,;:*r .• 7 • , y •'-Is— ~- w :' r 7» ’''■V’-'S 'Tf oa r/.-rVs* !~ I trmim): j ■ : rllS , .: BUSINESS CARPS. •. t.j'l .■•„; *• - .iM fc Co.—lGde and Lex , at,’Star York. -JohnOfier Piiuborgb;E.L jcaU ofW**i*ra Leather-aotir . >ace« made, if fcqmred. ,■• ; - -uuANDBIi. GO&IXINi Conuxriw J\i waniiflf MertbajiL 54 Wmr and ) .. .' PiiUbnrgb.' . 1 ’ • 4 vTIVOOD, JONES It Co, Conininlonxadrorßrarf* -»• f>'i f ‘ have returned to their old . : Wxtef xnd Want amu-Picxbtt*" I **- • - • ccta - ' ■• ■ namex tun, mantes xcijsxu,; • f *fS RAUN A BETTER, Wboleaale tad Retail Dr««ui*i Übgny and SL Cl*ix.*«e«l% P ,,u ““j|“ T • •'v? ; x. eitMWWw • • ••• i '!'iL * *&**■■ - , DiIOWN CULBERTSON, ,n land Commiiuon Merchant*. No- 145 Liberty, •t.‘l f FntrbftfgW Po. 1 { •••••■ ■■'■■■ --aeauy.: TD j A. PAUNESTOci A Co, Whoteaxle and BenO . .Da Druggist*, corner Wood and slh t»- = •_ J& XJKRK|ii SEVEN DOLLABS.: - : A-*rt,29Ferrr« n ! H«r York. ' . . . 1 . R*roL**ci»wotin Gner Puuborgli;E.l»rrl<kfcCo. -••lfUbAelpbte'-'J ! .' ■ Cfrn«iynrag«u ofWtflim Leather- ■alidtgd. Mid hb eralKdrimce* made, iffcqminL ■■■••'febWCoi / * I'&XiNDER.GOffiXWf, Comonrrton ond'Foir*. ’ "J\i warding Mereb&uL 54 W«ur and 10$ Front *t»- fitUbnrgb.' . - 1 mchll i, ,T> AOALEV fc SMITH, Grocer*, li fad Jjgr,Wo6j«trcei._Pii»ljurglfa . - Gi A.iIcAXULTV b*CKJ ftomardinf and CcnnU-‘ t*loo Merchants, Canal Rasta, PtUsbargh, Y'l ■' ORLANDO LOO MI ft, Attorney otLaw, office on ,'- ■., yy».4lh street above gtoiihlield. ..... «pl?!r • : vm. touxlx.■■.• iwr.inaKb - ja*,w-.haxlhaj» GOLEHAN, HAILMAN, * tl Carriage ftpring* and Ax lei, A.-B.and fspruigs'e*lt ’ • and dealer* in Coach Trimming* of every desenpuon, i • : Manufactory ©a StCUiret •>\arehoase 43A\oodsL, ••.•• oppoehe St. Charles Hotel! ' - jaiia_ tOQX UIMf. i rfc't.ncmOßT. - fUiUSOX t JlcKNlollT,{«ace«»rt to 1L Codter %J * C 0..» Grocer*. CommHikrn and For warding Merehanto, deafcro in Prodnce and nitabargh -Man alar taw; Sixt!i»irc«t ? bttweea»ood'«AdlJ^ ! | »r) '' • -•—Qcti* - \ aed Wbo!e*aJ* tad. Retail : \ V/.iealer In Fanry mnJ Stspl* Vonety Goods, stgn of • ' ,N U>« GCrCcmh, JiS Market pt, near Liberty, liU^p’ ikmw*u>K~ T'- TVUNIiOP b SBWEIX- attorner* at Law, office* on ■ t^<t -. =■ t!rtVABD IIE.VZbIfrON, Wholexale Grocer, cut bf Diamond/ Ktoud doorixont Diatnon Alley, atnirgh.’ \- - /. : ' •■•■>!■■■ nr* rvEB?r i o'mHAirr,'WtifiiUi>SS!*|§3Jseß I ia Produce and Pittsburgh Manufacture*; eorodrof ertyhod llidd - fcb!7 " "■ . n tSSK^dSKSEfc .■ ™ “ •'• ■ F-1 Pb!pVl£le«alc Crocer*.Commistion and Forwnrd -1 . IngMertMut*,- *mltlealer*m Produce and Pittsburgh •-; ‘ Ng. 37 Wdod it, between 3d an<j 3d^u. TnORWABD it SWARTZ WELDER, Attoroer* me JC 'hm, hA7* removed their office- to the South tide of FoarUot) b«twe«nOrarry Alley and Grant meet - _:>j -- 1 • -Vi tivunj. ’j_\ oxo. ehxt. . • jutnwoo*.' TJIJGEND, *RHm- 1c CO4 lVjtplnalt' Grocer!' dnd' ** COnumsAjon Mcrebnot*, and Ageau for Bnghßra : No*. 57 Water, oad IDS Front Piu*- - -1 - • .. ftte* ’ ELUSip, Piano Fane ftltsulictsrer naddeaier S’ *bg Usxfeml Instrument*, 1 is! Wood *L seat fitful■. " " " : M .• 1 -' ■-i «/•--• 1 - - r - • -r—■nehiO-iv . joxnTH. *; roan a. rtmnro TjORSITy b -Co,- Gpmmiisfon/and l Forwarding A ]frrefc*At*,Ko.3oWpiter*L' PirikburgtL ’nyl4 <f-| LONd’b AULLQI, Bell and Brut vXFoaaler* and Gg> Fitter*, 109 Front, between T >V ood andßjnithfteldstreet*.PimbanrivPa.■ • ... . price for old Copper and Baa . EORQB hIOROAItb Cte, Wboleaale Grocer* and .aJC'Carogluion Jderchant*, 103 Wood st, Piruborrh,- lh.> Li 1 • ••• angli • . .. v A. BERRY, Whale**le,G«icer aind'Com* V.-. aJT Merchant, and dealer in Prodnee and Pius burgh Mnhilhctn re*.No. 18Wbod»C,Piti*bnrgb. '- ( .. Gt»oTV.> SMITH b .dealer* in Hops Piu4>atih and Foist Bxewerie*, PfftnaadPilt ini. s • r ja4 • t. <':■> /IEORGECOCHRAN,ComaisxionandForwarding ~, KJT Merchant, No. 3 Wood aireet, Pittsburgh;; tnyl7 - Uoaonrahela Et. llprierapunctually filled!''Addres* by let* the Port Office. ' '■ • a3p.tf ~ [JOLT' BRTNOT, White and Bed Lead Mann* letsfcf, Nut and Qd ofLibcr- G'UtfastA,Ptorburyh. ■•/•. • •• jelS jitim;nnn. . ■ j- - aosexT wexrr, r*. • WholeaaJe Grocer*. Com* 1. sotuioo MarchanU, and dealers in Produce; No*.-SO Water, «nd 107 Front streeU, Piiubnrgh, bov9 • - • -TAME9A. JlirrcmSONy t GO.—Successors to i. I :■.•!.\gj r Lewie llatchlsou A Cfe, Cotomiuunr, Merchants, ->>f: :AAil’ Agtate -of iba St-i ixjuts Steam' Super Re* .»•► Caery, NeE 45 water and U 2 from street*, Pittsburgh. ■ ■j. ‘-jaal'T/i' -r- ' ■ ;*• i . . ~ - . ■■ - . T*.E r ßCA]BS7MetrhoatTallor, Exchange Baildidr*,' hi 48t Qalr »ty Pittsburgh. - • •; JalOtf JOHN ». DlLWORTH—Wholesale G r oee r, Produce and Cpmmissimi SlrrcboßV No. .27, Wood sweet, : rPttttbufgt. <~A’ •• V • i y ' jgob *:. TOSEPH JCXOX, Auornojr at Low, PiuiburghTpa-, . tl.baa minanrdtfco prortiefc of lua profc**ion in i ; >,,. bee. Na 7, llakewell'a Uiont ocs^pieil, . . .daoMbtaaliseoce, by T. J. Uiguani'anl 3. Cbri*ty,> " "iW , ■ : ( ■ jsjMrg - . TOHN.p.iMOßaAN;WliolenleDrmqrUt, ( dndde«l* .tlarilnDyaBtafih'J«inti l OU*,VttrtiUb»,‘Se4No.o3f Worfifliir.caudodffioctiDhiewnid AHey,Pltm* burgh..•••■.! iJ-J ’■■■/ ■ ••janl ••: , T'AUEs'££fiit*‘Jr. T '.A;C^ t [trieceMor to Joseph D. tf G.D»tuj 3O Wgtgr treet. ..0g31.. .0 ■ >•TOHN-H.-MEfctOß, NVholeinle nnJ<R*Ull denier Books/ **" OirilJa,Prfuteth*Card*-,sod / T • * h i > * ’ • wplS • TOIBfSCOTOftCoi, WhbtesiLlo : Grocen}JPorKßcdr'< - • • < 'v’M>f,«od Cortnfliukm Merchants, Dealer* mProdaee, , and' nfiaiaigb.&liuißfactare. liberty«£»ftc«r the-Ohnal, PittQmrgV,Pj; . / octlg < A. Co\; ‘WhoWaale Dniggista. No. 31 %VbbtT street Pituwtrgh.^^- 1 -* l ' J - ~ / - J XOSEPH Commisalon isd fto> ; tl 'WKfdifig; Merehaßti/No. 19 Liberty . ..' yjaaO. ~. JOHN If. iQALLATPT, Aitomey.'at'LaWrO&eeon .4iktW between (Iraatvsnd Smkhfield, FiUsbnrxli, .iW'wifl-al»*Uen<i TrunnWy-to hiiiMM ■ ißthe.kfijainimr jcomnlea. i ” ——- TOHN $. DAVIS, Auctkmeer, corner Sth and Wood tf T7oi»J*ttrKa«taryl». - - ■•.: •' octi) rOHNSTON tl l*bi PapeLJU >T lA‘ SRAIW 'Book MJfcoie - ,'tthi dear Market street, 'V9 , Claa>U&!; , ni«)lnf>ea^'Si>tffnnil t 'Sc!iaol l -filueel« Ucaeott»,*abd‘Mti&odiri Bo»k» and giationary. op3o , ,T; „W,ROBZRT»ON it C^,Bankers judExeUantrc .rJL« Jlrokeny corset of Wood and 3d su., MrTfthtnfa. Hotel Po.: . .. V ityCarreuey purchased atU>e usual jadea. .oclli- % • T‘OHHGHJEB.TO»oIe«Ue Groccr,dcaler laTrodafe- 1 fcJ.Tit&imrch M»mii>ctnrc«) Tifi'.flglitl, 8k •;*<*, No* • ■-. jmS u*;aV.' ; »c&uu> n-oto. . •,r* - > R FLOYD. flaifr J. Floyfc.iCoJ Wiiole»ah i* PVGrocera,yo.-tO»libe^iW«e*.‘ ,> ~ :^~ ,^‘ •-TAMES JM32El2T\VT2le*»l[eGrp**& Cotnpu#«*on '• *Mereiiat.- nftd'dtpfer *l4 Ptpdaco.nnd pitulntreh. -•••'W*Rttf«ieidfei'*rro.*4 Water (L,PiualkuKh. .jams... • •- '->■ .VuauTla*" Ir*a Work*. %■••••. -.“TZ EWTS; UMX2ELL ft Cot, ttduifacttißra 'drall *l - 'jea.2Mri.Bbeet;Hotter Iron and Naite of lbe bert allty.' yar«hog»ei'wVeater «od IQS front tt : • ■ ImiiM- üßTD(Maaunaipn'.ftbrchnnt, Dealer- JaPHtai /OliottfiK&tfe* hnd Fttx}wi<‘, , ‘Ne*. 31 Walcr *t, iMFrOTtat. ■’; u:- • }' • ! ‘ • Btmmun. { ,OH * wiwgj../,- i T AiIBKRT ft BffIPTON, jWbplcaale GfOMj»,i>r; • I*warding lagd-ConitniMifi MerelinnJ*,-peateri in • •••PiSfloc* Bftd pitttlmrgli Matiakifure*, Nda;j3,ahd 139. ' _rWpod«t, Pimhuiyh. \ fcjggi " T«!«- *- M’aif I- i B. BminaiK WAITE* *. *Ot" TITeGJIAvBUSBFIjjLDAROE, WboteMJrOr*edf« - 5 • ‘ U4 No.l«Lib^jTyi^ ‘,'TLT ; Comnirtdoa *hd’ Fonwdinr .. JjJ. •Merchant*, >Yater»ad From between Wom' , KadMorket aU.,..•-- i . jmfl. • IlLer ft- Bicrcreos . Oommiatiod b.Pn-C I MeCOED ftlONQ,mpW*leandßeiailHit and in ■Puty-Puta, 1 er'oQTood *nd at#. Jan 3 _ V ‘ -mfTJRniYrWILSOJf* C^Wtolc*ateDry.C*><l* ~. .IVI De«l«rra:Xo;8 ’ *p& . ■XT .• HOLMES ft SON, Mo} OS'Maitket \C‘H'toat ' , , n , door.-from earners! r«Hihrtffeatet*WTdrd*» 1 -«w4 ivwMtiicßiUtof CeroSeolci of Dcpo»- principal citie* ~ *. «hnn<ttfUtllie United State#. j '....■> ... .-■ decl?.. .. :/~VIUrU, TdeOBEW £ Co.ylVodace.Fbpeardine'ahd ''' r - ;, ‘'l_TCeStittidn'Mettlj4W», JVe. oCcramercUl now,’ 1 r?i»»itr»CPfa»bßrgt;r«. j, 1 ;. ... *pl7 ."yiyiTitim 'A.CVLBSZXWXO.B.OIin. ItTBEHTMINKItErPEKTJ McrcbahUirtg-iy '.' .•"TitrHapny ».vgnn r TJrJlmnQTtcf iad Dealcrlii' ■ i •'... ~- c P- 5 - " • Tprcitaim and Betoil Dealer i* " JK, . whoeinalctt 1 . Tool* turd Had*,. r ‘ aad.Twu.cW Oil, —• I " . •., .: . **?**.. . / - , sTV iIfIBIXSCgW ft Co, -VVbolertle-Crocrrt, BnOoeß lli cad Conusiaaioa-lMrehanU, *nd Dealer# in PjtlJ (t MTfh yy. 160 j laUrtyat, rttu^^bj IOBERC p*r.TKt.r.ft Ci>i IVboteaale Grocer*, krttattatnteatennod dealer* ftod^j^ t FiH*teaYb - M»nutoeture*, Ai-OUNyiNOIUM, -Wholesale ynxer, J& Dealer Id Proddcw aad'fltuinifgk Mamtftelurca, fid.mLifcrtrn> 1 «‘ > , • , . . jyU? . v ‘ ;■ t>OBEOT / MDQBKi/Wl»l«»J« Gft*er,. BectjfHbg '.* fy Pi* tiller. '(teeter IB Produce, Pitubnrgli Moauiac* ’'; taK% and,*ll. kind* of foreign and Do me* tie \ViaM_ ' ' andXioodri.No, 11 Piuntmrßh.'' ".' ' . ' ftyy. Br 011 band, a Ycry large »ioek of wptnor. V. V'j.. . iM auid jwfar -• , it " ’ff lhiubtug? Manufacture* and ■.'* CUofideof lime.- >• < «;■' *. j-—.,.j x>..v >• Tbjl lllxbeid ferine*, m ctuo,t«>ul«taU tune* foreoon i iC' .j Wtrn. . tte, |anC3 . T>; OdKFOWJ* Co.rOarmni»*ioo Uercbaau. UtW : ' -Xv«*rtT-'et-, ioppo«ite SoritlifieW. Dealer* iu Flour, .-f/J:.. . smmandßeod»j e>»oSutler. »pt4-lT«'' . .•-uj % *. c. asrttzri: : 1 i • tuo*. », ifilrnt. . iM.a. sv t .-fnrt>rgf. , i>rr fc WHlTF,'Wbolewda Dealer* Su inci-i JWaejdc Dry pood*,No.» 'jf j * -*•«« o|* .**.,;* 12?jjyiB^WpgMWMBap^ O fc TV. RARBAtdH, Wool Uefekuti. ]>■!»» in ■■ It' o-Mgmgjgßniv t''<v wi,oi fM j. ■as^rag 'O' c. lun k Bn>wi»rimponer SBat&S£sJKM?* a *"gp ct. EfVOX BaVNHOaST, * Ca,-U t hol««a» B Om- &T' rdI W* n 'l Comral..ii)n Mere tart, Demlnr m l»ro<!nee and IHtutnnrli niinu* »cmM anklet, Cgnal Batin. uw Tih.i ■ f FAKSEr k;BE3T^V>Qlfta] e Grocrri ana Commit-' dei ‘ irt> nlttM Monufac- T« P> fOBTTIi. Co., Oommiuion MerchtnUt.' Groceries. Produce end iCSg. Serin, J^bcrT).,.^ gg- M]crrntki?r. ~ r ___ »sr..i« - ncTnmJs.. ; W £. jMcCUTCHEO.V,,moVeiaie' ‘Grocers, Jj . • in. Produce, Irori, Noll*, Gla*i and Ptmbnnrb. 111 ** 6 ,* 11 *** generally, 15a Liberty itreet, wnac - ~ 'pxvto h'cx.tolxss. . TinCt ft.MICANDLESS, (successors to L- ft. J. D. * Wick,V 'Wholesale OroeeraForwardlnjriOftd Commit*loa Merchants,' deafen, inlrqn, NaitfiGlass, UMtoa-Yurtt, and Pittsburgh Manufactures generally, connTOfwocaand'Water»trcct*,JPtu*burßh . .. W. JL EURPHY invite* the ladies to call an<f ex • anise’his stock ; of French- WorkcdvCellars, ■omeai low as S 5 cents. ; . - .... ' nichia , \\j iu iMORE ft WOLFF,ltnpcrters and jWbole*. ,»T «al« Dealers' in Hardware. Ctnlery, Saddlery, 4c~ -No. SO Wood street, Pittsburgh. .. • . apift Tjrr - W. WALLACE Mill stone and Mill Furnish- TT '• lag establishment No. 244 Liberty near the faaal. 1 • ' -j j ; T ’ 1 ~ ' . ’ tnang Ev O. 1L KOBINWN. Atiomey ar Law. -list re* • moved Ids olfice to the Exchange Building*. St.- U-, next door to Aldemun Jones. npaMw- ' \a l M,‘GAftHAIUX Dealer in Fancy and Staple . T.V • Dry Goods, No. 79 Market street, Pittsburgh*. - POTI3-dly ’*,l, W'W.'WItSON, Dealer in Welches, Jewelry, i’SHeerWare, Military Goods, 4c., No. 57 Max. tetit •" m " • : ' iiqv? •\\f. • B- MUBPIIY, Wholesale and Retail dealer hi iTT .• Foreign hnd Domestic Dry Goods, northeast corner ofMaiket and Foarth tts. " ’ aucJl .- J/ BRYAN,Rectifying Distiller.. and -Wholesale . dealer in Foreign andOJoiaesuC Wines and Li- liberty street, tad S 3 PiaiDoud Alley, < TTTARBJCK MARTIN ft Co* Bashars, Dealers in T/- Exchaage.Baah Notes and Cjin, corner ofThirtl and Wood street*. Pittsburgh, Pai novUMlly TipMAMS- ft SHINN, (cuecessors to Lowrie and ‘ jy iUianis,) Attorney* and CounseUora at law.— OfficeNonhaideofFbttnhttreetoboreSmUhfisld. . • foM7dfcwty . ■, . , War. TOCJtO.. ! * JxA n_ V'nm Co*—Dealer* In leather hides, ftc. T> • 143 Liberty -st. ~ jun&ly . TIT ft &L MJTCHELTREE—AVbolesale Grocers, ?f s Reeuiying Dutiilers, and Wine and Xmuor Merchants, alsos Importer* of-Soda Aah and Bleaching Fhwder,No. 100LibertysLPittsyy,ha. • . jswMiy.. . V4TM B FOtffKfc Agent Cor Mexican sottiers end ' ‘"r L Jproetmngtrtimon*, at the offices* Wm EAastin. E»q^Bark , abmldlngs,4tiisLlhasburylL ■ r-- ■fcb4'- eum ltacxacxjr* nxoaoaa. roxn. A BLACKBURN *. Ca,WboJe**ie.Gn>eeni*nd V,/* dealer* in (Kls, Boat Store, and Pittsburgh Man* aac taxed articlea/have on hand, at all times, .a fall And general assortment of goods in incir line* Water xtreet, near Cherry Alleyi Pittsburgh.. \- w * B * u ~‘l • ' .. aMXsacar a. axu* A W. ft A. Si BELL* Attorneys at Law, office In Stewarf* Bnilding/Pourth sl, seeornl doorsboro Wood street, Pittsburgh Pa. *. ■ Lr~' Beil.' Commissioner to take Depositions, Ac. hnowledgtnetnsof Deeds, and other idstnzstenu of wri* ■ ting, to be used in Missouri. ...” ■ avlV-m* TOWNSEND, Dniggisi and Apothecary, No. 4o Market sL, three doors above Third «t_ Pius.: burgh, wilLhave edastantly on hand a well selected ss>' sortmemof'.Uie best and Iresheti-Medicines. which be i win sell on the roost reasonable-term*.’ Physician* sending.onler*, wfll be promptly atlendal to, and sep "V cle ”‘7 OP 00 ** genuine. ; - : Prtfsenpuon* wiQ be accurately, and neutljr prepared irou the best male rials, at any hoar of the day or night. j Also for tale, a large stock ef fresh Perth. 1 !; v . : .. . - , mal., Wsleh Maker and Jeweller, cor* • nerof4tb and Market -eis. ,'A. lam aad weh tSSS JnreliT,«tver Oi' AUClary Goods!. -Always on band,and at regular ea*. tern pnees. Gold Patent Lever, fall Jewelled VY'Ainbes. il Ty *«• Watchcai as lowas Sld. . ; Getydae Johnson had oU»rapproved; make advice and warranted.- -* «•!.-« . ...... IL/”Fina Which. Work done lit the very best ma. pcr -;:’/- . JB. SWETTZERi Attorney u Ltw.oStt iUilod* • povte 3t. Qiark* Hotel, Piiubarrb, will also at* tend prompdy'to Collections, in Wa»hinrum,-F*reua and Green counties, Pa.- ... ’. . ; •' M • «tF»to Blaekstock, Bell ft Co, V .. Chttreh'ft'o»lratbeT», >Httabnr*h. " Morgan, S oelMlr >P J- HENRV'j- . Anoniey . and Couucellor ai' kU* LBW. Cotleetloß* in Soadicra Otuoj-ana lalndjaHa, and in •Kentnetr.'iSronipUy'aad careuuly nueuded to.. Conrmi**iouer tor the State of Pennayfnuum,. £ni taking Dcpoaidon*,'nckitoWUdff-' Rztsb ,tt>—lloni Win. Bell ft Son, Curtia. Cbnick ft < Carothera, Win. Iliya, Eag"iViHock ft Daria. aSS , (j’ACLE COTTON 3VOBKS, PiK*bnxirh« MenaCec- Jjmte CottsaTkhif Candle wklr, Basil!*.- Twine. Coreas! Yarn, Carpet Chain, fcc. ; - v '.JI« ‘ "'•' •‘ (s n «e»M»t»lo’Ajtmctl« k ATery4l-J-. ' J* ll - .1 - f . Proprietors.. ■ fr7Canal' >r Of , ,iVo. ConaJ • nre«/New btf* uJLrn Inu, J;H.Am»or»EUieaJUTe^icmS3. £aj{ar Re&nery.. Always. on h*od .«..ljU5» «toct ot i -Lo&ft Powdered, Crashed, Clarified and Bastard Sunrs, ju liexces and Barrel*.. Alsp, S*far-H*tueHo(art«ef. ... Prices liberal,-and afairailowaartimade'on all ntlei of; orabotc SO barrels.. mcijll ON, Printer*, rn.No.-W Market *to Pitif^ 1 .. ■ ' ---'■ , JeO ■- GE6. W. SMITH k Co, Brewer*,' Mainer*, sod Hop Ikalere, PiUitrurjh and Point .Brarera*, cot ncror Barker'* Allay and Penn street, and foot of Pitt itypftubarsb, Pa.-;, •. /...■ Tr YetexiOexy. Samoa, can- JjSjta* btlotnd it hljllotae SboeiiurEslalillshi&eat, ~jVaifneaxStrClßir street Bnd*el l**JyoccapLt<i _ V J -AT'try_-Me«m. C»7r A, Rowland. . nv2d6o‘ U tyExTOSS penkr in Trimming* and yarieTT. iC» Sooda; Jlbrada-ghelb iTory aad IIora ; Cotab*,' Bottoaa, fCt*dle*,-piiu} W^k,Bfald»iAe-vlW,CTUadc* tstreet, bewreenfta ntond and Ith *L,flft»bqrgh. ; • 1 jygsdly T) [CCLES AJ® PKEBEK VES—< enei Underwood”! I.' Worte«4 4 auei Itoartr>T Ucuu *cbP?ejemr< U ' '• ' - nrta- - - > y.|«.V v « > J, D.\S7UiXJtM3... , "OAG pripe in.cmU paid XV tor fpoa,de*ar»*ij *!#*>, c»uv>m, Wo rope, gnu*, xope, Irtfffia&itooUta r»*«, eotton wuk, &c-» try ~ ... J.W/CHADmcK, -- ■t*£ctweea.Peaa«MdXit*?Tty,-’- -.‘‘..Sfoyrifr IHL .DA.VID HUNT, 2s&i&2S*%& XZoal ptutaeu that he eaadeaote hi* whole lime to the 'dtlflea. dfluaprofratlou, may be*eeajahlt «Aee-,cor« : Decatnr *treeu, Market and Ferry tu* at any hoiu .dorinj tie day, firpm Bx. m. till Or.m. . • •-* ?ygj.»y &• T?ii:E€CH;*aß4 : *• W6dD VF n PITTSBURGH. -- repleulahe’dnij' clock from tie beataoor i~l - eea,- both: aomettie and foreign, 1 take plcaaare ln*‘- -ahnonrfnr to CoaitLfner*' and dealer*, that I am pre. papal to rsnriih'tbem with oil food* in my.linej oa »iiH. i*ttertenn* than heretofore; - •••«.;• Uareh'irlll recollect that dealta* laurclt” in-. SadmeryHardwkro ’.and Carriage Trimming*, I obtain thereby, advantage*' thitt enable me. to ftefy pompeti* tton.* Call? *cf;aiuljttdge far youraelygtt- , *pl7 .. u n. ITlmTetale'Grocar* and Vo. JTO, libenf.^PiU*- • . JatiU.... or cmi snmraut nmanr ts a acraio* • ii-iurnot,*?- ■i-.-..* ...'tty LeT.VS. , . Saa BaUdings, N. H-Corner of Third add Dock Sfreer*,' ; ‘ ' ~ ‘ {ap‘*l*inH > hiladelplua I '|> , Yi/HEHE can*l«»y»D*-h*d ax thcrl notice—RTa ' Tr - roxie Mux Meolu, of all kind*; Bm* and Pla* ted Door Plate*; Be*3*far Societies, Corpora* 1 tiotat/Ae. ' rrofeMioiui and Ywiung Card*, engraved 'oilprinted. Socj** ; -- —»of —sir ftad prim.— in'wont o* - -*J# oi *e, are in* Tiled to call and Speciraeti* «od Dnign* of ihe Torioiu orden of Qdd Fellow*. B<uu of Tern-, 'pepmcr.&g; ■'••' ’ ‘l ‘ . ooyHd&a V" WIT.TiMBLIN, A* I.AW» ... ;LBn4«V..p«. .’ll/iLL also attendto collectionsandaUoiherbusi- ,;f f new entrusted.to hjm la Butler ajfJ Armstrong -OontiHcyPa. -Re{crtO'' J. fc £noyd,U)cnT it,) ; . i-4- . James Marshall} : do }P«»bai*h.. f -<Hy KayACU,Wow) it. J. **• - • w jgn7 Predace DeMcrift Com* ' Seeped *ti» Piaabnfgb. Plon|lii| FloHlhOtiUaii, w»|on Box »r ,o» .on. _B.JIpU» bi.pion«/ac- E^mKPi UirtofUrgeflttanuu.i of Ploughs, Ptoojb CMiiOgr, W»g6o bases, «-■wigi tbn iinptwe in«m'of-th« I Le»?^r* I< fC k f®ckfulioS«,.wrf«Uj«r- Hooghi,of the Jaiest.aba best patterns now In use, • f W«r3wß*e.;tflfl **«•)• Pittsburgh, ©pp©*ii* taellay iictie; Fact©** AlWbeny eitj wur Cnmvulary of Mraira. Blwkwoci, Stilt. Co. - :. . ■■ .• • : .-dcteiy'' (Jssj FEHJJI TO* i-oimh factS *L.-ne»r \\oqd-rA iJ '9 u * Jjli Uer.af Orpenaod SMOKE UOUBE-*l h»»« provided myself with a rood smoke bonseandenreful bands, well sequahit. ed with the business,**” l am iww prepared to smoke meat to the entire mU*£*cuou of-ihwe who mmy jj.ve deeSS 1 N 0.17 Liberty at-•* -■ > "cottiiiamww " AT CINCINNATI*—I lnr rot of Pennsylvania to take acknowledgments of _ jSX&TiK. »U 0 affidavit* tions of rerurns iti Gbid tO be used or recorded lu SBTm”. <>oo« «•“ ttgplll. «WABD I’ Cn*SCl< ■-. «.VgMMd»lTW'r •■ ■Alwnny«lU'». eaxß ClDER—adbble efxb cider oa etrasignme* * BPSIKESB CARDS '• i. .o:.{ i w», 11. CLARK, 7 • j '.•■ Forwarding ilrrehattl, BnitjuvlUi, Pa, Auead* pdntcutarly to the Fbnv aiding of JVodoee.i Ac. iinSS.W^S? 00, WurMWwn,-»pplyi o Foft.sVTH,fc cuwCAa, tVtttni ■ ■ • ot^ui' v: \v. suirnawi. i•. < A . : 1 w. t. nniiu • NATHB\V« « PAMHr , ' ' COMMISSKW MERCHANTS. j- : ; _ i! No. 48'Water street, ■*•**- l _ , . j .--Sr. ■ ire'particular -attention, tp.the yclUafeifProi. aore", aA3 to'trrfert furp'UfChaiinj:, . .. ... ..JUrraro-j-Georgd Morgan A Co., Piftilureb.Pa. ■ augll -•■ j,-- .. -• •*''■■■ Mem Wcrttoron, ' >. •.- -c.n. mmwt. JDHini'CCWOCGH fo-COL"-- Vorwardtnfir A- Commiaetoa kforeksats, fJWerM-A-Wwurjt-waarj. * -^anS7«ljt?.i^: j_ l j)AWln>rt Whahj , ... ■ PhUsdehhli CejisgejeMbdijias, •• ' Walnut strtet. ! rrraSHPIUNG.ANO SUMJHEK COURSE OF LHC- J, TURISTOB iftfes, tyijt te commenceil oa.Uouday, March 6th, 1*43, and be continued - fourtno’mhs, lir the foUowlnsraeidtrii ■’.'•• * ~ JAB McCLHrrOCIv, ;‘Sf* Genera). Bpeeikl end oorpcai Anstfwny. ... . ; : .. J. K. BURDEN r JL ZK*‘Materia Mediea and Tlirrr apeaues. ~ 0 P.JI&AUteXEXtX- J>- Chennrtrr. -HENRY CHBBONS, SI, JlfTbehiy arid Praetieeo i Sled»Pin».'-.;-i* • i. . ... •.. • -'LOUIS 11. BEATTY,bR-D..ObstetricsendfiUeescs ofATomeu and Childmr.'* . JAMES McCl4Kfopi£.ja. fa, Pri*ciplc.i»J Prat tied of SurediY. ... */; • HCNRy GIBBONSs, M. D, Institutes of Medicine andAledical jonspnioence. ' ~ .- r &.MeCAINI\)OK,' M, D., .Eemonstratot of.Atf V ■. BURR, ALtD., Pmectorof BurrerK Fee for the full course, aju.f Fe* for those wlwhrJe' attendedtwdfufrc6lirse«ja«hefCuUege», neulation to be paid once oidy, uraduatiou #.*u Practical Anatomy, tnciiidtngßrcapituiatonr Lectures. SJO. .The Pissectwg Reotna srill bc Mieutrd on' ihp I»t‘ 9fMarti»,. ■ ■ , From arrangements now pssdlurthera'UeTsry reeA son to.hope that the.epulis of Institutes of.Ale<heio*i end Anatomy-wiH be occnpied bydisuwetProfasoa at as early period* ;'•■■• =*- ;- For further infonnotjoniauuiwof'• ’ •• • ‘ JAMES McULiVn>CK, AL D., D«w, - i N<f*tNorthKlercnthStroet..* ' Philadelphia/Dee. g 7, IH7. jaai. ..,. ‘^^ i^ :^3n «»««vfdptAl.AAUatr‘p„ , -Coteihbiaft Magazine fbr februory. -Ulackarood's a-- • January, flirtatious in America, ec Ihgb Life uvNew Yortr nnd .Saratoga, b'y j*eat»fipW.' • ■■ :peho (he Pirate, or the Perils cl a Sudor, by .W JI (J hingslon, E*<j. • Janitt-U, or the Retnlndoriof 18? S. Jiy IVII Ainsworth. American Cottage Library I/r'A'W Fraliklin. Now and Then, by SamU tVamn; V B s,mtbrefTcn • tnosaandayeir. i ' , ) ~..,v;. TUe-Mysterrmand Miicriei ofNew York, by Ned Bcnt ' line.complete. *:,: ' Tba [Ertde of,the Npnhcta IVOds, by Newton SfCurt'i. Juiuotpho, or the Frceboofctof Fondcniera; JUflseoma, or Faith CntnpbdL by Aria Ashland. Chhsibcra'MisoclldriyiNeU . . , leeiag-agw.'Nolbl.- • • *■ ‘ Tavlor's Menpy Reporter for February. . Bubscripdona.taken for Taylor'* Detector-at thr~N Torkptice, SJ n year* . Aspirjidid aasoctment pf Va letitincs at ail prices. .For sale at j. : . • . M AMLSnH'g,V . -febJ * t -j >’ troilliGeid st, 3t! door ftoioSJ. BKOBATIXO •-i -FebraftrV-: naraxlne*.' ■' ■pECaVFJJ AT M A MlNUit’f*, Smithflrlil lift'd' XL,;idd©ortjrpn»*de©nd: ( ! (Jodey’a Ij»dy » Buok forjffcbhjary. National Magazine ; • do Graham* dt>" >/ dif- Union do • Jo' , ••'• Ail the above, aro equalif ooi »uperior In-Mrenibel li*Kmenu,unJio urexiou* Jajiunrypnnibcra,'. .... ■ Tim Leu of the i-sirica, a new notfi • Jtmea, £«<}'• • ' '' The Dtieraee to W. Blafncoant Jtrrold. ; ■ \ylihlitoeiratloua byFliix.. 1 BritfrO'ldMifbrtpcKih everything, hr W 11-Max well, Kifj. i"“ •* ; •jV AI .Tbq Lock. kin] Anotor, belts a: Chronicle of Old. Dub-. Da City. i... '! Thb Confpjest .of California aru|,,NfilT-2Jok*cQ»in.U»«., • :y«ar* iM6 and *l7, bj’Jitnea hfadiKm Cults. ] ■, Jana Kyr* ' i i -TW Scourge of Venice ur the Star C^a^eyofjhe.T**".. buuol, br Dcpni* I|eruii#Oß. ‘CTitunlier*’All«ellaiir. No It. . •' f- . . 'Sou* Uook for (ho Million. jjo.3' - lIOLISH-UIHfKb-li inojv orTbrUreeit Hev- J-i olulion, and of the Wars Biiilrampubrnf criemg Iron the uniußleiofum ifterk difimaacipm: tut* their cOHDIrV frost the •<urki*h Vote—in two vol- Btbca--*i)ltsd!d ibpj with nuptervut -map* ami origin-' t , illaiimti*o of the reigii'br William ‘lfl/from’ ioiflto4il£--wiih.finoj«mtsjt», m if toll. .Companion to the atadvef the Holy Scriptures , • * a ' l^d I ,o| T Laid, F&ncb.flttge T mad Sketches in Chip*. fmt isc;d,ncd ferule by i ... WdOONALD " J ‘ _ "pttu \ Hlmarkciatred" ' ■ I. ........ ~4- SimiV. Kwwcbe. in China m 1844.»« and with a - nupandpiateii; i;,< i.p . *, • ' . Th! ££*?„? n l by^J^ -Henry Hobart, I>. a S?/ h^ e J l « ,li,rerMl . lj yl>f-Stone. . . •:.. £«*«*. lUttitteted.;- . • '., . ... For tale bjr ~ ■■ .1 ', “r'i li2) ■ . J ii JIhAD, » ~ I 4thst near market. , Sfcbif l 7 ■ b * N ° •y r?.” .... •;., -yOIWVTH * DUNCAN. • ;! • / '. v .,.. forwarding. &;comssiox. DAXEtltlOW^tt^t^cb. ... IOBICCD CoSa«BlflS BBBCDISK, V Nb. ® SombWharrc, and No.'Jl7. fjoallt A Vale rit * iPini*ADELPinA.‘.. * wiwtrtthe trade and dealer* generally; of JJ PiluburgU, that they hare made etch bmuiecmems £•.{».' ; maculae torn rl and-the Growers-of the \\ eft, \\ «-*i Lidtes. npd other pheesj-as will insure a iarge and coiutnin *upnlv df.ihe, following, dereno. Uon* ofTobncco, which wifi be sold upon ns ac'i-oin modauni; tr rm* as day oilier liouke hi this city or else. .> T “ eTl Ji JaW all good* hedemi fromnheiir will be wun rantedej^unlron-preNsnlaiiou; - --.‘-i.-i _ . .. SLDoriiiitfio}' Conn?. X n S ar ' .-Pcima4 >Sccl Leaf to. MW ‘ * Floridnr3' ’ hnceo;. ’ s celebrated Aromatic Stag Caretw “*«, wuh n large assortment of other ai.d qusliucs uf raund-s 5». a#, iar.i<s*ituid (Ws, Umm s*.Ct, 6* nml ftc- sweet and fplnui; in whole xioorf giaagr’fr?? BELLAS ftCo., ; Floor Factor* and Prodnce Commleslon - picrehanta.: _• - - , L «- T'/S;^, ca *.^' ttdr «>9« »aade on receipt of eon- rho l l * (oour-address-wUI be . Measrsi WaiKiigfonlft Taylor, PitUbor-h • ♦ kH»“?*WA .^ ■ , tny27-tf il,a W* £hL»r? r 10 Pl » “ tiunrcd when in COCHRAN, 7^ coauttluion and Forwarding Merchant. (; ! n tr . l > n * ac bad- neM, especially m lb* purchase and»ule of Amerf fowtSffi I Produce, ud ia.rcccivina tad f£rVf £ Coodi convened to bis care; As Aftcat (or «htnri? a “w m "^ hu W,P be cdH * l ® nt, l * D PpWc«I wIK “Tt'cJes 01 Pittsburgh Manu&etgre' at lh* OTSgaagffi ggs^^stefijssaifas ' l?r (^ft ,U i2 Uo ‘ ? , u>t . h * •">«* *totter,' xiilt now' receive rous shipmiig customers: he Will W al.loio mv« satis-* jaeuon to all who ttar>* consign produce to Km. Refcr’j . .. Messrs. F. Wjß/une' k. 800; . 'W'm. Jlasoc h Son y , . 'jytAinjlWa & Eastman, . -.7 'J T. w. £«. llonkihs, And the Merchants generally.' ~ ‘ t-rVroxwAT._ ■■ .--- /L _ Ohio : Comniiw4jin an?F<mv»nlinjr * 5 B attend to Uo rarehaws Sale tad Sajia tnt of Vis Item Le. . .. taut a to; • • Tfnrrrn ... • . _n«rt(Uly :- , iai* JOHSF.PEBarj ILaleofth^^miioiMalcolmLecch. Wholesale Gnseer, CommUmlon * Flotor '• I • 'BZerebfent, ~ ‘"“ ll ofCouiitrT Prodae* Cbpper; JL/ Tip, Tm Places, TlnnerV Toole Zine,Lpajißo**i*, Sheet Irori, Iron. Biri Nail., White stSS V«nr*, San, ie mul Kurt«*h. Xlwiucurc. oarchl'tu j co^uor . liberty aiul Irwin ittteu, Pius* lETUberal in Cash er Goods, m3e on consignment* of rnniu'cc,ftc,r . iTTTT?-,. -pyj : • =• v - : “*TDT. KA*PTOX. LOVE. MARTIN A CO-• Prodncit Ctnual OoßeUitiee &or» -. h WMdlßf Mtrehtnti, AALTWoaa. , ri M.'AUen'&bo,: '• • ■ . •■■• "• ! •'Mampton. Wnnip. * <y , ; .»rittobfiUY ....... . .-i •■DartwjViJaahdera.JtQjJ \, . ‘I./ ?^ h iLS' , W an w -= „ .;>lWumore.v,i • oeH .Hdpti Jenkins, ■ ' . } dftwjy .J. p. LtUKTtt. ■ c~vr~M*™r*nrS-%-' ' La'teorNashViJlOfcrS.'' • i - ■ - SION WKISCHANTS; ' " -to. Srxonr OKRcr, Atotrx toaoowAr.cwcrrfATi, onto. KOcrie .Merclnum renergy,ia-Kudmrgh. • »pjo 'VT\XTEK, *rCo^; ■ .v • * 'V- ru»thko«AW COMMISSION'MERCHANTS. • AMJ DEALERS IN rnOiiEOKBISNERALLT. 1 ' *%7r waow *AJUJ3juAnjc>nx. W. ft S. WjTaaaVtftfijhiffft DeVne*/• W -«** ' . ■ ’ •-■ : 1 Cm* • j. .. . EDWARD A, KEELWCT' J ! * u,}CCK,or 19 ftjodujart ft • Mraiiel' ' BLCl2>iJ»<i hOUWAUitINO, (XiM.UTfti<ft)X Minv ; : , XAQI *u,\ pnX •ortll «V JPLAMU/S BAX*, JirsUTTM, TCTL ■ ItcJef to*— itm Allffl ft Co., King, iVnnrv hHr I*/. . : •- ♦•>•••■'•’■ •■ ..' ■ .. dfifll:_. CB2IISSIBS fIJBCHiAIS. • CMTcr 10 sell aLeitljet Cftablikhtwct, all kind* o/Mer. ebundise, ai the Yaw*tif Comm «»««».• and iro aJttw-awgap-d lo taake advance*, .ft* t* (( fpftCea rivenit; required, addrwsedtoeil&er homc/wilt be promptly qtiepaoiiio. 1 • ~ jy3Xit'r '' - [ j 7~-", 1 _w. nl ; n«niMOT<6f oiniftHt? —- - commission merchants, '-'\ ; ' Ko.2oColumbia ttreet,'—' ■•■ . gyCirth paid fiir FlaxaroL^I 71 ’ .? 1 ?'. -LIT KB MY •HB ,1 ' :'i '.iM SB • ;r.: i ]r;BHy w B•■ H PITTSBURGH, MqS t DAY 21, 1848. V EXCHANGE BROKERS, &c. HAISA A- (U, . [JANKERS, EXCHANGE BUOEERS,-»ad-dMJert‘ Foreign and Domeitid Exchange,Certifictteaer , Bank Notes, nni Speeie; Fooiuretreet.'teArl' (T^ oppo»hc the' Bank of JPiiu&MetL. .Cttfreiajaoaßjf *«««?« on’dcpoiite—Sifb'rfchccti for tolp, and col* United Sute? tane * Tly •H* 4 ® pnacipnlpoiau is the Gold* I “ ?llc,l P rea^a,B r*Hl for Fo'rrfjpt'tiaa.Ainciteait JWtmcm made on eosuciuaestsof Prodaee T iM»i Kan, op liberal terms. 1 ; nehlaj . c ! TMEIJttH.HIU.il.ieor ' O; * Co,) *nd WM/C. Cur enteredJwo:Co.panner*htp nou-. Ccut, forihq j>urpo«i oC canTinff' •Mchaui'e buun*M iu all in b w‘ *’three door* below Four*' •olielt the custom of their f orally. : , mcklg. ...- • J nnEmn. imi ] ~ - . *• HII.T. '• Mr. T>ANKERS A EXCHANGI -L> Foreign and Domestic *ni *?«*fo Certificate* of D?po« •street, third < £nr.?Fanda and Carte Md collections madeou.alK United States. Exohtuigojon Baltimore, Philadelphia, Net Y Cracuutati; constantly lor «aJe. ■ \ . ltubani, Kentocty, Virginia and Peniurrlvikßi* Bank-Notes bought nrd sold on throrable. terms-.-.■v."":- .. raCoonm oa England, belaud, Germany aud France ie. . *i . metis • S(HOLMES 4b- SOKf .i '• -«j4 -Doalm Jni UxcJwoga,- Coin sui t2** k Market «jrwvruUi»uT*h?7: neUmjylUtec.* Exchange'. ' Baying lUleiil'.y SfSjfj!- ■ -ft* cffctaiu, ' tali '- • ;| a® «ipuifvill« ~. •.■, '■ 14®.. . .*do St Louis, .• ldp ' ™E°* J ? We, > BANK-NOTES. * < Bujtrip Sj?, o ’ ... li di'.Co, 4 Scrip Order*, “ d©'* Belief Notes, * . &<£ Kentneky, • • •- ’•--•d®vFeiw*jriT*nta Cjr : Virginia, . ■••• • .-■ - . New York do-, • u dtf .-no,: < SVkeeluig, Ido'N6w Orleans, * "do* •'fe2Sr e,: - f '" ; . : - ; -*• • *%;•' «y in Foreign and ttomesua EseluiMe; lJapcmte, Bank and O4 Wood at, DU * abo?oi-oanb, Easj*uW,VitUburgb,Pa. V 1 v„ ! S'OaBIOS EXCHANGE,. i' }ILLS on England, .Ireland,'abd ScotlandVnuskiio JJ any anjonm at Die Cnrecftt Rate* of EieJtnnc 4S^sBta^“fflßrj»sl4fflE vrmioittdcductMtr or discount, brJlXSiflKSiomfJ. European and General Agent, offlcpTlfyreM on«, dopy wot of. wood. . , ■ *•• •-v i/^ocuaf X>-V*gHW.ANn KXC}4AXGK BKOKEH*S',kai» JL> m Foreign «uid DomeWic-Ritl* of Exchwi*?As-' b&cates o! D*po*jie, B*nV Notiu.aiul Qoitu eorncr«f «*■““ WoodKreet*, directly oppoaile St. Charlee Ho-. „ . °ladiwa. J . ' , - X«nmcky, ; ; .j ’ ! MjliohH, ’ - / , tßankXtrtfaf ' • * ' parcliMcJ «th« lowe«r»te»,-bjri • ••.. x; jiolmts * sox, ; • ! 3J Marker •trveL' l ~ -~'Tirr- * OF cii«rlr» on Ncw Yotk, . . „ /ftiladplpWa; knd Usliimorr, N. lIOLMKS ft SON* Coomm>r (at *ai« by -dCiU asjtfariict «t -- No** and AMrptai*. •Vyc®fc payable Innny pari. of the 'Union, collected <m in*-n»oji favorable «rm*. , ft. HOLMF.S fsO.V T . Jdo - .., . aoMMtMu.: ''P.XCBASQB; o« New. York, Pliilai3jlj.).Kt, JJi Uamuore, mi ugfai, in mums to *uit t>urcha«en, eon mlaiilly for **!« Vjr . , - , IIJLL A'CURUY, ■ j Wood »L, below fohnV <. WESTERS PUKDg-Hw Kaw#»f jbe T? liiiuaaa ami .Kentucky lUulu. pureha*eri oi io*.r tnipfofdiseouot.wUjftofflcae/ •: | f ' • • HILL A CL’RfIY, . N«vds Wood!*!., below FuQtifa. COPARTNERSHIPS, fe. co.pmai!Bi»in». * OCAN i ItHN'STUV fca?c ’lbi» day avwclnlftl j them fn th* Hardware iiownok Philip WiP »«maßd tttward tirerg. TU wyloof hm will here ajter l«e Lorjait, W j.kmi & Co. .lVi» atrangr'iiirm i«d-. uer« u ar>mble to cloae the ct J Loiinr?* »» «oon >t All prcv>iu wboid linbilitirt Wavt mjnarfd, •** especially frqnrrtjMl pa> «*nC . Pituborsli, Jta. I.IMS. i ; . ;T. WUMS i* cb^^rtm J_i Dealer* in Foreign iiul Douir»lie lL»nl v.arr, Coilerv, Saddlery, ju*;iliO,.\Vnod utmd. fully prepared wii* a recently Import- 1 ed «oplf of lUnhwc.Cnilery, oiferve ry ffw*t uidoorumitt .to wwacm-buyers l*ing determined to compete iuuriee* w iiJj uy of the Atlantia citiee. Ali •*o on baml.au «xtrnMV« mwmwtii of rhufmrifi' llardvraTr. vtr: Shore!*, I’erlrvHaev View. **-• all of which jvill he 4uJtl at the lotrett mamrfhc* mrer ; rprfcg«. :. , ; -.-jnul,*/ "v co-faiit*er*hip. o jfK THE *ub*erih«r» having recently entered tM#’ gffIHSSSCSCT •11. its tranche*, bare token, the nand ibrmf e!y <*du-' piedt»y It Galiaalier, So. 10* Protit'atmt, lxrtwrea ' •Wood and'Bmithiieltl 1 m., where they ore prepared to*, execute oil order* for Bel!*,: liraoa Caoiioffa, of creepJ ’deacription, ud G*a Fiuinga with ncatrtca* and dc*- patcti, ■ Steamboat jobbing promptly KtinnAeU to 11. OAthAfiHEK, s*. A.-LONO. v .. L. , Klt AIILUXt attention of M»rjumrt4 ud Koginectria; invitod to otn■ ai>U-auriuan iueud,.lor *.r*iuceil price, which hoe been prouoaacad taprrlor .li) babbit's by numbers whobaVe u»r<lboLh. ' Steamboat budder* tuuf 'the public, - generally, »re al*> mjoeslfd trfcafl and ex •rainw our aoperior double beta on FcrwPuiopa tor 'StoUnboot and domestic use. : . . • . GALLAGHER* LONG,A ABLLLR. dccjyjly. DUtoiation. { T , IIE jttrtnershfp to long existmy under ibe Arm of ■_L- -M'Cord k, KiyCi w** try mutual eonseiUdlitolred on. the Ist but. The bodnesa-wiU be closed u the old stand by either of us, min* the eejqa q( tin tea lor that parj*»e. • lieing desmut to here our.-btuine** closed with at little delay as posalble, we would re* sneetfWly request those* indebted to' cal! and settle their MCtsunta JOHN D K'COKD. ' jasM • ~ ~ till KING. • Coeparfaerehlp*' ’ JOHN 1 D JDCORD haring fcssoc&ted'with 'Hno bis brother James M’Cord;* under the style of il’Cord -Js-C©., will continue the lint, Cap and Fur lfusfcnes* h»" aUiterarioua branched wholesale aad.rsisihaitbs o Ulyiaud,,comer o/\Vood and 6th street l , where they.' solicit a cohtiauau'ou of U»e pationajre so, liberally b«- stewedontitroldEnn. ' JOUND M'COKD, ja»- v/. i , ; JAMIiS 8 M*CO!lT>. •TN retiring. fttmi the .old a*l wrll knows firm 01 i M'CoritiiKloff,l.uuHt respecflully recommend tc the patrcnifcke or the'puldin ray-successor*. Messrs M'Oord *<>. 1 *&*»}• !1I D KINO. • ' DISSOLUTION. of,the subscriber*.'under the firm Lewi* llotehmson 4»' Co, U this d*jr dim .AObredby jnniual consent, Either of ut will, attend 10 tl«0 iciUcmejil of th« business uf the .fins,, ond mo iU "name for that purpose. ! mfrcnrsoN,- Jnnt- < JAMES AjHLTCUISON. . rn.Psn'rwßneinP. ftlflKuadcrwsnedhate thi*dey forraeda co*pW«wit-, JL snip, poder the firm of James XlHatchlnsoa A Co* for th* purposeof continuing tbe-btuineM heretofore chmedraahy Lowts'liinehinson 00.,'Srtd solieit a eon tiunaueo .OjT tbo.pauanan. hitherto, extended to the bouse. JAMES A-HLTCiHSON. I.KWIS D'HUTCHISON. • Pitahergh, Jtrt. I’.ISH; ~T ' . . ' i ,Sottei.: "H W STEPHENS of Wheeling, T, F ’sScetiberger Xj of, Juilau. and'J i Stoclinni of lHttsburffh, - fatrn Uiisdsy entered: imp co-ptytrershipfunder- style end firm OL £upfeent, Sli<pnbcrger A Co,»l the Aneoor iron. 'WorVs.Wht Vo, for me purpose of cioudfacuir ing ironerefueilsof ivery-deseriptuni Kmuots,' 1 xjmoinnoiowL’ l •ihinxmn. SmiIKSfIIRHOBHIIEaGEn * CO. • '.'ANCHOR IROX. WORKS. • . IYhteUag t .To. ' Mtmrftinire-ali kind of toiler, ibeet, bar iron and aaili, AU ataeleLipdaaprfaura and oilei. Being eon<- peeuriirttk&bottbertfer’aolcl Jnniata work*, we can [branded-fihawberiraM equal to any*rriadcijji ibe country, All-of which will ■M**aid*!'la*"Pitubj»rßti pride*. \VuehqoM of Ui« work* ecrnrr of A Ida roe and fcVatcr «t«. ' . myll . T'iIMOLTJTrXOBf—The pLuncnhin hltfierio exi*t« ±J»H uniJerthe tit le ant! of Wiptup*n * .IMJ*. o*ll, UthiadayaUcaMtedfty rtutuai content, John ItaU man. Tbcbuslnpi* of the late fin*■ wrill t»« «enle*j by Jl. Witfhtularii who'i* i&tbomeii touce tiiAnartM of Ike laleßrro'forthupurpoit. • '. 11. ,'VVIOUTAIAN.. . ■ apEJOdSW .j‘ (jttJ)rl>47] i J. ]>Ai<Z£L.L.. • 'tllK Subscriber ii now prepared foittanulhctureaU VtniU'ofCotton *i>4 Woolen Muclii'aery, At tbf**hone»i notice? Order* JeftV R.‘\S'i£htituui'*jiitguie Shopt for*. Her-liberty anilWoter * tree If. WlM'riiect will prompt ellchtion. ,l|. \VIGIITMAN, r ■ . Lcttcok «L. between. Federal and Samlu»ky »ta, '•fptaftiiy . i - ' 'Aiics^yj.^-- . DIBSOI.UTIOK. rtlJlE do-paitaerihm heretofore exiting helweea lue X’ iub'»cniier» under Uie Urniof William* It DRlfdrtli, was'diitolvetl oh lira 1«r inxurrt, bjr.mumal -J.y.ttlworUif/o-' whom tiie ■eUlementef.liM.-da w*l* ae«*i» entrusted. mil continue, ibo wholesale,jftOCeqr '•■bn} '- 1 k ■■ JO)W,». IIU.WniOH. , •.<» -ji l w ■DTSBOUrTipaf, .. U. li7ißuni*l'Co*»iMi»«r<w <h<i tMVin«t;«n^tli6hMinm.of ' CO-I<All*i«KllSHir. THE- inlwcrtbeta‘ wHli'-eOfllttiuc bo»ir.m'*nnewo . mttd, Njh.il .wiiiT •wccij-os mßmf,onder tba; 1 ‘mb’ -' ‘ ... onimw. t ftfllN I'ARI!FAi"*SSa ”viat7TM ; ‘.N’ ji»>inir •t|. a*#oci«te<l Oiff Grib « Julm Forren ft- Co- far ,U>9 burpo*« of continuing tno ’ JffiSEk will continue iu trim aet it t»cu4*«oa butineu.iU lJ**«l3*uadat.Ujo Canal Hiuuiitibepy^g^^;. 1 " 1 *■'«*•* aS»IL WOHTMAM. “• ! J ca-Patftn* _' , IUIK andendjpied baa ju*i»iate4:wtl)r ™' «“« • Jfieola, from Bultltnore, in lk«* Grocery aj bui>lnejU,-umWtinl/»i|faof BeUera Jtrriag lliia •day a«»octnted wilii bitn, John Jt A£C«n?, tfw. lea* Iber buxioeM wllt boTetAcr M-coiauctetf imdot.Ulf *n* of Wm.’Vooiig ft Co. - .WILUAMTOUNQf .}«*•• ... * r. JNQ. KfKVm■ • ... ~ ..ft T“^ T?r ~T. v 7 : ’ r ••••-• VI :: ■■■< '*■ Tl ' POWTAIH HOJELI' ; ' “ • ' ■i.ilOHT' STttfiKTß ALfTi - i yooQATP mrasros, rßfmuwoa. 'BS V~. e * mbG^ <nt ,o, ‘* ®d w»«Wr known as £B.' 01X0 cflijemast «eamedio(t#ui thd eoy'of n?®* ,^ u ! no rc». has iMenUjr urjdeaone vcrr.ezW «T« alterations and intporovemetus/ An bccOf added, oonttou ulin cieciune apartments,' and.exieji.ite bathing, rooms. , > Lame *l department; Itafc also been completely .reorganized ruidfiticdbp in a most unique and hcnuti- Jiil style.' In fact the jvhnle arnmsrctncni of tie Hou*? ha* teen remodeled,wuE fa single-eye on the pkrt oi the proprietor*, towffrds-tbeeotnfort and pleasure of • their Quests, nxuLwhich. they confidently,'assert will .challenge comparison whir any Hotel In lire Union. • . Their tabte.will always be-aupplied witß ; eyery sqb» (tontio) and luxury” which tha market affords,. served op in a superior style?:while lath* way they will not be ttupaii«L.. „ j.TT, • la cquolnaioa the-proprietors beg to lay, that nothing' will be left, uudane on their part, end on the pirn of theirHMutaitt*!to tender thk.llmel tyorthy iht.qoit*. turned patronage of their frtendi and the pvblicgea - The prices for board hare also been reduced t©L following rate*.,- ;* - •'••" •• ,T 7. . .. Ladies'Oniujary. ' 81,75 per day. • Gentlemen'* “ ~ i«j “ N. B.—The Baggage 'Wagon of ihe Houle will a!-' wojw be fonud at ‘toe Car tuitl Steamboat Landing*/ which will coaTey baggage to and from the Hotel, free of charge, "■■■ mayilf PEARLSTHEKTHOUaE, ' ■■ , ns*.-m**v<oaio. .• • 893 v TiLB-aubiexibcre hating purchased the entire te3interest of Co!. G.IV WUlhimiion, late of thiifweU wsAkninrii establishment, bee .leave to state to their trie no* and the' 'public generally, that they have taken Uut commodiousHbtelfor a term of years and trill ex« *J* J * >ert energtoatd raak;eit a .desirable, homo,foe andCityßoardef*. she Jlotel is spaefod* and admirably planned for con venience,Tigbtwid’oir, having anumoei of paiionuid lamillf presenting' Unusual attraeddni' to | The. present proprietors having . had tho expejienc 1 ®*.J' eß t*Jti this city and elsewhere,'hopothby Will - b I hole to gl?e' generalsaiisladtian, being determined to i i« •« < ? !ation ofl be l’earl Street House IstmconmuJn jy eligible, having fronts ouFearL.WaJnni «ad Third Streets, so lint it is equally desirable in view of tha cqnvemenee of business men, or retirement for prhW boarders. It is near by ItheiJanks, thaPostOffico; the Masonic Hall. .<Jdd.Fellow's Hall, audbut one square ?vi tan s“ orn sirdebtud tiro squares from the City ' ’* barb thas offering •tbegreutcsi iiidoccmeuu, especial-. I)* to country merchants and generally lo alt pefiUns ftsldngCtacmnad. ' - ‘i ... JOHN NOBLE*s-;• Ljnehifr..-,. / i . . JQILV A HUBLS. ■ 1 Emw HOUSE, . roxxut op BALtniou ajld xrraWrri- BAtTttmgK, kb.M‘ HENRY F. JACKSaVj.paoPHliri'OlC?;; [ «Sn - *ple»did dud •'pacipu* Hotel, elegantly *ii-, i EJS uatod for both busioc** and plraiur* fraveller‘*i is eouitrucied'aa to cutubmejall the luxuries of hotel*, with and real comfort. Choice saiies of apamucm* are at all season* reserv 'd for The aceommodatiOri ofjnui»i*rujjue*l*,ajid.fajur. . Lie* v inline the. city Mill find the J-iitaw llouso ahoac, imarpaued by auy Hotel in the-Unlbn> ' 1 • • ■> Fb«' location'is eleyaiid and aalubri<x>Ai audio alep j .< oarenjeut to tht depot* and .laiidiugn, at .Which the ■ onehe* and porter* of the hoaie' lare aiall time* m lO co,rre y P*“* ,l ß'ff. ,LU^.l V c “ baggage to, the Taiot*.—Gentlemen** ordinary . 61,50 per day. 1 Ladies* do . ioo do , 1 Jaal3daaw3m. . ; 1 " “• f• : EXCHASGE HOTEL* " " 'cnaxra op rettr ash sr, njmara,irrmitCßßit,Pii' » M. Tbo subscriber harioc assumed the manage meat ot thi* loug.establiJhf'd and popuWlldiet respectfully aiinouneetid Tra*»llcr» aadthe I‘ob*. RMtrnUly, that he will be at ail time* prepared to accommodate them i n all thing* desirable in a well /ftftdaied Hotel, 'i'he nottSß.ta.nnWi.bf repaired throughout,amTaew Kunutitre added, and ,hi> I*ttu will be •pared to make the Excfilmge one-of tie vpry bast Hot?** in thocouuirv, •, j.,... ... • ; rlab undersigned r*«pectfu!ly a commuanre of- the vary liberal patr«i»gb the How has .-heretofore . T4iailA**iUVV«KW. Ifcbflrfif , ■■ proprietor.,. ■ j' : “ '■ JOSES'* lIOTEi.r . *'■* :l • bo. PHiLibCLrini: • • u CS' TilK »üb»cnb?r*, amter the firm of Hrii!*e* 4 EH TVc*t,‘. hare porrjia*ed Jlr.Joirc*' imereatwvthi* Af»e*tahlh>h9cui, •uhlluijwhylheatricteil'nttriilltm Iniho wonts and cwjifort ot thnir g urj le, io rnc;nt a con t timiantfe ofshe liberal patrutiage bcftiblbrc received tyu» (orattrpropnaux. , • [The house) ha* been'iliorwighlr rvnbvatf-d, and ra ptured; wo therefore (Vet o» *b fniwc elcoturf our friend* and the public to aruuinn.odatVJ'n* euunl tdaur ni tie city of, Philadelphia . N W irdSlf •' I • ' ; _ JNO’WT.ST. ' II |. GAXT HOC«V . wua axru t>Ta.nxct,<r?un. ia the U-jt aalcr ior tin* recfpnon or ilie'TravnlWPublic. ‘tiavuic ’Ouilf rxone «thorough repair duringwjn.' leiVaml, harior tb®n»*i <iperii*nefcdßi«iu the \*r*r W liie nnout JepuOauuu( I tian*x ui) Mil i{mt ail .wil. Lc[plr«*t-J who rath The loeaiiotj u ccuiral,.coraine- Jmos and pleaiaaL I*<re t-l pet day,!' Wn»elU3,'4r. : ■ \V K MAH**!!? 11 •'» H.—Aftboort not raarUy o w* Jffuom. it i» rlie - | ; T nßocraiOßTbs'f aa t. no u g k~~ ‘: A_' IT. : r| M ..ARI3 ; THRUCKMOUTON' aeuaaiat AJt friends that he it .wain inweu of the UAi*T HOL'HE, Ix>ui»vjtle, ICr., whciv he )iofe» loitK'et ln» old rneodft, t»mnnf ithew and iM jmWie.- tlml no effofi *iatf be ejvftmlM CiaVe ali comfbrfaMe Who a«»e hita with then patrunaff. •■• i JanJliUf ■•• • 1 : ' - AHKHICAN HOTEI, • •’t; • ''wtTW-tE*; • * •- sTj* -Oppotiic.thtt llajlroad Depot, I‘nut »t. lUlrimorr, ChtrtotllwuU, Rutiu/gh.l ■ 1 MEDIGAL. - • ' ' • PEACES PEACEII '!• - sinrrrbmtCTV-'-!' ’•■HCT JN EVERT MOT'IIKR* JIOJIKBTEAD. undrrwgnrd its* lotjt been convinced of ih? JLniieccius> lor adaplcd to the use of tbuihcn aodlnfanuto supercede the’use of nil Ui«*« -mHirfuff -which contain opium, and hasarVngiftrße.’ •rc>4<-4 in preparing'and t> JVnu£ to the paidic o cuui fuUy-&u*>f erlng arerr porjxwe for oil diseases of tha. Un* eh, ufljiout.tlw imt of that deJelenou*drag, ut fiY oiijar calculated (o iniirn iu the least. The haunt PanJ acef'Ua* been fuHjr tested and laittwelve muqilM, by noincKKrt prmutf, and found to po*»est aiy the. extraordinary virtue*, had to produce •(! tbe auon* Uhi >9 efocu as set forth «i ilia biU ofdimciionn. lh. ifrrlfoI*. 1 *. VoanUnß, Cholic. Uriping, I'ajus.tichocssaad , . Pistjavr* 'oftMti; .from IcrOung-, acting immediately •nrithdja disturbing'liny of the function* oftbd bod/, producing rtre happieeratut nio»l pleasant transition Ituui violent piiu to a tranquil.mad joyous suite of teel>* iuit in tba iiulc amforer. ‘ - j. ~ . . ' T-i be luul wholesale and retail, of fos Proprietor, Dr. JOIW.SARCANT, atul Apothecary; John •Mltiibetl, Eliott A DccVlitniwand most other Imigxirts >n Allegheny and Pittsburgh.' • l deci3 JMPRtti~"» * ' SiS-EK-s hiraiuv eoumi bower lo cure: ' ' " IVrmrtun. Fch, 11, IM?. • ’R} hl^RAnw—-My wMe Jia» foryear* been subject to a distreenrat ccegb. -aeconipaaacd mthaaihms, for. ilm iiure of which she used tliiTvtrut fooah remedies, ami had the advice of the |tit>»l eminent physician*.ia Kig|tthd, lint *ll rr*» unavailiilg.' By chance I heard of your Imperial Cough and wnk induced to buy* * bolrlefor Irfah nlthongh I had no he lief that anything could leraovs her eemplahiL To royi great surprise, UnildoMs {fare her itotuedute reliet.; Shot* at time* troubled wuh a cough, hut Jwo lenjpooruful of f*yrup alw;ky» stop* it. J tun satisfied, after (final of three or tlntttfcUer'*Courti Srnjpiuthn best ctmgh' mrd|riu« I hare ever tried either is the Ohl or Nnr World, *. WiL F*mnotist .. <. . B«,vcnUi Ward, city of 4‘iUsbtirgh. .. Tlie floors .certificate should induce nil who are Troubled Vuh cough of SMhma, to give the Syrup a ui kL "It ‘tnajr he 2S c«mU- a hoitle, at the drug stord of tt K,SKl,LKlW,sy>wood - S<Jd by Dr Cass«l r sih. wtnl, and 1) UCtuiy, Alle gheny p‘r-. .... : ■ i. . . juns j SKI.LF.B’R' ’VRIUIIFtOG' The IpuiM of al .WurtQßuxikiuw! ■■> ■. N*w Uu»W,'Oiutk) . ' ... ' . i -.-- Jau-'S-IH# - l , Im« if to cenlry that, niter uting different prrpara* Tiorisi for expelling wonu& l bought of C. F. Ifeiman of New*fj»boM,tw6vla!»rrß K HoUer*':Vermkur« and trtiveUbeeomenttefono vial lutiuroof ray .children. *>oni ■ l!ic fir«u eaedl 6 year*, it expelled 45 wormt uomjUic teforaJ,-*! train ©hi, TU; and from the third, Si veary ©ld, 11th iuakmir>U worinVcxpelled by u»inc tmt one Tlrtl.' Irecr.tmutnd VVrmirupe as u «**•»> Und one onhe todit effectual Worm medicine* ho. ftiro tho public. • Muoil Mcuuimv • Pr pored and Hcld.by II JvSULLUUts No 5? H’obd .f 1 "'• ward; D AI Curry, Al- Irghchiy; W iliiaui J ftmiih, Tcinpcranrcfrillf.-. j*N ‘ '•™l ’Talent Jlloek SprT.'lsTfrsii," \JKWI.Y INVKNTETD—For the rdiefand Perwanem IN of HERNIA or ftUFI UKIJ. i (BuiST?o nil . Ti j toperivr cUltnaof tbit TrnMcoiuai in the too para Ive ca*y,v)iih which it may tie worjj, Tba padol wooi being neatly balanced on apring*.yields u'mei* me >nrany pari'of.jr. nnd thoroughly adnpi* n«elf to any d»Ttmennna*T by the wcaiVr. It nut l. e worn wttMui uucmisuon, until a core it ctTcctcd. Tnc tub pciibrft haee made arrangement* for the manulacture ■2>fol r I? T «“blc Tro»!c«Xiu a «ai>nnar «tyj«, ml'lnU aflplfla, and have them now for »nJc at ibeir office No T7,i«3ltijfieldtL near Blxtb.l’iiuburrh.-' .* Je3o '.- ; -i . ; .P, W. KAUPFAIAN, UU& PRCC9r-Jarl Mohlcr. dniwui and apoih tJ-'. K ',VT.t W "f vrood lino 6th, »i»., Ktn. burgh,-wiil-.keep constantly «m J.and, 'dm™. ooiuu. Vd\^, l^'t‘r^^ pre fs, ri| ’ U,,M! ' ca «ft4ly compound. T, L f y jf.^ b bert Wi,er,dl »* at any hour of the day or fio * tootf'dbair «*•» 'Vktch ho wtU; aeU lotr for mayl hi* mend* and the cituso* of that be t>.d«ktat »Km£ < l ann s vlnmri anais prepared to treat ' otp^ts| u '} Jer Wl edw, nccortlhi g nl j Water Cur» E*tabliah. : Acute or Chronic diteatct. .Those MisJilnp 4® *taii Oinwclci* oi hiaaorrifee caU «i •**&**»?* W»fR<»C LOtfrty lUaiidEyW* »U»tt 1 reilt "trert**; to rtHleli lie wpormittedto .ijSSS^S^^tS^SffiSii: w,-S??“? *}*?.*? ,h 8 w f«r.of »ixui *'U"*' P ““>ir Mi'diclilJVlirohl^ 5 - •i'a-n ri V- "fti?v;'.'S , H“? c * tt «L-OW°t Jaa’y ‘J7i IM9 AT M * Vernuiugo i« unequal!* 'iSulhetl?rt*iA^{t" n^l ro >‘ er J ,,i,UM * B»voa eulir* i-Yoiirlf •• Vr^°-*,aTO ««“! occa*iau to q«o iu— 'here' • rß j?i al * e Aitgh reputation tier*, i Your* re.pectAUlr, ■.. Coccu <fc Mat* ; ' M ;*i, f. f/y? .B-, Wil,9»-~\our rcruwlcalily h- 'lull confidence of ail who u*a, 11, *o, alio, uje Coogh Syrupl ’ Your* truly; •fftPMed and told by R. K. Jteltor*, No. W- Wood »W w*d*l»by,j)r. Oaa«l,Xiih \V«id» P.ai. Coiry, Alto- XotQy, and, Wtg. J. h»- : 'fentpcraicavilto, ;. icbl :• ■•TVIiES AUUKL’S Indian Heir OU,-fet i l. Lmpnmny tbs .1 tir. |ut4.clTectually prevcutiistf it trem falling out, for . J MOULER, DnwriiL ‘ jCltfoMlfl copjrj '. cot. Woodaiafjij, i.~ J ‘ill! >ui (I, DIILT fro ms,. jas.’urrxncnrr. jonkb. wick. . l! c. xoabak : ' liIFPEJIOOTT * VOt .'ftCANUFACTUKEOB of.Uaoupercd juaJ.Cast Bu*l yX. Shovels and Spades, Axes and Hatchets,: Mill, X Cutj'Wreofar amfOut Snyntf Fls y- and Manure fWka, Hoca, AlaOo<U,Picks, Ac., k*vmg completed. ull.thejf. arrangements in the construction of new' machinery, and in securing thabest workmen from tbamosicew- ‘ brated c«abli*hnieirts of the East are dow matmfapauvj ingand will keep coqstadtly on hand artd'far isle bn 'the-'above- article*, having «vju!editbenssalvea,of Aiia I .laical Lmpprrcpieai*, andare determined that ih-ivork*. marubip and material they will not bo excelled. Urey promise equab if noCaperiott to I any, that ctut bo had in the past, Tbey.lnvjto the ajien* I tlon'of dealers to‘ariexitmioa'lloa of'llieir'tWck*be&re I pu rebasink slsewbe fe,- as they are convinced 4 el they. I will be awe to dll all orders in their line to the entire I Satisfaction of parthaaet*.’Warehouse? Water itreel, j .4dm>ra,tVesfMooaflguhel»H?oaeipiUsbunh,Pa4 I Ji. IL—Persons having business with Wm. Uppcp* I co!t ASon, wiH please call-«a Llppenrott ACo.- -■ j ■ .lOClQdir.n. , i . V . V ,J wi'f.toWlßwdWKfr-HMU*., ... /«». JOSEPHWOOBWELL. eomer ef Se£fiSMyMlWbe4>ndSd ■tSd-KOsbargh.-Hirvlag’ uM|EgBBQBf withdrawn from the firm of tyalbft aiul 'W<KW\*cU l bn the In oflahoary, IM7 1 ,1 take fcTeas*' urehvanoouaemg-.to thy friend* itkthe-eity’.aiulKXin* try. that J. have opened my new store at iheabore nam. rd Place.* JU*lLs"purdj*«efl tty ettoislWtafd ftrtde armagemenu with rtuantaetuerslio ihi* eoantry. ntnl in Europe to be constantly supplied, 1 am folly pre pared to famish" Hardware •of •all' Minds; orr' ai rtaSd tenu.ud as 4ow a*.any botwe-EostflrVfssbi.Slar' chad* and others are resptcufuUy invited .to call and' diamincutf slock, before 'tfte ioUowiOfr«wn»e«a-ujtfrqfjM»M»fe. <•.; . . &eamboat-and saddlery put mmnilnai, ■file*, tfaytofYafrtl/ttiJenr. v «tee:.tootß, Jocks, larges, lory saws, mabopSdj' boards and veneer* and all other antcler Connected-with-the 'hardware runi-: i>itt ~ -• ■.,,... . . ,/- ' Hardware, - Cuiierr? S«ddl(rj' l fcf> . ifaiffb JOHN :waLKEK,; importer I nAd' HEjflggPpKfcH Dealer in Potriattiiod ItaacCtc jard.--, ,fQSSlnflHPp*wan(„%it>uld te»pceiAillj' inform his .{rjcaiis wui me rml»r« tharbe irturw rfetir-' we hM 'fprijie Vdrifly or tewiTraiejat tbebWs^ewl.of. 'Vilkcrtij W<S6fl#eih ftd si wood #t, which he will <3i*na« of-on tba i«o«i te»!ensW« trna*. '. - ••'■'£• Uf.di; fjcilr *ppplicsjUr«t masufecUptn jaiKurb|>e aiuf thu ebnnfrjrl [vliTcli yepf suable m>n tb<;oJHpei*»ellX«»y<p*ubluu* ■ sn*nt, eitbef Eastor Weir : , , ... ....... i . >- TCrttetn Jiivtli/d lochllih'd"elamrne'i hrs stoek bctbr* parckzunirclscw.bep-'.wnrS'.'J :^^V'IfARDEyi ' , fc tO*M. PAW*AtKUS®*i ■iSSJgnKWri'rAKCR' OFFICE &rj»*htj "■■Ml .by-this' agency ttpou reasonable terms,*] from any part of Engl lreland,, F<Mjijajid, &vWa(ea. 1 aud id Packet Ships.only.; Foreign Correspondents and I of ilic Bnn«K Goveriroent liavc I tioaeti Kmigrautsarhome and their fttcatU-m again*! the fraud* practised open them* and hatea!, 1 •ciTy* referred to she \rcU- kadvrn hount* of lLtxnCX Ai Co. as for right place for fell 16 apply, if Ua?>wi»&ed | to im treated ,eriih punctuality and kindness. -.-- I :J’aOi«;(wb6 adtertid.- tlwmseUel *otirAg«tt»f(!rrthe‘*l llhckltall Llmr, Mate thasdeceiTe.l tbe'pifotfcraiPweproJMs in be Agents not duty of the I tUq^- oAergooffirmtj'awiJ'olfo-f ; ;rtgbt' Draft* t&.ajrp.«awwt : *aya6l« > a» aajr oiifiil branches of the Frimstln! or N annual Banks eMre-'i lttad,'Exifcfabd I .Scotland,-foe,,. Wp font* our own Eg-1 ehanfcf V* do aottaka-tsifoey’a&d'se&il it to tie East I to getootaa nieeita to tnfoi tbenby-daMlng jqisurice* r pud.dctayk, foruheßsokerLftCicaUpppa inland-w* 1 ,wfo accommodate them at Ncvr York .rate*. ‘ T" '! ; 30SI1U.V' ItOßlNtfOC l ?wE*repeaa>Ag'V • - > -i'j ' .aetStf '• • ’ ■•--■ > ‘‘•athpt,oa«,dpo> Vetpw >rood._ j, PUt 3{acMne and Eonndrrr/ I \ nmavfuu.fl. —' •§ JOHN wniOßTACovafe pirpamlto-htaldC«jlfc»- i and-Woollen Machiwry t ol every description, such I a* Cnnlirr ' Machines, Spinning Frames, Speeders,'!' Dofti-ing. Pr&mejvßailor&y fiends. Warper*, FpopißS* I. Dressing Card Griaijers,A«. Wrought I Irtro Shafting tamed; all slZta of‘Cast - Iran; Haneeranf-tbe tate«rai»«ni», fodoand kabd ■Oil itooh- of all knras.l Cesntigs of etery description { fumifoed on .short uotica. .' Rattens made to order‘for {- Mill Gearing. Iran Ratling, le-Slcgo? ft Re for trailing I. Factories, Ca*t Iron Wfodoir PoA and fancy Castings | generally. Order* leftatthr Warehouse of.!. Palmerr- Jnbert}-street, wilf bave prompt attention, , , , I Refer to Btacksiooc, J K MoorhcaJ k CojT GK Warner, 4 £*«», Paistourgh; O CfoJ -j i If Wamcr, Sjenbcnnlte.. ; r _ . jaalD ;j •] . iUrdwiire Sur* Uenorcd, | -'TCT!frrMORE&' WOLFF.having-removed ftomthe M suceta, tyi(oj£Q, 'VooJ etraeMhiee door* above St Charles Hotel, weald ■ res pec tfoily aek iheatteaiiba of-baycm lothvir *tock : «< iJABD.WAKijLCUTLEHY uni SADDLERY, recM far ship* Sarahak, MoiwnialieTh'aid'Kcssla,;'threef rest the rbamiftcturer* of'Hagtsodhad Uurauuvj 1 -Also.stipnlie* of Americas Hardware, from the prin cipal maou/aewrors of the Eastern Stares: Thcnmedi being enurelj new,.aod.parehased opee •tho best terras they feel greet confidence in being gble •aeeci«ruli> to'meet emapotitiori■ free • any-quarter; whethereandrwest.-' ' , . .. -i ■ The Hardware Imshwtv wHI lie eoounned at the old stand. 1 .1- • ,< . '. ■ • QALEIUTCS aw OLUK FAOTORYPOH SALE* hJ—The Admin biro toe* oft «e J oderferule the t*u With meat sltuaiQ m Ninth Ward, fu ime r t ycame-i oab j ium, in his fife time, Boat Men - and islae Factory •' The works are id complete order n-fcatrsltrs'dnilidbuSlnrs«,-with fer commencing at any ume.j A-liberal emm will he given, azul all pontruUn made known hr calling oo eriherof thn Mdenigacd. JAMES'BLAKELY?! . , . . JOHN MITCUELL,;..., spin Administrator* - SOTXCK. ' ALL reman* knowing thml«phreylflilefrted«r the Es tate of the lath A‘. Drsvo, Jr, derearrd, am hereby notiCed »csll »nd settle their accounts, and those has- Ingclaiai* against the Estate) wHl'jwrenV tbetri daly hatheaticoted !or settlement, m lhe.fubscnber,atjho ,W*«bottset>f JoknlrwioA3oni.J?oll Water at. - : -l-lOm , „ . JOHN IRWtW. Hrneotor 1 i- Ai lilflQ . • .A OTORAGE, Foi-wording unU Commission Merchant, O -Cth street, Canal Bnidn, Eri* r Pa- ■ -I. • :1 - - REFERENCES. , ’ Messrs. Spang A .Co.; Geo.' \V, Smith & Co-t'Klng, renmtek ll. Holmes tA Dm.;. James-Bal tell. l>q., Pituliargb, Pa. Messrs Viuceut, llimrod A Caj Lester, Sennet A'Che»ier;''\Villidihi A'Wfigllt; Brown A McCarter; J. I- Beebe, Ede, Pa. : , £*UNDIUE9— 150 bags pnmo RkveoJfce; lfiO-bbltN-O hj Molasses,* “5 boxes manufactured tobacco; lid ll«if | ciiests grveit and black tea*; 75'fl.nndtJIB b&es"Y"ii -Bi»l G P do.; SOQ boxes Gemma.elan 19 cnskasaletu- Uu;10 do. potash; together with it-general. assort ment uf groceries, in store and fer salvor ■ ■ * jaa ' CARSON A McKiMGlJT,gfcat. ~: • 1 MonoiistlifU Ltrenr StabieT ' noUEltTil. FATrElftON'hu' opened iho if large «iabje on Pint tL. ru&oio* unuteh to JLJDL&tconil'it- between Wood tun) Southfield *t*~ in the rearoltbc. JlonpaMhda Hodee;-wJth tuitdirfcTy ni'w Mock of Horses unit Cairmgos ot the best quality and Illicit styles. Hones kept at liven* in the beet manner. . •■•<-••» *iy*llj^ AG \V-VILEUOL'Sfci—Tbo l)ighe»t. pile#- in- efc*H J.V paid Jur good Uojjs oUo, ObovmvßoJc Robe, GruM Rope, Bugging, Woollen Itfig»,' CWton' Wiifie,' Aknty - •' • :J.W. CHADWICK,* .?• ■ Jenfi : •woynnat between pcnn ontl libenT . PRODUCE— 200 bgi'et'nihl'23 \V K cheese; WOO lbs prjßih Keuliickr 1 fftihorsf WliblS 'Vrtiso ken No 1 lant; GSbilsliplftclorehae&.lS'do WnoJhyscsil, (Jrsaleby-.; i JiSl. . . CARSON JTMcKNIGHT; 6th ft - .*1 jKRPrfItiSRY— Enracl»of Verbena,'•ratdiouV X. .left Violet, Jockey Club.AliJlitijUf, Bouquel ! de Caroline, aail Alusk,large I‘etfanie Bags, from KiCit. ■to Si Wiai-li. JOUN ItXIORGA.V J-“- , jßi ... - ■ - .tt r Xu..ianT«vi , »^ iITRAPPISaWPEIU . ■"— \\ taw bonrtfes H. CM. lin'd ». C. iirnw mmk"‘ • ; i.edjum'Rw. '-*- .is) ‘' D. Mediom Hardware; for sate by _WIS> • ... REYNOLDS A SURE. :f \ VJ-: \YOODS~-433b1i1a ehlppeJ 10gw00d,"73 do gt ; d £Jr jofftvuotj; 100. do chipped Fustic;. lUOdbigrouiul. camwood jusireceivcd andJuraajp by . .. .. i,f.utxntfooK* co: : f- J 4 * '* i- cofnef of front ami wood ati t.*g» pnme green niocddeciTs VJF chi-Jts and half ehe»ti froahgaanMaxH&boxe*’ .Initiate a lt> Ibmpa tbbacco.oo kega O.twuxdo. with a ft<;[teta^«*»PtMuepVofjp«eriealbr«>al«'bJ , .'“ Jau4 JUlfli H- DILWORm iff wood „ tCQPKSOBBU PUUBS’WBrt.recetredTwr r Ofock?! cwk»“£j>enc«V’C*m 8l«»l File*, compruinxa very s«Uer<il*mMondidtiU i ' ' ITie titenilotf of Maclußl<ts and cop* omen noanllt {•iprited. -•• • ' LOGANAKKNnEuy*?* nift l -.MI *•; J HP wood atreafr*- k.TOLASWiKS—I» Ll)ls (n»w cropjN oKm 11 ummsawlfor i«Jo bjr. vwlfV.'; junta : ..... ,• ■■■ -roiKDEmfrjVjW^ lUSUEDAND PtH.VEDJ7.HD SUoitfUfio bW« -j«tu7 —■• '-'-i"'- '<>-•»--ao-ftWta:** I^LCHJMS- —CD unuj bM, C OTTOS—I33 bales Memphis cotum'just weeiTed •W»t for ail* bf L * ■ 'i.:i i.i i~oi i- j ‘ui mitt.' 0,, Siaijii iUi ■ UaJiJ»U3*iu tiilj jU«iii. iMr,*; ,J A a<l rS' : MISCELLANEOUS , AGEKCY FOB. PATEXTS, -• WASSISOTOX. D.C. VENAS a and I £j A pent fur procuring Patents, .will prepare the ne c«karr Drawings and Vapen'lbr'Appheantt forPat* entu end transact alTblber bnsiaeaa ra thelineofhia. profruion at the Patent Qffiee.- He. can be conialted I on relating to,the Potent I>aw» aha'diiei*. iuu« iu the Umted'Btate* by Epirtpe.; Perwria at a di*-1 tince dcniro(ia'of haring epannnntiobt'made ‘at .the 1 Office, prior toraacih£appliehUbfffl»r a patent j n *ty forward (port paid, cueloairq? a fee of fire- dollar*) * “ear statement of their core, when innnediale'attin* wilt be given to it, and all : theintottnaiiofl.that obtained by * viiitof the- applicant s person P r o'sP u J-comnmaleaied. ' ‘ ' '! AU jettiag os busbies* ranstbepoitt pnM, tmAeoetain i • iEL..' 11 ? *’«, where a written opinion i» rtsbixed. . . street, opposite the Patent OtSce. ' petmiaaioi.ta ; ffiaSBSSSSTB , @?sa i <.^ . Hon, J B H &^ U iran; 'v ' •: • 800.-Willi* HailjKetr'tbS^*- -. . Horn Bobert Smith, ,'.'n . .‘II6n.S Breech,'U 8 Seriates ‘ -- Copt-ftM Bhn£vo, Mjwcmri; . ’ Era»m* Broolti, PitUbn^ ' ! JAMES ■': * v iUttibnrfb FtrnUan Wirt Rowma,'' x ', , 85, Tfflßß fruerr. ; - i AWM ' A lane 1 and'upTeulld assortment oTFbnjl* iare, iauabM toe Steamboats, Hotel*.and pri-. vote dwellings, coattantlf on band aM made order i " I •'••••'' . -Tho.preMiu.woci on hand cauuotbp yxcyedod.by, any numuractory.su the western country. .Persons’ wMunk to'ptircbase-'tfOttld do Well to' giva taa a'call, a* lam determined ray prices fhall plpase. ,Pa* of,thy stock consist* in—' ’ Maofii'a with PJoah imd Haircloth covert; v-i vl 2 do); Mahogany None Choirs; ..... ~j 14 pair Divans;' 1 ‘I ' • •ltdoa'fiocnrahofjmrChairs;' l - -i nl - . Itlmahogooy Work .Stands;... .• . ,- , > I ' ' ' 3 do* mahogany Hocking Chain;' u " L ;i / -JSmarbletop DressingSnreauiv ..d ,8 pair .Ottomans; I 'gniarbletop'Work'Stan&i; • 1 ebertr Work-Stanksf.-.-t . ,1 . MahoyanV, Maple, Cherry, and Poplar Bedrwid* of | all descriptions, dud'ni largo‘anonmeiil or rtfimoa | fundaiee andehiairs,,tbo fauaarouaw-.mesupxu... J : marPtf : , , • 1 ’Ssaaastargp DRY GOODS,, GROCERIES, fo. martin -:uswi&:* co*s * , , C.WOX H STO RE, ■ • «n>* tux >_ -< SielMln lib of««atlMa«x’» W*tr. -i TUB OXLT STOKB Of TOX XETO U BALZDtOU. . ~Soi SB3 Baltimore st, second flops wesifof Charles, »t- WJJ •kadl-.JttißDte in time for the Sfrlhg Bnain«», ftonioat.pre»4niStot»,No. 21311*1 tiaore street, east; of Charlds-street to. oar new *nd commodious Warehouse now IstiUrtjrtg, 1 Nb.'233 Baltimore street, on th e same aide of th e' si reel, bui two doom abaty Charles "where; wt shall be .- happy to ace oar friends and cus - tamer*. ~ly i' ~ : ? •' *•' 'V-;;■ j■ 'The experience ofUsi-tall^ whea.firstwp.took op. th»:Bramih'ofihe'Dry Goods Business exeldsiTely, conduced at beyond a doubt, that a batihew like ears weald meet with the tame encoarageinent here, a* »im-, Uar-establishments for tsahyyeiin post had enjoyed in the. Northern slnrket*;'Kndtn*i Country Dealers. by.a; irial,"would led the ac&ud..aeccfaity,to divide ;theirmrehsece, aad, ia jin instance, to bay'thdr WooU len Goods where iheyboaghi their Domestic*,. Pres*,’ or Fahey. Goods.-'weihare,therefore,made-eachnr -raegemrmts forth* pominf Spring Trade, that Wei («m -fiilently inrite the attemwaoif alfDealm tiiitenf oar Market tooor EstabUkhfaent, assuring them, that In the .exrenl.of our &ockj Quslity/ariPneet we shlU be second to no House in the-Country. * • , i .: j We 'hare had oor-own Bayers in Europe, and will -hekept tnpplieddorinx itbeseasdn,' with’the; newest and ehofoesrFancy'Goods .in <iur liha' of business, winch England and France can produce for Pahtafooos .■M,yeiupfs, as. also Scarfs, Crarats, ,:Ba*penden, Gloif ind othet article! • adapted for daen’isrear.' ; , ora SToircowaai dr'- 1 .ji'■■ ■; «»neh?<Eftsl!«h, BiWaji,, German, ,and. Domestic M«W*CWMDfe*,anaJpoes'kina,ofewryfcblor,»liade, , f°2 S'?M it 7« Wkfck thybbft Matiofflctorics caapiodnca, J?“ We Rufrraiitfee'tojaJltije leading makes. a* Beoli’*, >.BußOa¥*».aonjc»A'»aad Montngnac'-s French WooE cm' : “ «sge«>gssioKewA-CTk.: ~ ; ttrorsiJMVirxraa, l adn su&.wav mnmuiwn • kiß4MtTd«eripdoft; foreign Snddo* mesbc, Summcr'Qoth* Ciotott Coalings, Coddsuwtons* Gtabmoa*, h***pßd»farijiea and AJpaeeas, vnlh’a SiSSS® a . 4, “‘» : *■ - ow^, 7^^ ,e vJ^*«ea(;ofb«Bity,airai-- sortmeat can not ice exMlkda»ywhere., Erery neam , eecow briafs.arociowp imjVuuion ofOw veryliicit 1 •tyle*. .Buyer* with d>Hats id - iWTiy d»Sumfrom whaf they can fiSfthetnahy where die; u most goods of lb* kiadarßOidWedb* ua-ihn' i dcAigwof ©Brown.''-:' { . . j - -r - I lcdoi:*Sn>Paduacs.' White Satin (acedDrilliito%Bm:kand ffary do, Brown- Preneh flo,* Checked-LiCeo*.for coats and Uotues, Brown FrenchLin?nf, □•annrr’s'Dril}*, fyrservtntir wear.. Children's :w*ariof-*TeiT;kind, ordered «x* presale forithe-HwrpoieJ Billiard Cloth*.:two yar<h‘ wjde.oflhocdcLratedJafctoryoflwanSimbni.*'- !•*;• - " AliliUry Companies opd Colleges furnished with Oili. for UriWsu, at fcffory ptiew, everydeseription. j . •• •, n , T^“«u)^^,<f l ß?ymoaQCAUTTi3,Ttz:: Blujk BniUSau, tW* «nd colored y<n m «, Link ■ “ d E?J?BXS* Set btscc ah if boTorcu Albuca Screes, plain Alaacch* U«S£ P V«sri££& Rnbwaecis do, Black anti colored T*rfair Patent ad*,'- BnttotU of hll Idnds, Wonted and Suk Bind*' tiagt, *4„ Canvass,.Paddiios; Silesia* Hollandsl-Wi*.' gtns,WluteMuslins,Cohjdddo,Waddinev :. i* ..... /. ''"yofobiantAim:'•>i- 3}lrer r nn»b «rf;Blne Clitb, Drab SUka. tbr.ctrrtains j c*»drli«iw£ blacV hndeflortd, orlhe beirnualhV .. Jkjjo, ;i>zxKat*.g ft d ,o^e r low price* Boat and Pent tends, at factory price*.! Mer-' fhafct Tadoiwiml'Mahtifa/tnren of Read v-rntid-Cloth* nlers,. will Sad themselves W|U paid inexamininf oof sfodlc'. -*» ebeaft iiisjiloek. J l fjsUpn-caaijot dcpreeCctt CWLbbntfse'W' ls-ebottilfcd to'charge' moW'Oiii*amSl biatness.Uns diffi«ity u avojded, ou stock «• T'f? ,WG9od»»dJArrn>«jeart t bc.lo spbitanual and pane* mal on tnae, at fata* that shall rive ?nlt ; door* .west ofChariesst,,.. thUO- lt'Bust** shoe'store" . Barc**rits.v! 1 T ., A would _r? speeUuUy .iniotja Uut tiuicn* of and its ricwifjiihai they *rK-jK>w «IHago!TtielrTerylareef*jidexieMlr«ifJoek. : v O .v3 r T;.S99 < k r«iluciioa. of price*, |heir ob.veei being to extnaige good* /or'casli; 1 mdr **tosT*^t<^*n' powible time ihty/will _«cJ, off tb«r cnlrtE «tm;k i *urt remarkably lew rales fail lo sau'tasli ftna opponbnliy u imw-jkOtteAu poe***Mw>irt ©febenp drjrgcodj to * wdparaih'eTysmaifexj^iue'.' Weßari*HigdftriJ»J>le3l4«oefcor;v.,% v J*AD£EB*;DR£SS GOOD 3. ■ : J Pdlo Al». Boen*. Vi*ta’GaßTigli*li imd Frif>eh-*rei‘ ri affFiafcUjOregw run! Caiiiwnui do: .Vlnin fllae tiacd . J ¥‘»^ s Scotclr Caalußere*- ud MofcWlm Cd | -£ari' *r^WS&r Xioaoand4pl*B4idi dMortntem:of-neb blMk..lhe«B % u j • jJtab , Sk'clSS&iS'riir^ra!™' iVfrCdtioO'—arcrJcoo »id Brocade aiiir .In- tr^unijfac* iiniaarA CTT Super Cai '»unefeaii*sTeaytsrieiy.v.-; -r:-vu tj ; » jj j.jj '«-V>«S ,;MTUWSTRk.VID FLANNKLS. ’■} ■ •An excellent assortment m BaUihet* tfnd'aJttTWTttecr ef>tedt whka^Mdyattow'F&iieia.'...'••.. .... fine twilled do; Aiaencan preiniiun’do!, eie. -*- ' “,.-•• . : - Alao,«Jsiga «aaoßßwnlfjridkiuga Print*, • lo S? mi)..#" etwr article inaie dry good* line. Ak.ryamtyffu^i.rYfy-.:::*: y - epr.ofdiamond. ■ •• • ■ ■•/ Ptf • !.■ . IV* 1 F?oUi re*pecauUY:i|ifije'the'BtteoCoi oTConni •“Ti **trt'frHfl<?ify~MgrenaaU la ocr-eery «y«iaii«. ■,<£ fl/y. .-cftMia i tao« recent purehwe and desirable »rrle», ankmawhiih'rrfaf'be'eboiW ruled: ' J ; > ’ •«2?eft*eri'riiit>;<tew Spring- «jrlee; j Fteneh and Domestic; 3. u iUouasehae de ljlnaa.r.nr_-Bnri Amwprr...- . tl > * .' IHeathediSheeinin 4rShlrtusjr»,~*M 134: • • , -.ft... >*'r-ro«itn)Wq bUel(. Mae andfrncr, I f ‘ ' i ■*' 2‘ .Twrrd*,JeJin»,C©bhanU ) PrinceAlWn*&c 7 *• **- Summer stuffy ft fan aworaaeot;., -y*. ■, Ithala - Yellow'DriUoMr, from medium to find; ’ .ft . *? ■■ Blan Drilling,fio»tinediuiati>fiu«*-'5 /•;••• ii' Togtt!ief > 'trfrYaTb!r i&bttnint of Clniti, -Drop ii’Ete,, Flannel*, White Goods, *ll of which we are prepared to aeU'at low- pfiee* for-' Carb or approved credit: Add would invite ail pexiona ■ in ifas marftetlOßir? be a calL' "MS ... ■ SUACKLtfrr i. -WHITE, 90 WooSsL : r _jeW •■—.:■• *• ‘- twoddors above Diamond Alley. 1 .*ailu,.B«»lt»lirDnim*rk«rT P'■ TUST revived at ZKBUL6K KOTETOB?;Mai- 1 V. 1 feet rtttti t doc Coo trbx g tint paper dot, 3 dpi.cmamen. d0t..3 crow metallic Oomh-CWaheWl 11 dor Egg Boilers; 1 doc bait a>«oflfaltdoz fcaneituatard i £poet»}'-t‘gitua-<fcansn : &pTcr Spoon* 2do:Butter; KiUTMj Vdo./iwxToy Bool*»; SWWJCluna'Mnrbles; B do* hue Woollen CbtuortajagTeal variety of Woollen Coat* and Cap*; ft do* fine Ftcnch Willow Basheta; 3 doi Willow Alaiket do; C doc Straw Traveling basket*! 'Bdozgiaaa'JHoturSeals; 3 ddx-botte rapQo stamper 3 AlleaV parent Revolving Pistol*; & pairs common Unix* ' Putoli; 3dox sells Chen meri; 6'doz aetta Domlaoet fl. dot'Ttffl&f** Ttpe'Meaiifras; 13doc fancy itreaiTor >. Basket*.!}; geoaa.ateel.Kei Ring*, a«oriodilgYo*i' Chinalk%c;l dol airings Amber-Bead*. 12 nb«attor> •I>ram*t dozen'wiliow<Jradje«ii dozen Clotly^J*^ TCUjIMS!}iNG. GOODs—Tr'e-tuTC-ori hmrt'tui as- JC sortment of good* suudfc ftr fornishingihoteli, aieamboau, kt, titty* wMcij ore 13 bales ticking*. a*.’ sonedj«l do bre, drillmg*;3 c **w M andC-4-bltaehad 4% tio; 2-ba)e* heary Ua«u .crwb.-7-4 : Unfca iab)elUiir«r;d6. flo. j/irnisV; twewen and .Russia diaper, 'fcw-jmeed ; fancy .'inadder phuisj white hwntenttinfr, pta« pad twilled blankets, .*c-,'wichwiUb« l *oi4 lourii-cash brnpproveafcrediL . . MiAQKUjrr &Svjmt; i. J°°* ’> ‘. . •. ! mWaiidn .....-...J|hatvls r kh*™i«* - !:■ CJELEING Jtifffe. Riid •*up*tioej»*»oh- Kp tnenrkjffcttptr.'TuAtyrt Hn.vrU. *yu* all wool Rro iCh*dn;fiao Ca*htiwro.do;.plaai ainrcinHrWdered - cloth' do; plain and embroidered Thibet do; Uroeade-Tkauak,. ■*oa "OttmaOn Silk tfpj'Ffuidtlpng and aouantdo; to gether. with, a crew varietyjdf .rtthet* 'descripjlpul’ tjf <rf which \riare ah extra* ordinary G£poce*, ; : J. > ;' AlJ£Xj\jrDEß - de , DAY > 1 * "' ' ' ?3'MttTk<t'Kt; X W cot, of. the aUiipnd- :, . V)lUiillL"U by .e*prtj*lbi* TT * ‘s“^./?(>tbe beat tnadfc' pen* everßro'iTo' UiU city. liy otTerm* a couridenbla.Btetniarii irer tha. oruinary poce*) J hatOhad-tljeni manufactured'.aupo ■not to any beretofere.and CM eonfidenttr ttedtrnneinL iLea; ai each' for th*' finings* of the *wd, theft cut dautOepnnjrtinddno.wnooih point*. Alto, a (tan* a*Mnmentoi other brand* fot vale -arcaitemtmee* -tad warranted; anha trittch'.and jewelry «ore bf . .•...i : ?;' w vviLSO.v, ' eomcfoC-ttb A-mat Set at .• ijLi’EK. i-RKNCH CLOTHS fcKUXNO p Ado aMonnwm.of -KißDeli; and English .Cloths sol. ungolt at a very grealreductidirm prices. ••" -;*y ■ •- - _ • - >»••«» otuxisatj.i - ' 0 W ood *i, have on hand a weU.aaaoned-and uitLih •M.' .tock -of DRY GOODS. iwUrh .ItaySEuto ,wc.ttra-qiia.fi!x«sni“^P|iW'itteiinii,liK!mZ anu low puces, Most of the mods vfcfm TJLKAOHBD. BWlis, 4<-W. B. Muniniu Aaa»ktt*>BuicMl' tT •' ••■! Ui..frM.-.. T)v A^.oaEES # FOB SKIRTbAv'. R-. ±J hand Drab Moreen for skirisi Also skirt*. pj •?-; J^kC««m v t ’- do - .(anewarticle.! .-i.;:.L; ••Lamer Merinoa <aad Cottoo Vcsts, Ac., northeast ■epfnar.pMih A-markctsta. ’ • *• • •.- ;feU3;;- Murphy imnd iWitteV A./ tion of buyers to ms assortment of above. ahMrior gooda^oobf-styiM-iaad-'ptakh ofpury waddorwlora, -warranted fw.also, Falll fcver aud AiUehehri print vrotKffld.aTso ttnfcolork .y, ■ Uj.m , Tj^X^T:^AFEßS'A^'TAm^'CU>TilsU^Svvk. vA.*'Aluxpay.iuu-ooAuul r prices, an 'assortment ot common, medium and superior linen table disperti ■ also damask linen tablb nankins,etc.: also hock abad, bird-aye, andficotch diapers tbr tawaung.i ■- ; a l3 T)l»AU) UIaACK AIri’ACCAS.—A ~ftw pc* af'sntiip' "X' • barred 'alpAecaa'lareljr reo'di also,;an axbeilnt; fanqx Wmd ; do;; «rV low, at the dry goods home of . [jiftj WRMIUPtfY. •• T\UES3 GOODS AT tOAV- FRICE9-W K Moi "X/pkr.-eorner 4th-and Market «ts_ contlnues.to sell \\ interi)res4_Goods at greatly Reduced-prices "Mua. uirdtfliaiUes ns low as 121 cU r« vard. A*. - • Vtsoa..^ f.it!ruAll>ssa.usur vortment of fins Plaids selling off at in unusual re Market stteet-NTw- cOmer of -m&eeilii— iSSSJ, * Brown and •J?-Arf additional supper received ttom the W&siuKS?" , •4*kt , CH)ftOK cocuaSt •••M-w-- sawoojk-- Tkltf WKETSfc4ffpalS lan* Domestic latm, ,uto.i 'uj.\ **4d W .aijii' j'- ! ; VOL. XV. NO. 167. g; MISCELLANY. I VrW . For tfce FmtiKugb Chnxun Advocate.' - MABYISfiGNty nr REV. D. TRUEIUV. **- *** : *> whilhef shafli go Yos, the boanteoas bad hath perished - ... blown,•'.' ~’ t . ■ V - - n guarded bytigilsj - faroken r . The casket'is empty,*the spirit halhflqwn v Her warblmgs are hashed, the w*«iut>rii • • - spoken: • • '• : Sho hath passed CfoEn.our anns to ''.!'.'.;Vjhe blest, '*' '• r . v:> . , Nq, more tq endure earth’s withering a She is gone :to 'the place whore the • ■ shall IBStj?: In'-the’garden'of lore, by tho rirer V-gladness::''' ’ ' , * ’. : '• V She is gone,! sho is gone! Andloft ns to mourn; Bat we could not—we would not—* .' Invokoiißr return ? .v." •;v). We may .weep, o’er the joys affection won, •-bariow> : When hum our'fond grasp tffey are nst] . ..fesslyjimi’/ Bnl sweet resignation gently toftau oar so .• row,. .The gem Jost to ns isSow treasured /. heaven..'; i-.* /•' That form so endeared we : fain would hai •• cherished, ’ • That rests in its weakness, in repose, • Shall leap from its sleep, when earth ehal •, have perished, : Andtho trophies of triumph die .. .c105e....;,-. . ... She will come! she will'come! Her heaveri to share, For we could not—we would not— * ‘ But dwell; with her there. FODOTER OP THE ROTHSCHILD FAKLIj !;■ ftankforf^n-Mam# !; gP.®?., or Jews! Street, Iq vrtich the houses loot so aged and poverty! stnoteir, that to walk down almost £em* 0 transport ime to the-middle ages, and recalls Jtu.tha painful stories of the Jews oFthal ,the marvellous tales of the lavish splendor, and great,wealth which these how rauicealed; the affectation f. m&y-m :»Brc» miseiv.assimied, not! “J” aJJ X propensities in thraw ShvS’ .k— -' 0 - fe??”' “« cruel foes, toi °in w ?! llh was always^ the! signal for blood. ■ Tri this street, dtmng the S tard-woftingi dew,.little, regarded by his fellows ofS or.the-Christian faith; ho was poorer ; than tho generality of his brethren, nndtherij! wasnoUung in disappearance or manner to i Oi'nOn! a nujre than ( pnimon mind..' How it ' happMed that ha was selected as the gnar dtan or certain mdiues and treasnres bdonn rng to a-Germlin prince whom the ialeof war had -'caused- to 1 fly'/rein his possession does not appear;rbnt certain it £, tho tnw’i was -wiilWy. accepted and nobly fulfilled. She confusion, and alarm of the French in yasiou; arid the iTarious revolutions in Qer mpny tlience pppoecling, extended to Frank- i f?rb' h^oj.of,th^ ; jews-were pillaged, for : 'r?^iW r WI”g Heaped synonymoaswilStiho .1 E less likely to escape I than Why. This Jew we have wasamongst the ; number, bnt so effoctusSy. wire the-pruice's'treasnres concealed, th.t inert-existence was not oven suspected. Add When thetimmlt.had ceased, and Frankfint bat. ins trust .was .untouched. Some few' J F#»giiig of Frankfint had h dispossessed prinoou ; l kSrsdfto Sabo! 1 hwd shared the J common fiuA or at least had been appro- 1 mated by the. Jew'to atone for his own • losses. As--BOoasidjuhe could, he retained ' was so felly pcesess- was ntterhr eflbrtst first m j fc'h.r tire hue of his property. His • may bo conceived/* received &o4r the hands of the Jew '• cTaimca. i oT thS wr-The prince 'wah'utrt'of.that easy nstem 1 istssn&s^Si- .moye extraordinary than itree£ fecourts of Germany!— • - From thorn rt spread to other kingdoms - the ;; ri'Sl' 1 W“i«mddenly trithfra obscurity, yd M hii fedenls for fimri .l —. ' the cum—called mte ploy. N O I only did ho > apiaSe such, wealth; himself as perhaps sdmeJ toestoeauae asmdasrt the treasares which had. sopmed .of such mcment to their owner r hCcempuSS - m then and p&gr;. non, maybefound scattered in almoster c°prt;'and acknowledged on Evohaageirilthti great, movers of the ‘ money market of the world. Bnt the widow' 5 ofdheir foimdery noWneariy a centnry old, je&see all state and grandeur—she receixat --1 the Tiats,,uf.her.vdeai)endamsr bat'iii th»- ’ fe Juden Strasse of ftrinlM, tart—nutory of tie J<io in England. , •| JgS? Nklol, now *W«i in; the «mno lecture; tint the epccuton or lord Eosse's Telescope is sir ii'cnieter. Tlo telescopes of Sit WilHanj Hereche." were eighteen' inches in diameter; haring d-'power of pehetratine - «>ace 95 Bines greatwthan the natUTßl^r? bat Lord-Ross^9'OMrpenetrate 500 tiniea. ak ; least, i&ithw. thaniitW naked eye, and U capableof discexnmffuobjectft eo distant ai w r ,« u i r !' “iPW their liglt to . tf. Jour. ■ - “IS’f.mjilwstt nßimuno." fefmeJ'ereliitssnkin the riacomi. o h^ e .sS .FlSMJM'eiuißkrW ■„ Frenchman, hss cdiscdrried o ™ o .chiiW»ies.in»yJie;ntßnsnled faJkSl m frames/of. Jvitc ■ewSo S, P 8 threo othir. W S&£f tho i ?bore each flame mTl'|>asi^^ ,f ft ,^ oh '»tiey; no °J "» ~ftta rational, as if^iher'aiiiMdJ' 151 “*i®e and goto-dinnsr^S^bU no, ‘° latnw ° J-J Yori Sole Lealb. turn br...i^u“u«ue, liffl. *~~VK<*ttWL YOtIKoTtW «• — ‘ ■• ' v-■■'iclttem. yjS-BCBST^ yMgfi mt iheit OaeajaS. ti|# etoeiu -tojroayiatiM.' ilflS. Go °*wi». awjr. fjrTiT rrrtTTTrg jLj^ mSSSs^i P •;;V •. u«< ’:! b! •'; ■* ' r )-r'■'■b' :: - :^ <
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers