a *t : BUSINESS CARPS, 'A ; LEXANDEB-GORDON, ■ Commission sad For warthif M Water and 105 Front atml ’ finabargh.-- •'• •■ •:’; i,- .mchU ; A TWOOB, JOIVES* Cov Commistlon mrsl Forwant A. iog :MerchaM», lure relumed to their oM : siaod. W*l«r and Front streets, pituborgh. oeCl nirTf" pacts;♦/'-‘X>'aaftox isrn. BETTER, Wholesale and Retail DrergifU, Cleotnrt’ of liberty -and ’ St. Clair aUecU, PiUmbar^li,' BA. FAIMEJTDCK* Co, WhoUUale and Retail » DratjirtfcM rpc rWoodicj6th~»t». jyl / *ISiAOALKV i.SjnTIL Wholesale Grocery 19 and *» g>Wo<^ "• - •:; -■ •: : - GA. M.UkULTY- fe Co./Fonrtrdta* and Commit • floßMerehaal*, CuaLUasia, ORLANDO LOOMIS, Attorney si Lnr|offieaon> * V>« 4th •lxyi > VaiQ&eli. *P t‘fr ' mcewiaui.-’. 'ionyr.»«*TOw*.. •• iii.’W.xtaaux- COLEMAN,' HAILMAN, fc ~CoJ MuttfactONr* «!■- Canriage Bprin?a urf Ax!«*'A. B. tod Brh&Si««4t «d 4 dealerrinCMebTnraminnofeTeiTaeKnpQOQ! jnuuifitf lory ortSt-'CTatr'wA Waribb***t3 Wood >t, .Ct>pc>«Ue&.Cli4rie*llqtel/ ■ -O.jMjjjL /'IARSON* MoKXICtTT, {stteeeaaora to.H^Coohe? Masuisetareii Sixth at reel, between Wood mad Isbffif, Pa. ■ ' ■ i‘. - -OctU'-- C. VBAGKR+.,lmporter .and tt’holesale sad Balaii •dealer in FtdteyimdStapl* vatisty Coo»U, alga of Odt Combart Market at, pear LibmyiPlU^ogb, imn ocmLor. : j. luaaaojrnwaLt.- • TVVNLOP k. SEWKLL. attomeya at Uw.ofieea oo Xy-SmilhßeM,betweenM aiaUntits, /.m " • v • -. IJE42tKrON. ea*t jof fpnn Kiraon Au^f, •■.onraui;,...joaa.oagip-,. U'nfAUr* desUre Juitt grodnra and Pinsbargb Mangiactnrcs; caroetof SSirty and Handsta,-Jittsbarah»F*» --• - wK.aL-«SOWDr. A '- ; -»e;i tawni-vassal>-.‘ X'mJ&BH U ßßSCTffrr,(l»™ Enjlui, <>»“«**<* JEi Co.) Wholesale Qrecere,-Commiaswn andForward iaf Maiehasti; aadosalere ift Prodoca-andPiitaburgh luini&erereMS>:3? Woodat; batwaanlH tadadata. - \ i r.',y oett ■ *rNoBWARD Ac. at JC, offiee to thl 800th fide of Foarthat, benmnCbetry Allay and Grant alr^r^V'. f.Lmm -:l’,•«*>,,Wtt IWOBWOOU. TpRIEND, JISEY *. Co, >VhoWalc Graeara and X CSnußjsaian Mmbania, and Aciott fit "Brighton Capetv-Y«a% lie* CT.Watar,' and iOJ Front «i,' Pitt#* |ii BUTME, _Piiao Fort* tfknufiufuraraod.daalar. J 7. «la Uuiev lastnamvmt, 1U Wood &tlt ’ IVI- !/ .* nkhC~ • ;aco»ronna.■■ j.„; - u . a*...no a. towns; ■ j’ORSYTH ;• A ■ Co~' Cocasunion' asd .Tonrwdiar jMwahaau, Ma> 30 JV*t*r at» fttatartfr.- ■? ayli. . TjUUNCOHELIXES, Qtitrtt.'Clß&m&h. SU*u JEkhtinv and doaJttiaPrbdft*it,C«Tdira,‘ail*A*v : *«i No. W Plu*- I R OakßafcFfta6^Mpaiil*''Bopi,Ao^ahi»yaoa .t -rt-'vi-:-,- -y»> : artfr.l F'-’ H*£ATON, Dealer inQld*raa,4Joii**y,'M4F*iw • •jratriSjipUTrinflljJt*, 7 Marfcat avPinabtugh. fVALLAGKEB, LOMQ * SOLLER, Ball «ad Bxtd : -ifift-Froßl,' latWMa . . pda* ffrad far aid Cappar add ■ oia>. kbadia. ■■■Wftji. . WITWVIW »II EOROE MORGAN, A Oou. WboJssmis Owitt and Wood'at, Pittsburgh, GOBQ£ A; BGBST, WMmli OsiMr «4 1 vXaatdgoaMarehaftunnddaalarta Pred»c*aadPlgo< t«lh Mm&ttirit Bal» .Woodat,PtoaUu»h.i ; y:^rv.?y. _ ■ . • ■- a. iwwiu,' SMITH, iTpo,; firawere, Malstwv and \7 desleri uillopa, PiUsbtttfh iml Mut Breweries, r»ca tatfflti atm, , V- rr~: " V; •' jaf.t ./^U«toa and gawaidfay \J Jfatchtnt, No. gB-Wood strew; PiPabctgl£*wiTi7^- TXENBY W OOD3,ilr«kmai«r,Moaonf-»}ula !&t* JLI, «f-.vAil (Order* pone -Addreaa'byiler ter threaglMho Pom. Office.' saw... ,&Rp>OT. White.aad Red IxadAlaao / XL fagtoer;- sari ttl oterdtant; corner of Etber / tyandO'Hamsta.Piitshurgh... , ~ ; jeI3M / iMHff bin til i<->, : i v—.r. ,■ ■ kamnr: Dtaxr-re.-.'* /• T**A*A** DICKEY-ACo.;-Wholesale / A ni—iop Merchants, aaddaalwa la Ptodaee;Not-'flg •/ ' y>tgy » *°d IPTTrgatajrcsa, Pjoabargh.■ . aoVB / . X !•' J*' BtACE Mtfehblh pn/dMir^ / y »6t.Cltir st+ ~ ~ yjnlOu \. ' KNGT r .A«Qmey.M IWt^^Tp^pp , . y M* nrened the practice of his pmieHMD ia us <&• ye ? Nq.,7 > --.Btkewefl , e Baildings, Great at, ocntfpled, dsmayhi»-sb«ence,'trT T.'Jr,lflxfcini andj. Chnstr! , JEog.. -. ,r*. -rTisdAwtr’ JOHN 0. MORGAN, WuliMle Druggist; sad deaK «i* tro Bads, PsiaU'Oila.Vißuafees, woedatroßtKoeß ooot Southof- Diamond Allgy, Wrtm. OBXga... i , r .,- :■■ i/. -y. ~.• jutfl-i - k XAhfEBJiiailt» Jx4 A Ca,-[sueeeaaor- to Joseph D. W O. teTiSt! Ship Chandlers, 38 Water street.; oc3i TpHN H. .'WboUa»l4 sad Retail demies Via Hamid and-MuilealTnalromenis, School Books,'- Vsper,.SUiek, SleetPens-OuilU, Printer*’CfcidsTsod Ko. filWood «,?sWbaf|ii<--~; Rags nought or taken to trade. ••' • sepia - JOHN BOCrTr fc-Cbi,' Wlwleaald'GcDeefsi Forward is? SJ id Commission Merchant*, Beaten In Prodoee, and rmsbarjb Manufacture No; 7 Commercial Bows liberty st, near thc-Cmnal.’Pittsburgh, Pm. ‘rooctta •; T 83w6XMAKHl fc fan- Whole*alg~Draggi*t». kl » N 0.84 Woodatracb-PiCsbargh. - ■ .1 JOSEPfi JORDAN ’At BON, Cotnnti**iott and For* Nd - 18 Libcrtr.tt, {opposite Bnlthficld st.) SampsooV How. ■ - • - jV^a JOHN I* : GALLATIN,'-Attorney at Law. Ofieis oft l, 4th «L, between Grant and Smhhfield, SoeUt side, wiU also aoead. promptly in Inn n nlh. .nilhim. .jb , • . wood an; FteHmrgh. „ JOITOTON "A"BTOCKTON,~Bbok*eUef* T ' Pririlera; J. ltaaous. and McthodtK Books .and Stationary: op*n andEsthtnit ? [<• _ ~-.1. t ai tae osaal taliesJ' ocili* TOHX Grocer, dealer In produce* V Puttbgrgh Hairafretnr**, Tin Nm' -aa Liberty it, PinAnrgh.- -•• ■: "; ■ . > _joxx n*rn. — ... > hcbau nan. Woydjfc WTMenl* • Groceri, No. 132 liberty tinet.. grpS JAMES T)ATiyEL?i. Wholesale fi r' jpjpmaj««,nn Merchant, anddealerinProdnee'and fttfibanh AUnuihctoiea. No.iB< Wa»rT7.oaoda: / j-UStZZ: ' XT u, eclfc .\77;r [f7* CalKWhm- made oa *H-tl»* 'priturfp*l Cities' • Cpttfd Suits.>• •; • ~-r t. tf»cl7'■•■- • /~VRtJM, HcGR£tV i’CoTKodoee, Forwainliax.u3- UOtnaiMkin MercbaQUr Ko^OCocuacrtislßov,. . liberty «t, Pltubarffa, I’i. .. ...; ... *pl7 ..■ ■lt W. JOattKifat ;: 4. CXtK»T*ai.‘ : ' C.».Gl*Ja. TOOINOiXFEB & CbJWholessle Grocer* and Cota *■ ■uri^oand Kerwnmii JUtTChaoU, Ntf. 41 Water «mt , • ..v ■•; ■- • .TTV; V , ~ dcc39 ( - *D9»ERTBON'J 6 RKPrEBTpnidBCe peskntOpo* XVmUilob Second »t, Picuboryfa. -p icium T. LKECU. Jt- la porter and£ealflt4«. -paildleiy/yHardwiiroaiid wg^gTrita&lnyt,oi *lf description*.7f$ •;.»• • • .. -. v . , " ''i * ‘/ ( t ■'.■*•■! • 'LEAKS. *?'’>•* yr-l :.v> jfr■■•'-- - BUSINESS CARDS. S AW- Merchants. Dcalrrt in • yiaar and Produce'geriersJlf,' and Forwarding and Commission Merchant*, .Vo. 31 Wood tL, Pituimrgh. SC. niLLHßaceemorte Hill A.Browne) Importer • and mmnrfaetw*r ofPnper Hanging* and Uortere. Tnd daaleriniwritin*. printing,.and -wrapping. paper. f 7 Wood ■Ui’ituburyfa, Pa. Bngmnd T«in' • ear*. • ForwsnUng *nd CoqjmwnJott Merchant* Dealert Id Phubnrjth Manufactareiand WenrmVm duee, have removed to their newwnrehbn*ej(old stand) Frontjt. and Chan eery Lane, hot? - CfAMtfEXs M. : - KIER, Forwarding and - Commission , o‘V*reb*nt. Dealer In Prodeee andPhubDrvh many factored Srtielo*. Canal Basin. ue*T7t)i rt. - ' t. r. roam, r _ n. j.-voiami.. i /l'P- k Co,,** Commission Merchants, li. i dealer*; In ftplt,* Lumber, Groceries, Protluee aad Pirabprgfc • Mancfactare*, Canal Basin, liberty street, FitUbcrgh. • ■ -feblß >-• }„*?• ton. M’cuTcnaox fWr., - * 8.. McCLTCHEON, \Vhole»ale. Grocer*, jr* l*«£r» ■.ln' Produce, Iron, Nail*. Gldn and Pittsburgh Mamtr*emr*»genet*lly, 133 liberty street, Pittsburgh. ‘ ■’• • - . . ; j y i P H f JOtttt P. WICK; DITTO M' iek,l Wholesale Grocers, Forwarding and Commission Merchant*, dealer* in Iron, Nail*, Gl*-»s, Cotton -Xtiatj aadjltuhargh Manufacture* generally, com«r of Wood and Water street*, Piusbnrgh [ TJT r R- KURPHT ihvbM the ladies to cali and *x jVT • amine his stock of French Worked Collar*, toa>eaaloera«aSg«gti.:. -i • •: ;.mchu : TfrinTMOEE-A, WOLFF, Impoasrs and Whblei ;»i^Wla'.Dealer*' hrHardwire. .Cutlery, Baddlerf, Ac..No:so Woodatreet,Prasburxhi- ■' - -apo3-. Xrr. 'W„- WAUiACE,.SUU«»aJ*iidMUI Fi!inii»h»’ :f f_» tog ettaliliihmfßt, N 0.344 Liberty M., siar.the 4aatL.-j:-. it-.-..--, • -.Moartp . : VAT Q-IL ROBINSON, Attorney at Lavr. hiu re jjl amoved hi* oSLiberty tt. Pituby.ba. rjanSdly. . 1 ipirm-ALACutax. osoaos»TosST" . PCACKBURA A \Vbolc»ale trrocenand %/• daalfn to.OC*, BoMStora, and Fltubnirh Man. uterrar*d article*, bay* on band, at all tim*», a faU aui g»aeqMa*»ottmmgrgmxU in th.ir line, Water •tr.e? u«r Cbagy. Allay, Pitttbbrgh.'; • »• >- jtj>|3 ’ J rnavin w. a&t “»■miifc' • aLUKUOX a. ITT » T> Y?' * A.'B, .EJEXL. Aboraeya at Law, ofice in 3). W. Bril,; Coommumar V iiake Depoutiotui ac- JTOowjedgrqanUofpaada, and other Jiatruinenuofwri u*f. tobeuiad-iaMiMPUti. .. nvlS-Otn* ff“” f '“- ■row’Nspo. Omfin-t «^i U No. is Market it, three doom mWe Third *t- Pitul bjirgh, will hay* coarantly on handa welt .elected a*- •artmento^dt*be*» and trwhMtMedieinefc which he A* lt «J thejwM reasonable term*. • Phytieian* uli 111 •* p»«nptly attended to. and 'top. P'fcl!!!* **V de may rely upon a* eenaine. LU/ - Physician* PreacrinOona wilt be aecoratehriand neatly prepared frwn the bevt. materiaU, at any boo* of the day or night ■- •. ; ; , w Al*o for *Be, a large stock ef freih and rood pJrflj. tf r ;: ; ••’* < ial*i■ • XT' • W. >TILSO\* Wateh Maker and Jeweller. lon 'f 4thand,Market.**, a Jarre and well ’“‘•d «oek©fWatehea, Jewalry^Sflw^Ware, [and .JlHuary Always on hand, and at renlar ea»- tern pneetj GoM Patent L-erer, fall Jewelled a* low a* Si 9; Silver do. WmchrX u low a* Sin. [ ■ Genuina Cooper, Tobia*, iohnaon and other approved make ofwatehe*, may bo had at a (mall advai.be and warranted., , , jiyiFioo Watch Work done toibaverybrnoin ser5 er - ‘ ■ ■ apBT- • B. Latv.qfflt* 3d mJ.qq- O • poute 8l Charlca Hotel, Pilubtueb.-wiUalao'aH’ ie»l. promptly to CoUeetion*, in .WaAtogton, Fare tie and Green coumlea, Pa. , . • . ™ , ~.. ; um TO VBlack*tock, Bell A Co_ ~1 ■ -ChnrehACarothera, . -D.T. Morgan. . J ? ' HENRY, -Anomey and Conneeßor' At ICineumao, l Ohio. Collection* in Southern Otuo. and ta Indiana, and In Kentucky. ptomsQr hnd emrtiblly attended to. Commiujone'r (or ih* Sul# of ■Pecntyfrania,- for uking Bfepoaitjotu, aekaowW#. menu, fc-.-’ •. * - • r ■ • i frtu ‘Curd*. CTinrei' f Cafotbcr*, \\ m. Estj.,'WiilockX- Davu. EAGLFj; COTTON* WORKS, Wtitar& ttue Cotton Yam,'Candle Wiek, Batdng,Twine, lovcrlet \ am, Carpet Chain, Warp*,>e. Ac • » ; • * KING, PENNOCK A Co- ? ' . ’ ' (Soeeeaaer* to AibheUe* A Avety,) T - .'JSIIS ... . tt i.t”. j ■ .A: LKDOLX^C©^No.77CanaI street, New Or »lean*, Agents for J. B.Annaul’a Extensive Steam - Alwayaion hand a large atock of UAf, Powdered. Crashed, aerified and Bastard Smrara Id Tiereea and Banele. ! r Al«o,Sugar HouseMolaases. -! Prices liberal, art?* fiit*Uownneem*dfronaUj«Uea Or above 30 bsmli. :: ■ - ■ mebll GEO. W. SillTll (l|Co, Brewrn, Militns, and Uon lkaiers, Pittsburgh and Point Breweries, eor ner of Barker'* Alky and Penn atreet, and footot Pitt *U }*ittibnrgh. Pa ... . ;■ K f. XKtaox a KCLtbs., n.rr roanir- XT 1 -AS. NELSON ACo, Manufacturers ofHammer* jtl* Shovels _and Spades, Hoe*, lla/and Manure torts, kc-, te. Warehouse, No. II Woodsuriu*- wtrpb- V . . ' - : marin F <*.•••• ■«s »;BISHOP, v«wintry BSmon, ckn Ipßikb* foood at hi* Horae Shoeing Eeubliilmjetn, (fWjMfSi-Clairctreei BridgeTlaiely ©eebmed r . Carr & Rowland.- • : nviidwn • Dealer‘in Trimming* mad Variety « t poodi,--Tor»U RheO, Ivory and Rom-Combi, Woollen -Yarn* and Woreteda, Bonon*, Needle*, PiA» Tape*, Braid*, Ae_ No. tt.Markei «treet,.between Dia <J«ol*h*d MJf atoek from tiw beat *our- XJ» bMhdoaecic.aadtoreiftwitakepiesaurei i. aanojicwc- and dealer*, that l am. pr>* parad to fiUmiih then with all good* m wy line, on ad I oett*r.tend*than h*retntoTC,* . Borer* win recollect that dealing. Heidtuieely" in Saddlery, Hensw»rr and Carriage Trimming*. I obtain Vttmbi^'ueantagee that enable.me to deri- coropeti ttonj yaU, aea,andJttdgafexyont»eiec*.-- -• «p!7l •v - srnx BtKatrtßM raoiiWLT mii~i n ccrixioa *•*• I 'j*&asxa,ax .-,57^ . . ,' r - ! .vil/HEREcan ;• ".rwj® SUax Mxsajj, o( all kind*; Urea* and Pl*>, S**J* for, Bank*, SoeirtlCtyCoipord* “°s»i *f- Ptofwilonal anji Vriihog Card*, engraved and printed. SoeUtki lawaAtofaeal* of office7*r» in tu«4 to call and exasilM Bmcj&ko* and Design* of tba vanpu* order* of MakuU, OdiFellow#, Son* of Tern-. pcnmefefcc. y,.-. ... •;. ! ‘ '' : w i M Hi. IN. T - iTIOEBBT AT LAW, .: ]• -- i EtykrtiP-ai-jti- -j TITILL *J» .o(ten4 to eolUciiaw and tU Mbrf bnkii ;VTi;»eMeturuMdioUn in BoUerutd Anowronf .eo«nuM,P«, BafertO:- • • - " . -J. *)fc Floyd, Liberty »i. j; .w. w, Waitt**, £> : | i - do •idly Kay fc Wood ~~• ■■■-—-- t f j»u« ri(KPIRVIIHBBRIP->\Vffl. Venn* hiring UiU V -i.r ' ’ .--y ; *v : 1 ••' ._ ;; CJWDJCE’ iJOCS£>-41/J«Ye prcmded tnyKlf.wflh a- hooM arfiuaint: ea With the tmeinep,and ani no ir'prt pared to •rooka neat; to the entire eatU&ctkm of thoM who mayfiy« ; m* a'eaJl. - Chartee u low u nor hoaaa in the city. * (FftAH.BELLKBSr-0. No. 17 Liberty «t; v .: :d«ca-' 1 -", y .. . - ComoUtsiMMK of I>tedi . AT CtNCIN\ATL~I ta muiboiuad bj? tfwtfJotref lii. fWT of.Pcaacytvania to ttk* acknowledgment* of wtuumsaaßto of wntinr,- aUo affidavit* arpt deport*' uon*;af;peno6rin'Ofeki, to teeardediai Pjmjylvaala: eut Of the Mayor** Offic*,QaclnaaUjOhio., £DWABD P CRANCIi, .. • I , nayffikUadwlyfr.., • Attorney *tLaw.> ( G?A® bbU crab, elder on conugniaeßi and will be sold low in etoeebr' ■'*••' •'■ ■ •■ : ;«1S . ' UamSF DICKEY kCo ;• 1* i A [—viw. U - L . V FORWARDING &COMISSION. r>» : « PiJi*lF , aowea. , ■ J. RcraUm SaAK. c,| AREEs n. DANSSnoWEB A CO. TOBACCO COpISSIOSBBKCHm*, , No. S Sooth Wharves, and No. 117 South Water *r. wxf/sa r? P»H.ADKLPHfA: ' K i? ■> ta " , '“" £irTU tTT“lanJ»l dealer* generally, of A J * dteliurj'b. dial they li»re tnnde «ucb arrangement* ui \v " outouiae.uirrr* atal the Growers of .me \>e*t. West Indie*], aud bUier places, u will insure, a ’large aud roustant supply of die followiuir descmS Uoits. of Yobdccb, which will be eold upon n* aerora rnouating tenii* a* any other house. In this city or«lse 'vnere. and all .goods ordered from them will be war? ranted equal to renreseataUbil:' . , Ifpraiia; , SuDoraihgo; ) . Porto Bico; Prnn*a.; VSaedLeafto ! „ Iguiui A Florida: J haeco: '•'UtO-Branch'* celebrated Aroinotie Star Caven .uwh, with n large assortment of other popular brood/, and qualities of pound*, 5». e*. 12*. l(Wr and Sda, Lump; AS C*. tf*‘and KHTIogj Twiit Virguua Twist. * '*• »weet and [plaui, in whole and half boxes, wood A'"' tJdf together with ever)' virietyofarticle belonging to the trade.j ~~ , jel&dlyT j,. CRAIG, BEGGAR ACa., Factor* and Prodace Commission '' Blerehanl*. ■ T IBERAI, coOt ndvance* made on reeeipt of eon* X* sipmenu Tbo*e shipping to our tuldre** will be i*au> ibrrc.fcmnliVTalu* in ndvance in csbu. by apply*' ing to our frifod*,’. - 1 ... ...» 1,7 • ;.Mt*«r*..WalGnilbrd‘& Taylor, RtuLureli. ' [Me**r*. Tho*.* Bell A Co., Bridgeport. Ohio? - lT»ladelnhU,May.s,lMs. nn-27-lf ' iN. B. All Produce coniigucdto u* i* insured wbea in he W .rehouse ofWhlUiicibrd ATaylor, IHushiireh.or u our store in Philadelphia. . _. C. B. A Co, i. GEORGE COCHRAN, Commission and Forwarding Merchant. -•i* xn. 5M m'ood it- rirußi'xnti, |jtOVn.\UEft in trai>«acta'generml Commiiaion btui- VJ nesa, especially in the purchase and &ole of Ameri-' can MoJiufaetur** and Prodaee; and in roceiviug and forwaruing G°od4;coaiiirned lo his rare. AsAnnt for the Maimfactur**. he will be eontt&mly supplied vrith tut principal article*of Pitttbnrgh Mumfaeiur* at the lowest wholesale price*. Orders andcsniignmenu are respeetfulhrsolicited. ’ , -)g7 MoHlmorc Frodnce Commlcsloa Itodac.' Ti'Dtt ARD CLA'N'TOX, late 8. Clayton A Bou*, IGJ Xj Gotnbarxl WholesUeDeaierinßuttar.sndCo mrurnton h larch ant.! ltavinyihr the last tan years davoJ »d hw aaention tojthe sale of Butter, will now Retire Butter, Lard, and other Produce lor sale on rommuxion, and Bauer* himself that from hi* experience and nume rous shipping enstntuers, ha will ba able t 6 tire' satis* meittui toall who may consign produce to him. Refer: . j . M»*»rs. F. W. Brutit A Sou; ’ . Wn. Mason A Son, • “ Wthianon A Eastman, T. W. A O; Hopkins, •: i An I the Merchants generally. ’ ■ dcl?-lm : » : . V. CO3STST. : ; TOMUKtOX. •1 „ D.F.COXWATACai TjOR'reMOL’TH, Ohio, Cammisoon and Forwirdittir- X I Merchauu naq Produce Dealer*—also attend tg the rorchaaa, Sola add Shipment of Pig boa, Coal, Aa. urate: - Atwood,'Jonaa A Co,' - Brown, Bailey A Co. Lorenz; Surfing A Co, Henry GrafL GraXUnduyACo., . D> Laach A Co., . Lyon. Shorb A Co-. Clark* A Thaw, mstlOdly - j ' ddaoa • • . i * ' JOUHF.PEBRt, : I- (Late of the firro©f Malcolm Leech ACo J Wholesale Grocer, Cqtamlislon 4k Floor 1 .THarcßOot? 4 . • |\E-VLKR in all- pfCwunry ftodaee, Copper,' JLFjTlti, Tin PJateij Tlnnars'TogU, Zina, Lead; Ratsia hbrtt lron, iron 'and NaiU. 'Wilt* Lead, Dya Stuff* Cottbn Ybrns, Salt, 'Ac-and Pittsburgh Manafnaturas P ’ coni,r °{ and Irwin stmts, Pitta* l£rLib*rel advances, ia Cash ox Goods, toad* an •osiei foments Ac.. , ; mya x. Eaiirs Lorx- .c. r.:iaina. . l*» uma »U- ov f* MARTIN A CO- - mdßtt, G«B»r*lCoaßlitlcui aad r«r> • | ■ warding Merchant** -I xa > • Reicr to— - I - . 1 - MAllen&Co. » . . . Mxmpinn. Smith A Co., $ Domoii, Scuodxn A Co n k John U RandtU,. oc<* Hugh Jcalim, _ dltwly J-, 6. t nrvn —... c. w.' Axsnsox. of Puub'arjte. P». UuerN'askTUi«,t«aii. _ LEHMERA ANDERSON DEALERS IN COTTON.FOB.\yARDING4COMMIS* J .SIOJ* AIKRCHANTS; * « ?^ OVT * r ßisr. iwit cwccttATt, onto. Itefer lo Al«TeltaxU>'e*neni]iy', la t'imburxh. «f£o WALTER * Co., COMMISSION MERCHANTS. AjVDDEALEUS IN PRODUCE CENEKAtf.V. *O. IqwcTH noW4H>*r*XT, uunr mmr. iinTiM.iiiif A^r r -.‘?T D - &*. cashier. T, Cross E*j t an{ isUT' - l4Son. W. 4 S-iWyona, SiiusJuffA Devries.. EDWARDA.KKEI.ISa. . «*.„.L.*&2. ccrM,>r OoodmaD A Moan*,) RECEIVING, TORWAIUJI.Na, COMMISSION MKR ' | CHANT AND COTTON BROKER.’ “ iuia«TlDooa#.n-ni *ir rt.»*rrnr» bam, weary u,tc!»t ReiVr to—M. AWen 4 Co- Kiuj.'Pennoek 4 Co, - • - - • • ' i ' -v • aha. mmiEERX t comissios bebchwts I ALEX- LEVY. &BRO’S. • tnauraiATi isd bt. Long. OtTc* Io mU Webber e*utrli»lmfcviL. all kind* of Afer Ttuunlue, at the lowettme* af Cmminian., always prepared 10 make adr»nce». The b**t of refc reotfrt fnren il required. letter* addreweil to riibe bou« > , will t»e promptly attended m." 1 ~ 3 jj-guily -Pitubcrgh. • i . ■ , ; oeiadlv ***** SJMMHOJI ***- W- fmwm. 1 THOKP9OI * CAXPBKUh COMMISSION. MERCHANTS) And UunAwtvnri ofLlattedOU, | ■ . no. Colombia Attest, ' „i, ' . : CnKin'in, Oino. [gXaili pud Arfai:rs4.>rj . j. WM.H. CLAHK,~ Ferwardlng Merchant, BrownivUlc, Pa. Attends pairtieolarty to the Forwarding of Prodace, Ac. *« “X %&** applyt o FORSYTH A CUN CAN, W a ter »t. ;; cx:U9 • W» MATOTW*. xr. T. MTCR i L XATBBWI * PATCH, COMMISSION MERCHANTS. • •'! • • -.So* -48 Water street* ;• '!• »T. laid*. Ala. v\iU|fire paracojar. aueauon 10 the adiing of Pro duce, aind to orders torpurdiuiji*. Bert* to— Gforge.Mprgan A 00., Pittsburgh, Pa. .! t| {,, M- 'OJ JR licoxorcu. . I.M'KCEBUt. t'o.cv^ ! JOHN SIfCCLLOCGU * C [inviting the eopfidence and patronage of hit friend* *ad .ihe.eotamuiuiy at largo to the Delaware M 8 Insurance Company, while it ha* the additional advantage* as.eu' institution aiflongthe most flourishing in Philadelphia— aahnviiia an ample paid-in capita), which by the-ope ration of ha charter la constantly increasing,"**yield, irwiorarh person Insured hi* due share of the proflu of die company, without involving him in any reapon slbditywhatever: and therefore a* possessing the Mu tual pnpciple di vested of every obnoxious feature, and in it* rooat attractive form.-- • '' •—*• TORE ASD HARIKE IJUUBAHCE, THE Jnwuaoe* Compkay ofNonli America, ihrciii jtstiulrauthorized Aflent.' the inbeenber, offer* to make permanent sad limited Imurenco on property. in .' • i DißEcrbns. iJelui C Smith, Picrt ;• . ‘ Sunael Brook* *: •• Charles Taylor ' • SamlPSraith V - • • HI ward Smith ... Ambrose While , ?°M-£ wwn 1 ’ Jacot* M Thomas' - . JohaWhua !. - JohitßNetr -* < ThCPCop* | - Richard Wood ...: AVmWeUh : AnburGCotfti.See. Hu* tube olden Insurant* Company, la.tha Uniud Staid, hatriflr bean chattered; in 17W, , In eharterU perpetual, and from, it* high,*tanaing, lcmr experience; anJple means, end avoiding el] risk* of au extra hai ardou* character, it mayba.cocsidared a* offering am ple security to.the public /. ; MOSE& ATWOOD, . - . Ai the; Counting Room of Atwood, Jones & Co We~ ter and Front meet* Pittsburgh: . - ~»p!2ar - 1 IMSURAHCB AGAJUTIT PIBE. rpHEp Ameiiran Tire lusurapce Company—Office, jjljltl° itrret^Philadelphia:incorporated A Insure; Buildings, Furniture, Merchandize, and prop-: *ny. generally, either iirtha eity or country, against loai'or damage by lira, perpetually or for Uxniied pen* odfron favorable terms. !• ' ■ DIRECTORS. , John Sergeant Samuel C Morton - WilllamJ.yuch ,; . j ~ ' Adolphus Penes 'Jhaioas Alubone George Abbot. { Jobi Welsh, Jr. ■ PtitrickUredr, ' .* • ! John Tlwwis. . ( : .SAMUFJbC MORTON, President. ■ TXAttcß It Jaxyieb, Secretary. OrdeTsjfbr insurance by the above Company will be received hud insolences'effected by the underiiinted, agent foflPiiuburjh. • OKU COCHRAN, 1 -:novi7-3nt # • . .a? Wood at. FRAKKLIN PlftE 19HCBAIICB CO. IMIB Franklin Fire insurance Company, of PblladH* . phiau{will make Imaiiaace, per mnncm and limited on every description of pfoperiy, in Pittsburgh and the surrounding .country, ou. 1 livoratite tehnii Tlilsconn paay has*perpetual charier. Capnal, j , , WOJXB paid Jit.' Contingent,;Fund; , >• •. . SJO QJiUi . ■ ~: Office corner of third aifct .Market streets, PittsVeb' ' aplimfi WABmoy MARTiw.-A^eat. ( . KECK 4 J7AVEKPORT; * - , i ._j .'CA«Bmsna r mcTX3iTi l iuuo > ' iTANVPACriIKIi lo order jtnd Freight JJJ. Cal* of ibe ipo«fapproved description, at reasoq *hlo; prices. Tit ilia Canals, Railroad and River, Utey are eiubled to ship upon reasonable terms lo.alt points ui the Weil. *- —•- ! ed'rquajjja ail feepeciij> w.'any’’roada* in tha United . All order* punctually executed. !: '-i- KECK A DAVENPORT. : i _noftKto- (Formerly of Button, May.} r T,^^ E^T h *^ ub « Hl * r i a,t rrcelejn* upl Jj vuds -of 1100 tUdt of New Y'ork'Red Leather, of cUoiwt .tampt, toother with a general aMonmeatof L«tker ih hi* unfc of Ouclneu, currier*' tools, oil.ete., Ai fi b “U on the mo*t reasonable tarmij •*Libcny «monpo»ite Otlun. . Irjctflm JOHN n. nayann T’he oßGATtarr: book uplue season —' Jrjff- Webiter’e Great American. Dictionary®/, lb* Wf*“» "*»*«**«. nutmwro, ccntainlmrUl that tb* «n>Ufa»d,'-«riied. by JChahncßy A,.- OMdritfct Prof-Yato College. Tito most complete *d£ Uoh •*expob4*b*d; oae rot. crown quarto: - Pride 'Foreafeby J.l* BEAD,* - r .-oew - ill;- ltb«- near Martel at. tc ’C"2 7 feather*; limbi X. .!*•* NvUit.eaax Raeiwax.-lbbl jack pealed Feftehes, fee tired oa tottugnment, per atrar. Pitot Ne.- yaniforaalßby JBAMHDICKEYACo.- . .)«» „| ... ] N«.MW«sri!»r°r iii«k •S)u^liv*c?«rW^ fe or the Lady of Circa and '-•n?.,?L C $E l *EP»«r.of.th* U.A-K.' isi. dU * w lhe Maid by LouU* ’ “ M,^r of tikencMC*,' l Ac ’ ' ' Mr: «& Mr-. WMdbiUsa; |.y fatiew. ; ,- 0f Dee*^, : <5« «ppir- •' of a Firth.’' v 'F ir *Mbihrr I by the author ®f‘History ' Vemllln, Ld WASfrf 1M , Horal of America, nan s ' , M«J»*niM,New«p*t*c rNe i ( . a,p * lissa^ws® are I ! ■' ■ ■> ■ ~ "'ll a.CAI.DKTiI, ... i— _~ U_: JiSSiPPaut. lhe roitOthce. ie 2.J Vtathle’ 1J 1 - foSSf to Catl uTSsJSSKfc?»s">»t “to Stoiioi •& Si "P 0" p”Ut»»ltuo tuitl Utrlojo, W B “- I ri ” ■' Son" Ft". »ith‘. jjsSS^SSsaßassssßas •4w ''S I ""**'' «r Jotlrh.l of .-PH rimnl I ?Jr °f • of Cirairr, in ilia f t}|e « c e»»nem to.Vers. Crus, * rouna of all tU action* ofotherVolu»ii*«?¥iiri£«n.V «ad a full lllnurr of the w .no ww„aa.*« mumioS'h,;^:'“,sf “? ocl.ro Ft«tf. .ttd |>Utu;bx Cho.O. Ftuti.i volii decl ' fife E?w * •uptrl.s JpJt •’ KMpwk«!.fta tnnaaJ far Is4h: -vriih &S? sss? uS^'SSS^'Mß^sir. fjK» »»tli «plrndid mmotiai angrMingvL "»• K»Oi*r« - siki<>roli«« GolijiAh, M n wid. SSS&MS*?* *?■*■ £ I w2d* Pp ? Uj W. On*:' JJ* ftL“ “*J^T 7 ®f (^*And«na, try Wfttaia Sffi [A* 1, “ pWhI T mnowoj ipkS ! : • -- Haaaa't Tottiol Workt, ia Tirunu b&dliiw' : ■ Lord Uyron's !■ « Sbskspeara?* j* . ■< u Tha-Poctical Works of Hum«i u wrt Hradlay'a Sacred Mountain!. . . . , i«T&, B )ft T^Ji nlh -/ ff*? 1 ’ Tane, y work*, tn njjta q{ Euuliflg, Muuble wr firt books; (at " JOHNSTON A bTOCKTav, * Bookitlkn, A 3d ia. rawtie 18taBdir4 ffortau: f DRAWDC-a £NCtCtO>.EDU-i. Dt&atj **Vcaor ri «a« lk«kMtaf)' f 4«m> t9a •hklb.dennUMßUjdi.6MUsouf.il »h« ie.*»J»«» e ki -ra® aasat T•“***’**«** I*di»l»iink» tad tlltb* S&Uj »nd UoWB. . . . Neal*» Pontiiu-—Tb* hulorj at u*» Poritta* froa ik« rtirfHMttrtn ro U|.,tol}t«muJ#liott of i;eS,«ooipruM»«- a«ofco» of thrir feioeipUj, At,*e, lj Dui*( NtaJ, If a O Cho*te*, M p, with nine (■uruaiteMtUd; **•■??. f *• Wy j# "UtUtoit. Mbd.byQtorre Woortj fcj 1), s*mbtrof;tb« Cvll»*» of • . tt,« am « ttrrk>p »Ur JimaOe wurk. ’ * rV. tbeSM.WiagiSieUiigßamikßj'ofihfpwmU, ~ Kutdl’i Sntikrr—Tfce Jartaile Speaker, romrmar •imwutr rake and eureiao In decUoalka, with amh* X^7£x; lk '; L ' "“ iT u “ ,h -'“ ,Vr ""'“. Theaboraworkarcccivedtadforariaby : , .Jpn!fBTON A STOCKTON ' i 111 Bctok»*U»r*,eormrk*t»»d 3rd ite DiiaJ*!!? I *]’ Cr ** k ' Claa- Ambon’a Cljmiral Dtciiouary; • wcttontiy ofOrrrk 4">t Eoman Antiauirie»; f fl! Culloucb » rommercialilKtiooup V r *'f lhcunuory- an.t hnppl<:tnjj.i, »fu, manufacture* ami inuir«; ; I ')’ e ,V ,e f * Octavo. Dictionary, rerued editkni: ; Todd* Johuwn’* kndjWalket'a Dictionary; • \v crceeter'a Dictionary;' ' > Liddell and Soon'* Greek Lritcon: --- , • : Bot)UUoif» Greek Leiicon of New Te*uinientt' Levereip* Latin “ ~ ■' • I Ainsworth's Latjn Dictionary; -' ? ' I Flemnuuz and TiMtinis Frruch Dictionary; [' ! BuctU Theological piciionajv; _ ![ Lilian Bible Dictiona.- 9 )-; I » •. Robinson Calmefs Dictionary, Ac n Ac Tie above, with a ReiUral MionoicniofTheolojieat,- Classical. Mtscellaaeoua. and Sunday School Books si* ways on band aad ibr sale low, by ' . . , „ „ J ELLiotr ic farcusii, -deg __ SC at., betweyaM A 4th. . 1A SSCALStad OIPT BOOKSPOBTHB- A llOUDAVB—Uifltii of jllnßorftu ’illuniniled Annual for-lsii; edited lly Reynell CoatevM. U. -'The Charm, a series of graceful and elsgant colored Croupe, designed expressly for tlut-rrork. Tlm Offering of Beauty, a prasenrfor all seasons, rm- I bellitlied with alevcn engravings; edited by Amelia \V. Lawrence. L ; Friendship's Offering; a. Christmas, New Year, and . Birthday present. \ . f The Garland, or a Token of Friesdship: a Christmas aad New Year's Prr.eni for 154?, •' token of Remembrance, for ; . Ilia' Gent for 1949; edited by Tether' Prank. »' Cliriitaiae Blossoms arid New Yean Wreath forl£43. i Tiiorapson's Reasons, i lustrwed, Ifamer'a edition. . Boodf.tr Botany, or the Parlor Book of Flowers, eora .fnainz the history, d-scr ption and colored Engravings °f Kxotie Flower*, Jt Wild Flowere of America, and W » ee * will* fruit; ilhmrkted with 230 engraving* . n.e Tiuk, and other Poeraa f by Win. Cowper, with naiDeroa* illuttrailouii; Turkey moraeeo. , jCaihpbell'eilhwticaJ Workt; ilJuitTated, Ai» n Ac. - *l'>ffetbet with a large and ap'endid utonmentdf Jo* rfnjle Gooka, with colored engravinn, many of which * Sjo >d»t pnbluhed, Pot I ale at iho-Bookttoreof n J - iKLiJcrrr a EXfiLisir, JJ‘ . dea>_ 60 MarketLetwWn-ad A4th, *nd, -QOOK9 FOR THE |IOLTI>AY*-lN tILE-' f i J 5 GA.NT BlNl)JN*GS>7lkAi(hur Botany, or the Par* ~ T 'ldrllookofFlowert. > - - Bose, cjOfenns’i Gift; 12 steel engravings. f Aroenesn Wild Flotreti, in ibej'r astir* haunts. The Snow Flake. .• j . Myrtis add other Ttiiti ; i**?* w «*» 6f .Rn Often Hillock, now first •onllertedj mmlrtted with tieel angrtving*. Just pab- }H»e Seaiena; by June* Thontpdon. with engraved i|. Inmaoont. A new aad,moat apleadid edition; Turkey morocco end other bidding, " complete London Edition ofßoberi Bum*' Work », , cpniaming hi* poenu, ion* ». and correapewdeue* iJlae •rated, Ac., Ac Virtue'a edition, 6 to, Tbe complete Poetical Wotk* of iauwaMoatirorae- IT, Moor*. Uvro»;;a«w edition; Southey, Cooper, Mil ton, Canjpbetl, Dam e, T«eo, Hemaaa, and other, .vprioua edition*, pod in rpriaoa.bindlnft, Harper'a illustrated Shakepeare. in 3 rplendid vol*.. . Toe above, with others, and *4araa supply of ibve* tule books. Sot ul« by 11 »« ;#. U BKAIX. ’ * d 323 ■ ■■ ' ; J . - 4that,nearMarket.^’ ,5?. w Just Received. W upon Larth> by /eneway, one VoL 6Sc XlCharoock’a ebotce works by Lynurwioai 1 vol Ssc Cotaeincidcdcer of the Old !hud new Teataiueni, by Bev S. J. Slant, B. D.one.roi.,, fi,2S jCaajmer> MUeell»nie*,foem», Eaidyt. 4c' ' 1,50 : Select wotlts of Jam#*, Vfnn, WJlaon, Phillip* and ' Jay’irt one litrwe-vol. forth# low price of ‘1,60 The: Free Church Palpitj 3 roll d,oQ hfpdern Infidelity, by Sollicker, “ "* TJfe'cf David, -Vj L • .Daily walk with God; Manbew Stroar, .Circle of Human Ufe.bjr Thotuck; Memoir of Charlotte Busbeth, ;71j« work* ofFraiuu Tunrtine in the original I.at . 'in, 10 Ui complete in 4 to!*; Q volr.now ready; Willis'Poetical worki in tplendsdTurkey Morocco. The above with a great rabeiy of new backs, Juil received. . - ; • i ; EUJOTT !* KNGUSU, - _)ano [Tost copy I -Somarkctn>bctvrcen3d amUim .TTAIjCABLU 'HeW ' Tosr'a! Prmali. : K f Waverlcj Novell; ifif volume*, liaao, j 'Mr«,Sherwood'* Work*, v6l» ISmo/illuMrated; Mui’KdgwonhV • lit - *• ' 4,1 ' ilaitoer's Family fJhrary.ltSf vola, eoinplete ;' Jao Iloy'a aaAGir}* j. ** " ’Wofk’aof Fhakeafxtare, 7 vole. hvo, the beautiful Dot* ' loh edition, finely bound; f&ilrc’jii4ves pftbe Saint*,.♦'Vol»;elag«ni|y-bouod Jlaioiali.MoorVWork*. 5 iu!‘. Exploring Expedition, 0 vol» royal tfvo -'do do 1 fi do do do British n*aayi«t»,'f» voU, Turkey mor. back*. : -The above, together wlUi nitrite a»*ortm*!nt of e|e. nhtjr bound family *nd poeael Bible*, Common Prayer, «ll«i*r>* and bindiiira. All of which Will I,* aold lower than ever offered iu ttiia market, at tlie old.tiond of • : KAY. A, Co. I»1 _ • : cot 3d A wood at. : Their work will be wenraiii* PIAIIOS l, PIANOS H 1 ’ TTENRY KLEIDEB, Wider In eaeiem Rano Forlev rt: at J. w. WoodwcJPm - Not 99 Third Street. The piano# may be examined it all bean, and the.nibaert bar will be there fronrll to 12, A. Mi, cad trots 4tA P. M; each day. • ‘ ■ Pittib’tf, Oet. S 3, <« :' We, the undesigned, would inform the citizens of PiUnbargh and viciauy that we,have appointed *Lr» 11. Kleiber role agent for.>\e«wro Wan*yiyjuua, : for the tale of our Piano Rirteiv ifom wluhn they may be ob taSed at uurvwrtlNeW VttklpHeaa.- lf;I•> A’ •• 1 • --• y; NUNNS A CLABK. • ' Sipul, IBiAoetgdtf:• • ’ Miulle h'ant plaiioi l ; > BMjßNlHlFAuoUtrient df-liWe* wood and Mahwanyy grand action PI-" «»», Flame, jo«Baiyhed and for kale. - »did,JlO*bWood piano*, with Coleman’* M'Mtthtotnt, finlihedln-tße ; moit gBDSIIJ®. 1 ANprm-YEEISED: KyoAR-W MU say : S. ) 1 ' . 1' « 1 * | t Ap^iuVii 3IORXIIfG f ;JT^u MISCELLANEOUS. I JCESCV. MR HtEBS; ~ ' TTAsmsoTtrc.nJd. ■"* ’ ” ■■■*> • p* BOBBIN!*., Mechanical Engineer and T<.W, oi li* Note* of this bank, amongst which it ia beUtvcd, are the following, rise., • - -• V. ; . : I ;'Onooft»l(«), No.tinted June 21,133 i. . .... i ~. v •• “ N 0.31,.31, dated June 31,1834. r ’ l * I :V,‘ U No. CO, dated June aoiltOC.' j ! ! AU endorsed ‘•l’ay lo the order of Drexal A. Co.— W«a. W, Jeffrie*,” with the letter D also ertilOm&on tnAbacfcafeachnote. .AndaomeoftbefoUowißKmav included, riz: B>f*>U«oo, No. IP, deled Jon* 18, iKM, whh the endorsed wi tUo bark. - •, , fdUCO,No.4I, dated June 20, iflii, foe letter ~ 31000, No. 44, same date. ~ 31U*0, No. d 4, dated June 90,1334. • ' ' •even an all the; Notes of this -hank of the txjra denomination* that are now in circulation.— odu of the following may be included In those stolen, ill r ; : •:t . ■ne of $5OO, No. 31, dated June JS. lgM, f with the letter ! D endorsed oh thn back. to* of *5OO, No. 41, dated Juns *7,1331. •„ »o« of.*soU. No, 70, datc,d July. 3, 1*34. n# ofesud, Nd/'te, dated July'S, 1531—3 others of 7|i-y..- V: . £&>Qeieb,datet aitd nUtoberkuneemiiu No new* of tha above-denominations will be iaaoed rWis Bank outif new plate* are obtained. Him# err* e(t dre ail the. notes of fSOO each now in citeolatiou, ' To* following are also believed to be among the note* olet»,rlt? ‘ l '- • :• r neoffttu, No. 2303, dated March L !. . .4 1347. • with the letter D n* of 8100, No.3odd, *othe data. , Wndbrttd «t- the •’ neOfCiO, No. U9lB, IS47J ' ' V ™ Bank will giv# airewiitd of eSttfortha MBovi ;y w th* money, and in progrtioafot 1 1 Pnaldant of umßaatof Chjatartia DAVID TOWNSEND, Caahiar.-' Chester, Pa._pec.3a, 1847. dl&Uya JM jmRTASTTOBioDMfiAIERiir JORDAN A SON, dealers is fiaedo Lard » maaofacturere of Lard, Oil, ajidOaneral Comaia js Merchims, 19 Liberty street, opposite Southfield,' nosborgb. Pa. Particular aitimtioa paid id the sale or lktcon. . J- A s. hara'mtde arrangementi far etOttiag-aud packing balk jaaar and baowtjtha present jeaaod; spa their long experience in thlebuaioeaseivaa theta assoftnec of firing tadiiscuon to-thus* eatiuni •ngwca bpsineuto their care.,. Tb«ie are advantages,to be derived from smoking in Pittsburgh, with which all tnaynolbeecqaain*' It may be shipped loose from any point below t injury, aud alter haviug beta smoked b*Tc, can be wanied io the; eastern cures, either by wagoupr by kdna>, without trmiumpmeni, where it almost inranablv urrres la fine eoodinoo.'«md grueraUy'commands-the tboM market pncea ~ tothu arrangement there is.a" Saving 'of casks ‘and igu ou. the same, which ars anavcguahle expeates wlieja Bacon uteudrdfor eastern ruatkeu is atnokrd at ; points below, not taking into account the fact that it armas ta much better order than whau packed in Casks. M will be borne in mutd ibat Pittsburgh is owe Of the best points in the Unlbn for selling BacoV • aaaracw.l3. .j>an*Aßwtd. Jattfee C HaH A Co. ■J' PCunpb«U, CbiUiroihe K II lToribm A Co. New Albany, leui. -Teasdatr A ilalooe,Bt- Louis, Mo derg-Sm *■ CO’S. Parage and IXKg£(tK»tTr.ANCE Olt-ICE Pefaons brought iW awiicy upop reasoaatda tanus, fruaanj part of Kngland. Ireland, Scolliu»il,.A Wales, atmXß racket Ships only. Foreign Correspondents aud "WW-'OI thy British (njvvrnmoni bsvr fcruueiiily cau xutna Kmiffrauts ut tome am] thcir-tTi>n,L in America, ayauiet (lie trauda praeL*^d T .ui>on ihctu. ami hare al> way# wtcrrcd.to the w«J Lnot\n Inmtc of Haarm A Cod;is tire right 'place for Ml to apply. If thcr VUheJ to tM«yax«ljniiti puncmabtyan»liujtdnfsa ' ~ thctiiMlts-m sole Agent* for l!i<* Uliek Ball lune, state what is untrue, and ton* deceive I *Uw«woi ;| !*. u> be .tgruu, tail, Onjf of thn but every oihrr, goo.l Line, snd Mm* forOpuifd’eßteanflsoe. : ' • ’ ■ r .ißto.-pralU totimr amount payable at any of the branches of the IVorlocuU or National lUnk» 6i Ire laial, Rnrituni, Scotland,'Ac. \\> draw onr own K*- rhaiigc; u-e ik» not take mcaiey and send iuo the J->>i to Irtwmione d*c to refidt, thtreby vauiing mutake. and delays. ‘ Let ,the Brokers, Ac.c*U upon ns, aud we will decyminodaict thcmoi New York rate*. JOSHUA ROWNSOX, European Ag t Sth at, one door below wood. ” ~co-PinTs er4 li n*. 1 I 4tC«AN & Kli.\NKt>Y: fcaro tbis- ilay' aucemted ±J will t!«ctn in ti.e llanUvon. bu.btrJ, Wi'. sun end Edward (Jrreg 'lljn cl tirtit wil, atler be Logan, WUmki A.Co. Th.s arranremrnt ren ders u dv.-irable to c’o>e tlir t»!d business mh>u a* povible. All persons whose liabilities hare ir.itured arc. «*pecjaUy-roiacsioi to sank' immediate par meat. Pituborgh, Jan. 1, JM-» - w T *, GO*—lmporter aad JJ " bnfenale Dra.er, m Fop-ijn andDotneAticHird ware. Cuilery, Saddlery. A.c.140. Wood »lrv«!,PlTU bnrpti. nrr ncnv fully |irop*rrd with a rrcoiilv j.npori «l eiuck w Hardware. Cutlery. *e.. 10 otferTCn* pjett ludtirejaijm* U* buyer*, being clrteniuned lo compel* Ju pnce» with a:iy of tlte Atlantic ciii?». AU .•o-oo baud an extram* aasortment of .Pituburch llauhwr. via: Sl»owU. Snylc.. Fork*. Hoe*, Viera, **-r all Ot wjirch will be »61d at the luwert manafae wrera prices. . , ; . >a m DISSOLUTION.- fTllE.C«Mmrtiwr«hip of the aubteribera. under ike ■J. firm cf Lewis Ilutehin*on A Co., U this day die* *ol»edbjr raumal c*i»eat. -iiiherof u» will attend to the aetuement 01 the loiine** of the linn, and rue its name for lliai purpose. rpilE under^^rhs^Th^sy^o 1 eo-psrW ± wuWSLuier ihe firm of Jeniri A.4luichin3oaict> , for the purpose o! comineing’ih* liuiueu. heretofore carried on by (y\m Hutchinaon Co., and aolidt a/ion- Uauanee of ib« peironagc hitherto extended id the tenu*-' - Tames a Hl’TCHlNSifcr,’ « , , . LEWIS!). HUTCHINSON . ruuhiMlb, Jan, I.IMH, . .: J CO-PARTNERSHIP. " ' [ A THi;*uhKnt>er» haring reecmlf.entereltlittd ffl P»pß'*r»hij» ouUer tho n«uo «l GUUgLer.Loui, Ahtlrr, lot liie f utj*u* ol c.toiaj.o4 itrtlfcTl ~ i . founding und U.t Kitting buiin't** in *’* it' urenehe*, bare i.Lca the’ »t*nd formerly £ceu> i'iej Kylt: O.ll.fhcr, No: toft Frout witeVhetwopn Ucxxi and fcnuihaeld ««.* whew.tiier aro-liteparcd to cjeeiiteaJl order* for IMJ*. Jtnui Ciulinev or every 3e»«ip oxlii- X/*"f uudfr th* «irl< lad urn oilV&httnatili' U&J. zclU w tja*d«y dmolml by'iaamal contain, John Dal zeU Oiipotrd 01 Uii entire itUMeu to il..lV«iht »** Vi m t>u*lnc«* of Ui« Itio firm WHJ bo *eirt>**di»»oU-ed on tbe Itl umut, liy> tautttal eotnent! 1 S DUvronli, to whom ilie ifi* jold luui* o**i »i entruned. will toniitme ihi wholesale iriocarY tm*uvc** at the old Maori, NO 37, wood *t • JOUN H. DILWORTJi .’ ; • 7fc '• 38c ase 314 i. Jan 4 Won»»»»> MjoMgCcSSfSSS.Wagoii'aMr. «&*? ■" inborn*;- 3W Libeny: i:nn, Mnubanrti/'on&diitii'' Ibc Iln Hub; I:-.e.or„.’m iUul«til°i!? '«uol; U*H*u Y wtory oj Uftm, .ÜbrJuiocfcJfkU ki Cq.- ; •■-- ? •.'■> Jclsljr ' SUPHniOIVKHIRfISQ BnrSLINBIW R AIUHI'HYi NS H. cortMi •Mth-RJuUlukej «tmu, rttiUutotiUM tariwMpariar.luus- cloih BU»J «,U lit yd'—ulna.'Mjf »uu*>rioj •«- o/t]>r Alio, UaniL**rtF' ofrytry (juallijr, and » fall »».oru»«m-<>|'.| r „,t| < . raeil \ cambncbaudkeictuca., : /jiua., KOTIC4C. ' '•*« Ur* — -*iJi LI, Parrott* ki A-~ '-;'r , * r ." oowl V l»d*KW(||fc (he Ha I«te bf Uta A*l>ftTo, Jr, dereMed, bt« lickljy noufltsi W**Jl*ain>uunu the >'}!«, er:*r«ii* wmbttrtft’o? John Ir*irr*Bon'j Noll WirE*'* ?* JOHN IRWIN, Kiffpi.r *i»- . ’ HOtlilfi/'; ASARRKL of li»ra Bi*r*aJ U,'Wtl*Klni aboat li*-*miakM liymiiwkd mimtKelioomjr-on Ffi! day Un»*4i*in»t :«idi»*:ietbel«Ki nutoiTOtmtf ,7Al>o, Eatttro and-wlrpicked, thU j.-f Wrte^o^^divßeiin6ni ; eodniy.l r? ’ !r, ; >:> '’ r : ' r fcli«ral'ESuteri^cTp> oflsB*ijij>ffn j» iftn^krin/ r«elv» w^rtund 1 ltqn? wilF Im fli „q \v.«nKu*ci,"7, • ■ ' • ’V3it !? ■'!«!*) # 20. 184 S, ! SALTEtt’S . GINSENG PANACEA! T°. .^J2? E^ aU ™ 3ux °i ,'Wtm ’ JM3EASED •• •*■ ‘•’'•'t'.T—The unprecedented success which baa attended the u»e of the ; ■' p " GINSENG PANACISi ; “ aU 11,8 Tariwu form* which trritni&n of the lungs u. .«t*nree f has i minced the proprietor-agaiaio call often* ■tioN.tofhU- j ' WONDERFUL PREPARATION. . ...! ;TUo weather .which mark*' our-AH ’and wbilrr'montha, i» always a fruitful aonrre'of" COLDS AND CDUOUS.' . Tlteie, |f neglected,' are' hut ihe prernrsorseif Ihatlfotf daatroyer, * Thn. question, then, how. we.nip the destroyer la the bud? Low shell we get clear of our roughs end colds? is of rital Importance to the public. TUE GREAT'-AND ONLY REMEDY will b« found* li» the Ginseng Panacea. -In proofo.f thia-' we haTe from time to time published the cemfleattauf dozens of our pest known citizen#, yho hare experi enced its cttritire powers. • These, with a mass « ten tirawar from 01l partsof the MEDICAL MEN OF THE FIRST STANDING, . Munster* of the Gospel, together with copious no. accefrom the. , JOURNALS OF TUB VAT, 1 we hare embodied in pamphlet form, and may be bad gratis of anf of otir agents throughout the foontry. - . HUNDREDS OF BOLTLES hare been used la this eii)% , , THOMAXBS AM) spSSfl OF THOUSANDS throughout th# United States and Canada, and we cha lenje any man to point out A ' ■“ i • SINGLE INSTANCE -- n arhiabt. when taken according to directions, and bo* fore th* lungs M bocama fualiy disorganized, it,has ever failed to ...... _ • “ , PEHFTCT CURE. 1 ' **bf. then, need tbeatflfeied be*itate* : Why r»«m to we tnisarabJ* nostrum*, gotten op- unknown individ .naieoudor the ashamed name of tome -celebrated phr<- •lent, and puffed into notoriety by certificates of Mr. ■ms equally unknown! Whilst a medicine of I . • UNPARALLELED EFFICACY* “ to be bad, whtisa voucher* are at borne,—our anlrt bor*,'—many of whom it baa : f snatciikd nto.M'THB grave. In order that this invaluable medicine may be piaead within tb* retch: of the poor as well We rien, we have put We priee at' ’ , ONtT FIFTY CEVTI, itut one 1 half the usual eori of cough medicine*. It ii foraale-br oor aaant* in nearly every tow*and villain over We wen, who an prepared lo give fhJI infoitf*. tioa relative to it. T. 3ALTER, Proprietor, . ! ; Broadway, Cincinnati Ohio. . ThUtUMftMJfflrtwd by a ptroxytnufconiinio a «f ibt tir cell*; U it *«ry dabiJluxS*. tlmon eanc. ■rftofl&Mfioa. DO. 8 PAJvacka u ih« /tuYterttid «ure. ; • - ;Citarjfc,ex ewanon cold, which, If noflacted, w2l wnainats ia Ctaauaptiaa, it efiaetatUy .ulUru tad ••redby.Dr,twptlttr'tPtaaett. ..• •'_ ••••• • DroneWiit, if unchecitd, will tfftcaully lud to Bronchial Contampriou, but ttlmtly u*« of fwett- Mr«» Panacea.will effectually cart U. ' Inflammation of the Toosila or Sort Throes—Thia dlttUt ©Aanlaada to aarloue couecqueocas from nw* Uct; tochtauletrailon of the ihrott Ou the firtUTro-’ Paiiacaa thoulii be procured anA Coofha andColda And a" eorereiga rmedr la Dr; swMtM>Ftaacaa._ . „ ~ , PnruaionU No^ht.—A. tut faal dUMu, rcwldak Com a' Tlol«aJ ceoah «fid cold oa » doblliutedor bn? kcudown ettutiumdtt; aj*d p«non« ar* D& Sweeter-* PtnaeM thould b* u»ad prth«nd*4 When the Longi, the Windpipe, or Bronchial Tabu bteomt clofjed op with chlcftn to u toimpedetaipi rtuon or breathmy, Dr. Sweets*r» Panacea, which 11 » powtrAil Expectorant, should bt taken teeordinrlto the difoetioas. r T TTi-.. . Jnfiuetua.—Thie dittmslnf epidemic, bo prernleat 1* our climate, istpeediiy cured by Dr. SwutserVPana- Pricatlperfcoule.erslgbonlesforti. - ! i " For ul« by WAJ. JACKSON, WLibertr «i„ *in» of the big boot. . - - ■ -n^rfiuly IWPOBTAHT TO TUB LADlE^—ChinTia A Cteim, .a mewhleM'entcJe for the Growth. Itr*uty end Bos tore tkuv of the Heir. Th» Cream! when one* kuoivn. will supercede ell other artidasM ihekmduow used. When the hair is deed harsh tUia, unhealthy, or turning grey, a few applications. .Will make the hair sot: and dark, and fiva ii a beatlQjl' lireljr epnearauce, and will also make K retain its lire lines* and healthy color twice as Utug as all the prepa rations winch are generally used. Every lady and Rr-rttlemfu* who arc in the hath of unnr oil* on their hair, should ai oi.rp putehase a Lord a oi' the Chines* Hair Cream, as it composed iboi u will hot injure ihe hair like those other preparations, l-pt will beautilV it. and gjve perleet »an*jicuoii inevery instance. , V J'fWwnj*: ««* n» reiy superior qtudliics/ sw the foltoertnff letter from Ree.' to'Menri’ HeWefantrn jt .i iheAt estem Stale*: . . < loiter tioni the Her, R Cald>*ell r pasio r 6f the Pres bTtet»an.Chuech.TulaxVi '“ ' — v ' t Messrs, liendershhn ASlreuh-Gemtfnteii: I lake tdeasuirw ftddjnr mtleatiioonr.in laroroftho exeei dent preparation called Dr. Pariah* Chinese Hair Cream—lor about two year* ago, tnr hsir waa verv dry, bnttljvund disposed income out; hut having m2L cured • bottle of ibe Orrjm. and used iiaecordinff th tbe preserimioa. tay hair is now sofl, elaetle and find tothehead. Many .balsams and ml# wvra'applied. each leaving my >nu in a worse state ihan Thu Crtom,Jowcrer, baa met nr:expectations n : 1 . ll perfumed; and not -IV Iddies w.llfia.l i.'iol-’uunse Crrcm in he a desideratum iu titeir i>* , eba« {AtiDiisidrlha ui'ilct. . Pulaski. Jan. 7. ' R. CALDWELL. f ..IcTwd wholesale end retail, in Pinsborrh.hv John No. 4S!MhrireV ‘ireet.nnd Joel’ Mohlerl corjier oi.Wotxl and Fifth streets. ‘ jnHtC ! rtOXSpiPTI°N- UIREB T ED-T 0 Uinse *n Vy theted with Diwe-t ..f the Luiu-s -,1 bl» U to certify to those aflheicd with ibe first pxmilonitorv symptom, tu Consonipuau. that l have been JaborinV lor several yev* with a bronchi, soreucss of the throat and hoarse ness. I used tnit/ir medicines, but tuund ro relief in anv prenßratlon of inbJidne.uiitll I made use oi'DR. l pi'NCAVs HXPFdrrOHANT- REMEDY." ASw! been using thin valuable medicine for several vears * and always ftnri it to relieve whenever I make us* o? it. My occupation os an.AucJiimet}, wbieh keens me almost constantly cngsijed. causes my disease, vt lime*.: to Iteoome very alarming, when I at once procure this medicine.', I, theretore, take pleasure in making this : pubho. statement, that others a&cted with disease of the lungs atwl expectorant organs, may know the vU.; lues of this “all healiuj remedy," and may U cured — : I haTe recommended Hr. Duncan's Eii*cc:orant RemeT dy tomaar ofmy friend* some bfwhom owe their lives ! ao tea aedtcin*. JAMES HEWIT. : \ Soioersei, Ohio, Oct-13, UIS. \ ’n»# propnetor of tlit qbovemedieina would also re fer to tae_ undersigned jvnous, who reside in Petr? County, on whom any person may call upon am! be 1 conyuieed that thete ere vlnuet found in the above medicine that okimoi be excelled:- Dr. R.Stone,do.;Fran ?‘i. tl d tfr*»T j L**. l do-itiec. pal bert-, baltiick township, JerM- Davisan, Hop*well township. • ’ r DR. DUKCA.VS WESTERN OFFICE, ISO Bye amore strvat, Cincinnati. Ohio. - LEWIS HUTCHINSON, 3 AMES A ! IUTCIIINshV. ld by WM. JACKSQX, 8» Libsrty -Sl-, head ol Wood St. aplUdtvrS. ri'tua HOST ASTOCXOIKO DISCOV .TtBn,*"Z£ Bltaamg: AMlrtcloJ t A AVoader!} —To cbic J-lrapLoio *u»d Uttfigu'cmema of ihe Piorlf «• Free kle»,Suu b a: n, Sail RJ, euw ; stunry, Sore Head*, Ae., fto. FpM.yrtW ajo Itit Augoit.iha ciprtaiof France wii asiomebauia fconaeqeenee of & oijeoTery nud-br eultaJunCbenjut. Many doaJjied-U tecaed •a ItqpcMilultij itiai anything aadehy the band*of raaij, coaid ntrro vueb ainnlar power* c* ihai claimed ■by i V«iprini tar hit Invention. -Many-eltaed' bun and hi* invention at a humbug, (and. alatl many iobljih penona without trying do the &am«' wnr.l at lenrhrMUr tastlti* it is ibobMptiala, iba.Medical lSo ciaiy ju l'ati»(fhe kettehemiua rathe worliildcllverr.d ib*7ollo«inj*rtpmUo«!*nor Vrtptinb . -* f “We faa*r now mfnnieiy and carefully ejtwlned the •ingolar inveutwaof Vetprini. We have adaiyndiu etanponewt pa hate u»cd Uin ncveralca*r*.and we hr-»iiaxe;,n|)i to pronounce .. * (Stgnadi , LEOPOLD DUPAEY ' : v _ : READ Tins: , ‘ Fronttbe mranto; himrelf io the present Proprietor .« ,j , J’aan. N6v.d t IHO '' In centidamion ofthn raa af lbavediVn haedloMr.T. Jdne*,re»idinginUie cliyaf Wew York; N. A.i ihe whole proceteof tuanufaciurunri together wtib n statement of the ingredient* composing ay Ua»- itn Chemical toap. lie U ttmanufaetare U for tale in the United State* only, dnd to have the prmleira of aa-' wneilMonet'lialtan OheoneaFPoap." - Wiioeaa: Uaury J.lloMiwonh. .Warebolue, ® Liberty *ireet, K-ad of \\ ood, at the •irn of the Big Boot- • - &l ; ~r^ 0 t!. r P' , 5 8 ta . l*Dt*bsTih:.mheT* the OEPilIl«B cannedhtamed, All oibera are Coonierfeit. . ; I ;• -Hot IX MXXKO. rpHßjmdenwpfd ha*',lon* >en convinced of tfco J. neteMhr for *ouio modrcuie- tcfaph-d to thaWe of CtuUlfM indinfauu to aupereeda theft** of alltho*a : m f«lci#e» «rhichconUln opiunijOnil bo at leartbiso. ceejetl m preparmg'and offering toihapublioT* m«|i* cutelully insweriug avery purpote for alldt»ea»c» OfthO Uiwol*, without the USforthatdcreteriouadruir, oranr 1 otheteakoUtedtu injurein thaloot The liifktit Pod ! jce* ha* b«enjuUj\ie>ted and tried, thalaat swatva mouth*, by nUtoerou* powe** aU> 'tha 4xtn>ot.dinar}r vir produce ah UtCMUui*' t»M# effort* u set forth on the' bill of direction*. BU *rrhQT*’,|VortUln«, Cholie, OHpfitfc- Patna, Mckhew and •ft‘»«ri ,r T*wthioj v acting; tottaedlatel? .wjlhoutlduturbing any ot the mneiibu* of the'body, producing the hnppleM ; ami met. pleaiam uaniitlon •iront Titfieot pain to a trauiiuil and joyou* atata of teel iji* in tl* little'mJfcrer. * ■ “ ' -- i'o be (had ielioJetaltfand iwail. of the Proprietor n» •M nrtictU iJUoct &_lfocib«ut„ and pio*i other linwgista •in Allegheny end Pittsburgh. .•. .. .;. dec* 3 i j.'PattM Blwlc Hurlair Tinti • wood l*»«»ae*tlr>»*JMM:cdoa*ptljiM!yieur to P ?l5l .nre.oB My.pirt.of »U*«d titfroMfety SmEFhlfiFE -My more mem murioj.j ihe wearer- lrVinhi”:-!£ •s^ggsattg^^tem yr/toiibaeld near sixth, Pitubirib • , : : , /> • •>■’:•.tt.-i j-ft W.KAUPPHay/ •,; SPliiglSSfe fsz&sf | t',. > , ittlM MEDICAL. CO9UMFTION. PEACE I PEACE II ' ____i miscellaneous. ; _ SELLER'S IMPERIAL-COITOH.SYRUP—Hhaa power to core:- •; Pmssc'ibfl,Feb.T4,lSt7." h 11. E. Selxxxs:—Mf Wife has for year* baeaanbject 1 itoadmresiiagcoQgfk accompanied with asthma, for :the cure.«ftjtehieM tanedies,, jand had the advice of;the.moilcmincut paysiciana in ; ; England,butalt w** unavailing.'-Ey chance I'beardj of yoar Imperial Coat h Syrup, and waa induced to boy-1 a bottle for trial, although,l had no belief that anything ! • jcoula remoreher catpplaint To tar great surprise,' doaca gave her immediate, rclier,'.. Jibe taut timea I • troubled with a coogVluLtwoteaspoonslulof Syrup always nop* it i I am «arf*fied.aAef a trial of-three or , ,“»r y«mr*, ibatßclLsr’s Cough Syrup ia the best cough I rmedieiue I have ever tried either in the Olijor New I ; World. ; ? •' • « - Whtl Fathaooan, ! < - , ; jSeyrrith Ward, city of Pittsburgh.. i i The above certificate, should induce all who are; jtroubled with cough or asthatai to give the Syrup a tri- 1 aL It may be had for SS ceuw-aiboitlai al-Utfdnig i J«on>of JLB:aELLEBSv«7wood>V j i Sold by Dr CasMl, sth ward, and D H Cnny. AUe ighenyaity. . janfi | SELLER'S. VERMIFUUE.—The greatest of al Wona medicines! . ) \ ■ NawLaaos. Onio.l . • . ...J.-.i ’ r . Jaa.8,1643- > . f 1 [, This is to certify mat! after usist different prepara* lions for expelling worms; I bouigKoi C: F. Hcunart of New Lisbon, two vials bf-H E Seuers’ Vermifiigs.and hare the contents of one vial-to. three'of, my children.; rrom iheTtw, aged. 4 years, it .expelled. 45 worms; i from the second, t*j year* old, tft and from the third, Si years old, life muing sts worms expelled brnilitg but one rial. I! recommend Sellers’' safe and one of the most effectual Worm medicines bo* fore the pitUhe, . . Ti . . Htroa hloxxow.-i . Prepared and sold by. lt ; E SELLERS, So W Wood • lr * cr - SoM by Dr. Casscl, ftb ward;D M Curry, Al*' legheny; William J Smith, Tctaperanecri»g.- • jali i , Bfllfaa Kids n* *»*-*•- W'~~ 23ok£oii 316de ot lleatinEUaaiea.. - tt- DEXTER, of ,Bc*lon,.ha* arranged and pa- heating hotiee*:wliia ha* been weefhJly toed fat BbetonjK’ew York, Ae* nod wher> w.nMliedfha* teoehrodtoe decided praarueranr »«**fum*ce», ; Ibi wiYuugfi *r*~ . Ut Greet regui*ritjr;aftanp*mnre 3d. Wo cnfjieattni drynaee. dth- Eaeliy attended fo and not liable to eel oot of ■ • voider;- i • . fcb. Great durability J; ; , , • *• tnodel and tpartficnioo may he eeen and ap&ar*> obtained at the.eopper and Unware factory orT!. Watßt«AlrtS,Rwtetv “ ; between wood and market. •• riAUTIpBr TD THJB PUBLJC,-Tfal NiYork L tnd 1 hiinUlphla 1 PeakinTea d htrlni ttnder i stood tael ocnjuh p«ofln* la Pitubutvb --war* etaimihff' «h* Mil thairTatm, that StUlO that .'tbey -hiye ■ t aajpii* i tie exdsuivo.sgeacy ■*j»tem r ,ate that.oaikerjir i Jayne*, &}iuiiM4rC6i6oriay ; <>th'«f .cbaterti ruefa n«u to, claim tnj qc]g*irg pnTiiarat'wiidi theirtosa. TE* s*uir*l Ann of im Conjunr, Sir. J. R.Sioc». tosss j^conpmr.»T»™i*J *s»iluiii.nlfft tl. : mSSuv “■* c “W’ r ' "S--"""?* . coTli«ni Z**? * 3 e*adidi/taS?Sit2mffi' +**s>» aayagteld thaaamtT>asfaaia.fhatwan*frgr»«.r aad&*rar«xp«miofcava at aarcna..tix&(j,-»uffielent : : moMjr 'da bate to. indue* anr mantohab a*. 2W a^^asss«tfaa«i££- wUtotter water.:- VaFxDliN A , • JUSli’St >-...: <[Ca&ai baiiil, pemi i ltQbi| off to 'tibia BiulßHit . ■ VOTIUt TO fIimCHAJ'JTS .ate (be Public naer* TtMXWdolUn wonVofn«df oioih*, traitinn Ac Ac, toteaoH E r * T « ei r. •> eoat ate under, atebTueoiay, lit dry of Febru«*.n«L.at which time the mnuinioa portion of ou» «oc£wiU>* ebsed bate* tho first dajroT of clothing, doth*, etanmero, antinett* and reaiitur*.” “4 beicnr com, oajerme tb.mit dealers. -Our atoS, p.t.meee goods h*Tiagb«cu purchased but this eeaeom 4a^»s^sbgsSisy. - -vi ■*?:&sss£sBgiiz iL:.;- ■ ,n*S*U.l«g* , AQ2t. T l^inS. ars ? ef! T. , “ b «' , “ n S between the sab-criUrs; A “Otar thestjTeol PomUeilcr *.Cc- t «rMd;sso!vwl or nooa/« K u U,o Ulh inn t n4Ui* b»™.wi«,i„ o i|„ K w.n*,,*, bo* o U CUM. K w PQIIUU*J(TKP; .. ; A COi,BBBPBO*N, -* . . C U (IKAST. T„r :i CO-'WWTiIKIWinp. Wijl COfl,mi ? *«»*« at the oJd' «SfcAViV -•-■* «***- I U»m*m.Htori HtmonST — ", T, « r«pcVC , J?i£r?ffuv o \, bu * c “ BMi«inoe» 2L.ii« .). Attp.curujtvrad&aldukk yjtm pef ttif i «arwi»k f WoSenfabela and itoMi*. dim) .’^^®“*« r «Wr»*of . A»o, typpljeV.ofPencil, lUhlware. n.» u e ohn:; e>|«l-uenu.teiar«p. «,• t* t V - ? K“S, S^gg-ww* *** ; *» . aovftf..- S A fe? R^] ,|, - B r ANDOLUK PACroaV FOR e*LET O— the AdioJotttT«ioft©lkA — # JOHN .liITCiiELL* 1T.111.1J I*ll, ' ■ ... ’ Admiimiww . KxSSaiS:S,t; LvT.---- -. . i '•" '(‘Wb §Sra» ? fi;S^S stucKLETt sSv3ng*r: >■ ;ji_wwootfß ;? -. CN‘B^aSSr** tftoiß fndebied to u« ™.^. W®*o«* And ’before the 25th iou U, . IV .^ e,r nccount* on or. i iania .„. * aM t w “*«» dealt*** according to law. ! S wS?Slf>il?T ,B T E7T,^r ' «&**'*»•«*> M And iSJKS-w^nffM?^ 00 W FHwn»W« ttIWV & ALaSMAK ■ trfco<«*ale W S w2£li? 08 1° U wS Mm.!!!?!!!™ * uJ l northern Penn’* aua OhiS irate weald oo truaaad a*DodiyaUryrrf#riiinhcrMrtw«ia»ria;D*e ,? VF**rr s, **‘l lt« lOe he alb lamp* tobacco, SO kcy» 8 twirl do.'whh i general aatortntentof grocenertoraalebr.- •« r mi ■■ ■ ■ ■ dQiiNa.iiiLHUirrH.a7woodeu RK.I BJ«» ; Till for. new scenes of wo peace shall tbtft* | ,1 THX'(WSST..iIKQ£aS-.OV'UMU. royal David made his final ■ i : ■ - S weet fancy ; added‘this li3t codiHiVi'- 1 ~~ 1 1 give to Solomon ray crown. and throne;' ; ~ .Thisi sacred harp shall Watts-and Wesley ' *■ own ” , . i ; ; P°JTxai QTf SMALL PATERS.—"thi c form of petition it in citoulahoa'iar'thik’ 1 Teduquoc of pojtago on. email pap*?s,fppek ' cfwftlwwiflo ptpWLyltoipHudptoiidiiD*?*- w»4; jaVnumfestiy mat, andth**jgjfopy ■> urged for neb redaction, «*/in : ottr ton, abandaatiy aufficiatit.' S«netim*»"thi' ! ''- ppst*go‘ on these small juvenile' papers-* to mo» than the ■ubecription'piiooi fodeetij'ideeem W thin one-half ought to be tnide- oh 1 : * raaflert’ot-thenj.- We hope the object'4rilT' : M effected.— Christian Advocait. f -‘ v \tytwßanozaUe.th*£cTMiad&bm&Bt* ' ■- . iThe.tmdersigoed; rititepe ofth*Chited"-' states/readingTnihe'.county Of‘ : V vfc£- ! J{f ,#«»pectfijlrxmrtlehf:- the great- inequality sow. Wee of postage on newspapers, the Tirnillil ■-■ ' tho%hs«t iiai. ■i, thepriacipleofsireand weight '• u; now the. laws of the .UhSEf r ' ctttesas.ibebasis oT post office charge*:' ° oewapaper* not exceeding ,s 1900 square inches are chargeable at th»“^ L ’-' We of ji cent for 100 miles, and 4} cent* - all greaterdirtancea, if withojlt thefitate iai. jwpi.ch‘-they are- pnt4xahidp.yonr;petitionii*<'t ; wonldnigs the importance of radiy-w m chhrgeS at least one-halt on all paper* hot *-'■ a eomammg.more thau-SOO-aquara Tnfip, .; ,w '- J -i'9"|.P§P«erif..jepr?sent; that, with&i*' |® w yeare. past,' numerous juvenile ''titatatf ri ~?T e sprang up in different sections Of the ’ 1 United State*/ for the iristructioir' of -th*'’"-' * I m ' ‘science, morals and -'relli&ar' wiuct MMIS He now eitcnsweljrmnoa-. - •ued by children, Whoj these : papers are tbeeize or weight ailowed.lylawrhayeto payontheta-' th.sMß potoge.nmu ciisod Mtholar- *hebu that.pasa throogh too jnaiU. Bo^ «dea the manifest injustice of this regulation',' ■ ? your petitioners represent .that‘many :thoh- £ an °* chddreh '‘aeitttod* these useful paperssole-’ w Sls^sfe^ om J? rat * Irel y oxcesstre postage • cnareeabio on the'email-Bheeta ’ihev deeiro '^ ■tQ paKinj* J a.rjio ,v.:,. : s - reduction, therefpre, of postage, in’j*Tor , newspapere of email mmensiona,,. •. ' JW.,cyiy tend greatly to diffuse >rnoiw- • ledgQ.and.piety J ihe.bul\rdiisof our nation , prosperity,.bnt would increase the .reve- 5 _ " nuesof post-office.dopartmeut.’ • _: 1 . ~ *9?-wmediate and. proportionate re- , ; ‘' J auction of postage, therefifrei on afl " - pere: not[contaiaiag more Llan‘ son •*mia l w.y inches, your petitioners Tespetafioiry and to- ■•-i- ’• gently piiy.'v - •• ; - • SwiTiLitiiro.—The. turmoil in. • “ “• adnnl closer>Tha Diet&,~> naa decreed ttotthe seven retohed Cantons-lp: of iha League are lo be, held accountable Sot ... »na expenses ofthawar, ancUe be occanied- - J 'tha'amountis ' , MISCELLANEOUS; ' . ■ - ■*••'l james;- ; ; a ,v vnmtur* .TrS&R®™,, . ••■ ? * | . 85, Ttotaimn. . j A akemmeai *l» l^^jsa^asa^esfeaafe^ r.*l>B. BimnijSldff ur’lln rntmt OTTOT*''KSai~- <™ Trt.U«,;d porckuo .oald do well k> Z h TS! ’ r- ; issag^«i^"*s-- : HnairDiViu*- * i-‘ »»/••■? wst!;!-- .-.r,. 4 <;v ;. f iftdosfinrtßabocah* Qiika;-- , v ■ '- , '" ..[ IS mahogany Work StanS,- " l “ " *•■' 1 •••■• .'.■' >■*» 3 dojlmohegtay BocttryChtli*'! {>•• •.•■ ■•, •• •• ':•'«. .fl f ;:j ,; »sfeK5SP ,1 Hllnla wd ud Cut flHtl ss isassaasraSSS®^ fiSSSW' I*£«*£pwjwiaf •*>'-‘*ltTJ.d Rjiv* , *i :; . thus rfnd«rinjjt powb tgrtssscasS’ l ** : and can ftjnxiA'tana oa abort aaodtl . ■ : .4S«.™Uh MggfcgwS ' _ : :, "' V7 ‘H^* . ■ ■■■ ■■ bfi.'sas^li^SSSS^R®-'::.' pared to furnuh **»feljwß»?ft»vj term»-diLdLM ?° ■■ i •■ • ch»ou,«ndwh»a JttpntttaSS&tlSjS l * B *^ s *W |