Ves ---- - - - - - - - Slaatlasto es "RdUaltd• • I . 4vranc, den "vg, THE PITTSBURGH GAZETTE PRICES CURRENT I PORT OF. PITTSMIRG IT. end o . ery be nl=VLS Nicene". aot: one to , AND, RATES OF MARINE INSURANCE, FREIGHTS, A ' e. . three yeelZ r etnenh-oost comer of Paula sad ltadast ' 2 rem. 4 mons w4.2Ert-raudda. • t==l ' Turr i TLE SOUP' w il l be gunned up at Healed, Pau U Dock, rch n.i envy day ull &dark. • The lorour arrarda lloupsrroparueldarly inv ited is . !Arial atnlLr! . (4.ltapottra surpass ed.pou , Tint Widow prieeta caohjraid Be all the Crum biGBPII rnuelaase, cor lAberty . ct and Corr; alloy I •• ICA -114:. Dry ilAirool.a Ayers, Tir VIIPUYs North Eaoteomrror rd. air Merlon meet, kas tumor-aced Resit hlr i na • ' ran / or Ikeda, and incites dor calls of lineusio-' lab C. 0 6- ' ' - gPface Jan raenvad lad kir tale 6 = PI" R • F.LLF.RS, 62 woad n I it/ 'ANUVACTORIED I'OBACCO—. 23 at has Cabinagh arg „SS do de C,onareas Al , do . Chanastaa , s Se; VS do , . Drama's Stag Ist 4 boxes !font's 2r; , 30. do• lees dm • IS do Baltimore Plom _ Set - Ilaaraort's BM I Cro consiguomo and for 'Maio Cyr dealers. ' • A GORDON,lo3fiont 01 CIIINDEIES—Xi bast Penton; .• °bats All4arce; $3 kegs Eng Alward; in nue .4 so, • •• • gale by I & R FLOYD lIGIAD, AND JISOLASSNA-- A Ef4 bbd. NO Maps: _ . • sib bbl. Maluses stare; b tlf y ut‘Tis LIUTG/1180 LCO . 45 muss & 94 hob, s ' 3UOVATIDE, 0 yds widtFloeroilClathe,newet7le or pen Manna Irresard from the Philliperille factory and an nay. al ear yeare - grawa, $ Weed at. ein3 -.4 tR PHILLIPS 'IRON AND' NAILS- , • t". .E 0 tats boa, &Awned; , 330 do; in ittore iy ror sik m a - 31 walsr elkifonat•ls I'm (In :v.4 'Wide Piaci Oil awl, wait bind. tr received him Plullipvilla facture, kir We 7 ; cm, vrancroota, 6 Wood it. OATB ""! ` l ""`' x'fvllll2.D. • FLOVIL7-6(41 bbislitinongsh •r. store; kr KDLICF01111)& CO • :Com ire reheat, ItberlY fIOPPIZZ—Zu bese prime Bic, uti ter Aale - 67 3°, WIEVI2A2 1-I;rlPOdW';7l TO,JIACCO-120 bx• = MOO AladJesee 1.1 N. " ,hslrpi i. r 9_,_aale at a, oft Tz/un-1,T,i4,F W ; 4 Ni. 44116 k TLlaPirii , p r u e,T; !8 , 1 " It water .11, <lll rmat•ts arlAillt,leGlEUCW WC., Pledgee, , FOr1•11.4 and Contonanion Marehanm, • nannertial _Raw. Linen) cm% Pinsinnalt, Pay •• itr PIM!: Von the pullet glue wine, 1/Krivoi ea for sale br• spintr. K SELLERS. • C OPPS!. if.—.V.4l bags pnote Rio;; • • ,•-.60 • • St I L +lam l'or see _9;•118 J tr. It FLOYD, Ma liberty Et - T "" A—EO d c*hun-GY:IY.ZIi, bia YiI•GP and lairi,Jall reeelyed; vd,; l°'. ." far We bl I& It FII.OI • lk orACKICIXISLIC9IbIs burs Ike • • ht . do • . de; int ree'd. , ota D . / /IcI.IO‘EMON E --- COllO/111r 000011:—Ne ate liewreciemut ' • ihn. ciPPlf or Eamotew Blukas, Eratue•s had • 11 ...doemlwhich wp Wier et laitralt lassaftena . r• • lefts- • - . . surer rENIIOCK •Slede. • - . - .169 eft ket aI . ONLUSTICiIriaILNI/ILLIP-al pieces 4.4 white, U, atoms sad plaid Flannels, Arai?". OKA laud. facruireJadi togaired aadladllak by _ _ SHEA' & PENNOCK SWITHULF . S. , .ftb.Ii Made Mari 2 !'1 04 ,r43. 113 . 1 iti5r (aim t boat vos n. 6,4,16 b y JAS DALSELL . • 24 waxer a S VIIDIUSI T a b= b b au. Mr Mingo ttf hwg Povrelong Tc. 4. ZIA units Garlowdes Tea, lamlnr. int mtle b BOIS , GALEYk. SMITH brsDILIQe L;a l f • 61 " ;:la 4 ny • • 1. trcHiscm co ITUS Avelits at et Lents Peel Ratisely iguro g 9l.—The klipbm price i sk esal. mill Ix pa of elnaascaoed maroon sad quaner blood Wool, by . . . OW . HRAN on* AIM DUCIV-10 doss& Tubs, ' IO dos Buckets, on for mg. P' • =.mmilmi=ammw;Ll : _±LA Wi3EigiZEM DIG AIZTIII.-51' to. Carat Marl, F-lir; Fla . -- staert; Ibr sale by W L IL NeCIITHEON ' • tre) rbrety rt • pi? armli z rra9g en y beal,OnHi' i ffa ..&R mitiornrom OIL KMAL-11031.b3 kor win t.y B P VON comolossr k co sptlS foam rt. &op .stom for sale bOtib by - I DALEF2.I. -10 Irks dried A ppler,. . 6 .1. ' .60 Pemba toporr,ktaale 11A.1111, Saw %madam' and DnolDoof by the AI Cask or othetertee.ereeived from Ciseionail and breast', . I JORDAN S SON. cabman Clay landau( from; cabal , %.4 41.9 . BI owELL, gem • rete BUTTER just peefeed; kr sale by • • •., WICK& bIeCANDLEEM • ear wand as/ water lee :TTAXIII—ICIDD W. eomuf ostio4 iu Moe • fov Web, A tl o . JO BIDWELL bblsruitiseW ler sale bv a k ISELLESS ffiEM OVV : eski*liiee'diaartrta) 10 3 •tt'u!'"ne'Vl 'ItaANDLEis psims• Arjor watt b e y lar l.pu r 1 „Meg Jt UcCANDLFSS OrilLiCreirtirk—W cling • '4l for We by. - O •CO t • MCA' & BIeCANDLEAS ~~,.;." teEttgliimmikdaizziti era • —A am LA;HaI Como. Mammy! .L . and other: for sale bT. KIDD & CO Vr4Y-41S— Unjust toOdoitiream qtalitlea; (or ,sale 6y.:. KIDD& CO kegs spooned sins on karieg r mist b) • -VUEGatDUP, WILSON CO Jotreek gal _ MIRBMOR, WlLeopi CO . 01C - Orrea r tii,ter able . ener CO4to fael;;;V:tale sib or:4l7tr " rk "? . " ip n :it,IIOIIC7IRICCrIb ' 'sd.bJ HAMA LILT Jk.• SMITH J.the'd; forsailt - by A.": Rye • _. ;. ICEAELLPARKCI wood , , WIC -& SIeCANDLEEIS .04 , by 110 ft NeCANDIAM 30 bah; large 'a 3 DO; lat gal rkt SAIID-4001be l int rec All foroal•by Li OLASSES-39jaksaltrand remit bErr SnAlra'N° "'!t7tuValilir -; 00111(btdo-- prtobts A d o , 'lO him do 14 - for gala by - -01FIACIICOURNa.00 iggrAeltiteglab—lim war T. tie Mae teral Jur • MA km% *We by • °RUA IfeGIUSW &Ce 2 - 14.118111ZT1-21 pair large Domenic Blanket. ket received ea eognigszneet; kw sale by , COCIIRAb: "reedit - • diiim e en% 11,1 . 1 * Kik fele AS tbe Mutant end !Spice Factory, Vkb sk i•J • - RHODES &ALCORN , ..114p .; ..I . i..T—Aita• kw eale or - .. , _ . a 5, yoN IcirfNuotteri•k CO . . f rz -1 - • , 3J Croat et 101125 bi. %V R 6ar We by . kg ,___, __.• II F VON 6 0 Iv two RsT &do , ''. ALEMATUN—Sr east. sakrame In store end Jor bob by JOIIN tscorr t Co Avow . , .. 7 ranwereial rerer.ilberly e(= iiWi SNP vv W6a 10 1111 ) epe r sr,444 r ssn i t u I Arad seirseere.l.l row. bbortr reed and ka side 14 611' ' , .R 4 CUNSINUHA_ ISI Many st • 11411Ellitiold 1•57 - 01 - ixiir 'Melissa grocers, at the llama OM Spice PK. , IegINII Falb st. • t 0714 11110DYS fr. ALCORN Ao aux./L.-5a lilf bats No 3lmre, • • bb l• No g, for see bTT• E BBAZILT4IN, east side &mond ''('ROUND PEITH(4Id Ras,• kegs and terns, h•sh Plipog •Std sinssistali an ksad for sall,bp RUODES *WORN , :toy Fifth Atte 109,Nacyor-ito bbl. No S Largo, to sole bp.; EDWARD ILPAZELTON LLYPICE, .daemon and Clam la taahboaattaAnaallpacksis,co_asuuttlyaa and foe Ws at MOW t lad ie. Iractety,t7 Wee:. •of •-• RI! DEBRALLCCOOiN ' ,PL A ,Tfris f al l sd r it i vrtitivr, sew Case. ,• • slaw 'W W NS: low WOOL ' , AC V.% = yam: .~~ , I. Ashes." lb. •, . Bomblags •••• • --- 4fll/ 4* Ilaleram ibii 5.... - ,.....i. 8,43 7 Al•— • • • 71minago MIGNI Ik flattng-1p '1 penar ... - 71P e. 8.4 • Small White— •• • 69 el 70 Comma miz'd• •••••- IS dos Itifswas—plb • • • 'ellow 00:6 111seass—ip nom 1 lloama , 6340b7 0 /A Itreenis—P dog. lereltantabla—• 17 0125 naker thinks— 1,73005 41. cord —"IWO _lack Oak ..... 4.3001;30 Iletaktek ........400310 Coal--IP 6.41 At the River 4 . 03/ Colima—, lb l males . Tean'ea mad Alata••10/011 Itermomot Sawln Wieteireci ilibigibolo46 . 7 -19 lb Nmabet 1. ~ • .10/1 U Chao. prepamil —099 °smiler—lP lb Cl'' , dipped 9 • ,Pinthurgh Suu II 91 Cuacinnui do 920 Si %an, best blend. —3OO 00 ' Castings— ' Found.lloLwszeust Fame. , d T4a kettles ♦ dos • —05,1 x • Wages brat lb 0455 Counter weights oset —0 40 Bad irodzof net, -4io trtlMlt EOM Na • , • 0 9 • ';'699 . —0 8 4..700 —0 7 WO, 9161,1,006. • • 60 7 - Comlei Ykm 19 0 IC CarpeiChan —0.33 Conon Twine' . - ' 0 V Caudle Wick —0.19 C 0049-14. .. • Java, 414 whim ••••19 0 14 St. Dosusgo —0 Lagoayra ' 1999 8 1 11.9 t ............... •940 9 Itavans• ... -• • •• • —0.41 M=t=l Coppor--22 lb. -0 19 -1.102.2:ne Sheadung —0 0 • Cerdage --by wilt 10 0/suns. 00.17 . Mine roPi " rszrred • 010 hat yam, An.• • • • — 0 • c0mm0n....-0 0 Ilesopßedero.3l , dos Extra Long ..... - Lam —MAO 60dVan1:4 411 "1 bra ihroul• • - • • 20 &MI do•-• .• 1,30 030 du Mush .. •-.•:010 pelasstics4yant • Cotton MS= APPleto .7jo 9 29 Lantellt,BrOns'ot- Ole 10 Pomo anti A No • 9 Allegheny D's.•• 99 • M Oregon M. Munn Mill —ita 9 Br onaiong.••.:, . . oboodog Piu —sai Litlt i birg i n e, . o.n 7 081 Bleached, f F. 11.11 HondlOnSht.og-0 15-1 do —6— 11 Modwons vi— -017 Sao- —o— :-019 ' 16018 Bodorowe ' 11401: West Bnuteb•-• Brown drills:» ' NSW 'oltiehal - 104011 Used Madder. • • .... 015 Merh'sk,,lsiantll4.lolols4 Driagy—, lb. Alms 14 017 Alan . dyed Asafetida 'Arne Rae —glis Almintia - .10 011 Base, rtined• •• • • 410 093 COMMERCIAL RECORD. JAMES DALZEU. I Sins San Moos Moos. SEPTEMBER I rise. I sets rises I phased 16 Thiiiidiy — 541 68 2016 - 17 Friday 6 42. 6 7 II 6 _lB Saturday 543 6 5 mans 19 Smalay , 544 6 3 0 I 20 Pdaiday- 545 6 1 1 2 !I Toesday . 546 6 0r • 8 U Wednesday 647610 9 18 PITTSBUROII BOARD OP TOADY. ' COMMTITEP. 706 SEPIEMBEIL US. DLLIBLL. w. W. 'WALLACE. W. .I.TOMIII ensign* 001 e., &vies Markcifeor de week ending Ask.' Montag. Septeabertsl Onilairkist;darieg the ,past week tine coutinued unchanged in the pries o ahnow every description - cit . , wader° ; and id tne way of der, we have owls. -toy to note beyond the molar or retail transactions of the market. The weak pet, upon the whole, has been one of anastial thinness; owing; Is part, to ficaptent and heavy rains, and the low Mate ol the The river trade 'of the week has ,been: annually lighiouid many of our homes here ber-Othe oven stocked with eastern goals designed for shipment to the west. In consequence of the prospect ore rime so the riser, war shippers here generally been slim in Aisne:Wig good, a the high rates for freight —hence the rapid seannalation of supplies. The rivals rising skrarly, and freights hare fallen mate • daily mince oar tut weekly exhibit. Geode are now talurn for abaft one half the tibia charged- in the scaly Part of Ai Week. . In the Dry Good. business, considerable activity is =aikido:l. htiuty of our wholesale dealer's hue been making liberal purchases, and, preparatory to a brisk tall buriness,are now opening moat iimenswe and elegint sapplios; and from the preparation oa entry hard, Collary merchants, porchsaing io oar Capital, need not Fri slow in presenting orders lor Moir Fall and Winter supplies. ASHES—The mutat has been sielott entirely bared all kinds of Ashes. lied prices' have eisihtly advenied, We note regular sales of nits. and Soo:rider at 410 Se p lb. As the 'season is fast. approsehisi when this 'dlr.'s is moat in demand, we may noon eapeet mars abundant Supplies, and des it (henna' tales. BIII:SWAX,,Tbe supply in market I. quite Jim . ited, and Wee ere maim at 25826 e p lb. - ElUCKETSPataniktearer Buckets era In good supply. prices continue arm as last quotid. We note tales of 50 dm In diterent lots. at 51,5581,50 BROOMS—The seppii:is hail...Ulla' WIT slightly dozing the week, though withcon aq elan/eta the prices. Sales. of 30 dos at 'prices magi ng.trom 874 to IA P dui; BUTTER—The receipts continuo fight, Wad pri. ease gins as per fiat qaffiooa, wilb sale. of 000 Ito f Imp at 911 BRANS—The 'article m quite hominid, both in mirintr and demand: Regular plea ma mad* 0165 !One p be . ' sal landtuflmoi Fa• SAWN—The nles of thiweek hay. been rum. sally limited, and pries* are witboot eimitge o . We sots sales of 30,000 lb. at the following, tater— HMO 9 M 10e; for good to imam Sides, de11,)3691; Siboulders 7e, and Hogromid . at Bailie p lb. • . — ARAN—Tbe market Is almost entirely bare, and the ankle Isla good damned at 949980 p bo. Sfildllll7ftegslu sales of the different qualities oeimeit* the following ralem—Fixe Minks, $l5; Pities do, b,69 t 0609; and Common a 60 f 1000. • .11ATTING--Biles of too lb. at 1240 Is lb. COTTON—Me have no sale" of airy aroatthren Tote. Witted applies are held is atom at 143.11 COMNIFSH4EtINGS,—Pirisbargb mssalw• - tried sin brisk dninand,nntl quick Wes us found rar elttliat Ws nob regular cries St quo• . 11.10RDAGE—Piices .thetiarie fine as 1..1 quoted and we iota rapt.. ales at the followlog rate.: Idailllaropa;by cod 17c r lb Do cot ' 18 . White Rope, by coil 11' Do cut, • 12 1. '• Toned rope, by coil 10 Doc.rit - II 'Packing yore, fine " " Do commas - exialpeirs,so r Do parcel' " • • ' lbe fp lb dos. Hemp ... r doz. Do pet:coil • 10Ie I. lb rcotiax Lion. Mann!' -1126 •.,Hemp....877 r dor , . CHEM 'E-11.,§ market iirgeoerally well supplied with a good article. it sake ol the week have asureated to Pomo &Chu at 6661 c. C0AL....-Begataresles cantina* at the nisi rates —6 lodge gs • ICRACRBW4iss dfmaHid continues lair sithe lIMIaI rata: ; • , %gni drachm, " 14,M) r bbl. Bettor do • 4,70 rust Erik! • ' 3Ao peps Or. &do p lb. o PI.OI 4 0. 44 .71mi iiy itiassetiews ttazbssee ed t d ,ri ed Ii dull coatisued without chases. Very lit e' box emboli either byzionlitirkeed th• • leipplite in Mt, we .. i . A . .. , `414:`.' -, .: , a , i,,w;.:,,; - ;,74,•:•',-:zg.'.:.4•: lihsharni.•••-1,501.73 0o tom* . ••••30 0374 Briastane •••• ....... 0 Carophoroof.oad••••••40 050 4.2lkcOde Lime. cask. - sa nt Cook. Crow n 1100 C 01 4 9 9 94 1101. 11 011 ,••-•35 0132 Own Arabse••••-'- 074 ; B= l4 -... 1 3 1 : 4" Mande 011 I•ene ; 67 OLOO Jahip, powdered 11001101 5 • 11 "01 8 ' e 4 Liononerßoot 7 0 9 Liquorice Baal' 10 OM, / 1449 D7o • .. 28 0.6+ I . l4 29erdisearb 0Z• Mulder, Ilmbro 15 014 Madder, C05n0ww......- alyrrh,!nrkey••• •• ••10 060 Irila411••••., ..... -440 5 Castor 1860110 4 emi•-•-, ••35004.04 Cloves— • .....-2,5041r,„19 's,ccos,s 014 Pp, Tattley.• • •-4.7505A0 tl 2,11 , 111 . 116 ewrb, root 50 039 Sal Amomke 10 018 Sal: oda••• Serra . 20111 Tanarie Add -40 050 Vitrio.,lo4olll D Viregad 7 r lb. Casnwrod. 610 7 . 210 J Jrfrot 1, elopped• •••2117 I I• Weitbirps--F lb.- 3 Remota ••00030 ,Ohlo &Fennsyarania•2B 030 4 , 1 M0041$ 2O 015 •••••••D BIB' Hard ......... 13014 Cuirents, lants••• •• 14 015 Filberts 040 9 Onamdains -•-•-••1,50 01,75 Fi , Teske) 18014 515151..- 124018 Raislos..llwieat -0- Biwa, old -0- Cratiberries,•••• - 0 5 5 0 Lamm. Sla 17, bz••3,0015410 3,0001,68 . Zpples -.2 1 an eo 4 in e t s . ,. Savor Comeonn.• =EEC _ if/00. bbl. ' Pair. brand*. —l.-64.60 99 . ,69. --0410 Pi. • 04,79 1400 .er 3000— . ht. bbla —o— q• lb 12,01110 " ht. bbla ..... Pood—rbosbel. Moro Bran .1 • 9 _ IT lab bbl.. 19 011 Mackerel, Nat• No. I. hf.blllo No- t No. 9. ht. bbla.•••--011—, No. 3. • •—•7,00/11N 7,30, No. I. kin. ••••••• .-0— Helmut:No 1 6,930 No. 9• • ... .. •• • --IP - Balloort, No. 1. old 1101030 Nele,.• • 0 00 Shad - 0010 Cod. v. lb. ' —0 Yore— Red Patriot ..... —0 021 • 9 —0 We Maur. 100 19 Raccoon —0 93 —0 W. Door skins, lb.••• .14 0 13 01w—. }flack Bottles. .-Ap _ - 0-- V0 0,, ,,r44 --0 0,00 Made% or 100..4, 0 , 9 . 00 Ctomt. •• • •—• 9,07 Windowulass,r box— City brandit. ••...........8016 —o 340 1000 —0 4,30 19016 . - ... au* Porn do., 10;14 to 0410007 bands. 8010. • • ... . . 03,30 lexlt 03,08. Gulienrdar-0 keg. FFIT3 .4,10 /Kw ENO, 6/ ..... 0300 D 0.601110 etnister•— 07,00 FoFPFO do. 04,00 ie do. 01 papers.— 00,00 Rea powder • 35803,50 Wheatos.lsl-01.4841. 515000 RT.4O 045 Oat.— ...... . • 441 11055 Baxley eseeedlnelybgbl. &Tatar sales by dny 54,9764,90 P bbl. Retail wan al S 3. lISH—The mutat is steady, aid prices coati's' ssithoot ebano. Sales 30 bble No 3 Mackerel, at 5781,15; Winos (oso) an sold at' i; old at IGAI); Shad, 9 to 10. aid Heiner at . S 6 to 6.23 IP WI. FRUlT—Green Apples are abets:last at the sisal rate•-87 to 51,00 p Rd. Dried Fruit brat/rads!' vri 10th regular sales of Pueblo at 1,13, mad of Apples at to 45e es I T1""" FEATHERS—SaIem of mak* at 12 to .10e. The market sown aopzlied. out prices are Ana uabove quoted. FREIGHTS—fm counpunce of the hem Mao of the put fur days, nod the partial rho to Umlaut, heights have considerably deelised, and we now quota la followc, To Cluebteati, ?Se r 100101 To Louisville, 87 do • To St Lioubi, 1,1.5 do Pot (ivied. lima Pittsburgh to Philadelphia, see general table above: - The rollowing are the rates (row Meta&lphsa to Pittsbarge: Coffee, per 120 Jim Dry Goode do Groceries do Hardware do Qsecassaro do Brown Muslim, per bale .Froon Baltimore to Pittaburgb via Smiquebasas ROArosd sod Pa canal: ' Dry Goals, Hate, Shoes lke, g 0.90 p 100 Its • Leather. 0,75 do Balm of Muslin. OA do Groceries and Hardware; 0,70 do Qoeilane omnirs. 065 do Mackerel do Mackend and Shad in bills, 030 1,20 p bumf Herein`, 40 1,25 do Wagon Freights—From Cumberland meta we quote the following nue, via: From Cumberland to Bmwsnille 60; and from Brownville to Pitt. burgh 100. GLASS—Some of our Muer have enders for more than they have been able to ship, at the raga far gown:imp. The oupplioe of the smaller some have become comparsuthly lighlybot as Pitfall be. sines* approaches, and the mansfactoriter remote active oporationa, the supply of ell sloes will be ea only sofficieut to the demaad, at prices quoted in general table above FLINT GLASS—We gin the lollewt e g Inlet some of the most esefol anielsi of this important Item of Pnitaborgb immigrant-um Tomblsrs—Best 6 Rote Lima, p dos 11800 do do do and split, 700 do Plain,amorted 5ue5 , 60123,05 Decanters—But filmy cut, must, Pdoz 15,0 D do do pint; 10,00 do Double ring, quart, NB - do Triple de do 3,75 do do do punt., 1.25 do Conntion 4 plat gad gill, 62g Wise Gla.mso-4isob neat, wied she; p dos, 92 do Plain Flint, • ' .do Fine polished Greets., 1:21A do'•. Beat Sint cot, . 2=0'1,50 Pitehen—Plaln or atch nbbed, plots, p dos 2,11) do- •do do quarts, 300 do do do 4 gallon 600 • - do Fate cat, 56160 g Cream Je arch ribbed p dos • 1,14 do alf pint do . do do do esgraned, 2,0082,50 no. Fancy cut do 2,750500 GROCERIES—Tbe market coalition quilt, and I sale. have been reguisint the wroth quoted rates-- The supply is store's quits etifficiant to tlis demand , Fur correct prices of the wines articles is the gm eery line, see table aboie. GRAIN—rho. market generally is exceedingly doll at present, mad regolar salsa oelr are made at the following rthep—,,WheatB749l); Rye 4.-If Harley 40/343; C0r437,4041,43;gand Data Weirthi be. HAY—Sonde 30 - Ciiinclhave been sold during the weitkgat pricationgiVfor common toprime 8843 e, HEMP—The market is almon entirely bare; the lot ales were made at 811.560130 p ton. HONEY le bout. Is sold readily at 1112120. P lb. IRON AND HAILS meet ready sale at the fol. lowing moo flitßar, nun g to4gineb ' . 3 rlb do from 6 ur 6 674 to 1 inch do Dandy Tire, diferent ekes - - do Hone Shoe i - 1 ; 3jo do Ruud and unarm flue 1 to 11 lads 3 - do do from 11 to 11 ; 44 11 ;do do do 2to 3 ' ; ,do do do 3to .;;I; ;do' do do 3g to i. 3 1 ,2 1: do do to 4 I . Rand Iron I 30 , 31 ,do Steel, American, Blister . 4 do do Spring 'do Hoop Iron ' • , 310 do Pada. cot, 1002,16,20 83,73 fp ig do Sand 9d I4W do do G 7d :-- • 4.60 do do, fel I 4,73 do do - 44 GAO do do 3d The Iron trade bu been comparatively lithe dor, ing — tbe low Wage of water and the high rates of freight, bat u thourditScolties pre gradually reator ed, we anticipate *heavy bealassa In thin bnportuit trade. LARD—Tbera lo nary little doing in tbit article. Supplies are light 1114 Ides modems at Bj to 90 P lb. ' LEATHEIL- /1.8 In the Eastera;ao lo our own usithet—the *guile baa Woo and Li still replarlyad. mein in demand is all dimension or Luther,. Pikes e cabana arth, and Was quite bunk at' the lollowlag num 'Baltimore .. 20021 e p lb: Plow fort do late:o .do , simbier 'Stoll/ ' do 1 1311 pper 1dag Snot, -do .;. UOgla p os Calf Skies - 1bt020 13 d o Nock tiosfew 1.9t021 ► lb Rough. do ' rTtote_ ,de . 'LUMBER—The esiiply cella stSeliret to the Monad; aid 'whir nisi ate lash at tJiii Smug raw; • . . 1 ~ 1 r,: ti..-.~_-....E ar -i:..:%' ~ ~ _ •es:Si upbmb• 18 020 : I* t i".Al . lb. r&sb...nemnon 11 013 oner-. Caba -IP !Amami-rib. Omens -00 a „ ..., 2111, Y;4 , Son of111:00 ,66 160 .00 171das-411b. , amens 7 • 2 19 011 1 7 9. kippar shin-1,00 01,611 Oran • 0 4 *mon, liy••• ........ ..• /88i . 11 .8 1 .- .... •,4 0/0 - kndll39 -by paekaae. 870 1 91 0 b••••• ..... 1A007,60 1.9301,0 Iron 'HP b. Elar„,/n ...... 310 4 C 0013,1 01, • 3 0 Shen-....... 1.11 &ale ls s pp 4 0 Aw J 61/I • Pk: o 6 o winri••••••• 410 5 " 4 Sbeet••••-• - • 13 1 '".3701-6. 1b.4 Per 3lO 4 —Ol4 , " 17 77901. P 1 0e1P1 •••• 11011 BI eet -I 61 Lent/me-0 lb, dole, Baltimore••• 10011 New York 1 , 0 49 l i tre,- • •••I j Br9 1 9 8 0 Skirting 53,0 71 Barnes; black. —WO 21 Bridles, blaek. nerd.: sid • .10,00038,00 Boner do. 30000400 1 Upper finished. , 00 Ripe, finisherl•• • /..r4:11 1 3=oo I Calfskin do ..13,300•3430 Lace Leather 18, g 000- N. Engla Seati nd n, No.l. fp don 45,000- d- do 33,000- - 3. do 35,000.- Sheepskin...... •••41111 8 Lunaber-nomptle, ir IMO fret. Pine, clear, Inch r4/190,00 anent , " 1000 Cie.+, " 033.93 C 1,.., Cere't, 2 _0 ". ••• /mix 0 0 CComet" .-4433 2 0) Floorg 07 , r 1 in. do.-0 1800 Lin. cannon— -Oak ....... I PineShinglespllo7 8 Laths, sawed, 100.1301/T Llwe Illeek-PlOOlO. Beeves. •• • ••• • 3,0005,20 , —O3 Con., Calves. •• • 000018,00 00 Shee 10•02,00 lls p lassit•-0 pl. Sslnhonse 41 0 45 N. °flea .11 , 0 as N.22illtoroa— Rosin, bbl 1,301111301 Pitch amino 7.17 . Alleldte•7•••• 90.1.10 N. Carl:dim, ••• 4 6004,73 TeWteee. rd. •-• .61 0 10 Vanudt,Copal...• • 1,730300 ke4,loolba, le.- ring nads 1 cent adrpee per lb.] 10035 d 1rmiata....3,50113,75 SO 9d "•-•-.3.76/1,00 SO 7/ "....-.44304,40 54 0 •—•-4.6004,73 41 ' ". • 0000223 3d j 11,001194.5. Spikes lb 410 SI " Pressed 610 Boiler Riven • 7 Oakoza-p lb. Pisburgl, -0 8 0/11•-f gal. Lard, City 09070 Olive 1,33 01•30 Sperm, blebebe•• bableaebe l. ll• •-•120 I . •••••• • 790 73 Tanners. OP bbl•••ie,ceiftkin Palato-p lb pm,. Woe 70 • 90 I Idonpblaek7.•-•••• 510 7 Spa. Wlllting..-• 110 2 Ohioan :been 39 0 53 YelknoNot 33 • 35 N 0135 • IS Brenswlek Green..-11 • 0 WhitaLead, dry 110 51 oi ? Varejleg•l=, , 4 Re Yellow Othr••••• ••• 111' 3 VeralLed. •••• 040 • Ifrrdled•-• 30 • 38 Plot Me Cal -12 sou, 2 am No .fiti o M 7 . Rayrim ISsek. Fooadn • • • 1125.00 Ammo. Porta —asp 111137 pa Timm. .3pp Norm C. Fpdry • Pig 0 .100) aCirl y FouldF7Pig•-•—m. 20,C0 E n s iste do r Maw Parte— --10,C0/ ' Previsions— Baena Elms••• ..... 0.010 &colder. ..... —0 7 .• Ma • 60 134 /15toand enro•• NI Of " colunry do• no 74 L 001,514.. 1. In kegs. 6e 09 it 6. 44 In keno •••-0 I.ln tibia • -0 Di Hoar" 1 illness. 91 010 roll— 10 011 Meese, •• • • 6 0 11 " • (lakes —OlO Cracker., ritiborgl ter. bbl —04,00 Do. Bauer ' 04,75 Partatoon-4O Canaanite& • Neon/omen. —IP 50 ./Otas•-41. lb. Cobau7 mixed— ••• 3/ Do._ pod whist, O. Nuee—lp lb. Seeds -s bashet clover• Mustard 30 • 30 /pleas—gr lb. Clore, .37 • 38 Canna, labium 73 0 0 blnuncip 1,60 010 Ppp0r.••••....•• .. •... 101• 11 4 • 13 Illealtaroot-4 lb. 0 1 Virginia —0 14 BMOCS •.• 11164-0 lb. • Pittaborgh No. 1 --MOS Cincinnati " •-1106 1061-6 , 1 b. Foreign. Cast llShear 16 • 17 D o ..... 0 16 Beat German —O l7. . " • Hoop L —0 IS Pittsbargh Manufacture. German met ' hlglish blister —0 111 Antetican bliaar.• • •- k-0 4 B Viatt --610 6 j Ilpleits--0 gallon. Draaly, llonlorri4,oo 07,80 4o:belk••• 4,00 0260 Ka a Wen Wig-1,60 473 " 87 01,441 no•-•-• .. .400 el Gi,lJoHnod -• .• -1, sip lb. N. 0., prime, Itbd.•• • 7108 " fir, ,Job 7108. Havanna, lb.• • 90 Brasil " lb.• lOW 11 01. Polvoriard, Phila. • —• bbl. No. I. afloat. .....-• 11, • I. la • rr. 01,53 Table, dos. box abet— ?I keg 14,05011.50 P a Itt -1"471 Salipetre 91/ Tebakee•—P lb—DO p CL aft aar cub Gar madam • red Tobacco.] • Sept Leaf - 11 0 Martalletwed do I • 7 Ladies!Terist....• • • 41 0 10 Plagialreali• —•—• 010 71' Plug ire bans 10015 I Twist.— IMP 7 eassadisb 5 Lto Lamp in bol--11 • U 64 " tUI 17 la 110 14 Saab soar Y • 140 10 L appo l o w —• 13 pap • • — I!6 Tealb hapanal 43 • 1117 Goaporrder. 45 • 70 You( Ilyaoa 30 0 40 Poochoos 60 • 71 Tlaplata—• box Sanaa Block. • i Tallawl , lb. Sive Raodared ••••• —0 Soogb_••••• ••• ••••••-0 oa & trot; lb. Solid b0x..4•••• INflaeo—p . gallon. L P Maderia— •:.x,OO 03,00 L P Tenerife 1,110 Sip Lisboa ....... —• • • •75 LP) Dry Malaga 48 0 10 Sweat • • • ...... • 05 ....... es 73 Pon• 1,600x,00 Calabria— ...... •••45 • 70 .-30032.00 31p4152,00 Prime ••• • ''''' Poll blood 1 . ...... . Wood &Comma. TllbArashed--- Wkialker—P t„. en g • Comm a Reviled Rood rye laid , Sheemaw—, lb. 0 16 Slab 0 i'rolightb4 . loo lbr To Citiciamist. Dry Goods Heavy 4 ... ..... 71r/oviseilte. Dry Goads Hoary Poo Zovinifiouk •• • • H riri;;; ..... Dry Goods sod Er* Dry Goods Hoary : oodfress Drorsoroille. D 6.4 d Prodoee,ke lop) ••• .. reNtikesilr. - •.. Dr 7 Gooch Dry To IV udi ...... .• ... , Dry Goods Hos Dr Dry Goods:— ...... Derry_ 71, Orldsors. heavy Goods.• 0 0 Glass, ke. Nous of Akio on Gs rani ousd BoOssads._,__ 7o;raciimccruis axe learrelom . lar i kld ne r n fru i l, per 100 les: , Bauer and Boron ' 6O Beef, salted , do .70 Bale rope and Bagging do • tat 1 Beessomai do •73 Beud., de - CO Brooms, „do . 1,75 Cheese, 'do6o 1 Corn d o 1 60 Coull do 00 Chilled Bedlam; de • 75 Drugs and Medicine., do 07 Dredd do 1 OD Brl (mit, do ,63 Flour,L., par eel:Kid/ 0 CO • 'Pars and Peliriss, paid° lb* 25 • Feathers, .do 1 1 21 Furniture, do ICO Glansware ' do 75 Glass, Willow per atoool Ginseng, , per l 6 lbs 73 Gemeenes, de no Ilardwarsi de do BO hops, 83 Hemp, do GS flidno•m7se; d, 7 in do oOe do 000 L:11',"..!_ do 40 Lard and Lard Oil, - do 60 • Oil, Castor • do 76 Chh; (cs. Lad and Castor) do • 75 Pork, per bbd —0 137 Rags, per 100 16,4624 Ropea do and Cordage, do 000 • Pede, 75 Bain., Geer and Dalai°, do 10) itlecl.:, do 0 00 • do 02 Tabu., Leaf, do 01) do Manafactared, ' do CO 87 Wheal, do Weal, 55-11P1,25 IWhrekey, per Md. 0 07 T. Ms EMI eia IlfotiOneakaa Slaclavater. _ Clam Na I—Ashes, Balt. Ml. N. Y. Bacon, Ike Mar; Lail, elsecae, Port, Tobac co. Tallow,W. Oua, . a Whiskey 1 100 l lbs, 90 — Claim No!—menip, Flax in bales. IP3 Flan No 3—Drie4 Flail, .. Leather, Oil. Bap, Skinaneeds. Wool, lON . Clime No. 4—Beeswax, FeatherararaOlawat, Itemalldae, tome Flax, 1,..13 - r- Marta* Mouraiumw: Rome Inpuenn en c ig.r ra e s of Slaina and keel Boat" • From riusbargb m Meant, Va.. 1.01 to /t. from Cincianau, 0.101 " Loin nine, Ity• • lOU •• " St Loam. al o.• $ die, • " ' Beemeillee de •• c 0 .21 0 0 I. Independeace , 4 4 01 1 , " • 0 0 Galena, 11l ••• • lal ' " blemphia, Tea. 101 " N. Orleans ••• LI 01 From N.Orlinto to Pittolairgli• .• •I UPI " St !Itirfp. ,v erag Loo al i ZlatEloilts 1 ...03 . . Pine, dew; $9:10) b• M . . CoOtthoo.4 .10.00 do Chewy & Wallet Boards lair.:o do Poplar sesitliag. bawds 10,06 do Shingles • .;.50e5,/ 0 babe 2,00Ed1,110 • LEAD—Thew:whet is rather Sowed both in alp. ply sod deemed; Replier wiles wear es.gooted in sable abase. LEAD PIPE÷Wis dire ths &Boding corrected list of prima '.. / to scow:hist, No 1 lead pipe fye P loot do do' , do do 7e do do. • do do do do edo do do do do do I. ado do • SHEET LEAD—By the sheet 54; wbea eat 6.fe p lb. sturAL—w. hen Do Wee to hole vino taot qnotalirose, prier ere oritboat change. MEAL—Sappho; are light, and very Mile in de. mind. We quote 'prior elle,' at 40 to 43 cents OILS—w. not. a .at. of 10 bbta Linseed at GOe. 4 ma.. Lull is Fold at 68870 e MN. sad Tangoes at $l6 .1. bbl. RAGS—Salsa of 1000 lb. at prices omen lot good to pnme fnroi 11 who IP lb. 'SALT--SalasLO Ws Not at $1,13 r TAR—FiNhar salca hue occurred at 0414,50 TIN PLATE+.SINa of io at $10,45 ma. • • TOBACCO—SaIes of V= lb. at price, Tlol4Bll' general table. • . WHISKET—The andel w 11117 ,applied, with .alas al the tiillereet quelitiee, at ahem rangiag Irian 18 toBoe rgrJ. L—re, i c=t He prteen paid by oar mominGerrocriegro.nusinEss. The &nivel of nollritanufs with news to Sept. 4, shows that prices for &madden ware mach do miscalled feenally winning lower than pitman quotations. The fail:was is Eogland will probably reach twelve or finnan of dollar", ill cdo sequence of the tome* natalued by dealer.. Sr fir;' the oily' lug. bone which has stopped payment , in thin moony has hen' that of Prime, Ward & Co 1, aid we have nuns to believe that this 'hone will , at la early day meet tie obligations. The news of the Britain& spoil de whole, her shown an ones., inpleddepreamin, and It would be Strange if lie al &Me were not felt:LIM. our owe Modern Money le sometlnsg easier then it was, and &change has declined about f et one per cent which is favorable to in. Treasury iota., too, liars advanced a abed* ander the recent eulors of peace from Mexico The imports here 'dithiniabod ninewhat with an M. moue of 'sports wh4b en both Imitable Mates et Get ior tbe west. zr-- The fall trade le tbe rest cities of the East has been very WM, and a huge amount of business does.. There it u spprebensionespremed that too Buoy fomign radii may be sold. In Boston there Ina been • slight decline In hussy domestie gaols. Neu! York Is now made the market for Southern mSeafseted goods; whin, though not quite so good ineppearsnoe, It Is said ire every way as durable. A new Intern ha. presented Itself since the io• twidactien of Women. Agents are now 'end out by the heavy eoussitiodon hoamern Europe furnish ed with umpire of 'lmam every variety of mane (attire, who tatroducta themselves to every man in t he trade. ' 1. Steckel' Philadelphia—Penn 5.4, 764 j Penn tes 69; Illinehr bond. 63; US T ry Noun 10:/j; S 6410{; 1 U S 5495. MONEY MARKET. The rates of Esehaage in out market continue as they ban been fo ten dale, sad for all tuutineel Sorption there to an abundance of .nosy, aud our Haan are diseounilog freely all good aid regular badness paver. Nowa en the Street are taken at 9 to 12:per neat per mute. CATTLE AIAINCET. ALL/CREPT. Beet S. , Bastes—Tbinrwere about MO head at the yard cm Monday, MI of "Midi ware readily takes at PO, 610 , 1001bseett. Slidep-1:41 wen/rake!' at 3L03 p head. • Calres—A limited somber, were sold at 4800 PArrid. Hop—Nose. - BIIIOIITOIS MAXIET, SEPT. 13.—ItaIf Calls— Katri S 6 63 a Jr 637; era qua li ty $650 a 56i oeeaud S 6 a' p ZS; Itird,S4 - a nds2 SheaP— it Salus la $ I SO, SI a, 31 68, 55, 5 2 Ur • Tlllll Corros— The Grilesetoe Perm crib. ht lost, says: 4 .one lad appear. to be piety well ea• tablished, the Cotton crop of Tessa Is stow general• ly bored the rush of the worst Were we to Teeters my advice It would be. that oar planter. - should Ices no tim e to realize the present priers." The following Gilled of ■ letter from an ntm . do cotton planter In Lesbian'. to a geetlenian In Baltiesont,vree • mere tamable account of the et. teat of the crape cotton et the presentlair than the editsmintsheretaforepablished: if.a.) Sept 151, 1847. gotten toop wilLbeverylaw. Tbegeaulne army worm bas got sada iteappeannseeitha as' • net sow sake the . crop. sheet egg. Everywhere: the accounts sin most: favorable, and the eultleel; planters will be bearer retarded this yeas On 0011; have bunter a longtime past. . attlolllll IILAOIIIIIaO.-111ne Ole A. AL ef red sad Ibt w.Os irAHNEIrrOCK a a . . ARRIVED. Conant: Bowman, Brownsville. Louis Alelama. Bennett , ltrownxriile; Damiateh. Nelmin,Aton.. City. Skipper, Beaver, Camden, Hendrickson ' -Banana. Dr. Franklin, APLure,Cin. •• -• 0 • 0 .... -0 0 - ' DEPARTED. ' Comma: Bowman; Brownsville. Linn. McLane, Bennett. Brownsville Monterey. Woodward,' Brownsville. Diipateh, Nelson, Brownsville. Camden, Hendrickson, Beaver. Skipper, ----, Beaver. Eureka, Crosier, Louisville. Rio Grande, Connolly, Louisville. IMPORTS• BY RINFAL BOATS LICAVING TRIG DAY• D. LEECH & Co'a. PACKET,: Philadelphia Baltiunins.9 r. ■. BROWNSVILLE PACKETS at 3 A. ■. and 6 BEAVER PACKETS at 9 and 10 A si and 3 r MONONGAHELA CITY PACKETS, 3 r. DISPATCH, Nelson, Brornmasille. FRIENDSHIP, Cin.' YANKEE, Cincinnati, 4 r. DANUBE, Cio. CASHIER, Cia. • PILOT. Dot FRANKLIN, St Louis, 0 8 STEAMB OATS - • ENE FOR TILE SAULT STR MARIR. The mennibant nr.ntorr, Capt. D. Cintrell. will commence 'analog lie. wean Detroit and die dault Ste Marie on Jane 23d, making weekly trim during the remainder of the ferwon,"leaving Detroit every Tuesday 002 o'clock, P. id. • The Detroit is one year old, has a perrerthl lore pre*- . nsentine.and Is well adapted to the Snort trade For Freight ar Pasettee apply on board, sr to C lIRADBURN & CO, Clerehted J,N ELBERT, Detroit P W LAWSON FOR Sr. LOUIS. .• . . e The fine lerht draught ober DR FRANKLIN, l at ia McClure, tamer, Will leave is abo • Rea evening al 4 e'e!aek . , 7 NEWIDN JWIRR, Agent spal s . Ofte . LMooonestrela mute . FOR CINCINNATI:—EEGULAR FAME - T. The nevi light ihaartt stow A CASIIIER, McGatllek. matter will Italic as akar. . that morning at 10 o'clock. For &clad 'or paww,te apply on award. optt2 • FOR CINCINNATI. • The splendid suns i Li n e n' s; :cove thi Davis. mace? 01 1E I C: i PC maitointoning 2t in o . ii.k. Fin freight • ',mine apply on hoard. snit! FOR CifielPiNATl. Zttilmer.'°*Pt The Mat runoing raw RAN HF, r o:k. o m sr n i , rr . , 7411Z:o y ez r abo n z or pourers apply un I.4rd r The near and isot roneing arms • • TA NREE, . • Kennet, muter, will Leave as above • this mornieg lOo'elock. For treigb or Fume apply oaSsard. vm2) REGULAR LOUISVILLE PACKET .i T4e . z . e m us, n light dra i .ltur A fgst Undies, manes, Mil l rue es! a regain pankeetietueseig Pittsburgh and dt unity daring the season. gibe leases Tuesday, Sept. i 0 o'clock. Fes freighter passage env ly on board. ' aptft FOACINICINNATI—REGI/I.All rAcK.Kr. The or rand light draockt 11/Dr viaLOYAL 11A1C1Oft, .Jl' Jack, niaarr, will Icare for abor slid loloortodiace pom on Monday, 10 I.thiort +llO o'cloc k. • m. For freocht or passage, harioc roper:or accomood tion, apply to , J NEW TONI JON a > WV ' Monongahela Mare Mg r LO l / 1 1 , -Rkli L. Alt Ymmacr. The cleavm and regular packet .I,IIOIIICAN EAGLE, Atkiarols rawer, 'lntl leave as . othali modal at 10 o'clock. For (male or pan/Rage apply. Sown. • ate at Valor De alma; iiiith - Miariiiiiii - Poeia;ts lia The new and fhai rosining attanaboat CALEB Shigeo, matey, built expressly I.e ii.. trade, will no ail ...rear Parket to , Heaver and Otarguw-leaviner Fats burgh daily at 3 feitoek, s. a, and tanning ioNlafgess, (tomb of Stay and IkaverCestaldon blonday. W eil =today. mid Friday. For freight or passage to Hence New L,stion, or the towns West and North of New Lisboa. apply on board onto le3 SLW HA RSAILIGit. me growl id wet ---- #Fiiifi - iiTo and - is nuash — Pivijiiii - The new acd bib. Weimer 1113D9D3 i Elbert, owner, ban ssaatned her n , 01st Irma arid ordi leave Pitoduoth as ahoy.. suety Thursday and Moo. , day al3 o'clock, P. M. For height or posaaoe apply , on board. ociN 1 -- _ htelthlti•OßT, EU 1. A HETH AND AIUNDNUA. DELA CITY PACK CF. / salliL The new areurner . DICDPATChI. NeDon muter. wilt run as above; le a Ina Yietbargh every :Unruh?. W. d Roday and Frrd ay, at 7k okdoek. A. N1...v.! Ntwkonr w beta City every Taekday. Tharaday md Sagarduy. (I! o'clock, A. M. Far Delta er parwage apply at brwid ialaii7Truisirtaiiiiil7iiiti7 Packet. ilat THE Debt dreeehtstennulr .NIAW AUK, Hard. draater.ariir Drake weekly tape lo kke above rarrt dative tba ack• on. - For freight or parader nuply on hoe rd or RI • aur I/ ‘s'll-101;,, Act, EXPRESS LINES. To Tro•oiltra. "ETPRE/f8 riurr ?scrum. Luis" . 1 4 . Agg iVR run." ---- soacLieniA :CM 11111LTIMORICs itychuhviy Jot awns:n.l ITIHR Kinnard and liattroad belay now in curette's order. ISs Packets of this Line wit/ leave with ems. seveers as (allows. every niglo at‘l eciuch n Sae kyl Kentucky.Truby, klunday,Sy7t U. do Oh", Craig, Tussle y, Syss do lathe., Berkey, Wednesday, Sept 13. do Louisiana, Thompson . . Thursday, Sept la. do K , rolkkaYrlroc.7. Frsday. Sept 17. do Ohio. Crank, Suarday, Sept Pi do Judi.. I key, . Sept IF , . do Louis ens, Thompsou, Notidar,Sept • do Kentucky, ?ruby, Tuesday, env do Otoo, Craig W cdnr.lny Sept ski - do 'lndiana. IS•rkey.Tbernday, Sept 51 do Latnislana. Thumps . .. I 'day, lops 14. do Kennock Total, :noonday. Sypt US. -do Ohm, ening, thick:sly. Sept at If roe desire cla.p . truveliln sod coodunable. across ( madanianas. steam. your tickyls an itic Sacket Moe, blorougakela House, IVater Firers. or cif spilt ' n I,EPrett k 111. esne Itwoln OLAZEIS . E. & CO'S QV • EASTERN& WESTERN EXPRESS 11'71.°tVCdijatfl h oona tin. ate etarreo Potatotrah and thr Fart connecting at Bah - enorowitit Adm. an n. titt.notant • Firrrla dal!), fon thqtrinei tat Earn In emir. Packager of all aiara reeziantl and 'forwarded Jou) to I.l,neenheille per steam. eta Louie AlcLanrdand ConPui and rhea to oar pre MI which are and eel. it, to Ltuatberland and thence Ity email main to Uolibtear Pot farther particulars enqaite at Si Cantle., Hole betiding., Wood street. ty2ti ly 110 VittltEßV. Agent KOL•110111t, noTWitli OAT' , igETWEEN nitowNNWILLE ANti cutinEtt- D LAND. .no ',timing daily Way, cursing 71W the lo(Gooda and Pontose between Move points St erehar.dise from the East Is delivered in Pittsburgh on the night of 'the third du from. Etruherland—raskina this the most expeditious route for getting out Goods from the Eastern abet The Aaiun In Baltimore mill give a receipt u to time and cost. .. The ody Agent, ere J BIDWELL: Pitiaberei U W CANN, Brow . .ale AIcKAIO 8 kIAG Di RE. BumNl J D ROBINSON, No 3 Agin • , 11. tr Ptalt •L Ilmlonakre Ea& Winn, WARREN. & CLIWKLAii - D LINE OP CANAL PACKETS AND STAVES. 1817. &Atha* TELFE APB SWA LLOw daily at d id.. after We malc t DRAT IZR from Pi ahurgh 61 1!!!!!!!!e and arrive at Warren oval morning in /mown for the Stain, which reach Cleveland be fore night. . • Passengers will he rrc tired thempli.acen ring limbs on the Packets, and sect% to the Stay; on application on board 'steamboat S. floamg riuslwigh at f/ o'aloek, a. ■&Joe to the aeons: ' • • OPI lIARTON & Co; tlsbalAh - CI.ARKEACi, Beaver JESSE BALDWIN, Youngman •apls . B TATUM, W • Maga .1847* mrarienrAvaarLa CIAIIAL a RAILROAD EXPRESS PAST PACKET PITTSBURGH TO PRILADA. an BALTIMORE. ° Ezthlyfer.Posnage n , wile public - are respectfully Informal that tantune will commence running on or about the Ina matanii and continue throng - hoot the reason.' TiM mammon bate now placed a - supenor clam of Pothole ono nail-, road Cate on the mate. with !ZOO lttlmosoooooeily WOCh will give greater comfort to tra relate. - A Packet goat will always he in putt, one 1011 tray cli n g public are rkoneated m call and ICA•••=0 previons4amEl,,74. N tit.. D w o ltc a t Chien( the Packets will Inane the looting, nmemote the Oohed Mateo Hotel,) comer Penal etmal s ator the ggnal, ere ry night at Leclock. TINT. 31 DA For Information apply- at rho Office, 'apeman aela Ilentre. Water etrestor to LEECIIg mcbl3 eOl- Penn Wen •nd Lane • IS. 1 11.1Kialf FORWARDING CONDISSION MERCHANT, 'Eat Beare. Paint and Brittgetoater.„ ZZZZZZ COUNTY, Po, . Floption and 'Agent of neemcte 6iMINC • LAKIC RUIZ AND PrIbLUCIAK, 11/1111T 111171, 2 / 1 1 ttrmvus .1313 annvick W ILL bn {dammed on nerlient opcninnantnal witS o6 :4. l )Po i'l n P le n r Lie tie rnrCliti Cog, and Ow Canang ' fot ail pans on LX2 Erie and Ippon Law, nsaho torwardproduce, kr—by Penzthn, Loprovelnnats• Apply to ot addren• _ - fobs44l • JAkil %wren LIE*/ tin - iirrpo :" POtintiltt Eagr!so to Phtlattolilkla. /WE Cane Wog now ootn:th .... o=g4 . .in voc aton ie b 7 t. eyantn El k . 7 N ot bs zolistb= l,7 l. lo h roe . a b :koies: ... o e t rtrt oo ru r r aw * : i l ia% 1 64 . 0( ClO4 l / 1 410ialll, ""11.1"11!* bf SI 11!_ D LEECH it Ce • rYwe gi VA CP* MISCELLANEOUS. tUOIVESL& !COPS _ • . GREAT U. S. CIRCUS! JOHN C.:HOWMi r Agent. Erobreriorp a TrWe Cowpo n y, oo4 byte, flu Lorin! Errablielatein srsOrnis4hotsiarad ROO nice wad litmaatt• Atm wro Rex To To X BOX, ya. c tan. tie-WW la exhibited m (roof of Wadi:mac. Hotel, Palnbergh on Monday sad Toesday t .the Vat mod nth . of September. Compeny toil min their utia4 procesidar thragh d by , great red MAGNIFICENT GOLDEN cuAtuot drawn by RI beautiful mem nand hones. and - drive. ire hind by the celebrated Clark JoAnsera... The waterier is lit eral covered with gwd,Reateriorielitted throagloat with the antra name niter, sad of sedittient capacity to au 30 ;utopia. 0 his exhale la Grain/ter superior to tha ate need by Van Aalborg. or any that has bear main the Veiled .Roars. and an the proprancrs OEM Nett mows the TOM.TH OMB COACH, a t & 37 inches in height and .. in weight anat i loo rize gr r. trx i, ut s. :T s tirStuCful and pawn. ban drawn brae Maintain tw ain ally .31 inn, in eigh sciatopental pianiitica fat mar, maden. fn. This wallowed by tits • . LOCOMOTIVE OAR CARRIAGE, ' tat Which is filled PTEun, psometer, pipet and other apparatus, (at to mermen caporal deligimag catealve. esteblishinentwh'eh trill be !leant mere brilhant that mid termr en br the best of gar flawing from beratere..— TMs noel eight on' oaly be tem at Rion& & Co'.. United 'States Circa After Inlet caws • train 7.10 terrapin co. &bag pert mecca wardrobe, . • A. engagemeat lialbect made for thir wawa will W. N. Wrap, the nialtrated clown Rua ...tetley's Amphithatry Diary . LatiVand alai theatres' an Loadon,who from hie anowatioriable nprnerity has wan Sr. himself the enviable etnibriseet of the Waren Graite/di. Ha was twice tailed upon b appearat tViadeor Oak, by special eccornaed of Qum Valens, and was greeted as saran* of °nay. la boon to oltiett &wpolibe performer. toad nee aspire— Her m Mehiter: er. Pane Albert were alto eluteelute todalky& Rnyal,Aat Mint lathe Anttveductica ,of tia,laratr mile of A uin'aFrlics. or Ikea af ilabglaLarbalt 'beautiful eutertaiameat wid began with allorigamaleffecta inen netting% Nil gait.. Mtn napery. • =taw Meg parGornances on a molting barrel at AM • • and enoteptishim the most wen feats with astaing-ashicitr,- propeilinghiteself !chip with hie Cert.. ic e 1). k, int principal Lavern,. and Viola, of the cwurv, vine thrown the greatest umber of merits (b7).rver accomplished by any pe rformer Ls the maid. Ills:Rat Vaulting while in Emden& m Dab Ir. company, made gIC fellikllioll, PO performer rar nada of the Atlantic having accompliated over ind or RO some wan • - • • _ JP. T. 11 < lariand, the only rival maws of ?dr. Dsk.and tho bhro of 70 wimersetts, for whlett be holds a go - ldo:lade. The andience will have an oppouuty of seeing two of h e greatest weathers in the wor ld. ac tally cmitestinc the championship of .their profession. Afm H. R. Cana!, the highly arlatirmiand partly eel. crime.] foram equesnisa is attached id and wi I appear in an unriralled act of Rgueurion• 10 which she Introduce a new style Maw, entirely her own, R. 19 Corm/ the vial two' horse shier and avatar is also attached to thi. company. IL 0 W. Se giant, in his Shaltspearinn changeable • ' The juvenile prodigies, 'rands and Gassy, pupils a Mr fl zone (OM 401 1 / 1 0 bast Wets:sling part of spereaele. =lll3 DIEM ARRANOICIINENT STAR CLOTHING STORE, Ne. 70 Waal L. Pittsburda. Pa. . ANCKER a. MAllk.ftwouw respectfully ametweeep the clam:m . of Pitttbunch and viednity.thit they have procured the cervices of John Catvey,—reeentlt of Ilmadtray, Now Yorka s forams; of their estabAsh. cored: • Tail gentleman having been eXtersewely engaged in ibe custom business, exelnsieety, in the above eny for the last tendears, le well known by Mai fash/anatde community d unwerently ankitataledged to bet et Cutter or peat acquirements. • We will be monV,lt .applied with which wilig ir e as the advantage of Oruro% oar comb Mars the latest and newest styles Gentlemen n/hoare desirous al' adorning their persons, eau, by calling at the Original truer, be accommodated. All •nietes hem this establish/v.% will h . o ed in every pante/11.r, aa no treat& or expense will be wandnx on our part tenfold sucerel satiarnetion: We hare Just received a splendid monk or Pamela and &wheel black, Blown, El Ile, Owen, Ohs, and Co rot Clothe. Wank Mat Brown and Green Beaver Coltish English PlIOl Ciotbc eassisnercs and Cloths tor Sack. and Balkiness CDC!. French Doe Skine,psiia aod Agora Do ritAry Cutsgnerel. Enghth do do. Alro.• large lot of American Cloths and gatemen French roper eat 174.1rm0 for otoOugo. Do LIMO add fancy Senor. Do do do Silk. REMM= We have an advantage that kw haute. in the Weil have; being connected with haute. both in New York and boron who will keep at reginlarly .applied with jL laaat European kyle& of good. A1..(7—.W ill be kept conitatitly on band a general atitorunent of read; made Clothing. - - Tcgethef al& nat. Drawers, under Shirts, BOWNIW, etaffi.,Crantas. Glove. oggenders, to to. . ANCKE.R. & Ml l / 1 1 - 611 • Slat ambit:a 8t0re..70 wood ci _N. 6. All order* well is proinpay .needed to. • t 7 1101ITIOULTOBAL rinsborgir Iloniertharal artlXbokt an Exhibition of Froi. Veasrahles. aO.l Flowers, Garda tad, X3rd. dud 21A or September, 164; Al Philo Hall. FEEStIEbIS are urtere4 for Or- ro!io wilts pralorthanx Ea:Us—Fes rte :pi and raced bor.:trial , of Apples, 401 kl than f pek pea Teaches • Itrutr , e Apples Variety outdoor Grapes 12 %rioter Apples Illetans Nora wir leas thkn fink Quart of Monti It liable Pears It Quinces It Wisner Fears Vicortasuts— Fgethr Dert 1 head. Cabbage Nuaches 3 C”tutlovrers . 12 roots calcify 6 stalks Celery 12 Carron. Peck Ostia°. 12 Parceips a Vegetable Pg. PJ blood Ilene Ghtarteke. doul,le. Parsley Pack al Turnips I pck Wlndeur Boone Peck Tantatoca . I pck Lima do Pcoond beat yak Pingo. wea do .. Photons—Foe What and second licit di S rphay t 11/ • Bathos ' Bouquets . Cut Flovrerc Monthly Boots ' Greta Hence Plants. , Dircretionsty Premiums coal Le given tuj additional Ilenticulanal awl natal Producuons, if debated cm. th. 1 Claimant. (or Prentitartni, who are oat tuenthers of the Society, will pay 61. 'Picketed Add...jos:s ream to be bad tithe Saab Stem, and Wickersham'. Seed :Lora Pittsburgh to Allegheny City, at the Drag &moo( If P athwart.. John bluebell and John Sargent. In Ilansinghorthtt ant Drug Store ut Jetta G Staab. Or Own nap of the Exceptive Cotannues • Ilentheta cola be ateasned Ca preteating their certhcate at the door. . , • Coinpettuors for premiums will hand their nitric*. ith ate_ bind gull nuanuty of what boy will onbant to any mrcu hot of the Esccutise Cnromittec,aed thatthey will have their at. the doll tta the moncion ether 21. t T H E Subreriber. late bf the arm of & (Ns bar Al. day putchated the stock' of hf rD ft Flails& in the wholentle and retail familypoecry and ptpdlice bluntest , . No 46. camera( atuttet and Li , eny fitectit. Would respectfully solicit the penneattrOf hot nende sad farmer of lbe eatablithatent as. sating them that he Wit always be sapnlied wok the boa, •flleiot the cavern markets eau iumiigh and at tab priers. Hy ni e• al arrangement wiih k Jayne.. Peg, Agent for the iiiriirVert Peirin Teo Company, Le wit' oe ennenntily'eoppf.ed with a mineral awortmeni ne ape Ginipaim Tea. Si hew Vert priers. for the 1.4, etiennottatio.i of those of Elk nosianere who piror said Tema THUS' MILLER Poloborgh, erptem•ier 0) en. In Sad , isg final' , 2o. Chart, and Prodas#,basines underelcred maid coattail) r.-ssaare-nd Ids sacra Miller, to hm (vend+ and fornsis paired.. spnat ' - " I/ PH I.ICd bI . S.OLUTION—Th. pa , lmmtny bllbrko ex! , log underthec.t le and Atm or Mr tibmnin & IM .01 I•Mna doy dimoirrd by mama enn,...jobn C. .lrhemnirnl•no•en of bi• micro interest irbivin The INIVele-{n of 1110 lam fina hes< itlnd'hy kb , m.n, wbni. tuihonand Mt. the name of the Inn he far km corp.*. 11 11111 . .Cs4 .pdind3. • J D ALZELL THF. Snt.nisl n i• now or rtrod Inanufartors al londs of Como and .oleo Wieton•ry a. tilt , n ^01.00:. Ogden len at Inltnan', It none tll t np no er t , perry and Wainr.otrent will men with promint tendon . irtibusN. 11.-aeoek - e; liettneen Fnoferal and Wntddrkt a• opt2Uolly . Alleg ray C.ty • TEN DOLLARS REWARD.: THE above sem 44.111'14t pout to net ;more' who will morn to Wm McCully A' Coott the shy of pith hotelt. t NO. 71Hati. ...Indentedapplemiett' 10 th e geese Olaeshloormh tmemeeswho eltheonded from 'the employment of rail nt . l tvflotte. Coon the 7 h day PrptA.'n. 'she. ttAelterentlee is 016e01.0 year. of 000. elender from/ of body. and 14 amt what tom in the face. All pemooi ere ft:4o4llmm horbor said apprc Mkt. or least him no ode ow: I. D. LLDYIR, c. Late of: Ye:Oita/11.Pa, Lam or Naibtrtda.:Tr... DFALtt LEHME 4 ANERSON AND ' ' 00. 01 R corn*, Ci tO oItDINU P3' ‘11,00,4 Sittß , ola vrtr, 80. B; Front -Wog, abort Broadway. gariootati;BA4. Brow to 4111f[4... 11",w,10‘. Nitlitrillet— 'the rvb¢r ie - hee of d Ipmdd Jibe p tiobstritiond !them Nth= Ferry wasid tosesztlilly lam. those Maw t hem ihetasetsett IttlAtted to the . 11ros. to Ito most' eta reyoseet s :ausd hasieg ethos stiletto theta to Focht theet.for ORlCrearat on or beim* the Ara of Oetober oes D. FORCE le Co. t B rat sittahOoithslltte erAILIMINOTIOIg—reuT hove applied to the ! A doer.. of the Court Or "bmmon hea. or the 14021:1, ty of -Allegheny for the broodier threlnedvent Covre of toll Cootroonyeroldt and that they hove appointed th e fourth Monday-of °Clatter teltt for "the telnyog of toe ond me erediton. • ALFRIrIt CONEY teptlO CTUFS' 001/110- 7 1 . 1010 blare Alp Fluted blank Luttrell Real "do :3 mohair do; .Pconehlivllleddletamatta Cloth.; Block I irtlinno'Canhoarre rt. . Do "lenttlith htutlnoes; 'Paper Fretrelt Cashmere D'Etierre.4" Flne Englich '," Rieh new atyle dc; Heavy tad rich Dana eloOlielinern, Fine plaid/band fancy" do • A very good oesortmcni of above good.' I for solelove to the trade.'hy apthO , MACICI.FTT k WRITR, • - Seale /1111NILY, • • Aonlo and in Kentucky, prompity and earerattf mended Continlevoner for dm 91310 of Penney Iva ilia; for taking Depoentouaeknowlettgrainate,die, - Kam no—tion Win Del.& eon. Cacti+. Cktirelite Carothere, IC : m.llam Esq...kltidock & ••• 'TiIIISOLUTION-41e . I,pniibersbip - peretOra r .. ,11 existing betwept.the tabserthera. sealer the stile of D Nil home kr. Co, h des day ei.ssolyee by memo consent. The bullncu will be'continued bY hew, who fediely itthenzed to settle' the nesounte of the late D WlLLlaldet, • THOSMILLEIU • pLADlN.ELS—Red,lirovi . n and.bamd rhumelt. , Au add i tional supply rece.v cd.fromAlle . gpanafac. turvn. Alms Caw pieces low pneed.Camuctu; kqr. WeL ep:l3 . 46 wood It Agran lIITGINIS—r ti I Obis - lAroc:d i and receiving: Wilda Z ' a=a or= :1 1 :Ir W. Bum /AWE WEAVER I ' aratO • • ear market & ham Its allLlarallihrEnnumiVirllTlEßVlNG, 11 —A fall ripply of Rote Jamb , celebrated Brown abeatinge Co:m=4 cs:band and 6r sale al asanufta• tatersiniCasim rE TlARDWAlSSiiieeeivid; Vlrstis , Il etup Axes and Adzes. =see k& Aerili,Fkdite.• Hume re, Vim,. Theo Chins, xrtruhtNalls,Cures lento/410011, max sat MI pt 4 mr.,teAsr,saitS W i l L elt b Po r t e k c ell . tlro th l e st<l2o:t f otr P t:e u g h etee We t: . to o rtee and spa ktr,the Allegheny cap Wauer For fonfAhlii7so4Ths eastiitis for rattles; tout lend. do .IEIXIIbsE I / 4 1V.IrbOili; • do'WO recto( Id inch Iron pipe; do ' - do . 111 u do . two, 11144 atop valves, " do two. It en ° - 5 L. , do two ' - ..000155 'Prope..lll ft, state' , the innolor Enciode end Parma O °W,. Pleto—to ewe the mom* per lb hai castings, verew =hot pipes. and owiraloos-Litad to state tho mama for the two loch atop - • - For pattietdars ouptite of...ROBERT, h IOO2 K .I W of the Piusbargh Water W • VARIETY. GOODS. FOR SALE BF TBE CAFE OR PACKAGE. Hk E, TODD have Just-received duvet Dun 91 slklanafaelurers— ', }eases nee, in Bee t arid 9 fine Iva* GinHbs, loel avail dm various msg. • .9 eases North's belt Silverod Rooks and Eyes, inch thug all Ilia numbers. , fi , nuun Canna SW, neanfaatured (ma the finest quality Won,Danny w and. Bna,sels Carpethtg. Another ease of those patent saner/ Joan thrapeid• ...Jest opened aed fial;nle at Manufacturers prices to dose 4:mll4cl:train*, by.ll & E TODD, Manalhentren Agents, ie Wood at, np awn; Ydoors below 2ild n. • • An examinant:i of the !nods and prices is ren fatly solicited. - • aptl7 NEW SADDLERY HARDWARE 'STORE. v.; Liczett.J.,, IiCrANING 44; 131 Hired. Wert, PartbargA • nerkad myatoek from the best so AA both domestic a me nd roman II take pleastaro Inire a e! 'n • 'rexutelng to comamers and dealer. that I am prepare< to fattish theta with all kood. In MYliae on MAI batter terms than laerelefore • • floyers*St tsuall emdtalisentr'araltaalvalYe in S. ,- diary; Hardware and Carriage Trinumaga, I obuin Marche advantages HIM enable me to defy competing. Can, sew. and lodge for yourselvra spr7 • .Chsap Geld Watche, J TUB? roomed • !madame, lot of.Ladieae.,Gold Patent Lover•Watehes ta low se forty dellaes, on* floe {rood ems, and wanwled to keep abod dom. Also, • lama mann:eat of higher pdoed ones, unequallod hem- Wore in bum, and qoaliw. • tw,taldiel4 Gold Watotes of handante patterns as low as iglis,CU and MIA, wiftwood.• solid .W W WILSON. P t Original, •rßollaraz sli ii.Tior: az a trial of oar and alter, E 'lr- dr ' A g . h rir4r , ... , .=:,.. - .. • , - ..11,T, , dt r il e ontaees.- • Price 1110,70 cash for boat beds el' in Al f Cii= e ill a iT:=ViTea u tg e :is a lo a p ar' M. (L .. ' e iY . aired, withoat mimics Armtek of Me HIM q 'lath •is maw reeetrizat and ferule ibt the we:theme, .`tiksin's Wit mf,o Callia 01•1., by - - J SIIAW SIACLAREN i wet( - . gearing otrlesn' Work. . QALRRATUS AND GLUE FACTORY FOR PALE .I—The AM:dela:mono( t a late Janes MeLenalian, offer for sale the ezleblidinnon situate in Mimi, loi ertb lbraterly carried OM hr. him, in his if time,., a Silent tom and MI. Fir wry. The works one in complete order forearm ingest the business, with taturrs.lke, and ready atr emernesteina• any time: .A liberal aeon will br Fiera, end all particulate made known -hf: cellist he either of the etatersigoed. aJA MKS lII.AiI ELY, . seta JOILN 511TChECL,, .-- - ' • - Adreinnurattne DINNERS -At the Atwecaa—rbe propriewn ont the Athena= liernashmeat npartateat will Pet a .Dinner battle pwletstally at b Wet/wk.,. e , each dip comMeneing Vrednenday. the e. th tam The tattle • will be webbed 'with the bent lbw the market abrord• aweless awn are grapeettally faceted &We . THOMPOON &CO VUXEXITIPILIenro belTS=.l. — stipple — of newut V style- intent:hat IMO lamb-work , patteres weLl adapted a Qadts and l'aatimila.u dotsooda ane of bll,Wl4telv BOOKS, AIUSIC, &o, TOHNSTON &STOCKTON have,Jan received sale the following neat svorke,• • • ean Napoleon, his Allay and his Generalet by an Anieri- Ileadlera Liner JO= Ludy, the Alps, end the Rhine • • •-• The Wigwam !slid 'the ,Cithien by the anther WT.. Vltglr• A.F00461, Europe keen with Knapsack and Stair . Rasdon, Abetsank Boolhern Breezes; by TILBiNIO-2 ' • The Stelemon's Manuel, containing the Presidents'. Mesugesonith other pub/ In documents.. birciraphy 0 each President, and a Amory of their Administration. AA in S vole — compiled from Vfieial sources, by EdWil, Crornirell„an libutineal Nenie'f , by 21 , Herbert A Simple . wry; by Hm !nabob,' Draper'. Naomi Plan:in.:Thy. for• the tom of Schools' and Colleges,coomining thereon recent diteoverlea and foci* compiled itemlbe trot aptborities ' flackkes Geometry for Schools ,end College. i• Hints to Young Arehiteetk ealettleted fatalist.. their poetical operation , : by Geo Witniwiek, with al ditonalNotes by A Dow ALSO—A heal. sopply%te Clawing valuable works: . . Downing's Pottage Reeldenees; ' Doerompi Landseepes, C Being , and amyl ANAL termini. Preston's Cantina of Peres-2 vole, cloth. Warlaington and Ids Genera* by J Tileadley. Napoleon and his Newhall.: by .1 T Gee /ley. Ike Aimee Moottramor by J T Headley. - Story of the Hank:tot hyaterlom by . teleig, revised by the Dube of. Wellington. Imeeination, Wit and I'Mator by Leigh Dont. Tapper's Prorierblal Tepper's. ProbabillfePhilosophy.e ' - An Author's Mind; by Id FTaprei.. Shskopeare. Wlll Glastratioss. , • • MI , Nag !kaki< r Timm REdPVED—Recolteczonsof &bleed; by Rev sl.ditcpbeti Fr Tye,. D D—Loadon Edition. • The following by the Presbyterian Bawd of Palma tio;ra Toooghteen Fastilly,Worsbire by Jaws NV der . ..Pasted of tha D 0.141- '+esbytecian Church; New York. An firYeiltion or lb? Ceueasioa ot Finite( tbe Wen- Weimer Aniertibly of Divine-L.4 Kew Robb Shaw. A Chrisuan panty. kin for the Chamber of Vicknew, by a - lithustar., Dovotiowit Mated of Sickness. The etrisu. or the. tiontyked Grate in dm • . . The above will, &general aplertnient Cr Tbealogie and 3liacellaneoaa Bodka for , ale at the Bookplate of . • ELLIOTT & ENGLISH nen 56.reatket et.between and and•dtk - ' MAGAZINES NOR CIGTOBEFI. If CET nevem/d at lb A. Mut ciao lot October. Eabarlishasau—Heraise, Spam- Mial, Poem • GodoVo book for October. A Doubt. Fluid= Platt Cborders's Cytkitectio i .N. 187.er4deb boaclodte the ark. Climbers'. Meet May No t. - Pastime.; or Um Forum of the Moneilsiox, by Frederick The Shot Babe Mop. erne Pith orCrOp t 'I Le Hooior of Rao ototztotn -Ity,..Neutoo M Curtis. A complete throle, both Fr/octal nod for , ths Moovesolat of the Fsna,'axidocoitpaol otAbooriola Agri etittoo. 81 R L Mks. The Polio of Balm,' Tb. Titivates Wire • carotin afoot,. by MIS E. Romensai.. *Tomo sad . bcr by U Diem, bi D.. Flesh • ayter's Cott EssmAier t Pepe 116 dime fresb apply 1k •bilf.tHntue..iE7 Book,lie complete guide to a combo Cookery e lry N es L 0 Alva Fec For d. av sale at l ailllFlta, stialuoSoldeos al JO. r ecund. : • TITS: GITIER ARP WPRII.e.,, A GAZETTE foe'salhorre, Readers and Publieees; see Ezell mastered this tiniest We. y embrace. 21 quarto mon,ie Madmew foren,entmenleeiGe biodonr. It is &en ted prfseipelly t.. Critical Remeerfot new mob., 113th istermieg end Mime/tieing i,t. iets • Roten of the move ment. of Historical end * beet s SOrietk moor poem em reepondetememittere *beteg to Edieanoo, ro and leitem tons, sad joilleisemeletti taboo Foreign Joirme yid whet ever is om,leelkieeee sad le, tins, nirether nd. . *wetly Lb; of new Insotep b eased it. the mentiy and ebroad,pre pared in Ger...est se wee , , • ; • P. it•l93 poi Pottished weekly by Pennon fr,P.0.;1313, Now York -- Setnetiptiems teed eel by Ise Celdmll fese;osentienesmaled for the eit sod roantirfir the . tA w 8 C -1/1) ELL ...• NOROC SYCAPP 800K....-.l.lmrgaryt Opals.. sow yowl by P R Jan. Pr re 6 canty •XyriShiar i6e 7 . '6=0 np . l. ten... • Gt . = o i nt u 1 .'4." a • : Gmonsi of Mo'com. by I , Pp: LayeeOs Of Mex 6E4 by Geo.' 3 ;. pyardi Gmh apyly. Mmunes foe °Mabee. Now Mme Jen ree, va by ; . r • • • WAI. e. G,IDWEL' ; . Blew Attack oirPlasos. 11N H. MELIA*. 01 Wood et..-env weswing J. an excellent eisavielll Wpm. eat 'Gem Vint - Pow*. arrival eo-stall awl owe opan for oak. ' splendn Ristessocal nano. tux octaves,. SIM Moe aplentlid tarred flosowont six octaves. 301/ One splendni mahogany Plano itix batten. A-In censed Maws Vane, made at the Aware Henn "e. !Moils. and filly INV& IA the or, • 'steed by hies at Ms enumerte. ; • • • . etro Thin seaborne) aecond bassi Piano made by. Sitie dart. Woree-tet & Itontsam, New York • A farther eurply will be received Meier thin meoh PEMMA eI•AINSIVOItTIf respectfolly annoeneee In the' LI. welter. Of Pittsburgh. t bm' room, In Broker: 1.1d4r. Fourth . at. ern now gpencr the reeepon. gt lAdles and a ounmea who wt,ll le acquire .•besatfut hand-st riiing. Mr. A front his Islatgeorieeeelnr,.,. Ins has n o bemstion in ramose toe to all who beentne etts_pum Iv a eompleus style of Illtintivnphy. Keen. style et ornmeestal hand used 17 thaw who 511 public doeuments *lll b'e'llopsirted to tae . Gentlemen nen Mote Icy bow between 8 and 12 olelock. will asul sett and 5 atiernecor.. A class. will elso:serisenteendle litituns Notes will' tome at I o'clock ettelooon st,o4sis.• .BERTLER PENS, PLATINATED BY GALVANIC AdwtoluGrodPe.,Eitatte.t.VmotUA ( ... tatting dd Pe.. with Ado. Pro Holder. Pen No 1 soluble for mooing bud; I ISecretaTt Land; " F oe a dodo; ; • - 11, h • 6' . 4 d Pnelsb black letter; . • 0 ladealland , - Each Cool cool/dos tweilly Puss; with • good Pen • Pen..flor • 6 ' ELI= : pening "nil Th; Pee. Ner • la prineipallitieed ip Wriiiag nod , Thaselite &booty - • - The Pe.a.Ne 5 fw towing *lie, inertia' Oireels, Neel. eitii ' , for ititk Note Signalsres, as ,Ineee rens ReVeT eut the paper, Ilowever Ina, or how. feta heavy the hat:Aloes - 51 ettaT retended ah eareekshete the above Pens fold JONNSTON attenflCTOrt,Boltsclers:37 : earner of.Masket and Thitd Hs?, . Qo • aett, 90 wood at . - ..11 E a r rriV " W= . heet. Tke .Plaivis ma} be ezepanie4 ei keen, end the sabaerl , be, there tumult to It: uld heal I to 3, eeeh day: : Phub'g, October SU, Nig .• iVzobe endersigieg, would clout the el:aint if Pittsburgh and eieted,tiat we helm speck:neg.*, ltleber role Apo* for weneraifewZran* for' U. ode at oar. Piano Fora* 60 , nr may Ott• Weed eider owe (Newiteth nee*. .• Verk.9ee-1.11501-aelidtt • etatte V. aas 1 nimmiens P" 1 rPaCul944leh A4):llre=lmeUe Fo rt; ida Pkaso - wiatftientan awn isouad Walotat7 7 7 ) ,,p"'"*"." 0 . 1 " . Nioo4 Areto4 bona :alb -INALP OW 111.1P.I1C0 , 4ViL o• Emden Uni• D'.l den d 4 dejrukie 7 de4eide par lavririte rues leet Melrose di la ItepabluK Paarraide per lu majora amorieadea, , , - ••• • upke rrecnektr_ salklby -••••-• • r"r .-:i0=8:102 , 1 D,RONak, . .... 1 1 ruff CAPS'M BONNETS. new and lirssahlenalislaillainadVarltwee;:. jilLINDE eeee. R the Atanonhakela Ifield street nstuliwtiWyk• The ed himself in the above boates. WAN My, and htie • Mtn opened 6 :o ihb Mennen= of sks,Paldits A Mtge • end carefully selected anortmentoLliata and Daips,vt every deeertpthm, color sad shapbOattich nip ND utile !cry lowest mutt prices. • • Haring made arreasemems with the famed Ikea er- Beebe k Cotner, of Newyork,he will always bans hand a 101 l simply of their cele b rated Deasst,Stiki iubt Dania HE. Am, Mosta, ftemememeiCeey,Oder eml • Ashland tints, of Emma eltdliementanoteetme; which he will at all times take' planate in sientinly , — Ile feels tun red.thet all Mere will be eetieht wi t h his leleetion..4 el the wee nate bisprkwsisdn snit ma, • most economical., lie is detersaioe, in those rz= rot to be beaten: Do not. the retore, rapt the pixel* House lint store, Smithfield I • JeY • '..• IV itteCALLAX A • - FISIIIOII F 0111111111.." ; • • 1947. • M'CORO,&.ICI NA' UATTIRii Corner of-WoocCemd Pita AVE received their Aaome ityle alien, to artH they reepeettelly invite Mettlention thetr [lee, , mere end 4•;•• • 4 , . , , . _'• vesnxonr. •. the VI A • i has received from New York, kyle of Hata which be wilTioircaloce vita de . Eaterday, Asti VIM. All dm. eat *fa neatalinitaikrior bat would do well to can *CM,. 7,101/Clod 'dm' • above 4.b. • Pall Pagiadon. 1111 M- ' . '• 4 nPrnua, cosr..tweewiniewaeot ate : win be introdoced' at 1. - HEVILII. on ThaTt• August thh. 'Heath:suet setablognehasp, ionable Hatoffiusborgb ananalketsre` ahead— or. fashionable Hata impelled nd advertised IT mote et the trade, please eel lat • M 17116 & CO', . AIIIINEIER PASUIOXIMIn. AVIA JUST received from New - ValliUkciPur. cur Style for /11., cousielarg, of • Wlsta Beaver, read a. CaW and Waite Praha. Veutilitton. Thou to wacnats beaggroLlteat Nat NS reapecually ravired —4 ,IIUORE - awiS ?Slimed th'Sdelortllkra lth flesh it WILLIAM DIjUGLAS,bas lap.reeerrea a sqqa7 ar HiLaSeid and ,Ilataa .11saw, eus . Laps, am sly int. • Ettra hue Breach eiotatii; liew..l prices. . 78 Wood wrest . . it . _..-IWILLIAM DOVOL4If, '.l IR -' :- PONTINI7I3.I la 1121.1.Ctlair, cod ieep • CronsmiNly on band, ever) varrqr of lams • mod Caps Ofl.tle. late.% Iny,le, an..: pneva Tat) lows 7.- Vi'w,1 , 4n...1 1 t.., P. , de ''' :' ' '-. • . EXCILLNGE utlaiiior',.liA,kuse.ik CO,' ; • osaiLzne. Exciu . airOs. isnovauto i - ..AND OF:ALE:IIS voliktqr 'AM) Di/24E5TM EXCIIANtt cErrtimiA,Tia OF Os- Nary.* AND ! PECK; • :Fonnh ~Fir oppoti!c*Efipof are. !CURRENT I MONEY iiperiiken . Delnianc—ailda acct. tar tale.and concede.' Inideynt owly the principal point. act. Unitit The binhtalpremitµnpaid fin An.n." hold • ' " "" Adaancea made on Coriaiglitarnli of Pieilateilhippot Enst:on Literal terms •. N. HOLMES a •Fox.'" .:; • • • Banker* sod Ilealore In ICltelgango, Cobs and Bank Wa les;. -.- - - so. 55, nista? irragiT,, prr,ianiodn.- . Selling au.. • EZobadFe:•: , • :lga) kdd Rani- . New Vork, • .. 'tor (neianal4. ; ~.. i dla • Phdadelphie, . do Looieville„ ..••• .., I do_ Itilticoore • do n Loon,. „ - Ida - Saying Ilksa. Ile. K :Mg/TES.• EtOited Rate* °to, • I dill." CO:te Beep (been: I dn.., !Indiana, • Ido Rellef.howd.- '1 dd ' Kentucky, • • I Jo - Peons; gouda Cy Ido plow., Ido New Tio,k , 'do. Ide oo I.7beebug, do' Nevi Orlaato,.., Ido Teenenoe, ..-.; do:, 'slarylaod, ,„!. ~ ide sate( • ..•• • . , • . pmk_t.....tas.. • ,• loszim H. C HUL. Haut finnetWas a/ Hill ACo ,l sad Will' C. CUR RI, duce Erie, Y knee ILL am CURRY, kien snip Copartnership. ander the norm or. , hpposf earryingon the • Wanking and Eaehange Lam ness r inal e'o l ne bluebell. *1 No 6$ tthod street. *nee- donee 'helper Fourth, 011 • side—where they solicit Ike customs orabelr friends the pablie generally.: : • JOBEPIS It. HILL mettle , • , ; . .WH:O CURRY Yoespit H. HILL: ' • Altana. • • un.t. RANKERS R. EXCHANGE HROKEILI, ' DFALERII • IN FOREIGN' AND DOMESTIC TIME A SIGH? BILLS OF EXCHANGE. , GEELOICATES OF • • DEPOSITE, BAN NOTES AND OGIN, I- No 05 Wood meet, Mid door beloo'lknsult.,wrest oda. _ PAB Panda and Catteney received on Depasite• and eolketions Inarle.ohalt *principal Owe In the United Ptatel. , Eight Exchange no Baltiinare„ Phlladelpbta, New • York. Boston and Culeinheui constantly &reale. OWN In Kentucky, Virginia and Phansylvattla , • -• Hank Notes. bought and told on favorable tame Exchan r on I..gland. heland,Getutaiy.and,Frane• • WILLIAM HILL& Co , -. RA !MEMO EXCIIAIVOId:JNIOAKICRIP AM. imams/ant ' FORFJGN AND 'DOMESTIC EXCRANG CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT; AIME. . AND SPEC! F.. 1V . 1 Eare Ne., 64 Ind 'Sant sae don' itbme ,* aid 4 tactile!' • Pat itsburgle,-PWL. • _Nasal` Attu .• 1/31NaiD•141111. KRAMER', di VIANTERMS AND EXCHANGE DakiKERS dealers /Jai Foreign and Domestic Bills or EzePtgops, entiti es., do mee t s , No Naos and Coto. rams [Wad ..d Wood meets, direcity opposite 51:Clyisles Rosa •1)F-111.151ILVANIA„ C/1110, ladlanaißentaelty, .ad realamit?Crelltl'y rittAs.l4.TeldEQ at 'e•~tf Ezelsge Mute/ Pt iCHANOE ou Neu? Sot*: Pbilidelpl4,l;/ ' Eat ' - 11 more, for tale ia sum b 1144 by • nu - • • II /iol.stEli 601,1 nollectloas an Cloeinnnoi.linlintire,l6 . l.4uli wd all ember neeeesible- pi In the Unhed' Staten, made an andnniondnung ttlinol.' • MILk PUntri • non Wood et, next door 10 EVIG Sewn flurreacy 1645'WD Kontatte V Banks warned la very Tow mos 'of direvont. ape Wood a, 61.1 doorr to Eagle Salami Ezobanie on Neer York..P . Nledelphic Raid, more eonetirell far sale lir RILL &CURRY • ape . - R out st , neztdoo!mEmele Saloon' HOUSES, LOTS,,FARMS, &c. 'Palo ptflteit/ slate. • 1., F: Winelnxten Eseia,igerr kit'li7el4,-1 • el of Ono ectloniw , nO4ori *'a r , dcthrop ccOonp. i . oned.'ctrir • tin Ike I.Wird.volooblo nw•powt in tko-eitt •rph,• advityno kno cn 'he rAti o' •i. • b-rrj ol 'et . neh itr ri,.! on Ft on, not kS. di. • ;tr -rd • •a. - • (loin , n aid ,44, re" tlrj. ran,: ta eat. - C. It Poi, tdrms IhrnWor. e'reio;n2 M., noreland, AlleolArt4 .nr Olt R. Let, I nniy, bete: ~ crornot, nod .1. Prue. unto o; wt. g.Ccor *kr end inglnn ibnd . c .nn , ' , tuh•opw.tio Execin,r, f nowt - - r to•T. n twerp 1 1. 1 , t1r , -!1).r p. • •i,oeno. roterthiM.l2no.hip Villilable Coal roast' ni:d tread S won sum. tu t cUli oP sO:17::O;re ' two. No 'o cow i ltd•O of tom lit Can R R W.p.nno and woo•y running C.d.:di in 22 , 4,16.4 i. The n aM tlr two rdco,incs in prod tenotnat ildro d nw nit It n. 11kt/fn.-SO pri S .lel finalnol, no •ln 2n nn-Ihorton..le Ven2 ot.t. .fled open nn rrosonxble• tom. An) no. owed& to ornaments. tkordid4iVec. Ordl ind tins a raw oppnnunnt so f0k6111 , 14 if .W 4,1. tw onrche will be Intro' to Cad . - , p.., colors nnotnrcpf thr 1.91.1 n itwr +144.•1 . JftltlTOlOßkintti COAL PR(/PI I ISITT 5 0111 . 5414, • Q \ the 61,.totia hen nett, l 6 twles bitanAtAtto 6bott ofilei Ow", Cork 1 6 066..11161 war. arm. •c .nir( 1111 iteire T6l. P.prrt) !cot tot paw AO 'or theeoal hmtme... ha- a mlltLiti near, 31.6 •eet long, d.l6 , ep 6 /16r1111 the 1 . 14 4' 74.5. 1,:•4100..... enal an ttil. pare. en let ti wn. ality Ad twe 'boo Watt.n. Aeitnl•utet t flt,,,bh o 4 5•At ibdre Arlt• 666111: pAp.en-joint, • - 1.6 1 ' 6 6 1 Polo* 161. 0•41,-111 n AA! it 1.41 tont irdi-p Bed orf•A Aye , T. 14 n n ...P..f* 6 . • re" • I%ltr.:e 1.1,5 r, ti ggssrlsd hi It • •slii iisunesa of •srii Moping eseslier (gissid kir iieslosi.g. 1 . (1.••••ion g INT nigs—The Athettpum iT,lriet;st. enisasit, p Phil. sininir4y This swim is 'well' ie Trry mitahlis Ott vsele ies Resit ''; • Also—Abend Oted °Ake bvey 1,0 , • asB. - ' " inarYsi • Valus,bl•'Proper,y tor u.,n ' • Wita.besol4.: ult edn.l4.; ^eetrilibei Lett 3 o'clock I...m.,an,tbe.pren, • able 10. of groond.knaurn nslbt:reity ,av:•ddrtiobl ein•thist) fen in •rmlth by thitchoodred and Sty) rnno.nvll.ooAh fr0. 1 .3r . d ifeu'lb• Nontg•p,of 'Wad - ' - _ ."‘ '76111 IrirlreliT. Cho Iry Co m on of enl Valuable Ilea! ICstate tarjals., THE owlets timed sbolt , te tetanhe hi. Tatman to the eaantry, wren RI ail. LOTS pa Sneond meet. Mtioriesr.Phryy alehit am 14, dneht Alley, finch ba twenty feel front Gan Wert and eitily Art litft3l- c lrbelot h bio sinely.rthe Yr bole loakher. oe , the sahleriberoa the pretalseA.:-.7011/Leajnwira st. HA VI Piti remove* to the eity; rot ettintentehee Noresatonal :etemeeo. , l wilt netlike Aleesitta I loose. end oh hooted ate eneleeireteitesue outhe blare or the Monongahela; otto cute ahoy. Piutteereit • .411 Moore - • • .s sassy' _ . . . volt RE317.-4. eret derelddirbetseienedaribe V in dr. euesulh.ll, ead de Add gamed: adhdlides Shamed ea die mace otLadeeh eed-ddhaee Palmy e Footmen - - d Ira oa the Ist Oroi etta. •re 21:111 . L'AVOISZ FOR RUNT—A well Asada Aoosiir‘O'Pluls Also, the lams Ramis 4.114 Nen - TSAI SlSCiSisr ket ayat present ...sumer! u t Lithary tsySt .. sol Periodical *She byNr. Woe - t!ealeivrtit • - • VN DRAWER 2 TO LET.46larals, atmaogdioaa, and mania. lrbed." threaalaty, anal; 41 w 41, 1 1 ftr:aafiwa w.. half way betwee n Garman aikeyawl.Wayasai. Ponsentau panioalarsaw uWealßeaor- : • LW: WY.VALACE I=o=lti IVANCtiarnat bettetifel Building teitst Pittebester,ttesitheetnr i • t et he brllikteet. • • • • ja , .•,P9a 38nr , •e7. rivet •N street wed Zfez I=rd-A sirrnmoicsinniT ponnissero.: sieved froth the East teeetgel rP ee opi_Net.sCA«, •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers