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'" ''''''',.,•':',-.'"..- • • i ." , ..":„:-..1.•••„:". , : -. .:•:,: , .' .. .7, - -- , -;: „ . --•-,-., -.' - - ,'- •• ... ~„ - '--,...„ .. 1 -....-1-- . .- A r --. , -,,: ' - ~. -_,- - '.-. .;:. : j 4 ,_ ~-; -, ~. -• ~.., .-:-..-.. F -,:.. .. , ~.-,,, i --.,-... -,-.„. ~,,,,,,: - ., „ . . --,-. , ,,: 3 ! „ .1-‘1 , :.;•„„z 7 , -, .., ! •,,,.., i ,',.,.--." , ..-- i .,.p. -.. . ~.. . . -.. . . . , .. • ...- . • " . . 1 - - -' . '• ~- . .i._ ' ' - . ... :„. , , . . • , „ • .• .. _ . . . -'- ' • ' ..- . i' . . ..... •. .. - I T . . . , . ...... . , . ... ... , . _ .. _ .. _ I __ •—_--- —— . ..... +//,1,11011\7/ , VITT "V V.). i Q 4'l' XIV: NO: ' 2SS . , VOL. ' . BUSINESS CARDS. -- .A. L ir... gtatra ;tit et antS4 Wtert:r7;os Frenrsj, htto.arets. ambit _________----i—aairl— A 1' WOOD, JONES Oa Co., Comas and ri j-,,,- ward mg Nteretiarns, have returned to their old V.R.,{i ,o , ater and Front streets!Prttsbar_ WINCIIidiTEIR., dealer Wall kindle( Int . pm tea and lhar..ie Zeprs. ISpy.niatt Leaf, and he ri..,,cegi Lirt,lmouf (+CV/11g Tduasso, wboiesale and 421... t 50. re. rd Street, !Itl.,ltripi.. Yen . itLaux. mews MM. a 4 and Rama .11- , I COIDCI Ldbe C ny and ft. u, mean t B Ytt I) . A. FdL lIINVINTOCK CO. Wboleaalek. ! miter WocoleY. hyl A LEV SNITIL IVll,4calee Ortmerly 18 Lo 4.0 %% ood ucco., IwtontaL . in{ (...l UAG ALE!! COM Wlsolcsale Gm- Ynnfuee dreier, IZI Macket name. be• th and MI, Nliflil.2l I A. McAMC - -- y & CO., Forwanling and _ pit&bunO, meta • - 1 r Olt NDI.I 1.(10111IS. Atlorosy nt Law, oi -1 / . /4”.1 Isl. ye trtlatakel. 1411171 y own /oho F. inonings. J osN i .ti . ticran. 11,1.101 AX, 11.111,1 , 11A111 & Mrat toren •.• ..; ~ . . a :r Sonny...o Arls, A. 8. and Spring . cow h rtilllolll4l, of event net. ..... n otttontrit.ii out Si. Clam oryboion 43 tt. ..ppi.,lrtrtt tinnier lin sr Wtel. Any/ it NA tAtrlllAti & 130$11164X,Wholentale Gro eo•littro.000 god Fororaultos Mesors% Jr:t•,• Itttnittytt nod hutittargh rdDia I •1. l'll harAA 11. s• ncroorr. i re ti.Stil i t & stkrs.NlollT, Ignecpaors so 11. ra. V.. I Wholesale Groenrs, Onntrussion Onki mwaohog ttletclinnta, Damien itt Prodse• .11nd Iho,,,t9reh Nlsoufaciuses. sau, %oaf •11.1 t of 1 it./11T:I• 11, Impeder and wholesale arta retail ..1..34.1 ;II ruta y ntel Staple Vamiy.Goodsh the meg 041., Mattel slseeh peat Libeely. Far burgh. Pa oelll. .1... int a Liit:li. DrAar at rmoduec and 1. asistly 12. Hr.,' ti,e,r , , No 424.11 , 2.1 y Gt. nen adorn. nor. ner ... 21.t.2ri ..... __ 328 ty 1-1'""f1....t."1"5i al,: V/ EL fl U. 11,T i'' 8' 1a . ., .1/PtiOirr• gni ,0114 held, 1 1 .21,22 A en 3d 1 .11.1 .' dt2 27. 22 , 1d.1y ---- --- IP 121 AN It Al v. azet.L.T 0 iii , S. la.ilet air tisane r. j; ,-114 ..ans ...It. 0 site I).noltd, ILeunti door MAY Dor stoutt I A Ile., Vou.lostrAtt_,_____.. __L_ , gt , 0 .r•I i iaall 0.11•.. I,N Vl A Ur, S giiiBIIART, Wh0122212th0r2 r2 .., is, d •21. - I, 111 111•AlliCe .114 PilliAbUrth Inintiliale• WIC' ,tll Lir t 01 td,city sod Iland na., rdtabiagb, Pa __,_ lalll.ll 11bINNIETS. (Into En tub, Ge r. I . r di trroetw,Commiction and Fe,.. arding M.0.-tan, end Meets . in Produce and Pm. :..n• 5 tlcounl.uFra, Nu. 37 Wood pones, between mud "Pura o• al Wwl •V • .3 , 1 , ICS • ( d i 111 . , A•lOrO . oom ca oh' v olt W A lIU an. a W witTZOITIALDR.it , flare genPred their attire tu oanh - a", between Merry Miry and Grant ap,ll strrei . P It Ftiood. tloo Rho'. dad. Miioaf. 121 t , led Li, dill Mir & CM. Wholesale Ildocero, r hog ea. 11.41.111 MrtOstos, and AgootoßirPridtdon Cutti.d low., Nos 47 Wateraod ilie Froatareen Ptt. baton. i . feb9 , • ---' I,.i °LUNA:, ham. Pone Modisfactorer add ddal- • v r ‘u ',looter trOtrutuorod, Ili Wood meet, ow oieta3 Joan A. irourrn. 0 1.,A8.5Y1`1115. Co, rua C0M1D11 , 601 1 4 and Forwarding • Mefri.O.L. Nu. 3.1 Weer " VIA ASCU BELL,EII.I, tracer, Coanussion • Al. , trbant and &Wet as Prodsee, Cortege, Ods, A, A 4`. No. 17 I.iiwny w, neat Canalßuin, Faunal-4 N. O. l'Aelt, Aiwa& Rope, Le, always on mom. _ F.Mar k bres,llloliery, bad 63 et Wee', I .0 re.. MOSWag. WiTISULSJI /ULM S. Shi.oll.oE IIIOHOAN i CO., Wholesale Gm. %.3 . gess and Commission Merchants, LOS Wood street rnts,amaVa avglt _ 11_16.0. A. DICILRY Wholegate Coxes and Cons. k..T nom , . Morainal. and _Dealer in ravines and Pittsbunsh Manors. won NoNo D Wood- Pittsburgh . tiro. W 6rtuth. •' ' M. D. Prourtt. /1.b.0. V. 112111TII fr. Co., Brewer, Malsters, li will destersid pops, 1 i ming/1a nue 14401 Brw . erie, l'cult and Pm Musts. . jan4 UIKOMUS COCHRAN, CessittibUttOti end For. untiring Merchant, N 0.16 %V onaueet,Piusborgia 0t. , 6 17 .. _---,---,------- - lona. s,. HU. , Deo. U Llecorne. • I_l . lll. im ds w BILOWNE; qmzetrt to H , V , Vit l'oPer end GetirrVaper ;Varebon'te,4lZt."el Wood street, Pstrriirgl - ' • jePU _ -- Li itoir,o.eutethe losun, Pitlemro ' LIEVLD iltattar lr lut a 2V. 4 n iilfL i Trtp ..to4 ts,i An' inn asT. SonsSiVICICIT, 1 91.1A11. DICICZY lc Co, Wboleads Orme* blerchanis anildealers U, Produce, Nom w mecatul OF Front sireols, Panbargh. nod OAILPIIi KADZ. Aiiconey o Lam Pionlnodb, lio. resumod ibo towhee of his professioit o 14.• Jaw.- Nit 7,ll,kearell!s Grout *ma. ad dultng hi. al.ente 41 7. J. liigtonn. soil J. rupd k " li olll 1.);III061.1&5 Wholmain.liksgiourt, and d '3lcr , Oro Aui, Yams, Oils, Vamsolsos, &a No oil 'mei, ono door Youth of Dissmosi&Alley , ' ud OISCS• 11‘.1‘11.11, & Co . IS.Ce**Olll ro Soosph Dxtiel Ship Chaudlcto.ai W tu. ocZ. J`t!'.„N,ltltd i ef.it gains, Waite& Cat*: on annetally. No. St Woo 4 Pawbutils 11.7.(ta5• bought or taken in Ina°. sep_t_h_ 1 sC UOON PLANER £ CO. wholesale Dog. .1. vs.. No. W Wood rt. Patsbwitt. .. Wroth •10 , 1V.P11 JORD&O & 501. Coossolssaa; sad ./ l'fwArd'im At balm. N 15 Lthert 451,1App0.A. .i. 4.1.1 .1`4.,f , l oL t m% Roar 011 A 4.<lA GLAVIN, Anomie, at Lay, ONce J betwt la want and Smithfield, southlairss side, Peloorch : Pot, IC ill also attend pronspily to Its dir 10t PA VIM. AUCTIONEER, comet Fifth J ...a Petsborich: osth 1 .1 011 X U. Ell W _Whol,sUie r • I AO (.0.11.1013,..1 Merchant. Water street. iind alKove the It culed4 Midge, Pittsbsrolc O r ,: lion, :glu 1u5.: at maturracturrni. Pratt I Oil NIPTOTIi lITOCILTOX. luudt.ellers 4/ 1.,..0cr• 1,,r • .i.eaolartu ~,,, Na. 44 Matte S. Itn•Ouica 1.. %%NAL) . * 14wit :state, hese Mut:" et. J t•lateeeel,Theologit al, Ilettorteal, 14000, Aloehl- Verteis,•ll./ Mrtreudi. Moto I.llll+tattoteree. e4eX 4%. hIOLIa*HUN b CO., Naaliet• :Ad E .1 .rlta OnAte... !mac( of wood and 'nerd *tree' ISlerrltant. (lac. lititlilingsjYtleargh, Pa. t the hrual rates. 10 IV ORURO, Wholevee Groner, deal. Pro .) Plineknykili•Allfseturel, 'Pm k.c.ae, y n...llnhartyYn. rinsionti. And J Mlo ohn Floyd. lbehanl Floyd. • o. VLOYD, pale J. Floyd t. On] Olndesnle .1 ..I:_n_nc:elsi 1y0..111/ ANN% DALZYLL, Wbolnale nwe r.coensais. al awn Merchant., and decer Piranntauld Pittsbera. lanetactares.!:,.l4 War st.ritltosollt. • large , S. WATIERWLAN,- WhokW.. foe. voudlng •n.I Conuatudan Merchant, Drain in Manauctnons and Prodana, Nos :11 Water . L 11C.W1,1 ,11MT.C111140P1 Co., Who tirdeerii V.,mard . na sot Connailsion ld.rchanu, and del. Cna Musafaciares, be., No. 45 lyater and 9 mt..., a tirnry tA.lbrd, • • • John 510 p... I • 11411 EAT SUIPTOA, Wholesale Groccoi, rerwartliny, and Coma/salon IlLerehanu, Dudeni n rualadn• odd PM:Lindh soundacturcs, n and =Wood ' fetcl:l_ Joh. 31.4/01. S. U. Onshaeld. Jaa.•ll. hA' Tsst i Otr M. • elhialls=itge'r n 1 Pr; 1 ly_ al Alien. Aeki....N=„. Wa i f Niot2 Wsit . 4 and Fran ' : 14141weenWe n o t il andslarkel. lane AI7IC.RII, 111)11T 6 11 &Co, Wholesale Greets U 1 N0.1t9 iirefertaese. V. eieberrtim MSICICIETSON. Whotele. Ora ours and Ceneniegion Nerebente, Nol7o Liberty *lmo, P. 1.14,11110, ‘.• MC ORD d eCI/10, wholesale and laud Da and Cap. de and dealers 1.0 Pura/ ewes , of ..sot and Irldh 1.,t SLis .a X, Wholesale (meets. Detterap Predate ued Salt. and Forwarding and Comm,. van Mertanintr, Noe is Libeny and ra Wood wino,' I'doleoah. . No. 55Mark z-orr...h.D 4 uTtgl : tl.hange, Certifiessei or ' . Cullabor.• matte elir ro ia dr Irstomel St.on rh.67.thilia v deel7 copolf. WILSON S CO., Whole.le Thy 16..161n - s, N.. 1 Wod wen, nusbvilh julnuciii. 01 1 1=1.T. tt li end . Fo O r . wirdi W og )4tretlagTir4; 1100ALTSIJAI.111PPILUT, rrcadoce-b;ij. .n. rf • on saerthants,"No LOP Secom4 I mpg I.I4IKCU, .Importer 11\ 1..1r, in sad .I.luotestse Badalaly Itur. w+te arid I.:Vltio.e .grosestria,of Ail de•Criplloo% ho .146 •1 , • I • 40. +MON .11: WilckrlV'nl"ain'VtDrrit7.ll ralihulah• Lihony st. oppoww Nokia- Pittotw,h VileilAllD ISAR!), wholesale and retail dewier' Diu l.eusher, Morocco, ers showask , Toolsawl rad ,I s ,.lawtels Tools, and Tanners Oil, No. Wood At. , pill U. ",. c 0mm ,...0n s &o." od Forvrarding . hin If rl6ll ,eroduee And Pittsburgh Alasautacuuts: y rrrtet. Pd . - • fabfl RodO. 10111.21. SAX Z.: 11. 11:01111 , 11. 16P • 'ROBISON oo.v.Wboleellp Uromers, pm. d.c. and coonei•sioo Alerchumi sad Dollen in l'utst.ongh bl.uvjur tures; N0..1t0 Liberty street, Pius. burgh,: Ye, • 10.10 BUSINESS ',C tIRDS N• Attorndt at 14.0:r0w *4 L. ltaterrelly. nearly opporrire thetr Di . LI • _a_Ettltd3• OLINT LLOOLUL. Wholesale Grocer, Prouty log Distiller, dealer in Produce, Prnalurprb Plum. fuouras,and all loads of Forego and Gowen , : Wines and Lin _ears, No U klucrty street. Patilrurgh. MT Y. B. On band very larae stoat of superior 014 Plusiortgaltela Whiskey, ripen setU be sold love for 1.. 0. Eteyentee. DIGYNOLDP 81111 E, Foreraithnit and Cone /1. liftmen Melees's+, for the AllegbettY lil•T o “tet thealersilaGroterirs.Yroduee,Pitteltu telt hlanufeetures • • . and Chloride of Lime. The highest prieca, in cash, paid at oil times for Counoy Raga Corner Penn and Irariu an. B C filiocklett IVhite. QUACILLICTT a VITINITE, Wholesale Dew 0 lem In Forelgn rad Domestic Ur i Llmds, No tog Wood street, Pateburgh fehl7tf QWrILANLOAVOII. Wool filerehMatt, skul l-3e eat tn Oboe and Prodnee generally aud Forward lag mud Cotormation blerchatna, No 5.1 ‘Vmal Pittsburgh, juitl ween ANUEL PALMER, AuMney at Law., thfice Umedls lmildtog, ft Fairth greet, bet §ood and Smithfield. Li • uovadkortv TEPOEN BA.N.RETT. !Manufacture. , of Fan ocp,Slia• lac Soaps. %Flair. and Summer pres.ad Laed Oil, ise. No 17 Fat at, between Wood and Marto ma Pittsburgh. Ps. • oettt Q F. VON BONN..IIOIIST a. Co., Wholesale o•Grocen ''orarstrding and Cuuturission Merchant% Dealers in P.ttsburgh Mannfacturea and Western Fro dace, have removed to thew uew orrachouse. told stand) No :It, comer of Front at and Maas.) . tree. . 1 . 77 § ARIVIEIs KIEIts I'Lorvrarding Comm,. ts Mon Merchant, Mater to Froduee and ' b rgb manufactured articles, Canafilth,l Itasin, nem 7th rat. 421_ Fl, 1.11 . 947 - avicacatisne it sl, .111.F.1111{TrCe.,•1112 nr , h. rle -I:ei Wood Hoer Pont, aIIiASSET di BENT —Wholesale lirueeto & Commiettion hiereharra, and dealer. in Prodder.— 3th 33 Wood sheet. Yinyttnygh. aver* TUGS. KENNEDY, .11.. Looking lila*. hlaitufacto e and Dealer in Clock., Combs, and Variety lanad m s, , earner of Woodand Fourth etreeta Ott Formh. BJF ory . TP. FORSYTH & Commonnou Merebann, .dealers iu Salt, Lunabrr, GrOceriens Produce .40 Psusbargh Manufacunes, Canal Damn, Lawny •nreet, PiurburelL. fet, zd. W - 40 le Grocer., V • Reetifiing nod W t.aattl L.Antor M. .I•tinnu, No. IGO Librry. a“ert, Lappa.nLc Sans airean,l Ptn.barek. , 'eV XXIX 0. 0M... Till M CAMOI.AX IVICK 11VCASDLE.139.(tuccee.or., to L *l' .1 0 Wiek,) Wholosale Gower, F or war ding and Commission hlerchants, floaters in Iron, NXll%.(ii.{, Comma Volta rind Ptttsbutgh klationseuiros generally, eolnekof Woodaod Watts os, rittobotatt. WBIURPUY loon, ti r o loftbss to call and *clamant his stork of INettek Worked COnan , . sake an low as 25 eon.. oteht3 011.E.E11, hvapti . nx 'arta aryl Ilittslataltouraten4,3elanarop'et 07 \Vltter :PS Pauthfirld Pitmburgh. _ LITMOLLK tr. WOLFF, 3‘,.1 , 0ne , " Wboletale Dealer* so Ilagdwarn, Cutlery. Fa ter,comer L.bery J Clair .trerm, Yo aidt' W M. ?r t. : \7ll B" at„VhVtrala ' ,Tl:L ', " l:' • ' l d t ,‘ Za 'h Y ' t where he is prepared to slit r very der, tip Mill Of KU I Ilg and Hindittg. siert WW. WAlfatTeaCrar atolie and anti tam Ore ing eatabliaktrar nt, 244 tatterty rtet, near the nartrra • UV' dli c in s MJWCIIKLTKICE., hoI thrtoller, mod W Dr , and Luruor I..ben) ropixerar 141.1 W ra.,l . _ , L r.yrY•rily_ . ..0 4 11.: ROLIIHSON. /Moro., st.l.arr, has :t ;hut slc4: A irei:.ltrlo ". .l2:lso r t h .rolrt. liptdarrY • WAT H. VAYLILVILALLD, Dealt, $l. ralt , y.orld V Dry Goo4s, No 7Y Merkel 'tyro, l'an,lioryr. • rrovarily s 41 - IEGICAIIfti - WlLV74,ollll;trroiniS , harm "rs' Donner) Slrbolesale Grocers, ere nose twered o •t... Wood st, ocher. , they offer for sale tam asicn , cor of Goßenes nod Pittabergle Mentrfacorres, et llose .rll,l , sad On favorable terms crown ----Vy W. WILSON, Dealer in %% atenes,Jetrelry, t • Saner Ware, Military Gonda, .k.r-, N0..57 lac- Ir i•treeL na, jt r iciavartiiirTii - z.awi. , :i w.,1 - ,i.0 . r, r. rir .Foredast and Ctomelll, DT r Goods, no ent itle/ Al.ketand Fourth eta 'I _ass - , . . I,' f!,,. f.. P. L a n I' Itlfa ' s f '.;;,..?:`‘...":,f...ru..1. - '' h . :l Hand weeds, will seep a constant supply tdthn't , e•t analteines,ltetfuntery, ese. I Phyitieiatds prennpneen eoally eanposadnd.— Sledieines eats be had at all unarm n-t of the night: • fehindly. thrarafirt l fiour. VI wording Merelimy, Second, ...Wood vireo,. Pittaborgl.P. feblB Itrllll. DAIIII.INGTONy Attorney at 'Law VVYy Pnwhoreh,. Pa, .o.l.lMiCiner to take the as ataisrlerigweeni arid prow of Deeds, I.eaee., Contracia, Deposition/I,ot any o ' the- writing loader real or not,/ ba lured or meander:l :be State of Ohio. Other on Third strirehaboyetioDt Acid. jell-tt tlin C. AuurnJy at 'Late Filth sweet, near Smithfield. coneeung,iwo riot nod other business attended to with punetnahly. •• • • Smells & Semle, Melo n LI A Fahoestoek & Co, John Merlon, Ceq,' 'Graff. Lindmay & Co, John W rgin. James mteutly. F. N . M. w.;ku sel4-tv .1. 11/LVAII. RECTIFYING DISTILLER, - , WOOL=ULT. DIULII. _l■ FOpION k DUIRSTIE 1V119.1 k LIQUOUS, I.w. 114 Libaly qt., and 53 Diamond duky, PIPLSOURUII, PA- P/7.111 WARRICK inAwriri & Co.: 6.. km, wag.. ExAssors, llook 004 Coo • Comer of Third and t Jowl SUCCIS Plittsbpralti, II W W . Wm. hi; (Summar. to Lowrie 4. Willimm,l WILLIAMS A. • ATTORNEYS AND COEN, SELLOSS AT 11,KW. lI3HISce Nortti nide of Fourilt aLev as S troletel.-00 febl7diattlyl , 111ENILIti ATTORNEY and Guamanian . at Law, CI NCENNATI, OHIO. Collections an Southern Ohio and in [lndiana and to Iconicity, promptly and carefully attended ta. REFER TO—llan. Richard Bantle Wm Hell A. Son, [ C NUN, Win 111 , Knight,Chirreh kCarother., Intro Say., Kan, Jame* S Wtuart,sllock Dame.. • Olreer Blackburn. Gear, IL :tones A(vHoLigity t•Cifirir RP l 'ale C re O :n Con ' stoma, and g ' inabargla adanstruioredaniele. ,ll ave on hand aI nmea a roll and general a...ailment of m (heir lin e. Water euret, near Elgegiy . A „ :l;7, gIUESE OF TDB JUNIATA 'l4o ' itliS, 7011 YES 1/Le 01 BOILER IRON, VOILER lIEMt 4 , FLUE it FIRE • 11Ell• IRON. E. F.~SH'OENBERGEF~ mken the Warehow. , 6.,renetly Ocecpied 1,1 M. 14. .ey a. co. Water Street. sear Result Steam 11111, Will keep on Land a nili eityjny of all inert i a Boiler Itonind Heade. Flue moil Fire-Bad Iton, wade note Lu liotionieta eteente; *hied will Le *old at lhe town. market Mee. Feign. Illuitilete and other.. are invited o dl and wiamine his mock. • Orders rreenpily et mind to. TOIJ X TOWNSEND. Usurer. , till. , Ar l d." LI may, No 45 Market, thire door. altireelThird Pluiborith. will hare eouttanity ou band it Well orient ed anent event of the heat and treihei.ifiledimilethwhieh ' he will nets on the on resoonahre tenni. Phynieitins iendlecoiders will be tramline emended in, and rap pliendwith articles they may rely mthrt as goo se. Phymetanid Pm...moron , will Or tunitiateht and entity prepared from the bent mammals, OA nay sane of the day or men. Alb for Dale, Sit large wok of treat and good roan- Jeweller o W . W s. ..ITSanNhiat'lt'eTor e lfirte and wed ...Meted mock of timelier, Jewelry. Saver, ware and Goode. Alwayi on hand end Lit retee ras vta Once., Gold Patent Lute fall inwellril %ratchet , Mw as was Itith Silver do windier.. il , rlOW Sip 1,. Gamma Cooper. Moser. Juin.. uthroilia approred makerof Welrbei may be h-,d stt 'mall 'intimate mitt warranted. liD. ' Fite watch wink done its the eery loin manner. • P. Mat.vamt.Ja . • atc...P- !Agnate /MINT GLASS ESTABLISIMENT. ULVAI'IIs LEDLIKIII2OI4II44Itran.I krrp con. RN. litatitlf . on hand Cat, Idoalde.land Sod Glaemare, to all its earieues, at their Wal , hou.e rut tier of Market and Water streets, PiUxburt Ovt NVorka continua in fall oprration, ad are me con.tan ly adding to oar noel, watch enable. na 41411 otderi with promptness. Pateba.ora net ne.peetfally solicited to call and minute prices and ter... - J. B. SWEITZER ATTORNEY AT LAYV, OM!. _Oil St, oppoette It. Charles 1110 tel. WILL also ancod inomptlytoCollectioes,in Wash V iagtort,Farettc toulGrern Countie., Pa. Res. co Vilackstock, Dell & Cc.l ' Church it Carothers • Pittsburgh. i • • D T. Morgan • ITTCD X a ' MA l lPFAsnulUdestr*SET'Vr":tana.ar'LinnS.lrpani Iron Ware; Noll Market street. The sutocriber retreat. telly tails the attention of the Wcinern !filerehalars, c o untry Wilms, and others. to his large neck of roan clammed Tin`ud Copper w•re, with a large assoit• twee of import House Varnishing Hardware. - Wholesale begets and the alibi tc generally, arc in vi led to Ball. linits,l nms) taIIARJAPOS Nto if trs. TfORNEY AT LAW, l'illebsTgb, PA. ettitum. EA siene t in tette tbe prod and netnovilldninents M pry 10 be rennin. waxedin ibn Sinter of lIF.NTUCYV, FIRIANA, TP:INILKSEE, MIS:411111 and Office. 11.1.0. Casiehle. h • ' eI _' , tr ... . 660 . W• %MITI! & URF:WEILA. hinterEas AND liOP VF.ALtiIIS PITTSBUILGII• MID POINT BREWERIES. Cons. Darken Alley And Deem St, aIW tijol of 1411,54 Pitiabfirgh. I ' 2 "VA : & W. so's Biticil t 4. lsh !". 111INUF Tll Ell OP BTARCH, Wr Al gru NTE ,ma r llli C on=t4Winr * Of el 1014, sod ea (pad Term, i • Elm er Pa n.'r.Tataow I MCA.. aulaaai: • M . P. ft I. NIICLSON k ANUFACTWRECS of Hammered' S lovehr and ttpadeo, Hoes, 1117 and M.ora. Forks, Ac. wo,boo.c, No It Wood m611,1'111.600. tnlrl3 FORIVARDING & COMMISSION. IMZI:= IZ== • • • wALLiatwionD A Co.. CONINIIASIUN & YO4WARDING • 14141,31. In PEAVV . NARDiPARP. AND PITTSBUR(7II, MfANUPACTURES, Uk/ AREtit.aSt.S Second street, near Wood, and V Canal Hann Liberty AMC. have un hand and for role 16(1,0(10 lb' a....arted Steel. via: Naylor a. Cola thettl.OheNr. Mote.. and (jenny.. 1,1, & Quonea Mn Plater Spong and Fora 1 dox Shuvels, Spade* and tart. , Carriage •prings and :fake; Anvil., (man: ha ,lPtcoN (Palo. oad Siedgea, Sledge Nnutdo.Crownars; Furnace Ringers, 11111111. tritOO) Mattock. a, Clay and COal A act, ythe., wrtlea, Lk% ei Sift. ? ke.. he.; Irrsalarnataler Fire Proof Safer , loon. Nailf,Gla.m and other rttletMegh hianufactua es said at the eldblown.t par f C R Daneklntwer, .1 Renaido Sunk. CHARLES It. DANENII.3WICO. & CO. TOBAcc , c. CUMMISSION MERCHANTS, 59 :South Wha lLADELrves, and PII No VC wrath %Valet at PIILAt EG to infanm the trade and , slealars generally of B Pittsburgh, that they haw, made such arraneentrats with the Pierian manafacturer. and the. Crowers of the West, %% est %whew and other places as wilt nisyre a large and miasmal aupply of the followiag de.enp wine of globate° which will be sold Oran 11s arrow. too-Dung terms as any other house in thw city or cble. where, and all goods Ordered tram thew awn be war ranted equal to repreaentationt— Itavanaj t. Domlngo; Conn., Para; Porto Rico; Penn'ad Seadlwat so Cuba; Irwin; and Florid barred ALSO-- ; llranctia celebrated Aronxtic Stag Caven dish, with a large toutortutent of other popular brands, end qualities of_pounda, 5 1 he 12. Ms and 3es Lump; Ss es ha and 10/1 Plug; Ladle,' Twist; Virgini•.Tavist. be, sweet and plait., in whoto and half Wirt, wood and lilt, together with every variety of article belong. inn to the trade. jeltbdly 1/T.Tribeill— • LI IN ANDKI....f, -•— - Lt. Ult La, Lfur of Pitt.burgh, Po. . • . . . lotte of Nasloolle, hon. I EEIMER & ANDERSON. Dealer. , in Cotton, .LA Fotwanlintond COMM• 51011 Morolu.O., No. li nont ....el, above Litand.niy, C131[111111.. 0h... UM= Al &Non &Co, Ilegatcy & Salm. l'imlutt Wm..thogtom. Sony & It.tophord. hlonin .t. tic/timer, Veoonut & Artnimod. W K Lam & Co., lAmoville, KY. Spoiuter & Whmoion, JIM, it:41110Y & CO. Hewett, Urn. & Co., ter Orlraos Maggregrot & Moroi., hew loft. Duvall Keighler It Union re. ,MM,Flagaity & PitilltlVlpitil Bum' Reston, l'oxioo ionll • J. G• W. Lo'comb. W NV ii.ll J. G. W. LE W FTICH & CO., EIVINU,;FORW And Commission Merchants, PLAI4IIICMIRK, La. DARTICVLAR 11.nliust pont to cosorgnent• of Segor I.:ogi ors, or otnr t Allltle. for Opelousstr and AMR spar. • . ItErElt To-11114.n. Shed:chi A I.nrialovr, M. Tbo. tons Loate rick; Nrror °drat... blertl4. Loan .t Lktle(aoll, Mr Z. M. rtbertry: Lou. itv'lle. eilMetort. Ilali & Speer, Mr. Wro: Rotten stitglortatt. Armstrong & Prttriourglt. Metors. key tut, 'Fmk!k Lb ; Cosmos:mi. Me...rt.-Hynes & llraigracati, Aleksrk. I , Avrards & Wittman, Rost Zenon hortative, lion. John Dutton; Plannernine. U eclr-ty_ - - - - - CRAW. HELLAS & CO.. FLOUR FACTORS AND PRODUCE COM MISSION MERCHANTS. 113ERAI. e...b advances made meript or eon. I . .1-r amen:, ..h,pping to out addr., will he PAID tbree.fourtirrlrrtue in advance orEastt. by onftly lire to our it.eit,l4, Mw.. Wallindford.A Taylor, Pitt•burklb • Mew.. Tho, Dell &Co , Drolaeport, Ohio. Philadelpdstu, umarD•tl N. D. All produce coomgned win, is insurrd wben in the loured... of Walltneord A. Taylor.rttuburgh, or, in our more to l'lsiludelphia. C. 13. Co. FRESH IMPORTATIONS OF HARDWARE. LOGAN & KENNEDY., INI'.tIITERS OF AND NkIIGLESAI.E DEALER:I IN HAELDWAILIiI,cuTLguir. no. IM Wood Street. .4 HE now iu the row., of recet•ing large ardtboor to their AZIAIIIAVA stock o( lbardware, Cutlery, 1 4 .1:1 ,1 .lery, Ae., "ditch bawling been purchased on the mo.l udvantageour Irma in England, and direct front the nufacturerr in iht• coury, esa fO nt bles thew to of Ter nods on term• surpasied.by none and equalled by few •re revectfully melted to call. set WI 01K01101G CUCUU&N, COMTi•SION Sr. FORWAREING MERCHANT, 'No % Weep Sao are, PiTTKOVIO:I I , io,yriNUES to transact a general Cimino. V Rumness' especially in the purchase and sale of AOICOCOO 111anulactives and Produce, and to receiving and forwarding Goods consigned to bin care. As Agent for the blanulactarers, be will be constantly supplied with the principal articles or lltsbuigh Manufacture at the larval wholesale prices Ortlen•and cionaignnienta are respectfully solicited. iT7 ' 4 F Conway; l. I ohnhawn. 11.'1 , ..CONWAT 4. CO., ,4RTSSIDUrrii, ttbu,. Cooartamah ana Fo.ward.ng !embalm. and Cioduce DOokf.-1.1.0 •uend to the Ka.. hag, Sale and tquianeaL of rig Iron. Coal, ke. OLTIO TO Aar wad, Jonas &Co - 8;0111,11, Bailey I C. 14P:11.8.er:ins &Co Drury Graff • Gra.E Lindsey &•C D Iserbi Co Lysii:.Stiorti& Clarke & Thaw marlO s alv damns dam. JOIIN F. PICRIVVI I Lat • n( tar fano of blukolin 1.8,01 & en I Whytem.lle rover. Con...talon a Florae nIKILLEIR In all k end. o! Country I . nOner, Cop -1./ pcti TIXTtn Platen 'nape.' r 00.., Z.!, Lead. Ra•!• SlAcot Irnn, Iron and Ned, %Vb.. Lead. Dye Stec Colunt Yarn, h.r, land I.!tte. , orge Manuffieturee general!), earner nt Labeity 51a ti Irwin etreet.„ll,llstot•eh,ra (.4s.l:.ll..cral see anera.in Ca.h nr mai!. n eon ottgosneV. of Produce. k myS ', AUCTIONEERS AND CONISSION MERCIIA.NTS; ALEXANDER LEVY & EROR. CINCINNATI & ST. LOUIS °CECIL to ref at caber ertahltshtnenl, all knots of Merchandise at the lowest rates of Comnosuans and ars always prepared to make winners The Iwo of H oar er iven, a required. Letters addiessed to °ober rell be proroUtly attended to,, fyllUdly 10111 M..i..'.ICUARDIS, . ..., COMMISSION MERCHANT, , .., N.... 40 W A.T1:11 sr. 0 I•ro.oTs CithArswE MALTIM Otte, `X Wan, nine . Vats. prod Fout,llees - I' V real. and Country Produ. , g , Ads•nees made on consigner, 'JIM 14.311.62C10rr ref. ..m ,,, r I. those addresssng by nu 'J. .1.174 S . 0/12{11V 1,10/11.111. 11, /I. Cllll/31(11.• TIJOMPIION 6. CAB IPUMLit., COMMISSION MERCHANTS And Manufacture. of it...ea OM. No. 20 Columbia Sl. 'et , : CINEINNA".II, 01D0. ' CO - rimsi rant rat rt•atrt "1.... D ser4.ly. • WALLIIIIUVOILu & CO, COMMISSION Ss PORW AIMING ME. ICNIANIS, Second Street. near Wood. DEALEFIS 1.1 Alsoursetore• and Wavy I Isolwate—will kerp sonrrently un Itu s ossei, ofcarnage apnoea and axles, Same ythes'and so. k- Ir., posnf rvlrti anvils, krounhs' belle r, sleds... or.. rte. snehtl - 111/11.1.0L• I.l.Keli. JUSZPIII a. s'.I , ECH. MALCOLK LEECLI & SON, WIIOI.I - 9ALS: tiItOCEFIS, COMMISSION CIIANTS, and 13F.A1.1.:R4 tin all k. [en of Country Product., Copper, Te 'Fin Plows. 'Fenner , Tool., Iron and Nada, Zinc, Wo Lead. DT. Indre, lut Dos , . r , larrL Iron, Lead, Caron Yarns, rah, Or. , and You-buret' Manufarisres r 11.• al Ibl. o ad VI 'l..broy %tow,ooo JOUs above lb. bead of Wood rent. Liberal advenre•, in rash nt atssla, omit. an ran ..asrotent , nrprodur are. Or. , dr. , rortola W. X W. 1. r•• ern. MATHEWS i PATCII, COMMISSION DIERCIIANTS, No. 4tl W•ter Street. vT. LOW!, RIO, IV.II p•rticolar ilitrupon a.ov iq the Fellisq, ta Pro Jure. olaJ ord.." ro , Ilona .--Grof • Alorg.. R t^ • • • - _ Jotoi fd J C Ciiiiwitton. JOHN JrcULLouoli £ co. Cionwilision and Forwarding Merchants, NOS. 93 & 95 SOUTH ST. 1.171 Y. HOW i.1:4101 W II A lialtinmr• 1.1109. J. CARSON. COMMISSION MERCHANTS; NW, M and 9 Light St , - I3AA.TIIIO!fiIZ. •83 - eask advances wilt be nando on connign Cent to he above cnblttati. by tanlly CARSON & MeKNIG lIT. St ath PI. 11CA, DUNKER. s CO, FLOUR Fitter! Mt& AND GRAIN AND rttLIDUCI: Cessoilsslon RferchAttiv, 71 SOUTH WHAIiVES, PHILADELPHIA. A RE non, prepared receive and (worn, tl nid• 1 . 1 of Alcreltendizelol4llY landing on tlic Jun tut& North Ind West arancit. end Tidewater Canal. je9LI. ' GEO. B. AGLTENEIERGE.R, STEAM BOAT AOP:N . I . , COMMISSION IL DOMING ILERCOANT, PRODUCE. A. DIERCHANDOW: BR OKER. aaatil Ogee, No. HO Water Meet, Pa minaret Ps. J. NEWTON JORIZS' STEAMBOAT AGENT AND CON MISSDIN MS.RCIIANT, MONONOADEL POA liOu SE. LstrearokD, A. FAUN orrocK CO'S. W lIITC .L). LEAD WORKS.—The endieraigued ham emopleted their new work., Iswated on the bank of the river above the Aqeethiet, le Allegheny auto, opposite Pittsburglijor the atanulactore of o sees nor quality of white lead. anth dry sod v....d ire th also. red lead and lit Aerate. Haeietuavellet i tttemtetww of all the recent improvements in snatinfieturn. and erected the buildings on 2 it ottntndve. wale. mid with clkititV In arl.knin. l large quantities, the. wilt be `able to vinyl] as almost one / P 11,5 (OTOVIC PATTliort. sm, 10 , hinter, Pattern Meter, Arngheny Car Oil Min, its, the ncorrst Pnitems for ? wog on hunt either in wood or iron. Min Oraungnnhl another pan. unn p made • olati - . aPEEIN TEA el , ORE, Ns. 7./.. renal . arra, mar W. Ind • :• ID" All qualities r f Wenn and 111. on Toon no: fin qunrtor, nal!. nod, one pound pul p k. P r, run no tr.o. dO pound to A Inn ro 11l A. A in i .eVo?...reTr. R „ Pl A OCitin,4.er. 6 4 no""n:,tr"taVon lib. ;ril wont. F qui of IC .PHILLIPS. Wand street ~~.::::~~ 1 MISCELLANEOUS.•LITERARY INSTITUTIONS. M b." w...."rnivwi - za- i 1 PITTSBURGH FEMALE INSTITUTS. rill - tattUttn It . a 01 1 .00% Walla 1100,01, 1 - Zi NO 143 THIRD STREET, A LARGEntidaPlenditl ~,,....00 , ..0.. . ruhtitit Instauttom under Me rare of Rey. J. Al 1 as alto LAM. to which all the m 1,41 mud or adornment ul Furniture, 71 , 4afdi.a..... • •M-,.i. wont:alai branches of a fiat.lnd education ore taught aatta t i t h f or r a t ,,,,,,,, . ~.....,.;+.- ..I . li DOW Slant for thy reception"! pupil. Si hate...and praetor Uwe!. N. 11% llsyslms Rolf, I.llbss'SY Stuart. tate, constantly on hand and made to order. WM...Wand 4th streets "Who ei,cond *moil will Ihepmsent docket, hand cannot be excelled by.am, coalman. Ott blooday the Zahn of slop., and it is inanahmtury in the western cogs .. Pudaa. -.'..10ns tittFiartald that any who nian denim, etourata tihoulil tu rchaic would ,10 w e ll ay t er,.., 0 ,, tt , 00. 0 ,, 1, 0 . 0 be penitent as lan.. prat o tr abn,,t, tha n tune determined my pried ninth please. part or tro ... tar .k 1 'They haVe secured the services of Pretdoor RllO. norm la- I RINI, as teacher of !dilate on the 1•111110 IMO Canal, fal Sofa. with limn and hair-cloth rover.. - • vent:tilt...ell known to nerd 'commataut:on A ruin- I don Alaimo.) Nurse Chime, aetent Flatten learner will be employed 14 pair Divan.; Prot. 141:4011AA1 will liar. , eliargeof the Deportment In dun fine monogyny Chair.; at Vocal Slater. 12 mahogany M.tori, toltals, , PrOf SU AIINSfiI will bare direction of the Ai11•4414 3 dna mahogany Radium Chair.; D. autmeat. unit will give lasso., in drawing, sketeh -13 Marble top Ihre•hing Bores., , mg, amt tontlug.lwilt moil and wall, color. Prof. a pant Montana: 1,1 in a conapeleal ...Ler. and has recommendations S marbly top Work Stand., , 1 from ha• fi di men itt l urope and the Untied States S t e le cherry hi , ail Stand., 4•1•111 , o3 loien a teacher in die fmt imatutorns of h hlaltogatty, A t; a Phetry coal Poplar Iledstend. of , r"rmrn , aII derenption and a large 416/01111111•10 01 1 . 00041011 :• ..lii tr.'. apply to ill' l'iiiirii•ili iy:of • . . Furniture and Chair., too name., to mouton. 1 . • roarittf • MISS STROM: I R 110AILDINti lilllllool. - I non T 1.11,111 LA Mrs. , N F:14 4 HA RP IV ARE 1101,.1. 1 JOISMPII WOODW ELL. ' No .i, 11" or hingoot t .i.guare,Plilladelp l al a • of wom and 111 ~,,, , ia ,,, ,• ,,,,,, ch, 1 11 , 11 , / , I' ill To . to, ul Ilan 111•01,0 out ted I i Oilittlettre on C toe liit ht Sep.:iodic". HAVING withdrawn Mon the old firm 01 Si idler A .„ 0 „ 0 ,,,,„„ „... 0 ...,„ e i tar ,,,,, tett ,. A, , mst 1, 1 . Woodwr'll• on the 14 . M f armarl. 1,47, l odm I oldhoied .tt to,* °dire to by applowtort al the Promo _pleasure ni announcing 01 toy land. at the ra, tat 0,,,. - teilailltw• coottriy, that 1 have Opened'rity mar state at thin Moore 1 . twined able , . Haynie pure1.....11 inn good. for. •otr, t - maul in.4.le atrngetent. wall inaumourer. 411 WI. 'I I/001i ti. MUSIC)IS:I country and as Komar to la• rolo.lllloly supalml, I um 1 s ' • tally prepared to tarimb hardware on alt I.llllln on o r.' 100109 and or low as any home Fa-1 to Se im dt - V A 1.11 AIME 111/OKS-sl'ubllshed by J A a nd ca and Whet - rare r_...•pectfully 11144 414 Oli la St I• I' Jame, Within! street, brims. F our th and eatmone ion snag- herare anwhasidi eheorbe , aral Fifth, Cineiunsllis 'I he lothawtokenropme. it out ot inn late , 1 t ineon'a Gibbon-TM - lo 'slur, of .11• decline and steamboat and Sad•ery hrdare. Gun 'criminate., 1, tt , ti , e , .... E . 0 . 0 ,0 it , ~..,.0 0, G t ig o , o. File*. Naylor , . Seel. Votlery. Fele , Tail. Anitl• yo, ,‘ 1". ' era, Locks Lulter. Soh. lee. l•••• 1 dm, iluti ii• 11.4,4 1 1".`11 A ten r.tilllllo. revised and corrected thrmigh Scfew., Union lariatan Planeogigen • Mahogany lit:aril , 1 out prrcrd , d tr , , [...eh... tad aceampartted by and vetwori. ones all other attic - len iriOteuryted woh the 1 tt atra rittical in . nl ht•loricil, relattitg protemally to Ilanlware business ambit if . m i te p r . ingpi.ni, of Clittattanity by Al. F thiant, - - IIAZZAMM PATENT II IdDISTKAILI. I, blo omer 44 PIIIIIIC Instruction for the Imtp,doitt or a•-... Nla'rwlTltWl' A 5 0 15 1: !Franey. The prelate, notes and corrections. trans. „„igie - t , .fr- • .t, turmod opposa.m. to obi tt. wen; , a , d l tram the rowel. expressly bur this edition --- I m. ot 4 l'iii . toriel. Aleehan. • . "... ' 11 ith a no4Oce ut the Lite and . ii.linClei of llibbrin, tmith of th , C.l'm e( l . " I ` e " "' n '' . i and %Vahan'. Ilt;.1) to I tibia.. 111 'l i . WIN 111114 ........ mud Alteglien, vm end thou nuttier ~, , ..., ---- n-cis-how t- Its. r •howo thettmlner •'. r 1 1' ,4 page; a the vt,00,..,te1ttg„.,.,tgi0rt.it,,,,,„,,,0„,„, sm t I riapict p a re etancilla W ar•--Complate I h 01. imp they , give ha tram' , Iledoe Id ,Its t., co iv,. e, n anal, ,10:0,001ia. hem... , a deoTre• a 1,.... O n e f.... 4.'1,4, ...I new II illarn a Middle Age., chatit4ra Rebellion in nolrmisnl hed•tc..4 en ..,,... 'rt... 114000,11.4 0.•1111104113 , sentlantl. Itobertiton's Virgo. and Now England, .prate lot a•eli.- Russell' ! French and Emilten War in America, and "''' ''''''''""'"." I " ...I' '-'' ' ''""' ""'"' of ill c ....0, Amene. RevOlution. I vat 4to. ''' "" "•''''''. -""'"""' c" llir W „I Amer.:oil iltil„ry-ronlailliql.stlee. .tealsut inc have loViltt iir• ~ r.h. t... 1n....". tw , 'died •d . wan lisi.raul nVa tact , 1 ~,o v.., alit enititalet i 1.1104 trupt the treat 11111111111 Oil Anturiean Hlatory, the 111.10 rupertor to tub tact tha, with a. l o ri, or are Btotraphy, Travels. I 'olowerre statistic, Indian., aotpownted. Medd Oran.) Rattler. Am. Se. An. Alan, Anne. J.2110,41,,,y„. John Mlitew i ibge.l. Poetry and Atwell:mem. artairs. 11Imtra rII luting A. Co ita , iett Tasman 114.4 w,t/i more than 11th entr,ras Ingo I V nl, amp )lon J R Ilartal 1 mi. • II Itarr John hiagetl. Jr Jot' 1.1.w0 A Son ,1•04ii.g.4•4 Imam.. A idtan Rotate A. ineitann Ulmer:al Pictorial fdLwagy--I%P valuable Thumm Firlen Hugh 11 Waltu... • oar , coutpratioj Natural David hither • Flume , A AFC , ' fpd 1111.tory, Natural Science's, Agticalture,ltural Erott- Hugh Wadaer ' 4 "'" P. n. " . onty, hat/graph] Fine Arta. limo Orteuthls, 'travels. David haLey it ..,. , I GI, ~ graptsy, llctlany. Alisee.laneenta reading, 6.e. For Right• to male vat sell the altar. ii -n , I i,. ~ ' ,„' ~,, ovo Ott pp Intl sheet KUP.NFIZF:II I' thl././.A51. 1'•• " • ' ''.131: . Patt.uk, 'Elie Family fhledinal Libra")' -A 'l "ethic on the --- - pi,,,,,, isft i u u mA , gi i IN 1 , 1 . prevention and Cure of Ihseums, by regimes and I)AtEirer ... 1. ~.I...eftbrr. havint °loathe , ' a potent. hay la * ...WA. 01/MlCllles. Nee mhttno, reused and unite itstri, r a pre, Mt: k Al:whom, ond (smug some titers grd a ali gip ltidllloll 01 o l Variable Alateria bled. Menu ghte Waled its att.'. are now prepared lo .4 , 11 i t ea, pottiline hot We Th.., preparatorily and doses ne t t ,. d id contr.. to denier on hoot.. Out I'M mat i air,m nowt valuable that". itipdteal planta• and an ihe h• oted h , ...' . • Th• "I". I'u M ‘` ....r .r4 . "`"" ! militia ed Anht and PI.) endow,. I IlUstrated U m. ' I' m " ' 4.4 ' ` I* I• "" '''''' '""` ' II"' 4 ''' 4 will, one hundred Ewa, oings. ill 111 . liallrb are h "" ''''" r '''' ' ''' . " 4"".."‘" I " '"I '" -"" " I ' ' ...h,rea lly .1 4: Nur iMitu1....31 D-:1.l pages Um. mace kiln, Oa. aiii,ilOng the ego, me and 1 doo ...pe. . • • . . pat .,„ , t h e t ..„, ~,, and 1.4.11,ag the ha tot au ' . ktarmr.at Flowsr (4301011 I 41101p304 .140-A4301 .1 1 twmg nodded It .• ..tual...•toag ..... hr to get.. to the I,' m wit , tate4; Ii) Edward Si)er..l,llillscapc moot relmo• "•., .f.'".." 4 " . m 4 44 " ii ,e 4 h 4 . l's . ”'I••^" '" ' Ind 1/I aatat...l.ll llarttetir r II um !hod rah: too, awec . ..d Pot oitirti , e r ...I. (rest l'` 'l'hf •Ce ° ' ' '•-,"' rd......t. 0,1 %Ned and II lud rated . .., r4 • . " .I ' M -" " ' ire ''''" '''''''"‘ ".,.,•'. hm''''"'" 1'..11 ,,, r'• Orrogan, Rock, Aloutitoma, At An ean tura...them 0. , shot , . 4... ' r. ' ' ( " ...i ' '' '.""" I taly 1.......,1. 40 int.. with and without xre vt ald eins' . r marl., dm. ~,,... r ....-ful "Perm ~,,,, ~ , .. 00 ... ~... p ett .„.., . 0 o „ ttg. tmn .1 111.11..reck haat... hear the 05 ent cod to liailitl, •• .. • .. , . Rani s Works Lad, ' Micet. When.. We nhail tic nappy' to ciploot 1,401 lie., • Rh, igil l',lgice . a income viarst's cnected with it to all who mint call We t, iv. , et. "1 tine 1.4 e L'4./la R nukti Mare.. Intone Den. - I i t w•ut 140 authortze'd Agent all letter. to our :WM.." hon. Juvenile h 001, . •.. I It;dp edam. of Yoram. oil be promptly a...tided of i' , works in pamphlet form. eln.l CISI.IICIL I'SON. l'lleYllf.l.r.NA CO . , , seturl.ll CINC111111API• I I. mud PIPLICTONbS NEW PUBLICATIONS ISOM VA It Ell Ilk; 015111:16. .A. 1..1 irecived :or :arc on Jl.it % amine, mirth, p or MarLet.ucet - ..1477..;:a1.V.,r;.,1,;',itne'-‘:.”.4.,r,:l.t'll'',:o',7it':::.°,l!..g..:thir.herut ' % V lay age op the 0 i rot Arnold, otemdat a u„••• .e weii.era ~rye awl thrvoiliout Ovi xtooor of dr:, •at Para. t.) Wlt FMa ord. rea..1 1, ...• inul l he r - o 4) nor den Yhrn 0. the ...,....it ita 1•, , reeann hetnr (hurt yore . . or tort al wan.. o t t ra of l.Oll Thr tuN,rl.l on “I,l l ll..trJurub.l.l . , ,ISal'd we Ove my.? Win FA,. and Nakanomaarity tleth..,••••leeted liy expertelleenl non 1 .., .4:01404.1 ill • W 1:41r1 11 , 1. G 11•1411 1 ,114/ 11 I•.trux nevi lovught ro. Alart•la to where the dmove, yoritse nit Oki Flom-halo, and around Joke ,or; brat made-the fm.hle nhatter. with `,lie aL. mmhea. by e,. t,„,,...,„ led o a r repay 'Piny will be tharouihl), , 3lniiie'n Vrahrul Synods-cu - a l . •.. burned roulcuupaett, p7erred hi. jnaeltotery, and ml . i liatlii.l'a li, LW 1•1,1”.•. met tter,hvoliiiett. "!!rues. lbol-I' O'• Co lbs . Pr.. ' IF ate. and haunts ni the moat rat neat Ilra.-1, Pnet• pdetom. iu all ;even In ta otaittllVl their •-tilowledged ' i, w mat firm' 0 50 ,.. , 0 , 0 mpertority. 0/ 4110144 O f the Age en mottling Puma. Coed. 110 °Mee. tor mad ',otherwise. wlll her roniptli •ai.h• or•tillirol.v,,,l It.iat votive Ity I. II Frarte , •• Fiwi tet t o „ t i rt „, cot . a ,, to J 9 11./ IV 1/I.I.AItIIN ' .. tt, or, ... girl, 11111 111 , ...ha .I haw- ame martt l _ . • _ IIf.TII sl•ri•EficT LI Abseslll 1 ' RI" l'• N Ecir'N'rEle'llitlN ARV * AN I - I YURI r sroRE. ' t , oi , I- to; %v. ". ',...1!,L....., r.. ,,,-, a Nk+h ,,..h.e. no gotta. .t....,, 1i.i.,, .:.1., 1/ .w Oh Noter,,l.y ° P' . " " fl Mm " l ''' A P" "a" k ' "' d"".• ""'" W ' '' ' '' ''' I I w T Colend e l'. and re ar'•• on the Ife and nest door to A /sy ad- 1...4.111 rem, dot; A addidal aountutent of Fan, n C.lke, Coate. haw,. '. 1...4 c a rn .4..cle ' ° I il"''' .rs; ' ;4 `,Y . • I. > 0.4 .7 .. 5 .4 ? ) 0, ....ii. , •••• Fn. , . b-4 • 1",4-1.,,,,b,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Y,.1: unsung a i ts in , kmi 1-•glard ht" Ow Hirt 1. soothe , . I. A . ecood 1 ip i ocan &hoop, w.lli Notes, tiv lie, 1./ Turn'. A are the rollowougi -s"'"°*".• P4un ' C '''' L "'"'" ii, "":"' Tt. , c....r,.... 0,..., ~,,a m.......,e ,,, of the Hon. Pastry; 1 A' 1 ( r . l , l , y ,, C r a N k e .. : ,. .... , 1 , 7 . • ... fri r il j 1 1:1::. ,,, , , .3:1:o l . :1 a r ,..,. ..... ' , : \ ..1 " . .: , i , . 0 ., i„.. .ri, , . ,., 4 , 1.1 . 1 . :it . t , 5 0 r , . a „ ,, u l 1 t ,. ....tr , . , , r , ,, : ra , , , e ,,, t , it :iti.....:•.•,e....r,‘,...5;,..,,ut,..t •,,r,,,,... Fedeml Cake. A P..• : 0 . 1 . 0 to . 'oh.. N'tl{ 01 ~ all 4, ... i,I. .. iin v dew. Order. to lee Cream , .I.•lty. heide. ,,,, aei t . .... , , "..... , ,-1, , SS''., , .... 1 ., , o. Confeenoitary. die , At- , elects ed , n r. ittatiwr utie , ....... 4 .he re htm 7 , . ,, ,: , ,. -.,-.. - "4 , ~..d „, t t uall y mat tram' ii, any other •taloo.l, , t,o more PM (ruined , n , o ni ,, t 1 .1 I. KSAD Went to lbw ea, jell 4... Fresh Ilretl , Tyr., Rusk.. Le. otattufactored rohily I • 'filii'Vt..."7.olla,inca IL Maisel a from Whoa Who. Flour. sus Ilse moan all r.[Wery I % rtt A ril:xl , he Po so anon and Corm Ll...vet mord. r.Fi'l A S O.E " . . 1:1 1,4 IrX4lllrll nn nt.r.tplc Mcdteinen. Now e 101 .,,, 1111-AVTNO CILiE ANL .L-Piielf.-111(.11iIVNI) I revineo old enlarged. w.f.'. ?ho odd lion ht a r..x.:.&fr 1,1 all d a re( ow Shay , . who Iletrr i111.11,4/1.0.f.,e ‘, Mar te a Aft fah. unarm" oat the .i..L. , ..,..r<P , .....“ t min, And Me w h. alow , • 'Lave now nitove t ar t o : .ren. ' trof don- , .., our 000.1 ...lull , Itilor, ii0:4,,,,n0w, p otilt opiomn on all woo 4 tn. tin., o t ooliouniir O lir. 11••••• 1 114 '4,1 410 Or 10.1.1 , wit' , • ... gore the lo•tory, pleasaint comprooton , mat da . 11..4e ,ye med. am , mo • 1,., •,to .it mph ms t oogre.• mai Moto.. on 1 oder to place a w.ll, a Me reneli at all. I ' lm.e ream ed I a i ...outdo .t.... re., 01, rO/4 ,4.•440,4, 4 . 14 41 0 r t o the lair ire law . ,innual, to advt., au it;itiortivitt" lo vii.rry I t .,, , , , , t, van a• t i 0 n•.he., , ,,,:vil ii, tot ii•paciiiti• to 01l ',dam to tune a a tri•l and Wee so, thetmelve. im. ,a ha meld ~. tra ....rut , / umle4ii,ike thr tr. tioneot ot hentlrmen. , l iou w.shom ti a, luxurtion..na•e. or. i ....ode. 01 ihr telni.ri,nurt al In loch lneln,til 1,... man" i . y oa r 40 0 ,0, in,. a..., he ne 1..,e .t ~,,..,,,,,.. , .., .t,t,.. much to fill them. and. d you are nat •amfied. the mon I will he returned st•EVIIEN It:, icurr r ! iron Can lard Oil Forum and Fine., Saha Wort*. I tent/ • SM at. commie loot Cm I hn. i , la A VEL:2I Atrrici.rs 11111 nil , . Totra;r- - Li N,a.pt. 5...4,,, cimatard of 401 r.1.1r1.1 / 444.1110•411 1111141,141) of straatraiing rehear.. tar ,11e.1 , . Ow -hot soft atti fa.r, Es well a• ottpaittee Oche r' rat. Me to th, eUDITICI4OII AlOl, Ilurel . .. e d....ad Almond lib,: roi Cleo. which in now adtet ally treed by the ht.lat 0 Ode t e l mangy to Alt parts of thr 1.7,11.11 SI., a Ilaue ham ant S i t m ei nhma nMe ,o w c d r e .. r .. Mtora 1 ee 1 Vegll . , 1 t . 1 1 .4 4 lir o°.. lbw Dye a n chemical remit in "stab ., le ar..ro.• . dh e 41 4 r1T do. to •tantetwora 1.. awl to , .... of Y.` , La, wnii.ker., tuotatehe-, and r, alaow, to i i e ......al hrown to • black rotor Toe dot, krneles are Mr •itle.o. Ind ....O. Allll , llO . by II A PAIINISItOI4 A CO 0-iii cm 1.11111 mai write!. a, d .., oral sari 00. .1 , Mardrraarr Cu, Ire), sstanmys a . sse. ' JO . IIIIIS Vl' .t Inl(bIlt, L ' raWoRTER A‘lo i/EALEN1111•01,1•14 10111 i)44111.0 I ow, lino/v..lr , a ml.l re ., ..,mlin 00004 141 , foetid and the puldse o.itierillt. thm tot; m an, ~..... si, 1.. Spot, oapply iii third...are,. 0, ola ,I'll.l 01 ~ M A Woodsv•II N,. ha Waco! „re. , wit , I. hr w, , 1 h.,••• X ati the ria,lt re tartadde t ec at Ile will lir 4.441111111111414 fri•rs.lo, ter 4441 ,n 1 ,1,....1 , ve. frau Ihn Maaatatitureri ut llonotie Roll ' iii.• evuotri wasol, will enahle lista to coo., h. it , o o ii-ht,l 'u Win 1-..”1 nr• It et., Wesnorn Merril:nuns uns novo•••1 to 1,1 1 stock lie2vre,vorchaoint e 1.,. • —.— Copiariluierslatp• • WE. die atulrfo,ncal. lattyr rotes tl o. ln Copal tocr t .. . 11 1 , .., 11 , 14:rpowe al' trmooneont, rt rool.tre C, vntoosion Alllti rilt•PArli1311I100.0033/. Illilh't Ito' ..ty . Of ,0111i243 Dlet.ilLEW ut... CU.. i on, i, live .Leo ile varehouve, Nn (, Comrtwo ., ul How I.tlx-o, .ao,.(...l.slloccupied hr Sr IV It liu...y w i,,, i HI lasiiine . < ro/v t.l/.11 to out . 64 , g , 11,0 t• , am] battliisalls. 1.113 . 0d 1 4 10 r""t . '"" hit ',HMS torte NI. liitiner;y ui liiluiliilplll,i. T 11. 1.4 H 11111111111', 11E 11111111111', •• , ...hi-1.1, I'INII il.r.V It Ali•GlilltWr Mitiiiiingli, I larrb .....!. 1-47. 0,113,1 -------- --..---- T/iOMAN ..KENNI11.1)11, .{ It.. 0 r a. ' , l If, Mr,„1:1,::10.,/:,.1.,i;',:,,,,,;',...,, , K , :' .il%l, I;. i 4 ~,,, 011.1 Variety iimulii. k. tuntly I o fool. to . I. uogst ntnnoOteolFe. ow; . J.,. ot woo. I. IL .II 10.,03 01 I'olllololl I.ooliiiiu itiii..., tit , 3 4 tiiii , ti di ii , ti rade°, plain nod ulontoellod i.orit.o. , trio ... '` \ ...Ali I, Lod. id tliwki.. rms . . , 4,01 II i 1.1,1•. 1 0 . 11 11. .I.7rn, CotolvoTtstert.l•. I. 11 3,11,0 "....,I'''' F3'0.1 0,4311'. Wi101,0.3. 013 ,11110 Li I'3 I'll ',.. Pr'''.' "n“ "..-.".q.l''l'd W.ln 1'i3.1;1, I hurl , t'i t iier'• rms., ion! lii 1,1 3-1 flume. iii New oil. Nu , ' iii‘i,iii Nei Cri. ei .ii Winut 1 11. , ' , 'll •I • . .- .. - Diit , 4•44. WIXOM. 114F.4, Mol4l.l:it. iiflige. nod A polheran, N. IV. I i' 4..anorr of Wood :opt :oh .r., l'al•latroa. wlll , ••:.'l , 1 I , 0..404014 on hand 13r6ag , roan, 0,-, 1,.....0111. , & 4: INI 11- nya.aeann'.l.l.....rita,no,trnrrikall, comp, I. t ed front OhW bent reancr , al , ni 011 F ii 0.14 111 lite till, i f 1 Ile. 1..1144 eiCitil 11‘ullmo, &a . &a. , who. i t .. wI .01 low tor rash. ' inuy.l._ E AGLEPI COTTON W, WORKS. CO SLANti rAr TTS "S Tv nu co rruN vittlNT. C o mfit...Wirt. Batting, 1.101110, Coverlet • DARN, enßprr CRAIN. 10 &RI'S. /cc, t. , . KING I'I:NNO,I4 & Co (I'll . ooermate of Atbuekleg lic tver.) -A!.'—_ - - - -.. CONOCO/MI:VEIL OF DICICDS T C INCIN N A 11-1 our author...a, 4iV itl .4 1 , 0 , 0. 01 1 liar Pasno•ylvanox in imLe arlmoviolgm•nts ol iii • strumenist of w6lirt. nla , n offoinrif. , anti dtpcuirtona of permorw 111 441110.16 4, - ....i/ or rcrorilrd in l'e.nli.}lvn - ma. Orrtt. 1 do.r , r-I. l , :t or t the MoVar'4 Oillye.4:111. e illitilf/i 01110 41 ',lllll l' CIL,N ,III mr10.1&..,11'..1, Ainwory ul Low . iIACS WANTED. )100,000 ir.i.1‘i.i.,Y11,`,„vi.3"..1,,',-;.',',,"v.,';',.r5:11110,::: mid Alwars nn brntl,a-vety dercr!pnoli of V,'E.or . t3 and Wrapping l'ap,r ....1 Chloride 1.1100 III,SNOLD,J . 1 : 'Mil , . 1 . 4w0r, Penn angl Irwin sr+ a,,,...i.0neh alchl --- VINING HOE A. aloathly 1t0.... Mild I.:vcr. .Screena,. ter . Pasitat.le for pinaila,ll L .. , ^a , r)'• can be . laratahrd on applient..... az.taa .erd ,tore. (rum No VKIICA Or J. %Vardar. Alanebewt . .... la WJCICERSII aRI mel..2raf • No 13!.:.!a varoral an.lalt, .q• IN, lIIILTDIORIC & WOLb'V. )1 , tr. IN11.01:TKIIN awl !MC.... of Illardviara. rade., uial . . • 7:c h r l' .l ' ..a ' s.. N a!t !t a7 .l:l....j.:; .11Caal. Patabatals l'a. • lira --=,----------__ --- F. ti. Amor., D F AI L < tiltir: rTy'r'„riu:.•.,..dl,.„z,F,:‘,-,„;,„T,'„:7:;:s w.r.,,,,„ Doane. Neediest, Vino, twee, timid , . tc . e.. No 63 hlsBtet tits: between nomad, and 4th strstetts Pintbsteght jet:it'll! MillaD CA GEStand Vonots of voriouneixest,eonstant JO ly on baud , and for sole at tedoeed prices, midst .Binxbaegb BdictikStore, No 1:11 8% % o W e earl!. corner M of fib went__, JO N ICE. CREAM': FILERZKRS— Just reed. • Inge swots , iota of Job annex excellent Potent lee Cren so Pre, xere. Callable (04 11 . 4 .!'i St '' ub" 1:31j4 P is s fl;ii,Zir " bes, at t Na ITionsket et 1/171 pur•ur.l hy the proeialn rol fou.kl taw, rlrt.••1111. AhlVtli. I 11 r : ll rtith-are the twelt.,lAlled yt,l so 1 .•• es . , 1.141.1 Y y..i ec1411.. It) vn . Ite:11 1-I•Ch ..r e ;:e. Y 1,1111.111111, 11•ee,. o. 311. ,3 i01tv•33 ,1 to rye . iwc.l.,lt.rd . r,..1.1.•1 how,. emo.l Tfiry oot month, of the • e0i..1.1 EMI hlpi.:l•' -h., ing •tt:ctl MAI.' 0111 ,h )t. Alen •• IL.. f C . lllllll. I I . /ASIE,I,I,I.•Itrt - . \V all. •I 1.. 14./.1111.1 Clavrlatit•ti. j... 1 i;lP.i.r• I'AVCI, I( ntli-r• 7 , 4, 1111 .10 dn 1114, Vow,. du do 11 114, 214, •• 4,1 eoll.utArnhoorti , v. ,Tll,llO 311.11•J(Mtlit II • lit,•;(111 ,1 . , ~ ot I. Ile, C.; ICrwom I' • - tool , 1'.1.1.1 ,0 1 . r A I: i1:1-1 - 11 ,L ich • 111•••• I , luolc 'Book. , 'r 11 11 rrf the trur• rrolirriur rr....••• 01 1110 .1• 1 . I.r 411 ...... for itmr cur r•. tr• Err wrrr .r r. hrr irl 1, 1,110 1 . 1100 . .110 11• 111/ 11 \ r r ,..ernr 1.1 %'altartre ..rrrd •rf irre Y l /070 pork, r• r••• g rf Orr prlrttr• • nom, ~.. •nr• re rr l r r, • orb,r. r•shl o ef) • lrt rrrr , rof •rrrfrl r J ' • I JUAN II N11.1,1A)1 1 .1 '1 wood •I LlN . l . llltl * 01 , /11P;XICO--1.i.t rutr:r•lrrti, LT 1 J..rtir• r'rrerrtrr.ll , r or: tor Irr r tr.vrl%% urrlrriril • rrr. rlitzr• rr rt. crr r , orr •• , wr,lrrrre I r r.or r i . .• Crr. , • urra N 1.1.1 11 y 011.01,101.01. U) • : 1 If t r•rrlNTi.rrriurr Nlrrjr• 4.l4,r:err 1..1,.1,11, 01 1 . 11010 n 1 114111011,41111.1. >r r ' 010 or Irv.. Irurarirrtkritrl-icy•ror.i rr.st,•• , • ,rll.l • • • ,ee • • eV l%' 1 , 1 let• It it WE •:+' 1 0101, 1.1 oil 11,....4 I6l' e Itr l yI,IIII e• ea. nnal Co.ta.gteer. el,eaea •• ele... •11, t.• [..)1 Ih pi. U'll”..11 laild I . ,ett I. the 1.11 4.31 ea u•le I,,meheeae Mle LOW INV I/I Wlll. 111. e few sear e••• .:1•1 I Wklilin2l rah, .1,. 1 • Or 111•• Oi I I L . 1•!.% 11 near 3l'Aele. nete, . • PIA I rl A:Y(1147 I kr7. , . II 1:1.1•1:1'Il. 14.n1 , •r ~,,•tero Nano Fort , ... I T ni J kiZ4 The 1.i.,,,••• ;too, I.r r 1.,,0,0.•1 ,1111.. 1110 1 ' 11.11 A Al , nod 11,111 4 to I . . day. l)claber 22, '4O . . e. the on& would inlom the ettlzetor of I,lo.togli uud t, rotve upprottlerl M.•II. r fah. A I; W tr. r n Pettus, Ivatt.o, for the I {N “: l , ,, , .. , fr o o:Li ls ‘i p • r h , to o;N,tsto: CLARK R h K e o u N rut .ST. I. I €4ll-t...,..1.1d .. , (:.i ki.Dll4l.ll.Alr •rion.mt -J.... dr 15.01 I.lon ~ ~,,,,,,. 1 ,. 1 ,.,..,..d ' , 0 r..., .., Major (rear 1 al 7.a..h • Tay., by A Ilully. under the Imm,•bole rurwrin• toudrurn aull &mutton of 11, goldrso.....loibeer.. from ail .....;:nal ..kfuel. taken (tool 1110 .il 1...,mu1t.0. hi c oi u. Emu., A. Lb , : Wr. Ow und..rriguell. c 0111.1.101 11.4) . - Pruira.. of tuner ill 'Yap lur n ersuld I.lrue%. • D CoNser.V S Navy Gen A. AVCALI.. A. A (:. Uor. blurr.e. 1.1 Toyorrnollieml Eutinrer• 1140,1 t In.. CI:POLI.. U. S. Navy. , [1.7 l'oee. 0:100111,. jell 13 n 'I ° I t711:1 11. l ; TFlll..f/ k k . P ltlt " ,r . A' e./.1 .1 MiSlibpr rerr erd nub 701..0.t b. or Fh— llor cill,ndul Itir.eworrd I . .r ur ve 1 sYIII, “i .toellaYr.., ilill fl•lolll .../ e.ii... 010.10 I , Chultirrturr, n1'110;11: 0110•Orraul 110100orul I . .u.in Furl, wlllt 6 001a1;. an.l 0. 1.0., 01.1.10 by 01.1rru,r. . Om. .-Ireolot :11t.hoganr , l'u l.l ulo Parte-1001r I.y Gal ' A ......3rv. 1,41 1 11.....,..yr tv.ll br ...Id at nriosaueluree. 1.1100. .01-0. It, 4... , ... I '• 1 . , ...... 11 11,11111 I.lii 1'...n0 rier r w , ..1. 5....1.. v.. . r.. 19 Pletalle Vruwe 1.141.041. A sI.I.ENDID orsooment of Itomooodl and Mshoc. mood ammo Pianos, with motallo Feamr,j mt do ot,mimol for foto At.o two f.olo Mint 110..1;01 i'mno•ocoh meld re Le d AM!ioo Mmobrneot, mom mod etts style, and fa; tAt at F 111•UAlh'S tr . /5 . 11. wood,tfor t: dam , oLovo SJt New PIMUCIO. ItIST Rronivol and oknol , the.Oihnord , er, the .1 Rdlowtng now Nano., One elegant Ko...wood,Gixtliee Piano Pone, Wrench 1'11.1 . 11 I One elegant Rop,nawnl,Gi.ciavr row, WWI eureeti Gothic Toblon—a opleuthd tn:nufarni. one re", gocki acrid hand Plano, made by Lewl k Co, rhilada 'IF:NFL% KI.P.IIKIt Mat% nu) WoodwelPr,la ildol at MANUFACTORIES. -______-_-,.------,-. D U Q,, z U E S N. E i SPRING, AXLE, 'VEVA. a, IRON WORKS. f - .meal AN, IltillshlAN , & Co.. having completed V their New works, are now pre, ared to toanafac tote ry description of Coach and Etiptie springs Ironaxles, AlEitrle. BUM., spring and pomp Steel, sail all sires or Small soaare and and Iron, which they oder far sale an liberal memo, et their . Irarlikimar. N 0.43 Wood steer Where they also beep on h ea d ~ complete and h 101019196 U. , trl.ll of Coach trim. mings. Carriage hardare, malleable taming.. Nails and Don, C. Ili & Co i' have madearningentente with Messrs Day Sr Cro snanoracterers of Shovel., Spade. Forks, hr., and will keep constantly on hand eve, article made be thew. Dealers are respeetfoßy snl cited to es tLas prices and torn. minim made liberal . _, I I vIS2-ir raw ~, PITF MACHINE. WORKS - AND FOUNDI PITTPOCIROO.I . /.. JOUR WRIGHT Co. A HE prepared in Ladd COO. and AVOOIIeST Ittathins rte of every dercription each 0.-e...riling Mrs clone, Spmittng Frames Arree ' dces, Draveng Frames, Railway fiends, Weepers, 'reedier s,lSrlont •• Dressin In g Frame , Lome, Card Ganda., Molar Attuning tun ed all nliC• of Cost Iron, Pul lad. limier', of the lewd patterns, slide and hand harbor, and tools of 011[110s CAPOMO of every deserthrion furnished an abort ore I ee. Parterne made tO order fur Mall Gearing. Iron railing, U,' Stearn Pipe for heating I , artories. Cast Iron amino. Oath, and fancy Crania. generallyi— Linter. 1.11 at the Pi arehoase of J. Palates k Co., nib; erty weer, will have prompt attention. Rasa TO Illacknark. Jr_ Co , I N bloorhead Is , Warner, John Irwin & Snrun Pittsburgh ir a, A 1 II Warner: Stentienilller • laidg • JOHN CAHTWIIIfiIIT, fH POW' F:lt and MN untiteiurer of Cutler). Surgical anA Ikotal I istrinlirina. saddlers IMO 'none , ' land wen 'Far la a Patent shears, La at. A neither.- tares nurser, Supporter- , in peal v alien . J. C Manufacturer andirutanier of Pen. Packet Ind fable Cutlery: Razors rnrissorn Files, ;rasa Yooks,&X; tia- removed lo 113 M. ODD sTRKEr. Pisburgh, ,re end don T law Diamon tt d Alley, And has late. y TT reirco • tar, nTroruneal ; Pea tt. Pocket IfAllve., !Calves s 1 , 0311., Inn Rodger , ' and Whostenholna' FINE CUTLERY , Ellons,froadees.:Wanak SuretteSsltyoratseissoa, Rotor Strops, Sr Dathatreirs and ‘V awl wird f :CNA, RIFI.Nts, AND PISTFIV , Alien'. Crilt'd and Blonde nrYONTT., Powder li Sher Des liaalr Mgr. Walkel'a & Cox 's Rama Fro ersthrir Caps. Rawl , Dia and Iluniing Natives. um o' Callipers. Deriders. as, Nippers, I land Vice , Squared, Kola, Mares, Ilda, sll.llk.pur Shaves. Si. bit and Wet Wire and Iron limaxrx. , AMMO' 3 . ',0.N.0., Se. in very great vanety (4,1- Jobbilig and repairing neatly and punhinally den,. iseAr CO-PAILTNERIIIIIP NOTICE. IL; W. sTerlieNs. wherin.K. t. Shornl.i.r r,. r•t of /mot. OJ .I. A. Starktoo . of rittrLorgb, have ibis d.o. inin,co:p.nnet•loo uoJer %,yle 1.010 01 110110101, StClllo,t/Cf IC Co. el AUChUr 11011 WOOll, NVICSI g V•.,fardo• rArpole , Innoutwuratit Ir. 11114 0,110 01.11001rd,,,,pi50. W E. F Sitorotacheits. 1. A. Svnerroit. STEPHENS, SHOENBERGEE k CO., ANCHOR IRON WOR, Wh KS eeling. Vas ran.aninni , ell kinilsor boiler, sheet, bortron and mi.?, AII steel spates and nalce (Icing eon Iranh Shint.ritcr.i. Old Janie. Works, wr ran alder antrie of Juotakts Iron ittranded Slioenlwtaerl enuni baldy sonde i 4 Viet... 01,1. Allot •tho.hvoll he at ihr Iltt.iintr.lt prier. W saretiou! , of the 55 wee ow, Slohror and %.“tet 1:41 V-FNITIAN Lll•lriD FACTORY., JOIIN A. BROWN TARTS dale 11.1.1 to inform his friend• and ibe puldie 01 ledge Wit Isis bLetekrY 'now in toll oporatti , n.uu We Fool !Or or the Diamond. Allrghcliy.w , hrte t a eon: Want •upply of lihnsle, of Colon andyti•late.,one ronwsully ept.on h•tut, also at N 0.5 11rowt CI, PituhuretoitJ.i. Phillip/oml numb woleroutn. ‘ol..en Shutters made to ordej thi,,ltirst titYlr• . Mods repaired at the .honest nouee. N. 11. 11.. Blind, Will Lc put dp, Without sing add. alt 1~1 , r;epttnao4l they can be renito.rd too et tn of litr de ,or eitti•iithll. and orlitil'O` the..d rte.i. 4 1 e A. PULTON, Foam!. t. hat rrhailt and coinmenLed how,ss at his old ittond, where he atilt tw plewed to • tenetil'u'ret,dn..'''ernal,ol.l.mstildndl."ll:ll:.of every 4, sire. from to to 10,(011 pounds, mod iron •--„,•••• pattern? orate most approved model., and wimanied to be of the hest Clairriall , Mln;•rar Water Pump.. (Ana:newt, Railing, Alie. k-r -‘ad:et with vt,[ivil cit. turned and no [ErA F Is We •ope proptitNit,or 11••• res Ara ' f‘tritarp• Nlntit., so t ' ingly eelebtaird rot the redue. t on of if ict.n in Romer end Elwinpo. • itoi, inn to hod oflnn, a: ell tone?. DIeCtiLLY IL Co. IMITATION CROWN GLASS. HAVING recently made very traimnant anomve mein. the manu facture of the shove article, and gd.-4;e• he late. doproved eastern wheel oven il,o Wat teno we me L, 4 r,77.0 figpsph,neroelen dow We egoist ttot torpor,. tiny CylOrdei 01.1( in the Untied Stater. and bat httle Interior to the Ihtglt•ta Crown •re very extensively engaged tn Me °Ann Meturr °Wont ~,, • .dow Is and Dlvr.e...te ut ,O,copoon licalert Kr.irrany otrard call a. 1 e aanone for !Iwo:wive. at 4.1 ware y r , riu.twegh, Po mai .SII.:ANI Ain% : WORKS, Sug al and NG Laerty rermt. war Ole Car. . AY on hand and ovule. Imge e:rr,r ny of Marble 'Mantel.. p t er, C e n t re Tame a nd Barran Top.:romb iilomoneno, wtech. leer, Of r o a/I.lc and so f or t iO• re.r,w.ll •old low for ea, N utr ,omrnted Mal n onneee-set y ror Mein gto a• I eon tionoth Viral WO Alt arm.* on nil rr 11. ;mai. and ti re text, I.IA r .re. Sr. ruho ) , loap . y vtlfetoiß , terat 101' ItAr ••I 3tlti COPPIKIL, SIIENT Ia4FiI.iAY U TIN , !,lANUFACTOIt V. l'gwburgh, Pentirr ' rtt..-F. Fl I, ps Made grvat mu , KING trrovv.,4. qteCltully 1v... p. 1.011, SWIP.IIwII ,4 In 1 . ..11 n.I et:mime Iwlntr pnwlia.ing a. we ran tuppl)llle.n wwl. Steyr, "Ws, linnd ol ISO er‘P. , l u 1 tutus opler on Ill? •51,11.... i notice Sal rulw— and ehasill , ,, Copp... lur 14,011 sod eye, ....Hy el work ....whew 1.141 MiEltirr A BENNETT 6, BROTHER, Li Vl.:l , : . irt ‘‘ 111 E AI ANIIFACI'L/ RIMS, Itirtuloglissu. 'near Pittsburgh,' P.. lietrrhotite, ,t'Vo. 137. Wood street, Pittsburgh. W 11.1 “mt-uout) ' , te lt.1•1 1 • to. , • 1 ••• 11. swot ot t• are, 4 our own 1111111111/4 1 C1 1. ., glid .11 ,, 1 , •.r Illyl l, , WL.,11,4', Ylik ,41.0 11 h S IV . 0.4,1 r rde 1,,1,1,4111). 1111 ,1 1 n la rail 4,1,1 el 111/ Ike I. I:11.11..1,, as is- src dr:omitted to sell e.,,,,, , , r tourl,....evet before berm oterra to the 11.0,- 11.. i li Ale/V..111 by I. a. moup III•ell LTA.. I'el.. 0114 t , it... —ii.... ye.. h. g. m , .. mtiv too m. 10.1 w sw New. . .1, Npiiie mud Pork glow taro lOr , I GRIFFITHS y. & DIXON, liA VINII yawn. im.-.1 the inanitearture of :puck Shove l, Hal :old Manure Forka &e.On an exit, V* wale. are pr. tw red to fill All Miler.. for sugh all cit . * to Eawert. prter, I For tbr convenlenre of the.. ru.onnere and dealer , wiel. artmlea they have appiontrd George t'oehro Oman...won Akrolimit, No en Wood ...et, the.r Age loe the •nte ol thr.e to:mutat:we- All °Mr.. , ...I.lree _ rd to win will rerovr prompt ntirnlion,wn the monad C 0,.. p;rollnlettpa tillirrlTlVi 4 ill )(ON IN ...hare.. July it—WO, limit Iticstern Butt Ifinge Manufactory, etoicisouvri,o. ,"i,0,n1 , :s Fit & ro mould nitown the telde tho . t hey are too° notoutoworlng the hew Mitt 1101 , ever wade 11. 0.0 1;01te.1 elate. A. Oil. to our protel oh. hit.oter• .e intend 11. ~.1.1 nut as doinpletr an at . ,•1r No. i a.. p0...1.1) Le itimle Thme engaged to 11. lirte:w.we trade, wr thwk, wt 1 hid it mil their inlet, to •re our 1101'. A. ordera orotund) a...wird in m ,:, , A t :Alll/NF:11 .5 Co. for of Wls ra ram et. I'l l .114 WOOLLIKIN SIAMIIINIGU. I E wilovril.m. itto m 15 oy v 01 4,0 ,11 their naMble.l .... owl ole pt-mirml to woke 911 load/ or CM. awl Ww111.... M... hot. 0 • on tun M.. , ....Allah'. o , l' t trd•....... Itlim W wr.l to Lo will niem grills poongt mar ow . ItillTklAN A DAI.%EI.L Lueock street, All. glirity.City • N 11.-11 Wightitroi. who ha. a p.. 111 for 0 - v mmorwa miring ewe and op Ihe llard,god 11100 itatt tmen ettd:.ero tor Mr law Liteeit Nratt. tit mho . ut th, Wow re row , . nod wiree.elat V. 04011 raCIUKIrt. of the went, latllmve Oil perwinal altrallun to pulling up, tome rat .0 timer cotter...ed.:lll mocha.... made at thin ttwortmo Mlinlintria. toothily . _—.-------- (I v JOHN 1111F.ItIVF £ Co., No. Si and VI Prom Bus. rocno.u. nod 1110IFII/ . 21144. Itn.r. in nn cnot 1 - 10113 010 Imes ttn;piiived pat. Wet. nod watronu,l Invoi Iv ;Ily AN., 'hoof rvaniing., finolo.l if 0r4.16,1, tia• imp put up promptly nod on rco•onnle1111. "1/001411y Wm I" Young. C Nauru F Plith. YOUNG. lIIMSEN , /4 PLUNKETT, El. INT GLASh MA NIIVAIiTI.I RED: IVA ItEIIOUSE N. :SI Ira.. nod Ill First ore Pittsburgh. The blare manufactured by ts. artentrd .1. 1 10 any in th e country. All ova._ _ mull receive prompt attention and 4/led on ren , onable Merchants and thers visiting the oily ...can • sled toe •11 before p ot o cin...meet...lettere. tehl 1 LIPDIINCOTT II 110711 WOltilli. - lICON and Natl.. Shovel., Ate. fur muse st our new Warehouse. No. hit IS stet urret, near Wool, run. tuna to Front. AP°, on a•eonmeni at 1ii2 . 0111 nand, Itlchlestee. Row, Liberty in wet. Devine made Onen athlttions to the Rolling PIA all Neese. be filled proniptlL anvil tiItAFF. LINDSAY A Co UIRMINUHAM TACK VICTORi. CARIPUELL & GUESS, 13,301/ACTU222 3 or FINISIIINIS NAILS. lIIJOIS DEAD lIRADS, Iron and I;lopper Tarkm, IIU)N AND CDPl'tql Klinr. IYA I / 3 13 v &ND Pattern Makers' Point*, of 'wry description. olLee No 2 ist Chun.. Dow!, Tbir.l oreet. f..t..1 Pittsburgh. PITTSII I: 111 ell STEM WOIIKX ANIS rd'illNl: AND AXLE FACTORY. 21.)1•0 3021L3. 10110 I. 32113134. JONEM & gricza, MArJurnerukicits 61 :Spit. and Moe, Swot, Plouth sl. itieet Plough Wing., Conch anti gllptie Forinto.te., lianonered bon A 0b... and deulers in hi h it s .hh. 0 e ,,,,,,....1 Coneli Tomuntgo arnenkily Comer 06 Floss and Front street., Pitthborgh,Pa. Sele.th , iiOAl.ll •iltfolillNUl4--i'aa 30.0011 , 02.1 &I 1 %.„2 nOw lereiving a large and extensive eintonntent o , c or t, T ri onnings or the late s t..et) lee—amens solo. h ore various arocle• that bare h - e'ver been Leta ure— a they outeltanedgg coot farm the R.N. Al ono. tartnicrs, andare sli t :o tell no low so tiny limo , la Yo New rk or Po.bt • FOFIIIIii Nebula rrepecoully invite the attention ot steer.. ntylldten JONE:I /1,1.4U1GG, eon Moon A 1.1.11 .._,; ',~,j HOTELS FOUNTAIN LIGHT STREET, BALTIMORE', FOGG & THORSTON,Troprielon., Ta li ent long rod widelk known rk being ane of toe ntosteowntal ions in die ty of 1111111 mote. Inn 'wend , / Undergone very eltrnsiVe attend°. rnd •improvettleral,. Au entire new wing ban been added. containing notderous•nd sleeping apirune me, sad e.tielmiVa betoing reams. • - • The Lotlie. depallmcnt has al.° been completely re. organized and fitted up in a most unit. slid tie•Mil i al style. In fact the whole arrangement of the 'louse has Mien remodeled, wile a stogie eye on the pan of the propriemrs towel*. the contrast and pl nt their (Yams, and which they confidently amiert will chat. lerrrgg pp sou with any - lintel the Union. . Theletable will always he aapplotal wnh every sub. *Mallet nail Maury whieb the Market affords. served op io 'a impactor style, while in the any of they will not be surpatted. , • In onselosloa Inc propnetor• beg to gay, that nothing will lie Malone on their part, and unthe pan of mete assts ante, to orates tht. Hotel aconite the conbancd patronage of their, friends and the public generally. Theyartesta fog board hare aim been reduced to the followitnersocat — Ladire Ordinary, al 75 per day. rientlentante 4 . • • • • ...... • 1 fat - 11—The Osagatte W.g¢on of OM 110.11 E al• ways "be Qatrid at the Car told Steamboat Landing., winch will convey Images, to and bean the Howl, free of ehente • .n 7 eon DMAILL 1111.113CIGT 11010.1 K, Clnclustatl, 1111111—The autornhet• having , puteltased the en. tile jnlerell of Col. t , s• sl Itanoon. lair of hop well knOwn e.tablid/oNnt.beg leave in 'tote in their Ineinla and the public generally. 11101 the)! h. w mien nuondinue Hotel 64 It tern of leara mar will earn their I,e.t rorrniee to snake it .141,irahle home lerrilv. Orr. and City Hoarder. The Ilittel fPIIIIIO.I. plihnind for eon • ventenee, light and air. having a [mother nt adino?ing ellumhet , pr,enung 1111i . 1.1111i Writhe, • ilia prevent pronorlor. harm[ had the rtrienrimenf year. in till U.S . .I.ewliete. hope they will he able in give general oati,ttenott beton determitn , in g oer undivided idle:llion to the 'wow ntrnin • • Th01°4,1..101 the Pearl Street Howe at inert rlignlhaving Jon, 011 Pearl, IVal.,in and ri3l/11 1.11, that It I. equally view of the enlivn, e Me e of Ituvingot tare or tellrenwnt tor private tawnier.. by the MA, the I'd•i•Udiee, hla.-nte 1 11.0dd Fellow. Hall and kultaKvin t re 4.1.1 from In time, Ind isTo . .ino;“ twin t a r edy IV 1,1.. trfcring the geratexi tuditnennent, raoreiall, manse) uctchaftla and gennally torn perms. vNO3l.•aillag I.:Voted, , JOIIN A OUIII,F. MANSION ?ormerly Ealler's liutel, Walkingloq, D. C. JOHN lIANI)ts, l'1101 . 101:10X. HIV. proprietor notnerly nowei•ted with the well known fire Of 1 7 oller & Co, hen. leave it oilt the stiontion of pencils stinting she Cnniosi, wthsther On niessuri or biota...v., to hot oPonle-lafil . n . hthetil It e• I s lined up in 'a stile 01 enthioH land eleralleC an•oiliaseed ant . ether in the city. It jai - situated at wesiern end of ilertnityl.ni• Avenue, and in the immediate" vicinity of die various Department. of GOvel milli and the Preliltent7a . His table \will always be capplied with Jill the coin• forts and lutirties to he foam! in the markets , and no espetwe or anti. will her pared to render the Mansion llousein althorns. , residence mall who any the fit to honor it veith their patronage. The pi-option , would parucularly call the attentions," the °theers of the Army and Nary Hotel, to • horn it ha. ewer been a favorite pines of restart. • N II l'onen always in attendance, on thy antral of the rar..to eonvey litutgage filEnt eattlO• 44144* tioy'sv, UO.STON. • 1119 new andsplefithnestalnoloneat,crectrddnring pant K wit, la now open fur the reception of trenstent and thirtonnent lwardets. 'roe demand for increased unit super.or areoturoodu tns for the vatted!. public, sugge.ted tolhe pruprte• or the plan of,creenag a hotel. a Inch. for rplothlsii hod consequence, should in the coma. And. While he has - spared netther Juielspense in the annulment of dna deshrabla oloecT. he leaves the public to devote how.thri.e.asSceeeded. Th. - , Houle cantauts CAI apartments. convenient', teed iri taunt an-I single antes. The. WSIA WI Mode to order with parueular minimum to utility nud convents-see. - n. well as .1) le and spialidot• All the modern inventions have logot tosde subtervient to the Havellet's enae and coattail. and an experlince of cal pants h. enacted the proptietor to Introloca many. ouptovelnents tablet.. as yet, are pcealiat to this House. Located onnie prlncipalfitreet, within direr minute. walk of the greet Southern all Weelern railroad de' po.. and the !witness iteetion of toe city. this establith, wens cortinninds illlCll us the patronage Cl b e ' t hkSine.* and plea.. travel. leis/earth, *1.1.4.A w—acroovE, Comor o( Balliaaore and Eutaw Shull, • ISALTIMOItie, MD. ritrcny F" .1 eget - Xi. 11 . 1(01 . 11 1 37r0R. I , lll9 , 7ldetohd and epic.. nowt. el-eihly Wasted for'thalt low,. and pleastue Travedeoa, is so eon- deet..l a• eatalao. ah the latuthe• 01 the lot st I WWI. welt Ore:tree eed root rot Cho., eat.,ol apartineattsa - e at nil '4'4,11, re4.l, r.I elf the aceactintodatlon • of o - anaiint gae-aa. fattolO , 'train therily Will End the t..!Cr•Vo• unaurpaawd auy load In the Utthim - The lea-anon ta elevated tvol eakokaata. amt . !! ats.o ronveweat If! Per c,11111,11,:, the hathotte. al whielt the Oaadhee on& anee+ , at' the Itouae are at all time. in wait* convey pea.eogers Mid then - 1-arme, tree , of ha•ge a hn llotrl; Teast.--Gentlemetth'ol. ll, Inv t 7 COLUSI I • •• 1.1 ...E. Charles Street, beiweentt LookikikrAl litfi , F l .l l 4"llfiril• ap Tng sabserar long tie ahovi-tiab /1111/fUtUI. otter, ht. klrYff,e. IU tha.gilizerro and pahhe generally. It 14 eouvemently Ergs,. Me Steamboats and Nvi!rosa l nuA•i of h the MHO et tien•tiro Importing 11...,—.31.1/1.11 111V:111011 Illrfr. those smilax rite a• ....nwentrin';A'aiffa 1.41110 ft. tale ,turr prinetpal • The 1,.0 •• • alb dtp w newt tor gyod ,•tv Win /AV 131 1.. the 1.111.1 . t t t ti.te,t ,Ide ot April, 1,17 The 111 'or sr Ito. tlrAte lo• tarrtnoling ram' •to plea..., Wlli ...Me hat, 311 ,rllOll the p,oltfie patronage, re•ltt.yo sYt well ty, • ‘v . atthef k Poc h ' tahonnre. kin:: IT._ • • myl9,ld,t, pA4ir HOUSE. COCOOr hi .P. . 0 4 SiXib VlUelowfttl. • I , lIIS , Anw 11l rim Item order for the I overpay , ttl' the Toavriont VottliY. linvong under. Knott A antottalt repait, dttrotg. the part wan, and ly•trag the matt t 1 potirnerd tarn in the we.; ill it.. • oyou• drputunent. 1 natter nit .ell Mgt all willba olvatrd Wllll tall. The loenton i•eentr,,t,vonorrad,ion• arittplea-nen. Fare 1 , 1 per 'l`,,,etnuatt„ Matra 1.1 E lIARII N II AIIII.4IOI.IIOII`INVIN A new Erwin, nl3 the 3114 - new Whtm on the 01,1 natter' - • lIA ItTW ELL'S IN ASIIISGTOS -Checoul Mrert, kliAlAgelphiac t Inwi: Seven Itz ncsl . gpp4 u....)1a,t,ie IIL" LITIo• oe ll knoNyn ,nlurvd.tiad an,len.le) IYnli•ArJ. 11 I. •no ;041 hi pun illappnal wail .1 I'nr r. ll /IV din palate, plaer•ul rtw Nota...tr, 11/e VCIi raipalroa.ge hew:ante lie.towed, will inltshlr. Int laulso rya , y way sarrablt In his gurn• alai wordly ni ;11or connlinrd •sl• Tm 111 IL GALT 110VSK, 3r. 111. , TIIII 0 51 HT 0 Nurg:%;rtynalat entl. that .11... i, stnis Snl . ALT II inS LOYI knpe. In alert all allSgins IL, apt dm 11.01 un do; I -bull be +pa trtl In itkalf w e all c noliurillole . who fa +or !Nu will. 5... weronitge 1361611 y MISC&LitiANOVISoI pi Bloom OF lIICATINCI uov- IkVer.O.f Unttn, tot* &Trapani and patented* plan ferbeatigatinux . o, watch bax been...- T.ollolr toed iu Bunn., New Vork..te ,std wherever ' ingptted bat race Ted the deettled preference over no, Furnac.. to. Its ndranuees egre— t, Great reanbardy of Temperature. end Freedom trout Smoke. :hd. No tontlettapt Itrynes• • • 410. Latity ateaded in, and not liable In get ocki or order Sth Great ituraltddy.• • A Model and spee,fteationitnay tat tern•and the np.• pm ono attained at the ernti.,, tool Tinware Dimon . of II SeA !FP- t trit rte, et, dot. Wood and Market its DR. J 011 1 0: S. CHAPMAN, • • • I ir ItAl.llAlultP, oat the ...Annum. n 1 nnn`eni`de hnerportn.letl toluenehnneell ve•lnsenent- I, in ape coy • - Ile timultne oirtre prore...l.¢l eer:io, In the. f.ebne,andreepreirullr.W.C. ,,, . 1.4.11ra1;1r nnrutind given latl3",n`nt:fleenhar to wo mn qnd It letak.scu Yrofer tor Samue il k. l Cheee 111 .11.nli4note , ••• 11. M 11lep, • • . Dr:R M Cwhran, Ur./i. `• OrrICZ: NIV(C11.110 Hotel. Ifronlenee. lannrongstiela Howe. • • jrite WALL PAPUR AMP 13011.013.1 W. PIIIChIS KI:111 1C 11:0 Thonoo. Palau, No 47 Ater. pet enrol, betwes , ld and 4 lea reels, .ropeellhtly au/tumors , . to thr pulse that fon pro,. ~ ,19eh of Wail %r 1 . .. p. and lion/ere of hi• Oleo i• heel CS. 101 , 800 c, and ;holy hd,httoue ate being toady to thae tl.ey ate [noshed—of new viol onlenthd p.m,* Also, a well vacated Plonk of Front Pape! and Rondos. Ileylnr:tently reduced 00-pIICC• of the abone aftieles, jam' cr.ltera In hie hoe, not rmouroned.l ha teard tO soll for'co•he COIOLPFI anY e'lahltele io n en. of the kind, East or West of the stuotittaima - apl3d3to N V '/ ON CLIC 1111CLA LINK OF CANAL PACK Krs .feil% 1811 Cele AI. PACK Frrx Tvi:painpit L :.. At . l •OW. I h: ltoave• daily v 9n'otark,r La ...Jo! the .10.1n1.0.al 111.11 W hom 0 „,1 a r‘o, at Worrell niclt loon.ing In heamn Avo Vwhich reach cies etivid holorentgh,f, items will rcc.cipl..llllo4,lyfeCtifilig tor(*) On the Alan kern. and serd 4 ut 1 4 1aar,onrapplleatton booni AV O• 101.21 Bohn. l'Af.horgh at 11 ter Inch, h. .lot the-agent.: e fa 111 11A 11,TON &Co, Pilisburgh Co. Seaver • • J4:...47 !IMAM' IM, 10.g...t0wn 805 M 11 Tvvi.oft. Warven JLjIN DUNLAP, Marlin suer , . r .ovr .pn.q N il 17 Pi liotta.-Vormsto, 1131.tW ii , 1.31 , Amrng,l.l.lll“. run , ..9nat I. I+.ll . Jnra,.•le.t Ali L'agit.b and 41,...11nunt0m aP.' 'noon! ' I I do 110•11'01 , i Ttsn..atid into I 4i , 111... e 41 %V a., lVare, IIA4:111.0 gonnl r.lrn P. 15.11 - +rd. wilorsignmg l ll o ;• lirarn ' hair. W I . k.o. Wntiw .I,'" ' '''. :rtro fair Au teen regaii4 loltn,ll puss tad yrs thlalc we 1;00.440 whkh I • r.,„..1:0 nrogoutral In *II dor n 540,1 who if maloo• tnol IltigTl,l4Cil*llollllol,'... , rjaablntl Pnktia Tel AOrti , 110 74 nar.l.lllnoT r 0 ..%.1 . 1..1t.4 .0 , W.4 . . / lEL LAZIL'S DlAMONDS —Jowierrived ogbii I for rale, .fall :assortment of Shaw'. Patent Diamond., at Ow wairehouse of jet(' ' ' J KIDD& C 0.60 woad , YORK ADVERTISEMENT AUNT iPILOOF 1110 N ' FOR ROOFINU, WINDOW SHUTIERN, la. I , iir...tbscrlberibeg to call the attention of Witham ~ • interested in rofifing. to their GALVANIZED TIN - PLATEN, and In the many .advintsges which they. •- possesv tree all metalic and otherNubstances hitheruf uscefor this pure Re,popsesiling st. We y do, the strength 5 - end badness of won lambent its lialtdoy to rust. hiving .• 'Wow been tested several zest, boll 14 this country and , in Europe. They are also Ina' %abject to expansion and contraction imen sodden chance-sof the annesPhere than common Tin Platt. Iron. 'Lose. in . any-ether metal,now used far roofing. and consequent', tom a much better and tighter roof. requiring far lean (repaint repair, 'whilst she firm cost is but a trine more. The subseribers woald also call the stmotton of all dealers and workers in metals, to the many otherpar- - In ss to which Iron thus protected, Cart be applied.— • general terms It is applicable to all articles of. iron which it is desirable to protect from,the action of, N' atmosphere. And they would espectally call the al- , tr mint, of those intereetedln - XELIKGRAI HIC LINEN, to then Galvanized Wire, which is now almost enure- •, IyUPPIi in trope: and which answers every purpose as a conductor of eleeirmity, resume only about brie • 101 l Jr much as copper, and po 4 4 4 ing equaddaratihs ' • ty with tint metal. Horan& lately envied works in this egg for the plus- • • pow. of salvanering nits, swam loin,. titre. kc., they will be Side, ta term. nny wbele which tGay lie "s" tstl A supply of r es 'manufactured In Europcd ( . 1.11.1311ii y, on 131.11.1,000 t 16 told wire genie. . ti Rat. It. AIONEWUOI/ &Lbs. Nms.ll and IP Weyer 41, NWAV VOWEL Th. Pment Redd .for this article Mei, lora recurad Mt 16..1 rot Ilritairt,..a.a., ot,h:wmiwaler , awl all legal meat." will Le tav Ls. to per veill so) litiringemeer lie ,rapartatio t esoth ertivote_ ors."7-11Y PRINTS ONI,V-SPIRINC. srvurs E ; 1547. -. No. 44 Cedar eeee NS* Yorke IWO treeto Ihdert is Dry dosaili tleal der tam • • I/ receded, and are Salaibitanr,siald WADANIOUSIN !INCLUSIVELY he Ms.: , sbeses feoo C•bliddki eidnpriaiiid ID die Nese Spring - way of &WA. Feddliand Assericui Nlssidaetuds ..hide. Id ADDITION tolled used duck, resign dad minimal sea st at moor • twastifialand attractiee is dean hdiNN led beta parr r ad d ed fee CASH AND SNORT CREDII, see offered bR • de New iv pekare an die test term, at and bekde Mrs Lenten pedes. d 4:4 r alw;is ,, f prime (try< e jr,) sea idaeid is di d Purchasers will Sams thenterlee• tkr. dale ed the ode adored be well refaidfid >o easdesassb, ma if din du • not purchase: L.A. D. bide iseulisranahtges prints, Shirk are rdlesifsd! subsided:: • . raced, LEY. la BREWSTER, 44 Cedar Stever. . Wholesale Deist( Worebonae: • IN ;tr. CITY. ON' NIGW YUBA.. ni A. I. AILINIF.STOt 71i Cu., No. Joh* at. ,IJP• New York. older tor ale a large and, seam, oared of Wei. and-htedimnee,Uye Shari 'ands arta Ode oreary desersplion, which they are prepared and determined to tell Country Merchants end Druggista are reheated to rail and examine their articles. Orders execrated • with rarthlelneii and despatch - . • Ft, A. Fahneatock'n Verriolugeermaiantly oar hand. N. A. Fahnealnek. ) 11. L. Falinerrid•k„... ritaborgh. 0. W. Fldoteatoelt, ) • A. 11. Hull, New York, sprs • . Pi PER WAREHOUSE ' NO. U. OILLINGI 111.11 Pi! WAIN YORK. I .'HUN W: FIIII.D offers Co. sale at the toms/ 111•noraetorcrie pricer, a very eltenliive th.oll-. nvnit of PAPER- compricing every possible vatier/. adopted to toe aroma of C0M 013 . 6 . 411 t 0 . 111 . , 441. 04 / 1 .. cOn•rtry- 1 . 4t0. o.lr 1.11 kinds tanat. 40 011.1.; /LI /4011 . . . . niwN o! PWATING tame yparpillkoz i simeirakaial . J w iy uAbn of r .,ry dew . rvion, invouo.) and kept,colu vls: Folitngs..W.as Cloth, Founitiniel Wire, Ululating Powtto t, sNys UltryWuine, 14 it., Mt.., dr. RAGS. Cauvki.. Fiala Rope 1. Repo, ladann, de, dada idorliesed, for orbicb the !aghast priceida.4‘l, will be paid ' tray New:Yard ' IN SU ILAN CE! Indetag%ty against Lois air Damage by lirlres• • TUT. MUTUAL PRINCIrix COMM N - With the additional Scenic) , of a Stock Canto& The ReLiana Mid Mil bum-mice Cu., of flan., CIIARTER PERPETIJA DIRECTORS. ticorme W. 'Poland, John St. drarand, • Thomas C Bntkhdl, tc W',• & tohla.,L, • . Wm. R. Thompson, (barge N. LlAltvi, George 11l- Stroud, • , John J. Vanderkenip, Georgo W. Carpenter, , • WILL make itumenace against Lom or D am age. V ler rite, in Purge ocon and vicinity, on !Antos and other !Nadine, on gent- . tete, (tomtit. Warm and MeiThandite, 00 the .1.06:i notor.ll4terms. 'I The Mutual Principle, combined will a Stock Capital; and the other provinuna of the Charter oh NM Company, hold out unnimal inducements, butts of pro fi t and gaiety, to those desirous or elfecting insurance, towhich the Gunplay ask the attention and examination of thiue Intereacd. • •It pay day. • a lo Jn Ilinre 'flioae electing tuaurance, with this I.!ompany haer ,I:o4deetbe usnal protection against does, lay the Ortil,ll2 y method of insurance, the . additional advantageor a direct participation in the piniSta of the tornpeny, niihota nay debility. I.;CUItt:Ig W t . IaOLANIJ, President. KM. it4hCIINAO, Secretary. , • ilesubeettberotho is the duly authorized Agent nt the abase Untied Company, is 'negated Fn trake ansnrance. at the Other., of the Agency; in the I I loti , ,Thild trnol duos front Wood e11e..., and 11.1811 w; klii.mationdesired sto v. , s'itt./S. J. IJAAWBELIL... JOUN.YINNEY. Jll. Ata.1 . 11 . 1.1 , 11.1,401Wit FOX 1111[ DELAWARE MUTUAL.. ..•• 1' • Safety Isisit aaaaa Companyot.P6Uidella. LI,IIIF. RISKS upun . buildings and uterchandixe .__ .12 of every deartiptlttn, ..1111ai MAKiNE RISKS upon hullsoreargnes ul If Velid{, takin upon the . mot.tlavuttable terms. : '- - . . . . ID"' Office io the IVarolueeve of W. B. Holmes' • & Bro., Nu. 37 Water. near blanket street..Bilto burgh. , h. B. The pf ilso:Consudity since the cushy liFloocuto" Ille'ligdney in lkn toy. With the prompt.. • mot ildrrolitg With odtte.lirevewy claim-upon then. hat.. lot- lola into.. adjusted. fully Watlaal $1,2 ogettt to las raw, tke cdadennet and lo_ttunage of his tliead• on.l One coeueu u ty-fI Inge to the befarvitre M. S. luau. ranee . s t'ditiveny, while it hos th e s.l.llliolllli as all sarong tine molt illorrishing.sh. l'hilairta—as having an ample plid in capital, which by Abe operalionort la cl atterramutan tiy increasing )lelding to each pi!rson insured his due share 01 tin- profits of the citnitioy atthnpt iovolving Boa to any reoPoov ilAilly bales eri nod therefore at • thy Mount ipi:mciplo .divested of eery. obnotuna feature; afl 1 111:11.111101.1. attractive form. I Noei 4 NATIONAL FIRE, AND at MUNE Eas4 ANCF. inthIPANI, New Took. • jaws tart litaiwn and tentrelatile company to pre to.• nuke Inflarliliter alevcry.kinJ connected, wahyiike of rotoportation and inland navigation toionnetagthnst lone or damage by fire, Dwelling Douses, IloilAnge to general, (Jambi, Water, and Itteschaadive, and elm y demripdott of pc clonal properiVon the woe> favorable terms. Applicationafor Insurance attended IN arithimardelan at the office, No al Wood mem. • , SPRINGER DAREAL:IIII Ana. - . sis AT an Election held at the office in N. Y., Slat' tan, the toilowing.y nomad3, clitlemcn were chase! Uterine. _ ei tins Eottip e l - . he envuing year, vim loteph-lE.Pas ago, - Stephen Doh, • • John Itronwer, John AleCham, %Valiant U. Ward, lkdhaist tE.CompbeD, John Nevi-rune, Jacob/tidier, Slocum; I John IF, 151.1 in, ; Joseph:V.l.osh, • Adana, J. Derrick. And at ft vabsequent mecum, o r ao . SEPII 8%. wan onanitswituly te•Meeted Pre. idtmt Dm ensuing yeir. JAMES BOGUS, jr4 l'aohJoutiml copy SecretasY.• ' FIRE AND 111Alltlht: INSUItANCE. ttitle Insurance Company of North Aittimihs,, throufh its duly authorised Agnnt,.tho.haer. - . - bre, to male permanent and limited innor- -^ once ort property, in , thin only nod its vicinity, and. C on shipments by the anal and ttixdfx• • • • ~, DIRF:CTOKS. . • John I.:. Smith Yreka., Ennuol Pirooka„ L, . • Alen Henry, Chock. 'Papa% Sala F. Smith. Edward Statth. Ambrose Whim, " • John A, lirown, Jamitt .'rbomaii,- John White, , , John R. Nen,- !- , ! , Ect 4 Etqtard 15'0.1, Wm. Welsh, ' Arthur G. ColfuS.Se . e. This is the oldest Insarauce Company in the - Gaited States, having bees GlWierCd IR 1194, - All - barter. is perpetual, and from 'ita high standing, , lung experience, ample means, and avoidiog all r.che of an extra bazardoug character, it may be considered as °during ample security to the public. ' MOSES AT tvoov, At Counting Roal or Atwood, Jones' 6x. Co., Lt ales and Frontetrects, Pittsburgh, - np.13.t1 • INDEMNITY '. 'Ae lust Loss lay Fire—The F BANK LIN fire bun. ranee I,:onTany ur Philadelphia, WlLGtitsko Insurance. pertaXitentliedlinilled, description of pm perty, in PITTS. BURGH and the StIKP.OIINIIIAt: COIINpvt on favonible terms. =Phis company haea perpetual ctiXiter. ;APITAL $400.000 paid is. 'OPETING ENT 1 , 11 ti Glace cornerot 'Phird and'ltla rk et „ iiqb'gb., WAKNCE hIARTIN., Agent... INSURANCE. - - 4.nerlean Plre aaaaa 1.1111;ADELPIIIA. •Wilt PRIOWMAIt.. CA 7.1 n I. 8:40,011) tlice in l'hilinklphia, No., 72 lininut Sired: Prael. - Eta:bow, Soey. , y titan old athtt Cooljoiny emotion...jet fklibling..ltlerehand ne t hildilksle And prep y not of an extra tot fordo., eltataeler, tgatoat leke of tboaagr by fire. A ppliralkolle fa. ittlaratiOna Iltiftrobatth and''no ~ ,g ial.bond, will La teerovr.l. and Wk..' Oat. • OM, '1t...p..101y or for Ittatte4 Imta I.;oa layorable term. Itf If En. etn:ll2.AN,...haf A. 1.16: 1 / 1 /1.i te NO 77 C %NAL torn EF.T e NEW tAiI.EASIS. • . , AGENTS furl II A imam , Iliiromee. :'lea. Vages. Refinery, A I rr.l)• . head, a la ff Re mock ottoo I:. Powdered, Clashed,' elenlmo sod Ilamard rage.. oi Tteree.an4 lie rrele A i>lf,. ;Mr., noose biota oei. Prices hberal and a fair Illurvenee made . all .ate*. of.or above. 1 , 0 laumk -- ' - , -. ,i, yi v.. WAWrICD--A Journeymen Twiner mill Mem w or a l. gad and perm.e at eneation, by-apply n 6 attlie .tore o( dm madetrixemd• Ile meat Wive rod teeeramendmiona etc to elomeMe. aC.. . JO F.NOLtell it SENN )rz- `.~:.~_
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers