The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, April 08, 1848, Image 4

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- -, • Oil OE PANACEA! i . .
•'",''' Ti atai osp Isptiiiiitt 1 wmi - :DISEASED
tj,? ,
;'44F - 4 4 ,0 4 :1 11 " ,(64
'1t 4 3111 . 168 wirikatt . tanasadieb iniallar. of Ma Lim au
i I
:: , ..4 ... , lui , s loitteettd th
• ininnietor %mini," ciAgal.en
-,' ..:, r . ...i.IIIINDEESIJ/1 PitEPARATIi)N. .. ';',. "
• ...., lio'iitiqii*er' - we,ailutelithkti istass our fall stkd
:: --- - .. gimishiOi shripsi friziAl gain{ oe • .
, = '
ettilteeted, ate hat The preen:sore of dist telf
• Tb. quake, Then. deal we alp the deamiee
lie Sad bow disil • a get clear of out coned nal
• le of vied Lupo &nee to the public.
will be found xn • ruse. Noumea. lo proof adds
• we have Sun ttmei i tune published the ecetillouu or
dams of our best musette who h ula peU.
• awed to munime • en. Theta, with a truss of tea
A......res av e dee!, kg, ingrate, with copious no.
wet embodi • In pamphlet Rims, end may
glaSs of any of • agesis througkout the country.
bee. Valed This city.
itieeseneet The Sauce and Canada, and um ett..
lenge tarlatan Hi • Int pat
when te steenalme dace-twos, and be. .
bee The had mote Wally distogstusch It hes
eramcr cuiE. .. •
• the afilleted hesitate? N. by retort to
, .the le 000113=11.11, gotten op by lat , • o or. inthvid.
, gala =WO. unused azae of some ee phy.
sf end paled late notoriety by certifies' • • per.
:.,..Ageopart , allbrknownt ened c ielne y o . f
Yto be had, wk. Oats ate at bome,--oar betaL•
hersr-atatay of it haa
•To eadertlat this invaluable medicine may be plated
;within the resebe the poor as well tbe•tith, we have
'Pr " In OBILT FUMY czwrs, .- •
. ,
• suet one .lalf,the.issual cost of cough medicines.' It is
gar sale by our &retain nearly every town and village
eiver the west, who are prepared to'' give fall ilifonsia.
c , • Sion relative to it.' BALTb.R, Proprietor,
- . • - Broadway, Cincinnati, Ohio:
'4. Thie disease le caused brs parorystiel construe
.' : eson of the air cells; it is very debilitating, almost e
• c u t rneation. DR. fIWI-talai.B.'S PANACEA is the
Ile) 0 .
OLrce.thero= be entirely mired, by a free use of Dr.
'lsi Catarrh, or Commit!' Cold, which, If ne3leeted,
Sti eodhy nninate• Centromptien,' is efeetually relieved and
..g• • Droactdlia comb, ed, effectuelle lend to
Po n to oncsumption, bat II lliftely non of Dr. Sweet'-
', - mirth nen erectitally core it.
, Intiammation . of thel'ousits done Throsb—tlis
, Tilsease often leads to serious consequences fmm erg
: ises,'fitsclitis alt-. ration of the throat:ou the Suer non..
-Acme, tly tioreetsOrit Ibutuca !heal he procured and
- and Colds' find a . roverelie remedy in Dr.
• - flieeetersfPamacee.: .- ' •
• s , Ittessuloals Protha—A very lite. - disease, resulting
from 0.0 and cold en: n' debilitated or bro •
ken dawn aged persons are ea We et to
• ..-Dr. Sweeter's Panacea should . he used on • the fit •
truptores, which are a roach on cold. • ' '
plight Sweatc—Thisdebilittoing eroctiplobn will meet
• dh a tinnily check; by using Dr. Breetmces Prances
- Contompuen.—lf en the Orstlappearanoo oicontonap
symptottos, which area pun to the side and Incur,
or oping of blood, ilDr. Sweetser's Panacea:is
timq n in o danger need by apprehended.
- Men the Lungs, the Windpipe, or Prtmehial Tithes
• become elagged up whli phlegm so as Ls impede respi.
gation OT Wading, Dr.Sweemer's Panacea, erhich is
pooTodol Erpettoruty sbOuld be.taken Veording
lullneasa-7Thisdistreising epidemic . . ro prevalent hr
- - our aurae, is spee4ily cored by Dr. Swemser's
Alta SI per bende;org2lo2llCS the f 5. • '
• .
par sale by WM. JACKSON, PP Liberty M . . 1 .ig. of
_ -
ITCH, SALT, 111113.131, ee-M'ke would
Efis i Mgle day scratch, when . afflicted with tin;
r, itch, or oilier dilemma of the ekin, if they knew
who wintld redeye and cure them.. •
1,, • Tis honahle to be obliged to rub. and wretch when
but morn horrible to ebstain from it, (for dreeney
, isatal i len in mammy; Let it be remembered that
met efficacious of any"prepanition exiatence
earieg the Teller,' • other diweacs of the skin.
' , Aa all.doiessos of the akin Most arise fronithe impurity
"' Of the bleed and fluids of .the body, and wham stack die
-, oasis be of long . insndirig, and the. reartituthm affected
, ',thereby, if Dr. Leady's bareeparilla Bloat Pi ll s be used
• "with th e ointment, they will cure nay ease •whatev_eri
• mail the do not, the tooney will be • r eturned- by Dr.
Mom eases, howerver, will Le effectually cured
by Dr. Leidy' 'letter end 'ltch Mumma, unless the
I -whale system Is haprefttuded by . the diseased harems
which will be completelr and
o,Tfroto the er b
-• :Dr latidrs bleed sill and surface of the skin heal.
ad by the ointment' Price of ohnnient 4.• cents.
• • - A Crash sup Iy of these Valuable 'medicines into re
' • " cart Ist A wood, alto tor. ISM Zs wood !IA
-- ` -- PEACEI . PEACE t t
norm srr~co,
• •
FiE tuldeored haff long ;keen convinced of the
actuality some "medone adapted set the use of
end Intents 'naucipercede the of all those
Metes which eclair' t opium, and at length
corded in preparing end miming to the public a
'b owels, inefully' amercing every purpose for alldisentes of the
b without the %se Of that deleterious dreg, or earl
Other calculated to Ware in the knot. The Infant Par 4 !
Zeta has been fully tested and tried, the toot twelve
-.mouths, by numerous persous, mid found to possess all
the empordinmy virtues, and reproof ce all the omen-.
" tithing tribute as set forth on t h e bill of directions. IN.
'• arthrea,Yomiting, Chef ,c Griping, Pains, Sickness Mid
Mosses arising from Teethma, acting immediately
:without di
the any, a the timetions of the bodff,
prodachig the happiest ',mit most
. pleasaut transition
from rimeat pans to a tranquil mid toy.. state of feel
lug in the little sufferer.
To be bad wholesale and imell, of the Proprietor Di.
",JOHN SAROANT; Jimegist and Apothecary; John
' Mitchell Elliott &Beckham; and most other Druggist.
.tll , ty and Ping:rare, dectll
power to ewe • Prresamion, Feb.l4, lUD.
R. E. Simlxic—My Wife has for years been subieer
to distressing cough, accompanied Wilt, mtinia,.for
. • the care of which ae• need different eon ' remedies,
and had the advice of the most eminent physicians ot -
England; but all was ionvailing. .13y clam." I heard
of your Imperial Cough Syrup, sal woe indaced to buy
a bottle for trial, although I hod no belief that an
- evield remove her complaint. To my grant mirpnw,
owe doses gem her immediate relict She ism times
~.PlRrebled walla rough, beim' merlaccearal of Syrop
.. gimp cops ft.. I em satisfied. alter a trial of three or
lonvyeans, that Seller's Cough Syrup is the best cough
asalliebto I have ever tried either in the Old or - New
- • Ettmocusr.,
_, • • fkretalt.Watd, city of Pittsburgh.
Mho *bare certificate should indwo ell who are
trembled with cough or nations, to give the Syrup a tri
al. • It amp be had for' 3 cents a bottle, at the drug
senfe of R E SELLERS. 67 world st
Sold by Dr Cassel, sth ward, and D. H. Curry,.Alit,-
posy - • mhS
iV 4 Ew%
. . . . .
. Thls lajoaerilty ;hit', neer ming different preierri.
Wee Oar eXpelling aromas, Losibt of C. F. Rehm., of
New Lisbon, two vials Of R E Sellers , Vermifir4e, and
rime the MALMO Of One 'Mat to three of my cluldren.
` . ,pram rho Ars; aged q yearn,' n expelled 45 wormy,
_ • Oval the aeoood, ok yenta old, 7R sod (rota the tirdM,2l
old, whoop Sl,l om expelled L nuns
M lL lrial. . w w y
reormunend Sellers' Irennifoge sm a
Ne. 4 and one of the most otreetuol Worm mediemes he
'll:no the pablin. 11000
Prepared and sold by R E 51a.A.1.235, No V/ Wood
'Oftiwt, Sold byddr. Carrel. sth ward; D 31 Corry, Al ,
..#400.7: Smith;Temperanreville:
. • • Pate" opeloft -.
:S" - LY.o&s . dilicrarito
supciior clainesof_this Tress consist in the eon".
:.Ilaranre mass with which. it may be wom. The pad el
Imo4 belag tlybatanced on springs, yields to pre
. aani mann On of iL and iheroeghly adepts Itself to
sooveznat mule by the. wearer. It can be -turn
,WlOnsillisneradasion, until a cure is erected: 11,0 sett.
111:111101 kaft nada arrangemans for Lhe. manufaeture
1 this saleable 'haslet, to aKo estersyle,in rads:
• 4401a,._and Moro Lhess now roe sale at their olYsce;No.
EmithSeld M. near &MA, rittsbo7,h. _
.77,77-niNtsally 111Vallotlies la Old.
4 . : , • Warreommse, Ohio, !Rey 27, lee
,-WZIEELLEES,Your Vera:dug. onequall
eil ; es • ...soon destroyer,. nod has Ono
:weSisiselkas to all who Istrie.bad occasion to use it—
Yaw , Lkaar Pills spealso gaining a Mgt reputation
rapecifully,_ Cocos k. ALals.
AloCoassusintar.:oldo,..lan'y 27, It 4i.
/it IL E. Sellers—Vour Vennifuge sells remarkOly .
111000 112 hai gained the fall confaence of all who use
sootiest, the Cough Syrnp,
,tiours truly
. Isms. Glam.
rostwied andby IL &Sellers, No. 67 Wood st.,
Eada anal I T D. Cassel, Wssd, IL AL Corey,
hand Wm. J. South, Temperancecille. tell
131ritnildElty, SOAPS; I. mor and for sale
by lord Moh le r whet , ear. Woo7ssurld dab son,
plat Hue% Nymph Soap;
• • - . Asoruntin ibrehapped
genial do do do.,
• . Sapidne Shaving Cream, rote h almond,'
• • ." Ctr. hiarrow,Fornatem;
• Rom Prate;
• Celogno Water, Ine . exuart far the hood;
VW% DRUGS.-/oel hlohler, &aggro and avow-.
egary,ll- W. corner of woad and nth eta,
L win bap cowardly on hand, Arugs r painta,
IV,l . M=lsp;;;,..riptions carefully eormuroad
has Mrs bear maturnals,.st any hoer of the day or
dAbe, an aarrandent ofperfamery, fine tooth, • ltair
rink bumble, Me-, wheah he wid sell bow for
• DV. lisldamer In esse
to certify that.' parehmed one vial of Dr..:
XeLana's }Venn. Bpecifse„ some two mamba ago
lave- in a son ocasome seven years old, two
lialaptiOns fan, and al the =RUM may appear
large, pet I have no but there was upwards of
!IVO uteausto r .vroanis. paned from . him, measuring
*01 . 5015* quarter of an melt id
v ' cheat i ng. y
Ilelitrentek, Cairof ea. Taus ,peeLl
ULM! HURL'S Indian Vegatable }fair Oil, (;;.'
•psolixiosgroi2, aollenTg and hooraying
. the
• ream , ally, p eniag r from fallow our, for
' /MOHLER, Drumm,
aZill • lehreniale ropy) ' oor Wood and sth Ma
T21.314, a good ankle, reed per .
_ -
fIaNDUCI6 4, balm mina Canal.' in note and for
GOPA4 VA Mei i-3 Is &pal Narnith, N Y:No.
14141,ter ausby • • JOHN D /HORGAN.
ACASIWI OIL-4 gross just reo'4 and for sole
10/N4 MAI 1111.Ui CO . 191.1ng.'
'DRIB 111;;HFIZi..1.) IC ROE.
r koin 1.4
A N S!" . !BAUM DICKEY Co,. .•
• ar for sale b 7:": •
‘ r "d. 1311K:C=/'li
roke d and Ore sale by_
'.. • .lINIUMEM CISECKS—Two Ito( viii dia.'
.44 #011 .... .fi1ie rectiritt by . F ,
' ' o#o
1 i
_,O , ••,:•?../ • •-• ". ,i , ~,,, ,• ~..... , -.... t '.'. 47, '
5_ 4 ..'' *4 ' . t... ; - i".11E..i.; j '-"'. ' E . ".1-., •••'..44'...Z.,:i... ti
-''''-..........: . - .4. ' ..,... t t ' ' S '-', . •Q''''-'-
BOOKS,' .• 1 zi
frlf Imnek • . eattho,lllpoeTHe
..rawalgo, by O. P..
Jack - Itaborr„ .7 73%R. .d.~ amhor of 9sWv me
The Star or du PaJbart; br Curly amtun af73 l .ek
The' awcirtgare Head. itir die Lady . itif Gwen and.
Carey,af the U.S.N. _
The nde, Of Itte *C4 fSaaOnyi 1 . 99 . 9
`"^h^9 o . author of “Striklng •Latiiiessee 9.e.'
Lettilla yitittore, vad'hlr. and 100.-WcuLibrldik
London Quarter,y Review: I
Union Maga:hie fealkeiniber. - -
Life of Joseph rfillfo—i large rippy:
The Manceaveringt Mother; by the LIIIMIS of 'History
- The Wllfaitieu of. Woman, by the mate. • , •
The OM Commodore; by Pi Howard.
Jeanette .111lieoti or the Toinig Strawberry Wirt—n
tale of Sea and Sat* by.ingT 99 . 9, -
Kauai, or Daylight, a pore tale: by I S Robb.
Sir Rowland Arboan,9 vo4 by Lady C Long.
The fitpletubors of Vewa Oleos, and tae, Conn of Louie
the / -
- • Flowers Praia:allied, Nos. 9 end 10. — . . •
Ratal Cemeteries of America, pert!.
!thew:bier, Newspapers, etc. .
Landon Panel and Pictorial Tunes, per last tamers.
Brother ..Fontahan, Philadelphia Courier, and Vag
. gee Doodle Pietoria/s. Foe sale .
deel 31 st, opposite the Pow Other.
by J. A. & U. P. JAMES, Cineirousl,tbe forkosiog
.stew and solnakia Works—
•• •
Expeditims— L Containing a sketch of tits
life of CoL A. W. Dordpliam the Conquest of :New
Mexico; Gem Enamor, Overland Expedition to Cali
fornia; Doniphaira Campaign against the Minim, and.
his unparalleled March upon Chihuahua and Durango,
and the Operations of Gen. Prim at Santa Fe; with ml
hlap and Eagrasinp, by John T Hughes ; A.B of She
Ist Regiment of Missouri Cavalry.
Ilistory . of Kmunekyr—lta• Anlignities and Notarial
Curiosities; Geographical Eitatisuul and Geological
descriptions, with anecdotes of Moaners Life, and more
than oms hundred Biographical Sketch. of distinguish.
ed rioneera, Soldiers, Statesmen, Jurists, Lawyers, to - -
wines, ho., alums —W. with Pony engravings; by Lewis
Collis:a, I voL *eta.. •
The TaMire Months , Volunteer, or /owns! of • Pri
vate In the•Tennethei Regiment of Cavalry, in the
Campaign of Maxiem during 18403.47, containing an ac
count or the Mara cd the Regiment to Vem Crui, a
description of the Countrmpathed over; trimmers OOP ,
Woos ice. of the people; ma - etches of Camp I.ifet •er.
ealuno Of all the notions of other Volunteer Rogiimmut
and a full lbstory of the hierican Woo; List ot the IG
104 snot Wommleth km Rimmed by lasma number of
views and plans; by Geo. C, Furber, l volume
BOOKB BOA SEASON—lllarninaled
Gems of ?wed Poetry; a splendid imperial 8 To,
with beautiful illustrations on steal, by Sart*, and 2a
illuminated pages by Sehmiw aud Stoclau, nobly
bound in Turkey morocco and white calf, saperbl y Ohs
The Chrietitue Kaapea4, an animal lot 1545, with
splendid engraving., by Sanaith bound ar..
abesque morocco.
_Christmas Illmoma and Nei' 'ticar's Weralh for
a email quarto volume . , printed on snow white pa.
per. embellished with lobs:and metaotini etturavinge.—
This is by tar the most beautiful juveuilu,nputal pith
lished in theUnard Suttee. '
The ToeneanVoits of Olivet Goldsmith, M.D.. with
numerous es noun designs, by the Etching Club, in rs.
Ttrannyrouht ..]•.;essons, &sties, by
:hemcn,Clh in nations styls a binding.
. Poet , and Poetry of Am e
reica; by R. W. Grin.
The Poets 'and Poetry of the Ancteats, by Willi.%
Peter; A.. 11.4 nrpelbly botutdinTutkey cuoroccoinplen.
didly _
V. shun Poems, TWIN. styles orbintling.
Gray's 12.egy illustrated. / •
Item.'. Poetical Works, in various bindings.
Shar s
The Pottiest Works of Tbom is Moose.
taiLiall .4 other Poents,by Missy ilaßill,
Poems by Arnett.
lleinilecs e tisetud Monntsins.
ti; Th .ll:lriyL ith olMiq ui ,:ab:g`i n n e aZZ't
sale by
• alc..Tac or. Market aad stn.
• • Valuable. La adard ir 1 orks.
BELANDE'n ..ENCYCLQPX,DIA.-8. Dictionary of Sti
cocia,liwratare and int,comprising the kawary, desaiyaion
urt prisiciplca;of anal brigoch ofilimankeowledge,
with the dericanim awl definition of all Kati twain in plrAr•l
one, editad by T Drank, Ift 5, 41, Illusinited by n 0.11,11111,
.11,11111, roam - lapis amid..
Morse.Nardi domino /thy containing bcantiridly
viva of North America, Canada tut, Canada Wed,
Nora Scot% New ilnantarick, Not Dom Tali., New
too, Na-
Florida, Taros, California, Klasico, Catitral America,
Kumla.. Mit India Ithials and all Th e &Will twii
riet in Dit lin
Neal's l'neilans—The history of the Para= fn. Ms
reteganation'in 1.5 p, b Ahn revolution at l'AnS, comprising an
e' oea*of attar prsocirks, As, tse, by D. .I Neal, .M A,
enriset CAnnsii., M IA with war peva at 04 steel;
The nu el dre Body is retains to the Mind, b . y . Simi*
Moore, M D, member of the reyel eellup of Phylvine,lte.
Ju vent le Works. . '
gaily of the fai,beirigialTrainit =ratio. of sliirrryclu,
Elpolia—Tho Jurmila Spider, inapriging
ylawntary riles ad. anima ie deolaaailei with • wl ec
lat of Nem inprartite. by Francis T BweU,iwtruewr le
eh:cation at Princeton.
The aims works nee:v.llla For sale by
all Baoksellen s eor sadist sad Ord Ms
• .Pallatotsaryi , , Eß lafts r • I
t 7 t; my . B . o 'k w e e i reatures, — to : e late ' a adiLir
more reverting your Vegetable Pulmonary Balsani.
Pine I host used the Balmtn, shoat eleven ear. ago,
the happy effect of which I Meta pea an account of, I
have had scrotal 'trete complaints and attacks at my
lungs, one a few days silica, and is every invaate I
bore used the Battens alone with complete and perfect
tuteett. It has atfcctcol relief and care in a very fctr.
days. It is certainly a safe cnc , :icine. Ido not know
that it will core a fined Cuttqu',.pticut, but
will be in many cases aprecco.tve, and prevention is
better them care; I en therefore. the the love of my fol
low men, tamestly meammetid the o of this Dalin/11,
iu all palm nary complaints. I am confident that it
ball been the menus of preaereong my_life to this day.
&mina June 16,46. BENJAMIN PAILSCCitI.
For sale by II A Pabaestoct. fc Co, corner Goa n_
wood and also comm. wood and Gnu i
..tallion's (natal." Dielintlain
Dicuonary of Creek - and Haman Antiquities;
7 M'Cullogy's Commercial Dictiotutry; • .
tine'.Dmuonary end iiiipplethalit, arts, manufactures
%Vetartern , Octavo Dietiowiry, revised edition;
Todd's Jobrusaa's and Walker'. Mclennan . ;
• NYorcester's Dictionary;
Liddell end Scott's Gieck Lexicon;
Rola:won't Greek Laxicon of New Testantent;
Leverrtet Latin Lexicon;
Alitswortil Latin Dictionary;
• Flemnung and Tibbin'a French Dirtionary;,
TbeoloOcal Dictionary;
Union lltble Dictionary;
ilobinsou Calmat's Dictionary. kr-, tn.
above, with a genend nsawnwent ofTbeological
Clanicatadiseellancons, and Sunday School Books, al
ways on baud and for sale low b
• . • Etucri b e t } =GUSH,
deft 66 Market et,ween 3d 41.11.
. _
11EditioNn'Sof We rogel li :orliotin i TiVo, " 171
1.7601; and crideal'remarlca on bilreadas and wrd
- ling; by James blonlgomery; and onokindred and
Manaly,engmaings from &awing" by William Harvey.
In two olumba
firs:razes Game Tasannonen—The Kerr Gospeli 'end
Acts of the Apostles, in Greek, with ihiglilla
critical, philosophical, and exegetical„ , emps, indexes,.
etc., together with the ihnsdes and apocalypse; the
whole Ginning the 'Nem Taw:nem-1 , 4s the ow of
Schools, Colleges, and Throlopeal Seminaries. By
Bev. J. A. Spencer, A. AL
A New Siorch—hlidsosonwr's Eve.—A (ally Isle of
lore. • By Alm. y. C. lien.
iaoll2l. 111000 iV.—The life Ail Henry the Foos*
ling of Franco Auld Nicessre By O. F. It. Jun..
Complete in four paits,:pepen rills cloth • '
innh Booksellers, corm r ofinorket end 31 sts
NOL'ISII 11008.13-11istoryo? the Greet Bow
.Ert °lotion, nod or the wars and campaign; ariwng
from the nuncio n( the Greek Patriots Emancipn.
ling their country from the Turktelt Yore—in two vol.
nrons—spiendid copy with numerous maps and engra.
rivet, , •
acre' llimtrative of rhe reign of Wiillarn 111, rem.
ime, to tiVE—with Lae portrans,m 2 vats.
Companion or the curdy of ate Holy tcriptures. ,
!tarty Alowbray, thriung romance, with, 50 eagra
r is the Holy Land. French Sago, and Ste:abet
In Chita. Jen reed and for rate by
• MeDONALD tcßEl3Bl3lii
' marg.:retreat
IfE Phdoury or Life and Philosophy a Lau.
miesTse bY erelV ll ' i n Aitia l tni44.'46 and 4f, aria a
nap and plates.
The Stale of the Departed, by ino. Henry Hebert, D. D.
The Chersh Universal, by D. Stone.
Goldsmith's Yoetas,illastrated.
Thocopaoli. Reasons; do
' For sole by
(lb J
inest market,
UL tl . ;: . : g . f n g:V Waset/eyves,:ol e, iiuted ;
• " • 5 " aro
hfrs Sheonnal's Workm, 16 volt 12nso, illustrsted;
dl Edgerona's - " •
Bu m% Fundy Libialy, IE2 veils, complete; ,
do Soy% and Villa " "
Work's of nhaltespeatO, 5- vol.. tiro, th 6 bmitiful Dos
to edition, finely bound ;
Butler's Litres of the Saints, 4 vols. elegantly bound;
lianirsh Moor's {Yorks, 7 vols.
Erplaog Expedition rodvolsl Pro
int ri do 510 ono
Enuyists, 8 Cols. Tcokey nor. backs.
• The
together with a largo assortmem of ele
gantly Wand and' pocket Bible:,
Prayer, all sixes and bindings, all of which mill sold
.lower ...rev offered in this k at the old stand
of KAY Is Co. •
jalcot Sfhwood at
ntr. .
ealer in sager. Piano Fortes,
sit 1.1 . Woodwell's, No. (SS Mild )ltreet. The
Pissed easy be examined at all hours, and the aulnon
hee.will he dime from 11 to Up A. M. sod from 4 is
P. M. curb Joy. Piusb's, Om. ek 'der
We; the uatierzigned,,wool4 inform the •
citizens of
patehorigh and rinniti thaw have Kppoimed
m„iole ja, neat for. Western Peortsitrunta, G.o the
see of our Ilsoo Fetter from valem they may to ob
tained et our own (New ' York) prices. ,
MINNS I cults.
New York, Sept. 1,1846.e121 , 111 • • .
71OO54—re , ..ehiarst of Iron, of the 1.1..."1* Nd
JUll Mechanic's tem:tikes gaida go the iron • trade. A
few occiesonlyi—iery scum, hiraolula , literature of
the south. of Larope. • arguahere infonasuou lbr tie
people; " Malabo reCselopedia of /LngLetlt Literature.
WendalralltackatmWa . Corarnantariee, a new 'edition
in~beawlfolvoltaaes.lialleek's Poona, a new and
splendid edition. • Parior Book of flower,.-(r gal
itessoLe. J I. READ, Chewer market at,
VnuE LAST 01 TIM FAME ES—A Cbrisuziss
ale, by G. P.8. .12010/, Fp.
e gyre; w amoblogniply. caicio; 'edited by au ,
rer 17c11. Jul reccival sad br sale tn ,
j. 31 • JOLPS7ON4 etocrroiv-
-13.• 1t eb.tarl Chem- American Dictionary of die
English Ln ramreismuseincia, contsiebric ell Mal thei
farmer editions ernimbieeVcnised by. Chummy . A..
OoodAeb, nor. Yale room comre
-1100 emr Pubilamalfrer Noe Sty
deesl • • -• 41t et, a i m
j vr9Art.772.--4.'5.ri,.7k:r krii„,;;
GUMIA3PAI,4M igieri.tir; tor
BAC:O7-4 Wids.shoe . Idi'xi;ll doeli■i
• matl4 l'A . 9" B " Pr cn VN t.'B44lCl=ttli.
fllUMMitaßle—er, lb. pine _ ,Tititer *wails be
40110 - R !SELLER/4c • 47 wood it
~,~~~ _...a ~_.
L: ... JOHN we.zeivr a. CO.,
A 112. prepared io build Conon and Mr—C a fdaebisl
IJOI.. t/ evto7 desetiptiom, each ingMa-chines, Spiarnng Frames ; Speeders, Fromm
IPmenes, Looms, Cartl.l3nodets, kh.,, Wrought 'too
Shafting tarrsta• all Gem of Cu[ Iron, Ponies had
nogen, of the latest patterns, slide 'Lod hand lathes,
t sad owls of &Ilk:ads. • , • I
Cutings of essay deseriptlon.fornithed on shon
rice:. Pancras made to order Ole Kill Ocannig, Iron
noling,&e.. Sumo Pipe for C a t o Factories Cast
Iron WhxdoW Stub, and ftney Catonp g,o,oo
Ordenl eft 0! the Wareham of J. PaalorleCo.,l.l6-
eny meet, will have prompt attentoti. •
Ran» • j •
Ellsekstoelc. Bell no, J 11Icenitead &Co.,
Warner, John.lnvin Sons; Piusbeart. •
C JII Wenner. Iketabeaville: jetti9 r
TAM thnimeihod tainfonn his rrlehds
and the public "at large that his Factor/
• • retain Call operation, on the East Side
e the lhatoond,Allegheny, where • dent
stoat supply or Blinds, or rartoss colors
andocaldes,are coastantlykepton hand,
also at N 0.3 woad St, Pittsburgh, as J.&
H. Phillips' oil cloth wire:pow.
emu. %otters made to order to trte"best style.
Blinds repstred at the shortest notice.
N. B. /Its Blinds will be put up, 'without any addl.
atonal ezepme en that they can ho 'removed In a ele
ment to case of fue or for washing, and without the Bid
of • crew dr a • ocildlyittslantly.
TAKERS, corner of Penn and trt. Clair envois,
eoposito the Erchange Hotel, nelson en Penn men,
respectfully inform their friend, and the public, that
they are.propared loran:AlM and *noodle la
the Alvveys on hand ^bur no
sortment of heady made Coffins, entered, lined and &n
-utted inthe very beet matmcr, eons and annratay
made Shroud. of flannel, Canibri el; led moan, and all
Macs made io approved Myles.. We' keep a large IS
1101t211.11 of wilt e and blank, cotton, silk and kid Moves,
liable for pall bearers and mourns:it, crepe, egos cols
end every thing neensary for dressing Mir deed,
and an nameable terms, an we purchase all oar goods
in the Eastern cities. Alm, salver plates for engraving
the nom, Ind ago. Wo have a apleadid new hearse and
horses, arid any number of the beat 'nommen. Every
thing attended to promptly and punctually.
Nor. 244 dud 1146 Warty Cron, eteru• Hs Gana
...LWAYSpn hand multitude toorder, a large tallies
ty of ?Ruble SitentebsPier,Cenn. Table., nod
Lore. TOPSTOII3b 814)!SC•0101111111CiliSo Ott.; allallwhie ,.. .
beingmade at the choicest martileoiod manufocto
principally Lv machinery, will ha wad tam fog club. .
N. U. Persons•wisholg to purchase Mantel., are
informed that 11 it henceforth toinceesary for them to
go East, as I cap furnish them with an antelo in all
respects as good, and(fra ten, insurance, A e consider-
Ed.) aa eheap as they, can purchase therf for la the
ast. Call and see. ye ro
No 8 Market street, Pittsburgh, C oHE sabwribers haying made great l an roveautits
to th e eanetrocuou of heir CCOlillit, elfo/11.,
rexpeetfally motto pr rsons building'StesonbOhlia to cull
I and ermine before pa /chasing, as we can supply them
I wall Deck Clo . S .... target. nod etery older kind ot
Copper / Tin and Shret Irou work nee eatery in fununk.
the a knewatoal. .
We laws make to ordersin the shottest notice /141
Tube. and Clanatmr; CooPerwork toe
Pic t
and evert vs many of work lc oar tine.
DI rtat NRharct, [near Plats bnzgh.) Pa.
li arehotme, No. 137, Wood street, Pittsburgh.
411?1,11 ILL coastaatty keep on louht seal taros:.
[neat of Ware, of opt own manufacture, and
attpetair quality. Wholesale soda/ maul Meg.
Otani. are respectfully invited to call antd .al
amine for thenueltua as we are'demrtnand to sell
cheaper than burner before-been odered to the pub
fa. Order. sent by mall,arcompanied by tbecash or
city reference. will hO linunPUY .:tended to. 'foil2'
littat Western Bull lliaeel Diaaulattory,
ACanDNF.II. & Co., would splints the trade that
• they arc now roonafecuttincthe bent Batt !huge
evermtubi in the United States. As this is oar int.,.
pie bustneti, we Intend to rood oat as complete an az.
Uele tit can possibly be .madc. Those engaged in the
bardwaic trade, we titbit. will End it to theta Interest
to see our Cutts All orders ritomptly . attended to.
ttlyri AO/IRONER k Cu. tor or hilt wain as
P. A/C4IIMIT. ,bl.l•Xt ti. I.auLts
i " si l an . ny N l o ' n 't b L an k a Di en E t. rn h ' l7: l lg! '" enVl•Tn P } : ri o n;
ns gara re in all its •nrieties, their Ws rehotC.ic ear
ner of fttnriet and Water meets. riusburgh.
O,,.Workn continue in fall operation, and we are
coolibutily adding 10 our stock, which enables us 1.0
orders 'glib plamptnesr. Purchaser. are respectfully
cciirited loran tout canaille prices and UM/.
FROY. the vety Ithrtal 'encourage
t setietilutr line n. reeeletti .ante
!te„ . • ti 4 t.f '' ba t e located himvelf to Alitgheny,
tAilias, has ;stinted him ht Star ...Janne. fur a
term of yeah, collie properly he stow
,io Beater -.heel, Ifeteetheleir beside . the
PrechymnauChoteh. Fromthe long etperiencent the
:Move bonnets and • deptte t• plena., be bop, to met ,
n mud receive n sham of public putrontirre.•,
Non u u band cad firmang to order, nuelantay II et..
giea, open and top Bottle., and every deseripboo of
Carnage. tondo to order, from teats:y.l,e llama to
eirbtheennet ittllN SOUTH.
'PM andervirara are caw prepared to fend ih their
I.c. end the public generally. with an creel•
lent ardele or Lard OiL of thearawarnantimetuteervidch
they will genial aceerlimumlatin lerasS. lbufthl they
bel i ev e bb be a. (oat ¢l, say elated in the tam her, and
may be returned a eat aatisthetary.
t liberty al. opp acolOtfirld
r. a—Laid and Groom suoshle tor orsclrotory. on
Land; for We allorre. nal3
Dr. Wayleeni-llalses of Liverworts
Rfirs net at ?Prat h aZw id h a' e n g' s ; :e ' U o eTt ' o h Co ' as lo i r tl e e:
ranee the vast numbers that are mired by its use. For
my posts it has printed so astonishingly successful
,e. nor., that nearly - every (sadly reniu it in-their
h. as an antidote to colds; coughs end consumption.
That no other article posseates,,the 211.1 menu is
equally tme, and the consuniptive learns that he con
depend upon this medicine, when all others have braved
worthies, • There is not • dolltif but thoarands are
yearly cured by this latrAtintable Medicine, and ingsany
instances ahem those given up to die, hare, in tin in
credible short time, been entirely •ctuant by its unrivell
el efficacy. The following .remarkable case of con
sumption was cond by this !deism of Liverwort, As
you value life and health, and would be cured , at once
tenon to this article, Mid rest assured you will rot re.
son in vain—bat read ladled. for yourself.
lereastrenso cear u conamernou axe Lena cow
, rtstar...-1 had a Malvin cough, with raising problem,
a seven pain in my side, back, stomach sad across ray
bowels. IRIII 110 cold at times, it nettled teripossilde
to keep want, even schen others were complaining of•
the heel. and my skin was vety tat swap to
akin and been, my veins sunk in and Lemma invisible,
and every person apposed me dying. Aditend of miac
recommended am to try Le. Taylors Bali,vm oflaver.
wort, which I gotu my physician did me no goal, and
this medicine tethered me to goal health egain.
at • Ship Carpenter, tidewater street
Although thousands are cured by Dr. Taylor's Halm.
If Liverwort, and tummy Mil die of thint fatal Malady.
lika close is plain, neglect your-tint symptom. and
then trifle with thinge of mi use until Wm too lute, death
follows. Hot every- one too NY mired if they
rake this medicine at the very brit approach of the im
!idioms the, emd pal will be mind: In' this medicinehes mind .ctinsumpdott In advanced stages, as the inti
mate.. below will rinse. lint the surest way is not to
defer, u -delays an always...4n.,
e irdsol ag d .h at b 7 y slic i e , kl=streit i t rj .
\ew York.
Void in
Townsend,4s Hinkel. 11 esuyser, cot Market and del
alt; Henderson Co, 1. Ltherty 'M. Price reduced
1114 per lame bottle
BA. ,PAIINE.CfrOCK'S llsieunsoiue or Cough blab
. Saab has a great advantage over many other
Cough preparations, as w pleasant taste permits it to
be, used without incourclueurs., I. its val. ar s e
Balsam roast.o in the speediness of On ewe. We have
known Wake of the roost desperate roughs, some '
which bionic. Tunisia; on fur a cuttaiderstble length
of time, yield almost inimediately to its puwer.
In wens weather al We Lave had during the poi
wider, every one is liable to take COLI t aalalia great
preetaitions are used. • ' • ' "2
Wet liter and urldoe, exposure to the inclemency of
the weather onen lays - ther toutoletfuil of a hacking
Cough, which needs a quiet remedy to prevent serious
. .
We 'have numerous •erti6enier of tures which It
has pewormed, want' of whichare from persons in
this city am/ the neighborhood, and they area sufficient
reference without saying another word In its favor.
Prepared and for rale wholesale and retail by II Is
PAJINESTOCY ft. Cu, comer of wood and Ist and
wood and 6th sm.' sitafXl
Z ail:er I.
ant liz deft Yogidatila opriainie °fine Prusss Palasooary Halsso;-1
Wr Raw. • Ir.l-
knbl. medicine. Wm been used w this plan wiih coosplotio
mom own ohntinato casoptatate( kegs, attended with
• *mars nounts„ . tosis of 'row, and du raising of mach blood
orbisti had premousip misted annoy sperowd pt .
4Mor suing husain envision the pawn's coma retorted,
nod to was enabled to sprat, atidady. Th is cow oscaricd
maw Mow. and th e Mb I/ now word eat sody in ac
tive hat at lakiorows Wain*. flospecaully yours,
Coonard,NlL, it. _ a MORRILL, hl U.
Bold in Pittsburgh by i 3 A Yahoo...sok, it Cu. tower of
List ind wood, abo rut iamb Atwood we hiretel
VD:WRAP:Ii superior to ail other remedies for
Coughs, Cannavino, Orissa s nallarna, sod other Palma
easy eqestsom.i. that the .sae lamas ertmeommessed the
am m their Donnas amyears ago. 411 prefer it lo
other ~medic. of the kind{ rod whammy have bees iadmed
lo try other preparations they ham. Monett invariably bees
Snatipoloird to rseeivism tba benefit .istiith sem reseosably
antimpand Dom the hipti Kamm larstomedtv the proprietors
mid bora retuned to the um ofJ arms'
m CIR t a ori •
ro v ly y m ha te d
i m s e qua a s at mni l a' M p . ulm m ry o das s e th s
?Marta only,h7 Dt D. /ape, Ph i lidelphta, sod n'sid
sterfshitam • 11 Poumb
AI um now engaged In the Importabon of I:handles.
Wroes •odtbnr, Zoe., exertion/ell. and ,twin made
aerongemenu in ddkrent parrs of.Earape rind the Isl
and. with well koOnli houses far my Ware supply of
Foreign Llgoors. which I will be able to self. delivered
in the Custom hoses ulNew York or New Orleans.*
in this city, Id tbe lowest market print for cash or sp.
proved paper. I Moro in store isy.d cellar a very large
stock of very , soporom Wllleo addingners en imported
of the most celebrated brandi and Va n urges for rile on
pluruig terms by .• : ' C 1111111
de2o nor I . t& amithGeld sts
• Drug Store for II a, .
QITUATED in the flourishing town of Wellsville, the
0 teennuus of the Cittsbucch and Cieveland Hall
Road, W miles by river thorn Pinthurgh. The present
howese of the coabliabutent fini end can be Manias
ed• indefinitely. 'flu: owner, wichinic to retire frau
the business will cell on "ronaonable terms at purely
tale. Persona wiAlling in male iniihirieo are referred
to Jou. Mild J. Co, Pitiaburgh..or aubrerihere.
rd J IV'Lt s mecaurrJs
yn e
0 rier;
P.ucm Mak Allegheny city Oil 151111,1 mi
ism Aelrest pauems for Nana as bind either. iiiirard
or inm Mtli 6 .... 1 .?r and W puler. radials hvorder.
TV:iT deceived and for We, Glty,e — oplesoPlbe Raau
'‘) of thdon for W. Untied Presbyterian Caurch, egged
upon in Convention. of 'defamed Churches, or Pil'W
gepleader, INV. Price 21 cents
i, a ELLIOTT &ENGLISH,GO market et'
KAMM & RIALIONS—A fedi very orb end nip,
1,7 Cashmere Shaw* jsun received; also, Holies Hild
bons, in great Variety, at the dry steels house of
fah9, w. ICmuamlY.
",mask ; ;HU~JIWDOE rolfore
Gs"corab_r -1 Co. I4NSON
WI, Dry Apples . do do Fria h
,a• '•• r4i.iorroirailioßsrsc.
13 itett.-w itur a
vuoza , -to Ntik p fro tip of lbw paths
thimatias, ilia Ma right dm ire Midas merit. co
width tboiebbolicmippart swath b. fully sad bir
ty iththrtb mithdatmith be' iMar tim cowl
miaitamal tatb•Mpooth opmbyming it. '
I•ll.6theyber it i. Mori matt e geiteP6Y of
black Ka ost=op..' as prwritable; Uhl logabar
by ipta Arabie i mil alma 0.• mars.calter }boas or port
b mamtated gamma pm:Wm aro lea at maim...
it they.a or ialathrithbirb e..huait. It bt •bo ammo
to .d vinegar to lbeolok athtan it mks it mom avid,
Mthiathermors thwart:by Whigas tie• pat, il".• Maims,
conedlog it *mon loam beadle. Boa 1M ...Wt.-
Ms not_ dithrs from dm Maims in every respectos
an. 06119118 i sollitos mph* oo rather to bold it
together i therebr• ga tkicki and Ming eery guid
auor m =it t p a rrs fib Ta r t . pm lath agitempact pang.-
orai thumod M. ostyotortrythlaitto:tios
*anal mat. mime It tam thataimao Imam that
thr earlobe therefor. mill sot .corrod.
steel pass—tt MU sot maid, nod. although it irrites of •
blab grata color pain • fthr Moth It becomes • dotty bleb
Mach mil cod.. for alth•• ~.."...""An.Wrptbt
! ' F= . ” sod * ird by
th* girea Co . lb% price. A.
• imiante• spina imposition of way kind being Manned
tka ologriag irecommothitiom maks, as all iota .
was, that the mom awe gnat amid oot bath beat ob •
Word by say teens Co so unworthy pogo.,
commumod n HiltbertsChntical Writing Fluid. to
Wrongs of .mblicomt6ott 0020 amid. to all on
prtiri- llocca free from N+ p ee n - ortiltoot Montt% it up cad
m lb.emit of Aro hours b• • &op bmilm Womit.
:11i=it. Co.. Wick and Ilelandkos
.. Wn Lippiscottk & S Wighttron co: •
blectortmoo Doter Vreac.• &Dm
Robt It blend!. /MAO. C A MeAuulty It Co.
for 14' W , W.Wey
ibtante Malin Mills, en MOM%
Mr The* R Ribber.—Dear Sin / nee been toms your
Chemical Viibriliag Mail, nil Ind it • Gest nu era/. fa
olfia, it fklas freely from pta mad becomespt Mak
• Mm
T R TIITTLL &Whiten./
fa Bistellc /a :Maple.
Pittstoorgh, Aug
ltr T K lidtbert—Deir Str Mum procured • batten(
your W nHq ibtid, loom three week. go, I wander it (uh ,
17 equal if not superior its Arnold's or any other iok note in
use, I tame et • ._Respeetrulty,
WILLIAM /STEWART, Book-keeper'
fee Arthur Nicholson 4- Co
, • • Pittsburgh, ICC.
Mr T K Ihtthert—Dair Sin I tun mats JSid
our ll,
W rititq Fluid, end Ind it to In • too. emetic. article far
ste. pm, as tido. um clog them uplike the gener,lity of
other Mks, it Sows tree end becomes sWe Meek in a kr
. • WILLIAII.CARR, Book-keeper
for Johi,Farler.
Pupa:edam/ . kola . Witalowle and Retail Thomas K
wibms ,- Drum and Chemist; owner. of Likely and
Smithfield Sinsta.PnWbargli, Pa OModin
. steel or quill pens, and the copying piers. Thia
ink is the result of the experiments of several years,
devoted to the manufactura, on an extenslue acale,ljor
an article suited to all the purpunes of the consumer.
The perfection of thin writing Ink consists in the Ad
lowing properties: . Panama—in which property it will
be found to stapess all previous preps witions. irsvll
dote with perk. freedom either Min guilt or meal
pens, and Is entirely free trout any corrosive qualitiee.
Cocoa—'ne color of this article is a rich, beautiful -
blue bbiek. It is necessary, however, to give corAti
meg the followingrantion.
jpr•All good black ink. from innecessary clieutioal
epintkution, maims exposure to the oar to loll;
deep color: -It roost not, therefore. be expecte , that
the moment the bottle Is opened, the ink soul be found
to bee let black. Thelma appearance trill be pal&
Rot +Net exposure. to the chemical action of the at m.,
pAere Fisher on repay or Is Ihe ink Mud, it will ensue
is hriWaua black •
Patoresnum—The color is unaltenible by the lapse
of time. It will never fade. On thin account, all im
ports= records should be made in this article. as yesr.
only deepen and strengthen its lint.
N This ink is suitable for all kind, of metallic
pens, and for pens made of quills, and Mat is tumor.
"tent and very desirable with many, will give npatfeet
impression by the Copying press.
1 . 01-Wo usiog
: to the umitutions with a hick we
are connected. Moms' blue black writing lob, and i
aspect to duality, brilliancy of color and parnmene y,
believe it superior to any. ink win Aave betelofwe
A Manion tashier, bank of buil, dle; Win Rich
ardson, cashier Northern bank id Kentucky; two C
livrathroey eaehier, hank-of Kentucky; L L Shreve,
president of the Gas bank; Thor. I. Beim, clerk of Rut.
reu county court; Correa rope, clerk el./edema ensue
Ey court; P II Atwood, secretary, Fireman's Insannice
Company:John Muir, agent Lexington lusaniate Co;
S S Goodwin, see'y Postland .Ihy Beak & lesuitmee
Co; R s Chambers, see). Franklin Fire b AMine In
sumer. Cu; J II 11.1romer, treasurer
Insiltutioti. A apply of the above e., last received
and air sale by Veil JOHNSTON 11-STOCh7ON.
HINTING TNPF-4 will be sold at Itruee-I Now
York Ty ¢. onodry, after Burch /dila at
tollowingivery low prices, Mr approved six mouth,
Bows, Tsar- Az. Susoso,
. . .
- Pica, •'. per lb. M) cis, M 1 Ms. -
-WI ma
:MIII Pita, I.G I W. 1/5
Long Primer, 94 GU 100
Mmareoia, 'll r"Z ' 101
Bremer,' 42 :4 , LW
Minima, , 4 91 l'a!
Nonpareil, 5L Mu Ino
Agate,' :9
Pearl. 1u? . 122 n ~
.2I I n
Tie ;bone priren, in comequener oI ia , rea,e4 iartl
for mananacutung, are .more reduensl from funucr
en. A 'tient di.stount lot eanh rn rand at Urn dole
at the invoire.
l'renaen. Chases, IVoaiType, Ink. he. furnintant at
the low.e.t saanufactarets , prone; wither fire cast. of
ercalit. •
Our Specimen Book for Iwtel is now ready fur
hutrootoprinten,whowill mod tar 11, and roans..
many new ontetra that we lame ,weer before exhdoit•
ed, such asWritios Flourishes, Ornaments, °ramie:ldol
rot.: Sc, of which we hove on mople stock tot ine
prompt execution of ordera.
hinter. of Nen-mil:pen wlso atom.. to publish this
advertisement three tome before the find of Julie, Pal
and semi u. one of the papers, and be paid for ti it
type when they purchase Man as, door own tortnotam
ton, *elected from due spesimetut, five times the
annum of their MIL.. - .
• .
, For rote, ra nt 'o good reeoriddiaml C bole r and Pla
ten Poore litemes, standing Preuee..lloud
&a. tiEUROF: BRUCK n.
mar 23 13 /Member. ex, Ile V
THE GREAT IiIiffIILNIATION 4 -111.!• 13morini 1/11-
tion of ITAoht-ti,. e's great work on the Reformation
of the 0./item/Lb Couture, in Gentsany. Stettretland, he.
Just published LT Joseph A. Speed. No 1 1 3 Cherry at,
above !nano Philadelphia. tar spleo64 Unno aCrwn of
the abort named work, with .101 'ignred ilhoileatlaut
from ?righted design.. 4 vole hi% boiraditt extra cloth
and library sitrep.
The publahar respectfully colts the attention of the
trade and the puLhe genernity, tonna wink. being the
only illastrated edition publahol Into Vitionl
Ile trusts that the brainy of hi. eathelfirusenis, the
strong and rubstantlal 10.01001 In which it bound, in
euunction with the kuo n porulartty of the work to
w it; ol will be a sure Keocumentlatio 2 n to Ab be
• I:Ln. A.
No sa Cherry or. above SAM. Mk ,
'J. A. S. boo 'Maly pubtlorbrd'a ne* trod bat:or/or at.
boo of Semeant tie Ins Ranee Show, a onitobte book for
ebildren, 555rtly loaa2,p in calf:As4l*. morildito
TSC4. ii.7ll.rarriltny of Beuuy, brit.mato
IC Ca •. Cineornotb
/no. 1. Berri Zorrevattte,O.
Newt)] it.lra
0 ... .. I Commission itorehant•
No. 31 Poydral Street, New Orb. mu.
:dewy. illartin W Co. Liarakers,l N. ,;
Janice I;Kr. &C. /
^ David %Vida: L Co,, la.
. .
Mist. Morton- Daukrto,l
How& Frazer, Ci s_Lati
klirKensic, Er 9,
11 N liearnoy,Lty, Hooke!, Rancor Igo, 0,
D /11'Dnoold to Co, Weilood
Seel. rati. to Go, Llemoct, Pa,
W lidl Hog, Whee:ing, V.
an - J
- r.lga, aqt.
‘' M Mitcheltre , ,
"tm1.6.11. •
CI ELLE' , VEIIIIIIFI.3IE—Ds .popularay 0111
13 ...awing. lan..wase,Ohto,Atateh 13,131,1
I rxpent tuba in your city Ina few wertte, and .ban
a laryranpiii, of your Via:nit - 14e, w lad. in in
res pint politaaray, at a bor.:nue+ known. ta re
Pied it Witt, surer,. inour own fatutty, nod front nembriorn• bare many awntantes ot its rddriluady.--
Emptied and told by RE Dellarn, C Wood at.• Vold
by Dr Easnitl, Pk Ward; and by D 31 Curiy, Alleghr ay.
ray. • uturniu •
13—The Adruintstratara of t.o Inc James bleLaushlito,
offer fur ate the .11111.11111ei1111.2/0 in Ninth w ard,
formerly earned oo ti him, in has ltfe time, as a haters.
Iris and Glue Factory. The work. are is complete order
for ran, lotion the ruttiness, with fatures,&o, Mid ready
fn. tormenting al any time: A liberal credit will be
y!nrn, and all panieulara made kaown lty elnihiSt,
rather of the andereigneel. J An/ Eli 111. A KELV,
ring Adininixtrtunre
TAY/NE . BIIAM TOSIC.—Allsr thirartiele •
J Mat we inihtaiutingly m o ms. it to b 7hal. it prof.
Lest valet., without as, Oka.. ton. fordo.
Mekratioo and Wu know
of nom.. Mime. hue Ism Ism motored to brails
which !Mahn. bad yners; and we think we thouot de
greater Mar than to rtroisomod U. all our reader. who sr
kinoir their hair, ha asked Ural of th.a Took imurdiatrly
Boom AWL •
For tale in Pittalintils th. Psal. Sin Starr, No. i 7
Fourth or.t. mar W oteF inartaltmeT
- .
Far sale a few boles Western Ne wark
growth of 1044—troln 8 to 10 cents:
Also, Eastern and IY.estern N Y. early picked, this
ye Pr arte growth.
ime Ohio d. Belmont county.
The general Earte
rn crop of the newton is tww being
received. Brewer. end when °slug Hops, trill find it
much to Weir advantage to obtain their supply tromlhe
undersigned,. they intend to sell throughout the sea
son at hew ' York morn. O. W. loam a. C 0.,,
aaal cn. - Plarbargit Itzewerr
Pa. U. W. mortals, fII'LHUYATIIISP, would
tespectfully inform his friends and We eiuseus of
ginsbutigh and Allegheny pat be has decided to remain
in the euty during the winter, and is prepared to tient
patients placing themselves muter his 'ease, areonllng
to the system on all Water Care Establish.
meats, for either Acute or (2norde diseases. Those
wishing to avail themselves of his services will tail at
Mr. corner of Liberty st. and liesta's alley.. •
Dr. M. has treated oeveral severe eases of disease. In
this city with great ,areas., m WiliCh . he is pertained to
refer. novirif
• •
QUNDRIES-15& bags prime Rio coffee; RI bids N 0
A 7 Molasses; 75 hoses mamtittetturd tobacco; II bnlf
chests green tool block. tear; 1.6 and 1:11b bose& V It
and O P doj boxes (thrown clay; 10 casks solem
n.; 10 do. potash ; together with (elitist ;mod
meat of groceries, to sloth sod for s ole by
jail .. CARSON & hIoRNIGIIT,thh et
11 - AVANNA CRIARS-100.010 imported Mots of
JUL lo'Njolkmring colebrated broods& part to the
etmaktioly of, Cows, Aubitmedorl:Waldworton
itapides, Escolopie, Do Atatu!„ dentmer, London
Masao, LAM Byron's, Vas pnnemea, imam bout do,
estru do, Sylvia's do, Lo Bayruforn Ist, do do
OrtM, L.ll Soh., cisodures, Eagle. principeo,. for
saleby LMARTIN,
kW/ 7 car Smithfield& front st.
. ._ _...._ . . .
it-inviEn.4, ae,-17 bags printereatherr;'l4 racks
'' Pea Note; I cask Beeswax; I bbi du.; t rackpealed
'coats; received on configuroent, per sur, Pilot No.
Vend for We by IiWAH.DICILEY re Co,
_Jane . No: CG IVa to r et.
. - ---
BIOILANKETIES-1 1 1 Murphy Invites the attenuon of
persons about to commence bousekeeping,to his as
sortment of superior Blankets, just ticeived, socluOing
a law pair, intended especially ibr isomer use. a Iso, a
full supply of. liable, sluserinp,i,u,,,,,,, eualnuslins
.lowelbag, diapers, lame diapers, te.
IIkTOTICII--Taken in aortae Aunt steamboat /marl-
IN.,..tyksle, lying at she wheeler Pittsburgh, • small
~s a airang. • sown saddle, ewe of.A. (Jordon. If
way person ballot the box, will returns:R. give murk).
(annular, of the soma, be- wlll bh suitably reonsoied.
Piitaburgb, Much is, SM. Mer2Odhr
AME'S S. CRAFT, Attorney and Coam,llar as. L.
91 T has remand to the office IlaStApr west or. 'Lady
!laterals's:l3,dr tliable, 4th attest,
tease upon publhs'llurj An the codes , asaath, sal busi
ness tot Mai may . he left with A. at Al'esihsont, Esti,
.. - ne &boys, •- lehlttm
' lk MONOCT, •
la k COSIIISMOL 1611 - C414 3
• . Rut Beazer Point .and Bridgewater,
• lasaTlA
Proprietor and Agent of steamers
SILIP AID . 11114Ar.a,
DAM Lip .'nzavina,
WILL!. ptepared earlieatopeniagof canal naa.
V V ionon to receive propect Ida latirrocrar
In wareWnae, for allionnts on M.o. Event.% Cron
Cut, and Onto Can s; all porui on Lake Brie and
upper Lakes, la alto to tentranl produce, Perotta.
Improvemerna. Apply to or uldresa '
fel2-1-dtf . • • JAB D!Ci;Y r Dame
1847. • i•• • fabAll
ItlLend t i l i n c l i b r e . l . itg:s n mjize x te i f ty ßioa bonuip i rrrie
and Deaver, and ',eight arid passenger b e tweennal Dods,
running Iretesegn Beaverand Lne, and connecting V e s s els
C Reed's Line ef likeimboat Propellers end Vessels
on the List es, will be. prepared upon the <ugliest open
ing of Navigation Id terry Freight and Packagers to
all points on the River, Canal and Lakes. • „
Ilavingevery (=nay for conveying freight and yes
svit de with preinpteesa and dispatch, the propnetor
agents. respectfully 'obeli Dons their friends' and
• he public geserallz t i rs peinsnae.
Rl=, Ene, Pretender
PARKS /deo, Beaver 'Ago
JOHN A CAUGIIEV, Pittsb , g'h do
Cori Smithfield an.l Water sta. opposhe the hr e .pi g .
' gaheln House.
Crocker & Co, New York
Geo Rev*, Buffalo . .
E N.porka &Co,Cleveland
R W Conniochem, New Coale, do
rllllll ondendigord ate now prepaxed to Onwanl
.1. duet. ite.,to the Bonern Illatketo during the
inx Winter, on the moot favorable terozo, by this etpt•
ditto. route.
All progeny corislaued to'us willbe brie orded rattle
lowest rates And with despatch.
Metehluidise received by this route promptly for .
worded.' .1 0-BIDWELL, Aglc, Piumouitt.
W CASP, Binwasyllle.
nown E EGERTON &Co,Comberland
o rb 1847. t=P .
Llnr couisting of frei.glit.andpatuencer Pack-
JL co, will r. regolatly dunes the stemma between
Beaver and OrleflVillf,e4., by which frei;ht grid ptu
setogentle:tween the two pwnb,wlil be calms' promptly
lad at the loorert . rews.l. •
, . .
WICK A A RCllER.Greenvilie, Aga
CRAIG ir..2 , l l AMVlVN,Claltrville, do;
MeV/n:AND er. KING, li, Geod. do;
II AVGA PLUAlll,lStmrpotnagb, do;
11," G MALAN, bKaron,
WM, , do;
IU CD , 1.2111.KAAC41, Brayer, do;
0/ IN A CA IX IIEY, corder Water and Sinai/Gad MA,
addly UOY.W. tha Monnocohel. Houk, Plit.hulth
1846 AND • 1847
ILE ,, ollot t e i at ,n rs .. 7l h ll y rlocipt ( w, or . th o o t tl n iemv , .Pro;
at the following pnee‘ • •
Arta., Faroe, Dotter, Lead, Lard, Park, Tallow,
Wiske, e,and 0 Inen—ell CIO per 1031131.,'
Tokat ea,lleasip, Flax and Wheat—P4 en per 1001bn
Atter, (Poi) Apple., Cheeec, Flax•liced, Glace, and
Leather-0G eta per Iro It..
t)ilr,Nkiar,Reran,{Voa!—heck petIOD
Peentrax,Fcathera, Fart, Ginseng, and taste-Root
Fee t
per lOU Ills
All property cony toned to either of the ondentigned
will he forwarded oration, delay, ftee of Cotannanolt,
at altova,ratee. •W if CLARk, thearncrille. '
HANNA Vitteborea.
Maairs 1647 .
an INK gra Ma l.g.tell ants auto
I N PA RES te. Co, Cleveland, O.
PARKS, likesser, ro P Beans,
T ATIIER, Pittsburgh, Pa../
.L VIE above LArie in now fully prepated to transport
Freight and Passengers irons Pritistogh and Cleve
land, to any point on she Penusylemunik Ulna and Ohia
C. 41111.
The facilities of said ljne are nut equatied by any on
said tentacle, ta nausbers nod ea,yraeisy of Boats, tape
r letter a( Captain.. and pruseptuee• 04 Agent., Be.
One Bonsleaves Pitt-burgh and Cleveland daily; ran
.g in POOll,OOO with the Strainers.
and Luke Esise. between Ptiteuareb and
Ika. re. and a Linn af Bast &no Sots•, Ptope
ulu it l
lees, Mtg. and &Leavers., on .Luesea Erich rote,
und Ontario
Progeny 1 - 0111(2.141lii hi atti portred she Union with
drip - stet. E N PAIIK?A Co, Cteveliold, Agra
REED PARES lc Co, Wager, Ags
W MATHER, Ptaabargh, Ag(,.
Lru Car Ware: and Sensitltheid streets
To CIA:Vt.:LAND Ali. wA:kA.Es.
1847. ifltrazi 7---
111R01:611 IN Mt IluUltfl -
DACKgr Bout. Swoons, sal Telegraph leave Ilea
r deity. at 3 c'elossis t sc., all, 'Vie rreival of the
'114.0.111ng host Bum Pittalanglt, and a rri 0: Ar4l{'lT itt
tome (or We Ball Line of Binge., whir). knee named . ,
ately thereafter, and erste/re. Clay... Ned stan'elock,r.
This route is the most azreliticw and coecrrtaSle
one to the Lars. '
COTES A. Lt:FFINVIVELL, Warne - a, rupea
REED, PARKS & Co, Bearer, &mata
JOHN A CA utati F.Y. comp , Weser ants derldieetd ata
• ' A Ch..limbs to tb• World. '
WY-Nr:-FIVE Delt.Annte will be paid to anyone.
who olt! 1 P.O.'. eon. Of r.n2l, yr. or dry, that
cannot he astrtrltil With thrall: Improved Chemical
Soap. I hare the sant faction of saying to use people IA •
piece, 'hoc t,y dt, lutprol sal
It, noes said. fil trAc,i/tt:
ears", t.. pitch. nal, paint, or{ toy wart {creasy sate
mane, hoot all kinds of genteloctes or 1041 c: <Ontttc,
Carpets, nole trots, merano shawls. iodies• bortse..
ke, enthnot injorin g wrath:me Got pone Tester will Tot
none. More turn one thossand persona as different
parts or the el,MgeT hint lOU ere thepwenthl not be
rretheeent Xlt eon or Odor per cake. In upper this
Soap on more than has articles of I.ght silks, seat, al
paces, end est.:a-14 I Dore only Monti noes preens or
.11k, two of siparn. and fair d eanco, on tatoea
chanced the color: therefore before mums iron a lieu
eters try a sample of the these kr.. I mitt this ttessase
I sat derma Leal not to reoonnuerA n vtt c.ttorlitto
I know D. he stereo true • N II Corr.
liner, 101 ell per cake. sold, wholentle and retail
by • RT. SNI.I.F.Rer.
drat 0.7 wood st
Q11..L1.31± 4 vim: alma:, onsider bid* nian
L) ail otters.'
=m1.1147. Sf
• Ide H. R. Sellers tii-1111,en el mouth+ via, being very
reellees at nisei, and lianas Innen fever et times, eon
itieded heeed worms weid having tenni. n yea* deal
stoat yew Vernufeue,l Loiralii • vie/ eud gave idin
doses. sireieb•zrAird &I very lercevroress I consider
Yrt ru,fiste serer than &liners*. . •
&NOM P. &STD..
Prepared and told Ly E:, SELIXeS, Woud AL
sold LyLh. Cussed, lint went: uW 11, al. LL , Vev.
Op., el.. • ,
before—made on the snort approved astern Woe—
and most fashionable Eosin. Pod... madeoirim Nso
or made to order of all ail.. and at all prices...
Comet y Merchant. and others are Invited to doll and
examine the above fortheterolves, as all wale sold
-wholesale or retail, and a liberal decimalise mute' to
wholevole purchase...h.
. • .
La dee td.efreareerien,
.11,1/.1 thographica/ inaponsemostiO
An He Works of the most coliferstselleireuninayiptors.
piled Gam Sallies mew Entiole. Globe, with additioos nod
pproeo ad by Aisssla & H=Hiss Hinisrd by Rowaill Park:
Lo Fir NUS CELVATlAL"ULOBES.euntalethavaltb.
Intim data, who* &e. Compiled front the wearts of
millastoa, Mauled. D. Lo Cain, lisinilase, Moyer. Brads
Herschel, alasholyoe, the traotactioin of th• Asti-moor
leaf &Nifty-of London, ler, 4.. Smith's New n.;
tub Globe.
Johnotou & Itself= hoe* just rewired • (ow pairs of the
Own Giobite r earying in .ire as follows! - .
I putt' wawa a dietrotw,
I . 91
1I" • "
tt ttati &lases 0. 0
/Maim, Caroniele, mot Journal copy. - direl I
just received of Dr. Townsend's Sampan/la, 'the
41.1 ekttwordinary niedioine in lise world! This to
net is put up to w art bottles - . II t i, nr ifi r b en ,,,
plea '
and atrantiol ouperior to any sold. It
rum ditease without vousilluf, purging,. licheititir! or
debilitating the
Llios Urt FOR bit nalosek—ll npr iuri pled prveti rts have
copied our labels, and put up inedloine in the swam
sdisped bottle. rice that each bottle boo the eirinenstg
naarßof S. Townsoud..
• . .
U. .SS, Drusegirt, 47 Wood street, between.
Thini4d YOurth. Po t, only'. wholesale
and rclail'agcnt for Pittsburgh, .1' whom the 'genuine
article can h& hail. • '.
11711. Curry has' been' nfissointed the role agenl Ibr
Allegheny ens., of whom the genuine article eon be
• r. • DERRY Sr,
raworromoron of
3 0 :4 'e LL
Back of A. liirtrea Cabinet War ' e.2llanuf y
A L Larders left with S. )loon, al When of the
Alerehauttn Howl, lthlohorgh, will bn Inomptly
attended to. - • - -THUS: U. DEVIS."/
neplo-411T ' . A.O. NieI:RFD:ON
a ivyrioN. • -
A. P g P e L ra ' an A atin ' :, l tTre d efta d‘r o .1 4. ' , 1 ,h 5l ee n it!e:
kliver Monongahela opinion. Pate burgh, in Use
eounik of
Allegheny. or the renewal or threg reniftealen, Woo.
117, 10, nonre ol John flamer, each Pr two
shores of mak in nsl COMPll44i e tt i e r ;vl4,..
I°F i rgrfl: ' , ' y for i tgine - eutors John lln bier,'4A,l
Filial DAUM FURS:::
frit El tottiverlbeavvolid respeadhlly Invite Ladle. and
lacntleroen atonal visiting' Poiladelphla,antruionte,
of EANCY ' , Ult.% each ae aludnitoaa, Tlppita, ikin;to
takes or a call be e porchartint cLirsvhere i mi theyval II
find It to their iadvantage and no 'mistake. "All Col(}o,*
received !hall LtrfaithfoUy attended to at No 19 :forth
Thltd at, above Arch, ,„: • •
. '
fnstluerslo Robe* rilvratt.on hand •
PORTAELE FORGE S —A tee? convenient fartiele.
liellows and *LI the tern eau be carried by the Lunt
dies b) tiro men.. A few Put reed and tor tale by
Hnii 'Tv
T:Sier•—.lC• pee; Cetera Lisd,•reeelted peittee•ji t
_L A , Wyemist and . farr e. ,•• t, •
taar'ei •• . I AIP44RtJTCII W' co•
, .
~. ~ ~~
' y ~_.... ~..~a_n ♦ Mvf F w +
Towasimpts lL f
• s
_SA P'kß L
Mod eagmarasoutew Medicine in Ike World
h r t.p m gout ha" : n n>Q tams asOOP•
Of, p'essowas aud wanted tn ."
di/ma entimed maticog, pocytey, pd.....
,11e gradhearty and superiority of WuSenapariihs owit
E . is
mher Medians , "child it Eradicates Dire.. *it la
the Body. It is woe of tha Ivry tort SPRING AND
Al haat JSIEDICINES weer helm. It am rely pan&
tha whole nub= god etreagthem the person, but it Cacao
Nero, Pure and Rea Bawd; a yoweryamessed by u guar
- Medals.' Ad ie 110 bee Me grandame/et of rts armlet fid
masa It ha performed Intim ilue_paet two yew, aesew
than X.,000 tam of berm Ct. of Doneea least 5,1100
of Moo war awaideiest mestrable, Mom th in
3,00.1 esti of Chasmic Bilsuttoliam ; • • • • • ' !
2,000 ewes of Dryepsia;
eth . t pen of O. ptha4 Waal of Emmy; ,
.7,00t1 emu of tliguist remalstiopkthis;
31,0011 uses of Berofulai . • •
I,ou ems of the
9.91, cues of DUratt, of rho Limey and Morey;
2,000 etc: of Coutuaption.
and Thothatub of cantor Mimi of the Blood, wit: Meet,
pela gall Rhea., Pimples win Yee*, ke.
r r gi• with utuasrout eases of Sick kleadaehe, Path it the
Os and Chert,SpithrAlkathaus, tru.,lu. .
This, we are term i muse appear incredsle, but anti. -
leUerairal physic ou =4 our vents Gamut pub of On
limited Buttes, saforaiug to of euraurthury troy!.' ft. Vaa
Bskirki Esq, maid tha nut napeelahle -uvaa itt New
-ark, N. 1., Woes s us th at hs rekt to mare Cantata..
set LEI that phut elms.' There atriltuatiols of area is the
City of New York, whit* we will mkt to with pleura'
ud to awn Of character. Ilk the but maliethe for tha
run:dila of disease brunt. It tudoublettly saved the lit.
of mare the. ,
• 3,0N3 tthrtattiorria Fair fthasoart - •
• ite reatored U. cum of lions and peepared theta th
'the Smote. tessou. •
Uorrio!!lakna' Oty than._ .
• - • • - .
Cam 0. W. bIc•CLWB,. zGt Marco STA.= Matt,,
and tatenther of the Dew leney Legislature, has kindly sent
as the Dllowieg eertibeatal Wells Damen story.
, DAIWA T, Ja...15,1b 41 .
Aye. since I was taken with' the ledueusa, seamy whuld
system left in a debilitated mt. •1 arse Induced, to try Dr.
Townsend's danaparilla, .4 atter taking too, or three bot
11“, I was very much relieved, andittrlbute it entirely to Etta
Sarsapantla. / lam anat... taking it, and find; hat
lis ..c ry day. . 1 behave it saved my lee, and ...Id
'red b withOutil and. any ou.sideritim. '
.Thie eettifinatettentbultely prom that.this thisseptriibt
hat perfect metro' over the nod obstinate diem. -of the
liberL These persons none in one bona it ingirenedented.
• Titus Cantina..
r z that .To n... mrs.m . - 3 11):ar law... 12ir. I . 64l.2l . lksattri m,
th tellaforia szt...
Stk. Ly Atm us of your estellent Thal Wont
LGOetod estl seventy with bed cam; bare ettli taken
Cottle.- It Cook
then for tibial I 101 romle stu;er
. 11 Toon myceliolly,
W. ecos, tos Wax* ei •
floor York. Marto lo
Tomunol'o Samparilth Is • pommy, =I ,perry
"cur• fi.t ioripiect cosotoaktion Ithrecoocio, Ltheuez/o4of
Whiths'obsruethg er &anat. ,
ecutthatioo. Ith-ootiootenes
of Urine, ur throlauth7
j disdotro th orth4 athithf th e Mo
reloriorthttioun,tuf, t4r i rather i t y : . thonf .
-•• • ,
Nothing ere lir more meriting thMt .00 illegonbn of
Gels am thalsuman fr ame.; Venom, all moaner and Um.
lode, from takiliy il, at wee become robust and fen einem
Miler its Mumma. It itareadiately conatmarts the nerve
lama.. of Um female frame, which is the gISIL <Vat of WI
It mai not be Sip els 4 of ea, in nese of eo drilsam a am
Mae, to exhibit eertibeates °Comet performed, 1.14 St • CY
to . : th l;t:et " l ''''U t
ItEt '"i' f• a.'
P l= L". :1 " "P elt
tee Wear Ming a few tales or floe menhialite toniirise,
ha+ teen Wed with healthy oripriug.
• r. , 71wenseenlr bly wife being greatly Maraud e 7
ma es 4 general debi li ty, and LartakZ. owniektially
by Jain ea a ortualizie of Uteri, dorm, Liltiot a Do
w • and. with other Ail:State% 0:4 hating !men ems.
4 " " Y'''' 6.'" 7 “. 1 ti . e h" 4ff'd"
9li t a ' rh! ' Tw i llltt -
MI t hold. of you ' kia "6 tybet of 1%. rni:ills, esid 'followed
the irretione yr. wareltm , In • .hurt wont it mred
her romplaints and rmloied har held.. ' fsir; indef.& for
the enable the teethed, maths Elmore in thus minowludy ;
tog il, and rensoimeudior it the pother ill. D. Moon., .
Ibauyi'Aug, 11, 1011. 4:60..b4 finial mid Lydine ate,
cortitlfte, Sept 29,1411.
Ilnewermf: To all wising this ml Lamers—Thoth
to lily thal ay rife uss.l one 1... i. 01 par tlarvaiurilla
Fe .•
to her cfrii.lusnicsit, I.drr da .4 gby.i.., .04
del cittliBll.lo2ll, being troubled withthe dropsy, mea
l' of m
the Ler, .o. tewitium m
, mad ry smith debilita
will. toy 1,1(4L.. mul the mecomendalion of 01101111
oh • had imml it i Arline uslomd to ley 1 , , nib wise to no
faile • .000 .o it le ay, the inedirma hal WA happy and
Beard WWI, nut only in ihn bean at emliornitlit, Mot after
tho aril. of , ou• 00th of ils , use l lise ilium it her
;Us ' : Vu1, " :1,, " ii7.7 '.,':.. ' 2 ', ..,VAL. m.'
If atte will *a of our 'writ , . la fw or eslj orber
elootte the lillte.lef the pro ars esweety
4. it.
I ca)64lS yoar 141,1 alm4nit ~.ftaat.
Tim }]wet of Zhstaputlti L besa eapesaily prepare&
la misname lo remota Pio fatale alto has rao
'embalm for . tos ' aL. SILIANSVAD Ilona& dierame to
which females am subject al this time This ptyiod
avy delayml (velem-al years by thlitsedicine. Nm
N.( raloablatJ I•LOW •bo are appecosfaily Womanboal_
a.• it w calmstatial ariat nature by atiackcaing 1. l Woad
sal ion.writaig the system. ludeed, this medieme lamt.
mt., a all of the deli... doe... to which rmarn . are
•/I linen wholo system. ••••••• etrmansotly the' into
al ewergia..—hy maiming lbw iotporibra of OA ty.ll-,aot
Lr atimulatto: the oloicus as to prollora subonstiseti ro
lasatioa, whit!. M 11u caaa of most samlichica blab& tor female
11.F.A.Li T 1113:
You wt. ban, doll try., blutatidua A.
art., roues raw, ur frookki, awl aro ..out of pyirit.;' , tua
a Wale at: two of Dr Tosotwaira tiatoatarills. 4% will
rumlie to
Mood; /13710. tbu Lastarr aluiraw, aad
yoa anittossiou. ales, Loa spirit, awl beautiful
tertiro—all ut which are of iwartaw rah, to atiorar
rira Ladies. • .
• .
fd, DYSPEV.SI.I. , .. '
IS !hod or inedizisx 4111 me( heal disootentd which so
sear y anatobles doe pot..< juice or elks is tlceowlowas•
Shod otwagthenin the omaroof &palm, 64 016 form
ra ' of *wmpasiga.
Bum DRAICTIIT.T. Aiken:, M., 111, 1214.1.
Ihtowarad. trit‘.l ha. 1•••• asticteat Pe wararal
pa with dyslop• mite wont Fouls,
b o ot with oaorj
ara• of nostach, I w. ot appetae,,extritsie lawattanra, tad •
'‘ ' oration •to all tloa of f 00.1,110.1. 63C weal. Oahe I
rou rat.) I hate lon. tout& to menu hut • Nall poetical
... 1 .!......).'; 1 I:1,f ihr tonal...ln, but nal hal
hot WU. *eon attte.4 in aaaariri.s. du eweplaiut. . I arat au
auctl, about two wroth. since_ to bey your Ettrart of tar.. lona. with rattle amniear, but after win
owl, two tuttlrs. a Sotoul toy ltiptlit• tostotnt, la the
hauthunt eutirely reavreod; atoll would eanwaLy mums;
'd - WI aaa of it 1.0 thaw who brute. said:ea eat hart
key. - Iroors tr., ,
W. W. VAS Zaaam.
Now 41,1646.• . Staten i.e.&
_ .. . .. . ..
Goad die , follow iay,, and doubt if you son, but ertowicip-
Voireaciordlie mod. 711. Judd, one of the seeend hundred
vane that Towovrad'a liereapviito has cored: . •
Ih reiviesweiti-iteas S. I woe, taut a litt/e ewers
year ado, with • mem tooth bod paid in sity 44. It la
ve ma vary dot, e•doed. Ima prolvoixocoll by phi.
to bary vita coasampticer I raised lifigo
thin of of boil emu., tool aigtil meats, wad stain awry (ask
my doctor said be could do nodose: for me: 1 want ado the
bospital ia bupeof bilivg twaidistiol, Wren prolocineed there
incurable. I eras mw' malty dierewint at tM log. aqd
could bardly broad.; I am Wane emaciated, and sapereted
to ilia• wys cookieo7 toil. sad woo obliged to hare
wean. indeed I rmete give pox arty dicoriptiost that
woulirdo justice to my caw, 1 w. seirpoeed by say frilsoli
b• pod rearm? ; I hfol tried a grow ouiaber of oneediee,
aid all premed tole tom prima. 1 - rood of vow mod ea
traordlory COMM porfiumeod by pier cod., sod to len.
o .troth, &impeded then was boas baselnig la Var.
be I was milliard to tryill did so, sot eat very Naiad:4
/ did. I cutout fay MU lam county well, 1.4 as eu Ler
earn.. is lobe biniaew '
.td hope to sat:ho
ly ...II in it few least,.. 117 cough laud Iwo fa the ohle,
auil night arias - have tell ow, and raise bed very little, awl
am tot gaialog iny wind grengtb, I felt it • duly to tiff
punt 1 SW/16.Si of uyy rmw,WPOlith if you Wm..,
'Patio Damn, 47 Littl• it,. lisicalse,
.oplnions of Physician.. ...
Ur Tuwmkrad u, good daily mailing anier. fn., On
nein. in different parted' the Union. •
• Mb is Identify thet unieritt,redi Phylician. tit
theC.ty of 4ff, thuiy, hat. ns INlewnhib ruin Lpreniihed D.
Townson'. dersaperilla,:and kl4/011, X Wino. of dm pont'
relualiter in ern-Mims of the Sarseparilht inths souks*.
D. P Ithrna, X
• J lV tiwan , r o,
. • 4 .lalitlincosot o,
Jassy, 4Oeill,lah. • P Enka noth. ni
' • • .
to etnify that vs, ondeentred i prsileing
Thomann* Phyncsnin u (Ow City °Calaway. kan Greq,6ent
perm... Led De Torun:Ws Compound Detract. of katss
illa, red Dyes knono paddies would recommend AIL
b. pubbe he mercurial, merohnown, and ollatte.l.tentoo.l,o
teal., to reknit. to ...yid' the ndisttind remedies inane.
tinh : A W atinlaLL,T
• -- A - E!at7 \t - tifilirTO - itillt ' M.. •
fq-..ipaluther, Valtata . a, Son Build' N I" ta ;
ding* Lo Stat. at Boston; Ur lhatt 4. Soma, ,
North Sao
cal ti Phtlatirli&U; B M Nano, I,tmaist,ahlman; and try
pristipol &masts go...tally throtlhout .Umited :Mato •
Nita Dalin and DK
Mao ravine;mini put toil]. the Low. Novo &stk..
'Width metals a quaff oull grad with 113 mlti. algoolote
of S TOW fitlENLlond Weems 110 so the 1/last.
/Ma olso'fiew York Dolly Aloyseas Aprill9;l47,'
A pretty thiagopprtyeal to fir greets rcantity. It sos
the cob, or .2srmardla klapecoo of Dr Tuoamd.
The shale duos io got . up is good lase t the orna
mented Isodslope . psuosogooroloaolitaloogreli, together siall
111. sat, as sold, glosionio.g iu tit m , mire •Om
rarely polled is Brmadwyy. W rite thia.tapporlosily to
of so nkart of do Samparilts demos, tLe
nrylrrotiaqualority Ulu,
.Nervous Debillitri .. . , •,.. • • !
•. - Nsw Yuair,lllarc627,lo47 '
Dr. Satsamilse-1 Mortars silkiest usswe or len tor 3
year, with a drowlfuldnking ler do chest._ giddiness!! ia tha
!mochas or appelitei iota I. Ow limbs, sad 'sweat Oddity,
l u.,
home coot doubt hy the contra ual heal and cold to which
lam s la in lay Madness as • dyer, 1 laser taco tither
mak' es, toti.nosisnow to 1.1460111 j kit with iita• .mouse
tem. was seduces% by eibutl ow in I li a payer lo toy. baulk
or y SirsapariN, Gamwhich 1 fowl mat relief, than
Wu amoal meow harsUoli awl 1 as toshwilist/agly my
It is bony 011111061211 I have ever tallest—Ow paws io my
Most • goes sad 1 kelquite i 3 itferrot man allopther alum
1 hare ikso year Bossy... 31a 1 hoe now. better aypelita
than a e I bed. Ply wiCe has tarn it with the wine bowl.
dal Its. -I would roomsonal it al a family laudieina
roe y. .and 1 reel convinced Maeda.) used there wouLlual
be Wallas airlusiali Mem ia, yout Moureetoll tied so tool,
thoelirea bill.l for et bile it restores .pp,4114 ; II AO - elm la
the atomaelt and towels Mew meaty Mon it hap tha blood
us a bobby Male, so that diato. is ma tolittly to attack the
pt.... OM to Ali ibowivba me tot, is a hmistlyalateit my
try Dr Tornossal`a Saristparilla -
Thu.. Fainra 'III' Alfro ire' , ' :
'Canker In lhnnontn
‘ Glow 4 snotionnutof anotherckill road Or TowstowtOn
itotsporilb. burred Os Inee'of thoosawls of ehildrol.—
The following ortilleate, te rebated Ono . grist bombe"
realised this week, . , • - • -
New TOlLailyrit %UM,
DeTowassud: Ltehesist----One of my olublent ush. fro
stet with the es*. in Ow month end liinet, Wade( YU
great debilit yr . it cane nor dying; 1 obah.a um. of yotit
ocollent mWielneitind howled it diesel), fie wilitelt I au
were You A lotiutTgmttinle.,. Vole. westwardly,
c.147-altrit trullridelyn Dcsio.....i.
Poe self by It E sELaa:us Druggist, N 057 {Yowl et
botw al land Oh ett i who has tone opywhited by D
TOW SEND•oIe Agent for Alhighway,en, jog/dirt
iGr-ItTriolgill - itilitlP:--li i - ied .1 ---L i --- 'sbe
Panacea lit mains lay bildn diatreu
. • , the Tenrpenuneo Benner, or I1$1T: .
Om STILIM—IVO are not in tbii, habit of palling',
ermett ow Inaing umlautmedicine, but wit feed &Waned
tore .. ,1 / 1,, P0'. I s/ 1 V 0 th ose low ..$ elk,.
'e9 . , aft . to;1811. After littling tried lhei wino! num.
diet i motion* amain: and • diatresain; 'tough; that
bad lb several daps-11501d emu of tour inkfldren, 'pith.
out au teas, we were named to try.llotanti conga
syloand by It relief was obtained in a lbw bourn D prov to be the punter:atm 'Lida ease at team
Prepared arbutus/a am/retail by•ilia proprietor,'
- i = • -, JOUN Di - MORGAN,
Ater -,. '. - nrocid it, 1 door befint , elialroff i ny.
" 0. 4.1.10 1 O ille.lailiTi giiiiiii:
B la Weatifi ~114 . by Midair unnorbal Oblate? 1. Mem*. a oMld otJuselliflara
puma! apveinas of 70 IMMO, sal by the mot mid .
medicine •• child of my awn pawed 14 , lupe aroesen..
it linty Mt OM nartpinuag sotiniseilletiK. • I :duet
1t411.1 "mut ban tbro mane muds..
_., .---.-,,, ~.-: •
.:1 ?. WU 14141041.2, ,, 3
-- •. -:. • f .'3 -:- - ,...1. ."37 .3 v.: 333 _'',- • 3•• - -"•''
'3 tsy33,.
_ i~oc _ C rG =
•. . .
. .
Amid:sena AlptiLlelecti_
_Pain the Side
°film tharN_WittsminCriers, esj 1,.
NereoulTremny Laver
Diamtsed Fbsepi, ere ° =,
SmayMera Campwrenwill Sktrajp•
At is mild end pleasant o the tasky perf safe and
Lumley. in to operations. and yet 0, moue, the man
- Ktrenill sod remelts remedies Or • *r i me
*Was 41 6 5.4 . /Am
Coth. b ialut, rams Ride or *mast, and general
De et the Conhenint, that waa ewer mended by
the II of omit for the relief of the alllbsed pablie.
Certificates and evidences of its wonderful entente
power. are daily Ifefel,Tlbli from WI quarters. It Is im
possible to coneebreshe mrente ofsafferint end tni•-.
en , that has been ralesedoe kaseed• by h; nor rim
we celeritous the immense heaelitthatshad acme Gam
it hereafter. ages, Kees, sod. ionstinaismi ,are
Unaffected by it, and the disease ii..eradieuted;fhorn
Me system, the eonstitationeepaired,'end health . res
tored by the nee of Da Swats,*
C.oarrorao .tare
Mtn etmear. How . m oot dewy ' daily be;
ihoW epproatithm m unentely re gone,' wrested, to the
bloom of youth, trove their relauven and friend; tale
"l with' then fatal malady, • CaNSUIDP.IIOIi, which
wastes the mineable saffnet tustillte ts beyond - Me
power, of hesuan. skilL • If molt manna woakt ash
Maki a trial Swayste's Coemmted Syrup of Wild
(Merry, they .would Ind •lbeirtSetTe. sooner relieved
than by gulping the miens Inersolse remedies with
which our mettrapapentidiete* Met 'Vegetable Anne
dl" heals the ulcerated Mugs, stopping profuse night
meta* at the mastinmeirslerluga nate:eland biehey
expectoration, and the patient war moo and.bhcaself le
the enjoymeut of comfortable health.- The should
bent in mind dut Dr. Swayze M a pnaisiag
physician; and hog had years of eaperionee disetwas
ofMe /nem; ca...t,atf
ine nanle m only peepered DR.'S tar
nec of klllad, and knee enema Rhihrdallahm• '
&2 • AlientEre
all Me elms boo boo ever been recorded, we rtair
'niftily say the mutate °needle]o cannot funush one to.
surpass this, at
cch UM lamas as a line, proof of the
...JAMS' or nawuttimioni wren when rue had bean
despaired oG . Dr. Swayne's Compound Syrup of !Wild
Chenit4 ,,, dl It proteann to be, the greatest. medicine
TlaTngeNdlaofliffislfratiol, :.•
thi_firessix.-Dear . Ms good of public, I
feel myalf in duly bo to testify to lbw Mut cure
Which your Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry peados*•
ed on me., For my. pert, I Mel se„ if every body ought
to know it... 1 was aglietedwith. a viol= cough:NM
ang of blood Mein meats, hoarseness, and sound of
the voice indicating tus alarming ante of the disease;
Th st rzpr.=a vi TYZlMlta n tid pe ort Rix
could not Bun gee teeny days.. hip sister, who wormy
unarms canuaker. ntade Muslim where she would be
likely to procure the most certain tact She seas told
then elk. Swrm's Compoundbyrep of Ind Cherry .
the eige, my .lifei was Men hopeimie. Vora
medicine was immediately proeured, and the
an bot
tle gave relief. end by the lore I bad coMmenced the
m u rk ttle. my cough bad led me endmg strength wee
u Improved. In shut, it hag made a 'perfect euM
of me, end I arn at this present
be as hearty amen es
I wish, antihero good reuou to believe that Manse la
your =did. has sued me (met a premature pair.
I atoll be pleased to give any inks:minion. respectilm
my • lld Iturnor
its elaster st, between race and vitteinii,
ConUmptives, Bead! Reed:: Dr. ihrayMes Costl
Pyrup of Wild Cherry. - •
. ID abut the peer 1.137,1 Mud it memory to my
professional practice, to comport:oZ IlltdiCialliprepar
anon tor dleemeaof the rhea and longs. Imanywdeg
mote powerful healing properties than an other tab.
elto''klllAill for such diseases. lu my COMP O UND
SYRUP OF WILD MERRY,. I here been very Age
eestifol. The only astonishing cure. efected tot. nly
medicine roan spread its Mow &aped; foe it owes nue
aim 'twee** to atantifsetared• newspaper pubs or for
ged cenificame—the real intrineic resents a my :COM.
pound is the only cause of be popularity. lie extensive
%ale soon excited the envy of remain specula - tore of the
&Mollies otitis know creatures, so witch so IMO tn;•
few yews from the time that my preparation manna.
dMedltie public sad in great domend. • &min',
city, finding that my prepanuns had gained • toga
w.t nailed DTNVi ” P 4=p t fltrild " C i be . w ny " .
This reepectolde and popular physician bad no' more
to do with dm ankle tau poor Vent Patch. The Mono
of Dr *Vial.* is attached to make it appear that eu
tuent practitioner wan the original ingerdor of the pre*
potation; such is not e the met. The 'burs dam • the re
al inventor, sold the rcipe and right to manufacture to
some patent medicine Ualers in Cincinnati kw the
West and South, and another in New 'York for ate pr.,
who afterwards. is asserted, sold WI tot aturgnt
Dostou—so the number a hands into watch at may haVe
changed is an enigma.
ume places they mum* it emanated from' spa y ian hi rhiladelphtat in other, from a pligsielan
Alareachnsens. Po It has falsehood and
stamped in cr.' ,
Then. have tun a number of other prepandiou per.
poning to contain Wild Cherry Rtut out since. (tom the
handl a t fexeine, :which We psiblie Anniklgurd
against. they contain Mae Ortho VITTP[II Or the origi
nal and tasty genuine preparation, which bears the mg.
.13.11.0 a Dr. Sway. no 'each bottle. - The present
manufacturent of their puts mid false cenlicates have
the duing effrontery to citation thepublic agaimt pur
chasing rm. met:helm, the only genuine and origi
nal preparation of Wild Cherry beßwe the minim,
which proved satistactorily by the public meads of
Commouwealtb of Permsylunia, as rub as vari
ous cam.. ottle/al doentnente. DR. IL SWAYNE. •
Inventor and tale Proprietor of the genuine COO.
pound d y e
of Mild Cherry, corner
_of Righasand
Race streets .
Pamphlets can be obtained emu., own . p s i . han
array uf teetinunty that will. cooriees the m uc k
eal of the trondenal bit of Dr Pirogues Compared
Syrup of Wild Cherry. and gat one, that all may
mod. Purdue thentetheine,anducuto.•
For sale, wholesale and mead by th e Agents. - -
THORN, 53 Ratter er, OGDEN &SNOWDEN,
corner WWI d Liberty elm S•JDNES, Lwr Liberty
• FAIMPSTOCI: a. Co, comer of First and
Wood nal Sixth cud Wadi and /DUN MITC/IRLL,
Allegheny eizy.
Great. RasUsk Remedy. •
OR: Coughs. Colds. Asthma and Cointsinialern!• The
.1' GREAT AND ONLY REMEDY for We Marc ade
above diseases, is the HUNGARIAN BALSAM. OP
LIEF; discovered .by the celebrated-Dr. - blochen, et
Loudon. tiegland, and inizotineed Into the United/Rater
ander the Remedial* snterintendenee of the hmunor
The extraontheary stuccos* of this medicine, itt
cure -of Pulmonary diseases,. warrants .the'Amerietot
Agent in soliciting for Mellower the wont possible
see that can be Round in the coma:mill—rases that ieek
relief in Vein Imes any of the common remedies of the•
day, sod hove been given 'up by therodst distingstithed
physleimth as confirmed and mearnbla The Ranged.
as Balsam hne eared, and mill camas Mast
of ewes. .It is no quack matrose. Om standard
ish medicine, of rumen and established efflosey.
Ferry family in the United States .boald be supplied
with thielurt's. Hunger* • Belson of Life, not only to
eonnterset the consumptive tendencies of the elitestr,
but LA ha • tont on It prove:nits medicine in all case{
cotes, eutiges,spating of blood, pain In the side and
chest, irritation and Soreness - of dm lung., btoelthis,
dulueulty ltyof brewing, hectic fever, night sato., CISIVICit
Wits 114 gerteral astirtna,mthornes, who%mg
rough and CIV2P.
So 1.1.3g0 bottles, atft per bottle, with Atli One , .
dens thr Our rutoration of health.
Pamphlets, emataining a mass . of Eagliah and
eau certificates, and other eeideuee, showiagttat
eqaalleal Merits of this great Higliah Remedy, may tat
obtained of the Agent FA oossatithoasly. , • ,
For salt hr. B A lINESTOCK ?k, Co, smitatt of
at and Wood and Woad aml Ctit ats.: • . „mug
• We have been lellinsed by Mrs: Nom of aeons per.
aimed on het hypes Jaynes Alitarstlye t
preset Its saposerity aver every other rehnedfatfittoo
Mad: 'Phe - has boon knitted Mt the last sateen yeah
viii NhVitOttkhdar WHITE ISWELLJMIS, admitted
with eleerabens and esibliatkei el 'warless bowl, tl•
ring which time many pleoultate ken diehasped tram
We Inmtal Item ol the erannon, fats boib to , Shah,
musts and band., and from both lep, and from the le
federal bone, and fern the tight knee, beildes pastel
elects no maer pens of het posson, mbar* have bated
the still of a matter of the otostaminvot physlatiatta Of
ottecit, —dam( most of the tom hot .nanArlP kin
been exernmums and deplorable.' About throe meths
since she was lodated to try'Dr.Jayset 'Alteonlest,
which bas had an amosishinaty lialspy erect epee her.
by rerrosting aH pant eta hwellings, had camas the
niters to heal,mhllo al the mune time het general health.
ha* Decant ecaaptetrJa annotation thou attetranr weighs
ol Ma haw than she did before !ha VOlntannandltat hw
f thislndy valeabic prephuon.—Usat Eve. Velt., ,
Par farther Inanatattop t Inquire of Mr. Mose, Ne.IIM
Filbert la, Platlado/plue. • . • •L' • . •
Fes ash, m PitubstrWal the PEKIN 13,!! STORE,
rt Drank st.:near Waal. ,
INGS.—Scrolals is all its • Inaltiplisd tarsi
whether In that of King'. Evil, enlargnmests o the
en& or bones, GoitreWhite Swellings, Caroms
itheumnimu,enser, &sues of the Sim or Spdas,
orol Pulnionary Doostimpticik einasite from oss
and the same mai, which' ie a - pennons principle
more or lon inherent in the henna system. Than
fore. unless this principle me be destroyed, so red s .
Calcine eat to enacted, but if, the priselpla 'lnca
which the. disease depends, in .removed, a tire
noist s oll necessity NUow, no sonterander anthem
the disease should mullein lIoU. ' This.,therafera
is the MOOS why Jews. ALTSILITIVIC IS so sal
venally wiccessisl in removiag ao mu, nisllgnant .
di asses - doovoys the Visas or principle fan
whim, those diseases have their miginiby mitering
lino the siren:tin 'sod with the blood is minireved
to the mutest fiiire, removing•every • pellicle el
disesie from the system. Prepared aid sold affict.•
8 South 'Third Street, Pltindelplos. • • •
Sold at thaPekin Tes•Stoce,No.72 Fouth Mee.
. .
the stud haw coarse, bow megbi hor'sallowija , . iow
aud ani. liky We ekut aPpaarval/at , Oar PmParal
fWf eb f a eeetliJON ETanthieaVtallo*
lily 01 ea& r prepared a acP r LlL l Ywale it ae can
Wetertß llpae siawll r,begparifiei at alldeloaaquhue
it *pans. la the plan p
healthy, alabaater;atiaL 1444 lAD*, at the tame
ujiqg V a ittrAtie lib ME Ike dull, amain aka'
. .
Dr. JamesAm:tartan; Pawkiest %egg.* 'taw..
O.vua. tap , : "After atunsang Litli
White, t (ma it possesses we meet beaatitai and nate.
,al, at•the tame seat .ianneesu :white .1 eyes saw, I
wrmialy awl tonecientioutly reeenuneed lu wentakl
hose twin tegaires baaaufylng. , !
trePtiet ItS cenli a boa; • -•• ' ' - '
by %I' AIiJACYBON,bt itisitobt aid Shoe
sune,tdttihttlY to .head, at Waal, mi theatatt
l lleJ adies, I'e. Isnot:lrked, • .
• . W hen too know that yea am Plal'alW4'
A naturakilito-like;tnarry waste, ' •
will' still as cowman chat*, ' •
~. Arid look *deathly dada* frighl,
- The theme( Isaahtsramlat akar- •.
mead um, aUK JONEte I.dly.wlate, It
weeld give Tetuan, as alabasier 541 animal what,
and' al the same time clear and haptate Saldi at
ZACktFlttld,et Liberty st.. Pries 15 tents par bam,
411111.161161 1 DAILY, tat-ArEEJLI.V 00176.7.61. t
Astleassesslibildinil,gt ic_ ,'..i1 . 6..a5s hit Calfer. - -
One inaction or lellnev, or leis .- sa to
Two Insertioaitrithoutalteratioae:"..'.".4".tla 7 ; TO
Trot* - " " " '''' ''' ' ', ...."41t. 00
Oao Week, ' t.
. "'' . . ! ::::".;.'.:i.'1760
TOo..Wroit "':
' . .E. 60
Tam' " ' ' ' o o • " 300
Three _
One Marta, ." ' '--- .-- "-- - -.. '' .t, - 400
Two ''"' ' ' '' ' -' • : - -• 6 UI
f Looter advert :amen: la aorta o'ooo'o - •
, USG oquare,6 months, withaet alteratton,..... l „/„CO
Been aiditionaat !quire for' tobutrat,..».4 - t .
,: 11 00
One scptate:6 au:intl., raaaaral4a at 4tOatina,, 10 Oa
."_‘, 7 l2'• - --', 0 .. ..'.. "%)
gialiidditioailavinve Inuit swaths. ' "'„ . ...4,1 ..
tVan ssrai;G months, rp'srabli 413 , 44 40;01:1
gsch irtiosal square, 6 rooatrui, ..`o'oo,.
teczni, Or, . Tii.tornicla i11 , ..n./40,,,ssinss .
bps spisre.3 insertions; ..... .......... • . .$lV.•6O'-
...•••:t• W... esti sdditionni i05erti00,......... 37
..••,.....•.1, ..0 10 4 1 PLIS.,CAI4‘;..' `.":.f; - i x
Yin lines or :; lea:, on! year, ..... . ..i.r. . •••• e ' . oo
~,:.• '...., , ' Oil 1n 0 41118:,....4.. i . ." :.••15 00
', ' " ..•,. :".., • ••5.31 1, 445i1l !fic•iscollj,:{o 00
a,..;,4.... " 7 - ilia 'lllllllO4 ''.,:. , 1'...`....,..- 00
::,614iIIITE11111111$ ll'.
.14111114 ~.:, -
i lou s ei i ee Oaf, One issarlino;:.44.•4olo'.
• . .. - 11'w0,•., -- .f!,• , ,, --.4aac,...tera UM
...•.(i. tl i , ,:. ~ ...• T hreei. : 4. " ... ..a.•: ,. .1 0 -
"" - C. , , "', - ..i ;:. ..Tlit*iptiiiiriii.ho..44-3 60
. '.. - ,.q .4, ,- ,:41.1'..!- -" , :15i2 - : •,..."?'. 7' ::( 4 •••••• 4 So •-
[osoviost 'io... '' - • `, 4 , -• • ".•;: , - - Tgratili: ~.;44.4;- ; .10 co
I socaug, . LTAlLEOTkdialothbatibiAaitca ia44 . 401!
mm „
iliro . !Low : sat iforeoluils g h is * on
slr •
"41":-.1.7 • ' 1/1114 - 11 . 11 ,1 11 AT E MITM-Lii iliniiril . . ll 9r, PW.X; -
. .
/ - IMO' mamma JIL asaw rostar.4
i YRUA WI. FIELD Vetere sew vale. at We lowest
•Ideeefacturers' priewqrs ezerashre awe*
weer of eweteiverg, every possible .WWiWY•
adatpuefro thews*r or telitlillellllll all s.ollolllflithi
emery. rstinor kinds nude to Odor at thOtt
not se. .
- stook o(YRINTINU PAPE* is eireseelly,larr
• parte( Wof ~, e r, eperforryrality._ , eperforryrality._ • ,
. PAPER mt.ifts EULTEMIALS • • •
of every . description, Infested nod kept nonsosalsAm
Feluerpol , ire Oa, y.thi,,h,r
,-. PewlerMegneszw
e islaiGr.:U
pwelawe(Wwla • 11 6,10WYwia OWiweiee
New Vert, Jely Nat
abuse Mlle* IThealesk Mop.,
F 011:iLt i ge p =p= i ti s
uh dle=ar i z
zteLetr it :=ell tb=ellibber It ;
Soap alandeenpaf elk& It ebe (Weis Fraekke,
barn,motebser, Tan, end cheers, ibe !elec.( stark.
yellow, or
_4lide(l 0; lisakeildworyluom.
gleam.. t‘. supply, wanauled imam, itidkr
eele iberedeeed prim or 31iPer , INk , ylordow. beet
reeeiemlitedkril itrt Wel.? B A YANK
a teerealel bed 1me.41,11 ebb el the eeteernit
Se . *OIL, BOAT COollaati
'l3O othehmar',
_ _
_ Wale
insainumurrAmOusiss: 77 . 7 7
CiiiNimptot4 , renesigber. tkd sf is t•
tka soma •
laww,tattre 6 " 161 1 461,
ltEttinlllll,bewon of oh sporeaseStistonvidTar ter
.sqtlowatoodriooto ant ohni•AL • .€ •
. 11.4..Th00n00k-•Door ea -1 rdoebebos 1.66 t
Awe onetime.* Stow. the Alat allow tboteroood 23 3..P0t
'Wood liwola widow it my duty to-id:no pea 'of 4'
• Wyss long &dieted with • wry tal iamb ew00tt_.....,
at,l'notie wOlt Vow tfPftt. , , , 77;
2 , 1e..t0 , ..1 . .=: i y= :Flow notitte L zilt i
log wont tike mot *decoded I
wasp! obit. •bot bad bent oop_Stanog
• P. to i!vi bid. : 4. .
b.dr zyzake owed Ake Life to us tun
iotely • leatUe ad *seaweed "tdlt
Ono 4 Oki.- two bottle., I truce:WO.* no 'to .•
_sadoW S:o that lowit'Ototien . L I
;Ow tic : Vein Sete(
'o adesteld: %Aar &Abu lowitioreoa be wide, F,T
atilt onolkerßesilaikabk:cure. ,
ib04411 - . POP Wasei . -
- a atooaaof Noises, I woe worked with - ma» k
410 her.L pdpUbibil of Om hoot aolottiotaioiot
-whiettwera woo StOoleed Om Wen of appetite. Ado..
•o wdooei otoislwood porta' I pin pi. of my Sodoi4aree
=1:1 " 611:i d = 4 , b=xt bg _ roas t'l r li."l"4
tidy dawn tot•eoamdotte, ortiierem 61".••=1;
otweof fatbkoesesod bops to otos micas& ‘_Freed Coe •
t.I *Alsip yore awe at kosenr.,oodittookstittl
.0w loword web • demo, otot AdoetiodA toe.
tad, ottot Ihe lobe& one
7=ard trk=hete... ostei Odelblore•*t.
otestoldeobytiorsto lad *tended to. Heir ileisetipaowe
Dal. edlibeisT add ono swain to grain •,04.4....c.
iith k* rjarnr.="2ll?...,..7 . "A
Themilt% Ccaposod Small wind tyccd ftwtottos
cow tessewbotte taauoeiood though 1 bid Oat NO&
=poets:tow Hof • redrsr7• of my Emu beoltb 6goer bor. -
! tol a geouglyodewed to tw_ddswelodoo r t so
o •
op= to do co, oaoll.lutat tio4en •
tbot4Vbe we of li:bedlam, bedth boo bees radwei,poi
• oseiabli b Wind to biome. vith as moat Am" •
.A.pan.loaly laroNkr DICIIOOII Id Us a. -
11kmd Some Maeda • -
So4d by W 11.401, Jr. tillstmffi•bUr
Pelee SO Ws 1 or Vow dant. perpoolo:
4170187—Beowe poly
*tu t
otalb • Coiwoond. Breop Sun wow butodega lOW
towalo,or at thew don SA ierpidoi of doolkevitirt•
. IP/lalB are becoming ta enteenedly popelar
Find, Baena they ere prepared billfle B
amain. regular. I:4mm, Chantal ad Phyal•
man of Paladelphisorbe knows. the , sante,
qualitytua cbaineter of the hledielnes
pale eat tbett adtPlatieu • ie j•- • '
• Second, !Because tbe . public ems take Ibem tenth
greater Coalidoce than moat other pine which me
prepared e/IFlir2. ignorant b.°o-*Ca1,961"4
Third; Biaanse or their combincd aka's; proper)
tieskot coetalned in' soy other sada anal', par
leg hem Wagon:metaled Weeds all unhealthy sob.
etances,sudkil the nine ParifllDlCthiPlo°,l
Yolutti, Because they are the cheapest aid bad
asdieizo kn0mi,41.7 Magie bag cagipg iatlb ctb ia,
and containing sating to panoak es ' many
dollars Waimea to' Mates bills, and imuisieua
medleineakbooght & tried on the reemmanuidation
• • Wbelie ver•yoi base odcasloo to taker: anytatdi•
cilia, do . oat be trilling stitb your coostitailop - by
Suing altkuntit 01, 'pills ut other modicums yiniMeo
published and mcoinmended by ono and 1 . 1!1.3 Oct. but
81i.4 l it
and yonegillitothavo. estasies- to take 'mut:flag
else. They will always be towed hood is ale o, t 011
worms ol dome.; !unsmiling' ut the innnann t lions •
els; liver `and ibleatioust eranipa it `tow"eloakcu;
colge t illalanbraabi insmad levers, foul breath bad
lig. la tlr'moutbl Sour aruetatwas and " acidity ol
the etomich, dienveness and indignation,. airaut of
iat.36. of Ude *plies
and kniaaj.,aainies of the skin, scaly ankitiond
dry sad watery'phiples or %addles of the licatioan
'bodyi tette*, rsabipneklerbeat
ache. giddineudeinthear, pasts ores that bent!, of
the breast; aides, along the tuck and spina, Mamma •
glinnaud goat lasers of all kinds, email pia; TWIN
laid. meaaela:scrofnli, erysipelas, and unhurt they
.ant good in ail disease* Laving Inch origin - an the
stomach, liver, and intestines, and impurity of the-
• ...
021kantyJnenania a Box, • • -
, Bold WMiesata and Retail by B. A. FShninincia
d earner of Find sod Wood, also , corny, cd'• •
Sit ;au! Wood etreeds. • : •.• aeptY
• e,lntlettinit sitertierten. . •
TIIE best snide hums, toe clestdrigend .'Boeing
bre.elh, he Ze '44 . It = I L eired 1 the =l7 l ' etoeata the
..b= g andthe 11,61.'8nd . ..t0nt h"willonly requires AO
In Ala Inargau. Wet the bnliag wag. gleam
ater, or cold will ceswer, Mt rub ICA lesitien.. on
tee pea% - hets enough will where for ....cobetthe
teeth:. I *le ase... deltclol.l Mat am alagith,,anagaz
paps molt delielatfultrasrenee to the laced..
warivallid•to * pleasant, el:Macau., coarrtgieuL
.aredentriliee.. Ult. auminnt, not to laiggre agegarth,
~ •By ,csingr. revilarlyll will Wanuve lira, and
puma -gag ateattallatiar-preaent the toothache
Strealitaaltaa ran% anagpremeat all Ot them
Meatus, physieteris, and the clergy reeonistwod•A •
decidedly *opener to every thisig . of the Mediu
Ask for Shenesn's Convened Urns Tooth Mud
miugltara Is ataggehadlig elegi pot: -
ILecometenotd by Dr. LMstle.,dat Uniodway, ot
rirev . byst Ventiets,and by niort . itt" the old , ,etiuttiielti•d
ones in the United thaw., and tate tgeguliTey rued
by the Nobility or . England end fr.rtro. •
A 1'
loses of Ate discs. t hellAdietansatind
wire loses somartersnoment tht stonisr..4 or bowie,
..Web, ~timely Pe aCtlie Cada ue Losengie weeld
entirely obviate. Persons of bitten. hablli tidal.
may. WO a box 111 - Hari, - and into. dose whenover
they kel the lease denngentent thek AJkaig
Cleat sae or the., Lor,eneve wood prevent thonssinds
. •
For We at Win. JACKtON'S; ClaDdlOr WSO4 data
Liberty so •
A i t i d UT ' Cl • ii i ttrilt l'*4 b o l dttid=y d r ritir
Mont. raertisr, Weted:ADO Ci. : 0 1 4.1
M. A. 54km—A masa °fattyes sea
!Woes sea Maid sty hostile de pttotio Soot sfyearjgdy
etiebtoril Lior I bare e ,teat daisy se Gar ydr.,
adberity ta Darr etottettt* =O no turd you atstiyid,
go sliati."• Medi titbit testy prtyarstaatio Sampan
ma is do stk., hm thb.
ydatLirernblanabotatilkind to yM.ssa, Indeed,
Wine they gral
1 1.1 h.,. tds stl," tbyy enrol yr hat
=ft= iTa b safe to . r "l 1 1: 14"'
tog stai.atsbytkon,ls brims l pablaszoli yi lase
meth bleak Semi vomited oul Rhyme/Led Moot is daub;
vibrated 2.0 buoy soilisstlypodi op as Istarab/e..t Is
IMS-7I tat isei to ttyystribersailkoind SOON 410 T
WILL. Mates tit obssettatbebistlaklirMeito
of pelt ba the alds,and atbiroyaaptotos tts• st lout
IS oaths Tato Pau sotto Mr Soitsitortie
bthroba,snastipitig or. tiring mob si slam Milo lam
sitb,4atgos soma& relief / hats kept lima it MY
sh o o
Sir . 7 rood sold bloated s of boo, toll hare o
Muds Ogre eanytalik stated by oily cos ties hay Ikea
dims yhare soseedoistont eyery saw pi/1 !leis
seialthorboadosell ki s time mkt besot" them sib I
a t Ora -to ./1 pens= beraiss• Apo,
warder Sat Liver lliesphist at Shii9lllllllAktims
.11.11tnello =prier to 2,171 at Oa illusP j it Rose,
[w rPint tease
caustararPiUmwsito tbovnot the OEN UIN 4
sal.far sail blobs ober dos Urea papaya bid by Et.
2 111ELLS.112, Wiesbig: betimes nine sail booth
Obb/ 1.11)!,c"..P•sI iaa D LJCannr,
7 11. -
.Geltkihlthe ASA SHIN Noe well ingi.eys.dirw
uv Ciallr." enhe ProlUtelll leettgolAut gpirelt .
- -The euideriveled lemon been aillieted damn the pest
winter Ilrh• • disease etAe. ineseneihoelinetisien„
&Wen trent peen lereie urmiaeh for tenet twelve boars
inenniimiint, wed eller. haring tried
remedees - wiiii little lltmished within twigs
elk 0 lava* Car .Winediee Balsam: Thieheaseda, -
audintiothe &redone, and foam! invatleblii
medicine a...wadi:he pun 10 abate in Mile orlon; nun-
Jinn nor Nrcaiy one.,
rensuion was endzely,4ineteil. The medieinn,wipef
lowendeneed.whenerte ladieadonsief the sypineell
pafewetepereeleinl; ind 'trope= wee thereby preeepe.
ed lie manual Wane ihe medicine enry eeifilne
and anmellitel utehe MaCehlit, Sea in.' n wet woke
keel* wane* fee reenifed, teal tleeuderer leas Wier,
ed/igin► loge amount opprewire' pale. kWenes.
petienee, ltieni forre; he can tuna/featly . :peouinailyil
Chinsuilathre Italie., is • eelnery red/an
[et iiiii•Less althea:Won h and newels. .-. A frill INN
• -; ' Alleg benY .".) • /YUI
Foisatelx PittsLurib xi ttgx'rEtil to 7 F.A , - ; s7yot
Tit lininti Mein, 'lrear Wood, , dad 14 !kr .I t cDto
Rutreof It. I' ;SCHWARTZ. Yeacood • Alle.AOl,
Grande' Amlada &mete;
errata & h Moog, sot shoving; • -
Soprano Booze on Porcelain
Megaaloatta WY...tofu:la WWI LoverJor, Aft*:
ietroaaßeaantol merle, pan, of all postatoti . „
%E113b03•14 tailor Dorto, roma:war untran,rVpets
for th e kandlectirel; scent DOM ar4 wart && , t•
u, ior•os , Porsio or Gb porMor.
. .
ladata veletabla lair _
' fancy or,mliglxwArNlPl.l..tnme aihttr
° w' ti 0444 lYymp6 Sosit;' Uae
asap; je
soda atiSvgleat sl64leigy
°elm pattiesery: put teeetved; for sale 14 ,, •
. • .4 A rA1!41fr.351 , 41:4 t
.I.IIIL 'ear ati dial iU