. .isA 7 .-1111 _ I 4, .r s , • .1k• Nears its Agveruspro.. - t.tir=c 4 Poortirtir =so k' ' ,, ,c..Sraorpo Opot.pu erpoopp,lrould.l.3 Goody* kt rim oovizscrk : • J*lllllll (or .. ICANtow= ,arirt.) '::7O r IPW MM 2X.1, • _ MOE • ...LG. I A 1111111 L ~.;, -.:, ~. ~ y. ~.PL~f..C. ~'? ..,, ': `w'' ~~~:ia. MEM KOHN i'i'....;'i , ^ ^~ ~ a\ . ~~~~\ . ~ /~ ~ . ~~ w ° « ~ \~~ \ • ' *: -;•• ( ?•1 1, ;. ,4 :4 4 ‘.. 4 iitk. - 4 0 7 1 1* *.illet:. 1 4 1::' 4 '')4,... 4 • •;fit - 1:4-.- - 14. ; .„,1,..., j a,, r , ...-, •:., . . ,:•'4-0:1:-,.1 7 !!•'"' - '4'.!1; ? -,1 ri S -fF•r - .1t,'.1 ; .: .1 . 1 411 111' ••• 1 %:,,•J•ti:•:.1-: . I n: 4•‘:,:i.•:4:'?I'• ", ; -4 14 ,: f Ai . ‘ , v-A.•••••Av.,,.. !,..,,, ~• ~ ..:. --3 • ....---, i ..,..: ~. v,4 ; ,, `. 1: ',Y,: .-• !•-•* 1 '• Ivi•k tl•'•• •:-,1.,,... -....- ' • : 0 -4 •-• -,•,-,1:-, • , r;l f . ii -4:.: V -! •' •-''' 14 : 1 . ,:?..;,, , F; i;i:ti j•.: N : : i i ...1; • . I '.. .. !. ... .:. ; . .:. . ,11 ;k".11: , 11%;+.• • ~:41 i .... ,' ::, 34 ..‘ ,-,, 4'' 4, , - a 1 ' .:V•1i.41..,f; Ai!. 4 74 . 'i'.!:ltt.,...- •-tr'.l . •-.' , 4.• ' .11 , 1 °,411:;:• k;- - :*,l4•l l .icaa4 illi''.•-•:; , ..v.: ~;':,;:. a.' 1 4? I ti•1 1 14 1 . 1 .; hi' 4' *4;i : #l,`:•4, •' . ii4: -‘ tit)'lt.il 1 U : **•1 i•::)iiiOfi, F-W 4.-:**- 1 c.,%.i . -i . ...i - ," ,; •••....:h1 41 17„..44;,... ,• ! . ..„ ;' ..;•.;:, ',W ,- •!•:'... ;; ;5 1 , ' '';'•lA-..;; 14 i '; • 1••• )'4 .4.;q, •1,i4 :1 ' :;-. ; ':::••: . ., 4; 1• ... ?;;`, :1 11 1,: . ...t4.; . ' ' . ' -..' ' i,' 1 . 11 .• .;i 4 A i.: . ii ' ZigP7 l 4 ,'.... , ....;.5:•,5e ~.. .`•-'ni. -1 ‘.-;•'- -,.:1- . 41 - 4 ' • :-. : ez , .-„,..• • .!Y;: OUths uturing of the 25M.Seitember, Mr. 41pOrier, iltlutok'sBarveyor Osneral, addressed the ' 'l6llairinstoola to Mr. Blisibtfry:- 7 . ~.-' 1•81 you to send by rel 03 /4 ( the bearer 1- eithie),a Perri handed you sune tkoe list sou ,loar, yenyaltmg to be an ceiginV article, written l frePrPeri alba the ChullPicehpoulabod at this ' ;:]leer in 1843 end '44, bawled .The Bloody Par. , .:40/4" sod I shall input you to amply with ray ' ,ragesabernith. Yon% Me., 'Jose Lauer& , . , - , 'llie foll Owing I. an extract from the statement .. ...vi the inigieheleof the •Derocaatic Chimpionp ;;:2148tH11Loisent and Bprigreas, and swam to his - bre peopir watho . ,- The otitis el patios in 1844, is well known ti -iyou, - es well laths poet effort made to affect the "..-Temnignation of Mr, Munk. But it h not Nowell -, , kistnen, that au gr. Munk and hie most ice's Mends Ince defeated in their object, they did all In'tleeir power, by Formal influence; and other ",..wke be defeat the election of Mr. Muhl:burg and mats that ot tie Whig matinee! Neither is it ,known that they had an eking agenhatlon fir thatppaarrppooios,, by not only sweaining the ";Demo critic "but by writing for,'end tablets , Knells Muting *Modals. in the hand writing . OCkewe Miller; Hem Pat:gran and Cluirbm -.Seam, whicti will be Sound meeided to this ad. 40E4 the aliginele of "hick ant in ray , palm : km pm :Vow. , ' - tiro effitoeide,written by the ardent, seoll olitleal friends of Cloer. tlhank, who 's bait ben appointed Ur, and now bold high cane under him, any per of ordinary ugscity can osilhat 41u.191tunk retuned to reetounke Mr. :Moketewg as the mains, ',of the Denexndic untweiescretly =mad, through hh per. frillailoo Mating bill Andel; . it cannot that Mr. Shank war Wan= at their --'. 1. : ' fort nit persotally eatiefuel he was swine g . ,,,,,..i . .,,.. ;F: l ey *iglu and yonceedinge-eued 'filmed tlxin yNd.;, 1 • ,,:7- - .,..', lie opoldzot bans:ode actors hie rind* !-,'''''• ' '- , ...•• 4 ' ,-..';•!.;.ttemil conildential advisers after he gar into power. .8-,.. 1 ; ": 4 Meas bibs absence of other evidence to Fore ';'':.=.' ;e• -- ;;:ittii fectitheoetreckin of the blend/ (8141MA:tug ',e t a Use the &us, would be eafrockint to confute* -' , - fles anetinendalaw. for it lie wall known fact r: T.- ''4 " :-. .- ..-":' JIM net Ostelliend of the late If aideaurg holds -- -2. - 'II melinteuat under hhu, reetwithstandkof no. --'#::-;',":,'' '' ' -..- - ..-.notesee"spplinukne had Wu Ueda. . i"...,if": 4 " . . --- ' . --._ ,' Mks abo *achy of Wing known, that Mr. heel .:7...ft:' ;:i t .. . Ma;r , theelest Ourstery of Mato under Gov. - f_ ' , ,-"tflotok, and whonountor the egdalorialpowers al eW2 - ,."•.•:'.'" , ..:, - : - -: - ,fsee - Adsdiddostioo, mu a warm sad Wool sup. . polies of fdr.lllohleaboegosp to the vary hoar of 61,3; ' ' :' , the meetinirof the Canuntion, - and who exerted ~,,,,, A V..., 7 , . '`.7' ihrulfin pro , deleptee front retry and 2- ' .roothee wu linneahle to hUtozeinstkit which , :,enlimplotly et his bidding voted kr Shoal& -:, -• Tie lettere and *Tapia' reMud to se Man ~- lake by Mr. James Miller, freiret . toy oldie COW 410/1711 4 / 1 . Henry, Piiiiik.i. Tern, 1 1eustro7 ..^,aied 0 Belk,. the brotbsiof Jamb Seiler, en ar. ,j,-411nt Mend of Cleriwnoe Shank, and oho clerk's .. ~ - -Me Maio Depertiont, I Cunningham Clark end • .' rhyt hm /Zara( Multdi, win oil pohtisbed to • ' '-,' Oho - opossoratio. Champion •" ;AFTER ME • •:' •-:."-:••• 310111 NATION ors.A.:IIUHLENBERG, id ke,ibs renwed determination of Minting biti ...,,-;•1101k4a. Ima slon data that the Chsispian wee joie versed sew the death of MrMuhlenbeir, „..b.'.,:l e''.,.."111 tbeeeneini ke no other parsue. :,-. 1 ;',;;;;;,i .- • '",!'•,- -.": V liituriar Alibi 811 . 1 8. "ago. ' • - • '' : fiK - - -'il l' "' .-- - - -. ' • 417111118T118 '8P10131111AN: ' ' it-."4 i .liiter . moerelY;M:C r - , "' - ' - . ~." ,Difiesebolobeleib**Sisikloofliikescolse V:: -; ••Z'-..;.•:.4'tilitIlifiefil . olobVs: ... .41.4• 01 1,4 1 - ; • ,,,.,:•! - ,..t,i , ,,NAlilliemieeepr ' .0...- •.• • - ..bilitt '';:l7l-,::'," - r .'• , .r. , ', 1 .41i11if.01ei4W• ..• .... . iindfo.o4..ute , f',l`;‘ , l , :.`. -.•-i.:•::.l.Abi ",..- '-.- e!. ... lir -....Mamm!Ooltal: .. - 4 31 1„ etAlz - ...: - .."." . :, - ,.. , ;24;•;' ' , : •„. • , _:ll,* ~ . . • . - . 4 - 5 Zp•'`' , *";4 l, ; - ...• ':',/ __„,___,," : 4 tit • ~.; . .:_. ~- ,. 0 . ..-rd•-r•, . • i . i,... 0 w ,,,z . . , „;,.• _., , ..., ..... gk ,7, ''' ' ,t.‘„ ' - s , '.*.e,','" ' .....,.....- i ...‘..,,,,, , . J. .1 ',' .gi.:17.4..V.:* • ' - `-''' _ • ... . • ~;~:#;; z},; jk: .Y J .~'. . ~~. ~~'i. ~.^ - k: 4;z:41 •-• ••• • z.z." 0 •74' . "::4i i Y . l , :,, SIM .. , ..,... . -..- • -...., I .- ,;!4=irc=, . _.• • UGH G .inriEuerrus nopo& PITTB9URCiH;:- 19 1847. 8 and AUGMITtn3 OPMCKA 26 AsiDAT_Nommto. oaroBER '1847, before IDS DAVID HARRIS , P D WOM arr, It l .WBd , d7, .1148ireekly-810 Dady g m "bi'"" Am ac p e r mom% tie Tel-77•41 De l ing ""m ter wow WeelaYls7vo Donn BilslB " . mums, or Alletheny Oty. " • • fiat Assmata. LEWIS C. 3. 141013LE t ot Indiana Tp. • rillirlAN W A WA' , ogi l im ar 'AIE1111t1: L,RGEDer Mint TP. ..„ . Lamer CAVEN, of Venitaes Tp. • At rob* o'clock last tight we ealkd et the . . iDetheakeeOlica, end threash Ws pentanes; rue of* the following atatatheat of the azooeit of thGe eelleptiel dudes the commt meth: ' Coneethe's Office, • Pitsbarsh, Oct. 1, 1847. Z 5 Athetust of toile iiesieed dims' the mouth of Befeadese, 11147; slee the imountreeelved &dug tie same need' lot year: fteenther,'lB47, ,11546, #13,992 68 9,668 80 _ • 14,423 85 - +!kisouol nntni AIM the opining of swigs. • tkavit o the.lat of October, 1847; Aso amount - 11881,84, &dig ea entire year of 1648: cl:/p Oct, 1447, 11127,082.36- -' Falba you of ISA • 88,284 41- biornato. R31,M95 LEVI .G. CLOVER, Coßector Orr Asintacie.—We would luxe upon all dime mhdhave nce Pad a State or County' tax within *opus pad, to repair at once to the propr leirr,Und pt woad: Otherwhn they will bode. *nal of the Pinlegs of sober at the =Mug ',semi election, caw of the =et Important, per. bops, that win take plate for years. The, is the ,TAIMACIEEETT AZIMUT TEA LATE H. A. HIIHLZNBVRG. rozreen ignnorci.—The statement NMI& id in the Pidladelphht Meth Anstriesn, some days skim froze the pea of Col. i3eth Sal/hwy. chair Lq Wawa. Afilla, Paniken, =author amfidectial blinked, Mr. Munk, with hating midaiWired by :nnibmimeane to defeat the- nomination of B. A. -, !htlembarg in 1244, and failing in that with haw. '..imywrit' len writiaids far the sDemoeratio Cham ;l blin in unmeasuied mime, and wens the Destmcney to abandon him, ha been ended in most posftbre teems by the pascal alip. Aid to; In the late eastmwpspers. Mr.BallibMY hai obtained a statemmg Loin the 'Piolhoese.of the ch=44o6;_veriBea by airidavit Wards: km, which be forwaids to the North Aiwiesn,ln vindication of his statsseent. lii bL,fattee dated 251 h Sept.. AIL 114liasuY Miller, Pittriken,.Beiler, eke., were ' mihserged befwethe pails of Pannaylvania, with :implies Mime:tilted a meal and patties! offence, in turpnicsidente4 oppoaltian which .'.1114 mode to the Democretio puty of Nampa ; Asia iteminitims far Go yormw,in 1844, through tbMummaof a public jamas - I, a 'Womble, pia. litletrissit, and the' Democratic Champion. .- Ere Ilde.charge they plead not guilty. 'might :::tiult,utiatr my liner of the ZOth inst. Upon the them hid down I Awl entirely secure : for me i& le mighty and will ramie bat to the led that the country may have we doubt as to the 10011 the chimes w aieh hays teen promulgated, isgsinst the polliil- Integrity of Mean. Miller, 'E! Pa SW saothers„l herewith enclose you such tddhioNl. as will consinoithe people of Pernisylinmla that way and ell &nide by thew geWhireem: of their Improper mad high:Moue oppo! ':eidolitylleitry till , Malmberg, ifler . hie noculna.. ion is uttwly nugatory, and only massess the Jiggles *ilk which they already stand deugy3 at *, the bar of pobrte opinion, and upon which - Cie aims of the commonwealth are to render • Mr•:13;071 the etithial manuscripts of some of Go ace begiaces and abusive snicks, 'Web 4. Pond lithe Demers* Magian in the sus ;4lll, of 544, smt now in the possession of some :,et(lLS.:l3hnides eabbett offleent- ; 4118 many. of -UPMeististar, Kr. Miller, and asks the vituperation, whidi has bout hasped ~"!:ttpal !Sated sad goat stsa 'rhea ilvitsg, no tater. I ado", that the msmzietipt eoplei are kept as re• lasestaistall of their own unscrupulousness, after his destigar Sze thay kept by the Cabinet offtests of the pteemilt State Et:festive, to prevent their patenday INNIS bang, aims} to the Incragosat p W ee , of thei Daiwa's" of Peiramtrania sad the I *now ad mica aro ion =darn ao , 1 'Wilk. of Oar oas wad ad without *koala mask of la oft. - ?': JE2as B Ctuttio, ias of the Editors of the " Champion,'! is a letter to the Meth America; rtr 27th Sept folly awrobougse • oti,fterats pied stem Ho mix image alba Cidage, olt 611'64 Mat at tho .011fmg Ind slinoonh quest or Jesse Mkt, Hew Antilles, /embed. kr, Claim* Sellar end other friends al (km Skunk, who we well known ha Ranitbarg, m eit end Ms ISfediwon WIN induced to @IMO' It pow soma shown -' i Is a W. dot I rig Ihnsiabididtb. end for ineertion while !had eintrodef it, Wend edit& did iutklem tints the pt we oflmeellilier, Homy Pentium end caw seembent of the body semi of Governor Shank, the moat of which wets combed in Mt* end Mullet* *Ohm both naiad the public and pima chatnetere of 111 Maiden*: end other leading amehere of the It le a feet.thatthe milder pod* el said MO eke were gimm in the dna fin candies of add payer, end the Tali sopptemed by noe,:er dm X raY Mud. • his e fact, that lift iitgehylian - he st weed times esprweed s wish to phial etsty dawned, ths menneenipte prepared 6t . petal:B4m in the hampion, tepther whin -a bar and en edia• octal ettitielmos dm pat . of Gomm. aigask himself—the net appumng of the name end condom of she Charpies, end the tithe etQirylop Mr hfutdanbers. That often I rased open theiroand thal Over time would all Oft *eh. • - It le a fact, that the What of agitate sr. We, the Blooded Panora' te not! more thee three dames mixes from the eh* of State haelf." - Tn Gaiream—lt b cis months ' lO.lllll elms the present Proprietors took chavg• of the Os. seta establishment, rug in all this timed !matron thermaing in Eoliths fame sod prosperity. Our Weekly and Deily oakum harsh* beset largely inereassd, and the adesethingpatuatge bastion mass than tor any conespoodimg there pooh:rue. We Gel grateful kw them =ha of favor fins the citizens of Pittsburgh, the manly of Allegthey, from adjoining counties, and frons the State Ohio, whom we ham remind many new eatemi. bars. We thkik the fact la demonstrakal, that with • telegraphic communication- ertmathrgral. 'reedy from Paterdorg to Omar% ant from Lou. imps to Maine, rind sown to reach New °deans end St. Louis, our own barna, eta amalde of supplying the law new. in the cheapest kira. Our sins has bean to make the Oustts an weep. table Journal to all glum of madam. end pertly Warty so to hams man,, whom pommy eni enjoy end seek to ham, smi to whom horst' we giro the hardest and Moot caned motion of oar labors.. Oar wish fa to make the thatethe sill move laid& 10 our friends who now or anty alter receive it, and to that std we shill imare mews in moaning *holdall and most authentic . commercial end other rows, at home end sheds& Ito Msaceisi weskit and estapries, us Well es in. business meow and population, Pittsburgh le tined to be behind no city of the Gnat Weet, and' trin be our pthis sod pleopme to contrib. ate all a Public Pry nu4theirods the prop itit; and handl:me of the People at home, end in the nolghbarbood, State mid sootiest of country of oar choice. ;;;The Wazur Gassy= *sea its arrrinnt smarm the precut week.. There an few older memorials of the town m o d country, sad nom so much identified with the early and latter proMmity of the place. We hate &twat tie &Boit of the (hied, lo the wall, lad phasedbite**, We lumprooma that hie wids weenical, fa edition to. Fermi .falling acme-halt; htextierawas of the plange of the Tariff of 1648, we totally entree. • • • pit w. *all keep him -where ire hate him, and me Mai as maw* to as e proper.7; Post. Whew! Klur mem swore Untidy :in Flap. dere^ “Drinm to the wall, pinned them end to be kept them to be teed assents& to ea timgerr' Redly the Past bse got Wipe . rem then we, bad suppose., and most fancy itealle.43l, Oracle," in. deed, thee to plume itself opmr its capacity to pin my body co the wig. As for the - menu of Get, the tisane has Muds no sorb ossisrlimi in relation to prices Übe in cortimptenee of the per sire of the Thad MO." The boot is entirely upon the other leg. It wit theNesimille Union end the Pentan *tot staled tba Elmeistaffd had,rima he consetnenee of theThrif ot UR& Would, iktime, end la maim to each a ridien. loos od boetinew main" that they bad Um olf ceedmif between May Jana AugastinEagiessioad we pored it too. .Now,the Degbany af the Post begs oar, se with Use gift of swam eltated;cd ,Ag,..we Lam damn you to the wall and pio ned yea time, sad lan km/ you thine Redly We begin to be alarmed at this modem &Mme, Dow thatbi is latinVrith tds.aew Jawbone," end reedy to shy his around men. - Having been mend so badly ormaives, Nallrea, planed and kept," we want caws memeseltly, moms of the sign postern theCrommeds my,—. o to ladt Grabs the Engine while tlw blii*sel. • • AN mower rum nor same lo ass —As we Mend the minor of the Pat isillitet prove his fisith by hit worts, ad the goose gad wfil continue to take Owe of tbinued. ,Aathe editor giro hie wads re his wpologMe forrewitin. tact ions it is doe that ail the world shoal know why such availed 'Alba rinsdu behind lodged of shouldWinglis make% putting Wride - liispetck, end who:Waft for she anion 411 all our Put-. Wray. it has been assma necewszy that axes shoal attend lo otberdwies than those of the camp, and cur Manilas:pad of us to ramie in oar 'present position, in oder to war &pipet utharepologiate of Maine' st how; We will, hossner,l sake • (sir .balgalb with Ws editor of the Gazette And this bargain kr that we shall windier . r e MO Prints or Major Cionard." Weil got use* conzmiarion end varmint under our Wand/WALD:I think bit Mast We'll Amy= tind it is taw= even fora Commander in dike to give the gluten sump of tr. Oinuary PAN" in time of warowd that all great boasters arc an to hasp oat of harms wq . in time of Makin The Pont, banana Madly in the maxim that the sPOW 6 m° llll Oa Private Phelan," and while gads lite a Ashwonwn at the went of Pinion= in I others, the editor aye at hooktwothensend from the wane of dangirruricer i ps inkhorn tit a marked team . today mbsepaisgius at Maxine Let bimbegin as the Propbet did at lonnifene end when he bas gain James K. Path, who rd. witted Santa Anna tolad Maxim Andes end Mexican councils, his wad will indt nigh Win. abed. We nPair the meal 1 0 to the iar or way at home"toth Mighadat . COL. Wasittoinenaltdee Write' r in &lam of tin Phut Pannaybbutia Itsgintent a Mena , The that signal peed *a, true a bees, tint Cte tha ty Immolate cooß not bp band. he pia nem' to send eta an c4ket talk Writs ardor brim awe: I Mir ray Ojai* anti times to moomplowitato ar•=slut sa at , adt, sod maim aka MC& flaw coda Dot a fomd. My amassi was Mad* itt frat rim, ad at Short Maim hum dallr balsam tud was bpt them nail ipriatte mak to is with hainakes iham Om. P. to witishaw ay commaaL I Mama to san mini tbe odor was toms* by so arm, ad maked until as What an* Abe ismtraesions. - bed moles men shot dorm in ettslitiogtbs. Oxides; pad dwlm the . lebols.d tbe wadi - er, gm behaved deed il y. Tbry bent Awe that tbse gives ats eaves evidence of 11a1 Iselity, and I bad. pros *Mel them. C,el. - Moet ioddid! bda . o f Or eileseyi, sod skid! elsieseci geoplsi be 6b •Limed I.llw. Ws ma& bow be etlit*llsbete the bit ter be bee snlbes gets dart to . aid, Am; sod withgasiet-Scausimieitiki oftii, &WM *me IBILWAMMOIIII. wise:pump thia ate . asesapashossamigiskuies‘ • - .chairrwrAth-si4.tibMilt, 1114ki,jwimf #BIOI. 6 :, 418 4 1111454 :***,0 1 * r ii,*,S, l 4- 11 4 1‘ ) . 00 , 4 14 .: • .rr - i . - ..,-~ ."''' , •:•. , ':-' l -','' . :! , ' . ;; , :f . i-.'j._:-j.-' , tqi ,- Fr..',.: , ..', 1 : - ::' , ,',;'.-• - • t i'' -"i7,‘.,:;',t:-:1'.1•:,.•",.p-i,,g,.;:..4.4i-,i,,:-,:..-:.;T:',.:•..,',,..-,':1..--,.':.:::,-.,:;,..:':;:': vo...taostalue. sr. isliza.as... . . _ TICS 17217113/2 - ...?.7 . 17111/1,1174r.i, 811;14440, 1847: Bai On theimooVan ismatinkilecilon;yoo hires twilled to Fltteurgii,lisd than aklmeul the • people a hip on political Lipka generally, end pp i da y it, vindication of the tariff of 1616, —tbe Minn of your Cadent ma. - • ' • -Being a public am, end having Mads • public mad m hrilosna popular opinlon,l take its be the right of any chino, however humble, to SX' andos the Opinions you have tins publicly um's. id- ' 1 fhis toT Moo, therefoa, to maks a few brief and hasty Imamate cm the min topic only, of your Matas, to wit.. the vindication of the tariff of *B4B, Which, you say, has UMW the ma at , lagatlef its friend!, by having induced 'a via Moues, of foreign barons and rasson Now, iir, Mr. *aka , informs in that the Mika by all WS Miff wae Woad about one third, viz, ,from an mirage of about thisty per cent. under the tariff of 1842, to @boa twenty peroat timer the tariff of 1846. Thamfote, to kerma the retina, sat. you not Mosta the impale at hest matthlnit .Instesd of one kondall trillions, (the usual amount,) ma not you: imports be inamed a . m. handled and My millions to get the am amount or tea. nab' And if the tariff of M 542 was tow in wratioo, would not the mean b 6. mattind more than it b, Ttr. fottrila millions instad of kb , millioud And do we nit, intakes, loos Ws you, Meat mink= of mane, by your bout ad Puff of 19411 Bat you nay say that in dee the tariff of 11146 we Choral not ban had this kaime of imparts, which walla' have a- Nubia a usual, it about on. hundred tiallims, bawd date handed and fifty Willow. My yawn is, that (Mar cons base induced Vb. Imam But euppoos you ate righti Will would we at have hid just a moth ream on one hundred ankles of imarie under the tariff of 164 E as we now rains on on, hundred end fifty I millism under' the aria of .19441 - and would we 'not have the awed, by the taxiff of 1949, - tifty millions of dollars, to sustain Amr icaa industry, bussad of mans it abroad to re. ward-and eolith the labor of foreign comattita The ides, hamar, of reducing autism to In. aims memo, is en absurdity. It is contrary to theriericeind experienos of this and every other country--• sophism which carries its recitation upon It. own fax Mill; to inning men= by inducing • • duties, was the ostendble object•of ttnEacatary, of the Tteautry,whilet his mat and teal object was to bmakdown Amnion manors& tunas, : and build op their rink in Greet Britain, a that England, thus tendered wealthy and pm porous, would, as In appoies, be induced to pay vs baba pekes .'our MOW In other Mt*, the bee Wier of the Notth le; by favorits ta riff to be - ground down and . , in the vain hope of inentaing the poets of the slaw labor of the Bath; and this AnkAnterica masa is not only claoly dialosed, but distinctly avow. ea ;by Mr. Walker, in his report of the 6.i of December, 1645, in which MOTO than our, he dalares that it is his wpm topmost trite pro grative sobstluttion of an rival acoustic pat done for fu slat Loot* (as PE , . 3 end 6,) end al Mae 19 and 14 he Mint me that we most take from &aka: bit masifodura, and not specie, Maur breeibtoffr, othandio, not having ifieio to Om, .he 1111 being Man eta :to gnaw extent, the poke of our cotton.' In oth er wotde;the Brows and amichiniee of the North. ern and Middle Stare, nisei and their bet dollar Great Britain, to pootheie what they can 'end ought to nuke at kas, so that England, having plenty of Maly. say Ida Mr. Walker a higher prig for his tattoo. and limey being asups, and prim low, hem b win he enabled to pathos* hie' supplies of AMA sod Oothlog for his cotton 'rowing slam far link or nothing. *Ws aril the ozeioleato tiffated by Mx. Walter in support of the tarifa( 1946, and I should like to know wfrubrr you. in your Meech at, Pitte tomb, enlogiabo of Side mean, intruded to en. dna and apprem of Mr. Walker's reint. which, ,consequence of its insti4kmican and British uri t harim. we. publidoed , England, by order of the British Paribuouril To show the ruinous operation of this Mason on some of the principal brinebsa of America Is. bor; I 'Omit the following 'ban `o* roc ag 1 3 1-/ 2 sriacuaba. r 8 a t i = k. " t,=eu a, Tx. E Iradion:ll,l 5,309,009 Al 3ido 31 do Hale r ISMS get Ado te en Towes 1i,27r der do IS& -90 do leas lookors 4,4.9,553 13 do 3041 43 do lamas ofnall =,919 V do 3046 37 do Oimmuie ors n loksas I ado 434, la de Forolok 51,794 75 do 304, 43 do• Pay* esohf, 335,C3 93 do 95 do 99 dk, undo 20 do :2 de 45,01 10Jo do 1994 aod span 11 de do Shia d r ab m.o. e.t.a teomors : : 44 do 304> ot IdacCoodeoltoo 13,893,39 1 , . 90 do 43 do 45 Naoraorclk 10,150,009 47 do 4540 17 46 la • HMO, 31 _ 9940 - Sad. Saw 41,780,355 'Mao 411 Waadr t .. l'l" l=l lb I : :I: 11: rite 1,111:10A _ tit rot , .logo. MUMMME - The duties on the articles hang thus re. dead oarkielf, of mein. the imports must be doubled to keep op the imam audit you double lb. tmposts, mast you not deuroy fifty-six milt. Ms . ,* your pm of dome& supply to mike roam for these additioael insults, and send MT sit milli= abmwl to purchase what is now sop plied at Mee • • • I . Bat what, elr, will be 'said of your brill of 11145 by the Maim Maus, ambontcs, sad "tkli May Who so then sea see to Lim imeigneril What will be mid by the showaskirs, whose proteciloa is mama 15 pr mat.; by the tailor, who loam 21b. the bhto, • who is , brewed down 81 per mt.; thir hatter, It; the bum,: 20; the iron rseksr. 45; the mu mark. a 45; the coal diWr. 371 - And whet wiltthe tamer say, who met :a. dared hie wool and Other now asumiale and Med. wails in a arimeponsßng tido, to enable the AIM= mectssain and menufecturerbasdatela the comptition with their foreign dole under this satbAnsericen fass.traie Mum 1 But 'this is not oIL Whilst thus employed in fabling labor data protection and the famercif his home mutes, you reduced the dadaists the doh merfe brandy end - white newly maistalf. sad to make goselthe Wrennoeyeu iMemptedtolarfa bray tax on the pcior ma's Lea end •Cr.. as; to fastw ionigneru, you haw ss.Mped American labor of its promise, &Urged its employments mod redecei Ito maw, mad, in the Lwow of Mr. Bochanan, you hem dm wormed the coun try wiltriumefissead blessiop." Bak*, I bare extended my marks much be• yard the limit. I had; menibed, sod will now amclude with apreeing the hope that you or maw of your Moods will Mx ope with an emus to at hest some of the forego* intermatiom Toy mpsufelly, your Maui wrnaL $ 7ogk Mktg of Me Itillthurgikawito Jams Beehenan, la Whetter to it.. Demoasey of Bab, serc—aThe gown= of .13larip -in me a its, ansiont espies, hat beta tined, and thiatens to ecemsks the Marie I beg Isere to login of yoe. Moira Mots, what hernias by thiamine's .Thwe was Mee an as. peed it which allowed the his impostation of Slues from Africa, bet that was Prohibited in 1808, I Wok, It . is not, I take it, that Defunct .eonseneree which hes ban mired..- Should that be attempt. 4 wall might we' expect the country would be ationeulood." What b it than lan the* of nothing bat the ham traflier—theettomices die boundary .of daisy, which Mr. Beebe= lit Mile to mein isinbe anatiatlon of Tam uneopliWilk,allhfif Which he to ocienom end lime • • ".: • • •• - mhimself lime ha ago sloe Listoomills net to:meant Ow !whet eattealtee-wh, not--hot - tot by my mom to ewes bet War *phut 110-gorthat would Willy woulawo ay exam on got annezalion radios, andosiouhl in did &pow we of all the Bag& ow II paha, apited nine& had Wound by "'Y er n Yon nowewbsti am% ipiltens, how thiseisus aid in the illwases,-;- 1- Aplatit . Ptidt upon that provision at the Oetwitethw wilds 411 , 74 now Mates way be adedaed bilitti3OWlPatieto this Voice and this bath hiaametwat npon the aseasaptioir that , Dow Stitt& ad • 6010 Matti mite aiwertibb tamp' del view'et the COAe swap which kneed the. Coostitation. , Meld those departed raw lava welds* append amend lessa, bow would the wigged's/ (how ; of . away aye twee lembsd bias Into attatoshdalienceir lloyposa sows me oppowsi so the Ceram . eitton• golt at **PM timid adeanse the led*, that the us .0 ( enatileet abolithie the &we hada, mist dr demotic ea well antes lonize task as *nth. pnwiskuseeoeinie Ash bawl poise to mishits swnemeas areoecllse levied Slitter eethwisms tisepuhMen the howncaemoicti torwould he wat Weed,shithe low caw it outiods atanager Vaud than did Ihntese. ea "the cow callehd tot:i I . admit. tor-wel, wonwma, the itwin tat b kliiibehat tida`doce o*as mil ea that which dicier* to Cei note OOP 11400rwi1,4le*" at the - 119111464.11 - . TIMINII4II4 Fb.777, ~~~ ,~ =MM rlidattes BritsiWidida *am -'itwitarttWr.*24ollPil Ibis" great Fire erkttAidat #4'6aist7lto .wintanacit Hut the raidwatia of Ifi. jinni devutatian with tibial the eity'aisijeisited, - it's than two pais hair sites; tri.buydinppwingiod that new. Leh*, and 'ilia "domes= Wall have aupgaid, b wry iseat sztent.the Swat Itammi ditatrapst Tnettt is,. that hat and thate may be asen eawdiatshk dsstitmp , boainew bourn, shop7l or wercuttlia atabliduaan*.bot tbay ati ...taw and tat betWeen,7 irbarecatelieid with the eztetwint own sinainibuilt. Between Mattel and. Wc!ai, Dimond Alkt and ltkettit the that bean - tandem imp Wane atan.dwalUlto.mcildt and in b: Um that an no weeuit lota nesetning in the s squre.: Between Pest Mee Alley and W and Third and. Ninth StAata, then ban beat _, ._ , _ ~._ _ , twin ty.two' buildings eneied: sumo , 0, um Dia Fittrbargh`panklwhiete hid toile; ratted, sod preparations arid' preparatory step, are- now WI Piourow for the weistruction of- odsws. Theme we soma want lotewithin this abare lingte.- 1 Between Market , end Wood, Becood land Third Besets twenty-three tutu beep ereettid, mostly 01 the largest duo badness hoar;. Then arose*: eral mutt late Will In this square. Fony build: legs hue pirso coristnected between Midst ana Wood, Fine and Beeond Streeta,, and sonesiss4, cant tom still 'remain. The bedding' ere in moan of weather. Between Water and Flute Muhl and Wool third, noway' tarp emandmioo and t Seres hornet, wuroln throgykt front Watt to F' ~,. Street, harekbent built. ' ' " -. Tin Em. lit wra Aunensze.—Nistete Arks loaded with pig metskrztliod it iiien°' .. i *nay wharf:op to . Thursday , .s mog, doe Mil ries, principally from Clarion county. Tire Clarri ion drer is one iii the ptiodpal tribotatiselt rtiletbecy, end *Seas an outlet to Elk, J - 1 Clarion and a part of Warren and Vesuutgo no m 1 the , It has ban is -good nwripticarder 1 the late rile, and we see meny Of the We smel l tees at that region have already istinsit Mews fthippen k Black, W 8 Packer, 8 P Maxwelq James limo°, W it. Shims% and tabus— all ars, not yet bare. There ere many lasted the vicinity of Clarion as wall ts on End B i who 'hare not yet made their iqiwaranee . bo who may . be =peered within a day or two. We see glad to wile thelifereirit and se rarity wirieha rise I 2 the trautatimof the Ohio htl i horse intoeß alusesofaur citainmillta. A hwyeal . sore cad Clarion was a wikleinese - One Wit base towelled • day's *ow without beholding the habitstiort of mei.. Row Weil an Mei ent—arreaywhers within its Beata rue Wald the Illtiao32olll of Finnic:By. Gerd WSW . liii mei (actable dwellings &refound in eworseetion, Ind the Weaker of numerous bantam emends Goes itri Tallies. 41848, there Were but tan m twelvifornacer in that co*, and*oe d thess mead opetstkeJ, ands': thoi act of 183t-3. Mining th last *ro.6.a the number of Iron Winton& hivett i n ma. dded, end arreral are now in the proms of The deatend.'utri de , maim/ .sit#ouw keep p pin with the 'apply. ; The ' . our city *beta irJ or. Ina TEM equivalent to that of the mu! rounding *any. The pmeiretity d the* the pomposity di the other: . . We *mid metal law reli t of lumber front ! 'edema and Elk counties . pa pa oily yester:, day for the markets below. Oteambous win 11.1 .0 at the Allesharg w ind* Mailing good. 4114 1 mar cettutry. ;-Has.woia aeamr.—Teresty•firermen In the Sigel Spring estabfatuunt of Jam & Qohoy; eabOrtibed thtzty•tero dohs .yeatsuley, for thu Washington hforaunent Ameciation. Hume ale. the wo&iogutem of Piteemmit. A fem tom in! the Tow yobbo, of Mmerulattler. Yildii6ili de!, Mks pabsenleel $l2: Thie was do well dohs We are glad to leant that Yoniend het al: resiOmmteed between stem and tinifei Imre &al down for the monument from the reran* of ratonts. • Row.—A tight orearri arTharaiey moles nano - Febre MUD ou the Allegheny itharf.-:=, Smell undo rem mede,hus fa habreediemith the pte&e amen, 'end attempt at mese. The mailman main* whom the Mena dais Ina zee& was disaimed by the Ileyororithran tehue. melon to braces predate bumf* kabbala* ekes tower& those cadet some for miairesa L'uicaar,-011 Wawa*, ma of ll* loda.l pendant Police aftellal a cokNad lad mod Bob' on Brown, on a chap of mean km • board.' tog home in Nan Moist. Hs was committadby Allen= Blast Cu W., ■orsias coml. 0, Penna. thrrizata 25. 11147--46itred of /Wow defi tt ems,—lnecb, for the on of Agosteye Mc- Cully—By Chief Junks Gileco.--M eireetemet by an apprentice, teamed ea the Indintate•tbst the woo dull be paid to dr Mather, Caligiot be unkind , whims than le no cortelstive obllistkcs on her pert for bie otainteseace. Lichiptaa a Ado& ea Con—By judee Bell. —AttLoneh en wino easy belt Ibeen mix a ton. yet if the cabled of it be bud on =214 pulp air sed as ea action ex azefrectu. whether t be en Wane or adult. ifisfesassee impede In heal, • went trip mimes to wane- hbeftenance, le the OAF alined In &Option, by ■ wiled or Wing to fut. Al bit tapareecente.. Anceepsit egibut a at nu m hi contnict,or ease kit be bin e°. coon law duty. .„ A coettem rode by ear partner in by Meld. tuditionet up* a subject width' the mays of Ito hnettene, is made with the hoe, If so Weeded by th e a g og potash and the Bet of pint inMeid ed nate% abould him been stbailonf to the Prokegotial pufter by *henry., in lin the to the slam tubms se thous fanned for metal trade. If the pittoweblp wu liable , the sell= should bow besn'apinet the smetting puttee, and 13 0 t 2112INIthe tereceittettere Oi tbr dimes ad, ea to tble - I Th. =MN of iil &dahtt spud an ammo for mofeedomi negligswer is the maul sulaWid by the end , sock Mammy will id be comaid by subseqnsot oeglipolos, of • volanteei attenipth!g to eany, out the original Heys is lianishisf Justice set of Amiably impeding W 113 ., foods& go of kph, 1133,rsqubing tbe signature at the end of the will, lac, mode no alteratkoi in the mamba of witnemes. or the swatter to be rase . by, Theirlomman Lew rules of proof, me tkeileons Is full foon sod odds:ice at the. handwriting of its subscribing witness, is sollkient, Without proof of that of the pity, Addinomi to • will, folloebag the temena's news, will vents es a statuary Maenad* of the • - Eletrautz Ccrarr,"Sept. .1447.—Ptuont ibl f aageL - lyinfoo b a , 1 'el to the Wad of Cammoolitia oeltimuige wan. ty l ,sioed by Howe sod for OD. In error, !Ninon for dlt. In am. - David Dona u= nk. Cady--intee le the Court af Mounon Pima or Crawford county— mined 4 4 , RAM •sad Farrelfifor PlAbe Gal dit is env:. .{ MIMI Ulla& ' . The Pried, . 110 anallill ballaia MN asp' end MP Pabbt# Is "1". lb. froaCkaboars, fribanhi,whka bet bees alt deft The mast a aids id Ali:York lel 1 “ok waf . , • 38 0 -94 - .0 Ibis +Pak vi!!! . 7001 . DiStiftla ZOT Elltr,ip It_ nni,—Botbs Corot et rbilskeplis Om lidded, r m a ii ng the penis" gel *OW us kuliflet‘: ' lb. papaw VN PAU 111111114 OW eMU W 6 10.. Thil Oat 11... "Win an weak iii Osabki I Bo& eels" Gomm , sod RaWe EsPe 'trek dhe 'roma that *llleiri ' &i s m be Wei ii:,#Weiy idbmilic— ni4;eseitWeePlorefaiesaliseliiir.:'` xi. Il A seiei, pee Of IN siiiadiess ii,CPer . rin its snood Thibict;Lathimbei b . h , alp e % a keg Wiwi Volda0" A' I n Thailltrat t • 1 194101 - , , , , ittillt" ,Oikliat... , ' V • ' , : , :tE.,;,,i(.3 . v . . 5 .7 , ,,:';- .1 , -. -:***, tiiiiNtsßa, 100,1 1 4 ' , '"V ill iarilirc' Oil** -''''' ' #440147.1in5• ~„ ...,_ 1 „, -, 4, T e r. ' gA4'* 44.4- .4 4 z! ,, 4. , ::, 44 -"D''''ZlZ: e4.4.f---Z,1tA,..f,,,a 44.,,r14.1-0,, ''''' ; ; ; 61412 . 11•110011•300 -riatillimai Or 0.0.06. mem Tusirmay,.', 31111111M0. - .. - ' Cotraspoideaci 01'14 Pharaoh asmota. Potitrabows, Mipt..3o.;lle. is. -- New OrlsonSpipins to the2Stl Sepminha, have b., natierd, but coatelnewo wrimfmonlidesico. The bathe from Yellow Pala wen 16 for the T ra.....„, oil tatillii7mbg of th e ‘r , Ann Chase,' with Osta Panama's aids, if Polk, and two conammles of Florida Vol im on bar way from Pensacola to Vela CR; pot Cebu on account Of, the weather.. The Captain tune op to New Orlosris to procaroalls. The SWOP Castor had arrival et Pima& Dom Vino Cron, with much shames' on baud. IMPORTANT nON,:1111i1C0 riiicalezupo s AhOTBER BATTLE PoO.mrt.' •1:1EN, WORTH- WOIADOI). _ , , Cornapadena of Me Pittanni k Geskife : ... -, .! Alcii*Canl, Sept 30,14 o'clock, night... , An Eine from the office of the maikizt. bun* dated September 15, received bj " troy-E . peer, announces the arrival at Pomade of' 11* brig Ow* art the 'rerdng of the 3111 instant; sitar • pseeage Of eve days from Vera esti... The Milsetin , 2. lettir to the San of Anahuac, de .ted Puebla; Sept It , dates that en express had aOhred 'Mate on route to Qtajetto, sent by Oen. Laio, withiellos fere Alnico dated 9th August.' • These betters Oa:et/Mt the imposition of Mr Trier were titled by by them and that luidilities had mcommemeed on the Bth in the afternoon. and that • bible was fought co that evening by a few handrnd men of Scott's army; against bar i'itt 'the outlidtet bite of the Mexican army—the 11th Regiment of the lins--the 3d and 4th &a bsents of !b i ght infantry. end one Regiment arils National OMerde—all commanded by Chasm! Lem; that thwenemy's forms had been badly us. ed up, and that their lots exceeded 2,500. , Tbs let* , says that Mr There propositions wan thee„ that the &him of the United States would not has sop Mini to claim tram Mexico for damaged occasioned by thin wart that theyst. td States ernakthave the prlvikse of establieli- Mg two factories in Upper California for 8 yeas, and that the Millata imemuseit could after that time if It +loss, rimy this article of the treaty. This WaS not accepted, "Unclothing himself of. his official power. Me' trio tonsfited to the Mexican commander, that be thought it would ba much belles for Mexico to oak the whole of tipper California to lb. United States, for ( I shii' that lilonsMounle would certain. ly pay Mon or twenty WS= of dollars. . Thisminld probably be agreed upon if the fol lowing ankles had met the assent of tbs Meal. Seat-- t T ., % the Texas bouodary line' shookl run along the Grande, on the hit Ode; to the right ads of ftla Clohibut Melee propositko war re. jetted. 'The Mick= would not yield cat inch of a. on the other aide dike river Nunes.. '!-- Mr. then mks& of them 45 days to con • the mallar, al be was notaagiothed to accept each a proposition, but Me Mexicans would grant but the dim. On the, 7th a letter toe Written by Santa Anna to filem o r Goosing him of breaking the sr- With* tome trnints pretext. Oen. Scott to. plied, making auntie dirges. On the Bth, bi the afternoon, a body of a firw huadnal i of Can Scott's way went sent to attack Chap !1 _Thee encomtered a large fee. of the snotty 's beet tempt and a terrible battle en sued, iaerhicts the Mexicans sit usual. went do. fisted . , Gin Lail: their ecentander was woun ded, and Clot Bolden* of the National Goods, arm killed. • . The innall number of Americans who, the Medan letter mays, (tons doh atm language) rimed His devils," retired to Latuttaya, Isintrig wamme behind them. Borne of than had no 'Web end Mhos no horses. The Arnetteen 1001, is mid to be caMpumleily . wiry anal A redelenation, .or manikno ai they call i; was island by Gen Herrera, Goreraor of th's city of Mexico; recommending to the chasm; ma, woos. 6td etddreo, to ogled swam and tarry them i t ths tops of their harmer, and throw them 'pm head. of the Americans if they ennead • , The Mowing is froze the conaspoodenee of the HareN.ohd Tribute. toothed vie r Pormoida, Sept. Yid, , The brig Cheek, NiPtalit Both, ar rived at the Navy Yard at Peoraeota, last 1114114111 f, after i. *sage of hi days him Vera' Crea, arid hinge lab sal unfavorable' oinrs Gam Sao way of Gia.Bcath. _ It mew thithoWilities wets reamed oa the Bib Goof Betel Aguas sad Scott isulesly khan ed with Was with Wing violated the weistios, sad the last sea Sear state dist oar toseis had pop . Weskit of two of the strews of the capita, sad had. &ben the 'mole body or the Haien snow' into at towards timi phisa. Our tem,a had laded greatly from the Ow *Me aunty plated in Windows and oo roof, of batman Gomel %Nth WU badly bat not tor. tally wounded. • . Oar Law sinea lowing Puebla Y awe thowand men. • • Ili Ttiet's proposition kerthe dada of a pot dead Ratifionta in coadderatica 0 1 1 2 0. 0 0 0 .000 bad ban weed to bi the Harlan Cotemalow. era; end another proaeitioti, Elting the Rio Grande ea thePowehty an this ads was pampa emir Woad. • - Paola an aid to be on the Toed Newsom Vera Owls& Gedico, with a lap fora of Gan cilia iThe bitm oldie nth los. earl aka inept hoe twat avian in peat nn ben from lbw Praia for the , last fear or five dayw and we do not doubttßea withal= or five days mon tare will ho two Wt threethournd isan ready ta,ntireh into the Interior. • - ' • Then earounbi au &rived from the ,Bus of Anahuac of lb. 16th hat ad were brought by lba one*, and rubel axormankationa from the Diamond to the Captain at the moment of Uwe who I have no doubt they MST felled on ea; ttally. Tido nem maid Vera Cons by oho (pub. mete. • " Oa rimbant, Ossetia PHILADELPHIA MARKET. Siz i 30, 3 P. U. Fk/01•••:n111 Milkat umlaute Wei a 113,73 pa bbl--eoppty Maud. ' Mama Is bad at ta an bid. No seta to report.. Rye Fkar—Modotsts ode. at $4.114 pa bbl. Whoet—Saloo of Southern prim Red 117 a Illia par 4u;' - old prime White 12 galling at 1332 life. • • - . Rye—Malted alai at 76c per bu. • Coro—dhlea of prim* Yellow at 70c per ba: of prime Whit* at Stu per bu: Oate—Modenda melee at 40c par . ha. Prerrielowe are without dude; goals° lhe pd. cue of other artlekeof the market not quoted . _ Eubusor • Correrpoobaco of the ,Pittoboogy CueD BALTIMORE MARKET. Bablmove i Rept: lloar-111adirata sales of Howard at bawd. it SU:it 2000 bbls City UUl.ddat 55,5045,62 y bbl, - Wbeat—Sidaa of 2000 bit pima Whits 5t.122 $1350 pa bit; 5000 bit prima Red add: at 120 a 171 a per ba. ' • Coca-Bil . of pdmslallow at 65a pit ba. Chas=lladande amiss at lladiSe par ba. Partisioas--Ther• bi UtIY inquiry in the mar. ikat, with ao asap la ;aka'. Ttia otatkit gatiodly la Without chugs. litiodiar—Tba medal ia arkbatitebaapt. Treas. .ray Dobai bate basitaasd la ,EUllll.lTeeornaviadageo,of tne AnAbartli Gazene NEW YORK MARKET. • mgt. 90, 6 R . Yksr-45am of 6000 bbliGeotios broods at 55,7565,611 pee Md. ' • , Wboss Itoo r mati" as of 10,000 be at Ount—Emimas oda of piss Whf4 it -Pc t r W ii ii ,P2ooo !lrb 2l lrl, ll , l , 6 & it mho a 6 1 4.38 I*# 4 , *kV" 50h0f1111 , 545,9RM awe: Priimoroa' soNEO S O4;rS .5; • 1511 / 5 "*"1 4 1 5 , 5 9!'"4 '4 1 4.0 111 1 4, -W F t 7'14, ~ ,, r . , r , " : . I V“?.*V . -. 1 07 115 9 4- ...* . 11.111 4 ?..,-., 4 ,1 Z 4.- P.eir 4 ,-S:l' ' 'lt , tra'a , ,k,c''''''-, l '^A'n - i''. 411 .• --., 4 ? -, . `:','.--„.. " S.. - V 2'1,: r 7,-_ .--,),,1.,t,-vi,,j---,,,,T=J:v -Z'',::::::-.,,,,'?.c.:4"--,:e.,,-,,,,,(-_-:.:,,,i0„, „...%:4.50 ~..1 . , ~•01, , ,,, f , t , : 7«* • '..: . %.•, ~., - . i.. , ',1ii:i.em1 : t.,..it.,..,%4 L ;A . 4,7,1 1 . , ,5X.,.;, - , : „. :.:0: 7 - , 411,..„........r. , ~ , , ,,4 1, ... ,-z.,, , : ;_,..n, : ,,, ~.... - , ?- 4 .,. ..:A. , ',,,, ~, . .yx, ' ,75 41 4 , ,,...?. .. ,.. f: - 1. ,. . , , --. ...::".. i.:.: 3 - ;., -,,, `, .j ..,- - 7....E : , :'', -, ..", , :i -4 . 9r, _; - .; . : - - ,. .--..tj-:i.3:41,-,-: ,i1w,...-tc.- - --, ;,:----; -:- •;. -1,1 - . 4- , ,1 ,, -'- - - - -. 1 :Y . 4 - - , .-.5 , -vz-r- ..-- - 1 :-- .., -',..'... .. - iV ttg,- - : ' -,-- 7 - : : - :' - ' 2 ' .: t - 'S ' ' - - - .,1' . :::` - ' '''Al .- -= :,- ••:-..Ci , ...,.._ , ,I , ~.. ~, _,.,:-.'-...'.. i':-":77`:?T-,,f-,t*-, I.iTsi ';.:... iclunivi':. - i ~ -t.igoliiiie Toskr Wk. 'alai vim aii aft*it vim Ath. - whicit - maim Shia; they . itholkin.o4 l 4 lotiv . iftwcifieW,:-Beelfl tWas the !'optaliii of tba nio.flatell arv-,.oani/...*.axica that Geond 'Saito condo& -a peacei that his thie. • to Otis him to sub. a awascee aa airtime' any attempt to pat dui plot °I Pandas - co .Valetwia - be bad" diciaieWisuimor—diat on: the teeth et, VaraVelta asaaa 1200 which it:la sosawittsall oCeloaat Hal Jalapa with hia cosatiandi lad Lally, hid not lift_ theca whin last (The Six of Anahuac sayi that the t decay The bail of the city bi WS tkal:l at war • but dial Psi Anni him dowo both of t thus with/ groclA , ' gar will o that Mgjor Major:lad I Maproving.l • ' • " wtui Ib• tut swum; itair clty. ntint, ti Liverpool la 11 few dly., anatliatalt will pallidly bolos& •• •• shoat the rata an lanai-tor. loaf julorso.— Toth; Main: Gan. strived in ' Hs events by Major lilld out by Th. I abate, tot Omit the el ' I r• .•• at NM Oda= coaticons to lipot4kred mofa for,otnetoll to ;* . ... 1 41~ 2 4 I . 4 "tbs. clue' adussi., eteamboat4 arrived hi Chx441848 fruit Outing the 48 hoop pardeBB4B too Ida 27th inrt- I !**,l*.±l o'clock 11. ars I do. Pay 1 .Pllata Pllea 1- , Fatima:ion is the only - am dud this ao very coins= and tonbksicsna not only leamedously allays pain and rape all bleedlng,eabdaes that intolerable ateld very d • acidly tures, in a on time persona ! bare been rendered miemibla for years.— _ kin fossineas no pate, boo rather an ;want NIIRS.IOII. If yentas afille=til r of the great amber of eases that hare • , there'll be astonished. A gentleman of by had been wider the knife of the surgeon . ee times without being eared, Itaa by as ,• of the Embrocation. been ersdleally enrol. and yres.edentll—fPlol. dandday Crooner. i sale in Pittsburgh. at this PEKIN TEA / Fornth street, near arced, and aloe at • of II P Peherans, Federal st Allathea7 sadism el'. D AP? will are disease. I iffildol3, th Its spelt' e l bLe and call and p b been ewe this city, the tweet basil bottl. 1. It sells be • f fi Ding Bin • 141isit7 Ttaket, Ofterrisr, ,ranflarsrant==ing"a cooly. Wx.ll.7triow,of PtaiNdetphia.. • - Rim C. Franc ll.of Pitiabursl6 • . .• s. Dnauos,of W DUI.. • • zzzr Waures, of Lameturanllc. • • nlibus.of Findlay. • • • Rom, or &abet,. . Trouvrw, Amt. Elbro„of PinsbureL.- ,• ono B. Boinniso a. of Allegheay city. I • fiodisor, - • . • ?hum" Blooms, of an. • . 71thets .111 be Bond at dos 011146 of Wm. , Broker, Pow* oueet, bonroat Wood a ad . oettorl , THIRD (EAST) WARD. • . • ,Pattes, .ad the TArlf.of '44. • . rack Amiaatatte itto Wag ciatittaa Ward am masted to mottoolatarda eye; !cobalt!, at . 71 o'clock, at liFllsatees Hata% treat, for the parse of °widen la Ward lava The the Thi WM. Llbeny kW the - «u: •• Er • merle. and /partial copy. • ILAYLTSIXD: onday sho NW alt., by R. 8.01 William", MeQUISTON, of Alloybmy elzy, o Min I . ETH NEWELL, of Ptitthargh. • to ti • ram* ,es the lid, lie, JAMES LAY. far y tents d Upttezian Meryman. flElulybekoiel by he people eid respectedbran who knew tam. At her pthidenee in Allextteoy on the eight et thet7th hot—MARIA 002 DON, n the.ittettyear of her U.. R. [MDT'S SARSAPARILLA. AND VEGETA BLEE BLOOD PILLS. are the Wean and stmt I:a -cacia., of any other pills Met ate made, became They are I•STLII.Iata Gee Dom umlaut., anaemia, or Italy ether minus= whatever *lt can be the least lem mas or dam s tow. They are Me aaly pills Yuma to meant Sammuilht. le them, and width is combined wash other . vegetable !WWI. Tkor pmts. the &nutria. deem of ming and flattening the stoma and boatels, pattering We . blood and dates of the whole eV.... • . They eau be taken at all now and ender al hire ton atatthes, by yoang and old male sad froude,withont interferrevertth other eitedielen that any have be. taken. They eau be taken ariikeel any ekanisfkabila era( being, and without any Mali= from occupation Or. Walt loplopoe. • . . Tkey can be taken wilboat ant, fear of taking cold, darns exposure is FA R Os sr' Irradiator getting wet • For We by OTO= IC CO, cot ?Ind and Weed, and Ina Wand and Ot►eu. • , sell: P - D OXLICI NIMOM—A gentlemen well sCothalat- Jr id with Meiners la Piusbargh and Allegheny citiea ad the West. Is kola; on elosilar morn* m Gamhet thiOdeichre, philadelpliis, Near York astleaps Damn, and delft Marti in shoat two weet...l Any poisons hating boons& ar•calkoetioos, thew nine{ can bore the some rill mended tD sad f« emery modem. nears«, no appterailoo at IRILAC HAYYIaSI General Agencysind Intilltgene• Mee, Fifth ati• bear he Exchange flank sad Waal *en WSW WORlLlS—ltelead Wakens bit/mine. 1 se cies:L Oee Moor. IMAM Ib4l =- fa. th e we et personally blyeabgebeg the Wed the Pow, by Ms &Nicholson: - - 11belmaare WmPme Wes kr tie A* end peer; by Tbl entm.: lug leell o abd tbr nibs by lIN ?I t STOCKTON. eat . • earenrket au TOHNSTON I STOCKTON hairchtur ree'd— • • • 4.1 Btu Amok Edinburgh litairsalve ON Aural, ISM • The Nash British brier, •Uighur Reuturk_for JitlyileO. • 01:0•Aineriesa and aignatla gam - • -•,-.•••• S --- TRAW, DAY, AND CORN, mut cornatt,:- last malted fres the Eastalaysybusaw aster, Siclair's Cyltalics! cutter,* verystpener aside. and the Oblique ester. all of which self be sepsis qaality; tor at the PinshaWi awl warelose, sneerer AVeed Oth• • , eat; • s x.wicristeniu milk- Da. DAVID SITSIVDIIIIII4, 'Wing:4W step morrows' 14 his Coal Suiaera tkahb. can 414444 Ms •!‘!".'"' whole tine to lie 1444 e of kis pram. side, ay be Amain kilo ae% tomer or .4.11 and Devi. INT su4o4 between Martel and Fern 1411,111444 hoar 01‘1411/.1 1 .41.T. Inn 4,14 44 114.. x. . ITalklr PMICIN MA STORE, ' • . No Faulk rine; nor W. mr. All quaint. al.Gteen cad Meat Teas; • ' no In it saner. kW, and ens pond pentane, rue ain yt g ham Web , par pond m Alp. for A JAYNES j , ~ A teal Min Tea Co QTOVE TTTTTIII IFOROULIS—CoIob 1.3 Mimi, Patron Maker. Alligiaay clay OH MU, au the boarialpatbamo for &OTOS on 'hand enact in land or hoe. Mill Gearing sad all poisons sada otaer. solid COIICIIICLIIDT-10, pen ?vcs Cough Candy Jur received sad ar auk by •J JEIDDL CO . mil • • teener Clime weed reverts 021-43 btol Res Rd.'~ca witler Lard OD; 4 . Id bbls Mot Lan! Oil, Washed nod cetl t out rec'p e t= iinny n • . 12011.112 7 5 cues teloadjuss nmed; for ado by la red . • II REMMERS'S7 roof st C AJIMOR-obbl.jail reed; kesinlerya TT VA 1111.11 t—L Inlis Jut reed; fltipatt, BZIAIII-14 . lb. Er b , aarl,fraiitTivi T 1 VORion fOOT~eaem .,w d. Li aol .1 mr ula Lf - 88 SMAID—.OII4 Canary. Beal just Tea* aala *ea • REELLERI INS-5 eases No. 3,4,1 i Anieziean Basal* by C ARBUTHNOT, 'WOKS a4s *lOl--4000 UT A ires — a is sr odeHNOT' by • , 0 RB NITTIA. PINT-10DJ gnu dirsionaka:lbr K VISO ! • We by C AROUTHNCIT pnospuoaFs-in talut Ted. *rub by brio) - . att.* liberty rut • rioluts-s bake lame alsa Houle Lorkr, M do 'Vial Coda jaaa iced; foi,ala by , • BRAUN & RETTX4-.. T i g n eAr EZlP 7A4 • 4"ena ! * rp • •-• BRAUN& REITER DRAUNt Rea van - Ibs-- tI JYIDD k~ .cm hLwoadn P OTASH as az rad of Pawl; bbib by .13 as I r Iran. jog we'd. D. CO oDUi. " ° J KID rIILOIIIII3L —3O IV. Aoteric33 Calomel; 30 " paved Ipaeagy km' Ws 30 • 3 KIDD CO v . 11:11111 r t• 1101V1 lIABINUEUI OIL 110 L oaw ? on-i. bblsjolc.lp'd LJUMP BLACK-30 bblb 'aborted foe bale by SCIIOONMAKER &,,C(1 RAISING AND CURRANTS au yh b ••••: , viz' , snots IteCANDLEBiI •. rimaot erettos ft t rAsellettieltq' for We 14- ,•• sputa : • • WICK& IItecANDLXISS M ~ . ikhad;h - - --- yrrooN MAOAZINE Oeisbetreo'd 07 - W.OlOl CALDWELL •• • • ie the Poo tie • o.ll3llMLA¢llleaseDraogsMellae ter .ak , 6l •17,:Api30 . 'JOHN DMOROAN.S4 wed a P. `WHIM! 61,110 for s • • K -r t ! ~~v `i.'•k rar<-~T ~~..:l; + '+J~.w r~'~~"~ s•.'licv~3-n4 ' . r> 5 "• - 41' Malin" fti , f..... , ...- 4.4....... - . . . rialre ma* ir..... "En iiikraNgleth l' . OZE,ISW•TI 41 XD irift -- 23111/.. ON Eatuniey, the ft .1.1 a oatobel. at V Oiler:kr. ' t DAISY Pii= LIFE F t ig,..ii 6 whim th e pardsmeheetelesteteen .60 'pima bile 0 COW P.Mellert Ara L. Weebtogrea sad Stettbarrlle ih. t h itritoil• .6 .... h. ..y et iterlieli'elr Any me *sum letspreeheevillem cheep mho. ..1 .6.. n prwer al basis so Os! ble for healthy arid retired reocierteee etr =PI el toe' Wyg. ,Avery eeitemehtehbet madam 1 is the etagere - RA.omi elei AIIIIIVI . 21 dm ahrtref Ala bmb.4., " "6 " 111e10 " ' by meta terms be ratted /bleu Yea MARC ...... . Lb. h............ 6 606 6„ Ale. AAA Whim= Red,*Wm* pr Cosi! —have carried h Whir eLIP•P• 160 12. 1 c01t .4 a =rl."lZ,,tegailtol t ."......4.bair V.„Nfkair,c,,, n ,,m0..... -110 bir Win " a s e a lbey ettres ed; thoote ea tr ete aim IN Nitint frail h...y ...a.".6ye,fheseehterest_do .. .04 Ambit Fieh / l an excellent vtroll orere*l.uadc,as. 14,1 n aOC eater its Ireento crocoa all C . pleao th.P.PcNY Olorn hle. TO' die, P"Pletara. do Pitaisu• MOIDAT % rAtitir.t - • . Pule indlepate ' ~,,4 ThessiNorieuaLA. cat imemorta um* two. Terms—Ow wit, the !AAA 14 0 , ..P. Witte:my illeedlymethAtule INAINIAL nr l2llll mutat pareseu, with mum; fie witch Wad .66 Aralay eveatag at II p. 14; ". • WA COM D NM, Abeam/eel ; - TVAIMAT PAMLICO. , ._.' The lIIIMINIa, NM S. Capt. 1. Mee1tbAir.,_.......... Wm Dessereal heeds el Asetita-4to ties, Upon, 16 6 pittebeigh en., Teestay In*" ..1..." ON Pair aungmh the' hi "C °I . °e l . 4 ;'rt 14 2 WitinnaltEr AINIMIC. dekteh et det werrholue of 111 A I !Motu, is Hey. ..... ..........5.., A Rini ROW, at Liberty t tem the brad at Wood, ,atel ,_-* .......^- .....Nrr_NO• St cip&. A DMA Wt. ,r be Add without Rescue stoma when it may ea. ....."‘" eic= i •cal` wellesedey elochin et 10 ....., ete.ll6 term WellsertheT IMO( oil P. i..., a, k., ~,,,,d r aa iibe of the eth &woe -, . 1 MIONUIDAY !AMMO. Terete—hll sm. of StAlani epreeletie &Cc c"dit The WO er , N7Thlnicir WWI 4 ' ll * (l ° 4l Wheibl i for enterrcd paper under that aettantomak currency. every ti.....yi eh.. it .P. N. - . Dry Goods. .. -The CLIMB, 210.14 Can Ciiirds,lo /ear Pim Os Mends momin tie etir lariat Ili airdoek,dt am 1.°0° .,.„,,,,, a,,,,,..,,,,,,..inyt,.. P ' l ' ol ki.l.n.o,o Commercial oaks Nom, earner or Waal sad eri la, ---•- ---. -1"--. -, • '• - Will be SOld Withoin Men* ICI Ok.e.. I:o64lll=2,lthan '' /1P SAMOMMAY •OZZTo , ... grow el of fair add nearer 1 , 071 Go*. Ge• i. The .11122•MICILIG Cedar will Mar Mil gi d Moen. p. M , , bind every rearday inmate, snit ki Gliimarg ' Ali"Er incenoneni - of skins and . 1111e0111.1124 grow 4 / 10 /0 8 //// 12 1,. "slag /1/ /0 P. M. 6 " 4...wa nt nn wsMagmabandbendhlran!olt ' ' 1110111 DAT PACIILZIV A .. 4 ,,y . 4 . 444 44 , .... 4 hmthim • Ru a., 12. MAO NEWTON, Cavg IL a. Mars, wal beds, bedding meramar, raveling. Irking ginG o /. 114" PinliMill Cai laaali ""i lli si Kitm laeds,riookiag wren, era urns, Walla der. WhegU r . " 7 eve algai - - alt. '• i Beady.“. ck " , 6. ent , Tsom . 4 saz ,' MEN, arid MGM ailk sad Gland CUir of se ; Ma6,lloss, Weaned Gouda sad wangles, dmidln doi untie bard sine Pal. 1 /. Cranne. 627 lb * r=i i farmer ameba twantonnts, Oen= Outer goods,csaar Irde. G., , .e t it hr , . ,1 . .... a n pi. m mops ii i i.i t • Boas .IL Asction• • . R a.r.u.suca misbut nob' gin = Maw sow • ON si 'akar arreiogi die >O lma.,et 7 Wake ald, du • 000 = o d/A 9 . 031 / o a/ 0 00 /k Crinatornal Seier Room, owner • weed .ad FM.% 10 . 1 Z 4 i. up tlie maim sok *fray poilio.; , will be add a large collation of Boor, sawn widen ' - - - ere etandard worn m ideology, friary ad area, 1.. Edb•IIIMICTS-gd par law Simmer Minim . 4 ,.."0, per? mai lib 1311211,118 A rams o th er ,01.01. „de. JJj o utreeet , edes aI O V I a r al Cu • - RAN. 'rod • geggeiv Wiles, Ward ind•Aldia PM. ke• ' .' AIM 11 ICU' Of beats illitalestal , eal . _ 'MN D Davis, Ame r M w „,„,,,,,, , 22.14. P I~.r JA "" me g ir....., • d.apoiTEß. A • 5.0 night of X LLE BLANOE, MON/L ROUX . mar [. . - JAMS ARV, MLLE VALLEE, NONE WULTEOPT and . WEE NAOMI. .• 0 11111 SOCAiltst Fddei, edOrnir JIM; Ml t6e wW : . ;7ACBW . • To Oomneueo with tba three at .razissig r —ios bacs luottqr, tor iolo by' __••'" /1 zotras.BALrg.'..- . ISAIAH DICILEYSMI Afgaiwkiik the Grand Ballet of 10111.1.9,81 - 011.D',Uff PI ' mote by- - TAMMY& lOW. - ~ blmalW Elba NiomL l Fordlesa4Moosiloosny.on vs ris_4 - . Mbar, Gi Ballot Poo ilmorix,ll7lllMlo MANGY OM L" ROM ' • • • sk: 7vanaror awe Nono._GOITIANY—To coactollo tilo Moo a ba w a .. Poi " bz . eirDoer, opm u 7 , ~ r earGhlYill ese ILL 1 1 . 17 . IGNACIIINN,N, MU* beftillbl - '; , v o bil JO* RAC TARRYi BEIM Ni A ggiri . &BEANO feu, PVICS . tt onnoonet i tt Quium64oo_ b : H isWO Mc aboot dui 3td or October amnions to her &ma'am for din Wronmand Son.than Calm and dm Waal Wien yursamt-* tgrin Pan a&rE3. Jar Madam A:will slag on Oa oenadars. Walton Om& • EESSOSETEIL & CO.— On OEMS OP TUE MOST POPULAR - OPERATIC en - . - 41 loam Meg MUSIC, an orethu Imo the 11113apathede Standard of FACILISH,OUSH, and SCOTCH MELODIES eA nab Si kayo nlicitol two enaulastir applame a barlSoirl tout in the Easton al oral as Worms clot` ErPoodanker pardialars ono &no& na. Jays*" manna aamournii— Itls oar pnalople la the seruigewentof Weeper notice eaythleg witrch weirdoes, des perwleal rtaliation, Lobo of weed Will& - Pane of Dr. James alsolielbes we Isereta oar falsity foram I yam For instance the EXPNCTOILANT, the CAI : NINATIVE,aerIVEILINIFINTS, erluelfWe tow to be pied km the ecoplaints They proles* la ewe. Wa o we eta v a e Lk lein g M c u o m mpea p k s Ir t o n hm erica vormal Now Yol e dstuk,fer maydays, the lemma water of thst were tralllpamaked with Tahoe' Die. Nowt Driest."). AN ? had_parvitted hiatselL movies" to leaving home; wol , the oltsfaileauve of Dr Jaya.? Rod In all eases of its pee; moat Of algae owts, Awes seemed 111 drettllli It speedy eare: e • Th. Eneenrenver knowie seed amass oaf Imamate liked. with caul amen; sad we 'foal that we shell do a Pool aet faselllse fospecially thooolds ostra so they moot have seeeimm fetilielhue weeded MAI to whims *UR to keep ea had both the Expects. name' Orstss The Lopeeherset Is believed by = hysielens , to be the best stelae kw ry Palwoos pd. Complabswoltat has ever pat been cow feudal. The men f., Da /eyes lopot a geeek,but =s muter. mile:pallet sod able reedsealremaitweer bias QllLAWl.ll4aPlialtsat,Tesieis ead Waeleafbe self, His =sleben; ase ased by tholes : sale by , , - op= • • •• CI LNINTIHNUT EZRA • . Editor of the Phil. Porialay Canis: ' F, Foe rale in faitsbrah It...PEKIN TE0970118:1 --1-2.M“' • • • "•••• ••••••••••••••, PRINTS :.ONLY:' CEDAR OT : ,, NEW YOOR; .. _.- • LEt__,_ii - BRIAV____STER-c---.." ~. netabliAtst a. stanennose la the rigs. INlthar *4161 c zar pkyymp spnimpoi- -., -.. pose et.,. 41a/ilia City and Warrior Trade to , n ,. ipi, a . h. m.p.g.. , -- -' , :', ' ` l.- .. ,-- .`'; i • P a L'" CALAW-Ml-I "" CIanIiVELI V" % - -tSi hi bie - Ink Haathibkiseine Ihneihterliaitil km pnces•-and exit bilinp i = zlllollll • • bii m a, by • amid ,I &YES D IS inner me . et the Reiblitutlenj . _ - T.H.F.: W ORLD. _4 - :::.- .- GI., ..7.,.. 1 cliaif 'racy are wow °pewee &rend litenhelpkekkges, ----4,....9.-- • • co_ eirs , lll every eel.. aryls et Foreign end A d Itill•STWOWIbb l .O. l 4 bit emery If which bilr - blit OD be fiend elle- ... - I War „r -.. _•- .. - a li=dirn,o - .initides---. . , iiters, vial kaskjuon bran purchased, and 'an, -. ' altered Weals isr Catit and Awn credit's . • - V1111240411.bb1e Cider Timar r egishAken PRICES REDUIZEb : . • -''' . v "I r I•WW4 i m f Bl6 b Y -4"1•8- ~ . . , , MR , TO.NVE TENTS.- -•-.- •-• -f• r,Yeird PAW' • adieu tad May; u•Per A kw : dire h by the bee .. primed ant corretted4dry, leg gar , IDIF-4cti ~ . _ . FR*B at M el .NINERTI DIS-51113 . ~ . Valeravori utla-Ventke; by' yrkekis A ' — '7 ,--- trim The ' r reinnyreasloinci,ortheecenPankstedtheTour et - Prince: by Dente Sand,' by - • • " slt= Wa.r, the webs Walk; OW et Reynaldo, an. the, at WO in WAHL' • ~., .. :,. A Tnnuise on lasanity-the only intik et the kind is pal United thaten-lbuuded en mend obscrnulan and Thal; by (I Orksce,'eniturtsse et the Unlade Asylesa P•Illir:l Mum De L'hitichiic, with hit Mkt , * 3;ekintli, •• -"".., --- :!4 Colamblan Itsgssine ter October.' - - - The Velanteet—atale et the Meek= Wart bj Ned Beni*. _ - ' ' il;k l 6 . the , Foandliali• I "I"1*IT hUIWd; b. / tarrreiltraf a For sale u M A *IMP; 311 "#. 1 d"*. 7l bb NO bbts 0 itolusesto wit bblsi • SS b StM eef M It Moe sai•YHTeO; ••-• • .• Weber ItLiCalk•; • • • •- • •80 cad listoooBoohilnigin ••• . *ill an usettwowelinwenes. Wilms and .1.0 • pon awe i *••••• W WITCEIWTII.I96' RLAANlCTl—Hiarerbin nada Bed Elsaketaat Ao a low nal, aMO lea lief al darts ions rrmrrffltl4t l 4l‘l.rl A itEY,fouslie Allitipsay all lasi w.et. aev the .a.mitr• et the Dleased,kas beet kit at un. otAs. The <linter eau We eathas azal indeathyusi LL 111114.1•11311 4,..41/11.1WORT8i Wholesale V Omen, Mime and Comalasks Stexeltaau. V DA6S WANTED—OM Itis 1.4 edam tan .L‘tulus!ed, 0f mild the Lieu snit. Ineash paid by , • 2;WIILLDWICE- r~{ lli'+S Tl. r~ ~ ~. ~'~iT , 'i.) ~~~~~7.(TTv1!T!I Hr. pmts . ifirk*mte4 prywq J. toed's& dry goods Moo or " W R MURPHY .• HaarDAoo,74slt bda Wes; 4 -..lei • Oa.: krr sale by • 17 Ilbeny ♦ stool flat of hoothose otyloo 'ray " 1 " of air Ismtv STOCK-17 sbam Pittsbilsb NM Al idle Nock tarbale by. • - , - 154141 - 1 MOSEY &CO t. • - watch from its B 0, non, MAIIIIII4tOTTLIIII 'TOBACCO-1n btu ix We mat Cr' 1:4111 rillWratt oTTO3I'O - sdko iikicked - Cbtom, lied for G Battingo Opkoloan sus; ibutalabr f ' ' 1 4 ' 4, 1 •• bbls Ina mired per (keep; An a& AV & I:4l.Wos7it • . CAIIDLX - 6 bwrand half hp ear-T666 nem and Cincinnati Soap bah, .W 11 .4 it aIcCANDLE:I9I Si: P-4 ' 4Y ors ' r -7 7 ,r 7 (4003), wurakt.d pism I J CI:MMUS ~ 1. Itm.oo lba Le**, canal; tor Oa* bl O I AA? csitreiterniqs hroututi. TC,'..NAT • 14,0416 . m f • 1 ftrA11111133314,1331311nti00i4 ,- 3 bbli quillt,reestrmitak,' Kni uSI.r UMILUASBA44III CMS Or - - • , JACOB WEAVIIIII— LAlto one spiSil - J 991100NMAIIER t ODOM soul It STS. 1.17 sPtiP lot MEMMI •VV'W . ^ "•- • r - aatt?"-Vcia MffliNlM p triosmi lrllllllllllll.-4110 kepßastddets aniilkkr sale low . • . . .... . de ilelelezeige.;.' : Slll4m C_sioM 7 e."*"4 6M" 71 frolt_ girilt„,_ win a,bniet , . & imam tif Peg ►uhane~ ri~ruw aka lialictramaaJzt_± Twpmmig2rl=,. %rir• ida.,Juitnedi kcial?tl wm.xown—^" ~.ou~bst,nar~m.es ~ HOPS -4 balsslnsouli " l-Ito Cua 14.' Ar~M~i-s IM'""' 4 "ibbb VIA• 211 oaks peas gy. Irestbars V opt% , .6r POINDEVIIIIMOD: MOIRAT—A Mr down iv aninKhe =So sollei NIA. am* by*, balk or dove, - - ;GU AIMIXIS-Ipoe Milbeitir=ar Gr ~~oa-wm.~.ame~ i~sar~ ILLS,* vale BandzeniVe raitaiasliMpt 4. 127 , "le by === • Viati-41Wkwi Ale Csllßimi Jou reed' be Ole ' '" • ear reidtiald & micas. 0. . • biglar. 1 .0 n n vislerq ataaerairßia.--7 . , ~ . . 17,71ilaratztz=th us ker : : : • • ' ear woad tamer ea T TIL-4.e.kbalt NnAll; Tr sids ," JOHN T MOlNlAN.l4sesilsx a.ltotOAN bble for sale by Jcuernmosain e ../ "i . ""FI•LT:r•T I CIIIIMACE 7 ya brs,l!iali/C!1 , 4 utril PZGi;ZFITP G r 1 _ i ~\ J 1 .~'-il-~~~ jar•., 'rTi'ir LTOWIZTO• • 'Pr _ ,I.Tattd,mp.ergien.,•icarmaLsais • Tin., . . -wit** , .111 " " 90 • w ial=. :.zuivugb ids . weellikti • artial•af i lbs ' JJ spell MICK*. AIATJLEID hetet. tWlathir VlOCOLAWki,kilMWol,wri•cillarulit by ILIPUTA.U..I6NW WU jot . • II k W HalLLUthi.klww* at SWIM ,r, MEiI;MEMM VOunAll".Pcrwdbufliad aLleagie""lll:.kiltia4 .... 12 . 141 c 4W'a r t " w ATERAId. sgiarMS3M72 O A" ALlailtAioni , rat* kir ss_ . , Z A wad IP Wat A . I.l 4 'W tle Sie °l tid Agar 1 " i " " eaL • A m u( gym big bog Mese! isheastjar . is 4 spg BAGIALILY k surmas4l44o .. . . tt0t,,,1404,14a5. bkpist; *eras MZEZ sieTs ; .7p/m4l•beg ~'..~ei~~I" ans • test raffren , !sy, • _lrma ElOrioa 10111 -• . IOP Atia 'Xit;se-ailkiaSetwatMll/0 vat,-74 bilis *Nib /mai net; it* 44 , ,ferialetru-r, 11 4 1 1 1 7" -11 g - rWX. STIMPR-Aamitasieciwiog o ", , - Smola alias es =VP g.omPaa-as tl5 --v , ) 1 ".4'
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