The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, June 08, 1847, Image 1
PM! . • - ' 1 e • . . . , . •r •• - . . ' , . . . . . - ..,' ..-.•.:;‘-,. • • . , . ' 1 . • _ . • ~,..-':',_•,',' ~ ,,f i'''..-. -T . . - ~ • - • ' . - • ...,.... ...,..-....,...41 , . , . . . - 1 .- ' -'.- -----/: , - .T.,-- : :: 1 ::::i „- ~ . ..p ~. , p . . ~. . . . . . * , • p.'", . • ... ~ -. .. P 4 ' .. 4 - '' ' n ''' .-" . ' ' ' .' - ...' ~.,', • • • • • „1 I 4 l ~. ••",,-, - ,1 -.-..:•*.. , i . 1: ', ':: ....1 ...:- .:,*. . .., r . r . ..t lo oi 'J 12 . .. ... , • . -. ,1., •-,t 1-.., -I , , • _ . . _____-:.................... . . _ . t' • . '.' '-' •''' ' • 'I. ' I VOL - X -----No). - 259 -'l' ,4=ftmse .s. SF,~:tt~_ BUSINESS. CADS. • - .1.46 EA ri lig IL 41011,1131.1.11, -4.l.gumani wad og Mc re ham, OA Wen and 10 i hll n. 1 • 11 , sk.b.Ah. • mc 'CIAqUOLII. JONES & Co.. Godwin...war 1 , d E hlctettaata,aaAa. ratucacd , Is4_,! , tand,,i , ,:atcl and Fitad wiNcitEsTma,4e.lor ill kin& or Ini: LJP. ported Add I.baci ,, c Acucar. Apantda lad c dim , act 1,11,dc0 , eitevriag Touacto, adicacsald and IVrJ elldlatt)a 0:17 ltitiCTS.ll, Aylsoltoate • Ihtati.,s. curia. IdArrty sod St Clan larects, 111. E Wad!rala Re - (j ILOWA, .dlttyNaddl, Asw ta Co mtplop UDOSM ; . t :lord • (tont 11 A. FAIINUATOCK.4",V47,::'2.I.tI;., " • B tared 1 , L.r 1240 )11l.srry, orret-t.ybitrSt!t' MID la AG ALEX 4 stger drUitolcsale throcets, Itl 1/ *tr.: so l'r t.t.argk. & AtaAt.E. , i & CO.."Wir•Heiale3llro f slutla-=I Market !greet. be. 11„.:F a L orth dr.:S3lladephr. neve r. A• Ile /01114.8,9 i sr, CO, Porummiltarui 1 %4 •, a. 401111%, ttttt alecetta tka, CAtiat Darin, I'm mcoll., roaLANbo LOOMIS, &army a! Lair,of• . 1 1 1''...4"..!`."'' ...i.l/4..l11"; d.-2---d.911:11-- i 1 . 03. Carmen John F, Jennivs. Jae. W.:llaillnan. i 'ml4E:aim:Nl, IIAILPLAN int% Manufacturer. 1.1 a Catreve des. Santee...l Arica, A, 11. arid .Spriv elect, nod 4ealers in Coach Tritruninge lit veil. f firs6oll,inlildaCtOF V as Y.. Clair Al. W liratlie a Woo del .notorite St Vbarlen Hotel tvir.. --... eli/ZiIIVINGIIAtt & BOININSit., Wholesale Gm %a Cl+l, Commi•etun and Voreennbag ‘. L ltlerCbdtbda , dealete llt Produce awl. ILbtreVeret'lvaatataqq.b No' 444 Liberty , I.ot.l.uitts. itn_6_. nAkt.CC.AII.• . .1. .11.11 , C11)0808 & PI cstLlNltly,t, (surcavont r• 11. and llury7a'rd'lntr.4cribtig, LetAleeattr,PrOTe.tind Pinsbargb hinstiilitensi,t‘iith Streelt;.betvreell Weal., and Liany, I' aelatzlb !IL !' 0014 . CI yedhu Ka, importer and orbolesale land retail ki•dealer in Fain y and Staple Varlet" . Goods. sign of ti,, Olt Cann, Ht. Martel stocet,near lAterly, rim, bore& PaL_ . __ ___.____LL , 7- 1 1-11 t FIC&Lit IL Dealer in Produce nod Falai ..L.F." Ratan lilac, NO4tl Ltlxny at, neit iletif 10 CC. per Of 1,15_ . t ft , ,, ...,.... _............ IL_.L." _ J. 11 - 14.4‘ &Tell ...--... _. V a.:IUNINThi, dal La,. DUar-sPola:l4Suk.a2f3el.l, *tavern 3d art ,MI mit.3.17 4 - 4 .E._____ I VDW A IILI lIE ...Z IClATOS,Vholosaloctr..._. JP.A cast ~“1... a Ittr I/ o.ooa, *econd 47_ mai t 0.... t o ----- -- M . .r). .iii" tosocus• B. n''''' ' ' gintait.T. Whoinsaid Gr.; "OW ALT, & GI °duce astd Patsbn{th =ileac- L. , ~,s, d.aier. in id tares, comer of Libeffly aud Hand m., r dix,, pr fabl7 . . --------- WU. IL [MAL Md. /LIMB L 1111131311 TL MANOLViIi a 1316,3131Ca.r. (Male Engnah, Gal- LA Lighcr t Co.) Weigel:4a Orono., CandLodnon and Forwarding Morchatito. and Dealer. in Produce and Piusburgh ilaooknnn% No. 37, Wood a bow.= &wood and yligrdrws._ . well liA A C ' lll..Vlr A Moli2llollT. at Law, JAI. Lama ioinovrd • owe door. neaten Grant Moat. NI E2,___ltil.+. 2 l!!!lr_or_el • 01,----r nlkl ito VaIt:WAIILD SWAILTZWELPICHI Atm r )••• at Lave ve. have removed that, dada the - o.llk ludo of Four geet, between Cheafillel end GM • • uar • ,etneet. tgi Vnend. Gee Sbe lame. Wood. CaliaND, an CV Co. Wholewde Grpeeny 1.1: and Comm...on &embattle, end Ateritsfet Bogie& Worn Yates, Noe Water and NS Fro& etteete,rats. beret. l'e. U2IE, Plano Font, Idenateeirrer dad &ai r 131.. et In 2141cel toetroneeme,ll2 Wood eveet,aar -Team roasted. . &merle. IGLQRSYTII & Co. docomi or d F4retardles J: Nereeente. No te Water et. PatlldOW te ZA.NCIS• NELL.L.EII.2, Liroeek Cdstuals.doz FMerChant 1,011 JO6lOOlO Yrotle=,tregt.4.o4t, ke. Ltd, No 17 !Abel at,Sl nee. Ceett ou . Leektan, Poe , orolla Rope, & Li24.leeelet Gioaes;Ltoteeris J:11. and . 1.111?) WTI StalanT , .... a pt 01.0. 101161•11. r&LX. floortog nonoen a co , NVlHppala ( l so . l .; r..r. and COCatni”loll Met - Clow. ~ 1,?5y.?.?. ;.1 Iht • Llif.,o. A. 13111/1.11:11 Wholesale tirriCer mid Caro- fIA anis im Merchant, said Dealer to Produce md Pnlshorsh Mttaufacorled. lio_r_Wmp2l,rldsb_r_iqlt. Geo, W Smith. M . Ii Brown. I 1140. W. smiTti fr. Co., Ilfoart,'llolslers , 4.3 and dealers in flops, Patsliorgh sod-I%am Brew- Mies, rood sad Pitt dlltYld. ~ . .... load f iti/Itarli:, Pornansdion and Tor kr ~ A J tg.,; Mc oil aro, No. mi W oiletrecAPlObonl l, . M.l 7 ' -tscnt. C. llill. lido s 4. Mrowne.. '' . • 111.1.1.. to lIUOWNIC, lsocceicos to dioldsfop Ai.. fI. llrosone.l talporterd and demon Moamar, of %•:, all Pop!, mid Uenoral.Psper )Vorchonier.Aca e 7 13 ao d 'trent. PinsAbourgh. . A _i_ lo:A.1 ti A.V.13. lAOC*.W li, Della, - 11 tercial Row,nem tho cam! iis .iii.i:iizi - '''' - ' - `-** T _ 1411..kitir ISRUNOT,.W lira. 3.. .ny.s . ) LEO) Manafacturer,ranit & MI Merchtint, Cr , i , ,li it lir1 6. env snit O'Hara at , ., eittalui&___ LL2__ of LICKS. koAsimit laprAir, JR. TBAlrfai DI/MET & Ctrs Wilotesale Grocers, J. Consnaussion Merchants wirldealen,i in Prone., Nos SO 'A . m.,' and Ill? Vrorit n . i:tzts,r ity . &!rign...l ..B ._ 1 --- 1, aitiii,:i...,.7 — . , LAW, \Piuituirgh. al T. r. lossaresibLorned the prseuee o i :innt PrOln.inn in his *MC.. islo7, Irstrevrell's littikhn Omni 'strett.od . • espied donate hi. alerojand . , = i'ddild . oo ff: 7011211 D. DOD.GIAN, WhoDsale_Drn. Wstr nrtd , a/ deader In Dye Stuff, .ranits, Oil Y . .r. r.ere q No on Wood street ooe noor.Soens Uin All , Pittsislski,___ ILL_._.L.._-------- - ; ---- . I : 4_, TAIIIIII Ir.Ellilt dn. td.C.2,lssfee, , n.' nr, i /n el D. Dn".l Chaudicrs. 4d BIS. leggy bona ale end Retort J oan r Normand Plutteni I netroaterda, Schoolllcedo, Pant. ,/ ter glee! Pear Witte, YrinterrClria, had &a generally, No. el Wood it. Pttleboritt.l —o7:#"gl'lSTes' “Piq j SC.IIOON7rAIEI3,a. vrholelak, r IIIE'PNIIOIIDA;41 EtCoutolt.sainPlind Forwardtof Merehrua, o ettrerty tatio South Getd ,d_Lteop,on'e Poo I 1 JUAN I. GALLATIN, µareal at . Law, Wee 4h et, between Groot aud Sadtkkeld, path pde, Pdaharik. W Mateo attend igrecepdy to busman a r the adro , rims cuddle* _ V1.8,-AUCTIONEVAI &mot 141% and Wood rurets. Pooderith, _ -4 , 41 3 .1 0 g r .S . door above the .11,,donigaiele Undige, Pitteho:gh, irr Iron, Nut., Oars, he. r , d ertat .4 .l aorta , STOCKTO TOIIRIMON es. N Booksenets J Punters and Paper osanatactiaers, 411 Id ark? rt i r : 12 - Zit! 117) 13 0 ` J. Claseleal,Theolor,seal, I School{ td4e4- aloe°. and Methodist Dear and.Statroaery. sp-41 IW. 110131CILTSOS & lizakenarti LA- O .clutoge Broke., corner or Woad and Third Km*, (Merchant'. Hotel tleildsztp,) ' 1171hrtteaerpureiaraal uca. oerd _—__---,--,--- 61 --- _ -roux 1.18.11, WholearthiGarocrohn tltt in Pro 0 doe., Yriteloineli anansfaeinrea . Tin Plato, tof 1q.',..... LP.'l7'”, rth's'`—r-1--1,-.----r, John Regd. I' - 7 Richard Fkrfel. 1 T kS. VLOYD. pale .1. 044 krC___ • J. Grocer& No. itet Irbeny Wore' .' ,' - • arr I JAMES DA.I.2ILIa Whiresalerjrcreer,Praranhe • aiern blerchant. and dearer s& yonfire a and Pittabmg& atanaraernrea. Na ItWater in, r ,..,.... 1 ,. , 1.... N T 11. IN/LTEJLASANI iftroleule 1111Oetf: For. ILI. warthog rord Coonnoision Merchant. Dealer in Piurbur:h 11Isaufacrares sod !rodaerr..NOS. Mil Water ended Ir rout .... __4_,___ in LiEWLIIIII3IIITO#IIIO2IIc a . Co. Wroiialt Li Wows, For ar ' - ------ and dealers ;d P. ...bomb WC., and Oknont Or ..11ingnI.414:iani. is i n 3 r, F :a ". .. , :taitt da2 as wood sr. Yoro.nrate John WOO ._ rr li A' - ...La —._ . .4 . 630.1 / Nortolan Me wha W m., No 111 LibenY afrorir PM., All'. - , —"..___lELLV r ._ • rt h les 11.noe .1. Wec r lE Mallet , 1 ',.. 1 Al t ' ~ . c . o . 0 na .....ri0n and Foroa_rdine; D1..11,, nalts.:Wan.'r and Fora ilia between Wood. and Mark . ________..........142.11 1117 Eli. , IliiNT&il-&7Go, Whaleaalc OPPK(111 .1.1 I. No. Ix Liirrny et. ~___ ictlO_ 1 *" 7l;re = "l 7 .rtor ' ZILI.V.I I . h 11.1q.LET8931. 1_ , , DX err. and Goula,:n.a. ..trYl alLeer. Yti L iirah. O i'. Me.COtila & KING, vinole.le sod mall Bat' and Inr. on .natartarrrr. and 'dealers, tlr VOnCy Vars. err ,. Lo r tv....1 and Fla. rei. ___ An_ LI / NA' & p .. 1 IJAL ttl. Wrr. .to. lile re alftZt. ' el.V.el Potabara ykillo 1118.4 & &Whi r ; IN . oar door ff..% comer 1. Droned , and tiorneuns 111114 off Droned. ank 11.o.,sanJ Sort ID" C • ..., /not, OA ar *WA , IT iva :iv... I iii, wu:sicii ti..... .D.,k,., No. e Gel Ic Cr I.' firl'eit.i7"-i is P°.',,, 1 7...z,,7„ , T i '..1`F.1 Iyj .. ilerr rrrt.. „ I) 11. IiAIFILD. II . It • LI rwan , . inoldnall our! rl ee _ nouaTsom a 111 It is land Carernimon r Pritaierah. TIICIIAIi s w .re. mmd Carriage 7 MO •-. &ureic Psugne • Tv ." 'Airittun CO, A: gpn bierato.M. an , Pstt,buqh: Ma oulfe,tlit . r, 6 , 111 rt.. 1!!AT'I tb : 1 : RIO 11A11:1VZ.2: ind Can iat l'inskarsk. BUSINESS, CARDS. icaule tiro- R°cßeraff:,ElT ! ' rutork Z arui F L orta C rd?ng Me ' r ° criatu., duo lerf in Produce arid PiUslotagt, Alaltulacturro, 6141 SORT. 1101111101‘. SAX . .. 1. novisamr. 11013ISON & Co., Wholesale timer.", Pro. 41. , duee and Comuueruon &lutetium., and Mud.' d‘ .PrUddirgrt Maitufacdares, INo. lb° Lrbeny strer i t ;m ras. burr*. Pa- ..- 11 ° orst l iZerralor P‘toifl. l'Arstf:,;:;lfou:l - koolo of and Dorucsuo Winro onl Liquors, Nu ~ 11 Libony suoto, iusburgh f 011.11Tolgoll'ell'\\Vitils:4;7;Itirsvillte LITt: clod. — - uow23-Iy_ L..-0.• Reynold.. - 111.12 " 11.t„.:ItTiA v itT .nrd,lig,v'Vrcoz. dealers la Grocerica.PrOda., Pittsburgh blanufact urca and Chloride of time. The highest vie., in cash, raid at all times for Corer.. 9 ! FL.F.!C,.?StrII2! Penn and Irwin ate. Ansi Dl7 Shackles. - , 'Tata R WhLle. UACIEGETT & WHITE, Wboteale Uea Ssera to Foreign and Doman. Dry Gouda No 110 Wood Imo, POuburgh febl7lf Q WIRT. EARDRUM!, Wooliteretkants7—deTtl. Cr. in flour and Produce racially and Forward tna and'Cortgoitoion Merchants, No' 314 Wood street Pitaburab. O in Breed's buiLltny, SI Fourth Street, Leturrer I g Y 13" " fr. e4' "rft2Mo quit IA. not—. aaapi.Winter and ellll l. IscandLtudOlT,./. Noll 7 nth at, bets.. Waal and M0.7.1f .31 Q Nom ISONNEORRT kV..., Wholesale 53.0rocer• vorentrang and Cannstalon ,. slcreltants, Dealers in Pataharth l% Manatactures and astern Pra do., fa. anteaied Oar.. warehouse, (old stand) Nu 35, tooter of Front at and Chancery Lane., noel QAVIVEL Poraranting and Coot.- 53 clod Merchant, Dealer ta Salt, Produce and P larlh aanafacturead armies, Cattal !Lain, near 7th el • Flo. t y. - Q., In N Lan,— ' , VAISIIET •it BlZlST—Wholesale Groce, Courdalssidra Merchanut, and dealers la Prodoes Nu 31 Wood suiet.'Patsbareg. sp3ll rr4IO3,YENNEDY,Jr., Looklng Plan Manufactz A. res.. semi Dcaler in Clocks, o,glkb., ano V.n 40W...corner of Waxl•tul Foaribi stre<to ilß PPIANiR Forsyth. SYTEI &Co, 'Commission Merchant. Sdelfent in Salt, Limber. Groceries Produce and Ptusburgh Manufactures, Canal Oman:Liberty street, Pittelalgh: ' JOLS DAVID lr CAUDLIM W eirittkr{ttgestletnX":lZuArTgin; Commission Merchants, dealers in Iron, Nails, Ulmer, Colson:tiaras and Plusbonsh Mansdactures generally, eornerof.Wand and Water am Pinsbonrh. reehlS If; 31 1 111iPHY ftwites ladms to cal • V v cso2oiroo stick Freneh Worked Collo some as low ss tent. maw Vir WholcsaleGrocer,Forwoldlog and uhd Co ion Alerc6•nti ood Dozier IP Produce Pioithfield 0.... Pittsburgh, PO. cor!'" W''hor V(THLTSDIMIII & WOLFF, Importers and I' 'Wholesale Dealers in Hardware, Cutlery, Sad.' teieorner Liberty and St. Clair streets, Pitts. AV IL °L .ol rr trOn ' el B°* aing?r d if r it:Tlea ' sr C r .ll.l(a ‘ • h y o , b4.l4rcPallnii lo doggers . description of Ruling Etiodnig. .972: I,tr --------------------- If 1r . “tablatuaers, N 0.144 Liberry stPt, near the ma reb & N. lIITCHILLTILEE, Wholesale Gres W . caas, Reetirpng Distillers, and Wine tuttl Lamar W Merchants, No. 16U Liberty intee4 (opposite sh,) gnu) 11s1 ly V•17111 ' 4 1., St Clair stt cc, oast &or to Aldetrusu J ohn.. OASKARIPe Dealer in nn) and staple t—Dry Gods, No 79 Market street, Pittsburgh r • LEMEll5—rs burnt / t "District.) C 0.., ore SLOW loraird at 118 Wood at, where they offer karate a lame atiatill •leal of arocUrtiee and Pittsburgh Mandl . .iure*. at low vv. a and on favorable tem. nasyld • Al W. WILSON, Orolei ,a Jewe'ry . . 1/ Silver Ware, 'gallery - Goods, dcc, No. S 7 Mee 'oar: `t IX. MURPHY, wholesale and ret.t.ldenie. V Y • Fort..r3 I)ry Goods. UM lb east cur. etreitfMarket and Fourth sm. anol IT Yen s of Jr., has thrpurelowed the V Dreg erase ot Fdtar lila., corner or Pen and Hand streets, will seep a conothat supply of the hest nnfat:ten, pesfumery, Playsictan's yrwornithana carefully c n ig ht. Medicines can be had 31 ali suers of the toght. feblndly• A PI Willmford. John F Singer. lIIYALLINCIFORP it Co., Comnuss:no end For V warthur_lslerehants, :Inroad, n.:nr Weed •ttert, Powborgh. It., Utrn. 31. DAILLLINOTON, Attonter et Law v •P., or take the se noodedgment sod moo a beau, Contract , ono:a:dials, or Loy alb , mount (under grit or nor) he toted or retooled to :he Wore of Moo. Office on Mind streel,sbore Soot reld. - 11-tf No. lulu• c.../Lvatuatuscovi. . v 'um., near SinithLettl. ar, an 4 other Clonfrtt wi.h Pann.a!,il usicsoc thsacllo P.OOIIIIP, Croclauu, eu B A Fahntock to Co, John Horton, EN, Graff; Lluituay it Co, JohO Woug limos McCully, EN, IStal. Will am, Luonct IN4-17 .7. attNay., RECTIFYING DISTILLER, AND WIAOLUALII D &&&&& In FOREDO & DOMESTIC WINES & LIQUORS, .16.414 Liberty at., mut 52 Diamond 47, rrmuu Kill, PA. /717.41 y • WARCK TIN Co. B oo ns, /bal RI m yr fir MA ngs, R Emelt. Note and Cilia, _Corner of Third and Wood andel", nowthdly • • Pittsburgh. Pr. ti W Wilhums ' • • Wm. At Shinn. • t 3,". wm Lewis t' WILLIAMS Is SHINN, ATTORNEYS d e COUNSFA:LOS AT OpsOffre• Nor* side of Fourth st stor e emh LAW. hfietd.4lo febt7Alt•rlyit Z. J. HENRY, ,fiTTORNET and Counrellor at Law, CINCINNATI, 01110. at ;baths.,ref O h,o aral Jabal. and In Ireameky, promptly *ad ully anended so. REFER TO—llon.llwhard Buldla Wm Oen & Von. artm,.Was 61•Kalla,Caurch /a Canaan, Wm II s, Cn., &noels P. ! Trdm Span. bek k Das. Jr& Useme U Jona. - Vona ittackl atrod 0. BLACKBURN tr. CO 0, WZ RINALA Gmeremsh manlttaol,,ogit.ol. orslhad at all tames • &Wand rena amortm a. ens mods al their Ii Water stmet. near Cherry Alley, Calabash. . *O3 1 : • OF • JUNIATA Willits, BOILER IRON, E. F.-` P ii a. . ean m Water tut Will kup ha Iron had Held 4, bubeirlisiodaft ouriteuriles ocolt lodes eroied. JOItN , X T s WNllMMDeOrnegisa and l%pothe• . nail, No IS !salmi si, Mice doers above Tined at., Piiuberib-will. emostmily on kind a well select ed amonseartlef he hen aid freshest Alediehletivrisieh be wilt eels mite aml.ressonaluye terms. Physic:mate amdlM(Mdets II be VrOmptlir'sdlended to, and nip pliesiemb artiele they inky rely appeos ae genuine. erray.d. Presesiptionv will be tesunnely and scatty prepared • • the best eatterisfs, at any hour of Me doyen melt .• AM for sale, forge stasis of fresh and vied Perks ; I t xr . w . • LfON. %Voce Maker k Jeweller, 11Y. • senses Sind Market ate. A large and well .seleci f Ml nteek of 'ragtime, Jewelry. Parer ware and Mihuq Omsle. Always, on hand and at legginor em. writ pnees.,Unlil Patent Lever, full /mecum , watcher, m leer as 440 naves do watches,. low as alb Monism Co . operr, Yobiei,Johisson and other spernved snaked' Watches rosy be:had at s small &deduce sod warttsmd.• •• I • irrFinn watch work done to the very best man ner • 17 .1 . . Mci.vseri ' ham It. Inoue. FLINT 'GLAIR lIMUTAIILISIIIIIMNTs 1101ULVANV k LUDLIE msnufactore aml Imp eon stantly, on hand Mt, Moulded slid 1 . 111111 EL/1 1 GlaSserase, to all Its varieties, at their Ws It house car. net or Market and Water snems, Pittsburgh. Our %Yorke cense:me in full urges:en sod W(1. 0 cosonmssly addlng to our simk. which roul.les u•,., onicm wtth Psorontem, Putchapers are re.pertful:y wliriud weals end exagnlne prices and somas royltkfy ATTORNEY AT LAW, Dino. ad Dry oppOslt• alt. Charleo Dull;Dotal, Prrrsnu w - b - Racal ml o mr*ltlackeuali,,Bell* Co • Chown & (....othcca Y/11.1.0r5 k. D T.lrlornn DODILA.I.; ANIWAC,IVILED or To. Copp e r, and she,. Iron. WI War., - and deolrr BI11•11111• ' owl lipannod Wain, No r 7 mar. The subtertler re.pero roDy alLa lho attanliOn dm Warier° alerehawy, Country dralerr, an d nl, ollotra, to lon larir Cook of man. • faWared sod Curvy 7 1 ; h y l 4w i l i g Dale 0.01, 1071:1665e'4, IWO:1.17n irene4n7ll7, 0140.' .RNDDor BRKWERS•IIIALSTPD A 117 BRE DFAtrS. FLTUBURGU AITO WERIEg l'o;;ood:flog of Pot ,• PlLtsbaruh. Pa. . %V. licinbrigta. r O. A. *tv. tIONBILIOUT, 1111.11/1C 411,1E1S UN --IT-Ale 11, 'ULT A RRA NTP.D V4d al, it .I*e/I°G - to' ant mide sw ma Vaned Hate., and which Ahoy will dlapar orarlOW Psicoa and on kood Tettmc • "' • -oetityr Irate 4 roictS., ) li,orwardind 1 rty and VA , No Y. Market Wee. Foonb, Wafers In Vor• felehouge,Certillcines a shlrt.lpaciaissL 6 “ l . ). steel? wbot.ak Dry W... 4 meet, Pattablusk '--. •Wbalealif Ureetr • nmeli nit /denims.. NA4 . • • - art -44 LlVe,llraiiv cearly oppostie 184.44 err Print, Produce Dist Wants; No .I.u,rTz.4 Zeigl -IWacia,ana Doute.tic ,040010 , 0. Mad .ieverpoT.ll, • xxvolt.. resflXl. N. p. t 1. siccsoni a C 0.,.• ICVNUFAcTuItEIIa a Unmarred WW. I4 •MS Lv.a. Spada; Itais, Hay sourManum Folks, *A . ., kt• PM...rah "."1.1.. n.•••• ii;orms• • tioundiromenin;vonneis • denier. in • rroannn Ltd , Litany rc orponits "Xt.: hoi..k. .4 rettikdeid.r bsegislErre Tool. 0ug4.1 , 411- Too4s, and T.urri 011. ria FORWARDING S; COMMISSION ------- A. M. \Val...word. . ' Jno F Smarr. W•I4I.I.SGFOULD & CO, COAMF.4SION FORW ARDING 111-ICIIANTA,I lI T F A l [ II A M W' A R F T A N PIT/MCIOH ANUFAC RES, 1 , ft . fl n l solo 100,0001 La aa.orted'Amel. - Naylor AC , .. C...., ionl, • Joueafr. cialgOs Am 'Rimer Pprara and Volt 91),1,q!‘hoxels, N,aJos an Forks; Comae ' , pr*. am/ ales; d A twAIA, Ovum bolo;).Vmor, laalent and cnoonan.l Siodne., Sledno Mouldo,Croolmr, F11(113, Ringer, (larnatuirdt , ,l Matlock, y and Coal IVY.. Aars.:floyllie..,s , / , kir.. Log Cnnint,ar r.. try,alamander, Eta Prooi Safer , 11011. N...., (hurl and other l'Oolmrgh Monammut. , ki 01, mu,. . CCU N A itc":igaV: D AN EN IIOW 6IL do CO. ) TOBACCO COBIIBISBIO.II 1111 . 1ttll AST 8, No. Ht tiouth Wharves, and No 117 rood, W ate, y 1.1111:ADELPIIIA. EG to Worm the trade and dealvra generally of 12 1%114.0, that limy hah, made such ..Frungewote with the Vitamin clanufaethrOrs and the Grower, of the West, Weal lathes, aud other place.. will wrote forge mtd constant aopply on the fallowdig toms of Tobacco which will l.e add upon o. areoen. modultog teon 11 4 any other house to st.. city or el. , where, nod n ntl ataxia ordered Mot them will ho war- ranted equal to representation:— • Havana, St. Vara; Putla - RIco; Pensa ,1 See.ll,af To Cuba' Iguinq and Plocila„ boom: ALSil—.llronels4 celebrated ArOII.ILIC True Caven dish, with a law &spews,. of othe r . popular brands, and qualities ,of pounds. ho Ws law and 34. Lamp, Sada Ns and DU Plug; Ladies' Twist; Virginia he, sweet and plow, in whole and hull boxes, woad and un, together with every yawl)? al . article woad and to We trade. • jrl6-dly J C W AOOOl/100, I.ate of l'insburgh, Pa. Low of Nashville, Tenn. I SCHMILIt & ANDEHAION. Dealers Cation, LA Forwarding WA COMMIsII.OII Idelohants, No Front alreet, above Ilwadveity, Ca onus& Onus Finn +o -- M Allen &Co. Ilagaley & *lath. 1 l'atstaugh Win Illingbant. Soap & Shepherd. Macon to McAlister, v 'Penn Venn:man & Aroultead. Lane & Co.. Louisville. Ky. Spancer Whaetnau, Is. Juraes•Johnston & Co. Hewett. limn & Co., New Orleaus. l'ilaggreggar & Morris, New Volk. Duvall lioryslder A. Co.. Itaitunove. etniA, Usgaley A. Co.. Phdadelpbm Daniel Deshon, Rostra, Tit saLs at ..ILER ile.Arys, FLUE Jr. FIRE • I. 'HOEISPERGER • 1111111uoll,,PA. • Wanton. Riroutly occupied by 1. near Noraia . • Steam RIM, ! • a mu Intpply of all nil. of Mile. I a• and . Fite.fied Iron, made front • which will to sold a tile lowest ofhisslder• Ordenra, art Invited tock. promptly at, Polleni get ...h. w.rf ' 117. qatlitita oi Green ond Blank Teo.. •. • Oat!, ond one pool! so . e . !; , ase 2 %.son (44 rR'44- "! t .. r .?" 11 ' ' ' ,4 /tt tog ,o co - - • . - ' : J. G. W. Lettwick. W. C. J. G. W. LEFT FO W RST ICH/MIMS & Co., . REIVING, A , I And Commission Alonshanto, PLA.4IIIOIINEs Los PARTICULAR intention paid to connignsnents of Sugar Mills, Dienes, or meet onteleofor Conlon.. n'Rd-FA:17111..W-Mossrs ÜbetZetd &Lightlow, M. Tho• mu Limerick: ge. , Crtean.. Won, Conn & Bemoan. Mr. Z M. Snerler, L. tAlessra., limit & Speer. M, Wm. at:nary, Robert WitlitM&P, Armstrong& bolno; lincinnati .'Carkurgi, Result Tend & liie Co ; C amen..: Ilynes & Craigneml, Rananls Whiteoll t Hon. Zenon Wining, lion. John Donn: P11(11201,11.. Ls . eel AI,. CRAIG, UELL/LII t co" FLOUR FACTORS AND PRODUCE COM- ' MISSION MERCHANTS. I IDERAIr cash sulyances made NI receipt of co. sigurgeols Those shipping to our address will be PAlllthree-fovrths valor in gay-lace irt C.ll, Ly apply mg worm friends, Illesrint. Wallingford &Saylor, Putrborgh. • hies.... Thos. Bell &Co . Ilrlgrport. Ohio. , Philadelphia. Nay 3,1541 mayt7-11 N. 11. All produce contilgurd to on is insured when in the warchonite Walituaford & Taylor. Pittsburgh. or at our core ill Philadelphia. C & Co. ri; ESN VOICI'ATIONS LOC IN & 6ENNBUI, ErigIrIIANDIVII O I.FSAI.EDEAL EEI igaLIAU , . A.D.. No. l'N • Wood 8 P TTSUEUGU. A HE now in Cut court, of retiotryne large u Iditions El to exten•,ve cork or Ilardwurr. Cutkr,. Sad Ivry.hevlng I.rrn purch,ed oo the 11LL, 1 odruntaecon. .Iln* Engintid, anti &met roar the tlanutaciurery alit country . , eiturtit , On, to of fru aryl. oil le rtiry.tortia-tird ity ego,tilr4 by few Parer...cry ore vrypetititilly to roll. UNOttlaK COC CUM'ISSION & °MANIA Sly ME.ItCIIANT No tti Win. 9rueer, Pitlt ItGll, CIONTIN r.ti to transact a general (:onuniasion Bus:anis, especially to II n purchase and sale. of Asnanean hlaoulactu - es and l'ooluce. and in 'receiving and forwarding Oasis consigned to his care. As Agent for the Manolacturers, Le will he constantly supplied with the prtncapal article. of Pittsburgh Manufacture nt the. looryt wholesale 'Meru. Order, and e....signinen:v are :loportiolly yr 7 Conway I. I: itonhiv , ... 11. P. !CONAN AV 6. CO., 1)ORTSI1f0lfr1 enotta.• an and rorwersl . /og Mechants. tuld.l . g..dur , l/c.air•••—al.o ailrod In the Purchase, Sala •nd tr fonont oa lug iron:Cosi, Sr To. Jon,. & ft, Ite.wva..Rati.l & Tortnix.Mesitilq h I leary litaff hen I. & fu Lyon Swarlb & CO! flarT• & Thaw ataria,ll JOIIDi PEDAL% . olrue Grin of MilColll4 Ler IJ CO ' WhOlesale Groeer, Comrsalston Prone ereharst, nEALEIL ell t o of Coutory Zo. Coo l/ per, Tot. Tin l'lsser Titteer: Tools, itagla elteer Imo 0011 Who , . ! 0 'ot %Solt's. Coo. , Varo•. end .oreh Monofirettoes rencral.), COO., otel 11,, In steer,. Poed.oreb, fit. lira: edvancer.lo , o.l. or oorde on eon , loguownts of Produce. &e ,•-• • • AUCTIONEERS AND COINS:SION MEItCIIANTS; ALEXWER LEVY & tiltos. CINCINNATI & ST. LOUIS OFFER to sell at caber eatabltsbourol, all It.nds' of alercbandtsa at toe lowest rate of Cortanowons und are edarays prepared to make advances. dri e r best of raferennes peen, required. f.etiers tsted father Haase vilit be promptly attended to. Wall ly /011 D Al. RICHARDS, COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 20 WATER IT.. 001.074 TE 011RAPrz1DE BALTIMORE, virvinow Glass Mass W. Onsd Fron, Ilees- V +s, ma a and Country Ihoduee Adesnees de oneonttgnmttnts. Satisfactory !ef. encore to those atlaressma hY 0131$1 set.l7-ty ° ihirij rnornoa.w. n. esittruni TROMPRON 6 CAMPBELL, , COMMISSION MFRCHAN'TEI Aod Rfassafseotron of Linseed 011, No. 30 Columbia Sired, CINCLNNATI, 01110, caca. PAID TOM rtAxnean.4o sepl2-ty. WALLINGFORD k CO. COMAIIIISION,A FORWARDING MERCIIAITR, Second I r near Wood: INEALEUS In nusbutsh Menem...en add Reeve 1.1 hardware—wtll keep eintstaelly um Wed moe of carnage sprint. one axle.. intro.. ratlike. and net • lee, fife proofet Nary owed.. vices .I.leektatuke locskowo, sledges. de.. fr.c. men{ MALCOLM LEECH. beeirli MALCOLM LTACCII & SOS, T ATE All Grocery. Corn. and I s loor Merchanto; dealers In all kinds Oaantry Drodacr, Copper, Tut, Ti, rlarce.lionere Tad., Irma anal•Lialla, :tine, White Lead. Dye Stuff, Room Sheei Ind, Lead, Conon Varn-1, tralL.Ada and Dittobargh 14.9(xturcs generally. Not 111;91, and 91 Liberty atkeo,orie door Ware the head of Wood swat, Pitotiorgh, Da. Liberal advances, in cob or good., made. on ran tlgnatentsof produce. , Ate. Imelda & Co., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, For the l ee Parivoce generally, ! PIMA DEPIIIA. D - fl.ihernl ail oticee Houle on editelentrient•;-(11 Phillkda Deronttar Y 2 dam D. W. 101,1111..•• R. I. PIATIIEWS-41r. PATCH, COMMISBION I,Vater alircet, ref LOU ATO DV Illaticepurticular attention to the ...Ding or Prm d ace, atop Weirder. (or portihs•dig Brom jo-lieorge Morganh. tat , D•. .nett • . joint J t! ColOcttwiti. JOHN .M'CUL1.01!0II & CO. Comaliasion and Forwarding Illerrhiint3. lio B . 93 & 95 NT. Ist nl7l v 0 IttIWIJNI:'W:W if A HF. Unlit snor• TIROL J. 13 1;051:11I1CHION • Nos. 8 and 9 Light NI irrcs.l, sd, a lice. will Le mode on consignment to aLove &dare.. by jwil I y /IT.Sisth at. (SEII T r.. 1. 51 111 , AT AIJKAIT, COMMISSION k FORIVAIIDING MEACIIANT, TRODUCE h fiIF:6IIIANDISE .419 Offkro,Nci 56 Iv ner :+tr!ot,l'iiwburei EN STF:A °A ; EILUII ANT US A. FA lIN ESTI/CIL & eo'n. WHITE S.• LEAD WORKS.—IIio undersigned hare completed - their new works, teeniest on the birth of the over shore din Aqueduct, in Allegheny ell f, opposite ihostinigh, fur the ninnulnetnrewl u supe• sins spottily of white lend, 1.1111 dry and poun in nil; :dot. oil wid Iltlierngot, tra din :d tAninselVer df Ito o rent intro: eineids in its manta'. turn, unit eructed Itir tinilillop 0p.., ter) "termite scale, and with esiwrily to Intim land in large; gauntries, they will Iwnble to nil ordern tonlinott env extent. noth TOVIC PATTKUNII YOIL RACK—CnIM• halelo•ter, Pattern Motor, Allegheny coy Oa MA hao neweat Pone.. Cot Muir,. on hand edber tn wood or iron. MdlUearinß nnd •Ilothor pattern , nook In order. ape tto rai, WO do Natural Colored a'parat aka s-t• ' too do 111. ached W Whale Oil; O Mae Lord Oil. Intl reed and for ache by "HIV_ MD LER 2 RICILETIMIN ICE CREAM FRKEZNKS—Just ree'd,'a loge saw, I. Olen( of 3tatilvon'4 eteellont I'Ment tour Cream Erre. :are, •nitable lam, Ste.llleatA and prima Urn, JOHN MINLAP De m o, at - NON market at: .':' , . - .; , -;• , • , .1•0•,_?.4 .,,, 7 , A , . ,,, 7 3111SCEkl"Al S 5 T L ' ati a JAIME"' W. NV rt Twat` nut" eCOXITCPat i 51423 sa , eV" 'CIRRI) STREET, A LaßliGandapleodid .oeotilletti.f Forswore, notablo fur Steout.oots, nowt, and pneatenuielt a, rouawntll' ou baud 4.1 Pladela ordeit.o , o . bn rhepretent te. .toek Gotta.' cannot he excelled Vary' otanutoutur, to the wro" reentry. Person" utelltteg 0, Ulytoole Would .10 well Ly.gieshg nte ant det p erraneed ray place. 'tall' ph-afie: Tart idol, as c 00... [a— rta:s3la. will. rte.!, and 111,,e1.31 rover.; . 2dos hltdoagsay Nurse 1115111, It pair Dieu., 11 dux lint malutgany Chair, 12 coahugani urk Is rodingany Ruching Choir, utarltic lop ',ceasing Burette, p'sr (Wooten, tottehle top Wolk Stand.; • lit cherry Work Stands; Mehogany..slapte , Cherry and ropt.4 all tlrter.ptiolt, and a large assornado. of Cortuum, Fortilture n 11.11.1101 IV, too tllllll,fUtt, litentioll. nar9tl •-• • NIW II Alt JOSEPII WOODWNLII... Corner Of Wood and Ad ala v i'ltlabUtrdht j ol . d . fion 01 13 11: al i ke ta rt pleasure tit anntienenig my frientc:lin and country, that 1 Ilier opened tal nate state at tha above natoedplum. "Ilaviog pareleoed ray pod. for 0 , 1., and made arrange:tart. athla ttillnllfielettre.ce In iikl9 eottotty and In Europe tube ernettoully sapplted, am luny prepared 10 curnt•li Itarduraicol kind.. ut, as goal wrote and u. love 011 any, hoot° Es'. og Wel.l ler - chant' not oil...Am : al ...peel/ally invited to eel sod aatonotoruy stoek..beforelparehalting elseohere. - ete.n?flo4r.=: follavrtna res a parit V. 5. .. ..tetearalremt end Sti campfi ddlery I rt Straertate.a.tan Trlta rattiest 'Naylor , . Steel, Ctlery, Edge Taal. Allelic, Vt. eer›Leet..." Vatchet, 'Stehle., Scythe.; lm- Ilittgott, Union Vartarrl•lnces r Save. blear - lan , lat , tatitt au/ 'esteem, alai all ecLer arseleartottaletted arch the Ilan] are buelnesa_ math( 'OAZZABI'S .PATENtiD DSTEATI. TIISPA . N . D I N Wan'. la this I . w iian orn Phi.horOw ' Me.hinic;• ! ... - -7= a:‘,l Allegheny 'cti'; na mes oustuntontershaveihttein tbemseleca above thevulgar Int:Mire itgainuknutrihmtatione, and thby ere Gaut... iledwend he priitMence, eita s ply ow been., it drier,. It. the beit i .stypsl. acid ml liwilstead lit u his speak* for W. the whicribers. practitial cabinet tanker. of the eine. i" rittsbutalt and Ailreheity, dq hereby CM• lily tbaliwe have boueld the ii to othinttfactitte bed. stead* with liutuni. Puma....ening., and considet the snow gopeftor to gh) ai wiilt lir Lich We ars aqunted. Jo Jame. Lemon h n M'Greve It Yonne /. Ca 'When Faint. it Bartley /woes Barr John Liggett, Jr. Son tt:;;, L k • Lawn. 0. tab. . In • Dann Thorn. Farley Ilugh It Ware.' the David Laker Itamaey A.AVClellattd WWI Wallace Moses Balluek David Lokey Tor Rights to male and sell the shove Bedstead. "tat: EBENEZER GAZZAK, Patentee D ATENT PRICSI - 1/13.1 - CTICIMintYI i L 'I. e sobsettbers hay.gobtained a patent. May It li46,lVieth Brick Machine, and hewing since then thorn ghl ra y reseed Its untidy; ale so,a/ prepared to soil sights and contract to dehver machines to any part of the tlated States. The inadone ls. destined to make Buick from erode slay, cud will snake :Inger good grnool Una brirk per day. sufficiently hard to stack up I . In the knit, thus avoiding the vile tae and lalwr of pre. par. t the slay • dry tog anal konillitig the Wick after being molded. It in mmpft, Wrong. not liable to get oat out ol mina, and in constructed that ens ha takes Is piece. and put together With merit faellitythue rend., sea it *noble. We nre now building machines, and, an toinithihrin 011 .hart onto, For 101 l dcgt_tipliag, gr . * w old refer . n machine now in liotees.ful .. .spore; .tiara , Mill ere( bottom. near the West owl of boehlP atm, wbere we WWI be happy to ereothiiit connected with st to all afro may cull. We have at prewitt sea nuiliciitreil Anent All 1111011'tpoUtaddmiw will be prtraptly linen red to t'ULDhltl SON, Muhl I 1.11.F.:1 At Co., CINCTNNATL UUI.IVAU , VIRE I UIIIC XTENtiI 1-1.1 ntiooved pail • 1.1111 , 11 I,) oriiirtg tr 'rut ousititti, the we b a,l 111:11 country. nitti niroughout rlig interior ol sillfor &do,/ ry zheopriong of Nay igutioti: The itmettal all width then eurolobly . ailwwriori,) &prod,. wlected expeneneut w, laonglet num blast hind, with the dliroyet WOlll din 111411C-11w fa..hle. they aneth bieb dl. 1101,ed de.l. ea: Molly wip.iiuml *iv thoronably burned cusituteity maolonwy, goi• pole altwoongiwli the pro prietor. in all lonoitaitt Wow :telt...lodged W..rii'iY.Y lie pwfootly ‘Tapplicillwo to J gI!J MAC1.A114,4 hcloiolgoon ItoiilWort LW FOURTH %TilkllCTutk CfaC,Ltli, 01CONFECTION ILV AND MAIM RTOllte, will open slrentay, 4ipr ,A 14,th. mar doors from Vood st, and next door to A Jayne} Pek,n Ten Store. . A splendid woornonntof Feene y Cute, CopfactsOnary. itt etc...ton the connter every de); amonswkich are he folkwy , Oß catoult , ; •Poa.i.l Cale, •Lemak hisOuiti h Pastry: f Jelly Cake, Ahtnnot Ms Idol -a eat, G.ttere Net, lt afar J u nth., epan Federal Coke; A 1 , , orders for ler Crewels Jetly thstsfeceimaarr. e see Jetty, , 01 /1 matther oaalled on.: teinl beauty It an, other ostallfierP men, on 11, ea, Freels Weed. he , manufacture.' sedelf I from Whau Wheat Floor. and Ilea opt. all dra,.eve, .11,1. 1 pl A NI DX EtV SI. A Ananee w ata, • elontee lia. Soave:W.l.ore. op,tnun to all woo hay , . Died pronounce tithe oterq pleaswit .utcpusawn lhat the) ha re ever e'en, sad In r„, tt watt.; the read, of •11. 1 hone rodeo-ea the Nu, tow ..nourn to stfOnt ats nepottuu , ty every per , . toewe at it trial nod pea., tor them•elve• ,llentletnen. 101 l tor r/eh. la tor: . , - •101.. w. on with your 11.0 r,nir, rep., don't fir •,. tr.d: woo', e•o, Ottlell to fill them; and. you are not 5011.0e1, the mote -1 s well tae returned. ' STF.IIIKN e lron trot Lard thl l'aelory and Fancy :taw Works fellll _ sth nt.oppwite Itun OD Dote; Hardware CutUV le Ary,W MO 11411er, , Sc. JOHN L Eft, ININPIITI:g AND LIEM.EO HI Fore,' and Domes, aa Dot aware, would respectiao onnlm (rms.!. andthe pohlic generellt, that .• new rerewlng las e.prolg supply of Hardware. at the old candor' Waller Woodsrell. lko od Wood .beet, winch he wi l l dispo.r of on the most reasotohle ten.. Ile will be continually ,eriving ffes . h ounid.esdirct , from the Alazufacturers , in liurope and doe counts), wtoch will enable Lion we compete wall *sly rwald ment, either East or West. , . Western'hlerchenta inv i ted to call and eisonne bts coot tu•fore ourebusmo el...whore Geyesen•raniy. • VItTE. the undersigned. hoer entered 111 , 1 , Cll corner V V step foe the 0...p0ne of tranwrettat a Commas.. and Forwardlne buitine As, under the' al 2 of & CO.. • Kral have taken the warehouse, No Comae wool how. Liberty one a. fdrnterly Oreupied by 51e. B where all bootless catenated in out' charge will tie proroptly rod fa atteuded to., TIORRIS ()RUM. formerly of Bloladelpltto TUC'S II ' Southfield, Ohio F . DUN B IdeGRKW," potshoruh, March Rd, , - troshy3 It,IrINERAL RE.IIIOOI GP LAIL& 01.1 r /.51. 1110 R—A few dozen littlest editsonl of ll•ashteta and llnstors Mineral Region, aceompanted by the leap of the etude centaur, number and locatton evesl permit. new , ond repo s! 111044,14 all the motor/wont. resolio( rho geologscol aenfeypographleol out, cry.;together with 11l the elidolocal indortuatotonalo• !Ivo to the mineral releaser 1.• kt. Sitpe e rot. s re coutoo• ed tn,thas stork. For sale by •- - BAYS& BROCKW AV, Draggent. . eon &Ilan No leommereial Tow. Ilber , iht D 11.13118, D 1.1.111315. • Teri. 100111.F:1C Drucnint nod Aroolle,ody, N. e W. J corner of Wood Owl sth tor . Pittehergh: wig Lm eonstantly on hand, l/tugs, P 0.1114, 031, D)<-4/1111 , 1. NIB--I . ltyPetatts prraertpuonseorefolty compeond ed ftwn the 'best materials. 311 any boor of the day or josh% Aloe. en •51.01 . 1111C111 of 1.0.11 . 1111111t11 fine Tooth. Bate and Csdh hlru.her. he. he , Which Le will sell „low for - rash • • - • 'moor I _ Tea, Grocery. Fruit and Proolesou *gore. WIIOI.S:SAI.F. AND REVAII. • Ail. 141 LIIII4IITV ISTRILETs OW 1 would .reapentfully Moral Ws BENJAMIN B ohl friend. and the public generally, that he hoa newt. commenced huoistens whe an the ober o bran: hes, octal dint In his old stand. w he hope., hy keetutte a supply rat good arbeles, relting low for th.h. Wild pay nor /WWI at:condo to km Neurons, to . Meta a of pahltr pstronsee. otelts4 _ T. s. FLEMING, LIOESE, SIGN AND lIPAX)RATINE PAINTER, LAZIER AND PAPER RANGE.)). to now , pined In ondonake alKoor nuoiner• in all•as VSTIO. I ...Owl', erre ocion.cnou in every Lrrrpror Nlr,ary 1:111111er, Fl.k. tot onl, 0,1.1 Pr How sod Itionote Apron . alwo, on IMI.tI noilaiiono of wood., and n0.r1))... done in a sup,i ~toroar (LT• of •It Lind( door ot rho, .noon. noon, ~ pled I en NoII St ClairoirPolsbutgb, Pa , RA9S WANTED. I.llo+ ~ouNTlvir MIX EU ItAl;r ) oronnnl, 100,1111 D for which Ow loshrst once.n . CAEll wdl Le l poo A !soar nn n. 1,1,1 ry drrnrtrolos , of IN', air. RIM ".""'" ' SIIEE rorlA I . .nror Prot) and Irwin op Pistrlooth )16104.1481111P WAIIITED—Vor a Ind Inns lr York. 1 , Ey...t0 01 ago: o anuanon m onno• able Connuerriul Volabliolourol Ihn env A. o the don, or 1,, 1.1,11td 'hot Phou'd nr.,..nmn know. ietlnn 01 Inoonoaa n moan rrnoaneronon would only 14 rerpored Int,the 4.0 year Ito letene orty hr hod 11 Editor of ,n),11o. nntil iN1)1.14 , M. mod Mole ..151p 1 . 4 •) to Illordwary. Cutlery, so Siddlor r. No 30 Wood VI, Or iwt 4 ^ • three door. • IChart llotel. 1.111.1..0 1 . 14. .14 - _ 001Ltil larm•atietv of Gold pen, of VI Ow linen approver' Wanda Them ore en . ..fully retested and adapted to carry vannty of hand. The clergm n, the ' , mayor. the merebant ond r very claw of Well sentorlng domino, undarm tad mmtnereirl . pen, eon La wand Their elastle try and fine paint, Vol; trot " ;:t tl,s of .ter veit• or , all warranted, and ...time tit the Ina e.l lo ,"•'• 1:014.1lea Depot, 4.1.11..1-.01 Si w Ist" IXTAIITICIIINDOiacra in *tor..., WatOittotto V. te, far several' void hook keepdt r e, watcban , men, I engem and bole at afferent ages Alto, Winlrd far .e yarn 'repeatable acme Wallies. Valet , . /M. oatmeal good eon., hon. virta, chambit• maid. anddurrr All &ant& of Agencies alrendral tn. rileelle call at llAttltlN.S 30 money • • No fifth at .. ---- . V. IL EA.TO!‘„ . I 111.:A1.r.R in Trimming. and Vannly Go...Turte •nd pe / ]'Cell, Ivoty and lintit Comb..Wonlien 1 mrne Wormed., Ilununt,*, Toren, 11.• ids. /•••. No CS Murk. bli - loqrrileh: Dinuaand and 4ttelnivett rat•lnatsh., . 1 - • . • • - Atillilly_ .. . 13.ROOMMI-150 Jut. retnetity‘sSort:itn- ~1.: , •. .LO 404. an On nn•ON for •61. by - J I) WILLJAJIe a. CO JUNF. 8 LITE flAlit PITTSBIJgcIII ?ENOS 11811711111. Tlostittnlike,undek the cam Bee- J.. it I • Go••••,. non lane. jer which antbe 'jolt/ and or oemr•oato oit• • dream& odneethef eee uiper ! is between 3d and 4th menu. Seceed 1301 LIMrtY 130 b will, commence on bloudny .the eth of leehnury? suol it is Important that any wad may aeSiati eriatuar 00104 beprerent 1. far at iireeticahle eater haat% or *I Utio They bore Kallytal the cervices of Vrofemat Klll3l UOCK as leather of hlusie on the eta. and Gullet, Mar is 100 well known ttenedd recommend:anon AIX. Ille.nrlee• of kIons.CASIMIR I.A DREVT, anther at -Chrestourathis, de la Irnernture Felted. , " mhnr relunble :ch.t bookeln his. ttallre lanauege. Maas. W • credit ctle or the U 1111101.4 I.lld Nonni' School of Paris, nod etaanle Ingles* teacher, • Those who 4e. rotoohuuaau veurane and thorough knewledge Cl Me 'ere h Lan pm yr would do well to place themselves under hie instruchon • Fur terms, we orcillarot apply to the Prtodipal• VOUNG HCIIOI.IL. /1 -1 1111 , Inn Pinion hie but sentry been opened under J. the prawn of Sir. i. W.blcmalf;utihe - Corner of Siandueky.rand StreivrbirdrrT Na. 'the sorecht which hot thus far attended dux Pollard. in tianstabliolimenrsnd promos, has folly edilaffed the expecintimmof as tnetructor and Proprieror and Wet raniu the WWI Mahhe. will he turtained in efforts to 'render It a desirable liirlitimon for the cilucaiMnot Toung Lidice in Alleghotly end •telnity. The Firal SeserothoWia imxt Academic dear, will c ommence on Monday, Feb SM. There are yet a foot he filled, bat as the number of pupihi le limited an rally ePtilleatiou 14 de. sir able. For particulart, relative to tenul, COYPU IL C i reelartor apply In the In,tratior. fear • BOOKS, , MUSIC, . &C. VA LI/ABL .130011{SooPubliahed by J A V & James, Walnut street, between Fourth and yin, elnekinntll (toilet's Gibbon—Tile history of We decline and fall of the Worsen Empire By Edward Gibbon, Keg. A new Edition., revised and corrected throngh. out,precerled by a preface, and accompanied by ante. trincaland historical, relating principally to the prd pagation of Chrlatianity: by Al. V. Grillo., Minuitcr of Public Inttruction far We kingdarc of France; The preface, notes and corrections; trans. tared from she ,French expressly or thin edition With a notice Q 1 the Lila and character of Gibbon, and ,Walson's Reply to. Gibbon. la 2. 8.0;1073 pages, Napier's Fordosola War—Complete. I vol. imp. Also, 930 page.. .. Hallam!. Middle Ages, Chamber'. Rebellion in Scotland, Robertson's Virginia and New England, Ittimell'a French and English War in America, and Ramray's American Barcolatio. I sal 4to. Lillary 01 American History--Containi4 selec; ' tions from the best anthers on American -History, Biography, Travel., Commerce, Btatistlca,llndian., Revolutionary . .Battleai &C. &e..&e. Al.o, Aaec dotes. Poetry and Mineellaneans article. Illeatra trd with more than 500 engravings. 1 vat, imp Bvo 640 page.. Universal Pictorna Library—Containing valuable paper. on various subject., coMprising Natural History, Natural Sciences.Agricultare, Rural Econ omy, Biography. Fine Arts, We Oriental., Travels, Geography, Botany, Miace.laneons reading, Ice. die. I rot imp Ova 640 pp. tall .beep. The Family Medical Library—A '(teatime an the Prevention and Cure of Diseases, by regimen and simple medicines. New mlitloll,lel4o,l and enlar ged with the addition el a Vegetable Malaria Med. ea, pointing not the virtues, preparations sod doses of onemost valuable native medical plant., and an outline of Anatomy and Phyniulogy. Illustrated with One hundred Engravings. sin of "which are colored. By Jo' Nonvood, M D-484 pages ilia American Flower Garden Compan..—Adapted of theßnited States; by Edward Sayer., Landscape and Ornamental Garden°, I! mo, third editiar, revived, enlarged and illuatrated. Palmer's Oregon, lt. cky Aloantatos,&c. An. Family Testamerk. octavo, with and wanner. Polyglot notes,and Psalms se moue. Rice and Pingree's•Debate: Burn's Work. Lady of dm Lake . Lolls Boolar. Alure's Private Deno. one. Juvenile Honks. Cheap edition. of rein a' •works in pamphlet form. i \I, .EW 1114010S-Tbe throe Divine rister, Perth IN Bop< awlrherne.. I s lim 0, arr. , iir Bemire. By Ile. awn..., A 1,!.,!. with•an introduction by Itriv. W II 9ionsVell. • • Artemis of Slot. Mary Jane Brabant. By Rev rqrsrle. Bridger, NI. A Author of CI. when Ali. wiry. Or. A Craire,w4,..em Of Theolooy. ea the Weir nt oh, sterner i atreldrut Ito Rev. Aiesander tiluttlx fatter sern..A Si. [ltAnserrean Mahar,: miroprierim hist:mm..l +ltemise. e the Indian tube. • dwc ir optinia or American Winkel /lit, with au inquiry into the el .gio, and the engin a he Indian 8M... 111wory of the United Mows: with eppeepia sholerns IP connection with Gamper , History. Ilwiers of the present. Itrilith I'm< inees History of Alryiers and regal lic Si WidstM. Oat ataosr owt ft...ow-I or the 110.1 and Paper Bore of PI I.IOIT A. ENGI.IsIi aptir At market. , .. __ Xylittll PlOl4O Al URIC- .1.11 Are Ow Lint a thm bound 0. bruliriit - • Whr.< ere new the Ileprii I Clotiotttett! ' rm the Hwy in the Air. SW doetk all liatitgd Ntre•lL • Breams of die pist The Row of &Latian. • Cary of Argyle, 'l'ho Bulb< r st•r• meet ere Annear. • r a sr., incl., sewn t ruesier r< • n., 01,0 Cos.& Pah dl VerJ Gro, A Jett,rltiote int.t.,•• • Grottlle IVattu • Midnight do t 4 pre-. do Alittntte • ' du Ainslie; Star do Linden du !. Pretense/a de lady do II Ven•ererwe do Werhingion S 01•0100. The shove fort 000 It end ior sale hy myrS. J 11 M1e1.1.011. PI wood la Il a „ l e e tl iTri L e M nd N tl N Yeri l e '' ?w i l 'l L C iN T /N IX-.;tie"e' ar Aloter w Ones, • mossier otysiv entererPi in e South Sea Sly German Nlertrillet •ittltor of - I 5 ii<r " First end Severed Vole Life and 11' riling. of War& rom My a& tiv J. Sparks. ' llice Cuie. hreal 11iwory Porn she rariiert period totlfe 'carer oudord ICSI. :tamed Philowipbflif the tleannti, 4 yule lava of Eminent Individual, ceicbrated an Ameri can Birtory The Puerile of Kiwarledge under difficulties illuatt•- ted•by Arieedwee, with portrait.: mewed, &e.. by F. Wayland, 1/ U. ' (water'/ Natural Theology, 'wilt, supplementary din sertatteith Ite., to Ilium teal Tales for Tont& SceiPbiee II %rusted by intireseng Meta, +neaten,. •nd Rue-Miaow, by Rte. Charter Ficld, ',nob an taut thMtiolt loy Rev 1 Todd, D D. Th, Chinni Priend . - Ilai kW) '. Algebra cheap ...these. Geometry , Filementit OKAnd Conte Z3cettatia: by Elia Story . on the Conatitutinth HarperbsPirevidelJtirary. &bee Gordan, sea Arthu Martin. [nye VWIII:LIWICIIIIGUtGAL COMPANION-Tea, Mekleilieal Companion.or Family Phyincion; treating °lithe dims.. cif the• United State., with their .5 rrip• toms,cause&Suires sod mews of prevenradom common , awes in inargery. tot feactrovs, dislocations, ro. The nianagrarent suit disesee• of worocti.suil chil dren. A dispen.stoty kit pr<paiirig faintly medicines. ond • SMW•rI ...SO M.' tecinmal lerms, To which r d Waled. a hoof muttony sod phyMologyof the he m.. lablya•showitig.`en material principles. thr canoe ardour< of diocese.; srterosy on Braman; on the art dewse ws meg health 'Mutt the eOf meMethe. •n Ariefin &leteris Aledic., PoiisßnlnstiWs 'Bus. &Ad' er' co r ritediarnal plants 'By Jerrie. Ewell, Pet iticianlo Wasliingtreis formerly of Parinnah "Net& edition, reamed, welergrd, anOveni . • coneillerslily' Ins. prdved,rudirseing • IrrA Usern i iyon. Hemp. :..i1t,..„.a.,:,,,,,,,,„... jrzg41:16cfe,..7,57.d. ~„ , ...,....ortlgftlatket 411 . 11 %Dile 4, 001K1L leAPkil c r -Just roo'd.,!pge Wt cit e. I Book., river and Simmeary, cerwilling of all Me different kind. of twat. need in Public School, eh...t ell hoots of all kind.; • gnu venal , 01.erip . 111 f tiling paper itol quern poor !tiled and plain; Wrepping pep, of all team.llpsnon beards,blank book..Ae. Alem end o th e r. *irking to perch., artllfird nitwitlsiete. nsiortntent of !Very Rtltelet or cash, hell Omen. Which We will sell law for cash, et on (Schoescheat. for reg.. ol Th Palllicatiew of the Tract Society, alway ./I;fiertenn .1000117 Un o ion, ethil the Meese. s an hand and fur kale et the riecirty l s privet .., a.i.i.i(rrT a Ermi„isi . ..)13 _.L : mallet street V, EW WtrIIK-.111 Prom-Ilistory of•Atesta I.N ,co, bee Civil Wars and Culonial and Revolt tionare Annoli, from the period 01, the. Spoini.h 151.0 Conquest, 1. Iti the present liniC,lolli including an account or the Fzieting War with the United States, its Calor. and Military Achievement.. By .'hilip Few g:Pri D. .1 A Ai. 1/ P JAMES, e•rdit9 l'uLlraher..Crucluntilr. . .. . -- —......- . ,Aj EIV 111.1riliC ROOK-Fumptilpt Form. 1 • r -The hleledeent • elmice selection or Sting., DueII.,(OUGALI, lloUnds., Waltzes, and Marche.; with a doter) Of 110110. Illustrated with rummy au. engravings Iroperiol 001... Pries 25 cent. Published awl ior sal*y J A lc I -I P JAM r-S, Wilnut •Ret. het.Fuurtli andFlfeh Cincinnoti, Match 1 19,1041. '.-- PIC/1010i 1 ' I.IANS - fill HENRY --•---- ~ W K 1 , , , 1 ,, i n 1 , t ., P iv, 1t . , ,, rye: I r, f o rti s rc b r l i o i a, P;sreeri r r t s 4 Pittlto• Inn lie esionined or nil hears, end t hee,. hewilwcrii Ler, vi, ill Ire there, from 11 m. 111.• A.M. and form I mt. 1 5 . 11 „Vaal day. ' l'hirildg, October fl. 1 40 . i - • i • Ws, the undersigned, would adorn. the citizen. el Prustrurgh andiviennty that war have appolnted Mr. II [ Klebee wile Agent for Wertera Pennsylvitnia, for.the [ .01s of our Poine Porte., from witesn'they rosy he obi ,ilied meat awn [New Fork) o NUNcen.. ' N% & CLARK . . _ New Fork.idop. 1.1616-004/dt_ #lliiiosn - TUFT net, yid ond opened by the aubsettbt .J. following ow 1 . 1.0.:-. - • itIM slogan Rnsewnischd octavo nem , Forte,lFre Pattern I floe &roan nosesessed, g 1 or lave Plano Faso-, with 1•111ved flethi Taidets—a %Orland insert...on Alro. one ety (0011 a‘cond hand I'ol., otadely tsaltd ti Ca; Fltilitla. ' . 1111NR% ICI.Elth.ll m eta at J W Woodsrall t at faSThisd It_ rimes. . • . 11. - A I.AROF and splendid arsotiment of rasitmouy antlgolOatoedl gram/ 'a.- boo Plano., watt metallic frames and FOhia!ll.. neat Improvententa,ornleh•for durability; tone and on IL Info warranted to Do ant.' to twY made nt tho,dosou7. , For sale low for eaah D A T . , . ,i ,111.1.114 E. op . d t td •. . N o 11 .2 wOod oi 14 1! ....,r,„,,,,,,.._ !uf O_I3 . IL R N OfitiALll.T.' rit ihn Advantages at tli:oltort l Z. F ireetstrd . e a tglb T o ViltiV,lTe:Ti g ,Z - • . a n d aphioal noalrot• efineal disqaiMiloo ot. , work. and oxplanattny notes, with dlustramans from °Mead a. flatly D.O.T. bound drelath Sod natter. " juilpflironi a gro,laia, na.. our of Market a 3d ots MUM MANUFACTORIE - 8.. turg 0 AM: — 5114:1, .& hring: ISDN WORKS la i ll;:MAN, &Co., completed 11aa•ani tisaaipiielf!'Zi=":ficragifrprin,fi"; .Lareoialea,4oolitaa qpiag *O4 rh t.k I, Cad •1111* or •Opill' ••••ve .and ro od P een i bhice thel beer *riga 'on - Mien' Psirsedi,ii•ithea WienlFast Dlo.43ll,foo&seret; .wheas they. idea ksep ad Plod • esmp4o.,,seilluidloole ••Pentrent of . Comb, airiap •MlPO'Carriake hardware, marfealle IL &IVP, hate PP•de arrangteuelal with 1 51.10. deem. Day & o.crour., Di Slau , e4 101'4 , p eluiiitintly bilpi e'er, aruele make by- theta.' cited to esil:es prices 104. tema a ill Crt.•Naleillaciti: 113119pwIlailes. elllllKParta - etodol ta9rettslola ishtrag the pnsi GC Ida hal I. &radial; & Ca.,&ear displeellwq the 314 ttimitnt by ututal,,entwaot, . The 'bosiawy ell the life firm will be Grilled by sfaishalt. :fiewry! 7AIkIFIIIOARSIIALL. ,AL.B.TANDEII .IiIiADLESt . Wta, WALLACH. - ' Veamirc. , • FRANICLiIt THE lin.illess el the ablitft; Votted - ry will be caaftet. edpy the .4striborrun4r , aging. of ynntigll Wallace .Cn,,n taint various'leaches. •ic.: ' • llellerre Ware •r - •••• • Galling • ••• - Pages nnJ Mere Plater : IMekt& fleecy M. 10 6, Wegon Easel. Enginet ''' ' • . •• drama &Sad boom Caalate. Place. Plougli Ca.tings,&e Madctif tha beat material., oral aithe lowacprieca ..- Porchwersiro Invited and.examifte ant, tfteleV at the arehenwir Llherry meal( No.•ftl, neat ehe bend of Wood Kett. J iI,V AIARSII LI. ' • • Wn' WALL A A CE ' 1/FAlEVNrflillt lIV Parr AIACIII IVE WORKS &VD WUNDIIN, — Plrtatenett, l'a. JO Igo Avu.suu , r:a. , 43o.' A RE prepared to liuthl Cotton aria Woollen Machin. Jl cry of every dezetlptititt' sheh a.—Cardlha Ma- Smanime Frames' SpeeLlecf.,.fteaalrig INames, Railway Har, e Warperi, - Twillcia.Sptat • , lirealne Frames, lawn.. Card Clrinilm., Warioakt• Ito° Shafting too ed farm./ xes of Cat Iron, ther and . 'lancers. of the pattern., glide and hood Ltalicar and tools of all kinds. , • • email/Ks of every deueriptinn fur:hotted oh short ate lice. Pattern• made to order foe Mill Gear/nay Iton ratline, Sc. Strom Yule for healing Faetorie.. Cart Iron IVlnlow Saab add (Mop Outing,. generatly.—. Orden left o 1 the %Varcheasa of J. Pahner IP Co., IJP erly etrceL tiara prompt attention. Rasta •ro Blaeltftock. Dell & Co, .I•K Alonftical & Cu., ti F. Winter, John Irwin & Senta Pfttehetylt. CI C&1 II %Varner; #maLeneftle. at /aisle - - - THOS. A. LGORING GLA22 hIAISUVACTUILFH,nitd fancy FiHyt Fnm.iblunx Warehouse; No 121 Wood meet ; neat Wholetale and Re... 1! wogink wd drench Engraving.; Japanned Waiters and Trays; Looking snails FlatXs, by the box or single light; Titbit Ciat.ery; Picture Wan of wen; Britannia Tea Wore, in setts or single piexec Portrait and riVAIG Frailest Flee Irons and Fenders; Mistioxinty Toilet Glasses, with 1.2, and 3 &nes; German Silver and Ilsitan•ia Teak Table SpoOnsi hand Magnifying Minors . Candlles ticks, smd S Man ne erstel sod TrnTS Gi Pier, Glasses; 1i1 CC1"' ..., 61)3 ,:r n t, i :"I rm :::b s, i'f'T a '''' ll l. d ß p ill ec n:: : :'l' ;n : g kC• c nd' ::: '4 :ll ' ' 11 . 11 4 t tended ssupplied I g.NITIAN BUN - DEA ' CIN:i r' R b V I7 , al Ad 11767; fl o'''.l'rr rl ' O b ll • N A. BROWN 11 TAIKEri the iireiLoi to inform his friends and the pollic at large that his Factor! 'renew to Wl' opurnuon, uu the East side h? the Dia:Mond, Allrelicny:Where • mut Slant supply ot Illiods. ot cm was colors , al. at am constantly kepaou land, al. at No. h Wood in, Pittsburgh :at .1 , l ' 11. Phillip.' oil cloth vralcxourn. roman Shutters made to order in the hest mile . IllaWs repaired at the shortest hone.. Ni B. Ilia Blind will he pot op, rridunit mty Addis twits' exepose to that [bay can he removed in a mo se of fire or t 1 washing, End withow the lid .of.ere.. dr e ' mitt iv A retain' v .A. FULTON, Bell and llras.. kt.. 1.1.1. ei, has rebuilt and comme n ced business at riLi- his old staart,whete he will be plesied to his old customers and friends. ."-- Church, e'manthont. and Bells of eerily ' site 'Who lu to 'LIAO pounds, east from ...,.. w psnems of the Mot( approvid mod,els. nd . i ~• . arranted:to he of me heat waren:Us.. hlintiel Water ramps, Counwrs,'Emling, ace i -.1. c. ogOlh with every variety of lirsei Castings, ifiilquir. 01, tu rned ed and finished 10 (I. neaten . • ' EY" A' F is the role' i.rnpr.ew r 'of Broody's ANTI. Arrcrrion NI tool.. so molly erletiratml fur Me relit.- .in of Fiction in machtster). The 130110 and Compri , coon can be hada( him atoll times. • WBI..IIIcCULLY IMITATION CROWN p LASS. LHAVING, recently mule -very Important Improve. /A menu in the amtufacture of above artrele, .n 4 adopts. hs latest improved replete wheel oven art A,Lt- Lenin,. ore ate nowpre omorl tofortushantrucle of Wt a dew Glom equal, it no: super., Inany C)findrr Glass made in the 117,111cd states, and bat little Inferior to tin r le 'l ar e e n :lC - vory ex re lonvelv ngeee.l .1, the men facture oimooo Window lila.. and Drugg , sts , and Border offvery deser,poun. Dealers georrul molted to call a: dexamioe tot therreolve• al cm: o hms, N 0.131/ Wood intact, Pauhergh, l'a. s.rE:Am AIARIII.K WtOtlar, 244 and 246 Zd4erty wtur 11r Canal Llv Vtl 0n.h.4 and snatiolo order, a large varier :1 a of Marble rlCr.Ccinec Tab:" Bare. Tops,Toosl , 6.on,,,,Altrinrlents. olr.a. being made of thi rho , easi warble. and reeseitour iturd principally be machinery, will be sold law 11 - rr tarn. N. B._llerrons wiebing to purcliarLe Absi nth , arr inforined . that iris liencelorlts tionescraary for !Ferri ' go E. 4 na l Ann furnish them with to ahielc al teepee. at good, and (freight, insurance, tad, 170114aLler d.) Ira cheap as• they e. purcbsie them tor in MI F—ro. eAli and are, ---- _4-- COPPEI . 1., SIIKET IKON. AND. TIN, WARE ALAN I/FACTORY: No 8 Market street, Pittsburgh. Penni.: 'l , lllf soliscrilters having made grea, itoprovemen 1 in the consnot hoss of their COUTING STOVE tearenfolly invite persona building Ineatolwats to es aod entaumue before purch•filig. as wee. supply the with Ikea Stove., • Porges, awl every whew hold topper, Tin .8 Sheet Iron work ...wary 1011... , ing • Steamboat. life also make to ostler on the shrrnest' non - . Se! Tubes and Chamber,. Copper Ivo. far Stearn Anginei and every variety or wont in one line eelA etIIERI PE a Mill= - - BEN N ETT & BROTHER, • LtFTS:NSW AKE MANINACTIJRIi B S. • 131rsaIsaghani, latest Plttabur glailPa. 11arehouse, No. 137, Wand slrea,'Pittelnikgh. WWlLl•connointly kacp oulholdlik.fd aaMes aria et Wore, of nut own .ntanuipelure, and aupetiorguality. Wholesale and coMitry . kfmt sod. kirt l "tr ." lw r % P . T i' s l . l / IturYe'7leL:recdanielir td ell facer.. unit huts ever before, beers odbretto the pule iic. ni:r Orden.ell mail, accompanie y, e cash. ray rehrecnee , aell he winnotly in i n soeo tat' • gd,sa New Saiavd, sVada ana /Nick Alan Agile. Mary. GRIFFITHS Ith DIXON,. HATINO commenced Ike: manufacture Ml:toad., Shovels, tiny and Manure Fotlts,/econ an estest. , sin wale. are prepared to 11l all mite ales at EIMIIOI pnee, .• • For dm ...unwept thew calionters autidetdelatt such articles they have aprainted neorge Cochran Omanziasian glare haat. Na wa Wad street. , ilhatrAsent 'Fa. the sale dawn trisoulactams. #llonlera,addresa ed to Walesa receive promo% aitenlion.on Wt roost. , vantage:ma imamanuTrets . s. vixoN. , PRauirgb,,July 8- , dty ~ . .. . :,• , • Great I'esterh Batt Hinge lattufactoty, • ciOcas NATI, 45. ' GARDNER & 'would sutiniallie trane ihm mey are nom rosnareeturino fite 1.1,111 R.ll Hinge ever rode la the United Stiles. As Mil le our privet ale bovines!, 'erelltstenil to °lit artoiaplete an u stele es too poseitily ter mode, i - Tbou engoted hardware tradnyree think, will find it to their &ore. yvpee ogy Potts All orders promptly mreinind t 0..., imys A-GARDNER to 00. rot otettro'smii , ins JNO.OO. OILLWAIPIE . N - co.; :•_ APrordeostrs Yortmoion Cara, Creinks,ll4lll4l.., Je.Clllllotj'anes. 6 i d s be adv i rrutere aterbtking. wrier baruovernenh. Ur • their trout< Increaried ructlinei In 'the purchase or Domestic, Rod ,tlie sq.umny .Foreign Geod., they's...lll tie etile to self ißazoir.r. "Oro- .Thev ropectlblfr. lineation or pa rchiorits. janladti , ; • —IA: COTTON and wooLLlanr NiACIIINANT TIO.I sub... Wets are niter ealargrop their csuedistr ment,and are prepartd to.tpulo 1, ..t..f.kka1.. •nd Woollen Machinery. °eche omit term. Order. addre.teduo to will - meet verb Prompt 0110 orlon 1(111 • 1111AN A DAI.ZEI.I. tuerrek bract; All. ghcity CilV .14 11.-11. Wighinierri - teho Ira,* joireat fir a yesy important impmretq Ipn the. Cord, end who bathe., rigaged (or 1643 loot lateen tor. in imme or the. aunt eaiennive and seceerisrui Oorroa riterbr , .. of the west, ree foe withal+. nem ton to putriricui p,' lathe Ili .fa ictionot-rhose concerned, nit ruttehirres tirade at him eatahlishmea• • . • • • 11.0.1,110 . • • • • .. JOON tiIIgIIIIPP Co, Noe. and Pi Front WC, A BRA" RIO Int. •nd T'tx- T SIUS; of all niter curt (turn the latest impioued trot I !. • .V 7 a • ' / I lro t g n t:;r 4 Pati l l‘, 4 .d..fiorshod It -ordered, elks Ew ,„... noylndly • - Wm F YruinA., F • • YOtheCi. fr.PLUNKETT.- FLINTIELKSS ntA.NUFACTIJ:KERS. WAREIIUU66 Nem. 33 Writer and 104 First street, Pinstiurgb. Tb. maauftwoned I•y• as le warrantedequal to any to the country. All ruder* will receive prompt auelittott and filled on rearottable term*. Me rqbants ondniiltrinnutood - .llm -ell *mew -1 Idled to cell before porebasiuK ebearbero, Win L. LIPPINCOTT. lIION IRON and Nail*, Short le, he. for al e. Waehouse, No. 551 Wao , r,orret, itaar - Wural, reo ding ro Front . Also, an poroodueor at dos old stand, Ilehlastee LOCO idea. Hanina mnde treat additions to it Rondos hlill s al -ardent modal os,alo- PI...I,IINDSA): A. Cu. OIKKINCIIAN7 TACK .VACTOIII'.' VAIIPBArjaI. , FINISNING NAILS, 11100!C Ir A d'ogtViims. %ma Pattern Mike', Pants, of eon description: Offire No. I At Charles llotol, Thixd y r OPANISIII , GOVI.AIIII I 4O;WidIiaIteAskorf 0 me** very Impetigo Mniniotl WM% ylho °W,! I .4V.VrSiK"ttn e ,L T4 , . . .. .. , •110TEk& FOUNTAIN. LiqaT.,STSEtlerv , • FOGG: k &STUN, Prqprittort. ilullltl ettebh t h , .mn long end es hg known akbeing one'or themes, enkniodlottil !lithe eity - of Uo mote has re:catty uyilecggtoLverg alttinsions end improvements. An entlre new ng hos bnch added. oat. ini ng numememend tatty sleeping apartments, and extemirva booting Venal. •. _ '.The Ladies depart. nthas eV* been enmpletely te ,priamsed arid Sued Gain a clout lIIII , O II °an d Nertotifal t,yir{' In lint No %Nolo a rninge men t of No llotue Len beeterrroodeleA'Ar ith e*r 'on' the: Iti'd of the, ll ! "its airy vO.l tbe Union. ThWtoble will :always lie supplied untkevcryoute mastiolriallloxiirporhiebthemortti otlfdrile. llethed vp agi Nhile in they Mt he SturiNased! in gonelasion the propoolore hell to s•e: N. nothing will be left tordiin , en Ater part. and on the parrot their 1111141111111X,111.11TE Ibis 110%41 WOlll4l'lEO trontitmed potsOnage of ibex inend• and No public generally. 'lle ;level for board •10%-r'eleo lieen'reduera to the •La ea' 0 ....... •. • 411 73 per do). so ..Iresislomerts' .• • ..... 1 N. II —The Hoopoe Waggon of the linos, cull al• sorays ,, lte; Maid theUor •ed•lneonibotif Inittinge. benveye illentiver,linggsge to„sail,gtom no, Iloteli free Of ' os Ant.: Rim Erl. , noplig; o)ll9,7TiteAmbhccibers baying purehtmed en liontete i est of Col. W i ll onmon. Int , of ilii well known establialanent.lidg leave to elated.. Mete friend. anal Ibo public gene : retie, Ilia. they boon totem timi 'emoted:lima lintel for a'terta nryeare and will noon then, beet emergiesiumake it adevrable . boatt ilialirar elterrand City Boarder , . - .a•lle Hotel ta.apsziona.ind admirably planned Fs, eon venienee, light and air, haying a number of 'tailor. adMlnlng chamber*, presenting having Allmon:M., to The phirent proptirtora travilig tlie eaperimmonf city nom elmiriersilmile airy warts ewable pre generariatlidoetimi Mina deterini4C,l ,tiit Aire tollitiden 111,[1160t1 ibe Wade aloe. ' '• • 'rbe laertion of Olin no I eg ter ti km, it digit*, having hams and au, .o 'Mat it is equally dentrabla in ricer of tho dorm core of !amine.. me, or retirement foltriesne boarders. It Is 'near by . flank/y.old , PoillMeeittm - Idgeogie ..all, Odd relloon pall, and. butone aquae diataaltiont Main meet mad Tmo minareit from' Cloy Whiff:llW offering the- greairin indite; roeuMi -rehllllll andieenetully to all peranns 140114. E.. 101 IN DULILt: • , . ------- - MANSION 110131418 c . Formerly Fallen 11014 , Wallington, 1). C. /MIN BANDS, PROPRINTOB. Is II E proprtudr:frouterly-associtted- with the well I. bunted, fire of Faller re C.., begs tense to call the 111 , ottost of pcnons voinlog tbe Capitol; Itrbetbeeee &Aso re or bust neer, to* newt y opened establ taltdosot the ./Ilausion House," settler has be. heed up.srs a style. of comfort Red eleyanra ortaaspassed bythy totter Betel to' the cog. It is ideated of tbdsresteen , rod of Peontylventa-A•eitubm. and In ibit itombdinte viein ay of the arloartlepartniente of abet erdneetand tb.e Prusdent's N0w....: • Ilia , wine ivß th° oom forte sod hawks ,io,tte, found an the.roarkets, led bo. expense or ettrotleyyja be abased to tender 16e Mansion !loose on attractive , rettidenee to all who may see 81110 boner n wittrtbelrPbtrodnlts , Tbe broprletor wootd panietdarly eallthe ittentioti of. die °Beano( the Army and Nagy/old-Motel, to dhow it has ewer been afavOrats place of felon. • ' N B Porters alarayaln -attendance, on the.arrival of the ear, to eolOtel' beep'° theta chorea %nada zr.uhrsvir uovss. - Corner of Baltimore and Eutaw Streets, - HALTemonic, D. • lIENRY 11.•JACICS3N, -PROPRIETOR TiliiiirBbottiLdstrdtiend'ii:uHrgavetr‘hl';"enon"- nuered este comiiine. ell the mortal of the beet lintel. with eleg ance and eororatt. •• • • Choice *elms of itpdroricpma - e et +heeler...reserved for the irc'etanteralitiolinlireesient guest, end feterlies at-hint; the eity iirill - Peirdir Eutaw Horst • llama, iiti`orTie•redhrtiiiYilot.i on the Union. • . Thn eceated arid aniutirione. sell is alto e l ocatio cotiv-itteot to Untold und . the Landings. at which the Coaches end Porten Si the tinned are at ail mons ve ln ining to conveyqieeiceritr. rind their Lamest, free hagcr. to o.o,lintel - • T.114-4;cntlemehe' Ordik ary, 11.80 pet day., excl: du . NO' do llitivi4re COl/0/11131.1' lIOURE, Charles Street, between Market and Lombard, Bali Imisorea Tan .uher4ilier having . Caere the eheve et otter. service. to air sl Jig id putihe ectiern4. It or iionet KitiOtteil • jr,f rjr,int 5, , 14j0.0 . 4.11111 field-odd Itepet-16 in the td.tol th e tunic ee te.a.ove In - owning iioneer — end ut • fact. 11!1 anon ageri i,11,000 V.ll/ lig the city. me ina• on CutiVflucl.", endeondorts at the. raker principal roste. T. tree e •IS nob Wing fiord ors %e V. new fllllll 01711 'd C 'ZlV:l,l_l ' 7 l 4Vr ' it id Le.uyra bis etfor's'lo-plesse!'wor fern,. of the public pwronsge, reside l nt es well • trauttehl• W DIX, .I.'de of .fibe firm of Da & Fogg Ushmore, Arnl2, INS. orTlesrern 116T.6E. Corner )!.I , andSW!: Cincinnati. , I , llla cn, , order for the 1 Icceittiou of dm Tru cr • r on, ototer. Gone. • nor* ur .13 olio,. a atl 11.10-leg the tarot capriet..l est, lo thc rooos. 412pantnenw. .gourr 0. , . Is mkt •Il wilt be otra.otl who call. Tfie,loe to Coo s•t c ntral ;coin:audio. toll pleasant. Fore 1.1 per day. Ontoituato, March 13,1,47, svr:MAnii N. IL,-Althei!Totne the o t lt a . o n eir 1. EBBW lIAILTINELL'S WASIIINGTON 110111316, Chesnut Street „ • t ßOVY,Peveathrtreet !lark... , tr o - rla•raric flyll kaerwo a.Mower g.. Y enlarged, and nrltly rod enci y farm-had. lc -.tamed In Me TOE frogrionahle - part of Chesnut 'cereal, and in thetanned.. ,C 111111( of the public placceof nmawneant The proprietor, grateful Mr the YETI lIIK - rat patronage hetemnde beetowed, grill Eflf C no effurta reader hts house every way agreeable to hi. peal. , and granite'of their controlled supPorl. 113)21-3taw3na TII6OCII3.,4IOIELTON'S GAI.T , 11.011141 A, Loalavllle r Ky. A HIS TII ROCK! ORT 0 cage lo aequalni .11, friend*: that he, is ,again terrace of the G•A L T 11011 SE, Lrbriceilla. g ; the be hopes to area. all tile old frlenda, itsoring ; them and the public. Mat no effort .1.11 he +pared to Make all comfortable who favor hole with Iheir aranage.. , • Tanlldly • MISCELLANEOUS GIIK.ATiIILUGAINIDPFIEILEGt . tottear; V Mart Furnace: that is to Aay, the.hellorq to be pritte lied OP :eater pcower,nOwl Liddy% in 31ohongalle County.. Virotom, unthto JJ tads , of'Sloegantown the Court ix Sout,and only a ta rp from th. , ,tiver. 'The re is no auch s.umpoit withon Slay Mack oi-ritLoOlok <h i eon be hod for tiontOe sold Asked 'There it Ote hank. of good guldity•eold qUantaty front one knish of • mile Atin••• lltdeto.and good rordos Mr • a fine fairolotr ••••ltt—••144lell Oi<ho p. The Timhe r lane, so) , Gat area., land any quantity intro adjuenlrix that watt rut Sweat , of orao-t per , sere. oloie to - the fur lldc four-4011e Aram and a pair of_gattle wit nod IliClOrnaee. Twenty antes clear laud, tugadow. &V; I looser: Othee, Sic Shop , hr. Tne ALMA.< an to ready for Lb. 14 the let of Onto her, next, if applicatton be mode •0011--two- th io,4ithe, later will toe t•tae in Aswitedwood thud in eish, as thoirotk progte•WS Inoue yeitribePnitettli will pay start cent expended, sastAllenthatorill yield Uhl per anal_ proftl-tlhal ps.lllstossosu xne ,pt ascot. ft't"TlrotilleAtritioelqdi pOlotV aio e ll Le Pt dre F tte lt t !attic reason for senior Id Pot... baying any part tithe whale Wlfil th e ptesent.oWnets will take a. and add 31 1 Y Mr eastern thi in wilb reluelonce the Owner. the Whole, list if no thing44se willdo, rook< Okiurrem d the finishing of '4Ahr furnaed on solar. , they rAp i brPld, her) theater thin at, hod) ”ti, IWng . profiCient at the tat•oneas Coe a hang Sono. AO.Y ttuttottlYof.the fres , th4llo Ctial close by on be tbe.l renews. A lino direeted ro W.I&E be inturedlist2ay attended to. Direct' • ididortiaoto ws: - • .19n oral be delierrod at oinst,orith Sae from - Sib ' to SlGper ton, when it is worth from sto tolls. . . .. E ip , pdAtuatials build on Oki( spot: . *dins jouN .94.14.T1NN1191T-4 IrOPORTE ILand Itianufacosres of Cutlery, Furgle , hod Dental Inatnanent", Saddierennd To n er"' hand tool., Taylor•V•ratentelleara Ache. Alan atanulde• ' TC7l "` „.7. 'l r,r,M a nTfitf..;Z "„' ll tv„" .tl ! ik ‘..., Table Callerytiliwill•Stittora: File",Saw",Toolo,kei E 3 %OOP erite.v.r, Pawbargh, uwend dent low Diamond Miry, • and hiSs late. y nreweil o large atworiment of tc l'pekat Alm Scale& neat Whostnnipinott . , " • purr. virrLicnir, — ' ,itiliotw,ftodgeoZWade tt.tloWherva teistors, Hunt Pimps-2 S ex , RI, .lO FL uidecita and Wire lyrist GUNES, Al'sl) :1411,0 Coles and IliontWitevolwrs,rowdee ' Fla t k a I.q.en Mlle. Gunn Itate, Nil alkoC.A. Osala Vora Fe". eutsion Caps, Itarrip. Dirk and itvilinklCltivea• Tool". web ifeColllPeta 11,viders, I iyera. NiPPers. tradd Vice". Stitsitres, Rules, Itrarest ke Shavea,•Stoekaandithes Wist and ItonOwtart *AL amatiea' Inetsamenta, vety great to v n vat , t p e ou , cua lly VaJovbing aid . tepoiong dolts. QEISCOLIATAiI snick Pax ss A. the pet, 10 ton ha. now. contnnineed tor inst..; 1111.4, th suneetibere tale /rave o t raig call the attentton t.f briclonaken'and oda re thi• *curer overal Inwit.vt - - We will rant lift puete in on) oat Durk Frew."( tive. owl peke now US utte --- We have ittonber of eett.firateo ot the, rtertorn sore. which orvitty.o lava • iv`v lvd•.‘vcvla lvw ean b e seen of onroffiee.- ; Ilrickmatlttraare',.l"44.ll.l lw sd , W:v• will gitt ens own e t tar•Olt:. - tor tae prrittttn..nt r 8""'..r!\T;..11)11710.:1LN &CO ttp2,, tlkotart!P__ hat In 1! •tt Jig'NV).t(.rAVSltt, cif Trlft.,.. J n Z.tt3. A. Siookm. P.A.:Anh • linen tall day entered, Into ev-p , rtnetelvip "oiler et, le and 'Ortn"of wohtws, - Blvdeolvraltiv Co, -1 tivo :A iwltolOon VII, Inc ate porywitoor; • manuf.ietoring iron and oath. of ar y de-PCTlption. e .rx"tieme. E. F -lloavnieriora.Sroctrotts - OTEPIIgNS,' NHOENIIEIICIR CO," • - AN'eitnit tichwAvvrric,.. - - • •whkring.. lOw to atforrn alt k ind. of lio.tret ' bat iron - and Rolla, • E .toed Oglate talt(t tia Ationl arlet Het ng son• netted wiih tilsvietiocrt'" Old J. 714. s‘V,sl!" ;offer an • rue In of Janbt ge li , rorni flvtanded Slvtvedia 4 .' , / vaqval to any tondo in the cottony, All of "'Well wnl IN wildr4lhe rivahargit price% Wl...hawed tha Vitoria ilex V._ An. iFtbACEIVP,FpfI& SWEv-tA lost My WA •• efillta'FrOcErtyrnernarwilf dwarettved aids and late Datiel7.llreltwat walk-Pipes and sweergLint tevalY lb" serrlee. Site Will ha ' 4Wv,five ianilver "(l•saeltlara . • ' OOR4IAN, 7 . 7,1 - . L . 4 44 0 4 . • . 9,l:(l_NYZ,;;;(:gt, § band band IMMO. PIALECIIIe4-Ati'im', band rissuaForisoludely , Datora Bubb, b`. t r lo,- .; biob.imbrtc ea tbddlaidd riadebabbiel , biTtaii6t, - raY t . tikummt N. YORK ADVERTISF3IENTS RUST PROOF IRON FUR RUOilliG, :WINDOW ,SIIIIITERS, 1/11; beg usthe ronstion Of all those inieresfie4 m toofutg. to their GAIN/kr:MED TIN PLATE.... and to the -annoy advaningrs *lnch ocl- - oils/m/s gory all enetalia sod other aukatane'es batten° ristld for this parese, possessing iii thrt .1", the .1 4 / 1 1gth and bghtttesi or Iron ieithout as halilroy to NI. heroin . now breu tested neutral )eito, bath i n that country and in Kiwi., They are also lest suineet to expansion • and couttartion from saddest thauaronf the atmosphere • than common /Tan Plate, Iron, of anY alher metal now toted for roofing. end consegnentl; lona a Mach re Lauer nod tighter loot requiting i6l . frequent tevair, whits the Uri coavirhut etoo. ' '• The *absent... would also call the otteroon of all dealers and workeis is anemia. to thretrintry "therms po's''S to which Iron thus Friaterted, run he applied. /e getieral terms It Is moat/eat/to ho allortieles of into sek.eir iris desirable to pleteet 'aunt' the !union of ihe aboorphers. Atal• they would ever/ally call the er• - tchttonof throe itnetented TrlililtllAPHlC LINES, in then tialronised Wire. which la now om.t entire— ly used ia Eutnpe,and iinneh mowers every. - purpose at .% tmulacfn, Or el<ricety,. miring only sliest ' nor half as much a. eopper, end poluarlng wprgJiireb:ll - . Having lately elected works Itithis ally Asr . lbe pur pose of galvanizing iiiptsisPiltes. e se p e t will able to forniskttar arliele-Vehieliss.Ylls`le'l red A supply of Meg" ltaannfactored tot, khtionata constantly On hstml,frothie "cake. • • OECI. woart - vcboa.Co Nos. It and la 'Beaver st, ORR.- PAW/Oi Right for. thlratrieln kat in sikared fog tbe United nines me Orellas.Proal Britain, andother European countries, and all legal Manures Sitibe ken to 'tryout any infringerriank by isportatto a or oth, cr PRI, ITS ONLY—SPRING . STYLES. 1847.• L ... . • BRE WSTE.Ki - . I No. 44 Coast Natrona - New Yotat. 1150 IMO 10 inform Mehra' nt Dry tiLds; that they hare I/ received an/ arc m* ethibstiegottzhewAnsmotrsia ExcLustlYesor fur Ni.iud Cak ' 4. 500 CASES, rompiting ell th e New SprlDEll4llen, of 11.10.11, Yrenchand American Mannfsetaret *DT:WM. tothcir umalmeek r esodemrderrirsatortmantav , of the meat beautiful mad ettrammeist theeity; and hiring Ind 'bean pur cheard for C 5511 AND :MORT 'CREDIT: are offered by - the piece mynclose m the 4.40 i terms, al and behoramtim c.t.loeun of 100.0(e u e natid dd111.)-am-yhmed in the Parelon=llllnDrinthdaiminr the it.i:c .bey and be melt tri - paid Mr as eamitatiOn, email they JO not unt... _ p luire peculiar ainetwea for vzetuting an far prints mhieb reapestfully _molinintd....: .14 .IXE' DRZWEITER, 41 Cedar Scrod: •• nmx IN TUN CITY Ole iNSW - TOrirr..4- lit A. FAH N ESTOCK 4 Co., No. {9, . / olto at. .1-11 1 .• fiery York, error tor sale large sad 'general ..wirtreent orlitrog. old lttedierriet, Di* St•,ffs ;IP.illita 'and, Oito of every •drucriptlon. mettieh thy are prepared nod determined to .ell tow. ...•- Couotri htereturnts and Druggist* •t reqesited to call and cumine thair mreles. ' , Order. it:routed with farthittineu sad despatch.: B.A. Fahnesurek'. Venni/11ga ioostaritly ow hand. . . B. L. Yahnesto , ll. . Pittsburgh. ' • U. W. louhoestrack. • • - A. H. Hall, ?jaw York, • r 5 , ,• • • PAPER WAREHOU SE flo. - TiknvaLi so War s EOlatv s YRUf W. FIELD oars, for sale. sr ahe r. , ktetelleeltllere prices. LI" very,raiteuive awn. of PAPER...sonnies-every .lossible ad, pled loth, wand of consumers m all section, of the omen. -Paper of all kinds made ioLorder at short not ce. te stock of, PRINTING PAPER is neutrally lance apart." which is of eery_ superior quality - PAPERICIABIGIL'S 111.4.TEHLI/LLS of tit cry description, imponted and, kept constantly on hurt , as: Felling.. Wire Cloth, Fourdrinier Wires, Branching Powder, flue Ultramarine, Twine, fee; fee, nvies; Cale 'Rope, Gra. Rope, Bagging, he. & 0., punilissed, for which the highest price es 'Maki will be Pilid New Vork. IT INSU - RANCE! Wdcmulty rgalrni . boass or DascmitkbY Fire . TISE MUTUAL CO MBIN ED PRINC I PLE - With the =Wilmal security of a Stock cap el. •- The Riliance Mutual Lunn:owe Co.; of Aire. •' : CHARTER PERPKTUAL. • • liiO.ECTolte. ~. George W. Totem!, - John - M: 61..1, Thom.. C. Itockhil,.. Lewis It...Ashburn, . Win. ft_Theinpson Ueorge N. Itches, thsorge r M. Stroud, • -Jolts J. Vandernem - p: '- , Creme vi. Carpenter. _- • . 'CAT I LL make insurance against Lao orDamage V I by' Flip, in l'eursuunets and vicinity, on llouins. Stores and otherßuilduags, and oa) Mi. cure, Goode. Wares" and hterehandise, on the most favorable terms. . The Mutual-Principle, combined with i Stock Capital; nuil Use other provisions el the C.:Winer of this Company. hold out unusual inducements, both of profit cod safety, torthose desirous oreffecting - .. insurance, tow hic li the Company lIAM the attention mid elan. natioh of those interested. These effecting Inserance - with'thia - Vompany n e , besides the usual protection against Ras, by the.airline y methodnf insurance,. the additional advadMgcof ?direct participation in the pr . of the Comperty; without ens ...ability. • ' Gt.:ova:E. %V. TOLAND, President. B.Nl:llincituse, Seiretary; , . , • • , . The suhseriber, who is the duly authoriaid - Agent or the above earned Company is prepared ti, make 1 .1[11.211•1,, 5t the OM, Cl' ,h o Agency, In the iit. Cli.t:les 11..te*, Third at., C...ird door from Wood street, and gill too all flintier ieGrmatiou desired to 2d-dl . - ;110S: J. CAMPBELL. - - JOHN aooar At rms.... VOA INS ;• • ' • DELAWARE .MUTUAL Safety Inn iss-once Orimpillay of Phttad 'la. .RISKS Open foilldings add eierchandisc ovary deetriptlon, nod MAKINE• RISKS upon hulls or cargoes of vessels., tateir_upon the 4 most I exorable 'terms:, 01See in clic: Warehouse of W. IL Helmer; IS tiro,„ IV. 37 Water, near.hlaikeLstrect, _ . ; It. Die OiliCetc of into ;CO — mpliii spice the oval. lish dent A vise) . in this city . ..llllllw prornpin - and lilwatity sitar. which vy clouts Upon them for loss _has peen adinated. al ly,ni apaujia viliu the confidence and. pun:inane of his Armada and' the cononuiiity ail large' io the -additional AL S. Ins. rinee Company. while o-lianthe additional itilmitairn as an Ann u l tinning too. most flourishing tri rhilail'inor having an ample paid in, *bleb by the ispirationefascharter istunitantlyincresaing as yielding to nob person 'mitred tie duo Abate al the profits of the company' rthout iniotiiog him in any . reeponsibility_wheteveril ape' theretote as posseslng the Maisel principle Alienated-of ovary obnoxious foaiuro, an I in its most Attractive fonut. ott • NATIONAL FIRE AND.IIARINki .I:StriU RANCE COMPANY, I pn well known and respectable carapany pre. throngyrikeir PfIIMIRJR(3II AOLNCY. fb ow make Inearance et every kind counseled arlth riskapt icenspornation and inland nairtgatien; rn.i aeons against less or-damage by Are. Dwelling tiessra - Waretanmen, • Madding% general,licods, Wales, and Merchandise, -and esti y deseriPtica or Pi'mitiM Pniits7riP?ti - ibc farbrable•tetani. . • • • ,Appliconiens for Insurance attended tei Without delay at the °ewe. No :rd WOOli .lirti.• , • SPR.INGFAI lIARDAUGII dan. AT an.frleetion hekl at We ofike-in May I.frini thr lollowingsimarif gentlemen we - mein:wen threeiars of-this Company, Mr the a n 5 ear, Joseith W.:Wesee. Mrphen holy " John Roomer. - :John AlleChain G. WardNM.= IV .Owshlwe.: •- 'Jahn' Neartimme. _ JacohTdilww wllliam N. *locum Marcos - Spring. John F. Mackie,. Joseph N. Lake John J. Herrick. And at • subsequent nwenng of the Wird, JIISP:t. , WAVAtifr's Eoq.. was unanimously re-ejected Vnio ident fos tbei owning year. Wra. /AXES 110609; ' Post Journal copy. , ileemtary ijiy,E I,ND II it RINI INSURANCE. Ens • I , H, Insurance Company. Siet . Nunn. America, l• throne Its ddly authorised Agent, the tubsert-. bier, Mere to make permanent end l,mited Insist atice orl,prorerty, to this city ,nd tom vicinity; hnd on shipments by the Canal and Risen. - .• , INSEt:TORS. ' . • Join lit Smith l'ros't., S.:around Moonily.; "1 Alas- Henry. Charles TaYlot,' • - edlsrani . Sinith, - - Ambrose • A. drown. Jacob hl.Tlmmas,*; John' White,'Jahn E. Neil, ; . Thai: V. Copt:, atchanl Wood;_ Arthur°. Griffin Sec. m Thin is Um oldest Insuuce Company id the_ United States. basing Wan chartered-1n 115-1. , charter: t a k,elpotl23l, and ii - out it, bipb.stu beg. long espertonce, ample means, and astuditsiLsO t• sutra ban chdia-tcr, it may by •i considered as Mitring; ample. secur,y the' pund,,, ,, nIOSES — OCryt 000;1; At Counting I:00ra r.f Atesod..Sdnee ti,•ter bud i'mtst atunNs, l'itisl,drgh. • tr;?.fe.P'.' ' • INDEMNITY Ihg lest lA. , 'DT Vim.— I'he CILANK.I t•3ltrr Company of • ; 'ill - ILI:n=1 , I nuance, pc . rulanr2l4 ye: ltoitti' ; tr on nos, .I.y..criptsolik prOperty.lll 1. , CcttlirTEb on frern•ubj4 . leY2k. This eduipany his a_ pe-riretoal . . charter. i',:,l; ...... rg.rd ap %VA susua4k N Cr.. • AuserlcAn Fire. siaouraiact 'Culetratty 01' exrd.a-14.3t.n,6141 • id,rge. 11.-datitiphia, Nn. 72. Viainui wm. DAvitn , !lN (1111. PM 1.4 1i.1 . ttab1i.i,[11 . 4.43(1p114, Imate. -kiro,ruare e y Inner nrie.‘• inieerdvb• eLnrne.t.nne , , danidge by Gtr: • . , • • nypbenneee, int inmunnek., • e.gbborhen4. win be recciecd. end tsp.- tes•ni :+l. neepeosaltrot Ter livened Orion., on farotente,tetb,,T -• • ' •• -•- • GEO I • IZe. • A. LEINLIVX Cti " ,• NU - 118 C ',NAL sTuevr, NilivOßtrASS AGENTA iwJ B Annart% lizaaaireStram Fh Relacry. Alway• hanJ, a huge elockol lip Paardered:Vrished; Clarified pgat'llamara SOWS. Tierua nail Darivia noo,BoOr Priv, nIK,al and e fair allowance made 013 An • • • istfoull Emmaus. wANTS.D.. , = • ON an %Nror-or!e , etini Land Enmil., tack, m d • stmt.'. feet woke, mut Loden wick Of vnthoat Warn. Aya,4. • -0E0.7