.
ling of the Mt, mama ardour., ml Ivy 000 i debiLla
t-; 1t.17 r0.:"..Cr.; to't7Ty ?ifit i llelo 4 u d ""r no
kith; and
it hi oy, W. marina 100 l We homy ond
desired avec.. wily in We boo., of Mhfortoeut, !mallet
the:capitation of me wack of it. the Moray and an ,
rem altrelion c m My m mtautAing degree, mil bar
health to mw bettor Waa it MI Ma for a Wolin. pro,
Ulan will tw of any rrrira La yam aw awy ono wt. of dia weilicias, Tao aralatirely welcome
la il
I outoeribu =pelf your moll obedient and oblivJ:•' rrie4
S .IslD.OO
This Extract of Sersapanlia 6os be= erpmJj prepared
rektenee W kaiak coompluots. No Ito who has rw
to ,
too to sopposs , she is approasitinx th at critical periFel, TA.
taro of . 19V should neglect to lobs it, n is a Certain
rereally• for any - ufthe miser°. and norsible discues
which fess"n ere subject et this lion of Ufa. This pgiod
may deleyed reverel years by using this medicine. Nor
is it leo rehab. to thow• who am aloproachhig win nenhood,
es it is ealeulsted to assist suture by quieloteing 1M blo od
ssul iusiweratin the system. Indeed, thie tordir. it iiiirel
oehtell2l the firth-lie dosawrs to slid. cc ant
lt tFaces the whole ria perivanil'iliihe. Wu.
rsi energies-4y mousing the ilopuritise of the Ludy—wit(
ai far stsioulathig the sjitcus as to produce a futrAvrat a
we alt h. which Sella ere sow medicines taken fur female
wealth.. and disease.
tHELS MILD Tlil6. - •
You who have rishi - -
pplk yduU ayes, blot on UM
Lica, rough skin, of (radars Ind are • out of epirils;" coo
•AulLto or too of Dr Turmoil'. Soroaroral. IL will
&nue }our. Mud, nacos Lilo truths cod blotch. , aod
rite yon 11211=01011. eyes, vines, !mailed
uciplachoo—all of which aro of ischisow value to incur .
tied lrtitt
No laid ei medicine by ever beim dire:neared which ea
needy reemablei rM gestic juice or reline iii.denneopmine
kied and streirhenin the ammo onliorrtiem, u We pryg,l
inai.m of SueepanLa. _
Ilaacmwsklrt, Albany t May 11, 1114.5.
J:to Temnthrml:: bare beta 'for esral
years lath dyteeptia in its worst In attimile.l with sontj
arse of macla, lose of appelitr, nterme - heartburn, and
sitar ereoimi loW Mulls of 6cd, and coe vot.lte (what 1
could eat.) I hare lava mieLle to retain bet a mull portion
emy swath& I tried the meal rented S. but they hut
toot little or no effect in emouritte the compleulL I wee
abont two oseiths since. to try your Extract of Sorsa
patilla,mal I too 4 wttlo lick rewl:Jeace, bat oiler mina
smarty two bottles, 1 found my epoetitc restored, an the
heyttrore entirety remenol. sod I Would earaMt/y maw:
mesa the me of it to thos - e who her. L..rt alllietnt as Rae,
ken. Vows, ft.; 'W. W. V.. ZAmor.
Read the 4,llowhig, md daub. if pm can, Sat eonsuosp
atalamot be mad. Thais oraily am of the eaten/ hundred
rasa Net Towneaure Sarsaparilla hummed:
Ih Tommenet—Dar Sir . was taken, • lISc oter•
Tear yo, with a severe magh mat pain in my aids. It
eowed ou toe very fue, Indeed. I ram preamaced by lay
/deism to base the quick eaunmplim I mised
of bad matter, bed nigbt swede, .4 nuking say fink
my doctor mid he mould damning Me me. I snut sous the
hospital'n hig/uf being lanufitted, b. was pronounced there
inniralk. 6 Vra.ll.• girtally distnaed at the brags and
mad hardly menthe ; I soon banme eseseiead, and expected
to die • tem codueed y bed, and obliged
. to hare
snmb4e . indeed I clang vve you any de:aortae eat
would do pubes to sty ma. Imu amptakd by ray frauds
lobe put marry ; I had trial • gran amber ofjemedies,
J all seamed to be to me patinae I read of some mod ex
rarg.diany cares performed by your medicine, mad to tell
Dothe troth, ( war eat there was moms humbug in than
Do I was induced to try it did gm and an Dry thankful
.1 did. I eannot.: my that I ant entirely In. am so far
riemeral as to be Moot may_ businsas, and Mr to b 66 entire
well ma Raw areelia. Aly cough and pun in tbe aide,
md Night shade hue kft me, end rare but au little, and
mra fat gating my mud datagth. Skit duty to give
you • madam. of Nag .. aa:, to publish if you *rasa /
Baown, 42 Lit* et, Brooklyn.
• Opinion& of Physician,.
Toorathead 1 good daily nonoring olden Dom phi=
atria=h dttlartat tango( the Union.
'Thia is ho randy that are, Om under Oped, Phyakiaas of
the Ufa( Afton., ham um numeral/J.OMS protaibed Dr.
VotnatentlN Sanaparilla:ard believe it Oahe one of Ow mar
raltrabla praparelious or the DaraparWa in Ilia mulish
R P Proaxo, a D
J Witaon, X rt,
Dhun xu,
Otani, April 1P45. P Esurroxxx. v.
•Tbis is to certify that wertha undenigurd, pmellnay
Theammino Physicians of the aty, of Albany. ham frequent
yipreneribedpr Towmeual's Compound Ratnet of Suva
a rills, nod Rum ib lumwo qualities, would recommead Rd
It. public for mercurial, eraufulow, and other, osmium we
ta prefers:roe to any of the advertewl remedialiamb
ww. • A W Breslau, T .
Albany' 4prilk, /E.R. Wln D Itraterun r.•
Prlocipdalfift, 181 Fulling el, Soo DoiLliay, N 'LI Red,
ding* lss State et Ikeloa; Dr 1.1 - yuet 4. Nous, 181 North Ser
e.' pidladelphia; 8 Remo, dregyist, Inelbuore; sad by
Wiocipaldraggisb ye:wally thrusaybeat the Roiled &Um
West Indite mad the Caromak
Noneyaskine, ualeas put op in tha large square . bottles;
bleb contain a quart and oval with the writtro avatar*
of N P TOWNBRNDtod Ulna= blown an the Ulna.
From the Naw York Deily F.spree Of April 9,1,17.
pretty thing appeared ha the streak yesterday. It waa
llisadrerbeeng cab, or olomparilla Reprms of Dr Townsend.
'The whole thing is gat up in good lade: roma of th e or.-
loental lasidempe . pmatior are - beautiful,seldels, farther with
=roll worlye_gold, gliatenint an the sou, made.. show
seemly equalled in &oaken. We tabe Otis opportunity to
*ay eir helm. ibis retract of the Samaparilla desert.rtr the .
vetyrsat popularity it du acquirers,
Nervous Debility.
New Yout.MazehW,lB47
• .13r. Townaend ban ben adlielcil more or lam the 3
years, with a dreadfulainltiti I. the chest v 0444.3 I. the
head, low of appetite, Fain at the limb., .4 'enema debility,
brought on mdse.( by the euntiomil hen and avid to witieli
I ace subject to in btuimse as dyer. • !hare taken other.
medicates, too numerous to sneolion, but with littieor bons
cria. Iwu induced by what I taw in the paper to tif a bottle
of your Bareaparilla, from which I ;wad gnat relief, .1 es,.
eine* tabeasenral more honks, end I wet unlmsimtingly say
le is the best flielliCiDe I hate weer taken—the pm to my
Cheit ii gone, end I Del quite a different man altogether since
I lame tabm your Saragarilia I hate for • better appetite
than evert had. lily wife haa taken it with theme. benefi
cial resat.' I would remossuend it as • (mealy medieine•
gryatrally, awl l feel reorineed Olt if ea used three would nut
be half Me eickness there is,.d rou.mutly not as mazy 1
Deems bills; the while it restores appetite, it elm gives to
the stomach and bowels their inn.. woe; it keeps the blood
e. hialthy elate,. that dim., it not reilikely to attack the
system. Led to all them who aro not in a ticalthystam, Icy
try Dr Tuwasend's Sarsaperilla
Tttot.liSatfut, N Auto et
Beklaris nomentof mortar child owed DiTemowniDa
Sarsaparilla ha sawed the hereof thousands of ehildreia-:
The following certificate I. orkeltdbwa - a real number
caviled Ikh wesk,
Nan rag, April; Ml 7.
Dr Townsend: Detrain-Don of ray children wasvery
sick with the Decay in the mouth add throat, attended with
dying; *Maloof meteor your
geelktl b m ili eitin i c t , and Wet." it dlnictly, Dr which I ma
enure pa I halory grateful, Yont.
Armarra room", 7Mebrimes d., War sale by It E SELLERS Druggist,. NeS7 Wood at
between 3d and 4th es, who La been aylointed by D
TOWNSEND Agent fee Allegheny a t i s uct,,,h,g,
Vigo - RGAN'S COUCiII-817BTP-1 proved to 'AL great Panacea in curing my child's distrewing
- Flom die Tetelerance Banner, Nov 3 1547.
Coven Srarr.rfe am net the ha pit of puffing
much less taking patent malieines, but vro feel obspeaal
to . recommend Morgan's Syrup to those who are Dither
ed with acough. After baying tried the usual reme
dies to TCMOTe a constant nod dismissing cough,'Mat
had fur several days altlicted one of our children, with
out meccas, we were induced to try Morgan's cough
wimp, and by it Piller was obtained in a few lour. It
P roved to lathe panacea lo this Cam et frost.
Prepared wholesale and retail Lir . the Jul:Th.on,
oro j olst,f HN i t l iZr C below dit i Zne
• Dr. Delmwa's WO - an 1 - 1 - g • Werflisv
rimus 1. to lantify that, by taking/me vial of Daelor
/11.141. be% Spetrim, a child of Donee Dbaar's
passed armada of 71t worm, and by the oar of said
medicine a child of my own PamOdlld largaWnarta-
DAS Andy um .03st surprising worm matielot Her
seen. I IMMIIt lave two more cals.
WM Gtl.tloYli .
...',:_:.:. . i 1010.10t,1'i4
• ! ••
/..littnet Dioitahii.,SPHlL"Palti ,...... in the Side
and Breast,Sani ThcoaL
orthe Heart, Whoostag-cofill*C.F.T. " 7 47 .'" tY.. .
' Herron( Trenton; Leer abseophuna
Iliscantatisdeeyndret nulicallY
Dr. II wirriVii Conspramil Dirup or VDU
Isis mibi and pleasant to the taste perfectly safe sad
harmlessin its operations, an yet it ts one of Steamed
powerfal and vermin reuse& for Consumption of the
l.ngs, th*ghsii Colds, As Spitting' Weed, Liver
Complaint; Runs in the P . Or Wrest, .4 peered
Debility otthe Constitutive], that mut ever invented Ly
the skill Of num for the feriae( the afflicted public.
Cenificaueand evidence. of its wondetful curative
powers are daily received liv en all avers. It is im
possible to'conceire the ItareOnte of 'attiring and ntis
ery that his been relieved . banished by in not e.
we .1.4. the immense benefit th at shad accrue frt m
it hereto**. All ages, sexes, and 'enustitutions' ore
alike =reeled by it, and the daseasc;ls erpcliguled front
the system, the constitution repaired: sad health tai
lored Ly the use et De. Swaysaa C 0..," dotter .
WILD Clihil.. 1101 ff many soderers do we dry be.
bold upon:inching to an unlintelygrove wtosted, Mt.
bloom of youth, nine their relatives and friends, Whim
ea with that fold malady, CONSUMPTION, - which
an at. the miserable sufferer ;mil he ts 'beyond the
Power or ltomon Skill. if cools sufferers would only
make a trial of Dr. Swarm's Compound Syrup of yild
Cherry, they world find themselves sooner mitered
than Ly &pug the various inetfective temedics with
which ournewspapers abound; this 'Vegetable Reme
dy' heals lite.nlcerated lungs, stopping profuse night
sweata at the steno dozeinductee a natural and healthy
expectoration, and the patient will soon tint himself in
the culoyotent of comfortable health. The public should
hearin mind that Dr. Swayne is a matter practising:
physician,end has had year. orerpenence In diseases
of We Lents, Cheit, rec. The torigtnal and only) gen..
ine ankle Is only prepared DR. SWATHE. N Weer
nciof Eigink sad Race sucets,;PhilsdeliAlla
Or all the cures that has ever been recorded, we may
ufely say Hte annals of litedicine cannot furnish one to
surplus this, which now so=ds ai a living ;woofer line
curability 'of consumption, even when hen had been
despaired H. • :I*. Barayne's Compound Syrup of Wild
Cherry is all It professes to be, the greatest medicine
ill the knot. 'world.
• ••
• . The Tri M Richni of Life ir Hasa. •
Da Smilax—Dear Sir ,—For um good of the public, I
feel myself in duty bound to testily to the great cans
which your Comported Syrup of Wild Cherry perform
ed ea Por my part, i feel as if every body ought
t ,, o . la g uxr d li i l: i r s ac d trthi cw., ele u„ d vri b...... th a v .a tolzori a.d eoug=i o si
the voice incheatusg,an alarming sure of the diseae;
mPoPPelikk was Stmet and my strelmilt had far faik
al Ins that:my friends and physician were persuaded I
could rot survive ManY day. My sister; who was my mirmtaker, made stumiry where she wool& be
likely to proeuro the most certain relic!. • She was told.
Wilt lf It.. Swmati f iCompoend Syrup of Wild Cherry.
failed to the cure my Ike woo Men hopeless. Yoer ,
medicine Wm inuLediately procured,- and she Mt bob.
ale gave relief, and by the time I had commenced the
wits bade. my cough had left me and my atrength was
moot. Impieved. In short, it tas made' a perfect eure
' a ' an ud' ilfhave " gral l g e nso sen n to Lel: ome ra h :aril:he use your meditiae has saved me from a premature grave.
shall be Pleased to give any information respecting
my case- • • • I kl Darms, •
Ittl Minter at, between race rind Vine atm, Phila.—
Consumplfees, Read! Read!! Dr. Swayne`s Compound
I - Syrup of Wild Cherry.,
In abenekhe year leaf, 1 Mad It necessary In tij,
pmfersioual practice, to compound a medicinal prepar
ation for diseases of the chest and lungs, - possessing.
more powerful healing properties Max any other hills'
arto ktionkt for such Mmes. In my COMPOUND
SYRUP OP WILD CHERRY, I have been vezysuc
eessful.• The truly asbanishing cures effected. my
Medicine Men spread its Mae abroad; fork owes none
of its maim to manufactured newspaper path or' kim
Red certifieates--the real intrinsic merits of M cons'
Patual u liia only eakm ofimPaPolarity.. its Menai ve
sale soon arched the envy' of certain speculators in the
dthetionS Of his fellow creatures, so roach. that in a
few years froalthe thee that my warranties:Was inOO
dueed to the publieaudingreu demand, • •Stas in this
eity, finding that my preparation had gained a high
*potation nor lt.. curative properties, came oat with
SOLO they baled Dr. WOUnes Baboons of Wild Cherry.
'(bin respeetable and popular physician hod no more
to do with the article man poor Namara:4k The name
MID Will. is attached to make it appesithat this em..
Meat practitiorter Wall the original limeukor of the'pre
parauout each not tho lack The above firm, there
at inventor sold the recipe and right to manufacture to
We pateht medicine dealers an Ciacittomi liar the
Wert end South, steal another in Near York for Me Fisk
who afterwards, it is asserted, Sold out to a druggist in
Boolon—.d the numbecof hands into which it may have
changed islan
•iLt some 'lilacsa they assert it emanated from a phy-
Onion in Philadelphia; in others, from • physician to
Ill.,tachnoie..tts. So it hut falsehood and. stratagem
attanped hi every testate. •
'There have been a number °father preparations pin.
{Kitting to Contain Wild Cherry put out anice, from the
hands of hiespetience which the pub!ic should gutted
against, withal eeteleill none of the VITO]. Or the ongi
/la! and only genuine preparaties which bears the sig
nature Grille. Sways. ou each horde. The present
menufactutem of their pun and false eeeltheßlCS have
the daring ofrontery to caution the public against ptle-
Chasing my molten., the only truly genuine and ortgi.
nal preparation of Wild Cherry before _the public,
Swinish. proved satisfactorily by the publie records o f
the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, we well as sari
Isn other ofscial documents. 1 / 1 1. H. SWAYNE,
• i ventor andsole , Proprietor of the genuine Com.
puma Spnp of d Chewy, comer of Eighth and
Ease Erects, Philadelphia. . •
Pamphlets ean be obtained grads setting frth an
array of ttisranony that will convince the caust akepth
Cal of the ivonderral virtues of Dr Swltyn•bi Compound
Syrup of Wild Chewy, Call awlget one, that ell may
read. Purchase the medicine, matzo omen. •
! Poe roll veliolesule nod romit. by the Agents. • •
WM 'l'lltillN,Alfdathet re tIJODENA SNO3YDEN,
Cornes Wont a d Liberty JUNEJS ILO Liberty
se 11 A PAIININTUCk. a Co, corner. of Etna and
Wood sot Sixth: and Wood; nod JOHN MITCHELL,
Allegheny city. • InarCa
Groat Magna& Ilemtedysj.
'I7POR Coughs, Colds, Asthma and Consumptiont The
12 GREAT AND ONLYBEMEDY bathe cum et the
above diseases, is the HUNGARIAN BALSAM OP,
urk:, dificosered by the celebrated Dr. Buchan., of
Loudon, England, and intsodueed into the United Stales
under the leennesltabs enperitnendence of Pie inventor'.
The eanaordinaly =meets of this reectkiisei. io
cum et Pulmonary diseases, warm= the American
Agent in doliciting foe teeatirtent the worst possible -ca
-1 .11 that amt be Mend in the community--eases thatseek
relief Inman from my . of the common comedies or the
end'day,, have been groan up by the Most disliuguislitml
physicians lu confirmed andomerable. The lirungrai-
an Balsam hoe coned,and will eure,tbis most des-perms
of noses. It is no quagketogram, bat a ownsdassl Rug-
Bah medicine, of kingue and establishe d efficacy.. -.
Every family in the United State. s' be supplied
with Ihmbanhillunga ri an Balsam Life, not only to
eountonont Oin contootpnve.tcllden es of the efinittle,
but In be used no a preventive medicine ie all cases of
colds, cooghs, spitting of blood, paha' in the side and
hest, 'rotation and soreness of the longs, brochins,
difficulty of berating, hectic fever, night souls,emus
stain cod general debility, asthma, Influenza, whooping
ough oral croup..
Sold in largeboules, SI per bottle, with full dimes
dons Mr the restotatiou of halllt.
Pamphlets, containing a masa of Engliah and Ameri
can certificates; and other evidesiee showing the un
equalled merit. of this great blegliatillarnedy, may be
obtained of the Agent., unctuously. ,
For We by It A FAA:SEW/WE k. Cu, corner of
st and Woodrutd %Foal and Oth sta. ' •samb
_ _
... . . ,
We herb been infonned by Mrs./tore urn care per.
fanned on bee by Dr. Jaynes Altvratlve, which
ove. its ;superiority over every cotes, remedy of the
kind. Sheba* then allieted tor the lwi sixteen years
witIi.SECHUSIN or W/lITH SWELLINtin, anethled
wish ulcerations and =donation of various, bones, do.
ring which time many pieces have been discharged from
the Immel lone el the eremites, In= both her was,
wrists and hands, lad from both legs, and from the len
frthoral bone, and fient.the. right knee, besides pabtfol
sleets on either pans of her person, sr/itch have bellied
the skill in a number of the most eminent phyncians of
our eitt--danng most of the time her atifferuths have
been cliental:ea and deplarabla About three maths
shire she was induced to toy Dr-Jayne% dherative,
which. lad had on saMoisliingly happy erect upon her,
I,y removing all pall em strelliageosod them* Abe.
lcers to heal, while at the same time her general hudth
has become completely mewed, so that she now weighs
is more than she did berme she conanseseed the use
of this Sooty valuable prepanott.—ftlal. Eve. Pool. •
Fee farther infonnatunt, inquire of Kra Rose, N 0.1213
Filbett st, Phlladelphin
For rule in Pittsburgh, at the PEON TEA STORE.
Foush sb near Wood. - •
INGS..-Serolula is. all Its • maltiplied forms
whether in PM of King's Evil, enlargement h the
glands or - buttes, (Leine White Swellings, Carom'
Ithetiantimo,t.4aser, diseases of the Skater Spine,
oral Valmonary Consumption, emanate from one
and the same cease; which I. a pain:moue principle
more or leo inherent in the human nyotem. Mitre.
fare, unless this principle can be destroyed, ho
cal cure mate &tented, bet if the principle spa.
which the disease tkpends, is remosecl,'s care
menolneetitaityfollow, no matter under whaticani
the disease aboald =Oiled itself. .Thisitberefore
as the reason why Javars'e AILIMILATIYX IN no mai
veracity sumnalal in removing•sa many malignant
diseases. It destroy, the vim or principle than
wham those diseases have tbeirerigut, by meting
lath the eirealation, and with the blood is conveyed
to the etioutent fibre, removing every particle al
disease front the system. Prepared and told at No.
it South ThinlStreet,Philadelphaa. ; .
Sold at the Pekin Tea Store, No. N. Fosrth stn..
Pittsburgh • ineliSl'
L - -- •
ADIUN Who the Gnomon Prepared Chalk', am
1../ often not aware how frightfully mdtarloithl Ii to
the shin! how twarse,how rough, how sallow, )cliew,
and onhoalthy •Me skin spy. r after eau% prepired
chalk!. Besides, it it Warms; eontalaingalargequan '
tity of lead, We hare prepared a beantlfalverelahlei
Varticle, which ore, JONEWS SPANISII LILY
iirm It is perfectly itutocent,beiog 'ranged of all
deleterious goal:net; and it trepans to the shin a mho•
rat, healthy, alabaster, etur,'lm ing white','attio amac
nine acting as t cottecue on Ulu akin, making hurl
and smooth.
Dr. James Anaeront, Pruntical CbentiM"of Massa.
chat-.m. .After analysine.lones'anpanish Lilts
White, l find it possesses the most beaatinal and nate.
ral, at die same time innocent white '1 ever saw. -I
certainly Can conscientiously reeenanend toad
whose skin requires beannfilne.” •
Mrs •Prion.P.s cents n bor.
IV - Sold by W aI.JACKNON, at hie Boot aid Shoe
St el Liberty Street, head of Wood, at the sign of
the B,gUeot..
lodles; Udine:rm. astonished,
When you kuow that yott are promised
A nalaral, lik-Itte,snowy *hoe, • -
Moat you will mill am common chalk, •
And look Ideadtly yellow fright,
Tlat theme oilaughter and of taLk. . •
If yea • nomad use a ben of JONEkt lAlly-white, It
weed glee m o t an alabuter pet natural whits,
.and .tbehan clear and improve It. Bold at
J ACUSON tr 3, ea Liberty st. PrteelMeents per Lez.
.• • •
YRU3 W. SIMI) okkys for we at tho horror
kfasofseturers , pricey-a very eztensive assort:
manor PAPER, eomproing every possible variety,
adapted lathe wants of =imago to all Aceiloils of the
country. Psper of all kinds Nude o ordit al Man
1 uc rtoci of PRINTING PAPER is =meetly hirer
perA t U p w sji hiciiiik t of v i caligr itA ior •
at every riereriptio, imported awl kept-mm.. 4 0 .
Fettles+, Wire Ciotti, Poerdrinier Whet
Illeeching Powder,lllee Illuaroatirie, (wine, Ae.:, At
Cimirarr,Bale Rom Gimes Rope, Bass i g, -ei . e.,
puirliaseri, kw which We high price re Cup will b.
paid • • 1) - 14 New Vert. Jety,IISRL
Jonas* IWley Glumteal Asap,
11 , OR all kin. of erosions sad Aiacoacs of toe Skin;
such so Sisoples,SicockehSall Mee. Scurvy, Mau
Spois,chapped or crocked Ski; mid kr MI oilier Co.
sea off the Ski; which revue* emental remodus, this
&op stondconyanal.l. k kkw dlepels Freckle; tkas-•
barn, Meryl:For, Toni and cksagto the eolor of dark,
yellow,a disk.. die, to a finc, kotAby, yoadifel,
eleomecc, A fresh oopply warn.ed pogo; sad to
solo at the redorAil price of 37e per oak; Icao len be.
neeniced, I oilerrd for salc, by It. A FAUX/air ram
eornerlitmad woad Pad oho iu Wecormrdf.tsth l
11 . 7 . 0 . 7 7 • WM O SCUM,
be betwo• miss& veal
:,' . , 0=,•i , , , .;P - -r - : : ';
ITIT-D . lVlti" , :'
• - •• ' , 111.1113LEVAANT spawns. •
c c ia tar ovei t ; Tenicaber- girt V
gTkosiam r r...
,mapowid Sri Atf. eritOtica,44.
, u4ice' . tifkre": ishek , re.
'Atilt* Reaoslibit;tipittityof Blood, Nita the Widetiem
41=4 are lltrand ; arrow" INdpitatios of the
• Hume, Vh buoPtill Cobb*
• _liftroom 1 omen-Low Con
RRXFIE ; be hfr lMO M Ototiawatjaa and:ows miltatO ef Tr o
tioe an ibr
• _
ti, flu..tater',ationfee bambt
kawa esperit.sed boa a. 3 F.1 4
/*m etadeei itaspoA7 to Wawa an of it.
kad Win toiq Vfficted with • vary tank, utititoW Wow ,
pda ia the loa, with item oppemeloa. delfendly at Imate.
me sod Into of appetite. Con& venom rem.. without
tame. I b. came Canoed; Ihe Of psis oaidisim, bat bet
Mti mem to Wog. Moat- madhattwe, I thoutitt I
would adhere to o hat j had . beetiosotp.;
b d . myself
'Vein venue • Irked periumled me kr tir b • tra. ofruf
meal had Ulm two battler,l woo eamplestil mw.d ,* •
Solely far :0. hem& . otab..• I wa.l1 , 4'.N.* bObr
attimomb 'Any further Inquieks den.bc 2 tit WY
. •li. V l l aj titioP Rem arkak
c.. 4,14 Aar.
— *boat six pems sinee, om edgod .o. as initialer
'soh= of =7 a. I was Wicked with imam pawn oa
Um: broods palpitation of the bout and Aortae. of tweak.,
wheel 'or. .o Wowed by the Elam utappetitb
waketidoeis akond rutin! pasd.yeia ot my lido—them
=4 ti t z . F . r . beteg • Oweteeolly - nitesedol
Mly thtion iota twatilhekdoodkL=l ; 77.;=
mutt forlkasse and began to affect my Midi. Yews lane
tht.ftif weelt os lemeeretia, meld at ktoth
they lammed to wick • dege.., 44
1111111$01111, weer we iamt=. that for • • stitede year I was
noabbito Mewl tow , • •Abiri'optbhltioot
nide pbyekiamt and wooded to tikke.prearsuptioasa
bat all tittle. skill was amoratin to renal me reldf, wad
, at hark they regorded.wy
this eneeditim I was Loft ' s...77llW ati Mlrfatie, l e a f •
komsaa's Compound Syrup of 'Le and Wool 'eddhe.,6 •
eameterlud s lades to en use,and times pied tiro op all
CllloCithOW-St • rummy or my Amer .itwtst bir bra
Ineasee yet Wog Armee) advettsi tej this statheioa, I woo
leogth pomaded upon*, dadoread I I:bid mew to Jay ;
that by tha me of 1.40 WA/allay habit lemblea ow.* NA
lam =mule to otwod bossuent with is stuck fem WY •
usicartairctb3. '
' r aiTorioddip
Prepared ooly by ANONLIF b-
item h.&
Amnia of Filth sod Spann Areal
Sold by 1.04 ILLUX, .h. Pittabordir r gad reeparalla
- njoiglirrwM7l-=',72a1t,t,74'"
see's Cospoood Syrup of Is, froa nom bat s
mellave oiled
agent., or of those ober. /be surpiditm of dab* is em=
PILLS are becoming so unitemail:popular
First, Because th ey are prepared qy rl4 B
dy himself, a regular Druggiet, Chums mad Plirei
clan of Philadelphia, who hnOWS: mime, Me
yaality and Manager of Debt edleMol used in Ms
pills and their othiptatine to ilbewert,
Second, &Mese the publit Van take them with
greater conndene° than anostOtherislo which - are
prepared by persona ignorant blith'of ntedicine and
Third, Seemed (Mir cm:Mined *netts, properj
tie. tilt SISSISiRed is any other MIDI namely, parr
rug from the stomach , and MAMA ellimhealthy sub.
stances, and nt„thl mai° ,titan parifyilig thel blood
and fluids of the body., --
Fourth, Because they are the cheapest and, bed
medicine known—a single km rolling but D cools,
nod conuhring 40 pills, sawing-1u pennies us many
-dollars olt•times io Doctor', numemos
bought & tried on the,rementriandatine
' ' WHOLESOME - M/I'lOE. • • -
•Wheneva ,youlme . ocession to like any_usial
eine, do alit be trilling with your .conaliustion by
trying all kinds Cl pills or other medicilld you see
published and miciutonszledhy one and another but
like at oaee ,
Dr.'leidsea gannporikis I.IIOIXI Pills • -
you will not have occasion. to lake anything
elm. 'They alsmys be round good ih *lomat all
aortae! disease, , lallainalaon of thenteinaeb, home
els, liver and inteithiesi.craups the stomach;
colie;.Waterbruslo inwad inventi 'lout breath, bad
taste in the mouth, Sour emetatiuni and . acidity of
the stomach, costiceneam and . endigoitidn, want el
appetite, billioutaleitions, diseases of the spices
and.kidneys,diseates of. the akin,. scaly ereptiond_
dry mid . watery pimpled or blotch or the lace aim
body, hatter, rab,priekle beat andiolt :hum, head
ache, giddiness, tetanus, pilenreici thp heart, ot..
the breast, Odelt, eking *beach 'and spine, themes- ,
than and gont,-fovere el all kb*, small pa, varies
lend. enamels, arefula,Crysipelas, and ati - ahurt they
are good in ml disease. having ,theii origin In the.
stomach, liver, cod intestines, and impdrity ofitbe
rn -- cents x Box.
Sold Wholesale and Retail by B.' Az fahnentnek
& Go, cameral' First and Wood, - also' corner of
Sixth and Wood streets, t sept-V
• • 11111g1LBLANII rouvrn PAIETZ• • -•
tpnE tinniest elednown for cleaning lind whitening
' the l'eeth, strengthening the cow, sweetening the :
breath, he. ' It should be used every night ,raith a mid
lint h, teeth and mouth - veil I only mignire slink
•wa ihoig.!in the urannug. Wit the ta11.41 sill, warm
wow, or cold will 114. V., mid nth LI a vow 111.0 Oft
the paste, when'enough will nitheie Foe C:eantsig the
teeth.. It leavesa delicious terse in the With, and to
parse mom delightfelferarranee to the breath. Wands •
saes plenum, edimieloos,:eitinienient. and
safe dentrifiee. It la waryluncit•nat In unitte the meth s
• belle ptinereethem. ' ••• 'v.; •
• By, •Ithlr fegeladr, vetaaveile tutor and -
prevent as aneentsiWieur,prevent, leatlsulte • •
strengthen the gams, 11.114 prevent all.=:ltr
threes, physicians, and the Our"
decidedly. impetiarto unary thing el She kbulin
Aak for WernsasesOaapeend Unit Tanh Paste, and •
ObIKIVIIS his ingnatans is attached to each pet . - ,
Item:wan:Med Pr. - MEW WI ;roadway, sae or
oir bad Dentists, anal:7'l=a of the bikesteblished ,
ones in the UnitedStaimi atePtved - 2mast'vely aced •
.by the Nobility ef Enghunl and Fist oni • • • -
A largo proportion of the disease. t helarrlint mankind !
arise front
derangement of the since_
e a or bowels,
:which a timely tree et the Cath*' eel mneftes would
entirely obviale. - Person! Id Meths lidhlts 'Afield al- ,
ways have a box, at bond, end take a dens whenever
they feel We least derangement In theis bankb b
, All- •
Mous am of these, Lounges _would prevvltheasands
• Forsale at W 511; jickrisON'S, corner Of ! Weed and •
.Ibeny ray • • • -.!• • decsl
A GlLEATCUlttvioneed hydra onglasimidadyune
'A sod gisseisa Liver ill, prepared sad Waft it F.
I blenttsi . •
- J 4 713 04 •
, die. It. eldintr WV. ahkostalida
• isubseralw Mudd my humble test:tam, in Wooed yourjtudy •
ieldirsteil Line Pins. I bora deterred doing so km
adhering to Davylinaketthi swim, she sere yea an right,
the go abed-n Alga albin many pgsparabilurorearrres
and garbs, landed to the the., bays soak isdherarnion noes
Liver Pia. base been offend to the sad, indeed,
year •
helium duty will .111.111. as= /:*
= P aint time lisPr be oliibt i h ho s. " edited awchi replayed
i llT r ia:lt ''' SMT=lireslr l d. P4" =7l ; dettry
sheeted 5 or_ tt hem, mad finellygreensp as inestabln to
IE3O-7 I ens indueral to taxa, GrawPilb,ao4lsooN Got,
WELL. . Web u at womb Vital l
ams. srlesp ram elew ••
pea in the side,sud all the other im for at legit
'° Vt. , : rib.... sive Meter-is eralianiell <seemed;
being mild, lot snrise or gismo' awls alliterate it the itam,
bet give MG mini - Mier I have kept themin my store •..
g or 7 years; mid hooded. of bows sod have acres,
bald • 'single complaint attend by illy sae who banned
Craw • They ban sopereeded must beery ether pill is Ws
neighborhood, sadda a short time willhurash Wm all. I -
saniestly rramenassid theseto"rar wows tinding physic,
whether Lie Liver Waplaiit Alreedoes. .1 eon- '
ridmthera diensperiar Cakenefeethe anipset-•
•, d &M.ll—As, Wee /ra ' is l ve b riUpoblie '-
,CALM> Liver Pith, lamps Irluxgratt6s6XNUlNCalupeld . • '
nth ise and rake wedser than wk. pr.p..i.a aeamsby IL •
15171.1.E1L5, No 57 Woodot hewn Tbitd".il Paves • •
_streets. • , : • '••6 ,
• slats by DrlCsassi, iria, .11 ovar,Afromy . .
VMM the'Rev AdA SillllN, a well tar e and pop
aiu Claimmm of dm ihniestaalle ist Church
The nedersimed basins Leen &diktat dm Memel.
sebum with a disease ofthe suiratichireatethees
Litueing melt pain in the commit for tenor twelve howl
without anginal:whin, and. alter Using tried avian
reinedzia with link elect, was famished warn' bottle
of Dr D Jayne's Carininanie Rehm= -.Thidtwied aer,
et.lipg the dlreetionv; and Rand invar y Mathis.
.wealkine mimed the pain ullaus tlueo Main.
atm, and in fifteen or twenty atinateneirery
sensation araserultely quieted., The Medic*. Na V.•
lerwaedsased.wheaover indiemkimof the approach of
peinwete pereeivedond the pion wan Ultrthy prevent- .
ed: lie Continued to me' Me - medicine every evening
and sometimes in - the • wornittei and in al few weelm
held& WWI so far resteredr. the ore renew
Cd from a Mlle anitiorn pressim- pain: Xtvies en
therefore, can eilehdentlY, letresdnend
rl=s (. 1 14111kIlliVO Unlearn, as a saltillarTaleiliein •
tor distance of the stomach and bowels. A bill INN
ale in PitulLute, at the PIOUS _ll It
TS Fourth Street, near Wou4 oadis balm D.
!Rani *fit P SCRWARTR. Federal meet. IleehastY
la Rom. ser sa•i —
a d:••• • •
Bliperfilla EMI°, art Porcelain' suiedg
Ariel; '
qmstt scent bags, perfamed with Lavender, Amick
liessiefel powder pads, at idlymiierar •
Embossed babe boxes, real:W.lg 11411114 Calmat*
for the handkerchief( seem hag, soil tank( seam sad
kersian or Mines° Iveederi 11'
Inium ma c
hair oil; ' , • • ,••
IA fancy or °ammo. wripperv, (rose Sean.
Cd); .
JOISW NyMpb Sip; Rem Id. Wink
Med amp, .odis soap( together .wig • great varWly
of fme perhimerr last received; kir i r=: - ..
• - II &FAUN
ode • - - tor (kb iiit e irsis•
LCollol•AWvibblisjuSi recriiidieldim isle by
--• -JOB4.IOHLEK •
. Lido:rause Br wea iiappgka
One lesertion of 12 linen, or
Two Insertions withontelteratiori,4.A
..... 0
Three e , ....« 1 00.
One Wnek ‘. i 60
Two Weeks" • " 50
Three ". : . ....4 1 ••• 00
One Month,. 4 00 .
Two 600
Er Longer ad v ert isenseerr In L.. 0.06 proportme.
... s
, One squze,6 cnoollw.`"O'd. 1. lb o
00 00.
Loch addilionastequare for 6 Ineotho.,,/
.. 600
j 2
e • e - 10 00
One 6 unonthe,renewatie,lteell lb 00
..., 1000
each aaditional nwer 6 Moth., a oo
waranr on • Tar- -IEI n+liar ; P• 21114.
. 6O
? ..P r . 6 . 6e1 - 611bkeial IYetlioe....f 37
attains ennui. , .„.
Five line. or oee , 600 .
wz {"o"tlie, 6 oo
r.." "', one 7elrObilY &TWO), 10 00
o - air menthe w • co
esel2 2 . o wliarra
for 00 lime, dr leer; One Lesettihri; 7
$ 1 60
Two,.. " • 0 71' •
. o - Ural ibendav - .427, 3 41
" " Tindni ••••••i•is 00.