2 ..,,''..•• ":::. L.':-:::: , :i0::=. - .- - .ii ,- .:: - ;. ......,. it l i . -.- . ~ ~' .. .., r . • . i . , . . . • . . . . : . . ..t• : .. ••I'. • ,:,_ •.: y . . - - . , . ---; t : t.: ''••-• t , ' , F•re", , ,,, , 7S -ww,i•-••-•••••••••-- , -- - ,-,:-"."""" - ...."..,... • " ,, ,, . -; t,..,,-.....,,...y.a..00terw-y-' .77i- - -. - .4 ::: ::--- : • : -: •• .. :';•••.' • ' ''. Tl'iE hildmat Piled lis asidel . l l o l de aigencia'' COMMERCIAL .4110111). - 1, - ... 1 . . . .., I .; JULY. I rises I seta I nee - phone - I'M Thera, 4471 2b o ti 13 - I 3 ' • 1, '.. ' Notfalk Co: No. I Metmlam i recalling thie % u l .. uo l o y . : 4 : gi 2/I . 3 Jay item the diandiactaiera and for ask or .112 '' . 1141.1ALEir &SMITH, 19 wdle mad st 17 T 1y . . - " 46 ' r y . 1. , 1 4: , 1 7 r 9 N . 7.; . Fall moon I i•--- I ' - erICAR-Tlie mbreriber has Just need he m Mb -,:._,. __.____ . .-- - 7 ---- , -- _,. J. i : P. 4 ". Y''..1'f:1.1P.411'..14.-. 14 Pl.l** here . , ,PITISBUIt011110•1113 OW TRA DE . atip iy or Tl.A4ldslesperted,cassaansere Ow en. , irsaansrrTEE FOR JULY. nears fro. 971,ca. to IBA per lb. . - A A JAYNES, am. edatiocz. • aim. talrattek. r. Longed jr.25 . . role Almeria slue env. 148.72 Mt a ---. -...__ —_. ____ - .___ S .' ''l s i i i lt i al ' e• Jes "' ls ; . .11 ' li r = at ftstkongTe a • elwemeiG" or i t: °"" ' s*P'e r . . . I Hal tibia N. ILL Mettimli-. ee, •- . : l i l i eltanniala P rter n t't, ." ,e ; e 4 Le on ° J u ly . ''' ' 7 ...••••!: 'tt' ''... :: l ' : • : '..: i r..., Li,: r4 " 111,3 Msckerel; •, . Can24l l fila todkiks, tell 1 .1,11; I,' -., camose..si Lamp Tobacc; • • %/withal:Libra) lieve.tt, July 10 . l Gut eave Mita Tolman He hide bY ,' . Philadelbia.l.Fo Aug 15 July IS Hl9 • - • . JOHN GRIER.III-.1" ~,,,,,,.b ib.,) Aug 3! Italy 92 ,„ WAP - 10 - 11. 1 L3a - b - uk - dies A lke a .* Paper, Nese York Ws I semls - Are 15 le Li lid, be nillestdd. Buster.Papar, UM.", (Fa Sept ZO Aug 21 1 ,,f.5. Oa seams ruled lepremul pp .02. 1 : • • ' -- - --, - ------- Larger mamas DATES. you s cs , ase rms . fine white immerged ids ' , ea London June 29 ' an,11".2 talc law oy ,• , . iterrioLun & 8 ICE Letterer. and Irwin Ma l . ' , evINDILIKS-t! casks l'attsbi . ta"rPollml......J2Ure 0 1 8 I Eh". . PASSENGER ARRANGEMENTS FOR 1E47. i - ' . c.d.: .4i lamb. 1. S need Otk • Steam Boat Packet Luta, leaves daily for On. loud' •.. . . . . .. •wt: • :, .. • • , 1, t ' ,??,„"',',..,", 1 ,:et • ,,,, 1... Mu and for sae Icy einnati 10 A. sa. • .t ' ••''' --- ', ". : .. BAGALEY &SMITH. Paisenger Packet via Brownville to Baltimore and ' Q4,111117.1111M1k4,1•Anell Flour; , • Canal Packet Line to Pblladelphla, daily, 9e. ae. • . ...Mack. Oatr, . . • Stall Coach Line dime( to Philadelphia, 9A. , 11. ~ ". . - 0 bethe !WM..; ~, ~ ' . and 124 R. .. . . , . - i . ..,,, . 11 ,,,., 10 ,,`,, c " °"°°,,,,, ' 1 •n m u 1y .u . "1,,,.. u " Western and Southern Mail Coach Line, 6a: •... . 00 .‘",I'i.“ •" - -- - i - o t wins...vision /smelted Prmelpes; Erie and Western New Yark. daily, 9 a. N. . Le • I, •s° 9 'melee.* the ' - North Eastern to Philadelphia, daily, except Sen. syd :. .•••:/k• t • • ': -l . ' '.• : • ' ' I . 1 11= 14‘ . r o Cr ''!,;_ . 1, ,, r, ~ 4 days, 4a. as. . . For •'..t•."'......',• • ,c. .'. . • '. • • . • tit ono asumedbrands .Heats ___--.- 4 ------______ AY' we fi.r rale by "-. MIt.LkR k RICKETSON • ARRIVAL AND DEPARTIIRP3 01' . MAILS. Lt : _HO :. . ..- . .1_ - • ' 7° Ilb `" '' Slattern Mail via Philadelphia, Mutt A. 51., closes . : .:• % '' ''' '''.., .' 'i" ' s ' . ' 1 i 'lia, ONV GLAkiL-3N bow 9by Ira; ' ` 5 ' " . '‘' by tali W ' M k:2 ll 2% Cincinnati d L • 11l due a p I -, Go k u, b y im . u i t t, i . • es_rn M il l, so oust' e, . M. close. SA. M. ;•bb ' o ‘' o.o ` .° ' . 6 h i ":".' 4 ' 4° bi I° ' 1° bY Is ' ilbr Southenitdal via Baltimore and Washington, due land 12 b)I S, cabana; knee , IV a r 03.0.,a BP, 51 ' ., closes SA. AL Yad " " North Western its Cleveland, due 10 A. AL, close. .GlNqEdili, LIATI I ERA AND REIVAX- • . 9A• 19'.1. Neeawar .Erie and Western New York, due 9 I'. Al., clefts mks Feathent; menu'; for nle he ' 9 4.1 . td• -••• 1 • :-- • ' '.... ....• i •; • •• : ' ' -`• 4i I 4 .:' . 1 DICKEY &2313,,y_m_scstudits_?_ : . Grime Prrnauftost tiastretc, j . ' . _ ... . . . - . .' •••• -.-• i . -BC4?esikl.l2p*r2kelankeitefteOrc: bine . % • ' ' Monday Morning, July 36. t. ......• ~ • ~ • , 4 do de Penult; I n 100er for sale by liylit .LS WATERMAN,3I water .. Rill from a The weather is warm and saltry, nritvritkasudiog • : ( - 1 ., 1447 • idiN PAP SII.--iNtiesies;feli emit se stile the frequent Mowed of mkt that hide fallen for tte • .f. : :. :. • ..:',• -", •. • fl: • .: ' and for sale Li . .......• JOHN SCOTT &CO _ i ut p ow a o ,-... The rice, Wt evenleg ~,, on th e ' .. ...." :4 1' ' l ~,...----- " --15-. -:' -.-."", bens.: 7 .w 7 14""11" rim at 4 feet 3 incheaM the channel. and we Mac - 16-•••"'"7, 1 : t:117: . ..rhi L"tr . in sous and for wed some of the larger tsteambiats leaving thou sue by. Isle • JOHN SCOW k; CO Itbdar it quiet mooring. at the lower wharf, and taking their , .. • •:: . • .., •-' t - • ..1 ' • . . Ti; LUTE 4317101311.-1 bbl Ger hlairiales Ginkei planet at Ole upper landing, preparatory to On re y t :09 received by • J SCHOONMAKER CO • ...4 & „ uo , deption or freights for pole below, which seemed - 7 - . - - • to promise some &Minty in the river bodice.. of to SAII2APAtt IL LA-1 tale HondismaSeesanarilla .. 1 t ale `fit Crea Sarsaparilla, Ma reed day. Std 60' wk 11. 1.4,7 JIICIIOOI4MAU.R &Co Bemired on Salida), in wholesale transactione, . Dia fit E.T A L - tito toes Hanging /Met Pig Me al, 7 . . L 7: •'..-'•'-' '. ..•••• , J. rum Ice. , e d vita far wk by • was other delLtheingh in a general retail way quite: , •:'' • : -,• .• ..:. ~,!•.• - ty ! i__ . -__ , nuituaum w tam% ieo brut . The prices, generally, Tema) n the same us ' ;',., -.- • ' '.:- •-• t 5.4.;.. ---...._ L 't• NCH tat,- I easerest retied and for sale b 6 tut quoted. ••••••• l' .; • :::i:' , •" . . - .. - •'• • ' to . Flour --`Sale, with but kw emeptions, were eon `,trk4-.."-• ^ ..,,e • i.- 1 -' ll .--' ' ' ''ln'igri'llb"rl - deed to retail tdnractions. Prices remain without. ' QCoTtit •A 1:14-The: celebrated:Falkirk Ale; for : - .111': , •:4'4.* - • - . o ..1.., ,i,., at "erns . JACOB WEAVER , change from last report, ranging Iron $4.12 to 4.37, V. ~..,:. ....:::t l7 . -s •• i h.. 13 ". - le ewke' l ' 10,411.0 .." and for superfine 4,60. We quote salealot 501abla .• ''' 7, -...: :'•....; ......il.-: rl-IF.I4NANTS tiLASHOW AUT.,. inn received end at 4,•41;37) do at 4,25, and 100 bits not strictly fine, : -I - ( . 1.1 " b, .". -b " b ""'"'" A Z,:m • wyEuwEyr at 404. - Sides from firethatute at 4,120:4,e3 Y bbl, 1.71 1 1-..„. .. ::::,•• • t;...4 1 .V.• ••••,..• i/ ..it'. - . .-l'. : . ny,q,, 5i . m .,. 0 „,_ tE ,,,,, 0 ,„ 00 , 0 fluor , u 0uk ,„,,, ,, Receipts am light, and the supply m market limit- LP Loudon Puri r. by de dozen or boUleqest reeenw ed. ...:•• :::"•%. t :•••• •::: :" l ' arid Tor Sale by - 013 JACOB BRAVER Cornmed.-Notteing doing escepting in a retail ''''•:l : .' -, 1, . - :-::•• • • s ; t i luestAdim,s s 0,..• .mart waste in mos see for mist . _ _ 5O, y. b.. .L 1 by . : OICK e•hleCo-IeDLIF2•I. y, all 40H ~.iha • _ , . ea Sad wee r ' Grain--Wheat is scarce and selling loom store at : C I VIT UIIi-I.° ''''''' '''''''''' C°°°°--51° "" " 4 854291 k p be. Rye le tea tittle to dam , sal •'d mle by • : . ISAIAH. DICKEY A. CO fray ' . . • wear and Dom itts Dom mewed hands 1240845. Corn is vrithoutiactit. • : 1 . ....... :::: ".•.::::::•::.;',"l'Izi:::: IR-set sacks lintn; - with and sales are made at 371045, accardini to •• • i'... ;L.: ; ' l •' : • : ',1, ::!,::-.• - - '-. S ttiollllC 25 silks Sbormot tweezed kraals • • • by_ b . f. , • • .: • J DALZ4:LL quality. Oate-Receipts NIL and tam at '11.54130c '1: l '.:::',•,..., - ....• - .7l 1.. 1:. - . „ Yom' ' 1 :s. •,,:-...: L';',..; T , , , % : ,.. , '• •,!;:: ;•• • 470-25 bake. Da MIMI brand& Tobacco . fr, L i t la rg ' ssi by Canal end Wade hy .. , Providons--Bacon In scarce, but prices.are with-, ', - .;•'i • : . l .' " ';•';' -: :•.•....,:. ,•I.'i; - t 77 •3 _._ '1: ' • 1 °ALZ '` •• • ••°4 w° '" " eat change. We 'quote Rams .2 teal-sides the .. li: ,:: : ::! , ,, , ,H r " . .; : :::::, : : : ,:t.:,iiil,;1.: , • , - I ., APS I 011.-illjt.igte fern stamen 24 ' w geme,ind Shoelaces at 61GGI-Hittgroend an. p !',S;-i114.-•;•:, • ! -il!' - ~ l , lrnd ° - JAS fiktsagta.. water n.. lb. Lard se scarce; sales at Bi7Ble. - Cheme-A -ill' .1113113:100-A new apply Jeet-- good article finds ready rale at 64 p lb, .t which •'•., *••;:::::: . il - reueseed and Ms sate 01 IitORS.ER. A mlendid ! G rech,exill ead look at it. rath falai of 50 hi - sweet made en Satunlay. Crack l...;;i.::.;:.1•l;',"If•;::: ill' , : • '; ,LegitaiMil;i4CULl-11221,Cikersorilitinsbnualt ers, better, are sold at 84,75 e. bbl; Water at 4,50, '.,...,...•••••.., -,'••r• li • „ -1, i h at ft•CNISPI cassigniseal (nue re Dandled ale by Mad Sem and Soda do at lc lie lb. ;;17,7,1 1 1.:...1".. , .; ,•11....5" ' I ir..H :._ .o R. MILTKNUE RGER • 1,8 '..... 0, Adtell-The market rs quiet, and prices Tannin ••••.st•ltra:.74 • 4 ...it::•;,.r.,:. - :' -A yomg man os week at the Thrusts . LW b,..i . r= oply . u .,, ~..,..,,,,k . .F.....„ *whinged. We quote sales of 3 tons Potash d 4,1 ,r 0,4 4 ,..... %..,.., ,:;!. , , , ;,: i .::.,,;•..„.;!11vi , • _ , I No. Tr, raw in.___L ' RHODE:Et& ALOORN to 41, and 5 tone Morchings at 41e. p lb. l -Elausass.,...l fine assor . ment el Itair, Cloth and :, Cotton-We quote sales at 117214 e P lb-made , j., shaving Brusbes,Just tee d and for vl lasz i, • Inactive. ~ Rice is scarce in market and n good article corn _ • \ Wii .• ,_ ' - 4 '- , 4 • ' • ,-' : • g 11. -- .."-.";- - -- -.. --02 -7-0. • ...a...., aste at* i. lb, by the too. • ••••:01'..4feet.0N4,,...:>.,," , .jat reecho , ' and Ler sale by . : r. ' !'. c"...M . . 1 .1 ' ;1 1 .t. : . 4 .:,' ._ • • ; JOl3 'MRIIIIIOOE, W,..0 90 1g,. 1, '‘' , .nr I_,' - Molasses-Sales of N 0 at sia-33,.. V gal-of S ' F k..„„ri r ,„ „„ieitli..4=4°ucT, Ns £ll...'""cam"Vt. rtcr• - ii, acme y. gal. Article rather cm the advance 10 I ! :l'ft4i,i mt ilr,:?'.T . I." . 1 , 22 4 . lh___ . .. asses el7.`lieba • these figares. • • • "•tilrSl - 1'... , " , '• : t':. • : • : X 1 444,41: 5i , erri . .."7.7,, r. l .' , ' - ' ' t A il . . 11 jr ! ,10 : k* - , loe,,,, , ,,,,eh r aVf Am ed ' i d i t: a 4 b y The downer Hibernia No I, Capt Greeniee bat T,:nit* ; : t '":•;. • . , •...L,:.• - ; . ' l . ---' : i.,.,,,.,,j' 41 :.... ' ‘ ,. --A ,,.. -- t 1,, - ,.....,, - -',.'-'=----,, ' - '' 2L ,,,,,,,,,, just been handsomely painted and refitted, Wad Will 1 r. : .:11 i.1 i . : '.! V V .....'____________. .-- ----- - JA1:;011 WETTER ' lenn• for St Loaia to meaner at 10 o'clock. She 7 • AA",,, , ,t - .1,.. : 4. - -q, ...,,, ,--„,-..: -' ' -221.2 '.„...,aup, is . I D ikk* ry flu o r s u os tsudge inll, we learn, am in the trade between Cietetestali 1 1 ;: . •:i . ..'4...:f' . .;;;+ef' 4,.. .. ..1 „131 -- ehtbr sale by 118'1'"u1 DICKEY It CO us] St Leak. : L t•- - „,...5TrL••: :: !..5.:.,::: •• "',: .: I c,oolCfilf•-:ftleilms-l-Wiiit-eS .. 1 b i -".--• - 1, ,' . • t43..•C0 b. e . `. Havana •r e ) . . FREIGHTS. • : 11.1',...i.-4.„,...i:;C ...it. • :i.f , ..i ..,. .''.'1 '' '...:',..77 :1 : ; 1.:., _ 1'.=;. ,1 ' .10 7 • • D AGALEI k " nTa ' " '"' l ''''''''' BY the politeness of Mr G M Hilt m and others, 5T,A11e, 51 , - 1 ba r 47 Foll (c. K u-w .,.... gr uo- .. am ambled to gree a table winch approatmates •., 4!,!...,..:4 4, 1 !, ,, ;;411k.;5: . ' ' ..-. --- - --'.° 2- P're:irlltTldll,-16.411FJtOFdi very closely to a cdrreckstatement of Hie ipeee Of 1 bj:._._..lSP i. iliZb•;4" . : • . j;:.,....':.••:4:;. •wm_i ou r camas, f o r u s suboass, raga. e. 11:a lb. from Pittsburgh to Baltimore, ~..- ' • • • • • ' 4 :' - 7 . - .., •':;:1t'7.:•....":• . :' ' ••• : l kr bads and sr/memos the blee. ,4 .04 Mika Fm• Philadelphia, Erie and Cleveland,' by the peensyl :. i ,„: . : , : „ i,,; _ ........ . :.,....:-. ~ 11i; • ~,,7001q011.7 L ODES & ALwIN • mak and Ohio Canals! _ • :: - ....;: ••• ''il:' , i - • 1 '24" 5..• i - I NlFlrrsmK-"b r ,,,. k 11. READ, Agh• . '''''''' / 3" "° P h ' 6.1 t & Phtfis. Erie & develand . "" Nu - u rge '1 : Ildi st neerseadrs . Ashes P 1(0 lbe 50#) V 101 m+ 3 0 ." 21 10 l .• , •;1 ^ ., ,, .' 1i .7. l' .!.I ._ y: . • QPTIL TilltiVlTlliii-S bbls in prime order , 11.,r .. i z 3 191"*•..t. , , ,, !?•,!•.•4••••, , •• -•-• -.' salsa received; Wasik by . _joy ::: • _ R EL9NLl.F.sl,_ereed_ i_t_t :_ Butter . - 75 •it 1 , '...7. 4 7 , '•• ••••• ' .4 , :. I-, l 30 Beams :;' 7..4: ‘ :tf••.:l• % liik r! . ' ' a'"!111241a125-744;Linkkig271SLESS Bridles " i l :: ISi rit_;i , .....::::-•':44, , . , —A) e------i.,,,,--,---, f i.:), Bale rope . it, . i 30 4-::•_,,"l,it.ki44•.iflflrr,. t : ,- . or IVI ALIPLIW. '' i . 9 • tlial O:OArIDeM Koilleel " 87 5 " 3, li ~,,..' ''''' r+ a ' . -. '' ' N'rk•i:9,l% , •'!.. • • £O l / 6 F•I'W•7FF' r ''''!. b Y:'• -- - I DICREY &CO e . b r oo .., ' l'a • `.' '' ' ,.lil' .-4;::'. : ' ----11:---- ;--Tasecco-v.• -of bran& ( otter oil " C .,1,0ti„ 70 0 : M l 30 '" : it' : •' - fi•• , l f' la : • : ' ' - .. AtitroTslasi"treity he 1 DICKEY aco . v ut h,o, .• , 90 .l,w - . 4...;t i • L..1. 1 :W,1,L' tr.' . .30 ,f. ' Cv WLIII 7. 1 0-006 ---- e vvlti Chill rolls" 87 a eeibe end cable cord al - n... 14_ _,_ _, .. O P rbe • 40 . ' • 14 ' - 4 1.k1ic.1 • ', - .4'1.7 , L'r,r7 4 ..rs' • • , O _IV - 1001W • 7,4 ... 30 ''' .4;•,:e0,:r.,'•_:,, , I.' • .. 40' ' - tel•; , ,,' ••• , . - 7:',..-.",',, .•11 ...^lll/111-11'.;.1.hi0 No. 1 trimmed On COSINIn• 0 Hides_ . .. 4 . IJ s . • 4!:,1 - "ittiT' - r-t. - !•••,;t• 10 teed and ku eate by • - yrs. •• . CARRON & 11101SIGHT, 1 1: • pw,,, v. hit : 90 S.S ' •••'.. 4 :11 , 3 4 .i 1 ,.1 .li .- :4: . . --... 1 .-..----- - ..,ci i N , --- 75 ----------7- 7-1,..d i , , o w n.. r lOU lbe 1,25 Tliff%tii'. 4 :' ''., l . _ • LA - 77 . ill ••• ' Pure Ikeda Lard; in mem' fir . 11 Glue " so f u., it 140 '..; , i. 4.; by . jy 1 5 .___aso:iksrauliotrr . zu . s ,:g. , 1 , ; . - - :*tf-f•lis ~,,, -vaszt=ies bbls No 1 Tama" N ei • Huewant 7 30 ‘ ll is • kti . ,4Kt.4 l ' ' 'V 4 ''' . . j 50 liflibis'`' 4. -.' • - Hope " 30 * te„ 5,,. , 4..‘•.", -It 4 . •' - •-', ' - 311.bbls No 1 Herring: for .us bL - Hemp "•• 80 21 •rst...'* - 7,1 7 ,..;i't . ;Sir' •:- e Diasseed - LIM . '• .10 "• . ' ,i' ' '.;' , Vliit:'•7. : lt- Sit k.' .• . ii - a - _1 - East aide _lean „ 10 .., ....., - tter,lo..t:!4l.', •`P . •'- . . . ...... , bbl.. - nep and balm, C.O. g (' ALn'" r""k rf I . o. band kr wale_ ,_bl . . 871 .. , 30 ••,. al • • ‘ ' . 4( " Pt Al ec ' l 4 ' ' '" '•• '.. •: : 2.5 -•''•• tilVl L ,,..'ll.tt, V; ' • --• : - 31".""d• v tl '''' "m" 1 r il"DE2Not7Aerth Letri [ a d r eh) " LW r too ib. 30 N4,:,•sAz4: '1"-,, 30 •..,; ~ t: 4_,..,,,,,,:„.,,,,,:. "...„ . : i v . i -• riellik-IiML-7-111--b47sANsurtile.roasleN by 118..agsbi.1001is 8 87 7 . l:Qt7lti: • ~!!!.1.:*!•0 7. ' - - jog Eta ode of Diamond Seeds • fr 7 M •• • r*roci 14 .. I,Nt 34 SPL -,.:;,A;: . '„`, , i , •' !: • '" ----- posiieea,_so key, Aootie. Rile Vowded Sk t . ' w t . ~ ' "0O -. . Reek . 70 .. 25 .1 DALZELL Taikrw ...:*.t‘A::•4l: : •ffX:! iii s- • ' . Jelf - Ferule I_,.....ty____-------- T o b acco o . .L - , ~ •• -.--_-__. -,:+•:::•:f•P'•"::'•....."!" .V.,..11: : •. : ,li sfACKM.MIZI..--itttr: 3-Le,rgei bn . a . by: Whiskey " 70 .4 25 l l i' . ..li:iiiin,fifitilZil :,,• . Di •4310 V PERRY ' _ Knopf:. _r oo b% i 1 , 4 . ~ 121_ 50 :.-?i , :•,i;k2=4';'•4 'q"-vr. - . i --- I -7 ---- . W - ; -------- ..."iP° . r . , 0r..6. iiinergi....t. be ' 7O " 374 4 !; 1 4C, •":• ,-, 1;i: I ','.!;•': ' . . qs3lliandiregelaud 2,1 sat: by . ••' P ' •' ' - ...,.. 'ed f lic:'; • Nill . , •;...;;•.117 ; ,it , - : rut - RUIN' DeI.ZP/.l..kbat .C/avAL mrLLS.Aisiount of Toil remit , _ or ,•,'ll • ll'...tils . ,vi qvik -- - - —Ol,O—A“ ---....p,,... . the clines; ye. up IA the 3 - 3 e er Jail, ~....„00. $ ~0 ~ , .0) bar BreviH Rebel. bY • • _ ..Whole amount received last year 7 2 64 41 •-',.....1.r."7757-••.,3...itikii•ct...,.:c . ,',.•: i. „ r 3 1 ' 04 ONGLIS 2 & usr/N •vl!____--------srr ..ba-ao ~ . . • .7... - I*4 ~.,:_x - • -..:,,,,,„ . • . , n ---- „, NuT,_b,..,„„a---,,,,„...,--. ,N, i.,. • Klein mar entire recenpa of Wt year 5397059 r.: •• •!:1•:,1`7 . !ilk.. C.„ - .'::: "t, , : 1 *ad Spies Feetaryjartfldt street: • ix , , ......-------- N; - .;:o...1.;:i;;4,;; ,, -. _ •-• :,. I"H° it .; MS ALC° • , utrowrit DT 'Elin. • ---• jets etc.. ALLSPICE, Cumamee end eves. it - - ... ..... 0, .:. ... C '• 'Pt :; '' '' . : 3- ' • - a1.w.,,,w0u. suracultpecksigree,cmutantly en bpi ent.....oVina.a.....rer ....aroliee--17•kp, 2 7 bbls t" 4•K. ' -V7 L:ti , C ,, ...1i.45, L ! ~, aka wool 0 -Leach & i. '' ' t;t ' V'"•ef• - ' - • --•: . sweet . •p 9 211°1 - B*••° ' " batter, Bailey & Smith--8 , , „,;•,,,7' ,^ ~., ~,. ..,.c. t-,•1; 4 , , . ~.' ' %sad PO. • •. - . . - ..1 ' . ' 4' 4,; 41 • Lq- 4c":-,.:.!: , :i ..,.....:,.;;. ..;-.i.'!i.? , ,:••:.',: : '1N....i-'.'..':.11;',...i::;::'„..,....::::,;,. i.. 1_ ROUND GINOZIL.-.sobblcond 110 Vim= ki la and for vie by • RHODES& .11001 IN • -. No V Falb street Virlialbliiy PLASS-1 3 : o ba tutt br ..i. . ' atyy7 F03.9VV1 /.. DU Ncirater and front ma IiC.EitTIGICE fel v ire-a-- J......). aa band and forme V Matti I.4bcry !imp, near Lanai. _blab W . _ Cillil-160J bobela prima Yellow Cotn_ 1. le.. !!!Hsd 0r ask b) }.l, • IXI.IISDOVIr. GrlaLsll-4:0 bse waned Wee ea 01.1 ,1 _ 2L.4 for ula bY WS. TANEY k t tu .... OTA.III-111A.• i. awn anill s r s rMr l i orr .'46' ~ I mA "' "*".l." i - 14 • 714.-1° bnio WILSON &CO ors 1491)...._gt.---------t------ i3.1143015-oco-tb• 13seeorlir easttir.E.,,, uirria mmto — osiccssir7lobbii.ii. d. n d A m for sale let 3 ALM GORDON . F. • on band aramr;lnabLvv hg.l.War V nAg i lia 11/0/1 - 0 amacllon ' yD_ aira, hut teenived .I.lo.rag___ 100 OINK/EMIL& CO and for as& bY GV111"1""T Agr & 5017'45 wool n, li4akssms- o " ..k, lfftco 49 V i rr i ng kaa for Caleb L—• .L ill ••1 DICKEY it ccr , 0 ,•SAIJIMATUB—yt.tutt)..i m e,' an d o f sae WICK a IieCARDLESS Convells T .. olccoisla Ml preehrel.4 Or sale 0 • LLE/La OaCMTKOS v ....p.m - B-46W am m.Yeesat, for .0* by MULAI L tOmet.I. 4 - 11Z - loe - id /AWLS c Bumf Eu 6 [fOqASt=loo L4linneU7 prima hi mom 6f Sala by )1(8"" °. D itoomx-va &r00t.7.7 Cornyno,. sad foreu, 1,•!, ITi - and torliTs aste—tis Mo. dew-roma in noes sad for sob j±rrii'l ktOo DSLUID reads:LS*lllli tor sots bi- • S ArrESSIAN 'illgr—lto bela ego by ~•~ Nir~llYT :EB ,Q~ .rews.uv {.:..1 ~i Fu Vito-v4TZAITirxr, SUNFISH—Per FlorlaoslG lib& mince° D Leech & co.—J' do, Clark& Thaw-5 do. A Roe — 4 do. R Dalaelt—CO bbls floor, S Wirbtirian—es alreAte bags braa,J W Boater-10 Mils copperas, tile Lase -25 aka wool, Wm Bingham. CINCIRNATirer Swatara-10 bacou, F Rellere-sbbta akobol, 0 A Fahnestnek & co-60 blo cotton, Clark & Tbavr—'7 ble do, Smyth & co 34 bit do, bt Allen & eo.. BRAVER—Per Arena-1 oak culler. Moven & Peen-15 bseebeem, F R Dravo—ts sm do S 601111010111t- 4 bbl old topper, A Fallon—fp bills mintier piper, Morning Poet. Pet Keelboat Beaver No cake pearsue,w,nn & IldcCandlowe.-22 bee saleratua, Dot:ell—SG bra theme, It bble d apples, Darnley & Stoat,. Per Arrowline—. lo bee ebeese,,A2 kr batter, 0 MMarten—l be bacon. t; S Watermark bra ben J Rhodeat—lgbu attar& • it, ft Detre DOLTS LICAN6IO THIS DAY. D. LEECH & Co's. PACKETd Philadelphia add flaltitonre. 9 r. I BROWNSVILLE PACKETS at A. M. and 3 and BEAVER PACKETS at9.and 10 ♦ r and 3 rNI MONONGAHELA CITY PACKETS, 3 r. r. GLASGOW'. PACKET, Glugow,4 r. a. • WELLSVILLE, WeSadie, 9 a.. r, CAROLINE, Nixou, Wellreille,S, r LADY BYRON, St Louis. PORT OF PITTSBURGH. 4 ever 3 - nerve-41sixa; ARRIVED. - COesel.Bowman. Brownest e. Leeks McLane, Bennet, Brownsville. Carideo, Hearickson. Beaver. Wellsville. Catlett. Wellsville, Rodeos, Ober', Sometsh. • Despatch, Plebes. Moo. City. s!, Rhode lobed, Dorsan. Smell • Hodson, abed. Sandal, Dame,. Glasgow, Yankee, Koontz, Cie. Clannatitown, Maclean, N . Orleans. Pecille, Campbell ,Cle. • Mechem, 'Shama (.Is.. • Cooliee. Mizell, Wellsville. - • • - DEPARTED. - Consul. Bownwo. Browpatilie. Louis MeLoot, Bonneu, Brownsville. monseray, Woodward, Brownwifie. Amps, Clog, Brower. a:yodel., Marlinlwo, Beaver. • Wellsville. Catlett. Welhodia, 81441 Island. Dynan. 'Sunfish. Bearer: Damao, Cook, Cln. , America, Culhoun, — pop. was savior writ muunz. 'llterestaboat DETROIT, anal. ' 'ilageottrell; oit sad 'thecOolatesee main b. mem Detr Sault Ste Marie on Jane Sad, wallet areal/IT traps doting the rosaindmof the .even, treetop Detroit every Tuesday at 9 o'clock, P. The Detroit U fa one year old, has ipowerfal low pre. rare royine.and 'swell adapted w the Sault trade. r°' er P"nill7,6ltiattrtV,..nerelsed N ELBERT, Detroit I W LAWSON, FOR CINCINNATI—REOULAR PACKET. The test musing mum SUNBEAM. 'Cochran, muter 4RI leave al above a Tuesday, at 'Wo'clock. For freinht or passage apply= bond. Iva Fug CIPIC/C4NATI—Ite-LiULML recur. The eleout mar • • • PACIFIC, • Campbell osmer, wlll leave as above o Tuesday crening,At 4 o'clock. P m For whey orpassage apply ou Wald: jra LOUIS - - —R COht Di. LOUIS EGULAR PACKET. ' m iffit ' Tbo magnificent pocket LADY .13YRON Miller, muter, will es above on this orcoiog,Jali Dation 4 o'clock. e. K. For freight or passage apply oo DO FOR CINCINNATI AND PT. LOUIS. - , The splendid atmr . • lIIBERNIA, No I 'Greenlee master, will leave as above n Tuesday Momlng,At 11/o'clock. For freight or passage apply on board: 11 . 7 d i . FOR CINCINNATI. ini at r The elegant nod fast Parker ALF.RT, on e '?Viln m e a st Wednesdaymorning, i le a a v t e ao'clock.above For fret ght °sperms. ripply on board. trtd AvE,LISvii.LF., cLiLsoolV a DEAVER PACKET. • •... The new tail light drauaht suer CAROLINE, • Nixon,master. will run between Pitts burgh and the above Ports duneg the waren of low waterileasing Pitubuegh every Monday, Wednendayand Fnday,6l9 o'clock, s.w , and Wells silk, every c lap. Thursday: and Saturday, at 7 if cloth, a. sr. For freight or passage apply on Ward. Lira. I 7 IC liallirillniVet Itliill ilia •Tifirriii . Pie Del. — e , The new and fast mu 'tie steamboat AM, , CALEB - a/PE. S.,holer, tauter, hail! ex pre Kir the trade, will run as • regular Packet to 1 Deaver and nonage!—lea toll Pitts burgh daily at 3 o'clock, p.m , and running un Glamorr, lomoth of goody and Beaver Canal,) on Monday, Wed. nerday. and Friday. For freight or passage to Dealer. New L.aboo, or the towns We st . and North of Near Lisbon, apply ea board ..r to ted: _ft A W DA RBAUGIL GI wood street REGULAR PACKET. The new, doable engine Partway., reamer SWATARA, (Draught only In inches.) Capt. Cox, will lease on filoaday,tho 7M imitator. at 4 o'clock. T. w , Or , Cincinnati and intermediate ports and will perform her tripe remdarly dating the low seater meson. For freight or passae a gpply on bone)._ _ Jel __. . -- ...... _-.,-_ rtixitruat. CINCINNATI tc Sl* LOUIS PACK The new aVEnirimer . Pioodwardaauter,..llllaave as aboi . rryratarly throughout the mama. F• Crated° , omega apply no board. 011'12 FOR CINCINNATI & LOUISVILLE The fine and otaanch fight draugh g•gai roomer • - TRIUMFU, Garrey, moor, will Inn as oboe - ogulaile throughout FO freight or paraage apply on board. rrriasultell AND St LOUIS PACKET. The new and splendid steamer. OONDOLUIR. EMU*, Maler, WO Malt egpreoly • for this trade-and mill leave engee. ' lady during the seems. Der days mlll be advertised here tier. alffif -- ----miticiarrAvirglinAciteT ' The seer, light draught and fast nu alagateamer EUREKA, Cromer, master. will run m a regular ket between MA.. and Louis ville, during the memo. !thence.. eisThersday eve alg. May Oda at 4 o'eleek. : . . br freight or passage emir lantanam• la)" , FOR zAraiiii.LE. The light draught and fast renting steamboat MINGO CHIEF, hloort, reaster.imll ply era regular acket between 161. place and Zama . vale: For 'mtg.. pantsme spate on board or to my : LIEU U DII.TENUKILGER.. Aar. Plitsburigla Wad Smailliate Paakuta The new and boo steamer i .,hadt e lLI• trt allr 7D a S O: sner g u E ar er,ma god , wi s l leave aiuburgh aerobe., every Thurrtlay and Mon day nl3 o'clock, P. M. For freight or pump apply on board,mad — REGULAR PITTSEURGII AND IVRY:RUNG PACKET. • The &owner mtsEIMILIFIA, Dwane! &alto:taster, will commence waning. a regular packet about the Itsth tn.t, leaving Pittsburgh every Monday, M'e;lneaday sad Endey, at 10 o'ektra, A M., leaving Wheeling every Mends y,Tltretlay and Satur day, at 8 o'clock, A. For freight or passage apply ou bawd. • lonia PITTSBURGH AND WM.:ELMO pAcia. - r. The splendid and In.; nottung War • NZW KNOLAKI:I4 Captain 0 W Fact, nil cononenee Inning as above, on the Al ever( !lamb, lea* tag Pinstatrah every Tuesday, Thursday and Balarday, at 11/o'clock, Itfouday, Wednesday and Fri.la Y. at a ;if !wk. A al. Tbe Neve Ertaboad Las Fern Lettalat , e , apres r oly . for the trade: and artiTilloenati=r;ll .Po fr :ghtor P let . l7l " . JOON FLACK. Afoot MEEMMMISS gists ' lle net; sad ilaitt d mid atm IL WXLIII:OTON, 0. M. Steven., touter, loaves Pau- Leigh every Maiden Wedaerday and Flsday at 3alelnek, 0 . N., leaver SteeLeurifle every Taerdly. Thu...lay and:Laud - Jay atetielaek,A. AL V. avlgir‘ 01 ...tle apply iibeard. llvrat MCKEESPORT, lUKASE:tit AND lIONO MIA. MEL& .CITY PACKET. The new newer IDESPATcII. Nebteu master will run no above e • ring Pit shore's every EdondnYt .l ed nesday and Framp, attn oCk.ek, A. hl. and Mown; w Lela Pio every Toewley,Thersttar and wtorday. w E o'clock, A. M. For Delhi of pautage apply on World. .17 15 Ailigtieny River Tr...U. The fine and fast Steamboat SiiliZtikap.ow, Capt./amen Atkinson, will contin; ; ue to rn tot • Regular Packet do. riiig th eneason between Pittsburgh and Franklin. For Iretghl or passage apply ma hoard. MIRE Pac - BiiilarPltiibstrigket. d tasesllll4. -' TIIE bahtdrascht Framer m at i ; BIIEWMIJIL, Rued, Mute r t stril t make weal, lops to o thl l r a , bov i e pelt during Me as . :. en. boa J. •en to _ .97 1- 'Sb or WILgrIV I AIMII 4 RIYtULAR PACKET FOR.NASIIVILLE. . •• .-: The nevi tem.' ' MIL . ;AVOWING, Capt. John F . Illyg, will emote:tee • het regular Wipe ao the et port on Motethy, the V th lucent, et Iti , ?*elock "" Far freight or P l " { ' ,F ` A r ilargtg.lx. toehr7 ........---- WELLSVILLE DAILY PACKET. The new, elegant and fast Packet WIGILLAVILLIA C. C.Catlett. waster, was Bauer prepay for ibis trade. and will make • . daily usps ditties the 1.1110(1, ka•11311 Viusbanch every mortnagat I o'clock, and Vt eitsaille every evening at 3 o'clock The W. Is furnished with sFaber's Vaunt magnetic Water Ovinge.” For freight felif :11:7Ingeee'eT'lant le "L eon . stantly at the Pittsburgh arf to receive freight,and the agent always on the A McBANE, A —at. THE DAILY NATIONAL WMO. TS published in the City of Washington, every daY. 1. 3 o'clock, e. —Sunday excepted—end i s to yobscribers the City, at the Navy Yard, ia lowa, Alcz tons an a drit, and in llalt m the Cole d[eol for imore the same even, l t/TAgi t r mailed to a nse n u t y part of the • United Puttee for SI per an "A%velt f" e ' n ' t o'f*teinblifenionri'l'veins r d ose ” rlc7one time foe :4 cents, two times for 75 cents. three time. for it one week fey al 75, two week. for Sg 73, one month lie two months V, three months Stn,tlx months 81 5 , one year Sin—payable always In advance. The Nautilus. Wino is what he oatne indicate. It speaks th e sentiments of the Whig porn' of Me Union on every gnestion of politic pnlicy. It advocates the election to the Presidency of Z AWAIT TATUM. settler, to the decision of a Whig National Convention. It at es war to the knife upon ALL the mesauree and out of the admlnistrution deemed to he adverse to theynte. reels of the country, out exp o ses without fear or vor the cornililions of the party in power. Its colums are opsn ery man is the country, for the disco...en of psi ideal or any other question.. 10 addition to poliors..a large srue in the National Whig will be devoted m publication* upon Agriculture. Mechanics, and ether useful aroh Sei rice 1.1 peneeld, Law, Idedicine,Statistier, Ise. Choicer specimens at American and Foreign Literature , will aim be give, including Renews, to. A weekly list of the Patents issued by the Patent Office will likewise be pobliebed - the whet . ; ii.n.va4r.ac Wbl pe One of the largest newspapers in the 'Joliet is Soule up from the calumny of the Daily National Whlt and I. published every Saturday for the low price of ter per annum, payable in advance. A double sheet of eight page. will be given whencier the press of Issuer shall mealy it. The metriein of Deoeral Taylor, written chnormir for the National Mtn, are in comae of sablicution.— They commenced with the second number, a lugs nemloilr of copies of which have been tinted to supply manioc back nombets. Cetor HAS W FENTON Pmpri of National Whig ltlaenlnßtoo.lene 11.167'(• Jclalltawfen -------- To T.Avellarr. “EXPIIESS PAST PACKET WEEP , 1.62 PRILADELPHIA ARID BALTIMORE. tExisuievit j•• Nampo) TIP Chet aka rd being now in excellent order, the Pacet , . of this Line will lease with pow msgma a. gallows, awry night al 9 o'clock eeeee Ketacky,Trabl. hloodoY•JalY 1 9 . do Ohio, Craig, Taesday, Jut, 90. do Indiyig.l.Wkisi, Wr.dneSdOY, bay do Louisiana, Thomperm Thursday, July TL do Kentucky, Troby, Pridag. JoIT 151. to tl6lo, rittyttl:bia J 94. d0 7 ts. do Louisiana, Thompson, blandly, July A. do Kentucky, Truhr,Tamdey. /al •IL 'Oho. Cmg, Wediir•dan do iMilll,l9. Wyk er,ThorsOor , do Rw.y, do Kentucky, Truhy,Kmardlo, Jul . 1 . do Oblo,Cralg, fiandity,.ang I. If y ou desire cheap travelimg awl eomfortable arrow, toodations moue your tickets M the Packet °lice Monongagela House, AVater street, or of IMat D _LEECH W. Co, Canal Ruin Ix nainip Idp—A c hange or • man end his wife, wise I Vl(' vel•bee to take of • garden, ot carried... , end bosses, and to keep house. Ahm—..,,,,,,,d:..e0rrat gV& CINAIS, ehembetmaids and 'lmusekeepers to raw 'petl& famine II in town and un. Wanted; deter tor • number of colored moo, W om en , boas and Oh,— Aliw.—plaras fora mamba r onmys of dtderens qms. . what to kite von salesmen. warehouse .,eP.l7can.keepers, school masters or handy io help beta in their variant biteineseoeill Ouse call at Hat. 1 1 ,i,, utacrai - *Benny gild Intelligente Mee. WWI( HOTELS. .111TheArniar lie:Withaltelpher and ,tfitaly b'w°.9"? ? of f."l. , The atave aeligh2fidwate ag place or sunsnresent,umovr ready for tia reeepakto of visitors. under the directional ot haat Kean, Fart=ilate and for son.,, mama( the Ina- Ilotel e ltir.'Nests and Lady wlt hare the active tasuargeraent of toe entire bonding depanmenn hit Hitchcock, of the tavern, bar. store, bowling saloon, not other amusements; and Mr. Olin of the *piing., bath Wawa, stables, home, carriages, &. &c. Messrs.() M& F Weedon,Surge Proprietors of Maysville, will ma a regular four horse Post Coach to the springs over) . Mondayildfediresday add Friday of : the season, and famish horses and carriages at all other times la thou , wishing UP visit Faealapi. Persons preferring the Vancehergh route will dowel! MS take the Portsmouth packet Scioto to Vanceburg on Tuesday,Thunder or Saturday, when they will find acmes and carriages to gorng4 iii;ill:6,PrOpileior P.p.—Porta - I.r past ieulam,nee Inhographic bill,. at the bomb' steamboats, &e., , audit thisbe het convenient then take for granted the follosnog facts, viz That Elea lapin Hamner the Ohio river than any other watering place—that it h“thepurestmountaie an—the most delfghthl, cold. limpid. sparkling, sulphur water —the holdest,coldmt e elentert paws:, plea...test and most elEcamous chalvbeate fountain in the I/. Stales— chat it Is sernitunded by mountain imeneryTmeth roman tic, picturesque and. diversified, with good fishing. shooting, fox chaaing, deer ruing. Ite. le , together with good earMg, dnoking, sleeping, walking. riding, danesng,aludrulgor the tbloni,t outgrowing the dytipep-. sts,thlking. signing, growing fat,loving tostaY, &end ing to go . away, promuung , to come smainio Whig blends, neighbors, sisters. wives, sweet heave, &c, de; and after all It is cheaper saying at Est alapla than at y other of the fashionable watering places. This is the voter of hundreds who hese been there and mean - to go again_ VOUSTAtfs UOTICIs, LIGHT STREET. BALTIMORE, FOLIO k FHURETON,Troprfetnh. rp111.9 establish rent long and widely known as being oat of the most commodious In the city of Habituate, has recently undergone very extensive alterations end rimprovemener. An entire new wing has been added, containing numerous and airy sleeping epirtments, and extensive bathingromts. The Ladies' amazement ban also been completely re organized and fitted up In a most unique and beautiful style. In het the whole arrangement of the House boa been remodeled, with a single eye on the part of the Otogetom towards the comfort and plessuroof then Ho is, and which they confidently assert will chab companson with any How! alibi Union. .Their table will always be sdpp bed with every sub stantial and luxury which the mark et adonis, served up ia a superior style, while in the way of Wines, Mc., they will not be surpassed- In conelaskin the propneens beg to say, that nothing will be left undone on their pan, end on the partoftheir asstatants, to render this Hotel worthy the contained patronage of their friends and the Cable generally. The pnces far beard have also been reduced to the following rates:— Ladies , Ordinary, ..... •••• • 41 75 per day. Gentlemeus' - 150 will a n of the . l. N. a—The Baggage Waltma House ways willu at thn Car and Steamboat Landings, winch onvey baggage to and from the Hotel, free of ehaeoe olttf DICARL. RTBECT 11011321 Ms Cincinnati, .0 subscribers having purchased the en tire interest of Col. t• 'Williamson. late of this wall known establishment.heg leave to state to their friends and the public generally, that they have taken this , conlessudiee• Hotel foi a tend of years and will corn their hew energies to make it admirable home for Troy, tiler. and City Hoarders . The Hotel is spaelom and admiratily planned for eels. endange r light end mr, having another of parlor% adhlibung ettambets, presenting enamel attractions to ( thee. The present proprietors having had the expenenee of years m Miserly and elsewhere, hope they will be able to give general smisfactien, being deterouned to give unimded aneMion to the house alone. Thal...ono( the Pearl Street House 0 encov.sueel) eligible. having frogmen Pent. Walnut and Third ma, an that it Is Nearly desirable In view of the conveni• erace of business weer retirement (motivate hoarders. ft la near by the flanks, me Post Ocoee, the Masonic Hall,Chld Fellows Hall. and km einem.. distant from glamytte et and two squares from the City W half, thus quint the greatest Inducement', espenallyto M.nwl lantli and generally to all parietal visiting Cowin. nam JOHN NOBLE mel47 JOHN A DUHLE - aTII S SPLENDID Horst, eras opened on the llab of Jane, for the reception of company. The edifice fronts one handed and twenty-five feet on Superior.; and our hundred and meaty-Ave (I on Bank.; end enntaini. - over two hundred to airy chambers and forty private p arlors all of which have been furnished with the mt costly fornome. The drawing moms red spacious and *amass in elegunee, anything of the kind in the United State.. The dining roc., gentlemen's parlors. reading rooms, cage, and dressing rooms are all doge, airy, and fornisired with every luxury and comfort that money con promile. It is peer two iron wire Me entller *lone or ltds munificent stmcium was laid by Messrs P. N. Wed dell P. Son. No esp..has been spared by them , to lingual if not superior to any hotel la tie Umoo, l and an ornament to the cite Carriages will he in mange g at at all times, in convey passengers to and from Me boats free of cane. Cleveland. Jaly 131.12 A 9 DARN Via —o,CotatifirCliroWde.7--- '— Charles Street, between Market sad Lombard Street., lialtlosarer Tux miltseriber having taken the above estab lishment, offers his rem/ices to the Charms and panne generally. His coneentendy 13.ted as regards the Steamboats and Railroad Depot-0 lo the nudes of the more ettencre Importing Homes—and in fact. the location offers to those visiting the city, ama. nyconveniences_ and comforts as the other prtnemel Hotels. The house is now being Ailed op with new (armoire, in good taste and style, and will be open to the public on the 4.1 day of April. 1.47. The propriam tins that hi. miremisting etC - ir •to please , w il l secure to h ill im a parrs. of the podia vs, runage, re transienr. 1% . W ill[; 1.. a of the him of Di/ y Anipr Ami 2. 1147. _ JONICIP HOTEL, no. Mt esaarroce nuer. PIMAO6 , II3a. frHE bubscribers, ander the firm or Ellorem it War, J. have pi:lmbued hlr.Jonee Interest la film eitablish• meaty mad bort by the 'wetter anon ion to the wants and tone of theit pies.. to merit • comintrance of the liberal patronage hcretofiire receoredly Its Comer proprtiAer. The bow h•• been thoroughly IrepaValf.d. and repair ed: therefore feel smarml mecati welcome our friends and the pc to accommodation* equal to any In the city of Philadelphia. • :4 paionEs. •ivzhi JNO WEST. • STACMIPS MOTEL. N E. Co*nrr of Main and Fiji Sirens. TOBEPII {TACKY snneartee• to the public that •af hr ha. leased, for a larm or years the cootroodloa• building kwrly known RI knd lion, • Tar bowie ka• I.ten ilwrow hi* repo... k• a• Ihn watileo. oui hr. fhn l•roprietar .14111t11110. rathe that not fort will liiiiiparro to pin.. all who call upon Alt. ZaLlt.lllo.oblo. lal. 11 1647, GALT GOOSE, Corner MINI And Sloth Gm, Chseinnatil , p Ills establishment Is now In , the best order for the I reception of th e Traveling Cuba , Having under gone a thorough repair, dartni .the past orinter..and hating the mast experienced men to the west, in the cations departments. I flatter myself that all will be `leased. who call. The location is central, commodious pleases. Fare II per day. imemmi,March t3,1e47. W Al hall C N. U.—Although not exactly• new Brown, it M the' mate—u.!, Whig on the old Sandie. MA( Tnimicknouvoirs GALT Louisville Gys r i iticb NC:11: ti tgpl o t r o HOUSE, lir.,where be hpe a nuTt his old friends, astutring them and the public.thet effort shalt be spaced to make nit comfortable who Amo Tu r hint with their patronage. . jauntily G ROCEILIZS-103 bbd. N 0 Sagas, SO bbl. N 0 fils:assar; 40 loaf Saipkr ',CO bags dart rasa 'Rio roger, 10 seasons I , Wass; 9 bads Ombra Madder, 100 bas Tassels, various Wallas; •• V abets 0. P., V. It. and ON Teas; IEOII and 13 lb boxes P sad 11. T.....; LO bhl. N C. Tar, • 60 Rams; 30 " Pb; • f•O ht. Poop; • ' • I'n ..' do Mould C ondloal • • 511 " Clay Pipei. .. ToYelbat with 0 general 8...m100.01a Grareriya . ..in • e awl for sale on &accommodating term., by jyld_ __ CA101" u'. P - -- -- LIINTIAO PAP- Sll 3 Reams Assorted Glared Medium, MUM; , 1 60 doW . do do Ns Pdo rint, NeXT; 2313 P; 40' do do do Alma; 0 do do 'do • VIM; 30 do do do 11M34; 10 do do do :Dent; IS do Fine Book, 04037; 40. do do do • ISIel, ID do do do - Mine, • 70 do Awaited Colors, lare4, 24 do do do*LOIN It. do Yellow Medium, 4nMIS; On band and for sale by, Joitri It MELLOR No AI Wood areet,between Ar 7 Diamond Alley and Fifth oteel LINE WINES AND DRANDIESt--Tlie lovers of I.' good puee•Wines and Brandies', are Invited to call and examine my !arse moth now instate and Cellar to cask said tont.. consisting of WINE!-Cbtnee old rosy; Do mado.ra.; Do- ehmk.; D. iencrifea; Do Llebone; Do Fayale, Do Malagan; Drs Gerinenjoidifferentbrwels *nit riefacw from IPIS to ISM and 14. BRANDIES-Old 'Otani,' dark; Do Seignette. do; Do Pin et Cotillion, dub; Do 1 I .floptay _ do, Do Petard, pale; Do Seignene, pale; Do Pa”rar, pale; ordifereat stint. go,frern IND to ISM amf '44. It will.afoot me mach pleasure to show samples of the above Wines and Liquors to those who clay favor me with a voit at my Wine cellar or Li MARTIN Duff. P C MARTIN . 412 . for smithfield and front Its . . itiltElliON i COALS, FLOUR, PRonucF, AND GENERA L COMMIS-. -SION MERCHANT'S, ' An. 20, imilles lk hurl. Daltlnaoree (IPFER them meekest° Merchants and Fames 016 sale of FP:W.4ImM and Produce gen...111,p th°l4l,is.s. Mstkobantl fm that r e Menttiee acoaatn , wee among purchasers no d s hippet it, ran ...idly war. rant satisfactory sales. . Coerropondente will ronstaiely he kept adielend of die state of the Machete, ho, , Urns TO-Menall.. Wm Wtleon &Pons, Isaac Rey nolds & Pan, Dreidean &Foamless, Rey notd , &Smith, Ring & Coley; 11.11Imme • . Tingley:Ca derail& English: Philadelphia: IlallimW Draper & loom; Stawdes New Vatic. 'Bstltlntore,June It, WM. PASCAIi IRON WORKS, PHILADELPHIA. Welded Wrought grata 9I014•• . Q U IT ABL E for Leire[oollTE.Matioe,snd other Pirate 1•7 Engine Wilco, front A to 3 inches diatom... Also Pipe* Gar Oas..Pie BM, and other purposes; •xtm slmoir Telogar Hydraulic Nelms, Hollow Pistons Oar Pumps of Steam Ilagines, Ae. Manufactured and for sale by MORRIS. TASKER k MORRIS:, , Warehouse S. $. corner 'Third and Walnut street Pk..odelohia _ . • __.___ ...I L . . -.iror-taie : THE Surckholdes of the t a annerst to Rank of 1 Pittsburgh. inland makng application to the next Legielalare L iof such alteration Of their Charter as will im , Illem Imalling priv il eges, mit demedelped.rat will ask lobe incorporated 2 • • 1101, Hank. By ender or board Dovelos , THOMPSON HUI. Caehlef. leMtlays,s_______±.___-.--____ nownsta. 11A1111 1:1T16-1Pae runt neatly 4yobbi Mbi, Solar On Ila &Tr. I:4l s :r a gf: l l=Z a'tonne. • by wet. iscicsoN, as. kia Plum filedlelne P=se,ffi Libeur meet. bead of Woad; ate Ora e, Met uDry (Rah hate of J•4a W DU I RPtIY a ......__-. zoLgaracr iarancuir. 311111TITOTIC.. • • • CI3CLYNATLOHIO. i MHZ next Fall mei wintercettme of /acts rel.; ens- I. =tenets irk co ntinue s:don on the krt. Monday In • November, and fciar moths which is home -16. lately aucceeded by toe Sgring aed Voiatoer ...are i hich also continuts lout mane. A gratuitouS pre "_ immary roar. commenter , nit the hot Monday in Oc. r, and convenes ortia.atanali. Faculty" l mews, B L. 1611,51 D. Anatomy and Operative Sorge* Stop l a E Jones DI Bo tan y Mediea. Thempenues ; i mid Botany ; Pp .1 11 °beer M %Chemistry and Phartacy. DOM W Beach 111 Eh Surgery and Clinical Medicine 10,00 All Baldridge M D. Obstetnca and diseases of . ' women and children ; , - 10,00 J R Buchan. M D, Physiology, Innitutis of Medicine and Medical Jurispradinee ; 10,00 - TV Morrow 51 D, Pageogy, Theory and • ' ; . Pomace of Aledinna . 10,00 hlatticulation Ticket SL Use of library . St Grade : alien fee 111111. Dentonstrator'a Ticket VI, 'optional 5105 paid ono, before the first Monday m November next, will be received for tuitton In full,orone model.. Orli= paid by the Lt of Oct. nen, will secure all the beats for one fall course; the Demonstrator's ticket, use of Library and Matriculation ticket excepted , The. .institute received i i charter In IE4I. The College edi fice is Mutated ache corner of Court and Plum . sm.— The coarse of instruction will embrace every thing of value known and taught la the Old Medical Colleges, as well as the Reformed and Botanical School of Medi nc. Six or seven lectures will be given daily— Board from /SAO to SIP perweek. candidates for graduation, in addition to the preliminary term ors tudy, meet have attended two full C 010.3 111 POlme legally in corporated Medical College, the tan of this muse be in this one course after four years' practice- All letters soliciting farther ilitormstum,COr containing .money for the Facility, mast be addressed to the under signed (raw pate.) Noma of solvent Hanks of the Sutra In which Itlldnlli reside, will be received le payment of Fees. , T. V. 510 CROW, Al D, jyttler Dean of the Faculty. MOUNT ST. MART'S COLLEGE.. • EMNITTBBURGII, Md. -• trIlE ANNUAL SESSION of Stadivi at this Inman /. 1100 f061131.1C“ on the 17th of August. Students, should, if practicable, enter before that date. ' • Board and Tuition, including the entire Cloak. alit Scientificsouree,alro Foench,Lcalging, Washing, 51,a. ding and Doctor's feels, SIN per annum. Payments made aeml-nananlly in advance. Alum and Drawing are extra charges, cork Btu per annum; aloe the Italian. Oeumaa and Spanish Isamu, get. each 513 per annum.' . A prospectus of the College, eXplainias the coarsen( studies requisite for graduation and system of diselpli ne, viii be sent to any pervert' apling fee it. . Iyl7-tals IOIIN Me AFFRIttr President ___ • --- NEW MUSIC. ' • JU 8, 81: ,.. r ,. et,i7g1 by /GUN MELLOR, NO. sl' Nora Miewlid. Mary Blanc; ! /interact Darn; liVholaditt Kauekiiil ail de Boor.; Dandy dint; Bose of Alabama; Cyntlas sue, Sing Duties Saw; Gaines Maid. Nor and .Popular Sinsisnottal Sandi. Will you corns to my Moantam Maze; We Mani be -tide the Window The Move of Bonaparte; Wienlama scam Mit Tree; Molly *fawn; Ile doeib all thing+ well; The Fairy Soy; The Fairy Dells; `TM Midnight Bear; LatwwW Wild Hour; The Optics , Festival A change in the things! lavettlonie,Olit come along wall me;Star Spangled Banner, Erin is ink Home; Theles no Dome 'like ray own; Nary of Argyle; Flow (lenity Sweet A. • ton; By gone Bouts; When Sims are in the quiet Ski's; Flow on then,Shining Rivers; Evening Star N York Serenading waltsd L,ove not Qn•ek Step. mud its; Hers quirk St ep ; Seraphic Gallopade; Peter's • Ilighlamil March; Golden drop Wain; Baden Baden ' Polka; Woe onto waltzes; IlanWtiaick Step; Grasshop . per walls: Variation* to La.tti, by Bunten; L' Ingnation a W anise, by W elm, frema Beatrice di tender, by Day erney; Air Alle wand, vans -1; lions b Ilunien, Swiss Drover Day. variations by Clef. ny; Po s it, variations Dont the 'Swiss Family, by liars 'ten. As:maims Books/in Piano Forts. Mitten* Hommuller's; (Area; Hamilton's; Willies; Howe's; Flutaraelt's;bei,&a. lYlo Noiloor Visa Neut.'s Plana. 0 e p ic bIELLOO..O boo oo bond and for Alsle at eastern price*, ono eery elegant Ro wood Kapo Mete, manufacta red by pattering of Boman, and proonced by the best sedges in tba c ity, to be.surettor ; to Instrument 'they hare' beard Price lOW, etieh. Also, at An extremely late price to close consigns l i mem— One splendid Mahogany GI octave Piano forte, of brilliant tone. and In every respect a very mirror to stromeot, manufactured by A II Hale &Co, hew fork, formerly known as the 'New Yorlemanifactairing Done Mao; the following OLD PIANOS at miry low price: One 0 .la•E German riar.o (one . One ," made by Bageock—peee $ll. “ do ' do Hosenbamin OneG " 'do nearly new, made in N. York, and with 'modern farnitarr—price SlN Onet octave Herman P1000,,t1140 by Stein, in Vien no, la good enter ' and an excellent Plano, at on • credit of months,arnti good security. ;FIG_ U . . . 11 MOE NEW 001111 A T !HORSE'S LITERARY_DEPOT, E 3 Powell is ..11. Shakspease and his Friends. by ilre outlier of the Youth to Shakspeare. 1 he Secret Pasn ion he. label of Havana, translated from the French, by AL exandee Dames. Ilia Life and Aileen:mos of John A Murrell, the Great Western Land Pirate. with U elegant and npirited Co. gllTikenoentie Review for July. Living Age, No Ida. Thyloe's Counterfeit Detector. Cbanibmil Cyclopedia Of Eugi,sh Literature, No 17. Arwerican Kernels. for July; • Lain. the Promo Mahe Guth YearafConsolation, by,files. puller, laic Fitury Kern' Me. .. Rory O'More bryf Samuel Lover. author of Leered• an o d Stories m • 01 Ices. r amri myramnb fur July, coals' ,roe ter . Imolai Sal illvvii•licrui l , omnal ktirgasine la July-` i ll 3 t y's Riot. •',- ACURIOIii iJitiCilltill'STlSO WORE, emitted 1 The Flowers Perm:sided; berm a translation of the celebrated Grandrilleii •Les Fleets Amours; by N. Clevslead. F.. 4 Illuseratevl by .pt Alcel cars. vielM.bermarfarly colored. the Wet will be completed in twenty.four pans.' emit porn eentrilning erea e petering. oil eteellsemufed ly colored. end 04 pates of letter prem. Price es et& 1 he paper if of the finest texture, henna beenmade exprermiy far thri work; sod every dep..... of the Peitteuireoll he excearrd in the best ramble myle, rt being the object of the publisher to make this book the Gem of the Sermon. For Nile by W xi CALDWELL, Al floor Post Office 'Molding, 3rd it. Ht.. AAW.ll3lEaliny nts" Z a paiilisheil, a work al * Guardian S else of vision with the ipititual orott4; from she German of 11. Werner--giv• mg an account af the cub of a ronumarbolist, not tan , like that of the Seems of Prevost. At the preterit uthe Min walk se.il he read with moth aridly Fos .ale by , W 04 CALlim 13.1.,, 101 l . Al floor, Post Off co Mold.. rs Q emit rrs tliewite , or Re.r-A hammy ar t 1.3 Rome Gum the esalleil Iliaes so the death of Comma dm, A D lit by Dr. 11..vard echinils. E. 11. S F. Reel. of the high whool of Edinburgh. Just emetvesl red 0.• valr by old JOHNSTON & STOCKTON i ofroAliii-Prirratii: THE subieribrrhasjustrecemed and on haud,the handsomest lot of Roman i end I...Nark Pianos ever offered here. • Moonset the laths il-- One elegant Roievrood Pranes•tuade by Nunes & Garb, N T., of muse tier tone. Pam , very moderate. One elegant itormwood Pima, hy Cbiekerine, Hermon This inetrument ova. wketed for the milacribee. by Mr. Clockering, sod pronounced the beitGoetare Pass m nor fsmory. Price Utodenvic. • One elegant of bow. Rosewood Pietro: by Munoz& Clank. N.Y. 110 *de* nevetal atherrof seamen styles and prices, orlik and without ColeinunN patent molars attemeurnt. For sole at the k"7"'"'" pouriitt.e.tiElt 0 13 . at Wrd oodwell'a, SI third it N. H. The public iare,rerpeetfolly invited taster' and examine the above mock --liir-Vtaliattro Ferias. • TORN 11, MELLOR , No. it Waorl4o.. has made -o r. ill range:new with Ma. Illetat Dote, for a madly of his Pram Fortes from hi* manufactory in Peril nod will resolve diming the next two weeks (tool Mow already arrived in New Votk - A dlearagrand Plana Forte; of Roiewoud,bl octave* With Its moat elegint Drumm, sod of similar rue m tire one exhibited by Ea. Ilse* at his concerts in OW eitx. • len-A saperb Rosewood Plceole Piano Felley with al octaves, from the mate Manufactetem. The prices will be the same at PinrbtoTh es N.. , V.A. ' I)" _ ,_ROLIIPI33-47-Wr ilFb-kinCaile.r 111ETWHEN BROWNSVILLE AND. CUMBER LI LAND, Is now tanning daily each way, carrying 7 MO lbs al Goodsend Produce between above points al erchasdrie from the East is delivered in Pittsburgh au! the night of the - third day hum Oberland-mating ' - .this Me most expeditious relater for getting out Omarb. Wont the Foment Clues. • The Agent in Baltimore will give &receipt as to tithe end dims . -The ottly Agent. are J C DIDWELL, Pittiburgh . l 0 W CASS, _Brownsville MeKAIO & IdAOUIRE, Cure'd (cycler` , • Jl3 ROBINSON, Baltimore DE. JOHN R. CHAPISAI34 (IF RALTISIOIII3, at the mbeirefion of mimeo,. ‘../ friends, baSCOneluded Up !Wale 41=011 perilleneoo 1y in thin city. Ile, thetefore offers his prOreVi l Onal service* to the drabber, and miscellany notions a sham of putromilre. Particular 011.110110.10 diaclack peculiar to we• men and children. Ilmiixacer-Pmfew Elam or oil Chew,llaltimare, Willis Oakley.* Dr. It M Cochran, Or. G. kV. Lawrence, '• Orrice: Smithfield itmet, opposite Merchant* Hertel . Residence, bloaoalratter.lsos.. }ern' ' . T.•Janies t ItalliTaClaiiiiiiii - al'iorii. FDR LI kinds of eruptions and Mavis - es of the Skin; sank ea Pinsples,llloteher.Sall Rheum Scurvy. Heat Sinotatchapred or cracked Skin, a n ti kw ell other disc*. sea of the Skin, which require oatmeal yeamber, this Soap mends utiparelled. It ch an ges ps Freckles, Suns burn, 570111heW, Tan, end can the color of dark, yellow, or diifigured shin, to a fine. heraldry, youthfal, ..elerienese. A fresh *apply, warranted immune, and far Ve'c el Om reduced price of 371 per take. Ito just been teCeive& IV offetent fur ask by 13 A FAIINFS COCK & Cc...corner Is* and wood and eters at the comer of sixth - 1.1 wood sts OW SIIIIIIOIL the• sea• 1.7 son: has now commenced for making Mick. the aabeeribers beg leave again to call the- attention of brictmakers and Others tethic very %Metal machine.— We will warrant it equal K not superior to any other' Brick Press, of the saute price. now In use. We have a number of certificates of their perforat. anee, which occupy mo much space for, advertieing, but tan he seen at oar office. wilt are diapecifelly Inviteddo give us is call We give ourown guarantee for the performance °f•rhe .r'rr. Their or C°°lLllVl:lefofr.Ull.'iN &CO +paadAwlmP can al lris! & pap 1 . 1 T"sEndPlirm-nflag: /712:1111;r47 liheeeur y le day disoaved, the bioini , x of the tirm will he smiled by p( p.thr, xi Inc Old anti JOHN h 1:4 1 %.1.1y1. 1 . S IL DD/311.D JAB. D. Met:ILL. • A CAItD. 'doting dispwril of my Wesel in the firm of Meanie BurbSeld, to k\ cater C Ree. I teke pleasure to re , commending, the 61111 ofMrUlll, Buihfiold & Rue, to the amillenee end peironege ofmY frist i and the public. IN Walla.. Jot to. 1111 . 011.1.." !!.. • C YO. MetilLL 1111111119161.1.11 IA ROE, Wbotemale Grocer. Nod Colootiorion blerebauto, Nol94rib. arty otPidoborgb. • /9 91 DIIIIIOLIITIONOF PARTNERSOIS=Tbe stn. *whip heretofore extrong under the Ann of DA k 1990 an, to thil day dirsobred ho motoot consent: MI debt. tie btfoid firm to be sold Jobn Sloan, sod sli &We doe Ina boa to be ferreted by.lt LO hrt, 14 SAN, • • JOHN SLOAN. • Pittsburgh, Joly 13. b#317.-0 5 NVIIIEUETETKI.IAMENT.for the sure of Braises, Cots, SOM. Riaproans, Tam, pralam. g►e,. te. For ■ &calderas to whisk are borse In liable, it is atterutalled: It Is alto effi cacious la ths ears of Cholla In bone. Formals by trilalllOßfi A N. Promaistwood - VW WC& _ TR.dirrsl) or BOUM,' - heat ibe seeseriber, on SWednesday kt,the Ws Inst. ■ dark bream hone , foes piled lt e.a en. geseud willbe Oren* , Ms Main. • WALLINGFOIIII 4 . co. ly'b• Mgenedtaila a Mink •fltooo IMMO . far thai Pedestal et titeJakkeea Illaaenaeas. A , T sateen. ol the Jsekson Jdoisanasot held on the tOthJuitait wee aneannont= that the monument to Jackson should be T eamed in the erni. of.LaNyette Square. inv. ear of Waahingto and that no pedsval aLoshl be a solid block afloat:a. the undersigned committee were instriteted to ...Mite for paacseals mmish and &heir htsatd agitate aro. of seeable dimensions for the pedestal upon. which ie to v.•,,ed the colonial broom Nem.. statue of ; This is,therefore. tints:ice that sealed prep.:Ms - will ...eel,. by the t he eommiace made= o'clock P st., on Toesday, the Wed day. Aogast nem. Par furnishing and deliveries la the centre of Lafayette Satiate. hi this etty ,byteh Ist der of March neat,. wad rode rock of granite" or other eatable to between GOO and I,IXO toot. to weight. It is Detested that each a rock may beet... on the Potomac neer. Dear this city. The teem of the rook moetbe such as will be gettable tee the purposes of the committee.. which thee will deeide before as removal' The proposals will statXtbaprice for furnishing and .delieeeiog the rock to the. eeolos of Lafayette !game, and the tied of none offeredt , The Money will be paid upon the delivety of the rock nt the place above named; but the...ranee will make 'ad..es to the contractor,. account, as the rock progresses to Its place of destinatiot. The undersigned committee reeerres theright of. rejecting all propmels If they ahould not!. sausfutory Proposals to be add..ed to the undersigned. from born further infommtion on the cabled may be had if dew.. Waildngton eity.June al 147. 13 B FRENCH. JOHN C I Comminee. JOHN Or MAURY, „ _ Cagy 131apoosary. XX.A DISPF.SiSARY a now open Mr tbe receptnin of patents, on Mohairldist,oppwita the Merthants' Bout; and (looting Dr chapman's (ice. Hours from 010 10 a a., and ato r. so , Daily. . All medic i tie remusite tor disease, and recomminded n all the works on Malaria Medico has been obtained and will be dispensed gni ill - Prisons 'cloning the Dimensmy for the purpose of obtaining Medicine, tit reveal imposition. will bring witnthent an order from some Medical gentleman or teopeciable Mart orating they wet...mil' needy and sea innof money. Dr. Chapman wbo has kindly odeted fts servieesfor the preoent. as thopenitary Physic/an, will make it his business to be present at the hours above u.iinnoned sive oueli advice as patients may tequire. ; 11 is also desired that the Mayor and Council will vis it the Dispensary once a week to ancertaiu its progrew, tientfitionid results. An. be oa of number of GM's, DIM= of Dior am be, will made out every month by the Dispenoary Physician, sod poblisheol in the city Papers. The object of the Diopencary alone is for poor and destitute. Two experienced Ph skims of our city have kindly oderwl their services ns cannoning PhYsleims. iY7dlm ---- STAR CLOTHING STORY.. NO. 70 WOOD SISENT,PII•TSBDR( III ,PA. AANCKER & MAYER. wholesale and retail dealer* in Eastern Needywade Clothing, would respect fully take dim method of wliesdng the attention of their customers and the public generally, to the following tics of their stock In Wyk, and horn also, that they minuet! as cheep if not cheaper than say other ebliehment in die coy. Our facilinen of purchwing a enwudfacturing grads. are such as to enable us si All noun to keep a full assortment of ready rondo cloth- C leis price Man th ey coo be obtained elsewhere The present stock on had consists w part of the fol. lowing deteriptkot of good.. ISO black cloth dress coals, from 110 us WM • 1111 do do French do •10 - 10 mown and inviable green do In " VS WO rack caste, splendidly made & of good materiel lOW pair pants, of all style.. unallree nod Pewr. WOO acme do do do to NO Maxilla:ten plotowd notched bower shirts; .locks; rend's; cravats; bosoms; endue; suspenders;notion drawers. and under shins of every variety, ell or which barn been recently purchased end adapted to the present reason. hlerebouti• and others who ere it (present clotbmg. ea nnot do beater than to give us • ea" oPY9 ttlaUValthla nlifiliCELAL 'BPI/ARIAL MR - ANDER 4 ON, Proprietor, respectfully inGann. tbe public that this eatebliattraent will be opened and prepared the the aceouttoodation of visitera, by the 16th of this mouth. The atUwetions of al. fashionable Waterg Place ere too well aoR widely known, to require entunerallon in a card to the public. The service. of Mr. MARTIN, anate activity, ener. le and amiable dispomition, as the manager of mob en establishment', have hitherto commended him to the favorable teased of the peanut of the Springs daring the two loot monetatt, have been engaged. 1...10mat , . end and attentive servants and a fine bawl of mune, have elan been ten aced. The load from Cumberland, the treater , ' terianali of the Baltimore and Ohio Itsalroad, end from Bonnier , burgh on the Penusyl yea a Canal, and Chembemburgli, tern terminate of Cumberland Valley Railroad, to BedVard have been Mach improved end are to good or. ischise, OUNIPACELY arranged with the Ilagerf and all ueeesaary aptilimiterai put all i.e.. , ...earned <s res. Accoolpaurag vieh are full diteetiongregard tug its oar and application. This inionerneut se au implore meet over another forme of Manufacture and has been adapted by the Medical Profession generally an the Klatt an being the mom convenient and effectual Mag netic Machine in awe Every family ought - to be cup. plied mith ong. Prices gig and $ll each. acconling en rice and finish 'VW W WijoSON, cot Lh&market res Fourth,behreen Wood and Markd4l, oppodle Maj. Larimer's Exchcmge Office. rears andersianed is prePatel to aecosnotodatts sub seribcro and the pablie generally, with a delicious lath. Ills new Mroblislintent will beae to-day, pro- vided with every thing neeesraq to ruder bathing a Inianr• Sial.T and BATHS prepared If Fquited. The slave retabliddneut is fined up au an-eatztp near plan, beina vent.lateJ front lie tool and the rabeenber corifidem Mat Mc nor...mamma conibinrilicontrmult to render this eatablimunent the most comfortable on mitmLindlie city ly'- 111 VAPHON -1110mwerthellta Livery Stable. ROB 11. SATTERN • = has opened the lame stable on First mt.. tanning through rr7 to Setwad st , between Wood and Smithfield stree., In the rear of the Dloaartgabela I me weld an entire new week of MI, ana Coat mes of Me test gaality and latest myles. ept at Ovary in the heel Menne, BAH.. relSSOLUTlllifi4he pamtormtp hewtootte es /I Wang between the subeerthem wader the firma Cunningham & Bohner was Mena sed on the cat instant, hp mutual consent. It A Cennineham will commas as .estml at Me old wand, and nettle the bmatiese of Me late firm. . Howl. A.CUNNINGIIAM, SA NI utz BONNER. fl4_ l•nother .inikTstifiCts—bam merliin entailer theatre °, fine ready made Shirts, narrow and wide plaits, Up 11 , , ran me tsmndlog Collets: Mrdlom entatitiee nery.w, unit we ptsin: a (. 1 ,0 001 those 4I Inch Marl taint C., Ws,rerrivnl tia.• mo.tong Ind musically lore ut No. VG wood.to lop mutest Ity tl L r TODD, Agents for Plastery Muonfaclarers. litt i JEWELRY. MISER WdellFe , der.-11 large and well nckclt d Inat al. wa;s on 111461 at th e lowest Gold Pen., Prue. and Ppeelacles—A large simply Just received. Watch repainng donn in the' veer bell! M UM,. W I.SON te•Mt comer 4th and market as A S ICEPULTRANT-Tue rtues at tl this efficacious and rlseap O medicine for th e hots of Cousunapisoa and other disease!. eannor‘be Lao well known. Very mast bees have been mired by It-IN. Y. Mamma Atte.. Fel rale in Pittsburgh at the PEKIN TEA STORE. Fourth street, near Wood, and afro at thn Drag Store of lry Schwanx.frderal sksklimrheny Fluidjel9 SI/eat:Le " Elcremnt's Comp. Fluid Cat Saraapariltm Carpenter's do do; Commack'" do . do; Town.nille de dm Concantly or hood and for sale by H A FAHNE -, 10CE &Co corner of first and wood and wood and sixth Sr.. NURICK-WANT-Kfill, te.-A respectable small family end mud. from Pittsburgh wunt• icesmall ma to go endued. two moan children. Also, sevral good. cooks, chambermaids. nurses and et Ls fin all work. Alw, several men for fereatog and Insr. vesting. Places wanted for several took.keepere,sales. men. werehomeneit, he. Please apply at ISAAC II A Agency did Intelligence Office, Orb at neat wood. re f at subscribe. 'hirving commenced LaLathe manufacture of Lard Oil. are cum inspired to execute all orskm for that snide. .Their Oil is of the best qualm, and swathe sold at the lowed market Mess The attention of Deumiats ardGrocenir mindfully requested. J JORDAN &SON, I 9 Libery at, sety27lf • Opposite head of South fi eld • • . (10TLICRY-A Omit,. selection of Clattery. en, Pruning,md Budding Knives, of ”riotts patterns: ru.tab l e for nursery men and gardeners; also, s law lmsoriment of Pen and Pocket Kaivemasupenor snide -juin received and for sale low, Wood the Pittsburgh Feed and Agricultural Warchowie, No 131 lad atrect,cor • nee of &b. • id' 8 N WICKERSHAM QUPEIIIOII. CET TOBACCO MI boa fine rot Chewing Tobacco; 70 bit Bled Eye Smoking .do; 8 bs. fine do do; For sale very low to dose a eanaigneamt. by jet GEO COCIIRAN,PS wood mreet " - CIPTLYTH TILTERSTfoip WitTri far a ing and family use. rendering "it as clear and sweet as spring seater. They are in very extenatve are lathe Ilkatern cities. For sale by - ed (lEO COCHRAN.IW wood st ii . (18[4311 - areiThie l i 7-.7 .1n c1 . kJ Per Ship . Saemsek, 4 cask s'idpencerla's (lost Steel Files, comprising a eery general msortment. The audition of Machtnians and consumers gesserally it invited. LOGAN&KENNEDY refilf Piffi wood street IXFORISIAIidIrii-A-ICTI/The suhiscribem I to learn the whereabouts of Mr. J A DALES, lately returned Boni Mexico. He was a %relented' honk the nenbed pain of Tilsit.. Al ALLEN & CO Ft water lit DAVIS'S EXTRA 'AMU.% 11.• It—llkmiiiescut at ann.+ heron - Tiled w:111 a very super lor coming of (mph ground Flour Ism the Beldam 110Ita. by jyrklif • JOHN D DAVIS, coy wood a. +kb KA IN W SLAVED. Release Le Ma Present oesideftee.of THOMAS SWANS, who left Oft moony agoulftwo Tenn ago It is rumored he in desweed sevinftrn eiiiinn rePiWelirle him will be iharik• telly received. ftddrrit S SIAM, Prentyrowa, %%orie ls. .17.19 - . WHITE lIAVANNA SUGAR-10 boxy s •0 perm while Sayan. Sugar.lom rvenlvednd fc salr by OR 0111.1. ER k RICKETPON ri V W tFAVEI 7 . lIA It I/W ARE ROLM , - RIC HARD T. ILICICOII, JR.. Nl' - Carriage NMI Dealer in Faddlery Hardware and I - Carrlage Trinieningt, It now receiving large addl. hone la his meek, directly from BirMillgh.llll and the contra Manufactories, to which be reapectfally Inviics the summon of erimininct••and dealen generally. tey__D 1 173.1;Zhe .1 Autlmr of the Comiatot of Feru—Presenebi Preicotrlllrneir'y'ol'Mi!lilioen'tirtierdiiiatal and laa• lolls, 3 mils rw. Fronmitie thagiaglimal and Ciitical Miwellankm. I vol. fro For tale by JI. RF•AD. tral Ch near mullet creel.. W I 61DR-1" -a do VeTtl ' ir n i t r i s -I do Ilermama, now landing from roar Dilllgente, hr salt by ISAI-All DICKE"( itc Co ~,, %miner and 10q (min inreetv - . . .. ...... ---- Sil NINIES-41 sacks Fathrts; fi seeks Gootan Pros; 13 do GllVlelli V Milk No.l Lent; I bbl Flaxseed; tkr... , landing from .tr'Daniel Orlllerm and for sale by 03 1 mcgrir kco littiisidlaVr. OickileitalillticoTiiiii i e... quart Jars, convenient kir Preservesorhottling Cherries (or sale al the wire Wore of In JAM; Wit/MEWL Artgrit- , , ii ,./ ... xrnt it,skrrassi. b ii 100 do ' Crown and tedlaine'viTsppinAn l ' a e 1110 . JNO V TEA RY F la" — lTO U' ll i l i f * gl. 3" :7 l M.e .tr .4 • Li tails Not 10 bills No I N S Salmon: Isidini at the far *ale by MO 3N01• ?Rimy UAICtatY4OI4 SALT—A tint -tats Irately Milt* fixture. for Haklo oesirly now, on 0010 on 1M• eml terms. &molts •I k PAILLIPS,I rromi 1411tt I.pA-mtu LARD-71113mM ;Om put op esOrwira • foottlY illrh from t to 301bresett /sr.—for mt. br iy- • THOS 0 0010E04 EXCLIANCIE.IROKE' .111/1111111T, MANNA •' , Isxcualires wens • 'AND DELVERS' IN FOREIG ND DOMESTIC EXCIIANOS CERTIM A Or DE POSIT& BANE 'NOTFA AND 2 Fourth ay acarly opposite the Ban of malice, CURRENT MONEY rece/ired o De tie—Sight 'Cheeks Or ~sale, and “Ileetions o nearly all the principal points in the United States. . The higbestpreasium paid for Foreign an/ American Gold Advance. East. on libei alit on eanswamenta of Prodie e, %hipped I tem. etchlS - I.ETIOT - 116:11 a SOD, Bankers wad Dealers 1a Ezenange, Coln and Mule Dales; 00. 55, SHOUT.! ,1•ITISIBURGII. Selling Rates. Exchange. Buying Rowe. . New Vork, pr. (Attrinnait, . A di. Philadelphia., do • toolanle, , 0 do . Baltimore, ~ do Sr. Loci.. . ido Baying Bates. BA g NOTES ' Baymg Boma. Ohm. , dm. Co. kllenp Orden, Ohs. Indiana, do Reltd Nola, • Ido Kent:achy, do Pennsylvania Cy. jdo do New York de. Ido Virginia, ttl .. heelmg, Ido New Chico., Ido Tennessee, 3do Maryland; Ido Co . tuorobip. TOIEPU U. U 1.,11at0 of the firm or Won. A. al Hill AC. ud WM. C. CU RAE, ilateof Erie, Pal have entered In Copartnership. under the name al HILL & CURRY, for thopurpose of carrying on the Puking and Exchange thinness in all Its braiiehes, at 'No 65 Wood street. three doors below Fourth, writ eide—where they pollen the custom or ihrie (ern& KIRI the public geemally. . JOSFEII II 1111.1. =MS • WM. C CURRY 104600 N. HILL. Wal. C. CORRY. • HILL & CIIIKILY, BANKERS t EXCHANGE BROKERS, DEALERS • IN FOREIGN AND Dotaisric TIME & SIGHT BILLS OF EXCHANGE, CER7IFICATI OF DEPOSITE, DANE NOTES AND COIN. No GS Woad street, third door belay F.llll. Wit Flan. PAR Fatal, and Gummy received!. Depirdie and 'collections made on all the principal Clint in the Untied Sours. Sight Exchange on Baltimore, Philailelphia, Near 'Cork. Boston and Cincinnati constantly, for sate, Ohm, Indiana, Kentucky, Voginiaand Pennaylvania Bank Notes, taught and told on lammed. , term+. F.xchange on kngland, Ireland, Gcruarny and France procured, ard . Ike. orchid - - 'WILLIAM A. HILL 4 CO., u•PilEgEkfl, ,EXCHANOSE BROKERS AND DIAILLIesII.I FOREIGN AND LODES= EXCHANGE, CERTIFICATCS OF DEPOSITIR, BANE NOTES, AND SPECIE. • No. 64 Dud Sane, DIN deer store Fogini, Eau side, melte) Pittsburgh; P.. [tikwF IP_WAIRD KRAIIIZR & HAM. BANKFAS •A ND EXCIIANGD BROKERS, dealer. . co o tie, ood Domestic Dills of SteettsotaCtilif , ' roost of Deposits, Book Notes sod Coin, corner of MI and Wood steer* directly opposite St Cl;ii Is s lintel . my2eilly • REDIWED ELATR.S. nHIO, Indiana, Kk,Palma. Nails she tkauary aadSity Orde r s pareitised at reduced irate a( diseora, N lICILSIttS le SON der/ V..rehanor Braker. 5.5 Mal karat .e g no t rattre=le e pa 'n r , : n in d ill i elftltVglate l' losiT promptly, sod upon be lateen terms, N 110LAIFS & SUN, Exchange Brokers =W3 No as Market %I CaltiellosnsonnastLonteiritle,.St Louisan ail oder aceetinible ponns in the United Rate made on szeommodatmg lento. HILL t Cu RR Y.. a . Wood n. next doot . to !ante Saloon Ezehanigo on Niw rota, rhit.delptt •nd Haiti more eoostautly for tale by HILL &CURRY ape Wood st. treat door to Paula Solar. =Tenet', of the Ohio Indiarta,'and liernurt: VRanks wanted at very lasir rates of discount. KILL & CURRY Wood rt. nest door to Fantle Saloon Uwith Indians, sod ffnernitelny Banns Plows purchased at low rates by 1101.1104. h SON Not litarkrt HOUSES, LOTS, FARMS, &, - ViTpii FM 11 Ali. Si I " - BY virtue of a deed of trust numW itlieA Landutin. t.Thrinoptter 8 Lambdin, and IVllliron Lanalulin and their nave., to the underegnedt dated the 31n chit) of °ember, Jana, and worded inthe Clew k's Office of Ohio county, Tianjin. in bonk.9l, pages 415 and 4t4, I expoee to sale,un roUte aunt*, to the highest bidder, at the front do* of the Conn House in Wheel- Ing.Va.. on the FOURTEENTH DAV OF AUGUST, 1844, at o'clock. r. 5., the following described proper ty, to wit Imo numbered 18,19 nod aa: in the onattod p Iliume town of Soo* Wheeling. Oa which is erected •Paper Mill, called the 'Virginia Piper Mill. , together with an dieterteMentSend berediounents Mery ma belonging or in any Seise appunalning, fl• convey ed to the undersigned by said deed of trust aforesad. Terms of sale, to wig IWO in rash, and the balance in eight equal payments, in six. twelve, eighteen. twen ty four, thirty; thirty-six, forty-two end fonymight Toombs. from the day of sale; each deferred payment bearing Interest and the interest upon each of Harm - to bepaid...btu...ally from the day of sale. The whole to be secured by • deed of trust upon the property Reding as a trustee I shall eafteeT tinlY the rote nested in toe. though the title in believed to be nequestionable. Fradld DANIEL Liald44. Trustee PROPERTY IN YOUNGSTOWN; 01110, FOR SALE. • ..._ toaTIIE: nave niser alien for tale a•sp:endid Prick t dwellwa House situate on the Nord; Fon corner of the Square in Youngstown, Atshonittg county, Oki. Ills large eoinnsodutor,Sniched in ex cellent style, and in the gest location in Youngstown. either fora dwelling or public house; attached to it is • yard, with water, svablur, and all other conveniences . al hand. This wont is tortrovtaif very rapidly, Is sitnated Im. wediately on the Lunal,andathen the clarions Furnacea, 8011111 g Mill. &C., maw bets , bolo are coutpleuttl, will be the moat doorithing plea•t. teenen of Ohio. It wtO be :o!.I :ow (or tne, or eget...teed ' are tw r u..,a Car burgh, who wilt roe all Inbar:nano , ' • ocaddsortt •.7For Be kat. A CONVENIENT three wary brick dwellins Heave. with a good buement and back boildiee at the career of sebineir sod elm am. In the 6th want. Thu. propeny meted very low to a good ten ant It is SO torAirciettif that two families might occupy- Peaseationgittenimmediatelp. Apple to the setae, - 6er.adieinina the above. iyl9.f jt WRAY. St D. .I.I.I. , EDURNIC CRIBILET.E. lig. DERSONS oureheaing Lots in Jos strum' I tell ITC termed for inferomation to the Putienutend t, on the gloands, or to R. Thorn, Druggist, tomer e Penn and fiend sweets. PlUsborgh. Dyetder of the Dosed, J. CIIISLF.Tf, anti-liken( Superintendent. Valuable lleal BOOMS ter bale. lIE uodersigoed being abet:tip remove Ids Tannery 1 to the couritty, odors for sala.Slx 111314DINti LOTS on Second street, betureca Ferry sweet and Rd. doubt Alley. Each lot will be twenty feet front on id street and etghty feet in depth. The lots will be :old would. OT she whole together: For terms apr to the subscriber on the ormolu. 01IN CAL. WELL • 07• 4 it RRIST—A weißtnished ktoom over - Nato 11, thirect. Also, the larri Room in the Rod ry X 3cd ant tram ket at., at' prevent occupied as it Literary Depot and Periodical attlee by Mr. Wm S Caldwell 1k D GAZZAhI it.TO LET,—A loge, commodious, well,G isbed. three stow brick dwelling, an I eun st half way between U.llloolllley and W nyne . s Possensiongleen immediately. gor paniealusenqa: at the o6ce of W W WALLACE. .1).24d 244 liberty at. TO LET. 2 A large three story home on Fourth street he tweet Southfield and Grant merle. ', lieteen• n ground Door tilltstde for oglers. Posaeuttion ran Legit en immediately. For Ten. de. apply at the Garen jyr t arn bi—COUNTRY RESIDUA CR. HAVING removed to We city, fur concentence 10 pridessional busmen., I wilt rent the Mansion llonee, _and no tanned ale eneleaure,sitnate en the bluff. of the alononnahela, one oule alitile m ci . t s teli t TrAt :AFT ;RAH amen! • BUILDING LOT iN RANCIIIBITR FOR SALE—I have ra a sale lheannfal Saudi Lot in Idauchener,near the Fatty. 13 fet hoot by leo feet deep, It troll be lota knir. and on accommodating st ea ms Terms onexieptionable; mylli JAMES BLAKELY. Real Dome Agent FT'd T. fiItTHE 3Story Wick Warehouse, N 0.51 Water rucet and No. 11:6 Front at. Immediate possemion moil—apply on the premise.. /Y2dtt- ALEXANDER GORDON ra r dr i tng - 171)E 6 W10 767C 'r • .r.-.'icol b net deep et(rpt y 3 BURBRIDGE,WIL.VON A:Cq water at GOLD PORI—A Very torte nod well selodtvd sioek of the beet Wands of Gold Vans ; BOrl °petted and for sale at the low.' prim., by ' . letti W WILSON OM 00, LIU/VW Vn Or adventures i diha !bulb ice by Herman 'Melville, author of , Typen! Join reed and bar saga by I LS JOHNSTON & STOCKTON HATS, CAPS AND •BONNETS. • • AUNDERthe Monongahela Ilonte,Broitle field eueet. The eabacriber hu set:betty enanlith- 14506 ed himself In the above business in•this City, ,and no c ope ned for the inspection of the Public A large, and.arefully selected usoruncet of Ilea Roil Crw, of every descrtiocolor and shape, which he will *ell at die very l a me nt cash price.' Having mode arrangements with the famed Rouse of Beebe & Coster, of New Pork. he will Montye have on hand a fail supply of their celebrated Beaver, Silk, and Nutria Hats. Also, Russia, Caimueres,Cony,Otter and 'Ashland flats, bOlhar Eastern and Home mosfActure; wLich he will RE all times take, pleasure in showing Ile leads assured that all macs will be tanned with his aeleetion, and at the same Into kin prises will net the, moot ecoomnicat.,. Ile is determined in these resyects, urn to be beaten. - --Do not , theretorea.fot get the Monon gahela House Nat wee, Smidifickhst v tkc,c. Jetldtaprl LI A 3l _ ifMil — 1 ATU iiii - 11-Ts ATIIIIS being the day the Spring Fashion ofja Rota Will be introduced, by the moat huh tenable establishments in New Vert and philade !phis the undersign.' take great peasant in being enabled to announce to their numerous friends and tit e public' generally, that we areprepared to supply all whistnay favor us with a cap with the.fashionehle Ilia for doe monoristag Re . Neutria - s. and eon. fine Moleskin Silk II eta either whitlesele nr McCORD ft. NINO • _l32l.Gjr cor wood and Sth as Aiikairov - AL. B - moms, Nat and 'Cap Manufacturer.go4l as removed to No VS Wood street. three doors solve Fourth Street. lib stock consists of every vatictY or lints and Caps; made in the latest style ales, Panama. I.llloEllia Pedal Straw hur t _wholesale imd . retail, at die Inwest price, S MOORE *MSI, Wood at. thud do or _ out Fourth uarnier irfk 4 COSTAR'S Stylptientlentenbi flats will be Introduced at NEERII.'II on Thurrdar Atiguntlada Gentlemen 'rubies • cheap, fon lonable Hate( Rinaburgh routofactureralicaat of fashionable Hata imported rid advenised by some of . the trade. pkinic ealfat SERV% Co't MOIR( ' ISt bead of Wad •t ------- AIiVIMMILIPASIIIOIIItrOft FlATie JUBT received tem New Vora, Um Stun A veer Mete White aas . easels:lns of %yam, Beaver, Pearl sad Vreeeh Cesrhaere vri,a Vealllama. Tame in want.' • beseafel. Bat are eespeelfelly wind to call. . • B MOORE wood rt. 3 doors above al, WIGLIAU DOUGLAS hula:. reeclired • it=554 , 0:2:;,,A,1.... , Baena. Vista Silk Eintallon French joleskio Ifatt, at very low jalL• No 78 mood erect p tirLts WILLIAM DOVOLAIIt CONTINUES a ostisfscsut4 old kap ettlossth wry 'way of flew myl Clop of tio Lawn ay le, an prier very low at Ul Wood IMO, d:Orf wde. D. TOWNSEND'S! S A R S a AT A RI L L A . Moste.4nordOlay lik (Hate in the Weita Tin calved M win sm Inert ken: A e an Inenharat. er, edneasetn. astlyannetted netted to wi nig- ° I'M. dawn Wlll44Lt emeatin rar j Innen dr M., GREAT BPRIHN ihb NEATEN 1811C11111C Tits greaehenly sad =minority of WO anneprinkawr all miter Monate is, 'Malik Indicant Plemem h mane Hon. It k oar of tbe yen beet Idestso l % SUMMED. MEDICINEM ner bramn , it an md.Yrenim the whole mama en Innen= de pram, bar k mon Xne, ?ore ~.d Niel Shod, a pone radar b 7 4 . 1 . 0". ,Nledmote. 'hod es this In the gnat went inneektild owns, kbee perkenert within Obe rit twe nen Men them 35,000 an of Senn Caen of Akanea net Wm of dew wen emaidered inunibk. More a, J 3,000 awes of Chrook Nbemenno ; J 11000 an of Dren; 100 man a ch..i.aiity .4 Went of t ri m , 7,000 in of drifereit fermata ge.e.id. , tatt : 1.100 me, ° t 41 ', eascs "." gr.4 - cr. mg; ..,, ,; aloWboansfsof raw Dime of the load , in Wien. &ranks, Set abeam. tapes, dm Fan, &o n te. T. the nth =neon of Seek Ideettathe, , Prim se the relent Qin, in , • Ikea, km, _ _ ,lis.. ' • This, we ate 111111 e at appnir mandaide., kel we ban rl===g ; ll= tit; IX . 1:i i t & V. Cuskirk, E.g. ono( the retreat. mime is me mit, N. J., inform vs ho nu ran to can tbaa Mateo° nem dm , Owe Mow. ere . lhoomatte of ems Is the 2. 7 ::, f New jo=ch . I n mgi t eter , to 1.1 ...4 12 . 1 I = Cs eremite *Una.. ? ) .3,11 emkaldedly need Owlien of man Mae b,Mi Cm. nte P..? gusto? • A. it nmond the a 1r...., sad rem.' them ILd Varna fnekskftencalt. I I Carr. O. of AI ,ot mas Varna (trans Nan, 1 end member of th e N Jerky L.:endure. has andly Otn Ul the finkang net Ante. 1 ter. adz . j er iti, wt. A Fear sine I mu Inca whit the ladonsiontary Weide 7 4... teList=e . d o. et was ioLseed .r kt a x LAr .: I. :11 I 7‘,.."115t.mn bl t et=ted .' t th at i ::::ser Salt i.,;:b}......,:u.zjuda.k..11.147=y lii. ead went O. W. !Sebum, kW S. 9. S. BCILCIVIII.A. Cyan . , This essilfitate conclusively prow. dal this, itorsoprilk Ilif tuba easel over the Mai obslizate d o .W of tha blood. Three perm <end rear - housrls soprocedesteti Teams estmoust. Dr. Towesrant--Dear Sir la. the pare. to arena you that three of my children ha. been aued of the Sao. Gas by the me of your tuella.. medicine. They lows . talbeled wry severely With bad euriai hare oely taken bar bailee; It took tlase away, be whet. (tel.:sepal' wader deep Obligati.. • u l . ll , : ios New York, klatch 1. 10. lißEter FENS/LE MiDICINa. • Dr. Tobusend's darosparilla is a soveragli sod spotty care Goy Ineipinti Cousuustatee, Barrersmas, lasuawho,or • Whiteaohatructed Menstruaios. liwoulawaro crne. or avolutary discharge thereof, aad th e ' ud tostraniss of the spas—Dv sailer wOrther,lba mat of; rent awe ox causes, poduced by inegidenty, Mau ecideaL Naha% as be more waking than its inamanoWe lass on the hunts frame. l'eraciu; sit weaktwae - teal keu. bade, La. taking it, at ameba:ow robust aakialletwall under its Mute.. It beisediauly oittobata. thew, .. fasten of the female fractw,.which is the greet cum iar tar.. • It will sot be muted f: ten, to eases of ihigisfwato a so• ture, to exhibit certifeabsiof caws prima* bat me laa soon the aillicted,that bakirrils of ces. have bees reported to us. Several cases where familia hue born waked &Mi res, alter wing's few bottled of this imbed& ' isedicaset have ham bled era healthy oMpring. 1. . • " Dr. lbstousuln My wib Wag peaty tibiamseti by • weals... aid general debility, end .ar ea` _suds • by pain and a aviation o ft y , baster dare, fe.ftg• af womb; end want other difficulties, tad be ksowe eau whet. your medicine has eStaed great cuss • aultsobeer. it recommended foetal su eo sinhave dewitikekl obtain. ed - a bottle yo urf Elltlfet, ftanoporilk,:smosl Woad ate elite t aint u pie me In a short parsed It mums!, • her simplainta and restored her health: Wag paled kr. the beaks she recebed, I take pubn in thus ookoosrledr. imp itoks4 tl 4 4. recommendng it the labile: IC D. Matti, AUany, Aug. n. coy, of card re d Lydia ob. Lossaeur., Sept. Ma, 11:10. Dr Ibtravendi To a d whore this may conters—This it I to certify that my vac wed me bottle of pe Sansparilla previous to her amtkatient, span the mot ;Jena* mot delicate 'ciecusanances, being blal with the , == leof the feet, nervous aed Very d with mypermasion, sad the reecainedaion of abbe who had used it, Mr was blamed to try it, with We or ma kith; .ml mace it to ea p th e modals. lam sad_ debited elbet,not oily in dm. bp. a bat %ter tbo cs:iion of me week of as Om!. t h e . deeps, lad Wt .= boa vee way. ip an eamitibotg 1,3=, awe heal., cure iter Um it hod beat be a tone pre vious. If the will be of any reset:; to Jos, oc.any cue wit. doubts the ...sof the medicine, you ;myna...) wdeoene to ituribe myself your most obedient ad Wised...a. S S 1111.20.1. • . TO :110111EAS AND MARRIED LADIES. This Estrum of Saraparilk has bsca arms* pawed in rand. to female complaiteml No (=de Id° bas ro wel to app.. axe is approaching that critimlperkid,' Tho torn of Iris," should neglect to lake it i at it ia a muds yiremitim for any of the numeral. and hada& dames to which farad are subject a thiMairne of life. Tad priod may be delayed yr. ad pars by ming, thiimalicid. Noe is tt lea ealdbla to doe who ate appraahhogandenhaal, a i.eacaao *ad nature hy gnickium* am blood aod iuegnntiny the aptem. Indeed, this =died is Sara table Go all of the delicate &SEW/ to shkh' erases are alb, et. • . : braces th e "thole naiad macs perstonently Ma Wu to sentottag the Impin die boly—sot to far adulating the optima at to prodd. • "dampest to boatiou, labia. is th e raw of mid medic/an lakes Sat female weaktuss dame • GIRLS READS THIS, Yoa who Ler pie rempeome, dull *o,de:hes m do fre,,rough .kit, or freckle,. ad an " of • a belle or two of Dr Tommie's' It will dram you blood, remove, lite - feeble. Wad., and giteF:latio garland am dm besallfal ma all of whirl ars of usenet to =MT - rind • / • DYSPEPSIA. No thud or medicine hoe ewer been nod aid& so nearly restothe the "Mir juke or dig. 1. demagog.' food mad gregtheuag the epos of dirge!, os UM ration of of Samparilla. U./ DIVA/M1171.4/h.i'Atiq 1 49 Dr Iletriumulu Sir —l lime bees 'et.r ••••11111 pan with 0h to Rs want , buswedrailol aid soar nese of domelh.lies of sporthe mare* iwarthag e Mg peat ovetsion di Limb ofkmd,satiid woe (ant mula cal,) I bore been tumble to rstaia Pt a mall portion m soy sumach. I tried the and ramie, hat ley nut Idae or oo effect In rearriag the Mageat. Iws hail dorm!, about two maths gars. to try par lidnei dike. porde, sod I mummy with little mo..eser, bat der talag mut twosttles, I fbuod appelawaporied o awl dea hairdo. ely reatoredmati I a araeolly new toad the me °fit to Rea who ham hem' alllimg al ham been. Yours, ife., W. W. Yea Noe. , ?Stateside& • " Autos? 'WRAC/A, Wed the fialowirigoad doubt if you ma,,that mosetasys. tee mina be cured This Mealy me of the lemma heeled eases that TO.llol•PsSaispoitlio boo eorod Do Ihmesenif.-Der Sir. I ma taltalq a title orar a year no, with a moms camp . stal pia he my .111 e. It to emo on toe 'en fast i lofted. I woo by phy.- dolma. to hare the quk roodepter nised imp gout. Waal of bed mem, had eight @mom, ma Magnum Sate ey doctor sad br coold En. en. it Ira* leo the hoopitallsbor of being bead bear premed des as lamina , Ima now gently tithe hop ma roda hardly berate I at became remeishill, epee to ie; woo eroded to o p bed, ead outs *egg to ego orsiebom. hared 1 meat gent you say demisdiat ted would ddjudite to my mese. les supladd by my dings to be yostrogewery ; IMA tried a pet lumen of roadies, oad ail I.l.otra babe to tio Wpm. I red of soma mom es traordiuory corm performed by your moikino, 0i b ods you the truth, I impede then was tot lO.tholl than. Ile Imu educed to my , I did so, and Ma may thaattlel I di& I moo say that Ime mil, bta ms to Air trimmed m tot be seat soy blades, Ind hope to be ate. ly and kw weeks. 01y ..nr ...I ia die ride, and rage smote hare kit sad roise bed vey Mae, an d ma fad piping my mid Amore. I kh it • tidy to it. y • Automat of my cam, establish i(Yea Pima. ' )Wen Hauser. 47 Link st,Esuoldp. Oplslaas of phyaaans. Dr Townabsod is slonostdaily Teeming eedemi Ikons phy swims is &Sarno parts of thallsios. • • This is to orrlify Sist we, the nadorigned, Physkimis of • • the City of klbally, have In numerous mei potion/of D. Tuwasesairs SassmowDs,:mul Wiese ittohe we of the most satiable prewar. of Su Sasummeln_ S Mew mdse. • • tOttnisol ' • J Wrtassis ft ZS Ilatmall,Mll, , • P ELlicanalrot p. This is to certi that th. mold." hoireouian Phydess fy as ado we, City of A ® bare frosseas. ty presenisul Dr Towourturs Guayas:4 Extract • of /bow wilts, sad from its known goal:tics weahl nmeormiewl irks the pub prefersrial, eulsions, and adore utemom eases, io say r the advertised ommslim emu is use„. •A W liesscat, r, • A Sony April 141 B Brarroa, r. neipaloffum, 126 Fallon sy Sus ft/Abe. La.. dias 4. Co Mats st lkototo Dr DIMS sin. North &w -oad st Phitolslphim 8 8 lissee th = lb. a %Mt Ws end tber%7Dismtue 1 !. "4" ' Nom voideilti Mak. Put ma lo do gr. wm. betties, obi& mobilo n same sod Spool with the wrilles Spoistre of S TOWNEEND,and Osamu, blown an Ute Ohms nom Ow New York Daily ilarr April9,lM7. the .thad=rap:aien. ts The whole Wog is pa up os good tasto r; wow of the ems mead lawlersno painospara betistiful, whlels, together Via the scroll work, in pole, gibes:Mos mos. soolowshow • • rasely Merallot firoadwry. {lfe tske this opportmity to say wi believe this setrset of the Semajorap dogma ths tory teem popularity Mimi Acquired. ~ • Albany, April 1',16.45 . • Nervous Debility. • • . New Yeate,llionek.l2,lsl7 • Dr: Townsma t—lbale ban &Meted mete or less kw 2 '- years, with a dreadful livid.% in the chest, tiddm ks Dee !teed, low of appetite, pun m the lianheybadseseral daft, beeght-on anointed by the =Pineal twat. cal to wide* • . lam subject to in ;gleam. as a drat 1 heti tithes WM ;11 Waal.% too numerous evocation, be with Wine name- •. etas. 1 wen Waned by whatnots in ihipeperabellb • of your hanapasiVa, floe which lipase prat ltaK than since takns several tonneboules, end I ears enhealltdinply G is Use best =Aid= 1 hese ever takea—tha pun its .1 L • - chew is oat, and I feel quite IdlikTell illllll4 =bow *ow I hue liken yone Satsapaeills. I bare 06.11" tban ial ever I hod. ~ di fe teken with the moste=. ppla•rpnwaseend it sit a hotly =milking" ; generally, and I feel nowise-A list If r ea:Athens woul net :. he half the Wawa there is, ainLownwirtudy set so ahoy Doctor , * bills; 6.r while it messes amble, st oho Oleo 'the stomach and bowels then. regular tomtit keeps Das •, so a healthy Pase,ws that &mes n noisolikellto elbothfht tyntent Awl in ell these who see ant in a bt ,, atbystste,ll lay 1.7 Dr Tomtend , .Saskaparilla. Tams a !Fresh 21•111171.. Canker le abos lttjnklw is an orrooatot soother child owed. Dr Towlemoitto Ttooisparill• ktis mord the Ural of lhoirouth or tbitelrem.— The billowing . rerbfroOr is *acrid Int. • {al ember crrrik.l this week. • Ig 1 • _ o* oay April tI, INI. •Dr Townsend: Drar sirt—Orte'or rl rtektrr• so 'err\ T sick with the (Tabort in the meta and Owlt mauled with gnat Orbiter. flame near dritip kobtsiont Nom orywC .tcalert medic:a, tat it cstrvi it diewly, roe irkiris 1 aw wore Tat I reel very orsteful, . Toros isepseddly, &mangos Fewina,S7Dowlessee re. - For see by R ESELLERSDrisreisb, Serf WAWA,. who hr. - aypotabie by De +, - TOWNSEND ode aged for , 'IIIAS Removed in the hone ea Pea - pier4,thr ee doom above (toed sweet 1114 a a . . sere hamony be.krand has IP eeleelt .Y.,11111.1151 , 1‘4 , ' As he is desirous of being eta p lay ed awe We Doofb who will make iontertituts moult, lifter Ow': orrosollT on how panel' tenoning. he Endorse. tirolar t tioo to' th e hollowing winos !LEWD, Napoli] engirsEon of agog days, will be dewed atthe?i r For VAtisai wtognt ng Teeth, St • 3 For Filling Wan WE io 53 per eavitg.• • All oilier opera:woe in the same properties - All rases on whirl enVigensebO . 0010118 4. bills will be considered dee recording us the awe gm, ,ft EL—Tbere are Dose ladeburd ow his velem emits, if two pad lowitetbately., will be p_teeed see hands of a proper carer for wills EgUIIINEWIE9
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