The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, January 20, 1848, Image 1

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    a *t
'A ; LEXANDEB-GORDON, ■ Commission sad For
warthif M Water and 105 Front atml ’
finabargh.-- •'• •■ •:’; i,- .mchU
; A TWOOB, JOIVES* Cov Commistlon mrsl Forwant
A. iog :MerchaM», lure relumed to their oM : siaod.
W*l«r and Front streets, pituborgh. oeCl
nirTf" pacts;♦/'-‘X>'aaftox isrn.
BETTER, Wholesale and Retail DrergifU,
Cleotnrt’ of liberty -and ’ St. Clair aUecU, PiUmbar^li,'
BA. FAIMEJTDCK* Co, WhoUUale and Retail
» DratjirtfcM rpc rWoodicj6th~»t». jyl
/ *ISiAOALKV i.SjnTIL Wholesale Grocery 19 and
*» g>Wo<^ "• - •:; -■ •: : -
GA. M.UkULTY- fe Co./Fonrtrdta* and Commit
• floßMerehaal*, CuaLUasia,
ORLANDO LOOMIS, Attorney si Lnr|offieaon>
* V>« 4th •lxyi > VaiQ&eli. *P t‘fr
' mcewiaui.-’. 'ionyr.»«*TOw*.. •• iii.’W.xtaaux-
COLEMAN,' HAILMAN, fc ~CoJ MuttfactONr* «!■-
Canriage Bprin?a urf Ax!«*'A. B. tod Brh&Si««4t
«d 4 dealerrinCMebTnraminnofeTeiTaeKnpQOQ!
jnuuifitf lory ortSt-'CTatr'wA Waribb***t3 Wood >t,
.Ct>pc>«Ue&.Cli4rie*llqtel/ ■ -O.jMjjjL
/'IARSON* MoKXICtTT, {stteeeaaora to.H^Coohe?
Masuisetareii Sixth at reel, between Wood mad Isbffif,
Pa. ■ ' ■ i‘. - -OctU'--
C. VBAGKR+.,lmporter .and tt’holesale sad Balaii
•dealer in FtdteyimdStapl* vatisty Coo»U, alga of
Odt Combart Market at, pear LibmyiPlU^ogb,
imn ocmLor. : j. luaaaojrnwaLt.- •
TVVNLOP k. SEWKLL. attomeya at Uw.ofieea oo
Xy-SmilhßeM,betweenM aiaUntits, /.m " • v • -.
IJE42tKrON. ea*t
jof fpnn Kiraon Au^f,
U'nfAUr* desUre
Juitt grodnra and Pinsbargb Mangiactnrcs; caroetof
SSirty and Handsta,-Jittsbarah»F*» --•
- wK.aL-«SOWDr. A '- ; -»e;i tawni-vassal>-.‘
X'mJ&BH U ßßSCTffrr,(l»™ Enjlui, <>»“«**<*
JEi Co.) Wholesale Qrecere,-Commiaswn andForward
iaf Maiehasti; aadosalere ift Prodoca-andPiitaburgh
luini&erereMS>:3? Woodat; batwaanlH tadadata.
- \ i r.',y oett ■
*rNoBWARD Ac. at
JC, offiee to thl 800th fide of
Foarthat, benmnCbetry Allay and Grant alr^r^V'.
f.Lmm -:l’,•«*>,,Wtt IWOBWOOU.
TpRIEND, JISEY *. Co, >VhoWalc Graeara and
X CSnußjsaian Mmbania, and Aciott fit "Brighton
Capetv-Y«a% lie* CT.Watar,' and iOJ Front «i,' Pitt#*
|ii BUTME, _Piiao Fort* tfknufiufuraraod.daalar.
J 7. «la Uuiev lastnamvmt, 1U Wood &tlt
’ IVI- !/ .* nkhC~ •
;aco»ronna.■■ j.„; - u . a* a. towns;
■ j’ORSYTH ;• A ■ Co~' Cocasunion' asd .Tonrwdiar
jMwahaau, Ma> 30 JV*t*r at» fttatartfr.- ■? ayli. .
TjUUNCOHELIXES, Qtitrtt.'Clß&m&h. SU*u
JEkhtinv and doaJttiaPrbdft*it,C«Tdira,‘ail*A*v
: *«i No. W Plu*-
I R OakßafcFfta6^Mpaiil*''Bopi,Ao^ahi»yaoa
.t -rt-'vi-:-,- -y»> : artfr.l
F'-’ H*£ATON, Dealer inQld*raa,4Joii**y,'M4F*iw
• •jratriSjipUTrinflljJt*, 7 Marfcat avPinabtugh.
fVALLAGKEB, LOMQ * SOLLER, Ball «ad Bxtd :
-ifift-Froßl,' latWMa
. .
pda* ffrad far aid Cappar add ■
oia>. kbadia.
■■■Wftji. . WITWVIW »II
EOROE MORGAN, A Oou. WboJssmis Owitt and
Wood'at, Pittsburgh,
GOBQ£ A; BGBST, WMmli OsiMr «4
1 vXaatdgoaMarehaftunnddaalarta Pred»c*aadPlgo<
t«lh Mm&ttirit Bal» .Woodat,PtoaUu»h.i ;
y:^rv.?y. _ ■ . • ■- a. iwwiu,'
SMITH, iTpo,; firawere, Malstwv and
\7 desleri uillopa, PiUsbtttfh iml Mut Breweries,
r»ca tatfflti atm, , V- rr~: " V; •' jaf.t
./^<flMlffi l COCHgAJf l Xomn>U«toa and gawaidfay
\J Jfatchtnt, No. gB-Wood strew; PiPabctgl£*wiTi7^-
TXENBY W OOD3,ilr«kmai«r,Moaonf-»}ula !&t*
JLI, «f-.vAil (Order* pone -Addreaa'byiler
ter threaglMho Pom. Office.' saw...
,&Rp>OT. White.aad Red IxadAlaao
/ XL fagtoer;- sari ttl oterdtant; corner of Etber
/ tyandO'Hamsta.Piitshurgh... , ~ ; jeI3M
/ iMHff bin til i<->, : i v—.r. ,■ ■ kamnr: Dtaxr-re.-.'*
/• T**A*A** DICKEY-ACo.;-Wholesale
/ A ni—iop Merchants, aaddaalwa la Ptodaee;Not-'flg
•/ ' y>tgy » *°d IPTTrgatajrcsa, Pjoabargh.■ . aoVB
/ . X !•' J*' BtACE Mtfehblh pn/dMir^
/ y »6t.Cltir st+ ~ ~ yjnlOu \.
' KNGT r .A«Qmey.M IWt^^Tp^pp
, . y M* nrened the practice of his pmieHMD ia us <&•
ye ? Nq.,7 > --.Btkewefl , e Baildings, Great at, ocntfpled,
dsmayhi»-sb«ence,'trT T.'Jr,lflxfcini andj. Chnstr!
, JEog.. -. ,r*. -rTisdAwtr’
JOHN 0. MORGAN, WuliMle Druggist; sad deaK
«i* tro Bads, PsiaU'Oila.Vißuafees,
woedatroßtKoeß ooot Southof- Diamond Allgy, Wrtm.
OBXga... i , r .,- :■■ i/. -y. ~.• jutfl-i -
k XAhfEBJiiailt» Jx4 A Ca,-[sueeeaaor- to Joseph D.
W O. teTiSt! Ship Chandlers, 38 Water street.; oc3i
TpHN H. .'WboUa»l4 sad Retail demies
Via Hamid and-MuilealTnalromenis, School Books,'-
Vsper,.SUiek, SleetPens-OuilU, Printer*’CfcidsTsod
Ko. filWood «,?sWbaf|ii<--~;
Rags nought or taken to trade. ••' • sepia -
JOHN BOCrTr fc-Cbi,' Wlwleaald'GcDeefsi Forward
is? SJ id Commission Merchant*, Beaten In Prodoee,
and rmsbarjb Manufacture No; 7 Commercial Bows
liberty st, near thc-Cmnal.’Pittsburgh, Pm. ‘rooctta •;
T 83w6XMAKHl fc fan- Whole*alg~Draggi*t».
kl » N 0.84 Woodatracb-PiCsbargh. - ■ .1
JOSEPfi JORDAN ’At BON, Cotnnti**iott and For*
Nd - 18, {opposite
Bnlthficld st.) SampsooV How. ■ - • - jV^a
JOHN I* : GALLATIN,'-Attorney at Law. Ofieis oft l,
4th «L, between Grant and Smhhfield, SoeUt side,
wiU also aoead. promptly
in Inn n nlh. .nilhim. .jb , • .
wood an; FteHmrgh. „
JOITOTON "A"BTOCKTON,~Bbok*eUef* T ' Pririlera;
ltaaous. and McthodtK Books .and Stationary: op*n
? [<• _ ~-.1. t
ai tae osaal taliesJ' ocili*
TOHX Grocer, dealer In produce*
V Puttbgrgh Hairafretnr**, Tin Nm'
-aa Liberty it, PinAnrgh.- -•• ■: "; ■ . >
_joxx n*rn.
— ... > hcbau nan.
Woydjfc WTMenl*
• Groceri, No. 132 liberty tinet.. grpS
JAMES T)ATiyEL?i. Wholesale fi r' jpjpmaj««,nn
Merchant, anddealerinProdnee'and fttfibanh
AUnuihctoiea. No.iB< Wa»r<L, Pittibturfh.'--J«nt*
Or. KMon UA^SiXVkmmtrStK /Strap *W
libiityiCui I*B. Wilttiani) Wurilvm receive
yretaplctemten. , •' . ', ' jyj ...
T SrWATEBMAN, \Vbot«ufe Croce r,Fanr*rd
-Lising and OramaUnon Merchant' Deafer In PiO»-
R«h Muta&etaiw and Produce, No*. Water eu,
aadO? Frontat ■ / . ■ U 7
—«•! I IHIIIt.'. , t rirwrrm UmtTt.- '
T -AMBEBT* SIIIJTtW, Wholesale Unnarc, For.
.JLiwAinr and* Commission Merchants, denim fat
Wodnce aaaPiasburxtr Mmnriagtnrcs, .Noe. 13 and 13S
Wood Tutaburgh. •.. ~ ~ - ~ iehW '•
' _; * Jt '' *.-*o*.
■TaU**** j •'iiJor.-’iftaS f 5: ‘•l*Vj. , insdci:- ;
■Tlf iUiCT k. Commirtion.
■ifl ■ |btditAii| Wmr uid Ftastiti*MwfwW(M]
■ w< UnlrMaM _. ■ 1 bMI-..
-mifiLLEB * lUCKBTBOX, AV&olmal*
iXL Cocmniwuui U*rxb*AU, No. }u% LiWrrty st, Pitt*-"
tarab.Pa. - ••'*•••" ' * V"*" ■' jsali- •
MeCOBP t'. £IXO, AVholenW and K*uil Uatand
Csp Haqalac orrery tad.d*ahn in Faory Fora;
. CPBWMWood «o 4 ■ •. ~- .Jind
TkyfUpPHy, WILSON * Q%3TW#«l*i>T7.oaoda:
/ j-UStZZ:
' XT u, <ml
JLY* kotti ■ from comer, of Ptonnhi- deilm ft* Ktttttir
•sdrXtooMSdc MB* of £xchatwe, Ctnl&cstt* oilMaot
~\-iJ,B*akNou«an«lgj>eclfc .\77;r
[f7* CalKWhm- made oa *H-tl»* 'priturfp*l Cities'
• Cpttfd Suits.>• •; • ~-r t. tf»cl7'■•■-
• /~VRtJM, HcGR£tV i’CoTKodoee, Forwainliax.u3-
UOtnaiMkin MercbaQUr Ko^OCocuacrtislßov,.
. liberty «t, Pltubarffa, I’i. .. ...; ... *pl7 ..■
■lt W. JOattKifat ;: 4. CXtK»T*ai.‘ : ' C.».Gl*Ja.
TOOINOiXFEB & CbJWholessle Grocer* and Cota
*■ ■uri^oand Kerwnmii JUtTChaoU, Ntf. 41 Water
«mt , • ..v ■•; ■- • .TTV; V , ~ dcc39 ( -
*D9»ERTBON'J 6 RKPrEBTpnidBCe peskntOpo*
XVmUilob Second »t, Picuboryfa.
-p icium T. LKECU. Jt- la porter and£ealflt4«.
wg^gTrita&lnyt,oi *lf description*.7f<r 100 Wood;
- • «p3A, .
"R'fS^iS 0 9**4 Wlolral. ud Bsuil Deafer iV
y*.focco. Shoemaker** Tool* and Find
X Uj. ’ * UKTXt jl iumos
fv Grocer*, Prodoee
Merekaau, amUfealenia Pitt*.
s^, Ortrty ftttjittTgh,
. 'YM«,fe', ore «K
~*mim*. ' 'V : " .■ ■
U«au6k«ure» iirf
fi«cs*su» iiiw i
T&Sffy “? Jhy Good*, Wo.fie\^S3«!
•*4* V/i,lr ;:>$ •;.»• • • ..
-. v .
, " ''i * ‘/ ( t ■'.■*•■! •
*?'’>•* yr-l :.v> jfr■■•'-- -
S AW- Merchants. Dcalrrt in
• yiaar and Produce'geriersJlf,' and Forwarding and
Commission Merchant*, .Vo. 31 Wood tL, Pituimrgh.
SC. niLLHßaceemorte Hill A.Browne) Importer
• and mmnrfaetw*r ofPnper Hanging* and Uortere.
Tnd daaleriniwritin*. printing,.and -wrapping. paper.
f 7 Wood ■Ui’ituburyfa, Pa. Bngmnd T«in<r'» wrap,
purchased ttlhelugmsi market price. ■ • ■ jay
SF. T<M*3}QNNI!OJ&r t . ACoV'iviotaST dro>'
• ear*. • ForwsnUng *nd CoqjmwnJott Merchant*
Dealert Id Phubnrjth Manufactareiand WenrmVm
duee, have removed to their newwnrehbn*ej(old stand)
Frontjt. and Chan eery Lane, hot? -
CfAMtfEXs M. : - KIER, Forwarding and - Commission
, o‘V*reb*nt. Dealer In Prodeee andPhubDrvh many
factored Srtielo*. Canal Basin. ue*T7t)i rt. - ' <tfj
S- N.-.WtCREBSnXM,.-Dealer in. Seed* Flower*,'
•Frtii Trees. and Agricultural Implements, S r o. 123,'
[Wood »t- piitsbnrgh. ; -fobs.
ifpARSEb.A.BES’rc Wholesale' Grocer* and Comrai*-
; i awwrMerefcants, and dealer* In Prodace? No as
iWdod ifc, Pittsburgh,''•••■• . amy .
rpUO.MAH KENNEDY, Jr* Looting Glass Mamria*.
• A Dealer io Clocks. Comb*/and Variety
.Oooda.aotacr.ofWood and Foorth at*. jiQ
> t. r. roam, r _ n. j.-voiami.. i
/l'P- k Co,,** Commission Merchants,
li. i dealer*; In ftplt,* Lumber, Groceries, Protluee aad
Pirabprgfc • Mancfactare*, Canal Basin, liberty street,
FitUbcrgh. • ■ -feblß >-•
}„*?• ton. M’cuTcnaox
fWr., - * 8.. McCLTCHEON, \Vhole»ale. Grocer*,
jr* l*«£r» ■.ln' Produce, Iron, Nail*. Gldn and
Pittsburgh Mamtr*emr*»genet*lly, 133 liberty street,
Pittsburgh. ‘ ■’• • - . . ; j y i P H
\ITICK'A M’CAN DLESS. (mcecssor* to L. A* J,- D.
-T T »> iek,l Wholesale Grocers, Forwarding and
Commission Merchant*, dealer* in Iron, Nail*, Gl*-»s,
Cotton -Xtiatj aadjltuhargh Manufacture* generally,
com«r of Wood and Water street*, Piusbnrgh [
TJT r R- KURPHT ihvbM the ladies to cali and *x
jVT • amine his stock of French Worked Collar*,
toa>eaaloera«aSg«gti.:. -i • •: ;.mchu :
TfrinTMOEE-A, WOLFF, Impoasrs and Whblei
;»i^Wla'.Dealer*' hrHardwire. .Cutlery, Baddlerf,
Ac..No:so Woodatreet,Prasburxhi- ■' - -apo3-.
Xrr. 'W„- WAUiACE,.SUU«»aJ*iidMUI Fi!inii»h»’
:f f_» tog ettaliliihmfßt, N 0.344 Liberty M., siar.the
4aatL.-j:-. it-.-..--, • -.Moartp .
: VAT Q-IL ROBINSON, Attorney at Lavr. hiu re
jjl amoved hi* oS<a uatha 'Eichania Bnllanig*, St.
CU» »L, nandoor tp Aldenoaa Joat*. - ap2d4«
in'fhheT and Htaple
| novl W? Market itrovt; PitUbaTgh.
"tt/- '.•W.-..WUJ3oN,iDealer in. Wateh**, Jewelry,
. T| .» BUrar .War*. Military Good*; Ac. Xo. sr, Mar-
Ur A dealer in
hdd Dome*tic.Dry / Geoda,"nonh-ea*i
OornarofMarkatand Fbnnh tta. * maeai"
T bbyxtt,- Hetaiitog; DuaiDr. a&d
Vw.deMarm.FVrtlgijVw-Dbtairfe'Wine* andlj.
, Xiktrty aaett, and S 3 Diamond Alley,
TJ Netaa and Coin, eornar ofnaid-
Woodaaaett, Ktatonyh; Fa. nontWly
Vf WHIUm*,) Anorom and Coniuellor* at Law.—
North .ud* of FonWi abova Smithfi*ld.'-
■ ■ ibblTiUtwly' 1 ' • • • '•
W * o '^‘JCrrOHELTREE~-\Vbol**al e Urortra,
l|i.*-Ra«Wrinr-Ilt«i]J*r», and Winr and Unuor
Marohantt, alw, Impon*r* of Soda Ath and Bleaching
IVwd«r t Na; I»>Liberty tt. rjanSdly. .
1 ipirm-ALACutax. osoaos»TosST"
. PCACKBURA A \Vbolc»ale trrocenand
%/• daalfn to.OC*, BoMStora, and Fltubnirh Man.
uterrar*d article*, bay* on band, at all tim*», a faU aui
g»aeqMa*»ottmmgrgmxU in line, Water •tr.e?
u«r Cbagy. Allay, Pitttbbrgh.'; • »• >- jtj>|3 ’
J rnavin w. a&t
“»■miifc' • aLUKUOX a. ITT »
T> Y?' * A.'B, .EJEXL. Aboraeya at Law, ofice in
3). W. Bril,; Coommumar V iiake Depoutiotui ac-
JTOowjedgrqanUofpaada, and other Jiatruinenuofwri
u*f. tobeuiad-iaMiMPUti. .. nvlS-Otn*
ff“” f '“- ■row’Nspo. Omfin-t «^i
U No. is Market it, three doom mWe Third *t- Pitul
bjirgh, will hay* coarantly on handa welt .elected a*-
•artmento^dt*be*» and trwhMtMedieinefc which he
A* lt «J thejwM reasonable term*. • Phytieian*
uli 111 •* p»«nptly attended to. and 'top.
P'fcl!!!* **V de may rely upon a* eenaine.
LU/ - Physician* PreacrinOona wilt be aecoratehriand
neatly prepared frwn the bevt. materiaU, at any boo* of
the day or night ■- •. ; ; ,
w Al*o for *Be, a large stock ef freih and rood pJrflj.
tf r ;: ; ••’* < ial*i■ •
XT' • W. >TILSO\* Wateh Maker and Jeweller. lon
'f 4thand,Market.**, a Jarre and well
’“‘•d «oek©fWatehea, Jewalry^Sflw^Ware, [and
.JlHuary Always on hand, and at renlar ea»-
tern pneetj GoM Patent L-erer, fall Jewelled
a* low a* Si 9; Silver do. WmchrX u low a* Sin. [ ■
Genuina Cooper, Tobia*, iohnaon and other approved
make ofwatehe*, may bo had at a (mall and
warranted., , ,
jiyiFioo Watch Work done toibaverybrnoin
ser5 er - ‘ ■ ■ apBT-
• B. Latv.qfflt* 3d mJ.qq-
O • poute 8l Charlca Hotel, Pilubtueb.-wiUalao'aH’
ie»l. promptly to CoUeetion*, in .WaAtogton, Fare tie
and Green coumlea, Pa. , . • . ™ ,
~.. ; um TO
VBlack*tock, Bell A Co_ ~1
■ -ChnrehACarothera, .
-D.T. Morgan. . J
? ' HENRY, -Anomey and Conneeßor' At
ICineumao, l Ohio. Collection* in Southern
Otuo. and ta Indiana, and In Kentucky. ptomsQr hnd
emrtiblly attended to. Commiujone'r (or ih* Sul# of
■Pecntyfrania,- for uking Bfepoaitjotu, aekaowW#.
menu, fc-.-’ •. * - • r ■ •
i frtu ‘Curd*. CTinrei' f
Cafotbcr*, \\ m. Estj.,'WiilockX- Davu.
ttue Cotton Yam,'Candle Wiek, Batdng,Twine,
lovcrlet \ am, Carpet Chain, Warp*,>e. Ac •
» ; • * KING, PENNOCK A Co- ?
' . ’ ' (Soeeeaaer* to AibheUe* A Avety,) T -
.'JSIIS ... . tt i.t”. j ■
.A: LKDOLX^C©^No.77CanaI street, New Or
»lean*, Agents for J. B.Annaul’a Extensive Steam
- Alwayaion hand a large atock of
UAf, Powdered. Crashed, aerified and Bastard Smrara
Id Tiereea and Banele. ! r Al«o,Sugar HouseMolaases.
-! Prices liberal, art?* fiit*Uownneem*dfronaUj«Uea
Or above 30 bsmli. :: ■ - ■ mebll
GEO. W. SillTll (l|Co, Brewrn, Militns, and
Uon lkaiers, Pittsburgh and Point Breweries, eor
ner of Barker'* Alky and Penn atreet, and footot Pitt
*U }*ittibnrgh. Pa ... . ;■
K f. XKtaox a KCLtbs., n.rr roanir-
XT 1 -AS. NELSON ACo, Manufacturers ofHammer*
jtl* Shovels _and Spades, Hoe*, lla/and Manure
torts, kc-, te. Warehouse, No. II Woodsuriu*-
wtrpb- V . . ' - : marin
F <*.•••• ■«s »;BISHOP, v«wintry BSmon, ckn
Ipßikb* foood at hi* Horae Shoeing Eeubliilmjetn,
(fWjMfSi-Clairctreei BridgeTlaiely ©eebmed
r . Carr & Rowland.- • : nviidwn •
Dealer‘in Trimming* mad Variety
« t poodi,--Tor»U RheO, Ivory and Rom-Combi,
Woollen -Yarn* and Woreteda, Bonon*, Needle*, PiA»
Tape*, Braid*, Ae_ No. tt.Markei «treet,.between Dia
<<nood and <th Piuabonrti'. 1 ■ »■ '* l < • jy23dlyj,.
*piCKLCSANOPߣSßllVE&rr3ca*eiUodenraod : a
X.a*a°rtoi; 4 caae* Doughty; a e*«« pMebPreMrW*;
a eaaea Tomato Cai*Bp;tor|aJ« by .
..nrU „ . J. D. WILLIAMS]^-
T^AOWAREHOUSE—The higberi price ineaihpaijb
X\J for good clean rigs; aUo, canvau, bale rope, era**
rope, begging, woollen rag*. iotwnwaate.AcA "by 1 ’
. J w , J; W. CHADWICK, | i
deegi. ' : waytad «t 4 betweehPenn and Überty-l J
Dentitt,- baring mad*
ZiZL. 1 Zt ' . . *uch arrangement* in hi*
Coal bbamaMbara«eas4enn*'hi*whole time to the
dune* ofbi* prbfcaaibn, may- liotcen in hi* ofljee,eor
ner:of4th cat Doctor aweeta.-between Market and
Firry aot, at any hour daring ibe dry, from S*. m. till
x*-*- . .. • •. . , • • lyao-m
i~,'' H- T- LEecH. Jftv
vsSs43,* iWOOff S#o PITTMIMH.i; -
.iJ.AYING. tej>J«ol*h*d MJf atoek from tiw beat *our-
XJ» bMhdoaecic.aadtoreiftwitakepiesaurei i.
aanojicwc- and dealer*, that l am. pr>*
parad to fiUmiih then with all good* m wy line, on ad I
oett*r.tend*than h*retntoTC,* .
Borer* win recollect that dealing. Heidtuieely" in
Saddlery, Hensw»rr and Carriage Trimming*. I obtain
Vttmbi^'ueantagee that to deri- coropeti
ttonj yaU, aea,andJttdgafexyont»eiec*.-- -• «p!7l
•v -
srnx BtKatrtßM raoiiWLT mii~i n ccrixioa
*•*• I 'j*&asxa,ax .-,57^
. . ,' r - !
;• ".rwj® SUax Mxsajj, o( all kind*; Urea* and Pl*>,
S**J* for, Bank*, SoeirtlCtyCoipord*
“°s»i *f- Ptofwilonal anji Vriihog Card*, engraved
and printed. SoeUtki lawaAtofaeal* of office7*r» in
tu«4 to call and exasilM Bmcj&ko* and Design* of tba
vanpu* order* of MakuU, OdiFellow#, Son* of Tern-.
pcnmefefcc. y,.-. ... •;.
! ‘ '' : w i M Hi. IN. T -
-- i EtykrtiP-ai-jti- -j
TITILL *J» .o(ten4 to eolUciiaw and tU Mbrf bnkii
;VTi;»eMeturuMdioUn in BoUerutd Anowronf
.eo«nuM,P«, BafertO:- • • - "
. -J. *)fc Floyd, Liberty »i.
j; .w. w, Waitt**, £>
: | i - do
•idly Kay fc Wood
~~• ■■■-—-- t f j»u«
ri(KPIRVIIHBBRIP->\Vffl. Venn* hiring UiU
V <Uy ftiaocUied lra
ther. buMoru Wfll beteaJVr be conducted under the
finuofWjn.VouDffiCo. WILUAM YOb'NO.
i»ns ~ • v JXa g- AfcuNß., ,
ynt. topko. / • • ixo. z. m*ccxs
tira. YOGJVG it Co,—Dcxlen In leather llde», &c
T? mLiberty xt v - - ; 1 . j»n?iy
n¥tl »ti' nexr VVood-yAU.gmMiliee oflGreea ami
TejtfJdbne'up aatd oDe
pouna-pwkaffU, rtnrrnr lrora £Ottr..p«i < pound t 3
SUtt v it* ,'Ai JA i nEB.~Aft far Ptfan Co; j
A.'CCL»mwwr. ; -- 1 t ,• - ■■ k. a. noWa
{UlOWI« CtfLßlßTSOV.iWkoliiule Gnvi
JPCTr», *o4,Coroß\iwiai» ilmlanu, No. 145 Liberty,'
■a^.Hurbttrth,Pt. : <lc3Ujf, |
V . tors lo Lewi* llaiebimon fc Co. CoamUiiqii Aler4‘
etanU. and-Accnu of the- Bt Loul#'Sl<«raflojM Re
finery. NihUwiurtad 99from'atreett, Pifubargfc. ;
J<nl» - t > -i.r ' ’ .--y ; *v : 1 ••' ._ ;;
CJWDJCE’ iJOCS£>-41/J«Ye prcmded tnyKlf.wflh a-
hooM arfiuaint:
ea With the tmeinep,and ani no ir'prt pared to •rooka
neat; to the entire eatU&ctkm of thoM who mayfiy« ;
m* a'eaJl. - Chartee u low u nor hoaaa in the city.
* (FftAH.BELLKBSr-0.
No. 17 Liberty «t; v .:
:d«ca-' 1 -", y
.. . - ComoUtsiMMK of I>tedi
. AT CtNCIN\ATL~I ta muiboiuad bj? tfwtfJotref
lii. fWT of.Pcaacytvania to ttk* acknowledgment* of
wtuumsaaßto of wntinr,- aUo affidavit* arpt deport*'
uon*;af;peno6rin'Ofeki, to teeardediai
Pjmjylvaala: eut Of the Mayor**
Offic*,QaclnaaUjOhio., £DWABD P CRANCIi, .. • I
, nayffikUadwlyfr.., • Attorney *tLaw.> (
G?A® bbU crab, elder on conugniaeßi
and will be sold low in etoeebr' ■'*••' •'■ ■ •■ :
;«1S . ' UamSF DICKEY kCo
;• 1* i A [—viw.
U - L
. V
r>» : « PiJi*lF , aowea. , ■ J. RcraUm SaAK.
No. S Sooth Wharves, and No. 117 South Water *r.
wxf/sa r? P»H.ADKLPHfA: '
K i? ■> ta " , '“" £irTU tTT“lanJ»l dealer* generally, of
A J * dteliurj'b. dial they li»re tnnde «ucb arrangement*
ui \v " outouiae.uirrr* atal the Growers of
.me \>e*t. West Indie*], aud bUier places, u will insure,
a ’large aud roustant supply of die followiuir descmS
Uoits. of Yobdccb, which will be eold upon n* aerora
rnouating tenii* a* any other house. In this city or«lse
'vnere. and all .goods ordered from them will be war?
ranted equal to renreseataUbil:' .
, Ifpraiia; , SuDoraihgo; )
. Porto Bico; Prnn*a.; VSaedLeafto
! „ Iguiui A Florida: J haeco:
'•'UtO-Branch'* celebrated Aroinotie Star Caven
.uwh, with n large assortment of other popular brood/,
and qualities of pound*, 5». e*. 12*. l(Wr and Sda, Lump;
AS C*. tf*‘and KHTIogj Twiit Virguua Twist.
* '*• »weet and [plaui, in whole and half boxes, wood
A'"' tJdf together with ever)' virietyofarticle belonging
to the trade.j ~~ , jel&dlyT
Factor* and Prodace Commission
'' Blerehanl*. ■
T IBERAI, coOt ndvance* made on reeeipt of eon*
X* sipmenu Tbo*e shipping to our tuldre** will be
i*au> ibrrc.fcmnliVTalu* in ndvance in csbu. by apply*'
ing to our frifod*,’. - 1 ... ...» 1,7
• ;.Mt*«r*..WalGnilbrd‘& Taylor, RtuLureli. '
[Me**r*. Tho*.* Bell A Co., Bridgeport. Ohio? -
lT»ladelnhU,May.s,lMs. nn-27-lf '
iN. B. All Produce coniigucdto u* i* insured wbea in
he W .rehouse ofWhlUiicibrd ATaylor, IHushiireh.or
u our store in Philadelphia. . _. C. B. A Co,
Commission and Forwarding Merchant.
-•i* xn. 5M m'ood it- rirußi'xnti,
|jtOVn.\UEft in trai>«acta'generml Commiiaion btui-
VJ nesa, especially in the purchase and &ole of Ameri-'
can MoJiufaetur** and Prodaee; and in roceiviug and
forwaruing G°od4;coaiiirned lo his rare. AsAnnt for
the Maimfactur**. he will be eontt&mly supplied vrith
tut principal article*of Pitttbnrgh Mumfaeiur* at the
lowest wholesale price*. Orders andcsniignmenu are
respeetfulhrsolicited. ’ , -)g7
MoHlmorc Frodnce Commlcsloa Itodac.'
Ti'Dtt ARD CLA'N'TOX, late 8. Clayton A Bou*, IGJ
Xj Gotnbarxl WholesUeDeaierinßuttar.sndCo
mrurnton h larch ant.! ltavinyihr the last tan years davoJ
»d hw aaention tojthe sale of Butter, will now Retire
Butter, Lard, and other Produce lor sale on rommuxion,
and Bauer* himself that from hi* experience and nume
rous shipping enstntuers, ha will ba able t 6 tire' satis*
meittui toall who may consign produce to him. Refer:
. j .
M»*»rs. F. W. Brutit A Sou;
’ . Wn. Mason A Son,
• “ Wthianon A Eastman,
T. W. A O; Hopkins, •: i
An I the Merchants generally. ’ ■ dcl?-lm
: » : . V. CO3STST. : ; TOMUKtOX.
TjOR'reMOL’TH, Ohio, Cammisoon and Forwirdittir-
X I Merchauu naq Produce Dealer*—also attend tg the
rorchaaa, Sola add Shipment of Pig boa, Coal, Aa.
urate: -
Atwood,'Jonaa A Co,' - Brown, Bailey A Co.
Lorenz; Surfing A Co, Henry GrafL
GraXUnduyACo., . D> Laach A Co.,
. Lyon. Shorb A Co-. Clark* A Thaw,
mstlOdly - j ' ddaoa •
• . i * ' JOUHF.PEBRt,
: I- (Late of the firro©f Malcolm Leech ACo J
Wholesale Grocer, Cqtamlislon 4k Floor
1 .THarcßOot? 4 . •
|\E-VLKR in all- pfCwunry ftodaee, Copper,'
JLFjTlti, Tin PJateij Tlnnars'TogU, Zina, Lead; Ratsia
hbrtt lron, iron 'and NaiU. 'Wilt* Lead, Dya Stuff*
Cottbn Ybrns, Salt, 'Ac-and Pittsburgh Manafnaturas
P ’ coni,r °{ and Irwin stmts, Pitta*
l£rLib*rel advances, ia Cash ox Goods, toad* an
•osiei foments Ac.. , ; mya
x. Eaiirs Lorx- .c. r.:iaina. . l*» uma
»U- ov f* MARTIN A CO- -
mdßtt, G«B»r*lCoaßlitlcui aad r«r>
• | ■ warding Merchant**
-I xa > •
Reicr to— - I - .
1 - MAllen&Co. » . .
. Mxmpinn. Smith A Co., $
Domoii, Scuodxn A Co n k
John U RandtU,.
oc<* Hugh Jcalim, _ dltwly
J-, 6. t nrvn
—... c. w.' Axsnsox.
of Puub'arjte. P». UuerN'askTUi«,t«aii.
* « ?^ OVT * r ßisr. iwit cwccttATt, onto.
Itefer lo Al«TeltaxU>'e*neni]iy', la t'imburxh. «f£o
*O. IqwcTH noW4H>*r*XT, uunr mmr. iinTiM.iiiif
A^r r -.‘?T D - &*. cashier. T, Cross E*j t
an{ isUT' - l4Son.
W. 4 S-iWyona, SiiusJuffA Devries..
«*.„.L.*&2. ccrM,>r OoodmaD A Moan*,)
iuia«TlDooa#.n-ni *ir rt.»*rrnr» bam, weary u,tc!»t
ReiVr to—M. AWen 4 Co- Kiuj.'Pennoek 4 Co, - •
- - • • ' i ' -v • aha.
mmiEERX t comissios bebchwts
• tnauraiATi isd bt. Long.
OtTc* Io mU Webber e*utrli»lmfcviL. all kind* of Afer
Ttuunlue, at the lowettme* af Cmminian.,
always prepared 10 make adr»nce». The b**t of refc
reotfrt fnren il required. letter* addreweil to riibe
bou« > , will t»e promptly attended m." 1 ~ 3 jj-guily
-Pitubcrgh. •
i . ■ , ; oeiadlv
***** SJMMHOJI ***- W- fmwm.
And UunAwtvnri ofLlattedOU,
| ■ . no. Colombia Attest,
' „i, ' . : CnKin'in, Oino.
[gXaili pud Arfai:rs4.>rj
. j. WM.H. CLAHK,~
Ferwardlng Merchant, BrownivUlc, Pa.
Attends pairtieolarty to the Forwarding of Prodace, Ac.
*« “X %&** applyt o FORSYTH A
CUN CAN, W a ter »t. ;; cx:U9
• W» MATOTW*. xr. T. MTCR
• •'! • • -.So* -48 Water street*
;• '!• »T. laid*. Ala.
v\iU|fire paracojar. aueauon 10 the adiing of Pro
duce, aind to orders torpurdiuiji*.
Bert* to— Gforge.Mprgan A 00., Pittsburgh, Pa.
.! t| {,,
M- 'OJ
JR licoxorcu. . I.M'KCEBUt. t'^
Fpnrardlßg.A. Connliilon UpnlimU,
50s. S 3 i;CS Mnmi ftcset,
JmS-ly* . Bowiiin* Baltimore, .
JOHN KINNEY, Jr, Agent it Pittsburgh for the Del
. aware .Mutual Safetylnauianco Company of Phil
adelphia. Mre Bisks upon buildings andmerchandit*
of ever)* description. and MarineHl*k*.upon hull* pr
CBiyoci of vessels, takeii upon the non favorable terms.
I£/“ Office in the Warehouse of W B Mobiles A Uro-
No: X Water, near Market wrest, Pittsburgh.
; N tt-f-The success of this Company since the »«<«y
Uthmrnt of the Ageneji in this ehy, with the prompt-’
ne» jnd liberality with which every daim upon them
fer'iota hu been, adjusted, folly Warrant th* ageQtin>
[inviting the eopfidence and patronage of hit friend* *ad
.ihe.eotamuiuiy at largo to the Delaware M 8 Insurance
Company, while it ha* the additional advantage*'
institution aiflongthe most flourishing in Philadelphia—
aahnviiia an ample paid-in capita), which by the-ope
ration of ha charter la constantly increasing,"**yield,
irwiorarh person Insured hi* due share of the proflu
of die company, without involving him in any reapon
slbditywhatever: and therefore a* possessing the Mu
tual pnpciple di vested of every obnoxious feature, and
in it* rooat attractive form.-- • '' •—*•
THE Jnwuaoe* Compkay ofNonli America, ihrciii
jtstiulrauthorized Aflent.' the inbeenber, offer* to
make permanent sad limited Imurenco on property. in
.' • i DißEcrbns.
iJelui C Smith, Picrt ;• . ‘ Sunael Brook*
*: •• Charles Taylor '
• SamlPSraith V - • •
HI ward Smith ... Ambrose While ,
?°M-£ wwn 1 ’ Jacot* M Thomas' -
. JohaWhua !. - JohitßNetr -* <
ThCPCop* | - Richard Wood ...:
AVmWeUh : AnburGCotfti.See.
Hu* tube olden Insurant* Company, la.tha Uniud
Staid, hatriflr bean chattered; in 17W, , In eharterU
perpetual, and from, it* high,*tanaing, lcmr experience;
anJple means, end avoiding el] risk* of au extra hai
ardou* character, it mayba.cocsidared a* offering am
ple security to.the public /. ; MOSE& ATWOOD, . -
. Ai the; Counting Room of Atwood, Jones & Co We~
ter and Front meet* Pittsburgh: . - ~»p!2ar
rpHEp Ameiiran Tire lusurapce Company—Office,
jjljltl° itrret^Philadelphia:incorporated A
Insure; Buildings, Furniture, Merchandize, and prop-:
*ny. generally, either iirtha eity or country, against
loai'or damage by lira, perpetually or for Uxniied pen*
odfron favorable terms. !• '
, John Sergeant Samuel C Morton -
WilllamJ.yuch ,; . j ~ ' Adolphus Penes
'Jhaioas Alubone George Abbot.
{ Jobi Welsh, Jr. ■ PtitrickUredr, '
.* • ! John Tlwwis. .
( : .SAMUFJbC MORTON, President.
■ TXAttcß It Jaxyieb, Secretary.
OrdeTsjfbr insurance by the above Company will be
received hud insolences'effected by the underiiinted,
agent foflPiiuburjh. • OKU COCHRAN, 1
-:novi7-3nt # • . .a? Wood at.
IMIB Franklin Fire insurance Company, of PblladH*
. phiau{will make Imaiiaace, per mnncm and limited
on every description of pfoperiy, in Pittsburgh and the
surrounding .country, ou. 1 livoratite tehnii Tlilsconn
paay has*perpetual charier.
Capnal, j , , WOJXB paid Jit.'
Contingent,;Fund; , >• •. . SJO QJiUi . ■
~: Office corner of third aifct .Market streets, PittsVeb' '
aplimfi WABmoy MARTiw.-A^eat.
* - , i ._j .'CA«Bmsna r mcTX3iTi l iuuo > '
iTANVPACriIKIi lo order jtnd Freight
JJJ. Cal* of ibe ipo«fapproved description, at reasoq
*hlo; prices. Tit ilia Canals, Railroad and
River, Utey are eiubled to ship upon reasonable terms
lo.alt points ui the Weil. *- —•-
! ed'rquajjja ail feepeciij> w.'any’’roada* in tha United
. All order* punctually executed.
i _noftKto- (Formerly of Button, May.} r
T,^^ E^T h *^ ub « Hl * r i a,t rrcelejn* upl
Jj vuds -of 1100 tUdt of New Y'ork'Red Leather, of
cUoiwt .tampt, toother with a general aMonmeatof
L«tker ih hi* unfc of Ouclneu, currier*' tools, oil.ete.,
Ai fi b “U on the mo*t reasonable tarmij
•*Libcny «monpo»ite Otlun. .
Irjctflm JOHN n. nayann
T’he oßGATtarr: book uplue season —'
Jrjff- Webiter’e Great American. Dictionary®/, lb*
Wf*“» "*»*«**«. nutmwro, ccntainlmrUl that tb*
«n>Ufa»d,'-«riied. by JChahncßy A,.-
OMdritfct Prof-Yato College. Tito most complete *d£
Uoh •*expob4*b*d; oae rot. crown quarto: - Pride
'Foreafeby J.l* BEAD,* - r
.-oew - ill;- ltb«- near Martel at.
tc ’C"2 7 feather*; limbi
X. .!*•* NvUit.eaax Raeiwax.-lbbl jack pealed
Feftehes, fee tired oa tottugnment, per atrar. Pitot Ne.-
yaniforaalßby JBAMHDICKEYACo.- .
.)«» „| ... ] N«.MW«sr<t.
<•' PlTti
| T’il . u,e ;apSrf?*M«t'Ji ; i.r c,r.
ilie*^T.‘ A * i ‘ o,e ': 10 ;Ri IJo ' vaaUiar of Ratlin (he
<u>i!»r°r iii«k
•S)u^liv*c?«rW^ fe or the Lady of Circa and
'-•n?.,?L C $E l *EP»«* U.A-K.'
isi<Sc>. dU * w lhe Maid by LouU*
’ “ M,^r of tikencMC*,' l Ac ’ ' '
Mr: «& Mr-. WMdbiUsa; |.y
; ,- 0f Dee*^,
: <5« «ppir- •'
of a Firth.’' v 'F ir *Mbihrr I by the author ®f‘History
' Vemllln, Ld WASfrf 1M
, Horal of America, nan s '
, M«J»*niM,New«p*t*c rNe i ( . a,p *
are I ! ■' ■ ■> ■ ~ "'ll a.CAI.DKTiI, ...
i— _~ U_: JiSSiPPaut. lhe roitOthce.
ie 2.J Vtathle’
1J 1 -
foSSf to Catl
uTSsJSSKfc?»s">»t “to Stoiioi •&
Si "P 0" p”Ut»»ltuo tuitl Utrlojo,
W B “- I ri ” ■' Son" Ft". »ith‘.
•4w ''S I ""**'' «r Jotlrh.l of .-PH
rimnl I ?Jr °f • of Cirairr, in ilia
f t}|e « c e»»nem to.Vers. Crus, *
rouna of all tU action* ofotherVolu»ii*«?¥iiri£«n.V
«ad a full lllnurr of the
w .no ww„aa.*« mumioS'h,;^:'“,sf “? Ft«tf. .ttd |>Utu;bx Cho.O. Ftuti.i volii
' fife E?w * •uptrl.s JpJt
•’ KMpwk«!.fta tnnaaJ far Is4h: -vriih
&S? sss?
fjK» »»tli «plrndid mmotiai angrMingvL
"»• K»Oi*r« - siki<>roli«« GolijiAh, M n wid.
SSS&MS*?* *?■*■ £ I
w2d* Pp ? Uj W. On*:'
JJ* ftL“ “*J^T 7 ®f (^*And«na, try Wfttaia
Sffi [A* 1, “ pWhI T mnowoj ipkS
! : • --
Haaaa't Tottiol Workt, ia Tirunu b&dliiw' : ■
Lord Uyron's !■ «
Sbskspeara?* j* . ■< u
Tha-Poctical Works of Hum«i u wrt
Hradlay'a Sacred Mountain!. . . . ,
i«T&, B )ft T^Ji nlh -/ ff*? 1 ’ Tane, y work*,
tn njjta q{ Euuliflg, Muuble wr firt books; (at
* Bookitlkn, A 3d ia.
rawtie 18taBdir4 ffortau:
f DRAWDC-a £NCtCtO>.EDU-i. Dt&atj
**Vcaor ri «a« lk«kMtaf)' f 4«m> t9a
•hklb.dennUMß »h« ie.*»J»«» e ki
-ra® aasat
T•“***’**«** I*di»l»iink» tad tlltb* S&Uj »nd
UoWB. . .
. Neal*» Pontiiu-—Tb* hulorj at u*» Poritta* froa ik«
rtirfHMttrtn ro U|.,tol}t«muJ#liott of i;eS,«ooipruM»«-
a«ofco» of thrir feioeipUj, At,*e, lj Dui*( NtaJ, If a
O Cho*te*, M p, with nine (■uruaiteMtUd;
**•■??. f *• Wy j# "UtUtoit. Mbd.byQtorre
Woortj fcj 1), s*mbtrof;tb« Cvll»*» of
• . tt,« am « ttrrk>p
»Ur JimaOe wurk. ’ * rV.
~ Kutdl’i Sntikrr—Tfce Jartaile Speaker, romrmar
•imwutr rake and eureiao In decUoalka, with amh*
X^7£x; lk '; L ' "“ iT u “ ,h -'“ ,Vr ""'“.
i 111 Bctok»*U»r*,eormrk*t»»d 3rd ite
DiiaJ*!!? I *]’ Cr ** k ' Claa-
Ambon’a Cljmiral Dtciiouary;
• wcttontiy ofOrrrk 4">t Eoman Antiauirie»;
f fl! Culloucb » rommercialilKtiooup
V r *'f lhcunuory- an.t hnppl<:tnjj.i, »fu, manufacture*
ami inuir«; ;
I ')’ e ,V ,e f * Octavo. Dictionary, rerued editkni:
; Todd* Johuwn’* kndjWalket'a Dictionary;
• \v crceeter'a Dictionary;' '
> Liddell and Soon'* Greek Lritcon: --- , •
: Bot)UUoif» Greek Leiicon of New Te*uinientt'
Levereip* Latin “ ~ ■' •
I Ainsworth's Latjn Dictionary; -' ? '
I Flemnuuz and TiMtinis Frruch Dictionary; ['
! BuctU Theological piciionajv; _
![ Lilian Bible Dictiona.- 9 )-; I »
•. Robinson Calmefs Dictionary, Ac n Ac
Tie above, with a ReiUral MionoicniofTheolojieat,-
Classical. Mtscellaaeoua. and Sunday School Books si*
ways on band aad ibr sale low, by ' . .
, „ „ J ELLiotr ic farcusii,
-deg __ SC at., betweyaM A 4th.
A llOUDAVB—Uifltii of jllnßorftu ’illuniniled
Annual for-lsii; edited lly Reynell CoatevM. U.
-'The Charm, a series of graceful and elsgant colored
Croupe, designed expressly for tlut-rrork.
Tlm Offering of Beauty, a prasenrfor all seasons, rm-
I bellitlied with alevcn engravings; edited by Amelia \V.
L ; Friendship's Offering; a. Christmas, New Year, and
. Birthday present. \ . f
The Garland, or a Token of Friesdship: a Christmas
aad New Year's Prr.eni for 154?,
•' token of Remembrance, for ;
. Ilia' Gent for 1949; edited by Tether' Prank.
»' Cliriitaiae Blossoms arid New Yean Wreath forl£43. i
Tiiorapson's Reasons, i lustrwed, Ifamer'a edition.
. Botany, or the Parlor Book of Flowers, eora
.fnainz the history, d-scr ption and colored Engravings
°f Kxotie Flower*, Jt Wild Flowere of America, and
W » ee * will* fruit; ilhmrkted with 230 engraving*
. n.e Tiuk, and other Poeraa f by Win. Cowper, with
naiDeroa* illuttrailouii; Turkey moraeeo.
, jCaihpbell'eilhwticaJ Workt; ilJuitTated, Ai» n Ac.
- *l'>ffetbet with a large and ap'endid utonmentdf Jo*
rfnjle Gooka, with colored engravinn, many of which
* Sjo >d»t pnbluhed, Pot I ale at iho-Bookttoreof
n J - iKLiJcrrr a EXfiLisir,
JJ‘ . dea>_ 60 MarketLetwWn-ad A4th,
f i J 5 GA.NT BlNl)JN*GS>7lkAi(hur Botany, or the Par*
~ T 'ldrllookofFlowert. > - -
Bose, cjOfenns’i Gift; 12 steel engravings.
f Aroenesn Wild Flotreti, in ibej'r astir* haunts.
The Snow Flake. .• j
. Myrtis add other Ttiiti
; i**?* w «*» 6f .Rn Often Hillock, now first
•onllertedj mmlrtted with tieel angrtving*. Just pab-
}H»e Seaiena; by June* Thontpdon. with engraved i|.
Inmaoont. A new aad,moat apleadid edition; Turkey
morocco end other bidding, "
complete London Edition ofßoberi Bum*' Work »,
, cpniaming hi* poenu, ion* ». and correapewdeue* iJlae
•rated, Ac., Ac Virtue'a edition, 6 to,
Tbe complete Poetical Wotk* of iauwaMoatirorae-
IT, Moor*. Uvro»;;a«w edition; Southey, Cooper, Mil
ton, Canjpbetl, Dam e, T«eo, Hemaaa, and other,
.vprioua edition*, pod in rpriaoa.bindlnft,
Harper'a illustrated Shakepeare. in 3 rplendid vol*.. .
Toe above, with others, and *4araa supply of ibve*
tule books. Sot ul« by 11 »« ;#. U BKAIX. ’ *
d 323 ■ ■■ ' ; J . - 4that,nearMarket.^’
,5?. w Just Received.
W upon Larth> by /eneway, one VoL 6Sc
XlCharoock’a ebotce works by Lynurwioai 1 vol Ssc
Cotaeincidcdcer of the Old !hud new Teataiueni,
by Bev S. J. Slant, B.,, fi,2S
jCaajmer> MUeell»nie*,foem», Eaidyt. 4c' ' 1,50
: Select wotlts of Jam#*, Vfnn, WJlaon, Phillip* and '
Jay’irt one litrwe-vol. forth# low price of ‘1,60
The: Free Church Palpitj 3 roll d,oQ
hfpdern Infidelity, by Sollicker, “ "*
TJfe'cf David, -Vj L •
.Daily walk with God; Manbew Stroar,
.Circle of Human Ufe.bjr Thotuck;
Memoir of Charlotte Busbeth,
;71j« work* ofFraiuu Tunrtine in the original
. 'in, 10 Ui complete in 4 to!*; Q ready;
Willis'Poetical worki in tplendsdTurkey Morocco.
The above with a great rabeiy of new backs, Juil
received. . - ; • i ; EUJOTT !* KNGUSU, -
_)ano [Tost copy I -Somarkctn>bctvrcen3d amUim
.TTAIjCABLU 'HeW ' Tosr'a! Prmali. :
K f Waverlcj Novell; ifif volume*, liaao, j
'Mr«,Sherwood'* Work*, v6l» ISmo/illuMrated;
Mui’KdgwonhV • lit - *• ' 4,1 '
ilaitoer's Family fJhrary.ltSf vola, eoinplete ;'
Jao Iloy'a aaAGir}* j. ** "
’Wofk’aof Fhakeafxtare, 7 vole. hvo, the beautiful Dot*
' loh edition, finely bound;
f&ilrc’jii4ves pftbe Saint*,.♦'Vol»;elag«ni|y-bouod
Jlaioiali.MoorVWork*. 5 iu!‘.
Exploring Expedition, 0 vol» royal tfvo
-'do do 1 fi do do do
British n*aayi«t»,'f» voU, Turkey mor. back*. :
-The above, together wlUi nitrite a»*ortm*!nt of e|e.
nhtjr bound family *nd poeael Bible*, Common
Prayer, «ll«i*r>* and bindiiira. All of which Will I,* aold
lower than ever offered iu ttiia market, at tlie old.tiond
of • : KAY. A, Co.
I»1 _ • : cot 3d A wood at.
: Their work will be wenraiii*
TTENRY KLEIDEB, Wider In eaeiem Rano Forlev
rt: at J. w. WoodwcJPm - Not 99 Third Street. The
piano# may be examined it all bean, and the.nibaert
bar will be there fronrll to 12, A. Mi, cad trots 4tA
P. M; each day. • ‘ ■ Pittib’tf, Oet. S 3, <« :'
We, the undesigned, would inform the citizens of
PiUnbargh and viciauy that we,have appointed *Lr» 11.
Kleiber role agent for.>\e«wro Wan*yiyjuua, : for the
tale of our Piano Rirteiv ifom wluhn they may be ob
taSed at uurvwrtlNeW VttklpHeaa.- lf;I•> A’
•• 1 • --• y; NUNNS A CLABK. • '
Sipul, IBiAoetgdtf:•
• ’ Miulle h'ant plaiioi l ; >
BMjßNlHlFAuoUtrient df-liWe*
wood and Mahwanyy grand action PI-"
«»», Flame, jo«Baiyhed and for kale. -
»did,JlO*bWood piano*, with Coleman’*
M'Mtthtotnt, finlihedln-tße ; moit
: S. ) 1 ' . 1'
« 1 * | t Ap^iuVii
' TTAsmsoTtrc.nJd. ■"* ’ ” ■■■*>
• p* BOBBIN!*., Mechanical Engineer and
T<ci -Agent tor procuring Patents,. will prepare the ne
.ceasarjr drawings and Papers for Applrcanu for Pat
enw, muX transaettoil other. Uuuneeajh dm line of bis
!proie.»ioa pi foe Patent Office. He can Ik consulted
on "M qut.»upn# relating t» the Patent Lain ami'den*
itoosin tue Untied Siam or l&iropei Persons*; a di*
daoco tfosirpua of having examinations mints'at th<
• Office, prior to making application for a patent
intay forward {post finid,eneloaittjr a fee of five <u»ll*r»
;a Cicur Matemem of their cate, wbeiurarnediato'otten
jn oll , wul bo given to It, ami all the inibrmadbri iliai
; could l*c obtained hy a visit of Ihc applicant in per
jpromptljr communicated.
; Allietters on business putt be poll paid, arid coni
a amiable fee, where a written opinion is required.
I trace on K meet, opposite ihe Patent Office. .
| lie has the honor of referring," bjr permission, to'
i r }} 011 -Bdmund Burke. Coramhuiouer of PairnU;
! 5 ’ Hon H L Ellsworth, late do- 'do
• H Knowles, Machinist, Patent Office: .. • <
I . ;““8 e branch,'Washington, DC;
Hon.- It Choate. Massachusetts. U S Senate:-
■ • Hon. W Allen. Ohio; |
t -; H°u. J B Bowlin, M C,Missouri;
i •• Hon. Willis Hall, New York;
;,; Hon. Iloben Smith, M (TmiitfoU;
, -Hoit. HBrcece, U S Senate}
' i.Hon. J H Helfe, Ai C Missouri;
• Cnpt. 1! M Shrieve, Missouri: ’
! - ISrnstus Brooks, Esq., Pittsburgh.
? VAThc Rroulcut of tiic Bank of CUeslerConiity wa*
f «N bw j_ un Thursday eftonioon, Deectabex gSd, at the
fYS*t Cpf'ferßaUroMi Depot, near tins eoruer Broad
• any Race street*, Pbtlademhta, of hi* trunk or valise,
' i°. n^“nin s upward* of FIFTY THOUSAND POL
■ ><.W, oi li* Note* of this bank, amongst which it ia
beUtvcd, are the following, rise., • - -• V. ; .
: I ;'Onooft»l(«), No.tinted June 21,133 i. . ....
i ~. v •• “ N 0.31,.31, dated June 31,1834. r ’ l *
I :V,‘ U No. CO, dated June aoiltOC.' j !
! AU endorsed ‘•l’ay lo the order of Drexal A. Co.—
W«a. W, Jeffrie*,” with the letter D also ertilOm&on
tnAbacfcafeachnote. .AndaomeoftbefoUowißKmav
included, riz:
B>f*>U«oo, No. IP, deled Jon* 18, iKM, whh the
endorsed wi tUo bark. - •, ,
fdUCO,No.4I, dated June 20, iflii, foe letter
31000, No. 44, same date. ~
31U*0, No. d 4, dated June 90,1334. • ' '
•even an all the; Notes of this -hank of the
txjra denomination* that are now in circulation.—
odu of the following may be included In those stolen,
ill r ; : •:t .
■ne of $5OO, No. 31, dated June JS. lgM, f with the letter
! D endorsed oh thn back.
to* of *5OO, No. 41, dated Juns *7,1331. •„
»o« of.*soU. No, 70, datc,d July. 3, 1*34.
n# ofesud, Nd/'te, dated July'S, 1531—3 others of
7|i-y..- V: . £&>Qeieb,datet aitd nUtoberkuneemiiu
No new* of tha above-denominations will be iaaoed
rWis Bank outif new plate* are obtained. Him# err*
e(t dre ail the. notes of fSOO each now in citeolatiou, '
To* following are also believed to be among the note*
olet»,rlt? ‘ l '- • :• r
neoffttu, No. 2303, dated March L
!. . .4 1347. • with the letter D
n* of 8100, No.3odd, *othe data. , Wndbrttd «t- the •’
neOfCiO, No. U9lB, IS47J ' ' V
™ Bank will giv# airewiitd of eSttfortha MBovi
;y w th* money, and in progrtioafot 1
1 Pnaldant of umßaatof Chjatartia
Chester, Pa._pec.3a, 1847. dl&Uya JM
JORDAN A SON, dealers is fiaedo Lard
» maaofacturere of Lard, Oil, ajidOaneral Comaia
js Merchims, 19 Liberty street, opposite Southfield,'
nosborgb. Pa. Particular aitimtioa paid id the sale or
lktcon. .
J- A s. hara'mtde arrangementi far
etOttiag-aud packing balk jaaar and baowtjtha present
jeaaod; spa their long experience in thlebuaioeaseivaa
theta assoftnec of firing tadiiscuon to-thus* eatiuni
•ngwca bpsineuto their care.,.
Tb«ie are advantages,to be derived from smoking
in Pittsburgh, with which all tnaynolbeecqaain*'
It may be shipped loose from any point below
t injury, aud alter haviug beta smoked b*Tc, can be
wanied io the; eastern cures, either by wagoupr by
kdna>, without trmiumpmeni, where it almost inranablv
urrres la fine eoodinoo.'«md grueraUy'commands-the
tboM market pncea ~
tothu arrangement there is.a" Saving 'of casks ‘and
igu ou. the same, which ars anavcguahle expeates
wlieja Bacon uteudrdfor eastern ruatkeu is atnokrd
at ; points below, not taking into account the fact that it
armas ta much better order than whau packed in
Casks. M will be borne in mutd ibat Pittsburgh is
owe Of the best points in the Unlbn for selling BacoV
• aaaracw.l3.
Jattfee C HaH A Co.
■J' PCunpb«U, CbiUiroihe
K II lToribm A Co. New Albany, leui.
-Teasdatr A ilalooe,Bt- Louis, Mo derg-Sm
*■ CO’S. Parage and
IXKg£(tK»tTr.ANCE Olt-ICE Pefaons brought
iW awiicy upop reasoaatda tanus,
fruaanj part of Kngland. Ireland, Scolliu»il,.A Wales,
atmXß racket Ships only. Foreign Correspondents aud
"WW-'OI thy British (njvvrnmoni bsvr fcruueiiily cau
xutna Kmiffrauts ut tome am] thcir-tTi>n,L in America,
ayauiet (lie trauda praeL*^d T .ui>on ihctu. ami hare al>
way# the w«J Lnot\n Inmtc of Haarm A
Cod;is tire right 'place for Ml to apply. If thcr VUheJ
to tM«yax«ljniiti puncmabtyan»liujtdnfsa ' ~
thctiiMlts-m sole Agent* for l!i<*
Uliek Ball lune, state what is untrue, and ton* deceive
I *Uw«woi ;| !*. u> be .tgruu, tail, Onjf of thn
but every oihrr, goo.l Line, snd Mm*
forOpuifd’eßteanflsoe. : ' • ’ ■ r
.ißto.-pralU totimr amount payable at any of the
branches of the IVorlocuU or National lUnk» 6i Ire
laial, Rnrituni, Scotland,'Ac. \\> draw onr own K*-
rhaiigc; u-e ik» not take mcaiey and send iuo the J->>i
to Irtwmione d*c to refidt, thtreby vauiing mutake.
and delays. ‘ Let ,the Brokers, Ac.c*U upon ns, aud we
will decyminodaict thcmoi New York rate*.
Sth at, one door below wood.
” ~co-PinTs er4 li n*. 1
I 4tC«AN & Kli.\NKt>Y: fcaro tbis- ilay' aucemted
±J will t!«ctn in ti.e llanUvon. bu.btrJ, Wi'.
sun end Edward (Jrreg 'lljn cl tirtit wil,
atler be Logan, WUmki A.Co. Th.s arranremrnt ren
ders u dv.-irable to c’o>e tlir t»!d business mh>u a*
povible. All persons whose liabilities hare ir.itured
arc. «*pecjaUy-roiacsioi to sank' immediate par meat.
Pituborgh, Jan. 1, JM-» - w
T *, GO*—lmporter aad
JJ " bnfenale, m Fop-ijn andDotneAticHird
ware. Cuilery, Saddlery. A.c.140. Wood »lrv«!,PlTU
bnrpti. nrr ncnv fully |irop*rrd with a rrcoiilv j.npori
«l eiuck w Hardware. Cutlery. *e.. 10 otferTCn* pjett
ludtirejaijm* U* buyer*, being clrteniuned lo
compel* Ju pnce» with a:iy of tlte Atlantic ciii?». AU
.•o-oo baud an extram* aasortment of .Pituburch
llauhwr. via: Sl»owU. Snylc.. Fork*. Hoe*, Viera,
**-r all Ot wjirch will be »61d at the luwert manafae
wrera prices. . , ; . >a m
fTllE.C«Mmrtiwr«hip of the aubteribera. under ike
■J. firm cf Lewis Ilutehin*on A Co., U this day die*
*ol»edbjr raumal c*i»eat. -iiiherof u» will attend to
the aetuement 01 the loiine** of the linn, and rue its
name for lliai purpose.
rpilE under^^rhs^Th^sy^o 1 eo-psrW
± wuWSLuier ihe firm of Jeniri A.4luichin3oaict> ,
for the purpose o! comineing’ih* liuiueu. heretofore
carried on by (y\m Hutchinaon Co., and aolidt a/ion-
Uauanee of ib« peironagc hitherto extended id the
tenu*-' - Tames a Hl’TCHlNSifcr,’
. ruuhiMlb, Jan, I.IMH, . .: J
A THi;*uhKnt>er» haring reecmlf.entereltlittd
ffl P»pß'*r»hij» ouUer tho n«uo «l GUUgLer.Loui,
Ahtlrr, lot liie f utj*u* ol c.toiaj.o4 itrtlfcTl
~ i . founding und U.t Kitting buiin't** in
*’* it' urenehe*, bare i.Lca the’ »t*nd formerly £ceu>
i'iej Kylt: O.ll.fhcr, No: toft Frout witeVhetwopn
Ucxxi and fcnuihaeld ««.* whew.tiier aro-liteparcd to
cjeeiiteaJl order* for IMJ*. Jtnui Ciulinev or every
3e»«ip<u«V and tfai Tittioga wjti ,ue*p»e»s. ud doi
paicir.-; Bfkarabott jobbiAf promptly attended to
’ 'i . -e. a. iajng, . <•;,
„ « « |* it MILLEILr
N. fl—Tha atteaiioo of M*chini»'.» aod Ensioaera it
inviiad to our ;«nrt-t:tridon metal. for ft rtdaeed prica
which hw beaa prohounetft mpdrior to BebW* bf'
aurabm wbq h*y« u.ed both. SJteamboatbuilderrf'ftnd
ih.pabliCf jjeotrtlly, ar% tlto iwmiij tp <;.!( »p<|
, anuAt our nlptriar double beuoa Fotct Pußtaa lor
| ttebmbofitAßddonicetic u»4. ” (
" OAIXAOHER, LONO, & other.
"T^IIIBOLVTIOJf—The K»!tflcrt}ijp hiiliery> oxlii-
X/*"f uudfr th* «irl< lad urn oilV&httnatili' U&J.
zclU w tja*d«y dmolml by'iaamal contain, John Dal
zeU Oiipotrd 01 Uii entire itUMeu to il..lV«iht
»** Vi m t>u*lnc«* of Ui« Itio firm WHJ bo *eirt><fbr
H. igbltnßn.-whDii BQlborlud to uu tna rim* of th»
ltt« firm for that purpoi*. H. WfOHTMAN '
•ptamnr liuiyi’**) • J. Dalzejx. •
;THK Subteiibcr ii aowprepirtd to ninaifiutare ail
kind* of£ottoo »ad AYocJta Machinery, it th* ahorteit
co,ie , e n: Onlf r* Un as ightmin’itefiHi SWcor
.ner IJbfny 1 . and Water iirrtr*,vrillmeettvUhbromn*
attention. tf. WIQHTMA.N,
o,\fi* C ° k **•' btn T** a F*dsreliiid Sinduiky
■ -Allegheny eaty. .
fFiHE c«-p»ttJi<<ribip heretofore**iititi*'beKrt«ntho
X *uUcnlwr» under the firm of William* i Dil worth.
>**di»»oU-ed on tbe Itl umut, liy> tautttal eotnent!
1 S DUvronli, to whom ilie ifi* jold luui*
o**i »i entruned. will toniitme ihi wholesale iriocarY
tm*uvc** at the old Maori, NO 37, wood *t •
; • 7fc
'• 38c
i. Jan 4
Won»»»»> MjoMgCcSSfSSS.Wagoii'aMr.
■" inborn*;- 3W Libeny: i:nn, Mnubanrti/'on&diitii''
Ibc Iln Hub; I:-.e.or„.’m iUul«til°i!? '«uol;
U*H*u Y wtory oj Uftm, .ÜbrJuiocfcJfkU ki Cq.-
; •■-- ? •.'■> Jclsljr '
AIUHI'HYi NS H. cortMi •Mth-RJuUlukej «tmu,
rttiUutotiUM tariwMpariar.luus- cloih
BU»J «,U lit yd'—ulna.'Mjf »uu*>rioj •«-
o/t]>r Alio, UaniL**rtF'
ofrytry (juallijr, and » fall »».oru»«m-<>|'.| r „,t| < . raeil \
cambncbaudkeictuca., : /jiua.,
'•*« Ur* — -*iJi
LI, Parrott* ki
A-~ '-;'r , * r ." oowl V l»d*KW(||fc (he Ha
I«te bf Uta A*l>ftTo, Jr, dereMed, bt« lickljy
noufltsi W**Jl*a<i*elUfl t)icif Accoaui^inditaiaU*
[Dlu>in>uunu the >'}!«, <fiU piexwl.ibVa dulr
«itfi«itte»i*d-'or MuWmeiit to‘-ihe , »u!ncrU>er:*r«ii*
wmbttrtft’o? John Ir*irr*Bon'j Noll WirE*'* ?*
JOHN IRWIN, Kiffpi.r
*i»- . ’ HOtlilfi/';
ASARRKL of li»ra Bi*r*aJ U,'Wtl*Klni aboat
li*-*miakM liymiiwkd mimtKelioomjr-on Ffi!
day Un»*4i*in»t :«idi»*:ietbel«Ki nutoiTOtmtf
,7Al>o, Eatttro and-wlrpicked, thU
j.-f Wrte^o^^divßeiin6ni ; eodniy.l r? ’ !r, ; >:> '’ r : '
r fcli«ral'ESuteri^cTp> oflsB*ijij>ffn j» iftn^krin/
r«elv» w^rtund 1 ltqn? wilF Im fli
„q \v.«nKu*ci,"7,
• ■ ' • ’V3it !? ■'!«!*)
# 20. 184 S,
! SALTEtt’S .
T°. .^J2? E^ aU ™ 3ux °i ,'Wtm ’ JM3EASED
•• •*■ ‘•’'•'t'.T—The unprecedented success which baa
attended the u»e of the ; ■' p
; “ aU 11,8 Tariwu form* which trritni&n of the lungs u.
.«t*nree f has i minced the proprietor-agaiaio call often*
■tioN.tofhU- j '
;TUo weather .which mark*' our-AH ’and
wbilrr'montha, i» always a fruitful aonrre'of"
Tlteie, |f neglected,' are' hut ihe prernrsorseif Ihatlfotf
daatroyer, *
Thn. question, then, how. we.nip the destroyer la
the bud? Low shell we get clear of our roughs end
colds? is of rital Importance to the public.
will b« found* li» the Ginseng Panacea. -In proofo.f thia-'
we haTe from time to time published the cemfleattauf
dozens of our pest known citizen#, yho hare experi
enced its cttritire powers. • These, with a mass « ten
tirawar from 01l partsof the
Munster* of the Gospel, together with copious no.
accefrom the. ,
we hare embodied in pamphlet form, and may be bad
gratis of anf of otir agents throughout the foontry. - .
hare been used la this eii)% ,
throughout th# United States and Canada, and we cha
lenje any man to point out A ' ■“
n arhiabt. when taken according to directions, and bo*
fore th* lungs M bocama fualiy disorganized, it,has
ever failed to ...... _
• “ , PEHFTCT CURE. 1 '
**bf. then, need tbeatflfeied be*itate* : Why r»«m to
we tnisarabJ* nostrum*, gotten op- unknown individ
.naieoudor the ashamed name of tome -celebrated phr<-
•lent, and puffed into notoriety by certificates of Mr.
■ms equally unknown! Whilst a medicine of
“ to be bad, whtisa voucher* are at borne,—our anlrt
bor*,'—many of whom it baa
: f snatciikd nto.M'THB grave.
In order that this invaluable medicine may be piaead
within tb* retch: of the poor as well We rien, we have
put We priee at' ’ ,
itut one 1 half the usual eori of cough medicine*. It ii
foraale-br oor aaant* in nearly every tow*and villain
over We wen, who an prepared lo give fhJI infoitf*.
tioa relative to it. T. 3ALTER, Proprietor,
. ! ; Broadway, Cincinnati Ohio.
. ThUtUMftMJfflrtwd by a ptroxytnufconiinio
a «f ibt tir cell*; U it *«ry dabiJluxS*. tlmon eanc.
■rftofl&Mfioa. DO. 8 PAJvacka u ih«
/tuYterttid «ure. ; •
- ;Citarjfc,ex ewanon cold, which, If noflacted, w2l
wnainats ia Ctaauaptiaa, it efiaetatUy .ulUru tad
••redby.Dr,twptlttr'tPtaaett. ..• •'_ •••••
• DroneWiit, if unchecitd, will tfftcaully lud to
Bronchial Contampriou, but ttlmtly u*« of fwett-
Mr«» Panacea.will effectually cart U. '
Inflammation of the Toosila or Sort Throes—Thia
dlttUt ©Aanlaada to aarloue couecqueocas from nw*
Uct; tochtauletrailon of the ihrott Ou the firtUTro-’
Paiiacaa thoulii be procured anA
Coofha andColda And a" eorereiga rmedr la Dr;
swMtM>Ftaacaa._ . „ ~ ,
PnruaionU No^ht.—A. tut faal dUMu, rcwldak
Com a' Tlol«aJ ceoah «fid cold oa » doblliutedor bn?
kcudown ettutiumdtt; aj*d p«non« ar*
D& Sweeter-* PtnaeM thould b* u»ad <ra th« flm
«ypipwjtf», whlck aw 4 coiwh ot cold. -
Ntfht Sweeu.—Tbi» debiEtaiiatfcotajdaint trill meat
I w ‘l b *v tinW 7 cb*ci; by Utiaj Dr. Bvrect«rt Ptnace*.
ConeUispuoo.—lf on the flnl appearance ofeotUUmp*
ure eympwmi, which wo a pain in the tiin anifantst.’
couch or epttun* mi blood, if Dr. SweeuePaPeniaenit
w» Mhf*r n«*4b* *t>prth«nd*4
When the Longi, the Windpipe, or Bronchial Tabu
bteomt clofjed op with chlcftn to u toimpedetaipi
rtuon or breathmy, Dr. Sweets*r» Panacea, which 11
» powtrAil Expectorant, should bt taken teeordinrlto
the difoetioas. r T TTi-..
. Jnfiuetua.—Thie dittmslnf epidemic, bo prernleat 1*
our climate, istpeediiy cured by Dr. SwutserVPana-
Pricatlperfcoule.erslgbonlesforti. - ! i "
For ul« by WAJ. JACKSON, WLibertr «i„ *in» of
the big boot. . - - ■ -n^rfiuly
A Cteim, .a mewhleM'entcJe for the Growth.
Itr*uty end Bos tore tkuv of the Heir. Th» Cream!
when one* kuoivn. will supercede ell other artidasM
ihekmduow used. When the hair is deed harsh
tUia, unhealthy, or turning grey, a few applications.
.Will make the hair sot: and dark, and fiva ii a beatlQjl'
lireljr epnearauce, and will also make K retain its lire
lines* and healthy color twice as Utug as all the prepa
rations winch are generally used. Every lady and
Rr-rttlemfu* who arc in the hath of unnr oil* on their
hair, should ai oi.rp putehase a Lord a oi' the Chines*
Hair Cream, as it composed iboi u will hot injure
ihe hair like those other preparations, l-pt will beautilV
it. and gjve perleet »an*jicuoii inevery instance. ,
V J'fWwnj*: ««* n» reiy superior qtudliics/ sw the
foltoertnff letter from Ree.' to'Menri’
HeWefantrn jt .i<tr«th. NtahYillr.Mlenarai A rente fb>
iheAt estem Stale*: . . <
loiter tioni the Her, R Cald>*ell r pasio r 6f the Pres
bTtet»an.Chuech.TulaxVi '“ ' — v ' t
Messrs, liendershhn ASlreuh-Gemtfnteii: I lake
tdeasuirw ftddjnr laroroftho exeei
dent preparation called Dr. Pariah* Chinese Hair
Cream—lor about two year* ago, tnr hsir waa verv
dry, bnttljvund disposed income out; hut having m2L
cured • bottle of ibe Orrjm. and used iiaecordinff th
tbe preserimioa. tay hair is now sofl, elaetle and find
tothehead. Many .balsams and ml# wvra'applied.
each leaving my >nu in a worse state ihan
Thu Crtom,Jowcrer, baa met nr:expectations n : 1
. ll perfumed; and not
-IV Iddies w.llfia.l
i.'iol-’uunse Crrcm in he a desideratum iu titeir i>* , eba«
{AtiDiisidrlha ui'ilct. .
Pulaski. Jan. 7. ' R. CALDWELL. f
..IcTwd wholesale end retail, in Pinsborrh.hv John
No. 4S!MhrireV ‘ireet.nnd Joel’ Mohlerl
corjier oi.Wotxl and Fifth streets. ‘ jnHtC !
rtOXSpiPTI°N- UIREB T ED-T 0 Uinse *n
Vy theted with Diwe-t ..f the Luiu-s -,1 bl» U to certify
to those aflheicd with ibe first pxmilonitorv symptom, tu
Consonipuau. that l have been JaborinV lor several
yev* with a bronchi, soreucss of the throat and hoarse
ness. I used tnit/ir medicines, but tuund ro relief in
anv prenßratlon of inbJidne.uiitll I made use oi'DR. l
been using thin valuable medicine for several vears *
and always ftnri it to relieve whenever I make us* o?
it. My occupation os an.AucJiimet}, wbieh keens me
almost constantly cngsijed. causes my disease, vt lime*.:
to Iteoome very alarming, when I at once procure this
medicine.', I, theretore, take pleasure in making this :
pubho. statement, that others a&cted with disease of
the lungs atwl expectorant organs, may know the vU.;
lues of this “all healiuj remedy," and may U cured — :
I haTe recommended Hr. Duncan's Eii*cc:orant RemeT
dy tomaar ofmy friend* some bfwhom owe their lives !
ao tea aedtcin*. JAMES HEWIT. :
\ Soioersei, Ohio, Oct-13, UIS.
\ ’n»# propnetor of tlit qbovemedieina would also re
fer to tae_ undersigned jvnous, who reside in Petr?
County, on whom any person may call upon am! be 1
conyuieed that thete ere vlnuet found in the above
medicine that okimoi be excelled:-
Dr. R.Stone,do.;Fran
?‘i. tl d tfr*»T j L**. l do-itiec. pal
bert-, baltiick township, JerM- Davisan, Hop*well
township. • ’ r
amore strvat, Cincinnati. Ohio. -
ld by WM. JACKSQX, 8» Libsrty
-Sl-, head ol Wood St. aplUdtvrS.
.TtBn,*"Z£ Bltaamg: AMlrtcloJ t A AVoader!}
—To cbic J-lrapLoio *u»d Uttfigu'cmema of ihe
Piorlf «• Free kle»,Suu b a: n, Sail RJ, euw ; stunry, Sore
Head*, Ae., fto.
FpM.yrtW ajo Itit Augoit.iha ciprtaiof France
wii asiomebauia fconaeqeenee of & oijeoTery nud-br
eultaJunCbenjut. Many doaJjied-U tecaed
•a ItqpcMilultij itiai anything aadehy the band*of
raaij, coaid ntrro vueb ainnlar power* c* ihai claimed
■by i V«iprini tar hit Invention. -Many-eltaed'
bun and hi* invention at a humbug, (and. alatl many
iobljih penona without trying do the &am«' wnr.l at
lenrhrMUr tastlti* it is ibobMptiala, iba.Medical lSo
ciaiy ju l'ati»(fhe kettehemiua rathe worliildcllverr.d
ib*7ollo«inj*rtpmUo«!*nor Vrtptinb . -* f
“We faa*r now mfnnieiy and carefully ejtwlned the
•ingolar inveutwaof Vetprini. We have adaiyndiu
etanponewt pa hate u»cd Uin ncveralca*r*.and
we hr-»iiaxe;,n|)i to pronounce <t [the iitlianCbemieni
So*PJ at a (real Mewing, and a tinly wonderful refee ‘
°l, for , snjr eruption or dirfiguremem of the
akin- Ita.inyemorwo coniider lie iru* phiiaaihropiti
of tuffering mankind. - • ■ > .. *
' : v _ : READ Tins: , ‘
Fronttbe mranto; himrelf io the present Proprietor
.« ,j , J’aan. N6v.d t IHO ''
In centidamion ofthn raa af lbavediVn
haedloMr.T. Jdne*,re»idinginUie cliyaf Wew York;
N. A.i ihe whole proceteof tuanufaciurunri together
wtib n statement of the ingredient* composing ay Ua»-
itn Chemical toap. lie U ttmanufaetare U for tale in
the United State* only, dnd to have the prmleira of aa-'
wneilMonet'lialtan OheoneaFPoap." -
Wiioeaa: Uaury J.lloMiwonh.
.Warebolue, ® Liberty *ireet, K-ad of \\ ood, at the
•irn of the Big Boot- • - &l ;
~r^ 0 t!. r P' , 5 8 ta . l*Dt*bsTih:.mheT* the OEPilIl«B
cannedhtamed, All oibera are Coonierfeit. . ;
I ;• -Hot IX MXXKO.
rpHßjmdenwpfd ha*',lon* >en convinced of tfco
J. neteMhr for *ouio modrcuie- tcfaph-d to thaWe of
CtuUlfM indinfauu to aupereeda theft** of alltho*a :
m f«lci#e» «rhichconUln opiunijOnil bo at leartbiso.
ceejetl m preparmg'and offering toihapublioT* m«|i*
cutelully insweriug avery purpote for alldt»ea»c» OfthO
Uiwol*, without the USforthatdcreteriouadruir, oranr 1
otheteakoUtedtu injurein thaloot The liifktit Pod !
jce* ha* b«enjuUj\ie>ted and tried, thalaat swatva
mouth*, by nUtoerou* powe** aU>
'tha 4xtn>ot.dinar}r vir produce ah UtCMUui*'
t»M# effort* u set forth on the' bill of direction*. BU
*rrhQT*’,|VortUln«, Cholie, OHpfitfc- Patna, Mckhew and
•ft‘»«ri ,r T*wthioj v acting; tottaedlatel?
.wjlhoutlduturbing any ot the mneiibu* of the'body,
producing the hnppleM ; ami met. pleaiam uaniitlon
•iront Titfieot pain to a trauiiuil and joyou* atata of teel
iji* in tl* little'mJfcrer. * ■ “ ' --
i'o be (had ielioJetaltfand iwail. of the Proprietor n»
•M nrtictU iJUoct &_lfocib«ut„ and pio*i other linwgista
•in Allegheny end Pittsburgh. .•. .. .;. dec* 3
i j.'PattM Blwlc Hurlair Tinti •
wood l*»«»ae*tlr>»*JMM:cdoa*ptljiM!yieur to P ?l5l
.nre.oB My.pirt.of »U*«d titfroMfety SmEFhlfiFE
-My more mem murioj.j ihe wearer- lrVinhi”:-!£
yr/toiibaeld near sixth, Pitubirib •
, : : , />
• •>■’:•.tt.-i j-ft W.KAUPPHay/ •,;
fsz&sf |
> , ittlM
' ____i miscellaneous. ; _
power to core:- •; Pmssc'ibfl,Feb.T4,lSt7."
h 11. E. Selxxxs:—Mf Wife has for year* baeaanbject
1 itoadmresiiagcoQgfk accompanied with asthma, for
:the cure.«ftjtehieM tanedies,,
jand had the advice of;the.moilcmincut paysiciana in ;
; England,butalt w** unavailing.'-Ey chance I'beardj
of yoar Imperial Coat h Syrup, and waa induced to boy-1
a bottle for trial, although,l had no belief that anything !
• jcoula remoreher catpplaint To tar great surprise,'
doaca gave her immediate, rclier,'.. Jibe taut timea I
• troubled with a coogVluLtwoteaspoonslulof Syrup
always nop* it i I am «arf*fied.aAef a trial of-three or ,
,“»r y«mr*, ibatßclLsr’s Cough Syrup ia the best cough I
rmedieiue I have ever tried either in the Olijor New I
; World. ; ? •' • « - Whtl Fathaooan, ! < - ,
; jSeyrrith Ward, city of Pittsburgh.. i
i The above certificate, should induce all who are;
jtroubled with cough or asthatai to give the Syrup a tri- 1
aL It may be had for SS ceuw-aiboitlai al-Utfdnig i
J«on>of JLB:aELLEBSv«7wood>V j
i Sold by Dr CasMl, sth ward, and D H Cnny. AUe
ighenyaity. . janfi |
SELLER'S. VERMIFUUE.—The greatest of al
Wona medicines! . ) \ ■ NawLaaos. Onio.l .
• . ...J.-.i ’ r . Jaa.8,1643- > . f 1
[, This is to certify mat! after usist different prepara*
lions for expelling worms; I bouigKoi C: F. Hcunart of
New Lisbon, two vials bf-H E Seuers’ Vermifiigs.and
hare the contents of one vial-to. three'of, my children.;
rrom iheTtw, aged. 4 years, it .expelled. 45 worms; i
from the second, t*j year* old, tft and from the third, Si
years old, life muing sts worms expelled brnilitg
but one rial. I! recommend Sellers’'
safe and one of the most effectual Worm medicines bo*
fore the pitUhe, . . Ti . . Htroa hloxxow.-i
. Prepared and sold by. lt ; E SELLERS, So W Wood
• lr * cr - SoM by Dr. Casscl, ftb ward;D M Curry, Al*'
legheny; William J Smith, Tctaperanecri»g.- • jali i
, Bfllfaa Kids n* *»*-*•-
23ok£oii 316de ot lleatinEUaaiea.. -
tt- DEXTER, of ,Bc*lon,.ha* arranged and pa-
heating hotiee*:wliia ha* been
weefhJly toed fat BbetonjK’ew York, Ae* nod wher>
w.nMliedfha* teoehrodtoe decided praarueranr
»«**fum*ce», ; Ibi wiYuugfi *r*~ .
Ut Greet regui*ritjr;aftanp*mnre
3d. Wo cnfjieattni drynaee.
dth- Eaeliy attended fo and not liable to eel oot of
■ • voider;- i • .
fcb. Great durability J; ; , , •
*• tnodel and tpartficnioo may he eeen and ap&ar*>
obtained at the.eopper and Unware factory orT!.
Watßt«AlrtS,Rwtetv “
; between wood and market. ••
L tnd 1 hiinUlphla 1 PeakinTea d htrlni ttnder
i stood tael ocnjuh p«ofln* la Pitubutvb --war* etaimihff'
«h* Mil thairTatm, that
StUlO that .'tbey -hiye ■ t aajpii*
i tie exdsuivo.sgeacy ■*j»tem r ,ate that.oaikerjir
i Jayne*, &}iuiiM4rC6i6oriay ; <>th'«f .cbaterti ruefa
n«u to, claim tnj qc]g*irg pnTiiarat'wiidi theirtosa.
TE* s*uir*l Ann of im Conjunr, Sir. J. R.Sioc».
j^conpmr.»T»™i*J *s»iluiii.nlfft tl.
: mSSuv “■* c “W’ r ' "S--"""?*
. coTli<ataw3m : ‘ ; iPCAiiO*NT 4 : ;
-u .-, -;- • •-.j Oml of .Thoafca.-,*--7..
• W * jrH ***T*Jp *rnjpudiiza witiubßpersoaa'wbk'
-•»" (duniyilwf aboeoco loFonx Mr;- McFaden fmm
bom*) otr the’dglrt'orttestliinu+anuradouroffice
ate mat with «e£ bad aueposa ta braakiar ooea oar
•Ottatarite, tl l-Wef* and Miiiat» BankoTHiunc*
*•*?? Wcpwwr Ait cola aod roo-Tcei*.
' 9UJ “ ** repet tier
aotkiaf, wi most atm* suite iiao<mawW*3jnß
*° r tteir gantleraiiUf dotosaia IsaTiqfeiur patera- ■«!*
b#ote *o lutia ,dUtarUd; kiKabaSara
.baao doueexwpt what, mu jatUif «*>«ni
Z**? * 3 e*adidi/taS?Sit2mffi'
+**s>» aayagteld thaaamtT>asfaaia.fhatwan*frgr»«.r
aad&*rar«xp«miofcava at aarcna..tix&(j,-»uffielent : :
moMjr 'da bate to. indue* anr mantohab a*. 2W
wUtotter water.:- VaFxDliN A ,
• JUSli’St >-...: <[Ca&ai baiiil, pemi i
ltQbi| off to 'tibia BiulßHit . ■
VOTIUt TO fIimCHAJ'JTS .ate (be Public naer*
TtMXWdolUn wonVofn«df
oioih*, traitinn Ac Ac, toteaoH
E r * T « ei r. •> eoat ate under, atebTueoiay, lit dry of
Febru«*.n« which time the mnuinioa portion of
ou» «oc£wiU>* ebsed
bate* tho first dajroT
of clothing, doth*, etanmero, antinett* and reaiitur*.”
“4 beicnr com, oajerme dealers. -Our atoS,
p.t.meee goods h*Tiagb«cu purchased but this eeaeom
- -vi ■*?:&sss£sBgiiz
iL:.;- ■ ,n*S*U.l«g* , AQ2t.
T l^inS. ars ? ef! T. , “ b «' , “ n S between the sab-criUrs;
A “Otar thestjTeol PomUeilcr *.Cc- t «rMd;sso!vwl
or nooa/« K u U,o Ulh inn t n4Ui*
b»™.wi«,i„ o i|„ K w.n*,,*, bo* o
.. ; A COi,BBBPBO*N, -*
. . C U (IKAST.
T„r :i CO-'WWTiIKIWinp.
Wijl COfl,mi ? *«»*« at the oJd'
«SfcAViV -•-■* «***-
I U»m*m.Htori HtmonST — ",
T, « r«pcVC<l from the
tr-Ls^? gf P( loihep) «\4 fit. Clair fturfUj to No SO
or fiAfljSC*A Hl> , J?i£r?ffuv o \, bu * c “ BMi«inoe»
2L.ii« .). Attp.curujtvrad&aldukk yjtm
pef ttif i «arwi»k f WoSenfabela and itoMi*. dim)
.’^^®“*« r «Wr»*of .
A»o, typpljeV.ofPencil, lUhlware. n.» u e ohn:;
e>|«l-uenu.teiar«p. «,• t* t V - ?
K“S, S^gg-ww* *** ; *» .<w.
7T_ ~»uoSAit~ocssinsv, jar -^
QF Iho l«l» Ii» of outopla * Look.oj
itf»aBmtuuyr.and .doUcc Combi,
"i cau*i»my'oß baud.ot ki»
£d Sli^ cn ? C!, i e t' tM^ de * Cripliai^'^c ' ,l ’iWal^saby
55?iJS?^ 0 Lookicc 3.3.<,a^s*awtr
( T *m owmenuu peftj mi Irunet
[ Ail kinixof Cidc*», rrasi, «»u«
Oood*, wholciile, at» »mfc!l idTirure oo coil*
I oiiicr*supplied wnliPbelp'iiOhtrtf.Car'
; n Sffi DUii "*s®S?SBF-
I —-E?*' l - 1 - - NoftfcsfrraroodaiuMtii-m.'■-.
! DIVIDEND. - r.-TTT^*^-
I • Omcs op not Aiuoirnr Bums CaJ-3 '
b_ ftTmcianJu.i,^,.
-..fß* mud eat and • Alaaajerm- tu~ iy CttmiranT far
, *Kcuny*Bnd*ftoTer thrafye^All^L»^Sr.^
EOT,!'’ of -Uldsh.n^W.ffiS
rlfthl?fc! aettd j? f *T® d6U *» Ott eieb thafre of *•
HAadiu* inthe rime
I 7* book* ■»£ ti« Compaar, oia cfiio proia'of,Uie tmst ;
I *£*j , ? flai i^Stockholder*, o»
laJ-dlOdrw-fr . •■•;., JOHN HABMSt^Tr-y
to tbt •yaitar fcjprujilui
oei.t», for «l*er o,
Vh^Fifi. 1 ?/* 4 * 1 thei ??t ,, ' of s*• “rricw will^c&Um'
:. •• ■• -•-• • :> aovftf..-
S A fe? R^] ,|, - B r ANDOLUK PACroaV FOR e*LET
O— the AdioJotttT«ioft©<fe late Jim.
eimerof Out kiuaib|Bt4:.. jA>lkA —
1T.111.1J I*ll, ' ■ ... ’ Admiimiww .
LvT.---- -. .
i '•" '(‘Wb
§Sra» ? fi;S^S
stucKLETt sSv3ng*r:
>■ ;ji_wwootfß ;? -.
tftoiß fndebied to u« ™.^. W®*o«* And
’before the 25th iou U, . IV .^ e,r nccount* on or.
i iania .„. * aM t w “*«» dealt*** according to law.
! S wS?Slf>il?T ,B T E7T,^r ' «&**'*»•«*> M
And iSJKS-w^nffM?^ 00 W FHwn»W« ttIWV
& ALaSMAK ■ trfco<«*ale W
S w2£li? 08 1° U wS
Mm.!!!?!!!™ * uJ l northern Penn’* aua OhiS irate weald
oo truaaad a*DodiyaUryrrf#riiinhcrMrtw«ia»ria;D*e
,? VF**rr s, **‘l
lt« lOe he alb lamp* tobacco, SO kcy» 8 twirl do.'whh i
general aatortntentof grocenertoraalebr.- •«
r mi ■■ ■ ■ ■ dQiiNa.iiiLHUirrH.a7woodeu
RK.I BJ«»<w.»n ! lat». K r«»ott2SS£^.s!f
"].•■ : si a ,; t ;
* r - :' v ;. f' '• • -..*t '•'
*-J\ 1 -I iA
Antstrac THc sicx.' (•■.■•*•
* j a ._ a *^ ort^J r ; edifying sight/ ■ •*
And gives to humankind peculiar'grue,~
) ®^ e kind bands attending dayaadcnighl/
With hmdenhlnis&yj from place lo'j&ade'?
ome prop the head; some, from the pallid
.. . ~ t '
\\ ipe off the faint, cold dews-weak-oatw
• sheds;-* • • . <.• .••'•••• *
onifr reach tho healing draught; thewfcllat
■ to chase • r,,v • y 'n ; «.
Hie, fear supreme, around their softened'
beds,. .■ . .'I
Some holy man by prayer all opening heaV
{ : yeadißpreads: . . [ftonpton. ?■
| 3ut what most showed the-vanity of
to beholdthe nations
a-civil broils engaged; andßcadlyatrifeV* ‘'
Most Christian kingß inßopied *by*bl&fc‘‘
f .desire,:..'.','.’
Vitih honorable ruffian* jn their hire^.,
- Cause :war to rage, and' blood; around to i
•LKipw; .■*
Of this sad: work, when each begins to tire/ -
They set them down jpgt-where they ww' ;
T "before, ■■ .■ 1 v>
; Till for. new scenes of wo peace shall tbtft*
| ,1 THX'(WSST..iIKQ£aS-.OV'UMU.
royal David made his final ■ i : ■ -
S weet fancy ; added‘this li3t codiHiVi'- 1 ~~
1 1 give to Solomon ray crown. and throne;' ; ~
.Thisi sacred harp shall Watts-and Wesley '
*■ own ” , . i ;
; P°JTxai QTf SMALL PATERS.—"thi c
form of petition it in citoulahoa'iar'thik’ 1
Teduquoc of pojtago on. email pap*?s,fppek '
cfwftlwwiflo ptpWLyltoipHudptoiidiiD*?*-
w»4; jaVnumfestiy mat, andth**jgjfopy ■>
urged for neb redaction, «*/in : ottr
ton, abandaatiy aufficiatit.' S«netim*»"thi' ! ''-
ppst*go‘ on these small juvenile' papers-*
to mo» than the ■ubecription'piiooi
W thin one-half ought to be tnide- oh 1 : *
raaflert’ot-thenj.- We hope the object'4rilT' :
M effected.— Christian Advocait. f -‘ v
\tytwß*£cTMiad&bm&Bt* '
. iThe.tmdersigoed; rititepe ofth*Chited"-'
states/readingTnihe'.county Of‘ : V vfc£- !
J{f ,#«»pectfijlrxmrtlehf:-
the great- inequality sow.
Wee of postage on newspapers, the Tirnillil ■-■ '
tho%hs«t iiai.
■i, thepriacipleofsireand weight '•
u; now the. laws of the .UhSEf r '
ctttesas.ibebasis oT post office charge*:' °
oewapaper* not exceeding ,s
1900 square inches are chargeable at th»“^ L ’-'
We of ji cent for 100 miles, and 4} cent* -
all greaterdirtancea, if withojlt thefitate iai.‘-they are- pnt4xahidp.yonr;petitionii*<'t
; wonldnigs the importance of radiy-w m
chhrgeS at least one-halt on all paper* hot *-'■ a
eomammg.more thau-SOO-aquara Tnfip, .; ,w
'- J -i'9"|.P§P«erif..jepr?sent; that, with&i*'
|® w yeare. past,' numerous juvenile ''titatatf ri
~?T e sprang up in different sections Of the ’ 1
United State*/ for the iristructioir' of -th*'’"-' *
I m ' ‘science, morals and -'relli&ar'
wiuct MMIS He now eitcnsweljrmnoa-. -
•ued by children, Whoj these :
papers are tbeeize or
weight ailowed.lylawrhayeto payontheta-'
th.sMß potoge.nmu ciisod Mtholar-
*hebu that.pasa throogh too jnaiU. Bo^
«dea the manifest injustice of this regulation',' ■ ?
your petitioners represent .that‘many :thoh-
£ an °* chddreh '‘aeitttod*
these useful paperssole-’ w
Sls^sfe^ om J? rat * Irel y oxcesstre postage •
cnareeabio on the'email-Bheeta ’ihev deeiro '^
■tQ paKinj* J a.rjio ,v.:,. : s -
reduction, therefpre, of postage, in’j*Tor ,
newspapere of email mmensiona,,. •. '
JW.,cyiy tend greatly to diffuse >rnoiw- •
ledgQ.and.piety J ihe.bul\rdiisof our nation
, prosperity,.bnt would increase the .reve- 5 _ "
nuesof post-office.dopartmeut.’ • _: 1 .
~ *9?-wmediate and. proportionate re- , ; ‘' J
auction of postage, therefifrei on afl " -
pere: not[contaiaiag more Llan‘ son •*mia l w.y
inches, your petitioners Tespetafioiry and to- ■•-i- ’•
gently piiy.'v - •• ; -
• SwiTiLitiiro.—The. turmoil in. • “
“• adnnl closer>Tha Diet&,~>
naa decreed ttotthe seven retohed Cantons-lp:
of iha League are lo be, held accountable Sot ...
»na expenses ofthawar, ancUe be occanied- - J
'tha'amountis ' ,
■*••'l james;- ; ; a ,v
vnmtur* .TrS&R®™,, .
••■ ? * | . 85, Ttotaimn.
. j A akemmeai *<f ftrirri* c'«>l»
BimnijSldff ur’lln rntmt OTTOT*''KSai~- <™
Trt.U«,;d porckuo .oald do well k> Z h TS!
’ r- ; issag^«i^"*s--
: HnairDiViu*- * i-‘ »»/••■? wst!;!-- .-.r,. 4 <;v
;. f iftdosfinrtßabocah* Qiika;-- , v ■ '- , '"
..[ IS mahogany Work StanS,- " l “ " *•■' 1 •••■• .'.■' >■*»
3 dojlmohegtay BocttryChtli*'! {>•• •.•■ ■•, •• •• ':•'«.
.fl f
;:j ,; »sfeK5SP ,1
Hllnla wd ud Cut flHtl
ss isassaasraSSS®^
I*£«*£pwjwiaf •*>'-‘*ltTJ.d Rjiv*
, *i :;
. thus rfnd«rinjjt powb tgrtssscasS’ l ** :
and can ftjnxiA'tana oa abort aaodtl . ■
: .4S«.™Uh MggfcgwS
' _ : :, "' V7 ‘H^*
. ■ ■■■
pared to furnuh **»feljwß»?ft»vj
term»-diLdLM ?° ■■ i •■ •
ch»ou,«ndwh»a JttpntttaSS&tlSjS l * B *^ s *W | <V
?";? .
flsfflSS&^^ggjah".: •■ -- ;
“nr VSarS =:;.•■;
f?'' ,;■''
A »\Exv ; --l
';V; •/,•; :■ &'* :o ; :^.-; V -;•-'^|IS :