1. - - - - ' ' 0 .I.* ^ ,t • -_-_ L.r..tAturat4,litntDON, hoodaamass . 641- Li. E....l,4faxmartmaucrtome 105 Phial al, 1 FS. • 1%!.1.argh., , , z.o ,f ill.. 'tili 1.. If . 11 . __Ltia, 'ru port iittine ' 111. 04 arold 2 Por d ir:"l4 l. 46l ; aa i =.. 'soft.r.sul I . anti_ ' - IDIVIVIS WPC' Or Lbillk.. o ".. t Y. r 13 .I.k {.{s .....w.: 4.•+..l.4' ;_ `ir A D Ao4ilil6T ikiitliligh MOW , " .....,T. .' I) Igmen Wood oci, hlagalrh. spirph: di *Lire • —.w....... ..-,.'r‘..'7d.t ., 11 --,- ih-- , .-- ?."' ' ' Forward: dn ....1 C .", dietlplit= 84134..ra", .:. Pte , itLL!y'.4.: (AT MIMI:Ire Lastltreld".ll l ' l ' Wn if igerivailWay,=‘, civ:“.....m.rma'AtteLitt_it aaa lOU elerl 1pv1d.51,...1 ,with'him..... oaf 471. ''''rtlmitifrzt. ' . ... .,.— . ..., ou Iry A. CUSS INGIIAII, VrlkiliNW,,.,Ormer RWider a:Vivant...lml ?tuatara!'" Aloshieha: i " 1 1 1 '4' “)-..-- _- ..--- - "OS. ".4=ritiiir . Nittuucr." A.lO Wholesale. Oromerr, ConSiaaat aria 1 otwardam avrctuuni4 Visietir flu Prob.'s gal , v,,glt...4:34:;;;:tor"l' o nnal i 1 - eirga - c , .... 6,....7........u. Mal U 4 a dirAtt itic4lo,,,and haple-htnirs Goads, sap og th. , chit emat itu . par;ct sUbeylieniX,Welars r. --- --- 700. , "-+ J. thrift.= Selti. • ' Xi / n 3 trea. an ttliniratal.../kitotaelo la La.. , akt'N.,t) . - 551a,41.11.4144 Pad 0/ } .p . -* 1 41 7 - , ..,---..------ '-2:-.---*-1-s--,r. 1-: IIhsAitaII,I4AZIWIFON, Ilrbetesale Otat. ju ~,va c. 1.. 01- b. thaMond, Mega WNW Mai Law . 1. 4 '„'„.."' r•-;17:71,----v-,-,'— . M 1- • I,u . ALT„alr.BlAVAlN'wbalealo Oro. ~,t, awn m predoe *44 tuuburgitreassighz inn, nonoroC I:l , orty, lad hunt sts.i hafape . a.lti . - ---.- - -L------- --- 2 = 7t b LatiTiniaile.TT . ..= l- FVsb• rA. Co 1 khlple.lle °Merl, Calllualsbeg and "'" I . n.114IVTI!'""1,1t Aetrlln,...,,l'begli 5...4 ..A. nou ti.: ~.. hil re - 1 , .1, . eel% i - Ti ‘iiisiwx - auicilial w, in 40,,,, , 1,,,6 -.2 a ley, dm, Water 0111111 st ract lm ent"411 . 1r,V&1fu1... ,11 '.• Flp , f,W l' it!) I T . siiattrawstauctetey. •.,1«.,+;ii:`, , ,,r , , ~, , ,71.,ci.,:. cowry Wier. , ..: ~,i5,.,‘„,., ~,.......—,....,. . •dllawr !Odds. . 1 , ~ sc e . , 3l Illy 11.411L1C di CO4 hribemda% ~. .... gelebsrus,r6ll Afes• ma r:L ''‘' ... 5 - WlRSlA4) , Socr eet• ois 1.t:11K, ..A ., mu; Eva., bui,e.tunrwa , tat. .47,„}f ,It )111_11/44 odarskßeiat6lll Weed awe, oat IMZEN ' ' ' .l .- .--: ~..f, '::!.:,, •:.t.71..1:!:!:,:',.',:,.:, r . ~: ``g;;. .. ' ):••.;; ,- .p z.....1,,0ii,.:•:-If., 1 . :+,Nllo?.ittlt-vi, k.l Ikrt ° l : A° 4 L 4 :4l; ' Almve 'fir •r=e- , 11 .1 .44.1z.., , :g% ,-; .1 •'• 1!,!.. , 4 " . -. , .. 1 ,4 k 1.,., J. 4-: 1, :-..: y. , 1- '4•it•':',..t :,:•1k • •'. 4, ~.' ,J, - , •',1 • '', At ~:t..1.' ...,, '• 7: 4- `:•:: - :.',. - -.. , ' , : ivii :' , : , %r,i.• - ..,..:• 1 1.4 , • lq, q!',.4•' l.l * * l 0 -' , ..; ::: 1 , , , 51 , ! . . a11, .1,. I.r.qi,:f• 1 ,, ,, .., ; .,.r . _ natyl4 f;g4.1.F44101 ''.r.avoiD%,,Signintholos draler ' pbetv nearOnnalltaga. I t t e,E N oti l jwrtsek 441.a1a Vii 16-41.1-11,------AV;---"'Skaler orate Voli.ry, ate ji:tiOCI:11.141S!!09-*TrinUah4S el et .111, Lwouir e _ Va c t,r=lugutma6 igFno .‘,4o.2ll4n*Vittilevale. Own itedeloik, I..stowlgenhaut; *ad Mania .I...oakum. Plitl.reVluattvaltte.,' No W. s+glitti..,-* : ,rlll4 W. ktitTaA,C•4•Ergite rs .. -1161410,6 • d d" ,, .." I•Ph rid4"flit , APkraa Well er~erepnwa - 160 I Ns.W 91 wittrein,Mput. 7r' vb.. a. hark ' boxy • um- IFI ~.op .ra sots. :gain% 11* u. B immeylicaporum and eiseancluas Papi•ccugGen.n4 eNer Wardwg.... W Nrd tl,...ruyiscawA. • . LLONergial Rptr,eilit tha mud_ bus, LRIIY IlliVNOTOrgn". - 11 w Wrg. A A 14.1,011eturci.ratatk.....eorner.K..., ,kll. - ! hitrilam fllll. knr,Zt. 3natA plextr.' zaps= slCirsT. 2 t. 111A1A11.DICIEST Os" Ma insis lananaii, lindsninoien Idereitastwasidealina taranteen,lina 36 in:azal and In; Vron_t nmen,niltudasegt. ord. 01034 Atwasy at -Law, 'Probwry Pa; bap reasaed tie prociter,(l. 4,7 * ho No:, Ratelreirs Llathimas,Orpwitrifilt. Aorsur bl. &Irene& tkty. f . t :o4 l dowk gol. tw t . D 4.111011.0 AN, W4olesake ,. J . pony . w • .I,La a.werar.,oa••"e.M ttpt,Ltill V Mar r. . v-siilMltrifglU----------116 Wh0W4k...120.'144.4, ' - IP et ilk Mule sop lasile,a l liwlnamelOs. Behlwl 1/.. , • • ewr.wil.cm,-til...opattrnte,±o p.ds. , m w.mity,L lio; al "Went st, ramlb ~ ' !wO 41 tataselli vale. I L . we_v: . ' - T ' 4CIIOO.2I3IiIICASLGVOen ririllt. ' Wn•Cia_!_tqlrin. bi lle'` - ' l- LO Ut" i ftiti L ": 4 ' . khoi, So is ' alwriroLli° oo64 -4 . -, 1, — rfut...A.g....,•••••-•.-- -I.= 1 t.' - ' -'lt---,------ ii ----‘---- L. ------- ; --- .0m.. ; _ • - 10,,,,.L.•011.6LAT1 'Alp= .. alai • - .11 1 4a, .In , bete,o. 41rwaAsomo • Vs. •, Will law mend prose, w Wise. • l'il.b'q".- ... iiroren •- - 1 • : odNAIL, _' :......,, eit ) --•-•--.-.-i - ••••''' . rag lOfsU. r , i , 0 2 ,1 A _. 11 1 1 N -- . • L *A L 1.4 M cetliwrjl.s_,A=Lt...,..„-__ ._...,..„,„ - - --•--- -- -_-- --• ._ • _ ...a .1. . ...._. ' : j"''' ..•44frA tu i C u m.:4A. Meta.; WOrr Meta? !,1,4 I ilooriloVe s3o,,,etak.h. Mier, Pitebeilk. Writer.; ,14..?•14 18 . , "'"'"" 4""".1"ie iemirrion rill-APPOOB.Ir0 ■ , 11.,..ete M Pepe, mapaselattfy NO, MI stm, 4*, nest mut.* st : 10.1toleekl.TIlivelogicatt treirool, rite r l =2: ra3 aSsi ßL Vild 44 . lo g lamb nos, truile.moj Plitoteugh, P. • - _ll7Certr. met-pletreets• mil . I 10 'CB 09111L114 I 0.a.,0,-r,ha.golnuteloptyng. Pee.. M . az; pws. , koiss DALZ . r.,,Wha p =gri= .11.1114 .Itio+eal 10• 7 31amanans .:r au. A.; 000.. et ..{l!S±L*M" w}r. 0.1.1 s jg t!r":1 " k.7llWlSTiiiiibliDio, Vltoim.lac . y.1.9M1M7110 71 4 i! vse, r• Se; r urViid9ll - 1 ,111 . sta. • . • • liii,Vvi:jicti.: ..... n - .- : ta . / Lai ! tor — - --" cmaskr - ' ittiterdua wndea := l4l 6 r.,4TOreaill9,larelgli:- malabeaMs, NOll3=ll .I,Ti't.l2l, 9.:11.71--J-,---=-P---M4,4, keklittea4lll3 lc 117 r, 461 m a11 . et . .9 welt awl Comploles i padmult , 1:11101, 1 11 - Vb.:, .11: ~ •• A. , - ; .4. ~ • 193 laberti A i,•••5ar.i 2 L.01" .14 7 /1 .7', , k WO - 'et lki;colLD k, =Arai .I.4.,wsz r iiirr yisi ~ted 1, w 1.4.W.4=rti0, View , mt .4 4f. la Fi f w lsnred= I • '• Paul. 74„ —et.So/115/60115_., rj, II': • ond &m . ‘lllo4' ttiiilet P.M.. 7„,i,a;;;;. eijea lEbtr , ale 114. 41 6on l / 4 .ticook sat elpeci.7 Aka, lu/user/ET, mammal a 00. vibil i ess iro r q :44.1 11.11044 ' lNt' Voindef lel. A CIOWITI.I, C7IUnN- ir 113161:T IC B C 0444.14 Ofigell A •AaC. 4 74') Trr E " 4l 2 44 rttj o4l I 10 ' 1.3 " U . fizzats 6 x ,za CIS as Comnsuion isod d.IY. um5...41,4t tcuazur T. MISCH, Jr.. Ifl lamer Asp“ma -Owtior 4•11.1~wo MaascrThart. , von NIA cut,* rit,rxv, or all adenptioss; tb It. azerftf'yA' C° !: " .lTroirk ii .l ", n .bit= Lit.ny frolito 9041 " - - IMICIIAZID. DAS" alimeimidelustrita dmilt i WI. loradier, WM*, Jorskirunllohisuet ltsd, xbdiunr, - nowum_„?.ftp, , L „ , ' Arzigtser....,.: B2=lll .4 l:4 so .wf x wboes es robetorts-1045;141.8, 1"."* %wig ) --.,F1•44,14',,,'"...z.",4) 4 ,It te - . . „.,,,, ,- 1 2 •2. - 1 ,-. ?"•'s" ' ' , . 0 .` a - r ~. , , . _ : .:... .„,...,,,,,,,,,,,,..,,,4r 4 , F.sm M. .., ~,..0,,,,„,,,e. , ,„ . .,;;,5 5 „‹.„,,; ;i t _.....4- iii ..-- '.-N , 16 - - I" "-m- •'' --, -' ",, .. 1 - ,:*,..4. 4. ' ` ... ' ` ,: . -7. , , „` , „ ~,,,,. ,„-- 7 - ~.: ....- ,„ ~,- , c . .... ..,,,:' L :,, 4 ~'.,,,,, ', 4r ,4 ,- i , i 1 , , •v - ' , -.-f- , .--,-= --- -, --- . .-rs'.'i, ---,, ~. 1.;,..,: t ,.. , .. g...-- ~ , ....s'.: i..„ ~,,,, ..,,,, ,4. ." - J4 •=0,,, , =- - .. - . •-, - . -.. ..-4 A - -.'-:', e. , 1-. P. > , .1%, ..1 1 - ' .t. ,' p - ?-, #4t;ft . it' 57 , ' ''''', ,.- ,; ' . -, •' 4 1.. = ~,. -1 . ' '.l.- ' 4 '' `-' '? c ~.- .., C. . re , l , ~3. * , " 4,, ;•:. ", • , . , g '' ' , ' 2 -" - - , - 7, ,l''''' 4l;. A w,"'" '''-- 4 P.l .1 ' : . . '''fi -'' . ' ~'" 1 ., ..?... -; .. : , .. , ,t• . , - , , .. , , . . . , .. , ~ . • . . , fr %,„ , • , , r . i.......' 0 .. - - ..,„: .~„: ?.. -------T— --- . • .- . , IV 01 ,. - XliV ..• •• 1 \ (). .11. 1,11, : • t Oa 1 e , .., ~.1" • • ' :" ; - '' ' 7 ' 7 '` '::: - - '-‘' '' . '- - GH TuEDAI" .. . goitNING--4?-,&-13GUST, 3 . -184 i• ._____ _,,„ ,_____,_____'__. _______________,_ I_____/._____ ______________:.._ ___________.t . 1., ,;,4• . - 'BUSINEWtARDS. a ti. lll -4 11. „ 0 4 . . isozasy tpcpssam moons. mania. °mei; ii‘sid, A% nigWLlkr dna= in Prod.= PI edil M. bads of Foreign sad Done Wes Wines ? al 1 11, of =puke Xign,INIT, Widek wilt be ocia kior for o, OffOw AUegheinl =lkea iaiDiogerritsNloia= Mono* litaloguinis aid MAW. elk= -- - • Idirinisesv Walk, no ill na all - lie= for empty if,alf (Feine Skit' " ;111to R White. lacworailet .& 'wing Sao= Deo. fleinia-Fonager r sai"Llornestit ir li Goods; _No PO Wood argot, Fetnborgie e lhf ita and l ' llato o r ro r tad siongierelon " t ra" 6.11111712.1011R1CW, and Nnittffeeid. sOSK •Gtocont --elonn.ratOS nod CoontVo Booboo ha Pothraustawhisethoh Woos. Pro. doostitoor- roomed ut thou um wozoltoo o et tol4 loon No 35, tomer of Frown and Mow* Lane, toto . 1: OVIRTMEC..IIIOII3/1111.7121 Osaaus 1,412 s Ilhailtiott; Better -to L 414 P*oce !tot otspdoeugotlasucleo, Omni ram 211110 SSMI* IllnlP/gl4l. MAK, Dealer in Seed., Flow . on. ltoiatoot. sod Aptooltotol loOotottottut No 121 WOO ittrott, Patobatob. f bl ... 17 IMNNEDY.Ja:litaaßaLGlitall battaaal ' , res,',tad,Bitatitala Parka, .00aBtar•ad VaranY tactaarbt Weadattd Fean►au{eu. BB - - '4FteVenTtl.._ it J Folsytb. .frisrsiraiiiirTa &Co. Coat:lo6ton Merchants, 4. , .ilesion in link, Lauber, 61 . 0.114 11 , Prethire ' and Pittsburgh listuafsetates, Canal Balt, taw*" sr, - 7 -we With.- v .4t H. 318ovironsciiii: .1, . ,••,•,_veo••• t• pr.a.. , , Ina 9to,bretlinufatutr% genteilaily lo tiP`k.A—,-- . rAT k U. MITCHELTitint, AifUlualit 01 . ..,. , V V • Reatifying Divalent. sad Wiod attd U1u*.Mu .,,....i.., hiutsi.Xo- OD Liberty . urru, [update ft:stit ottretj rita,4. o --::—=::.. •' ' • ", . ' ' -- -.•'. - JC*ll_ lo *leg.; • ' • ," - , ottioult."*. Iniciitni 4 ess; t . u. I. k .i=3 4 h;klil i g=n7 4 .. , m - ear l . ..,..0..." .... g ....i...kuOulatrespuontlir, 051 . mere( 'Mad Ma ,Wicr.re it% .PisOugh. • : uckli • 111k7imHn 6121::r4.44.1,11.1ulrail4egie.Lat13,6,utri ague u knit OH betsW • ' •,, ''' - Mal?! 613UUgni Milieu& Oneer;Formirdleg • • • Omsminion lietekast, sad peak"' he Produce um& Pluoteso Waiini•nan, comer of -Water awl 6ostkield so. Pimbor•l4 . vourzenDattrirtew , ./tetiv ilety, &co:erne:Liberty sal 13t. glair meets, ritt. 5,30!, • d see 3 Wille"d i tt Boatel** , §dhe nemeeses. the et of wee. tea TlO4 ete, IAA:rt.:IC:II. Kay e .etteattr v ad. eVerY diPlion Pr g ml. g ) • , • epee no. Neeat"M - ehlr e leteettddleleeedt, . 11(11.4en} et" bear tke a l uarrrouszeriugs, Wholesale Oro oxxx*tectilnhg Mena; and Wise sad tilos/ xixreltaisx, Uiens au lowsite Sixth .t.,) . Ik....WWISTEMMittLt=t; n~m_~'~'~'~*'' ~ 3S.i3i' MAW& All9lllFoalt r i Wleiosate IhreerOmsow lamed at 11*.:Ue Wpml ;nodose, Oki emu& AmuarGhnecene• lowlllaandemaeLal prima jai ea favorable unea. 't - - - - ortiaimA t _Dealer * Wesebeo, J *ratty, .beeineekergrl-.76",!.at pyN Mu , W ilL—leblinrrotlee erroale and mad deaf Gr Dry Dade, a** es* eor .VVlD=trif-"Wltr%:" r"'°,7=ll Hu* "woe% will en: eario***lppls rio bon napkin . * prose npuoes emosandet— *Axes* eau be Ind et aliens rry*e 's YtvWl d: Jove-FB m~r Wag =son, Ekitsd, eau Wept .Mete Pilliblalthe febll3 WM. 311:171,111.1.12IGTON; *neon at Law rituatn.O.lake the se haleartakaleatiumi pee. onamda, Loa" Contact.. Dopooloosom oar Op: wilily (seem .eel se log to tosCor viowkra us. - . 116 Sou of Ohio.. Ms ae Melte otect.shweSou.s4l.l.. . Yell..f is van And 6.7 E L. WlAlNtrcet;iont A asilllaltt: Collecuag, sges• eiesisel other b.suamattaultd witkrubetsality. • Lime k Semple, "Wm. tea : Fag.. Irk Fah es crawl kn.,. -lam H./MN tW GSA Lind.ll . &ON' " Jalkagia, Euk, ISMS .11c0.11y.1e.4, Bl4.lVilltau ane, )0147 J• 8111.11 MIL. 'RECTIFYING DISTILLER, AID Wllol3l4%llll l Atil iiitia§ t SIE%TIC MINEI k Ligon, x 0.114 Liberty st.:, ands 2 Mumma siky, EMSOUItOI4 PA. . WARRICK: STAN Co., • somiirs,'Down Ezcisses, Aland X= sad disks, • Canter of Third sad Wood crests,. ss•IIMUT . • . • Pswilmwslig;Lro. ti w mow.— Wr... Ad dims . • Ithrassarily Lstsris Watissal,l A.D111111." . ATTOVILETS AND COUNeELLOKS A 4 LAW. XpOidaNdrk ride di Fannb st, above AmithSekt4:lo Add7dAvrtyr ,t1,,tt10in,r,..14-1111:E111.11. • • ,;" ' ATTORNEY 'and 'evangelic.. .a CINCINNATi, OHM, ,Uollankinat la Bonham and In Indiana and is Initsek7, pampa) , and illstally intended no. ~REFERIP-Ilit. Richard Biddle, W.. Bell Bell I Pan, C-Artui, hailraigta,Caure & Carothers; lidin 1i1y., ! I . i . ..:Jaares Barn. Willett t Dave. • he ____ lXr ~ et ' l lrriT.Aciestraiir ftrIIOLYZIALE.Orncera and 'Beaten. in 0;.. Beat neeen,abillittstiogh Manatactared anicltts,have Maand Art all poet • fall.andteactall "atranunestist thenr . iline, Water mon, near 6erry.41,117,' 111111111106 . 11111 6 4UM - VDUS, 808/111 MON, DOMES BEM" FLUE t VIBE -f.'Atwi s ime m Ere E R . H ttgrZ"ct W.uartift *?"*"1/ bY Illredew - Illtreedi War Itesew *lll, rill....leetonlold stet weer all &woof Boiler nn the laTaioders Fisk will be Ded !Ma reek nreer wellmErdwre- • ZeillaaildeolD4o6CM ese Inited :::,;ezilirlerl need. Orden mdi imam. Towsuram Molest easy, No dd Sanaa et, three doers abase rd • Piusbnarill Mae cornaady es bud .well len, ad sientet the bargain franlanhledinides,nneh be will men en the 20.4 nanettable unto. Manna* sandbar ardor& win be prereptPr attended In, and any- Oki wtsh artistes they nay rely tea na Omuta. Ilarnrnantss,Prtannuens arearatsly and neanyltspenA Alas the ban satenals, at any bona •the day or ~...:yonslorgl a , a taste .. .tab of (sash and good Parra atePoi . WILIIOI4 Walsh ?dater /mallet, tai a :miser Pk. and Bantu seedorne l ts. A law and we relented mesh of n nebry..finer•ware . nal UMW? Goods., £1 4 .71 land nod in nada: ea. ins soors,Gold P.,..'l.A•rfi 611 Jewelled warthog, as low Li SW Adverts watches., as len se 1118. . ,Gonna Ceeperr tabu. Johan:and abor spooned arks atorsdnhes nay ba had am MO *drama and .4TP/in wash moth done in An ray ben manner. "ITZEIt. ~41iTTORN ATTORNEY AT LAW • akeiris. WM. alto Lined promptly toCelleesiessos ShlutsiShysttesadttrees ete Isiah Se; •Ow Owe sixths re, ihttibersh..• Al'r.SlotiPss "liAtiviacrturza eerin, Carpor t ould Sheet Ices. "OA Were, sad dealer ip lintattnia nati 'opened Wire. 11s17.nsrta men. 755 ettemylitel , asesilllollsl4 el the idW seebnstleternti b e M r I e x O t r i e s M e t e a S e t S t e . .,z s esseCTs k esfte” l. f •Me'wits • M .l* estett steea[Ged Hisole Sesitiehlas lientwire- , 'besets:sea Sp pails, generally, are test EMU N .1 " 1 " 1 1%. C0..0s LAW. plakor lamas of 011, 0 PImr 46d S. r po • F E &far r a C O IS " =MEM - - ,-"MAW' iMMtrX .IIK e t ., 011IXAMI. 17111 8 Esuits4grtr a tra I%.(saltdiaml, ./liiiweViZritlirgerd.r.o4 POWien4l A1..49.4"-=47.0 7''".* Tteraftwil.ftV oll l-"T"' A di g' A gs .tarriso.... MEM % a a 3. 1 .. .0 , 00.0 ""41"*Tuu 18- ) k, " 4 2t $lllllll 111 -111V4tta unuartslwllll II .que,srait Iowa; 111{ woo - Mow bost4r.sal wbiti tary ea kw PAW as,l.Tsor., ~,ztw' • , i•-:Augg; Tregai: kh , ryititiutszauira,thtt i s n A ; usal=4 -I =4lllK 444 . w*,6 s o.otokyvaeirri -rimAtss Be= itoßcwiNd'_4 KaimoN. A. M. Wildelb Js ,Ft was.t.rsorifto -cola:mom rot weammo xestenANTP,' 116AVV.HARDW Alta AND rwrissintosa,, - . siDAUWACTUMNA; • tATARDNOUDDI strati pea AVIA, and Cual Basis. Libssty - surset.itiveras handl siaS for 'We 100,0001 Y warted Sesirst& .1 .- N spas &Co's Cssi.lairss,llllsser alsi German iasl; Jaw it Dulcet Asa."Ditstrr Ppd.& and Feist ISR.Socebissi!lirt*Ass . s. 4 ratio; -- • ' ' " Goings "Mr lust Ailef„ • , Is, (swisssfi , loglo Vico., tspusst st!S ..".".4 0 - HAM; isssiSsilotissMsrabass; " •• • Fre! 1 11 .14 m. U. Ilona - • Ai noes ..ssay and Coal nett, Atm nestles,' Sickles, Lei Mao e, ke4 frr&stsisssder Vim Perist Nam his: Mils; Olio and paet,PivabesittlhtalW eld ss she lows 4 .....omenwoort • ”.• •,-L • ••J 114snale• sea; - Cilp4olll 14: DiLsipsaritowns CO. • •IL - • 'l,, . TOO /00 . 0 • i,1111111•1111111AglElifitk Ne. In Soat"Whe m :miad No 117 owl Vi'afer el Infant, On trade end entlere - eerie:any ol • 94itsbates, that thrykavanade inch annerrenente with the Woman nanalesanns and the Greaten bit the We.,. Y. Winne:ea ether places as. will insure a lama and • swam supply orate Whirls' &tenni Wins of :Tabu:menden - will tat rel 4 can se mono salithig Year early other hose In Ste chy or . where, and all Hole ordered nos then Will bairn! . Piler •=o2eging - • Von; • Porn Si'o • Panda,SerdLeaf ALSO-a celebrated Annet .4 Cent lo Fkahle. • bates raneles an te Bele Halal dish, with a large assonssent of ether pontlarbranbi and 'ttalities et poliads.he 14 nod Mb feint Ina. Sand log Flat Latin? Twist: 'Virginia Tenth ;eel and plain, in whole and- lhalf bonee;'lnaftl• I • tgretler with enrol,. yariety of article belong .l.sl te • weds. • . - . „ .• • 41 Immo „ C atusensi Late eflfmalistret,Pa:• - Mine of Nashvine,Tenst. L .4ll andtlesatinton ! if i et i tan - tir, non oreet,abore Ittonlersy,Fineitsau,Obie.. Rar Ire* 1 • ~ BadelifjOt. • neat • ruo at latuhllster, " Neshville, Trim - • ! 'catnesninannitteaiL Lane co., Loan rine, iity, reneger &-Whlnstan,•e b• • • c i •• • • Hoses Jonsson re • • ' Hewett, Harm &Co., Pirie , Orleans. 1 • .01 1 1 v 1 11 5=1 .1 USG'''. N ew : I Itiiti=itiet4.",ii , I • J. G. W. L I EFTWIO b. M • IHCHIV NU 6i PORW AraTZziagitaz. - "' .111.471‘.1! LAI attention paid. n tionaljninenn of E.llMatuek.67 O p ehars u REFElLTO—liiai.Skellk4# Llgtallior; Nr. Th. enas Linnet; Neer Orlenta• • 1 Malll4l,lAncoak.Bouerent, 2;119. Phenol; fee -1 roes. 11111 - Speerqin t .: id llrtaVeirkleobeft • . esr.n. Co; atinnsti. - • ' •.; ems. Hynes I Craighead; Venni. intriC niihneidif Hon. Zenon .Letainre, Ilea: John. Danes, • et__Elt___li.ll hire • ,wbekuie ".Lbenymrceg Wig PtIMIMPACTdPB. AND PRODUCD COM -MISSION MERCHANTS... .1237./LAL colt &tear oaten Yeeo , Ol of sds' ram arnatl . ymec a a value la ar m a g are is Cum, al' 10 1 1 Lag to OR frioada, • Meats. Walthealbal &Taylor, PIVIONITEIG IfereraTie.Bell &Co „Mitkoport,. 31.13,11315. t • • mayll4 N. R. All prods. coatialied teas is lama Tema fa ate M a re Wallinlford RTaykar,Mtalmielt, of la oar Mare la Melladelplua.• C. R. it Oa nail IMPORTATIONS OF .:-1•111111.4t , IBAJEDI • • utroirrsits Or ANC WHOLOIALB IMALIMMI IN muuriarsuiti awrz.miqr, is weak stave & • • ' • ir weisusail A' armr dm emirseof rereorari large mrAm. *ea extensive 0.0 1 , 1 7, .lery,AG +Adak ItariaoLtema peratamal we tie 50.% mArastageoar wen la Entsaa, aml &tear fro. 'lleasfactarera &meanly?, &wales teem so ro: mod. On . 34 b P arm. PareNmera are revealtoffy Melted io call • -7, It • la VOCUALSJI. [OMISSION is FOR% ANCIMI MERCUANT, N 0.% WOOD 811111.1.0, CMMUS td Mamma a mend Ceemisasis .BusimemosOisidly is der parclisse mod : id Americo. MODOLOOFONO , NMI Predate tueehrispi aid feruNtdese Oiside esseiviedls his an..A. Area N thsldaindaMmels. ho ma ho smislastty supplied with' the maul d ixtklat Pittilmeglrldasidaetunk- {sweet washesals piece. Win and consigameati en feeprefelly T.moon. M. CONWAY di CO.,± P=ajNUll "1"u kd=g L e,Salsal=4 iend Ir rnelm andffalposen of Pig troa.C,l,ke. Atwood, J.nwk Co F10n.4 BOON Co I.sseent, swains b. ' Henry Ora Ora, Lindsey N D Leath Ir. Co Lyes.BOOrbk. Co Clarke 0.1 . 100 r . Marled., OMM. MN. . JOHN-V: %Law of the Shoot Maleouo Leech t fl l Wbolo Orosior, 0111.1.114.111 MOM. all Idea. of Connor _nolo.* Col.. 1.1 par, Ti... nolo% Tiooonel Zoio, Lo.f. ffallilt Whew hoo. len. raft!' .W Load, Dyolirolo Como ams. Salt. te, owl PlosoargO Kaufmann. geseralin center of ,Ltheny sa# Inns ~,,As?itulnuel, 00-übend •Avulas,u1Ca.111.0(00001, ouoo on tos• ••o. of Phol000.ke; inys • ....AUCTIONEERS . ANDAND anfISSION 'MERCHANTS; . LEVY & BROB. CINCINNATI i BT.: LOUIS OFFER to senat onaer eenddaskimeal, an kinds of Merchandise as the 10.11Clit rases of Consaiseass and are elevate moored to sake odsoneee. (Me km of references amen: .( ropired. Inners addressed es -idler House vrillbe prorandy wended* Mall( . 1/11111 1 1 N. 11te11k441,. 'CqMMISSION MEW, 144111 C -re Nu.. CV WATER. ert.. or . cturArri 11 ' !I MALTMILOILE-.0 , ' , '. VVlrlfruiGi"..4l'" Wr-lrnk... I d rsraoltdrearl•rostr, i'.‘4P;: W I .--- Cliell7X11111111: 5 '4. 11 22/0 - 111.110 - AA CA . A*, CO_MISSION M ANTS ANA Ataaatisarer• re po, tl , ' No. 20 Cohambia' ~ p ' I! .: 1 ; . 4.:INCINNNAX!_4IIO. i. car.Ama rm ioa , . . _ I . commuksion k MAW Alt U• errs, II 11•••=d1 Iltriest JI WILLEXJ,Ie riukbargli ltpageaeres sad Ifikall JJ iardrare7-wrill keep eikkaikVikkt Led Pooch of comp 'meg. mud ”iu.,kamaor.yaanad *mt • prior sinks, auptho,pices ,blvabaktles, oloAtoltr=lag imuc i a lor i ta r . LOAM. WVOIXSALZ °somas, ccotauseado ma. v.ll CHANTS. owl , DEALF.H.6 OF all kWh or Cowotry Protoro, Capper, TA y To :news. Towers , 44 1100 and pads, file. Witte Leo& Ups Wee, Lova Slew boo, Load, Como Panty{ WI, U., sad , liortousb kinaarottorao a . ..wroth . , PiO• NOW. awl 94 I Liberty outset, weaver Wove We hood of Wt.:Harrel, IPiwoWfsto, Pa... • , . . LlOrrot marrow% In ear► or goods, aids ao tea r.)lnionsto of prodwo. to, to. 1. tootos . 0 I4li Pox's. • . MATHICWII & PATCH - T Ilsilisies- NEKABirrk, i 1114.0 Inflater Strost. I _I . • . - IST. LOUIS,NO. Will 0 , .. * o molar oursuom to the sellang a Pro. dot* and so orders for meta/ono, . • Rau ro—Woorso Morgan &C m, P k PS. JO a 1.0.112$ Wit.g .I — Firilirowo, 0 Alabaman. T a OO s'. - J0 NVOIILLOIIuiI CO. ;& CO mnission and Forwarding. Merchiisste,. L, - Nom 92 & 95 SOUTH BT. b tf0711. , ' anwurgys W 11.4 IT:ltaltiriert:. 1f74115 - ICKbASSOACIIa w COMMINNKON 2'INENUHANTS. :.- .. 111‘0014014 II Ltikt Ile., ~ . . ~ .., i .. . ._• NA.17111011.11. rrerwlt'OSTooeto 'MA!, modem orwHlSSwoot to Wotan; addrroo. by_ _ NOS IT ' . CANN A l SferAla HT, girt% rt. • pLbOR PA4l'Oll‘, - A HUSAIN 'AWO PitotHlClt ‘ l ,Tl l l : Beltrni C" W "thsila tlAßTE N S ,•r il lsslottELPEllA. .1A1213 Nor propane to moire sal korword nil triode ...a...o(Matobanolsor tweet ontlA horlita, North owl Won Orrock.tnoToloorwor Cooolo. . ‘ Wirr . ' *lll OA ILFS GIUitF.R NV4O74 ' MI/IMO, .111 C 4GIANT, 11039 Weer Sseet....l6T. LOUIT4 , 110 4 , to:. Lyon. 51.0. A (I,.and i Anhany Beaten, gkj, emenugh, Pa... OMAN.. 1 1 1 .7 - olo. , 11:111LTE1411Ribll ,-- r - ..STrAM BOAT.AOIIIIT. ,, - Or zoos a Laawateloalusanan '9 . PRODUCE it.-mmItCHANDIa BROKER, E austi 01!es, Na. Of. WOG suies„Pmsbesk Fs. '4• J.-swiiii6Tratia • •'. sTRAMEGAT • MERIT AND COMMISSIGN 1...- _3IIIOIII43IIANT. •• —• • , ' .; MONONGAHELA HOUSE, i . . .. - • . , .I.2sstrils HA., i s - ' A. V4lO swrocu as ads. WAITS i * ,LEADWOMlrlrbilitschntiestW base eialleted their saw Worti,lonted , as the beak of . . fiver *brie elms Agonies', le' Ailegbeey as; . o niodta Pittsburgh', torte wiewslactere at a woe Fir goals of "Uhl feed, both 'in , Red' panel is oil; she, rot teal is! ktbertire. Bevies 11,11111111 ihseeelves of ell Abe Meat lareeorsalatOVis Its awl meted 1114-141141das. a 11117 real . ., pad with eapiiity to - laid le glatakkiss, tiny will be able to aupply onlas fors Airfausut- yea sAws-20. 4111111111,4 TSIIIIIIC Nalteri . Allign; cur pit t ==rll auo 0410consiaad.GAigin gla4 l is sob , ... . , trig 11. Nefoli saviipoillledd_. ,- , l maiNe of these illiikihTets; iiiiii,"*PlPMllo,ller 431.1117476"1"-MiiiltiaDN''' Jaddllni ,Wi:100 11 ' ' ri:ritpeaiiit imam*** - "riiilleflllitD LIT 21: A GAlLllKaudopleadi mortment-of fatal/an suitableL br ukeastmau Houelaiand movaieDorei. 4 - - ham eoustamlyme hand aad sonde te b l . i mder. • Thep/mutat monk oa hand cannot excelled by any latindaeiery ambit Mettela Malltry. Petra.. •vAliing lopareltaiii mould do mil hv giti,..5...,,,11:.. 1 . m detersammlany, poem Nadi pima. . art or: meek . do btdisoulth nada and Hair-cipah /avert( ",' idoildahoganytiorte Chaim • - -". ' -; ' 1 1/ P det r :altt Mgtoi 3 .,. tiai mt . . 2 ' ' . II mahogany Work Vands: ' ... , 2 doz mahogany•llakiug Chaim; • •IS numbly um Thread Ilematel• . ~: . ... Bmurldaloo WO/ItSaidt4;" ' t 7l Illghemy . WoduOtandA 1. lanrq. MaPle Clierry.md Poplar Dedmeads of 'att . ist riptumelml - a - lame a/gement of Comma FanklumeandOlamonhteenumemorr menuort.' ' . • -__ - .._ ... '.... _ ... .. p0;),,,,,ii A ROW AS kl i F 1' E SO MPH WOODBII .....• • L, _ , bitiar it Wood mod dell a , Plgtabmelgbc LT AXING withdrawn . dais the oldies of Walker & JA ,Welabeell; on Co Ist .of . Jeremy, 1917, Coate pleasure. in almouneTag .to coy friend., ,itt.theXite wtd =, thin llama °muted - My new More et the shove place,. Having aistehesed my •mtods for eau. and made saangearents - with inanefeennets 'bi- rhea'.tawdry mid in &tope to be Conotant . l soppbed, 1 sat (Opts:pared to fennah Ilardwure all kind. On Of :WNW Anil as' 11.W.lis'anyloat Fast or West.- excitants and others • are respectfolly Inched to eel and examine my mock, before parefissing elrewhew. The libllearityy comptisev s part of my{ clock. - .11tematheatead Saddlery Brarmrare. Gun ?rumens. Viles.,,Raylor t s Bleek.Ottlery, Olga Teals. Anvils, kfi j ea. Lark. Leather, Biektes; Scythes. Butt Singer, Berewsithdonfeetery Phine.Bews halogen, board. sad ,Wean, amt all Lather a rt icles turreted sea the i hardware butanes. ~ . . •.. • . L., , ractakif OARR --: A*ll PATIENT II DITIEAIIIi • L II •'.•••••'?"--- - "NOTWITBSTANDIN G cut tote mid eppondon to thietnveng „lion efts ratebentlit •Mechatat,• met ~ array ef the Sahli matelot of One •,' ' and Allegheny cloy endareir nun= ..., • :-aes ergo Mumm mb loMmthemselves ebove the vulgar plejediee against heneferratiefu. and they: Jaye Gascautte .11edstend the tioneronee,enoply !Weser" It derma it: b elms the natieaWineal and wwW twnweees . e Bedelee4ln a.. The foßowing teltiMOlnal. W., spsae Ike subtcriber. preeuval calilnet makers Oahe eineh of riueburrth and Atlegh;gy,F ir s„ 'do hereto . ca. - ti c that ore hoe bootee the ri tto Meftteeare bei. Aed* will. Gasmen'. Palpft Wean ale, madder I dm lomm Imperial . te illy warnings, tat which wean.: i .: hake Lem, .• , • John Malmo • • , , ...T 13 Young it . , , Bonet% Feint= .1 R Bartley Co : - .Jamer B Barr . l ore Liggett, Jr. Bt. ..oerry & Son , • -Lorene & aeon ~ • , Riddle & Breattan , ...Thamse, Farley , ._ Husk II Wallace. Dared Laker' ' • Rattner & M'Clellati4 - ~' Rep Wide. _ - Mos: Belled '- ' lurid Lukey Foe Illot to . mate stni sell above Sedareir napkin, , , EBIZIEZER g' tIABRAM, . ' - 6.ele . • :_____L Pesentee !VAlrlrlef-Pliallik-tiolloL • arielltkila A •tll embretibers kevagobunanda era. MY la '1130,.&ra Pram ,Brick Machine, and having awed.. theta ably kited its shllayode lOW PrePoed *.tmli't rights and contractor deliver auribines to any par( of,l the 1' rued Mau, The machine I. designed to Melte ' Brick Own etude clay, ands will. make MOO, good , 1 moat' inn brick per day, ettlikieetly herd to rtati, ap t ta dke Idle: dreg avoiding the expense alt abor of pre. - pans t threlay,dry lug and ItanSmg the Mick Mier tieing welded. lite smote. strong, imams liable to getout ostof ftpalri.a Is canwreeted let It can be taken to pee. sad put meekhor with fire s fectlayakar rendes. Lug it portable.. We Jae row be !data madam. end , ass Owstakthem aa Jon notice. i IFor a felt destription wear dd refer to • machine rene in seocemfel ors. tone a Mill ereck bottom, near the Wert end of LaMar duet, where we atoll he happyl to explain everything mmaeated . with hut all who val . calk- We have at present ne asilei+led . Ageat Al letters to oar addrem '6 : 11 , L be irMialtraol4, MeMILLF.N a Ca.. , 1 , .1 • Mega( . . , ; lIDLMOINBIATIi. 3101.1117AR-MtiPlatosia. , 7 , , , Villa/EMELT tested sailn7 . l diaries*. poet /j 1 Me yeare,belne planet Ima essuiefactoelecis Me _western ammo. sad • t too 'dee unesior 'of . Penarylvania, will be mail Or delivetT ma theoperring of Nampa". -The mono on nsptl ws.7lnnllhy.4"/".ll4l74;iveheritt=',7lwasth' • - Om vie-Oa' Arable matter, to th which iris hole+ ded, isesrefelty separated The oral be thoroe_ghly bawd sad ererWmtlY Mama , 7 tow_ ler..t . 0 _ ..- . Ken altentioaglyaa by bless+, ...a. *.Y. bat PP. preineff• in ell 'Wrote samsletalt then aeknowledged . re by marl or otherenie. man las emenstle !anew Worn oppliestio.• u. , ' !eta r MACLASO.N 1 ma'am tam Wo-rlta .; Siistiv mop lioviiim lITHELTMit3. :CONVI:I7I7ObIititY'ANDI fILOITAYTORE., add two on Monday, Apett Ws, dears aware free , Head it, mad mut dos la A. Xsyea's Fekihr• Ow". • ' 1 A splendid momenta of Farley 'ate, Osefeetentery.. Atilt Le Bodo:tate comnere ry dun among which •an Maculae. I plead Cete;, Lemon Omeit; .. r"ull 1 "'"'4. d ' ; ' relater: l . l l, Jelly Otte; ; Ancend de. , . Metspor. r. ~,k,, (Boger rims; I: Wafer Jamb ~ Comp, B, ;r. *Went' Cake; A. et; Naar •dot ' - Older. She lee, Creams, Jelly, Hades' Ode, niece Omdreeiliesny,. Al.. la., e.t.a le sacrunter and.' casbadLta loadil sad lardatybY stay.adkat taalida.a , wed la , this city i Fresh Semi. t iwg Rakile • t...ufsr.o . td .g. 1 7 1, Boat Wires Whea Flour. end inc. boatalldrom.every, moraing. , ap3 ' ANDRKW6 i __ .... ToposTou MIODM OP MEAT'S° HOU- 1 .Derat--11r. (.I.!D..mer,er Sin. h....m.p. 1 0.1 I pfaantod a 0111 Gr. bratiee hour.. . 'darn be. b., 0 reer i eirodelty ewe 111 *lwo. New kedt. cte ..'.lorer applied. • tag reantrad U. deaidal Pre . met' Burma Fume.. ke. In olvettmem we-, Ist. Gnat regularity - of Tea, eratata. ' tad. Freadala thank thearke. knk Bs anplemant pernesef. , ith. Easily' =added to, and t liable to get out.* • . •-• order: r• ad, umaDambibtr% A Model sad Apeeificausa say bP seen, and Abe an parent obtained at the Bleeper ands Tamar Meows Of • ! WM. Iff(WAIFS, raw curet. her. Waled and Market salt •-•, H— AOLV/11 ARTICI.IDI FOIFTIIR'.. ._....e.— , , Nyargh Rasp : compoeed of Eastern Domaleil Al.:revery of surprising dieser, for cadmium the AM ion and fair, as well as =paella( *delicate riwcato Imam the complatio& Also. IlmoaPs eektirabol Alamo& . lEkarlag Cecia, Whittle tww Itherally amid by she rashiertablerOdr enmity in all parser the Ilnlted' l lltah.s. Duel's Depllaudy Vogreee foereacmme saperdon'ut balr, and also kis highly, ccialoated Vegetable Llootd liCr 'Dye, a cheiaw.al result to:enable pement to dye tlatii hair metealaneasely, and Me change red or gray hair. whisker*, asiataellea, and eyebrows, to a heastirsi bonnet black color.-... , IT , above articles are for salt whaleele and retail, by.' II A FAURE( /OCR &CO lelll cor front and wean. d wood and ath vie . I . l&rdtalgliaof Cutlery, saddle,,; ao. JOUN RIVAL , thIPORTER AND DEALER in l'areqn end Dome. .I. de Hardware, Imola teepee ally itifotta Ins f r iend.. and the pubic (enormity, Mat Is now receiving his Prin./ply of Hardware, itold stand of Walker A WoOdirell. No EMI Wood sir t,arhih be will divew of onthe mosvromonable tc . , 1 Ea will be mlatialmill iamoilitary ft...RI auophes 4irets from the Illaaafactarers in .14rope and dor mantel, which will enable him to emoorte wiih any astablult. reent,•itker Easter Well.. •f . WeMern Harclainte we imelled mead and examine hie neck before parchasieg etwwbore • , . meml - Copula/p. 00 - WY— the oodersigerd, - bar need law Cepaitner eltip her the Femme or traesaetleir a Prodeer, COMMillakel and FOll/11rditlf b.itlesli, owlet the styk or . __ -- OROX, Xellift.ll6W & CO., ---- Tarlton, plain and arulaneatid inutlaii(lrasco•• All kinds of Mara, Tr ayal and Waiter., la. setts. or drat.; Cosaballucarallo4 0 grants!araorranni of Fancy Cook, wholesale, at a rallel relegate nit crilr• Pedlars and Marrs sopolled with pralps Charm Car rives Pura , . and 111 by 14 flames of New York virus., 1311.1)lanj 0:11113011. • J°J`;.:ll*lt t i r d " , 1` 1 .1.,.., ° i.',',r1r - ,„,„ 7 .!1'i ,N . , ‘; constrain on hand,• " ll7;ge Pallas, 0,1., .1 .11.4.. £.r if, i r ly N T s — a =librth oil? N. II ypi Phy : tician it ' i n i tirs w acr iz pt . ro , ne crucially cornpo o : ad frula the best matetlra. al ast'y Irarr of ira day. cc alert, Ale, an arlurrinient of Perranory; line Toed., Item rad drab Bruracs, Re, Asil which ra sed! Fell EACILE:?O7,I - ,41,1 0 W0RK , emus - l 'i !!dicti r lieliPt. Yrru i lln aver : le l YARN, CARPET Cllaps, 841 . A ITVI . ..lke ,Ac, . KIM .% PIO isQ[ll. A.,Co ~ , (Panicesonot Alracklkiik AscrS,) .)....I_._.„ '•, • .._-:_i_.... - A: 1 , .....r , , , inT,. con' iiiiisiomict 4#8431i11114 ithaw parrara m tn " rarri j a " ra ig' o 'l 4l ' fr•npotm dt4ft le ' d "4 ln 4 rema ti .V.;: l . Fla. Orrtca, * doors Flu at ins Marra. Mar, tra• airmail, Onus, ICIAYARD P. CRAIII.II • h"."'. br oach... :13/1 . / ..1 1 1 .. T . l l l . :O A l ''' ,.. r ' - m 1 ..,—.. 170: 44 000 w , I L Y.r whicil j :M .1 11 4 1f he i ll i: i ' i:s linm Ini: 11 : " : 11 :e ' P .liraji an brad,-eieri derarsirdon or w•ottri aria • Wrapping Paper aad Menial. I.lmel.'• • • ; • ' ; • ,•., .• , ... • ' j RESYNOLDS k. MIER. _, . ' BIM ' • Comer Venn and Irwin sts. Prabarra ARo4lk*, Igbathly end F.r.r. • itteehi, &a malUble for pliant in •Centerro cub, famished On •pplie odes at iltimmd ewe, frotiNsrsanesof he. bl WVd.pt.p, .ackon - - IVPI WICKERSHAM • •,:jlNolftenir weed sdrikr: /1016 D N 0 !MVP WATClll4l" d ß f etil , ed, %.1-'6ll4".'lb"."'" Mla llermuitiontlem 4"l."l=l;g:l'moakm.b4 imam. and of ben. mano . rmmre—mostrammi Am palm ai very j nON ntri• r'' Lit :41:1118 And Thimble( retires ettritoiritruint I kei took rot kw soli it trilsesi pithier, at tie IlistrAl .121, Weed mot; vow et - I r=r4 . 1 14 gni , alto4' Un.ikt • =Mil ==i 1 , 11a4i, MOM& MISIIiII ITTABURCII FINALS POT n i s. pi 14.14mm' oo soder tlvi rare if Roo. Gesaem , Xalt lAipt.t. wino, all the solid and or manieutal broaches of • finished educating , are tauaht ta Novenaon for the recitation of inpito 5 2 1 lewliss Mawr. Liberty Parisi, Lemma i/d egarlag Aroma. Tlige , tbee“ non yils will enenotenec on Monday the NO of AISPA, new er important drat any who way desigo asterism should 6p .end ajar as praatteahle ler dust Woe. Tito/ bare setwod the lb of Promo", RHO WWI teacher of Mole 00 Hut NMI- awl &aka. who t ten well known tooted recWougendanon A coo peleen each Kuehn' will he employed P how charga of tbel' , 2 4o, 4wr of Vocal MAO. Prof KIIdINSIGI will have diteenen oetho Attitne Department, and erre lessens, in drawig. sketch-, mg, and planting, Will In 0,1 and was.r colors. gone coIIIIIGMtO teacher, and has reetattesendattoes item the Ens men in Europe and the Vaned States Ile his 10.0 been A teacher 111 the first 111.101010.11 otaba twain. FOIL %erten apply to the Principal. _WA; YOUNGILAIDINS , 11131131411114 ALLEGHENY CITY. 'Titus Ingotatioo'under the dih.ston of air N. W. 3IETCALF, meidlopee fin the retortion of Porno Comer of Ilandlulry aid Nemil,berr7 010 . - Dlondayieept , iTpu, 7 7 LEp; . Tha aketTrTilli;selori wirlaarrnence on 19 M./modes*. dna enierwlll find it in their Inteteit to do son nesaalie opening of the section am 111ia8, 1 1 2 thooohpepas will be termed any tone dianngt The rerikes of entepe . ient Teacher. will be Pee . wph to receive inetrocions likewreaita;ining end Shale' ;• • Vor penieidani ire latiee to the of of instruction. term., ac., consult elroularor ►apply tn liailrueotia, llegheay; Jot)" In, let,. ----- MUM STRONG'S SOAII.DIAOI I C IIOOI . . ..• ' 701:TOVISP4IPICS. • No 9:Jrankbinnts Syorr.PhiladilPta"... TToren of 'Win I unnunlon irUl komruonno on the lint of floptainisen Inlunnalion re.pnriinr ammeter. terms, k amT be obtaineJ at this came. or by opplionnou to Or • .BOOKS,. MUSIC, ki, VilarABLE DOOKElawrialiabed by; .1 P James, Walnut Start, between Vouith Mai Fifa,. Cincinnati. " ; • iaktriee Gibbon—The history al the deal wand fill the Roman Empire. By Edward Gibbon, Esq. A new Eddies, revised and canceled lbriagh. riat,preceded by a preface,- and accompanied - 4 notes eritical and relating princiyally ; tie pri er of Christianity: by M. F. Galant, Minister of Pablo Co , the kingdom of 1 ; Vance. The prellee,notes end eorrections, trans. laud ',fawn the' Preach' , eimaily for this edition. W e ith notice of the Lae and character of Gibbon, ;arid Walloa'a Reply to Gibbon. In ti vole: imp. Ma, 1013 pave: ri.pieri Peniesula War—Complete. I vol, imp. livo,WO pages. iw Hallam'a Middle Agee, Camber's Rebellion [Scotland, Rebertsou's Virginia and New England, Bursa ranch - and Eigiish War in Macrae', so d Ramsay's American Revolution. I vol at*. , Library aAmerican Ifistory—Containink slut' : Was from the beet .oboe on American History, Biography,Tievela.Camearce, Statisties,budisair, Revoluionary.Battles, &c. &c:&.c. Also, Anec. ; dote!: Poetry and Misiellaitemis Hamra ted with more Wan NXI engravings. I voLitim itto C. 4o 4 , Yea , • Universal Pictorial valuable lupin 'ea various subjects, eemprisimi • Nalital ilidary, Punnet Sciences. tigriculture,Russl'ECOP. , ouly,litegtaphy. rine Arts, the Orientals, Tavel.; Geography,. -Miscirilaneene itadieg,•&e. - 1 &e. I sal ap Bma. 640 pp. Tell asap.. • • The Family tifodieal Libiary—A Treatise on the Prevention and Cure or Disease., by n'estas "a simple.medicinen. ,New edition,avisedaed eider. ged with the addition of • Vegetable Mater:! Med. icai pointing out the virtue*, preparations' end :lave 'Meer saga mamba native , medical plants, led en outline a Anatomy and Pbyriology. Masi:Med' Midi' ewe kindred Engravings, am of vital see colored. , By J G Norwood,)t D-864 pages Ba. :American Flower Garden Companion—Adapted Ito the United States; by Edwan.l Sayer., Laridocapvt . ;aid Oranteeetal Gardeser.l tS mo. third Invited, enlarged and Mutated, . ; f r •" - Palmer'. Garin, Rocky Mountains;&c. Sc. Family Tesuntiect. base°. - with sad without Polyglot notaii,and Nelms In metre. , •' Rice and Pingree's Debate. Burn's Week. tart` of the Leke_. 1011, tv.arr.l blore'a Private thevo-', nee. Jeveelle Hooke. Vireo Wilier. Of .vatiutte ...As in pamphlet Mtn. . tockV • br are reibed see vil, * o;ed; wen ladtintiof lova* 1 Manna' Maim, panting an tie valuta, prepeninons I ape doses at au ewe treatable, native, asealeSl plena. ; laud an appendix, dianeued wink Iw sagnonage,f at .e. Maned. By 1 . tl. Noremod. j 'As lase•relot Um anise week is in IS innesT. pare.. urn IM.l.llllinst atheammen diseases. in vs non, loneasn. sad mien. Ode tenni unpannble, stolen rat eapatines a an abo oisabam ttor v ide.'., to undertake the treatment of tonne, in the lerunnanan or waive, Lem.n life may Ilte treatment Par try the generality of preen.. ets, and farad movessweeasnil. psetteatatly lin the Din ewes Eitdeatie die tooth - and West, ha& bee& detailed wills mach Mono nastamen and gnat caw. • • The Family sal,L it is Ise Revell, has given wow psonnst satotatetion.dtan any :book of the bind even. fly swpte and peppieeout directions,. .I.lof rented.e• t , err pont, One of WU. new intellnrence, urin ennuted lONA sway eneues of Linen yrnhout the necessity or cabin • in a pat:amino We have been miasma hs Walla fatuities, who lwast their houses tbet, they nol PR.*. alinil o fr ropy of the with. ten times the cost Wald not patehwe 0-011.40 a fiequently saved Wm than that, in one Ye:4 , . Li) at use. Aran Wanted to sell Ws wortr—a liberal eronlinio. *din allowed. J. A V. P. IABEA. PahlkhorY - Jed! Walnut N. het. ph and Sin, Olselosall. NEW BGOKs. History of the Connorst of tens unlit a rs Anew of tow rivinsatiou of We lavas; IV - William D. i Prescott. la Y vols. Weasels* of t h e Life of • Rev. Cases, tiiintion N. D- Mil a fusbwoon from Ins sardines and enervied.ortdenee. }lined bv Rev. Wm. Carw. ' Tito Ante rotan est:tinned. Red by Aunty : • I ' , Three Woo tend roomed One valuable weasoir were ear elated IP Wirated in a Der days, Threeand thousand More were Pr uttea.” Tbe II istaty at Sunday School♦ and of Rrligen. Ed. C. 11414 from lb. r•ti..4 Mari., by Lean G. Prey. Rotteluiy's Golden Treasure. • The Chtiitioni litfUNltibrltnerf. %Towson-es Engtioh Dictionary: liege edition. The mason's for role at um iklUk , lolo of ELLIOTT A KNOLIAL market ft bet Sid and 4.11 'IJARIIIIKPS COLUMBIAN' IN IC—BLU /ISLAM RED end SCA,RLET. Thl lob hoe been alrendy m use by th.. Etradent of Abe United 0 1 / 4 01Z. in the Departibrnts. sod lath 11ootrr of Congrees, by the Governor pre Legitimate of Yenitryleantni elod urr out highly errillub intlitntiont,ronrernr , and indisld ••10 • This lob Sows rote finely floWhe pea, Reproves 00 the paper, and corrodes Reel po uts lei than any other tostorn. i FW peemaneace sew these i nit • (ally. equal, If act carpus. all anima tor when the calve Danny set on the paper It will remain unettengedlor spa. . Jaw. retched and for nee on quantal/1., to nit pen (baser% by' • J L READ . • jelY Fourth.' near Market street • O_CIUXII;III.IOKS.Ve. .• - 1.7: Weep:: Perleaof Readers :Vat. to 4I • ' /Made& 40 . 40 1.7 341 Cobb'. • do du 11343; E.0.11011' , 1 do • , de, IV 34 r and Colborn s r Mi dusion:•: itekelly . Ulney, xlmith and lll•odrieletionomdries; Amish, tortham arid Ball ion's Drumm'. The above valuable Echo& Moto kr tale 'Tory los' *wholesale and Frall. Co ion—A loop.. /11..0t110001 0 Iletter Cap W minx Pa. per dad blank Monk', of ill PviLlml , M O il and ‘l4l h Llnod. .TT EI multi% et. hetareen 3rd and 4th' HISTOILY OP 11111X1430 by J 4111 P • TIM': 111.3 lORY OF o'Fille0: Ta' CIVII Wa's awl iMlorsial and liavolationary Annalo, from the yonod of the' spanDh Conquer!. IMO, to the rne.ent Inetodulg ad aeroont of the War with the United s 010..1 avd Militar y Aelaterements. Sy Vri0n6.44.11 ' Wutt La Copperplate Alapa, aner Meta 11oDavIng• of Plan. of tlntlaDovind , he. One Dili -ono" om•vo. of 6v. buwired and sisty.fout page.. • - Pl/131011VPliai041 • HENRY K LEDER, Dealer in eastern Piano Fortes, In .1 W Woodrrelll•,Nn. SO Third Mreet. The Pianos may be esann ned at all hours, and the *alum i I.er 1m there from 11 in Pt A. M.. and from 410 P. Al ,taelt day. Pritog October VI, 'DI s. the neterstonett. world into= .the citizens of rittsbarnh and violi, that: sr* have 'appointed Mr. H. Kletar solo Agent for Wertern : Posanstivania,.. for the .ale of oor Place Furies, from vermin they may he ob. mined stole own (New 'York I prices. , . NUNNS L CLARK . 1.1(4b-a'RAtf MEE= y , 11.011— Jotamton lk ataclttan 1.3011,t ju.l rreetved bowel's rat blvjarttettet al Zacb•: ry Tapia, qv A Hotly, under the huntedivtv tvadettre end Avert tali of lb,! andertigned Meet., heat utpustal vlatiebtakt .o from Inv at Camino. by Capt. Ltaton, A. D. c.l • We, the. ttadvii*nett. consltinr liadVA Portrait Of GeartalTaylnv a rod lilianntv.• • - conaba: U. Nivy Gov A. bilta Lt...A. A. 11.. blitabr. LA Toraratth!eal Estibttavtv 11 Anil' • S. • • • • • • Eir im'WiryH. MELLON; No el. Wood kti ps tine One Oleo] id Itorentrood Piano Porie,' w,W di monies, Iron franc and new .e.le. 'Made " ettielOrbre, or 0.1013. - ./qt. , l3t ROttoWo o4 P lana KOM, With a Ott•terf iron haze. rd de by Chickerlng. eloo.rtlesoot Ida:or/any Ponta Pate—made by Gal, Pen, New York. above will be , nob] al nrattureentrrikeptleec • Mon, ?ornate; I,llOroker,. Peek.' E..' !I.". Fan ' , ordhdactairoa - • _ _ - 10rPToikar • 81.‘!".,nd dr BT . krtal Id POMP -6.l.l:lldnidaroor:e.too Panne, an Meta . rpronTtrt . Iwo anteing Rakeernal Pano*. whit 04 04.0 I nolsbrited Zolfsoltbarbenent,Gtti• akkd BLUMEtbn sant mod. et. kOlfritdd. for aid* at . .• V ; 'BIS • ".." 'll2 wood 'matt door. *bore rich ocrtsitiktil;ki i :1 1 ! • PY Headley. Irbiadoyyen'd and foes/de by_ , _JOHNSTON Jr BTOCIMTI, , , • ebeder ai Fritter andard war. n2B6:6rErsildriiiurrsrToi.restr,oussw, at .L - • the Cdaquast °Mora midi a proteOWyklawnflPO elvlllaatiodotOie , bititcleWat .e r aletn4enowkokn. . l Ong. prombor Iltd , Freed* 14Peirlda. or o‘o Jonren _ soya.; AawrolltY Or aoykfor '74 '' ..l° ! in grtar 'n =rdlg: L.K.EVANO' Melt PEAPANCENI oep,fiald be BP: polo by Artier. , .Tlll4. , nay .'''lead' .6 roroolo 01*s. -.63-46r mode _ G(.L1911E1111 DlAllONDar—AueVittitied raid~ an mle. a 411 onaortmera ofklimet44lo,takk,!...... zi".'"'""l"!th.lk • ? l.l3ilitn ' ii,... - 7 ,itit...,—.,....f.,—.1_,.,,,--irt,--,,,,,,,,.: 'li ° =itei m .'`'...Lig7l.4l4A4 4l o:44' , ?.; .5, , .---,- , .- ' tedftieeroo.l•OFlnOML' ' , ~,. •••,?, nu 17.11 lAt:r6lll,74ys as hand mt , isTr4 ,: , - , _ -anotska.MX)--.. ..:0k . ....: - . x '. Witt.,- -----, - 71.,,,litmair RIZITEIL' la Vim Mill+ vaii.N. e r , - ,4. le t- 11 .7 10A , T , ~...f0rri. ...." - leeelua lor 14 iftnni*S 4 l o4 l " n Onligt , •??..`.:47, aoo owe ~ - - icitil - -‘-`441:- , , 4 .........., - 4 . ,. - --.. salebl an 4 .1,'n• :•• •. . " - ,--'7' . ,'A ' '', , :l , - ; : :• , 4 1.- ,... • ,...... ,,. .kig".Wc..‹i'` --;.... "." "s".,ifeir• - •._ -- . ".•.',.. , ''.'"_'''` .•:.,•., - „ . .,,, q;' , 1 , .."'W„ , ti4 , - , .. , . A..1:40;,.. u . , 7 • . 7- 1. i'-' ' '...,.. - '..- .. . ' i1i. ' ' '.4 ";',, f i . .f. , : ' ,.,,. ...,.''.',. ' -',,,` ..4 , ,- , t, i ' ' ''.. : . ,,: .,.-' ; , ... ,'.:2..,' 4 .' 2;j,,, '' ' ' .* - iln,, 17 : 4 4e. - ;! , .< - ..:': 1 , ..; -t 1.1 - ' _ . --_, ~ :: ‘:f - ' , :1c , C.;.:*.1 . 1. , -..-.5:.: t: q- - :: . •.: -, , i'f,,..:,1,,!.!,-,F.,i- . . - . - ,- ~ " :•=- 1 V, . ..<• . -'-..., , ---" '-' "---'--"= '"'''' - '"'" - --"-Az:,4 wa. ,- ?...... , .......... - , ,,,,. .........-V , ...V. , ...v,,,,,,. - Z,..4 - 1,.....WA-... , - -.. -.. . 'iu teem.' lartwers: 'so' ruenffiezmuiriet , ,Orthwist ••••• • . SPEaNG, AI(LE,SI'EE.I. Air. IRON VirODISS MEM ATI, tikl LMANi.k. CITA .Itivinie e161.14.16 3 ' Aber Drisr,Worker an • now pwrarA tonousafm, .utie cyriry dene ri ptitof Cook and.ptie ll sprium iron auk., Amer eart aridiploughtheril, and all.ins eit - alaall Madre and, ryou boar-whirdt they ore, cordate on liberal rem'. 'at Milt,. ' -Na 43 Wood introit whew, they alto keep on hand .epmplena and handsomer awortmene of;thoach trim. name, Carriage .tardwars. malleable riariririri... 14 . 4 X tad iron.• C. ft.& Co , made, arrangemmt with M Day Croats t iimatuAtensmitt • of ab ove.. Plindev P0rki4,11.e..,, and will. hoop, Appftantly on band mice, &mete made by theta. Orators ire re.tiectrianir eat cited to call", prince Aeld teripaillVto sada liberal. ' PITT MACHINE rl---A—N-D FOUNDRY, • Prieriatrisa.•Pa.v - • JOll A..W 7fd dh CD me A RD pmpared tirlddleCollon ant Woollen Nubia. cry'rrimil drideriPtionr each wrecordiug Ma chnim.gplaiting Prantris te r ders, Drawls Pratam, ItallwayHeads, Warne* Twilhora,Pprien , S DretOldf Frame}, 1.0. M., Card. Grinder , ' At , Welwy n E ton. Shafting • turned ill late. of Cam 'lron: Pal ma and, Scopes, of Ma 3most paucyna, slide and hand Lalltub and tools a' nit ode I C 11111340 0(11 , 011 dc.npokm fonCabed on abortmt. rice.. IYarmt — o ',..'",..tte'h•Lig.,''"?:rl.°_,P gr. Iron Iry mattar ldiot Ae. t eam ttsalt. Pipe C.0.5. , ' Ye...opt Ordera len will he Waren:Oise 0(4. Palmer a. Co., Lib. eny meet, laic prompt attention. •• • Slailtwork. Bell 'AI Chr.IROSA I vo t Moorhead k Co:: ft E ! Warned. 360 c trivia & pour.; Pin6botah. I.C a.a J 11 Worrierightubeattille„ MOS JOUR cAwrwsuicurr. . • PIPIORTER and Manuficiorer of Conery, ewrgical 1 'and Dental Insemmentl. Paddler. and Tritneroband mole, Taylor.' Pateat . .Vhents. de tri. Alm mannfor• twee Tomes, Popp:Merv,. , In meat, variety. .I:C.llminufactorer arid Importer of Yen. Pocket and Table Cutery; Itatoro,Sempro. Fite ~Saws. Tools.lkei na4renterved to • SallA ODD STROM: Pittsburgh, second door be. • low Diam o nd . • • , .• '" A rid hi:oldie: ...ved IlargettOrtiqpnt Peak' Pocket Umbra,. Ilimtlyros Parka: Also Rodgers , and Whwrieribolme . • :1 1 91.1111C LDIIYr Roduera , ,'Wide isltuirber'sliarora,Elelv tort, -Razor Da.1616601. 1.1.1 - Wire Twin GUNS, RIMF'AI AND .PISTOIA Rh AlleutiCole• and Blanc. d I . Min Bab, Game Ita? Walker's Ir. Ceara 0:1116 Pm. etrimonCepe. 116.0, rk nod Iluntiag gddyes. .TOLIIK4IIOII as Cale ; Dividers, Plyerv, NipPera. Hand, Armes. Papprim, Rolm, Bracey 13/11., Spoke Shares, Simla and Died Alm and Iron Osage, SLIM-. tawnies t letatrntnta. An, in yeti great variety • Jobbiog and repturing neatly and puneloally. . • CO-IPAILTIISGRAfiIIe NOTIOIII. T A 'W. STEPHENS of Wheeliej..E. V. Shwa.. r.. Fe ea 'anima and • J;'A, Stockton of Moho nth, lure tut day canoed into Mepannerahip, under style and , firm of Stephens. Shoen/anger k. eat, at the /Lobo boa .Wodta, Wheeling Vaiporno. Di 1411110.fgrUllin i 1 ,70 and nada of everydeacepuon. . , E. W. sromm E. F Suornototids. , I. A. StOCETKI. - SIBP1B111; SHOMIBBUIER lc CO., • • ANCHORARON WORKS, i Whieling l'a: klostatemre all kinds tkbotler. Am', barn= and nail., A B a feel alio. enema! and axle*. Helve con. steeled wit h oboe 01d Juniata Work., we can 'offer an attic:sof Janata Iran (branded Illtwob...aerl ,gaol I. =I Mods in tho monad-T.' All of whtchwol he raid at the Pittsburgh prima. Mt steles. of Me V. eak a darnerA Moose sto Water etieotai - • ' ot) II • ALLEIGHIWIE .VFAITIAI4 - 111.1N0 FACTORY. - ' • JOUR A. 111101V111 . . TARES thii method 'oams his Maud. 'ad Me po d ia at larg o that Ida FacioeT II ' ' *tow in full OPeration, on Me Eon side . slats Diamood,Albetiony, entrees tool . Mont oappo of Blinds, of wationa mama ...andmmlitio,ate twomandy tempo hand,' . alio old./ Wood at, Pittabanth,o .I.f, , 11. nilll4 o 4. 0 %7 l:, " P e .1 le . • 1 . 14=4 "Ztrlt;:empotiCe. "1 1 ' SII: A. H.. Blioda will be pond., as any stal tweal imam, to that they can be teamved.nt a late Want la Cilad of Ira or 10f Sidaltie, and widow dos aid slAsmr : dr e. . . .I . : . ' ciadlyaartanaly , A. VlUSeletaiild ITia—airtian7C. '0 er.imainba3l sod eankanneed benne,. on ins oihrtand,arbere ha add Ate pkawd to ore Itle old'eaMonters and friends. Chock, Steamboat.' aati.Dello of Geri* , aim; Soto la to /ROOO pottoda, cankfroto Penn of the ma ths apl lacelela,'and . coonsated to I. of beat materials - — ineral Wain Pumps Counters, Radios, die. Sc. mother a n only Tarim tdlnsa. Castloga, If tenon eC tamed and doished la the newt notanner. ,tr:TA , F: . . the sole; propianor of !WWII Atm. Ammo, !Isas. wo matlY ...10b...ad is Oa ..d . .. - t.On of friction to machinery. The Bose. , and Compo taloa tea be hada( him st all time.. ' P.. 1 . 1 Y : . _ ,14111741a11f ila — Co. - Li MIT ATIOTI CROWN GLASS. H A .r. v vrA.. ...,..= :1 =1 , ,7, , p e r.:, Saar ,. %a Wall illatalad totem wheel oven foe sal-. w..notra ate now prepitied to flarsiah anardeleof wht-' : dow Glass,eglahlf not sopoior, to any Cylinder Oboe . made in the Vaned Stalely and bat htne Inferior oi.datt Enetak Crown.. , . . We ate aim very a zio..ve ti lingaged In the ma., fectant'of Common Wisdom, and Innen...to 1.. and Rasta atom . desetistoa. DOLIGI• VIICIIfIy ' matted to call old elandlM for thesoclve , at out a home. Nan. Wood stem, PittAmm., T.. moth --',oc— - W. aill.--inttilair.,. PITTSBURGII ISMAgt- WARDLE.. WORKS. , 'IIW. SW old AU' Lardy nano, war WO R KS., rani!. 'ilk/MAYS ea Waw! wade warder, a large Who. ty of Marble liatdelt, Piar,Ceatta TO-, wad rlwo Tor.Tennto Swam. Mooymenti. kr. ; ell wail+. , eg ' , Stele of We elso , tem totiride. and ta maim ;wed riortpalli 41 waehmery. dal be 14•111 }VW WI cadi la. H. alma. 'ridging to parekaw .Itlautelr, are stowed that It i• !matelot* auwees.ary ear Arai to go WI. ow-I eats famish taco with au swags at all reepetta aa Wod• awl tfreight,laawartee. Ac, coaaider. I M,)M,) as they as Way • Wt. week.. thew for 11. the Sta. C4ll and we. , , COPPICE. 1111411 T IRON. AND TIN WARR MLNIIVACIDRI. , '... ' No II Market silver, Pittsburgh, tenni,: , 11' ° i, - ..' - '1 1 :, - ,,,,h - ",r1Vtztravigi r,Terilially Otette pr rums building ttsratiabeat* to rat lAd examine nine n.tineel. ee we eel , mailer - Wm with Dub *Gees, Forges, an flue.) oak, kuld of Copper, To and &met Iron work neeemary in farnirdo nig . , Ptemoboas. , I ... , ,_,__ ~_ ..., V 1 eal )sake ut order in In nonr.-I .nuve .... Tobeiand Clamber; Copper work for Steam Engines aid every variety of worn in our line. WA' . lIIIERICT re'RSIIRE : BENNETT & BROTHER.,' WERNSWARII AIAttUFACTURERR. 11 1 Illegal ogbasos, Foes. Pllllnblane l 43 PRI 4 1? bbareholiee, No , i 37, wood atrett, rithlrtArgh. WILL ennatstOy keep ea haul • good moo* meta of Want. of oar own manufac saperior quality. Wholesale and eaature and ntty ' Ner• chants are respeetfany tnvited in rail and ex afaine for themselves as do are eMeninted to sell ehesper Dan boo ever'beforn been offered to the pat.. mr OHL.? fent by ebail,seneeepasiod by the cub Or env reborn.. will bq nventi, annne us. feb*3 --- ' liner - We — slit' a ihilliFeliiiitactory, . . CINCINNATI. 0. • •., , GARDNER it Co., world,Storm De trade that A. they are now nianolletaring the beet MIU Wen evelinn In in Cobol Awe. r.b.s. Otis is oar plaid• pie loneness, we, intend to send nor as edatplete twat. uele as can posObly be made.' Those filmed in the hardwaselradetWe think, will lad It to Wet muses lei or. oat Ben All WI orders Promptly attended to. ' otys : A GARDNER/Caterer Rh • male ma ------. COTTON mai WUOLL 1/11ACIIIIIPAT ,111.1,11mattri,be. rs ial,==ritz=eratttsll - ",....n., Ow mut resianablt beno. (Wets:tan..a io will wee 'lritlppfocoM mion WIGHTMANA DALZELL• • -- Laeock street, Atlngheny,Citv N Mittma, miaa Yu • patent fat a very important hapnoremoidoa the Card, and orbit hat been etatadea far thit,hul Likes years l remecar the :moat' extetuten and inteeetnrui Cotton F:ll[loiiM of the arett, Mw hu perimnal 'Montt:tale patting bp,. to the sat ittaetten at ttie topeentedoill ittaFhltteta made al this, eitablialtamtd: We . „ , • JOON 111111181PY 4 No. ICI and N Front ma, 8... Faun Dug add Oat Fli p Baas of an sitra NPR Nes 01,11111. k. implored 10k A arta wafranted appal' any. Alta. Idfofuo. , oastintk laiyhad: if. ofdaral. fiat tt, dap pat ap mainly and on Wit; - rltoithe.! • C • F Plinken. • xciump,..tuitanwr mum - Erre , • FLINT GLASS MANUFACTORESS. livAitsirmil.E.inlottirSr_ 1011 prim etri.et, warranted egret& T S m• the Wn ' t ' rr... All Y o * ItIor " ; miltreeeive preoßtt gigaton aid 111154 reatetnabte lentil, Merchants and eth ers vimiting• the city are m olted local' before patrehesieß elsewhere. • Irbil ' UPPIRCOrr 111011 iItVOILM." TRON and NON Shovel., te....ibr we avow new. Warettotiss,'No. OA Neer street, iteer,Wood, Ton• elnig to Front. Aboo, so ~avereetent at the old Nand, Nehlester's leer. Lawny HA•iIIX made vest additions to the Rolling heal; all I orders van be Ailed promptly. , '' , - URAFF..UNDRAY l t7e• .• TACT-PICTORT. • - campiona. dr. tnass t , ' FIN4IIIN • 0 HAILS. HOOK HEAD BRADS. Irma awl' Copper Tack.. IRON AM) COPPER SHOE:HAMS,' Palters liskers' Points; of atry -description: , -Ogee NsS Rt. chart. Hotel, Tani aroma , grrn,iavytaii BULL WORKS AND BPatxu - • AND &Icy& FAcrooty. war ;poxes. I .- • • • • no& tavioe 40orsit • —.2. FANurAcrtmeas of Pining soul .Dlister Dem; ..Pkosak. Mown Wings. ; Owl, aiul Dodd Sprinvo.lllmarsered'lmsS Ass. as 4 rleakia oso Malleable Castlator,Arol Ceara Tolosislogs restfully . - Sownirof Asia sad Fmk mrems,Piusloarglo,DA• ,- . NEULVA GLAsd N A LEDI.III 61212•1X4af1 . Mrliergs IVO. maim arr karst Coot, 1111wIlsokl'ead Plahr Flom Glasaware. to all Is vartakesi at Date Warekoese rot per of Markel anti Water Islam' Mottalostah. o Our Work. coati:me kaiak , operation. and we ire Wm.n ly adding Waal stook. arloeb,eroakkos as W 11l inter. pinwpabw , Parebasers 'at* reipeetfatly Wished looall sod EkataLlis Fit 1011 ; urns. a 'pair 1.1.1 C*44ll'llll " "6"41.111.110. Zlntre l h "" t r = " " flI) girM l : b'tl7 P b rZlll.i. r e lit ie alr.l; 1 4 4 = i rlettal l !Lnleylln. Wei= 0144=1011stgoilieras .4P:l4l..F.Aritsitivok JOHN D - . .frifgaUSlON` )?" ...•• M E CA I; '• L. , viaLstapu BwocE, , . And Ponsianaption. Pain in the Bide end Ntaht r•wpatv, hisdarna,W bowing Conga. Paniniaran off Oelli an; Inner Complaint. Bronchnia, and all disease. ot • • the-throat, binge and:l •Hettliag iver. RißrAlet hired . taut. All. • • • Ririsiti,.. Blood add. Consumption. • Boilder.•inßmnkl was %narked .. I.lvith raising Wood, tonounal cough, pain in Ow aide:and an the utast armpit. of eutionnapiom. He ' k " oOd F.'" ;lnd :el 71! t . I.)III b .Z . ZIT ' I -' 4 1 : ',0 1 - !: did hem-on • '/tearing of the stionderliil ere. peel word by Shoo lit soot nap odd, sputa in Mir. /tepee, In enrst., and gut hi wile: It operated 1i l i e a coat , the ldeediwki, and .05015: Before lie had taken einelortile he•wars able to he'alWill wsrk. It had SAVED 11101 , 111.'ilinimer. r ..din g 50117 Menlo Jaen., can aural ft 1 Alin At lrdo o urum: of Williatslh o u h r eghh in Tnth near eoith ilasays—Tria ad nouldl•I with a hack:Stroilph, and polo in the chest, for a Woe: which se list became. 00 bad that one WS* tdillgiM to give' tip nor school for oronl W year. Nee. Wien einnuenced taking the A I liliealing Bataan,: reco ve ring , ailvolated bur avtuptorno. Olin is now fast recring. and tow ritunisid her lalierksis occupation son te•clies, 14 WARS_ Me John toll, sceptic and 211.1 11, Nuffered with a cough, raisin; of Oder and polo in hio tilde, Ile &avid get NO BELIII.p. II troll the All .11111; Baßam, which drove IL•vniti nom hi, side, inlayed the .ppgh,sod`,bwinglit the thereon Upon ibe'Sivface; and below , he hactial en three tionles.vens ennwly cured • 'Pkurisykrnd qtmosniption: _lllra. Balsas, a lady ppwailla of In, rer'iding en Sher • r. ken for 'ears been aubleht to atiackaoi Pleurisy, Raising 'of )nowt wroere Codeb.rharietnes• of Breath, Pain to her Brad and varioll: parts/if her body. I ler friends believed bet rA.T l I RYCIIVERV. Tat. All. (leafing Bahian. reinivesl bar Blanco 01 ail her al 9 im. film top tOrna. and she , is ow Ithln to Snead toiler work. ' • Asthma . and Who ,Cough. • Mi. Lucretia Wells, DI Chrintic.in I, 14 !Jells 19 •Pellinerry.et, Wen Ii Yonnk , In Walnnvst• kn.w din the value of this great muesli. • • Aak for Sherman•a till•Heu Bal•ant, nrid•or that his writteitalanature is on ends Model and St Pet bOttle. I pa Worm and Fong> orenges anti or above.' . : Principal Met. MI Nita.n la_ N. y . Bold sihokrakarid India by Wm: Jacksaeon hit Patent i Medicine Warehouse and Banta Stine Ware, Note !Aar- , ty stiwt,hred of Wood Men, eatanith; Peet ft p rle74 rt.' I 14.. .I •• I' .ir n i 101EPIONWCOMPOUBIP. S Y RUP or lI ` TAR AND WOOD NAPItTalk..-14,1Cortland (Me) Advent...or says:—"Thai renteaP has been more soccenful than any mediebiraire bane' err known for its timeworn , earealn Conromption, spi ling Wood, pal n the I , .ide and Breast Ilnaiehtinr. As hum, ln.ctinote Conalta. !laureates, Sore •'I brow, Pa ninamn of alai llama, W beeping' Moab Orono, nikvo..Tremora,A.c. 1 'lndividuals of Me lakticat reepectsbility 1 t ibis nay beat • ntple testancroy to ar porno-wild ettaney m Ibis Are of A monic the ter anitiniale to the vilytof Mc illin.o wird; Wine, no seeerul nom diwinknolint Playa . .. hate of Phil adelphia. Read the tollowing, nom Dr. Noting, the eminent mallet., hem. I y, nsving used in my praciire, aa well ea in at y own only.Tbompsorthi Sysop of Tat rind Wood Naphtha; I have no hesitation in saying that it it liar hest preparetion of the bind Muse for persona suffering • Wont Coosamption, Coughs,ti rlda, end all t:fel:boos at the Throat, Dimon, Ac , so yrevalcur at this !MIDI of tbeyear. War Ihrgo.st; Spruce.. • We - have seen within a by days the person who Rave the fullowing certificate. Ste remann well, being per fecqy cured of hie disease rfOIAOKLIOOL. lonuary 3,1317. Frame...me of OTOOIUdO,OIeI o 1100b1.1Int the anticed soap bare resource to Windy InealtsJt e triedicioe, I would state that the benefit I have experienced trout Me users( Tennyson , Calupound yelp DC Tar amt Wood Naphtha.- Ear several yeah I burr teen • ted with I distmasing radringeoughinecotopanied with I great oppression and diflculty brembing, with a oeno sition of lightness at the .chest. Ilecorning errant lamed. a !nand *hotted hewn mark be nefitted Uy this,l medicines reemarnended m try li s I did • o and W very abort limneve y exiting:a symptom dl appeared; ray cliptemtatkia liceauw,froe, all oppression left me. I my conk ceased, and in et' few days I was able to go lout and attend many linstatiss a well man. Any limber. information will I.e chreolly ',ern the attlieted, hy calling at my residence„Pm.lll l . SI Front st. . ••• ]OS. MehIANAA/V. This invaluable medicine it prepared only by A NI; - NEV a 11101E80N, at Nl:tomer of Fdia and Spruce , Pti iaJolplua. Sold itf Palzburglily I. WII.COX.; Jr Price SO cent,. or II per bottle. rlON—liewans of, the any roanietteinr that: are nun ,sioat. The ausgrupulone are eve. tertilYna deetsiVe (he unwary. " ,ssariniso •II 71111 AST.OO3IIIIAU Ulavu•-,1 .• isair , -e Blessing! i A Mirs4le 1 ! A Wonher! —To care :Brannon; andDistogomments of the SSo hieril Pirrples.Freckfestetanburni Salt Rheum. Scurvy, re' • Foot .ye ago last Angwo, the capital of Fiance, Was aetorruihed tonrequittiro of a discovery made by; an!Sion Chemist. -Many doubmd—it smiled mogul as impoosinility that anythitm made by the hands of •I ram. weld base Foch ',agre poser. or lbw :jinni , ' 1 . . by Antonia Veoprini fur lot invention Mont classed. him and his invention aslaliumbug. [and. alas! many foolish persons without urying do; the tame notr i 'l at letat, after letting it is the hospitals, the Medical do tie of Paris ` rim bmt eheatiste mita( worldldelivered the following tepottus Signer Vesprini: owe Lave now wthentelyi, mid carefully examined the singular invention of s pri t .. We have analysed Its component parts—we haven... , it in oeveral cases,and we hesitate not to pronoun. • • nelianChentical Soap) ns vent blnoetne • • . nvuoterfol trine dv lef a ny entonvouv era ra. figur, mein ot the vtin. Its Inventor we rots •,•.: tool tobtleuthrop•vl of *uremia , mankind. latgactit I ! • LEOPOLD DUPREY- President"' HEAD THIS , Pr the Inventor blentielf to the utesent Proprietor. • Ps his. Nov. 4, let. In “nsitlerstion of the 'gout of **Oh I base Alvah ed to Mr. T. Jones, feriae:4e lathe ray of New York. N. A., the -whole• presets of manefariering, together with e retiree-Mot' the teurestiviiti, rovorei.ine my It, I rte .11 cal r•hap Ile 1./0 •• wr . ntr l' tiled Mole. thil the pi .vhree nate* it -lone , Chlitnieal bleep.* Witness:, Deur, J. flohleworth. ANTONIA VF—SPOINI Cfpotele by hti JACEEION. at his Meat Medicine R'arebome tit Liberty isreet, .bead of Deed, at the rign of the Dig Hutt- Pie The only place in Pittsburgh where the CIP.NUINE salt aLtuned. Alt other+ are 'enteritis ' ). tAI NEW ALTERATE IV. .1k a have been informokby Her REte of scare per Snowed on her by Dr. JAyAO• Al ttttt Ire, which prover its superiority over every talierremedy ye:e Mal. 'libellee Leen selLeted foe the tart tiveaus with ALCM:MKS or WHITE SWFl.l.V.WlB,wiended with ulcerations and ettfolation Of corona bones. du ringwhichtime awry pierce have been dircharged from Re Imolai bane al the cranium, from - both her. aims, wrists sad hand., and Mal both leer*. from Ira for Rol bone, tad from the rich[ painful a loom on other pantie( her perroo; which bore bodied datakill el la somber of the moo enatiegil our ell, —daring moat of the lone her mgerritco bare bents xentiarag , and deplorable About three months since sbe was 'Mimed alt try Or Jayne' + AlteraUcc. welch its bad an asomildtingly happy errect upon her, by rrisiesina all pain aniloilrellieg., and <simile the 'em to heal, while at AM Name Bow her general health hecometrompletely moored,. that she now weighs ti the avarethon she did before she commenced Re a. of this truly valuable privation—lßA Eve. Poet. ' For farther Information, inquire of Ms. Row, No. ItS Filbert oi. Philadelphia, •' • For ale in Pittsburgh. at the PEKIN TEA STORE, 71E.rtli st near Woodi i whose ad teeth la Aulreiral w You, who. skin it dark atid .allow---. You, whose Lair it Serph nod wirer, Rarty,dtnyced or hely— . You, whore ado allgosive breath tloplegiasnlia or otArid death— • .• Voo to havr—tay,girl, Toith as white .siow or pearl. • Breath a 'Spicy street, nod ronigle Pure and while and smooth soil beautiful, And balrsoft.olkyi dark as slay, By raiding what said below. REAVERS.any of you can h.. iLeabove by (mind Rio le nothing but unitt - 4 lacing • le Cottle of Joner'r,Co mil Hair Remoratme—o Fs boa of Jones's Amber Tooth Paste—ind It rale of the Rename Halt.. Chemical Strop. Tiro tonal. co. but bole, and you ouilarea that De callows nre their real lye. tooth 'irtorreigives• the beetle itt i sweet odor, white lecth.tatad 'the meth, ere- • Thr hair stuff all know to be the owl exquirite thing era made knelrer clog. beaunfyivs. and touring the growth hair; and the Rap, (get senainolone , Boar, mild) veld eure• all ensitions, freaks, and to eke dark yellow white, clear and fair. • Ali the/etpinita are sold lonlyl t W JACICSON`A Boat and SR. Store and 'Patent bledielae Waritto. Bil , ikebertrio- um? i ) ' v'' :A N TI. DILIOUS PILLS. • ONO eiperiener hire establirhed thee Pdl. on the L boolso r ftbeir own merits, and they Rare taken their. place warms the standard Medic toes of the. U. B. Their alifolliugartivity. yet maid operotioa have rendered them favaritakerpeotallytbrough the Wen non Smith. futilely tree from Mooe neleteriour ingredients which ate so apt to motto. Pites, hi violent punting after re, pealed are, they act pleaeantly and decidedly upon the a ystgar,mmortna ail humors, and Marine the" boast• in a healthful condition. may ilk be. seuefallyiknown. but It nererfosleot an important Cam litattuany f like 'amorist,. now. rin common eta, both mineral and v erudite. bring on the' MOO; raillilielit ceitolipaarin aftue they ces.,e A Paha...tort'. Anti-Odour Pitt, liar , log - none or Mese bunfol inert-diem.. ran safely be re- I lied Imo. to produce the,crion.brosfiend effects, and . Rwanda ate reedy note fp bear manes lu their Merl Pr Gue epared and old by B A FATINESTriCK ACC,. Figyvagal Weed. n flit and Woof ' ThR Tow NYlElito'S oam mend Extract of BARISA- L PARILLA. r:ondet nods Illewtog of the Ate ::. Thit Eamon n rpt at, fa Antra' ellesper. itlewouncre and. cram/mod superior to any sold. • It euresw.tutatt vomiting, purging, Oi:ening, or d,hdit.thq ' 'the great beauty ourrapennom of, mil Sarmatillilta berealt Oilier rhoildie. Killille A Redrew...Rl.... it Memoriam% thr body. It is used soceesstully in the minimal sod permanent run, of Oil dircorer nnsioy from an ooputo roue of the blood. or habit of the sys tem. t • Look out for lantotiona!—lle principled pervantioie copied ant label*. and.PM Crinolioloe Int...M . sho oed bottler h Rode boa the written Ago,. tors of let P Townsend. - . , • For rale hp R E twt.t.Eßs. (sole agent for Allegheny rotany.4 Woad alreal;•belweete Third and' Forma 'Wholesale Drug Warehouse ReenOied. • • IMIUSICSTIOCK & CO HAVE erected me raletwiee of Woobd Pita ..111,1.01 Wine b th ey kanr.! theirtheirWl an ioleaa/e Indianan, When, io) id •iwayo Nlnore have tit' hood So 011111ViVei almniimelit of all din allied. I{l their hiv.‘r ILr ~ ? n• ?be Dom Intoinour will lie adidiriandni Rau vi ii. reirner a Gal nett Vldwifl •Apt 3 LAIRMOALOTICt-- fararsigeso•nt Imeitig beet) made hewn end Dn'tlivier and Hank*, !lOU and annuagrn will Lir !fee i wi tLrir r•Orwrtsyr : m the odiret I. llowkp,Thir.t a. Pluk'ii baubles: s o•eti , kl igice.of reen_furet, from r fielnek, r. )ridll 114 eitaeribet the.settirmat4 of all: I 4,4 1 .0, di. on hi. i sp • • - riin aaPiIIIALLA-401 lesees.lh.,Teseeet," I D aen seetills;selsleallelDeeter .werranis movies s'Oelrientle,lhgl`soeteitle glyiegrLdeasx -46.110&!VITaltailifi•oiwea4 itnotools data • ii.th.hr _sayi • • ; N. -YORK ADYERTISENENT FO& ROOFING, WINDOW•SRIIT111114.10.. - rs , llF. enbinithert heir to enllthe attention otill I.' ..••••• i roofing, In their GJ.LVANIZRD TIN ri.ATES, nod to the many Int...aria.. arnica dma over all metalie and other ...mime. hithe. , tiniptir,ose.potomeiing ahthey gooLcureqp4 halm:tete of .ronwubnyt im hairdo) . 'MILE ttXVitil raw rev...1).1. ' 1n. to thin country ; Eanme• They are 'al , . oapanslort and eordraetion (dna rodden eiddrees of the auseriPitete than common Tin Plate, trap. 7.,n.. ke ' or any Oda t _• iitelllllo'4,ll+ , llfoi 11,01Lng• and innaellarall7 torn, 4 noteh better and tialmi root rinto.nmr Miele flegxnl' • •'• repair, irrhilta lbe SlEst-etrit a trtile sitoM • • The rubeeribert could Mao call the nue.= of al. &eller. and Workers in melnlc to tht.many whet ym• roo••• m whreh - Inatt - tbish protected, e. la. applied.— ; 11,t(00t1111 ten.. it a applienble to all arteles of iron •.; which d in deal:able to protect nom the action of he 'f.‘t•- • nnotPltere. And they vroald ememally call the it. • into. of Mom interested iuTICLI.IIRAIYIIIO Ll,ifteh • to Med Ilalvanired Wm.. which ir now alnmet eattin• I y need in Europe. and which immeeri every ramose n conductor of eleeiriedy, corded only' About.. hell A. mach me copper. lan.l.poneesting enimaidarabll.- ty vedh Mat metal Ilavink lately iireeted wort. in bra cry for theintr pont of galvantring .piker: bolt, ke.,they Trill be atrial° farm r.aniefe which. maybe den!. ted. A aupply en ltnatialltetared•nrilEdiFpr.l '"""it f ga MT) . ..• . - • • Nol.ll ontll6l3cnver Ai, MAW 'Ol/IC. , The N.(41111410. fur Wit ontrle boobton.toootod', for the Vtowd Sotto+ it ti null Britain; and other • illropeen rountrte.; nod al I PlCAtllre. Rai bi 3 ken to pot wont ony ottongentent I.p impontua t orwioe • Who!rule Drug Wareham/a. • IN THE CITY OV NEW .Y 01116.. lirA. FAHNESTOCK & Co.„ No. 99dotiu et. e New York, otter for sale a largo and genera ax.artment of Drugs and Medicine', the st 4. Paints rod Oils of every description: which th. 7 areyrepared and determined to sell ' • , Country Alerchaets and Druggists are reqiesied to call and examine Inch articles. Orders excepted with faithfulness end despatch. - ft. A.Vahneflock's Vermilue,c constantlyen hand; " • B. A.' Fahnestock, . ;B. L. Vafinestock. t'Pittsburgh. 6. W. Fuhriestock. . A. B. Hod. New York. — ", a• r 5 'PAPER WAREHOUSE.' au. tkaviu.ssio anal!, aricw . roast.' W. FIELD tam toe axle..., at the. loarert Manufacturer/0 price a, very ClOllliiet tuvot of PAPER. cootericloir vvery pinwale variety, t.pted to the autt, Of COMOOMICI, all aretiouvor We calvary. Paper-of al! Lima , made to order at 4011 laectaek of PRINTINU PAPER la voaroally latte a pa PA PE Roris of very superior totality. BIAKEWS RIA.TERLIALS . . of gray description, it - potted and kept nowitanllg an Felting, Wn.• CInLI, Fotadiuder •Wires, Bleaching Powder Bloc Ultrunalloci,Tatinc;Le., Le. entirant.Bale Roe,raar panilia•ed, tor which the hiabeat nrice.in Caidt watt* P. 41 irt:v Yfw•}•crk, 4:2111E4G. UN .$1(1. It .A,N.:'C'EI ndenavvity. &grimy ..'Loas i; Damage . by , TitO. 1.111:VCIPIX COIIIII3,Er, • • With ow :additional 14,11 ri I F ore Sunk The itelianei .MEautlf Iruuraner Ca., of ,Phir a. CHARTER PERPETUAL. , • • ' mai Vern... Grote , W. Teemed, %lir M. Menial, • Thimike C. Reekietit, ' If rel. R. Aahleirmi Wei. R. Thai:mem, tevarge N. Raker. tienige M. wood, John J. Vander‘ertnp, . rirnrite W. Carpenter. VTILL make insurance... Quest Lovior Damate by Fire, io Pirrasuanit amt vicinity,. oa Hooads v Storeaand other Buildings, and nq.l oral tare, Goads. Wares and Merchandise, °alba mast Favorable 'trios. The Mutual' Principle, combined with a Stook Capital, and the other provisions of the Charter dr thin Company, hold oat unwind indocemente, both of profit and varety, to those diailboa or elrectint luso:mace, towhien the Company:ask theattention andexamenation or thane interested..., Thaw erecting insuranie with this .(:otufany, lave, tietidem the usual protection arouse lan, by the ordina y method of insurance, the-additional Ki advaataireof a direct 'participation to the ;wird, of ' the Cosopeny; ~(thou( any. GEORGE Pres ident:' MACE 111111; Secretary., , , - . . The lubennkora inn is the duly nutbinised Agent or the above named (lamp:albas prepare:lin make nasurance, tbn (Mice of (ha, _Agency,'l . l[4 c. fl St. Chirac. Bore' at., th ird door frqm street, and will gave all lathe', infnrinstion mytn•dly. CAMPBELL. JOUN PIEINEI:. ,• Ai minium rot Tux • MP:Si!MM FIRE RISKS upon buildi e g. and mereliandize of evertdesenption, sod MARINE' RISKS upon holl.orcargoes or vessels, taken open the . , most lavorable terms. • Eff Office in the Warehouse W. B. Holmes dr. Bro., N0:37 Water, near Market street, 11th• burgh. N. 0. The 'neves: of this Company sine the este& lishmento‘ the Agency in this thy; with the pnistrnksi and iitemlay with irrhteb every claim upon than loss boo been knitted, folly warrant the agent in Itt- • siting the confidence end plarounge of fnends and' , atumnyuy a, tarps 9i,e 1...1...are M. S. Inn,•ri rant uhlt , it t., thozadditietlial adventsits I as nu institution umong toe Most fionriattleg h.inganamplegraill in capital, which - !Title opemtionoOtachaitermenostanttitueruninti r. as yielding to rack person insured'his onshore 9 the profits of the company %dhoal involving him .!• in any remomm r;ihility whateve - arid therefore as, • po.eesing the Alutnal - principle divested of every•.:. obnoxious feature, an I in ii. most attractive form. FIRE AND JNARINE INSURANCE. "*•!- ••••:01 insurance Company .of her* America,;. 1. through its duly authonted Agent, the antral. : , 7 bet, otters to make permanent and limited lame. once on property, in this wined its ricinity A and • .• on shipments by the Canal and Rints. John C. Smith rrn't.; . : Samuel Brooks, . Alen. Henry. : Charles Taylor , Saul. W. JOlll,ll, 'Sam!. F. bmitti, • Edward Smith,. • • • Ambrose White, - John A. Worm, Jacob M. Thomas, John White, - John It-Neff, Thos. P.Cope, • ItichantWoodt' - Arthur O. CotraniSee. This is , the oldest Insurance Company_ in the United States, haring been chattered in.tV4._'. chaster is perpetual; and from its high - staading.V loot cspenence ' • ample mean., and avoiding tr , rubs of an 'ems 'be:anions character, it may • iefo considered as offering ample **entity toes ' . AIOSES At Coustingllloorit , ot Aterood, Jona •*, - Co„ Water and Front streets,' Pittsburgh..-: ----- I NitiE MN I I*V • _ Ag foot Lon by E..--Th..ektAllK LIN Fin latY= mace Company of . Alt TILL make Ineuronoe, permanent aedlimited; oa every desenpuon amp?T:"; I is PITTS BURGH a. tho SURBER/101N 0UNT1R.:....'k.::1,k,. on favorable terms. Thineompauy perpetnit CAPITAL •i !HOBO° paid ie. - - --------- - --------- - - I'ONTINGENT FUN!) 1500n0.,: 0 ifito corner,ol Third and Mutat na„ ittsb'gh; an 'WARRIPK MARTIN. Atom! • INSURANCE: ' • • - • Aft.rie.al Pin Intantratse• .C.amapaiy: - I or PIIILADELPIIIA., CnairanTanenvat.. ;on LS; 4 Offieeiti Philadelphia, No. 72 latnist . • WM. DAVIIX.ON; Part.' Faxnutcx icautt, , • a ryt it IS aid and well,stablmbed Compistyhlisoct 1 insure Itaitainxt. Merchandise, Farnattre anti racy, ray . ..natal. extra ananattails diameter, apinn dimagebyfire. Appltenhotts for insarane'e. Pithannitk , and 111 nv,ghborboall, fie received; and Wien tithe perpetually orliv limned perkkl nyttivendAr temis o.ol.ll4thlit'2an... Ilardiara. Ktora Remove.. . • • Wood oreet,Nme doom above Et glituks datet.groold ropettfunv a.l, No attention olboyernmNalevicek.' or lIARDWARE.CUTLEHY7aed tiADDLERY•reedf..7. I, :: rer• slop. Saranak, Monongahelo and Ramie, dirdei (tom the countamonna of England and Germano. - A tm A atmaltea Ammiean )le iulmfrom , nNal,thnotacturern nr the Emdent Maim, • „ Their meek being eon rel or*, 'INI purclowdVm 1. best terms they feel prat confidencer'in. beinglag au eltsmidlp to meet compelnon front' ury qsumr.yzr veheiber ea.l or mem. Hanhistd beelsede dr i ll be ededleeir et ddd 'need. , • eantriminy at Dela Um:, JantallOS. earl OM( eISI4 awl 4.4.e.mat goat' ammtn. *esura s 4 . mknooted Cr amine, aa May verve Faineant beta • and henna to my canoe:len at teat I• • tki•taa' , ••-• • Alm. a lame snooty of IlaramtandAateneaaletaak. l / 4 . ••• - i '• •1 moderate Mee.. • !ems WHO V PR. Wlrm theierfaek :11% _ Injitaskltal orstfittl": iffifilrllF, • 'My Imo 17 M m arr ,reel, 10 nom' reeeiiiii tia operna., • •••• i etoet of Iloar•-Formalbreg hat .I.{SPV 1p pan a• foliates:— , "tot JaystonetilVan.,Foybok and Aillelitarrl • -. -I 1,,. Bnotneos •010 do ..1* . • Fitt. l'oalont Timed r rpp. ••. • • - meal Poo.' emi rota Ttai s • t W ttonstene'l Vata; Ido Prermal Ware: . I radii RilsbtWerP; A t ". I:mb Cdppei; aert•trierilaraCopp,t; • 13rolio. JOLI.IIII. We. soh/ors Piesc, - rr.ln t • 'apb • JOON . eiffal.AlP..l7llllo.lM4E clunk: ARlzot CURKLy :4:_ s euteeVroyeaLoell - TN. am! Groan, LlY ll4 Pplaormllamdaad 044 - by R a:SY:UMW. $7 anima as • ._ - almn4: fine•lT• ••( £ll4 ere, elddride ibis Ida"; ••- ten:. maa morn 4y attacked ise-grest teed viibUtrer complaint, sad Led Om eitvir• of rampergefiees inraNUNS. medies mallow podened Say W id ef. • ii.erme re of Schen' Liver Rdhybe pee b6a, by match Mr won amain. Itiontere, Mao romeared wawa eatl,oF bre. • - CAI iiTOR STA t ag.R. • e V geed end pm...et dilostieß by eppty , es MIA.; •-•-• more or Ilte soda migned. Mamaai);l7llMN ' 6, 11 . 0 tatonbaraxon . rerammerota . itiumN
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers