E=MMI MEDICAL. - -, • Oil OE PANACEA! i . . •'",''' Ti atai osp Isptiiiiitt 1 wmi - :DISEASED tj,? , ;'44F - 4 4 ,0 4 :1 11 " ,(64 '1t 4 3111 . 168 wirikatt . tanasadieb iniallar. of Ma Lim au / i I :: , ..4 ... , lui , s loitteettd th • ininnietor %mini," ciAgal.en -,' ..:, r . ...i.IIIINDEESIJ/1 PitEPARATIi)N. .. ';',. " • ...., lio'iitiqii*er' - we,ailutelithkti istass our fall stkd :: --- - .. gimishiOi shripsi friziAl gain{ oe • . , = ' ettilteeted, ate hat The preen:sore of dist telf ideistroyer, • Tb. quake, Then. deal we alp the deamiee ' lie Sad bow disil • a get clear of out coned nal • le of vied Lupo &nee to the public. TUE ORAND ONLY 11,EVEDY will be found xn • ruse. Noumea. lo proof adds • we have Sun ttmei i tune published the ecetillouu or dams of our best musette who h ula peU. • awed to munime • en. Theta, with a truss of tea TII7I2SThiTANDDIO, A......res av e dee!, kg, ingrate, with copious no. JOU ALS OP THE DAY, wet embodi • In pamphlet Rims, end may LE glaSs of any of • agesis througkout the country. REDS OP ItiOTTLI bee. Valed This city. THOUSANDS AND PENS OP THoUSANDS itieeseneet The Sauce and Canada, and um ett.. lenge tarlatan Hi • Int pat when te steenalme dace-twos, and be. . bee The had mote Wally distogstusch It hes eramcr cuiE. .. • • the afilleted hesitate? N. by retort to , .the le 000113=11.11, gotten op by lat , • o or. inthvid. , gala =WO. unused azae of some ee phy. sf end paled late notoriety by certifies' • • per. :.,..Ageopart , allbrknownt ened c ielne y o . f Yto be had, wk. Oats ate at bome,--oar betaL• hersr-atatay of it haa , . • EVATCI ' PROM TIIT. GT? AVE. •To eadertlat this invaluable medicine may be plated ;within the resebe the poor as well tbe•tith, we have 'Pr " In OBILT FUMY czwrs, .- • . . , • suet one .lalf,the.issual cost of cough medicines.' It is gar sale by our &retain nearly every town and village eiver the west, who are prepared to'' give fall ilifonsia. c , • Sion relative to it.' BALTb.R, Proprietor, - . • - Broadway, Cincinnati, Ohio: '4. Thie disease le caused brs parorystiel construe .' : eson of the air cells; it is very debilitating, almost e • c u t rneation. DR. fIWI-talai.B.'S PANACEA is the Ile) 0 . OLrce.thero= be entirely mired, by a free use of Dr. 'lsi Catarrh, or Commit!' Cold, which, If ne3leeted, Sti eodhy nninate• Centromptien,' is efeetually relieved and De. ..g• • Droactdlia comb, ed, effectuelle lend to Bronchil Po n to oncsumption, bat II lliftely non of Dr. Sweet'- ', - mirth nen erectitally core it. , Intiammation . of thel'ousits done Throsb—tlis , Tilsease often leads to serious consequences fmm erg : ises,'fitsclitis alt-. ration of the throat:ou the Suer non.. -Acme, tly tioreetsOrit Ibutuca !heal he procured and - and Colds' find a . roverelie remedy in Dr. • - flieeetersfPamacee.: .- ' • • s , Ittessuloals Protha—A very lite. - disease, resulting from 0.0 and cold en: n' debilitated or bro • ken dawn aged persons are ea We et to • ..-Dr. Sweeter's Panacea should . he used on • the fit • truptores, which are a roach on cold. • ' ' plight Sweatc—Thisdebilittoing eroctiplobn will meet • dh a tinnily check; by using Dr. Breetmces Prances - Contompuen.—lf en the Orstlappearanoo oicontonap symptottos, which area pun to the side and Incur, or oping of blood, ilDr. Sweetser's Panacea:is timq n in o danger need by apprehended. - Men the Lungs, the Windpipe, or Prtmehial Tithes • become elagged up whli phlegm so as Ls impede respi. gation OT Wading, Dr.Sweemer's Panacea, erhich is pooTodol Erpettoruty sbOuld be.taken Veording lullneasa-7Thisdistreising epidemic . . ro prevalent hr - - our aurae, is spee4ily cored by Dr. Swemser's Alta SI per bende;org2lo2llCS the f 5. • ' • . par sale by WM. JACKSON, PP Liberty M . . 1 .ig. of norliisty _ - Scratch!' ITCH, SALT, 111113.131, ee-M'ke would Efis i Mgle day scratch, when . afflicted with tin; r, itch, or oilier dilemma of the ekin, if they knew who wintld redeye and cure them.. • 1,, • Tis honahle to be obliged to rub. and wretch when but morn horrible to ebstain from it, (for dreeney , isatal i len in mammy; Let it be remembered that Dr Y'S TETTLII and ITCH OINTMENT is the met efficacious of any"prepanition exiatence earieg the Teller,' • other diweacs of the skin. ' , Aa all.doiessos of the akin Most arise fronithe impurity "' Of the bleed and fluids of .the body, and wham stack die -, oasis be of long . insndirig, and the. reartituthm affected , ',thereby, if Dr. Leady's bareeparilla Bloat Pi ll s be used • "with th e ointment, they will cure nay ease •whatev_eri • mail the do not, the tooney will be • r eturned- by Dr. Mom eases, howerver, will Le effectually cured by Dr. Leidy' 'letter end 'ltch Mumma, unless the I -whale system Is haprefttuded by . the diseased harems which will be completelr and o,Tfroto the er b -• :Dr latidrs bleed sill and surface of the skin heal. ad by the ointment' Price of ohnnient 4.• cents. • • - A Crash sup Iy of these Valuable 'medicines into re sad . ' • " cart Ist A wood, alto tor. ISM Zs wood !IA -- ` -- PEACEI . PEACE t t norm srr~co, • • tam ,IN,EVERY lIONITEAD. • FiE tuldeored haff long ;keen convinced of the actuality some "medone adapted set the use of end Intents 'naucipercede the of all those Metes which eclair' t opium, and at length corded in preparing end miming to the public a 'b owels, inefully' amercing every purpose for alldisentes of the b without the %se Of that deleterious dreg, or earl Other calculated to Ware in the knot. The Infant Par 4 ! Zeta has been fully tested and tried, the toot twelve -.mouths, by numerous persous, mid found to possess all the empordinmy virtues, and reproof ce all the omen-. " tithing tribute as set forth on t h e bill of directions. IN. '• arthrea,Yomiting, Chef ,c Griping, Pains, Sickness Mid Mosses arising from Teethma, acting immediately :without di the any, a the timetions of the bodff, prodachig the happiest ',mit most . pleasaut transition from rimeat pans to a tranquil mid toy.. state of feel ' lug in the little sufferer. To be bad wholesale and imell, of the Proprietor Di. ",JOHN SAROANT; Jimegist and Apothecary; John ' Mitchell Elliott &Beckham; and most other Druggist. .tll , ty and Ping:rare, dectll • ' IMPERIAL COUCH SYNE P.—lt has power to ewe • Prresamion, Feb.l4, lUD. R. E. Simlxic—My Wife has for years been subieer to distressing cough, accompanied Wilt, mtinia,.for . • the care of which ae• need different eon ' remedies, and had the advice of the most eminent physicians ot - England; but all was ionvailing. .13y clam." I heard of your Imperial Cough Syrup, sal woe indaced to buy a bottle for trial, although I hod no belief that an - evield remove her complaint. To my grant mirpnw, owe doses gem her immediate relict She ism times ~.PlRrebled walla rough, beim' merlaccearal of Syrop .. gimp cops ft.. I em satisfied. alter a trial of three or lonvyeans, that Seller's Cough Syrup is the best cough asalliebto I have ever tried either in the Old or - New - • Ettmocusr., _, • • fkretalt.Watd, city of Pittsburgh. Mho *bare certificate should indwo ell who are trembled with cough or nations, to give the Syrup a tri al. • It amp be had for' 3 cents a bottle, at the drug senfe of R E SELLERS. 67 world st Sold by Dr Cassel, sth ward, and D. H. Curry,.Alit,- posy - • mhS iV 4 Ew% 1115351 . . . . . . Thls lajoaerilty ;hit', neer ming different preierri. Wee Oar eXpelling aromas, Losibt of C. F. Rehm., of New Lisbon, two vials Of R E Sellers , Vermifir4e, and rime the MALMO Of One 'Mat to three of my cluldren. ` . ,pram rho Ars; aged q yearn,' n expelled 45 wormy, _ • Oval the aeoood, ok yenta old, 7R sod (rota the tirdM,2l old, whoop Sl,l om expelled L nuns M lL lrial. . w w y reormunend Sellers' Irennifoge sm a Ne. 4 and one of the most otreetuol Worm mediemes he 'll:no the pablin. 11000 Prepared and sold by R E 51a.A.1.235, No V/ Wood 'Oftiwt, Sold byddr. Carrel. sth ward; D 31 Corry, Al , ..#400.7: Smith;Temperanreville: . • • Pate" opeloft -. :S" - LY.o&s . dilicrarito supciior clainesof_this Tress consist in the eon". :.Ilaranre mass with which. it may be wom. The pad el Imo4 belag tlybatanced on springs, yields to pre . aani mann On of iL and iheroeghly adepts Itself to sooveznat mule by the. wearer. It can be -turn ,WlOnsillisneradasion, until a cure is erected: 11,0 sett. 111:111101 kaft nada arrangemans for Lhe. manufaeture 1 this saleable 'haslet, to aKo estersyle,in rads: • 4401a,._and Moro Lhess now roe sale at their olYsce;No. EmithSeld M. near &MA, rittsbo7,h. _ .77,77-niNtsally 111Vallotlies la Old. 4 . : , • Warreommse, Ohio, !Rey 27, lee ,-WZIEELLEES,Your Vera:dug. onequall eil ; es • ...soon destroyer,. nod has Ono :weSisiselkas to all who Istrie.bad occasion to use it— entire . Yaw , Lkaar Pills spealso gaining a Mgt reputation , rapecifully,_ Cocos k. ALals. AloCoassusintar.:oldo,..lan'y 27, It 4i. /it IL E. Sellers—Vour Vennifuge sells remarkOly . 111000 112 hai gained the fall confaence of all who use sootiest, the Cough Syrnp, ,tiours truly . Isms. Glam. rostwied andby IL &Sellers, No. 67 Wood st., Eada anal I T D. Cassel, Wssd, IL AL Corey, hand Wm. J. South, Temperancecille. tell 131ritnildElty, SOAPS; I. mor and for sale by lord Moh le r whet , ear. Woo7ssurld dab son, • plat Hue% Nymph Soap; • • - . Asoruntin ibrehapped genial do do do., • . Sapidne Shaving Cream, rote h almond,' • • ." Ctr. hiarrow,Fornatem; • Rom Prate; • Celogno Water, Ine . exuart far the hood; fob VW% DRUGS.-/oel hlohler, &aggro and avow-. egary,ll- W. corner of woad and nth eta, L win bap cowardly on hand, Arugs r painta, IV,l . M=lsp;;;,..riptions carefully eormuroad has Mrs bear maturnals,.st any hoer of the day or dAbe, an aarrandent ofperfamery, fine tooth, • ltair rink bumble, Me-, wheah he wid sell bow for • DV. lisldamer In esse Tease. to certify that.' parehmed one vial of Dr..: XeLana's }Venn. Bpecifse„ some two mamba ago lave- in a son ocasome seven years old, two lialaptiOns fan, and al the =RUM may appear large, pet I have no but there was upwards of !IVO uteausto r .vroanis. paned from . him, measuring *01 . 5015* quarter of an melt id v ' cheat i ng. y Ilelitrentek, Cairof ea. Taus ,peeLl - ULM! HURL'S Indian Vegatable }fair Oil, (;;.' •psolixiosgroi2, aollenTg and hooraying . the • ream , ally, p eniag r from fallow our, for ' /MOHLER, Drumm, aZill • lehreniale ropy) ' oor Wood and sth Ma T21.314,01..bd a good ankle, reed per . • .• JAMES A HUTL'HISON tCo _ - fIaNDUCI6 4, balm mina Canal.' in note and for lUp 8. W ILARILS*U. GOPA4 VA Mei i-3 Is &pal Narnith, N Y:No. 14141,ter ausby • • JOHN D /HORGAN. ACASIWI OIL-4 gross just reo'4 and for sole iota JOHN D MOROAI*L- 10/N4 MAI 1111.Ui CO . 191.1ng.' BUSHILELDi ROE. 'DRIB 111;;HFIZi..1.) IC ROE. r koin 1.4 A N S!" . !BAUM DICKEY Co,. .• • ar for sale b 7:": • JOILN -D1101U)AN yAKCIY, new:MAWS ‘ r "d. 1311K:C=/'li roke d and Ore sale by_ 01IN:DiVOROVC:' EirtAatiga '.. • .lINIUMEM CISECKS—Two Ito( viii dia.' .44 #011 .... .fi1ie rectiritt by . F , ' ' o#o 1 i ~ _,O , ••,:•?../ • •-• ". ,i , ~,,, ,• ~..... , -.... t '.'. 47, ' 5_ 4 ..'' *4 ' . t... ; - i".11E..i.; j '-"'. ' E . ".1-., •••'..44'...Z.,:i... ti -''''-..........: . - .4. ' ..,... t t ' ' S '-', . •Q''''-'- LAM BOOKS,' .• 1 zi frlf Imnek • . eattho,lllpoeTHe ..rawalgo, by O. P.. Jack - Itaborr„ .7 73%R. .d.~ amhor of 9sWv me The Star or du PaJbart; br Curly amtun af73 l .ek The' awcirtgare Head. itir die Lady . itif Gwen and. lAoq Carey,af the U.S.N. _ The nde, Of Itte *C4 fSaaOnyi 1 . 99 . 9 `"^h^9 o . author of “Striklng •Latiiiessee 9.e.' Lettilla yitittore, vad'hlr. and 100.-WcuLibrldik London Quarter,y Review: I Union Maga:hie fealkeiniber. - - Life of Joseph rfillfo—i large rippy: The Manceaveringt Mother; by the LIIIMIS of 'History - The Wllfaitieu of. Woman, by the mate. • , • The OM Commodore; by Pi Howard. Jeanette .111lieoti or the Toinig Strawberry Wirt—n tale of Sea and Sat* by.ingT 99 . 9, - Kauai, or Daylight, a pore tale: by I S Robb. Sir Rowland Arboan,9 vo4 by Lady C Long. The fitpletubors of Vewa Oleos, and tae, Conn of Louie the / - - • Flowers Praia:allied, Nos. 9 end 10. — . . • Ratal Cemeteries of America, pert!. !thew:bier, Newspapers, etc. . Landon Panel and Pictorial Tunes, per last tamers. Brother ..Fontahan, Philadelphia Courier, and Vag . gee Doodle Pietoria/s. Foe sale . -Whl S CALDWELL, deel 31 st, opposite the Pow Other. NEARLY READY PORPIIBLICATION by J. A. & U. P. JAMES, Cineirousl,tbe forkosiog .stew and solnakia Works— _ •• • Expeditims— L Containing a sketch of tits life of CoL A. W. Dordpliam the Conquest of :New Mexico; Gem Enamor, Overland Expedition to Cali fornia; Doniphaira Campaign against the Minim, and. his unparalleled March upon Chihuahua and Durango, and the Operations of Gen. Prim at Santa Fe; with ml hlap and Eagrasinp, by John T Hughes ; A.B of She Ist Regiment of Missouri Cavalry. Ilistory . of Kmunekyr—lta• Anlignities and Notarial Curiosities; Geographical Eitatisuul and Geological descriptions, with anecdotes of Moaners Life, and more than oms hundred Biographical Sketch. of distinguish. ed rioneera, Soldiers, Statesmen, Jurists, Lawyers, to - - wines, ho., alums —W. with Pony engravings; by Lewis Collis:a, I voL *eta.. • The TaMire Months , Volunteer, or /owns! of • Pri vate In the•Tennethei Regiment of Cavalry, in the Campaign of Maxiem during 18403.47, containing an ac count or the Mara cd the Regiment to Vem Crui, a description of the Countrmpathed over; trimmers OOP , Woos ice. of the people; ma - etches of Camp I.ifet •er. ealuno Of all the notions of other Volunteer Rogiimmut and a full lbstory of the hierican Woo; List ot the IG 104 snot Wommleth km Rimmed by lasma number of views and plans; by Geo. C, Furber, l volume BOOKB BOA SEASON—lllarninaled Gems of ?wed Poetry; a splendid imperial 8 To, with beautiful illustrations on steal, by Sart*, and 2a illuminated pages by Sehmiw aud Stoclau, nobly bound in Turkey morocco and white calf, saperbl y Ohs The Chrietitue Kaapea4, an animal lot 1545, with splendid engraving., by Sanaith bound ar.. abesque morocco. _Christmas Illmoma and Nei' 'ticar's Weralh for a email quarto volume . , printed on snow white pa. per. embellished with lobs:and metaotini etturavinge.— This is by tar the most beautiful juveuilu,nputal pith lished in theUnard Suttee. ' . The ToeneanVoits of Olivet Goldsmith, M.D.. with numerous es noun designs, by the Etching Club, in rs. Ttrannyrouht ..]•.;essons, MlCtlity.seven &sties, by :hemcn,Clh in nations styls a binding. . Poet , and Poetry of Am e reica; by R. W. Grin. The Poets 'and Poetry of the Ancteats, by Willi.% Peter; A.. 11.4 nrpelbly botutdinTutkey cuoroccoinplen. didly _ V. shun Poems, TWIN. styles orbintling. Gray's 12.egy illustrated. / • Item.'. Poetical Works, in various bindings. lord pe:se Shar s The Pottiest Works of Tbom is Moose. taiLiall .4 other Poents,by Missy ilaßill, Poems by Arnett. lleinilecs e tisetud Monntsins. ofoth ti; Th .ll:lriyL ith olMiq ui ,:ab:g`i n n e aZZ't sale by JOHNSTON a STOCKTON, • alc..Tac or. Market aad stn. • • Valuable. La adard ir 1 orks. , BELANDE'n ..ENCYCLQPX,DIA.-8. Dictionary of Sti cocia,liwratare and int,comprising the kawary, desaiyaion urt prisiciplca;of anal brigoch ofilimankeowledge, with the dericanim awl definition of all Kati twain in plrAr•l one, editad by T Drank, Ift 5, 41, Illusinited by n 0.11,11111, .11,11111, roam - lapis amid.. Morse.Nardi domino /thy containing bcantiridly viva of North America, Canada tut, Canada Wed, Nora Scot% New ilnantarick, Not Dom Tali., New too, Na- Florida, Taros, California, Klasico, Catitral America, Kumla.. Mit India Ithials and all Th e &Will twii riet in Dit lin • Neal's l'neilans—The history of the Para= fn. Ms reteganation'in 1.5 p, b Ahn revolution at l'AnS, comprising an e' oea*of attar prsocirks, As, tse, by D. .I Neal, .M A, enriset CAnnsii., M IA with war peva at 04 steel; The nu el dre Body is retains to the Mind, b . y . Simi* Moore, M D, member of the reyel eellup of Phylvine,lte. Ju vent le Works. . ' MEiIUgiUMOMI • gaily of the fai,beirigialTrainit =ratio. of sliirrryclu, Elpolia—Tho Jurmila Spider, inapriging ylawntary riles ad. anima ie deolaaailei with • wl ec lat of Nem inprartite. by Francis T BweU,iwtruewr le eh:cation at Princeton. The aims works nee:v.llla For sale by JOItIVSTON 6 birOC6TON all Baoksellen s eor sadist sad Ord Ms . • .Pallatotsaryi , , Eß lafts r • I t 7 t; my . B . o 'k w e e i reatures, — to : e late ' a adiLir more reverting your Vegetable Pulmonary Balsani. Pine I host used the Balmtn, shoat eleven ear. ago, the happy effect of which I Meta pea an account of, I have had scrotal 'trete complaints and attacks at my lungs, one a few days silica, and is every invaate I bore used the Battens alone with complete and perfect tuteett. It has atfcctcol relief and care in a very fctr. days. It is certainly a safe cnc , :icine. Ido not know that it will core a fined Cuttqu',.pticut, but will be in many cases aprecco.tve, and prevention is better them care; I en therefore. the the love of my fol low men, tamestly meammetid the o of this Dalin/11, iu all palm nary complaints. I am confident that it ball been the menus of preaereong my_life to this day. &mina June 16,46. BENJAMIN PAILSCCitI. For sale by II A Pabaestoct. fc Co, corner Goa n_ wood and also comm. wood and Gnu i doer ..tallion's (natal." Dielintlain Dicuonary of Creek - and Haman Antiquities; 7 M'Cullogy's Commercial Dictiotutry; • . tine'.Dmuonary end iiiipplethalit, arts, manufactures %Vetartern , Octavo Dietiowiry, revised edition; Todd's Jobrusaa's and Walker'. Mclennan . ; • NYorcester's Dictionary; Liddell end Scott's Gieck Lexicon; Rola:won't Greek Laxicon of New Testantent; Leverrtet Latin Lexicon; Alitswortil Latin Dictionary; • Flemnung and Tibbin'a French Dirtionary;, TbeoloOcal Dictionary; Union lltble Dictionary; ilobinsou Calmat's Dictionary. kr-, tn. above, with a genend nsawnwent ofTbeological Clanicatadiseellancons, and Sunday School Books, al ways on baud and for sale low b • . • Etucri b e t } =GUSH, deft 66 Market et,ween 3d 41.11. . _ 11EditioNn'Sof We rogel li :orliotin i TiVo, " 171 1.7601; and crideal'remarlca on bilreadas and wrd - ling; by James blonlgomery; and onokindred and Manaly,engmaings from &awing" by William Harvey. c In two olumba firs:razes Game Tasannonen—The Kerr Gospeli 'end Acts of the Apostles, in Greek, with ihiglilla critical, philosophical, and exegetical„ , emps, indexes,. etc., together with the ihnsdes and apocalypse; the whole Ginning the 'Nem Taw:nem-1 , 4s the ow of Schools, Colleges, and Throlopeal Seminaries. By Bev. J. A. Spencer, A. AL A New Siorch—hlidsosonwr's Eve.—A (ally Isle of lore. • By Alm. y. C. lien. iaoll2l. 111000 iV.—The life Ail Henry the Foos* ling of Franco Auld Nicessre By O. F. It. Jun.. Complete in four paits,:pepen rills cloth • ' For Isle JOHNSTON ik STOCKTON, innh Booksellers, corm r ofinorket end 31 sts NOL'ISII 11008.13-11istoryo? the Greet Bow .Ert °lotion, nod or the wars and campaign; ariwng from the nuncio n( the Greek Patriots Emancipn. ling their country from the Turktelt Yore—in two vol. nrons—spiendid copy with numerous maps and engra. rivet, , • acre' llimtrative of rhe reign of Wiillarn 111, rem. ime, to tiVE—with Lae portrans,m 2 vats. Companion or the curdy of ate Holy tcriptures. , !tarty Alowbray, thriung romance, with, 50 eagra gimToup. r is the Holy Land. French Sago, and Ste:abet In Chita. Jen reed and for rate by • MeDONALD tcßEl3Bl3lii irmW ' marg.:retreat IfE Phdoury or Life and Philosophy a Lau. miesTse bY erelV ll ' i n Aitia l tni44.'46 and 4f, aria a nap and plates. The Stale of the Departed, by ino. Henry Hebert, D. D. The Chersh Universal, by D. Stone. Goldsmith's Yoetas,illastrated. Thocopaoli. Reasons; do ' For sole by ioLV (lb J inest market, AI. UL tl . ;: . : g . f n g:V Waset/eyves,:ol e, iiuted ; • " • 5 " aro hfrs Sheonnal's Workm, 16 volt 12nso, illustrsted; dl Edgerona's - " • Bu m% Fundy Libialy, IE2 veils, complete; , do Soy% and Villa " " Work's of nhaltespeatO, 5- vol.. tiro, th 6 bmitiful Dos to edition, finely bound ; Butler's Litres of the Saints, 4 vols. elegantly bound; lianirsh Moor's {Yorks, 7 vols. Erplaog Expedition rodvolsl Pro int ri do 510 ono Enuyists, 8 Cols. Tcokey nor. backs. • The together with a largo assortmem of ele gantly Wand and' pocket Bible:, by Prayer, all sixes and bindings, all of which mill sold .lower ...rev offered in this k at the old stand of KAY Is Co. • jalcot Sfhwood at ntr. . • MANO PIA-OSH W KLEINER, Dlll. ealer in sager. Piano Fortes, sit 1.1 . Woodwell's, No. (SS Mild )ltreet. The Pissed easy be examined at all hours, and the aulnon hee.will he dime from 11 to Up A. M. sod from 4 is P. M. curb Joy. Piusb's, Om. ek 'der We; the uatierzigned,,wool4 inform the • citizens of patehorigh and rinniti thaw have Kppoimed m„iole ja, neat for. Western Peortsitrunta, G.o the see of our Ilsoo Fetter from valem they may to ob tained et our own (New ' York) prices. , MINNS I cults. New York, Sept. 1,1846.e121 , 111 • • . 71OO54—re , ..ehiarst of Iron, of the 1.1..."1* Nd JUll Mechanic's tem:tikes gaida go the iron • trade. A few occiesonlyi—iery scum, hiraolula , literature of the south. of Larope. • arguahere infonasuou lbr tie people; " Malabo reCselopedia of /LngLetlt Literature. WendalralltackatmWa . Corarnantariee, a new 'edition in~beawlfolvoltaaes.lialleek's Poona, a new and splendid edition. • Parior Book of flower,.-(r gal itessoLe. J I. READ, Chewer market at, NEW NOVELS. ' ' • VnuE LAST 01 TIM FAME ES—A Cbrisuziss ale, by G. P.8. .12010/, Fp. e gyre; w amoblogniply. caicio; 'edited by au , rer 17c11. Jul reccival sad br sale tn , j. 31 • JOLPS7ON4 etocrroiv- rpm GREATEST WOE:OF TtIE SEASON . - -13.• 1t eb.tarl Chem- American Dictionary of die English Ln ramreismuseincia, contsiebric ell Mal thei farmer editions ernimbieeVcnised by. Chummy . A.. OoodAeb, nor. Yale room comre -1100 emr Pubilamalfrer Noe Sty deesl • • -• 41t et, a i m WHIM WHIM j vr9Art.772.--4.'5.ri,.7k:r krii„,;; GUMIA3PAI,4M igieri.tir; tor BAC:O7-4 Wids.shoe . Idi'xi;ll doeli■i • matl4 l'A . 9" B " Pr cn VN t.'B44lCl=ttli. fllUMMitaßle—er, lb. pine _ ,Tititer *wails be 40110 - R !SELLER/4c • 47 wood it ~,~~~ _...a ~_. MMMMS!!!MI!iM „„„ILLIIIJIAGMLIE_ AND L: ... JOHN we.zeivr a. CO., A 112. prepared io build Conon and Mr—C a fdaebisl IJOI.. t/ evto7 desetiptiom, each ingMa-chines, Spiarnng Frames ; Speeders, Drase.nr Fromm itilintylleads,Warpers,Torillere,SpeetetsDresslsig IPmenes, Looms, Cartl.l3nodets, kh.,, Wrought 'too Shafting tarrsta• all Gem of Cu[ Iron, Ponies had nogen, of the latest patterns, slide 'Lod hand lathes, t sad owls of &Ilk:ads. • , • I Cutings of essay deseriptlon.fornithed on shon rice:. Pancras made to order Ole Kill Ocannig, Iron noling,&e.. Sumo Pipe for C a t o Factories Cast Iron WhxdoW Stub, and ftney Catonp g,o,oo Ordenl eft 0! the Wareham of J. PaalorleCo.,l.l6- eny meet, will have prompt attentoti. • Ran» • j • Ellsekstoelc. Bell no, J 11Icenitead &Co., Warner, John.lnvin Sons; Piusbeart. • C JII Wenner. Iketabeaville: jetti9 r ALLEGHENY VENITIAN BLIND FACTOR)! ' JOHN A. BROWN TAM thnimeihod tainfonn his rrlehds and the public "at large that his Factor/ • • retain Call operation, on the East Side e the lhatoond,Allegheny, where • dent stoat supply or Blinds, or rartoss colors andocaldes,are coastantlykepton hand, also at N 0.3 woad St, Pittsburgh, as J.& H. Phillips' oil cloth wire:pow. emu. %otters made to order to trte"best style. Blinds repstred at the shortest notice. N. B. /Its Blinds will be put up, 'without any addl. atonal ezepme en that they can ho 'removed In a ele ment to case of fue or for washing, and without the Bid of • crew dr a • ocildlyittslantly. WBIS'AMIENANDER d BOBS COFFIN MAKERS AND EURNISIIINU UNDER TAKERS, corner of Penn and trt. Clair envois, eoposito the Erchange Hotel, nelson en Penn men, respectfully inform their friend, and the public, that they are.propared loran:AlM and *noodle la the Alvveys on hand ^bur no sortment of heady made Coffins, entered, lined and &n -utted inthe very beet matmcr, eons and annratay made Shroud. of flannel, Canibri el; led moan, and all Macs made io approved Myles.. We' keep a large IS 1101t211.11 of wilt e and blank, cotton, silk and kid Moves, liable for pall bearers and mourns:it, crepe, egos cols end every thing neensary for dressing Mir deed, and an nameable terms, an we purchase all oar goods in the Eastern cities. Alm, salver plates for engraving the nom, Ind ago. Wo have a apleadid new hearse and horses, arid any number of the beat 'nommen. Every thing attended to promptly and punctually. octfr.ly W. W.. WALLACE, PITTSBURGH STEAM MAMBA WORE% Nor. 244 dud 1146 Warty Cron, eteru• Hs Gana ...LWAYSpn hand multitude toorder, a large tallies ty of ?Ruble SitentebsPier,Cenn. Table., nod Lore. TOPSTOII3b 814)!SC•0101111111CiliSo Ott.; allallwhie ,.. . beingmade at the choicest martileoiod manufocto principally Lv machinery, will ha wad tam fog club. . N. U. Persons•wisholg to purchase Mantel., are informed that 11 it henceforth toinceesary for them to go East, as I cap furnish them with an antelo in all respects as good, and(fra ten, insurance, A e consider- Ed.) aa eheap as they, can purchase therf for la the ast. Call and see. ye ro COPPER. SUEET IttON, AND Tli. WARE MANUFACTORY, No 8 Market street, Pittsburgh, C oHE sabwribers haying made great l an roveautits to th e eanetrocuou of heir CCOlillit, elfo/11., rexpeetfally motto pr rsons building'StesonbOhlia to cull I and ermine before pa /chasing, as we can supply them I wall Deck Clo . S .... target. nod etery older kind ot Copper / Tin and Shret Irou work nee eatery in fununk. the a knewatoal. . We laws make to ordersin the shottest notice /141 Tube. and Clanatmr; CooPerwork toe Pic t gegines and evert vs many of work lc oar tine. feb9 • SHERIFF a. SHIRR BENNETT 4 BROTHER - , LIFEENSWA RE MAN UFACTURERS. DI rtat NRharct, [near Plats bnzgh.) Pa. li arehotme, No. 137, Wood street, Pittsburgh. 411?1,11 ILL coastaatty keep on louht seal taros:. [neat of Ware, of opt own manufacture, and attpetair quality. Wholesale soda/ maul Meg. Otani. are respectfully invited to call antd .al amine for thenueltua as we are'demrtnand to sell cheaper than burner before-been odered to the pub /ie. fa. Order. sent by mall,arcompanied by tbecash or city reference. will hO linunPUY .:tended to. 'foil2' littat Western Bull lliaeel Diaaulattory, _ ACanDNF.II. & Co., would splints the trade that • they arc now roonafecuttincthe bent Batt !huge evermtubi in the United States. As this is oar int.,. pie bustneti, we Intend to rood oat as complete an az. Uele tit can possibly be .madc. Those engaged in the bardwaic trade, we titbit. will End it to theta Interest to see our Cutts All orders ritomptly . attended to. ttlyri AO/IRONER k Cu. tor or hilt wain as P. A/C4IIMIT. ,bl.l•Xt ti. I.auLts FLINT GLANS ICSTA /ILISLIIMIGN T. i " si l an . ny N l o ' n 't b L an k a Di en E t. rn h ' l7: l lg! '" enVl•Tn P } : ri o n; ns gara re in all its •nrieties, their Ws rehotC.ic ear ner of fttnriet and Water meets. riusburgh. O,,.Workn continue in fall operation, and we are coolibutily adding 10 our stock, which enables us 1.0 orders 'glib plamptnesr. Purchaser. are respectfully cciirited loran tout canaille prices and UM/. CO A.O H MAKING.• - FROY. the vety Ithrtal 'encourage .. t setietilutr line n. reeeletti .ante !te„ . • ti 4 t.f '' ba t e located himvelf to Alitgheny, tAilias, has ;stinted him ht Star ...Janne. fur a term of yeah, collie properly he stow neeuptes, ,io Beater -.heel, Ifeteetheleir beside . the PrechymnauChoteh. Fromthe long etperiencent the :Move bonnets and • deptte t• plena., be bop, to met , n mud receive n sham of public putrontirre.•, Non u u band cad firmang to order, nuelantay II et.. giea, open and top Bottle., and every deseripboo of Carnage. tondo to order, from teats:y.l,e llama to eirbtheennet ittllN SOUTH. 'PM andervirara are caw prepared to fend ih their I.c. :wa.ee end the public generally. with an creel• lent ardele or Lard OiL of thearawarnantimetuteervidch they will genial aceerlimumlatin lerasS. lbufthl they bel i ev e bb be a. (oat ¢l, say elated in the tam her, and may be returned a eat aatisthetary. J JORDAN A. ecm t liberty al. opp acolOtfirld r. a—Laid and Groom suoshle tor orsclrotory. on Land; for We allorre. nal3 Dr. Wayleeni-llalses of Liverworts Rfirs net at ?Prat h aZw id h a' e n g' s ; :e ' U o eTt ' o h Co ' as lo i r tl e e: ranee the vast numbers that are mired by its use. For my posts it has printed so astonishingly successful ,e. nor., that nearly - every (sadly reniu it in-their h. as an antidote to colds; coughs end consumption. That no other article posseates,,the 211.1 menu is equally tme, and the consuniptive learns that he con depend upon this medicine, when all others have braved worthies, • There is not • dolltif but thoarands are yearly cured by this latrAtintable Medicine, and ingsany instances ahem those given up to die, hare, in tin in credible short time, been entirely •ctuant by its unrivell el efficacy. The following .remarkable case of con sumption was cond by this !deism of Liverwort, As you value life and health, and would be cured , at once tenon to this article, Mid rest assured you will rot re. son in vain—bat read ladled. for yourself. lereastrenso cear u conamernou axe Lena cow , rtstar...-1 had a Malvin cough, with raising problem, a seven pain in my side, back, stomach sad across ray bowels. IRIII 110 cold at times, it nettled teripossilde to keep want, even schen others were complaining of• the heel. and my skin was vety tat swap to akin and been, my veins sunk in and Lemma invisible, and every person apposed me dying. Aditend of miac recommended am to try Le. Taylors Bali,vm oflaver. wort, which I gotu my physician did me no goal, and this medicine tethered me to goal health egain. :J KAVANAGH, . at • Ship Carpenter, tidewater street Although thousands are cured by Dr. Taylor's Halm. If Liverwort, and tummy Mil die of thint fatal Malady. lika close is plain, neglect your-tint symptom. and then trifle with thinge of mi use until Wm too lute, death follows. Hot every- one too NY mired if they rake this medicine at the very brit approach of the im !idioms the, emd pal will be mind: In' this medicinehes mind .ctinsumpdott In advanced stages, as the inti mate.. below will rinse. lint the surest way is not to defer, u -delays an always...4n., Poepsoul e irdsol ag d .h at b 7 y slic i e , kl=streit i t rj . \ew York. Void in Townsend,4s Hinkel. 11 esuyser, cot Market and del alt; Henderson Co, 1. Ltherty 'M. Price reduced 1114 per lame bottle BA. ,PAIINE.CfrOCK'S llsieunsoiue or Cough blab . Saab has a great advantage over many other Cough preparations, as w pleasant taste permits it to be, used without incourclueurs., I. its val. ar s e Balsam roast.o in the speediness of On ewe. We have known Wake of the roost desperate roughs, some ' at which bionic. Tunisia; on fur a cuttaiderstble length of time, yield almost inimediately to its puwer. In wens weather al We Lave had during the poi wider, every one is liable to take COLI t aalalia great preetaitions are used. • ' • ' "2 Wet liter and urldoe, exposure to the inclemency of the weather onen lays - ther toutoletfuil of a hacking Cough, which needs a quiet remedy to prevent serious . . We 'have numerous •erti6enier of tures which It has pewormed, want' of whichare from persons in this city am/ the neighborhood, and they area sufficient reference without saying another word In its favor. Prepared and for rale wholesale and retail by II Is PAJINESTOCY ft. Cu, comer of wood and Ist and wood and 6th sm.' sitafXl lia:i Z ail:er I. 7EUXTABLIC PULMONARY BALSAM.—To ant liz deft Yogidatila opriainie °fine Prusss Palasooary Halsso;-1 Wr Raw. • Ir.l- knbl. medicine. Wm been used w this plan wiih coosplotio mom own ohntinato casoptatate( kegs, attended with • *mars nounts„ . tosis of 'row, and du raising of mach blood orbisti had premousip misted annoy sperowd pt . 4Mor suing husain envision the pawn's coma retorted, nod to was enabled to sprat, atidady. Th is cow oscaricd maw Mow. and th e Mb I/ now word eat sody in ac tive hat at lakiorows Wain*. flospecaully yours, Coonard,NlL, it. _ a MORRILL, hl U. Bold in Pittsburgh by i 3 A Yahoo...sok, it Cu. tower of List ind wood, abo rut iamb Atwood we hiretel ASTRONG EVIDENCE th at Or 1A YNE'S lOU VD:WRAP:Ii superior to ail other remedies for Coughs, Cannavino, Orissa s nallarna, sod other Palma easy eqestsom.i. that the .sae lamas ertmeommessed the am m their Donnas amyears ago. 411 prefer it lo other ~medic. of the kind{ rod whammy have bees iadmed lo try other preparations they ham. Monett invariably bees Snatipoloird to rseeivism tba benefit .istiith sem reseosably antimpand Dom the hipti Kamm larstomedtv the proprietors mid bora retuned to the um ofJ arms' m CIR t a ori • ro v ly y m ha te d i m s e qua a s at mni l a' M p . ulm m ry o das s e th s ?Marta only,h7 Dt D. /ape, Ph i lidelphta, sod n'sid ALEX. JAYNES v sterfshitam • 11 Poumb • AI um now engaged In the Importabon of I:handles. Wroes •odtbnr, Zoe., exertion/ell. and ,twin made aerongemenu in ddkrent parrs of.Earape rind the Isl and. with well koOnli houses far my Ware supply of Foreign Llgoors. which I will be able to self. delivered in the Custom hoses ulNew York or New Orleans.* in this city, Id tbe lowest market print for cash or sp. proved paper. I Moro in store isy.d cellar a very large stock of very , soporom Wllleo addingners en imported of the most celebrated brandi and Va n urges for rile on pluruig terms by .• : ' C 1111111 de2o nor I . t& amithGeld sts • Drug Store for II a, . QITUATED in the flourishing town of Wellsville, the 0 teennuus of the Cittsbucch and Cieveland Hall Road, W miles by river thorn Pinthurgh. The present howese of the coabliabutent fini end can be Manias ed• indefinitely. 'flu: owner, wichinic to retire frau the business will cell on "ronaonable terms at purely tale. Persona wiAlling in male iniihirieo are referred to Jou. Mild J. Co, Pitiaburgh..or aubrerihere. rd J IV'Lt s mecaurrJs yn e it. 0 rier; TOVIS PATTJLEININI FOR HALM,—Caleb P.ucm Mak Allegheny city Oil 151111,1 mi ism Aelrest pauems for Nana as bind either. iiiirard or inm Mtli 6 .... 1 .?r and W puler. radials hvorder. lonia( TV:iT deceived and for We, Glty,e — oplesoPlbe Raau '‘) of thdon for W. Untied Presbyterian Caurch, egged upon in Convention. of 'defamed Churches, or Pil'W gepleader, INV. Price 21 cents i, a ELLIOTT &ENGLISH,GO market et' KAMM & RIALIONS—A fedi very orb end nip, 1,7 Cashmere Shaw* jsun received; also, Holies Hild bons, in great Variety, at the dry steels house of fah9, w. ICmuamlY. ",mask ; ;HU~JIWDOE rolfore Gs"corab_r -1 Co. I4NSON WI, Dry Apples . do do Fria h ,a• '•• r4i.iorroirailioßsrsc. <;~--~<: 13 itett.-w itur a vuoza , -to Ntik p fro tip of lbw paths thimatias, ilia Ma right dm ire Midas merit. co width tboiebbolicmippart swath b. fully sad bir ty iththrtb mithdatmith be' iMar tim cowl miaitamal tatb•Mpooth opmbyming it. ' I•ll.6theyber it i. Mori matt e geiteP6Y of black Ka ost=op..' as prwritable; Uhl logabar by ipta Arabie i mil alma 0.• mars.calter }boas or port b mamtated gamma pm:Wm aro lea at maim... it they.a or ialathrithbirb e..huait. It bt •bo ammo to .d vinegar to lbeolok athtan it mks it mom avid, Mthiathermors thwart:by Whigas tie• pat, il".• Maims, conedlog it *mon loam beadle. Boa 1M ...Wt.- Ms not_ dithrs from dm Maims in every respectos an. 06119118 i sollitos mph* oo rather to bold it together i therebr• ga tkicki and Ming eery guid auor m =it t p a rrs fib Ta r t . pm lath agitempact pang.- orai thumod M. ostyotortrythlaitto:tios *anal mat. mime It tam thataimao Imam that thr earlobe therefor. mill sot .corrod. steel pass—tt MU sot maid, nod. although it irrites of • blab grata color pain • fthr Moth It becomes • dotty bleb Mach mil cod.. for alth•• ~.."...""An.Wrptbt ! ' F= . ” sod * ird by th* girea Co . lb% price. A. • imiante• spina imposition of way kind being Manned tka ologriag irecommothitiom maks, as all iota . was, that the mom awe gnat amid oot bath beat ob • Word by say teens Co so unworthy pogo., commumod n HiltbertsChntical Writing Fluid. to Wrongs of .mblicomt6ott 0020 amid. to all on prtiri- llocca free from N+ p ee n - ortiltoot Montt% it up cad m lb.emit of Aro hours b• • &op bmilm Womit. :11i=it. Co.. Wick and Ilelandkos Bohm .. Wn Lippiscottk & S Wighttron co: • blectortmoo Doter Vreac.• &Dm Robt It blend!. /MAO. C A MeAuulty It Co. for 14' W , W.Wey Mr ibtante Malin Mills, en MOM% Mr The* R Ribber.—Dear Sin / nee been toms your Chemical Viibriliag Mail, nil Ind it • Gest nu era/. fa olfia, it fklas freely from pta mad becomespt Mak • Mm T R TIITTLL &Whiten./ fa Bistellc /a :Maple. Pittstoorgh, Aug ltr T K lidtbert—Deir Str Mum procured • batten( your W nHq ibtid, loom three week. go, I wander it (uh , 17 equal if not superior its Arnold's or any other iok note in use, I tame et • ._Respeetrulty, WILLIAM /STEWART, Book-keeper' fee Arthur Nicholson 4- Co , • • Pittsburgh, ICC. Mr T K Ihtthert—Dair Sin I tun mats JSid our ll, teentrel. W rititq Fluid, end Ind it to In • too. emetic. article far ste. pm, as tido. um clog them uplike the gener,lity of other Mks, it Sows tree end becomes sWe Meek in a kr p • . • WILLIAII.CARR, Book-keeper for Johi,Farler. • Pupa:edam/ . kola . Witalowle and Retail Thomas K wibms ,- Drum and Chemist; owner. of Likely and Smithfield Sinsta.PnWbargli, Pa OModin S MORRIS & Co's, BLACK WIUTLN(ii INK, for . steel or quill pens, and the copying piers. Thia ink is the result of the experiments of several years, devoted to the manufactura, on an extenslue acale,ljor an article suited to all the purpunes of the consumer. The perfection of thin writing Ink consists in the Ad lowing properties: . Panama—in which property it will be found to stapess all previous preps witions. irsvll dote with perk. freedom either Min guilt or meal pens, and Is entirely free trout any corrosive qualitiee. Cocoa—'ne color of this article is a rich, beautiful - blue bbiek. It is necessary, however, to give corAti meg the followingrantion. jpr•All good black ink. from innecessary clieutioal epintkution, maims exposure to the oar to loll; deep color: -It roost not, therefore. be expecte , that the moment the bottle Is opened, the ink soul be found to bee let black. Thelma appearance trill be pal& Rot +Net exposure. to the chemical action of the at m., pAere Fisher on repay or Is Ihe ink Mud, it will ensue is hriWaua black • Patoresnum—The color is unaltenible by the lapse of time. It will never fade. On thin account, all im ports= records should be made in this article. as yesr. only deepen and strengthen its lint. N This ink is suitable for all kind, of metallic pens, and for pens made of quills, and Mat is tumor. "tent and very desirable with many, will give npatfeet impression by the Copying press. 1 . 01-Wo usiog : to the umitutions with a hick we are connected. Moms' blue black writing lob, and i aspect to duality, brilliancy of color and parnmene y, believe it superior to any. ink win Aave betelofwe A Manion tashier, bank of buil, dle; Win Rich ardson, cashier Northern bank id Kentucky; two C livrathroey eaehier, hank-of Kentucky; L L Shreve, president of the Gas bank; Thor. I. Beim, clerk of Rut. reu county court; Correa rope, clerk el./edema ensue Ey court; P II Atwood, secretary, Fireman's Insannice Company:John Muir, agent Lexington lusaniate Co; S S Goodwin, see'y Postland .Ihy Beak & lesuitmee Co; R s Chambers, see). Franklin Fire b AMine In sumer. Cu; J II 11.1romer, treasurer Insiltutioti. A apply of the above e., last received and air sale by Veil JOHNSTON 11-STOCh7ON. HINTING TNPF-4 will be sold at Itruee-I Now P York Ty ¢. onodry, after Burch /dila at tollowingivery low prices, Mr approved six mouth, Bows, Tsar- Az. Susoso, . . . - Pica, •'. per lb. M) cis, M 1 Ms. - -WI ma :MIII Pita, I.G I W. 1/5 Long Primer, 94 GU 100 Mmareoia, 'll r"Z ' 101 Bremer,' 42 :4 , LW Minima, , 4 91 l'a! Nonpareil, 5L Mu Ino Agate,' :9 Pearl. 1u? . 122 n ~ .2I I n Tie ;bone priren, in comequener oI ia , rea,e4 iartl for mananacutung, are .more reduensl from funucr en. A 'tient di.stount lot eanh rn rand at Urn dole at the invoire. l'renaen. Chases, IVoaiType, Ink. he. furnintant at the low.e.t saanufactarets , prone; wither fire cast. of ercalit. • • Our Specimen Book for Iwtel is now ready fur duttl hutrootoprinten,whowill mod tar 11, and roans.. many new ontetra that we lame ,weer before exhdoit• ed, such asWritios Flourishes, Ornaments, °ramie:ldol rot.: Sc, of which we hove on mople stock tot ine prompt execution of ordera. hinter. of Nen-mil:pen wlso atom.. to publish this advertisement three tome before the find of Julie, Pal and semi u. one of the papers, and be paid for ti it type when they purchase Man as, door own tortnotam ton, *elected from due spesimetut, five times the annum of their MIL.. - . • . , For rote, ra nt 'o good reeoriddiaml C bole r and Pla ten Poore litemes, standing Preuee..lloud &a. tiEUROF: BRUCK n. rndat mar 23 13 /Member. ex, Ile V THE GREAT IiIiffIILNIATION 4 -111.!• 13morini 1/11- tion of ITAoht-ti,. e's great work on the Reformation of the 0./item/Lb Couture, in Gentsany. Stettretland, he. Just published LT Joseph A. Speed. No 1 1 3 Cherry at, above !nano Philadelphia. tar spleo64 Unno aCrwn of the abort named work, with .101 'ignred ilhoileatlaut from ?righted design.. 4 vole hi% boiraditt extra cloth and library sitrep. The publahar respectfully colts the attention of the trade and the puLhe genernity, tonna wink. being the only illastrated edition publahol Into Vitionl Ile trusts that the brainy of hi. eathelfirusenis, the strong and rubstantlal 10.01001 In which it bound, in euunction with the kuo n porulartty of the work to w it; ol will be a sure Keocumentlatio 2 n to Ab be favor. • I:Ln. A. No sa Cherry or. above SAM. Mk , 'J. A. S. boo 'Maly pubtlorbrd'a ne* trod bat:or/or at. boo of Semeant tie Ins Ranee Show, a onitobte book for ebildren, 555rtly loaa2,p in calf:As4l*. morildito TSC4. ii.7ll.rarriltny of Beuuy, brit.mato IC Ca •. Cineornotb /no. 1. Berri Zorrevattte,O. Newt)] it.lra BEAITY, CO., 0 ... .. I Commission itorehant• FOR INK FAL! AND FORWARDING or WUSTICILDI PRODUCIda No. 31 Poydral Street, New Orb. mu. Damao— :dewy. illartin W Co. Liarakers,l N. ,; Janice I;Kr. &C. / ^ David %Vida: L Co,N:di.cn, la. . . Mist. Morton- Daukrto,l How& Frazer, Ci s_Lati klirKensic, Er 9, 11 N liearnoy,Lty, Hooke!, Rancor Igo, 0, D /11'Dnoold to Co, Weilood Seel. rati. to Go, Llemoct, Pa, • W lidl Hog, Whee:ing, V. A.i an - J - r.lga, aqt. ‘' M Mitcheltre , , "tm1.6.11. • • CI ELLE' , VEIIIIIIFI.3IE—Ds .popularay 0111 13 ...awing. lan..wase,Ohto,Atateh 13,131,1 I rxpent tuba in your city Ina few wertte, and .ban in n a laryranpiii, of your Via:nit - 14e, w lad. in in res pint politaaray, at a bor.:nue+ known. ta re Pied it Witt, surer,. inour own fatutty, nod front nembriorn• bare many awntantes ot its rddriluady.-- Vituritntly, ISRAEL ARCIIEULD. Emptied and told by RE Dellarn, C Wood at.• Vold by Dr Easnitl, Pk Ward; and by D 31 Curiy, Alleghr ay. ray. • uturniu • Q AI.EIIATUS AND caLuEIAGTUitY lUD NAIL` 13—The Adruintstratara of t.o Inc James bleLaushlito, offer fur ate the .11111.11111ei1111.2/0 in Ninth w ard, formerly earned oo ti him, in has ltfe time, as a haters. Iris and Glue Factory. The work. are is complete order for ran, lotion the ruttiness, with fatures,&o, Mid ready fn. tormenting al any time: A liberal credit will be y!nrn, and all panieulara made kaown lty elnihiSt, rather of the andereigneel. J An/ Eli 111. A KELV, JUIIN A/ITCHELL, ring Adininixtrtunre TAY/NE . BIIAM TOSIC.—Allsr thirartiele • J Mat we inihtaiutingly m o ms. it to b 7hal. it prof. Lest valet., without as, ..ar Oka.. ton. fordo. Mekratioo and Wu know of nom.. Mime. hue Ism Ism motored to brails which !Mahn. bad yners; and we think we thouot de greater Mar than to rtroisomod U. all our reader. who sr kinoir their hair, ha asked Ural of th.a Took imurdiatrly Boom AWL • For tale in Pittalintils th. Psal. Sin Starr, No. i 7 Fourth or.t. mar W oteF inartaltmeT - . HOPE—H_ Far sale a few boles Western Ne wark growth of 1044—troln 8 to 10 cents: Also, Eastern and IY.estern N Y. early picked, this ye Pr arte growth. ime Ohio d. Belmont county. The general Earte rn crop of the newton is tww being received. Brewer. end when °slug Hops, trill find it much to Weir advantage to obtain their supply tromlhe undersigned,. they intend to sell throughout the sea son at hew ' York morn. O. W. loam a. C 0.,, aaal cn. - Plarbargit Itzewerr Pa. U. W. mortals, fII'LHUYATIIISP, would tespectfully inform his friends and We eiuseus of ginsbutigh and Allegheny pat be has decided to remain in the euty during the winter, and is prepared to tient patients placing themselves muter his 'ease, areonllng to the system on praeused.at all Water Care Establish. meats, for either Acute or (2norde diseases. Those wishing to avail themselves of his services will tail at Mr. corner of Liberty st. and liesta's alley.. • Dr. M. has treated oeveral severe eases of disease. In this city with great ,areas., m WiliCh . he is pertained to refer. novirif • • QUNDRIES-15& bags prime Rio coffee; RI bids N 0 A 7 Molasses; 75 hoses mamtittetturd tobacco; II bnlf chests green tool block. tear; 1.6 and 1:11b bose& V It and O P doj boxes (thrown clay; 10 casks solem n.; 10 do. potash ; together with (elitist ;mod meat of groceries, to sloth sod for s ole by jail .. CARSON & hIoRNIGIIT,thh et 11 - AVANNA CRIARS-100.010 imported Mots of JUL lo'Njolkmring colebrated broods& part to the etmaktioly of, Cows, Aubitmedorl:Waldworton itapides, Escolopie, Do Atatu!„ dentmer, London Masao, LAM Byron's, Vas pnnemea, imam bout do, estru do, Sylvia's do, Lo Bayruforn Ist, do do OrtM, L.ll Soh., cisodures, Eagle. principeo,. for saleby LMARTIN, kW/ 7 car Smithfield& front st. . ._ _...._ . . . it-inviEn.4, ae,-17 bags printereatherr;'l4 racks '' Pea Note; I cask Beeswax; I bbi du.; t rackpealed 'coats; received on configuroent, per sur, Pilot No. Vend for We by IiWAH.DICILEY re Co, _Jane . No: CG IVa to r et. . - --- BIOILANKETIES-1 1 1 Murphy Invites the attenuon of persons about to commence bousekeeping,to his as sortment of superior Blankets, just ticeived, socluOing a law pair, intended especially ibr isomer use. a Iso, a full supply of. liable, sluserinp,i,u,,,,,,, eualnuslins .lowelbag, diapers, lame diapers, te. IIkTOTICII--Taken in aortae Aunt steamboat /marl- IN.,..tyksle, lying at she wheeler Pittsburgh, • small box, ~s a airang. • sown saddle, ewe of.A. (Jordon. If way person ballot the box, will returns:R. give murk). (annular, of the soma, be- wlll bh suitably reonsoied. Piitaburgb, Much is, SM. Mer2Odhr =MCI AME'S S. CRAFT, Attorney and Coam,llar as. L. 91 T has remand to the office IlaStApr west or. 'Lady !laterals's:l3,dr tliable, 4th attest, tease upon publhs'llurj An the codes , asaath, sal busi ness tot Mai may . he left with A. at Al'esihsont, Esti, .. - ne &boys, •- lehlttm .:.I..`F'7M:rq/7KOMJ ' lk MONOCT, • la k COSIIISMOL 1611 - C414 3 • . Rut Beazer Point .and Bridgewater, • lasaTlA Proprietor and Agent of steamers SILIP AID . 11114Ar.a, DAM Lip .'nzavina, WILL!. ptepared earlieatopeniagof canal naa. V V ionon to receive propect Ida latirrocrar In wareWnae, for allionnts on M.o. Event.% Cron Cut, and Onto Can s; all porui on Lake Brie and upper Lakes, la alto to tentranl produce, e.by Perotta. Improvemerna. Apply to or uldresa ' fel2-1-dtf . • • JAB D!Ci;Y r Dame LAKE ERIE AND NICHIOSNLINE.I . 1847. • i•• • fabAll ItlLend t i l i n c l i b r e . l . itg:s n mjize x te i f ty ßioa bonuip i rrrie and Deaver, and ',eight arid passenger b e tweennal Dods, running Iretesegn Beaverand Lne, and connecting V e s s els C Reed's Line ef likeimboat Propellers end Vessels on the List es, will be. prepared upon the Q tams asOOP• Of, p'essowas aud wanted tn ." di/ma entimed maticog, pocytey, pd..... GEM SPltltiti AfiD MEER It&DIC1NB ,11e gradhearty and superiority of WuSenapariihs owit E . is mher Medians , "child it Eradicates Dire.. *it la the Body. It is woe of tha Ivry tort SPRING AND Al haat JSIEDICINES weer helm. It am rely pan& tha whole nub= god etreagthem the person, but it Cacao Nero, Pure and Rea Bawd; a yoweryamessed by u guar - Medals.' Ad ie 110 bee Me grandame/et of rts armlet fid masa It ha performed Intim ilue_paet two yew, aesew than X.,000 tam of berm Ct. of Doneea least 5,1100 of Moo war awaideiest mestrable, Mom th in 3,00.1 esti of Chasmic Bilsuttoliam ; • • • • • ' ! 2,000 ewes of Dryepsia; eth . t pen of O. ptha4 Waal of Emmy; , .7,00t1 emu of tliguist remalstiopkthis; 31,0011 uses of Berofulai . • • I,ou ems of the 9.91, cues of DUratt, of rho Limey and Morey; 2,000 etc: of Coutuaption. and Thothatub of cantor Mimi of the Blood, wit: Meet, ... pela gall Rhea., Pimples win Yee*, ke. r r gi• with utuasrout eases of Sick kleadaehe, Path it the Os and Chert,SpithrAlkathaus, tru.,lu. . This, we are term i muse appear incredsle, but anti. - leUerairal physic ou =4 our vents Gamut pub of On limited Buttes, saforaiug to of euraurthury troy!.' ft. Vaa Bskirki Esq, maid tha nut napeelahle -uvaa itt New -ark, N. 1., Woes s us th at hs rekt to mare Cantata.. set LEI that phut elms.' There atriltuatiols of area is the City of New York, whit* we will mkt to with pleura' ud to awn Of character. Ilk the but maliethe for tha run:dila of disease brunt. It tudoublettly saved the lit. of mare the. , • 3,0N3 tthrtattiorria Fair fthasoart - • • ite reatored U. cum of lions and peepared theta th 'the Smote. tessou. • Uorrio!!lakna' Oty than._ . • - • • - . Cam 0. W. bIc•CLWB,. zGt Marco STA.= Matt,, and tatenther of the Dew leney Legislature, has kindly sent as the Dllowieg eertibeatal Wells Damen story. , DAIWA T, Ja...15,1b 41 . Aye. since I was taken with' the ledueusa, seamy whuld system left in a debilitated mt. •1 arse Induced, to try Dr. Townsend's danaparilla, .4 atter taking too, or three bot 11“, I was very much relieved, andittrlbute it entirely to Etta Sarsapantla. / lam anat... taking it, and find; hat lis ..c ry day. . 1 behave it saved my lee, and ...Id 'red b withOutil and. any ou.sideritim. ' .Thie eettifinatettentbultely prom that.this thisseptriibt hat perfect metro' over the nod obstinate diem. -of the liberL These persons none in one bona it ingirenedented. • Titus Cantina.. . r z that .To n... mrs.m . - 3 11):ar law... 12ir. I . 64l.2l . lksattri m, or th tellaforia szt... Stk. Ly Atm us of your estellent Thal Wont LGOetod estl seventy with bed cam; bare ettli taken Cottle.- It Cook then for tibial I 101 romle stu;er . 11 Toon myceliolly, a"P W. ecos, tos Wax* ei • floor York. Marto lo Tomunol'o Samparilth Is • pommy, =I ,perry "cur• fi.t ioripiect cosotoaktion Ithrecoocio, Ltheuez/o4of Whiths'obsruethg er &anat. , ecutthatioo. Ith-ootiootenes of Urine, ur throlauth7 j disdotro th orth4 athithf th e Mo reloriorthttioun,tuf,...th.zarooF-xlt t4r i rather i t y : . thonf . . -•• • , Nothing ere lir more meriting thMt .00 illegonbn of Gels am thalsuman fr ame.; Venom, all moaner and Um. lode, from takiliy il, at wee become robust and fen einem Miler its Mumma. It itareadiately conatmarts the nerve lama.. of Um female frame, which is the gISIL