EWA .71 , 100111.4....... 4 I EtICA i Bornonvo .wrtn :DtsrAsim ?Ts:Lams-dm aSpreeedentsd sueeess Ishkh has "- - .itesdedtbr.,:siehnhe.. GLNSENO , PANACti" , I : uslltim'yssishs forms which Irritation of the Imp sr Int?ieed :the propriew girds is call attn.. • • , WOll, DERFUL:PRPMARATION. wealliar - which ;part!' our „WI and iimalia;fifidarrys • fr•i11121 source of nig t r cted, xe bit itba'Oreiurzars of that fal 4estraier, • The lineation,' Itim, 'hor .hall we cup the deetmyerlif ' bed! bow inball Wet gel clear of oar coughs end able hot eital import-erica to the public: a . ...THE GRF.AT•2.I4II ("Is .itti3ll3ll will be forma in the Gineent., Panacea:An proo . fof this . sr have how time to time u publifbrd certificates or rt , i.,. ,, ,,lcer.erts 0(014 .begi htimrn 0111. em, who hovt ,eaced its meatier pommel. Thew. with 11 mess of U. element from all pane of .the cointnT,—frFer . MEDICAL'MF.Iii OF THE Flittfr b ANDING, • . • _ • • Itlairotris of the Gospel, ke.o.ogellier aria, calliope no. • ' ~., ''''' -- t • JOBRNALS OP TIIP,'DAY, +c we hive embodied In pamphlet formitind may he bed y . i , , ,, , grarthi opor rry n ga i l i mase p rou t Zn i tt Mowry. ' - >; , haused in this city: e , • •, ' ' T H O U S ANDS AND - TP2IS OP THOUSANDS • I ," , thiOtlgUOut thirtloned Statessind Canada, and ore ch. ', Jeep say man to point ma a • '' • •.- - . -•- ' ," • •- "; t SINGLE DISTANCE ' -,. lt.which, when taken according to directions,' and be , Sate thalaugs had botomeltdally dietsmatimed, It hoe Overfilled to -J .' • Why, then, need theallieted hesitate • w hy 'relent to ' the oneerable nortrams;gotbm al , ht.! , 0 v k iodiAd ' &Ms o ferrite aseurned name of some re '•l•r,:sd pity: sm.„. l Maar; paired into notoriety by eertibew n. . per: Sem co ) , _eurknoverd ' AVillgt a Medicine of - -' ', - - P oe ETPICAO? Is to be whose mothers are at harne r Mar tele", "-' - of whom it ha" . ' ATCHED MOM TiIt:GRAVE- • " , lit sitter 11.14 this Sorties/de Medici,w may be placed • within the reach of the {mot 'swell the rich, we have -th' ONLY FIFTY EVECNTS, Jost one bell the &stud cost of maigh . medicines. lilt ` for sale by our "gent* in nearly every town and village t ' , overlie wesE.Who bra prepared to - give full Inform"- ', -• ' lista relative to it. T. SXLTP.D., Proprietor, _ Broadway, Cincinnati, Ohio. - A !crake, igt. DIFFICULT'S' rin3P.V.AVILIG.= t• anstetirellhi! caused __ nr g'i bY d ' A L' illia a tt Y n c ' , "' "l ' cow s e ' e" i i ii n lecilituri:Dß:Sta - PSER'SysENACEA,is a the . candn eare. '''",'' " ness ean,be entitelYetiredl4 p, free wee( Dr. i on ' : "Sweemer's Puttee& • ." „- - , _ , -, •- Catarrh,' or Vomnson cold . .which, If negiceted, will terminate In Consompden,'w .effectually relieved and ' '... oared by Dr. Surestser , • Panacea. , , " • :Bronchitis; if unchecked; will effeetually lend to - • 's e ra P h a il n l a c C enw ss il p e o c ; t u ha l t l y eu m re liyt u • eof Dr, Ewee . Intimated& of the Toned. or Fore Throat—This . disease ellen leads to serious consequences from neg.' lac melt u ulceration of thi throat. 0,1 the hot slymp lines, Dr:Swatters ,patuseett 'lmola be procured and • Coughs and Colds End & soveteign rated/ in Dr. Sweeter's' Penance.' Pease:mita NOthce-A very fatal disease, rcsalling .. hero a viblent rough and eold on a' debilitated hr hr.' bra dOwn coriadranon; aged persons arc "abject to it:— Dr. Sweeter." Panacea "hauld be used on the 'first SynirOMll, which are e cough or cold. : ' 'Night Swelds.,—This debilitating co will meet with a fungi] check, by using Dr. Sweetsers Panacea. ' Ormiestip&on...-Ifon the first appearance of enemata did Nymph:nos, which are a pain m the side and boast, ....i=th or. pittin of blood, intr. Sweetser's Pelmet.' is .y mcq no danger need be appreheadml. -• . Whetrthe Longa, the Windpipe, or llronchial Tibet: ' beacons clogged op with phlegm ao as to inspede respi - or hteadung, Dr. Sweetsers Panacea, which Is a powerful Expectorant, should bo taken "emoting in lailtierma.--This disnessing epidemic, an prevalent in, our ellnate„ is speedßy eared by Dr. Syremsers Pane. Prim it J pee bottle at six haulm for ES. Pr mle by yru. ACKSON, tdt Liberty at., alga of big boot. ~ " •. . nova.ly , Seriattla. fierstehtt skit, SALT, RIIk:UNI, Ae.—Who would rliter , forTshgle day scratch, when afflicted with th e Itch, or other diseases of the skin, if they knew who would relieve end core them - . • . 'Ma horrible tobe obligee to rob • arid scratch when •1,- akerit more horrible to abstam froreit, [for decency sake 'rhea hi company. Let it ba remembered that • Ik. Dr 3 TETTER era ITCH OINTMENT is Me . . . mat effeseloas et any other prepuatiou m existence in maims the Tetter,ltch, and other &wares of the Mtn. -- M drevetevi trf the skin renal arise from the impurity - Of the blood and fields of the body, and where such dm , • oute be of long standing, andthe connitUt 101 l affected • Iluerehy, if Dr. Letdra Sarsaparilla Blood Pais he used VIM the ointaserth they will care any ease whatever, mad if they de not, the money wilt bereturned by • 'Lady. Host tabs, herarerer, wall be eiketually cured by Or. Lektyb !curt o.l.ltek vial:neat, unless the miesie syn.. is =pregnant by the di.e....•1 hereon which will be complelelyeamed off fresethe sptem by Dr Lbidrs blood pilleNoul the sue." atilt Ain heal ed by the cinema. Priee of ointment X•eente. A fresh eopply ef-theieezhethict 104.1litinall 'MI re. • r sale SFdRt HB • Ilehl .Cart k. wood. abo efr.eth byroad set. - . • PE&CJG! am , IN EVERY mcrniEs , 111 , 1 IE anden/ixecT.haz long . been convinces! of the n tor some anethente adapted to the use of - Ctildoeo and Infinite to supereede the use of all those nendichies - width contain opium, and boo at length sacs oceded to preparDic and offenog to the public a. meth . eine folly annerenng every - ramose for all diseases of the I ; •• 'tersrels, nithout the me, of dint deleterioris dreg, or any sober calculated to inhn in the lititt. The Infant P. 4 me...a - bee twee fully tested and, tried, the loot Mein. '"Dtattlltn, bynaMerourpersonannd Om. , the extriundinary firma; nal set prOdoce au the net.. effects as set Penh on the bill of directions. Di arrbeen, Vomiting, Cholie, Griping, Punts, Sickness and '• Disauca arising from Tcettunc. actiog immediately -without 'disturbing any of the ineetious of the body, = m ening the ;happiest nod toast pleasnot transition violent pein tranquil and Joyous stourof feel •lug in the hula sutra., • - To ho hod wholesale end retail, of the Proprietor; Dr: lOIDI SARGANT. Druggist mad Apothecary; John • Mitchell, Mien & Beckham, and most other Dnsonism -•.' '',u`Allegiteny otol Pittsburgh. - deel3 S — ELLER'S IhIPIdtIAL _COUG:t • ELLER'S IMPERIAL COUGH SN RUP.—It has J gamerinsure'. ,• Pretssearru. Feb. 14, I IL E. ShOrtare,-My wife has for yours been subject „' to *distressing cough accompanied with asthma, for ' cure of which he r used different cough remedies,. and had the advice of the man eminent physicians in Ragland, Ind all tams unavailing. , chance I heard . °Lyon, Imperial Cough Syrup, and was induced to buy ' • 'a bottle for trial, although I had nce belief that anything ''could remove 'her complaint. To my great surprise, gam doses pats her immediate Mier.. She is.% times ' • ' trobbled math* cough, but two tchspoonofill of Syrup always stops it. I ant satisfied. alter a trial of three or lour ream that Seller's Cough Syrup is the tart tough i. modiciaal haYe ever tried either in tbe Old or Near 3VOrld. - wee. Eargnovahr, •j 'Seventh Word, ray of Pittsburgh. IfThe rib°. Catarlaila should thduce all who are ' '• grodhjed with.gough or ns• to give the Spray • tri aL may he had .for 25 reins a bc'ale. at the drug 'Mane( • It E SELLIMS. 57 wood et. friadbj Di Ousel, sth ward, sold D ll. Curry, AI lahs 1/MRS. REbD re C feo it a ding • •ANA. Dieu, my. fellow DICII/OrDII, to aUtle something more respecting your Vegetable Pulmonary Balsam Since I GIN sued the Balmen, about sloven yearn ago, shehappy effect of which I then gave an account oi, I Lave had IDVeIIII enters complaints and attacks at my lasigs,sme a few day, since, and is natty hall:111CD I :have used the Balsam alone with complete and perfect sumo. It his effected relief and ewe in a very few day. •It is certainly a safe medicine. Ido rot know • that it will care a fixed consampuon, but 1 - believe it . • wVdtio in many cases a prevenure,and prevention is :betam than mare; I do therekire, for tbe love of cry RI . , kw men, earnestly recommend the we of thir Balsam, .•• /ea pulmonary complaints. I em etinOdern that it has bean the means of preserving my life to this day. •!- llama Juno 16,44 BENJAMIN PARSONS. • Fatsakt br A Fahnestock, S. Co, earner first and woad and Lae 'earner wood and fah. 'rail? • ORI; VEletifFlATE.—Tho greatest of .1 PR Wmm medicines:, - Now i =no,l This isth ee , nup that after using different prep:wa gerer err exyclling wormy( bought of C. P. Huhn., of New Lisbon, Iwo vials of R E my C ote, m n s the warrents of ono vial e.itex i f ud y 4. ,rlal • - from th l et ' secor e U 0845 a fnntt,, area Qyears, it nd from the trirtA =see ;al SelreT:s ' r i tg b fr es a using Bala and one albs more ereentariVorm motheine. be fore the Ileum bioasurw. Pmpared and said by R SEIJ.ERS, Na 57 Wood Met. Bold by Dr. Carnet, sth ward; I) Curvy, Al. harken William.' Smith, Temperroweville., lOC Palliate Block Spriog Truss, - "IdEWLYINVF..NThIt—For the reliefand Permanent Canrof HERNIA or - RUPTURE:. (Salted to all The strperiorclakmi of this Trues maim in tlth emu. Pa ons rades case with which it ma n yhe wom. The pod of et grin/ neatly balanced o Ilpfklp, yields os lath ealinny part of It, and theronghly adapts itself to .say movement made by the .weartrlt con be worn Intermission, mtli n coo is e'ffeeted. The orah. . nab= have made arrow:meths for the manntothara three valuable Totems, or • superior style, in Mal and boo them now km solo at their offico,No. 07,ristrisfield st. near Sixth, Pittsburer GEO. %YAW, , - D. W. KAUFFMAN. .... r FAILNESTOpK'S Pueumartie or Cough Bat • • Sam, has • •gre. advantage over many Other : h preparation, as its p!evnTjj,s,l3 peon. it to med witboat• inconvententaili its value • /Mason pottaisto th e spitisilineasofitieure. Wa have .• knows mcmaa of the most desperate eon., we= of ~srldeth had beeti mooing . fora eonaidersbl e length, of time, yield almost Immediately to Its power. la se. weather li we here had during the past warder every coatis liable to take cold, unless greet preelatious are seed. • .W. feet sad aud. ere to the cy this weather ollen lays w o re und.. of n a b acking, ooeigh, whiehooeds a quiet remedy to prevent serious . • ' We have newerents certificates of awes which it pernaresed; ww - of which are frau permit in thls city and the neightarbood, aud they are a eettelent refetanee wbbOrd saying - another word to its Calor. Prepared and Olt sale wholesale and reinil by A VAHNEITOCK. & corner of wood and Ist and wood and eilt sts. - • . • mitafr • IMET4III;II2 I.I. II I L S =ARY B&LSAW—T srl 1 Mig=ll tb:Vt;elali• Palesoo r t7asam as • ral- NWittelliowt. iu i m p, eanapkt• Moab embolloato emmlainl of the attended Mal k Immo comb , km of twee, sad lb. .b..g Oulets blood Mekk mmiomly tabled umby apermed remiptims Afar ant lie %demo. wek the robo•retarnul, 'ma Men. ambled 41 rpeal audibit. 71. II ease Damned mom Ulm Mee, ski Ms ma Is cox miard oal oay tire bar hit:Joel= Imam. Ilespretigrn, e1..." 1 344 oka cor Met kmed 414.1 jsz IFRONG 111 1 101,Nekl Msl .1h JAYNE'S EX- Alkrks.ropernrt other remedies Gm • Anima, mod Win l'ulmo. • JVf C" %setkat C 7iVat=snotts wbocomartmecd the s,o(idm their (mikes b your 5 0, min peeks it lo 'd ant remoliosocibei kind; imdethos soy ham been Wooed • ,-. ' tokry.o th er posprokkos they inn almookiirreriably Imo so tket b..W ' , thick erar remonbily (roads ktolepraiMskroneedlllkipeopexkire, • , kmdi lesusa retuned to the are of karma' Enkerrookerr se moody tkos hoe om e ns Csilsdin miens Mom. med mihh - Nrobskii esernimolitrways maths poloothey prm..4 mirky r , rkhdalphar. and soklea Kith • • SEMENV',VO.3I7FI:Cir• — Iis popolariry •.• e m uulAr. Lrurarx, Ohio, March 13,15.18 j u mpounotui inyour efiylr V nl u_s . weeku i rl WO, • latter apply or,yo. auge., a" .4>eresslagispornaarity us nbecomes known. Wo have will; access In our own Ysmily, and fit= oar tom mug, ussurance. of Its eseultuna,-. 'iniwAi by RE fklionAp Wood kr StIA Wurdi and Op Conn'Al=debuur . , _ . liwa*oillt;:iii.., - ;.- - 4.,.i:ic.-‘ , !'it - tift:Fiefii_iiio. ,VI4ATRIIIkDriFORPVELIC.III.IOO -11 111 44 IL P. JAMES, cluchnumithOWnWing near and valuable Works- , •• s . • 'Mexico. GILL KOSAStri and fors.,- p lum`a Canmeign iguana th e Ravi* Void. hts . ele ct Minh neon Clain:imbues. Dom.., and the Opuntia. of Om nicarat 'Simla, Fe; wi th 4 LMap anal Eagramgs, by Joke T Hughes, A D of the t Reg of kintotufthmultv. tr.taqof Kenteekj—ite intlaniiies and 'Natant!' Geopaphteal Statistical 'aritt Geological de...01,nm wide arc of Pioneers Life, mal more . thitr no kindred Biographical Macula... trtstiagaisb ed Pldneers. .teltisty Lawyers, Di vines, do.; in With ENV FEWILT0111; by .141.4 Conj., I vet, octal% - . • , . -• nr.. Twelve Monthelrol.teer, Or Journal of a Pel -1 Vote In the Tenumace Regimeut of Caytlry , in thy, Campaign of Mexico, during_Sl6V, consug an ac e.nt of the Barth al' ReoMcat to Vera Crar., a. desert.. of the Country passed over; manners, ear. to, de. of the people; Pietehes of Camp Life; sw eaters' of all tbe.tions dither; Vol.teer Regiment; and a fall Hammy of the Mexican W2l; Lilt of the ICII- led and Wearided, tee; Illustrated by a largo climb...! correct views and ploosi by Geo. C. Farber,. VOlng6o NA, FOIL • TUB MASON—llluminated TOOK of Sarreel Peary; a splendid , largierial 9 ea, with betugikil illareathins on steel; by Sartain, .d illuminated pages by Bekaa -and Sinclair, richly baled inTiukey morocco and wattage& superbly gib. The Christian Keepsake, an sumostl for. 194,t 'nth &plaudit inesitotim engreangs, by Sartain; bonW in nr- _ - Christmas 'Blossoms and New V 1111 2 411 Wreath for 1.54 e; a small imam Tontine, printed on snow white pin. per, embellished with splendid memotinkes This is by far the most beaselltil juvenile tonsual pub hshed in the United Sums. • Poetkel Works of Olivir Goldmilthi PI. It, with numerous so Mine designs, by the , Etehing Club, iv va rious styles of binding. Thompsotes Seasons, with sevestpueveli delft*, by therifielung Club, in l'aliOLLS styles of binding„, The Poem .Poetry .of .einieriern by Et. Gas . Tile Poets and P.m , of the Ansients, by Wiliam Peter, kLi superbly bound in Turkey moroseopplen ilidirgilt.. ' Willis Poems, in Stirions styles of binding. • trays Elegy illustrated lierasn's Poetical Works, in vasthas Lard Hynes " Mink - spew en • ,Ttre reeetieal Works orfliamns Moore. • 8a11a..4 giber Poems, by Mary Hewitt. Yocrostly lica4lay's Bart. Mountains. . The above, with a veal eerier, ofother neer work., In splendid ogles a binding, suitable km girt books; for rule by - • .• /011NSTONI. srocsroN, dw.lo . Bookseller., cor. Market go 3d Valuable ktaudard Works. BRIADVS'ENCY9.OP.EDLL-1 Dicticoary of coca,litantormad act, compiaiag tkabsatory, Scvma cad setcatifoc priccipkc o(avvr, bnknoliothvana t baanc .ig = *lag Um &rite.. WI dailahaeo of all law. tram in Huai . an, Wised b )mookaenara .l.l' Snak, R Soft 2 11Statra acr llaraa's Dicalaaeriaci cOalalaimbeirillful2) crag caspactlioctla lusoeka,Q irn liatt,Cinas Weld, Nova Scala', Few Braanrick, No, than Tessi,NclOdoc- • leo, Taxa., Odiforalai alnico; Ccalral - Atvcra, Yuelan; anal ledia labraula acct all du Stan Ind Tams cies in lbw Us ioo. ffotPo - fitibt..4v--h..• . ihder • of the Pmitatto front Aim - -'• r 1788 ,...ptitt " toformatiao is 11117, to the rorototilot o _ _ A. wader itotrfprury k.liciYl . ri...4, . ~ reoisolifJoha 0 CW411.0111, .... r .,........... h. i. Q.— - ~„,,,;.....; §ld i ky;.3-ir. TN ato of the Poll is _ p.........k. doors, zd 1), otetkr" fir,"nal.'°l2:g.!"rb. - I'iMEME!6!EMI MliSMM=;= , Bpralter—Tb. Jamile Spokimr; ten:veiling 41roaretray Ivies aml stereirei trdsehau,tiesk, *Rh • selee tica of piorearfur,raeliir.lyFraseisr RaLall, instructor in ekeutioe et rsineetaa. - / • , % 'The ft; l 'i jollN ff E.TON at! Bookseller-hear market end ard sla Cla Antlion's Classical Dictionary.; ' Dictionary of Greek and Rom. Antiquities; itrCulloonh's CointncrciG Dictionary; Dielioll4try and Suppletnant, arts, menu fectu and come Webster's Occrso Dictionary, recisod edition; Todd's Johnson's andlValker'a Dictionary; Warman:les Dictionary; • Liddell and Scott's Greek Lexicon; Goliios Greek Lileoll of Nem Testament; Levvett'a Latin Lexicon; .kint - a 'twill's Latin Dictionary; • : Fleraffig Tibbin'a 'French Dictinturyi • litockia Theological Dictioary; . Union Dibla - lhationary; • - itultiswon Citratit's Dictionary, &e." ica The abaci:4l , 6A a general awortnieutoritcological, Dal Sunday Deboat Danko, al. ways on band and for salt low, Ly E1.1.101T d ENGLISH. , Markel at., loccorecn ad & Publications. 1(.4 ILTOWS: POEM,, illustrated. Ilarper'a near .131. edition orate Poetical works of John Illtiton, with a memoir, and critical mamas on Ids genius and rorri ti by. James Notagonsery; aud aim hundred mad twenty, a:loving* Gum drawings bairalliitut In Vivo VD! Wile. flrenclor.'s Caw Tmexcar.c-The fool Go‘peli and Acts of the Apcnalcr, in Greek, will. English noter, critical,phdo.ophical, and exermicah mops ludo:es, etc., itriellier 'With the Wale, a n d evienlypie; the whole funning lie Herr Teannfeuk—kor the tite of School; Colleifee,and Theological ktecuir.nrier. Ily Ber.l. A. Spencer A. A Hoer NoinchlAfiiletuntnes's BeA—A fairy We of fore. By Dln. S. C. Hail. LOISS• • • 111 . V. lifeof Henry. the Fourth, king of. ffnulee• mind . N.lvane; By O. P. B. Coumkao in Jaw taro, paper srol,. cloth: For sale by JOHNSTON Jr ITAJCBTON, /PAS • Booluellers; corner of =stem nod 3d RI; VNGLlBlLlTablifE.44tfiribil*eik REV% JA elation, .od of the wars and campaigns :arisnig from the singe. of the Greek gavials to kkaancipa.• ling their moony from the Torkirk Yoke—in two sol umea 7114 nomeroati maps and engin- Letters' Mosistaive oracle/goof Walken W, from lallo 17 —with foe portraits, ot• vols." Gnopemon to the souls of the 'Wig Scriptures- Merry. klesthmY, thrillog 'romance, aril/in° engra vings. th- Holy Maitre., h Stligo;ind Sketehes retc'd , • McDUN A LD a lIMCON tO market Kt,. New nooks. fpflE Plalo.pLy of Lifc and 1/hiloaophy of La, cucgc. by . 1 red Von-*ltlegel. , Sfaideg. Heim:ache* in China I. '43 and AG. with _ map and plates. The Sias outiorDeparicd.lvy 7oa Henry Robsrt, DD. The Church Universal. by. Dr. Sums. • • Goldimillettroemi, illustrated. Thompson's :Masons; do ' For sale by . I I. READ, js:W VALUABLE Now .Tostr , a • Preomata. V.• IVaverley Norte., U volumes, 100 , illmunnal; 6 - Eno Mn Sherwood's Works, 10 eels limo, illustrated; Thrpera Family Lit;rary, 122 trolgcamplete; do .• Dors and Girl's • .• . Work's of „Shakapeare, 7 vols. Sao, the !Mooned Bas ' toe minion, Seely bound; „ Bogota Lives of the Selau, - 4 elegantly bound; Gormal, Moor's Works, 7 vols. Exploring I..tipedltlan; 6 vole royal era...-. co do do do .drf - • British Fasoylsta, 8 vols. Turkey not. Locke. 1, above, together wi th a large assortment Of CIL , Kau y bound tamily d potter Gillen, Common gray r, all sixes and bindings d l of wldch will be sold lower ' than ever offered la MI. market, at the old stand of ' KAY k Co. JIG ear WA. wood st fikk - Vial f oon: A mperb rosewood six oetsre Plano, OPPnew seal. and patent iron frame, made by J. Chickering, Boman. .A vary elegant rosewood six and a. half octave Nano, : new male, and patent iron (mom, made by J. anciently, Boston. • ' The above insuontdres received t o day', and now epee for examination; for sale at Mr. eringo pri ers for.caah or approved paperer and, Also on hand, one eleven rosewood Geckle panels, carved moo/dings, and melded legs, 6 °Mitt., made by Gale and Co, new York- . One do. cured rosowecl,43 octaves, made by Gale. Co, New York. One niaboyangsecond hanAriano.6 °entree, of et. saßent tone, am m good older, made by Chickerieg Stewart, 6125, r • . ... Ow impact , grand Piens, made . by Hem Pada slut guaranteed wLe the best -Mane Fora i!ll , lb city, will be sold at a very moderate price. • , fe1.17 JOHN /UM FLLOR, el wood st =V27n:l=t2l . . . ilitfr o A SPLENDID 11JMOrgnellt of Moe wood and Mahogany grand action Pi anot, last Rotated an dlot sale. . Mat, twonticndid Roaewooil Pian with Coleman's celebrated Aoliin =nehmen!, finidied in the alcoaittidern'atylG and foi ode at • . • •,' ..... ___ : F BLUME/411 wood at o=l PINEY IiLEINEN, Dnitrin eastern Piano Fortes, - Hot J. W.. Woodenaln, No. 83 Third - Street. The Pinola may be untanned at all boon, And the mailmen. her edit* there born 11 to LI, A. by and from 4 to b, P. M. each day. Pittsb'g, Oct. . - .• Wo, the undersigned, would Wane the citizens of l'ittsborgh and vicinity that we have appointed Mr. IL Aleiber sole agent for. Wemern Peansybrenie, far Cho' . sale &Inn. Piano Fortes,' from whom theynay he ob tained at nor own (New York) prices. ' ' • MINNS di .CLARL . New York, Sepi.l,ls4o.ocatldti 0014-4-Cateeltirot of Iran, or dm 41eretuott's and romPleto Vide 14 the Iron trade. few copsesonlyy^very aeons. Sarm& Lltentsure of we sea* of Ehrope. Chit/taboo , Information for the people. (Umbers' Ciefepedis of En/ 4h Literals's., Wood.!'. Itteekstones Cornmentatiesi 1,21 f V/ edition lad lteataikl volumes. tfalleeler • Poonsc' te now rod splendid add On. Parlor "kook of 'Mowers—for all seasols. i -J 1. REAR, 4th near market at • - -- -- ' NEW:NOV/ELIE 9111 E , LAST UV TUE VALII 3 / 1 3--A , chtieleme Tale, Icy C.l. Y. IL Jun., Eeq. 1 . me Eyte; m setobserraphy . Liver Pith, lamps Irluxgratt6s6XNUlNCalupeld . • ' nth ise and rake wedser than wk. pr.p..i.a aeamsby IL • 15171.1.E1L5, No 57 Woodot hewn Tbitd".il Paves • • _streets. • , : • '••6 , • slats by DrlCsassi, iria, .11 ovar,Afromy . . IDEGJAT AZICDIA.II.I2IATIVIE MALIBUI VMM the'Rev AdA SillllN, a well tar e and pop aiu Claimmm of dm ihniestaalle ist Church The nedersimed basins Leen &diktat dm Memel. sebum with a disease ofthe suiratichireatethees Litueing melt pain in the commit for tenor twelve howl without anginal:whin, and. alter Using tried avian reinedzia with link elect, was famished warn' bottle of Dr D Jayne's Carininanie Rehm= -.Thidtwied aer, to et.lipg the dlreetionv; and Rand invar y Mathis. .wealkine mimed the pain ullaus tlueo Main. atm, and in fifteen or twenty atinateneirery sensation araserultely quieted., The Medic*. Na V.• lerwaedsased.wheaover indiemkimof the approach of peinwete pereeivedond the pion wan Ultrthy prevent- . ed: lie Continued to me' Me - medicine every evening and sometimes in - the • wornittei and in al few weelm held& WWI so far resteredr. the ore renew Cd from a Mlle anitiorn pressim- pain: Xtvies en therefore, can eilehdentlY, letresdnend rl=s (. 1 14111kIlliVO Unlearn, as a saltillarTaleiliein • tor distance of the stomach and bowels. A bill INN ale in PitulLute, at the PIOUS _ll It TS Fourth Street, near Wou4 oadis balm D. !Rani *fit P SCRWARTR. Federal meet. IleehastY Cream la Rom. ser sa•i — a d:••• • • o Bliperfilla EMI°, art Porcelain' suiedg term Ariel; ' qmstt scent bags, perfamed with Lavender, Amick liessiefel powder pads, at idlymiierar • Embossed babe boxes, real:W.lg 11411114 Calmat* for the handkerchief( seem hag, soil tank( seam sad kersian or Mines° Iveederi 11' Inium ma c hair oil; ' , • • ,•• IA fancy or °ammo. wripperv, (rose Sean. Cd); . JOISW NyMpb Sip; Rem Id. Wink Med amp, .odis soap( together .wig • great varWly of fme perhimerr last received; kir i r=: - .. • - II &FAUN ode • - - tor (kb iiit e irsis• LCollol•AWvibblisjuSi recriiidieldim isle by --• -JOB4.IOHLEK • PITTSBURGH' GAZ' PUBf.49IIED DAILY, TaI.WELKLY .16,1111 SLY . Lido:rause Br wea iiappgka OP ADViCICTIIIININ One lesertion of 12 linen, or Two Insertions withontelteratiori,4.A ..... 0 Three e , ....« 1 00. One Wnek ‘. i 60 Two Weeks" • " 50 Three ". : . ....4 1 ••• 00 One Month,. 4 00 . Two 600 Er Longer ad v ert isenseerr In L.. 0.06 proportme. ... s , One squze,6 cnoollw.`"O'd. 1. lb o 00 00. .12 Loch addilionastequare for 6 Ineotho.,,/ .. 600 j 2 e • e - 10 00 One 6 unonthe,renewatie,lteell lb 00 ..., 1000 each aaditional nwer 6 Moth., a oo waranr on • Tar- -IEI n+liar ; P• 21114. . 6O ? ..P r . 6 . 6e1 - 611bkeial IYetlioe....f 37 attains ennui. , .„. Five line. or oee , 600 . wz {"o"tlie, 6 oo r.." "', one 7elrObilY &TWO), 10 00 o - air menthe w • co esel2 2 . o wliarra for 00 lime, dr leer; One Lesettihri; 7 $ 1 60 Two,.. " • 0 71' • . o - Ural ibendav - .427, 3 41 • " " Tindni ••••••i•is 00.