4144 5 W; 'ekt' aair,:-..., ,44 . . p... 4 itt 6. , ..W.! js.twjvioryis,ir.-Ying heals, ibbfr.ottd o w. , 6lll.o.mo 4.r • WatitrifiAlma tleiOinitepire•i, er . v - 100 4 iAs4t ifotiW,ind '4044! •f• ,. - There-Tiiiiiii.-tae biLibthieg . .eqtaal• i li i., '....6 ''.4 l l l, !tr:Trilid ireiii . ..a'preaeher. • ...Sianpelryfirmersiniiiid'•iessell ; frons, tiji; r , * .fitt4i,`"Life;:iinee - difsiiii•all•triers"-- •„"Utdr- at . that , neighboehite4talitit36 'fir' , :' drainhi/thal br . ctured Withiasratrel, and , ' '':.• 7,:,- - -:- I *h&j. does'ir presaf t "'',4 rage'cif;tbiaga i . ,.. ievejesi. liattod,:stney,bickeri,iiga, hint words, eta haze inaionatiMas, tbeiver-sea, ihefte*of - 'll:llhitiasliiiiily4-11644;!, •,,1 , •.;; -, •si,big "itesati,- joy "amilevettyirlde.. - And le4.l(ifital.ligny : lXOTlctilt iCia tweal.ii gamier. - I••:• ; A,isblentryj e ja into the:church-or finally; T-•:', - .'-'lVat"shooM, ratites sue ID In : 16 dam flat; wa i-fr,'"Z tetarjai!jbeiP.enoliscitt;,in April .:Every . : 7 , - , , one beili,tight with • hiumelf—no mateer l_,;!-.1arliailis has said or done iliac wan wring ~.- ; ;;,.land,emery _one ionlia. on hk.npighbrir /LS VP. and, enemy std 4.*coundrel4 ,We tell , y•sa 'to teeyont of :a-quarrel: •aLli!o'if'pe!mit ',;;••,„. , it torntise ii;elturibit ItfuleAloncaad 4 '. -,- if nitstinkißiitoil4ilind : 3ll:44. Shi 3.ss•,WAPitiK4l*-'00:1-bia,jiv 40001*;,14. 4 .;. :1 11 k4". :1040441 # 6 !p4i'f';- , •11-. , i-.• . , ;,f - , ( -7 , .:Siniddi . ;:iiiint;*Anaitid;-i-tun . gilt; g!':', - :jailliiit - e-;,l . iitailetipa:` . ;;Gire tiji'Afj rpt‘ ei-•;:s- - in inch M. two , of •-land,••or any, -; ''.:•lbioltiealitntible;inther...thar; hare n di, 7gi-,....., OM that Will descend Co- your children, :.•,,''' ,. : ‘ , ..irtik,find 'ilo end iill.tbe tided or fourth N4 , ,,- ,.. -. gem ratioria We b row it la 'sometimes i!"....4.dltracoir LO Mora. Of) ninonthly 'with - COT* ".."*.,. shi•Charamers; hut if,;yito !toyer:l44l;4, t)..... , temper or, be "riled your tengue•tri ,D•:-Z: . 111AUTI F , -th your deader to startup, .-/;17; 7 .we _think yriu may weather all diffcub, ~.:;ties, and remain in peace with every •‘ , Z•." body, to the. close 'of_ life.. At leait, you ;;••.':•- ,r- paw . have -the rat is fe eti no of knftWing ..";'.•ail.' that. you 111113 done. your thity,..whiOb:le a." -r *,... ,- reNef. upon, is : nd Mean' coutroit. - -;- ; POI !, ./..,V4.lfitd Tribune. ...... : eitittimirr - Rowts.--Beanie, in his • t. ';••••: Meier Sob:nee:gives the 'following - ides ...4 ~, !lir writing Or speaking with perspicuily: ."-i - .:- L'i:4Thefave perfectly know , oor : Own imairorig,:irrlich In:not Ms, asi SU:reisy . i. •;t:i7-.. - • matte? as a person:woulkirnaginn:' .:: 2u.. That we tbortrughlY mideritaid iii. .E!..`;...'", words' we make use of, with. !kink %ice; ...?, . varieties of aeon, shish often distinguish ._,_., . , .. . ~ , wont, a p pa r ently .tYlvioYm."' - ..- ' 7:4-'• I - That we unfold our theughtk gra 7 -0% , duallY Sad in eciaprral order;.legiening witb the easissi And,olost evident.;' ; _,.`. ,"•:-.'.' ' . 4. That we admit no words that are. ' •:-: snerasmou, or not geoerilly underatond ; ..` , - .... vi imless' ,we • have octisions,ti;introdak. ' nesi , idea's . slim , wercr ,ite ,. v, t taidijiae .e.it.. : 7 '. , ..? . mean in our, lintitiiit,;:- ;;;•••...., . - -, ,- ;S: , l"bin we- avonl'Aigwelitions;and n it' a.., ihoste:pateruhesee'ditit'dri: not imislelalt ~..!..' into the 'outpace, ' :....!. .11. 7 = ' B..lrbit• we U 3 0 no Siglign phras es; - •,;. : ;',,.onlese we write in 'ii tarTnn . tangoil Or 3-,•:-:.have ,cession to quote a foreign' arnhot 1:: :: :t : - in hie own 'worth; ; and ••••„•,..-:-.:: ' fAfly,,.:That we study to be rather tad ' I •t.),e4sippo — th an too little ao ; always . 4;, bsurMrfii,nfed that "Olken c00n,.; Oi pecalagetee no readily into, oar tboughtl "... and:vreere Or things as wo ourieleee do:, , - • , .. , - . .c.." - • Tit'ililieriti.-:•.A . pn n tee ia -the motif ''i.- cation tieing-tiring.. 1-lii :may lave -e -.):- 'bask and coin:, land not be worth a tunny' „.*`w': -hare 'sea 'tip, and neither have wife •tior children:- Others Air run faitt : ;..hsit. _..,a , 1',.., - begins:along aWifiest by ourisg .. fast:—. .a& He. may be making isipres.rilist willig; 'T r ..oloquenee ;• may, use the - fr without of , .•: t. fending, and be teltlng the truth while ,ichlteL4' 1.:-::- 'll 7 :;', - - abet , cannot .' staUdylieri they eel, hi: j'e;;;;7l'.l4 o ,:'• .1: , ;, can say standi4; and lay:lran botbnry!te: '11741r.:44M., '' .t. : - •iyusoesiste:Mutie .fainiftiini ; and yet ; . ~ Nii , iiA. - .314 •:‘,,,: i :4= dwelling—rnay make_and put : a isrsif ••,eir,;. l i 7 ._,..'x'ty , - 7 . to., and never ese cpie; march less. Sat Sii!4:4::::-)r.ii ; ii4'.....,.7. , .. % it, doing:Ns lifpber a hunoui beijtif*lili ' : 1 5 .,*ni1k, " : 441... .; ' '. l:, ' '-• ins! tboentnelinvk talitat. . 0 7.;Zily:64viilt:Nr. i l l, ' . deal .' end pot. /I.lk a favor—mate' bandit?. a - ;;;W;t F 4a;.Cir ' 1 >; . .44 1 1,1* "and.inor - hiegiltiiici, 41P'11;"';;;;Ni••• j.‘-'';f•t*patte < xtto or . - pi nto; tip- in ! y nictili•?b , r: ',..:44:71f:1:-*:',..t' t‘..*:;-fitittfir'4llo tisoleit the world, aria yit nr. 4%;;Nselts q: ..t.-,9 & ,.fai filarmorir% qiftginbe! as it fins., . 4 -Y:!.,,,,...'„ . ' ~if:: ::•'),::=` vith3ds need. udier•& , nrisiebill•-armald . • 'i •';'";,.?4::•;1' . 4.'"•;;•;.• , ; • ' l '\,-';'.mlint,q,;•mtithoor itieine,:f - hposeiiirelfr . - ;:$••4:2; 1 .: ; :` ; •:!•: , -:: • 'lneY 4ll 9 . • his lona. va: ii bed .41,4'1:M1Lt.....:„...: t.....:„...: ?'-..-: ntdiAoo:,elogi, on the •fleof; ,he may ;:.: 1 ' . . 4 •:: • • ,7• ••• nitS l *.ry : without shedding -bloittriiitut• '•'*•"•••••it'•"i' 'i •• • -- frodealtia may handle tlitst b• lii• - • :, •;a . i?:tf:i .. t4:;••- - Pi:- ,iiraffrifisPereiliag.dini.L.ita.Aio;i4: 444 1. i.: : ,,...; .4' 4t " -- Jim m ie:4.in, io, travel ; 'hs 'mai.have , ii: 4 at ;:*." .:.::,,* .-..,. eet.'iuid not be difitnandk- noier. ~.'",,i l•-•••:.•'• •-•;,•",•:::,,:., . 4 . , .:•'••: '' . ' cave; and yet tam nothing . .itkir ....r.i.v,,!......14.4.:`7,W0,:1ig. .itiiiiiii6 . 3 .l4• always •frree...e 5z•.,...., fib, ,& -, ,.p.t.k..!:qthw„, itairitititi agorae every aiyi, ~ 1 4, .. , '::. •-- -, :ipsdichnott:i ever having* % . " , v 7l ' ! ' 4** s ' - *- 4. 44 . 4: ' iliCild;hilia , liard:ine.. VVllllltiikt4iiiie.ti4 , e 7 .4 l einiiiiii4tigan:iikfarany.inhos Via , • : • ••• 1 4 ; ts MEM ....iiiii - F; —V, Tr'llairal7l::7ll-ir= ttriri. ,- mt - a - .l ll :l l l . olifett e Zra= ..& ..•,:—.,-, t 1 4 j.:, relt7=l &Of ms , ., '. ri .” -Ch 6 it°, ter V . " Va. 4 ant wire &resale Ite. ; WOOll, 'MOM; ilf ., WM hi lie la bahki Ma Uri. tong is VI de prepaii&i, 4111) i TIK . e X pr[4lllo&,, i& ...74. 1 ttnrtrai a a34:e 7 0na1!.. , , 0044 A014,„.,, , Atiii:-4.1 - prion, g....,,.ri01i,g1y nr:P"'""titr:ltneli%Wit:TaTrrite 04,114. in" a yawls pat at amnd. ~,!.!.?_111.,.!.+7.,.ttwi be&sbert!, andg7 p4lr/i 4t l ikt r iMMP - "T t '' 54 * . 1!. ir ° .hC4I T e I- I n d . lb!' 7r=alF:l7fts 1 3 ,a , :atol' , 3 atilt tit 4`.10 01 4 1 ..... .,4 1 'ar r rih Era at aP 'air bfe k".", .11:=1. Euagi, , ofiAu c ,..lt ~ Mo. reef. •Ar• wmern maw, • -• • I ''s •• •, " 4. , .. •••... . r ill ia'iljtio.lpitfile '4 4.y egi"r berow 6 l ll°42 tT,: l 46r" °e.• b5 ".'" ' ,,,, : 6" c.... `k 4 - P " .l4' lLc ‘4 4 " l ' - - iL!''' ' '! •! t :. i9 l t t" - ;:l ~,s ". iiii . wagalaftwojalienzr,,, , ...-, , ' -, Wm& Ltssistoka & P&&47;&,.....rd . ,• . ". - , i ~.- ---- -. .4„-- - - • --,,- z...... - - r.......,=,a.m. -- , .......74...:. 1 . 1 , 4 1 -- .4,1,141,.. 40komativiter,tawAspak9.11: Qmii.:l4olllo6ll.re S&L& • & 0 1‘111:14 4 Vri,W a il '40(4 tot tta"ii. 06 , 19'13 'A.1!..10161P0 taa'suiVis,4o:r 9 Z: l4 = l° o o ,lf ' Val' i - ii.ii, JO 0.; fin: l 4 6 o '' a°t thlWino,!t-i" rat.-1.17 =tr.;Or. "l ""szatthttra k i r • ' - Ae.fis.NNecnii„init*bei . an11444:1, . o B ,rm hilly taut bAl&ne. 114,0.515&0... i:.YAL CIAPIS ,Co i1tri:.‘441144:114r: *. jl " Z " ,ljr n hi f = '' Are ki.ei ii•ita6,. o,l,runoiablo 5u1t..4 1 4 1 .*.if ;see IL a:war.. baff ac a rls , wia.s, win 'ari_ I : i *oc t oi l4 l o jiet'or,"inke!'"E . l an : 1%72=4 "'o..id:tus"rtnittlii-P'. 11.6ii10410irri , w 1 4 , -. :.; 7 . ,. ., -, ~ ...- “ . ; 41 . 0 1, • . u sitc • • :: 7 ! 1 - thirs ~.17•, * '- rw." 4;%4 --- I;jia htubr o % . OlirCol 3 zea .. - !' l ' 3x `'7;:7 OTerynoadf' 41 Z .auu atil T r" , "l..•lfd i ' .. ‹-:. 1 . '!'.`,' ''- ""- '''''' - ' - -'• .':'..'"..,. ~ I. :.,•:•• t .....'. ~• sz, ~.. ,:'• • —„_ -. . . . . . -.... .... _ - '• ' . 4 MEE ••, . . . . . -.._ .......-...:•:...• . I . I . t+ Mr 115 . 11dIgh, " 11 ,1 4 3 1 1$ 1 , • ;1:1-, Zet:ril, 1,. ' a EAT:y.01800 tcy::::!•:''''s 1,-.:4 - :,..:.r.. . :Zia - I:he*" •s; . -•::: -- : is ll l=Ve inr ia witty Wlaewita 4" ; l ‘ Z... 1 Parem .wa a it. S•ig . et .; :o rif the i. ). , ...ifeestalsilosathiew - i i; • , -..,- 7 . .. f a d r e ' "..le lr ith i o i4t , IC' W :sam yini d" d wneab: ,_:, ;thnalw" 4, - r.- :..: :,. • . , 1.1 'COSIPOUNDIPTIIttIrtIfr WILD - CliKtillt".' •- • As miser itauto•wrestss.....,lleatt• with :Okra, :.,steasat the vondedut .earst a Zorat bl Docb.• ~ 5 7 . 11" . .' C ._ k/lILA D owpwwl S lthe it i orJ. 1 151 11)1 , I A 141: - 'pr. baSyste--Sidti • hia . „ Ti isurtiei I q fourselfoad -a dirty I thrbeete' doff:deg 'hi matilty,`E etrierfolly .riye soy testi ethiefilidd dieLtie .In t op world the Awe: sitofilittitig Am' ia,sid Dia treat cute year • COmpoo sal Syrup hf ,Wild Cherry porforMed'oe me, . alder. ant mint nisfavorahlei OPROItaIUO2CoO. I woe lakes. with a tioliat Corm*, Splllity, °rut:ll°ocl. we.. tare Viii. is the Sidra tad &tart,' ebkh welsh:id SW break - dreia esPeofithle my combo, twee. that my pb)Aieoaa think soya:pas timed the power of. tot-[ else, god in, Wedded) gave so up to die; bat thanks to .you aid thief/Selo 04 your real rimers • •Ity, I now feel myelin. a well man, sod raised from 11' . mere akeletrin tone flesh)) and healthy s MU as" base Area for yearson,l aballbe pleased lesiva any' Information -thimiscuat my me; by. calling army iitilidisee:Mitchseiesthreethird doer bekrWthIWISO. Weer; hirrtathari Lfbertin. • JO,Colt roliortytt, ; Testimony is nine reeettedfronavil fuserteii • I .. .. • I The lOlSwitar latish. Ire presented Noah • Iris* 'CI more rimy sboveini the opinion. of Physicisna it relation to the IlleaTeal ads. if Dr. SWA ViK3, COMPOUND SYRUP tit.' %cu. '? crmanl, - - • W Swaype--Desi ste Hid ig used your Com. pourid Wyrup df -wad . •Clierry , esthisarely. .to.rni .prietlee,l Mae reopiested fij your • Agree,' Dodo,. IteuteJfer to eiprlrli sty oplntno Is .mire of tra propertiess • remedial agent, I most :sheerfolly ' comply, as .feel .by so ditiog,4 will discharge.; dean I- owe Dui entamonito at large, lied Phydetans . to partimilar. As leach irj detest Wick Reams • .dies aid Patrol ,„/lostropo, I .was isdneed• fisha • slate ref. the SOS yodel.. rapecionups, 'deism. ,mestrd lo cwr;'lnepau endue re setho cue* of Dimmest Lune% to ley, yoonsepu.stiori of Peons inrginis or Wild Cherry: It re sufficient Lamy that 1 was "aura plewe.i with die result Of that and wewsigrield tathloithat I now satserihe Din prefer, epee to aDethet KrOpodies whew:ten all*ldWookto lorliialicf." - 1 la: lie nutehi.; divided :Yamorooaia nr Dilit3.esof the'Lutow, hi the darnalog lotia le which . it lawman in lienteeliy, I reu , a„ id dm' aiiniabrabli m Remedy in thn trfaeni al that dwatipt. Toad who lets* 'me 1 baaellaid.coilntli. bat WO& lasy be wren by rersocia out-of the yieraityall Fridge" I will briedyddd,that I• haveherr ertiged la ti' actin, practice Cl my profeinialt of P.: yeartrothar am a Revilartirsduito of Traithjleania„ and Uda ;oohs Grit ta‘ent hledichie I etc( thouthtr itopgo OUJO. aspies sCoplitlOn in Wittsg. • .. .I, .. •.....' • • • • J. 11-F4l:UOli M. 1/.• '• • ',. January :01,1C17. ~- ...Pandit. , t;ousty;Kir •• : , . Fifa altonr, Ey.,./aa'ry :ter, ISe/..• • Tlie.abori eerSiKeata is Does bee of ear loyal. • dial hetet a few mils from here, he isduing g yew goal pescheo. and ra euaddered 0 good' Physician, Itedittaaila fair, he W.:as he ave.-a regulargraduatod : , ...., . .... •', Da. 11. L. Causcato, s • I Dranist and Apothecary: Trot:menials totiThiewer - twerp. t , , ' From the Temperance Pledge. • i Now stw iViolor to 'port to with tbr• ottendari" Isla of Pull:moth and Broriehlalitteetioos.Crpaghi. Colds,&e. &r , we wiedil advise those :algretea id. -this way tri - mate "Mediate trial of I.N.Swayon'o, Compared -Spop of Wild Cherry. lt :tern- nerte fail to . petit" a permanent cure... The 1 repithatioa of this modieirte hart rimmed many quid!" Itilaelei to be put forth ooder ii. name; hat - tho . preparatioa of Dr. Sweyosi, beside• being the Unilever staved to the tibiae, la the ouly one that &Le be relied ruf: 'The,„otber - taktlonsit:eoldlet.:Wiid COINT7•Syrog Balsams, &e:.; are .all maiden - and Womble., aid as sole et- the drums of the original preptras doe, •Dr..'areatoe!s Compound ? ) , ! , I ._ ? i tyird CbOropu':' , .. - - ,, - ...'''.`-`:::---- : .. •"'• .. • Iron tree 7P'IPOPId KIPITFr's . •-' 'Of the doaofitorfoU -purporod isthatthe • nostrunsi' ant befom the public, but very res , isra.loood to .pa the beadle:Wan for which they are., ea. Apathaenaled.. , 'Amor, the latter we are plethed..tra Ilaorw,wore otoad . a better tell Mb. Chao o,.waysolt Alompwriod Symp . ol , Wild Cherry. The : odbeted Is tits Stitttly are beginning to ease it. assdla sop prib.ritimila its maths, hopes, hued 'epos Its : 10eotameadatiets tooth than realised. lie )dllletrap died art &opals. , :Whille there liilite, there Mallit . . • - ' A CAUTIDN T0%311E. MIMIC: -C . • itrsib. th e latrodentioa of my article to the •potriie; there Mira a sambas of uoprothipled lade - sided. got. op eosthents which they assert tootain Wild Cherry, some are ealkd . litahousts," "Dithers, and eras Syrop a/ Wild' Chewy, bet Mine is the .arigi mil sad mar . gamine Rep means est rioted.. .ad to the 'Abe. which GAO be proseu by deopidw 1 liefteedsloaft,herCoineacioneelth of:Peoneylopthh: 'lle may mason* 4 Pg!aigurnktii Img 1, 1.1 1 !!! tO7 •i dnAlllßtfte.C.eatel Pl'ute -'-'• '"— • '. • - • ..........s.: •:-. r - --- -Cdt,liktlit.liValt:..il Prepared early bil/li..FP:'§..turs,,it Ain Weiliek oat 'Wee: corner...a. Ft.. sir sad dace Klreefi, l'isi isde:pla a. Ad Wild .CLerty preparatioes: bring detaloos nod coootarkit without he aigaidtde, Versate re Pauehargh Siboletale and dotailliy •,,'• WM. .'DNOKN,6.I Martel street, i • - OGDEN ‘‘.. sriowoKer, CoNtee :ha/ Pu..Weit'• S.JONr.S: ISO Lawn/ MN* : L .- .--• s --.-.' • Sold also be J Tlitehelll; • itumbeni.Ciljg , Cents k Co., Ruder; Weitregh. Ifendesoo4hleirs . - e et t gonna, retarder,. lirslsille; .1 11-Borwo do p,,,,.E.,,,a . ...ge1g wit t e & K '-• • 4.4, Crovelaod, liana,. Id: With, Lcdointiref also • - -oils oarili.; Marsh. '. Vheellegaaii.E.D. Ilions.......flueitioari, Mira Dr ; .. , X . Koltatly•dr. Vaq...111: lima, 44 , 11domue , &I - . Co., ; 11 , 1 ; 11 1rilliseliKOYso . ralt; . Ce, NayOr. teen.. - : 1 1 En' c AI,. AND;: • KIJItP/Cd.V•piiiCt s I . .. . • . t f.,-... • Nr!..C3 Fla-MOND 'OE. -.....: ..: , • ~.•`:••.. htol,l:brrrt; ven.rll6:llre . ': , .market. • , 1 „ , ... . ,o , a ~ ... , , .' - nit. Ottaw a :.; • I •..... ~.,7 7, r ~ 'l, . iii,, u 5 been sego:say rd, , , ,'"'.., •-, ~. : noels loam enehrol pro- . ~ • • , r ,• .: ' frostas.snd then Orr case i . .. ~&,. MAO In general precthe, a • .....V •• 0011 OrOSOINOI•ollOvi.o. ..' %. . . . '1 " ' p7l tha ,Inumdz::,!.cas - ..,... „ \ , ~ 'W ets for which kis eopai • :.,.- ..\ .......ap . rat: ar isrp li 4 r iz:" l: 11:14;ea' year. 86604. ; '' r... 1 1 ,4 ,t, tartscody •nd *:.t ool or ot of thaw 0p0p1..0, (JofiDg. whet emcee as. t sore practice:m.43...sta] lowered:wets dare ..au rthir toi to c., toker a :y.r.1 , ./. prneutlasieD ems -idai unatiOes tilm to eilarea osanen or , speedy.Pyrets eellartn4 ninGietory, I !Fr . • LALLedicrdwak.off*e . r dinewes,' and tU,slisemiesedwit there raw, , ,• • . .Ihe tothea sisenlitanfedat thaw Seised shin pidettir Satin,* whirl haraUsioseeduoalohythoomstwara ..lb). lbo i.e Of Mir Of 411.;tOoURIZI • mouton of.Sr Sty, WI thelrAnouplalrs.vor tarsi...Ay end; ilmr• "they eared,he luthois slim hie cerstai wasoubn ro J00.fre...10141, of secheasetheallietWeeelea at Ithedreus -at lowaaesa in entiog twataisalisdraminn of Ms mat older bladder, pad arert &kolas wholtee nosh , nam thwe'esuna orlon, whew — hews eransamM.dias re .i 1.1.4 despair: 11/ siordediuty iarha oath. 4.'4 irSoolroomollou.oroosofolly teiond bye:hers Ito sow loaf Ss, ',bat every estistaanwe oil be Worn them add am easeistemad le a ithreddatboasealt and intell4esa : deer amp law exparotwee.wedy root In :awaited added lid tow italir Ihr•lhoft a• a garrJ IA in,f,eef.forbeffe , r todepiolry onr efsrd o 4:7,.. nisi. Ildogewai4Prilitthele* eft nevi • • ding whir theneastisitaNs.. ids lowhial paid Po • doentianthirsilmiut::, ~ , a: , .. - u- : , -s: • - :• . aide DiattowitabtPitee,Tehp,Opp.:opusalp ru ed • ; .r.r.Trfesta'ar :84.4 .*6 4.4 me a - 4. 1 ". 'by awed t r Law ta.migwilimpis an OH! nod tow, eat obtain ealliebes anawilin l / 4 0.141iiip . br alderman T. llllDWldeblat tont:ppLJ sad . kw. "J has olrii..cs a iii*TitiA, '' . « . l.= .iifif*svb.' 4 , 0 2 - nr r.... • oast •• l . • d• II 44:0" - I;awicir'll.A4Pti• •-• fet!r#l . *Mak: iviii:**ll"of sere. • Tho itie Li. Isiit. by its Ito . mine of froorlso/0 . .iogigod id kAmtg:Oi. b o or (nod with gito?piriik or:kmiirisoned io the 10 fire Years, and lid or $5OO, Any .. o .i., Rt anothr to mk:Ait t irporposes. 'led& respomn. i:eri tti_ 104 'fo!hadmit.lr.d:69e4 DC 88/0611:11711 ' fitatifse,.se isisnargused aiWisies sw4- veinal toss cholor own*, . 1 110884riekoirsio s GrsAliatissi 01 lie Widen as4l bilni , : ibiri he Us Isek oid Olt, Whoa ctonagaborir Ivor I.ll4lmitglsts• ad afur aWiipo;u:4 en ow tiolairi v.....-fr.....Trz..,17.--=....t..-.1.-- , OW is#o7 , ,: wi tta.astata . Tim fltsztl 4 . , .. r .. 1 .4, fislifbro": 4 =lB,llSPess...... " .. "'R. . ..rs ; Thiel Yards. Doi I b zy. .ViEimi roe' ,•.. sob. wends Wi sad ar .. orily... Desks ma . Ask is - serssal nod, slooptesy fl a amoreknes k rsoisless Small Sri one. wooer ite •wisisse k wads sa siWinsl 'woe ‘ entry sow. '• ' 8 rirartLßE4o.l.;. - . Wee Y. Itry„.lßW I . Mil Dial . ..T: S derwrlbOy ins es ei .. .../51 IS: 411.1 oy4lll VW :. 14 .11 r tiki.. 4 ar• r g=dis t as I k boss sey ora nosiness . 'Jo be 1•611.11.1 Links soak lewd wisb . swiesse Si sassed awes of sash anis dad hosek. . • i.: , 1380_ , 1111., + + M. Mb—Dr kW:4 . iles• plows •is eN wey, lb., r...........k„rfr. b.... ark a Ft sane ea the ade b = r ,SairsZnejas i tho 1 Inn loss swprised .1 li, /ark war is DT conies iss. • ossibbi Warne her: -Wrongs, I See sere Wiry I. aw, add. we War Wails, eat Sorkin sit Wiens vbri an sf, ' ear l la Orli* inalnier, to process ibi ankh, we degy way . . .: • " West Cleoges, II: T. iiss IngeWl. • • Dor 147 —11•1 yers asy. In ssang . wise of we wcil ay' to Inns M 1 011.1:11W4 kw • Des boot/ I hog &semi boo We swo of nor selwebir lips • sac, 1 swiply whb yaw mow, sad mos *ipso sts owl: woos is low al, hong kali nod of • Isms stark sel We role shis bons Iliellodier ' reerlios srlibsestrowns. • B e ll 7*.° 4 • B * 4 1 4 rdia.by Tx .4=lg ra• ..ms..i.m. w....i.emiog D. ..0 Wes lice, N., lan, /LAS . 11 , 01 . evi. o. 4. fit14..0. r 6 . 4. oh* ? • • . - "' 'tr' "he! 'duty "of Al . sheriffs, prosecotiag Romney*, to Id • proseswes" Offenlreil md. „ rr . *TenOlY, 91 . ,*5,0 piece. sney)le. •abet pin6l4l4i wOia axe's . qt sack ogreakipri take bead aceerdinnly, saalkastP77s,Tiatil • de!lruc• dstrais Feepecially span . ling. six! every itilkilitipettmanee it. soy s!. ■ rlistart» ICdesirayer.Of the •The fit/falai .o; oar pollee I*.fkitlulfeapeteislly vseiskros of the law, Ii aihl curs in every! lout dup . cry 4 and bring ! lalitgakino9l.. Wedi, ==9 '4 •._J . •y- , • -••- , • , • . - • ' ' • • . • _ ' : .• , , , • , ; _ • v3B 'l~LUt~ila9i6. ,414„. • • • , abkiistaitidniNtr d = • • nirietrrrnimi twat - lottaPitiVis' tie Uaited::‘. b.`..'r4.. , • toftive 'them, Li yi,iat or 3...ftl • aid eay map,: fix ,Pciarieriea, is y pootid _ail lie tram:ism* tidbit • at 1140 -eV Hilt; Di Dal loam I sad 'otter teatime ciesetelies is the city aid emir!' Pliliate r iphic diabase Wei so witted by tie' Willi eteestorat mama< levy. r , large ,Warioßtists is coast tad oitit the , liaises{ saber* ie kept essitsith *Rd a 1.1111 f rosily oasis loos lkbasoadial Goa l , hey Mira, /am idyl* Odo r aid ores aiiitt.l Val boa Gates, with sti utensil...art:seat velroi: Pons, Pedestals, - boa 'As 'tein, • Mao, is past' Variety; N roagbt aid COI alutikolt for Rabat. ; sad mbar pavane. b.oi bail, toe ,roild *bogus te that la Pieria: terv l i sevi Decants( Depatioeit he .s amp= same eV ilia list West fa Cho comatryo:hosa Mum liaa is metered tells corm eiv•-airtalag gethev elle or, the malt en rtip saes aysteisatk lot tablislwes of tbe kind LILO the Usk*. .`• • ROBt:ItT ,WOOD, Ridge Itbad alma* Battoirood amt. Pleitailelola, Mmes. 14, ILAN milritiripl*Wl:p Amy I qM ge.. ore! ill whictouty meow.* - - 7 bkAi. eimiqUed..with the vastest ou .1,014 Immittr in (*moan, sad - din Itasteer oar Wig.. 'Malls' Way/AO .Itisended at .r -Welt • Umumpardr. or easselly ouesukorotko( ' llia " ft . Ih. l Int" , A. ...lbw.. as dist the auc . . . • „. castpa.k. iat AttAtehtluylseon Ulitdn . IV the wettest., II lie itnbiltr• ire made tell-Acting. hrrat i tz e co . :suAse eiee npeO tr e rtt Mese e. For • • ampeamer We Paltat route Veiled • t.Fteeelly. vs t DERRY • NIUKERSON; ae lINB :JOllO3lB, • . WAGON' COVPJI AND GrtIAIN DADS • or ALL•DONUrrl unt . , Mt; 50111.11.1rfOlat 11.1.11101, .Iliok of 1 L.l. IViloon'i Cabinet Wore Manch'. • pntL4mir.z.vink • .- ATl'"'"„',4llZ°P.72 l ,— , °a- or,.°, •-. '• • ifilairlatarC -- ' - ' ------ t " : .. !. ' . 1 , 71.1J4/1 OGLLA CO4Cfr &TR onilt MUM= m-um,ves Chown, .t, . -. Pkiindalplie, thr - tbeltater:OtWir awa, _ isf*R•Able 11101.4 mithi • , Ithl4. thithi via thp ill= j a a k‘,4 ad Sr ssfa,s . Imam s.rwo. a Vethleret el itylm bi theorist. leak le ctede:7g;thint Ithatitthlepos4 Iththil . best mime,' • . • . menial. ' ' fetatly MEDICAL. ! • . OR. R , - - •• , DESERVEDLY' 'CELE BRA T ED CHRON 3. TLIERMEL MEDICINIPM.. -:- eIONSISTING of hia Prophyltctie Syrop,a cm. V tath remedy for all Coesuweyrri. tad Scnsfe- lo.sflectiossi Coagb Syrup, Croup Syrup. Cos erotnteal • celeatt . of ... S Us, decidedly snores to -all other eetracte, ' gives relict when all others hare' faded; Iselag Ithnergh • sew pieces more coseentrated **hut' say ether rivet offered to the pshati.' - ASTHMATIC T.LCIUR, 'awl agefleeted stseageso ewes et that Sahhon &ie.., .whos of steiter.thalt- jd.'Yetsre meaneg, hes. it *Wide : .erit yidlitelpsech dreaded . 4 ' r e f icea : L .- hatErel : : I' Weisel o f ' r. • . or aertak• seas or n; awl 'templet* shelled-a for Widen. Dr- Rose's TONIC . 'Hymn; la' infallible. enre for aka timed fever.; led isideediilawcors neciGe for felon of nil hinds thai hartieljibli; use... ..,. Dir...Ressie INCOMPARABLE VERMIFIROM‘ wham known, ie used is preference to my . dligg. .Vmstfuge propantioa: , Dr. Node • TONIC ANTI-DISPEPT_ ,I 'Stria dn.. tal the Staines' end'. pewee, Clie C lefill.di;i. Vectione, lac. Too high an cwt.:mins alMillot. It pqsowedd on the instils of this taedicias, is ewe al. 1/ispepeia, and endless.. that malt from weak. iseso of stoat-10 ee bed Session. " •-•- Dr. Rose's' FEALAJ.E I ILI kl, s listen valuable . weedy for these gegaral eomplaiels to which h ...ales are entijoeL . :.; ' • . - '.- Ur. Rose's TONIC A CTS.:RATI 14: PILLS— No pill ,ever before coffered the Eighties. happily comblana the qualmee of a mdaarde mod lens,. an anti-ding:U.lc, LIVER or Stomaehie pill, correct ing those &slues, sod thereby preventing cos camptioa A yotiog Lady '..15 yes. of age, baring der:ed liver Mr some firm, her streugth pew trated end iippelite gone, was completely thithithet is Ms weeks by the ass of the Anti .dispeptie Ws Aare ithil theee pi Ifs Mose. ' '.• . • . , Dr-Reee'tCHRONO-THER.OIEL r klehMitll. -Krum: Pt-tsrgit.w.w,nk.moithilbleki6d• 'Dm Rue's SPECIVIC h:PILEPST,theesod es tate remedy for all •Mssen of its or cooveletosts, oncther to utfinai or adults. So .. . Main a specith ' is it lee thisTersitslable-ilisease that tle sisal ets. ethnic isaiti;Sand those Woof lesg standing, hare Stare y Or.t....g i v;Eg t hbac= j t hu.. . g... endoutol Or nem falling earthy pls. itl - Neeiomy above ail when for thereto of Wiesesatirmi. • - :t I*. resew AST'RINUENT OUSIPOUND. a noses • remedy for. 'Stem' Ithsl, celled: for Weise's* of , Wood whether Wm Wags, We'ti. Drachm paru of the body. . Dr. itoitoaSTßUPior Cledessamllbent tomplasau. This Satan, will sigscumily care lowa...plaints. Dywasery,Ctiolers Sanaa, sad Osten. ' /SW time SS A.Malarstigenk was raging is 1101•4410aitarsto (nod to bet the win saeownt is ansatisi it, taring' ren tenths of antis. se. need it,., • • • . Wits may tst of me ef skew resettle.. Say.. said of. ail; their raise mil only be orsreeleaed be Woe ...try thew Leung boost.. who lure Wee clued 'file .areas maladies diet WILIet the has. body ' ' . f a ille he tie., bat we are 'snaky* hirer 'mama on. he est armor ihe ...i...d., 1\ ' c hire • , parsons air riennota in ea 'woos forts.. essadrosel w e e). lleio. that he Wallas mark. astioubet Apaeof Oather,occoro Spinal wife of the Ise Weems of Delaware, arse r eared i s • few maths. The sotto Lad berg . twice rat Gel by PM.lirletil 4 4 04000.4. slut renewed umlfstth incto.rd amagnit mas s sn ag s. she debility of Casual.. Coo nod at pa, the se of the Pre pbythetie roamttlety removed snty , realty of the Caves Inneitserehie of the .awes. carts Wu hive blletwatt the as.. of those mac... are la one pow* WNW, Is Is we dewed twocoaq to enosetSte Ws ;lithe es of thew will rename. ties to MI. • • • -J. fIC11(1014.%11111M, a ha. No lid Wood Sweet :Adam. Ror Pirrabilon . . - 4 4410441 . ~... 1 . gig 4 442.44 4. Orli Town Avvr,-, , • •: - •,• . A twours purring . .. . MIRE ben sac/. neon Wet...good willesiag IS Teri., suengthening the mew sweetsolsg the . bash- W. • It shoed be used es try with a rod bases, and the teeth and mom. will only - require • alhth waSsiet le love...Wog: Wet the break w:1,11 wsts seater: 04 401 will answer. sadrsh it stele tunes se the eater. wham wash will 'alb.. fee &sung the teeth. • It Manna delis.. MUM .eui mosth, ass ss purse son delighted Ingrenee to theansub. ltatends anrivalleel as •pleasant, dismiss., 04sveelsst wed oar denuifier. leis wanvoird_;not 40 adore for testa fly sung II wratarlY. It will ream. thetereti and pretest. ). WV . 13118 ti00, 1 >r0,111 W' toothache mengdwo tae gyms, sad prevent all diseases of meta Chemins. pbyzirl sea red the Monty nreenswed it a' decidedl y_ weeder to 4,41761 as of s. 14402 la vols.- Art for SivsmathiCromisred Orris Thoth •Parde, and sums bi• 4, 1404414414 1.414644 !CO rank Dol. - 11theasseinded by Dr. WNW, 311 Bisadasty. see M. pis Wm Itheatioa. sod by wit of the old establialiod . owe tn the Lind SM., and nap. atenively wed by the Notillay.ef Ragland tod rm. '.:. . • • 1' re ofthedowww.t Intalllielmant ied 44- 0.4 (4444 • 4044 . d 444 00 414 M sills s towels or tetreta. which a awl, aso of thaau4 rte Leong. WWII mainly aerial.: Pewee of hair. Wilts wield 104. ways lute a hew at heal, and tate a dose wissesol. easel as lestilemsgessat Int Stir Seal*. •• •hsg; Of VlemiteettelgS.ltheed pone. 10011,410 reassisq:!filyl949 . QoCS . , aver of Wooded myna at elgla mattit " I:4. 1 1 %g B6 m mfg.' Ma Imam or Am of way NZ artle a Na very panbraJi : l ecamanarei applying Mammal typathat gen•OPre amiseccadally. Mrteelitill sod go pi 1 10.1114 *rad a* Mamas ~r Ma palm elsmyll,la4l daily lag Ma advice of paysteisim. bat ag We robot amtpale rzuation I rookl kw et and ant aac Of Ilea. al m', paisaiarntal girral au war= Awe was taasmag ingasanal4m ag age Teo, gad gametic& patn, esul It had lonlal atoms lap leader 4•Tel 1014. Spentel. tilirota latany;adylsed la la P'y >Oar Oialmul: laughed eti klya, 1 ayes las ingtat aalielmilaa; 4BlDOclalrd Sib In 14 NJ to my gram iciid an/ asaialsaaryal,ll al• lantaalalladaglr. ingered - Oryagol•pagreT shi iagaimatalai sal toalanmerg gealiklbaaany, ay •arElrb I. naa.I.rIINII: I denangilealiplaigalaigialy atbetaitat,ll trOltayi iggjorer MOM W.llllllooodr " /linaPla ipaya," • • • ' S I'ASSOSS'' ignaalalley.ll Waal's!. • isS • ' 1 1 1 , 414; A. wAliar), .11/8 Xemated In Wkliesoitim • . - e *treat, three doom Om 11•011 Miele 11/'eeee ernes he way lie qviontheePeteleelk v. iv, until va r... • • 1 • no.v. &Wens. piplerei I#l. rites wino wdl wale linandlain payment Afte6Still) es bie planet conceder be eviegel leek/rpm.. deals, •Wenttanale ivflavran Weak A atdee kA mil rilvn,el 9dalt it Ikt k4lol.llPir Mk.— • • 7 • : : • • •-• Pin Name Irons el tall 3 pet ntity. • I. .• • All .e append...ln 6110111,M1111410, Allelm an venial Bete *wise Maim& bolas will be be engendered dye seated • iaa.idree.•• emu% it =emit laidideself. will b. SSW war. WM. eit 4...mmeddiniwommehse. splalftitnlF% -"" OliitaliAlift 10filiePS Fo; U n n t es t a t tlettr i ef I r= c ATRYOAN 8 111 " :. Hama odraiskevty raw. leltawitalleoilliellosoo. ocalsoody wasnated io *Hews keilletepfalleallei Vold wholesale had ottail by Wit, _%iiClDlll4* Mot sad Shoe Nora and Patent Pdoeticloe Llbotty anal, head of Wood, edge, cows swill pot bombe.. . P Jackson belles the Esetoolve Aster be Wool< re Tcostglvaoio, wee la era WOO bet tablet Is sold by 1.1111! H. li. _4l Norsk ca.:emotions amok dinordeso, de, wide (beam. aed addnow of the en:pries", awl Prim spa Areal. to enveloped with wrapper of seek bow. Abandons. of arUdtuw eats be lows of tbo Se.. • fobl76ael. - • • - • ledgA lehear.lla eaemeeyd. • • Win% yoe tom that yea are preeeeme ..• A metal, bfrilloo, snowy Mese,: . ; , l'ist yes wig sitli ase teenieeeeluik, ;• . • And enk• doubly yellow 4414. - : • - Tie thereebt lavoloto and . •... • . . .:If a. box of JObllltA lAdlt•eridei? *veld ger, pow tAuk AA alabaster yei eeknol Wien, nee el tee ems este g•lear end leoismwo 4. - 111411 t Llbesty,st ! . Poet fissolorr tog. . 1 7 in • Amt. leYeloß Rehears, ibtra_nwt Ilroon. or Duet colo, vosettror Ult /*OM 1 / 1 , ALL t.ot "NI foU Otueoskoisalt 6.1. or. ". to • MVULJACReori,lwl4rik,iire . Aza.sar - aw•iihrtiasseft w eirc Immerge' Ora. garsapulthrjousietl aa% lit WOW. -1 17111 - I'4ualppNiumpt. cx, • 1:1 4.: ?:!.. v476 . t.. - 111syr prAsolls , .. l ..-ertn*" . 1 7 /7 ` ,th4 tvto•PkinV.rdw , lea Sielsisrag Lestimeelets. n rf " .4 11 ') PrPenies the d.ove mined the-wsi" *Biceles. Jr. . at tett li albee 'j tMS 41ailed Mr' laicaWcih federvi Rtkiir.2 Wilky S!6 Flute - Remand an t sereet. P.lsiladelph"4 meads, his case S. Rona restarkabi Ist - 'assaerl bus aa. e " " •. . • diaeseC wee SCAOIVIA, keld Intel hive lees - ll'tltwittee paw' eeediet with the deil Ptirerea(Of leis wiWth;pihes Or Lip, aadle:wer Lid of the Right Ere ketthe . i i iwp . hieestseyed,Fiee Denq 0.4 , 11. ep, 8.0 MI ..the ,Jew•heose carnal away. Aad pt we calm ee . Jtlr. P. ulorswu Wet is hntia7 tuittbit letheihe or hie mou th , ei ea moat' s/ Militia woes issuer deep and painful Wean: -•• • t, lit'.•+7 CrILLEN HW TlNlnri.6c ommeeeed ETABLE PAltt: CT.& which checked the &sem is • leer dip, is: rem Met lime the care km pre/reseed without JD.. •T'acTien . Nero flab bar eopplied the place of the deep LL .cidor. and though badly &injured, bia lace I. weed, Mid his mend health ie restored. . • • L We .a.re mowed Um le the treatment of Mr. ,Brooke cme,eo Mere riats,ol ounerits, or Cilhatic apidnotione have been eavd,--in facf,.ther.PANA• CEA ALONE:, bail wrought this wooderfal theme: • Dana Smith ' Bar.k. oom, Pa. • . . • ('banes&owned, Meadville, Crawfbrd co Pa— J Joao., At D South Second tercet, Phila •. , Jacob Lee, Pembenoo, N J. E W Carr, 440 N Prionh, above Poplar at, N. It:: S IM'Collough,•Lancruter,Pa.'• - ..! . • • ft 'l4 Maddeek,,.Zl.Nonit Ehmintle ii. Villa' -' C W Appleton, M 046 Scidi mt. Ld e Tlenoh) 1 :214..41; Minot • . • Dleiel Yeakel, Chesoot ears. • 'Niue flarned,39oHighlula. - William Steeling A l Men**, N. J. • William Hale, 378 Illgh etre:M.ll6ln • • J II Potter, 11! atrofaetorer ril Mirieral Teeth. Jef Ninth greet, Phila. LA Wollenweher, Demoenl a7y kali " unmet, do Coarse W Aleuts, Ilroth Maker, sn biados th; •-• Etta Carr, 14 Cheanut street, Phila. *. • A D OHleltei Parrot of Cleteuth llapthipintelg Phila. •• • • . . ohn Belli Ststat, Philadelphia, (N=1111 . 11614 can Mare.) • 'Aaron bands, 164 Catharine litreet, Phila. Daniel Mettleley, Reeder'. Alley, •do . • 'Airdreit .Saroatoo, CaroJes,'N J. .; • R H Elam, Wenn:lin . ltidienf K. Youn Udder, 409 Alatkii aL .l'hile 'oho W Athatead:6o South Vieth aired, 4 . de Wageo.Lilhogvaiaber, 1/6 Cbestint rireet, do 11J K. tull ,t'M Blaraca/1 eUeel, • '• • do Peter Skids Salit,E,ditiar Native I:agtei •, do Jorj Bodies,. (.tars 112.1ralrlaRttl, 111.1116.13t016• Malaya Suet., Falsoinzton, Von Boren en. Inwsp L H (Aim. bl - D, Batton, Mars. Rieseleenheld, Phisiologut, Pidledelphle. l'homoe P S &Om 61 D, ilerrieborgb, Pe. • Poor Wrlbt.=dirMyket Ptola. Juane W eerlia.lo3 Faber; st. do John Good, 171 Spree. et. do - William line, Pasta, bt. Paul'. M. E. Ch.e.pat aria, • SL Pbila John Chamber, Pastor lot Loden. Chorsh, Broad et, det 1. Sudety, retarget of Pledge and Staodard, Phila. P P sello, , Editor Glue al Doyleetnone, Viltol6colo end Retail by Rewind Wanton, Poi prietola;37s Mutat St. Philadelphia. k E Seller*, 67 Wood aLPivaboneb, Pa; Wm-Tltt lua at do.; & B Parlano, blerieus,Ohropeatan Sharp Montville, Y Y; John W Douai*. ,Ontioy Sidra! de Heelreer,iltdieott le; Notde,Loore villa, XV; Doveronek redo:rile. Laura , &la ' P H .11daimejlietebare, Althea, Ileselassev di. Jolt atoli Veeksbuisb,do; ChatiesJeektu, New Orlean VEViThltSialitLY — Xlielitatillei. - - - • TI ,U. letignsei W le lo th * sonnedruotrotatthlepeper melee inn winch me Cad oat. Rota patecoal in habitation. rokbe of minty to the public.. Onto of Dr. J•uteeetwelletou •06 OIV6 OM! 61 IN toady (orb., years. For ‘41,1114G0 dur EXPECTORANT, the CAR- . aIIICATIVIS t ead VERAGFUGE. winch we to to be growl Grr ther ocuphanre thy protese to ewe. We were oo Lake Datum the put bummer, wilco overeat o 1 eertreeetting eahopaolona Inns having. to Wastria .111eleftalt,deltal. Orr may dela, the looniest water a watttake,. wen bad)) .meted era 'totem Dots. Area, . e a. ' Ile.cotery. Me. n had_provyted huselt. t. lei at...1..1.1107U OVilaillll666 Of Dr. sod .n ell ellar• Or All WV, 101 1,0 OVAL. Me 0.6 IRV SAIKIIYikaI in Arterials a ePeNJ . •. • . Thal Ezteenonnt we lava known noel mood ow onion.. I:muds arab equl 006011 tiara wet feel that my shall .to a gaol .et to rezone. [err...any those ail. anted eo Obey eettettalaeo ...cad to twotellaw seetrul skirl rood run Oa NI 16 keep on hem* bccatha nopeellat rant ..d Carainetive. The &outmost re I:ellen:OW nod phyderans to be the brat recipe Co. Poloonut •Geatamptive Corepleini., that has ever yet bat. 0006406. Ilectramoa is Dr. Papeete note avack.lela a Trotter, seren,Ge, end olds wale& pnwtorower how eel( /Its nowlie.uu an used by the 1041 ph vacant.' 120.1 . •• . • ' 1.:4M0, of tie 11.1•0 a. aetertley llearier Foe sole I. Pres-Sarnia at tie PliklN TEA 1708 K thread/I vote, on, db atia. end oleo at the Ikea a.. le ill P aelweas. Federal rt. •Itreleray. 1,1141.7 . AOICHOT VOA PATENTS., • •111610 Aleehasirel • Ealgiiiike.ied ARMS Pr preemies I areas, Mil Mame Me Memel Drama.. and raper. lei ApphmeMear feS. nu., arid tram.mt all oamr . ..eat. la the Has et Mo. M okmam t. Ammo Bea, Ile as In ea..nl all qa:mon. team.. Stile : 4 erate. lam. eml arm. mom m Ualte4 & ej Fame.. Pe .on. at • dimmer. emare• of he Hoe taanemtem. made et Me Puma (H6m,eaehr gnaw apja maim io. IM MO.. may forward Hma paid. neamme a IM of Am Maar, a clear alatemam of them cam, vim imamema Rum. bop will ho elm. b it, and all the leimatenee that email beebtaimel by a nu al the spelthesa ha pampa' promptly ocmmaktatal. • All letter. Moine.* mai 1e rempeiti.memo. • salable fee. whom a Inman oiraise nomomi. ' Olke as F. Inreet.oppoalle the Rana 011...- It •Ims htleo.o. eemeamitea • Hem Klemm) Clarke, Conitaamme. a( Pamela; 1/.. II I. Ell.morth,lete de, 111 Kom.l.a Harlem., Tame. nee.; /Wee Cram., Wa.hioreu. I) C., • • . Hem At Maw, H•matte....., p S & pew Hom W Allen. Ohio. do, i1e0..18 H0w1... hi C. 141.ftliti` Walt* Hell. New Vont; Sloe. Rola% Amite. hi C. Hos. I Drome. U Briaeatm •Ha. ill Rol le; 11 C. himmari; • eam. 1111 Ilbreve; Mimearil • • Emmen. Omaha L.o...l.ltoammb. .11lociley Cir• 111er *-- . „ay, Cm:mullet am/ Several agent.. Av.., h,....tes.,Lbteleathe.nt- AGent An tit tea and milked mant... ..lor,ty,and vettl devote • liege pontaa of hie time AM ottenona lb the lemlntg. lean. and hieing of, henses.vtores mut pp:. er baLltfiat. In eh/loath:4/.4 dtAtort!eat rhatt.letdolli- • et eta.. a.l desiod. add le atlenddsd to Gine. rsoltralty. 'lle 'will alto envy/. La lb. 'egotist. nos of loam. con:tart. eve..aa4 vr:11 fen L. Avlbealto ladorotatkm le ...Loa to tba parity( qiinl!Lie• Gad tite' apoembilnies of lemma. art foe Itehtelr extemive eteGoalotanee eminently collect Itte. Ilea.) let teMd at h. reo:doetee. No 141 Allen genet wail • I.lo'eNett." Iho morning and Om 0 otelnek le Ile reeling; teed , at ot•tive hoots as loe 0n... No GOCbmthet•werel,ll•l Mom hum me...NEW yolk. • • .0 , : lERMILEIIC42I.—Vem F A Tldlemadge, 11..1011811 Hen 'Ma greatest - - • lagoes—wato on 11•Wiso-nisittedIZItris—iilais-- end MOO fW leaebts Eastrin pawn. aad caws Alm, TM.: CHEAP Itot.L. or &LIMN BLIND, ea hand arltanado to order er and...a at CI peter. • C•of Itlerolowa ad reha to arc jovlted lo call mod taaatlort LIVe Ware Ow thesonolveo, _on all win !wool/ rotational.' or rota:44o a liberal tbelforUon.maad_ to aptily • • Asv wirßaysur rA artil - Vb• Um COMMA Orroarwl Mee not imam how hllblhPT lolorteeta - t Ie ro I UN skim! km coon., how rottah, baw .8.4 fallow, I andosho l l=r atto trOje .Rev 1 w.r.P.1"" 4 I chalk! • II fa Infronotta, roma/sloes tan lour Any of Leal •VI e have prepared Wan tiro! vegetable ankle.. which wo tall PPANISII 141.1 t NVIIITE: It iv porton dy Intotcent. being ponkd or all delelererovesalitleg sal it tooart• to Ike Orin t nits. ral, healthy. •labwocr. clear, !solos orldte, aide mon Moe actin as'a - corsocue ea the eltio,..nakina It wet .. • .• • Dr. Juno*: Aoorwoo'. Prorkitool.Chealva W ifama- , ektotnil • may.: onallowalJomw,f 7.44h1-114 While, I fad it posiewen Ow nowt humid and mo ral. al the rano. bar Innorcat whits I over qw.,..„11 eeriainly.pan coarewoltooalt rre , orawend tO, arbsoe i to . rroZbecitfylog . *.,,Fidolfl tinkilAc6oN,A_ . Boot and ww.hllll:heray ohms, _held of. Wood, w the. iou of the Mobil* •. • .: • IP/1111111.1f COMPANION LIXTURES o the phES of THE LIIMJfS 1.7 Vaimes,Prareatiser and Cam of Co nom; tioa A.lhase, sad Dleeeses of the Neut. Os the belie Loneenty, and mode at presentee male and re- MAIO health, symmetry and bonny; exposing teases sad tom of Mon diseases that modes. Carom/op time, cc shorten kra,u Allectiom of the Sale, Spina, .9tossaeh, Liter, Sim:Mita, Piles, Oralel, and Female Compleints. la Wet, nay, molest end pore, tom a eahla to perfect health •aa4 long life, •V 3 Rnerselap, MM.' GO Cl.. Xoeues 96"8y, SAMUEL 'SHELDON aIIOIIIHOAD.IVAY, NEW • Ail porisinmitliog 611yeceis, Gee, will retells es hail, la elf pad, Tba Nada eappliad. •-• • •• no cults 1 , 10 . PAT. •• • DR. CULLISPIII,I NDIAN VEGETABLE REMEDY—:Warriated to eare, or the moor eypitorned..This toed tetwe re prepared Rose ale.glee Iltexengt,Whitatned from one ol them le am rar West, et real espouse. Than who have been familiar with the Indium; know that they cas end do gore Veiseteal wilbogt the knowledge or Mew eery, klalnaco, or anything of the kind. 'lle meted have now tie ortiseity or being cared - wittran +the cum ot WM. MeCitie trent to the teeter arta, leave.. no , mill on the Papered by ROWA ND L WALTON, add acid wholevale neat retail, by J. T. Roweed,.TlG Market stale, ghilad'a. • rot alla it, PllUblitgil by R 6 Salle ,re 67 wood sad br. Wet Ttiore.rd. Minket a. .weLleaT Dr. • I.' .Pettitv Interim' Bye. Sala:... '. r plus+ R...ar. th at hal ynsnashta• awn twee I an externalepplmanon.t. . 0 .• 6 r by IDd JACKSON Mt Lawny creel: " • It \sneered thormands if weak, eon, greeelame and alhaeseed lined, of new, et MI west eggretrased tad on. Atteaw don* evies.;eves tolerant:og end' leltena every Mker kneee resmini end pnewaraptioo tried IW felledof ewetese.Al la wall imewn Owe Seel rem say bulb. eye leaarinJeas le Mamas venereal sone, Mura t and hallowailea,. wraldlead, Maine, illtellainesupu d 4 ,ror MS O . IO " I I" Ma42 t):4l. B r j r l _trilfr yn at wupaimenerelalJekastNew Vow. • at". „ . 'r . PfIi,MSURD/1 To LIALTHeOIf.. rimm an rweetogly intemn .1. 4:44lol4ofeeee flallanOf Oa Of Islamic...OD maw. sod cootie. Anciglican *ow.. perepewmp have ape plece4 amoywron elas• of pules.* sues rood Can we the n.m , plde ettr. woomppooppo . wank will pee pealevaelbre ao DARLA, • . viii ♦ Pactec Bow will always be in Pm. vii*, •elnig pa Pie •re popped co call and •a••••.. art. P"7". -* . 4 fiVarlVNt7o ". •, .; O of De Postela will lure. th• boong,coppeoli Ow VOW Slam Ilwel,l toast Per. atom rcwo thir C.0./coca Wen at Odelock, I F•e21411..at Do Pike, womoyawat 11•• Wedecatcso n osjo ' D 14019 CH *OF • . • :.15.47;' • D. 16111111011 co 13rP401.3 3 / I ED IitANSPORTATWhi LO H., __ BETWEEN PITTSDUCIDH, PHILADELPHIA, BALTIMORE AND N P.WiVORK. I cock of Dos boo eso•cloc of • aconlo duly Lino of Roofs mod Quo lo wood by iltemelres,l winch are • good order. To ocheonhere rd t0,f0r:4444.n.1 • lame • quailly of Merehaalwe and Prod.. I.ld, etqueoty wol dispel= • - ••• • • t • • rfodiat• Detelowdow coaugoe4 cocy %hi deringriod. is Onward. free of soy choppy lhllo criacsocitted nod 10c...., i ... • • • 4 •• 4 , The Loci.. of obi. I...plotted we Mall' lia148•4114 rep nit ormesplf44. Adam, ar bpply co D LPX.CII k People., • • r ' Canal Dant Pi, Pi 1116411111 11 . 4 . 11 RICkLFMCII,Propewl..., Nol3 &cb Wed wrest. Pluladelphr• TAVLOR &DONS, ar . Na Hi Non• Howard steel, my fthlacera %V D WILAION, keep, rio.3 Woff we, 4,fiew , pirrauvaiiiiiroiViiiiiiialiiit • MEM ..:1847 . - :' ii_____ 1201 t the us aspormthin erriirishi bet weralittetniirgh V. end thn Allende eine.. ...,wial UttethiPtesela al the way. and the tioasequonl rods of e"lay. 'dame.% li and serarearie'. .. • • : .. i. • • . • ..• l • . COitikait a CASH - . '; ' .. • . • florte Market Stmt. Philadelphi a ' .. ' TAAFFE a O'CONNOR ~ • . f • ' Cor Pena and Wept , ste,ratibitgit, • &CONNOR h..=4‘ th wren, Bahlattev. 4 i r i, IV al T TAI ,73 "tooth et. N. Y. h Fawned by homage& Loathe.a the rthipriethid have added ho thole melt and extended their as,..meats daring the veinier, cod are cow prepartd to the. ward freiga with regularity cad dismal oneerpathed. by tthl ether line; , Thelr lead esperthoee es earthen, the phipable eapeltority of the Venable Boat :ftmela. -and the greet empathy and cotreenionee of the ware. hose.* at eaeh cad of the bee. 'ere pesaliatly'eeleala led to enobJe the preprieun tofelfil theletnimre mole and seeentroodaistkeit eteetampni—eottldentli earn ne 'the put at a twenty for the Lane they rtspdatlear wellett a nitentalthalapr . Ilillt petran•gew.delt they sew gmerellp namowtenge. . - • ' I i • All teanfnments x• Tuft a &Conon wall lie reed sad extruded • thesnaboat charge* paid tuol , pith of Lading starisaltied amt of ally chute kw umed advancing or tangs. liaVierg . saterest , 111= imbredily to etheathosts, the mitres of th e mule ner....nly be Stele Watery osmoses impaling west and they µado ilwww.lree to Carpool 1111 'oda. mothigned lei them postipely died melleirtheel iithealto grodeeenee le thisowsere. -- . • • • -• .f 1. ~., • , Mush I. tart— • . i ' • ' ' C , - •thatth aaaataaasam PORMADIMI; BOAT. LINE.: • ' 8.41 . s' 1111 *Mi i lfi l i l d 5 AND RIERCHANDIRE TO O T AN m D o FROM PITT6BURGH, PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIIIORE. 0 - Wohosl Tran4lnsreA„,al . •' • Geo& coo-Wiped to moors oral be isyruurileif 1 , 44 4 O •I<IGAY,At tha Wyo., torrent rues. 11.11, bf,Ladusis wassogne4, 3nd• all toirondotts proroytty surodcd Get ream soy to skorge prisonr or canal wo. AdJes,orapyily . h. A I.4cANIILTV &Ca : • "Calaltatn,Pigsburgli( .a • 116 6 1 . 6 1 t coMmodmaa warchoom, me are par to receive P rodu ce,tion m beiglt (at aleponna al • env earoacil of A., on Mora tom lola rum. ( owl) C • *cANULTY. I . ' aisiall 1847... E vas . ' v . I . Lir . r i r W AY allitelliolsyWar lZfue ' ;um; PeterTLL ' alliA ,mumedliate. plans • Outi Boat mill leave We marttnnme ore A MTAindtp. C.. Pilltbalatt, seem rl•y . Rime eettes i gl age 6 /41 0 66 6 66611aMmPaTOpeisil on haunt:l4lr s winded "Milan delay sad o Calcralca „ • Ilan Lice Imofoamed farlb.marcial accommodation of Me may Weirwris, 0:14 P 66 P666:6* amtaccalaiV.. Ave et wrong*. • N. puinvoßT P r a nOHN miura !•• : • DAN% II BA ANLN • ROOM MOODS . L WILLSAit riumr. • JOAN. 1 • •; • • 11 CAN• N. Johan... Aseete . AM. NC utv a as. rawtnit, , J /atm Puler, ior.elt Ywre, 11.50 "ilk: Pitirkarri • :Littlihrifb - arclitiWLilik. ! tormilit 1847 - T.." 2 tmlabat ow. imentrr ass Mom mato( barmen 6.. nd CraT Mad enameaneritisl ► .61 It Need% Lino el Narrithrat ProprUcte y0 ! ..4 . co am Lat.. grill prcomml an.mi alteearlmq MA of Navigation to many noir 1.4 l.ead'ate.. r..• all ecietette ten Imre, Cesi • ikett4 every terilm etteeerialt ...ore wee prove/meet ace dlepatee ono. and egente re.peetctlly tdiclt faro Rini6 Mot P"'• 'ItirtG.LITEM • TLEEW, PARKS & Coalman.. l • -• CAVGI I XV, PiurVatt a. :. PcMillicldmad W.i., r.. app.= the Momangall • obeli . • fast, TO Wheeler, Crocker &Co, ham 1 me Moo 11•01., Buffalo N Pardo A Co, Claerbind Jo. A Amts../ Ar. Co, lAmsst Met:Wei M stlata. Ablonsla Unmet & tame, Maw Wm Powers, Powennara. Pomo tin Slaelalosysc. Evan.borgb, Poona Joao Aloamlur, llostmo do 11 Ist Y Aster Uradavo/le. do Coale flips.a.laskairlla., do /lays* allatpebogli, Pa. C M&. o r 'sari 1 KIBLIANCIE INELTAELE IMONT LIKE. 1141 IN 181 1 graigina„ lITEEZ:II . IVISBUEUE A:VI/TIM ErsN.Ctiti cynic Mil MOST. Tx. Redick) sly. rr/IE Wynn d iml m. of carryin used by Mx tong Kmablohed Use, ul nem so 1,11 tom,. as de /murals t• • osecommy G00d,.,. not a.ebedoO lh m. 004.116. all InumAlpourat y.ne. bandlang H es•e.l2. Tba Loam •sy of boat nmellt oast pukes. Mom Inyi, I. flea six loses., Amy , • The Capacity of oar Ws telae•es enables Its to mon sa va y comes/mom made too. t• aseetmag,toodne, 504 i adneca fmc of gloms Deaf Wily psoyased la mote miles of Prtalser, reapectfedly caemallAseimi of women. MIMI WM., Lard, &user, CPC..., WOOL Vaatbef*. and 011.1 ankle. ley oo 'ata ilberot sigmsoces will be made and other anal faetitt.e. •Xoriad, pledging car om's. alum any Imoblem bottomed a •• uan sa as promptly trended' sad .foe a* alt lenror I. by any Neer law, !Mr Mc PADDE.Y Y Co Canal Ikea, renew,* JAM M MAVIS II Oo relit! UM and 11l lisslet Plm.ads DIOKET 1111W/BDIMU k 1111C111117, Eacat &goo Pad and Migeseider, otr.• , . pa, I - mar:Mr and Agra of Iteamer. LAMELEM 1/10 EICELSAII, solar 111117 1 / 1 11) errnsimaps All sum * polo red oo mime opme:yofeanalmo wto,ndm otis p In ontr TV =moo aft " l= " 74Extenuon, Cm, sad Otas 6,1 all pont m uthe Arta sad oplar l.atn,YN. io tonrardandlato Jae by Peon'. 110TtabOatl. Apply 10 dr *darn* Walsh" . JAC lI:CrINT, Pear, • - PlTTLlBVitliilTTillilvPLAtel) LINE. 1846. lltaarte. IL Ilona. T. Y Ombra, & ' CLARKE t 1 C 0, ,. rerwardlag 1 O. s.laelam Mardkaata. =AV PA. T ," Mtr'. 41:7*,:a7, ,! . ,,T.,!:„.'•;;;; ot.a.ft of ea.! caw teats. to freely. prop enr., itabargit and S.M. Rad dol. ror the same as toy pout ea dm Caudtaaalaaodalo. Laku Knp OW al Wigan. iota the velum deopoca toed at roaa. *sable (Alp .•_ . . - Tlia hewm ri c e a ta r t h a w atk wide in ec aanot liiciat ce th e ! mbuesi ta,sh of their facilities are scent, to watt,. , • . , • . . Apply is of Radian • ' CLA if IME £ Gt, Dea , Act, Pi r oaLiargh.' .- .• •ve. ~. , . Pahl T RICILMOND & Ct . f *aslant!. Boomon's Po TO rtuttobtr. roesdo.,.. • . o Cost Pear soloed, :ha Cameo went loto :Mote. of Co panaerotore wader A. Dam, a Om .6 1.1ornotteo Lisee' likoorm spent lo left iho htoek or to Om a . nenalner of Borate LI parry., of corning pork Ihrotort to Inc NA In 001 dAT., wide eettriohy--aod kat entoorapd by the. I totrol by of Mt noes polroo oge, to make more extmairo.Nerasitemato 10r scald tbeithro met:WIT oolialt • toules tree of our tome: parroot mod Wee all new tom:Nero to those we Mon done 1-1.1140.11 for. L.- iaga l a 1847.11ftina • .1 OATJAIa LISI/4 ' • • For Ike,troorimlitioN ALL MVPs OP os•ovairrost, IMOD •m romoonroio.OLOlMOlL Now You. ainiameg;. • • ' 11A11111.1, WICNITAIAN OW cygmocuippoy swot and Dual Sum, Pittotraiak:. A L OESJIBiI • OM Mat kel swot, Phi • • rime, osuirrtm ACo •EC SEPERENCVE. . : rirresuaw—TaL bk . C•l4,•Cee: ktoiorai LGa W AleCtaly k.V. t 11 A Baropoosk Co, M Aliso Mc PELLA DMPlllA—Atorriof Potimob A Cb, aeoboldo hloPorfatol t Co, Flossuid o Lllteshy, Peter We4l! ' NEW YORlC,Gnodhoo & Co, Th. PrrrY • DOSTON—SIoed. Pool &Co. • , • I .3NCINNATI—Adms Creask, W W -Pee:thee • V. T. PLEASANT, VA—P A 11•Alor...- • s.N•BIIVILLE—F Fleming.. • • . • (tart--•lloscrehonaile from NowTork and BMW, romigoed to A 1. Getbari A 00, PltilodelplM,' mill I. IMMAIr Sermrelod few of “01.11.1•06. •-• fehl3 -• pack 1. _ s SOU Cil 7 s ---- ;_ --- wp.“• WummatE.Cattal beirnt now t *MO; Erp 'NM. has' bea. nor w ;;;;yance realnnamairip•Nompipsf. ...is. bast saw. horitmlbs :Min; onoas.nl an Tbanday Karen lam C;naT will I* Oupnnand .01111Miti6V et pi.emitys '?R a tIPMeII",...Aff," A MI s I.S I S 6 T . 3 11 1 4 • • • .• 'uro z raporler , Heim eriserocea 4o • rr.gr:ar , rr , Voir dor: 14:3 vorpew. o . tibek. A. A ;awl elm*, N.• emord.dqraulg 1•11 rid Cleveland Line otCod .60.8166 daily fa , rad..o.; Bearer, Worms aid lairokad Use cf Caul 'Parted.' and Nage crass. Altl4. le Wanes rad Cbtrelaarr. Canal Patin Liam to Om Cards aid Greourilla Pa: Erie ithrosiso lAN Iteedwille aid . Eric, idolL Moore fsCoNa Lbws of 800 Cbreber 6r Cleveland and Wooittr. Irani /kr- Arri daily. oft arriral !oar** Bairn pm rrn.brintl. #PPIY • • ~12, 1 1111AIRTOSI it C0, 11161 ..tit . slll - 0 • 121141- 16 1347. a. AS XIIIiI 0,1( THIC CADMAN . BETWEEN piryssuitipti AND a,syst,App.. N PARtS&CAGIO/01•4617: G PARW_Bessai,Lo.• •.; rnprielerl, • T rlUstwgl4Ps. rrlIE abova Lisa ./ Dom folly prepared le mespon 1 Freight and ras/eoioeni (ma Piugrafiksed Qat, 1106, so any point.. lbr rallryi•11131•k Ukto awl O I 'tics of said Llne ~ ow confined by any. .La Caeala l =abets and <yam, of Soar. expo times of Captai n s. sad ptotoinnes. of Aram as.,*. • U.-Root tear. Putsbolgb nod Clesalaad day. hie• atm la connection wan tto fecnoters. - -,••• . AlichigarVand• We Eno, Uwe.. 7 and Proven-and ALlso of fins class Ns a 4 leer, Bev sod Pcbcoonta, es. Lakes. Itfign..llnoMiL '' 7 *" . 1 . 1 ( =oft; •ny pan a d.p.c. •• • REEDARIO' Co., Cleveland, Agts •• PARRS A sft, Easel. Agit . • W T MATHER. Pittsborgb. 4V; apel --, • -, .-CorWoter and thablieldneettesA.: • 110111314** 8R112 . 11X •-. ' ' t 1 , 8 4 7.• • • ...--,..IIIOIIIONOiIiKLA aoorx, • . BROLVNBVILLE AND • ..712302114 AND PUILADELFIIIA.• • • Taw BRaltamere ..... • • ..... ••• .32 balsa : Time to Pblladelphnt 48 v. [Only 23 Md. Biasing.] •IPIIE rpleadid and WI matrix swanersConral.l.o -te 11cLanxand Linters, kayo ummeneed making doable dad trips .Oneboat will leave the ktnrtnera• bola *ban every morning precisely at 8 o'clock.— Paesengen by Mr morning line aril I amyl, in Bahiroore meat evening in time for the IldJadelphia N.R Dom, ar Rad Road rem TLe evening Boat will leave the Wkarf dadr wt 4 eMock, except Sunday. 'Pawn nen' by thin boat will lodge on board, in comfortable auto reams; SUM'. Browneville next merman et 0 nelorin . mow tne meramodne In day 1144 rap and Wage i Cam. betland. Thar &avoiding alibi wave! abogetber ! The pregaratlonxenth3l mow are ample, and the C0.3171T162, complete. an that thrappeattrden•x or delays will be em• known ain't IL Pammwess nn atop on the ream and roam. •11.1,1 r aeon. again at ;demure, and he,. ekolex.pr Rain/Pad or Stearaboat between flaltmore and Paidixtelptia • • Goethe. chanered to Nunes to travel art they derwy Remo yaw unto, at Ike sLike, blemmtbala Maw, Grit ampler ItottL . • , • , , • To eLavimaND • _ WA - • ..111111101;611 IN 5141 110Uflet. DACE= lima Swallow sae Tales mph leave Bea ., war daily, tra m eleta r al, • her um arrival et lee manilas Baal Piltsbareit. acid amve at Warm le these far the Mall Lace at &aim, vableb here mated& .all. that . ..OW.l.W arrl vs at Develsad at 3 o'clock, /I. , - This true la the men oxpeiliisaa arid ea:Amble ana IS the Lulea . COTES LEFFINOWELL; NUM, Prep?. R .kC*lltr ; JOHNMUIIE7, WI/ Opposite lha 114,ara Haase Piarbaffli TIMM/AIM ASV 0111[1!/TILLM. I .A AND. IlitE/011T LINE. .• 1 1 : 19 .4 101101 Wallacrir r e Pawner r ack= ci=it t r. WlPighr2fr herpes h, ieager• between du nrople;ta, will be ear rted proeip l• ane at the lowest raw. • WKS h. A RCIIER. Ortenvillo, A gt• . • CRAW & Clartood it, do; Men BLAND k KING, Big Dodd, do; HAYS dr. PLUMB, ftwprborgL d‘N • . W C MALAN. ' ddg • WM. MATHEWS, Poloosi, • •• • REED. PARKS AL Co. &ow,. do; JOHN A C• CUBE; tomer Woks *sod SalidOSeld .0 1 1 014.&1140 Momagolorlat Uouorribinusb • C I • PORTABLE DOAT aillEllB47. MAR tot TIM Ts SSSSSSSSS /011,OP ALL KINDS OP MERCOANDISS TO AND' FVOM • Philadelphia, Melt ignore. Slew Tech am! pastes. MBE encouragement this line has received Mace • ita coluilmicement:tivi IrKloced 'the previa. tors to homier the stock by wilding imenber o 1 Drat clam bailie; and lestend ocgiving receipts as he mid fora as spats. we will give weir awn moists tot Might Aimed by this Itee. - 7 boats are all portable, consequently ("might is mace the whole duisece withoot transhipment, thereby airmailing damage from Irequent handling ma the rinse and aa each boat I. ...lied by th e Captain wee , them, which is s milkiest guar came Out them will be no delay on the roes.' All Produce or Manhandle conaigned to the sedereleced will be forwarded FREE. QV COM- M ISSI ON , for advent iog ud forwarding, sad iII be .hipped wtthout efebyht the lowest rota of tregr.. W , espertfelly solicit a 'share of public patro- Core. • %VALLI:die ORD & Co, Caeal limn, Pittsburgh. • • t:P,,AIO, aIe:E.LAS et Co., Agt. • . • Breed Street, Philadelphia. FMILLER.Agent ' • - Bowlers Wharf. Saltrinem. Pitlabargb, Feb. IS, MO. • • 1846 • • • ND 1847 a ra Zt RECTEgia i TO' TEE IST BTIIO7IO/111411ELI ROUTE, . VIA DR WNSVILLO it. CUMIWILSItat.I:: .. cl., 1 . 1 .. fg . leered ars nose prepared to forward *i d be. to the F.astere Machete dating the rum itid, W :tee, We meet tesoreble teflon by We esp. dames mete. All p ope ma( 13.1 la.. will be fonranird attbe loves rase. nd with despair h. .. - - ' • Hetrhaed reversed by thvi rams Newly Ale r „1.4. • 1 0 lIIDWF.LL, Ars .Phishargh. 03 W CASS. tintereesibe. • . __l:mm=oN A c..cmetatiiva AND. ' ' 1847. • • MO, • TU& &Air 41' nizeramoale Ai* On tO •RAILROAD. TllEsatateribera anll receipt foSiberdelisoiy of poi. date to Baltimore by Abe Monongahela ellaelowates al lb. following pmts.— Raseo, fluter, Lout: - Lard, Pat. .tallban. Wheat ey. Chaste, •cd Glass-67S U. pelolllo6. • Manatee. limp, rag and Meat-04 els paella/LW. Asbne, Wall Apples. Meese, Flax•Seed t Plan, and Leatinr—lMlets per 100 lbs • Oda, Nano Pond% Weel—l Id eta pt. lal tbs. Unesarso;reatheta, Fats, Masan. fad goala.Root ...Udell per ISO Ibis • AP on:sonny coamalml to /Inter of the Itaderatgand forteanbod andtest delay, free of Cm. elmore met. —MI II MARL thevres•llle__, 'MINNA It WATER/RAW rialallaggls FRKIUUTERS and tollowohieni to hero Piro Beets Pitaloto; - **.. loomed to Ws Noce repo Stebene sad onemodiato loamy, too mate mi.. ism r. , :i= ° 1;176.1.1 r ," ' 2 ll!Zl`h a Ll rudeanat... Aim. htILMENDeIIUn, • ' Mo 4 l flitsambool Ages% se - -• -• TM: TRUTH, 1W MEN OF TROTH . fIONCKRNING SELLPAN VEIWIPI/08.—.4 A.) gi. produlng wenolus.—ltrad We 1011uslas ILa Ital. S. Watc geld, Putot of Liberty B. Y.:6 Clraroh:: • • • Pletsbargh, Ma relt 11,1E47. E. Mr. ItFellene It le how • meow of dsdy, as wen Gs whit peat pleasure, that I bear lemiwooy so the vie tie of row j astir eeletinuod 'invite:re. I powered's Wafts bask and ga•e it teams , of tor children, who trial :been for revere-weeks The eldest" ants seven lam Mt, the mgt fear , and the remota eighteen . sown.. nl/ hot pawed gdpsia looms, M. attend fatty serif, and the third a eansiderobla isamber oat . distleedrsecol lead • !timeliest/ter hellebore Una well, and are eow la goad health. - L, ifoan nor/eel/lOn • 8. Pt alartami. - • Free the It,. 8 E Ribose k, ofthe Methodist Eritrea' pal %arch. Mr. a. a genera It Is with swot Oeuvre. I mold dace= roe of the rod erects produced an sr sea of %serious of sire, by roar lastly 41.h:bested Venal fage. After his \sem convolsiotte, pod Imo Mow doses, wiles be pseud an almost latmdUstote umber, how *bleb sloe Ids.seeerst health hashes. lospnwed. t. Beseech. ; the In Charles °coke, of the Methodist Eels 'royal .Chatelo • • • littsbaak, Deoesber I Mr. R. M. Fellers: I gave a ) daaahrer lbetswwo Woe mod for ream old) three dowse mar haulage, eecordine'w preserlpthut, with the.hoppiew twee. es— Tot ounWer of looms expelled I do not know pav e . . Ir. bet vow lerge.. eke lo am In n ot of gd health. I deck roeslielas war be waded in with great aMesareedneta. • .0 Cow, • A. thiCV.miirlrge Lao never been lnawn 'Ohl' la any Instance, wale aroma .antnelly evaiat, pnnents .abesl4l eye nig pronnenna to an aim : hennaed and sold by R. E. BELL/IRS; betarsca Zd 4441411. on Phvad Ryan. Per sale by Dr. Carel. In Rh W. say'. C.O.A C :MA N G ;; • • - FROM the very liberal torte:Ow 41311 V meal the asheenber has received slue .6as located klesarlf A/ley/boob u lad lead Icha so We a hue, for • ;moor years ea the property ho arm • Ream scree; Immediately halide the rre Minn ChM Frog the lOU eipeileixe to the Abate Lawson sod • deelre to please, he hopes tamer• Il nod receive a Owe of oabbs Nero on held sod dots/slog to rirCkaseay Bay. ZZel. end top Dealer, sad erveiy dese,iption of es made us sabre. hem eareety.ase dollar. to • LI f0e:440 JOIN POLITY. ldilnliliV 110AP—Mor Irmo.' • d elag Grease spots, !Wes, roe Marto flew Clothe; spolkaa, Caspeni an, &a- reodetiog the spas *Km 4 is ?plied War, and . e= InlssoM6lll"iiabyulArimria_p:Tra:m etmeo..a ic was/oday Drat ashy Mee sten. sign M the 14 asimaradkr tee eemilimilme of dome dolmen ef ea:dein Ask hair ar Uppimiat Iv twenty, le We veinal metazensie. We r.,!... - ...t - zr.7.1:11:17, x d .ly e 6 Wk.= peerae; tari . 2 meny i, el ile x atim lie Omit! me TaLle to PI =MIN TEA 81054 73 Foe , * et. ne.v Wao.k. end aim laths Drag Dun of If V' lectrorerni,Pieleinil Alkaemy •10 !Tots giF.litgLiugeto Wong Vie b ille. a et by hala gnu l •.' WWI ilyireribi 7triramme,'and by teem eof mild melkane and of at nen , Pawed It .16115 tee 'mad smirlowie moral medicine 4.1 110/11...i an. Iwo Iwo mom 'nat. liAlatera lop , ' rot sale 0210, tto 40 Wood moo. TwO }I _ :1 ::l..{' .~: L.. •~~' .1 ..;_. ' s .‘ o , J pS,f,-.... : /f AN N • A POUTIVE ilviiistANtst Gin& rott , austricyrisla •ND ALL. NEW 'DUD COKAIIIML-' V same. e the War may am to AL explassa.' '' Biwa their deb ate daly marnalosed, • fallat delassea, NM... prate, ' lades molt ind arts t the maths aside; Xenia which. thes apt*, are by lass i e To Wearer the /tee( beanie k DR.ViIIIaTiVIS UAL 'AMC SLINGS AND gets NETT. FLUID. lll9remath &WNW arim., which has Meerred the 2.frenal appesbega a of ass utedkainorteston of Orval llama oominiem entlrtly Ilea 'sppficatiosie Galrealee, es • reardth agent by means of Nick tie onlinarl flortasie Weer SliElo.l.• and of chines, ate calmly. Lpestsed with, and the omits rims pews of Gelman applied srassistay g the oldeeterli which are liagarable nom th um eretesode now itt MO. TN sines los.; and imenrahe in which Claimants is Opened bv the schen; Lae Wee rammed, Mar • 1010 and impastod SOM.. he debtallp Caperimeasod a enth staremerly dos nebealdo. • feet that due sewithphog sea r.prpSoad,slJeb.a.f. I ter unceasing toil Lad perenverance, has beetbreaga to Its patient state of pelfeetlat. • Tb• Gslowit Zap anew. all the permutes of the mon enema. Nth clones, im m Atty earn reopecth see morarastem ainga In se thing the droned elect The need la emineecionorldithe Mag. Mali Flu e dandy recommended In ail dove An teak& •risefisseren sylelept or isnlmalqi some of Os acre. sr eitedrystmt, and Atm .saidadselaty ars meant. moot pentleland anivantal 111 width ma are. *abject. They WOK- grab.. elee• . Hol4 CM. pled•dl.o,ll der...Peal Of the ~,,P atte•—. and it W cart that Bias In these s at other h=l so often failed. a new agent win 'ready It is ceettlently.belleved, hat been basil latepoll. end Judle.kars application of Ottlyealma • • ;1. V..; The Oahanie Eines have beanie/led with entre m enu la &lams of Idstant.;.smat, armee, climatic, aye karc=l;,L Iraner Do/ ade f orm rfeJti Famfros, Fe..7..SPOSof .FDre Othestr. ga , rines ef Ste 11= e , s Satf•=44l. , mon, a:glam e =mare seschealeted Daum( Thielny. Ahtieney • Nem •ad ea bZ+ ern. sod et/ NERVOUS 10011.1YEAtL Yawata of seamed lament:4, whiek Ls simply • stemmed,. nag... erne dilestiee ems., they have ban Mend equally surer Their crb annll narrate. epos the e.t.a emu be witnessed to be belieed, Sad se A cementer... Wes fi•l the preceding emnplainn they ereeqoally meommeeded. The are of Mercerise' fulcra Lang mule of all rises, of vane. erne. mensal patterns, and can be worn by the most delicate (mats vomit.* the Minton inconvenience. la fut. the...ion it Gni. It , , then othoserne.. • • - The Galvanic .Behs, Bracelets, ndkalkas Garters. Recklaices. fib. • in some casef *fa sere meet. characteassid Freudian. the power WI .applled lithe Gairame- Map . I. .71 la semi We progress of dia.. and ultimately restacheatet. improved otadtheitoer in . the Galvanic Beim ..lievelels, .tirely em dies this obfettma any degree of power that is emo ted ean readily be stnalned, and ao complalet oth.k tw e• wet of tialvaamet cantata will dad to be panthuenity relieved, The., articles me adap ted to the waist. anna wrists, lunbs, eaten, or say pan of the body, with perfect avaveldesea ..Tes Oalmsto Necklet. are used wit/weal. benefit. In carts of Brosichrtis or etectlea• of the Uttar generally; also la cares of Nervous Deafness; and with gem askfam. mass al a preeentiveks Apoplexy, EpilepPe Fits, and similar complaints. • • • • • airhaehMeteetie • •• • , Leona in connection talk the Oalyastat litingsentgall I Omit Modlleitiona This composamo hi s lees nouneed by the Recta Chessartral be sae of demon' enntordthery datarteries of Madera mien.. blab. i head to pewee the ranseltablep owes ofresdoing ' mressimesitime • tattoo& maim, by this means alma: • • ...entre... of the lateens, ton thy' teat of disease • ehat giving rapid and permanent ttliel. No ode; . compeeiboo le cbeiedate Is temente predeoethe woe edema to *pan. eindial property to the nervosa • eysteta,by meaneof an outerud local appbeadon. The *path Fluid .oentlairle nethlog .pable oratedigit • not upidy; spatiemmn agreable, sad 4e ,es , harmless Pt It. settee . it te bobeicial Inns resettle,: u,: and ditoniolmacompasy /r `The ...biped inventions ant to every way perfealy ham leesj they are sold atprie. "'mon the tithe. PI all mad the discoverer • ottly requests a Oar lend tea lan or' theirsamesing efficacy end at audit. CialaUe's •ddalsaale. ening 'las; ten:, These ankles . pas ano th er 'Meath, spcathe the.! she la) wen.. =eta. of Galvanism s as a tia am weir adiernet to the genuine Oalveale siset their mull 6eatinne, acting span th e suns pianist bet having the advantage emote lead application. They are otioltestly recoetamoded as • v4o.ble addthafle. the needy care ofitheumatismiecare or chrmfe; rO.II netnews es - motels., and as S pinch. remedy inedis• of Paa wed pinker/a 4. the Mean Beck, leis lade Side, ie Asthma. Affictesar, and la Wabitos or tem ( man Falerenevy &gam. 10 Spinal Comy f t= their etfectsoe of the most decided ebareeteamid they bare often .tea amid with complete tartan. The sae also of the greatest advantage la Pains eat Welthaom f the Oman, sod are highly reamantendol to. mtmal dose magus ta so witieliteasgcsan, Impel:Wks ,ht. As an area.' warts Mc to dm system when deb il itated with disease. or r alarm as • ea,- tam aid la Comma:lens! Weakness, ass Neventhni the Odds: and ell itiviceeionsofOokleer,rgesenelly, the blalmutie thsengthenthe Flamer will hand ot great nod peeniseleol.4.loL•le.- Is • yew mare* Or erehmets,all the vista. of the ben Jostle 'toponymy welt the unearthed addiow of the gelatine letertnee . le wisher impaired nee eras ...dos-kite dr le don The. wdl hothead eadrhli free from these *MPS.. widen art • 0011. .. of complaint en& theordiessypiamen 121 essoesrli, • • CA UnON. - 117'.The peat eckbey oedema:ma theme enlaiis Imo coned them to hee d ameterfelial hy enpnaciphol Pe... Te PM•ie .044 letyanteth,,Dr. Cuanza bu hat one anther:zed wont la eat/ elty of the Iftisom The mity evens Pineherytt. • ev..w WILSON: - CEILTIFICATEeI old TEbTIOIO2II.6I, Of the highest and Ewe PagpfetAble ebarseur MOM- • muscly received, svgarding the exnaindiairy calm and same. of the shine artieles. It lo believed Mat in the etty of New York . aptriltde at FIJOICY THOUSAND PEFSONS, de ring apa rind of e m than ayeti, have been entirely relieved of the awn points! Atonic disorder...oth of wkitlithave treepleetly fled a/I fonser dram of medical art.. kited away el the inn pkysletentrof tiff, who illeapprove of the Oalvenle i=teUe Idaebutia, omestataly ceetel Ibis e pee' the pmence, aodarith the.- •. eeptioa of wits see 100 mid lead io give ti a tri: al, the leveed. has •trecived tesesilaseee (aver with , the mom Intelligent among de Amen.. Neatly., 1), Oladie i• elan thearraadf and no= tit glee art iv fsellity meareletemliand 011 'Dye area tag de meheriii iseeedehe leek ellesiteer Mir egeatyla Pitt;ltargh,doraertiltemilluelog. lITAXTOWS . IIXTZRZAL UK Emir, 1:11LIAD HUNT'S LINIMENT,- --- S /Mgr ntonmaily emmortledged re be the IN I VALLIBLF, RKSIEDY for Mcamatopl; all Affections, Coalractioes or the Marne*, Sore Throat and Qemy,Lleeuea,Old Ulcers, ['LIU in the Pace and CUM, Agee. tn'tlie Breast ad Face, Trettb Achr, Sprains, Brulace; Salt Riteom,ilarna, . Croup, Frosted Feet and all Alcmene Amore, . . The TRIUMPHANT MAXI:SS which has is the apidicatiob of most WOIVDS:HFUL, .61EDICINLI0 eating thOmotat Semis oases era/ &Serail Duritater. above caned , -w ad OM HIGH. .ENCOMIUMS. that bare. twee kered •pos it, wherever lit to. been introdoced4OM net the n to call on the AFFLIC ffF.D: to resort at Oafs to the ONLY REMEDY THATSAN d 6 RELI KU CrThe Drolly emu, to recommesdi al thsicialet tacit Kumpel Rrnedy, that's Litigate:. •2. fbe rano.mg letter from the highly mai watt Physiclana who bare barn attache! to the Most. Liniment Stem PM** for unity. Nam. ia..the bat reWirecc or the valet of this ceretealed . "Sirso.Ssia,Decermer DOS„., LMy Dem'<mitred year .eotte i" . ;;steOlai; ading my opiion to'relstion te'esnYs. les prepared by 'Ale George e...l4oDoit....Xsenciaa. Ile compoeitioo, sod bartea, heitmently used 'pa it to yaq aka woriEsterial Rehm. dy, and in my *proton, the teat Liehneet etow,ie Very tritly mid nispectlitly teem. • . . A - Hen - NAM • „ Col Pierre lianConlendt,ilieton Many,;_ • ' I fully coot,, is the shore N HELCHEIL' 7,- •' Yokerows, Jen: 11 , I 8 kit; Sle-le reply to your letter, l OmtL meld say ~ have Med y ear Ettarnaf,Retnstely; cutlet Kure Willem, la my practice since you made. two aa qminted with its composition, L utd. artheritatiegly: ivy that I believe it to Its ath but klatcreal New. dy now In me for•the corkilatata whiMpia. re, commend Toon temectlrny, Ain't/poLGEtt, et. D. • lEPAlooe6 Abe a4o4' Worthien article. tied. limbogu that ore poared faith - at the puma' daj. span the coootty, it ts minuets' to bed somethiog of real practical eorielhing,SlM . pie, speedy nod ellectnal in its operation, sad Kt the mere time "Mee. Qcm. thaw. topmost, .B.n. which poet - ally attend powerful remedies, beret Liniment, prepared by .Geo. E.Strettea, Sing, though it the Wee bolt sharttimo Wore the public, has already obtained the conideoes, not only el our roost wealthy and influential ,rnizettc, but 0101 mar eminent physiclum. All saluted. edge it to be n witsreign balm to. many • cof the die that NM is boit to, .00hing the ar,bleg Ibifb; sod by as girimane nitate.eileg case Polo Ito mattock_ , . • Sir. Stanton—Sin-S. eft your ailmutireurosi of Hunt's Unripe et, 1. was Maned to my on on , ,ioro, who bad beim crippled with • lame back Mom u laset, and tile with 'lel:twit I bear testimony to its wenderilal hell* perperters„ .Aly• cbikl; whet is now anymore! sge.ls eosin a fair way enfant', • . toe.; • • .DENIIMON.O 6 1 /CXENION. PosiOrysca,Tovra LIM. raison Co. I certify that tam ..prreceally.acqualattia the Mime locoed Mad. mod think ths lather would be sale ie style( that his me I. almost t • • , • - JAS W DVXMAN, • Nov 6, 134.5. - • - Acorn y roe ' would also Wets Mai I have beam far auminierye am oddest to Irequout attack. of the Itheematism, tibia la may pr.:rectal my etteedled teary Weems. . Two or ttirot applit caliou orthe Liniment imolai:4y Moore eS•ak fectiont of Ors Med. - .teasel ol timbres; and maim, too mime mar to iiicatioqi. it Ms= , *dotty , proved a metals remedy:, Ite *Mt miet mill be estimated by tboretostmtmeighistelt*Ple. • 'TM. List meat le mid alib tadAo cello paw bet- Mei by all the Yriettpal:l_illtsulmetj'id-Aletchirds throegholittbe ermstry.; • , , • ; Wisehrsok AgtaktrAfir'..frk. • • , .110ADLE V, PHiiLVILIA Co, lid, Water - RUSHTON & Covllo.ismohnly.... • A it D SAND . ,11-• ceriirelrellea . Wi."...; • ASPINWALL:66 Willten streak' • ••. ' Orden rndremetd to Me st 0.04 Sidfft s ee sttsia“ to. • GEORGE k: STANTON'. - - ForsiMiet:Pittsbergb by L , WILO3.I,,Eri ail KIDD X, Ce. ADeresyClty,JOlMOl!sytnyzylly .flineleshauf,JOHN SMITH.: *A6I9 Agr 1%-nm/oz. 4 =thla • 71 le liseacek ask vm•usti between %or an/Z . S Imo o yi d .. jus dn. 1 ue o I.4rlimo p flotoomai tratamoritt sal • r M. • r•••."4,4e)1t1. • ,::-.•::z •:•",.,.: •sv: •• -,..::::4•K,•• • -- 44, . ,_...47.4.;-,1 7.".:..t.%t)i t;•••••":At.--u---, ...7:44:-."7". ,'"" - .... 4 1 " -Z . WA • .' .-- -, ~- - D V . ' , " . - ' - - 4-71 t- .........meamarzwille - ••••; t.-. - t b i1 a1..4;4 5 446e . pir beitotrt u tu a armot 94 kit de- - 1101tribotimine ' • : .Cc ,:',,,,.....4 •- k , .10umfgaara tottiiii..!" -p...z.,..r.. tr......, A ' toe .....0400.weere. s .a. 0., 0.. z mow ' , ion onrer lupe. le forane. Imbue ddorylied ado perm ••••isoloo. Reent ttote••• lowa Ws Rea eel eel 0.1..., per, noesnair o• Wads propel 4 am* 9914: •i•09.9.,99091 tbd.• toberift oWer tee 900thaittet. . eable Ind etstiet., 110.14.•9 aft* 94 .It 7 9. see e. 91.,, Iva miler itemq . etprialoabo.,./.19 tie lowa. .. irromeire and nomme Ow postioN•i or woco.i., ere-. •Thol an mad Sae aopombeedie....(• soot esitosee .*"." spµ lonsdoW ...1011•4•••••• N.A.. ....1••bt•441... ~. veep Wag 9 so. tor dem emphiste• i 1.6 doloreleerheAre oiledeiWoaeg eoemeot. l km • lay Rem Awe gr., Ind owbotost i. pow I.g* 67....eu. - In.. 16...1.0.11pra /11 dos Ineotroole,Ver•ftierr moil nee lita's Pfau. (price ea" Litt moo. resold be . "Wog ••••• the rut mod woe IN tettosed.- PI attooord sok eatiknois, • Mu •=l. Or Inals9 keeetes,r re 9 1.19detetirmedlci9 imeomieo mem otero. _ rb......., limp. zr lan bets part te emir aeteo9 s lio 41•0 Meow 9 be footidildro• 010. 9.11 stootole,..ret . melorseepardoodowet dims error Gem worse .911•999. tried. ale.. sena., see. eol saser.vo eremedsl. 9 .l•99 .... , 7 . 1 .• 5ei....04.........,m........... be notes .99.... , tosi o9 .l99l•meetx tress ••• door od tem Lo•sepo node . royometr Is •1....",_pi. it Poi)liteet '11444111. J.. 1.9.9., toebee, 9 Litet5e.4•1•44.4,1 Coe 1.911.1•99, - - LLdht seis.o/ oi Urea para... 9... e.asp.itb Oti.oodoelsi.9l... ma. l` 7..4.. mete. sit* entiodeho• e of Ire ofer *mg adille 9lie ..ikeiltbuilrat tide dreamy meek. dbrittegeo.9...Z o ntlet• 4 99•9l49.,, . , ' cod .I W e • rodilma . ookg b. 110.....e.t. atm; pew boo, ab, bat We lobe. red., stolle.e brodoso, ots sa .... esomoit or IlinnislAp.r, ••...5...r.g.1.1. 4 lure , i tier e•preorehlaree Yr.* .weal.. hoba,lnfing.: VP U•r•l2. one,.. herantllll,„ a.! 69091 Id pro ittpootAl9 dee tle Loose, oet ewe .. 1•••••lasehaar• citifies totA ewe. • t 1 IlEtraltAivs cm rn oa Lome:. c e... .... filV bragodirsa octet home test or telt b regret, .. Ite of th• hems berries ei O. optoe, Loner t .e. c7 , ../ rine sow a... 4 toted or comet els. 199 910 .9•991•••• • woe od .9%.5e ot h t rt.., ! doter, wow, caw, of Oe tdowei, or le att., Lp•trint a in rawl all sever. tome., 40.999. .y 9 O ti. • oil .....tedthee time* ods, sisee odes et tbot, oloerbomo dissoodttald tor • stew ollsoirro. Pe. sose a ...Ling krempwo.,, gr311%4 lie tem. g"''''•2Jre.... "itr7"“ttetreol7siPrthPl et= 7.4.4424 .1144.7..... e. Cootorpionst oluptoou seams ..••••• ••••• Irrisi. Pane. totto hor• am ' be tot Jinn, .t{ . shop.dooal L•••• 41 711•11Glidla ell dei tbettl.oftvesol i. Wil 41. POOR ICA NV mama. • bat otoeve.b.,pietor l b u.pid,sd....igs " somd=sl... et w0.0......9 telrordele., out, seek R l n/1•91 , •Wy en e1 t , :1.9...in. aWU era - =opplatottoe 1799 . 94 •spestorto.ttoolets,sed - .. 9.ortist asoot e1e.,./119t eollioah.tes. bat, est ittot fet tot to tbe yoritt. hegira. Met lb • try —4 / 9 9 .99.161. .. tad 0 999.1%, Aeon la Wm. •••e 1 air ot=sorrzr t 0..• it itoil•l..= mei 9noel: of th. diet or a anals, tle4 T ito: ltheter .. • IC a id r aZte stutatt/ rreiz ter Plorenam reeer• Iles, . xibo.e. te _ all boom liorseett ensibero beet; Afte.dme. 9 100 dbode....7morso. stioseeet, tem, 4.4 "-- Tbq ma idatinly ildien.l tootteil. soy allow •ad Amite serelete. 4.1 y. - Ws 1.4.• lan mod .• wed ledb• mooed ontimes7..l all adoimeeteil Arwood pbpdotheo, I* lemon u•Skd ad audielood *or. bele at ell e mini.* to on.. ''.... 1 9.19,21 tbo abbot lair...e. ..Um( t am far la arts doe beob teed Arta. elk a Y ata. nano mow. It it sory t e,obtoold IA let Clo••••• d • it • r • e • e .Le. so.n3t•w•a• i. 9 dd W .a d r w y 6 9. ata94 teirJrdo t. Ile m ring t )7 . .. *Whole Ali 1••11.1 byIr.JACCIIONSI U. iv,. Av i .e., zu, II Lib•ity otnet, t a g th els9l arra buttair rr.n—z....&.. X 11171(111011 CAN AL map LT WING DD. DITSCAPPS WitCTORANTILiaIIiPY. ' i ... .. - • ' ' Ch. 1994 ° I W.."' 8./ifellikniiiir* leas rally pirtc.lolys• , - ,4 44 1 14 1 akeiVit'itiewat . tbaspis, ar Commaidias - ;, a•Cilitpliiet 180 ivis aterelest will i vr.orre ealall - .. =:lbeitis nook ..qpi. . • ..7 imp, ae.iat VI d. -.33 % 1 4 6 1‘ 3 44 iii• • - ' ligattamia...iva , e'l4 ' .41 1 11.P.11W411/ libllisqlimmo swim awl vita, , briseolllosfie n0t....3.1 - . . 61h1 00 41 .0.67,4101 ail kaviq .ruatir ..- oft. - I d l i Kim.k . sii A kflaTie mi gum* flat*.c ••• ligliaut a i re il o o 4o 6 l .iii ti a p Iwo. 1.. - o.64;indbeiilideyrk: liiikamils...A.l67 ~ . o tMlitill , i•• WO I lk.'•DtmliteligiPi. 0 41liff*. WAS to in re* iod :ea maim' . s.,7foc•ibC "N!"". 3 .o. 16a mi.4*l.' rrthirtn ...A .u. e a.. 4....',., (9144 :ref*: ; : biratunradi..an.g la,, 11. I sna til IS rtloaci : illAbh.oznau.i. of w. , .;,li VA,: - . ~ M Is i . .4kil.; a.t ........1 ...4.....a.,, ~, a. rues; " iii#l4l.JiA et 1...1141.g. kr wry =Swift, kis. .. . ma rqiet, ft me Anal!law a. 0v0z...... !Cads k ',:,: iTfen pilia4.llloooNim* CO* Ikkie." , • ~..- 0 iii 4 4 3 II IikIINIIROM4... ath " 4.33 . 4.161 1 331 . 04 4 ;Mal 'Wight" • , • . Vila In. Inatilditpus. j blre iss• Moo :. . b inhf i v ,. .ol,liiw 3 Iftie) and tfti . NI [via& • Oats . m0......6.1 D. Doe... Es- , Re e•ti, 11 . 6 4./ik*Fsiplicsklideauty anklet ~ W 4 ramappe...4..ea6l .. 6. .1 ion wifterst . • ib Arts. iltyff4lipilillilololl4ithakln.ii. 3 * • Dia:urt iliskillif gielsmis, via.* AO . . tewarthik alb. moi ......i4 •. I, ai. mitiiiiilikirola 4r Imam' it. 6 bellies ' Ow f ukiftibuitiiiil4lo464.ll.3.3- ii ...n , ID ki,wll.llhiakilli ni.16.1.3.......0n wny .11). iiiiMilrit aiponi....consularrioN.— ... ..w o mr u siOlialliiiiii4.43. prii,.. tki. =Ceiba is .. .. Won II bi 1 0100...1Inaniebt he pokerel sad . liiiassi 44 Willie win neared happy.. Th. . wig choiiiir &aro... t..... erns . • 461 mod pelm.6lCovek.,o 4 Vie. kft Ore Cho Vs* saes% b . lb. ethelled tat 'ameloy fiver, sal ix - - - - a:!,,,-7621=1,FILTE/L. 1 1 EL—Sbor vgbe my ad to ovulated with ma I nit 1o oatervi, aim of ltalgrinem lloaim co.- .y,(4,6•7* ggavirmiktstmou tbo 4.• olgocon... 1 N." 1 1""" ,' _ . ..' i De... DON4NiIIitENTLIaTIFFILA, Mt= ' Vd al P 146 ty li Wril. J e =l.l., of -'. , 0 ".,....,a1ini.,....„.............. .... 0 , ::,_.... 7 0.1.4...4 Yaa. Mara a =alai ai 4 114; 'l.: 'co inamuse Pi Ilso Inas siaknal iturnawly (am Dy Wading at sad aboa.•• - I biaroady wage ,••••,, ‘ : a yaa vt - y- a isedaime anima mean eatayl . hieKt east duty) paarb ay* I twayanna oat, f : My. byydatta, utak has ealarly a:land ma .• :. Um ' al my apaaqs, sad nomad ar a ataari.• • "ybb &natio( my hawk ad anrusuaces'z • - ' r •am dune 11111aoad eveaval oak Mara 4 - • las yal..-L ma arab madam. rbeanuatad alas. • . , • -,••• • •_... _ .." . • - •- , JANIC • tig.,417 tartan a . .' q• 'iyablasil bad atl, by B• FA IMMIX( !•-. ith gsfiffpf, 4f +JO .Iy!!bi, fad w•dsmiikkau. • PVIELLA7IIOI7III 1001711DRZL ~wertr. lIIMMe. CMS .7141.1 TOW. t, Leek ajar yom kin Nitta ray nee. .yen en; pitted will emigre ani bbuhmr: Yet • . Tn tie to en am to rn Ifiy_nots..k. ten eflike greaqtaliegfasaiesd rev, *aro would eintely nee " pn_flpok *ea, ce4.nelam Inn Tenon An err end . . 44 4 1 7 ,- Go es ear J.LIORN, ere, EP LI 1. eny 11- • eellsor.pilisolyikiikee Plitnniti inn Og . k . 1 CriNits Ifp, be kbudoed.:. Dern ef m.. jrlll7o . l . oi , :rni the !Jig &It rade te the &wry. ' rdit rjx....n. Meek/_n. 7 - 7 V in die rade:sod II!< =ante. 11111IMellr . 114 Mini • at dm Theo •omit, is tle tom. , ems *hi Mdel It my be mots.. l'be pad of ....d Was Deady Delisted on imtiogl. 3' I.'bdi .to Pm. mem aoy part et.ll, mad ilemaeldy Mita., heed' on I .asy movement made by tle wearer. It can i.el worn' • willow lattoodaees, nettle rem t. eft-eke. Tle eat.. arilbere lave mode ameressent. Gar ite seanniaelanr , of them elleett le ham., in a .epenor eryle.ie net. .. didobla t lead bare diem Dm /ft dale at %Cr Mee, No. 74 Be&iAleld at pear dick G Piva t.- ber —,awArall4ll.im. moaciAirs Conan svkixph .hoite be ,bliebed end made teversio Ibe debt'. nee. • mos exproman et an ehl men who died We Symo: • lorceameesi, rebrmry I. IS • M. 1= 4 7 ., 10 s may corer? the 'being *Sped • midi a meat mem date, l Weight a bock of Aalaa'a o Pdfd WfraP, and 'am inpvy w.ayouver, saw a l iaceage eenrelteembe- I pommel. T r. -• limbed emoilczeo I bars mar o.od. No • , hot be mid.* mdeabbe modems, polo MAOHEIM4 JUlegkony (Sty rilsmoideno Imperoll mboinelo retell ' Dona ISeem of /01144 IFL 4 tGAX . • Weed som, ow dem beim ; Poloe:ge *peper Ueda . 1161 , 1.- . . PI GRAN GAZETTE, , ru_ 1 14 1 417711 4 R 13 114" a wiElm 6l %- Poi itia. • • •ow &airiest% Itnettiss LSO or at lissea•••• ••••SO le "4 • iNgO eaS W " . Mee Kt. r.l Co - .5 ...... CO. ma, " • - Zoo, •7 30 Er Loop, athietimisir is =woe. _ 9. ll kerrrykittMe i ll „. •": to co Tv. 111 6,l ll l •4 l olllAftikkinelMTl6 3 / CO fieY 4 4 1, 1 rolii;e.S.M.Sh‘ "" ft IXI4. t• - • "roma Tudwmar, tar satyr: '4•l2l/1,0 pi* igual.S Lowden, *La aididNOMNlNolle..g••••:- ia• co iimej .. . ..;•EAS VP :O - * ;4•441'W. :toi 211 Woo, or ..o.mtr:A;.fritiiiiinuaiilmoor::oLimpi.,::t.,....tis4,..._..{..r_.:::.i: . , - .: - ...vt.... ~..c.....14. nrr-114,z: ~. Autadisoeut ofl2l Wont II 1 . 1 .= ."'Z', Five llama tfts, ,agi a . ,. '.:t•••••..r.,41, •• , , ~...,;,...• • i j,;3;ter,d, l'• i'v" i. , -0.11, , ~...- , . • . „.., -,-; S - -: %~L • V:Fe:.:4 2 :0 4 7 4. •"' - .e-t!.lf 4 • ; .y ; ., .. .tii
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers