GROCERIES, &c. ®BSBg?ss&B jsassarsjts' fn*a Bio Codec; ts store asdforsaletnr 5 t 1" ■ _RbSt j • - . CA&SCLV k. McKNIOHT 1 bx* Cb.pnS *"A <Jq Cbnrrew Ft, SO do Carsnih 16 do Ha**ellKobJnsoa'sfiXlSIre> s'•,23do Harrison*. &Z A> dpßranch’sls#}oneowifwneni 5 #}oneowifwneni attodaecdimte*,by • •' • • A OOEDro,foiii rt l SHAWX& ft R1BB05&—A few CMtaww Rbawiif jwt rweired; also, Serin* ni£ Uon*. ia frt«l Tancty, at tie dry Mode boose!tf* ■W,B.MDHPtrv OB librfa Maaoa CoaotY Tobacto. “n r-Bsasssaai-:^ *3w«leTaod W front ,u ITTASHi DUAJIDS—73 dox RicPTfiaPS^'p^^. wkole »«Ie andretall afmvu . Jj> WTLLUJA^ -leteg- , , v , 110 Wood rt ' . »80\VM fc CULUraTfiOJf ftwa 145 Liberty «t °* t * n Wo Coflee, 20 lierce» i* «»:' ! JOHN BDILWOBTH : i -‘ •-' '■ • • • 27W00d ■( 'PS, la * u * B unokebooie, - ' DROWN l l rifLBEBTSi R t rEl&!%E? a .?i k Kf' saibety,43do Gin*Bff f 23 do P ■Gaoofcr Ptu«, Sdo Dry Apple*: 4 bbl* Btuui now «mr Gcaewei, by . _«»* t. V . y ISAIAH DICKEY iirdj a b*lf bbla do: W baf» fea> l.tul*’ ,5 j? rk, . dr^<l «PP*e» inn wee* rod per 8 B Uhier. *iid for »nic by [faß] ISAIAH DICKKV fc Co COPAL VARNISH—3 libU 10 kr* Bocoa munilke- Imp, for into lour by ISAIAHDICKKY *Co -“VP*-'-" :'' vrater*nd£roM*t QUQAiI—B N O Boras jrutt received on coa- O «ffmno nt and for Mio by -Jerq,- t ..... ISAIAHDICgEYACo . OUKDRIES—IOO tb!*'N.O.MoUu*es,6obhd* prime *J I*. OJSag&r,7o bbL* sM'bl Noe'Loai’do; lu*i reced ed andfornleuy - . JOHN B. DILWORTIi FISH— While Hib in barrel* and hlfbbli fbrsale by : feb» ISAIAH DICKEY - ACo T\RY' PEACHES—tf bbl» Dry Peach**, 9do do Ap- XJ pieaj for aale by . . febgl , * y B.' F. VOfiBONNHOBST A Co’ T)Yk Ore for ule try Xv feba; ■ - s p von donnhobst aco EQ<2£— 6 I»bU fre*h efji ui received ea eoudgu meal tad Cor tele by • u\ai [CE—IO tierces Jtiil reeetred by the Bwatara, fe sale by ffetaC] ' BROWN A CULBERTSON: I""'.T. ABD—lQbbU shdSDkcgsNol'Lard for sale by Jb ••febsav., v . : ■: i *& floyd■ 1 i ' ALOTKR fiBEIMO tniJrP<m Clmr Bwd ftr I . \julMbr ; (febffll JAR FLOYD V *|}lfCKETB—so dox Better Buckets for sal* by }■ JJ - [febflPj J&KFLOVP VINBG bids Cider Vinegar, on nle Jow foreuli by H. F. SCHWKPPE. * ' ..foWMltr-;- \ 188 liberty urect. ; ASHES—lOesks Salemas; 10 do No 1 Potash: IS do BlackSahs. Forsalehy tebg3 CARSON A McKNIOBT ? Ueree » pruao Ri» Just received and foj Zm2T- y * ?• PODUOEXXKajtCo f ° b23 41 water it . OLDEN SYRUP—IO hlf bbls **BlJ pea VX No O for sale by , feb « T POINDEXTER A Co hlf bhis No SMuketelijusi received and Jor saleby • [fob®] ACo . f\RANaES-50 bxt just reeehred per star Bea Rush, \J and for sole by ATWOOD JONES A Co Jebiftl • i .... i . w . t „, STUCCO and Plaster of Pari* from tie min of R \y OoAoiMham, for «ala by GEO W JACKSON. • ;l«B4«b>ndie3mS ■ . ■ >dth stnear liberty. * "ILfACEiRIIb-tiß bbls No 3 Mackerel, Inrro tut JjUL in store and for tale by . • feblTlt .. ; , JOHN SCOTT A Co. S'™ TURPENTINE—® bbls in store and for Miff ObT *: ’.JOEL MOHLER, • »*bl7 • eof.'Wood and Fifth "FIRJM STONE—Onebbl la store and forsale by T* X»fcb>7 >■_ JOELMOiafett. • or Oil in stors and for sale by - T>UCK\7HilvrFLOt/fc-» ich bulled BackwbeU j.. Floor, I&LbU da, iu store sad for sale by / ftMt- cm A -BEggY- TUMPKH BERJUE3-1 btff (fresh) just ree*d aad V forsaleby . hk wbi-T-cth. ■ **w Wood St. RWE I’INK— I cask Jast reeHl aad for tale by feb!7 ■; ' - •, • R E HRT.TJ^fcg hxnese Vermillion—es ibs jast recvi «mt tor i •dffby , Jfrm ' RESELLERS. : ,*pO W*D AHgEWfaIM tbs ja«t rac’d and'for sale by ■X: feb!7 j . - ,• REPO BO BOX, ENG.—4 cases jast ree’d «M for tale by \ m - (feblTj - S K DIO IiKAD-in Fifi Lead jnst rec’d per sir Anni* L caxnd Arrsaieon the wharf by " feb!7 BURDRIDGE, \YILSON A Co. Water st iVE FLOUR—I 3 bbls superior for sale by U fobl7 i J D WILLIAMS. UP Wood st. i - * • ■: iGS—S bbls on consignment aad for ««t« i ~ • - . j: p j-.. do* Eg**; 15 do* Tow Yarn; 100 O Hickory Brooms on consignment mad far sale by , ft l *” . J 1) WILLIAMS. 'djtRESH TOMATOES—3 doz in bottles! a tape riot Jiartide■ {febl7l - J D WILLIAMS. 6s, and 0 in. Tarred Ropes op ’ 1 J.C MDWELL»aK feblfl ' Water street. ASFTOSL OIL—4 bills just rec*d ud tot sole br fe>>l4 i - J BCHOO.NNLAKKB H. Co. 1 ktg* lot sale by FOB3YTU A DCXCAN, :*F}BOOUB—IOO doxfoc sals br ' Jj:febia • . , B P VOX BONNHOB3T k. Co. PIQ LEAIVnUO nig* for site by . ! fctia j ayvON BOXNHLBST fc Co. CJCYTHE BNEATHS—2O dox fcr ul« br O febli ' B F VON BONNHOBBT Jt Co. TEAS—WJ ball' cbe*t* aod caddies \aanx S. Hy §oa, Giwpbwder, Imperial mod Hack Tea*, pul rac’d and lor »*k by , . . L 8 WATERMAN. - i ’*.'- • .' l f«!*,elmuhed; « ln«©rt*odfo ■ala by r[fcb7}... ... Q BLACKBURN PATENT BUpKETS-tfdoz, for sale br “~~ . febT v- O BLACKBUHN A Co. k®***®f floobrighu oo Lfor nla ky O— fe>>y _ i --•■ . O OL&CKBUkx ft Co. 7 . S«ai»Lii'for _ JL ob baud and for «Io at No. SH liberty near Cm*L, .. i lielOt- ••:• W. W.V^ai.t.*>p tilfbbU No 31«jre: •• • - ’ SObbl«No.ifor nle by EIIEAZLETON, cm tide >QPADER A SHOVELS—Hay and Manure Fork. , O manafoctared by John Pams A Co. - For sale hr ■ GEORGE COCHRAN, sole Art, . 1 •< ' • ' No-20 WoSdV LAUD OIL—I 6 bbls Coodluiz’i No t .Lord OiL •tore tod for tale, at reduced prieet. br fcblO . .i • SFJ.LF.RS A NICOLB, ""VATOULD CANDLES—fiO boxes Moold Caudles in 4-U. •WTOJUMIjbfS»J«bF: :, . . , • fcSIO'- 1 SELLERS A NICOLA * rpALLOW—33. barrels TtlioiriaHrK*dßaii<ia X Beaver and for sal© by . ftbU> SAW HAEBAUGH. TARR-lOOkegsNolLard, 10 barrels do in sore «n<i Aj far sals by i- & A W HARDAUOH. CIORN— 50 bags yellow Com Jost received on co J slgsmeniaudforssloby «teb»o •, . SAW HAgDAUGIL BEANS— 30 barrels white Beans lost received and for sale by f . SAW HaHBAUGH. PEACHES SO saeks dry Peaches, 100 dry apples recuved and for sale by- • fcblP -V i ■ ■ S A W HARBAUQH. BUTTER &BGGS—S barrels' fresh roll butter Bdo fresh eggs received on consignment aud for sale by 1 • , - S AAV 11ARBAUC1L lAJUK~72 barrels Ffoor, tjmitn brand, extra; la dc Porter* brand rtceiaed per m Beaver end lor sale ' L '• : . f ’ 8A W UARBAUQH. GINGER— 1 bb) ground Ginger for sale by ftbis • • "ri JOHN D MORGAN. BACON— 700 pcs hog roond Bacon on conswtuaeot and for sale by JOHN SCOTT A Co. _ feblTif • • ;No 7 Commercial Row, liberty «u GLUE— GbblsNol Glue for sale br febla . JOHN P MORGAN. IrtLOVEli SEED—I 3 bbls Clover seed. 10 bags do for \J sala by ; WICK A afrCANDLESfI. tHY APPLES—I 9 sack* dry apples fortale by F febai f -\vicil A arcAXPLEss. cull joct rec’d and for sale by Ffeba ; - WICK 4 &TCANDLEBS. l sack woolfor saieby fcbai ; WICK A ATCANDLES3, EGGS A BEANS—I bbl Egg*; 1 bbl Beans received and for foie by ISAIAH DICKEY, A Co.. • ‘pnrSBUROU CANDLJ-S-30 boxes for sale by 1 JT. WHO ; FORSYTH A DUNCAN.. jSOPJf-ASH 10 casks Soda Ash for sale by Q fcblO . i FQnSVTH A DUNCAN. O CORCIONgS-13 casks Swellings for sale by O feblO _ FOESYTIT* DUNCAN. ■pEAHLS-ii casks jost ree* andW eafc by X fob« ; ■ wtcK A bPCANDLKSS bUsATbite Lime in store and for aala by j Aita -j - • ENGLISH ABENNETT GBOUNDN UTS—I3O sacks to arrive: for sale by fco.P .1 ENGLISH A DENNETT TYUCKETS—eOdox patent, for sale by -D • « . : * ENGLISH AJIENNEIT •IbbB3 • ! >l7 wood It - •’XfI’ACKEUEIs—I6O bbls Nos 1,9A3> iu store for J\l salety [feligaf KSG£jBH A DENNETT SEED—* ibis Timothy SecdiVdo Plax .1 jost aec’d and for sale by ’ ' • ; JNO 8 ML WORTH XfOLASSES-UOO bbls N. 6. UolasMs to arrive per XU. star Kansas.’ .fowl • : McfllLL, BUSHFIKI.D A ROE >AXbKKl>—SObtufilsforsafoby fttft ; MeOILL,PUSMPIELfIABOE dew railed Kr- Heap, jiui ret'd for tele by CHOWN fc CBUUSffRON, ■/' ' )f 145Liberty «r*«t" *Pprune j uei ree’d end for tale br ; i WICK k M’CA.VDLESS. ““ - ’ - ■ = ■ ■ j a tU)YD TONERS’ oit-e bbl.' prawn Tunen* Oil for )tn rijovu I 'M. n ln r .,oy A y^,^b l , 4 100 fawih lot **l» by 11QBT DAI-ZETJ. * ft, lofl< fcr »*!■ be ,^Srr )v ' > ’ ' '' Iwwp-wm*u.-*o» ■ *•»/ t-r, m f.rt.--.••:.•. j •. "\TACKERfX— SB bbls NV3, Sooth Mackerel; ICdo lUL dd 5k Bdo do L lO hlf bbls No 1; 10 do do No £ in •lore and for sale by 3LILLEE A RICKLTSON ' • •- cor, liberty and trwin su j [ALT—L5O bbl# No 1. now landing and tor sale br t febg , AIILLER A KICKETSON /*IOPPESAS—OO bbls In rood order, for sals low bv V/ fob® . J SCHOONMAKER ACo GLUE— ltt bbls No 1 for sale by fcb2S . J SCUOOXMAKER ACo LAMP BLACK—3S bbls assorted, for sale by <1 w> febBs J SCHOONMAKER ACO I EPSOM BALTS-3000 lbs for sale by felxtS J SCHOONMAKER A C< LARD OIL—Of lbs best quality, for tale by fobiS JSCtiOOXMAKERACo HOPS— 5 bales on consignment, and foreale by ■ fefcS AULLEH k. RICKLTSON [OAP— 40 bxs Chillieothe, la store and for sale br * febig MILLER fc RICKKTSON rtLARET—BbUds table clarecs do Bordeaux, in siot v and for sale by KILLER A RICKETSOX • ‘ cop, liberty and irwin su Linseed oil—subbisforuieby ■ McGILL, nUHHMELD & roe PATENT BUdCFTS—SO doz for * n |«* by feb3s McGILL, BUSUkiELD A RQE EICU—S 3 tierces, for sale byi . McGILL, BUSHFTKLD A ROE STDAP-JU boxes Proctor A Gamble's SoapTast land, inff from stmr Lbyal Hannah, andior stSe by * JOHN S DILVVORTH S OA f~ 50 b *“ HuaaeweU HU! A Co’s Soap, iT^ •.JOUNSDILWtftITH —5 - ‘ i~ 517 wood st N. «c'!i°iifcS; 1 “ bbU ' I, ' im " ■feSS-- __ roiN-BEXTEn * Co Molasses-mo i,bu rhac punuibo, «„w. UodiO! from Mmi Cjr. v Ejjli; fc, g .. --- w —^—- »tM &IITCHELTRKE moiv.v i guimoa I^EB “ 10 La i£ iw Kt '* ««* (or by ' <e - b - iH - BHOWJf: & CL f UBKHTBQN P° T ?l£r i 3 halea WUmiippi, for sale by M-—- ct>a * - i WE«T BOWT.N SUOVELS, Grain end Devonshire do; ou«i«rf ** “V *ad manure fork*, of variou* make and y.fwwteby WEST BoWEN, -”** i W front it j POINDEXTER A Co T> lOCOFTHE—7S bag* just received and for sale by J.V ; fcbtH ENGLISH A HENNKTT AM.KANS hbd*!iu store and for sale AT Q» MOLASSES—SSO bbli arririoy and for tale ■i." « by IfcfcH] ENGLISH 4 BENNETT. RICE— 3 tierce* prime, for sale by fcl*M EXOUaH A BENNETT LOAX SUGARS bbl* No 3,0,7 A g; 3 lx* donblo : refined do, in atore and for sole low by . 'tebat , ENGLISH A BENNETT SOAP—IOO bxs; *2 do toileu do priae,'&r J? aale lovrby (fcteM) ENGLISH A BENNETT BEEP hbda for *ale lov'by •• “T - febtff ENGLISH A BENNETT NC. TAB—SO large Obtain store and forsalebr" . febiH • ENGLISH A BENNEIT OUGAR—<O bigs white Brazil, 0 bxa white Havana! O in aiora and torsale low by 1 fcb« ' ENGLISH BENNETT &£abut Repox ts. —The Post, winch is supplied with fIU iu telegraphic nows from the Gazette, at the close of an explanation in relation to the ab' TTO.\EV-«»mfd,"ia, toxTciio I K:K ° ° f m ‘ rlr ' l r ' P °" J “ a>c,rr * p ' r xtbr IC.UMJ Exouaii jt nExffCTy l l ”r r — : ROCS CANDY—IS , bxa white land yellow in tun and for tale low by ENGLISH A Rrv\-pw IRAB CIDER—SO bbLi in More uul for sale br ' ISAIAH DICKEY A GIDER VINEGAR—For sale low by fcfeH ISAIAH DICKEY A Co lIKRBTXG—'7&bIs Noll and 2, for sale by O feWM : TA33EY A DUST * \\J iNDOW GLASS—SOO boxes S»lft Jfio boxes 10* W 12; ltf) boxes 10*14, for sale by _ leblfl. S P VQN BONNHQRST A Co. LARD— 30 bbls No 1, in store and for sale by • -tog. - 3 tW HARBAUQH S MOLASSES-20 pnme N oso jnir, 40 bbl» pnme Ji O Molawe* jut xeo’d sad for «***_?£___ 0«S»3 ■ BKLLKB3 & MCOLS. - c fe* U X a tCtt i s do imp. end G V do: 10 do CfaAlui Powchonc 00 cattr boxes TSiioui for ul« by i D WILLIPMB, . 1 * - ' ' • ’llOwcod street LSiys.j *7 w^'&fev t ss| T “ y „ . r ICO litertr u. TjLACKWooG—Joha»ton 4c. BtoekioD have jolt re-. -Oceiredßlackwood’* kdinbarz Vpr»»<w» k« jm; for December, 1547. ■ - LB. WATgUMAM MPES^I * 3 boie » «oao dim tot nle by jaao_ wick & sreSfDLEss. 7 ■ » • j BCHOONMARRR A Co. SAL SODA—2SOO U>* just we’d tad tar .«)» by J SCHOONMEXKRACi ;jagl- iltoatweeArt. dwoliams. BACON AND BULK. FORK—3OO baasbaton; UOO ahnalidm do;£i hhd# aide# do; St do la bulk, on | ■•wMWWaeat and for sale by - f -'iSifiv’iL SELLERS * NICOLa WnuK 4~dq~a»st do, in *tore Jj aad tor sale by POINDEXTER A Co. boxes W R cheese tor (ok by POINUEXTKR j Co. ÜBACIffiS—ISO bos dried peaches Jot ale by 4- J*Bl» POINDEXTER A Co. f n K>AL-Order» tor con) to be delivered la lie cirr wil V’meet prompt nnemioaifleft with « 7 hIcOILL, UUBHFTELD A ROE. A LCOHOL-5 bbls Tor sale by ” **> J«ia HE Slg&Eßg, S 7 wood ,t X>ES- 310 lbs (ur.solfl by ' •• •>* nta B E SELLFPw A AMMONIA FORT—3 eubori for sale by A Jtnl3 RK SIXLERa. T> LACKING—ICO dozen for sale br JO_ jaal3 . . B. E SELLERS. C bbU lardj 25 bushed dried Apples, 10 O do peaches; 4 oozen woollen socks: 06 lb*b*tt*Ux op consignment anfor sale by; ! ♦tf I *, J D .WlLt Jamh, ito » /“10FFEE-2S bags prime Bib coffee jnst ree'd and for \J sale by ])anl7] , B OAKTOBP A Co. Wf* North iAla. to arrive per SB / Planet, for sale by ; FORSYTH A Co. I”*" j 30 water street t£A PAPER—2OO reams just rec’d and for sale br feMS . - ■ REYNOLDS A KtW ~IOHN—I6 bbls Corn just landing from str Sktppet J •fAtotultbj JNO SJMLWORTH, lct>ls No 1(7 Wood st H Ore-20 bales Ohio Hops for sale by feb l3 JOHN 8 DILWORTH. WHITE BEANS—IO bbls Navy.jßst ree’d andfot aale by S k WMARBAUOH,. lcalS i 23 Wood «t ROLL BUTTEE-7 tu* fresh 801 l Butter jnst ree'd Kb?? 1 for •* le b * WICK k hPCANDIisa FLOUR—IOy bbls extra Family Floor just rec’d and for sale by WICK A M’CAXDLESS. FRESH BOLL BUTTER—I 2 bbls prime iart«?d and for sale by WICK. A. hCCAXPLESS. BACON— 10.000 lbs prime Sbholders, city cured: 6000 lbs prime Sides, for saJp by •• fefats REYNOLDS k SHEE. j CHEre.&-00 boxes cheese just rec’d and per stmr Michigan and for sale by ISAIAH DICKER’ k Co, 68 Water st fo V ,700 Iba Beeswax arrived per sir Phmnix and for ale by tfeblB] JOHN S DILWORTH. V~IOPPEBAS—IO bbls for sale by v V- feMO JOHN p MORGAN. DYE FLOUR.—SO bbls Htrbaugh’s extra Bye floor, LV rec’d and for tale by SAW HAEBAUGH, fe w no S 3 wood st "VT O';'MOLASSES—023 bbls Plantation Molasses, in J.l ’store and for sole by OEU A KERRY, . febS9 . ; 19 wood* st eyi iON—6I bales to arrire by stmrOswe c« for tala by [febffl] ISAIAH DICKEY l OOBER PEAS— 300 bash to arrive by stmr Oswe r pr, tor tale by 1 IfabMl ISAIAH DICKEY tEATUEB A GREASE LARD—Toi arrive by stmr Oswego; for aale by [feb2*] ISAIAH DICKEY LARD OIL—IS bbU (winter strained! landing from star Pbcnnix, and for sale by , febg>- - : JAfl DALZEU, - fcbg> : JAB JUALZELL L^(JNI>KU-^--ebbl«eoß) l lcl«rreab buoer;3ken Urf Wj. “ ck * ®“*» IhM tobacco. Keeiriiir from «tmr JASDAIiELL -*- cba> , - 84 water at - feb ” JAS DALZELL ' .Si^^H^T 37 bbil *apcrior ryo floor,jo»t rec'd /*nd for«ale by ffc^l-|« g WATERMAN'• L g WATERMAN* JJ. for wle try IfobteJ LaWATOBMAV (UILOLOFORM— la 1 J rec’d and for atle by JIA ffljjBrroCK ,i - - >n * fl ■ cuTaert ti ind WOO( i , u f!°™>N YAKN-aWO “»°ned ion. Bn4 \J *:om le.'J, inr ialc nl monnlhctaier'i;... bl‘ lm«il rwiKXP. VSSf Mess bKEjCy bbut»r satl>y * r— mart SPVONBOXNHnnttT > AEAUATUB-—4 c ska, <1 bli do. ibr bv I . - marl 8 p VOX UONXHOBST blilt Ibrule by . fcbg) JAB DALZEI. CJL'OAR—4ohbd»priniad<O,ju#t ree-d and for sale br~ Q fcbaO _POL\DEXTKU kCo BACON— t*ooo lbs city vtnoked, and COOO country do; in store and ibr sale by _fcW3 -_J_ L BWATERMAN DRIED FRUIT—IOO eacka dried peaches, (halve*,) t prime article: «ad 23 do Apple*: in More and ibr aaieby Ifebd&l - L 8 WATKKhMN C‘ YARN*—6OOO Jl>* Cotton , Yarn*, ?*»‘d Nb*; 50 4 bale* No* 1 and 2. balling jit store and Tor sale by ... 1_ __ 1,8 WATERMAN SEEDS —IXJ0tmsbClovrr Seed, and a few 1 bags timo thy; in store tuul ibr sale by ebg* L 8 WATERMAN Q. SUGAR—IOO hbds N O Sugar, In store, receir* * inr, and ibr sale by . k CEO A BERRY tebfci . 10 wood si \if*Ol«AflSKB— gOO bbls N O, rec'd pr financier, and iKL for solo by -[marS] BROWN* CULBERTSON BACON— lOjOCO lbs- hof round rep'd (rim naoka house, and Cm sale by . mart ■ CAgSONAIfcKNIOHT DRIED PEACHES—ISOO bash. ltd. on consignment and fi»r sale by CARSON * McKNiOilT . . . _ 1 | Oih street catbvj* lor ThTOCAAtt EXPECTORANT, CENUINE-0 do*. 1 -•« / MU>J> *<*•• yIMtUIAC. '?uu“ Hot' riies.) »' ' l . 1549 • , jIIAHCIt: rt,e K ' < SaumJay''" d _ 3 Banday, , <] 30 0 Monday, 0 35 " Tuesday. 0 31 8 Wednesday, 030 0 Thursday, a 31 10 Friday, • 0 30 s 7 733 5 9 8 31 5 10 9 41 511 -10 47 513 11 59 513 moift. IGH BOABD OF T] WITTEE FOR MARCH, ftoirr. mrjwj , wat. _qrnc*PrrrsßCEOH Gazette, > Tue*da7 Morning, March 7, ISIS.j Wa hare no new fcalnre to notice in the mar ket , Toe weather, yesterday, was quite plec business, in > general, way, showed bi Ue activity.: ' ] * Flocc—The maktet is steady but not lad we dir ■■ no change uw*’ •iacorer no change worth noticing violations. \ Sales from store, in amai we regularly effected, at $*.5004,02* ? bbl—and J rom fir»t hands at $4,37(34,40, os in quality. ‘ Ga*w—The market is. without change. ' phes are quite limited and sales moderate at the folioV following ratea: —Wheat S7®Joc; Bye 48**li Barley 40045 c; Corit 33®37, anil Oata at 28027c’ according to quaJity. Enovtstotor-Salca; 4000 Its Bacon at3|®l,4i@ 5, and OlSOy, aa in quality. Moderate aalea of laud are ejected at St, 5| nod Oo p H'-which we giro aa the nominal ratea. Butter in mote scarce, and ia'in good demand at l!l to 13* lor good rollr and 9J to 18J for teg. Cheeac, we quote at 9c lor Goaheu, and 61 to 61c for WE. ' Fish—The (market is qoiet, and price# remain firm. . For No 1 Mackerel, we quote No 2 #nd No 3 57.50 p- bbl Salmon, 918(820i> bhL Shad $S£O p bbl, $1,50 p hlf bbL ' Herring so.2s,And Cod at $5,50 ? drum. - continue full, and price* show no change &om last quotation*. Regular sale* of N O Sugar at 5,5i(25|c, according to qua- htjr and term# of sales. Molai#e# remain# firm*at sscppj- '.JUiiCoirMa orßice, v we quote moderate sale* at Ole f> 111. Gm Awiis-Sale# of 20 bbl# of a choice nr bcle, from atore, atsl,B7 * bbl, and a tow bbl# ex treat $2 ? bbl. ' * Eeisp Famr ebatannes in feir demand, with aale# of Peaches at $1,50(81,02, and of Apples at 69, 70 and 75c ? bu.; WmsKY—Not mdeh doing, regular sates am effected at 16c tir raw, and 20£21a p gd fo r tjfied. 4 Beecs —We quote limited tales of Clover at $3,25(8347. Of Timothy at $2, an of Flax at 900 P bu, ; . . ; . “We make the above statement, not for the pur pose of exposing the rtute of onr neighbor#, but m justice to ourselves.” i I ’ dispatch of the Gazette on Friday night ted that Uie-markets at the east were aQ quiet, and. waiting the arrival of the steamer. As the market# were unchanged, the Gazette re-wrote the report of Friday, adding the statement# of the telegraphic disp&tch, giving the quotation# of Friday, do that people could see what;the market was. The arii: cte of the Port would imply that our market#* were’ made sntW debate}**. Our New York market is furnished Com the Tribune, the Philadelphia from the North American, and the Baltimore from the Patriot. We challenge a comparison ~pf our telegraphic market# with those given in the paper# named. ■ 1 •» Cattle BarWet*.' Baltimorx, March 3.—The range of price# is somewhat wider than on thi# day week, owing to the superior quality of a portion of the Deere#, but with the .exception of there, the market is not ab tered materially. There were 53S head of Beeves offered at the scute# bo Monday, -of which 350 were sold, and IS$ bead driven to other markets. Pnce# ranged from *2,7501 f 100 ft# on the hoot equal to $0,5007,75 net, and making an average of $3421 gross. ~ Hog#—Sale#_of livp Hog# were made eariy in lh° week nt and within the • last few tap «tJ j i US PORTS; DY BITER. Seavtr—Per Lake Krie—32l nc* bacon, 1 bbl bt *^’ 56 haeon, Will McCntcb eon; 3 ( bbls potash, Berry; 33 bbl# sundries, 8 cask# *«p iron, lo hbd* bacon, diC consignees; 49 hbd# 40 bxs bacon, Graff; l hbd sugar, 1 ire rice, Mitcb «sffce, 3 csk* liquor, SO bbl# whiskey, 10 do ad, 3 do mdse, 3 hhd# sugar, 11 bbl# shells, owuignees; 1 bx patterua, Fulton; 6 iks fruit, 1 bbl “*“» 1 .hotter, George;’s csks pearl ash. Bar bridge,-Wren ATco; 2 esk# potash. W. Holme# & co; 4 csk# ashes, Wick A: McCandlesa; 30 bbU s •all#, Falman/ ; " Per Beaver—lo LUs, 13 baa aaleralua, Balxrll » co; S bhJs! potash. Burbridge, Wilson Sc co: 25 do* broom*, Voa Boonhorot; 1 bx qucensworo Kerr; 5 empty whiskey bblt, McKee; 927 pc* pork 57 kga, 1 bbl lard, Oruta,’ co; 2 bx* p*p tern*, Anderson Ar Soo; 2 ert* queensware, J Park; 4 c»U aalerelus. Lambert & Shipion; 315 pcs coo, 4 bbt* e seed, 33S pc* bscon/10 bx* do, L S waterman; 3 csks do, DalxeiJ; 10 bbl* flour 7 do butter, 3 do egg*,sQ bbU whiskey, * b Messenger 300 bis iun dries, owner*. . ! M ow»g«bela—2 bx* specie. Sibbtn a: Joeea; 10 bbU vinegar, Heaxebon: 100 “!* Parker; 2 cak*, 2 tres, 31ibis, i 1 bx*. airtchell; 3 cskabrilania Ware, Bakewell 5c Pear*: 16 bbda bacon. Seller* Sc Ntcbbls; 1 bx book*. J Sboenberger, 1 c*k, 1 bx Dulse, Mulrany Sz Ledlie; 5 bbl* linseed oil, Seller*.; , _ -Pr’ffknd—s bbd* bams, 4 bbl pork. Seller* Sc Niebols; 20 bx* raiain*, 18 blf do, 6 bx* candle*, Greer; s&lpc* aide*, 721 bams, 525 ahoul dera, George & cof2o bbla whiskey, Watson lc co; 21 bbl* • iron. Coleman, Heilman Sz co, 19 c*ka ba* wn, Jordan ic SooilOO: bl* cotton, - Kennedy Sc Childs; 5 bbl* alcohol. Seller*; 23 csks bacon. J Clark; 145 bxa aoap, 25 bbl* linseed oiL 25 bx* can dle*, Hcrbaugb; 1 bx book*; Graff; 3 Vickery; 1 ble *kin*, owner*; 7166 pea bulk pork, Jaeksoo. -K • - Per laaac JTewhra—l bbl *ugar, 1 bg coffee’, 1 bx tea, Ooajr, 1 bx specie, N Holme* & Son; 4 qr c*ka liquor, 2 bx* md*c, 55 bbU whiskey. Sell l U ‘ cak* aides, Graff} 100 bx. salted pork, l ire rice, 2 J •*•«*. 20 do aoap, 1 blf bbl alcohol, 5 bx* aoap, MitcbeU; 5 lihdt ba£n. Mason; 18 stage horse*, Stage Company; 22 bale* hemp; Hotcbaoo; 10 bx* candle*, Graham. JfromuviUr--PcT Louis' JlcLane—2o bx* flaw, Robenaon dPßeppert; 34 pkgi mdae, Bidwelk Sdo do Allen « co; v 2 do [do, Bingham; 31 do do Har ton; 17 kgu nail*, Bagaley Sc Smith; 29 pkg* mdae Robinson Sc Son; 33 do dci, P Rz>*s 41 do do For* ayth de co; 1; bbl flax seed, Tauey dc Best. Per BaJtic—62pkgh mdae, Groff} 16 do do. For *T< h & DuDcmj 6 do;do, Bailer Sc Bra 76 do IS* Allen. A: co; 8 do do, Gordon; 1 do do, Atwood, Jone* Sc co; 66 do do, For*ytb Sc co; 61 kgs nail*, Evanu 22 pkgs ihdse. Hays Sc Black; 6do do own McFaden**' B^f* D »i ao “°^Plummer,.ls do do bblabeant, Friend w!* »° n ‘* ne *- 2 akn-jefa, 1 bl deer •kina, Oolbe/Ij2 bbla mdae} 14 do a aaba,Rebel Ison &.Re»ert; 878 pcs pork, 1 bbl egg*. Dickey * co; 13 do beans. King; 50 do whiskey, McClurkan; 13 kg* lard, 3 do butter, 3 bbd* tobaccbrß Dalzeli Sc co; 36 do* broom*, Dihrorth;!! kgslard, Robb-’ wm; 22 bbli wbeat, Voegtley; 11 bxa, 2 bbl* egg*! Frater; 50 hbU flour, J A: R Floyd; 4 bbU and*3s pc* bacon, 2 kg* lard, |1 bx* pork, 7 bbl* flaxsied, 2 do lard, McCandlesi; 300 uve hogs by keel la tow for Baltimore mtrket. , •' - Cincinnati-—¥cr Hibernia So 2—l kg printiog ink, Brook* dc co; 55 bbU ham*. Orum,McGrew Sc co; 57 bbl* whiskey, 2 trcrrice, Knox & Duncan; 1 refrigerator, BJdweli; 11 bhl* pop com, Johnson 6 hhds augar, Shoenbejgerj! I kg, 1 hx apecle, Sny* der, 1 bx, 1 kg do, Kramer dc Habra; 2 kg*' do, W Martin; 23 csk* bams. 19 do abnuldera, Hntcbiaoo; p bxa mdae, Forsyth dc Duncan. Tn* Hilt ajid LstaL— Comstock's Notre and Bum Uuimem and Indian Vegetable Elixir, Is the most effectual cars for Rheumatism. ■ Mold by WM. JACK* *U>N.Aaenlfor PiUsburgh, i norlSdAwOaT .UT Indies who dm Jones' Spanish lily While,hayo m£«y* e une while tr*u»parmit ikiu. Of this a irisl will satisfy any one. Mold Only in Piiulninftost E 9 Ijberty »t ' J . npvlWsn.dwly C?" Don-l ha»o aFool. Bre»lb-If yes have, uses twoilub'ng bo.U. of Jonea* Amber Tooth Pa»te. That =‘.*if/M Urljre “ ,h 'woet. whiten your teeth, Ac.— _j l / noTlfldfcwiy WII lirfiSfiN?*., Ac. No. 7 ‘"j OO * O Bicil, Oruip. Id prim, ort.r: ,r}K j . I . Lemon*; . * ‘fX half do M R,lUJ»ms; ' lOUcask. Pun A Leila ; do: ,*j b **« Walnut* and Filbert*; 8 8 Almond*; ; • * 7 u * bo, « >'onb Carolina Pea Nuts: Cruras extra and medium quailty Elme Kiffs: „ m 1 hiladelt>hia.,Fcb.gKeodtwi “The highest price in cath jas—J-sß^AS^fflSSr : : ! 'J KIER4JONRH, i : ' : • 4<at>al ba*in.near7Ui*t. Mackerel— £0 bbi* n© 3, large; gs hifdo No 3,0 a hand and formic ly i|fevfl| TABHKV A GKot roc’dhtnd for sole by, T 1 T. MORGAN * Co, WhekmJe .Oroeeri *od ifareiunu, too, wood it. Aha j-j • V i_ „^-^..-.:,.^,. A :. j . ’-. M-i ' . : -' -V"' V : h\'7j ;k - yj : ~’ : '." /'•’"'•'•"•I ;' *' : ' :’■■'■'■ • i- : '' ;_ v ;;'V '•' 5 4 ran* i* ar^Etr-sriM). J ARRIVED, • - •*" Beaver.; Clark, WeUsviUe.' Web Cbpe, Beaver and Vellsville. ■ Diapatch,Kelson,RroWß»vihe. Monterey, Morrison, Brownsville.' “W®!. Jacobs,- Brownsville.. Atlantic, Parldnson, Browniville. I'' America, De Camp. Cm. u eUsville, Bams, Sunfish. Lake Erie. Hemphill, Reaver. Hibernia No. 2, Klinefelter, Ciu. Slor * St' “ * - Stoops, ParkcAburirb. ./ • Financier. Fainnan, Cin, „ t departed, • . *'■ Denver, Clark, Wellsville. / Michigan! No 2. Gilson, Beaver. / Caleb Cope, Moore, Beaver and lJispatch, 'Nelson,- Brownsville. I. Mpnlerey, Morrison, Brownsville/ D*dUc, Jacobs, Brownsville. -• / AllnnUc, Parkinson, Brownsville.! welimlle, Barns, Eupfish. . . 1 IdL'e Erie, Hemphiilflßeaver. " 1 Mopongahela, Slone} Cio. : - BOA.TO LEAVING THU'DAT< •!• BROjVNSVILLE PACKETS, Va. a, and 3 ClNCamfAil rACKET,IOj.a, ! i BEAVER PACKETS, at 0 and JO a. m., and 3 o’clock, ( GLaSgow|PACKET, i t. sl COMET, Cincinnali. Thejjyer last evening was 4 feet waler and at a^un*L Bte G E? ARRAKOEMENTB FOR 1543. ,s*3* Packet Lone,-leave* daily for Cincinnati, ! P Phifls P"*? 1 '">■ nrowntville to Baltimore and ! Ba. X-and 6r. m. - > '“SaS-S?* 9 *- »■ nd Soulhe ”> Mail Coach Line, 0 a.m. ' AonhAyjjtem via Cleveland, daily, 10 * £ ✓ Erie and jVeitern New York, daily, o'a.j*. • ' tailadelphia, daily, excapl Sandy* PEPARTCUE OF MAILS. Philadelphia, due h *. a, c lomm 12. K. V- • Lemur, duoB closessjJjc. -tlue 8 r. K. cl’s 4 *.* "l er n Cleveland, due 10a. *, cloaesOa.*. bne and \\ e*iern New \ ork, due H p. no L A# A « Mwon Co^ Iw*K2»f T »!I r ’ °? T - W ttruoiso vocxtu «t***i*, fn ''“ l, “" d ““ WMie Eintt.lly, Sal Dan* «bout to remove to toe spaekxu and decant eiore rceehtly erected on too adjoining Lot. Thar will CMI » Bnd ,l » many cate* leu than Jrtl^fv 48 ? to open their new More with an thi«^?TJ f ,V 7 Goods * , Tho 'aio will commence ?ftl^™. c ® a HS?V 0 lhß fi»» of March, or until n^T a wJ r k?i , \ eiten?ire assortment oi Dtew Goodewin be cold full ao per cent. leu than usu al price*. jTbey consist of toe most fashionable Cash mere, and iDelanet, Gala, Mohair, Silk and Oregon Pljttds: Aleo, Bombazines, Alpaccaa, ic r .i. 8 _.Cloalt Gcjotl*—FrcHch and German Merino*. Oacen’x S 2 ?, f P 'ifu eh m UW Uro,d Clotfforall toe moat fashionable colors# Black and fancy'Dress silks. —Cashmere, Tctkeri, Tartan Plaid,andoto«r shawls—a aery large assortment, folly reduced onh half in price. Flanncli-Wclsh, English and Amencan. Flannel#, of all color* and qualities. Cap Ribbons, Glores, Hosiery, Gimps and FVmgcs, Wrought Collars and Capes, Laces, Artificial me * a T ? d Featoers, Scarfs, Cravats, Hand kerchief*, Fancy Buttons, eic. Linen Goods of every description! Woollen Good*—Cossimeres, Cassinetts. '* ,U * , S* Tweeds, Jeani. Whitney and Bath Blankets. Also an extensive assortment of Caheoes,Chmtrea, domestic Ginrhams, Checks, Stripes, 11 Si ,n 5*l b *«wn and bleached Muslins, etc. • The following will be some of toe rriees: . IS* c. Usual price37* Mousseun de Lames, IS* u u us «n>t «n Gala Plaid*. * »* « «- ,» w 1 31 Mohair fc Oregon Plaids, aD « M 37* ' ' Alpaceas, : Kl w M 3?I . ‘ Flannels, ; j© « « 311 Wrought Collar*, l-| •« a 371 Ciiietw*, I 71 910 10' « '*» jj.n CMlinen*, • 23 to 31 “ ' « gg with every eniele la the Store, which will be offered equally cheep.. VUiter* mar La Mturerf Uua they will not be dueppotpud in the quality or price* at our good*. ■ jjenUlJ ' A A MASO.N ACo \ __ sew spßiara goods. •» CHACKUrrT t WHITK W Wood *tre«, « re now O receirnijr addition* to their erceileiit aitort went ofUrriGoAd*, to which they invite the attention of t>elte>-ns' they can offer »ueh inducement*** will oi?ko ;ii to their inter**: to make bill* with them. * We are i»bw deceiving a forge awnment of good* ilirect from Jibe .Manufacturer*, Importer*. Ac. aiaone which may he found the following: ' ® Plain doqble drill*, aJI grade* ami ttyle*. printed | kentucky. foon*, blue, blue tailed, cadet dark taiixetl. Rold. green, plaid*. Ae.: aatineu*, black, blue, cadet, Ox- Kmh plain, figured and printrd tweed*, a good a**ort mem, rsriou* style*; print*, a Very large a*»ortißimi <jf uew ipring atyle*, fancy, green, blue, ruble*, brown*, biota, blue and orange, Ac- in nil tarietie*; gingham*; •plendid syfe* of domretil., |>itfii*hand French, very low; Alnecca*, new etyle* and »tylea and lircre*. iu«r imported; aUd, black*, mode col. fancy col. talk and cotton warpjaotnoblaeka.-very fine.- All of which mre offered forMue ou the wo»t favorable term*. feUU _ j tMfACKLKTT ft WHITE Gl Card—Monday, Jan* ioi ’ HJIAT REDUCTION LN-FIUCK&—W R Morphy, ‘ V ,K- fprMf *nd market «i»., will* /font ttjs I B **j *cll hla Winter dreaa good*, and a large propotUfrn of lus *100*,; adapted only to the winter »ea»on, at I greatly reduced price*.; Jt being hi* object to »ell off | thi* part of hu stock to make room for an early tonne •apply, no regard will Us had to th« ebu of the rood*; i but they will pc offered at prieea that will iuaore their , »ale—tuch a* California plaid*, at K| former price 35c; auixr do. at SB Conner price 37Jc; Printed Scotch cu*b merr* at IH, fanner price 31 c; do. ‘.5, lormer price 37 Jc; french alt wool do. 00 ct», former price (si and 7J c •oper do. 73 fanoet price Uft *uper plaid Thibet doth 63 and 73 former price l«k he*ule» a large aMonmrnt of winur *haw|*, wonted Hood*. Ac. at price* much olwer than brume offered. j^o XXJ. E. lU«R 5. IISDO.V HOOBE A HIIDOX. iMEBCiIANT TAILOKS, D xa 7 JL??£T? r P UB "•* WMM* unx »r, rtm.on.mA K2UAK (o call the attention of conuaiMear* in drew to the xxqramt rExrzrnoa hut Uate attajxed ii> the slispuipt sad manufacture of par* menu. They! cahoot. but Jrel perfectly confident Upa every ooe of reiiavd and cultivated la*in will ever pro for the chute CLStuxcEof thoroughly nrar* uaed Ainu*, tb the wretched and ludicrous t>orle»quei of the xodt, trad and worthless workmanship issued Irotn the erroneously called cheap af this aud other fcilie*. With this conviction. (Ley prodcf their services to lurcn of cunaEcrxEM, stxxetet and ■Earn, pledging their admitted skill and ambition to uie gratification ol all tastes, however d ah cult or elcvs led. : The long asiodauon ofSlr. hlnnac with Mr. Rokb. Wtxroaoxis ACS*., is. to the many patrons of that e*> laMj*bment, asudieient guarantee oi hit ability. ; I jchWeti^ RiMlT«d{brEi|s(a( at Bl* A* Kia*r*i Columbian Magazine for March; L’oirm ; Robert Mac Sire in England, by G W AI Reynold*: handsomely illustrated; London, by same author—port 9d. .Gay Fawkes, or the Gunpowder Treason, by W liar. n*on Ainsworth; Ikl of Prairie Eden, a Romance ofMexico, by Geo Unparu, R*q; \ Pictorial Lif4 of George W ashington, embracius on sedptes iUmtimUre of hi* character, oral embellished with engravings. - . _j _ An umyersanilwton ofrb*-moU remarkable evrcti of-all Naunnsr from 1M earliest period to the pirwot ume, forailnga-complete History of the World, vol I: Ufeand AdrC D, ute* of Valent<n»i_Voi tbo Venirdo aum, by Henry Cockton—new edition; fc-A Scutimemal Journey through France and Italy.— The trainnent apd the History of a coo<l warn watch coal, dlerne; Light Dragoon, by Harry lU*cl; IJriiig Age. No toy;' and Thrsa, by tiamuel Warren, Esq—.'rush sup* Jack Uiaton jibe Guardsman, by LeVer—frstb *sj>* Forsaleat j ! ‘ M A MINER'S, marl Mnuthfield st, 3d door from Mecoud »L • i j Books. H lS £°^ F ?T Rol * rtton, *» Roliin'i, Gibboo\ Ru»* *®?-!E“fop«V Prescott’* .Vexico, reru.Aca Rome, Uatp*?a rictonal Fjigland; Nicbuke Rome; HalUm’s Constitution*! Ilitfo; £kiv d Arnold** Later Roman Commonwealth; ™? « - History of buown time*, with notea; llallara’s Middle Agea; M.IP. Crosades and Chiy «lry, BrowTUng's History of the lluiuenots: Thierry'* Histoneal Works: Neal!* History otlbe I*urilan«; Thiers Taylor's Manual ot Ane't and Mo£ llisio* 1 1 ,h ?.U'»'of7 of the Church, by Jarvis; KJghtley’s Rome arid England; Ranke’s Pone*. ’ The above, with many other Valuably works, for sale It j JLREAD 79R EVENING DRESSES—W. R. Murphy has . just received a fnv patterns embroidered' muslin for Evening Dresses. Also; silk hc( scaris/hnni dress, e*, etc, Also, ndvr style braizes, for early sprinrwear, now «tyle bilzanaea for do.; chameleon silks,aiiutiion aOleurticle, needle worked collars, new style; ehemi setts, entire new styles; black barred silks; striped do; rich Striped and watered do. Ladies are invltedto call add see the above goods. felitw * Saw Oobdi for Burlne of 184i,- BTU MURPHV, N; E. comer of-till and Ms?kct »/• * u ' has jhe nleaiore ofinforinitighi* tfastotoers and buyers genefidiy. that he has commenced the re. ceiptof ms early Spring Goods, and has already opens Sreat variety of roods suitable for foe season, at pried* ist cannot tail p}eoM. » * *r tCTMarebacta nre-lnvlted to visit hi* Wholesale Rooms, up stairs; and examine the stock of new roods, hich wtll ty offered at about eastern prices icbtll SMAUTfIGURED PRLVTB—Just received, au as* sorunent of blue, piok, Ulock, purple and orange, small figured Print* and chintzes lor cliildroiu’ wenr al*o, dark and oil scarlet do; also, plain, pink, and orange mouse dc Haines, fordo; small barred ginghams, Ac. Ac, at the Dry Good* House of *• . . i ■ : W R MURPHV. PIUNTJi— GiiiJlmra styles; open tbit morning, i cite handsome prints, giugham patterns, and fast colors, only I9J cents pet yard, at the dry goods hoaso of i _i „ WnMUUFHV IltlfcJHH CiiftlillAXlt*—tjpeii Uiis inurmug, on it* " girighmnt, from cents per jrd. up to first quality 1 * French, at reduced prices. Also, heavy Manchester ginghams, low priced and fine, " - ’ ~ i \v a murphy fcbo | i Por.iltrkatiSCist,. CJUfJAH, MOLASMKS ANDCOI'TO-15hKdaprime ON() SutjarjWbMs N O Molasses;soLarsßiq Cof fee, just landing ffom sir Wyoming and for aids bv W It 31 SIITCHIXTREIi ICO liberty st. {£7* They will shortly recejre per .Martha WtMhimr tnn and other boats the hhtli prime N l) •Sueor; 45d Mils phpttatioh .Molasses: 3) do Sugar House; SObblsLonf Sugar; IStiefte* Carolluojlice, ... febld! TV nml. bwn-ar W II Murph,, N ,{ corner o *■“ “d '“' k " “I "• of .boro good, warranted not to 4hrlng in washing. jauttt " COliN^OT'ioSc 1 , .helled comin bid, .„J ~ek> fur sale by |j. - / , fthax jicCiiy. iiusiinfxni roe. f ‘ feldl , ATWOOIX Jrtypo'.W Jr .oloby . < SMrLKpy * Kiooijr - M 7 ' Wc*» Liberty .t ■ 'WEOT MAtiAOA Ac. HA[rn*RVL T ». 1 .m~. O cuU B.' if. Wink; 13 fjr cukjiuui Z' uiirMelrediuitffttHdaiiy l pauierne dcvi ■ febltf j ■_ -_ MILfJKtt A: RICKETSOV s^»wr to t^isasif i; , - . Xlerchaalc* TreuuporUtiaßiLtne. 1 m ■ ro .PHILADELPHIA & BALTIMORE. (•rVsv consigned ip oar carewill b« forwarded V* without delay at the lowest fcnrrem rate*. Bill*'of Lttmuytmnstmtte.J, and all Instructions promptly at- , cndccf to, fret- from any>xini;<:bar*a fof siora/eor commission. . C aVcANULTV£ CoAw™ : mar. Canal Basin, • MERCBASSTB' WAY Fla«^TO¥~ tin. (Formerly called Pickworih 4 Co*« Line.) E KX ?^I.V 1 .V, E ?:y.{ 0 5 tukthaNsfootathw or wat raoo PilUlwgbjlllainmlle, Johnstown, JL “'f W-Mptap.) M d ■ One boat will leave the warehouse of CAi McAnultv 4 Co, CaiHil Basin, Liberty-street, Pittsburgh, every day (Sunday* cxceptad,) and shipper* can always de pend on having their guods forwarded without delav and attiur rate*. .. >■ ■. . 11 Tlii» Line wo* formed cjclusirely for the Special ac commodniion of the way business. 'rho Proprietor*, thankful for the very liberal patronage they have re ceived dunnir the. last two year*, would fespeetfully in. tonn their old customer* and the public generally, that Uiey have extended therr facilities, during ths post win ter,und are now better prepared to accommodate an in :reasedbu tines*. [ ’ foorainoas. I 1 S iCo > WM STITT, i E Q STITT, i ; tVM FULTZ, JAM ESA LORE. ! JOHNMILIijE, TRINDLE4 McDOWELL. 7 5 4 4 Co, canal basin Pitt.) . It lICANAN, 1 do Johmt’ri f JOHN DULLER, .! i. do Uollidib’rj- HORRELL It MV[STINCER,do ri RartiiExcß^Pirubiugh— Smith A A J Xt^? CV t»’2if 6 Shoenbenfer; R RobinMU It, Co; R Jo"st‘C:' ) ’ > SnuUji John Parton W« Übmgf. RELIANCE POR'TABI.E i*BOAT LINE, I r °g T&IXSBOIrrATIOX or uzuciuvstzx BETWEEN PITTS IUJHGH AND PHILADELPHIA. T H £J’^ ri^ oni °f °!J established land first iou'i i l t “ ,c » bavin ? removed, itheir tie- PMade pbia, to * much larger Warehouse on Aierkci sL, lhau they formerly occupied, and also In creased their room for storage at Pittsburgh! are now prepared to offer much greater facilities to their friends and patrons. *; Goods carried by this line are not transhipped he. tween PitUbureh and Philadelphia; being earned en. urelyln Portable Section Doan" : #o shippefsVfflour and other goods nwjuinng careful iiof importance. No charge made for receiving or shipping goods, or advancing charges. Alljgoods forwarded’ er°Un • npon ** rett * oMb l e tennsaa by'aay oth- John McFaden t-ck, ■ Canal Biwin. Penn »»., Kuibnrch. JAMES M. DAVIS A Co., ' 227 Market A 64 Commerce rt^Phil*. JOHN McFADEN a Co. t Forwarding anti bomnuv «on Merchant*, Canal Bum; Penn il, Pituburgh. . JAMES M. DAVIS A Co, HoarTaeton and MtreluuiU, CS7 Market, and 64 Commerce .t, I’hilndelnlna. . ... - ;V e u 24 • •. ,ID“Ad»n!icc« made by either of the above on Floor Wool auil other deacrijiUona of Merchandise coniiraed tothem. ! ' r ‘ 1 fc&lj mrir u •, C V partaeralll P* T l . !»■*« Ihud»y aaaoeiatxd tbentaeive; ... J?&® e IUMJSf the atyle o i Kier A Jone*. for U>« purpoM ofeouunuinj,' the bututeu formerly'eatried ob -L»iS acl V cr » «>l«il a continuance of the lib. craipatronaga heretofore extended to. the boas* SAMUEL M.KJEIL JO^KB -f KISH'S PORTABLE BOAT LINE, p^>.eß9^aa COMPOSED ENTIRELY OP FIRST CLASS?FOUR SECTION BOATS. FOR PHILADELPHIA AND VIA CANALS* R-ULROU* \V , VWWfI to receive and forward freight u> ■ll above and intermediate placet with aamneh and at u low rates, aa any other rwpouaible •f-The attention of ahrppera wubinjj to tend Pork or Ba con to Baltimore in bulk, u particularly reoueatetl. in aatnuclt aaonr arrangement* enable ua tocartTaueh article* through m better order than any otherlilie 7 " ' KIER A JONES, Proplra. Caual Baain, uear TUt at. PitUborffk, March 1,1547. WI¥K, nn *. T. iOXB. i/ IKR fc JONES—Corotniuion and forwarding Slert Ji.ehauu.and Wtojwale Deaiera in Iron, Blooms, Sail, Product, &c. ;■ Litwrnl cnrix advaiiceaoa eonai; SEW ARHAKCIEHIEST! ]B4S r ‘SSS^^!'SSS , S^^ M - A CAE will JeaTo Philadelphia daily after Jlu Feb nifcO’t wiib the Mail Traiu, to Chtmlieniißre. which wifi enable the Wa*ott« to leave .Arte theiaaoe day, with relay* of herw*, muting day aud niaht. un *'‘ srtaii * artlval of goods' iu Five Dayi (torn rhUadeljilnn., Apply to . I . ■ • D LLLCII A Co.j Pahfl] Ila ,Pm HA (tills A . 13 and lu *oulij Jd u. Philadelphia. » c wit receipt (or tttii lb# produce. *<■ daily; 10 ro Utroochby tbe above lino after Uietflttuut. • * . UtaCH tto, 1848. S **** n Arr * n g«»n«ai. £j£s£ C L E V E E A N D, .DETROIT A.ID SACLT STK7jSXnUC*. rUhStcoiiior,at ÜbTROIT, Capt. J. C.Ueceiulrt »ul n>». donne- the »e<Uni> of l?t\ between Cleveland A ■e-milt Ste Mane. lolWiog manner, touehtur at Mackinac and intermediate place# each way: • I«eaviU£ Cleveland erery Monday, at 7 JVM, ; itetroit do 'l'ucuday at S .4, M. • ms Mackioardo Tburtday at 7 A. M w,U g, e .\j one evrrj i .* rida .| lOoelock, A- Sf 4 and Mackinac at 10o’clock, |VM and leave Detroit every Sunday evening fur Cldro* laud, nt , oi'livek. 1 i W A. Ou# iffl, s 4 Agent*. -J C. UKADUUILN’ A Co. ( ClcvelailL Tv. iv, Vi^ A ' Detroit] ,t De,roj| hs >» ihorourfiJy repaired and rtfit. ted the pa*i wmter, and Uw public mar rely upohthe **Lt'3i a * ° th ' r 'W * l * !*««««*>■ advrruted. itbzcua riuvard; JS4S. jjjjit KCLIPSK TRA3tBPOSTITIOS LI.VB, T l‘o a,«J frmn !he Eastern dues, via Cumberland.« Uh proprietor* of thU popular line. Lave aince theU re-or*am«nw. la/*ety inerrnted ihcir fadlilte* to meet the wishes oi shipper*; aud are now .prepared to forward a greater amount by tie FIVE DAY LINE, M J*U°. I: >* ■‘idruonal regular wagons at low rate*.! ; rua the year, dclireHn* goods thro ;j h the agent* in Ualuntore and I’ltuJ/Urrfi to owner* *r£ cor,.ijntees at speciGed rates and time. WiiptaMtUtrom Philadelphia for the' line" ahonld be tnafk'd ■‘Care, J ll Unbin«on. Ualtunore." <.Thc only, agent* are, , i«! 8 Charict at, Tlalumor*. KDGKRTOX & Co, CDmUsrUna. (• W CASS, Hrownivjjle. J C l*iit»liofgh 'ciutflTKiiU 'Wagon Lina. THHOUGU L\ HVI: DAYS FHOil J'HILADKL. rniA to mitobukou, u\ wagons.! }(tuu;iug Day and Nicht Lr.iv.con I'lnafaurrh end Chflm *"‘l by UmlruwJ between Chumbcnbure and I hiiadflpln*. tl.o &ifi ahipmeut will leave eacftend on l*UkJ«iuary iu»L No more rood* will be received lUau caa i»e earned through eacu. day, without delay on ilu) route. Tune will be reduced to Four Dari when U» road* become arHled. . , «« 1 Ajtem, lAt tlve Depot* (ot *l!> 2.51? tl ' :, pb , a,_l Peuq'a and Ohio CLARKE A THAW, "i Tritniportatioa r*—*,. PutiUunjb.) CompN\ • ID” " e Anil receipt lor «wi> ft, tfrodnee, ete 'per day, to go through by the aboreline after the 15th idn. J*" 9 \ ' CLARKE & THAW, TRA^TroH^TIMf ■—-* * * »opn«fw» of ih;» |*u[iuU# Us* hat* cbucod tb« 6 ”“. ““ «f SI'KWV Mi- S'uytoof UpriOO.A Co. , : FiHiburjb toJ «»«tn»tn»nhjQl»mDo<ifi»dib*tJ W*. »j y 0 fij South Co»rJ« ,i- JUlJtcaortL it lb* on!* •uiKoraed ofut a iLa Lot m tht ICmUivcite*. - : * The 00}j t|altui , \ . .- ] J C EUAV FJX, PiUiVortK, i JJ W , **iT‘ s Uro»MfiU*,. ' ■ «■ ♦ CoCnmWlwd, i J .B ItOni.tSON, ’ ’ onEEjf dfe CO.tSIKIPBtim IRK *“d other* ending Rood* «tv thfiftm. XTA ed dial thi* u (lie t»«e*t, mjS.l amt mMUitk rin^. L i ll ’ , | ft ' ,ll^. E ?^ ; eo,, w«ctiitg with Adam* fc*E tyre*, daily, at iUitnnor*. .; >-•■ r i . “* olmSu** l^ W ' U ‘S****?• »nyt).e!.bo»e teuoAl»rii“ ,U “ “ d f“f ■•!»« ft daily at 3P, it' ? i 1 - { le g* UKI IU 4', SOlli A JSj gjjHOKOiiw, Cop. J. John,tin, <,„ ; o» «,)> TJ'iIER-'IANNoXIKJriI ' 1 The untvtj?«S2V* ,l **; ,, ?Wl TO sew TiihL j ■ “ppSSSaSBr-5 ! ?”■ » u "' a a™ u «■»»"«. J,ni„ : oin«.--S ; sm I teis£“Vr B " « *ny dtirmiun by the fim «hip».-> J,., fcarltMly, a* we defy iwe of our pawn* II V7 delained 43 hpur* by U* in’ innm? - '• IT^ 1 thuiuaruU of other* were detained inonilm, ymli ,}, o y rou]d bo m „ in TODle ot( j crßrt) „ m , V»P ?***» which too frequently proved their co&u. j . we intend u» perform our contracts honorably, eon ’*!®« ** nuy. and :wt mi as wu the caie la*i : Maaon,' witbtUtcr o(TiCcr»,~wlto either'performed oot~aU, or Wheit it lofted their convenience. —•: iP%P* dntjyn |t I'uubufgh dir any turn from XI to< 4MWf poya&U at cwy dfihe provineiftlUimkt in l|nd,Engtanrf, gcottaiuUnd Waleo. !• , -r U . JIGIIINBON, ; A : • Euiflpcin and General Agent, lebl __ • igftirmeeti'tffta.dopr below Wood. 1 ljpSsflsgpgtts3w* I Yl' A B»r*k,n *? **•»! E»t»le. I JBn •‘fl.® *ub»criber offer# far »Ie a Maas* and Lot VjEjßon Liberty street, a *han.<Ucial-ce;'afcore Eastl - Lane, .Allegheny city.; The Loi i*S2 feet from I on Liberty street, ud run* back u> an Alley « fecL . ?” Ho “»e. e rected thereon U Brick, nearly pew, two ! rone* high, 18 teet in. front by about 55 in depth, and 1 contain* ten comfortable room*, .excloiiTe ofpaatry, coal-eeUar and cellar. • Alt the room* hare firt-placei’ and drain* arc coiutroctrd to carry off the water, and 1 the boute u m evenr respect in good order ami .very convenient, and U well .toned Ifor two fomilie*. The property will be *old]ow,*nd time riven ou the largest part or the parchace money. " - Inquire of the sub who can be *een at the of £ce of the Gazette, every forenoon, between the hoar* ofeirtt and. tern and .at other time* at hi* rooms at ? J“ZS b ?* rdi ?s &«*••» Kobincon’* new row. Fed r K?i6 Uesheoy > i, > % > DN WHITE, JeblS tf __ _Agenl for the owner. F ~~ SALE—The subscriber offer* for sale the im ,J’ rt Cr e ® e , I 4f Md P™P«rtj- he now occupies, situated Fourtb Street Road,.about three miles from the. Sn!»lf?^ l^? or *I reU S nwl * ed Uric * House, eon and.? cellar under the whole; an «i 1.,« n J 8 .2 ck Tenant House, containing three rooms; a *? d A lcencnl a never failing run-. »?Z??hi?&? { { oh ? 9UT \ v>i * P U “P of excellent wat- t , C^en door ' f**°' a pttnlen containing some cfesasr*' '° B " l, ' r "* *•»»■ <»«k.w > property wUI be sold on reasonable tennis' Sd P i?JSiM?JJ' ,Ma on, the first day of April; if not sola,. itiWill that day. For furtherin- Atioif CoalLsmd for Sale. Sf* w^“W ca “« B *i in Ro«ravertown. tk&}\Sl? Wrelwu! cou l l1 } r > about one a on the East Bank of the Mo -SSSk r A *** the farmofthe.late jessed. Said iamt fronts on the riv- nbJe, about 40 acres cleared, with other io- P r oy c “«nts. - The farm is one entire mass of stone coil. Tfte farm wiU be sold altogether orin lots to suit purchasers, and on liberal terms. For particulars en outre of,.ifenty Sterling. Daniel Ewer, Wn. Larimer. Jr, Pittsburgh, Fa. Title Indisputable! , wn.i'ilL. . JOSIAH HUTCHMAN.^ _febgldtwlm*S New Castle. Meresren.. p£. . ■ Lx>t* Off Ground /Or sale. . A beautiful Lotsjfrontingon that great ri-A. thoTpngufttre. Penn street,.or the Greensbureh T.T k *P d Alle gh c ' l Friver,and interne fj*? * u^ eu m the 9th Ward, Pittsburgh, are now offer ed for sale on the most reasonable terms. f 9T. Pnvate residences, business and meoaihctnrinr establishment*, these lots present situations not ed. if equalled, by any now for Tho reraJarity ■"‘£,„r''ik U " “"5* “ItvSlib.t “cle.f of tba ground, render the: lot* convenient, and available aiiJnce for bniidingpurpoaes. The title bin disputable. to harm ardenny, 3d «•, Ah<L.ii M i 4 or root. Mcknight, _fcb3-<llm t Attorney at Law, 4th at; near Grant. A *“ACTofl»nil l W aeres, In Harrison, Portage Co., or the Cgyalioga nver-oboul X acres under im* provemeuL AJ»x two unimproved lots in the village “£'XVr :n V T^,m “ aJl C®- CO feet ty 00. Also, a lot of P* j " .“>* pentro of Hartford, Trumbull Co* with a Une dwelling fwuse and store—one of the best stands for a merchant oa.the Western Reserve. Any or oil this- propehy will bo sold on very accommodating ISAIAH DICKEY" & feblO [__ • Water and Front su. Building - ifOts. “t - — J —” FQE SALE bn accommodating-, terms, or to be let ou perpetual leassea, those four eboico lots situated on fourth street, near GrantsL, each 33feet9 inches i lO f "‘ ta “ to «30 tool oUcyr- Title indisputable, and terns of payment liberal. ■ Ar>- P'»“ v . THOSIaSHAKEWEXX, i comer wood a Stl ft*, or to a o< ' • „ .WALBAKEWEU^ ftbBl AUnT at Law. b&fccwcU’* ITldiagi, Gram t. AJ R>U BiUt< In H«reir County. LOT, StoreboaM and Dwelling, situate off" the tno Extension Canal, in the village of West Mid* J u *Wr- n desirable location for a Bertram. Also, a 'well suitei fora Tavern Siand, inibo viUaga ofOrangeviHa: on'State lino of Ohio. Terns easy. ISAIAH DI<SkEV A Co~ • . Water and Front sts. A,„, , . Let for Sale.' “ JJ}* SH* Wttn *' * 3 fee* on J<offan street by 00 feet on Clark street; one of the toost desirable 10. .“a.fA&fSYAr.fA M j ME SAJLK. *% rT J > ?r e i 11,, ff Hotira and Lot, now oeconted by H. F. Schweppe,'E*q.,on Penast. v** *** “ 2l br ispleuwh ly situated. For terms apply to the Bubseriber, who has ■J*® ' f6r rent i ’ • TOe three story house oaths corner or Libeny stand Irwms alley, now occupied as a wholesale and retail grocers store, by 11. F.Schweppe. 1 Possession riven immediacy, on appiieation at & 0 warehouse Irwin A Sons, No. 11 Water street, by - dcc!4-3m _ _ VOHK IRWIN ■ IMQ ValaaWe Farm Fpr Bale^ IHI9 Farm lies upon the bank of Ihe Ohio river, in Lawrence county, Ohio, immediately, adjoining the vtllneenf Millersport. It contains upwards of3oo acres, of which 183 ueres are cleared and under cultivation! There is upou the property a pood dwelling house and out buildings. • Terms Liberal, and title indisputable —, la ?“J.SL?,L* TOlip A SMITH.; * tcDtfatUw*. Attorneys at Law, 4th at amenta.rnorliT M A two storybriek dwelling with about six aeres of ground attached, situated at Oakland. The place is well stocked with fruit pf all kinds, and is a nesirable location for a famil; being entirely out of reach of thenverond din of the city. An omnibus leaves Oakland hourly for the city. Ap*>ly to i \ _ATIVOOD.rjQ\KS A Co r « ForEsab • •J. V AJ fr 1 ’ bontaimup about M oerrs. with a fine j?A dwrlUnp bouse and good barn, aituated in Peebles township, but a short distance from the’eity; (the proper* ty of the law Richard Riddle, Esq.) ; This nn.pCTtv would be desirable for a dairy, aadlwcmld berwnedfor xiennof yearr. Apply to i fowami j H gnOENEEROEn. MWli-'ttJP'S "“T. >"“* ilwcllinchooK cn Wyhe street-Possession given on the first of April or Sooner if required. Inquire of | JAR FLOYD, 198 liberty street For Beat. . * EH A two story bnek dwelling with about 3 acres Jsfl rround, situated oa the bank of the Ohio river. wsa>m the borough of .M nchesicr Apply to James a hutciuson a c<l i , , T* Lhl : JbA THREE dwelling bouses aituated on 4th street canal bridge, in the city of Pittsburgh. Al so, a room 73 by so feet, with a cotivetuem en trance on &b *t., near wood. Also, a frame dwelling, two stories, with an acre of ground-enclosed and under cultivation, sitaato on Ohio lane, in the eity of Aileche ny. Inquire of , J D WILLIAMS, J ,n9 ’ lift wood street . . ’’ _ To Birowers. OR BCNT.tii® Pitubnrßh Brew. JcJLfJT* wihsii its brewing apparatus, situate on , „ Pl ;?. n *«d Barker’* alley,and now occupied by Geo. \\ . SnutU fc Co. Possession' given on the ftrst Oay of April ensuing. For terms Ac. enquire of BROWN * CULBKRTSOX, 1-15 liberty st. ! Tq Let. —r KB- The new three story fits proof brick store on *JM second si. now occupied by Edward Evans: foi ••rent from Ist of April next. -Inquire of . J SCHOONMAKER * Co, _ ~ To I«et. : ' , r eg Tbc subscribers will rent pan ofthe»ware- M hm Vc*,' jauU M' water street .. t , I Por Heat, m fgb, \ handsomely finished room on Market street, i^ J \l , i e T j C s < S pAe ' l .V * I*l™<rouJtype e»t*blithnieni by Morland A Co, Also, a well flushed utd well fur *u,l“bie for societies, adjoining tlu hull of the Mcrcaimlo library Association. Entrance nt Fhi t D GAZZAM, ocU7 Office, market street, between tkl'ana -4th • For Heat. ; V& r. TOE large and convenient dwelling hou*e o _£H.J;edep>l »i..Altcshc:iy, formerly occupied by Hr Aim Onzinm. Rem low. rostcsßioii given on me 1« •f.ApidMn. lib GAZZAAL -unediato poMCfoion of liie abovehTu»Tcanbc'ob '““d'ST ' ' For Beat. ; 4*4 A laT £*. ™ or ? on »b« M *Unr of the wareboas j£ii,??' eu P loJ hy too MikacriUer*, ueer ihe fool i , l!rccI ~* < t 2? d *oc»don toraatearaboi afenej or on loturanee odicr. jMiMi - BOLLMAXB -A OARRISfte. For Boat or Sale. 4*4 a neat iwo * toned brick dwelling houae with IfiijL“ven rooou and large yard, pteawnilv tituated Apply to \Vsl II SCAIFE, JgbMaw • l»t etreet near wood. ' tor SaK :“ — ft-.ii “cry brick houae,on tnaia itmt, Jtt-t Allegheny city, near the upper bridge. The lot i* laieelm Front by 100 deep. Tv terra. bmurcof - U AWASHINGTON. 4ih '«j ,i ~ T©TGSE ' ' : M One new three »tory Dweilin* Home, with tvSi^Tw'^ bed * “ tuat * ne * r thecomer of Wylie and Washington streeu. Possession riv. e« on the first of April neiu ap J. for fttaH ft snfiiri fir ® rro °> r^reta w«i « feerfronl by , jEt&bO feet deep, on second at, near wood. Rem mod ««'•. Inquire of J SCHOONMAKER AcL, To Let< ' S!> • A STORE AND GKtdiAR, corner of Federal; lei and Lacock street*, Allegheny city. Inquire of - >»*fuaron the premise*. fehsMdw ! 4 FerßeßC “". * ’ £& A Smoke House. situated on Plum alley, for gjrent. Inquire of ROBERT DALZELL ££>, "‘’Liberty street. ’ : __ For Rent. furnwbed *tore on Market street, b«- third and foonh streets, at present ocen .. £>«* by Bntrawa and Turner. possession given ,011 ihe Bret of April next [nttS] H D QAZZAM Te Let. . teL A dry good* warehouse, 07 wood street, second •;;« door above Diamond alley.'lnquire of D T MORGAN to- Co. GOAL LAND FOR SALE—Seven acres cot! luud •' tor sale, lituale in bend of the Monongahcla River, above Brownsville, IV, hiring a 7 foot vein of coal, which will be *o!d in exchange for good*. For purtich* lar« apply to ipcgS} 8 A W IIARUAUGII, 33 wood at Bulldltstr Lot N MANCHESTER I*OU have for taloa ..beautiful building I«i in Mupchestef, near the ferry, i£J feet front by Liu fret deep. It will be «>oltl low, and ou ncconunodaliiur terms. Term* unexceptionable. . mylff JAS. IHAKELV. Rcnl Estate Agt Loti for Bole. IWO building lot* in the sixth ward, each Cl by 131 . feet ou which there is a never failing spring of water. • [febt] GEO COCHRAN. SHEEP PELTS—SO bdla. n good article, rec\l per »tmr Pncilic, and for sale by Jkb*f JAMES A HUTCHISON Si Co •'WNDLHS-flO boxes mould Caudlea in atom and for J solo by __ (febtJ] St \V HAKtIAL'GU * ite 3 * 8 11 UMDEK » ud Mm Jolee, for tale by •OS! £ _ W. wi’WALl^g lM * >kdM com limaihc. r ■; ■.. ~ . ■ Mcgill; hibi&ei.d in™ PH? h ® cmi «yiNEOia iSTifcbJ - - X_Ttbia Meon.l., i »»" ■*»&* ; J ISAIiH DICfiEY * Co. hU floai Bulphurfor ula by " — ' *^ ,blS ■ JOHN 1) MbfIQAM .RAIES OF DISCOUNT. bates ay sSsJ3>ri'-«»Riua,i'ii'uv — „ *•; HOLMKB d^SOJf, ExcUo.;e BnHtw.&o.W.Ma.lw street niaMti'st • ■ Ponaoylwnnia. ; , indlaiuu . Bankmp.iu’.urph ...-jnifj&JtplTfc &B?socfcct.« H •Etchante Baa* ••••••Par sJ-ateScrip . ... u Merck’ ft Man.’Bank .piri— ’ ■•( Virginia. .pjtftexcbwige Bk. of Oirani Famtr*Ck.ofV»,..:.. “ Bank ofOennamown -paflßk. oluie Valley —— « ••“ r Che*JerConatr ; **paf Hk.of Virginia---..... " “ Delaware Co.*' --par M.kM. Uk., Wheeling t Montgomery Co. - .par do ] Morgantown-• if “ NonhuinberUad..fmr N. W. Bank Va*~—- 4 - Colombiaßridge Co.*• par do : YV'eUsbnrs...--* D 1 Doylcaiown Bank-''.«pai do - Parkersburg— •» : Farmer*' Bk. JWdinff-plr Tcnneuce. Famers’Bk. Back* Co. pai flk. ofTetniesaee.--. '• Farmer* DTcLmeas'-r-por Farr ft Merch’ts Bk-~- •Lancaster Co. Bk.--- .par Piamert’Bk. Lancaster Bk.-.......<par Union Ilk li. States Bank*—-I • HUionri. Brownsville Bk.* .par Stateßkofitissoafi.... if Hashmjnon Bk..'-.'.-.lforlU Carolina. Gettnbnrrhßk 'i lf:tßk.of,Cnp« Fear-i.— H Chojabersoarg.* “ iMereh s lit,Newborn- l Susquehanna Co. Bk.. ISuue Bank’.----' 1 Coßank, -'Booth Carolina. iJtfTT!" 0 *' 0, *•' Camden Bk.- IJ Middletown .....’. l: Bk. df Churieston 14 CarJi* : iCom»ereial Bk-.-.-... 14 BrieJlk. ..... . , .... Iftßk.ot'Geomtown—.-* lj '■nnera'and Drovers': Hk.of Hamburg.-- 14 - fMcrcLuusßk 14 •Harmbuig...“ (Flamer* ftfflecfaa'afik- li lloisesdaJe r -IfjOk. of South Carolina- li Lebanon par- Maryland. Potunlle- :•*—« Baltimore .paj "yoW - .. lj UaJun’eftOßßSerip-!0 «?* S k *' :"'*•? i; Cumberland Bk. of Alle. West Branch Bk.? 14 i ghany—l Keliefl'ioiea-.... ••• ( *:!Far. Uk.of Maryland— *• Mft Milk.* . “ [Farmers’ ft. Mechanics “ CayfcCountvScrip.-.. ** i Bk. Frederick-- « u ! ‘Ohio. .- _ jFr©dcrickCo.Bk...»-. « State Bk.apd Branches 14 ilarcrtiownßk ..... ** MountPleasant* ««.*• . «• MmereJßk -.i.:. u Steubenville «. v■«' Paupeooßk—i.’—.;. « Bt.ClairtviUe-.... ** Wajhinrtonßk— »—• —** V—■“ Bk'.of\7estmintier *♦— NkwLisbon- . « 3 Michigan. Cincinnati Banks-. •••. « BkofSt. Clair Columbus do- 4* Bk. W Btrerflaitea-•.. Circleville ; •“ Michigan Ins. Co 5 Zanesville . « Par.&Mtfch’*Bh 5 ftjinan--.—....,.... « Wisconsin Terrify. Woo.ier. « Mar.tFirrln.Co.Milw’eS MttssiLon ............A, u . Canadas* ■ Sjandnsky « AUrolvemßaoks S Cleveland- ** Cold A Spools Valne. Xenia...“ Napoleons a gi> Dayi0n.......« Ducats.j...••:* 1A0»SO .Western Reserve*.... “ Eagle,old r. la «o Franklin ITk CoJptnbns “ lEagle, new .... •’ 10 00 Oullicotbe « Doubloon*,Spanish. 19 oo I Lake Erie-- ........ « llo.Pftiriot..wad “ Sovereigns ••••• ••• 4 Kl Lancaster .....10 j0ninea5........... yoa uamtlton -..w |Fredericl»d , ors....-*7 W Granville SO {TenThaler*. .. .. ,7 60: Farm'rsß’kCanton*..*3o Ten Guilders..-• i 3So Urbana v-tSO jLbaitd’ors* 450 - Kentucky* - > Excbanrs. • Bk of Kentucky--.-... if New York ....7?.. i pna * Philadelphia..—. 4pm Norhera Bk. Kentu’ky. « ‘Baltimore ....... -ipm or k—Cur Banks.pflr. lntenor B'ls-’ EXCHANGE BROKERS,r&£ ■ . „ HASKA * .GOm 1 TJANKEKS, EXCHANGE BROKERS, iS dealer. X> in Foreign and lXnoeMifl-Bxcliirire, Genilleateeof Sank Note*, and Specie; Fttmb atreeLnear. oppose Jke Bfn* of PyijbajrL Current Boner rccejred oß.depodtfr-BWit Cheeka tor aale, and col oa nearly-aii tka principal poiata'in tEe gS* ** cmin ® I tald *5 Foreign and Adyaacei niada on eortalgnxaatU of Prodßeei ahipi ped tan, on liberal tonna. ■•■•!•>■■ ' CO>PiSTSttSSIXIP. ' - 1L ILUX, y (laM dr.Uia .fifmcf W«.A;HI]J * Co-,) and WiL C. Curry, (late el\Erie, Pa.) Jure entered into Co-partnership under ihc name of Hnj. & CtrUTi tor the purpose of: carrying on the n«nHn ff ju-.j txcluaige bosioeM m all its branched at No. 65 Wood • l ***4, *?**• deora below Fourth, -wort side—where tho? •otieu tha emtom of their fnends' and the public ren. ’ ; *“ Joseph a. wii. pcalg WM- a cUfiRYT^ BHJL: A ODRRTi ’ - Bankers a exchange BROKERStDe.fcr» in' Foreign and Domestic Timo and Sirtt Bills of Ex* cnaiwe, Certificates of;Depo»itd, B&ukNotes and Coin: \i « door below fourth; west •jae. Par. Fond* mid: Currency received oadeposiw, coUecuon* madcoa all tija principal cities indie United States. . , Sirin Exchange on Baltimore, Philadelphia, New kork, Boston and Cincinnati, constantly for sala. • • .. Olutv Indtwia, Kentucky, Virjjluia and Pennsylvania liaiik Notes bought and sold oji/arorailC’ verms. . -. Lachance on England, Ireland, Germany and Prance procured, he. *■ ' £ •.= t -mehis H- HOIrSIKg * SOS, . 7~~~‘ ANTffiRS . and Dealer* In' Exchange,' Coin and Bank Notes, No. 85, Markcl street,' PyttLareh. v Exchange. BayiMßaus.V wjr}? r u* Cincinnati,!. ■ ijdis Philadelphia, ISo Louisville? | jldo Baltimore, . *do . fit. Louis, I . i|Z Tluyuig Bates, BANK NOTES. 1 Buying Kate*. Ohjo,-' < • . ]Jdis Co. k. ScripOrdejtli-di* Indiana, . '-do Belief No-is, ' Kentucky, .* “do - PenajTlirama Cy. ;«,u v “«*w* stn. •New.'vorS t do -.l* do 'Vhcelingiida Ncwr.Oriecriv '-do T SJ®» 1 “.do JLLIAM A. BILL * EXCHANGE BROKERS, aml'Dcalers jP" Donicslie Exeliaiwe. Cenifidutcsof Bepodte, *-”oe?sd&wF'” “de, Pittsburgh, Pa. B iu POnKIGWEICHAIOE.’ ILLS on hiifjUid, Ireland. slid Scotland bosjrhi lb .any wnoom t>* tin Cwrrcuj Rate*'of Eichanre. aiso, drafts payuLi.'.n any pan of the Old Countries, from £1 to AUMI. urthe rate of S 3 to the £ Sterling 2-' 4 v O L-. dcJuCUO! ’ ® r diM'ouitti lO* JOSHUA ROUUv- systems' “af-ff u^5 epoilw ’ ,^ ,k . K ««? oSSSwrf •Kl and W ood streets, directly opposite St, Charles Ho- it ■ ; r,b<l ' r . ’ - • Kcnaefcy, • • - Uuooori, i purchased at the lowest (rotes, by'j^*”* B U,l ‘\?w^ CIIASGE oa * ■ . ‘ I’Mladelphia^nd Conaiantly for aale by N.'UOpIES fc SON. — cl °— - x .35 Market .1 riOLLECTIOSS-prafts, Notre, and Acceptor VJcea, payable iu any partof the Union, collected on - N. HOLMES A SON -11S12 —"I :i -j.. sa Market at.. SI wood airc et. F.bS^® 0 ®? ew - PMJ*MpW«, and «^£uw Unor ?* ? ?•>**» ' ata * lo ,ail purchase iv, con* •mnUyforaoieby. HILL A CURfltf, .. • . . below Fourth. • WESTERS FUNDS—The Notes of the Ohio. Indiana and Kentucky Bank*, purchased ot lew rate* of discount, at the office of T CfSir-- 1 *“ * e mar - No. OS Wcod'pL, below Fourth.’ HATS, CAPS AM BljNiNK'm n» ' ■ m'cord & co.. rr: e£L I,'i s °e c . ewo » «o M’Cord t'King) Foahton«lrl« «PC ARTICLLAR atteution paid; to our Retail Trade. Gentlemen can rely upou galling their Hot* aud houae in Philadelphia. ; y ■• . _• »«moraL:i: TT ■< ftt J'lllmia Dougiaa,' lute Jaotea McKutA ‘ The AX TObacnber ha* removed hit Kat and Cap Manu* -T7^ racs . or > -10 No{77 Wdod »lreeli:ueaxlro(‘|>o»ito bis old aland, where ha would iiirilt hi* inenda aiu! the public generally to on assortment'of Hat* and Can*, wiuch tor beauty aud durability cua'not be surpassed : ; AV.MJDOI’GLAisg, 77 SVood sl ■ Having retired from the Hat mid’ Cap M'annfcctbir, I mo*t rcpectfnlly’recommend iliek’patrduaga of mr friends and the public genefaliy to thy successor. Win. Douglas*. • • jfeblldJinl JAMES McKAIX. JOHN ¥ PERRY. will Introduce oii Saturdays OeL Bth .Geujiemeu wisbiiis u hat tried with Ibis desirable- arti* cle will pleiue call and examine . ALFRED KiiEViL, Practical. Hatter, QCtO - • of |wood at rS I^L v F^v, l lo . s, /Wed from New r ork, the Fall *fi-Je of Hat* .which PShhe wili introduce thU day, Srmmlay, 'Aug sfcth All taose in of a neatnud •upenor'hat Would do welUdcall at No. .5, Wood Street, ?d 4th: *7tb I »*7 ii^Aß^BtyteGeuUe^A^^TOj^. at KKtryiL’a oil TTiuniJay. August 27th. GemftmeuAvnshtng a cheap, fosl,ioS/ble S burgh maiiutucture,.ahead of fa.Uiouablc Hot* bnnoro ■ed and advertised by aorae of tlte tnfile; plewecalfSt ' KF.EVIL A Co.v i ‘ , -‘ l ’ 1 l&bhsad of wood tt /J> BUMMiEU FASmoai Jwitt n A rrh~~ «^iSSfcrhn VCd » w UlJsSfe vu\cn£^h*\Sh ch , Xi>tT 'iff' “W’ a ** J country re narinHr,,i!^ e * ran!kM Po*«ble advance.: Having a in! f ? , L con * lai L l| y' i “'*t«w»*tern markett, their llinanTJl b *, U P &K)URh©UI . AmOllJ !;' “Vl C nw ? i f tn ‘ h : ore 50 eases print?, some nt2! CnUl,u -ruricty of , cotl ® , ‘ pantaJooii,' studs, domestic k'iofhamv oicaciica ami browh cottons, Ac. ['fabySOAutmT IRRITATE Ik)ARDIN(PA lew;tiit;l< gentlemen,. X or a small family, eon be accommodated ar il. War* ncr s corner 01 Federal arid Laeock streets, Allegheny' Ciry, near tho end of the old bridge. • t febSPdCw TT’ENNRBKCK CHFCKS-Txvo Cares of Tory dark XX blue sbirtinr'clieck* ju« received Ly tcbtO - • aiUCKLLTf X WHTTE. ; " BARLEY'— SOObtubelsfefaalebyMV. : fcHB . : ■•- . ;- JAMI-a DALZELL. rpO ARIUVK—£3 itbkilFe*lhtn»{ |U tick* Gintenr* " ■ i>V><ey »nd front iti •; •■ TObAS^i^—loo. hb)<i p Uai*lipi£« fanirti B r~7e= r>Jlttrl>B.\Viu CUntoiiiMod fertile by • JtMhatIALCT.,- fcrouia'Katt'&ndfci- *r ■••~v ;■;>JPKm<w>%n~ * ■ >ohn Marr t j^- box**? micfafam- V '.•■(. WKBB* TTABTa VEUETAHLS an invalpo*': JX ble remedy,for Convulsions, .Spasttn, Ac.. Ilia wellknowii, Unit from : ume immemorial, physicians have priiahiliited Kpitvp. . tie Fltt teUStdAll their skill; aud-tht i boasted power of al) medicine, snd. scad* have suffered ikroogb a mlWfhblc cxUirnrcVaMftV; ***** yielded .up Ibnr tivTS'orilbeslror nfinMiiitf. >Viih all deference,- however. to the. opinions of .tat r : freaiaod learned,’** say, tUcl ii tu*i>e«n-cerrtl .. lIARTS VejUKtABLK EXTRACT, for sixteen pears, hu been tested hr nun? person*.-:, woo bare- suffered with this dreadful disease, «wd i*A where It Ess had a fair triaL Just Affected ft-, permanentesre. .. .. ~ jftTf*? *»ff ’« momh*/ cored by the cse if • • Uustrttlp t : * . . th» fejjpwing: remarks Ida ease of the knot Esq, of. Philadelphia, afflicted with 04- Fa n «mouths. Alirrtrareilij*; <jereaai>y.«iHl»tnierveaw e ° uncn * bad exfWMiiu for.-: u «d»lr^ ; -tVree'tW reuinw| -wnb;.liU.aouio-flK*cduntr)- ia ■■•■ * io ' n ™XTi*Xi wiibout reealTioe auybcuefii wbalsrv er, and Was cured by usinr ] j- -,»t or. Mr.-. William SecoreY Uuet ro.brwtvaisind Hart ' I&avespentorerihree ibooremlidallur«-fcr niedi. ' cine aiid medical niimieneei 1 ares mink,-«.-.: L? or , to E o *! l * Wl| h. bn>v which Idid-vi h firit vidnit "' England.consulted the mortr«blt»ci.t phywrwiS there In respeclto Ids cam they exeiaitwO-Lnii ...hT,.-’ prescribed iutcprtfmgiy. 1 •mhatnrd. ibre« month* without perecmtig any -change for ibe lwitvr. which '■'■■ eost-ree about two hundrcd aitd £fiy.»totl*ni pock.u-d - by.tbr physicians,.aud.lbe«t ftccc/vrd wn* their opinion dial my eon's case was hopeless ami no«. • b»ely IttcnreW*., I Becordiiryfr,len England. and true. elled through .Scotland; Ucrmuy.iuni-I'niiicd. nml turned home in the month of Aoeembcr-iasLiwiih me - • •ott as far frpm being cured as when 1 left. lahw your : ' adrcrbsement In-one of the New York paiwn/imd -.-" , concluded 10 try Hart's Vegctablel£ttreet l we«hnri'oer*- ; statemenreaud certificates of somnny cures, touw of - nremy and thirty years’ sJandiug,mal! canaasure yoa '' 1 1 a % no, I-didao, as by the use oLHartAiVecria. . ble Extract alone* heiwai-.resiortd. to perfect hwihh.-'N Ills. reason,iwbiebw-as:*o far goa* as mmiSlbint for,. bnsutesa,- is ;eiiurely rcsioredr.wilh the prospect now - C before bun, of life, health and usefulness:-; H*> u now - ,'•« , yc*™.ef*fe,‘ond SJ yehtmmJ fl'monilis.’of this lime has buh aiflicted with tlu* most dreadfat of dls» ■ ' cares; but thsjik God hclhnow enjoying good health. Now, geutiemea, faith witkou works-f i'dter* *?: To ‘“T Mj o * 1 ehall be ever grateful to you Is ono •• • Uung, and as I here enclose you one bttJtdretfdoliarSv I : -teals; siuta£s^: , ™“ VoureTeryrerpectfuily,',l,l': l (SigucdJ !j. ■ •■•. > WnthlAll 6ECOBE, :• ' . -J TO THE 'wi5 w .ar.! h - s«Pn«a»joC*U# InTab^ie,iMdielw' : . •: ww,:aßicted[ for several .year* .with, f;„ Tlte disease ]Ked prsduetd. the -worst cSet P iu*ouhi* J symem, vie Loss of memory, imbecility of mm 3, andm £ at !sF fof th^d life, and wasjhewroro determined logiteiiaAirtnaL and to pfcrsevtsre in iu ure, which he did, aod the result wia a perfect restoration to health, which-was, ctmti*' ' ucd naintemrptcd for nearly sixicenytar*.’, C~. v ■ • We would; refer':© tb* mllowiiigpenoas-wk) haw •• •' - *«*oeored by usingllart'-sy«etabi*Eßa«: - • ' Col E Denslow** daughter was aMiemd i resides at.Vodkert, NewTorkTllTT^,™^ : ; : WBenaet.tiiflß*jrca^ l a7t:Gre^4 t „..„••••>•:;• : bS I ®® *■* -DrWLMontotQtdlforib. *.■ • v r-p^simstsss^i^ ‘i~ *' -CHDoughton, 2o2Efshteeath«tl?Y.'>i ; u SSSSBflSftSSirs V <skarles Brown,iooWtu*?at " ' j- - paid of 6o PW ' f-5 N. l ?y?ff‘ rei kTl, '. B 1,-, * H*ry , p.p.THqjiis t Co; j«tiiio‘ it imiSSu^.'.-r:v SBjgftWwadaS£ jtm&Oar “—gstj-- aKDWAXdtBCBwiM^FKcftT" ’-LKV doSybelj 1 * ' / ItOOWB, U aT i.- ffiSSSKsfisSSlS?■■ 1 tw> »' 1;, jtf«Sd.ijpiaw J • . wunplaml. fiy A.. Sjfrefata***!* *» gjverthis ciirefnt • sfte **»• °f *m rr - jOXaiSo. es; re-will .So,, oppodaao - Ct^Nocureno'nav.A 1 1 - ! , ~ ' •'l, drr jp N. HOLMES 4 POX, • i 35 Market ctreet.. stasis *asi»K£*«fc« | *Usl. “ - 2“ vS J>^K fe t .S 4r * u ? n wta.or. i%riHh"vcH;,Ss“St i°.>W g i , -'^' v *' au r and tiib-trc-ni' unn]itiL Wrm * «ror#e wrne Mtiur before!— Tlu» Cream,iovrover, bot net mr expectations. > 'S*7«leV ifrj> wi letfve* rnce over oil otiirrsj liuujr delicately perfumed.' nnil Vot ■ I °' l ? ,,C '‘ i,l> ’i • B J ,lu,ie * «i’**ciaitjr tviu find the ChiucM Cream io3i* a de*kferorurfi tettornrerta. »£°«» for the lorleu -RcMweifolly; ie.-V™."™?T , Putailcj, Jan, 7. 1347. . i r pAi mvt'i +■■- ALTowiuond. iN0.45 Market ureet, 'a»d : jDel ’ MohV iQraeroi XVood mil Fifth sirccn. 7 ** • . „. r HILL 4 CURRY. .\o. MYVoo4bi., bflowToimh! ' hS OVVE IL' WyCEjAT*; JIOARHOUND A Litvo •^r.J r ? n “ o3ore«l IoJ-ihe 'paliTie' m b pleatam and effective remedy forcooitUj cold*. tninn mm, Aatluaa. • • "nl^gr^SS £>s£•"' .“ pws^•WpJyA'weiaJiyiuiboMaioi.-o} T? 5 \^. Cofl f 1, c^a y '• -' • hen ' 'teHVrwpofiortCMill Uie'twiimlfcw toi?whSrtf. , ! at T'i" c T lrc, ‘ wm r «*wVr«4rS’V j ~, 0 J; contiuce any pc non of ha rtrca k ' propneior* therefore dely anypemoh iii the : Sold wfagleule and riiali, by'lfce Geuerat A /rent, V « S.MVSEK,JJru«i.L -„ calico Pro PP eLor *» ‘'Y* ColltTje liallCjmi,*, _' _ZT PiftlfToarniod. " -mM X|TL O. R SIBJ.Ki —Dear ifm fca«n^rtr}ijtd'At* ■lll ni!g the previous"winter.; | wd* agTwlf-Vffl”ffifr. . with* Krofuloa* complaint ; for woe month*under IU-rarto ot pliyilciaua. ibl.- told my com »« olmo« . lJreyW,ta*ita : . bm Uuio for me.. I y,n »>eurfy help| c ,£ aid ofcretc re.couWwitb nU)«?4SKi: -V V la*l, I pure luted of you. and com wm, erdtijl nftixJE NtMAwaiiic : After BWS- : - sorca commeuced hcaiinr. mid l laid a»iS wS&sfo I ca, <i«utg only a ctnei I at theer.d or the fourth; venjuu.m|i«vf• iu •bearing *b<*p. -ft •eroiula «nd *orca ha»« all •ummer l bare kcd > w amaiJSS'oSiSff : hare.continued, aj»oj»miow t * H K , * c V*’W l: v: 1 Male with lWr« beaETj ' . cflued In thedarae *-ar ™?y ft » b <a / -- you, Im Ueu «Wby . Morulaßo3U . s. :.;i Praimonli or ■ • '■ jSsasKis^cjs^^^|^t>;, tia^ij ; S* uu^' 5 * s*twoTe.<a t&a incletbojey wf ■.: ■..'. ■ '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers